
OkitaMidge1: From the menu? Can you try launching it from the terminal by going "sudo synaptic" froma  prompt?12:01
Midge1no idea of the cause12:01
Midge1i tried both12:01
computermcdoes anyone know of a easy to use backup program?12:01
Midge1ill try from terminal12:01
eneriedjrib, no, both were installed at same time :S12:01
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plumaAlso, none of the ntfs partitions are reported as mounted by mount. Any help here?12:01
eneriedPelo, search for the screensaver?12:01
theAdibhelllo Ubuntu forum12:01
eneriedhow can i do it using command line?12:01
eneriedhello theAdib12:01
moonliteIf i need a virtual machine to run windows (never mind the reason), what are my best options?12:01
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Midge1su says authentication failiur, but i just reset roots password???12:02
theAdibis there a gcc cross compiler to compile code on an i386 for an arm ?12:02
jribeneried: k well you should still be able to configure options, you should have to screensaver links in your preferences.  dpkg -L xscreensaver | grep bin   may help you figure out the command line way12:02
Midge1so i know its right12:02
computermcmoonlite: vmware works12:02
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moonlitecomputermc: but that costs money right?12:02
St3althywhats good ftp daemon12:02
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computermcmoonlite: no12:02
jribeneried: you probably want to remove gnome-screensaver too?  Not sure how that works...12:02
=== pluma cringes
theAdibwhen I  do gcc -mcpu=arm7 it fails12:02
eneriedjrib, no, i'll try12:02
neo_when my computer boots and when I goto ctrl + alt F1, it only shows a strip of text about 2inc wide on the left of the screen any ideas?12:02
Midge1sudo synaptic = command not found12:03
Peloeneried, yeah, I  just search for one and they seem to be located in  /usr/share/applications/screensavers  &  /usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers, among other places12:03
jribMidge1: are you using kubuntu?12:03
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Midge1seems synaptic buggered itself12:03
moonlitecomputermc: ok, but vmware-player from synaptic isn't what i want right? (that's just for prebuilt images if i'm correct?)12:03
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freebseMidget: sudo apt-get install synaptic12:03
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kitchemoonlite: depends vmware workstation costs money but vmware server and vmware player are free12:03
computermcmoonlite: I used the vmware-server12:03
plumaHelp: mount complains "already mounted or target busy" whenever I try to mount my ntfs partition. It is not mounted (per mount -l) and the target doesn't seem to matter. How do I mount it?12:04
computermcmoonlite: got it from their website12:04
St3althyStaz: what about proftp12:04
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moonliteoh ok12:04
Dralidhow can I configure /boot/grub/menu.lst to boot to my WinXP drive on SATA2?12:04
graftneo_: take that friction tape off the rest of the screen..?12:04
Midge1freebse: 1st it says12:04
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Midge1synaptic is already the newest version.12:04
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computermcmoonlite: with the server you can make those machine images12:04
Midge1dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.12:04
Midge1dpkg: 1 expected program(s) not found on PATH.12:04
Midge1NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin.12:04
Midge1E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)12:04
StazSt3althy : have not tried that one12:04
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moonlitecomputermc: you make the images with vmware server and "play" them with vmware-player?12:05
eneriedPelo, i found some, what i can do then?12:05
jrib!paste | Midge112:05
ubotuMidge1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:05
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freebseMidget: dpkg-reconfigure synaptic12:05
Midge1thanks :)12:05
computermcmoonlite: I guess you could, I just played them right in the server GUI12:05
Peloeneried,   delete the ones you don'T want ( or move them somewhere else to test)12:05
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graftthe reconfigure probably won't work...12:05
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computermcmoonlite: everything happens in one window12:06
Midge1no errors12:06
graftMidge1: have you got /usr/sbin/update-rc.d?12:06
DisHazeHow can I grow my ext3 partition? (please PM me)12:06
Midge1it just ran] 12:06
eneriedah, thanks12:06
Midge12 secs12:06
computermcdoes anyone know of a easy to use backup program?12:06
neo_what serve do i need to stop to istall my video drivers? is it my x server, if so how do i do that?12:06
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eneriedbut this is the "old way" method12:06
moonlitecomputermc: ok neat thx12:06
sobersabrecomputermc dd,tar,gz12:06
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kitcheneo_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:06
graftneo_: /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:06
Midge1yes i do12:06
grafterr, what kitche said12:07
Peloeneried,  then try looking up the package name in synaptic and remove them12:07
neo_thanks very much12:07
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eneriedthere's no package for each screensaver, and i like some of them, i wish they does not go12:07
sobersabreI have a fs problem12:08
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computermcsobersabre: where do I get that, and can it backup to a windows shared folder?12:08
Pelofs &12:08
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sobersabreon last reboot I was asked to run fsck manually, which I did12:08
graftMidge1: um, so can you run synaptic now?12:08
eneriedjrib, i installed xscreensaver, and uninstalled gnome-screensaver, now i can't select screensavers :S12:08
sobersabrethere were many problems that fsck found12:08
Midge1and install gives the same erro after reconfig12:08
graftMidge1: start a root shell and do echo $PATH12:08
sobersabreand then after reboot, X cannot start12:09
woro2006hi, if my broadcast address is, and my router's broadcast address is How can I change it to match my router's?12:09
toM|vendettAhi my windows xp is broken12:09
toM|vendettAhelp please12:09
sobersabretoM|vendettA call Bill Gates12:10
toM|vendettA:D just kidding ;)12:10
toM|vendettAhe reffered me here!12:10
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graftworo2006: shouldn't your broadcast be restricted to your subnet?12:10
freebsenou, BUY VISTA m812:10
sobersabretoM|vendettA erverybody's windows xp is broken.12:10
computermcwhat do I need if I what to have 3D desktops?12:10
_garrytoM|vendettA: Everybody's XP is broken...12:10
Midge1buy a 3d monitor?12:10
woro2006graft, the router is set to broadcast in
graftworo2006: that's almost certainly wrong...12:11
freebsewinDOS is broken by default12:11
woro2006it keeps on getting transmission errors if I set it to
HymnToLife_garry, mine is not, I'm using it right now :)12:11
BlueEagleworo2006: You can (in theory) set it as, but you really, really don't want to do that.12:11
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Midge1does anyone have anymore ideas?12:11
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sobersabreguys i have serious problem......12:11
_garryHymnToLife: Yeah, right ;-)12:11
sobersabrewith the filesystem.12:11
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graftMidge1: try sudo echo $PATH12:11
=== CaTTiusha is away: Odeszam, pewnie i tak przyjd
sobersabreand everybody ibnores it.12:11
Midge1i did12:12
Midge1and posted the result12:12
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Midge12 secs ill do it again12:12
freebsecomputermc: Vista :) no seriously the compiz stuff12:12
BlueEagleworo2006: Odds are that it probably wouldn't do what you intend it to do as your router will limit broadcasts to your subnet anyways.12:12
php-freakIS there a way to get more desktop themes?12:12
graftMidge1: err, no, wait, that ain't right12:12
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sobersabrephp-freak desktop themes  for what ?12:12
woro2006but my dhcp interface is broadcasting on
woro2006but the static ip is broadcasting on
ks3php-freak, http://art.gnome.org12:13
php-freakor I should say themes12:13
computermcfreebse: crap vista12:13
woro2006so which one is right?12:13
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php-freakI see there a difference Gnome, and etc12:13
sobersabreworo2006 - tis one of the reasons why you won't like to broadcast on
eneriedhey you told me about xscreensaver, it's the one shipped with breezu, thanks a lot12:13
Midge1what wasnt right btw, what you said or the output?12:13
freebsecomputermc: lol12:13
computermcThis video show what I want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQYk09CHOZs12:13
eneried;) ;) thanks Pelo, thanks jrib12:13
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php-freakwahts the gdm setup?12:13
sobersabrephp-freak : "login screen setup"12:14
Midge1gdm = gnome display manger12:14
woro2006sobersabre, why?12:14
lostsyncphp-freak, you can install gnome-art package which will help you look for and install themes.  once installed (sudo apt-get install gnome-art) it can be launched as Art Manager from the prefrences menu12:14
AgrajagGDM is the login manager12:14
eneriedthen I found a forum talking about xscreensaver, and it should be what I want ;)12:14
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graftMidge1: what i said... um, trying to figure out how sudo sets PATH12:14
eneriedHow to get a screensavermanager with more options that gnome-screensaver http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19555712:14
Midge1btw if it helps, before this problem everyone installation/update would work, but 'fail' with an error code 212:15
php-freakI'm just basically looking for themes that will make my icons, windows, and etc look more smaller. More of a windows xp look, but I like linux, so im going to try to achieve the display that i want12:15
Midge1and nown they actually fail with error code 212:15
Midge1and synaptic wont launch12:15
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Midge1except update, which fails silently12:16
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Jowiworo2006, the broadcast address should match the dhcp setup. common sense. listen to sobersabre12:16
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Spee_DerGood evening world.12:16
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woro2006Jowi, what's the proper setting then?12:17
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php-freakis there a way of doing that?12:17
woro2006Jowi, I keep on getting transmission errors on eth012:17
Spee_DerDARKGuy: How's it going ?12:17
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ks3php-freak, you can also adjust your pixel size to make fonts, icons, etc look smaller12:18
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DARKGuyHey Spee_Der! quite nice thanks :) reinstalling my cousin's compie :P you?12:18
alekaI am getting this error in my ~/.xsession-erors   and I don't know how to stop it because i don't remeber setting it in the first place..evolution-alarm-notify-Message: Setting timeout for 21031 1165035600 116501456912:18
alekaevolution-alarm-notify-Message:  Sat Dec  2 00:00:00 200612:18
alekaevolution-alarm-notify-Message:  Fri Dec  1 18:09:29 2006...12:18
alekaany ideas?12:18
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rixxonrightclick menu of the cd drive in nautilus does not show any "copy disk", so how to create an iso?12:18
php-freakks3: wher do I do that at?12:18
Spee_DerDARKGuy: NB. Just got in from long work day. Under severe weather watch etc, possible tornado.....   Getting ready for dinner and a coupl'a cold ones.....12:19
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ks3php-freak, under system -> preferences -> fonts -> details12:19
ks3php-freak, the resolution item... it tells x how many pixels per inch12:19
Spee_DerDARKGuy: If you have weather applet, my box is KPVD.12:19
ks3php-freak, if you make it less, things get smaller12:19
Jowiworo2006, start with your router settings: ip, subnet, broadcast (for example)12:19
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rixxonhow to i make an iso out of a mounted cd?12:20
grafthey Midge1 - what's your /etc/sudoers like?12:20
DARKGuySpee_Der: I think, maybe I'll check ;) *is curious* but man, it's really that bad :/ gotta be careful huuh12:20
St3althydo i want to install proftpd to run from inetd or standalone12:20
php-freakI see12:20
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php-freakopps i can't see anyything hold on12:20
Midge12 secs12:20
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Spee_DerDARKGuy: Yeh, may shut down for few hours because of lightning etc.....   I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help with the 2nd screen, this is the cats meow....  Cheers for now.....12:21
Jowiworo2006, you should only use as broadcast if you have more than 1 ip address on the same interface.12:21
Midge1blank afaics12:21
Spee_DerDARKGuy: Good luck with the install also....12:21
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DARKGuySpee_Der: Hehe thanks, good luck where you are and hope everything goes good :)12:21
Spee_DerCheers mate.12:21
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php-freakNcie now I can adjust all my fonts12:22
toM|vendettAcan someone try connecting to irc.gg-center.net, and see if they can or cannot?12:22
DARKGuyPeace :)12:22
woro2006Jowi, how do I tweak the router's broadcast address?12:22
FlannelSpee_Der: that depends on what you want to do with it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD12:22
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Spee_DerFlannel: I'll look into that,....12:22
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Midge1graft: black as far as i can see12:22
graftMidge1: hrm. and sudo is up to date?12:23
jendaThere is a quiz in #ubuntu-trivia starting in a few minutes! The lucky winner will be getting a free Ubuntu Poster!!!12:23
Jowiworo2006, a router will only have one address per nic so it is never used. you can only tweak the routers broadcast if you have that option in the setup of the router (by its webinterface for example) but on most consumer routers it is automatic and not configurable.12:23
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Spee_DerFlannel: I think you meant that for someone else ?12:23
Midge1i dont know :P12:23
Midge1how can i tell?12:23
DARKGuySpee_Der: Flannel: I think it was for St3althy :P12:23
graftMidge1: um, if your packages are up-to-date, dpkg -l | grep sudo ought to do it12:23
FlannelSt3althy: that depends on what you want to do with it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD12:23
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Jowiworo2006, however, if your router *do* use that doesn't mean that your network card in the computer should use the same. use first of all to see if it works (it should)12:24
=== Spee_Der is heading for studio K and some good foodage.... Cheers for now....
DARKGuySpee_Der: See you g'luck :)12:24
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woro2006Jowi, I have two interfaces on the same box. Eth0 is set, netmask
woro2006eth1 is auto dhcp12:25
woro2006they're both attached to the same router12:25
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zspada15!custom kernel12:25
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:25
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Jowiworo2006, and eth1?12:26
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graftMidge1: um... hrm... well, this is my best guess: sudo modifies your $PATH by adding in /usr/sbin (if that option is compiled in) - but in your case it isn't doing so...12:26
graftMidge1: try reinstalling sudo, maybe..? dunno why it would be busted...12:26
woro2006eth1 is dhcp auto12:26
Midge1i cant reinstall it cause the intsall stuff doesnt owkr/requires it12:26
Jowiworo2006, and what ip and netmask does it get?12:26
graftMidge1: you can do it - just do sudo -i, then do apt-get install, etc., and it should work fine12:27
Midge1it was all working until it hung one evening and upon reboot it didnt12:27
woro2006broadcast is
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lostsyncMidge1, couldn't you do it as root so u dont have to use sudo?12:27
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Midge1when i try to switch to root it says authentication failure12:27
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Midge1and i just re-set the password to be sure i hjad it right12:28
graftMidge1: you can't do sudo -i?12:28
Jowiworo2006, check the router settings. bcast should be for both the cards in your PC12:28
TrackilizerHey, have a quick question, is there anyway i can delete a folder in the command line?12:28
DARKGuyrm folder -r12:28
Midge1i can do that12:28
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hansohey. when I see videos in full-screen-mode I get horizontal stripes on movement. it happens both in vlc and mplayer. what can be wrong?12:28
jugheadI cannot play a wmv file - I have w32codecs installed... is there anything else Ineed?12:28
graftMidge1: do that, you should be able to use apt-get without sudo after that, and it'll have the correct path12:28
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jribjughead: what player are you using?12:28
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jugheadI tried mplayer and xine12:29
woro2006Jowi, do I set the subnet mask in the router or something?12:29
graftjughead: tried another wmv?12:29
vadervlc works for me :)12:29
Jowiworo2006, you can.12:29
jribjughead: mplayer should be working12:29
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Midge1i tried12:29
Midge1same error12:29
jugheadnothing frmi mplayer... xine has sound12:29
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Trackilizerthanks alot that did the trick12:29
jribjughead: pastebin the mplayer output12:29
Jowiworo2006, why have two cards connected to the router on the same PC?12:29
jugheadk brb12:29
|thunderDoes anyone have qsopcast or gsopcast working on dapper or edgy ? I just CAN'T get it to build. And the only packages I can find are rpms's in chinese. And it's a really cool promgram for watching live tv via the bit-torrent protocol. It is here 'http://lianwei3.googlepages.com/home2'12:30
graftMidge1: gur... wtf? what happens when you type update-rc.d in a root shell?12:30
St3althyhey all. im trying to make it so when a user on our internal network opens firefox on their machine and types 'intranet' in the address bar and it will open our ubuntu webserver12:30
woro2006Jowi, because I feel like in case one breaks down12:30
woro2006Jowi, I still have the other one12:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gsopcast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:30
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DARKGuyHey, how can I know the modeline of a current resolution?12:30
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DARKGuy*of a = of the12:30
woro2006Jowi, where do I check settings on the router?12:31
Midge1bash: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d: Permission denied12:31
Jowiworo2006, check your manual12:31
php-freakokay, this don't look bad at all12:31
borgwhat do i do if this message shows up, where do i get this DRI, i have fglrx driver the ubuntu version installed12:31
borgXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:31
graftMidge1: err wtf? as ROOT?12:31
graftMidge1: that's fuct... what are perms on it?12:31
Midge1and sudo = sudo: update-rc.d: command not found12:31
Jowiworo2006, there are many routers with many different setups. best to have a look in the router manual12:31
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woro2006Jowi, let me check12:32
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Jowineed some sleep. take care all12:32
St3althyanyone able to help?12:32
Jowigood luck woro200612:32
Midge1user (root) r+w group (root) r12:32
St3althyim trying to make it so when a user on our internal network opens firefox on their machine and types 'intranet' in the address bar and it will open our ubuntu webserver12:32
Midge1im really confused12:32
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_garryI was setting up NFS between my PC and laptop and noticed there's no exportfs command. I've got nfs-common and nfs-user-server installed. Is there a package I'm missing? Nothing shows up in Synaptic...12:33
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graftMidge1: um... no execute permissions for anyone?!12:33
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computermcdoes anyone know of instructions for installing and using Xgl on an ATI graphics card12:33
JowiSt3althy, /etc/hosts (man hosts)12:33
Pie-rateubotu, tell pie-rate about ati12:33
HYBcomputermc, www.ubuntuguide.org12:33
Midge1graft: doesnt seem that way12:33
St3althyJowi: i already have hosts setup right like ip domain.com12:33
St3althybut it doesnt work12:33
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graftMidge1: that is bad...12:34
Skwid_(off topic) is there a way to save your level in frozen bubble ??? :)12:34
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graftMidge1: chmod a+x /usr/sbin/*12:34
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dandaman32Skwid: you can specify which level to start with on the command line12:34
graftMidge1: assuming you can run chmod :P12:34
Midge1ill probably go and try another linux distro then, ubuntu only lasted a week before dying :P12:34
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Midge1oh ok12:34
Midge1i didnt think it was fixable12:35
Midge1ill try12:35
diskusSt3althy: tried, ip intranet?12:35
diskusSt3althy: in hosts?12:35
Midge1i can chmod :P12:35
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Midge1just did, installing java12:35
jugheadjrib, pastebins not loading for me...12:35
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graftMidge1: not sure how this happened, but i have a hard time imagining ubuntu was responsible12:35
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Elda!ubotu beryl12:35
Skwid_dandaman32: really ! can i do that in the interface too ?12:35
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl12:35
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Dan_n2200midge1 it died , what happend12:35
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jribjughead: I think it's down, see the /topic12:35
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boodleHowdy, Regarding compiz. I seem to have the bottom of my windows cut off (when maximized under gnome..hidden by bottom panel) Any idea how to fix12:35
dandaman32Skwid_: no, you have to do it on the command line12:35
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Midge1graft: bash: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d: cannot execute binary file is the error from update-rc.d as root12:36
Midge1so its changed12:36
dandaman32boodle: what video card are you running?12:36
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boodledandaman32, nvidia 740012:36
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St3althydiskus: i have and still nothing12:36
xglcomputermc, i've got a good howto on del.icio.us/rmordor though i guess it's in portuguese12:36
borgwhat do i do if this message shows up, where do i get this DRI, i have fglrx driver the ubuntu version installed12:36
Jowisorry St3althy I was going to bet. add " intranet" to /etc/hosts and that will work12:36
borgXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:36
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caduhello, i'm having a strange problem here... i'm using a PPPoE connection, but after 10 minutes something just WIPES /etc/resolv.conf leaving just "nameserver" (which is pointless as i'm using a bridged connection) , anyone can help ? thanks in advancec12:37
=== dandaman32 is covetous, boodle do you have compiz configured for Xgl or on the nvidia native driver?
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:37
computermcxgl: I only know english12:37
DARKGuyHi! anybody know how to get the current X resolution and parameters? I have a Knoppix machine booted here and I want to know what are the X parameters it uses since it works better with my monitor than the parameters I set to it manually in my box. Anybody got an idea?12:37
boodledandaman32, nvidia driver (their binary)12:37
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computermcI think the directions at ubuntuguide.org will do12:37
=== DARKGuy knows spanish
dandaman32DARKGuy: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:37
mordofhi, does anyone have a list of all the bash commands?12:38
Arrickcomputermc go to babelfish.com first and have it traslate the site for you12:38
DARKGuydandaman32: It has XF86config but I can't spot it, it's just a default XF86 conf :/12:38
caduDARKGuy: search for the generated /etc/X11/Xorg.conf or something12:38
RoKFiTis ubuntu aimed at kde or gnome more?12:38
EldaBrb hopefully, going to try rebooting to see what happens after I readjusting some settings :S12:38
mordofRoKFiT: kubuntu is kde :P12:38
dandaman32boodle: in my experience the best way to do it is Xgl, although i have managed to get AIGLX working in fedora core 612:38
toM|vendettAcan someone try connecting to irc.gg-center.net, and see if they can or cannot?12:38
_garryHas nfs-utils been dropped from Dapper? Searching on Google I see a few posts about errors returned by exportfs, and 'apt-get install nfs-utils' tells me there's no package12:38
Midge1graft: ohh a new error from apt-get now :)12:38
RoKFiTthank you12:38
Midge1error 1 :)12:38
DARKGuyEr, wait, now that you mention it, I might just copy it to my box and experiment12:39
St3althyi added intranet12:39
St3althyand nothing12:39
graftMidge1: um, are you sure your disk is in good shape?12:39
boodledandaman32, heh k12:39
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DARKGuythanks people xD12:39
Midge1i ran a full diag when it happened, the maxtor util says its fine12:39
graft'cannot execute binary file' is not an error i'm familiar with12:39
dandaman32boodle: nvidias drivers are still in beta (afaik) and probably shouldnt be used yet12:40
dandaman32does compiz run at an acceptable speed? if not you probably have openGL set up wrong12:40
Flannel_garry: nfs-utils wasn't in breezy either, you sure that's the package name?12:40
boodledandaman32, right..12:40
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dandaman32boodle: do the visuals from compiz look smooth?12:40
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graftboodle, dandaman32: I think AIGLX is more stable than Xgl, so i'd suggest going that route12:41
cadualso, why gstreamer0.10 lacks mp3 support ? :(12:41
Midge1graft: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35053/12:41
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Flannel!mp3 | cadu12:41
ubotucadu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:41
caduFlannel: thanks12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
Flannelcadu: you have to install mp3 codecs, those pages will tell you how12:41
ubotuhost: utility for querying DNS servers. In component universe, is extra. Version 20000331-9 (edgy), package size 69 kB, installed size 168 kB12:41
sobersabreneed help.12:41
_garryFlannel: exportfs is in nfs-utils in Suse 10.0 so I assumed maybe it was in the same package on Ubuntu12:41
boodlegraft, any ideas on why my windows are cutoff when maximized (like it's miscalcing the max window size + bottom gnome panel)12:41
borgwhere do i get the missing extension Xfree86-DRI ?12:41
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dandaman32boodle: if the visuals are smooth and everything else works its probably a bug with compiz, try beryl www.beryl-project.org12:41
sobersabreI have several files that got wiped out.12:41
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graftMidge1: can you cat /usr/sbin/udpate-rc.d?12:42
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St3althydo i need to add to our router to query the ubuntu server if i want all intranet sites to work12:42
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graftboodle: nope, does that to me, too12:42
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boodledandaman32, prolly so. using 0.3.312:42
boodlegraft, heh k. will try beryl12:42
graftboodle: for some apps... not all of em12:42
graftboodle: oh.. i'm using beryl12:42
Midge1cat: /usr/sbin/udpate-rc.d: No such file or directory12:42
arathaldI'm having trouble with installing ATI Drivers (for the V5200) -- No matter what I try it insists on using Mesa12:42
boodlegraft, screen/aterm, firefox etc. getting it for most of my stuff12:42
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Midge1but its there!12:43
alekaHow can I set Nautlis to show thumbnails instead of details?12:43
Flannel_garry: nope.  Never a package like that.  exportfs is in nfs-kernel-server, so that's the package you want (packages.ubuntu.com has a package search for files, the second search thing)12:43
graftMidge1: um, what?12:43
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boodlei almost think it's gtk-window-decorator not getting it's window borders added to the v-height12:43
graftMidge1: it sounds like you have a corrupt filesystem...12:43
Midge1graft: cat: /usr/sbin/udpate-rc.d: No such file or directory12:43
Midge1any way of fixing it?12:43
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dandaman32boodle, graft: probably a bug with nvidia's drivers then; im not sure how to configure aiglx with nvidia, but i know that driver version 8765 works perfectly work Xgl12:43
alekaHow can I set Nautlis to show thumbnails instead of details for example on picture files? any ideas...12:43
boodledandaman32, cool ty12:44
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Midge1graft: nope :(12:44
dandaman32boodle: *with Xgl12:44
graftdandaman32: it's almost certainly a compiz bug - the nvidia driver won't have a clue about what the window size should be12:44
Midge1graft: should i reinstall?12:44
St3althycan someone help me with setting up hosts so all my computers on my network can open internet and type intranet.home to get the ubuntu server homepage12:44
blamelessyou'll need the 9000 series drivers to use aiglx with nvidia drivers12:44
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boodledandaman32, gotcha12:44
jribaleka: are you displaying as a list instead of icons (option in the top right above where the files show up)12:44
_garryFlannel: I guessed that might be the case. I installed nfs-user-server as that was the only one in the list. Just did an 'apt-get update' only to find nfs-kernel-server is available. Typical Ubuntu newbie, still learning the apt system... :-)12:45
graftMidge1: nope, fsck? what do you mean?12:45
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St3althyno one?12:45
Midge1that running fsck doesnt fix it12:45
boodlexgl ty12:45
alekajrib, actually it shows thmbs in the folder, but when attaching files from FF, all I see is file names.. Was wondering if I could change that to show thumbnails as well12:45
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Flannel_garry: -kernel-server is in main, -user-server is in universe, it's odd if the latter was th eonly one who showed up12:45
graftSt3althy: you need to run a nameserver12:46
St3althygraft: go on?12:46
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jribaleka: ah that, no.  There is probably a bug about it.... (annoys me too)12:46
St3althyi just setup ubuntu as internal server12:46
alekabeh... thnx anyways,,,,12:46
borgwhere do i get the missing extension Xfree86-DRI ?12:46
graftSt3althy: install bind, play around with configuring it, get all your machines to use that for DNS12:46
St3althyand now i want to get the website coming up internally12:46
mordofwhat does Mapped memory mean? i did cat /proc/meminfo, heh12:46
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St3althygraft: is there another way?12:47
graftSt3althy: yeah, /etc/hosts12:47
Midge1graft: that running fsck doesnt fix it12:47
graftSt3althy: on each of those machines12:47
_garryFlannel: Not odd, just me not remembering to do apt-get update. What's nice is that installing the kerne-space server automatically uninstalled the user-space server, then asked if I wanted to keep my /etc/exports, AND restarted nfs and portmapper. Nice...12:47
graftMidge1: erm... yeah, save what data you can and reinstall12:47
Midge1thanks for your help12:47
mordofwhat does this mean...12:47
cappizhow can i change the GNOME LANG environment?12:47
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mordofMapped:         463676 kB12:48
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St3althygraft: could i add the ubuntu server to my router dns12:48
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.12:48
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grndslmwhich hard drive would you rather have for a laptop:12:49
grndslm(1) 80GB 7200RPM PATA12:49
grndslm(2) 100GB 5400RPM SATA12:49
grndslm(3) 60GB 7200RPM SATA12:49
graftSt3althy: your router runs its own DNS server?12:49
jrib!offtopic | grndslm12:49
St3althyrouter is a cheap dlink12:49
ubotugrndslm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:49
Flannelgrndslm: that question would be good for #ubuntu-offtopic, and please don't paste12:49
St3althyi am just trying to get it to work, or at least the server name12:49
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St3althyi just want internal computers to access the ubuntu other than ip address12:49
sobersabreI want to upgrade to edgy my dapper.12:50
Flannelsobersabre: yeah, you'll need to run a local nameserver, or... update all their HOSTS files12:50
borgXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".  i get this error when i do fglrxinfo12:50
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sobersabreFlannel wtf are you talking about ?:)12:50
graftSt3althy: um, your options are: write host aliases on each one of those machines by hand, or run bind on your ubuntu machine and use it for DNS12:50
graftSt3althy: in my experience the latter is somewhat, but not extremely, tricky12:50
Flannelsobersabre: blaah.  I can't nick complete today.  St3althy, that's for you.12:50
Eldabah for some reason now I cant resize my windows -_-12:51
nrdbusing openvpn is it possible to get the client to not use the default 1194 port ?  the clients ip address is dynamic.12:51
Eldabrb >.<12:51
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sobersabrenrdb what does IP address have to do with port ?12:51
bitflipborg: what driver are you using for X?12:51
FlannelSt3althy: modifying everyones HOST file might be easiest, actually.  If you have a static IP, for the ubuntu box, and a relatively constant number of machines (or rather, new machines not connecting all the time)12:51
borgbitflip, fglrx the one that's in the ubuntu repositories12:51
sobersabreFlannel relatively constant is a nice expression of speach :)12:52
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nrdbsobersabre: the comment in the config file for 'listen' indicates that you need to specify an ip address.12:52
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:52
yotuxCan any one help with a grub 17 error after install?12:52
St3althyFlannel: well i did this http://servername and it worked12:52
St3althyso howcome i cant set alias?12:52
sobersabreSt3althy you should be able to.12:53
graftSt3althy: you did that from where?12:53
St3althya pc on the network12:53
sobersabreguys, I am replacing dapper to edgy in sources.list.12:53
graftSt3althy: um, so looks like your router does do some local DNS12:53
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sobersabreWill this be enough for edgy upgrade ?12:53
St3althygraft yeh it must12:53
St3althyso if i add another alias, what do i need to restart12:54
graftSt3althy: what's the router?12:54
St3althydlink or linksys12:54
St3althycheap one12:54
graftSt3althy: model #?12:54
St3althyno idea12:54
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sobersabregraft maybe he has a linux based router, and he can configure the named on it via ssh......12:54
St3althydo i need to restart service on server12:54
St3althyno i havent touched the router12:54
sobersabreSt3althy how about looking at the router ?12:54
St3althysobersabre: sorry man its too far away12:55
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graftSt3althy: yeah, you really jus twant to fiddle with the router here... but, sounds like it's already doing what you want?12:55
sobersabrebinoculars ?12:55
St3althyis there a service i need to reboot once added alias to /etc/hosts12:55
sobersabreSt3althy: NO.12:55
St3althywell i just added alias and it didnt work12:56
bitflipborg: fglrxinfo | grep vendor ...Does this say ATI or Mesa?12:56
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sobersabre /etc/hosts works per call.12:56
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sobersabreSt3althy what does your nsswitch.conf do ?12:56
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borgbitflip, OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org it says that12:56
sobersabreSt3althy there's name service switch in /etc/nsswitch.conf12:56
sobersabreIt has a line beginning with hosts:12:57
jugheadhow do I add a shortcut to my home folder on my desktop?12:57
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Eroickif Im developing in python on Ubuntu, am I better off with pyGTK or wxPython?12:57
bitflipborg: I may be mistaken but I don't think the stock ubuntu repository for fglrx support 3d acceleration - you'll have to use the ones from ati's site12:57
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sobersabreSt3althy after the colon there is what ?12:57
St3althyfiles dns12:58
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sobersabre( the switch defines resolving order )12:58
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graftati support for 3d acceleration is cracked12:58
sobersabreSt3althy  'files' means /etc/hosts12:58
EldaUbutu beryl12:58
_garryjughead: drag your home folder from the file manager onto the desktop12:58
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Elda!ubotu beryl12:58
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl12:58
sobersabreSt3althy are you sure you have 1 line that leads to the name you're trying to access ?12:58
graftspecifically, ati doesn't support AIGLX12:59
litweldo you know where to find dev info on graphical boot menus?12:59
St3althysobersabre yehs12:59
borgbitflip, ok12:59
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sobersabreSt3althy then, you have typo.12:59
bitflipborg: what version of ubuntu (edgy I assume?) and what ati card12:59
borgyes edgy and radeon 980001:00
sobersabreSt3althy either in the hosts file or in the address you've typed.01:00
jughead_garry, it says the destination folder is inside the source folder01:00
grndslmati doesn't support aiglx??01:00
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St3althyin what file sobersabre01:00
sobersabreguys. how do I upgrade from dapper to edgy without X01:00
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sobersabreSt3althy: /etc/hosts01:00
bitflipborg: http://tinyurl.com/yc6mal <- follow the steps in sequence and it should work - get back with me if you have trouble during this01:00
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_garryjughead: Oh, right... hang on...01:01
St3althyi have localhost servername newnameijusttyped01:01
St3althynewnameijusttyped does not work01:01
borgbitflip, ok thx01:01
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jughead_garry, nm I think it will be ok; i put a shortcut on the top bar01:01
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sobersabreSt3althy 'doesn't work' with which application ?01:01
xplic1twhat can i install to enable the 'yacc' command?01:01
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_garryjughead: I can do it with Konqueror by dragging to the desktop and doing "Link here". You need to find how to do the same with whatever file manager you're using01:02
_garryjughead: Just don't do "Copy here" or "Move here"01:02
sobersabreSt3althy if you type: "ping newnameijusttyped"01:02
sobersabredoes it work ?01:02
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EldaIm curious, in reinstalling this will I have to edit my grub menu? :s01:03
Arigatowhat is the best PHP IDE available from the repositories?01:03
EldaAs Ive officially borked my install trying to install beryl01:03
alekais it possible to have an option to "send to CD Drive" while right clicking on a file/folder as it's done on a windows shell?01:03
sobersabreArigato this is a tricky question.01:03
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EldaTried to change too much >.<01:03
sobersabreArigato there are several.01:03
Arigatocould you name a few?01:04
lorenzoxplic1t: I think bison is what you want.01:04
Flannelxplic1t: either freebsd5-buildutils or cook01:04
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sobersabrealeka install nautilus actions extension, and define such thing if it makes you feel good.01:04
noiesmoElda, if you do a reinstall of ubuntu it will redo your mbr and grub should detect another os yu have01:04
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EldaThanks, and brb >.<01:04
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Eldawell brb in about an hour01:04
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nikini have 2 problems with my Intel chipset based notebbok, first i cant get the openGL runing right with my 95* videocard, and the other is that my soundcard returns the MASTER to RECORD so it generates echo when i try to use skype01:04
xplic1ti specifically need the 'yacc' command, because running make after configuring some software fails on that command.01:04
sobersabrealeka does windows have "open terminal" on right click ? :)01:04
Flannelxplic1t: however, bison is a yacc clone.01:05
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xplic1tbison, freebsd5-buildutils or cook will all do that?01:05
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sobersabrexplic1t you can use bison for that01:05
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xplic1tok, i'll try it01:05
sobersabrebison can behave like yacc.01:05
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nikin!yacc > nikin01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yacc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
sobersabrexplic1t if you have problems, just consult the man page on how to be 100% yacc compatible01:06
jugheadthank you _garry01:06
Flannelxplic1t: but, like I said.  freebsd5-buildutils or cook, both provide yacc01:06
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trillijiRecently I installed the kde package on my ubuntu install. Recently after I lost the ability to automount my usb 512M memory drive, annyone have any clue as to what might be wrong?01:06
sobersabrealeka have you got my response ?01:06
alekasobersabre, don't get me wrong I am not whining abt things I have in windows and what I don get in LInux.. I was just asking a Q01:06
bruenigtrilliji, are you sure it doesn't mount, or does it just not such up on the desktop?01:06
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sobersabrealeka Its ok, I was joking: as if that irritated me....01:07
sobersabresomething else irritates me, believe me.01:07
_garryjughead: 's OK. Glad to help :-)01:07
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trillijibruenig: I stand corrected, it does not bring it up on the desktop so I can browse with  nautilus01:07
trillijiI don't know if it is mounted01:08
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ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:08
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bruenigtrilliji, I would assume it would be a fix similar to what ubotu just said01:08
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lorenzoAnyone know how to get balsa to work correctly with gpg?  It gives me an error saying it can't find my key whenever I try to sign a message.  I only have 1 key in the standard place, so it should have no trouble finding it.01:08
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bruenigtrilliji, to see if it is mounting, put it in and go to /media01:08
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Skwid_what's the best way to get a no-ip type service on ubuntu ?01:08
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sobersabrelorenzo who's key are you encrypting with ?01:09
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sko0zycan anyone suggest a good python eviorment for a noob01:09
hossihow do I make my proxy settings in XChat-GNOME 0.13 ?01:09
nikintrilliji: if its mounted then a folder will show up in /media01:09
trillijiThe light comes on when i insert it, but after a short time it goes off01:09
sobersabresko0zy: a text editor will do.01:09
Pie-rateIs there any way to watch dvds with deinterlacing?01:09
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sobersabrePie-rate yes. there is.01:09
sko0zysobersabre, ya i know but like a good one to learn in...i always learn better with a GUI then with just pure text01:09
Pie-ratei have libdvdread installed, it works great01:10
Pie-ratejust no deinterlacing01:10
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nikinPie-rate: see VLC-s settings01:10
bruenigtrilliji, check in /media after you put it in01:10
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nothingI'm trying to do a   mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1      however I'm getting a /dev/md1  No such file or directory error.  Any idea why this might be?  md0 worked fine...01:10
sobersabrePie-rate try any of the big IDEs - kdevelop01:10
sobersabreor anjuta01:10
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trillijitrying, I have a sda2 and sda3 in media ( in addition to cdroms )01:11
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timthelionI finally got windows to connect to my ubuntu machine but when I goto connect the printer, windows comes up with the print spooler and the title access denied unable to connect.01:11
sobersabrethere's python IDE ( I don't remember its name - google for it )01:11
timthelionsobersabre: idle01:11
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kurisutofuaaHaving install problems with Dipper-amd64 and I have try'ed Edgy-amd64 install also but I keep getting Xserver crash when I try to load the cd's it gives me an error: No screens found.01:11
timthelionsobersabre: in add/remove on the applications menu01:11
nikintrilliji: see if one of them is the usbkey01:11
Pie-ratesobersabre: i am not asking about a python IDE.01:11
noiesmotimthelion, did you share the printer thru samba01:11
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timthelionnoiesmo: yes, I think so01:11
trillijinikin: How do I do that?01:11
timthelionnoiesmo: how would you do it ?01:12
nikinenter the folder01:12
sobersabrekurisutofuaa maybe you don't need X during the installation.01:12
nikinor is the usbkey empty?01:12
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timthelionnoiesmo: I have an entry in smb.conf for it01:12
trillijiboth folders are empty01:12
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ProN00bdoes anyone know how to get tilp to work ?01:12
lorenzoSkwid_: I use ddclient with an account at dyndns.com.01:12
nikinPie-rate: VLC has a deinterlacing vidofilter01:12
Skwid_lorenzo: thank you01:13
noiesmoin smb.conf find the security line and change it to share instead of user that way no authentication will be required01:13
kurisutofuaasobersabre: So what do I do?01:13
Pie-rateI found it, thank you nikin.01:13
noiesmotimthelion, in smb.conf find the security line and change it to share instead of user that way no authentication will be required01:13
nikinPie-rate: nm01:13
sobersabrekurisutofuaa are you on a fast internet link ?01:13
noiesmotimthelion, you will need to restart samba to have permissions take affect01:13
kurisutofuaasobersabre: yeah01:13
Pie-ratewhat is the best deinterlacing method?01:13
sobersabrekurisutofuaa which graphic card do you use ?01:13
sobersabre( do you have )01:14
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kurisutofuaasobersabre: Ati Radeon X800 XL01:14
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timthelionnoiesmo: that is already there, I am going to try setting public and writable to yes01:16
trillijinikin: both folders are emis on when it can be accessedpty and the light on the devive has gone off, normally it01:16
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flasher222i have a canon bjc-4400 printer. can anyone help me set it up with my xubuntu?01:16
noiesmotimthelion, k01:16
nikintrilliji: i understand... so now u use gnome again? no KDE?01:16
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kdc1956anyone haveing troubl with adjust date & time01:17
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trilliji yes, I only installed kde to change the kde theme for kde applications ( amarok ) but I don't want to reinstall for this last problem I have01:17
lorenzosobersabre: I'm just trying to sign with my own key.01:17
nikinPie-rate: try blend01:18
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trillijinikin: I didn't expect that KDE would break gnome01:19
Pie-ratenikin: I'll try all of them, but my research shows that bob would be the best to start with01:19
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.01:20
sobersabrekurisutofuaa I think you better do as follows: check if your card's restricted drivers are in the edgy-amd6401:20
sobersabre( I think so )01:20
hossihow do I make my proxy settings in XChat-GNOME 0.13 ?01:21
sobersabrethen you download the 'alternate install' CD01:21
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sobersabrekurisutofuaa ok ?01:21
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nikinPie-rate: i red that blend is best, but try them01:21
nikintrilliji: i use them both and it didnt to by me01:22
kurisutofuaasobersabre: I will take a look at it now one sec01:22
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trillijiWell, it may not have been due to that, that is just what I perceived to be the timing01:23
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flasher222does anybody here have a printer set up with their ubuntu?01:23
trillijinikin: Any other thoughts?01:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:23
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_garryflasher222: I set up my HP Deskjet yesterday01:24
flasher222_garry: how did you do so?01:25
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jvaiflasher222 yes, i network the hp 4200tn @ work, & a epson 7xx  locally @ home01:25
jvaii'm on dapper tho01:25
_garryflasher222: I used the Printer Manager in Konqueror01:25
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_garryflasher222: If you're running Gnome, I can't help01:26
DevCI thought ubuntu didn't support C# programming?01:26
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flasher222_garry: am running xubuntu01:26
trillijiAre the nvidia 6150 drivers in the main repository yet?01:26
jvaisorry flasher222 i run gnome01:26
_garryflasher222: You could try using the CUPS web interface. Type "https://localhost:631" into your browser01:26
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flasher222_garry: do i need to plug in my printer first?01:27
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DevCI remember having to do that for printer setup lol01:27
jvaiif it's a network printer, wher it says "host" put in the printer's ip addy, that works for me @ work01:27
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thomas_hey guys, i've broken my permissions in my home folder. what is the chmod number to restore them to their default state (ie. so that not everything thinks it's an executable like it does now!)01:28
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DevCwhy does gedit have C# syntax highlighting if ubuntu doesn't support c# programming o_O?01:28
_garryflasher222: If you're using the web interface to CUPS, you shouldn't need to. You just specify where it's plugged in. Or you specify where it is on the network if it's a network printer01:28
jribDevC: http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page01:28
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DevCjrib: I heard that wasn't sure fire way of using it yet though01:28
_garrythomas_: Use the 'find' command to change perms on the directories and files separately. Do 'man find' and ask again if you're not sure01:29
flasher222_garry: it's not a network printer01:29
jribDevC: there are applications in ubuntu written in c#01:29
wasp_emshello i am trying to install flash player on konqueror..but when i try ./flashplayer-istaller it only tries to install it on firefox..any help?01:29
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jvaioo flasher222, it should be much easier then01:29
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jvaijust load the printer drivers from the kernel01:30
_garryflasher222: OK, so you just tell it what make and model and where it's plugged in. Oh, and you have to give it a name. If you're a hardened U**X geek, you'd call it 'lp', but you can call it pretty much what you want01:30
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DevCjrib: who are some of the developers on ubuntu was curious what languages they used to make ubuntu ASM with parts of c/c++/c# or what lol01:30
jvaiflasher222 yu're on gnome right?01:30
flasher222ok. guys. hold on. I'm a big newbie01:30
DevCI'll go to that site and give it a look though01:30
flasher222jvai: i'm on xubuntu01:30
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_garrythomas_: Something like (off the top of my head): find -type d -print | xargs chmod 744 for directories01:30
thomas__garry: why can't i just use the -R switch on chmod?01:31
graftthomas_: because you want to leave directories executable01:31
_garrythomas_: Because you need at least one X perm on directories, but no X perms on your files01:31
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thomas__garry: ok i'll give that a go01:31
nikinbytheway what does ubuntu use for automounting? i was looking for hotplug but didnt found it, so it must be something else :P01:31
thomas__garry: and the folders should be 755?01:31
Taime1is divx part of the win32 codecs?01:31
_garrythomas_: the one for files would be something like: find -type f -print | xargs chmod 64401:32
DevCjlib: is it stable on ubuntu or will I have the bad luck of finding it mess up my installation?01:32
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thomas__garry: was that for files or folders?01:32
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_garrythomas_: NO, the one I gave you with -type d is for directories01:32
stormy|What would the command be to check and see if a certain package is found?01:32
_garrythomas_: and -type f is for files01:32
thomas__garry: ok cheers01:32
jribstormy|: apt-cache policy package01:32
_garrystormy|: "Found" where?01:32
sko0zycan someone recomend a good GUI python eviorment for a noob??01:33
stormy|lol i said the wrong word, should have been installed01:33
Taime1is divx part of the win32 codecs?01:33
flasher222my printer has a pararllel port, not usb cable01:33
_garrystormy|: Synaptic is the simplest way, IMO. Just hit the Search button01:33
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bitflipnikin: I believe gnome-volume-manager01:33
jvaisko0zy triy screem from the repos, it's an html editor01:33
_garryflasher222: hold on, mine's the same. I'll just go and check...01:33
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_garryflasher222: mine's plugged in the parallel port and it's /dev/parport001:34
jribsko0zy: just use your favorite text editor01:35
nikinbitflip :D01:35
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php-freakAny one know how to install lamp?01:36
jrib!lamp | php-freak01:36
sko0zyjrib, that all u u can recomend ?01:36
ubotuphp-freak: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.01:36
Taime1is divx part of the win32 codecs?01:36
_garrysko0zy: You could try eric: http://www.die-offenbachs.de/detlev/eric.html01:36
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SoulOrbFollowing ecrypted root howto.  Fresh install server amd64 6.10.  I do a modprobe aes_i586 and it does not find the module.  How do I install it?01:36
php-freakjrib: well I know that, but trying to figure out how I install it01:36
jribsko0zy: I like vim, but for a novice, you may not like it.  It's very powerful, but has a bit of a learning curve.  Gedit should do fine01:37
jribphp-freak: that page tells you how to install it01:37
ski-worklap-b342has anyone had success with a xfs / on edgy?01:37
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php-freakjrib: I read it, and it did not say.01:37
php-freakI didn't understand it to the fullest01:37
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blamelessSonic|Laptop: i believe the assembly module for aes in amd64 has a different name01:37
nikintrilliji: are you here?01:37
ski-worklap-b342i experienced multiple freezes, eventually had to xfs_recover -L, dump to a spare partition, and then restore to an ext3 / partition01:37
blamelessski-worklap-b342: yes.  i use xfs on / on two machines01:38
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php-freakapache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-serve its saying I need to install the following packages, and i tried going to the terminal, but Don't know exactly where I go01:38
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_garryTaime1: I've got several Divx codecs in my win32 codecs directory01:38
php-freakjrib: yea vim is nice01:38
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php-freakjrib: okay let me read this again, and ill be back01:38
ryanakcawhen compiling a kernel for a desktop with beryl and lots of high memory apps, what do you recommend, Preemptible kernel or Voluntary Kernel Preemption?01:39
php-freaksorry im a linux n00b01:39
jribphp-freak: click on the link it has about installing software: "any method" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware01:39
php-freakI read that, but let me read it again01:39
ubotuhula: integrated mail & calendar system with simple interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0+svn379-2.1 (edgy), package size 3081 kB, installed size 8452 kB01:39
Taime1sweet... is it as simple as installing in freespire? all i had to do was download it, extract it to /usr/lib/win....01:39
ski-worklap-b342blameless, edgy or dapper?01:39
jribphp-freak: basically in the terminal you do:  sudo apt-get install name_of_package01:39
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php-freakjrib: 1 question, what is dapper drake01:39
blamelessski-worklap-b342: both are edgy01:39
php-freakokay and sudo means super user01:39
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php-freakan kind of confused with apt-get01:39
Medical-WeiAnyone here?01:39
ski-worklap-b342maybe xfs wasn't the problem then01:39
blamelessone is amd64; one is x8601:39
ski-worklap-b342but it sure seems to have been01:40
jribphp-freak: it is a version of ubuntu, edgy is the most recent, dapper was the one before it01:40
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blamelessboth also have ext2 /boot partitions01:40
SoulOrbmnepton:  I guess it is aes in edgy not aes_i58601:40
ski-worklap-b342blameless, thats the setup i was shooting for01:40
Medical-WeiJiraiya: but it has long-term support01:40
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ski-worklap-b342everything was fine for a few hors and then it froze up. subsequent reboots froze when the bootup meter was about 40% of the way across01:40
blamelessSoulOrb: there isn't aes_i586 on amd64.  its like aes_x64 or something i believe01:40
hikenboothello all anyone know where I would put dhcp3-server deamon and bind9 deamon so they start on startup ?01:40
blamelessski-worklap-b342: overheating?01:41
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SoulOrbblameless: Just aes, no x6401:41
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Medical-WeiA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.01:42
php-freakwhere can i read up on these commands, and what they are?01:42
php-freakjrib: like the sudo apt-get install you just showed me01:42
php-freakcause im sure there is 100's of unix/linux commands01:42
Medical-WeiWhere could I change the console font01:42
SoulOrbAnyone know what I might be missing here on my initrd build? cp: cannot stat `/etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz': No such file or directory01:42
_garryhikenboot: The usual place to put startup stuff is in /etc/init.d with S and K symlinks in /etc/rcX.d where X is 1 to 501:42
jribubotu: tell php-freak about apt01:42
jribubotu: tell php-freak about cli01:42
zylchedd if=/dev/SoulOrb1 of=SoulOrb.bin01:42
zylche./brainhack --fragment-memory=1 --random-cluster-fault=1 -o SoulOrb_hack.bin SoulOrb.bin01:42
zylchedd if=SoulOrb_hack.bin of=/dev/SoulOrb101:42
Medical-Wei(i can't stfw by myself)01:42
php-freakjrib: you a software developer for a living?01:43
hikenbootthankis gary01:43
jribphp-freak: nope, a student01:43
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_garryphp-freak: There's a good guide in PDF format called RUTE. Covers a lot more than just command-line stuff01:43
php-freakI write php for a living, and self employed 22, but I figured i01:44
php-freaki'd switch to ubuntu01:44
php-freakseems pretty simple, just need to learn the commands, and etc01:44
SoulOrbzylche: Something useful might help.  A google brings up nothing.01:44
php-freakand definitions01:44
DevCjrib: did you ever catch my question?01:44
jribDevC: it is available through the repositories.  Don't install from the site01:45
php-freakdoes lamp contain phpmyadmin?01:45
nikinDevC are you using DevC on ubuntu?01:45
DevCjrib: oh ok what is the pacakage name if you happen to know it so I know what I'm looking for lol01:45
SoulOrbThis encrypted root is so much easier on ubuntu than gentoo.  Took me hours there, painstaking.01:45
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DevCnikin: nope I am DevC for Deviant Creations Studios01:46
jribDevC: I don't use mono, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MonoDevelopmentHowto says:  bash:~$ sudo apt-get install mono mono-mcs libgtk-cil libgtksourceview-cil libgecko-cil monodevelop monodoc01:46
lexi_hi @all01:46
nikinDevC :D ok01:46
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DevCjrib: ok thanks I'll go to the site and make sure I read it and any extra notes it has01:46
jribDevC: the most helpful information on there is probably the guides linked at the bottom01:47
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ThaimaishuGuys, I'm getting a black screen on 6.1001:47
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Thaimaishuaftrer the load screen on the install, is this normal?01:47
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ThaimaishuSomeone please help me01:47
DevCjrib: ok thanks :)01:48
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HymnToLifeThaimaishu, you mean _really_ black or with some text ?01:48
ThaimaishuREALLY black01:48
ThaimaishuAt first there is the blinking curso01:49
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Thaimaishuand then after that, it just goes black almost like a screensaver after like 20 mins of nothing.01:49
ThaimaishuDoesn't even give me a GUI menu for setup. I haven't reached even that far yet.01:49
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Thaimaishuplus, i got a reply to my forums thread, they asked for more info, and i was gonna give, but forums broke on me.  I'm positive i used the right info and everything, just wont let me log in.01:50
ThaimaishuSo, would you happen to know what is wrong with my stuff?01:50
_garryThaimaishu: Is this happening while trying to install, or after you've installed?01:51
ThaimaishuWhile trying to install01:51
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ThaimaishuI am not even able to get to the install menu yet.  After the loading screen it just stops.01:51
SoulOrbWhere can I get more info on the UUID=d6bd6e8d in fstab?01:51
jrib!uuid | SoulOrb01:51
ubotuSoulOrb: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:51
lexi_just upgraded initramfs-tools against edgy-proposed. kernel does not want to boot any longer after that.  complains modprobe can?t open shared object file  libc.so.6. anyone with that problem ?01:51
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ThaimaishuI'll try again.  I'll tell you what happens thanks all.01:51
_garryThaimaishu: So you don't get to choose safe mode?01:51
ThaimaishuWell, no01:52
SoulOrbjrib: Thanks01:52
_garryBad CD/DVD burn, maybe?01:52
blameless!uuid | blameless01:52
ubotublameless: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:52
ThaimaishuI can choose options, it just won't load enough to get to the "real" install menu01:52
php-freakmaybe I should stay away from phpmyadmin, and just use mysql command line interface :)01:52
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ThaimaishuI just reburned Garry, thanks for your help.  I'll try again, and get back to you all on the results.01:53
ThaimaishuBe back in 30 mins if all goes well.01:53
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ivxhey if i have folders in side folders in side folders that all need to have there permissions  changed, how can i change all the sub folders at the same time01:54
SebHalHello everybody. I have some weird problems after installing Nvidia-drivers. When i logout from X to login as another user I get thrown into tty1. Anyone know what the problem can be?01:54
noiesmoivx, man chmod01:54
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green_earzivx: chmod -R  dir01:54
noiesmochmod -R /path/to/folder01:54
_garryivx: You need to use 'chmod' with the 'find' command so that it only changes the directories, not the files01:55
ryanakcawhat version of glibc does edgy have? 2.3.11 ?01:55
Virogenesishey people, I need to insert a script that will startup a synergy daemon every time my xwindows boots up, basically the linux just has to type synergyc --daemon -n server  on Xboot, how do I do that?01:55
ivxwell i have to change all the files also01:55
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_garryivx: Something like: find /top_folder -type d | xargs chmod 74401:55
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_garryivx: But you don't want the files having the same perms as the directories, do you?01:56
ivx_garry yes01:56
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ivx_garry so what will the 744 make it01:56
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_garryivx: OK, then chmod -R 544 (or whatever) will do the job01:56
JJRR123Jamesrose Anybody know how to set up httpd.conf so when you type http://intranet/ it loads a dir?01:56
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Magic_Boatcan somebody tell me how to turn off the vim's auto-backup-files feature01:57
ivx_garry what would the number be for every to read/write/excute01:57
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_garryivx: 744 is rwxr--r--, which is read perms for everyone, write for owner, execute (or enter directory) for owner01:57
_garry777 is rwx for everyone01:57
jribMagic_Boat: :he backup01:57
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_garryivx: but that's very bad, security-wise01:58
Magic_Boatjrib: thx01:58
ivxso sudo find /dir/ -type d | xargs 777 will do it01:58
ivx_garry it is my www folder, they all have root only so ftp isn't working01:58
_garryivx: No, you left off the chmod command01:58
SebHalanyone know how i dont get to login screen after i logout? I end up in a plain terminal01:58
_garryIt would be something like: sudo find /dir -type d | xargs chmod 77701:59
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ivx_garry so just throw chmod at the end01:59
oOKenTOoi have som problems when i boot after i have installed ubuntu or debian when i boot and boot up in ubuntu or debian it's working fine but i have all so windows on my computer on a other hdd.. but if i choose to boot in windows and reboot i get a wierd error i think it is... it boot until i reach loading grub stage 1.5 and reboot again and do it for ever until i install ubuntu or debian again..01:59
oOKenTOoit is my first time to really try any kind of linux on my computer so don't give me all those fancy words that i don't really get, if you know what i mean...01:59
_garryBut something like "chmod -R 777 www" should also work01:59
_garryivx: Just make sure you specify the full path to the directory. Or change to the one above it first02:00
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minimecoOKenTOo: So in fact you can't boot windows, but you can boot on linux.02:01
ivx_garry yes got it thank you sir02:01
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oOKenTOominimec: no not after i boot in windows.. after that i have to reinstall linux again..02:01
_garryivx: Best to check the manpages for 'find' and 'chmod' in case I got something wrong02:01
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|thunderCan I disable the GDM by changing runlevels? I want text login02:01
trigg3rI was wondering if anybody knew how to give ubuntu windows ntfs read/write support02:02
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse02:02
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ivx_garry, it worked, i just did it02:02
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minimecoOKenTOo: And this windows installatin is your old one that you made smaller with a partition tool?02:02
_garryivx: Great!02:02
_thomashey guys i've completely broken the permissions on my system and it won't let me log into my user accounts. i don't have graphical access to my system at all it just says "directory /home/user doesn't exist" and then it will log back out to gdm. is there any thing i can do to restore sane defaults to the permissions on my system, because as is, it doesn't work at all (graphically anyway)02:03
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Virogenesishey people, I need to insert a script that will startup a synergy daemon every time my xwindows boots up, basically the linux just has to type synergyc --daemon -n server  on Xboot, how do I do that?02:03
First|Bleh_thomas: manually, from the root account? that's about the only way short of reinstalling.02:04
oOKenTOominimec: i allready have installed windows before i intalled linux.. but when i intalled linux i installed it on a new empty hdd..02:04
php-freakwhats does gksudo mean02:04
_garry_thomas: Start off with 'chown -R thomas.thomas /home/thomas' (substitute your real user name)02:04
php-freakI know sudo is super user, but whats gksudo02:04
|thunder_thomas; is your home folder missing ?02:04
darkmatterphp-freak, its a gtk frontend to sudo02:05
_thomas_garry: ok02:05
|thunder_thomas; try ctrl-alt-f602:05
darkmatteras in avoiding the terminal02:05
php-freakdarkmatter: what do you mean02:05
_thomas|thunder: i'm in control alt f6 :)02:05
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darkmatterits a gui.02:05
Skwid_i feel stupid but ... how do I add an icon to /home/user on my desktop ?02:05
mordofwhat command is it to display all the computers hardware?02:05
|thunder_thomas; ok ls -la      is there a home folder there ?  if so can you cd into it ?02:05
minimecoOKenTOo: Ok. So the two OS are on seperate hdd. And the linux hdd is master?02:06
mordofi know cat /proc/cpuinfo is for the cpu02:06
mordofbut i don't know the entire comp hardware one02:06
_garry_thomas: As |thunder says, you need to get to a shell with, e.g. Ctrl-alt-f602:06
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:06
darkmatterphp-freak, http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/Screenshot-gksudo-1.png <--- thats gksudo02:06
|thunderSkwid_; gconf-editor   apps/nautilus/desktop02:06
_garrySkwid_: Which desktop? Gnome, KDE, XFCE, something_else?02:06
_thomas_garry: i'm at a shell now, i typed that, but i still get permission denied when i try to cd into my ~02:06
oOKenTOominimec: my windows hdd is IDE 1 master and the Linux hdd is IDE 2 master02:06
_garry_thomas: But the directory exists, right?02:07
_thomas_garry: yes i can browse it with root02:07
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jugheaddoes anyone still burn in new computers?02:07
|thunder_thomas; still, can youj cd into the home dir? is so, what are the permissions and owners of your thomas directory ?02:07
SebHalVirogenesis, "sudo crontab -e" and add " @reboot synergyc --daemon -n server "02:07
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Skwid_|thunder: and then ?02:07
_garry_thomas: OK, so you (as root) need to change the ownership and perms of the directory02:07
firebirdhi how do i play movie files with .avi,.mpeg in ubuntu02:08
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HymnToLife!codecs | firebird02:08
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ubotufirebird: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:08
Skwid_|thunder: it seems to be empty02:08
minimecoOKenTOo: grub is stored in which boot sector? hdd-win or hdd-linux?02:08
_thomas_garry: ok, now you said how to do that before with find, but i've lost it. so what should i type?02:08
firebirdcan i install Vlc player in ubuntu02:08
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_garry_thomas: start off by changing ownership: chown -R thomas.thomas /home/thomas (or whatever your user name is)02:09
jribfirebird: yes, install the vlc package02:09
_thomas_garry: yep done that02:09
jrib!info vlc | firebird02:09
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB02:09
computermcI used the directions from ubuntuguide.org to install xgl and beryl, after I finished it worked for a little bit but then stopped, what am I doing wrong?02:09
jrib!xgl | computermc02:09
ubotucomputermc: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:09
oOKenTOominimec: hdd-win (i think..not sure...but allmost sure)02:09
computermcok thanks02:09
firebirdcan i do it with aptget or from the ubuntu package manager02:09
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mordofcan anyone tell me the command for bash to display the computer hardware?02:10
mordofplease, heh02:10
jribmordof: lspci? lshw?02:10
mordofoo ty02:10
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_garry_thomas: now do chmod 755 /home/thomas02:10
|thunder_thomas; try this.   cd /home/      then     chown -R thomas:thomas ./thomas02:10
minimecoOKenTOo: I would probably set the hdd-linux as IDE 1 slave...02:10
Skwid_|thunder: there doesnt seem to be a key in that directory02:10
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|thundera key ?02:11
|thunderand 5 gives execute privs02:11
oOKenTOominimec: hmm okay.. and if that is not working got any others ideas?02:11
minimecoO or even better ... do a clean linux install and set hdd-linux as IDE1 master and hdd-win as IDE slave and configure burb afterwards...02:11
|thunderRW is 602:11
Skwid_|thunder: when I navigate to your path in gconf, there is nothing02:11
ryanakcahow can you tell if you have ISA slots? (I don't see a 'lsisa' or something like that)02:11
minimecoOKenTOo: or even better ... do a clean linux install and set hdd-linux as IDE1 master and hdd-win as IDE slave and configure burb afterwards...02:11
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|thunderSkwid_; not on gnome ?02:12
Skwid_|thunder: yes, i am in gnome02:12
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|thunderSkwid_; then there should be02:12
_garry_thomas: you melted your box yet?02:13
oOKenTOominimec: hmm okay... is there any way to remove the grub loader and get the computer to reboot normally?02:13
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Skwid_nope ... definetely no key in /apps/nautilus/desktop02:13
_thomas_garry: hehe not just yet :)02:13
mordof_thomas: melted your box.. did you OC it like crazy?02:13
minimecoOKenTOo: on win or on linux? You have the possibility to configure the master boot secot with the live CD, I think.02:14
_thomas_garry: ok did that, still can't access it. when i do an ls -l of /home it says that i own it, and all the files in the dir i own. but i still can't cd in there. i seriously don't get whats going on02:14
_thomasmordof: oc who in the what now?02:14
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|thunderSkwid_; sry mang, there should be 10 of em. that do exactly what you want. you could try making a soft link.02:14
mordof_thomas: he asked if you had melted your box.. was thinking maybe he meant from overheating, in which case was asking if you had overclocked it, heh02:14
Magic_BoatDon't forget that functions, like the one above, can be placed in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile so that they are available for use whenever you are in bash. ///how to use a bash function in the .bashrc when you're in bash?02:14
Skwid_|thunder: how come i have none ? :(02:15
mordofif not, then i'm entirely misunderstanding and will leave you to your own devices02:15
oOKenTOominimec: so i could reboot in windows for now?02:15
_thomasmordof: haha ok, no i've just borked the shit out of my permissions02:15
_garry_thomas: enter 'whoami' and tell us the result02:15
|thunderSkwid_; `using nautilus ?02:15
mordof_thomas: ohhh, uh oh02:15
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Skwid_|thunder: yeah ...02:15
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_thomas_garry: i'm thomas hehe, yeah the output was thomas02:15
|thunderyou know how to make a soft link ?02:15
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Skwid_|thunder: nope, what is it ?02:15
_garry_thomas: OK, so as thomas you can't get into your own directory. Can you get in as root?02:16
mordofhey can anyone tell me how to make a symlink? and what a symlink is!?02:16
|thunderln -s target linkfile02:16
minimecoOKenTOo: Hmm.. Modifying grub... htere should be a possibility, but I am not sure.02:16
_thomas_garry: do you mean can i cd into /home/thomas?02:16
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Skwid_|thunder: oh, yeah that i know :)02:16
ryanakcaare any crucial components of ubuntu in a.out format?02:16
ThaimaishuGarry still here?02:16
ThaimaishuIt did not work.02:16
_garry_thomas: yes, can you cd into /home/thomas when you're root?02:16
|thundermordof; you too. ln -s target linkfile02:16
_garryThaimaishu: yes, I'm here02:17
ThaimaishuIt didn't work.02:17
ThaimaishuI have run disk checks and everything, it just goes to the screen with the white cursor, flashes and goes black.02:17
oOKenTOominimec: well yeah.. but i don't really know how to, because it is my first time to use linux...02:17
_garryThaimaishu: what didn't? My memory isn't so good these days :-)02:17
ThaimaishuI think there may be a graphics problem.02:17
ThaimaishuThe installation02:17
Skwid_how do i change the language of gnome-spell ?02:17
mordof|thunder: ooooh, cause i recently came accross a guide to do some funky install for apache or w/e, and it said to do a symlink.. and i have no idea and it didn't show me so i had to leavce it, heh02:17
_garryThaimaishu: Oh, I remember, the black screen02:17
_thomas_garry: ok so i sudo -s, then i can cd into /home/thomas no worries02:17
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ThaimaishuYeah, the black screen.02:18
_garryThaimaishu: I agree, could be your graphics card02:18
ThaimaishuShould I try 6.6?02:18
_garry_thomas: so it's probably perms on your directory. Do 'ls -l /home/thomas' What's the output?02:18
mordoftime to convert my server from wink2 pro to ubuntu server! yay02:18
ThaimaishuWell, I can play games and stuff fine.  World of Warcraft supports fine.  SuSE linux also worked fine.  I have a 256 mb ATI Radeon 920002:18
_garryThaimaishu: worth a shot...02:19
minimecoOKenTOo: I would set hdd-linux as IDE master and hdd-win as IDE 1 slave... then do a clean ubuntu install. The windows Os should be recignized during the installation process...02:19
ThaimaishuAlright, now if 6.06 does work, could I upgrade from in it?02:19
_garryThaimaishu: I've read about some people having troubles with upgrading from Dapper to Edgy02:19
oOKenTOominimec: hmm i'll give it a try.. thanks for the help anyway..02:19
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minimecoOKenTOo: sorry for the typing errors ...02:19
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minimecoOKenTOo: np02:20
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_thomas_garry: ok so its drwxr-xr-x thomas thomas 409602:20
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kleescan someone help me with my /etc/fstab???02:20
_thomas_garry: everything in there is like that02:20
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Skwid_|thunder: ok, i added all the keys by hand, is there a way to reset the keys in gconf for a specific program ? it's not the first time i'm missing some for nautilus02:20
Thaimaishuok, well i'll try out Dapper, see if anything works02:20
kleesdoing a df -h doesn't show my root partition02:20
_garry_thomas: I meant do 'ls -ld /home/thomas'02:20
strabes!ask | klees02:20
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ubotuklees: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:20
Thaimaishuthen I can use the 6.1 alt cd I guess02:20
_garry_thomas: are you saying that /home/thomas is drwxr-xr-x?02:21
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kleeswell after restoring my system i can not use my previous /etc/fstab02:21
|thunderSkwid_; you added keys to gconf-editor ? how'd you know which ones to add ?02:21
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Uberrifficanyone have the problem where they play a dvd, and it shows up on hte primary monitor, but when the video itself won't show on a second monitor? (I have laptop LCD hooked up to Projector)02:21
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Skwid_|thunder: http://www.gnome.org/~bmsmith/gconf-docs/C/nautilus.html02:21
kleesi'm not sure if it's because of the UID in it02:21
_thomas_garry: ok i'll do an ld just a sec, do you want that on the contents or the dir itself?02:21
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strabesklees: what do you mean you cannot 'use' it02:21
UberrifficEverything shows up except for the video on the projector. It's strange.02:21
kleesstrabes: when i uncomment my root line my mouse doesn't work when the system starts up02:22
_garry_thomas: I want the perms on /home/thomas and 'ls -ld /home/thomas' should show those02:22
|thunderSkwid_; they should enable on the fly. but then again. its not expecting them to be there. i dont know why02:22
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klees# /dev/sdb202:22
kleesUUID=ec9d4829-fc43-41ff-bbd6-d801be3ae835 /02:22
kleesthat's the line02:22
klees# /dev/sdb202:22
kleesUUID=ec9d4829-fc43-41ff-bbd6-d801be3ae835 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       102:22
phidauxanyone have a sec for a Wine question? it's not popping up under "open with" dialog02:22
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strabesklees: your mouse doesn't work because of something that you did in /etc/fstab??? I don't know anything about that02:22
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kleesmy mouse is disabled if i uncomment that line02:23
klees(after rebooting)02:23
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[Scythereal] How do I change the hostname of my ubuntu 6.10 server?02:23
[Scythereal] I want to start an intranet at http://intranet/ but I'm not sure how to go about it02:24
HymnToLife[Scythereal] , sudo hostname your_very_cool_new_hostname02:24
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[Scythereal] And computers on the intranet will recognise that?02:24
_thomas_garry: ok so its drwxr-xr-x , however when i do a ls -ld /home it says its drw-r--r-- twev root 409 (twev is another user on the system) do you think that is whats wrong?02:24
HymnToLifealso don't forget to edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts accordingly02:24
kleesstrabes: i restored my system so it's using the UID from prior setup02:25
HymnToLife[Scythereal] , of course not02:25
[Scythereal] /etc/hosts on the server?02:25
kleesstrabes: is it supposed to use a new UID02:25
[Scythereal] I've edited /etc/HOSTNAME02:25
_garry_thomas: Yes, that's what's wrong. As root, do 'chown thomas.thomas /home/thomas'02:25
HymnToLifeyou need to either setup a DNS server or edit /Etc/hosts on each of them02:25
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r00t_anyone can tell me what software is it http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4716602:25
[Scythereal] Damn.02:25
zylcheHymnToLife, sudo make ./sandwich > /dev/mouth02:25
_garry_thomas: then do 'chmod 755 /home/thomas'02:25
_thomas_garry: no the twev part is on /home not /home/thomas do you get me?02:26
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HymnToLifesudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/zylche02:26
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_garry_thomas: /home should be owned by root.root02:26
|thunderit stated that in the 3rd comment02:26
HymnToLifeall right, that was lame02:26
HymnToLifeI _definitely_ need some sleep02:26
strabesr00t_: that's a theme for cairo-clock02:26
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_thomas_garry: so do a chown root.root /home ?02:26
Skwid_it appears i'm missing all my keys for nautilus, anyway I can restore them ? i tried reinstalling the package, that didn't work, |thunder an idea ?02:26
_garry_thomas: chown root.root /home02:26
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r00t_strabes,  where do i get it ?02:27
|thunderSkwid_; none. ive never heard of that02:27
strabesr00t_: a really good desktop clock widget02:27
yangerin ubuntu, dapper drake, i noticed that /usr/sbin/nologin is not there... is there a way to allow a user ftp access, but block ssh access? when i give him /bin/false, ftp fails as well...02:27
r00t_strabes,  i really want it02:27
strabesr00t_: www.google.com02:27
|thunderr00t_; google cairo-clock02:27
_thomas_garry: i think that fixed it just a sec02:27
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seanmeirI added some things to system-preferences-sessions .. and now gnome won't start, how do I remove those things; what is the path to where those are stored?02:28
_garry_thomas: fixed /home/thomas, maybe, but there's still the small matter of the files/directories in /home/thomas02:28
zylchesudo /dev/random > /dev/HymnToLife/irc02:28
_thomas_garry: ok now i can cd into my /home/thomas from thomas02:28
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HymnToLifethat obviously won't work, dude ;)02:28
kleeshow can i find the UUID of partitions?02:28
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HymnToLifewhy do you want to ?02:28
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jrib!uuid | klees02:28
ubotuklees: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:29
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HymnToLifejust use /dev/whatever02:29
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_garry_thomas: what do the perms look like in there? i.e. of the subdirectories and files?02:29
_garry_thomas: In other words, how big a  mess is it in?02:29
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green_earz yanger:    with /bin/false ftp should be ok, have tryed ftp with /bin/false02:29
kleesjrib: is it required to have the UUID in /etc/fstab?02:29
jribklees: no02:29
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HymnToLifeklees, nope, /dev/whatever still works02:30
seanmeirwhere does system->preferences->sessions store it's files?02:30
HymnToLifeI'and I'm still wondering what the hell the point of using UUIDs is02:30
|thunderseanmeir; /etc/gdm/02:30
_garry_thomas: 'ls -l' will give you an idea02:30
_thomas_garry: there good, except for files that have a leading dot02:30
seanmeir|thunder, thank you02:30
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|thunderseanmeir; i think, maybe02:30
_garry_thomas: and what's up with the 'leading-dot' files? Wrong ownership? Wrong perms?02:31
_thomas_garry: they're all drwxr-xr-x02:31
kleesok thanks02:31
strabes_garry: those are hidden files02:31
TiG4-Laptop***--- Just installed, Edgy Server, enabled universe and security, tried 'sudo apt-get install ssh', but it asks me to insert my install cd, so I insert it and hit enter, but it never does anything, stuck at, '[Working 0%] ' . Any ideas on how I can make it use apt and not the cd02:31
_garry_thomas: and is this directories AND files, just directories, or just files?02:31
yangergreen_earz, i'm testing it right now, it doesn't work ;\ i think...02:31
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_thomas_garry: they're -rwxr-xr-x02:32
_thomas_garry: owned by me02:32
AnthonyGModem O' Modem, Connect ye old modem :D02:32
_garrystrabes: thanks, I know they're 'hidden files'. I wanted to know the perms02:32
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_garry_thomas: ok, just need to change those perms02:32
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_thomas_garry: to 755?02:33
HymnToLife_garry, you need to add the -a parameter to ls to show hidden files02:33
strabes_garry: ok ok sorry lol02:33
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kydim haveing trouble with my wireless network.02:33
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seanmeirI added some things to system-preferences-sessions .. and now gnome won't start, how do I remove those things; what is the path to where those are stored?02:33
green_earzyanger: if i remember right it was with vsftpd that is use the /bin/false02:34
_garry_thomas: you need to do "find -type f -name '.*' | xargs chmod whatever'02:34
_garry_thomas: note the quotes round the '.*'02:34
yangergreen_earz, ah, i'm using proftpd02:34
kydi can not see the network i am on with my other pc02:34
|thunderkyd; if your trying to use ndiswrapper. good luck02:34
_garry_thomas: and 'whatever' should probably be 64402:34
kydoh oh.....why?02:34
_garryHymnToLife: thanks, but I'm not doing the 'ls', _thomas is... :-)02:34
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kydthunder: im useing ubuntu 6.1002:35
_garry_thomas: 644 should give you rw-r--r--02:35
|thundergotta run.02:35
_thomas_garry: ok thats read write read read i guess. just a sec02:35
_garry_thomas: you might want some (or all) of them to be rw-r----- which is 64002:35
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_thomas_garry: and the directories should be 755 right?02:36
green_earzyanger:   http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/91/394887/30/360/threaded02:37
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Virogenesishow do I setup startup stuff to be loaded on runlevel5... I just want to exec one line, on Xwin start...02:37
Virogenesishelp :(02:37
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_garry_thomas: probably. That would be rwxr-xr-x02:37
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_thomas_garry: ok just a sec02:37
TiG4-Laptop***--- Just installed, Edgy Server, enabled universe and security, tried 'sudo apt-get install ssh', but it asks me to insert my install cd, so I insert it and hit enter, but it never does anything, stuck at, '[Working 0%] ' . Any ideas on how I can make it use apt and not the cd02:37
eightyhow can i boot ubuntu in command line mode?02:38
seanmeirI added some things to "system->preferences->sessions" .. and now gnome won't start, how do I remove those things; what is the path to where those are stored?02:38
paddygmanHi i'm paddy and i have a problem with a bug in mysqladmin anyone have a mo to help02:38
eightyi.e. , don't load gnome desktop stuff02:38
_garryVirogenesis: look at the stuff in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc2.d02:38
Virogenesiseighty, edit etc/inittab02:38
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green_earzTiG4-Laptop: on the command line use the command sudo apt-setup and then pick a http mirror02:38
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Virogenesiseighty, line that says id:5:initdefault: change to id:2:initdefault02:39
_thomas_garry: ok hopefully that has fixed everything. you've saved the day mate, i can finally go watch the cricket i think. thanks very much, your patience and knowledge are fantastic02:39
eightyi can't seem to get to that file... installed gnome without terminal02:39
eightyso i have this nice gui with no apps :)02:39
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_garry_thomas: you're welcome. Enjoy! :-)02:39
paddygmanHi i'm paddy and i have a problem with a bug in mysqladmin anyone have a mo to help02:39
Virogenesis_garry: I hafta make scripts in order to get something running, I don't know if I know how to do that02:39
ryanakcaare any crucial components of ubuntu in a.out format?02:39
z0mbi3sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:39
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Virogenesiseighty, sudo nano /etc/inittab02:40
TiG4-Laptopgreen_earz, sudo apt-setup returns, command not found02:40
wereHamstercan somene please find out for me which package provides /usr/include/GL/gl.h?02:40
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eightyi can't get a terminal interface though02:40
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paddygmanHi i'm paddy and i have a problem with a bug in mysqladmin anyone have a mo to help02:40
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AnthonyGAnyone care to assist me with this problem? See: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:40
AnthonyGI yern to get this modem working correctly :(02:41
paddygmancan anyone help me to install a version of phpadmin i've just downloaded02:41
_garryVirogenesis: look at the files in /etc/init.d and use them as a template. You'll see that each has sections to start, stop, and restart the command. If you don't need that much control, just put a file into /etc/init.d that runs whatever...02:41
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songis there a gnome-mount existed in edgy?02:41
TiG4-Laptopgreen_earz, sudo apt-setup returns, command not found02:41
Virogenesis_garry, so you mean add my line along with something else that runs?02:41
_garryVirogenesis: and put a symlink in /etc/rc2.d (and maybe rc3.d, rc4.d and rc5.d that link to the file in /etc/init.d02:41
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eightyi installed gnome on ubuntu server... how can i get to the terminal app now?02:42
yangerahh fixed! thanks!02:42
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eightynot in app menu02:42
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paddygmancan anyone help me to install a version of phpadmin i've just downloaded02:42
_garryVirogenesis: No, I mean put a shell script into /etc/init.d that does whatever you need to run at startup. Then put a symlink into one or more of the /etc/rcX.d directories02:42
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Virogenesis_garry, I just need that file to execute when im in X windows02:42
ryanakcaare any crucial ubuntu components in a.out format?02:42
_garryVirogenesis: wish you'd said that earlier...02:42
dougbdoes anyone know how to completely remove xgl and beryl? the guide on ubuntu forums does not work02:43
green_earzTiG4-Laptop: well its should sudo apt-setup  is one of the standard apt command why ???02:43
Virogenesis_garry, :D02:43
Virogenesis_garry, that's runlevel5 right?02:43
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Virogenesis_garry, i'll just make a symlink in runlevel5 that points to the script in init.d02:43
songI cannot directly get from sources, and i remeber in dapper there is such utility02:43
TiG4-Laptopgreen_earz, this is an edgy server not edgy desktop02:43
yangeri  have a fat32 fs mounted as root.. in the fat32 fs, there's a folder named DATA. Is there a way to chgrp the DATA folder without altering the group ownership of the rest of the drive?02:43
_garryVirogenesis: I've only just startedusing Ubuntu. In Suse there's a Startup directory somewhere in your home directory where you put stuff that you want to have run in X02:43
budluvaeighty, alt-f2 then type xterm02:43
_garryVirogenesis: That's what I was suggesting02:43
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Virogenesis_garry, ima give it a go, thanx02:44
_garryVirogenesis: but you need to make sure X is running at that point02:44
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AnthonyGPlease, I'm in desperate need of help with this :'( . It's been close to a week since I attempted to get this functional: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:44
eightycould not open it02:44
=== yoshi [n=yoshi@jus25-2-82-235-91-206.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
paddygmancan anyone help me to install a version of phpadmin i've just downloaded02:44
nickv111Hey, guys, this is weird. When I boot into the install CD, my sound card is recognized as an HDA ATI SB, and all of the mixers recognize it as so. However, when I boot into my recently-installed system, the sound card is recognized as a Realtek ACL883. Weirdest of all, when I do cat /proc/asound/cards, it returns "HDA ATI SB" correctly when in my install, which is correct. I really just wish my sound card were recognized right.02:44
eightythere are no known apps02:44
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phoeni1can someone help me to install vlc in ubuntu02:44
green_earzTiG4-Laptop: log in as su and try apt-setup02:44
budluvano known apps?02:44
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_garryVirogenesis: you could just try adding a line to /etc/init.d/rc.local02:44
budluvagoto system>synaptic02:44
darksmileyhey guys - i have a fairly fresh install of ubuntu and firefox keeps crashing.  i have installed official addons for java and flash and stuff from and add/remove tool02:45
budluvaeighty, err system/administration/synaptic02:45
darksmileyi just removed java and it still does it =O!!!02:45
Virogenesis_garry, YES rc.local that's the one !!! thanx !!! :D02:45
budluvaeighty, then install xterm02:45
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bitflipdarksmiley: it's probably flash...02:45
eightyonly thing there is login window, system monitor02:45
yangerdarksmiley, firefox crashes on me too...02:45
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firebirdhow do i install vlc player in ubuntu02:45
yangerflash kills02:45
eightyboy i really messed something up :|02:45
darksmileylol... ah!02:45
Virogenesis_garry, before or after exit 0 line ?02:45
_garryVirogenesis: you're welcome. Time to go, I think02:45
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darksmileyhold on, i'll uninstall it02:45
budluvaeighty, how did you install gnome?02:45
_garryVirogenesis: hang on...02:45
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Virogenesis_garry, im here02:45
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eightyaptitude via command line02:46
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eightyon ubuntu server02:46
budluvaeighty, ya what package?02:46
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_garryVirogenesis: Yes, I meant /etc/rc.local, not /etc/init.d/rc.local, and it must go before the exit 0 line02:46
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bitflipwereHamster: libgl1-mesa-dev provides GL headers if your gfx card doesn't provide them02:46
eightyone sec...02:46
AnthonyGI'm in desperate need of help with this :'( . It's been close to a week since I attempted to get this functional: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:46
Virogenesis_garry, done, thanx a lot man !!!02:46
ski-worklap-b342anyone ever have this problem?02:46
ski-worklap-b342Internal error: failed to initialize HAL02:46
paddygmancan anyone help me to install a version of phpadmin i've just downloaded02:46
ryanakcaare any crucial ubuntu components in a.out format?02:46
eightysudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome-core02:46
_garryVirogenesis: welcome. Time for me to go02:47
Virogenesis_garry, cheers !02:47
darksmileyyes it was flash!! you geniuses =D02:47
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seanmeirI added some things to "system->preferences->sessions" .. and now gnome won't start, how do I remove those things; what is the path to where those are stored?02:47
eightyudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gdm02:47
darksmileybut now... how to get flash working =S02:47
dougbdoes anyone know how to uninstall xgl and beryl?02:47
ski-worklap-b342ryanakca, i highly doubt it02:47
budluvaeighty, it should have installed a terminal for you02:47
ski-worklap-b342elf has been "the way" for like 7 or 8 years now02:47
eightyyeah, that's what i though02:47
eightybut alas, no terminal02:47
ryanakcaski-worklap-b342: good, I guess I can disable that in my kernel :D02:47
darksmileypaddygman: what kind of package is it?02:48
AnthonyGI'm in desperate need of help with this :'( . It's been close to a week since I attempted to get this functional: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:48
korydarksmiley: had the same problem with Flash... the fix at this site worked for me... http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-upgrade-common-problems-with-solutions.html02:48
wereHamsterbitflip, thanks02:48
eightybudluva... anything else to try?02:48
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darksmileygood stuff kory thanks02:49
ski-worklap-b342ryanakca, it's only a few k, not sure why you'd bother02:49
ryanakcaski-worklap-b342: so that I know if ever it really is important? :D02:50
Skwid_where are my gconf keys located ?02:50
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paddygmanthis place is mad02:51
AnthonyGFor the love of all things merciful and Linux-ant , Assist an web-less fool ! http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:51
JJRR123JamesroseCan sombody help me with apache?02:51
seanmeirI added some things to "system->preferences->sessions" .. and now gnome won't start, how do I remove those things; what is the path to where those are stored?02:51
JJRR123JamesroseIve set it up so i can access my local webserver from http://intranet/02:51
JJRR123Jamesrosebut i get a 403 error, when i try to access it02:52
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ski-worklap-b342ryanakca, well, it's like vfat02:52
ski-worklap-b342you don't need it until one day you need to plug in a usb drive02:52
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ski-worklap-b342then you have to wait for a kernel compile before you can doanything02:52
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ski-worklap-b342but if you'd rather save a few k of mem, go ahead02:53
phoeni1hi all02:53
Skwid_where can i find a cairo-clock deb ?02:53
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paddygmanphoenil u lookin for vlc?02:53
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darksmileykory, you rule man!! thanks =D02:53
darksmileyit works!02:53
dasMettyhi @ all02:53
r00t_how do i use image on applications menu?02:53
AnthonyGHello :D02:53
paddygmandarksmiley any help for my prob02:53
darksmileyoh sorry man!02:54
darksmileyi'm here again =)02:54
darksmileyso repeat, what's up?02:54
ozonecoi want to ssh my pc, i get connection refused02:54
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minimecseanmeir: What did you add?02:54
seanmeirminimec: some beryl crap i found on a forum02:55
dasMettyive got a question: how do i get Kernelheaders, to install my wlan-card, if i don't have access to the inet through ubuntu?02:55
seanmeirminimec: i know, stupid02:55
Random_Transithey, if i want to have something run on startup, i put it in /etc/rc.local, right?02:55
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minimecseanmeir: a simple script?02:55
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AnthonyGI refuse to give up on this, would someone please do me the _great_ favor of looking at this topic? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965902:55
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seanmeirminimec: a command.. i think dbus-launch beryl --use-cow --force-aiglx02:56
ozonecoservice iptables start, doesn't work....what should?02:56
darksmileywoah anthony, sorry that's too advanced for me02:56
seanmeirminimec: also with emerald --replace02:56
AnthonyGdarksmiley: Bah, That's fine, at least you replied :)02:56
seanmeirminimec: i just need to take those out of sessions--I'm 100% sure they are causing gnome to crash02:56
darksmileyyou must have a strange modem to have it unsupported by ubuntu - my laptop one was picked up ok i think02:57
Skwid_please help me :( how do i reload my gconf to match what's in /home/user/.gconf ???02:57
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seanmeirminimec: i just don't know where the location of the startupitems are stored02:57
minimecseanmeir: I don't know, where they are stored ...02:57
seanmeirminimec: dang, heh02:58
dasMettyguys, does anybody now, how to download Kernelheaders for Ubuntu 6.06? Without a inet-connection?02:58
seanmeirminimec: i'm installing KDE right now, try to log in a KDE session, maybe reinstall gnome fresh.. because i don't know how to edit those startupitems02:58
darksmileyi'm listening to a recording of jimi hendrix live at woodstock on amarok... =D!02:58
minimecseanmeir: If you go on console mode and rename the .gnome and gnome2 direcory?02:58
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darksmileyoh, speaking of KDE, does anyone else prefer the default gnome look to the default KDE one? are they going to improve it when they properly switch to KDE?02:59
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Random_Transithey...i'm trying to get top to run on startup on TTY9...what command do i need to put in rc.local??02:59
darksmileykubuntu is way too blue and cold for my liking =S02:59
seanmeirminimec: i'm in console right now, with bitchx =).  What files do you think i should rename?02:59
Skwid_anyone ?02:59
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AnthonyG:| , http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=309659 , One look gentlemen......02:59
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paddygmanAnthonyG, too advanced for me sorry03:00
PeloSkwid_,   try the forum03:00
kalikianaAnybody here who wanna play pioneers?03:00
AnthonyGI've exhausted every possible solution I can think of03:00
minimecseanmeir: the directories .gnome and .gnome2 in your /home/yourname03:00
paddygmanAnthonyG,  want a new modem03:00
AnthonyGpaddygman: Once again , At least you replied :)03:00
vaderAnthonyG, I wonder, do you have a dial tone on the line? It is a simple question, but sometimes it is the right question03:00
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AnthonyGvader: Yes03:00
AnthonyGI wouldn't be here otherwise03:00
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paddygmanAnthonyG, what kind of modem is it03:00
vaderAnthonyG, I realize03:00
jugheadwhat fun games does everyone here play on ubuntu?03:00
minimecseanmeir: do some kind of backup and start fresh ...03:00
AnthonyGSee thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965903:00
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paddygmanAnthonyG, pci laptop what03:00
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PeloAnthonyG,   you can connect to logon here but you have a problem with your modem ?????03:01
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paddygmando you have to use that one03:01
kalikianajughead: pioneers :)03:01
Skwid_Pelo: i tried, no lucl03:01
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AnthonyGPelo: Windows XP dual boot :P03:01
jugheadnever played that one... I just tried super tuxkart it was ok...03:01
paddygmanAnthonyG, do you want me to post you a few03:01
paddygmanAnthonyG, for free03:01
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anandanbuHow can i install vlc03:02
AnthonyGYou mean a bump? If so yes pleae :D03:02
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kalikianajughead: it's a settlers clone03:02
Random_Transitanandanbu, apt-get install vlc03:02
ThaimaishuHello all, I want to know if there is a certain problem with my Ubuntu.  I am trying to install it, and when it starts to like I guess load with the live features, then I can try it and stuff.  It will get stuck after the loading screen.  It will have a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top left of my moniter.  It will then go into a black screen.  Has anyone had this problem, or know any fixes associated with it?03:02
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bosonAnyone have any idea why I have to unload and reload my wireless card drivers every time I want to change my wireless network?03:02
AnthonyGThaimaishu: Ever used DOS?03:02
anandanbui tried the synaptic but its in vain03:02
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kalikianaAnybody here who wanna play pioneers?03:03
Random_Transitanandanbu, go to a console, do a sudo apt-get update then do a sudo apt-get install vlc03:03
ThaimaishuYeah anthony why?03:03
ThaimaishuI can't type though03:03
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Thaimaishuthere are no words or anything03:03
AnthonyGYou should know what to do :D03:03
ThaimaishuIt just flashes dude.03:03
Skwid_please :( this is driving me nuts03:03
AnthonyGNo words you say?03:04
bosonGuess not =(03:04
AnthonyGInstall CD?03:04
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ThaimaishuLive CD03:04
paddygmancan anyone help me to install a mysql administrator package03:04
ThaimaishuI believe that I have made 3 CDs03:04
darksmileyskwid i feel your pain! rephrase it so i can try to help =)03:04
AnthonyGBad burn I suspect03:04
bitfliplastlog Skwid_03:04
r00t_can anyone help me to make ubuntu looks like vista totaly ?03:04
Thaimaishu3 times?  I don't think so03:04
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trillijiThaimaishu: Do you have a nvidia 6150 graphics?03:04
Skwid_lastlot bitflip03:04
AnthonyGWhat speed did you burn it at?03:04
darksmileyr00t, you can do that with kubuntu and crystal03:04
Skwid_lastlog bitflip03:04
Random_Transitr00t, why would you WANT to?? ^_~03:04
ThaimaishuNo.  I have an ATI Radeon 9200 256 mb03:04
darksmileyroot, with transparencies on and stuff03:04
trillijiOk, my solution won't work for you then03:05
ThaimaishuMax speed, but I did the disc check, and it said no errors were found.03:05
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AnthonyGMax speed is bad03:05
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AnthonyG4x Maximum03:05
jessiehello, i want to get grip to encode to ogg. what do i have to change the command to (its at oggenc right now)03:05
ThaimaishuI'll go give it another try.  If not I'll reburn.03:05
bitflipSkwid_: nm - a typo on my part - trying to ascertain what your problem was03:05
trillijiAh, a 9200? Is this on Edgy?03:05
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ThaimaishuYeah it's on edgy03:05
Skwid_bitflip: i figured that out :)03:05
ThaimaishuIt won't even start up the live part so I can even begin to install.03:05
AnthonyG2x if possible , I never had the time, 4x never gives me problems.03:05
=== brussel [n=brussel@cpe-75-80-161-125.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
trillijiDoes it work on Dapper?03:06
Skwid_bitflip: how do i reload my gconf to match what's in /home/user/.gconf ???03:06
ThaimaishuDidn't try that yet.03:06
ThaimaishuShould I try dapper?03:06
ThaimaishuI have it dl'd03:06
AnthonyGFirst try a lower speed03:06
jessiehello, i want to get grip to encode to ogg. what do i have to change the command to (its at oggenc right now)03:06
trillijiI have a 9200 running on dapper03:06
AnthonyGMost problems are trivial such as this.03:06
tx22Any linux mint fans in here tonight?03:06
bitflipSkwid_: not sure?  I'm a late bloomer to gnome if you will03:06
ThaimaishuAh ok, tgabjs Trill!03:06
ThaimaishuI'll try that!03:06
brusseldoes ubuntu come with a firewall?03:06
trillijiThaimaishu: Also, I'd burn an alternate install disk, much easier install with those03:06
darksmileyskwid: i'm confused by that... why doesn't it match your .gconf? what's wrong with it?03:07
tx22brussel:  no, but you can download one. it is inhritely secure03:07
paddygmanbrussel u can get one from apt-get03:07
jessiehello, i want to get grip to encode to ogg. what do i have to change the command to (its at oggenc right now)03:07
trillijibrussel: Yes03:07
jobThaimaishu, did u say the live CD does not start?03:07
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jvaiany1 want a rise? check this out http://linuxmint.com/20061113.html03:07
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nubuntusamothi there03:07
jessiehello, i want to get grip to encode to ogg. what do i have to change the command to (its at oggenc right now)03:08
brusselok, is there a consensus on which firewall i should download if i'd like to plug ubuntu directly into the broadband modem?03:08
darksmileyubuntu rules by the way, it's my first time using it i just installed it today!03:08
nubuntusamoti need some help here03:08
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darksmileyi've been using suse and slackware for about 2 years, but ubuntu has to be my fave =D03:08
nubuntusamotgrub problems03:08
paddygmancan anyone help me to install a version of phpadmin i've just downloaded03:08
Pelonubuntusamot,  way to narrow it down03:08
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ozonecotcp        0      0    *03:09
ozonecotcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*03:09
darksmileyyeah nubuntusamot... we all have grub problems!03:09
Pelopaddygman,  http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:09
Random_Transitbrussel, if you wanna spend the time building a rock solid firewall, use good ol' iptables...otherwise, firestarter is quite nice03:09
trillijibrussel: The firewall is in the kernel, most likely it is a firewall config tool you are looking for03:09
ozonecowhat the diff on tcp and tcp6?03:09
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jessiehello, i want to get grip to encode to ogg. what do i have to change the command to (its at oggenc right now)03:09
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EroickI distupgraded to edgy eft and now my wifi card doesn't work with ndiswrapper. I try to modprobe ndiswrapper and it says that ndiswrapper is an invalid argument03:09
nubuntusamotyeah right... but i-m running a live/cd cuz i cant boot my harddrive!03:09
=== Thaimaishu [n=animegar@c-71-230-242-102.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnthonyGhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=309659 -> :'(03:09
darksmileyoh, the FIREWALL thing, does ubuntu have iptables in it's kernel?03:09
darksmileyi take it it does?03:09
ThaimaishuI'm back again.03:09
ThaimaishuIs there a DVD download for the Dapepr?03:09
AnthonyGHow goes it?03:09
trillijibrussel: I find firestarter to be pretty simple03:09
ThaimaishuDapper*  We ran out of CD's that are normal I think, I only have DVD-RW03:10
Pelonubuntusamot,  still doesn'T tell us what the problem is03:10
trillijiThaimaishu: It fits on a cd03:10
jessieEroick, try "dpkg-reconfigure ndiswrapper03:10
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urmomi need help with mac on linux03:10
PeloThaimaishu,  yes there is,   try bittorrent for  it's the easyest way,    www.torrentz.com03:10
urmomcan anyone help me with it?03:10
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ThaimaishuYeah, but can ISO's go on DVD RW?03:10
ThaimaishuOr do I need the special DVD ISO for it?03:11
trillijihmm, don't know.03:11
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nubuntusamotok.... so i have tried several times to install nubuntu on my hard drvive but when it cames to install the grub it crashes! Is it the device i have chosen to install to? I want it on MBR....03:11
ThaimaishuDo I need DVD-ISO's to use DVD-RW03:11
ThaimaishuSo a normal Dapper ISO will run on it?03:11
PeloThaimaishu,  you only need to find a torrent for  ubuntu 6.06 dvd iso  that is all03:11
ThaimaishuYeah, that'll take too long.03:11
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jobYes u need DVD-ISO03:12
ThaimaishuThanks Anthony I'll try the DVD then.03:12
brusselwell if ubuntu is inherently stable does that mean i can connect directly to the net and not worry?03:12
AnthonyGI've burn't data to DVDs that has nothing to do with DVDs whatsoever.03:12
AnthonyGThat was terrible grammar03:12
trillijiannoy me though03:12
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AnthonyGBut you get the drift XD03:12
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AnthonyGWhat about them?03:12
Pelonubuntusamot,   try looking for an answer on the forum ,search for the mbr thing03:12
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ozoneco sudo netstat -natlp | grep 2203:13
Pelobrussel,  worry about what ?03:13
ozonecothat mean something to somebody?03:13
jobthere is always a version of DVD-ISO. I never heard of a CD-ISO going on a DVD03:13
zylcheI've used .iso's for dvds a lot..03:14
jobdoes not hurt to try though03:14
ThaimaishuI'll google it.03:14
brusselPelo, i want to set up a web server and i'm worried if i just connect ubuntu directly to the cable modem i'll be in trouble03:14
Thaimaishuoh ok then.03:14
vadersame here job but I will try it tomorrow or so03:14
ThaimaishuIt's settled.  I'm gonna try03:14
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AnthonyGThaumaishu: It will work fine03:14
ThaimaishuThanks for all the encouragement folks03:14
Pelobrussel,  what trouble would you be in ??? that's what I don'T get03:14
AnthonyGDon't worry about ISO differences, There are none.03:15
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brusselPelo, well somebody hacking into the this computer and erasing the HD for instance.03:15
AnthonyGFor the most part anyway.03:15
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AnthonyGHackers used to be a handle for programmers.03:15
Pelobrussel,  that has nothing to do with stability ,  stability is about not crashing for no apparent reason03:15
Thaimaishuuhh crap.  It's not DVD-RW it's DVD-R03:16
Pelobrussel,  if you are worried about security stuff there are firewalls you can install03:16
maddog39I am in DESPERATE need of a good PHP IDE03:16
maddog39jEdit stopped working03:16
darksmileyok, i'm off for now i'm going to reboot and stuff - thanks for the help guys and keep linuxing!03:16
tomh--maddog39 zend studio03:16
AnthonyGR will be fine for a single write03:16
ThaimaishuI know, I thought it was RW, it's R03:16
Pelobrussel,  and linux is generaly more secure then other OS03:16
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AnthonyGI agree:D03:16
ThaimaishuMy burn speed is at 1.0x03:17
brusselPelo, well I'm looking at firestarter and thinking this is much too complex if it doesn't add much other than what ubuntu already has03:17
maddog39Mac OS is probably more or as secure as Linux03:17
DarkEDi all03:17
maddog39because its unix based03:17
DarkEDI have a quick question03:17
maddog39wats that03:17
AnthonyGThaimiashu: You sir, Have great time on your hands :D03:17
jrib!ask | DarkED03:17
ubotuDarkED: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:17
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AnthonyG4x Worked fine for me :)03:17
Pelobrussel,   I don'T use a firewall and I feel safe enough, I don'T use a router either03:17
tomh--all os more secure then linux which is more secure then windows~03:17
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ThaimaishuWell it says that it's going at 1.0x03:17
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tomh--*are more03:17
ThaimaishuI didn't mean to put it there, and I forgot to change it from max speed.03:17
tomiboiCan Apache +PHP+MySQL be installed on 6.06 LTS desktop03:18
ThaimaishuMy max is 48x.  It is still going at one03:18
DarkEDI am going to use Ubuntu again for the first time since 6.06 was released03:18
jrib!lamp | tomiboi03:18
DarkEDshould I go 6.06 or 6.10?03:18
ubotutomiboi: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.03:18
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ThaimaishuEdgy is hard.03:18
AnthonyGThaimaishu: Why?03:18
AnthonyGEdgy rulez.03:18
maddog39http://www.apachefriends.org << DOwnload XAMPP solve ur webservers problems03:18
AnthonyGAs does the kernel03:18
ThaimaishuDarkEd: I'm doing 6.06 Edgy failed to install03:18
Pelobrussel,  here is another alternative to firestarter   http://qtables.radom.org/03:18
maddog39fully packaged webserver binary03:18
maddog39has PHP5, MySQL503:18
maddog39and everything else03:18
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DarkEDEdgy failed to install? Well, doesn't it have the installer on the livecd?03:19
AnthonyG:'( -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965903:19
jribDarkED: both are good choices.  If you want to not upgrade for a long time then you may want to use dapper since it will get security updates longer.  Edgy has the advantage that the software is more recent03:19
dsnydersMy hard drive crashed, and I tried using e2retrieve to recover.  What do you do with the three files it creates?03:19
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DarkEDjrib: Yeah, upgrading wouldnt bother me much, so I think I'll try Edgy :D03:19
DarkEDThanks all03:19
ThaimaishuDude, it just blew the disc.03:19
brusselPelo, quicktables is no longer being supports03:19
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Pelobrussel,  yeah I just noticed,03:20
AnthonyGWhat do you mean blew the disc?03:20
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uruguaianhi, i want to isntall GCC.. i need to dowload packages to use gcc?03:20
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uruguaiannot only with the cd?03:20
ThaimaishuThe disc write failed.03:21
AnthonyGbuild-essential takes care of it.03:21
vaderAnthonyG, I was wondering the same thing03:21
ThaimaishuIt just popped out said disc failed but wrote something so now it's unuseable03:21
AnthonyGYou must grasp the concept of write speed padawan XD03:21
CorpseFeedermy java installation is messed up. java apps can't launch my default browser anymore. How can I fix this?03:21
DarkEDquestion about Ubuntu in general, does anyone use a Novatel Wireless Merlin card through SprintPCS?03:21
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kurisutofuaaDoes anyone know off the top of there heads that the Edgy am64bit liveCD has support for a ATI Radeon x800 XL?03:21
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uruguaianhi, i want to isntall GCC.. i need to dowload packages to use gcc?03:22
uruguaiannot only with the cd?03:22
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ThaimaishuDude, I didn't change anything.  It just dropped03:23
AnthonyGapt-get install build-essential03:23
brusselMaybe I should ask, should i expect hackers trouble if i run a lamp server on my ubuntu desktop 6.10 release without putting a firewall on it first?03:23
Renan_s2brussel, unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to put a firewall03:24
AnthonyGYou have a small chance of penetration on a Linux based server, But a firewall won't hurt.03:24
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zspada15AnthonyG, really?03:24
brusselnormally i like penetration...03:24
bitflipkurisutofuaa: not in terms of native accelerated driver, no03:24
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brusselsorry, couldn't help myself03:24
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zspada15brussel, you dirty perv lol03:24
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AnthonyGbrussel: Oh that's special <_<03:24
AnthonyGzspada15: Less than that of which we don't speak :)03:25
brusselnow i've just installed firestarter, any tips on getting it going?03:25
=== Pelo wonders how long it will take before brussel gets banned
zspada15brussel, matches03:25
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AnthonyGbrussel: I could make an enuendo from that, But I have dignity XD03:26
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zspada15vader, about what?03:26
DarkEDsweet, Edgy is downloading03:26
CorpseFeederWhat should I have under "Command to launch default browser" in the advanced tab of Sun Java 5.0 Plugin control panel???? Because my firefox will not launch from any java apps anymore.. help!03:26
kurisutofuaabitflip: I keep getting a X server error every-time I try to load the livecd that's why asked about the ati drivers.03:26
vadermatches zspada1503:26
AnthonyGMatches "ftw"03:26
brussellol, i don't know about dignity, never had it. Anyways, now that i've installed firestarter how the heck do i access it?03:27
zspada15AnthonyG, would you prefer a lighter to get the fire going?03:27
zspada15brussel, system-administration-firestarted03:27
Pelobrussel,  the menu,   it's got a gui03:27
raghu206pls help providing installation guide for oracle-xe03:27
AnthonyGIt amuses me when someone asks: "What's a terminal?".03:27
DarkEDHey, one more question, I've never tried to run Ubuntu on a03:28
DarkEDer, sorry, A slow system before03:28
vaderXubnutu DarkED03:28
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DarkEDThis laptop has a 700mhz Celeron w/ 196meg RAM03:28
AnthonyGXubuntu For You :)03:28
DarkEDand a 4meg Matrox videocard03:28
wastrelhi i have an avi file that is sideways & i need to rotate it, what program can i use for this?  <303:28
AnthonyGWait a moment03:29
AnthonyGThat may be trouble ,Even for Xubuntu03:29
DarkEDWell see, XP isn't actually all that bad...03:29
AnthonyGI beg to differ03:29
zspada15wastrel, gimp?03:29
zspada15DarkED, i plead to differ03:29
DarkEDNo, XP sucks. I'm saying it doesnt run badly at all on this laptop03:29
jribwastrel: mencoder03:29
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DarkEDOnly when I have all kinds of stuff running03:29
brusselwell firestarter seems to be up and running03:30
zspada15DarkED, xp runs on my 350 mhz pentium 2 with 256 megs of ram flawlessly03:30
brusseli'm sure there must be some gotcha to it03:30
DarkEDzspada15: exactly, but will Xubuntu run as good?03:30
jribwastrel: mplayer has a video filter for rotating, so I assume it would work03:30
DarkEDI know that Linux is a 'lite' OS03:30
zspada15DarkED, its a bit slow running ubuntu03:30
DarkEDwell as far as system resource goes03:31
zspada15but thats because of the gui03:31
LineOf7sThe min requirements for Ubuntu list a P2-300 or something, 128MB of memory and about 2GB of disk space.  Is that as mind-numbingly understated as is sounds?03:31
AnthonyGLinux is not an OS my friend :) , It's a kernel.03:31
zspada15we know03:31
DarkEDAnthonyG: yeah but you know what I meant :D03:31
zspada15the OS is ubuntu which is a combo03:31
zspada15its actually based on system V03:31
AnthonyGDarkED: Yes, I'm just a bully03:32
zspada15which was the unix from the 1970s03:32
zspada15my gramma remembers using IBM system VI03:32
DarkEDWell... I guess I'll try it, couldn't hurt I guess03:32
AnthonyGI wrote my own kernel , Following docs in Assembly. I gave up after text buffers XD03:32
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vaderDarkED, you will love it03:32
zspada15AnthonyG, how old are you?03:32
kurisutofuaaI keep getting a X server error [X server Fatal server error: No screens found]  every-time I try to load the Edgy amd64 livecd anyone what I should do?03:33
AnthonyGzspada15: Does it matter?03:33
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zspada15AnthonyG, yes03:33
zspada15kurisutofuaa, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:33
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AnthonyGzspda15: No , It doesn't, And I am a private person thank you ;)03:33
zspada15AnthonyG, are you over 18 and below 35?03:33
bitflipkurisutofuaa: a cursory search with google show edgy seems to have some problems with x800 xl (regardless x86_32 or x86_64) seeing lots of "I have problem ..." but not many answers in response03:33
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AnthonyGzspada15: Perhaps, But it isn't relavent to Linux, Or Ubuntu now is it?03:34
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DarkEDvader: yeah i loved 6.06 and 5.10... but those ran on a P4 3000mhz with a gig of ram :D03:34
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AnthonyGDarkED: I envy you :)03:35
dougskoanyone here ever get their s-video out working and wants to pastebin their xorg.conf?03:35
eegorehas package support improved for 64 bit dapper?03:35
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DarkEDAnthonyG: yeah, too bad that laptop is dead now =/03:35
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kurisutofuaabitflip: yup that is way I came here to see if anyone found the work around for it03:35
DarkEDSo, gotta make due with what I have03:35
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DarkEDwhich is a 1999 Compaq Armada lol03:35
AnthonyGDarkED: What did you do to it?03:35
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AnthonyGDarkED: Laptops don't cease themselves ;)03:36
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: you might have to install your fglrx manually03:36
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vaderDarkED, I ran 5.10 on a p2 366 Dell laptop with 256 mb RAM lol03:36
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DarkEDAnthonyG: Actually, this one did. Bulging capacitors, a burned up CMOS, various burns on the mainboard. Stuff I tried to fix (and got it to post once) but couldn't.03:36
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shriphani_i run 6.06 on a laptop with 256 mb ram03:37
DarkEDThat is what you get with a cheaper laptop03:37
ezenuWith VMWare and Windows XP, is there any difference/benefit of using FAT32 vs NTFS?03:37
DarkEDTo all those in the market, don't EVER buy an Averatec03:37
vaderDarkED, I use HP lol03:37
kurisutofuaabitflip: that would be nice if i could install edgy03:37
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shriphani_the box has been up for 11 days03:37
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AnthonyGDarkED: Thank you for the advice :D , I choose HP for the man on a budget.03:37
shriphani_i did a restart 18 hrs ago though03:37
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DarkEDAnthonyG: Good choice, that or Gateway. They have been coming up in quality as well03:38
ezenuGuess I'll do NTFS, and use samba too03:38
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AnthonyGDarkED: Of course, If I'm desperate enough.03:38
DarkEDMy friend just bought a GW for $849 and got a Core Duo, 1.5gig DDR2-600, a 128meg GeForce, 15.4 @ 1280x800 (same as mine)03:39
shriphaniAnthonyG, is excessive uptime bad for a lappy ?03:39
slickwillythekidhi, i just switched from windows and mIRC, can I use this with packetnews like I did mIRC?03:39
DarkEDshriphani: Yes03:39
bitflipkurisutofuaa: so your live CD session hangs, or X just wont start?03:39
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AnthonyGToo much uptime is bad for any machine.03:39
vaderslickwillythekid, I have no cluse03:40
AnthonyGA notebook is certainly no exception.03:40
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vaderclue lol03:40
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DarkEDshriphani: its not so bad for a desktop because the parts are easily replaceable, but for a laptop where everything is pretty much on one board, YES it is :D03:40
shriphanihmm so 11 days with a restart 18 hrs ago is bad03:40
AnthonyGFour days is pushing it.03:40
shriphanii'll give the box a rest tonight03:40
AnthonyGSuperb idea03:40
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wastreli never turn off my laptop03:40
DevCok..what is the newest mysqlclient library? libmysqlclient15off isn't it?03:40
shriphaniwastrel, you are like me!!!!03:41
AnthonyGI spoke to someone that had a machine running for 11 years.03:41
vaderAnthonyG, I use suspend a lot on this lappy for the simple reason I don't like to wait for the boot process03:41
neosirisnoob question:  what can I do if apt-get doesn't seem to know about sqlite?  I've installed sqlite3 with apt-get before... but it's just not there.  apt-cache search sqlite yields plenty of libraries, but not the CLI for sqlite itself.03:41
AnthonyGvader: Booting is the best part of a PC in my opinion.03:41
alekahow can find out what my graphics card is and its specs??03:41
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bitflipaleka: lspci(?)03:41
vaderty bitflip couldn't remember the command03:42
Peloneosiris,  try lookng for a package in synaptic if that doesn'T work, install from source,  instructions here  http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:42
AnthonyG:'( -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30965903:42
kurisutofuaabitflip: at the flash screen where it ask you if you what to run the liveCD or install I click on this it starts to load then it crash's with [X server Fatal server error: No screens found] 03:42
AnthonyGSomeone will respond to my tears sooner or later.03:42
alekabitflip, this outputs a lot of information.03:42
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AnthonyGaleka: Indeed03:43
neosirisPelo: I'm doing this on a VPS, so no Synaptic for me :)  only command-line.  thanks for the link, I'll check it.03:43
AnthonyGaleka: Look for your card name in it03:43
DevCok..what is the newest mysqlclient library? libmysqlclient15off isn't it?  or am I reading the libmysqlclient wrong in apt-cache search ://03:43
CarlF13Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo Banshee - how do I use the s-video port?03:43
bitflipaleka: lspci | grep VGA or lspci | less and scroll through looking for something relating to a video card03:43
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eighty_errr,,, how do i enable remote access on ubuntu server?03:44
bitflipkurisutofuaa: hang on a second, I have an idea03:44
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AnthonyGVideo cards aren't too hard to find.03:44
alekabitflip .. VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device ... DO you think it is crazy to give beryl a try with this card?03:44
shriphanihmm i was looking at orkut's gnu errm..... community. lotta teens misinterpreting FSF as an org giving away cracks for win xp03:44
AnthonyGThey always have N-Vidia or ATI brands on them XD.03:44
DevCAnthonyG: what are you getting that error for?03:44
AnthonyG80% of my IT experience is ATI or Nvidia03:44
kurisutofuaabitflip: okay03:44
AnthonyGDevC: Error?03:45
bitflipaleka: not sure - my gf runs ubuntu with that card, the GL screensavers work fine but not sure aobut xgl or beryl03:45
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CarlF1eighty_: sudo apt-get instal openssh-server03:45
eighty_did that carlf103:45
eighty_is that it?03:45
eighty_remote access doesn't seem to be working03:45
zspada15anyone know how to customize the latest 2.18 kernel?03:45
DevCno carrier I consider an error since you should be getting a carrier :P03:45
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CarlF1eighty_: define 'remote access' ?03:45
AnthonyGDevC: GASP , Someone read my topic03:45
aleka(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x32 >> I am getting this error in Xorg.log03:46
eighty_from server foo, ssh into server bar via 'ssh user@bar.com'03:46
AnthonyGDevC: I'm not sure what the source is, But I specified "Carrier Check=no".03:46
AnthonyGIn wvdial.conf03:46
CarlF1eighty_: that should do it.  hwat happens on foo?03:46
eighty_on foo03:47
DevCdialup modem?03:47
eighty_100mb switched03:47
AnthonyGDevC: How did you guess XD03:47
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alekabitflip, How can I also find the memory on the graphics card... if I am not being too inquisitive..03:47
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brad[] Hi all, what version of GNOME does the latest Ubuntu ship with?03:47
alekalike a 32MB or 64MB.. and so on03:48
eighty_what about hosts.allow in /etc03:48
eighty_that need anything special?03:48
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DevCcause back when I used RedHat I had a lot of issues with my dial up but managed to fix it....let me look at the stuff you posted and see if I can think of anything03:48
Eclypsedoes anyone know if it's possible to install all of the security-related packages/utilitys in nubuntu?03:48
Eclypse(on ubuntu)03:48
Eclypselike, through the repository's.03:48
bitflipaleka: ?  dmesg output(?)03:48
CarlF1eighty_: are they on the same lan?  I am guessing there is a networking problem.  can you ping each?03:48
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eighty_i can ping... server in singapore and california03:49
bitflipkurisutofuaa: I'm looking for a boot param (possibly) give me a few moments03:49
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kurisutofuaabitflip: np Thanks for the help so far :-))03:50
eighty_ok, now get ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host03:50
eighty_sup wit dat? :)03:50
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DevCAnthonyG: what is the [SNIP]  part of ATDT? I never had to pass that when I had a dialup modem03:50
bitflipkurisutofuaa: what you want is to specify the following:  xforcevesa *but* I'm not sure how to specifiy that on a live CD startup03:50
bitflipsome else knowledgable enough to answer that for me?03:50
AnthonyGDevC: The dial number, I'm a paranoid fool I know.03:51
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DevCAnthonyG: ok that is fair enough just needed to understand that part :)03:51
trillijiAnyone have any ideas for getting automount to work again. Went to  gnome-volume-properties, and I have mount removable drives when hot plugged checked, mount removable media when inserted checked, and browse removable media when inserted checked03:52
trillijiThis is for a usb drive03:52
trillijiWhen I insert it, the light comes on for a bit, but then goes out03:53
Eclypsedoes anyone know if it's possible to install all of the security-related packages/utilitys from nubuntu in ubuntu?03:53
trillijiThis used to work03:53
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vaderHas anyone had a problem installing Xubuntu on a p2 350?03:53
DarkEDHey all, is there a place on the Wiki I can look at a hardware compatibility list for Edgy, or such?03:53
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DevCAnthonyG: the no carrier means you are not getting an answer to the number you are dialing, right?.. had that before, let me search my old RH posts to see if I can find what I finally did to fix it03:54
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drael_Can anyone help me get the crossfade plugin working in XMMS?03:54
AnthonyGDevC: Finally, Decent assistance, Thank you :)03:54
eighty_any other clues on ssh?03:55
fjf314Hey guys, I have a quick question about trying to install 6.1003:55
DevCAnthonyG: No problem I had the same issue with my old dialup on red hat03:55
eighty_getting the ssh_exchange_iden error03:55
trillijivader: I don't thing very many people have those any more03:55
AnthonyGDevC: It's driving me insane :'(03:55
fjf314Whenever I install, I get an error message saying, "Failed to start the X server... blah blah blah."03:55
PeloAnthonyG,  make sure that you only get problems DevC  can solve , cause he's the only help you'll get from now on03:55
fjf314So I did some looking around on Google and found this command to run from the command prompt after the error:03:56
vadertrilliji, I realize but I volunteer at a not for proffit and they give pc's to the less fortunate03:56
fjf314"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:56
DarkEDfjf314: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:56
fjf314I enter that and go through a bunch of menus, answer various questions.03:56
AnthonyGPelo: Indeed, First and last :)03:56
DarkEDchoose the defaults03:56
DevCAnthonyG: yeah I think I worked on it for months and then suddenly the last thing I tried before giving up worked lol03:56
DarkEDuse VESA as display device03:56
DarkEDthen install the drivers for your hardware :D03:56
fjf314DarkED: Well, I entered that command went through all of the menus, but afterward it just dumps me back at the command prompt.03:56
fjf314And I can't figure out how to try the install again.03:57
AnthonyGDevC: I'd rather have it work for a few months and know it does indeed work , Then not at all.03:57
DarkEDfjf314: AHH, type startx03:57
Pelofjf314,  that's how it is suppose to work,  when in doubt about the answers just use the default03:57
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fjf314Pelo: Haha, that was basically what I did.03:57
trillijiVader: You might want to consider Xbuntu or Ubuntu + xfce03:57
fjf314DarkED: Alright, thanks a lot!  I was more or less just navigating through the menus and feeling lost.03:57
DarkEDfjf314: get it up?03:57
bitflipkurisutofuaa: you still here?03:58
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fjf314Well, I'm going to have to reboot to the CD and try to install again.03:58
kurisutofuaabitflip: yup03:58
fjf314So we'll see in a little bit.03:58
fjf314Thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate it!03:58
=== QUEEN [n=wonderwo@cpe-24-59-158-227.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #UBUNTU
DarkEDfjf314: no problem, good luck03:58
vaderthat were my ? trilliji if someone had troubles installing Xubuntu on one03:58
AnthonyGHello :D03:59
QUEENall i need help on something and it is life or death!03:59
DarkEDHmm... any particular reason why the Ubuntu iso download is going super slow?03:59
DarkEDas in slow, I mean 16kb/s03:59
wastreldo tell03:59
alekaHas anyone in here tried installing Beryl/Compiz on an Intel integrated graphics card?? Is this not a good idea?// My screen already traces windows if I drag them around....03:59
PeloQUEEN,  spit it out03:59
DarkEDI'm not a leech :D03:59
Pelo!beryl | aleka04:00
ubotualeka: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl04:00
bitflipkurisutofuaa: when you insert the liveCD you can press F6 - do you see the word "splash"?04:00
QUEENi need to get ubuntu or kubuntu to realise when i insert a blank CD so far it cant tell I am insering the disk04:00
kurisutofuaabitflip: yup04:00
dsnydersMy hard drive crashed, and I tried using e2retrieve to recover.  What do you do with the three files it creates?04:00
DevCAnthonyG: just covering all bases, but you have your username, password, DNS numbers, and phone number for connecting to your ISP account set up with the dialup program in wvdial.conf04:00
PeloDarkED,  bittorrent ??  be patient it will pick up04:00
trillijiVader: I can tell you that PIII-667 runs Dapper fairly will with a GeForce4-44004:00
DarkEDPelo: Nope, Direct from ubuntu04:00
bitflipkurisutofuaa: remove it (splash) that should allow you to drop down to a term once X fails04:00
DevCor the ppp programthat connects to the ISP04:00
QUEENcan someone please message me and help me04:01
alekathnx pelo04:01
AnthonyGDevC: DNS? Erm.. On 56K?04:01
PeloDarkED,   then you are splitting the ftp speed with other ppl,   I recommend bittorrent,  you can use the partial to get started04:01
vaderI know trilliji I ran 6.06 on my wifes p3 667. I just need to find out of any problems the people may have had with Xubuntu lol04:01
kurisutofuaabitflip: I am trying that now04:01
=== Cat2 [n=chatzill@74-34-62-150.br1.eko.nv.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloQUEEN,  look it up in the forum04:01
ryanakcahow can I tell if I need PCI IDE chipset support?04:01
=== vader has used Ubuntu for the past 2 years lol........ I laugh at all of the windvlows viruses now lol
QUEENi have tried that and to be honest i am near suicide over this04:01
bitflipkurisutofuaa: you'll then need to $(EDTOR) /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change "ati" or "fglrx" to "vesa" - that's the bug, it ignores xforcevesa04:02
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DevCAnthonyG: yeah all ISPs require usually you DNS numbers to connect to the ISP even for old 56k dialup04:02
QUEENand as for posting on the forum it wont happen again I made that mistake tonight :(04:02
DevCusually two DNS *04:02
PeloQUEEN,   if you are suicidal over this you need more help then this channel can provide04:02
bitflipkurisutofuaa: then restart gdm and it should be good to go X wise04:02
AnthonyGDevC: I wasn't aware of this.... As I was never asked before.04:02
=== Cat2 is a new Ubuntu user. loving it, it brought my old PC back to life
vaderCat2, it is awesome, aint it?04:03
DarkEDWell thanks everyone04:03
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PeloQUEEN,   try to adjust the option for blanck cd in   menu: system > prefs > removable media04:03
QUEENwell my life is ruined because of ubuntu04:03
DevCAnthonyG: that may be the reason it can't find the carrier because most ISPs need at least 2 DNS numbers to connect to04:03
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Cat2it's good and free, but now i have a useless windoze disk lying around04:03
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vaderCat2, lol04:04
QUEENi cant find an option for that04:04
trillijiVader:I have an old AMD K6-2 that runs ubuntu + afce on a pci radeon 9100. Make sure to use two disks for raid 004:04
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QUEENplease help04:04
vadertrilliji, I just want to be sure that what we give the people is worth all of the effort04:04
AnthonyGDevC: I'm still in awe, 56K DNS.... Now how am I supposed to know what these are?04:05
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Peloqueen  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8404:05
wastrelQUEEN:  are you using gnome?04:05
CorpseFeederapparently my java plugin control panel is set up properly for launching default browser but it still won't work damnit. why? this sucks04:05
DevCAnthonyG: for my dial up from a company called HoosierNet I had 2 DNS numbers I had to connect to and even now with Cable modem from Insight Cable I have 2 DNS numbers04:05
DevCAnthonyG: you have to get them from you ISP provider04:05
trillijivader: Graphics is the big challenge, old boxes like that unless they have tnt2 cards or something like that won't be great.04:05
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AnthonyGDevC: I never got any such thing from my ISP04:06
trillijiYou will need to stick to 2d drivers04:06
AnthonyGDevC: Even when I set pppconfig to Dynamic DNS and use pon I get the same error.04:06
vadertrilliji, I don't want great. The people we give the systems to are welfare and we even send system to Nigeria and places of that sort04:06
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QUEENall if I dont find a way so that I can get my cd burner to know I am putting in a blank disk so I can burn a cd I am gonna hurt myself I am sick of this and the lack of help im getting04:07
trillijivader: Most certainly they are usable04:07
[TL] Smokeyhey04:07
wastrelQUEEN:  are you using gnome?04:07
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vaderQUEEN, sorry I have been working on these othersystems, like wastrel has asked you 2x are you using GNOME or KDE or what desktop04:08
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DevCAnthonyG: if your ISP didn't tell you about the DNS they may have forgot but if they use Static DNS numbers and you picked Dynamic that would still give you that there is no connection....you need to call you ISP provider and find out if they have use static DNS and if so they need to give you the DNS for a 56k modem04:09
tx22Any linux mint fans in the house tonight?04:09
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AnthonyGDevC: Will do, Thank you :)04:09
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superchode|fui'm finding hints on the web that there are nforce drivers for audio, etc. for nf4 motherboards available.. but not any guidance for how to install them. does any one know?04:09
PeloQUEEN,  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177503&highlight=mounting+blank+cd04:09
superchode|funot getting any s/pdif output on my 6.06.1 install04:10
QUEENI have both kde and gnome and the issue is it cant tell I am inserting  cdR after i repload it like 6 or 7 times a few disk it mistakenly thinks is a cdrw but mostly it aint seeing what I am inserting04:10
DevCso how far off base was I on that I wonder heh04:10
vaderQUEEN, how old is the burner, and did it work right with the last distro/OS you had on the pc?04:11
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: any luck with that?04:11
QUEENit worked fine on xp and it is 2 yrs old04:11
QUEENall i am sorry im so upset04:11
vaderok, when did you have XP running on it? I am just trying to establish possible hardware or software issue04:12
SpacePuppysounds like it could be cheap-o blank cds04:12
QUEENi had xp until a few weeks ago04:12
QUEENthe cds were sony04:12
vaderQUEEN, do you have a different brand of blank cd to try?04:12
QUEENand I tried a few other brands the few I could get it think I inserted it mistakes for cdrw04:12
vaderhmmmmmmmm ok04:13
QUEENi have tried 4 different brands04:13
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vaderone sec QUEEN I will try to help bear with me ok04:13
QUEENvader thanks04:13
dcraven_"My life is ruined because of Ubuntu." lol04:14
kurisutofuaabitflip: how do I restart gdm?04:14
eighty_err... any help on getting ssh going?04:14
eighty_foo.com has ubuntu server with openssh-server and ssh installed04:14
eighty_foo.com can ping bar.com04:14
QUEENi might not be so upset but every since i started posting on the forum i have some idiot reposting and picking apart everything i say on the forums on usenet04:14
eighty_but bar.com can't ping foo.com or ssh in04:14
bitflipkurisutofuaa: do you have a terminal accessable?04:15
vadernp QUEEN I am on your side, support is supposed to be here to be had, I will do what I can :)04:15
kurisutofuaabitflip: yup04:15
Peloqueen searching the ubuntu forum for a similar problem would have been the first thing to do ,  more often then not you donT' need to post04:15
Terminuseighty_: foo.com is behind a firewall that blocks ICMP? also, the firewall might be blocking port 22 for ssh or is behind a NAT with no forwarding setup.04:15
bitflipkurisutofuaa: what happens when you type gdm04:16
DevCMy life is ruined because of Ubuntu! My wife left me because I paid more attention to it than her! Nothing can replace the tingling sensation when kissing the monitor or the pain of making her mad when you kiss her disc drive wrong!04:16
kurisutofuaabitflip: nothing04:16
eighty_terminus... thanks... are these issues that need to be resolved on foo.com, or the network?04:16
bitflipkurisutofuaa: did you already modify your xorg.conf?04:16
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Terminuseighty_: either at the firewall or the NAT. the person who setup the network would know. or if you know whether you have a firewall or NAT, that'd help too. =)04:17
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Terminuseighty_: the firewall might be on foo.com itself.04:17
eighty_heh, thanks terminus! :)04:17
kurisutofuaabitflip: yup04:17
wastreli used mencoder to rotate my avi file <304:17
eighty_how to check?04:17
eighty_hosts.allow allows ALL04:17
vaderQUEEN, does it read a regular disk right?04:17
eighty_would that be an iptables thing?04:17
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo killall gdm && sudo gdm04:18
QUEENvader it reads a regualr disk just fine04:18
Terminuseighty_: yes, it'd be an iptables thing.04:18
superchode|funvidia supplies their linux nforce drivers in .rpm or .tar.gz... what's the best way to install on ubuntu?04:18
bitflipkurisutofuaa: so out of curiosity - did the xorg.conf have "vesa" or "ati"?04:18
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eighty_heh... quick reminder how to check that please? :)04:18
kurisutofuaabitflip: ati04:18
eighty_googling now... :)\04:18
trillijiDoes anyone know if the beta nvidia drivers that were on amaranth.selfip.com have been released of if there is an alternate location to get nvidia drivers?04:19
TheDebuggersuperchode|fu: It's written in the docs on the website, nvidia-glx...04:19
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vaderQUEEN, I have almost allways used Memorex but Sony I have had this problem before. Try a dollar store memorex disk04:19
Amaranth!nvidia9 | trilliji04:19
ubotutrilliji: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)04:19
bitflipkurisutofuaa: hm, that's interesting behavior.  Anyhow, did gdm restart?04:19
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Terminuseighty_: sudo iptables -L i think.04:19
superchode|fuTheDebugger: not video drivers... sound04:19
eighty_ah, thanks...04:19
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QUEENvader that was one of the brands I tried04:19
superchode|fuie. ubuntu isn't directly supported04:19
vaderSorry for not being much help QUEEN but this is an odd one04:19
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vaderQUEEN, hmmmmmmmmm04:20
vaderstay with me, my brain will catch up04:20
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dsnydersWhat is a good tool for recovering data from a drive when the superblocks are corrupt?04:20
kurisutofuaabitflip: yes then it went to a black screen and I hread form my speakers the startup sound but no display04:20
w30dsnyders, are all the superblocks bad?04:21
QUEENvader it is OK I am gonna go offline for good I am too stupid to have a pc or live04:21
vaderQUEEN, it detects them as either CD-RW or as what?04:21
QUEENi mean hell the things i posted on the forum got reposted on usenet and picked apart04:22
vaderno one is too stupid QUEEN04:22
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QUEENit either does not read them at all and when i force them in and out about 20 times it mistakes it for a cd rw04:22
vaderQUEEN, this is not there, and I am willing to try04:22
bitflipkurisutofuaa: so this is further than you have gotten thus far, correct?04:22
kurisutofuaabitflip: yup04:22
=== craigbas1976 [n=craig@pool-72-73-99-202.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bitflipkurisutofuaa: what resolution do you run on your monitor under normal conditions?04:23
dsnydersw30, fsck gives me errors on all the ones I've tried.04:23
QUEENthanx vader04:23
=== john64 [n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1177560644.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kurisutofuaabitflip: 1280/102404:23
vaderok, QUEEN what I would honestly do is try another distro's love CD or windows and see if it does it with that. Please just understand I am trying to get you on with enjoying Ubuntu04:23
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: you feeling patient right now?04:23
craigbas1976I'm trying to run ardour, but get a message about jack.  First time I've had a computer tell me I don't know jack, but anyway...  How do I start jack?  There's a jackd right?  Not in /etc/init.d04:24
kurisutofuaabitflip: yeah04:24
QUEENveder i cant try anonter distro and dont have my xp disk and if i dont back some stuff up tonight my life is ruined04:24
w30dsnyders, that's been my experience with alternate superblocks also, if one is bad they are all bad :=(04:24
john64I am having my X Server using 30%+ Cpu on multiple fresh installations of Edgy04:24
bitflipkurisutofuaa: if so reboot - press the F6 replace splash with vga=792 xforcevesa...edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf "ati" to "vesa" if it isn't already04:25
vaderdoes anyone else have any suggestions for QUEEN ?04:25
QUEENno ppl cant even seem to get that it wont read a blank CD04:25
kurisutofuaabitflip: I will do that now.04:25
bitflipkurisutofuaa: ...and then you may need to restart gdm (if you had to modify xorg.conf then it will be a must)04:25
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dsnydersw30, I tried e2retrieve, but all it does is spit out 3 files.  I can find no docs on what to do with those files.04:25
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vaderok, then QUEEN what does it say when you try to burn a CD04:26
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines04:26
=== Malikith [n=malikith@c-24-118-148-5.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QUEENit tells me to insert a blank CD it does not read that i have inserted one04:26
vaderit may just be seeing something wierd04:26
vaderthen I would say that the burner is pooched04:26
john64does anyone have any ideas about my X Server using insane amounts of CPU?04:27
arathaldI'm having trouble installing the ATI firegl drivers -- when i run dmesg it gives me "[17179609.796000]  [fglrx:firegl_unlock]  *ERROR* Process 4327 using kernel context 0" (PID 4327 is Xorg) -- can anyone help me out here? I've been working for hours and I can't figure this out.04:27
w30dsnyders, I could have said try an alternate superblock but that the only thing that I know to do. Maybe hit Google for ext3 or ext2 file corruption search. Sorry I am so dumb.04:27
craigbas1976What is jack anyway?04:27
=== ademan [n=dan@h-68-164-186-127.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
davey486I need help with my wifi card, I have a belin f5d7000 chipset rt2500, i have been reading in the forums for 3 days and can't seem to figure it out04:28
zspada15!google | davey48604:28
ubotudavey486: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux04:28
QUEENif i dont figure out something and if ppl dont stop asking me the same thing over and over on the forum im hurting myself ppl r now making fun on the forum04:28
vaderQUEEN, if you lived in Canada I would send you another on for free04:28
w30dsnyders, any think in the Lost and found directory?04:28
bitflipdavey486: what problem exactly?04:29
QUEENvader i dont mean to freak out about this04:29
dsnydersw30, stand by...04:29
vaderI know QUEEN04:29
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vaderQUEEN, when I have had them go bad before, they  would read a CD and not see a blank cd, so that is the reason for me syaing that I would belive it has gone dead on you04:31
dsnydersw30, none of the lost and found folders contain any data.04:31
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keeb`awayhey there04:31
keeb`awayi have a quick question04:31
davey486bitflip, i nstalled ndiswrapper and got the drivers off of the cd, but it just shows it as being present but my network doesn't work after i disable my on board ethernet from the bios04:31
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nikinkeeb: and that would be?04:31
keeb`awaysudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=above04:32
keeb`awaythat works perfectly,04:32
=== vader has to go and take someone home. will return.
=== vader is away: I'm busy
keeb`awaybut i want the monitor to be LEFT04:32
keeb`awaybut --screen-layout=left doesnt appear to cut it04:32
w30dsnyders, darn if I know maybe Google Lost and Found directory will give you some hint of where to go?04:32
nikindavey: is there a wep key on the network? or WPA?04:32
QUEENvader if thats the case I will replace it tomorrow no big deal, im upset over a lot more than my cd burner04:32
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john64why would an X Server be using a constant 30% of my cpu?04:32
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vaderQUEEN, try it, I honestly think that is the problem :)04:33
QUEENvader can I privately message u?04:33
davey486IIn the "newtworking" , it has a field for password. is that the key?04:33
vaderone sec QUEEN04:33
=== vader is now known as vader1102
wastrelQUEEN:  try using gnomebaker which doesn't need to "mount" the blank cd04:33
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kurisutofuaabitflip: Had to modify the xorg.conf now am about to restart gdm04:33
QUEENi will try that04:33
dsnydersw30, any other recovery tools you could suggest?04:33
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vader1102ok, go for it QUEEN04:34
w30dsnyders, I can't help you there.04:34
nikinkeeb: its LeftOf04:34
nikinif i recal it good04:34
w30dsnyders, sorry04:34
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john64anyone? or am i a leper04:35
H3g3m0nhttp://www.winehq.com/ <- Down for anyone else?04:35
kurisutofuaabitflip: it went to a black screen again and I heard form my speakers the startup sound but no display still04:35
trillijiHas anyone had much luck lately with banshee?04:35
dsnydersw30, that doesn't surprise me.  I've been googling for most of the week, and asking in half a dozen irc channels.  No joy.04:35
vader1102QUEEN, I have to go, I will be back in 1.5 hours or so04:35
john64winehq seems to be down for me too04:36
dsnydersThanks for the help anyways, w3004:36
QUEENok take care and thanks for your help04:36
nikintrilliji: did you get my message?04:36
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trillijinikin: Yes, thanks04:36
nikinit helped?04:36
dsnydersPerhaps someone knows a way to send a message to me back in the past to make a backup?04:36
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fjf314No luck on my earlier problem with X, guys.04:36
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ikarugahi guys how do I load a module at boot time?04:37
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nikinsnyders: try man cron04:37
trillijinikin: Anyone have any ideas for getting automount to work again. Went to  gnome-volume-properties, and I have mount removable drives when hot plugged checked, mount removable media when inserted checked, and browse removable media when inserted checked04:37
fjf314After using the command you gave, going through all of the menus, and then using the "startx" command, it gave me a "Connection reset by peer" error and did nothing.04:37
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john64i have an S3 SuperSavageIXC and right after a clean install, it is using 30%+ cpu all the time.  I haven't done a single thing, this happens on multiple installations04:37
fjf314Any ideas?04:37
trillijinikin: They are checked, but not working it appears04:37
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w30dsnyders, have you called any hard drive repair stores or services like a business supply outfit that maybe could put you on track. They have customers that have really valuable data that can't afford to be lost.04:38
Spant[AT] DHI'm in a hurry. I need help adding a custommade font in Ubuntu Dapper drake serverinstall with Xubuntudesktop running Fluxbox.04:38
=== brianski [n=ski@c-68-33-221-8.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brianskiis the ubuntu splash screen supposed to be greyscale on amd64 ?04:38
davey486where do i put in  my wep key and my essid04:38
john64that happens for me too brianski04:39
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brianskijohn64: weird04:39
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john64i thought os04:39
nikintrilliji: then i ame out of ideas... but will think about it, but its 4:38AM so i go and sleep, have a nice day :D04:39
john64i much rather the color one04:39
brianskii also noticed that when booting to the install disk, it was not only grey, but the right half of it slightly corrupted04:39
bitflipkurisutofuaa: do you still have the box up?  (minus a working X)04:39
trillijinikin: thanks, you too04:39
brianskithe bar where the progress meter goes was solid on the left, weird04:39
john64for me (X1800XT) the entire non-x portion of ubuntu is messed04:39
=== Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@ontario-ca-cuda3-70-36-185-20.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
john64i can't see anything on my TTY's04:40
dsnydersw30, I'll consider that option.04:40
brianskihmm my ttys seem ok04:40
john64what video?04:40
w30dsnyders, I have talked to a hard drive manufacturer when I had a disk fail under warranty and they have ways of recovery that probably cost you an arm and a leg but maybe they would at least talk to you free.04:40
kurisutofuaabitflip: I will have to restart it04:40
arathaldso can anyone help me out with ATI drivers?04:40
brianskiand shockingly my ethernet, sound, and wifi (all of which need custom compiles, one of which needs its own firmware) all work with 64 bit04:40
bitfliparathald: what ati card?04:40
=== kevinG_ [n=kevin@pool-71-108-198-144.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
john64Does anyone have any ideas regarding XOrg insane CPU usage?04:41
kevinG_anyone have an idea on why my sound doesn't work when i log in sometimes?04:41
john64i really have no idea why my X Server is using 30% of my CPU, and it makes the computer unusable04:41
john64winehq is up again04:41
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arathaldbitflip: firegl V5200 (its more or less a rebranded radeon mobility)04:42
john64what core?04:42
john64R200, R300, R400?04:43
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asjhaI have quick question:  I did a Dapper Sever install, added xwin and xfce.  What do I need to install to get gksudo or something like that for running gui apps as root?04:43
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brianskijohn64: are you running firefox in 64 bit mode?04:43
kurisutofuaabitflip: Okay I restarted it what do you want me to do now?04:43
brianskii thought there was a way to run the 32bit firefox, which should be a lot easier to get flash and java etc. working with04:44
john64brianski: i don't bother with 64bit, it is a lot of headaches for 0 performance improvment04:44
brianskibut apt-cache search firefox | grep 32 gives me nada04:44
rbrunhuberi can not go in the internet if i have a search directive in my resolv.conf04:44
john64also, closed plugins will only work in 32bit mode04:44
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bitfliparathald: have you followed this guide step by step?  http://tinyurl.com/yc6mal04:44
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rbrunhuberdoes anybody know such problems?04:44
brianskijohn64: right, so where do i get the 32 bit firefox?04:44
john64try using linux3204:44
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: you have your xorg modified and all that, correct?04:45
john64install the linux32 package and try to run "linux32 firefox"04:45
arathaldbitflip: yes, I have -- I went though several of them at least a few times each04:45
john64i don't know otherwise, i really don't use or care about AMD6404:45
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brianskijohn64: oh i thought you said you were on amd6404:46
brianskiand hyour name also implied that :)04:46
john64no, i have used it enough to know i don't care for it04:46
john64it is the same except that you cannot load 32 bit libraries properly in Ubuntu04:46
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john64it is a real hassle and waste of time04:46
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brianskijohn64: you can't ?04:46
DevCwell I'm out I hope AnthonyG doesn't have any other problems ....if so I'll have to help him later cause I'm off to bed04:47
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brianskiif you have 32 bit application and 32 bit library, that should work, no?04:47
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john64last time i heard, ubuntu has really poor 64bit support,  that should work04:47
davey486is it a problem that my wireless card gets installed to ra0 instead of wkan0?04:47
john64does it work davey486?04:47
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Gog123join #ubuntu-offtopic04:47
davey486i see it, but can't use it04:48
john64what kind of card is it?04:48
davey486belkin f5d7000 chipset rt250004:48
arathaldbitflip: It's staying on the Mesa driver04:48
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john64is the module loaded?04:49
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brianskihow does linux32 work?04:50
brianskiit can just turn any 64 bit executable into a 32 bit one???04:50
php-freak[root@bigboy tmp] # useradd -g users www now whats the []  brackets for in this syntax, whats that sussposed to mean, I know usually you don't put them in either, it just like a paramenter, but what is the # sign for, whats that reprsenting?04:50
wastrelok bye now04:51
john64it won't turn a 64 bit executable into 3204:51
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john64it will just run an executable in a 32bit environment04:51
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caduhello! yahoo, how to update from dapper to edgy !?04:51
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arathaldphp-freak: the pount sign (#) means that is a root user logged into the console04:51
bitfliparathald: /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains "fglrx" and "Composite" "Disable"04:52
arathaldphp-fream: you need to run it as root or using sudo04:52
arathaldbitflip: yes04:52
brianskijohn64: know where i can read more about the magic that makes linux32 work?04:52
john64run uname -m then run "linux32 uname -m"04:52
brianskithe manpage isn't helping me :)04:52
arathaldphp-freak: you need to run it as root or using sudo04:52
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php-freakokay what about the brackets?04:53
bitfliparathald: and to be thorough - /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules contains "fglrx"?04:53
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john64i don't have an AMD64 os installed right now, so i don't know what to say, but all it does is tell the executable that it is running in a 32bit environment, and i beleive it execs the file like a 32bit one04:53
php-freakso basicay just replace # with sudo04:53
=== hicks [n=hekar@bas3-kitchener06-1096752407.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
davey486is the wep key a 26 character string?04:53
kurisutofuaabitflip: Okay mod'ed the xorg.conf04:54
michaelaoashMy wireless stopped working after I installed the current batch of updates (edgy eft)04:54
davey486I type a passphrase into windows when i installed my card and it spit out a 26 character string, is that the key?04:54
kurisutofuaabitflip: but haven't killed gdm and restarted it yet04:54
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php-freakany one know how I can restart apache on linux?04:55
fjf314I really need some help with installating Ubuntu.04:55
arathaldbitflip: the linux-restricted-modules is to disable modules -- a module being absent from the file means its enabled04:55
craigbas1976php-freak, might be /etc/init.d/httpd restart04:55
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arathaldfjf314: how can I help?04:55
craigbas1976php-freak, but don't quote me on that04:55
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo killall gdm && startx && export DISPLAY=:0 && xterm04:55
john64does anyone have any ideas regarding an X server causing a machine to become very laggy?04:55
michaelaoashTo restart apache, try /etc/init.d/apache2 restart04:55
bitfliparathald: what version driver are you using?04:55
kurisutofuaabitflip: trying now04:56
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michaelaoashI would like some help with my wireless connection please04:56
fjf314I'm getting the error that says, "Failed to start the X server... blah blah."  So I get to the command line and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:56
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fjf314I go through all of the menus.04:56
craigbas1976john64, Are you using the right driver?  I had a crazy slow box until I stopped using the vesa one.04:56
fjf314Then, when I get back to the command line, I type "startx" to try to re-start the installation.04:56
arathaldbitflip: 8.29.604:56
craigbas1976john64, well, the box wasn't slow, but X was04:56
fjf314All it does, though, is give me another error about "Connection reset by peer."04:56
john64lemme check, i am pretty sure it is working, OpenGL is running fine04:56
fjf314I can't seem to get any further than this.04:57
php-freakcraigbas1976: I'm king of confused, but what does bash mean?04:57
john64craigbas1976: I am running the correct savage driver04:57
bitfliparathald: have you at any time used apt-get to install *fglrx*?04:57
michaelaoash"bash" is the shell; you can type commands into a terminal.04:57
craigbas1976php-freak, What?  Are you serious? bash is the shell most linux users use.  Like the dos prompt.04:57
=== zeeeeee [i=zeeeee@ASHDOWN-THREE-SIXTY-ONE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
fjf314Anyone have some ideas?04:58
php-freakI see thats all it means04:58
arathaldbitflip: uhh... I think I did. why, should I not have?04:58
hicksk fjf04:58
michaelaoashfjf314: please specify the problem again.04:58
=== LNXempire [n=eddie@pool-68-161-44-174.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LNXempirehi peoplz04:58
hickstype sudo nano /etc/X1104:58
blamelessi haven't used bash in years04:58
craigbas1976john64, then you have reached the extent of my abilities... Sorry.04:58
fjf314 I'm getting the error that says, "Failed to start the X server... blah blah."  So I get to the command line and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:58
fjf314I go through all of the menus.04:58
john64craigbas1976: thanks anyway!04:58
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hicksit should tell you a command dpkg -reconfigure in the file04:58
john64i never thought to check that btw04:58
fjf314Then, when I get back to the command line, I type "startx" to try to re-start the installation.04:58
kurisutofuaabitflip: It gave me the start up sound but still no display04:59
craigbas1976blameless, what do you use?  A friend was raving about zsh a couple of months ago04:59
LNXempireis it possible to have transfer music from Rythmbox to a mp3 player?04:59
hickstell the whole command as shown04:59
blamelessi use zsh04:59
=== QUEEN [n=wonderwo@cpe-24-59-158-227.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
john64what is good about zsh04:59
john64i <3 bash04:59
=== dobsonj [n=dobsonj@24-158-118-238.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
blamelessthe tab completion works better04:59
fjf314Which command?04:59
LNXempirecraigbas1976: lol@raving... yeah I wonder why zhs is better04:59
john64(that is an honest question btw, it sounds fanboish though)04:59
arathaldbitflip: method 1 on the page you gave me says to use ap-get for xorg-driver-fglrx -- i assume this is the same thing04:59
hicksits in the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:59
john64how is it better, like an example?04:59
QUEENall unless sumone helps me in the next bit so I can actually get my cd burner to see i am inserting a bank CD I am fully prepared to hang myself04:59
jribjohn64: completion, more globbing options are my favorite features04:59
LNXempireanyways please is it possible to dl music using rythmbox?04:59
=== DanSchnell [n=dan@CPE-70-92-94-101.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hicksit dpkg -reconfigure... forget the rest05:00
craigbas1976LNXempire, I have no idea; I never tried it out.05:00
blamelessit has more options, better globbing, and the completion works faster05:00
bitfliparathald: follow method 2 step by step and do *everything* it says05:00
QUEENmy life has totally been ruined by switching to linux05:00
fjf314Would that make a difference, though?  Using the command I gave you, I was able to go through all of the menus to reconfigure it.05:00
john64LNXempire: you don't really download music in rhythmbox, unless you are talking about iTunes Music Store05:00
arathaldbitflip: alright, be back in a few05:00
Skwid_nice ! i just figured out that my multimedia key worked :D05:00
LNXempirecraigbas1976: this is insane, mp3 player are as popular as Britney Spears05:00
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php-freak this is bull05:00
bitfliparathald: I'll assist (if I can) but out of 4 people in the last 24 hours, nobody has come back for help and said it works05:00
Skwid_this is awesome :D05:01
Skwid_i loveeeee ubuntuuuuu05:01
php-freakI keep trying to restart apache, and its not letting me05:01
QUEENim begging one of u to help me05:01
zeeeeeehi all, is there a way to do advanced print manipulation (eg concatenating, n-up, scaling, etc.) reliably (i.e. without relying on postscript)? over many years/boxes/trails, i've found that PS manipulation tools like psutils almost never work for me (or the output is poor). i ultimately fall back to windows where i end up using freeware or MS Document Imaging.05:01
php-freaksays command not valid05:01
LNXempirejohn64: no, I am saying transfer music from Rythmbox to an Mp3 player05:01
craigbas1976LNXempire, he was raving about Ubuntu a couple weeks ago.  I had already tried it and bailed after a couple weeks, but I'm trying it again05:01
php-freakjrib: do you know how to restart apache?05:01
LNXempirethat's what i mean05:01
hicksi think it would use the vesa driver until you download 3d drivers05:01
asjhais there an equivalent to gksudo that can be installed on a Dapper Server installtion that has had x and xfce added with apt-get?05:01
QUEENand if someone does not help me fix this i am gonna end my life over this shit05:01
john64oh, ok05:01
=== BlackTopBum [n=BlackTop@host-69-145-209-65.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunQUEEN: a bit drastic, no?05:01
hickslol queen whats wrong?05:01
fjf314Well, whatever it does it's not working, haha.05:01
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QUEENlisten dont lol05:01
fjf314And I really don't know what else to try.05:01
bitflipkurisutofuaa: hell, I'm running out of ideas.  Give me a few moments to google something real quick05:01
jribphp-freak: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart05:02
fjf314I can't really find anything via Google.05:02
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QUEENand kmy damn cd burned cant see that I have inserted a blank CD05:02
hickslol fjf314 read "/etc/X11/xorg.conf05:02
LNXempireok so noone here uses an mp3 player?05:02
cadu--> /etc/init.d/apache restart05:02
michaelaoashfjf314: what's the hardware?05:02
php-freakits local apache05:02
jribphp-freak: what does that mean?05:02
crimsunLNXempire: em pee three? ...Wot's that?05:02
php-freaknot on my server05:02
php-freakon my local pc05:02
fjf314My video card, which I'm assuming is the issue since it's video related, is an ATI X600.05:02
jribphp-freak: yes, the command I gave you will restart apache05:02
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BlackTopBumWhere can I post problems but maybe they're not bugs for XCFE4  ?05:03
php-freakwahts invoke-rc.d?05:03
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hicksk fjf314 ill get you the link for installing the ati drivers05:03
w30crimsun, start em pee three with the dir key05:03
php-freaknice it restarted05:03
hicksso you dont have to listen to my bad instructions05:03
jribphp-freak: basicallyit's the same as doing  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:03
php-freakjrib: how'd you find tat command out05:03
john64that is the best guide that i have come across for installing ati drivers (wiki.cchtml.com05:03
fjf314I know where the ATI drivers are, but what good will they do if I can't install the OS?05:03
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LNXempirecrimsun: you know a is portable audio device that stores music on flash drive05:03
php-freakI tried that one, and it didn't not work, well i tried sudo /etc/apache2/httpd.conf restart05:04
brentLinuxHey all. Could anyone here help out a total newb with some sound issues?05:04
hickslol queen i did not understand what you said about the burnt cd05:04
michaelaoashfjf314: sorry, this is a hard problem.  you may want to visit a Linux Users' Group in your area. hands on assistance often helps.05:04
QUEENfine I am gonna fucking hang myself if someone does not fucking offer to help me right nep05:04
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hicksits a easy problem05:04
jrib!language | QUEEN05:04
ubotuQUEEN: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:04
hicksi have a ati x700 with the same problem05:04
kevinG_QUEEN, nobody is being paid to help here.05:04
crimsunQUEEN: dramawhoring leads to suffering.05:04
BlackTopBumbrentLinux: what probs?05:04
fjf314I mean, I've gone to the ATI website and looked at the drivers so I know where they are once I get it installed, but getting it installed is giving me the trouble, hehe.05:04
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caduQUEEN: do us a favor, hang yourself :~) you aren't paying my bills, are you?05:04
php-freakman this is pissin me off been here for like 3 hours trying to figure out how to set up my apache directories, where to read the files from, and its not working, or I don't know how to do it??05:04
hicksdont use ati website drivers05:05
hicksthey suck05:05
LNXempireQUEEN: go ahead hang yourself, do you have a webcam so we can watch the show?05:05
caduso you can't order anyone to help you05:05
john64they dont05:05
DanSchnellcadu: Don't encourage suicide, thats just wrong mate05:05
brentLinuxI was trying to install Ardour, and while installing Alsa/Jack, I ended up causing my sound to quit working.05:05
QUEENI could care less  and if one of u dont ofer and give me the correct way to fix this I got no choice05:05
john64they work excellent05:05
hicksuse the fgrlx drivers05:05
fjf314Haha, alright, that saved me one future problem.05:05
jribphp-freak: I'm not really sure how I first learned about it.  typing 'man invoke-rc.d' should help05:05
elkbuntucadu, LNXempire that is uncalled for.05:05
brentLinuxI've done searches and things for it, but I haven't found anything that's haelped.05:05
hickshttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide the link for a ati driver guide05:05
brentLinuxSo I guess I might need help reinstallng ALSA, primarily.05:05
LNXempireQUEEN: relax, what's the issue to begin with?05:05
Toma-QUEEN: a linux problem < life problems. get help05:05
pagefaultati is a nightmare in linux05:05
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michaelaoashmay i get some help with making wireless work.  It was working fine and stopped after my most recent update with the update-manager.  wired connection works fine, wireless "sees" the networks but can't connect.05:05
john64QUEEN: goto http://wiki.cchtml.com as i suggested before05:05
BlackTopBumbrentLinux: sorry,can't help you05:05
hicksyea ati sucks in linux even after the drivers are installed05:05
john64hicks: i beg to differ05:06
brentLinuxAlright, thanks for the offer. :)05:06
khelAnyone know where to set DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS when logging in remotely via XDMCP? Seems like dbus-lanuch is start fine but not setting the variable (which seems to be messing with gnome)05:06
caduelkbuntu: sorry, just thought it was extremely uncouth to order people to help you.... like we're made to serve, thought we are here to help each other and collaborate ;)05:06
pagefaultI switched to nvidia from ati05:06
pagefaultI can't believe how different it is05:06
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hicksbeg to differ what?05:06
elkbuntucadu, it happens all the time. we dont encourage suicide out of spite though.05:06
john64that ATI Drivers in linux are perfectly fine05:06
=== winbond [n=winbond@c-68-81-31-53.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
QUEENI have tried that and for the reco9rd for the ass who wats to watch me end my life I do got a cam and wilol do it on cam unlesws one of u tells me right now how to fix this05:06
michaelaoashfjf314 and others: may i suggest installing the proprietary drivers (this helped for my nVidia card).05:06
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hicksmeh i get much worse frames on linux in ut2003 then in windows05:06
pagefaultperfectly fine if you enjoy that your product gets 30% of it's real performance05:06
hicksmy nvidia was the opposite05:06
winbonddoes anyone got the flash9 working in 6.10 x64?05:07
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hicksi dont mind the ati drivers just saying they could be a lot better05:07
john64winbond: no, and it isn't possible05:07
caduelkbuntu: okays, got it ;) anyone, people really *do* it when encouraged? ttssss sucks ;~)05:07
fjf314hicks: So will this work just from the command prompt before the system is installed?05:07
elkbuntuQUEEN, please stop the attitude before i remove you from here. emotional blackmail is very unwelcome.05:07
Toma-QUEEN: what is the problem anyway?05:07
DanSchnellWhat do you think I can do with...1.8 GB, and ~500MHz on my computer?  I don't know what to do05:07
michaelaoashany tips on my newly developed wireless problem?05:07
winbondjohn64: whats wrong with it?05:07
john64toma: Queen can't read documentation05:07
fjf314Awesome, you're a lifesaver.05:07
arathaldbitflip: yeah, i know, ATI drivers are a pain05:07
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DanSchnellToma-, He's emotionally unstable05:07
w30php-freak, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:07
hickslol  ty05:07
QUEENI have read it05:07
pagefaultnightmare to develop on05:07
kurisutofuaabitflip: I just finished downloading the Alt install do you think that would help some?05:07
arathaldbitflip: my friend spent two weeks getting his working....05:07
pagefaultincomplete opengl driver05:07
LNXempirei am going to join QUEEN and suicide if someone doesn't help how to transfer music from Rythmbox to a mp3 player05:07
fjf314I'm going to reboot the CD and give it a try.  Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it!05:07
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john64winbond, it is complicated, just accept it, it is easier05:07
QUEENaned u saty one morew rude thing i will end my life im sick of this05:08
john64QUEEN: did you follow it?05:08
hicksnp fjf31405:08
dobsonji'm having a problem compiling zsnes... when linking all the object files it spits out "g++: argument to -L missing" and dies.  and ideas?05:08
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hicksinstall g++05:08
caduelkbuntu: coz i live in japan, and yesterday a japanese came with a sad face at me (the guys with the cold-heart fame) and said "have nothing worth living"05:08
bitflipkurisutofuaa: yes - you should be able to get going with that05:08
pagefaultdobsonj: if you grab the svn image it will fix that problem05:08
winbondjohn64: how do i get flash to work than?05:08
hickssudo apt-get install g++ in bash dobsonj05:08
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john64winbond: Don't use AMD6405:08
caduelkbuntu: then i said "why are you living then?" :))05:08
hicksor nvm05:08
jribdobsonj: no need to compile.  zsnes is in the repos05:08
jrib!info zsnes | dobsonj05:08
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john64that was my solution and it is fine, 32bit is no slower05:08
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)05:08
hicksyea jrib is right05:08
pagefaultwe are releasing a new version next month that will fix compile issues with gcc 4.005:09
jribubotu: tell dobsonj about multiverse05:09
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elkbuntuQUEEN, please behave this time.05:09
dobsonjjrib, i want to apply a patch, but thanks :)05:09
DanSchnellWhat do you guys think I should do with...1.8 GB, and ~500MHz on my computer?  I don't know what to do...05:09
LNXempirehey do i need some sort of plug in for Rythmbox05:09
QUEENlisten u ppl can kick me and be mean to me but unless i get an answer im commiting sucide do any of u really care?05:09
dobsonjpagefault, hicks, thanks, i'll try that out :)05:09
john64danschnell:  send it to me?05:09
winbondjohn64: ohh cmon , i kno there is a way to have flash working under x64 , i used it before05:09
hicksinstall damn small linux or flubuntu danSchnell05:09
john64it is really complex05:09
pagefaultdobsonj: zsnes.bountysource.com05:09
Toma-QUEEN: i havent even heard your problem. id sure like to help so you can shut the hell up05:09
QUEENno u ppl dont care this is a game to u :(05:09
kurisutofuaabitflip: now to hope it works05:09
john64and it isn't actually running it in 64 bit, it is running it in pure 32bit05:09
LNXempireQUEEN: but what is you ISSUE to begin with05:09
[TL] Smokeyhi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1833921#post183392105:10
hickslol k queen whats the problem?05:10
QUEENI have have said 5 times05:10
=== [TL] Smokey is now known as Smokeyy
LNXempireQUEEN: what the hell is you complain05:10
hicksi didnt understand what you said last time05:10
timthelionQUEEN: what is your problem, maybe I can help.05:10
DanSchnellQueen, You need to calm down.  If you are really serious about suicide, you might wan t to call 1-800-999-9999.  Its a suicide hotline.  I hear they're quite helpful05:10
blamelessbohemian rhapsody keeps playing in my head05:10
QUEENif one more person is not nice to me im gonna end my life os please be nice05:10
winbondjohn64: yeah, it was running in the 32bit mode but it worked05:10
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craigbas1976I've downloaded ardour, and qjackctl, but somehow the installation of Jack itself seems to have been skipped over.  How does one get jack for ubuntu?05:10
asjhaQueen can't get his burner to recognize that a blank cd has been inserted05:10
john64gah,  this is garbage, i can't use this computer at all05:10
kurisutofuaabitflip: text mode or OEM mode?05:10
LNXempirebefore the kickban you I wanna know what's you issue or whether you are just trolling05:10
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pagefaultwe will have an AMD64 version sometime this year I hope05:10
elkbuntunow, back to normality.05:10
bitflipkurisutofuaa: do text05:10
john64winbond: Why not run 32Bit ubuntu?05:10
php-freakwhen i tried restarting apache it said could not determing servers fully name05:10
DanSchnellWhat do you guys think I should do with...1.8 GB, and ~500MHz on my computer?  I don't know what to do...05:11
brentLinuxreinstall GNOME?05:11
hicksinstall damn small linux or flubuntu danSchnell05:11
Smokeyyhey elkbuntu, where in NY are you? Im in rochester region.05:11
john64DanSchnell:  You could send it to me, i would use it :P05:11
winbondjohn64: i like the way x64 sounds05:11
caduDanSchnell: a very good puter i must say....05:11
pschulz01DanSchnell: Install a webserver?05:11
Toma-DanSchnell: xubuntu would be cool...05:11
hicksinstall a lighter version of linux05:11
caduDanSchnell: any linux distro will do it05:11
DanSchnellAll, I have Xubuntu installed on it05:11
hicksxubuntu is slow on my pentium 205:11
caduDanSchnell: put like....XFCE on it05:11
john64that is easily the funiest reason for using a 64 bit distro winbond05:11
john64what do you use your computer for?05:11
winbondjohn64: ;O)05:11
DanSchnellAll, I'm just wondering what to do with it now..05:11
LNXempireplease someone can help me to find out what do i need to transfer music from Rythmbox to an mp3 player05:11
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mhikuwhat is the latest kernel version?05:12
john64for stable05:12
asjhaDanSchnell: I'm running xfce on a 400mhz P2 and it runs fine05:12
elkbuntuSmokeyy, im not in NY05:12
elkbuntuSmokeyy, and, random chatter goes to #ubuntu-offtopic05:12
mhikufor experimental?05:12
Toma-DanSchnell: um... use it?05:12
hicksasjha u sure? cause my p2 450mhz 200mb ram is slow05:12
SmokeyyAh my bad, your hostmask said so =\...and sorry.05:12
timthelionwhat should I do with 120 gigs on a 3gz machien that has 2gigs of ram? ;)05:12
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caduDanSchnell: also (don't wanna start a distro war, just suggesting) i had a lot of success for *years* using my old pentium 166mhz with 128mb of ram with DEBIAN stable...only upgrading some packages...if at all05:12
DanSchnellToma, Like what? :D05:12
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mhikuok thanks05:12
john64timthelion: send it to  me!05:12
_greeniedoes anyone know how to get the "Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition05:12
_greenieAudio Controller (rev 02)" soundcard to work? i have it atm, and am not getting any sound at all05:12
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Toma-DanSchnell: you want us to tell you how to use a computer?05:13
blameless_greenie: which version of ubuntu?05:13
timthelion_greenie: I have ICH505:13
_greenieubuntu 6.1005:13
pschulz01_greenie: Did you see this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28422005:13
caduDanSchnell: i used debian coz i could install the very much BASE system (200mb) and with dselect slowly add the other packages....with a 500mb install you get yourself a basic system with no frills and a simple X.... like Xorg + ICEWM or XFCE05:13
timthelion_greenie: have you looked in aslamixer?05:13
superchode|fufrom ubuntu forums: ctually, Macromedia Flash can be installed under AMD64 together with 32-bit Opera 9 (provided that you install the "Other/Static DEB" package from the Opera download site). This works because this software doesn't use system libraries, and because AMD64 processors have a 32-bit compatibility mode.05:13
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timthelion_greenie: is everything set right?05:13
php-freaknow when i comment out something i just use ;; right?05:13
caduDanSchnell: and with this pentium 166 i did all my coding\gaming (emulators/nethack) and stuff05:13
john64the only problem is that the average person really doesn't make use of the 64bit features, to the point where it is faster or better than 32bit05:14
john64it just causes problems05:14
timthelionjohn64: send me $850 and I will ;)05:14
hicksjohn64 is trully correct05:14
cadujohn64: i have a Athlon 64 X2 and thanks to that, i *prefer* to use a 32bit userland and 32bit smp kernel :)05:14
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john64i <3 32bit05:15
john64it is really so simple!05:15
php-freakafter editing the xorg.conf do I have to restart anything?05:15
winbondjohn64: ohh  , i remember , swiftfox is a modded version of firefoz that can use 32bit plugins under x64 os05:15
_greenietried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=284220 but that didnt work05:15
john64timthelion: Send me the thing, and i will get right on the $850 :P05:15
cadu64bit is still buggy and largely unsupported, compilers haven't reaaaaally matured...whatever05:15
asjhahicks: yeah, it's fast enough for web browsing, email, and print server duties.  i don't do any multimedia on it, however.05:15
DanSchnellcadu, Which kind of emulators?05:15
pagefault64-bit runs fine for me05:15
pagefaultI use it in server environments05:15
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blamelessi've also never had a problem with 64-bit on my desktop05:16
john64pagefault: server05:16
pagefaultand desktop05:16
john64s are a completely diferent game05:16
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DanSchnellToma-: Well, I was thinking about using wine and wow, but I dont have a big enough HDD05:16
hicksahh i wanted my pentium to play quake :(05:16
caduDanSchnell: at that time with this sucky machine i could use ZSNES perfectly....nethack.....quake....doom205:16
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Toma-DanSchnell: i doubt you'd run WoW on a 500mhz machine05:16
pagefaultas long as you bootstrap a 32-bit install and set up your paths it works great05:16
pagefaultthe only annoyance is two apt gets05:16
timthelionis it possible to make it so that a pdf that gets put in a certain directory gets prited?05:16
timthelion_greenie: alsamixer sorry05:17
john64winbond: Swiftfox is a static build, so it too doesn't use the system libraries05:17
john64but 64bit really isn't worth the headaches05:17
DanSchnellToma-: I can wish i could :D05:17
asjhaalso, i did a server installation and added x and xfce on my owm, so it's tiny :)05:17
john64magically my X server seems to be working better05:17
Toma-DanSchnell: you could run starcraft on it?05:17
dredhammerhello i'm trying to compile the latest mplayer from svn nd i keep getting this error  about libmpdemux and deumx.mov.o when i do make05:17
pschulz01_greenie: One suggestion from http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28605:17
hickslol yea i love linux for the easy server administration and install05:18
dredhammeri'm using dapper05:18
pagefaultbut I could agree that unless you are a developer then 64-bit is sort of pointless for you05:18
cadubtw, have a question myself, my wife is sick of me talking about linux coz she wanna use the "cutey" windows MSN messenger... ;~05:18
DanSchnellToma-: There's an idea.. I was gonna put some music on it, but easyubuntu isn't working..05:18
cadulike, she hates amsn , whatever....05:18
john64i am a developer (in training ;) ) and 64bit is still useless05:18
pschulz01_greenie: Install ALSO from scratch using.. http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-106.html05:18
pagefaultwell I am trying to port things to 64-bit05:18
pagefaultso I need it ;)05:18
=== michaelfavia [n=michaelf@cpe-66-68-112-211.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-DanSchnell: just do it by hand?05:18
blamelesscadu: run msn messenger in vmware player05:18
pschulz01_greenie: Quote - Kernel 2.6.16 Note: Interestingly enough, the driver for the Intel HD Audio in kernel 2.6.16 is broken.05:18
cadui thinking in putting vmware inside ubuntu and put messenger there05:18
DanSchnellToma-: In terminal?05:18
john64blameless: what is wrong with gaim05:18
michaelfaviawhere can i get old ubuntu kernels?05:18
hicksyea use a virtual machine05:18
caduseems like a gordian knot but it's a solution ;)05:19
=== Rprp sleep bye guys :w
Toma-DanSchnell: or synaptic05:19
hicksxen can work to but it will be harder to setup05:19
hicksand you need the right cpu to work05:19
DanSchnellToma-: Forgot it was in synaptic...lol!05:19
Toma-cadu: you know theres a new amsn out?05:19
caduvmware player is free now ?05:19
pagefaultyou would be amazed as how uncompatible 32-bit assembly is in 64-bit mdoe05:19
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hicksyea cadu it is05:19
pagefaultthey removed a lot of instructions05:19
john64it always was cadu05:19
blamelessjohn64: nothing.  but he said she didn't prefer amsn so i figured she'd want msn05:19
caduToma-: i like it...my wife can't stand it ;)05:19
Dr_Willisvmware server has a free version also.05:19
blamelesscadu: the player is, not the workstation05:19
mhikudrivers/char/keyboard.c: In function `kbd_keycode': drivers/char/keyboard.c:1262: error: too few arguments to function `speakup_key' drivers/char/keyboard.c:1288: error: too few arguments to function `speakup_key' make[2] : *** [drivers/char/keyboard.o]  Error 1 make[1] : *** [drivers/char]  Error 2 make: *** [drivers]  Error 2, can someone help me fix in the latest kernel?05:19
=== tale_ [n=tale@cpe-024-088-253-167.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-cadu: have you tried another theme on her? :D05:19
cadujohn64: that's the problem...05:19
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DanSchnellBlameless: Server is free too, to some extent05:19
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hicksits easy to get the features of the work station out of the player05:20
cadui need to create a "virtual machine config file" to use with player05:20
john64ok, i am lost, do you not like Gaim or aMSN?05:20
LNXempireE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate05:20
blamelesscadu: all the documentation to do that is online though05:20
hicksdownload the ubuntu browser vmware image and edit the config05:20
pagefaultthey finally stripped out the legacy mode instructions05:20
LNXempirehow can I fix that?05:20
michaelfaviai removed an old kernel from my machine and id liek to reinstall it doo i have any recourse?05:20
Toma-btw, qemu would be better tbh05:20
hicksto boot from a windows xp cd05:20
john64LNXEmpire: www.videolan.org05:20
cadujohn64: i like both ;) talking about my homie here ;~05:20
john64cadu: ok,  what about Kopete?05:20
=== bradley_ [n=bradley@bas3-montreal02-1096682110.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cadujohn64: she wants MSN Messenger, cute bluey with ads whatever, just the way she has always been accustomed to ;)05:21
john64it appears to be something that was in my ~ that was causing isses05:21
tale_I just bought a new canon sd600 camera.  When I plug it up, gthumb detects it and I can copy pictures from the camera and delete them using gthumb's importer.  However, I can't find where it's mounted on the file system.  I think it is using PTP mode.  Would this mean it isn't mounted in a traditional sense?05:21
john64cadu: running VMWare just for MSN is a little overboard05:21
john64you may as well just run windows05:21
pagefaultgaim not good enough?05:21
hicksor xen05:21
john64gaim is really better once you get used to it05:21
hickshis wife wants the Real MSN05:21
effie_jayxcadu find a nice theme for amsn :D05:21
cadujohn64: nah, i have a nice cpu/ram/system, and you know women , if they want, they want. :(05:22
pagefaultthe real msn with all the ads and annoying spam?05:22
Toma-whats the relationship between wine and msn these days?05:22
john64running a whole OS just for MSN is a strange idea to me05:22
blamelessi'm trying to get my girlfriend on google talk so i can switch to psi05:22
john64cadu: i guess that is where i fall flat on the face05:22
z0mbi3will msn run with wine05:22
john64i don't know what they want :@05:22
cadui still have a license of windows xp here, i'll just put it ...05:22
pagefaultonly one way to find out05:22
john64z0mbi3, maybe an old version05:22
blamelesscadu: i got yelled at the other way because i couldn't open up one of the fiance's works files heh05:22
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john64but likely not Live05:22
cadublameless: hhahahahahah :)05:23
john64what about a dual boot?05:23
john64one os for the wife, one for you?05:23
pagefaultyeah I just stopped using everything else except google talk05:23
pagefaultso they have to use it to talk05:23
hickslol i always keep a windows pc to protect myself from beatings05:23
john64googletalk is awesome05:23
john64hicks ?05:23
Dr_Williswindows 98 + vmware = handy05:23
DanSchnellToma-: I go to Applications > System > EasyUbuntu and i click on it, and nothing ever happens05:23
cadualso, maybe my webcam still isn't supported in linux, so i'll make it work in windows too...for her msn... we have parents overseas (ahahah actually we ran away from our home country) so we need taht05:23
john64easyubuntu is the devil05:23
blamelessmaybe it would be easier to get your wife her own machine for christmas ...05:23
john64so is automatix05:23
Toma-DanSchnell: try running it from a terminal05:23
pagefaultthey need a client for linux05:24
pagefaultI know gaim works05:24
DanSchnellToma-: Command?05:24
pagefaultbut a real one05:24
cadujohn64: then how will i get my linux box running 24/7, serving stuff, downloading ? sucks05:24
john64imo, it is better to run linux as a guess in Windows than windows as a guest in linux05:24
Toma-DanSchnell: no idea. 'easyubuntu'?05:24
cadujohn64: she gets home, wants to go to windows just to talk to friends, time waste....05:24
cadui have to stop downloads, whatever i'm doing...think about it05:24
john64what about teaching her how to use gaim or amsn, they are dead simple05:24
asjhai got my wife a laptop so I could start playing with linux05:25
cadujohn64: man it's not about knowing , she knows perfectly, she HATES ;)05:25
john64i guess i just don't get women :'(05:25
cadunot "cute" man, woman stuff05:25
Dr_Willismy wife always wanted these 'weird/eyecandy/oddball' gimmicy features that were only on the windows clients for her chatting.05:25
Terminusjohn64: why? works both ways and with windows on linux, less chance for the host to fall flat on it's face. =)05:25
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blamelesscadu: so, store.apple.com ... :)05:25
Lukianmsn messenger doesn't work under wine @ Dr_Willis ? :p05:25
christ__i'm a venezuelan05:26
blamelessmy fiance loves when the smilies explode in aim05:26
john64terminus, i personally prefer linux on windows, it works better from my experience, at least for using GUI applications in the guest05:26
Dr_WillisLuke,  no idea.. she perferd yahoo and was always installing some stupid yahoo thing that loaded the pc with spyware05:26
blamelessi don't get it05:26
brianskihmmm, with 32 bit firefox, opening the link from another app results in a new (64 bit) instance05:26
christ__could anyone help me with something related to wine05:26
LNXempireanyone have a mp3 player working with Rythmbox, it says it support iPod, why not all damn mp3 player? Why only apple?05:26
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john64i don't know how multiple people use the same computer anyway05:26
john64i can't stand letting other people on my machine05:26
pagefaultvery carefully05:26
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cadublameless: nah, i'll put a small windows xp with just messenger and firefox, can be put on full screen, will eat 256mb while being used but i've got 1.5gb of ram and dual-core so it's okay...when she finishes she powers off her 'puter' and my downloads don't get interrupted nor anything i'm doing...05:27
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  most mp3 players should be syupported if they show up as a usb-drive05:27
Terminusjohn64: depends on what you use it for i guess... if you mean using photoshop and all, then linux on windows is fine.05:27
christ__i'd like someone help05:27
LNXempireDr_Willis: on Rythmbox?05:27
blamelesscadu: that'll work :)05:27
john64terminus, imo, linux on windows is the best way05:27
LNXempireI don't see, I see the folder on the Desktop but no Rythmbox05:27
john64windows applications are a lot more demanding, VM's aren't really fast for gui stuff05:27
cadui'll just server internet for it via linux and a small home drive (like Z:) on windows where she'll store her files (actually on LINUX)05:27
Toma-cadu: better yet, get it to run in a new X session!05:27
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=== EnsilZah [n=ensilzah@bzq-82-81-59-168.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  no idea there i use a psp for mine. but i tend to manyally handle the files.05:27
christ__i'm new and i want to solve the problem related to wine more detailed msn messenger05:27
caduToma-: her account, probably....05:27
john64damn,  all my partitions keep showing up on the desktop05:28
john64i don't need to browse /boot that often! :P05:28
Toma-yeh :D she can log in, have it start vmware/qemu in a blank X session05:28
Terminusjohn64: well, i'll only use linux on windows if i don't have any choice. i do not like host systems needing a reboot while there're 4 vm servers on it. =P05:28
LNXempireDr_Willis: so how would you do that?05:28
cadudualbooting windows/linux has some serious issues like.... what filesystem will you use on the "data" partition ?05:28
john64terminus: you are talking about servers, i am talking about end user stuff05:28
blamelesscadu: you could probably just have a gdm logon for her that boots vmplayer fullscreen as a "session".  she powers it off when she's done and it logs her out05:28
caduif you use ntfs windows will be happy but linux won't05:28
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  i plug the thing in.. it shows up as usb drive.. i drag the mp3's to the rigt place.. i dont change songs much. :)05:28
pagefaultwell you can get ext3 drivers for windows05:28
cadublameless: GOOD IDEA!05:28
blamelessi've never actually tried that so ...05:29
cadupagefault: and then....ext3 for windows is non-existant05:29
Terminusjohn64: like i said, it depends on what you're using it for.05:29
christ__thanks john05:29
caduit's EXT205:29
=== markofvero [n=markofve@ip24-136-32-95.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pagefaultext3 is compatible with ext205:29
cadui know this driver, it reads ext3 coz it is just ext2 + journal05:29
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john64cadu: i can read/write on EXT3 from windows, and read/write with NTFS in linux05:29
EnsilZahCan someone help me with my NVIDIA drivers?      I've upgraded to edgy but now when i start it i get an error about not being able to start X, something about driver being a different version than the kernel. =/05:29
john64it isn't a biggy, i personally have my data in my /home05:29
pagefaultI still don't trust linux writing NTFS05:29
cadubut no journaling, fscked up rights (driver reads everything and writes as root~05:29
yg_homehi, can I find out which package a certain file belongs too in Ubuntu ?05:29
john64ensilzah: did you reinstall the driver?05:29
LNXempireDr_Willis: that's screwed up... because then you have to open a thousand folder to find your song, instead of transfering a desired playlist05:30
brianskiahh wait, my mistake. my firefox wrapper script didn't pass arguments it was given, heh05:30
cadujohn64: what did you use to write ntfs on linux? (is it perfect?)05:30
LNXempireDr_Willis: that's not a modern way of doing that05:30
john64ensilzah:  you are going to have to resinstall the dirvers05:30
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jribyg_home: if it is installed you can use dpkg -S, otherwise go to packages.ubuntu.com or use apt-file05:30
john64cadu: ntfs-3g, it is based on Fuse05:30
EnsilZahjohn64: I'm not quite sure what that entails.05:30
pagefaultyou can write ntfs in linux through the kernel or get the ntfs.sys wrapper driver05:30
cadujohn64: like you trust it to put your -data- (i mean your media/games/documents/mp3 etc) on it05:30
john64cadu: yes05:30
john64ensilzah: reinstall the driver05:30
caduntfs.sys, hmmmm05:30
john64re run the installer05:30
pagefaultit uses MS's driver in linux05:31
pagefaultsort of how ndiswrapper works05:31
cadujohn64: nice... trusteable ?05:31
john64i thought it was a native implementation05:31
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EnsilZahjohn64: I'm not quite sure how to do that.05:31
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  so. :)  make a link.. or wrte a script.. I dont worry much about it.05:31
caducoz right -now- i have a 300gb NTFS "data" partition that i can't really use on linux ;(05:31
john64cadu: i trust it05:31
asjhaok, getting ready to go watch a movie with the wife, so i'll ask one last time in case someone has come online that can help...05:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:31
LNXempireDr_Willis: like I know how to do that, OSX and XP handle that automatically05:32
christ__i'd like what version of wine do i have to put msn messenger on my ubuntu system05:32
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john64ensilzah: download the drivers then run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:32
john64then run the installer from the shell05:32
asjhais there a way to instal gksudo or some similar program to allow sudo in xwin on a Dapper Server install with xwin base and xfce installed?05:32
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brianskianyone running ubuntu on x86_64, please join me in #ubuntu6405:32
birdmunis there any good way to upon startup have different programs start on different virtual desktops? i have searched and found something called wmctrl mentioned but i dont quite grasp how to get it to do what i want to do05:32
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john64join #ubuntu6405:33
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asjhaI know sudo can be used at terminal, but from what i've read, that can cause problems for gui apps05:33
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  and this is my fault? :)05:33
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orpheanasjha: use gksudo for gui apps05:33
orpheaner nm05:33
LNXempireDr_Willis: nope, i am just highly disapointed can't do some as simple as that05:33
=== orphean reads further up ;)
Dr_WillisLNXempire,  if the mp3 player shows up as a usb drive the program should handle it.. they are fairly standard in tat reguard.05:34
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Dr_WillisLNXempire,  check that programs homepage/docs....05:34
klphow do I install ktorrent under ubuntu?05:34
corevettemy update manager doesn't seem to be working, like amarok/gtkpod are outdated05:34
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corevetteklp, go to system >administration>synaptic package manager05:35
LNXempireI think i will change to KDE so far Ubuntu haven't even handle clone DVD's and CD's05:35
kurisutofuaabitflip: You there?05:35
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shriphaniklp, sudo apt-get install ktorrent ?05:35
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noodles12ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't go to a terminal for me. the whole screen turns like, messed up purple and locks up. what is wrong?05:36
john64noodles12: are you using FGLRX?05:36
klpkeep gettin nat errors on bittorrent05:36
klpwhat would cause that05:36
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john64klp: a broken nat?05:36
john64klp: look at your router05:36
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noodles12john64: i think so, it's been a month i forgot how i installed my video card. ( ati ) is there a command to check?05:37
wastrel"Ubunto Lunix"05:37
cadujohn64: the driver is ntfs-3g05:37
noodles12fglrxinfo: Driver"radeon" Option"AGPFastWrite" "yes" Option"AGPMode" "4" Option"ColorTiling" "on" Option"EnablePageFlip" "true" Option"AccelMethod" "EXA" Option"XAANoOffScreenPixMaps" Option"RenderAccel" "true" Option"DRI" "true" BusID"PCI:1:0:0"05:37
noodles12fglrxinfo: OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.05:37
noodles12OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 Generic05:37
noodles12OpenGL version string: 2.0.6011 (8.28.8)05:37
kurisutofuaabitflip: You there?05:37
cadujohn64: and then to use it i have to provide a ntfs.sys from my windows install ?05:37
john64noodles12: that is fglrx05:37
noodles12oops sorry for spamming channel. it was supposed to be one line05:37
klpis there an mplayer-in for browser plugins mozilla?05:37
john64cadu: no05:37
ArrenLexnoodles12: That's... not possible.05:37
noodles12what isn't possible?05:38
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wastrelme am use ubunto05:38
jribklp: yes, in multiverse there is mozilla-mplayer05:38
john64noodles12: i have the same problem, no freezing though, it is a driver bug05:38
whyameyeI'm trying the alternate install and my settings for RAID/LVM just aren't sticking. For example, I've set the swap partition over and over and somehow it keeps coming unset and then the install complains that no swap partition is defined.05:38
ArrenLexnoodles12: What you just pasted. You can't be using "radeon" driver and have ATI Technologies as your renderer string. It's not possible.05:38
pagefaultradeon is DRI driver05:38
john64X1600 doesnt support the ATI/Radeon driver05:38
asjhawell, i'm off.  g'night05:38
john64only FGLRX and Vesa05:38
noodles12ArrenLex: the first thing i pasted was someone's how-to to change in xorg.conf for beryl.05:39
klpjrib, where do I add the multiverse repo to my config?05:39
corevetteanyone know why my update manager isn't detecting any updates?05:39
noodles12ArrenLex: i take it i shoudln't be following it then =/05:39
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ckarinii need help05:39
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ckarinii need help05:39
ckarinii need help05:39
ckarinii need help05:39
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:40
jribubotu: tell klp about multiverse05:40
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:40
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:40
ckariniim trying to download programs05:40
ckarinithey dont work05:40
elkbuntuArrenLex, stop it.05:40
ckarinii can install them05:40
kurisutofuaabitflip: Are you still there?05:40
elkbuntuckarini, where are you downloading them from? the repositories?05:40
ArrenLexckarini: "don't work" is kind of vague. Can you be more specific?05:40
HLMputs on mind reading cap05:41
cadujohn64: what are you using that uses the ntfs.sys driver?05:41
frogzoo!doesn't work05:41
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:41
corevettehow come in synaptic it says latest version for gtkpod is .84, when its really .88?05:41
ckariniim downloading from the interweb05:41
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ckarinistep mania05:41
grndslmPlease help me pick the right laptop...Thinkpad and PortableOne users especially welcome:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1832671#post183267105:41
jribcorevette: it is the latest version in the repositories05:41
john64cadu: nothing05:41
john64that was captive05:41
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jribckarini: please try to keep what you say on one line05:41
LNXempiresorry for shitty Ubuntu I am going the Kubuntu way... Only disapointments with this !#$%@#$@$%@@$#05:41
frogzoo!hardware | grndslm05:41
ubotugrndslm: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:41
john64cadu: ntfs-3g is atomic05:41
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fbcI have 6.10, but I can't find any rounded corner themes as the list of new features states.. ANyone know where I can get them?05:42
frogzooLNXempire: you trying edgy or dapper?05:42
cadujohn64: much better :)05:42
corevettejrib, so why don't people update the repositories05:42
john64cadu: (Y)05:42
jribLNXempire: ubuntu and kubuntu are the same, except one uses kde and the other gnome by default.  The same packages are available05:42
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cadujohn64: how are they achieving this? reverse engineering ?05:42
jrib!stable | corevette05:42
ubotucorevette: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:42
john64cadu: it's magic05:42
cadujohn64: whoa05:42
john64aka, i haven't a clue, likely reverse engineering05:42
cadujohn64: let me buy a wand right now.05:42
jribubotu: tell corevette about release05:42
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stormy|I need to somehow uninstall python and do a full reinstall via apt-get. I'm getting a "cannot open shared object file: file or folder does not exist" error... anyone know how I can do this without killing ubuntu?05:43
ckarinithats my problem too05:43
jribcorevette: having said that, there are backports made of programs.  You may wish to request a backport for your program or even learn and create one yourself to help others :)05:43
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ArrenLexstormy|: If your question is "how do I reinstall a package", the answer is "apt-get install --reinstall <package>".05:43
jribubotu: tell corevette about backports05:43
stormy|ckarini: you have the same problem?05:43
ArrenLexstormy|: If not, be more explicit.05:43
fbcI have 6.10, but I can't find any rounded corner themes as the list of new features states.. ANyone know where I can get them?05:43
kurisutofuaabitflip: Are you still there?05:43
Skwid_where can i find a package for cairo-clock ?05:43
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frogzoofbc: you try the gnome site?05:43
bruenig!theme | fbc05:44
ubotufbc: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:44
IdleOnecan someone help me get speakers working? cant hear any sounds besides system beep05:44
john64if you are getting the message saying that it will remove ubuntu-desktop, don't worry, it wont uninstall anything but python, ubunut-desktop is an empty packages thatjust depends on a lot of other stuff05:44
klpubuntu set DisplaySize to 98dpi?05:44
frogzooIdleOne: checked sound preferences for mutes ?05:44
john64klp: check your xorg.conf05:44
LNXempirefrogzoo: I am using 6.10 but the thing is that Rythmbox can even recognize my mp3 player05:44
stormy|ArrenLex: I've got a broken package problem when I do "apt-get install python2.4*", so I figure that will fix the problem as it fixed the same issue with another file (according to the ubuntu forums)05:44
IdleOnefrogzoo,  yes I removed all mutes05:44
ckariniim leaving05:44
ckariniill get answers later05:44
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tripperSOS! Re 6.06LTS -- why does my system hang when i insert a usb flashdisk? help!!!05:45
Skwid_anyone ?05:45
stormy|ArrenLex: What caused that, is installing it manually (as far as I know)... and something going somewhat wierd05:45
ArrenLexstormy|: If you have a broken package problem, apt will complain about it whatever you try to install.05:45
jribstormy|: can you pastebin your sources.list?05:45
ArrenLexstormy|: It would help if you pastebinned the exact error.05:45
stormy|ArrenLex: apt-get wasn't very happy05:45
stormy|jrib:  where is the sources.list?05:45
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frogzooIdleOne:  you check all devices ? file -> change device05:45
jribstormy|: /etc/apt/sources.list , the error would be helpful too as ArrenLex said05:45
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dodgyvilleDoes anyone know where I can get dapper debs for php 5.2?05:47
IdleOnefrogzoo,  Thank you for your help but Im a moron I had the speakers plugged in the wrong place :/05:47
john64maybe the dapper repository?05:47
frogzooIdleOne: that will do it :)05:47
john64or packages.ubuntu.com05:47
stormy|jrib:  o.0 it appears that sources.list has nothing in it!05:47
jribstormy|: that's bad, are you sure you didn't make a typo?05:47
kurisutofuaabitflip: Are you there man?05:48
stormy|jrib:  it may have been that i was compiling something05:48
jribstormy|: no that shouldn't do it.  What were you compiling?05:48
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stormy|jrib:  blender05:48
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jribstormy|: you know blender is in the repositories?05:49
LNXempireok last chance to stay with Gnome Ubuntu... can someone help how do I set up Rythmbox to read my mp3 player and be able to transfer songs and playlists?05:49
stormy|jrib:  it doesn't work, so I tried compiling my own version05:49
dodgyvilleSorry,  I should have said for edgy eft (6.10) and I can only find 5.1.6 in the repositories...05:49
john64: which mp3 player?05:49
ArrenLexstormy|: If it doesn't work, file a bug@05:49
stormy|jrib:  I get the same problem... let me get the error real quick05:49
john64most non-iPod ones work by just copying the files over in nautilus05:49
frogzooLNXempire: amarok may be worth a shot05:49
john64also, try Amarok05:49
john64it is MUCH better05:49
whyameyethe thing about Amarok is no JACK support.05:50
stormy|jrib: blender-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:50
shriphanieven the ipod can be made to work with just nautilus in hand05:50
shriphanithx to rockbox05:50
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stormy|jrib:  I am also on x64 dapper drake...05:50
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LNXempirefrogzoo: that's what I am saying, I already have k3b to clone CD's DVD's now amarok for mp3 compatability, I might as well migrate. Sad I wanna stay with Ubuntu05:51
LNXempiresorry pals05:51
khaije1i'm looking for a home-use printer/scanner (photo printing ability would be nice) any suggestion or recommendations?05:51
john64KDE apps on gnome is pefectly fine05:51
shriphaniLNXempire, which mp3 player is that ?05:51
jbinderkhaije1: uh... no?05:51
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jbinderkhaije1: i have an epson05:51
jbinderkhaije1: works perfectly05:51
jribstormy|: does /usr/lib/libpython2.4.so.1.0 exist?05:51
jbinderkhaije1: and 2 of my friends have HPs05:51
LNXempireshriphani: COBY05:51
john64i use Kate, Konqueror and Amarok on gnome and it works flawlessly with no performance hit05:51
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jbinderkhaije1: they work perfectly too05:52
superchode|fuif the person who was interested is still in here... i just got flash 9 running with opera under an amd64 install05:52
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stormy|jrib: Yes.05:52
khaije1jbinder: what model is that, i need something highly linux compatible, free drivers are a plus05:52
dougskojohn64: if you like kate, check out scite :)05:52
LNXempireshriphani: wait should I perhaps FORMAT the mp3? Cause I hit the SCAN REMOVABLE DEVICES on Rythmbox and doesn't recognize a damn thing05:52
stormy|jrib:  Also the CHMOD on the file is 64405:52
john64if the person who was interested in getting flash 9 to work, it was one file copy on 32 bit05:52
maxamillionsomeone by the nick of QUEEN get banned from here recently?05:52
jbinderkhaije1: mine is "epson stylus cx4600"05:52
john64dougsko: is it that good?  i have heard a lot of good things, but never bothered to try05:52
MoonGladeI just did a fresh install of 6.06, if I do an update, will it go up to 6.10?05:52
john64apt-get update? no05:53
jribMoonGlade: not unless you tell it to05:53
john64apt-get dist-upgrade: maybe05:53
superchode|fujohn64: it just so happens to be a one file copy on 64 bit as well... as long as you use opera05:53
MoonGladejrid what it the proper way to move up then?05:53
maxamillionsudo aptitude install eclipse ?05:53
jrib!upgrade | MoonGlade05:53
ubotuMoonGlade: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:53
maxamillionsomeone by the nick of QUEEN get banned from here recently?05:53
shriphaniLNXempire, is that player not formatted as fat or hfs or something ?05:53
dougskojohn64: IMO, once you try it, youll never use another gui editor again05:53
LNXempiremaxamillion: yes, He was kickbanned and he hanged himself as he said he would do if kickbanned05:53
john64i must check it out then05:53
bitflipkurisutofuaa: I'm back - what's up?05:53
jbinderMoonGlade: apt-get dist-upgrade will do 6.1005:53
LNXempireshriphani: is fat05:53
jbinderMoonGlade: only if you edit the apt file05:53
khaije1jbinder: thats just a printer isn't it? know of any printer/scanner combos i could use?05:53
jribjbinder: that won't work and isn't recommended05:53
jbinderkhaije1: no, that is a 3in one05:54
jbinderjrib: what are you talking about... i did it myself...05:54
maxamillionLNXempire: well he went into #kubuntu and freaked out there for a while and now is in #xubuntu doing the same thing ... just thought i would check05:54
dodgyvilleDo think it's safe to install the debian php 5.2 package?05:54
jbinderjrib: no problem at all05:54
jbinderjrib: wtf are you talking about05:54
jribjbinder: you edited your sources.list no? ;)05:54
kurisutofuaabitflip: got it to install but I still have the X server error05:54
jbinderjrib: yeah05:54
stormy|jrib:  any idea what is wrong?05:54
jbinderjrib: that is really easy, what's wrong with doing that?05:54
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LNXempiremaxamillion: ROFL I wanna see that05:54
john64that lnxempire guy is funny, as if i care if he uses gnome, kde or xfce, they are all free!05:54
jribjbinder: that's why, but it still isn't recommended05:54
bitflipkurisutofuaa: is it up and running now?05:54
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jbinderits the way ubuntu.com tells you to anyway05:54
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jribstormy|: no not really05:54
jbinderkhaije1: it is a 3 in one05:55
khaije1jbinder: what do you mean "3in one"05:55
jbinderkhaije1: printer, scanner, copier05:55
jbinderkhaije1: epson stylus cx460005:55
jbinderits right in front of me05:55
jbinderi am reading the model number off of it05:55
kurisutofuaabitflip: am at grub right now05:55
jbinderi know it is right05:55
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tigermanok.. I have a somewhat silly question.. Is there some good data/partition recovery program for ubuntu?05:55
stormy|jrib:  from what i've seen here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1507 , the issue lies in the package holding it. he installed his nvidia drivers manually, whereas I installed python2.4 manually... so I want to remove all python and reinstall it using apt-get05:56
jbinderwhat happened to it?05:56
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jribstormy|: what do you mean by "manually" exactly?  you compiled it?05:56
bitflipkurisutofuaa: so it boots up into a term or same problem as earlier?05:56
tigermanI cant mount a drive that has a linux partition.. It says bad superblock as one of the probable causes..05:56
stormy|jrib: hmm... I believe that is what I did... let me see what i downloaded05:56
khaije1jbinder: oh! no kidding? that sounds perfect. I've spent some time googling but haven't come up with a clear leader. is this the one you would recommend?05:56
kurisutofuaabitflip: same as earlier05:57
whyameyetigerman: probably apps that start with fsck like fsck.ext3 if you are using ext3 formatting...05:57
jbinderkhaije1: well, i have it and it works with no problem. so i guess05:57
shriphaniThis flash drive / mp3 player is available at Fry"s for 100 dollars and seems to work fine with linux, unlike the first model I tried. I had to partition with fdisk and format with mkdosfs before using it.05:57
khaije1jbinder: hehe sweet! :-)05:57
jbinderkhaije1: actually... the printer and scanner worked with no proble05:57
bitflipkurisutofuaa: you have xorg modified to use vesa, correct?05:57
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jbinderi didnt even have to install any drivers05:57
shriphanisome guy has posted that as a comment on one of them COBYs05:57
jbinderlinux had them already05:57
stormy|jrib:  if building = compiling, then yes.05:57
tigermanfsck and e2fsck dont find errors either bte..05:57
arathaldbitflip: got it working perfectly05:57
kurisutofuaabitflip: not yet doing so now05:57
bitfliparathald: cool05:57
Dr_Willisi saw a 'usb hard drive enclosuer' at frys that can play video files straight off the hard drive with its video outputs. :) a portable media box...05:58
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meherenhow can i reconfigure a package?05:58
arathaldbitflip: i went into adept, removed everything ati-related, reset my xorg.conf, then followed the directions to the letter05:58
tigermanfound a program called testdisk which im testing atm, but dont know if its decent or not..05:58
arathaldbitflip: thx for your help05:58
jbinderdpkg --configure <package>?05:58
mehereni thought it was like dpkg-reconfigure?05:59
whyameyetigerman: what do you mean "don't find errors?" They aren't finding errors for you? They are FileSystem ChecKs so i would expect them to check the file system, no?05:59
meherenoh.. he05:59
bitfliparathald: np - that process is pretty robust so I didn't expect you to have problems05:59
superchode|fuis there a global way to set alsamixer to always use my 2nd audio output device?05:59
tigermanwhyameye: yeah.. the file system it cant read..05:59
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jbindersuperchode|fu: yes, but i forgot how05:59
tigermanit actually says "clean" but its really not05:59
jbindersuperchode|fu: meh05:59
jbindersuperchode|fu: uhh05:59
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whyameyetigerman: do you force a check?05:59
arathaldbitflip: really? great-- thats good to know. I know a lot of people who had problems, and that process didnt even work until i started over from scratch06:00
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stalefriesWhat's the syntax for defining an alias? man alias doesn't exist, and man sh doesn't help at al06:00
whyameyewhyameye: i.e. did you try the -f parameter?06:00
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tigermanwhyameye: i did but it didnt say anything useful..06:00
jribstalefries: alias is a builtin, try   help alias06:00
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blamelessor man bash if you really want a man page06:01
jribstalefries: example: alias la='ls -A'06:01
DiscoStucan anyone point me at a website that describes how to get xorg working with ATI radeon mobility 9100 and fglrx driver?06:01
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:01
php-freakcan someone help me I got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset, but I can not get it to work for nothing, and looked everywhere for a solution?06:01
kurisutofuaabitflip: okay it is mod'ed now06:01
stalefriesah, I had forgotten the "alias " at the beginning. thanks06:01
Eroicklets say I start a process from python on linux. How can I kill it from python06:01
stalefries!fglrx | DiscoStu06:01
ubotuDiscoStu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:01
DiscoStui'll have a look06:02
stormy|jrib: pastebin of conflicting packages: http://pastebin.ca/26423906:02
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stalefrieswelcome :)06:02
bitflipkurisutofuaa: is this a liveCD or do you have it actually installed?06:02
php-freakcan someone help me I got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset, but I can not get it to work for nothing, and looked everywhere for a solution?06:02
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z0mbi3try ontrack easy recovery professional...it will find lost/deleted/reformatted files on almost any filesystem06:02
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kurisutofuaabitflip: its installed06:02
jribstormy|: have you tried uninstalling the python2.4 you compiled and then installing with apt?06:02
tigermanwhyameye: it only gies "the superblock could not be read" when i say "nothing useful"06:02
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stormy|jrib: I dont' know how to uninstall my python2.406:03
whyameyetigerman: I assume you are running as root...06:03
jribstormy|: try  make uninstall  from the source directory06:03
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DiscoStuic, fglrx doesn't support 9100 :/06:03
jribstormy|: assuming you used  make install  to install it?06:03
tigermanwhyameye sudo fsck blabla yeah06:03
php-freakcan someone help me I got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset, but I can not get it to work for nothing, and looked everywhere for a solution?06:03
bitflipkurisutofuaa: reboot it with your changes and start from there before we go further06:03
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kurisutofuaabitflip: ko06:03
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stalefriesjrib: I've defined them in ~/.bash_aliases (and I enabled that in .bashrc) but they aren't recognized commands06:04
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AnthonyGHmph.... I know for certain my ISP didn't give me any DNS server IP addresses. Since when does 56K do that anyway?06:04
jribstalefries: you'll need to source it in your current session, since .bashrc only gets sourced at the start.  Try  source ~/.bash_aliases06:05
stalefriesDiscoStu: have you looked at the radeon driver? It's a radeon, right?06:05
stormy|jrib: I did the ./configure again and it says : configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../..06:05
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stalefriesjrib: ah, right. thanks06:05
DiscoStustalefries: i'm just reading the opensource ati driver site06:05
whyameyetigerman: you could try to find an alternative superblock: sudo mke2fs -n <partition>06:05
stormy|jrib: I did that because I didn't see a makefile anywhere06:05
Eroickif i start a proceess from python on linux, can I get the PID?06:05
AnthonyGOpenSource drivers? Where?06:05
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tigermanill try that06:06
jribEroick: maybe #python might be a better place to ask06:06
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AnthonyGScratch compilation rulez , DiscoStu: Where is this?06:06
php-freakcan someone help me I got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset, but I can not get it to work for nothing, and looked everywhere for a solution?06:06
php-freakCan any one answer my question lol06:06
foomanchewanyone running Ubuntu on SPARC06:06
stalefriesAnthonyG: those are the default boring drivers for ati cards, 2d only06:06
jribstormy|: hmm, have you considered just backing up your data and reinstalling.  I'm not really sure what is going on and that may be the easiest solution06:07
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stalefriesAnthonyG: they should already be installed/in use if you have an ati card06:07
RoKFiThello all06:07
AnthonyGThere are no open source 3D accelerated ones?06:07
stormy|jrib: not really... but it woudln't be that hard to do I don't think06:07
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nbjaymehello, i am suffering from memory loss. what command line utility was it that you use to get information of a video file encoding (bitrates, etc.)?06:07
stalefriesAnthonyG: for some radeon cards, there are06:07
Eroickjrib: whoops, I thought this was #python...06:07
kurisutofuaabitflip: restarted opened ubuntu form gurb now dont have display06:07
stalefriesEroick: I've done that before :)06:07
AnthonyGI've got an ATI Radeon, Is this supported?06:07
jribstormy|: well redownload the source and try ./configure on a fresh source06:07
bitflipkurisutofuaa: not even on your virtual terminals?06:07
meherenhow do i reconfigure X?06:08
stalefriesAnthonyG: _certain_ radeon cards.06:08
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stalefries!radeon | AnthonyG06:08
Eroickstalefries: I think I closed or moved the tab for #python so ended up here.06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
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kurisutofuaabitflip: nothing06:08
foomanchewSparc anyone ?06:08
php-freakcan someone help me I got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset, but I can not get it to work for nothing, and looked everywhere for a solution?06:08
superchode|fuhrm. why does it say alsaconf and alsa-conf don't exist?06:08
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stalefriesAnthonyG: I'll try to dig up a link for you to read06:08
superchode|fuhow do i configure alsa?06:08
AnthonyGNo no no06:08
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jribubotu: tell meheren about xorg06:08
AnthonyGIt's an Xpress 20006:08
bitflipkurisutofuaa: quick question - when you booted did it show a splash screen or text while booting?06:08
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kurisutofuaabitflip: text and splash06:09
meherenjrib, thanks06:09
AnthonyGBah, ATI Radeon Xpress 200 Series <--Terrible I know06:09
jribmeheren: ignore the bot, wrong factoid.  Here is how to reconfigure xserver-xorg:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:09
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: sorry man - reboot and at grub edit before it boots, remove the word splash with xforcevesa06:10
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chalcedonybash: gThumb: command not found06:10
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AnthonyGstalefries: No need to give me any laymen FAQs, I know what a graphics card is :)06:10
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chalcedonywhat can i use to show a .jpg?06:10
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LNXempirehey what kinda port do I need to use with Amarok is reporting that 59273 or something like that isn't workig06:10
AnthonyGgthumb img06:10
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chalcedonyty AnthonyG :)06:10
raghu206how to get connected to oracle using command connect in ubuntu06:11
stalefriesAnthonyG: here's the offering for radeon cards: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radeon#Linux06:11
AnthonyGstalefries: Thank you :)06:11
stalefrieswelcome, AnthonyG06:11
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kurisutofuaabitflip: doing that now06:12
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stormy|jrib: I got ./configure to work on clean source06:13
bitflipkurisutofuaa: apologies for not mentioning that earlier...d'oh!06:13
whyameyewhy don't my settings stick with the ubuntu alternative installer with RAID and LVM? I'm not sure what to try now...06:13
stormy|jrib:  now how do I uninstall it?06:13
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LNXempireis aMule a different network than Frostwire?06:13
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php-freakwhats a good php editor for linux?06:13
jribstormy|: did you run ./configure with the same exact options as before and this is the same source (version) as before?06:13
Terminusphp-freak: vim? =)06:13
AnthonyGstalefries: Bah, Simply a long-winded: Xpress is not supported. IGP isn't too terrible....06:13
stormy|jrib: Yes.06:13
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jribstormy|: sudo make uninstall06:14
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kurisutofuaabitflip: a black screen again it just doesn't like me06:14
stalefriesAnthonyG: sorry to hear that. My card is too old to be supported :)06:14
php-freakahh vim06:14
stormy|jrib:  "no rule to make target uninstall"06:14
php-freakwell they have zend developers kit right06:14
BlueEaglephp-freak: That would probably be an editor with features like function folding, syntax highlighting and intuitive interface. Seamles ftp-upload might also be desirable.06:14
jribstormy|: heh, have fun then.  Do you have backups?06:14
php-freakWell I need something to edit my html, php, javascript, and sql06:14
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Terminusphp-freak: yes, but you'd have to buy it. i tried it before, didn't like it. too slow, and it messes up the packaging system.06:14
AnthonyGstalefries: At least I'm not alone XD06:14
stormy|jrib:  of the system?06:14
jribstormy|: yes, before we continue06:15
php-freakwhats it do to the packing system06:15
bitflipkurisutofuaa: so ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't give you aconsole term?06:15
BlueEaglephp-freak: I for one find kate and quanta functional, intuitive and featured. Others in turn find that they are bloated.06:15
stormy|jrib: almost all of it atm is just packages and things i'm trying to install.. and a UI setup... but i can get that again06:15
jribstormy|: ok, what is in your /usr/local ?06:15
php-freakterminus: you a developer for a living?06:15
whyameyeis LVM broken in the ubuntu alternate install? I've tried on dapper and edgy...06:15
stalefriesAnthonyG: we should form a support group :D06:15
LNXempireguys I've got an issue with Amarok what port do i have to set postgres06:15
stormy|jrib:  what if I tried doing that apt-get remove python2.4*?06:15
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jribstormy|: it won't work because python probably got installed to /usr/local06:16
Terminusphp-freak: it installs files anywhere on your filesystem and it wants to install it's own apache, etc. difficult to maintain.06:16
AnthonyGstalefries: THA: Terrible Hardware Anonymous :)06:16
Terminusphp-freak: sort of, yeah. actually, i quit php. got fed up with it.06:16
kurisutofuaabitflip: it's like it doesn't see my monitor any more06:16
AnthonyGstalefries: Wait a moment , I see one for my GC....06:16
stormy|jrib: contents of /usr/local/:bin  etc  games  include  lib  man  sbin  share  src06:17
stalefriesAnthonyG: ooh!06:17
=== AnthonyG Jumps with glee!
stormy|jrib:  they all are folders except for man I believe06:17
bitflipkurisutofuaa: what about during boot - do you see inittab spawing processes or does it go black before that?06:17
jribstormy|: yeah, the stuff inside.  See any python?06:17
rukuarticOk, I have a rather odd question not particularly related to ubuntu, but its bugging me and I can't think of a way to search for it. My speakers beep. My Car speakers beep. My headphones beep. And they're all on completely different systems. "Beep be-beep, beep be-beep, beep be-beep"06:17
rukuarticAny cluse?06:17
Terminusphp-freak: BlueEagle is right though, block folding is convenient. autocomplete too.06:17
php-freakterminus: lol why did you quite php for?06:18
stormy|jrib:  in subfolders of /usr/local? or just that folder itself? If it's that folder itself...obviously there isn't any python06:18
jribstormy|: like /usr/local/lib/python maybe?06:18
php-freaki didn't know ubuntu had a itegrated bittorrent program06:18
Terminusphp-freak: the library made me want to pull out my hair. switched over to perl. =)06:18
BlueEaglephp-freak: Yeah, kate (and subsequently quanta) has got a plugin for text complete. It doesn't error check that such functions or variables are valid tho, but it's helpful enough.06:18
Madpilotphp-freak, it always has had06:19
stormy|jrib: ./bin has: python, python2.5, python2.5-config, python-config, and pydoc06:19
php-freakyou guys would'nt happen to know how i can get my sound card working would you?06:19
Madpilot!sound | php-freak06:19
ubotuphp-freak: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin06:19
kurisutofuaabitflip: do you see inittab spawing processes? yes then right before the login screen it acts as if there is no monitor06:19
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BlueEaglephp-freak: By loading the driver and setting up the sound system. :)06:19
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BlueEaglephp-freak: (ie: You need to be waaay more spesific) :)06:20
stormy|jrib: /lib has folders python2.4 and 2.506:20
AnthonyGstalefries: If only there was a good support for my modem :D06:20
stormy|jrib: maybe they are conflicting?06:20
jribstormy|: ok, now is there anything installed in /usr/local that you want?  It would be easiest to just delete everything...06:20
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stalefriesAnthonyG: that too? lol. There's a good reason to use old hardware sometimes: better hardware support pre-existent :D06:20
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bigfuzzyjesusMadpilot, i didnt think it was that long06:20
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:21
DiscoStudirect rendering: No06:21
Madpilotbigfuzzyjesus, I'll let you back into -offtopic in a bit. Next time, pastebin!06:21
MadpilotOr just paste the URL06:21
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AnthonyGstalefries: Does it sound odd to you I got SmartLink drivers to work with an Agere PCI Softmodem (V.92)? It does to me...06:21
php-freakI got a intel 82801DB/DBL/DBM audio driver 97 chipset,06:21
stormy|jrib: I don't see anything of use... I may take my themes and zip them up , then upload them to my FTP06:21
stormy|jrib: how do I use FTP via command line?06:21
php-freakblueeagle: its s intel82891db/dbl/dbm audio driver 97, but can't get it to work, my volume goes up, and down, and everything, but I hear no sound06:22
nargIs the built-in /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/ a usable cvs repository?06:22
stalefriesAnthonyG: not that much, it's common for companies to license stuff to each other. Also, it might be chipset name/name on the box06:22
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jribstormy|: I don't know, but that's ok.  Just delete /usr/local/bin/python*, /usr/local/share/python* and /usr/local/lib/python*06:22
BlueEaglephp-freak: Did you read the link ubotu spat at you?06:22
SJrXHow well is suited is the Intel Core Duo for a modern notebook and Ubuntu?06:22
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dredhammerdoes the latest avidemux hadle wmv3 input?06:23
AnthonyGstalefries: SmartLink Inc. stated it works with other brands as well... So not too farfetched hm? Would you happen to use a 56K modem?06:23
stalefriesAnthonyG: nope, I live in the wondrous world of broadband :)06:23
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DiscoStuso, is it well known that 9100 mobility isn't supported or am I doing things wrong?06:24
bitflipkurisutofuaa: ok then, let's do this - reboot and at grub remove "splash" with "2"06:24
stormy|jrib: how can I do that? I'd have to do all the files manually... then the folders... >.>06:24
php-freakblueeagle: what link was that?06:24
jribstormy|: rm -rf foo   deletes foo and everything in it06:24
BlueEagleubotu: tell php-freak about sound06:24
php-freaki see hold on06:24
kurisutofuaabitflip: Trying now06:25
jribstormy|: umm make sure you are deleting the stuff in /usr/local since this isn't reversible06:25
AnthonyGstalefries: I do not like you....06:25
=== AnthonyG Attempts to mask envy
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stormy|jrib:  done with that...06:26
=== AnthonyG Beginning to realize his unemployed life is taking a toll
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jribstormy|: ok, what does this return:  find /usr/local -iname '*python*'06:27
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kurisutofuaabitflip: still right before the login screen it acts as if there is no monitor06:27
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bitfliprunlevel 2 is multiuser without gdm, correct?06:28
stormy|jrib: http://pastebin.ca/26425906:28
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Terminusbitflip: not on ubuntu. you'll have to update-rc.d to remove it if you don't want gdm to start.06:29
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:29
bitflipTerminus: thanks06:30
stormy|hey jrib, still with me?06:30
jribstormy|: ok delete that stuff06:30
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terrencehey guys06:31
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terrencei've got a radeon xpress 200m card in my laptop06:31
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terrencecan't seem to get direct rendering working on edgy06:31
xCrueLxterrence azn topla ben guy deilim06:31
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terrencehad it working good in 6.0606:31
stalefriesshould alsa-utils be running normally?06:32
stormy|okay jrib, it can't find anything now06:32
jribstormy|: ok, see if you still get errors06:32
VigoFusionterrence: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=273934 <--is how I got mine working, Xpress 200 Series06:32
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terrencethank you06:33
stormy|jrib:  doing the apt-get?06:33
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: so now when you boot you can't get a terminal at all?06:34
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jribstormy|: yep, whatever wasn't working before06:34
stalefriesWhat does alsa-utils do?06:34
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bigfuzzyjesusMadpilot, how long were you in the ubuntu irc channels before you became an op06:34
superchode|fucan anyone tell me how to switch the default also device from hw:0,0 to hw:0,2?06:35
superchode|fualsa* device, that is06:35
jbinderdoes anyone know if pc133 ram works in something that uses pc10006:35
Madpilotbigfuzzyjesus, hmm... about 5-6 months, I think06:35
jbinderbecause i know pc2700 works in pc210006:35
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jbinderso does pc133 work in pc100?06:35
superchode|fujbinder: yeah, it will06:35
kurisutofuaabitflip: not now06:35
jbindersuperchode|fu: omfg, really?06:35
superchode|fuyeah, it'll just clock down06:35
tehutihelp! I upgraded to Edgy and now remote desktop is open in KDE with no GUI controller!06:35
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jbindersuperchode|fu: yeah but thats okay06:36
stalefriesanything is ok if you can get more RAM :)06:36
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kurisutofuaabitflip: no termianl06:37
stormy|jrib: I still get conflicting issues06:37
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ajopaul_hi i have a dual boot installed wit ubuntu and winxp, grub is on MBR, how do i move it to the partition where linux is installed ??06:37
ajopaul_i want to be able to boot to linux using xp's boot loader or a 3rd party boot loader?06:37
stormy|jrib: how do I set a certain folder to be the one that runs blender?06:37
VigoFusiontehuti: You can get the KDE apps that will work with that. I think, I got some KDE stuff working in Gnome.06:37
jribstormy|: what do you mean?06:38
TheCarlcan someone tell me how to change the linux partitions06:38
TheCarlthe fdisk thing is causing a bit of confusion06:38
stormy|jrib: I have several instances of blender on my computer... it may be using one of the broken ones... how do I tell it to use the one i just compiled06:38
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jribstormy|: give it the full path  /usr/local/bin/blender or whatever it is06:38
kurisutofuaabitflip: am at the recovery console now in term06:38
bitflipkurisutofuaa: from bad to worse...sweet.  let me see if I can hit worse-est-er06:39
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: just for grins, change your xorg.conf from "vesa" to "vga"06:39
tehutiVigoFusion do you know which package?06:40
kurisutofuaabitflip: Doing so now.06:40
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newbuntucan anyone help me with some advice on a video card tv-out issue?06:40
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jribstormy|: what version of ubuntu is this?06:40
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levanderIf I just upgraded to edgy, and haven't changed anything, what kernel am I supposed to be on?06:40
tehutiis there any way to turn off Remote Desktop in Kubuntu Edgy?06:41
VigoFusiontehuti: I am not certain on that, but all the KDE packages are listed and apprently work with the Gnome06:41
Kingsqueaklevander: 2.6.1706:41
DarkEDhey all, is the edgy cd a livecd + installer or is it text-mode?06:41
kurisutofuaabitflip: Restarting06:41
levanderKingsqueak: damn, I was thinking that's the problem.  Why am I on 2.6.12?06:41
john64darked: get the dvd06:41
newbuntumy issue is when I have my pc connected to my TV via svideo .. i see my desktop perfectly on my tv, but when I play a movie say in Xine, the xine screen on the tv is empty...06:41
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DarkEDjohn: I cant06:42
levanderKingsqueak: does udev work with 2.6.12?06:42
john64the normal edgy cd is a livecd that has a livecd based installer06:42
tehutiVigoFusion, the Remote Desktop GUI config in Dapper is nonexistent in Edgy.06:42
Kingsqueaklevander: it ordered my menu.lst oddly on one machine where I'd tampered with it, maybe your default kernel is just not the correct one06:42
DarkEDjohn: okay, whats wrong with it?06:42
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Kingsqueaklevander: I don't know re: 1206:42
tehutithe Gnome GUI config would only affect Gnome06:42
john64nothing, but the dvd is better06:42
stormy|jrib: how do I run it that way?06:42
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VigoFusiontehuti: System>Preferances> Remote Desktop06:42
john64i prefer the text mode install though06:42
newbuntuthe only app I can use to see a movie playing on my pc  on my tv screen is ... beleive it or not .. swiftfox06:42
DarkEDjohn: im just curious because i want to know if im gonna have to use partition magic or gparted to resize this ntf partition06:43
jribstormy|: just type it like that, instead of 'blender', put '/usr/local/bin/blender'06:43
newbuntuwhich is okay but has limited controls06:43
levanderKingsqueak: no, damn.  ls /boot/*17* returns nothing, there's no 2.6.17 on my system06:43
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tehutiworks for Gnome VigoFusion but not KDE06:43
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lumpkijohn64, then get the alternate cd06:43
john64darked: i know nothing about partition resizing06:43
jribstormy|: 'which blender' tells you what it is doing06:43
kurisutofuaabitflip: with out taking "splash" off i have the x server error back06:43
john64lumpki: i have it and the dvd, thanks though06:43
DarkEDokay, ill rephrase my question06:43
nothingenough nothing's!!06:43
=== nothing is now known as notnothig
kurisutofuaabitflip: With the "vga"06:43
newbuntuis there a setting in xine or vlc for tv-out signal of movies?06:43
levanderAnybody know how to upgrade a kernel on a machine that's not booting?  Can I do it with the LiveCD?06:43
DarkEDin the livecd, can i use gparted during install to resize my ntfs partition to make space for an ext3 for ubuntu?06:44
Kingsqueaklevander: I might be wrong, maybe I updated since the initial upgrade to edgy06:44
stormy|jrib: I don't know... lol that's why i'm trying to run this specific one06:44
john64darked: it should be able to06:44
noodles13what is a good vnc program to use?06:44
john64i am pretty sure there is an ntfs resizer that you can use06:44
coldfirehowdy all .. i have the alc850 chipset (sound) and am having trouble trying to point a lot of my applications to the spdif (optical) output ... everything wants to go to the headphone jack.  can anyone point me in the right direction?06:44
levanderDarkED: Last I checked (a year ago) parted didn't support ntfs06:44
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levanderDarkED: check the parted manual on gnu's site somewhere06:44
DarkEDlevander: yeah i thought so06:44
VigoFusiontehuti: I am a totall linux newb, I am just relaying data that has worked for me. I mistakenly downloaded some KDE stuff, and some of it worked, some didnt, that is what Backups are for.06:45
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levanderDarkED: it's possible they've added support since I checked, I'd check the manual, that info should be easy to find06:45
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DarkEDlevander: yeah, thanks, ill do that06:45
john64darked: there is a way to resize ntfs partitions iirc06:45
klp_is there a package for all mplayer codecs ?06:45
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: so do you have a term?  also does this machine have internet, ok?06:45
jribstormy|: 'which blender' is a command06:46
DarkEDjohn64: the only what i know of is to use partition magic - a yucky pay software - or partition logic - a free software, which im not sure i trust :D06:46
stormy|jrib: /usr/bin/blender06:46
ajopaul_any ways to move grub from my mbr to the partition where ubuntu is installed, i have a dual boot and i want to have a 3rdparty bootloader on my mbr????06:46
john64there is an ntfs resizer on the live cd06:46
tehutithanks VigoFusion glad you like Linux. looks like this'll require a manual file fix. system backups are for wussies.06:46
TheCarlHow do I delete all partions?06:46
jribstormy|: for your conflicing packages, try removing them.  Then reinstalling.  Nothing seems essential anyway06:46
|rt|you can use qtparted or gparted to resize an ntfs volume06:47
stormy|jrib: I need to move it to /home/stormy/blender/blender06:47
john64is there a way to ask the kernel to move stuff from the swap into main memory?06:47
|rt|as long as it's defragged and has all it's data towards the front of the volume06:47
VigoFusionehhe,,RTFM and Back it Up are the first 2 rules.06:47
jribstormy|: just type '/home/stormy/blender/blender'06:47
timthelionhey,I have set up samba to the point where the windows box sees the printer06:47
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DarkED|rt| yeah thats not gonna happen :D06:47
timthelionbut when I try to print, it can't do so06:47
john64cause once i start using the swap, the memory never leaves it06:47
stormy|jrib: bash: /home/stormy/blender/blender: is a directory06:48
timthelionno errors, no nothing06:48
|rt|DarkED: why is that?06:48
kelbizzleHey guys If I install php5 will I have support for php4?06:48
kurisutofuaabitflip: goto private chat06:48
jribstormy|: then that's not what you want06:48
jribstormy|: is there /home/stormy/blender/blender/bin/blender maybe?06:48
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DarkED|rt| because number one this is a 60gig which has 50gig full and i dont have all night, i need this ubuntu up and running. number two, i cant boot into windows to run defrag06:48
john64darked: the installer can resize ntfs partitions06:49
e3my ATI driver isnt taking... fglrxinfo says im still using MESA... so i beg of you all... please get this mesa off my computer....06:49
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DarkEDjohn64: yes but what is the risk it will make the partition unreadable?06:49
john64read that link06:49
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e3should i blacklist mesa, will that revert to ati?06:50
john64gparted supports it06:50
KingsqueakDarkED: do a backup, I've had it work on many and fail on a few06:50
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KingsqueakDarkED: generally it screws up the Win mbr so you'll need Win install media to fix that.  I haven't had full data loss, but it's annoying.06:51
Juhazyou don't need to get mesa off your computer. you need to get the stupid ati drivers to work, mesa is a software fallback when they don't06:51
stormy|jrib: now to the problem i get with the packaged blender: ERROR: Unable to open Blender window06:51
VigoFusiongparted worked fine on my NTFS06:51
e3anyone know if mesa does opengl on ati radion cards? if it does, i need to get it working. if not, why does it exist if it doesnt support popular cards?06:51
john64e3: whcih card>06:51
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e3ATI Radeon x700 pro (pci express)06:51
vtoartMy need help (06:51
john64it exists because there is a world beyond ATI06:51
jribstormy|: I would give up on your compiled version and instead see if the ubuntu version works06:51
john64the x700 required the ati driver06:51
|rt|VigoFusion: i've used gparted to resize many ntfs volumes....never had any problems with it06:51
john64check out http://wiki.cchtml.com06:52
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john64follow the guide for your os06:52
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stormy|jrib: the ubuntu version does the same thing.06:52
e3my x700 wants its precious ati driver but MESA wont die, it just wont die.06:52
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lumpkiwhenever you resize any partitions, it's a Good Idea to make a backup06:52
|rt|VigoFusion: used it to resize my ntfs volumes on my xp64 box here at home b/c I didn't want to buy partition magic06:52
john64what are you talking about?06:52
john64mesa dying?06:52
repartadQuestion here. I bought a USB portable drive.06:52
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john64and that is quite the tone to be using06:52
repartadWill Ubuntu recognize it as a drive?06:52
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jribstormy|: was that the original error you got as well before you started manually installing things?06:53
john64repartad: yes06:53
repartadyes 2 my q?06:53
vtoartAnybody here&06:53
e3i keep installing ati but fglrxinfo keeps saying MESA06:53
repartadAh ok.06:53
stormy|jrib:  yes06:53
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john64e3: that isn't that it isn't working, it is that YOU aren't working06:53
repartadjohn64, if you are wrong. I'll have your throat.06:53
john64have you got e3?06:53
john64ok?  how?06:53
jribstormy|: is that the complete error?06:53
bitflipkurisutofuaa: I need you to know if you can boot your machine to a point where you have a working console and internet06:53
stormy|jrib:  Yes.06:53
repartadI'm getting pageflipping on dvdplayback06:53
repartadwhy is this?06:54
john64btw e3: you are an ass06:54
e3I'm not working? I'm following a number of how-to screens and this ati apparently doesnt wish to install.06:54
repartadslow processor?06:54
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:54
kurisutofuaabitflip: I have both06:54
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john64e3, it works one hundred percent06:54
DBOjohn64, personal insults are not acceptable06:54
jribstormy|: is there any other non-error output?06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about family - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
repartadhow odd...06:54
|rt|ubotu is an orphan he has no family06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is an orphan he has no family - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
repartadlol @ orphans06:54
VigoFusionGood one06:55
stormy|jrib: Compiled with Python version 2.4.06:55
stormy|Checking for installed Python... got it!06:55
stormy|ERROR: Unable to open Blender window06:55
john64DBO: so it is ok to be rude and obnoxious, but say a s s and you get a reprimand?06:55
stormy|sorry for the spam... didn't know it would paste them as new lines...06:55
DBOjohn64, i didnt see what he said, can you please point it out to me?  (in PM if possible)06:55
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jribstormy|: so useful... ok are you using i386 or amd64?06:55
e3Ignoring the off topic chatter, is there a way to disable mesa06:55
john64yes, you just can't seem to follow a guide06:56
bitflipkurisutofuaa: in a console:  wget http://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run06:56
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john64e3: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide06:57
john64you have have foobared your installation too much though06:57
php-freakhey guys how do I get all the plug ins for gimp?06:57
ajopaul_any ways to move grub from my mbr to the partition where ubuntu is installed, i have a dual boot and i want to have a 3rdparty bootloader on my mbr????any ways to move grub from my mbr to the partition where ubuntu is installed, i have a dual boot and i want to have a 3rdparty bootloader on my mbr????06:57
stormy|jrib: AMD6406:57
DBOe3, which version of mesa is glxinfo reporting?06:57
php-freakI want it to be powerful as photoshop if i can06:57
DarkEDlike i said before, i cannot boot into windows, so therefore, i cannot make a backup06:57
php-freakjrib: do you use gimp that much06:57
john64php-freak: i use synaptic06:57
jribphp-freak: I use it sometimes06:57
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john64darked: Gparted supporst resizing ntfs06:57
DarkEDi am replacing borked windows with ubuntu because i dont have a good winxp disc06:57
jribstormy|: k, have you installed the binary drivers for your video card?06:58
=== ArrenLex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
php-freakI need something where i can create strong graphics06:58
coz_DarkED, hey guy06:58
john64DBO: did you get my message?06:58
DarkEDand by good i dont mean pirated, i mean not scratched06:58
stormy|jrib: would the video be working without them?06:58
DarkEDhey coz_06:58
DBOjohn64, no you need to identify first06:58
jribstormy|: yes06:58
DBOjohn64, or join #ubuntu-ops and paste it there06:58
john64i have06:58
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stormy|jrib: not that i know of06:58
coz_DarkED, if you use nero on windows to make a copy of the xpdisk it may work again06:58
jribstormy|: k, that may help, what kind of card do you have?06:58
DarkEDcoz_ nope, its got a crack06:59
coz_DarkED, ok forget what I said ! :)06:59
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kurisutofuaabitflip: its pulling it down now06:59
stormy|jrib: nVidia 680006:59
DarkEDcoz_ ms wont send me another one without proof of purchase, which i dont have, because the xp disc i got is a system restoration disc argh06:59
jrib!nvidia | stormy|07:00
ubotustormy|: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:00
ArrenLexDarkED: All the more reason to run Linux!07:00
DarkEDand Compaq... they told me "sorry, your laptop is too old to be covered under our Windows XP disc warranty, you'll have to buy a new disc"07:00
john64DarkED: gparted supports this07:00
DiscoStuis it true, that MergedFB only supports 2 screens of the same size?07:00
john64the live cd installer supports this as 99% of users use this functionality07:00
DarkEDjohn64: i heard you, sorry dude, dont mean to be rude just have alot of stuff going on...07:01
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DarkEDjohn64: and thanks07:01
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john64DarkED: maybe you can download an OEM disc, with your legit key, everything should be honky-dory07:01
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ArrenLexDarkED: what problems are you having? Just curious.07:02
coz_DarkED, which part of the world are you in/07:02
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arashim making a makefile for a school assignment. how do i prevent anything being sent to standard output?07:02
vtoarthey... I'h a trable network... any body help?07:02
jribarash: redirect it to /dev/null07:02
DarkEDjohn64: i could but its too much trouble, i dont have an oem anyways, this laptop came with xp professional and i dont want any unneccessary cracks/hacks in my xp iso07:02
arashis that the only way?07:02
DarkEDor slipstreams, those suck as well07:03
arashand will EVERY unix machine have /dev/hull?07:03
john64darked: i hear ya07:03
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john64msdn is my saviour07:03
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coz_DarkED, your nic registered?07:03
DarkEDoooh yes07:03
DarkEDthe ubuntu disc is done07:03
john64is there anyway to stop all my partitions from showing up on the places menu?07:03
ArrenLexarash: Every POSIX-compliant OS will have /dev/null07:04
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=== Crell [n=lgarfiel@c-24-13-252-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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john64/dev/null is where all the fun is07:04
Crell'ello.  Is there a way to restore a config file to its original package version?07:04
ArrenLexCrell: you could just reinstall the package.07:04
arashhow do I prevent echo-ing? (Like echo off in a windows bat file)?07:04
CrellArrenLex: You mean purge and install?  Hm.  I was hoping for something a bit less destructive.07:05
vtoartWow... i know07:05
ArrenLexCrell: I mean apt-get install --reinstall <package>07:05
arashi don't want to see the command that is being entered07:05
ArrenLexCrell: this will recreate all the package's files in-place.07:05
CrellAh.  Will that auto-overwrite all config files?07:05
=== Crell wants to try and start over with his mysql daemon, which is refusing to start.
ArrenLexCrell: it will replace all files in the package with default versions from the package.07:06
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stormy|okay jrib, installing the drivers...07:07
kurisutofuaabitflip: almost done downloading07:07
jribstormy|: ok hope it works.  I'm off to sleep07:07
arashi get permission denied to /dev/hull07:08
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w30john64, if you take them out of fstab they won't  show up but they won't be mounted on boot up either.07:08
ArrenLexarash: what command are you trying to run?07:08
kurisutofuaabitflip: download now what?07:08
w30john64, backup fstab before you mess with it though.07:08
=== Abe [n=ickyfeet@adsl-69-149-169-70.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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arashArrenLex: i am compiling a java class javac -classpath $(PATHH) -Xlint $<07:09
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arashthe output gives me some warnings, which I don't want on the screen07:09
ArrenLexarash: and where is the /dev/null coming from?07:09
stormy|nn jrib07:09
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arashwell i put it to redirect standard output to that07:09
ArrenLexarash:  javac -classpath $(PATHH) -Xlint $< >> /dev/null07:09
arash>> ?07:10
arashi put >07:10
=== vtoart [n=vtoart@ppp85-140-154-48.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has left #ubuntu ["]
ankurHi, I installed ubuntu 6.10 (edgy), but I cannot play sound as non-root user07:10
ArrenLexarash: shouldn't matter.07:10
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo $(editor_of_choice) /etc/X11/xorg.conf with these 3 lines:  Sections "Extensions"...Option "Composite" "Disable"...EndSection07:10
arashi get "/dev/null/ is a directory"07:10
ArrenLexarash: there is no last slash on that.07:10
arashdrop the slash07:11
bitflipkurisutofuaa: just throw it in at the bottom, doesn't really matter07:11
arashits not there07:11
ArrenLexarash: what's the output of "file /dev/null"07:11
arashno such file07:11
kurisutofuaabitflip: doing it now07:11
ArrenLexarash: you ARE running Linux, yes? o__O07:11
arash/dev/null: character special (1/3)07:11
=== Crell blinks.
ArrenLexarash: that's different! Which is it?!07:12
arash/dev/null: character special (1/3)07:12
CrellOK, the config file was NOT overridden, but mysql is now starting anyway.07:12
=== michaelaoash [n=mash@pool-70-17-149-211.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexCrell: take what you get :D07:12
john64w30: sorry i was afk, i want them to mount, i just don't want to see them on places, this never happened before07:12
john64seeing as one is /boot07:12
ArrenLexarash: what's the output of    echo "foobar" > /dev/null07:12
CrellHey, I'm not complaining. :-)07:12
michaelaoashI solved the wireless problem I had several hours ago.07:12
ArrenLexarash: Good. Now what's the output of your command with > /dev/null07:13
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michaelaoashHere is the explanation:  I added a third-party repository (trevi) in order to get a new version of flashplayer.  The new repository added wpasupplicant, a wireless security application which somehow fouled up my connection to my home wireless network.  I discovered this by carefully searching /var/log/dpkg.log07:14
dobsonjpagefault, thanks a bunch, zsnes svn works like a charm :)07:14
irnubis this the right place to ask questions about ubuntu live cd?07:14
ArrenLexmicaelaoash: why not download flashplayer from the macromedia beta site?07:14
john64likely yes07:14
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ArrenLexirnub: ask away!07:14
mordofalright, so i just installed ubuntu server, and i was wondering how i would go about taking the dapper cd out of the repos?07:15
michaelaoashArrenLex:  you bet I'll do that next time.  The repository approach sounded so easy.07:15
arashArrenLex: it still outputs to the screen07:15
irnubok :)  a realy noob question but here goes07:15
ArrenLexarash: what about 2> /dev/null07:15
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levanderCan you upgrade a kernel on a system that doesn't boot anymore, like by using the LiveCD?07:15
ArrenLex(i.e. with a 2> instead of >)07:15
kurisutofuaabitflip: Mod'ed now what.07:15
irnubhow do i change permission on a folder that's owned by root in a root terminal window, i want to be able to write to it07:15
ArrenLexlevander: if it doesn't boot anymore I think you have bigger problems than an outdated kernel.07:15
mordofnm i found it07:15
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arashthat worked07:16
michaelaoashthe one scary part about the fix was that removing wpasupplicant required removing ubuntu-minimal (which then reinstalled ok, but it sounds scary to remove really fundamental-sounding pieces).07:16
john64irnub: chmod mode file07:16
arashwhy didn't > work?07:16
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo echo "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list07:16
hackel_How do I change the locale for a particular user in edgy? (to change UI language, etc.)07:16
john64where mode is either octal or characters07:16
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levanderArrenLex: it's not booting because of the kernel version07:16
ArrenLexarash: > means "standard output". 2> means "error output"07:16
john64on the livecd you shouldn't need this07:16
john642> is aka standard error07:16
arashohh LOL im so dumb07:16
levanderArrenLex: the upgrade process converted everything to udev, but for some reason my kernel didn't get upgraded07:16
ArrenLexarash: the compiler was printing those warnings to standard error rather than standard out07:16
arashyeah hehe thanks07:16
arash(you can tell im a newb)07:16
john64why don't you want to see compiler warnings?07:17
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ArrenLexarash: many people on here are! Everyone has to start somewhere :)07:17
arashi am doing it for a school project.07:17
michaelaoashI guess the only lesson is to avoid third-party repositories and download directly, which is too bad because I like to keep things in the apt system.07:17
irnubjohn64 for some reason the live cd didn't mount my drive..i got it mounted with root terminal but i can't write to it now07:17
arashthey want to run make on my class07:17
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arashmy class compiles and works fine07:17
arashso i don't want the warnings outputted07:17
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john64irnub: right-o07:17
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ArrenLexarash: why don't you write code that doesn't generate warnings? :)07:17
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john64good one arrenlex07:18
arashbecause the 'warning' should not be a warning07:18
hackel_Can anyone tell me how to change the language in Edgy?07:18
arashI am using generics on a class07:18
john64what warning is it?07:18
arashi am using generics on JDOM07:18
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arashwhich doesn't use generics07:18
arashusing java 1.507:19
Crellarash: Are you sure you have the right version?07:19
CrellThat would do it.07:19
john64why do you need stderr surpressed?07:19
arashbecause it looks ugly07:19
john64any other reason?07:19
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arashwell the warnings are bothering me07:20
john64that is very interesting07:20
arashi am doing something like this07:20
CrellWhen programming, always set your compiler/interpreter to "extra picky and pedantic" mode, and correct anything it even thinks about telling you.07:20
=== Crell is a professional programmer.
kurisutofuaabitflip: it gives me a permission denied07:20
CrellIt WILL save you time in the long run with more robust code.07:20
=== ArrenLex bows down to Crell.
=== john64 agrees with Crell
arashList<Element> l = root.getChildren();07:20
=== john64 is too lazy to actually do that, warning city here!
arashit says we cannot expect root.getChildren() to return list07:20
arashi mean return Element07:20
=== john64 doesn't know java
=== ArrenLex doesn't know java enough.
arasheven though root.getChildren() will ALWAYS return a Element07:21
bitflipkurisutofuaa: you prefixed with sudo, right?07:21
Crellarash: Is it declared to have that as its return type?07:21
john64always,  what if you have a badalloc ;)07:21
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kurisutofuaabitflip: yup07:21
john64for sure07:21
CrellCould there be some polymorphism involved somewhere?07:22
Flannelnot to stifle the coding conversation, but can you guys move it to ubuntu-offtopic?07:22
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=== Crell hasn't actually used Java since the early 1.4 days. <g>
Err_i'm trying to install the wpasupplicant in my /etc/default, but how do I modify it so I can input ENABLE=0 into it?07:22
=== john64 hates java 1.4
mhiku is there any other way to update kernel without restarting?07:22
Err_i just went into etc/default and did a "touch wpasupplicant", but i don't know how to open it and add a line to it07:22
=== ArrenLex 's school's workstations actually have Java 1.3 installed. If you can believe that. I can't.
bitflipkurisutofuaa: then sudo edit the file and add the entry manually if it isn't there07:22
john64mhiku: restarting is the process where a kernel is loaded07:23
arashlet me look at the JDOM api again07:23
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kurisutofuaabitflip: ko07:23
john64anyway, i am signing off for now, have a good night all!07:23
Err_i'm following the rules on here: http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html, but i just can't figure out how i can make a wpasupplicant file and add a line to it07:24
CrellErr_: You need to use a command line text editor.  I suggest nano07:24
Crellnano /name/of/file07:24
Err_how should i do it?07:24
arashhow do I prevent echoing in a make file?07:24
arash(echo off)07:24
arashsorta thing07:24
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CrellErr_: With nano, as I just said.07:25
Err_Crell: I just tried to save it and it said permission denied.07:25
Crellarash: I think #Linux might be a better place for that level of question.07:25
irnubis chmod used to change folde permissions in ubuntu live cd?07:25
=== Unity [n=roasty@user-514f076e.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CrellYou need to edit it as root/sudo.07:25
CrellTry sudo nano /path/to/file07:26
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Err_that worked, thank you very much07:26
Err_how do you learn all these commands?07:26
Err_this is excrutiatingly hard for me07:26
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Visciddoes NetworkManager do static IPs yet?07:26
arashthanks all07:26
repartaddo u have to format new portable drives?07:27
kurisutofuaabitflip: done what next?07:27
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential && sudo apt-get install fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:27
Crellrepartad: Usually not, depending on the type of drive.07:28
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repartada seagate.. 100gb07:28
irnubcan somebody give me and exact command that i can use in a root terminal to chance permission on a folder "/home/d" so i can write to it?07:28
CrellExternal USB drive?07:29
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Crellirnub: Depends who "I" is on the system and who else you want to be able to read it.07:30
vader1102irnub, if I knew I would tell you07:30
repartadCrell, yea. I just tried to copy a 4 gig file to it. Said it didn't have enough space.07:30
repartadfresh out of the box07:30
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irnubCrell: using ubuntu live cd at the moment and being able to write to it in the root terminal will work fine07:31
arashwhy is ubuntu so freaking awesome?07:31
Crellroot can write to anything it damn well feels like.  That's what makes it root. :-)07:32
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mordifyCan some one help i have a file with the extention .chm that opens in windows but doesnt in ubuntu. what can i use07:32
irnubmmm i think i know what the problem is...the folder/partition is ntfs :/07:32
arashthere are a couple of chm viewers07:32
vader1102that would be it irnub07:32
arashsearch chm in synaptic07:32
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-71-207-98-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mordifycool thanx guys07:33
irnubCrell: is there a format command i can make it fat32 with?07:33
Crellrepartad: Are you sure it's mounted?07:33
=== D_Dog [n=D_Dog___@c-24-7-131-65.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrellYes.  First, make absolutely certain it's not mounted. :-)07:33
tx22This isn't relevant, but what do you guys think? http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/44012056/07:33
irnubCrell: ok i will unmount it before i format...if you could give the command please :)07:34
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CrellThen mkfs.vfat /dev/sdX1, where sdX1 is the device name you're trying to format.07:34
CrellMake sure you have the right one. :-)07:34
CrellActually, correction.07:35
ArrenLextx22: you're right, it's not relevant, although the art is amazing -- but #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for it.07:35
Crellmkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdX107:35
irnubCrell: i know exactly which one it is :)  thanks alot07:35
bitflipman fltk-config07:35
CrellPay it forward. :-)07:35
tx22ArrenLex:  thanks.. p.s. I just finished making it :)07:35
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ArrenLex!seen Madpilot07:35
ubotuI last saw Madpilot (n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot) 6m 4s ago, quiting: "http://www.warbard.ca/temp/CthulhubuntuLogo.png"07:35
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Err_i followed all the instructions at http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html, but when i go to my wireless manager in the top right and try to add a new connection, i don't get 'WPA Personal' in the drop down list07:36
CrellI'm afraid I know next to nothing about wireless.07:36
=== Abe [n=ickyfeet@adsl-69-149-169-70.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Err_where's a good place to read up on operating terminal and ubuntu commands?07:37
irnubCrell: that did the trick :)07:37
ArrenLex!bash | Err_07:37
ubotuErr_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:37
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CrellErr_: You mean the command line?07:38
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kurisutofuaabitflip: okay did that07:38
CrellWhat ArrenLex said. :-)07:38
irnubCrell yes the formal command...i can now write to the partition/folder in question07:38
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progekHi room, anyone know if I can type something in terminal to bring up the log out/restart/shutdown menu?07:39
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kurisutofuaabitflip: What next?07:39
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh && bash ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy && sudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh07:39
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vader1102progek, I allways use sudo /sbin/shutdown -h or r now. This will halt the system or reboot -h is halt -r is reboot07:40
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progekthanks vader07:40
ArrenLexbitflip: WTF? All you need is "bash ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run" if it's a shell script.07:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:40
vader1102progek, np07:40
ArrenLexOr whatever that command was.07:40
ArrenLexbash ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy07:40
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bitflipArrenLex: sure about that...You might want to double check what ubuntu actually uses for /bin/sh07:41
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bitflipArrenLex: versus what the script actually expects07:41
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ArrenLexbitflip: it doesn't matter what ubuntu uses for /bin/sh. If you execute something as "bash script.sh" it will run with bash, and if you run it with "ksh script.sh" it will run with ksh, etc, regardless of what the script expects or says.07:42
=== Abe [n=ickyfeet@adsl-69-149-169-70.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexOr what /bin/sh is.07:42
bitflipArrenLex: well, put this way - if you don't do it - the script dies horribly07:42
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ArrenLexbitflip: Shouldn't.07:43
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bitflipArrenLex: I'm not arguing theory with you, only practice07:43
msoulI have had this problem before and forgot how to fix it, trying to install ubuntu on my toshiba and I can't see anything except blackscreen07:43
bitflipArrenLex: read as, I agree with you but it is what it is07:43
slewhi, browsing seems really slow, im using swiftfox and it seems really laggy. is there anything i can do?07:43
msoulany idea how to fix this_07:43
vader1102is there any old server people in here? I am trying to get any version of Linux on my old p1 200 server, the problem I am getting is any newer kernel I get a kernel panic after it finds the compressed image on the disk and then it is froze.... any thoughts would be great. I have used the following commands to try and move it passed this but nothing has helped. noapic noalpic noagp pci-bios07:44
vader1102dual p1 200 sorry07:44
ArrenLexvader1102: for really old computers, try Damn Small Linux, Feather Linux, Vector Linux... one of the light distros.07:44
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vader1102ArrenLex, ok, will they see the RAID card?07:45
DARKGuyI'm trying to set up apache on my local comp for sharing files to friends when they can't download from somewhere and such. How would I go into making apache2 give public access to the outside world?07:45
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kurisutofuaabitflip: Error: need root permission or the 'fakeroot' package installed07:45
msoulhow can I re-configure X?07:45
DARKGuymsoul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:46
msouldarkguy thanks, I will try and see since all I got now is console mode07:46
DARKGuymsoul: Ah, good luck there :)07:46
ArrenLexvader1102: Hell if I know.07:46
vader1102ArrenLex, oki thanx07:47
ArrenLexkurisutofuaa: sudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh && sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy && sudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh07:47
ArrenLexbitflip: you're right, it DOES crash. That's so weird.07:47
bitflipArrenLex: insane, isn't it07:47
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ArrenLexbitflip: /bin/sh must be HARDCODED into the package or something...07:48
bitflipArrenLex: bingo - beauty of closed source07:48
DARKGuyNobody knows?07:48
ArrenLexbitflip: I have long been of the opinion that ATI's Linux drivers were coded by a blindfolded intern typing into notepad as part of a hazing process, and released as a Linux driver as soon as it compiled.07:48
slewhi, browsing seems really slow, im using swiftfox and it seems really laggy. is there anything i can do?07:48
ArrenLexslew: Is your computer slow?07:49
bitflipArrenLex: now that is funny07:49
kurisutofuaabitflip: still giving me this [Error: need root permission or the 'fakeroot' package installed]  when I run that07:49
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slewArrenLex, no, not really. 2.31 ghz celey / 512 m ram07:49
MrKeunerhi, how safe is to enable proposed updates and backport updates in edgy?07:49
ArrenLexkurisutofuaa: sudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh && sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy && sudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh07:49
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ArrenLexslew: is anything else slow?07:50
slewArrenLex, so far, no07:50
MrKeunerwill I be in SID mode if I enable proposed updates and backport updates in edgy?07:50
ArrenLexslew: why are we using swiftfox? Do we like restrictive licenses so much? You shouldn't notice a difference on a modern machine.07:50
bitflipkurisutofuaa: curios - sudo apt-get install fakeroot07:50
bitflipkurisutofuaa: then rerun the command that is failing07:51
slewArrenLex, well also thunderbird is fetching mail slowly now that i notice it07:51
ArrenLexbitflip: easier to just add sudo to the middle command in that chain.07:51
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Err_how do i check what driver my network card has?07:51
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kurisutofuaabitflip: Okay did that now it ran but a new error [make: dh_testdir: Command not found]  [make: *** [configure]  Error 127] 07:53
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kurisutofuaabitflip: I think the computer gods are mad at me lol one error after another07:54
slewArrenLex, i got opera browser and its slow and now giving me 404s =[ any ideas?07:55
Aurahelp me07:56
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ArrenLexslew: how good is your connection?07:56
chalcedonydoes anyone use Audacity sound editor? i'm having problems with it07:56
Aurawhere search mp3 for kubuntu or ubuntu07:56
mordofhelp! how do i disable the beeps in ubuntu server!07:56
ArrenLexchalcedony: I do. What problems?07:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:56
mordofit beeps loudly and people are asleep!07:56
slewArrenLex, as in speed? 1.5mbps07:56
Crellmordof: You get those too, huh?07:56
mordofCrell: yeah :S07:56
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo apt-get install dh-make then go for it again07:56
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CrellI was wondering what it was.07:57
drukeFor some reason I the program in syste->admin wont change my changes to sessions, nor will it save them to user groups. Its there whenever i move about the program but as soon as i 'close' the changes are lost07:57
mordofit's lack of a sound card/sound drivers07:57
mordofso it uses that for system beeps07:57
mordofbut i want to turn it off!! >.<07:57
CrellI have onboard sound on this motherboard, but I still don't need it to beep.07:57
MrKeuneris there a reason that I should not feel safe after turning on edgy backports and edgy-proposed?07:57
Aurawhere download mp3 for ubuntu or kubuntu07:57
DARKGuy!mp3 > Aura07:58
CrellMrKeuner: Because the InterWeb is a dangerous place no matter what you do.07:58
bitflipso sad, snowed in for two days right into the weekend and I bet I still don't get code written in time for Monday.07:58
ArrenLexAura: you were answered.07:59
=== akijikan [n=akijikan@c-68-59-249-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aurai am beginer in linux07:59
drukeFor some reason I the program in syste->admin wont change my changes to sessions, nor will it save them to user groups. Its there whenever i move about the program but as soon as i 'close' the changes are lost07:59
drukeAura type !mp307:59
kurisutofuaabitflip: It worked now what next?07:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:59
Aurai don't play my mp3 format07:59
CrellAura: Read those links.07:59
bitflipkurisutofuaa: ls *.deb - does it only show 3 debs?08:00
ArrenLex/ignore Aura08:00
druke(sorry about that)08:00
ArrenLexAugh, I hate GAIM.08:00
ArrenLex*goes into the roomlist*08:00
DARKGuyHow welcoming, huh08:00
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drukeso anyone have my problem where they cant make changes to things like groups and sessions ?08:00
kurisutofuaabitflip: It shows 508:01
mbosowhat apps do you guys use for podcasts, and video podcasts?08:01
MrKeunerwill I be in still in development mode if I enable proposed updates and backport updates in edgy?08:01
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mbosoto subscribe/manage and transfer to your mp3player?08:01
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_8.31.5-1*.deb && sudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_8.31.5-1*.deb && sudo dpkg -i fglrx-control_8.31.5-1*.deb08:02
jbinderwhen you do mount and then you have to do -t <filesystem>, what would you type if the filesystem is fat3208:03
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ArrenLexjbinder: vfat08:03
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Dial_tonewhois Dial_tone08:05
ArrenLexI give up. Who?08:05
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abducteefscking fastcgi08:08
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abducteefscking ruby on rails.08:08
kurisutofuaabitflip: Okay on to the next step?08:08
bitflipsuch emotion!  passion in programming08:08
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo rm /usr/src/fglrx-kernel*.deb08:09
ArrenLexI've always wondered what they were thinking when they called the command "fsck".08:09
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: that just cleans up anything laying around before we proceed08:10
kurisutofuaabitflip: Okay08:10
kurisutofuaabitflip: next step08:11
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo module-assistant prepare && sudo module-assistant update && sudo module-assistant build fglrx && sudo module-assistant install fglrx && sudo depmod -a08:12
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=== ArrenLex bows to bitflip's && magic
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drukewhats the chmod command to change the ownder of a folder?08:12
ArrenLexdruke: chmod user:group folder/08:13
ArrenLexdruke: chown. xD08:13
ArrenLexchown user:group folder, druke08:13
Rob-Westdid you guys know if u install BitchX or irsii in Ubuntu u can go to a Text only screen and run it08:13
IdleOneRob-West, ?08:13
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IdleOneok then08:15
IdleOnewas that a question or a statement?08:15
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ArrenLexWhy is it so quiet in here toni... oh, of course, only 850 people, that explains it.08:20
mordofcan anyone point me to a link or maybe help me out to be able to ssh into my server?08:21
bitflipmordof: are you running sshd on the server?08:21
Crellmordof: Have you installed openssh?08:21
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mordoferm.. which one is better?08:22
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kurisutofuaabitflip: module-assistant, error message: You are not root and no replacement directory (the -u option) is specified. Unable to continue.08:24
bitflipmordof: openssh, my question is if you had the daemon running, but Crell makes more sense with the basics - do you have anything installed08:24
=== mlinton [n=mlinton@S0106000f669104ea.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mlintoncan someone help me with a grub problem and dual boot with XP?08:24
CrellThe openssh package is what provides the ssh server daemon.08:24
Crellaptitude install openssh08:25
CrellThat should be all you need to do.08:25
ArrenLex!someone | mlinton08:25
mordofbitflip: i don't really know where to start this is my first server install, and still being relatively new to linux, this entire no gui thing is proving difficult :P08:25
ubotumlinton: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:25
bitflipkurisutofuaa: did you fatfinger a password entry?  If not, break each command at the "&&" and tell me which one it died on08:25
mordofCrell: k08:25
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mlintonMy issue is that my grub installation doesn't boot XP now, it just reboots the computer.08:25
kurisutofuaabitflip: okay08:25
mlintonCan I post my menu.lst herE?08:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:25
ArrenLexmlinton: do you mean it ALWAYS reboots your computer, or it reboots your computer if you try to boot XP?08:25
mlintononly when I try to boot XP (hd0,0)08:26
mlintonbut ubuntu boots find (hd0,1)08:26
ArrenLexSure, pastebin it.08:26
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kurisutofuaabitflip: okay got it to run08:27
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mlintonI was monkeying with my Sata drives to try to get OSX installated, and in the process broke my working dual boot08:28
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mlintonI just have never seen when selecting a partition that should be bootable, the machine reboots08:29
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo aticonfig --initial && sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv08:29
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r_rehashedhello everybody08:30
mordofalright.. openssh-server works great, heh08:31
r_rehashedI use intel's 946 chipset and want the drivers for it for ubuntu. intel hasn't written drivers for this chipset for linux as yet.08:32
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r_rehashedany idea of Open Source drivers for this chipset?08:32
kurisutofuaabitflip: okay next please08:32
bitflipkurisutofuaa: sudo shutdown -r now ...hold one arm up and the other pointing west while blinking 5 times and hope for the best08:33
floating_Why can't I play wmv files. I open it up in xgine, and it pops up a message "message from gxine engine" and no message is there, and gxine freezes :(08:33
kurisutofuaabitflip: lol08:33
bitflipkurisutofuaa: If it doesn't you'll have to send me a mistress so that gf thinks I'm with mistress and mistress thinks I'm with gf leaving more time for computer to help you but right now I have to be going pretty quick08:33
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floating_or I get audio but no video.08:34
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floating_encrypted media stream detected08:34
repartaddoes one have to format a new portable hd?08:35
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ArrenLexr_rehashed: a) Intel's drivers ARE open-source. b) http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-010512.htm?iid=graphics+852main& Here's a complete list of chips they have drivers for. Are you sure it's not on there? c) What is the EXACT name of your chip? There is no "946".08:36
TiG4-Laptop***--- I'm running Edgy Server, whenever I try to apt-get install ssh, it tries to look for the file on the edgy install cd, how can I make it download from the web instead? ---***08:36
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ArrenLexr_rehashed: d) we ARE talking about graphics chips, right?08:36
kurisutofuaabitflip: IT WORKS08:36
ArrenLexTiG4-Laptop: go into /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the cd-rom line.08:36
bitflipkurisutofuaa: :P08:36
mordofalright, i've got everything else set up.. any chance anyone knows off-hand how to set a static IP on a server install?08:36
kurisutofuaabitflip: Now we need to make a guide for this some time08:37
TiG4-LaptopArrenLex, Lol, well that was easy. Thanks bud.08:37
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ArrenLexTiG4-Laptop: easy is good. :)08:38
TiG4-LaptopArrenLex, Indeed. :P08:38
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ArrenLexuncomment -> comment, just realised08:38
ArrenLexBut you understood.08:38
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mlintonanyone helpout with the grub issue?08:39
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bitflipkurisutofuaa: curious - does your splash screen gunk up in black in white or is it in color without artifacts?08:40
bitflipkurisutofuaa: some ati x86_64's won't display splash correctly...not a big deal to me but curious08:41
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Flannelmlinton: is sdc1 (where the grub comment mentions windows to be) really 0,0? in your bios? or have you since moved/tweaked/etc your hardware08:43
mlintonlet me see...08:43
mlintonhow can I tell?08:43
r_rehashedArrenLex: yeah I need the drivers for intel's integrated graphics card, which is the intel xtreme 300008:44
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Flannelmlinton: check your BIOS08:44
mlintonok, I know what the bios states.  The disk I'm trying to boot from is the first sata disk on the nvidia array08:44
r_rehashedArrenLex: the motherboard model no. is 946GZ-I, I guess08:44
mlintonso it's probably been changed since it was sdc08:44
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mlintonprobably sda now08:45
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mlintonbut how could the other grub options work and xp not.  If it was really borked wouldn't all of the boot options be broken?08:45
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ArrenLexmlinton: Hmm. pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"08:46
Flannelmlinton: it'd be a windows specific issue, not a grub issue. try changing root to rootnoverify08:46
Flannelmlinton: well, it could be a grub issue as in not finding the windows drive, or whatnot.  But, it's not a global grub issue08:47
ArrenLexYeah, that's so beyond me.08:48
Raskallyay. Seems 64 bit Edgy works a lot better than 64 bit dapper.08:48
mlintonis the XP install disk08:48
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Flannelmlinton: Windows is NOT the first partition.  You need 2,0 and then you'll need to use a pair of maps08:48
mlintonexplain... please08:48
r_rehashedArrenLex: thanks for the link. I found my way. :)08:49
Flannelmap (hd0) (hd2) \n map (hd2) (hd0)08:49
mlintonin the menu.lst right?08:49
ArrenLexr_rehashed: glad I accidentally helped you! xD08:49
Flannelon your windows thing08:50
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mlintonbefore or after the root command?08:50
mlintonFlannel: thanks btw - saving my bacon08:51
bitflipso 850+ people...Who uses vi to edit their ~/.emacs?08:51
Flannelmlinton: before the root, and I suppose that means you don't need to change the root line08:52
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mlintoncool let me try it...08:52
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ArrenLexbitflip: the same people who take diet soda and large fries. :)08:53
bitflipArrenLex: excellent point!08:53
FriedCPUi could never get used to vi, nano all the way for me08:53
ArrenLexFriedCPU: ...FriedGeek?08:54
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FriedCPUfriedgeek, friedchicken, fried anything08:54
ArrenLexFriedGeek! ^__^08:54
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Cyrus25801Could someone pls advise. I busy installing my app's for document viewing, media center, internet, dvdripping. Could some one please give me a list of app's that have worked well for them. thanx08:55
FriedCPUanother reason i dont use vi, i just launched it, and it killed eterm and my pager08:55
mlintonFlannel: no dice error 11, unrecognized device08:55
brendan__ /server irc.freenode.net08:56
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ArrenLexCyrus25801: office suite: openoffice ; internet: firefox ; media: amarok08:56
FriedCPUdoes anybody want to tell him if he comes back, he was already on freenode?08:56
ArrenLexdvds: k3b08:56
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Elda|Zznight all08:56
bkudriahow can i rname a vfat volume? i was able to rename in mac os x - how do i do it under linux?08:57
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Cyrus25801    /msg nickserv set email <your-email-address>08:57
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floating_Hi. With gxine, I couldnt play these wmv files, but with vlc player I can play but picture is something weird random colors08:57
FriedCPUheres a thing i noticed in ubuntu and other distros derived from ubuntu, when rebooting or shutting down, i noticed it stops BitTorrent tracker. why is there a bt tracker loaded? lol08:58
FriedCPUor is that a dumb question that has been answered before08:58
kurisutofuaabitflip: It08:58
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floating_kurisutofuaa: bitflip it ? me08:58
r_rehashedArrenLex: it shows only windows versions again!08:59
raghu206how to establish connection between java and oracle in linux08:59
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kurisutofuaabitflip: Splash  displays correctly08:59
defryskbkudria, change the folder where it refers to in fstab and create the folder where fstab is going to refer it to , then sudo mount -a09:00
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floating_kurisutofuaa: hmm, I donno how to do it, but I guess I find on web09:00
bkudriadefrysk: well, mine is automounted in '/media'09:00
bitflipkurisutofuaa: that's interesting, more times than not it doesn't09:01
repartad4gigs 6 minutes.09:01
defryskbkudria, yes09:01
bkudriadefrysk: it's not in /etc/fstab09:01
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bkudriadefrysk: it's a removable flash drive09:01
kurisutofuaabitflip: So something good came out of it lol09:01
repartadwhats shortcut for "terminal"09:01
defryskbkudria, oooh09:01
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FriedCPUanybody know  way to get some debug output from X when it fails to load, apart from what it spits at you in the tty lol09:01
defrysknot shure about removable drives bkudria sorry09:01
bkudriadefrysk: and it shows up with the same name on other mac, linux and windows computers09:02
bkudriadefrysk: ok, thanks09:02
ArrenLexFriedCPU: /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:02
SF100hi is there someone who can help a complete noob09:02
Cyrus25801could some help i have amarok installed but dont see it in my programs list09:02
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FriedCPUta ArrenLex09:02
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repartadWhat plays Video_TS09:03
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ArrenLexrepartad: you mean, VOB files? Lots of things -- mplayer, probably xine, probably vlc...09:03
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FriedCPUvlc deffinatly09:03
repartadhow do  yo uset vlc to do it?09:03
FriedCPUgo to "open"09:03
FriedCPUor you mean by default09:04
eloquence_sup everybody?09:04
repartadThat doesn't work.09:04
SF100I am completely lost an need help with something totally basic, can someoen help me09:04
r_rehashedArrenLex: ah got it! I can download software for the motherboard. I guess that will include drivers for the chipset as well09:04
repartadIt wont setup the dvd from the folder if you load video.ts09:04
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ArrenLex!ask | SF10009:04
ubotuSF100: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:04
r_rehashedArrenLex: should I download the drivers for Debian 3.1?09:05
SF100ok...I just installed in a vmware virtual machine and want to install vmware tools but i cannot figure out what i am doing09:05
ArrenLexr_rehashed: if there's nothing closer, yes.09:05
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defryskrepartad, xine dvd:/full/path/to/DVD/VIDEO_TS/09:06
r_rehashedArrenLex: there's simply Linux.09:06
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defryskrepartad, try that09:06
bitflipalrighty peepz - have fun09:06
eloquence_does anybody know how i can identify the manufacturer of my wireless lan card that is in my laptop? i have an hp dv8000t laptop running ubuntu and it just has my card listed as unknown vendor .. blah blah09:06
=== bitflip calls it a night
repartadwhat about for vlc defrysk?09:06
=== TiG4 [n=TiG4@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
defryskrepartad, same goes for vlc probably but not sure09:07
SF100i see the mounted volume on my desk and can extract it to my desktop but i can do nothing from there09:07
SF100extract the tar i mean09:07
floating_how did you guys set up your ubuntu to play .wmv files ?09:07
Cyrus25801could some help i have amarok installed but dont see it in my programs list09:07
Cyrus25801could some help i have amarok installed but dont see it in my programs list09:08
defrysk!patience | Cyrus2580109:08
ubotuCyrus25801: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:08
FriedCPUsmart bot09:08
=== neeja [n=neeja@installfest.compsoc.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu
repartaddude I friggin love linux.09:08
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:09
repartadIll honestly say something gay here....09:09
FriedCPUrepartad: i did till 5mins ago when i killed my xserver, and i cant see how :( lol09:09
SF100i want to love linux but i think im too dumb to09:09
repartadI was always afraid of Unix/Linux because of the interface I saw in Jurassic park09:09
repartadI thought it was 3d...09:09
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repartadlike in hackers as well09:09
FriedCPUthe hackers stuff would be cool, JP was abit plain09:09
repartadit would take 30 minutes to navigate to gedit.09:10
repartadflying through the world09:10
sindrumAnyone having problems with JDK and netbeans install? I'v installed it last week and reinstalled ubuntu... Updated reinstalled jre and jdk and netbeans tells jdk is not installed?09:10
DarkMageZofftopic is in #ubuntu-offtopic :P09:10
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repartadFriedCPU: Yea dude It takes a little while to get setup09:10
repartadBut I regret nothing09:10
repartadI hooked up ubuntu to my pc downstairs. Just to watch media on. and browse the net.09:10
RaskallWhere do I set screensaver options in edgy? Cant seem to find the screensaver option on the System menu anywhere09:10
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r_rehashedis ubuntu built on top debian 3.1?09:11
DarkMageZRaskall, system > preferences09:11
RaskallDarkMageZ: it's not there09:11
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SF100I am so lost with this and it seems like something so simple09:11
eyequeueRaskall, system > administration > preferences09:11
ArrenLexr_rehashed: ubuntu is derived from Debian Sid. 3.1 is, IIRC, sarge. So no, it's taken from a newer version.09:11
sindrumsystem/preferences/screen savers09:11
repartadwhere do i change pageflipping settings and etc for my videocard?09:12
repartadnvidia-settings? is that the only command.09:12
DisabledDuckis there any way to for Ubuntu to run at a different resolution?09:12
repartadScreen Resolution, under prefrences.09:12
repartadI think. or administration09:12
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r_rehashedArrenLex: so will the drivers for Debian 3.1 work fine on ubuntu?09:12
Raskalleyequeue: it's not there. would you mind checking the shortcut for me, so that I can start it from the command line?09:13
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defryskr_rehashed, unlikely09:13
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DarkMageZRaskall, gnome-screensaver-preferences09:13
ArrenLexr_rehashed: they might. They mightn't.09:14
RaskallDarkMageZ: weird. That doesn't exist on my computer09:14
defryskpreferences > screensaver09:14
r_rehashedso I guess I have to wait till intel makes Linux drivers for my chipset. :(09:14
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levanderAnybody got a link on how to reinstall grub from the LiveCD?09:14
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Raskallgnome-screensaver package was not installed09:15
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SF100I just installed ubuntu in a vmware virtual machine and now want to install vmware tools but i cannot figure out what i am doing i see the mounted volume on my desk and can extract it to my desktop but i can do nothing from there with the tar.09:15
defryskr_rehashed, mybe the producer of the chipset should start making drivers for linux ;)09:15
repartadRaskall: you arent missing anything09:15
repartadubuntus screensaver function is lacking.09:15
eyequeueRaskall, alt-f2    gnome-screensaver-preferences09:15
repartadYou might as well just turn your monitor off.09:15
Raskallrepartad: yes, I am missing the opportunity to disable GL screensavers09:16
SF100i cannot get to the install files from a terminal window or a root terminal window09:16
repartadthere are NO options for any of the screensaers.09:16
r_rehashedI wanted to run xgl and since it needs h/w acceleration, I have to install the drivers for the graphics card09:16
Raskallrepartad: I want just a black screen09:16
r_rehasheddefrysk: right!09:16
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jmghey all09:17
Raskallahh.. there. no more resource-sucking screensavers09:17
jmgi am having problems playing a movie09:17
jmgno sound09:17
jmgget this message on console09:17
r_rehashedstupid windoze!09:17
jmgALSA lib pcm.c:2146:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM dmix:ICH509:18
jmgread on the forums somebody solved it by reinstalling alsa but when i try it doesnt help09:18
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r_rehashedcan I use ndiswrapper to run windows drivers?09:19
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r_rehashedie, the windows drivers for my chipset?09:20
First|Laptopr_rehashed: yes09:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:21
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repartadoddly enough09:21
repartadI only get 250kbps on my ubuntu box09:22
repartadand 500+ on my winblowz box09:22
SF100should i just keep waiting or keep repeating my ? periodically?09:24
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eloquence_what an ungrateful questioner u are09:26
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sindrumsf100 what are you looking to do?09:27
SF100I just installed ubuntu in a vmware virtual machine and now want to install vmware tools but i cannot figure out what i am doing i see the mounted volume on my desk and can extract it to my desktop but i can do nothing from there with the tar.09:27
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SF100I am clueless on why I cant get to the files09:27
=== Alzi2 [n=robin@h8441230009.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Alzi2Hey. How to get Ubuntu to be blazing fast on my AMD Athlon 2800+?09:27
printkSF100: you tar -xvf the files?  shrugs  Never done vmware install.  check the wiki?09:28
=== mdious [n=mdious@bppp-p-144-138-48-160.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sindrumiv never used vmware... why are you using vmware anyway?09:28
SF100i followed what vmware said lemme check to see what i did...1 sec09:28
eloquence_sf100 u cant install the ubuntu to your hard drive?09:28
SF100sindrum: cuz im scared to run it dual boot :(09:28
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sindrumi dual boot my (i have two hard disk...)seems to work fine09:29
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SF100because Im a chicken, no other reason09:29
First|Laptopi've been dual booting windows and linux for years.09:29
First|Laptopno issues09:29
ompaulSF100, well you need to bite the free software bullet09:30
mdiousSF100>you'll get there...and see that dual booting is no biggy :)09:30
sindrumand ubuntu is really easy to set up09:30
First|Laptopit holds your hand through the partitioning process09:30
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First|Laptopand if you act now, ompaul will pat you on the back and whisper sweet nothings into your ear09:30
Raskallis adept a kde-only thing?09:30
sindrumid have to say to just back your important stuff and go for it09:30
mdiousI've never used ubuntu to partition...I always reach for mandrake 10.1 cd1...diskdrake is nice for idiots like me who don't know what they are doing09:31
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RaskallI am trying to clean up packages on my repeatedly dist-upgraded system09:31
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mdiouswindows+linux are both easy to re-install so just try it when you have time to re-install one or the other (I doubt you will need to though)09:31
SF100Ill probably do it son, I just want to be comfortable with linux first and Im so not comfortable yet. I cant find files09:31
eloquence_i have a top of th eline hp laptop09:31
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eloquence_and i was scared to dual boot09:31
SF100I cant do anything at all09:31
eloquence_but i installed09:31
eloquence_and now a week later its smooth sailing09:31
eloquence_first i was using qEMU emulator09:32
Raskallmdious: windows might be easy to reinstall, but it takes LONG time.09:32
SF100I extract the tar to the desktop and i cant get to the files from a terminal screen09:32
eyequeueRaskall, sudo apt-get install cruft09:32
eloquence_for virtual environment09:32
eloquence_but it sucks09:32
SF100i dont feel like ill be able to do anything to warrant a dual boot yet09:32
eyequeue!info cruft09:32
ubotucruft: Find any cruft built up on your system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-0.15 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 1096 kB09:32
eloquence_cant have ur cake and eat it too09:32
eloquence_install it09:32
printkSF100: no need to dual boot, just remove windows09:32
Alzi2Hey. How to get Ubuntu to be blazing fast on my AMD Athlon 2800+?09:32
repartadso I talked to Norm Mcdonald  today on the radio09:33
Raskalleloquence_: ahh.. :) thnx.09:33
eloquence_dont remove windows09:33
=== Seeker` [n=Seeker@84-12-167-90.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sindrumid have to say keep windows dual boot09:33
eloquence_dont listen to the die hard retards09:33
eloquence_every1 at some point needs windows09:33
Alzi2eloquence_, I agree.09:33
printki haven't use windows in about 10 years09:33
eloquence_linux is awesome09:33
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eyequeueeloquence_, blatantly false, many of us have never had it09:33
eloquence_but for gaming09:33
mdiousRaskall>haven't installed it since forever, I do recall even just formatting a drive with NTFS takes forever hehe09:33
SF100ok but lets attack my question this way. I extract the files from the tar to the desktop but then I cant do anything09:33
eloquence_for some adobe products09:33
repartadI have another question.....09:33
SF100how do i even find them from a terminal window09:33
repartadhow can I setup a command "blah" to run a command?09:34
printkSF100: where did you extract them to?09:34
eloquence_for your cousin who wants to play Barney's Gay Dinosaur Adventures.... u will need windows09:34
Raskallmdious: :) The installation itself takes only 2-3 hours. But getting and installing all drivers and software is a tedious and frustrating process09:34
eyequeueokay, enough homophobia, i'm out of here09:34
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SF100printk: to the desktop but they are in a folder09:34
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eloquence_i scared him away09:34
printkSF100: then your they are in your home directory/Desktop09:34
eloquence_who is the phobe then?09:35
printkSF100: /home/SF100/Desktop/<folder>09:35
mdiousRaskall>you are bringing back painful memories, I've gotten so use to linux and bsd having all the drivers i need...windows would be fun without a internet connection...ah yes it doesn't run after 30 days or something if you don't do...some rubbish with it doesn't it?09:35
SF100i cant seem to get to them09:35
SF100im so lost :(09:35
eloquence_take my sincere advice09:35
printkSF100: you acn type "~" as a special character to get to your home.  Like cd ~<username>/Desktop09:35
eloquence_make a partition09:35
eloquence_and put linux09:35
repartadhow can I setup so when I type "iceage2" it runs vlc/certain folder09:35
eloquence_3 gb is fine09:35
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SF100oh lemme try that09:35
eloquence_dualboot is very efficient09:35
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printkrepartad: create a file and put the command you want in it, then chmod  +x it09:36
repartadwill that set it up so I can just run the alias in the terminal?09:36
eloquence_yo printk ... bro .. how can i make sure about my intel wireless's type09:36
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repartadim trying to make it girlfriend friendy.09:36
SF100printk: im trying that now09:36
printkeloquence_: does lspci or dmesg list it?  If not contact your computer manufactorer? :))09:37
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mdiousprintk>Thanks for the ~, i didn't know about that :)09:37
printkmdious: np :)09:37
mdiousprintk:  thanks for the lspci, I had forgotten about that one :)09:38
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eloquence_lspci lists a bunch of stuff09:38
eloquence_but nothing specific09:38
eloquence_intel stuff09:38
eloquence_i am looking thru dmesg now09:39
printkeloquence_: doesn't list like Intel Pro 2100 or 2200 ?09:39
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SF100printk: i dont know what im doing wrong but i cant get there still09:39
eloquence_in lspci?09:40
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eloquence_even though i was able to connect thru wireless as a default device09:40
eloquence_no device info09:40
repartadso, about 4 days ago.. one of my molars was being pushed up.. like it was lose and hurting terribly. I couldn't even TOUCH it it was so bad.09:40
repartadNow, its perfectly fine09:41
Raskallmdious: yup. it needs to be "activated". :)09:41
printkSF100: are you able to cd ~<your_username_here>/Desktop atleast?09:41
eloquence_even in ubuntu's device manager ... manufacturer unknown09:41
repartadit like sunk back down.09:41
printkeloquence_: shrugs sorry man09:41
repartadI prayed to god to make the pain go away because it was so bad.09:41
repartadvery very odd.09:41
raghu206how to set data source name in oracle ..:?09:41
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printkeloquence_: if you can find out what it actually is you can make linux recongnize it... just need to know for sure what you have09:41
mdiousprintk>you don't need to put the username in correct...or is that just there for reference?09:42
sindrumSF100: try doing sudo -i09:42
eloquence_how do i find out what it is thru linux atr the same time that linux doesn't know what it is09:42
printkoh youre right don't need the username if it is YOUR home dir09:42
sindrumSF100: then do cd /09:42
sindrumSF100: then do ls09:42
eloquence_u must forgive me i am fairly new to linux ... last time i was on it was like 5 years ago09:42
printkbut say you're loggged in as user1 and you want to go to user2 you'd type cd ~user209:42
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eloquence_no ... more09:42
printkif you are user1 and want to go to your own you can just use ~ by it self09:42
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sindrumSF100: hows that going?09:43
SF100printk: it says "no such file or directory"09:43
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SF100sindrum ok09:43
SF100i got a directory listing09:43
sindrumSF100: whats it say?09:44
SF100now im totally lost i dont know who to follow09:44
sindrumSF100: whats it say?09:44
SF100bin cdrom etc09:44
SF100and a bunch of other stuff09:44
sindrumis there home?09:44
mdioustype pwd09:44
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sindrumcd home09:44
SF100yes there is a home09:44
eloquence_the mysteries of linux....09:44
sindrumcd username09:45
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mdioussounds like /09:45
mdioussindrum>do you have to lather and rinse first?09:45
sindrumdont forget to capitalize the d on Desktop09:45
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SF100GOT IT09:46
SF100thanks sindrum and printk09:46
SF100now to install the tools but i was just so lost on the nav of directories09:46
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SF100i totally forgot case sens in nix09:46
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SF100im a tard09:47
SF100been years since i look at anything nix09:47
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ihavenoname hi09:47
ihavenoname hi09:47
SF100thanks so much09:47
sohansorry, what name for French canal ?09:47
sohan  /join <ubuntu-fr>09:47
SF100you guys and gals are great for helping have a great holiday season09:48
sohanok i see ;)09:48
eloquence_keep it real bor09:48
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matthew_yay! I'm back!09:48
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RaskallSF100: which holiday is it now?09:49
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matthew_uh, Christmas, I think...09:50
matthew_whoops, never mind...I'm not SF10009:50
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Raskallchristmas isn't until 3 weeks.09:50
RaskallI hate christmas09:50
matthew_Raskall, why?09:50
eloquence_its international midget tossing week09:51
eloquence_lets celebrate09:51
eloquence_and toss midgets into the international!09:51
matthew_<= passes eloquence_ a glass of wine09:51
Raskallmatthew_: because that was the time of year my parents drank the most and beat us up every day (instead of every other day)09:51
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)09:51
=== eloquence_ doesn't consume intoxicants
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matthew_Raskall, aww, that's so sad....09:51
eloquence_looks like Raskall has issues09:51
eloquence_lets not pet him the wrong way09:51
elkbuntuguys. how about you take discussion that isnt support related to #ubuntu-offtopic09:51
eloquence_dude if u dont get help at charter... get help somewhere09:52
mdiousRaskal: :(09:52
matthew_elkbuntu, ok, I'll chill out...09:52
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eloquence_good idea elk09:52
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Raskallmatthew_: I know. I'd like to cancel christmas altogether, but I have my own family now and they deserve the celebration09:52
eloquence_back to my hp laptop09:52
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eloquence_anybody got experience with hp products and linux?09:52
axisyshow do i install soundwrapper?09:53
Raskallelkbuntu: sorry09:53
eloquence_i cant seem to find what type of wireless chip i have09:53
eloquence_either its a broadcom or an intel09:53
matthew_Raskall, you know, if you're really telling the truth, than that is really sad...anyways, I'm gonna go smoke some salvia divinorum...good night, all09:53
mdiousnight matthew09:53
eloquence_i think it is intel as that is what most descriptions of the HP Pavillion dv8000t say09:53
sindrumgood night09:53
eloquence_u smoke saliva?09:53
eloquence_how can u smoke a liquid?09:53
sindrumi do09:53
eloquence_;) i know09:54
=== Crankeye [n=Crankeye@ip24-56-41-193.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_hawk a loogie and toke up09:54
Crankeyehey guys09:54
eloquence_sindrum u do what?09:54
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:54
CrankeyeI'm trying to get my CD-RW Drive to work. It can read CDs but it cannot recognize CD-Rs. Its an HP CD Writer any ideas?09:55
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eloquence_my lappie is doomed09:55
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CrankeyeI did some searching on google and found something about SCSI support09:56
sindrumwhats the deal with ipodder thing keeps giving me an error on close?09:56
CrankeyeWhich is need it kenel 2.4 and im running 2.609:56
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maltanybody know any cheap vps server hosts for like $10 a month? thats like 100 gb a month09:58
maltof bandwidth09:58
mdiouswhat is a vps server?09:58
mdioussorry fo rmy ignorance09:58
maltvirtual dedicated server09:58
CrankeyeVPS = Virtual Private Server09:58
maltI ment private09:59
maltthere usally cheaper09:59
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maltthen a dedicated09:59
gautehhey. would i be able to upgrade to feisty by adding the fesity repos to sources.list and do a dist upgrade?10:00
First|Laptopgauteh: yea but i really wouldn't recommend it right now10:00
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gautehFirst|Laptop:  ah ok.. xkill then :)10:01
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maltwow found a cheap vps server host ---> http://www.vpslink.com/vps-hosting/10:02
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First|Laptopyou get what you pay for10:03
sindrumwhens fesity fawn do to come out?10:03
gautehhow can i edit my powersaving/cpu scaling more advanced.. now it goes up and down all thetime10:03
Crankeyeah gotcha10:03
First|Laptopsindrum: probably 4 - 6 months after edgy came out10:03
sindrumyeah i found it on there site april 07...10:04
=== First|Laptop shrugs
First|Laptopdapper runs just fine for me10:05
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arashis mono broken10:06
arashin edgy?10:06
arashim trying to install ASP.net for apache210:06
arashi get a dependancy problem10:06
CrankeyeI'm trying to get my CD-RW Drive to work. It can read CDs but it cannot recognize CD-Rs. Its an HP CD Writer any ideas?10:06
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Crankeyewhoa spam10:06
Crankeyewhoa spam10:06
CrankeyeI'm trying to get my CD-RW Drive to work. It can read CDs but it cannot recognize CD-Rs. Its an HP CD Writer any ideas?10:06
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eloquence_its a net split10:07
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mdiousarash>isn't asp.net for windows?10:07
eloquence_a whole network server disconnects from the main server10:07
Crankeyei was jay slash kay10:07
eloquence_and then rejoins10:07
mdiousCrankeye>cd-rw should work...any chance you have a dodgy cd-r?10:07
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eloquence_so all ppl are suddenly vanished then reassimilated10:07
eloquence_u know the kind of ppl that come here10:07
Crankeyemdious: nope ive tried a few kinds of cd-rs and no dice10:07
mdiousCrankeye:  :(10:07
Crankeyei recognizes that its a cd burner when i try to burn an iso10:08
Crankeyebut it keeps asking me to insert a disk10:08
=== Flannel [n=flannel@cpe-76-176-13-158.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Crankeyeeven though it says CD-Rom on the desktop10:08
Crankeyeit should say CD-R Though10:08
mdiousi think i might have something to eat...Catcha Later everyone, good luck with your cd-r...sorry i have no useful tips or help10:08
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kurisutofuaaHow do you tell If your video supports 3D?10:10
cappizhow do i change the default LANG for the system?10:10
eloquence_kde has a test10:10
eloquence_kurisutofuaa, kde has this way of checking10:10
eloquence_if u can handle 3d10:11
eloquence_google the kde 3d test thingy10:11
astroboygreetings. I've just installed edgyeft but on reboot get "Error: 17: Cannot mount selected partition" which apparently means Grub can't recognise partition fs - yet all are ext3.  Any ideas .. ?10:11
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eloquence_let's play "Identify eloquence's wireless device": http://pastebin.ca/26435510:12
=== Kaaroth [n=KoK@host82-170-static.73-81-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
KaarothHi amigos !!!10:13
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Kaarothare there many italians ??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I need help !!!!10:13
Kaarothor I cast Kamehameha10:13
Kaarotho reg me date firefox da install10:14
astroboyHa, ha, ah ..10:14
KaarothCan you help me , please ?!10:14
astroboyEt moi ?10:14
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Kaarothtu e trepel10:15
Kaarothvulevu pat avec mua10:15
astroboyNIght, night .. I need some sleep.10:15
sindrum eloquence: what is your computer?im guessing its built into the computer cannot remove...10:15
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KaarothI need serius help !!!10:15
astroboyDon't we all ..10:16
chalcedonyKaaroth: take two aspirins and come back tomorrow ;)10:16
kolesI have problem with installing Ubuntu 6.10 desktop10:16
First|LaptopThat's pretty general.10:16
astroboyMe too ..10:16
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koleswhen i press install icon and there is option with partitions10:16
kolesu set up mounting point as "/"10:17
astroboycomedia dell Ubuntu .. ?10:17
Kaarothchalcedony your mother work in the traffic!!!10:17
sindrum eloquence: what is your laptop?10:17
kolesand program dont want continue the install10:17
KaarothI need serius help10:17
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eloquence_hp dv8000t10:17
astroboyeloquence: what is your laptop ?10:17
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eloquence_it is built in i believe10:18
Kaarothmi lap top is the LAPDANCE10:18
eloquence_that is lspci and demsg10:18
kolesanybody ?10:18
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astroboyLaptop Lapdance .. hmm10:19
astroboyradiation in the gonads10:19
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sindrumim gonna say ... Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG10:20
=== LordMetroid [n=lordmetr@h233n3c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_so sindrum this is the type i have huh?10:20
eloquence_and how do i find the chipset for getting better linux drivers?10:21
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enderrulesdarn ender istaken10:21
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enderrulesok so if i have an  amd turion 64 do i have to do the 64 bit ones or can i go with n ormal10:21
sindrumok im gonna get ready to kill a deer...good morning ttyl10:21
enderruleswats that10:22
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enderrules3 percent and i started a minute ago or so10:22
enderrulesdownthemall was getting horible speeds10:23
enderruleslike in the under 10 kbps range10:23
CrankeyeI'm trying to get my CD-RW Drive to work. It can read CDs but it cannot recognize CD-Rs. Its an HP CD Writer any ideas?10:23
enderruleswho is gonna out yellow dog on there ps310:23
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enderrulesSHIT how do i dual boot windows and ubuntu10:24
kolescan anybody help me ?10:24
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)10:24
kolesplease guys10:24
DBO!justask | koles10:25
ubotukoles: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:25
enderrulesummmmmm do i have to burn it to a cd10:25
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Kaarothfuck all!!!!!!!!!10:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:26
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kolesI just downloaded U6.10 desktop cd and when i want install it partition program dont work for me corettly10:26
First|LaptopDBO: He asked a few times already but nobody obviously knows the answer to his question10:26
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DBOFiretech, sorry didnt see it10:26
kolesi mean When i set up my partition to "/" mounting mode10:26
kolesnothing happens10:26
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koleswhat shall i do ?10:26
DBOkoles, I have no idea...10:26
enderrulesummmmmm do i have to burn it to a cd   cuz i have alcohol soft 120% and was wondering if i could just use that10:26
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enderrulescuz i think my dads asleep and the cds r in  his room10:27
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kolesi have this second time, i thod my cd downloaded have bug so Ive dwl again and nothing10:27
ski-worklapwake him up, are you afraid you'll find him masturbating?10:27
maxamillionanyone here using pypanel?@?@?10:27
enderrulesits 12 am10:27
enderrules12 27 am10:27
First|Laptopenderrules: move like a ninja and get them.10:27
ski-worklappsth. it's 4.27am here10:28
ski-worklapthat reminds me10:28
enderruleslol im in alaska10:28
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enderrulesi alrdy am a ninja stupid wtf do u think a blackbelt is?10:28
enderrulesnah anchorage10:28
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First|Laptopthen getting some cds should be an easy task10:28
skiZZZanchorage is only 1 hour off pacific time? odd10:28
enderruleslol its a joke i may be a blackbelt but im no ninja10:29
enderrulesits not odd10:29
=== DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-056-243-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
enderrulesits just how they decided to do it10:29
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enderrulesi think alaska only has one time zone if i remember10:29
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enderrulesso yes or no do i have to use the amd64 for my turion 6410:30
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diskusenderrules: no, you can use 32-bit10:30
enderrulescuz my  other cpu is 32 bit sempron10:30
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enderrulesi wanna dual boot both:P10:30
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enderrulesi wanna be teh uber nerd at my school10:31
enderrulesidk many nerds that have said they use linux10:31
diskusnerd doesn't need windows10:31
First|Laptopi have an AMD64 and i run 32 bit ubuntu just fine10:31
First|Laptop64 bit isn't worth it yet imo10:31
diskusand uber nerd doesn't use linux :P10:31
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TiG4**-- Is it possible to map an ip on my network to a string, so say i wanted to map to 'WebServer', so that I could just type , ssh WebServer10:31
enderrulesin my school uber nerd=linux user10:31
=== annaaniston [n=annaanis@r125-63-128-76.cpe.unwired.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_anybody know about remmod in ubuntu?10:31
enderruleshey speaking of network10:31
eloquence_i wanna erase a wireless driver and install a new one10:32
enderruleshow do i connect to my windows setup wirless network10:32
diskusTiG4: check /etc/hosts10:32
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enderruleswoohoo 14 percent of ubuntu!10:32
TiG4diskus, got it, thanks10:32
TiG4diskus, do I need to reload the hosts file somehow?10:33
=== skiZZZ remembers the many occasions on which he installed freebsd with 1 or 2 floppies, no networking, and a lot of waiting and switching disks
First|Laptopever since i got this laptop my desktop has turned into mostly a fileserver10:33
diskusTiG4: no, you add WebServer there and it should work10:33
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enderruleslol i have a laptop and im on it right now10:33
eloquence_me too10:33
eloquence_on an hp laptop with ubuntu10:33
enderrulesits mostly for school but its got some stuff.... aka porn10:33
diskusTiG4: it's text file10:33
eloquence_i am so happy i installed10:33
enderrulesi have a compaq:S10:34
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-129-253-163.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_but having dial up sucks when trying to update and download new proggies10:34
TiG4diskus, yep got it working, thanks10:34
=== TiG4 tips hat
eloquence_enderrules, we're practically cousins dude!10:34
enderrulesi dont have dialup10:34
diskusI have 5 seasons of 3rd rock from the sun on my ubuntu laptop :P10:34
eloquence_i am currently living in saudi arabia10:34
eloquence_so i am a bit screwed until my dsl comes applied weeks ago10:34
=== graveson [i=chatzill@nat/hp/x-f30fe43ed0535cc7] has joined #ubuntu
gravesonwhere can i find a guide to install a dual boot system with edgy and windows XP, i currently have XP installed :(10:35
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)10:35
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eloquence_i installed dapper10:38
eloquence_need some help?10:38
skiZZZeloquence_, what's the prob?10:38
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eloquence_i am a linux newbie mainly... but the fact that i did what u r trying to do means i can help if th emore advanced users are helping ppl with advanced stuff10:38
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eloquence_skizzz i need to know what kind of wireless device i have10:38
diskusmaybe lspci?10:39
skiZZZeloquence_, pastebin the output of ifconfig -a for a start10:39
diskuseloquence_: try runing 'lspci'10:39
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eloquence_and based on the description of the HP Pavillion dv8000t laptop it says i should have an intel 394510:39
eloquence_http://pastebin.ca/264360 here is an lspci and dmesg10:39
diskusand check ifconfig -a as skiZZZ said or dmesg after reboot10:39
kurisutofuaaHow do I check if my video card supports 3D in ubuntu-Edgy64?10:39
diskusit's laptop?10:40
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KishoreHi all10:40
dade`how do i use the debug kernel image ?10:40
eloquence_for some reason it isn't reading any eth1 device10:40
eloquence_i think i am really ifconfig -ascrewed nowq10:40
gravesoneloquence : my dapper crashed due to hardware failure, and i had to switch to windows as i upraded my pc to core 2 duo . I found out after that Dapper will not work. So i downloaded Edgy and i hope it will firstly install onto my Core 2 duo and also not mess up my windows install so i can recover the data10:40
eloquence_i am running dapper on a core duo10:41
skiZZZeloquence_, when i first got my hands onthis laptop on tuesday, sound ethernet and wifi were all blanks10:41
eloquence_so u might need a 64bit one for core 210:41
eloquence_ok cool skizz10:41
eloquence_to tell u the truth skizz10:41
skiZZZon weds they all worked10:41
eloquence_until last night i was using wireless10:41
eloquence_but last night i tried to install a broadcom driver since sum1 said i have a broadcom and it disappeared10:42
eloquence_in the terminal window it says there are currenty drivers that seem to work do i wanna override10:42
eloquence_and i di10:42
eloquence_but i never rebooted10:42
diskuseloquence_: can you give me model number of your laptop?10:42
diskuseloquence_: it's easier to google what hardware you have in it10:42
eloquence_my laptop battery died while i was asleep ( i forgot to plug the cord in)10:42
eloquence_and i woke up this morning to a dead lappie10:42
eloquence_HP dv8000t10:42
=== Caplain__ [n=matt@234.detroit-09-10rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
diskusseems like Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network w/Bluetooth10:44
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gravesoneloquence: i believe there is a difference between core duo and core 2 duo10:45
kurisutofuaaHow do I check if my video card supports 3D in ubuntu-Edgyamd64?10:45
s1`_do you have an ati o nvidia?10:46
eloquence_yea graveson10:46
eloquence_core 2 duo is 64 bit10:46
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eloquence_u just gotta get a 64bit os10:46
eloquence_i have nvidia sl if that question was for me10:46
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diskuseloquence_: you could try loading modprobe ipw3945, and checking if it's recognized10:47
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gravesoneloquence: will the desktop version of edgy not work then ? :(10:47
eloquence_i am not sure grave10:47
eloquence_i have core duo10:47
First|Laptopeloquence_: You don't need a 64 bit OS just because the chip supports it.10:47
eloquence_but from what i been reading10:47
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eloquence_if u have a 64 bit proc u gotta install a 64bit os10:47
diskusno need 64-bit at all10:47
eloquence_oh ok10:47
eloquence_i see then10:47
s1`_kurisutofuaa, check on ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=42358410:48
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First|LaptopI have two 64 bit chips running 32 bit ubuntu10:48
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axisysanyone here can tell how to install soundwrapper? sorry for the reapeat question10:48
DarkEDHi all, is it possible to install ubuntu FROM a usb drive such as a PSP or thumbdrive?10:48
diskusit's even easier if you run 32-bit ubuntu on amd64 hardware10:48
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DarkEDFor some reason, I cannot write the CD correctly (after six attempts now) and I'm tired of burning coasters10:49
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diskusDarkED: that's why I use cd-rw :P10:50
mathieu_DarkED: you can install linux using pretty much any media, but cd is probably the easiest way10:50
YBH_1Darked, yes copy the iso to the USB drive and mount using the mount -loop option. Do a google search.10:51
mathieu_diskus: assuming you can boot into a unix system10:52
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diskusmathieu_: yeah10:52
DarkEDHmm, and also, if the LiveCD part of the disc will not work, is it possible that the text-based installer will work?10:52
mathieu_diskus: sorry that was for darked10:53
diskusmathieu_: :P10:53
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theAdibhello does Ubuntu support my laptop AC97 Modem ? 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Modem Controller. WHich device will it be ?10:53
shaymi look for someone who have a toshiba satellite M7010:53
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shaymto get some configuration files10:53
DarkEDYBH_1: And doing this I won't have to use internet/network to complete the install?10:54
enyctheAdib: hrrm ac97 audio an that sounds like the i810-audio driver... but that is not modem part of it10:54
DarkEDUm, nope I can't boot into a unix system10:54
DarkEDSo, guess I'm stuck..10:54
eloquence_i did modprobe ipw3945 nothing happened10:55
eloquence_diskus, any ideas?10:55
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enyctheAdib: I think the answer really is... that is not a real model as such... its all software controlled whatnot. I know there are _some_ linux modelos for these 'winwodem' like units...10:55
diskuseloquence_: nope, but myself I would reinstall my laptop to be sure10:55
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diskuseloquence_: http://cepes.org.pe/jaime/dv8000t.html read this, it's for Fedora Core 5 but you can maybe get something out of it10:56
shaymi want to create a master access point, ihave a ipw220010:56
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shaymthe master option is not recognized10:56
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DarkEDHmm, guess it probably WONT work in text mode either, considering the corrupted file is filesystem.squashfs and that is the file with all the install packages lol10:57
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astroboyWhat about the fiskus ?10:57
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gravesoni hope edgy will solve my issue - windows is giving me a headache as i cannot control what it does10:58
eloquence_reinstall ubuntu diskus?10:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:58
eloquence_that would be such a problem for me after this whole week of downloading and upgrading10:58
eloquence_i am on dialup10:58
phisquareHi guys, I want to set up my computer to be a linux file server right now and also run myth tv with an ati tv tuner card.  The file server needs to be windows accessable10:58
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phisquareI want subversion access on this box too and remote vnc access as well10:59
phisquareCan this be done with edgy?10:59
enyctheAdib: read on http://www.linmodems.org/ for general info10:59
enyctheAdib: im sure there are some wiki.ubuntu.com pages with ubuntu-specifigc info.11:00
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theAdibphisquare: samba is your friend, windows fileserver11:00
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theAdibenyc: ok, I will do11:00
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epswingso i'm considering ubuntu.  first question, 6.10 vs 6.06.  is there some question i can ask and answer myself which would single out which i would want to install?11:00
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hc`hi. anyone willing to help me with Compiz?11:03
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=== noiesmo here's a quick beryl demo I just uploaded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3KTzijxt28
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mkstneed help on iptables11:05
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DBOmkst, whats up?11:05
phpErroruh, i386 works on p4 cpus right?11:05
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DBOphpError, yes11:06
mksti need to know how i can make changes on iptables available after rebbot11:06
mkstthat is, i add my rules but when i reboot i have to set them up again.11:07
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DBOmkst, make a script with your rules11:07
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mksti'm a newbye11:07
DBOmkst, then put that script in /etc/init.d, and symlink it to /etc/rc2.d as S74scriptname11:08
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mkstwhere should i put that script?11:08
hastesaverHi, I'm trying to do a fresh install of Edgy (upgrade from Dapper). My /home was a separate partition. How do I tell the installer to retain it?11:08
DBOmkst, /etc/init.d11:08
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DBOmkst, thats a folder11:08
DBOso like /etc/init.d/iptablesstart11:08
mkstok, I know that11:08
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DBOthen you would make a link to it in /etc/rc2.d/S74iptablesstart11:09
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Kaarothhello!!how are you?11:10
abducteefucking shit11:10
abducteewhy is flash always out of sync11:10
DBOabductee, watch your language please11:10
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KnowledgEngichi usa xsane ?11:10
DBOand thats a flaw in flash 7, get the flash 9 beta11:10
piotr__abductee: install Flash 9 beta11:11
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abducteepiotr__: btw, flash seems in 16bit colormode to crash the instant its started.11:11
TiG4how do I remount all my drives?11:12
Shimoutnt -a11:13
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eloquence_can sumbody help me with installing wireless drivers?11:13
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eloquence_i am having issues with ieee80211-1.2.1511:14
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epswingTopic (#ubuntu): Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Ubuntu Open Week now11:14
epswing          on! See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | FAQ:11:14
epswing          https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options:11:14
epswing          http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info:11:14
epswing          https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | The Ubuntu pastebin is11:14
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hastesaverin case someone even read my question... nevermind, I figured it out myself :-)11:14
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eloquence_lol hastesaver11:15
eloquence_that happens so often11:15
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abducteeDBO: thanks for the tip11:16
hastesavereloquence_: but it's not surprising, lots of people, things tend to go unnoticed, or the right people aren't here at the time... I'm not complaining11:16
eloquence_no for me11:16
eloquence_i would say the question like 3 times11:16
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eloquence_each time fearing that i might bother ppl by repeating11:16
eloquence_but they wouldnt notice11:16
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_then i crack a few jokes get some attention and ask11:17
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@248.Red-83-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
eloquence_try it .. i just exposed my copyrighted techniques11:17
eloquence_ppl have other things going on11:17
hastesavereloquence_: framing questions so as to grab attention and elicit answers is an art, eh? :-)11:17
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eloquence_i am sure the advanced users dont just sit on their irc window and stare off into ppl's complaints and problems11:17
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peciskhow to tell ubuntu version from console?11:17
eloquence_oh yea its an art11:17
robotgeekpecisk: lsb-release -a11:18
peciskrobotgeek: thanks :)11:18
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eloquence_bah damn ieee8021111:18
=== hanshi [n=hanshi@cjn237.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ath0_upeloquence_: why damn?11:19
|thunderALL; is there a way to have apt-get list the packages that are marked for upgrade in the console? I checked the man page, it references the -u option, but I cant get it to do anything, even with update and install. help.11:19
eloquence_it wont install11:19
Terminus|thunder: hmmm... why not `apt-get -s upgrade` ?11:20
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|thunderTerminus; does that download anything ?11:21
hastesaver|thunder: "-s" is the option for "simulate only". Does it not work, or is too crude a method for your tastes?11:21
Terminus|thunder: nope.11:21
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|thunderhave not tried it.11:21
lazzarethHey, I Really Need Help, I need to author a DVD in ubuntu.. I need to get an episode of stargate (.avi) on a dvd to run & work in a dvd player to impress my girls mother! Pretty much will make or break our sex life!?11:21
|thunderlemme give it a shot and see if it suits my palette11:21
hastesaverlazzareth: lol. Try qdvdauthor, maybe11:22
defrysklazzareth, that pretty easy11:22
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|thunderlazzareth; use ffmpeg or mencoder to conver to mpeg-2.11:22
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gavintuhow do I run scripts/text files from console?11:22
defrysklazzareth, sudo apt-get install ffmpeg dvdauthor11:22
|thundergavintu; put a ./ in fornt of it11:22
Shiyou make them executable thanks to chmod11:22
lazzarethok, its installing, Thank you so much you guys!11:23
lazzarethYou know how it is11:23
hastesavergavintu: unless you know what you're doing, you shouldn't :-) (But if you do, then it's "./<filename>" or "bash <filename>" or "sh filename", or whatever you prefer)11:23
Shiand then you run them by typing ./your_script_name11:23
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eloquence_ath0 have u installed it?11:23
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defrysklazzareth, http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2006/12/01/avi-to-dvd-with-ffmpeg-and-dvdauthor/11:23
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gavintuhastesaver: I'm not doing anything crazy :  ).11:23
Terminushastesaver: bash and sh only works for scripts. ./ is more general. =P11:23
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gavintuhastesaver: but ./ is giving me permission denied, so do I have to make it executable AND use the command?11:24
lazzarethdefrysk, That looks to be it, Thank you so much,11:24
hastesavergavintu: do "chmod +x <filename>"11:24
lazzarethIll video tape it for you :P11:24
tanlaanDoes anyone know of a linux distro that looks/acts/uses the same principles as Mac OS X?11:24
hastesavergavintu: chmod = change mode, +x = make executable. The "permission denied" only means that the file is not executable11:24
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Alzi2_<Alzi2_> Hello.11:26
Alzi2_<Alzi2_> We put the videocard in the PC and only the fan is blowing, we get a blank screen. It is an ATI Radeon 9600 XT and we checked AGP and PCI support11:26
Alzi2_<Simon80> you can't put it in the wrong one, man, it's either agp or pci11:26
Alzi2_<Alzi2_> The new video card has longer slots than my old one. That one had shorter ones. While it does fit, my PC doesn't boot.11:26
Alzi2_<Alzi2_> Please, help...11:26
Alzi2_Sorry for the paste.11:26
Alzi2_But I need help11:26
gavintuhastesaver: OK, got it, thanks!11:27
reversebladeAlzi2_, this has nothing to do with #ubuntu11:27
tanlaantry going into bios and then going to exit, then goto set defaults11:27
tanlaanthat may help11:27
tanlaan*thats what i did for mine*11:27
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shaymi can't set mode master for my ipw220011:27
tanlaani had  a wrong setting somewhere11:27
shaymshould i compile myself the ipw2200 source ?11:28
ath0_upshaym: wich driver do you use?11:28
hastesavertanlaan: you *can* make GNOME (the default Ubuntu desktop) look (somewhat like) OS X. Search the web for "Making GNOME look like OS X" :-) But for those "principles", it's hard to say. Try it and see for yourself.11:28
shaymfrom the ubuntu 6.1011:28
tanlaanhastesaver: well thats not all that i meant/want11:28
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tanlaanhastesaver: what i want is a linux distro that really uses the principles of OS X11:29
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eilkerpeople should i install dhcp or dhcp3 ??? (trying for wmvare server)11:29
hastesavertanlaan: and what are those principles?11:29
reversebladeeilker, #networking ?11:29
tanlaanhastesaver: as in having everything used most often up front and in plain view and not cluttered11:29
shaymi want to build a wifi access point on my laptop centrino11:29
tanlaanhastesaver: most linux distros/programs tend to try and fit the most they can in one space11:29
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shaymi don't have a hardware wifi routeur11:30
tanlaanhastesaver: i had a great article on it just earlier today, and im trying to find it11:30
shaymi just want to test my pda wifi via my laptop wifi chipset11:30
shaymi found a tuto on building custom ipw2200 modules11:30
hastesavertanlaan: what you're saying is interesting, but I've got to reboot now... I'm on the Live CD, just finished installing Edgy. gtg :-(11:31
reversebladeshaym, it is hard hard being a geek is11:31
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tanlaanhastesaver: ok goodbye11:32
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shaymthe tuto tells to copy the ipw2.3*.fw to /usr/lib/hotplug11:34
shaymbut the previous directory doesn't exists11:34
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ath0_upyou could try putting it into the firmware folder11:35
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tanlaanif anyone would like to read a pretty good article, and maybe talk to me about it, here is "9 things KDE should learn from Mac OS X" http://www.icefox.net/articles/kdeosx.php11:36
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tanlaani think its good11:36
tanlaanand it makes for a pretty good discussion topic11:36
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richard501anyone know how to setup a server on pen drive?11:45
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richard501ive done it on windows11:45
richard501not with linux11:45
richard501i got 500mb pen drive11:45
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tanlaanwell i would say...11:46
tanlaanget a bootable server disk11:46
tanlaan*install disk11:46
tanlaanthen boot to it, and install it onto the pendrive11:47
_greenieive found a rather unique bug when u dual boot windows XP pro and ubuntu 6.10...11:47
tanlaanthen boot to the pendrive11:47
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_greenieu are able to change date/time on windows, but not in ubuntu,,,11:47
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|thunderIm trying to install dvd95, and it says I have a failed dependency. 'libdbus-1-2'  I have 'libdbus-1-3' installed, but there is no 2 just 3. any thought ?11:48
richard501how big is the ubuntu server?11:48
richard501once expanded11:48
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shaymi forgot the command to add automatically by default a service stored into /etc/init.d11:49
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as124jhi Hobbsee11:49
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bimberishaym: update-rc.d11:51
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bimberinp :)11:51
sacaterif anyone is having trouble with quicktime videos, and/or windows videos .wmv .wma etc.11:51
sacateruse sudo apt-get install vlc11:51
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|thundersacater; does vlc have a firefox plug-in ?11:52
_greeniei cant get my 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02), in my laptop to produce sound :(11:52
shaymi compiled my ipw2200 modules11:52
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shaymi try it now11:52
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bimberi!info mozilla-plugin-vlc11:53
ubotumozilla-plugin-vlc: multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 116 kB11:53
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momalAnyone know of a good dvd authoring program? I need support for custom menu/chapters and ease of use. (Similar to what Nero Vision did on windows)11:54
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|thundermomal; go to freshmeat and search for dvdauthor. theres lots11:55
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defrysk!qdvdauthor | momal11:55
ubotuqdvdauthor: GUI frontend for dvdauthor and other related tools. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.1.2-0.0 (edgy), package size 3299 kB, installed size 6700 kB11:55
suston3dhi all ... i have a problem with ubuntu dd on my desktop pc... everytime i start ubuntu i must rechange the keyboardlayout ... its getting kinda anoying .. on my asus notebook it works perfektly11:55
momalthanks will try them out :)11:55
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dterIs it possible to 'downgrade' edgy to dapper?11:57
sacaterdter: i doubt it,11:57
bimberisuston3d: how are you changing the layout?11:57
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.11:57
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defryskdter, anything is possible , if its doable is something else11:57
manitsmeI was wondering if anyone knows of a way that I can make a text file listing the names of a file in a directory  with the full path? ie. a mp3 folder with song.mp and it would list it in a text file as /home/user/share/song.mp3  I am trying to make a list generator for  a shoutcast type of deal  thank you11:57
dterguess ill have to reinstall my system then11:57
defrysk!backup | dter11:58
ubotudter: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !cloning11:58
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dterI know how to backup.11:58
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade"11:58
dterWhy on earth doesnt edgy support my mouse and dapper did perfectly?11:58
suston3di change it with system->Configuration->Keyboard11:58
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dkrzakalaAnyone here launched Tibia linux client on ubuntu? :P11:59
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[^Twen^] I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my computer, but when I'm clicking "install ubuntu" the installation won't really start. I'm getting this message:11:59
[^Twen^] Timeout waiting for DMA11:59
[^Twen^] what does it means?11:59
sogarHello, anybody running 6.06 ? I'd like you to check something in a manpage for me...11:59
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dterMy wireless usb mouse worked perfectly in dapper, then I updated to edgy and it doesnt work anymore. So as I cannot downgrade it back to dapper, I guess I have to reinstall my system?12:00
eilkerby which command can i learn my dns adresses??12:00
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dtereilker: ifconfig12:00
bimberisuston3d: perhaps try changing the setting in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:00
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eilkerdter: it is dns12:00
dtereilker: doesnt ifconfig show dns too?12:00
eilkerdter: no it doesnt12:00
bimberidter: cat /etc/resolv.conf12:00
suston3dthe layout is set to "de" -_-"12:00
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suston3din xorg.conf12:01
dterbimberi: what does that do?12:01
dtereilker: ah sorry, I thought so12:01
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dkrzakalaAnd also question.. I have builtin i945G graphic card.. and my 6.06 has driver i810. Is it possible to enable hardware graphic acceleration or install new drivers for i945G?12:01
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bimberidter: oops, misnick, meant for eilker12:01
sogarcan somebody on 6.06 tell me if they see the -F option in "man shutdown" ? Thank you12:01
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suston3dbut im using beryl .. so i think its ignoring the xorg.conf ?? not sure about that12:01
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DBOsuston3d, beryl has nothing to do with your xorg.conf, it load WAY after that is read12:01
dterbimberi: np, can you help me out with my mouse? worked in dapper but not in edgy12:02
eilkerbimberi: i need to learn what isp gives us to use12:02
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eilkerbimberi: trying to configure dhcpd.conf here12:02
sogarhello ?12:03
bimberidter: sorry, i'm not sure12:03
suston3dhmm ... but if the entry is set in the xorg.conf to a german keyboard layout .. way doesnt it work ;(12:03
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sogarcan someobdy fucking read what I'm typing ?12:03
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:03
=== CaTTiusha is away: posza robi niadanko
suston3dyes sugar12:03
DBOsogar, yes and please dont swear12:03
sogarah, sorry12:03
sogarI though I was not +v or something12:03
bimberieilker: cat /etc/resolv.conf will show you what the current nameservers are12:03
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we2bymy gnome-panel is scrwed up. it is crashing. I can't use it. how do I fix it??12:03
sogarOkay if somebody is running 6.06, can you take a look into man shutdown and see if you see option "-F" ?12:04
DBOsogar, unfortunately not many dapper users here, so you might be waiting a bit...12:04
sogarOkay, I'll be waiting.. this isn't really an emergency...12:04
MegaR0mhi, are ther any howto's for leadtek tuners on ubuntu ?12:04
suston3dxorg.conf: Option "XkbLayout" "de"  - isnt this ok ?12:04
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dterI runned my lovely Ubuntu for half a year now (Dapper). I just upgraded using the update-manager to edgy, and my mouse doesnt work, now my system is practicly rendered unusable and im stuck on the command line.12:05
manitsme-F     Force fsck on reboot.  there sogar12:05
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sogarmanitsme: aaah thank you..12:05
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we2bymy gnome-panel is scrwed up. it is crashing. I can't use it. how do I fix it??12:05
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jmsbwtr_hellol, i want to use sound juicer to rip cds to mp3, i have installed lame and gst-ugly but i get error, invalid parameters when trying to rip...12:06
dkrzakalaso anyone here knows how to install intel drivers for i945G? :P12:06
sogarso -F is present in shutdown on 6.06 ... can you do shutdown -rF now to check if it works ? :)12:06
shaymin fact, i can't make difference between mode ad-hoc and mode master ?12:06
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dterShould I reinstall dapper?12:06
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eloquence_can sum1 help:12:06
eloquence_adil@provision:~/ieee80211-1.2.15$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-27-38612:06
eloquence_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:06
eloquence_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:06
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eloquence_i am trying to nstall ieee80211 subsystem to install my wireless lan card's drivers from intel12:07
bimberieloquence_: close synaptic, and don't paste that much in here please12:07
dtereloquence_: use sudo12:07
dtereloquence_: sudo apt-get install ...12:07
dtereloquence_: also make sure you dont have adept/synaptic open12:07
eloquence_thanks guys12:07
eloquence_that was the one12:07
eloquence_damn problem12:07
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eloquence_can u check this out12:07
eloquence_synaptic was open12:08
dterat the commandline atm, need help too =[12:08
bimberidter: have you tried reconfiguring X?12:08
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dterbimberi: yes, several times, both manually editing xorg.conf and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:08
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MegaR0mhi, are ther any howto's for leadtek tuners on ubuntu ?12:08
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bimberidter: kk :|12:09
HumanPrototypehow do I put a directory full of files using ftp?12:09
MegaR0mupload ?12:09
HumanPrototypeMegaR0m, yup12:09
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HumanPrototypeMegaR0m, from the command line12:09
manitsmeI was wondering if anyone knows of a way that I can make a text file listing the names of a file in a directory  with the full path? ie. a mp3 folder with song.mp and it would list it in a text file as /home/user/share/song.mp3  I am trying to make a list generator for  a shoutcast type of deal  thank you12:09
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dterHumanPrototype: cp/mv /path/to/local/files ftp://the/ftp/server/?12:09
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Fortishow can I open a file using the commandline?12:10
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dterFortis: what kind of file12:10
HumanPrototypedter thanks12:10
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apokryphosFortis: programtoopenwith somefile12:10
apokryphosFortis: gedit textfile12:10
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dterFortis: editing from the commandline? nano /file/12:10
shaymsomeone played with the intel ipw2200-ap project ?12:10
eloquence_bimberi, once apt-get finishes with those headers... what do i have to do?12:10
eloquence_reboot or sumthin?12:11
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eloquence_or does it not affect my performance?12:11
HumanPrototypedter, that doesnt work im afraif12:11
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dterHumanPrototype: do you want to copy or move files?12:11
dtereloquence_: guess so12:11
eloquence_ok cool12:11
HumanPrototypedter copy the phpbb package from my pc to the ftp server for a site i am working on12:11
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eloquence_thanks dter i know u r busy with your own prob thanks for the help12:11
bimberieloquence_: no, just resume whatever guide told you to install them12:12
dterHumanPrototype: 'cp /path/to/phpbb ftp://ftp/server/folder/'12:12
we2bywhat's the command to start gnome user management??12:12
dterHumanPrototype: I think12:12
we2bycan any one tells me that12:12
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cox377has anyone here managed to get aol working on a usb modem with ubuntu? i've read the instructions for installing the modem which seems fine, however i dont know about aol as i've heard there are issues using it's own interface etc. ps just doing some research for a friend12:12
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dtereloquence_: anytime mate, i have to go now anyway, good luck12:12
bimberiwe2by: users-admin12:13
HumanPrototypedter, it just tells me ftp://blah is not a directory12:13
eloquence_thanks bimberi12:13
dterHumanPrototype: hmm, I think you need some app like gftp or proftpd or something12:13
we2bybimberi, where is that located?12:13
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HumanPrototypewe2by, just press alt+F2 and type in that12:13
bimberiwe2by: /usr/bin/users-admin12:13
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eloquence_i hope this stuff works12:14
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[NikO] !apt12:15
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:15
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EmaHi guys12:15
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jokoonWhere is the file I should modify to change the characters typed with my keyboard ?12:16
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jokoonOr maybe is there a better way to change these ?12:17
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EmaI'd like to know what is the name of the system monitor that shows you the CPU, hard disk temperature and so on on the gnome panel12:17
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Fortishow do I create a new textfile using the commandline?12:18
jerpjokoon, do you need to find another keyboard setting, if so use System/preferences/Keyboard12:18
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outimeFortis, you can make it with 'nano file'12:19
jokoonjerp I want to create my own keyboard layout12:19
outimemake, and write12:19
FortisOK thanks12:19
jerphello Ema12:19
Emawho can I ask for a good system resource monitor? gnoame-system-monitor is quite sucky..12:19
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jokoonjerp I heard there is some file to change12:19
Emathanks in advance jerp I now you know! :-)12:20
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jerpjokoon, i c12:20
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bimberiFortis: 'touch filename' creates an empty file12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
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EmaGuys i'd like to know where to find better system monitors, maybe ones to append to gnome upeer panel and so on...do you know any? Do all of you use gnome-system-monitro?12:22
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defryskEma, top12:23
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huiber1 Ema: gnome system mmon, works for me :-)12:23
jerpEma, the panel applet I have on my screen is "System Monitor"12:23
=== defrysk uses top if he needs it
huiber1Ema: what is missing?12:23
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jokoonFor what kind of CPU the generic kernel is made ?12:23
jerpema, right click on the panel and click on add to panel12:24
defryskEma, an nice monitor for you might be gkrellm12:24
huiber1jokoon: >> 586 AFAIK12:24
defryskEma, its nice eye candy12:24
jerpnear the bottom of the page find "system monitor"12:24
jokoonso for an old amd athlon 2200+12:24
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huiber12200+ is not "old"12:25
Emayeah i'd like the one which shows CPU speed, hd temperature and so on12:25
defryskjokoon, sudo apt-get install linux-k712:25
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jerpin the "system & hardware" section12:25
defryskEma, try gkrellm12:25
jokoonhuiber1 at least 3 years is rather old12:25
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jerpema, you might be talking about gdesklets from the synaptic manager12:26
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huiber1A cpu is not bread, it does not get stale after a while12:26
jerpthere's also adesklets12:26
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html12:26
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Emagkrellm is quite what i mean12:26
jerpEma, you with me?12:27
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Emawhere can i see a list of them do you know?12:27
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eilkeranyone using dhcp server ???12:28
jerpema, a and g desklets put the info on the desktop like you have seen on many screenshots12:28
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snedarhi! is there an official way to install the beta nvidia drivers in edgy? I'd rather not use nvidia's installer or an unofficial repository/deb package...12:29
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Emacoool so do i have to try gdesklets?12:29
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HumanPrototypeeilker, i am12:30
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jerpema, yeah, just install it with synaptic12:30
jerpreal easy12:30
HumanPrototypewhat kernel should I install on a AMD X2 3800 pc?12:30
defryskhttp://amaranth.selfip.com used to have a repository but unfotunatly its closed for now12:30
Emaapt-get ;-)12:30
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bimberi!nvidiabeta | snedar12:30
ubotusnedar: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)12:30
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jerpthere's a cpu thingy in it12:31
defryskah bimberi  :)12:31
defryskalso thanks from here :)12:31
WhoopieHi, anybody knows where I can find packages for ecryptfs-utils and keyutils for Edgy?12:31
eilkerHumanPrototype: i need a favor, i lost my dhcpd.conf , and i dont know how to fix it, could you share your file with me ?12:31
Corbeauxfriend of mine is getting Bug: soft lockup on cpu#0 when he tries to install any ideas?12:31
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HumanPrototypeeilker, sure - let me just grab it for u12:31
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snedardefrysk, bimberi: thanks, but they are unofficial and after all upgrade and security problems I heard of, I'd rather not use any unofficial packages...12:32
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eilkerHumanPrototype: thank you so much12:32
bimberisnedar: a good policy12:32
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songhey, why I cannot establish connection together with ejb and mysql12:33
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snedarso maybe I'll just have to make a testing installation for that stuff then, then I could try the feisty dev version too12:33
HumanPrototypeeilker, http://hjmills.co.uk/files/dhcpd.conf12:33
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defrysksnedar, then you have to wait for the next version of ubuntu (edgy eft)12:33
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enry183i just installed Samba....when i try to connect my linuxpc to windowspc (which is correctly found) samba ask me domain and passwor....but i don't know the password!!12:33
defryskfeisty that is sorry12:34
songthis info "MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused" always display12:34
snedardefrysk: yep, I will wait for that for my 'working installation'12:34
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defrysk!patience | enry18312:34
ubotuenry183: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:34
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enry183ok but i'm a newbe12:34
eilkerHumanPrototype: thanx again:)12:35
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HumanPrototypeeilker, hope that helps12:35
defryskenry183, then read the guidlines , being a newbie is no excuse12:35
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eilkerHumanPrototype: in fact i dont know how to setup it, but still searching in google12:36
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shaymif i compile the ipw2200 module from source, should i also recompile my kernel ?12:36
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MegaR0m02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05) ... Anybody know a guide onto howto make a /dev/tuner from this ? its a tv card !12:36
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HumanPrototypeeilker, try https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html12:37
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TrendKi||hey guys, got a quick package versioning question, in amarok_2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10, what is the "2" ?12:37
jerpenry, sorry, I'd help but I'm not that far along, I did have to establish a new password for the login screen from the point of grub12:37
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we2bycan u mount .daa files?12:38
domek_pieknisIlona? Are u there?12:38
jerpthat good ol' " rw init bin bash "12:38
domek_pieknisYou have message in priv!12:38
Ilonaja nie umiem po angielku!12:38
Ilonato dawaj tego priva12:38
Ilonabo ja nie umiem12:38
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infernuxDoes someone know how to change the Gtk theme used in the GDM Graphical greeter?12:38
domek_pieknisplease wait - ps. tu nie mozna po polsku :(12:39
infernuxi tried to set GtkTheme=Clearlooks in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom12:39
infernuxbut that doesn't work12:39
HymnToLifeinfernux,        gksudo gdmsetup12:39
HymnToLifedoesn't it let you do that ?12:39
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infernuxHymnToLife: no12:39
Ilonadlaczego nie mozna?12:40
Ilonazapraszam Cie na priv!12:40
ath0_up0_u ;-)12:40
Ilonazaraz mnie cos strzeli12:40
domek_pieknisnapisalem ci12:40
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:40
domek_piekniskilka razy na priva12:40
domek_pieknishymn - sorry12:40
domek_pieknisshe cannot english12:40
Ilonaciekawe bo ja tobie tez12:40
domek_pieknisand she dont see a priv window12:40
ath0_upIlona: join #ubuntu-pl12:40
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ath0_up /join12:40
Ilonaja nie umiem po nie pl12:40
Ilonawiec spadajcie12:41
domek_pieknisIlona - wejdz na przyjacielenel12:41
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MegaR0m02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05) ... Anybody know a guide onto howto make a /dev/tuner from this ? its a tv card !12:41
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:42
=== Manny [n=chris@p5496B4C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ilonaej sluchaj ja stad wychodze12:43
Ilonabo mnie zaraz krew zaleje12:43
Ilonachodz na interia12:43
eloquence_yo quiero taco bell12:43
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:43
domek_piekniswejdz na kanal przyjacielenel tam pogadamy12:43
apokryphosEnglish only in here guys12:43
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Ilonanie ma tu tego cholernego kanalu12:43
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domek_pieknisapokry - sorry, she cannot english, and she dont see a priv window :(12:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
domek_pieknisIlonka - WPISZ jako NOWY kanal12:43
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apokryphosdomek_pieknis: please tell them to join the relevant channel then12:44
domek_pieknisapokry - i try, but she do not know how to use irc :(12:44
eloquence_then why is she here?12:44
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eloquence_maybe came thru a website?12:44
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jokoonHow can I create my own keyboard layout ?12:45
MegaR0mdo /j #privateChatwithme12:45
abocan anyone help me with my microphone setup, it used to work perfectly .. but after upgrading to edgy eft I ppl can't hear me in Skype12:45
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jokoonMegaR0m This doesnt look to work in the terminal12:46
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huiber1abo:have you checked your microphone settings with "alsa mixer gui"12:46
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needshelphey can someone give me a link to a ubuntu live dvd torrent.12:47
kmon_Is there a specific channel for backports?12:47
abohuiber1, it's putting Mic Boost [Off] , how can I turn it on?12:47
huiber1abo:  it can be turned on in the "sound setting applet" from ypur desktop12:48
jerpjokoon, did you try this????   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18876112:48
abohuiber1, but the mic is at the highest level12:48
jokoonjerp not yet12:48
huiber1abo: are the red lights on?12:48
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huiber1abo: this indictaion if it is used to capture12:48
jokoonjerp wow thanks, it perfectly match my question.12:49
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KenSentMeneedshelp: here is one for dapper http://sommerville.uvt.nl/ubuntu-dvd/dapper/release.1/12:49
infernuxI just noticed that when I boot with "nosplash" my system boots unbelievably fast! w00t!12:49
needshelpKenSentMe: thanks :)12:50
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abohuiber1, on the mic, there is the level (all are on "white", "green", "red".. which indicat that it's at the higher level)12:50
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KenSentMeneedshelp: thats not the latest release, that is called edgy eft, but i don't think there are dvd releases of that12:50
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huiber1abo: oops, I allways thought it was about the capture device.12:50
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HumanPrototypeinfernux, is there a reason it boots faster?12:50
abohuiber1, I'm not sure... I know that it used to work perfectly..12:51
eloquence_bimberi, u there bro?12:51
battlesquidhello :) i'm trying to backport vim7 to ubuntu 6.06 using this guide: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Backport_VIM7 however step 8) fails with the following (translating from norwegian now): Buildcommand cd vim-7.0 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc failed. E: Childprocess failed". And so I can't go on as there are no .deb files in the dir as outlined in 9)12:51
ath0_upanybody got a logitech gamepad working?12:51
aileanKenSentMe: there are DVD releases of EdgyEft12:51
infernuxHumanPrototype: I don't know... but I had disabled gdm before also and now re-enabled it. it's like gdm popping up just after grub12:51
Seveasbattlesquid, you can find a readymade backport on seveas.imbrandon.com12:51
KenSentMeailean: ok, but i couldn't find them12:51
huiber1abo: in the shell, start alsamixer12:51
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infernuxI just see 2-3 lines with acpi stuff and then gdm comes up and I can log into gnome12:52
huiber1abo: then use TAB key to switch between playback/capture/all12:52
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battlesquidSeveas, thanks i'll have a look12:52
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MegaR0manyhow can u help on my tuner issue ?12:52
MegaR0m 02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)   thats the card ... howto make a tuner from it ?12:52
aileanKenSentMe: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/12:52
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abohuiber1, I did that, should I choose capture?12:52
KenSentMeailean: yeah, found em also now12:52
aileanKenSentMe: k12:52
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huiber1abo: in cature mode, ypu should see the MIC with the word CAPTURE12:53
philiKONhi, i just logged into my ubuntu 6.10 system for the 3rd or so time, and the top and bottom bars don't show up. the system just sits there with the brown background doing nothing12:53
philiKONwhat's wrong?12:53
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abohuiber1, right, I see it, and the level is at the highest12:54
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huiber1abo: have you tried to record some sounds with your mic12:55
abook it's working now12:55
huiber1abo: I find the ekiga setup wizzard good for diagnosing mic problems.12:55
huiber1abo: it's working?12:55
Emajerp are you here?12:55
huiber1abo:  what have you done?12:55
jerpphilc, are the bars set to hide?12:56
Emahow can I put desklets on gnome panel?12:56
jerpyes Ema12:56
huiber1abo: my sister has the same problem atm.12:56
aboI raised all capture levels :)12:56
huiber1abo: thats all?12:56
philiKONjerp: no. at least i didn't change that seting12:56
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jerpphilc,  right click dow at the bottom12:56
abohuiber1, I'm not sure, I've playing around since a while... but the last thing I did was playing around with the alsamixer12:57
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Emaohhh found them!12:57
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jerpemam yeah right click on the bar12:57
philiKONjerp: hm, that'll be hard, my mac only has one button :/12:57
jerpphil, sorry I missed it that you were using a mac12:58
huiber1abo: thanks for the info12:58
philiKONjerp: it's ok, i didn't say ...12:58
philiKONproblem is, there's no bar at all12:58
philiKONjust that standard orange-brownish screen12:58
philiKONafter providing login name + password12:59
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abohuiber1,I'm sorry it's not very helpfull....12:59
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abohuiber1, I should thank you for helping me12:59
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snedardoes logging out restart the X server like CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE does? I'm wring a small tutorial on how to install nvidia drivers, and "Log out" sounds nicer than "Press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE"12:59
snedar(in edgy)12:59
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Jowino snedar12:59
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jerpphil, yeah, I'm on a pc myself12:59
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snedarJowi, okay01:00
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philiKONjerp: what's the top bar called in GNOME, so i can at least try to google the problem...01:01
Jowisnedar, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" in a terminal is an alternative solution01:01
elkbuntuphiliKON, gnome-panel. the bottom one is a gnome panel as well.01:01
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snedarJowi, nah, I'll leave it by CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, it's a bit shorter :-)01:01
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JowiphiliKON, you can try to create a new user and log in with that one to see if it is user specific01:02
philiKONgood idea01:02
philiKONwhat's the best way to do that in ubuntu w/o X11?01:02
philiKONstandard adduser?01:02
JimmeyI've lost a kernel module :-( After playing about with "module-assistant", I can no longer find the bcm43xx module. How can I get it back?01:02
JowiphiliKON, yep01:02
huiber1philiKON:maybe gnome cannot start be cause it can not accass your sound device,01:02
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philiKONhuiber1: hmm, that may be, though it used to work before...01:03
philiKONthis is, as said, the 3rd or 4th time i started01:03
philiKONand it worked perfectly earlier01:03
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huiber1philiKON: I had that once, because some OSS app was still hanging (crashed) in th ebackground01:03
Mintyis there a automatixeezy ? for br01:03
huiber1abo:  OSS as in open sound system,01:04
philiKONhmm, interesting01:04
huiber1abo: OSS only allows one thread to access sound01:04
abohuiber1, while alsa allows multiple?01:04
huiber1abo: yes01:05
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abohuiber1, mmmm... ok thx01:05
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huiber1 philiKON: sorry, yes.01:05
errorlevelhuiber1: I used to be able to use my sound card (SBLive) with more than one app using OSS.01:05
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philiKONhuiber1: the problem persists after restats, though01:05
huiber1errorlevel: this might be, for this pupose daemons like ESD Arts and the like where written01:06
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errorlevelhuiber1: I agree, though, in general, it was true.  Although, I think it was on a card-by-card basis.01:06
JowiphiliKON, same prob with new user?01:06
huiber1philiKON:the problem should go away after a restart, if it is what I think it is.01:06
philiKONJowi: no, a new user can log in01:06
philiKONjust tried01:06
aboI have a difficulty playing embedded videos, in firefox, and although I can see that the win32codecs are installed I can only play wmv with vlc, anyone can help? I have installed everything thing using automatix, which ppl here say is not good, but how can I fix it now?01:06
philiKONworks nicely with a new user01:07
philiKONso, something about my configuration must be hosed01:07
richeeubuntu sucks :p01:07
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JowiphiliKON, so something in ~/.gnome2 or something01:07
huiber1 philiKON: then maybe some app in your session is "stealing" the sound devicve, before gnome can access it?01:07
philiKONi can just get rid of that01:07
philiKONthere was nothign important there01:07
=== philiKON tries
huiber1 philiKON: but I really hate it , how the gnome splash/login can hang because of something simple like this.01:08
philiKONwe don't know what it is yet...01:08
philiKONbut yeah, it seems a bit strange01:08
Jowidoes anyone know if gnome will move its configs to ~/.config in the future?01:08
snedaris there a good reason why autohinter isn't enabled by default in ubuntu?01:08
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philiKONhmm, problem is still there after deleting .gnome* and .nautilus01:09
philiKONnow i just get a grey square in the upper left corner01:10
philiKONand when hovering the mouse over it, the cursor changes to a text cursor01:10
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huiber1 philiKON: looks like you have removed _half_ of the gnome config :-(01:10
JowiphiliKON, how about .gtk* ?01:10
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philiKONhuiber1: ok, what's the other half? ;)01:10
philiKONJowi: hmm, ok01:11
philiKONi'm new to gnome01:11
huiber1 philiKON: might work to delete it, throw it away01:11
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JowiphiliKON, or .gconf* :)01:11
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philiKONyeah, got rid of that too01:11
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JowiphiliKON, or... or... or... hehe01:11
philiKONheck, i can throw away my user01:11
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philiKONi just need to make that other one an admin, i suppose01:11
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MegaR0mso anybody care to help me on my tuner problem ?01:13
coz_MegaR0m, well I have no idea what you mean ... tuner? problem01:13
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huiber1 philiKON: yes, that should work...01:14
david_Hi, is this a good place to ask about a dapper->edgy upgrade problem?01:14
philiKONhuiber1: i suppose it's about adding the user to the 'admin' group, right?01:14
huiber1 philiKON: but be carefull.01:14
coz_david this is theplace , what i s the question01:14
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david_Ran into bug registered as Bug #67996 - opera is in a directory installer tries to delete01:15
huiber1 philiKON: I dont know precicely, the user might need other groups too, check your current user.01:15
MegaR0mwell i got this01:15
david_Seems to screw up whole package updater system01:15
MegaR0manyhow can u help on my tuner issue ?01:15
MegaR0m 02:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)   thats the card ... howto make a tuner from it ?01:15
philiKONhuiber1: good idea01:15
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david_Can I restore to some state that has workingness?01:15
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MegaR0mi posted like 3 times earlier but noon replied coz_01:15
huiber1MegaR0m: maybe because nobody knows.01:16
coz_david_, well unfortunately i never use opera... sorry, however, someone here can certainly help with that problem01:16
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coz_MegaR0m, sorrry to hear that01:16
huiber1MegaR0m: how about asking in a mythtv or dvr irc/forum?01:16
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david_To be honest, I'd forgotten I installed it. (sorry I did - it was just for web-devel checking...01:16
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coz_MegaR0m, ok i can tell you that i would not be the person with that knowledge... however two things...01:17
huiber1david_:yes, delete tne /usr/X11/bin/opera thingy.....01:17
coz_MegaR0m, first.. if someone says no one answers you probably because no on eknows... pay no attention to that01:17
philiKONhuiber1: great, after giving the other user all those groups, same symptoms with that user account as well01:17
coz_MegaR0m, at least they can say they don't know01:17
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huiber1philiKON:"now thats strange..."01:18
coz_MegaR0m, second... keep asking the question , not pesty like, but ask it several times.. people with the knowledge you need may not be online as of yet01:18
david_huiber1: Just the bit in X11R6/bin? Did that immediately - in fact don't know if it's that that screwed it up01:18
coz_MegaR0m, remember people are here form all over the planet so there are many time zones01:18
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iwksehi, how's possible to jump to a page with evince?01:18
zeRWei jemand, ob es neben Gimmie noch andere alternative Panel-Anstze gibt?01:19
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huiber1david_: yes, it abborts the x-org upgrade, and therefore aborts the system upgrade.01:19
coz_MegaR0m, i am sorry no one had the courtesy to tell you they didn't know the answer .. before01:19
huiber1david_: you  should be able to go into singleuser mode.01:19
huiber1david: and try apt-get dist-upgrade01:20
jokoonIs there a better DVI or PS viewer than the default one that allows to scroll the page by left clicking and moving the mouse up and down ?01:20
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david_huiber1: I haven't restarted, so I'm still logged in. Should I reboot, and try again, then? How do I get to singleuser mode(sorry if silly question)?01:20
iwksejokoon: evince with dvi support enabled01:20
MegaR0mtho somebody must know01:20
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jokooniwkse Yes that program was launched when I opened a PS file. What about scrolling with left click ?01:21
coz_MegaR0m, you know guy you are right... someone doesknow .. unfortuanatley i have no idea when those peple may bo online, but please continue to ask and don't get frustrated here come in at different times of the day you will get someone to answer you01:21
coz_MegaR0m, sorry01:22
huiber1david: If you are still logged in, try opeing a terminal or console01:22
blekosi got fingerprint recognition on my laptop, anyidea how i can make it work?01:22
david_huiber1: ok01:22
coz_MegaR0m, in the mean time while you are wiating to ask agin, you may want to google the question in different ways, i am sure  you ahve done some of this, but..01:23
jerpblekos, oooo that's what I want to get, may I ask what device you are using?01:24
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blekosvaio vgn-sz3xp01:24
MegaR0mlike i didnt01:24
jerpblek, so it must be built in, right?01:24
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philiKONhuiber1: i have the suspicion that your guess about sound system goes in the right direction01:25
huiber1david: I dont know if the system upgrade only performs a package upgrade, or if other things are changed as well...01:25
blekosunfortuenately it's not 100% linux compatible01:26
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blekosi'm missing the built in camera functionality as well as01:26
huiber1philiKON: cool, ok. It was just a guess though01:26
jerpblekos, I built my own pc and need to get it as an add-on01:26
blekosthe ability to change between the gr.cards01:26
blekoso i c01:26
battlesquidSeveas, i have added the gpg key as you outlined on the front page. i'm not sure which package i need, but i need syntax highlighting to work properly01:26
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philiKONhuiber1: i removed myself from the audio group01:26
gavintuif i want to find a file... lets say "buntu*", through console how would I do that?01:26
philiKONhuiber1: and killed all my hanging processes01:26
[Kork] hi. somebody know a way to add a repository exclusively for one package?01:27
philiKONhuiber1: among them was esd01:27
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philiKONhuiber1: now i can log in again01:27
philiKONhuiber1: thanks01:27
david_huiber1: I'm not event sure how far it got in pre-install terms - the window for system upgrade is not very informative...01:27
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huiber1philiKON: "huiber1: now i can log in again" YEAH01:27
huiber1david_: if the opera bug bit you, your halfway down package-upgrade-lane01:28
savvashi, why does is this shown in gnome baker's output (normal user): Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?01:28
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savvas: Operation not permitted01:28
jerpa gigabyte mb with a  amd64 athlon 3000+ venice (clocked at 1.8 gH)01:28
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david_huiber1: I hoped you'd tell me all was well and nothing had been done yet :o/ Any thoughts what can be done?01:28
huiber1david: once you start, there is only one way to go: FORWARD01:29
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philiKONbtw, ubuntu 6.10 is very very nice01:29
david_huiber1: That's fine - it's DOWN that worries me01:29
frogzoophiliKON: much over dapper ?01:29
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jerpsorry, mb=MB  (as in motherboard)01:30
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philiKONit's the first ubuntu i've tried01:30
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philiKONafter having been a long time debian user up until 3 years ago01:30
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philiKONwhen i switched to the mac01:30
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frogzoophiliKON: ah, k01:30
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savvasphiliKON: it's the human theme that does the trick :p01:30
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battlesquidSeveas, after adding the lines to sources.list and running apt-get update i get  "GPG error: http://seveas.imbrandon.com dapper-seveas Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: ..."01:31
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd01:31
shaym iwconfig eth1 mode master01:31
shaymError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :01:31
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shaym    SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument.01:31
frogzoosavvas: there's only one theme you have to have & that's aluminium alloy smog01:32
bXiis it possible to move a windows partition from a 30gb disk to a partition on a 200gb ?01:32
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ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:32
huiber1david_: I helped somebody before, who upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06 and in the middle off it all there was a power outage.01:32
livingtargetbattlesquid: try wget http://seveas.imbrandon.com/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:32
huiber1david_: system could only start in single user mode01:32
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battlesquidlivingtarget, i have done that01:32
ath0_upwhat do i need to change in the vsftpd configuration file to have it sharing a folder without password?01:32
livingtargetit should have added the key01:32
ath0_upnot my home01:32
frogzoobXi: partition, no, all the files, yes01:32
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huiber1david_: after starting dist-upgrade from console a few times (salted wit a few FORCE parameters) everything was OK in an hour01:33
blekoshow can i make vlc the default player for firefox?01:33
battlesquidlivingdaylight, it took a while, but output nothing so i assume it went OK01:33
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livingdaylightbattlesquid, huh?01:34
livingtargethe meant me01:34
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savvasbattlesquid: it should say 'OK'01:34
bimberitoo much living :)01:34
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Shockhey I need help installing ubuntu 6.101:34
livingdaylighthey, Lots of LIVING going on here01:34
david_huiber1: Sounds encouraging. Where do we start?01:35
bimberihi battlesquid.  After all that there's a ready made backport available :)01:35
livingdaylightshock, 6.1 doesn't exist01:35
bimberilivingdaylight: :)01:35
philiKONhow do i tell gnome-terminal to remember more lines of output?01:35
livingdaylightbimberi, hehe01:35
huiber1david_: is the normal ubuntu updater stopped01:35
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jokoonIs it legal to us windows xp emulated with VMWare under linux ?01:35
livingdaylightand lots of DYING!01:35
david_huiber1: Yeah01:35
iwksephiliKON: look inside optiosn01:35
Shockit does exist..01:35
livingdaylightShock, what exactly is the problem?01:36
battlesquidliving*: get a new nick ^^01:36
huiber1david_: ok, what programms are still running?01:36
iwksejokoon: if you have a licence of xp, why not?01:36
Toma-jokoon: if you own the windows xp disk yes01:36
philiKONiwkse: that's what i mean... where *are* the options? ;)01:36
finalbetajokoon, for XP yes, for Vista no. You still need a Valid key for XP though.01:36
ShockI am getting an error like : [numbers]  buffer i/o error at... [numbers] 01:36
livingdaylightShock, yes, you meant ubuntu 6.1001:36
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frogzoojokoon: it's legal as long as you have a xp licence for that machine, I believe (no legal expert)01:36
david_huiber1: I seem to have full functionality - am running terminal and XChat at the mo01:36
jokooniwkse So I need a disk of windows XP, there is no existing VMX downloadable files ?01:36
Shockwhen I run the start and install ubuntu option from the live cd boot up01:37
livingdaylightShock, talk to me bro, otherwise ...01:37
savvaslivingdaylight: simple mathematics rule make 6.1 to be the same as 6.1001:37
finalbetajokoon, no there are none, that would be illigal.01:37
huiber1david_: good. start a terminal and do a "sudo root"01:37
livingdaylightsavvas, nope. 10 refers to October01:37
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Shocklivingdaylight, pm please?01:37
jokoonand what if I ask here if there are these files on bittorrent ?01:37
iwksejokoon: no, there ins't01:37
david_huiber1: sudo: root: command not found01:37
livingdaylightShock, just say what your problem is and i or someone might be able to help you01:38
savvasShock: what were you doing exactly when you got that error? did you download the cd image and checked it with md5sum if it's ok?01:38
huiber1david_: sorry, to fast typing on my side, try "sudo su"01:38
bimberiphiliKON: Edit, Current Profile, Scrolling01:38
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philiKONbimberi: ah, thanks01:38
Shockyes I did check the md5 checksum01:38
david_huiber1: Better :o)01:38
Shockit matches01:38
jokoonBut I need the pro version to emulate a windows xp ? not only the player version ?01:38
livingdaylightShock, did you check for defects on loading the cd as well?01:38
Shockbut I get a buffer i/o error during install from the boot cd01:39
livingtargetbattlesquid: check your pm01:39
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=== admin123 [n=admisdn1@ip503d4396.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
admin123We have amd systemes which have SIS chipets and intel systems which have Via chipsets. I was wondering how well X autoconfiguration is implented. for example: dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive -pcritical xserver-xorg dosn't modify my configuration, when I put a via cipset driver on a nv driver it still remains standing on the nv driver instead of chaning it.01:39
Shocklivingdaylight, I get the same errors when I do that01:39
iwksejokoon: yo need a plaer and a vmx image01:39
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huiber1david_: now type: "apt-get dist-upgrade"01:39
iwksejokoon: player... wmvare server allow to create a vmx image01:39
frogzoojokoon: vmware player will run xp - you install from the cd01:39
battlesquidlivingdaylight, i can't see any pm (why?)01:39
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zOapis there a deny application at boot list? I need nautilus for some things but I don't want it to start when I boot my computer since I use worker for my fm needs...01:40
livingdaylightbattlesquid, wassup?01:40
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A847.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingtargetdunno I'm using gaim01:40
jokoonSo just with VMWare player and a windows xp disk and a xp key I can emulate winxop01:40
cypher1battlesquid, have you identified to the nickserv ?01:40
frogzoojokoon: there's a site that will create the vmx image for you for free01:40
battlesquidlivingdaylight, i'm using xchat01:40
savvasShock: during which part of the installation? are you using the manual steps or the normal guided installation?01:40
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare01:40
david_huiber1: Big list of dependencies, and then "E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f."01:40
livingdaylightbattlesquid, yea, me too01:40
battlesquidsorry livingdaylight i mean livingtarget ><01:40
huiber1david_: do what apt is telling you01:40
frogzoojokoon: read the vmware docs, it mentions how to get the vmx setup01:41
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Shocksavvas, I used the live cd and I got a menu with 4 or 5 options and I chose the top option01:41
livingdaylightbattlesquid, dude, sort your living+correct target suffix out01:41
huiber1david_: thats what I did01:41
gavintucan you put your password on the same command line (as sudo or gksudo) so that it doesn't have to take 2 lines?01:41
iwksejokoon: no..01:41
livingtargettry to save the .gpg file manually in your homefolder then do  sudo apt-key add 1135D466.gpg01:41
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huiber1david_: My wifes cooking is done, got to eat now.01:41
=== battlesquid gets very confused about all these living creatures and decides to eat them all[/joke]
huiber1david_: I'll be back in about 15 Min01:41
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blekosany idea how i can make firefox play radio stations?01:41
david_huiber1: cool. Have a nice dinner. Thanks for your help so far...01:42
peciskcrowd, is is true that EVMS patch is already included in Edgy, t.i. 2.6.17 kernel?01:42
savvasShock: so it's not during the installation? it's when you clicked on that menu item?01:42
iwksejokoon: if you have a vmplayer and a winxp install cd you will not solve it01:42
Shocksavvas, yeah01:42
battlesquidcypher1, yes, why do you ask?01:42
frogzoojokoon: yes, well, that, a vmx image (which is just a simple text file) and an xp licence01:42
savvasShock: what did you choose?01:42
Shocksavvas, during the boot up menu I selected start/install01:42
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shaymdoes someone have successfully transform his ipw2200 into master access point ? i need help01:42
jokoonOk thanks for the help01:42
cypher1battlesquid, u had said you are recieving pms01:43
iwksefrogzoo: but you need vmkd file..01:43
savvasShock: the installation program won't launch, is that it?01:43
battlesquidcyphase, i'm a guy, so i can't have pms...01:43
Shocksavvas, what installation program?01:43
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frogzooiwkse: you don't need vmware server to create images01:43
iwksefrogzoo: but you can't create it with vmplayer01:44
savvasShock: of ubuntu01:44
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frogzoo!vmware | iwkse01:44
ubotuiwkse: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare01:44
livingtargetbattlesquid, try to save the http://seveas.imbrandon.com/1135D466.gpg file manually in your homefolder then do  sudo apt-key add 1135D466.gpg01:44
savvas.. no problem.01:44
ath0_upwhere can i set what folders are shared in vsftpd.conf?01:44
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battlesquidlivingtarget, thanks, i'll try that now01:44
frogzooiwkse: the player creates the vmdk when it's run01:44
iwksefrogzoo: it says about vmware server...01:44
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iwksefrogzoo: really? have you tried it?01:44
cypher1savvas, the folders that can accessed depends on the home directory listed in "/etc/passwd"01:45
frogzooiwkse: works for me, never touched the player, just d'ld the vmk off the net01:45
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ProN00bcan anyone help me with my problem http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1833431 ?01:45
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=== jerp helped two in need today; so I can relax tomorrow :p
savvascypher1 ?01:46
JJAUAey guys01:46
iwksefrogzoo: strange..vmplayer should just load an image01:46
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JJAUAi have a question about the terminal server01:46
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athumhello :)01:46
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battlesquidlivingtarget, gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found \n OK :)01:47
athumi have problem, i'm newbie01:47
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livingtargetcool that should do it01:47
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:47
livingtargethow do I store my MAC address so it will set it on boot up? Currently I have to run sudo ifconfig eth1 hw ether MY_MAC_HERE to set my MAC each time I boot up, I imagine there must be a file somewhere I can save this.01:47
savvasfun :)01:47
cypher1savvas, the directories accessible depends on the directory into which the users login.. in case of chrooted users and little different for others01:47
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savvascypher1: i didn't ask for any help.. yet :p01:48
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athumi have problem, i'm newbie01:48
cypher1savvas, oh sorry :-)01:48
savvasyou must've confused me with some1 else hehe01:48
bimberilivingtarget: /etc/rc.local01:48
peciskhi there, anyone can help me with EVMS? I try to apply evms source patches from evms.sf.net to Edgy kernel, but it says that it is already aplied. It seems in Edgy EVMS patches are included in default, aren't they?01:48
cypher1athum, pls ask your question01:48
athumhow to install TV CARD KWORLD LTV 883 CHIPSET - Conexant88301:48
battlesquidcypher1, livingtarget : seriously though the problem with the pm's are with gaim's irc client i think01:48
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cypher1livingtarget, why do you want to store MAC address ???01:49
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napghi, my volume mutes until i restart ubuntu, when i move  volume slider, any ideas?01:49
livingtargetthe kernel assigns a random one each time, imagine how annoying that is?01:49
JJAUAguys a question here about terminal server...01:49
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athumcypher do u know how install?01:49
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livingtargetbimberby: thx gotta remember that file01:50
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ReolosiI'm trying to install Ubuntu, after a few minutes of running my monitor said "Frequency out of range!" and switched to standby, and now it says "DPMS no signal"01:50
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bimberilivingtarget: np :)01:50
finalbetanapg, no idea, but when it does that, use "alsamixer" , go to the master channel and press M. it should be unmuted. (you can do that for every channel that's muted)01:50
athumcypher1: do u know?01:50
frogzooiwkse: http://www.easyvmx.com/01:50
iwksefrogzoo: thanks01:51
ReolosiIs there anything I can do?01:51
cypher1athum, i did not understand your question01:51
battlesquidok, i have the gpg key and added the Seveas lines to /etc/apt/sources.list but if i do sudo apt-get install vim now (have already purge removed vim) will i get vim from Seveas repo or the regular?01:51
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athumhow to install TUNER TV: KWORLD LTV 883, chipset : Conexant88301:51
bimberibattlesquid: should get the latest version (ie. from Seveas' repo)01:51
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livingtargetif you did apt-get update first and then try it, it "should" work01:52
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napgfinalbeta, even on the alsamixer the sound doesnt show as muted and all the sliders are maxed out but i get no sound01:52
ReolosiDoes it try to switch to 1280x1024 or something? my monitor's max is 1024x76801:52
cypher1athum, sorry i do not know.. someone here who knows it will respond to you01:52
battlesquidbimberi, livingdaylight thanks01:52
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jribbattlesquid: type 'apt-cache policy vim' to check the available versions01:52
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athumsomeone knows, how to install TUNER TV: KWORLD LTV 883, chipset : Conexant883?01:52
jrib!repeat | athum01:52
ubotuathum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:52
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napgif i move a slider, on the alsamixer, volume control or on a player the same always happens01:53
JJAUAhi, I want to install microsoft office (with Wine) on an Edubuntu server, will that work for the students that logon with ltsp?01:53
zelevwhi...is it possible to create an ISO image of a hard disk using dd? thx01:53
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battlesquidjrib, nice tips thanks :)01:53
finalbetanapg, sry, no idea, sound in linux is a mess. Try asking your questions in #alsa , and if that doesn't work, perhaps #lad01:54
napgfinalbeta: hmm, ok, thanks =)01:54
athumsomeone knows, how to install TUNER TV: KWORLD LTV 883, chipset : Conexant883?01:54
bXiis it possible to install 32bit packages on a 64bit ubuntu01:54
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david_huiber1: Still fails on the Opera thing. The dump is at http://doc.gold.ac.uk/isms/apt-get.txt01:55
dasMettySorry got a question: how do i configure something like a network bridge under ubuntu?01:55
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huiber1david_ : lucky you, I just wanted to ask if you are still alive ;-)01:55
huiber1david_: try "apt-get remove opera" first01:56
zOapwhat's the ubuntu "gconf" app?01:56
JJAUAanyone pro's on WINE here???01:56
jribzOap: you mean gconf-editor?01:56
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zOapjrib, yeah, that's what I mean:)01:57
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First|Laptop!ask | JJAUA01:57
ubotuJJAUA: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:57
jribJJAUA: #winehq may be abetter place, but it's best to just ask your real question and see if anyone knows01:57
huiber1david_: I'm off eating again01:57
=== Unity [n=roasty@user-514f076e.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
vinicrihi folks. any idea how can I automatically put in line a list of links from rappidshare?01:57
ReolosiI'm trying to install Ubuntu, after a few minutes of running my monitor said "Frequency out of range!" and switched to standby, and now it says "DPMS no signal"01:58
finalbetadasMetty, http://www.snipes.org/index.php?page=How_To_Setup_A_Transparent_Network_Bridge That page might help but will need some modding I guess.01:58
jribvinicri: "put in line" where?01:58
david_huiber1: OK. Still says same thing. Culminating in "E: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution)."01:58
JJAUAsorry ubotu... i'm kind of new with this stuff... and Thanks jrib...01:58
battlesquidJJAUA, ubotu is a bot :)01:58
zelevwhi...is it possible to create an ISO image of a hard disk using dd? thank you.01:58
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vinicri any idea how can I automatically put in line a list of links from rappidshare? any known script?01:59
felixfoertsch_Can anyone tell if Adobe Photoshop 6.0 runs with Wine?02:00
jribvinicri: I don't know what "put in line" means02:00
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jribfelixfoertsch_: does http://appdb.winehq.org/  say anything?02:01
vinicri any idea how can I automatically download a list of links from rappidshare? any known script?02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:01
jribvinicri: wget02:01
H3g3m0nfelixfoertsch_: Yeh ran ok for me, a few minor bugs (crashed when resizing panels) but im guessing theres a good chance there fixed in newer versions02:01
=== Wiseguy [n=WiseGuy@imma.cyber-terrorist.so.fearme.net] has joined #ubuntu
First|Laptopfelixfoertsch_: I'm pretty sure crossover will let you run it.02:01
storkmehow can i make it so that when i press ctrl+alt+backspace it restarts and logs back into my desktop user instead of bringing up the login screen02:01
vinicrijrib, how i can i do it?02:01
DARKGuyGood morning :) can anybody reccommend (spelling?) me a good python IDE/editor with syntax highlighting and possibly run the script in the same program? easy to use too, Vi's worse than a spaceship terminal02:01
felixfoertsch_First|Laptop: What is crossover?02:01
H3g3m0nstorkme: You can enable automagical gdm login it will mean it autologins on computer boot too though02:02
First|LaptopHold on, I'm looking up some more info. I saw it mentioned on a forum but never had a reason to delve into it.02:02
storkmeH3g3m0n, yeah, that's what i want.. how can i do that?02:02
=== DarkED [n=DarkED@h460bb3f6.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
First|Laptopfelixfoertsch_: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxoffice/02:03
napgevery time i move  volume slider i just lose sound until i restart ubuntu, any ideas?02:03
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DarkEDHi all, I'm having a problem with the 6.10 livecd, it boots and Gnome loads up, but after everything loads up it just keeps reading something from the CD, this went on for an hour before I just rebooted02:03
H3g3m0nstorkme: System>Admin>Login>security02:03
livingtargetstorkme: System -> Administration -> Login Window, go to security tab and check 'Enable automatic login', write your username and tada!02:03
livingtargetya what he said02:04
tigermanAnyone know of a program that can restore a damaged superblock?02:04
DarkEDDuring this time, the OS just locks, clock doesnt change, mouse doesn't move, nadda02:04
faltahttp://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso <--- works as livecd?02:04
storkmeH3g3m0n, yeah, i've done that, but it doesn't work if i press ctrl+alt+backspace.. it brings me back to the login screen02:04
vinicrijrib, the links don't access the files directly. I need a script that just find the link on the page and download it02:04
First|Laptopfelixfoertsch_: photoshop is supported02:04
Reolosibtw, can i install ubuntu to the hdd from the livecd like with other livecds?02:04
DarkEDI know the iso and disc are valid, I checksummed both of them02:04
felixfoertsch_First|Laptop: Yep. Looked it up. Thanks!02:04
H3g3m0nstorkme: You might need timed logins too, i think auto is just for initial boot timed works for xcrashes (you can just press enter if the time is taking too long)02:05
eloquence_is this correct:02:05
eloquence_adil@provision:~/ieee80211-1.1.14$ sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15-27-38602:05
jribvinicri: I see, I don't know of any specifically made to do that with rapidshare then02:05
DarkEDbasically I want to install 6.10 but I can't because it locks up before I have the chance, so what can I do?02:05
=== battlesquid thanks Seveas for the backport - vim7 setup successfully :)
faltaim a bit new here02:05
eloquence_or am i supposed to leave off the -27-386 ?02:05
faltacan I burn http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso as livecd to boot?02:05
bimberibattlesquid: cool :)02:05
eloquence_any ideas?02:05
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:06
boinkfalta: yes02:06
HymnToLifeeloquence_, you most likely don't need to install the full kernel source, but just the headers02:06
felixfoertsch_Thx @ all!02:06
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HymnToLifedo      sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:06
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battlesquidand thanks to everyone who helped me, from me and the users on my server!02:06
finalbetanautilus = ftp client, lol.02:06
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HymnToLifeWindows Explorer inj an FTP client, too :p02:07
eloquence_i did the headers02:07
eloquence_and i am having the sam eproblem that i was having02:07
eloquence_its rediculous02:07
tigermanits not a GOOD one, but it is one02:07
HymnToLifewhich is ?02:07
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livingtargetWhile I'm here I might as well ask about this. Often I need to change my grub and each time I install a new kernel I will have to do those changes again. For example I need grub to boot of /dev/hdc1 instead of /dev/hda102:07
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp213-181.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkEDAnyone have any ideas?02:07
eloquence_trying to install ieee80211 subsystem to install interl ipw3945 wireless lan drivers02:07
ReolosiCan I install Ubuntu from the Live CD?02:08
jribDarkED: have you tried the alternate cd?02:08
boinklivingtarget: have you used "update-grub" ?02:08
DarkEDjrib: Alternate?02:08
HymnToLifelivingtarget, edit the automagic options at the beginning of your menu.lst02:08
finalbetaReolosi, yes, you are supposed 202:08
HymnToLifebefore the actual kernels list02:08
DarkEDjrib: I was aware that the only installer was on the liveCD for this version...02:08
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HymnToLifeeloquence_, were installed OOTB for me...02:08
Reolosiwell my disc is Ubuntu 4.1002:08
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bimberiReolosi: not that LiveCD, no02:09
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jribDarkED: what version?02:09
DarkEDjrib: 6.10 Edgy02:09
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finalbetaReolosi, then you should have put that info in the initial question :/02:09
jribDarkED: http://mirrors.csumb.edu/ubuntu/edgy/02:09
DarkEDjrib: i know there is a DVD version but I don't have a DVD burner02:09
livingtargetHymnToLife: So where it says # kopt_2_6=root=/dev/hda1 ro I change that to match /dev/hdc1?02:09
ReolosiAh, sorry02:09
boinkDarkED: you have the alternate iso images as well02:09
noiesmoyeah go for it02:09
boinkI had to one use one02:09
NazcafanI recompiled my kernel on an old laptop (with dapper), everything is fine but I get a black screen at boot until gdm starts ... any clue ?02:09
HymnToLifeeloquence_, you shouldn't have done that I think02:09
ReolosiWill 6.06.1 be okay, or should I go for the absolute latest?02:10
eloquence_has anybody had the same problem with ieee80211?02:10
DarkEDso the alt has the text-based installer02:10
boinkReolosi: depends on your pain factor02:10
eloquence_what do u mean?02:10
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HymnToLifemy ipw3945 worked OOTB in Dapper and Edgy02:10
First|LaptopReolosi: Dapper is quite stable02:10
boinkdarkED: yes02:10
eloquence_hymn mine worked too02:10
HymnToLifeI think you messed something up by trying to install them02:10
ReolosiDapper =
eloquence_but was an unrecognized device02:10
boinkDapper is a LTS02:10
finalbetaReolosi, 6.06.1 is the most stable version, will be supported longer then the newest. The newest does have newer gnome etc, but is buggy.02:10
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:10
eloquence_i tried to install some drivers yesterday ... sum1 told me i needed broadcom drivers not intel02:11
eloquence_when i did that02:11
boinkedgy is ... well, on the edge02:11
eloquence_it wiped my wireless device off02:11
First|Laptopsort of02:11
jribReolosi: main advantage of 6.06: security releases for longer (with 6.10 you'll need to upgrade sooner)    main advantage of 6.10: more recent software02:11
dcordeswhere can i find a good guide on creating an ftpserver?02:11
eloquence_now i am screwed kind of02:11
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HymnToLifeare you _sure_ your card is an ipw3945 ?02:11
eloquence_and need to install the real drivers no matter what02:11
boinkdcordes: yes02:11
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eloquence_i have an HP dv8000t laptop02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pure_ftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
eloquence_and it says it uses that type02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pureftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
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First|LaptopGuess not02:11
boinkhmm .. pure_ftpd is a good ftp server. easy to set up and very secure02:11
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HymnToLife[14:09]  <livingtarget> HymnToLife: So where it says # kopt_2_6=root=/dev/hda1 ro I change that to match /dev/hdc1?     <= exactrly02:12
dcordesi allready have ftp installed but i don't know how to configure02:12
boinkdo a good search: pure_ftpd and ubuntu02:12
jribReolosi: try the live cd for each version and see what you prefer.  I don't find edgy buggy, but I may just not use the features that have bugs I guess02:12
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dcordesso you suggest pure_ftp?02:12
boinkdapper is quite solid, though02:12
HymnToLifeeloquence_, what does lspci tell you regarding your wireles nic ?02:12
bimberiNazcafan: I have a similiar issue (since installing Edgy) fixed by adding "vga=773" to the relevent kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:12
boinkI like pure-ftpd, yeah.02:12
finalbetadcordes, then you should have mentioned that in the first question again. What FTPd.02:12
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TheMafiaI installed skype and have it working on dapper, does skype offer video chat?02:12
eloquence_not much02:12
DarkEDokay, well like i said, the performace of the livecd was horrible, if i install the actual OS is that what I'm looking at?02:12
boinkDarkED: who knows02:13
boinktry it and find out02:13
dcordesfinalbeta: sorry. pure_Ftp02:13
TheMafiaDarkED, probably not02:13
jribDarkED: the livecd is usually a lot slower since it is running from the cd02:13
Nazcafanbimberi: I run a dapper, I'll try to add what you said, thanks02:13
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livingtargetHymnToLife: thx, that did the trick it's all changed automatically now. :)02:13
HymnToLifeeloquence_, please pastebin your lspci ;)02:13
eloquence_i will02:13
eloquence_one sec02:13
DarkEDyeah, sorry for so many questions, I've just never tried running linux on a system this slow before...02:13
eloquence_i pastebinned it earlier just finding the url02:13
HymnToLifelivingtarget, yeah, that's what it's for ;)02:13
jribDarkED: how slow?02:13
boinkI have edgy running on an old Sony laptop .. made for Win 9802:14
boinkworks just fine02:14
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:14
livingtargetlol it's just confusing as it's commented out02:14
[^Twen^] I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my computer, but when I'm clicking "install ubuntu" the installation won't really start. I'm getting this message:02:14
[^Twen^] *Timeout waiting for DMA02:14
[^Twen^] what does it means?02:14
eloquence_this is lspci and dmesg both02:14
boinkTwen: it means you should use the alternate CD02:14
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DarkEDjrib: Compaq Armada laptop, Celery 700mhz, 192meg ram, 100mhz bus02:14
[^Twen^] boink: oh? and whats that? =)02:14
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boinkcheck the iso download page, you'll fine the alternate iso image there02:15
jribDarkED: you might want to try Xubuntu, it's meant for slower systems02:15
HymnToLifeeloquence_, and    lspci -n ?02:15
boinkI'm using xubuntu on that old sony laptop, works alright02:15
boinkhad some problems with the wireless, though.02:15
DarkEDboink: sys specs?02:15
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Nazcafanbimberi: the thing is that this option is not there for the standard ubuntu kernel and they work fine :(02:15
boinkwell, think of a sony vaio in 1999 :)02:15
DarkEDboink: yep, same here :D Compaq Armada in 199902:16
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eloquence_HymnToLife, http://pastebin.ca/26446202:16
boinkso, firstly use xubuntu and then use the alternate CD02:16
eloquence_the same old stuff with new lspci -n02:16
[^Twen^] boink: so it means I cannot use Ubuntu? Do I have to use xubuntu or something?02:16
boinkgnome and kde are too much bloat02:16
boinkyou could try ubuntu02:16
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DarkEDbesides having the celeron, this was actually a high-end laptop when it was made... so sad02:16
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[^Twen^] boink: but It wont work?02:17
bobbydthe version of vide lan client in edgy doesn't seem to have transcoding codecs compiled in, when I try to set up a stream to transcode a file it just fails. Does anyone have this working?02:17
boinkxfce works quite well, though02:17
boinkTwen: I don't know, I don't have a crystal ball.02:17
boinkjust try it02:17
jrib[^Twen^] : no, alternate cd is just a different way to install.  It is text-based instead of loading you into the gui for the install.  And Xubuntu is still ubunut, it just uses xfce by default02:17
DarkEDboink: yeah but can't I just setup normal Ubuntu then apt-get xubuntu-desktop?02:17
[^Twen^] jrib: thank you :)02:18
DarkEDokay, just checking :D been a while...02:18
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HymnToLifeeloquence_, yep, it's indeed an ipw394502:18
[^Twen^] jrib: cause it really seemed like the installation wouldn't start..02:18
boinkbobbyd: you need to adjust your /etc/apt/sources.list02:18
eloquence_check this out to: http://pastebin.ca/26438002:18
boinkthen download the right codecs.02:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:18
[^Twen^] jrib: you know where I can find an Alternade version/CD ?02:18
HymnToLifebut what annoys me is that mine worked ootb02:18
eloquence_mine did too02:19
DarkEDi really hope this alternate cd works... its a lot of trouble to download ANOTHER CD...02:19
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HymnToLifeI think you messed something trying to install the ieee802.22 subsystem02:19
bobbydboink: to encode with VLC?02:19
eloquence_but i unfed it up last night thinkin it was broadcom thanks to sum102:19
jrib[^Twen^] : it's on the download page, as "other isntallation options".  You'll end up at a page like this one http://mirrors.csumb.edu/ubuntu/edgy/ and it is on there, just grep for "alternate"02:19
DarkEDoh noes... uh... can the alt-cd installer resize a NTFS?02:19
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HymnToLifeeloquence_, then why on earth did you mess up with that ?02:19
boinkto rip dvds?02:19
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eloquence_since this morning my computer wasn't recognizing the wlan02:19
huiber1david_: then try "apt-get install -f" just as proposed by apt-get it self (the programm is very helpfull)02:19
Nazcafanbimberi: it didn't work for me :( worse, now the consoles don't work anymore02:20
Ring_DonutIs there a Linux From Scratch Channel?02:20
eloquence_ieee80211 had nothing to do with the thing not working02:20
eloquence_i am trying to fix what happened02:20
bobbydboink: the videlan guys just told me all codecs were compiled in to VLC...02:20
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flavioribeiroHi, i have a USB sound, but i only can hear if i restart the X. When i press control alt backspace my sound starts.. anyone know any command that restart the usb ports?02:20
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bimberiNazcafan: quick, take it back out again02:20
eloquence_HymnToLife, i was just advised that it is better to have your device driver loaded than for linux to just make things work02:20
eloquence_if u know what i mena02:20
eloquence_like windows i guess02:20
Nazcafanbimberi: I'm working on it02:20
[^Twen^] Now I started the alternate download. Thank you.02:20
Nazcafanbimberi: I think I'll just desactivate splash boot02:21
HymnToLifewell, no, it's not working the same ;)02:21
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HymnToLifeif your hardware is working, then the driver is installed02:21
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Nazcafandisable, I mean02:21
david_huiber1: Same prob - trying to overwrite that X11 bin directory "which is also in package opera"02:21
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[^Twen^] *netsplit* hehe =)02:21
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=== HymnToLife likes netsplits
Ring_Donutthat looked meaty02:21
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huiber1david_: dam** try to remove opera before proceding02:22
bimberipfft, just a tiddler02:22
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Nazcafannet split ?02:22
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jribRing_Donut: www.linuxfromscratch.org/support.html  lists their official ones02:22
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Ring_Donutjrib: Thankyou02:22
HymnToLifeNazcafan, a netsplit is what just happened02:22
huiber1david_: try "dpkg -r opera"02:22
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ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:22
flavioribeirohow can i restart the usb ports?02:22
[^Twen^] do I have to format my HD before installing Ubuntu ?02:22
NazcafanHymnToLife: ok, thanks02:22
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HymnToLifebut sometimes it can disconnect hundreds of people at once02:23
HymnToLifeand that's cool :p02:23
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RprpHi, whats the name of the 'menu' editor?02:23
david_huiber1: aha... That seems to have worked. Running install -f now and it's getting much further (still going)02:23
Nazcafanbimberi: well I disabled the splash screen, now at least it works, the strange thing is that I just changed disabled SMP and PREEMPT before recompiling so it should work exactly as a standard ubuntu kernel ..., maybe I missed stg02:24
huiber1david_: this may take a while02:24
livingtargetAlacarta, but it's hidden as Menu Layout in the menus02:24
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Ring_Donut[^Twen^] , nope, unless you want to wipe your previous OS off the HD02:24
huiber1david_: you may need to issue the command "apt-get install -f" and "apt-get dist-upgrade" a few times untill _all_ packeges are completely upgraded02:25
[^Twen^] Ring_Donut: hehe, its allready wiped =)02:25
Ring_Donut[^Twen^] , you can partition the HD and install Ubuntu on the new partition02:25
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eloquence_HymnToLife, any idea what i should do?02:25
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eloquence_right now i am using dialup through ethernet02:25
david_huiber1: Oh. Yes it has broken - Errors while processing: volumeid. So which command do I try next?02:26
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huiber1david_: hmmm, volume ids are one of the new things in edgy02:26
[^Twen^] I want to use Ubuntu as a Server. a read a bit about it at www.ubuntu.com/server - Is there any finished LAMP-package for Ubuntu?02:26
huiber1david_: what errors02:26
[^Twen^] OR a Ubuntu installation with LAMP?02:26
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boinkTwen: yes02:27
Ring_DonutTwen, I'm actually making a distro for server use, lol02:27
david_dpkg: error processing volumeid (--configure):02:27
boinkwith dapper, that's no problem02:27
david_ subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 13902:27
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dcordeswhere can i find a guide on configuring pure_ftpd?02:27
boinkand the dapper server has support for the next five years02:27
boinkdcords: look on their site02:27
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Ring_DonutI'm using Dapper right now02:27
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boinkI use dapper and edgy02:28
flavioribeirohow can i restart the usb ports?02:28
praveer_fedoracan anyone tell me, how to delete a fat32 partition, create swap space and an ext3fs partition on ubuntu live cd ver 6.0602:28
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Ring_Donutflaviorbeiro: turn your PC off at the socket then turn it back on again02:28
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:28
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=== Ring_Donut likes SwapDrop 1.0.4
r7^blackhello ne 1 here?02:29
Ring_DonutI'm here02:29
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Ring_DonutHow can I help you?02:29
boinkwe are all here02:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:29
praveer_fedoraor atleast partition manager in ubuntu 6.06 live cd, i maen gui frontend02:29
dcordeswhen i start or stop a daemon, my bash doesn't print if it actually is restart or not. it just shows nothing. how can i fix this?02:30
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boinkhow are you restarting the demon?02:30
Ring_Donutdcordes, don't use deamons02:30
r7^blacktried to install this, from cd x64, and i boot up from cd and select instal ubuntu, it goes thru, loading linux kernel02:30
r7^blackand gets up to the point where it plays asound02:30
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r7^blackbut then just has a statis _ in top left of screen02:30
r7^blackyany ideas?02:30
Ring_Donutr7^black: download the alternate install CD from Ubuntu website02:30
r7^blackwill that definately do it?02:31
boinkwho knows02:31
boinktry it02:31
Ring_Donutdcordes, yes?02:31
Ring_DonutIt worked for me02:31
dcordesRing_Donut: why shouldn't i use daemons02:31
apralbeen playing with 3ddesktop.can i have different desktop backgrounds on the four windows in dapper?02:31
davorhow do i change ownership for a folder and all of its subfolders at the same time?02:31
r7^blackwell i have three copies of ubuntu,tried them all and they ddnt work02:31
ubotuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock02:31
=== Red_Death [n=hexy@c-68-61-244-162.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Red_DeathHey guys02:31
jribdavor: chown -R02:31
Ring_Donutdcordes: I just don't like them XD02:31
boinkhave you tried the alternate cd?02:32
Red_DeathIs there a more robust mouse-cursor manager then the one that comes with ubuntu?02:32
davorjrib: thanks02:32
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huiber1david_: sorry, I have no ideas (yer) how to fix you volumeid problem02:33
r7^blackwhen you say, download the alternate cd version, do you mean just download it from the site andburn it todisk? just the main download ye?02:33
huiber1david_: and I will be away for the next 2 Hours.02:33
Ring_Donutr7^black: maybe your PC just can't handle the almighty power02:33
boinkthe alternate cd is just an install cd02:33
Red_DeathIs there a more robust mouse-cursor manager then the one that comes with ubuntu?02:33
r7^blackwell wont that be exactly the same as the copies i got sent?02:33
boinkno live-cd stuff02:33
huiber1david_: I hoped that deleting opera would do the trick....02:33
boinkno, they send out the live-cd02:34
Ring_DonutI didn't use any Live-CD02:34
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praveer_fedoraboink: my friend wants to change partition table, he is on ubuntu 6.06, please tell me if there is a partition manager frontend on ubuntu live, or should i guide him to come here02:34
Ring_DonutSo yuo shouldn't either, lol02:34
david_huiber1: Am ok waiting - things aren't particularly urgent, but how badly broken do you think things are at this point?02:34
boinkI don't know of any02:34
DarkEDSo whats new in 6.10 (I'm coming from 6.06 beta)02:34
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes02:34
Ring_DonutDarkED: I hate 6.1002:34
boinkcheck the release notes02:34
r7^blackso would this bewhat i want? : http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-amd64.iso02:35
boinksounds good02:35
r7^blackthanks alot02:35
r7^blackill try tht02:35
boinkgood luck02:35
=== Ring_Donut slaps Edgy Eft with a wet manta-ray
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MarkoKaahey! are these awesomes edgys icons somewhere? that I can download them ?02:35
Ring_Donutr7^black: Good luck!02:35
huiber1david_: afaik, volumid has something to do with kernel, fstab, grub, and others.02:35
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r7^blacki love kent mirror link downloads cos i live 2 doors away from the server :P02:36
huiber1david_: very near system internals.....02:36
david_huiber1: eek!02:36
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Ring_Donutnice one, r702:36
huiber1david_: It may mot be possible to rebbot at this moment02:36
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huiber1david_: in the mean time you could do some googling on volumeid and edgy upgrade problems02:37
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huiber1david_: your not the first to be in this situation02:37
huiber1david_: bye, see you letar02:37
david_huiber1: Ok will see what I can find. Thanks for the help02:37
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Ring_DonutDamn, I can't get John the Ripper to work :02:37
Ring_DonutI forgot my server password and am trying to crack it02:38
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r7^blacki have windows xp on one hard drive, vista on a second, i want to install ubuntu to the third. is this possible, will it give me option of hard drive to install to ?02:38
KenSentMer7^black: yes, you can choose where to install ubuntu02:38
r7^blacki just ddnt want it to wipe out my other os02:39
Ring_Donutr7^black: wel, is it a pirate copy of Windows? ;)02:39
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HoagHey. I'm having a problem with wine (I think?) It's regarding a program which loads an exe, which in turn loads another. When I type the command in the terminal, it works fine, but when I do the same command from a launcher, it exits after the first exe. Anyone have a solution?02:39
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praveer_fedorar7^black: chose an empty partiton or empty a partition and install in that02:39
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Ring_Donutpraveer_fedora: he quit02:40
eloquence_ok i give up trying to configure ieee8021102:40
eloquence_peace ppl02:40
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boinkdammit, skype is broken on dapper.02:40
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boink*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a795b8 ***02:41
Navysealhow to configure my tv card: Pixelview Play Pro Ultra with chipset Conexant CX23880 ??02:41
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Ring_Donutboink: skype is... not very... compatible02:41
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Ring_DonutDownloading LFS...02:42
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Andypat10how can skype be not very compatible if is a linux prrogram02:42
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boinkI'm installing the version off skype.com02:42
Andypat10or has a linux version i shouldsay02:42
Andypat10just get the .deb02:43
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boinkI'm doing the same, from skype.com02:43
boinklet's see if it works02:43
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slickyhi.. i fucked up my fglrx drivers.. what to do?   i installed the fglrx from some guide.. then i downloaded the ati drivers.. and installed them.. withou unsinstaling the previus drivers..02:44
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boink*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a795b8 ***02:44
michaelpohi... i'm trying to view youtube.... it require flash? do i install from downloading from adobe? or do i use adept? i have downloaded from adobe, it ask me to install gsfonts and gsfonts-x11. how? it ask me for installation path of konqueror? where is it?02:44
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Navysealhow to configure my tv card: Pixelview Play Pro Ultra with chipset Conexant CX23880 ??02:44
Andypat10idk the only time i got that error was wine wine02:44
Andypat10with wine02:44
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Andypat10my skypoe works but im in edgy02:45
sysragewhat's the new name for w32codecs or how do i install it?02:45
defrysk!info w32codecs02:45
ubotuw32codecs: win32 binary codecs. In component extras, is optional. Version 1:20060611-0.0 (edgy-seveas), package size 13911 kB, installed size 33488 kB (Only available for i386)02:45
sysrageextras eh?02:45
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Navysealhow to configure my tv card: Pixelview Play Pro Ultra with chipset Conexant CX23880 ??02:45
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DarkEDOh yeah... uh, all the codecs and such (w32, gstreamer, taglib, etc) that worked in Dapper will work in Edgy as well, right?02:46
Yasuohi, how get i rid of the line "search myrouter.dyndns.org" in my /etc/resolv.conf? if messes up my dns-queries, giving back  the ip of my routers wildcard-dns.02:46
boinkskype is br0ked on ubuntu. dammit02:46
boinkand this is dapper .. the "stable" one. ha!02:46
DarkEDboink: tried Kopete?02:46
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boinkno, I want skype. I still have credit with them!02:46
boinkbut this is braindead, skype not working02:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:47
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Navysealhow to configure my tv card: Pixelview Play Pro Ultra with chipset Conexant CX23880 ??02:48
ubituxI'm streaming my webcam, but we need to use VLC client ; firefox couldn't read the file (http://zak888.free.fr/fx.png). It tried a lot of codecs, but nothing change. Can you help me ?02:48
Zismucalguien habla espaol?02:48
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defrysk!es | Zismuc02:48
ubotuZismuc: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:48
ubitux(idem with mplayer and others players ; I have the w32codecs)02:48
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boinkwow .. skype is really, really not wanting to work in dapper02:51
boink*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a79698 ***02:51
boinkdamm ... time to waste 10 hours trying to get it to work. great02:51
sysragehow the heck do i use this 'extras' component?02:51
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Andypat10u could try upgrading to edgy02:52
jrib!skype | boink02:52
ubotuboink: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:52
boinkand yes, that doesn't work jrib02:52
ubituxmog_, /j #ubuntu-fr02:52
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boinkoften the documentation on ubuntu has much to be desired.02:52
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ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:52
boinkbadly written and fully of dead links02:52
frogzooboink: ldd `which skype`02:52
C_REATiVE_usin edgy and ff2 with flash9 delays sometimes, and gets brutally slow, can anybody help ?02:53
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boinkfrogzoo: you want me to paste that here? :)02:53
Navysealflash 9 is still beta C_REATiVE_02:53
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:54
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frogzooboink: just I'd suggest that will tell what's missing02:54
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boink*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a79698 *** <= that's the error02:54
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C_REATiVE_but i've experienced this problem with flash7 too02:55
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:57
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boinkso, the version with the qt-stuff compiled in works.02:58
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boinkthe others don't work. odd, since it was working just fine.02:58
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Navysealhow to configure my tv card: Pixelview Play Pro Ultra with chipset Conexant CX23880 ??02:58
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xipietotecis there anything similar to cleartype for Ubuntu?02:59
frogzooxipietotec: that depends what cleartype does03:00
xipietotecfrogzoo: cleartype is the new font rendering engine in the latest XP and in Vista03:00
xipietotecreally really smooth good looking fonts03:00
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HymnToLifexipietotec, just setup font antialiasing03:01
xipietoteckthnxhwplz! =)03:01
dv5237how can i run a script that issnt in mij ~ but in ~/scripts?03:01
HymnToLifeI don't remember how to do that in GNOME but just Google for it03:01
jribdv5237: ~/scripts/name_of_script03:02
boinkaargh, the skype problem is caused by scim. great03:02
HymnToLifeI think oit has not been removed yet :D03:02
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HymnToLife!hi | A3n03:02
ubotuA3n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:02
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A3nhow do i install build-essential without using internet?03:03
HymnToLifeit is on your CD if you used an alternate03:03
boinkyou could maybe install it off the CD03:03
dv5237jrib: thanks *shame*03:03
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A3ni got the cd shipped, dont know03:03
boinkuse the cd as your repo in /etc/apt/sources.list03:03
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dcordesi can't edit the list of restricted modules: "sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common: No such file or directory" what can be the reason?03:04
boinkbecause the file doesn't exist03:04
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dcordesboink: yes oviously. but what packet is missing?03:04
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HymnToLifelinux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)03:05
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dwadcould someone help me?03:05
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:05
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dcordesHymnToLife: thx03:05
Ring_Donutdwad: ask away03:05
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dwadIs it ok to burn ubuntu with nero 7 instead of imgburn?03:06
A3ni can download files on windows and than mount my ntfs driver and access the linux files, but i dont know what i need to download to be able to use "make" like "make install" for example03:06
gummibaerchenof course, dwad03:06
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HoagHey. Does anyone know how to set a text box alert thing on gAIM when someone signs in? Similar to msn messenger?03:06
HymnToLifeA3n, build-essential03:07
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Jowi!make | A3n03:07
ubotuA3n: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:07
HymnToLifeHoag, there's a plugin for it IIRC03:07
gummibaerchenadd event, Hoag03:07
dwadeithery way, they both error out a lot. ive wasted about 15 disks trying to get them to burn successfully, even at low speeds. the 1 i got to work i get to the install part and it says I/o Error on Device sr0 logical block 35756403:07
HymnToLifejust look around in the plugins dialog03:07
elkbuntuHoag, try sudo apt-get install gaim-guifications03:07
A3nyes well i downloaded build-essential but apperantly i cant or dont know how to install it03:07
frogzoodwad: anything that can write a bootable cd image will work - so nero7, yes03:07
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HoagAwesome, thanks all :)03:07
gummibaerchendwad: uhh, that's bad, is the file ok (md5sum)?03:07
JowiA3n, "sudo apt-get install build-essential"03:08
dcordesHymnToLife: ok the packet was missing. but i still dont have that file. reboot neccessary?03:08
dwadmd5sum ?03:08
A3ni dont have internet03:08
boinkyou need to make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is in order03:08
HymnToLifemost likely no03:08
HymnToLifewhy do you want to edit that file anyway ?03:08
JowiA3n, it's a .deb package?03:08
A3ni need "make install" to install ndiswrapper so i can get my drives to work03:08
dwadboink is that to me?03:08
frogzoodwad: maybe you're burning faster than the media is spec'd?03:08
JowiA3n, "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"03:08
A3now.. where do i get the build-essential .deb ?03:09
boinkno, if your /etc/apt/sources.list is pointing to the cd,03:09
boink use agpt-get03:09
jribA3n: that probably won't work as build-essential just pulls in other packages.  Use the cd as someone suggested, it is on there.  Do you know how to add the cd to your repos?03:09
dwadive put it 8x03:09
boinkA3n: are you even listening?03:09
frogzooA3n: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:09
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boinkfirstly, do an apt-cache search build-essentials03:09
A3ni dont know how to get the files from the cd or w/e03:10
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A3ni'm pretty new to linux03:10
toomawaayyyanyone can help me?03:10
=== defrysk is just pretty
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:10
jribA3n: have you tried inserting the cd while using the desktop?  It usually prompts you to add itself to the repository list03:10
boinkA3N: for the 3rd time, and listen this time, check your /etc/apt/sources.list03:10
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boinkI'm not explaining this again03:11
A3nok boink, what do i need to check it for?03:11
A3nwhat do i search in it?03:11
boinkthis is silly. /ignore03:11
A3njrib:i'll try that03:11
fyrestrtrA3n: you need some help?03:11
jribA3n: if it doesn't work just go to system > administration > synaptic.  Then edit > add cdrom repository03:11
defryskA3n, if you are new to linux you have no business using build-essential03:12
Hoagelkbuntu: guifications is awesome, thanks a bundle.03:12
A3ni do i need to get internet to work03:12
elkbuntuHoag, :)03:12
A3ntherefor i need ndiswrapper03:12
defryskA3n, I see03:12
A3nand for ndiswrapper i need "make install"03:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:12
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effie_jayxA3n,  I can't remeber using a make install03:12
A3ni got ndiswrapper i just need to install it03:12
effie_jayxA3n,  and I did install a broadcom card03:12
A3nhow did you install ndiswrapper then?03:13
fyrestrtrA3n: the first thing you need to do, is read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:13
A3nit says so in the ndiswrapper -instalation wiki03:13
toomawaayyyi have amd athlon X2 3800+ socket AM2 and motherboard asus with chipset nforce4. I have download iso for AMD64 architecture. I boot from cd and select install but after have load kernel, there's a black image with ubuntu and the system don't process with the installation (i've have waited half hour)03:13
defryskA3n, why did you not ask about ndiswrapper right away ? (the real question)03:13
=== ninnghizidha [n=ninn@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
toomawaayyyu know why?03:13
A3nbecause i know i need to "make install" it and that is not the problem03:13
A3ni need to be able to use "make" first03:14
hastesaverA3n, ndiswrapper may not be necessary... maybe your card can work even without that?03:14
A3nbecause i also need "wireless tools for linux" wich also needs "make"03:14
defryskA3n, try asking , how do I install ndiswrapper ?03:14
A3nand gcc03:14
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A3nive searched alot for other options03:14
defryskA3n, might be a clever move you know03:14
fyrestrtrA3n: put your install media in the CDROM/DVDROM drive.03:15
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tabmancan you play rm and wmv files on ubuntu ?03:15
hastesavertabman, yes03:15
A3nmy wireless card doesnt have a linux support03:15
hastesaver!restricted | tabman03:15
ubotutabman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:15
A3nchipset Prism Javelin03:15
dcordesi installed linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), rebooted and still "sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common: No such file or directory"03:15
fyrestrtrA3n: then, start a terminal (hit alt+f2, type gnome-terminal and hit enter). Then, type sudo apt-get install build-essential, when it asks for password, type your password and hit enter.03:15
A3ni have no internet remmember03:16
tigermanAnyone know of a good program that can recover a damaged superblock?03:16
fyrestrtrtigerman: the program that restores your backup? :)03:16
HymnToLifedcordes, but why do you want to do that ?03:16
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defryskA3n, listen to fyrestrtr please he is explaining you something03:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:16
tigermanfyrestrtr: WUZZ03:16
A3ni am03:16
DarkEDif I cant use partition magic, anyone know a good way to resize an ntfs partition to make a ubuntu partition when i install?03:16
A3ni tried apt-get already03:17
A3nbut it wont work without internet03:17
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HymnToLifeDarkED : GParted03:17
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defryskA3n, yes it will03:17
hastesaverDarkED, the ubuntu installation CD has its own partition manager03:17
fyrestrtrA3n: what error do you get?03:17
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hastesaverDarkED, and it's called gparted03:17
dcordesHymnToLife: the binary drivers guide for ati drivers in the wiki tells me to. and i suspect that if this file doesn't exist, i have no restricted modules03:17
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A3nthat it couldnt apt-get build-essential03:17
tigermanfyrestrtr: lets pretend its the backup that lost its superblock :p03:17
hastesaverDarkED, but you could also try resizing it from Windows itself, if Windows has such a feature :-)03:17
DarkEDhastesaver: yes but last i heard gparted won't work on ntfs partitions03:17
HymnToLifedcordes, could you paste the link top the Wiki ?03:17
A3ndidnt try in gnome mode though03:17
DarkEDhastesaver: no, it doesnt, and the only partitioners worth anything are pay apps =/03:18
dcordeshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI "Make sure fglrx is not disabled: sudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common"03:18
HymnToLifehastesaver, it doesn't03:18
fyrestrtrA3n: what error do you get with apt-get?03:18
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HymnToLifeDarkED, GParted is the bes partitionning app you could ask for03:18
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:18
fyrestrtrdcordes: just check if its not blacklisted.03:18
A3ncant remember exactly, it said something about not being able to apt-get build-essential03:18
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HymnToLifeand it is free, as in freedom :p03:18
HoagHey again. One last thing I'm trying to sort. I have a wine command that has the desired effect through a terminal, but it doesn't act the same from a launcher. What's up with that?03:18
dcordesfyrestrtr: how do i do so?03:18
hastesaverfyrestrtr, he doesn't have internet03:18
fyrestrtrhastesaver: that's fine that he doesn't.03:19
DarkEDHymnToLife: yeah, unless you are resizing an ntfs partition, which gparted will destroy, and what i need to do :D03:19
fyrestrtr!blacklist | dcordes03:19
ubotudcordes: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list03:19
HymnToLifeDarkED, NTFS resizing in GParted works perfectly well03:19
DaGameHey, I'm looking for some music library software for linux, what do y'all recommend?03:19
jribDaGame: amarok03:19
DarkEDHymnToLife: have you tried it? ;)03:19
kennyDaGame, which de?03:19
HymnToLifecountless times03:19
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A3nso the build-essential is on the shipped cd i got?03:19
DaGamekenny, undecided lol03:20
DarkEDHymnToLife: and it didn't destroy every file on the ntfs partition!?03:20
A3n(dapper drake 6.06)03:20
jribA3n: yes03:20
fyrestrtrA3n: open a terminal window, and type this : grep deb-cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list03:20
jribas wel as ndiswrapper stuff03:20
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kennyDaGame, well cant go wrong with amarok03:20
A3nill come back it if isnt working03:20
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HymnToLifeDarkED, nope, or I wouldn't tell you to use it :p03:20
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HoagNever mind, resolved!03:20
HymnToLifejust run a defrag and a chkdsk /f before, just to make sure03:21
dcordesfyrestrtr: it isn't blacklisted03:21
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fyrestrtrdcordes: then you can proceed, perhaps the wiki is outdated.03:21
DarkEDHymnToLife: okay... well, all I know is, I basically killed a new hdd because I used gparted to resize an ntfs partition. it filled the disk with bad sectors03:21
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HymnToLifethat's weird03:22
fyrestrtrDarkED: that's a bit ... ermm ... rediculous.03:22
HymnToLifeas I tell you, I've done it countless times and never a single problem03:22
cox377is there a comand for finding thr free total/free space on hdd;s?03:22
fyrestrtrdf -h03:22
HymnToLife-h is for n00bz :p03:22
DarkEDfyrestrtr: if a hard drive is nothing but bad sectors, it basically becomes useless, since nothing would work right on it... so, not all that rediculous...03:22
fyrestrtrDarkED: the part I meant rediculous was that gparted caused 'bad sectors'.03:23
fyrestrtrbecause that's a physical problem, not a logical one.03:23
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AyabaraI have a dvd burninig problem. I have made a 4GB encrypted file (truecrypt). When I try to burn it with the default burner or k3b, they just close the disk without burning anything. Any ideas?03:23
DarkEDfyrestrtr: im not saying it CAUSED the bad sectors, im saying there was a problem during the resize, and THAT caused the bad sectors03:23
M1ch43lhi @ all03:24
fyrestrtrAyabara: make an iso out of it first.03:24
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david_huiber1: Message for when you're back - looks like it's fixed. The volumeid package had segfaulted. Installed it separately then reran and it worked. Package manager now happy, so I'll try a reboot...03:24
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Ayabarafyrestrtr, ok. is there a reason why I can't just burn the file?03:24
M1ch43lwho can help me with the following problem : When I try to install/update something, the following message appears :03:24
M1ch43lThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.03:24
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linux_kidI just installed server edition on an older pc and after about 2 minutes, i got tired of command line :( what is the command to install gnome in command line?03:26
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elkbuntulinux_kid, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:27
linux_kidelkbuntu thanks03:27
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toomawaayyyi have amd athlon X2 3800+ socket AM2 and motherboard asus with chipset nforce4. I have download iso for AMD64 architecture. I boot from cd and select install but after have load kernel, there's a black image with ubuntu and the system don't process with the installation (i've have waited half hour)03:27
toomawaayyyu know why?03:27
tigermandoes it say kernel panic?03:28
DaGamewhat's the way ubuntu updates?03:28
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M1ch43lwhats wrong with my adept , when telling: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.03:28
Ayabarahow (and in which application) can I make a .iso out of the files I want to burn?03:28
toomawaayyyno, kernel panic say if i install i386 architect03:28
DaGameI'm used to gentoo, no versions, everything just updates seperately starting at the bottom.03:28
DaGameCan ubuntu do this?03:28
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defryskDaGame, only with dist-upgrades03:29
DaGamewhats dist-upgrades?03:29
defryskfrom one release ti the next03:29
tigermantoomawaayyy: ive had the same kinda problem a couple of times.. once it was fixed by disconnecting a hdd03:29
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linux_kidDeGame: package getting is the easiest part of ubuntu...03:30
tigermanthe other time i removed a hdd from a "drawer" mount thing..03:30
dcordesfyrestrtr: how can i confirm if my restricted modules are installed?03:30
tigermanother than that.. no idea03:30
r00t_i need help with Cairo-Clock.when i load it. its just showing me white screen03:30
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whyameye_does anybody have LVM on top of RAID working for, say, their home directory? I can't get this working. I've been trying the alternate installer CD then I've been trying to set up the partitions etc. in the LiveCD for the alternate install to recognize. So far no dice....03:30
r00t_i need help with Cairo-Clock.when i load it. its just showing me white screen03:31
r00t_any idea ?03:31
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hastesaverDaGame, although of course, all bug fixes and security fixes will get updated daily (or as frequently as they come)03:32
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defryskDaGame, also compare gentoo current with ubuntu-edgy in distrowatch.com, you'll see that ubuntu is not behind gentoo at all03:33
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st3f_hi all.03:33
davorst3f_ hello03:34
st3f_can anyone tell me if it is possible to have a gdesklet always on top?03:34
sysragei've followed all the guides ppl keep linking in here but i still can't get wmv's to play :(03:34
DaGamedefrysk, but when the next ubuntu version comes out... what do I do then?03:34
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defryskDaGame, dist-upgrade or fresh install03:34
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dcordeshow can i confirm that my restricted modules are installed and loaded?03:35
defryskDaGame, fresh install is usually best just make sure to back up03:35
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defryskDaGame, and if you make a seperate /home you can backup all there :)03:35
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defryskDaGame, backing up and fresh install takes less time then compiling firefox03:36
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DaGameWhat about all the apps and settings?03:36
DaGameHow does it know which apps to install?03:36
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hastesaverDaGame, no, you *don't* have to do a fresh install!03:37
hastesaverDaGame, you can just upgrade, and everything will work. Or at least, it ought to :-)03:37
defryskDaGame, default settings are usually fine default install you can choose between kde gnome or xfce4 kubuntu , ubuntu, or xubuntu03:37
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hastesaverdefrysk, stop making it look like one has to lose one's settings every six months! :p03:38
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DaGamewhat about all the apps I've installed after the OS.. how will it know which ones to download + install after the new clean install?03:38
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defryskDaGame, there is a wiki , a help page and this irc channel in case of need03:39
hastesaverDaGame, no, if you do a clean install it won't. But as I said, you don't have to a clean install. The recommended way is to simply upgrade.03:39
orpheni have a problem03:39
orphendo you know how i can read XML 4.0 in ubuntu?03:39
DaGamefirefox, orphean ?03:39
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defryskDaGame, just try ubuntu on a seperate partition first to test it and see if you like it and get the hang of it03:40
orpheni have isntallle internet exploreur IEs 4 Linux03:40
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orphenbecause i need it03:40
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r00t_i need help with Cairo-Clock.when i load it. its just showing me white screen03:40
r00t_orion2012,  with xml reader03:40
defryskDaGame, if you can run gentoo ubuntu should be a breeze03:40
Ayabarafound out how to make an iso, but can someone tell me why I can't burn a 4GB file directly?03:40
r00t_oops sorry orion201203:40
r00t_orphean, you can use firefox to read xml03:40
hastesaverr00t_, wrong person again :-)03:40
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orphenit is for tranding03:40
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DaGameAyabara, because CDs are stored in an iso format.. there are some programs that can convert to iso and burn at the same time but that's just 1 program doing 2 steps which can also be done with 2 seperate programs :P03:41
orpheni will try03:42
r00t_lol hastesaver03:42
DevCok, million dollar question.......what do I need to install to have KDE on Ubuntu?03:42
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hastesaverDevC, the package kubuntu-desktop03:42
HymnToLifedepends of what you want of KDE03:42
r00t_orphean,, google : xml 4 reader for ubuntu03:42
defrysk!info kubuntu-desktop03:42
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ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.22 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB03:42
r00t_hastesaver,  :P yeah03:42
DevCoh ok :)03:42
HymnToLifekde-core <= just essential KDE suff03:42
hastesaverDevC, kubuntu-desktop is quite a lot, actually... you might be able to do with much less :-)03:42
HymnToLifekubuntu-desktop <= default Kubuntu install03:43
HymnToLifekde <= full KDE03:43
hastesaverAyabara, what do you mean you can't burn it directly? There are lots of programs that can burn it directly03:43
AyabaraDaGame, but it works to burn smaller files without making a iso first. why is it different with larger files?03:43
Bambi21Hi...I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get my ubuntu server to respond with a text string when pinged?03:43
hastesaverAyabara, you can write on the fly, of course. k3b has this, at least03:43
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stoortyhello what is the default password for the root account when installin from the live cd?03:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:43
HymnToLifethere is none03:43
dcordeshow can i remove a user?03:43
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defryskstoorty, just enter03:43
Ayabarahastesaver, I tried to burn a 4GB file with both the default burner and k3b, but they just closed the dvd without writing anything..03:43
linxehBambi21: how do you mean? respond on the console? or ?03:43
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HymnToLifesudo -i   will get you a root terminal without asking for a password03:44
hastesaverdcordes, go to System->Administration->Users and groups03:44
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stoortythanks defrysk03:44
saladini am trying to boot live cd ( edgy) and i get this error : "/bin/sh: cant access tty : job control turned off"  .i goodled this error ,but it cannot find a common solution . any ideas out there03:44
r00t_HymnToLife,  doesnt work :)03:44
DevCHymnToLife: pardon my stupidity but what is the difference between kubuntu-desktop and kde?03:44
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hastesaverAyabara, I don't have a DVD burner, but at least for CDs I can burn directly with k3b. I don't see why it should be different with DVDs...03:44
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HymnToLifeDevC, kubuntu-desktop will install the same thing as a default Kubuntu install03:45
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hastesaverdcordes, userdel , IIRC03:45
HymnToLifekde will install full KDE03:45
Bambi21no, I mean when I ping my server I want it to send along with the respons a string that says something like "Its me!"...something like that....doesnt have to be with the ping, jus to the machine that pinged it.03:45
Ayabarahastesaver, I can't see why it shouldn't work either :-/ , k3b said something about files larger than 2GB and activated a UDF plugin or something.03:45
HymnToLifewhich has a lot of extra stuff compared to kubuntu-dektop03:45
beerockxsI'm having a weird problem, whenever I install a new kernel, the entry in grub points to a non-existing harddisk, hd(1,0)03:46
frogzooBambi21: probly google 'port knocking'03:46
hastesaverHymnToLife, you mean the other way round, right?03:46
hastesaverAyabara, it's probably a setting somewhere. Anyway, I shouldn't speak about this because I don't know about dvd burning :-)03:46
beerockxsI think it's because I had 2 HDDs installed when I installed Ubuntu first.03:46
HymnToLifebeerockxs, edit the automagic kernel options in /boot/grum/menu.lst03:46
linxehBambi21: I guess you need something with iptables then, and to trigger an external command when yo uget a ping. I dont understand why you would want to do such a thing though03:46
Bambi21I will try prot knocking03:46
hastesaverHymnToLife, kubuntu-desktop = kde + (lots of KDE apps)03:46
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hastesaverHymnToLife, right?03:46
Ayabarahastesaver, :-) , thanks for your help03:46
HymnToLifehastesaver, nope :p03:46
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linxehBambi21: and what is the remote machine meant to do with the string ?03:47
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-242-145.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
RawSewagewhat filesystem does Windows use03:47
defryskAyabara, growisofs -Z /dev/dvd /path/to/folder/03:47
hastesaverHymnToLife, really? could you clarify?03:47
HymnToLifehmm, well03:47
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linxehRawSewage: depends - FAT16, FAT32, NTFS03:47
HymnToLifekde is a metapackage that installs all the package of the standard KDE distribution03:47
RawSewagelinxeh, XP standrad03:47
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HymnToLifethe same you find in Debian for ex.03:47
RawSewagelinxeh, the most common for XP03:48
HymnToLifeand kubuntu-desktop is a Kubuntu specific meta03:48
linxehRawSewage: depending on the version of windows. Windows XP uses NTFS by default, but some prebuilt machines have it on FAT3203:48
RawSewagelinxeh, tyvm03:48
beerockxsthanks HymnToLife03:48
linxehRawSewage: on linux you should try mounting as vfat or ntfs03:48
HymnToLifewill instal also Kubuntu-related stuff (artwork and such)03:48
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tvnzhow to make beryl-xgl start whit gnome?03:48
RawSewagelinxeh, ok03:48
linxehRawSewage: you may need to modprobe the ntfs driver03:48
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Ayabaradefrysk, thanks. found "mkisofs -r -o file.iso /location_of_folder/" in the wiki. each will work I guess03:48
hastesaverHymnToLife, hmm... right. I just saw that kde is a *huge* metapackage; I thought it would just install the core libs or something :-)03:48
RawSewageIm just making a small partition with gparted so I can install Windows and play Second Life03:48
defryskAyabara, -R indeed03:49
defrysk-r that is03:49
HymnToLifenope, to install just the KDE core stuff it's kde-core03:49
defryskforgot to mention that flag03:49
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defryskAyabara, growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J /path/to/files03:49
hastesavertvnz, try asking in #ubuntu-xgl03:49
DevCnow I'm debating between kde or the kubuntu install.....does either one come with kdevelop? I know a lot of linux OSes sometimes drop out Kdevelop with KDE03:49
HymnToLifethen you have kde-games, kde-graphics, kde-multimedia, kde-extras...03:49
HymnToLifeand kde installs al of them03:49
defryskAyabara, no iso is made then03:49
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defryskAyabara, and with a rewritable it wil be automatically ereased first03:50
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hastesaverHymnToLife, yes... but kubuntu-desktop also installs a lot of KDE games, graphics and multimedia apps etc... so I got confused :-)03:50
HymnToLifeDevC, you could always install kdevelop later03:50
Bambi21linxeh: I would want to do this because I have server setup that changes IP's all the time, but the IP's are all in a certain range and I want to try out all the IP's and find my server by looking for the right respons to a ping. If you could suggest any better way I would be glad to give that a try:).03:50
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Ayabaradefrysk, thanks :-)03:50
DevCok I'll just do the kubuntu install Cause I like going between KDE and Gnome depending on my mood03:51
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HymnToLifehastesaver, kubuntu-desktop is something like a selection, the Kubuntu developpers put in there what they thought would be nice on a basic KDE destop, to fit in one CD03:51
defryskAyabara, good read : http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/growisofs1.html03:51
DevCunless the kubuntu install removes Gnome :o03:51
hastesaverHymnToLife, yes, I understand now. Thanks03:51
jribDevC: nope03:51
defryskDevC, nope03:51
defryskit just adds03:51
HymnToLifeplus all the Kubuntu-specific stuff like splash screen , KDM theme and so on which is not in the standard KDE03:51
hastesaverDevC, it won't remove anything. Go ahead.03:51
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klerfaytwhat do commands "laptop-detect" and "laptop_mode" ?03:53
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Bambi21Does anyone have a better idea of how I could do what I ask for in my last post?? I'll give anything a try :).03:53
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whyameye_from a LiveCD how would I mount my RAID1 disk array?03:54
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gu014why am i unable to use dvdshrink on some dvds in ubuntu...then if i try in windows(vmware) with anydvd running i am unable to use dvd shrink on the same disc....i have libdvdcss2 installed..any suggestions?03:54
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saladini am trying to boot live cd ( edgy) and i get this error : "/bin/sh: cant access tty : job control turned off"  .i goodled this error ,but it cannot find a common solution . any ideas out there03:54
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DevCok :)03:55
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gianlucasorry, an italian chat of ubuntu03:55
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:55
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gianlucatks ubotu03:55
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Laosboymeubotu will not understand you03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about will not understand you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
Laosboymehe is just a bot03:55
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hastesaverLaosboyme, ubotu won't understand you either ;-)03:56
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hastesaverubotu, ubotu03:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:56
humedo I need to configure networkmanager (i run the kde frontend, knetworkamanager) to make it automatically connect to a wireless network on log in, or is it supposed to do this by default?03:57
fauxis edgy able to resume from a swap file?03:57
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DevCbrb after Kubuntu install03:58
rslHow do you get restore the default "Open with..." settings for a filetype?03:58
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hastesaverHow do I change the format of GNOME's clock to something else? (It says "Sat Dec  2")03:59
rslHey, look! It's localhost!03:59
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Ayabaradefrysk, looks good. growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J /path/to/files03:59
Ayabaragrowisofs -M /dev/dvd=/dev/zero03:59
Ayabara should do what I want? first burn the stuff and then close the dvd03:59
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frogzoohastesaver: right click04:00
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james296is it at all possible to rename the Applications Places and System menus?04:00
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saladini am trying to boot live cd ( edgy) and i get this error : "/bin/sh: cant access tty : job control turned off"  .i goodled this error ,but it cannot find a common solution . any ideas out there04:00
=== Abe [n=ickyfeet@adsl-69-149-169-70.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
defryskAyabara, -M leaves the option open to add more later04:01
frogzoojames296: Alacarte menu editor04:01
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=== defrysk prefers -Z (to be safe and done with it ) :)
hastesaverfrogzoo, doesn't work. There's no option there for date format, only for time format04:01
ProN00bsaladin, your cd is prolly corrupt, did you burn it yourself ?04:01
saladinProN00b: i can boot the cd from laptop with no problems.04:02
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frogzoohastesaver: my bad, soz dunno04:02
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ProN00bcould be scratched maybe, saladin ?04:02
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beerockxsAnyone know why Suspend To Ram would not work correctly on a nforce5 mobo?04:03
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Ayabaradefrysk, from the man pages it seems you can append with -M to a disk where you initially burned with -Z04:04
zzsimonbI am trying to load ubuntu on some laptops, they have no cd, so i am using root-boot and then trying to net install04:04
zzsimonbit get to running debootstrap --arch etc etc and it resolves dependencies and then just returns to the # prompt04:05
defryskAyabara, not sure about that04:05
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stoortyhow can i change the root account to ahve a psssword?04:05
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Ayabaradefrysk, I'll figure it out. thanks for helping04:05
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defryskAyabara, good luck with it04:05
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defryskgrowisofs has great powers :)04:05
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mattljono, ping04:07
ysuperhelp me,help me04:07
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princemackenziewhats wrong ysuper04:07
jonomatti, pong04:07
ysuperlibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4604:07
defryskAyabara, if you have a video_ts and a audio_ts in a dvd/ folder you can burn the movie with : growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd/04:07
ysuperMy video card is km40004:07
princemackenzieysuper, thats tough to say, im unfamiliar with that, sry04:08
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ysuperIt donsent metter04:09
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whyameye_how do I read my raid1 array from an ubuntu LiveCD04:09
mattijono: Not me ;p You should send pong to mattl. :)04:09
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mattlmatti, heh ;)04:09
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ToloHello, I'm new here, I have a question, I want to install xubuntu, and I must choose between version 6.10, and 6.0.6, which one is more reliable and faster? what's the difference between those two versions?04:10
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hastesaverTolo, the version numbers are actually dates.04:10
Jellowhi folks04:10
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frogzooTolo: they're both supported 6.10 is more recent & will boot faster04:10
hastesaverTolo, 6.06 is the 2006 June version and 6.10 is the 2006 October version.04:10
dcordesi have a problem with pure_ftpd. i added a user as explained in this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureFTP. but when i try to test it using "ftp localhost" i can't login: 530 Login authentication. the user is not shown in pureadmin wich makes me suspect that the user isn't there. how can i fix this?04:11
Jellowcan anyone help me with xchat charsets?04:11
hastesaverTolo, so the latter has more features and is faster. They're both reliable04:11
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JJRR123JamesroseWhere is the host name file in windows?04:11
M3G4cruxhi to all04:11
ToloI've heard that many ppl have problems with Edgy eft, so that I ask :P04:11
Toloo thx04:11
Tolook thx*04:11
M3G4cruxI get a message saying cp: cannot stat04:12
M3G4cruxis this a problem with cp?04:12
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hastesaverTolo, some people had problems *upgrading* from Dapper. I don't think many people have had problems with a fresh install.04:12
hastesaverM3G4crux, no, it probably means that the file doesn't exist or something04:12
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Tolohastesaver, ok thx for the info04:13
GreyGhosti've heard some ppl are not "happy" with 6.10 ...i want to upgfrade my 6.06 to 6.10 (loved 6.06 .... and i plan on doing a clean install .....) is it suggested that i go ahead with my plan?04:13
whyameye_if something is already mounted, is there a way to tell *where* it is mounted?04:13
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Jellowi former used Suse and there i had an xchat charset called "IRC (Latin-1/UTF-8 Hybrid)" but now under Edgy this charset seem not to exist. Now I got problems with the German special chars (umlaut). Cann anybody help me to find a way to get this charset under edgy xchat?04:13
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M3G4cruxok hastesaver I am going to try something else. thanks04:14
Ayabaradefrysk, growisofs didn't do the trick either. it seems the 4GB file is too big, though I don't understand what it is too big for...04:14
TankHey, I have some problem with Ubuntu 6.10.. I'm trying to install it from the Live CD-thingy, but when I choose one of my partitions as / and press next, it says that there was no root file system selected? :/04:14
frogzooGreyGhost: I'm facing the same dillema - 6.06 is LTS & 6.10 isn't - also, I'm happy with dapper so can't see the case to upgrade for my needs atm04:14
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hastesaverGreyGhost, yes, go ahead. Edgy is not very different from 6.06 to be honest... but it's faster and has newer version of programs. (Some people had problems upgrading... although it shouldn't happen, you might consider doing a fresh install if you want to upgrade)04:14
frogzooGreyGhost: it's not actually compulsory to upgrade every 6 months04:14
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hastesaverfrogzoo, I upgraded to edgy only a couple of hours ago :-)04:15
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.04:15
frogzoohastesaver: yeh, I'm thinking about it, but don't relish reinstalling everything04:16
GreyGhosthastesaver , yeah i heard bout the upgrade problems ... so i plan on a clean install..... :) ...thanks04:16
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd04:17
GreyGhostok ..... THANKS ALL !!!!!04:17
=== Gerrath_ [n=Gerrath@c-71-236-114-74.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:17
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stoorty!root password04:18
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:18
JellowI have a problem with my xchat charsets and I need help plz. I former used Suse and there i had an xchat charset called "IRC (Latin-1/UTF-8 Hybrid)" but now under Edgy this charset seem not to exist. Now I got problems with the German special chars (umlaut). Cann anybody help me to find a way to get this charset under edgy xchat?04:18
hastesaverfrogzoo, I retained my /home, though. So all my settings are still here. All the required reinstallation should be done in one night, I estimate (with my SLOW connection)04:18
whyameye_trying to mount raid1 in LiveCD...device already mounted or <mount-point> busy. Neither is the case.04:18
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John_pootnewbie to chat here- is the 'correct' place to moan/ask about USB delays on boot?04:19
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stojanceHow do I install the nVidia beta drivers that might replace Xgl and AIGLX on dapper?04:19
AldolielJohn_poot, moan away04:19
John_pootSeeems to me that there is a hitch in USB recognition during the boot process - like about 30 seconds worth at times04:20
=== kal0 [n=kal0@cpe-66-25-171-20.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sceohow does someone install previous versions of software?  example: I upgraded to edgy, and I want to install MythTV.  However, the current version in the ubuntu repositories is myth 0.20, but I need myth 0.19.  I have a repo setup that has 0.19 I believe, but synaptic shows me only some 0.19 versions, ones that aren't usurped by .20 version in the ubuntu repo.04:20
AldolielAlso, does anybody know how to get printing to a windows shared printer to work properly04:21
no_gatez_fanJohn_poot/ did the hardware run ok before04:21
frogzoohastesaver: sure, and I don't know why the installer doesn't default to /home on a separate partition04:21
Dheeraj_kis it beneficial to compile and install latest version of kernel over preinstalled  kernel?04:21
AldolielDheeraj_k, depends on your circumstances, whether you really need the latest kernel, optimisations, etc.04:22
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frogzooAldoliel: admin -> printing -> add printer04:22
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John_pootYup - Edgy and a few changes - to wit, a new mouse and keyboard - both USB, but the originals were USB handled quite well by Dapper.04:22
desaparecidooI have to install ubuntu over Toshiba satellite04:22
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dcordeswhen i login with my root account it works fine. but with the added user it won't work04:22
desaparecidooAny problems on this notebook?04:23
=== Cha\ [i=jbCcRqge@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu
dterhow do I delete a package including dependencies?04:23
dterlike 'kdebase'04:23
desaparecidooor some How to?04:23
TankCan anyone see how this can happen? http://img350.imageshack.us/img350/1396/ubuntuprobsxf8.png04:23
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Aldolielfrogzoo, I've done that, it's just that whenever I print to the shared printer, it never actually prints, just seems to sit in the queue on the windows box04:23
TankI have chosen a partition as / but it tells me I didn't :/04:23
hastesaverdter, apt-get autoremove , I think. I'm not sure04:23
dterhold on04:23
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Aldolieldesaparecidoo, Don't see why there would be, more details might help though04:23
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sceotank: I think / needs to be on a primary, not a logical04:24
derFlohow can i burn a xvid movie to a dvd that every standard dvd player can play it?04:24
dterdoesnt work =[04:24
whyameye_dapper LiveCD: raid1 is active according to dmesg but it doesn't appear to be mounted and I can't seem to mount it.04:24
dcordesi would really appreaciate it if somebody could scroll up and check for my pure_ftp user problem04:25
frogzooAldoliel: have you tried the jet direct protocol ?04:25
stojanceCan someone help?04:25
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Tanksceo: Thanks, can i make it primary instead of logical in any way?04:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:25
Aldolielfrogzoo, What is that?04:25
zspada15how do i align my printer?04:25
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:25
frogzooAldoliel: it's the protocol the stand alone print servers use04:26
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:26
derFlohow can i burn a xvid movie to a dvd that every standard dvd player can play it?04:26
sceotank: during the partitioning process you'll need to do that; also, I think you're limited to 4 primary partitions04:26
=== qazser [n=user1@eu85-85-7-198.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
AldolielThanks, I'll look into it04:27
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stojance!nvidia beta04:27
frogzoosceo: best to use one of the primaries as an extended partition04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia beta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
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hastesaverderFlo, I don't know, because I've never tried it, but there is a KDE app called qdvdauthor that looked promising.04:28
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derFlohastesaver, thanks for the tip04:28
=== XiXaQ [n=joerlend@26-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu
zspada15anyone familiar with aligning print cartgriges with lexmarks?04:29
gavin_I'm trying to install menumaker, and the website just says "/configure; make; make install sequence", can anyone explain what it means by that?04:29
Tanksceo: Okay, thanks for helping, I'll try to figure it out :)04:29
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zylchedo ./configure in the directory04:29
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gavin_ok, i got that far04:30
AldolielHmmm... I don't think I can  use JetDirect, I'm using windows to share the printer....04:30
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zylchethen make04:30
zylchethen make install sequence04:30
zylcheit's the order of commands04:30
gavin_yes, but make doesn't find anything04:30
hastesavergavin_, wait, what is menu maker, and why isn't there an equivalent in the repos? :-)04:30
zspada15i really need to align this cartigdes04:30
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Aldolielzspada15, Isn't there an option to do it from the front panel?04:30
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gavin_hastesaver: I'm not sure why, its for editing the debian menu system.04:31
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gavin_hastesaver: i.e. with fluxbox.04:31
NET||abusehey guys, anyone know about amd64 flash availability at all??04:31
zspada15Aldoliel, yes, but i dont know exactly how to alight without printing too many pages04:31
hastesavergavin_, doesn't Alacarte work?04:31
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sliptteesj #ubuntu-b04:32
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gavin_hastesaver: it very well could, I was told to look at menumaker, that's all.04:32
Aldolielzspada15, Doesn't it do it automatically, it should only use two pages or thereabouts04:32
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sliptteeswriter on partition hfs+ of Mac OS X 10.4.8?04:32
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hastesavergavin_, try alacarte menu editor. it's in the repos; easier and safer to install it04:32
gavin_hastesaver: its for gnome04:33
kinematixhi guys, did anyone here managed to have xgl working?04:33
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gavin_hastesaver: im using fluxbox04:33
sliptteesit's me???04:33
zspada15Aldoliel, but i dont know how/what to print04:33
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AldolielOh, right...04:33
=== fenrig [n=fenrig@d54C2D851.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
hastesavergavin_, oh, sorry :-) (For a moment, I forgot that fluxbox was a WM and thought it was a media player or something :-))04:33
AldolielWhat model is it?04:33
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zspada15Aldoliel, Lexmark Z2204:34
gavin_hastesaver: lol. I'm sure someody would be offended by that ;  P.04:34
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sliptteesplease, somebody could help me to write in partition HFS+?04:34
fenrigwhat is the alternative cd04:34
FortisIs it hard to get access to a NTFS drive under ubuntu04:35
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:35
zspada15Fortis, no04:35
zylcheto read, not really, write, very hard04:35
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Fortisthanks for link04:35
zspada15bots overloaded04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ct - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:35
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:35
gavin_zylche: so it just says "nothing to be done xxxx" for all the subfolders04:35
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse04:35
fenrigcan i ask something04:36
fenrigwhat for is the alternative ubuntu cd for?04:36
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sliptteeszspada15: help me man!04:36
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zspada15slipttees, read the linnk04:36
gavin_zylche: there is a generic install readme that says I should type "make install", and that compiles some things but it doesn't appear to do what im expecting it to do04:36
hastesaverfenrig, that's to use if the usual one doesn't work04:36
Aldolielfenrig, It's for text mode and server installs...04:36
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hastesaverfenrig, for systems with low RAM, etc.04:37
sliptteeszspada15: already I made everything this and it did not advance!04:37
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fenrigso if i have a system with 128ram04:37
John_pootError from syslog: Dec  3 00:23:04 SAMBO kernel: [17179599.780000]  usb 6-3: device descriptor read/64, error -110, That device is:04:37
fenrigi would better use the alternative?04:37
zspada15slipttees, i dont know how to help u04:37
ryanakcais there a command to output information about your soundcard? lspci gives me the basic stuff, but not enough...04:37
=== Mitak [n=dimitar@host-194-50-76-35.w-co-bg.com] has joined #ubuntu
hastesaverfenrig, I guess so, yes. But are you even sure Ubuntu will run well after installation? (I think it should, but not sure)04:38
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fenrigdoes anyone04:38
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fenrigknows a distro that is for weak pc's04:38
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sliptteesj #mac04:38
fenrigand looks like ubuntu04:38
zspada15fenrig, ubuntu04:38
zspada15fenrig, possibly debian04:38
kinematixis it possible to have the volume control in the upper bar to map to 2 device tracks? I can only point to one and it happens my ICE based chip has distinctive track controls for DAC Left and Right04:39
=== kikokos [n=jer@xdsl-19888.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ReolosiWill Ubuntu run okay on my older machine -- a P3 with 128MBytes of RAM?04:39
zspada15Reolosi, it will run awesomely04:39
ReolosiReally? Even the current release?04:39
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huiber1fenrig: look untu xubuntu04:39
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"04:39
zspada15Reolosi, it runs on my p2 350 mhz, with only 256 megs of ram04:39
hastesaverReolosi, newer releases are being optimised more, AFAICT :-)04:39
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sliptteesaaarrrgggg :@04:40
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AldolielReolosi, you'd be better with xubuntu considering the amount of ram04:40
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ReolosiWhy is Xubuntu better for weak systems?04:40
hastesaverfenrig, you can use Ubuntu. Try it and see. If it is very slow, you can still use Ubuntu, but something other than GNOME (like XFCE (xubuntu) or something)04:40
Fortiscan I run KDE apps under GNOME?04:40
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hastesaverFortis, yes04:40
zspada15Aldoliel, how about my printer?04:40
stroanybody got the intel high definition audio running on edgy? it's also called 82801G04:40
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hastesaverReolosi, because XFCE requires less resources? But this is a circular answer... the only answer is "because." :-)04:41
fenrigand uhm04:41
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stroanother problem ... when i use compiz, the active window dashes off to another virtual screen as soon as i press 'Alt'04:41
fenrigwhat are the recommends04:41
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fenrigof ubuntu?04:41
zspada15Reolosi, XFCE is affectionately known as the cholesterol free environment04:41
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peciskwhich package contains Caplets in System => Preferences and Administration?04:42
John_pootYeah, well - 4 years since I infested IRC....  the device is 006:001, supposedly connected to nothing.04:42
Aldolielzspada15, I'm still looking, give me a sec04:42
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hastesaverfenrig, what do you mean?04:42
fenrigwhen does04:42
fenrigwith what amount of take ram does ubuntu feels comfortable using04:43
ReolosiWell, thanks hastesaver and aldoliel, downloading the newest Xubuntu now... hopefully it works on my machine, the last 2 distros I tried didn't04:43
huiber1fenrig: >25604:44
AldolielReolosi, Good luck!04:44
fenrigand gpu?04:44
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kleesdoes anyone know if there's a bug setting system sounds under System->Preferences->Sound ??04:44
Aldolielzspada15, I can't see any way of doing it, the lexmark site only mentions the windows software04:45
kleesi've set sounds for all the events and i don't hear them except for login and logout04:45
=== Caplain [n=matt@96.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
davorklees can you hear mp3's etc?04:45
kleesdavor: yes i can04:46
kleesagain, i can hear the login and logout sounds04:46
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kleesthey're set in there04:46
effie_jayxklees,  cehck the sound properties04:46
davorklees are the other sound events pointing to a sound file? have you selected what file to play?04:46
effie_jayxall other soudns are disabled by default...04:46
effie_jayxI think04:46
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effie_jayxnoob001, hello04:46
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kleesi set them all to generic.wav04:47
noob001can anyone give me some tech support, i'd like to get wpa working04:47
huiber1fenrig: and gpu? you mean grapics card?04:47
=== A3n [n=adrien@ip-81-11-169-104.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kleesi can play the sound file as well04:47
kleeseffie_jayx: how do i check the sound properties?04:47
ManeHello. Have a problem with my ipw2100 under edgy eft... could anybody help me ?04:47
noob001i've setup my wpa_supplicant.conf file but when i do "sudo wpa_supplicant -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w"04:47
A3nit worked, i didnt get build-essential but i did get 'make' and ndiswrapper04:47
fenriggraphic card04:47
kleesthat's where i am04:47
noob001i get the following error04:47
noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported04:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:48
A3nand iwlist eth2 scan , scanned successfully04:48
effie_jayxin the system sound frame04:48
huiber1fenrig: anaything that can display >= 1024x76804:48
effie_jayxwhat can you see?04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
r7^blacki just installed ubuntu x64, but it does the loading screen bit, then just displays a static underscore (_) in the top left of the screen. when i hit enter it plays bongos sound? help me04:48
=== stormy| [n=stormy@pool-71-123-223-144.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
A3nbut i still dont have internet04:48
noob001do i need to compile and install madwifi with wpa support???04:48
huiber1fenrig: any supported card with more than 2MB of ram04:49
davorklees perhaps there's a log-file in /var/log that can help you?04:49
noob001hmm is everyone bussy?04:49
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bitflipr7^black: what kind of video card are you using?04:49
r7^blacki just installed ubuntu x64, but it does the loading screen bit, then just displays a static underscore (_) in the top left of the screen. when i hit enter it plays bongos sound? help me04:49
kleesdavor: i'll check that.  the funny thing is i can play any sound i select for an event but when the event occurs it doesn't play the sound04:49
=== whyameye_ [n=cratel@ip68-102-23-64.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
r7^blackplease :(04:49
purnimaWell i would like to know about Ubiquity04:49
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noob001how to get wpa working with madwifi on edgy please04:50
huiber1r7^black: it looks like your diplay/monitor is not able to display X, but X is up and running04:50
A3niwconfig eth2 (my card) gives Access Point: Invalid, what do i have to do to make my internet work?04:50
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huiber1noob001: it depends heavily on your wifi card04:50
r7^blackwhat dus tht mean?04:50
davorklees yeah, i think what you need to find out first is exactly where the problem occurs. is it that it tries to play the sound and that it doesn't work, or is it having trouble sensing the event. it might even be that the configuration program actually isn't writing what you want it to, to the conf-file.04:50
A3ni installed ndiswrapper and the drivers using ndiswrapper -i driver.inf04:50
=== FayWray_ [n=anke@dslb-088-073-123-159.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
noob001wpa madwifi edgy04:50
whyameyecramfs: wrong magic --- what sort of error message is this?!?04:51
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huiber1r7^black : you might try selecting another resolution in your xorg.conf04:51
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kleesdavor: correct but that's where my limited knowledge halts =(04:51
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davortry to do something where you want to hear a sound, and then check which log-files have been changed (ls -la)04:51
noob001me wants wpa!! lol come on can't anyone help?04:51
r7^blacky i cant doanything tho04:51
huiber1noob001: no, I don't do wpa, it's a free country :-)04:51
r7^blackiload up as in it shows grey scale ubunto logo and loading bar, then prettymuch crashed04:52
davordo what you want to do, then "ls -l /var/log". if one of those files has a change-date that matches when you did that, then check it04:52
noob001well F* your country04:52
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@fl-71-1-201-22.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
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adz21chey, I am running Edgy 6.10 amd64. When I first log in to KDE (yes it is Kubuntu I am running but I have a lack of response in #kubuntu and I am not sure if it is KDE specific or just a general graphics problem) all my colours look like they are on a low setting (like 256 colors to 16bit area), however soon as I run glxgears everything looks normal (ie 24 bit colors) till I reboot. Any ideas why this could be and how I could04:52
adz21cfix it?04:52
=== nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2E736.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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huiber1r7^black :  press ctrl-alt-F1 your text console should come up04:52
balalapeople i running linux ubuntu and how i can listen music ??04:52
balalawhat program i need ?04:52
noob001just get vlc04:52
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r7^blackthen is there summat i have totype in?04:52
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balalacan somebody tell me ??04:52
=== slicky [n=slicky@c83-249-37-33.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
huiber1r7^black : yep, username [enter]  then password04:53
kleesdavor: no luck04:53
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noob001balala go in add/remove program and in the search put in vlc04:53
GNU_purnima, why dont you read wiki04:53
r7^blackp.s. sorry thisis firsttime on linux ever04:53
GNU_purnima, wiki.ubuntu.com04:53
kleesdavor: i'm under Edgy btw04:53
Slingkyi have 2 hdd.1st contains vista, 2nd contains ubuntu. i installed grub on hd1 but it doesn't seem to boot. do you have an idea ?04:53
kleesdavor: it used to work fine in Dapper04:53
huiber1r7^black : it's ok, first time is allways wierd ;-)04:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:53
slickyhey.. how do i recompile the kernel module ?04:53
huiber1!wpa > noob00104:54
M3G4cruxanyone who has upgrade to edgy from dapper has problemas with fonts (for instance dictionary complaining about fonts, etc)04:54
r7^blackso one ive entered username and pw?04:54
huiber1r7^black : your logged in?04:54
balalaSOMEBODY KNOW ???04:54
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balalapeople i running linux ubuntu and how i can listen music ??04:54
=== delonnor [n=delonnor@p57A9567B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
balalacan somebody tell me ??04:54
noob001hey just one question do i need to install a new MAdwifi driver to get WPA to work???04:54
davorklees hmm.. frankly I have no idea. it doesn't sound like a sound-problem, tough. i would guess that it has to do with the conf-file.04:54
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:54
r7^blackwell problem is its on this machine04:54
noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported04:54
r7^blackand ihadd to boot into xp to get support lol04:54
huiber1noob001: like I said, it depends on ypur card04:54
noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported04:54
kleesdavor: do u know where the conf-file is?04:54
=== nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2E736.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
adz21chey, I am running Edgy 6.10 amd64. When I first log in to KDE (yes it is Kubuntu I am running but I have a lack of response in #kubuntu and I am not sure if it is KDE specific or just a general graphics problem) all my colours look like they are on a low setting (like 256 colors to 16bit area), however soon as I run glxgears everything looks normal (ie 24 bit colors) till I reboot. Any ideas why this could be and how I could04:54
adz21cfix it?04:54
noob001how so?04:54
=== IcyT [n=icyt@p3EE3B0A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
davorklees what is the program called that you are trying to alter? i would guess that it's somewhere under .gnome204:55
huiber1r7^black : I can help (I think) but I need you to type commands on the broken machine and give me feedback04:55
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Slingkyi forgot: grub detecs vista and ubuntu but both don't start, do you have an idea ?04:55
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r7^blackill have to get me laptop04:55
r7^blackwill u be here in like 5 mins?04:55
kleesdavor: gnome-sound-properties04:56
finalbetaM3G4crux, https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/emacs21/+bug/5780304:56
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noob001hey thanls huiber some nice docs there :)04:56
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huiber1thank the uboto bot04:56
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Caminitocan someone tell a newbie how to unpackage a file, pleasE?04:57
Shockhey I need help installing ubuntu..04:57
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Shockcan someone help me?04:57
ShockI am getting buffer i/o errors04:57
davorklees check this out, it's a pretty long thread tough. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544904:57
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Caminitoi had that happen and let it run for a couple of hours and it started04:58
kleesdavor: will do.  i appreciate ur help04:58
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Caminitothe hardware finally didn't seem to support it04:58
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Caminitosame drive puked on Windows, also04:58
slickydo i need to  recompile the kernel module  when i followd this guide: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide   ??04:58
M3G4cruxthanks finalbeta it seems like interesting link for me04:58
ShockI am getting buffer I/O errors04:58
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Shockwhen I run the live cd04:58
Shockcan someone help me?04:59
huiber1shock: are your sure the CD is burned correctly?04:59
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Shockhuiber1, yeah04:59
ShockI think so, but I get i/o errors when I check the disk for defects05:00
JJRR123Jamesroseim getting this error on the apt-get notification icon05:00
JJRR123JamesroseA Error occured, Please run the package manager from the right click menu or apt-get on a terminal to see what is wrong. The error messege was: 'Error: opening cache (E:could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (13 permission denied, E the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.05:00
huiber1shock: tried diabling dma05:00
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Shockwhats dma?05:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:00
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA05:00
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noob001hey apt-get his stalled on fr.archive.ubuntu.com is there a way to make it move on to another mirror or something??05:00
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noob001https://help.ubuntu.com why ssl?05:01
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive05:01
xunubui compiled a 2.6.19er kernel on edgy, but it dos not boot after kernel launched. but if i apply init=/bin/bash i get a shell.05:01
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Shockhuiber1, how do I disable it before installing ubuntu?05:02
huiber1noob001: try selecting another mirror in synaptic05:02
xunubuany idea how to initiate upstart boot-process in self compiled kernels?05:02
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huiber1shock: wait a sec, it can be diabled with an grub option05:02
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praveer_fedoramy friends p3 system hanged when installing from ubuntu live05:02
xunubupraveer_fedora, 6.06 or 6.06.1 ?05:02
huiber1shock : something like ide=no-dma or something, I'll try a google05:02
xunubutry 6.06.1 since 6.06 is buggy05:03
JJRR123JamesroseIm getting this error05:03
JJRR123JamesroseA Error occured, Please run the package manager from the right click menu or apt-get on a terminal to see what is wrong. The error messege was: 'Error: opening cache (E:could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (13 permission denied, E the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.05:03
praveer_fedoraxunubu: i donno for sure05:03
praveer_fedoraxunubu: must be 6.0605:03
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praveer_fedoraxunubu: he got it days back05:03
huiber1shock: yes, at boot , select "edit boot options"05:03
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JohnP789Does vesafb generally work with PCI Express nvidia cards?  Mine doesn't seem to work.  With either 6.06 or 6.10 LiveCDs, I just see garbled lines instead of gdm.05:03
huiber1shock: then append "ide=no-dma"05:03
praveer_fedoraxunubu: is there a way to restart x in such cases05:04
Shockuhh ok.. lemme try05:04
praveer_fedoraxunubu: or any boot paramaters for older system05:04
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xunubupraveer_fedora, dont know where the installation got broken - so i guess doing a installation from a fresh cd is much better05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
huiber1shock: you might want to delete the "splash" and "quit" paramters05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
praveer_fedoraxunubu: fresh cd?05:05
tuckerm|laptopI lost my ethernet drivers again on my dell. Any idea why?05:05
praveer_fedoraxunubu: u mean newest release05:05
r7^blacklaptophuiber1 > i pressed ctrl+slt+f1 and am logged in, what do i do next? thnks05:05
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : first stop X/gdm: "/etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:06
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renjith171i hav downloaded Firefox 2 fr Dapperdrake .. how do i make it available in the panel ...coz in the panel the previous 1.5 version exists ..!!05:06
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HymnToLifehuiber1, sudo will help here ;)05:06
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : sorry you need to be root to do this05:06
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HymnToLiferenjith171, there's a wiki page about instaling FF2.0, search for it :)05:06
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : "sudo su" first05:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:06
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xunubupraveer_fedora, try 6.10 or 6.06.1 - and in your friends case, i would use the alternate cd which installs from a text mode interface and is much more robust05:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:07
tuckerm|laptopI lost my ethernet drivers on my dell, how do i get them back?05:07
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renjith171can i know which room offers me solutions regarding burning DVD images into DVD ROM05:08
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:08
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:08
JohnP789The binary driver howto would be more helpful if it didn't assume you could see something on the screen.05:09
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saladintrying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off"05:09
r7^blacklaptophuiber1>no such file or diecory?05:09
Aldolielrenjith171,  That help05:09
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renjith171i hav a normal avi file how shud i convert it into the dvd format ?05:09
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JohnP789A newb with my system would be totally stuck.05:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:09
puremi just installed ubuntu linux for the first time and I have a bit of a bug/problem05:09
kharlosshow to configure my DNS ?   /etc/resolv.conf    doesn`t exist05:09
astopy"E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package rar."  is this something that will just fix itself with a future apt-get update?05:09
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : try again "/etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:10
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puremthe problem is when I minimize firefox it looses it's top bar (with maximize, minimize, etc) in it, and the window is unmovable and non-resizable05:10
puremdragging the bottom right corner doesn't resize.05:10
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puremso it's just a little box in the top left corner05:11
renjith171Aldoliel:BOTH the rooms are empty05:11
r7^blacklaptopit jus keeps saying no such file or directory05:11
ryanakcahow can I find out what kind of (brand) ethernet card I'm using?05:11
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : did you do a "sudo su" ?05:11
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noelferreira_hi people05:11
stoorty^gonepurem have you updated firefox?05:11
Venomhuiber1, I cant find the no dma option anywhere in my bios05:11
VenomI am shock05:11
noelferreira_why can't i open firefox in edgy?05:11
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noelferreira_does anyone knows?05:12
huiber1venom: it not an bios option, it for grub05:12
saladintrying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off" any ideas. I see numerous people had the same error ,but no concrete solution05:12
puremnot since i installed linux05:12
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puremhow do I update firefox?05:12
puremsodu apt update?05:12
Venomhow do i get into grub if i have not installed ubuntu yet?05:12
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:12
aoupiryanakca: lspci05:12
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : try "cd /etc" then "cd init.d" then ls05:12
huiber1r7^blacklaptop :  what do you see?05:12
kharlosshow to configure my DNS ?   /etc/resolv.conf    doesn`t exist  what can i do ?05:12
fooshIs there a new version of Firefox out?05:12
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huiber1venom: it starts your life cd05:13
noelferreira_people. i can't run firefox. why?05:13
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Venomok so where do i type it?05:13
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shockyeah so where do i type it?05:13
shockin the more options?05:13
huiber1shock: at the boot screen there normaly are some options to edit the boot command line05:13
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shockin F6, more options?05:13
huiber1shock: sounds good05:14
noelferreira_need help05:14
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shockwhat do i type?05:14
noelferreira_anyone? i can't open firefox05:14
renjith171I am not able to install  limewire through  apt-get install limewire05:14
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ryanakcaaoupi: 01:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller (rev 01)      ?05:14
huiber1shock: I don't know off the top of my head, what does it say?05:14
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renjith171I am not able to install  limewire through  apt-get install limewire05:15
shocki pressed f6 and i got05:15
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shockboot options: [text input area] 05:15
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shockand theres a lot of text in it already05:15
huiber1shock: good, now edit the line05:15
shocklike file = /.../05:15
r7^blacklaptopok si i typed sudo su, then tried all of those lines and got either no such file or directory or comand not found05:15
huiber1shock: remove "splash" and "quiet"05:15
shockok and?05:16
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shocktheres a -- after that05:16
huiber1shock and append "ide=no-dma"05:16
shockdo i remove the -- too?05:16
huiber1shock: remove "--"05:16
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : what system are you runnig?05:16
shockand remove the quite and splash? right?05:16
dcordeshello Azoff- can i help you?05:16
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huiber1shock: yes05:17
r7^blacklaptop4200+ dual core05:17
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : unbntu? version?05:17
Azoffare there any known problems with nvidia-sata and kubuntu edgy (latest)?05:17
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shockok so it ends like root=/dev/ram rw05:17
r7^blacklaptopthe latest of website downloaded it todya05:17
shocknow what?05:17
dcordesAzoff: what is nvidia-sata?05:17
r7^blacklaptop6.1 i think05:17
huiber1shock: press ENTER05:17
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noob001can't get WPA to work05:17
dcordesAzoff: you mean the s-ata on your mainboard?05:17
Azoffdcordes: SATA on a nvidia based motherboard =)05:17
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noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported05:17
shocklots of lines coming up05:18
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shocklooooots of them05:18
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Rob21hey, my grub just messed up . I have 3 partitions hda1 ==> boot and hda3 ==> / . Which one do i chroot to reinstall grub ?05:18
huiber1shock: good, try to read em :-)05:18
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dcordesa good friend of mine runs a hard drive on his nforce2 based mainboard and it works fine and out-of-the-box05:18
dcordeson edgy05:18
dcordesAzoff ;-)05:18
huiber1r7^blacklaptop : there is no ubuntu 6.105:18
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renjith171My sys is toooooooooooo slow wen i open more than three applications in BERYL(Dapperdrake) ..05:19
shockis giving atapi reset complete05:19
shockstatus timeout05:19
huiber1shock: not good......05:19
r7^blacklaptopamd x2 4200+05:19
noob001HOW to get WPA working with madwifi?05:19
Azoffonce I begin installing in KDE, I'll get to where it tries to write grub-record, but boom. it is locked (hard). if I select to install using terminal only, it get's to where it unpacks stuff05:19
shockfailed opcode was unknown05:19
huiber1shock: it's dead05:19
delonnorhey guys... how can i pick on which of my virtual desktops to run a programm (through the terminal, of course)05:19
Azoffso, I'm thinking of kernel trouble05:19
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shockirq timeout status = 0xd005:19
shockhuiber1? what is dead?05:19
AzoffI recall that I had something similar in Gentoo a couple of years ago05:19
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huiber1shock: it means it wont work05:20
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shockis my cdrom dead?05:20
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huiber1shock: the kernel is losing io while reading/writeing to ide05:20
shockok so my cdrom dsnt work?05:20
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huiber1shock: it might be a bad burn05:20
shockI'll burn again05:20
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huiber1shock: might work05:21
shockbut it reads fine when i run it in windows05:21
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renjith171 My sys runs toooooooooooo slow wen i open more than three applications in BERYL(Dapperdrake)  ( P4 , 756MB RAM , 120GB HDD, swap 700MB)..pls help me05:21
huiber1shock: does the complete disk read fine, or just the directory listings?05:21
shockhey more lines coming up05:21
shockjust the directory listings05:22
noob001NO WPA in Network-Manager05:22
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huiber1shock: yes, the kernel will try to read for about forever. so more lines comming your way05:22
dcordesnoob001: NOW THAT'S a statement05:22
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noob001can't choose wpa in network manager for wireless security05:22
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frogzoorenjith171: have you tried making swap bigger, or add a swap file05:23
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shockhmm ok05:23
mixo8114wat's wrong05:23
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huiber1shock: you might be lucky, and it is just a failed CDR05:23
MisnixAzoff, test your memory, for instance using memtest8605:23
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : are you still here?05:24
r7^blacklaptopon phone05:24
mixo8114wat's wrong shock05:24
r7^blacklaptopmoaning girlfriend05:24
Ploujdoes anyone here use a Linksys WUSB54GC wireless adapter (the one with rt2x00 open source) drivers?05:24
saladintrying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off" any ideas. I see numerous people had the same error ,but no concrete solution05:24
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : try "cd /etc" and then "ls" (without the quotes, these are the commands you need to type at the commandline)05:24
AzoffMisnix: it's new hardware, but sure..05:24
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MisnixAzoff, it's just an idea ;-/05:25
noob001i get the following error when trying to connect to my wireless network with Network-Manager: " The requested wireless network requires security capabilities unsupported by your hardware "05:25
Nathan1993I just installed Edgy Eft, and appartently it detected my keboard wrongly. How can I get it to re-decect it? I cant use apostraphes.05:25
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huiber1r7^blacklaptop : you want to try later? and let your girlfriend not moan for a while :-)05:25
noob001i get the following error when trying to connect to my wireless network with Network-Manager: " The requested wireless network requires security capabilities unsupported by your hardware "05:25
mixo8114try changing the settings when u download05:26
huiber1noob001: loks like your card does not support wpa in linux,05:26
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mixo8114u might want to get netgear05:26
noob001it's an atheros card!05:26
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mixo8114great for ubuntu05:26
Caminitohow do I install flash?05:27
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:27
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Caminitono kidding?  i'll try it now05:27
mixo8114go on to a flash page and click download plugin Caminito05:27
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Jowi!wpa | noob00105:27
ubotunoob001: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:27
noob001doesn't help05:27
Nathan1993I need to change my keyboard map. I have the standard keyboard with windows keys, etc, and F1-F12, numpad, all the normal stuff. However, I can use apostraphe or quotes. Can anyone help me?05:28
huiber1mixo8114:or install flash with sysnaptic from the multiverse repos05:28
noob001it assumes that Network_manager lets you pick WPA05:28
noob001mine only let's me choose WEP05:28
Caminito!flash didn't work05:28
mixo8114good point05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash didn't work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
mordofalright i setup ssh on my server, and i can login with ssh, but then i try to use scp from my laptop to my server and i get this error: ssh:connect to host localhost port 22: Connection Refused    xfree: NULL pointer given as argument, what do these mean?05:28
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mordofand what do i do to solve them05:28
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huiber1caminito: read the page from the ubotu bot05:29
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saxofonerMy account freezes completely on login.  Is there a common cause for this?05:29
huiber1!flash > Caminito05:29
gpafixitgrr.. can I make xmms play CD music? I installed xmms-cdread .. and it opens when I put a cd in, but it won't play any... help?05:29
mixo8114try downloading plugins for it05:29
mordofnm i know what i was doing wrong05:29
mordoflocal files don't require user and host05:29
mixo8114google should find them for u05:29
noob001btw i resintalled madwifi so i don't have the one that came with ubuntu could this be the problem??05:29
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gpafixitmixo8114: I downloaded/installed (via synaptic) all the xmms cd related stuff I could see ..05:30
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noob001i get the following error when trying to do sudo wpa_supplicant -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w05:30
gpafixitOr, how can I make CD Player the default for cds again?05:30
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noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported05:30
noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported05:30
kharlosshi all    how to configure my DNS for internet browsing ?   /etc/resolv.conf    doesn`t exist  what can i do ?05:30
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mixo8114try settings, i don't have xmms so i would 'nt know but that is a good option05:30
raghu206did any one try oracle and java on ubuntu :?05:30
mixo8114java's fine05:31
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raghu206mixo8114, how did u establish connection (jdbc)05:31
mixo8114on wat05:31
noob001how to get wpa_supplicant to work with madwifi 0.92 on ubuntu edgy please?05:31
mixo8114hang on raghu20605:32
r7^blacklaptophello again huiber1 > i typed in a "cd /etc" and i now get a line starting with root@adamlinux:/etc#, any help?05:32
netihi noob001 i have the same problem *g*05:32
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noob001does madwifi have to be compiled in a certain way for wpa support???05:32
shockhey what is the md5 checksum for ubuntu 6.10 i386 iso image??05:32
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mixo8114to be honest raghu i don't actually know05:32
mixo8114try googling the error if there is one05:33
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mixo8114or search for help on google05:33
shockhey what is the md5 checksum for ubuntu 6.10 i386 iso image??05:33
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mixo8114it depends wat u want it for05:33
repartadwhat is cmoding?05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:33
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:33
mixo8114chmoding do u mean repartad05:33
Jowi!chmod | repartad05:33
uboturepartad: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:33
repartadyea mix. perhaps.05:33
mixo8114cause that's the access05:34
repartadI want to launch certain movies with vlc. by a cammand in the terminal.05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
mixo8114it's a command to change it05:34
raghu206mixo8114, i sat 12 hours searching i can understand nothing05:34
repartadmixo8114 I want to launch certain movies with vlc. by a cammand in the terminal.05:34
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mixo8114try typing vlc mabe that will work05:34
mobiletuxthe brown05:34
raghu206mixo8114, u have no idea atleast05:34
mixo8114also raghu, wat do u want it for05:34
mixo8114to play java games, set up a server05:34
repartadmixo8114: dude. I mean launch a file with vlc.05:35
saladincan someone please help me :  trying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off" any ideas. I see numerous people had the same error ,but no concrete solution05:35
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repartadmixo8114: something like "blah" launches vlc-play-x.mpg05:35
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raghu206mixo8114, to perform operations on oracle thru java(select.update..)05:35
mixo8114hang on05:35
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mixo8114ok raghu and repartad, i'll come back with answers hopefully05:35
raghu206mixo8114, i will be waiting for u05:36
kharlosshelp setup my network settings     here  my  /etc/network/interfaces05:36
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kharlossany advices ?05:36
mixo8114--vlm-conf <filename> retartad05:36
mixo8114raghu206 hang on05:37
mixo8114i'm trying05:37
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mixo8114try this place05:37
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mixo8114hope that helps05:38
mixo8114if it dos'nt tell me05:38
raghu206mixo8114, i will surely try05:38
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Jowikharloss, it looks good at first glance. can ping ?05:39
noob001hey for anyone haveing problems with madwifi-ng and WPA -> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00152.html05:39
mixo8114sorry noob001 dunno05:39
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kharlosseverithing it`s ok  but after restart my settings are all gone05:39
ZehrilaHello everybody!05:39
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gpafixitDoes anyone know where I can change the default player for audio cd roms? RIght now it is XMMS and that's just not working, I would like it to be the default CD Player ..05:39
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mixo8114Hi Zehrila (Dr. NIck style) lol05:40
ZehrilaHeh. =] 05:40
kharlossJowi : how can i do to automaticaly restore my network settings  ?05:40
mixo8114try using totem05:40
mixo8114it's more reliable05:40
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kharlossif i configure it with   ifconfig eth0 xxxxxxxxxxxxx  it`s ok05:40
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kharlossbut after restart i have to do this job again05:41
kharlossand again ..05:41
noob001how to apply this patch http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html ? can anyone please help05:41
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mixo8114kharloss try rebooting05:41
Jowikharloss, how about if you set it up in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf ?05:41
ZehrilaI just managed finally installing Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 after a few dozen tries from the live disc and a couple dozen from the alternative one after giving up on the live one but guess what? The only way I managed was a commandline-only installation.05:41
kharlossi rebooted a lot of times05:41
mixo8114ah well05:41
kharlossthe same thing05:41
noob001how to apply this patch http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html ? can anyone please help05:42
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mixo8114but i dunno05:42
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kharlossdhcclient ? no  it`s a static ip05:42
mixo8114i had problems with internet to05:42
noob001how to apply this patch http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html ? can anyone please help05:42
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ZehrilaNow I'd really want to know how to setup the desktop environment from the disc, and set it up to automatically launch whenever booting.05:42
kharlossi don`t have a dhcp server inside my nettwork05:42
ZehrilaAny help with that?05:42
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Jowikharloss, yes. set up the static one there05:42
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mixo8114have u tryed  searching the problem on google kharloss05:43
kharlossas you can see i settup one05:43
mixo8114i can see05:43
repartad<mixo8114> --vlm-conf <filename> retartad05:43
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repartadSo how can I alias that command as something?05:43
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noob001how to apply this patch http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html ? can anyone please help05:43
mixo8114hang on05:43
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Junkeyquestion for you guys, im new to linux/ubuntu.  i have an old dell machine (733mhz,500meg ram,20gig).  it has on board and a vid card.  when i try to boot to live cd with vid card the system locks up before the desktop.  when i boot the cd with on board vid it boots okay.  if i install unbuntu with the on board video should i be able to switch to the vid card and get it to work?  thanks05:43
saladincan someone please help me :  trying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off" any ideas. I see numerous people had the same error ,but no concrete solution05:43
repartadSo my gf can just type "Ice Age" then it runs --vlm-conf <filename>05:43
Jowikharloss, i bet that dhclient gets initiated at boot and overrides what you have in interfaces file.05:43
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noob001how to apply this patch http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html ? can anyone please help05:43
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FireCat!nvidia9 | trilliji05:43
ubotutrilliji: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)05:43
Jowikharloss, try to set it up in dhclient.conf and see if it works05:43
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usr13Anyone have any advise for a flatbed scanner that might be compatable with Linux?05:44
noob001oh for fucks sake will someone just look at the goddamned link http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00068.html05:44
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saxofonercould someone help me with my log in problem?05:44
Zehrilanoob001: Patience, my friend.05:44
ZehrilaThe helpers are only volunteers.05:44
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bitflipsuch emotion!05:44
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huiber1noob001: it is patch for gnoe-networkkmanager...05:45
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noob001yeah well i'm sure if someone just bothered to take a look they could easily answer the question05:45
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noob001yeah well how do you apply it05:45
huiber1noob001: are you sure you want to recompile gnome from sources?05:45
Spee_DerGood day folks.05:45
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ZehrilaI would have, if I knew enough about it but I'm a newbie myself, I suppose.05:45
usr13I'm looking for a scaner for photos05:45
noob001what can't i just recompile the network_manager???05:45
ZehrilaGood day, Spee_Der!05:45
raghu206mixo8114, how to set classpath ;?05:45
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usr13that will be compatable for this new Ubuntu system.05:46
usr13Any clues?05:46
ZehrilaSo, can anyone help me with my issue, please?05:46
huiber1noob001: go in the source tree then type. patch -p0 < patch_file.txt05:46
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usr13Zehrila: what is your issue?05:46
mixo8114i don't know reparted but try here http://www.videolan.org/doc/vlc-user-guide/en/ch04.html05:46
Rob21could somebody help me restoring grub. i messed up grub while installing windows>05:46
noob001ok but what source ? gnome source?05:46
knappAfter I install the Nvidia driver (9629) when I reboot the computer X server fails to start and gives this error message:"API mismatch: the Nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-9629." I can then reinstall the driver and X will start fine, but then when I reboot... same thing.05:46
JimmeyI want to get Gnome working without having to install Ubuntu-Desktop. What packages should I install on top of a server install?05:46
huiber1noob001: the patchfile would be a textfile containing the text in the link (the prgramm not the blahblah)05:46
mixo8114as for raghu206, i'll try and find out, soz for waiting05:46
kharlosshow can i manualy ad a DNS server ?05:46
Zehrilausr13: I finally managed installing Edgy and the only installation I could manage was a commandline-only one, from the alternative CD. Now I want to set it up with the GUI etc.05:47
Spee_DerZehrila, what's up ? I just got home from work 1/2 day.05:47
huiber1noob001: you need at least the sourcecode for the networkmanager package, and the gnome-dev packeges05:47
JimmeyZehrila, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:47
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mixo8114raghu, can u repeat, my server temporatialy broke05:47
Zehrilausr13: But I need to be able to do it using the packages available on the disc, rather than from the internet, since I'm on dialup and can't manage connecting using commandline.05:47
noob001and i apply the patch to the networtkmanager source and the gnome-dev packeges?05:47
mixo8114can u repeat the q05:47
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:47
huiber1noob001: but like the kernel doc say in many places: "If oyu don't know ehat this is all about, you probably don't need it"05:47
ZehrilaSpee_Der: Not much my end, just sorting Ubuntu out. =] 05:47
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ZehrilaHow was the day at work?05:48
noob001i want wpa05:48
JimmeyZehrila, edit /etc/apt/sources.list so that only the CD source is uncommented, then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:48
huiber1noob001: no the patch only alters the networkmanager05:48
Spee_DerNice and easy, for change.....05:48
Magillawhere's a good place to ask a shell scripting question?05:48
whyameyewhen ubuntu updates the kernel, the only kernel is left in the /boot partition. Can this simply be deleted?05:48
whyameyesorry only == old05:48
noob001it's supposed to make wpa_supplicant work with madewifi-ng05:48
Spee_DerOn the tele with the pound trying to locate another dog.....05:48
huiber1noob001: I wnat a ferrari and a big house, GIMME NOW!!05:48
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Spee_DerHey, good luck with Ubuntu, it is great stuff.....05:48
noob001sure but first you gimme my WPA!05:49
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mixo8114raghu206, can u repeat that plz05:49
ZehrilaJimmey: Alright, let me try that. One more thing...do I simply specify the CD drive as the source or do I need to provide the exact path on the CD drive?05:49
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huiber1noob001:it's a deal05:49
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raghu206mixo8114, how to set classpath ;?05:49
Rocondahow can I execute /usr/bin/whoami in bash?05:49
jku_whyameye, yes, but make sure the new kernel works first05:49
ZehrilaJimmey: And another thing; once I install ubuntu-desktop, would it make the whole system exactly like it would be in a default GUI installation? And would the GUI load by default when booting?05:49
JimmeyZehrila, you don't need to specify the drive. Infact, just make sure that all other sources that aren't  marked as a CDROM are commented out, and you should be fine. The CDROM source is already specified05:49
noob001and this is ubuntu suposedly a nice simple distro of linux05:49
JimmeyZehrila, yes05:49
KingsqueakRoconda: just type that and hit enter05:49
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ZehrilaJimmey: Oh, alright. That sounds fine and dandy. =] 05:50
whyameyeusing broadcom BCM4306 with ndiswrapper. WEP doesn't work. I know my basic WEP config is good because I have WEP working on several other laptops with dapper as well. Anything I should check?05:50
huiber1noob001: if you read the hardware compat list before buying a wifi card, you wouldn't have this problem05:50
ZehrilaI'll just reboot and give it a shot. Thanks again, ciao everyone!05:50
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noob001is there another way to get wpa with madwifi-ng without wpa_supplicant05:50
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noob001the compability list says madwifi05:50
bobesponjahey all05:50
Acugreetings, i would like to install apache 2.2.3 php5 and php my admin and i do not now why i was not able to make it work - is any order i should install them e.g mysql, apache, php5, phpmyadmin ?05:50
huiber1noob001: don't blame ubuntu, blame your card manufacturer for not support linux at all05:51
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RocondaKingsqueak: I mean in a script05:51
bobesponjais there a package for aiglx in edgy? I can't see it with apt-cache search05:51
noob001well the card works out of box with ubuntu just no madwifi05:51
KingsqueakRoconda: same thing, as you type it on the commandline, is how you can put it in the script05:51
noob001no wpa i mean05:51
huiber1noob001: compat list say madwifi for wpa, or for working wifi?05:51
noob001wpa_supplicant says madwifi05:51
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noob001http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00152.html but according to this madwifi-ng doesn't support WEXT05:52
huiber1noob001: then you might be lucky settingup wpa from a commandline, not the gnome network mananger05:52
RocondaKingsqueak: if [  "/usr/bin/whoami" != "root" ]  ; then, wont work05:52
noob001i tried it gives me05:52
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noob001ioctl[IEEE80211_IOCTL_DELKEY] : Operation not supported05:52
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mixo8114raghu try using the jdbc --classpath command and work out how to set it05:52
huiber1noob001: are you sure the card is aetheros,05:52
huiber1noob001: I heard about cards with the same name but different chips being sold05:53
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noob001it's why i bought it05:53
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porkpiehi guy's can anyone tell me what account courier-mta uses under ubuntu.   I am getting this error localhost courierpop3login: chdir Maildir: Permission denied05:53
noob001nope it's atheros05:53
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rathahi how can i make the menus transparent?05:53
huiber1noob001: I'm afraid I can't help you any more, cauz I dont encrypt my traffic ....05:53
mixo8114porkpie, try putting sudo before the command and then enter your passwd05:53
noob001you have wifi05:54
noelferreira_hi people05:54
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noelferreira_i can't open firefox in edgy anyone knows why?05:54
huiber1noob001: no my wife uses wifi,05:54
Spee_Derhi noel05:54
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porkpiemixo8114:where am i going to add that command05:54
KingsqueakRoconda: you want backticks on the command05:54
Jimmeynoelferreira, type "firefox" into a terminal, then tell us the output05:54
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noob001and you leave it open? aren't you aware of the risk involved?05:54
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meherenOS-Xhow do i set my keymap to dvorak in the kernel?05:54
noelferreira_nothing Jimmey05:54
KingsqueakRoconda: you want the output of whoami, the way you have it you are comparing literally "/usr/bin/whoami" with "root"05:55
r00t_can anyone tell me where is sources.lst located?05:55
mixo8114change the settings, cause the error says chdir , try set it so it does sudo chdir05:55
noelferreira_no output process goto sleeping Jimmey05:55
bitflipr00t_: /etc/apt05:55
huiber1noob001, I'm very aware of what is going on, for me or here, there is no "risk"05:55
RocondaKingsqueak: yes05:55
Dheeraj_knoelferreira_: awww05:55
KingsqueakRoconda: here's one   if [ `id -u` = "0" ]  ; then echo "you are root" ; fi05:55
noob001which country are you in?05:55
RocondaKingsqueak: thanks ;)05:55
Dheeraj_k r00t_: /etc/apt/sources.list05:55
meherenOS-Xubotu: !keymap05:55
noelferreira_you know the problem Dheeraj_k05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keymap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
r00t_thank you both :)05:56
huiber1noob001: you want to bring me my ferrari?05:56
KingsqueakRoconda: you see what I mean by backticks, it compares the output of the command with "0"05:56
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Dheeraj_knoelferreira_ type firefox in terminal and post the output05:56
noob001nah you haven't earnt it yet just wondering what the shipping fees would be05:56
knappAfter I install the Nvidia driver (9629) when I reboot the computer X server fails to start and gives this error message:"API mismatch: the Nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-9629." I can then reinstall the driver and X will start fine, but then when I reboot... same thing.05:56
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knappAnyone know?05:56
KingsqueakRoconda: the Advanced Bash Scripting guide or howto at http://www.tldp.org/ is awesome05:56
noelferreira_nothing Dheeraj_k05:56
porkpiemixo8114:Normally you would give courier access the location of the maildir but I cannot find out what perms or users it uses as it runs a deamon05:56
noelferreira_process is sleeping Dheeraj_k05:56
=== Rprp eat
RocondaKingsqueak: added as bookmark, thanks05:56
huiber1noob001: nice chatting with ya, but I got to run now05:56
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Jimmeyknapp, have you installed the right driver? There's two: nvidia-glx, and nvidia-glx-legacy05:57
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mixo8114try researching on how to find out05:57
noob001righto cya05:57
meherenOS-Xhow do i change my keymap to dvorak?05:57
mixo8114cause i've never used it05:57
meherenOS-Xim not using a gui...05:57
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knappjimmey I installed using the package from the nvidia site05:57
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Jimmeyknapp, oh,05:57
knappjimmey, can you tell me how I can remove it all and start fresh like it was upon install?05:57
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AyabaraI want to secure data I burn to a dvd. Figure I could either encrypt or use a packer with password protection. what would you advice?05:58
MrSteinHi! is there a (simple) ICS option in ubuntu (that is NAT for you techie guys :-)05:58
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Jimmeyknapp, I don't know05:58
Virogenesishm, I can't kill X WINDOWS ? I don't seem to have terminals at all, cus when I hit alt+ctrl+f1 I get a blank screen, the only thing that's running is the X and I need the terminal... how to kill x :)05:58
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mixo8114encrypt it Ayabara cause packers can be cracked05:58
meherenOS-Xhow do i set my keymap to dvorak (i don't have X)05:58
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MrSteinVirogenesis: you don't need to kill X. You need to open a terminal.05:58
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mixo8114and encryptions take longer to break05:58
JimmeyVirogenesis, CTRL + ALT + F2 + Wait a bit.05:58
Virogenesishow do you do that?05:58
mixo8114put's off attackers05:59
VirogenesisJimmey, let me try05:59
gpledhow do i tell what shell i am running?05:59
MrSteingpled:  echo $SHELL05:59
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gpledMrStein: thanks05:59
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Ayabaramixo8114, ok. any tools to recommend? I use truecrypt to encrypt my external harddrive.05:59
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VirogenesisJimmey, Im still waiting, but nothing is happening ... Blank screen ...05:59
MrSteinVirogenesis: start a getty on vt1 (look in /etc/inittab and hope there are examples)05:59
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r00t_please look at this thread05:59
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meherenOS-Xhow do i set my keymap to dvorak (i don't have X)05:59
VirogenesisMrStein, Allright, Thanx ima check it out ! :)05:59
mixo8114all the encryption i've done is my own making and u don't want that06:00
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mixo8114cause i did it specifically for my os06:00
genjixIs anyone here connected using BT with the speedtouch alcatel modems? I'm about to install ubuntu and want to know if it'll work afterwards?06:00
HamsDa1hello guys06:00
mixo8114try using that truecrypt, if it's flawed i'll come back to u06:00
Dheeraj_knoelferreira_: ctrl+alt+backspace06:00
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PckHi, I try to start beryl but I get the folowing error : beryl: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing06:00
porkpieCan anyone tell me the default location for the Maildir location for courier please06:01
MrSteinmeherenOS-X:  loadkeys dvorak # check all available options by listing /usr/share/../keyboards or simialr, do a find or locate for the file with name "slovene*"06:01
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meherenOS-XMrstein, ok thanks06:01
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erUSULgenjix: i'm not now but i once was connected with a speedtouch06:02
HamsDa1I tried to reach google with ff on ubuntu(installed on VMWare, using Bridged Network), but it won't load... :/06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speedtouch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
genjixerUSUL, no problems right?06:02
HamsDa1I already tried ping google and my DNS-Server and it's working06:02
HamsDa1can some1 tell me, what's wrong?06:02
KingsqueakMrStein: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/IptablesFirewall06:02
LokuWhen booting Ubuntu 6.10 AMD64, I get the boot menu (GRUB) and choose either Ubuntu or Ubuntu's 'safe mode', and watch it load for a bit, then it crashes out of loading with 'Target filesystem does not have /sbin/init, Busybox V1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash), /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off'06:02
erUSULgenjix: no bu you need a connection to install the modem so you have a sort of catch 22 problem06:03
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LokuCan anyone help me? I get an (initramfs) prompt and I don't know what to do from there.06:03
genjixcan't I download all the stuff first, install ubuntu?06:03
genjixlike the firmware .etc06:03
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KingsqueakMrStein: a simpler GUI solution is 'firestarter' http://www.fs-security.com/    'sudo apt-get install firestarter' to install it06:04
Virogenesisnope <MrStein> Virogenesis: start a getty on vt1 <--- I don't understand this ... my problem is I can't ctrl + alt + f1 to a normal terminal window, its blank...06:04
Rieswhat package provides me the mail command?06:04
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erUSULgenjix: yes you can see here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch06:04
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genjixah erUSUL you're the best!06:04
genjixthanks :)06:04
KingsqueakRies: 'mailx' is one06:04
Ayabaraanyone? what application/algorithm can I use to encrypt files and filenames before burning them to a dvd?06:04
raghu206mixo8114, where can i find thin jdbc driver as mentined in tutorial06:05
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MrSteinKingsqueak: 10x06:05
mixo8114wat's it called06:05
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mixo8114the driver06:05
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gpledi made a change to my .bashrc.  is their a way i can reload my bash, with out loging out?06:05
savvasAyabara: 7-zip them with a password ?06:05
KingsqueakMrStein: no prob06:05
lamegogpled, . ~/.bashrc06:06
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MrSteinVirogenesis: you can't switch to the terminal, because it is not running. By "start on VT!" i did not mean "switch to VT1 and do something there", but "using the existing interface staert a probgram that will start the terminal on the VT1"06:06
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Pckso ?? ...=====>>  I try to start beryl but I get the folowing error : beryl: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing06:06
raghu206mixo8114, yah its driver06:06
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.06:06
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:06
catalinuxhi there. how can I find out which packages does ubuntu-desktop install ?06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdbc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
MrSteinJDC= Java DataBase Connectivity ?06:07
Ayabarasavvas, that is indeed an option, but for "top secret data" it would be better to encrypt.06:07
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RiesKingsqueak: works for me...thanks06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initramfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
AzoffMisnix: memtest86 runs fine with 2 passes currently.06:07
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ubotubusybox: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 283 kB, installed size 516 kB06:07
MrSteinBye and thabks for the help.06:07
catalinuxhi there. how can I find out which packages does ubuntu-desktop install ?06:07
raghu206MrStein, can u guide me how to connect between java and oracle in ubuntu06:07
Kingsqueakcatalinux: apt-cache showpkg ubuntu-desktop06:07
MrStein(damn typos)06:07
savvasAyabara: use a longer password then :)06:07
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MrSteinraghu206:  sorry, no :-)06:07
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mixo8114raghuecho $CLASSPATH06:08
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Andypat10! info | ubuntu-desktop06:08
ubotuPackage  does not exist in edgy06:08
mixo8114CLASSPATH=.:[file]  try that06:08
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megar0many help ?06:08
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EldaWhat type of things are generally contained in the universe thing for programs that are generally commercial or are restricted due to license?06:08
Ayabarasavvas, :-), is p7zip the 7-zip packer for ubuntu?06:08
Andypat10!info | ubuntu-desktop06:08
ubotuPackage  does not exist in edgy06:08
catalinuxKingsqueak, did you know I love you ? :D06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcDriver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
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KingsqueakI am well loved06:09
gpledlamego:  thanks06:09
raghu206mixo8114, where can i find thin jdbc driver as mentined in tutorial06:09
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mixo8114try googling it06:09
catalinuxKingsqueak, thanks man. :D06:09
Kingsqueakno prob06:09
mixo8114cause i only just found that tutorial06:09
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ubotuinfo: Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.8.dfsg.1-1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 159 kB, installed size 328 kB06:09
HamsDa1I hope somebody can help: I installed Ubuntu on VMWare(using Bridged Network) and I am able to ping my DNS-Server, modem, other PCs in networks, ... But I can't load www.google.de with ff...can someone help me?06:09
mixo8114this is new to me06:09
meherenOS-Xheh... wow 4 more people and 1k...06:09
=== noelferreira [n=noel@10001239831.0000018639.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu
r00t_please look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1835623#post183562306:09
noelferreirahi people06:10
mixo8114hi r00t06:10
savvasAyabara: yes, there's also p7zip-full, i don't know the difference though. apt-cache search 7z06:10
noelferreirai can't open firefox and thundirbird06:10
noelferreiraanyone knows why?06:10
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ubotunumlockx: enable NumLock in X11 sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 88 kB06:10
dequeHamsDa1: can you look up DNS names?06:10
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Kingsqueaknoelferreira: open a terminal window and type 'firefox' what does it tell you?06:10
ubotuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock06:10
noelferreiranothing Kingsqueak06:10
dequeHamsDa1: if your IP assigned via DHCP or by hand?06:10
noelferreirathe process go to sleep06:11
HamsDa1deque: sry, but I don't know how to =(06:11
HamsDa1I'm using DHCP in my network06:11
meherenOS-Xwhen i dop sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it always get's hafway through then my hard drvie stops.. and it can't read from it or write to it any ideas?06:11
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dequeHamsDa1: open a terminal and enter "nslookup www.google.com" and then paste the output to me in a PM if you can06:11
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Raskallshould there be any differences in config files on i386 and amd64 with the same distro and version? I have started using my amd64-server as a workstation too, and the limitations (no flashplayer, no w32codecs) is a bit irritating.06:12
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dequeHamsDa1: if you are running edgy (maybe dapper) you can also go to System -> Administration ->Network Tools and then click on the "lookup" tab and fill i nthe values06:12
alekaI am currently running Edgy and want to create a new partition on a mounted drive (NTFS) to install another instance of Edgy to test some stuff on. I installed gparted and The option to resize partitions or to create partitions is Greyed out.. I unmounted to partition and refreshed... it is still greyed out... How can I resize this NTFS partition? Is it also possible to have two Edgy installs on the same machine??06:12
Kingsqueaknoelferreira: maybe you don't have it installed...which is odd  try  'sudo apt-get install firefox'06:13
HirvinenRaskall: Search the Ubuntu wiki for how to create a 32 bit chroot for those things.06:13
HamsDa1I can send you a screenshot, deque, but I can't post my output, 'cause Ubuntu is running on a VM and my IRC Client is running on my Host system =(06:13
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dequealeka: You also need to hve the NTFS tools installed06:13
meherenOS-Xaleka, sure you can have as many as you want each in it's own partition06:13
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RaskallHirvinen: Tried that when I had a fresh dapper on it, but got some display problems. Maybe it'll work better now06:13
dequeHamsDa1: That's ok did it seem to work?06:13
alekaWhere can I get these NTFS tools?06:13
noelferreiralol Kingsqueak06:14
meherenOS-Xsudo aptitude install ntfs-tools?06:14
noelferreiraof course i have it installed06:14
savvasmeherenOS-X: ntfstools06:14
HamsDa1IP address of www.google.com and the name is standing in the terminal ^^06:14
meherenOS-Xor your favorits package manager...06:14
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meherenOS-Xsavvas, ah :p thanks06:14
dequealeka: They should be in the apt repos. However, The easiest way to do what you are looking for is to use the gparted LiveCD. It's only 20-some MB and has newest gparted and all support libs. Like partition ,magiv.06:14
saladincan someone please help me :  trying to install edgy for the past week and receiving the error "/bin/sh :cant access tty:job control turned off" any ideas. I see numerous people had the same error ,but no concrete solution06:14
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dequeHamsDa1: hm, ok so DNS res is working....06:15
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dequeHamsDa1: that's the #1 reason for browsing to fail if networking seems ok06:15
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alekadeque, what would happen if I boot from the edgy CD without creating another partition first.. Can I create a partition within NTFS using the Ubuntu intall CD?06:15
dequeHamsDa1: if you put that ip into a browser or try to ping that ip directly, does it work?06:15
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dequealeka: The edgy bootCD has gparted on it, but I don't recvall if it can handle NTFS06:16
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HamsDa1yes, it works06:16
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dequeHamsDa1: but doing it by domain name does not?06:17
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EldaSorry to bother, but Im not sure how to manually add these entries, and I think this is why I may have messed up when I tried to install beryl.  But at http://www.biodesign.com.ar/blog/?p=25 it tells me to add new repositories by hand and then to add a new public key06:17
EldaHow would I do that? >.<06:17
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jwisehello,boys, what does the process "updatedb" do?06:18
savvasElda: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu06:18
EldaIm there06:18
dequeElda: I don't recall the syntax exactly, but I bet if you search the forums for "gpg-import" you'lkl find what you need06:18
HamsDa1no, it does not06:18
jwise"updatedb" always take most of my cpu,memory resource...06:18
EldaIm on a link from there which has a tutorial on how to install06:18
EldaBut I dont understand the setp.06:18
HamsDa1I'm wondering, what the problem is :/06:18
dequejwise: updatedb updates your locate database with new files. it gernerally considered a good thing06:18
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dequeHamsDa1: hm... weird This is a clean install?06:19
atiqsasamba related question if anyone is able to help?06:19
jwisedeque,can I config its rum time?some times I don't wanna it start.06:19
HamsDa1Installed 4 hours ago and done nothing on it till yet ;D06:19
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meherenOS-Xatiqsa, don't ask to ask.. .06:19
dequejwise: it should only run once in awhile, usually daily. See about changin gthe cron entry to change it to be less frequent06:20
savvasElda: well beryl is still buggy, so you won't get much support from this channel06:20
atiqsaconfigured the samba share on the ubuntu box and I have enabled verbose logging in smb.conf06:20
meherenOS-Xatiqsa, state your question if anyone knows they will respond.06:20
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jwisedeque,thank you:P06:20
=== Rprp douche
atiqsaI can see the use connect from the windows box (share is my home dir on the linux box)06:20
dequeHamsDa1: hm... it really _should_ be working06:21
EldaI know that part, but I  was hoping someone might know how to add a new univerise by hand06:21
EldaAs I thought that applied to more than just beryl06:21
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atiqsabut then I get a permission denied on the windows side (i have already added smb user and password)06:21
HamsDa1hmm...I don't want to install ubuntu again xD06:21
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mixo8114atiqsa try checking the new smb user's privelages06:21
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savvasElda: the command to add a key: wget wget http://somesite.org/thekey.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -06:21
dequeHamsDa1: I run Ubuntu in VMware all the time06:21
atiqsausing the same config as I was using in debian etch but its not working in ubuntu06:21
mixo8114they could be preventing06:21
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dequeHamsDa1: I doubt a re-install is the answer06:21
meherenOS-Xatiqsa, for some reason windows sends it's usernams and passwords in AL CAPS...06:21
HamsDa1uhm...ok, let's try it one more time... ^^06:21
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savvasElda: use one wget there :p06:22
HamsDa1thanks for your time =)06:22
mixo8114u access to ur window's box06:22
dequeHamsDa1: np06:22
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HamsDa1cu later =)06:22
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Eldanow do I just copy/paste this into that file?06:22
Eldathe full command... wget wget....06:22
Eldaor would I type that in the console?06:22
meherenOS-Xatiqsa, i had same problem... i added a new user (ALL CAPS) and then used ti to log in... worked for me06:22
Eldaokey hehe06:22
knightcan anyone help im having apt-get problems06:22
alekadeque,  ONce I boot from the gparted LiveCd, would it be possible to resize the NTFS and label to something I can recognize during the next install on ubuntu am planning?06:23
dequeknight: just ask your Q, if we can help, we will06:23
atiqsarelated samba log extract:06:23
atiqsaspool_1165078557_osiris_rugbyu_league_tableStewart's Melville FP_8213533.spl06:23
atiqsaoops :-)06:23
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knightdeque: im not able to do any apt-get functions06:23
EldaSo basically in the sources.list it would be wget http://ubuntu2.lupine.me.uk/1609B551.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -06:23
atiqsaconnect to service atiqsa initially as user atiqsa (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 5863)06:23
atiqsa[2006/12/02 15:31:40, 1]  smbd/service.c:close_cnum(890)06:23
dequealeka: should be, yes. I am in the habit of writing down device names if I'm not sure I'll remember06:23
KingsqueakElda: no, that command gets run once on the commandline, not in sources.list06:24
dequeknight: what are you trying to do? Are you using sudo so you are the super user?06:24
atiqsawill try the all caps thing - see if that works06:24
knightdeque: previously i was able to do it but now i cant06:24
EldaIll just do it by hand06:24
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knightdeque: im root user06:24
dequeknight: does it give you an error?06:24
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meherenOS-Xatiqsa, no gaurenteees heh :p just telling you what worked for me06:24
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alekathnx deque... here goes... hope I don't mess anything up on my current edgy install...06:24
KingsqueakElda: sources.list is just a list of the repositories06:24
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knightdeque: yah long error something like error 111 connection failed06:25
dequealeka: have fun :D06:25
savvasElda: no, in sources.list you add the repositories. the key is added in something else in order to verify the pureness06:25
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Eldaokey so I would just add in the adress rather than do any of this db or db-src?06:25
dequeknight: it's possible that your DNS resolution has failed, or your sources.list is wrong06:25
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Eldabecause I notice all the adresses in there start with db and db-src06:25
dequeknight: can you get out the Internet in general on this machine?06:25
espi3dleave #ubuntu06:25
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knightdeque: yah06:26
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dequeknight: does synaptic work?06:26
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knightdeque: i cant do apt-get update ot install or anthing rest everything is ok06:26
atiqsaI dont think its a caps issue as this log extract shows:06:26
atiqsa[2006/12/02 17:28:33, 2]  auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(307)06:26
atiqsa  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [atiqsa]  -> [atiqsa]  -> [atiqsa]  succeeded06:26
knightdeque: no synapti doesnt06:26
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dequeknight: can you PM me some error messages?06:27
Eldasynaptic may not work if you are getting something via the command line already06:27
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meherenOS-Xatiqsa, hmm that shows that it worked?06:27
porkpieguy how do I check the what a deamon is running under ?06:27
Eldaor if you havent added the correct repositories :s06:27
r7^blacklaptophuiber1? u there06:27
atiqsayep but the windows side still says permission denied :-S06:27
knightdeque: is there any incompatiblities associated with xfce install? i had installed xfce by apt-get06:27
JimmeyEngland are pwning the second Ashes test!06:28
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knightdeque: yes ill send06:28
dequeknight: that shouldn't have any effect on apt06:28
frogzooporkpie: lsof06:28
r7^blacklaptophelp please, cant actually get a succesful boot06:28
dequer7^blacklaptop: what happens exactly06:29
Fackamatowhen will that be fixed?06:29
r7^blacklaptopgrey scale logo comes up and loading bar completes, then a static underscore appears in top left06:29
r7^blacklaptopthts it06:29
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porkpiedeque:thanks  is it lsof deamon06:29
meherenOS-Xatiqsa, maybe try setting your linux box to be a smbserver... and your windows to be a client (if i remmember correctly windows tries to be a server by default)06:29
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r7^blacklaptopi pressed ctrl alt f1 and i get admin login typ command line dialog06:30
atiqsaMy linux box is the server and the windows box is the client06:30
feydinHi there, I have trouble booting a guest in XEN. I get "Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working." anytime it try to create a DomU. I've tried the /udev/rules.d/XX-xend-backend.rules noted in some of the Xen post to no avail. Same error with vif = [] .06:30
feydinIn xen-hotplug.log I see a lot of "trap 53: bad trap" error. Anyone have this problem or advice to solve it (xen-3.03, ubuntu edgy, amd64)? I also replaced #!/bin/sh by #!/bin/bash in the scripts located in /etc/xen/scripts but still no luck :(06:30
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dequer7^blacklaptop: How long have you let it stay there? Does the HDD access while it's sitting? sometimes it takes a bit. I'm guessing you have an ATI video card?06:30
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knightdeque: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/restricted Sources06:30
knightdeque: Could not connect to localhost:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)06:30
meherenOS-Xatiqsa, oh.. heh!06:30
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atiqsathe strange part is that the same config worked in debian/mandrake/fedora06:31
frogzoor7^blacklaptop: ctrl alt f7 to get back to gui06:31
knightdeque: thats the error06:31
dequeknight: looks like you have a proxy or something setup06:31
r7^blacklaptopno i have 7900gtx vidi x 2 in sli mode06:31
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bkudriawhenever i plug in my zaurus (min mass-storage device mode) it is mounted 8 times, ie, /media/ZAURUS, /media/ZAURUS-1, etc.  they are all the same!  how do i fix this?06:31
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knightdeque: i didnt set up a proxy can you tell how to check?06:31
dequeknight: have you made any changes to any of your apt configuration?06:31
meherenOS-Xbkudria, what exactly is a zaurus?06:31
knightdeque: no06:31
meherenOS-Xbkudria, (just curios)06:32
bkudriameherenOS-X: a linux pda from sharp06:32
meherenOS-Xah... thanks06:32
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knightdeque: ive installed xfce by apt-get06:32
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lostincI was wondering is there a way to stop services such as Apache server from starting when the computer boots? Also is there a lighter Web Server for use as a local test machine?06:32
bkudriameherenOS-X: mine has a 640x480 swivel toushscreen, qwerty keyboard, and a 4 gig hdd06:32
dequer7^blacklaptop: hm, ok try rebooting the machine and hit esc when grub comes up and select "recovery mode" that will show you more detail about the boot process so you can figure out what's going on06:32
JimmeyWhen trying to move a .iso file from hdb1 to an NFS share /media/laptop, I get "Permission denied". I ran the cp command as sudo. How can I move this file to the NFS server?06:32
r7^blacklaptopdoes ubuntu support sli?06:32
PhoulHey does anyone know the URL for the tutorial on changing your grub picture thingy06:32
Phoulthe .xmp image06:32
knightdeque: im not sure wheter problem started after that06:32
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dcordesthingy blab06:32
savvasknight: in terminal type the following and tell me if you see something for ubuntu.com: cat /etc/hosts06:32
dequer7^blacklaptop: The nvidia drivers in ubuntu do _not_ support sli I believe06:32
bkudriameherenOS-X: http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/review/sharp_zaurus_sl_c310006:32
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meherenOS-Xbkudria, thanks06:33
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dcordesPhoul: thingy=splash06:33
meherenOS-Xheh they look cool :p06:33
PhoulAhh yeah06:33
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Phoulokay well does anyone know how/the url for the tutorial06:33
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PhoulI found a picture i like in .xpm and i would like to use it06:33
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r7^blacklaptopso u rekon sli is the problem then? i cant get into the gui at all06:33
r7^blacklaptopits all cli06:33
noelferreiraanyone knows why i can't run firefox?06:34
dequer7^blacklaptop: I believe it should still work, just no sli benefit06:34
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dequer7^blacklaptop: so you can get into cli and do stuff?06:34
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vadernoelferreira, have you tried opening from the terminal?06:34
knightsavvas: no nothing related to ubuntu .com just some ip6 things06:34
adsushi all06:34
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noelferreirayes vader06:34
noelferreirabut nothing in the output06:35
vaderand what did it say?06:35
adsusMaybe can help me everyting?06:35
noelferreiraprocess goes sleeping06:35
savvasnoelferreira: try this command: killall -9 firefox-bin | sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox06:35
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Snaxeworkwhat is official jabber client?06:35
r7^blacklaptopwell if i press ctrl alt f1 i can type in stuff06:35
porkpiedeque:could you help me with a problem please  ....I a trying to find out what perms are required for courier to access a Maildir06:35
PhoulAnyone at all?...06:35
knightsavvas: seen something related to ip6 not ubuntu06:35
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vadernoelferreira, let me google it, what version of Ubuntu you running?06:35
r7^blacklaptopbut if i press ctrl alt f7 it just freezes the scree, press ctrl alt f1 aggain and i can type again06:36
savvasknight: well i'm out of ideas mate, you have something redirecting your ubuntu.com to localhost06:36
=== porkpie is going stir crazy here
dequeknight: savvas might be onto something. do "nslookup us.archive.ubuntu.com" and paste in the output06:36
noelferreira32 bits06:36
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dequeporkpie: I'll try, what user is courier runnign as?06:36
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dequer7^blacklaptop: ok, then you are almost definitely seeing an X driver problem06:36
porkpiedeque: deamon06:36
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dequer7^blacklaptop: so...06:37
r7^blacklaptopso wat do i do ?06:37
lostincis there a way to identify what services/programs are eatting up either the CPU time or RAM?06:37
vadernoelferreira, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=176169406:37
dequer7^blacklaptop: a couple of options. Is this a clean install?06:37
dequelostinc: top06:37
QwellIs there some reason that I shouldn't be able to build wine on x86_64?06:37
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dequeQwell: Yes, it's tricky06:37
Qwellfrom the apt source package06:37
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r7^blacklaptopubuntu 6.10 x64, downloaded from site tday06:38
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lostincTOP as in the CLI?06:38
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usr13Anyone know if there are any of the current pruduction flatbed scanners that are supported?06:38
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hyt640mhi there - i have a dell 640m laptop and am having trouble getting my wireless connection up; lspci shows up "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)" and lsmod shows ipw3945 is loaded, but iwconfig shows "no wireless extensions" for lo, eth0, and sit0 - any ideas where to look next?06:38
dequeporkpie: not too sure. unfortunately I don't know much about courier. I'd guess you need to add read/write perms to the maildir you need it to access for the daemon user or group06:38
renjith171where is the  splashscreen menu in dapperdrake?06:38
usr13Anyone here use a Scanner?06:39
Eclypseis there any itunes-clone for ubuntu that will allow shared playlists?06:39
usr13flatbed scanner?06:39
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porkpiedeque: I am movng from freebsd to ubuntu.  On my old server courier:couier would be the settings  but under ubuntu it different06:39
Qwelldeque: That's all I get? :p06:39
usr13have any recommendations?06:39
dequer7^blacklaptop: ok, so go to one of your VT's, login and "sudo bash" to get a root prompt06:39
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renjith171where is the  splashscreen menu in dapperdrake?06:39
vadernoelferreira, also sudo apt-get install epiphany-browse06:39
knightdeque: pastebin is taking years can i send an IM?06:39
savvasknight: you might consider installing rootkit hunter: http://www.rootkit.nl/projects/rootkit_hunter.html06:39
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vadernoelferreira, also sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser06:39
Phoulhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41754 <----- Doesnt this require it to be .xpm.gz instead of .xpm06:39
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dequeQwell: It's seriously fairly complex. there are a couple of howto's in the forums if you do a search in there06:40
noelferreirai have it and i saw you guide06:40
lostincusr13 I have picked up 3 scanners from a thrift store that all work wonderfull for less than $5 each06:40
dequeknight: sure, hangonasec06:40
r7^blacklaptopyes im at root06:40
gpledi wanted to install 32bit version of firefox.  went to firefox.com and downloaded i686.  dont see a 32bit version of firefox. any ideas?06:40
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Qwelldeque: They're all horribly flawed06:40
Eclypseis there any itunes-clone for ubuntu that will allow shared playlists?06:40
Kingsqueakgpled: i686 is 32 bit06:40
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renjith171where is the  splashscreen menu in dapperdrake????????????????/06:40
porkpiedoes anyone now what the default location for the Maildir settings for courier ??06:41
dequeQwell: yes, they are, but if you read them all and take the bits and pieces that are right from each you should be able to get it.06:41
r7^blacklaptopok so i typed sudo su06:41
knightdeque: got it?06:41
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dequeknight: don't think so, where'd you send it?06:41
QwellWhy does ubuntu not just provide a prebuilt package?06:41
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gpledKingsqueak: so java should install on this firefox?06:41
Kingsqueakyeah it should06:41
gpledKingsqueak: i have a 64bit amd06:41
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renjith171i need to add  some splashscreens where is the splashscreen menu in dapperdrake06:42
dequeQwell: there should be one, iirc, if you are in edgy and enable universe and multiverse06:42
r7^blacklaptopand it ses "root@adamlinux:~#"06:42
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renjith171pls help06:42
Kingsqueakgpled: yeah I do for one of my systems as well06:42
r7^blacklaptopwhat nxt?06:42
Qwelldeque: there isn't/wasn't last week06:42
gpledKingsqueak: thanks06:42
=== vader is away: I'm busy
dequer7^blacklaptop: ok, "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"06:42
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gpledKingsqueak: off to get some java06:42
knightdeque: now?06:42
usr13"sudo bash"  I like that!  Good information!  (I like Ubuntu a little better already.)06:42
Kingsqueakgpled: I forget, I think I just manually installed java and linked the plugin into ~/.mozilla/plugins/  manually maybe, but it works06:42
shogo3di used synaptic to install xserver-xgl but my desktop still looks 2d06:42
gpledhope it works06:42
renjith171i need to add  some splashscreens where is the splashscreen menu in dapperdrake06:42
another_davehey, has anyone here had positive experience w/ ATI's generated .debs?06:42
lostincWhen I run TOP it says that there are 2 users logged in I am the only one on this laptop. Any idea why it says 2 users?06:42
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noelferreiravader: i have a fresh edgy install so i don't have the old version of firefox06:43
jorgplostinc, 2 consoles?06:43
frogzoolostinc: 2 vty's06:43
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dequeknight: still not seeing anything. send it to wh00tk1t on AIM if you can06:43
vadernoelferreira, have you tried using another browser?06:43
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davorcd firefox06:44
shogo3ddon't make me get windows vista now06:44
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shogo3dHEHEHHE JK06:44
dequer7^blacklaptop: search (ctrl-w) for "nv".06:44
M3G4cruxanyone knows how to change bluetooth host name on ubuntu06:44
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dequedoes it show the driver as being "nv" or "nvidia"06:44
vadervista I will wait and see the M$ stock fall even more06:44
usr13Now, if I could turn the touchpad clicking option off on this laptop.06:44
Comrade_Sshogo3d:  dude, have you installed a 3d window manager like beryl/compiz?06:44
M3G4cruxI have come to notice that before I changed my pc name in windows (dell default name, serial code) it stopped working on linux06:44
usr13It's driving me nuts06:44
shogo3dI knew i shouldn't have typed that joke.. sigh..06:44
hyt640mNB for my wireless 3945ABG / ipw3945 problem: dmesg shows nothing suspicious06:45
renjith171i need to add  some splashscreens where is the splashscreen menu in dapperdrake06:45
M3G4cruxhyt640m, I have that wifi card06:45
vadershogo3d, no worries mate06:45
renjith171i need to add  some splashscreens where is the splashscreen menu in dapperdrake06:45
shogo3ddeque: yes, when i boot.. it says Nvidia! I love that big logo in white background06:45
knightdeque: will you tell which field u want?06:45
renjith171i need to add  some splashscreens where is the splashscreen menu in dapperdrake06:45
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Kingsqueakrenjith171 needs to be bounced06:45
dequeQwell: Hm, I thought I saw one in there. I guess I was wrong. I managed to get it working by piecing together stuff from the forums06:45
hyt640mM3G4crux: any luck?06:45
Comrade_Sshogo3d:  dude, get a 3d window manager like beryl.06:45
shogo3dComrade_S .. lemme check..06:45
M3G4cruxI am online06:45
Comrade_Sshogo3d:  beryl-project.org06:46
M3G4cruxu need to patch the kernel with the ieee80211 subsystem06:46
manmadhahee how to do flash programs in linux???06:46
M3G4cruxintall firmware, etc ipw394506:46
M3G4cruxfrom its website06:46
renjith171Kingsqueak: can you help me06:46
knightdeque: sorry im not familiar with AIM06:46
hyt640mi got an ieee80211 module loaded too - is that what you mean?06:46
Kingsqueakrenjith171: use google, there's a page right in the wiki for that06:46
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dequeknight: np, hangonasec06:46
shogo3dmanmadha: flex2 sdk is free from adobe (but not opensource)06:46
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M3G4cruxhybridd, check it out http://www.gidnetwork.com/b-101.html06:47
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manmadhaohh ok06:47
M3G4cruxno hyt640m u need a particular one06:47
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Kingsqueakrenjith171: oddly enough, I know it's crazy but 'ubuntu splash screen' in google does magic06:47
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=== vader will be back later and with questions of his own lol. I need to get my Ubuntu server built and running.
hyt640mM3G4crux - ta06:47
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Shadow_milWhat package do I need to install to get CD juicer to extract files as MP3?06:48
shogo3dwhoops.. synaptic tells me compiz, compiz-core, compiz-gnome, compiz-plugins are not installed!06:48
Shadow_milI have lame06:48
M3G4cruxand since I have set my wifi lan with wpa2 rsk I needed wpa_supplicant and some cyphers algorithms too06:48
shogo3dwhich compiz should i install?06:48
M3G4cruxlatest beryl with 3d world hmmmm06:48
Shadow_milshogo3d: install beryl06:48
Comrade_Sshogo3d:  beryl06:48
noelferreirafirefox won't start. anyone knows why?06:48
shogo3dok.. lemme try beryl too.. hehehe.. thanks06:48
shogo3dsorry for repeats06:48
Shadow_milnoelferreira: try from the terminal06:48
hyt640mM3G4crux - ta i'm off to research thanks for pointers06:49
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M3G4cruxsee the website I gave u06:49
gpledanyone know if i can take an avi video and save it as an audio mp3?06:49
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dequer7^blacklaptop: I missed your response? are you using the nv driver or nvidia?06:49
Comrade_SShadow-mil: open sound juicer> edit> preferences06:49
r7^blacklaptophes gone for his tea, be back with you in a sec06:50
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r7^blacklaptophe told me not to touch it06:50
dequer7^blacklaptop: heh06:50
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Comrade_SShadow_mil:  new profile> profile name: mp3, profile description : encode in mp3, gstreamer pipleine : audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc bitrate=192 ! id3v2mux    ,file extension: mp306:50
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Shadow_milComrade_S: thanks06:51
kerm1tHello all, I just wanted to announce the creation of http://ubuntu.usrlabs.com - the ArizonaTeam LoCo!06:51
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rstancahey what happen to gaim? where did create "silc account" dissapeared? default edgy, installed all libsilc, dev06:51
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shogo3dsince Beryl doesn't seem to be part of ubuntu's easy installation environment I am not in the mood to make, compile, etc.. I'm not that skilled.06:51
kerm1tI noticed the AZ LoCo needed some help, so, I hope the new page will push things along06:52
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Comrade_Sshogo3d:  you odnt neeed to comile it06:52
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Comrade_Sthere are debs06:52
noelferreirafirefox won't start06:52
noelferreiraanyone knows why06:52
Comrade_Sshogo3d:  check the bery wiki for installation instructons06:52
plichelhi, dont get a screen with vlc player, when trying to run a network stream (http://localhost:8908/tv.asf)06:52
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plichelusing command ./sp-sc sop:// 3908 8908 > /dev/null to put the network stream to port 890806:53
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dequeknight: do you have an IM account somewhere?06:53
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plichelexactly as described in the readme06:53
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plichelexactly as described in the readme of sopcast06:53
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Comrade_Sshogo3d:  http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php?title=Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL06:53
sailorjany MacPPC experts here?06:53
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shogo3dok, thanks comrade!06:54
dequeknight: join the knight_help channel I just created, we can isolate the pastes in there06:54
netifuck wpa fuck wlan fuck hw06:54
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r7^blacklaptophello back06:54
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knightdeque: sure06:54
sailorjI'm looking for some installation advice06:54
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huibertr7^blacklaptop: hi, back back06:54
plicheltcpdump 16:41:02.957933 IP noname.3908 > kotnet-150.kulnet.kuleuven.be.6653: UDP, length 60406:54
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dequer7^blacklaptop: ok, so nv or nvidia?06:55
kevinGProblem: Sometimes when I start Ubuntu sound works, and sometimes it doesn't.06:55
netii am off now good bye06:55
r7^blacklaptopok well it says nvidia deqe06:55
rslWhen I use the default Gnome bittorrent client am I still seeding to others? I can't find anything that says whether or not others are leeching from me.06:55
dequer7^blacklaptop: ok06:55
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r7^blacklaptopdriver it says nv sorry06:55
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knightdeque: i cant get such channel06:55
lamegorsl, a fair bittorrent client always seeds the others, thats why bittorrent works06:55
hou5tonkevinG:   I just noticed your post ... I have had the same issue ... but usually upon rebooting it works06:56
sailorjI'm trying to install off the CD, put it on it's own external HD, and through the installation process, it won't properly write ext3 to the disk06:56
sailorjanyone have any ideas what that could be?06:56
hou5tonkevinG:   do you notice it more when using wireless vs. cable?06:56
dequer7^blacklaptop: ok, so first thing you ought to try is installing the nvidia binary driver instead of the opensource one, it will likely work better06:56
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kevinGhou5ton: yeah, i just rebooted but it's still not coming on.06:56
rsllamego, I know that's how it works I just want to make sure I _am_ sharing since it doesn't have any indication of that.06:56
noelferreiranothing happens Shadow_mil06:56
kevinGhou5ton: i have my headphones wired.06:56
noelferreiraprocess goto sleep06:56
r7^blacklaptophow do i do that?06:57
rsllamego, nevermind. I got upload and download confused. I think it was the drugs.06:57
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Snaxeworkhow do i join a channel in jabber06:57
blankyhey guys what's the command to add journaling back into my ext2? (to make it into ext3 again)06:57
hou5tonkevinG:   well ... I haven't been able to track down the problem ... and since it doesn't do it very often, I move on to other things..... but if you happen to figure it out, please let me know.06:57
dequer7^blacklaptop: it's pretty straightforward, just a few steps06:58
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dequer7^blacklaptop: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:58
[Wiebel] Hey06:58
DefectiveHWdoes anyone have any advice: ubuntu ppc breezy crashing at 55% on the disk partitioner06:58
[Wiebel] is there a minimall install option for edgy?06:58
dequer7^blacklaptop: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings06:58
sailorjDefectiveH, that's similar to my problem06:58
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sailorjI'm trying to install on a iMac G406:58
dequer7^blacklaptop: then change that "nv" to "nvidia" in the xorg.conf (after backing up the file!) and you should be set06:59
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DefectiveHWsailorj- and im on a wallstreet g306:59
kevinGhou5ton: well...i'm currently looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544906:59
sailorjDefectiveH, I'm trying to install this on a Firewire external drive, and then do a Dual Boot thing06:59
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sailorjI can't even get it to install at all on the drive07:00
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DefectiveHWsame here the only distro i have got working is yellowdog07:00
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sailorjI keep hearing about how great Ubuntu is, but I guess I'm outta luck, so far07:01
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mathieu__Does SUN Java still present in PLT Ubuntu ?07:01
sailorjFrom the CD Boot, it appears to be pretty cool07:01
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r00t_helllllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppp. i removed trash from teskbar :(07:01
dequesailorj: I think installing to the external drive will not work.07:01
Comrade_Smathieu__:  I am pretty sure yes07:01
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Comrade_Sr00t_:  lol07:02
sailorjI was thinking about that problem07:02
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r7^blacklaptopok i changed nv to nvidia but hw do i save tht?07:02
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huibertr00t_: rightmouse on the deskbarr -> add -> rashcan07:02
[Wiebel] anyone?07:02
sailorjbut they allude all over the place that you could do an install from an external drive07:02
sailorjalthough I'm not so quick to dump Tiger for Ubuntu07:02
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JimmeyHow do I get an MD5 sum of a .iso?07:03
Comrade_Ssailorj:  I am runnnig ubuntu form an external hd rigght now07:03
jribJimmey: md5sum file.iso07:03
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noelferreiraanyone knows why firefox won't start?07:03
sailorjComrade, how did you get the installer to properly install and create the partitions?07:03
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Jimmeyjrib, thanks07:03
Comrade_SJimmey: gnome terminal: then thisd command "md5sum /path/to/file.iso"07:03
r00t_thank you i got it huibert07:03
r7^blacklaptopok sorry to say deque that nothings changed07:04
r7^blacklaptopstill getting same problem07:04
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huibertnoelferreira: try starting ff from an terminal , what does it say07:04
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sailorjIt is as if the drive is locked out for Ubuntu to actually write to the partitions, even if I let it create everything and take over the entire drive.07:04
dequer7^blacklaptop: did you reboot after making those changes? (sorry I left that bit out....)07:04
r7^blacklaptopye i did :(07:04
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Comrade_Ssailorj:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8081107:05
r7^blacklaptopi still get bloody bongos whenever i go into gui07:05
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noelferreiranothing huibert07:05
noelferreiraprocess goes to sleep07:05
dequehm... it might be and SLI thing. The latest nvidia drivers support SLI, soo... (looking up link...)07:05
noelferreiraand thunderbird won't start to huibert07:05
ShockI am still not able to get ubuntu install07:05
JimmeyHow can I get a file from one networked machine to another when NFS is failing?07:05
noelferreirai use edgy07:05
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r00t_need help to make bigger space ( / mount )07:06
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dequer7^blacklaptop: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28182307:06
sailorjdo you think that would work on a Firewire drive?07:07
dequer7^blacklaptop: that link should provide the information you need to get going07:07
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huibertnoelferreira: do a "df -h " do you have enough free space on /home07:07
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huibertShock: yes, whats up07:07
gerardomtI want to convert my mp3s to acc07:07
gerardomtBut i dont know how07:07
Shockhuibert, I am not yet able to install ubuntu07:07
r00t_huibert,  no07:07
Shockthat ide error still coming up07:08
r00t_oh sorry07:08
Comrade_Ssailorj:  If you bios allows you to boot off the firewire drive and you specify that grub should load the driver for firewire first, yes07:08
huibertShock: still getting io errors?07:08
sailorjcool... I will have to give it a try07:08
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noelferreira4.3 G huibert07:08
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huibertShock: windows works with the CD07:08
huibertnoelferreira: was just a guess07:09
Shockhuibert, yes07:09
huibertnoelferreira: should be enough07:09
Comrade_Ssailorj:  in step 8 of hte tutorial, add a line for the module for firewire(the modules already listed htere are for usb)07:09
huibertShock: hmmm, .... don't know what to say.....07:09
noelferreirait was ok and suddenly the process go to sleep07:09
MarcCwhat do I do when the latest Dapper kernel upgrade gives me an X11 error and won't start X? I switched back from .27 to .26 and X works fine again. Ideas?07:09
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anttiwhere could I find tutorial on how to install Nvidia beta driver?07:10
huibertnoelferreira: how do you know the process sleeps?07:10
MarcCI have an NVidia card if that helps07:10
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Comrade_SMarcC: upgrade ot Edgy07:10
anttion edgy07:10
noelferreiraps huibert07:10
huibert!nvidia > anttii07:10
MarcCComrade_S, I have a *lot* of compiled apps that I am afraid for :D07:10
r00t_is there any partition tool ? so i can resize partition07:10
XzenomeHi, I've got this really irritating problem. I can have Nvidia's drivers working fine and everything going well, however when I restart or turn off my computer the drivers seem to unistall themselves or something because it says (I'll find the log out in a minute) that something have version blah and something else has a lower version. This is made more irritating because I can restart X until I go blue and it will work but it is when I turn off my compute07:10
Xzenome Help!07:10
r00t_without format :S07:10
anttiyeah huibert?07:10
huibert!nvidia > antti:07:10
huibertantti: should give instructions in the driver07:11
Comrade_S!nvidia | antti07:11
ubotuantti: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
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MarcCXzenome, you need to have an NVidia driver version that matches what your kernel needs, I think07:11
anttihow about the beta drivers? ive got that one already07:11
huibertr00t_: tried with parted?07:12
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XzenomeMarcC, that's the thing it was working fine and I had all the 3D graphics and stuff it even continued to work when I restarted the x server a few time it is when I switch off my PC.07:12
r00t_huibert what you mean07:13
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Comrade_Santti:  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beta_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2907:13
r00t_huibert,  what you mean?07:14
r00t_i didint get you07:14
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Dheeraj_khello every body07:14
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Dheeraj_kis j2ee web server available in repo?07:14
Comrade_Sr00t_:  huibert meant htat have tried with gparted07:14
huibertr00t_: sorry, pushed the wrong button and was away, what did you ay again?07:14
XzenomeHi, I've got this really irritating problem. I can have Nvidia's drivers working fine and everything going well, however when I restart or turn off my computer the drivers seem to unistall themselves or something because it says (I'll find the log out in a minute) that something have version blah and something else has a lower version. This is made more irritating because I can restart X until I go blue and it will work but it is when I turn off my compute07:15
Xzenome Help!07:15
r00t_i never know about it07:15
huibertr00t_: ahh, yes, gparted, it can resize partiions.07:15
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r00t_without format ?07:15
huibertr00t_: install it via synaptic07:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about j2ee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:15
huibertr00t_:  as allways do a backup before changing partitions :-)07:15
Comrade_Sr00t_:  you odnt nned to format a partition to resize it07:15
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r00t_huibert,  how do i backup / ?07:16
r00t_i mean ubuntu07:16
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XzenomeHi, I've got this really irritating problem. I can have Nvidia's drivers working fine and everything going well, however when I restart or turn off my computer the drivers seem to unistall themselves or something because it says (I'll find the log out in a minute) that something have version blah and something else has a lower version. This is made more irritating because I can restart X until I go blue and it will work but it is when I turn off my compute07:16
Xzenome Help!07:16
huibertr00t_: you do not backup the ubuntu system, because you can get it off the internet07:16
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huibertr00t_: you should backup _your_ data,07:16
r00t_is it gonna deleted ?07:17
r00t_i dont have space on my hdd :S07:17
huibertr00t_: making a backuip of your current /etc might help.07:17
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r00t_etc ?07:17
r00t_ok i will do it07:17
r00t_huibert,  help me to zip it07:17
huibertr00t_: do not make a backup to the same drive you're going to resze.07:17
Comrade_Sr00t_:  just make a copy of htat folder, zip it up and rapidshare or megaupload or something07:17
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matthew_or stick it on a USB stick07:18
huibertr00t_: burn a few DVDs07:18
lamegoyou should only backup your home data07:18
r00t_dvd :S07:18
r00t_and i got 4Kb/s internet :-W07:18
matthew_r00t_, yeah, definitely go for the USB stick option...07:18
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huibertr00t_: or cross your fingers and be prepared to pay the price (bin there, done that, survived, do try this at home) :-)07:18
r00t_i dont have nothing07:19
Kawaii-Pandahello, does anyone know what this means? Please use AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external] ) in order to cause autoconfiguration to look for an external libintl.07:19
matthew_r00t_, or DVD if you don't have a USB stick07:19
r00t_its 8.4gb :(07:19
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huibertr00t_: if you have nothing, you have nothing to lose...07:19
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r00t_i dont have dvd rw07:19
Kawaii-Pandaim trying to make a program with glade.07:19
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chris_how can i install gcc?07:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about controllers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
huibertr00t_: no bookmarks, emails, pictures from your cam, ... pr0n collection??07:19
Kawaii-Pandachris_: sudo apt-get install gcc07:19
Comrade_Sr00t_:  you can risk it by not backing up. most people have odne it and nothing went wrong(thats doesnt mean you are ohmesafe though)07:19
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ubotujoystick: Testing and calibration tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB07:19
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r00t_just tell me may i have to reinstall ubuntu?07:20
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mmiikkee12how do you start sshd on a ubuntu install?07:20
r00t_all are on fat32 drives :)07:20
NET||abusehey guys, is there a way to do an ntfs filesystem test (like chkdisk in windows) from a livecd or such?07:20
r00t_nothing on ubuntu drive "/"07:20
NET||abusei've got a friends lappy which has gone belly up07:20
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huibertr00t_: if you successfully resize your partionitons, all will be ok, no reinstall, just more space07:21
NET||abusejust done every hardware test in the dell utilities partition,,07:21
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r00t_ok i will try my best07:21
matthew_NET||abuse, try running the windows install disc and chkdsk from the repair console07:21
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chris_and gdb?sudo apt-get install gdb like this?07:21
dcordeswhere can i get these modules: usbhid, evdev and joydev? i am trying to install my logitech wireless rumblepad07:21
r00t_or i will install all sh1t again07:21
NET||abuseaint got one here07:21
JinkgunsQuestion: How do I make Xchat use a different port when conntecting to a server? :(07:21
matthew_!apt-get | dcordes07:21
ubotudcordes: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:21
huibertr00t_: gain some experience, try to resize07:21
r00t_huibert,  now tell me how do i load that resizer ?07:22
JimmeyWhen trying to copy a .iso to a NFS share, I get "cp: cannot create regular file '/media/laptop/xxx.iso': Permission Denied07:22
izzydiysHmm.. I'm trying to install rtorrent via apt-get, however I'm getting an " Unmet dependencies." problem. Any ideas what to do? Add more resportoaries?07:22
JimmeyMy IP has the ability to write to the server07:22
matthew_r00t_, use qparted or gparted07:22
dcordesmatthew_: man.........07:22
r00t_i got experience about partition07:22
dcordesmatthew_: not only noobs here07:22
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NET||abusematthew_, i haven't got any xp 32bit disks here, only a 6407:23
matthew_sorry, I find it best to deal with everyone as if they don't know anything...it's easier that way.07:23
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huibertr00t_: you may have to start gparted with "sudo gparted" from a live CD07:23
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r00t_Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 607:23
huibertr00t_: because the partition to be resized can not be mounted at the same time07:23
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izzydiysHmm.. I'm trying to install rtorrent via apt-get, however I'm getting an " Unmet dependencies." problem. Any ideas what to do? Add more resportoaries?07:23
r00t_live cd ?07:23
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matthew_r00t_, a cd that you can boot from...07:23
huibertr00t_: the ubuntu install cd is also a live cd07:23
r00t_huibert, is it installed on live cd ?07:24
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Magusknightdoes anybody know how I would install GStreamer plugins07:24
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calamariI downloaded the ubuntu 6.10 iso.. it appears to be a live cd.. is there a separate install cd or is this it?07:24
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.07:24
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huibertr00t_: AFAIK it is used _in_ the install process07:24
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NET||abusehmm, can you run any kind of ntfs fs check from linux?07:24
NET||abuseor is that still just too closed ?07:25
calamariShock: that doesn't exactly answer it07:25
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calamariis there a separate install cd as well, or is this it?07:25
Shockhuibert, i found a mistake in my grub boot line07:25
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huibertShock: ok, what was it?07:25
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Shockit says ramdisk_size = 104857607:25
mesuthi,im having trouble when booting with ubuntu606 ppc version,the display is DVI, and i cant get screen.07:25
Shocki have 504mb ram :(07:25
huibertShock: I dont know if that is really wrong, it might be # bytes07:26
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r00t_i will be back soon maybe huibert07:26
Dheeraj_kis J2EE 1.3  available in ubuntu's repo?07:26
r00t_everyone wish me best luck :D07:26
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huibertr00t_: "may the source be with you my friend"07:27
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Slingkyis there a way to add ubunto to vista bootloader ?07:27
igcekwhere is config file for wine located?07:27
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huibertShock: does it work now?07:27
Dheeraj_k is J2EE 1.3  available in ubuntu's repo?07:27
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Shockhuibert, no :'(07:28
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huibertShock: still io erros07:28
r00t_Slingky, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855&page=307:28
r00t_try this07:28
Shockyes, I am burning a new disk now07:28
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Shockmaybe it was the disk07:28
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heikohi. does anyone know about wlan problems, where the output of iwconfig looks correct (mac of AP is detected) but dhclient will not yield results? i have that on two different thinkpads with different wlan cards.07:28
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huibertShock: yes, try a new disk, before going mad, it might help07:29
=== outime I'm back in about 45 minutes
jku_igcek, http://www.codeweavers.com/support/docs/wine-user/config-file might help07:29
Slingkyi found: http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=107:29
GutterPunkI've got a question about phpmyadmin in Ubuntu... It there a missing template file or something? Because fonts are HUGE and it really looks ugly. When running on our debian servers everything looks sleek07:29
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Qwertyhelp, my F-Spot doesnt open at all!07:31
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Qwertywhen I run it through terminal07:31
Qwertyit says07:31
QwertyAborted (core dumped)07:31
Qwertyafter a long list of errors etc07:32
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NemesisUKhi all, I have a mmc card and it mounts fine but is case sensetive, how do I make it case insensitive?07:32
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salty-horsehi. i noticed that less does not work as documented. the 'v' key should open the text in an editor specified by $VISUAL or $EDITOR, and if none of those found, it starts 'vi'. apparently it always starts nano, even after i set $VISUAL (and even $EDITOR) to vim07:32
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huibertwhy is everybody leaving?07:35
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huibertwhy is everybody leaving?07:35
huffI have had a loss of sound problem on my laptop, it appears to have happened over the last few days, checked volume, mute etc, anything obvious/less obvious to look for?07:35
Yasserhow do i register my nick??07:36
NemesisUKhuibert, net split probably07:36
huibertoh, that again.07:36
NemesisUKhappens all the time07:36
Yasserhow do i register my nick?? plz how do i do it?07:36
salty-horseYasser, /msg nickserv help07:37
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huffEven the volume and mute buttons on the side of the laptop work, it brings up a volume bar on the screen... but just no sound?07:37
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huffany ideas people?07:37
MZMwhere can I configure UI font for wine-0.9.26?07:37
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julian_anyone can help my getting write access to an external ntfs hdd ?07:37
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Qwertyhelp, my F-Spot doesnt open at all!07:39
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LinuturkI'm trying to get a s-video out working on my laptop here, and I need some help troubleshooting this. It is a Toshiba Satellite R15-S822 running 6.10 gnome07:39
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huiberthuff: are your channels unmuted in alsamixer?07:39
blankywhat's the difference between package skype and skype-static07:39
huffhuibert yup they are07:40
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huiberthuff: then I have no idea07:40
huff:-s eek07:41
huiberthuff: seek?07:41
NemesisUKhuff is it defaulting to spdif thus muting analog snd07:41
huffeek! as in oh dear07:41
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huffNemesisUK how do i check that?07:41
huibertNemesisUK: intriguing idea07:41
NemesisUKalsamixer>switches ithink07:42
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huffthere are a couple of options towards the end07:43
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princemackenziehi freight07:43
huffIEC958 P with an option for AC-Link and A/D Conv07:43
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huibertfreight: hello to you07:44
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Qwertyhelp, my F-Spot doesnt open at all!07:44
freightIs Edgy considered "stable"?07:44
princemackenziefreight, i would say yes.07:44
EldaIt works decently enough for me07:44
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[^Twen^] anything special I have to do to connect to the internet with Ubuntu? I have connected the LAN cable, and then I activated the "wired connection" in "network"07:44
huibertfreight: stable enough to be released to the general public, yes07:44
[^Twen^] But I still can't go online07:45
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huibertfreight: but dapper has lts07:45
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:45
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freightWhat is not stable? Festy Fawn?07:45
EldaTwen, how are you online now? :s07:45
huibertfreight: festy is not for the faint of heart atm07:45
huffCould anything be clashing with the soundcard drivers to provent it from playing07:45
EldaOooh also set the device to eth007:46
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princemackenzieyes freight, feisty is really not ready as of now07:46
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EldaAt least when I got online through the ethernet I had to reboot with it plugged in, and I had to make sure the device selected for the internet was eth007:46
princemackenzieis there something bleeding edge you are after, freight07:46
biesiI'm trying to use a voodoo 3 video card with ubuntu 6.10, and X keeps crashing, any suggestions?07:46
biesi(FC4 was working fine)07:47
Eldavideo card drivers? :s  Only a guess07:47
freightI want minimalistic Ubuntu. should I get server iso then install my stuff?07:47
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HamsDa1hello, again, guys07:47
lamegoFriedCPU, or alternate cd, and use the minimal option07:47
princemackenziefreight, yes, install a server and then go from there07:47
SNowbornhm, wanna mount a remote file system via ssh/sshfs on a 6.10, but after creating the folder in /media and trying to mount, it does not work. Maybe need to compile sth for sshfs into the kernel first? installed packages "shfs-source,shfs-utils,sshfs"07:47
freightwill it shut down my box?07:48
biesioh, also: how do I tell ubuntu that my system clock is in UTC?07:48
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mau@find zoom-zoom-zoom07:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
HamsDa1I can't connect to the internet using a link like www.google.de but typing in the IP adress and pressing Enter works. can anyone help me?07:48
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup07:48
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freightwhat server iso includes?07:49
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SNowborn@HamsDa1: set an dns server in network config?07:49
tim|iBookHow do you make VLC the default video player in ubuntu07:49
SNowbornsame as your gateway?07:49
princemackenziefreight, its ubuntu with no desktop environment.07:49
HamsDa1network connection is already configured07:50
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freightit includes LAMP?07:50
SNowbornbut u set DNS + Gateway both?07:50
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princemackenziefreight, as far as i know it does07:50
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princemackenziefreight do you have old hardware07:50
HamsDa1yes, snowborn07:50
freightcould I make custom install?07:50
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grayhi all, i'm looking for some help setting up SVN =)07:51
princemackenziefreight, i suppose: install a server and then just add the pieces you want from there07:51
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HamsDa1btw: I'm using DHCP now07:51
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Qwertywow Flash 9 out on edgy :D07:51
alecjwwehn i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/07:51
SNowbornyou behind a router?07:51
princemackenzieqwerty, yeah, that was pretty cool07:51
alecjwAll instead07:51
ivxhey is there a limit to how much ram ubuntu can support, and will it support sata07:51
HamsDa1yes, I am, snowborn07:52
freightwill sever install shut down my ACPI box07:52
alecjwsoz - pressed enter halfway through a message07:52
grayanyone know how to set up SVN as a service?07:52
SNowbornrouter's ip set as gateway + dns server?07:52
princemackenzieivx it supports a lot of sata chipsets.  not sure about the ram limit, but its assuredly pretty high07:52
HamsDa1yes, snowborn ^^07:52
grayi would really appreciate any pointers you could give me07:52
Lam_samba:  public, browseable, available.  what do each of those mean?07:52
Arigatohow do I burn a bin/cue file?07:52
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ivxprincemackenzie, so if i get some sata hds you think it will be good?07:52
SNowbornhm, if the router then has a dns server configured / set by the hoster, no clue, sorry :/07:53
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alecjwArigato: you need to convert it to an iso first. i'll just work out how07:53
HamsDa1np, snowborn, thanks for your time anyway =)07:53
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princemackenzieivx you need to find out the chipset that runs the sata on your motherboard.  im running of an nforce sata drive as we speak.07:53
SNowbornanyone a clue about the sshfs?07:53
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kleesis it me or starting Amarok for the first time takes a long long time??  (Ubuntu Gnome)07:53
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tim|iBookHow do you make VLC the default video player in ubuntu?07:53
SNowbornHamsDa1: you're welcome :P07:53
PingunZHi, what's the default ubuntu font ?07:54
princemackenzieivx unless its obscure or really new, i wouldn't fear that its not supported, it probably is.07:54
grayi have svn installed, but i would like remote access to it07:54
alecjwSNowborn: i know a little about it07:54
HamsDa1thx =)07:54
grayand i'm having a bit of trouble07:54
QwertyPingunZ, Sans mostly07:54
ivxprincemackenzie, i am thinking of buying http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2665520&sku=MBM-RD480-370007:54
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PingunZok ty qwerty07:54
graybecause i know you people are really smart07:54
SNowborni wanna mount a drive via ssh / sshfs07:54
dv_hm after using beryl for a while, "normal" gnome looks so plain...07:54
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julian_some on in the forums that the following: "The modified hal & pmount that i provide in the main-all channel," what is the main all channel and where do i find it ?07:54
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gray<3 ?07:55
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HamsDa1uhm...I'm connected to the internet now...I'm in google...nut if I click on a link, ff won't open this site...07:56
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princemackenzieivx, thats a uli southbridge.  it will work for sure.07:56
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BAKALA007anybody from spain?07:56
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julian_some on in the forums that the following: "The modified hal & pmount that i provide in the main-all channel," what is the main all channel and where do i find it ?07:56
SNowbornno, pero seria possible de entenderte, pq? :P07:56
HamsDa1does somebody know, how to set up VMWare tools on ubuntu?07:56
alecjw!es | BAKALA00707:57
ubotuBAKALA007: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:57
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BAKALA007mmm SNowborn jajaja hola07:57
ivxprincemackenzie, cool, I got an okay job so I finally can start playing with this stuff07:57
ivxprincemackenzie, thanks07:57
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princemackenzieivx, no worries, building a desktop machine?07:57
SNowbornalready created a folder in /media, but after trying to mount, i get a bad link07:57
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ivxprincemackenzie, no, a server that isn't going to be that busy, so that should be plenty07:57
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princemackenzieivx can i give you some unsolicited hardware advice/07:57
HamsDa1does somebody know, how to install VMWare tools under ubuntu?07:58
SNowbornalecjw: got a clue? / need more info?07:58
kr0n1xhi men, what is Mono????07:58
ivxprincemackenzie, yes, i would love it, just rember i am trying to keep it cheap07:58
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ArrenLex!mono | kr0n1x07:58
ubotumono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB07:58
tim|iBookHow do you make VLC the default video player in ubuntu?07:58
princemackenzieivx, i would go with an AM2 motherboard cause thats the future, and DDR2 ram tends to be a little cheaper07:58
=== Elda debates whether she should try re-installing Ubuntu again to see if she can perhaps get beryl installed without any problems :s
freightwho did minimal server install?07:58
HamsDa1hmm...ok, thanks for your time, I'm going to sleep =)07:58
EldaOr is there a way to completely "uninstall" to try again? :s07:58
princemackenziekr0n1x, it is the open source implementation of .NET07:59
HamsDa1good night ^^07:59
lamegofreight, i did, why ?07:59
alecjwSNowborn: what do you need to know about it?07:59
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grayhello everyone, having some trouble with SVN, can anyone help?07:59
Lllamaevening all. I'm having problems getting the edgy/universe packages. Gzip errors when I run apt-get update. Anyone else seeing this, or has anyone got some pointers?07:59
kr0n1xis good princemackenzie ?07:59
lamegogray, server or client ?07:59
princemackenziekr0nlx, it depends what you are using it for07:59
kr0n1xdo you like it? i read some blogs and all get shit for this component...07:59
SNowbornafter trying to mount it, i get a bad link / cannot use it as a mount / anything at all :/07:59
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freightlamego: aftre that you installed X and other stuff?07:59
kr0n1xi don't know princemackenzie :(07:59
julian_ffs can't someone tell my where to find the main all channel ?07:59
ivxprincemackenzie, yeah i don't know it i can get an am2 for cheap, i was kinda thinking get a board that supports duo core and pentiumd, and just run a pentium d for now08:00
graylamego: server.  i installed the package via synaptic08:00
princemackenziethen i really can't tell you, i would recommended googling for it and reading up08:00
shorty114julian_, for what?08:00
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lamegofreight, yes, i have installled the ubuntu desktop later08:00
graylamego: but i'm trying to set it up such that i can access it remotely08:00
graylamego: which means i need to set up the svnserve, right?08:00
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ivxprincemackenzie, or what ever has the same socket number08:00
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ashedmanhow can I change my character set to unicode ?08:00
lamegogray, sorry, never setup an svn server :|08:00
princemackenzieivx, for sure, and if its not that busy, you don't need much cpu horsepower anyway08:00
julian_i'm tryin to get write acces on an external device08:00
graylamego: ah ok, thx ^^08:00
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nothlitI was creating a modified livecd with reconstructor and it crashed, and for some reason I can't delete any of the files in the folder as root, is there a way I can fix this? rm cannot remove ... operation not permitted08:01
graydoes anyone else know how to set up an SVN Server?08:01
lamegojulian_, there is not write support for ntfs, unless you use ntfs-3g which is a beta driver08:01
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julian_i use nfts-3g08:01
freightyou installed heavy ubuntu-desktop. why? only "LnF" app lovers do this.08:01
princemackenziejust whatever board you get, find the southbridge and google "linux compatibility nforce sata", for instance, and make sure.  98% of chipsets are probably in as of this point08:01
ivxprincemackenzie, well the one i got now has dual pIII 600 mhz, with 128 rdram. so anything will beat that08:01
julian_i'm trying ;)08:01
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lamegofreight, because I am desktop user, and I have hardware good enough for it08:02
julian_and because of that i need the 2 files provided in the "main-all channel"08:02
princemackenzieivx, haha, for sure.  i use an old pIII as a server as well.08:02
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lamegofreight, I love any kind of open source app08:02
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tim|iBookHow do you make VLC the default video player in ubuntu?08:02
julian_The modified hal & pmount that i provide in the main-all channel,08:02
julian_make NTFS removable device automatically mounted with ntfs-3g.08:02
freightlamego: I will use wine. the memory G and K like to take is enough for good cs session08:02
ivxprincemackenzie, yeah i got it off ebay for 30 shipped :)08:02
ashedmanhow can I change my character set to unicode ?08:03
princemackenzieivx, excellent08:03
lamegoashedman, that should be already your charset08:03
freightasedman: on console or X?08:03
ashedmaneither, really, but X would be nice08:03
ivxprincemackenzie, well it was for a month, now it can't really handle the requests. anyway thanks08:03
sven-tekiam building a custom 2.6.19 kernel, the system boots until "Freeing unused kernel memory: 284k freed" and then stops with a cursor blinking and allowing me to write. any idea what i could check for - iam running out of ideas ;-)08:03
princemackenzieivx no problem08:03
lamegoashedman, go to System -> Administration -> Language Support08:04
mjrashedman, ubuntu uses unicode (utf-8) by default08:04
freightashedman: you cant write hebrew?08:04
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ashedmanthen I wonder why files show different on Windows machines?08:04
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Ploujhow about this: can someone suggest a kernel supported PCMCIA/cardbus wireless adapter which has WPA encryption?08:04
lamegoashedman, because windows is not using unicode ?08:04
SNowbornalecjw: ?08:04
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ashedmanjust with characters like vowels with umlaughts and stuff though08:04
ashedmanlamego: I thought Windows did use unicode?08:05
mjrashedman, that's too vague to comment08:05
alecjwSNowborn: what do you need to nkow about sshfs?08:05
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lamegoashedman, I do know there is a mount option to force the charset on the ntfs moutns08:05
ashedmanlamego: I am referring more to other computers.  I make a file with my charset, send the file to a friend, who uses Windows, some of the characters don't show on his end correctly08:06
biesihow do you send it?08:06
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mjrashedman, in the content or in file name?08:06
XenguyHi, I need hardware advice - I want to buy a new bigger HD, but all I have used so far is regular ATA drives.  Are there any possible problems with adding a 2nd Ultra-ATA drive (no I don't want SATA at this time).  Will Ubuntu support these Ultra-ATA drives alright?08:06
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ashedmanmjr: the file name08:07
lamegoashedman, it all depends on which software your friends are using08:07
alecjwArigato: you have to use bchunk to convert it to an iso08:07
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lamegoa lot of windows programs do not support unicode08:07
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mjrashedman, well, then the issue is in the method of transferring the file08:07
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ashedmanmjr: and if the file isn't transferred at all, but the drive itself?08:08
kbrooksHi all.08:08
kbrooksI have a question.08:08
jairhey guys, I plug a usb external drive on my dapper drake and it mouted where is a read only device, it is a way I can remount it with write permissions even for the users? example umask=000? or something like that?08:08
ashedmanor if I have a dual-boot, and it shows differently depending on the OS?08:08
kbrooksHow do i dual boot Ubuntu and Windows?08:08
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biesiashedman, what filesystem?08:08
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gavuntuHi, can anyone help me? Whenever I try to run gksudo, it just says Error copying '/home/gavin/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu1.2-UHBxUa': Permission, and I can't do anything. Why is it doing this? I can't use many pages in firefox either.08:08
ashedmanbiesi: I have noticed the same effect on ext3 and fat3208:08
ArrenLex!dualboot | kbrooks08:08
ubotukbrooks: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)08:08
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biesiwindows can read ext3?08:09
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ashedmanbiesi: there is a small program I found that works well for it08:09
MZMbiesi: yes*08:09
fuciWhat was the command to reconfigure X?08:09
ragnar_123biesi: yeah, if you use some program...08:09
mjrashedman, you may have to spesify utf-8 as a fat32 mount option for correct translation to take place (IIRC iocharset=utf-8, but man mount)08:09
ashedmanbiesi: called ext2ifs or something08:09
ArrenLexgavuntu: paste the output of "ls -ld /tmp"08:09
biesiwell I'd blame ext2ifs then...08:09
mjrashedman, as for ext2ifs, it's its problem then08:09
ArrenLexfuci: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:09
fuciArrenLex: thank you08:09
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gavuntudrwxrwxrwt 15 root root 4096 2006-12-03 04:07 /tmp08:10
kbrooksArrenLex, Any tips for accessing my bios?08:10
mjrashedman, from ext2ifs FAQ: "Neither different code pages nor UTF-8 encoded file names are supported. The driver always uses the current code page of Windows."08:10
Tominatorhey there got a problem with the beta NVIDIA driver, i installed... how can I uninstall it and install the old one from the official repositorys?08:10
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kbrooksArrenLex, It looks like a intel bios08:10
ashedmanmjr: oh :P08:10
ArrenLexkbrooks: ...EFI?08:10
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kbrooksArrenLex, EFI standing for?08:11
fuciOk, that didn't work.08:11
ashedmanalright, thanks all :)08:11
kelbizzleCan anyone tell me how I uninstall proftpd08:11
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ArrenLexkbrooks: Do you have a mac?08:11
alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?08:11
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nothlitTominator, you know 1.0.9629 is no longer beta right?08:11
kelbizzlei know apt-get remove proftp. isn't there a -purge or something08:11
kbrooksArrenLex, macs do not have an accessible BIOS, AFAIK08:11
ArrenLexkelbizzle: apt-get remove --purge08:11
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kelbizzlethank you08:12
kbrooksArrenLex, so I am talking about pcs here08:12
ArrenLexkbrooks: Macs have EFI. Don't worry about it. Why do you need to access your BIOS?08:12
repartadnothlit: how do you check which drivers you have?08:12
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repartadnvidia-settings ?08:12
kbrooksArrenLex, CD08:12
kelbizzleArrenLex, what does the purge option do?08:12
fuciI can't start GDM and "dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesn't work either. What should I do?08:12
ArrenLexkbrooks: your system does not boot from CD?08:12
ArrenLexkelbizzle: purges configuration files.08:12
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kelbizzleArrenLex, thats what I needed  thanks alot.08:12
kbrooksArrenLex, I don't know. I want to see if it does have CD on, and if it doesn't, to turn it on08:12
Tominatori tried to apt-get remove nvidia glx and just remove the repos "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm" but when I tried to install it again an error appears... (it's in german, so I don't know the right translation ^^)08:13
ArrenLexkbrooks: I suggest putting a CD into your drive and booting with it, and if it doesn't work, THEN turning it on :)08:13
knoppixi'm having a difficult time connecting to the internet with ubuntu 6.10 amd64 iso any suggestions?08:13
kinematixTominator: perharps you don't have the License key (public key) for that repository?08:13
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nothlitrepartad, nvidia-settings can tell you08:14
gavuntuArrenLex: drwxrwxrwt 15 root root 4096 2006-12-03 04:07 /tmp08:14
fuciMy xserver-xorg wont start and the reconfigure command doesn't help, it says something like "Xserver-xorg is broke or is not installed"08:14
=== christian_ [n=christia@pD9EBB69E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Tominatorwell, don't know :) it installed at first but now it doesn't again...08:14
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kinematixTominator, personally, I'm right into this right now, I'm trying to have aiglx / beryl to work but as soon as I launch the beryl-manager, it crashes and I lose my windows's decoration08:14
ArrenLexgavuntu: I heard. I dunno, sorry.08:14
ArrenLexfuci: then install it. apt-get install xserver-xorg08:14
nothlittominator LC_ALL=C apt-get install nvidia-glx (gives you english)08:14
Tominatorthat's why I installed them ^^08:15
fuciArrenLex: ok, will try that08:15
nothlitput a sudo in between LC.. and apt-get08:15
TominatorThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:15
Tominator  nvidia-glx: Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.877608:15
TominatorE: Broken packages08:15
=== ski-worklap [n=ski@c-68-33-221-8.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tominatorgot a root password set ;)08:15
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repartadI thought glx messed up grub?08:16
Vuenhey all, i just restarted my computer. is there any way to tell what my uptime was before i restarted?08:16
nothlitfuci, that means you have a package /installation problem, you can't even worry about configuring it yet08:16
nothlitrepartad, glx has nothing to do with grub08:16
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repartadwhats glx?08:16
alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?08:16
kbrooksok, i found the button to press08:16
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nothlitTominator, are you sure you apt-get update or whatever the command is if you use apt-get08:17
ski-worklapvuen - run a cron script that does uptime >>/root/penis-size, then less that file after rebooting :)08:17
LllamaNewbie question: other than changing the link in /usr/bin is there a 'proper' way to change which version of python is used by default?08:17
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[^Twen^] Elda: Im online from another windows computer08:17
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fuciI'm on a blackout here, what was the command to start GDM?08:17
ArrenLex!alternatives | Lllama08:18
ubotuLllama: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.08:18
nothlitfuci,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart/start/stop08:18
Tominatori used it before...08:18
fucinothlit: thank you.08:18
ArrenLexfuci: if you have X installed? "startx"08:18
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LllamaArrenLex: sweet. Cheers.08:18
=== TeaAge [n=pille@pD9EB1EB9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitthat doesn't start gdm that starts your window manager08:18
Tominatoruh, buit theres a promblem with:08:18
Tominator"Failed to fetch http://amaranth.selfip.com/dists/edgy/lrm/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found"08:18
Doodluvanybody know why acidrip wont load my dvd =]  ?08:18
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repartadcan we get direct x?08:19
Tominatorsure you have chosen the right device?08:19
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Tominatordoodluv ;)08:19
ski-worklapmy laptop's sound keys control my headphone volume by default. how can i get them to control "front" (which is apparently what controls my speakers - as tested in alsamixer), instead?08:19
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DoodluvTominator, ...well ive tride live everydveice i can see is on the system08:19
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alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?08:19
DoodluvTominator; /dev/hda, /dev/dvdrw /dev/cdrom, etc08:20
Tominatorkay... my dvd drive is - i think hdc :)08:20
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Doodluvi get this when mount commmand /dev/hda on /media/cdrom0 type iso966008:21
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noelferreirafirefox and thunderbird won't start. does anyone knows why?08:21
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nothlitTominator, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper?highlight=%28nvidia%29#head-1c10d9c1b7d37305839bd7a61ff479826e221f42 methods for uninstallation08:21
Tominatorthanks ;)08:22
ArrenLexnoelferreira: launch them from the command line so they can print errors.08:22
noelferreirano output ArrenLex08:22
noelferreiraprocess goest to sleep08:22
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noelferreirafirefox and thunderbird won't start08:23
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noelferreiraany ideas08:23
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gavuntudoes anyone know why I'm not able to use gksudo or any secure commands at all? it gives me an error like Error copying '/home/gavin/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu1.2-UHBxUa': Permission.08:24
nothlitTominator, a note, if you've ever installed the driver straight from nvidia you might have problems with settings in the restricted modules config file08:24
=== MS- is watching Never Say Never Again on the TV
MS-Um, what is Mark Shuttleworth doing playing the bad guy in this film?! :-)08:24
nothlitnoelferreira, start them in a terminal and look at the errors08:24
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noelferreirano output nothlit08:24
noelferreiraprocess goes to sleep nothlit08:24
davey486I need help installing my wifi card. I ran ndiswrapper and used the files off of the installation cd that came with it and it doesn't work08:24
CITguycan someone help me with network file sharing? I cannot see my windows shares08:25
repartadSpeed Q:  Why did it just take 8 Hours to transfer 16gb to my linux box? Via 100gb Segate usb2.0 drive?08:25
nothlitfirefox -debug08:25
ski-worklapCITguy, did you get any error message?08:25
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ski-worklapyou need to be more specific than "doesn't work"08:25
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noelferreirayes nothlit08:25
noelferreiraand now08:25
alekadoes anyone in here remeber helping me about 2 hrs ago with Gparted Qs?08:26
nothlitrepartad, dma might have to be enabled with hdparm, direct memory access08:26
nothlitaleka, just state your question08:26
CITguyno, I go to Places > Networks Servers, and I double click the Windows Networks icon and nothing shows up08:26
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noelferreiraanyone can help me? firefox won't start on edgy08:27
CITguyIt used to work, but something must have changed that is not letting me see the windows shares08:27
davey486if i go to system->administration and run networking, my card is shown to be present, and ndiswrapper reports the driver as being installed, but i can't use the internet and it doesn't seem ot be talking to the router08:27
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Tominatorgot a question: whats the difference between generic and i386?08:27
eegoreI need a little help in opening ports for an application, what do I have to edit to do that08:27
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CITguydavey - try 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'08:28
madhuI want to know how to configure dialup in ubuntu08:28
Tominatoror is generic just every x86 platform?08:28
ArrenLexTominator: generic replaces everything. i386 is essentially pre-pentium 1 machines.08:28
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html08:28
ArrenLex(replaces those)08:28
noelferreiraanyone can help me ? firefox won't start08:28
=== VisualStation [n=visualst@86.135-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
alekanothlit well I wanted to create a new partiotion to have another a parallel install of edgy so I can test things without it messing up my current settings...booted from a gparted livecd as instructed here... and resized an NTFS partition to give it room for my new install. I made the error of "labeling" this device which I thought mean simply naming it, but this destoyed the partition tables nad now I can not boot into my ubun08:28
=== Me [n=chatzill@c-69-140-248-179.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tominatorthanks ;)08:28
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alekaI need help recovering my partition tables ...08:29
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alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?08:29
nothlitboot the ubuntu livecd, launch gparted and see whats intact08:29
noelferreirahelp please! firefox won't start with edgy08:29
davey486CITguy: it replies to me netwroknig not found08:30
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CITguywhat do you get when you type 'ifconfig'08:30
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superatkinall configured interfaces08:30
CITguyI meant is specifically for davey, superatkin08:31
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noelferreirafirefox won't start! any help?08:31
sacaterwhats warez08:31
superatkinaha sorry ;-)08:31
nothlitCITguy, did you install a firewall? firestarter doesn't seem nice to samba shares08:31
noelferreirano output from terminal08:31
CITguyno, no firewall08:31
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sacater: whats warez08:31
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alekanothlit did you get a chance to read what I posted above?08:31
davey486CITguy: I get whats on eth0 and l008:31
princemackenzienoelferreira, when you start it from a terminal, you get no output and no firefox?08:31
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sacater: whats warez08:32
davey486CITguy: the card is r0 though08:32
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princemackenziesacater, pirated software08:32
noelferreirayes princemackenzie08:32
sacatergreat :P08:32
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noelferreiraand thunderbird won't start to princemackenzie08:32
princemackenzieis it running in system monitor, can you check08:32
nothlitCITguy, do you see anything with smbclient? or try resetting all the computers involved, i find the whole windows election thing messy, especially when the elected computer is shutdown or restarted08:32
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noelferreiraprocess goest to sleep princemackenzie08:32
eloquence_sup everybody08:32
nothlitaleka, i suggested you boot the ubuntu live cd launch gparted and see how much of the partition table is intact08:32
max_is there any other way to install ubuntu with out a CD or a Floppy?08:32
princemackenzienoelferreira, "killall mozilla-firefox" and then try it again08:33
CITguyI've tried that already. It doesn't help.08:33
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CITguysorry davey, I can't help you08:33
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noelferreirano such process princemackenzie08:33
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princemackenziejust firefox, sry08:33
princemackenziekillall firefox08:33
noelferreirai use edgy princemackenzie. but i did it and nothing happens08:33
jku_max_: netbooting is possible08:33
alekanothlit whole thing seems to have been destoyed.. I just see one 80GB HD with no partitions now...08:34
stapelI have ubuntu laptop and iMac connected to the same router, what can I do to "see" the iMac, and use a printer connected to the iMac?08:34
princemackenzienoelferreira, im thinking08:34
Tominatoragain got a problem by installing nvidia glx...08:34
Tominatorusing nvidia-xconfig:08:34
TominatorVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.08:34
Tominator                  Undefined Device "nvidia" referenced by Screen "Default08:34
Tominator                  Screen".08:34
jribprincemackenzie: might want firefox-bin08:34
alekaI can remake the partitions in fdisk.. but don't rmeeber where the exact cylinders started and stopped08:34
davey486CITguy: if i enable the wifi card it reports to me that it is called ra0 I read a tutorial that i tried to install it with and it said it should be named wlan008:34
princemackenzieTHANKS JRIB08:34
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nothlitCITguy, did you try manually browsing with smbclient?08:34
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princemackenziesorry cpas08:34
princemackenziejrib, thanks08:34
JeekayIs it at all possible to downgrade from edgy to dapper without a complete reinstall?08:34
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jku_max_, there are a couple of howtos in wiki.ubuntu.com08:34
CITguynothlit, how do i do that08:35
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nothlitTominator, dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg                                      nvidia-xconfig ?08:35
nothlitCITguy, man smbclient08:35
princemackenzienoelferreira, "killall firefox-bin" and then try it, haha08:35
ArrenLexJeekay: possible, yes, with apt-pinning. But it's ugly, horrible, dangerous and difficult.08:35
=== Wonderl00t [n=pwner@c-71-204-52-161.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
noelferreirai already did it princemackenzie nothing happens08:35
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nothlitCITguy, i very rarely use it so i can't remember, mostly i just mount shares with smbfs08:35
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princemackenzienoelferreria im stumped08:35
Jeekayrighty... so for a production box i guess i should just bite the bullet and reinstall :) thanks08:35
Tominatorthanks ^^08:35
princemackenzienoelferreira, sorry man, i don't know08:36
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CITguyok, i'll give it a look08:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:36
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noelferreirafirefox won't start. any help?08:36
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:36
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jribnoelferreira: ps -ef | grep firefox08:36
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Wonderl00tanyone in here know about installing 'realtime' kernels?08:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realtime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
touchhow do you install ubuntu using another distro having only iso image (no cdrom)08:37
max_is there any other way to install ubuntu with out a CD or a Floppy?08:37
noelferreira 5456  5003  0 19:36 pts/0    00:00:00 grep firefox08:37
noelferreira jrib08:37
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Tominatori'm gonna restart the x-server now ^^ let's see if it works ^^08:37
touchis there a tutor of some kind?08:37
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jribnoelferreira: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup  && firefox08:37
noelferreirai kiil it and then try again but it goes to sleep again jrib08:37
stapelI have ubuntu laptop and iMac connected to the same router, what can I do to "see" the iMac, and use a printer connected to the iMac?08:37
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doskeykubuntu is shit08:38
=== sasa [n=sasa@CPE000c41aaca41-CM00137186bbec.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
noelferreirasame situation jrib08:38
ArrenLexmax_: using a network boot.08:38
eegoreHow do I open ports for an application08:38
sasadoes any one know how do I gofrom 5.10 to 6.10?08:38
max_ArrenLex: like from a LAN?08:38
jrib!upgrade | sasa08:38
ubotusasa: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:38
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ArrenLexmax_: yes08:38
jribsasa: upgrade to 6.06 and then to 6.1008:38
nothlitTominator gl08:38
sasaThank You08:38
max_ArrenLex: im not on one08:38
nothlitdoskey, how so08:38
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:38
noelferreiraany idea jrib?08:38
[^Twen^] I know this is a almost too basic question: how to I open the console? =P08:38
jerpsasa, I think it's apt-get dist-upgrade08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw3945 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:39
nothlit[^Twen^] , applications accessories gnome terminal08:39
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ArrenLexmax_: does the computer have USB?08:39
ArrenLexmax_: install from a usb stick.08:39
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lzaphi i cant find webmin package08:39
max_dont own one08:39
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jribnoelferreira: readlink -f $(which firefox)08:39
touchhow do you install ubuntu using another distro having only iso image (no cdrom) is there a tutor of some kind?08:40
ArrenLexmax_: so: your question is, is there any way to install ubuntu on a computer with no CD-ROM, no Floppy, no internet, and without having USB?08:40
noelferreirajrib: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox08:40
ArrenLexmax: and my answer is: NO.08:40
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:40
lzapmax_: ur kidding right?08:40
Wonderl00thello everyone...i was wondering if someone could help me "roll my own" realtime kernel? im not super n00b, but i am when it comes to compiling kernels :p any help is greatly appreciated08:40
nothlitmax_, how do you expect to install ubuntu out of thin air?08:40
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max_ArrenLex: well obviously i am on the internet now, im just not on a lan08:40
sasaCan someone please tell me how do I upgrade from Breeze to edgy?08:40
doskeyuser root08:41
jribnoelferreira: hmm try  'firefox -g', then type 'run' and press enter08:41
meenerhi all08:41
jerpsasa, download the iso file08:41
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexmax_: unless you can do a pxe boot, the answer is still no.08:41
mc44sasa: you need to upgrade via Dapper08:41
nothlitmax_, it sounds like you have a thinclient/workstation, usually people do a netstrap08:41
sasaI did i get a black screen08:41
jku_nothlit, there are a lot of ways to install linux (although max_ could give some more info on his setup)08:41
sasacan u private msg me?08:41
sasaineed help08:41
Wonderl00tsasa: upgrade to dapper==> then to edgy eft08:41
jrib!msg | sasa08:41
sasado i aupgrade to dapper?08:41
ubotusasa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.08:41
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max_ArrenLex: what is that08:42
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noelferreirajrib: [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] 08:42
noelferreira[New Thread -1220920432 (LWP 5636)] 08:42
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-75-80-116-205.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitjku_, lol but no usb, no floppy, cd , or pxe08:42
jerpsasa, not if you get the iso file08:42
jribnoelferreira: don't paste that stuff here, just see if it opens (wait a minute)08:42
jerpyou go straight to edgy08:42
noelferreiraand many lines with (no debugging symbols found)08:42
noelferreiraok jrib08:42
jerpfind 6.10 there08:42
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:42
sasajerp, i tried iso file 4 times so fdar no luck08:42
sasahow do i go to dapper08:42
nothlitmax_, well you could download ubuntu and use things like loadlin to start a boot from windows, there are some more arcane ways but i couldn't name them off the top of my head08:42
ArrenLexmax_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preboot_Execution_Environment08:42
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jribsasa: what gave you a black screen?08:43
nothlitmax_, there are a couple ways to do it from windows but you'll have to google them08:43
meenerIm running edgy with CLE266 video ("works out of the box") but acceleration seems not to be enabled - even 2d.  CPU usage spikes when I drag a window,  Any thoughts on how to fix this or pointer a how-to?08:43
sasaedgy pure install08:43
stapelI have ubuntu laptop and iMac connected to the same router, what can I do to "see" the iMac, and use a printer connected to the iMac?08:43
jribsasa: do you want to do a fresh install or upgrade?08:43
jerpsas, that's the link you need08:43
=== slicky [n=slicky@c83-249-37-33.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
sasai wanted a pure install but it didnt work so now i got 5.1008:44
lzaptheres no webmin package in dapper?08:44
sasaand hoping for a gradual upgrade08:44
Wonderl00thello everyone...i was wondering if someone could help me "roll my own" realtime kernel? im not super n00b, but i am when it comes to compiling kernels :p any help is greatly appreciated08:44
jribsasa: you may want to try the alternate cd for installing edgy08:44
sasai did08:44
sasastill black screen08:44
ArrenLexIs there any way to run some version of parted from windows? Or a floppy? Not a CD.08:44
sasaigot amd6408:44
jribsasa: strange, what speed did you burn the iso at?08:44
sasathe cd works cuz i tried it at my roomies pc08:45
nothlitcolinux? cygwin?08:45
sasajust not on my pc08:45
jerpsasa, so do I, I got the edgy alternative dl08:45
=== B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.47-108.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
jku_nothlit and max_: http://www.murty.net/ataraid/existing.html or http://instlux.sourceforge.net/08:45
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sasajerp: maybei am not understanding what u mean by alternative, u mean the third categorysaying its for amd 64?08:45
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sasayeah i did that08:46
sasai have 4 cup coasters so far lol08:46
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sasaso how do i upgrade from breeze to dapper toedgy08:46
nothlitsasa, no, an alternative cd is the livecd that doesn't boot into a true graphical environment08:46
jribnoelferreira: anything happen?08:46
noelferreiranothing jrib08:46
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noelferreirasame situation08:46
jairguys, i was having a little situation here.08:47
noelferreiraprocess goes to sleep08:47
jribnoelferreira: what is the last line you got from gdb?08:47
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eragon24What's the best company to use for a wireless router?08:47
noelferreirajrib: (no debugging symbols found)08:47
jku_nothlit and max_: just to make it clear: I haven't tried either method, so I can't comment on their quality08:47
=== kinematix obtains an evil crash dialog box when launching beryl-manager, .. even if all updates have been done (9xxx series nvidia drivers, etc) :(
noelferreiraoh no jrib08:47
jribnoelferreira: heh, ok.  By sleep, you mean the process just dies right and you get brough back to a terminal prompt?08:47
meenereragon24: I like linksys08:47
=== Creepz__ [n=Creepz@AC8F52D9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
sasajerp: i got tthe documntu tried to send me, it says how to upgrade todapper, how do i upgrade to edgy from that?08:47
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eragon24thanks, meener08:48
noelferreirajrib: error while reading shared lybraries08:48
jribnoelferreira: ok pastebin that bit and the lines around it please08:48
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:48
=== czar_ [n=czar@c-68-82-214-33.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerpall the links are there. you'll have to download them  look for 6.1008:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome08:48
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship08:48
jerpsasa, are you in the US?08:49
nothlitjku_, lol thanks for the info, but you needn't worry i knew there were solutions out there for that sort of thing but i don't need to use them08:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:49
meeneranyone know how to turn on acceleration?  CLE266 chipset - driver works, 3d appears to be software however (MESA shows up in glxinfo) and 2D dragging pegs the CPU!  HEEEELP :P08:49
jrib!fishing | doskey08:49
jair1- when i insert the usb key on the system with ubuntu, it automatically mount it, but as read only, how can i tell the system to umount it and then remount it with my needs (example= -o umask=000) ;) so it is writable from the gnome or kde etc..08:49
ubotudoskey: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)08:49
=== shwag [n=steven@cpe-76-169-71-185.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
czar_Hello. I have an ATI All-In-Wonder USB tv tuner. lsusb lists it as Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0528:7561 ATI Technologies, Inc. TV Wonder. Any idea how I can get that to work?08:49
dsnydersdoskey, kernal is spelled kernel08:49
stapelI have ubuntu laptop and iMac connected to the same router, what can I do to "see" the iMac, and use a printer connected to the iMac?08:49
doskeymy bad08:50
nothlitmeener, there might be a setting on gconf that turns off opaque windows for metacity08:50
jku_nothlit, sure. I just "included you in the circulation" since you said it couldn't be done08:50
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meenerthanks nothlit - Ill take a look at that08:50
nothlitjku_, lol no i didn't, i said it  could08:50
shwagis there a guide for nautilus thumbnails somewhere?  Where are they stored? How long are they stored? Any way to automatically create thumbnails accross a whole drive ?08:50
=== Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
meenerseems like i should be to leave it on tho, this card can do blitting no problem...08:50
nothlitshwag, ~/.thumbnails08:50
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nothlitshwag, they are stored forever at 128x128 according to the freedesktop specifications08:51
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jerpsasa, that's your North American link, find 6.10 and a location near you and go to town,  "Other Installation Options" is the amd 64 dl08:51
sasajerp one last question, sincei installed linux i no longer see theoption of booting in my other hdd that has windows hwo do i go about that?08:51
nothlitshwag, they are created when an application with a thumbnailing feature comes across one and automatically thumbnails it08:52
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-243-31-196.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
meenerdoes 6.10 edgy contain X.org 7.1?08:52
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jerpsasa, come back and we'll deal with that soon enough if it doesn't see it by itself08:52
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lebafarHey does anyone here know how do I get access in a channel I need to be identified please ?08:52
shwagnothlit: yah, i want to automate it so I can just sit down and have all of them created in my hundreds of image folders...rather then having to click on each dir and wait.08:52
nothlitsasa sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst               then you put the hard drive and partition (they start at 0 ) root (hdx,x)   newline chainloader +1 newline boot08:52
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ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 584 kB08:53
bruenigmeener, looks like it08:53
sasanonhlit i enter thatintotermianl as is08:53
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 08:53
ivxprincemackenzie, oh I just read that that mother board support am208:53
nothlitshwag, fspot might automatically create them if you add the folders to the catalog08:53
Kr0ntabmeener, yes...08:53
SkyrailIf a program isn't responding what so ever and won't close, how do I force quit it?08:53
Kleggashas anyone managed to get an realtek soundcard to work properly under edgy when installing fglrx drivers, or is it only possible to have the mic and 7.1 sound work if you skip having any 3d rendering?08:53
meenerthanks bruenig \ ubotu08:53
bruenigSkyrail, killall processname08:53
nothlitshwag, just MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you untick the make copy of to folder option before you select any folders08:54
Tominatorhmmm... the reinstallation of the older nvidia-glx doesn't work... i had to uninstall it... are there new beta drivers wich are much more stable than the last ones?08:54
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:54
Skyrailbruenig: do you know the process name for the add remove programs dialogue thing?08:54
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bruenigSkyrail, or on xubuntu you can just do control alt escape and click on it with the mouse08:54
nothlitskyrail ^08:54
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bruenig<nothlit> gnome-app-install08:54
Skyrailnothlit: ok thanks08:54
nothlitbruenig, ...ehm?08:54
Skyrailbruenig: I'm on ubuntu, although I wouldn't mind trying out other versions lol08:55
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=== bruenig is not sure how to respond to ehm
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
nothlitSkyrail, fluxbox is great :)08:55
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Skyrailnothlit: fluxbox?08:55
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nothlitSkyrail, alternative window manager, has tabs08:55
glatzorSkyrail: the process name is python BLABL gnome-app-install08:56
bruenigno difference between tabs and the desktop switcher, except the desktop switcher doesn't call itself tabs08:56
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Skyrailglatzor: I ended it with just gnome-app-install08:56
noelferreirajrib: it is taking to much time in paste bin08:56
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noelferreirabut i got no debugging symbols found from output jrib08:56
jribnoelferreira: use http://www.rafb.net/paste/  (see the /topic)08:56
nothlitSkyrail, not a desktop environment but a window manager, you have to chain things together to get the same functionality if you want things like automounting and desktop icons, things like idesk and gnome-volume-manager and whatnot08:56
=== sabakonki [n=sabakonk@i-195-137-81-175.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribnoelferreira: I mean the line about shared libraries, paste that and everything around it08:57
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nothlitSkyrail, but if you're comfortable with the command line you don't need a desktop environment per say08:57
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bruenigSkyrail, gnome-app-install is terrible anyways. I would just uninstall it08:57
glatzorbruenig: may I ask why?08:57
nothlitbruenig, theres a big difference in tabs and pagers/desktops for me08:57
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Skyrailbruenig: I find it easier to just find some programs in there when I'm in a hurry or just interested ;)08:58
bruenigit is so extremely slow08:58
nothliti think uninstalling gnome-app-install would break ubuntu-desktop08:58
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bruenignothlit, it uninstall ubuntu-desktop, doesn't "break" it whatever that means08:58
flitorayhow do i find out my lan IP address?08:58
nothlitits easier to find programs with apt-cache or aptitude searching08:58
noelferreirajrib: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/kywJrh65.html08:58
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meenerI see in system tools an optional binary X.org driver for nVidia cards - is there something similar I need to my VIA CLE266?08:58
Skyrailnothlit: I'm fine with using the command line if I know what to do, I use it alot now that I have this PC set up as a mini server08:58
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glatzorbruenig: what do you miss in gnome-app-install?08:58
nothlitbruenig, but ubuntu-desktop is an important tool for upgrades people shouldn't really uninstall it unless they know what they're doing/remember to re-add it08:59
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jribnoelferreira: I don't see the line about shared libraries that you mentioned, where idd you see it?08:59
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Skyrailnothlit: If I'm looking for a xhtml/css editing application lets say its just quick and easy to try one and uninstall it using that manager as it tells me what it is and what it does lol08:59
glatzornothlit: people should use the dist-upgrade tool of Ubuntu, that ensures that ubuntu-desktop will be installed after upgrading09:00
bruenigglatzor, what do I miss? I don't miss anything from gnome-app-install. apt-cache search is far better.09:00
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noelferreirajrib: if i typq q and then return after that09:00
jribnoelferreira: k, can you pastebin that as well?09:00
nothlitglatzor, ahh k09:00
glatzorbruenig: I just wondered, since you called it a terrible application09:00
bruenigalthough once I get the system all setup the times I install anything is so small. Maybe a package a week09:00
bruenigterrible is relative, in this case relative to apt-cache search09:00
flitorayCould someone please tell me how to find out my LAN ip address through the terminal?09:01
dsnydersflitoray, ifconfig09:01
noelferreirajrib: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/R9dpwj58.html09:01
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flitoraydsnyders: thanks09:01
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nothlitSkyrail, bluefish09:01
flitoraydsnyders: is it the inet addr, or bcast?09:02
glatzornothlit: furthermore we introduced soft dependencies in edgy. so you will soon be able to uninstall parts of ubuntu-desktop dependencies without removing it09:02
Spant[AT] DHHow can I change the page from vertical to horizontal in OpenOffice Writer? I can't find it and I need it now.09:02
jribnoelferreira: oh I see.  Hmm, not really sure what is going on as we can't get any good info.  When you type 'firefox' normally, does it return you to a new prompt or does it keep the terminal?09:02
dsnydersflitoray, It should give you both.09:02
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noelferreirakeep the terminal jrib09:02
nothlitglatzor, thats incredibly awesome09:02
flitoraydsnyders: yah it does, but im trying to set up port forwarding, which one is my local one for the router config09:02
lzapI have my machine (4x CPU P2) really slow when I boot to smp, in single its speed is okay09:02
edgarinHelo I have a problem I can't write a disc with NAUTILUS and K3B09:03
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nothlitedgarin, what symptoms do you have/ error messages09:03
glatzorbruenig: so you are a power user and gnome-app-install doesn't fit your needs. that is ok :)09:03
ryanakcawhen creating an initrd.img, according to linux-2.6.19/Documentation/initrd.txt, "copy all the files that are needed to properly use the initrd environment"... and those files are?09:03
=== Tominator [n=thomas@p54A86431.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dsnydersflitoray, I'm not exactly understanding your question.  Do you have two lan cards?09:04
jribnoelferreira: how about  'firefox -safe-mode'?09:04
bruenigglatzor, perhaps I am not thinking of the brand new user. That is probably really nice for them. I almost forget about that because of how long I have been using09:04
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:04
noelferreirasame situaton jrib09:04
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flitoraydsnyders: I have a wireless card (it is labelled eth1). I just need to find out my local IP address (like 192.168.0.***) because I am trying to set up port forwarding and you need the local ip.09:05
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eragon24what's the best way to jook up a wireless router?09:05
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jerpedgarin, I'd leave Nautilus alone and use K3B09:05
jribnoelferreira: have you installed anything without using official ubuntu repositories or outside of APT?09:05
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edgarinnothlit with k3b says: Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?09:05
edgarin: Operation not permitted09:05
=== irnub [n=ubuntu@dsl-241-104-180.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
noelferreirajust jre jrib09:05
agonorucihow do i find my CD drive in Ubuntu 6.1009:05
nothlitgnome-app-install helps users keep from getting confused, presents things in an easily understood way so they can install the apps they need without needing to see the clutter of libraries and servers and meta/dummy packages09:06
jribnoelferreira: did firefox ever work?09:06
nothlitthats how i see it anyways09:06
noelferreirabut it was ok for a day or two09:06
agonorucii put in a Cd and its on Nautilus but i dont know how to get too it in terminal?09:06
noelferreirayes jrib09:06
meenerAnyone know the drm driver version in edgy 6.10 ?09:06
edgarinnothlit: the message says: Data does not fit on disk09:06
eragon24what's the best way to hook up a wireless router?09:06
irnubanybody can help me with a mkfs.vfat command to format /dev/hda as fat32?09:06
jribnoelferreira: i don't know, you can try  'sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox'09:06
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Tominatorstill got a problem with my nividia-glx... I uninstalled the BETA-Drivers and tried to install the stable from the default repos (i think its mutiverse) and then my XSERVER collapsed saying that the X-Module is another version than the nvidia-glx... whats the problem?09:06
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noelferreirai did it twice09:06
finalbetaagonoruci, It will be mounted in /media09:06
=== mumbles-off is now known as mumbles
agonorucii put in a Cd and its on Nautilus but i dont know how to get too it in terminal?09:06
jribnoelferreira: no, not if you already have09:06
nothlitedgarin, have you googled your error message? i haven't had any problems with burning so I can't help you09:07
agonoruciok thanks09:07
noelferreirai can't run thunderbird also jrib09:07
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@192.252-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Yukito-kunwhat about problems during install of 6.10? I get a black screen and could not find anything on the net yet09:07
nothlitTominator, yeah like i said, you have to disable nv or nvidia in a linux-restricted-modules configuration file09:07
glatzorTominator: the nvidia driver requires a special version of GLX. This library needs to be compiled with your nvdia-driver09:07
nothlitTominator, theres some posting or faq somewhere on nvnews that tells you what to do09:08
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-240-236.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
agonorucithx finalbeta09:08
Tominatorok i'll look for it...09:08
finalbetanp agonoruci09:08
=== G3N3SIS [n=G3N3SIS@c-71-230-242-102.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
G3N3SISIs garry here?09:09
G3N3SISWhat about Anthony?09:09
G3N3SISor trill?09:10
ejmI have some problems getting my internet going on my folks' desktop.09:10
ryanakcawhats the ubuntu version of red hat's "mkinitrd" ?09:10
agonorucii want to take my cd out, but my cd drive is not coming out09:10
G3N3SISI used a ethernet cable for the time being ejm09:10
G3N3SISIs it in use agon?09:10
ejmyeah, I wish I could.09:10
agonoruciumm it might be09:10
agonorucihow do i stop using it09:10
=== matthew_ [n=matthew@cpe-071-077-044-131.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyaagonoruci, youll have to rightclick the icon and select 'eject'09:10
G3N3SISWell, if you have internet why not look it up?09:10
flitoraydsnyders: ?09:10
nothlitTominator, i found it http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=72490 check the bottom09:10
agonoruciohh ok09:11
agonorucisorry im a Froob09:11
agonorucijust got this yesterday09:11
ejmlol if I had a really long ethernet cable, I wouldn't have a problem.09:11
Tominatorthanks ;)09:11
agonoruciit OWNZ though09:11
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nothlitTominator, i hope it works, thats how i fixed it on a test system09:11
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ejmAnyway, how would I get rid of the broadcom module that I don't need?09:11
=== plesnivyjano [n=plesnive@chello089173015179.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksagonoruci: this is something called unmounting - telling ubuntu that yoou are not using your CD anymore and want it out09:12
ejmI'm going to try ndiswrapping a buffalo driver here in a sec. And it'd help if my darn lexmark printer would print the web pages correct.y09:12
agonorucithanks kbrooks and everyone else, i am removing windowz tottally09:12
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eragon24what's the best way to hook up a wireless router?09:12
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kbrooksagonoruci: on Windows, you don'y have to explicitly "unmount" your CD09:12
agonoruciwindowz crashes 2 much for me09:13
agonorucithis thing boots up in about 20 sec09:13
agonoruciand shuts down in abotu 10 sec09:13
agonoruciand havent had a crash yet09:13
agonorucirun very smoothly09:13
tmitchelli've got a printer set up and working mostly, except when .gif's print, they're just a solid black box09:13
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaYukito-kun, it seems to be a problem with the Edgy release. But I figured it only happened with upgrades from Dapper. I believe it was the graphics card driver that was not found. You have to download them manually and reconfigure xorg. Not 100% sure though.09:13
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finalbetaYukito-kun, tryed booting with live CD, chrooting and updating?09:14
=== Myles [n=myles@dialup.212-50-178-26.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:14
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dsnydersflitoray, stepped away for a moment.  What was your question?09:15
agonorucithanx for all the help guys09:15
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agonoruciLONG LIVE UBUNTU09:15
ryanakcawhats the ubuntu version of red hat's "mkinitrd" ?09:15
eragon24what's the best way to set up wireless Internet?09:15
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jerp"French parliament dumping Windows for Linux"  ...  http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6138372.html09:15
ejmdepends on what you have.09:15
plesnivyjanohelloo, is it possible to browse internet in my work "via" my home machine? What is needed to do so?09:16
kbrooksI think I'll run Windows under Ubuntu. How do I do that?09:16
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kbrooksplesnivyjano: SSH forwarding...09:16
dsnyderskbrooks, take a look at wine and vmware09:16
compengii have ext3 extended partition which is set to root permission how can i change it to user permission in order to be able to write on it?09:16
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ryanakcahow do you create an initrd.img?09:16
finalbetaYukito-kun, Seems like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/6748709:17
kbrooksdsnyders: I don't want to use wine, so vmware it is then09:17
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
plesnivyjanokbrooks thats all? do i need some proxy server running on my home machine too?09:17
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flitoraydsnyders: I asked how to find out my lan ip to set up port forwarding. (like 192.168.0.***)09:17
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kbrooksplesnivyjano: actually i think a proxy server is better, wiith ssh forwarding09:18
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finalbetacompengi, you can set permissions with sudo chmod and change the permissions for others. So something like sudo chmod o+w. Or just change the owner of the files to yourself. sudo chown <user> path09:18
plesnivyjanokbrooks why so?09:18
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kbrooksplesnivyjano: well, maybe you don't need ssh forwarding at all09:19
dsnydersflitoray, what happend with ifconfig?09:19
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RaskallHirvinen: thanks for the chroot-tips. Works great now. I even set my preferred browser to "dchroot -d firefox %s", so that I use the 32bit firefox when clicking links too.09:19
kbrooksplesnivyjano: just try out the proxy server09:19
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flitoraydsnyders: it gives me the inet addr and bcast address, i dont know which one to use09:19
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plesnivyjanokbrooks thanx ill take a look on whole proxy thing09:20
compengifinalbeta:  if i will do sudo chmode o+w i would be able later to do what ever i want in the partition?09:20
kbrooksplesnivyjano: in firefox, u can config a proxy server. lemme see how09:20
=== drkm [n=none@cpc4-norw4-0-0-cust178.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jamesb_is this the right place to ask about sound problems in kubuntu edgy?09:20
dsnydersflitoray, to forward a port you would need to know the specific address you are forwarding it to, so the inet address is the one to use.09:20
EequalsMC2what is the best way to update dapper09:21
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:21
flitoraydsnyders: thanks09:21
finalbetacompengi, "man chmod" You really want to read this if you use linux. Setting rights is a very common task. And no o+w mean other users then the owner have write rights.09:21
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EequalsMC2what is the best way to update dapper09:22
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:22
nothlitTominator, I have the nvidia amaranth package if you need it09:22
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)09:22
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nothlitdkrm you can run wine but don't expect it to just work for most applications, or you can emulate windows inside qemu/kqemu and vmware player/workstation09:23
kbrooksplesnivyjano: ffox menu > edit > preferences > connection settings > select manual proxy configuration09:23
kbrooksplesnivyjano: for 1.509:23
noelferreirafiirefox won't run on edgy. anyone knows why?09:23
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nolimitsoyaquick question: is it possible to add drives to a raid5 lvm array in a simple fashion? (without having to lift all data of the array, and reinsert it)09:24
kbrooksplesnivyjano: for 2.0 in edgy, its tools > options to access preferences09:24
jamesb_noelferreira: runs for meg, have you deleted any lock files?09:24
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noelferreirai don't know jamesb_09:24
noelferreirahow can i see it jamesb_?09:24
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Yukito-kunfinalbeta Yes, it's just like on the link you posted09:25
compengifinalbeta: thanks alot it had worked09:25
noelferreirajrib: are you there?09:25
jribnoelferreira: yep09:25
nothlitAmaranth, oh theres a new repo? ty09:25
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plesnivyjanokbrooks so then i set my remote proxy and tunnel through ssh to my local proxy server at home09:25
noelferreirai guess that firefox is running fine but doesn't appear graphically09:25
Amaranthnothlit: Yeah, new host. Had bandwidth problems.09:26
noelferreirais that possible jrib?09:26
=== G3N3SIS [n=G3N3SIS@c-71-230-242-102.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yukito-kunfinalbeta I haven't installed Edgy yet, because of the problem, do you think I should get Dapper instead and forget about it?09:26
finalbetaYukito-kun, Well, i'm really not sure on how to fix it, perhaps some of the launchpad replies can help. else I would try chrooting, updating and reconfiguring xorg.09:26
jamesb_noelferreira: probably in your .mozilla directory. Have you tried starting firefox from the command line and seeing if it gives any error messages?09:26
shwagYukito-kun: whats the problem with Edgy ?09:26
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compengifinalbeta: do you know how to install an nvidia driver for edgy i have fx 550009:26
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finalbetaYukito-kun, if you hate bugs, yes, stay with dapper. Edgy has it's share of problems.09:26
G3N3SISHey all, I have finally gotten Ubuntu to work, though it is Dapper atm.  Edgy wouldn't budge.  Though, it is saying that it isn't picking up any sound devices.  Is there a problem with it?09:26
jribnoelferreira: well I guess so.  What made you think that?  (I had thought that may have been the problem but wasn't sure how to test it).  Are you running any fancy beryl or compiz stuff maybe?09:26
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finalbetaYukito-kun, edgy is not much more then and updated dapper with bugs. due to the short release cycle, dapper is still a fine release.09:27
noelferreiranot now jrib09:27
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jamesb_I had sound in dapper, now edgy had sound at first and one day it just stopped working. Any hints on how to fix it?09:27
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:27
=== RxDx [n=RODRIGO@201-74-134-179-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetacompengi, no, I don't have nvidea, but I'm sure there are howto's or09:27
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G3N3SISI don't have sound in Dapper.09:27
G3N3SISI'm trying to get the sound09:27
finalbeta!nvidea > compengi09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidea - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
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Yukito-kunshwag My prob is that the install won't proceed, but produce a black screen with the pc not reacting09:28
G3N3SISHow come I do not have sound functioning in Ubuntu 6.06?09:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:28
compengifinalbeta: it's not configured like what's written for edgy =/09:28
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:28
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nothlitAmaranth, amaranth.self-ip.com just says closed sorry with no reference to a new repo btw09:28
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needshelphello all. i'm just tyring ubuntu for the first time. i'm wanting to check out how it handels media files. they are all on my hdd in the documents and settings folder.(use windows xp normally) but it says it can't mount the drive when i try to open it in the places browser. when i try to open it from the tmp folder it has locks on it and says i cann't open it and i cannot change permissions becuase i am the the owner. how can i get it t09:29
Amaranthnothlit: Yeah, I don't have control over it anymore09:29
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
=== Tominator [n=thomas@p54A86431.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
drkmi'm considering changing over to ubuntu, but there are a few apps i want to run but only run on windows.. is there any type of emulater i can use on ubuntu so that i can run these in linux?09:29
jrib!repeat | drkm09:29
ubotudrkm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:29
lamegodrkm, STOP REPEATING09:29
drkmwell don't ignore me09:29
nothlitdkrm you can run wine but don't expect it to just work for most applications, or you can emulate windows inside qemu/kqemu and vmware player/workstation09:29
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lamegodrkm, wine or vmware may work for you09:29
noelferreiraok jrib09:29
jribdrkm: that gets you attention, but the wrong kind.09:29
finalbetacompengi, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851&highlight=nvidea+edgy part of this page explains how to configure them on Edgy.09:29
nothlitI answered before09:29
hou5tonI have looked and looked ... Can someone please remind me how I was able to map the Win key to open Synaptic before ... in a previous version of Ubuntu?09:29
noelferreirai decided to go back to lts dapper drake again09:29
noelferreirathanks for help09:29
finalbetacompengi, check step 209:29
Tominatorhey there... i installed the new driver with the .run file from the nvidia-page, but it's still this problem?! are there other drivers on the multi/universe?09:30
=== cleo [n=cleo-adm@99-29-55-213.adsl.realpoptel.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitAmaranth, ahh k09:30
kbrooksnothlit: dont suggest vmware workstation. suggest vmware server09:30
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needshelpseeing as drkm decieded h'es more importnat then anyone else here could someone please scroll up when they get a chance and try to help me with my problem09:30
jribnoelferreira: alright, too bad we couldn't figure it out.  You could try the forums or mailing list too to get more eyes on the issue09:30
drkmnothlit: do i have to have windows installed to enulate it?09:30
nothlitkbrooks, vmware server calls itself workstation09:30
Tominatorit's 1.0-962909:30
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compengidrkm: if you want to run .exe files on linux try using wine but i don't really recommend it09:30
=== Elda [n=chobits@12-201-94-201.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitdrkm, if you use the qemu/vmware solutions you do09:31
freemandawhat type of program are trying to run in windows09:31
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cleo how do i best copy and burn dvd off the same dvd rw drive in edgy?09:31
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Yukito-kunfinalbeta Do you see a point in trying Xubuntu instead of Ubuntu? I mean regarding stability and bugs09:31
rverripsHi - heard today that apparently the Wireless LED functioning in ipw2200 driver is off by default 'cause it may cause instabilty - Anyone here can confirm that?09:31
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compengicleo: try k3b09:31
EldaMeh, Im having some problems >.<  I dont know if Ive messed anything up... but Ive enabled all the repositories, but Im unable to download any of the kernel based things I need on this thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221672&highlight=7000VE.  Can someone help me out?09:31
=== Linuturk_ [n=Linuturk@fl-71-1-201-22.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitcleo, make an iso of the drive with dd if=/dev/dvdrw of=/home/user/myiso.iso and then burn it09:31
drkmcompengi: what would you recommend to run windows files?09:31
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rverripsElda - Sorry if this sounds too simply, but did you run sudo apt-get update?09:32
finalbetaYukito-kun, not really no. It's build on the same framework.09:32
ErnzHello, are there any programs in Ubuntu that will allow me to select a single file from within a torrent download?09:32
cleocompengi, nonlit ... so there is graphical tool in the default install?09:32
EldaHmmm I think I may have, but let me see :s09:32
=== redblue [n=star@client-82-14-83-55.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
markus__Hello. Whats the opposite to "echo 'input to put in' >> thefile.txt" ?09:33
compengidrkm: there is only one program that can run .exe files on linux which is called wine09:33
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Eldaand dont worry about being simple, I just started using linux 3 days ago xD09:33
Yukito-kunfinalbeta Okay, thanks. I guess I'll try Ubuntu Dapper09:33
nothlitIs there a way to selectively apt update? I feel guilty whenever I make a few modifications to sources.list and update09:33
needshelpokay i'll put it another way: how can i access my files on my hdd? i wan't to play media files from my windows partition. they are divx avi's and ogg files so i know they will work. just can't figure out how to let it access my drive. it says it can't mount it if i try to open from places browser. if i try to open it from the tmp folder it says i dont have permission and i cna't change the permissions becuase i am not the owner. sorry k09:33
dsnydersmarkus__, what are you trying to do?09:33
compengicleo: yes k3b is GUI09:33
=== Kupolinkn [n=angelalb@124-215-28-200.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
rverripsnothlit - No worries, the repositories are there to be used?09:34
finalbetaYukito-kun, I see no reason why you wouldn't get the black screen on Xubuntu. So yes, I would try Dapper09:34
markus__dsnyders, the oppsite.. eg delete the entry "input to put in" in the file "thefile.txt"09:34
ErnzCANCEL THAT: It looks like KTorrent does it. Thanks anyway,. Bye09:34
=== leafw [n=Any@p83.129.194.61.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
Kupolinknspeak spanish ?09:34
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nothlitmarkus__, opposite? i'm not sure what you mean but it you want to do that with ubuntus sudo system you do echo string | sudo tee -a file09:34
leafwwhere is the data contained in the gconf-editor stored in the file system?09:34
=== noex [n=noex@cpe-66-68-126-193.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaneedshelp, you can't open the partition from the places menu? Did it ever work? Normally windows partitions get added to /etc/fstab and show up in places. But you can't write on ntfs partitions, only read from them.09:34
cleocompengi, but k3b is an additional step to install. thanks anyway.09:34
HymnToLife!es | Kupolinkn09:34
ubotuKupolinkn: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:34
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nothlitrverrips, yeah but we're not supposed to update more than once a day and any time i make a change and do an update it updates every entry09:34
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jribleafw: http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.14/gconf-0.html09:35
needshelpfinalbeta: well it is ntfs i don't need to write just read. but it doesn't let me even open it i was thinking cause ubuntu may not support sata drives but i wasn't sure is that my problem09:35
hou5tonI am trying to access files on our home network, but can't figure out what package to install .... is it samba, or smb4k, which says it's for KDE and I use Gnome??09:35
dsnydersmarkus, you could use sed.  I don't know the specific command parameters, but it can remove a specific line from a file.09:35
rverripsneedshelp - Try this in a terminal ... sudo mkdir /windows <enter> sudo mount /dev/hda2 /windows09:35
nothlitrverrips, btw i mean aptitude update, not aptitude upgrade09:35
leafwjrib : thank you. I also need to figure out how to clean away all these "connected" servers which are not even proesent in my desktop ...09:35
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Yukito-kunfinalbeta Hope I don't annoy cause you ought to read such thinks on the net, but how slim is Xubuntu really? Are there many components missing, like media file support or OpenOffice?09:35
markus__nothlit, i trying to delete the entry "input to put in" in the file "thefile.txt"09:35
leafwthey are all ftp09:35
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rverripsneedshelp - Ubuntu supports sata drives just fine ... and ntfs as well (although only read-only by default)09:36
=== eloquence_ needs some help setting up ieee80211 subsystem: http://pastebin.ca/264901
nothlithou5ton, nautilus already has samba support built in, but smbfs is a nice solution for mounting samba shared09:36
jribleafw: hmm can you right click in nautilus and select "unmount"?09:36
kbrookshou5ton: KDE applications only require the revelant libraries and any additional applications which it requires09:36
nothlithou5ton, shares*09:36
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leafwjrib : they are not listed, they are "stuck" or something09:36
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jribleafw: where do you see them?09:36
finalbetaYukito-kun, Sry, no idea, media support is something that you usually have to install after intallation. I think openoffice is installed. but if you use Xubuntu, you can manually install every app you liked in ubuntu later.09:36
leafwjrib : in the gconf-editor for instance, under desktop/connected_servers09:37
Eldarverrips:  I tried that, but still no dice :S09:37
needshelprverrips: says dev/hda2 does not exist09:37
finalbetaneedshelp, ubuntu should support sata. You are running the live CD? Or you have a full installation?09:37
needshelplive dvd09:37
jribleafw: oh I see.  I don't know anything about that.  I don't even have that key here09:37
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leafwjrib: if no servers are present, the key is not present09:38
noexAnyone have tips for creating a new partition from a existing Ubuntu setup? Currently, I have all my space allocated for, I will need to do some resizing. Anyone has a FAQ link or suggestion for me?09:38
nothlitYukito-kun, Xubuntu is just a lighter weight desktop that uses a lighter weight suite of apps, you still get automounting ( i think) and filebrowsing and what not, but it runs faster and less feature filled. you can still reinstall any apps you might miss and you can check what ubuntu installs by typing apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop09:38
finalbetaneedshelp, ah, that explains it. On the Live DVD, no partitions are mounted by default. you will have to mount them yourself.09:38
Yukito-kunfinalbeta Of course, you can configure it afterwards. But it costs time! Again, thanks for your kind help! It's my decision after all.09:38
needshelpso how do i do it finalbeta09:38
needshelpi tired the command from rverrips but it didn't wokr09:39
finalbetaCan someone tell needshelp what the best way would be to mount an ntfs drive from the Live DVD?09:39
twa1296hi, my sound just stopped working spontaneously after an x session crash, any ideas?09:39
leafwtwa1296 : the master may be down to zero.09:40
twa1296leafw checked it already09:40
hou5tontwa1296:   for what it's worth, when mine did that, it set all the levels to zero09:40
finalbetaneedshelp, sudo mkdir /media/windows and then sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 needshelp you will have to replace /dev/hda1 with the windows partition.09:40
nothlitdoes anyone know if i need to boot the 386 kernel to use mondo or can i use the generic kernel? basically does mindi just reference the kernel to create its discs or need it to run?09:41
rverripsneedshelp, sorry, /dev/hda2 is if you have ide ... for sata try /dev/sda1 (I think ... let me confirm)09:41
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alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?09:41
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noexAnyone have tips for creating a new partition from a existing Ubuntu setup? Currently, I have all my space allocated for, I will need to do some resizing. Anyone has a FAQ link or suggestion for me?09:42
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nothlitfinalbeta, does he mean read or read/write? the disc doesn't have ntfs-3g or captive installed09:42
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rverripsneedshelp, jup, /dev/sda1 for sata (could be /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda3 for different numbered partitions, or /dev/sdb1 for first partition on second (slave) sata drive)09:42
finalbetanothlit, read09:42
r00t-fckhey ppls09:42
jerpdoes anyone know what this means?  (gconf-editor:13136): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",09:42
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needshelpty rvrrips be back if it don't work09:42
nothlitjerp you need to install gtk2-engine-pixbuf09:43
finalbetaOhw, I have ntfs-3g installed, hwo can I make Ubuntu auto mount my external ntfs drives with this driver?09:43
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nothlitjerp, yeah it doesn't make sense that the gtk2 pixmap engine isn't called pixmap09:43
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jerpnothlit, ok :) that would make sense, thanks09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about femininity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
nothlitfinalbeta, ubuntuguide.org09:44
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finalbetanothlit, thnx09:44
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu09:44
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nothlitfinalbeta, if they're external i don't know if you can automount them, you might be able to if you set the user permission correctly in fstab for pmount, im not sure how much gnome-volume-manager allows for09:45
stewskihello ubuntuans09:45
irnubguys does the ubuntu live cd have a partition manager built in?09:45
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eilker hi friends, my host os is ubuntu, i installed as guest os win xp (via vmware), my question; do i have chance to access ubuntu files when i am on win xp ?09:45
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orpheanirnub, gparted, yes.09:45
lllloohello folks09:45
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nothlitirnub, yes under system administration gparted09:45
Lamegoeilker, yes, installing samba on your linux host09:45
llllooany one have an idea why  FIREFOX or SWIFTfox crashes in ubuntu 6.1009:45
r3texanyone here use the macbook09:45
stewskieilker I use windows file sharing and then connect to it over the lan09:45
leafwr3tex : not yet, but I will soon.09:46
lllloospecially when it opens flash pages09:46
swaby1will ubuntu ever support lexmark printers?09:46
dou213hey guys, how can i enstable a virtual machine on my windows box? off-topic, i know... :) but maybe some1 can help09:46
lllloosome times it ok09:46
nothliteilker, you might be able to  through lamego's suggestion or vmware addons09:46
irnubcool thanks guys09:46
lllloothen next thing u know it locks the browser09:46
r3texleafw, ok it sucks and is really troublesome09:46
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r3texgood luck09:46
leafwr3tex : I know, a friend was testing it in the lab09:46
eilkerlamego: you r right, i must think those as independent :)09:46
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stewskidou123 you can use vmware or virtual pc to install ubuntu09:46
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finalbetanothlit, yep, answer not on that site. Need to find out what's being done when nautilus auto mounts an usb/firewire drive.09:46
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leafwr3tex : there where problems with sleep for instance09:46
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:47
r3texleafw, i'm getting weird apic related kernel crashes, and it's annoying with this efi boot stuff09:47
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!09:47
nothlitfinalbeta, theres a guide on ubuntu forums about fstab and it tells you how to let pmount mount drives, you might try that09:47
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Amarantheilker: It's already done09:47
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G3N3SISGuys, I am having sound issues.  It claims that there is no sound card detected.  But when I log out, it plays the drum beat sound really fast.  I can't hear anything else, and it won't let me go into volume control.  Is there a known issue with sound, and is there any way to fix it?09:47
r3texleafw, plus the keys are annoying to get working09:47
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stewskianyone using listen music player?09:47
leafwr3tex : the macbook is not ready for big time, not even to run macosx properly. I kept delaying buying one for the whole year, but it's not getting better.09:47
dou213stewski, which one is better?09:47
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r3texG3N3SIS, does it have a double base, or just a regular drum beat?09:48
stewskiI like vmware09:48
r3texlike metal, or tribal?09:48
G3N3SISdrum beat09:48
eobanbleafw, how so09:48
r3texok, that means it's a module problem09:48
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needshelp according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is mounted on /tmp/disks-conf-sda1 ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ <- i get that when i go to that location it won't let me accss my drives, and says i can't change the permissions cause i am not the owner. which i am. my personal comptuer i built myslef.09:48
eilkerstewski: how can i install vmware tools, it doesnt accept...09:48
phisquareHi guys, I want to set up my computer to be a linux file server right now and also run myth tv with an ati tv tuner card.  The file server needs to be windows accessable09:48
G3N3SISoh ok.09:48
phisquareI want subversion access on this box too and remote vnc access as well09:48
r3texjust kidding :)09:48
dou213stewski, are both free?09:48
phisquareCan this be done easily with edgy?09:48
G3N3SISSo, is there a way to fix it?09:48
Lamegophisquare, install samba or sshd09:48
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eobanbphisquare, yes09:48
r3texG3N3SIS, i'm quite sure09:48
cleodoes anyone know what acidrip (available in 'applications' --> 'add/remove') is like compared to "dd if=/dev/dvd of=/dev/xyz.iso' ?09:48
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stewskiyes but vmware seems more open source friendly I use it on ubuntu to run xp09:48
r3texyou have to first download TFM and then you have to RTFM09:48
r3tex:D wha wha wha wha09:49
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G3N3SISWhats TFM and RTFM?09:49
Lamegocleo, you can't burn a dvd with dd09:49
nothlitcleo, you can't put the iso into /dev09:49
Lamegoops, iso creation09:49
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Lamegook :P09:49
phisquareShould I download the custom ubuntu install over the desktop installer?09:49
leafweobanb : macbooks have inconsistent sleep/awake behavior, keyboard fails randomly, and Adobe suite (primary tool for me to use macosx at all) is not yet native.09:49
r3texG3N3SIS, they have it on the ubuntu website09:49
eobanbread the fine manual, G3N3SIS09:49
stewskieilker I installed vmware tools by clicking on the vmwaretools menu item09:49
swaby1join #ubuntu-classroom09:49
G3N3SISah fine.09:49
G3N3SISIf you insist09:49
swaby1join #ubuntu-classroom09:49
eobanbno, that's what it stands for, G3N3SIS09:49
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eilkerstewski: it gives a warning...09:50
leafwactually, sad as it sounds, Windows XP runs better on a macbook than macosx itself.09:50
stewskiwhats the warning?09:50
cleonothlit, so acidrip does something else then?09:50
nothlitdoes anyone know how to modify which kernel to boot on the ubuntu livecd09:50
eilkerstewski: u cant install when os is running etc...09:50
G3N3SISso r3t3x, do you mean to tell me that I need the gstramer plugins or?09:50
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nothlitcleo, im not sure, i just told you the "simplest" way to fix your solution off the top of my head, i haven't used acidrip09:50
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G3N3SISWhere exactly will i be able to find out about tfm, and rtfm?09:51
cleonothlit, info grub should do it ... grub is powerful09:51
r3texG3N3SIS, no if you hear sound then the soundcard is detected and working. It's probably just a trivial configuration issue. Just try playing around with it. It should work09:51
stewskieilker http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/new_guest_tools_ws.html09:51
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mianoshi all09:51
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swaby1I need help with a lexmark x1240 printer install09:51
nothlitcleo, the livecd, not an installation09:51
r3texG3N3SIS, RTFM means Read The Frrrrriggin Manual :)09:51
G3N3SISWell, when I went thru the thread in the forums09:51
r3texit was a joke09:51
stewskido you people know about free legal torrent movies?09:51
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Royi got a problem with my cd rom copier09:51
G3N3SISit claimed there was no sound card09:52
G3N3SISthen i did a lspci -l09:52
eilkerstewski: mine is vmwareserver09:52
G3N3SISand it listed that it saw my multimedia device09:52
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nothlitcleo, im working in an unpacked chrooted env which has no grub09:52
Royit doesnt want to burn nothing data, audio, iso etc nothing09:52
r3texG3N3SIS, do cat /proc/asound/cards09:52
mianoswhich tool handles the multimedia-keys in edgy? i have a logitech keyboard with such keys - they're working fine - BUT: i have an Hauppauge TV-Card with infrared-remote too09:52
Roywhat can i do? or what im doing wrong?09:52
G3N3SISone sec09:52
stewskisome good films out of copyright I believe09:52
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G3N3SIS[V8237          ] : VIA8237 - VIA 823709:52
G3N3SIS                     VIA 8237 with AD1980 at 0xc800, irq 19309:52
=== anuvis07 [n=anuvis@92-230-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
r3texthere it is09:53
swaby1roy are u using k3b09:53
mianostwo days ago i updatet to edgy and now the remote is set on multimedia-keys too - i don't want that!09:53
r3texso it's detected09:53
stewskieilker sorry I cant be more help I don't remember, mine is vmware server and had no problem installing the tools09:53
Royyeas swaby109:53
eilkerstewski: ok, now i could install it, thank you09:53
G3N3SISbut the sound thing says either something is wrong with my card, or i'm missing gstreamer plugins09:53
Royi got ubuntu edgy gnome keb09:53
nothlitAmaranth, is it hawkwind's or philips key that you need for the contrib repo of seer of souls09:53
G3N3SISso should I go get gstreamer?09:53
swaby1do you get error messages?09:53
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compengiwho knows how to install nvidia driver for fx 5500 on edgy?09:53
mianossomebody an idea how i can fix this,? just the keyboard should be used for volume-control and such things09:53
Amaranthnothlit: hawkwind's09:53
PingunZWhat font does ubuntu use ? ( system > preferences > fonts )09:53
mianosnot the lirc-compatible-tv-card-remote09:53
Royit say someting about an error code 25509:54
gionnybossHi all! I have a weird problem..09:54
nothlitAmaranth, Thanks :)09:54
Amaranthnothlit: Have you, by any chance, read an Animorphs book? :)09:54
strabesAmaranth: I have!!! i read them all like 10 years ago09:54
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nothlitAmaranth, indeed09:54
Amaranthstrabes: me too :P09:54
jerpPingunZ, I think they are defaulted to serif09:54
AmaranthI've still got a large box full of them09:54
=== Elda [n=chobits@12-201-94-201.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
eilkerstewski: lets say i had virus in win xp part, my host os will be effected ??09:54
dou213eilker, no09:55
Royand it tell me a report at the end but it long and i dont know what iis it09:55
EldaIm sure I missed it if someone answered me as xchat started acting gimpy09:55
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gionnybossI installed a patch (915resolution) to use the correct screen resolution with my laptop. If I start in safe mode, enter root password and start the patch manually (/etc/init.d/915resolution start) and then I do 'startx' it works... while if I start the system normally, I can't use the correct resolution, now I'm at 640x480 and it's awful... can anybody help, please? maybe I have to be sure that it is in the runlevel, but I don't know09:55
gionnybosshow to do it09:55
EldaBut how would I get to the settings where I can select my video card etc?09:55
stewskieilker the virtual server is safe, the ubuntu install will remain fine regardless of XP09:55
dou213eilker, the virtual machine protects the host machine, it's one of the great benefits09:55
eilkerdou213: it is good, i liked it too much:)) except of one thing09:55
AmaranthElda: Looking at that thread now09:56
mianosno idea?09:56
nothlitgionnyboss, you have to edit gdm's configuration files09:56
Royi want to burn the kubuntu image but it doent work09:56
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EldaI cant get any of the kerlenl things to install09:56
G3N3SISwhat is the original root password?09:56
eilkerthe mui doesnt accept my username and password09:56
Roymy cd copier09:56
G3N3SISI did su in the terminal and I tried nothing, as well as root.09:56
G3N3SISNothing came out09:56
strabesG3N3SIS: you have to set it yourself09:56
EldaSo I tried without it, and it gives me an error.log09:56
jerpPingunZ, I'm sure you know Ubuntu allows a package called msttcorefonts also09:56
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stewskithere are plenty of difficulties running linux but the lack of viruses and not needing a firewall are brilliant benefits09:56
compengiRoy: try to burn it on low speed like 4x09:56
EldaSo then I tried what it mentoined on page 3 but I dont know where I access that09:56
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PingunZjerp, indeed .. I know :)09:56
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AmaranthElda: I would not recommend doing that.09:57
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nothlitDoes anyone know how the boot menu of the livecd works?09:57
stewskiI've heard it said that when you have a small gene pool you get ugly and ill a lot :-)09:57
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eilkerdou213 , stewski : the mui doesnt accept my username and password, do u have such experience ?09:57
nothlitstewski, you probably still need to run a firewall09:57
EldaI dont need to do all that, I have an igp 345m and Im thinking all I have to do is : For those testing or already working with Ubuntu 6.10 there is a twist to this. You no longer need to load the DRI's driver as it's already in the distro. Just go into System Settings/Monitor & Display, log into the administrator mode and set your hardware to:09:57
Eldathat part09:57
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stewskinothlit ubuntu runs no listening services by default09:58
gionnybossnothlit, sorry for the private, I ask you here! how can I edit gdm's startup files, please?09:58
Royi cant burn my cd's09:58
EldaBut I cant find the system settings part :/09:58
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compengiRoy: O.o why?!09:58
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eumelam new to ubuntu,how do i mount my hda5 partition and set my keyboard to de09:58
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nothlitstewski, of course but people may still enable services like networks shares and ssh and if so...09:58
Royit appears an error code 25509:59
stewskiwell ssh is pretty secure no?09:59
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nothlitDoesn't mean I would leave it at defaults09:59
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shogo3dcheck this out..  ps -ef|grep X tells me that Xgl is running09:59
alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?09:59
needshelpokay: so i got my second partitoin to mount i can see those files, but have many more on the actual first one with windows: used sda2 for that. but it keeps telling my the first one is already monted in tmp/disks-conf-sda1 any ideas09:59
shogo3dbut its still 2d09:59
Lamegossh is secure as long you setup secure passwords :P09:59
stewskiand the presumption is you're behind a nat-firewall in most cases09:59
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nothlitmost people don't use keys and leave it at a default port09:59
nothlitgreat for brute forcing09:59
shogo3dwhat am i missing?09:59
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dou213stewski, you seem to have some exp with virtual machines, can we prv?10:00
eilkerstewski: it doesnt accept my username and password, did u have it before ?10:00
eumelok,set my keyboard,but how do i mount my hd10:00
oosooshoh my God.10:00
oosooshthis channel is full10:00
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stewskisure whats up?10:00
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alecjwoosoosh: 1002 is nothing10:00
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oosooshstewski: i think it is good10:00
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oosooshalecjw: really ? where can i see more ?10:00
cleoif I had a second dvd drive ... would edgy burn dvd by copying on the fly through the native cd/dvd burner program?10:01
sigp239I get an error when I login:  Internal error10:01
sigp239failed to initialize HAL!10:01
sigp239does anyone know what that is/10:01
alecjwoosoosh: well, this channel has more users than any other channel on freenode, but there are often more people here10:01
EldaAmarinth - I know that other part shouldnt be done but on the third page it mentions just entering System Settings/Monitor & Display and setting it to use the video card... how would I enter that?10:01
EldaAs I cant seem to find it :S10:01
=== coldtek_ [i=Daniel@p54A43C1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
eumeljeez,so many ppl in here and no help :(10:02
nothlitcleo, nautilus burning isn't powerful enough for that, if you're running ubuntu and not kubuntu, try install gnomebaker or braseros and see how you like them10:02
G3N3SISWhat is the default super user password10:02
oosooshalecjw: i see. really good10:02
Eldaeumel, be patient :s10:02
EldaNot everyone here is an expert and there are many other people in here who need hep too10:02
oosoosheumel: whats up ?10:02
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alecjweumel: it should mount automatically10:02
nothlitG3N3SIS, there is none, ubuntu uses sudo, you can use sudo -s for super user privileges but old varibles and sudo -i for true root login, i recommend you use these because then sudo logs them10:03
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eilkerpeople in vmware ; it doesnt accept my username and password, anyone had it before ?10:03
stewskieilker http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=b2c422d4fac91434a660760b7abf1d48&t=183209&highlight=vmware10:03
stewskivery helpful10:03
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cleonothlit, but would they do the job? cant afford a new dvd drive to experiment backing up my documentary?10:03
G3N3SISyeah, i messed up on log in10:03
justin420hi. anybody tell me how to disable agpgart?10:04
eloquence_ircminer, who here prefers kubuntu over ubuntu?10:04
G3N3SISthanks I got it10:04
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G3N3SISI have to log off really fast10:04
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stewskii prefer ubuntu but Ive not tried kbuntu10:04
cleoeven k3b would do if its known to copy and burn on the fly as k3b installs on ubuntu anyway...10:04
nothlitcleo, you could probably use one of them and make the iso and then use the same drive to burn the duplicate10:04
nothlitcleo i see no reason why you would need another drive10:05
nothlitcleo and if both those progs don't have what you need k3b will10:05
alecjwwhen i open my address book in evolution, it goes to Local/Anniversery, how can i make it go to Local/All instead?10:05
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eumeloosoosh: i'm trying to find out,how i can mount and use my hda5 from live-cd?10:05
oosooshwho asked the question about failing to initialize HAL ?10:05
stewskiI'd try kde but the k prefix on apps seems counter intuitive and for a while kde was using some not free libraries (not any more though) Ive used amarok kde music player it was excellent10:05
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host15-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
cleonothlit, so i do not have to sacrifice hard disk space ... why on the fly burning is good10:05
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oosoosheumel: it isnt automatically mounted ?10:06
nothlitubuntu is really impressive in how theyve implemented gnome, it convinced me, i don't use a DE but still10:06
stewskiand k3b burner looks great10:06
alecjweumel: sudo mount -t <filke system> /dev/hda5 <mount point>10:06
oosooshfor failing HAL initialization http://easylinuxguide.com/forum/index.php?topic=68.msg23310:06
cleonothlit, also speed .. half the time ...no?10:06
nothlitcleo, ahh, well if you don't mind the extra expense it should be possible, you can google it if you want to be absolutely sure or poke around in the applications10:06
eumelalecjw:but where do i find the mounted hd?in kanotix it is under media or other distros under mnt?!10:06
stewskinothlit yes I really like ubuntu environment the missus uses it without caring its not windows10:06
oosooshthis channel is fast -10:06
r3texis the default ubuntu kernel not smp enabled?? :P10:06
alecjweumel: what fs is it, and i can give you an exact command10:07
leafwr3tex : nope. Just choose the smp from synaptic10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
bimberir3tex: it is in Edgy, but not in earlier Ubuntu releases10:07
nothlitcleo, anyways you don't sacrifice space you can delete it afterwards. also burning programs still cache the data before they start to prevent corruption10:07
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:07
r3texbimberi, wtf did i get an old version =/ shiat10:07
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oosoosheumel: THAT disk u talk about , what is the file system ?10:07
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bimberi!version | r3tex10:07
ubotur3tex: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.10:07
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sigp239what does this do?  sudo update-rc.d -f dbus remove10:08
sigp239sudo update-rc.d dbus defaults 1210:08
n1gkeHowdy folks. . .10:08
eobanbbimberi, that's not true.10:08
eumeloosoosh: what you mean by filesystem?10:08
stewskione thing about gnome - file listing in the home directory (when showing dot directories) is dog slow10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uname - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
bimberieobanb: oh, tell me more10:08
eobanbbimberi, by default the kernel is -generic10:08
leafwlsb_release -a ? Shouldn't that be uname -a ?10:08
r3texbimberi, edgy.. it's hard to remember the names :D hehe10:08
bimberi!generic | eobanb10:08
ubotueobanb: Background to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html10:08
eobanbsmp is available, as an option, in all versions of ubuntu10:08
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oosoosheumel: tell us if you have installed anything on it10:08
nothlitwho has enabled popularity-contest here, just curious ^^10:08
sigp239oosoosh:  what do those commands do?10:08
justin420Anybody have a nvidia card; and if so uses the nvagp instead of agpgart? if so could you help with disabling agpgart so the nvagp mod can do its thing?10:08
jribnothlit: <--10:08
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bimberinothlit: aye10:09
eumelmy hda5 is fat32 and the other one is reiserfs,if thats what youmean10:09
stewskiwhats popularity?10:09
oosooshsigp239: i dont know - but i thought it could help10:09
nothlitIsn't popularity-contest's results skewed towards power users? =/10:09
hou5tonhow do I get smb4k to let me open it as user?10:09
Eldahow do I log in with root access?10:09
nothlitstewski, it keeps track of what programs you use more often and tells ubuntu10:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
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jerpmopth, I think I have it activated10:09
stewskiwhere do I do that10:09
M3G4crux hi10:09
M3G4cruxI am having problems connecting bluetooth10:10
stewskiseems like a genius idea10:10
nothlitstewski, dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest10:10
jerpnothlit, I think I have it activated10:10
bart__i can't resize windows in beryl :(10:10
M3G4cruxl2ping tells me "Permission denied" anyone has any idea how to fix this?10:10
nothlitjerp, :)10:10
oosooshElda: have u enabled root already ?10:10
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alecjweumel: mkdir HardDriveA5, then sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 HardDiskA5, then it will be in your home dir10:10
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stewskicheers nothlit I think I can help using this10:11
EldaIm thinking its enabled, but when I tried logging in as root it tells me "cannot login as root from this screen" or something like that10:11
EldaWhen I try to do so >.<10:11
eumelalecjw: thx10:11
justin420n1gke: dont see anything there about using nvagp instead of agpgart??10:11
nothlitstewski, thats great :D10:11
=== neostyle [i=neostyle@chello213047124050.36.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
EldaOn the front screen where I log in/select session etc10:11
oosooshElda: what screen ? can u be more specific ?10:11
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EldaYou know, the screen where you select your session when you first start ubuntu10:11
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-98-23.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
EldaWhere you enter your user name and password10:12
oosooshElda: aaah i see10:12
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Eldaso how do I access it?10:12
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EldaAs I wish to change a system setting so that it actually uses the drivers to my card....10:12
oosooshElda: can u see the picture oor name for root there ?10:12
jrib!root | Elda10:12
ubotuElda: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:12
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Eldableh then how do I access this? Setting10:12
stewskinothlit thats why I love ubuntu when they want to spy on us they make us use dpkg to CHOOSE to let them10:13
eumelcool,i can see my files now ;)10:13
Eldaone seccond10:13
=== Xzallion [n=kenneth@12-218-104-217.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyeI can't get sendmail to actually send mail successfully. Anybody know anything about either config or substitution of that program with another?10:13
nothlitstewski, :)10:13
=== Bitmaster [n=Bitmaste@c-5561e253.325-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Eldajrib how would I get to the point that I can do this?  For those testing or already working with Ubuntu 6.10 there is a twist to this. You no longer need to load the DRI's driver as it's already in the distro. Just go into System Settings/Monitor & Display, log into the administrator mode and set your hardware to:10:13
=== toM|vendettA [n=fooledk@AC9317F2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
EldaBecause I look at the system drop down and see nothing that allows me to access that10:13
rc-1OMG LOL http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html read number eight10:14
EldaIm assuming I have to be in root to do so >.<10:14
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nothlitstewski, its not spying though, the majority windows programs out there do that, its just anonymous statistics reporting10:14
bimberiElda: It is better to use sudo and gksudo for temporary superuser access rather than enabling root login.  However if you must: System -> Administration -> Login Window, Security Tab, Allow Local Administrator Login10:14
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toM|vendettAHi, can someone tell me how I can get the login screen for Ubuntu to show the users available, so I dont have to type in my account name, i can just click on my account and type in the password?10:14
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stewskiI was kiddin nothlit and my eyes have been open on widows software for a while10:15
nothlitbimberi, i would feel safer with su -c then sudo myself, different password and permissions don't hang around for 15 minutes10:15
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eumelhow much RAM is required to run ubuntu from hd?10:15
stewskioops typo :-)10:15
dsnyderstoM|vendettA, you mean, like a dropdown list of users?10:15
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EldaOkey then Im wondering through sudo, how would I get to that option?10:15
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jribElda: what web page are you reading?10:15
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nothliteumel, i wouldn't use less than 256 for sure, there is xubuntu and ubuntu-lite if you're running legacy hardware10:16
Eldahttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221672&page=3&highlight=7000VE Page 3 post 2310:16
toM|vendettAdsnyders, like the windows xp login menu ( i just replaced xp with ubuntu, and my mom doesnt know how to logon, trying to make it as simple as possible for her )10:16
bimberinothlit: kk10:16
oosooshtoM|vendettA: Desktop ---> Administration ----> Login Window ---> User Tab10:16
G3N3SISI probably, have the biggest puzzler yet!  I messed up on my install.  I made the administrator user named "root" and I can't login on that.  It is considered to be a root user.  Should I go back and reinstall.. or is there a way for my current user to become an admin.  I made this user thru failsafe recovery mode.10:16
nothlitG3N3SIS, the root account already existed10:17
toM|vendettAthanks oosoosh  and dsnyders10:17
eumelwell,i'm on 256,but i.e kanotix is for 192mb,but with some applications thats rather slow10:17
=== hobby55 [n=dee@ip565764c0.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jribG3N3SIS: add your user to the 'admin' group10:17
nothlitG3N3SIS, if you're absolutely completely sure you want su - then you can use sudo passwd10:17
oosooshtoM|vendettA: ALWAYS10:17
G3N3SISno, it's not that.10:17
G3N3SISI want to use sudo10:17
G3N3SISbut, I can't.  It seems to think I don't have admin privs10:18
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@248.Red-83-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribG3N3SIS: in recovery mode:  adduser your_user_name admin10:18
jerpeumel, there is the alternative that will use as little 192 megs of memory10:18
G3N3SISk thanks10:18
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oosooshG3N3SIS: if i understand well, you have the super user ( root ) and another user called root as well ?10:18
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eumelwhats the difrence between ubuntu and ubuntu-lite?10:18
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nothlitG3N3SIS, you can make any use admin through a gui as well if you use system administration users and groups edit a user and choose the last tab10:19
G3N3SIShaha yeah10:19
G3N3SISi'm retarded10:19
stewskinothlit what firewall are you using?10:19
G3N3SISYeah, that can be all true noth, but I can't do that if I'm not an admin10:19
jribG3N3SIS: actually I would file that as a bug.  The installer should check for that10:19
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-129-253-163.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitstewski, my router is my firewall i play with services quite often I've set up the firewall before but I don't really need it10:20
G3N3SIShaha, as soon as I fix these stupid errors I will.10:20
G3N3SISThanks for the help guys10:20
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Eldajrib : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221672&page=3&highlight=7000VE Page 3 post 2310:20
EldaThats what Id been looking at10:20
oosooshWhat is Ubuntu Lite ? go there ----> http://www.ubuntulite.org/drupal/?q=taxonomy/term/110:20
stewskihardware firewall > software so good idea10:20
eumeloosoosh: thx10:20
EldaTrying to figure out how to bring up that so I can change that10:20
oosoosheumel: always10:20
nothlitstewski, if you need a gtk app and don't like firestarter, you can user fireflier-server and fireflier-client-gtk but you may need to edit a config file in /etc to login to it, and root users cant btw10:20
EldaI want to get into the system settings10:21
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stewskiare they based on iptables?10:21
hobby55I want to do the following command "wget http://url/xmule-1.13.6.x86.package10:22
alekaI need help with Virtual partition recovery or physical recovery10:22
nothlitG3N3SIS the first user account should have admin privileges already10:22
nothlitstewski, yes all iptables/netfilter based10:22
hobby55and I get the following error messages "Herleiden van url... mislukt: Name or service not known.10:22
hobby55root@ubuntu:~# $ wget http://url/xmule-1.13.6.x86.package10:22
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stewskicool not used, like you I rely on a router10:23
cleoscribus manual being absent on edgy is awful... prooves so useful inse other distro i run... anyone know how to find the status of development in this case?10:23
nothlitstewski, also don't bother with gnome-lokkit it's practically useless10:23
bimberiElda: I think this menu option you're looking for is in the driconf program (but I'm guessing)10:23
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EldaHow do I access that?10:23
nothlitstewski, if you don't mind qt/kdelibs theres guard dog      and fwbuilder10:23
stewskiso its a port of the windows firewall nothlit :-)10:23
bimberiElda: have you read that whole thread, it's in the first post10:23
nothlitstewski, absolutely not iptables > windows firewall anything10:23
justin420anybody tell me how to not load agpgart upon starting ubuntu?10:23
stewskiI hear qt is all good these days10:24
eumelubuntu takes ~60min for hd-install???jeez!10:24
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KervanHello how can i install htsearch10:24
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nothliteumel, it shouldn't unless you have a really slow computer/hd/cd drive10:24
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dsnydershobby55, you don't have a valid website after the http://10:24
stewskiubuntu took less than 60mins for me10:24
mc44eumel: took far less time for me10:24
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G3N3SISWorked like a charm10:24
EldaI have read it10:25
EldaI installed that, and I even tried running the sh. install thing but that errors out on me10:25
EldaSo Im thinking I just follow the steps on page 3 for 6.1010:25
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G3N3SISThanks for all your help ;-)10:25
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stewskiis there a place we can track popularity-contest ?10:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:25
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mc44stewski: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/10:25
mc44stewski: surprisingly enough :)10:26
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stewskicheers mc4410:26
MrKeunerhi, how can I tell nautilus to open a special filetype with an application run in wine? can I do that?10:26
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G3N3SISNow, onto the next matter.  Sound!10:27
G3N3SISI hear the tribal beat on turn on, and log off.10:27
Eldano that was definatley not it10:27
stewskiwow I might be the only person using listen10:27
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G3N3SISit picks up my devices, as someone said earlier10:27
MrKeunerstewski: I use too, but do no tlike it much10:28
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G3N3SISAny ideas on how to get sound working?10:28
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dsnydersMrKeuner, I'm not sure, but I would try setting up  terminal style application with 'wine filename' as the command.10:28
mc44!sound | G3N3SIS10:28
ubotuG3N3SIS: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin10:28
stewskiwhat do you prefer MrKeuner10:28
gr33npho3nixhey, my network monitor icon dissapear from the gnome toolbar, I can kill it and restart it but it doesn't come back, rebooting doesn't help either , does anybody have any suggestions10:28
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lullabudi have a weird problem in ubuntu on my Latitude D620 with Nvidia Quadro (no, i'm not using xgl or beryl).10:28
G3N3SISI'm not allowed to double click the volume10:28
lullabudafter a short time, all the text on my screen goes into heiroglyphic mode.10:28
MrKeunerI like quod libet more, also rhythmbox is nice10:28
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MrKeunerbanshee is good too10:29
mc44G3N3SIS: system -> preferences -> sound10:29
eumelno offence,but i used kanotix over a year now and somehow,i don't get used to ubuntu! :(10:29
G3N3SISNo Gstreamer plugins and/or devices found.10:29
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MrKeunerdsnyders: tried that with no luck10:29
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ooswoosheumel: is freedom not about choice ?10:29
rollfilmdoes someone know a musicplayer for gnome which has a sleep timer and a wakeup feature?10:29
G3N3SISYeah when I do the cat /procs/something else here that someone instructed me to type earlier.10:29
matthew_what web browser should I use if a web site uses ActiveX control?10:29
ooswooshrollfilm: you could investigate the crontab10:30
stewskiamarok has a bookmark feature I miss that10:30
dsnydersMrKeuner, well, that exhausts my suggestions :-)10:30
G3N3SISIt said that it picked somethiing up, my device was there.  Then, I look here, and it says there is no default sound card, and that there is no options either.10:30
lullabudanybody ever have that problem?  (text goes into heirogliphic style after a while of idleness)10:30
lullabudi have a screenshot...10:30
kr0n1xgtk vs metacity: what is lighter????10:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin10:30
stewskidoes anyone have good itunes library import routines?10:30
errorlevelkr0n1x: Err...  Why that comparison?10:31
nothlitstewski, qt may be good but it doesn't mean I want to load kdelibs and gnome libs or install a huge chunk of kde just for a single program10:31
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kr0n1xbecause i'm installing murrina10:31
kr0n1xand i need to select the engine...10:31
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frantichooray for flash 910:31
nothlitkr0n1x, gtk and metacity work together10:31
errorlevelkr0n1x: And murrina is?10:31
whyameyehow do I get sendmail to use my cable provider's SMTP?10:31
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desaparecidoowhich is the first root password after the instal?10:31
stewskiindeed nothlit but gnome music players need work10:31
frantichooray for flash 9 not having sound10:31
nothlitkr0n1x, murrine is for gtk, metacity is the window manager10:31
eumelooswoosh: it gladly is,just my 2 cents! ;) as i said,no offence!thats why i'm here,i'm willing to learn and try new things ;)10:31
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rhi i have a problem Im trying to use beryl but I get this error10:31
rXGL Absent, checking for NVIDIA10:31
rNvidia Absent, assuming AIGLX10:31
rberyl: No composite extension10:31
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kr0n1xoh...sorry i'm noob10:31
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kr0n1xto activate gtk2?10:32
nothlitstewski, you tried listen quodlibet beep exaile and muine?10:32
stewskiI love bookmark (restart where you last were) features in music players10:32
kr0n1xi installed it in metacity..10:32
sizzamis there a command i can use to find out what kind of RAM I'm using (like DDR2 PC4200, etc)10:32
nothlitkr0n1x, then you need murrine themes to run on the engine10:32
nothlitsizzam, lshw10:32
nothliti think10:32
stewskiIve not tried quodlibet but add banshee to your list10:32
nothlitoh yeah forgot that one10:32
eumelrollfilm: i dont know about gnome,but with kde you have kalarm and dcop,which you can set with amarok,or anyother player!shoul be something similar in gnome,right?10:32
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stewskiand Im getting tired of immaturity can't they work together10:32
Eldathis is agravating -_-10:32
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nothliteumel, some music players have alarms10:33
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kr0n1xyes nothlit , how to activate gtk2? i've installed gtk2-engines-murrine10:33
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kr0n1xonly that i need?10:33
nothliteumel, or you can run a cron or an at command10:33
BetaCookiesI have used "ati" and "radeon" drivers, but I only get 800x600 resolution unless I use fglrx.. Any ideas?10:33
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rcan someone help me with running beryl please10:33
BetaCookiesr: try in #ubuntu-xgl10:34
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ooswooshr: just ask ur question someone will try answer10:34
mc44BetaCookies: use fglrx? :)10:34
stewskiadobe in repos, blob drivers are these good things for ubuntu?10:34
ri get this error10:34
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ooswooshBetaCookies: ur suggestion probably better lol10:34
rXGL Absent, checking for NVIDIA10:34
rNvidia Absent, assuming AIGLX10:34
rberyl: No composite extension10:34
NET||abusehow the/??? microsoft virtual server 2005 R2 is FREE?????10:34
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nothlitkr0n1x, like i said, now you need a murrine theme, then you just pick it from settings preferences theme after you install it ( you can drag and drop) and if you have chosen the correct sort of them it will use the murrine engine10:34
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BetaCookiesr: please don't paste into the channel10:34
justin420BetaCookies: edit your xorg.conf file and add your other resolutions for your monitor?10:34
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BetaCookiesjustin420: they are already there.10:34
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nothlitkr0n1x, you don't enable murrine or gtk2 in that sense10:34
matthew_what web browser should I use if a web site uses ActiveX control?10:34
siouxhi is there a repo that upgrade beryl to new version?10:34
BetaCookiessioux: try compiling it.. O.o10:35
franticWhy does my sound not work in flash 9?10:35
stewskimathew_ you can get ie on linux10:35
jrib!flash | frantic10:35
ubotufrantic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:35
BetaCookiesfrantic: flash 9 is still in beta, I believe10:35
EldaJust making sure ... 6.10 is edgy correct?10:35
kr0n1xmmm nothlit but gtk is already activated? is the default engine of ubuntu edgy?10:35
porkpiehey guys what package would I use for this DBI-1.20  it's to allow spamassassin to talk to a mysql db10:35
nothlitsioux, if you don't like the repo's you can use subversion (svn) and compile it yourself straight from the dev sources10:35
BetaCookiesElda: yes, 6.10 is edgy10:35
MrKeunerdsnyders: thanks anyways10:35
jribfrantic: hmm actually ignore that.  Yes it is probably some issue with the beta10:35
franticit's in the ubuntu repositories noiw10:35
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matthew_stewski: I hate IE10:35
matthew_I won't use it10:35
franticso umm how do i roll back to flash 710:35
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siouxsudo apt-get upgrade is much easyer!10:36
jribfrantic: what repository?10:36
nothlitkr0n1x, please follow my instructions, gtk and murrine are not things to be activated, there are things to be used and gtk already is, and when you use a murrine theme the murrine engine will be too.10:36
desaparecidooHELP: which is the first root password after the instal?10:36
siouxthan compiling!10:36
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jrib!root | desaparecidoo10:36
ubotudesaparecidoo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:36
stewskihahaha ok mathew_ I'm hardly advocating it10:36
dsnydersI try, MrKeuner.  I try.10:36
franticLooks like multiverse10:36
stewskibut if you want active x I think you're stuck with windows10:36
jribfrantic: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:36
sstchurAnyone know why KNetworkManager only seems to work randomly for me?  It will be fine one time, and then the next time I try it, it fails (with the same settings that worked before), and it seems to fail more often than succeeds10:36
nothlitif you need more help go look around at gnome-look.org10:36
kr0n1xok thx nothlit10:37
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:38
franticI think I'm gunna go back to 710:38
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dominussuusis there a wiki.ubuntu.com or launchpad.net admin in the room?10:38
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franticalso what's the deal, i thought flash 9 was using gtk for menus adn stuff10:38
stewskiok peeps see you, keep ubuing10:38
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franticit just looked like flash 7 to me, minus working sound10:38
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sstchurAnyone know what "Association request to the driver failed" means when trying to run wpa_supplicant?10:39
KDanok... i'm having a really weird issue with "find".... somehow it's returning strange results and errors... if anyone could take a look and tell me i'm stupid and not seeing the obvious error of my usage, I'd be very grateful: http://textpaste.net/fm7ah010:39
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Eldabbl, Im going to work on physics hw -_-10:39
blamelessso would anyone like to guess why after compiling my own kernel, loging into gdm causes xorg to quit instantly, but startx works without an issue?10:39
ski-worklaphow can i run a script on un-hibernate time?10:39
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lullabudKDan:  try putting your searchstring in single quotes and see if the result is any different.10:40
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ski-worklapblameless, check your logs?10:40
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blamelessthere's nothing in the logs10:40
blamelesseverything reads normal.  it just exits for some reason10:40
KDanlullabud: aha10:40
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KDanyes, that worked better10:40
KDanhow come?10:40
blamelessits quite odd actually10:40
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lullabudKDan:  did it work?10:41
lullabudKDan:  that is a strange result you got there...10:41
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computermcdoes ubuntu 10.2 come with a c and c++ compiler installed by default, if so what are the package names?10:41
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compengii can't install nvidia driver can someone help me with it?10:41
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lullabudcompengi:  try #ubuntu-glx10:42
chadjoin #linux mint10:42
maciejkhow to make private chat to someone ?10:42
gnomefreakcompengi: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:42
KDanlullabud: it did work. still a bit confused about how come running that same find command in 2 directories gave once incomplete results, and the other time an error10:42
nothlitcomputermc, sudo aptitude install build-essential10:42
compengihey gnomefreak10:42
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lullabudmaciejk:  /msg maciejk pssst...10:42
maciejkthx lulla10:42
opossumjackhas anyone installed ubuntu 6.10 on an IBM thinkpad T22? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!10:42
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lullabudKDan:  yeah, that is very odd.10:43
kbrooksI';d like 3d on my intel card10:43
n1gkehi gnome f10:43
maciejkhow to find an user if i only have server address ?10:43
computermcnothlit: can you tell me what that does? newbabie!10:43
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lullabudKDan:  i think i had that problem some time in the past though, actually.  strange... i don't remember the fix, if i even found one.10:43
compengignomefreak, i had installed that but i'm always missing the other part10:43
nothlitcomputermc, install the compilers and tools10:43
KDanlullabud: the quotes seem to do it10:43
KDanlullabud: thanks for the help :-)10:43
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lullabudKDan:  de nada10:43
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gnomefreakcompengi: install linux-restricted-modules package. search for kernel in synaptic adn install the one for your kernel10:44
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computermcnothlit; ok, thanks for your help10:44
n1gkeHey, anybody have a manual for a ASUS DH-1764 monitor, please......10:44
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franticok i've got flash 7 working with sound again10:46
=== n1gke is having a heck of a time locating infos for the ASUS DH-1764 monitor.
franticwhy doesn't flash 9 work :(10:46
compengignomefreak, it's already installed :)10:47
gnomefreakcompengi: what are the errors you are getting?10:47
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princemackenzien1gke, why do you need the manual10:47
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gnomefreakfrantic: its not stable10:47
lullabudanybody have any success connecting to CDE on Solaris 10 using Xnest from Ubuntu?10:47
frantichardly anything is10:47
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compengignomefreak, i didn't edit xorg.conf yet10:48
gnomefreakfrantic: unstable apps may not work hence the term unstable10:48
princemackenziefrantic, flash9 is especially unstable10:48
mc44frantic: also its closedsource10:48
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nothlitCan anyone tell me how the ubuntu desktop livecd booting process works? i need to choose an alternate kernel10:48
gnomefreakcompengi: edit it make driver nvidia and restartX10:48
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[Wiebel] Hi10:48
compengignomefreak, but i remembered that we had changed something like PCI 1:00.0 .....10:49
[Wiebel] is there a pdns-recursor 3.1 package for dapper somewhere?10:49
compengiand added something to the end of the file10:49
gnomefreakcompengi: yes make it look like the busid in lspci10:49
justin420does anybody know how to disable or not use the agpgart module? i would rather use the nvagp instead.10:49
gnomefreakcompengi: the last part should be : not .10:49
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jevangeloin ubuntu, how do you get avi support with totem movie player10:49
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lullabudjustin420:  you can edit xorg.conf to set that up.10:49
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gnomefreakcompengi: lspci will show it as . you want : in your config file10:49
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lullabudjustin420:  er... at least i think so.  i think i remember seeing agpgart in there.10:50
justin420lullabud: like so? http://rafb.net/paste/results/qNCBRC29.html10:50
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compengignomefreak, what part should be not?10:51
lullabudjustin420:  hmm... yeah, i really don't know.  probably shouldn't have even said anything.10:52
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lullabudjustin420:  there's a room set up for glx talk, those guys might know more.  #ubuntu-glx10:52
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justin420lullabud: thanks ill check that out. appreciate the help10:52
gnomefreakcompengi: for example if busid in lspci says 1:00.0 you would change it to read 1:00:0 for xorgconfig10:52
kbrooksI have the wrong time10:52
adz21cHi, I seem to be getting poor graphics performance on Edgy Eft, any idea what could cause this? I have the nvidia driver installed.10:52
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs10:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:53
compengignomefreak, it was 1:0:0 as default what should i change it to?10:53
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finalbeta!restricted > jevangelo10:53
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gnomefreakcompengi: what does lspci say it is10:53
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blue-frogat install I chose the wrong keyboard, where do I find the conf ruling this pls?10:53
kbrooksI have the wrong time. What do I  do?10:54
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gnomefreakright click the clock and change it10:54
compengignomefreak, 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller (rev 02)10:54
paxedI just updated my ubuntu, and it keeps just telling me i need to reboot. done that 4 times already...10:54
kbrooksgnomefreak: What if it resets back after a reboot?10:54
gnomefreakcompengi: try 00:01:010:55
gnomefreakkbrooks: make sure your bios is telling the right time10:55
gnomefreakis this dual boot?10:55
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kbrooksgnomefreak: yes10:55
jamesbroseIm bacck10:55
kbrooksgnomefreak: but i havent booted to windows yet10:55
jamesbroseSerenity was really good :] 10:55
compengignomefreak, i have those apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules10:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-386 - Restricted Linux modules on 386.10:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-686 - Obsoleted by: linux-restricted-modules-generic10:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-generic - Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels10:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-k7 - Obsoleted by: linux-restricted-modules-generic10:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386 - Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on 38610:56
compengilinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic - Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on x86_64 generic10:56
gnomefreakkbrooks: you may find that windows has right time and ubuntu doesnt10:56
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gnomefreakcompengi: pastebin10:56
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kbrooksgnomefreak: how do i fix?10:56
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gnomefreakkbrooks: its either use ntp or dont use ntp  i cant remember what one it is.10:56
gnomefreakkbrooks: if ntp is beiung used stop using it or vice versa10:57
compengignomefreak, last time i did it like that but x didn't start =/10:57
gnomefreakcompengi: try it10:57
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compengignomefreak, and if it doesn't what shall i do as a next step in xorg.conf?10:58
gnomefreakcompengi: before you do anything pastebin your xorg.conf and lspci so i can look at them10:58
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r00t-fckconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.10:58
r00t-fcki got problem with this10:58
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r00t-fckplease help10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:59
kbrooks!build-essential > r00t-fck10:59
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r00t-fcksorry for please ___ .10:59
G3N3SISBack again, I installed the gstreamer stuff.10:59
gnomefreakr00t-fck: install build-essential10:59
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G3N3SISI still can't get into volume control10:59
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r00t-fckgnomefreak,  i am installing eggdrop10:59
G3N3SISin lspci -v it picks up my driver, anyone know what exactly is happening?10:59
gnomefreakr00t-fck: and your point?11:00
r00t-fckmy point ?11:00
russiansonyaHaving installed russian and english support, how do I toggle between them?11:00
gnomefreakr00t-fck: you need build-essential from what that error says11:00
r00t-fckwhat you mean?11:00
compengignomefreak, xorg ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35114/11:00
gnomefreakr00t-fck: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:00
G3N3SISI need help with my sound, can anyone be of assistance?  Or even take the time to go to another channel and sort this out with me?11:00
gnomefreakcompengi: wth is that11:00
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r00t-fckmay i paste it on pm ?11:00
compengignomefreak, lspci -----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35115/11:01
gnomefreakr00t-fck: use pastebin11:01
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r00t-fckyeah installing11:01
r00t-fckits downloading :)11:01
gnomefreakcompengi: &quot;nvidia&quot; did you do that?11:01
G3N3SISIs someone available to even PM me to help me work out my sound issues?11:01
compengignomefreak, nope11:01
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gnomefreakcompengi: look in your config file tell me if you see it that way11:02
kbrooksI WANT TO DO 3D ON INTEL11:02
gnomefreakcompengi: its the driver section11:02
kbrooksHELP ME PLZ11:02
r00t-fckgnomefreak,  thanks its downloading11:02
r00t-fckif there is error i will tell you11:02
gnomefreakkbrooks: you know better than to use caps11:02
G3N3SISSomebody?  Anybody?  Please?  I just need assistance with my sound.11:02
franticgenesis what do you need11:02
kbrooksgnomefreak: fine then.....11:02
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strabeskbrooks: help.ubuntu.com11:02
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G3N3SISI need help11:03
kbrooksglxgears is slow, and I6 have software accel. What do I do next?11:03
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G3N3SISMy volume control is not functioning11:03
compengignomefreak, i didn't get you11:03
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G3N3SISIt says i'm either missing Gstreamer plugins which I just installed, or my device isn't supported11:03
franticthat is indeed strange11:03
strabesG3N3SIS: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Comprehensive_Sound_Problems_Solutions_Guide11:03
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gnomefreakcompengi: look in your xorg.conf file and tell me if it has &quot;nvidiaquot&  or if it shows up normal11:04
G3N3SISBut wait, there is more.11:04
compengignomefreak, what's that sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:04
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compengiALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave but xorg.conf opens :S11:04
G3N3SISI did multiple methods of what people have told me to do11:04
franticI found that setting up /etc/asound right fixed everything that has ever gone wrong with sound on my computer11:04
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gnomefreakcompengi: yes11:04
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cleohow to change default application for bittorent to be the default program in edgy? democracy has taken over and is messing up11:04
gnomefreakcompengi: ignore that for now11:04
gradini've got a problem...11:04
=== feety [n=jason@203-114-182-15.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
G3N3SISincluding the cat method, lspci -v both say they recognize my stuff.11:04
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
G3N3SIShow would i do that frantic?11:04
princemackenziegradin what is it11:04
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gradinmy fail2ban script keeps telling me that the same ip address has been banned...11:05
G3N3SISstrabes, i've tried your link, it doesn't work11:05
compengignomefreak, &quot;nvidiaquot& isn't present in the xorg.conf file11:05
feetyhi there. i just need to know what to add to fstab to make my hard disk /dev/hda1 writable by myself instead of just root. thanks :-)11:05
princemackenziegradin, im not the one to ask, haha11:05
gradinso the script runs but doen't ban the ip using iptables11:05
gnomefreakcompengi: wher eit says driver what do you see?11:05
=== toM|vendettA [n=fooledk@AC9317F2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
strabesG3N3SIS: it does; i'm browsing the page right now11:05
princemackenziefeety what is the file system11:05
russiansonyaIs there an easy way to switch between english and russian keyboard settings?11:05
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compengignomefreak, nvidia11:05
G3N3SISno no, not that type of doesn't work11:05
feetyprincemackenzie: ext3 (repeated for highlights)11:05
toM|vendettAcan someone tell me how to get the list of people in the channel on the right side of xchat? I just installed it and its not there =\11:05
strabeskbrooks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video11:05
G3N3SISdoesn't work as in, i've already used the source same one as on the forums and it didn't help me11:05
G3N3SISi'll try once again if you insist though, i'll give it a go and get back to you all11:06
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gnomefreakcompengi: the bus id11:06
strabesG3N3SIS: what exactly is your problem?11:06
gradinanybody know anything about fail2ban or iptables?11:06
feetytoM|vendettA: you installed the normal xchat right, not the xchat-gnome package11:06
compengignomefreak, PCI:1:00.011:06
princemackenziefeety, make a backup of fstab, and then just copy the entry from your root directory and change the mount point11:06
toM|vendettAi dont know feety, im not sure, i just downloaded it and installed it and now its not there11:06
G3N3SISWell, I hear the tribal beat on logout and boot up.11:06
gnomefreakcompengi: the bus id should read BusID PCI:1:00:011:06
G3N3SISJust to get that across.11:06
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G3N3SISThat means that it is my module they said, not my card.11:07
franticSorry, pastebin is taking forever11:07
feetytoM|vendettA: you installed the version from the repositories right11:07
gnomefreakcompengi: save it and restart X11:07
ompaulgradin, you have to be more specific, some people can tell you some things others can tell you other things but no question means noone knows what you need to know11:07
compengignomefreak, but in lspci it's 1:00.011:07
feetyprincemackenzie: sorry, can you simplify that. that flew right over my head.11:07
gnomefreakcompengi: yes i know11:07
G3N3SISI try to go to volume control and it says that I'm either missing my gstreamer plugins, which I just installed or it's my card.11:07
gradinwell  i'm not sure what the problem is other than fail to ban is installed but not functioning...11:07
strabesG3N3SIS: restart your computer11:07
toM|vendettAno i didnt feety, should i do that?11:07
G3N3SISI do the cat or the lspci -v and they both clearly see my card there.11:07
compengiokay let me try it, pray gnomefreak :P11:07
gnomefreakcompengi:  lspci doesnt read things the same way your xorg.conf does11:07
G3N3SISAlready did strabes11:07
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feetytoM|vendettA: you should always do that. lol.11:08
G3N3SIShow should i use my xorg.conf?11:08
toM|vendettAlol k11:08
jerpgenesis, have you checked the mixer?11:08
Tachohokay, here i go: tried a fresh install of ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu just to test this theory. all of them seem to have the same issue. update-fonts-* is not looking in the right dirs from a fresh ubuntu install. if you were to remove any of the xfont packages and reinstall you'd get the warning: "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/$font does not exist or is not a directory" $font being anything like 100dpi 75dpi etc. what this seems to indicate is that on a fresh inst11:08
princemackenziefeety i'll do a dialog with you11:08
gradinompaul well  i'm not sure what the problem is other than fail to ban is installed but not functioning...11:08
G3N3SISone sec11:08
franticxorg.conf does not deal with sound11:08
Tachohplease tell me i am wrong somewhere11:08
G3N3SISalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:08
strabesG3N3SIS: "how should I use my xorg.conf" what do you mean by that11:08
G3N3SISthat's my error message11:08
feetyprincemackenzie: im not registered with nickserv yet.11:08
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jerpload it11:08
G3N3SIShow do I find out if it detects my card or not.11:08
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ompaulgradin, well the thing is I know nothing of fail to ban, I can do some fairly basic stuff with iptables so I am not use to you :-/11:09
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princemackenziealright feety, its pretty simple11:09
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gradinompaul i get a mail that the ip address attempting access to my SSH has been banned... but it hasn't... cuz i get another mail...11:09
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feetydont worry11:09
feetyjust registered11:09
gradinwith the same ip address...11:09
gradinsaying that it has also been banned...11:09
franticgod, GO PASTEBIN11:09
ekoekene diyosun arkadasm sen ya11:09
toM|vendettAfeety, i did that and it still doesnt show up11:09
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G3N3SISSo you guys get what I mean right?11:09
franticin the meantime, when did your sound break?11:09
gnomefreakcompengi: ?11:09
G3N3SISI only installed today.11:09
strabesG3N3SIS: it's obviously detecting your card because it's playing sounds on login11:09
G3N3SISThe tribal beat yes.11:10
G3N3SISThey said that if it did, then it wasn't my card.11:10
compengignomefreak, it worked :P11:10
gnomefreak:) good brb11:10
jerpload the mixer, something isn't activated in it11:10
compengithanks alot :)11:10
G3N3SISI can't load the mixer11:10
anahiya, i want to dualboot ubuntu with winXP so i will need to partition the drive... will i end up overwriting any other data on the drive?  thanks11:10
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feetytoM|vendettA: showing the nicklist is usually in the view menu. sorry, cant help ya much further. what i do know, is that a package called 'xchat-gnome' is available in the repositories and the stupid thing requires you to click a button to see the nicklist. you sure you dont have that by accident?11:10
G3N3SISwhen i type alsamixer in terminal, it gives me this error: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:10
Tachohnobody eh?11:10
toM|vendettAhmm i dont know =\11:11
compengignomefreak, so the mistake was that i was putting PCI:1:00.0 which should be PCI:1:00:011:11
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G3N3SISMan, my sound worked on other distro's...11:11
franticson of a bitch, is there some other service like pastebin.com11:11
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:12
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franticright, sorry11:12
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computermccan someone tell me what this means?11:13
computermcconfigure: error: no C Sharp compiler: mcs not found in $PATH11:13
franticgenesis, here is my /etc/asound file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35119/11:13
computermcI have mono install11:13
=== Abe [n=ickyfeet@adsl-69-149-169-70.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerpI was blipping out over the sound not playing on my desktop and I had to load alsamixer gui in my menu and I found it had a mute switch activated11:13
Tachohinstall a csharp compiler or add the utlility to your $PATH11:13
gnomefreakcompengi: yes11:13
jerpflipping actually11:13
franticyou might also install alsa-oss but that's sort of a tangential problem11:13
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Tachohcomputermc: apt-get install mono-mcs11:14
ompaulcomputermc, ask in #mono it would be a better place for that11:14
Tachohand you'll be good11:14
Tachohi'll try again11:14
Tachoh"okay, here i go: tried a fresh install of ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu just to test this theory. all of them seem to have the same issue. update-fonts-* is not looking in the right dirs from a fresh ubuntu install. if you were to remove any of the xfont packages and reinstall you'd get the warning: "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/$font does not exist or is not a directory" $font being anything like 100dpi 75dpi etc. what this seems to indicate is that on a fresh ins11:14
franticanyway, compare your /etc/asound file.  When i installed edgy, it was all screwed up for me11:14
=== CheshireViking [n=Inter@i-195-137-101-182.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
franticthough I updated from dapper.11:14
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G3N3SISi'm following the link I was given earlier.11:14
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Tachohany ideas on that,worthy of a bug report?11:14
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computermcompaul: thanks, I will ask that type of question in #mono next time!11:15
G3N3SISIt didn't work before, it is working now.. I removed my sound packages, reinstalled them, reinstalled the gnome stuff that was deleted, and I will now reboot and check a aplay -l11:15
G3N3SISif it comes out, then I have soudn!11:15
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reversebladeTachoh, sure don't hesitate it for reporting11:15
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franticgood luck11:15
ompaulTachoh, it is worthy of a bug report, first off do updatedb and see wwhere things actually are11:15
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Tachohyeah, i guess i'll do it.11:16
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anai'm looking to find out if i dual boot ubuntu with windows if i will overwrite any data on the hard drive :)11:16
Tachohana: nope, not unles syou format the windows partition11:16
reversebladeana, is anything installed11:16
anawin XP and other stuffs11:16
Tachohjust make sure you select a custom disk layout11:17
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anabut i have only 1 partition currently11:17
reversebladeana, do you have empty unpartitioned area in your disk11:17
Tachohif windows is on the wntire drive it's best to drop ina new drive or use something like partition magic to free up some space11:17
anatachoh, yeah , i feared something like that11:17
anacool, thanks folks :)11:17
reversebladeana you can resize the windows partition, I have done it and no problems11:17
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anain windows utilities?11:18
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G3N3SISfailure.. /cry11:18
mkst_need help on iptables11:18
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reversebladeana, no while installing ubuntu, there you should see the partitioner11:18
reverseblademkst_, try #networking or #linux11:18
G3N3SISyeah guys, it didn't work for me...11:19
Tachohthere are linux tools that will resize some partitions, parted comes to mind. you can read about those ana if you want. there is always the possibility of wiping the drive however.11:19
=== _GM_FrOdO_ [n=_GM_FrOd@c9501125.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
reversebladeana, I say go for it11:19
anahahaha, easy for you to say ;)11:19
_GM_FrOdO_can semeone tell me where I go for my FAT32 patition appear?11:19
reversebladeana, ubuntu installer will explicitly say if it intends to delete a partition11:20
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anacool, i'll prolly drop another drive in to be extra safe :) and i'll back up first ;)11:20
feetylol using the manual partitioner is easier said than done o_o11:20
G3N3SISSo, what am I supposed to do?11:20
Tachoh_GM_FrOdO_: you mean, to allow you to see a fat32 partition that's in your computer?11:20
Tachohas in, mount it?11:20
=== DaGame [n=root@125-236-136-163.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
cleohmm how do i change default ap[plication in edgy?11:20
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_,  mount it11:20
ubotuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"11:20
DaGameWhat version of firefox does latest ubuntu use?11:20
anathanks reversblade, i figure something out :)11:20
_GM_FrOdO_it's only appear in windows11:20
G3N3SISIt doesn't pick it up even after the installation and stuff11:20
gnomefreakDaGame: 2.011:20
reverseblade!mount |_GM_Fr0d0_11:20
ubotu_GM_Fr0d0_: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:20
Tachohmount -t vfat /path/to/disk /mount/point11:20
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mkst_how can i make my iptables rules go up after reboot?11:21
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:21
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reversebladelol this is wrong11:21
Tachoh_GM_FrOdO_: mount -t vfat /path/to/disk /mount/point11:21
_GM_FrOdO_where I type this?11:21
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_, go to wiki.ubuntu.com and search mount11:21
_GM_FrOdO_k thx11:21
KanRiNiNHey guys, I'm having trouble with installing openbox in ubuntu.  I tried to edit my xsession but appearantly gdm switched to a new scheme??11:21
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_GM_FrOdO_Tachoh IDK where I can type this commands11:22
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_GM_FrOdO_this is the problem11:22
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computermcwhat does this mean?11:22
computermcmake: *** [all-recursive]  Error 111:23
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Tachoh_GM_FrOdO_: in a terminal as root11:23
_GM_FrOdO_where can I type the commands?11:23
_GM_FrOdO_where is this $%$% terminal?11:23
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bsmntbombdoodwhoa I'm unbanned11:24
feetyin the main menu, in accessories, _GM_FrOdO_11:24
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_, Applications> Accessories11:24
PsiKloPxwhere do I browse the network in Kubuntu?  Nothing but web sites and ftp's in Konqueror. Thanx!11:24
feetyseems everyone, being experts, are skipping over the minor details11:24
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gleesondsomething is weird with some of the gtk menues, for some reasion its not displaying the text on the menues in xmms11:24
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gleesondcan anyone help11:24
reversebladePsiKloPx, open konqurer11:24
reversebladegleesond, sup _11:24
=== SupremeBeing [n=corin@adsl-75-2-51-239.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
_GM_FrOdO_sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:25
_GM_FrOdO_it's correct?11:25
_GM_FrOdO_I think mine is11:25
Tachohtry it and see11:25
_GM_FrOdO_sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt11:25
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PsiKloPxreverseblade: got it.11:25
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_,  read the wiki11:25
_GM_FrOdO_what is /mnt?11:25
reversebladeit is just a folder nothing special about it11:25
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gleesondreverseblade: when I upgraded to edgy my menu's stoped working, well at least some of the programs.11:26
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gleesondand I can't view dir's as a list in nautilus11:26
SupremeBeingI'm trying ti install GAIM, and it doesn't show up on the package lists.  Tried to install plugin for GAIM, got error (BREAK)install11:26
_GM_FrOdO_mount: de acordo com mtab, /dev/hda1 est montado em /media/hda111:26
reversebladegleesond, unfortunately ubgrading to edgy is problematic, back up your home folder and go for a fresh install11:26
_GM_FrOdO_it's already mounted in /media/hda111:26
reversebladedapper problems11:26
_GM_FrOdO_but I can't see11:26
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_GM_FrOdO_I only see my Windows partition11:27
gleesondreverseblade: I will try that, but the edgy installer is not playing nice with my graphics card11:27
reversebladeSupremeBeing, search the forums as gaim beta 511:27
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sushi_How do I display the messages while ubuntu is loading (instead of the ubuntu loader bar graphic)11:27
bsmntbombdoodHow can I install the Gentoo kernel?11:27
SupremeBeingreverseblade: the ubuntu forums?11:28
bsmntbombdoodUbuntu is too slow be defualt11:28
reversebladegleesond, I don't know. But for my experience, edgy is THE distro. I wish it replaced the dapper for LTS11:28
Tachohtake away slash from your kernel boot options11:28
reversebladeSupremeBeing, google: ubuntu forums11:28
ompaulbsmntbombdood, that would be a #gentoo question11:28
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.11:28
SupremeBeingreverseblade: ok, thx.11:28
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sushi_Tachoh im sorry how do i do that11:28
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:28
sushi_how do i access my kernel boot oprtions11:28
Tachohnano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst11:28
reverseblade!gaim | SupremeBeing11:28
ubotuSupremeBeing: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:28
sushi_thanks a lot11:28
_GM_FrOdO_can someone help me :\11:29
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SupremeBeingreverseblade: thanks11:29
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sushi_gm_frodo: you need to find the installation guide.11:29
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_, have you read the wiki ?11:29
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_GM_FrOdO_yes but when I try mount11:29
_GM_FrOdO_it's say11:29
=== Faramir [n=faramir@dD5761179.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
bsmntbombdoodThis is a #ubuntu question, I just want to know how to use the gentoo kernel in ubuntu11:29
PsiKloPxreverseblade: I've opened Konqueror and selected the network tab on the sidebar.  But as I said; nothing there but web sites and ftp's.  I'm connected to a network with one other computer (running WinXP)11:29
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_GM_FrOdO_already mounted in /media/dev/hda111:29
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_GM_FrOdO_but I can't see this /media11:29
_GM_FrOdO_where is?11:29
ryanakcawhy do I get http://rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/mkinitrd.errpr when I run "mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.19-386 2.6.19" ?11:30
kbrooksompaul: that wasn't called for.11:30
_GM_FrOdO_I wanna this partition in the My Computer of linux11:30
kbrooksompaul: maybe a odd question, but we can answer anyway11:30
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_GM_FrOdO_where is my CD Driver11:30
_GM_FrOdO_and etc11:30
reverseblade_GM_FrOdO_, cd /media11:30
sushi_gm_frodo: in nautilus (the file browser) CTRL+L     then /media11:31
Seveasryanakca, because mkinitrd is ancient, you need mkinitramfs11:31
Joel-WidemanHow do I set time restrictions on local logins, per user?11:31
_GM_FrOdO_but I wanna the partition in the same place of my CD Driver11:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:31
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ryanakcaSeveas: kk, thanks...11:31
Seveas_GM_FrOdO_, and I want a pony11:31
sushi_gm_frodo: better to learn general unix use first --- rather than having chat users explain every detail11:31
_GM_FrOdO_seveas I can't? :\11:31
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G3N3SISGuys,I need desperate help!11:32
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Joel-Widemanit's less effort to just ask the question, G3N3SIS11:32
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reversebladePsiKloPx, try to refresh it some times smb doesn't work well, also you could try smblient -L <windows_ip> i am not sure of the syntax11:32
G3N3SISI know.  My sound is once again troubling me to the end of this world.11:33
_GM_FrOdO_thx sushi_11:33
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mc44Seveas: No pony for you!11:33
jugheadhow do you change the default view in gnome file explorer?  I would like to have a list instead of icons11:33
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.11:33
Tachoh_GM_FrOdO_: linux works a little diffrently than what you'd expect windows to. in linux most of your devices (cd drive, etc) are put under the /dev directory. for something like removable media you'll have to mount the device to a directory before you can access the files.11:33
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Tachohyou do taht usinga mount command with the source and destination11:33
_GM_FrOdO_Seveas I want a ornitorrinc11:33
kbrooksjughead: see view menu - bottom11:33
Tachohonce the device is mounted you can open a terminal/gui browser and navigate there to see your files.11:33
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G3N3SISI have tried using the sources you all gave me.  I have done lspci -v and the cat methods to see if it detects my sound.  It shows me my card.  But if i type aplay -l it says no sound card or something.11:33
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lullabud_GM_FrOdO_:  one interesting thing note about linux is that pretty much everything can be addressed as a file.11:33
G3N3SISI hear the tribal beat on logout and on boot.11:34
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reversebladeG3N3SIS, tried wiki ?11:34
Tachohthis channel is chaotic :)11:34
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G3N3SISI tried the wiki someone linked me earlier.  I just retried it it.11:34
Tachohi mean, you could do support all day long :)11:34
lullabudTachoh:  yeah.  it always gives me mental pictures of the project mayhem kitchen.11:34
Joel-WidemanWhat kind of soundcard, G3N3SIS?11:34
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G3N3SISone sec11:34
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Tachohi guess that's what you get for being #111:35
G3N3SISalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:35
jimcooncatnfs exporting, would a 1GB network keep up with hard drive output?11:35
lullabudTachoh:  if you want something less chaotic and more professional try #ubuntu-server11:35
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uruguaianhi all11:35
G3N3SISThat's my alsamixer error and here is the sound card:0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)11:36
G3N3SIS        Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. A7V600/K8V Deluxe motherboard (ADI AD1980 codec [SoundMAX] )11:36
G3N3SIS        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 19311:36
G3N3SIS        I/O ports at c800 [size=256] 11:36
G3N3SIS        Capabilities: <available only to root>11:36
lullabudhi uruguaian11:36
kbrookslullabud: "more professional"?11:36
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lullabudkbrooks:  more geared towards professional usage of ubuntu.11:36
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ompaulG3N3SIS, DONT paste in the channel11:36
r3texis there an official sun jdk package?11:36
reversebladeuruguaian, first country to win the world cup ,lol11:36
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reverseblader3tex, yes absolutely11:36
ompaulG3N3SIS, DONT paste in the channel11:36
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Seveas!sun-java5-jdk | r3tex11:36
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB11:36
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:36
uruguaiani need some help, i have an ppp0 connection to sahre with othe ubuntu machine.. connected to eth0.. can i do that?11:37
Tachohlullabud: just making an observation :)11:37
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G3N3SISSeveas, I come looking for help.11:37
lullabudTachoh:  i hear ya man :)11:37
SeveasG3N3SIS, don't flood the channel11:37
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G3N3SISI'm not trying to spam it up.  Someone asked me what my device was, so i pasted what it said.11:37
lullabudTachoh:  i like a bit of both11:37
ompaulG3N3SIS, paste in paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:37
Joel-WidemanYou flood, he kicks. Don't do it. :P11:37
reverseblade!firestarter |uruguaian11:37
ubotuuruguaian: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:37
lullabud!pastebin | G3N3SIS11:37
ubotuG3N3SIS: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:37
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Ubuntu Open Week now on! See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage
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sushi_How do I run a program in the root window ?  Thanks!11:38
xorUbuntu makes me vomit, a lot11:38
sushi_Specifically a .swf movie11:38
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reversebladesushi_, root window ? what do you mean ?11:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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sushi_reverseblade: like on the desktop ... where nautilus is running (WAS running)11:38
jugheadkbrooks, thanks but that is only doing it for each folder, is there a way to make the list format default for every single folder I open?11:38
Seveasreverseblade, probably the X rootwindow11:38
Joel-WidemanHow do I set time restrictions on local logins, per user?11:38
sushi_yes the X root window11:39
G3N3SIShttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35122/ that is my pastebin thing I guess.11:39
Tachohsushi_: if you downlaoded the swf you have two options11:39
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reversebladesushi_, I don't know how to do it, but prolly that is not what you need11:39
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r3texreverseblade, i only see a sun-java5-jre11:39
Tachoheither a) run it using adobe's free flash player (stand alone) or b) load it in a browser with flash enabled.11:39
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reverseblader3tex, try searching sdk11:39
kbrooksr3tex: no11:39
lullabudG3N3SIS:  that "available only to root" might be the reason you're not hearing sounds.11:39
alek66i get a on the sistem log loadndisdriver: loadndisdriver: load_driver(361): couldn't load driver neti222011:39
G3N3SISThat is the sound I use VT8233.  I can't get sound from it though.  My device would be via82xx still no luck with sound.11:39
alek66how can I fix it11:40
G3N3SISso should I login as root?11:40
kbrooksr3tex: install sun-java5-jdk11:40
Seveas!root > G3N3SIS11:40
kbrooksG3N3SIS: no.11:40
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G3N3SISThen what do I do?11:40
sushi_Tachoh: I've noticed that lots of apps have the -rootwin option available, but the flash player does not.   I want the flash game to be running on the desktop background.11:40
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lullabudG3N3SIS:  try running that sound app using sudo.11:40
G3N3SISi'm already sudo -i11:40
r3texkbrooks, wow, weird zsh usually finds everything =P11:40
lullabudG3N3SIS:  if that works then you know that your user doesn't have rights.11:40
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lullabudG3N3SIS:  hmmmmm11:40
alek66Anyone? ndiswrapper help?11:41
G3N3SISWait wait wait...! Got it to work11:41
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jimcooncatnfs exporting, would a 1GB network keep up with hard drive output?11:41
Tachohsushi_: you can't do that11:41
lullabudG3N3SIS:  how?11:41
G3N3SISI had the password and everything already in use, but I was in shell.11:41
Joel-Widemanhow's the alsa support for integrated sound these days? i remember it used to be very iffy11:41
Tachohsushi_: taht's an option adobe would have to implement11:41
G3N3SISI'm in alsamixer, but what am I supposed to do now?  That doesn't fix anything11:41
SeveasJoel-Wideman, much better than that :)11:41
G3N3SISThanks seveas for bringing me common sense11:41
princemackenziesushi_ that seems intense, it just an animation or an actual game?11:41
reversebladeJoel-Wideman, de facto11:41
kitcheJoel-Wideman, works for me and always have I use snd_intel8x011:41
kbrookshow do i setup the windows key to load up apps menu thru alt+f111:41
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sushi_Tachoh: I've done it on slackware ... there was a config file in X somewhere that allowed a program to run in the root window.   I had xscreensaver running on it.  In GNOME.11:42
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Seveassushi_, xscreensaver hacks support that via the -root parameter11:42
Tachohyou've done it for a flash file?11:42
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Seveasnot all aps can do that afaik11:42
reversebladekbrooks, try gconf-editor  dive in metacity keybindings11:42
Tachohbecause i am 99% sure the flash player will not allow that11:42
sushi_Seveas: ok thanks, so it is application specific.  I was told that you can run almost any program in the rootwin11:42
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G3N3SISI got the alsamixer to work, does anyone know what i'm supposed to do to make sound come out?11:42
strabesG3N3SIS: unmute everything11:43
Seveassushi_, maybe, I said 'afaik' and am not sure :)11:43
apokryphosubotu: sound | G3N3SIS11:43
ubotuG3N3SIS: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin11:43
G3N3SISk thanks strabes11:43
electroanybody have a link to the ubuntu live-cd...haven't been able to find a recent one11:43
gradinwhats a coommand to flush a log file?11:43
strabesG3N3SIS: it's a bit easier with alsamixer-gui11:43
sushi_I will post on the forums thanks guys!11:43
Tachohsushi_: you're wlecome to prove me wrong however, if it's possible i'd like to know about it11:43
mc44electro: how recent?11:43
kitcheelectro: releases.ubuntu.com it's the desktop-install cd11:43
G3N3SIShow do I use the gui?11:43
Seveasgradin, many services flush apps when you snd them SIGHUP11:43
sushi_Tachoh: I'll let you know for sure11:43
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reversebladeelectro, live CD = ubuntu Cd , there is only 1 CD11:43
gradini just need to flush one specific log file...11:44
electrok, thanks11:44
Seveasgradin, which?11:44
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gradinsay /var/log/fail2ban11:44
G3N3SISalright, so I unmuted everything.  It still says in the top right that the speaker has a mute on it.11:44
strabesG3N3SIS: sudo apt-get install alsamixer-gui I believe11:44
G3N3SISk thanks strabes11:44
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Seveasgradin, and which application writes to it?11:45
gradinSeveas fail2ban...11:45
G3N3SIScouldn't find package strabes11:45
Joel-WidemanThat might be an unavailable feature, G3N3SIS - like, say, an audio output the soundcard doesn't have11:45
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Seveasgradin, ok, then just restart that thing11:45
strabesG3N3SIS: sudo apt-cache search alsamixer11:45
strabesG3N3SIS: there should be something about a gui in tehre11:45
gradinSeveas how do i do that?11:45
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strabesG3N3SIS: then sudo apt-get install it11:46
sushi_It's alsamixergui11:46
Seveasgradin, no idea, i don't know that app11:46
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kbrooksstrabes: that does not require root (searching the cache)11:46
javaJakegradin, whatcha working on?11:46
whyameyehow do I get sendmail to send mail successfully through my ISP's SMTP?11:46
strabeskbrooks: thanks11:46
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strabesG3N3SIS: actually the program is gnome-alsamixer11:46
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reversebladewhyameye, sendmail program ?11:46
PsiKloPxreverseblade: No joy with the network.  The stupid thing is that I've done it before...I just don't remember how I did it!11:46
strabesG3N3SIS: sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer11:47
reversebladePsiKloPx, man smbclient, test there first11:47
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Raskallhow do I change the character set in ubuntu? I have american keyboard, but need norwegian. I only have command line access.11:47
G3N3SISDo you know where it installed it at?11:47
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kitchewhyameye: well you have to set the client to do that but you can have sendmail grab your mail and hold it for you if you want, but you might want to look up relay server11:47
javaJakeRaskall, System -> Administration -> Keyboard11:47
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gradini found out that the apache protection for fail2ban has been working everyday since i started it about 2 weeks ago and has been entering an error message cuz it couldn't access the access.log for the apache webserver11:48
javaJakeRaskall, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard11:48
RaskalljavaJake: erm.. I only have command line access to the system11:48
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gradinso everysecond its been adding aline to the logfile...11:48
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javaJakeRaskall, Ah, well now, that's a different matter altogether...11:48
G3N3SISwhoa, wait11:48
levanderSomeone can tell me how to, from the command line, figure out which kernel packages I have installed?  I don't want to know the kernel versions, just like if I have linux-686-smp or image-686-smp or what not.11:48
gradinfor about 2 weeks...11:48
mc44openexit: uber ban!11:48
G3N3SISit won't let me open it11:48
G3N3SISunless i open thru shell11:48
gradinSeveas i restarted it and that didn't work...11:48
kbrooksAfterDeath owns AntiSpamBot ompaul11:49
gradinis there no way to just blank the file...?11:49
Seveaskbrooks, we know11:49
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reversebladelevander, uname -r11:49
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javaJakeRaskall, let me do some googling...11:49
kbrooksSeveas: kk11:49
javaJakeRaskall, do you know about lynx, and centericq?11:49
Tachohlevander: dpkg -l | grep kernel11:49
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Seveasgradin, flushing a file isn't blanking a file....11:49
javaJakeRaskall, those are excellent browser and IM programs for the command-line11:49
Seveasgradin, if you want to blank it, do this11:49
Seveas: > /var/log/yourlogfilehere11:50
G3N3SISk everything has a greenbox under it11:50
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RaskalljavaJake: I know about both, yes. :)11:50
maxamillionwho here is running amd64?11:50
Raskallmaxamillion: I am11:50
G3N3SISI unmuted EVERYTHING that means it has a greenbox under the equalizer.  Now what am I to do?  The volume slider is still giving met rouble.11:50
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javaJakeRaskall, setxkbmap <layout>11:50
javaJakeRaskall, That'll do it.11:50
G3N3SISI have an AMD 64 but i'm using 32 bit version11:50
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RaskalljavaJake: ahh.. thanks.11:50
javaJakeRaskall, just need to know the name of the layout11:50
javaJakeRaskall, need that too?11:51
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maxamillionRaskall: i highly doubt you run pypanel, but would you mind sudo aptitude install pypanel and then try to execute it real quick? ... after i install it says pypanel is a command not found11:51
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strabesG3N3SIS: what11:51
javaJakemaxamillion, what does "sudo updatedb && locate pypanel" say?11:51
javaJakemaxamillion, or have you tried that already?11:52
J-_is efty stable enough to install, and not have too many problems with it or any of the generic programs I'll be using?11:52
maxamillionjavaJake: just a min.11:52
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maxamillionjavaJake: /var/cache/apt/archives/pypanel_2.4-1.1_amd64.deb11:52
loca|hosttotem wont play rm files, it claims that there's no codec for that, how to get those codecs ?11:52
strabesG3N3SIS: you have to say people's names when you're asking people something so they can be notified about your message11:52
javaJakemaxamillion, that's it?11:52
G3N3SISAlright, guys, I've gotten alsamixer to be useable... but what else can I do?11:52
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javaJakeJ-_, I'd advise you do as much testing as you can with the LiveCD - try to get what you need working on the LiveCD, THEN install.11:52
G3N3SISCan i also turn off my only with root capabilities?11:53
maxamillionjavaJake: yeah, i uninstalled it because it didn't work11:53
javaJakeJ-_, otherwise, no, use Dapper.11:53
strabesloca|host: have you been to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats11:53
adydoes flashplayer work in Ubuntu x6411:53
javaJakemaxamillion, oh, can you install it again and run the above program? :)11:53
maxamillionady: no11:53
gleesondso I'm trying to install edgy from CD and when I go into the run/install it goes though the ubuntu loadinng screen but the it dissapears, and the screen goes black never to return11:53
Seveasady, no11:53
maxamillionjavaJake: yeah, one moment11:53
J-_javaJake: okay, i'll keep on using dapper til it's more stable. thanks =D11:53
gleesondI've tried to go into graphics safe mode to no avail11:53
strabesG3N3SIS: it shouldn't require root priv11:53
adythought so, cheers m8, me stay with 32 bit version11:53
G3N3SISWhat am I doing wrong?11:53
loca|hoststrabes, i know that, but am not restricted to those, and ubuntu neither since multiverse11:53
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G3N3SISCan you PM me or something?11:53
gradinSeveas permission denyed even with sudo....11:54
javaJakegleesond, huh, now that is interesting. I'd search for your video card or your system model in the Ubuntu forums.11:54
strabesloca|host: what do you mean11:54
strabesG3N3SIS: you have to be registered to PM - are you registered11:54
Seveasgradin, : | sudo tee /var/log/yourfilenamehere11:54
G3N3SISI don't think I am on this server.11:54
javaJakeJ-_, Edgy is actually an unstable release - it's not meant to be fuly worked out. Fiesty Fawn is.11:54
adycan I share my printer with my other XP machine11:54
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J-_javaJake: okay, thanks11:55
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lullabudady:  yes you can.11:55
G3N3SISyou get that?11:55
strabesG3N3SIS: no11:55
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G3N3SISI got yours11:55
mc44javaJake: no it is a stable release, its just not totally as polished as Dapper11:55
G3N3SISwhats the command to register again?11:55
adywhere can I gt info11:55
strabesG3N3SIS: try /msg strabes test11:55
maxamillionjavaJake: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35126/11:55
lullabudady:  check out samba.11:55
G3N3SISget it?11:55
adyoki doki, cheers11:55
strabesG3N3SIS: no11:55
lullabudady:  i think the default config for samba even includes printer sharing on windows networks.11:55
gradinah much better thanks11:55
strabesG3N3SIS: you have to register to PM - I told you11:55
G3N3SISwhats the registration command?11:56
gradinSeveas can you explain the syntax of that command?11:56
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strabesG3N3SIS: just /join #strabes11:56
adyah good good, thanks11:56
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javaJakemaxamillion, besides /etc/pypanelrc, it doesn't look like any executables were installed.11:56
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javaJakemaxamillion, Are you sure you are supposed to be able to execute pypanel???11:56
Seveasgradin, : is the empty command, | is a pipe, sudo makes you root and tee writes to the file you give it11:56
maxamillionjavaJake: yeah, thats what man pypanel says11:57
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javaJakemc44, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29167111:57
maxamillionjavaJake: wait .. no, sorry .. their website11:57
javaJakemaxamillion, OK.11:57
adywhat is the best firewall to use with Ubuntu 6.10 I3211:57
oxydone question11:57
javaJakeady, Firestarter.11:57
gradinSeveas tnx11:57
adythanks mate11:57
oxydady: iptables11:58
mc44javaJake: yes a rant on the forums proves your point?11:58
javaJakeady, Linux comes pre-installed with a firewall, but Firestarter allows you to configure it easily.11:58
kurisutofuaaHow do I check if my video card supports 3D in ubuntu-Edgyamd64?11:58
javaJakemc44, lol... it wasn't a rant, it was a discussion. :)11:58
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maxamillionjavaJake: http://pypanel.sourceforge.net/11:58
High_Priestmy friend here is trying to boot ubuntu 6.10 on compaq laptop.. without success.. after splash and progress bar he gets black screen with blinking cursor and it just stays there.. fail-safe option acts the same.. any ideas?11:58
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Tachohubuntu's bug report #1 is funny11:58
orianHi.   Sound problem with edgy on a Thinkpad x60. I have no sound anywhere, but had sound for two days after installing edgy. Sound works in windows . The forums, quoting this irc channel  advised to turn on the modem in my bios, however my modem was already enabled. I disabled and re-enabled it but no sound. Any ideas? Sound card is a HDA intel11:58
kitcheady: you don't need firestarter up all the time once you configure iptables you can close it11:58
mc44javaJake: a ranty discussion :p11:58
javaJakemaxamillion, two seconds...11:58
gradinjeeze i wonder how much space i just saved... :P11:58
strabesTachoh: link/11:58
strabesTachoh: link? *11:58
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gleesondjavaJake: I'm not seeing anthing in the forums about my issue, can you offer anyother suggestions?11:58
maxamillionjavaJake: ok, no hurry11:58
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mc44orian: can you put the output of amixer in the pastebin11:59
oxydhows ubuntu server works? ive tried ubuntu for 1 week, then slack was nicier,11:59
helltrixAre the ubuntu update archives down?11:59
gradin2.3 GIG's freed up....11:59
levanderAren't there two types of kernel packages, like linux-kernel and linux-image packages?11:59
javaJakemc44, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1707122&postcount=811:59
helltrixI can't seem to download updates, etc.11:59
kitcheoxyd: ubuntu server is just a barebones linux install really11:59
orianI will need some instruction on how to do that. I'm using irc on a different pc12:00
levanderTachoh: thanks, that command worked, the dpkg -l one12:00
javaJakegleesond, besides Google, and making your own thread at the Ubuntu forums, no.12:00
javaJakegleesond, where there are no answers to be found, none can be given.12:00
mc44javaJake: its still a stable release. stable just doesnt mean hat you think it does12:00
Tachohlevander: np12:00
javaJakegleesond, IOW, if searching doesn't work, then I can't help beyond that. Others may know, I don't.12:00
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Tachohthere are a lot of kernel packages12:01
mc44orian: ok, type amixer into a terminal, copy and paste the output into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12:01

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