
Simon80yeah, exactly12:13
theCoreminghua, do you use one repository for each package?12:14
elektranoxsiretart / ajmitch - can you re-sync the list, please?12:15
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minghuatheCore: Not now.  But that was not decided by me.  If I use my own repository, then yes, I would use one repo for each package.12:24
theCoreminghua, thanks12:24
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theCoreI think I will try bzr and svn, then I will which work better for me12:25
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theCorefinally, I found a program to package 12:32
theCoreusually, there's always a debian guy who taken all the fun12:33
jdongtheCore: package tovid while you're at it :)12:34
jdongtheCore: the author really wants a proper debian package12:34
theCorejdong, oh thanks, I will look at it12:34
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jdongtheCore: I've made a pretty terrible initial-attempt at http://buntudot.org/people/~jdong/tovid12:35
jdongtheCore: it isn't anywhere near Debian-compliance, but it already beats checkinstalling... help the guy out :)12:36
theCorehehe 12:36
=== jdong has saved learning python-central for another day
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Simon80anyone into stepmania? anyone into reviewing and also into stepmania?01:01
somerville32Is stepmania better then pydance?01:02
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DarkMageZSimon80, i'll test it, just link me to sources01:12
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ryanakcaHye Cyllene01:13
CylleneHey everyone. How could one apply to be a maintainer?01:13
=== foofffffffffffff is now known as Simon80
DarkMageZSimon80, i'll test it, just link me to sources01:13
Simon80two packages01:13
somerville32How do I use diff again (ie. what are the flags I need to use)? :P01:14
minghuaCyllene: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment01:14
gesersomerville32:  -Nur01:14
DarkMageZno changes to the orig.tar.gz cept the name change?01:14
somerville32And how do I generate one between two directories?01:15
Simon80oh, no01:15
Simon80check the diff01:15
geser-r is recursive01:15
gesersomerville32: diff -Nur dir1 dir201:15
somerville32Thanks a bunch :)01:15
somerville32geser: That doesn't seem to work01:17
CylleneWhoa, ryanakca. That's a lot of work. :/01:17
somerville32my fault01:17
somerville32Geser: I'm preparing a patch to fix a bug so what I'm doing is tacking the revision before the fix and the revision that fixed and creating a patch to apply to the package. Is this the right track?01:18
ryanakcaCyllene: what is? packaging?01:19
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Cylleneryanakca: No, becoming a member is. :p01:20
Simon80darkmagez: are you doing ok with it?01:20
minghuaCyllene: if you just want to maintain one package, you can just do your work and ask somebody here to upload it for you01:20
DarkMageZSimon80, i'm reading it now :)01:20
Simon80the diff?01:21
somerville32geser: Should the earlier revision be the first argument and the next revision the second argument?01:21
Simon80btw, if you want binaries, I can link you to that too01:21
gesersomerville32: diff -Nur old_version new_version01:22
ryanakcaCyllene: yeah... that's what I do :)01:22
somerville32geser: And to apply, I would do patch -Nur --dry-run ../patch.diff ?01:22
somerville32(for a dry run)01:23
DarkMageZSimon80, it looks good. i'm building it now01:23
CylleneAnd if you maintain a few packages for a while, you can work your way up to membership maybe. :)01:23
Simon80like I said, I have edgy i386 binaries published... I should at least01:23
gesersomerville32: patch -p1 --dry-run < ../patch.diff01:24
minghuaCyllene: exactly.01:24
geserin the old_version dir01:24
somerville32geser: I didn't get any errors from the dryn run so it is safe to apply, right? :)01:25
Simon80I suppose you shouuldn't trust me, and build it yourself, but that takes time :D01:25
gesersomerville32: yes01:26
Cylleneryanakca: What packages do you maintain?01:26
ryanakcaCyllene: just a sec01:27
ryanakcaCyllene: https://launchpad.net/people/ryanakca/+packages01:28
somerville32geser: The current package version is 0.2.2-2ubuntu5. Should the new package be 0.2.2-2ubuntu6 or 0.2.2-2ubuntu5.1?01:29
geserfor which release?01:29
geserfor feisty it would be 0.2.2-2ubuntu601:29
somerville32I'm doing an SRU01:30
geserthen 0.2.2-2ubuntu5.101:30
somerville32:] 01:30
jdong2ubuntu5.0.6.10-1? 01:33
jdong(j/k) :D01:33
geserwould this make 2ubuntu5.0.6.10 part of the version and -1 the revision?01:34
jdongsure let's go with that :)01:35
somerville32This packaging thing is getting easier with more practise <g>01:37
somerville32Can someone review?: http://pastebin.ca/26510101:40
geserlooks ok to me01:43
geserI would also add a # before the bug numbers01:43
somerville32:] 01:44
geserbut it' more of a personal taste01:46
theCoreI'm realizing that using svn would only add an overhead to my packaging tasks01:56
jdongI only version packaging info selectively...01:59
jdongand svn adds as much overhead as you can ask for :)01:59
somerville32What do I do if I get an error when signing the package?01:59
jdongok, I take that back01:59
theCoreI wonder when HCT will be ready 01:59
somerville32I think I need to use a flag to specify the key by id01:59
somerville32Whats the flag?01:59
theCoresomerville32, -k01:59
jdongtheCore: cat hurd-joke | sed -e 's/hurd/HCT/g'02:00
theCoreI think I will try bzr-builddeb02:03
somerville32a debdiff is a patch, right?02:03
jdongyeah, pretty much02:03
somerville32So I would check the checkmark in the lp post comment section, right?02:04
jdongI don't know02:06
jdongI know I don't02:06
somerville32What does it do anyhow?02:06
minghuatheCore: I only put debian/ dir into SVN02:07
theCoreminghua, hmm, interesting02:07
minghuasomerville32: I label debdiff as a patch. :-)  I don't think that label is important, though02:08
theCorepersonally, I would like to separate the *.orig.tar.gz into a tarballs/ directory and put my builds inside build-area/ 02:09
minghuathat sounds a very good idea, but probably need some smart scripts to automate the work02:11
minghuaespecially if you have contents in .diff.gz that is out of debian/ dir02:11
theCorethat what I was thinking doing02:11
minghuaI know some maintainers/teams do things that way, though02:11
minghuaDebian's vim team, for example02:12
minghuabut they use a unusual .orig.tar.gz structure02:12
minghuaa tarball-and-patch-in-orig.tar.gz one02:12
theCoreoh, I see02:12
somerville32I hate building packages02:12
somerville32It takes forever :/02:12
theCorethe other nice thing I was thinking is having a build daemon to make package from the fresh upstream source. 02:15
DarkMageZSimon80, stepmania claims that there are no songs installed. i've got stepmania & stepmania data installed. no default songs?02:15
theCorebut, I imagine it would be quite hard to maintain02:16
theCorehowever, it would be very useful02:17
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somerville32Anyone here on dapper 64bit?02:33
superm1DarkMageZ, typically there are no default songs for stepmania02:34
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DarkMageZyeah, i just noticed that, i always had someone set stepmania up for me02:35
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fernandohi all02:43
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Simon80darkmagez: nope, sorry02:45
Simon80I get mine from DDRUK, if you want DDR songs... but that's likely copyright infringement02:46
Simon80so that's all I'm gonna say about that here02:47
plerkhey, anyone of you know if imbrandon is around?02:48
Simon80but at stepmania.com, the developers are making efforts to get people to submit original songs.  The reason one would want DDR songs is so that they can practice those at home, and then know them already when they hit an arcade machine02:48
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CylleneWith gpg, I have two keys, a main key (rsa) and a subkey (rsa). Which one do I send to the ubuntu keyserver?02:52
CylleneOne is used for encryption and the other for signing.02:52
CylleneI want to say the one for encryption, but you would think that an RSA key has two parts, a public and private part.02:52
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DarkMageZSimon80, ok it works and the packaging looks good to me.02:58
Simon80but you can't review it, right?02:59
Simon80did you get any songs, btw?02:59
DarkMageZSimon80, i completed a dance with a song i found on the net and tried an alternative ui. unfortunantly no i can't review.03:01
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Simon80hehe, well thanks03:04
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elektranoxstill no admin online?03:10
Simon80send an email to that address and wait a day03:11
Simon80I did that on friday morning03:11
Simon80got synced in the afternoon03:11
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plerkhey! either of u seen imbrandon around?03:26
theCoreCyllene, you always send the public part. Keep the private part well-guarded03:26
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Simon80hey hobbsee, can you review?03:31
Hobbseehey Simon80 03:31
Hobbseenot at the moment03:31
=== Hobbsee hastn even had breakfast yet
ajmitchat this hour?!03:31
Simon80oh, but you're capable03:31
Simon80http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3608, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=360903:32
Hobbseeajmitch: can review03:32
Simon80well, someone, lol03:32
CyllenetheCore: Well, yeah. But I incorrectly assumed that the presence of an RSA key meant you have both a public and a private part.03:36
Cyllenegpg makes the distinction between which key is for signing and which key is for encrypting.03:37
theCoreCyllene, well, that's what public-key encryption is all about03:37
CyllenetheCore: Yeah but usually I would generate "one" RSA key which was the public and private parts.03:37
theCoreCyllene, is it the first time you use gpg?03:37
CylleneNo it's not, it's just the first time I am making my keys all complicated and not the default way. :p03:38
theCoreCyllene, what is wrong with the default options?03:38
CyllenetheCore: Nothing, I just have a habit of trying things different ways.03:39
CylleneI.e, I like to look at different settings and methods and see what happens when you change them.03:40
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elektranoxajmitch: you'r one of the REVU admins, aren't you? could you please re-sync the keyring?03:53
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theCorenow, I love my setup04:37
theCoreI got everything at the right place04:38
theCorehopefully, it will pay off04:38
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somerville32Is there a TODO list somewhere?04:48
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Hobbseesomerville32: there's a merges list04:58
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somerville32Can someone re-sync the REVU uploaders keyring please?05:53
Hobbseeajmitch: ^05:54
somerville32Use your stick thinger to get his attention :] 05:55
=== somerville32 hugs Hobbsee.
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imbrandongnight all06:14
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Simon80anyone feel like reviewing 8)06:51
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peanutbcan the gpg keyring please be resynced07:21
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joejaxxbhale: exess flood kicks07:21
joejaxxDBO: 07:21
joejaxxbeofre you joined07:22
joejaxxwant a paste?07:22
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joejaxxDBO: http://fluxbuntu.org//view.php?id=30207:23
DBOyeah its a bot attack07:23
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peanutbhow would i submit a package that is written in php?07:29
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somerville32peanutb: Same way you would submit any other package.08:09
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somerville32Anyone around?08:31
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crimsunin some fashion.08:33
somerville32I've just dh-maked08:34
somerville32updated changelog08:34
somerville32updated control08:34
somerville32However, I'm a bit confused about rules08:35
somerville32Should I uncomment dh_python?08:38
somerville32It is a python application08:38
crimsunwhich approach to Python Policy does it use?08:40
somerville32No idea08:40
somerville32I'm packaging this from scratch08:40
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somerville32I think I got it08:48
somerville32Do I need a dirs file?08:53
crimsunnot necessarily08:59
crimsunmy suggestion since it's a python app is to read the Debian Python Policy. You'll also find the Debian wiki on Python Policy helpful.09:00
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somerville32Crimsun: Can you resync the ring?09:04
crimsunI'm not a revu admin.09:05
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somerville32Do I need a menu file?09:11
somerville32Or can I just let the Makefile install a .desktop file to /usr/share/applications ?09:12
crimsunwhatever you want.09:12
crimsunnormally if it installs an fd.o-compliant desktop file, that's sufficient09:13
somerville32E: pyneighborhood_0.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file feisty09:15
crimsunignore that lintian error.09:17
somerville32ajmitch: ping09:17
somerville32Looks like it already was synced09:19
somerville32It uploaded09:19
somerville32"Package includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests09:20
somerville32that it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be09:20
somerville32rejected by the upload queue management software."09:20
somerville32crimsun: When my upload is processes, can you review it for me? :] 09:22
crimsunprobably not 09:22
crimsunhonestly, I'm swamped until the end of December09:22
somerville32lol, alright09:23
somerville32I don't see a "recover password" link anywhere09:23
crimsunjust enter a null password09:24
somerville32I'm going to go make some juice and hopefully my package will have been processed by then :] 09:26
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somerville32crimsun: I don't see it yet09:36
crimsunare you a member of the universe contributors LP team?09:37
somerville32The keyring might not have been synced09:39
somerville32But I thought that it would have been rejected when I tried to upload09:39
crimsunwhat syntax did you use?09:40
somerville32dput pyneighborhood_0.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes09:47
crimsunthat's a silent reject09:47
crimsundefault_host_main = ubuntu09:47
crimsun[ubuntu] 09:47
crimsunfqdn = upload.ubuntu.com09:47
crimsunyou're not in the ubuntu-dev keyring, so your upload was dropped silently09:48
crimsunsorry, a silent failure09:48
crimsunthe reject semantics are different09:48
crimsunyou need to use dput revu blah09:48
somerville32set revu to default09:50
somerville32and uploaded09:50
=== somerville32 will wait another few minutes.
somerville32Still not showing up09:59
somerville32crimsun: I got an e-mail for the reject from Ubuntu10:06
somerville32From it isn't showing up in revu and there is no e-mail10:06
crimsunthen wait for the revu keyring to be synced10:06
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Gloubiboulgasomerville32: what does your dput.cf looks like?10:22
Gloubiboulgaah, nm10:23
somerville32"Since Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake),"10:23
GloubiboulgaI thought you were trying to upload to the repos10:23
somerville32Does that mean I need to do what it says on that page?10:23
somerville32It is already the same :] 10:24
somerville32Why isn't the keyring synced automatically?10:26
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somerville32We need more MOTU admins :/10:44
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ajmitchit isn't synced automativally because it takes quite awhile to run10:46
ajmitchdue to gpg sucking10:46
somerville32Omgz, you're awake!10:46
somerville32Yeah! :)10:47
ajmitchno I'm not10:47
somerville32Doh : (10:47
=== somerville32 wishes he could chat on IRC in his sleep.
somerville32Can you resync the keyring for me in your sleep too? :] 10:48
ajmitchI'm already doing it, before any more people want to bug me about it10:48
somerville32Will you let me know when you're done? :] 10:50
ajmitchit's still going10:52
somerville32Since anyone can join that team, why not just let everyone upload to revu?10:54
ajmitchbecause we want at least some checks10:55
ajmitchok, it's done10:55
somerville32When I decrypt my password, it says "None"11:00
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ajmitchhave you uploaded a package & had it appear on revu?11:01
stgraberajmitch: Do you have a few minute to review an upload on revu ?11:02
somerville32ajmitch: Well, I'm still waiting11:02
somerville32And it has the GPG stuff there when it didn't have it there before11:02
ajmitchif you haven't had a package uploaded & processed on revu, an account is not created11:03
somerville32I got an error when I tried to upload after sync11:04
somerville32Should I force?11:04
ajmitchit won't do any good11:04
ajmitchwhat was the package?11:05
ajmitchtry again now, with dput -f11:05
somerville32Successfully uploaded packages.11:06
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asabilhi all11:13
asabilcan someone accpet this package ?11:17
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asabilanyone ?11:19
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=== Hobbsee waves
Gloubiboulgahello Hobbsee 11:43
=== Admiral_Chicago waves back to Hobbsee
Admiral_ChicagoHobbsee: what time is it over there?11:44
Hobbsee@time sydney11:44
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: December 03 2006, 21:44:4511:44
ubuntu-esHobbsee: Error: "time" is not a valid command.11:44
Hobbseewhy is ubuntu-es in here?11:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:45
ubuntu-esHobbsee: (help [<plugin>]  [<command>] ) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.11:45
Hobbseeoh right, it just triggers with @11:45
Admiral_Chicago@time Chicago11:45
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Chicago: December 03 2006, 04:45:4311:45
ubuntu-esAdmiral_Chicago: Error: "time" is not a valid command.11:45
Admiral_Chicagoanyways it's almost 5 AM here 11:46
crimsundid we ever discover why ubuntu-es is even here?11:46
Hobbseei never did11:48
elkbuntudoes anyone know to who he belongs?11:48
=== tsmithe [n=bip@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchno, ban it11:48
tsmithehow do i go about getting something into universe?11:48
Hobbseewhat?  they fixed -motu's bans11:49
Admiral_ChicagoHobbsee & elkbuntu, i'm considering applying for IRC operator team, any ideas?11:49
elkbuntuAdmiral_Chicago, you dont apply.11:49
HobbseeRiddell: sladen and fbond are the only ops.11:49
Hobbseeand none of them seem to have the power to add more ops?11:50
HobbseeSeveas: is that right?11:50
tsmithelooks like it11:50
Admiral_Chicagohow does that work then?11:50
tsmithelooking at the access/level list11:50
Hobbseetsmithe: yes...11:50
somerville32I bet one of them has the password to the channel11:51
Admiral_Chicagoaccording to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-irc it says you apply, but does that mean just the LP team?11:51
somerville32If not, we can ask rob to reset the password11:52
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SeveasHobbsee, the crapbot is in -locoteams as well11:53
Seveasif you find awake freenode staff, please poke them11:54
HobbseeSeveas: well, if we had ops for here, then we could fix it?  it seems that not everyone can get ops here now11:54
tsmitheanyhoo: how do i go about getting something into universe?11:54
SeveasHobbsee, freenode staff can get ops everywhere :)11:54
somerville32tsmithe: See the wiki :P11:54
HobbseeSeveas: i meant adding people to the access list.  but true11:54
somerville32tsmithe: Under MOTU/11:55
tsmithewhich wiki?11:55
somerville32Hobbsee: If they have the password, when they authenticate with chanserv, they are level 5011:55
Hobbseesomerville32: they're *staff* - they should be able to override that11:55
Admiral_Chicagomaybe someone can explain the IRC operators thing to me later11:56
somerville32Freenode staff can reset the password, yeah11:56
=== rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+b *!*@] by rob
=== ubuntu-es was kicked off #ubuntu-motu by rob (rob)
tsmitheright... how do go about packaging a python application11:58
tsmitheat the moment it's just the one file11:58
somerville32tsmithe: Read the packaging guide :] 11:59
tsmitheanywhere to point me to with regards to the debian/ directory contents?11:59
tsmithespecifically for python?11:59
tsmitheor is it not too different?11:59
somerville32Thats what I'm trying to figure out12:00
somerville32:] 12:00
=== tsmithe wonders about dh_python
sivangtsmithe: deprecated already :)12:00
tsmithei've only heard of it12:01
tsmithedo i have to use pbuilder?12:01
sivangtsmithe: there's a new python policy, http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/12:01
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somerville32tsmite: You don't _have_ to12:01
tsmithe...it's all so bureaucratic12:02
sivangtsmithe: indeed, but it must be if we want to keep large project like debian and ubuntu tidied12:03
tsmithei understand that12:03
tsmithehaving only just started learning python yesterday, this is a big step12:04
somerville32level #ubuntu-motu list12:04
somerville32err... mischan12:04
tsmithei think you missed /msg chanserv12:04
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o Riddell] by ChanServ
tsmitheisn't there some kind of document somewhere that describes how to write the debian/control file for a python script?12:06
Riddelltsmithe: google for debian python policy12:07
Riddell11:07 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- An access level of [20]  is required for [CLEAR]  on #ubuntu-motu12:07
Riddellerr, hmm, now how do I get rid of this @12:08
StevenK /deop Riddell ?12:08
tsmithethis @?12:08
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o Riddell] by Riddell
tsmithebut it's so long12:08
Riddellwell debian/control is just the same for any package, there's just a couple of python specific bits12:09
=== mr_pouit [n=silk@lns-bzn-49f-81-56-214-84.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tsmithe looks at some examples
tsmithething is, for python, i don't need to build it, and the source and binary packages would be almost identical, with respect to the program itself (not the packaging stuffs)12:11
tsmithethe debian python policy goes on about modules12:11
tsmithemine isn't a module12:11
=== somerville32 nods.
tsmithewell, i'll just do it the same as for any other pacakge12:13
tsmitheand then add the python-specifics12:13
somerville32I doubt anything special will be needed12:14
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tsmithesomerville32, what "Section: " would the source package be for my app?12:15
somerville32universe/sound ?12:17
somerville32universe/system ?12:17
tsmithei'll choose universe/sound12:17
=== somerville32 doesn't even know if it exists. haha
tsmitheanyone else?12:18
tsmitheis there a list?12:18
Gloubiboulgatsmithe: look at the debian policy12:20
Gloubiboulgaall the sections are listed12:20
tsmitheso it will be universe/sound12:21
Gloubiboulga"sound" only, don't use "universe"12:21
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tsmithe"segment/section if the package is in the contrib or non-free distribution areas."12:23
tsmithebut it's "contrib"12:23
somerville32apt-cache show linneighborhood12:23
somerville32It shows it in universe/net12:24
tsmithestupid maintainer12:24
somerville32gobby is in universe/net too12:25
Fujitsusomerville32: The universe/ is added by the archive admins. The section in the source package control file should simply be net.12:27
FujitsuAnd with that, I shall be off to bed.12:27
tsmitheis there any guide on writing a debian/rules file?12:34
tsmitheit's ok12:36
=== tsmithe refers to debian policy again
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithehow can i get the rules file right for a python app12:41
tsmithecould someone gimme a simple python package that i can look at as an example?12:44
tsmitheping somebody12:46
sivangtsmithe: try to look at the hubackup source12:49
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tsmitheSeeker`, your fed up with *your* connectio?!01:06
tsmithemine's rubbish01:06
tsmithetwo different routers01:06
tsmithenone get up to the 180KiB/s that i got a couple of weeks ago01:06
tsmitheit's gone down to 55!01:07
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pascal80How can I get packages with missing desktop files fixed?01:30
somerville32Modify the package :] 01:31
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pascal80Can I just send a patch of the desktop file?01:32
pascal80I'm not so familiar with altering packages.01:32
somerville32File a bug report and attach the patch, sure01:33
pascal80How do these bugs get picked up by a MOTU?01:34
Hobbseesubscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors01:36
Hobbseepreferably file the bug and the patch in debian01:36
Hobbseethen it will automatically (almost) get fixed over here01:36
pascal80Thanks for your answer Hobbsee01:37
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=== tsmithe is back
tsmithei'm getting this warning, which i don't like02:11
tsmithegpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/toby/.gnupg/gpg.conf'02:11
tsmithegpg: skipped "Toby Smithe <toby.smithe@gmail.com>": secret key not available02:11
tsmithegpg: [stdin] : clearsign failed: secret key not available02:11
tsmithething is, what's unsafe?02:12
tsmitheit looks fine to me02:12
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gesertsmithe: what are the permissions of ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf?02:13
tsmithe-rw------- 1 toby toby 8084 2006-06-25 18:11 /home/toby/.gnupg/gpg.conf02:13
tsmithelooks very safe02:13
tsmitheshould i make it world-readable?02:13
geserand the perms of the dir ~/.gnupg?02:14
somerville32tsmithe: use -k02:14
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-76-223.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-motu []
geserthat solves the second problem but not the warning02:15
tsmithedrwx------ toby toby02:15
=== Yagisan [n=Yagisan@doomsday/developer/Yagisan] has joined #ubuntu-motu
geserthis looks safe, I don't understand where gnupg sees a problem02:16
tsmitheme neither02:16
somerville32Your name must not match your key02:17
somerville32So you need to specify it manually02:17
geser-k is an option to dpkg-buildpackage to specify the keyid02:17
somerville32or something02:17
=== somerville32 nods.
somerville32geser: Are you free to review?02:18
tsmithecan a revu admin sync the keyring for me?02:18
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1128677314.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32ajmitch: ^^02:18
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gesersomerville32: what do you want reviewed?02:19
gesersomerville32: I'm not a MOTU (yet) but I can give it a look02:21
somerville32:] 02:21
=== Lutin_ [n=Lutin@sd-4736.dedibox.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmitheit's not neighborhood!02:23
somerville32Thats not the name of the program though ;] 02:26
tsmithealso, revu won't recover my password02:27
tsmithewhat's Elgamal?02:27
somerville32You don't get a passwd until you upload your first package.02:29
tsmithei did02:29
tsmitheUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):02:30
tsmithe  asoundconf-gtk_1.0.dsc: done.02:30
tsmithe  asoundconf-gtk_1.0.tar.gz: done.02:30
tsmithe  asoundconf-gtk_1.0_source.changes: done.02:30
tsmitheSuccessfully uploaded packages.02:30
tsmitheNot running dinstall.02:30
somerville32Doesn't mean anything02:30
Hobbseetsmithe: you're uploading to the wrong place.02:30
Hobbseetsmithe: you didnt follow !revu02:30
somerville32That too02:30
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU02:30
HobbseeUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com)02:30
tsmitheHobbsee, REVU says "Since Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake), dput is already configured for REVU uploads, with the [revu]  entry. However, if are running an earlier version you can add the following entry to your /etc/dput.cf:"02:31
tsmitheso i assumed it would be fine to leave it02:31
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Hobbseetsmithe: that's what i thought  but each time i install, i find it defaults to ubuntu.  check the dput.cf02:31
tsmithe[ubuntu] 02:32
tsmithefqdn = upload.ubuntu.com02:32
tsmitheincoming = /02:32
tsmithelogin = anonymous02:32
tsmithe[revu] 02:32
tsmithefqdn = revu.tauware.de02:32
tsmitheincoming = /incoming02:32
tsmithelogin = anonymous02:32
tsmithedefault_host_main = ubuntu02:32
=== tsmithe tries agai
tsmitheit should be alright to p02:33
tsmitheit should be alright to upload now, then?02:33
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseetsmithe: yes02:33
somerville32I don't think you're synced02:34
Hobbseetsmithe: you'll just get a rejected mail from ubuntu @ your previous upload02:34
tsmithedamn... am i not synced?02:34
tsmitheit uploaded alright...02:34
sivangHobbsee: are you approved for main by any chance? I could use a sponsership for a package02:34
Hobbseesivang: nope02:34
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithei don't think i'm synced02:35
somerville32You aren't :P02:35
tsmitheit's not giving me a password02:35
tsmithecan someone sync me?02:36
Hobbseeit only creates you an account after your first upload02:36
tsmithei did upload02:36
Hobbseesiretart: around?02:36
siretartHobbsee: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.02:36
somerville32tsmithe: It was rejected silently02:36
Hobbseesiretart: this is not a contentless ping.  this is requesting a syncing of the keyring.02:36
tsmitheso can someone sync the keyring, and i'll try again02:36
somerville32No one is around to do it02:36
tsmitheHobbsee's request above doesn't agree02:37
somerville32That was an automated response02:37
Hobbseetsmithe: sorry?02:37
=== tsmithe wants to upload!
somerville32I felt the same way <g>02:37
=== Hobbsee cant resync the keyrink
somerville32We need more MOTU admins! :)02:37
tsmithe131 peeps in channel and not a single admin around02:38
Hobbseetsmithe: there are at least 3. ajmitch, siretart and imbrandon.  however none seem to be awake02:38
somerville32imbrandon is a MOTU admin?02:38
somerville32Hobbsee: Want to review my package?02:40
VoXi wonder how often hobbsee gets asked that02:40
somerville32VoX: Want to review my package?02:41
somerville32Oh wait... were you being dirty? 02:41
VoX<_< >_> <_< ...no...02:41
Hobbseesomerville32: i think so02:41
HobbseeVoX: heh.  a lot02:41
Hobbseesomerville32: okay02:42
Hobbseewhere is it?02:42
tsmitheping motu admins!02:43
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=== _MMA_ [n=mma@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseesomerville32: that should be a good start02:51
gesersomerville32: if doing a new package you can use debhelper level 5 (if I'm not mistaken)02:57
Hobbseegeser: i put that into my comments :)02:59
geserI reloaded the page now03:00
somerville32What does the different levels do?03:01
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somerville32Hobbsee: What do you mean by by "Do all of those depends need to be there, or should there be related build-depends? "?03:03
Hobbseedo you know how shlibdeps work?03:04
somerville32This is my first package03:05
Hobbseeie, if you need those packages to install it, usually you'll need the corresponding -dev packages during compile time.  did you run this though a pbuilder?03:05
Hobbseeah right03:05
gesersomerville32: debhelper evolved other the time and the different levels control the behaviour of several debhelper scripts, see also the manpage for debhelper03:05
Hobbseeif you have foo-dev as a build dep, shlibdeps will mean that you have foo as an automatic dep03:05
gesersomerville32: don't ship /usr/sbin if you don't need it03:06
tsmitheif a motu admin comes along: could you sync the keyring :) ?03:06
=== tsmithe afk
somerville32geser: in dirs?03:06
=== Lutin_ is now known as Lutin
=== hub__ is now known as hub
geserand you can remove the dependancy on linux03:09
somerville32geser: Why?03:11
siretartkeyring resyncing03:11
geserUbuntu hasn't any other kernel besides linux03:11
Hobbseethanks siretart 03:11
somerville32geser: I was specifying a version of the kernel though03:12
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Hobbseesiretart: seems like we need some more people for that03:12
Hobbseesomerville32: what for?03:12
somerville32Hobbsee: Specified in the docs03:12
Hobbseesomerville32: as in, only runs on 2.6.17 or something?03:12
somerville32>= 2.203:12
gesersomerville32: even breezy has a 2.6 kernel03:13
Hobbseeyou dont need that in there03:13
somerville32Oh goodie03:13
somerville32Do I need  ${misc:Depends} ?03:13
siretartHobbsee: yes. in principle, everyone with an account on tiber should be able to do that.03:13
Hobbseedont think so03:14
Hobbseesiretart: hmmm.  i dont have one of them :P03:14
gesersomerville32: and you definitely don't want to depends on the server package, all you need is the client (if really needed)03:15
=== somerville32 nods.
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32What is the client package name?03:16
=== reggaemanu_ [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-152-36.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
geseryou need probably smbfs and/or smbclient03:17
geserI haven't checked what your package really needs03:17
siretartkeyring resynced and pending uploads reprocessed03:18
Hobbseesiretart: how does one get REVU powers?03:19
somerville32siretart: Maybe we should have a big red button to resync the keychain? :] 03:21
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siretartsomerville32: in fact, it is one sudo call03:23
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartHobbsee: every motu can request an account on tiber. please mail admin@tiber.tauware.de with some rationale why you think you can use one03:24
somerville32Is it possible to check to see if there are new members every once and awhile and then sync automatically?03:24
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Hobbseesiretart: right.  is "to be able to resync the keyring" a suitable rationale?03:24
siretartperhaps we should trigger the resync via cron or something03:24
Hobbseeyou mean it's not already?03:25
siretartno, not yet03:25
siretartI didn't expect that so many ppl are joining the contributors groups03:25
=== zul [n=bob@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32siretart: Ubuntu Open Week just occurred03:25
somerville32The whole goal was to get people involved :] 03:25
siretartgiven at the time it takes for a package being reviewed03:26
siretartsomerville32: oh, right. right03:26
=== aBiNg [n=helo_aBi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartanyway, I will be the whole next week incredibly busy with job and uni, and I won't be able to do much next week03:26
siretartthe week after I have more time. will look after revu then03:26
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somerville32siretart: Can we get the long name of the universe contributor group changed?03:29
Hobbseeyay, i can request a sync!03:29
somerville32siretart: It looks funny because it is so long.03:29
Hobbseesomerville32: ubuntu-universe-contributors?03:29
Hobbseesomerville32: and you're asking the wrong person03:30
somerville32Isn't he the owner of that group?03:30
Hobbseenot that i know fo03:30
somerville32And it isn't the unix name that would be nice to have changed but the long name (or descriptive name) or w/e it is called03:30
siretartsomerville32: the name was choosen on purpose and defined by the revu spec03:30
siretartI don't plan to change it. it isn't that important anyway03:30
somerville32Hobbsee: And siretart is the owner 03:31
somerville32;] 03:31
somerville32siretart: k03:31
Hobbseeohhh...i'm confusing contributors and sponsors03:32
somerville32I just thought it might look better as "Universe package contributors" or something03:32
somerville32no biggie03:32
somerville32Anyhow, I gotta take the dog out to pee.03:32
somerville32I'll upload my fixs to that package in a sec03:32
sladenHobbsee/tsmithe: if you need ops on the channel, just ask ChanServ for them...03:34
sladenthe access-level is intentionally zero03:35
Hobbseesladen: [01:35]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- An access level of [10]  is required for [OP]  on #ubuntu-motu03:35
Hobbseesladen: that doesnt work anymore03:35
=== giskard [n=giskard@213-140-22-74.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sladenoh FFS, has somebody been meddling *twice* in the last week03:36
sladenthat was been changed since November 23rd, which was the previous time somebody asked the Freenode team to meddle with it03:38
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:39
=== somerville32 thinks he has hurt his spine.
somerville32Hobbsee: Building package. Will you be able to review try #3? :] 03:46
somerville32Oh crap03:51
somerville32I uploaded it and I forgot to fix the clean up script03:51
Hobbseefix it, upload again03:51
somerville32Those files are being placed there in the clean rule03:52
=== somerville32 boggles.
tsmitheis there an admin about?03:53
somerville32Already synced tsmithe03:53
tsmithewho do i thank?03:53
Hobbseesomerville32: then remove that section?03:54
=== somerville32 did.
=== Hobbsee beds
=== redguy [n=mati@public-gprs15000.centertel.pl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tsmithe waits 5 minutes for the upload to show up
tsmithesiretart, you synced the keyring right?03:59
somerville32Can someone review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=362804:04
siretarttsmithe: right. what did you upload04:04
tsmithei just wanted to thank you for syncing04:04
tsmithealso, my upload doesn't show on the page04:04
siretartit shouldn't be necessary to sync manually. but also revu2 should already be done, so in some ways, I suck04:05
siretarttsmithe: it doesn't show up in the rejected folder either04:05
siretarttsmithe: are you absolutely sure you uploaded to tiber and not to uploads.ubuntu.com?04:05
tsmithefound it04:05
tsmitheit was there04:06
tsmithei refreshed the page04:06
tsmithecan someone review it?04:06
tsmithei think it's bad04:07
tsmithehang on04:08
somerville32You're package doesn't conform to debian python policy :] 04:08
tsmithewhy's that?04:08
somerville32use ${pyton:Depends}04:09
tsmithein where?04:09
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithebuild-depends then?04:09
somerville32Replace python and what not with that04:10
somerville32You're using cdbs for that?04:11
somerville32Kind of overkill04:12
tsmitheit's easier04:12
tsmitheit also has this error: You've specified an unknown `target distribution' for your upload in the debian/changelog file.04:14
tsmithebut what's wrong with what i have?04:14
tsmitheasoundconf-gtk (1.0) feisty; urgency=low04:15
somerville32Ignore that error04:15
=== somerville32 trys installing his own package and fears.
=== lbm [n=lbm@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmitheright... re-uploading04:16
=== tsmithe waits 5 minutes
tsmithei forgot to rebuild04:19
=== tsmithe hits himself
=== rmjb [n=richard@cuscon23581.tstt.net.tt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== phanatic_ [n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbHappy Sunday all... for those of you for which Monday has not yet arrived04:20
tsmithehappy sunday rmjb 04:21
somerville32rmjb: Are you a MOTU reviewer?04:22
rmjbheh, no I'm just a hopeful, like you I guess04:22
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@unix0.york.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tsmithe uploads again
somerville32Who do you usually get to review your stuff?04:22
=== tsmithe waits 5 minutes
rmjbI think this OpenWeek brought in a good bit of MOTU hopefuls, I hope the MOTU's can handle us04:23
rmjbI have 2 packages on REVU, I got LaserJock to review 1 and the other I emailed the ubuntu-motu list and someone reviewed that one04:23
=== mwolson [i=mwolson@jpi-wlafyte-212-116.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32mwolson: MOTU Reviewer?04:24
rmjbI need a follow up review now though, but I'll wait around and see04:24
rmjbsomerville32: you using xchat?04:24
phanaticsomerville32: what do you want to be reviewed?04:24
somerville32rmjb: Yup. Why?04:24
somerville32phanatic: I'll get the link.04:25
rmjbyou can tell ubuntu members by the text that comes up when they sign in, like phanatic here : n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic04:25
mwolsonsomerville32: i'm not a MOTU reviewer, if that's what you were asking04:25
phanaticrmjb: but that doesn't mean i'm a motu ;)04:25
rmjbI know04:25
rmjbbut it'll narrow down those to pounce on04:26
phanaticrmjb: but you're right... if someone is not a member, he cannot be a motu either :)04:26
phanatic(or she of course :))04:26
rmjbof course04:26
somerville32So, are you a MOTU Reviewer? :P04:26
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
phanaticsomerville32: yes, i can review your upload, but cannot advocate it (yet)04:30
phanatichey ivoks :)04:30
ivoksphanatic: hi04:30
=== tsmithe uploads again
=== tsmithe waits the requisite 5 minutes
rmjbsomerville32: I'm looking at your package too04:34
rmjbthe debian/menu file04:34
rmjbwhat's that for?04:34
tsmitheso... who want's to review my package?04:35
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@unix0.york.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithePriceChild, you wanna review my package?04:37
somerville32rmbj: Debian memu entr04:37
=== awbassett [n=awbasset@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbsomerville32: hmm... wonder if I should include one in my package...04:38
PriceChildtsmithe: I'm not MOTU :)04:39
PriceChildtsmithe: I'm no-where near being a motu :)04:39
PriceChildever :P04:39
rmjbtsmithe: you should only ask those persons that are ubuntu members, you can tell they are members by the text that comes up when they sign into the chat like phanatic n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic04:39
gesertsmithe: if the package isn't Ubuntu specific don't make it a native package (even if you are upstream)04:39
rmjbof course not all ubuntu members in this channel are MOTU04:39
tsmithermjb: ok04:40
tsmithegeser, how do you mean?04:40
gesercreate a diff.gz with the contents from the debian/ dir04:40
geserdon't ship the debian/ dir in the orig.tar.gz04:41
tsmithei don't know how to do that :(04:42
phanaticrmjb, somerville32: debian/menu is not essential... a .desktop file is more important since that's freedesktop standard04:42
tsmithei was using galternatives as an example, and worked from that04:42
rmjbtsmithe: did you go through the excellent ubuntu packaging guide?04:42
rmjb!packaging guide04:42
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources04:42
tsmithermjb, yes :(04:42
gesertsmithe: galternatives is not a wise choice as an example04:43
tsmithewhy is that?04:43
tsmitheit's in universe...04:44
geserthe alternative system is Debian/Ubuntu specific, you won't find it on other distributions04:44
tsmithebut i fail to see why that makes it a poor example04:44
gesertherefore galternatives doesn't split the debian changes into a diff.gz04:45
geserthis is called a native package04:45
tsmitheand native packages are bad?04:45
gesernot in itself but for an example of packaging04:46
tsmitheso how do i split off a .diff.gz?04:46
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw8-feb6fb00-217.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
geserif you have an orig.tar.gz without debian/ dpkg-buildpackage will put all changes (e.g. the files in debian/) into a diff.gz04:48
tsmithethis is confusing04:49
tsmitheall i am doing is running debuild -S -sa in the source directory04:50
tsmithethen uploading with dput04:50
tsmitheso how do i get an orig.tar.gz without debian/04:50
geserin most cases the tar.gz you can download from upstream doesn't have a debian/ dir04:51
tsmithethis is my own application04:51
tsmithei created the debian dir04:51
tsmithewas this unwise?04:51
geseronly if you ship it in the orig.tar.gz04:51
tsmithebut how do i get an orig.tar.gz?04:52
tsmithedebuild spits out asoundconf-gtk_1.0.dsc04:52
geserfirst you should name the tar.gz asoundconf-gtk_1.0.orig.tar.gz04:54
geserdebuild should create then a diff.gz which should be empty in your case04:54
tsmithethen how do i go about splitting the debian/ dir off?04:55
geserit should be there (in the orig.tar.gz) in the first place04:56
tsmithebut you said to split it off into a .diff.gz04:56
tsmitheshould i build the archive without the debian dir, then add it into the dir, and debuild will put it into .diff.gz04:56
tsmithethanks :)04:57
tsmithethanks ever so much05:00
tsmithei've uploaded the new package05:00
=== tsmithe waits
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32geser: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3633 ? ")05:00
tsmithemy latest upload, ready for review: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=363605:03
gesersomerville32: some files have a copyright year 2005-2006, you should put it into debian/copyright05:06
geserand the email adress is different but I don't if it matters05:06
gesertsmithe: looks much better now05:07
rmjbgeser: can you review mine?05:08
geserI can look at it but I'm not a MOTU (yet)05:08
rmjboh... well I welcome your feedback05:08
tsmitheso, to get into universe, what needs to happen?05:09
gesertsmithe: two MOTUs need to advocate it05:10
=== tsmithe waits impatiently for motus
gesertsmithe: don't depend on packages that don't exist (alsa)05:11
tsmithei was sure that did exist05:11
geserchange the DEB_INSTALL_MANPAGES_galternatives in your rules :)05:12
tsmithei thought i had05:12
=== tsmithe reuploads
geserand you can use debhelper level 505:13
tsmithewhat does that mean05:13
geserit's about the features debhelper may use (see man debhelper about the different levels)05:14
=== tsmithe re-uploads again
tsmithethe other is still on the queue05:15
=== tsmithe waits for it to run away
=== zul [n=bob@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmitheright that's better05:18
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable229.181-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tsmithe waits impatiently for it to get off the queue
tsmithewho wants to review (and advocate if possible): http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=363805:23
tsmitheoh bugger05:26
=== tsmithe needs to upload again
tsmitheit's so finickity05:26
somerville32geeser: What e-mail?05:29
rmjbsomerville32: I notice you sometimes misspell a person's nick, and if you don't have it exactly right they wont get a *ping*...05:30
rmjband easy way to always get it right is to type the first couple characters of their name then hit the TAB key05:31
rmjbtry it out on me05:31
somerville32rmjb: I've been up for 24 hours now05:31
rmjbyou need to get some sleep05:31
gesersomerville32: the email mentioned in copyright statement in e.g. http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/pyneighborhood-0612031025/pyneighborhood-0.3/mainwindow.py05:31
rmjbbut using the TAB completion you'll always spell the names right, even when sleepy :)05:31
tsmithesomerville32, yeah... you said you were going to sleep hours ago!05:32
somerville32geser: Both are his -email05:32
gesertherefore I said I don't know if it matters if the email-address in your debian/copyright differs from the one mentioned in his copyright statements05:35
geserprobably not05:35
tsmitheany motus around?05:37
tsmithewanna advocate my package?05:37
siretartis this dh_python and dh_pysupport stuff really required when using cdbs?05:38
tsmithei'm not really sure05:39
tsmithedoes it hurt?05:39
=== siretart thought the point of cdbs was to hide such details :/
siretartwell, it hurts my eyes when I see such things. thats bad enough05:39
tsmithelooking at the debuild output, it seems to need it05:40
tsmithebut it doesn't need dh_python05:40
tsmithethat's deprecated05:40
siretartI'm no cdbs expert either05:40
tsmithebut i'm pretty sure it needs dh_pysupport05:40
siretartwell, my londonlaw package did manage it without that explicit dh_pysupport call.05:41
siretartbut I'm using python-central instead05:41
tsmithewell, i've uploaded one without dh_python, if that's what you want05:42
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithesiretart, hang on05:42
tsmithei'm just looking at the cdbs docs05:42
somerville32siretart: Isn't that required with the new debian python policy?05:42
=== guglielf [n=guglielf@unaffiliated/guglielf] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithesiretart, looks like i can do it all with cdbs05:43
siretartsomerville32: there are several problems here. one is the new python policy, the other one is cdbs :/05:43
siretartsince cdbs is supposed to make packaging easy [tm] , it should hide such silly details. the fact that it doesn't means to me that cdbs sucks badly here05:44
tsmithesiretart, without dy_pysupport i need a setup.py file05:44
tsmitheit's much easier to just use dh_pysupport05:44
tsmitheso i would definitely prefer to not have to have a setup.py05:45
tsmitheso is that alright?05:46
siretarttsmithe: I'd suggest that you document such things in debian/rules as comments, for reference for potential revuiereviewers05:46
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithei'll just do that, then upload agin05:47
tsmitheok that's uploaded05:51
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32siretart: Are you available to review my package? :] 05:51
=== nictuku [n=yves@ubuntu/member/nictuku] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartsomerville32: ask me after dec. 1205:53
somerville32Nicktu: Are you a MOTU Reviewer?05:54
tsmithesiretart, if you want, here's the latest link: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=364305:54
somerville32Can anyone review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=364205:55
tsmithesomerville32, that makes two of us ;)05:55
somerville32We gotta get these motu folks in shape!05:55
somerville32:] 05:55
=== mr_pouit [n=silk@LAubervilliers-151-12-125-187.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbtry mailing the ubuntu-motu list05:55
=== tsmithe has
rmjbyeah I saw that05:56
tsmithenow all i need is a motu to05:56
rmjbyou all are subscribed to that list right?05:56
=== tsmithe is, obviously
tsmithe143 people in here and only four awake05:57
=== phanatic [n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbyou can mail the list without being subscribed05:57
tsmithei subscribed anyway05:58
tsmithegets rid of the overhead of approving messages05:58
=== somerville32 isn't subscribed.
somerville32I'm already subscribed to like a million mailing lists, haha.06:00
somerville32Is anything important really going to come through on ubuntu-motu list?06:00
tsmitheany motus about?06:01
tsmithephanatic, you wouldn't happen to be a motu, would you?06:04
somerville32A MOTU Reviewer06:04
tsmithewhat he said06:05
phanatictsmithe: i'm just a reviewer, but not a motu yet06:08
tsmithewell... do you wanna review my package anyway?06:08
imbrandontsmithe: you must rember this is sunday afternoon and nearing the holiday season06:09
imbrandonmoins all06:10
tsmitheimbrandon, do you wann review my package :P?06:10
imbrandontsmithe: sure PM me the url and i'll revu it sometime today06:10
imbrandonwhen i get a moment06:10
somerville32imbrandon, Can I pm you my package too?06:11
imbrandonsomerville32: sure, dont expect them revu'd in 30 minutes, but i promise i'll do a round today :)06:11
=== gandalfn [n=gandalfn@i02m-87-89-253-156.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
phanatictsmithe: as soon as i get to it, i'll have a look at it06:14
tsmithethanks, phanatic 06:14
=== jinty [n=jinty@177.Red-83-54-74.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonok food time bbiab06:16
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Adri2000Fujitsu: piiiiiiiiiing? :)06:17
=== giskard [n=giskard@213-140-22-74.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
gandalfnhello, i pushed packages on REVU and would like update them. how do I have to proceed ? must only remake a dput on REVU ? change ubuntu release ?06:27
somerville32dput -f *.changes06:28
gandalfnsomerville32: ok thanks 06:29
somerville32Gloubiboulga, Could you review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=364406:34
Gloubiboulgasomerville32: added on TODO, I have to go06:34
somerville32:] 06:37
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-7-27.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== amnesia [n=amnesia@p549DD734.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== mr_pouit [n=silk@LAubervilliers-151-12-125-187.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80who else can review? lol06:45
=== Halcy0n [n=halcy0n@pdpc/supporter/active/Halcy0n] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32We need more Motu Reviewers :(06:46
=== Subhuman [n=jack@host86-144-222-197.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80yeah, eh06:48
Simon80my package is good! review it and you'll get in shape!06:48
Simon80or your fingers will, lol06:48
=== Sp4rKy [n=maxenced@ubuntu/member/sp4rky] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithesomerville32, how's the reviewing going?06:50
tsmithedamn I was too late to catch Gloubiboulga 06:51
=== ubuntu_demon [n=depjayds@s5592b629.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu-motu []
tsmitheSimon80, what's your package06:53
Simon80http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3608, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=360906:54
tsmithedance simulation eh?06:55
tsmithewhat does that entail?06:55
sivangtsmithe: that's much more then that!06:56
Simon80tsmith: you know about Dance Dance revolution?06:56
=== sivang notes stepmania is like the killer app of the 21st century
Simon80@ sivang06:56
=== sivang LOVES DDR
sivangalthough I'm  a MOTU, I'm not sure if I can review your package as I'm not registered in the review login06:57
Simon80I picked that cause it's ridiculous06:57
sivangany MOTU admin around /06:57
tsmithesivang, can you review mine?06:57
somerville32Sp4rKy, are you a MOTU reviewer?06:57
Simon80tsmithe: see above, lol06:57
sivangSimon80: you serious? becuase it's redicilous ?06:57
tsmithesivang: surely you can log in? :)06:58
Simon80haha, no that video06:58
Simon80I picked stepmania cause I want stepmania06:58
Simon80but I picked that video cause it's ridiculous07:00
Simon80and then the guy gets a AA, too07:00
Simon80I personally have my own pad and all, I don't think DDR is ridiculous, just really geeky07:01
somerville32sivange: Just recover your password then07:02
=== geser [n=michael@leary.ping.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithehi geser07:03
Simon80lmao: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8718199435863453649&q=dance+dance+revolution07:04
sivangSimon80: stepmani is DA THING07:05
Simon80that's the last one I'll link to.. it's just the best illustration of what DDR is to people who have never seen it07:07
Simon80plus, that 5 yo is like, pretty good, lol07:08
=== tsmithe doesn't have flash
tsmitheand is not going to install it07:08
Simon80tsmithe can click on the download links07:08
tsmithecant be bothered07:08
Simon80you don't need flash to see google video07:08
somerville32sivang: Common'. Review our packages :P07:09
tsmithewe need you07:09
rmjbwow, three people looking for reviewers now... not counting me... what has Open Week done!07:10
tsmithethis isn't a result of open week07:10
tsmithemy package is a result of two things07:10
tsmithea) my desire to learn python07:11
Sp4rKysomerville32: no i'm not07:11
tsmitheb) my want for a gui application to switch default alsa sound card07:11
Simon80tsmith: gnome has one of those07:11
tsmithei'm in xfce ;)07:11
Simon80I think...07:11
tsmithegnome does07:12
tsmithei wanted to replicate it07:12
tsmitheso i did :)07:12
Simon80rmjb: nothing to do with open week, I'm a long time user who just wants stepmania07:12
Simon80and is tired of compiling it07:12
rmjbactually I wanted reviewers before Open Week too07:12
tsmitheso where are these new reviews who have come as a result of open week!07:12
somerville32It's Sunday :] 07:12
tsmitheubuntu is a volunteer thing07:13
somerville32Only real geeks come out on Sunday07:13
somerville32Ubuntu isn't a volunteer thing :P07:13
tsmithei'm a volunteer07:13
rmjbyep it is07:13
tsmitheare motus paid?07:13
somerville32Paid devs don't come out on the weekends07:13
somerville32Thats why it is so quite07:13
rmjbonly a handful of people are paid, and most of those are core-devs, not motus07:13
tsmithevolunteers with nothing better to do (ie me) come out on sunday. especially when it gets dark at 4pm07:14
rmjbmaybe only dholbach is a paid motu07:14
sivangsorry guys, it seems I can't login and I'm a bit busy at the moment anyways, but nice going on the stepmania thing - I happen to have used it myself from source on Ubuntu07:14
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80well, no more07:14
Simon80my package is the answer, lol07:15
tsmithesivang, recover your password? :P pleeease07:15
=== tonyyserver [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithewith you and imbrandon reviewing and hopefully advocating my package it should get into universe soon07:17
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@unix0.york.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== gandalfn [n=gandalfn@i02m-87-89-253-156.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu-motu []
zulargh we have jehovah's witnesses living on my street07:20
=== elektranox [n=elektran@p5481D2DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80oh, here comes another review request, lol07:22
somerville32zul: That sounds like an excellent discussion for -offtopic :] 07:22
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80 !offtopic4offtopic07:23
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of ones self from the planet are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows. (Please note Freenode Policy.) Thanks.07:23
Simon80I'm just throwing that out to laugh about, I don't mean it07:24
=== tsmithe needs motu reviewers
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Simon80 needs motu reviewers
elektranoxis the correct distri for the changelog file "feisty" or "Feisty"?07:24
Simon80apt-get source existing packages and you'll see07:25
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithefinalbeta, are /you/ a motu reviewer?07:25
=== tsmithe is hopeful
=== tsmithe will probs be disappointed
finalbetano I'm not07:26
=== tsmithe wasn't cos he was expecting it
Simon80he's not even a member, man07:26
=== fowlduck [n=nate@h69-128-106-154.69-128.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
elektranoxmh I got an mail that I've no rights to this distribution :/07:26
tsmitheSimon80, so?07:26
tsmitheelektranox, you're uploading to the wrong place07:26
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU07:26
Simon80how could he be a MOTU without being a member07:26
tsmitheSimon80, i dunno :|07:27
Simon80elektranox:  dput revu *.changes, not just dput *.changes07:27
tsmitheelektranox, "If you are not an Ubuntu developer, you can set REVU as the default host for dput by modifying the [DEFAULT]  section in dput.cf. This way, you don't need to specify what host to use when using dput to upload.07:27
tsmithe  default_host_main = revu07:27
=== luks [n=luks@unaffiliated/luks] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== infinito [n=infinito@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lukshi. if i have a package in debian, what would be the best way to get it uploaded to ubuntu?07:28
tsmitherequest a sync07:28
tsmitheor merge07:28
luksehm, but how?07:29
tsmithelook in wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU07:29
tsmitheit'll be there somewhere07:29
tsmithehang on07:29
=== infinito [n=infinito@] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Abandonando"]
tsmithehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Merging ?07:30
somerville32You want a sync07:30
zulajmitch: must kill..07:31
tsmithei would have thought a sync07:31
tsmithebut i couldn't find a wiki page for it07:31
tsmitheand that one reads "Merging and Syncing from Debian: Introduction"07:32
luksi think i'm kinda lost in the MOTU pages on the wiki07:34
lukshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Merging is more a technical information about how to do it, which is not exactly what i'm looking for07:34
somerville32File a bug07:34
somerville32And ask for it to be synced07:34
somerville32Subscribe the archive team07:34
gesernot until you are a motu07:35
somerville32If it is in debian, it should have already been synced to Feisty though07:35
luksyep, i thought about that, but a bug to which package07:35
siretartluks: is your package already in ubuntu?07:35
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartluks: then wait a few days. the syncs are triggered manually07:35
siretartluks: I assume the archive admins are currently busy with herd-107:35
luksbut i still don't know how to request the sync :)07:35
geseras a non-motu subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to get an ACK from a MOTU07:35
tsmithepoke a motu?07:36
luksis there some kind of pseudo-package for sync requests in Malone?07:36
siretartluks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources contains the instructions for syncs07:36
siretartplease obey them07:36
gesertsmithe: you can also try to poke a motu07:37
tsmithehi siretart: wanna advocate my package?07:37
sivangsiretart: how can I become a review for universe?07:37
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lukssiretart: thanks07:37
sivangsiretart: I mean, from the REVU POV07:38
siretarttsmithe: sorry, i'm terribly busy atm07:38
sivangsiretart: ah, talk later then, cheers07:38
siretartsivang: I can set your status. what's your revu login?07:38
sivangsiretart: sivang ?07:38
sivang(I think)07:38
tsmitheit's your e-mail address i thought07:38
siretartno, its always an email address07:38
Simon80it's your launchpad email anyhow, no?07:39
somerville32No, gpg e-mail address07:39
sivangsiretart: then sivanATubuntu.com should be it07:39
siretartthere is no such user07:40
sivangsiretart: ah, then I should probably create one sometime soon, anyways this can continue later when you are less busy07:41
Simon80sivan or sivang?07:42
Simon80at ubuntu.com07:42
sivangindeed, ajmitch :)07:42
ajmitchyeah, right07:42
=== ajmitch steps back
tsmithehi ajmitch07:42
sivangnow this is the guy you want to review your packages ;)07:42
tsmithecan you review my package???07:42
=== sivang runs away :p
somerville32Can you review my package... please? :)07:42
=== ajmitch leaves
Simon80I would agree, sivanf, but ajmitch hasn't reviewed my package yet, lol07:43
tsmitheoh no don't do that :)07:43
somerville32ajmitch: Can you atleast set sivang up so we can review packages? :] 07:43
Simon80but my package makes you fit!07:43
siretartsivang: done07:43
sivangsiretart: oh dear :)07:43
=== sivang runs twice as fast
tsmithesivang: :D07:44
=== somerville32 cries from the lack of MOTU attention.
=== tsmithe weeps as well
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithehi imbrandon07:45
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=== mr_pouit [n=silk@LAubervilliers-151-12-125-187.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80stepmania and stepmania-data: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3608, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=360907:45
imbrandonhello tsmithe 07:46
Simon80hello imbrandon07:46
imbrandonheya Simon80 07:46
=== somerville32 sings "Where o' where did all the MOTUs go?"
Simon80we're all whining about not having our packages reviewed07:47
tsmithesivang seems to have run away07:48
=== Washboy [n=magnusjj@81-232-134-237-no22.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbyou guys are really persistent07:48
Simon80I wanna get my killer app into feisty07:48
Simon80well, not MINE07:48
tsmithermjb: ^ what he said07:48
tsmithebut it is mine07:48
rmjbme too, but feisty's far off, you have until the Upstream Version Freeze to get it in07:49
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rmjb!release schedule07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about release schedule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:49
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elektranoxwhen does the packages appear in launchpad?07:55
somerville32Amaranth_, Are you a MOTU (reviewer)?07:56
tsmitheawh poo07:56
imbrandonsomerville32: no he isnt07:57
somerville32imbrandon: Did you get a chance to review my package yet? :] 07:57
=== Lutin [n=Lutin@sd-4736.dedibox.fr] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Bye"]
tsmitheor me07:57
tsmithepester pester07:58
=== Lutin [n=Lutin@sd-4736.dedibox.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonsomerville32: you can get a list of MOTU's at https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-dev07:58
imbrandonno i dident, it will be later today07:58
imbrandonhello Lutin 07:58
Lutinhello imbrandon07:58
tsmitheuhoh another package for review?07:58
imbrandon( somerville32: and https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev too )07:59
imbrandontsmithe: there is normaly a few dozzen packages to get reviewed at any one time :) and we set days aside to go through them all, but i'll make a round today like i promised :)07:59
somerville32imbrandon: Can I bug any of those people to sponsor my package?07:59
tsmitheimbrandon, thanks :)08:00
ajmitchjumping on people as soon as they say hello is a good way to scare them off08:00
imbrandonsomerville32: for the most part , if you do it nicely :)08:00
tsmithehi ajmitch :P08:00
imbrandonheya ajmitch 08:00
rmjbajmitch: yes it is08:00
ajmitchhey imbrandon, what's up?08:01
imbrandonnadda, enjoying my days off, and reloading my home file server, just got a new 500GB hdd for my b-day so i'm adding it to the file server :)08:01
imbrandonand preparing a box to move imbrandon.com to08:02
imbrandonheh yea08:02
imbrandonbtw happy early b-day to me ,hehehe08:02
tsmitheyeah: happy birthday!08:02
tsmitheheya ajmitch: could you join imbrandon in possibly reviewing my package :)08:03
tsmithepretty please08:03
imbrandonstill umm 16 more days , but i start early :)08:03
ajmitchtsmithe: you asked only a few minutes ago08:03
tsmithesorry :(08:03
tsmithefeels like ages here08:03
ajmitch15 minutes!08:03
tsmitheyeah: ages!08:03
imbrandontsmithe: dont worry bro , it will get done, it does take days ( weeks ? ) some time, part of it is being patient08:04
=== tsmithe is not very good at being patient
tsmitheas you can probably see08:04
=== rmjb sees that
somerville32tsmithe: Why not try your hand at another package? :] 08:04
imbrandonjust rember one thing and you will be golden, 90% or better of us do this in our spare time :)08:04
tsmithewhat thing is that?08:05
=== tsmithe is an idiot
tsmithei know08:05
tsmithei only said earlier: Ubuntu is a volunteer project ;)08:05
rmjbanyhow, off to work for me08:05
imbrandonlater rmjb 08:05
somerville32imbrandon: It is just that I spent ALL night working on my package and so I'm anxious to see if I did it right so that I can move on and package more stuff.08:05
tsmitheto quote me: <tsmithe> ubuntu is a volunteer thing08:06
tsmithe<somerville32> Only real geeks come out on Sunday08:06
tsmithe<Sp4rKy> ^^08:06
tsmithe<somerville32> Ubuntu isn't a volunteer thing :P08:06
tsmithe<tsmithe> i'm a volunteer08:06
tsmithe<rmjb> yep it is08:06
tsmithe<tsmithe> are motus paid?08:06
tsmithe<somerville32> Paid devs don't come out on the weekends08:06
tsmithe<somerville32> Thats why it is so quite08:06
tsmithe<rmjb> only a handful of people are paid, and most of those are core-devs, not motus08:06
imbrandonsomerville32: right on, i feel yea bro, just give it more than 15 minutes between asking for people to look at it ( general rule of thumb i try to follow is once every 2 hours max )08:06
tsmithebut you don't need to ask (luck devil)!08:06
somerville32Do I get e-mailed on updates or do I have to check manually?08:06
imbrandontsmithe: not true there are core dev's like me and ajmitch that arent paid :)08:07
imbrandonand crimsun and lots of others08:07
tsmitheit wasn't me that said that ;)08:07
imbrandonsomerville32: not yet, you have to check08:07
=== tsmithe points at rmjb on his way to work
zulguys you have to be patient alot of people spend time with their families on the weekend the review will get done08:07
somerville32imbrandon: Is REVU programmed in Python?08:07
imbrandonyes mostly, iirc there are a few shell scripts that run it too08:08
zulhey imbrandon 08:08
somerville32Is REVU open source?08:08
imbrandonheya zul 08:08
imbrandonsomerville32: yes08:08
zulhappy early bday btw08:08
somerville32Is it on lp.net?08:08
imbrandonthe source is in a bzr branch on LP08:08
imbrandonzul: thanks08:08
ajmitchsomerville32: yes, yes, yes08:08
imbrandonhrm LVM or non-LVM08:09
imbrandontough choice08:09
tsmithenon-LVM ... backwards-compatibility?08:09
tsmitheeasier to configure... ?08:09
imbrandonwhy would i care about backwards compat or easy to setup when i only have to mess with it once or twice a year , if that :)08:10
imbrandononly when i add storage to the computer is the only time it reboots ( its a file server )08:10
tsmithewell then use lvm!08:10
somerville32Can I help contribute to the development of revu?08:11
tsmithemy subversive persuasion wins again08:11
imbrandonsomerville32: YES,ANYONE IS WELCOME TO08:11
imbrandongah caps08:11
tsmithewhat's revu2 all about?08:11
imbrandonthe caps lock key should be banned from the keyboard08:11
somerville32: (08:11
imbrandonrevu2 is the next version of revu :)08:12
tsmithei knew that08:12
imbrandonand revu2.5 or revu3 will be intergrated into LP :)08:12
tsmithesounds good08:12
tsmithea bit of lp that's open!08:12
=== Simon80 's eyes bleed
=== imbrandon /kicks Simon80
Simon80@lart imbrandon08:13
Simon80cmon bot, do my bidding!08:13
imbrandonnot in here08:13
imbrandononly in -offtopicish chans08:13
zulfor those new people did i mention that imbrandon likes shakira ;)08:13
imbrandonzul: you rock :P08:14
zuli do :)08:14
imbrandonheya serousily how is xen on amd64x2's vs core 2 duo's ? is there much of a diffrence in support ?08:14
imbrandonzul: ^08:15
imbrandonit probably will impact my next computer purchace this month ( bday and xmas present all in one )08:15
zulimbrandon: heh there is some issues with 2.6.17 on amd64 and xen that im trying to work through08:15
tsmitheintel support open source!08:15
zulbut i would go for core 2 duos08:15
imbrandonzul: kk 08:15
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonon that note, brb, my file server needs some love for a moment, bbias08:16
=== jdong wishes he too had a no-windows-support policy :)
tsmithehi jdong08:17
jdonganyone else seen a spyware-infested laptop boot to 450 processes?08:17
tsmitheinstall ubuntu for them08:18
jdongit took around 45 minutes08:18
jdongtsmithe: not a viable option unfortunately08:18
tsmithewhy's that? with that much spyware they can't be doing anything unusual08:18
jdongFlash developer, and Radeon Xpress chipset too08:18
jdongtwo death sentences to Linux08:18
tsmitheuntil gnash is decent08:18
tsmitheor adobe does a sun08:19
sivangokay, who's the stepmania dude? :)08:19
jdongssh: buntudot.org: Name or service not known08:19
jdonglost connection08:19
jdongssh: buntudot.org: Name or service not known08:19
jdonglost connection08:19
jdongssh: buntudot.org: Name or service not known08:19
jdonglost connection08:19
jdongwonderful :)08:19
=== jdong smacks his DNS server
Simon80sivang: me ^^08:19
sivangSimon80: so simon, have you taken a look at at http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/stepmania-0612020415/lintian ?08:19
jdongno, my DNS server looks fine08:19
imbrandonjdong: buntudot is fine, i'm on it now08:20
sivangSimon80: can you try to make this errors go away for starters?08:20
jdongimbrandon: interesting :)08:20
Simon80W: stepmania source: newer-standards-version 3.7.208:20
Simon80I can't make THAT go away08:20
jdongimbrandon: works now... :)08:20
tsmitheSimon80, you can't: it's a lintian thing08:21
Simon80tsmithe: read what I said, lol08:21
sivangSimon80: well, let's start with the ones you can make go away , like the cvs stuff for instance08:21
Simon80yeah, but then my diff gets crufty08:21
=== jdong takes the overkill way out and loads on F-Secure AV....
sivangSimon80: ignore the standards version08:21
Simon80sivang: I was ignoring that08:22
sivangSimon80: okay, cool, now why exactly you can't remove the cvs cruft from the package?08:22
Simon80and also ignoring the feisty complaint08:22
Simon80sivang: cause then my diff gains some functionally useless changes08:22
Simon80that's all08:22
sivangSimon80: okay, is it too much to make it go away? I mean, your source package should not include in RCS leftovers what-so-ver08:23
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Simon80sivang: okokok08:23
Simon80it's the orig's fault though, as you can see in my diff08:24
imbrandonSimon80: you should still clean it up imho and then stab upstream to do the same08:25
Simon80it seems that's the consensus08:25
Simon80as you can see, my opinion is that it doesn't interfere with the diff, and so it's pretty anal to make a fuss over it08:26
Simon80but I'll remove them08:26
Simon80with the build*08:26
imbrandonSimon80: alot of packageing is anal :)08:26
sivangSimon80: and I was going to say that, but imbrandon said it already08:26
imbrandonbut still correct none the less08:26
sivangSimon80: has to be anal, or else complete system will fall apart like domino bricks08:26
sivangSimon80: that's dead serious :)08:27
jdongcrikey! The spyware is trying to propagate through my network.08:27
Simon80sivang: by definition, I use anal to refer to cases where you could have ignored it without such a catastrophe occurring... that's why it's anal to care08:27
sivangSimon80: tell Chris that he should prepare source distros without the cvs cruft, IIRC there's something in make distclean for that :p08:27
=== jku [n=jku@cs78173018.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonyou have a computer that is known to have spyware and its still has a network cable on it ?08:27
imbrandonjdong: ?08:27
=== jdong puts guest wifi segment on evil iptables + transparent squid lockdown
jdongimbrandon: how else do I load the ANTI spyware on :D08:28
Simon80sivang: make distclean didn't clean it, or it wouldn't be there08:28
ajmitchSimon80: there's a lot of things we could turn a blind eye to, but it doesn't mean we should08:28
imbrandoncdrom / usbkey08:28
jdongimbrandon: pfft that takes more effort :)08:28
jdongand F-Secure's freakin installer demands network access08:28
imbrandontime to find a new program then08:28
Simon80ajmitch: my question is, why not? it's not going to change the resulting binary package at all08:28
tsmithethat's proprietary for you08:28
Simon80so it's pure nitpicking08:28
jkuhow do postinst/postrm/etc scripts get included in the package? What should I do in debian/rules?08:29
imbrandonSimon80: the resulting binary isnt all we care about :)08:29
Simon80but the cruft will remain in the diff!08:29
Simon80like a wart!08:29
imbrandonno , you remake the diff after its cleaned from the orig08:29
sivangjku: usually, you include something like $pkg-name.{postinst,preinst,..} in debian/08:30
imbrandon!package guide | jku 08:30
ubotujku: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources08:30
Simon80that's what I mean, and then the cruft appears in it08:30
imbrandonSimon80: not if its not in the orig, no it wont08:30
sivangjku: then you could call a cdbs target that would take care of installing them, or just use dh_install08:30
Simon80imbrandon: it IS in the orig08:30
sivangjku: but plesae refer to the packaging guide for further explenations08:30
imbrandonSimon80: exactly, TAKE IT OUT08:30
Simon80um... repack the orig????????????08:31
Simon80over cruft???????08:31
Simon80this is just crazy08:31
sivangSimon80: then bug upstream to make sure cvs cruft is not included in it08:31
tsmithei thought the orig wasn't supposed to deviate from upstream?08:31
jkuhmm, I was trying to find out how to do it without cdbs or dh... but I'll go RTM now.08:31
sivangtsmithe: not in most of the cases, but sometime there's a corner case08:31
imbrandontsmithe: there are cases it should and then you poke upstream to do the same08:31
tsmitheand this is one08:31
Simon80this wouldn't be what I call a corner case08:32
Simon80there are real reasons not to repack, and this wouldn't outweigh those08:32
imbrandonSimon80: it is, and just as dfsg is too08:32
Simon80dfsg is a reason, but this doesn't have any functional benefit, unlike dfsg08:32
imbrandonSimon80: its not about outweighing them, its about the quality of whats in the repo08:32
sivangimbrandon: the repo should not include cvs/bzr/snv/whatever cruft even if it's included upstream, it's bad enough that upstream has it08:33
imbrandonsivang: right, i totaly agree08:33
=== sivang hugs imbrandon
imbrandonand upstream should be smaked to get it removed as well08:34
imbrandonSimon80: thats part of the job as packaging08:34
sivangjust what I Was going to say ;)08:34
sivangthing is, we need to not only be willing to use upstream's packages, but also to help them make it of higher quality if we see fit08:34
imbrandonSimon80: dont feel singled out, EVERYONE has had to go through this08:34
=== sivang nods
Simon80yeah, I know, I just think that it's more important to care about the package putting prefs in ~/.package than to worry about cvs cruft08:35
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80the cruft doesn't matter at all08:35
fdovingthere are no rules (in debian anyway) that i could find some time ago, about removing rcs files from source packages. sometimes it's even desireable to have them included.08:35
=== jdong quibbles at getdeb.net......
imbrandonSimon80: thats the thing, they are both equaly as important08:35
Simon80no they aren't!08:36
Simon80one of them results in a package being broken for the user08:36
imbrandonSimon80: to you maybe, but to the project as whole08:36
Simon80the project has messed up priorities then, because the users are priority #108:36
Simon80any other concern should be viewed in light of how it helps developers help users08:37
Simon80and this actually detracts from that08:37
sivangSimon80: could you please give an example of removing rcs files breaking an app? if this is the case, this package would not even get included in debian/ubuntnu from the first place08:37
Simon80sivang: you misunderstood08:37
ajmitchyou're making a huge fuss over a 30-second job08:37
imbrandonajmitch: exactly08:37
Simon80ajmitch: 30 sec if I don't screw up08:37
siretartbah! 50 mails alone in the last few hours on motu-reviewers mailing list08:38
ajmitchyes, there have been several uploads of the same package08:38
imbrandonheya siretart 08:39
siretartheyho imbrandon, hi ajmitch 08:39
Simon80sivang: not having prefs in the home dir is broken, but leaving cruft in has absolutely no negative consequences, therefore fixing the first issue is of greater importance08:39
Simon80and I really don't think it's necessary to go bug upstream about redoing a year old release tarball because debian devs are squeamish about cruft, cause I'm pretty sure the average person will think it's anal too08:40
siretartSimon80: right. but removing cruft is quite easy and not likely to break stuff, while being very obvious for reviewers08:40
Simon80yes, but it results in my orig tarball not matching upstream's, which is bad08:41
jdongif anyone is feeling exceedingly bored, I would appreciate some feedback as to if katapult from edgy-backports is broken or not08:41
jdongit works perfectly for me08:41
jdongbut I got an e-mail from someone stating it doesn't work08:41
jdong(i.e. ALT+space did nothing)08:41
Simon80anyway, what about the outdated autotools files, do I delete those? or rerun automake/autoconf?08:42
siretartSimon80: ouch. when its in the upstream tarball, I personally wouldn't care too much about it either08:42
fdovingSimon80: i'd say making the package usable with watch files is more importan than a little messy .diff that removes the rcs files.08:42
Simon80fdoving: I'm not sure which side that makes you on?08:43
Simon80I'm against repacking08:43
Simon80but others in here have put it forward08:44
fdovingSimon80: making the package work with watch files is like saying 'we only modify stuff inside the debian/ dir'08:44
sivangSimon80: last time I checked, the program itself should take care of creting ~/prefs stuff, and this should not be part of the packaging responsibility. Now, please, I don't like to argue, so if there are other folks who are interested in reviewing/approving, I'm happy with that.08:44
=== zul [n=bob@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80sivang: it's the packagers responsibility when upstream won't do it, lol08:45
=== fowlduck [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80and they don't, unfortunately08:45
sivangSimon80: come on tomorrow, and ask seb128 (gnome team) about how many times he had to modify the source or bugged upstream from source issues08:45
sivangSimon80: think about it - the upstream maintainer might not even realize this has slipped, and might be thankful to you08:46
=== sivang runs now, has some urgent stuff to take care of
Simon80well, thanks for the review, I appreciate that08:46
Simon80the thing is,I don't mind bugging upstream, but if I know they don't mind leaving cruft in, then I don't feel right telling them to remove it, cause it isn't a big deal08:47
Simon80I don't actually know what to do about outdated-autotools-helper-file though, do I remove it?08:48
Simon80the files in question?08:48
tsmithelucky Simon80 ...08:48
Simon80lol, tsmithe: unlucky, scroll up08:48
tsmithei've been reading08:48
tsmithei'm on the side where you keep the orig as upstream's, and do a lot of diff'ing08:49
imbrandonok i'm off for a bit to do some christmass shopping see yall in a few08:49
jdongtsmithe: there are exceptions to that though :-/08:49
Simon80jdong: not in this case08:49
jdongtsmithe: i.e. ktorrent comes bundled with non-free components08:49
jdongSimon80: relax I wasn't arguing against you :)08:49
tsmitheok... i agree about ktorrent08:50
tsmithethey shouldn't do that anyway upstream08:50
jdongtsmithe: I've tried arguing against it, but apparently having those country flags is a critical feature for ktorrent :D08:51
tsmithecountry flags? non-free?08:51
somerville32Are you saying they have version control stuff in their release?08:51
jdongtsmithe: yes, the GeoIP database and the little flag icons08:51
jdongtsmithe: are both not up for Free redistribution08:51
Simon80funny thing: all this arguing over stupid cruft, and meanwhile I notice a real issue with stepmania-data08:51
Simon80I mean, lintian thing08:52
tsmithejdong, well they're silly then, aren't they08:52
jdongSimon80: may I suggest playing a violent video game or two to coll off? ;-)08:52
somerville32Good idea!08:52
somerville32:] 08:52
jdongtsmithe: yeah they are, but that doesn't change the situation :)08:52
=== somerville32 boots xbox
tsmitheevil! it better be running linux!08:53
Simon80jdong: nah, I was going to fix this build-depends-indep thing and then go play DDR08:53
jdongtsmithe: I said play games, not compile ppc packages :)08:53
Simon80using STEPMANIA, thank you very much :D08:53
Simon80only I'm using cvs08:54
jdongSimon80: look out, don't trip on CVS cruft ;-)08:54
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Simon80well, ok, are there any devs here that don't care about cvs cruft and would like to review my package?08:54
somerville32Simon80, Just do an SVN export instead of check out (or what ever it is)08:55
Simon80somerville32: what? the package I'm getting reviewed is from a release tarball08:55
Simon80the cvs usage is my own business08:56
Simon80that's stepmania-4.0~cvs2006111808:56
jdonglovely :)08:56
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Simon80lintian has a field day with it08:56
jdongI remember coming across release tarballs of packages full of ~ editor backups and such08:56
somerville32Just... delete it08:56
Simon80I didn't wanna pollute my diff08:57
jdongSimon80: why not just repack the tarball?08:57
jdongit really does sound like 30 seconds of find | xargs rm work08:57
somerville32Or use a patch system08:57
Simon80because having a matching tarball matters to me more than not having cruft08:57
somerville32Plus ask upstream to fix the issue08:57
jdong!seen Mez08:58
ubotuI last saw Mez (i=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez) 3d 9m 18s ago, quiting: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)08:58
Simon80this is the argument I was having just now, I don't think anybody should care, and I don't want to ask upstream to waste their time repacking the tarball just because a few devs here are totally anal08:58
jdong!e-mail mez about prevu08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about e-mail mez about prevu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
jdongaww :(08:58
Simon80@email mex08:59
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jdongnow it's gonna make me pull out big wad of blue Ajax08:59
=== jdong reluctantly opens gmail
tsmitheor use evolution08:59
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elektranoxmh in which file are the modules, which are loaded by default, saved?09:00
jdongtsmithe: as soon as gmail properly does imap I will :)09:00
=== tsmithe uses gmail/pop3
jdongtsmithe: if I use evolution I then have to make sure my gmail is synced with my evolution09:00
jdongin terms of read/unread messages09:00
tsmitheevolution does that for me09:00
jdongtsmithe: no it doesn't :)09:01
geserelektranox: /etc/modules09:01
jdongtsmithe: you can set gmail to archive messages downloaded via POP09:01
jdongthat's about the granularity of your control09:01
tsmithejdong, tell it to "Expunge deleted messages"09:01
tsmitheand it archives them09:01
tsmitheis that bad?09:01
jdongso the delete command does an archive?09:01
jdongdidn't know that09:01
tsmitheit does09:02
elektranoxgeser: but there must be another file, because not all modules, which are loaded on my notebook are in this file09:02
tsmithei only discovered it by accident :)09:02
=== jdong fires up evo
jdong"getting message 1 of 897"09:03
jdonglovely :)09:03
ajmitchSimon80: hint, calling people 'totally anal' really isn't helpful09:03
jdongtsmithe: where is this option? ;-)09:04
tsmithehang o09:04
tsmitheyou on feisty? i am - might be different...09:04
jdongtsmithe: edgy...09:05
Simon80ajmitch: I know, I know... but I'm very convinced that it is the case here09:05
doomsday-hello there.. I'm looking for some help with autotools. Anyone knows where I can find it ? (I've got already manual)09:05
Simon80have you found the book?09:06
Simon80it's a bit out of date, but that's how I learned09:06
Simon80not saying it's the easiest way to go, but it's a decent resource, I think09:06
jdongack maybe I should just start using my mit.edu IMAP account more :D09:07
doomsday-Yup, I have some variant of this one09:07
Simon80ajmitch: can you tell me what to do about the outdated-autotools-helper-file warning at least? I can't even deal with that cause I don't know off the top of my head whether I need to delete them or rerun autoconf/automake09:08
tsmithejdong: i can't find it and yelp's dead...09:09
tsmitheit justs says "Expunging deleted messages" on send/receive09:09
elektranoxcan I make sure that a module is loaded after another module?09:10
ajmitchSimon80: sorry, I'm at work now, but look at autotools-dev09:11
jdongtsmithe: mine does too but it actually doesn't change the status of the gmail at all09:13
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tsmithebut it does mine09:13
jdongtsmithe: the only other option I have is setting in gmail to archive the message when it's downloaded via POP09:13
jdongwhich I don't want09:13
=== tsmithe checks gmail settings
tsmithewow 1322 spam09:14
tsmithemine says: "1. Status:  POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since 20:13"09:14
tsmithethe last time i checked for new09:14
tsmithewhy don't you want it to archive on download?09:15
jdongtsmithe: because I use gmail webmail and the java gmail client a lot too09:15
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jdongtsmithe: and if it archives every time evolution picks it up... yeah see the problem? ;-)09:15
tsmithewell i only ever use evo so...09:15
tsmithehi lucas09:16
tsmithewanna review my package?09:16
lucasno, thanks :)09:17
tsmitheok then09:17
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tsmitheanyone else? :)09:21
tsmithemeh i'll just post the link anyway09:24
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gesertsmithe: change the package(galternatives) in your menu file09:28
=== tsmithe thought he'd done that
=== tsmithe uploads
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-76-223.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Sp4rKyi would know if a package which provides external repository use can be accepted to universe ?09:34
lifelesswhat do you mean?09:35
Sp4rKylifeless: i work on the E17 repo , which isn't official repository09:36
Sp4rKycan i add a e17-desktop package on universe09:36
lifelesswhat would this package do ?09:36
tsmitheSp4rKy, are you a motu ;) ?09:36
Sp4rKywhich warn user with a debconf message, and if the user is agree modify the sourceslist and install E1709:36
Sp4rKytsmithe: nop, why ?09:36
tsmithewondered if you would revu my package...09:37
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lifelessSp4rKy: I dont see that that would conflict with policy at all... but why not just upload the e17 debs to universe ?09:37
Sp4rKyi can't09:37
lifelesstsmithe: what do you need reviewed ?09:37
Sp4rKylifeless: because actually the main dev of E17 doesn't want we upload it in any offical repo (nor ubuntu neither debian)09:38
lifelessraster ?09:38
lifelesswe should get horms and K to chat with him :)09:39
tsmithei don't like the sound of the e17-desktop idea09:39
tsmitheit could lead to sabotage and malware09:39
tsmithepeople add untrusted repos through an official package; that repo installs spyware... urgh09:40
lifelessseriously though, yes you can do it, but I think its an attempt at a backdoor into universe... 09:40
tsmithesorry, but i feel that the packages should just go into universe09:40
lifelessI dont mean that maliciously09:40
tsmitheit's safer09:40
lifelessI do think its much much better to either:09:40
Sp4rKyi know, but we can't09:40
lifeless * put the packages in universe - you get all the quality checks, updates for performance etc.09:40
lifeless * Dont. Give people instructions on your website.09:41
lifelessactually you can, the code is GPL right :)09:41
Sp4rKyof course09:41
Sp4rKythere is no "legal" issue09:41
tsmitheso distribute it!09:41
Sp4rKybut i don't know if we can provide a package which use external repo09:42
lifelesshmm, its too early for tokyo09:42
tsmitheSp4rKy, why not just add all the packages from that repo to universe?09:42
lifelesswe should chat with raster about this09:42
lifelesstsmithe: social problem with the lead dev. 09:42
Sp4rKytsmithe: look just before, we can't09:42
lifelesstsmithe: we're talking at one remove, need to discuss directly.09:42
tsmithethis is silly09:42
Sp4rKylifeless: we've already discuss a lot with ratser, but he doesn't want ...09:43
Lutinlifeless: it'd be a loss of time09:43
lifelessok, so why does he not want it? what are the risks ?09:43
somerville32lifeless: Would you review my package too? :)09:43
Sp4rKylifeless: he doesn't want people ask the E-dev for bugs which are only due to packaging issue / special distro settings09:44
stgraberanyway, if the code is under GPL, that's just a social thing, he can't do anything against the packaging (except if all the code is under is own copyright and he can just change the licence)09:44
somerville32sthraber: License changes aren't retroactive09:45
Lutinstgraber: he can't do anything, but he asks us nicely not to put it in distros yet09:45
lifelessSp4rKy: no upstream wants that.09:45
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lifelessSp4rKy: what is special about e17 that makes it more likely to get badly forwarded bugs from Ubuntu ?09:46
Sp4rKysmthg like that indeed09:47
Lutinlifeless: actually the real point is that he doesn't want to have tons of users coming and asking questions about e17 as it's still in devel09:47
lifelessLutin: in which case, wont adding a package to universe (which 4Million users can see), which enables a private repository still defeat his intent ?09:48
lifelesstsmithe: sorry, can't review now, forgotten my revu password - i've mailed the admins for that.09:49
tsmithejust recover!09:49
ajmitchmorning lifeless 09:49
tsmithetry and login: then click the recover link, and run the code it tells you09:49
lifelesstsmithe: yes, did that, does not let me in with the recovered password.09:49
lifelessmorning ajmitch 09:50
Lutinlifeless: I didn't ask that ;). I don't want to do that, and I don't like much this idea09:50
lifelessLutin: ok.09:50
Lutin(sorry Sp4rKy)09:50
Sp4rKylifeless: it's me who have ask 09:50
Sp4rKyLutin: np09:50
lifelessSp4rKy: so, I dont think we should do what you propose - it sounds like it is in spirit no different to uploading directly to universe, and its definately more problematic for Ubuntu than uploading directly would be.09:51
Sp4rKyi've think to it today, and o would know if it's possible09:51
Sp4rKylifeless: k09:51
tsmithehi ajmitch09:51
LutinSp4rKy: btw, even if it's possible I don't want it to happen09:52
Sp4rKyit was _just_ an idea09:52
Lutinok :)09:53
Lutinnow, let's focus on this packaging stuff ;)09:54
siretartlifeless: what is your revu login id? (it is an email adress)09:55
lifelessoh, let me try that. It seemed to know who I was (recover gave me the correct gpg-crypted document)09:55
tsmithehi sirestart09:56
lifelessno, still doesn't like it09:56
siretartyes. normally, you should be able to use the recover button to do that. in some cases, it returns None09:56
lifelessah right, that is what it output (encrypted to me)09:56
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ajmitchusually you only have an account on revu if you've uploaded a package there09:58
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tsmithehi slomo10:02
tsmithecould you review my package?10:02
Sp4rKytsmithe: just ask each people to do this10:02
Sp4rKyjust wait and your package will be reviewed10:02
=== tsmithe is impatient
Sp4rKyare you english ?10:03
Sp4rKybecause if you was french, you could join #u-fr-classroom, and here, some people could "previewed" your packages and help you to make you package ready for REVU apporval10:04
tsmithemy french isn't too bad... but i don't have a very wide vocabulary, nor do i know anything technical10:05
tsmitheright i'm off10:10
lifelesstsmithe: why do you require python2.4 ?10:11
lifelessthe description needs tightening up - the editorial isn't useful (imagine you are a person browsing the package list - thats the audience for that paragraph)10:12
lucastsmithe: please stop spamming the list for reviewing requests and wait for your turn10:13
siretartor rather spam on the motureviewers list instead10:14
siretartit is there for exactly this purpose10:14
lifelesstsmithe: you've muddled the copyright in your new program : while you attribute 'some bits' to other programs, you have not preserved their copyright statements. You need to under copyright law.10:20
lifelessalso, I dont understand why you dont just invoke asoundconf, perhaps that could be explained in a DESIGN doc or something in your project.10:21
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tsmithelifeless: you still around?10:25
tsmitheand sorry lucas: i didn't realise that that was bad... i was trying to keep any who were reviewing up to date.10:26
tsmithei won't in future :)10:26
lucasthink of what would happen if everybody waiting for reviews was doing the same :)10:27
tsmitheyeah... i guess10:27
tsmitheping lifeless10:27
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tsmitheanyway, i'm sure anyone else can answer the question10:29
tsmithelifeless said "you've muddled the copyright in your new program : while you attribute 'some bits' to other programs, you have not preserved their copyright statements. You need to under copyright law."10:29
tsmitheif the copyright statements are the same, do i still need to do this?10:29
tsmitheand do I have to have the entire statement (including the GPL common stuff)?10:29
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=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lifelessits not apparent that they have the same licence when reading your source10:31
tsmitheso how explicit should I make it?10:32
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lifelessno more, no less.10:32
tsmithe"Both the asoundconf and gourmet projects are also licenced under the GPLv2 licence, details of which you can find below"10:33
somerville32lifeless: If I run away to get buy something to eat and come back, will you still be around?10:33
lifelesstsmithe: are they '2 only' or '2 or later'10:33
lifelesstsmithe: do they have any exceptions ?10:33
tsmithe2 or later10:33
tsmithei'll check10:33
lifelesstsmithe: see my point ?10:33
lifelesstsmithe: you are combining two pieces of software to create a third.10:34
tsmithewell... sorta10:34
lifelesstsmithe: the portions of each retain their own copyright 10:34
tsmitheasoundconf is version 2 or any later version10:34
=== tsmithe gets gourmet source again
lifelessyou must continue to obey the all three licences simultaneously, so you cannot drop any information about the licence, or it becomes problematic10:35
tsmitheasoundconf is exactly the same licence as mine10:35
tsmithei'm just checking gourmet10:35
tsmithefinally, i'm adding a DESIGN file10:35
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tsmithelifeless: gourmet is also under the same licence10:40
lifelessnow, your comments on the setup.py - in the ubuntu context what you have done is fine. In terms of 'upstream' though, you have no way for people to install your software. Consider if Gnome wanted to replace their applet with yours10:42
tsmithewhy can't people upstream install my software?10:44
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lifelessno setup.py10:50
tsmithebut so?10:50
lifelessno mechanism to do the install10:51
lifelessnot the same as 'cannot be installed'10:51
tsmithei see10:51
lifelessanyhow, thats not related to ubuntu.10:51
lifelessjust an observation10:51
tsmithewell, i uploaded the package without the setup.py10:51
tsmithebut i think i'll put one in my .orig.tar.gz10:51
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tsmitheping lifeless11:12
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=== WilderSon [n=kvirc@p54B2A67B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithelifeless; don't worry ;)11:14
tsmithehi WilderSon 11:15
WilderSondoes any know where to get the dvb-dev package?11:15
jdongtsmithe: try ping -f? *g*11:15
tsmithenah - i want to unping11:15
tsmithei worked it out myself11:15
WilderSoni ve a vdr runing and like to compile some plugins for that .. this needs vdr-dev -- which relies on dvb-dev --- which i cannot find11:15
WilderSonhi tsmithe! ;)11:16
Sp4rKy'd night 11:16
fdovingWilderSon: tried libdvb-dev ? 11:17
tsmithereping lifeless11:18
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WilderSonfdoving: ill have a quick look11:18
shawarmaslomo: Hey. I've been looking for you. :-)11:19
tsmithei am getting problems with setup.py and "running install_egg_info"11:20
slomohi shawarma11:21
WilderSonfdoving: the problem is that i need the sources for the vdr and this relies on dvb-dev - at least in synaptics11:21
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WilderSonor is there a way of forcing a package to be installed without taking care of other relying ones .. basicallyy these ones are only source and should be used in order to compile a plugin11:22
theCorethere some Emacs fans here?11:22
=== gandalfn [n=gandalfn@i02m-87-89-253-156.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarmaslomo: I've cooked this specification up that I expect you might have an opinion on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Transitions/TeX11:23
slomoshawarma: i disagree about the first sentence already ;) tetex and texlive both provide the same and you can choose whatever you want currently in feisty... though i would want to replace tetex with texlive, only time is bit of a problem here ;)11:25
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slomoshawarma: and if something depends on tetex-only this is a bug imho11:27
shawarmashawarma: How exactly do you find that we disagree?11:29
shawarmashawarma: Why are you writing to yourself?11:29
shawarmaslomo: How exactly do you find that we disagree?11:30
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slomoshawarma: i probably misread the first sentence, sorry ;) well, imho the solution is to drop tetex and use texlive because texlive is dead upstream anyway and debian plans to switch after etch... and for now packages should just depend on both as it's the case for almost all packages in feisty already11:30
slomoshawarma: s/depend on both/conditionally depend on both/11:31
shawarmaslomo: Really? Maybe I have just looked at a particular unfortunate selection of packages.11:31
shawarmaslomo: Most packages I've looked at *only* depend on a tetex package.11:32
shawarmaslomo: no texlive deps.11:32
slomoshawarma: well, texmacs has to be fixed... but at least everything i have installed can live with both :)11:32
shawarmaslomo: So you're into solution no. 3?11:32
slomoshawarma: file bugs with patches and i'll upload for you :)11:33
slomoshawarma: yes... as this is what debian already does and i don't think it makes sense to do something different here11:33
shawarmaslomo: I'm just reluctant to do so.. It *does* do the job and seems correct enough, but it also seems to me that there are other, more clever solutions. e.g. solution 2.5.11:34
shawarmaslomo: Oh, right. Debian doing it that way *is* a quite heavy argument.11:34
slomoshawarma: but it's much more work and when considering that tetex will die in the short term anyway... :)11:34
shawarmaslomo: Well, if that certainly is the case, then yes.11:35
shawarmaslomo: Still, in case a shiny new tex distribution comes along one day, we'll have the same problem again. 11:35
slomoshawarma: yes... talk with the debian tex maintainers if you want this fixed :) but i doubt that there will be many new tex distributions that are worth the effort in the next 10 years ;) and afaik texlive is only a tetex fork that is very actively maintained11:37
WilderSonhas anyone here compiled a plugin for the VDR, for edgy lately?11:37
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shawarmaslomo: I suppose.11:37
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shawarmaslomo: wow. That turned out the be a VERY short lived specification. :-)11:37
sivangshawarma: that's okay, the wiki can take it all :p11:38
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-095-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarmasivang: I even created a spec on launchpad and everything. I'm such a karma whore.11:39
sivangshawarma: hahaha :)11:40
sivangshawarma: yes, sometime I feel Karma is like Crack11:40
slomoshawarma: i would've been too lazy ;)11:40
tsmitheping lifeless11:41
shawarmaslomo: I should have been too! :-)11:42
shawarmaslomo: Well, I'll be sure to send some patches in your direction. Tomorrow.11:43
shawarmag'night, guys.11:43
LaserJockshawarma: wow, early today ;-)11:44
=== elektranox [n=elektran@p5481D2DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
somerville32I'm going to go to bed too :] 11:45
somerville32LaserJock: Could you review my package? :] 11:45
elektranoxhow do I tell ACPI to load another module?11:45
LaserJocksomerville32: did I tell you I was going to do a review for you the other day?11:45
LaserJockI lost my todo list of reviews11:45
somerville32LaserJock: No, I just uploaded it this morning11:46
LaserJocksomerville32: what's the URL, I'll put it on my list11:46
LaserJockand I'll get to it when I can11:47
tsmitheLaserJock, you could do mine11:47
tsmithesomerville32, have you not slept for how long now?11:47
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-148-159.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithehttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3655 ;)11:47
somerville32tsmithe: I've been awake I'd say for over 34 hours maybe11:48
tsmithetoo long man11:48
tsmithewhat are you on?!11:48
somerville32Karma crack! :D11:49
somerville32LaserJock: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=364411:49
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=== tsmithe afk
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amnesiaLaserJock: how long is that list of yours. my package wants to be revu'ed too :)12:08

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