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luisbgjoejaxx, ping!12:34
luisbgLaserJock, ping!12:35
luisbgjoejaxx, join ubuntu studio now12:36
LaserJockluisbg: what?12:36
joejaxx? lol12:36
jdong[Sun Dec 03 17:02:42 2006]  [error]  [client]  File does not exist: /var12:37
joejaxxluisbg: i am already there12:37
luisbgwe got a cinelerra developer in ubuntu studio right now12:37
jdong /www/i/know.where.you.live.and.will.hunt.you.down.{censored racial slur}12:37
joejaxxjdong: haha12:37
jdonglovely :)12:37
luisbghe is very interested in packaging it for ubuntu12:37
joejaxxoh no12:37
luisbgand becoming part of the ubuntu community12:37
joejaxxjdong: what is that?12:37
jdongnow I'm even getting threats through my apache logs :D12:37
joejaxxman that is crazy12:37
jdongjoejaxx: well apparently someone really hates me?12:37
luisbgsome lines from any motu saying he will be helped would be cool, since he says he doesn't know much about packaging12:37
joejaxxjdong: :(12:37
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Admiral_Chicagoerr ignore that01:06
crimsuntsmithe-afk: um, duplicating asoundconf(1) functionality is madness01:22
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crimsuntsmithe-afk: I'm currently integrating pulseaudio support into asoundconf(1), so you'd have to resync at each iteration. It's much more sensible to invoke asoundconf directly from your gui and to Depend on alsa-utils in debian/control.01:23
Simon80ajmitch: look at autotools-dev for what?01:25
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Adri2000hi crimsun, have you read my comment on bug 74088 ?01:25
UbugtuMalone bug 74088 in oo2c "Please sync oo2c (universe) from unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7408801:25
Laser_awayAdri2000: did you ask me to revu a couple packages for you the other day?01:26
Adri2000Laser_away: yeah, this one: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=355301:26
Laser_awayAdri2000: that's the only one?01:27
Laser_awayI lost my todo list so I'm trying to not be mean and forget people ;-)01:27
Adri2000ok :) there is also http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3540 but waiting for a new upstream release01:28
Laser_awayok, I won't do that one yet then01:28
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ajmitchSimon80: the lintian issue you asked me about01:34
crimsunAdri2000: I'm about 1/10th through my e-mail flood; I'll probably get around to it in 4 hours.01:34
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Adri2000crimsun: okay :-)01:34
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Simon80ajmitch, err, isn't it as simple as running autoconf in the directory?01:37
Simon80incidentally, the Makefile.am does it, so probably that means that the lintian warning can be ignored01:37
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Simon80ah, ajmitch, thanks a lot, the README is nice and informative01:38
Burgundaviaajmitch: ping01:39
=== Simon80 changes nickname, says pong
ajmitchBurgundavia: yes?01:44
Burgundaviaajmitch: compiz... I had a question, but now I have lost it01:44
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ademanhey is there any possibility of someone working side by side with me on this stupid eclipse-cdt?01:48
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ademanhrm, would it be bad of me to make a *.deb of the eclipse-cdt without source? (ie make it from the java jar files)01:58
ademanits platform independant, but it's also not source...01:58
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zulit would be bad02:00
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ademanzul: weak, cause i think i could have had a chance packaging it from scratch02:10
Simon80well, given its history, calling java bytecode arch independent is a stretch sometimes02:14
jdongSimon80: the bytecode is arch-independent, sure ;-)02:14
jdongbut that doesn't mean it'll work on all arches :)02:15
lifelesswhats the cdt licence02:15
Simon80jdong: I was making fun of java02:15
jdongso was I :)02:15
lifelessit will say much more about whether its ok to package from the jars02:15
=== plugwash wonders if sun will go through with thier promise to opensource java
Simon80plugwash: too late, haha02:16
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plugwashSimon80 last i checked they had opensourced the compiler (virtually zero value) and the vm (reasonablly high value) but not the class libraries (highest value)02:16
Simon80yeah, that's still the last I heard02:17
Simon80I think they will, I mean, they GPL'd the VM02:17
Simon80now they can't stop, or else they're flipflopping, that looks bad02:17
plugwashthe impression i always got was that sun had a dual personality02:21
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plugwashon the one hand they seem to think its good for them if *nix gains ground over windows and if java gains ground over microsofts java derivitives/clones (j++ and .net)02:22
plugwashon the other hand they know as well as anyone else how much damage lintel has done to traditional unix vendors02:23
lifelessthey make money on hardware02:23
lifelessso as linux grows, they get to sell more niagaras ?02:23
plugwashyes, but traditional unix only ran on expensive high end hardware02:25
plugwashlinux runs on cheap intel/amd based whiteboxes02:25
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Simon80sun sort of has a weird strategy like that03:28
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Simon80but one could argue that linux is good for them, they DO sell hardware..03:35
Simon80joel spolsky had a piece where he says, ok, they're commoditising the software by open sourcing staroffice and stuff, but they're commoditising hardware by supporting java03:37
Simon80I don't know if that makes sense, cause open source software is made fairly portable just by being open source, which is similar to java03:38
Simon80what it means is that there's more software that will run on your hardware03:39
Simon80but at the same time, lots of other people's hardware03:39
lifelesshis thing was about complementary products03:39
lifelessso java is about enterprise right03:40
lifelessif you make the enterprise software pervasive03:40
Simon80not really03:40
lifelessin the context of java & sun hw it is :)03:40
Simon80yeah, true03:40
Simon80which is wierd03:40
lifelessthings like ME are clearly different03:40
Simon80whenever I see people using java on a server, I'm like, what? but when I think about it, unless you use fastCGI or something, you're going to be using a scripting lang of some kind03:41
Simon80php, lisp, perl, python, ASP, .NET (which is like java)03:41
lifelessjava is pretty fast03:41
lifelessthe hotspot vm - slick as03:41
Simon80I wouldn't really know.. but my desktop java experience has always left me wishing for a native app03:42
zuloh hey lifeless 03:42
Simon80mostly when on windows htough03:42
lifelessSimon80: in which regard, UI? performance? startup ?03:42
lifelesszul: hi03:42
Simon80lmao, lifeless, that about sums it up, just remove the "in which regard" part03:42
Simon80memory usage is part of performance, to be clear03:43
Simon80cause that's another thing03:43
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Simon80I'm doing another upload of stepmania, feel free to review it anyone03:48
Simon80I didn't repack the original tarball, but I remove some cruft in clean instead03:48
nixternalare the us archives ever coming back03:59
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Laser_awayrmjb: around?05:05
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jabrahey guys05:06
Laser_awayrmjb: did you ask me to do a review the other day?05:06
rmjbyeah, the iriverter, I just updated the dependency as per my email to the list today05:06
rmjbI'll send you the fresh link05:08
rmjbyou have time now?05:08
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Laser_awayrmjb: not exactly now, but I lost my todo list so I wanted to make sure I didn't leave anybody hanging05:12
rmjbI'll send it to you in an email then... I have to go to sleep now anyhow05:13
rmjbone question about depends, recommends and suggests though05:13
Simon80Laser: I need a review :)05:13
rmjbiriverter needs java to start, but needs mplayer, mencoder and ffmpeg to function, should they all go under depends?05:14
Laser_awayis it going to be of any use without them?05:17
rmjbnah, just look pretty05:17
rmjbso depends05:17
Simon80does it need all three to be useful?05:17
Simon80well then05:17
Simon80lol, nobody will want it without them, right?05:17
rmjbjust wanted to know if depends is only for what's needed to get the prog running05:18
rmjbLaser_away: I'll send you that email now, thanks again05:18
Laser_awayno, more like things that make it actually work05:18
Simon80heh, no, but that's probably in the debian policy manual05:18
Simon80which is rather descriptive05:18
Laser_awayif they are optional put them in Recommends05:18
Simon80though lintian seems to be more detailed sometimes05:18
Simon80like complaining that my extended description lines are too long05:18
Simon80it's not in the DPM05:19
Simon80Laser_away, do you care to put me in your TODO?05:22
Laser_awayI can, I certainly can't promise I'll get to it right away05:24
Laser_awaybut I can add to the list ;-)05:24
Simon80stepmania and stepmania-data05:28
Simon80but I hope you prefer preserving the upstream tarball over repacking it to remove upstream cvs cruft05:28
Simon80like, not a lot of cvs cruft05:28
Simon804 files05:28
rmjbwell I'm off to bed05:29
rmjbg'night all05:29
Simon80I'm doing another upload of stepmania and stepmania-data, to fix some binary warnings from lintian05:36
Simon80I've done too many uploads... but anyway, that's it, hopefully in a week's time or so someone will have seen fit to review them (pretty please), and I'm not going to bug anyone about it during that time05:37
Simon80nor am I uploading any more revisions, hehe05:38
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeSimon80: keep bugging about it, it's fine.  and uploading - it's what REVU is for05:44
Simon80it shouldn't take bugging, my package is a killer app ;)05:44
Simon80that's why i'm packaging it05:44
ajmitchHobbsee: too much bugging in a short time can be detrimental, however05:45
crimsunSimon80: upid?05:46
Simon80crimsun: what?05:46
crimsunthe revu upid for stepmania.05:46
Simon80hehe, sorry05:46
Simon80lemme fetch it05:46
Hobbseeajmitch: true05:46
Simon80you could just go to revu.tauware.de and find it... but one sec05:46
crimsunyes, I could, but then I wouldn't have asked for it.05:47
Simon80http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3662, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=366305:47
Simon80both are needed05:47
Simon80one is just data05:47
crimsunfor 3662, have you considered stripping the cvs copies/data to generate a 3.9+ubuntu.orig.tar.gz?05:51
Simon80...others have, I thought it was a bad idea?05:52
Simon80I mean, like, I don't see why it's better to complicate things by changing the orig tarball just for the sake of the cruft05:52
crimsundepends what you consider "good practice"05:53
crimsunthe clean target won't remove said cruft regardless05:53
Simon80I thought preserving upsteam was good practice05:53
crimsunit surely is.05:53
crimsunhaving no cruft in the orig.tar.gz is also good practice.05:54
Simon80what do you mean about clean? I know it doesn't remove it from the sources, but at least nobody can complain that it's interfering with the build05:54
Simon80I don't see why no cruft is better practice than preserving upstream though05:54
crimsunpreserving upstream is not necessarily best given one's approach05:55
crimsunsee automake1.9, for instance.05:55
Simon80what about automake?05:56
crimsunlook at the orig.tar.gz05:56
Simon80you want me to source it right now?05:56
Simon80ok, that's irrelevant, that's a licensing issue05:57
crimsunthat's not irrelevant.05:57
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Simon80to this cruft issue, yes, I would say05:57
crimsunI wouldn't.05:57
Simon80that is one example of a reason to repack05:57
crimsunif I were rolling stepmania, I'd strip the cruft.05:58
Simon80but licensing issues aren't the same as cruft issues05:58
Simon80from common mistakes:06:00
Simon80The following are not reasons to change the original tarball:06:00
Simon80Files need to be removed to keep the .diff.gz small (e.g., files created by autotools). Everything that needs to be deleted should be removed in the clean rule. Since the .diff.gz is created with diff -u, you will not see removed files in the .diff.gz.06:00
Simon80I delete anything that needs to be deleted in the clean rule, just like it says06:01
crimsunagain, that's your approach.06:01
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Hobbseecrimsun: you're a core dev arent you?06:02
Simon80oh, so you aren't saying my approach is bad?06:02
crimsunSimon80: I've not said it's bad, no.06:02
crimsunHobbsee: yes06:02
Simon80ok, cause a couple of other MOTUs seemed to be saying that leaving it in was THAT bad06:02
crimsunSimon80: personally it's unclean and not best practice, but it's not wrong.06:03
Simon80one of them even went so far as to say that a package not putting prefs in ~/.package was equally as bad as cruft06:03
Simon80I agree it's unclean, but I feel just as unclean repacking just for cruft, and the guidelines in the the common mistakes discussion seem to agree with me, and I think those guidelines make sense06:04
Simon80argh, edgy's nautilus managed to get released with a spinlooping bug06:06
Simon80and it happens so often, it's amazing06:06
Simon80thanks for looking at my package, btw06:07
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1crimsun, do u have a min to do another revu?06:19
crimsunI will after stepmania-data06:19
superm1okay cool06:19
Simon80thank you very much crimsun06:21
crimsunSimon80: debian/copyright seems a bit odd for stepmania-data, and its Description needs to be changed to describe its actual function06:22
Simon80the description in control?06:22
crimsunyes, the one-line summary06:22
Simon80oh, the one liner06:22
Simon80feel free to suggest06:23
Simon80you just mean for data, right?06:23
Amaranthajmitch: I'm sure you'll be happy to know I'll now be fighting to _not_ have beryl in ubuntu-desktop.06:23
crimsunSimon80: stepmania-data only, yes06:23
Simon80just beryl? why beryl?06:23
ajmitchAmaranth: haha, excellent06:23
crimsunSimon80: ([for stepmania-data]  debian/control references files that don't exist)06:24
AmaranthI had my python stuff as LGPL, Quinn threw a fit because she is a GPL-freak, now they're talking about hijacking my stuff the same way they hijacked compiz and making it GPL06:24
ajmitchI love this *community* project06:25
crimsunoh it's certainly community!06:25
Simon80crimsun, explain?06:25
Simon80about my control, I mean06:25
Amaranthajmitch: Did you know they changed everything from MIT to GPL?06:25
AmaranthThey had a document saying it was GPL but all the code still said MIT. They just finished actually changing it06:26
AmaranthSo now they can take freely from compiz but compiz can't touch their code06:26
ajmitchthat's... special06:26
crimsunSimon80: RageFileDriverZip.cpp, src/crypto/, RageSurfaceUtilsPalettize.cpp, libmad, etc.06:26
Simon80oh, copyright?06:26
crimsunsorry, meant copyright06:27
Simon80I copied that all verbatim from the same tarball..06:27
LathiatAmaranth: im pretty sure you can *actually* relicense LGPL to GPL tho06:27
crimsunSimon80: that's my point :)06:27
Simon80what should I do though?06:27
AmaranthLathiat: They can.06:27
AmaranthLathiat: They're talking about 'freeing' my code right now.06:27
crimsunSimon80: since those files aren't actually in the source package for stepmania-data, they shouldn't be included in stepmania-data's debian/copyright.06:28
Simon80lol, if it was freeing, it wouldn't be legal06:28
ajmitchLathiat: it's not a matter of whether it's possible, it's a matter of whether it's right to do so06:28
crimsunSimon80: the relevant info for the actual files in -data should be 06:28
Lathiatajmitch: i beleive their perfectly within their right too06:29
Lathiatthat said06:29
Lathiatthe whole beryl thign seems like a big mes06:29
ajmitchLathiat: sure, if they want to just fork everything & never worry about being able to give code back06:29
Lathiatand im jsut goign to stay away from it06:29
Simon80crimsun: the original copying file is in the / of the orig06:29
ajmitchwhich is pretty much how things have gone now06:29
Simon80so you can see that's all I have to work with from upstream06:29
Lathiatwhat about MIT->GPL tho06:29
Lathiatis that legal?06:29
AmaranthHaha, Quinn said he wishes he could fork ever BSD project just to make it GPL06:30
AmaranthFucking looney tunes.06:30
Simon80Lathiat, yes, stepmania ddoes it 06:30
=== Lathiat laughs
Simon80I mean, they include gpl code06:30
Simon80which implies that yes, it's gpl compat06:30
Simon80wow, talk about anal about licensing, lol, I mean, sure you may have a different opinion from the BSDs, but GPL forking it is a hostile move06:31
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Simon80you only acheive any good copylefting if you include your own code in there that makes the GPL fork more appealing... in effect destroying the BSD licensed project06:32
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Simon80embrace, extend, extinguish, right?06:32
mneptondo we *ahve* to talk about anal licensing? that just leads to discussions of open anal licensing, and things inevitably trundle downhill from there.06:32
Lathiati think 'trundle' is a bit slow06:33
Lathiatturn into a rolling landslide?06:33
Lathiatwith an earthquake *and* hat lava chasing you?06:33
=== mnepton faints
AmaranthSo, uh, I think sabdfl is the _only_ person still pushing for beryl.06:34
AmaranthAnd since I'm no longer writing the user-friendly frontend stuff that would be required...06:34
Simon80crimsun: The following license applies to most of the StepMania codebase [including this package] :06:34
Simon80and then sm's MIT license06:34
Simon80and nothing irrelevant after06:34
Simon80is that ok?06:34
crimsunSimon80: there's no actual code in this source package, though.06:35
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HobbseeAmaranth: then no beryl-by-default?  yay!06:35
AmaranthHobbsee: Pretty much06:36
Lathiatdo we get compiz-by-default?06:36
crimsunSimon80: i.e., under what license(s) are these images available?06:36
AmaranthQuinn claims he'll write the new frontend but, uh, have you _seen_ beryl-settings? :)06:36
Simon80crimsun: I think that's all I've got06:36
AmaranthLathiat: That'd be nice06:36
=== Lathiat grins at Amaranth
Lathiator how bout06:36
Lathiatcompiz-installed-by-disabled-by-default? :P06:36
AmaranthLathiat: And I think it's already got metacity binding compatibility06:36
crimsunSimon80: I'm also noting a StepMania-3.9a binary package (which I presume contains the data) on sf.net06:36
mneptoni want compositing. i just don't want it now.06:36
Simon80yeah, that's the orig for sm-data06:37
ajmitcheveryone else seems to be moving towards compiz06:37
crimsunSimon80: so the data are identical (not diff from 3.9)?06:37
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elkbuntumnepton, exactly. i'd rather wait until it's ready for use06:38
Simon80crimsun: when you say strip the leading article, you men remove "A free", right?  - and yes, I mean that they only included the data in the binary release, so you need it with the source as well, see stepmania.com06:38
crimsunSimon80: "A"06:38
crimsunpackage is a "foo bar blah"06:38
=== zen-afk [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80right, ok, there's prolly something in the DPM about that, huh06:39
crimsuninstead of package is a "a foo bar blah"06:39
crimsunif there currently isn't, there should be a patch made available :-)06:39
mneptonlinux compositing is like freddy kreuger. you see and it's like "zomg! pinch me i'm dreaming!" and then *just* as you begin to think you haven't really fallen asleep *BAM* it's all chainsaws and entrails06:39
mneptonor something like that.06:39
Simon80crimsun: patch? you talking about stepmania? if so, I'm confused what is being patched06:40
crimsunwell, xfwm4 4.2+ have compositing, but imo it's not worth switching environments just to gain that. YMMV.06:40
crimsunSimon80: I'm referring to the Ubuntu packaging guide06:40
ajmitchcrimsun: opengl compositing?06:41
Amaranthcrimsun: that's XRender based06:41
crimsunah, thanks.06:41
Amaranthcrimsun: You can do that with xcompmgr, same thing.06:41
=== ajmitch should get another video card for this computer, to use the spare monitor
Simon80so crimsun: is my copyright fine? I'm going to upload that and stepmania and go to bed06:42
Simon80ie. is removing the irrelevant stuff, and leaving in the MIT license06:43
crimsunSimon80: it would be best to get clarification from upstream themselves regarding those files06:43
crimsuntrust me, you want to put in the time now, since the archive admins will reject this source package if you don't include all the license info06:44
=== Simon80 sighs, says ok
crimsunthanks for working on the packaging!06:46
=== Hobbsee has seen syncs from debian rejected because of that
crimsunsuperm1: ping, which source package?06:46
superm1pong.... http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=339606:47
superm1its been sitting up there a while06:47
superm1it was derived from flashplugin06:47
superm1once this sort of package is down for ivtv-firmware, i am planning to do the same sort of thing for pchdtv 2k,3k cards and ATI HDTV Wonder cards, with firmware packages for them06:48
crimsunsuperm1: hmm, you might want to take a look at the current flashplugin-nonfree source package, then, because Bart cleaned it up significantly.06:48
Simon80crimsun: what kind of clarification, do I need proof of what was said about it or something?06:49
Simon80Hobbsee: from Debian? good enough for Debian but not Ubuntu?06:49
crimsunSimon80: yes, including e-mail is sufficient, but actual changes to upstream cvs are even better06:49
HobbseeSimon80: i'm not sure how that slipped through06:49
superm1how current is the "current"?  I think i actually took this one from sabfdl's repository or someone elses that used a flashplugin 906:50
superm1and modified from that06:50
Simon80Hobbsee: what?06:50
HobbseeSimon80: from debian - i dont know how those couple of packages got into debian06:50
crimsunsuperm1: current current; see the source package in feisty/multiverse06:50
ademancrimsun: i'm royally frustrated with the eclipse-cdt at this point, do you know if there's any place i can get attention for this?  for help or otherwise?06:51
Simon80does the package now just bundle flash? it seems to06:52
ademanlike a mailing list or something?06:52
superm1ah i see it has been cleaned up 06:52
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superm1crimsun, should I redo it against that one then u think?06:52
lifelessademan: yes, the motu list may help.06:52
lifelessademan: I'm interested in this but too busy right now to do much. sorry.06:52
ademanlifeless: that's fine, thanks for the mailing list, i'll google but do you have a link?06:53
ademan!motu list06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about motu list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
crimsunsuperm1: personally preferable, yes, but it's your choice. I think you'll find the migration quite advantageous.06:53
superm1yikes simple debian rules :)06:53
crimsunademan: ubuntu-motu at lists dot ourfavouritedistro06:53
superm1crimsun, that being the case, i think i will just redo it against this newer one06:54
superm1its *much* prettier06:54
crimsunsuperm1: great, thanks!06:54
ademanourfavoritedistro dot com or just dot ourfavoritedistro ?06:54
superm1if i finish up tonite, i'll ping you,elsewise again in a day or two :)06:54
crimsunsuperm1: ok06:54
ademanthanks crimsun06:56
Simon80isn't the latest flash package just bundling it as opposed to dling it?06:57
superm1i dont see the .so sitting in the .tar.gz, and it looks to still download it at first glance06:58
superm1yea it still downloads it06:58
crimsunSimon80: nope.06:58
crimsunit has to download it.06:58
Simon80but when? it's in my installed files guys06:58
crimsunthose are symlinks.06:59
crimsuntake a look at 'em.06:59
Simon80oh, ok06:59
Simon80I'm too lazy, man06:59
Simon80I'm uploading stepmania..  but it's not worth it to upload stepmania-data till I get a reply, right?07:00
crimsunSimon80: for stepmania-data, debian/copyright is a blocker07:00
crimsunso, correct.07:00
Simon80the other issue is stepmania's appearance infringing on Konami's properties07:00
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Simon80they haven't been sued, really, but it's evidently an issue, cause 4.0 features a revamped, intentionally different theme and terminology07:01
crimsunthat's not really any issue, since it'll go into universe due to its license07:01
Simon80universe is for free stuff, no?07:02
crimsunyes. Is there anything in stepmania that isn't?07:02
Simon80not in the source, definitely07:02
crimsunthen its target is universe.07:02
Simon80but I mean, I don't see how putting it in universe moots the whole infringement thing07:03
crimsunUbuntu tends to follow Debian's policy with such regards.07:03
Simon80is that in the DPM?07:03
Simon80if so, what section of the DPM07:06
crimsunI don't see anything in DPM regarding it.07:09
crimsune.g., libmad is in Debian main07:10
crimsun(even mplayer)07:10
crimsunif it turns out there are license restrictions, then both stepmania and stepmania-data may have to go to multiverse07:11
Simon80I think the only issue is the infringement, I would assume that upstream wants their data to be free along with the code, and the copying file seems to indicate that07:17
crimsunright, and thus universe candidates07:18
Simon80but what I would think the issue is is that upstream says it's free, but it infringes on Konami07:23
crimsunthat's not enough to punt it into multiverse07:24
Simon80ah, sweet07:25
Simon80well then I'll just ignore it and ask them how they want to license it :D07:25
Simon80I mean, I don't think any of the data is a blatant rip, iirc, it's just that they (Konami) may have reason to call it a derivative work in the same way LKMs are derivative of the kernel07:26
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Simon80silly hats only!07:30
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dholbachgood morning08:10
Burgundaviamorning dholbach08:11
dholbachhi Burgundavia08:11
Burgundaviagoing to rock with a new week of Telepathy?08:12
dholbachand new GNOME08:12
dholbach(once the archive is unfrozen again)08:12
superm1crimsun, still around?08:12
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crimsunsuperm1: yes08:13
=== crimsun hugs dholbach
superm1okay i just finished up and ran the package install a few times.  i love this newer flashplugin basis :)08:14
superm1http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3665 if you can take a look08:14
ademanwell i posted in the mailing list, now i play the waiting game08:14
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crimsunsuperm1: in about 20 minutes, hopefully08:16
superm1okay sounds good08:16
ajmitchhow are you?08:22
dholbachfine thanks - just waking up08:23
dholbachhow are you?08:23
ajmitchgood :)08:24
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crimsunsuperm1: sorry, still on the phone (shouldn't be -too- much longer, but I never know)08:39
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superm1hehe okay08:39
dholbachheya proppy08:39
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=== proppy needs revu ! :)
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tsmitheping crimsun08:41
tsmitheah well08:45
=== tsmithe afk again
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crimsunsuperm1: is the non-native-version-but-lacking-orig.tar.gz intentional09:23
superm1well i got a bit confused how to version this09:24
superm1so if it should be versioned the way i did it, yes09:24
superm1should it have been 20061007ubuntu1 instead?09:24
crimsundo you plan to submit the source package to Debian?09:25
superm1well not in the near future09:25
crimsunhow often is(are) the firmware(s) updated?09:26
superm1but i had assummed if it ever would be submitted to debian, there had to be a way to differentiate between the upstream, debian, and our versions09:26
superm1every few months09:26
crimsunI would probably use 0.20061007, then.09:26
crimsunthus making it a native package09:26
superm1so then would it be 0.20061007ubuntu1?09:27
superm1or just 0.2006100709:27
crimsunI would just use 0.20061007 for now09:27
superm1okay. i'll update that then09:27
crimsunwell, let's rethink09:28
crimsunyou'll run into some nasty situations with Debian NMUs09:28
crimsununfortunately that's unavoidable09:28
crimsunso you can either use the pseudo-epoch (0.date), or use 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc.09:28
crimsundepends how strongly [and immediately obvious]  you want to tie the version to the firmware date09:29
superm1well i think pseudo-epoch makes more sense09:29
superm1at least to me09:29
superm1well firmware date is the easiest to go by09:29
superm1thats what ivtvdriver.org goes by instead of versions09:29
superm1their last release prior to this was in july, so it was something along the lines of 2006070109:30
superm1and this way if someone else was to ever look at the package, it's immediately obvious that there is a new version available without having to match a date to a decoder for versions09:31
crimsunok, that part sounds fine. Do you intend it to be native to Ubuntu/Debian, then?09:34
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ajmitchmorning sivang 09:37
crimsunsuperm1: is it possible to include the contents of the license "allowing end users to download the firmware from dl.ivtvdriver.org and use on their local machines" in debian/copyright ?09:41
superm1I'll have to see if Axel can get me a copy. 09:42
superm1he only mentioned it in emails09:42
crimsunok, that's possibly a blocker.09:43
superm1he was a liaison for the community for hauppauge for a bit, and obtained the license allowing him to host firmware on his site for end users.09:43
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superm1*well particularly to host the firmware in extracted form in a .tar.gz archive09:44
crimsunthe /usr/lib/firmware -> /lib/firmware symlink business is a bit dirty, too09:45
superm1ok i can just throw them right in /lib/firmware09:45
superm1when your saying obtain, i'm not sure exactly what he'll be able to provide - because for all i know it might just be emails back and forth with Hauppauge HR that allowed him to do this, or it might have only been verbally agreed on09:45
crimsunquoted e-mail with his permission would suffice, but even better would be a publicly-accessible statement on his Web site09:46
crimsunOtherwise, looks good. Thanks for working on this source package!09:47
superm1with "his" permission?  Let me check the exact wording of our contact.  I belive i do have "his" permission09:47
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crimsunit's always better to ask [to receive explicit permission] 09:47
superm1On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 12:31:02PM -0600, Mario Limonciello wrote:09:49
superm1> The firmware itself wouldn't have been hosted on the Ubuntu servers.  Just a09:49
superm1> small package (<30k) that would contain a preinstall script.  When this09:49
superm1> package was installed, the "end user's machine" would then grab the firmware09:49
superm1> from your server, possibly display some licensing info about the license09:49
superm1> that you have for hosting the files, and then place them in the correct09:49
superm1> place on the users machine.  So in short, the firmware itself wouldn't ever09:49
superm1> touch ubuntu servers.09:49
superm1That would be no legal issue at all I think (but IANAL still09:49
superm1applies). There is also a way to use the redistributable Windows09:49
superm1driver and extract the firmware from there on the fly. Perhaps that's09:49
superm1the legally cleanest approach currently. If you're interested I'll dig09:49
superm1out my notes on how to extract the firmware.09:49
superm1that is a small snippet from some conversation, i'm not sure if that would suffice09:49
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crimsunnot really, no09:54
superm1Ok.  I'll send him a note and see if he can add a bit about licensing on his site09:55
crimsunit needs to be clear from either upstream's license or from his e-mail(s) that he has been given explicit permission to host them, and that third parties have upstream's consent to download from his site09:55
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superm1In the meanwhile - if this doesnt work out for some reason or another, can the fallback be to extract from the windows driver on the fly09:56
superm1eg download the windows driver during install and extract from that.  it for sure does have redistribution rights09:57
superm1(and before axel had this license with hauppauge straightened out, that was the only way to get this firmware)09:59
crimsunI don't see any reason why not.09:59
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superm1Ok.  i'll see what axel says about getting the license right on his website then.  10:00
superm1so other question though - something like pcHDTV also has firmware, and I was going to do a very similar package for it.  but again there is no license on the site directly, so I would have to email them to find out about how they feel about redistribution as well correct?10:01
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crimsunsuperm1: yes, explicit permission is best10:03
superm1okay then.  i'll send this out and get to bed then.  thanks for all the help here crimsun.10:03
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Adri2000freeflying: ping10:29
freeflyingAdri2000: pong?10:33
Adri2000freeflying: bug 7427210:33
UbugtuMalone bug 74272 in quarry "Quarry is available in Debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7427210:33
Adri2000are you ok to request a sync?10:34
freeflyingAdri2000: I have uploaded it, so needn't sync10:34
freeflyingAdri2000: would you mind close it?  :)10:35
Adri2000freeflying: uploaded the new upstream release or the debian package?10:35
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freeflyingAdri2000: have we synced? if not, please use the one I uploaded10:37
Adri2000freeflying: I don't know what you uploaded10:38
Adri2000currently it's still:10:38
freeflyingAdri2000: 0.1.20-0ubuntu110:38
Adri2000quarry | 0.1.19-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Sources10:38
Adri2000freeflying: 0.2.0 is available10:39
freeflyingAdri2000: then please sync it10:39
freeflyingAdri2000: thanks10:39
Adri2000ok, I will do that10:40
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wsbI'd like to submit a citrix ica client package to the multiverse repository, is it possible, or do there are some licence issues ?11:08
crimsunthere shouldn't be if it's to go into multiverse.11:09
crimsunas long as its license allows us to redistribute it, it should be fine.11:10
wsbI haven't found anything about submiting to multiverse, do I need to submit to universe, or is there another way ?11:11
crimsunyou don't submit to a particular component; the archive admins handle that based on the licenses in the source package.11:13
crimsunyou follow precisely the identical procedure regardless of component11:13
wsbok fine11:13
wsbother small question, on the install script from the source, the user have to accept the EULA, to I need to make something similar in the package (in debconf... or postinst) ?11:14
crimsunouch, EULA acceptance11:15
crimsunwell, yes.11:15
crimsuna debconf template is one of the easier ways11:15
wsbok, any idea where I can find an exemple or tutorial ?11:16
crimsunsure, flashplugin-nonfree11:16
crimsunbeware it defaults to -accepting- the eula, however.11:16
crimsunobviously that's a trivial change11:17
wsbI'll need to make some homework ;) , one trivial question, how can I decompress a deb with the DEBIAN directory ?11:22
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crimsunmore context, please?11:24
wsbI've downloaded the flashplugin deb, I know how to decompress the files and see the control file with dpkg-deb, but not how to have the whole DEBIAN directory11:25
wsbwith postinst and so on in it...11:25
Adri2000wsb: apt-get source flashplugin-nonfree11:26
Lathiator if you wanted it out of the binary package11:27
Lathiatar x <deb file>11:27
Lathiattar zxvf control.tar.gz11:27
Lathiatless postinst11:27
Lathiatnote thatl dump files in the current directory so do it from a temporary directory :)11:27
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ajmitchhi \sh 11:41
wsbsorry about asking so many questions... can somebody explane me in a few word how debconf works, or were I can find a small tutorial, I've googled, but could not find anything11:43
mneptonwsb: "gray magicks from before the dawn of recorded history"11:45
wsbsorry but this sentence is like japanese for me !11:47
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mneptonwsb: there is no brief description of debconf.11:50
crimsunwsb: try http://kitenet.net/~joey/talks/debconf-debconf/tutorial-doc.html11:51
wsbI've downloaded the flashplugin-nonfree package to see how it is made, but I don't understand were the reference to debconf is...11:51
wsbI'll try thanks11:52
crimsunonce you read the tutorial above, you'll see.11:52
wsbgreat tutorial, thank you, will help me a lot !11:54
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xerxasI'm trying to merge a package 01:50
xerxasI need this file: /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk01:51
xerxasdoes anybody know where I can find it ? 01:51
xerxasapt-file search doesn't give nothing 01:51
Hobbseein gnome-pkg-tools i expect01:51
xerxasok 01:51
xerxasHobbsee,  thanks 01:52
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crimsunogra: I see that LP bug (silent drop) approximately once per fifty uploads.02:07
Sp4rKyhi there02:07
ogracrimsun, bah, that needs fixage02:08
crimsunyeah, it's kinda annoying. I got into the habit of queueing my uploads so they'd upload right around :04, :09, etc.02:09
xerxasHobbsee,  I have merged gnome-backgrounds what should I do to "upload" it ? 02:11
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geserfirst test that it still builds02:12
geserthen create a debdiff, file a bug, attach debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors and wait02:13
xerxasgeser,  ok , thanks, you already told me that on friday, sorry ! :)02:14
crimsunand if you do it quickly enough, you can skip the waiting when you tell me what bug # it is immediately after filing it02:16
xerxascrimsun,  ok 02:18
xerxasthanks 02:18
xerxaswhat should I tell the debdiff to diff ?  02:19
xerxasprevious vs new ubuntu version ? 02:19
geserdebdiff debian_version.dsc merged_version.dsc > debdiff02:19
xerxasthanks 02:19
Hobbseeer, why the debian version?02:20
Hobbseeguess you should do both, really02:21
xerxas$ ls *dsc02:22
xerxasgnome-backgrounds_2.15.92-1.dsc        gnome-backgrounds_2.16.1-1.dsc02:22
xerxasgnome-backgrounds_2.16.1-0ubuntu1.dsc  gnome-backgrounds_2.16.1-1ubuntu1.dsc02:22
xerxasso I should debidff gnome-backgrounds_2.16.1-1.dsc gnome-backgrounds_2.16.1-1ubuntu1.dsc02:22
xerxas? 02:22
crimsundoesn't ultimately matter as long as the diff context is clear02:22
crimsunu-u-s is capable of processing either way :)02:22
crimsunI think I should pass the u-u-s processing baton to Hobbsee :)02:23
Hobbseecrimsun: nah, keep it :)02:24
Hobbseecrimsun: i got rid of some yesterday though :)02:24
crimsunyep, I saw. Thanks! :)02:24
geserHobbsee: IMHO a debdiff against the debian version is easier to check than against the last ubuntu version02:25
xerxasu-u-s ? 02:25
geseryou don't have all the debian changes and upstream changes02:25
geserxerxas: u-u-s = ubuntu-universe-sponsors02:26
xerxasok 02:26
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xerxasgeser,  the bug should be called: "please sync gnome-backgrounds" ? 02:28
xerxas[debdiff attached]  ? 02:29
xerxasor anything else ? 02:29
geserit's up to you, I usally use "[Merge]  packagename version"02:29
xerxasok 02:29
xerxasthanks 02:29
crimsunyes, please use [merge] 02:30
crimsunI filter based on [sync]  vs. [merge] ; the former gets processed faster02:30
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xerxascrimsun,  k 02:32
xerxascrimsun,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-backgrounds/+bug/7437802:35
UbugtuMalone bug 74378 in gnome-backgrounds "[merge]  gnome-backgrounds 2.16.1-1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:35
xerxascould you check everything is ok ?02:35
geserxerxas: you forgot to update debian/changelog02:35
xerxasgnome-backgrounds (2.16.1-1ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low02:36
xerxas  * Merge from debian unstable.02:36
xerxas -- Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic <mom@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 30 Oct 2006 14:17:41 +000002:36
xerxasisn't this enough ? 02:36
Hobbseeyou have to list the ubuntu changes kept02:36
Hobbseeand you're nto mom02:36
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crimsunalso, be careful about the debian/control.in* changes02:37
crimsunand debian/compat02:37
xerxasI think there's no changed kepts 02:38
xerxasI need to put in my e-mail address ? 02:38
geserif there are no ubuntu changes than the package should be synced instead of merged02:38
xerxaslol , ok  02:41
xerxasso how do I request a sync ? 02:41
geserhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources section "Syncs"02:44
geserbut subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors instead of ubuntu-archive until you are a MOTU02:45
geseryou need an ACK from a MOTU02:45
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gnomefreakwas ff2.0 backported or shoved into -proposed for dapper?02:52
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crimsungnomefreak: not according to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-proposed/main/source/Sources.gz or http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/main/source/Sources.gz02:57
gnomefreaki was just looking on p.u.c but they dont list proposed thank you02:58
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bddebianHeya gang03:51
bddebiancrimsun: Hi03:55
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sivanghey crimsun , bddebian 04:13
crimsun'lo sivang 04:13
bddebianHeya sivang04:14
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crimsunsivang: RE: your latest blog, note that -lowlatency does not have CONFIG_PREEMPT enabled, which _may_ affect your symptoms.04:40
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crimsunsivang: (it was overlooked and has been corrected in feisty's git)04:41
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sivangcrimsun: uh-ha! interesting :)04:44
sivangcrimsun: do you think it could have any good effects once its enabled ?04:44
sivangcrimsun: I can't really go to IBM's repair service as they will test in in windows,04:45
crimsunsivang: possibly. I honestly can't pinpoint right this moment whether it's an X driver issue, a kernel issue, or something else.04:45
sivangcrimsun: and there it mostly works (although the best I did there was to dir /s on a root drive)04:45
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sivangcrimsun: I just can't accept that everytime my disk IO jumps high, my mouse will stop working.04:46
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sivangcrimsun: I was never willing to accept something like this from a linux based OS, I wish I had enough disk space to try this with debian.04:47
sivangcrimsun: thanks for your note though ;)04:47
=== sivang googles for the bug report
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xerxascrimsun, you here ? 06:11
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stgraberAny MOTU around to have a look at my upload on review ?06:43
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elektranoxcan sb. review my small package? :P07:29
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dholbachelektranox: I'm busy doing something else atm, but if you like drop me a mail with the link to dholbach@ubuntu.com and I'll get back to you once I solved some other 'small' problems07:29
elektranoxdholbach: ok, thx :)07:30
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dholbachelektranox: got your mail - thanks a lot07:39
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elektranoxdholbach: k, thanks for reviewing :)07:43
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Sp4rKyjoejaxx: ping07:47
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tsmithehiho: anyone wanna review the latest incarnation of asoundconf-gtk?08:12
joejaxxSp4rKy: ?08:13
=== tsmithe is afk for a while
tsmithebut if anyone could that would be great!08:13
tsmithethanks in advance ;)08:13
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=== tsmithe-afk no longer afk ;)
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: do you have some time to "review" entrance packge ?08:16
joejaxxSp4rKy: i am not actually motu yet08:17
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: np, entrance isn't on REVU, is for Elbuntu project :)08:17
joejaxxSp4rKy: ah08:18
LaserJockSp4rKy: Elbuntu, is that what they're calling it now?08:19
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joejaxxSp4rKy: how do you want to go about doing that?08:20
tsmithewhat's elbuntu?08:20
LutinLaserJock: yes08:20
Sp4rKytsmithe: Enlightenemnt based Ubuntu distro08:21
Sp4rKy /j #elbuntu for more information :)08:21
tsmitheah, thanks Sp4rKy 08:21
Sp4rKyLaserJock: yes08:21
Sp4rKyit's the "old" Ebuntu08:21
crimsunSp4rKy: why wouldn't you want entrance on revu?08:26
Sp4rKycrimsun: it's always the same problem08:26
Sp4rKyit's a part of the E17 project08:26
Lutincrimsun: because all the lib it relies on are not in revu, and won't be for awhile08:26
crimsunbut why is revu the blocker?08:26
Sp4rKyand the main dev of E17 (raster) doesn't want we put any part of E17 in official repository :)08:26
Lutincrimsun: revu is not the blocker. raster is, as Sp4rKy said (and i can understand that)08:27
crimsunrevu's not an official repository, so I see no reason why the source packages shouldn't go onto revu08:27
tsmithehi crimsun08:27
tsmithecould you take another look at asoundconf-gtk?08:27
crimsuntsmithe: tomorrow, yes. I haven't slept in three days, so I'm not going to do any more reviewing.08:28
tsmithethat's a long time :)08:28
dholbachcrimsun: :-(08:28
=== dholbach hugs crimsun
Lutincrimsun: the goal of revu is to put the packages in ubuntu, right ?08:28
crimsunLutin: yes, but it's more importantly a place to have peer review of packaging.08:29
tsmithekeep them oiled and in good working order08:30
tsmitheand nice looking ;)08:30
Lutincrimsun: the point is, we can't put packages in revu just to have them reviwed08:30
crimsunbut you can in some other repo?08:30
crimsunthat sounds shady.08:30
crimsunand I don't buy it at all.08:31
Lutincrimsun: not sure I understood what you mean08:31
crimsunLutin: my question regards why revu can't be used for review. That's its primary purpose.08:32
crimsunthere's no binary repo associated with revu; people can't add deb lines to sources.list(5)08:33
LaserJockin other words, REVU can be used for any reviewing08:33
Sp4rKyLaserJock: crimsun yes of course08:34
Sp4rKybut package putted at revu.tauware.de will be uploaded in universe after 2 validation, right ?08:34
crimsunit's never automatic08:34
Sp4rKybut indeed, we may use our own revu platform08:34
crimsuna member of ubuntu-dev must manually upload the source package to ubuntu08:35
Sp4rKycrimsun: i think motu have a lot of work08:35
LaserJockwhat we're saying is you can use REVU08:35
Sp4rKyyes, we'll do08:35
Sp4rKybut on our own server08:36
LaserJockwhy not use ours?08:36
Sp4rKybecause we've many & many packages08:36
LaserJockif you've already got accounts it seems logical08:36
LaserJockwe already have 140+08:36
Sp4rKywe have smthg like 190 packages !08:36
Sp4rKy(deb packages)08:36
Sp4rKywe've account :)08:37
crimsunit's not the number of packages that matters; it's the quality.08:37
Sp4rKycrimsun: of course08:37
Sp4rKybut we don't want overload revu with 150+ packages which don't go to universe08:38
crimsunanyhow, revu's there; I'd use it, but of course you're free to choose your own approach08:38
Sp4rKycrimsun: i really think revu is a very good tool08:38
Sp4rKyand we probably try to use it at our server08:39
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Sp4rKydo you really think we can upload our packages to revu.tauware , and spend MOTU time with them ?08:39
LaserJock190 NEW packages for E17?08:40
LaserJockI thought it was more like 20 or so08:40
crimsunSp4rKy: do you hope to get any sort of peer review by MOTU (or DD/NM)?08:40
ajmitchmaybe 190 binary packages08:40
Sp4rKythere isn't 190 source pkge08:40
Sp4rKybut 190 deb pkge08:41
LutinLaserJock: about 20 source pkge for e17 + some stuff around08:41
ajmitchstill a lot08:41
Sp4rKy26 source pkge for i386 arch :)08:41
LutinLaserJock: but the core libs and E itself are only 6-7 source pkgefs08:41
Sp4rKysorry for misunderstanding :p08:41
Adri2000crimsun: haven't yet reached my email for the oo2c sync? :)08:42
Sp4rKycrimsun: we like , but i think motu have already a lot of work08:42
Lutincrimsun: yes, we'll get any sort of peer review by MOTU (or DD/NM)08:43
Sp4rKyif we can, we'll help you, and so maybe we could put our package to tauware08:43
crimsunI'll get to it tomorrow. I'm a bit tired atm.08:44
Lutincrimsun: if I understood you correctly, you're saying that we can put our packages on revu, and even if they're advocated, say 'no, we don't want that to be in universe" ?08:44
crimsun^ Adri2000 08:44
Adri2000crimsun: ok, np :)08:44
crimsunLutin: sure. I'm fairly sure no one in ubuntu-dev is going to be uploading E17 packages to Ubuntu.08:45
Sp4rKycrimsun: if it's really no a problem for you (motus) , we're really happy to get this help !08:46
Lutincrimsun: hum ... I'm going to think seriously about that, if I can be sure nobody will upload it (if it gets advocated)08:46
Sp4rKyand of course, make our best to become MOTU too and work you :)08:46
crimsunLutin: I'm pretty sure none of us are going to advocate them, either.08:46
Sp4rKyisn't it Lutin ?08:46
LutinSp4rKy: lol08:47
Lutincrimsun: ok08:47
Lutincrimsun: because of its devel state ?08:50
Sp4rKycrimsun: don't you think motus have enough work without those packages ?08:51
crimsunSp4rKy: absolutely, the MOTU have tons of work already.08:51
Sp4rKyso if at this time we can do without overload tauware, but just with some dev/packagers/motu who help us, it's better, don't you think ?08:53
crimsunif you can't convince MOTU to go to revu, what makes you think they'll go to yet another site?08:53
Sp4rKycrimsun: we don't convince08:54
Sp4rKypeople who are interested by our project (E17 repo + elbuntu) come with us08:54
Sp4rKyand so we ask them for help08:55
Sp4rKycrimsun: all our packages which are in the repo work, but they are probably not all completly compliant woth debian policy & ubuntu packaging way08:56
crimsunthat should be your foremost goal as package maintainers08:56
Sp4rKyand, as we want make our package as good as possible, we need some help for some package :)08:56
Sp4rKycrimsun: is it08:56
Sp4rKybut i/we can't say we're sure than all our package are completly compliant08:57
LutinI can say I'm sure they're not ^^08:58
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Lutinalmost though08:59
tsmithe!seen somerville3209:09
ubotuI last saw somerville32 (n=somervil@fctnnbsc15w-156034078085.nb.aliant.net) 21h 13m 52s ago, quiting: "Leaving"09:09
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tsmithecrimsun, you still around! you really should go to bed!09:21
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Adri2000Fujitsu: you are probably sleeping, but... ping? :)10:41
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tsmitheah... much better!10:59
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superm1if debian is lagging behind on a package that we normally would autosync from them on, and say I updated the package for the newer version, could I just attach a debdiff to a bug and have a MOTU ack it?11:39
Sp4rKy'd night 11:40
LaserJocksuperm1: give a specific example11:41
LaserJockas I think you have one in mind ;-)11:41
superm1hehe, well ivtv 0.9 is needed for 2.6.19 kernels11:41
superm1i already wrote a package for it 11:41
superm1and i'm keeping it under lock and key at http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/ubuntu/dists/feisty/ivtv/11:42
LaserJockok, and what is the debian version?11:42
superm1which will only work on 2.6.18 kernels11:43
LaserJockok, well I think as long as you start from the debian package and just update it to 0.911:43
LaserJockjust call it 0.9-0ubuntu111:43
superm1yea thats exactly what i did, except that i called it 0.9-0ubuntu0ivtv1 for now since its sitting on the ivtv driver website11:44
superm1so just change it to match us and then post to a bug 11:44
LaserJockdo you know how big the diff between 0.8 and 0.9 is?11:45
superm1i didn't have to change any packaging actually.  it all just worked using the newer upstream version11:45
LaserJockyeah, but how big is the diff in the upstream version?11:46
superm1oh i haven't done a diff on that yet11:46
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superm1give me a sec and i'll grab both and do it11:46
tsmithehi CarlF111:48
superm1about 15K difference it looks like11:48
CarlF1FK! not f1... grrr11:48
CarlF1hi tsmithe11:48
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LaserJocksuperm1: ok, throw it into a bug report, but just make sure to say what you're doing11:49
LaserJockCarlF1: is that how you ask for help? :-)11:49
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superm1which needs to be attached exactly, just the diff between upstream versions and the new diff.gz, dsc?11:49
LaserJockjust debdiff between the current fiesty version and yours11:50
LaserJockand say that that's what you did11:50
LaserJockso we don't try to apply the debdiff to the Debian package11:50
superm1anyone particularly to subscribe?11:51
rmjbHey LaserJock11:52
LaserJockhi rmjb 11:52
rmjbI saw that the packaging guide got some more content since I read it11:52
rmjbhas that update made to lulu yet?11:53
LaserJockprobably not11:53
LaserJockI think we are most likely going to drop lulu11:53
LaserJockor perhaps just update when it's changed significantly11:53
LaserJockmaking good looking pdfs for print is really hard11:54
rmjbhmm... got some money for Christmas so I was going to buy myself a present of an Ubuntu Packaging Guide!11:54
LaserJockyou could do that11:54
LaserJockor you could get the latest PDF and have a printshop print it out11:54
rmjbI'd want to get the most complete version I can though11:54
rmjbah, that might be a solution11:54
LaserJockwell, we'll see11:55
rmjbthere's pdfs on doc.ubuntu.com?11:55
LaserJockwell, help.ubuntu.com11:55
LaserJockdoc. probably doesn't11:55
rmjbhow often is help updated with the content from doc?11:55
LaserJockwhen it's released11:55
LaserJockso help.u.c has the breezy, dapper, and edgy docs11:56
rmjbI'll check it and see11:56
LaserJockdoc.u.c is just built from our svn repo11:56
rmjbthe section on patching was added for edgy right?11:57
rmjbI'm trying to see what it is I missed11:57
rmjbit looks so11:58
LaserJockI haven't really done much of anything for Feisty yet11:58
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rmjbhmm... pdf is black and white...12:02
rmjbis there a colour version available? with the slick cover that's on lulu?12:02
LaserJockI don't think so12:03
LaserJockyou might be able to email he -doc list and convince somebody to make one :-)12:04
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tsmithehi hobbsee: you're a good revu critic... could you do mine?12:12
Hobbseetsmithe: no, sorry - i'm catching a plane today12:12

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