
kwwiinight all12:15
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nixternalnite kw12:15
gnomefreaknite kwwii12:15
nixternalhe quit b4 tab complete could kick in12:15
gnomefreaknixternal: if you know anyone upstream on that feel free to contact them about it. i dont know anyone upstream for kde apps or kde at all12:16
nixternalya, i will hit them up in a few12:16
nixternalim checking the kde bugs12:16
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lotusleafHobbsee: "Either it'll be removed, if someone requests it, or it will just stay there uninstallable." re: Bug 62699 <-- so kdar won't be in feisty or fixed in edgy? ;_; Is that the final decision?12:48
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Hobbseelotusleaf: until they release something that actually *builds* - yes01:11
JucatoHobbsee: good morning! :)01:11
Hobbseelotusleaf: against the dar that's in the repos, which other things rely on01:11
Hobbseehey Jucato01:11
lotusleafHobbsee: thanks for your answer both on lp & here, I appreciate it. Is there any way to retain kdar, even if it means downgrading to install it?01:11
lotusleafHobbsee: ah, I would guess not, then, thx =)01:12
JucatoHobbsee: have they decided to move the meeting?01:12
Hobbseelotusleaf: use the old dar, maybe01:12
Hobbseeno wait, that failed too01:12
HobbseeJucato: no idea01:12
lotusleafHobbsee: it's cool, at least the kdar issue received some attention01:13
lotusleafHobbsee: perhaps kdar should fork? :)01:13
=== Hobbsee shrugs
Hobbseeit's likely GPL01:13
=== Hobbsee knew about it before, in dapper, iirc
lotusleafis there a gnome frontend to dar?01:13
lotusleafperhaps people could be recommended to use that instead?01:13
lotusleafor, wait, is dar broken altogether in edgy/feisty because of the incorrect lib?01:19
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@157.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdong_lotusleaf: kdar is the only GUI frontend to dar that I know of01:20
=== orkid [n=mike@bas1-barrie18-1242378644.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdong_lotusleaf: and kdar is broken, not libdar/dar :)01:20
jdong_lotusleaf: actually "outdated" is more correct than broken01:20
lotusleafjdong_: interesting, thanks =) oh, good! thank you again =)01:20
jdong_lotusleaf: I still use dar in CLI for one of my backup schemes01:21
lotusleafjdong_: hehehe.. has a cvs backport been considered or would that not be prudent?01:21
lotusleafjdong_: ya? oh so it by itself works just fine?01:21
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jdong_lotusleaf: that'd need to be in Feisty first and I'd like to see evidence that it's not super-crashy either01:21
lotusleafjdong_: k, thx again =)01:21
jdong_lotusleaf: and yes, command line dar still works great01:21
lotusleafawesome (=01:22
lotusleafhmm.. I'll see if the Krusader developers are interested in doing anything with dar01:22
ryanakcaRiddell: ping01:23
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@157.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ryanakca wonders why he can't unsubscribe from the kubuntu-users mailing list
lotusleafjdong_: hmm a google turned up "dar.el: Disk archiver interface for Emacs" frontend, I've never tried it though =)01:25
jdong_sheesh wnat don't they make for emacs01:25
Hobbseeryanakca: it is possible.  Riddell doesnt control that though01:25
lotusleafalso http://sarab.sourceforge.net/01:26
ryanakcaHobbsee: no, I wanted to talk to him about volunteer hours01:26
ryanakcaHobbsee: I need 40 volunteer hours to get my high school diploma01:27
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ryanakcaand yes, I know it is possible, except that the system doesn't want to let me unsubscribe, and riddell's e-mail is set as a contact for it...01:28
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Hobbseeryanakca: oh right01:49
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ryanakcalol, the OSD for hobbsee's 'ryanakca: oh right' just popped up... about 24 minutes later02:14
ryanakcasame thing just happened for a ping in  #ubuntu-ca02:17
robotgeekryanakca: does this work02:20
Jucatohm... probably doesn't...02:21
=== ryanakca twiddles
ryanakcahere, I have an idea...02:22
=== ryanakca suspends pbuilder
robotgeekryanakca invents time travel02:22
Jucatopbuilder's the culprit?02:22
ryanakcaprobably because I'm running pbuilder create for my edgy and feisty pbuilder at the same time02:22
ryanakcas/suspend/kill :D02:22
ryanakcayep, works :D02:23
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatohm... is Flash 9 beta 2 really in edgy-backports/multiverse?02:55
jdongJucato: YES AND IT WORKS02:56
Jucatojdong: something strange... packages.ubuntu.com and ubotu can't seem to find it02:57
Jucato!info flashplugin-nonfree edgy-backports02:57
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.68~ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386)02:57
Jucato!info flashplugin-nonfree dapper-backports02:57
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper-backports), package size 12 kB, installed size 100 kB (Only available for i386)02:57
jdongJucato: p.u.c sees it02:58
jdong9. i38602:58
jdong9. i38602:58
Jucatosomething wrong with my search then...02:58
JucatoI tried searching for flashplugin-nonfree in edgy-backports (from the dropdown list)02:59
Jucatoanyway, ubotu doesn't see it02:59
jdongubotu doesn't do backports02:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn't do backports - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:59
jdongI KNOW YOU DONT02:59
Jucatojdong: look at the 2nd factoid for dapper03:00
Jucatoit does do backports03:00
jdong!info ktorrent dapper-backports03:01
ubotuktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu4~dapper1 (dapper-backports), package size 2066 kB, installed size 6756 kB03:01
Jucatobtw, is there still something wrong with the us.archives?03:02
jdongsomeone else is telling me that too03:02
jdong!info brasero edgy-backports03:03
ubotubrasero: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 520 kB, installed size 1172 kB03:03
jdongit doesn't do edgy-backports03:03
jdong!info flashplugin-nonfree dapper-backports03:03
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper-backports), package size 12 kB, installed size 100 kB (Only available for i386)03:03
Jucatothat explains it03:03
jdongyep, no Edgy03:03
jdongSeveas: ubotu edgy-backports03:03
crimsunargh, silly flash highlight03:51
Jucatooh... sorry crimsun03:51
crimsunnp ;)03:51
Jucatosomeone was just having some problems with upgrading to Flash 9 in #kubuntu... which prompted me to ask somethings here...03:52
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robotgeekhi, can i confirm bugs. i am not sure what the procedure is07:09
mhbrobotgeek: just mark it as confirmed if you think it's confirmed enough I guess .o)07:10
robotgeekmhb: done then07:10
robotgeekUbug2: 7286907:11
robotgeekhmm, spit the answer out, bot!07:11
mhbbug 7286907:11
Ubug2Malone bug 72869 in kdebase "Latest hal update breaks USB stick mounting in kubuntu dapper kde 3.5.5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7286907:11
robotgeekhowever, i dont know if it is rightly assigned to kdebase.07:12
robotgeekits probably hal, cause downgrading libhal fixes it07:12
robotgeekanyways confirmed and assigned to kubuntu team :)07:13
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Riddellryanakca: pong09:01
cmvoRiddell: Hi! Does dapper still have the configuration option to choose between sudo an su for kde admin mode? I just can't find it :-(09:09
Riddellcmvo: there was never a GUI option for it09:13
Riddellyou can change it in a config file09:14
cmvoRiddell: I mean the config file...09:14
Riddellin kdeglobals09:16
Riddell[super-user-command] 09:16
cmvoRiddell: Ah, thanks! I knew it existed, but forgot to make a note :-)09:18
cmvoRiddell: Is the feisty alternate cd working or just buildable?09:21
Riddelltesters needed09:21
RiddellI expect it to be working09:21
cmvoRiddell: I'll give it a try. Just configuring a dapper system, but the screen saver kicks in every 10 seconds although its set to 5 minutes, strange...09:23
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Riddellhi \sh, I don't think I got the sip patch from you10:11
\shI just send it again...from sh@sourcecode.de10:16
\shRiddell: did you get the mail?11:09
\shyou got another non-ubuntu email address?11:12
Riddelljr @muse.19inch.net11:16
Riddellnothing in my gmail backup from you either11:17
\shlet me check if I can send it via gmail11:18
\shRiddell: check for shr591 @gmail.com11:20
\shnow to 19inch from sourcecode.de11:21
\shmail is  going out..no problem on this side11:21
Riddelland received!11:26
\shsomething is wrong with ubuntu.com then11:26
Riddellseems to work sending e-mail to myself11:28
Riddelland other e-mail is getting through11:29
\shreceiving mail works...I just send an email to my ubuntu.com address11:29
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nixternalKOffice Security Adviser for those who haven't seen (all releases)12:49
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Riddellnixternal: where did you read that?12:53
Riddellmeh, and he still hasn't put the patch on the ftp server12:54
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ryanakcaRiddell: I'll be back after school later on today... I'll either talk to you then or e-mail you about those volunteer hours01:11
abattoirRiddell: hi :)01:15
abattoirRiddell: was speaking with cjwatson the other day about oem-config. He seems uncertain(and busy of course..) at this point as to where it might be heading01:16
abattoirRiddell: so i think i'll start porting to qt4 w/ the current infrastructure and modify if necessary as we go along01:17
abattoirRiddell: for the timezone widget, i was thinking of getting marble in...01:17
Riddellyes, the specs for feisty didn't really happy01:17
abattoirRiddell: what do you think?01:17
Riddellmarble isn't released yet is it?01:17
abattoirRiddell: well, the version in svn seems to work pretty well...01:17
Riddelland I don't know if the position coordinates are known to oem-config, isn't that why it doesn't use a map?01:18
abattoirRiddell: anyway it needs to be pythonised i guess01:18
Riddellwhere is it in svn?01:18
abattoirfrom http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/242901:19
Riddellmm, missed that01:20
Riddellsomeone should make a package of it :)01:20
abattoirok, i'll try :P01:21
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abattoirhello Tonio_02:10
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Riddellhello RadiantFire02:16
RadiantFirejust came to stick my head in because I was curious02:17
Riddellquick!  someone find him a job to do before he leaves!02:18
mhbso, when will the meeting take place?02:19
Riddellthursday, 22:00UTC02:19
mhbwell there were some people (Hobbsee at least) that said they can't come, so I wondered if you haven't changed the date02:20
Riddellno change, I know hobbsee can't make it02:20
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Tonio_Riddell: when will be the archives reopened ?03:16
Tonio_ho yes and I wanted to talk with you about an issue with translations in kde...03:17
Tonio_the kubuntu help is in english on all of my computers03:18
Tonio_and a few kdesktop thiings too03:18
mhbTonio_: I guess it's filed03:18
Tonio_hi mhb :)03:18
RiddellTonio_: when Herd is out03:18
Tonio_mhb: what is field ?03:19
mhbbug 73384 could be the one03:19
UbugtuMalone bug 73384 in kubuntu-docs "Localized Kubuntu documents missing" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7338403:19
Tonio_mhb: great but that's not the only issue03:19
Tonio_mhb: for example if you right click on a file on the desktop, cut, copy are in english03:19
Tonio_but the same in konqueror is in french here....03:19
Tonio_mhb: do you use english keyboard ?03:20
Tonio_mhb: I think those 2 errors are linked somehow, they appeared in the same time03:20
mhbTonio_: nope03:20
Tonio_mhb: ah ?03:20
mhbTonio_: I don't use an english keyboard03:21
Tonio_english desktop sorry :)03:21
Tonio_german one I presume ?03:21
mhbTonio_: but the bug with kdesktop is present here as well03:21
Tonio_the point is that the 2 problems appeared in the exact same moment, just before edgy was out03:21
Tonio_right click -> open with on a desktop file is in english too.... very strange03:22
Tonio_and once again using the same options in konqueror...03:22
Tonio_maybe a 3.5.5 bug03:23
mhbright click -> open with is translated on my desktop (edgy)03:24
mhbbut "cut" and "copy" is in English03:24
Tonio_hu ? very weird....03:25
Tonio_mhb: right click open is translated here too, but the popup window isn't :)03:26
Tonio_maybe I wasn't clear03:26
Tonio_same action in konqueror give a translated popup03:26
mhboh yes03:26
Tonio_hehe ;)03:27
mhbI didn't understand it first, sorry - the popup window is in English, too03:27
Tonio_okay, I'll investigate with bugs.kde.org03:27
Tonio_it looks like kde miss the localization sometimes...03:28
Tonio_maybe the same issues causes that kubuntu documents issue03:28
mhbTonio_: I talked with nixternal about the docs issue - it seems the package was built without the translations AFAIK03:29
Tonio_ah.... very annoying indeed :)03:30
mhbTonio_: so it's probably something different03:30
gnomefreakon feisty kde has 2 trash cans one on kicker and one on desktop is there a reason for this or a bug?03:32
Tonio_gnomefreak: shouldn't be there...03:33
Tonio_gnomefreak: locate trash.desktop03:34
Tonio_gnomefreak: I don't have that here so it is probably fixed already03:34
gnomefreakTonio_: i just dragged and dropped it into trash in kicker03:34
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Dec 3 12:59:26 2006
=== #kubuntu-devel [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Dec 3 12:59:26 2006
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Sun Dec 3 12:59:26 2006
nixternalfeistly daily locks at Detecting network hardware > Starting PC card services03:58
gnomefreaknixternal: the images arnt done yet they need things :)04:01
nixternalgo figure ;)04:02
=== nixternal waits patiently
nixternalthe kernel upgrades constantly kill my machines04:02
gnomefreaknixternal: a day or 2 more i would think04:02
gnomefreaknixternal: dbus is broke in feisty04:02
gnomefreakcould be where your issue with kernels come in (maybe)04:03
=== gnomefreak hasnt had kernel issues yet
nixternalim having them with very stock and common hardware. not the cheap stuff04:03
nixternalwell, cheap now, not then ;)04:03
gnomefreaklooks like today04:05
Tonio_is someone using wifi there ?04:07
Tonio_Riddell: the point is I can't test kwlan04:08
Tonio_Riddell: I wanted to know if it starts wpa_supplicant without asking for a driver now04:08
Tonio_but that requires network-manager to be stopped04:08
Tonio_it locally started wpa_supplicant without asking asking, but as my wifi card is not recognized I can't be sure that's the normal way to work :)04:09
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gnomefreakis there a way to get baghira to use stick04:20
gnomefreakit seems they call it shade but atleast its there04:22
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Tonio_Riddell: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3298404:24
Tonio_Riddell: looks like jre is still alive finally :)04:24
Tonio_Riddell: I'm doing the package upgrade04:25
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Tonio_Riddell: and if you have a second : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=367304:26
Tonio_should be okay this time :)04:26
Tonio_jabbin, fyi04:27
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=== jdong burns FC6 KDE LiveCD in search of bug 61946
UbugtuMalone bug 61946 in kdebase "umount progress dialog missing in Edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6194605:21
RadiantFireer, unmounting isn't an atomic operation?05:23
Jucatojdong: FC6 KDE LiveCD?05:24
Tonio_we have the same issue there, and that's a major one...05:24
Tonio_I should test another distro to compare since we patched this part, to be sure that's not sime(s patches05:24
alleeMhmm, 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1~dapper2 kde-stable update broke mounting of USB memsticks on dapper !?05:38
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=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbwas there someone who wanted to build a kdenlive package?05:41
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mhbor am I mistaken again ? :o)05:41
Riddellmhb: what's that?05:43
mhbvideo editing GUI - http://kdenlive.sourceforge.net/index.php05:44
RiddellTonio_ was talking about it05:47
mhbyeah, I thought somebody was05:48
Tonio_Riddell: yes, but is based on a 2 years unmainted engine....05:49
Tonio_Riddell: That's why I stoped the packaging05:49
claydohkdenlive stopped using the old engine (piave) and use something called mlt05:50
claydohdunno how old that is\/me just installed 0.4 and will try it iut momentarily05:51
Tonio_claydoh: mlt is unmaintained too05:51
claydohI try it anyway, kino is ok but I do like a simpler intrerface05:52
Tonio_claydoh: try it, no pb :) but I don't see the point in uploading new packages with unmaintained stuff05:52
claydohand dv capture as well is important to me05:52
claydohoh, by no means am i suggesting that :)05:53
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claydohwonder why they swithed from a dead engine to another dead engine05:55
claydohif LiVES had a better gui it would be my favorite editor05:55
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nixternalooh, i got a mention with the smb4k grave bug discovered ;)06:54
nixternalnow i gotta repackage it ;(06:54
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Simesebas: xscreensaver stuff is checked in.07:04
=== jdong also tries to figure out what api /usr/bin/xset uses
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RiddellTonio_: advocated http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=367307:21
Riddellbut see comments07:21
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mhbRiddell: who's in charge of the systemsettings icon and description stuff?07:26
mhbRiddell: was/is there a UI expert who reviewed/reviews that?07:27
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Riddellmhb: el and sime did the changes in edgy07:28
Tonio_Riddell: hum, indeed concerning the copyrights :)07:28
Tonio_I just wanted to give a test ;)07:28
mhbRiddell: great, thanks07:28
=== el just heard my name
Riddell18:26 < mhb> Riddell: who's in charge of the systemsettings icon and description stuff?07:31
elmhb, which descriptions?07:32
mhbel: I was just looking at the systemsettings menu thinking whom I should contact some time in the future07:32
elheya Riddell :)07:32
Riddellguten tag el07:32
mhbabend schon07:33
elmhb, what are you planning to do?07:33
elindeed, evening already ...07:33
mhbel: well I'll be developing a grub configuration tool for Kubuntu in the next few months. Most of the Python guidance tools (mountconfig, displayconfig) have their own icon in systemsettings, but I don't think that's wise for my tool07:36
mhbel: it's not important now, though ... I need to code first ... just wanted to know whom I should poke when I (well not just me) have something done07:36
Riddellmhb: if you add a new kcontrol module it /should/ get added to system settings automatically07:37
Riddellit often doesn't, which is a bug07:37
elmhb, ah - grub config tool seele is involved with?07:37
mhbel: that one07:37
Riddellmhb: but the text and categorisation is up to you, it's just in the .desktop file07:39
Riddellinterestingly feisty seems to put them all in Lost+Found07:39
elmhb, i guess advanced system administration is the categorisation of choice07:41
imbrandonmoins Riddell el and mhb07:41
mhbhi imbrandon07:42
elheya imbrandon07:42
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mhbel: yes, sure enough ... my question is if it is wise/possible to integrate it with "Login manager" since it also handles pre-login options07:45
Riddellmm, wouldn't think so07:45
mhbmy argument is that it's not wise to do a separate icon for every tool you have but it's still a bit empty (in edgy) so I guess you're right07:48
elmhb, hm, but grub and login are exactly the same thing.07:49
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mhbel: yes, that's what I was thinking when I thought about using one icon for both07:51
elmhb, still you're right, we shouldn't add more and more top-level items without thinknig about the whole information architecture.07:52
elmhb, if we use one item, we need to find a really good descriptive category07:52
elmhb, people shouldn't be forced to use the search to find the items.07:52
=== el is back in a few minutes. dinner....
Riddellfreeflying: if you make changes to kubuntu-default-settings mind and add a debian/changelog entry too07:54
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Riddellhi Hawkwind, how does one become a community leader of ulteo?08:02
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HawkwindRiddell: Gael gave me the position08:03
Riddelldoes ulteo have a community if it doesn't exist yet?08:03
HawkwindYes.  First release is tomorrow in fact08:04
HawkwindAlpha release08:04
Riddelland what's good in it?  did I see that it's using NX through a java client?08:04
HawkwindIt's using VNC at the moment, but will probably switch to NX08:05
Riddellwhat installer does it use?08:06
HawkwindIt's based on Kubuntu Dapper currently08:06
HawkwindSo the same installer as *Ubuntu uses08:07
Riddellwell we have two installers :)08:07
HawkwindIt uses the one from the alternate CD.  But the Live CD also has an installer in it too08:07
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RiddellseaLne: could you send me an invoice for 2 t-shirts for Croatian Ubuntu LoCo team talk?  and I'll send you money for 4 t-shirts (those plus two sold at UDS)08:20
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seaLneRiddell: k08:59
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaRiddell: ping09:14
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alleeSime: ping09:54
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu-Devel
Simeallee: pong10:04
raphinkthere's a ping pong international championship here10:09
alleeSime: I'm trying to hunt down why usbsticks are no longer mounted in dapper with kde 3.5.5.  You know more?  downgrading hal and kdelibs did not help10:10
Simeallee: in *dapper*?10:11
gnomefreaknixternal: i just poped in to see if you found an upstream bug on the khtml issue if not ill file one (i think upstream is at bugs.kde.org) if you already found one or filed one let me know please.10:11
alleeSime: yes.  Reproduceable on tons of dapper system here :(10:11
=== el [n=konversa@chello084113223098.5.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lureallee: is it possible that 3.5.5 for dapper includes media patches - I have seen a bug today that they are wrongly mounted if plugged before login10:12
Lureallee: bug 7021710:13
UbugtuMalone bug 70217 in kdebase "KubuntuKDEMedia changes: wrong desktop icons of removable devices plugged before login" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7021710:13
SimeLure: it shouldn't, but it is worth checking.10:13
Simeallee: I don't know why. It could well be HAL related though.10:13
Lureallee: there were also some problems with hal package (it worked for people going dapper -> 3.5.4 -> 3.5.5 but not dapper -> 3.5.5)10:14
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Lureor vice versa10:14
alleeSime: I tried my my demohost that had no update sind 24-Okt.  All was fine.  dist-upgrade (included kdelibs -> 3.5.5-0ubuntu1~dapper1 => dapper2 and hal 0.5.7-1ubuntu18.1 => 1ubuntu8.2) reboot and it no longer works.  Media actin dialog does noting silently.  Using media:/ mount  gives 'unknown error'.  pmounting still works fine10:14
Lureallee: check https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2006-December/011249.html10:15
alleeLure: no I'm was always logged in when I pluged the usbstick10:15
alleeLure: no I've downgraded hall to 8.1 no change. then kdelibs to dapper1 no change (always with reboot and login, then plug usbstick)10:16
Lureallee: sorry for you, I am getting out of ideas (and no dapper to tes) ;-)10:17
alleeLure: I've dapper but did run out of ideas too :(  ;)10:19
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jdongbug 61946 exists in FC6 too10:24
UbugtuMalone bug 61946 in kdebase "umount progress dialog missing in Edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6194610:24
jdongso yes, it does seem like it's upstream10:24
jdongand not Sime's fault :D10:24
jdongthough it's not nearly as bad in FC6 as removable drives are mounted sync10:24
alleeLure, Sime: any ideas how to debug these errors:10:24
alleekded: ERROR: mount failed for /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_ec1b73ca_2ea1_42f1_a45f_540232b227ab: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.UnknownError - An unknown error occured10:24
alleekded: ERROR: mounting /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_ec1b73ca_2ea1_42f1_a45f_540232b227ab returned An unknown error occured10:24
ryanakcaheh, I just thought that it was supposed to be like that10:24
Lureallee: not really10:28
alleeLure: googling for the error msg pointed to some debug methods.  I'll try them10:30
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=== jdong goes on a grepfest for DPMSSetTimeout()
Lurejdong: you are my hero (if you solve this one) ;-)10:32
jdongthe internets tubes at archive.ubuntu.com are a bit clogged10:36
jdongI'm pulling 40KBit from it10:36
jdongmaybe I should use The Google to locate a mirror10:36
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jdongMUAHAHA axel -n 3010:42
=== jdong hopes elmo isn't listening
jdongthere now that went a lot faster10:44
jdongLure: I'm still gonna try to remove kcontrol/energy/energy.cpp:            DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, 60*standby, 60*suspend, 60*off);10:46
jdongthat just looks TOO suspicious not to be the culprit10:46
alleeheh, looks like it's a missing hal-system-storage-mount script.  copied edgy -> dapper and mouting works again10:46
Lureallee: interesting...10:47
fdovinghow does one make sure a .changes file is generated against a specific version? can one select that, or does it pick the previous version in the changelog?10:48
alleeconfusing.  searching for this file in packages.ubuntu.com shows no result.10:48
alleetime to ping on #ubuntu-devel10:48
Lureallee: it is in hal package on edgy10:48
alleeLure: yes, and dapper pkg does not include it.  What konfused me is my it worked before ;)10:49
Lureallee: I suspect kubuntu.org hal package is the problem...10:50
orkidallee: konfused, lol10:50
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alleeorkid: isn't s/c/k/ a hard rule here?10:50
orkidallee: didn't know10:51
jdongallee: hey! I'm writing a KDE fuse frontend called konfuse :)10:51
=== ryanakca wonders what happened there...
ryanakcamy X window/whole desktop just started flickering and green & red lines where dancing accross it10:56
=== ryanakca wonders if he somehow activated a christmas feature
jdongryanakca: you must be using closed source drivers10:57
jdongbecause nothing else can be evil enough to do that10:57
alleeLure: nope, packages.u.c does not know this file for dapper and I've downloaded all hal pkgs apt-cache policy showed me.  Non of them have it. I'll try to find where this bloddy script is configured to be used ...10:59
ryanakcajdong: no... don't think so11:00
jdongryanakca: did you check under your laptop for binary blobs?11:00
jdongthey sometimes hide under large spaces in your keyboard too11:00
ryanakcalaptop? who said I had a laptop?11:00
ryanakcaawww, jdong, you shouldn't have... *goes to get his christmas present from jdong on the from step*11:01
ryanakcawow... this looks like a powerful laptop, thanks :P11:01
jdongI actually do have an extra T2600 at my house, unused11:02
jdongbelongs to 'da government' though11:02
ryanakcanah, they don't need it :P11:02
jdongno they don't11:03
jdongbut they do attach stiff penalties for it disappearing11:03
jdongsince it's technically government property11:03
jdongwith "classified information" :D11:03
ryanakcaif they can spend (3 trillion?... sorry, didn't listen to geography teacher) on the military... they can afford a new laptop11:03
ryanakcait all gpg encrypted?11:03
jdongwhole drive encryption11:04
ryanakcanice :)11:04
jdongwith a 256K SHA1 hashed key11:04
jdongso even simple keys take a long time to brute force11:04
ryanakcaI would encrypt my HD... but it's not worth it...11:04
jdongwindows XP-ish though11:04
jdonga highly weirded XP with their custom login stuff11:05
ryanakcanobody's going to break into my house and look at my computer11:05
ryanakcaif it was a laptop, sure :)11:05
jdongheck I don't even encrypt my laptop completely11:05
jdongI have parts in a FUSE encrypted filesystem11:05
jdonglike my SSH and GPG keys11:05
ryanakcayeah... I saw a linux magasine at chapters on sunday... main article was encrypting your filesystem... 6-7 pages long11:06
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jdongI'm not that security paranoid11:08
jdongand do all you KDE guys put up with uic trying to open up network sockets in pbuilder?11:08
ryanakcahmm... what apps should I package for kubuntu?11:19
=== ryanakca has some time to kill
raphinkyou can look for nice apps on kde-apps.org11:19
jdongryanakca: ktorrent 2.111:19
raphinksome useful ones that are well rated11:19
Lureryanakca: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates/Kubuntu11:19
jdongryanakca: that's highly useful for feisty11:19
=== ryanakca will start with ktorrent :)
=== jdong hugs ryanakca
jdongryanakca: a lot of the patches from our current package don't apply11:20
ryanakcawhy, is it being a bad boy?11:20
jdongit's a new upstream release11:20
jdongwith a significant amount of code changes11:20
ryanakcaah... I was wondering what all the big excitement of someone packaging it was11:20
=== ryanakca curses... my screen is starting to flicker allong the edges now
jdongryanakca: basically upstream has given up on 2.0.311:21
jdongryanakca: there's a number of bugs and performance shortcomings of 2.0.3 that are only being fixed in the 2.1 branch11:21
ryanakcaso, sort threw the upstream changelog, and remove the ubuntu patches that have been replaces by upstream?11:22
ryanakcajdong: fixed it by switching to vt1 and back11:22
jdongryanakca: you can remove all our patches except the one that disables geoip.dat11:22
jdong(the dfsg patch)11:22
jdongryanakca: and there's some patches directly in the diff.gz11:23
jdongryanakca: making it ALL the more fun for you11:23
ryanakcaok, you lost me there11:23
jdongryanakca: all of our patches are useless in 2.1, except the one for the 2.0.3+dfsg one that disables the non-free GeoIP database11:24
ryanakcaah, ok11:24
jdongryanakca: and the debdiff from the 2.0.3's will not patch onto 2.1 sources, because some patches are directly in the debdiff11:24
jdongnot in a patchsys11:24
ryanakcaI got everything upto the patches in diff.gz11:24
jdongjust giving you a heads-up on that :)11:24
=== ryanakca looks for uupdate
jdonguupdate will have a field day11:25
ryanakcaerm... I think you already packaged it?11:25
ryanakcaKubuntu: Dapper i386, Edgy i386 (Thanks to John Dong)11:25
ryanakcathat's for KTorrent 2.1beta111:25
jdongryanakca: one sec I'll give you my debian-dir11:26
jdongryanakca: it's only half-done11:26
ryanakcakk, ty11:26
jdongryanakca: http://buntudot.org/people/~jdong/ktorrent/beta1/debian-dir.tar.gz11:27
jdongthat's debian/11:27
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jdongryanakca: I've basically stripped it clean of all our patches... you should add back the one that turns off GeoIP and it should be good11:28
jdongthere was also some libktorrent.a file that debian/rules tries to remove. I stripped that too. I think that needs to be back in because of our anal packaging policy or something like that :D11:28
=== jdong ducks
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ryanakcathanks :)11:33
jdongI love you ryanakca :)11:33
jdongonly if a ktorrent 2.1beta1 package is in feisty :)11:34
ryanakcaI love you too jdong... for now11:34
ryanakcathat might change by the end of the night :P11:34
ryanakcayeah... and a quick warning... you might want to lock your doors and windows... just in case :P11:34
jdongryanakca: and please if at all possible try to keep it compiling on edgy and dapper :)11:34
jdongit currently does11:34
ryanakcayeah... I have pbuilder-dapper, pbuilder-edgy and pbuilder-feisty11:35
jdongryanakca: oh yeah, make sure it doesn't build with unsermake still11:35
jdong*this would be a good kthxbye /part moment*11:35
jdongryanakca: my 2.1 package is derived from my 2.1svn packaging scripst11:35
jdongryanakca: which use unsermake rather than make11:36
jdongbecause it's faster11:36
jdongbut unsermake IIRC is universe11:36
ryanakcaand ktorrent is in main11:36
jdongwhoa! unsermake is main11:36
jdongwell anyway11:36
jdongryanakca: IIRC I transitioned debian/rules back to make11:36
jdongryanakca: but I did NOT remove it from debian/control build-depends11:36
jdongdo that please :)11:36
ryanakcagrrr... ktorrent.org is messed up11:37
jdongsup with it?11:37
ryanakcawhen you click on HOME from the SCREENSHOTS page, you get "The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server."... and you can't get to screenshots from any page other than the home page... on all the other pages, broken link11:37
jdongI'll let them know11:38
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kdefreaknow I can work on ktorrent and use irc without having to switch back and forth between X and vt1/2 :)11:42
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jdonginteresting :)11:46
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gnomefreaknite fdoving12:07
=== jdong restarts KDE
jdonglet's see if that patch worked12:11

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