
ubotukasablanca: fast and free ftp client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 160 kB, installed size 612 kB12:13
velleooops all! this is the wrong channel, sorry!!!12:13
abattoirtowyc: check if i'm here, might not be12:13
towycwhat other channels are in ubuntu irc?12:13
towyci just know one other one for xgl12:13
towycand that's it, is there a list somewhere?12:14
abattoirtowyc: ubuntu irc, is the same as freenode12:14
velleabattoir: i know the basic, trying to learn more by doing12:14
towyco i meant channels, like #kubuntu-xgl12:14
abattoirtowyc: so you basically are in freenode w/ access to all the channels12:14
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines12:14
towyco ic12:14
abattoirtowyc: click the last link12:14
=== purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-67-122-208-161.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
towyccool thx -=)12:14
intelikeytowyc /list   but it's very long12:14
misaeli been here like for 2 hours looking for an answer12:14
misaeli'm about too switch back to windows vista12:15
intelikeymisael i wish you would12:15
towyccool thx alot =)12:15
misaelcome onnn  i need   help12:15
misaelii've been here for 2 hours realy12:16
intelikeymisael if you think you can threten me/us with that one you are off your rocker12:16
afm\colossuswhat the fuck is kasablanca?12:16
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ubotukasablanca: fast and free ftp client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 160 kB, installed size 612 kB12:16
intelikeymisael i just got here.  i haven't seen you ask a question yet...12:16
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:16
=== darich [n=trickyki@host86-140-24-111.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
visik7anyone here with asus V6J ??12:17
visik7!laptop team12:17
misaelwell that's because i got tired of asking and no answer12:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about laptop team - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
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sungam!apt > misael12:18
computer_o crap12:18
=== computer_ is now known as towync
intelikeymisael and though that you could "threaten with 'i'll go back to windows'"   lol12:18
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towyncwould adept batch continue a broken download after i reconnect to internet?12:18
towyncit seems stuck right now12:18
misaelit wasnt a threat12:18
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=== SupremeBeing [n=chatzill@adsl-75-2-9-39.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
misaelit was a comment12:19
intelikeytowync probably not.12:19
SupremeBeinghey guys, I just did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade last night, and now kubuntu won't boot12:19
towyncintelikey cool thx12:19
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes12:19
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+112:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:20
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu
misaelcan some one tell me  how to instal kasablanka ? i have the file. but i dont know where to put it because when in the terminal i tipe apt-get install kasabalnca it tells me that it couldnt find the package12:20
vellemisael:  are you getting help from someone now, i might be able to help you if your problem is basic? im not too hardcore on ubuntu myself12:20
intelikeySupremeBeing upgrade and edgy are the same info node12:20
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[GuS] Re..12:21
SupremeBeingit's very odd tho, it won't even boot.  freezes at loading12:21
sungammisael: you need to enable the universe repository12:21
=== kdingo [n=kdingo@spc2-brmb2-0-0-cust729.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
misaelwhats that?12:21
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larson9999maybe franken can add cs onto his f-bombs for dean this time.12:21
misaeluniverse repository12:21
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sungammisael: the place where you get your packages from.12:21
abattoir!universe > misael12:21
sungam!repositories > misael12:22
coreymon77hi guys12:22
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dr0fnaxSupremeBeing, I had same problem yesterday with my friend's laptop, just black screen and nothing. Probably it's wrong repositories You should use #gksu "update-manager -c"12:22
intelikeymisael if for some odd reason you want to install the package you have locally rather than the one in the repos  you can use  sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb12:22
larson9999oops! wrong channel... i hate focus grabbing apps12:22
SupremeBeingdr0fnax: uhh, how?  I can't boot12:23
coreymon77hi guys12:23
sungamSupremeBeing: at what part of loading does it freeze?12:23
SupremeBeingdr0fnax: the blue loading bar, once it finishes it freezes12:23
intelikeymisael that will not grab it's dependancies tho12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smiley - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
intelikeytowync :)12:24
coreymon77was anyone thats here now here when i asked about what network card i should get12:24
intelikeyor :(12:24
towynchehe, i'm waiting for download to complete =)12:24
coreymon77and they told me a card with an atheros chipset12:24
intelikeyirc common faces12:24
dr0fnaxSupremeBeing, I don't know how to fix it :\ I reinstalled system and upgraded with update-manager12:24
towyncand was gonna do smiley after it did =)12:24
sungamSupremeBeing: try going into Rescue mode12:25
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velleshouldnt Konversation open a new tab for a private cha if I type, /msg foo_user Goodevening, ?? does the receiver get a new tab?12:25
sungamSupremeBeing: and see if there's some error when loading that, think it actually shows the modules loading instead of the splash12:25
SupremeBeingis that recovery mode?12:25
intelikeyvelle i would think so12:25
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sungamSupremeBeing: it's one of the options in the grub bootloader menu12:25
SupremeBeingsungam: Ok, i'll try that.  then do what? update with adept instead of sudo?12:26
abattoirSupremeBeing: you upgraded from dapper-> edgy w/ just 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ?12:26
misaelintelkey whats repos?12:26
=== Rythan_ is now known as Rythan
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:26
misaelintelkey where do the file has to be located?12:26
SupremeBeingabattoir: yes12:26
intelikeyshort for Repositories12:26
abattoir!upgrade | SupremeBeing12:26
ubotuSupremeBeing: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)12:27
vellemisael: im trying to write you private messages, to help you. are you getting them?12:27
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abattoirSupremeBeing: there is a bit more work to do than just dist-upgrade12:27
misaelactually yes12:27
misaelbut when i write12:27
intelikeymisael anywhere.  just add the path     sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb12:27
misaelthis anoying message comes up12:27
misael[505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )12:27
intelikeymisael when no path is specified the $PWD is assumed12:28
vellequite annoying that the server does not tell me that my msgs are blocked :(12:28
intelikeyecho $PWD12:28
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intelikey!register | velle12:29
ubotuvelle: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:29
sungamSupremeBeing: try doing a 'apt-get -f check'12:29
vellemisael: sorry, i misunderstood your msg, your blocked not me, sorry about the misunderstanding12:29
SupremeBeingabattoir: sorry, missed that. what else is there to it?12:29
SupremeBeingsungam: To check the installation?12:29
intelikey!register | misael12:29
ubotumisael: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:29
coreymon77ive used a linksys card with a ralink chip in it for a long time now12:30
coreymon77but today im getting a new card with a atheros chipset12:30
sungamSupremeBeing: I'm not really sure if that will solve anything, but if you get into rescue mode, and there aren't any errors when loading your system shouldn't be in that bad a shape12:30
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coreymon77in order to get the ralink card to work i used the iwconfig ra0 command12:31
SupremeBeingsungam: I got into console mode, if that's what you mean12:31
sungamSupremeBeing: yes12:31
coreymon77with this new atheros chip card12:31
misaeli do not have kasablanca in my repos12:31
sungamSupremeBeing: did it give any warnings when you boot?12:31
coreymon77what would it be?12:31
SupremeBeingsungam: No, just froze12:31
coreymon77iwconfig what12:31
sungamSupremeBeing: but when you booted in rescue mode12:32
intelikeycoreymon77 at0  ???12:32
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intelikeycoreymon77 just a guess12:32
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=== Dekkard [n=right@adsl-67-38-18-126.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
coreymon77and i was told that cards with atheros chipsets worked right out of the box12:33
coreymon77with kubuntu12:33
Dekkardhi.. my name is mike... and im a kdeuser!12:33
FlameMasterhey guys, how do I tell kubuntu edgy that my BIOS clock doesn't have the UTC time (but local time instead)?12:33
coreymon77is that true?12:33
sungamcoreymon77: they should, madwifi supports them12:33
SupremeBeingsungam: No errors or warnings12:33
coreymon77okay good12:33
SupremeBeingabattoir:btw hello again12:33
soaaokay, does anyone nere now know how to set up Knetworkmanager to work properly?12:34
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intelikeycoreymon77 i'm network illiterate if you were asking me. ;/12:34
sungamSupremeBeing: are you in rescue mode now?12:34
SupremeBeingsungam: In windoze now12:34
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sungamSupremeBeing: but you've tried booting into rescue mode and checking if there's any broken packages?12:35
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coreymon77now, in order to get my internet working on the ralink card, i had to type the command, sudo iwconfig ra0 essid [essid]  key [wep key] , press enter and then enter my root password12:35
FlameMasterhey guys, how do I tell kubuntu edgy that my BIOS clock doesn't have the UTC time (but local time instead)? <-- I give it the correct regional configuration (UTC -5), but since it thinks my BIOS time is UTC, it gives me some wacky time12:35
gentoo-newhey guys, i am attempting to configure a pci ethernet card (Ethernet controller: Linksys 21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet (rev 11), and though it sees it in the system, i can't access the internet via dhcp. any ideas?12:35
coreymon77somehow (i forget how) i was told by someone here how to set it so that command ran automatically12:35
abattoirhi SupremeBeing :)12:35
coreymon77how do i get the atheros command to run automatically on start12:36
misaeli do not have kasablanca in my repos12:36
misaelhow do i get it?12:36
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SupremeBeingsungam: I don't know how to check for broken packages12:37
SupremeBeingsungam: is that the -f thing?12:37
sungamSupremeBeing: I tol you :) sudo apt-get -f check12:37
SupremeBeingsungam: ok, thanks =)12:37
sungamSupremeBeing: at least I think that will do it ;)12:37
SupremeBeingsungam: I'll give it a shot when I reboot12:37
sungamSupremeBeing:  :)12:37
FlameMasterhey guys, how do I tell kubuntu edgy that my BIOS clock doesn't have the UTC time (but local time instead)? <-- I give it the correct regional configuration (UTC -5), but since it thinks my BIOS time is UTC, it gives me some wacky time12:38
aj_misael, open adept, then click the adept tag and manage repositories, rt click  those you want then save and exit12:38
larson9999SupremeBeing: you can do a 'man apt-get' to see12:38
SupremeBeinglarson9999: to see what? broken packages?12:38
intelikeyFlameMaster mmm   man tzconfig    maybe...12:38
larson9999SupremeBeing: what the -f means12:38
FlameMasterintelikey: I'll check that12:38
SupremeBeinglarson9999:  aha12:38
intelikeyFlameMaster if not i'll look around.12:39
sungamcoreymon77: is your network card in now?12:39
FlameMasterintelikey: thanks, please do12:39
towyncabattoir are u here?12:39
abattoirtowync: yup12:40
towyncabattoir: cool i need more help with the karamba thingy =)12:40
towynci did save link as12:40
towyncnow it's a .php file hehe12:40
towyncbut before when kate opened it, it was a .skz file12:40
towynci clicked the mirror link on http://liquidweather.net/downloads.php download section12:40
abattoirtowync: hmmm... ok do one thing, right click, copy link location...12:40
Admiral_Chicagois the bot broken or something?12:41
towyncabattoir cool done12:41
abattoirtowync: open a terminal, and enter 'wget <link goes here>'12:41
abattoirtowync: that should download the .skz file to the correct location12:41
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sungamcoreymon77: if it is, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75451 may be a solution. Haven't tested it, though, so I don't know :)12:42
towyncabattoir cool, where is that location12:42
towyncabattoir: would that be desktop?12:42
abattoirtowync: meant 'current' sorry12:42
abattoirtowync: should be home dir.12:42
towyncok, right now i did the wget12:42
abattoirtowync: is there a .skz file?12:43
towyncand the last line of msg blah.skz saved, but it doesn't go back to comman promt12:43
towynclet me check12:43
towyncabattoir: this .skz file is saved: phpmyvisites.php?url=http://www.message.co.nz/~matt-sarah/lwp-13.3.1.skz12:44
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abattoirtowync: hmmph12:44
towynci think all i'd need is lwp-13.3.1.skz right12:44
abattoirtowync: but is the .skz file valid?12:44
towynci don't know hehe12:44
abattoirtowync: how big is it?12:44
towynclet me check12:45
towync484 B12:45
towyncprobably not right hehe12:45
abattoirtowync: ok, it's not12:45
towyncshould i just wget the url above12:45
=== fowlduck [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
towyncas in http://www.message.co.nz/~matt-sarah/lwp-13.3.1.skz12:45
abattoirtowync: yes, please try that12:45
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towynccool, trying12:46
=== abattoir wonders if things like these are konq. bugs or stuff that needs to be done serverside
towyncok that seems to work12:46
towynci have no idea what that means but hopefully they fix it hehe12:46
towyncis there save target as on ur browsers?12:47
abattoirtowync: it's the same as Save Link as12:47
towyncyay so now in ~ directory i get lwp-13.3.3.skz12:47
towyncand it's 12.4 kb12:47
towyncis that right?12:47
abattoirtowync: doesn't seem right12:47
abattoirtowync: could you refresh?12:47
towynci'm too new at this hehe =)12:48
abattoirtowync: it's 4.2 MB12:48
towyncoo shux12:48
=== qbert [n=qbert@cpe-68-206-121-134.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
towyncwait in the wget msg12:48
towyncit actually says 4.2 mb completed12:48
abattoirtowync: F5 if you are in konqueror12:48
qbertId like to make F-10 maximize window, where to I set that again in KDE ?12:48
towyncah cool now it's the right size =) thx12:49
abattoirtowync: or just click that button on top ;)12:49
towyncyeah it's 4+ mb now =)12:49
towyncso now i just use karamba?12:49
towynci forgot ur earlier msg sorrie =)12:49
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towyncit's too up there, but let me try find =)12:49
abattoirtowync: yeah, you have superkaramba installed right?12:49
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abattoirqbert: System Settings->Keyboard & Mouse->Keyboard Shortcuts, if you are using edgy12:50
towyncabattoir: darn it, it says i don't have ImageMagick installed12:51
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abattoir!info imagemagick12:51
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com12:51
intelikeyok somebody with a correct kde clock and using something besides utc timezone with hwclock set to utc  could you tell me what your /etc/adjtime says please ?12:51
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intelikeyoh are we in net split state  ???12:52
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abattoirtowync: install it either through adept or w/ 'sudo apt-get install imagemagick'12:52
LjLintelikey: don't think12:53
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UbotwoThis is a temporary Ubotu replacement.12:53
LjLno ubotu just timed out12:53
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smaggardhey :D12:54
smaggardwhats a net split?12:54
qbertabattoir, thx12:54
intelikeywhen servers de-sync from each othere12:54
sungamintelikey: http://rafb.net/paste/results/g3lEsz44.html12:54
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smaggardthats bad im guessing12:55
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abattoirqbert: np12:55
intelikeysungam ty.12:55
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sungamintelikey: np12:57
cntb-guestsmaggard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:57
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intelikeysmaggard yes  it devides the users in the channel into groups and them sometimes causing nick collisions when they try to re sync   you might find your self being kicked out by nickserv  if you have auto kick enabled and the split doesn't last long enough for a timeout.     nothing major as far as the user is concerned.12:59
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smaggardah i c01:01
intelikeynormally lots of part messages all of a sudden   then latter lots of join messages...01:02
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=== sungam 's nickword password only works when he's in windows, for some weird reason
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:12
=== killermach_ [n=killer@www.davidkillingsworth.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines01:15
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killermach_I have speckles/pixels on buttons in Ubuntu, they disappear when I mouse over them and stay clear after mousing out. I cannot figure out where to check my video card settings to see if the correct drver is being used, everything else looks good01:17
killermach_I have a laptop with ATI Radeon Mobile in it01:17
=== computer is now known as towync
towyncabattoir: hi, thx, i did the apt-get imagemagick and everything worked out fine =) thx alot01:17
towyncabattoir: i restarted comp lol =)01:17
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SupremeBeingabattoir: how long will you be on tonight?  I'll be booting kubuntu soon01:18
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killermach_I have clicked System -> Administration, but do not find the video card driver selectable anywhere01:18
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billytwowillyanyone have any experience with slowly dieing laptops? If the USB sub system just went how long till the whole laptop is fuxored do you think?01:18
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:19
towyncdoes anyone know how i can start superkaramba theme automatically on login?01:19
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:19
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towyncdoes anyone know how i can start superkaramba theme automatically on login?01:20
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Jucatotowync: you either: 1) leave them open when you logout and set KDE to "Restore from previous session" or 2) make a link to the superkaramba theme in ~/.kde/Autostart01:21
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towyncJucato: thx alot01:22
towyncJucato: is there a guide to the second optino online?01:22
Jucatotowync: none that I know of, but here's how you could do it:01:23
fyrmedicAnyone here good at squid?01:23
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towyncJucato: cool thx, i checked out my ~/.kde/Autostart directory, there's one file called .directory in it01:24
Jucatotowync: easiest way: open up 2 Konqueror windows (or if you're better with tabs, 1 konqueror with 2 tabs). set on window/tab to ~/.kde/Autostart, and set the other one where the SUperkaramba .theme is located01:24
towynccool, *trying*01:25
Jucatotowync: drag-n-drop the SK .theme to the ~/.kde/Autostart window and select "Link Here" from the menu that pops up01:25
killermach_where do I configure xorg?01:25
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towyncis Sk.theme the name of it?01:25
towynci did a search on locator bar for *.theme files, i can't find the SK.theme01:26
Jucatonot SK.theme. SK = Superkaramba01:26
towyncso the file name should be superkaramba.theme?01:26
eyelesskillermach_: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:26
aj_killermatch: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:26
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towyncshould be whatever i downloaded?01:26
towyncwhich i don't remember hehe =)01:26
Jucatotowync: it can be anything. usually the file name ends in .theme01:26
towynci just remember downloading a .skz file01:26
Jucatoor that01:26
killermach_eyeless: I was hoping for a drop selection of video drivers01:27
towyncand then opening it with superkramba01:27
Jucatotowync: yes a .skz will also do01:27
sungamintelikey: did you get your clock right?01:27
Jucato.skz is like a Superkaramba Zip file01:27
towyncic, i don't have to unzip it right01:28
eyelesskillermach_: hmmm, i dunno about that, i never needed to do that :P01:28
towyncjust dump it in the autostart directory?01:28
Jucatotowync: yep. no need to unzip. it's executable01:28
towyncJucato: thx so much, i'm trying that out =)01:28
killermach_eyeless, me either.. the default install of Mandrake 9.2 worked fine, I suppose I expected that Ubuntu 6.06  would do better01:30
eyelesswhats the safest way to change the default jvm(/usr/bin/java) in kubuntu?01:30
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robotgeekeyeless: change to what?01:30
eyelesskillermach_: what is it that doesnt work?01:30
Jucatoeyeless: "sudo update-alternatives --config java"01:30
eyelessrobotgeek: to suns java01:31
Jucatoeyeless: that's in the java page, too. a bit way down though01:31
eyelessi have it installed but its hidden in /usr/var or something :O01:31
eyelessahh ill check again, ty01:31
killermach_Download Tools01:32
killermach_Editing and Forms 01:32
killermach_eyeless: my default installation on my laptop with ATI Radeon mobile, some X buttons get verticle pixel lines on them, when I mouse over them, they clear up and remain clear on mouse out01:32
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malik__hi can any one tell me how do i install a .deb package in kubuntu?01:34
killermach_eyeless: Dragen in #ubuntu suggests reloading the theme, I'll try that in a while01:34
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eyelessJucato: found it, thanks a lot :P01:35
Jucatomalik__: right-click on the .deb, select Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package01:35
abattoirmalik__: rt.click->Kubuntu Package Menu..01:35
abattoirhmmph :P01:35
Jucatoheh :)01:35
malik__thanx heaps guyz01:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about howtoadept - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto01:38
der_steppenwolfdoes someone knows about character sets?01:38
robotgeekder_steppenwolf: what do you mean?01:39
jdiwnabI'm getting a shell error code 255 when I try to run a PHP script. Does anyone know what error code 255 is01:39
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towyncJucato : thx alot, all the superkramba themes are working now =)01:47
malcolm_how do i set my default web browser to firefox?01:48
Jucatomalcolm_: System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser (if you're in Edgy)01:48
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JucatoSystem Settings -> KDE Components -> Default Applications -> Web Browser (if you're on Dapper, iirc)01:48
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towynchow is kde better/different then gnome?01:49
robotgeektowync: everything is just a little bit "nicer" :)01:49
Jucatocareful with the question :)01:49
malcolm_i'm in system settings, but can't fine default applications01:49
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kai_wher could I check setting up joysticks?01:49
robotgeekJucato: its okay in #kubuntu01:49
Jucatomalcolm_: dapper or edgy?01:49
malcolm_nvm i found ti01:49
Jucatoheh :)01:49
towynccool =) looks like i chose the right one going with kubuntu =)01:50
towyncbut there seemed to be alot more support for ubuntu01:50
malcolm_idk what  i have, but it was in kde components01:50
towynci remember trying to figure out what the heck gedit was in kubuntu01:50
towyncthen i settled with kwrite lol01:50
robotgeektowync: kate01:50
towyncyeah that too =)01:50
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Jucatomalcolm_: you're on Dapper. and I did make a follow up about where to find it in dapper01:50
towynci just releaized =)01:50
towynchey tony01:51
towynchaven't talked to you before but i've seen u around last couple days hehe01:51
tony__i am new to kubuntu...i can't believe i did it...i figured out the dual boot01:52
towynccongrats =)01:52
tony__everything works great...got beryl/aiglx installed and working01:52
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tony__just one question...any way to change the k-menu start icon01:52
kai_wasup tony__01:52
tony__was thinking of changing it to a kubuntu icon or something01:53
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tony__any help would be much appreciated01:53
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.01:55
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Jucatotony__: <apt> Instructions for changing the K menu icon: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/faq/panel.html#id2551958 . Alternatively, use kbfx01:55
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:55
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tony__thanks jucato...i'll try the url..not sure what kbfx is either..sorry i'm a noob01:56
towyncyeah thx jucato earlier too, for setting up the superkaramba for me =)01:58
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larson9999i don't think i'm ready for transparency and cubed windows02:01
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towynci am so ready for transparency and cubed windows02:05
towyncbut i can't get beryl to work =(((02:05
towynci want feisty *sniff sniff* =)02:05
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kdc1956anyone know how to setup so you can watch dvd movied02:14
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sungamkdc1956 > !restricted02:20
sungamother way aroound :)02:20
sungamalthough he left...02:20
robotgeektoo bad.02:20
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:20
robotgeekoh well...02:21
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BlueMagehow can I get VMWare working?02:29
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2 (edgy), package size 11602 kB, installed size 31336 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)02:29
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare02:30
LjLyou can use www.easyvmx.com to create new virtual machines for it, since the player doesn't allow that intrinsically02:30
BlueMageokay, thanks02:30
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draikWhere can I get flash 9?02:34
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:34
robotgeekdraik: i think your best bet at this point of time is the adobe site02:35
draikrobotgeek: I'm at the adobe site, but got nothing02:35
robotgeekdraik: what is your architecture?02:35
BackPackerI installed Ubuntu 6.06 from a magazine DVD that also included KDE. I logged out of Gnome and back into KDE but it still uses gdm on booting. To use kdm instead, is it enough just to install the kdm package and uninstall gdm, or would I need to do more?02:36
Jucatodraik, robotgeek: Flash 9 beta 2 is available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports02:36
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Jucato!info flashplugin-nonfree edgy-backports02:37
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.68~ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386)02:37
draikrobotgeek: Edgy02:37
draikrobotgeek: i38602:37
Jucato!info flashplugin-nonfree dapper-backports02:37
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper-backports), package size 12 kB, installed size 100 kB (Only available for i386)02:37
Jucatothat's just not right :P02:37
der_steppenwolfdoes kubuntu support ascii character set for the file systems?02:37
Jucatodraik: enable edgy-backports, you can get Flash 9 beta 202:37
der_steppenwolfit is annoying that you can't see correctly the character of files02:38
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draikJucato: I have them enabled02:38
linopilisapnp noot in edgy ?02:38
Jucatodraik: sudo apt-get update?02:38
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majnoonok trying to install this02:40
draiksays that the flashplugin-nonfree is already updated02:40
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BackPackerCan anyone answer my kdm question?02:40
Jucatodraik: um.. ok... hold on... this is strange...02:40
method|is there a good newsreader that supports nzb's besides klibido02:40
draikJucato: Yup02:40
method|for some reason klibido isnt reading nzb's correctly02:40
majnooninstall script crashed :(02:40
draikDo I want the installer or stand alone player?02:41
gnomefreakinstaller to view flash sites02:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newsreader - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
gnomefreakstand-alone woul dbe to make them or view downloaded flash movies02:41
gnomefreakmethod|: akregator?02:41
draikgnomefreak: Installer it is02:42
Jucatodraik: can you do an "apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree"?02:42
gnomefreaknot so much a news reader though but i have my news on an rss feed to there02:42
majnoonok i'm on the net is there a script i can download to install this ??02:42
draikJucato: Yeah. What info do you need?02:42
Jucatodraik: how many versions are listed?02:42
gnomefreakmajnoon: what ar eyou installing?02:43
Jucatodraik: do you have something like ""?02:43
gnomefreakdraik: what are the 2 repos listed ;)02:43
majnoonkubuntu  on cd it SAYS version 6.06 lts02:43
draik9. 002:44
gnomefreakmajnoon: to download the ISO go to kubuntu.org02:44
draik7.0.68~ubuntu3 002:44
draikThose are the 202:44
Jucatodraik: if that's the one on top, then you already have Flash 9 beta 202:44
Jucatoapt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree02:44
draikJucato: Yup, 9 is on top02:44
Jucatoso there, you have Flash 902:44
gnomefreakmajnoon: wait you wan tto install it and you have a cd already?02:44
I_Eat_PlasticIs it possible to watch .wmv's?02:44
JucatoI_Eat_Plastic: yes. install the w32codecs02:45
majnoonnm it LOOKS like it running now02:45
gnomefreakmajnoon: just pop the cd in and reboot in the bios make sure you are booting to cdrom first02:45
draikJucato: Version: 7.0.68~ubuntu302:45
Jucato!w32codecs | I_Eat_Plastic02:45
ubotuI_Eat_Plastic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:45
gnomefreaknite Jucato02:45
I_Eat_PlasticThank you.02:45
Jucatodraik: apt-cache show will list the 2 versions, which version is listed as installed?02:46
Jucatognomefreak: bye! :)02:46
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majnoonnm it LOOKS like it running now02:46
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draikJucato: That's the thing. policy shows 9 as installed. show has version 7. What gives?02:47
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JucatoI might be wrong about policy... hold on02:47
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cpk1policy shows available and installed02:48
JucatoI presumed that the one on top will be the installed02:48
draikHow can I change "show" from stating v7?02:48
majnoonok 1 minor question to start (switching from mepis)02:48
Jucatodraik: hold on. you might not have Flash 9 installed after all02:49
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Jucatodid you do "sudo apt-get update"?02:49
majnoonif do auto partitionining it does 1 partition and 1 swap ??02:49
Jucatodraik: then "sudo apt-get upgrade"?02:49
draikI get nothing02:50
Jucatodraik: can you pastebin your sources.list?02:50
draikone sec...02:50
majnoonwas wondering if do auto partitionining it does 1 partition and 1 swap ??02:51
majnoonmepis did 1 for / and 1 for /home and 1 for swap02:51
BluesKajcan anyone suggest a utility for erasing dvdrws other the reformat option in K3B ?02:51
Jucatodraik: you are using us.archive.ubuntu.com?02:51
draikI think so02:52
rancewould someone take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35347/  I posted a writeup about a sound problem on a knew kubuntu install.02:52
rancewould someone mind looking at it02:52
Jucatodraik: there were problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com for the past days. I'm not sure if they've been resolved02:53
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draikI also get this... Jucato: PM02:53
majnoonand will dist upgrade get me latest version ??02:53
draikErr http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Sources02:54
draik  404 Not Found02:54
draikSorry, I thought the error would be longer02:54
Jucatodraik: do you mind changing to uk.archive.ubuntu.com temporarily? I'm not sure if the problem with the US archives has been fixed02:55
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draikI can't care less. As long as I get what I need and it's usable I'm happy02:55
majnoonJucato:  was wondering if do auto partitionining it does 1 partition and 1 swap ??02:55
Jucatomajnoon: afaik, yes02:55
majnoonTHAT good02:56
majnoonand will dist upgrade get me latest version ??02:56
Jucatodist-upgrade from?02:56
majnoon<<has 6.0602:56
Jucatoah you need very special instructions02:56
Jucatoand if you're just installing now, I suggest install directly to Edgy if you want02:56
draikUK for backports only or all?02:56
majnoondoing from cdrom got in mail02:57
Jucatodraik: try for backports only02:57
Jucato!upgrade | majnoon02:58
ubotumajnoon: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)02:58
majnoon<<semi used to deb derives02:58
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draikJucato: Nope. No upgrade for flashplugin-nonfree02:59
Jucatomajnoon: there are special instructions for upgrading from Dapper to Edgy02:59
majnooni can do that after install ??03:00
kai_wausp Jucato03:00
Jucatomajnoon: you should do that *after* the install :)03:00
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Jucatodraik: really strange...03:00
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majnoonAn error occurred while loading http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade:03:01
majnoonThe process for the http://wiki.kubuntu.org protocol died unexpectedly.03:01
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majnoondoes the live cd have lynx or links ??03:03
uwohi all. just compiled ffmpeg to encode videos for ipod - it works, but only with sudo. as normal user i get /usr/bin/ffmpeg: No such file or directory. any help?03:03
Jucatomajnoon: not that I'm aware of03:03
majnoonnope :(03:04
Jucatodraik: ok, I'm just going to work on a hunch. move everything to uk.archive.ubuntu.com, and disable Seveas's repo03:04
_sergiohello, why kubuntu shows incorrect us-ascii characters?03:04
Jucatodraik: and sudo apt-get update (as always)03:04
nagyvIf I can not get webcam chat working between my girlfriend (uses windows) and myself, I will switch back to windows. I am really disappointed now! :(03:05
draikk. One sec03:05
_sergiohagyv: use amsn03:05
nagyv_sergio: it does not recognizes my webcam, although any other program does03:06
majnoondoes the rep have the mplyerhq.hu ver of mplayer in it ??03:06
Jucatois there a png to .ico converter in KDE/Kubuntu/Linux?03:06
_sergioare you behind a firewall?03:06
kai_where can I go to get my joysticks working? is there a wiki for that too03:07
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draikJucato: Does nothing. Still where I'm at03:08
Jucatodraik: ok that's just so strange...03:08
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_sergioedgy has many problems with non-ascii characters, right?03:09
Jucatodraik: hm.. how did you install flashplugin-nonfree the first time?03:09
draiksame way03:09
Jucatoapt-get install?03:09
_sergiois there any solution?03:10
Jucatodraik: hm.. one last try. remove flashplugin-nonfree then reinstall it...03:10
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Jucatodraik: other than that, I'm stumped03:10
_sergionagyv: are you behind a firewall?03:10
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majnoonJucato: found the directions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php03:11
nagyv_sergio: yes, and could not find out how to set up my router (I think I have set it up)03:11
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Jucatomajnoon: no. don't follow those03:12
nagyv_sergio: now I am trying ekiga and sip, but I have never used it, my girlfriend neither, and actually we have no idea how to get it working03:12
Jucatomajnoon: on second thought... it's "almost" the same as the KubuntuUpgrade instructions03:13
Jucatomajnoon: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade this one is more complete03:13
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Kervandou you have /etc/init.d/hpijs file?03:13
Jucatoabh.. brb...03:13
garretI could use some help fixing an issue with KDE after upgrading to edgy, I do not have most of the features on the command bar at the bottom of the screen.03:14
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_sergionagyv: you have to open the port 1863 and then the ports 6891 to 690003:15
_sergionagyv: have u done it already?03:16
nagyv_sergio: not for 186303:16
coreymon77help people03:16
nagyv_sergio: do I need to reboot the router?03:16
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coreymon77i just installed my new alink101 pci network card03:17
coreymon77atheros cipset03:17
Erich-KHow can I find out how much RAM I have?03:17
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coreymon77now i load up kubuntu03:17
coreymon77and it automatically changed interfaces from ra0 (my old card) to ath0 (the new one)03:17
coreymon77i run the iwconfig command03:18
coreymon77and iwconfig says everyhtings all right03:18
coreymon77but i cant connect to the internet03:18
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majnoonok but it http NOT https03:20
draikJucato: You here?03:20
notechcan you ping anything by ip address?03:21
_sergionagyv: maybe03:21
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notechcoreymon77:  can you ping anything by ip address?03:21
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coreymon77not sure03:21
coreymon77id have to restart to check03:21
coreymon77so first check if i can ping anything03:22
coreymon77like my router03:22
coreymon77if i can?03:22
notechcoreymon77: if pinging works then the DNS(nameserver) entry is missing03:22
coreymon77(im in windows now so im gathering a list of things to do before i restart)03:22
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garretAll is there a command one can run to re-set KDE?03:23
draikHow do you install *.tar.gz?03:23
coreymon77notech, and how would i fix that?03:23
notechtar zxvf03:23
joschaHi, i'm getting my brand-new Intel 64Bit DualCore System tomorrow... can i use the AMD64 iso for install or should i go for the i386 iso?03:23
draikgarret: CTRL+ALT+[BACKSPACE] 03:23
notechcoreymon77: i'm not on kubuntu, wherever you configure interfaces03:23
draikgarret: sorry, that's to restart, not reset03:24
coreymon77whats the dns(nameserver)?03:24
draiknotech: thank you03:24
Erich-KHow can I find out how much RAM I have?03:24
uwohi all. ffmpeg works only with sudo, as regular user i get /usr/bin/ffmpeg: No such file or directory. anyone help?03:24
der_steppenwolfErich-K: free03:24
notechcoreymon77: either you get it from your isp and set it statically, or you get it from your isp or router by dhcp. either way you need to verify its there03:25
sungamuwo: try changing properties?03:25
coreymon77notech what is it though?03:25
Erich-Kder_steppenwolf: Thanks03:25
sungamjoscha: get a 686 disk :)03:25
uwosungam: which properties?03:25
notechcoreymon77: whats a DNS entry?03:25
sungamuwo:  two secs03:25
notechcoreymon77: its an ip address to whatever you are using for a nameserver, it translates ip addresses to url's03:26
coreymon77notech i mean the nameserver thing03:26
coreymon77whats the nameserver03:26
sungamuwo: try 'sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/ffmpeg'03:26
joschasungam: you mean i386?03:27
uwosungam: /usr/bin/ffmpeg - no such file or directory...03:27
sungamjoscha: no, I mean i686 if you can find one03:27
coreymon77notech whats the nameserver03:27
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sungamuwo: 'whereis ffmpeg'03:27
notechcoreymon77: since you don't seem to know it then i assume you never set it manually before. try to reconfigure the interface for dhcp03:28
uwosungam: ffmpeg is in /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg03:28
coreymon77oh no03:28
coreymon77i use static ips03:28
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sungamuwo: try 'sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' then :)03:28
joschathis would still be 32Bit, i don't know how much of kubuntu is compatible for 64Bit Processors03:28
notechcoreymon77: then you must have set a nameserver before with the old card, configure it again03:28
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uwosungam: still doesn't work - do i need to link it?03:29
majnoonjoscha: if i do that right away after reboot then shouldn't take too long (on cable isp)03:29
coreymon77i dont think i did with linux03:29
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sungamuwo: might be a good idea :)03:29
notechcoreymon77: had to, you can't resolve url's without one03:29
uwosungam: do you know how? just link file1 file2?03:29
coreymon77no i mean i dont think i set a static on linux03:30
coreymon77just windows03:30
sungamuwo: sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg03:30
sungamuwo: sudo ln -s <source> <dest>03:30
uwosungam: tnx !03:30
coreymon77notech what do i do if i cant ping ips03:30
notechcoreymon77: then your router probably issues ip's by dhcp, configure it for dhcp03:31
sungamuwo: did it work?03:31
coreymon77now lets say i cant ping ips03:31
coreymon77then what03:31
uwosungam: yes!03:31
notechcoreymon77: then you haven't gotten a correct ip address assigned to interface, or something wrong with the driver03:31
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sungamuwo: you came up with the solution, not me... enjoy :)03:31
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coreymon77notech, should i give you a link to the manufacturer page of the card i have?03:32
notechcoreymon77: you should start by making sure the interface is configured for dhcp03:33
coreymon77ill go do that now03:33
flaccidhow do i op myself on freenode on channel i have access in03:33
Jucatoflaccid: maybe they would know in #freenode (or #freenode-social)03:34
flaccidyou have to wait to voiced to speak03:34
flaccidwhich is usually a few hours03:35
majnoonJucato: : if i do that right away after reboot then shouldn't take too long (on cable isp)03:35
notechflaccid: /msg chanserv help op03:35
Jucatodepends on your connection and the server03:35
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majnoonthe stuff on the wiki03:35
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majnoon3 mb connection03:35
Jucatothat'd be ok I guess03:36
majnoonbecause this looks like a BARE BONES setup03:36
flaccidnotech: yeah i need more access apparently to op myself03:36
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dmarkeyanyone know much about KDM?03:37
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flaccida bit03:37
majnoon<<know enough to leave it alone03:37
dmarkeyhmm.. i dunno if this is possible but, say i set it to olny allow only graphical login per user03:38
majnooni THINK that is possible but no know HOW03:38
majnoontry kde.org03:39
dmarkeynono, i know its possible to only allow one graphical login03:39
draikJucato: I GOT IT! Thanks03:39
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dmarkeybut what i want to do is when the person logs into another location, thier session comes up from before03:39
coreymon77_i set a static03:40
coreymon77_and enabled the device] 03:40
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: ping03:40
coreymon77_and its works!03:40
notechworking is good03:40
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JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: pong03:42
Admiral_Chicagohow is it going?03:42
ironfroggyanyone know of a firefox extension that i can install on multiple boxes and sync which other extension i have installed?03:43
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coreymon77_ironfroggy: i know of one to sync bookmarks03:43
Admiral_Chicagoironfroggy: i think i've heard of one, but i don't recall it03:43
ironfroggycoreymon77_: no i want to sync extensions03:43
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majnoonthough FIRST thing me do will be get a tv program to watch tv during the update03:44
majnoonthis install ALMOST as slow as windoze03:48
majnoonbut you CAN use it during the install03:48
majnoonno remember putting root pass in here03:49
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majnoonok HOPEFULLY brb03:50
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kubuntuhello, where can i download wine for kubuntu?03:53
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:53
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kubuntudont be fucking cursing in here03:55
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LjLnot funny03:56
Jucatoat least he didn't say the f word explicity03:56
murrlin_test, sorry03:56
angasuleJucato: furry?03:56
Jucatoangasule: funky :)03:56
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:57
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majnoonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:03
majnoon  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed04:03
Jucatoare you following the steps in the guide?04:03
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:03
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
majnooninstall xorg first ??04:04
Jucatowhich step are you know in?04:04
majnoonapt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal04:04
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Jucatoyou're done with "apt-get -u dist-upgrade"?04:05
majnoonlet me see somthing i THINK me missed something04:05
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majnoonTHAT what me missed :)04:06
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majnoonno see any tv programs though04:06
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majnooncan i use some of the standard debian repos too Jucato??04:08
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majnooni do have a tv/radio card and don't see ANY tv/radio progams04:09
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BluesKajTVTime will work04:09
fyrmedicWhat app do I need to use to view logs from terminal04:10
majnoonit not listed in repo me think04:10
fyrmedicwill nano work?04:10
ubotutvtime: A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2.2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 636 kB, installed size 1768 kB04:10
majnoonno sound in amarok :(04:10
ubotukdetv: TV viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.9-1 (edgy), package size 1356 kB, installed size 5336 kB04:11
Jucatomajnoon: 2 tv viewers04:11
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Jucatomajnoon: trying to play mp3's?04:11
BluesKajXDTV as well04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xdtv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
Jucatoah you probably need some codecs.04:12
majnoonno SOUND04:12
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Jucatohave you tried playing other types of sounds? do system sounds work?04:13
majnoonsystem sounds work04:13
majnoonfat32 partitions work ok ??04:13
Jucatoit's a codec problem. you need to install those04:13
BluesKajI just installed xdtv .., needs mmpython and some xtra libs like libxdtv-i18n-
Jucatoyou can read/write from/to fat32, if that's what you mean04:14
majnoonnormal mount ??04:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:14
ironfroggywhy are new-style classes apparently slower than old-style classes? (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2006_12_02.shtml#e571)04:17
majnoonno playing mp3's04:18
ironfroggywrong chan...04:18
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sungam!restricted > majnoon04:22
killermach_easyubuntu is complaining that I don't have a public key on my system to authencate the install.... how do I fix this??04:22
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Jucato!mp3 | majnoon04:23
ubotumajnoon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:23
Jucato!multiverse | majnoon04:23
ubotumajnoon: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:23
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lost123i need some help04:24
fyrmedicWhat app do I need to use to view .log files in terminal? Or will nano work for that?04:24
Realisticohow do I get WMA,WMV and the rest to play on ubuntu KDE04:24
lost123im tring to get kubuntu 6.10 running...04:24
RealisticoWhat do you mean with running?04:25
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JucatoRealistico: download and install w32codecs04:25
Jucato!w32codecs | Realistico04:26
ubotuRealistico: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:26
lost123when i enter start from the cd it...04:26
RealisticoWhere do I get W32codecs04:26
lost123when i boot from the live cd...04:26
JucatoRealistico: fromthat RestrictedFormats page04:26
lost123and press start or watever04:26
lost123some green loading text comes at the top and then the kubuntu loading screen comes04:27
RealisticoDo you have a good working cd?04:27
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lost123after long while...i kust get a black screen with a curser(u know what i mean...like a DOS screen) but i cant type anything...04:28
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majnoonmy video is screwy04:29
lost123is this ment to happen...04:30
lost123i think so...04:30
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majnoonno can play *&%^*&^*&^C mp3's04:31
lost123iv been tring ti get htis thing to work for ages....04:31
lost123am i ment to just wait....04:31
=== FlameMaster [n=flamemas@ppp-36-115.telesat.com.co] has joined #kubuntu
lost123whats ment to happen after thee loading screen??04:31
lost123and how long is it ment load for....04:32
Realisticoit depents on how much ram you have.. try getting 512+04:32
FlameMasterhelp! I was messing with Beryl and now all my windows' titlebars are gone! any suggestions?04:32
lost123iv got 1 gig...04:33
lost123so whats ment to happen after the loading screen??04:33
Realisticoshould not take too long to load. It is possible that you have a damaged cd04:34
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FlameMasterhelp! I was messing with Beryl and now all my windows' titlebars are gone! any suggestions? <-- maybe if someone could sent me a backed-up profile (beryl+aiglx)?04:34
lost123how do i check?04:35
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i\oDoes anybody know an essay way that I could have my compute automatically back up a certain directory by zipping it and sending it to an ftp .. on a scheduled basis (in the background)?04:39
FlameMasterhelp! I was messing with Beryl and now all my windows' titlebars are gone! any suggestions? <-- maybe if someone could sent me a backed-up profile (beryl+aiglx)?04:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:40
ubotumpg123: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.60-3 (edgy), package size 129 kB, installed size 324 kB (Only available for i386 alpha powerpc m68k arm sparc hppa)04:41
=== al [n=al@adsl-068-159-113-005.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-5 (edgy), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB04:41
DragenFlameMaster: "messing with beryl".  What did you do?04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
FlameMasterDragen: I modified an option, and when I saved, my titlebars went poof04:41
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FlameMasterDragen: And I didn't have a saved profile04:41
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DragenFlameMaster: can you try restarting X by hitting CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE04:42
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FlameMasterDragen: Yes, maybe that will do. Too bad I can't do that on this box. restarting X/rebooting/shutdown will freeze my pc, and I have already reinstalled thrice. Anyways, I would have to reboot if I want to test...04:43
Dragenyou can try restarting beryl04:44
Dragentitlebars disappearing is a failure of Beryl04:44
FlameMasterDragen: Switched to KDEWin, closed beryl-manager, then started it again. Same thing :S04:44
DragenFlameMaster: ah you switched to KDE from Gnome?04:44
lost123help me somebody...04:45
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FlameMasterDragen. Nope. I'm using kubuntu, no gnome here.04:46
DragenFlameMaster: did you add these options to your xorg.conf file?  Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:46
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FlameMasterDragen: Nope.04:47
DragenFlameMaster: go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:47
FlameMasterDragen: I'm on my way04:47
FlameMasterDragen: I'm there04:48
DragenFlameMaster: Under your "Device" section and "Screen" section make sure you add this to it:04:48
DragenOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:48
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FlameMasterI can paste it anywhere?04:48
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:48
rancecould someone help me with strange sound card detection problem, Ive already read a lot of help, but I think this one is different, please check out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35361/04:48
FlameMasterDragen: what does that line do anyways?04:48
DragenFlameMaster: no, it goes IN the device and screen sections04:48
malik__hi guyz is there any way that we can make konqueror remember n open the last session after it was closed?04:49
DragenIt is a known fix to make beryl draw the titlebars.  sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.  It works for me though.04:49
FlameMasterDragen: do I have to restart X anyways? Because that would mean a reboot for me OTL04:49
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DragenFlameMaster: Most likely, yes04:50
FlameMasterDragen: hey dude, my pc frozes whenever I restart X/reboot/shutdown (kubuntu edgy amd64 on a Prescott EM64T cpu). I have already reinstalled thrice, to no avail. Any ideas?04:51
DragenFlameMaster: you running nvidia?04:52
FlameMasternope, i81004:52
cps1966use ctrl alt backspace to restart x04:52
FlameMasterDragen: it frozes with a black screen and a cursor on the top left corner, and it won't receive any input04:52
Dragencps1966: his machine freezes when he does that04:52
malik__plus sec problem if some1 can guide me thru is that when i log off screen goes black n nothin works n i have to restart the comp04:52
DragenFlameMaster: Hmm interesting.  Have you installed the latest official vid drivers?04:53
FlameMasterDragen: even Alt+SysRQ+B won't work, until after some minutes04:53
malik__even ctr alt backspace doesnt work04:53
FlameMasterDragen: well, I guess they are. Latest kubuntu and all, it's not like Intel drivers change that much04:53
FlameMastermalik__: same problem here, kinda04:53
TelrothI'm planning on doing some major updates to my system (new proc, new mobo, new ram, new graphics card). I'd really like to not install kubuntu again. What changes would I need to make to my configs to set up the new hardware correctly? (keeping same proc family, P4->core 2 duo (both x86))04:54
DragenFlameMaster: Latest drivers make a huge difference and solves a lot of problems.  that's usually the first place to start04:54
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FlameMasterDragen: sudo aptitude update xserver-xorg-driver-i810?04:55
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DragenFlameMaster: If that works, it's totally worth a shot.  Just be prepared.. I also suggest making a backup of your xorg.conf file just in case.04:55
malik__but one thing u guyz might wanna know is when i have 2 users logged in n then i log off one n x crashes n then if press alt f7 it takes me back to login screen for the session of the user which is still there04:56
malik__but with one user logged on its just a pain04:56
malik__any ideas?04:58
FlameMasterDragen: Ok, so http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1646660 might work. I'll try and see what happens. I'll be back.04:59
DragenOk FlameMaster, good luck!04:59
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majnoon 123kB/s 20m29s << not too bad speed for down loads05:00
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malik__guyz just one more question.......is it worth installing opera on kubuntu?05:02
malik__n if i do is it hard to make multimedia codecs work with opera?05:02
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solid_liqmalik__: just install it and see, Opera works well05:04
majnoonopera USUALLY uses mozilla/firefox codecs/plugins no problem05:04
rancecould someone help me with strange sound card detection problem, Ive already read a lot of help, but I think this one is different, please check out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35361/05:04
majnoonkeyword is USUALLY05:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
sungammajnoon: what's the issue with i810?05:10
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majnoonthat my video card05:12
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fyrmedichow do I read .log files in terminal?05:23
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ubotuxawtv: X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 227 kB, installed size 656 kB05:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xdetv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:25
ubotukdetv: TV viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.9-1 (edgy), package size 1356 kB, installed size 5336 kB05:25
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tony__anyone here use a firewall?05:27
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FaU|cOnhi ! i have a problem with my orinoco based card (chipset HermesI). fresh install of Edgy.  when i try iwconfig eth0 mode monitor i got : Error for wireless request "set mode" (8B06)  set failed on device eth0; invalid argument05:31
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tony__FaU|cOn: sorry, i wouldn't know, maybe someone will show up that does05:34
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killermach_where are the games like chromium or openGL games for ubuntu?05:37
tony__killermach_: have you tried apt-cache search?05:38
killermach_tony__: nope.. been browsing synaptic05:38
tony__killermach_: "apt-cache search opengl" or games05:39
killermach_ok.. I did search games, and I looked in the Games Section..I'll look for openGL05:39
tony__it should be in the default repositories05:40
killermach_no chromium or opengl games.. this is a new install, maybe I haven't configured something yet..05:40
killermach_my graphics ATI seem to be fine.. I have openGL screensavers05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about decss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
flaccidhmm why do i have these vmnet interfaces?05:41
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:41
tony__killermach_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories05:42
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tony__anyone in here run a firewall?05:45
FlameMasteris there a way to make kdesu not ask for my password for a fixed period of time at least?05:45
tony__FlameMaster: there's a way for it to not ask for a password, not sure about a limited time though05:45
FlameMastertony__: that will do.05:46
tony__FlameMaster: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_use_.22sudo.22_without_prompt_for_password_.28not_secure.2905:46
FlameMastertony__: do you know what do I have to do?05:46
FlameMastertony__: ah ok05:46
FlameMastertony__: thanks05:46
majnoondarn puter thinks bios set to utc05:47
FlameMastermajnoon: same here. can't find a way to fix that05:47
FaU|cOnis it normal that my pcmcia wlan card is named eth0 ?  should it be wlan0 ?05:48
musyadoes anyone know how to make lines show in kdevelop?05:48
musyai mean line numbers?05:48
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FlameMastertony__: uhhh does this work with kdesu too?05:48
tony__FlameMaster: not sure05:49
FlameMastertony__: I'll try anyways. thanks for your assistance.05:51
tony__no problem05:51
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computerhi everyone05:54
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towynchello all05:54
cpk1FaU|cOn: every system is different, but i suppose that might be... odd05:55
towyncdoes anyone use 2xav with realplayer?05:56
towyncor i guess my question is, is there anyway to adjust the playback speed in realplayer05:56
towyncon linux05:56
majnoonno tvprograms in apt-cache search05:58
cpk1majnoon: eh?05:58
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ubotuxawtv: X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 227 kB, installed size 656 kB05:59
majnoonlike that05:59
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:59
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cpk1add the correct repo05:59
majnoonok need to wait a while though :(06:00
majnoonCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:06:00
majnoon klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.06:00
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towyncis anyone able to adjust playback speed while watching webcast on linux realplayer10?06:01
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towyncis anyone able to adjust playback speed while watching webcast on linux realplayer10?06:01
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towyncoops sorry06:01
towyncspamed once =) lol06:01
towyncwhat aim should i download for linux? gaim looks ugly =(06:02
Jucatothere's Kopete06:02
towyncaim 1.5 doesn't look too much better, is there some IM program that can connect to aim but looks better?06:02
towynci use kopete but doesn't that lead me to gaim?06:03
cpk1kopete is pretty good06:03
cpk1towync: huh? i think you are confused, gaim and kopete both connect to the AIM server06:03
Jucatowhy would Kopete lead you to gaim?06:03
towynchehe how do i configure kopete again, right now when i click kopete, it leads automatcally to gaim06:03
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towynci don't know, i think the first time i tried kopotee, i use it to open gaim06:04
Jucatotowync: GAIM is not AIM06:04
cpk1and they are 2 very different programs06:04
towyncsorrie =) im complete newbie06:04
towynci c my aim buddy list in kopete right now, does that mean i'm good to go?06:05
cpk1you could also use kopete for irc if you wanted06:05
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bobsagetDCC SCHAT isoiledmypantaloon06:05
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towyncwhat about this wallet thing06:05
cpk1and you can use several other protocols with kopete as well06:05
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cpk1thats the kde password manager06:06
towyncsometimes, i forgot when, it comes up the wallet needing a password06:06
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max_what do i need to download for .wmv support06:07
towyncso now that i have kopete linked with aim automatically, how do i start irc? I looked at file, edit, and setting, nothing seems to match06:07
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cpk1towync: go to configure, accounts and then new06:09
max_what do i need to download for .wmv support06:10
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:10
tony__max_: i believe VLC plays them06:10
sungamI started beryl, and not only did it crash X, it reset my KDE configs :)06:10
xdrakcomo actualizo de dapper a edgy06:11
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Dr_willisnow thats a good crash.06:11
towyncwow this is nice06:11
sungam!it > xdrak06:11
towynccpk1: thx alot cpk106:11
sungamDr_willis: it is... and just a little bit annoying :p06:11
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Dr_willisI would almost have to think it was a 'user did somthing wrong' kind of problem. :)06:12
towyncis there someway to change the theme/skin/look of kopete? it still doesn't look as nice as the new aim on windows =), think i'm asking for too much tho hehe06:12
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sungamDr_willis: well.. not really... it happens every time I start beryl... so sure... it's something I've configured wrong, but it's still a pretty bad crash :)06:14
cpk1towync: its made to integrate with the look of kde06:14
Dr_willisTesting out Beryl on Sabayon Linux at the moment...  cute... for the first hour....06:15
Dr_willisnow its disabled. :)06:15
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towynccpk1:  ic, thx06:15
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milaksHi. I've installed Eclipse with CDT, but when I try to start Eclipse it breaks with message that an error ocurred and that I should see log for more details. Log file is here:http://rafb.net/paste/results/4wG8tZ47.html06:17
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milaks Does anyone know what is the problem?06:17
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milaksI've been to #eclipse but that channel is totaly useless06:18
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crimsuneclipse-cdt is fairly broken; it's being fixed for feisty06:18
milakscrimsun: well I dont know if it is CDT that makes problems in my case, since it doesnt worl even without CDT.06:19
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about AmIRC - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
tony__anyone recommend a good irc client besides Konversation?06:20
towynci want better looking kopete lol06:20
towyncit looks like aim1.506:20
towyncsort of lacking in eye-candiness06:21
ubotuksirc: IRC client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 713 kB, installed size 2412 kB06:21
Dr_williseye candy causes ocular cavities06:21
towyncdoes ksirc looked better? =)06:21
towynci really don't know what that means, but ok =)06:21
towyncsounds cool when u say it =)06:22
FlameMasterI'm wondering if there are frontends for irssi...06:22
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )06:22
Jucato"eye candy causes ocular cavities" == eye candy burns holes in your eyes? :P06:22
towyncyeah prolly, cuz i'd be staring at them for prolonged periods of time06:22
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towyncis there someone to change the look of kopete window? some other people have colorful skins =)06:23
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towynceven their scroll bar is colored, although i'm not too into that lol06:23
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tony__towync: they may be using a kde theme, not sure06:24
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towynctony_ cool thx06:25
towyncdo u actually see your name highlighted when i type your name before msgs?06:25
towynccuz it keeps showing up as plain black on my screen06:25
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tony__towync: not to say there's not a way besides a kde theme, wouldn't mind myself but too busy to look into it06:25
towyncyeah i should be studying for midterms + finals06:26
tony__yeah, shows up as red06:26
towynccool =)06:26
towyncjust making sure it works06:26
tony__towync: there's also konversation themes you can add. kde-look.org has lots of them06:27
towynco cool, thx so much, i'll look into that06:27
Jucatotony__: konversation themes? you mean kopete, don't you?06:28
towynci want both =)06:28
towynci'm still configuring everything, it's facinating, tho a bit too time consuming as well lol06:29
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Jucatothere are no "themes" for Konversation06:29
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towynci meant as much as i can get then hehe06:29
tony__Jucato: no, there's lots of different themes for kde apps06:29
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majnoon<<< getting this :( klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.06:30
towyncsweet, i like the kopete styles!06:30
tony__Jucato: smiley themes, i know, not much though06:30
Jucatotony__: not the same kind themes as Kopete06:30
JucatoKonversation doesn't have themes. only nicklist themes06:30
majnoontry themes.org06:30
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towynctsk, darn it, i g2g study, thx so much for the help everyone tony jucato  majnoon ( if u were talking to me just now with themes. org, i sure will go look even if u weren't talking to me), tho i hoped I could have contributed more, but that'll take awhile till i get used to all this =) see y'all06:31
majnoonJucato: what this do ?? apt-get -u dist-upgrade | grep ^' ' | xargs apt-get -y install06:32
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Jucatomajnoon: it upgrades anything else that was left out06:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
majnoonnot sure but not much left me think06:32
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FreddyMflaccid: worldtimeserver.com06:33
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flaccidFreddyM: huh?06:33
flaccidi want to disable utc06:33
majnoonhow fix this ??/06:34
majnoonCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:06:34
majnoon klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.06:34
majnoon .06:34
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FreddyMsorrt thought you meant universal time...06:34
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flaccidi do mean that06:35
majnoonJucato: how fix klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'. ??06:35
majnoonfor konquror06:35
Jucatonot really sure06:35
majnoonapt-get -u dist-upgrade | grep ^' ' | xargs apt-get -y install not showing ANYTHING06:36
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majnoonit doing SOMETHING not showing anything though06:37
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majnoontook away from grep on NOW it doing something06:39
QuozlPardon me, autojoined without knowing it.06:39
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flaccidyeah thats not the best technique in the kubuntu wiki entry, majnoon06:41
Jucatounfortunately, that's the one that works...06:41
majnoonflaccid:  how fix klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'. ??06:42
nata1how come it takes ages and forever to switch to administrationconsole in kde systempreferences?06:42
flaccidthat could be anything majnoon06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
majnoontrying to get webpages in konquror06:43
flaccidmajnoon: yeah i've had it before06:43
flaccidnot much you can do06:43
flaccidbesides bug the devs06:44
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towynci'm back again =)06:45
majnoontrying to reinstall kdebase-kio-plugins06:45
Jucatomajnoon: that may be unnecessary...06:45
Jucatoyou might want to try waiting after a reboot/restart06:45
Jucatoit might be caused by the upgrading process06:46
majnoonok installing firefox (just incase)06:46
Jucatooh, is there an app which allows a user to create, edit, and view MoinMoin wiki pages locally/offline?06:46
majnoonapache ??06:47
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towyncJucato: hello =), do you know how I can install the kopete theme I just downloaded?06:48
towynci downloaded a .tar.gz file and i unzipped it06:49
FreddyMJucato: popular guy today huh?06:49
towyncbut I'm not too sure how to apply the changes06:49
JucatoFreddyM: heh... :)06:49
towynche helps alot :0)06:49
Jucatotowync: Kopete -> Settings -> Configure... -> Appearance -> Chat Window -> Install...06:49
towyncyay thx so much =)06:50
majnoonok WISH ME LUCK06:50
towyncgood luck, hope everything works out with no errors =)06:50
FreddyMJucato: it's Admiral_Chicago btw, i'm using a liveCD in a computer lab. don't want to use Microsoft06:50
Jucatoheh I know who you are :P06:51
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morticihow do i throttle up my laptops cpu?06:52
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:54
majnoonTHAT WORKS06:55
=== majnoon does the happy dance
Jucatomajnoon: you can check if you've fully upgraded to Edgy by typing "lsb_release -a" in Konsole06:55
Jucatoto check if you've upgraded to KDE 3.5.5, go to Help -> About KDE in any KDE app06:55
majnoonNo LSB modules are available.06:57
majnoonDistributor ID: Ubuntu06:57
majnoonDescription:    Ubuntu 6.1006:57
majnoonRelease:        6.1006:57
majnoonCodename:       edgy06:57
majnoonthat right ??06:57
Jucatoer.. next time use !pastebin, ok? :)06:57
Jucatoyes that's right06:57
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majnoonok SORRY06:57
towyncjust testing to see what !pastebin is, so you don't have to type again =)06:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:57
Jucatono need to shout majnoon06:58
towynci just wanted to see what it was =)06:58
Jucatoit's ok06:58
towynco i thought u said i was shouting =)06:58
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towyncdoes anyone (yes, you lol) know how I can make Konsole transparent to the background?06:59
towynclike how they do in this link: does anyone (yes I'm thinking Jucato) know how I can make Konsole transparent to the background?06:59
towyncsorry i tought i pasted link06:59
towyncthere =)07:00
tony134340Jucato, yes, there's a plugin that can do it, forgot the name/link though07:00
=== Jucato redirects tony134340's answer to towync
majnoonwhere get tv software ??07:00
towyncty =)07:00
ubotuxawtv: X11 TV application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 227 kB, installed size 656 kB07:01
towynci'll try fetch it somewhere07:01
Jucatotony134340: plugin?07:01
tony134340i've tried xawtv but like tvtime much better07:01
Jucatotowync: Konsole -> Settings menu -> Schema -> Transparent Konsole07:02
Jucatotowync: if you want to make changes stick, Settings -> Save as Default07:02
tony134340towync, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4830307:02
towynccool thank you =)07:02
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Jucatotony134340: that wasn't even true transparency in the link towync gave07:03
majnoonbut where get tony134340 ??07:03
tony134340in case you didn't know, i am tony_, i'm just trying xchat so got a different nick07:03
towyncwelcome back =)07:03
uboturadio: ncurses-based radio application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB07:03
Jucatotony134340: do you realize that the "plugin" you just linked to requires XGL/Beryl?07:03
majnoonJucato: where get radio: ncurses-based radio application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB ??07:04
towyncooo i hate xgl/beryl now =) i can never get that to work lol07:04
tony134340Jucato, sorry, i'm busy and didn't take time to check but i thought i remembered there being one without beryl07:04
towyncjust waiting for feisty =)07:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:05
Jucatotony134340:  you can have pseudo-transparency with Konsole, without any plugins07:05
Jucatomajnoon: install it from Add/Remove Programs (check the "unsupported" box) or from Adept Manager07:05
tony134340Jucato, i know. there's also a console on kde-look that has true transparency without beryl07:05
majnoonok will check07:05
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FlameMasterhey, anyone here that listens to TTA (The True Audio, lossless codec) files? Do you know of any player with support for it? Because amarok (xine) doesn't (it seems)07:06
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SAngeliHi, can anybody please help me with k3b? I am unable to write dvd with +R? Anytyime I put a blank DVD in it does not like it and asks for an empty one. What to do?07:07
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FlameMasterSAngeli: download Nero linux?07:08
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towynccool i got konsole transparent07:10
towyncwell that was awhile ago but I thought I'd report progress lol07:11
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tony134340towync, you could try yakuake for transparency07:11
towynco okies07:12
ubotuyakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB07:12
Jucatoyakuake uses Konsole settings, so that would be easy07:12
towyncnice, thx alot =)07:12
towynco tony134340, I bookmarked your link as well =) one day, one day, one day when I have beryl set up after the finals, I'll most likely get to use that link =) thx07:12
towyncthat one day hopefully comes before feisty release lol07:13
towyncanyways =)07:13
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majnoonme THIN i found07:15
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.07:17
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dan__does anyone know if i can re-partition my hard drive without losing my data07:18
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tony134340dan__, none are perfectly fail safe but nothing you usually have to worry about07:19
dan__so if i just run qtparted i should be ok?07:19
tony134340dan__, i've had good luck with gparted07:19
tony134340yeah, i wouldn't worry07:19
dan__nice ok thanx07:19
FlameMasterdan__: I always ask for someone to lent me a external hd, backup all my stuff, then format07:20
FlameMasterI have installed kubuntu, mandriva, centos on the same drive (with a pair of ntfs volumes on that drive) a dozen times and I have not screwed up so far07:21
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tony134340FlameMaster, me neither except when using partition magic a few years ago, it went kaput in the middle of partitioning07:23
tony134340except then i wasn't tech'ed enough to know i could recover it so it was gone07:24
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towyncdoes any one know how I can make Konqueror look like the one in the link http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4800407:25
towyncnot the german part of course, but the lay out and the window transparency look =) thx in advance =)07:25
Jucatotowync: afaik, it is using the Crystal window decoration with Enable transparency turned on07:26
JucatoI'm not sure what the widget style is07:27
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flaccidjucato is the theme spotter master07:27
Jucatonot really. Crystal is the only windeco I know that allows transparent borders07:27
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SAngelihow to download nero for linux?07:28
SAngeliI do not see it in adept07:28
tony134340Jucato, yeah, i use it but the transparency seemed a bit buggy when i allow the transparency07:28
JucatoSAngeli: from the nerolinux website?07:28
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SAngelijes, but I have never installed an apps on kubuntu. I see at http://www.nero.com/eng/nerolinux-prog.html that I can download one of the two files. I assume this  downlaod NeroLINUX rpm trial version here is what I wish. right?07:30
towyncJucato: hehe thx alot, sorry i was afk for a bit talking to parents =)07:30
SAngeliJucato, I finished to download it. Now, how to install it?07:31
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Jucatono, not the .rpm07:31
JucatoSAngeli: download the DEB one07:31
SAngeliok will now07:32
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SAngelithen? Do I just click on it?07:32
dan__how do i go about re=partioning my hard drive07:32
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JucatoSAngeli: right-click -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install package07:33
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SAngelisorry Jucato where do I have to save the downloaded file?07:34
JucatoSAngeli: anywhere you like07:34
towyncJucato: so I just googled a bit and it says crystal window is already shipped with edgy, thank god lol, so how do I turn it on and activate its transparency?07:35
Jucatotowync: it's already on. it's the one you are using by default07:35
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Jucatotowync: go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Window Decoration07:35
towyncah ok, thx alot07:35
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SAngeliJucato, thank you . i did it07:35
JucatoBackground tab -> Enable transparency...07:36
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dan__can someone tell me how i can repartition my hard drive without formating07:36
towynccool, *trying it out*07:36
gatorsorry to but in guys - bran spankin noob here - Ive been working 3 day after work to get online with my usb wireless adapter - just got it working and frankly I had to tell someone...anywho how yall doin?07:37
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Hansyhi guys!!07:38
FlameMastergator: 'grats07:38
notechgator: well, glad you got it working :)07:38
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Hansyi'm trying to install Kubuntu 6.10 on my new PC, but it won't detect the SATA drive - can anyne help?07:39
Hansyi have a Sapphire Pure Performance motherboard07:39
notechHansy: new pc? is sata enabled in the bios?07:40
Hansyyes i tried as IDE, SATA and RAID no luck07:40
SAngeliJucato, thank you I am burning it now. I wonder how come k3b does not work where instead nero does?07:40
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notechHansy: sorry, i've never had sata yet07:41
JucatoSAngeli: I wouldn't really know... :)07:41
Hansyin fact i lie my options were only RAID, IDE and some ther thingie07:41
Hansyk well lemme try again.07:42
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:44
tony134340anyone know how to get a user list with xchat? is there a certain command?07:44
notechHansy: Asus motherboard?07:44
notechtony134340: you mean like /who ?07:45
towynci think i settled with kopete =) after i accepted how it looked lol07:45
tony134340notech: yeah, i guess. i'm new to irc and xchat doesn't show a user list like konversation07:45
notechtony134340: oh, try grabbing it on the right side and drag left07:46
SAngeliJucato, thank you. Have a nice day07:46
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JucatoSAngeli: you're welcome07:46
tony134340notech: oh, ok. thanks. it was there, just smunched up07:47
notechtony134340: yep, same happened to me :)07:47
towyncdo you know to change font color for konsole?07:47
towynci tried settings -> configure console ->07:47
tony134340notech: why is the kick option there? and what are the repurcussions if i kick someone out? lol07:48
towyncthen -> shell color but it wouldn't let me save =)07:48
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notechtony134340: it'll tell you that you can't. you can hide that with a setting in preferences07:48
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tony134340notech: cool, i like this a little better than konversation although the color scheme's not as readable to me07:49
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notechtony134340: you can change text colors and things in preferences as well. i tend to change the overall look with gtk themes07:50
notechtony134340: sorry, the kick and other buttons were under settings > advanced07:51
notechheh, no. sorry, that was to alter the commands07:52
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tony134340notech: yeah, i noticed. i'm gonna check for some themes for it07:53
notechtony134340: losing my mind, those buttons are under the 'view' menu item07:54
computer__does anyone know how to have konqueror start as the one in here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4800407:55
computer__my konqueror starts looking pretty ugly, with light blue background etc etc07:55
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tony134340notech: i don't seem to have a minimize button like konversation, is this normal?07:56
computer__i have a minimaize button07:56
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towynci have a minimize button =07:56
tony134340notech: the blinking icon in konv. was useful07:56
notechtony134340: should have all 3, min/max/x07:56
tony134340i mean, a minimized icon07:57
notechtony134340: oh, dunno. i use fluxbox so no icons07:57
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox07:57
towynci have minimized icon in my non fluxbox setup i think07:57
towyncit minimize to tray like any web page would07:58
notechtony134340: it shows in the taskbar doesn't it?07:58
notechtony134340: maybe i don't know what you mean by minimized icon07:58
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naddaranyone can help me with folow problem07:59
naddari have at home a router and my win pc can perfect internet.07:59
tony134340notech: i don't have a taskbar, i use the application switcher07:59
naddarhere at my work my kubuntu works fine, when i go home and i add my kubuntu on my router i cant internet07:59
notechnaddar: does your win box get its ip address by dhcp?08:00
tony134340someone help this man internet08:00
naddarand strange thing is i can reach my router with my kubuntu08:01
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notechnaddar: did you configure the interface on kubuntu to get its ip address by dhcp?08:02
musyanaddar: can you please explain what you are trying to do more clearly please?08:02
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naddarso i have a router, when i connect my cable to the router i get a IP08:02
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naddari can reach the webpage from my router08:02
naddarwhen i try to surf or chat or anything on the net it dont works08:03
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naddarwhen i start my windows on the same router it works fine08:03
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musyawhat if you connect directly to the internet without your router can you surf and such?08:04
notechcan you ping any outside ip addresses?08:04
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Morg`I have a question08:04
Morg`about Kubuntu08:04
naddari gues its a route problem but why i can reach the url then08:04
Morg`I've never installed an OS before and I don't know how to burn the cd08:05
Morg`as a data CD or as bootCD08:05
notechnaddar: you reach the router by ip address and not url, right?08:05
naddarMorg`: you like to burn the kubuntu cd and start up with that right08:06
notechMorg`: normally as an iso image08:06
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naddarnotech: i can reach the url yeah08:06
naddarMorg`: you have windows on your pc right08:06
Morg`yes, I know it should be like an image, but should it be a bootable CD08:06
Morg`I have an XP08:06
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naddarMorg`: install burnatonce search for it in google (its free) and there open image burn the kubuntu cd boot and have fun08:07
notechnaddar: can you ping, which is a google ip address?08:07
Morg`ok, 10x a lot :)08:07
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naddarnotech: no i can't ping do a tracert ect08:07
notechnaddar: yeah, sounds like a router config issue then. probably need to check the routers as all routers are a bit different08:08
notechrouters docs08:08
naddargone check it tongiht again, lol08:09
naddaryeah gone search for it, 1 thing i learn in linux READING :)08:09
naddarbut its fun08:09
notechbut this isn'r linux reading now :)08:09
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musyanaddar: what type of router do you have?08:10
naddarmusya: its a router & print server from sweex08:10
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naddarbut i have a few other here at my work gone check once that08:10
naddarand try :)08:10
naddari borrow here 1 :)08:10
notechi use a cisco router so i know its nothing like mine to configure. heh08:10
=== ubuntu is now known as FreddyM
RoKFiTdoes anyone know if i can upload songs to an mp3 player phone through USB?08:11
naddarRoKFiT: did you read the manual? what phone you have?08:12
musyanaddar: i have never used there routers but login to you router and see if the virtual server or firewall is blocking your ip address. and can  you connect if you connect directly to your computer not through the router.,08:12
RoKFiTthe guy in the shop said windows08:12
RoKFiTcan it hurt to plug it in?08:13
notechnever tried a phone, but try 'tail -f /var/log/messages' then plug it in and see if it gets recognized and assigned a /dev/08:13
naddarmusya: here at my work it have security chap and pap so have to go to a url to get internet access08:13
RoKFiTdoesn't linux auto-detect usb?08:13
notechshouldn't be able to hurt it by plugging it into a usb port08:13
RoKFiTbut does kde auto detect usb?08:14
naddarthat can be the problem to that my kubuntu things that i'ml here at my work08:14
musyawait your not at work?08:14
musyabut your using your work computer right?08:14
naddarnow i am, :)08:14
musyais your work on dhcp?08:15
musyaor static ips08:15
naddaryeah but its my own installation of kubuntu :) i'm the administrator here :)08:15
notechRoKFiT: it should, by theory anyway ;)08:15
musyaright but is your kubuntu on dhcp or static?08:15
naddarRoKFiT: the best thing you can do is check some forums google for it and you will find a ms soft or a linux soft that works for that08:16
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naddarmusya: my kubuntu is on dhcp08:16
musyawhats your ip?08:16
notechnaddar: does ifconfig show it getting a valid ip for your LAN?08:17
musyanaddar: how are you connected now?08:18
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naddarnotech: I get IP GATEWAY ECT all normall08:18
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naddarbut i will check the config once of the router, i gues it only can be a firewall problem08:19
notechcan the win box ping the kubuntu box?08:19
musyai think it is a problem with your router connect and see.08:20
naddaryeah anyway thanks for the info guy's08:20
naddarA complete other question, somebody know a good tool to shrink dvd's in linux :)08:21
notechwhat router model number?08:21
FreddyMwhat command can i run to see what printers I have?08:23
FreddyMI'm looking at this "Canon" but i want to know the model number if possible08:23
RoKFiTwell that sucks08:23
musyanaddar: what do you mean shrink dvds? what type of dvds08:24
naddarnotech: i'm at work at the moment i can't check that. Sorry thanks anyway to help08:24
naddarmovies 8gb into 4gb08:24
notechFreddyM: can't physically look at the printer to get its model number off of it?08:24
notechnaddar: ok08:25
FreddyMnotech: i would, but i'm in a large building and I don't know where they are08:25
naddarmusya: linke dvdschrink in ms world :)08:25
FreddyMi can find the printer by model number though08:25
musyai dont know of a program in linux but i can do it in windows08:25
naddarmusya: ok gues its more easy for that to do it in windows.08:26
RoKFiThow do i make directory as root08:26
musyai get delayed responses from my keyboard and mouse to my screen sometimes do you guys know why that is? the keyboard or the video card, im running it off of the motherboard right now.08:26
musyaRoKFiT: sudo mkdir08:27
notechFreddyM: nothing that i know of unless they put its model in as a comment or share name, assuming its a windows shared printer08:27
notechnaddar: k9copy or xdvdshrink, if kubuntu has them08:27
musyanaddar: i dont know if you got my messge...i have a thing come up about private messagging08:27
FreddyMnotech: no it's not, thanks anywyat08:27
naddarmusya: no i diddent get a message.08:28
musyayea i havent registered my private messaging, do you have yahoo or msn or anything08:29
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musyanotech: i didnt know linux has dvdshrink...wow08:30
notechi use both on my other linux distro box08:30
RoKFiTokay it gets recognized as a ttyACM0 USB ACM device08:30
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RoKFiTany ideas?08:31
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naddarmusya: yup have msn aol uh more? :)08:32
musyawhats your msn?08:32
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VgeHi, how do i modify file in kubuntu install if i cant login?08:35
Vgei was so darn good with ldap it prevents me from login08:35
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musyaVge: what is your problem again?08:38
Vgenaah, after like 20 mins waiting the OS let me boot on root without asking a password, let me see if i can alter the "messed up" file08:40
Vgemusya: or, can you paste  uptill "shadow" line from /etc/nsswitch.conf08:41
Vget took a backup from what was there :)08:42
musyai have never dealt with that, so i dont knwo how to really help you.....sorry...08:42
Vgemusya: i'm just asking what reads after passwd: in /etc/nsswitch.conf ?08:43
Vgei changed it to "files ldap", but my system was not really ready for it ^^08:44
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notechi'm not on kubuntu so not sure its the same, but i have... passwd: files compat08:45
musyalet me see08:45
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musyaVge: says compact08:46
notechcompact or compat ?08:46
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notechmusya: ^08:47
musyasorry compat08:47
musyado you want me to send the whole thing to you?08:47
Vgewould be cool08:47
musyahow do you select all in nano?08:47
notechi don't know nano08:48
Vgehmm, select only to "shadow" i have rest normal08:48
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morghanphoenixAnyone know the konqueror package I need to right click and extract archives?08:49
musyaVge: ok go here.
musyaheres the whole file08:51
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Vgeguess ill try that, ty08:52
Vgebut knowing nothing about subject, they go in order from left to right08:52
Vge"more options"08:52
Vgeso files would not hurt there i guess as notech had08:53
musyawhat do  you mean you confused me a bit08:53
Vge"crosses fingers and boots"08:54
musyadid it work?08:54
notechVge: should probably use what kubuntu normally has as musya showed08:54
musyaanything else you need?08:55
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Vgemusya: nope, boot's perfectly, ty08:55
musyai was gonna go hop in the shower and eat a bit before bed, ill leave my computer on so you can look at the file if need be08:55
musyaok, good, ill see you guys in a bit08:56
Vgeor, someone can help me to configure apache2 to use ldap calls?08:56
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musyawhat are idap calls?08:58
musyaif you dont mind me asking08:58
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Vgemusya: well large companys use Ldap servers to handle user auth and storing information from those, kinda like passwd file but more in detail09:01
ubotuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer09:02
musyaoh, cool, ive been trying to get something like that on my computer to protect my directories.09:02
musyahey how do you put kubuntu on standby?09:03
musyaafter switching to kde i havent been able to find that option09:03
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clotWell... I'm in Kubuntu for the first time... installing atm... easy up till now ;)09:09
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tibbarwhere can I find konqueror's cache?09:16
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tibbarwhere can I find konqueror's cache?\09:19
clotIs the user I made the ROOT user ?09:19
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Jucato!sudo | clot09:21
ubotuclot: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:21
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clotthanks m8!09:22
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tibbarwhere can I find konqueror's cache?09:22
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clotWhere and how can I find my NTFS partitions ? And mount them ?09:26
musyadoes anybody know?09:26
noiesmotibbar, look in ~/.kde/cache-09:26
clotnot used linux in... 5 years?09:26
musyahow to put it on standby ?09:26
tibbarnoiesmo: ty09:26
Jucato!ntfs | clot09:27
ubotuclot: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:27
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kalmahHello, how can i make my mounted win partition available to my non-root user? When i mount it gets r-x root only09:40
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musyahow do you put kubuntu to sleep?09:43
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kelvieIs it possible to set up options for each extra kicker panel?09:45
kelvieI use Edgy, and I recall being able to do this on another distro09:45
kelviethere's no drop down box for each panel on here though :/09:45
jbruckmansorry can't help...09:45
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Jucatokelvie: it's a KDE 3.5.5 bug. restart kicker by pressing Alt+F2 and entering: kdcop kicker kicker restart09:46
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Jucatoyou'll see the drop down list after restarting09:46
Jucatorestarting kicker09:46
kelvieJucato: er alt-f2 is run?09:46
kelvieI rebound that key09:46
jbruckmandoes anyone know anything about mythtv?09:46
Jucatokelvie: yeah09:46
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Jucatoyou can also do it Konsole09:46
kelvieJucato: yeah :p09:47
kelviethat command gives me an error09:47
kelviesure you typed it right? :o09:47
Jucatoer sorry09:47
Jucatodcop kicker kicker restart09:47
kelvieawesome :p09:47
kelvieOh, and is there a way to make kicker panels taller without increasing button size?09:48
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Jucatonot that I'm aware of09:48
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kelvieJucato: hrm, alright, thanks09:49
jbruckmanthey only follow the size to a point, after that they stop growing.09:49
jbruckmanbut they get pretty huge, so it's kind of a moot point09:50
kelvieYeah :/09:50
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KreamLinux awaaz 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:51
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klerfaytwhat's the short command to chat privately in irc?09:53
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Jucatoklerfayt: /msg <nick>09:55
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klerfaytwhat does "ibm_acpi: ec object not found" in dmesg?09:59
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naddaranyone can tell me a good spam filter for my linux server (firewall)10:00
llutznaddar: spamassassin10:01
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naddarllutz: is it good?10:02
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llutznaddar: it's widely used and seems to work fine if correctly configured10:02
naddarllutz: thanks i will check the site once for this10:03
rgourchenehi every body10:03
rgourchenehas anybody already used apache xml rpc API?10:04
naddarrgourchene: hi10:04
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rgourchenehas anybody already used apache xml rpc API?10:06
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naddarrgourchene: me no :(10:15
rgourcheneno pb, man10:15
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khymonanybody here which knows about cryptsetup problems under edgy?10:32
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kalmahHi, do i need to do anything special to enable mp3s to play? neither media player installed with kubuntu is playing my mp3 files10:38
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Vgekalmah: start amarok and it should ask for "do you want to install mp3 support"10:40
eloquence_same here10:41
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scythe_lapdoes anyone know, how to get maybe the last x messages from a newsgroup in knode? it only downloads the postings of the day :/10:43
scythe_lapand, hi :)10:43
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eloquence_what's the command in console to ssses are running?ee what proce10:48
eloquence_to see what processes ar running*10:48
eloquence_and it's kill -9 <pid> to kill it right?10:48
eloquence_right .. k thanks10:48
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chxafter doing an apt-get install j2re1.4 konq still refuses to run my internet bank10:51
chxwhat else I need to do?10:52
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eloquence_how can i tell kubuntu to look at my kubuntu cd for amarok10:53
eloquence_rather than getting it from the net10:53
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chxmmm nevermind, changing the path from java to /usr/bin/java did the trick10:54
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thomasis somebody her?10:57
thomasi have an problem with my keyboard10:57
thomason kubunto10:57
thomasit doesnt work10:57
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tommynmap says EVERY ip i scan is up11:04
tommyis it bugged ?11:04
tommyStarting Nmap 4.10 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2006-12-05 10:59 CET11:04
tommyHost appears to be up.11:04
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Ash-Foxtommy, ?11:08
tommythey are ALL up11:08
Ash-FoxI am asking about in particular11:09
tommyno that one is down11:10
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tommycause i can type in any ip i want11:10
Ash-Foxtommy, what about ?11:10
tommyit says Strange read error from Transport endpoint is not connected11:11
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Ash-FoxOkay. well, it could be iptables redirecting traffic for some reason, or your gateway computer.11:11
KabalIs there a good alternative for Windows Movie Maker?? I use Kubuntu 6.1011:12
Ash-FoxThis is usually done by trasparent/passive proxies on a network.11:12
Ash-FoxKabal, not that I'm aware of.11:12
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KabalAsh-Fox: not any?11:12
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KabalOr a good alternative for (win) Irfanview ?11:13
Ash-FoxKabal, as I said, not that I know of. There could be, but I don't know them. If you find one, please let me know :P11:13
Ash-FoxI use gwenview11:13
Ash-Foxit integrates directly into konqueror with the preview option :)11:13
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Ash-Foxhas next/forward buttons too, image conversion support.11:14
KabalAsh-Fox: I use gwenview too..(great soft) but it lacks so much functionality :(11:14
tommyAsh-Fox: is there anything i can do ?11:14
KabalI'm searching my #ss off here for a Movie Maker alternative.. but if I find one.. I'll let ya know11:15
Ash-Foxtommy, like what? If you want to find what truely is using IPs on the network, 'ip -a'11:15
Ash-Foxerr 'arp -a'11:15
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Jucatoa lot of gwenviews power could be "unlocked" by installing kipi-plugins11:15
ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.90-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1093 kB, installed size 3860 kB11:16
KabalJucato: kipi-plugins?11:16
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Ash-Foxkino is a DVD-DV editor..11:16
Ash-FoxDVI or whatever you call it11:16
Jucatohm.. I wonder if we have virtualdub in the repos11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualdub - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:16
ubotukipi-plugins: image manipulation/handling plugins for KIPI aware programs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.2-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2347 kB, installed size 9060 kB11:17
Jucatobut they're for images mainly11:17
Ash-FoxI have tried using Kino in the past, but it can't even open most movie formats. It's funny because there are so many libraries on linux available that could be used to make a movie editor.11:17
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tommyAsh-Fox: but when i do a ping i get the correct info11:18
tommyits only nmap that is buggy11:18
KabalAsh-Fox: thanx I for the plugin tip.. will try it out :)11:18
Ash-Foxtommy, arp -a, and nmap relies on if a tcp socket connection is open.11:19
Ash-Foxtommy, if you have a transparent/passive proxy, it will always that some socket is open.11:19
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momalDoes anyone know how I might beable to get libc6 >= 2.5 | I have edgy, and im after liblua5.1 but it needs libc6 >= 2.5 and I have 2.4 and there isn't any packages I can find for it.11:22
xavier_salut a tous11:23
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tommytnx for the info11:23
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momal!info liblua5.111:24
ubotuPackage liblua5.1 does not exist in any distro I know11:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liblua5.1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
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momal!info libc6511:25
ubotuPackage libc65 does not exist in any distro I know11:25
momal!info libc611:25
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.4-1ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 4032 kB, installed size 9988 kB11:25
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Voker57hi, can you help me? I have some problems with nvidia drivers11:33
Voker57X throws me back to login screen11:34
Voker57again and again11:34
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tony134340how do i use a program from apt-get install when it leaves no shortcut anywhere?11:39
Voker57tye its name in Konsole11:39
tony134340it didn't work11:39
tony134340alsa-tools-gui doesn't work11:40
tony134340it's done it for probably 1/8 of the files i've installed11:40
intelikeylets all just be brutally honest for one day and see if the world really ends like the liberals keep telling us it will if we are not diplomaticly polite and politicly correct...11:40
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intelikeytony134340 alsa[tab] [tab] 11:41
tony134340intelikey: 218 possibilites11:42
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intelikeyso find the one you want among them11:43
tony134340i got it anyway. just used the adept gui. shows lots of info11:43
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tommyAsh-Fox: now nmap works perfectly when i run it as root11:44
intelikeyhmmm odd alsa[tab] [tab]   shows two things here.11:44
intelikeyi can't believe that one package installed another 216 commands...11:44
Voker57is anyone to help me with nvidia drivers??11:46
intelikey!nv | Voker5711:46
ubotuVoker57: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:46
intelikeybeen there ^  ?11:46
naddarVoker57: what about11:46
momalDoes anyone know how I might beable to get libc6 >= 2.5 | I have edgy, and im after liblua5.1 but it needs libc6 >= 2.5 and I have 2.4 and there isn't any packages I can find for it.11:47
tony134340intelikey: it's not, seems to give me all kinds of stuff unrelated to alsa11:47
Voker57[13:34:12]  <Voker57> X throws me back to login screen11:47
Voker57[13:34:18]  <Voker57> again and again11:47
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intelikeytony134340 not putting a space in there are you ?11:48
naddardid you check the settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:48
naddarmake sure your size is ok 1024 x ect11:48
Voker57naddar: yeah. I have even reverted it to backup11:49
Voker57it is stuck anyway11:49
naddarVoker57: strange11:49
intelikeytony134340 figures11:49
intelikeymomal   /lib/libc.so.6 --version    what have you got ?11:50
naddarVoker57: i had that before to and just whas the settings i go lower and it worked11:50
naddar780 X or something11:50
momalintelikey: GNU C Library development release version 2.4, by Roland McGrath et al.11:51
naddarintelikey: i have the same version as you asked11:51
intelikeynaddar i didn't ask11:51
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intelikeynaddar page-up11:51
momalintelikey: liblua5.1/liblua5.1-dev need libc6 2.5 or higher and seems ubuntu only has 2.4 :(11:52
momalim on edgy as well11:52
Voker57naddar: yeah, it says something likesync overflow in logs. i'll try that11:52
Voker57naddar: where to change them in xorg.conf?11:52
naddarVoker57: normaly you should see something like subsection "display"11:53
intelikeymomal i'd sujest you find another way.  you don't want to change libc6 unless it's an absolute nessecity11:53
Voker57hmm ok i will install something for viewing ext3 from win32 and see11:54
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momalI need liblua5.1 or I can't compile a server.11:54
intelikeywhat server?11:54
momalthere is no other way.. I need libc6 2.5 or have liblua5.1 install without needing libc6... otserv (open tibia)11:55
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naddarVoker57: normaly its not that difficult, just try to find in google or somewhere the exact settings and add them in there.11:56
intelikeymomal good luck with it then.11:57
momalbit stupid why i can't have libc6 2.5 ??11:57
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naddaranyone know a good tool to change theme's in kde :) i never use kde so much :)11:58
naddarand a good site where i can get themes11:58
intelikeybecause it's too new,  as in not in the upstream repos yet11:58
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intelikeymomal you can check ubuntu+1  fisty  and see if it will have 2.5    but changing libc is a major change to the system.12:00
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intelikeymomal wait.  you said "or have liblua5.1"   you can   that's avalable in dapper...   liblua5.1-0 - Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language12:04
intelikeyliblua5.1-0-dev - Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language12:04
ubotuliblua5.1-0: Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.1-2 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 204 kB12:05
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intelikeyit's in universe12:05
intelikeywhat's the problem with that ?12:05
compilerwriterCan anyone help me with my sound?  I have lost sound on my machine for some reason.12:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:06
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momalintelikey: how do i get it under edgy then? it doens't show up in reps :S12:06
intelikeytry that DebuggingSoundProblems page compilerwriter12:06
intelikeymomal did you not see what ubotu posted on it.  it's in the universe repo for edgy  look ^12:07
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intelikeymomal if you have universe enabled and your database up to date  it's avalable to you through your package manager12:08
intelikey!repos | momal12:09
ubotumomal: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:09
momalahh... my sources file was screwed... installed it now.. lets see if this server compiles now12:09
intelikeyyou've been at this long enough now to know how to setup sources....   :)12:09
momalyea they get bugged everynow and again and i forgot them >_<12:10
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khymonhi there!12:10
khymonanybody here who can help me with cryptsetup?12:11
intelikeyso the correct diagknoses is pebcak12:11
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ubotucinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu12:14
Ash-FoxI'm suprised that isn't packaged.12:15
khymonreally nobody here able to help me with cryptsetup?12:15
intelikeykhymon nope.12:15
intelikeyat not if you don't ask a question, describe a problem; or explain a desired end result12:16
intelikeyat least not12:16
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khymoni am dealing with the bug known from https://launchpad.net/products/upstart/+bug/6275112:17
intelikeypossably not if you do all the above.....12:17
khymonand i simply cant get it working...12:17
eilkerhow to open port 4662 ? (amule port)12:17
szymonjest ktos z polski???12:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:18
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:18
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khymonintelikey forget about it. i will reinstall dapper, it's really working. edgy seems to be a little bit built on the edge to me...12:19
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RopechoborraHi, I'm trying to share my internet connection (with kubuntu edgy) to a Windows XP Laptop via LAN... I recive pings from the laptop but i cant access from it to my kubuntu pc.. any ideas?12:22
RopechoborraIt may be a Samba config problem...12:22
RopechoborraDont have much idea =(12:22
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:23
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VSpikeIs anyone else having big problems with bugs.kde.org?12:26
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momalNew error now.... /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llualib5.1 | why would it be saying that If I have the lib installed and dev packages and that :S12:29
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intelikeyimpatients is mother12:30
intelikeyimpatients is the mother of destruction12:31
intelikeymomal run sudo ldconfig     see if it helps12:32
intelikeyprobably wont but worth a try12:32
intelikeyit's cheep wont cost much.12:32
momalnope didn't work :(12:33
intelikeydidn't cost much to try...12:33
intelikeymomal apt-cache search liblualib12:35
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momalliblualib is only for 4.0 and 5.0 it was apparently merged with liblua5.1 for 5.112:36
momalI have them al installed anyhow :p12:36
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intelikeyhmmm that may be the problem12:37
intelikeyliblualib50 - Extension library for the Lua 5.0 programming language12:37
intelikeyliblualib50-dev - Extension library for Lua 5.0: static and headers12:37
intelikeythat's dapper.12:37
clotIs there some console comand for me to see all my disks ? How much space is used and how much is left ?12:37
intelikeydf -h12:38
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intelikeythat's for mounted file systems only12:38
intelikeyanything not mounted may be listed with sudo fdisk -l    but size would be a little tricky to get there.12:39
momalintelikey: Im not going to remove liblualib5.0 it wants to remove everything related to kde lol12:39
clotI've downloaded a program that put automount on all hd's ;)12:39
intelikeymomal just add the -dev maybe12:39
momalintelikey: not sure what you mean by that?.. add -dev to where?12:40
momalor remove just the -dev one ?12:40
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intelikeyno if you have it installed that's what i meant,  not remove it.12:41
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intelikeymomal was there a -dev of that first package you mentioned ?12:41
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momalintelikey: liblua5.1-0 has a dev package but thats already installed... and i just removed liblualib40-dev and '50-dev but still no luck12:42
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noseis there anyone here who could help me with getting media files to work?12:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:45
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intelikey  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:45
intelikeyand you can....12:46
Vladdynot always..12:46
intelikeyyes you can12:46
intelikeyyou just don't want to12:46
intelikeyi am proof positive that one can live without any "propritary" software.12:47
momalyou can always use free formats.. its just people are so used to the non free ones they don't care anymore12:47
Vladdyso, you don't use pdf, don't look at flash animations, and don't listen to mp3's...12:48
momal>>>>READ: its just people are so used to the non free ones they don't care anymore <<<<12:48
cpk1well mp3s will be free soon12:48
momalpdf's are the most stupid invention... flash is just a memory hog12:49
intelikeyyes.  most people think so little of lying that it's just second nature to answer an EULA with a  "yes i agree"  when the truth is that they did not read it and have no intention at all of complying with it's terms.    in fact for most people lying is second nature.12:49
Vladdywell, either way propietary formats should be supported easier12:49
momalyou pay for it and they will be.12:50
cpk1Vladdy: err? it is supported quite easy12:50
intelikeyVladdy actually propietary formats shouldn't be supported at all in linux.12:50
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Vladdythey should be supported more, if we want linux to become more popular12:51
intelikeynot at all12:51
cpk1aptitude install libxine-extracodecs is pretty much all you need to do...12:51
|GaiJin|anyone here having trouble upgrading to edgy??12:51
intelikeyVladdy linux is not about being popular in the first place.12:51
intelikey|GaiJin| many have had.12:52
momalwhy should linux change???12:52
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momalno one cares if linux is popular... if your not using linux you must have a reason not to... no one cares these days12:52
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cpk1which is why i am still using dapper =P12:52
cpk1that and i am stubborn/lazy12:52
intelikeymomal and if you are using linux you should have a reason, and i hope that it is not so you can play mp3's and watch flash files.12:53
|GaiJin|I've tried 2 times... with the usual replace dapper with edgy in source.list, and apt-get dist-upgrade... but somehow my system won't startup like it should.... Monitor stops working and such...12:53
cpk1intelikey: no, but it could be to save money =P12:53
Vladdygod.. some people are just stubborn, just be pragmatic for once O_O12:53
momalexactly ^_-... mp3 is the only format/thing that isn't free :p.... and im to lazy to convert it all to ogg.. but i will some day12:54
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cpk1|GaiJin|: there are upgrade instructions somewhere... if i remember you AREN'T supposed to do dist-upgrade first12:54
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intelikeyVladdy linux is about freedom  not popularity.  http://linux.com12:54
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ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)12:54
ubotuamule: client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1 (edgy), package size 1239 kB, installed size 3368 kB12:55
Vladdyfind -name \*.mp3 -exec /home/yourusername/bin/convert {} \; ..12:55
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intelikeyVladdy how long you been using linux ?12:56
Vladdylong enough12:56
|GaiJin|momal: Problem ain't converting from mp3 to ogg... problem is t5hat not many mp3 players support ogg.... like creative and ipod....12:56
intelikeythat command looks like you should know what linux is all about...12:56
=== Vladdy rebuilt his system several times from sources
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momalGaiJin|:Amarok can support all the music playing i'll ever need ^^12:56
intelikeywhich doesn't mean much....12:57
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Vladdytrue ;p12:57
|GaiJin|momal: I know that...  but was thinking of transferring to an mp3-player.. like a diskman with out the disk... and those rarely support ogg...12:57
intelikey|GaiJin| they all suport .wav and iirc it's considered a free format12:58
Vladdytrying to get a blob free linux on my wireless router12:58
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Vladdyunfortunately, wireless drivers are not supported yet in 2.6 :-/12:58
momal|GaiJin|: ahh.... yea I don't have any of them.. and if anyone wants my music to put on them its there problem to convert to mp3 :p12:58
|GaiJin|hehe... converting all my mp3's back to wav... no matter of discspace is enough...12:59
Vladdymake it output it to /dev/stdout, then pipe it to wav-ogg converter12:59
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aspediahello all12:59
intelikeythat's hardly an argument for using mp3 |GaiJin|12:59
|GaiJin|on a portable mp3-player who only supports wav, mp3 and wma....01:00
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intelikeywasn't our fault you paid M$ to rape you.01:00
intelikeyhope you enjoy01:01
|GaiJin|never did....01:01
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aspediaI have edgy installed and I want to use samba. The problem is, that ican not connect to samba share with M$ clients. It asking me for authentication. I do that, but get no acces to the samba share01:01
aspediacan some one help?01:01
|GaiJin|I paid money for a gadget called creative zen... and whitch does not support ogg01:01
Vladdyget your /etc/samba/smb.conf right01:01
intelikey|GaiJin| that's what i said.01:02
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:02
VSpikeSamsung players support Ogg.  IIRC Creative ones do too.01:02
tony134340anyone know if it's possible to make a right-click command to sort files by size/date/etc?01:03
aspediaokay Ill try the links01:03
intelikeytony134340 where ?01:03
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:03
intelikeytony134340 that would be app specific01:04
VSpike|GaiJin|: Oh.. you're right, Creative don't.  Must have been thinking of another brand.01:04
VSpikeBut Samsung do, and I know 'cos I have one :D01:04
tony134340intelikey: in konqueror01:04
tony134340i know the command line way, but not sure if it's possible in konqueror01:05
naddarsudo apt-cache search gbox01:05
naddarsudo apt-cache search gbox01:05
intelikeytony134340 i'm sure it is... but i'm not the one to tell you how...  there is a menu listing   i think under view01:05
tony134340yeah, but it's tedious as much as i do it. it's possible, but not sure if it is without lots of coding, which i can't do01:06
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intelikeyyeah with an edit of the shortcut keys would be the easiest way i think          tony134340 why not save that as default ?01:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare01:07
intelikeyor are you sayint you change the sort between name/size/date  often  ???01:08
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wincidehi all01:09
tony134340intelikey: because i see no shortcut key command to point to the 'sort by' option01:09
wincidecould someone tell me the name of the kde charmap ??01:09
intelikeybut you could set one.01:09
intelikeytony134340 if Jucato was here he might even know how...01:10
tony134340also i got lots of files and easiest way sometimes to find one is to sort the others01:10
JucatoI might, but I don't01:10
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VSpikeOn the subject of software freedom, is KDE completely free now?01:10
tony134340that's one thing i miss about windows is the right-click sort01:10
intelikeyJucato you have not set hotkeys for things like that ?01:10
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JucatoI've always set mine to sort according to type01:10
intelikeyJucato as much as you play with konq......   hmmm01:10
JucatoVSpike: KDE  has always been free01:11
[GuS] Bonjour!01:11
tony134340i was going to make a service menu for it and put it on kde-apps.org since it might be useful to others too01:11
intelikeywincide i think kchar01:11
Jucatotony134340: perhaps you could check in kde-apps.org if they have service menus that do what youwant01:11
Jucatowincide: kcharselect, iirc01:11
tony134340Jucato: already checked, didn't see anything like it in service menus01:11
VSpikeJucato: I could be wrong, but I thought last time I used Linux in any serious way, back in 2000 ish, the purists all refused to use KDE because the Qt libraries were not GPL'd01:12
cpk1i thought qt wasnt free01:12
Ash-Foxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare <- it's really annoying when this isn't on the wiki page, because on the wiki page, I can do modifications. Right now I just wnat to change the apt-get command to 'sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)', since it's pointless to get the user to type two commands and copy-paste.01:12
intelikeywincide kcharselect maybe01:12
cpk1i thought the cutting edge versions of qt were non-free01:12
=== kjetilk_ 's new Kubuntu laptop runs fine in recovery mode, but hangs somewhere if boot on the normal kernel
JucatoVSpike: iirc, Qt was dual licensed as GPL/QPL in 2000 or 200101:12
Vladdyeven for windows versions now01:13
kjetilk_VSpike: yeah, but Qt was freed around then, and the Qt folks has since said they regretted waiting so long01:13
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Jucatobasically Qt is free (GPL) for open-source/non-commercial work. on all platforms01:13
Jucatocpk1: you have it the other way around01:13
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wincideintelikey:  thx01:14
Vladdyit's triple licensed even01:14
kjetilk_can I make kubuntu drop the graphics and show me the bootup process somehow?01:14
Vladdypropietary too01:14
Jucatodual only Vladdy01:14
PhinnForttrolltech has always released their sourcecode, afaik01:14
JucatoGPL and QPL01:14
PhinnFortthey just didn't allow derivatives for some time01:14
Vladdyand propietary01:14
Vladdyif you pay them01:14
Jucatofor non-open source/commercial development. how does that make it proprietary?01:15
abattoirkjetilk_: sure, remove 'splash' from the grub kernel boot options01:15
kjetilk_ok, will try01:15
Vladdyi mean, it can have a propietary license too..01:15
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ehirdonce i got a bootup process so minimal that i didnt' see anything :001:15
Ash-FoxIf you want to make closed source applications against QT, I suggest you don't do any static linking with those libraries.01:15
Ash-FoxOtherwise you will need to buy a license from trolltech.01:15
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Vladdyeven if you link dynamically01:16
Jucatoanyway, getting -offtopic01:16
Vladdygpl will say it has to be gpl..01:16
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Vladdyelse you can't do that01:16
Ash-FoxVladdy, if it doesn't come with the library...01:16
PhinnFortthat's why thay have several licenses available01:16
oscardlawrentahi  room01:16
PhinnForthi oscardlawrenta01:16
PhinnForti'm room01:16
Jucatoin a sense, Qt if more "free" than GTK+, since Qt is GPL, while GTK+ is LGPL01:16
PhinnFortgpl is forcing freedom on the world;)01:17
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oscardlawrentaany gurl around01:17
Jucatoanyway, really getting offtopic. just a reminder01:17
oscardlawrentahello anyone here01:17
Ash-Foxoscardlawrenta, no.01:17
Jucatoeveryone's welcome to continue the discussion in #kubuntu-offtopic if they want01:17
tony134340yes, linux geeks are such chick magnets01:17
intelikeyyou can not leaglely make open source  propietary   you can use it and base a work upon it  but you can not take the code as is and claim it.   that's what the gnu-gpl is there for, to prevent that very thing.   to keep the code free.01:17
tony134340ask my 3 girlfriends01:18
kjetilk_hmmm, my box says "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!"01:18
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=== PhinnFort asks
kjetilk_anyone know what that is?01:18
PhinnFortkjetilk_: you have dual core?01:18
kjetilk_PhinnFort: yup01:18
PhinnFortthen one of the cores got stuck, it seems01:18
kjetilk_brand new Core Duo 2 GH01:18
kjetilk_hmmm, right01:18
intelikeykjetilk_ yep. it's a bug.01:19
kjetilk_uhm, not a hardware problem, I hope....?01:19
PhinnFortintelikey: obviously, the kernel says it is01:19
PhinnFortkjetilk_: probably just a buggy driver01:19
kjetilk_PhinnFort: ok01:19
intelikeyPhinnFort the kernel is seldom if ever wrong about that....01:19
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PhinnFortyou have some funky wireless card or something?01:19
Ash-Foxintelikey, I don't believe what I was suggesting was turning a opensource library into a proprietory one.01:19
PhinnFortTrolltech is doing the opposite;)01:20
kjetilk_PhinnFort: hmmm, yeah, lots of new stuff...01:20
oscardlawrentahi ash fox01:20
PhinnFortoscardlawrenta: i doubt he is a "gurl"01:20
oscardlawrentawhere u from ?01:20
VSpikekjetilk_: looks like a driver bug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25194401:20
kjetilk_PhinnFort: there is a new sound card that I read could mean trouble...01:20
=== kjetilk_ looks
PhinnFortkjetilk_: you could always try to use external alsa libraries (or does (k)ubuntu already use that?)01:21
Ash-Foxoscardlawrenta, I'm not really kubuntu 'staff', so that sort of question is off topic for this channel :P01:21
nosehooray for you guys01:21
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oscardlawrentaok thnks for that observation01:21
kjetilk_PhinnFort: yeah, but it seems to be connected to the wireless card01:21
intelikeylooks like nose got picked01:22
PhinnFortkjetilk_: what kind of card do you have?01:22
PhinnFortintelikey: :P01:22
intelikeyor was that ticked ?01:22
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kjetilk_PhinnFort: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG01:22
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PhinnFortkjetilk_: thought they had rather well supported drivers...01:23
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=== Ash-Fox finds atheros cards ave the best supported drivers.. they work from the livecd!
Vladdyipw3945 works too..01:24
Vladdybut both contain blobs :-/01:24
PhinnFortralink is very well supported too, afaik01:24
PhinnFortkjetilk_: you could poke around at http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/01:24
=== Vladdy thinks bcm43xx is best in that aspect, of course they didn't get any support from broadcom for that driver
Ash-FoxWell, the bcm drivers apparently cannot be distributed on the CD I thought due to some licensing?01:25
kjetilk_perhaps it is the dual-core/wifi combo that messes up here...01:25
intelikeyshall we list all of /lib/modules/2.6.*/kernel/net/01:25
PhinnForti'm impressed by intels interest in linux, though01:26
PhinnFortkjetilk_: you could try to use the latest drivers from the project01:26
intelikeyi'm wondering if it's so they can later sue and own linux....01:27
aspediaokay I installed swat. But can not find an inetd under edgy01:27
PhinnFortintelikey: they release the code themselves01:27
kjetilk_the thread that VSpike posted had some interesting posts, I'll see if that gets me somewhere01:27
PhinnFortbut the laws regarding this stuff is rather confusing in the us01:27
intelikeyi know but you look at their track record...01:27
aspediaso swat isnt starting01:27
PhinnFortkjetilk_: ok, good luck01:27
Vladdyaspedia: xinetd?01:27
aspediahow I get swat running under edgy?01:27
kjetilk_thanks :-)01:28
aspediano there is also no xinetd01:28
cpk1aspedia: you shouldnt really need swat01:28
cpk1a simple samba config isnt too difficult01:28
aspediayes, the problem is that I can not connect from win to linux samba01:29
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:29
intelikeythat's kinda recursive  me thinks01:29
cpk1aspedia: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 this might work for you01:30
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aspediacpk1: this looks good. Ill go giving it a try01:31
Ash-FoxWhere do I submit needed changes to help.ubuntu.com ?01:33
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intelikeyubotu own is if need to own things in your home dir. paste this in a konsole;   sudo chown `whoami`:`groups | cut -d' ' -f1` ~01:33
intelikeyubotu own is if need to own things in your home dir. paste this in a konsole;   sudo chown -R `whoami`:`groups | cut -d' ' -f1` ~01:34
intelikeyi missed the recursive notation... how clumZ of me.01:34
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intelikeyis there a cron job that would clear the package cache ?01:40
intelikeyi can't imagine where the packages went.... i don't recall moving them....01:41
dinosaur-rusintelikey: add a job to do "apt-get clean"01:41
intelikeydinosaur-rus i know i could add one.  i'm asking about a default01:41
intelikeyand i have removed all jobs so i can't go back and check what was.01:42
dinosaur-rusintelikey: oh, dunno. maybe the cache got too big so it was cleaned automatically?01:42
intelikeyit wont do that will it ?01:42
intelikey2g shouldn't be too big anyway.....01:43
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intelikey iirc it was just under 2g last i looked.01:43
cpk1where is the package cache?01:43
intelikey1.8g i think01:43
=== cpk1 wants to check how big his is
intelikeycpk1 /var/cache/apt/archives01:44
intelikeycpk1 du /var/cache/apt/archives -s01:44
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cpk1looks like mine is 1.4g01:44
dinosaur-rusintelikey: /etc/cron.daily/apt01:44
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intelikeydinosaur-rus so there was one....  figures.01:45
intelikeyk thanks.01:45
=== pirata [n=pirata@230.Red-81-38-215.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
ehirdi've just found out about kate -u01:45
ehirdpreviously i was using kate's built in crappy terminal01:45
ehirdnow i have teh powar :001:45
=== intelikey goes away grumbling i should have turned cron off earlier
=== intelikey grumbles some more.... can't afford that kind of deletions on dialup.....
ehirdhah, dialup01:47
intelikey-u is not in kate's man page01:48
=== alej [n=alej@165.Red-213-97-113.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
xsachahow do you see my thread count?01:49
intelikeyps ?01:49
alejhello... am a newbie here....01:49
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alejany tip on how to make my taskbar appear again01:49
Jucatoalej: where did you put it?01:49
xsachaps -eLf?01:50
intelikeyalej alt+f2  kicker01:50
Jucatothat works (presuming kicker isn't running)01:50
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intelikeyxsacha if all you want is a count ps -A x | wc -l    ?    idk.01:51
intelikeyps -A x | wc -l01:51
intelikeyyou win01:51
alejI think I must have autohid it01:52
cpk1113 here01:52
alejtried alt+f201:52
alejwrote kicker01:52
alejbut nuthin01:52
xsachathat's threads or processes :S?01:52
pvandewyngaerdehow do i get out of ut 2004 demo ???  is there sth like an alt-tab from windows ?01:52
intelikeywell actually both   or heheh by who's definition?   one might answer      "yes"01:52
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cpk1ps -A x | wc -l gives me 113 top says 11 tasks soooo dunno01:53
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alejanyway to find it through System Settings?01:53
intelikeycpk1 ps was one and wc was another  there is two of them...01:53
alejcoz I managed to add the kde Icon again01:53
alejinto a menus bar , that is01:53
xsachai have 105 Tasks in top :P01:54
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Jucatoalej: what exactly are you missing?01:54
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xsachaintelikey: but how do i get thread count? that'll just give me amount of processes i have?01:55
intelikeyxsacha what are you calling threads ?01:55
alejwell.. I am missing the default bottom taskbar, the one wherein in Kubuntu 6.10 you have the K-thingy, Konqueror and another icon, while to the right there is the clock and the bin01:56
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xsachalike forks?01:56
Jucatoalej: press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol". go to Desktop -> Panels and see if the panel is hiding somewhere01:57
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intelikeythat is a thread,   that is a process.   ps lists them.   if you don't beleave it (don't do this unless you have ulimit set)    : () { : | : } ; : & sleep 1 ;ps -Ax | wc -l01:58
alejthanks jucato01:58
aleju did for me01:58
Vladdythat's a fork bomb..01:59
alejnow it autohides like it was meant too01:59
intelikeyyes Vladdy01:59
=== brunnerma [n=brunnerm@gate1.hq.ukmc.org] has joined #kubuntu
linux_how can I update my sources list ?\01:59
brunnermais easy!!01:59
intelikeyand it will run the process count up to the ulimit01:59
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Vladdyedit /etc/apt/sources.list then run apt-get update ;p02:00
brunnermayes :-)02:00
brunnermaand the soucelist is on02:00
linux_oke :P02:00
intelikeylinux_ update it ???    what do you mean by  "update my sources list" ?02:00
brunnermagerman here?02:00
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:01
intelikeyok i have to make rounds again.02:01
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=== kjetilk_ got his box up
kjetilk_but I'm not very confident it isn't a random bug that will jump up and bit me some other time...02:05
kjetilk_so, if it is the ipw3945 driver, can I do something to check if it is running ok now?02:06
kjetilk_https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/62452 looks like my bug02:06
kjetilk_but the suggestion there is basically to install linux-restricted-modules-generic02:07
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kjetilk_but that was installed for me, and I still saw the problem02:07
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Vladdykjetilk_: it does the magical Works For Me02:08
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Vladdywhich means absolutely nothing I guess :-)02:09
kjetilk_probably not :-)02:10
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kjetilk_* is not mapped to the right key...02:12
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pvandewyngaerdehow do i "alt-tab" out of ut 2004 demo ?02:14
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momalHow might I go about renaming all files in a folder to start with a capital letter and if there are 2 words in the file name to make both words start with capital ?02:15
rancewhen I issue a aplay -l I see that I have TWO sound devices setup for the same card (card 0: devices 0 & 1)  alsamixer is looking at the first device (which I don't have) How do I get alsa to use the other device?02:15
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RobNycanyone here using vista also ?02:20
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ReTyPenever of my life02:20
cloakableRobNyc: Why would they want to? :) KDE is better looking and lighter than Vista,02:21
BluesKajHowdy all! :)02:21
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RobNycChousuke, im triple-booting vista, osx, kubuntu and wanted to be able to read/write my vista partition02:21
Vladdyyou can try ntfs-3g on your own risk02:21
=== cloakable has no NTFS partitions to speak of.
RobNycVladdy, lol thanks02:22
Vladdyme neither, I don't like filesystems that lock me out of my own files..02:22
RobNycbut also02:22
RobNycI tried mounting the osx partition with the diskmounter auto script and it didnt find it02:23
Vladdynot sure if vista works..02:23
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RobNycbut if i do mount -t hfsplus /dev/hdx /media/xx it works fine as read only02:23
RobNycVladdy, the diskmounter just mounted my vista read only though02:23
cloakableVladdy: Not properly. You know Microsoft and first editions of anything :P02:23
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Vladdyah yes02:24
Vladdywait for sp1 until an OS becomes useful..02:24
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Vladdybut still, beryl looks nicer then vista does ;p02:26
JuJuBeeMorning, or what ever time it is where  you are :).  I just installed Real Player for Linux and am trying to view a stream and firefox tells me it cannot locate an appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use as the embeded player.  Any help?02:27
BluesKajIs Vista a NTFS ...thought I read somewhere that it was modded and given a new name ?02:27
kaatilmodded? XD02:27
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Vladdyno, that will be winfs02:28
kaatilwell no... NTFS is a FileSystem.02:28
Vladdyand they dropped all features from vista..02:28
BluesKajthe basic code and parameters for the file sytem were changed from NTFS02:28
kaatilmicrosoft must love to cut it.02:28
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Vladdythen of course they make a huge marketing campaign02:28
kaatilbecause 'time is money' so therefore that feature is cut.02:28
Vladdyso people won't look at the flaws :-/02:28
kaatilwe wont forget it that easily.. for us nerds that is02:29
RobNycberyl could look nicer, but its more unstable than fcuk02:29
RobNycand sure it does look nicer02:29
JuJuBeeAny help with realplayer for linux?02:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:29
Vladdyamarok :D02:29
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genjixhi sorry to bother you all02:30
Vladdywe accept your apology02:31
genjixbut I've been trying since this morning to get video to work :(02:31
BluesKajno bother02:31
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:31
genjixI have all codecs, KPlayer works, but all others just don't render anything (black screen)02:31
genjixand google video doesn't work either02:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:31
BluesKajkaffeine ?02:31
genjixkaffeine is just a black screen too02:32
kaatilkaffeine is a media player too02:32
kaatilprehap it is video card problem or whatever. i dunno02:32
Vladdygoogle video uses flash..02:32
kaatilvlc look fucked up on my kubuntu while on mplayer it look fine and dandy02:32
genjixyep, so why the videos don't play?02:32
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genjixI'm sure its not the card- gentoo worked here before fine. ;)02:33
Vladdydoes flash work on other sites?02:33
kaatilwhat video card are you using, genjix?02:33
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genjixgeforce 4 mx02:33
kaatilyou are using beryl version of kubuntu? i dunno.. i still stick to dapper because of long support.... i guess. :p02:33
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=== kaatil runs away
genjixflash works02:34
brunnermacan anyone tell me a ipsec vpn client?02:34
brunnermaand the soucelist...02:34
kaatili am still new to linux thing... i am using kubuntu since 4 or 5 months now.02:34
brunnermawho can find the client.02:34
lupine_85VNC ?02:34
kaatilit is nice experience for me.02:34
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:34
lupine_85bah, no02:35
=== Ritzzo [n=rafa@159.Red-80-35-50.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
JuJuBeevladdy : thanks, but those tell me how to install real player 10.  I already have it installed. I need to get the stream running using my firefox plugin.02:35
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brunnermavirtual network client02:35
kaatilVNC = virtual network client? *shrug* i dunno whatever it mean02:35
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genjixno ideas about the black screen in the media players?02:35
kaatiltry reinstall NV plugin?02:35
VladdyJuJuBee: what plugins are listed in about:plugin (open that in firefox)02:35
brunnermacan anyone tell me a vpn client?02:35
genjixhmm, I'm using the nvidia plugin02:36
kjetilk_klaptopdaemon, apmd, powernowd seems mutally exclusive to powersaved and kpowersave02:36
Ritzzoanyone have problems with ps/2 mouse configure? i cant use it but i can use touchpad fine02:36
kjetilk_opinions on what set to use?02:36
brunnermaan ipsec client02:36
kaatilbruennrma. type !vnc and you will get the answer. :)02:36
JuJuBeevladdy : flash, java and Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible02:36
brunnermano vnc02:37
kaatilerm.. i mean.. try like this.02:37
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD02:37
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:37
kaatilyeah something like that02:37
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX02:37
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VladdyJuJuBee: http://jordilin.wordpress.com/2006/10/30/howto-firefox-and-the-realplayer-plugin-in-ubuntu-edgy-eft/02:38
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brunnermaanyone german here?02:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:38
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RoKFiThello, can anyone help me?  I cannot access or empty a trash folder on a removable usb drive, and i've tried sudo chmod 777 /media/USBDRIVE02:40
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Bulwinklecan someone recommend an applet to show me when I have emails?02:41
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RoKFiTKontact, then press ctrl+L02:42
RoKFiTJucato, have you read what I typed?02:42
Jucatoabout the trash?02:42
Jucatoyeah, unfortunately, I have no idea02:43
RoKFiTwhere is intelikey been02:43
BulwinkleI use kontact for kmail for mail but no applet02:43
Jucato!seen intelikey02:43
ubotuI last saw intelikey (n=greg@0-1pool89-72.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net) 41m 39s ago, quiting: "later"02:43
JucatoBulwinkle: you can set KMail (in Kontact) to notify you with a popup when new mails arrive02:44
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JuJuBeevladdy : thanks, but that doesn't help.  I do not have a libtotem file in my plugins folder.  I also do not have a plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins for realplayer.  I am guessing it is in my ~/.mozilla/plugins folder.  Still not able to play a real stream.02:44
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JuJuBeeHow do I check to see if there is a symbolic link to the realplay script is in my PATH.02:45
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BulwinkleJucato: got it thanks!!!02:45
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kaatilhave you try play real stream on mplayer? :302:45
kaatillast time i check i can run .rm on mplayer02:45
kaatilathough i am not knowledgeable to know if mplayer require .rm plugin or something like that02:46
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JuJuBeekaatil : it is supposed to play in the browser window.  There are ppt slides that get synch'd with the video.02:47
JuJuBeeIt is a training video from cisco.02:47
kjetilk_oh, well, the ipw3945 bug is a random thing...02:48
kjetilk_I didn't solve the problem... :-(02:48
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RoKFiThave you googled or tried forums?02:49
kjetilk_yup, there is discussions, but no solid solutions, it appears...02:50
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RoKFiTwell do you by any chance know how to change the permissions on a folder and all it's containing files to be allowed to be deleted by user02:51
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kjetilk_they have to be writeable02:52
RoKFiTdo you know the command02:52
RoKFiTi can't edit the folder02:52
kjetilk_so you can give it a chmod +w -R on the directory02:52
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RoKFiTi did that and i click move to trash, and it says cannot rename folder...02:53
=== luisfsm [n=luisfsm@dinip129.univalle.edu.co] has joined #kubuntu
kjetilk_rm -rf on the folder, then...02:54
=== kjetilk_ isn't very good at pointnclick :-)
cloakableRoKFiT: Or enable the delete command in Konqueror.02:54
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RoKFiTrm -rf did it02:55
RoKFiToh cloakable, that allows for it to be directly deleted and not moved to a trash can?02:55
RoKFiTit was a trash can file is why i ask02:55
cloakableRoKFiT: Yeah.02:56
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genjix_I found something!02:56
genjix_mplayer and kplayer works02:56
genjix_but kmplayer and kaffeine do not (xine)02:56
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genjix_video_decoder: no plugin available to handle 'ISO-MPEG4/OpenDivx'02:57
genjix_audio_decoder: no plugin available to handle 'MPEG layer 2/3'02:57
genjix_wtf? why do i get that?02:57
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RoKFiTcloakable: do you ever permanently delete important files accidentaly with that command?02:57
cloakableRoKFiT: I have no important files that don't backup to my fileserver :)02:58
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:58
aspediaits a debian questin: I want to download debian etch (4.0) and can not find it. can sonmeone help?02:59
cloakableaspedia: Try torrent sites.02:59
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aspediathere are only debians 3.103:01
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aspediawhere can I find 4.0?03:01
cloakableaspedia: Oh yeah, low version numbers on Debian. I've no idea. I'd grab 3.1, then do a dist-upgrade to 4.003:02
aspediaokay. Does someone know if there is an intel 64bit-debian-version?03:03
aspediaor can I also use the amd -version?03:03
BluesKajamd version ?03:04
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Bulwinkleaspedia: they are the same...  amd64 runs on the intel platform03:04
cloakableaspedia: AMD and Intel use the same x64 extenstions, unless you're planning on running on an Itanium.03:04
aspediaamd64 version with debian etch03:04
RoKFiTcloakable: what art program do you use on kde?03:04
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RoKFiTsorry i was copying some files03:05
BluesKajsarge ?03:05
aspediathnaks cloakable03:05
aspediano not with sarge03:05
cloakableRoKFiT: Krita, mostly. I use GIMP to make animated gifs, at least until Krita supports that.03:05
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RoKFiTi can't select things in krita03:06
RoKFiTmy selections don't highligh03:06
RoKFiTthey were selecting all blue, but then i don't know what i did.03:06
RoKFiTdo you know what i'm talking about?03:07
RoKFiTi am on version 1.5.203:07
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cloakableRoKFiT: Yeah.03:08
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cloakableI know.03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwikdisck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwikdisc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:09
RoKFiThow can i fix that?03:09
ubotukrita: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2463 kB, installed size 7768 kB03:09
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BluesKajRoKFiT, are you saying the options icons are greyed out ?03:11
=== londo4 [n=londo4@5353B0A1.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu
RoKFiTno i'm saying that i click select a rectangular area, and i go to select something, and nothing happens03:13
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RoKFiTi am using layers03:13
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RoKFiTand also cannot erase parts of the layer03:14
RoKFiTor image03:14
RoKFiTor paint on it03:14
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benjaminkipany there to help!!!03:14
benjaminkipbinary2k2.. ru there03:15
benjaminkipor anyone else..03:15
RoKFiTokay it's working again03:15
chopin|pci'm having a rough time getting my wireless interface to connect reliably ... is this pretty common?  should i be doing something other than /etc/init.d/networking restart?03:15
RoKFiTit must have been a layer issue.03:15
benjaminkipI just downloaded some03:15
benjaminkipbut could not install03:15
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benjaminkipany one there to help??? Please03:16
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benjaminkiphow to install03:17
benjaminkiprokfit can you help me please03:17
benjaminkip%% some one help me plez03:19
cloakablebenjaminkip: Install what, exactly?03:19
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: Have a bit of patience please03:19
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Hawkwindbenjaminkip: People don't just sit and stare at IRC waiting for questions03:20
benjaminkipi just downloaded kdeedu program03:20
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:20
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gnomefreakhow do you remove the trash can from desktop?03:20
Jucatodelete the .desktop file?03:20
gnomefreaknot the kicker but the desktop itslef03:20
chriskellyhi all, I'm a bit stuck. I tried upgrading by changing breezy to edgy in all my sources.list and I think I screwed up.03:20
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: Why not just type: sudo apt-get install kdeedu03:20
benjaminkipsorry!!!!! I am03:21
chriskellyI'm getting this message when I run a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade": "dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `postfix' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed."03:21
majnoon<<thinks he may have got the file already03:21
Hawkwindchriskelly: Trying to upgrade from Breezy to Edgy will not work03:21
benjaminkipi have downloaded it already on my desktop03:21
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Hawkwindchriskelly: Too many things have changed and the upgrade will completely ruin your install.  You really need to download the ISO and do a fresh install03:22
cloakablebenjaminkip: But whay? o.o03:22
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: No need for that03:22
majnoonbenjaminkip: try sudo dpkg -i <package>03:22
chriskellyThanks hawkind. That's what I was afraid of :(03:22
benjaminkipso what shall i do03:22
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: You need to use the distros package management system:  sudo apt-get install kdeedu will do the trick for you03:22
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Hawkwindmajnoon: Bahhh, no!03:22
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majnoon<<sorry just switched from MEPIS03:23
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benjaminkiphow about install the fiel wich is downloaded by doing some click.. net necessary this file03:24
benjaminkipbinary2k2 taught me but I just forget the command03:25
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: sudo apt-get install kdeedu03:25
Hawkwindbenjaminkip: Just type it into a terminal/console03:25
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Jucatobenjaminkip: when you download and try to install a program that can already be found in Ubuntu's repositories, you risk breaking your system.03:26
crubeI just installalled Azureus, and it seems to work just fine. It's just that it's missing the icons. It has an icon in the KMenu, but it's not showing up in the window or the system tray03:26
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majnoonthough when install i don't remember typing in a root password03:26
Jucatomajnoon: when you installed Kubuntu?03:26
Dekkardcrube... have you tried ktorrent?03:26
majnoonlast night03:27
RoKFiTis there a wand selection tool in krita?03:27
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Jucatomajnoon: that's normal. we don't have root account enabled by default in Ubuntu03:27
Jucato!sudo | majnoon03:27
ubotumajnoon: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:27
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zerzanhey there, dont know if anyone can help. trying to get a ati rage II 3D + card to work with kubuntu desktop. tried reconfiguring it in all kinda of ways (debconf, kde tools) and it still will only display in 800x600. any ideas?03:27
crubeDekkard:  yeah, but the download speeds are slow and unstable. I've used it for a while now, but I cant say I like it03:27
Dekkardzerzan:  did you try dpkg reconfigure -phigh  xserver-xorg03:28
=== MipMip [n=steph@ip-122.net-81-220-107.nantes.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu
zerzanno ill give that a go, thanks... one sec03:28
Dekkardmy command syntax may be borked.. but i know its something like that03:29
benjaminkipeveryone there..... thanks for helping me and sorry for being impatient03:29
majnoonJucato: even other distros that do same thing STILL ask for a root pass03:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:29
Jucatozerzan: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:29
chopin|pcubotu: !03:29
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Jucatomajnoon: no other distro uses sudo exclusively as much as Ubuntu.03:30
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zerzanjucato, tried that,Dekkard, -phigh throws up an error?03:30
Dekkardtry without -phigh03:30
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chopin|pci'm having a rough time getting my wireless interface to connect reliably ... is this pretty common?  should i be doing something other than /etc/init.d/networking restart?03:31
zerzanyeah have done dekkard03:31
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Dekkardhave you tried the kubuntu wiki?03:31
RoKFiTdoes gimp just look wrong in kde?03:31
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile03:31
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ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:31
zerzandidnt get us very far dekkard :(03:31
RoKFiTwhere did my krita pro go?03:31
cloakableKrita pro?03:32
RoKFiThow do i color select areas03:32
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RoKFiTin krita, like a wand tool03:32
marvincomo chateo en esp03:32
crubeIs there an easy way to get rid of unnecessary libs etc. Stuff that's been installed with a program that needed them, and is now propably unnecessary03:33
cloakableRoKFiT: Hey, I don't use Krita that much :P Mostly image editing. The colour select is dodgy. I didn't get much luck in either Krita or GIMP03:33
gnomefreakJucato: i feel stupid now :( just drag and drop it into trash03:34
cloakablecrube: apt-get clean03:34
crubecloakable: thanks.03:34
Jucatognomefreak: we all have our moments :)03:34
cloakablecrube: APT does all :P03:34
chopin|pcfor rill tho -- what can i do about wireless?03:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:34
majnoonor at least MOST of it03:34
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gnomefreakanother  stupid question. i made a gnome-terminal button on kicker is there a way i can get it to start an app on start03:36
Jucatoget gnome-terminal to start an app on start?03:37
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Jucatoor you mean start an app when KDE starts up?03:37
gnomefreakclick on gnome-term button and get it to launch irssi03:37
Jucatoah.. hm..03:37
Jucatodoes gnome-terminal support that feature? (like xterm?)03:38
Jucatoit depends on the app03:38
gnomefreakyes on gnome it does03:38
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Jucatomaybe a command line argument? you can modify the launcher by right-clicking on the icon and selecting Configure _____ Button...03:38
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gnomefreaknot that easy ive been trying different things in config03:41
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=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Mon Nov 27 16:16:43 2006
(RoKFiT/#kubuntu) keyboard shortcuts to apps are hard in kde, because everything starts with a k, lol.03:46
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | Edgy has Landed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage Ubuntu Open Week, Nov 27 - Dec 2 - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Mon Nov 27 16:16:43 2006
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=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Mon Nov 27 16:16:43 2006
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
(majnoon/#kubuntu) there IS a kde program the you can click on a icon in bar at botom and it mounts extra drives and etc (can't find it ) kwikdisk or similar name03:51
(majnoon/#kubuntu) !kwikdisk03:51
(ubotu/#kubuntu) Sorry, I don't know anything about kwikdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwikdisc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #kubuntu
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | Edgy has Landed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage Ubuntu Open Week, Nov 27 - Dec 2 - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Mon Nov 27 16:16:43 2006
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genjixksoviet@ksoviet:~$ sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:56
genjixbash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied03:56
genjixksoviet@ksoviet:~$ ls -l /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:56
genjix-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2006-12-05 14:56 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward03:56
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genjixwhy I get 'permission denied'?03:58
majnoonJucato: is there a gui program to help set up ALL settings on this box ??03:58
majnoonhelp others first though03:58
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Jucatomajnoon: none that I know of. even KControl is a bit limited, imho03:59
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Jucatogenjix: the command is basically 2 parts "echo 1" (which echoes '1' and "> /proc/blahblahblah"03:59
Jucatogenjix: the command is basically 2 parts "echo 1" (which echoes '1') and "> /proc/blahblahblah" (which writes the output into the file)04:00
Jucatothe sudo only works for the first part04:00
Jucatothat's just afaik04:00
=== chopin|pc [n=show-pan@keiper.it-datacntr.louisville.edu] has left #kubuntu ["ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"]
majnooni have port reflect for smtp (through no-ip) need to set smtp to something OTHER then 25 and WANT a gui to setup apache204:00
genjixJucato: works ;)04:01
genjixsudo echo "1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"04:01
Jucatobetter check if it did write that...04:01
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Jucatolooks a bit.. um.. fishy04:01
genjixhmm, no it didn't :P04:01
majnoonJucato:  i have port reflect for smtp (through no-ip) need to set smtp to something OTHER then 25 and WANT a gui to setup apache204:01
Lynoureecho "1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"  just echoes the quoted bit.04:02
genjixok nano did it04:02
Jucatomajnoon: sorry, I'm not networking or apache expert...04:02
Jucatogenjix: :)04:02
majnoonthought you might know good place to START looking though04:02
LjLecho 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward04:03
majnoonif you try google you get like 204:03
LjLor, with sudo,   sudo sh -c "echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"04:03
JucatoLjL: needs sudo, I think04:03
majnoonTRILLION answers04:03
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LjLJucato: if you're not root already, it sure does.04:03
majnoonsudo su ??04:03
Jucatosudo sh04:04
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LjLsudo echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward will never work, because the redirection is done by the shell, which is not running as root04:04
LjLso you need sudo to execute a shell (sh) and make it run the entire command as root04:05
Jucatoah there..  a better explanation :)04:05
=== ernie_MKK [n=toni@pD95FC2B1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoactually a correct one.. mine was inaccurate04:05
trappistI use tee for stuff like that04:05
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LjLtrappist: there are probably a ton possible way. honestly, i think i just mostly use "sudo -i", do what i need to do, and exit04:06
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LjLbut the important point is understanding why a straight sudo blah > blah doesn't work04:06
trappistyeah :)04:06
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chopin|pcis there anything that will handle itunes podcast protocols for kubuntu?04:11
trappistchopin|pc: amarok04:11
cloakablechopin|pc: Amarok04:11
chopin|pcoh, and is it possible to upgrade in-place from dapper to edgy?04:11
chopin|pcah, cool04:12
=== chopin|pc gets amarok
trappistchopin|pc: yes04:12
chopin|pctrappist: anything special i should do?  adept?04:12
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:12
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chopin|pcwoo thx04:12
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majnoonchopin|pc:  me warn you it WILL take a while though04:12
The_Machineokay, i just booted kubuntu for the first time (long time gnome user).  How do i change the mouse settings so i have to double click stuff?!04:12
The_Machinei can't find it on any damn menu04:13
The_Machinethis is crazy.04:13
chopin|pcmajnoon: word ... i'll wait for it ;-)04:13
JucatoThe_Machine: System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Mouse (if you're on Edgy)04:13
trappistchopin|pc: eh, I think there's supposed to be a "better" way to do it, but I just said sudo perl -pi -e 's/dapper/edgy/' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:13
majnoonok just waring ,it easy enough the I COULD DO IT though04:13
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ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:14
LjLtrappist: is sed unavailable on your box? :P04:14
majnoonmay be more typing BUT it EASY04:14
The_MachineJucato: i do not see System Settings > Keyboard and mouse04:14
ckdeverybody knows when kernel 2.6.18 releasd  in *ubuntu ???04:14
JucatoThe_Machine: are you on Dapper? then it would be System Settings -> Mouse only (iirc)04:15
majnoon<<starting to LOVE *ubuntu04:15
The_MachineEdgy.  I don't see "mouse"04:15
The_Machineme too majnoon04:15
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JucatoThe_Machine: are you sure you're running System Settings?04:16
The_MachineJucato: where do i find system settings?04:16
JucatoK Menu -> System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse04:16
The_Machinei'm clicking on the "K"04:16
The_Machineand i see "System" and "Settings"04:16
The_Machine(I don't see "System Settings")04:16
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majnoonBEST part no can get decss from they BUT they say it over >>>>>here and here how you INSTALL  it  (but you no here it HERE)04:16
The_MachineFRESH install.04:16
JucatoIt should be there, beneath Help04:17
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The_Machineheh, nope04:17
The_Machineokay, i'll look for it though.04:17
trappistLjL: I've gotten in the habit of using that perlism for some reason04:17
JucatoThe_Machine: press Alt+F2, type in "systemsettings"04:17
majnoonThe_Machine: look at my last line :)04:17
JucatoI'm quite dubious about your fresh install.... if it doesn't include System Settings..04:18
The_Machinei guess i could have explained better04:18
The_Machineyou're correct to be dubious04:18
majnoonJucato: how get sytem clock to know BIOS clock NOT   UTC ??04:18
The_Machinefresh install of kubuntu-desktop after i had installed Ubuntu04:18
The_Machinei didn't install kubuntu proper.04:18
The_MachineI did mislead, although i didn't mean to.04:19
Jucatokubuntu-desktop is supposed to install all Kubuntu defaults, including systemsettings.04:19
abattoirThe_Machine: that doesn't matter, it should still be there04:19
majnoonkubuntu sent me a cdrom04:19
The_MachineOkay, well that is what i did.  Straight-up.04:19
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Jucatobut probably hidden, because of some conflict with gnome's menus04:19
The_Machineif i type systemsettings i'm not getting it04:19
The_Machineit's probably not installed :)04:19
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Jucatodid you try launching it from Alt+F2? "systemsettings"04:19
The_Machine(that would explain its absence)04:19
The_Machineyes, i did04:20
The_Machinedidn't find it.04:20
The_Machinemaybe there was a problem downloading the package04:20
Jucatonot installed then.04:20
The_Machinetrying apt now04:20
JucatoThe_Machine: try running kcontrol04:20
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LjLThe_Machine: "apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop", is it installed?04:20
scythe128which rc script am I going to want to modify to run jackd on startup?  is it rc2.d? or should I create one?04:20
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The_Machinecould not find the specified command, Jucato04:21
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Jucatohm... I guess your installation of kubuntu-desktop didn't finish04:21
The_Machine  Installed: (none)04:21
The_Machine  Candidate: 1.2204:21
The_Machine  Version table:04:21
The_Machine     1.22 004:21
The_Machine        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages04:21
majnoonJucato: how get sytem clock to know BIOS clock NOT   UTC ??04:21
The_Machinesorry, bad paste.04:21
LjLThe_Machine: so it's not installed... sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:22
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The_Machinehow can i be in kde then?  hehe.  oh well.  I'll install it again.04:22
=== The_Machine installed it and then ran KDE..
The_Machineand it gave me the setup04:22
The_Machinemust have installed KDE and not the rest of the packages.04:22
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LjLThe_Machine: what setup?04:22
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The_Machinethe KDE setup04:22
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Jucatokpersonalizer perhaps04:22
LjLThe_Machine: what KDE setup? the wizard?04:22
The_Machinepick my keyboard, language, etc.04:22
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The_Machineyeah, the wizard.04:22
LjLif it's kpersonalizer, then it's not kubuntu-desktop that you installed04:23
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LjLbut kde-core or something04:23
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE04:23
BluesKajJucato, there are problems with jack in edgy ...been trying to setup jackeq , term output says this: Cannot contact JACK server, is it running?04:23
The_Machinei did install kubuntu-desktop but it must have not finished.  will do it now.  THanks!04:23
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LjLThe_Machine: well, it's strange because kubuntu-desktop does *not* install kpersonalizer AFAIK04:23
The_Machineit's downloading stuff now.04:23
The_MachineLJL - i didn't do anything special04:23
The_Machinei just did (in gnome) sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:24
JucatoBluesKaj: sorry, no idea.. :(04:24
The_Machinebut it's all good04:24
The_Machineit's d/lding now.04:24
The_Machineheh, system settings is there now.04:24
The_Machineshould i restart X?04:24
gnomefreakLjL: your correct its not installed with -desktop04:25
LjLThe_Machine: i'd do that, to check that everything is ok with KDE04:25
RoKFiTwhere is the nvidia bootsplash located?04:25
The_Machinealright.  how do i check that everything is ok?  :)04:25
The_Machinei mean, in general.04:25
=== The_Machine hates the damn system logs so far.. but that could be a gnome thing
The_Machinevery used to NT system logs04:26
LjLanyway if you have kpersonalizer installed it probably means you have other KDE stuff that is not strictly kubuntu installed04:26
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The_MachineLjL: strange04:26
The_Machinebrb guys.04:26
LjLThe_Machine: question's a bit too general :)04:26
gnomefreak!nvidia | RoKFiT04:26
ubotuRoKFiT: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:26
gnomefreakRoKFiT: its there one that link04:26
LjLThe_Machine: i'd try an "apt-cache policy kdebase". this should /not/ be installed, on a plain kubuntu-desktop installation04:26
RoKFiTthe bootsplash is?04:26
gnomefreakRoKFiT: it tells you how to disable it enable it04:27
The_Machinenot installed.04:27
RoKFiToh sweet!04:27
gnomefreakafaik you cant change it04:27
LjLRoKFiT: my guess is that it's located inside a nvidia driver binary04:27
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LjLso either get yourself a hex editor... or just disable it ;)04:28
fabian_how to tell gcc where to search for the header files first?04:28
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LjLfabian_: gcc -I/some/directory04:29
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fabian_i mean everytime04:29
fabian_my gcc can't find stdlib etc.04:29
RoKFiTthank you guys04:29
trappistfabian_: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:29
RoKFiTcommand gedit not found04:29
LjLRoKFiT: hardy can find it, if you're running KDE ;-)04:30
LjLuse kate instead04:30
LjL"kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf", if that's what you're up to04:30
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:31
RoKFiTit should work04:32
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ubuntuhello any one there04:32
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:33
RoKFiTthank you LjL04:33
ubuntuwow a chat client that works04:33
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=== RoKFiT is angry!
RoKFiTnew phone isn't working right04:33
trappistso I'm trying to mkinitrd for my freshly built kernel (since make install didn't do it for me) and I get "/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: 253:0: Cannot find LVM device".  anybody know why?04:33
RoKFiTshuffle is broken on mp3 player04:33
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ubuntuI'm considering swapping ubuntu to kubuntu, just trying it live. Any one got an opinion04:34
LjLubuntu: you're in #kubuntu - that leads me to guess most people here like it04:34
trappistubuntu: we all probably prefer kubuntu.  might get a different answer in #ubuntu.04:34
ubuntuIt feels nice04:35
BluesKajit'a a matter of taste between kubuntu and ubuntu as in KDE  vs Gnome04:35
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LjLubuntu: it may be worth mentioning that you can use KDE on Ubuntu, or Gnome on Kubuntu. Ubuntu and Kubuntu are really the same distribution, they just come with different packages installed by default04:36
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE04:36
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xsachahuh? novell is forking OOo?04:36
apokryphosthat's absolute rubbish04:36
apokryphosjust your average FUD from groklaw04:37
ubuntuthe only time i've tried kde was on suse but didn't like yum04:37
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apokryphosxsacha: if that's a fork then every Linux distribution has also "forked" the linux kernel04:37
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gnomefreakis kerry lighter than beagle in ram and cpu usage?04:37
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apokryphosxsacha: Novell provides more developers for OOo than any other Linux distribution04:38
LjLgnomefreak: ... isn't kerry just a frontend to beagle?04:38
apokryphosgnomefreak: kerry is but a front-end to beagle04:38
lenscapegnomefreak: kerry is just a front-end for beagle04:38
gnomefreakah ok04:38
apokryphosolder versions of beagle were intensive, but the latest versions are very very good with CPU usage04:38
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apokryphosI have it running all the time on my machine, and my gf's lower end (1.6ghz, 500 RAM) machine04:39
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apokryphosbut I'm not sure if ubuntu have got beagle set up just right, actually04:39
klerfaytwhy is my data dvd mounted as cdrom0?04:39
cloakableapokryphos: Tracker is easy to set up :)04:39
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apokryphosI haven't used it before04:40
apokryphosbeagle is a lot more widely used so I'm more inclined to it04:40
apokryphosalso the fact that it's integrated into my menu is a plus ;-)04:40
cloakableapokryphos: Windows is more widely used than Linux :P04:41
=== gnomefreak doesnt have 500mb ram to upgrade to that it would be cheaper to buy a new pc instead of ram
apokryphosit's a valid point for using Windows, but it's hardly definitive04:42
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apokryphosgnomefreak: if you've got that much, yeah, you should get a newer pc :P04:42
=== cloakable prefers quality over quantity :P
gnomefreakthis is a fairly new pc :(04:42
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gnomefreakits a 1.7 proc and 256 ram but the ram is weird04:43
apokryphoscloakable: beagle seems to have some top developers working on it04:43
apokryphosI don't think it's the case that developers are lacking in quality there04:43
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klerfaytgnomefreak: memtest then04:43
apokryphosgnomefreak: fairly new -- how many years?04:43
cloakableapokryphos: Then why did it do nasty things to my system, and why is it mono based? :(04:44
gnomefreaknot sure maybe 2-304:44
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fangoriousi have the 6.10 install cd booted, and qtparted seems unable to read my partition table: "Critical error during ped_disk_duplicate!". Running it from konsole it reports the error as a parted bug, but gparted doesn't have the same problem04:44
apokryphoscloakable: I'm not convinced that mono is evil, and where are you using, and what versions did you use?04:44
inteliwaspis it posible to reinstall kubuntu while keeping the home folder from being over writen?04:44
apokryphosinteliwasp: if you have your /home on a seperate partition04:45
gnomefreakklerfayt: no not bad ram just not normal ram (cant buy ram in stores) its some high dollar crap04:45
inteliwaspapokryphos:  er nope04:45
cloakableapokryphos: Right now? Kubuntu 6.10, Tracker
fangoriousinteliwasp: or if you choose to not format the / partition (assuming you don't do any repartitiongin)04:45
cloakableAnd mono is jit compiling - precompiled binaries are smaller and faster, IME.04:45
apokryphoscloakable: I haven't used beagle on ubuntu lately, so I can't be sure. But I heard complaints in a few discussions about how ubuntu has beagle set up04:45
klerfaytanyone here with dvd reader and kubuntu feisty?04:46
apokryphosI know it runs very very smoothly on my suse machines. Maybe I should investigate on ubuntu with it04:46
cloakableapokryphos: Why is it so difficult to set up?04:46
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apokryphoscloakable: I haven't seen anywhere that it is04:46
apokryphosof course there should be 0 setup effort from the user04:46
krusher-deis it safe to use edgy packages for dapper?04:46
apokryphosjust the developers determine how it's run04:46
apokryphoskrusher-de: nope04:46
trappistkrusher-de: no04:46
inteliwaspfangorious:  will that erase all of the rest of the partition for copying from cd? i am basicly downgrading from 6.10 to 6.06104:47
gnomefreakits rdram :(04:47
cloakableapokryphos: Tracker worked from install for me.04:47
trappistkrusher-de: if there's one you want real bad, get the source package and rebuild it04:47
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apokryphoscloakable: tracker or beagle look to be set to be implemented by default in feisty04:47
ubuntuhow do i exit a programe that going nuts04:47
lucama come faccio ad entrare su un caneale04:47
apokryphosubuntu: ctrl+alt+esc -> click on window04:48
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cloakableapokryphos: Easy enough to disable :)04:48
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gnomefreakubuntu: try killall krita04:48
ubuntuthank you04:48
apokryphoscloakable: hopefully we won't have people wanting to do that 8)04:48
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scythe128is there a way to run something automatically after kde has loaded?04:49
apokryphosubotu: autostart04:49
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup04:49
krusher-dethen if a package i want to install has dependencies that are for edgy versions, i have to rebuild each one?04:49
apokryphosscythe128: put an executable file in ~/.kde/Autostart04:49
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scythe128thanks apokryphos04:49
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cloakableapokryphos: Depends on many things: Microsoft FUD, if Beagle works well or not, etc.04:50
apokryphoscloakable: which of those depend on microsoft fud?04:50
cloakableapokryphos: mono.04:50
zorglu_http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ <- can you try to connect this page and tell me if it connects please04:50
TheGateKeeperkrusher-de: what are you trying to install?04:50
ubuntuis there a way of changing the sleeping dragon to somthing else04:50
fangoriousintelliwasp: if you don't format, it will only overwrite commonly named files/folders04:50
apokryphoscloakable: I don't think anyone in Linux is seriously considering that04:50
apokryphosi.e. afraid of including mono apps in their distro04:51
zorglu_it is working again, nevermin d :)04:51
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cloakableapokryphos: Personally, I hope for tracker inclusion in Feisty. No mono dependency, faster even now, lighter on the memory, etc.04:51
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krusher-deTheGateKeeper: themanaworld. i tried their dapper package but it won't work either.04:52
cloakableapokryphos: Right now, my trackerd is at 4MB.04:52
apokryphoscloakable: haven't done any tests so can't verify that04:52
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zorglu_cloakable: tried strigi ?04:52
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cloakablezorglu_: Not really. Strigi is KDE specific, isn't it?04:53
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zorglu_cloakable: not sure of the current status, but i know the author try not to04:53
inteliwaspfangorious:  well i suppose i can wait for my other computer to be fixed before i redo my laptop... (i played way too much with it ;P  )04:53
lupulcan anyone tell me pls how to install the ati driver in edgy. i'm new on linux04:54
cloakablezorglu_: And does it have Ubuntu packages? :)04:54
fangoriousinteliwasp: i hear ya04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install.run - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
zorglu_!info strigi04:54
ubotuPackage strigi does not exist in any distro I know04:54
zorglu_cloakable: apparently not. but i though the author did some work on this... i missing something04:54
cloakablezorglu_: Tracker isn't in Ubuntu either, but the debs exist on the site :)04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tracker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
cloakable!info tracker04:55
ubotuPackage tracker does not exist in any distro I know04:55
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lupulpls tell me how to start a run package04:55
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scythe128lupul try sudo sh ./install.run04:56
scythe128!nvidia drivers04:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
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_claudioOla galera ??04:57
klerfaytdev/scd0 is audio cd in fstab?04:57
inteliwaspscythe128:  try !nvidia04:57
LjL!nvidia | scythe12804:57
ubotuscythe128: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:57
_claudioEstou com uma  duvia .."  Ao tentar  instalar o windowmaker "04:57
LjL!pt | _claudio04:57
ubotu_claudio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:57
lupulit works. thanks04:57
_claudioda  um erro X1104:58
zorglu_http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=strigi&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all <- cloakable04:58
scythe128thanks ljl, lupul you might want to check out that page that ubotu just told me to go look at04:58
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LjL_claudio: tenes que escribir /join #ubuntu-br por entrar04:58
Linux_Freekanyone tried feisty daily build ?04:59
TheGateKeeperkrusher-de: http://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?t=187004:59
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:59
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm57.omega18.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu
lupula little complicated there04:59
_claudiono consigo instalar o "windowmaker" alguem sabe o nome  do pacote  no "apt " ou seila04:59
zorglu_http://fboudra.free.fr/ubuntu/edgy/ <- cloakable for more recent one04:59
scythe128I am writing a script to start a server... jackd to be exact... I want jackd to run in the background and not to keep my console window tied up.  How do I do that?04:59
Linux_Freeki downloaded then 20061204 build05:00
zorglu_cloakable: i knew he did some work on it05:00
Linux_Freeki downloaded the alternate install cd and it could not mount the cd itslef.. u think thats a bug ?05:00
_claudioAlguem responde  .. ??05:01
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:01
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_claudioalguem que  possa  ajudar !!05:01
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.05:01
_claudiosobre  windowmaker05:01
Linux_Freekcloakable: u tired it ?05:02
Bulwinkleor speak english05:02
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cloakableLinux_Freek: Nope. I'm using Tracker :P05:02
Linux_Freekwhat`s that ?05:03
Linux_Freekcloakable: what`s tracker05:04
cloakableLinux_Freek: Search tool similar to Beagle, but grabs metadata, etc. And faster x.x And smaller.05:04
Linux_Freekcloakable: no.. I asked u if you tried kubutu 7.04 daily build ?05:04
cloakableNo, Edgy is edgy enough for me.05:05
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krusher-deTheGateKeeper: as in the post, i get "tmw: error while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" i checked with adept, but it says libcurl is installed. weird.05:05
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Bulwinklekrusher-de: you should make sure there is a symlink for libcurl that links it to libcurl.so.205:06
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TheGateKeeperkrusher-de: do a file search for libcurl.so.2 see if it really there05:07
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Vladdylooks like I'll have to build kernel from source05:08
trappistkrusher-de: in edgy, it's libcurl.so.3 - you could try making a symlink05:08
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trappistkrusher-de: or, if you have acroread installed, you could link to /usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/Reader/intellinux/lib/libcurl.so.205:09
TheGateKeeperkrusher-de: you could also check using the command line: apt-cache search <whatever> or dpkg -S filename05:09
krusher-dehow to symlink? sorry i've only used linux for about a week...05:10
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Vladdyln -s libcurl.so.3 /usr/lib/libcurl.so.205:10
trappistkrusher-de: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3 /usr/lib/libcurl.so.205:10
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SnakeHavnt been here for a while05:11
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krusher-dehey, it's running! thanks lots guys :P05:12
The_Machinejust did a 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' and now when i try to boot i get this error (when i choose the newest kernel):  RAMDISK:  ran out of compressed data.  Kernel panic - not syncing VFS.  Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)05:12
krusher-debtw, used the symlink thing05:12
The_Machineplease help?  :)05:12
The_Machinepoor linux.05:12
fangoriousqtparted is giving me an error in a parted function and can't read the partition table, so I can't install from the kubuntu 6.10 cd. gparted works, so i could boot the ubuntu cd, install, then add kubuntu-desktop05:12
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trappistThe_Machine: hit esc at the grub prompt and boot to the old kernel05:14
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ubuntuthats it I'm swapping05:14
The_Machinetrappist: i'm in the old kernel now05:14
The_Machinebooted successfully05:14
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The_Machinehow do i fix it so i can boot to the new one? :)05:14
trappistThe_Machine: you seem to have a problem with your initrd.  you could try recreating it.05:15
ubuntuthanks for all you're help05:15
ubuntuback in a bit05:15
The_Machinetrappist: can you put that in 'noob' terms?05:16
trappistThe_Machine: like, sudo mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-(version) (version)05:16
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trappistThe_Machine: where (version) in both cases is the version of the new kernel, like 2.6.17-10-generic05:16
The_Machinei understand05:16
trappistThe_Machine: may need to install initrd-tools first05:17
The_Machinei just ran Adept manager before my last boot05:17
The_Machineis there any way i can do an "undo" of whatever it last did?05:18
The_Machinethis doesn't make sense to me.05:18
trappistThe_Machine: not really, but you could uninstall the new kernel05:18
The_Machineuninstall and reinstall?05:18
trappistThe_Machine: it would be easier to apt-get install --reinstall, if you want to go that way05:19
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The_Machinesomething got corrupted from the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or from running adept05:19
The_Machinehmm.  yeah, reinstall..05:19
lupulcan anyone tell me which is the command to start opendcd?05:21
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JuJuBeeWhen installing realplayer for linux, it asks where to intall.  Where should I tell it to install?  Should this be installed as root?05:22
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_vgearent realplayer in repos?05:22
TheGateKeeper_vge: 1 min05:23
_vgeyup it is05:23
TheGateKeeperwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb05:24
TheGateKeepersudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb05:24
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_vgeTheGateKeeper: i have realplayer installed from repos, JuJuBee here was asking for it05:24
The_Machinetrappist: does apt-get install --reinstall .... reinstall everything?05:24
The_Machine(freaky :)05:24
TheGateKeeper_vge: give him what I pasted then :-)05:25
JuJuBeeI got it, thanks.  I am trying it now.05:25
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JuJuBeeWhere should I  install it?05:26
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:26
TheGateKeeperiirc what is in the repos is some 'pain-in the-ass' meta package05:26
Dr_willisHmm.. i cant even rember the last time i used realplayer05:27
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JuJuBeeThanks The GateKeeper, it works.   Thanks heaps!!!!05:28
_vgei guess i get that too as it's newer than i had05:28
TheGateKeeperJuJuBee: yw :-)05:28
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The_Machinewhat is the file called to edit grub?  (like, the list of kernels and "other operating systems" that appear in the boot list)?  I did a search for grub.conf but it isn't bringing up anything.05:31
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JucatoThe_Machine: /boot/grub/menu.lst05:31
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PhinnForthow can i install yakuake?05:32
PhinnFortadept is rather confusing...05:32
armelil y a des francais ladedan ?05:32
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JucatoPhinnFort: sudo apt-get install yakuake :)05:32
Jucato!fr | armel05:32
ubotuarmel: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:32
_vgekuake o.4 ftw05:32
PhinnFortJucato: heh, i switched to kubuntu from gentoo to get away from cli's;)05:32
JucatoPhinnFort: in Adept Manager, just start typing in the name of the app, and the filter will show it05:33
artusomHello all, Wonder if someone might shed some light on a startup problem. with edgy -- wont startx with my nvida 7600 sli cards05:33
PhinnFortJucato: "E: Couldn't find package yakuake"05:33
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PhinnFortJucato: although: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/kde/yakuake05:33
ubotuyakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB05:33
_vgePhinnFort: might also wanna try Synaptic as i have allways find it more userfriendly05:33
JucatoPhinnFort: do you have "universe" enabled?05:33
PhinnFortJucato: i believe so05:34
PhinnForti might have forgotten to "update"...05:34
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Dr_williswell Sabayon LInux lasted 2 days on this machine....05:35
Dr_willisback to Kubuntu05:35
JucatoKubuntu lasted 11 months (and counting)05:36
Dr_willisi do a clean install of the ubuntus every 6 mo. :)05:36
Jucatoso do I :)05:36
Dr_willisactually i installed 'linux mint' on my laptop the other day05:36
Jucatobut it's still Kubuntu05:37
PhinnFortwell, gentoo lasted 3~ years, now compiling everything takes a very long time...05:37
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_vgetoke me 1 year to get slacware running, does that count as "usage"?05:37
Dr_willisTheres getting to be way too much focus on 'we allready set up all the eye candy for you as our main feature' disrtos. :)05:37
PhinnForthow do i get colors in my bash again?05:37
PhinnFortcould someone post their .bashrc?05:37
Dr_willisls --color05:37
Dr_willisalias ls = 'ls --color'05:38
PhinnFortmy bashrc is for gentoo, alas05:38
BluesKajvge, that's called persistence05:38
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ubotucodeine: Simple KDE video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.dfsg-1 (edgy), package size 163 kB, installed size 576 kB05:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about morphine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
PhinnFortcodeine is simply the best media player for kde05:44
BluesKajwhy ?05:44
Dr_willisYa know.. looking at 'medicine' names - i am amazed at the lack of creativity in some programing naming/disrto namings. :)05:44
PhinnFortBluesKaj: try it;)05:45
Dr_willisZantex Linux - with purple theme.!05:45
Dr_willis"Nexuim Linux' reduces hartburn!05:45
BluesKajwhynot kaffeine, PhinnFort ?05:45
PhinnFortkaffeine sucks bollocks, compared to codeine05:45
PhinnFortat least in usabilty05:45
BluesKajit's one thing to name call, jhow about some reasons ?05:45
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scythe128 I wrote a script to execute 1 command, I placed it in .kde/Autostart, it wont autostart, any suggestion?05:46
PhinnFortscythe128: have you set the executable bit?05:46
Dr_willisive been trying to track down a video player that i can set where on every time it goes to the next video in theplaylist - it auto-jumps ahead like  2:00 min...05:46
PhinnFortchmod +x [name] 05:46
BluesKajdoes codeine record live video ..like off a tv tuner ?05:46
scythe128chmod 777 it05:46
Dr_willisto skip over the lame intro song/titlesnimations05:46
PhinnFortBluesKaj: codeine just plays my movies, and it does it well:P05:46
scythe128what is the difference between 777 and +x05:46
PhinnFortit's like media player classic for windows05:47
PhinnFortscythe128: 777 is bad05:47
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Dr_willis777 is +EVERYTHING isent it. :)05:47
PhinnFortit gives everyone rights to do everything05:47
Dr_willistry it on a test file.05:47
Dr_willistouch testme05:47
PhinnForttouch me05:47
scythe128Thats fine by me05:47
Dr_willischmod 777 testme05:47
Dr_willisls -l testme05:47
scythe128I am the only user05:47
PhinnFortchmod +x just gives executable bit05:47
scythe128so its the same as a chmod 111 then05:47
PhinnFortno, it only sets it for your own user, afaik05:48
Dr_willisscythe128,  such 'thinking' is the reason a lot of people learn bad security habbits. :)05:48
PhinnForta+x = 111, afaik05:48
PhinnFortDr_willis: agreed05:48
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Vladdychmod 755 or 644 ;p05:48
PhinnFortjust +x ffs05:48
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PhinnFortam i allowed to ask easyubuntu related questions in here?05:49
klerfaythow do I / or is it possible to configure fstab so that cd will mounted as cds and dvds as dvds?05:49
PhinnFortlike why it doesn't show a progress bar or anything?05:49
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  heh - ubuntu is so easy now.. i dont need easyubuntu :)05:49
PhinnFortDr_willis: :P05:49
scythe128Dr_willis, it is a file that I want running at all times anyways.  I want it running for all users.  I want it running at startup... everyone will have access to it anyways.05:49
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PhinnFortscythe128: why bother writing a character more?05:49
scythe128Unless the have permission to write to my home directory... or read my home directory.. the file is already covered05:50
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scythe128because I learned on solaris and I am more comfortable with the numbers over the letters05:50
PhinnFortwell, you ain't on solaris now, little boy;)05:50
Dr_willisHmm.. to be executable by everyone.. they need read access to the file/dirs i think.05:50
bacardenwhere do i have games on this pc?05:50
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Dr_willisbacarden,  i have several in the menus.. or fire up adept and install some more05:51
PhinnFortbacarden: install them, i think;)05:51
Dr_willisbacarden,  theres a ubuntu games wiki page also that details/reviews a lot of games also.05:51
scythe128lets put it this way, root cannot logon, scythe is the only user... think I am really worried about security?05:51
PhinnFortscythe128: you could get rooted05:51
bacardenbut no one installed in the system?05:51
scythe128no remote logins allowed... cant be pinged05:52
Dr_willisone should ALWAYS worry about security05:52
PhinnFortbacarden: noone here, anyways05:52
=== PhinnFort thinks Dr_willis sounds more like patient willis
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PhinnFortdoes bastille support (k)ubuntu?05:52
scythe128Doc, this machine only touches the net once a week.. from behind several firewalls05:53
ubotubastille: Security hardening tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1.1-12 (edgy), package size 358 kB, installed size 1508 kB05:53
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  hmm.. not tried that in ages.05:53
PhinnFortDr_willis: me neither, used it when i set up my gentoo machine05:53
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  bastille was a 'big' thing a few years.. now this is the first ive heard of it in ages.. heh05:53
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PhinnForthow can i know what easyubuntu is doing?05:54
Dr_willisread the code.05:54
Dr_willisrun it from a terminal.05:54
PhinnFortheh, i might have to rewrite it to make it show me some status05:54
Dr_willislast i used it.. there wasent much it did - that i couldent do by hand.05:54
Dr_willissounds like some bug it has.05:54
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PhinnForti know, i just don't know what i should do by hand05:54
PhinnFortfirst time ubuntu;)05:55
Dr_willisIt pays to learn how to do it by hand. :)05:55
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Dr_willisand it pays to explore the wiki/guides. :)05:55
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PhinnFortDr_willis: is there some kind of semi-official ubuntu wiki?05:55
Dr_willislets see... theres !java and !nvidia factoids and !wiki05:55
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation05:55
Dr_willistheres an official wiki. :)05:55
The_Machinedoes Adept updater conflict with Synaptic / Apt?05:55
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  no. they are just front eneds to the apt-get system.05:56
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Dr_willisI normally install synaptic first thing on Kubuntu. :)05:56
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scythe128chmod +x adds x to all .. global.. user... and group05:56
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The_MachineDr_willis: i added a repo a while back, and it says that i have all of these python files to upgrade/update now05:56
PhinnFortscythe128: do u+x if you just want user05:57
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The_Machineand those files are considered to be "dist" upgrades05:57
PhinnFortDr_willis: isn't apt-get just a front-end to?05:57
PhinnFortto dpkg?05:57
The_Machinebut when i try to install them, it fails05:57
The_Machineand they won't go away either.05:57
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  everthing is a front end. :)05:57
The_MachinePhinnFort: no, apt-get isn't a front end.  Synaptic is the front end of apt.05:57
Dr_willisi think every thing eventually calls 'dd'  in some way or another.05:57
PhinnFortdd runs the universe05:57
Dr_willisthe apt  system is a bit hard to get  the 'big' picture of how all the programs interrelate.05:58
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PhinnForti'm very impressed by the speed of it, though05:59
scythe128anyways.. back to my question, any clue as to why it wouldn't run? it was executeable, in /home/scythe/.kde/Autostart05:59
PhinnFortcompared to portage, written in python;)05:59
PhinnFortscythe128: what happens if you double click on it?05:59
PhinnForti have several scripts in Autostart, python and bash, that run everytime i log in05:59
scythe128never tried, I could call it from term though and it worked fine05:59
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=== Rogor is now known as Bacarden
The_MachineDr_willis: i added a repo a while back, and it says that i have all of these python files to upgrade/update now and apt is considering them to be a 'dist upgrade'.  When i try to install them it fails, but they won't go away either.  Suggestion?06:00
Dr_willisThe_Machine,   you dident remove that repo since then?06:01
The_Machinei have06:01
The_Machinebut even though i update, it still shows them06:01
Dr_willisId say put it back...06:01
The_Machinei can't see what repo it's coming from either..06:01
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The_Machinei don't even know if my repos are the same :/06:02
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Dr_willisYep.. i learned to just 'comment' out different repos..06:02
Dr_willisactually i try to avoide putting in all these 'other' repos heh06:02
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB06:04
scythe128double clicking tells me that I dont have permissions to read it06:04
PhinnFortscythe128: there you have your problem06:05
PhinnFortchown [username]  [file]  as root06:05
PhinnFortnow, how do i get stuff from multiverse?06:06
PhinnFortwhat should i add to sources.list?06:06
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:06
scythe128I was already the owner of it06:06
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The_MachineHow do i use the system log to troubleshoot why a program doesn't start up after i click on it?  (the icon bounces up and down, but the app doesn't start).  Little help as to why?06:10
lenscapeThe_Machine: open a Konsole window and run in there06:10
fdoving.. or look at ~/.xsession-errors06:11
Dr_willisThe shell is our friend. :)06:11
PhinnForthow come i don't have DRI in (k)ubuntu, when i had the exact same Xorg in gentoo?06:12
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Dr_willisYou install the proper drivers yet? ati/nvidia?06:12
PhinnForti used the open source r300 drivers06:12
PhinnFortbut i guess i'll have to use the proprietary...06:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:13
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Dr_willisthat would be my guess also.06:13
The_Machinelenscape: reinstalling the app worked.  Thanks for the tip (it showed me i should)06:14
lenscapeThe_Machine: cool06:14
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scythe128woo, back and it worked06:15
PhinnFortscythe128: good:D06:15
scythe128I find it odd that I could execute the script from the cli but not by double clicking it.  I didn't even need to sudo from the cli06:15
scythe128gonna see if I can reproduce it06:16
Normani installed dapper on my pc and i have now installed edgy on my wife pc. Where can i get info on the difference06:16
Dr_willisUbuntu home page. :)06:16
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ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation06:16
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Dr_willismight want to use edgy on both machines.06:17
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scythe128not repeatable... musta been my ignorance :)06:18
PhinnFortbad karma?06:18
Normanwhy dapper is working fine i install dapper 3 weeks ago my first shot at linux06:18
PhinnFortNorman: new and exciting features and stuff;)06:18
scythe128I havent ran over any gradmas in alteast three weeks... I have had all of my karma even'd out ;)06:19
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Normando i dare try a upgrade or from scrach06:19
Dr_willisi find it safer to clean install.06:19
PhinnFortNorman: keep your /home06:19
Dr_willisi keep /home on its own partition - so its rather trivial.06:19
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Normanshould i then greate a new partation and store my /home there06:20
Dr_willisI got a whole extra HD for my home. :)06:21
PhinnFortNorman: it will save you some time later06:21
PhinnForthow much pr0n DO you have?06:21
Dr_willisAnime torrents mainly.06:21
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Dr_willisand Emulator roms06:21
PhinnForti didn't think roms took much space06:22
Normani do have 2 hd one has xp on it06:22
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Dr_willisi got about 20gb of MAME roms.06:22
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PhinnFortthat's rather much, isn't it?06:22
Dr_willisthats for one emulator.. several dozen gb of amiga roms06:22
PhinnFortNorman: delete XP, and use that HD as /home06:22
scythe128I didnt think there were that many games for amiga06:22
Dr_willisconsidering theres some 4ooo+ mame games...06:22
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Normani need xp so i can do some work from home06:23
scythe128Phinn, what if he "has" to use it for important stuff like.....castle wolfinstein?06:23
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PhinnFortthen he gets wine06:23
scythe128what programs do you use Norman?  there may be viable alternatives out there that dont require much retraining06:23
Normanwhat if i create  a new cadkey06:24
Normanthe prg is cad key06:24
scythe128Phinn, wine is still beta... I wouldn't recommend it for that reason, but there are some compat problems with it still (and some programs are very pickey)06:25
scythe128that similar to autocad? or closer to visio06:25
PhinnFortscythe128: i've used it for a very long time06:25
PhinnFortit will never go out of beta06:25
scythe128if closer to visio, might as well kill yourself  (jk)06:25
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VladdyI should update my kernel.. bah.. too evil06:26
PhinnFortvaricad also looks like a viable alternative06:26
Normanthe file format have to be compatable06:26
scythe128phinn.... cad programs like to use very proprietary formats...06:26
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scythe128thankx norman... was just trying to type that :)06:26
PhinnFortNorman: VariCAD supports STEP, STL, IGES, DWG and DXF file formats.06:26
kliolhi what means /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build not configured? i installed kernel header for kubuntu but when i become this when i compile some software that needs kernel06:27
Normani will do some resaerch thanks06:27
scythe128how much retraining is he going to have to do though?  will it be close enough that he can be productive without spending 50 hours  a month in a support channel?06:27
PhinnFortscythe128: don't be so negative06:27
PhinnFortit will probably run in wine06:27
Dr_willisvmware is handy.06:28
Normani will try wine06:28
scythe128Dr. Willis, couldnt agree more06:28
PhinnFortNorman: it's getting very stable06:28
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scythe128Phinn, I have found a few programs that still dont like to run right under it06:28
Normanok will try tonight at home06:28
PhinnFortscythe128: examples?06:29
PhinnFortand when did you last try them?06:29
scythe128a few months ago06:29
PhinnFortscythe128: nero has a native linux version06:29
Dr_willisnero under wine.. is sort of scary idea06:29
PhinnFortdoesn't count;)06:29
Dr_willisnero-linux is rather pathic i hear. :)06:29
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scythe128I know k3b...xcdroast....NeroLinux06:29
PhinnFortnero is bloated06:29
scythe128NeroLinux is not as full featured as Nero06:29
Dr_willisI use nero under windows for just a few things it makes easy...06:30
PhinnFortwell, then that's a good thing(tm);)06:30
PhinnFortK3B makes my life happy06:30
scythe128I pretty much only use it06:30
Dr_williswife wanted to make some 'dvd' slideshow disks of her old xmas pictures for xmas party06:30
Dr_williseasier to jsut boot to windows and show her how to drag/drop/click with nero. :)06:30
PhinnFortDr_willis: there is a KDE program to do that06:30
PhinnFortvery well written06:31
scythe128linux just recently got good dvd rippers too, so I no longer need dvddecrypter, or dvdshrink06:31
Dr_willisor coruse THEN she realized that a pc hooked up to the tv could do it also.06:31
scythe128neither ran well in xine06:31
Dr_willisthe PSP reencoder front ends are getting udeable under linxu now also...06:31
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lupuldoes anyone know a tool to monitor cpu, memory, temperature....06:33
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lupulall in one06:33
Dr_willisoodles of them.06:33
scythe128I only use my windows for media files that wont play on my linux06:34
Dr_willissuperkaramba applets have them, gkrellm,  lets see.. what else.06:34
Dr_willisseveral kickerapplets can do some of those features06:34
bXialmost done with setting up my basic ubuntu06:35
scythe128there a gmail notifier for linux yet?06:35
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matteogood evening06:37
matteoi'm a problem06:37
scythe128well, admitting it is part of the solution.... whats bothering you matteo?06:37
matteoi' want yahoo for kubuntu x86_6406:38
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scythe128what yahoo, the instant messenger?  look  at gaim or kopete.  They both can talk to yahoo's chat networks06:39
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ryomacan some one help me out06:39
Dr_willisscythe128,  ive seen one for kde and one for gnome.06:40
Dr_willis!info gcheckmail06:40
ubotuPackage gcheckmail does not exist in any distro I know06:40
matteoi must have just an account?06:40
Dr_willis!info kcheckmail06:40
ubotuPackage kcheckmail does not exist in any distro I know06:40
Dr_willis!find gmail06:40
ubotuFound: mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail, checkgmail, enigmail-locale-ca, enigmail-locale-cs, enigmail-locale-de (and 23 others)06:40
ryomawhere i can find some codec video06:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:40
Dr_willisryanakca,  i normally download/install the w32codecs pack from the several repositories. or from the mplayer homepage06:40
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scythe128Dr_willis found a couple in synaptic that I am going to try06:42
bXiare there any decent xgl guides for edgy 64bit ?06:43
Dr_willisi like the gnome gmail checker applet i found the other day better then the kde one.06:43
scythe128there is a gmailnotify in synaptic06:44
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scythe128looks just like the osx or windows one... keep it uniform06:44
Dr_willishas a few packatges not common yet.06:44
olegfink!info checkgmail06:44
ubotucheckgmail: Alternative Gmail Notifier for Linux via Atom feeds. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-1 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 204 kB06:44
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smaggardhello everyone :D06:44
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Dr_willis!info zim06:45
ubotuzim: a desktop wiki. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-1 (edgy), package size 197 kB, installed size 756 kB06:45
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Dr_willisever have the joy of explaining to a windows user what a 'package-manager' actually does under linux. :)06:46
Dr_willisthey can be sooooooooo baffled that such a thing even exists.06:46
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Dr_willis'you mean you dont go to all these web sites and download the updates?'06:47
bARTISTi am under ubuntu06:47
=== Dr_willis hands bARTIST a gold star. :)
bARTISTand i wish to try kubuntu06:47
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Dr_willissudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:47
bARTISTthanx Dr-willis06:47
Dr_williswill install the core of kubuntu. check out the Kubuntu homepage and its FAQ while it installs.06:48
bARTISTbut i heard there were other options06:48
bARTISTcore, desktop, and full06:48
ChrissieHi bARTIST. I switched from ubuntu to Kubuntu and I've never regretting it? Go for it06:48
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Dr_willisI normally install ubuntu, then kubuntu-desktop06:48
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bARTISTok i ll to it willis06:48
Dr_williscant recall ever trhying core/full06:48
malik__hello guyz06:48
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matteosorry for my ignorance, but for use kopete; i must have an account from yahoo yet? or I can create it for them?06:49
bARTISTand i heard there is a way to make that KDE programs do not appear in ubuntu06:49
scythe128your almost as bad as me Doc.. I install ubuntu and then kde... I have never actually used kubuntu so to speak06:49
malik__one question...............do we use ubuntu repos for kubuntu or kubuntu has its own repos?06:49
matteoi am not english XD06:49
bARTISTand gnome programs do not appear in kubuntu06:49
Dr_willismalik__,  they all use the same repos.06:49
bARTISTis that good?06:49
Dr_willisbARTIST,  never heard of a way to do that..06:49
Dr_willisboth de's scan for the various .desktop files i though and fill in the menus as needed.06:50
scythe128matteo.. I am not sure... you might be able create an account06:50
Dr_willisI mixx and match gnome+kde apps as   i feel like it.06:50
bARTISTDr_Willis, if i install kubuntu-desktop, can i remove it?06:50
Chrissiewhen you update the repos, it updaes tehm all, g and k. you can even run g.apps under k. I think06:50
malik__thanx mate06:50
Dr_willisbARTIST,   not in a very 'clean' way :)06:50
matteook thanks06:50
=== scythe128 is touch ing fred, not that way.. fred is what I name my test files
bARTISTi have 1 reason to install kubuntu: amarok06:52
bARTISTwhat other reasons are they?06:52
Dr_willissudo apt-get install amarok06:52
scythe128bartist... you can install amarok in kde06:52
scythe128i mean gnome06:52
Dr_willisi never listen to music.. so whatever floats your boat.06:52
Chrissieyou can run amarok in gnome, i think06:52
bARTISTamarok under gnome is not that efficient06:52
Dr_willisthe more  i use gnome.. the more i realize how much better KDE is.06:52
bARTISTunder gnome, it always mention something about art missing06:53
smaggardhaha ive only used gnome a few times like in k12ltsp and i HATE it06:53
smaggardits like wheres the trash can?06:53
scythe128hehe, if I could get aero for linux, I would :)06:53
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smaggardi have 768MB ram and i still cant run aero06:54
malik__okie guyz my amarok keeps tellin me that taglib is broken may be................... n needs to be reinstalled.......it wudnt add some 21 gig of my mp3 files06:54
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malik__any idea on that?06:55
scythe128smaggard... uhhh... aero is the osx wm... it runs fine with 512, but apple wont release it or the real darwin for us (the cheap people)06:55
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smaggardi thought you were talking about aero glass, the vista 3d06:55
Dr_willisya would THINK billion-doller companies could come up with better names...06:55
scythe128no... I like the win2k desktop best for windows06:56
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smaggarddid u notice how after windows xp came out, everything else started becoming XP versions?06:56
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Dr_willisbetter then the "everything2000' version names...06:57
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Dr_willisor the 'whatevberReloaded' names.. :)06:57
scythe128hehe, athlon xp 1800 (it only runns 1533)06:57
Dr_willisnow we got iWhatever names.06:57
smaggardyeah and the movie i robot06:58
scythe128iDont really iCare though, its good fodder for commedians06:58
smaggardim surprised there isnt a windows xp movie about how great it is06:58
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Dr_willisugh.. you realize that name was the name of a book... that came out Years and years ago...06:58
Dr_willis"I Robot"06:59
Dr_willisnot iRobot :)06:59
smaggardthere was iMesh, iTunes, iPod,06:59
smaggardlol yeah that was a joke06:59
scythe128iRobot  =  makers of roomba06:59
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Dr_willisthen apple was all mad and threating to sue everyone that even used icons/themes that looked like theirs.06:59
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smaggardwhat does the i stand for?07:00
scythe128idont know07:00
Dr_willisI just love for Years how APple touted how "well researched/organized/designed OS-9 Was'  ... then they toss it all out the window.07:00
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cloakableDr_willis: Well, at least they admit mistakes :)07:00
smaggardthe newest will always be best, no matter what it really is07:00
Dr_willisYou would think after years and years of computer/programing/design/theory/research - we would have the 'perfect'  Open File... Dialog box..07:01
cloakableWindows would drag the thing on forever.07:01
Chrissiehey, got the announcement last night that a beta Ulteo would be released tonight or tomorrow07:01
scythe128like windows me, there was actually some fanfare over windows mistake edition07:01
Dr_willis'drag and drop is a cool feature... no its not... yes  it is...  ' heh heh07:01
Chrissieanyone knows a little what's behind itN07:01
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smaggarddecember 5th or 6th07:03
smaggardthats close.. lol07:03
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Chrissieexactly. should be tonight or tmrw. but doesn't say much in the matter of teazer.  Anyone know anything?07:04
smaggardi dont07:05
smaggardbut i wouldnt get my hopes up07:05
Dr_willisOLPC GUI 'preview'    :)    http://applications.linux.com/applications/06/11/30/206212.shtml?tid=2607:05
Dr_willisso when can we expect OPLCubuntu07:06
Chrissiewhy not? seems "revolutionary", running within a browser and all07:06
scythe128I didnt like it07:08
scythe128but thats just me07:08
scythe128it was cool to see, but ... I dunno.... different.. and different is bad ;)07:08
Chrissiescythe: what didn't you like?07:08
scythe128welll... gimme a few and I will tell you.  I will have to actually watch it again07:09
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scythe128dont like haveing to google for everything... there is no address bar07:10
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Dr_williswhat are we talking about? i missed somthing....... :)07:11
scythe128there is a video out there that actually shows this ui in action... i just didnt like it07:11
Chrissiegot the url for the video?07:11
scythe128looking for it now07:12
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scythe128http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2255304751539750822&q=olpc+interface           there you go chrissie07:13
Chrissieas for the address bar, I'd assume that it's one "obviousity" that would be fixed first thing07:13
firestar162kann mir jemand sagen warum mein internet (dsl 2000) so langsam ist? habe kubuntu drauf07:13
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Chrissiethanks, brb07:13
LjL!de | firestar16207:13
ubotufirestar162: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:13
firestar162alles klar, danke07:13
smaggardi had never heard about the one laptop per child thing before..07:14
scythe128I love the idea... I dont like the intergface.  It had to be lightweight though... so it is probably the best it will get.07:14
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LjLi'd like Opie/Qtopia rather for a lightweight interface07:15
LjLit used to have (half-broken) Debian packages once in the Debian repos, not anymore :-\07:15
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scythe128ljl, this machine has a 512Mb flash drive.... that is it.  It has to be very streamlined07:16
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smaggardyah look at the hardware....07:16
easytigerhi... kdevelop isn't working.. i open it and it starts then just hangs?07:16
LjLscythe128, Opie is the interface (well, one of them) that is used on PDAs07:16
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scythe128well, that is streamlined then :)  didnt know that, will probably forget it :(07:17
LjLhttp://opie.handhelds.org/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=c7x0 - and yes, it can work on i38607:17
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Vladdy./usr/share/kernel-package/ruleset/misc/version_vars.mk:123: *** Error. The version number # # configuration written to .config # 2.6.19-rc6-Andromeda is not all lowercase. Since the version ends up in the package name of the kernel image package, this is a Debian policy violation, and the packaging system shall refuse to package the image. .  Gestopt.07:17
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LjLi'd have used that rather than reinvent the wheel, but that's just myself07:18
[Amigo] Hi, pll! I need simpled QT-based firewall, just simple rule...07:18
sb9howdie, looking for a command to check the state of a daemon07:18
LjL!firewall | [Amigo] 07:18
ubotu[Amigo] : Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:18
Vladdythat's too bad!07:18
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Chrissieback from the OLPC video07:18
sb9ie whether its up and running07:18
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sb9or do i have to grep it from ps  ?07:19
Dr_willisi skimmed the olpc video. :)07:19
scythe128last week there was someone having trouble getting jack to work so they could use their ati tv wonder pro video card, anyone remember who that was?07:19
[Amigo] LjL: Simple QT-based (graphics interface)  :) iptables - so hard to learn :007:19
Dr_willisInteresting use of the frame/border thing.07:19
ChrissieI like it. remember the C of OLPC stands for "child", so that explains why there's no address bar07:19
scythe128Doc, definately different isnt07:19
LjL[Amigo] : missed the Guarddog part?07:19
dlshello all07:19
Dr_willisIve been using MatchBox On and off for a window manager.. insome ways Matchbox would be a better choice i think07:20
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:20
scythe128chrissie, your right..... but that is why I dont like it07:20
[Amigo] LjL: More simply, like Firestarter on GTK :)07:20
ubuntu_this looks strangeeee07:20
Dr_willisYou are not really the target audience scythe128  :)07:20
scythe128they will most likely have a better chance of hitting something relavent without haveing to spell it right though07:20
dlssoory i haw a kubuntu bot ei kend not login as root07:20
ChrissieI agree. It's different. And I agree that different is not what children need for a first introducton to usage of a pc07:20
scythe128Dr.. they were trying to sell these for 300 each so they could have 2 children sponsored per one bought here07:21
Dr_willisI seem to   end up typing www.whatever.com into google search entry by mistake all the time. heh.07:21
Vladdythere we go, it's building now, with capitals07:21
Chrissienot that they should all be introduced to Msoft look alike, but it should at least lok familiar to what the adults work with and that they see everyday07:21
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[Amigo] LjL: Ok. I be using Guarddog. Great tnx. Bye!!!07:22
Dr_willisscythe128,  yes.. but thats not targeting  us with its design.  thats a 'fundraiser' gimmic. for those of us that just LOVE new toys.07:22
ChrissieI guess is the price is really really really low, then different is good. Like less than $100 for a box07:22
scythe128it should follow generally agreed upon gui conventions (close by cliking a button in the corner (left for ms, right for mac).  stuff like that07:22
Dr_willisfor $300 i think i would go for a Nokia770 for my toys .07:22
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Chrissielol. i thought these were discontinued? been looking for one for ages07:23
Dr_willisagreed upon... left for MS right for mac... heh heh.. yea.. real agreed upon!07:23
Dr_willisBeOS had the title bars that resized.. so the thing was always moving. :)07:23
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scythe128doc, its still in a corner.... not by clicling  the edge and the clicking something else07:24
soulriderdoes anyone know of a program i can use to plot 3d functions ?07:24
scythe128be os is dead, well the support is07:24
Dr_willisyears and years of 'research' into GUIS and we still get wacky experiments.07:24
Chrissieisn't the challenge what we're all looking for? sleepless night etc?07:24
Dr_willisI always enabled the WIn95 theme in BeOS. :)07:24
=== Dr_willis loads up Geos64 for his C-64!
Dr_willisnow thats an GUI!07:25
scythe128I just think that this system should be somewhat adaptable in order allow the child to progress beyond what they learned on that pc and allow them to learn the concepts that make most os's similar07:25
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scythe128I had geos!!  a friend had it on his 48607:25
scythe128geos looks very much like win 3.x07:26
Dr_willisI think you are refering to the later generation of GEOS. :) not the original.07:26
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ChrissieI fully agree. Just look at the number of linux distro that are recommended for win swistchers: they're all windows blue07:27
Dr_willisGeos reinvented itself like 2 or 5 times.07:27
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scythe128possibly.  I dont know which version it was... I just popped the 5.25 disk in that giant paperweight and went to town :)07:27
milaksHi. In windows to request new IP address one would do the following: `ipconfig /flushdns`, `ipconfig /release` and `ipconfig /renew`. How can request new IP address from my ISP in similiar way in Kubuntu?07:27
No1VikingAre there any known problems restarting Kubuntu Edgy?07:27
Dr_willisNo1Viking,  none that i have heard of.07:27
scythe128also had dos 1 for the c64 :)  that was painful07:27
Dr_willisI got a CPM cartridge for my C6407:27
scythe128I havent No1, it works better than dapper did on this laptop07:27
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Chrissieok got to go, floor to scrub, children to feed, marital duties to perform07:28
Chrissiebye all07:28
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scythe128cpm?  you had geos on cartridge??  bet that was faster than my floppies07:28
stephondhow come after installing 6.1007:28
Dr_willisthe CPM cart - had a Z80 cpu in it - that the CPM on the c64 used.07:28
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Dr_willisI dont recall Geos on a cart. but it was the only os for C64 that used that Ram expansion unit - that i can rember.07:29
scythe128so it was basically a co processor07:29
Dr_willisit was the processor.. :)    it some how took over.07:29
stephondThen updating as adpet notifier said I couldn't log back in07:29
Dr_willisC128 had a Z80 and the 6502 (?) cpu both in them .07:29
=== Dr_willis feels old.
scythe128ahh... that would explain why my word processor would boot directly into the wp instead of basic07:30
sweetcandytengo un troyano ayuda!!07:30
sweetcandyen linux un troyano como07:31
scythe128i had geoworks, not geos... mybad07:31
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:31
scythe128http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GEOS_(8-bit_operating_system) this the one you had doc?07:31
scythe128my bad... I only had geos... just got a look at geoworks... definately not that07:33
Dr_willisscythe128,  yep thats the one.. i still got disks for it.. shrinkwrapped..07:33
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scythe128wow, looks a little like win 3.1 to me... maybe win 2.0 (havent used anything earlier)07:33
alynxexcuse me , but how do i burn a mpg file so i can watch it on my dvd player? it takes divx though.  Only have cd burner on this laptop and i use k3b07:34
Dr_willisexcept it came out befor win3.1 i think07:34
scythe128yeah... it did07:34
Dr_willisback when 640200 was high-resolution07:35
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scythe128doc, you arent going to believe this...    http://www.breadbox.com/ensemble/geosdetails.asp?id=45&category=Purchase%20Ensemble  !!07:37
lexi_hi @all. i read there is an initialramfs inside the ubuntu-kernel . why is that and could we use a copy of it as initrd in /boot ?07:37
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[Amigo] May be, any body know, how to read write on flash card N72 (usb cable connection)???07:39
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scythe128amigo, my computer sees all of my usb drives as removable file systems and auto mounts them07:40
afm\colossuseven those without UMS caps? :D07:40
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[Amigo] scythe128: When I connect phone to computer create /dev/ttyACM0 and no other device and no other mounted file systems :(07:42
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scythe128flash cards I have experience with, phones... no clue... sorry man07:43
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trappist[Amigo] : I use bitpim to get stuff on/off my phone07:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asterrisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
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ubotuasterisk: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 137 kB, installed size 400 kB07:45
[Amigo] bitpim?? It's a application?07:45
trappist[Amigo] : yes07:45
[Amigo] trappist: bitpim?? It's a application?07:45
[Amigo] trappist: OK07:45
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fn0rdp0rtlandhow do iswitch to the irc about asterisk07:46
[Amigo] trappist: And I can use flash card on my phone Nokia N72?07:46
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trappistfn0rdp0rtland: /join #asterisk07:46
trappist[Amigo] : I don't know, but it does support a lot of phones07:46
fn0rdp0rtlandtrappist: thanx07:46
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[Amigo] trappist: What you have model of mobile phone?07:47
trappist[Amigo] : it's an LG phone07:48
[Amigo] trappist: With flash card?07:48
trappist[Amigo] : SD card07:48
trappist[Amigo] : but if bitpim supports your phone, it will almost certainly be able to access the flash card, through the phone07:49
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bXi\o/ succes07:49
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[Amigo] trappist: TNX. Be search this application and probe to work with my phone07:50
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bXikubuntu edgy 64bit with ATI x1600xt pci-e with working xgl firefox2 with flash9 and java07:50
wildchildwhy when I click on a song in amarok it shows like it is playing for a sec and than everything stops... I need to terminate amarok07:50
trappistbXi: hah, way to go :)07:51
trappistbXi: what window decorator are you using with xgl?07:51
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trappistwildchild: you might try switching engines, xine <-> gstreamer07:53
omegagryphonI am having problems installing Kubuntu... I am a newb with Linux as I always been using windows. -v-07:53
SurghiAre there any Public Domain (maybe GPL)  songs / sounds of at least 60 seconds lenght which could be used got a GPL Game that I am just programming?07:53
bXitrappist: emerald07:53
bXior beryl rather07:53
trappistbXi: and that works ok?  I haven't tried beryl yet.07:54
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bXibiggest issue i had was getting a working repos07:54
omegagryphonTrying to boot from a CD from what I downloaded and burned with Nero, this is a new computer and wouldn't be a dual boot.07:54
ehirdwhere would i store permanent aliases07:55
bXiand not seeing any weird issues with beryl so far07:55
trappistehird: I make a /etc/profile.d/alias.sh and source it from /etc/profile07:55
ehirdtrappist: i seem to remember there being a ~/.bash-aliases or something07:56
ehirdbut its not there07:56
trappistehird: never heard of that one07:56
wildchildtrappist: I only have xine engine07:56
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trappistwildchild: oh, I heard somebody say that before, that it's stuck with xine for some reason... I'm not sure what else to try07:57
omegagryphonNow I am getting an error, Buffer I/o error on device hda, logical block, before and after is some numbers but always different, anyone know what this means?07:58
wildchildtrappist: so I must grab some apples and start eating them while I am waiting :P07:58
trappistomegagryphon: it sounds like a bad burn.  you might try burning at a lower speed.07:59
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omegagryphonI reburned it, this time as a regular data disk instead of a bootable one, maybe because I reused the same disk? I knew I probably should of bought more then one CD damn my cheapness ^v^;;08:01
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trappistone cd, yeah, that's pretty cheap :)08:01
trappistyou can get a 100 pack for like $10 if you try hard enough08:02
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omegagryphonWhat I only had two bucks, and it was RW. All my other 500 CD's are CD-r -v-08:02
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omegagryphonHmm only will let me burn at one speed, the speed changer is blanked out in Nero08:04
trappistomegagryphon: well if it's rw, you can try again08:04
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sweetcandyhow much swapiness do you have?08:06
lenscapeblah. Kubuntu is much less stable than SuSE was. I've never seen KDE Crash Handler so many times08:07
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wildchildthat's freaking odd: [19:51]  <wildchild> why when I click on a song in amarok it shows like it is playing for a sec and than everything stops... I need to terminate amarok08:11
wildchildnow... it's working and I didn't do anything but wait08:12
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BluesKajhey gents , I'm in stalling mythtv and ai followed this instruction:  cd~'):   ,and I realized that I had made mistake as soon i hit the enter key and I now have just a > as a prompt in the terminal. How do I get back to my /home prompt so i don't screw up the install sequence  ?08:18
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Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: try ctrl + C08:19
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trappistBluesKaj: if that doesn't work, try quit, or ctrl-d, or exit...08:19
omegagryphonYay, I got it to work. Blank the whole CD completely and reburned it.08:19
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BluesKajthx Admiral_Chicago ...it worked08:19
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themistoclescan anyone offer some help with crossover08:20
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trappistthemistocles: maybe, if you ask a question08:20
ubotutwinkle: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.dfsg-1 (edgy), package size 1115 kB, installed size 2988 kB08:21
themistoclesi am trying to install Office XP08:21
fn0rdp0rtlandanyone ever use twinkle?08:21
bXifn0rdp0rtland: yeah08:22
themistoclesand i keep getting an error that office can not continure with the installation08:22
fn0rdp0rtlandis it like skype but 1free or am i missinformed?08:22
fn0rdp0rtland100% free*08:22
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bXiwell if you have sip/voip account you can use it to call08:23
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bXiand it depends on the sip/voip provider on if its free08:23
fn0rdp0rtlandcrap and those cost money im gussing damn it sucks being poor.08:24
themistoclesthe thing is that the error comes from office not crossover08:24
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bXifn0rdp0rtland: there are providers which provide free calls in certain countries08:24
fn0rdp0rtlandim just trying to set up a way to make free phone calls in the us08:25
bXii'd do some research into free voip/sip providers then08:25
bXithats your best shot08:25
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themistocleswhat about voipbuster?08:26
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bXivoipbuster isnt free for calling to landlines08:26
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trappistthemistocles: it should work out of the box - is there any more info in the error message? when do you get the error?08:27
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fn0rdp0rtlandwhat about cells?08:27
themistoclesi get the error right after asked where to install office xp08:27
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themistoclesi have created a new bottle after winxp template08:27
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trappistthemistocles: use the default win98 bottle08:28
nvman90Hey does anyone know if KDE has another config file for setting the res of monitors?08:28
lenscapenvman90: yes08:28
nvman90Xorg is configured right08:28
themistoclesi have tried that too08:28
nvman90but I think KDE is doing something08:29
nvman90where is it08:29
lenscapenvman90: I forget where it is but I had to delete it a while ago cos it was wrong08:29
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milaksHello.Besides one primary ADSL account, which I use with 'pppoe tools' I have antoher one that I often use. Is it posible to make two ADSL accounts with `pppoe` and connect with something like `pppoe-start acc1` or `pppoe-start acc2`?08:29
lenscapeit's burried in .kde somewhere08:29
themistoclestrappist your text appears in red08:29
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lenscapenvman90: burried in ~/.kde08:29
nvman90ok ya thats waht I figured I was looking around in there but couldn't find anything related to monitors and resolution08:29
lenscapenvman90: I can't tell where it is because I deleted it08:29
nvman90Lol alright08:30
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nvman90I'll keep looking then08:30
themistoclesin that case it says sometihng about incorrct version of patch and quits08:30
trappistthemistocles: sounds like you may have a broken cxoffice install08:30
themistoclesit is a demo version, wanted to try it out first08:31
themistoclesdo you suggest installing crossover again?08:31
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nuxnogcan't install gnuchess with adept, progress bar freezes at 36%, no install, same for gcc 4.0, conflicts indicated08:31
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trappistthemistocles: it's worth a shot - I've never had it fail on me, but then I've never used a demo version either08:32
gsuveghow van i save tabs on exit from konq? and if i start konq i would open those tabs ?08:32
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trappistnuxnog: try with apt-get.  you'll probably get better error messages.08:32
nvman90alright I thnk I found it, so if I just delete this file will it just revert to Xorg for the res?08:32
lenscaperename it first :-)08:33
themistoclestrappist how come your text appears in red? irc noob here08:33
nuxnogmatter of fact, adept doesnt install anything, not apache, not gnuchess, not gcc08:33
nvman90good idea08:33
trappistthemistocles: probably because your irc client is hilighting it because I'm talking directly to you (by using your nick)08:33
nvman90alright I'm gonna go try this08:33
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know why mythtv keeps giving a "database error" on a front-end computer08:33
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Admiral_Chicagoi'm not trying to connect it to any servers / other computers08:33
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connhi, how do I  change the gnome icon theme from kde/kubuntu? I just need to know the name of the program in the repository08:34
Admiral_Chicagoi just want it sit there and play my shows08:34
themistoclesi have opened a dialog box but i get your answers here08:34
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themistoclestrappist: did that worked?08:36
nuxnogusing sudo apt-get install gnuchess, i get a lotta errors involving vmware-player, subprocess /user/bin/dpkg returned error code (1)08:37
trappistthemistocles: did what work08:38
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themistoclestrappist:i meant is it highlighted?08:39
nuxnogi wonder if i will have fewer installation woes if i switch to ubuntu, instead of kubuntu?08:40
trappistthemistocles: when you use my nick, yes08:40
zippersmithhi everyone08:40
themistoclestrappist: i have the installation file install-crossover-standard-prerelease-6.0.0beta3a.sh08:41
themistoclestrappist:can we do this together08:41
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zippersmithI'm having trouble with my cups printer uri over usb.08:41
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zippersmithI can't find the right uri08:42
zippersmithso the printer is unfound08:42
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zippersmithif you have a usb printer running will you check your printer properties08:44
zippersmithand let me know if the uri is usb://usblp0?08:44
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themistoclestrappist: i am on the crossover channel with a person08:51
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cathalyou know when u update softare with adept for instance, is their anyay of seeing what is the difference with the new update, like release notes or something for that version?08:52
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fn0rdp0rtland_i have a drive thats read only i want to delete all teh crap on it how do i do this?08:54
fn0rdp0rtland_its from another install of kubuntu08:54
fn0rdp0rtland_on a diffrent partition08:55
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The_Machinewhere do i find the "show desktop" button in KDE?  :)08:57
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fn0rdp0rtland_i have a drive on a seperate partition (hda1) and i need to delete some data form it but it says i dont have the privs08:57
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fn0rdp0rtland_never mind i got it08:58
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fdovingThe_Machine: rightclick on the panel -> add applet to panel -> Find 'Show Desktop' in the list. hit the 'add to panel' button.09:00
SlimGkrita problem: when resizing to a smaller resolution i get transparent edges along bottom and right side, howto avoid this?09:01
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cpk1change the canvas size?09:02
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The_Machinefdoving: thanks :)09:05
The_Machinerock on!09:05
SlimGcpk1: where do i change the canvas size?09:05
trappistok after like 6 years I'm finally fed up with Eterm.  anyone know of another solution for a transparent, borderless terminal in kde?09:05
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fdovingtrappist: konsole.09:06
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trappistfdoving: I've never gotten either transparency or borderlessness to work right in konsole09:06
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josehi all, i am getting this error when trying to run some programms, someone could help? gizmo: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2: undefined symbol: FT_Library_SetLcdFilter09:06
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josei just found one page talking about this but was in italian :D09:07
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cpk1sorry its called "change image size"09:08
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rubenHello people, I have a question. Not much info in the net. I run Kubuntu 6.10 and since last update monitor setting screen tells me that this module can not be loaded. Also with disk management and users. Any idea where I should look for?09:09
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trappistfdoving: so, do you know something I don't know about konsole?09:09
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SlimGKrita problem, when resizing to a smaller resolution i get transparent edges along bottom and right side, howto avoid this?09:12
fdovingyou can configure everything in kwin. open konsole -> rightclick on the title line -> advanced -> special application settings -> go to the 'preferences' tab. you want 'no border' and some fancy settings in the opacity %. boxes.09:12
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fdovingtrappist: that was for you ^^09:13
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trappistfdoving: got it :)09:13
trappistfdoving: only, I've tried that before and got the same results I'm getting now, which is no results at all09:14
Admiral_Chicagoruben: i get that as well09:14
Admiral_Chicagonot sure how to fix it09:15
Admiral_Chicago hello09:15
fdovingtrappist: did you change the drop-down list to 'apply initially' ?09:15
trappistfdoving: it remembers the settings after closing the app and looking at them again, but kwin doesn't seem to be respecting them09:15
fdovingtrappist: that has to be done for each setting you change/activate.09:15
trappistfdoving: yes, tied that and 'force'09:15
rubenAdmiral_Chicago. Few weeks ago it work like a charm, after an automatical update, I  even didint realize about this, then stop working09:16
fdovingtrappist: works here.09:16
Admiral_Chicagoruben: same here09:16
Admiral_Chicagonot sure when it happened but it did09:16
Admiral_Chicagoi'm looking on LP for a bug report now09:16
trappistfdoving: do you know what the box to the right of the drop down is for?09:16
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limdulI have a question =)09:17
rubenAdmiral_Chicago. I'll keep looking for09:17
limdulI've installed GNOME on Kubuntu09:17
limdulAnd now it became my default session09:17
fdovingtrappist: i think that's activating?09:17
limdulUnlike the Ubuntu login manager, the Kubuntu login manager doesn't let me set what I'd like to have as my default session type09:18
Admiral_Chicagolimdul: in gdm, look for log in as kde09:18
fdovingtrappist: I have to tick that to enable no borders.09:18
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trappistfdoving: ah, that did it :)  now if I can get rid of the other decorations/toolbars/scrollbars/etc...09:18
limdulHmmm - Admiral_Chicago - I'm using kdm as my window manager09:18
fdovingtrappist: that's konsole settings.09:18
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Admiral_Chicagolimdul: kdm is the log in manager...09:19
Admiral_Chicagolimdul: are you on KDE now09:19
trappistfdoving: yeah that's what I'm poking at now09:19
limdulI am09:19
fdovingtrappist: i tend to hide everything and let the tab-bar appear when i have more than one tab per window.09:19
Admiral_Chicagookay well when you log in, make sure to see how you log in. gnome, kde, etc09:19
Admiral_Chicagoi think it just goes to your previous log in though09:20
fdovingtrappist: remember to save as default profile when you're done tweaking.09:20
Admiral_Chicagoi don't think theri is a default log in09:20
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limdulAdmiral_Chicago: Nah, it doesn't go to my previous log in09:20
BluesKajWhy would adept recommend the removal of the K Desktop Environment official modules ? Isn't that the KDE Desktop ?09:20
limdulWhen I log in through KDE09:20
PhinnForti have kind of a problem09:20
limdulIt logs into KDE09:20
limdulBut when I choose default09:20
limdulOr doesn't specify an option09:20
PhinnForti switched from gentoo, and left my /boot, so now ubuntu wants to boot my nice shiny .19 kernel, but it hasn't got any of the modules?09:20
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limdulIt ALWAYS starts GNOME09:21
Admiral_Chicagolimdul: ah i see09:21
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Admiral_Chicagosorry i have to run09:21
limdulIt must be in some configuration file =)09:21
limdulI'll ask someone else09:21
limdulSo - anyone knows how to set the defualt session type in Kubuntu?09:21
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fdovinglimdul: you can configure the default session on a per user basis.09:22
limdulI see09:22
limdulUser manager?09:22
fdovinglimdul: it uses ~/.xsession iirc.09:22
trappistfdoving: still isn't quite borderless, though there's no more titlebar09:22
limdulAnd globally?09:22
fdovinglimdul: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase/kdm/quickstart.html09:22
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fdovingtrappist: try 'konsole --noframe'09:24
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fn0rdp0rtland_how do i tell if some randoms persons wifi net im on has broadband?09:25
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trappistfdoving: no luck there, still looking09:26
fdovingtrappist: can you provide a screenshot of the borders?09:26
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trappistfdoving: http://linuxkungfu.org/tmp/shot.png09:28
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fdovingtrappist: i think that thin border is set by the kwin window decoration.09:30
trappistah, good thinkin, I'll try changing it09:31
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trappistfdoving: still no luck09:34
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fdovingtrappist: hmm..09:35
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themistoclestrappist:this patch can only be used on windows installer 2.0 or higher09:36
trappistthemistocles: "patch"?09:36
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themistoclestrappist:this is the message after installation of internet explorer requested by Office xp installation09:38
trappistthemistocles: sounds like you need to install windows installer 2.0 with cxoffice (but that should have been handled by the office install)09:38
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themistoclestrappist: it is office xp pro sp3 and the IE installed by installation is IE 509:40
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limdulfdoving: OK, I've read now that default sessions can be stored in eg. the .xinitrc files in the user directories...09:41
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limdulBut I want to change  the default session globally09:42
BluesKajthemistocles, no it isn't IE5 is justa browser09:42
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limdulOK - anyone else knows how to change the default session type in kdm? =)09:43
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themistoclesbluekaj:so you think i must install installer 2 for windows 98?09:43
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limdulAfter installing GNOME on Kubuntu the default changed to GNOME - I want the default to be KDE09:43
limdulJust like before09:43
limdulFriggin GNOME overwriting settings :-P09:43
fdovinglimdul: ah.. from a terminal session run 'sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager'09:43
fdovinglimdul: select startkde.09:44
limdulI'll try that09:44
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BluesKajyes themistocles09:44
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:44
fdoving!pt | server_09:44
ubotuserver_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:44
fdoving.. away tv.09:44
BluesKajI'll ask again , Why would adept update want the removal of the K Desktop Environment official modules ? Isn't that the KDE Desktop ?09:44
themistoclesbluekaj:ok downloading that09:44
limdulfdoving: Wonderful, that did the trick :-D09:45
draganno... they are not installed by default09:45
draganand instead adept use synaptic BluesKaj09:45
draganit is much better tool09:45
server_Why the url orkut.com don't open with kubuntu...konqueror?09:46
BluesKajit's adept's updater that is telling me this09:46
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draganignore it :-)09:46
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draganor even better .. remove it but first install synaptic09:46
draganadept is not so .. ahem smart tool09:47
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BluesKajwhy would it want to do that anyway ...i don't see the point..all i did was add some mythtv repos to the sources list and this happens09:47
draganbtw. anyone knows how to pait SE K750i with my pc via BT?09:47
dragan*pait = pair09:48
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draganI do bnot know.... BluesKaj09:48
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draganI had similar issue with nvidia driver and nvidia config tool with adept09:48
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draganif I install driver.. I cant install config tool09:49
draganif I want to install config tool... adept marks driver for removal09:49
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blackflaghow can I do "find" searching files greater than ex. 100MB?09:52
limdulAnd can anybody tell me why I can't upgrade my mediawiki installation? =)09:52
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limdulIt says that it depends on mediawiki1.7, but it is not installable 0_o09:52
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afm\colossusfind . -size +100M09:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:53
afm\colossus@ blackflag09:53
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blackflagcool, thanks!! :)09:54
limdulAnyone? =)09:54
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draganok... noone here knows anything 'bout BT?09:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
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ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html10:00
chupa-chupsplz i want any one help meeeeeeeeeeee10:02
chupa-chupsi made a stupid thing10:02
server_chupa-chups:  o que que pega?10:02
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:03
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claydohchupa-chups: just feel free to ask your question, and someone will help if they are able10:03
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chupa-chupsi made encryption for a big folder in my disk then i re installed the win xp and i forgot to decrypt the folder10:04
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chupa-chupsnow i cant read any of content under win or linux10:04
chupa-chupswhat shall i do10:04
claydohI don't tknow10:04
claydohunless you have the encryption tools, you probably can't10:06
cloakablechupa-chups: You still have the encryption key?10:07
chupa-chupsno i dont know it10:07
chupa-chupsi made an ordinary encryption from properties of the folder10:08
cloakableIn which OS?10:08
cloakableThere's no encrypton option in Konqueror that I can see.10:09
chupa-chupsi was under winxp10:10
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afm\colossuswell, wrong channel then, i suppose10:10
cloakableafm\colossus: Indeed.10:10
chupa-chupsany one have solution10:11
cloakablechupa-chups: We can't support WinXP :P10:11
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chupa-chupsi c10:11
chupa-chupsbut i thought i can find any one can help me10:12
BluesKajwhat is Zope ?10:12
cntbhow to tune alt-shift change   of two languages on  keyboard10:12
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claydohmaybe, but there might be better luck in a Windows related channel10:12
angasulechupa-chups: if it's a windows issue, go to ##windows ?10:12
cloakablechupa-chups: Or, #windows10:13
chupa-chupsthank u very much10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zope - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
PhinnFortZope is a webserver10:13
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cloakablechupa-chups: Though, the encryption on XP might suck as badly as everything else on that OS. Try looking for programs to crack the encryption.10:14
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PhinnFortchupa-chups: you're out of luck if you don't have your hash still, i believe10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glest - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winxp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
chupa-chupsok i will try any thing else10:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Zope - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
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PhinnFortBluesKaj: http://www.zope.org/10:16
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BluesKajPhinnFort, I already looked ")10:17
PhinnFortBluesKaj: so?10:17
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BluesKajit's not what i need , ... i need zope 2.8 for mythtv database I guess10:18
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PhinnFortzope for a mythtv database?10:18
PhinnFortthat sounds very wrong10:18
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BluesKajthat's what the terminal says10:18
BluesKajit 's arepos for some of the plugins10:19
No1VikingQuestion: In settings in KDE there are alot of possibilities to set things in a default mode. How do I change things to factoryu default, like it was when the machine was newly installed?10:20
PhinnFortBluesKaj: can't find anything on mythtv.org about zope...10:20
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PhinnFortNo1Viking: very carefully delete settings from under .kde/10:20
PhinnFortdo not delete .kde, though10:21
blackflaghow can I uninstall software without all the depencies with it?10:21
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PhinnFortis ubuntugames.com supposed to be in spanish?10:22
BluesKajnot gonna delete kde ...I'm a noob but not that nooby10:22
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BluesKajadept update says to remove it ...something very strange10:23
Raztafariis there anyone that knows how to fix resolution problem with nvidia and ubuntu/kubuntu? I can only get 800x600 res. I've installed the latest nvidia drivers from the site with the installer10:23
PhinnFortBluesKaj: sure it's just not a meta-package10:23
PhinnFortor wtf it's called under ubuntu/debian10:23
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:23
PhinnFortBluesKaj: if it's just one package named "KDE", that's probably it10:24
megapigWhy can't I change the screen resolution to 1280*800?10:24
PhinnFortmegapig: look up10:24
PhinnFortBluesKaj: if it wants to delete kwin, kicker, konqueror et al, then don't do it;)10:25
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:25
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BluesKajPhinnFort,  "K Desktop Environment official modules"10:25
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PhinnFortBluesKaj: sorry, i'm not too familiar with debian/(k)ubuntu, just installed it today10:26
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dan__can anyone tell me why firefox keeps crashing with edgy10:26
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PhinnFortdan__: bad karma10:26
PhinnForthave you run over old grandmas with your car lately?10:27
dan__not for a while no10:27
PhinnFortthen try running it without plugins and stuff10:27
kalmahdan__: 1.5 or 2? 2 seems to crash on me a lot10:27
PhinnForti think it's "--safe-mode"10:27
dan__it worked alright untill i upgraded to edgy10:27
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cntbhow do I see Device PCI ID of nvidia ?10:28
PhinnFortdan__: tried running it in a konsole?10:28
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PhinnFortcntb: lspci10:28
PhinnFortsudo lscpi10:28
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cntblspci says nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 40010:28
dan__still crashes10:28
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dan__it opens up a page appears then it just closes10:28
PhinnFortwhat does it output to the konsole?10:29
dan__it just closes10:29
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dan__its really weird10:29
PhinnFortdan__: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_mode10:29
PhinnForttry it10:29
megapigI can't change it to Widescreen Resolution10:30
PhinnFortto sum that up: run "firefox -safe-mode"10:30
dan__oh wait i'll show you hold on10:30
PhinnFortmegapig: !resolution10:30
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:30
PhinnFortclicken sie das linken bitte10:30
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dan__ya einen moment bitte10:30
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:31
PhinnFortit was a joke...10:31
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=== PhinnFort isn't even german
dan__ubotu is sure on top of it today10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is sure on top of it today - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
BluesKajdan said something in german10:32
dan__well i can run it in safe mode bu then what10:32
The_Machineso, for some reason there's a bug with vncserver, where it 'forgets' my password all of the time10:32
PhinnFortin response to this: [22:30]  <PhinnFort> clicken sie das linken bitte10:32
PhinnFortThe_Machine: safety first;)10:32
PhinnFortdan__: does it still crash?10:32
BluesKajmythtv GUI sucks , can't seem to get it to setup right ...no mouse access10:32
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dan__hold on lemme do it10:33
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PhinnFortif it doesn't crash, it's one of your extensions10:33
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dan__ya it crashed10:33
PhinnFortdan__: well, only one thing left: get Opera;)10:34
PhinnFortor stick to konqi10:34
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dan__i'll run debug10:34
dan__if i cant figure it out10:34
dan__maybe i'll resort to the other two options10:34
PhinnFortyou won't regret it10:34
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ehirdany chance of getting cddbd in the repositories?10:35
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scott__I have not learned how to download a package and install it into linux...can anyone help me?10:36
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PhinnFortscott__: look under "system" on your menu for Adept Manager10:37
scott__lets say I want to download a package directly from a website?10:37
scott__how would I do about doing that?10:37
PhinnForthold on, trying it meself now;)10:38
PhinnFortjust downloaded the Opera .deb10:38
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eilkerkonqueror is opening slow, is there a way for making it faster ?10:38
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Lynourescott__: you download it and then do   sudo dpkg --install pathtothepackagefile10:40
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Lynourescott__: But please be careful about what you install.10:41
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kalmahLynoure: What if we install via source?10:41
PhinnFortLynoure: isn't there some adept frontend for handlig .deb's?10:41
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Lynourekalmah: do you a source of packages or from source code?10:42
PhinnForteilker: look into http://linuxreviews.org/kde/konqueror/#toc810:42
LynourePhinnFort: I would not know, I'm not that much a fan of the GUI administration.10:42
leehi how can i connect a printer10:42
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eilkerPhinnFort: thanx10:42
kalmahLynoure: Just the source, anyway to add it to the OFFICAL  list of installs?10:43
PhinnFortlee: plug it in;)10:43
BluesKajlee, system settings /printers10:43
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PhinnFortis it possible to have good old kcontrol back somehow?10:44
Lynourekalmah: Source of packages aka repository, sure, add it to /etc/apt/sources.list  but that is not _official_ it's just for that computer10:44
eilkerPhinnFort: hey it is flying now :)10:44
scott__if I want to download java from their website...how would I then install it into linux?10:44
PhinnForteilker: yw;)10:44
claydohPhinnFort: kcontrol is still there, you just would need to make a menu entry for it10:45
claydohor run it from "Run Command"10:45
PhinnFortclaydoh: i already had one, but kubuntu assimilated it;)10:45
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks10:45
PhinnFortscott__: right click, open with, and type in "dpkg -i" i think10:45
kalmahLynoure: Just for an example, say i wanted to install http://test.org/myapp.tar.gz into the port tree, what would i add to my sources.list?10:45
cntbnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool >>> vs. (or ) nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver ??10:45
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:46
Lynourekalmah: so, you meant compiling from source code after all.10:46
PhinnForttar.gz doesn't necessarily mean source10:47
LynourePhinnFort: no, but good luck compiling anything else10:47
leethanks ;10:47
ubotuudev: rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is important. Version 093-0ubuntu18 (edgy), package size 224 kB, installed size 768 kB10:47
kalmahI know tar.gz doesn't mean source, that's just an example10:47
musyawhat gui is good for webdesingn in linux like dreamweaver in windoews10:47
kalmahLynoure: and yeah, compiling from source10:47
PhinnFortmusya: i prefer kate, but there are WYSIWYG editors10:48
PhinnFortmusya: NVU10:48
kalmahmusya: try quantra10:48
eilkerkalmah: quoanta plus10:48
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PhinnFort*quanta plus10:48
eilker!quanta > kalmah10:48
Lynourekalmah: There is no way to get it automatically tracked for updates like .debs, unless of course you make a .deb out of it, put it in an apt repository and add that to sources.list. And that's not worth it for one computer.10:49
eilkersorry kalmah it was for lynoure :)10:49
kalmaheilker: np10:49
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The_Machineanyone know how i can easily configure vncserver in KDE?  (Gnome has "Remote Desktop" under system..)10:49
Lynoureeilker: quanta plus what?10:50
kalmahLynoure: Thanks, i was just curious10:50
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cntbnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool >>> vs. (or ) nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver ??10:50
eilker!quanta > Lynoure10:50
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Lynoureeilker: h?10:50
PhinnFortLynoure: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/10:50
Lynoureeilker: why are you quantaing me?10:50
LynourePhinnFort: and same question to you too.10:50
PhinnFortbecause eilker is confusing me;)10:51
kalmahI must say, (k)ubuntu kicks some ass as far as a desktop OS goes, watch out windows =p10:51
PhinnFortmusya: http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/10:51
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eilkeroh so sorry  :) i am confused )10:51
PhinnFortit's contagious10:52
Lynoureeilker: heh :)10:52
eilkermidnight here :)10:52
PhinnFort22:52 here10:52
musyaok thank you!10:52
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Lynoureeilker: I already started wondering whether there is a version of quanta plus that makes debs for you as soon as new source version is released, and turns them into an apt repository for you =)10:53
ubuntu_hi! i see my irc client is running, but my keyboard has got a wrong layout...10:54
ubuntu_can i change this so that y and z is not mixed up10:54
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The_Machineanyone know how i can easily configure vncserver in KDE?  (Gnome has "Remote Desktop" under system..)10:55
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eilkerLynoure: now i wonder it too:) i have read an article for it, but forgot it, but there is sth that what makes it10:55
PhinnFortThe_Machine: alt+f2, type kcontrol, enter, search for remote, click on desktop sharing10:56
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dan__ok so firefox keeps crashing i need help10:58
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dan__can someone help me with firefox2 please10:59
ryanakcawhats the command to add console input?11:00
The_Machinethanks PhinnFort!11:04
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cntbnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool >>> vs. (or ) nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver ??11:05
bLaZeDif i "share" a printer in windows....will i easily be able to print to it from linux?11:05
bLaZeDor is there anything special i have to install?11:06
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:06
cntbbLaZeD,  in control panel of XP install printing for UNIX11:07
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cntbnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool >>> vs. (or ) nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver ??11:07
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bLaZeDcntb, sweet then i should be able to?11:09
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kerwonzi have  a problem, my soundcard doesn't work... :/11:11
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin11:11
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jbruckmanAdmiral_Chicago:  "options snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=3"11:17
jbruckman sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base11:17
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ehirdanybody know a way to test cddb servers in linux?11:22
ehirdi.e. a client that supports showing the cd data and submitting with a configurable server11:22
trappistehird: only software I ever used cddb with is grip11:23
cntbnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool >>> vs. (or ) nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver ?? thegatekeeper ?11:23
ehirdtrappist: g.g.g..g....gnome? :)11:23
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trappistehird: I think it's g.g.g.g..graphical :)11:24
ehirdtrappist: o-o-o-o-oh11:24
ehirdtrappist: s-s-s-s-o it's q-q-q-q-qt based?11:24
cox377does anyone here know of winavi? it's a windowz app for converting all sorts of video media files?11:24
cntbbbl installing nvidia driver11:25
trappistehird: my mistake, it is a gnome app... but who cares, really11:25
cntbbbl installing nvidia driver11:25
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trappistehird: try abcde for a console app11:26
cloakablecox377: On Linux we have ffmpeg and transcode.11:27
trappistehird: or kaudiocreator for a kde app11:27
ehirdffmpeg is probably the best swiss army knife ever that's avoided bloat11:27
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cox377cloakable: do they have a front end?11:27
=== trappist makes a mental note to learn his way around ffmpeg
cox377cloakable: as it's telling me it's already installed11:28
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cloakablecox377: Not really, but it's really simple.11:29
cox377cloakable: ok, just g0t the help options up..cheers for that11:29
cloakableffmpeg -i <video file in> <video file out>11:29
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cox377cloakable: whats better ffmpeg or transcode?11:30
cloakablecox377: I find ffmpeg simpler, but trancode is much more powerful.11:30
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LjLJonty has left this server (""I personally believe that Visual Basic did more for programming than Object-Oriented Languages did." --Linus Torvalds"). <--- isn't Visual Basic object oriented anyway? :P11:31
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ubuntuhi, i want to install kubuntu and have 3 partitions hda1 7gb, hda2 2gb and hda3 66gb. ok,hda2 is linuxswap,but the first and the last, what do they have to be called? /home and /boot?11:32
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LjLubuntu, err, you want a root ("/") partition too i think =)11:33
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LjLubuntu: i'd use hda1 as /, and hda3 as /home.11:33
ubuntuehm, ..ok11:33
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ubuntuso the first one schould be "/"11:33
cloakableubuntu: the way i would do it, is hda1 /, hda2 swap, and hda /home11:34
ubuntuah ok, thanks11:34
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cox377cloakable: lol ok, i'm thinking maybe something with a gui11:36
kerwonzwhen i connect my audiculares on my computer doesn't works only the internat spekers for the computer, what can i do???11:36
kerwonzwhen i connect my headphones on my computer doesn't works only the internat spekers for the computer, what can i do???11:36
scott__I am trying to install java through kunbuntu...how do I do that?11:37
Admiral_Chicago!java > scott__11:37
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cloakablecox377: Hmm. There's probably a frontend for transcode somewhere.11:37
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cox377cloakable: ok, i shall take a look, cheers11:37
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cloakablecox377: gtranscode is in the repos. multiverse.11:38
eilkerLjL: i have hda7 as / , and i dont have /home... i mean /home is in hda7 too, is this strange ?11:38
steve___Did a fresh install of Kubuntu 6.06 last night now Adept wont let me selet new packages to install whats going on11:38
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trappistcloakable: dvdrip11:39
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB11:39
ehirdsteve___: hd full?11:39
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LjLeilker: no. many people have everything on a single partition, but many people also prefer having /home on a separate partition, and since he's already got two suitable partitions, it might be a good idea for him11:41
cloakabletrappist: dvdrip is DVDs only, right?11:42
trappistcloakable: yeah, what were you looking for?11:42
eilkerfor now , can i carry my /home to new partition ? or you did it during your first install ?11:42
eilkerLjL:for now , can i carry my /home to new partition ? or you did it during your first install ?11:42
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Vladdyripping cd's is even easier ;p11:42
cloakabletrappist: A general frontend. I'll use my mythtv box to rip DVDs when I get that running.11:42
LjLeilker: i didn't do it during install. however doing it "after the fact" is harder11:43
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eilkerLjL: in fact, i am gonna mount hda5 to /mnt/extra11:43
steve___ehird: it cant be full as it was formated before i did a fresh install, sorry if this is a stupid question but just how do u go about checking how full a disk is in kubuntu11:43
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LjLeilker: you'd have to repartition (unless you already have a partition that's good for that), then copy your /home there, then modify /etc/fstab to point to the new home, taking care to never break the system in the process11:43
LjLif you're not too comfortable with that idea, perhaps it's best to leave it like it is11:43
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eilkerLjL: in fact, trying to learnt "mount" and "linux file structure"11:44
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Vladdyevil thing11:45
LjLeilker: filesystem structure is trivial... everything is seen as a single "disk" called /, and other (real) disks are just mounted on directories that reside somewhere on /11:45
Vladdyi swear, why can't i just put capitals in packages, without having to modify 2 different scripts :S11:45
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LjLeilker: "mounted" meaning "let's just pretend that the contents of this CD, or whatever, are just a directory inside one big disk"11:47
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Vladdyanother script to change it seems..11:47
cox377cloakable: gtranscode being the front end?11:47
eilkerLjL:but only one partition or hard disk can be mounted directly to / , right ?11:47
LjLeilker: right, that's called the "root" partition11:47
LjLeilker: well, actually, you can probably mount multiple partitions on / using unionfs or something, but forget about that right now11:48
cloakablecox377: Yeah. Doesn't seem to be a good frontend, but eh.11:48
cloakableExposes none of the power :(11:48
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eilkerLjL:this made me confusing, now understanding :) i always mixed  / and /root , until now11:48
LjLeilker: basically / serves two functions: it represents the actual contents of an actual partition (the root partition), *and* it serves as a "skeleton" to mount other drives/partitions on11:49
kerwonzsomebody can help me please??11:49
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eilkerLjL:/root is not / :)11:49
LjLeilker: they're unrelated. /root is the home directory of the user "root". (you may ask, why isn't it in /home/root, like for all other users? well, because /home can often be a separate partition, but the "root" user may need to access the system without that partition mounted, for recovery, emergencies, etc... so root's home directory has to reside on the main partition)11:50
Vladdyit's ok to use capitals in package names, why do scripts think otherwise? O_O11:50
cox377cloakable: lol i dont actually know what u can convert with it haha, it doesnt seem to have options like what format11:50
LjLVladdy: must say i've never seen a package with capitals...11:50
cox377: )11:50
eilkerLjL: thank you so much, now started to understand...11:51
trappistVladdy: yeah I've never seen a package with capitals in debian or ubuntu11:51
Vladdybecause it requires changing in 3 different places11:51
trappistI remember em from mandrake and redhat, though11:51
easytigerhow do i change the keyboard to a uk keyboard? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg messed it up11:51
Vladdy. /usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl (search for illegal, and change a-Z to a-zA-Z)11:51
Vladdyand /usr/bin/dpkg-gencontrol (same)11:51
Vladdyalso for kernel since it checks there too :S11:51
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eilkereasytiger: u can do it from "system settings" too11:52
Vladdynow I have a linux-image-2.6.19-rc6-andromeda_2.6.19-rc6-Andromeda-10.00.Custom_i386.deb11:52
VladdyWITH capital..11:52
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easytigerwhere is that? eilker?11:52
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kdefreakwhy doesn't my console's text habe any color? I have it setup so that it does in .bash(something)... I'm on vt[1-6] ... colored terminal text only works in konsole/xterm11:53
eilkereasytiger:it is in (start-bar)/k-menu11:53
eilkereasytiger:than click on regional settings11:53
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Admiral_Chicago@now chicago11:54
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Chicago: December 05 2006, 16:54:2611:54
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Vladdynow i should patch initramfs to work with encrypted loop :-/11:55
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BluesKaj@now Toronto11:55
janfbrI'm trying to get Kaffeine to run at a specific time, but using "at" doesn't seem to work...11:55
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Toronto: December 05 2006, 17:56:0011:55
janfbranyone have any idea on how I can do this?11:56
Admiral_Chicagojanfbr: check out cron11:57
easytigerjanfbr: cron is the way11:57
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DragenOk so here is my question, are the Keyboard shortcuts (like ALT-F2) part of KDE's Window Manager  Kwin?  cuz i circumvented KDE's window manager by using the environment variable KDEWM=/usr/bin/beryl-manager (so beryl starts automatically) but now my ALT-F2 shortcut is broken.  Funny part is, the other keyboard shortcuts WORK though.  I even checked my Keyboard shortcuts, and it's mapped correctly to the RUN command.. so what gives?11:57
janfbrbut I want to only run it once11:58
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easytigerjanfbr: then delete the cron job when your done11:59
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easytigeror have the script remove it11:59
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fdovingjanfbr: you can use the 'kalarm' utility from kdepim. kmenu -> utilities -> kalarm if it's installed. if not the package name is 'kalarm'.12:00
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scott__I can not find java 5 on kubuntu?12:01
Admiral_ChicagoDragen: ~/.kde/Autostart is where that should have gone12:01
Admiral_Chicagono idea about the other thingc12:01
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janfbrfdoving: ok, thanks. I will try that12:02
kerwonzwhat can i do if kubuntu doesnt work my headphones when i connect it .... but on windows works...12:02
dan__does any one know what this meens12:02
BluesKajwell,  the mythtv installation went fine but the setup is "arcane" at best ... lack of mouse access is curiously absent ...the GUI in the setup is system awful12:02
dan__X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16612:02
dan__  Major opcode:  14412:02
dan__  Minor opcode:  312:02
dan__  Resource id:  0x012:02
dan__Failed to open device12:02
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DragenAdmiral_Chicago: I used to put beryl-manager in the autostart, and i'm glad I don't anymore.. because it would "randomly" work on startup, and sometimes not startup.  after reviewing the '/usr/bin/startkde' script, this is more streamlined and works flawlessly12:03
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Admiral_ChicagoDragen: ah it's always worked for me12:03
claydohscott__: look for the package sun-java5-jre12:03
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claydohin adept12:03
scott__I looked in adept...but did no see it?12:03
DragenAdmiral_Chicago: Yea it's weird for some people.  it's nice to know Kwin never ever starts.. I go straight in to my Beryl Window manager, rather than starting up Kwin, killing it with Beryl and so forth.  I also noticed Beryl is more stable doing it this way too12:04
claydohyou will need to enable multiverse12:04
BluesKajanyone using mythtv ? ...the ppl over at the #mythtv room aren't responding12:04
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scott__I will look...12:04
dan__any help with this X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16612:04
Admiral_Chicagoberyl is fickle12:04
claydohscott__: i grab a link for you12:05
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mango12ive a little problem, i cant install any package with apt-get install12:05
a8s0lut0hey all i am new to ubuntu / linux altogther, but i get to the install screen of either ubuntu OR Kubuntu and itjust hangs, anyone know how to resolve that?12:06
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mango12it found 0 packages... whatever i search12:06
mango12the installation is new12:06
ubotuacidrip: ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 54 kB, installed size 288 kB12:07
claydohscott__: and once thats done, :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:07
claydohfor multimedia bits12:07
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poningrumango12: sudo apt-get update12:07
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Admiral_Chicago@now chicago12:07
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Chicago: December 05 2006, 17:07:4512:07
poningrumango12: then do apt-cache search packagename12:07
mango12i done.. but the same error12:07
Admiral_Chicagookay i have a minute or two12:07
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mango12Cant find Package gcc oO12:08
cntbhow to check nvidia 3d install ? like dxdiag in ms windows  ?12:08
mango12noone else has an idea?12:09
claydohmango12: install the package build-essential12:10
claydohit will install gcc and needed tools to get you started12:10
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mango12dont find the package ^^12:11
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claydohcntb: the command 'glxinfo' I think12:12
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mango12it found no packages12:13
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scott__is there a good dvd player in the multiverse?12:13
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Otishi all, will kde 3.5.5 work on Ubuntu 6.10 ?12:13
wizard6.10 ships with 3.5.512:13

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