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nixternal | anyone gets a chance, on the ubuntu doc svn repos, trunk, i changed up the edubuntu handbook big time. trying to follow more the current guide layouts. it validates and builds, but i want to tweak the layout to make it look good | 06:50 |
nixternal | plus, i did it this way, because in the future, we, the ubuntu doc project, is looking at converting to topic based help systems, and it will be a little easier to convert the handbook at that time | 06:50 |
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dawkirst | Hi people. I am looking for a good application that can teach maths - maybe as an interactive game form, or something similar...any suggestions. | 06:56 |
dawkirst | I have checked out TuxMath, btw. | 06:58 |
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wizzy | My Thin clients get the server as a hostname - what have I done wrong in dhcpd.conf ? I have tried "use-host-decl-names on;" | 09:18 |
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kihai | Does anybody know how to hide network printers from ltsp users. I have two network printers installed on the server, but only want the ltsp clients to use on of them... | 09:46 |
kihai | ...one of them... | 09:46 |
juliux | kihai, you can deny the iprange of the clients in the cups configs, if you are using cups | 09:48 |
kihai | You mean via the cups webinterface? | 09:50 |
Elwell | kihai: in the config files too - v much like the apache ones (allow, deny) | 09:52 |
kihai | OK, found the setting in the cups menu. Just used the gnome printer config tool and almost forgot about the webinterface. Problem solved -> Big Thanx! | 09:57 |
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rockprincess | hello all! today is the day :) | 10:05 |
rockprincess | i will hopefully dispose edubuntu :) | 10:06 |
RichEd | rockprincess: dispose edubuntu ? get rid of edubuntu ???? | 10:07 |
rockprincess | RichEd: haha oh god no! I want to make people convert to edubuntu and get rid off windows....i'm having an edubuntu presentation today...my very first edubuntu presentation, so i'm a bit nervous... | 10:09 |
RichEd | Great. I was watching some of your conversation yesterday with Kamping_Kaiser ... you're in Austria aren't you ? | 10:10 |
rockprincess | RichEd: yep indeed :) | 10:10 |
rockprincess | RichEd: have you held presentations about edubuntu before? where are you from? | 10:14 |
RichEd | rockprincess: sorry ... was caught up in another channel | 10:14 |
rockprincess | RichEd: no worries ;) | 10:15 |
RichEd | I've been away from the channel, travelling for work for a few weeks, but I am the Education Programme Manager for all Ubuntu variants ... with Edubuntu being our main product. | 10:15 |
juliux | rockprincess, if you need a presentation about ubuntu and edubuntu ask ogra or me ;) | 10:15 |
RichEd | Yes, I have done 2 Edubuntu presentations ... do you need some help ?? | 10:16 |
RichEd | rockprincess: I also wanted to ask you if you were prepared to help with drawing up a Country Page for Austria ? Juliux and I are preparing a template to list country details, a local Education 1st Line Contact, and a way to collect stories & news. | 10:17 |
rockprincess | if this presentation goes as planned, this could be the beginning of something very big.......because i'm planning to write my BSc Assignment about Free/Open Source Software, especially Edubuntu, for Schools....and I'm planning to do a field study... | 10:17 |
rockprincess | RichEd: of course I'd love to do that.... | 10:17 |
RichEd | rockprincess: let me know how we can help you with this ... this is good news for us and you :) | 10:18 |
RichEd | rockprincess: send me a mail to riched@ubuntu.com with your real name and nick ... I'll send you some more info in the next week or so. | 10:18 |
rockprincess | the plan for today is, that I'm visiting my old high school and introduce my old IT teacher to edubuntu, make her familiar with it, let her play around on my laptop and convince her to let me install edubuntu on atleast 2 machines.... | 10:19 |
RichEd | And you asked where I am from: Cape Town, South Africa | 10:19 |
rockprincess | excellent, that'd be great RichEd | 10:19 |
rockprincess | wow, very cool! | 10:19 |
RichEd | very warm actually ;) 24 degrees C today | 10:19 |
RichEd | rockprincess: that's a good place to start ... one or two workstations on the existing network, to show people: | 10:20 |
RichEd | #1 open source is not as scary as people think | 10:20 |
rockprincess | if she agrees, i'll have to get in touch with a professor at my uni and suggest this topic for my BSc assignment.....and if he/she agrees then i can start working on it :) | 10:20 |
juliux | rockprincess, if she ask about the cost or hardware take a look at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Edubuntu/Konzept i will update this page in the next weeks | 10:20 |
RichEd | #2 open source workstations can fit with existing security and shared drives etc. | 10:20 |
rockprincess | excellent, thanks for the Link Juliux! | 10:21 |
RichEd | #3 it is not a big bang decision about open source OR windows ... but both can exist side by aside, and then open source can naturally become the majority over time | 10:22 |
juliux | rockprincess, the prices are a little bit old so i will update the page if we have ne vat in germany | 10:22 |
RichEd | that takes away the 3 biggest concerns about getting started with open source | 10:22 |
rockprincess | RichEd: actually the idea came from 2 videos....the Codebreaker video and a german/english documentation called "Codeword Linux" | 10:22 |
RichEd | rockprincess: also show her this article | 10:23 |
RichEd | http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=687 | 10:23 |
rockprincess | RichEd: sure there are also open source programs for windows aswell (sourceforge.net!) | 10:23 |
RichEd | ^^ That was written by our Community Manager | 10:23 |
juliux | rockprincess, there is also an arikle about edubuntu in the linuxuser, see http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2006/12/068-edubuntu/index.html | 10:24 |
rockprincess | Juliux: cool thanks for that...but i think the hardware isn't even their biggest concern, as most schools in austria get sponsored by the austrian government?! | 10:24 |
rockprincess | juliux: hehe i've bought this issue of linux-users myself and will show her that article to back up my reasons :) | 10:25 |
juliux | rockprincess, that is a great situation in austria | 10:25 |
RichEd | rockprincess: that info above is the sort of stuff we would like to collect about each country ... what sort of hardware situation, is IT decision a national or local decision, is there any open source drive by government in schools, or in other government areas, does MS provide "free licences" etc. | 10:26 |
RichEd | For your presentation today ... it is just one-on-one with your ex-teacher ? | 10:28 |
rockprincess | yeah that's my goal as well...that's what i want to research as well.....if they're giving free licences by microsoft...and actually comparing it to Richard Stallman's article about FOSS in Schools | 10:28 |
rockprincess | yep, it's just a one-on-one | 10:28 |
RichEd | Great ... you and I must chat about the exact topic you want to explore ... in a way that the results will have the greatest impact for Open Source and education. | 10:29 |
RichEd | For example, I say to people, if we move 5 years into the future, then we know there *will* be a reasonable number of Open Source machines in some MS schools, and a reasonable number of schools with Open Source as the primary or majority operating system. | 10:30 |
rockprincess | yeah that's why I was hoping to get some help on here, because I've read some stuff about Open Source Software about of course not everything there is need to know....and I'm sure there will be loads more.... | 10:30 |
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rockprincess | Juliux: have you read this article? http://zim.informatik.uni-bremen.de/index.php?n=Main.Open-SourceInSchulen | 10:31 |
willvdl | ola compadres | 10:31 |
RichEd | So from my coment above, an interesting angle for your topic could be: "The impact of the introduction of Open Source into the existing Education ICT Programme." | 10:32 |
rockprincess | RichEd: would you recommend to focus on the digital divide and the less privileged countries? would this be a good idea? i can imagine it would be interesting but also quite hard to get the information from?! | 10:32 |
RichEd | rockprincess: too many people have dived into that, and it ends up being yet another study on an "emotive issue" ... | 10:33 |
RichEd | the impact of open source on your *own* country is far more intetresting and realistic ... as a result of your study, meaningful change could be spurred | 10:34 |
RichEd | hey willvdl ... we still on for that meeting ? | 10:34 |
RichEd | i.e. if you show that the impact in the "perceived problem areas" is "no problem" | 10:35 |
RichEd | and the impact in the "positive areas" is "very good for education" ... | 10:35 |
rockprincess | true of course that will be interesting, but I'm wondering if this would be enough for the assignment..... | 10:36 |
willvdl | RichEd, yeah what time? | 10:36 |
RichEd | Then your study can be used to discuss policy with your government ... where we could come across to have a meeting with you and them. | 10:36 |
RichEd | rockprincess: send me some details, how long is the assignment, what form is the submission, how long do you have to do it ? | 10:37 |
rockprincess | cool, these are all cool and clever ideas....ideas that i would have never thought of!! thanks a lot! :)))) | 10:37 |
rockprincess | yeah sure, I'll do that as soon as I got in touch with my uni professor (hopefully by next week), then I'll find out more details..... | 10:38 |
RichEd | willvdl: I have a 1:30 - 2:30 appointment and also need to get to marilize to collect some CDs to give to HP tonight ... I am seeing my ex-bosses (SA Education Country Manager and ISE Region Manager) ISE covers Africa as well. | 10:39 |
RichEd | willvdl: I don't suppose you have any plans to come to Cape Town this evening do you ? | 10:39 |
rockprincess | RichEd: I have a rough concept/ideas of what I've thought of so far, I will translate it into english and then send it to you, would that be ok? | 10:39 |
willvdl | RichEd, <---msg | 10:39 |
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RichEd | rockprincess: no problem at all ... note that the issues around adoption of open source in education go far deeper than just "an equivalent or superior desktop" | 11:09 |
rockprincess | RichEd: excellent....hehe of course.....i think a good start would be to find some good literature...to actually get some good knowledge before I can start working on it, don't you think? | 11:10 |
RichEd | it's the soft issues like training, support, perceptions of security, what happens to the students existing data on our storage servers ? can they use a windows workstation and then an edubuntu workstation to access and save the same documents. | 11:11 |
willvdl | and the training/skill set migration | 11:11 |
RichEd | rockprincess: I'll wait for your outline email, and then we can chat ... it will be easier to discuss a "leverage point", than to point you towards general info ... | 11:12 |
rockprincess | ok, good idea...I'm almost finished with the translation of the concept... | 11:12 |
RichEd | What univeristy are you at ? And what are your BSc Majors ? | 11:14 |
rockprincess | I'm studying Computer science and Multimedia at the University of Technology in Vienna. My Majors are in "Design", it's not really definied by the university....they don't really have a concept here, as my year is the first year that was introduced to Bachelor.... | 11:16 |
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rockprincess | RichEd: do you want the concept as a PDF or as a ODT Open Office Document? | 11:27 |
RichEd | rockprincess: whatever is easiest ... I can read either ... but can only edit ODT | 11:27 |
rockprincess | RichEd: ok, thought so it would be the best way to send it as a odt | 11:28 |
=== RichEd nods | ||
rockprincess | ok, sent.....I'm sure there are millions of things that I forgot to mention.....or that I actually haven't thought of.... | 11:39 |
RichEd | rockprincess: looks good ... it has quite a few concepts and actions that we are already looking at | 11:46 |
rockprincess | RichEd: really? what are these? | 11:47 |
RichEd | What would be a big help is if you could also outline the "work & submission requirement" for your assignment. So I get an idea of how much effort you are supposed to put in, and how much research, and how much hands-on testing or discussing with teachers etc. | 11:47 |
RichEd | #1 What package doesn't exist, that could be useful? (Suggestions to the edubuntu-dev Team) = Edulinux project we are busy with | 11:48 |
rockprincess | Yeah, I will sort that out as soon as possible! | 11:48 |
RichEd | #2 Perhaps applications could be specifically developed to suit the european/austrian syllabus of instruction? (note to self: get the local syllabus!) BIG question ... looking at this from a slightly different perspective, again in the same project above | 11:49 |
rockprincess | Edulinux, so that doesn't just involve Edubuntu, but also other distributions (e.g Skole Linux?!) | 11:49 |
rockprincess | I see | 11:49 |
RichEd | We are looking at defining unique Learning Objects ... for example ... "The Theory of Simple Harmonic Motion" | 11:49 |
RichEd | Then the same learning objects can be packaged into Lesson Plans ... | 11:50 |
RichEd | Lesson Plans can be packaged into Courses ... where courses address a syllabus. | 11:50 |
rockprincess | ok, what would be helpful from my side then? | 11:50 |
RichEd | So the packaging for Austria would be different to say England, but the Learning Objects would be reusable and valid ... so the only thing that changes is the meta-map (and languages) | 11:51 |
rockprincess | ahh clever idea! | 11:51 |
RichEd | #3 What packages are available for KDE and Gnome? <- we are addressing this with our UbuntuEducation community area we are creating, where we will encourage teachers and interested people to provide us & contribute to a list of open source applications which will be kept on a public web site. | 11:53 |
RichEd | We will then process the list of applications in various categories of promotion, with criteria for passing from category to category as follows: | 11:55 |
rockprincess | excellent...I've mentioned these two links of KDE and Gnome, but i, for myself, think that it's not clearly laid out enough...especially the Gnome Link....so a public website would be helpful! | 11:55 |
RichEd | Applications we Bundle (on CD) < Applications we Package in Uni/Multi-verse Bundle < Applications we Recommend < Applications we have Tested < Applications we have Reviewed < Applications we are Aware of | | 11:56 |
RichEd | Read from right to left | 11:56 |
rockprincess | cool, will there be an option to submit ideas for future applications? | 11:58 |
RichEd | ^^ Edulinux ... this is a project funded by the EU where Canonical is the Open Source Platform Partner. It is looking at ICT from a pedagogicl requirements approach, with 6 learning institutions in 6 countries. | 11:58 |
RichEd | rockprincess: yep ... we will have a wish list section ... because someone may say "Hey that exists ... it is called _ _ _ _ " | 11:59 |
RichEd | And if it does not exist, but 500 teachers and 30 schools say "we wish it did" ... then it surely is needed, and we shoudl see how we can make it come together. | 12:00 |
rockprincess | hmm how come if i google for "Edulinux" i only find this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EduLinux and spanish and french information about it? | 12:00 |
rockprincess | excellent ;) | 12:00 |
RichEd | (Either we develop it, or we look to a partner or community who can) | 12:01 |
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RichEd | Edulinux is the name chosen by the person who motivated the project. He did not know it was already in use. We are looking for an alternative name. There is not much public info as yet ... we have just had the 1st project kick-off meeting in Poland 2 weeks ago. I'll have a wiki page up soon on wiki.edubuntu.org | 12:02 |
rockprincess | this is all useful/helpful information, i feel like i should provide this log for my assignment....do you have any problems if i quote you on some things you mentioned above and in future? | 12:02 |
RichEd | Not a problem :) | 12:03 |
RichEd | It's been good chatting ... but I need to get some work underway before an appointment I leave for in 10 mins. Send me the assignment work requirement, and we can chat more formally after that. | 12:04 |
juliux | rockprincess, there is a public log from this channel;) | 12:04 |
juliux | rockprincess, so everybody can read it | 12:04 |
rockprincess | juliux: great, where is it? | 12:04 |
juliux | !log | 12:04 |
ubotu | Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | 12:04 |
rockprincess | RichEd: yeah, thanks for all your help and advice, I really appreciate it! | 12:05 |
rockprincess | RichEd: and good luck for the appointment! | 12:05 |
rockprincess | Danke Juliux! :) | 12:05 |
RichEd | thanks | 12:05 |
juliux | rockprincess, good luck with your school;) | 12:06 |
rockprincess | juliux: thank you :) if this goes as planned, then it will hopefully be a great day for open source and edubuntu :) | 12:07 |
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kihai | Anyone experiencing any difficulties with ltsp and xorg? If some of my ltsp clients log off gnome, X suddenly hangs showing only a grey screen with a non moving mousepointer. Keyboard inputs are not accepted anymore and all I can do is log into the client via ssh or restart it with Alt+Print+B. top on the client shows me a load of around 99% Cpu time for the Xorg process, but the /var/log/XOrg.6.log only shows errors (Error opening /dev/wacom, Could not init | 12:12 |
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | edgy (6.10) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edgy/ | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 18:00:58 2006 | ||
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kihai | Can somebody help me with my ltsp problem? When users log off (from their gnome session on client pcs) and forget to close all windows before (Especially firefox, but I'm just guessing this) the XOrg process goes up to 99% cpu and the client isn't reacting anymore. Obviously something goes wrong during saving of a user's session and this kills X. What could I do??? | 02:42 |
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kihai | Is everyone still asleep? :) | 03:02 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:13 |
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stgraber | hi | 04:35 |
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jpduyx | can i change the screen resolution to 800x600 for a ltsp client ? | 05:42 |
jpduyx | ahhh i found the file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf.readme | 05:49 |
jpduyx | that will do i hope, tnx | 05:49 |
=== nixternal needs to start playing again with LTSP | ||
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rockprincess | hello all! | 06:52 |
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cbx33 | Hey all | 07:09 |
=== cbx33 just got voted chair of the Southern ICT Technical Panel ;) | ||
crimsun | 'grats! | 07:09 |
cbx33 | I'm hoping to clout everyone with open source | 07:09 |
cbx33 | but I got a stern warning from some people who work for the Local Education Authority | 07:10 |
cbx33 | in other words.....they only support Microsoft | 07:10 |
cbx33 | so if something goes wrong dont expect them to support it | 07:10 |
cbx33 | thanks crimsun | 07:10 |
LaserJock | cbx33: congrates | 07:15 |
cbx33 | thanky | 07:15 |
nixternal | cool cbx33 ! | 07:16 |
nixternal | wasabi everyone :) | 07:16 |
cbx33 | hi nixternal | 07:16 |
nixternal | well if you are the chair, then your first order of business should be to remove the "Microsoft" people ;p | 07:16 |
=== nixternal searches for today's meeting agenda | ||
cbx33 | hehe | 07:17 |
cbx33 | unfortunately it's not a panel like that | 07:17 |
nixternal | oh well, it was worth a shot | 07:18 |
nixternal | ooh i am excited. my c++ courses start next month..and the first program we do, isn't "Hello World" | 07:18 |
nixternal | woohoo | 07:18 |
nixternal | i wish sbalneav (spelling?) was around. i did a ton of handbook work yesterday in the ubuntu doc repo and i would like to port it over so he can continue working from the new layout | 07:19 |
cbx33 | ooooh excellent | 07:20 |
cbx33 | you're a tar nixternal | 07:20 |
nixternal | hahaa | 07:20 |
cbx33 | a star that should have been | 07:20 |
nixternal | no, i like tar better | 07:20 |
nixternal | means i have more work to do before becoming a star | 07:20 |
cbx33 | heheh | 07:21 |
cbx33 | I'm an r | 07:21 |
nixternal | ya, i don't even know if i have the r yet | 07:21 |
cbx33 | heheh | 07:23 |
nixternal | well cbx33, when it comes to edubuntu, you definitely got the r, otherwise you wouldn't be a member :) | 07:24 |
crimsun | neat, I don't even have the 'r' ;) | 07:25 |
cbx33 | crimsun, you got the whole damn alphabet ;) | 07:26 |
cbx33 | ping ogra | 07:26 |
crimsun | wow, is that like short school bus special? | 07:26 |
nixternal | hahahaha | 07:26 |
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cbx33 | bbl | 07:27 |
rockprincess | hello everyone! | 07:28 |
rockprincess | where's richEd? | 07:28 |
rockprincess | Juliux! | 07:28 |
juliux | hi rockprincess | 07:28 |
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Dheeraj_k | hi is ubuntu human theme available on repo? | 07:41 |
LaserJock | yeah | 07:41 |
LaserJock | Dheeraj_k: are you running Dapper or Edgy? | 07:41 |
Dheeraj_k | i am using dapper | 07:42 |
LaserJock | Dheeraj_k: then I would install ubuntu-artwork | 07:42 |
Dheeraj_k | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-human? | 07:42 |
juliux | re | 07:43 |
Dheeraj_k | actually i am looking for default ubuntu theme for edubuntu | 07:43 |
Dheeraj_k | and artwork is already installed on my pc | 07:43 |
Dheeraj_k | any 1? | 07:45 |
LaserJock | Dheeraj_k: I don't quite understand what you are wanting | 07:46 |
LaserJock | you want the Ubuntu Human theme on Edubuntu? | 07:47 |
Dheeraj_k | default ubuntu icon theme for edubuntu | 07:47 |
LaserJock | did you install ubuntu-artwork? | 07:48 |
Dheeraj_k | yes i did | 07:48 |
Dheeraj_k | yday | 07:48 |
LaserJock | ok, and so then did you find the theme? | 07:49 |
Dheeraj_k | actually it update theme info by connecting to net but problem is i am on gprs so it will take lots of time to update the list | 07:51 |
LaserJock | hmm, I don't really understand | 07:52 |
Dheeraj_k | gprs is a slow internet connection | 07:52 |
LaserJock | if you have ubuntu-artwork installed you should be able to go into System->Preferences->Theme | 07:53 |
LaserJock | I know, I just don't know what you mean by "update theme info" | 07:53 |
Dheeraj_k | but that theme is not available there | 07:53 |
LaserJock | there is nothing that looks like it? | 07:54 |
Dheeraj_k | LaserJock: didn't found any :( | 07:54 |
LaserJock | I don't have a Dapper machine around, I can't quite remember what it's called | 07:54 |
Dheeraj_k | human | 07:54 |
Dheeraj_k | ubuntu-human | 07:54 |
LaserJock | well, I'm not sure if it's called human in the theme manager | 07:54 |
LaserJock | I'm pretty sure if you have ubuntu-artwork installed it will be there | 07:56 |
Dheeraj_k | actually i installed edubuntu desktop on kubuntu | 07:58 |
LaserJock | ok | 07:58 |
LaserJock | are you logged into KDE or Gnome? | 07:58 |
Dheeraj_k | and it doesnot have default ubuntu theme | 07:59 |
Dheeraj_k | gnome | 08:00 |
Dheeraj_k | can u pls send that theme to me? or default edge theme? | 08:03 |
LaserJock | if you have installed ubuntu-artwork you have it | 08:03 |
LaserJock | have you logged out and logged back in? | 08:03 |
LaserJock | sometimes that refreshes things | 08:03 |
Dheeraj_k | i just checked this folder /usr/share/themes but i dosen't has any folder with name human | 08:09 |
LaserJock | ok, are you sure ubuntu-artwork is installed? | 08:11 |
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LaserJock | hmm | 08:12 |
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Dheeraj_k | i am reinstalling ubuntu-artwork i hope it will work this time | 08:19 |
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ogra | cbx33, pong | 08:54 |
ogra | ************ REMINDER edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5min ************** | 08:55 |
cbx33 | heheh | 08:55 |
highvoltage | hi cbx33 and ogra | 08:55 |
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cbx33 | hey highvoltage | 08:55 |
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ogra | ************ edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting starts now ************** | 09:00 |
tideline | anyone know what hi and si percentages are in the cpu line when you run top | 09:00 |
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cbx33 | hmm | 09:05 |
cbx33 | hang on | 09:05 |
cbx33 | yup | 09:05 |
cbx33 | Hi | 09:05 |
cbx33 | is hardware interrupts | 09:05 |
cbx33 | sorry | 09:05 |
cbx33 | Hardware IRQ | 09:06 |
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tideline | cbx33: nm I found it - hi = interrupt and si = software interrupt | 09:06 |
cbx33 | ;) | 09:06 |
tideline | thanks for the reply though | 09:06 |
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