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nixternal | man, i am going through the handbook, restructuring it after the KDG & UDG..the content is loaded with :) | 05:16 |
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=== mdke mornings | ||
robotgeek | morning mdke | 08:56 |
Burgundavia | morning mdke | 08:56 |
robotgeek | i'm just about to go to bed. | 08:57 |
robotgeek | hi Burgundavia :) | 08:57 |
robotgeek | anyways, night all. and cya in about 10 days or so! | 08:58 |
mdke | have fun | 08:58 |
robotgeek | thanks | 08:58 |
mdke | mpt: around? | 09:17 |
mpt | mdke, yo | 09:19 |
mdke | yo indeed. | 09:19 |
mpt | sorry | 09:19 |
mpt | mdke, Yes sir! | 09:19 |
mpt | :-) | 09:20 |
mdke | eh? | 09:20 |
mpt | nm | 09:20 |
=== mdke nods | ||
mdke | anyway. Still bugging you about topic based help. We need to try and get these categories sorted | 09:21 |
mpt | ok | 09:21 |
mpt | should I add comments to the wiki page? | 09:21 |
mpt | or mail the mailing list? | 09:21 |
mdke | either. A tricky question seems to be what to do with the Gnome user guide | 09:21 |
mdke | or equivalents for Kubuntu | 09:21 |
mpt | There is no good answer pre-Mallard | 09:22 |
mpt | but then there never has been, TopicBasedHelp or not | 09:22 |
mpt | hmm | 09:22 |
mdke | right, but there's no point not using the material | 09:22 |
mdke | at the absolute worst we can fork it | 09:22 |
mdke | and turn specific sections that we want to use into documents, rather than using it all | 09:23 |
mpt | Well, it will always show up in search results | 09:23 |
mdke | some parts of it fit well with "documents, files and folders" in your categories | 09:23 |
mdke | also "customising settings" | 09:24 |
mdke | mpt: also, you can take a look at the sandbox implementation at branches/topic-based-help, if you like | 09:27 |
mpt | cool | 09:28 |
mpt | I saw some mention of a bzr repository | 09:28 |
mdke | Riddell was pushing it. I tried to download it but gave up after nothing happened in 30 minutes | 09:29 |
mpt | ok | 09:29 |
mpt | I've reported various bugs that bzr's progress feedback isn't quite as good as it could be | 09:29 |
mdke | yes, it's appalling - I can understand that downloading the whole history will take a long time (although I didn't at the time), but it doesn't tell you anything, except this 1/4 ========= stuff | 09:30 |
Burgundavia | big repos take ages | 09:31 |
Burgundavia | the marketing one took 20 minutes | 09:31 |
mpt | Unfortunately that first part, the revision history, has no feedback at all | 09:33 |
=== mdke hugs svn | ||
mpt | At least, that's the case for a push, probably the same for a pull | 09:34 |
mpt | bug 60171 | 09:34 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 60171 in bzr "bzr push appears to do nothing for several minutes" [Low,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/60171 | 09:34 |
Mithrandir | mpt: it ought to be fairly trivial to first get an estimate of the size you need to pull and then use the progress bar against that. | 09:35 |
mpt | yes | 09:35 |
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mdke | hi lloydinho_ | 09:41 |
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Mithrandir | if somebody has time to proofread the herd 1 announcement on http://err.no/tmp/herd-1.txt, that'd be good. | 09:49 |
mpt | mdke, commented on the wiki page | 09:50 |
mdke | thanks | 09:50 |
mpt | Mithrandir, my only suggestions would be (1) change "system or who" to "system, or anyone who" and (2) "as images" to "images" | 09:54 |
Mithrandir | there's not supposed to be a comma in the first one, is there? | 09:54 |
Mithrandir | mpt: I rewrote the second bit a little. | 09:55 |
mpt | Without the comma, one's brain spends a second or two trying to make a stable system itself be comfortable running into breakage | 09:55 |
mpt | actually, that's not true | 09:56 |
mpt | It's the "anyone" that solves that problem | 09:56 |
mpt | The comma makes the sentence, now with its extra "anyone", breathable :-) | 09:57 |
mdke | mpt: at some stage today I'll comment on your comments... got to run now, thanks | 10:04 |
lloydinho_ | oh, hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. University deadlines and all... | 10:09 |
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 01:07 | |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team http://doc.ubuntu.com or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu CoC @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda | Ubuntu's docs in dead-tree format: http://www.lulu.com/ubuntu-doc | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 11:57:46 2006 | ||
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mpt | Hello lloydinho_ | 01:23 |
mpt | Look at the mess we've started :-) | 01:24 |
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mpt | http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Codex:Reorganization -- card-sorting for categorization of help topics | 02:08 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i'm trying to edit this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FaqOnIrc to add this information https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade but the inter wiki linking isn't worknig | 02:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | can anyone help? | 02:20 |
mpt | Admiral_Chicago, you could just use a normal link | 02:21 |
mpt | [https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade link text] | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | mpt: i'm not too good with wikis, what is the formating [www] link right? | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | text is the description? | 02:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | nevermind i got it | 02:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks | 02:24 |
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=== mdke evenings | ||
LaserJock | hi mdke | 08:50 |
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nixternal | doc.ubuntu.com stopped building it seems on November 19th | 10:44 |
mdke | check if there is an invalid document in one of the build targets | 10:53 |
mdke | if "make all" doesn't build, the cronjob for the relevant build will break | 10:54 |
nixternal | roger | 10:58 |
nixternal | thanks | 10:58 |
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