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Chris_Sutcliffwebmaren have you tried installing build-essentials12:01
lee2if i wanted to program a game in linux, should i use opengl ?12:02
Chris_Sutclifflee2: there is no directx, so i guess so12:02
webmarenchris_sutcliff: yes, and gcc, and g++12:02
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Chris_Sutcliffwebmaren: no idea then, there's a precompiled version in the reposiories12:02
webmarennot for amd6412:02
lee2whats the alturnitive to opengl ?12:03
Chris_Sutclifflee2: but opengl is INCREDIBLY slow for me :P12:03
SGersho1psusi, tormod, if I just use recovery mode, will it load everything else it needs to work properly (network, HW, drivers...)?12:03
lee2its a 2d game. alot of movement though.12:03
tormodSGersho1: yes12:03
Chris_Sutcliffwebmarren: oh, well is there a pre-packaged version for amd64 from any other distro?12:03
bimberiwebmaren: try install build-essential, it brings in a couple of other goodies12:03
hkaisanyone here who knows how the ubuntu forum is embedded with the mailinglist, and possibly with a nntp?12:03
webmarenbimberi: I already have build-essential12:03
Chris_Sutcliffwebmarren: because at a push you could convert that to a .deb using alien12:03
tormodSGersho1: it's not really "recovery" if you ask me, it's single user.12:04
bimberiwebmaren: k12:04
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Kludgylee2: If it hasn't been mentioned, I'd suggest http://www.libsdl.org/.  it may give you a big jumpstart12:04
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SGersho1tormod, psusi: Ok. Yes, I see in menu.lst that recovery is "simple", instead of "quiet splash".12:05
SGersho1So it should work fine, as you say.12:05
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psusiSGersho1: it's single, not simple12:06
SGersho1psusi: :P Right, my typo. menu.lst is fine :P12:06
brayI'm having troubles with WoW.... still... so I uploaded a log here http://pastebin.ca/268693. Mind you I tried #winehq before I came here, but they don't seem to know anything...12:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start-up - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
TC`how to make some program start on start-up?12:07
SGersho1psusi: If I eventually want to exit the 'recovery terminal only mode' and want to get GUI, then i just have to run X? Or its complicate dthan that?12:07
TC`how to set that?12:07
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psusiSGersho1: no... recover mode will give you a root shell... if you exit from that shell, it then boots up normally12:08
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kitcheSGersho1: you would have to reboot since X won't run in init 112:08
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Chris_Sutcliffbray: www.kerneltraffic.org/wine/latest.html#512:08
WillySilly2where are the dns settings held?12:08
psusiat least I think it continues if you exit...12:08
psusiit's been a while...12:08
psusikitche: yes, X will run in init 1... /etc/init.d/gdm start12:08
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toM|vendettAcan anyone tell me why my time and date preferences keep getting reset?12:09
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SGersho1psusi, kitche: I see. I'll experiment with all this info.12:10
SGersho1Thanks a lot!12:10
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savvashi i need to attach sound to a 3gp movie i have, i.e. somehow use mencoder or something to use sound input from an mp3 file and copy the video. can someone help me with the full command please?12:10
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reconI'm running a printer (Samsung ML-2010) and have it set up via System>Admin>Printers, but a little of the bottom of each page and a lot of the top of each page are cut off. It's isn't blank, it's just not there.12:11
kingacewhen I try to install a .run file, the default install path is .trash, and i cant edit it12:11
Otisevening all ... will kde 3.5.5 work on Ubuntu 6.10 ?12:11
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n30nAnyone know any good md5 decoders?12:12
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gooseSGersho1: btw it still doesn't work :\12:12
zac1how do I mount my mp3 player12:13
kingacewhat kind of mp3 player?12:13
brayChris_Sutcliff: I read that little article thing, and it didn't really help...12:13
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zac1bus-link MP3-14XS-B12:13
Chris_Sutcliffbray: all i could find about it, sorry12:13
Chris_Sutcliffis www.winehq.com down?12:14
abo I'm trying to add a new program to the startup in ubuntu (using sytem->preferences->sessions and the Startup Programs tab) I add the command, and see it in the list, then close and open again... and nothing there, do it again, and restart, then nothing happen... reopen, and the command is not there... what's wrong?12:14
brayChrist_Sutcliff: Thanks anyway... and winehq was having problems a day or two ago, so it's possible12:14
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kingacezac: try going into the disk manager and checking if it is coming up automatically12:14
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kerwonzsomebody can helpme?12:15
zac1Where is disk manager?12:15
ubotukerwonz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:16
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borgis it possible to to have VLC's DivX playinig capabilityes/codec into Gnome's Totem player? cause the only player that works right in Beryl is Totem12:17
zac1no disks item under menu12:17
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lee2is there like a list of suggested programs for linux that are not yet made ?12:17
kitchezac1: menu-> system12:17
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LjLlee2: not on the Ubuntu site that i know of12:17
lee2oh, im just bored lol12:18
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kerwonzwhen i plug my headphones doesn't works and my spekers sound same...12:18
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kerwonzwhat can i do?12:19
kingaceanyone know a good alternative to sketchup for ubuntu?12:19
borgis it possible to to have VLC's DivX playinig capabilityes/codec into Gnome's Totem player?12:20
Byancp: cannot stat `mod_authnz_mtuiso.so': No such file or directory12:20
Byanapxs:Error: Command failed with rc=6553612:20
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kaewHi. I have just burned ubuntu onto a disc and tried it out. I have a pretty big screen resolution (1280x1024), but it seems as ubuntu doesnt support such large resolution?12:23
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LjLkaew: actually, it uses just that resolutions as a default on my compuyter12:23
ThePubis there a way to set the overlay desktop coverage?12:23
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Lehtihey o/12:24
kaewLjL: but i cant choose that resolution, when i go to the System preferences12:24
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LjLUbotu, tell kaew about fixres | kaew, see the private message from Ubotu12:24
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SGersho1kitche, what was the command psusi suggested for starting X from Init1?12:25
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kitcheSGersho1: /etc/init.d/gdm start12:25
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dan__I have a question.  If I want to post a file via wget to a php script, and the line looks like: wget --post-data="name=dan&upfile=[i don't know what to put here] " http://url/file.php12:25
dan__What would I put there?12:25
kaewAlso, my internet connection doesnt work when I use ubuntu12:25
kaewplease help12:25
SGersho1kitche: Thaks! I just closed the window and has no log...12:25
aboI'm trying to add a new program to the startup in ubuntu (using sytem->preferences->sessions and the Startup Programs tab) I add the command, and see it in the list, then close and open again... and nothing there, do it again, and restart, then nothing happen... reopen, and the command is not there... anyone can help please? that should be easy?12:26
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gribelumaybe the command is wrong12:26
hkaisanyone here who knows how the ubuntu forum is embedded with the mailinglist, and possibly with a nntp?12:26
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mrcucumberanyone know about how to use a serial GPS reciever in linux?12:27
dan__It's possible that the command is wrong, or the binary you're trying to run does not exist.12:27
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gribeludue just run the command from the console12:27
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gribeluif it works there, it will work inthe sessions thing12:27
SGersho1abo, are you typing a correct/working command?12:28
gribeluif not well... set it on fire and do the dance12:28
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kerwonzwhere can i download the patch for error correction of the code it has unwittingly broken the headphone output on my laptop?12:29
aboSGersho1, I'm copying it from the shell...12:29
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ThePubAnyone know how to set the video overlay size for a mergedfb xserver setup?12:30
BleSSi would install ubuntu about crypto volume, using cd alternate, is possible install truecrypt, configure partitions and follow with the instalation?12:30
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SGersho1abo: It's weird. There's nothing in ubuntu-forums?12:31
jlawhey ... i've problems installing the nvidia driver. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia did not really help me. when executing "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" i get "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel."12:31
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aboSGersho1, I'll check.. in the mean time there anything like .initrc or something like that , that starts after I log in to my session?12:32
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foureight84anyone having luck connecting to the ubuntu beryl repos?12:33
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bolzono.join #debian12:38
Asche_83mDoes anybody know how to find out the mousebuttonnames for imwheel?12:39
DShepherdwhat's a good video editor for ubuntu?12:39
DShepherdor on ubuntu rather..12:39
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mlehreris it possible to have two xterms working with the same screen session12:40
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Asche_83mmlehrer, though not being absolutely sure what you mean, I think it is possible12:40
matiseijasok, so... still having problems to update ubuntu... LOL, I know... I've downloaded the alternative to ubuntu 6.10... now what should I do to update from 5.10?12:40
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gop!video editor12:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video editor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:41
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications12:41
TLEHey what commands can I use to figure out exactly what version of a package I have installed ?12:41
zac1How do you mount an MP3 player manually12:41
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gopmount /dev/hd#12:42
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gopmount /dev/hd# -t filesystem /mount/dir12:42
luigican someone help me with something?12:42
matiseijascan somebody please help me?12:42
mnoirTLE: hey how did you install it?12:43
DShepherdTLE: apt-cache policy <packagename>12:43
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bolzonohas anybody tried intalling debian on a wrt54gl?12:43
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ryanakcawhy doen't my vt[1-6] s' text have any color? I have it setup so that it does in .bash(something)... everything that should be colour is gray. When I stop X, and relogin to the VT, the color works. colored terminal text only works in konsole/xterm, but not in the vts12:43
zac1gop: what is hd#?12:43
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:43
ryanakcamatiseijas: what about a completly fresh install12:43
matiseijascan't i upgrade?12:43
TLEmnoir: with apt-get install DShepherd: thanks12:43
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DShepherdTLE: ok12:44
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luigiWhere can i find the windows files with the ubuntu live cd cuz my windows crashed?12:44
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n30nluigi: you'll have to mount the windows partition12:44
matiseijasoh... and also... how do i mount my floppy disk drive?12:44
luigihow do i do that?12:44
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gribeluP.S. the default ubuntu doesn't have write access to ntfs partitions12:45
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DShepherdmatiseijas: go to places menu -- computer and then double click on floppy drive12:45
mlehrerAsche_83m: say i have 10 shells in a screen session and i want to work with 2 of them next to each other in 2 xterms12:45
oddieenabling ntfs write is that safe? supported?12:45
luigidoes knoppix?12:45
mirak./configure: line 24713: syntax error near unexpected token `1.0.0,,'12:45
mirak./configure: line 24713: `AM_PATH_XINE(1.0.0,, { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: *** You should install xine-lib first ***" >&5'12:45
matiseijasmy floppy drive is not listed12:45
mirakI got that error when building xine12:45
Asche_83mis tthere a problem in starting another xterm?12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
gribeluoddie, it seems safe enough with ntfs-3g .. i have NO idea if there's any other way so i haven't tried it( if there is one:) )12:46
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luigihow do i mount my windows hd?12:46
ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone12:47
[GuS] guys any plugin for xmms or Amarok to stream music from the Mic or LIne in?12:47
DShepherd!tell luigi about ntfs12:47
n30nluigi: i PMed you12:47
oddiegribelu: Thanks i might try it..... i know its still in testing stages...12:47
matiseijasok, so i managed to get my floppy drive listed... but when i double click on it, the following error appears: "Unable to mount selected volume: Error: given UDI is not a mountable volume12:48
matiseijas"... what should I do_12:48
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n30nluigi: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/12:48
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DShepherdmatiseijas: pray... has that floppy ever worked?12:48
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protolnxanyone know a kewl channel where to discuss games emu issues, best joysticks and so on?12:49
gophow do I mount a linux drive in windows12:49
matiseijasLOL, yeah!! it worked perfectly yesterday12:49
gopI use the driver12:49
matiseijas(with my windows partition)12:49
gopfor windows for ext but won't work12:49
gopis thier another way to get a linux file system mount in windows12:49
protolnxI can't believe there isn't a channel for game emus12:49
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n30nprotolnx: theres a for everything12:50
n30nprotolnx: Theres a chanel for everything12:50
DShepherdmatiseijas: what filesystem format is it?12:50
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Asche_83mis there anybody familiar with imwheel?12:50
protolnxn30n I am having some serious issues with gngeo and I am desperate to get it working :-(12:50
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zOapis there a free ram app for linux?12:50
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dominussuusIs there a wiki.ubuntu.com or launchpad.net admin in the room?12:50
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n30nprotolnx: What's the issue12:50
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matiseijasi believe it's FAT 32? ... i don't really know... i formatted it in windows12:51
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zac1how do you mount an mp3 player in linux manually12:51
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n30nmatiseijas: sudo fdisk -l12:52
DShepherdmatiseijas: i have to run.. hope you get thru12:52
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protolnxn30n I've got all the necessary componenst and won't run any game12:52
n30nzac1: USB?12:52
matiseijasok, thanks for your help :)12:52
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protolnxn30n is gngeo neoragex compatible?12:52
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NineTeen67CometGrrr .. stuffed an old mobo in my case, got it wired up enough to start it up, but it will not see the keyboard (tried several) .. ideas on how to set up the bios w/out a keyboard? lol12:52
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n30nprotolnx: I was about to ask you if it was.12:53
n30nprotolnx: I don't really know12:53
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protolnxeverything works with neoragex but  I wanna play in linux12:53
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n30nprotolnx: did it work on a linux box?12:53
n30nprotolnx: windows box sorry12:54
maphewanybody know how to install Time:: HiRes (perl cpan module) in ubuntu dapper? I keep getting this error:12:54
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Aar0n[A] Hi, what does sudo ps -al  do?12:54
protolnxn30n yeah neoragex works like a charm, but when I put gngeo pointing to the games path it doesn't start any game12:54
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protolnxcan't wait to play mslug and fatal fury samurai showdoan12:55
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webbenhas anyone else experienced trouble burning cds in an external CD/DVD writer connecting via USB?12:55
n30nprotolnx: idk dude12:55
webben(with edgy)12:55
protolnxn30n idk?12:55
zac1n30n Answer me!12:55
wapityyyI have a problem, in a javascript loop for my ajax script, i have a PHP script connecting to a MYSQL database, but it seems like the loop doenst affect the PHP... anyone know why?12:55
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n30nzac1: I didn't see a question12:56
zac1my mp3 player is na USB12:56
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n30nzac1: Did you get it to mount on linux?12:57
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abohow can I change gnome-terminal's font and size?12:58
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n30nzac1: try running the command mount -a12:58
bimberiabo: Edit -> Current Profile12:58
shwagwhat is tasksel ?12:58
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abobimberi, and then?12:59
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NineTeen67CometDoes anyone know what I can check to find out why I have no keyboard on boot? (I need to get into the BIOS to make the CD boot) .. Keyboard lights blink when I plug it in, but no caps lock, numlock light and no responce when I need to get into the BIOS..01:00
bimberiabo: you can either use your intuition, or uncheck "Use the system terminal font" and set your own01:00
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n30nNineTeen67Comet: What kind of keyboard01:00
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ArrenLexNineTeen67Comet: Ah, we refer to that as "No keyboard detected, press any key to continue".01:01
Sarphramanyone have a link to a good guide for enabling WPA protected wireless connections (using a usb wireless adapter, dwl-g122 rev b, if this is needed)01:01
abobimberi, thanks01:01
bimberiabo: yw01:01
NineTeen67Cometn30n: both a generic US and a Logitech Wireless XM5000 .. neither work ..01:01
n30nArrenLex: nice01:01
ArrenLexNineTeen67Comet: Is this a USB or PS2 keyboard? Does it work in any other computer?01:01
geo_have anyone here ever managed to change gaim background without changing the entire systems gtk theme?01:01
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ArrenLexI say: NineTeen67Comet: Is this a USB or PS2 keyboard? Does it work in any other computer?01:01
NineTeen67Cometn30n: they do work on this computer though ..01:01
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SeveasWe're keeping the channel moderated for now01:02
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Seveasuntil servers come to a rest01:02
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SeveasFreenode is restarting01:02
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SeveasFreenode is restarting, please be patient. Normal operation will resume shortly01:02
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Seveasok, the mess seems to be over :)01:03
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n30nIs it over?01:03
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ryanakcawhy doen't my vt[1-6] s' text have any color? I have it setup so that it does in .bash(something)... everything that should be colour is gray. When I stop X, and relogin to the VT, the color works. colored terminal text only works in konsole/xterm, but not in the vts01:03
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=== ArrenLex crawls up over lip of bomb shelter, looks around.
SeveasWe have normality, I repeat: we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem.01:04
geo_has anyone here ever managed to change the gaim background without changing the entire systems gtk theme?01:04
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ActivEhow can i customise the side click menu in gdm01:04
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bimberiSeveas: will source-o-matic be updated to include Edgy?01:04
seeker2599how do i uninstall ubuntu?01:04
Seveasbimberi, maybe01:04
n30nNineTeen67Comet: I always had that problem with anything other than standerd US keyboards01:04
ArrenLexryanakca: login shells don't execute ~/.bash01:04
Seveasryanakca, vga=791 (on the grub command line)01:04
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MaggotinI wanted to make ntfs partitions writable, but it says that it's not mounted when I do sudo umount /dev/sdb5, and when I try to do sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb5 /mnt/windows it says that it's mounted.01:04
eegoreHas anyone here worked with getting the win32 codecs to work in dapper 64?01:04
SeveasArrenLex, nonsense01:04
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gnomefreakeegore: cant01:04
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n30nMaggotin: umount unmounts partitions01:05
eegoreare there substitutes for reading the media01:05
gnomefreakeegore: you need to run a 32bit chroot. win32codecs = for 32bit arch01:05
Agrajageegore: set up a chroot and install them and your media player there01:05
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Maggotinya, I need to do it in order to make the writable01:05
ryanakcaArrenLex: no?01:05
NineTeen67Cometn30n: I'm thinking it might be the mobo it spent the last three days in a static bag in a suitcase on several planes, busses, and a hotel luggage cart ..01:05
eegorewhat about transcode01:05
ryanakcaArrenLex: s/.bash(something)/.bashrc01:05
ArrenLexryanakca: Ignore me, I don't know what I'm talking about. xD01:05
eegoredo I have to compile for 64bit01:06
ryanakcaSeveas: kk, thanks01:06
BleSSi would install ubuntu about crypto volume, using cd alternate, is possible install truecrypt, configure partitions and follow with the instalation?01:06
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geo_has anyone here ever managed to change the gaim background without changing the entire systems gtk theme?01:06
n30nMaggotin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/01:06
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n30nNineTeen67Comet: Maybe01:06
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eegoreAgrajag: do I have to compile transcode in a 64bit mode to get it in?01:06
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compir99is there a way to auto connect to my local vmware server when i start vmware (linux)?01:07
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RaMoNeS somebody has a version gnu of the solitaire01:07
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ryanakcaSeveas: is there a way to set it up with "setupcon" ?01:07
Seveasnot without kernel support01:08
RaMoNeSonly find for win32 :(01:08
Seveas(eg: vga=791)01:08
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Serenityis anyone familiar with the simple password protection javascript01:08
Serenity var password = prompt("Password required:", "");01:08
Serenity   if (password) { this.location.href = password + ".html"; }}01:08
SeveasRaMoNeS, it's installed by default01:08
ryanakcaSeveas: *built his own kernel*01:08
Seveasapplications -> games01:08
RaMoNeSi dont have only the minesweeper01:08
Seveasryanakca, that probably includes support for it ;)01:08
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compir99how can i auto boot the guest os when i start vmware?01:08
Serenityi cant figure out how i would make it return if a bad 'pass' was entered01:08
SeveasSerenity, that's no protection and javascript questions are offtopic here01:09
ArrenLexSerenity: I bet that's how NASA protects their computers. *sage nod*01:09
Serenitysorry, for being off topic01:09
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ryanakcalol :)01:09
Serenityits not for password protection, im using it as a keyword thing on my site, so you enter the keyword for what you want and it takes you to it01:09
Seveascompir99, afaik you can only choose 'start when booting' and 'start with a button', not 'start together with the vmware monitor'01:09
ryanakcaSerenity: ask in #javascript maybe?01:09
MaggotinCan anybody help me getting my NTFS partitions on private message?01:09
xstHave anyone any experiences with a "Logitech MX Revolution" in Ubuntu? As far as I have read around, it might lack the middel-button on linux. Is that right? How do I configure it in ubuntu?01:09
Serenitygood idea :D01:10
Seveas!ntfs | Maggotin01:10
ubotuMaggotin: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:10
n30nSerenity: Like a search enegeine?01:10
n30nExpect spelled right01:10
Asche_83mhello xst01:10
Asche_83msearch for imwheel01:10
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Asche_83mthis is the software which helps you configure your mouse01:11
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Asche_83moh and by the way i could use some help with that software too01:11
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seba__kann mir jemand helfen?01:12
seba__zeit? lust?01:12
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Sonderbladeseba__: #ubuntu.de01:13
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AgrajagI thought it was #ubuntu-de01:14
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:14
ValmarkoI saw in a forum that ubuntu 6.10 does not explore 100% of 3d capabilities from ati radeon 9500. Is that true?01:15
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oknYou using any 3d software ?01:15
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Valmarkonot now.,,01:16
ArrenLexValmarko: This is true, because it uses open-source drivers. You can install the official drivers if you want to do better, but be warned they were coded in Notepad by a blindfolded intern and are likely to cause problems.01:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:16
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Valmarkoummm... no way01:16
Ouroboros_Beastlooking to change my computer name01:16
AgrajagArrenLex: I could be wrong, but aren't those drivers for 9800 and up?01:16
oknwell i just fu... up my suse partition :P i cant get it back. so i was thinking this is the right time to install Ubuntu :P01:17
Valmarkois there a 'light' in the future?01:17
ArrenLexAgrajag: which drivers? The official ones should work with all cards.01:17
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Rufflesokn, it is01:17
Agrajagthe fglrx drivers, I was under the impression that they did not support a lot of older cards01:17
Agrajagbut then I use nvidia01:17
oknyep, dowloading..%93 completed :P01:17
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Ouroboros_Beastdid you check the ubuntu wiki01:17
Ouroboros_Beastfor the driver install01:17
ArrenLexAgrajag: Oh, you may be right.01:18
ValmarkoI use ati radeon 9550, i suppose01:18
ArrenLexValmarko: What's the output of "lspci | grep ATI"01:18
str4I'll think about it01:18
Rufflesati radeon 9200 worked out of the box to me01:18
ValmarkoI'm a newbies :) waht did you say?01:18
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Ouroboros_Beastwhat version of ubuntu youuseing01:19
ArrenLexValmarko: Enter the command "lspci | grep ATI" into a terminal and paste its output here if it's 2 lines or less.01:19
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:19
Valmarko01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AS [Radeon 9550] 01:20
Valmarko01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 ?? [Radeon 9550]  (Secondary)01:20
Ruffleshow do i set a keyboard shortcut to open gnome-terminal on beryl?01:20
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okn%100 :))))01:20
ArrenLexValmarko: Yeah, I think you're going to have to use the open-source drivers. Sorry.01:20
oknnow i can install01:20
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linuxgooberhow do i copy a cd to a .iso file?01:20
Valmarkodo you think it's secure?01:20
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Valmarkowhere can I get them?01:21
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ArrenLexValmarko: Of course it's secure, and you already have them.01:21
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webbenlinuxgoober, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/CDDVDBurning#How_to_create_Image_.28ISO.29_files_from_CD.2FDVD01:21
Trunkzolla ;)01:21
linuxgooberthank-you webben01:21
RufflesValmarko, u trying to get beryl up and running?01:21
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Valmarkoberyl? sorry my english01:22
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl01:22
solcan someone explain to me why I can't connect to say irc.rizon.net or any new server i try to add in XChat?01:23
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Valmarkoarrenlex: what you mean is that I already have the right drivers unstalled?01:23
pianoboy3333Trevinho: you don't maintain the beryl svn repository, do you?01:23
RufflesValmarko, vc  de portugal? eu falo portugus tambm se isso ajuda em alguma coisa...01:23
Trevinhopianoboy3333: I am01:23
Valmarkoem muito :)01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about name - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
tonyyarusso!pt | Ruffles01:23
ubotuRuffles: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.01:24
=== outime go to sleep
green_earzlinuxgoober: you can copy the cd to a .iso image with k3b or by the command line with dd :   dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/file.iso01:24
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Ouroboros_Beast!computer name01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about computer name - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:24
Rufflestonyyarusso, i know buddy.. i was just makin' sure he/she speaks portuguese01:24
zOapIf I were to send a file to a program, but also wants to check if there is an open instance of that program and use that if available, what's the command for that in bash?01:24
tonyyarussoRuffles: 'k :)01:24
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Valmarkoa pergunta era se os drivers que vm c o ubuntu 6.10 exploram 100% das capcidades 3d da placa ati radeon01:24
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RufflesValmarko, lets talk on private.. portuguese ain't allowed in here01:24
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Valmarkoaaa ok :)01:24
Rontanadoes a console based version of gparted exsit ?01:25
Rufflesde nada01:25
LjLValmarko: yes, they do01:25
green_earzlinuxgoober: dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/file.iso    replace the /dev/hdx  with correct /dev/ for the cd drive01:25
RufflesRontana, cfdisk does the job :)01:25
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.01:25
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mnoir!hostname | Ouroboros_Beast01:25
ubotuOuroboros_Beast: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly01:25
MaggotinAny spaniard that know about making ntfs partitions writable?01:26
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Rontanathanks, next question, how to you set a partition to be used as a raid drive01:26
Rufflesmmm that's out of my scope sorry01:27
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:27
Madpilot!es | Maggotin01:27
ubotuMaggotin: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:27
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moj0risingDoes anyone know where I can get some ubuntu-specific Amanda documentation?01:28
SurfnKidhow can i do a packet sniffing live update on a console01:29
SurfnKidautomating the protocols to filter01:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about packet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:30
moj0risingSurfnKid: YOu may want to look at ngrep or tethereal.01:30
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SurfnKidmoj0rising, thx01:30
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moj0risingof course tcpdump is an option as well.01:31
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moj0risingsure thing.01:31
Taime1what do you think is used more? ubuntu or kubuntu?01:31
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moj0risingubuntu, though I use kubuntu.01:31
bimberi!counter | Taime101:31
ubotuTaime1: The Ubuntu Counter is where Ubuntu (based) systems can go to get their machine counted. Get counted at http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net01:31
maynothdoes anyone here know how to schedule a FSCK at startup???01:32
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cmt^^How come I don't have any sound in ubuntu?01:32
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Taime1does ubuntu act EXACTLY like kubuntu if you install kde?01:32
maynothwhy would you install kde... yuk01:32
lumpkiTaime1, when you log into kde it does01:33
Taime1i agree, kde isnt as clean, but its a better desktop manager01:33
sysdoczackly yhe same only different01:33
bimberi!sound | cmt^^01:33
ubotucmt^^: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:33
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maynothI think gnome will get there in a few years01:33
Taime1thanks lumpki, i kinda like the way kubuntu is set up, i didnt want to start with the default kde style ya know...01:33
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Taime1yeah, i mean, gnome is great, but i prefer the useability of kde01:34
hananhow do I reconfigure my soundcard? I'm thinking along the lines of alsaconf (how I do it under gentoo), but do I have to apt-get something like alsa-utils first?01:34
Taime1gnome seems to be missing something01:34
maynothanyone know how to run fsck when you startup01:34
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pianoboy3333maynoth: ubuntu runs it after 30 reboots01:34
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maynothhow can i force it01:34
pianoboy3333maynoth: no idea01:34
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pianoboy3333maynoth: for a quickfix, boot a live cd, and run it01:34
rogue780how do I enable the sshd?01:35
maynothi tried from the livecd01:35
pianoboy3333maynoth: whatever you do DO NOT run it when the drive is mounted01:35
maynothbut it wont run01:35
pianoboy3333maynoth: ...?01:35
jribrogue780: install openssh-server01:35
pianoboy3333maynoth: what did it say01:35
solanyone know if there is an XCHAT help channel?01:35
jrib!ssh | rogue78001:35
uboturogue780: ssh is ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto ). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:35
maynothit just gave a version number01:35
jribsol: #xchat01:35
maynothI found out the hardway01:35
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maynothsomeone reccomended i run it with the sudo command01:35
maynothfrom terminal01:35
pianoboy3333maynoth: ...?01:36
maynothtotally trashed my system01:36
maynothlike ate it for breakfast kinda trashed01:36
Rufflespoor thing01:36
pianoboy3333maynoth: you want something like e2fsck -f01:36
nothlitmaynoth, sudo touch /forcefsck01:36
pianoboy3333maynoth: when the trive isn't mounted01:36
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nothlitand then reboot01:36
nothlitand for skipping it sudo touch /fastboot01:36
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maynothif i do a sudo touch /forcefsck  will it run on reboot and not while the disk is mounted?01:37
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needshelphey how can i permenantly mount a drive? i have a dual boot set up. two partitoins on one drive. i know the commands to do it in termianl but it doesn't keep. how can i do it to keep the mount of the first partition. it has all my media on it and it is a bit annoying to do it each time i start up01:38
nothlitif it would check it after 30, this will force it to check on next reboot01:38
cmt^^ubotu - it says in the alsamixer that master is turned on, and it's not muted01:38
nothlitneedshelp, you need to put the commands in /etc/fstab01:38
mcphailmaynoth: sudo shutdown -F now01:38
nothlitwell actually not the commands but the particulars01:39
Rufflesneedshelp, edit your /etc/fstab01:39
needshelpmcphail: shut up you douchebag01:39
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needshelpi'm not an idiot01:39
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tonyyarusso!bot | cmt^^01:39
ubotucmt^^: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:39
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ace0174may I ask a question?01:40
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:40
=== bimberi suspects needshelp misread the channel
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ace0174well burned down latest amd64 6.10 and tried to boot it off01:41
ace0174turned off splash and it freezes on some unionfs bad blocks01:41
LjLmcphail: nice about the -F option anyway, i was looking for that some time ago. you sure it's there in Ubuntu, though? it's not in the manpage01:41
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ace0174is my cd screwed up or this is some kind of bug?01:41
mcphailLjL: yes it is (in dapper at least)01:41
PhuzionLjL:  Test it and tell us01:41
mcphail-F     Force fsck on reboot.01:41
LjLeeeh, not right now sorry :P01:41
cmt^^where is the config-file for the gnome terminal?01:42
=== bimberi boots an edgy pc to try it
PhuzionNo extra machine that's not doing anything to test it on?01:42
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tovellaace0174: sounds like the CD media may be bad.01:42
LjLmcphail: uh, is that the manpage? i don't have it. i'm on edgy though01:42
Phuzionace0174:  boot it and tell it to test the media01:42
Myriai downloaded and burned 6.06 both x86-32 and x86-64.  i installed x86-32 and it installed X, gnome, and such.  i installed x86-64 and all i got was a command prompt.  the x86-32 installer was graphics mode; the x86-64 installer was text mode.  i don't understand why they're so different, and selecting 10000 different things in dselect doesn't sound fun.01:42
mcphailLjL: yup01:42
LjLPhuzion: not with ubuntu on it01:42
ace0174tovella as far as i know, unionfs is live cd thing right?01:42
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mcphailman 8 shutdown01:42
ace0174will try to reburn the disk and get back at you01:43
LjLmcphail: would that only force an fsck on the root partition, or all mounted partitions, or what?01:43
tovellaace0174: yes.01:43
ace0174thanks a lot01:43
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PhuzionWoah, since when are people opped in this channel?01:43
Rufflesace0174, check the md5sum before you burn the cd01:43
mcphailLjL: long time since i did it, but i think all mounts01:43
ace0174well i rehashed the torrent01:43
ace0174and it went fine01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svn+ssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
Phuzionace0174:  Boot the CD, and run test media on it01:43
PhuzionIt will tell you if it burned properly01:44
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LjLmcphail: alright... i'll trust you, unmount /home and try it. i'll beat you if it fscks /home though :-P (when i'm back... which won't be too soon in that case ;)01:44
cmt^^does anyone know where the configuration file is for gnome terminal?01:44
Myriawhy does the x86-64 installer act entirely differently from the x86-32 installer of the same version?01:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about GCJ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:44
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 1686 kB, installed size 12300 kB01:44
n3ldananyone know how to tell what my ALSA devices are named?01:44
LjL!gcj | Onofrio01:44
ubotugcj: The GNU Java compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.1-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 48 kB01:44
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mcphailLjL: don't take my word for it ;)01:44
gnomefreakcmt^^: for bash use ~/.bashrc01:44
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Onofriothanks LjL01:45
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cmt^^gnomefreak - thanks01:45
Valmarkodoes someone knows of a site where I can get themes for ubuntu?01:45
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gnomefreakcmt^^: the terminal profile/config file should be in ~/.gnome2 or something like that but for commands and alias' and stuff should use ~/.bashrc01:45
jrib!themes | Valmarko01:45
ubotuValmarko: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:45
user-landwhat editor allows opening binary files ?01:46
=== BobG-UCR is now known as bob-UCR
jribuser-land: a hex editor is what you probably want.  Try ghex01:46
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/01:46
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user-landthanks jrib01:46
Myriai guess nobody has heard of my problem before...  guess i'll go use fedora core01:46
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Corporal_DirgeHello everyone.01:47
cmt^^gnomefreak - the profile-settings where in ~/.bash_profile01:47
jribMyria: what is the problem exactly?01:47
n3ldananyone know how to tell what ALSA devices are named?  aqualung needs one, I tried using "default" but playback was at like 4x01:47
Myriajrib: the x86-64 installer acts extremely differently from x86-32.  it doesn't install X.01:47
RufflesMyria, maybe 'cuz they're made for different architectures01:47
cmt^^gnomefreak - but i still didn't find what i was looking for, namely a way to reset the "show menu bar" setting01:47
jribMyria: it should unless you have a server install disk.  Check that 'ubuntu-desktop' package got installed01:48
Corporal_DirgeSomething interesting is happening to me. A DVD I just rented is encrypted and won't play on my computer.. I have no choice but to download it. Way to go RIAA.01:48
n3ldanalmost all DVDs are encrypted01:48
cmt^^Corporal_Dirge - sure you rented it.01:48
jrib!dvd | Corporal_Dirge01:48
ubotuCorporal_Dirge: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:48
gnomefreakcmt^^: click on edit than profile there might be something in there i cant remember if it is or not01:48
Myriajrib: can i apt-get that?01:48
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gnomefreakmake that current profiles01:48
cmt^^gnomefreak - I did, and there wasn't01:48
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jribMyria: yes01:48
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Corporal_DirgeI tried atp-get install libdvdcss but it's not available.01:48
ChocoCidis there any program that can find all the words in a specific set of characters?01:49
Myriawill that make X start automatically and all?01:49
jribCorporal_Dirge: please see the link ubotu mentioned01:49
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jribMyria: should01:49
tonyyarusso!libdvdcss | Corporal_Dirge01:49
ubotuCorporal_Dirge: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:49
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ChocoCidCorporal_Dirge you need to go to set up the seveas repo01:49
Corporal_Dirgejrib, I really don't need the basics of DVD playing. I have a new encryption that's unreadable.01:49
jribCorporal_Dirge: (the second link)01:49
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turbomatichowcome can I still hear my laptop's speakers pretty clearly even though the volume is supposedly muted?01:49
bimberiLjL: ran 'shutdown -F -r now' on an Edgy PC.  Rebooted and ran fsck.  Must be an omission from the manpage (note the author, it's related to upstart).01:49
ChocoCidgood question , turbomatic, i'd like to know that one too :(01:49
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Corporal_DirgeBasically, VLC, M-Player, and Movie Player all have issues with it.01:50
gnomefreakcmt^^: i found the profile file but its XML not sure you can or want to edit that let me keep looking01:50
Dannielhow to change refresh rate?01:50
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mcphailbimberi: ljl is fsck'ing as we speak01:50
turbomaticit looks like lowering the volume to the lowest setting doesn't mute it contrary to the red X icon. I used alsamixer to mute Master (MM) and now there is no sound01:51
bimberimcphail: yep, just realised.  I had pre-typed his nick so didn't catch that.  Thanks :)01:51
jrib!xconfig | Danniel01:51
ubotuDanniel: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:51
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ChocoCidturbomatic: how'd you do that?01:51
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ChocoCidmine shows mute on master :(01:51
tovellaCorporal_Dirge: i used automatix http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation01:51
turbomaticChocoCid: open alsamixer and press m01:51
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:51
ChocoCidah, ty01:52
gnomefreakcmt^^: there is no way that i can find to do it01:52
nnnn_join irc://irc.Fansub-IRC.org/D-F-TEAM01:52
Dannielsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg01:52
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jribDanniel: in a terminal :)01:52
a52x3Anyone want some funny Linux ignorance?01:52
jrib!offtopic | a52x301:52
ubotua52x3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:52
a52x3err... wrong channel but still applicable01:52
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Dannieljrib: yes :)01:53
a52x3jrib: I meant to put it in another channel01:53
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jriba52x3: np, just letting you know there is a -offtopic that you can talk about that stuff as well01:53
=== mcphail suspects that ljl is fsck'ing /home after all...
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cmt^^gnomefreak - gconf-editor did the trick01:54
cmt^^thanks anyways01:54
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cmt^^maybe you could help me with another problem? :>01:54
ChocoCida52x3: that guy seems full of nonsense01:54
Corporal_DirgeWhat's the path to sources.list again?01:55
jribCorporal_Dirge: /etc/apt/sources.list01:55
gnomefreakok cool cmt^^  ill look at it in a bit01:55
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mcphailLjL: success?01:56
LjLmcphail: that option might have been removed from the manpage for a reason, since it doesn't appear to work here (it doesn't cause a shutdown, and i have some "rc1 process killed" message on the log terminal)01:56
mcphailLjL: worked for bimberi...01:57
bimberiLjL: ran 'shutdown -F -r now' on an Edgy PC.  Rebooted and ran fsck.  Must be an omission from the manpage (note the author, it's related to upstart).01:57
LjLmcphail: though perhaps it might be because i am executing it with my own (sudo'ed) user (since i don't have root), while /home is unmounted..01:57
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LjLwhy the manpage regression from Dapper though? seems weird01:58
cmt^^gnomefreak - maybe you could help me with another problem? :> i can't get sound working01:58
mcphailLjL: you might need to add the -h or -r flag01:58
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LjLi'll try that01:59
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bimberiLjL: I reckon it's an unintended omission01:59
ace0174md5 check was fine, inegrity check on boot had 1 checksum failure01:59
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ace0174burning it down to a brand new rw media...02:00
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tovellaace0174: try a slower speed this time.02:00
ace01744x is the only one avaliable02:00
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bun-bunhas anyone successfully installed vmware-player from the repositories?02:01
tovellaace0174: that should do just fine.02:01
bun-bunon 6.0602:01
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ace0174didnt the first time though :S02:01
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ace0174well 20min left... brb02:01
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tovellaace0174: you must have fallen into that .0001 percent catagory.  it should work this time around.02:02
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Ahrimanesanyone have gcc -ltermcap working on edgy?02:02
cmt^^anyone know how to get "true" transparency in gnome terminal?02:03
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seraphim__cmt^^: with beryl or compiz02:04
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LjLmcphail, bimberi: alright, worked. (although cron was so very nice to decide to start updatedb a second before i typed umount /home... >:)02:05
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bimberiLjL: ha :)02:05
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skiline2000in know you get this a lot and i apologize, but I've tried everything and it still doesn't work and i was hoping someone could help me: I have a Nvidia GeForce 6600 AGP and i have gone to the website and tried to download Linux AMD64/EM64T02:06
skiline2000Latest Version: 1.0-963102:06
skiline2000and it wont install02:06
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ChocoCidthe Nvidia has nothing to do with whether you should get the AMD64 or x86 version02:07
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skiline2000sorry i have a AMD 64bit 320002:07
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ChocoCidhow does it mess up when installing?02:08
cckskiline2000: well if you want help try to be more precise, like what's the error message for example :)02:08
valarianshow do you set usr/pwd for swat?02:08
eegoreAre there 64 bit codecs to replace the 32bit ones?02:08
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kybuzskiline i have got nvidia 6600gt also what is your problem02:09
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skiline2000well now it wont let me access the file i have downloaded from the Nvidia website...02:11
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jribskiline2000: what are you trying to install?02:11
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skiline2000jrib: i am trying to install NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9629-pkg2.run.tar.gz02:12
jrib!nvidia | skiline200002:12
ubotuskiline2000: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:12
skiline2000ubotu: thanks ill try that02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks ill try that - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
=== lubix [n=mark@68-116-207-91.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
lubixhello ubuntu world02:14
jribubotu: tell skiline2000 about yourself02:14
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jribhello lubix , welcome!02:14
Myriajrib: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop worked, thans02:14
jribMyria: np02:15
ckarinii need help with downloading tar.gz packages02:15
jribckarini: what are you trying to install?02:15
ckarinistep maina02:15
cmt^^i need help getting my sound to work, installing ezquake and getting true transparency in gnome terminal02:15
mineraleI currently have a "debian" menu and a "gnome" menu, I would like some documentation on them and also I'd like to be able to merge them, could anyone help ?02:15
cmt^^anyone up for the task?02:15
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ckarinii neeeeeeeds helpz02:16
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jrib!patience | ckarini02:16
christian1222hi guys, how do i install the latest version of firefox? i dld the firefox.tar.gz, i just dont know where to go from here02:16
ubotuckarini: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:17
tonyyarussochristian1222: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:17
jribchristian1222: what version of ubuntu?02:17
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christian1222jrib: 6.0602:17
jribchristian1222: k, my next response would be to give you the link tonyyarusso gave you already :)02:17
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FreeNethi will like to know if i "chmod 777 /var/samba/MyName" - does that make all my files within the folder accessible?02:18
christian1222jrib: haha, alright, thats a can do, how would I go about getting 6.10? I dont have any blank cd's right now, and the updater only took me to 6.0602:18
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jrib!upgrade | christian122202:18
ubotuchristian1222: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:18
christian1222jrib: cool, ill check that out02:19
cmt^^How come my flash-player doesn't fully download certain flashmovies? it stops after about 90% of the movie/application02:19
jribckarini: if you join me in #ubuntu-classroom I can try guiding you through the process for step mania, just type this:  /join #ubuntu-classroom02:19
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cmt^^(ubuntu 6.10/ff)02:19
seraphim__cmt^^: to get true transparency you have to get beryl or compiz running02:19
lubixcmt your flash player doesnt not dowload movies02:20
cmt^^seraphim__ - i installed compiz, but the system crashed when i ran it02:20
ChocoCidtry beryl02:20
cmt^^lubix - well you understand the problem don't you?02:20
cmt^^some pages don't load02:20
cmt^^with flashbased content'02:20
lubixboth are a bitch to install unless you can get the 3d rendering drivers cmt02:20
ace0174tovella, trying again o/02:20
seraphim__cmt^^: perhaps you have to use xgl02:20
lubixwhat kinda video card do you have cmt02:20
cmt^^crappy one02:20
cmt^^ati radeon x70002:21
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seraphim__cmt^^: which drivers du you use?02:21
cmt^^lubix - the 3d rendering drivers were exactly what it complained about02:21
lubixi dunno i have a firegl9000 on my laptop beryl and compiz both crash my system02:21
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ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:21
stepanstasHey guys02:21
=== disco_stu is now known as Dr-Nick
seraphim__cmt^^: so you have to use xgl to run beryl or compiz02:22
FatDaveanyone know where I can go to get help with wine?02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swapon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:22
Dr-NickHi Everybody02:22
=== biti [n=biti@82-131-184-80.pool.invitel.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:22
DARKGuyFatDave: #winehq02:22
bimberiFatDave: #winehq02:22
DARKGuybimberi: lol02:22
FatDavethank you!02:22
bimberiDARKGuy: hehe02:22
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cmt^^seraphim__ - how do I get xgl?02:22
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christian1222jrib: ill be back in a little, i didnt know you had to go to 6.06 to get to 6.1002:23
FreeNethi need help on SAMBA... #samba channel is dead... Pls advise02:23
stepanstasQuick Question: I dual boot XP and Ubuntu, i would like XP to load first though (you know if you dont change anything within 10 seconds) i want that to be XP's default option, is that available?02:23
christian1222jrib: thanks for your help... again!02:23
francisare command line from all linux flatform the same?02:23
=== Chewy954 [n=Megaman@adsl-8-228-112.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chewy954how do i compile a sourse?02:23
cmt^^kind of tricky02:24
jribubotu: tell Chewy954 about compiling02:24
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tovellastepanstas: the key is in a file called menu.lst02:24
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Chewy954lol im not sure how to complile 1 and i have a prog that i needa compile02:24
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:24
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tovellastepanstas: you should see it as /boot/grub/menu.lst02:25
lubixanyone know where i can talk to some people about A+ certs02:25
Chewy954can someone help me?02:25
lubixwhy would you want xp to be default terrible idea02:25
jribChewy954: what program?02:25
lubixchewy do you have the source02:25
bimberi!compiling | Chewy95402:25
ubotuChewy954: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:25
Chewy954its a program for psp02:25
seraphim__cmt^^: you could try this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291464&highlight=xgl+howto02:25
Chewy954QPSPManager 1.302:25
mineraleI currently have a "debian" menu and a "gnome" menu, I would like some documentation on them and also I'd like to be able to merge them, could anyone help ?02:25
tovellalubix: agreed - i only use windows xp about once every couple of months.02:26
stepanstastovella: i found it02:26
stepanstasisnt it read only02:26
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mineraledoes anyone know why there is a separate "debian" menu ?02:26
valariansanyone good with swat?02:26
lubixminerale right click "applications" and click "edit menus"02:26
Dr-NickIs there a way that I can put an Enque in XXMS on the right click menu(like in Winamp)?02:26
lubixtovella i need to use it for some c# stuff i do in my classes02:26
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lubixbut ubuntu always is first02:26
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FatDaveanyone use k9copy?02:27
tovellastepanstas: "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst &"02:27
lubixminerale you should be all set just uncheck Debian you got it?02:27
stepanstasohh, cool02:28
tovellastepanstas: this assumes you are using a gui on that particular box... RU?02:28
stepanstasAnd, do i just copy and paste it into the first place?02:28
Joe_CoThey, are any of you familiar with dns? What do i need to do to get an authoritative mx record?02:28
stepanstastovella: gui? sorry, dont know02:29
lubixgraphical user interface!02:29
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stepanstasok, how do i know if i am using gui?02:29
lubixbecause your not in command line02:29
francis!command line02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command line - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
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lubixgnome is a gui for linux02:30
tovellastepanstas: a GUI is a Graphical User Interface.02:30
stepanstastovella, how do i know, is that default?02:30
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jvaifrancis try !terminal02:31
tovellastepanstas: yes.02:31
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stepanstastevella, then i guess i do02:31
priichgigabyte:"AGears already own every god damn thing in the game,"02:31
jvailol.. guess not02:31
priichoops sorry wrong window02:32
FreeNetNeed help on using samba.... I have add user, create folder, chmod 766 to folder, shared the folder, and run smb service. But still I cannot find Samba Server on my XP's My Network Place.. Pls Advise.02:32
stepanstasi had the file open up, can i just paste xp before linux?02:32
stepanstaslubix: to me?02:32
lubixstepanstas yes02:32
stepanstaslubix: thanks02:32
stepanstasand thanks tovella02:32
francis!certification for linux02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about certification for linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
stepanstasbefore i try this out02:33
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tovellastepanstas: no proglem.02:33
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stepanstasone more question: is the login screen a must in linux?02:33
jmonhi people, can someone help me in real time via msn or something, concerning this post on the forum- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1849864#post184986402:33
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lubixyes you have to log in stepanstas02:33
tonyyarussostepanstas: must?  Nope.  One of my boxes has no gui at all.02:33
cckhi, i've jsut installed an edgy, updated it and installed beryl ( my nvidia is supported for direct rendering ) but when i launch beryl-manager, it crashes X02:33
tovellastepanstas: RU wanting to automatically login as yourself?02:34
stepanstastovella: yes02:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
stepanstasi only have 1 user02:34
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gribeluwell maybe it doesn't support direct rendering then cck  :)02:34
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ubotusmbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 375 kB, installed size 900 kB02:34
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cckgribelu: it does02:34
tonyyarussostepanstas: There's an autologin option in the gdm setup02:34
tovellastepanstas: let me refresh my recollection of how to do this.  it's pretty easy.02:34
cckglxinfo says so02:35
Ralithmy madwifi connection is periodically loosing its IP and default route02:35
Ralithfor no apparent reason02:35
=== princemackenzie [n=mackenzi@ool-43546580.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmonummm I hate to spam, but hi people, can someone help me in real time via msn or something, concerning this post on the forum- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1849864#post184986402:35
Ralithand I haven't done anything that might have caused it02:35
gribelusorry i just wen through a bad experience with ATI + Beryl i'm sour02:35
stepanstastovella: k02:35
Ralithany ideas?02:35
kuroishiRalith, what type of adapter?02:35
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuroishiI have similar issues02:35
cckgribelu: i have a geforce :)02:35
mineralelubix: well, I would like to understand why the debian menu exists in the first place, when I'm using fluxbox the gnome menu does not appear bu the debian menu does. Why is that, can I replace either or ?02:35
jmondang noobs are outcast's here....02:35
ubotuperl: Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is important. Version 5.8.8-6 (edgy), package size 3287 kB, installed size 11436 kB02:35
gribelulong live it02:35
Ralithkuroishi, it's an onboard intel02:35
Pie-rateWhy can't I minimize full screen apps?02:35
=== ace0174 [i=ace@BHE200150044004.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Ralithkuroishi, but I'd be amazed if this wasn't software02:35
cmt^^i follow the guide on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291464&highlight=xgl+howto and got the following error:02:36
tovellastepanstas: from the menu bar, click on System, then Administration, then Login Window.02:36
cmt^^josef@josef:~$ sudo aticonfig --initial02:36
cmt^^Found fglrx primary device section02:36
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cmt^^Nothing to do, terminating.02:36
ace0174tovella, now gnome freezes on startup O.o02:36
phoenix87tagreetings.  having a problem burning CDs under Ubuntu Edgy.  works okay up until the actual burn phase, then tells me to insert a blank disc.  I have one inserted, it's the proper type, it's definitely blank.  any ideas?02:36
kuroishiRalith, yeah probably, i have the same problem with my Netgear PCI card, forget the model off hand02:36
Ralithkuroishi, the thing hasn't been subject to any shocks or anything02:36
gribelucck, tried the popular guides for Beryl?02:36
jmonI hjave a problem with a usb adapete to02:36
cckgribelu: followed the one on the ubuntu wiki02:36
kuroishibut then again, my computer is a piece of shit and the card occasionally works its way loose (dont ask...)02:36
Pie-ratecmt^^: you probably already have the ati drivers02:37
gribelucck, are you using AIGLX or XGL?02:37
jmona linksys wusb54gv202:37
=== killown [n=killown@201-27-177-88.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Ralithping, someone?02:37
tovellastepanstas: you should see a tab the says Security.  The first checkbox will allow automatic logins.02:37
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ace0174tovella screenshot http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8431/sta60001wa8.jpg02:37
PLEASEHELPplease help me SOMEONE02:37
lubixminerale its all the same02:37
Ralith[17:36:30]  <kuroishi> Ralith, yeah probably, i have the same problem with my Netgear PCI card, forget the model off hand02:37
ubotuPLEASEHELP: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:37
Ralithlast I got02:37
Ralithso anyway02:37
Ralithwhat's going on?02:37
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
cckgribelu: well i suppose xgl ?! don't know what's the difference ?02:37
stepanstastovella: thanks again02:37
Ralithand how can I fix it?02:37
gribelucck, not sure but i think nvidia doesn't support AIGLX .. either :)02:38
=== paul928 [n=paul@CPE-76-178-35-200.natsow.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pie-rateWhy can't I minimize full screen apps, like games?02:38
stepanstastovella: unlike xp, i am scared to change things myself because i dont want to make it not work02:38
stepanstasthe terminal scares me most02:38
MadpilotPie-rate, some games mess with the window management02:38
ace0174my mouse moves but the system freezes right on that screen02:38
tovellastepanstas: regular backups are the key.02:38
PLEASEHELPok,basicely ndiswrapper isint working, and the full version is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1849864#post184986402:39
cckgribelu: apparently it IS aiglx ... :/02:39
kuroishiDumb Noob Question: Whos got a howto for embedded quicktime videos?!02:39
englahey all. is it possible to use separate font smoothing/hinting preferences per application? I'd like to enable hinting for gnome-terminal only02:39
tovellaace0174: looks like a video or system memory problem.02:39
lubixkuroshi quicktime is evil avoid at all costs02:39
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ace0174(CPU2) Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00GHz @ 3000MHz (ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5N32-SLI-Deluxe mainboard) (RAM) 2GB, 1.44GB free (HDDs) 754GB, 314GB free02:39
ace0174(VGA2) Winvnc video hook driver (256MB) (OS) Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP2), 7m 1s uptime, 1w 1d 3h 31m 24s uptime record02:39
Pie-rateMadpilot: i mean all games. like ut2004, gl-117, WoW+wine, etc02:39
kuroishilubix, i know, but theres a site with videos i'd really like to watch.02:39
ace0174it has XP and vista on it02:39
phoenix87tagreetings.  having a problem burning CDs under Ubuntu Edgy.  works okay up until the actual burn phase, then tells me to insert a blank disc.  I have one inserted, it's the proper type, it's definitely blank.  any ideas?02:39
ace0174psys vga02:39
stepanstastovella: i shall learn :), ive been using it for less than 1 week02:39
ace0174(Video controller 1) NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT (Processor: GeForce 7800 GT), 256MB, 1280x1024x32, 60Hz, driver version: (Video controller 2) Winvnc video hook driver (Processor: GeForce 7800 GT), 256MB, driver version: 1.00.1702:39
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tovellastepanstas: no worries, mate.  we all have to start somewhere.02:40
Ralithkuroishi, search the ubuntu guide for mplayer02:40
Ralithit has a firefox plugin02:40
ace0174tovella, also tried safe graphics mode... why the hell linux usually dont run on high end systems =/02:40
Ralithso, any idea about my network problem?02:40
kuroishiehhh i hate mplayerplugin02:40
ace0174tovella and sorry to bother like this :S02:41
Ralithkuroishi, vlc and totem also have plugins :P02:41
=== bray [n=bray@pool-71-164-2-152.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ralithjust go search the guide02:41
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Ralithit's got tons of useful things like that02:41
kuroishithanks Ralith.02:41
ebooahi there02:41
ebooaanyone can help me out with the rt2500 drivers install02:41
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kuroishiwhat do ya'll think about automatix?02:41
Ralithkuroishi, so, ideas about the network thing?02:41
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp7-80.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
phoenix87tagreetings.  having a problem burning CDs under Ubuntu Edgy.  works okay up until the actual burn phase, then tells me to insert a blank disc.  I have one inserted, it's the proper type, it's definitely blank.  any ideas?02:41
brayI need to know how to format my drive to get rid of the partition that ubuntu is on, but keep my Windows installation... or how to make the ubuntu partition smaller02:42
Ralithas it is now I have to keep a ping going and reconfigure the connection with ifconfig and iproute every time I see it going down -_-02:42
ebooaanyone can help me out with rt2500 driver install02:42
stepanstastovella: i am glad i started now, and sad i didnt earlier02:42
kingacehello, when i try to update beryl, the update-manager says "Some updates require the removal of further software.." etc.. but in apt-get it doesnt update anything and the apply button is disabled in synaptic when i click mark all upgrades. any ideas?02:42
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Vichwhat's the problem ebooa?02:42
stepanstastovella: anyway, thanks again, i will try it now02:42
Vichubuntu version?02:42
tovellaace0174: ohh, you must have one of those new high end graphics cards.  i had a similar problem when my graphics manufacturer would not release some of the details about their hardware.02:42
EroickI distuprgaded to Edgy and now my network card won't work. It uses ndiswrapper. I can't modprobe ndiswrapper. Ndiswrapper utility says that driver and hardware are present for my network card. I have tried dpkg-reconfigure but it throws an error. Ndiswrapper error is Invalid Argument.02:42
ebooadapper 6.06 tls02:42
paul928I've been using Ubuntu for almost 2 years. My first Linux distro. Had a spare partition on my hd so I installed Debian Sarge. Sure am glad I started with Ubuntu. Still don't have a desktop after I installed Gnome-desktop.02:42
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kuroishiRalith, not the same issue, mine goes down and won't reassociate without a reboot02:42
jevangelo_my sun 17 inch crt monitor is showing it can only go up to 60Hz02:43
ace0174tovella its a 7800GT nvidia02:43
stepanstasthanks all02:43
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ebooai used synaptic but it still doesn't recognize my card02:43
Myriais it possible in x86-64 ubuntu to install the x86-32 compiler?02:43
ace0174i guess drivers are avaliable02:43
Madpilotkuroishi, automatix is best avoided. It doesn't do anything you can't do on your own, and it breaks Ubuntu installs...02:43
Vichebooa, there are native drivers by serialmonkey available02:43
Vichbut they don't work on edgy02:43
=== ozoneco [n=stanp@CPE-24-27-138-124.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuroishiMadpilot, I figured, thats why I asked.  I can d02:43
Vichyou are using dapper, so you should be fine02:43
brayCan anyone help me with my partition question?02:43
=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuroishii can DIY, but i like user-friendliness anyway.02:43
jevangelo_i was on a windows box with this same monitor and it was able to do the same resolution, but it was able to do 80 hz02:43
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Ralithkuroishi, it doesn't lose association02:44
tovellaace0174: i believe there are drivers for that card - in fact it should be auto-detected.02:44
Ralithkuroishi, it loses its ip and default route02:44
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gribelucck, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager02:44
Madpilotkuroishi, user-friendliness is good, but breaking an install in the name of 'user friendliness' is not, in fact, user friendly.02:44
ace0174tovella my mouse moves correctly02:44
kuroishiMadpilot, i suppose your right.02:44
Vichebooa, http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Downloads02:44
jevangelo_i was going to go into xorg.conf and change the horizontal and vertical refresh rate, but how can you tell what to change it to by just knowing it needs to be 80hz02:44
ace0174the screen is not frozen just corrupted02:44
ebooayep but it just so happens that it still doesn't work02:44
cckthks gribelu02:44
tovellaace0174: another possibility is that the refresh rates for the monitor are incorrect.02:44
Ralithkuroishi, nothing else02:44
kuroishiMadpilot, so it effectively turns ubuntu into say.... fedora =P02:44
ebooayesterday i could recognize the ap channes02:45
Vichebooa, you mean those drivers?02:45
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gribelucck, actually.. seems that it might support AIGLX http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beryl.2FAIGLX_.28Nvidia.2902:45
ace0174tovella if they were it wouldnt show the image... its LCD02:45
ebooabut now i can't even acess my own network02:45
gribelucck, try the forums too.. they will help02:45
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tovellaace0174: LCDs have refresh rates that are specific to each type - just like regular CRT displays.  give me a second.02:46
cckgribelu, i've fooloowed the officiel howto, i guess something's wrong somewhere .. maybe the latest release ?02:46
jevangelo_what would the horizontal and vertical refresh rates be for 80 hz02:46
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Vichebooa, what does ifconfig show?02:46
ebooai got the packages that says therejust a sec02:46
ace0174tovella my sisplay shows a message when rates are not correct...02:46
ace0174thats souldnt be it02:47
=== gfc [n=gfc@123-72-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
ebooaeth0, eth1 lo02:47
tovellaace0174: YOU'RE probably going to have to reconfigure your settings.02:47
Vichso it's not in the list02:47
ebooait should be ra0 instead of eth102:48
Vichwhat do you mean instead of?02:48
FreeNetanyone is free now.. to help me with SAMBA?02:48
Vichyou don't have 2 ethernet devices?02:48
cckgribelu: i restart X with a new option in xorg, let's hope :p02:48
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ebooayesterday i had ra0 instead of eth1 and i could see the networks in my range02:48
tovellaace0174: this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" can be used AFTER you press "CTRL-ALT-F1" and login from a shell prompt.02:48
Vichyeah ebooa02:49
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=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vichso you installed the serialmonkey drivers?02:49
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Vichor the ralink ones?02:49
ebooatoday instead of ra0 showed up eth1 in my wireless and i can't even see the networks02:49
ebooasorry if it takes sometime to answer02:49
Vichthat is odd02:50
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-243-31-196.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
EroickSo, my computer doesn't even see my wireless network dongle (according to lspci)02:50
ebooai have to translate it from portuguese02:50
ebooai know02:50
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gribelucck, dunno about nvidia but there's nothing (pretty much) wrong on the ATI side.. and trust me, you're on the good side02:50
=== skiline2000 [n=michael@user-0c8hlrm.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ebooai tried to reinstall the serailmonkey rt2500 package with synaptic02:50
Myriacan ubuntu x86-64 run x86-32 linux programs?02:50
ebooaand it still crashes02:51
ebooaportuguese channel is off02:51
ebooano one answers so...02:51
ozonecoanyone read vbs csript?02:51
=== JavaDeveloper [n=andyleun@CPE001839805b13-CM0011e6bec69f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vichdoes your router use wpa?02:51
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=== DARKGuy_ understands a bit of vbs
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ebooathats security key right?02:52
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skiline2000ebooa: yes02:52
ebooalike wep key02:52
=== tigerfan97 [n=jflanag@c-68-63-12-99.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ebooaright now its deactivated02:52
Vichubuntu supports wep02:52
Vichbut not wpa02:52
Vichah ok, don't worry then02:52
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Vichebooa, did you follow a guide like: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241565&highlight=rt250002:52
cckgribelu: still crashing with 3 options in the xorg.conf :/02:52
JavaDeveloperhello, question for Gnome init.  For shell, I know I modify .bashrc for export $JAVA_HOME, but for Gnome, where do I modify? for example, I am creating a launcher in Gnome's panel and I tried using the Java that I specified in $JAVA_HOME in my .bashrc but it doesn't find it, it seems like it has its down environment variable scope, any idea?02:53
ozonecoDARKGuy: http://pastebin.ca/26884902:53
Vichbecause it's hard to remedy your problem without knowing what steps you took02:53
VichI'd recommend reinstalling the driver02:53
ozonecoDARKGuy: just trying to determine its role02:53
Myriacan ubuntu x86-64 run x86-32 programs?02:53
=== pagefault [n=ejpearso@bas2-toronto12-1168023059.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ebooawhat i did was02:53
ebooause the synaptic package manager02:53
bruenigMyria, not by default, you can do some things to make it possible. Takes some hacking around02:53
tonyyarussoMyria: Yes, but I'm not sure how it's done.02:53
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=== pagefault [n=ejpearso@bas2-toronto12-1168023059.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Myriait should be a default option102:54
ebooato install rt2500 source and the other rt2500 package02:54
bruenigMyria, easier said than done02:54
gribelucck, no clues... sorry... i'm new to linux and i spent my last few weeks fixing ati hardware... so i don't think i can help02:54
DARKGuyozoneco: It looks like a "ctsrvr" or WMI service stopper thing02:54
gribelucck, all i can say is that the nice forums will get you there02:54
cckif someone wants a fast pastebin, i made a fork in french here : http//paste.dryades.org02:54
ebooaafter that i enter /etc/network/interfaces and added "auto ra0 ifacera0 inet dhcp"02:54
ozonecoDARKGuy: a prep utility is supposed to return a 1 0r a 0, will this detect that?02:54
=== devlin [n=devlin@pool-70-16-211-208.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cckgribelu: thanks anyway ;)02:54
DARKGuyozoneco: for the current computer where the .vbs is run on (thus, the "." in strComputer)02:54
ebooaentered the /rt2500 direcotry and ran make02:55
=== paul928 [n=paul@CPE-76-178-35-200.natsow.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
ebooaafter that i couldn't access any network02:55
ebooai could see them but i couldn't acess them02:55
ebooanow i can't even see them02:55
bitflipebooa: do you see an rt driver listed:  lsmod | grep rt02:55
DARKGuyozoneco: Mmm I haven't used StopService() nor I even knew it existed, but that might be translated to a True, False, or maybe an error string *shrugs* some googling on StopService might help to know what does it return02:56
=== bitflip doesn't remember if it lists as rt61, rt73, or rt2500...depending on source of driver
DARKGuyozoneco: if StopService returns some bool variable, then yes, it's 1 or 002:57
ebooart2500 175076 102:57
scane__Hi :-) I start with an Ubuntu 6.10 AMD64 CD. I have only 800x600 screen. When I click Install I get windows in the install process where the ok-buttons are invisible because they are too low. The windows are just a little too big for 800x600. What can I do?02:57
bitflipebooa: do you see an ra0 device listed with command:  ifconfig ra002:57
ozonecoDARKGuy: there's a start and a stop script..but it all fails02:57
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=== Vich has an rt61 card using the ralink drivers
buckyMyria, here's the basic idea https://alioth.debian.org/docman/view.php/30192/21/debian-amd64-howto.html#id29243702:57
DARKGuyscane__: press the ALT key and drag the window with the left mouse button :)02:57
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bitflipVich: you too, eh?  :)02:57
skiline2000Question about installing the Nvidia 6600 driver.. I installed nvidia GLX and ran the "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" command and it gave me a message saying that the X file had been altered and it couldnt write to it but if i believed it was an error to type this command (cant remember the command nor can i get it to come up again) then i did the ctrl+alt backspace and i got a flash screen but when i reviewed the x11 i saw that the02:57
ebooadevice not found02:57
scane__DARKGuy, cool thanks :-)02:58
ozonecoDARKGuy: i inherited the server, trying to decide if someone wrote this by scratch, or if the company provided it02:58
buckyMyria, there's prolly a ubuntu wiki for it somewhere02:58
Vichyeah, but I had no problems, bitflip ;)02:58
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bitflipebooa: sudo ifconfig ra0 down (this is redundant since ifconfig showed nothing BUT you have something tying up the device)02:59
puremcan anyone tell me how to make shift+backspace not log me out?02:59
puremi do it about 40 times a day02:59
puremand curse each time02:59
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Vichlol purem02:59
DARKGuyozoneco: I wouldn't know what to tell you, but from the looks of it, I'd say it's just some vbs to stop services rather than starting them, and personally it doesn't look very "corporate" @.@02:59
ebooano such device02:59
puremit's agonizing02:59
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Vichpurem, is it in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts?02:59
DARKGuyozoneco: then again, "ctsrvr" might not be the real service name in the windows platform you're running that02:59
ebooait couldn't get the interface marker02:59
=== pydx100pre [n=pydx100p@pc-221-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
gribeludamn there are more questions than answers here.. maybe i should get back to WINDOWS... WINDOWS RULES ... trying to rant a bit nothing more03:00
pydx100prenecesito ayuda03:00
DARKGuy!spanish | pydx100pre03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spanish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:00
puremit's not there03:00
PLEASEHELPhey im a convert03:00
DARKGuyoh well03:00
Vichlol gribelu03:00
puremat least it says disabled03:00
ozonecoDARKGuy: so i could look in "Services"03:00
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DARKGuypydx100pre: para ayuda en espaol por favoor usa el canal #ubuntu-es :)03:00
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DARKGuyozoneco: probably03:01
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bitflipebooa: have you rebooted sinced you built the rt2500?03:01
VichI don't know then purem03:01
ebooadue to package updates03:01
Vichbecause shift-backspace doesn't log me out03:01
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rowdyhi all03:01
rowdyhave a Q regarding twiki config03:02
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rowdyhi pydx03:02
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rowdyi am unable to send mail using twiki03:02
rowdyam getting You must be authenticated to use this server03:02
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB03:02
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:02
=== pydx100pre [n=pydx100p@pc-221-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
ace0174tovella i did try to drop to command win03:03
rowdyhey DARKGuy03:03
steve26how do i configure a PPPoE connection?03:03
DARKGuyhey rowdy03:03
pagefaultis it possible to install edgy on a 2.4 kernel?03:03
steve26how do i configure a PPPoE connection?03:03
rowdydid u get that fixed03:03
ace0174but the thing is really frozen (despite mouse movement)03:03
=== pydx100pre [n=pydx100p@pc-221-27-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
rowdyDARKGuy, ur printer03:03
necrodrakoim new to ubuntu and i cannot install from source, i am trying to install myth tv03:03
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tovellaace0174: you did it using ctrl-alt-f1 ?03:03
steve26how do i configure a PPPoE connection?03:03
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ozonecoDARKGuy: that is the name of the exe if the service that needs checked03:03
ace0174i tried doing ctrl alt f1 before03:03
DARKGuyrowdy: Ah, nope :( I guess the issue is with the XP box though, since I connected another XP box and it didn't connect :/03:03
pagefaultI run it under a UML so I don't have a lot of control over what kernel is used and apparently 2.4 is no good03:03
ace0174f2 f3 f403:03
pydx100preholanecesito ayuda urgente03:03
rowdyDARKGuy: Crap03:04
DARKGuypydx100pre: que pasa?03:04
ace0174it didnt work03:04
=== jughead [n=jughead@cpe-24-33-23-8.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rubix_finally got ubuntu up03:04
tovellaace0174: what happend.03:04
pydx100preesque no puedo imprimir03:04
DARKGuyrowdy: yeah, it required reinstall anyways, mom's compie :P03:04
ace0174will try it again next restart anyways03:04
rowdySOMETIMES !#$#@$#@!03:04
ebooabitflip: i don't know it this helps03:04
buckysteve26, use pppoeconf unless you have a dsl modem/router  then just use your ethernet card03:04
ace0174nothing happened03:04
necrodrakocan some one help me here03:04
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ebooabut i installed wireless assistant03:04
ebooaand it says03:04
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nrdbI think I might have damaged my modem, can I force it to dial even if it doesn't sense a dial tone ?03:04
rubix_man did I have some difficulties getting it running on this old laptop...but now i can write a howto so i can make someone else's life a little easier03:04
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DARKGuypydx100pre: bueno, aca hablan ingles asi que no puedo ayudarte mucho tampoco con impresoras y dudo que te entiendan aca, en el canal #ubuntu-es pueden entenderte porque hablan espaol, escribe /join #ubuntu-es :)03:04
ebooaradio of your wireless card is off03:04
rowdyhas anybody Installed/configured twiki??03:04
ace0174i may try to kill gnome before it starts03:04
rubix_nrdb, your modem should dial wether or not it gets a dialtone03:05
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rubix_nrdb, weather or not it gets a response depends03:05
bitflipebooa: is this a laptop?03:05
mineraleI just edited the menus, I added a new entry, I do not see the new entry, how can I "refresh" the menu ?03:05
ebooai tried to turn it on but yep03:05
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pydx100preya pero eso dond elo escribo03:05
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ebooait is a laptop03:05
agonorucihow come the sound on ubuntu sounds worse than on xp03:05
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rowdyhas anybody Installed/configured twiki, please. Have been stuck with a problem for over an hour??03:06
bitflipebooa: and not to be insulting but you do have it on hardware wise before loading the module?03:06
DARKGuyozoneco: Are you in the Services thing that's in the control panel? like, the window where you start and stop them ?03:06
ebooait is an external card03:06
ozonecoDARKGuy: ya03:06
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Myriais there a gcc with a 32 bit target i can use?03:06
ebooai have in here for a long tima03:06
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agonorucithe sound is not very good, its choppy and unclear coming out, I tested the same mp3 in windows and it works fine, im on ubuntu 631003:06
ebooaand it still doesn't get anything03:06
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agonoruciubuntu 6.1003:07
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Myriaor do i need to install gcc source?03:07
necrodrakocan some one ghelp me install myth tv03:07
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DARKGuyozoneco: If I recall correctly, I think you might need to use the service's full name (I used to stop C-Dilla (some 3DSMAX service) using "net stop C-Dilla" instead of "CDLAC.EXE" (or something like that) so I think you have to use the name of the service03:07
ace0174tovella thx for your help, tomorrow ill try to work that out again03:07
tovellaace0174: in that case, you may have to reboot.  when the grub boot loader is loading, you should be able to press "ESC" to get to the boot menu options. select the one that says Ubuntu....( recovery mode ).  This will take you to a shell prompt where you can type the comman.03:07
DARKGuyozoneco: then again, I'm not really sure, but it's a good try03:07
pydx100prediganme como entro a una pagina en espaol03:08
Ralithso, one of my interfaces keeps dropping its IP and routes at random intervals.03:08
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DARKGuypydx100pre: escribe /join #ubuntu-es y pregunta alla03:08
ozonecoDARKGuy: there's a start.bat and a start.vbs, also the same for stop......the contents of the bat is just "net start Faircom"03:08
ace0174tovella, you should have in mind that i didnt install it yet03:08
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ebooai think i might have found something...03:08
tovellaace0174: oh.03:08
DARKGuyozoneco: does the bat work?03:08
pydx100predonde escribo esa direccion?03:08
DARKGuypydx100pre: ahi mismo donde estas escribiendo ahorita03:08
ebooai have the same app of rt2500 installed twice03:08
ozonecoDARKGuy: Faircom is the name of the service that runs the ctsrvr.exe03:08
ebooaone on /usr and another on /home03:09
DARKGuyozoneco: gotcha!03:09
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DARKGuyozoneco: then try to change ctsrvr in the vbs for Faircom and test ?03:09
necrodrakowill some on ehelp me install myth tv please03:09
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ace0174tovella thats what i'm trying to do... but its harder than i thought03:09
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RugHowdy all03:09
tovellaace0174: do the text based install, then use the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:09
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mineralewhat is the default sound deamon on the latest stable ubuntu, is it Alsa ? Ess ?03:09
RugHow do I play .mkv video files?03:09
ace0174how do I do the text based install?03:09
GaiaX11pydx100pre: go to /join #ubuntu-es03:09
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ckarini how to enable direct rendering on your intel 8281003:10
tovellaace0174: it's really not hard - it's just that there are 1000 ways to skin a cat.  GNU/Linux offers a great deal of flexibility/freedom.03:10
ckarinii need help on  how to enable direct rendering on your intel 8281003:10
Peloace0174,  via the terminal03:10
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paueaswhat could i do to troubleshoot if my system is failing on every other web page saying that the server had dropped the connection or that the connection has timed out?03:11
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ozonecoDARKGuy: the start and stop bats work, as far as starting and stopping the service....the readme says "use a script to check for a 1 or a 0 after running bkupprep". this is what i dont see happening, do the scripts run when the bat is called?03:11
Pelockarini,   specifics would be helpfull03:11
ace0174whats the command to start the installation script?03:11
Rugpaueas: check DNS03:11
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ozonecoDARKGuy: i.e, what runs the scripts?03:11
Peloace0174, http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:11
paueasrug where?03:12
ace0174thx Pelo03:12
DARKGuyozoneco: the scripts must be run by some interpreter, vbs is short for Visual Basic Script, there must be a program that can run that03:12
DARKGuyozoneco: I don't think they run standalone03:12
Rugpaueas: do you know what your DNS server settings are supposed to be?03:12
ace0174well tomorrow i'll work more on that. Thanks folks03:13
ace0174thx tovella03:13
paueasrug i do not, i am  actually troubleshooting to figure out what is going on with my girlfriends computer who is currently at a different campus03:13
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tovellaace0174: no problem.03:13
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paueasrug it happens with every browser i install on the system so i know its not the browser's fault03:14
Rugpaueas: find out.  to see what the computer is using type this at a command prompt:  sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf03:14
ozonecoDARKGuy: what happens is the backupprep is ran, somewhere that leaves a marker as whether it failed or not. but nothing mentions where the result can be found03:14
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DARKGuyozoneco: the function returns the result, actually03:15
ckarini im trying to install step mania, and jrib says i can do it if i enable direct rendering03:15
ckarinihow do i do it?03:15
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paueasrug so you think its the dns server that keeps timing out on her school's network?03:15
ozonecoDARKGuy: i dont understand programming, so i'm picturing the info in a text file or a reg key03:15
jishin_I got "! Font C70/song/m/n/10/30=cyberb30 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file no03:15
jishin_t found.03:15
jishin_" when trying to compile TeX file03:15
DARKGuyozoneco: ah no, you won't get it that way03:16
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Rugpaueas: my first guess is that the PC inst' setup right03:16
jishin_I used CJK package to make Japanese TeX document03:16
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Rugis not setpu right03:16
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ozonecoDARKGuy: http://pastebin.ca/26886303:16
ozonecotheres the start one03:16
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slewhi, sometimes i get this: the xine engine failed to start. no demuxer found - stream format not recognised. how do i make streaming video work? the options on the Restricted Format page dont seem to work.03:17
paueasso if i edit her /etc/resolv.conf and put a different name server assuming hers is wrong this solves the problem?03:17
ozonecoDARKGuy: that should be checking for current state? btw.....thanks for the help, already further than i had hoped03:17
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DARKGuyozoneco: heh, it's okay, I'm sorry I can't really clear it all up though :( - well... the start script doesn't check if the service is already stopped though03:19
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homeroalguien que me de una manito con los drivers de nvidia y los kernels!!03:19
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ozonecoDARKGuy: should only have to check for the go/nogo from the prep utility03:20
necrodrakohow do i enable the universe repository?03:20
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glickhey is anyone running the latest flightgear on dapper?03:20
necrodrakohow do i enable the universe repository?03:20
DARKGuy!es | homero03:21
ubotuhomero: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:21
DARKGuyozoneco: yup, I don't see anything relevant to a check though03:21
DARKGuyozoneco: only a query03:21
necrodrakohow do i enable the universe repository?03:21
Pelonecrodrako,   system > admin > update sources ( or what ever the repos gui is called in english)  ,  and just check all the boxes03:21
Pelonecrodrako,  patience03:21
paueasrug if i am simply correcting the name server.. i don't see why that would cause her system to not time out all the time?03:22
ajcatesi have a bunch of packages that say that they have been kept back, how do i force apt to upgrade them?03:23
Rugpaueas: if it cannot lookup IP's then it will timeout.03:23
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ozonecoDARKGuy: is the query asking as to whether the sevice is currently stopped?03:23
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asgilderCan anyone tell me what "UUID library (libuuid) not found" means and how to fix it?03:23
Rugpaueas: check IP, gateway, DNS.03:23
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necrodrakoso is it enabled now03:24
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paueasrug ok i will look into that first, thank you03:24
glickanyone know how i can get the latest flightgear on ubuntu?03:24
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ajcatescan some one tell me whyi have a bunch of packages that say that they have been kept back and how do i force apt to upgrade them?03:25
amandalynnin the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg thing how do i check boxes? Under the Screen Resolution settings i cant remember what keyboard command lets me x the boxes03:25
DARKGuyamandalynn: space bar03:25
Megaqwertyhow do I tell beagle to index my computer?03:25
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DARKGuyamandalynn: welcome03:25
Megaqwerty(like if I wanted it to index my computer now)03:25
glickjoin #flightgear03:26
Peloajcates,  there is an update manager in system > admin,  run it and see what happens03:26
slewhi, sometimes i get this: the xine engine failed to start. no demuxer found - stream format not recognised. how do i make streaming video work? the options on the Restricted Format page dont seem to work.03:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:26
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tovellaMegaqwerty: "beagle-build-index" AFIAK03:27
Megaqwertytovella: what is AFIAK?03:27
tovellaAs Far As I Know03:27
Megaqwertyoh, ok. thanks03:27
tovellashould be AFAIK03:27
SurghiHow does it come, that I get 100 private messages on DAL.net  but none on freenode?  How can one IRC net be so clean and the other one can't?03:27
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lumpkiSurghi, you have to register to pm here, i believe03:28
Surghiso if I register there will come annoying private messages03:29
Surghigood to know03:29
lumpkii dont get bothered  =/03:29
MannyLNJ08753I need some help. I'm running DSL linux and want to install Ununtu but the cd drive does not support booting and there is no floppy. Is there a **simple** way to do an install from insaide the other distro03:29
tonyyarussoI get maybe 2 unsolicited pms a week.03:29
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slewnah none of those websites give any info on getting streams to work.03:30
Surghitonyyarusso: so thats what I wonder about.  Why is freenode so clean?03:30
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PeloSurghi,  the other way around, if you register you can send annoying private messages,03:30
tonyyarussoSurghi: General atmosphere I guess.  #ubuntu-offtopic to continue?03:30
SurghiI don't wanna send private messages03:30
ozonecoDARKGuy: well, much appreciated, i understood enough about it to figure out it was just a password change now that i see the path it was on...thanks03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about configure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about configure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
DARKGuyozoneco: Ah, glad to know you could solve it :)03:31
nrdbI think I might have damaged my modem, can I force it to dial even if it doesn't sense a dial tone ?03:31
=== ElectricKetchup [n=jacob@rrcs-24-153-141-181.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyozoneco: you're welcome :)03:31
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)03:31
Peloasgilder,  http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:31
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ozonecoDARKGuy: its always simple when its done and you get hindsight03:32
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!03:32
ChocoCidah, clever03:32
DARKGuyozoneco: heh, yeah x)03:32
asgilderPelo: Thanks, but I was actually looking for help with an error message.03:32
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ccksomeone has beryl on his edgy ? with an nvidia card ?03:33
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lumpkiasgilder, an error on ./configure?03:33
Peloasgilder,   error msg while /config usualy refer to missing  dependencies,  you need to install the dependency befor continuing further,  then you run ./configure again , when you have gone throug ./configure without a hitch you are ready to make and then make install03:33
MeshyfHey everyone.03:33
ozonecoDARKGuy: from the dates in the scheduler the backup hadn't ran for almost a year, they've been switching tapes everyday, not knowing any different03:33
Pelo!beryl  |cck03:34
ubotucck: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl03:34
slewso there is no way to make streaming video work on firefox 2.0? i just get blank pages or frames where video is on the windows machine.03:34
asgilderPelo, what dependency would the uuidlib package be in?03:34
cckthks pelo03:34
MeshyfI am having a problem with getting online using ubuntu on meh laptop.03:34
DARKGuyozoneco: @_@ wow, gotta do backups every now and then ;)03:34
Peloasgilder,  you look those up in synaptic03:34
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lumpkiapt-cache search uuid03:35
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MeshyfAnyone think they could possibly help, with my internets on Ubuntu?03:35
ozonecoDARKGuy: we recently picked them up as clients, jumping the hoops trying to take care of them...figured a backup might be nice...its the local library03:35
=== ummagumma [n=allan@200-158-35-160.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
PeloMeshyf,   wireless router ?03:35
MannyLNJ08753mesha 1) How do you connect to the internet 2) Do you get an IP?03:35
PeloMeshyf,   MannyLNJ08753  means you03:36
nata1is there a way to change the resolution in shell/bash?03:36
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Meshyf1) Hoping to get the Wireless card working, but I have wired as well, just doesn't work. 2) I will check to see if I do or not.03:36
Ralithso, one of my interfaces keeps dropping its IP and routes at random intervals. Nothing in dmesg. Help?03:36
DARKGuyozoneco: I see, pretty nice idea, good luck making the backups :)03:36
budluvahey can someone help me out here? im trying to install a Java game called 'Lux' and it comes in a .jar format, the install tells me to run java -jar Lux-install.jar, so i do that and get this ugly error message, does anyone know what im missing? Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit03:36
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf With the wired adapter attached do you get a light on the router/hub/swicth it is plugged into03:36
MeshyfManny: Yes I do.03:37
budluvais there a gtktoolkit package im missing or something?03:37
ozonecoDARKGuy: it ran, but i'm remote, and it says it needs new media...so done tonight03:37
MeshyfManny: No I'm not getting an IP addy. Its detecting my cards but not letting me connect :(03:37
PeloMeshyf,  assuming you have a dsl connection (wired) just run ppp0econf from the terminal and answer the questions,  when in doubt go with  default03:37
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf good. Are you using a router?03:37
MeshyfManny: Yes I am.03:37
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DARKGuyozoneco: Yay, gotta love when there's no more space @.@ hopefully youll get more for 'em tomorrow =)03:38
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf ok then do you know what IP the routher ues for the intrenal netowkr03:38
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php-freakAny one know of a better irc client then xchat?03:38
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php-freaklike something similar to mirc03:38
MeshyfManny: Yeah I can do that stuff.03:38
CVirusphp-freak: Konversation03:39
nrdbI think I might have damaged my modem, can I force it to dial even if it doesn't sense a dial tone ?03:39
MeshyfManny: I'm pretty versed in Windows, just trying out Ubuntu on my laptop.03:39
php-freakCvirus: konversation03:39
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf can you assign yourself a static IP in the same range and ping the internal port on the router03:39
CVirusphp-freak: ?03:39
MeshyfManny: Yeah give me a second. I'll give it a shot.03:39
tonyyarussophp-freak: irssi for cli03:39
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php-freakI'm looking for something simliar to mirc, something better then xchat03:40
MannyLNJ08753Ok. I'm pretty new to linux also Meshyf but I help where I can. Right now I can't figure out how to install Ubuntu on one of my PC's so while I wait for help I'm helping others03:40
MeshyfManny: Thanks :D03:40
Pelophp-freak,   mIRC is hardly better then xchat03:40
ajcatesPelo, i opened up the update manger, and it shows the updates i need, but there gray and it still won't let me upgrade them03:40
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nata1is there a apt-get extension out there so that brings up alternatives on my own keywoards?03:41
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php-freakIts a lot better03:41
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nata1say, apt-search weather03:41
php-freakWhats so much better about xchat then mirc?03:41
nata1and it gives me the kde weather desktop thing?03:41
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nata1php-freak: nothing at all.03:41
Peloajcates,  does the update manager give you a reason why the updates will not be made ?03:41
MeshyfManny: Ok nevermind I have no idea how to do that lol03:41
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Pelophp-freak,  for starter xchat is usable out of the box03:42
ajcatesPelo, nope it doesn't say03:42
DARKGuyWell people, I'm off for the night, happy Ubunting! ^^03:42
lumpkinata1, apt-cache search <regular expression>03:42
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Peloajcates,  you can always try searching those pacakge in synaptic an reinstalling them , but My guess is that the updated versions probably interfer with something so they are being locked out03:43
Pelobut it is just a guess03:43
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puffEvening... on hoary, when it went into screensaver mode the login dialog was stylistically similar, if not identical, to the standard ubuntu login dialog... now that I've upgraded to dapper it's the standard X Screen Saver dialog.  Any way to switch itback?03:43
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf ok I do know how to to it, so just answer my questions and I;'ll help03:43
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf what IP does your router use for the internal network03:43
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Meshyf192.168.1.1 is the router's ip if thats what you mean03:44
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puffOh, and while I'm here, my perennial quesiton: how do I get my ipod to actually work reliably iwth gtkpod?03:44
MannyLNJ08753Meshfy great. Are you running a DNS server on your nework or is the router doing DNS?03:44
Lovlossis NVU really the best web design prog for ubuntu?03:44
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MeshyfManny: Router is doing the DNS03:45
MannyLNJ08753Pelo would yoy be willing to help me try to install Ubuntu? I have a strange situation here03:45
ajcatesPelo there disturbtion packages, i can't reinstall them, i can paste bin the output form apt if you want03:45
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PeloMannyLNJ08753,  I'm fairly noobish myself,  but state your issue and I will see if I can'T at least point you in the right dirrection03:45
Peloajcates,   don'T  I wouldn't know what to do with them03:46
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf ok good. Type ifconfig eth0 netmask up03:46
Peloajcates,  try looking up this issue in the forum03:46
MeshyfManny: Where at?03:46
PeloMeshyf,   in the terminal03:46
MannyLNJ08753Pelo I have a system running DSL linux what Iwant to switch to ubuntu. The system has a CD drive that is not bootable and need to know how to start an install under the other distro03:46
MeshyfManny: okie03:47
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf in a root terminal window03:47
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jribckarini: type  ctrl-f in your browser and enter "videoram"03:47
PeloMannyLNJ08753,   I don'T have a clue03:47
MeshyfManny: Four straight Permission Denied03:47
MannyLNJ08753Ok I posted in the forum and hope someone will help03:48
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf typw whoami03:48
MannyLNJ08753I mean type whoami03:48
PeloMannyLNJ08753,  in the forum front page there is a list of  categories and howto ,  there is one for installation issues I think03:48
MeshyfManny:Answer is meshyf03:48
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf ok you need to be root03:48
necrodrakocan some one help me03:48
PeloMannyLNJ08753,  in the forum don'T post,  just search for your problem , it's easier and usualy it's covered already03:49
MeshyfManny: I only had one user on here I thought that would make me the root03:49
MannyLNJ08753Pelo I had searched found norhng'03:49
MannyLNJ08753No. Meshyf ok how did you open the terminal window?03:49
MeshyfApplications-> Accessories and then terminal03:49
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necrodrakoCan some one please help me install MythTV?03:50
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MeshyfManny:  Applications-> Accessories and then terminal03:50
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf ok hold a sec03:51
ajcatescan some one please tell me how to upgrade these packages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35511/03:51
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PeloMannyLNJ08753,  there is an alternate install cd that might serv your purpose03:51
necrodrakoCan some one please help me install MythTV?03:51
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Meshyfmanny: Sure03:51
jribnecrodrako: have you enabled multiverse?03:51
johnficcaHi dose anyone know how to fix the edgy eft grey usplash problem?03:51
jrib!info mythtv | necrodrako03:51
ubotumythtv: A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20-0.2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 19 kB, installed size 64 kB03:51
MannyLNJ08753Pelo I can't use any CD because I cant boot from cd.03:52
timo90How do i remove the ati drivers i installed my system is slugish03:52
tommywneed help locating document on how to change the image displayed on the menu button03:52
PeloMannyLNJ08753, ....   you might not have to boot from this cd to install03:52
necrodrakohow do i enable mintiverse?03:52
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Peloor MannyLNJ08753  have you considered mounting the cd image on your current distro and isntalling to another drive &03:52
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf right click on your desktop and choose root shell03:53
ajcatescan any one tell me why a bunch of python packages won't upgrade for me?03:53
MannyLNJ08753Pelo thats what I'm trying to do but I can't figure out how to kick start the installer03:53
MeshyfManny: Ok slight problem. I tried to log out thinking I had to login to the root, went to go back and it told me there was a graphical error.03:54
johnficcaI run an 64 bit ubuntu and my usplash is Grey and choppy03:54
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necrodrakohow do i install MythTV03:54
rpchmm trying to disable HTTP_VIA in squid... is it possible so it won't show up anymore?03:54
PeloMannyLNJ08753,  which is why the alternate install cd (.iso) might be usefull03:54
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con-manberyl has made my window borders look really cool, but the main part if the window is still grey and such, is there any theme i can get or something?03:54
MeshyfManny: Just give me a second and I'll get it back up and running.03:54
MannyLNJ08753Pelo I'll grab the alternate one once my system reboots03:54
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf take your time I'm rebooting as well03:54
lumpkiMannyLNJ08753, maybe put the HD in another machine to install, then put it back03:55
MeshyfManny: Ok its back up.03:55
kitchecon-man: the main window you can't really change that03:55
PeloMannyLNJ08753,  is your forum nick  Pago ?03:55
con-manwhy not03:55
con-manits so grey and functional03:55
con-manand ugly03:55
johnficcais any one out there running 64 bit ubuntu edgy eft?03:55
kitchecon-man: it's coding you mean like the windows in gaim and such right?03:55
ozonecohttp://www.suseforums.net/index.php?showtopic=24669 can anyone tell me if that should work on suse10.0 with gnome?03:56
con-manany windows03:56
MannyLNJ08753Pelo no it's MannyL03:56
con-manbrowsing windows03:56
con-manxchat window03:56
lightupHi everyoe, I'm trying to compile a program and I keep being told "Can't find libXrandr" even though I have libXrandr and libXrandr-dev installed.  Does anyone know why that might be?03:56
con-manterminal windows03:56
MeshyfManny: Ok its back up but I don't see the root thing you're talking about03:56
necrodrakois anyone gonna acknowlege me03:56
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kitchecon-man: yes that was just a general thing you can't change that grey unless you choose a different theme and I don't mean emerald03:56
jrib!multiverse | necrodrako03:56
ubotunecrodrako: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:56
con-manwhat do you mean?03:56
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ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:57
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kitchecon-man: you have ot change the theme and it's not though emerald03:57
con-mankitche: where is it changed?03:57
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timo90hi i get loged of whne i run fglrxinfo in the terminal, im trying to sort my driver problem03:58
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pydx100precomo entro a espaol?03:58
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MannyLNJ08753mesha ok open that command window as meshy03:58
jribpydx100pre: /join #ubuntu-es03:58
JFlashmy VPS provider tells me i need to install "dns software" before ppl can access my server from a domain name.03:58
Iceman_Bdoes anyone know how to kill a VLC media player running process?03:58
JFlashwhat is this "DNS software" that i need to install for name resolution and how to intall it in ubuntu?03:58
Pelopydx100pre,  /join #ubuntu-es03:58
MeshyfMannyLNJQ8753: Still there?03:59
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mabreauxdo we have any ubunut palm guru on line03:59
jribIceman_B: type 'xkill' in a terminal then click on the vlc window03:59
Iceman_Bits running...but I cant see the video anymore, plus the window is maximized *_*03:59
pydx100preno entra03:59
Iceman_Bah, thanks03:59
johnficcaHi dose anyone know how to fix the edgy eft grey usplash problem?03:59
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jrib!register | pydx100pre03:59
ubotupydx100pre: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:59
con-mankitche: where is it changed?03:59
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf yes still here. Open that command window as yourself03:59
MeshyfMannyLNJO8753: Which command window? The Terminal?04:00
tommywneed help locating document on how to change the image displayed on the menu button04:00
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MannyLNJ08753Thys Terminal=Command window. Then Type sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up04:00
Pelotommyw,   try a simple search in the forum04:00
mabreauxdo we have any ubuntu palm guru on line04:00
Iceman_B...it refuses to die ?_? it now comes up as "untitled window"04:01
senator^zZzI have trouble with my mercedes benz kompressor, think its one of the valves that causes the trouble... anyone here that knows much about engines?04:01
Pelomabreaux,  on the third strick you are out04:01
kitchecon-man: might be in beryl-settings04:01
jribIceman_B: ps -ef | grep vlc04:01
mabreauxPelo: what04:01
tommywI'm not getting a response form the forum... is it down?04:01
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MannyLNJ08753senator^zZz I know if you don't put in oil ioot stops running04:01
MeshyfMannyLNJO8753: Ok weird thing, its working now. Maybe that restart did something, I'm  not sure. But I still need to figure out the Wifi D: has any experience with that?04:01
tonyyarusso!offtopic | senator^zZz04:01
ubotusenator^zZz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:01
jribtommyw: loads fine here04:01
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf id you do lspci does it show your wireless card?04:02
senator^zZzMannyLNJ08753 I see... I will keep that in mind... thanks :)04:02
jribIceman_B: (any output?)04:02
Iceman_B2 lnes04:02
jribIceman_B: tell me the first one please04:02
Iceman_Bravi     15324     1  8 03:49 ?        00:01:03 wxvlc04:02
jribIceman_B: 'killall wcvlc'04:03
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MannyLNJ08753Also I belive it is bad to put petrol/gas in a diesel one and vice versa04:03
MeshyfMannyLNJO8753: Yes it reads it as Broadcom Coropration BCM4318 Air Force one04:03
Iceman_Byay, it died04:03
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jribIceman_B: np04:04
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Iceman_BIm starting to get what's so cool about a commandline04:04
MannyLNJ08753Ok so it sees it. Now you need to google to see what module it needs04:04
MeshyfManny: Whats a Module?04:05
jribIceman_B: heh I actually made a typo in the command but I guess you caught it, good job04:05
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Iceman_Byeah, I was wondering why it first said "no processes killed"04:06
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Iceman_BIm trying to make a permanent move from XP to Linux04:06
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cwilluwhy don't the scrollbars work in vncviewer?04:06
PeloIceman_B,  lucky you,  I am one app away from doing it myself04:07
ChocoCidPelo : what app is that?04:07
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cwillunamely, I can scroll down and right, but I can't scroll back up or left again04:08
MannyLNJ08753Meshyf it's like a device driver that windows would use'04:08
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Iceman_BIm still not that far Pelo....there are still some hurdles04:08
kuruminwhat is the best version to a Duron 1.3 / 256mb?04:09
Iceman_Bbut a collegue said "just force yourself to use it a month"04:09
PeloChocoCid,  Autocad04:09
Iceman_Bthat and he showed me Beryl :p04:09
ChocoCidoooooof >_<04:09
PeloIceman_B,  such as ?04:09
kyjaedgy corrupted a ton of my media04:09
ChocoCidautocad is going to be crippling to the linux switch :(04:09
cckPelo: could you help me with beryl ? no real help on #ubuntu-xgl04:09
kitchekurumin: Xubuntu would run fine on that04:09
ChocoCidcck try #beryl04:09
lumpkikurumin, you can use any desktop with that machine04:09
kyjaor apache2 more likely I guess.04:09
Pelocck,   I can'T I don'T know anything about it04:10
kuruminlumpki, ubuntu or xubuntu?04:10
Iceman_BIm mainly looking for 2 things: solid codecs and a WMP classic equivalent04:10
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lumpkiubuntu or kubuntu, whichever you prefer04:10
Iceman_Band a way to make my second SATA volume visible04:10
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lumpkior xubuntu04:10
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cckThks anyway Pelo04:10
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs04:10
cckThnks ChocoCid04:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:10
Iceman_Boh and an irc Fileserving script, but I imagine that such a thing exists already04:10
kyjaI dont know. I was setting a recursive permissions of my LDAP public_html folder and it turned everything inside of folowed links to empty garbage.04:10
kuruminlumpki, but xubuntu will have a better performance? or the both are equal?04:10
ChocoCidthere you go, Iceman_B04:10
Iceman_Boh wow, thanks04:11
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ChocoCidkurumin: xubuntu is lighter weight, which is probably going to be better for you on older hardware04:11
kuruminok ChocoCid , tnks!04:11
kyjamany gigs of data zeroed04:11
kurumini'll try04:11
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ChocoCidyeah, i heard autocad r14 works on wine but that's horribly out of date04:12
mineralehow can I edit the "menu" manually  -- ie where are the files for the menu stored ?04:12
ChocoCidtry Qcad maybe?04:12
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PeloChocoCid,  not up to scratch ,04:12
ChocoCidfigured :\04:12
ChocoCid(i've used autocad for several years myself)04:13
ChocoCidminerale, you mean by editing a config file instead of using alacarte?04:13
mineralechococid: correct04:13
Peloand there realy isn'T mucht aht I need to do on acad that can'T be done on 14,   2000 and up are mostly windows updates and eye candy04:13
=== seal20 [n=seal20@p180.net220148069.tnc.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
ChocoCid2004 had some MAJOR updates for layer editing04:14
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ChocoCidwhich is HUGE when you get drawings from other people and have to work on those04:14
fnfminerale: /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu04:14
ChocoCidlaytrans is so amazingly amazing it's ridiculous, and refedit is awesome too04:14
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MannyLNJ08753Meshyf sorry I can't be more help. I know very little about wireless and linux04:14
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lumpkiChocoCid, on a 1.3 ghz machine with 256 mb ram, kde or gnome will run fine04:14
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PeloChocoCid,  haven'T had much chance to work with those yet, I realy ahven'T drawn in about 2 years,04:15
ChocoCidyeah, that sounds more or less right, lumpki04:15
mineralefnf: I have a question, why is the debian-menu separate and not integrated with the main menu -- is it possible to join those together ?04:15
lumpkimored ram would be better, but still would be fine04:15
pudlandis anyone using 32 bit ubuntu on a amd 64?04:16
ChocoCidi wouldn't mind the debian-menu being separate if it was an entirely DIFFERENT menu, not a submenu, but w/e04:16
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fnfminerale: I'm on Ubuntu Edgy server with gnome installed, I haven't seen Debian menu anywhere, that's possibly added after you installed some Debian apps.04:16
ChocoCidalt-f2 ftw, i don't use the menu much at all :p04:16
goppis thier a bsd version of ubuntu04:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
ChocoCidno, the debian menu is a menu you install that arranges stuff differently and has more stuff04:17
ChocoCidno ub(sd)untu04:17
kitchegopp: no why would there be BSD is a complete different OS04:17
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goppwell I love thier kernel  hmm not sure04:17
ChocoCidthere may be a debian variant on BSD like they have for Hurd04:17
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goppso thier no advantge of ubuntu on bsd04:17
rubix_has anyone here had problems using the ubuntu live install graphical install partition manager, i've read some things about it hanging and just had some problems, but i was wondering if it would be worth the time documenting how i worked around my problem04:17
xzkanybody have luck using packet sniffers to crack wifi hotspots in linux?04:17
pudlandis anyone using 32 bit ubuntu on a amd 64?04:17
xzkrubix_:   yes i did04:18
JVHNewbie (idiot) requesting some assistance04:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:18
rubix_xzk, what was the problem and what kinda system were you running, you may PM me the info if you would like04:18
PeloJVH,   asking your question would be better04:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hurd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
asdasd_Manny: Sorry about that the internet went out for a minute there.04:18
kitchegopp: hurd is gnu's OS04:18
=== Kiongku [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-100-152.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChocoCidhurd is the kernel04:18
kitchegoop: well gnu's kernel04:18
ChocoCidGNU is the same os on linux or hurd04:19
fnfrubix_: I haven't, but I prefer installing the light-weight server edition then install IceWM/gnome afterward.04:19
ChocoCidgNewSense is a Debian-based Hurd distro04:19
lumpkigopp, there is a debian/hurd project if you feel experimental04:19
MannyLNJ08753Anyone know how to start the Ubunto intaller while running another linux distro?04:19
ChocoCidit's still in unstable status04:19
xzkrubix_:   i couldn't get it to resize the winxp partition and when it would - it would say that there was insufficient space or something along those lines.. which wasn't true04:19
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goppnope just wonder why04:19
JVHI have installed ubuntu lamp server. I need to access the web based controls for a router. I can't find a browers anywhere in the system.04:19
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xzkrubix_:   i'm using a compaq presario laptop v500004:19
kitcheChocoCid: anyways gNewSense is linux not hurd04:19
ChocoCidoh, it is?04:19
asdasd_MannyLNJ09753: Sorry about that, my internet just went out for a second there.04:19
rubix_fnf, well i had no internet connectivity and this laptop has a "Designed for Windows 98" logo sticker on it, 196 ram and 500 mhz p3, 12 gig hdd, so the live cd was really really slow04:19
goppI got one last question is thier a project like wine, but that allows one to use osx apps in ubuntu osx x86 apps04:20
ChocoCidwhat is the debian hurd one called?04:20
rubix_xzk, i am using a presario laptop 160004:20
kitcheChocoCid: the hurd kernel isn't really usuable04:20
Iceman_Buh, if any is using xchat, how does the nick completion work?04:20
ChocoCidIceman_B : type "choc" and hit tab04:20
Iceman_Bhitting tab floods my windows with nicks04:20
rubix_Iceman_B, you type a part of thier name and hit tab04:20
=== JJones0207 [i=JJones02@adsl-68-253-204-226.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnfrubix_: If you used Partition Magic or a kind of Partition Manager then it probably messed up your HDD.04:20
ChocoCidthat's because you're doing like "C" and there's like 30 names that match it :P04:20
fnfrubix_: Did you try the alternate installation CD ?04:20
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JJones0207May someone help me when I try to burn the alt installation cd Im getting a error04:21
Iceman_Bah, I see04:21
Iceman_Bthanks :)04:21
gopplumpki,  oh04:21
xzkrubix_:   does your laptop have a recovery partition built into it by HP.. instead of giving you recovery CDs they put the OS and other reinstall software on a hidden partition.. and thats what was messing mine up i think04:21
rubix_fnf, i had no way to get it other then go to my friend's house, download it, then burn it and go back to my house and try to install...i found it much easier to just do a workaround04:21
MannyLNJ08753JJones0207 did you check the md checksup is correct and whta burning app did you try?04:21
JJones0207I have tried different brands, Ive burned ubuntu before.04:21
JJones0207md checksup whats that04:21
ChocoCidpossible you just got a bad download04:21
diskuskitche: it's not hurd kernel :P04:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about checksum - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:21
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ChocoCidthere's a page for it somewhere :\04:21
rubix_xzk, so my hdd might actually be bigger?04:21
JJones0207So what should Ido?04:22
xzkrubix_:   i ordered my recovery CDs from HP, and then i erased the recovery partition they installed so that i could use that space.. and after i did that - linux let me resize the partitions just fine04:22
Myriahow do i download source code to a package?04:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about packagin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:22
rubix_xzk, i know my laptop had a corrupted recovery partition...i had a few problems....but i just used fdisk to clear my hdd and then set new partitions04:22
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources04:22
ChocoCidsilly typo on my part >_<04:22
JJones0207I might of got a bad download your saying?04:22
ajcatesdoes any one know the command to fix broken packages?04:22
xzkrubix_:   i guess that 'recovery' partition was protecting itself from being touched when i was resizing winxp the first time around04:22
jribMyria: apt-get source package   assuming you have the deb-src line in your sources.list04:22
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jribajcates: sudo apt-get install -f04:23
fnfrubix_: Repairing boot sectors for a correct partition layout is not so peaceful, part of the reason is most Partition Managers are very forgiving and just want to build an usable partition layout, which often leave it non-standard.04:23
=== Myria <3 jrib
jribajcates: _tries_ to fix04:23
=== NineTeen67Comet sudo aptitude -f install .. woohoo aptitude ..
binary2k2hi, i'm having a problem with firefox 2.0 on edgy, it won't open, just show's this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35514/04:23
JJones0207ChocoCid so what should I do at this point?04:23
rubix_fnf, right, but how about ghkdisk, or something similar04:23
ChocoCidJJones0207: i dunno, i never did it04:23
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rubix_fnf, if you write zero's to the drive that would definately do the trick04:23
ChocoCidi just downloaded, burned, and if it was bad just planned on reburning it :P04:23
ChocoCidhey, a use for /dev/zero !04:23
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rubix_fnf, its a DOS utility i have on my gateway oem disks from back in the day, but it definately does the trick04:24
fnfrubix_: I never heard about ghkdisk though. cfdisk is the most partition editor outthere that conforms to the standard.04:24
rubix_the gateway tech support tried to have me do that when my mouse wouldn't work04:24
JJones0207I tried reburning 6 times lol04:24
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rubix_fnf, ghkdisk isn't a program, but a command i guess you could say04:25
Iceman_Bbed, nite o/04:25
jribJJones0207: what speed are you burning at?04:25
rubix_its similar to scandisk in structure and user interface....but way more dangerous04:25
rubix_i just got the net back after a year so i'm way behind on all the new technology04:25
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Myriachoco: i thought that allocating memory in linux was done by calling mmap() on /dev/zero04:25
JJones0207Im going to try to reburn and paste the log to u04:25
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rubix_however DOS and linux both recognize my total disk space as 12 gigs...so im pretty sure thats what i got04:26
JVHas I was saying I can't access any of the web config screens because there does not appear to be any brower. No GUI shell ether just bash. How are you suppose to configure attached routers and access points?04:26
JJones02074x 60004:26
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fnfrubix_: I have no idea about it, sorry. If you don't prefer to mess with the part table manually (fdisk would do the trick), I'd suggest backup and delete the window partition to see if it works, not guaranteed though.04:26
rubix_fnf, i don't have a windows partition04:26
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Myriajrib: where does it get installed?04:26
xzkanybody know of a 'GOOD' radio station.. for linux that would be equivalent to Yahoo's Music Engine / Jukebox / LaunchCast Radio ?... I love me some LaunchCast Radio :(04:27
jribJVH: lynx?04:27
jribMyria: current working directory04:27
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Myriak thanks04:27
JVHisn't lynx text only?04:27
djsmacedoanybody speak portuguese?04:27
jribJVH: yes04:27
jribdjsmacedo: yes04:27
xzkme too04:27
fnfrubix_: That was from someone else, sorry.04:27
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xzki speak african american04:28
Cadelol @ xzk04:28
djsmacedotimo! :)04:28
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djsmacedofacilita mais a minha vida04:28
JVHI don't think that will work with a linksys router config page.04:28
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jribdjsmacedo: vomos ao #ubuntu-pt04:28
xzki also speak um.. caucasian american04:28
fnfrubix_: Can you try the alternate CD ?04:28
CadeI speak Yankee American >_>04:28
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JJones0207Ok ChocoCid04:28
=== ChunkyLover54 [n=monsterc@c190098.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Cadewhich apparently is a bad thing down South04:29
xzkboth of my parents are from south africa.. so that makes me an african american04:29
JJones0207It says Focus or tracking error04:29
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binary2k2anyone able to help with a firefox error?04:29
JJones0207Could not preform end track04:29
rubix_fnf, na, i don't have a burner on here and my other comp out in my storage shed....small house so this laptop is perfect, its old but not ancient, and i got it and a NICE pair of 10 inch subwoofers for a car for 50 bucks04:29
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Cadexzk, one of the few actual ones then, eh?04:29
JJones0207invalid write state04:29
rubix_fnf, sometimes its nice to know junkies :-)04:29
xzki'm white04:29
JJones0207So whats wrong?04:29
fnfrubix_: Definitely :)04:29
CadeI figured. ;)04:29
rubix_so i sold the subs for 50 bucks and got a free laptop04:30
jribJVH: no idea, did you try?04:30
Mansewhat does the /usr/src/rpm folder use for in ubuntu?04:30
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CadeNot many black people here in the US would ever say "caucasian"04:30
JVH2 hours.04:30
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb09dc1-115-138.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
rubix_Manse, is that folder even exist in ubuntu?04:30
fnfrubix_: Either way, the LiveCD isn't as stable as server or alternate CD, there have been quite a few bug reports.04:30
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Cadelet alone pronounce it correctly04:30
jribJVH: well you can always install X04:30
xzkthat was kind of racist04:30
kitcheManse: that's probably the source directory for rpm which used to be called red hat package manager04:30
CadeI don't mean it in a racist way... just a factual one.04:31
CadeI come from up North.04:31
fnfManse: It doesn't exist in my installation.04:31
CadeSo this "aks"ing I get all the time04:31
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rubix_fnf, but i got it running....so i figured i would write somewhat of a howto on using it for low-level systems and seeing what kinda feedback i would get....mabye the official ubuntu forums would be a good place to put it?04:31
Cadeis rather... eh... unsettling at best04:31
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ozonecoso if i installed to harddrive from Live cd, its not right?04:31
xzkwhite people talk like that too04:31
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Mansefnf:Is your distribution ubuntu?04:31
fnfrubix_: That's definitely worth it :) may have someone else.04:31
JJones0207Can someone help me04:31
Cadexzk, quite04:31
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fnfManse: Mine is Ubuntu Edgy server.04:32
oknjust installed ubuntu but my console looks like shit..very very large fonts..how can i make this more beautiful ? :P ?04:32
Cadehowever, one creates the stereotype based upon the majority - or at least a parody of the majority04:32
kitcheozoneco: that's how ubuntu installs if you used the desktop-install04:32
Mansewell,mine is Ubuntu desktop04:32
xzkanybody know of a 'GOOD' radio station.. for linux that would be equivalent to Yahoo's Music Engine / Jukebox / LaunchCast Radio ?... I love me some LaunchCast Radio :(04:32
rubix_fnf, the problem was i havn't really used a computer for the net at all in the last 2 years....really even a computer at all, and on top of that no linux system....i still got warty warthog on my comp in the shed imma hook up...but its so unstable i'm probably going to wipe it04:32
JVoltDo anyone know how can i set a new password to root? i has installed ubuntu now but i don't know the password04:32
JJones0207Can you help me Manse04:32
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ozonecokitche: someone mentioned an alternate cd?04:33
ubotuJVolt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:33
fnfrubix_: It's funny that after those couple of dialogs I still hadn't known what your problem was :)04:33
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Mansewhat can i do for you?04:33
rubix_JVolt, first of all, google is your friend, and second system-->administration-->users and groups04:33
kitcheozoneco: yes there is one from releases.ubuntu.com04:33
Manse<JJones0207>what can i do for you?04:33
JJones0207Umm when I try to burn the CD it gives me a error04:34
xzkI need a LaunchCast Radio equivalent for Linux :(04:34
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fnfrubix_: What does you have there ? an Edgy LiveCD ?04:34
rubix_fnf, when i ran the livecd it was incredibly so, and on top of that the installer crashed when i tried to run it, then the custom disk partitioner wouldn't work, so i did a full wipe and it worked04:34
JVoltThanks very much :)04:34
rubix_fnf, yes04:34
wastrelhow do i input non-ascii chars (accented characters) in gnome?  US keyboard layout.04:34
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:34
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ozonecokitche: ok, i'm good then, same iso name04:34
kitchexzk: there isn't really one all you have to do is install the codecs and select WMP and it might work04:34
rubix_JVolt, your welcome04:35
CadeHaving fun, ChocoCid?04:35
ManseSorry ,I didn't burn cd in ubuntu ,maybe someone else can help you04:35
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JJones0207When I try to burn it it says Could not prefom end track04:35
xzkkitche:   wmp?04:35
kitchexzk: windows media player04:35
xzkkitche:   i know that, but LaunchCast Radio is setup to only work with IE04:35
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fnfrubix_: parted isn't really happy with some partition layout, in your case the incorrect partitions might be the cause for this. Glad that it worked anyway.04:35
ChocoCidJJones0207: i've never had a bad download so i dunno :\04:35
dabaRxzk: you can search google for internet radio...04:35
JJones0207I downloaded it off torrent04:35
kitchexzk: shoutcast.com and use xmms or another player that you like04:36
CadeBTW, guys, the Feisty forums just _CRACK_ me up... I felt so bad... One guy came home drunk and -apparently- ran "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/dpkg"04:36
Cadefunniest thread title _ever_, btw04:36
xzkkitche:   it doesn't work with Firefox in winXP... so instead of listening to LaunchCast with IE in winxp I downloaded Yahoo Music Engine hehe.. to keep from using IE :)04:36
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fnfrubix_: To ensure there will be no hassle in the future, you may want to use cfdisk, as parted isn't fully standard conformant04:36
rubix_cfdisk, i havn't heard of it04:36
kitchexzk: well yahoo is friends with microsoft so I m not surprised04:37
dabaRwastrel: apps>accessories>char map04:37
fnfrubix_: The LiveCD includes one, it's very easy to use (easier than parted I expect, which gparted bases on)04:37
xzkcompanies are so evil04:37
rubix_i think im going to try to play a DVD, think that works right out of the box?04:37
CadeWelcome to corporate America - land of DRM and Windows!04:37
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fnfrubix_: Unfortunately not.04:38
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JJones0207I dont want to spend another hour downloading it04:38
rubix_fnf, and i'm also running a social experiment of sorts...i have 2 female roomates with only nominal computer knowledge, and i set up linux on this laptop for them to use for school and only told them how to login and logout to see how well they could actually use it04:38
JJones0207Whats a bad download when its the same size as the other ones on the site04:38
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Caderubix_, open Synaptic and install libdvdread3 and then run "sudo  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"04:39
rubix_fnf, that and i didn't want to worry about spyware and viruses and such that come with windows, practically on the cd04:39
kitcheJJones0207: run a md5sum on the iso04:39
gansinhoplease someone could please help me to configurate my palm with ubuntu?04:39
tonyyarussorubix_: Interesting.  Keep us posted?04:39
oc15I am trying to get FreeNas working but I can't get pass the install04:39
fnfrubix_: I have installed Ubuntu for a few friends on mine also, they're currently really happy, surely I set them up the installed everything beforehand.04:39
Caderubix_, the above message of mine will enable playback for encrypted DVDs :)04:39
dabaR!palm > gansinho04:40
=== BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo
rubix_tonyyarusso, sure, maybe that would be another good thread to post, ima sign up for an ubuntu forums accout, or could anyone suggest a good community04:40
gansinhodabaR, thanks!04:40
tonyyarussorubix_: On the forums would be great, or the sounder mailing list04:40
=== ArrenLex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rubix_Cade, could i just sudo apt-get install? that will do the same right?04:40
dabaRrubix_: wiki is another option, wiki.ubuntu.com04:40
rubix_Cade, im a bit rusty04:41
Caderubix_,  for installing libdvdread3, yes04:41
gansinho!palm > gansinho04:41
fnfrubix_: Synaptic is a front-end of apt-get, so yes.04:41
Cadebut the other command still has to be run as-is from terminal :)04:41
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rubix_Cade, for some reason i prefer command line, when i used windows i spent alot of time booting into dos04:41
dabaRgansinho: read private message from ubotu04:41
Cadeso the following would work: "sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 && sudo  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"04:41
gansinhodabaR, I readed but my fx crashed, sorry04:42
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gansinhodabaR, so I had to do it again04:42
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kitchefnf: Synaptic is a frontend to Apt just like apt-get is04:42
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JVoltDo anyone know a good mirror for me use in apt-get? i has installed it now and want install something but it's not in default mirror (PHP 5)04:42
fnfkitche: Probably, that was my guest :)04:43
coz_JVolt, what do you want to install?04:43
rubix_JVolt, give me one second04:43
fnfJVolt: What do you want to install ?04:43
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tonyyarussoubuntu: You might consider changing your nick to something more personal (since it's default it can get confusing)04:43
kitcheread he said php5 :)04:43
ubuntuanyone here know what this means "No Xll!" "install X-windows development headers/libraries " ?04:43
JVoltPHP 504:43
=== paradox34690 [n=paradox@pool-71-98-161-254.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuphp5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.6-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB04:43
JVoltso as PostgreSQL 8.104:44
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ArrenLexUbuntu: it means "apt-get install xlibs-dev"04:44
Ubuntu-addictArrenLex : thank you.04:44
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muralihi all04:44
JJones0207isnt md5sum a text file tho04:44
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:44
muralithank you04:44
ArrenLexYou're welcome.04:45
JVoltkitche,  but i can't find any php5 package using the default configuration04:45
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ubotuJJones0207: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:45
muralii'm a newbie ,so i've a few problems with it...i'd be grateful if someone could help me out...04:45
fnfJVolt: You did 'apt-get update' ?04:45
ozonecogonna flatten a suse box.....goin ubuntu!!!04:45
paradox34690Can someone recommend a good package manager for me? I just downloaded some .bz2 files from gnome-look.org, but the Archive Manager I have installed won't open the file...04:45
JVolti has installed ubuntu 5.05 and used apt-get updade | apt-get dist-upgrade04:45
ArrenLex!someone | murali04:45
ubotumurali: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:45
Pelomurali,  we will not help you if you don'T get into soem specifics04:46
diabolixi just installed beryl, and when i run it, my screen goes white.. anyone expiriece this?04:46
Cadediabolix, graphics card?04:46
kitcheJVolt: that's why your still on ubuntu 5.05 you need to update to dapper then edgy04:46
diabolixgeforce 620004:46
muralisorry..it seems i'm already losin it..k i'll directly post the question then04:46
Cadeyou installed the nvidia drivers that support AIGLX?04:46
diabolixdid the same thing in arch-linux.04:46
dabaRkitche: ya, still on ubuntu 5.05...04:46
rubix_JVolt, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories04:46
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fnfJVolt: 5.05 is really old now, I'd suggest upgrade to 6.06, that's probably what is misssing in your edition.04:46
diabolixCade: yep.04:46
muralii jus installed ubuntu..04:47
Cadehmm... you're using beryl-manager to start beryl?04:47
JVolti see but i has done a dist-upgrade04:47
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rubix_follow the instructions there and do a "sudo apt-get update-install04:47
Caderestart X after installing beryl?04:47
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=== Sarphram [n=bmartin6@cdm-75-108-57-103.asbnva.dhcp.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cadeperhaps it's a bad xorg option?04:47
muralii wanted to do programming in c..then  i realised tht theres no compiler..hence i did apt-get install gcc04:47
kitcheJVolt: well dist-upgrade will not update your distro if you don't edit your source.list04:47
rubix_JVolt, that last line...forget it, it is apt-get update-distro04:47
bimberi!b-e | murali04:47
ubotumurali: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:47
diabolixi see the beryl splash screen.. but then nothing but white.04:47
ArrenLexmurali: apt-get install build-essential04:47
Cadeyou running svn or stable beryl?04:48
kitchediabolix: are you starting beryl inside another manager or by itself?04:48
Ubuntu-addictok, noe more, how do i get motif headers ?04:48
diabolixkitche: inside kde.04:48
Myria"apt-get source gcc" didn't give me the source to GCC, just to some 4.0 to 4.0.3 patch04:48
Pelomurali,   make it easy for us,  just state yoru problem in one paragraph, instead of over multiple lines, as you can see this channel is quite busy04:48
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rubix_does automount for cd's, dvd's and floppy disks come autoconfigured out of the box with this release?04:48
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JVoltlet me try04:48
muralithanks i'll try tht n then get back if i've any probs..04:48
dabaRwtf are you guys talking about 5.05? that does not exist...04:48
Caderubix_, it should04:49
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Cadediabolix, stable or svn build or beryl?04:49
wastreli have a 5.10 machine running04:49
rubix_so mount /mnt/floppy should do it?04:49
muralii will.. as u see i'm new to all this..i 'll make sure the next time04:49
JVolti got a newer version 6.06 but it's 64 bits and i didn't like it04:49
dabaRJVolt: send /exec -o cat /etc/issue as a message to the channel04:49
diabolixCade: i followed a guide... how can i tell?04:49
Caderubix_, I'd assume... it SHOULD automount on insert iirc04:49
JVolti prefer the 32 bits one04:49
Cadeah... kk hold on one sec04:49
muralii also have problems with my screen resolution04:49
JVoltsend /exec -o cat /etc/issue04:49
dabaRno send04:49
rubix_my /mnt directory is empty :-(04:49
muraliit jus gives me one option:640/48004:50
Cadediabolix, was it from beryl wiki?04:50
JVoltUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l04:50
diabolixCade: yes04:50
dabaRJVolt: so you have hoary.04:50
Myriahow do i download the source to GCC?04:50
diabolixi think...04:50
Pelorubix_,  in ubuntu media is mounted in /media/04:50
Caderubix_, "sudo mount /dev/floppy"04:50
dabaR!info php5 hoary04:50
ubotuPackage php5 does not exist in hoary04:50
ArrenLexMyria: What would you use to compile it?04:50
dabaR!upgrade > JVolt04:50
JVoltcan i upgrade it to edgy without need reinstall?04:50
kitcheJVolt: you have to update to breezy then dapper then edgy04:50
rubix_didn't work04:50
xzkwhat is CrossOver ? Is it still around or is it a dead Linux App?04:50
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Pelomurail,  you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manualy to add the resolutions you need/want04:51
kitchexzk: it's a commerical app04:51
dabaRJVolt: follow instructions in the upgrade page ubotu sent you.04:51
MyriaArrenLex: itself.  i want to build a x86-32 cross compiler for my x86-64 ubuntu machine04:51
ArrenLexxzk: Crossover is basically a version of Wine that's configured for you, and you have to pay for it.04:51
MyriaArrenLex: got binutils working already04:51
ArrenLexMyria: I'm pretty sure you can just... do that. o_O04:51
JVoltok thanks :)04:51
rubix_/dev/ is not a block device04:51
ArrenLexMyria: by passing GCC architecture switches.04:51
muraliwhen i try to change my screen resolution from the gui,i see tht theres only one option:640/480..there are no other options.. wat should i do,cuz the window sizes are too big this way..04:51
xzkah nvm that04:51
dabaRMyria: apt-get src is the command for getting source of packages.04:52
xzki installed linux to be free of paying money for software04:52
Pelomurali,  before editing xorg.conf you want might to   do  dkpg reconfigure xserver.xorg   ,  just to make sure04:52
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fnfmurali: Take a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf, or invoke 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'04:52
haaryxzk: then try wine04:52
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MyriaArrenLex: "gcc -march=i686 -c asdf.c" gives "asdf.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set"04:52
xzki think I'm going to test out vmware for launchcast - i read that it works pretty well04:52
Myriadabar: when i did apt-get source gcc, it only gave me a small patch04:53
JVoltdabaR, so i need upgrade it to 5.10 and later upgrade to 6.06 and later to 6.10? or can i upgrade 5.04 to 6.10?04:53
dabaRJVolt: No.1.04:53
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kitcheMyria: well that does i686 doesn't support x86-64 it would be x86-64 or x86_6404:53
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fnfJVolt: It's safer (and faster) to do a new installation I supposed.04:53
Myriakitche: i'm trying to cross-compile04:54
Ubuntu-addicthow do i get motif headers ? an idea which package to get ?04:54
JVolti see04:54
fnfJVolt: ince you've got Hoary, after upgrading the OS, you also have to upgrade all the old packages anyway.04:54
kitcheMyria: you trying to compile on a pure x86_64?04:54
oc15Trying to get FreeNas in place but getting problem after installing it04:54
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JVolti thought that the apt-get dist-update could make it 6.1004:54
dabaRlibmotif-dev likely, Ubuntu-addict04:54
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Myriakitche: i guess...  /usr/lib32 has the 32 bit libraries, and /usr/include seems to be capable of doing both modes04:54
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Ubuntu-addicto, ok, thx04:55
oc15Anyone here know FreeNAS?04:55
kitcheJVolt: well it would if you edit source.list but you will have breakages04:55
Cadediabolix, I'd review this stuff:04:55
fnfJVolt: Not that I know of, I can imagine it would take a few days to upgrade to 6.10 though :)04:55
dabaRoc15: knowing what error you get might help us fix the error.04:55
Myriaapt-get source gcc actually gave the full source, just tar'd, and there were a bunch of patches that i don't think it applied...04:55
muralipelo,fnf:when i do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg,its askin me as to hou much memory to be used by the video card... wat will be the correct or optimum value???04:55
kitcheMyria: try -mcpu=i686 -march=i68604:55
dabaRfnf: don't say that. It would obviously depend on the Internet connection.04:55
ArrenLexMyria: pass -m3204:55
dabaRJVolt: if you upgrade, make sure you read all the instructions for each upgrade.04:56
JVoltok i will try get a 6.10 cd with any friend, else i will download it tomorow and install04:56
Pelomurali,  what do you have it set to in your bios ? use that04:56
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oc15dabaR: after i install it, i cant connect to it in the browser04:56
Cadediabolix,  http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA#Post-install_configuration04:56
fnfdabaR: I see, but installing by apt-get is pretty slow compared to using a download manager.04:56
Pelomurali,  and for the rest , when in doubt , use the default answers04:56
diabolixsweet.. beryl is working, i just had to disable blurs.04:57
diabolixbut it isn't decorating windows...04:57
diabolixhow do i do that?04:57
kitchediabolix: well you have to choose a window border theme in emerald04:57
JVoltthanks guys :) i gtg to sleep. Maybe tomorow i back . Cya :)04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
Cadeit isn't?04:57
MyriaArrenLex: heh i figured out on my own just now alt-tabbed.  works great, lol.  thanks for your help though04:57
Cadeis Emerald selected under the windec option?04:57
fnf*shrug* okay ubotu04:57
Pelodiabolix,  curtains, drapes, blinds, your choice realy04:58
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muralipelo:do they have any optimum or default values..as in this much would atleast be necessary??04:58
kitcheCade: emerald is a seperate program that does window border decorations04:58
Cadekitche - right04:58
Pelomurali,  probably not,,  how much memory do you have dedicated to your video right now ?04:58
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Cadeit's usually pulled in with beryl04:58
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JVoltmany peoples is using ubuntu 64 bits version?04:59
Cadeas a dependency >_>04:59
diabolixhow do i spin the cube around?04:59
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rubix_hmmm....for some reason i can't mount floppy, mabye a permission issue?04:59
diabolixother than changing desktops?04:59
Cadeeither Ctrl+alt+left or right arrow04:59
Pelodiabolix,  #xgl04:59
JVolti tried it but things as flash player don't work04:59
Cadectrl+alt+left click04:59
coz_diabolix, hold down ctrl+alt04:59
JVoltso i gave up and back to 32 bits version04:59
rubix_well the floppy is a fat32 volume, will that make a difference04:59
coz_diabolix, then either use the arrow buttons or you mouse to move the cube04:59
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regeyad'oh...was getting mad because 'man' kept using 'more'...forgot that my home dir had been used previously on a pcbsd install, and I had a leftover ~/.profile that set $PAGER to 'more'05:02
muralipelo:i dont know..05:02
regeyaface << "egg"05:02
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=== ArrenLex refuses to use man with anything other than more.
ArrenLexI need more man.05:02
Pelomurali,  try 32 for now , you can always change it later05:02
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ChocoCidArrenLex : but less is more05:03
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ArrenLexChocoCid: If less is more, then it stands to reason that the less effort I put into my job, the more money I will make.05:04
ChocoCidonly if you do more backwards05:04
ArrenLexChocoCid: Could I ask you to write my boss directly?05:04
PeloChocoCid,  kindly refrain from quotin Mies Van der Rohe our of context05:04
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ChocoCidoh come on, it's a perfectly valid comment with respect to more and less05:05
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VonGuardso, my laptop is too atatched to my home wireless network05:06
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:06
VonGuardit sees it everywhere, but no other networks05:06
ckarinijrib, u there?05:06
VonGuardi don't understand what to do to fix it05:06
jribckarini: yes05:06
ckariniokay, it didnt work05:06
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VonGuardi can't sign on to any other networks because the network preferences panel doesn't offer any05:06
ckarinieverything restarted05:06
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jribckarini: heh, join me in #ubuntu-classroom05:06
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PsiKloPxHiya...what's the best wireless network manager for kubuntu?05:06
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:07
ChocoCidhrm ;\05:07
ChocoCidnot what i was looking for05:07
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VonGuardcan anyone help05:07
rubix_would mount /mnt/media/floppy mount a fat formatted floppy with no problems?05:07
ChocoCidheh, slashdot's current headline is rather funny05:08
ChocoCidMicrosoft suggests that users 'not open or save Word files,' even from trusted sources.05:08
ChocoCiddurr.... what the heck good is it then ?05:08
PeloVonGuard,  what kind of networks are you talking about ?05:08
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hydoskeewhat's a good graphical (or non) to establish communication with a bluetooth device at the serial level?05:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
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ct12amI want to use a flashdrive as a portable home directory, is there a KDE or Ubuntu way?05:10
rancecan someone tell me what I have to do to install perl modules with CPAN, I keep getting an error that my make is returning bad status, but build-essentils is already installed05:10
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fnfct12am: Doing a symlink or modifying /etc/passwd would do the trick.05:11
ct12amCan you install perl modules with apt instead?05:11
ct12amah, fnf, thank you much05:11
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ranceyes, I can, but I dont think ALL perl modules are available with apt are they?05:12
ct12amrance: wish I knew...05:12
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ct12amCan you backtrace with cpan like dselect?05:12
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rubix_mount: /dev/ is not a block device05:13
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rubix_is this an ok fstab line mount: /dev/ is not a block device05:14
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ct12amrance: what does 'make test' tell you?05:16
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KanRiNiN_Hi guys.  I'm replacing the Intel2100 in my laptop with another miniPCi card.  Which chipsets do you recommend that are well-supported in Ubuntu?  RALINK?  Atheros?  VIA?  Also has anybody used a pre-N chipset?05:16
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rancemake test says that it cant without a successful make05:16
ct12amah of course...05:16
fnfrubix_: No, as /dev is not qualify to anything that's a directory consists of other devices.05:17
nomasteryodaKanafani, i'm using an Intel chip i bought for $22 ... think its a 220005:17
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nomasteryodaworks very nicely in Ubuntu05:17
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rubix_fnf, what would be a good line, i'm pretty sure my floppy is listed as fd005:18
ranceI have more than a few custom perl scripts that I am gonna have to rewrite if I can't get the modules installed they were written for05:18
VonGuardi shall never understand wireless. i am perpetually stuck in a wireless miasma05:18
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VonGuarda non-functional one05:18
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fnfrubix_: 'mount -v /dev/fd0 <mount-point>' would work (I'm not sure it's the right way though), another way is to 'mkdir /media/fd0' then do 'pmount /dev/fd0'05:19
PeloVonGuard,  you might find something helpufll here  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8405:19
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VonGuardbut i have a specific problem05:20
fnfrubix_: mount requires root permission, while pmount is for regular user, pomount needs the appropriate directory in media05:20
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VonGuardi can't see any networiks, aside from my primary one05:20
rubix_fnf, could you elaborate a bit, you kinda confused me05:20
VonGuardeven in a wireless rich environment, nothing comes up in preference05:20
rubix_fnf, thanks, there it goes...should i change my line in fstab?05:21
VonGuardi am screwed05:21
fnfrubix_: In Ubuntu mount and pmount packages are usually installed. To mount any device you need root permission, to avoid the situation, there's pmount package that can mount removable devices which doesn't requires root permission05:21
VonGuardmy laptop is essentially useless to me because of this issue05:22
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PeloVonGuard,  just get your own connection instead of leaching off other ppl's05:22
VonGuardi have one pelo05:22
VonGuardat home05:22
VonGuardand it works05:22
fnfrubix_: I'm not really sure what it would look like with floppy, give  me a minute, that's possible alike to CDs05:22
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VonGuardwhen i go to a public place i cannot join a network there05:22
=== phisquare [n=phi@cpe-66-91-232-76.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
VonGuardnor can i join ANY network aside from my own05:22
rubix_fnf, that would be perfect for the girls....i need to figure out a way to put a shortcut on their desktop for it05:22
rubix_fnf, i don't need an exact way of doing it, just the idea05:22
rubix_fnf, i have root priveledges but there is no way in hell i'm giving it to the girls05:23
VonGuardanyway, thanks for the help05:23
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fnfrubix_: You can configure GNOME to automount using pmount, that's the default though, in System--> Preferences--> Removable Devices..05:23
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fnfrubix_: As far as I can remember, you'd need the appropriate entry in /etc/fstab and a directory with the same name: With CDs, you need /dev/cdrom entry in fstab and /media/cdrom direcotry05:24
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tonyyarussorubix_, fnf: Add user to the options to allow non-root mounting05:25
=== SpEeDFrEaK [n=6218NaTa@ool-43565a3a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
rubix_fnf and tonyyarusso i have the user flag, and i removed that pesky "noauto"05:25
rubix_that should clear it up05:25
phisquareHey question guys, I'm trying to use bootpart to boot ubuntu w/ ntloader but it gives me weird errors05:25
rubix_like i said...i'm rusty its been a while05:25
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phisquareAll my other distros always work with this method05:25
rubix_i didn't even know until two days ago that mandrake changed it's name05:26
fnftonnyyarusso: Where can I find that option ?. If it was adding to the necessary groups, that's usually the default for a new user05:26
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SpEeDFrEaKwhats the proper syntax for setting password for mysqladmin ?05:26
tonyyarussofnf: I meant in fstab05:26
fnftonyyarusso: I see.05:26
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wyldewhat is the best media player for *nix?05:27
fnfwylde: The best I've used so far is mplayer.05:27
ubotuwylde: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:27
crasswhen I have a removable device with multiple partitions, if I eject one, they are all ejected.  Can this behaviour be changed?05:28
nomasteryodawylde, mplayer is good and the plugin works well with firefox05:28
SpEeDFrEaKi keep using this : $mysqladmin -uroot password 'new-password'05:28
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
wyldehmm, I know that bot, but still, opinions are valuble!05:28
MrKeunerhi, any applications that can be fed multiple URLs for the same file? So that it will download some part from each URL in order to increase download speed?05:28
jbroomeMrKeuner: bittorrent05:29
MrKeunerhttp/ftp URLS05:29
crassMrKeuner: axel05:29
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kitchewylde: use what you think is good for you since some people don't like certain players in linux while others like them05:29
fnfMrKeuner: If you have Firefox, there's DownThemAll05:29
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wyldekitche: is there one that will build a list of all my music and that I can rate? sort of like winamp,05:30
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kitchewylde: banshee(gnome) or amarok(kde)05:31
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astx813In the drop down box for Automatic Login, it only lists my main user account, none of the other accounts I've created.  Thoughts why?05:32
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MrKeunercrass: is that a software that can run on GNU/Linux05:32
astx813Anyone using auto login?05:32
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crassMrKeuner: would I have told you if it didn't?05:33
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wyldekitche: thanks05:33
crassI mean this _is_ #ubuntu05:33
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MrKeunercrass: i guess no, I could not find its page, any other keywords?05:33
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ubotuaxel: A light download accelerator - Console version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0b-1.1 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 168 kB05:33
wyldecould I install xp on ext-3?05:34
wyldeor is that taboo05:34
=== Pelo prepares the pyre
astx813I don't think that would go so well05:34
astx813To my knowledge XP is NTFS only05:34
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crasswylde: you'd probably have to hack the install to use the xt driver05:35
wyldein otherwords, no05:35
wyldeI hate windoze05:35
bruenigXP will go on fat3205:35
Pelogood man05:35
rubix_thanks for the help u guys05:35
bruenigand linux can read fat3205:36
rubix_bruenig, yes, and i quote "linux has no reason to be jealous of other OS's05:36
=== regeya is getting old...saw 'xt driver' and thought 'who uses those old ibms these days, anyway'
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crasswylde: why do you want to do this?05:36
regeyaindeed not rubix_05:36
wyldei dont05:36
wyldei was just wondering05:36
=== bruenig just got in on this so doesn't understand that quote due to lack of context
=== buddyw [n=crt@cpe-76-187-15-17.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rubix_linux isn't made for the windows creed anyway, although its getting there05:37
regeyaguys, seriously, you're going to see a sharp increase in anti-linux pro-ms banter goign about all over the place.  take it all with a big ol' grain of salt.05:37
=== Anthony_ [n=Anthony@pool-72-95-35-193.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigvista will fail05:37
rubix_the realy problem with it is choice....there is so much choice it gets really confusing *remembers the year long on-and-off switch process*05:37
bruenigexcept that it will be preinstalled on everything05:37
=== Anthony_ is now known as h08817
Peloregeya,  pro -ms ???? are you nuts ?05:38
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interskhwhen i reached a program in term, it stopped in the error "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work"05:38
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h08817hey everyone05:38
h08817i got a question05:38
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chewynone of the CDs i burn will work on my bud's windows machine, what do i need to do in k3b?05:38
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h08817i have used ubuntu before05:38
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interskhanyone can help me?05:38
Pelointerskh,  so install libgcc,  use synaptic05:38
regeyaPelo, so you've not seen an increase in pro-ms stuff around?  C'mon.05:38
astx813Is there a safe way to change a users UID?05:39
Peloregeya,  not realy05:39
chewyanyone know what setting needs to be enabled in k3b so windows can read the CDs?05:39
crasschewy: dunno, but you need to have the joliet fs on there05:39
rubix_ok guys, next task at hand, i'm using a generic kernel, and the device manager doesn't have any specific hardware info...think I should compile my own kernel?05:39
regeyaPelo, I'm not just talking about ubuntu-centric irc channels, sites, etc.  I'm talking about t3h intarweb05:39
f8people resist change05:39
h08817chewy, windows?05:39
regeyaand print media05:39
chewywindows xp05:39
MrKeunerastx813: in /etc/password change the UID05:39
Peloregeya,  I will admit that  aero-glass is beautiful05:39
tonyyarusso!offtopic | regeya, Pelo, bruenig, f805:39
uboturegeya, Pelo, bruenig, f8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:39
regeyaPelo, we live in alternate universes05:39
interskhPelo, $ find / -name libgcc_s.so.105:39
interskh /lib/libgcc_s.so.105:39
h08817chewy, why would windows need to read them if you boot to the cd?05:39
f8with every change (like microsoft crumbling) there will be resistance05:39
chewyjouilet has alwayse bben enabled05:39
astx813MrKeuner: yeah, but then what about all the files owned by said user?05:39
interskhPecisDarbs, i have installed libgcc05:39
=== haxality [i=cactus@68-235-177-189.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
chewyh08817, cause my bud uses windows and needs to read the data on this cd?05:40
Pelointerskh,  just search for libgcc  , not for *_s.lso  etc05:40
rubix_i know it isn't necessary to compile my own kernel, but i was wondering if it would help out at all...i would like device manager to have specific info on all my hardware05:40
MrKeunerastx813: that's a different thing, if you want that too, chown user:group *.filesyoulike -R05:40
Pelointerskh,  and reinstall ,05:40
h08817and windows doesn't acknowledge the cd?05:40
chewycrass: jouliet has been enabled all along05:40
h08817all the files are not windows type05:40
chewyh0817 yes05:40
regeyaf8 people like my parents don't want to see it happen (and it's my last OT message for now) partially b/c having ms die would affect them they way enron dying affected other people.05:41
=== JJones0207 [n=JJones02@adsl-68-253-204-226.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
h08817does his cdrom drive even work?05:41
astx813MrKeuner: so I basically have to manually track down the abandoned files...05:41
crasschewy: well could be a number of things, like it being a bad cd (see if linux reads it)05:41
interskhPelo, i'll have a try, thx05:41
MrKeunerastx813: what do you mean abandoned files?05:41
h08817i just want linux on one hd and windows on the other i had windows and linux on the same hd  but i want em split up any ideas?05:41
chewycrass: it does, i check them before sending them over to him, plus k3b verifies them good05:41
h08817i tried it before and it didn't work right05:41
astx813Changing the uid for mythtv's login, so there are videos and crap all over my hd that belong to that user05:42
f8regeya: they aren't going to disappear overnight. The world is just changing and they are not.05:42
chewywill enabled Rock Ridge hurt?05:42
f8unless they act fast it will change them out of a monopoly05:42
crasschewy: no05:42
MrKeuneryou can easily find files belong to a UID or GID by using find05:42
regeyachewy, shoudn't05:42
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h08817is installing on another hd differnet from the same hd? i can just switch hds back and forth in bios and its ok right?05:43
=== novo [n=user@ip68-230-117-84.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
JJones0207Im back now my problem is it cant mount the CD05:43
MrKeunerastx813: find / -uid 6666 -exec chown otheruser:othergroup {} \;05:43
regeyaMKeuner: 'man find' tells me that -user and -group work, and you can specify uid/gid05:43
orion2012h08817: yea, you can switch the BIOS to boot from one or the other, I used to do that05:44
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orion2012h08817: grub makes things easier though, less rebooting05:44
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h08817orion2012, yeah i used to have it like that but i don't want to reinstall windows05:44
wyldeis there a common DVD-RAM format between linux and windose?05:44
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MrKeunerastx813: is that what you need? why do you want to change UIDs?05:44
h08817orion2012, so i want it on separate hd. so it will work alright like that tho? all i do is just run the setup like usual?05:45
bcstv What happened to the amaranth repos?05:45
h08817but with the hd engaged that i want it on?05:45
novoHi all05:45
orion2012bcstv: bandwidth got too high, there's a post in the forums05:45
orion2012h08817: should work fine05:45
=== jwall is now known as MethodOne
h08817ok thought so thx05:45
novoanyone know why I wouldn't be able to see other clients packets on my wireless network using ethereal?  I can see my packets and packets from my ap.05:45
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bruenigwylde, it should work on both05:46
crassnovo: the card needs to be in monitor mode05:46
bcstvorion2012: Is there an alternative? I will check forum05:46
JJones0207Can someone help me why during the installation it will not mount the CD05:46
orion2012bcstv: yes, one sec05:46
astx813The UID for mythtv is low (116) and I'm learning that's causing some issues since now interactive users should be 1000+05:46
wyldebruenig: what format should? I thought that there were several05:46
bruenigwylde, what are you trying to burn, just data?05:47
orion2012bcstv: http://SeerOfSouls.com05:47
MrKeunerastx813: oh i see, than my recommendation will definitely work05:47
bruenigwylde, just click burn dvd, and go05:47
astx813excellent, thanks05:47
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bruenigwylde, or rather click burn data dvd and go05:47
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orion2012bcstv: edgy contrib05:47
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-172-172.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
wyldebruenig: thanks05:47
bcstvorion2012: Thx I will check it out05:47
creedeHi all, is there a good channel for python support in U?05:47
MrKeunerastx813: but, change uid in /etc/passwd first05:47
MrKeunerJJones0207: ?05:47
wyldebruenig: can you make a bootable dvd on a dvdram?05:47
=== rhavenn [n=rhavenn@rrcs-24-106-16-90.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
crasscreede: just go to #python05:48
JJones0207Umm Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd05:48
bruenigwylde, if you go into k3b and then just go to the iso in the file manager thing and then click on it. It will burn it as an image. So bootable dvds can be burned that way05:48
MrKeunerJJones0207: ask your question in the channel and wait for an answer, somebody who knows the answer will answer05:48
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JJones0207Ok thank you05:49
wyldebruenig: thanks05:49
PeloJJones0207,  or you can try looking up the error msg in the forum, chances are you'll find an answerthere05:49
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Jordan_UWhat application / settings would you suggest for playing a .flv file? Mplayer and Totem-xine won't play the audio and VLC won't let me jump foreward or rewind.05:49
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MrKeunerJordan_U: is that flash video?05:51
RalithJordan_U, tried installing win32 codecs?05:51
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aztekhow do i permanently assign my wifi card using ipw driver to eth2 it keeps flip flopping between that and eth105:53
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Jordan_URalith: MrKeuner: Yes it is a flash video, No I thought I had win32 codecs installed but I guess I don't, I'll try that.05:54
MrKeunerJordan_U: try flash player that comes with flash beta version 905:54
MrKeunerJordan_U: that is not the plugin05:54
Raliththat would work05:54
burepewhere would I find an explanation on how to set up  /etc/hosts ?05:54
Jordan_UMrKeuner: OK, i didn't know there was a standalone player.05:54
MrKeunerJordan_U: there is a beta version yes05:55
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conicbudgie setup as in how ?05:55
JJones0207Dont think I can find a thead on it so far05:55
conic\you want to block access to some domains ?05:55
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MrKeunerburepe: man hosts05:56
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conicanyone used aptoncd ?05:57
conicthing is giving me the shits05:57
JJones0207Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd.05:57
piemanubuntu sucks. please stop supporting it. its hurting t3h linux community. you guys don't even give back to debian. please, move to debian its self, archlinux, or gentoo.05:57
bcstvorio2012: do I need key as well?05:57
=== bruenig was convinced
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=== bruenig leaves
regeyawow, what a jerk.05:58
orion2012bcstv: you should import the key, yes05:58
orion2012bcstv: technically, you don't need it, but for verification purposes, it's useful05:58
JJones0207Im like the only person who has had this problem05:58
regeyaI wonder how ubuntu doesn't give back to debian...heh.05:58
conicwhat do they want for nothing05:59
=== sindrum [n=sindrum@cpe-24-58-236-142.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mitchbonesfor some reason him saying "t3h" made me disregard his entire statment.05:59
conici find some people dont like ubuntu because its easy and stuff works06:00
conicgo figure06:00
mineraleIs there a command line based gnutella client (like limewire?)06:00
Ralithconic, hehe06:00
Ralithminerale, telnet! :D06:00
ChocoCidtelnet rofl06:00
ubotugiftcurs: text-based interface to the giFT file-sharing system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-5 (edgy), package size 107 kB, installed size 472 kB06:00
=== ArrenLex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== regeya wonders if people used to harass corel linux users or any of the myriad debian desktop variants for devs allegedly not giving back to debian...heh.
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mitchbonesI can say that ubuntu has helped my switch to linux immensly.06:01
=== mamonassassina [n=rgg@200-161-136-227.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexmitchbones: Distributions of Linux tend to do that.06:02
regeyaminerale, don't know if it's available, but mutella also works...though gift would be better.06:02
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-65-26-86-29.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
conici used slackware for years....then switched to ubuntu and no way would i go back06:02
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@] has joined #ubuntu
regeyaw00t, I started with t3h slack06:03
f8many of us started on slack06:03
ArrenLexconic: I think you're looking for #apple-switch06:03
JJones0207 Umm Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd06:03
JJones0207PLEASE SOMEONE lol06:03
conicnah stuff apple06:03
=== f8 remembers downloading 50 floppy disk images
conici aintr jumping on that bandwagon either06:03
=== craigbass1976 [n=craig@pool-72-73-99-202.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ski-worklaphow can i tell ubuntu to not use totem, but instead mplayer as my default media player when i double click an mp4 or so?06:03
crassJJones0207: I think I had that issue when my cdrom drive was bad06:04
regeyayears ago, mainly 'coz I had an ancient pc with no cd-rom drive, and it would have been non-trivial to add one :-)  people used to accuse me of being a late-comer 'coz I didn't start with slack until kernel 2.0.36 was out06:04
mamonassassinaski-worklap: right-click on the mp4 file...06:04
orion2012ski-worklap: right click on an mp4 files, hilight the open with tab and select your desired application06:04
Jordan_UMrKeuner: I just get "starting flashparser" from swfplayer but no window opens and I don't get any other output06:04
ski-worklapmamonassassina, that lets me start it with mplayer one time. i want to set mplayer as the *default* for all mp4s06:04
mamonassassinaski-worklap: properties,then "open with" or something like that.06:04
regeyanowadays ubuntu is my friend...I'd rather use my computer than admin my computer06:04
=== ace2001ac [n=ace2001a@c-24-17-255-154.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
conicthats it hey regeya06:04
mamonassassinaski-worklap: and select mplayer.06:04
ski-worklapi see it :)06:04
f8regeya: agreed06:04
ski-worklapi am blind - thanks all06:04
f8and still admin it a little if I want to06:05
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A18634.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mamonassassinaand my problem is. i try to open a file with wine,this is what i get:06:05
conicnevermind my slang06:05
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regeyatonight I'm doing ab it of the the adminning thing (not really) 'coz I rebuilt a svn repo at work using the darwinports current version, and edgy's svn client is positively crusty06:06
mamonassassinawhat can i do to get all those strange files?06:06
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ozonecoi got a gb of RAM, the autoinstall picks the swap file at 1gb, would it be better at 1.5 or 2gb?06:07
conicget them from windows06:07
mamonassassinaconic: i don't have "a windows" to get it from06:07
mamonassassinaand probably there is a way to install them all on ubuntu.06:07
conicthen ya stuck06:07
mamonassassinaconic: no i'm not.06:07
mamonassassinaconic: you can't help me,thats different.06:08
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-252-72.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ablyssunless you plan on running 50 apps all at the same time.. 500 MB of ram or lower will do06:08
=== pungie [n=pungie@ppp-69-233-165-108.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ralithozoneco, 1gb should be more than enough06:08
ablysser, 500mb of swap06:08
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Ralithwhat's the ibm jdk package?06:08
pungieI just got a WD external hard drive, I plug it in, but not sure how to mount it.. I am a linux newbie... I did dmesg and do see it correctly attached, but how do I get to it?06:08
Jordan_URalith: It contains programs for developing Java applications06:09
JJones0207Well this sucks because I got ubuntu to install on that computer bfore06:09
Jordan_URalith: Java Developement Kit06:09
RalithJordan_U, ...I would hope so. But what is it?06:09
Ralithwhat's it called?06:09
Ralithby what name does dpkg refer to it?06:09
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Jordan_URalith: Oh, sorry, let me check06:09
nomasteryodaapt-cache search jdk06:10
lubixwhats got you down jjones020706:10
kishanHi can any one help me previously when i used to close the gaim or skype i used to get the icons on my panel they never closed but now i donnot see the icons comming up on the panel can any one help please06:10
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conici could send you the files06:11
conicif you asked nicely06:11
kishanhi i have a problem when i close the gaim i am unable to get the icons on the panel06:11
lubixkishan you probably deleted the notitification area06:11
lubixjust add it to the panel again06:11
kishanhmmmm how to add it lubix06:12
CPrgmSwR2Does Ubuntu support old hardware well?06:12
bcstvorion2012: I updated source.list and added key and ran update mgr Thx!06:12
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kishancan u please help me i will be thank ful to u lubix can u help me06:12
pungiehow do you mount an external hard drive06:12
conichow old CPrgmSwR206:12
CPrgmSwR25 years old06:12
conicusb pungie ?06:12
orion2012bcstv: You're welcome, have fun with AIGLX or the new NVIDIA drivers, whatever it was that you were looking for :-)06:12
conichell yeah06:12
conicthats not even old06:12
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CPrgmSwR2Okay great its a dell L866 R computer06:13
pungieconic: yes its a usb hard drive and i see it in dmesg but confused past that06:13
kelvieAre there a set of bash completions for common programs (such as apt-get and xine) available in apt?06:13
conicyeah you will prolly be surprised06:13
CPrgmSwR2Its ran linux before06:13
h08817hey are there any posts still up about hoary edition ubuntu?06:13
h08817i still have that version06:13
h08817but i can't find anything about wireless adapter installation with ndiswrapper for it06:14
h08817and the info for edgy seems different06:14
bcstvorion 2012: Nvidia Thx again!06:14
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mamonassassinaconic: so,i'm going to tell you nicely that there is an easier way06:14
lubixkishan right click on any empty area, press add to panel, scroll down to utilities and add the notification button06:14
conicah ok06:15
mamonassassinaconic: isn't there an application called winetools or sth?06:15
conici didnt claim to know everything06:15
conici just said i could send the files if ya wanted06:15
conici got winxp running beside me06:15
kelvienevermind :/06:15
craigbass1976I've got hp 5100c scanner.  It looks like I need to do some serious configuring to get it running.  I've followed a howto, with no luck.  Anyone else gotten one of these to run?06:15
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RalithJordan_U, any luck?06:16
mamonassassinaconic: uh,i'm sorry for that.but you'll get over the traumatic experience...i got. :P06:16
h08817how would i update my installation of hory up to the newest version?06:16
pungieconic: any hints?06:16
orion2012h08817: there might be issues dist-upgrading all the way to edgy, but I'm not sure06:16
conicah erm06:17
lubixh08817 i would reccommend a fresh install06:17
kishanhi can any one help me i installed network manager i used to have a icon of that on the panel now i donnot the icon of the network manager can any one help me please06:17
h08817what version is recommended as stable and good to use at this point?06:17
orion2012!upgrade > h0881706:17
kishanlubix: i was able to fix the notification problem thanks06:17
h08817wonderful bot06:17
lubixkishan did what i tell you work for you?06:17
h08817orion2012, what version of ubuntu is good to have at this time?06:18
kishanlubix: i did that i solved the notification thing thank you very much06:18
orion2012h08817: well, Dapper has long term support06:18
lubixsure no problem06:18
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astx813lts, who needs it?06:18
craigbass1976I've got hp 5100c scanner.  It looks like I need to do some serious configuring to get it running.  I've followed a howto, with no luck.  Anyone else gotten one of these to run?  All the help I see is for older kernels.06:18
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kishanlubix: how to get the icon of network manager on the panel06:19
craigbass1976oops, sorry for repost.  I thought I only sent the new stuff to the chat...06:19
orion2012h08817: for desktop usage, I'm on edgy06:19
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h08817ok well it will take me forever to get edgy so hopefully i can upgrade06:19
lubixkishan: highlight in the menu and rightclick it should give you a chance to add to panel06:19
pungieis there a newbie channel I can go to ?06:20
lubixeasy stuff kishan right-click is your friend06:20
craigbass1976pungie, You're kind of in it now06:20
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pungieah... ok.. Just wanted info on how to mount an external drive, failing miserably06:20
cafilubuneed help06:20
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Vletubuntuguide describes one way to install nvidia drivers, and (tseliot from) ubuntuforums describes another... what is the 'correct' way to install them?06:20
conictried using mount command ?06:20
orion2012craigbass1976: is the scanner supported by sane? I have a 5200c which is.06:20
cafilubuI have already install ubuntu 6.10 but dont have network!06:21
craigbass1976pungie, reading back to see what's the deal06:21
kishani donnot see the network manager icon in menu lubix06:21
craigbass1976orion2012, no.  sane says there's no device.06:21
pungieI tried mount, but how do i know the mount pount... if I mount to say /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sda1 says no such device06:21
Jordan_URalith: MrKeuner: Still doesn't work with win32codecs or flash 9 swfplayer06:21
lubixkishan systems >  Admin06:21
f8 I want to setup an always-on SSH tunnel that connects at startup06:21
f8            and will reconnect if it drops.  I know how to setup private keys06:21
f8            and all of that, I just want to know if anyone has had good results06:21
f8            doing this and what they used (shell script, app, etc)?06:21
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cafilubumy ethernet card dont appear06:21
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craigbass1976pungie, what was the dmesg line?06:21
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pungielet me go find it again06:22
jbroomef8: openvpn migh tbe better for that06:22
kishanlubix no there is no network manager icon06:22
pungieit definitely seemed success, one sec06:22
bimberikishan: do you have network-manager-gnome installed?06:22
kishani installed network manager using add/remove programs06:22
=== f8 looks into openvpn
pungie[4301725.742000]  hiddev96: USB HID v1.10 Device [Western Digital External HDD]  on usb-0000:00:10.4-
bimberikishan: k06:22
kishanyes it is slected there lubix06:22
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cafilubuis my network that is not supported06:23
cafilubua realtek06:23
RalithJordan_U, found the package yet?06:23
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pungie[4301730.745000]  SCSI device sde: 488397168 512-byte hdwr sectors (250059 MB)06:23
pungie[4301730.745000]  sde: assuming drive cache: write through06:23
pungie[4301730.748000]  SCSI device sde: 488397168 512-byte hdwr sectors (250059 MB)06:23
pungie[4301730.748000]  sde: assuming drive cache: write through06:23
pungie[4301730.748000]   /dev/scsi/host7/bus0/target0/lun0: p106:23
cafiluburealtek 8139c+06:23
kishanany idea to solve it lubix06:23
orion2012craigbass1976: ppscsi-source seems to contain the modules you need06:23
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bimberikishan: check in System -> Preferences -> Sessions, Startup Tab  that "nm-applet --sm-disable" is one of the entries06:23
francisany suggestion for a good p2p software06:23
pungie[4301730.752000]  Attached scsi disk sde at scsi7, channel 0, id 0, lun 006:24
interskhhow can i reinstall libgcc?06:24
pungieso iot seems succesffuly just not sure how to access06:24
kishanbimberi: yes it is one of the entries06:24
bimberiinterskh: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgcc106:24
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interskhbimberi, thx06:25
cafilubuis it a way to compile a kernel in ubuntu 6.10 with the tools it came in the cd06:25
kishanbimberi: it is one the enteries can u help me please06:25
bimberikishan: ok, it might only be disabled for the current session.  try running "nm-applet --sm-disable &" in a terminal06:25
cafilubuor I have to download extra tools?06:25
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Jordan_URalith: No, to be honest I've stopped looking.06:26
orion2012cafilubu: I'm guessing you'll need at _least_ build-essential06:26
h08817orion2012, what is the major plus to upgrading?06:26
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orion2012h08817: upstart, I suppose06:26
orion2012h08817: newer GNOME is nice too06:26
pungieso dmesg says mine is atcahed, but can't get to it =(06:26
h08817orion2012, upstart?06:26
kishanbimberi: it shows x error06:26
Ralithdoes anyone know the package name of the ibm jdk?06:27
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:27
bimberikishan: put the error on a pastebin06:27
cafilubuwhere can I get a "build-essential" from ubuntu disc or downloaded06:27
orion2012h08817: a new "contextual" init system, it can respond to events, like hardware06:27
crimsuncafilubu: build-essential is on the 6.10 cd06:28
bimbericafilubu: it should be on the CD06:28
h08817hmm dunno what that is06:28
cafilubuand with the kernel06:28
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h08817im challenged when it comes to linux i never really learned it just fooled around with it06:28
rubix_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1850474#post1850474 <-please give me some feedback06:28
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-69-180-232-148.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafilubuyou recomend me to download the latest or ubuntu 6.10 come with it06:29
pungieone last time: mount external hard drive, how?06:29
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Lovlosscould hosting a website on a linux machine possibly make it unaccessible to windows machines? because for some reason only me and my mozilla are picking up this embedded video I made06:30
Lovlosshttp://vasilisagames.com is the addy06:30
lubixlovLoss: that is an absurd idea06:30
LovlossWell i can find no other explanation why everyone else's computer cant load it06:30
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Lovlossit loads the quicktime symbol, then that turns into a question mark :/06:30
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kishanbimberi; i started getting this problem when i tried to install the kiba-dock06:30
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JJones0207How long does it take to Start or Install Ubuntu06:31
[_miT_] May i ask a PPC distro question here?06:31
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Lovlossjjones0207 I found it to be quicker than windows06:31
JJones0207I mean im trying to boot it form the cd06:31
Lovlossjjones0207  doing it right in one try may take a little prep time though. i had to reformat like 4 times because i do things manually06:31
JJones0207and its been like 5 minutes06:32
Lovlossthats very fast, but not lightning fo course06:32
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JJones0207Yeah Ive tried it before06:32
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JJones0207Im trying to install it now06:32
JJones0207You know when you try to install the Desktop it says Start or Install ubuntu06:32
Lovlossso does anyone know why my video isnt embedding in such a way that it is accessible to other computers? I dont like that it tries to load through quicktime.06:32
kishanbimberi: the thing is i now can see the icon of network manager but how to solve the x-error i will be great ful if u can help me out06:32
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Lovlossjjones yes i know what you mean. the boot disk always works for me06:32
[_miT_] When i boot Ubuntu PPC Live CD on my iMac it loads fine, but the screen goes black when i hear the intro music and never returns.06:33
Lovlosstry unzipping the .iso onto a usb06:33
bimberikishan: sorry, the error is beyond me, I'd only be googling and you'd miss out on all the learning :)06:33
JJones0207I dont have anything that holds anything that big06:33
JJones0207just 51206:33
Lovlossah i see... hmm06:33
JJones0207altho I could use my psp mem stick06:33
Lovlossmaybe burn a new cd? could be messed up06:34
JJones0207its a slower computer06:34
JJones0207I tried before and I got an error could not mount cd06:34
kishanbimberi any suggestion06:34
interskhwhat does "(core dumped)" mean?06:34
JJones0207Pentium 3 like 128 ram 20gb hdd06:34
rubix_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1850474#post1850474 <-please give me some feedback in a PM if you have time to read06:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about booter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:34
rubix_interskh, it says that it gave you an error output06:35
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kishanany one can slove a x- error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35527/06:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flooding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:35
Lovlosshmm maybe thats why its being slow :)06:35
cafilubulibncurses5-dev come with the ubuntu disc?06:35
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interskhrubix_, and how can i get more details?06:35
JJones0207 but like 10 minutes slow?06:35
francishow to use the built in firewall in ububtu?06:35
bimberikishan: this looks very promising - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=126400906:36
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Ralithfrancis, install Firestarter06:36
JJones0207Lovloss it could take more then 10 minutes on that type of computer?06:36
Lovlossmaybe. It takes a bit on mine to start up from a cd06:36
francisRalith: how to install firestarter06:36
Ralithfrancis, same way you install anything else06:37
LovlossGuys, does anyone know HTML or a chat room for it06:37
Ralithfrancis, there's not much need for a firewall in ubuntu, though06:37
RalithLovloss, try #html >_>06:37
JJones0207well ill go take a shower thats 15 mintes06:37
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EdLinLovloss: #web ?06:37
JJones0207minutes* hopefully if its not done by then o well06:37
Lovlosser,,, k lol06:37
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kishanhey bimberi: the problem started after me experimenting to install kiba dock is this anything to do with that06:38
francisRalith: is there a posbility that a yahoo chat booter can still boot me out?06:39
bimberikishan: no idea sorry06:39
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bimberikishan: seems likely from what you say though06:39
Ralithfrancis, ...what does yahoo chat have to do with anything?06:39
francisRalith: i just wonder if im still vulnerable using gaim in ubuntu box06:40
Ralithvulnerable to what?06:40
Ralithand a firewall won't help you with any IM exploit anyway06:40
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francisRalith: to boot attacks in yahoo rooms...coz i experience that a few times and i got frezzed and need to restart06:41
Ralithfrancis, and a boot attack is...?06:41
[_miT_] When i boot Ubuntu PPC Live CD on my iMac it loads fine, but the screen goes black when i hear the intro music and never returns.06:41
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[_miT_] any ideas?06:41
francisRalith: boot attack is like flooding in IRC..06:41
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interskherror "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work", i have installed libgcc106:42
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francisRalith: they can even hack your account using windows..thats why im asking if using game makes me invincible06:42
francisRalith: gaim* i mean06:43
Ralithfrancis, you're probably still vulnerable to flooding, but the only way to protect against that anywhere is by auto-ignoring anything that spams too fast06:43
Ralithgaim may do that.06:43
Ralithand you're safe from 'hacking'06:43
francisRalith: is ther a way to configure that in gaim?06:44
tim_hi ubuntu, why is some software "not" what it actualy is. For instance, Lame aint an mp3 encoder, and wine is not an emulator. But excuse me if im wrong, isnt lame actually and mp3 encoder, and wine actually an emulator? Whats up with this ambuguity?06:44
rubix_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1850474#post1850474 <-please give me some feedback in a PM if you have time to read06:44
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:44
Ralithfrancis, if it does it, it will already do it. However, most IM protocols don't allow such spamming. I'd advise you use something sane like aim or gtalk06:44
=== Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-106-87.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
LovlossThis is like the only chat room in the world that has a good amount of people active at any given time.06:45
LovlossBoth #web and #html were a bunch of AFKs06:45
francisRalith: ok thnks for the time..nice chatting with u06:45
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burepewhere can I find an explanation on setting up /etc/hosts ?06:45
Ralithburepe, if it's a simpleish question just ask it06:46
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burepeI am not sure06:46
burepeone sec06:46
EdLinburepe: it's documented in "man hosts" (possibly part of the manpages-dev package)06:46
burepeIs this ok for the top of /etc/hosts ? localhost.localdomain pikapika06:46
burepe192.168.24.200  pikapika.ekoshi.net pikapika06:46
jbroome/etc/hosts is pretty self explanatory06:47
francisRalith: have u tried to install softwares in ubuntu..i want to try a third party p2p like frostwire..problem is dont know how to install it06:47
Ralithshould be good06:47
jbroome!frostwire | francis06:47
ubotufrancis: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:47
Lovlossi wwnt to embed a video into my webpage but i dont want to use WMplayer out of principle - this is an open source site. Quicktime is a hassel and nobody has its plugins but me :/06:47
Ralithlocalhost should technically be
tim_compatibility layer? an emulator is something that models another system. are we saying that thats NOT what wine does?06:47
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Jordan_Utim_: in Computer Science Emulator more often refers to an emulated architecture than a set of libraries, thus calling it an emulator leads to misconceptions.06:48
Vletafter installing the nvidia driver, some of my fonts render much larger than before, but not all of them. Is there a way to fix this?06:49
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rubix_my kernel is a generic kernel, would you guys reccomend i compile my own06:49
Jordan_Urubix_: No06:49
lubixlovLoss: that is an absurd idea06:49
tim_Jordan_U, explain what an architecture is please?06:49
rubix_Jordan_U, then how would I get my device manager to have all of my hardware info06:49
Lovlosslubix u.u Its true. None of my other computer will run my video @.@06:50
Jordan_Utim_: like PPC vs x8606:50
Lovlossthey give me a broken quicktime pic06:50
burepeI am following this faq http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.06_p3 and it says that when I do the commands "hostname" and "hostname -f" they should both come back "server1.example.com (in my case pikapika.ekoshi.net)" but they don't. I get "pikapika" and then "localhost.localdomain" So I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions?06:50
lubixyou need the codec then dude!! lovloss06:50
GigaClonis there a way I can get the version of azureus that was on breezy?06:51
Lovlosslubix, these are computers that run google video, youtube and so forth with no problem whatsoever.06:51
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Lovlossi dont want the majority of people coming in to have to go download a quicktime codec. no one uses quicktime anymore06:51
lubixwhat kinda of video is it? Lovloss?06:51
Lovlossno... 106:52
rubix_what is the packag ename for win32 codecs06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
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Jordan_ULovloss: then transcode to mpeg 406:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
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LovlossReally? why is that? whats the difference between mpegs?06:52
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jbroomedid that factoid change?06:53
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jbroome!w32 codecs | rubix_06:53
uboturubix_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:53
Jordan_ULovloss: File size and availability of the codec, everyone can play mpeg 4 and it is much smaller for the same quality than mpeg 106:53
LovlossJordan_U aha. now i see my failure! I shall remedy this!06:53
Lovlossthanks you ^_^06:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
=== selzy_imut is now known as co_kyut
ChocoCidoh, i see someone did that already :\06:54
=== saxonjf [n=matt@adsl-241-165-105.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChocoCidthat's what i get for scrolling up and reading down :\06:54
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rubix_i'm actually just tryin to watch a dvd06:56
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jbroomewell, that's different than win32codecs06:56
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lubixrubix: get automatix2106:56
jbroomelubix: no.06:57
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lubixwhy jbroome06:57
jbroome!automatix | lubix06:57
ubotulubix: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:57
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Salsa-SharkI feel like I just scored06:57
Jordan_U!dvd | rubix_06:58
uboturubix_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:58
=== mykilx [n=mykilx@pool-71-99-150-2.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
iceman_Hey guys quick question.  I deleted a user name because of a bad home partition and added the username.  Now all my commands for that name produce nothing in terminal.  What's going on?06:58
Salsa-SharkI just got a free older laptop from work because it's too old, it needs a little love, but it' ll be perfect for Ubuntu06:58
=== FatherLavaGuard [n=Enzyme20@CPE-139-168-56-219.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Salsa-Sharksomehow Windows get slower with age06:59
lubixautomatix worked for me i could have got the codec myself but it was just eaiser06:59
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Salsa-Sharkand 700 mhz is too slow for enterprise06:59
iceman_Anyone know why none of my commands work in terminal?  Like I type in apt-get update nothing happens and it goes back to blinking cursor?07:00
JJones0207Wlel im back07:00
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lubixiceman do you have a command still running07:00
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iceman_lubix, such as?07:01
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lubixis there a command in the same instance of terminal that may be stuck in a loop?07:01
JJones0207iceman would you happen to know what to do when in the installation it says unable to mount cd?07:01
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iceman_mount /media/cdrom007:02
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FatherLavaGuardHello all, I'm a new Ubuntu user and I'm having trouble with sound. Movieplayer and Rhythmbox work OK but VLC and youtube don't? Any hints?07:02
francisi have already installed samba...pls help me configure it to share my files with windows workgrp.anyone?07:02
iceman_lubix, I don't believe so but I have this problem with my install running programs that I removed from the session start up box.07:02
rubix_i don't have plf in my sources07:02
JJones0207But its during the installation so how do I do that07:02
Flannel!samba | francis07:03
ubotufrancis: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:03
Flannelfrancis: mostly the second link07:03
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glickanyone here play flightgear07:04
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JJones0207I play airplane simulators07:04
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FatherLavaGuardNo sorry glick07:05
JJones0207 Umm Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd07:05
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=== wylde [n=kevin@70-101-214-135.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
wyldeanyone good with samba networking here?07:07
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:07
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:07
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mineraleI just installed a daemon that keeps crashing often, it's beta software, is there any premade script that checks to see if a daemon is running & starts it if not ?07:07
JJones0207 Umm Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd07:07
=== raingrove [n=raingrov@spnp239126.spnp.nus.edu.sg] has joined #ubuntu
Eclypsehola, Automatix2 gives me an error whenever I try to install apps.  when I look in the logs apparently the apt-get gives an unable to authenticate, and that I have to add a --force-yes option, but I can't seem to do that so what should I do? I don't recall ever having such errors with automatix before.07:08
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:08
tim_anyone know what the applet on the right is called in this picture:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c1/Screenshot-6.png? the one with all the stats07:08
=== khs [i=iueihamu@dsl-238-201.melsa.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
lubixautomatix is not that bad07:08
FlannelEclypse: automatix is a bad idea.  Don't use it, unless you want to break your installation.07:08
jbroomei think lubix is volunteering to help fix breakage07:09
wyldebimberi: what is "the real question?"07:09
EclypseFlannel, that's just lame. I know what I'm doing I just don't know how to bypass this eror.07:09
burepeI want to use ssh to get in to my ubuntu box, but it tells me that my username and password are incorrec. Do I have to make one for ssh some where?07:09
francishow to run frostwire after installation...dont know how to execute it.07:09
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FlannelEclypse: right.  Automatix is a bad idea.  If you REALLY want support for it, ask the automatix people.  We don't support it here.07:09
bimberiwylde: what you'll hit anyone who dares to admit they know a bit about samba with07:10
EclypseFlannel, lack of support is meaningless, if you posess such knowledge, you should share it rather then make me waste my good time.07:10
wyldei see07:10
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EclypseFlannel, or rather, say you don't know and then tell me where to go.07:10
wyldebimberi: do you know samba?07:10
jbroometim_: maybe gdesklets07:10
FlannelEclypse: automatix is offtopic for this channel, I don't know how, because it is impossible to support. The only support for it's breakages is reinstallation.07:10
lubixall automatix errors will be pwd07:10
bimberiwylde: i'll tell you when you ask your question :)07:10
francishow to run frostwire after installation...instructions pls07:10
JJones0207 Umm Can you tell me what to do because during the installation it says can not mount cd07:11
tim_jbroome, ok, ill check it out. ty07:11
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Tmobhey anyone here know how to play wma files in rhythmbox?07:11
EclypseFlannel, lame lol, didn't seem like the type of thing that would break an installation, it just seemed like it wasn't programmed to hit "y" again after initially accepting the installs.07:11
Tmobi can't find the gstreamer addon to use..07:11
jbroomefrancis: i type frostwire at teh CLI and it runs07:11
Flannel!frostwire | francis07:11
ubotufrancis: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:11
FlannelEclypse: yeah, it breaks stuff, and breaks it hard.07:12
=== timfrost_ [n=tim@125-238-33-97.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
lubixlimewire is lame07:12
wyldebimberi: i have ubuntu 6.1 and I'm unable to open my mshome network. I can see it in nautulis, but it is just a 'sheet of paper' and not the pic of a computer07:12
francisJbroome: how? cant follw your instruction..elaborate pls07:12
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EclypseFlannel, I'm not quite sure what your definition of break is, what I saw was a flaw in Automatix' code, not ubuntu :P07:12
EclypseFlannel, anyways, thanks anyway.07:12
wyldebimberi: and none of my comps can see this one either07:12
Flannelfrancis: that page that ubotu gave you has instructions on adding a link on your desktop/etc07:12
lubixit is easy as pie to get a dvd codec that is the morale of the story07:13
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FlannelEclypse: break as in, no more using package managemen, and nearly impossible to fix.  That's my definition of break.  Well, with regard to automatix07:13
jbroomeno, i'd say automatix is pretty bad for morale07:13
wyldeyou can remove automatix07:14
wyldei think07:14
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:14
bimberiwylde: try using Places -> Connect to Server...  (I find the "Windows Network" in Nautilus a bit dodgy)07:14
rubix_can someone give me a working plf repository...i'm having some problems with the ones i have found07:14
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lubix! cool07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cool - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:14
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ubotuPLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas07:15
wyldebimberi: it gives me a folder on my desktop, and nothing is in it when i open it07:15
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jbroomeahh, didn't know plf was down.07:15
genpfaultDoes anyone have any experience with xbindkeys?  For the life of me I can't get it to act on the Windows key.  It'll capture it as Mod4 + Super_L, but the corresponding command is never run.  Windows key + another key works fine.  Fiddling with the various "Alt/Win key behavior" options in Keyboard Preferences has no effect.  The ultimate goal is to be able to toggle the Gnome menu using the Windows key, as well as utilizing various W07:15
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bimberi!winkey | genpfault07:16
ubotugenpfault: To use the windows key in keyboard shortcuts as a modifier (like ALT): Run 'xmodmap' and see what Super_L corresponds to.  Then follow method B at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79560 and use <mod4> (or whatever Super_L corresponded to with 'xmodmap') as the modifier. For example, a shortcut to use windows key + d would look like '<mod4>d'07:16
Madpilotgenpfault, use Gnome's internal keybinding app, it works on the Windows keys07:16
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bimberiwylde: hmm, now i'm not sure.  perhaps check the sharing settings at the other end07:17
umistaok on my ubuntu machine i can view my shares that i made up, but from any windows machines i cant any ideas?07:17
genpfaultMadpilot: I've never been able to get the Gnome stuff to let me use it both as a modifier (Win+key) and as a stand-alone key07:17
mickeyHi. I just installed ubuntu as a second OS on my laptop, but it can't see the Windows partition or any files on it. I have limited experience in Linux, so would somebody please be able to help me figure out how I'd go about fixing that? Thanks.07:17
bimberi!mountwindows | mickey07:17
ubotumickey: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:17
mickeythanks alot :)07:17
wyldebimberi: how07:17
rubix_omg, lol, i was using breezy reps for my edgy install07:18
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ademanis there a way to configure evolution to check your inbox on startup?07:18
FatherLavaGuardHi Ubotu, I did ask my question without starting with "Does anyone..." etc but I didn't get an answer. Was my question off topic? Or was it offensive to the community in some subtle way that I can't understand as a new ubutu user?07:18
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bimberiwylde: sorry, i don't know windows very well.  Um, right-click on folder, Sharing ??07:19
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wyldeubotu is a bot07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botnet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
FatherLavaGuardNow I'm an idiot07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
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ademanFatherLavaGuard: what was your question?07:19
Flannel!sound | FatherLavaGuard, you might try this.07:19
ubotuFatherLavaGuard, you might try this.: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:19
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:20
wyldebimberi: i'm trying to share between two linux boxes on a win network07:20
jordo23Whats the equivelent to ipconfig in Ubuntu to check your local IP address?07:21
bimberiwylde: ah, kk.  so the sharing is set up on the other box?  Via System -> Admin -> Shared Folders ?07:21
ademanjordo23: ifconfig07:21
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jbroomewhat's a win network?  can't you use NFS btw the two linux machines and leave windows FAR out of it07:21
wyldebimberi: it is being done07:21
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bimberiwylde: the other part is to set up a samba password on the pc sharing the "folder" - 'sudo smbpasswd -a <username>'07:23
JJones0207Ok Can someone please please help me with this error in the installation07:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:23
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wyldebimberi: do I have to specify a folder?07:24
JJones0207It says " Your Instaation CD-ROM coubldnt be mounted. This probloly means the CD-ROM is not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again."07:24
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ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:24
JJones0207The CD is in the CD-ROM drive07:24
bimberiwylde: yes07:24
FlannelJJones0207: which CD is it?  Desktop? or Alternate?  And, when is it saying this?07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CD - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
FatherLavaGuardThank you Flannel!07:24
kelvieAnyone know any good programs for drawing pstricks diagrams?07:24
francis!text editor07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about text editor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:24
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:24
CVirusstupid bot07:24
francishow to run the text editor in ubuntu?07:24
=== ubuntu4alexej [n=ubuntu4a@211-67-124-91.pool.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
burepeHow can I tell if the server I just set up is accessable from outside?07:25
kuzmasterfrancis: vi07:25
wyldebimberi: and what should I use as the username? my username on the share er or the shareee07:25
franciskuzmaster: what? vi? how07:25
Flannelfrancis: gedit, programs > uh... shoot.  Accessories I think > Text Editor07:25
bimberiwylde: on the share (it has to be a valid account on the box)07:25
=== EdLin [n=jbl@user-0cdf2vc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
JJones0207It says " Your Instaation CD-ROM coubldnt be mounted. This probloly means the CD-ROM is not in the drive. If so you can insert it and try again." What do I do next if the CD is inserted?07:25
Madpilotfrancis, nano in the terminal, or Applications->Accessories->Text editor07:25
kuzmasterfranci: do you want it in terminal, or GUI?07:25
rubix_lol, i can't belive i did this...i have edgy and i had 5.1 reps07:25
chriskkanyone here familiar with ipkungfu07:26
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Madpilotrubix_, that sounds like a fun way to mess a system up :)07:26
FlannelJJones0207: when does it say that?  When you boot?  After you do something else?  Which CD did you download?  How did you burn it?07:26
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lubixfrancis you want "gedit"07:27
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rubix_Madpilot, yes, good thing all installed was xchat07:27
francislubix: yes coz im having trouble running frostwire07:27
ademanis there a way to make evolution update your email when you start it?07:28
Flannel!frostwire | francis, this page explains how to set frostwire up07:28
ubotufrancis, this page explains how to set frostwire up: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:28
lubixwhat is "frostwire"07:28
=== bugz_ [n=bugz@adsl-69-235-224-121.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
abuyazanin last days i see that there is slowness in my ubuntu edgy release, may be after i installed vmware but while vmware is not running07:28
ademanJJones0207: is this the LiveCD installer?07:28
wyldebimberi: if i don't have smb installed this is all futile, right?07:28
JJones0207When Itry to install it, The LTS Desktop Ubuntu, I burned with nero on a CD07:28
francislubix: is there a way to uninstall frostwire so that i can start over again :)07:28
JJones0207alternate Installer07:28
abuyazanis there is a way to check the performance07:29
lubixwell i sure you can use synaptic07:29
ademanJJones0207: and you tried to boot it?  When does this error occur?07:29
=== False_Courage [n=False_Co@c-24-14-246-245.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lubixor even just add remove07:29
JJones0207When im trying to install it text mode07:29
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
FlannelJJones0207: and this happens when you boot with the CD in your drive?  How did youburn the CD? as an image? or did you burm the "iso" file itself to the CD?07:30
ademanJJones0207: so it does boot correctly?07:30
bimberiwylde: well yes :)  System -> Admin -> Shared Folders will offer to install either NFS or Samba if neither are installed.07:30
bimberiwylde: (or both)07:30
wyldebimberi: i saw that07:30
wyldebimberi: i'm installing now07:30
JJones0207I burned it as a image onto the cd07:30
=== Apoll0 [n=martin@cpe-69-203-28-119.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wyldebimberi: let's try this again!07:31
JJones0207Yes when I boot the computer with the cd in the drive07:31
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francisis there something wrong with my system? i cant run applications...it prompt me for a password but then nothing happened07:31
FlannelJJones0207: try again, burn at 4x.  Verify your ISO first though.07:31
Flannel!md5 | JJones020707:31
ubotuJJones0207: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:31
=== x-r00t-x [n=x-r00t-x@] has joined #ubuntu
x-r00t-xhi guys . can anyone tell how do i spy localhost (apache2 server)07:32
bimberix-r00t-x: spy?  http://localhost  in a browser ?07:33
timfrostx-r00t-x: what are you trying to do?07:33
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kuzmasterok, i need help with my /etc/network/interfaces...........................07:34
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kuzmasterwhat do i put in the "network" field07:34
wylde!wins server07:34
x-r00t-xbimberi,  yes07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wins server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
x-r00t-xkuzmaster,  your ip address07:35
sindrumfrancis: has this happend more than once?07:35
x-r00t-xdns etf07:35
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bimberix-r00t-x: should work once installed - 'sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart' to make sure it's running07:36
abuyazanW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:36
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abuyazanwhat does this mean07:36
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x-r00t-xabuyazan, its problem on sources.list07:36
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wyldebimberi: what is a wins server?07:37
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rubix_W: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org edgy-plf Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371807:37
rubix_does that mean the rep is down or i need the key?07:38
sindrumbad sig key07:38
x-r00t-x<bimberi> <timfrost> can you guys help me . i wanna see who is browse. etc07:38
timfrostrubix_: you need to get the key07:38
rubix_would anyone happen to have a good one?07:38
bimberiwylde: good question. Something particular to windows networking and not necessary for this to work.  I've never enabled it.07:39
wyldebut it's still not workin07:40
abuyazanx-r00t-x, does this mean that the source http://security.ubuntu.com is not valid any more07:40
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wyldeI think i got it07:41
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x-r00t-xabuyazan, not that the key07:41
sindrumi might be wrong by saying this, but i have just deleted thous when that happend to me and seem to fix problem07:41
abuyazanx-r00t-x,  so how can i get the right key ?07:41
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x-r00t-xabuyazan, key of what?07:43
abuyazanx-r00t-x, Signing Key07:43
sindrumwget http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/12B83718.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add07:43
sindrumtry that07:43
francishow to go to root to change the properties of a shared folder in samba07:44
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Surghihi all07:44
rubix_sindrum, i did...i have the key file but where did it d/l to?07:44
x-r00t-xabuyazan, what software are you trying to install? automatix?07:44
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abuyazani am just do apt-get update nothing more07:44
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sindrumso that didnt work?07:45
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capiCrimmWindows are only active if I select the titlebar, where can i change this to clicking anywhere on the window?07:45
kinematixGuys! plz help, there's a key shortcut that brings me back to the login screen, it's not "ctrl+alt+backspace" (I disabled it and it works) but there's another one07:45
kinematixand I'm quite pissed now07:46
wyldebimberi: it didn't work all the way. I can now see the computer that I want to put data on (i can see it from the one that has the data (music)), however I'm unable to see the computer that has the music on the one that needs it07:47
=== tim__ [n=tim@125-238-33-97.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:48
rubix_sindrum, thanks07:48
sindrumrubix: did it work ?07:49
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bimberiwylde: how about via Places -> Connect to Server on the one that needs music07:50
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:50
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abuyazanx-r00t-x, may be because i have two broken packages and i dont know how to fix them07:50
robI've got a dapper system but I have an edgy install cd. I know I can upgrade from it apt-get but thats not recommended, how can I do this with update manager?07:51
cyberi get alot of issues with, "You cannot save this file here" or "you are not allowed access to this folder"07:51
robwell, with apt-get07:51
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x-r00t-xabuyazan, try apt-get update07:51
cybercan any one suggest anything?07:51
wyldebimberi: it just shows a blank page07:51
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nomadhello people07:51
kishancan any one help i am unable to get my network manager applet on my panel07:51
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x-r00t-xgotta restart07:51
sindrumany ideas on extracting .rar files?07:51
wyldebimberi: and i do have some folders set to be shared07:51
abuyazanx-r00t-x,  i got that error or warning when i run apt-get update07:52
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:52
rubix_download and install unrar sindrum07:52
nothlitrob, you need the edgy alternate cd if you want to use it for upgrading07:52
wyldebimberi: including a drive, is that ok?07:52
kishanbimberi: i solved the x error thank you07:52
rubix_sindrum, winrar's website has the source available to compile...its really easy07:52
robarrrg.. that sucks07:52
nomadcan u teach people how to install java in ubuntu 5.04 pm me if someone else know ...thnks....07:52
rubix_sindrum, there might actually be a package for it, i havn't had the net in 2 yrs07:52
kuzmastercan somone pelase help me with my /etc/hostnames?07:52
nothlitthe livecd uses casper, an image of an ubuntu install rather than installing packages07:53
bimberiwylde: sorry, i'm really struggling to know what the issue is.  It has usually worked fairly straightforwardly for me :|07:53
bimberikishan: cool :)07:53
Terminusnomad: i think you mean 6.06, and it's `aptitude install sun-java5-jre` for the JRE07:53
cyber"you do not have permission to save the file there" why cant i save to he /etc/ dir?07:53
kishanbimberi: i am still unable to fix this problem with the network manger as u said when i type nm-applet --sm-diable it shows up but when i close the terminal it disappears07:53
nomadim in 5.0407:53
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cyberits a txt and im limited... :/07:53
Terminusnomad: oh... sorry. mixed up the version numbers. >_<07:54
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Terminusnomad: i have no idea with 5.0407:54
nothlitTerminus, you forgot the sudo :P07:54
nomadi see...thanks a lot @term07:54
Terminusnothlit: ummm... yeah. i usually forget about that. =D07:54
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cybercan any one assist a newb ?07:54
sindrumthanks for the tip...unrar <----07:54
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cyberseriously, i dont dig the permissions stuff :?07:55
cyberit wont let me save a txt file to ../etc/ :(07:55
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wyldebimberi: i have two computers, one new one with windows and music on a 250 gig drive, and running 6.06; and i have an older, P2 running 6.1 and it is quieter, so I want to put all my music onto it through a network07:55
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timfrostkuzmaster: that looks OK, except that I think that you don't need the 'network' entry07:56
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kuzmastertimfrost: what is the 'network' entry for?07:56
wyldebimberi: i want the music on the quiet pc so that it is not hearable at night in the quiet07:56
timfrostcyber: what are you trying to save to /etc/ ?07:56
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AnotherDudehowdy people07:57
cybera .cong file i edited :?07:57
wyldehowdy to anotherdude07:57
cyberit wont allow me to save it to that directory, i saved it to my home directory now :/ but that wasnt what i wanted07:57
AnotherDudeQuestion: YouTube (which uses Macromedia 7) won't make sound in firefox. Any ideas?07:58
timfrostkuzmaster: some programs can't figure out the network from the netmask and IP address07:58
wyldeturn up the volume?07:58
jbroome!flash | AnotherDude07:58
ubotuAnotherDude: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:58
^tiNee^install flash07:58
jbroomeAnotherDude: check the restricted formats link, then scroll down to flash, it has the fix for no sound07:58
kuzmastertimfrost: so, ill be fine if i leave it out?07:59
^tiNee^are there any other programs out there besides wine that can emulate window programs07:59
^tiNee^i cant get it to run this game i have07:59
timfrostcyber: 'sudo cp ~/vsftp.conf /etc/vsftp.conf' to get the file there.  In future, use 'sudo nano /etc/vsftp.conf' to edit it (use another editor instead of nano if you want).07:59
AnotherDudeawesome. thanks ubotu and jbroome08:00
timfrostkuzmaster: Yes you should be OK08:00
^tiNee^u have to pay for that right?08:00
rubix_whats the package name for gmplayer08:00
cyberi didnt open it through console tho :P so no sudo :/08:00
cyberwas using g-edit08:00
cyberbut thanks alot08:00
wylde^tiNee^: i dunno08:00
kuzmastertimfrost: thanx!08:00
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wyldeubuntu read from ntfs just fine, right?08:01
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bimberiwylde: yes, undersood, and from what I can tell what you're doing should work (although I haven't used samba in 6.10 personally) so i'm at a loss sorry :(08:01
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cdew4545anyone know where to find the source code for ps?08:01
bimberiwylde: yes (to ntfs read)08:01
jbroomewylde: read yes, write not so much08:01
wyldebimberi: ok08:01
wyldeyou too j broom08:02
timfrostcyber: You either need to open a terminal, or to have a menu or panel icon that runs 'gksu gedit /etc/vsftp.conf'08:02
wyldebimberi: samba looks the same in both, do you think that it could be radically different in distros so close to eachother?08:02
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wyldebimberi: and i know looks are not everything08:03
nevermindhi all!, let me ask you something08:03
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nevermindhoy do i create a multi parted zip or rar file?08:03
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cyberthanks timfrost08:04
timfrostcdew4545: The sources are available via 'apt-get source procps'. That command can be run as you, and will fetch the source to your current directory, unpack it and patch it with the Ubuntu patches08:04
anchorIs anyone else having trouble installing msttcorefonts undery Edgy?08:04
nevermindi've tried file-roller and also ark, but none of them have the option08:04
nevermindanchor: i used automatix jsut for that08:05
bimberiwylde: i doubt it08:05
anchori've been trying, but automatix keeps complaining about having no installation candidate08:06
nevermindanchor: are you using last automatix version (2)?08:06
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anchori'm assuming its a problem with the repos.08:06
neverminddun know then... it worked for me08:07
nothlitThen don't use automatix?08:07
bimberinevermind: the "zipsplit" command looks promising08:07
nevermindanyonw knows hot to create a spanned zip or rar file?08:07
anchorif i could find an alternative download i'd give it a try.08:08
nevermindbimberi: thanks, i'll checkit08:08
timfrostanchor:  msttcorefonts is in multiverse (for edgy at least) so you need that repository enabled08:08
rubix_pirating some software nevermind  :-P?08:08
wyldehow do i add write permissions to a computer on a network?08:08
bimberinevermind: np :)08:08
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nevermindrubix_: lol, you wish :P08:08
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nevermindna, it's only a huge video that i want to upload to rapidshare08:09
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wyldebimberi: how do i add write permissions to a computer on a network?08:10
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anchorthanks tim, that did the trick.08:10
wyldebimberi: to write to another computer?08:10
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tonyyarusso!automatix | anchor, nevermind, nothlit08:11
ubotuanchor, nevermind, nothlit: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:11
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nothlittonyyarusso, err, what @ me, i just said not to use automatix08:12
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:12
BakefyCan anyone help me use my slave drive?  I just installed ubuntu08:12
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nothlitBakefy, do you know what filesystem it has08:12
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tonyyarussonothlit: It came up, so just making sure everyone's aware, that's all :)08:12
nevermindtonyyarusso: i know that, but, like i said, i only used it to get mttsfonts :P08:12
anchorthat's all i needed it for too. :)08:12
nothlitwhich are in repos08:12
tonyyarussonevermind: but...but...that's so easy on it's own?08:12
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Bakefynothlit, I can see it on the device manager08:13
nothlitBakefy, filesystem? is it a new drive with nothing on it?08:13
nevermindtonyyarusso: i only used it since i was in a hurry :P08:13
Bakefywell, no.  It might have some NTFS08:13
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nothlitthen you need to install ntfs-3g08:13
Bakefyi tried to erase it during install08:13
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BakefyI don't need the stuff on it08:14
Bakefyi just want to mount it08:14
nothlitBakefy, ok install gparted through synaptic or command line, then run it and give it a filesystem/parition it08:14
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nothlitBakefy do that first08:14
Bakefyokay, I will see if I can find gparted on synaptic08:15
Bakefythanks nothlit08:15
nothlitnevermind, you would have saved more time if you didn't have to manually download and run automatix08:15
nothlitBakefy, after that ask someone about adding your drive in fstab and tell them the setup of your drive08:15
nevermindnothlit: i know, but it was already installed (f***ing brother )08:15
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nothlitnevermind, why in the world did you give him admin/sudo priveleges?08:16
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nevermindi didn't, i forgot (yea, stu***) to lock my session08:17
nothlitBakefy, you need to choose a filesystem, for reliability/more space choose ext3, for speed reiserfs... i wouldn't recommend other filesystems and they are harder to manage or don't have enough features08:18
nevermindbesides, he has his own pc, but sometimes comes to my bedroom to use mine oO and when he started doing it, i started locking my sessions :P08:18
Bakefynothlit, I am installing gparted.  is this going to be through terminal, or graphical? when I use it08:18
nothlitIts graphical :)08:18
nothlitif not you already had the tools on your computer to partition it08:18
jbroomesince the "g" stands for gnome, i'd say graphical08:18
wyldecrap, it's almost midnight, I have a java program to write, two essays due yesterday, and two big tests in two days.  I'm screwed. yippie08:18
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Lovlossis there a graphical frontend for video file conversions? ffmpeg confuses me08:20
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kuzmasterhey all08:20
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kuzmasterim following this http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.10_p308:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:20
Bakefyhow go I get gparted to run.  I type it in, in terminal and it says I need to be in the root?08:20
kuzmasterto set up a server08:20
DelksterBakefy, are you running the live CD?08:21
DelksterOk... it may not be a good idea to edit the partitions on the same hard disk you're currently running from now.08:21
kuzmasternow, for step 5, where i need to edit the "/etc/hosts", what is the purpose for the "server1.example.com" line, and do i need that08:21
nothlitBakefy, Settings -> Administration -> Gparted08:21
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DelksterBut, yeah, as nothlit said.08:21
nothlitDelkster, its not even mounted yet, thats why hes partitioning it08:21
DelksterAh, ok, sorry. Haven't been following.08:22
kuzmasterthis server will mainly for running an intranet, and it wont be for hosting a website, viewable for the puplic08:22
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nothlitI'm starting to forget the placement of everything in gnome-panel08:22
ArrenLexkuzmaster: It's your hostname, and you don't, really, unless you want other people to talk to your machine easily.08:22
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ArrenLexkuzmaster: Oh. If it's a server you'll want a hostname.08:22
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stravhi there.. I just tried to hard link /dev/dsp to /dev/adsp... prolly this was stupid, anyways, to get oss back on, where should I link dsp? (tried every files in /dev/snd/)08:23
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Bakefythanks nothlit08:23
kuzmasterwell,ok, the line looks like this "   server1.example.com      server1",  if my ip address is, and my hostname is "frankie", should i make it look like this "   frankie"?08:23
nothlitBakefy, lol, you're not finished yet08:23
timfrostBakefy: in edgy, it is System->Administrati0n->Gnome partition editor.  gksu will prompt youi for *your* password08:23
=== killer_ [n=killer@pool-72-66-91-9.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexkuzmaster: You don't have a domain name?08:24
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kuzmasterthis will be for hosting an intranet08:24
strav(in other words, how do I recreate /dev/dsp ? ;)08:24
BakefyI am creating the partition!08:24
ArrenLexkuzmaster: I myself have been trying to make sense of the hostname mess so I can do what you want to do with SSH. If you find a way, please tell me, because I am uberly confused. Not that that helps you much :)08:24
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nothlitstrav, why not run alsa and use aoss08:24
n30nwhen i run (from root) "ndiswrapper -l" it tells me there are no drivers installed. How do i install a driver08:25
LovlossGuys, im trying to encode this video i have so that when i embed it into my webpage, it will be played easily from the average computer. My xvid mpeg4 format didnt work. It said "find plugins" and then couldnt find any. My mpeg-2 tries to run in quicktime, which no one i know uses08:25
crimsunstrav: you don't _ever_ relink those. They're created by loading snd_pcm_oss.08:25
Z3dzDeadHi, when i run ./configure on any application I am getting an 'access denied - bad interpreter'-08:25
ArrenLexLovloss: then you want an mpeg.08:25
Z3dzDeadnow whats up with that?08:25
Bakefyhow exciting!  what is the next step? fstab? nothlit!!!08:25
kuzmasterarrenlex: well, im doing all this  remotely with ssh08:25
crimsunstrav: unload snd_pcm_oss, remove the symlink that you created if necessary, then reload snd_pcm_oss08:25
LovlossArrenLex just a plain mpeg?08:25
nothlitLovloss, the easiest way to do it is transcode it into flash video, you can upload it to a flash video site and embed it from there08:25
=== Dorian` [n=FurkanGu@] has joined #ubuntu
Z3dzDeadDo i need to reinstall ubuntu? cause that'd be a bit of a bother- especially when you have a crappy connection-08:26
stravnothlit: I tried to use aoss but it appears to give me very bad sampling quality08:26
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ArrenLexLovloss: If you want it to be playable on the average computer, it's your best bet, yes.08:26
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stravcrimsun, btw, thanks ;)08:26
nothlitBakefy, ok you're finished? Tell me what drive it is (1,2,3,4 /dev/hd(a/b/c/d)) and what file systems you used and if you partitioned it08:26
Dorian`My pc can't boot from pc :\\08:26
LovlossWell i want it to autoplay and all sorts of stuff, so i cant have it as like, a link to youtube08:26
=== ct12am [n=jake@cpe-065-191-007-099.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexDorian`: ...come again?08:27
LovlossSo i guess i have to try mpeg. What codecs would a plain mpeg ask for from a browser?08:27
stravcrimsun, I do this with modprobe?08:27
ArrenLexLovloss: The mpeg codec. Which is implemented in every video player ever made.08:27
DelksterZ3dzDead, is that the only thing that isn't working?08:27
timfrostZ3dzDead: you don't need to reinstall.  'Bad interpreter' means that the first line of the configure script is looking for a shell that doesn't exist.  Often, replacing that line with '#!/bin/sh' will work08:27
kuzmasterArrenLex: to get SSH working, i installed openssh (sudo apt-get ssh openssh-server) on the server and just download and ran PuTTY on my computer(windows)08:27
LovlossI see. And mpeg2 is quicktime, mpeg4 is xvid, and so forth?08:27
Bakefyits the slave drive, /dev/hdb1 i used ext308:27
nothlitArrenLex, flash/quicktime ime is whats most playable in browsers08:28
ArrenLexkuzmaster: Yes, I mean, I want to be able to type "ssh em@emerson" rather than "ssh em@" and can't figure out how to get that up.08:28
BakefyI am guessing it is drive 2, even though I have some removable drives and two cd/dvd rom drives08:28
kuzmasterwell, i dont know.........08:28
ArrenLexnothlit: I can't even begin to imagine how it is possible to say quicktime is more playable than mpeg. Flash is debatable.08:28
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly08:28
LovlossQuicktime requires drivers that dont autoinstall, yopu have to hunt them down.08:29
Lovlossat least flash does it in a popup08:29
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n30nFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument08:29
timfrostArrenLex: if the address '' is fixed, add an entry to /etc/ hosts (new line) ' emerson'08:29
nothlitArrenLex, in browsers, thats my experience08:29
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x-r00t-xhello. can anyone help me with apache2 Shere on local area?08:29
=== Hit3k [n=allan@12.125.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Lovlossdoes the front video work for any of you? The site is http://www.vasilisagames.com08:30
ArrenLexnothlit: Quicktime is a proprietary plugin for which open-source codecs don't even exist. mpeg has been implemented in all manner of libraries and licenses since forever. Anything can play it.08:30
nothlitBakefy, so you only have one partition on hdb?08:30
Bakefynothlit, yes08:30
ArrenLexLovloss: Yes, but I have MPlayer, and MPlayer can play any movie ever made :)08:30
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nothlitvlc/mplayer/and the ugly/bad codecs can play it08:30
LovlossAh thats true08:30
Lovlossopen source 4ever08:30
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Bakefynothlit, it lookes like three08:31
Z3dzDeadtimfrost: but I tried compiling several apps- just light ones like fluxbox and themes...and half way through, I am getting the error message at the "checking whether C compiler works..."08:31
LovlossOkay now, let me ask this. Where can i get something to transcode files without having to use the commmand line?08:31
nothlitArrenLex, sure once its downloaded, just from what ive seen people use for embedded streaming video...08:31
n30nCan someone help me with this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument08:31
ArrenLexLovloss: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-mpeg.html This is for mencoder. If you're using transcode or whatever, google, I guess.08:31
timfrostArrenLex: if you are using DHCP to configure the IP address of emerson, then you have a problem, because you need to have the IP-to-name mapping updated on all the machines that you need to connect from08:31
Bakefynothlit, there are three volumes shown on the device manager08:31
Z3dzDeadtried that with [$ sh configure ]  too.08:31
ArrenLexnothlit: You must hang out on apple.com a lot.08:31
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ArrenLextimfrost: Yes I am, and I guess I have a problem. :(08:32
stravthanks crimsun08:32
timfrostZ3dzDead: install build-essential to get the compiler and tools (they don't fit on the CD)08:32
Arcad3www.arcad3.uv.ro/auto.tar.gz -Auto installer fo Codecs Nvidia Driver Xmms and others need for a desktop PC(For n00bs)08:32
ArrenLextimfrost: Any handy links for making this work?08:32
=== sc4ttrbrain [n=potter@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
LovlossSee? thats all commandline. there's no possible way to gui this?08:32
=== whyameye [n=john@ip68-102-23-64.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexLovloss: You're new at this Linux thing, aren't you. :)08:32
Lovlosser yeah08:33
x-r00t-xhello. can anyone help me with apache2 Shere on local area network?08:33
Lovlosscommand lines are frightening08:33
acetoxyHehe, I found my Best Linux 5.3 manual this morning.08:33
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acetoxyOn paper.08:33
ArrenLexLovloss: there are many GUIs for mencoder, but due to the staggering number of options, every GUI I've ever seen is horrendously confusing and frankly unnavigable.08:33
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acetoxyBought it 7 years ago08:33
Lovloss:< well i suppose il just bookmark this page then....08:33
nothlitBakefy, can you open a terminal and run sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb and tell me what comes out?08:33
ArrenLexLovloss: They're easy once you get used to them. I prefer a command line over a GUI for most tasks now.08:33
LovlossMaybe someday ill make my own gui for it :D~08:34
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ArrenLexLovloss: There are hundreds and hundreds.08:34
nothlitLovloss, why don't you try uploading it to some flash video site like youtube and then embedding that into your webpage08:34
LovlossMine will rule them all.08:34
acetoxyThe Pragmatic Programmer has great examples on that command line is often better than GUI.08:34
=== MarkoKoo [n=MarkoKaa@a80-186-146-185.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyeLovloss I just signed in. What do you want to do?08:34
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Lovlossnothlit, id rather not. Its an opening video. I think ill just turn it to an mpeg08:35
oldsnot use the commandline in linux08:35
Lovlosswhyameye, just figuring out what kind of file to embed as a video to open my site, so that the average computer can use it08:35
ArrenLexLovloss: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html This is the official MPlayer\MEncoder site. They have a very large list of GUIs. Scroll down to "Mencoder GUIs".08:35
Lovlossah. none of them are in the apt-cache08:35
ArrenLexLovloss: No.08:35
oldsLovloss: flash08:35
Bakefynothlit, what all do you want to know?08:35
whyameyeLovloss: I do flash streaming video for my websites. I use ffmpeg to do it. i have instructions on the web if you want. Can your web pages support PHP?08:36
ArrenLexLovloss: They're right, you might want to consider Flash. Mencoder can also convert to flv :)08:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:36
Lovlossbut i have to host the video elsewhere to use a flash video guys08:36
LovlossMy website is hosted by a PHP server with godaddy08:36
timfrostArrenLex: your best hope is to configure the server emerson at a fixed IP address.  That can be done even if you have an ADSL or cable modem, as long as you configure the DHCP server on the modem to exclude that IP address (eg, I have a system at, and the DHCP server gives addresses above .128)08:36
nothlitBakefy, paste the whole thing into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and tell me the url08:36
oldsmake the flash video file08:36
oldsupload it to your webspace08:36
Lovlossoh :D08:36
whyameyeLovloss: then flash will work. i highly recommend. Works with more platforms than anything else. Also mencoder didn't work for me as well as ffmpeg.08:37
Lovlossso... ffmpeg my file to .flv format?08:37
ArrenLextimfrost: I do have a cable modem, which is attached to a router, which provides DCHP services. Only one connection can be made to the router, and I have two computers I would like to be able to address by hostname. I guess I'm screwed?08:37
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:37
whyameyeLovloss: I put directions on the web: http://cratel.wichita.edu/cratel/cratel_streaming_video08:37
=== Nigromante [n=Nigroman@197.Red-80-35-167.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bakefynothlit, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35538/08:38
ArrenLextimfrost: "Only one connection can be made to the router" went through the past-midnight filter. It started out in my head as "the cable modem only has one ethernet port into which something may be plugged" xD08:38
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Lovlossand flv embed  the same as ever, between <embed> </embed> tabs?08:39
NigromanteHello, how can I avoid a sudo user to modify /etc/sudoers ?08:39
timfrostArrenLex: do you have a switch or hub between the router and the PC's?08:39
nothlitBakefy, ok, now sudo mkdir /media/hdb108:39
ArrenLextimfrost: No; the router acts as a hub. It has four ports.08:39
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nothlitBakefy, after that gksudo gedit /etc/fstab08:39
nothlitBakefy, tell me when you're done08:40
tonyyarussoCan someone tell me the relative merits of FTP servers listed in !ftp?08:40
Bakefynothlit, I have done all that08:41
ArrenLextonyyarusso: I remember when I was setting up an ftp server, reading the package descriptions for each server told me what it was about and how it differed from others. This might be a good place to start. Wikipedia, I guess, will help more.08:41
tonyyarussoArrenLex: Ok08:41
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Z3dzDeadtimfrost: no luck :( it says "..cannot run C compiled programs")08:41
NigromanteCan anyone help me?08:41
Z3dzDeadeverytime at the 'Checking for C compiler' line of the configure script.08:41
ArrenLex!anyone | Nigromante08:41
ubotuNigromante: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:41
nothlitBakefy, ok... now at the very bottom paste in /dev/hdb1     /media/hdb1     ext3     defaults        0       208:42
ArrenLexZ3dzDead: Do you have build-essential installed?08:42
whyameyeNigromante: if the user has sudo privs it doesn't sound possible to do what you want to me...08:42
Z3dzDeadJust did.08:42
nothlitBakefy, on a new line of course08:42
timfrostArrenLex: then you are OK.  Change the server (emerson)  so that it has a fixed IP address, rather than using DHCP to configure eth0.  Then change the router so that address is not in the DHCP range, and add the entry to /etc/hosts on the other machines08:42
jordo23Has anyone here installed gnash successfully?08:42
nothlitBakefy, after that you save... and close the program08:42
x-r00t-xcan anyone help me with firestarter. how do i open outgoing 80 port????08:42
timfrostZ3dzDead: what gives that error message?08:42
Z3dzDeadArrenLex: doesnt seem to help. I think i botched something up. i never tried compiling or configuring from source since I'd 6.06 installed08:42
ArrenLextimfrost: By "the entry" in /etc/hosts, what exactly do you mean?08:42
LovlossYou guys are right, mencoder cannot translate to flv... ill use ffmpeg08:42
Bakefywhat do i save it as? nothlit08:43
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Nigromantewhyameye, but then some options in sudoers to restrict commands look useless...08:43
whyameyeLovloss: actually I think it will do it but the metadata info isn't so good....08:43
nothlitBakefy, just save it... you opened a file that already exists and you just modified it08:43
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ArrenLexLovloss: Yes it can xD08:43
timfrostArrenLex: '192.168.0.x  emerson' (where the 'x' represents the IP address you fix emerson at08:43
Bakefynothlit, its only letting me save as08:43
nothlitBakefy, /mnt/hdb3     ext3     defaults        0       2 make sure all of that is one one line, and a new line08:43
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ArrenLexLovloss: mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=800 -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv -ofps 30 <infile> -o <outfile>08:44
Lovlosswhyameye then why is it giving me "flv not recognized" :( sudo mencoder Office.avi -of flv08:44
Z3dzDeadtimfrost: the fluxbox src. I know about the debian pkg. problem is, i can't get that to work either. when i try to log in, i get another unrelated error message saying that access to ~/.fluxbox/startup is denied- the error is given by this line in /usr/bin/startfluxbox. anywhos, thats why I am giving it a shot with the src08:44
nothlitBakefy, ok, try again.. gksudo gedit /etc/fstab08:44
tonyyarussoArrenLex: Do you have a personal favorite?08:44
LovlossArrenLex, thats chinese to me :<08:44
ArrenLexLovloss: If it were that easy, it would be more popular. xD08:44
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ArrenLexLovloss: Just copy and paste that command, and replace <infile> with whatever file you want to convert, and <outfile> with the filename you want it to have, ending in .flv08:45
Bakefyokay this time it did not let me save over it because my permission08:45
nothlitZ3dzDead, what version of ubuntu are you running? i have 6.10 and fluxbox works fine08:45
ArrenLextonyyarusso: Been a long time since I ran ftp; don't remember anything about them. Sorry.08:45
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ArrenLextimfrost: I see. And I have to do this for every computer on which I will want to use the hostname emerson?08:45
neverminddamn zipsplit08:45
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whyameyeLovloss: dunno, but I'll bet something is wrong in your command. My mencoder cheat sheet is: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-selecting-codec.html08:46
nevermindi cannot belive ther's no way to create a spanned rar or zi file in linux!08:46
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Z3dzDeadi tried a script with the shebang and a simple ls command- doesnt seem to work either- just gives the error "bad interpreter"08:46
timfrostArrenLex: yes, unless you can run a local nameserver08:46
kuzmasterso anyway, in this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:46
=== Android` [n=Android_@85-210-19-50.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLextimfrost: what are the benefits of this?08:46
LovlossIt says no audio decoder is selected08:46
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Bakefynothlit, how can I make it so I can save over it.  its not letting me because I am not the "owner"08:47
nothlitBakefy, yeah close it and try again08:47
kuzmasteranyone? in this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:47
nothlitBakefy, make sure its the whole thing in quotes        'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab'08:47
=== metusine [n=dgs@203-109-237-155.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexLovloss: Here's a simple explanation: mencoder -{output video codec} {codec library} -{codec library options} {videocodec}=flv:{video bitrate}=800{kb/s} {output format}={decided by format library} {format library options: format}=flv {frames-per-second of output movie}=30 {infile} -o {outfile}08:48
ArrenLexPhew. o_o08:48
burepe_ How Can I find out my mac address?08:48
whyameyeburepe_: ifconfig08:48
ArrenLexburepe_: ifconfig08:48
franciscant delete a folder created in admin-shared foldrs..help pls08:48
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kuzmasterin this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:49
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BakefyGot it08:49
whyameyefrancis: are you trying to delete from nautilus?08:49
Lovloss... okay, im gona go get a gui08:49
francisLovloss: yes08:49
=== jlaw [n=jlaw@p548934BA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyefrancis: have you tried deleting as root from the command line?08:50
nothlitfrancis, alt+f2 gksudo nautilus08:50
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francisLovloss: can no longer delete saying an error im not the owner of the file08:50
=== thePuck [i=thePuck@dsl-63-249-115-81.cruzio.com] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasteranyone? in this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:50
whyameyefrancis: follow nothlit's advice (not my last advice).08:50
francisnothlit: what will happen with that08:50
ArrenLexLovloss: Oh. add "-oac mp3lame" somewhere in there08:50
nothlitfrancis, the window can delete anything you want08:51
nothlitfrancis, it has super user privileges08:51
francisnothlit: is it safe?08:51
jlawgood morning guys, i just installed kubuntu and acountered some problems with amarok. it play almost all formats without problems but when i try to play an mp3 stream it goes quiet without an error ... sounds that familiar to somebody?08:51
Bakefynothlit, i saved the files how do i knoe its working?08:51
nothlitfrancis, as long as you delete the right things08:51
ArrenLextimfrost: Thanks a lot for all your help. Do you have any links I could read so I can wrap my head around the whole issue? :)08:51
nothlitBakefy, now, sudo mount -a08:51
whyameyejlaw: have you installed the restricted formats?08:51
whyameye!restricted formats08:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:51
nothlitBakefy, you can tell with mount -a08:52
jlawwhyameye ... i think not, thanx for the hint08:52
burepe_ArrenLex: whyameye I did the command but I can't find it. Where is it?08:52
nothlitBakefy, then go to /media/hdb1 and it should be there :)08:52
kuzmasteranyone? in this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:52
nothlitBakefy, if you can't write to it ask me again08:52
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burepe_ArrenLex: whyameye I found it. Thanks08:53
francisnothlit: thnks ..file deleted ...whats your email or ym id if u mind talking08:53
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nothlitfrancis, sorry, just ask people in this chatroom08:53
Bakefyist says it only have 32.1 GB of space (the size of the master hdd)08:53
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ArrenLexburepe_: Top line, under the heading "HWaddr"08:53
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kuzmasteranyone? in this file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35541/ , do i need the "server1.example.com" part, if im just using the server to host an intranet?08:54
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cybersuch a mission linux b08:55
ArrenLexkuzmaster: You don't need the example.com part. The server1 part will be the hostname of your machine.08:55
LovlossThis website says "Debian apt-get source:deb http://tutuxclan.free.fr/debs . /       can i use the command lien somehwo to get this?08:55
Lovlossah wait, i remember nevermind08:55
ArrenLexLovloss: Did you get what I said above?08:55
ArrenLexLovloss: Oh. add "-oac mp3lame" somewhere in there08:55
francisnothlit: do u know how to set a shared folder..samba already installed.i've used sytem admin tools shared folder but it wont work08:55
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:55
Bakefynothlit, you have any idea wy its not showing 80 GB and only 32.1?08:55
nevermindsomeone called me?08:55
LovlossArrenLex - im gonna use a front end ^_^08:55
nothlit!samba | francis08:56
ubotufrancis: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:56
jlawwhyameye, uses amarok those gstreamer stuff?08:56
nevermindoh, i see, nevermind xD08:56
ArrenLexLovloss: Good luck. xD08:56
ArrenLexjlaw: Like yoda, speaks jlaw?08:56
whyameyejlaw: honestly I don't know how amarok decodes mp3s. I use xmms. But I know in general ubuntu doesn't support mp3s out of the box for any of their packages because of its proprietary nature.08:56
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nothlitBakefy, you probably didn't partition it properly08:56
Lovlosslol the command line is too much for my brani atm08:56
ArrenLexLovloss: but I gave you the command to run! xD08:57
Bakefyno, I did.  32.1 is what is left of my primary hard drive08:57
ArrenLexLovloss: mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=800 -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv -ofps 30 -oac mp3lame <infile> -o <outfile>08:57
=== Atlas95 [n=atlas@AVelizy-153-1-2-186.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyejlaw: maybe this will help: http://winanga.wordpress.com/2006/03/18/amarok-mp3-support-in-ubuntu-dapper/08:57
Lovlosswait... so inline = Offic.mpeg  and outfile should be Office.flv ?08:58
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ArrenLexLovloss: infile is your input file, whatever its name is.08:58
LovlossArrenLex : mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=800 -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv -ofps 30 -oac mp3lame Offic -o Offici08:59
Lovlossit fails08:59
ArrenLexLovloss: you need extensions. Proper filenames.08:59
ArrenLexLovloss: infile is the file you would "file -> open" in a GUI, and outfile is the file you would "file -> save as" in a GUI.08:59
=== ssam [n=ssam@88-107-44-18.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexObviously the infile has to exist.09:00
Lovloss"Requested audio codec family [mp3]  (afm=mp3lib) not available."09:00
thePuckexcuse me, I have a couple questions...everyone advices to do a fresh install of edgy instead of updating, but my burner is dying...if I do a fresh install of dapper and upgrade will that still have all the issues? Also, what is actually different in edgy?09:00
nothlitBakefy, open gparted again and check the partition size and if there is any free space09:00
jlawwhyameye, thanx a lot ... it just confused me because it worked seemingly right after install in debian ... i expected it to be the same in kubuntu09:00
Lovlossack "Cannot initialize muxer."09:01
whyameyejlaw: i'm surprised it worked in debian becuase of the same proprietary issues. Anyway, how you get it going.09:01
ArrenLexLovloss: *confused* That's extremely odd...09:01
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Bakefynothlit, 75.31 GiB unused.09:01
whyameyeLovloss: does mplayer play your video OK?09:01
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Lovlossoh mplayer never works, i use vlc09:02
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BakefyMaybe I should restart or something for the setting to take effect?09:02
ArrenLexLovloss: ...I see...09:02
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ArrenLexLovloss: Good luck then. xD09:02
whyameyeLovloss: so if you type "mplayer <filename.extension>" what error do you get?09:03
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jlawwhyameye, it's a oneliner posted on the site you gave me09:03
nothlitBakefy, sorry, unused space... as in not assigned to a partition, it would be the last entry in the partition listing09:03
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RMorris84what is the program i always see people using called,  the one that they are making screencast videos from?09:03
Lovlossmplayer: command not found09:03
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you_explorerhi friends i new user of ubuntu  how i install realplayer09:03
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nothlitBakefy, that probably means you should delete that partition you have right now and make a new one that takes up the whole drive09:03
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whyameyeLovloss: install mplayer and see if it likes you file: "sudo apt-get install mplayer"09:03
nothlitBakefy, then sudo umount -a; sudo mount -a   don't mind the messages09:04
Lovlosswoah its installing all these lib files09:04
RMorris84you_explorer: goto google and search for automatix09:04
whyameyeLovloss: let it do what it wants. Linux is chatty, but it shouldn't scare you. OS X and WinXP do stuff like that all the time but they shut up about it....09:04
nothlitLovloss, you probably need to set mplayer to use xv, in command line its -vo xv and in gmplayer (graphical) its right click on the video window, preferences, video tab09:05
RMorris84you_explorer: if u just got ubuntu i recommend u stop there and check that out for sure09:05
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whyameyenothlit: it sounded like Lovloss didn't even have mplayer installed....09:05
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quik_hey folks09:05
quik_what is the command to create groups?09:05
quik_and manage groups?09:05
ryukunhello everyone09:06
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ArrenLexquik_: addgroup ;)09:06
nothlitwhyameye, no earlier he said it usually doesnt work09:06
nothlitwhyameye, so i told him why09:06
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
Bakefynothlit, If I right click to see the properties of the folder named hdb1 in the media folder, its volume is "/" is that right?09:06
RancidLMcan some one suggest a good pda that would be able to sync up with ubuntu?09:06
menkoHi, I want to compress the contents of a partition (as bz2) and copy it to a folder. I guess tar -xcjf would be the appropriate base command, is there anything else I need to add?09:06
whyameyenothlit: he said the error for mplayer was "command not found. " now he is installing...09:06
LovlossI have mplayer therwe now, but it says it cannot detect video output when i try to open a file with it09:06
burepe_can someone check this? www.ekoshi.net09:06
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ArrenLexmenko: not x. x means extract.09:06
nothlitwhyameye, i said EARLIER09:06
whyameyenothlit: well in any case it sounds like your advice might help him now...09:07
Lovlossokay! mplayer offic.AVI makes the file open. yay09:07
menkoArrenLex: Ah yes,mad a mistake, so any more to add to the proper one?09:07
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whyameyeLovloss: does it play OK and w/ audio and video?09:07
Lovlossthis video has no audio09:07
nothlitBakefy, no that isn't correct09:07
Zeldahello everyone09:07
Lovlossbut yes09:07
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ArrenLexmenko: That will work. If you're compressing a whole partition as bz2, grab a cup of coffee because that's going to be a long wait.09:07
ArrenLexLovloss: If it has no audio why are we bothering with this?! XD09:08
tonyyarussoOkay, ftp server up and running.  Now I need to know how to change the default directory for a particular user...09:08
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nothlitBakefy, cat /etc/fstab... then paste that in the pastebin09:08
ArrenLexLovloss: mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=800 -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv -ofps 30 -nosound <infile> -o <outfile>09:08
ArrenLexThat's IT09:08
nothlit!pastebin | Bakefy09:08
ubotuBakefy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:08
menkoArrenLex: ok, thanks.09:08
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LovlossArrenLex: Still cannot initialize Muxur09:08
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ArrenLexLovloss: Oh, I just tried it on my machine. It says everything is broken. xD09:09
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ArrenLexThe smart people will tell you what to do. Ignore me.09:09
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Lovlossu_u ooooey09:10
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Lovlossit says broken on mine too09:10
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LordGotha question09:11
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nevermindk all, i'm leaving09:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:11
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LovlossUh. now it wont let me apt-get gmencoder09:11
LordGothcan someone instruct me on how to pull files from my NTFS partition over to Xubuntu?09:11
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chriskkAnybody using Shorewall firewall?09:11
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quik_how do I list all groups09:11
whyameyeLordGoth: can't Xubuntu see the partition OK?09:11
chriskkI'm in the process of setting it up, but kind of confused regarding the  rules09:12
LordGothnot sure. how would I check to see if Xubuntu can see it?09:12
LordGothI'm new to Debian.09:12
Lovlossit lists all these dependencies that are not installable09:12
Bakefyhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35542/ nothlit09:12
whyameyeLordGoth: is the partition mounted?09:12
RMorris84how do i make screencast videos in dapper?09:12
LordGothI assume so, whyameye.09:12
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whyameyeLordGoth: I don't really get it. You have 1 disk w/ 2 partitions, one is Linux and the other NTFS?09:13
LordGothno, 2 disks, two separate systems.09:13
nothlitBakefy, yeah you skipped a step :) gksudo gedit /etc/fstab09:13
Lovlossahhhh i hate having to compile files >.<<<09:13
LordGoth/dev/hda is NTFS, /devhdb is Xubuntu09:14
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nothlitBakefy, then a new line that says /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ext3 defaults 0 209:14
whyameyeLordGoth: so if you type "mount" on the command line do you see where /dev/hdb1 is mounted?09:14
Bakefyits says athentication failed at the end then the editor pops uo09:14
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nothlitBakefy, ok, sudo su -c gedit /etc/fstab09:15
LordGothwhyameye: this is what I get from terminal:09:15
whyameyeLordGoth: sorry I meant do you see where /dev/hda is mounted09:15
LordGothlordgoth@Bertha:~$ mount09:15
LordGoth/dev/hdb1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)09:15
LordGothproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)09:15
LordGothvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)09:15
LordGothvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)09:15
LordGothprocbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)09:15
LordGothudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)09:15
LordGothdevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)09:15
LordGothdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)09:15
LordGothlrm on /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw)09:15
Bakefyit let me save it anyway09:15
LordGothbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)09:15
nothlit!pastebin | LordGoth09:16
ubotuLordGoth: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:16
mooreand13213is it hard to migrate from gnome to kde? i like the looks of kde better, but my comp doesn't like the kubuntu live cd09:16
Bakefyi just pasted what you typed on a new line09:16
nothlitLordGoth, never paste huge amounts of text into the channel09:16
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nothlitBakefy, if it actually saved, then run sudo mount -a09:16
nothlitBakefy, and look at the properties of /media/hdb1 again09:16
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whyameyeLordGoth: try "sudo mkdir /mnt/hda"09:17
nothlitmooreand13213, it should be relatively simple09:17
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mooreand13213how do i do it?09:17
nothlitmooreand13213, theres equivalent apps and kde actually has more09:17
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Bakefynothlit, you did it man!09:17
whyameyeLordGoth: then try "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda09:17
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burepe_Is there any free dynamic dns service that I can use with my own domain?09:18
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Bakefytomorrow mythtv!09:18
whyameyeburepe_: www.no-ip.com09:18
nothlitmooreand13213, ok if you want just a functioning kde without anything else, install kdebase, if you want kubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop, and if you want all of kde you install kde (you can use synaptic, but a command line package manager from a virtual console would be preferable)09:19
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whyameyeburepe_: sorry. Might not support your own domain.09:19
nothlitBakefy, ok see if you can write anything to the drive09:19
Bakefynothlit, thanks for your help, I will tell others of your knowlege09:19
LordGothwhyameye: no errors reported back. I assumed it worked?09:19
nothlitBakefy, also, run ln -s /media/hdb1 hdb109:19
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nothlitBakefy, it makes a link in your home folder, it might be usefule09:19
whyameyeLordGoth: so you typed both lines? Can you see your files? "ls /mnt/hda"09:19
burepe_Ok, Anybody know a real cheap dynamic dns sevice?09:19
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LordGothgah, permission denied -.-09:20
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whyameyeLordGoth: try "sudo ls /mnt/hda"09:20
LordGothok, that worked :D09:20
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FirstStrikeburepe_: there are free ones09:20
whyameyeLordGoth: so are you set then?09:20
burepe_can you use your own domain?09:21
LordGothalmost. can I now use Thunar to drag files from NTFS, or is there another way I have to do this?09:21
BakefyI believe it is write protected09:21
nothlitLovloss ffmpeg -i test.mpg -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -r 15 -s 320x240 test.flv <-- grabbed it from google results09:21
nothlitVLC can transcode things09:21
burepe_FirstStrike: can you use your own domain? Do you know the name of one?09:22
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whyameyeLordGoth: I don't know thunar. You could use nautilus to drag and drop. From the command line: "gksudo nautilus"09:22
FirstStrikeburepe_: They all have their own rules. Google it.09:22
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Bakefynothlit, how do i take off the write protection?09:22
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LordGothack, nautilus isn't installed.09:22
nothlitLordGoth, copy to another drive or write something to the ntfs drive09:23
nothlitBakefy, ok, what is your username in linux09:23
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burepe_FirstStrike: I did and it is not straight forward thats why I am asking.09:23
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lumarquestion: when using synaptic i go to install nvidia-settings, it then puts nvidia-glx (which ive already installed) under 'to be removed' . but all guuides talk about installing both09:23
whyameyeLordGoth: you are on kubuntu, huh?09:23
lumarhow can i get the settings to install without it wanting to remove glx09:23
nothlitBakefy, sudo chown -R westjd:westjd /media/hdb109:23
Bakefyis the second one my password09:24
FirstStrikeburepe_: This isn't a support channel for dynamic dns services.09:24
nothlitits your group09:24
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whyameyeLordGoth: I would *not* recommend writing the ntfs drive from linux. Only read.09:24
damageDOneHi, can anyone help me shift files from one computer on my network to another?09:24
burepe_ah ha09:24
LordGothwhyameye: I'm on Xubuntu 6.0609:24
infinity1if i put a video DVD in the drive, should fdisk -l /dev/cdrom show anything?09:24
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whyameyeLordGoth: right. Sorry. Forgot. is the xubuntu file manager called thunar or something?09:25
nothlitwhyameye, ntfs-3g or captive are pretty safe09:25
nothlitwhyameye, it is09:25
infinity1i'm trying to play back a dvd without luck.09:25
LordGothwhyameye: yes.09:25
=== matthewrevell [n=matthew@82-47-122-36.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyenothlit: that is not how he mounted, thoguh.09:25
Bakefyi can wrtite in there now!09:25
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whyameyeLordGoth: then "sudo thunar" should be fine09:25
lumarpls help09:25
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nothlitwhyameye, yeah but you said ntfs drive from linux, might give him the impression ntfs writing is not possible/practical in linux09:25
nothlitLordGoth, no gksudo thunar09:25
nothlitLordGoth, never use sudo for graphical programs09:26
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whyameyeok nothlit. You know best. Continue to overwhelm everybody with your knowledge. :-) I'm going to bed....09:26
damageDOneHi...... I've got two ubuntu machines on my network and I want to try and move my home folder from one to the other. Can anyone help?09:26
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-69-180-232-148.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitwhyameye, rofl no i don't09:26
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lumaryo nothlit, might i request your assistance09:26
LovlossOne last try... i wish to turn Offic.avi to Offic.flv     It does not have sound. Does anyone know a working command that will allow this09:27
nothlitdamageDOne, you need to install ssh  NFS or rsync, and use that to transfer files09:27
Lovlossbecause installing frontends is just as tough as anything09:27
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nothlitdamageDOne, I only know how to use ssh or samba from the top of my head, but rsync is probably the best solution09:28
=== LordMetroid [n=lordmetr@h232n3c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
damageDOnenothlit: I have installed NFS on both machines and have made the home folder on one machine shared. However, I don't seem to be able to view the shared folder from the other machine. :)09:28
nothlitBakefy, thats great :)09:28
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Bakefynothlit, you're the best help!09:28
Bakefythanks so much09:29
nothlitdamageDOne, I don't use NFS... but its probably a user authentication or config file error09:29
nothlitdamageDOne, are you sure you made the folder visible?09:29
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damageDOnenothlit: I don't know how to make it visible? I added it using the instructions in the help... but apart from that I don't know what else to do.09:30
LordGothwhy, even when I gksudo into NTFS, it gives a long message about not connecting to D-BUS.09:30
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:30
LordGothI'm not going to risk it.09:30
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nothlitdamageDOne, you used those?09:31
damageDOnenothlit: Sorry what's "those"09:31
nothlit!NFS | damageDOne09:31
ubotudamageDOne: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:31
LordGothI wonder though...09:32
damageDOnenothlit: I'm not following you? I guess this is IRC speak.09:32
LordGothis it possible to download stuff locally as localhost?09:32
nothlitLordGoth, oh dbus stuff, ignore those... that happens everywhere... anyways you mounted your NTFS drive read only09:32
LordGothfrom one hd to another?09:32
Lovlossdoes linux come with GTK+ 2.4 ?09:32
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lumar question: when using synaptic i go to install nvidia-settings, it then puts nvidia-glx (which ive already installed) under 'to be removed' . but id like both to be installed, they are supposed to cooperate.h09:32
LordGothis there a way to mount NTFS as read-write?09:33
Corporal_DirgeOk, I'm trying to burn an audio CD from MP3s, but both my burning apps don'r recognize mp3.09:33
nothlitLordGoth, you need to install ntfs-3g09:33
nothlitLordGoth, ubuntuguide.org09:33
LordGothnothlit: thank you.09:33
nothlitdamageDOne, did you follow this guide?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo09:34
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bimberi!mp3 | Corporal_Dirge09:34
ubotuCorporal_Dirge: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:34
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Corporal_DirgeHoly crud, why didn't I think about reading a days worth of documents only to find out they don't help one bit..... Wait.. I DID09:35
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Ilovemypuppyhow can I tell what mode my network card is using? I need to know if its in 10 or 100 , hd or fd09:35
Corporal_DirgeI've already installed all the codecs, etc. Does nothing.09:35
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Corporal_DirgeI can play, edit, etc mp3. But the burners don't recognize it.09:36
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you_explorerwat can i do whn i try to install realplayer through terminal by using sudo apt-get install realplay  but mesege shows  E: Couldn't find package realplay pls help me09:37
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Corporal_Dirgeyou_explorer, check /etc/apt/sources.list09:38
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lumarcould sombody please help me?09:39
meshyfAnyone know of an easy to install Winrar for Ubuntu?09:39
Corporal_Dirgelumar, I can try, but I've got issues too.09:39
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lumarsweet, ill shoot you a question dirge, thx09:39
nothlitlumar, you know, you need to state your problem first09:39
nothlit!ask | lumar09:39
ubotulumar: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:39
lumari did twice dude09:39
Corporal_Dirgemesha, Archive manager should recognize rar files.09:39
lumarhaha i did i did09:40
fontiswow i gotta say i love 6.1009:40
lumar question: when using synaptic i go to install nvidia-settings, it then puts nvidia-glx (which ive already installed) under 'to be removed' . but all guuides talk about installing both09:40
fontisi just installed it and its great09:40
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lumarand id like to install the nvidia-settings. but keep the glx09:40
meshyfarchive manager? That come with Ubuntu by chance or do i chgeck the package manager for that?09:40
lumarit being my video driver09:40
fontisim gonna quit using windows all together09:40
fontisdown with capitalism! ;)09:40
nothlitlumar, aptitude -s install nvidia-settings tell me the conflict message09:40
fontisbtw, is ther eany way to get the userlist fixed to the right of the window in x-chat gnome just like regular xchat?09:40
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Ilovemypuppyhow can I tell what mode my network card is using? I need to know if its in 10 or 100 , hd or fd09:41
lumarnothlit, should i pvt paste you the text or do it in here09:41
nothlitif its less than three lines than its fine here09:42
lumarok wait, it basically said i need the legacy drivers09:42
lumarthe older ones09:42
quintokhda, hdb, hdc etc... is that set by hdd order per boot?09:42
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lumarbut they arn't available in my synaptic pm, i downloaded them via aptitude just then using the line you gave me09:43
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lumarso thanks, ill see where i go from here..09:43
nothlitlumar, if you're installing nvidia 1.0-9629 from an alternate place, you probably already have nvidia-settings installed09:43
nothlitlumar, try nvidia-settings09:43
screechingcathow do i upgrade to the latest alpha of thunderbird ?09:44
meshyfWhen trying to open my .rar file it says "Archive type not supported." what should I do?09:44
lumarcnothlit: ripes, yeah its here. thanks man, apologies for my noobness09:44
tonyyarussoscreechingcat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion09:44
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roy_hi all09:45
nothlitmesha, enable multiverse universe repositories and install the rar package through synaptic or command line package manager09:45
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roy_i having some trouble installing a wireless driver from source09:45
nothlit!repos | meshyf09:46
ubotumeshyf: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:46
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic.  It does not currently support Edgy sources.  When asked if it will, the reply was "maybe".09:46
Z3dzDeadHi, i've asked here before, but I am unable to run any ./configure files or scripts beginning with #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash. if i do `sh configure` at some point it says that C compiled programs won't work. please help :(09:46
roy_when i try to use make install, it says it is disabled... how do i enable it?09:46
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Z3dzDeadother wise, I'll have to reinstall - yet again09:46
nothlitroy_, sudo make install09:46
roy_nothlit: i used sudo09:47
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screechingcattonyyarusso: thanks mate. i'll use that to create a bash script to upgrade tb09:47
nothlitroy_, did you run ./configure and make first?09:47
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roy_nothlit: there was no ./configure, but i did make09:48
nothlitroy_, also, make sure the build-essential package is installed09:48
lesshasteare there any linux im clients that support voice calls and/or the paint facility?09:48
nothlitekiga skype09:48
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meshyfHow the heck do I install winrar? I need to open meh files D:09:48
roy_nothlit: I checked and have the newest version...09:49
lesshastenothlit:  if I want to talk to someone on windows do they need to have ekiga too?09:49
lesshaste<lesshaste> zcat: or is it compatible with something standard on windows?09:49
nothlitroy_, what are you trying to compile?09:49
nothlitlesshaste, i wouldn't know, never used it09:50
roy_ipw3945 module09:50
yedhelp: i'm trying to install dapper AMD64, and it's hanging on "creating live CD user". any ideas why?09:50
nothlitlesshaste, search for ubuntu penguin liberation front and download the skype deb09:50
lesshasteok...seems no one supports the paint facility of modern im clients on windows09:50
Z3dzDeadumm...guys. nothlit: my problem's similar- but installing build-essential wont help09:51
bimberi!rar | meshyf09:51
ubotumeshyf: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:51
meshyf!info unrar-free09:51
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB09:51
nothlitlesshaste, its called whiteboard09:52
Z3dzDeadi've checked the forums too. They say the similar thing- to change the script's first line from #/bin/sh to #/bin/bash or to check /bin/sh .setup.. nothing worked so far. so do I assume I've irreparably botched the box?09:52
lesshastenothlit: ok.. is that an app name?09:52
nothlitlesshaste, no your 'paint facility' its actually called a whiteboard09:52
lesshasteoh ok09:52
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lesshastedoes anything in linux support it?09:52
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tonyyarusso!rar | meshyf09:53
ubotumeshyf: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:53
nothlitZ3dzDead, do you have an error message what are you trying to install09:53
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nothlitmeshyf, enable the universe multiverse repos and install the package rar through synaptic09:54
Z3dzDeadnothlit: i was trying to install fluxbox on 6.06. didnt seem to work. so i tried a simple bash script- same problem. error is at the line when the ./configure script checks the C compiler09:54
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Z3dzDeadit says can't compile C programs- something similar.09:54
meshyfNothlit: Thanks, did that step just trying to extraxt now09:54
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quintokanyone any good at grub? I'm having troubles with a hdd I'm trying to add into my pc.09:55
nothlitoh i got .configure and make for fluxbox to work... it failed much later on in the compile on some error i couldn't google anymore09:55
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roy_nothlit: here is the output from sudo make install http://pastebin.co.uk/710209:55
Z3dzDeadnothlit: but i figure its not just fluxbox, anywhos, I'll just go ahead and reinstall  - actually upgrade to 6.10  if nothing else works09:55
nothlitZ3dzDead, did you try googling the error you got? and putting fluxbox in as a keyword maybe?09:56
ryukunquintok, what is the problem?09:56
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Z3dzDeadnothlit: not with fluxbox- just searched the ubuntuforums with 'bad interpreter'09:56
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nothlitZ3dzDead, googling may help09:56
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Z3dzDeadk, will try09:56
quintokI get an error code 17 when I plug the drive in and reboot, which when I looked it up says it can't mount the partition.  Currently I have two hdds working on my pc but they're primary and secondary master and this one is going to be primary slave09:57
nothlitroy_, less INSTALL ?09:57
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meshyfok having a hard time getting this .rar to extract09:57
nothlitroy_, it says to use the load/unload scripts right there09:57
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roy_nothlit: what does it mean to load/unload scripts?09:58
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nothlitmeshyf, rar -e packagename.rar09:58
meshyfNothlit: Thanks :D09:59
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nothlitroy_, try less README and less INSTALL09:59
nothlitroy_, they may have a .txt at the end09:59
jlawOMFG! this is off topic but has to be told. i just went to the cigaret automat and on the way there were two women talking about Borat. One said something like: "Borat this nazi ... blabla ... establishment of right-wing extremism through the media ... balbla ..." WTF? How stupid can one be? Passing them I said: "I always said it: that anti-Semitic jews and nazi-communists are the root of all evil!" The most sad about that were their faces who to09:59
jlawatement -.-09:59
nothlit!offtopic | jlaw09:59
ubotujlaw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:59
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tonyyarussojlaw: We have a whole channel for it :)09:59
quintoksorry, ryukun I replied but didn't put your name in09:59
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meshyfNothlit: Says command not found. D:10:00
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nothlitmeshyf, you haven't installed the rar package then10:00
nothlitmeshyf, go install  it! use synaptic or sudo aptitude install rar10:00
meshyfNothlit: I installed the unrar-free app from the repository.10:00
nothlitmeshyf, lol then do it their way10:01
jlawtonyyarusso, so i know there is this channel the next time, but i had to tell this^^10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
nothlitmeshyf, man unrar or man unrar-free10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
rz1meshyf: unrar x <rar file>10:01
meshyfI did unrar-free D:10:01
meshyfoh wow a manuel lolz10:02
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damageDOnenothlit: sorry. got cut off. Yes I've looked at that howto. But it means nothing to me. I don't understand any of it. I am a noob who is smart enough to now how to cut and paste and can follow clear instructions. However, I don't want to follow instructions without knowing what they do.10:02
meshyfThanks that makes this way easier10:02
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nothlitdamageDOne, well I don't have the time to look through it and tell you what to do step by step, maybe ask someone who uses nfs?10:04
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dreamerhwz, ubuntu keeps losing the swap, lot of times I check top and there is no swap, I have to reactivate it, how can ubuntu keep it activated ?10:04
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damageDOnenothlit: Okay I understand. I'll probably just run into the same problems with other people I might just get an external harddrive and do the transfer that way.10:05
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nothlitdamageDOne, why don't you install openssh-server and i'll tell you what to do10:06
abuyazan libfontconfig1  package marked as broken package, because i tried to install 2.4 and it failed , how can i repair this10:06
abuyazani cannot install or apply any changes , please help10:06
nothlitinstall it on the computer that you want to copy from10:06
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nothlitabuyazan, sudo apt-get -f libfontconfig110:06
NineTeen67CometHi all .. anyone in here running an Ubuntu Server? I'm having issues setting up a printer via web access ( from another machine besides localhost .. I edited <Location /> to include Allow 192.168.0.* .. so I could set it up from my desktop machine ..10:07
nothlitsudo aptget -f install libfontconfig110:07
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damageDOnenothlit: openssh-server already installed.10:07
abuyazannothlit, did you mean -f install10:07
nothlitabuyazan, yes i did :)10:08
nothlitdamageDOne, ok sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qmake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
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tuxtotiim new to ubuntu..just now installed 6.06..by default gcc isnt installed rite?..but does the cd have it?10:08
tuxtotior should i install it using apt-get from some repo?10:08
dreamer!Qt 410:08
jadacyrus-laptopis there a way i can edit my remote-desktop settings via SSH10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Qt 4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
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meshyfDamn sorry guys i'm having a stupid time with this thing. I checked the manual and I'm messing up somewhere, starts to extract but fails for somereason. Is there a special folder I have to extract it to?10:09
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nothlitdamageDOne, then on the other computer do sudo scp -r user@192.168.0.xxx:/home/dir /home/newdir10:09
tonyyarussotuxtoti: Yes, the cd has it.  Install the build-essential package.10:10
abuyazannothlit,  gprayer: Depends: libitl0 but it is not going to be installed10:10
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kuzmasterhey all!10:10
nothlitabuyazan, why not10:10
abuyazan Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.14.8) but 1.14.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed10:10
abuyazan           Depends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.27) but 2.6.26.dfsg-2ubuntu4 is to be installed10:10
damageDOnenothlit: $ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start10:10
damageDOne * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                               [fail] 10:10
nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, it takes command line gconf editing, look for ssh vino-server and gconf on google10:11
nothlitdamageDOne, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart10:11
nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, i would recommend installing x11vnc on that computer10:11
nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, and doing a reverse connection to a listening vnc server10:12
nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, you could tunnel it over vnc, if you wanted10:12
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nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, or not even a listening server, just run it normally and connect to it10:12
nothlittunnel it over ssh*10:12
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yedhelp: i'm trying to install dapper AMD64, and it's hanging on "creating live CD user". any ideas why?10:13
nothlitjadacyrus-laptop, installing and using x11vnc is much simpler... theres of course x0vncserver and x0vnc4server from xvncserver and xvnc4server  but they take a lot more cpu10:13
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nothlitlike 30%10:13
damageDOnenothlit: I assume I'm supposed to replace user@192.168.0.xxx with something else?10:13
nothlitdamageDOne, and dir and newdir :)10:14
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real_atehey all :P10:14
real_atehows it goin?10:14
damageDOnenothlit: I hate being stupid... What goes in in place of the user@... bit?10:14
nothlit!offtopic | real_ate10:15
ubotureal_ate: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:15
nothlitdamageDOne, your username... as in /home/user10:15
jadacyrus-laptopnothlit, okay ive installed x11vnc10:15
real_atewell i am lookin for some support but i didn't think i should just start askin away10:15
nothlitdamageDOne, without the /home/ of course10:15
jadacyrus-laptopand ran it10:15
jadacyrus-laptopbut how do i connect to it instead of the vino server10:15
nothlitnow run vncviewer on the other side10:15
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nothlitand connect to it10:15
tonyyarussoreal_ate: That's how it's done here, strange as it seems ;)10:15
real_atebut here goes... anyone ever try to install the cisco Aironet Utility?10:15
nothlitas soon as you run it its running lol10:15
damageDOnenothlit: the user name of the origin machine or the destination?10:16
real_atetonyyarusso: thanks, gotta get used to it i suppose10:16
nothlitdamageDOne, oldmachine10:16
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nothlitdamageDOne, gl10:16
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dreamerdoes anybody know how I can make the last.fm function of AmaroK work? I put all my login-data, but last.fm doesn't say it works10:16
ubuntuok im trying to install 6.06 onto a sata drive how can i make the installer load it up10:17
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nothlitdreamer, doesn't say it works or says it doesn't work?10:17
kuzmasterhey, im not quite sure where to ask this, so, im going to ask this both here and in #mysql........10:18
damageDOnenothlit: okay I got the message: ssh: ubuntu: Name or service not known10:18
kuzmaster anyway, i did the command "mysqladmin -h frankie -u root password <PASSWORD>", it it came out with this result "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'frankie' failed" then,10:18
kuzmaster on a new line it says this "error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'10:18
nothlitdamageDOne, /msg me what command you used10:18
dreamernothlit: last.fm says I haven't listened to music and I have to install the software10:18
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NineTeen67CometI am attempting to add a printer to my server (headless) and using the cups web interface (IP:631) but I'm not seeing all the drivers that are normally listed .. is there another foomatic I need to install?10:19
nothlitdreamer, oh I don't use amarok, I just wanted you to clarify so people could help you... anyways have you tried listen? its gtk so you don't have to load kde libs just for one app (it has last.fm support, but i don't use it)10:19
NineTeen67Cometgutenprint? somthing?10:20
dreamernothlit: Amarok is pretty good, except for the media-library :/10:20
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_JECKEL_hello everybody10:20
dreamernothlit: what do you use for music playing ?10:20
roy_what's the command to unload a module?10:20
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damageDOnenothlit: did you get that?10:21
nothlitdreamer, i'm not mixing libs for one app, and yes there might be more than one, but by the time i find a new one ive found a replacement for the old one10:21
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nothlitdamageDOne, no, i'm sorry10:21
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frying_fishroy_: sudo rmmod NAMEOFMODULE10:21
dreamernothlit: er .. what do you mean ?10:21
nothlitdreamer, i use listen, but my main criteria is lyrics and how accessible they are10:21
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real_ateanyone catch my question about using cisco Aironet Utility? anyone ever have any experience10:21
nothlitdreamer, listen is still the most feature filled in terms of what people think of mostly10:21
nothlitdreamer, in the gtk world10:22
dreamerhaha, ok :)10:22
dreamerI'm in KDE atm, but I can try it10:22
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jessyhi all, in what package is the "deb" utility ?10:22
nothlitdreamer, oh you're running kubuntu? lol then don't use gtk apps... that means you have to load the libs in your ram10:22
damageDOnenothlit: I tried using /msg but it doesn't appear to be working for me.10:23
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nothlitjessy, a graphic and command line installer for debs is already installed10:23
dreamerI liko Amarok so far, but it's very case-sensitive, so if some tracks have different case for an artist, there are 2 different artists in the list :/10:23
=== morphix [n=morphix@dsl-58-6-37-178.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dreamerandd I have that alot apperantly10:23
nothlitjessy, for command line try sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb10:23
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dreamerI have all my music in a cetrain order on my disk, so I like the 'media-library' as it is in xmms, bucalue it just browses the list10:24
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jessynothlit, thanks but I'd like that precise tool called deb , I know some other do simlar things, but the syntax may differ10:24
real_ateanyone who ever tried to use the cisco Aironet Client Utility ever get to set a WEP key, mine won't let me10:24
nothlitdamageDOne, you could just paste it into the channel if you don't mind people knowing your usernames10:24
_JECKEL_so..how easy is ssh to setup?10:24
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nothlitjessy, the correct command line tool for installing .debs is dpkg or gdebi10:25
nothlitfor gui10:25
jessyok nothlit but some documentation tells me to use deb10:25
nothlit_JECKEL_, just sudo aptitude install openssh-server && sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start10:26
jessyI just would like to know in which package is that tool :)10:26
nothlitjessy, well use dpkg -i or double click on them and use the graphical tool10:26
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nothlit.deb is the package format10:26
nothlitdpkg is the tool10:26
Twinxor_I wish "normal" apps like Firefox had a killring10:26
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jessynothlit, there is a tool called "deb" too10:26
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jessyjust I don't know where it is10:26
nothlit!info deb | jessy10:27
ubotuPackage deb does not exist in any distro I know10:27
_JECKEL_lol..says it failed10:27
damageDOnenothlit: I've pasted it in the other channel.10:27
kuzmasteranyway, i did the command "mysqladmin -h frankie -u root password <PASSWORD>", it it came out with this result "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'frankie' failed" then10:27
jessyah, sorry, I realise my mistake now, feel very stupid :)10:27
kuzmasteron a new line it says this "error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'10:27
bimberigdebi ?10:27
kuzmastercan some PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! help me?10:27
nothlitdamageDOne, which one?10:28
jessyit wasn't a command but a repository line, so starting with "deb" :)10:28
kuzmasteri really REALLY need this fixe10:28
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nothlitjessy, lol ...10:28
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bimberiah :)10:28
damageDOnenothlit: the one where you said "reply to this" "here"10:28
Twinxorwhat's wrong, kuzmaster???????????10:28
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jessywell anyway thanks :) first step in a new distro are always a bit difficult10:28
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kuzmaster it it came out with this result "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'frankie' failed"10:29
kuzmasteranyway, i did the command "mysqladmin -h frankie -u root password <PASSWORD>", it it came out with this result "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'frankie' failed" then10:29
kuzmasteranyway, i did the command "mysqladmin -h frankie -u root password <PASSWORD>", it it came out with this result "mysqladmin: connect to server at 'frankie' failed" then10:29
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Twinxoroh, I have no idea about that :/10:29
_JECKEL_Starting openBSD secure shell server... fail10:29
Doowkuzmaster: stop spamming10:29
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Twinxormaybe in another freenode chan - not really an ubuntu issue10:29
kuzmasterdoow: sorry, i diddnt mean to, honestly10:29
nothlitdamageDOne, i think your nickname isn't registered, just paste it in the channel or /join #damageDOne and tell me there10:29
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Doowkuzmaster: sure..10:29
_JECKEL_I take it my ssh port isn't open?10:30
nothlit_JECKEL_, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart10:30
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real_atewireless!! not working!!! please help!!10:30
Doowreal_ate: lol10:30
_JECKEL_Restarting OpenBSD Secure shell server ok10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about details - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
_JECKEL_is that it?10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about detail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
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bimberikuzmaster: what is "frankie". It appears to be assuming that's a host on your network?10:31
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real_atei have a cisco card that i can't get working. i have only just managed to install the client that they give for linux (after a whole load of greif!)10:31
real_atebut i still cant seem to get it to work10:31
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_JECKEL_oh awesome!10:31
nothlit_JECKEL_, yup, now connect to it with ssh username@192.168.0.XXX10:31
bimberikuzmaster: ... which it can't find - hence the error10:31
real_atemy profesional opinion is that its "just not working"10:32
_JECKEL_i'm connecting to it with a windows comp10:32
nothlituse putty10:32
real_ateor somehting like that10:32
_JECKEL_I am10:32
nothlithave fun10:32
sc4ttrbrainkuzmaster: try replace it withlocalhost10:32
nothlitif you want to bump up the security you should take a look at the ssh how to and advanced ssh in the ubuntu wiki10:32
nothlitotherwise if the ssh server is exposed to the internet it won't take long to bring in with a dictionary attack10:33
nothlitbreak in*10:33
kuzmastersc4ttrbrain: allready tried that10:33
kuzmasterdiddnt work :(10:33
bimberikuzmaster: or try without "-h frankie" altogether10:33
_JECKEL_ok thanks nothlit10:33
nothlitor brute force10:33
_JECKEL_I just wanted something to do with my work time now >_>10:33
_JECKEL_and to see if I could do it10:34
nothlit_JECKEL_, have fun10:34
kuzmasterbimberi: diddnt work :(10:34
nothlityou can learn tunneling and keys next! :)10:34
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nothlitthen the scp command if you want to do it cli style :)10:34
_JECKEL_now I can use any terminal command I would use on the ubuntu machine it's self right? cept that ya know...visual applications wont work10:34
jessyis there an howto somewhere to install nvidia drivers when you have a custom kernel ?10:34
nothlit_JECKEL_, visual applications can work over vnc, or if you enable X server fowarding in putty and install xming... xming.sourceforge.net10:35
_JECKEL_that will work for windows?10:35
jadacyrus-laptopis there a way to reload the gconf settings?10:35
_JECKEL_oh..and how do I shut down the server?10:35
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_JECKEL_well that's funny10:36
_JECKEL_I stopped the server in the SSH client..still going though lol10:36
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real_ateanyone here know anyting about cisco wireless cards or am i just wasting my time?10:37
nothlit_JECKEL_, yeah, you can install an x server in windows... if you want to maintain themes look into .gtkrc-2.0 file creation10:37
nothlitits supposed to thats what a server/daemon does10:37
morphixjust a question.. has there been any PROPER fix out yet for the JMicron controller issues ?10:37
nothlitsudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop10:37
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googiesis 900 network card troubles MAC address: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF any ideas what to do with this?10:38
floating_real_ate: probably someone :p ask same question in 2h or tomorrow or such, and you might get better assistancve than forums10:39
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux10:39
floating_my wlan problem got solved here, after I tried few methods on forums :p10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about community - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation10:39
_JECKEL_so what should I look for to make my connection more secure?10:39
nothlit!wiki | _JECKEL_10:39
ubotu_JECKEL_: wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation10:39
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nothlitlook for stuff there10:40
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nothlitspecifically the SSHHowTo and AdvancedSSH10:40
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nothlitthe best thing you can do is use key based authentication10:40
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morphixlooks like ubuntu is still retarded and hasnt added a kernel to fix the jmicron issues10:40
nothlittheres a key creation utility for putty, but it isnt putty.exe.. .also make sure you use the export function10:40
nothlitand turn of password based authentication10:41
nothlitafter that change ports10:41
nothlitthe rest you will have to read10:41
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googieany ideas how to permanently change MAC address?10:41
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sc4ttrbrainanyone manage to compile uslash theme containing transparent png ? i compile mine,but png2usplash make the transparent part become black..10:42
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nothlit=/ damageDOne didn't register his nick so when he pasted his ifconfig he got kicked by the server10:42
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glazwhere do we register nicknames btw10:42
nothlitgoogie, mac addresses aren't supposed to be changed10:42
nothlittheyre based on hardware and are supposed to be unique identifiers10:42
nothlitits part of the hardware10:43
Seveas!register | glaz10:43
ubotuglaz: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:43
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nothlitthers MAC add masking but..10:43
nothlitglaz, /quote NickServ HELP10:43
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sc4ttrbrainanyone manage to compile uslash theme containing transparent png ? i compile mine,but png2usplash make the transparent part become black...?10:43
nothlitsc4ttrbrain, wait a while in between reasking10:43
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nooberum quick question, how do i change to Host-Only?10:43
dollsongHello Ubuntu10:43
sc4ttrbraini did :p10:44
Seveassc4ttrbrain, usplash doesn't support transparency10:45
nooberim trying to get my internet working on my newly installed ubuntu10:45
nooberand i need to Shut down the vmware OS and change the networking option from NAT to Bridged10:45
nooberbut how?10:45
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nothlithit the the big red button10:45
dreamernothlit: Listen also has this case-sensitive medialibrary, that sucks :/ I don't want to rename every trock that has different casing :/10:45
sc4ttrbrainSeveas: really? but, i see some ppl on kde-look or gnome-look compile their theme.. and it use transparent png10:45
dreameratm I can't even because it's all on ntfs-disk10:45
nothlitand then change the properties of the machine10:46
=== CWiZ [n=cactuswi@a88-112-67-86.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Seveassc4ttrbrain, as the person who implemented large parts of usplash I can tell you that transparency isn't supported :)10:46
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sc0ttSeveas :D10:47
=== sc0tt stretches
sc0ttmorning folks10:47
Seveashi sc0tt10:47
nooberanyone know how to Shut down the vmware OS and change the networking option from NAT to Bridged??10:47
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sc4ttrbrainSeveas: u might get me wrong, i dont want transparency like beryl, but what i want is like using icon which has transparent background10:47
sc4ttrbrainnoober: check its setting10:48
sexcopter8000can Evolution be used as an RSS feed reader?10:48
nothlitdreamer, oh, maybe theres a gconf setting for it or  something10:48
nothlitdreamer, try googling it10:48
Seveassc4ttrbrain, usplash doesn't support that, it'll render the transparent pixels as (probably) black10:48
Seveassexcopter8000, no. Better use liferea10:48
_JECKEL_ok so I don't get it...10:48
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sexcopter8000Seveas: thanks for the suggestion10:49
_JECKEL_I'm doing what they said in the wiki..but I can still easily connect..it's still asking for username and password10:49
sc4ttrbrainSeveas: yeah u maybe right actually,because i contact those ppl, but never get respond10:49
_JECKEL_nothing about a passkey...10:49
damageDOnenothlit: did you see the output in the other channel10:49
nothlitsexcopter8000, if you really want to you can use thunderbird, but definitely liferea is the best program... theres also the sage extension for firefox which is popular10:49
sc4ttrbrainSeveas: thanks for info though its making me mad for days, just hope somedays it support transparency10:50
sc0ttmorning Seveas :] 10:50
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Seveassc4ttrbrain, if I have time it'll be supported for feisty ;)10:50
noobersc4ttbrain: i really dont know how to do buttloads of basic stuff, how do i check the setting?10:50
sc4ttrbrainSeveas: looking forward ;)10:50
nooberif i can get there, i think im home free!10:50
dollsongWhy won't anyone help me10:51
Seveasdollsong, you didn't ask anything10:51
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sexcopter8000thanks nothlit10:52
sc4ttrbrainnoober: do you have vmware workstation edition or what? give us detail10:53
sc4ttrbrainnoober: and i forgot what ur problem was :p10:53
nothlitROFL damageDOne just got d/ced again for pasting his ifconfig10:53
real_ateanyone got any help in them for the cisco system aironet client utility?10:54
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sc4ttrbrain!pastebin > damageD0ne10:54
nothlittheres also things like Blam! and something else10:54
nooberlol sc4ttbrain i need to Shut down the vmware OS and change the networking option from NAT to Bridged10:54
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nooberin other words i need to switch to Host-ONLY10:54
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: 1. vmware is not os, 2. you can change the setting as easy as clicking if u have the workstation edition10:55
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: what edition is your vmware?10:55
nothlitsc4ttrbrain, no he didn't register his nick,10:56
nooberi have no clue! i am totally new to linux i dont even know what half this stuff means10:56
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: and why would u play with vmware? play linux first ;)10:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:56
nooberi just got ubuntu, and if i type in a websites IP, it will load, otherwise nada.10:57
nooberand i found this forum where some dude had the same problem10:57
nooberand the guy told him to change to host only and apparently it worked right away10:57
Corbeauxnoober is your dns not the same as your gateway?10:57
nooberhow can i check?10:58
sc4ttrbrainnoober: what os are u tryin to install on vmware? ubuntu? and whats the host os?10:58
Corbeauxifconfig witll show you the gateway i guess10:58
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nooberim just running ubuntu, only one partition10:59
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: and ur problem would be..? installing other os on vmware?11:00
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: use my name to make clear ur talkin to me ;)11:00
noobersc4ttbrain; no im just trying to get ubuntu to load these web pages, and to do that i need to switch SOMETHING to host only... allegedly, so ive read elsewhere :)11:01
xoredhow to register a DLL ( borlands debugger ) under wine ?11:01
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: give me those url u read11:02
sc4ttrbrainnoober: and to talk ,just type some of the name then complete it with tab11:02
noobersc4ttbrain; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1850957&posted=1#post185095711:03
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dollsongsc4ttrbrain: what does your nick mean?11:04
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sc4ttrbraindollsong: whats about it?11:05
dollsongWhat does it mean?11:05
dollsongIt's offensive..11:05
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sc4ttrbraindollsong: no, its just one of radiohead song that i like very much11:05
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nooberradiohead rocks11:06
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dollsongradiohead is so awesome, what is your favourite song11:06
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=== mnepton tries to find the nick sc4ttrbrain offensive, and fails
sc4ttrbrainnoober: so, i want to make sure, that u`re running ubuntu IN the vmware ?11:07
paragon36Hello All ..... Where does one set the MTU size permanently?11:07
noobersc4ttrbrain i dont have vmware11:07
dollsongmnepton: it's slang11:07
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sc4ttrbrainbut the forum is about running ubuntu under vmware ;)11:07
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Naamaahhi! anyone knows how to turn on sound in flash movies e.g. youtube.com?11:08
nothlitNaamaah, you need to use a newer version of flash or your browser with aoss11:08
noobersc4ttrbrain is it possible im running on vmware without specifically installing it, just from installing ubuntu?11:08
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: d*mn u really confused me, minutes ago u said u want to turn off ur vmware11:08
nothlitabsolutely not11:08
zainkaHi... I have installed a program, Eagle, and this need top create a user catalogue. I want to store this in my home folder. Problem is that it don't get write access to this folder. how come?. how can i give this program full access11:09
noobersc4ttrbrain oops im super sorry11:09
Naamaahwhat's aoss11:09
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sc4ttrbrainnoober: u need to read something about ubuntu :) or operating system in general11:09
nothlitzainka, it sounds like it doesn't want to write to the home folder11:09
nothlitzainka, if you're running the program it automatically has access to your home folder11:10
noobersc4ttrbrain indeed, that is true11:10
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paragon36I can set the mtu size via # ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492 but where does one set the MTU size permanently?11:10
sc4ttrbrainnoober: and i just LOVE google11:10
noobersc4ttrbrain but right now, i just want to browse the web without having to type in the ip address11:10
Naamaahplease tell me what's aoss in browser?11:10
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noobersc4ttrbrain oh, ive been googling for like 6 hours lol :P11:11
nothlitNaamaah, alsa oss, it runs oss through alsa... sudo aptitude install aoss and then aoss firefox11:11
sc4ttrbrainnoober: sorry mate ,ur too confusing11:11
noobersc4ttrbrain alright alright, heres the deal11:12
noobermy internet, it wont load webpages.11:13
paragon36noober : You cant resolve DNS ???11:13
nooberand so ive determined that the way to solve this, is to switch over to host-only11:13
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mistaim trying to format my spare sata drive wht do i need to do?11:13
sc4ttrbrainnoober: check in with ifconfig to see info about gateway and dns11:14
noobersc4ttrbrain what info am i looking for, and when i get it how should i apply it?11:14
paragon36noober : can you view webpages by IP ?11:15
nooberparagon36 yep!11:15
SurghiDoes anybody know how this is called?      \u00A111:15
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Surghi\u00A1 thants for an inverted   exclamation mark11:15
Surghibut what is  \u00A1  ?11:15
Surghiwhich encoding is this?11:15
SurghiI need to find more letters of exact the same type11:15
paragon36noober : what do you have in /etc/resolv.conf     ???11:15
mistawhy will my spare sata drive not format? i installed 6.06 onto my frist one all good now im trying to format the second one!11:16
paragon36noober ??11:17
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dollsongWhat's Ubuntu?11:18
nooberparagon36 permission denied11:18
paragon36do you have root perm ??11:18
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rausb0noober: cat /etc/resolv.conf11:18
Itclansteri have ubuntu installed in my sytem.. i want to build a minimal linux system from source code..for that i need a extra filesystem..can i create a new filesystem out of the existing filesystem11:19
paragon36no ...11:19
Itclansterparagon36: so how should i proceed11:19
nooberrausb0 i typed that in11:20
real_ateanyone here can help with using the cisco aironet client11:20
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DoowSurghi: it's unicode http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00a1/index.htm11:20
nooberrausb0 it brought up nameserver11:20
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Surghithank you Doow11:20
paragon36itclan.... : you need to make for space available .... can be on the same disk ... look at fips (google) or if you have windows installed look at partition magic11:20
DoowSurghi: don't thank me, thank google ^^11:21
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paragon36noober can you now read your /etc/resolv.conf file?11:21
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rausb0noober: it should be nameserver followed by a ip address. which address is it?11:21
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Itclansterparagon36: ya i was thinking about partition magic but i feared by hearing about its crapy acts11:21
nooberrausb0 its
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paragon36Yeah there is a risk involved ....11:22
rausb0noober: and is that the correct setting for your nameserver?11:22
Itclansterparagon36: ok i will try it11:22
paragon36No problem ..... Good luck11:22
Itclansterparagon36: wat about fips11:22
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nooberrausb0 how do i tell11:23
mistawht do i need to get my new sata working!!11:23
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rausb0noober: you have to know11:23
paragon36noober : --- here is my /etc/resolv.conf ..... for a guide :- nameserver
frogzoomista: power & plug it in11:23
mistawow and then11:23
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paragon36I use a belkin router which also acts as a nameserver the private ip being
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paragon36noober ??11:24
petalHi! Nautilus is killing me! No matter on what kind of server I connect to (ssh or ftp...), I am never allowed to change file-permissions, because Nautilus is claiming that I am not the owner of the files. I am the owner and it worked before in 3 different programs on 2 different OSes ...What is wrong??11:25
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sc4ttrbraindead man talking !!! :D11:25
nooberparagon36 im confused as to what do now that i know my nameservers ip address11:25
reverbHi everybody. Somebody knows what the difference between linux-image-server and linux-image-server is?!11:25
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ibob63i'm trying to setup a smb share. Reading my documentation it say "chown -R root:users /home/shares/public" . What does "root:user" mean?11:26
elteseHi! Can anyone help me with installing nes, snes, SEGA, GB,GBC & GBA emulators ? :D I cant seem to find a good guide anywhere11:26
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sc4ttrbrainibob63: mean its own by root with user as the group11:26
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paragon36noober   : enter this  :   echo "nameserver YourNameserverIP  > /etc/resolv.conf11:27
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paragon36noober   : enter this  :   echo "nameserver YourNameserverIP  >> /etc/resolv.conf11:27
rausb0paragon36: problem is, he doesnt even know his nameserver ip11:27
ibob63sc4ttrbrain: thanks. that makes sense.11:27
paragon36I thought he said that he did just now ?11:27
nooberrausb0 yea i do its
dreamerI have a button on my keyboard to open the standard browser, it worked in gname, how can I activte it isn kde ?11:28
Dooweltese: use synaptic  (or other package tool) and search for snes, gameboy and so on =)11:28
zainkanothlit I am running my programs from desktop and program is locatet in /opt/eagle catalogue. When exiting eagle it want to write a file whit settings to my home folder, but it  does not gain access.11:28
rausb0noober: it is now set to, but you don't know if that is correct11:28
paragon36noober   : enter this  :   echo "nameserver  >> /etc/resolv.conf11:28
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rausb0paragon36: nameserver is already in there11:28
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rausb0noober: did you configure your network interface using dhcp or did you set the ip addresses manually?11:29
paragon36Mmmm : Is this really the nameserver IP?11:29
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paragon36DHCP ... ok11:29
nooberi did cat /etc/resolv.conf11:30
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paragon36noober : nslookup google.com11:30
nothlitzainka, you need an error to paste and you're probably not running it as the correct user or its writing to the wrong place.. maybe root's home directory11:30
nothlitmy usb just cut out so i can't help you11:30
nooberparagon36 whats nslookup11:31
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boinkit's "host" not nslookup11:32
boinknslookup is what is used to be called11:33
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kuzmasterhey all11:33
nooberman i just got dumped11:33
boinkcore dump?11:33
nooberno by a GIRL lol11:33
boinkthat's nothing, a core dump is far worse11:33
sc4ttrbrainnoober: nslookup google.com then u ll see some output11:33
Stormx2Hi kuzmaster11:33
kuzmasterhow do i change the deafult location that proftpd lets me in............ get me?11:33
kuzmasterlike, i cant 'wonder' on my whole disk11:34
Stormx2kuzmaster: Its probably in the config file somewhere.11:34
noobersc4ttrbrain what does it mean to nslookup google11:34
kuzmastergee, that help11:34
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boinkkurzmaster: you want the user to only be able to log in to a certain chrooted dir?11:34
boinkthat's a called a "virtual user"11:34
sc4ttrbrainnoober: the aim merely to know ur name server, because u dont know it11:35
kuzmasterno, i want it so hr (me) can go on the whole drive11:35
pyrohotdogAnyone know how to get xmame/xmess running on Ubuntu 6.06?11:35
kuzmaster"the user"**11:35
Stormx2kuzmaster: Look in the config file. It will be in there.11:35
boinkthen they should be able to login just like a normal user11:35
boinkthat's easy to do, I think that's already in the default setup11:35
kuzmasterbut where is the config file?11:35
kuzmasterits a bit hard when you dont have a GUI11:35
sc4ttrbrainnoober: u get dumped because u reply too slowly and u ask something not important,makes everyone mad11:36
boinkit's easier without a GUI :)11:36
nooberits 5:30 am11:36
nooberi think i might be hitting the hay11:36
kuzmasteri know, but........ eh11:36
boinktime for beddy bye11:36
boinkfirstly, do "sudo updatedb"11:36
kuzmasterso, i just go nano proftpd.conf "11:36
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mauserhi all!11:36
boinkthen do "locate proftpd.conf"11:36
boinknano, or vi if you want to tortue yourself with vi11:36
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kuzmasteri HATE vi11:37
dreamervim is better-ish11:37
nooberbut people, people, you should all know, i just got dumped by the only girlfriend ill ever have, and im really, really bummed out about it. night everybody!11:37
boinkVI VI VI .. the editor of the beast11:37
kuzmasterits......... S-T-U-P-I-D11:37
=== dreamer not a coder though
Stormx2kuzmaster: pico, then. I use pico11:37
kuzmasteri LOVE nano11:37
boinkjoe is another one to use11:37
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dreamernoober: that sucks, there will be new11:37
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nooberthanks dreamer11:38
nooberyour a champion of men11:38
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nooberor women....11:38
noobernot sure11:38
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nooberk bye yall, dont forget about fixing my internet connection! lol11:38
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paragon36Sorry noober : Dropped connection ... as I am at work running an ssh tunnel to my home where I am running x11vnc back to my workplace so I can surf the web and use IRC which is restricted at work.... problem is it hang on the odd ocassion and can be slow....11:41
sc4ttrbrainhes dead... i mean gone :)11:41
paragon36Has he   ... lol  ... did he get his DNS issue sorted?11:42
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sc4ttrbrainhe ask too much11:42
paragon36All the time you mean?11:43
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paragon36I can set the mtu size via # ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492 but where does one set the MTU size permanently?11:43
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niruhello all11:47
niruany idea on installable cd creation11:47
rastilinWhy create an installable cd, and for what?11:48
nothlitniru, reconstructor.aperantis11:48
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mneptonniru: take a look at the OEM install method11:48
niruI am creating an installable cd with d-i11:48
niruI have come up with the iso image11:49
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rastilinSo what's the problem?11:49
nirubut after the base packages are getting installed the process stops and no other package are getting installed11:49
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nirurastilin:did you get my point11:51
quik_how do I get the UID and GUI of a user?11:52
paragon36cat /etc/passwd11:52
fyrestrtrquik_: to get it of your own user, type id11:52
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quik_other users?11:53
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paragon36cat /etc/passwd11:53
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fyrestrtrquik_: grep username /etc/passwd11:53
tomixlooking to connect to an OSX server heard that you can (with some tweaking of remote desktop settings) use VNC for this purpose.11:53
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fyrestrtrtomix: ssh works great :)11:53
tomixAnyone got any more info and or some advice on a good VNC client?11:53
mneptontomix: ssh + sftp + samba11:54
rastilintomix, tightvnc is better for most purposes11:54
paragon36root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash    ..... this show uid of 0 (first 0) and gid of 0 (second 0)11:54
mneptontomix: never send a GUI to do a terminal's job ;)11:54
rastilinIt works better over low speed connections and just like vnc over high speed11:54
rastilinUnless your application needs a gui11:54
glazwhere can i see what is the resolution of my desktop11:54
glazdont tell me xorg.conf :)11:55
mneptonglaz: on your monitor?11:55
tomixanepton: im looking to administer the osx machine11:55
glazthe one im actually running11:55
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mneptontomix: you can do all that from the command line11:55
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paragon36look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  for resolution11:56
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glazparagon36, i know that.11:56
paragon36so ... ?11:56
glazhow to know one of the all its set in there i am actually using11:56
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kuzmastercan some here PLEASE! help me with proftpd?11:57
glazi want to run 1440x900, but not sure if AiXGL supports it11:57
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kandinskimy Edgy install (clean, not an upgade) keeps not using swap11:57
paragon36menu ....   Desktop/screnresolutution11:57
VigoFusionWhats the or where is the information to set up my box to help the sick kids?11:58
paragon36menu ....   Desktop/screenresolutution11:58
kandinskidespite the fact that I edited fstab to replace /dev/hda2 for the disk ID11:58
glazparagon36, what menu ?11:58
kandinskiswapon -s gives me /dev/hda2                               partition       1052248 11780   -111:58
kuzmasteranyway, i cant send files to the ftp server outside the home directory?11:58
tomixim sure i can, but the fact is that apple provide a suite of decent tools that do this stuff quickly and easily so I would really rather use those11:58
kandinskiwhat can I do to enable swap?11:58
paragon36you window manager bar at the top !11:58
kuzmasterhelp anyone, im running proftpd as the ftp server11:58
paragon36sorry ... System/Desktop/ScreenResolution11:59
fyrestrtrkandinski: don't worry if its not using it -- its a Good Thing(tm)11:59
glazi dont have dekstop in there11:59
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glazpreferences and administration11:59
paragon36ok let me find the command ...11:59
ashishhello ppl11:59
ashishi m a newbie11:59
glazparagon36, thanks11:59
fyrestrtrkandinski: swap is only used when there isn't enough RAM for programs. So if you RAM is being used 100% -- no need for swap. You should always maximize ram usage, swap is slow.11:59
kuzmasteri cant send files to the ftp server outside the home directory?11:59
kuzmasteri cant send files to the ftp server outside the home directory?11:59
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ashishwanna have sum good linux ebook12:00
kuzmastergrrrrrr, sorry for spamming12:00
kuzmasteri hate it when it does that12:00
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: what?12:00
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glazyou're not only spamming, you're loud.12:00
kuzmasteri cant send files to the ftp server outside the home directory?12:00
paragon36yeah try  system/preference/screenresolution  ... lol12:00
=== kuzmaster hates spamming and being lound
VigoFusionashish: I have one bkmarked if you want me to pull it up.12:00
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glazparagon36, i guess if 1440x900 is not there i just add it to xorg.conf ?12:01
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fyrestrtrkuzmaster: because you are locked inside your home directoy by your ftp server. Go change the settings in its configuration file for your user. For safety reasons, ftp doesn't allow users to roam around the system via ftp commands.12:01
ashishvigofusion:didnt get u12:01
fyrestrtrglaz: are you on a laptop with an intel chipset?12:01
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glazfyrestrtr, no12:01
paragon36Glaz : yes but you may need to ajust the monitor section to accept it.12:01
glazim on a desktop with a widescreen monitor12:01
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kuzmasterfyestrtr: ill look again............12:02
VigoFusionashish: :)12:02
glazsame monitor on an other windows box runs 1440x90012:02
fyrestrtrglaz: ah, you can then set the resolution in xorg.conf -- and make sure your accelerated drivers are installed.12:02
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glazthey are, im using AiXGL + beryl12:02
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kandinskifyrestrtr: it uses zero swap all the time, and load goes super high when in dapper it used to just swap12:02
glazill try that12:03
kandinskisame case uses: firefox with a shitload of tabs, working in the gimp, and suddenly a conversation starting in skype12:03
fyrestrtrkandinski: how much ram do you have?12:03
kandinskiit used to swap in dapper, now it crashes or gets s.l.o.w and I see load shoot up12:03
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kandinskiI have one gig12:03
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paragon36Glaz : as mentioned add it to the xorg.conf ... then ctrl/alt/backspace should restart XDM12:03
fyrestrtrand how much of it is being used?12:03
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kandinskioh right12:04
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kuzmastercan anyone tell me where abouts in the proftpd config file i change stuff, so i can upload EVERYWHERE on the server?12:04
kandinskiright now it is 60 for programs and 40 for cache12:04
kandinskiI need to check how much when it starts going pear-shaped12:04
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Ubuntuany help on gfxboot?12:04
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: you really, really, really don't want to enable that setting.12:04
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Ubuntunewbie on linux here :(12:04
kandinskifyrestrtr: thanks. let me load the machine till load shoots up, and check memory usage then.12:04
fyrestrtrUbuntu: ask a question :)12:04
VigoFusionLearning is fun!12:04
paragon36Ive asked the following many times does no one know the answer  ????12:05
kuzmasterfyrestrt: but, no one on the outside network can access that anyway12:05
paragon36I can set the mtu size via # ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492 but where does one set the MTU size permanently?12:05
kuzmasterfyrestrt:its limitited for inside-network only!12:05
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: the setting is in the configuration file, I don't recall what it is off the top. Use scp if you can.12:05
sc4ttrbrainparagon36: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=29112312:05
fyrestrtrparagon36: /etc/networking/12:05
sc4ttrbrainparagon36: but not the exact solution12:05
kuzmasterfyrestrt:scp? (sorry if im pissing you off, i dont really know anything about profptd)12:06
paragon36Ueah I thought that /etc/networking/interfaces12:06
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: scp is secure copy. A way to transfer files using encryption. A lot better than FTP.12:06
paragon36but cant see anything there as an example for mtu...12:06
Ubuntuhello again12:06
fyrestrtrparagon36: man interfaces should tell you12:06
Ubuntuit's about how to use gfxboot12:06
Ubuntuthe graphical splashscrren12:07
fyrestrtrwhat about it?12:07
kuzmasterfyrestrt:but i dont need encryption or anything, im the only person in about 2kms radious that knows anything about this stuff12:07
quik_I want to kill a process (in a script) that is named (I don't know the pid) ... using kill -HUP12:07
gradin_if i have a ssh server running and i want to used key based authentication does the other box have to have an SSH dameon running aswell?12:07
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kuzmasterfyrestrt: all i want is that ftp have full privlidges to the whole HD12:07
frogzooparagon36: is this a ppp interface?12:08
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: then ftp as root.12:08
tropeif you're going to use an ftp daemon use vsftpd12:08
kuzmasterfyrestrt:but HOW?12:08
fyrestrtrgradin_: no.12:08
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fyrestrtrkuzmaster: in the settings file, there is a line that is commented out -- it allows root access. Uncomment it, save the file, restart ftp.12:08
kuzmasterok, thanx12:09
fyrestrtrkuzmaster: then, create a password for root user, and login using that.12:09
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fyrestrtrgradin_: no.12:09
gradin_fyrestrtr: so all i have to do is copy the key from the remote box to the .ssh/authorized_keys file12:09
paragon36Thanks Guys ....  /etc/network/interfaces  mtu <size>   :-O12:09
kuzmasterfyrestrt: once again... how?12:09
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fyrestrtrkuzmaster: how what?12:09
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fyrestrtrgradin: yes, I believe so.12:10
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labanuxi ve just install a fresh ubuntu 6.10, but i ve choose wrong keyborad map..12:12
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labanuxhow can i change that to the common international keyboard map??12:13
paragon36Glaz : How did you get on>12:13
VigoFusionlabanux: You can change that in System>Preferances12:13
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glazfound my rez problem, good.12:15
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paragon36Glaz ... good stuff12:15
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glazhad too install 915 resolution patch + remove auto-detect refresh rate from beryl manager12:15
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labanuxVigoFusion: i ve tried to, but i still cant find the right one12:16
paragon36It's never simple is it ...12:16
glazimage is much smoother now12:16
labanuxVigoFusion : i ve try using the generic one, but it still doesnt work at all12:16
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wsb_is so having debconf skills ?12:17
VigoFusionlabinux: I am looking at it now, there is a whole buncha choices on mine....12:18
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VigoFusionlabinux:System-->Preferances-->Keyboard-->your there12:19
labanuxVigoFusion : i want to select the US English International, but it says (with dead keys..) what s that mean?12:19
xukunIs there something like itunes for my ipod in linux?12:19
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto12:19
xukunfyrestrtr, that is fast thanks man12:20
labanuxVigoFusion : cant i just using the autodetect program? just like in installation step??12:20
Paddy_EIREhey guys, how would Im running Ubuntu 6.10 and love gnome but would like to install kde without it changing my usplash boot screen from the default ubuntu one is this possible?? I would also like to keep my gdm login screen12:20
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VigoFusionlabinux: With Dead Keys is usually you don't have the UK $ sign.12:20
labanuxVigoFusion: but I have it12:20
noiesmoPaddy_EIRE, sudo apt-get install kde should do it12:21
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Paddy_EIREnoiesmo: thx12:21
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noiesmoPaddy_EIRE, then before you logon go sessions and pick kde12:21
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labanuxPaddy_EIRE, sudo apt-get install kde <-- then it will ask you, wether you want to use gdm or kdem to use12:21
VigoFusionlabinux: Yes, the Plubins can be gotten from Synaptic Package Manager, System-->Administration-->Keyboard Plugins12:21
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Paddy_EIRElabanux: noiesmo: thx guys12:22
xukunI wonder what your experience is with ipod and linux12:22
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labanuxVigoFusion: wait a minute12:22
Paddy_EIRExukun: what r u trying to do12:22
glazanyone knows the default xchat 2.6 fonts familly ?12:22
taycomChannel in Spanish on ubuntu to go from here?12:23
xukunPaddy_EIRE, Same things that I could do with itunes?12:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:23
Paddy_EIRExukun: use amarok12:23
labanuxVigoFusion: Plubins?? i cant found it in synaptic12:23
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" - bin/cue can be converted to ISO using !bchunk - ISO images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning12:23
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ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:24
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Paddy_EIRExukun: then go to tools scripts and you can add more ipod functionality to the already great functionality there12:24
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xukunPaddy_EIRE, thanks a lot, I will12:24
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labanuxVigoFusion: is there any command line i can use, to get back to the keyborad layout set step??12:25
Paddy_EIRExukun: also if you would like try "sudo apt-get install gtkpod"12:25
glazwhat about gtkipod ?12:25
VigoFusionlabinux: apologies, PluGins, its early here and I have yet to drink my coffee12:25
labanuxVigoFusion : its ok bro.. :D12:26
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VigoFusionlabanux: I am a wee noob when it comes to Linux/Debian commands. This distro is so great because most all can be done in GUI mode.12:27
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VigoFusionlabanux: Can you Xorg: the keyboard to get the setup that you prefer?12:31
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frogzooVigoFusion: just pick your layout from preferences -> keyboard12:36
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thomashey guys, my network card isn't showing up in the network-admin. what can i do to troubleshoot?12:36
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VigoFusionfrogzoo: Yes, that seemed to work for a few people12:37
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labanuxVigoFusion: wait minute.., il try it12:37
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frogzoothomas: look in /var/log/messages  where the kernel tries to figure out a driver for the card12:38
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thomasfrogzoo: ok. how can i make ubuntu edgy boot with verbose printouts instead of just gui?12:38
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VigoFusionlabunux: Look at the Layouts Tab in Keyboard Preferances12:39
felixfoertschCound anyone tell me in which units the geometry has to be given to ETerm?12:39
thomasfrogzoo: what should i look for?12:39
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frogzoothomas: 'eth' would be a good call12:40
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thomasfrogzoo: duh... :)12:40
soundrayfelixfoertsch: pixels, probably12:40
felixfoertschsoundray: Thats the point - it can't be pixels. :(12:41
Paddy_EIREguys which would be considered the most stable and combination between (aiglx,beryl,compiz,xgl) and do I need to install one of these or 2 and why12:41
soundrayfelixfoertsch: then it'll be characters12:41
thomasfrogzoo: ok it says something about hda-intel: Invalid position buffer12:41
thomasfrogzoo: any idea what that could mean12:41
felixfoertschsoundray: If I set it to 512 width - it should be half my screen. It isn't.12:41
soundraythomas: that's your audio driver12:41
felixfoertschsoundray: How do I mesure it then?12:41
glazXgl is pretty slower and unstable12:41
frogzoothomas: cut/paste into google & see what turns up12:42
thomassoundray: hmmm so theres nothing there about my eth card12:42
thomasfrogzoo: yeah thats a sound thing i thinkm12:42
soundrayfelixfoertsch: try 80x2412:42
soundraythomas: is it a PCI card?12:42
thomasis there a way to do a dpkg-reconfigure for your network12:42
Paddy_EIREglaz: aiglx and beyl ok... aiglx has the fancy effects and beryl is ??12:42
thomassoundray: it is onboard12:42
labanuxVigoFusin: i ve look in my xorg.conf12:43
soundraythomas: does it show up with lspci?12:43
thomassoundray: just a sec12:43
glazPaddy_EIRE, AiXGL has the same feature as xgl, but pretty faster on GPU/CPU12:43
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glazand AiXGL is part of edgy 6.1012:43
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glazno need to install Xgl12:43
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Paddy_EIREglaz: im using 6.10 how do I activate aiglx??12:44
glazit is already "activated"12:44
thomassoundray: nothing under eth or network, and i couldn't see anything12:44
glazyou have an ATI or GF video card ?12:44
Paddy_EIREglaz: then where is all the effects12:44
soundraythomas: is it disabled in the BIOS setup?12:44
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.12:44
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:44
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net12:44
thomassoundray: the integ light isn't showing up on the input, would that suggest that?12:45
glazPaddy_EIRE, come to #ubuntu-xgl12:45
thomassoundray: or would that be because of OS?12:45
soundraythomas: I don't know what you mean by integ light12:45
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VigoFusionlabanux: My error, I did not ask if you were useing KDE or Gnome12:45
labanuxVigoFusin: i want to paste my ubuntu set in xorg.conf , where can i paste it?12:45
cmt^^good morning fellas12:46
labanuxVigoFusin: im using Gnome12:46
thomassoundray: umm you know when you plug in the cord and a green light comes on12:46
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:46
soundraythomas: oh that -- if that doesn't come on, it usually means you have no power to the card.12:46
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soundraythomas: now that's unlikely if it's integrated12:47
soundraythomas: so the next step would be to check the BIOS setup12:47
labanuxVigoFusion: you can see that here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35559/12:47
VigoFusionlabanux: PC 105 looks like a qwerty to me, let me check again12:49
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labanuxVigoFusion: ok12:49
soundrayVigoFusion: PC105 is just a keyboard type, not a layout. It can still be qwerty, qwertz, azerty, dvorak, ...12:50
Qwerty:o :o its me!12:50
VigoFusionlabanux: Yes, the 105 layout is the QWERTY, Generic US12:51
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naxxatoetry dvorak12:51
naxxatoethats a cool one :D12:51
thomassoundray: ok i'll have a look around12:51
naxxatoevery neat :D12:51
Qwertydvorak bad, qwerty :D12:51
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VigoFusionIn the Keyboard Preferences tool you can set up any way you want, it is suggest you Ctrl-Alt-Bckspace to quick start Gnome again after makeing any changes12:53
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felixfoertschsoundray: Is there a possibility to measure the size? Or to set the size with pixel as units?12:53
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soundrayfelixfoertsch: I don't know -- is there a 'man eterm' perhaps?12:54
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=== soundray still believes the unit is characters
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felixfoertschsoundray: Yes, there is. What does it tell me that the units are in characters?12:55
yunhualcan i use fdisk in a shell script to partition the disk12:55
yunhuali see fdisk is an interactive utility, but when in shell, i need a noninteractive tools12:55
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soundrayfelixfoertsch: can you ask me that again in12:55
soundrayfelixfoertsch: can you ask me that again in #ubuntu-de pls12:55
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Vichya, das ist gut12:56
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yunhual>can i use fdisk in a shell script to partition the disk12:58
yunhuali see fdisk is an interactive utility, but when in shell, i need a noninteractive tools12:58
yunhualany help ?12:58
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pianoboy3333What does apt-get install --fix-missing do?12:59
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VigoFusionyunhaul: I know nothing about Linux, it could probablly be run in a Terminal , full Terminal boot screen12:59
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=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Madpilot at Mon Dec 4 07:27:08 2006
(soundray/#ubuntu) thomas: have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261065 ?01:09
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BHSPitLappyhi all01:10
BHSPitLappytrying to get sound working in avidemux via alsa... the settings call for an alsa device, and I put in "hw:0"... it just says "Error opening PCM device hw:0"01:10
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BHSPitLappyalthough that must be, to some extent, correct, because hw:1 and up say Invalid value for card01:11
BHSPitLappyany thoughts?01:11
thomassoundray: ill have a look01:11
thomassoundray: i just spilt scotch everywhere :P01:11
soundraythomas: I reckon it will solve your problem01:11
Jeevasoundray: that happens when you use gigabyte crap :P01:11
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soundraythomas: your fault for drinking whisky at lunchtime ;)01:12
VigoFusionlabanux: Did you set the funny Windows Layout and jeeps theres like 18 lines of different settings in the Gnome Keyboard Preferences ,,I used Generic 105 US, but still make bad typoes01:12
cmt^^how come my flash-plugin doesn't work properly? it only loads about half the flash-content, then stops01:12
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thomassoundray: haha its 11:12 pm thankyou01:12
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soundrayJeeva: do you mean gigabit?01:12
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soundrayIs it generally poorly supported?01:13
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Jeevaoh nm, i thought you said Gigabyte Gigabit router01:13
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JeevaI know its the onboard ethernet01:13
soundraythomas: I hope you didn't spill it on your keyboard01:13
Jeeva^ time01:13
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thomassoundray: it was bloody close haha, but it's alright.01:14
JeevaCape Town, South Africa (34.0S/18.6E, 42M); Last Updated: 2:00 PM SAST01:14
JeevaDew Point: 59F (15C); Humidity: 54%; Temperature: 77F (25C)01:14
ptycmt^^: which version of flash are you using?01:14
JeevaLIES, its 37 C on the thermometer01:14
soundrayJeeva: oh, you're in Ubuntu country01:15
Jeevasoundray: more like AIDS country01:15
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thomassoundray: that looks like what i'm after, hopefully if i get the drivers it'll work01:15
soundrayJeeva: I read something great about ZA the other day...01:15
Jeevathats its going down the hole quicker ?01:16
soundrayJeeva: CIDA City Campus -- sounds like good stuff01:16
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soundraysry offtopic01:17
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thomassoundray: i think i'm the only other person here, so i wouldn't worry about ti :)01:17
Dylan`Does someone know how i can install fglrx for my ati driver?01:17
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soundray!ati | Dylan`01:18
ubotuDylan`: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:18
VigoFusionFGLRX from the Forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27393401:19
Dylan`Well, its not a radion :p01:19
soundrayDylan`: keep reading01:19
cmt^^pty - 6.0.79-0.201:19
labanuxVigoFusion : the funny Windows Layout and jeeps ?? whats this mean?01:19
VigoFusionThat is how I got mt ATI X200Series to work01:19
Dylan`Make sure the following things are true about your video card:01:19
Dylan`    *01:19
Dylan`      It is a 'Radeon' card01:19
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RavenHow can I install KDE as well01:20
ptycmt^^: It may be worth trying the version 9 beta; I have been using it for a while with no problems01:20
soundrayDylan`: Keep Reading01:20
cmt^^pty - how do I get it?01:20
apokryphosDylan`: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic01:20
soundrayRaven: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop', or '...install kde' if you want a slimmer install01:21
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soundray!fp9 | cmt^^01:22
ptycmt^^: instructions here : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_update_to_Flash_Player_9_Beta_2_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox01:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fp9 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:22
RavenCheers soundray01:22
VigoFusionI ran some KDE stuff inside and with the Gnome Desktop, was playing around, but it worked, and was kinda neat.01:22
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:23
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RavenWhy when I load KDE instead of gnome do I get broken graphics at the top of the screen.01:24
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cmt^^pty - I used synaptic01:27
cmt^^pty - Worked out fine01:27
vyambaI am having problems with Gnome after updating to edgy. everything starts up nicely01:27
ptycmt^^: ah ok, glad its working01:28
cmt^^pty - thanks for the tip though01:28
vyambabut when i launch any windows, the are stuck on the top left corner of screen and there is no resize buttons01:28
vyambai also can't resize windows01:28
ptyvyamba: do the windwos have borders?01:28
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vyambano they don't01:28
soundrayvyamba: metacity doesn't seem to be running. Try Alt-F2 and enter metacity01:29
ptyvyamba: press alt+f2 and launch a gnome-terminal01:29
cmt^^I'm having a strange problem with my graphics card: http://pastebin.se/478201:29
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cmt^^Anyone care to look into it?01:29
vyambapty: alt-f2 not getting me anything01:29
vyambai can switch between windows or work spaces either01:29
soundrayvyamba: can you open a terminal any other way?01:29
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ptyvyamba: does your applications menu work?01:29
vyambai can open a terminal01:30
vyambaapplication menus work as well01:30
ptyvyamba: ok - open one and type 'metacity'  in01:30
soundrayvyamba: run 'metacity' from a terminal then01:30
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frogzoo_awaycmt^^: dapper or edgy? ati?01:30
soundraypty: I'm glad we agree ;)01:30
ptylol soundray; have come across this enough times from my compiz/beryl episodes01:31
vyambapty: i've got my borders after running metacity01:31
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vyambaeverything seems to be working fine now01:31
vyambathank you a million01:31
ptyvyamba: no problem.  does it do it every time you boot up?01:31
cmt^^frogzoo_away - Edgy 6.10 - ATI Radeon X70001:31
vyambait has happened twice01:32
vyambanot after reboot01:32
vyambabut after i switched from fluxbox to gnome01:32
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ptitomanybody mastering soundcard (SB Live 24 bits) installation on Dapper ? I read all forums and tried out all solutions, it doesn't like loading the module and vomites insanities !!! cheers.01:32
soundrayvyamba: if it happens again, you might want to look whether any errors are logged to .xsession-errors in your home dir.01:32
alleeDell D420&D630 with i810 driver: booting Edgy life system, switching several times between external monitor and buildin back and forth --> hard lockup. Only power off reboot help.  Is ther a workaround?01:33
vyambapty: thanks01:33
vyambawill do that01:33
jakehello, I have a Windows file permission question can anybody help?01:33
frogzoo_awaycmt^^: did you add to /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common   the line "DISABLED_MODULES="fglrx"01:33
ptyvyamba: that was soundwave's tip :p01:33
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vyambathanks soundray01:34
soundraypty: thanks. Proper attribution is important ;)01:34
soundrayvyamba: yw01:34
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ptysoundray: heh - wasn't soundwave the transformer with a casette deck in his front?01:34
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ptitomsalut manuleviking !01:35
soundraypty: sorry, I don't think I'm with you culture-wise right now...01:35
ptysoundray: never mind.  was on about 80s kids TV :)01:35
manulevikingsalut ptitom!01:35
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ptitommanu:tu t'y entends en instal carte son sous Dapper ? C koi ton pb  toi ?01:36
=== XiXaQ [n=joerlend@88-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:36
soundraypty: I was into ska music and indie rock by then ;)01:36
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ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB01:37
Dylan`Can someone help me please? I installed Ubuntu like +- 15 minuts ago, configured my ati driver etc, but still its not loading OpenGL, how can i fix that?01:37
manulevikingje n'ai pas de problme ptitom, je suis juste l pour la curiosit !01:37
soundrayTime for coffee. Anyone else for a cup?01:37
manulevikingok ubotu01:37
ptitomubotu: I can cope with enlglish support as well, it proved to be more usefull sometimes01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about I can cope with enlglish support as well, it proved to be more usefull sometimes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
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VigoFusionsoundray: I take a refresh, Thank you!01:37
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ptitommanu:ok, cool pour toi ;) et pour le mien ?01:38
=== soundray pours VigoFusion a steaming hot cup. Care for milk and sugar?
ubotugfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB01:38
manulevikingdsol ptitom, allons sur #ubuntu-fr01:38
soundray!offtopic | soundray01:39
ubotusoundray: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:39
VigoFusionThank you! :)01:39
=== frogzoo_away is now known as frogzoo
soundrayubotu: oh sorry, thanks.01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oh sorry, thanks. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
Dylan`Can someone help me please? I installed Ubuntu like +- 15 minuts ago, configured my ati driver etc, but still its not loading OpenGL, how can i fix that?01:39
soundrayDylan`: have you restarted X?01:39
ptitommanu: j'y suis01:39
erUSUL!ati | Dylan`01:39
ubotuDylan`: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:39
Dylan`erUSUL: i did, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Troubleshooting_for_Method_101:40
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Dylan`OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect01:40
Dylan`OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)01:40
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soundrayDylan`: is the fglrx module loaded? Check with 'lsmod | grep -q ^fglrx && echo Yes, loaded'01:41
Dylan`dylan@dylan-desktop:~/downloads$ 'lsmod | grep -q ^fglrx && echo Yes, loaded'01:42
Dylan`bash: lsmod | grep -q ^fglrx && echo Yes, loaded: command not found01:42
cmt^^frogzoo - no i didn't should i?01:42
Dylan`oh, no01:42
Dylan`it isnt loaded01:42
Dylan`How can i load it? :p01:42
soundrayDylan`: don't paste the quotes01:42
VigoFusionThat is how one did it01:43
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frogzoocmt^^: also, did you install the linux-restricted package as the docs indicate?01:43
rslI've got a soundcard that has both iec958 and analog outputs. I can't seem to use the digital [iec958]  but my speakers work fine. Is there a way to get the volume buttons on my keyboard to match up to the analog sound instead of the digital?01:43
frogzoo!fglrx | cmt^^01:43
ubotucmt^^: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:43
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thomashey guys, i'm installing drivers for my ethernet and when i go into the directory where the makefile is and do a make file install it doesn't work01:43
rslDid the first part of my question show up?01:43
Dylan`Well, i configured my ati driver with http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Troubleshooting_for_Method_1 but still if i reboot my pc X doesnt start :/01:43
=== Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host226-223-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
cmt^^frogzoo - I tried that guide, that's when I got the error i described01:43
boerhow can I change the Samba Config files01:44
thomasit says ** no rule to make target01:44
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thomaswould there be any files i'd need to install (build essential, or kernel source) to get it to build?01:44
cmt^^Dylan` - what graphics card do you have?01:44
cmt^^I have the same problem basically01:44
Dylan`ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra01:44
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frogzoocmt^^: you missed the part about linux-restricted, try again01:44
Dylan`Well, its olad one, but on windows its working with OpenGl01:45
boerhow can I change the Samba Config files, if I open them i can,t change them01:45
`jackI'm planning to install ubuntu, can I set up a internet connection(dial-up) ?? i'm connected with my cell phone (USB cable)01:45
boeris there a maner to get into the graphical user interface to turn the policys01:46
cmt^^frogzoo - here we go01:46
boerof files01:46
`jackanyone can help ?01:46
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admin123why does `tar cvjfzp` not tar symlinks?01:47
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boerI don,t understand SWAT01:47
boerdo i need it?01:47
frogzooadmin123: why both j & z ?01:48
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admin123sorry fortran01 i exendantly typed j01:48
frogzooadmin123: tar won't do symlinks, try cpio01:49
VigoFusionDial-Up Modem  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30809801:49
admin123frogzoo, why not?01:49
cmt^^frogzoo - the fglrx-module was disabled in linux-restricted-modules-common.. do I just remove it from the "DISABLED_MODULES" section and keep going with the guide?01:49
frogzooadmin123: hm... according to the man page, symlinks should work - hmm...01:50
VigoFusionhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto Dial Up Modems Official Release01:50
RvGaTeDoes ubuntu have a XFCE version ?01:50
admin123Frog_Racer, I use tar cpfzv01:50
[GuS] RvGaTe, xubuntu01:50
[GuS] the link is in the main page................01:51
frogzoocmt^^: it's a bit counterintuitive, but you have to have this line there "DISABLED_MODULES="fglrx"01:51
admin123frogzoo, ?? where in the man page I'm not able to find it01:51
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cmt^^the guide tells me to "Make sure fglrx is not disabled: sudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common"01:51
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frogzooadmin123: see the -h option to turn OFF symlinks?01:51
RvGaTe[GuS] , thx01:51
admin123frogzoo, that just creates another problem01:52
hikenboothttp://pastebin.ca/268253  hello all I seem to have an issue with my bind9 dns not accepting writes to its forward zone webmin tells me Dynamic master zone  updates not allowed....any ideas/01:52
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[GuS] Next time, read better :)01:52
admin123frogzoo, it dumps tghe files they point to01:52
frogzooadmin123: what it means is, backup symlinks is the default01:52
RvGaTe[GuS] , actually i didn't read anything :P01:52
gc1hi all, i'm having problems with graphical corruption of buttons since i upgraded from breezy to dapper. only happens in the human theme. any ideas?01:52
RvGaTe[GuS] , i just asked :P01:52
gc1maybe related to [http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=5c90dc1211eebb054827e24598cdde1a&t=209411&highlight=ati+graphic+corruption+buttons] , as I have an ati card (radeon mobile)01:53
[GuS] First you should read, investigate.. then Ask here RvGaTe :)01:53
[GuS] we are not working free for you :)01:53
cmt^^frogzoo - any ideas?01:53
cmt^^the guide tells me to make sure fglrx is NOT disabled01:54
cmt^^and it is01:54
cmt^^but you tell me I should leave it as is?01:54
cmt^^I'm confused 8(01:54
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RvGaTe[GuS] , i know, but its so much easyer to ask.... sorry about that01:54
[GuS] RvGaTe, then you will never learn using the easy way....01:55
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[GuS] if why thre is to much info on the wikis, forums.. .site... etc...01:55
cmt^^Oh! nevermind frogzoo01:56
cmt^^The line I read was commented out01:56
[GuS] here is to evacuate your problems after you read about something01:56
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cmt^^I have "DISABLED_MODULES="" "01:56
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ptitomall: hi there, I can't have my SB Live24Bits to work with Dapper. I read the forums, tried all tricks out, reinstalled, reconfigured alsa but when loading the module it complains a lot ! Anyone to help out ?Cheers.01:56
morphixhi guys.. trying to compile my own kernel.. i only have base installed.. when i run make menuconfig it errors out.. but i cant see what its erroring about.. using |less or |more does nothing.. how can i see what the error is saying??01:57
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frogzoocmt^^: which is why it doesn't work01:57
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VigoFusionI did download the Binaries from ATI, but used the fglrx to make it work, binary-restricted never was needed, yet, so trash they went01:57
abuyazanlibfontconfig1: Depends: fontconfig-config (= 2.4.1-2) but 2.3.2-7ubuntu2 is installed01:58
elteseHi. Im wondering something01:58
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abuyazanplease i need help on this01:58
frogzoocmt^^: are you using the ati binaries or the seveas repo?01:58
abuyazani cannot install any packages , i have to fix this problem01:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:58
elteseI tried to install gngb (an emulator for gameboy) and runned the command sudo aptitude install gngb.. Everything worked fine and all but Ive got no clue at all where to find it :/01:59
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gc1hi all, i'm having problems with graphical corruption of buttons since i upgraded from breezy to dapper. only happens in the human theme. any ideas?02:00
cmt^^frogzoo - i don't know, how do I find that out?02:00
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elteseAnyone knows what the problem might be?02:00
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frogzoocmt^^: well the docs offer you various options, or are you using the ubuntu's fglrx driver from the repos?02:01
cmt^^frogzoo - yup02:01
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frogzoocmt^^: well update the restricted-modules & try again02:02
VigoFusioncmt^^: did you install other drivers also?02:02
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cmt^^VigoFusion - not that I know of... :)02:02
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VigoFusioncmt^^: Ok, was just makeing certain that a --purge is not needed, it has been know that  conflicting packages/Binaries can cause errors.02:03
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frogzoocmt^^: this is a very common problem - if you follow the doc properly, it works02:05
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ragnar_123how do I change the charachter (spelling?) set?02:05
ragnar_123im gaim02:05
morphixon a base install of edgy.. whats needed apart from build-essential, dialog & of course the linux sources to do "make menuconfig" ? i havent used ubuntu in months.02:05
NET||abusewhat is a good pop / imap mail server package? i've ended up sticking courier on one of my boxes,,, but i'm a little confused at how to get it working02:06
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NET||abusedovecot any better?? or what would be the one that most pros consider best practice?02:06
NET||abusei don't mind spending time on it but i would like to be spending my time well on a package that will be the best possible rather than wasting time figuring out a sub standard system02:07
VigoFusionNET] ] abuse: I use Thunderbird, it works great02:07
NET||abuseThunderbird is client software02:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:08
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NET||abuseat the moment courier is not really running well, i havn't got maildirs or boxes working02:09
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VigoFusionThere is a chckfile like command, but I am just to green to figure all that out yet.02:10
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MadeyeWhere I can find more information about Ubuntu cert? the LPI one?02:10
NET||abuseVigoFusion, fsck02:11
VigoFusionThank you02:11
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NET||abuseis this a drive surface integrity check or a file system check?02:11
VigoFusionFile System02:12
NET||abusethat's fine then02:12
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NET||abuseman fsck :) and google it02:12
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Enquestjoin #jquery02:12
NET||abusebe very sure what you do with such low level tools :)02:12
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VigoFusionHeck, I dont know how to set a valid domain to get updates. its rather daunting, I was once a EC Engineer, but I had an accident and my brain is still learning how to work.02:14
dawkirstHello. Does Ubuntu has something like a system log, and where can I access it?02:14
NET||abusedawkirst, /var/log/messages02:15
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NET||abusedepending on what subsystem you want to check most logfiles run there02:15
NET||abusemaillog httpdlog etc etc02:15
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dawkirstThanks NET||abuse.02:16
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Placidhi all, i'm looking for some information on UVFS. The CMS system i'm using needs uvfs installed but our server (dapper & edgy) doesn't seem to provide it via apt. Is there anything available for Ubuntu with regards to uvfs?02:17
PlacidI have googled quite a bit and looked at packages.ubuntu.com (and debian) but to no avail02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uvfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
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dawkirstAnother thing: is it possible for Ubuntu to get sluggish due to an overheating graphics adaptor (mind, I don't know if it's overheating, but it's a possible...and it's really hot...)02:18
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NET||abuseif the graphics processor is over heating it should just cut out and you machine would die, it's unlikely to slow too much,,, but i suppose it's not beyond the realms of possability02:18
NET||abusei would just thinki t highly unlikely02:19
PlacidDoesn't look good VigoFusion02:19
NET||abuseif you gpu is running hot it means your runnin alot of high graphic stufff, more than likely your graphics memory is loaded up and that's not gonna help.02:19
Placidtried multiple search terms too02:19
VigoFusionUniversal Virtual File System?02:20
NET||abuseyeh, wasn't sure what uvfs meant02:20
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PlacidJust a sec02:21
jimledoes anyone have problems with rhytmbox lagging playing over a samba share?02:21
PlacidThat's all i've found02:22
cmt^^frogzoo - I tried going about it the way the guide suggests, but got the following error:02:22
cmt^^Found fglrx primary device section02:22
cmt^^Nothing to do, terminating.02:22
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Placidi'm reluctant to compile it myself, i prefer the debian way :)02:22
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frogzoocmt^^: you installed the linux-restricted module?02:23
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cmt^^frogzoo - it complains about finding fglrx02:23
cmt^^so i put it in "DISABLED_MODULE02:23
IdleOneI remember there being a small applet that sat up on the taskbar that allowed a person to paste to he pastebin without having to start firefox. anybody remember the name?02:23
cmt^^(cause it wasn't there before)02:23
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cmt^^do I need to restart X for the changes to take effect?02:24
frogzoocmt^^: of course02:24
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cmt^^frogzoo - ok let's see now02:26
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VigoFusionPlacid: Thats alotta switches and stuff, is the kernal in your Dapper and Edgy the required one?02:27
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cmt^^frogzoo - the system still finds fglrx device section02:28
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JJones0207I am using Ubuntu alternate installer, When installing I come to a error of detect and mount CD-ROM what do I do in this situation?02:28
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VigoFusionjjones: What CD-ROM is it? brand?02:32
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dawkirstWhat does this error say: localhost kernel: [  483.083557]  hda: dma timeout error: status=0x50 { DriveReady SeekComplete }?02:33
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JJones0207memorex CD_RW02:33
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JJones0207no dawkirst it cant mount the cd02:33
VigoFusionhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42032&highlight=cd-rom+-found <<that isnt yours,,but I am looking02:34
JJones0207So do you know what to do?02:34
huiber1dawkirst: looks like an error while accessing the cdrom with dma enabled02:34
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HydrageNcan't install the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9631-pkg1.run , whenever i type in  sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-*-pkg1.run in my console, keeps on telling me:  sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9631-pkg1.run " i have the file on my desktop"02:34
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huiber1dawkirst: you could try to disable dma, but you will see the same error when you are trying to read a scratched cd02:35
thomashey guys i'm having some trouble installing nvidia drivers, wondering if anybody could be of help02:35
hikenbootHydrageN did you do chmod a+rwx NVIDIA-Linux....run?02:35
HydrageNno ill try wait02:36
dawkirsthuiber1: What is dma? And I had problems with my previous CD-Rom too -- it crashed Ubuntu. Do you think it has something to do with a faulty hardware piece, like IDE cable or something?02:36
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JJones0207Yeah kinda Im not trying to do a dual boot im making the whole system ubuntu02:36
hikenbootis anyone in here able to help with a dynamic dns problem with bind9?02:36
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JJones0207IT says You installation CD could not be mounted.02:36
huiber1!dma | HydrageN02:36
ubotuHydrageN: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA02:36
bobbyeverybody's french here ?02:37
PlacidVigoFusion: What do you mean?02:37
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:37
thomasbobby: nope thats #ubuntu-fr02:37
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huiber1HydrageN: sorry, it was for dawkirst...02:37
bobbythanks thomas02:37
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HydrageNok thank you ubotu, np huiberl :)02:37
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JJones0207It just says Your installation cd could not be mounted this prob means that the cd rom was not in the drive and you can insert it now and try again but it is in the cd rom drive02:38
VigoFusionPlacid: no idea CD detect?02:38
dawkirstThanks huiber1. If it gives any more problems I'll try to disable it, but it was only sluggish while making an image of a DVD, so maybe that's just normal?02:39
IdleOneJJones0207:  try taking it out and putting it back in?02:39
VigoFusionhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42032&highlight=cd-rom+-found  <<<CD-RW or something detected,02:39
JJones0207tried and I made more copies of it02:39
huiber1dawkirst: I don't know about you making a DVD Image, I've been here only 2 minutes.....02:39
zainkaHi... I need to compile a program, but Ubunto 6,06 cant find the make utility running Terminal. I guess I have to install teh make/compiler somehow, but is this package a part of the distro or do I need to find it online somewhere???02:39
huiber1dawkirst: But I got the same error once, bacause if incorrectly burned or scratched media.02:40
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IdleOnezainka:  install build-essential02:40
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:40
dawkirsthuiber1: Oh, ok. Thanks anyway.02:40
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JJones0207I read that but it doesnt have a solution02:42
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VigoFusionLet me look at all the boards and see if I can find some info02:43
zaanHi... I'd like to ask a question...02:43
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huiber1JJones0207: do you have your cdrom drive connacted to anything other then hda/hdb/hdc/hdd ??02:43
zaanI'm trying to install ubuntu.02:43
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huiber1!ask > zaan02:43
zaanit's my first time. I'm noober than noob02:43
huiber1zaan: no prob.02:43
zaanI downloaded 6.1002:43
PlacidVigoFusion: CD detect? Sorry, i'm not understandig what you mean02:43
zaantwice from different servers02:43
zaanand burnt it with different software02:44
JJones0207what do you mean? it has a floppy drive in the computer and hdd thats about it02:44
MoryddI'm having some trouble with nat/firewall settings. The firewall machine can access the outside world, and everything behind the firewall can talk to each other, but can't access the outside world from the machines behind the firewall.02:44
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zaanwhen I try to boot my computer from the live cd02:44
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zaanthere will be a screen with some text coming up02:44
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zaanand I can boot into the live cd02:44
zaanbut all of a sudden,02:45
zaanwhen still on the loading page02:45
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huiber1JJones0207: I thought maybe an external usb cdrom, just huessing a bit around02:45
zaan(where you see the ubuntu logo and a status bar)02:45
zaanmy screen goes black.02:45
aleswyone question02:45
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zaanmy computer is still doing something.02:45
dawkirstAm I correct if I say that DVDs are super sensitive to scratches, as opposed to CDs?02:46
aleswythis file /etc/inittab on ubuntu 6.10 no exist02:46
zaanit's an Acer aspire 550002:46
DanglyBitsi have a windowsxp(32bit) machine at work and I want to have a graphical connection to a server (amd64) at home...what are my best/easiest to setup options to allow this to work?02:46
JJones0207I thought about it but then I ran into a problem what am I going to use all I have is a 512 usb and 1 1gb mem stick02:46
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Tomcat_dawkirst: I'd say they are both the same sensitive, but DVDs have a higher data to area ratio, so it will affect more.02:46
zaana laptop with centrino platform02:46
zaanand ATI x700 m video card.02:46
dawkirstTomcat_: Thanks.02:47
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cmt^^zaan - I had the exact same problem02:47
cmt^^zaan - press alt+f2 when in the menu02:48
cmt^^and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:48
huiber1zaan: sound like you ati card is not used correctly, have you try to start with boot option "failsave", or tried to use vesa? (probably not)02:48
scane__what is the background for "aptitude install mc" not working on 6.10 amd64 ?02:48
cmt^^change driver="ati" to driver="vesa"02:48
huiber1zaan: ignore me, listen to cmt^^02:48
zaanokay cmt and huiber102:48
cmt^^there's a guide somewhere02:48
zaanlet me try that right now02:48
cmt^^but that's the first step02:48
KomiaPoikahow can i install xv 3.10a in ubuntu?02:48
zaanI'm working on 2 computers02:48
huiber1JJones0207: so your booting of usb atm?02:48
cmt^^then u need to install fglrx02:48
zaanwhat is the second step?02:48
cmt^^but changing driver to vesa will get you through the installation02:49
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cmt^^did for me anyway02:49
cmt^^i actually HELPED someone02:49
cmt^^big day for me02:49
JJones0207:( no02:49
JJones0207just off a CD-RW02:50
zaansmall problem... when exactly do I need to press ALT F2?02:50
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huiber1JJones0207: hmmm, so you're booting of the only cdrom available in the system?02:50
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huiber1cmt^^: congrats :-)02:50
cmt^^don't really remember, i think it might be when you're in the installation-boot-menu02:50
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huiber1JJones0207: have you tried disabling "splash" and "quiet" at the boot prompt?02:51
zaanit's not doing anything for me right now :(02:51
cmt^^ok hang on02:51
cmt^^try changing the resolution of the setup by pressing F4 (I think, there are tips on the bottom of the screen)02:51
JJones0207uhhh its a older computer it doesnt even have it02:52
cmt^^to increase resolution, then you will see the error message that comes up02:52
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soundrayKomiaPoika: do you mean the image viewer?02:52
zainkaok Im back, no compilation done yet.  How do i install make utility, its not installed as far as I can see. Install build-essential only asks for destination file opperand using -T, tried one but source is not found02:52
cmt^^zaan - then try pressing alt+f2 when the error message pops up02:52
cmt^^i remember now, that's what I did02:52
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cmt^^you'll get a x-server errormessage in a console-graphics box02:53
huiber1cmt^^: don't you mean "ctrl-alt-f2" ?02:53
cmt^^huiber1 - not outside of x02:53
cmt^^huiber1 - I did alt+f202:53
cmt^^might be different on other systems02:53
jribzainka: sudo apt-get install build-essential    should just install a package.  Can you be more specific about what asked you for a destination?  Pastebin the output please02:53
zaanthat doesn't seem to do anything yet.02:53
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huiber1JJones0207: does not have _what_?02:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:54
cmt^^zaan - tell me what you're looking at right now02:54
JowiJJones0207, I would recommend turning off ACPI if the cd boots but fails to detect at installation time (if I understood correctly)02:54
zaanand f4 gets me in "special boot parameters, overview"02:54
jribzainka: by the way, what program are you compiling?02:54
cmt^^well, like I said, there are tips on the bottom of the screen02:54
zaanwhich, if I press it, only mentions 'Rescue' and a way to boot into a rescue mode02:54
scane__What is the preferred way to get midnight commander into 6.10 AMD64 ? Add debian sources? Download some package? Please help I cant find any answer that fits on the web.02:54
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cmt^^zaan - what are the different F*-commands listed on the bottom of the screen?02:55
Dylan`hi, can someone help me?02:55
Dylan`How can i get 'aoss' ?02:55
huiber1scane__: for M.C. "apt-get install mc"02:55
jribDylan`: sudo apt-get install aoss02:55
cmt^^I know you're supposed to be able to change the resolution from VGA02:55
Dylan`doesnt work02:55
zaanthey are not listed at the bottom, but rather in the middle of the screen.02:55
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scane__huiber1, on 6.10 amd64 it does not know of "mc"02:55
Dylan`It says cant find the pacckets02:55
jrib!info aoss02:55
ubotuPackage aoss does not exist in any distro I know02:55
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zaanthey range from f2 to f1002:55
Dylan`Well, how can i get it?02:55
jribDylan`: alsa-oss  I mean :)02:55
fyrestrtr!info alsa-oss02:55
ubotualsa-oss: ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.11-1 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)02:55
cmt^^zaan - join #ubuntu-priv-help02:55
Jowi!framebuffer | cmt^^02:56
ubotucmt^^: If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer02:56
Dylan`nice, it works02:56
cmt^^there's too much flood here for me to concentrate02:56
soundrayscane__: you need to activate the right repository02:56
Jowicmt^^, look at the bottom of that page for changing resolutions02:56
JJones0207This is what happens, I start up the computer with the CD with Ubuntu Installation Alternate. Then, I click Install in text mode, I check off english and stuff. Next, It checks for devices then I get the error "Your installation CD couldnt be mounted. This probaly means that a CD was not in the drive. If so you can insert it now and try again.02:56
zaanI'm there02:56
Dylan`Btw, if im gaming, the sound comes like 3 or 4 seconds later, how can i fix this?02:56
soundray!universe | scane__02:56
ubotuscane__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:56
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Dylan`Can someone help, please?02:57
keeganXDylan`: are you gaming with wine?02:57
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Dylan`Initializing SDL audio driver...02:57
Dylan`SDL audio driver is "alsa".02:57
Dylan`But still the sound comes 4 seconds later02:58
keeganXDylan`: Is it a linux native game then?02:58
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Dylan`its a linux game, yes02:58
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zainkajrib sorry for delay in answering, I am (trying) to compile KDE Kontrollerlab, an IDE for avr-gcc and AVR microcontroller debugging. It can be found on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=17722802:58
JJones0207 This is what happens, I start up the computer with the CD with Ubuntu Installation Alternate. Then, I click Install in text mode, I check off english and stuff. Next, It checks for devices then I get the error "Your installation CD couldnt be mounted. This probaly means that a CD was not in the drive. If so you can insert it now and try again.02:58
JJones0207<zaan> I'm there02:58
fyrestrtrzainka: what error do you get?02:59
soundrayJJones0207: don't repeat please02:59
soundrayJJones0207: is it a SATA CD-ROM?02:59
JJones0207SATA? its rewriteable02:59
soundrayJJones0207: how is it connected?02:59
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zainkawhen typing 'make' it simply says command not found03:00
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rambo3aot.get install make03:00
fyrestrtrzainka: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:00
Jowizainka, you need to install build-essential03:00
knoppixhello world03:00
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JJones0207Not sure but I know ive installed ubuntu on it before with what ever it has03:00
soundrayJJones0207: have you used the "Check CD" boot option?03:01
ubuntuxxmy problem is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35577/03:01
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knoppixhello world, i need help with kubuntu03:01
zainkaThanx. now installing build essential03:02
ubuntuxxknow my problem ?03:02
Dylan`Btw, if im gaming, the sound comes like 3 or 4 seconds later, how can i fix this?  the sound driver is 'alsa'03:02
JJones0207Yes, Check CD for defects ( I Doubt after burning it 6 times its defective ) its doesnt detect cd03:03
rambo3ubuntuxx, ask in #c03:03
soundrayDylan`: nobody knows, otherwise they would have replied to you. Try in a few ours when a few new people have logged on.03:03
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knoppixhello guys i need help with kubuntu problem03:04
ubuntuxx<ubuntuxx> my problem is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35577/03:04
ubuntuxx* ##undefined-behavior :Cannot send to channel03:04
soundrayubuntuxx: please do not repeat03:04
rambo3ubuntuxx, oaste them code not error and you need to be registerd i think03:04
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ubotuswf-player: Mozilla plugin for SWF files (Macromedia Flash). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 188 kB03:05
soundrayubuntuxx: why don't you install mserv from the repos?03:05
ubotuflashplayer-mozilla: Macromedia Flash Player. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6.0.79-0.2 (edgy), package size 685 kB, installed size 1528 kB (Only available for i386)03:05
rambo3ubuntuxx /j ##C03:05
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.68~ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386)03:05
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Ash-FoxWhat a choice...03:06
JJones0207Why isnt it able to detect the cd but at the same time its booting off of it.......03:06
Ash-FoxJJones0207, because you need to fit the bootloader in the first 512k or something03:06
JJones0207512 of ram?03:06
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JJones0207maybe thats why its not working ( cant detect cd ) that computer only has like 128 RAM03:07
sod75!helpme | knoppix03:07
ubotuknoppix: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:07
JJones0207thats why i got the alternate03:07
soundrayAsh-Fox: you're not being helpful03:07
ollumhi... i got a problem. i'm in the livecd mode now and i want to mount my ubuntu partitions cuz my xserver is fucked up. i dont manage to get them mounted properly.03:07
Ash-FoxThat's MB, I was talking about KB03:07
soundrayJJones0207: that's not the reason03:07
knoppixhehehe ok03:07
JowiJJones0207, no that is not the problem.03:07
JowiJJones0207, I've installed ubuntu in systems with 64mb ram :)03:08
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knoppixheres my prob: how do i change the username and password in pppoeconf03:08
Ash-FoxThe bootloader to my knowledge doesn't have enough code to know which boot device it's booting from03:08
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stiffme1983hello everyone03:08
Ash-Foxenough room for code03:08
JJones0207it says Mounting \dev\blahblah then it says invalid arguement03:08
JJones0207and then that message pops up03:09
soundrayJJones0207: the CD boots while the drive is under the control of the BIOS. Then the kernel tries to take over, which is when it fails for some reason.03:09
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knoppixcoz i recently transferred residence and i kind of don't know how to change the username and password that loads on my pc03:09
knoppixim using knoppix now - quite obviously03:09
JJones0207But it says it loaded the kernal before installation starts03:09
rambo3JJones0207, does it have a console03:09
soundrayJJones0207: this happens sometimes when a CD-ROM is of the more recent SATA type, and is connected to a controller that doesn't have support. Hence my earlier question.03:10
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rambo3shell  pormpt03:10
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soundrayJJones0207: since you've installed ubuntu before, that isn't the problem now.03:10
thomashow can i kill X so it doesn't start again?03:10
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soundraythomas: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'03:10
JJones0207Well last time I ran the CD and I couldnt get the regular one to work so someone told me to get the alternate and it worked03:10
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soundrayJJones0207: so you have the Ubuntu Desktop CD as well?03:11
JJones0207The regular one?03:11
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soundrayJJones0207: yes03:11
Jowiknoppix, should be in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets (or "pap-secrets" those files are usually identical)03:11
JJones0207Yeah but it doesnt have enough ram to run also it freezes when I try to start ubuntu ( run from cd )03:11
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knoppixok i will try thanks mate!03:12
soundrayJJones0207: can you borrow some RAM somewhere just for the installation?03:12
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knoppixlogging off and rebooting03:12
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JJones0207I could try but it would take a little while since its a old computer03:12
JJones0207Pentium 303:12
JJones0207128 ram03:12
phlasphy_hey all03:12
JJones020730gb hdd03:12
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ollumhi... i got a problem. i'm in the livecd mode now and i want to mount my ubuntu partitions cuz my xserver is fucked up. i dont manage to get them mounted properly.03:13
soundrayJJones0207: you might fare better with a xubuntu installation on that machine.03:13
zainkaIs it possible to use, say ghost, to create a image of my Linux ubuntu partition to port it to another running bigger hdd? offcourse with some system repair after oprting to make installation match with hardware...03:13
m15kany one who sucessfully installed an Fujitsu-Siemens Wireless Adabter... : )03:13
soundray!language | ollum03:13
ubotuollum: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:13
JJones0207whats xubuntu03:13
soundray!xubuntu | JJones020703:13
ubotuJJones0207: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"03:13
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JJones0207whats the differance? its not as good is it?03:14
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DARKGuyMornin' :)03:14
phlasphy_JJones0207: its better :P03:14
foxxNBonEcan any help installing dans guardian03:14
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soundrayJJones0207: it depends on what you mean by 'good'03:14
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JJones0207Well nvm but Im looking at the system requirements03:15
JJones0207should i still get the alternate03:15
soundrayJJones0207: gnome is very user friendly, but it's also very slow on old systems like yours03:15
JowiJJones0207, you can also look here for low mem alternative installations: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems03:15
JJones0207because that requires 64mb and I wouldnt want to take up the whole 128 ram03:15
soundrayJJones0207: no, I'd try the regular one03:15
zainka... Aboute compiling... when running ./configure on package kontrollerlab found on sourceforg, what does this message mean...03:16
zainkachecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes.03:16
JJones0207well im going to download it and I got to go to school right now but thanks you all helped me so I wouldnt be sitting here still trying to find out y03:16
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soundrayzainka: yes, that's possible. You have to update your /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst after that operation03:16
zainkaX is ... unknown to me03:16
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zainkathanks for answering my first one, Soundary03:16
timo91what dose it mean when the power button on the top right wont respond when presed ?03:16
thomashow do i stop x, so that it won't restart automatically?03:17
stiffme1983zainka: you maybe need development files for xserver03:17
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stiffme1983thomas: ctrl+atl+F103:17
soundraythomas: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'. I've told you before03:17
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soundraystiffme1983: that's not correct03:17
stiffme1983thomas: then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:17
SeyToNcan someone help me please with wifi to the ap?03:17
soundraystiffme1983: okay, I take it back03:17
timo91it seems the only way i can log out is by pressing the restart button on my pc the ubuntu button dose not respond03:18
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thomassoundray: sry my x died :)03:18
stiffme1983soundray: hi ,do you familiar with intel C++ compiler?03:18
soundraystiffme1983: no03:18
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timo91how do i turn the computer off from the tuminal03:19
voraistossudo halt03:19
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timo91thank you03:19
glazhalt wont shut it down tho03:19
timo91log off ?03:19
glazit will just bring the computer to be halted03:20
timo91i want to restart03:20
glazyou want to power it off ?03:20
voraistossudo reboot03:20
voraistosor ctrl alt del03:20
timo91thank you03:20
glazman halt03:20
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Eclypsehah, that's quite funny. on the automatix wiki it says don't listen to anyone in the ubuntu channel if they say that automatix caused the problem, they are misinformed, lmao03:20
Eclypseafter what you guys told me yesterday, I believe it.03:20
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voraistoshalt -R reboots as well i think03:20
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timo91i hate it when this thing crashs03:21
timo91now the terminal wont load :-/03:21
SniZwhat i must do for increase system perfomance? i`ve get this: 3.7 16.6 169:22.03 Xorg  , i have gnome and i think my old video card cant do hardware acceleration03:21
ollumi cannot boot into gnome becauze my xserver broke. i tried to reconfigure it but it doesnt work. it says: no screens found ; xf86CloseConsole:KDSETMODE failed bad file descriptor; xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed bad file descriptor.03:21
voraistosOK i have some problem installing ubuntu on a quite old machine (10 years old ). I dont want X, i just want  a 3com etherlink III ISA to be detected... can anybody help ?03:22
Eclypsetimo91 what happened?03:22
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timo91thats the thing no error masege nothing03:22
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Eclypsetimo91 persistent?03:22
timo91it just stops working slow thou untill i cant even do any thing03:23
timo91Eclypse:im getting sick of this03:23
humboltI would like the latest beagle from feisty to be backported to dapper. There were significant bug-fixes!03:23
stiffme1983ollum: you need correct graphic drivers?03:23
humboltHow to make that happen?03:23
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timo91the opend applications work great but wont let me open any more03:23
SniZif i change viedo card riva tnt 2 to more powerfull, and get hardware acceleration, XORG gnome can be faster?03:23
timo91or even restart it03:23
sod75voraistos: not sure, but might look into recompiling your kernel and enabling isa stuff , it may no longer be in there by default on ubuntu...03:24
Eclypsetimo91 have you posted on the ubuntuforums?03:24
glazSniZ, get AIGLX03:24
glaz+ gnome03:24
SniZglaz, what?03:24
Eclypsetimo91, they are often much more helpful then the IRC03:24
Eclypsetimo91 unless you're setting up something like compiz.03:24
TazmonI'm new to this and very impressed with all that's in ubuntu.. was wondering if I could get some help with a wireless issue though :P It's the only thing I haven't been about to get working yet03:24
ollumbefore it worked normally.. but i changed smth in the xorg.conf file ( me - dumb ) and it wont start... if i try to copy another backup file it doesnt work either03:24
Tomcat_Tazmon: Just state your question.03:24
voraistossod75: is the kernel source present on the CD ? How do i compile with the ubuntu package if there is one ?03:25
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ollumi tried reconfiguring but i cant choose vesa. there is only neomagic, silicon... and voodoo03:25
timo91Eclypse:im just a nomal user all i want to do is log on use the work processor and a bit of internet the log off03:25
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Eclypsetimo91, we're all normal.  we all have basic needs that we need fofilled. and sometimes those needs are ridiculously hard to satisfy in linux.03:25
Eclypsetimo91, in your case, hardware incapatability, your best bet is posting on the forum, trust me.03:26
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Tazmonwell, I've followed all I can from the forums and other places with getting the wireless setup and when I type "iwlist eth1 scan" I get a list of all the networks near my house and mine.  And useing the Network manager I see all the networks, but I can't connect to any of them.  I try, it hangs for about two mins, and then connects to the eth0 wired connection again03:26
sod75voraistos: don't know if it's on the cd, but you need "sudo apt-get build-essential" and then do a "make menuconfig" which should get you the menu for selecting the option/modules03:26
Eclypsetimo91, its the most active form I've ever been to in my life, lol, 2000 people active half the time.03:26
timo91Eclypse:what was the name of it03:26
Eclypsetimo91 www.ubuntuforums.org03:26
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Eclypsetimo91, and if you are wondering, my account name is Patrick-Ruff03:27
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timo91i cant open a application remeber including opera03:27
timo91im going to have to press the reset button03:28
Eclypsetimo91, ubuntu is your main computer?03:28
voraistossod75: You mean if i install the ubuntu kernel-source package it will put the sources in /src and ill just have to configure, compile, install and reboot just like a vanilla one ?03:28
EclypseI could post for you if you want?03:28
timo91bit of a shame like03:28
Eclypseyou may have to format, though03:28
EclypseI can't think of any reason why nothing would start.03:28
sod75voraistos: yup build-essential is a metapackege with dev stuff like make, etc03:29
timo91:(all the power is taken away from me03:29
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timo91i can only close the applications but cant open them ] 03:29
Eclypsehey, could someone in this damn channel actually help timo?03:29
kmaynardTazmon, you using any kind of encryption?03:29
timo91i think a restart should do it03:30
Tazmontried it but same effect03:30
kmaynard!language | Eclypse03:30
ubotuEclypse: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:30
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Eclypseyou havn't restarted yet?03:30
Eclypseno way . . . lol03:30
timo91lol no03:30
voraistostimo91 whats the trouble03:30
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timo91i hate doing it03:30
SniZglaz, can you help me with AIGLX?03:30
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TazmonI've also tried different channels, changing my ssid around03:31
macgyver_79how do I check enviromental variables?03:31
rausb0macgyver_79: export03:31
Eclypsetimo91, dude, when you can't open any programs you restart . . . lol03:32
Eclypsetimo91, that's like the first resort.03:32
Eclypsetimo91, go restart.03:32
timo91voraistos:My computer stop responding so i wanted to restart it ,the qiut button on the top right dosnt seem to work, and i can open any new applications but the ones opend work great03:32
Jowitimo91, "sudo shutdown -r now"03:32
=== Slike [n=Stijn@136.162-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Tazmoncan you get to terminal?03:32
Eclypsetimo "sudo reboot"03:32
Tazmonctrl+alt+1  then do what they said?03:32
timo91Jowi: i cant open the terminal its not opend03:32
Eclypsehit reset then.03:33
Eclypsegood luck03:33
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cmt^^damn it03:33
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cmt^^zaan left before i could help him03:33
timo91ok ,restart it is03:33
EclypseI'm out of this channel, peace.03:33
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Tazmontimo1, can you do the Ctrl+alt+103:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about launguage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:33
kmaynardare the planets out of whack today or what?03:34
blaaNo candidate version found for sun-j2re1.503:34
Tazmonoops  Ctrl+alt+F103:34
voraistostimo91 all you want is to restart the machine, or repair it as well as you suspect something to blue screen unexpectedly ?03:34
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Tazmonwell... guess no one here has an idea about why I can see wireless networks but not connect to them?03:35
marco81for italian language03:35
marco81which chn03:35
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:35
jorunncan someone help: I dont know how to install a new set of icons...just downloaded from gnome-looks.org but dont know what to do now...03:35
=== timo90 [n=timo901@cpc1-stkn1-0-0-cust375.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
voraistossyteme preferences, something in there, drag and drop03:35
xabbott~/.icons ?03:35
timo90well it waorks now,its almost like nothing was wrong03:36
jorunnsorry didn't tell --> working under beryl03:36
voraistosshould be the same. it is not window decorator independant03:37
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kmaynardTazmon, have you checked the forums?03:37
macgyver_79if I want to use a different compiler do I just do> export CC=gcc3.4 ?03:37
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rausb0Tazmon: is it open (unencrypted) wlan?03:37
TazmonI'm still digging, but haven't seen anyone get to where I'm at03:37
Tazmonand not connect03:37
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Tazmonyes wide open03:37
TazmonI'll lock it down after I connect03:38
rausb0Tazmon: and which wlan card/chipset do you use in the client?03:38
TazmonI get the same thing happening when I try to connect to my neighbors open Wlans03:38
derFloHibernating doesn't work03:38
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TazmonI have the Broadcom 4306 chipset03:38
derFlo(ubuntu gnome)03:38
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Tazmonin a Dell Inspiron 860003:38
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rausb0Tazmon: and you use bcm43xx for that?03:39
TazmonI've tried using both the kernel method and the ndiswrapper method03:39
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rausb0Tazmon: for bcm43xx you need firmware files in /lib/firmware/<your_kernel_version>03:40
Tazmonthat would be the 2.6.17-10-generic folder right?03:40
derFloSuspend to RAM does not work03:40
rausb0Tazmon: if that is your kernel, yes03:40
derFlo(ubuntu gnome)03:40
voraistoslike Duke says. shit happens03:41
Tazmonyup got them in there and in just the /lib/firmware folder too03:41
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kmaynard!language  | voraistos03:41
ubotuvoraistos: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:41
rausb0Tazmon: did you only try connecting with the network manager applet or also with iwconfig and ifconfig on the command line?03:42
Tazmononly the network manager...03:42
Tazmondidn't find how to do the other ways yet03:42
TazmonI'll go search03:42
voraistosderFlo: depending on hardware ACPI is + or - supported. An by the way Duke is friendly and says friendly things :P03:42
Tazmonunless you want to tell me ;)03:43
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rausb0Tazmon: right. open a terminal.03:43
kmaynardTazmon, after all that whining you did, you can google for a few ;)03:43
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Tazmonjust needed a pointer on what to google ;)03:44
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voraistosTazmon. Dont google, accept it wont work. I have an atheros working perfectly on whax that wont do a thing except detection on ubuntu. Its been one year of googling.03:45
=== brett [n=brett@c-67-188-194-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bretthey can someone help me?03:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:46
DARKGuy!anyone | brett03:46
ubotubrett: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:46
macgyver_79help pls> I cant compile a program> error: invalid lvalue assignment        any clue?03:46
damageDOneDoes anyone know how I could have stuffed up a perfectly good laptop by using ssh to transfer my homefolder from my old machine to my new one?03:46
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brettdoes anyone know how to get AVI files to work in ubuntu? i've tried automatix2 to install my plugins, with no luck. still, i get the same errors.03:47
Tazmonwell... if I don't get this working then the whole point of using ubuntu for me on this laptop is pretty much pointless...03:47
=== manc [n=max@CPE0014bf079de6-CM000e5c709370.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:47
sod75damageDOne: you messed up the hidden .something files .03:47
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voraistosbrett: avi container has to be supported by the player.03:48
keeganXDoes anyone know where the amarok dock icon is stored?03:48
voraistosand every player i know supports it, brett03:48
rausb0Tazmon: does "sudo iwlist scanning" see your wireless AP?03:48
Tazmonso I just did a "sudo dhclient" and it's getting all the right information03:48
Tazmonyes it does03:48
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mancIs there an application that can take care of the 'Desktop' other than Nautilus? Nautilus doesn't seem to align icons very well...03:48
damageDOnesod75: did I? For some reason after the 4 hours worth of copying, I went to save a small text file and was told that I didn't have enough diskspace. I logged out and couldn't log back in.03:49
Tazmonand I just did a ifconfig eth1 and it all looks good03:49
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rausb0Tazmon: so can you ping the AP's ip address now?03:49
brettAvi container?03:49
voraistosmanc: i am sure its due to the width of the icons, which are different. if you setup properly nautilus it should do the job.03:49
Tazmonbut... it's on the wire...03:49
bretthow/where do i get avi container?03:50
keeganXbrett: what video player are you using?03:50
bretti was trying to use totem03:50
brettor vlc03:50
voraistosbrett: it is supported by mplayer, totem, etc out of the box03:50
mancvoraistos, it aligns horizontally but not vertically like windows03:50
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voraistosmanc well you can use explorer.exe under wine if you want it like windows :P03:51
manchar har har03:51
brettwhere do i get avi container?03:51
rausb0Tazmon: huh? you just said that dhclient over wlan works?03:51
voraistosyou might have security issues though. just to align godam icons on a desktop03:51
keeganXWhats the channel for the new ubuntu release?03:52
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voraistosbrett: it is not something to download. i think your problem i related to codecs, not to the container.03:52
LynourekeeganX: The one in works? #ubuntu+103:52
brettwell, i dont know03:52
keeganXalright thanks03:52
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bretti've tried to download the win32 codecs and mplayer.. no success. im trying to watch a video we exported from windows via premiere to critique03:53
=== David777 [n=Teligy@71-85-136-012.static.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TazmonAm I here?03:53
jribkeeganX: which release are you referring to?  edgy?03:53
rausb0Tazmon: yes03:53
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keeganXNo feisty, but I found the channel03:53
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Tazmonyeah it does rausb003:54
Tazmonam I still here?03:54
David777You appear to be here03:54
rausb0Tazmon: yes03:54
voraistosbrett: when you have a .avi file, it certainly uses the avi container. The container says how to sync audio, video and others. If you want a good container, you can use ogm instead. However to play your avi files properly, you will need the codecs the video track and audio track use. It can be Xvid and mp3. If you want to install those, go to RestrictedFormats on the wiki03:54
x-r00t-xhelp . when firestarter is runing . i cant use irc server . what do i do now .. how do i open 6667 port ?03:54
Tazmon20 lines all at once...03:54
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David777lol, you need a wider window or a smaller font Tazmon03:55
brettok, thank you03:55
David777Anyone know how to prevent the console on the CLI install from switching to 80x30 mode?03:55
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jessidHello, some of you have any idea of how can I know If an user is in certain group? For example I want to be sure user xyz is in groups uucp and lock.....I think I have to use the app that is in gnome, but group lock didnt exist... I created one, but I dont know what the id is....may I use any number??? Thanks03:55
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brettOh, another question. I recently installed checkgmail and now i cannot get it out of my system tray.. is there a ctrl + alt + del application? sorry im still new to ubuntu.03:55
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rausb0jessid: id <username>03:56
David777brett: You can open an xterm and use "ps aux | less" to view all processes.03:56
keeganXbrett: System>Administration>System Monitor03:56
TazmonSo here's what I just did, I used the sudo dhclient eth1 and it was just looping, so using the network-manager, I click on the wireless network I want to connect, to .  Almost immediately I got assigned a dhcp address using the dhclient... but network-manager just kept looping... then 2 mins later it auto changed back to wired and that's when I was asking if I was still here but didn't see anything happening... then all the sudden about 20 lines a03:57
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David777jessid: "groups <username>" will tell you the groups a user belongs to03:57
brettwow, holy crap.03:57
TazmonI just don't understand why I get an IP from the router, but I can't actually connect03:57
timo90were can i download berly svn03:57
jessidrausb0: thanks, what about the id i assigned to the new group lock??? is there any specific number???03:57
jessidDavid777: thanks, what about the id i assigned to the new group lock??? is there any specific number???03:57
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David777The group numbers will be in the /etc/groups file03:58
jribbrett: system > adminstration > system monitor03:58
keeganXbrett: Automatix2 installs a ctrl-alt-del script for nautilus03:58
bretti just found that03:58
David777Oops, no groups file on Ubuntu, Gah03:58
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brettyeah i tried ctrl + alt + del, and nothing came up either03:58
David777Sorry, /etc/group03:58
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timo90were to get the latest beryl svn03:59
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brettanother question: i cannot resize windows.. i get the cursor to appear like it wants to resize the window, then when i try, its like im not even pressing down my mouse button, when i really am.04:00
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dredhammerhello how do you patch sources? i tried the patch cmd but it seems like it just hangs04:00
David777Anywayz, anyone know how to prevent the console from switching to 80x30?04:00
TazmonI'm going to try disabling ipv6... some others seemed to have problems with that04:00
TazmonI'll be back04:00
jribdredhammer: patch -n num < file.patch   read patches manual page for an explanation of -p04:00
Tazmonafter a reboot04:00
David777dredhammer: Usually, patch is used like this "patch -p1 < patchfile.txt"04:01
jribpatch's even04:01
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Tazmonthanks for laughing at / with me ;)04:01
brettnevermind, found it out.04:01
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David777No console experts in here?04:01
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jribdredhammer: oops yes I mean -p as David777 said04:01
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dredhammerso its not supposed to hang in the terminal?04:02
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dredhammerwhen you use the patch cmd04:02
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David777dredhammer: If it hangs in the terminal, it means it is waiting on input from stdin.04:02
jribdredhammer: no, how did you enter the command?04:02
KarhutonI have a laptop with 3 usb ports, all of them should be 2.0/1.0. After reboot Gnome's HAL device manager shows two 1.0 and one 2.0 USB controllers. If I plug an usb (2.0) cd drive into any of the ports, the usb 1.0 controllers take over it. I rmmod ohci_hcd and modprobed ehci_hcd, which then took over all the ports (I can plug in the drive to any port and the 2.0 controller handles it). But now my usb mouse or keyboard (1.0) won't work 04:02
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David777You didn't use the "<" character to give it some input.04:02
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David777Gah, I'm helping more people than I'm getting help04:03
dredhammerpatch -p ../tsocks-1.8b5-tordns1.diff04:03
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jribdredhammer: you need an argument to -p and you need the "<".  Patch reads from standard input04:04
voraistosDavid777: its always like that with me, thats why its rare when i come around here ...04:04
David777dredhammer: You shoul've typed "patch -p0 < ../tsocks-1.8b-tordns1.diff"04:04
KarhutonI modprobed ohci after ehci, but when I stuck the cd drive in the port the 2.0 controller took over and then the kernel driver spit an error to console I had open and now the drive doesn't work anymore.. How can I get both 2.0 and 1.0 working? Can I dedicate certain ports to ohci and others to ehci, if it can't automatically chooset he correct controller?04:04
dredhammerok thanks04:04
David777dredhammer: If -p0 does not work, try -p104:04
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David777This room is more like "*nix for newbies" than "Ubuntu Support"04:05
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Tazmonand I'm back... but no love on the disabling ipv6 to help...04:06
David777But I bet if someone goes to #unix or whatever and says, "I have a patch for Ubuntu that does't work..." they get shunted here.04:06
David777Tazmon: What's the problem you are working on?04:06
timo90how how do i editmy souce list04:06
TazmonI'm trying to get my wireless working.04:06
David777941 people in here and no one uses the console.04:07
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VigoFusionSynaptic Package Manager always errors and says I do not have a Domain Name. is there a fix?04:07
TazmonI've got it sooooo close, but just not geting any info transfered from the router other than an IP04:07
jrib!repos | timo9004:07
ubotutimo90: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:07
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voraistosDavid777 ido agree. Thats why i moved from Debian. #debian is completly empty and non-friendly. At least noobs are quite nice. And after all, we are all noobs, as non one knows everything :)04:07
David777Tazmon: You might be outta luck.  My brother has been spending about a year trying to get the wireless adapter in his laptop to work under Ubuntu.04:07
David777Tazmon: What do you get when you run "uname -a"?04:08
Tazmonnot what I want to hear :P04:08
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David777Tazmon: Don't give up yet.  My brother wouldn't let me help him.04:08
kr0n1xsalve c' qualcuno che ha mai usato swap magic su ps2?04:08
voraistosDavid777: And your brother is just like me :(04:08
x-r00t-xhelp . when firestarter is runing . i cant use irc server . what do i do now .. how do i open 6667 port ?04:08
jbroomevoraistos: are you looking on the right network for #debian?04:08
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TazmonLinux taz-laptop 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux04:08
David777That's a pretty recent kernel...04:08
freddyhello.. a quick question.. i forgot.. how do i know which kernel image i'm using?04:09
jrib!it | kr0n1x04:09
ubotukr0n1x: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:09
kr0n1xsorry used ./amsg :)04:09
rausb0freddy: cat /proc/version   or   uname -a04:09
jbroomefreddy: uname -a04:09
Tazmondownloaded within the last 2 weeks04:09
voraistosjbroome: ow i dont remember. But debian support is more on mailing lists, and has always been. And debian is always stable, but always old as well.04:09
Tazmonright now I'm using the bcm43xx method to do this and not the ndiswrapper method04:10
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freddyi'm using generic.. that's not good.. right? i should like compile a new one for my amd dual core?04:10
David777Tazmon: I'm gonna establish a private channel because I want you to post "lspci -v" output and it takes up quite a lot of space.  OK?04:10
kr0n1xhi there's someone used Swap Magic dvd/cd on PS2?04:10
TazmonI tried that too but never saw anything04:10
voraistosuse #voraistos. thats its purpose :)04:10
jbroomefreddy: that's fine04:10
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David777voraistos: ?04:11
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voraistosuse #voraistos if you want to use a private channel, thats what i use it for :)04:12
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David777I just use /query <nick> and I get a new window04:12
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voraistostrue lol04:12
DanglyBitsi am looking for some software to use as a blog that can post pictures..like spaces.live.com what software avialable for edgy amd64 could i use?04:12
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TazmonDanglyBits do you currently have webspace?  Looking to get it?  Or host your own?04:16
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Fernandaa todoss !04:17
FernandaComo estann ??04:17
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Fernandade donde son ??04:17
jrib!es | Fernanda04:17
ubotuFernanda: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:17
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:17
vickiiiHow are you?04:18
Fernandahow are you ?04:18
Condorcethey i have a problem with wireless connection at edgy. iwconfig shows the eth1 interface, but network-admin from menu doesnt allow me to start this connection. with sudo and without. simply i can open a window with preferences and click "active" and it doesnt remember it - when i open it again its still inactive. any ideas?04:18
voraistosme siento bien amigo04:18
Fernandaquien hablaa espaol ?04:18
timo90You have 1 broken package on your system!04:18
timo90Use the "Broken" filter to locate it. ??04:18
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:18
DanglyBitsTazmon: i have my own server04:18
DARKGuyFernanda: o hablo espao, pero aca no hablan espaol, para ir a un canal  en espaol por favor escribe /join #ubuntu-es :)04:18
FernandaEiiii quien hablaa espaol ??04:18
DARKGuyFernanda: no estas leyendo? :S04:19
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DARKGuyYou all know what to do now -_-'04:19
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voraistoses possible que esta un damn bot04:19
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Tomcat_!es | voraistos04:20
ubotuvoraistos: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:20
voraistoswtf ?04:20
ubotumysqltcl: Interface to the MySQL database for the Tcl language. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.02-1 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 116 kB04:20
FernandaDarkguiy respondee dx04:21
DARKGuyMan, what a language soup xD;04:21
Fernandate estoy hablandoo dx04:21
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DARKGuyFernanda: Y yo te estoy diciendo que para hablar en espaol es en #ubuntu-es, aca no!04:21
David777any kernel experts in here?04:21
jrib!anyone | David77704:21
ubotuDavid777: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:21
voraistosspanish experts only04:21
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d0uglastell me it's possible to stuff ubuntu or even minix on my pocket pc04:21
David777ubotu: Aren't you a bot?04:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Aren't you a bot? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:21
Valmarkohello everybody. Where can I find a program that can extract rar files?04:21
x-r00t-xcan anyone tell me where do i find libmysqltcl3.02 file ?04:21
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Fernandaoyeee estoy chateando en el colegio imbecil !04:21
jribubotu: tell David777 about yourself04:22
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez, gnomefreak, or tonyyarusso!04:22
Polysicshello ppl04:22
=== Fernanda is now known as Carooo
x-r00t-xDavid777,  ubotu is a bots :P04:22
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Polysicssad as it seems, the linuxant driver beats the pants off any open source ones :-)04:22
jribcrimsun: we can't convince fernanda/ caroo to speak spanish in #ubuntu-es only04:22
David777uboto: Do you know anything about console modes?04:22
Valmarkohello everybody. Where can I find a program that can extract rar files?04:22
DARKGuyHell, I even tried telling her in Spanish and she didn't listen -_-'04:22
CaroooHolaa soy 90 60 9004:22
jrib!rar | Valmarko04:22
ubotuValmarko: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:22
d0uglasargh too loud here.. yikes do i have to ask my ubuntu questions in #debian? lol04:22
CaroooHello !04:23
DARKGuyAnd from the looks of it, she just looks like she's wanting to get attention -_- *ignores*04:23
Tomcat_Valmarko: unrar in multiverse04:23
Carooohow are you ?04:23
coniiihow are u?04:23
voraistosshe call us imbecil !04:23
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coniiibut, you don't wanna took to her 04:24
David777OK, I get "Console: switching to colour framebuffer 80x30" or somming like that.  How do I make it stop (without recompiling my kernel)?04:24
Carooofuck you !04:24
DiibaDoes anyone of you know the command for bittornado?04:24
DARKGuySee :)04:24
jribat least it's english now I guess04:24
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DARKGuyjrib: lol04:24
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DARKGuyDiiba: man bittornado works?04:25
voraistosyeah but we usually get something for saying "damn"04:25
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DiibaNo darkguy04:25
jribcrimsun: thank you04:25
DiibaIT doesnt.04:25
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DARKGuyDiiba: oO I think I have bittornado here... lemme check04:25
David777Just to verify: No kernel or console experts in here right now at all?04:25
voraistosops rule04:25
DARKGuythey do04:25
DiibaThe bittornado launches nicely from xfce menu.04:25
jribDARKGuy: ask your real question please04:25
PolysicsDavid777, what is a "console expert"? a bash programmer?04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
jribDavid777: ask your real question please04:26
DiibaBut when I use fluxbox, I'm not able to find it from the menus04:26
Polysicsone quick thing: anyone using good old dialup on ubuntu?04:26
DARKGuyDiiba: hey, you're right oO04:26
David777Polysics: A console expert would be someone who knows how to run linux without a window manager.04:26
DiibaKinda wierd isn't it?04:26
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jessidCarooo I think you are in the wrong place,04:26
jribDavid777: the answer to your question is "yes" or "no", do either of those help you in any way?04:26
Polysicsi think anyone can do that David .-)04:26
theveninDavid777: there are people in here that can answer whatever you question is04:26
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DARKGuyDiiba: I got it04:26
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DiibaDarkguy, tellmetellmetellme :D04:27
Polysicsjust go ahead and tell us what the problem is, i'm usually useless but not always .-)04:27
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DARKGuyDiiba: In a terminal, type: "cd /usr/bin && ls -a | grep 'bit'" and you'll get the command names04:27
voraistosDavid777 i thought you needed a kernel expert ?04:27
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Polysicsanyway, anyone knows where "Modem Lights" applet has gone?04:27
David777lol, once again for the record "How do I prevent this from happening: "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30"?04:27
DiibaTy Darkguy04:27
DARKGuyDiiba: welcome :)04:27
Polysicsi only have the crappy Modem Monitor one which does not use pon/poff, and i'm not a fan of other methods04:28
David777Does anyone know how to disable "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30"?04:28
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lenistasry no i'm a bloody newbie04:28
Polysicsi'm running 6.10 stock if it's useful04:28
Journeymanno need to repeat David77704:28
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voraistosDavid777: i dont even know which console is ubuntu using, but there must be a man page giving info about that04:28
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David777That would be both a console and a kernel expert question because some forum posts recommend rebuilding the kernel and others recommend passing arguments to grub.04:29
ValmarkoI already downloaded unrar, non free. What do I do now. Just unpack the file?04:29
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jribValmarko: downloaded?  Did you install it with the package manager?04:30
David777Now, my Ubuntu system is a crappy little embedded board with a nerfed AMD Geode processor running at @400 MHz so rebuilding the kernel will take about a day.04:30
Valmarkothe packed file?04:30
PolysicsDavid777, this will be something you already know, but arguments to grub is better and safer if everything else works04:30
Valmarkoyes. synaptic...04:30
PolysicsDavid777, totally offtopic, could i use one of those to power a RAID disk cabinet?04:30
David777Unfortunately, none of the arguments to grub that have been suggested work, Polysics?04:30
jribValmarko: you can just double click on your file now, or use the command line 'unrar x file.rar' if you prefer04:30
David777Polysics: This board is so woefully underpowered, I wouldn't use it to control a toilet flusher.04:31
crimsunDavid777: which vga= parameter did you pass?04:31
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David777I used "vga=normal", "video=vga16:off"04:31
Polysicswhere is my Modem Lights applet? lol04:31
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David777Neither worked04:31
Polysicsall the docs mention that, and i don't have it :-)04:31
voraistosPolysics: i think u can, as some products already do it04:31
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David777Polysics: I am googling "Modem Lights"...04:32
Polysicsi have a couple spare 250gb hds, sata04:32
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PolysicsDavid777, seems like it's not included in the 6.10 stock04:32
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voraistosgimme one i just lost 500 gigs04:32
PolysicsModem Lights is the recommended applet for pon/poff04:32
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Placidcan anyone tell me which package stddef.h would be in? i can't find it via apt-cache and i've installed build-essential, and anything libstdc++ related.04:33
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jribPolysics: is it the same as "modem monitor" applet that you can add to gnome-panel?04:34
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Polysicsjrib, no, that's another that works with the built in dialup, which doesn't work for me04:35
David777Isn't "Modem Lights" a Gnome application?04:35
PolysicsDavid777, it is, but it's not installed nor i can find one anywhere04:35
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jribPolysics: the description for gnome-applets seems to indicate it comes with modemlights, it seems to be the same04:36
Polysicsor rather, i'm starting to suppose it's actually that app04:36
Polysicsyes, but the configuration dialog is totally different, i think something's wrong somewhere04:36
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bradbury9anyone here with a 5G ipod? got a little problem04:36
Polysicsnot that i really care, i can dial just fine, it's just to have a normal button to do it04:36
bradbury9need the firmware04:36
Polysicsa two-state button would do too04:36
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cyber"configure:2399: error: C compiler cannot create executables"04:37
jrib!b-e | cyber04:37
ubotucyber: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:37
DiibaOk. More help needed at the torrent area. Azureus client crashes after few seconds of use, does anyone know a bugfix (or link to some). Actually, it worked when I installed it from automatix, but for someunknown reason, I installed it again from commandline and then the crashing started.04:37
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cyberi opened synaptic & installed gcc04:37
cyberbut it gave me thoat "04:37
jribcyber: install build-essential, see the link from ubotu04:37
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miles_Is it possible to print a batch of PDF files? (Edgy)04:38
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Journeymanwhy does ubuntu discourage compiling from source04:38
unimatrix9hello there, how can i turn off update message?04:39
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PolysicsJourneyman, because it is normally overkill04:39
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Guardianhi i need help please, i'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto ; however, when i type "net ads join" it just waits forever :(04:39
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Guardiani'm using edgy04:39
Polysicssoftware works just fine and you can tap the large knowledge base04:39
Guardianit used to work with dapper04:39
JourneymanPolysics, overkill how? I find programs function better when I compile them04:40
Polysicsdo you? i can't tell the difference :-)04:40
David777Polysics: It looks like it either comes with Gnome or it doesn't04:40
PolysicsDavid777, then it's the second :-) oh well, i'll just make a couple of desktop icons04:40
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JourneymanI also like to modify it to store the files where I tell it to04:40
David777Polysics: If you have access to a version of Gnome with it installed, you might be able to copy the files over and modify some configuration but it'll probably be a major PITA.04:41
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cyberyea editing where it installs to etc04:41
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PolysicsDavid777, totally not worth it, i was misled by the fact that the docs reference one app but there is actually another04:41
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cyberu can change things in the build so yea04:41
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Polysicsnow it's time to disc, thanks all for help... i've leeched this connection enough :-)04:42
SidSilver4is there a way to set a different language for a different user?04:42
David777Does anyone know of any other grub options to prevent the kernel from "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30"04:42
jribPolysics: man modemlights_applet04:42
phlasphyi have a question everytime i try to open a youtube or google video firefox closes04:42
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ValmarkoMy pc has Windows and Ubuntu installed. I want to pass one document to sda1, the place where windows is installed. but it's nor permited. What can I do to change this?04:42
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sysragenot use ntfs04:43
cyberValmarko, take the long route, set up an ftp server and connect to it using ure  M$ machine :P04:43
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compengivalarians, are you on windows while you want to access linux directory?04:43
stoortyuse a pen drive04:43
cyberthen u can share files simply04:43
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sysrageya, go the direction compengi said. going from linux to windows isn't going to work04:44
SidSilver4if it's the other way around, need to set permission properly perhaps?04:44
sysragenot safely anyway04:44
Guardianhi i need help please, i'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto ; however, when i type "net ads join" it just waits forever :(04:44
LukeDoes anyone know how to make open office documents that have 2 references to the same footnote?04:44
Lukeor know where to look/get help?04:44
David777Valmarko: Can you mount sda1 as ntfs?04:44
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Ravenhow do i setup apache in Ubuntu with a GUI to configure it04:44
Valmarkosda1 is a ntfs file system04:45
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TazmonI've been doing some searching about the problem you were helping me with David777 and it seems that a lot of people lost their wireless connection with the upgrade to a newer kernel, Is there a way for me to install an older kernel?04:45
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mypapitLuke: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC_Communication04:45
VorboteSidSilver4: The user in question should add an "export LANG=blah" to his/her .bashrc04:45
mypapitLuke: lot of openoffice.org hotshot are there04:45
David777Valmarko: Can you run "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows"?04:45
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JourneymanRaven, a gui to configure apache?04:45
David777Valmarko: You have to create "/mnt/windows" first though...04:45
mypapitLuke: you prolly need #users.openoffice.org04:45
Lukemypapit: thanks! i04:45
VorboteRaven: no such thing.04:45
Journeymanwhy not just configure the httpd.conf file what do you need a gui for?04:45
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Ravenyes m , I used to use comanche in windows of I have heard of webmin04:46
David777Tazmon: Yes, you can install an older kernel, but it might be difficult.04:46
Tazmonthat's not just for apache though raven04:46
VorboteRaven: webmin is an option but is it a can of worms, and as far as I know RedHat tools have not been ported.04:46
pakixwhere can i change the Splash Screen which is downloaded from art.gnome.org04:46
cyberlol umm raven do it the normal way04:46
cybergui ftl04:46
TazmonI'm using ISPConfig now... but that's a pretty hard install04:46
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JourneymanRaven,  the apache config is super easy, why would you need a gui to edit it?04:47
ValmarkoI dont understand linux at all because I just started using ubuntu yesterday. Waht I can say is that the tow SO are already isntalled. Grub does the selection :)04:47
Ravenok how do i install apche with all the php mysql etc04:47
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David777Valmarko: You need to open an xterm window.04:47
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Journeymaninstall php04:47
Journeymanand install mysql04:47
ValmarkoThe problem is: I want to transfer one file from ubuntu to sda1, where windows is installed04:47
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David777Valmarko: Then I can walk you through the steps of mounting sda1 and copying your file there.04:47
TazmonRaven, here's my favorite place for server setup help http://www.howtoforge.com/04:48
Ravencheers tazmon04:48
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TazmonRaven: if you want the next step too, check out ISPConfig04:48
blaaHow can I install tomcat 5.5 on dapper?04:49
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cyberlol @ acidburn04:49
TazmonI'll tell you though, the setups and learning the interface can be a pain04:49
cyberu should be more original :?04:49
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Journeymanseariously? AcidBurn ?04:49
cyberJourneyman, hacker movies ftl :/04:50
AcidBurnis there a wifi meter, than can detect wireless net connection as a software app04:50
JourneymanI know what it is from04:50
JourneymanI was asking if this guy is for real04:50
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compengiValmarko, your sda1 is NTFS and you can't right from EXT3-EXT2 to NTFS04:50
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cybervalarians,  set up an ftp server :P04:50
David777compengi: Newer kernels support writing to NTFS04:50
Journeymanbut I guess you want more of a meter04:50
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Valmarkotank you04:51
compengiDavid777, i couldn't right ;)04:51
cyberlol seriously Valmarko i think it might be easyer :P04:51
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David777compengi: I use SystemRescueCD to write to NTFS partitions all the time.04:51
stoortyuse ntfs-3g04:51
David777I think that uses a 2.6.15 kernel04:51
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stoortyor just create a fat partition04:52
blaahelp me04:52
stoortyand use that for swapping between os04:52
blaa!tomcat5.5 | blaa04:52
pakixwhere can i change the Splash Screen which is downloaded from art.gnome.org04:52
ubotutomcat5.5: Java Servlet 2.4 engine with JSP 2.0 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.17-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 340 kB04:52
KomiaPoikahow can i install xv 3.10a in ubuntu?04:52
David777compengi: You might have to pass the rw option to mount04:52
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JourneymanAcidBurn, could try wifi-radar04:52
blaa!tomcat5| blaa04:53
ubotutomcat5: Java Servlet 2.4 engine with JSP 2.0 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.30-11 (edgy), package size 44 kB, installed size 336 kB04:53
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Ravenhow do i install apache in terminal04:53
AcidBurnjourneyman: airsnort, it seem to be a cracker? but it will see other networks, like when I visited, a bookstore, they do offer wireless sevices..04:53
compengiDavid777, i had removed windows and nfts partions as well :D04:53
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JourneymanAcidBurn, airsnort isn't a cracker04:53
David777Raven: If you have aptitude, you can use it to install Apache04:53
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compengiDavid777, pure linux :P04:53
gpdi am trying to help someone install ubuntu dapper via telephone - are there screen shots of the manual partition somewhere?04:53
Journeymanit can be used to crack WEP keys but that is not it's primary purpose04:53
Ravencheers david77704:53
David777Raven: aptitude is a character mode interface to apt.04:53
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TazmonRaven:  Check out http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.1004:54
TazmonRaven: that worked great for me04:54
David777Can anyone tell me what channels would know how to prevent this: "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30"04:55
TazmonAcid, kismet is a big one04:55
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Journeymangpd, yes but they are hard to find04:55
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Tazmonand I've heard of airfart... but never used it04:55
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gpdJourneyman: i can find screens for server - but not desktop. - any ideas/?04:55
David777gpd: Just get them to open an xterm04:56
David777gpd: Is this during install?04:56
gpdyes in stall04:56
Journeyman*shurg* is the server a cli install?04:56
gpdthey are stuck on the screen where the partitioner asks for the mount points04:56
Journeymani hate how linux does paritions :)04:56
gpdsays that the windows partition has errors04:56
David777gpd: There are virtual terminals available during the install04:56
TazmonAcidBurn: check out http://wifi-radar.systemimager.org/04:56
David777gpd: They could switch to a virtual terminal and run the character mode partitioner of choice04:57
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gpdDavid777: ok - what is the character mode installer agina?04:57
David777Well, there's always fdisk...but I don't know what the installer uses.04:57
David777Lemme check what's on the CD-ROM04:58
gpdDavid777: the partitions are fine04:58
AcidBurntarzmon: tks, but it does not work broadcom 431804:58
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gpdDavid777: he can't seem to get past the mount point setup04:58
Journeymanhow hard is it to make 2 paritions04:58
Journeyman/ and swap04:58
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cyberi have a file, it looks like an exacutable file, pure-ftpd04:59
cyberhow do i run it?04:59
Journeymancyber, ./pure-ftpd04:59
gpdJourneyman: the partitions are there - but when he goes past it says 'fat 32 disk has uncorrected errors-'04:59
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leafwany clue on how to launch emacs without X, so that it remains inside an xterm?04:59
jrib!info pure-ftpd | cyber04:59
ubotupure-ftpd: Pure-FTPd FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.21-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 460 kB04:59
jribcyber: pure-ftpd is in the repositories, no need to run an executable you download.  Just install using synaptic or apt-get05:00
SidSilver4i don't know how many times Ubuntu asks me for my password again when I am sure I tied it correctly the first time05:00
SidSilver4anyone else experience this?05:00
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David777leafw: run emacs instead of xemacs05:00
SidSilver4typed it correctly05:00
Journeymanleafw, man emacs05:00
David777leafw: emacs may be sym-linked to xemacs.05:00
gpdIf i can ssh into this jmachine can i install from there?05:01
cyberjrib, i compiled frmo source05:01
Journeymanor use vi *GRIN*05:01
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cybereven tho i had no idea what was going on :P05:01
jribcyber: right, no need to do that05:01
cyberi just did ./configure then make & then make install05:01
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cyberbut yea its running now, well seems to be05:01
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gpdie. is there a curses install on the live disk?05:01
David777leafw: Type "ls -l `which emacs`" and tell us what you see05:01
David777gpd: I think you either have to be at the console or use a serial line.05:02
rausb0jrib: i think this is the most common mistake of linux newbies now. they try to install software downloadeded from anywhere instead of taking it from the repos.05:02
leafwDavid777 : -nw does it. Apparently emacs launches the GUI whenever there is #DISPLAY defined05:02
cyberhmm jrib telnet from my M$ to the ftpd05:02
cyberi log in fine but when i try ls or dir05:02
David777leafw: Good to know05:02
cyberi get " non data connection"05:02
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cyber"no data connection"05:02
cyberany ideas?05:03
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cyberaltho i think its ftp client related05:03
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David777Well thanks for all the help folks, lol05:03
asdf__why does flash crash on the thin client05:03
gpdok --  i have screenshots of his machines -- he has 'no mount point selected for sdb1 -- but we wnt to install on sda!?05:03
leafwDavid777 : ls -l `which emacs` prints  /usr/bin/emacs -> /etc/alternatives/emacs05:03
jribcyber: idk, I've never used telnet to ftp05:03
=== constrictor thinks ssh is the BEEZNISSSS
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leafwDavid777 : ubuntu has its weirdos ...05:03
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gpdsdb1 refuses to have no mount point?05:03
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cyberi im not telnetin lol05:03
cyberi meant ot say ftp =D05:04
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cyberthere we go05:04
cyberi now have access  to my whole file system05:04
cyberthrough pure-ftpd05:04
cyberinstant shareing ftw05:04
cybermuch easyer then setting up samba or sumthing like that05:04
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:05
cyberthanks for the help guys05:05
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asdf__why does flash crash on the thin client05:05
jribcyber: np, glad it works, but in the future I would recommend installing packages fromt he repositories instead of compiling05:05
Journeymancyber, ftp is differenet than samba05:05
Journeymansamba allows for real time running of files05:05
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Journeymanit is more of a remote drive, or network file system if you will05:06
=== Fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486ED33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Journeymanbut fur coping files, yes it is a much better protocol to use05:06
Journeymanerm for805:06
Journeymandang, I give up05:06
=== Randakar [n=floris@cust.95.184.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Randakarbah, update-grub bails out when it generates menu.list05:06
Journeymancyber, keep in mind that ftp is a plain-text protocol, so don't use it on a network you don't trust, for that there is sftp05:07
asdf__so any help05:07
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jribasdf__: what does this command return:    xdpyinfo | grep 'depth of root'05:08
cyberyea Journeyman i just needed a simple way of shareing files on my home network05:08
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Randakarof course nobody seems interested in debugging the update-grub shell script ;-)05:08
constrictorhow do i see a server's ssh configuration05:08
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kynesI installed edgy eft 1 hour ago05:09
kyneseverything is good but...05:09
asdf__jrib,   depth of root window:    16 planes05:09
kyneswhen I modify menu.lst05:09
cyberno malicous users, yes i know it is diffrent to samba, diffrence that i like the most is pure-ftpd works & is set up easily, samba is a mission. yes jrib i know i should use the repositry's but u have to compile stuff some times, i mean other wise u never learn05:09
rausb0cyber: you could also have installed openssh-server on the ubuntu box and winscp on the windows box05:09
kynesit is written correctly, but there is no change05:09
voraistoscyber you can use nfs, its fast and very reliable, and you can share with windows as well if you install windows services for unix from the microsoft website05:09
kynesI make default 5 (windows) and ubuntu comes up selected..05:09
jribcyber: you could learn to recompile the ubuntu source package too (giving ideas)05:10
kynesand another issue (bug)05:10
jribasdf__: you may be bitten by this bug, please try one of the workarounds listed in the comments:  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1491105:10
kyneslivecd is working strangely and doesn't install in my HP nx5000 laptop05:10
cyberok 1 last question. if i cd to the dir of pure-ftpd. i use ./pure-ftpd to exacute it, but this is in a terminal and the terminal stays open. how do i make it so it runs in the back ground?05:10
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constrictoris there a way of looking a a server's SSH configuration from the command line?05:11
cyber& how would i shut it down in the correct fassion05:11
asdf__jrib, i'll take a look05:11
jribconstrictor: take a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:11
voraistoscyber add && at the end05:11
rausb0constrictor: less /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:11
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cyberthanks voraistos, any ideas on stopping it :P05:11
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voraistosi usually press the power button but shutdown command exists i think :)05:12
kynesplease help..05:12
kynestimeout modification in menu.lst works.. but OS selection modification does not05:13
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:13
kynesI already asked my question..05:13
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kynesand I think these are bugs in edgy eft05:13
voraistosubotu is a stupid bot. dont mind :P05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a stupid bot. dont mind :P - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
=== AcidBurn [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
asdf__jrib, no what happens is that when ever i try to go to a site on the thin client eg. candyland.com the browser closes but when i view on the server it works fine05:14
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Randakarkynes: OS selection is a bit odd in menu.list. I use 'savedefault' myself, that way it boots the last menu entry you chose05:14
kynesI also did "default saved" and sudo grub-reboot 505:14
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kynesRandakar: could you show me your menu.list file?05:15
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h0axhello anyone hree ?05:15
lumpkikynes, menu.lst is probably doing exactly what you told it to05:15
kynesI tried savedefault stuff.. it didn't work either05:15
Rocitohow do i limit up/download rates on single programs or ports ?05:15
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kyneslumpki: I have 5 items in the list05:15
Randakarkynes: Doubt my menu.list would help you, I've never tried doing what you're describing there.05:15
jribasdf__: hmm mayb be different then, but try closing all firefox and starting it as:  XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 firefox05:15
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kyneslumpki: and the last one is Windows..05:15
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kyneslumpki: it boots correctly by manual selection..05:15
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h0axcan i run ubuntu on a 166mhz pc ?05:16
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jbroomeprobably not with a GUI05:16
miles_h0ax, try Xubuntu05:16
asdf__jrib, how do i make it run like that05:16
David777Haha!! I'm a wily hacker and you folks aren't!05:16
Randakarh0ax: Don't expect that to run with anything near decent speed at any rate ;-)05:16
h0axwats Xubuntu05:16
Aversinanyone got a sec? I have a newbie problem05:16
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constrictorcan someone tell me why there could be a cron job running each hour although i have not set one up?05:17
Randakark0ax: I'm running the server edition on a 200Mhz one though. No desktop however.05:17
Randakarh0ax: xubuntu05:17
cyberok, i would like to create 2 launchers, 1 to shut down pureftpd and one to start it again05:17
cybercould some one please pvt me05:17
lumpkikynes, put 'default 4' in the file to boot the fifth OS05:17
cyberi would appreciate pvt help05:17
jbroomeconstrictor: look in /etc/cron.hourly/05:17
h0axwats xubuntu05:17
jribasdf__: you would enter that in a terminal05:17
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kyneslumpki: man... I'm sorry05:17
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"05:17
=== Liuk [n=Liuk@host109-225-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
lumpkikynes, look in the comments of menu.lst to see how it works05:17
kyneslumpki: I should have seen..05:17
David777lol, For anyone who is interested, the brute force approach to preventing the "Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30" is to blacklist your frame buffer driver in /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.05:18
asdf__jrib, i tryed alt f2 one sec05:18
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jribasdf__: I'm not too familiar with thin clients, so if I say doesn't make sense, let me know05:18
lumpkikynes, np man05:18
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Aversinanyone got a sec? I have a newbie problem05:18
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jbroomeAversin: ask the ?05:18
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asdf__jrib, still closes the browser05:18
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CREWMAN_peppehi guys i have a problem: my notebook has an ati radeon 9600 i run ubuntu edgy with proprietary driver. Notwithstanding i have installed correctly the driver (and both games or xgl runs smoothly) i have slow screensavers05:19
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voraistosDavid777: Well Hitler was doing the same kind of stuff, but his life ended up early.05:19
CREWMAN_peppeonly screensavers run slowly05:19
David777Funny think is that the blacklist-framebuffer driver says this at the top: "# Framebuffer drivers are generally buggy and poorly-supported, and cause05:19
David777# suspend failures, kernel panics and general mayhem.  For this reason we05:19
David777# never load them automatically.05:19
h0axi dont have 128mb ram for xubuntu do i need 128 ?05:19
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AversinI can get windows to see the shared file on the samba server, but I cant write to it. I also cant get the ubuntu box to see the windows box. Any ideas?05:19
jribasdf__: what about:  FIREFOX_DSP=none firefox05:19
apixelatedofficecould someone tell me the EASIEST way to view nfo files on Linux (Ubuntu)?05:19
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jbroomeapixelatedoffice: less *.nfo05:20
voraistosgedit ?05:20
h0axi dont have 128mb ram for xubuntu do i need 128 ?05:20
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Randakarh0ax: To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM, when using the Alternate Install CD you can do with 64 MB.05:20
jbroomethey're just text files05:20
Rocitohow do i throttle up/download rates to programs or ports in ubuntu?05:20
Randakarh0ax: that's from http://xubuntu.org/get05:20
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apixelatedofficewell if I change the extension to .txt, it's still garbled.05:21
cyberh0ax, get ureself a new machine =D05:21
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RandakarRocito: that's traffic shaping05:21
h0axits an old one i had in the cubbaord lol05:21
asdf__jrib, The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error.05:21
asdf__This probably reflects a bug in the program.05:21
asdf__The error was 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'.05:21
asdf__  (Details: serial 58 error_code 10 request_code 144 minor_code 1)05:21
asdf__  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;05:21
asdf__   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.05:21
asdf__   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line05:21
asdf__   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful05:21
RandakarRocito: possible, but it will require a lot of manual text-mode command typing05:21
asdf__   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)05:21
jrib!paste | asdf__05:21
ubotuasdf__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:21
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asdf__sorry bout that05:21
jribasdf__: ok, my only other suggestion would be to try flash9 beta05:22
h0axweres the alternate install cd ?05:22
Randakarh0ax: http://xubuntu.org/get05:22
Alakazamz0rh0ax, same place the other isos are.05:22
h0ax# 6.10, codename Edgy Eft (stable release)05:22
h0ax# 6.06.1, codename Dapper Drake (stable release), with Long Term Support.05:22
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carldWhat site do I check out what and upgrade to Edgy might break?05:23
asdf__jrib, ok thx i g2g thanks for the help jrib05:23
carldI am ready to do an upgrade of Dapper, being from Fedora, I am excited to have an upgrade actually work :)05:23
Alakazamz0rh0ax, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.10/release/xubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso05:23
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JiHaHi all. Where can I set the keyboard layout in live mode?05:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgyissues - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
David777voraistos: Read this page before you play the Hitler card: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unichrome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
h0ax682mb ffs05:24
mojojojo_I want to check what slows down my server. It's probably a kernel thing so using sth like top want help. Is there a way to check kernel operations?05:24
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David777voraistos: ...and I was just joking anywayz.05:24
rogue781anyone know how to install and get working unichrome drivers with edgy?05:24
mojojojo_wont help*05:25
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cyberonce again. i do not have permission to move a file from 1 dir to another05:26
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jribcyber: what file? from where to where?05:26
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cyberhow can i change this? or whats the easyest way around this05:26
scott__hey, anyone know where i have to put the LDPRELOAD command to preload the xorg yield hack to make aiglx smoohth on my nvidia machine?05:26
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cyberjrib, i want to move a folder from my desktop to var/www, but i get "you do not have permission to write to this folder"05:27
deusjevoohttp://www.minefi.gouv.fr/directions_services/sircom/technologies_info/immateriel/immateriel.pdf - France wants to make Paris "capital city" for open source software05:27
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cyberis there a way i can open the file browser in sudo or sumthing?05:27
jribcyber: /var/www is owned by root.  You need to use sudo05:27
deusjevoomaybe someone can translate ?05:27
timo90when adding public keys do you type them in the terminal or do you paste them on the souces.list05:27
cyberjrib, you cant use sudo when ure using the GUI file browser :/05:27
jribcyber: gksudo nautilus  , but I'd recommend not using it often.  Maybe you should setup a group with /var/www05:27
cybera group?05:28
jribcyber: yeah, 'www-data' is the usual one I think.  Just change group ownership to www-data and allow the group to read write and execute05:29
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome05:30
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.05:30
David777So, now that I've fixed my console problem anyone got an idea where I should post the fix in case anyone else has the problem?05:30
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jribDavid777: wiki.ubuntu.com05:30
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CREWMAN_peppehi guys i have a problem: my notebook has an ati radeon 9600 i run ubuntu edgy with proprietary driver. Notwithstanding i have installed correctly the driver (and both games or xgl runs smoothly) i have slow screensavers05:31
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CREWMAN_peppeonly slow screensavers05:31
manmadhaIs there any tool like movie player (In windows??)05:31
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RandakarI'm getting an error from update-grub: "shift: 1: can't shift that many" anyone know what is going on there?05:31
rothusits called windows media player05:31
jribmanmadha: applications > sound and video > movie player05:31
unimatrix9does automatix2 not give mplayer any more?05:31
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications05:31
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manmadhajrib, ohh ok05:31
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:32
cmt^^can anyone help me getting my graphics card running properly?05:32
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cmt^^(ati radeon x700 @ ubuntu 6.10)05:32
David777Ubuntu uses Gnome?05:32
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cmt^^David777 - it can05:32
d0uglasDavid777: yes05:32
d0uglaserr no... ?05:32
d0uglaskubuntu does not05:32
David777So, do I put my workaround in Documentation or Community Docs?05:33
apixelatedofficeI've tried EVERYTHING, I can't view this NFO file.05:33
hoelkhmm anyone any idea how to translate "testbild" from german to english (meaning the standard tv testimage = http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Testbild.png )05:33
matjumy CPU is stuck at 800 MHz instead of doing 1730 MHz, despite the BIOS settings. This is a Toshiba Satellite. Anyone seen that problem? Are there conf options I should know about?05:33
cmt^^apixelatedoffice - if you've tried everything, how come you're here?05:33
Randakarapixelatedoffice: tried just using 'less filename.nfo' ?05:33
apixelatedofficeno dice05:33
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jbroomeapixelatedoffice: is it on the 'net somewhere we can check it?05:33
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lumpkino dice?, what exactly happend05:34
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Randakarapixelatedoffice: can you run 'file filename.nfo' and tell us what it says?05:34
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kishancan any one help to fix my network manager applet05:34
cmt^^can anyone help me getting my graphics card running properly?05:34
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Randakarnormally .nfo files are ASCII text, but maybe this one is not05:34
cmt^^(ati radeon x700 @ ubuntu 6.10)05:34
datilany rythmbox users? i was wondering if it supprots reading cover art tags into the mp3 files05:34
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Randakar!ati | cmt^^05:34
jribDavid777: community docs05:34
ubotucmt^^: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:34
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cmt^^Oh haven't I tried that like a thousand times05:35
cmt^^it doesn't work on my system :<05:35
Randakarcmt^^: what exactly is wrong with it?05:35
stacyhey everyone05:35
kishanmy nm applete does not appear on the panel can any one help me please i checked in the start up programs i see th nm-applet --sm disable but unable to see it here05:35
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Randakarh3sp4wn: Finally, somebody who replies05:35
cmt^^Randakar - this is what I get when I do "sudo aticonfig --initial"05:35
cmt^^Found fglrx primary device section05:35
cmt^^Nothing to do, terminating.05:35
Randakarh3sp4wn: did that, can't tell for the life of me which line it is. See http://librarian.launchpad.net/5248147/update-grub.txt05:36
=== bthornton [n=bthornto@m815f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Randakarh3sp4wn: also https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/7396605:36
bthorntonI am trying to install a package which has php4 as a requirement, but php5 is already installed on my system.  If I install php4, will existing applications that use php5 still use php5?05:37
deusjevoohoelk: think testbild = Tv Test Image05:37
hoelkhmm okay sounds logical05:37
Randakarcmt^^: odd, sounds like that program thinks you've already done whatever it is needs doing05:37
hoelkjust wanted to know if it has a special name or something05:37
asdf__jrib, lil more help please05:37
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jrib!flash9 | asdf__05:37
ubotuasdf__: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports05:37
Randakarbthornton: yes, they should05:37
cmt^^Randakar - yup, but i've never successfully done 'aticonfig --initial'05:37
cmt^^that's where the guide goes wrong for me05:38
asdf__i am using ltsp so05:38
Randakarcmt^^: seems to me it tries changing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:38
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bthorntonRandakar: this is probably an "it depends" question, but how will the php4 application know how to use php4 then?05:38
apixelatedofficeRandakar : Stranger.Than.Fiction.CAM.SVCD-FLAMES.nfo: microsoft office document05:38
manmadhajrib, hee it is possible to do all applications like movie maker..?05:38
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Randakarapixelatedoffice: rename that file to .doc and open it with openoffice or something05:38
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repeteHi all05:39
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apixelatedofficeRandakar, K05:39
asdf__jrib, i am getting some errors when i try to do this can u help me http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox05:39
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Randakarbthornton: there are several ways ;-)05:39
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apixelatedofficeRandakar, sorry for my ignorance but what is an sfv file?05:40
bthorntonRandakar: I thought so.  Well, as long as php4 and php5 play nicely together, I'll go ahead and install.  Thanks!05:40
Randakarbthornton: usually it's a matter of having a #!/usr/bin/php4 link at the top, or having a .php4 filename extension05:40
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datilany rythmbox users? i was wondering if it supprots reading cover art tags into the mp3 files05:40
Randakarapixelatedoffice: sfv? No idea ;-)05:40
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bthorntonRandakar: ah, good call--forgot all about the file extensions :p05:40
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Randakarbthornton: sometimes it's easy to miss the obvious05:41
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apixelatedofficehrm, I did what you said, and the right about when the doc file started to open, it asked me for a password, which must be in the sfv file... anyone know what an sfv file is?05:41
plsDaemonplz help with jdk-inst: how to set installed directory as default05:41
jribmanmadha: try kino05:41
bthorntonalright, well thanks again05:41
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manmadhajrib, yaa i tried ...It is difficult...05:41
burepe_You can install drupal through synaptic but what if you want more than one? How can you install more?05:41
plsDaemonwhen typing java gives only gij and not the installd one05:42
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Randakarapixelatedoffice: a quick google search yields that 'sfv' stands for 'simple file verification' .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFV05:42
jrib!multijava | plsDaemon05:42
ubotuplsDaemon: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives05:42
apixelatedofficeI would have given up by now if it weren't such a good movie :-P05:42
apixelatedofficeRandakar, thanks I'll head for wikipedia.05:42
jribasdf__: just use backports to get flash 9 beta05:42
lumpkiapixelatedoffice, its a checksum probably05:42
Randakarapixelatedoffice: wow, it's an _encrypted_ word document then? interesting05:42
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plsDaemonupdate-java-alternatives: command not found05:43
lumpkioops,randakar you already got that05:43
patrixxHello... Some one can say me why WEBMIN is no more in the package list of EDGY release ?05:43
patrixxis there an equivalent05:43
asdf__jrib, cant ltsp dont like flash9 beta05:43
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Randakarlumpki: :-)05:43
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.05:43
patrixxis there a equivalent05:43
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patrixxPlesk ?05:43
Randakarpatrixx: that's about as much as I know about it too :-)05:43
apixelatedofficeRandakar yeah I guess... people don't want you to "compile" their movie rips unless they know their way around a computer.05:44
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patrixxnothjing else05:44
jribasdf__: I see, I'm out of ideas then.  Concerning the link you gave me:  isn't that how you installed flash already?05:44
patrixxnothing new ?05:44
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lumpkipatrixx, what are you needing to comfigure?05:44
Randakarapixelatedoffice: heh, I'd have given up on such obnoxious file formats already too :-)05:44
asdf__jrib no05:44
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kudzubaneanyone installed python 2.5 under edgy?05:44
jribasdf__: how did you install it?05:44
patrixxi dont know i want to let user configure them selve virtual hosts05:44
webwolf_27would sombody be kind enough to help me configure my wireless card on my main box to be used as a router?05:44
jrib!anyone | kudzubane05:44
ubotukudzubane: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:44
patrixxwith an interface05:44
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patrixxsome thing like plesk05:44
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apixelatedofficeRandakar, Stranger than fiction is awesome, but you gave me an idea... I think I'm just going to use another torrent.  This only took 14 hours.05:45
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RocitoHow to set up samba? I did everything but now when i try to open a folder on this box from a windows pc on the network, it prompts me with a login screen that doesn't accept my login/password combination. Any pointers?05:45
asdf__package manager05:45
Randakarapixelatedoffice: *lol*05:45
FlankkUbuntu is sporadically shutting down on my PC.  What should I do?05:45
Randakarapixelatedoffice: good luck :-)05:45
lumpkipatrixx, let me check05:45
asdf__jrib, package manager05:45
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apixelatedofficeRandakar :)05:45
kudzubanegot it, every channel seems to have a slightly different question-asking tradition05:45
cmt^^Randakar - well.. it has the following lines in it:05:45
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kudzubanelet me rephrase05:46
RandakarRocito: did you add samba users?05:46
cmt^^drivera90 - "fglrx"05:46
hid3Evening everyone. Is there any way to send an e-mail message with attached file using `mail` commad?05:46
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RandakarRocito: if you did - remove them. They get in the way if you have 'real' users for them.05:46
PaSurfI installed EFT with no problems about two weeks ago.  But when I go to change the time by rightclick - adjust time and date -    I get the bug tracker.  The system at home has no issues with this and we have installed other systems here in the office with no problems.  Aside from reinstalling, is there something I can do to help repair this?05:46
matjumy CPU is stuck at 800 MHz instead of doing 1730 MHz, despite the BIOS settings. This is a Toshiba Satellite. cpufreq-selector has no effect. what should I try?05:46
jribasdf__: apt-get is just the command line way of doing the same thing as the package manager05:46
kudzubanehow do i use python 2.5 after install as a user, but keep python 2.4.x as default python for running of essential scripts?05:47
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RandakarPaSurf: sounds like that applet crashes05:47
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jribkudzubane: you run python2.5 to use python2.5, python should still point to python2.405:47
DanglyBitswhat is the best choice for a mail server for edgy ubuntu?05:47
mormolocwhere can i find a list of all ink-jet printers under linux/ubuntu?05:47
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budwmatju: mine stays at 600 MHz until I put a load on it05:47
RocitoRandakar; how do i remove sambausers?05:47
budwthen it jumps up automaticly05:47
kudzubanejrib: and, if i want to set python2.5 as default?05:48
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FlankkUbuntu is sporadically shutting down my PC.  What should I do?05:48
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lumpkipatrixx, there's one called ispconfig05:48
RandakarRocito: smbpasswd -x user05:48
matjubudw: ah, but here, it stayed at 1730 MHz until very recently05:48
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jribkudzubane: you would make the /usr/bin/python link point to python2.5 I guess05:48
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wavefunctionAfter installing realplayer, using the .bin available at www.real.com I still cannot watch any .ram within firefox. At /usr/lib/firefox/plugins there are "nphelix.so", "nphelix.xpt". Are the any additional step should I follow to make realplayer plugin available at firefox ?05:48
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patrixxISP config05:48
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kudzubaneFlankk: is ubuntu doing a proper shutdown, or does the machine just power off05:49
PaSurfRandakar:  I think so.  Is there anyway to resolve that without the reinstall?  You know when you get the system setup the way you like then something like this happens.  I just want to have the system sync with an network NTP server05:49
RocitoRandakar: how do i bring up a list of all sambausers?05:49
patrixxmaybe i look at this05:49
matjubudw: and you're right, it's increasing, which would explain the crazy values I get when trying to profile a program...05:49
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patrixxthanks ispconfig05:49
fwaphow can i get the default ubuntu gui shell/terminal to have a black background? (instead of white)05:49
RandakarPaSurf: Doesn't it do that by default already?05:49
budwmatju: the bios upgrade probably improved CPU handling05:49
RandakarRocito: not sure actually05:49
jbroomefwap: edit > profiles05:49
kudzubanejrib: i wonder if python2.5 can be set the same way java is set via an alternatives script05:49
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Flankkkudzubane, it does a proper shutdown.  Something to do with the temperature being too high.. it quotes something like -2453 C.  ACPI is turned off though.05:50
matjubudw: i don't remember upgrading my BIOS. I don't even know how to upgrade the BIOS.05:50
RandakarRocito: but I'd first remove just the one you use to connect to that box, to see if it helps05:50
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budwmatju: throtling is good - saves power - reduces heat - and doesn't affect performance much05:50
jribkudzubane: I wouldn't recommend making python2.5 default.  It doesn't seem to use alternatives, but you can add it if you want05:50
plsDaemonAgain jdk: how to use certain directory as default05:50
budwmatju: I see05:50
PaSurfRandakar:  nope.  System is showing totally different time than supposed to.  I guess I could change time via command line05:50
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kudzubaneFlankk: it might not be ubuntu shutting down your machine, but the machine shutting itself down05:50
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matjubudw: my problem isn't so much performance, it's the measurement of performance, and for that i need something that can be stable when i need it to05:50
jribplsDaemon: how are you installing java?05:51
plsDaemon/opt/jdk/bin/java -> straight from here05:51
Flankkkudzubane, I don't have this problem under Windows.05:51
plsDaemoni ran the installer05:51
kudzubaneFlankk: b/c you are not using acpi, your cpu fan might be be kicking in (many times acpi controlled)05:51
RandakarPaSurf: do you have ntp installed? That's the program you need to auto-sync time servers. Also, run 'tzconfig' to see if you have the timezone set up correctly05:51
PaSurfRandakar:  But wife uses the machine too.  It breaks her heart not to have the correct time or the ability to change it...  :)05:51
jribplsDaemon: why not use the ubuntu packages?  Then alternatives will get setup for you05:51
wavefunctionfwap,  go to menu 'Edit' > 'Current profile'. Go to 'colors' tab and choose the colors you want.05:51
cmt^^Randakar - any ideas on how to solve my fglrx-problem?05:51
RandakarPaSurf: Yeah, I can imagine.05:51
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PaSurfRandakar:  Ya, did it from aptitude05:51
kudzubaneFlankk: and if the cpu fan isn't on, then the cpu will likely overheat, at which time the hardware detects overheating of cpu and performs a thermal-triggered shutdown05:52
plsDaemonokay, I'll try05:52
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matjubudw: if i run a busy loop with nice -20, my program looks like it's more than twice faster.05:52
jrib!java > plsDaemon05:52
Flankkkudzubane, I turned ACPI in an attempt to solve this problem.05:52
wavefunctionfwap, and do not forget to save your profile to make this change persist.05:52
matjubudw: the busy loop makes the CPU stick to high speed.05:52
Flankkkudzubane, turned ACPI off*05:52
Randakarcmt^^: you could try moving xorg.conf away (mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup) and then running dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server)05:52
Randakarcmt^^: that should generate a 'clean' x.org config file, hopefully your ati configuration tool will actually do something then next time you run it.05:53
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cmt^^Randakar - I found this when doing fglrxinfo:05:53
cmt^^Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:53
RandakarPaSurf: I'd check the timezone configuration first, then run ntpdate to see if it syncs05:53
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oldsneed to install mp3 codecs on fresh edgy install05:54
oldshow do I go about that05:54
PaSurfRandakar:  Sounds good, thanks for the help!  :)05:54
fwaphow can i get to a normal text based virtual console in ubuntu and how do i switch back and forth to Gnome? (i tried ctrl+alt+backspace but it just took me to the gnome login screen)05:54
kudzubaneFlankk: have you peeped in the logs to see whether that sheds any light?05:54
jrib!mp3 > olds05:54
=== A3n [n=adrien@ip-81-11-186-157.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Randakarcmt^^: yep, sounds like the config file is wrong then05:54
fwap!mp3 > fwap05:54
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A3nhow do i turn on a wireless device ?05:55
Randakarfwap: ctrl-alt-f105:55
A3ni read http://www.ioi.knaw.nl/~heimel/computers/connecting_wireless.html but i'm not on laptop05:55
Randakarfwap: back is alt-f705:55
A3nso no 'FP' key :s05:55
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Randakarfwap: or ctrl-f7, I forget  ;-)05:55
budwmatju: I see.  you may be out of luck - I can't disable throttling on my laptop.  What does this program do that requires consistant CPU resources?05:55
fwapah so it's like normal linux05:55
Randakarfwap: np05:55
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Flankkkudzubane, yes, that's how I found out it was shutting down due to ACPI.  However it's still shutting down when it is off.05:56
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ajopaul_anyone using/used enlightenment wm here?05:56
kudzubaneFlankk: how are you disabling acpi?05:56
Randakarajopaul_: yes, but it's been 7 years or so .. so maybe I don't count ;-)05:56
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cmt^^Randakar - package "xorg-server" is not installed and there is no information05:57
A3nhow do i turn on wireless device ? are there function keys for it for PC's too? (like FN + F3 in notebook)05:57
ajopaul_oh! was on e16, din figure how to run a command , like alt-f2 in other desktops05:57
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:57
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budwmatju: can you try to pace the app with system clock (ex sleep()) instead of CPU load?05:57
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cmt^^Randakar - strange huh?05:57
Flankkkudzubane, in my grub menu.lst I set acpi=off05:57
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matjubudw: the program is a user interface for a sound/video program, and i'm trying to accelerate it, so i need to measure how fast it is, but the test is only a few seconds, and the cpu clock change is skewing the results, so i can't figure out how to accelerate my program.05:58
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Randakarcmt^^: a moment05:58
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Randakarcmt^^: not really, the package is called 'xserver-xorg' ;-)05:59
kudzubaneFlankk: did you verify acpi is indeed off after booting with that option?05:59
matjubudw: no, the program doesn't do a busy loop itself, but i need to run a busy loop in the background of it so that it runs faster, in order to cancel the freq throttle.05:59
rogue781can someone direct me to how to build a kernel module and all that good stuff pleasE?05:59
cmt^^so Randakar - should I use ATI here, or go with fglrx? in the menu that comes up06:00
A3n$ ndiswrapper -l \n Installed ndis drivers: prisma00        driver present, hardware present \n$ modprobe ndiswrapper\n$ dmesg\nndiswrapper version 1.2 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no)06:00
cmt^^where I pick my driver06:00
A3nhow do i start the wireless device?06:00
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rogue781can someone direct me to how to build a kernel module and all that good stuff please?06:00
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budwmatju: I see...I don't know what you can do to get around that...06:00
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Randakarcmt^^: pick ati here, if you choose the other one the configuration tool you used may just refuse to configure again06:00
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b_52Centossomeone know a good how top for making a Hp officeget G55 wokrking with a dapper , ?06:00
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A3nhow do i start wlan0 ?06:01
rogue781can someone direct me to how to build a kernel module and all that good stuff please?06:01
RandakarA3n: what's the output of iwconfig ?06:01
lumpkia3n, something like   ifup wlan006:02
A3nit only says eth2 is a wireless device lol06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernelpackage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
kudzubaneA3n: once ndiswrapper and driver is loaded you should be able to control it via System>Administration>Networking06:02
A3nwich is incorect06:02
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:02
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David777Kyewl, I'm a wiki editor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer06:02
A3now another problem06:02
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:02
A3nwhenever i click the package manager it doesnt loaf06:02
A3nbecause it does gksu06:02
psyke88hi, in a deb package, what does the variable x in x:a.b.c in the version string signify? I'm trying to compile a deb to replace xserver-xorg-video-i810, the original is 1:1.6.5, but checkinstall only allows you to create a version prefixed with 0: (i.e., 0:1.7.2), thus it thinks it's being downgraded.. can someone help?06:02
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.06:03
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A3nwich reports gethostnameby() not found or something06:03
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Randakarpsyke88: that's the epoch06:03
A3nhow can i make myself root permanently?06:03
cmt^^Randakar - should I check the Use core framebuffer interface"?06:03
matjubudw: ok, thanks.06:03
David777A3n: log in as root06:03
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Randakarcmt^^: probably not06:03
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jribA3n: what is the contents of:  /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts06:04
mnoir!root > A3n06:04
A3ni have no idea , jrib :)06:04
jribA3n: find out :)06:04
A3ni'll look at it once in ubuntu again06:04
David777Instead of logging in using your user name at the login prompt, use "root".06:04
jribA3n: are you in windows now?06:04
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lumpkiDavid777, ubuntu uses sudo06:04
A3ndual booting06:04
jrib!ext3 | A3n06:04
ubotuA3n: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org06:04
David777lumpki: I use root06:04
A3ni need internet in ubuntu06:04
Randakarpsyke88: epochs are introduced to upgrade something to something with a lower version number, usually because something broke on the newer version06:04
David777lumpki: And I use ubuntu.06:04
A3nand write?06:04
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jribA3n: yes06:05
A3ni always mount hda106:05
lumpkiyes, it can be enabled, but you cant log in as root by default06:05
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psyke88Randakar, is it possible to specify the epoch in checkinstall?06:05
jribA3n: the reason you can't use sudo is in those two files, we can fix that from windows if you install fs-driver and get you back in shape06:05
Randakarpsyke88: normally you can bump the version number yourselves by adding a changelog entry for it. but I don't know if that includes epochs06:05
David777lumpki: If you are a regular desktop user, sudo is fine.  If you are an actual system administrator (like me) you want to be logged in as root all the time.06:05
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jribDavid777: that is what 'sudo -i' is for06:06
cmt^^Randakar - I have a philips 190B 19" LCD, should I still just go with "Generic Monitor"?06:06
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Randakarcmt^^: yeah, most monitors are autodetected fine06:06
David777jrib: It's just easier for me to log in as root.06:06
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jribDavid777: that is fine06:06
mnoirDavid777: yeah - that wat there is no audit trail as to who actually made the changes - I don't think so06:06
lumpkiDavid777, A3n is not a sysadmin06:06
ClydeGoffehey does anyone know how to get audio working with ubuntu 6.10 server06:06
mnoirwat=way :)06:06
David777jrib: I have to use many distros and I don't like having to keep track of each method of assuming root.06:07
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ClydeGoffei dont want to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:07
RandakarDavid777: I just did a 'sudo bash' and changed the password for root. Much easier for an oldtimer ;-)06:07
mnoirDavid777: so which distributions do not support sudo?06:07
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A3ni always set myself root with su => [password]  but i always log in with my account "a3n" on boot06:08
SpaceBasshey folks06:08
A3nguess i'll have to try logging in as "root"06:08
cmt^^ok now I'm done Randakar.. Restart X?06:08
jribDavid777: yes, I understand.  And I think you should use whatever you prefer.  In ubuntu however, the sudo model is preferred, so we tend to recommend that to users.  Usually we just link to the sudo wiki page to let users make up their own minds and avoid this discussion every time :)06:08
cmt^^and then try sudo ati-configure...06:08
SpaceBassI just installed ubuntu on hda (first IDE drive) and it wanted to install grub on hd0 ...which i let it06:08
Randakarcmt^^: sounds like an idea06:08
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SpaceBassnow when I boot for the first time i get grub error 206:08
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Randakarcmt^^: of course, if it doesn't work, you can just put your xorg.conf back and be right back where you started.06:08
David777mnoir: I don't know.  I don't keep track.  Right now, one project I'm on doesn't even use a distro.  It just has a cross-compiled busybox and some other software.  No sudo.06:09
kittyhawkgreetings.  Can anyone tell me the right way to get the public key for the development packages?06:09
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jribA3n: did you understand what I said about why sudo wasn't working for you?06:09
lumpkiClydeGoffe, i think you want alsa apckages06:09
A3nnot mush06:09
ClydeGoffejust apt-get install alsa?06:09
lumpkiapt-cache show asla  first  ;)06:09
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Randakar!SpaceBass: sounds like grub did not install properly then06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about SpaceBass: sounds like grub did not install properly then - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
jribA3n: ok, you have an error in either /etc/hostname or /etc/hosts.  So to fix this, you can install fs-driver on windows.  That way you can edit the files on your linux partition.  Just pastebin the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts06:10
ClydeGoffelet me give you the run down...i have ubuntu server installed on my laptop06:10
ClydeGoffei dont like the desktop version06:10
compengiwhy it's not secure to install .rpm packages by alien?06:10
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ClydeGoffenot a fan of gnome06:10
RandakarSpaceBass: (sorry for stating the obvious)06:10
ClydeGoffeso i've installed xorg and afterstep06:10
SpaceBassRandakar, yeah...i kinda figured that :)06:10
ClydeGoffehaven't figured out how to get my sound working but i'll try looking into alsa06:10
A3njrib: k06:10
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SpaceBassWhen I tried to specify that it install on hda it errored out during the install06:11
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ClydeGoffewill it configure it for my sound card?06:11
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RandakarSpaceBass: can you be a bit more specific when you say 'error 2' ?06:11
SpaceBassso it only likes to install on hd0...and I'm not even sure what hd0 is06:11
Garitohi all06:11
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ClydeGoffedo i need to start alsa manually or will it start automatically with the proper settings?06:11
SpaceBassRandakar, thats all the screen says .... grub error 206:11
DeathWolfhello all, when i do "su username"(with a correct username) it says "no shell", i checked, and the shell is fine, i tried with many users, and it always gives that error, also these users can ssh in fine06:11
David777lol, you gotta like aptitude06:11
compengiSpaceBass, what's the problem?06:11
lumpkiClydeGoffe, maybe sude apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:11
DeathWolfit's just when i try to su that it goes wrong, any ideas?06:11
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jamclxhey, im using wine with ubuntu and im wondering how to make it run exe files when I double click them...06:11
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SpaceBasscompengi, fresh install to hda trying for the first boot...grub error 206:11
ClydeGoffei dont like kde either06:12
paradox34690can someone tell me how I can put the trashcan on the desktop of ubuntu 6.10 rather than having it in the panel?06:12
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RandakarSpaceBass: there's a list here: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_13.html06:12
jrib!icons | paradox3469006:12
ubotuparadox34690: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:12
ClydeGoffexfce is ok but i prefer afterstep06:12
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lumpkiClydeGoffe, ok, then well it's libalsa something or other i belive06:12
compengiSpaceBass, are you trying to install ubuntu?06:12
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SpaceBasscompengi, yeah06:12
ClydeGoffealright i'll try looking into that06:12
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lumpkiClydeGoffe, libasound206:13
RandakarSpaceBass: 2 : Bad file or directory type06:13
Randakar    This error is returned if a file requested is not a regular file, but something like a symbolic link, directory, or FIFO.06:13
SpaceBasscompengi, got a software raid5 array I want to preserve then a stand-alone system drive (hda) which I'm trying to install onto06:13
jribDeathWolf: weird, what shell is the user's default?06:13
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RandakarSpaceBass: did you install it on 'hda0', or on 'hda0,0' ?06:13
SpaceBassRandakar, yeah...thats about as ambigious as saying "error 2" :)06:13
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burepe_Where does drupal install to?06:13
RandakarSpaceBass: unfortunately ;-)06:13
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SpaceBassRandakar, the installer said grub would install on hd0   not hda0 or anything else06:13
A3njrib: do i need to install linux swap too?06:14
RandakarSpaceBass: at any rate, the solution here would be to run grub from live CD, see if it installes06:14
A3njrib:or just the linux partition?06:14
wavefunctionDoes anyone know how to get realplayer plugin functioning on Edgy ?06:14
jbroome!realplayer | wavefunction06:14
ubotuwavefunction: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:14
jribA3n: no, we just need access to /06:14
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compengiSpaceBass, i think you should remove your partition that you want to install your ubuntu on and create a new ext3 one, maybe that will help06:14
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SpaceBassRandakar, not opposed to that, but not sure how to do much with grub via the commandline06:14
RandakarSpaceBass: me neither to be honest ;-)06:14
SpaceBasscompengi, during the install I told it to wipe hda and create a new structure06:15
fnfDoes anyone know how to setup the local network between 2 PCs ?. I installed Ubuntu on a friend's machine but she hasn't got network access yet. I'd want to transfer updates to her machine without having to use the additional USB drive.06:15
jamclxhow can I make wine open exe files in ubuntu?06:15
carldis doing an upgrade to edgy *safe* yet?06:15
David777Gah, why does Ubuntu have to use such a crazy setup for Apache06:15
jribjamclx: wine file.exe06:15
carldjamclx, wine notepad.exe06:15
jamclxyes but how can I make it do that automatically?06:15
RandakarSpaceBass: but it sounds like you don't have a menu.list (which configures partitions) and grub gives up in confusion or something06:15
jamclxlike, when I double click an exe file06:15
jbroomejamclx: right click on .exe and choose "open with" and select wine06:15
wizohey all, when i run ./configure, it says that it cant find libncurses or libcurses, but when i try to apt-get install libncurses5, it says that it is already up to date, why is this so?06:15
RandakarSpaceBass: what version were you installing?06:15
SpaceBassRandakar, thanks for the tips...at least increases my vocab about the issue06:15
kittyhawkI'm trying to install g++ and some other libraries, but they are not authenticated.  How can I install the appropriate public key?06:15
SpaceBassRandakar, 6.1006:15
carldwizo, you probably need to install the devel packages06:15
jamclxthanks jbroome :D06:16
wavefunctionjbroome, I've already installed the restricted format, and also installed realplayer using the .bin at real.com. Any time I try to open a .rm the browser only gives me the chance to open it with an external app, not within the browser, i.e. within a plugin. :(06:16
jribDeathWolf: http://www.sunmanagers.org/archives/1995/0281.html  the title seems promisong though i have not read it06:16
jbroomewizo: try the -dev pkgs also06:16
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David777wizo, some configure files incorrectly look for the wrong name for libcurses06:16
fnfAnyone ? I know that kind of 'ad-hoc' network is possible, but haven't got to known how to configure it.06:16
DeathWolfjrib, permissions are fine06:16
DeathWolfand they can ssh fine, which means it works:/06:16
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Naamaahhi! who knows what to do with USB hard drive (NTFS filesystem) - i can't write anything on it because of privileges. How can I change 'em?06:16
RandakarSpaceBass: hm, too bad, would have been nice if I could have told you to retry it with a newer version06:16
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David777wizo: You will have to find out what the name of libcurses is on your system and modify the configure file to use that06:16
wizoDavid777, how can i do that?06:16
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wizoshould i get hte devel ones too?06:17
A3njrib:only hosts has a little text06:17
SpaceBassRandakar, LOL!06:17
carldNaamaah, I don't know that you can write to ntfs (you can, but it isn't easy or recomended)06:17
RandakarSpaceBass: They uploaded a new grub version to feisty but i wouldn't recommend that06:17
jribA3n: pastebin both of the files06:17
ThinkingManOK...so I noticed that my system was failing activating swap...06:17
w3ccvjamclx, you could write a small shell script, with the name notepad (or whatver your .exe file is) make it exectuable and put it in your path. works for me06:17
jrib!pastebin | A3n06:17
ubotuA3n: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:17
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ThinkingManso I did a swapoff -a06:17
SpaceBassI'm on a tour of distros this week.... I wiped my suse 10 box which was the orignal host of this raid array...tried FC6 and now back to ubuntu06:17
wizoi think ill try install dev06:17
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wizothen try configuring the ./config, thanks06:17
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David777wizo: On my SUSE 10.1 system, the library is /usr/lib/libncurses.so06:18
ThinkingManand then forgetting what partition I had set as swap I checked out fstab06:18
RandakarSpaceBass: Actually trying it with Dapper (6.06) might also be an option, mind - upgrading it to 6.10 later might be easier than figuring out what went wrong on the installation ;-) (I dislike grub. A lot.)06:18
A3njrib:hostname has just the newline character and thats all06:18
ThinkingMan....whoah my god06:18
David777wizo: Your configure script is probably looking for /usr/lib/libcurses.so (which won't exist)06:18
jribA3n: ok, and the other file?06:18
David777wizo: You will have to edit the configure script to look for libncurses.so06:18
wizoi see, thanks06:18
SpaceBassIm gonna reinstall...and pay closer attention to the settings06:18
jribA3n: link?06:19
RandakarSpaceBass: That might help06:19
wizoi`ll give it a go Davis777, thanks06:19
RandakarSpaceBass: if this problem persists, check back in. It should be fixable06:19
wizoerr, which one would the configure file be named?06:19
SpaceBassRandakar, thanks!06:19
David777wizo: If you need more help, type /query David777 and you can post your script into the window.06:19
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SpaceBassbefore I leave...how well does ubutnu play in an AD domain?06:19
RandakarSpaceBass: no problem06:19
wizothanks ^^06:19
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ThinkingManso um... anyone want to tell me why everything in fstab is commented out with "--converted during upgrade to edgy"?06:20
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DeathWolfok even weirder06:20
DeathWolf2 users, with exactly the same shell06:20
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DeathWolfi can su to one but not to the other06:20
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carldThinkingMan, I would love to know, I am thinking about doing an upgrade06:20
David777DeathWolf: Does one have an empty password?06:20
jribA3n: ok, first.  I thought it would be ok to write to the files, but only if you have an editor that will format the files correctly (vim?).  So I'd recommend you just reboot to ubuntu, but select "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then edit the files with this command: 'nano /etc/hosts' and 'nano /etc/hostname'.  In nano, to save and exit you press ctrl-o ctrl-x06:20
RandakarThinkingMan: they changed the way Ubuntu adresses filesystems from /dev/hdX or /dev/sdX to /dev/disk/by-label/...06:20
DeathWolfboth have a password06:21
DeathWolfboth have a home dir too06:21
ThinkingManRandakar: OK, so how do I find my swap partition?06:21
DeathWolfwith exactly same permissions06:21
DeathWolfi'm quite surprised06:21
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David777DeathWolf: Any output in dmesg?06:21
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RandakarThinkingMan: it should have left the old partition names in there in comments06:21
carldThinkingMan, this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=287096&page=306:21
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jribA3n: You want to pick a hostname.  For example "ubuntu".  Make your /etc/hostname file contain only that: "ubuntu".  In your /etc/hosts, change the first line to:  " localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu" .  No quotes in the files of course06:21
DeathWolfnothing in dmesg06:21
DeathWolfor /var/log/messages06:22
wizowhoa, im assuming the configure file is named configure06:22
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wizowow, installing the dev solved it06:22
David777DeathWolf: It doesn't log the login failures?06:22
A3njrib:but i dont really understand what all these changes are for?06:22
RandakarThinkingMan: if that fails, use a program like gparted or fdisk to figure out what your disk geometry looks like06:22
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DeathWolfit's not a login failure06:22
DeathWolfthe error is "No shell"06:22
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DeathWolfif i look in auth.log06:23
jribA3n: /etc/hostname stores your hostname.  sudo uses /etc/hosts to make sure your hostname points back to
DeathWolfit does06:23
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David777What's it say DeathWolf?06:23
A3njrib: ow, so if i change that i'l be able to be root on "a3n"06:24
RandakarThinkingMan: also, if you look in /dev/disk/by-label/ and do an ls -ld there you'll find the labels are actually symlinks pointing to drives06:24
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DeathWolfDavid777, what does?06:24
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DeathWolfthe really weird part is that it does work for one user but not for another06:24
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David777DeathWolf: auth.log?06:24
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cjI need a picture of Feisty Fawn to put on my fridge for my daughter.  do we have one?06:24
jribA3n: yes, if you change "ubuntu" to "a3n" in what I said.  You become root with the sudo command06:24
compengiwhen i'm trying to run limewire it gives me runLime.sh: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")06:24
jrib!sudo > A3n06:24
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DeathWolfDec  6 19:02:57 sd-3325 su[7420] : (pam_unix) session opened for user blablabla by (uid=0)06:24
SpaceBassok back in the install... it still says grub will be installed to (hd0)  ... so is hd0 some kind of shortcut to the MBR of the first drive?06:24
David777DeathWolf: auth.log should say why the user could not authenticate.06:24
raghello please06:24
jribcompengi: use bash instead of sh06:24
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DeathWolfthat's all there is06:24
DeathWolfno error, no failure06:24
ragsomebody can help me for a hplip06:24
jrib!frostwire | compengi06:25
ubotucompengi: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:25
A3njrib:yes i know what it means06:25
ragwith hplip06:25
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David777DeathWolf: e.g. (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root06:25
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A3njrib: cant i just log in as root on boot ?06:25
ThinkingManRandakar: bash: cd: /dev/disk/by-label/: No such file or directory06:25
DeathWolfthere's no failure06:25
carldwhere is there a changelog for edgy or release notes?06:25
DeathWolfi cant invent one:/06:25
jribA3n: as long as a3n is your first user, he should be in the "admin" group.  So he should be able to use sudo.  Why would you want to login as root?06:25
David777lol, ok sorry DeathWolf06:26
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David777What's the error su is giving you, DeathWolf06:26
cmt^^Randakar - X crashed unfortunately06:26
DeathWolf"No shell"06:26
DeathWolfok, i have found something new06:26
cmt^^with driver="ati"06:26
A3njrib:does it mather wether i'm "root" or "a3n" ?06:26
RandakarThinkingMan: that's odd06:26
DeathWolfnow, sshing yields "/bin/bash: Permission denied" but the permission look fine to me06:26
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David777What do the two lines in /etc/passwd look like?06:26
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DeathWolf-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 664084 2006-04-22 00:51 /bin/bash06:26
DeathWolfisnt that enough?06:26
SpaceBasswhat should I set as the install point for grub if I want it to go on the mbr of the first disk?06:26
jribA3n: no you can do everything with sudo as a3n that you could do if you logged in as root06:26
RandakarThinkingMan: and /dev/disk/by-uuid ?06:27
David777DeathWolf: You may have a hidden char in /etc/passwd06:27
Randakarcmt^^: have you rerun your ati configurator?06:27
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A3njrib: but all my files and configs stay the same wether i login on a3n or login on root , right?06:27
RandakarSpaceBass: hd0,0 I think06:27
RandakarSpaceBass: but hd0 might also be it ;-)06:27
SpaceBassRandakar, what is hd0 ?06:27
jribA3n: no, they don't have the same home directory06:27
SpaceBassits not a drive I have...06:28
compengijrib, in the runLime.sh_limewire i have cd /opt/LimeWire/06:28
RandakarSpaceBass: you can also run mbr, which puts a minimal master boot record on /hdX, then install grub on the first partition06:28
David777Yeah A3n, if you log in as root, your home directory is /root06:28
SpaceBasshd0 is what it defaults to and thats what has me stuck now06:28
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jribcompengi: try 'bash runLime.sh'.  I would recommend frostwire instead though06:28
cmt^^Randakar - I'm back in X now, with the same xorg.conf as previously06:28
A3njrib:just the home directory? so ndiswrapper and its drivers and all are still there and working , right?06:28
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RandakarSpaceBass: grub uses different naming scheme from linux itself06:28
cmt^^x wouldn't start without it06:28
David777Yeah, A3n06:28
manmadhajrib, hee my kino is not working dude....(Digital Video conversion)and moreover the ffmpeg cmd is not working...no manual entry what to do..?06:28
SpaceBassthis is getting hard :)06:28
DeathWolfjust rewrote passwd06:29
DeathWolfit's clean06:29
rhyddin_anyone here ever work with Open Cubic Player?06:29
DeathWolfno weird char:/06:29
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ThinkingManRandakar: that's there, but I just see the 4 uuids, I just need to be able to figure out (roughly) the size of each of them so I can remember which one i set as swap06:29
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Randakarcmt^^: hm, you can try running that dpkg-reconfigure command ( or just copy in the new xorg.conf file) and then running the ati tools without restarting X06:29
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jribmanmadha: is "ffmpeg" package installed?06:29
RandakarThinkingMan: ls -ld in that directory will get you the real device names06:30
manmadhajrib, 1m i will check06:30
A3njrib:i think i'll just logon as root :p06:30
DeathWolfcan someone tell me his permissions for /bin /bin/sh and /bin/bash?06:30
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DeathWolfand owner/groups06:30
slurphi :)06:30
jribA3n: that's really not a good idea... You should fix sudo regardless.06:30
SpaceBassinstalling for the 4th time....after that I'm going to bash my raid array with a sledge hammer and forget it06:30
ThinkingManRandakar: um... nope?  all I get is drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 120 2006-12-05 22:1706:31
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rhyddin_ok, another way of putting it .. program is looking for libadplug-1.5.1 and I have libadplug-2.0 but it doesn't seem to see it .. is there a way to make the program look for the new lib instead of the old one?06:31
slurpI've got a problem using my Radeon graphics card, it slows extremly (to 1fps or even less) down, after playing about 2min06:31
RandakarThinkingMan: ls -ld /dev/disk/by-uuid/*06:31
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David777DeathWolf: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-12-05 11:44 /bin06:31
manmadhajrib, no dude..06:31
RandakarThinkingMan: what you got was the size/permissions of that directory itself06:31
fabiimdirty easy way to set up a ssh server ( that's what i need to allow a computer on my network to control my computer right?) on my ubuntu machine ?06:31
David777DeathWolf: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2006-12-05 11:26 /bin/sh -> dash06:31
David777DeathWolf: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 676836 2006-09-19 18:24 /bin/bash06:32
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jribmanmadha: you need to install it to get a man page for it06:32
jriband to have it06:32
David777fabiim: You have to install the openssh-server package06:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:32
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ThinkingManRandakar: OK, so now I can see them as ../../sda4 and ../../sda3 ../../sda1 snd ../../sda206:33
Randakarcmt^^: any luck?06:33
ThinkingManbut I still can't see geometry to figure out which one was swap06:33
fabiimDavid777: yeah i noticed , i am reading the ssh how to on the wiki , thanks =)06:33
RandakarThinkingMan: fdisk /dev/sda06:33
wizohey, let`s say i compile and install a app using make and make install06:33
wizothen what if i wanna remove it, what do i do?06:33
RandakarThinkingMan: then type 'p' to get a partition listing, and 'q' to exit06:33
cmt^^Randakar - at least I don't get the same error06:33
lumpkiwizo, see if it will do 'make uninstall'06:34
David777wizo: make uninstall sometimes works if the creator made that target06:34
Randakarcmt^^: progress, then :-)06:34
jribwizo: you hope that there is a 'make uninstall' otherwise you have to rm manually.  You should consider using checkinstall isntead of make install06:34
jrib!checkinstall | wizo06:34
ubotuwizo: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall  -  Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page. - DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:34
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wizoah i see06:34
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ThinkingManRandakar: har!!!06:34
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ThinkingMan /dev/sda2 is my swap06:34
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ThinkingManOK... so *crosses fingers* here goes nothin06:34
RandakarThinkingMan: there you go :-)06:34
cmt^^wish me luck06:35
wizooh noes06:35
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wizomake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.06:35
ThinkingManso I did a sudo mkswap /dev/sda206:35
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mweisn't creating a file 'blacklist-foo' containing 'blacklist foo' in /etc/modprobe.d/ supposed to stop the module foo from loading?06:36
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RandakarThinkingMan: you may just try swapon /dev/sda2 first ..06:36
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[GuS] Re06:36
David777wizo: You can uninstall it the hard way by looking at what the install target in the Makefile does (look for the "install:" line in the Makefile)06:36
ThinkingManRandakar: there we go06:36
ThinkingManwell, no error msg06:36
ThinkingManSo... how does one test whether swap is working06:36
RandakarThinkingMan: and if you look in top ?06:37
tex_what is the name fot the ubuntu italian channel?06:37
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:37
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ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl06:37
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:37
ubotuFor Irish whiskey and ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, Ta an uisce beatha agus cuidi Ubuntu ar #ubuntu-ie, Bag filte ort06:37
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Randakar*lol* too much spam ;-)06:37
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi06:38
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David777Augh, so samba on ubuntu does not use smbpasswd?06:39
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=== kudzubane still can't figure out why load average is abnormally high on his laptop running ubuntu
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RandakarDavid777: frankly I think using smbpasswd is a mistake in nearly all cases06:39
burepe_How do I view apache documentation?06:40
jbroomekudzubane: top doesn't give any clues?06:40
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jribwizo: you can reinstall it with checkinstall and then remove it too06:40
RandakarDavid777: Either you want local user accounts, or you want to use something more complex like an LDAP server setup06:40
David777Randakar: I just want to share some files on a local network06:40
wizooh really?06:40
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wizothanks jrih06:40
David777Randakar: It's an embedded system06:40
wizoimma try that now06:40
lumpkijrib that's good to know06:40
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rhyddin_Can I force an application to use a newer version of a library if it doesn't find the old version that its looking for?06:40
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jribwizo: I think it will just overwrite the files that you already have so it should work06:41
wizoah good point there06:41
dreamerhmm, where is the trash-bin in kde ?06:41
wizothanks for that idea06:41
kudzubanejbroome: well, load on this machine running other distro is around 0.00 almost all the time, under ubuntu, it is around 0.60-0.80 most of the time06:41
RandakarDavid777: So you make a linux account for the other users06:41
jbroomekudzubane: that's not that high06:41
puffy-sananyone here who is running peercast on their linux? I'm trying to get my channel working and I wonder would there be someone willing to test the channel?06:41
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wizoso to remove it.. how would i know what the app name i should type in for?06:42
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lumpkidreamer,  trash:/06:42
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kudzubanejbroome: it is when compared to the other distro, and since this is happening all the time, it is probably affecting overall performance to a measurable degree06:42
cmt^^hey Randakar06:42
Randakarkudzubane: maybe you should compare top output on those 2 systems, see what the 'big' consumer is06:42
David777Randakar: There is only one user: root06:42
cmt^^progress indeed06:42
DeathWolfwhat can cause a /bin/bash permission denied when both / /bin and /bin/bash have 755?.06:43
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RandakarDavid777: So? Just add a user for the share you want to share. It's not much different from smbpasswd, except that you also let linux know that user exists.06:43
cmt^^Randakar - X started this time, but it seems I had messed up my keyboard settings, given that I couldn't type anything in the textbox for my username06:43
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kudzubaneRandakar: the strange thing is, cpu and memory usage appears to behave similarly06:43
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cmt^^Randakar - but when I do 'glxinfo' I get a whole lot more information than I used to06:43
Randakarcmt^^: but you're using the correct driver now?06:43
rindolfHi all.06:43
rindolfI'm trying to debug the kernel using UML and gdb. But then the switch_threads() gets invoked in the middle and I can no longer debug. What should I do to fix it?06:43
kudzubaneRandakar: but load is significantly higher06:43
dreamerthnx lumpki06:43
rindolfpuffy-san: what is your problem?06:44
David777Randakar: I don't want to add users.  There are not users.  It's a headless embedded system.  Jeepers.  No one's ever going to log into this thing except to do administrative stuff.06:44
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RandakarDavid777: if you use smbpasswd you are *also* adding users.06:44
cmt^^Randakar - I don't know really.. there's a lot of info on the glx-system in glxinfo, but the same annoying line..06:44
jbroomeDavid777: just add the users and change their shell to /bin/false.06:44
puffy-sanrindolf: trying to get a peercast channel working but have to have someone who would test does it work...06:44
=== cmt^^_ [n=josef@69-187.umenet.t3.se] has joined #ubuntu
David777Randakar: If I use smbpasswd, the password for samba can be different than the one for login.06:44
Randakarcmt^^: which one?06:44
cmt^^Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:45
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puffy-sanrindolf: if you are interested, peercast.org and I'll try to guide you to my channel ;)06:45
cmt^^at the top06:45
cmt^^but then a whole lot of info, and it seems to me it's not stating anything going wrong06:45
rindolfpuffy-san: what software do I need?06:45
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cmt^^just info, straight up06:45
RandakarDavid777: Yes, but every time I've tried that on any linux distro it just breaks samba06:45
puffy-sanrindolf: you need peercast (peercast.org), you don't need to do a install cause it comes in a binary for linux06:45
David777Randakar: I've been using Samba since 2002 with smbpasswd and never had a problem.06:45
compengijrib, if i will do sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash and select no will it effect other applications06:45
rindolfpuffy-san: OK.06:46
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David777Randakar: ...not once06:46
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RandakarDavid777: *shrug* YMMV I guess06:46
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jribcompengi: dash is default for /bin/sh on edgy06:46
David777Randakar: At least I have a sane smb.conf from a SUSE installation I can use.06:46
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cmt^^Randakar - I get that same error when running glxdemo and / or glxgears06:47
Randakarcmt^^: what does fglrxinfo say?06:47
cmt^^it runs, but barely06:47
compengijrib, so it won't make any difference?06:47
jribcompengi: no, why are you running that?06:47
rindolfpuffy-san: OK, I have the peercast client. Now how do I connect to you?06:47
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cmt^^Randakar - same as before :<06:47
=== Kitch [n=kitch@AC9F575E.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
cmt^^let me pastebin it06:47
=== Prometheu1 [n=quant@p54BE79CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengijrib, cause for running limewire i should do it06:47
Kitchim a n00b and need help lol06:48
puffy-sanrindolf: http://localhost:7144 - from there go into the yellow pages (link) and search for a channel named 'streamfi'06:48
nnyhey all.. anyone here have experience with Edgy and installing nvagp instead of agpgart?06:48
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cmt^^Randakar - http://pastebin.se/479606:48
lumpkicmt^^ to diagnose your X problems, check into the X log file06:48
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jribcompengi: no, limewire shouldn't have #1/bin/sh  if it isn't POSIX compliant.  Which it appears not to be.  It should say #!/bin/bash instead06:48
Ravenhow to setup samba to connect to xp machine06:48
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=== LacunaV [n=lacunav@ti521110a080-1872.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
LacunaVIs it possible to get gnome-volume-manager to not mount specific partitions on a usbdisk? I get 4 disks up on my desktop, but only use one of them06:48
narmahello, I use Ubuntu 6.10. Ihave subversion 1.3.1 but I have to use 1.4.2. how can I do ?06:49
Randakarcmt^^: try adding06:49
RandakarSection "Extensions"06:49
RandakarOption "Composite" "0"06:49
Kitchi need help to install nvidia driver :D LoL i get a kernal error..and well like i say im a n00b..06:49
lakbuhi. i would like to install a usb hub, what brand can you suggest? that's ubuntu-friendly?06:49
Randakarcmt^^: to xorg.conf06:49
rindolfpuffy-san: http://yp.peercast.org/?find=streamfi&Submit=Search&host= ?06:49
RavenI use D-Link, their ok.06:49
compengijrib, that's why i should do that command so that i will run06:49
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puffy-sanrindolf: yeah that is the correct one06:49
David777Anyone know where USB thumb drives get mounted?06:49
rindolfpuffy-san: OK.06:49
HumanPrototypelakbu, afaik they are universally supported as they work on a hardware level - somebody correct me if im wrong here please06:49
jribcompengi: what command?06:50
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HumanPrototypeDavid777, /media/usbdisk i think06:50
puffy-sanrindolf: now download the m3u file from the play link and then try to play it in some audio playing app (I use xmms)06:50
David777Not showing up06:50
compengijrib, sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash06:50
lakbuRaven, HumanPrototype, does the USB ports in the hub will be seen as *many* ports in the ubuntu box?06:50
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Randakarcmt^^: if that doesn't work, there's a guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl06:50
Ravenwhere to get info to setup samba for network connection to xp machine06:50
HumanPrototypelakbu, i think it would yes06:50
Randakar!nvidia | kitch06:50
ubotukitch: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:50
cmt^^Randakar - I already did that06:50
cmt^^it says in the previous guide06:51
cmt^^to add Composite "0"06:51
Randakarcmt^^: ah, ok06:51
jribcompengi: I don't think it will work.  Can you explain what exactly the problem is?  What error are you getting and with what command?06:51
Kitchty, but... wht do i do about my kernal error?06:51
David777Crud, gotta mount it by hand, gets picked up as sda06:51
Kitchor is it in there?06:51
cmt^^Randakar - I get this from the x-server log06:51
Randakarcmt^^: hrm, tricky06:51
Kitchand i did look b4 i came here :P06:51
cmt^^"(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found"06:51
rindolfpuffy-san: I don't see where it is.06:51
lakbuHumanPrototype, aahh. thanks. so each port in the hub will have a corresponding entry in the /dev/ ?06:51
HumanPrototypeDavid777, it should get picked up as sd something as thats how usb drives work06:51
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HumanPrototypelakbu, i would think so yes06:51
puffy-sanrindolf: where what is?06:51
compengijrib, i read the post and found this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278134&highlight=limewire06:51
David777ok, that worked06:51
Ravendoes flash work in Ubuntu x6406:51
rindolfpuffy-san: where is the .m3u.06:51
wizohrm, i tried checkinstall but it said that command not found06:52
wizoam i missing a package?06:52
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cmt^^Randakar - which is very strange, since I told the configuration program the adress was 1.0.006:52
cmt^^not 1.0.106:52
SpaceBasswell...ubuntu and grub just dont like me06:52
puffy-sanrindolf: humm well it might be on your desktop or at your home directory... depending on where you downloaded it...06:52
rubix_is filesharing discussion allowed in this channel for the purpose of finding a good prog06:52
kudzubaneRaven: probably not06:52
HumanPrototypeDavid777, try adding a line in fstab for it and if you are using gnome try checking in System.>Preferences >Removable Drives and Media06:52
rindolfpuffy-san: OK.06:52
David777Ah farg it06:52
lumpkiwizo, install checkinstall =)06:52
Randakarcmt^^: Change it in xorg.conf then06:52
Ravenis it worth upgrading to Ubuntu x6406:52
norman_some with aMSN, I have a webcam quickcam express, it works but in aMSN is missing webcam wizzard06:52
David777HumanPrototype: I am running an embedded server.  No X.  Only a console.06:52
norman_installed from synaptic06:52
DeathWolfsudo -u user1 /bin/bash => sudo: unable to execute /bin/bash: Permission denied, but / and /bin and /bin/bash are all 755, what could cause that06:53
Randakarcmt^^: at any rate, I have to go now (go home, actually) so I'm going to wish you good luck06:53
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LacunaVIs it possible to prevent gnome-volume-manager from mounting specific partitions on a usbdisk? I get 4 disks up on my desktop, but only use one of them06:53
cmt^^Randakar - it says 1.0.0 in xorg.conf though 8(06:53
jribcompengi: it won't break anything, go ahead.  But it would be better if you edited the limewire files to use bash instead of sh imo06:53
HumanPrototypeDavid777, if its a server install you may not have the hotplug stuff installed06:53
kudzubaneRaven: no, if you want some common apps (such as flash-player)06:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotplug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
Randakarcmt^^: maybe you were wrong? ;-)06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
RavenThanks Kudzubane06:53
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cmt^^i guess06:54
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compengijrib, do you know what should i edit in runLime.sh?06:54
kudzubaneRaven: np06:54
KitchIf i  download kernal will my driver install work? or will i need to install over top ?06:54
cmt^^i give up06:54
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Randakarcmt^^: I'd try 1:0:1 for kicks, see if that's true06:54
rindolfpuffy-san: I can't seem to connect to
Kitchand ty for all your help so far :D06:54
jribcompengi: I can tell you if you apstebin it06:54
Randakarlater gang06:54
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RavenI need to share my printer with the kids xp machine?06:54
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puffy-sanrindolf: humm maybe your browser tries to play it directly... try to 'save as...' on the play link06:54
lumpki!why ubotu is brainded06:54
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wizohey, the name that is created in checkinstall will be the one that i have to use when i do apt-get remove?06:55
HumanPrototypewizo, yes - think so06:55
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HumanPrototypewizo, what name has it been given?06:55
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wizo kismet-2006-04-r106:56
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wizothat`s a long name to remove06:56
erUSULRaven: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#head-0501c5c431920681c11965c65d3d155c69f508f706:56
wizooo i can change it06:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:56
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wizoah done it, thanks06:56
mwozniakis there a way to use a bash script to move an arbitrary number of files?06:56
Amaranthlumpki: What's wrong with ubotu?06:56
Raven +06:56
HumanPrototypewizo, change it or try removing the numbers - i can just use the program name normally06:56
mwozniaklike move file.0 to file.1 and file.1 to file.2 etc to an arbitrary number06:56
puffy-sanmwozniak: atleast with python that is possible06:57
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lumpkiAmaranth, sorry, nothing... it doesnt seem to know enough topcias thats all06:57
compengijrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35608/06:57
wizoah i renamed it, oh another question, do i do apt-get remove name or do i have to use dpkg -r name ?06:57
mwozniakpuffy-san, how would it know when to stop?06:57
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Amaranthlumpki: teach it :)06:57
mwozniakpuffy-san, check if the file exists and then move it?06:57
HumanPrototypewizo apt-get remove works for me06:57
wizoi see, thanks06:57
puffy-sanmwozniak: humm well dunno exactly what you want to do but yes it is possible to check if a file exists with python06:58
lumpkiAmaranth, alright then i06:58
jribcompengi: change line 2 to:    bash runLime.sh06:58
lumpkiAmaranth, alright then i'll try06:58
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mwozniakpuffy-san, alright, thanks, i'll look into implementing it with python06:58
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David777So, because Debian/Ubuntu have to have their own setup for Apache2, none of the Apache2 docs mean anything.06:58
rindolfpuffy-san: OK.06:58
compengijrib, i had tried it before but didn't work06:58
puffy-sanmwozniak: np, it could be pretty difficult if you don't know python though...06:59
=== vcef [n=vita@srot.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #ubuntu
Kitchan intel P4 is compatible with linux in it?06:59
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:59
rindolfpuffy-san: it's a broken link.06:59
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mwozniakpuffy-san, i've used it a couple of times before... nothing very complicated06:59
iceman_Hey guys small problem.  I removed the main user name because I had an error and now my soundcard will not turn on.  That and sudo apt-get install command does nothing06:59
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puffy-sanrindolf: humm... well thanks for trying anyway ;)06:59
=== cmt^^ [n=josef@69-187.umenet.t3.se] has joined #ubuntu
jribcompengi: if it doesn't work, pastebin /opt/LimeWire/runlime.sh06:59
mwozniakpuffy-san, but this should just be one loop with some weird file syntax06:59
cmt^^I guess I should just give in06:59
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cmt^^I'm not supposed to be able to get it to work07:00
cmt^^I can't get ati drivers on my system worth of crap07:00
puffy-sanmwozniak: yeah shouldn't be too complicated... if you wan't to check if a file exist, just do a os.path.isfile(path), but first make sure that you have imported the os module07:00
kudzubanecmt^^: what chipset?07:00
gpdis there a way to do something like `wall message` to someone who is logged into X11 and has no terminals open?07:00
cmt^^kudzubane - ati radeon x700 se07:00
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cmt^^and please don't send me that how-to guide07:00
David777Iceman_: who are you logged in if you deleted the user account?07:00
cmt^^it doesn't work on my system evidently07:00
fwapi dont get why some people make fun of ubuntu, this is awsome.. isn't this what even hardcore linux users always wanted.. a stable/easy to use linux desktop to get people using totally free/open source software/operating systems :D i'm not going to buy a mac now to get away from windows07:00
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kudzubanecmt^^: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/install.html#907:01
David777iceman_: If you are logged in as root, you don't need the sudo part in sudo apt-get07:01
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=== devilotx [n=devilotx@pool-151-203-22-61.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kudzubanecmt^^: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/install.html#607:01
cmt^^fwap - I agree07:01
carpediemfwap: who makes fun of Ubuntu?07:01
Iceman_Bbut Ubuntu doesnt come with a root account,. right?07:01
iceman_David777, I went into the recovery kernel and went root and remade the exact same profile name so I could restore my home directory07:01
ArrenLexfwap: That's exactly why people make fun of ubuntu.07:01
kudzubanecmt^^: that is short and sweet07:01
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puffy-sanIceman_B: ubuntu comes with sudo07:01
compengijrib, there is no limewire folder in opt07:02
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David777Iceman_B: Ubuntu does come with root07:02
rindolfpuffy-san: you're welcome.07:02
burepe_I just installed apache and I was messing around and I changed apache's "apache2-default" file name. After I did that I got a "access forbidden" error so I changed it back but I still get the same error when accessing http://localhost/ . Did I change the directory permissions when I changed the name? How can I fix it?07:02
devilotxI've got a USB flash drive question/issue, if anyone can assist, that would be nice07:02
cmt^^kudzubane - thank you, almost looks too easy to be true07:02
cmt^^gonna try it07:02
carpediemdevilotx: don't ask, just ask07:02
inkehhey, i'm having problems with my sound on edgy, it keeps randomly muting?07:02
devilotxoh ok07:02
jribcompengi: did you use the write capitalization as in your script?  LimeWire07:02
David777Iceman_B: If you log into the recovery console, you can set the password for root using passwd and log in as root in the normal login.07:02
Iceman_Bpuffy-san / David777: iceman_ isnt'a clone of me, its a different person, but thanks :)07:03
Iceman_Boh , and I didnt know that07:03
vcefhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild is outdated07:03
iceman_no no I'm no clone07:03
=== komposter [n=komposte@ppp91-76-81-146.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
Iceman_Bbut I cnt login anyways, I broke the startup script07:03
Iceman_Bwhen I tried to get Beryl running07:03
fwapi think you can set a password for root using 'sudo -' and then preferably using pwgen to generate a good password07:03
devilotxWhen I boot Edgy on my laptop with the USB key inserted, it works fine, it automounts it, it shows on the desktop, all is good, I can eject and insert it again, and also insert other keys07:03
vcefwhat package do I need to instal to be able to do make xconfig07:03
Linhi all.. why in one host using totem-mozilla-plugin I can see a .wmf file embedded on a webpage and in the other system I cannot. The same codecs are installed (about:plugins, show me the codecs). In both systems the same command is executed: /usr/lib/totem/totem-mozilla-viewer ... while one show audio and video the other one shows only the audio.. any tips?07:03
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vcefor at least make menuconfig07:03
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devilotxbut if I boot without the key in, I get nothing upon inserting the key, I checked /dev/ and there is no sdb listed07:04
Linlibncurses5-dev, make, gcc, and libc headers07:04
ArrenLexvcef: when you run ./configure, it will tell you what it needs.07:04
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devilotxsda is my SATA hard drive07:04
iceman_Iceman_B, Ha.  I tried removing beryl and now I can't restore to blank session.  And no commands work for me07:04
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vcefthere's no configure script in my kernel source dir07:04
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compengijrib, in the search i found only the runlime.sh which is locate in /usr/share/gnome/help/desktopguide/sample/07:04
Seveas!kernel | vcef07:04
ubotuvcef: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:04
Linvcef: install kernel source code.. not the headers.07:04
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vcefLin: I did07:04
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Linvcef: unbzip it07:05
devilotxSo I'm lost...07:05
carpediemdevilotx: hmm, seems...weird.  does "dmesg|tail" say anything when you put the card in?07:05
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devilotxlet me try again,07:05
cmt^^kudzubane - is reboot really necessary?07:05
cmt^^kudzubane - isn't x restart enough?07:05
vcefLin: what do you mean? it's not compressed07:05
kudzubanecmt^^: probably not07:06
jribcompengi: runLime.sh07:06
jribcaptial L07:06
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kudzubanecmt^^: apply the changes, logout, ctl-alt-backspace to restart X with new config07:06
devilotxmount: special device /dev/sdb107:06
compengijrib, yeah i know it was a typo07:06
devilotxer, that was wrong07:06
devilotx[17180291.144000]  usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 807:06
devilotx[17180302.692000]  usb 1-2: device not accepting address 8, error -11007:06
jribcompengi: so where is limewire installed?07:06
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iceman_David777, Why is it that I delete the account and restore one with the same name and my soundcard does not work and I can't modprobe alsamixer07:07
devilotxthen it goes through 9, 10, 11, now it's on 14...07:07
Linvcef: yes.. it is.07:07
narmanobody knows how to have subversion 1.4.2 on ubuntu ?07:07
=== Allans [i=Timb@host-202-57-97-162.dhcp.infocom.ph] has joined #ubuntu
Linvcef: cd /usr/src ; for x in *bz2; do tar jxvf $x; done07:07
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kudzubaneiceman_ new and old user has same name, but userid is more than likely different07:08
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compengijrib, i will explain you a little i downloaded it as .rpm then converted it using alien to .deb and installed it07:08
devilotxnothing new logged, the light on the key has gone off07:08
kudzubaneiceman_: rights assigned to original user probably isn't assigned to the new07:08
devilotxit went to 14, and stopped07:08
vcefLin: thank you but I know how to uncompress archive file and I know the difference between archive file and uncompressed directory which is full of files07:08
jribcompengi: dpkg -L name_of_the_package   on pastebin please07:08
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iceman_kudzubane, what config file do I need to change/adjust to get my sound to work07:08
vcefall I am asking is what packages do I need to be able to do make menuconfig or make xconfig07:08
carpediemdevilotx: I searched for that error, and there are some people seeing the same thing on Edgy.07:08
aversin1Got a Samba question. I can access the shared folder on the Ubuntu box from windows but I can't write to it. I also cant see the Windows box from Ubuntu. Any ideas?07:09
Allansi have ubuntu 5.10 installed on a file server the server generated an error a few days a go stage1.5 error 22 is it something in the fstab? oh the raid is a reiserfs format the file were original generated by a windows machine07:09
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vcefI presume that these would be some kind of developer libraries for curses or qt or whatever07:09
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jrib!kernel | vcef07:09
Allansthe machine is a file server these file on the server or raid portion of it i can't access through the server i can't take ownership of them and change there permissions07:09
ubotuvcef: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:09
jribvcef: that may be too much, but it should tell you what you want07:09
Allanshere is something else that is odd about this.. when i do a ls -l in the root it show some of the folders, but then i will do a sudo ls -l and i see all of them. But i still can't access the folders07:09
devilotxhmm, I did search but I didn't come up with much... any links to where you saw that?07:09
Linvcef: when you install linux-source-2.6.17 it install a tar.bz2 on /usr/src07:09
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devilotxmaybe I can dredge up some advice?07:09
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carpediemdevilotx: for instance, this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27160007:09
Allansi don't know what else to try...07:09
=== f4bien [n=f4bien@host216-179-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Linvcef: I will install here.. just to asure.07:10
vcefLin: well. now I remember. You're right. I've installed it yesterday, unpacked, erased and forgot07:10
AllansCan someone help me please?07:10
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Linvcef: be welcome.07:10
Linvcef: can I stop the download?07:10
Linvcef: ;-)07:10
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vcefwhat download?07:10
carpediemdevilotx: but, it doesn't have a solution I thought was worth mentioning to you07:10
Linvcef: linux-source-2.6.1707:10
Linvcef: aptitude install linux-source-2.6.1707:11
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Linvcef: im downloading here..  ;-)07:11
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devilotxshame really, it's not a huge deal, but it is a pain07:11
Linvcef: just 40 minutes left ;-)07:11
vcefBut I'm still no step further to making my configuration.07:11
carpediemdevilotx: I use a USB flash drive frequently, without problems.  Also CF through a card reader.  External USB hard drives.  All without trouble.07:11
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vcefcause I refuse to manually edit config file or run oldconfig07:11
compengijrib, it says it's now installe :S07:11
kudzubanewow, there is much to learn about ubuntu07:12
jribcompengi: dpkg -L name_of_the_package   should list files07:12
carpediemdevilotx: sorry, I wish I knew more about your problem.07:12
Linvcef: install libncurses5-dev, make, gcc and libc headers..07:12
devilotxit's ok, I can live with it,07:12
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kudzubaneanyone got a good link to something that outlines the "ubuntu-way" of doing things?07:12
vcefLin: thank you very much.07:12
devilotxI figured I'd try the IRC room anyway07:12
compengijrib, sorry typo it says it's not installed07:12
jribcompengi: what did you type?07:12
ShamuraiI'll soon find out07:13
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iceman_so if I add my new username to the right groups it might restore my audio?07:13
vcefLin: May be so bold to ask also for package for compiling graphic configurator?07:13
compengijrib, dpkg -L limewire-pro_4.12.6-1_i386.deb07:13
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compengiPackage `limewire-pro_4.12.6-1_i386.deb' is not installed.07:13
compengiUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,07:13
compengiand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.07:13
Allansi have ubuntu 5.10 installed on a file server the server generated an error a few days a go stage1.5 error 22 is it something in the fstab? oh the raid is a reiserfs format the file were original generated by a windows machine.the machine is a file server these file on the server or raid portion of it i can't access through the server i can't take ownership of them and change there permissions..here is something else that is odd about this07:13
=== jamclx [n=jam@user-5440c843.wfd78a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Linvcef: there is a qt version and gtk on.. xconfig try both. AFAIK...07:13
jribcompengi: dpkg -l '*lime*'07:13
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jamclxwhy can't I set my resolution higher than 1280x1024 in linux? I could in windows07:13
jrib!fixres | jamclx07:14
ubotujamclx: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:14
jamclxI mean 1024x76807:14
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Linvcef: just try make a xconfig and keep watch on output.. but the "graphical mode" isnt better than the curses one...07:14
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vcefI'm missing both - qt and gtk dev packages07:14
jamclxok thanks ubotu07:14
nofearrrhi all is there a pk for ISPconfig debain ready ?07:14
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devilotxI even tried pysda, but it doesn't see it.  Is there any way to add sdb to /dev/?07:14
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AllansAm i into ignore`s lists?07:14
compengijrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35611/07:14
Linvcef: install anyone07:14
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Linvcef: or both ;-)07:15
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vcefLin: I should porbably learn how to search for package which provides certain file ...07:15
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Linvcef: install apt-file07:15
vcefthat'll stop all these silly questions of mine07:15
OctarineHi, Help on GRUB Error 17 please?07:16
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ArrenLexvcef: you can do that using the second box on packages.ubuntu.com07:16
jribAllans: no, probably no one knows the answer07:16
ArrenLexOctarine: can you be more specific than "error 17"? xD07:16
vcefpackages.ubuntu.com? I don't know that site. Thanks.07:16
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jribcompengi: dpkg -L limewire-pro07:16
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vcefHowever sometimes I just prefer to use cml tools only07:16
David777lol, despite Ubuntu's best efforts, I can now share my file system.07:16
OctarineOh, okay, its an error where it cant locate the partition to boot from07:16
vcef(doing stuff from home on my dorm. computer etc)07:16
AllansOh thanks07:17
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AllansMaybe ill wait07:17
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stojance!bot > stojance07:17
vcefgreat. menuconfig finally works. thank you very much Lin07:17
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compengijrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35612/07:17
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Linvcef: please insert 10 dolars on marked place07:17
ArrenLexOctarine: Do you know\have a guess as to what caused this error? Did it work before? What did you change? How much do you know about rescuing systems? What other systems do you have on this machine? Do you have an ubuntu liveCD lying around which you can use to rescue the system? Does Grub start at all and then crash only when you're trying to boot ubuntu, or does grub not come up at all? Be specific, man!~07:18
cmt^^kudzubane - didn't work07:18
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cmt^^kudzubane - X froze on restart07:18
vcefnow - there are these debian/Config/config* files which I presume are tuned for certain architectures07:18
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Linvcef: no.. you should not touch on them07:18
OctarineOkay. GRUB does not load, says 'loading grub' then i just get Error 17. I have windows on this PC too, although that wont boot, and im currently running from ubuntu Live07:18
jribcompengi: ok type 'limewire', you get a syntax error?  pastebin /usr/bin/limewire and /usr/lib/LimeWire/runLime.sh07:19
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vcefLin: OK. How do I use them?07:19
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ArrenLexOctarine: I asked you more than that.07:19
BSDnuxin my quest to make the line-in of my soundcard work i ended up with no sound at all... is there something that could save me from reinstalling?07:19
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Morncan ubuntu be installed to an external usb/firewire drive?07:19
Linvcef: just make menuconfig07:19
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Octarinethats all i know on the subject.07:19
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Linvcef: my tip.. install kernel-package debian package07:19
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ArrenLexOctarine: you mean you don't even know if you changed your system in some way?07:19
Linvcef: and use make-kpkg command line07:19
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kudzubanecmt^^: sorry to hear that07:19
winandProgramming question: How do you get the user's home dir so you can make a .app-dir/.pidlock07:19
Linvcef: after your make menuconfig07:19
BSDnux~ is home, winand07:20
ArrenLexOctarine: Am I to assume you suffer from the terrible "installing new hard drives while asleep" syndrome?07:20
OctarineI installed Ubuntu to a second hard disk. And.. thats all ive done.07:20
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LacunaVCan anyone vouch for udev 10307:20
ArrenLexOctarine: You've also not answered if it's ever worked before, which implies to me that you suffer from severe short- and long-term memory loss. You poor soul. = /07:20
winandBSDnux: can you use ~ in things like ifstream pidfile("~/.app-dir/.pidlock");07:20
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kudzubanecmt^^: dunno what to tell you, after countless bad experiences with ati graphics chips and linux, I've don't purchase machines with them anymore07:21
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OctarineOkay, Ubuntu has never worked before, and will not boot, due to the GRUb error 17.07:21
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compengijrib, /usr/bin/limewire #!/bin/bash07:21
compengicd /usr/lib/LimeWire07:21
compengish runLime.sh07:21
ArrenLexcmt^^: ATI+Linux = hell. What problems are you having, sorry?07:21
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jribcompengi: change sh runLime.sh  to  bash runLime.sh07:21
ArrenLexOctarine: Then you've just now installed ubuntu for the first time?07:21
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BSDnuxwindand: you can use ~ everywhere for the users home07:21
ArrenLexOctarine: has any OS other than windows ever been on this machine? Are you a Linux newbie?07:21
OctarineYes, I am.07:21
wsoderberghey guys, when installing ubuntu I cant choose the launch live cd option to install. any1 know what the problem might be?07:21
fwapubuntu 6.06.1 desktop automatically chooses and install the bootloader for you now?07:22
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ArrenLexOctarine: You installed ubuntu from the LiveCD? Did the installation give you any errors?07:22
OctarineNo, no installation errors, all of that went through fine07:22
justincredibleAnyone handy with configuring integrated bluetooth on Dell laptops?07:22
ArrenLexOctarine: Okay. Please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l".07:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:22
BSDnuxwinand: you can safely use ~/.. paths in c/c++ functions07:23
compengijrib, yeah it worked07:23
jribcompengi: great07:23
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winandBSDnux: it doesn't seem to work with ifstream pidfile("~/.app-dir/.pidlock"); because it always returns null or wahtever, even when it shouldn't07:23
ArrenLexXD I need "ar" to compile binutils, which I am compiling to get "ar". Now what?07:23
DeathWolfhow can i know the reason of this: 7781  execve("/bin/bash", ["bash"] , [/* 21 vars */] ) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied) ?07:23
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wsoderberganyone know why I can't see the live cd installation doesnt show up on my ubuntu 6.06 cd?07:23
compengijrib, thanks alot07:23
jribcompengi: np07:23
OctarineDisk /dev/hda: 30.7 GB, 30750031872 bytes07:23
Octarine255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3738 cylinders07:23
OctarineUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes07:23
Octarine   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:23
Octarine/dev/hda1   *           1        3737    30017421    7  HPFS/NTFS07:23
OctarineDisk /dev/hdb: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes07:23
Octarine255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders07:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:23
OctarineUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes07:23
David777Is the Ubuntu version of Apache2 SSL enabled?07:23
Octarine   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:23
Octarine/dev/hdb1              65       27596   221150758+  17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS07:23
ArrenLex!pastebin | Octarine07:23
ubotuOctarine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:23
Octarine/dev/hdb2   *       27597       30401    22531162+  83  Linux07:23
Octarine/dev/hdb3               1          64      514048+  82  Linux swap / Solaris07:24
OctarinePartition table entries are not in disk order07:24
MystaMaxhello everyone when uninstalling apaches modules, should I disable the module in apache first? in ubuntu?07:24
OctarineDisk /dev/hda: 30.7 GB, 30750031872 bytes07:24
Octarine255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3738 cylinders07:24
OctarineUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes07:24
Octarine   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:24
Octarine/dev/hda1   *           1        3737    30017421    7  HPFS/NTFS07:24
OctarineDisk /dev/hdb: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes07:24
Octarine255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders07:24
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OctarineUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes07:24
Octarine   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System07:24
Octarine/dev/hdb1              65       27596   221150758+  17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS07:24
Octarine/dev/hdb2   *       27597       30401    22531162+  83  Linux07:24
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David777Octarine: Please stop spamming the channel!!!07:24
Octarine/dev/hdb3               1          64      514048+  82  Linux swap / Solaris07:24
OctarinePartition table entries are not in disk order07:24
ArrenLexOctarine, go to this website: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:24
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compengiOctarine, stop07:24
BSDnuxis there a package with alsaconf or do i have to build alsa again?07:24
ArrenLexOctarine: there, paste the output. It will give you a link to what you pasted.07:24
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MystaMaxwow my question flew by07:24
ArrenLexOctarine: paste THAT LINK here.07:25
wsoderbergyea they seem to do so mysta :P07:25
ArrenLexOctarine: That is how pastebin works. It is a "bin" which keeps "pastes" and returns links at which these pastes may be viewed by those who care to view them.07:25
David777Anywayz, is the Ubuntu version of Apache2 SSL enabled?07:25
winandso my question is, how do you get ~ to expand to "/home/winand"07:25
MystaMaxDavid777, i dont think so, you'll have to install seperately07:26
MystaMaxwoohoo he got it07:26
David777winand: I think you have to pass the --no-tilde option to ls07:26
xzkI have a membership to scrybe, and for some reason it tells me I need to install Adobe .. i thought i already did with automatix and easy ubuntu07:26
gpdhow can i 'attach' to a running X11 destop? tightvncserver creates a new display at :107:26
xzkhow do i install adobe07:26
justincredibleAnyone here successfully configured an integrated bluetooth device?07:26
David777winand: ...or is it bash?07:26
vcefis it safe to use option "Use register arguments" if I am going to use nvidia binary driver?07:26
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winandDavid777: in C++07:26
ArrenLexxzk: Similar to the way you download the internet.07:26
MystaMaxjustincredible, I've also tried w/ no success07:26
ArrenLexxzk: Adobe is a company. Are you looking for a specific product?07:26
xzkArrenLex:   lmao07:26
Saviqcan anyone help me get the Tao OpenGL Framework to work?07:26
xzkArrenLex:   yeh my fault hahaha07:27
fwapis there any way for 'drm' to end up in 'restricted' apps for ubuntu?07:27
winandDavid777: ifstream pidfile("~/.app/.pidlock");07:27
OctarineArrenLex: V07:27
David777winand: What function call is returning "~"?07:27
OctarineArrenLex http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35614/07:27
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justincredibleMy laptop is suppose to be supported, but the OBEX client in KDE doesn't scan for devices07:27
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xzki need adobe flash player 807:27
crimsunsorry, 8 doesn't exist for Linux.07:27
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winandDavid777: If another user runs it I want to get the home user dir07:27
David777winand: I think the "~"07:27
xzkwell balls.07:27
ArrenLexOctarine: I saw. Okay, so ubuntu is on the secnd drive. Can you tell me what the first partition on the second drive contains?07:27
MystaMaxis edgy eft support in ubuntu+1 these days?07:27
xzkwhat do i do07:27
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jribxzk: use 9?07:28
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ArrenLexMystaMax: No. Edgy is released and edgy is here.07:28
apokryphosMystaMax: no, edgy is current stable07:28
xzki can't use scrybe with Linux ?07:28
sp00n3dcan someone help me? I've wasted 6 discs so far trying to burn this damned iso.07:28
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MystaMaxthanks ArrenLex and apokryphos07:28
ArrenLexxzk: Adobe Flash 9 beta can be downloaded from labs.adobe.com07:28
OctarineJust Data from windows07:28
=== lepux [n=lepux@p50925ADA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
xzki knew that.. just testing you07:28
tundejeghi everybody07:28
=== apokryphos hands sp00n3d some rewritables
xzki'm an idiot07:28
crimsunArrenLex: (and is available in -backports)07:28
justincredibleMystaMax, what type of bluetooth device is integrated on your computer?07:28
tundejegcan someone bail me out of a problem07:28
sp00n3dis my problem atypical or common?07:28
David777winand: "~" is specific to bash07:29
ArrenLexOctarine: Okay. Now please pastebin your entire /boot/grub/menu.lst file07:29
MystaMaxjustincredible, my laptop is able to find bluetooth devices, but I haven't been able to transfer files or use the A2DP profile07:29
winandDavid777: ok I will try #c++07:29
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tundejegi want to install oracle 10g enterprise on my ubuntu07:29
justincrediblemystamax, what type of laptop to youown?07:29
ArrenLexsp00n3d: And what happened when you tried to burn this ISO?07:29
ArrenLexOctarine: hold on, no, wait.07:29
OctarineArrenLex: I get 'No such file or directory'07:29
sp00n3dwrite errors.07:29
tundejegbut i could not get enterprise edition07:29
ArrenLexOctarine: It's not that easy. I forgot you were on a LiveCD.07:29
=== swanberg [n=swanberg@mrtoad.oitsec.umn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexOctarine: open a terminal and run the command "mkdir /target"07:30
sp00n3di even went out and bought new discs.07:30
sp00n3di've tried nero and alcoholsoft...07:30
=== mparrish [i=micah@nat/hp/x-3bc48627016e9280] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphossp00n3d: rewritables are really good if you're thinking of running Linux distributions07:30
ArrenLexsp00n3d: Access to any other CD drives? Your drive might be bad.07:30
OctarineArrenLex: Permission denied, apparently07:30
alleejustincredible: My AVN ISDN modem playes nicely together with Dell's build in bluetooth.  My MS mouse working before always disconnects when going into sleep (not search why it happes)07:30
ArrenLexOctarine: "sudo mkdir /target" then07:30
sp00n3deh i was hoping it wasn't the hardware07:30
MystaMaxjustincredible, I also didnt spend alot of time on it. But my Dell D620 (dapper install) w/ integrated bluetooth found my phone, both my bluetooth stereo headphones, my cellphone bluetooth headsets. basically it found them all, but i can't use them for anything07:30
=== gisles [n=mdesigne@ARennes-351-1-44-213.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== jerp [n=Stan@c-24-98-85-89.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tundejegits only express edition07:30
tundejegi hope07:30
sp00n3dmaybe i will run out and get some rewritables07:30
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ArrenLexOctarine: Then run "sudo mount /dev/hdb2 /target"07:30
OctarineArrenLex: its done that..07:31
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tundejegif i install express edition07:31
sp00n3di just wondered what you guys used to burn your isos07:31
OctarineArrenLex: not displayed anything though07:31
sp00n3dwhat programs07:31
=== benny99 [n=benny@p5486E1E8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexOctarine: It shouldn't. Run the mount command and tell me when you've done07:31
alleeMystaMax: ah, D620.  You have intel gfx in it?07:31
tundejegit will perform all the functionality of the express edition07:31
=== atyo [n=adamtyou@S01060060082e915f.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerpk3b is a good burner07:31
sindrumi used nero07:31
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Halcy0nsp00n3d: I personally use K3B for everything07:31
MystaMaxallee, nope I have nvidia 560007:31
justincrediblemystamax, So your dell worked out of the box with bluetooth (Not worked, but atleast turned on)?07:31
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sindrumfor win or linux?07:31
ArrenLexsp00n3d: I used k3b. I haven't run Windows in several years :)07:31
haxalityI'm having a bizarre problem with NFS!07:31
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OctarineArrenLex: Done07:31
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alleeMystaMax: k07:31
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tundejeghi halcyo07:31
sp00n3dk3b is linux based?07:31
ArrenLexOctarine: Now run "sudo chroot /target"07:31
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ArrenLexsp00n3d: Yes07:32
MystaMaxjustincredible, no i installed some packages07:32
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haxalityI've followed a bunch of walkthroughs but I can't get NFS working07:32
MystaMaxjustincredible, from the repositories07:32
ArrenLexsp00n3d: Again: do you have access to other CD burners?07:32
haxalityI keep getting 'permission denied' errors from the NFS server07:32
justincrediblemystamax, which ones?07:32
sp00n3dno i don't07:32
sindrumim a pirate so no need not to use it07:32
sp00n3di may just go ahead and buy another one07:32
sp00n3dinstall it07:32
MystaMaxhmm, i'll have to reboot to check, give me 5 minutes07:32
OctarineArrenLex: 'Cannot run command /bin/bash' No such directory'07:32
benny99hello, problems with my Radeon 9600 graphics card... I get less than 1 fps after playing about 2min, probably when it needs new textures... I'm using fglrx, A N Y ! ideas are welcome!!07:32
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ArrenLexOctarine: ...That's very odd.07:33
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sp00n3di've already wasted 2 hours just trying to burn it ... i think the linux gods are testing me.07:33
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ArrenLexOctarine: please pastebin the commands you've run up to this point, starting from the mkdir command.07:33
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ArrenLexsp00n3d: You can always install from a USB stick or floppy if you're desperate.07:33
tundejegcan some one help07:33
HumanPrototypewow! has anybody tried installing beryl, turning on the wobbly windows plugin and running cat /dev/urandom from a terminal?07:33
ArrenLex!someone | tundejeg07:33
ubotutundejeg: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:33
haxalitycan anyone help?07:34
benny99it works properly under windows, no dmesgS07:34
SpaceBasscan anyone help me with my install issue?07:34
ArrenLexXD WOW07:34
tundejegyes arrenlex07:34
SpaceBassi keep getting grub error 2 on first boot07:34
David777winand: You should getenv("HOME")07:34
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, whats the issue?07:34
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cmt^^ArrenLex - I'm having problems getting glx and / or ati drivers working07:34
sp00n3dyeah not that desperate. i'll just upgrade my ram and cd-r drive. been needing to.07:34
OctarineArrenLex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35618/07:34
tundejegi want to install oracle 10g07:34
ArrenLexcmt^^: "problems" is very vague.07:34
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, what is your hdd setup, are you dual booting, do you have a sperate /boot partition?07:34
tundejegon my ubuntu07:34
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benny99again, any!! ideas are welcome... the drivers should be installed correctly07:35
cmt^^ArrenLex - i have the following errormessage that haunts me: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".07:35
tundejegbut i dont see an enterprise edition for ubuntu07:35
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, 5 drives...all on pci controller cards...1 200gb (first drive) for the sytem...rest are part of a raid 5 software array07:35
tundejegon the net07:35
ArrenLexOctarine: Well, yeah. You can't expecute parts of commands and expect them to do the same thing. xD07:35
justincredibleahh hcitool scan doesnt work!07:35
SpaceBassinstalling to the 200gb drive (hda)07:35
tundejegi only saw express edition07:35
ArrenLexOctarine: I said: Then run "sudo mount /dev/hdb2 /target"07:35
ArrenLexOctarine: And you run just "mount".07:35
tundejegmy question now07:35
ArrenLexOctarine: Run the full command please.07:35
Octarinewill do07:35
jerpHumanPrototype, what happens with beryl when you do that?07:35
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, wow - impressive! how come you cant put the 200gb drive on the mobo?07:35
OctarineArrenLex: Done that07:36
ArrenLexcmt^^: Then enable the DRI extension in xorg.conf07:36
HumanPrototypejerp, it makes the window dance like crazy - amusing to watch07:36
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, the onboard ide controller is shot07:36
ArrenLexOctarine: now run sudo chroot /target07:36
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sindrumbenny gimmi a sec07:36
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, ah, sucky07:36
tundejegis that if i install dat express i hope it will perform the functionalities of that of enterprise edition07:36
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rubix_what totem plugin do i need for dvd's07:36
ArrenLexOctarine: I brb for a moment.07:36
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, ok then did it install ok and just wont reboot?07:36
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OctarineArrenLex: Okay then07:36
tundejegi will be waiting 4 u07:36
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SpaceBassHumanPrototype, yep...installer insists on putting grub on hd0 ...which doesnt exist as far as I know07:36
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HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, thats just the first hard drive07:37
sp00n3di just had a big scare... had to look at bank balance and forgot about a 675$ check i wrote. thinking my bad day just got worser.07:37
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, wonder which one it thinks is first07:37
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, and it should be (hd0,0) to be the first partition07:37
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, how can i see which drives grub calls what07:37
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, think it would be hda07:37
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David777winand: This program will get the user's home directory: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35621/07:37
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SpaceBasstried hda in setup and when it came time to install grub it errored out and quit the installer07:37
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HumanPrototypecan anybody confirm that grub (hd0,0) will always be the same as /dev/hda107:38
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rubix_SpaceBass, are you having install problems07:38
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SpaceBassrubix_,  yeah07:38
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David777HumanPrototype: I think that's only true if your system only has IDE drives07:38
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SpaceBassmy 200gb drive is technically my first ide drive07:38
ArrenLexOctarine: Okay. Have you run the chroot command?07:38
HumanPrototypeDavid777, ok, thanks07:38
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HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, do you have any non-ide drives (scsi, sata etc?)07:39
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cjI need a picture of Feisty Fawn to put on my fridge for my daughter.  do we have one?07:39
ArrenLexOctarine: Now run "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" which will output the contents of that file. Pastebin these contents.07:39
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HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, then (hd0,0) may be the first of those drives07:39
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HumanPrototypecan you look in the bios and see if that gives u the hdd order?07:39
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, is it hardware raid?07:40
VincentHallhi there07:40
OctarineArrenLex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35622/07:40
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, no, software raid...md0 using reiserfs07:40
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rubix_SpaceBass, just one moment...i have a guide that might help you07:40
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rubix_SpaceBass, well actually, try to go into the installer, kill the gdm and then use xinit from the console07:40
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MystaMaxjustincredible, I've got gnome-bluetooth, bluez-utils, bluez-pin, bluez-pcmcia-support, and bluez-cups installed.07:40
rubix_then run ubiquity from the commandline in basic x07:41
SpaceBassHumanPrototype,part of the problem is that since they are on controller cards the bios doesnt see them07:41
SpaceBassor list them07:41
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SpaceBasswhat will xinit do ?07:41
albertohi to all, sorry i have a big prob with ubu 6.10 i386 since i removed an sd and a usb pendrive without the unmount : they are no more recognized and mounted (after a reboot too): with the last 2 ubuntu restart i receive an "failed to initialize HAL!" message.. ani idea where to find any info o suggestion??    sorry the long message07:41
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, ok...take it back..Bios lists my 200gb drive (hda) as the first in the list07:41
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, you could try using the install disk as a rescue disk to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to try each hd in turn (hd0,0) (hd1,0) etc07:41
MystaMaxjustincredible, So now under System -> Preferences I have Bluetooth Manager which can scan for my bluetooth devices. It'll find lots when I'm @ work, b/c all computers have bluetooth07:42
ArrenLexOctarine: Strange... everything looks alright. Fine, now run "update-grub".07:42
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keeb_ i want to scp my id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys on remote07:42
keeb_               machine, but don't want it to overwrite previous entries07:42
keeb_using scp, any ideas?07:42
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David777alberto: What does dmesg say about the problem?07:42
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justincredibleMystaMax, are you using gnome or kde?07:43
hou5ton_I accidentally downloaded and installed the wrong version of EasyUbuntu. How do I unistall it?07:43
rubix_SpaceBass, exactly what problem are you having?07:43
rubix_hou5ton, just change your reps and apt-get update-distro07:43
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ArrenLexOctarine: Done?07:43
albertoty david dmseg seems to be ok about the pendrive07:43
SpaceBassrubix_, installed to hda ... grub on hd0 (as per installer)...trying for first boot and I get grub error 207:43
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ArrenLexOh, he's gone. xD07:44
hou5ton_rubix_:   that will "Unistall" the wrong one?07:44
MystaMaxjustincredible, Im using gnome. I just realized that I'm also using libbluetooth1, libbluetooh1-dev, libbtctl2-dev, libgnomebt0-dev, and python2.4-libbtctl07:44
ArrenLexWell, less work for me, I guess...07:44
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MystaMaxjustincredible, I don't know much about KDE, sorry.07:44
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albertothe devices are recognized too with the hal-device-manager active : i see the connect and disconnect log (for both sd and usb)07:45
justincredibleThat's alright. I'm playing with the commands and it seems like it can't even find my bluetooth interface07:45
justincrediblewhich would explain why it can't scan07:45
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arnorhello all07:45
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:45
arnorubotu: thx07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
SpaceBassrubix_, any ideas ? :)07:46
arnorPrzemek3: ?07:46
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MystaMaxjustincredible, yea i didnt do much to get it working. I found a thread on the forums explaining what the bluetooth manager was. So I installed it, and it started to scan. not much work involved, it just worked.07:46
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arnordoes anyone know how to fix APT database?07:47
HumanPrototypearnor, ubotu is a bot that responds to stuff it knows about - ask it about something by saying ubotu: <something> or !<something>07:47
justincrediblemystamax, I wish it was that easy :(07:47
ArrenLexarnor: "fix" it? How is it broken?07:47
arnorHumanPrototype: I guessed07:47
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HumanPrototypearnor, gdgd :)07:47
ArrenLexarnor: Sure you did, AFTER you said hi to it ;)07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:47
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, guess I'm at a loss....if bios shows my drive as the first one, shouldnt that be hd0?07:47
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LjL!openssh-server | homecable07:47
ubotuopenssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.3p2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 212 kB, installed size 552 kB07:47
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, afaik it should but ymmv and im definatly not an expert07:48
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justincrediblemystamax, do you know if you could ndiswrapper the windows driver for the bluetooth to the kernel?07:48
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:48
HumanPrototypedoes anybody know of a place i can a load of programs to write to practice my basic skills?07:48
justincredibleor is ndiswrapper for just wireless cards?07:49
zainkaHi... where can I get a reliable archieve/unpacker tool which can take rpm packages??? The default one (archieve manager) in Ubuntu (6,06) wont recon it...07:49
homecableany one use the server iso ?07:49
MystaMaxFor those that use WiFi to access the internet, what packages do you use to manage your WiFi?07:49
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, using the live CD how can I mount hda to look at /boot?07:49
cmt^^ArrenLex - I have this in my DRI section: Mode 066607:49
cmt^^ArrenLex - what am I supposed to have?07:50
ArrenLexcmt^^: That is correct, but are you even loading the DRI module?07:50
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freightwho used "manual" ubuntu install with light apps?07:50
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, cd /mnt && sudo mkdir hda1 && sudo mount /dev/hda1 hda107:50
cmt^^I don't know07:50
ArrenLexcmt^^: Make sure "dri" is in your extensions.07:50
justincrediblemystamax, I dont currently use ndiswrapper for wireless utilities, but I am familiar with using it07:50
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, that changes to /media , creates a dir and mounts /dev/hda1 on that dir07:51
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, tried...says no entry in fstab...which I cannot edit b/c the CD is readonly07:51
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ArrenLexcmt^^: pastebin your conf file please.07:51
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, then yuo need to give a place to mount it on07:51
HumanPrototypelike i added the hda1 on the end (which is the name of the dir i created"07:51
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cmt^^ArrenLex - http://pastebin.se/480307:52
MystaMaxjustincredible, right now I only can connect to my home wireless network, b/c I altered a txt file, isn't there a GUI to add/remove SSIDs and setup WPA or WEP07:52
SpaceBassi just dont understand they underlaying issue...why is this so hard to install07:52
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, in the live cd try sudo grub-install /dev/hda07:52
justincrediblemystamax, have you tried editing the interfaces file or setting up wpa_supplicant?07:52
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ArrenLexcmt^^: You are. Hmm...07:53
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ArrenLexcmt^^: Dunno; I have to go, sorry. xD07:53
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cmt^^Wtf? :(07:53
HumanPrototypeSpaceBass, then you know its on /dev/hda07:53
SpaceBassHumanPrototype, tried that before but not with sudo...with sudo i get an error that it could not find device for /boot07:53
=== DaSkreech [n=ubuntu@port0122-abg-s-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:54
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:54
rubix_what is bluetooth07:54
cmt^^Can anyone else look at my xorg.conf and maybe give me a hint to what's wrong?07:54
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DaSkreechIt''s what you get if you don't brush at night07:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:54
justincrediblewireless protocol that connects devices. E.g. those goofy headsets people wear with their cell phones07:55
winandthanks David it worked07:55
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:55
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MystaMaxjustincredible, no. I altered /etc/network/interfaces by adding my wireless-essid and thats it07:56
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Dheeraj_khi can any body tell me wat is the name of default ubuntu theme?07:56
SpaceBassi give up....I'm pretty sure this box wasn't ever meant to run ubutnt07:56
MystaMaxjustincredible, but i do see a wpa_supplicant folder in etc07:56
oripihuman ?07:57
justincrediblemystamax, Ok. So what are you looking to do? Use a GUI to connect to different networks or to setup WPA support?07:57
v3rtigo_what file have all modules that load on boot time?07:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ispconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
MystaMaxjustincredible, A GUI to manage different WiFi networks, and I'll worry about WPA later. Sorry if it seems confusing07:57
nofearrr!dvb card07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvb card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
Dheeraj_kis it available on ubuntu's repo? i am on edubuntu07:57
dave_got a weird problem, not a huge deal but kind of annoying, every once in awhile when i log in to gnome, it opens up like 4-5 windows of my home folder07:58
dave_anyone know what thats all about?07:58
justincrediblemystamax, do you have wlassistant?07:59
compengijrib, what language is .sh? bash?07:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tcl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:59
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HumanPrototypeim having problems with make07:59
LjL!botabuse | nofearrr07:59
ubotunofearrr: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)07:59
zainkaHI.. again.. How can I unpack rpm packages in Ubuntu?? Archieve manager wont recon the package. I can download a tgz package also for sae program but only the source and then I have to recompile it and my scills is relative dull, also It seems like I have to install xserver before ./configure will succede, and as far as I know I need to downloade and install the whole debiane CD image to make this happen on my computer, so.... please, since I have the optio07:59
rambo3dave_, take a look at session07:59
HumanPrototypei try and run make sense and it just gives me errors07:59
MystaMaxjustincredible, no i dont. its in the repositories?07:59
Dheeraj_kis human-ubuntu theme available on repo?07:59
justincrediblejust apt-get it07:59
MystaMaxjustincredible, thanks will do.08:00
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HumanPrototypezainka, what were you hoping to do with the rpm?08:00
Dheeraj_kany 1?08:00
alberto>hi to all, sorry i have a big prob with ubu 6.10 i386 since i removed an sd and a usb pendrive without the unmount : they are no more recognized and mounted (after a reboot too): with the last 2 ubuntu restart i receive an "failed to initialize HAL!" message.. ani idea where to find any info o suggestion?? sorry the long message08:00
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dave_startup programs are update-notifier /usr/lib/evolution/2.8/evolution-alarm-notify, gnome-pwoermanager and gnome volume manager08:00
albertoor any idea to begin a troubleshoot08:00
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justincrediblemystamax, That's just another GUI tool. It may or may not work. I have had problems using GUI's to work correctly with my ipw2100 wireless device08:00
dopefor some reason i have two copies of the icons in the top right of my screen08:01
dopebut one is slightly moved to the left so i see two sets over each other08:01
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dopehow do i get rid of that08:01
Dheeraj_k is human-ubuntu theme available on repo?08:01
zainkaHumanPrototype, The rpm includes installation files for ubuntu, and no need for recompiling, by some means I dont know why, the tgz packages only includes source to be compiled, thats what I need rpm for08:01
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v3rtigo_how can i remove modules that load on boot time by defualt on edgy?/08:02
DaSkreech!info camorama08:02
ubotucamorama: gnome2 tool to view, alter and save images from a webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 190 kB, installed size 1376 kB08:02
MystaMaxjustincredible, thats good to know. If I want to use WPA down the road should I use another app? I thought I came across a fedora core developed app for managing wifi networks.08:02
Dheeraj_k is human-ubuntu theme available on repo?08:02
crimsunDheeraj_k: yes08:02
crimsun(wasn't this answered already in #edubuntu?)08:02
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HumanPrototypezainka, as far as i know the default file-roller program on ubuntu supports rpms so you could try that or convert the rpm to a deb with alien08:03
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Dheeraj_kcrimsun: how can i get that?08:03
crimsunDheeraj_k: laserjock just told you.08:03
Adiumhid3, how do i stop edgy putting my laptop on standby when i close the laptop lid08:03
justincrediblemystamax, For WPA, you want to look into an application called WPA_Supplicant. I ran across it a few times but my card doesn't support wpa so I didn't look into it.08:04
Adiumthis never happened with previous releases08:04
dave_dont close your laptop lid08:04
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Adiumgot kids i need to :)08:04
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MystaMaxjustincredible, ok Thanks. I found the redhat developed app called NetworkManager that does the same thing. I wonder what most ubuntu users use.08:04
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dave_ahhh QUICK HIDE THE PORN08:04
Dheeraj_kcrimsun: where?08:05
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MystaMaxjustincredible, link: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/08:05
crimsunDheeraj_k: < LaserJock> if you have installed ubuntu-artwork you have it08:05
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Dheeraj_kcrimsun: but it is not in list :(08:05
justincrediblemystamax, Thanks08:06
zainkaHumanPrototype,  ... 'file-roller' ? Ill go look for it, thanx ... Ill hope Ill clever enough to find it :)08:06
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CydeI have a nice little error going on.  I just loaded my MySQL backups from a Gentoo system and now I get errors when starting MySQL because I overwrote the users table.  What do you make of this?  /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed08:06
Cydeerror: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'08:06
hou5ton_I accidentally installed the wrong version of EasyUbuntu, and would like to unistall it. It is not listed in Synaptic. Can I just do somethikng like; sudo apt-get remover easyubuntu?08:06
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Dheeraj_kcrimsun: is it possible to get it through apt? if yes than wat i need to type?08:07
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crimsunDheeraj_k: apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-artwork08:07
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crimsunDheeraj_k: hmm, are you doing this on an edgy install?08:08
Dheeraj_kcrimsun: i am on dapper08:08
dr0ckis it possible to install gnome 2.16.1 on Dapper Drake ?08:08
hou5ton_I accidentally installed the wrong version of EasyUbuntu, and would like to unistall it. It is not listed in Synaptic. Can I just do somethikng like; sudo apt-get remover easyubuntu?08:09
AdiumDoes any one know how to stop my laptop going into standby/hibernate when i close my laptop lid, using edgy-elf?08:09
HumanPrototypezainka, its in the repos08:09
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cmt^^I need to find someone who has actually gotten their ATI-graphics card to work with Ubuntu. Please contact me or highlight me in this channel so that I can learn how you worked through the problems08:10
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hou5ton_Adium:   System >> Preferences >> Power Management08:10
Adiumtryed it still does it :(08:10
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nothlitdr0ck, there are tons of dependencies that would be required, you should upgrade to edgy if you want a newer version of gnome08:11
hou5ton_is there some command in Ubuntu, sort of like the "pretend" command in Gentoo, where I can see what would happen before I actually do something?08:11
MystaMaxcmt^^, what issues are you having so we can all see it.08:11
dr0cknothilt: thx08:11
zainkaHumanPrototype, It seems like wath I reffere to as beeing "archieve manager" and what you call "file-roller" is the very same thingy... Any alternatives I can install from some where or are there any add-ons to file-roller making it capable to extract rpm's?? alien seems not to be a part of my system, yet (command unknown) so an advice for where to get it would be nice,,, if any alternatives for file-roller cant be given.. Thanx08:11
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scheelingshello all08:12
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cmt^^MystaMax - my error: http://pastebin.se/4807 - and here is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.se/480308:13
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dave_cmt^^ i got it working, but there wasnt anything to work through08:13
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jamesbroseCan sombody help me enable this swap partition?08:14
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cmt^^dave_ - what model/make?08:14
mypapitwhat's the name of ubuntu default music player?08:14
unimatrix9how do i edit and uncomment entries in grub?08:14
apokryphosunimatrix9: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic08:14
dave_VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PD/PRO TMDS08:14
apokryphosmypapit: rhythmbox?08:15
zainkamypapit, Rhythmbox music player should be the name ya seek08:15
mypapitapokryphos, zainka thanks08:15
v3rtigo_How do i remove modules that load on boot time by defualt?08:15
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hou5ton_I'm looking online for directions on how to use apt-get to remove an application....  anyone have a link or know the answer?08:16
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robban_hou5ton_: apt-get remove application08:17
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hou5ton_robban_:   thanks ... just found some info  ... would I want to maybe to apt-get --purge remove packagename ... to also get the config files?08:18
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hou5ton_robban_:   or I see there is also apt-get autoremove packagename, that also gets the dependencies?08:18
zainkaany alternatives for file-roller???08:19
hou5ton_Also ...  I keep getting mixed reviews on Automatrix2 .... I'm open to more opinions?08:19
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:20
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LjLhou5ton_: that *is* intended to remove unused dependencies. i don't think you should add a package name, just "apt-get autoremove"08:20
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LjLthough i haven't tried with a package name, might work as well08:20
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hou5ton_LjL:   I have to add the packagename, ... I'm wanting to uninstall a package ... I accidentlly downloaded the wrong version of EasyUbunut08:21
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LjLhou5ton_: right, it works with a package name too08:22
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hou5ton_LjL:   I guess I just want to be sure that autoremove knows to ONLY take dependencies that aren't used by anything else?08:23
LjLhou5ton_: it's most defitely supposed to behave like that08:23
cmt^^dave_ - u here?08:23
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hou5ton_LjL:   great .... i'll give it a try right now08:24
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cmt^^dave_ - what model and make do you have?08:24
cmt^^of ati-card08:24
cmt^^MystaMax - did you read about the problems i've been having?08:24
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dave_VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PD/PRO TMDS08:24
kuzmasterhello everyone!08:24
carzzz215hey, you guys are talking about easyubuntu?  i've used it too, but it seems i can't download some of the packages from it because it says some of there servers are down08:24
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BalachmarIF I want a program to be run at startup and set that in the session window, the change isn't saved08:24
dave_its pretty old08:24
cmt^^dave_ - ah ok.. I have a ati radeon x70008:24
BalachmarAnyone has an idea on why this is?08:25
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dave_put it in as my second monitor08:25
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albertosry to all here a big problem with the usb mount :(08:26
unimatrix9who knows about the grub menu and editing it?08:26
dave_cmt^^  have you tried the drivers from ati.com ?08:26
MystaMaxcmt^^, I did take a look, but I'm not familiar with them directly.08:26
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cmt^^dave_ - i actually haven't08:26
cmt^^gonna check them out08:26
cckhi, i'm new to ubuntu, how do you edit php directly on the server ?08:26
NiconIn a difference to debian I find it hard to know which package resperatory to use to use the "unstable" equivalent tree? Is there any good way to update the sources.list to always point to latest "unstable" / next release beta tree?08:27
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assasukassehi everyone08:27
assasukassei installed beryl on dapper08:27
assasukasseon edgy08:27
kuzmastercan somone please guide me throught step-by-step, how to make it so the user for the ftp, has un restricted access to the whole disk? in proftpd08:27
assasukasseand it does work fine08:27
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kuzmasteri am running a ubuntu server, but it cant be accessed by the outside world08:27
assasukassebut if i had to choose between beryl and compiz08:27
kuzmasterits only purpose is to host an intranet08:27
assasukassewhich one should i08:27
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unimatrix9who knows about the grub menu and editing it?08:27
dave_unimatrix9 its all in /boot/grub/menu.lst08:28
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unimatrix9yes but how do i uncomment for example something08:29
gpmhey guys, anyone know how i can slow down video playback? i don't think totem can do it...08:29
dave_take away the #08:29
unimatrix9titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic08:29
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unimatrix9there is no #08:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:29
dave_so its not commented out08:29
compengihi gnomefreak08:29
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elhaxxorzhey guys08:29
linkrjhGrub guy, I found this08:30
unimatrix9so it shows up in the menu, but i would like to hide it...08:30
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linkrjhDown at the bottom there are example menu's08:30
dave_comment it out08:30
linkrjhJust use one of those08:30
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linkrjhas a reference08:30
dave_put some # 's08:30
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SliMMi have a question about xubuntu08:30
dave_in front of each line of the section08:30
unimatrix9only on the first line?08:30
unimatrix9titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic08:30
dave_no, all of them in the section08:30
SliMMbut #xubuntu is quite empty08:30
unimatrix9or also on the second?08:31
cmt^^dave_ - how do I install the proprietary drivers?08:31
dave_title to boot08:31
x0xcan i install counter strike?08:31
kuzmastercan somone please tell me, step-by-step, how to create a user in proftpd, that has un-restricted access to the whole disk?08:31
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Cydekuzmaster: That seems like a bad idea, actually ..08:31
dave_it does08:31
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Cydekuzmaster: You know how insecure FTP is, right?08:32
unimatrix9so this would be08:32
elhaxxorzi don't recommend that08:32
unimatrix9titleUbuntu, memtest86+08:32
kuzmastercyde: no its not, this is only for the network08:32
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aG`Whitey_rGi got a question08:32
unimatrix9#titleUbuntu, memtest86+r #root(hd1,0)08:32
Cydekuzmaster: So you're sure it's firewalled off from the outside world?08:32
aG`Whitey_rGis ubuntu not making dvd images anymore?08:32
compengii have a problem with running k3b it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35632/08:32
dave_should be #title  #root #kernel #etc #etc  #boot08:33
unimatrix9ok thnx08:33
SliMMcan i install xubuntu without ereasing the data on a partition?08:33
apokryphoscompengi: have you been launching GUI programs with sudo?08:33
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kuzmastercyde: im 100% sure08:34
compengiapokryphos, what do you mean08:34
mordofalright, my friend made a program and wants me to compile install it, he asked me what my include dir is, how do i check that?08:34
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aG`Whitey_rGis there a dvd release of ubuntu?08:34
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Cydekuzmaster: Okay, then maybe it's an okay idea if you really trust your devs.  I just don't have any experience with proftpd, sorry :-(08:34
apokryphoscompengi: did you start any Graphical programs (specifically k3b) with sudo?08:34
apokryphoscompengi: because, well, it looks like you did.08:34
SliMMthere is a cd release of ubuntu08:34
apokryphos!kdesu | compengi08:34
ubotucompengi: In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo08:34
kuzmastercyde: im the only one that KNOWS how to access it08:34
carzzz215is it bad to start GUI programs with sudo?08:34
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aG`Whitey_rGthere used to be a dvd, is there only a cd now?08:34
linkrjhMy guess is no DVD release, as I do not see any on their website for download.08:35
apokryphoscarzzz215: yes, you shouldn't.08:35
Cydekuzmaster: Security through obscurity?08:35
compengiapokryphos, i've just downloaded k3b and trying to run it =/08:35
Cydekuzmaster: If you're going to be the only one using it, why not just use WinSCP or something like it?08:35
apokryphoscompengi: as root? Or with sudo?08:35
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compengiby clicking on the icon08:35
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compengiapokryphos, in the applications list08:35
apokryphoscompengi: actually, it might well have not been k3b08:35
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jerpcarld, I've heard that gksudo is the better option to use when root privs are required08:35
carzzz215why? and what if you need root privileges to run a GUI program?08:35
Cydekuzmaster: That's what I use for the kinds of situations you're describing.  It doesn't need a separate server either ... it works right through sshd using ssh as a secure tunnel.08:35
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apokryphoscompengi: but at some other time you started a graphical app with sudo, and hence mucked up (i) permissions in ~/.kde and (ii) your DCOP sockets08:36
jerpcarzzz215, I've heard that gksudo is the better option to use when root privs are required08:36
kuzmastercyde: hmmmmmmm.......... ill look into it08:36
ZaggynlHi, I'm looking for alternatives to Filemon and Netlimiter, are there any of those?08:36
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compengiapokryphos, when it didn't run i tried to run it from the terminal by typing only k3b08:36
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compengiand it gave me this result08:36
Cydekuzmaster: You've used scp before, right?08:36
kuzmastercyde: nope08:37
carzzz215interesting...what is the difference between sudo and gksudo?08:37
Cydekuzmaster: I haven't bothered with ftp in many years now because it's yet another service that opens holes and isn't necessary.08:37
apokryphoscompengi: like I said, then you started another graphical app with sudo before. Which you shouldn't have done.08:37
Cydekuzmaster: scp is a command-line tool to securely copy files between remote locations and local locations.08:37
Cydekuzmaster: It uses SSH as a tunnel.08:37
compengiapokryphos, so what should i do?08:37
Cydekuzmaster: Various GUIs for scp exist, like WinSCP, that provide an FTP-alike interface.08:37
apokryphoscompengi: never do it again :P. See the ubotu factoid. But for now, try changes all your home permissions08:37
kuzmastercyde: hmmmmmmmmm.......... sounds good....... im downloading WinSCP now08:37
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Cydekuzmaster: It's very good, you'll like it.08:38
apokryphoscompengi: sudo chown -R compengi:compengi /home/compengi08:38
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skoldhi im running beryl svn on ubuntu edgy. Beryl runs fine on gnome, but wont start on KDE but i don't know why could you help me?08:38
kuzmaster is source forge down for anyone?08:38
compengiapokryphos, oh i made gksudo to open .sh file and edit it that what i done with sudo =/08:39
apokryphoscompengi: no, it looks like you definitely used sudo directly08:39
kuzmasteri cant get tohttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/08:39
apokryphoscompengi: opening an .sh with root perms would never have given you that result08:39
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compengiapokryphos, but it08:39
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compengiapokryphos, but it's all what i have done with sudo command =/08:39
apokryphoscompengi: the terminal says otherwise :)(08:40
carzzz215interesting...what is the difference between sudo and gksudo?08:40
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Cydekuzmaster: scp is good and simple when using it with people you trust because it just uses normal ssh accounts, e.g. your system accounts.  It doesn't replace a real ftp server because it doesn't have its own accounts ... so to make another account for someone to access scp with you have to make another system account.  You can set its shell to scp-only or whatever, but for a large number of different users, scp doesn't really make sense.08:40
compengiapokryphos, anyway after changing permissions will everything be fine?08:40
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Cydekuzmaster: But if it's just for you, scp makes perfect sense.08:40
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apokryphoscompengi: hopefully, unless dcop sockets in /tmp are mucked up too. We'll find out though08:40
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apokryphoscompengi: for kde apps just use kdesu in the future08:40
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compengiapokryphos, then how to find out that everything is fine now?08:41
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compengiand i have nothing to worry about :)08:41
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apokryphoscompengi: start k3b up again08:42
jerpgksudo is recommended when a graphical item is called up08:42
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compengiapokryphos, i did and it's running08:42
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compengiapokryphos, so conclusion everything is fine now :)08:43
stoorty_is there anything i can do to my gfx card in ubuntu that will make it require less power when im running on a battery?08:43
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stoorty_apart from underclock it08:43
apokryphos!msg | carzzz21508:43
ubotucarzzz215: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.08:43
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Murchadh!kdesu v sudo08:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdesu v sudo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo08:44
apokryphoscarzzz215: gksudo sets up the environment more properly for graphical running08:44
apokryphossets different environment variables, etc08:44
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ahallerhi. i have an intel core 2 duo chip. which cd release shout i install, the "Intel x86" or the "64-bit PC" release?08:44
kuzmasterahaller: use the intel x86 version08:45
kuzmasterahaller: its supported more08:45
Murchadhapokryphos, Is there a readme on the implications of using sudo instead?08:45
ahallerok, i will08:45
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countervirusim stoked i have a version of kubuntu with beryl running off my thumb drive08:46
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carzzz215has any one had any problems with the "suspend" feature in Ubuntu?  I'm running ubuntu on a laptop. SOmetimes Suspend works, and other times it doesnt08:46
apokryphosMurchadh: maybe, try Google. Basically what happens, often with KDE programs, is that sudo (root) will take ownership of the application running, but it'll use the user's config files08:46
apokryphosMurchadh: hence the config files are rewritten with root perms, and a new user on next trying can't access those files. Similar thing with dcop sockets08:47
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ValmarkoI just installed beagle but I can't find it08:49
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kuzmastercyde: when uploading a file to the http dir, i got a permissions error08:49
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Murchadhapokryphos, Thanks! Been meaning to nail this down for a while. Have had problems with it before.08:49
kuzmasterso, do i need to change the chroot stuff to 777 for /var/www?08:49
bur[n] er_anyone know if there's an app out there that will let you copy & paste to a windows remote desktop session?  not files, but just the clipboard08:49
bur[n] er_kuzmaster: nope... chown www-data:www-data08:50
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kuzmasterk, than08:50
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bur[n] er_kuzmaster: if you use samba, you can make it so that any file you dump there takes that ownership08:50
zainkaZainka has left the rooom08:50
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phoenix87tahaving difficulty burning CD-R under Ubuntu Edgy.  After selecting files to be burned, I'm asked to insert a blank CD-R.  I've got one in, and it recognizes it as a blank insofar as Ubuntu is concerned, but the burning process fails to recognize it.  anyone seen anything like this, and know a fix for it?08:51
kuzmasterbur[n] er_: i might use samba, but not just now, i want to get everything going, then ill set samba up08:51
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kuzmasterchown: missing operand after `www-data:www-data'08:52
kuzmastercyde: when i did that, i got chown: missing operand after `www-data:www-data'08:52
carzzz215has any one had any problems with the "suspend" feature in Ubuntu?  I'm running ubuntu on a laptop. SOmetimes Suspend works, and other times it doesnt08:52
kuzmasterthat, sorry for spamming :(08:52
rogue780carzzz215, I've never gotten suspend to work08:52
stoorty_yea carzzz21508:52
phoenix87tacarzzz215, who makes the laptop?08:52
rogue780or hibernate08:53
rambo3kuzmaster, like dir ?08:53
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carzzz215Mine is a gateway nx100x08:53
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phoenix87tacarzzz215, gateways also have notorious issues with suspend mode08:53
Cydekuzmaster: Is the user you're logged in as in the www-data group, and are the perms on your www directory set to g+w ?08:53
kuzmasterrambo3: i did chown www-data:www-data, and i got error "missing operand after `www-data:www-data' "08:53
stoorty_happens on my HP easynote too08:53
carzzz215so when you say it suspend never works...does your screen just blank out and then nothing?08:53
kuzmastergoodness i dont know08:54
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rambo3kuzmaster, sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www08:54
Cydekuzmaster: It's chown -R www-data:www-data <insert web directory here>08:54
stoorty_mine just shows random colours08:54
rogue780well I get an error message in text mode, and I have to restart08:54
kuzmastercyde: ahhhhhhhhhh, thanx08:54
lee2why does the root partition need to be at least 2gb, is that the actual partition ubuntu will need ?08:54
kuzmasterchown -R www-data:www-data /var/www ?08:54
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Cydekuzmaster: www-data:www-data gives the user and group name respectively, but if you don't give it stuff to work on, it won't have anything to do.08:54
Cydekuzmaster: That should work.08:54
Cydekuzmaster: -R is for recursive08:54
carzzz215does anyone know how i can see a "verbose" mode when i do suspend so I can see where it starts to hang?08:54
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phoenix87tacarzzz215, how old is the n100x?08:55
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carzzz215its been out about a year now08:55
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rogue780does anyone know how to install unichrome pro drivers on ubuntu?08:55
carzzz215i got mine last month08:55
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phoenix87tacarzzz215, check support.gateway.com for known issues with that laptop08:56
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tidelineanyone know what the si and hi percentages are in the cpu line when you run top?08:56
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phoenix87tathe site should ask you for your serial number.  did you get it directly from gateway or from a retail outlet?08:57
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carzzz215well actually everything works very well on this gateway...although suspend and sound problems are my only problems...although a lot of people are having the same sound problem i am having08:57
assasukassehi all, someone could tell me how to compile this? http://ar.linux.it/software/gunzets/08:57
carzzz215directly from gateway08:57
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killownlinux yet has support to write in ntfs partition?08:58
phoenix87tacarzzz215, then enter your serial number on the site, and it'll bring up any relevant support info for that laptop.  also, check for driver/bios updates08:58
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bur[n] er_kuzmaster: chown www-data:www-data filename.html08:58
carzzz215the suspend and sound problems are only with ubuntu....i dual boot with windows and sound and suspend and fine in windows08:58
bur[n] er_killown: checkout fuse08:58
bur[n] er_!fuse08:58
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:58
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carzzz215i should check for a bios update...good idea08:58
LTjakeis /var/run purged on reboot?08:58
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eugmanHow can I tell which codecs are illegal (U.S.A) and which are just nonfree?08:58
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rogue780!kernel module08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
rambo3assasukasse, thats xserver-XFree8608:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CD-R - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
kuzmasterbur[n] er_: i want it for the whole dir08:58
lee2Ubuntu installer is demanding a SWAP partition, but with 2gb of ram, surely i wont need one ?08:58
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rogue780can someone tell me how to add a kernel module?08:59
assasukasserambo3 i asked the man that made it, works on xorg fine08:59
carzzz215i confused with the IRC...how do you choose my name and type to me...the text turns red08:59
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bur[n] er_kuzmaster: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www08:59
phoenix87tacarzzz215, you mean it automatically highlights messages meant for you?08:59
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kuzmasterthanx, ill give it a try09:00
bur[n] er_rogue780: it depends, modprobe is the command to load a module, but if you don't have it, it won't load09:00
carzzz215you just did it again phoenix lol...how?09:00
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bur[n] er_rogue780: better bet is to ask about the hardware you're trying to setup09:00
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iggeis there a shell command that can swap the order of windows? i.e. bring a window on top of others?09:00
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w3ccvcarzzz215, name the person you are answering09:00
w3ccvnot like this09:00
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phoenix87tacarzzz215, it's a common IRC script incorporated into most clients.  if you enter the full name of your target, followed by a comma, it'll do that09:00
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bur[n] er_igge: varies depending on your window manager09:01
rambo3assasukasse, then download read readme file , configure make install or make and insert module09:01
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carzzz215phoenix87t, ok...did it work?09:01
rogue780bur[n] er_, I have. I'm trying to get unichrome drivers working for unichrome pro IGP, and I downloaded the distro-nonspecific driver from via, but the instructions don't quite work with ubuntu.09:01
carzzz215phoenix87ta, ok...did it work?09:01
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rogue780can someone tell me how to add a kernel module?09:01
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phoenix87tacarzzz215, indeed it did09:01
rogue780does anyone know how to install unichrome pro drivers on ubuntu?09:01
iggebur[n] er_: ok... i'm using gnome/metacity09:01
kuzmasterstupid permissions!09:01
kuzmasterits not working!09:01
bur[n] er_rogue780: wish I could, check the wiki by chance?09:01
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:01
rogue780bur[n] er_, numerous times09:01
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carzzz215phoenix87ta, sweet...is there any shortcut for doing that? some people have really long complex names?09:02
bur[n] er_igge: i'm not saying I know, but more to the point, your question should be about metacity's ability to do it via term09:02
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iggebur[n] er_: if you know of ANY window manager where it works I can change wm just got get it to work09:02
rambo3rogue780, is driver in kernel ?09:02
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w3ccvcarzzz215, start the name , then hit tab - it will autocomplete, but might pick the wrong name, try a longer form09:02
rogue780rambo3, not that I know of09:02
phoenix87taw3ccv, thanks, I didn't know that one09:02
p33k4ywhat is gnome-app-install ?09:02
iggeanyone who knows of a way to swap the order of windows in metacity using shell commands?09:02
rambo3rogue780, then find it make it and insmod09:02
p33k4ydoes it use apt-get ?09:03
bur[n] er_igge: alt+tab works for me :)  sorry I don't know the term command09:03
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carzzz215w3ccv, ahhh it just worked on your name...thanks :)09:03
rogue780I'm kinda new, and people haven't been able to help me with it09:03
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w3ccvcarzzz215, like for carzzz215 carld is the default for car09:03
johny5Silly question, can I mount a networked dvd burner in order to burn things on it?09:03
w3ccvcarzzz215, mike09:03
iggebur[n] er_: heh.. :) I need to do it from a script09:03
bur[n] er_insmod is like modprobe, but doesn't check for dependencies like modprobe does09:03
bur[n] er_modprobe > insmod09:03
carzzz215w3ccv, thanks09:03
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phoenix87tahaving difficulty burning CD-R under Ubuntu Edgy.  After selecting files to be burned, I'm asked to insert a blank CD-R.  I've got one in, and it recognizes it as a blank insofar as Ubuntu is concerned, but the burning process fails to recognize it.  anyone seen anything like this, and know a fix for it?09:03
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bur[n] er_igge: I think you can with fluxbox, but it's been ages since I've played with it09:04
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kuzmastershould i be doing somthing like chmod to change the permissions?09:04
rogue780would I put it in the /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic folder and then build it using ./configure make install?09:04
bur[n] er_phoenix87ta: what's your burning app?09:04
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bur[n] er_phoenix87ta: use gnomebaker?09:04
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rogue780rambo3, above is for you09:04
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phoenix87tabur[n] er_: using serpentine, mostly, or whatever's native to ubuntu09:05
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sparrwI have a PCL printer installed, my Firefox print properties dialog says Letter, but the printer is complaining it has no A4 paper.  Help?09:05
rambo3if your going to compile /usr/src is good area to do that from not necessery but a good practice09:05
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tovellasparrw: you may have to change the gnome printer settings.09:06
sparrwtovella: im using kde09:07
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tovellasparrw: ok, the kde printer settings.09:07
kuzmasterhey, if this helps anyone, here is the output from "chmod -l /var" drwxr-xr-x  4 www-data www-data 4096 2006-12-06 21:29 www09:07
kuzmasterso, what do i need to do so i can put files there via ftp/scp?09:07
bur[n] er_kuzmaster: via your ftp or sftp client, right click the file and chmod it09:08
kuzmasterbur[n] er_:its repiles with a permissions error09:08
=== bur[n] er_ shrugs without looking at it
phoenix87tabur[n] er_, would gnomebaker work better than serpentine or native burning?09:09
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bur[n] er_phoenix87ta: possibly09:09
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drcodehi all09:09
kuzmasterbur[n] er_:Error message from server: Permission denied09:09
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rslIs there any way to get the file upload dialog box in Firefox to show thumbnails?09:09
drcodeI try to use wvdial09:09
tovellasparrw: i haven't used KDE for a very long time - but if my memory if correct, there should be somewhere that you can change the properties of the printer.  look for a tab that indicates the paper type & change it.09:09
rambo3if your goind to upload to that dir  you need write permission for the rest09:09
drcodefrom linux client to linux server09:09
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drcodethe logon is ok09:09
=== bur[n] er_ really wishes there were reverse vnc easily useable in ubuntu so he could help kuzmaster
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drcodebut cannot find ppp command?09:10
drcodeany idea?09:10
=== kuzmaster really wishes this will HURRY UP AND WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=== kuzmaster is sorry
=== maddler [n=maddler@217-133-171-18.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3kuzmaster if your goind to upload to that dir  you need write permission for the rest09:10
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kuzmasterrambo#: yes, that sounds about right...... how?09:11
DaftDoganyone know if i can get zope 2.8 (with it's dependency python 2.3.5) in dapper drake without having to do a manual install?09:11
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kuzmasterrambo3: yes, that sounds about right...... how?09:11
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rambo3kuzmaster  chmod09:12
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kuzmasterrambo3: ive been reading the page on it, but i dont really know what to do.............09:12
kuzmasterrambo3: this maybe /home/user$ sudo chmod o+x /usr/local/bin/somefile?09:13
Akezhas anyone here installed a logitech webcam?09:13
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux09:13
kuzmasterrambo3: would this work? sudo chmod o+x /var/www09:13
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kuzmasterrambo3: ive looked at them!09:14
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rambo3dont do that make temp file and chmod it to 77709:14
rambo3temp dir that is09:14
kuzmasterrambo3: but but but but how?09:14
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eugmancan someone give me a basic example of an mplayer command to rip the sound? The man page is rather large.09:14
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cheatersrealmwhat program does the desktop icons in gnome?09:15
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rambo3kuzmaster, sudo mkdir /var/www/uploads && sudo chmod 777 /var/www/uploads09:15
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vishahhow can I use Vi key bindings in gnome apps?09:16
ezenuis it appropriate to use one install of eclipse for both normal Java development, WTP, and CDT?09:16
Akezdoes anyone know how to install a logitech webcam on ubuntu?09:16
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:16
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humei'm trying to create a .xmodmap file - I need to find out the keycode for the keys - how do I find that?09:17
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w3ccv!linksys AP09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linksys AP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
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rogue780doesn't anyone here know how to add a kernel module?09:18
cheatersrealmrogue780: you mean like modprobe?09:18
cheatersrealmrogue780: or install it?09:18
Akezhow can i change a file in /etc/apt/ ?09:19
Akezits read-only09:19
Akezand im admin09:19
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jvolkmanAkez, sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list09:20
kitcheAkez: admin is user admin or root?09:20
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jamieoliver22could anyone help me please? I am getting an 'error 17' when running GRUB?09:21
Akezand thanks jvolkman09:21
cheatersrealmAkez: if it's read only, and you are actually root, then the permissions need to be changed.  if you are not actually root, then you become root using 'sudo' and then edit the file as root09:22
ezenuAnyone know of a good UML drawing program (especially for class diagrams)? prefer if it saves in a cross-compatible format with other apps09:22
cheatersrealmezenu: dia09:22
Halcy0nezenu: I've always used dia.09:22
kitchejamieoliver22: Solution09:23
kitcheThis error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.09:23
kitcheBe sure to check your root(x,y) settings in your grub.conf.09:23
kitcheAlso, if you are trying to boot Windows, make sure that your grub.conf file has the root (hdX,Y) (or rootnoverify (hdX,Y)) and chainloader (hdX,Y)+1 in it.09:23
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jvolkmanezenu, umbrello is uml-specific09:23
kitchesorry was meant to be one line :(09:23
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ezenucheatersrealm, Halcy0n ok, I'll try. I didn't realize it could be used for UML, easily09:23
jamieoliver22thanks.. im fairly new to ubuntu and linux, but ill have a go09:23
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cheatersrealmezenu: use the UML toolset09:24
cheatersrealmezenu: it's not 'easy' but UML isn't easy, so that's why09:24
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kitchejamieoliver22: menu.lst is in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:24
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kitchejamieoliver22: well /boot/grub09:25
rogue780cheatersrealm, well I aparently need to compile the dang thing (it keeps saying kernel source not found) and then get it to load with the kernel. unless someone else has a magic bullet for unichrome09:25
jamieoliver22thanks, i did notice it on the forums actually, but i couldnt open it09:25
jamieoliver22kitche, could i possibly speak to you in a PM please?09:25
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jamclxhey, anyone know how I can browse my wine files from ubuntu? thanks :)09:25
cheatersrealmrogue780: all the stuff that I've needed to get modules for, ubuntu had a howto on their wiki09:25
cheatersrealmjamclx: cd ~/.wine/09:25
jamclxlol thanks :D09:26
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rogue780cheatersrealm, I can't find anything on the wiki for edgy09:26
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kitchejamieoliver22 join #kitchetech09:26
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rogue780although I finally got it to compile. I had to re-write some of the makefile09:26
gray_foxhi to everybody!09:26
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cheatersrealmrogue780: what hardware are you trying to install?09:26
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rogue780unichrome IGP for the via epia CN1000EG motherboard09:27
ernzHello - I am having trouble with my graphics card, can someone help please.09:27
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rogue780cheatersrealm, and it didn't compile afterall. some error that I still have to get worked out09:27
sindrumwhich gpu is it?09:28
Hexxooso, any reason why most of the packages I try installing wont work with amd64 ?09:28
zac1How do you mount a HDD09:28
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kitcheernz: just say your problem and someone might anwser you if they know the anwser09:28
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mwozniakif I have a filename with a number in it... is there a way to extract the number with regular expressions?09:28
mwozniaklike turn archive.3.tar to 3?09:29
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HexxooInstalled Linux Mint and it runs amarok fine, but when I try installing it with the packet manager it just brings me an error about not working with amd64 :/09:29
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Hexxooin Ubuntu 6.10 I mean09:29
xplic1ti currently have php5.1.6 installed using apt-get, but i required php5.2.  can i upgrade using apt-get?09:29
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Akezthey say its easy to install a webcam :S09:29
zac1How do you mount an IDE hard drive in 6.1009:30
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mwozniakzac1, use the mount command09:30
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zac1mwozinak: I tried that09:31
mwozniakyou probably have to specify the file system09:31
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tkoodahow do I stop ubuntu from sleeping/suspending and/or logging me out when I close my laptop?   (commenting out "#ACPI_HIBERNATE=true" and "ACPI_SLEEP=true" in /etc/default/acpi-support dosn't seem to work?)09:32
zac1Mwozinak I did. It gives me an error09:32
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Hexxooalmost every single application in "Add/Remove Applications" gives me "cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type."09:32
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HexxooSo.. running Ubuntu on amd64 is just an absolutely moot point or? :S09:33
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mc44Hexxoo: "Almost every appication.." such as?09:33
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Hexxooanything that wasn't installed along with the fresh install of Ubuntu09:34
HexxooExcept for Thunderbird mail client09:34
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mc44Hexxoo: please give examples of packages which you got that messsage on09:34
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HexxooAbiWord word Processor, Amarok, Gnumeric Spreadsheet, gFTP09:35
Hexxooto name a few09:35
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mc44Hexxoo: ell that houldnt hppen... :)09:35
mc44Hexxoo: well that shouldnt happen... :)09:36
ernz_Does anyone PLEEEEASE have a decent WORKING tutorial for beryl - I have done 3 fresh installs of Edgy, and it hasn't worked any time!?09:36
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:36
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zac1How do I mount an IDE hard drive in Ubuntu 6.1009:36
HexxooI tried to install kvirc(sp?) and got that error message09:36
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Hexxooand then when I looked more closely, almost everything else gave me that too :/09:37
eyalwI've got a problem. When I play video, on any player (vlc/totem/mplayer) the player gui seems to go crazy, like messy and not clean.... ?09:37
knapp__Anyone know how to get easytag to read WMVs?09:37
kitchezac1: sudo mount /dev/<dev> /mnt/<folder>09:37
soundrayzac1: find out the device name of the partition you want to mount (sudo fdisk -l helps), then enter a mount command like 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt'09:37
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Hexxoonow it just gives me that error as soon as I click the checkbox09:37
pianoboy3333What should I use for ripping dvds? I don't really like mencoder, the audio gets out of sync :(09:37
Hexxoofor any application09:37
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Hexxoocan't even remove any packages09:38
soundray!dvdrip | pianoboy333309:38
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB09:38
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eyalw..I've got a problem. When I play video, on any player (vlc/totem/mplayer) the player gui seems to go crazy, like messy and not clean.... ?09:38
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soundrayHexxoo: can you repeat that error message for me (late comer)09:38
mc44Hexxoo: which release of Ubuntu are you running?09:38
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cactuxIs it possible to install (k)ubuntu on a USB disk, and use it on several different PCs ? Kind of a live-cd distro, but on USB so I can update it.09:38
pianoboy3333eyalw: that's how mplayer is ;)09:38
Hexxoo"cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type."09:38
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eyalwpianoboy3333: what do u mean?09:39
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pianoboy3333cactux: if it can fit on a cd (700mb) it can fit on a flash drive09:39
eyalwpianoboy3333: its not spose to do that on VLC09:39
soundrayHexxoo: what package manager are you using?09:39
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mc44soundray: gnome-app-install09:39
pianoboy3333eyalw: I'm just kidding, sorry, I don't really know09:39
HexxooThe one on the bottom of the Application menu09:39
pianoboy3333cactux: extract the iso on your usb stick, that's one way09:39
HexxooI "just" finished installing ubuntu09:39
cactuxpianoboy3333: I tried, it installed nice, but when I boot another PC I get kernel error. It seems there is no hardware detection at startup09:40
soundrayHexxoo: could you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin please09:40
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ObstfliegeHELP :D i deleted my menu on the Panel. Can you tell me how i can add it again?09:40
mc44Obstfliege: right click and "Add to Panel"09:40
Hexxoouh, pastebin, as in? >.>09:41
mc44Hexxoo: | paster09:41
mc44Hexxoo: | paste09:41
fuffeI've installed rapidsvn on ubuntu, how to start it? Ican't find it09:41
mc44Hexxoo: | !paste09:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:41
mc44Im an diiot09:41
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Obstfliegemc44, i mean i deleted f.e. the System Men09:41
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soundraymc44: that's an exaggeration09:41
xplic1ti currently have php5.1.6 installed using apt-get, but i require php5.2.  can i upgrade using apt-get? i found .deb's @ packages.dotdeb.org/dists/stable/php5/binary-i386/  should i uninstall using apt-get, then reinstall using dpkg?09:41
Sp4rKyplease, i want to change some ulimit parameters09:41
Sp4rKyi can change them with root09:42
mc44soundray: oh I dont think it goes far enouigh :)09:42
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Sp4rKybut not for users09:42
Sp4rKyhow can i do ?09:42
soundrayObstfliege: right click the Panel, select Add to Panel, it's Main Menu in the Utilities section09:42
Obstfliegesoundray, big thx !09:42
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soundraymc44: :)09:43
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soundrayHexxoo: what do you get when you type in a terminal 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install gnumeric'09:43
Obstfliegesoundray,  can you also tell me how i can add folders to "Places" in Main Menu09:43
soundrayObstfliege: no, I never use that menu ;)09:44
Obstfliegesoundray, ok ;-)09:44
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soundrayObstfliege: I would look in Nautilus preferences, though (that's the File Browser)09:44
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Hexxooit's stuck at 99%09:45
soundrayHexxoo: is that with the command I gave you?09:45
Hexxoojust says "connecting to is.archuve.ubuntu.com" and nothing happens09:45
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Hexxoothat's with the command you gave me09:46
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Hexxootimed out09:46
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soundrayHexxoo: give me a minute...09:46
Hexxoowill do09:46
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lee2why do i get "waiting for root device"09:47
lee2... ...09:47
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lee2and then it just stops09:47
soundraylee2: misconfiguration in /boot/grub/menu.lst (look for wrong root= statement)09:48
lee2soundray, but i have ICH8 does that matter09:48
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lee2soundray, how can i get to that ?09:49
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soundraylee2: let me just finish helping Hexxoo09:49
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felixfoertschGood evening. I have a problem installing Ubuntu on an ASUS Laptop. It has a Widescreen monitor and is stuck at the point where you have to set the resolution of the xserver.09:49
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weswh-I have an external USB hard drive that I would like to be able to plug back and forth between my linux machine and my windows laptop for file storage. what file system will be best for this (photos, music, documents) - and are there any significant disadvantages? My inclination is FAT32?09:50
felixfoertschI can select the resolution - but after clicking "continue" it jumps back to exact the same screen.09:50
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shwagif I do  'reset'   the screen clears and says  "Erase is backspace."  Then, when I use vim, my backspace key doesn't work. How do fix this?09:51
kitcheweswh- fat32/vfat unless you want to install 3rd party drivers in windows09:51
soundrayHexxoo: I suggest you try to connect to the de. mirror instead of is. Do 'sudo sed 's/is\./de\./g' /etc/apt/sources.list'09:51
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soundrayHexxoo: everything inside the outer quotes -- then the previous command again.09:52
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Hexxoothat last thing is still timing out09:53
Hexxooit's the same ip as before09:53
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weswh-kitche - if i wanted to install 3rd party drivers what would my options be? and is 'vfat' another option besides fat32? not familiar with that one09:54
soundrayHexxoo: the sed command hasn't worked then... hold on...09:54
kitcheweswh-: vfat is what linux calls fat3209:54
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kitcheweswh-: fs-driver.org for the windows ext3 drivers09:55
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HexxooI changed in system -> administration -> software sources from Icelandic to Main Server09:55
HexxooAnd now it works09:55
weswh-kitche - thank you!09:55
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felixfoertschCould anyone help me with my problem? I try to install Ubuntu Edgy Efty on an ASUS M6000 Notebook - and it's stuck on setting the resolution of the xserver.09:56
soundrayHexxoo: installations work, too?09:56
Hexxoowaiting for this thing in the terminal to finish09:56
soundraylee2: how did you get into this situation with the boot problem?09:56
dgirlsdemloverhey yall09:57
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knapp__Does anyone know how I can get EasyTag to support WMA, M4A.09:58
Hexxooit seems to be working :o09:58
[GuS] is back..09:58
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jamesbroseHow can i change the text that comes up when sombody logs into my server with ssh?09:58
soundrayHexxoo: something must be wrong in Iceland, then ;)09:58
Hexxooatleast now it lets me remove existing packages09:58
Hexxoothanks alot for your time :)09:59
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HuffalumpHow can I fix a problem where the X server won't start?09:59
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mc44Huffalump: what error are you getting?09:59
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HuffalumpI've checked the support section of the Ubuntu site, including the details about the August flub.09:59
wildchild:s I clicked on a song in xmms and note appeared: Please check that: your sound card is configured properly, you have the correct output plugin selected, no other program is blocking the soundcqard....09:59
georgyHuffalump,: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:00
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soundrayjamesbrose: edit /etc/motd10:00
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blekoshello ppl10:00
kitchewildchild: probably esd (sound server) is using your sound or another program10:00
Huffalumpmc44, it says "failed to start the x server"10:00
Huffalumpmc44, and then something about a log file10:00
blekosi got 2 usb sticks one is kingston and the other non branded10:00
Huffalumpmc44, which I don't know how to read10:00
Huffalumpgeorgy, I will try that right now.10:00
wildchildkitche: how can I awoid this "sound server" ?10:01
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blekoskingston is recognised by both win & linux, but the non branded is completed ignored by linux (ubuntu) any ideas?10:01
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kitchewildchild: disable it but not sure how to do it with esd10:01
Jeevasyntax to see the uptime of my PPPoE connection ?10:01
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wildchilddon't even know what or where is esd10:01
soundrayblekos: run 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and look for errors while you plug it in10:01
georgyblekos: watch in dmesg for output10:01
soundraywildchild: System-Preferences-Sound10:02
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owen_does anyone know how i can burn a .dmg image file (mac cd image) onto a cd on Ubuntu and/or convert to another image format i.e iso, mds, bin/cue, etc.10:02
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Huffalumpgeorgy, I recognized all the questions from what I've done twice already10:03
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p33k4yis the gnome-app-install database updated when i update the synaptic database or it's a different one?10:03
soundrayowen_: I don't think it's possible -- it's a closed format10:03
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wildchildsoundray: in system settings >sound system ->hardware ->select the audio device = auto select = should I change this?10:04
georgyHuffalump, : what is the error message10:04
Huffalumpgeorgy, however this time, instead of Moniter (something) Advanced {which was default choice} ...I chose medium, changed refresh rates, and now it appears to work.10:04
Huffalumpgeorgy, so I believe this last config did the trick10:04
Paddy_EIREhey guys Im using beryl with aiglx, sometimes when I right click the title bar the window decorator crashes causing me to have to reload it again?? Is there any reason for this and how could it be fixed10:04
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blekosno error message10:04
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soundraywildchild: no, in System-Preferences-Sound, disable ESD10:04
JeevaHow can i see how long my pppoe connection has been active ?10:04
n00biehello everyone.10:04
Huffalumpgeorgy, it *did* give an error!  and *then* unexpectedly launched into x windows10:04
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic.  It does not currently support Edgy sources.  When asked if it will, the reply was "maybe".10:04
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soundraylee2: still here?10:04
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n00bieI have a question10:04
georgyHuffalump,  : You mean you have the  xserver working ?10:04
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Huffalumpgeorgy, the error didn't stay on the screen long enough to see.  it was that blue screen with garbled characters.  Yes, I belive so.10:05
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soundraySorry, no n00bie questions here10:05
n00bieHow many times can a HDD be partitions10:05
w3ccvn00bie, nobody has an anser if you don't ask it.10:05
soundrayn00bie: just kidding, go ahead10:05
Huffalumpgeorgy, thanks for the handholding10:05
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Huffalumpmc44, thank you for the response!10:05
n00bieer partitioned.10:05
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soundrayn00bie: it depends on the kernel version10:05
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cmwebwhere is the source file located10:06
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kitchen00bie: 4 primary partitions10:06
JeevaHow can i see how long my pppoe connection has been active ?10:06
n00bieIm looking at setting a linux box up.10:06
georgyHuffalump : np -)10:06
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:07
cmweb!repository list10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repository list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
LjLcmweb: you could always message the bot in private10:07
soundrayn00bie: you can have four primary partitions and nothing else, or three primary and one extended, and lots of logical ones inside the extended one.10:07
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cmwebAny one know were this is10:07
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aszharongood evening. i read, that it is ok to install a 32bit-version of ubuntu on a 64bit supporting computer. but is it ok to install a 64bit-version of ubuntu on a 32bit supporting computer, i mean: can such a system work stable?10:07
soundrayn00bie: braindead leftover from DOS times10:07
LjL /etc/apt10:07
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cmwebljl, sorry ljl, i will next time. I just thought that every one would like to know the answer10:07
n00bieI want to be able to use ubuntu, mandriva, possibly an older version of windows.. and have a partition that both os can read/write and pull from.10:08
n00biehelp me.10:08
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LjLthe answer, maybe, "sorry i don't know anything about", i doubt it.10:08
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LjLanyway /etc/apt/sources.list10:08
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jon_doeall on a 120gb HDD10:08
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages and !Equivalents10:08
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wildchildsoundray: well now it's set on autodetect, other options are: 1) open sound system, 2)Advanced Linux sound architecture, 3) no audio input/out put, 4)Enlightened sound daemon, 5)network audio system, 6)Threated open sound system....10:08
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mc44jon_doe: yes you can have 4 partitions and a swap partition, that is fine10:09
apokryphosjon_doe: make windows fat32, and leave ubuntu as default10:09
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:09
soundrayjon_doe: it's rude to ask a question and then change nicks10:09
fuffeI have no problem in committing generally.. but when moving trunk to branches/name I always get a 403 error10:09
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soundraywildchild: close that dialog and read my previous line *very* carefully10:10
dogmeatwhich ftp client would ppl recommend?10:10
jon_doeso like partition it like this: 20gb for Ubuntu, 20 for Mandriva, 20 for win, and 60gb where all OS's can read/write to and from.10:10
NicksteSAin what repository can I find kismet?10:10
cmwebljl, why would the gksudo gedit etc/apt/sources.list give me a blank file even though i have packages avalibal?10:10
dogmeatftp client with gui?10:10
georgydogmeat : gftp10:10
LjLcmweb: because it's /etc/apt/sources.list and not etc/apt/sources.list10:10
kitchecmweb: try /etc/apt/sources.list10:10
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mc44jon_doe: yes, that should be fine10:10
cmwebops forgot to take off the /10:10
jon_doeand both should work?10:11
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mc44jon_doe: both what?10:11
jon_doeos's read/write to the extended partition10:11
Valmarko_hello. What aplication I have to use top chm documents?10:11
mc44jon_doe: if you make it fat32 then yes10:11
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Valmarko_to open10:11
ubotugnochm: CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1 (edgy), package size 136 kB, installed size 700 kB10:11
ubotukchmviewer: CHM viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 200 kB, installed size 624 kB10:11
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Valmarko_tanks ubotu10:12
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felixfoertschCan someone help me installing Ubuntu on an ASUS M6000 Notebook? The installation is stuck at the point where the user has to set the resolution - if I do set one - it just jumps back to the resolution screen. Any ideas?10:12
jon_doewill it automatically set it up to dual or 3x boot for different os's?10:12
Aar0n[A] Hi10:12
Aar0n[A] What command can I run to display the OS version10:12
dogmeatuname -a10:13
jon_doeand which OS do I install first?10:13
Aar0n[A] Thanks10:13
kitcheAar0n[A]  cat /etc/debian_version10:13
RprpFatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromgif()10:13
RprpWhats the function in ubuntu for it?10:13
wildchildsoundray: I don't have sytem prefences, I have system settings (edgy-kubuntu) and there I have sound system..10:13
Rprpsudo apt-get install ?10:13
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ubunulhi all !!!who can help me about mysql:10:14
ubunulsudo mysql -u root -p give me:  ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)10:14
felixfoertschjon_doe: Was this question refereed to me?10:14
repeteDoes anyone know what the equivelent to chkconfig is on debian?10:14
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soundraywildchild: ask in #kubuntu perhaps10:14
wildchildI allready asked, no response :S10:14
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mc44jon_doe: install windows first10:14
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:15
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RprpCan someone me help?10:15
RprpFatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromgif()10:16
RprpWhat does i need for php?10:16
jon_doeor, is there a way that linux can run a VM for windows?10:16
owen_how do i check if a process is still running in the background on Ubuntu?10:16
soundrayowen_: man ps10:16
georgyowen : ps aux10:16
jon_doeso I dont have to install say like, Win2000 in Fat32?10:16
ubunulmysql give an error about ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)10:16
ubunulbut it's normal the socket is at /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock  where can I fix that please?10:16
mc44jon_doe: yes VMware can run windows from linux10:16
ubunulowen ps10:16
owen_thank you10:16
blekosi use gnome, but i got install k3b (is there and alternative for gnome?). When I use K3b and change workspace the K3b icon still appears on the bottom taskbar.10:16
blekosDoes this have to do with K3b being a KDE app?10:17
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ubunulis someone using xampp and cacti on the same machine ?10:17
LjLblekos: gnomebaker is the closest gnome equivalent, i suppose10:17
alex-weejhere's a question for the pros, can i safely read-only mount a filesystem on a loop that is actively being written to?10:17
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:17
soundrayblekos: no, I think this has to do with KDE opening a window on every workspace (possibly invisible)10:17
soundray!burn | blekos10:18
ubotublekos: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:18
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PhantomePhreakHi @LL10:18
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
blekosany suggestion for best burning soft for gnome?10:19
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:19
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blekosi would like to mess up my sys with constant installs etc10:19
soundrayblekos: you would?10:19
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soundrayblekos: anyway, there's little danger of that. This isn't windows after all.10:19
soundrayblekos: for me, the nautilus burner is best10:20
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blekoslol, well i'm just trying not to be lost among applications10:20
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blekoscause of my limited time, i try to switch to linux with not too much hasle10:20
jamieoliver22i am looking for the person who helped me a few minutes ago.. i cant remember his name.. began with T? sorry10:21
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd10:21
soundrayblekos: I used to use k3b a lot, but since my last fresh install, I haven't installed it again10:21
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blekosi just need a cd/dvd burning soft which allow me to do(burn) the same things as with nero10:21
blekosi c10:21
soundrayblekos: k3b is the full-featured one I reckon10:21
=== Hazarath [n=Hazarath@74-61-179-180.kwk.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
PhantomePhreakdoes anybody know, how can I configure ubuntu to login anybody automatically? (sry 4 my english^^)10:21
blekosmaybe then I should stick to it10:22
soundrayPhantomePhreak: System-Administration-Login Window10:22
HazarathNeed help with 'ndiswrapper'10:22
PhantomePhreakwithout GUI :D10:22
jon_doewould it work if I wanted to install Ubuntu/Mandriva/WinXP?10:22
HazarathWell, installing it.10:22
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PhantomePhreaki can't it's on a CF-Card -> no space^^10:22
alex-weejblekos: tried Nero? :P10:22
ernzCan someone please tell me how to add a "key" : 024EF0BCA98AA08910:23
alex-weejernz: in what context?10:23
alex-weejblekos: seriously, there is a NeroLinux10:23
blekosno kidding?10:23
HazarathCan't install 'ndiswrapper', says 'make' doesn't exist.10:23
blekosmaybe i should have a look10:23
alex-weejblekos: http://www.nero.com/eng/NeroLINUX.html10:23
ernzalex-weej: Using a beryl howto and got: W: GPG error: http://seerofsouls.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 024EF0BCA98AA08910:23
ernzW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:23
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soundrayPhantomePhreak: you want it to boot direct into a shell?10:23
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owen_does anyone know, why my bittorrent clients freezed, when i had 5 windows opened... downloading overnight?10:24
mathieu__hey is there a "download ubuntu" button anywhere to put on a website or blog ?10:24
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soundrayPhantomePhreak: dapper or edgy?10:24
ernzalex-weej: Any ideas?10:24
PhantomePhreaki have only xdm, x-window-system, and xfree86 installed...10:24
HazarathCan't seem to install 'ndiswrapper'10:24
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-65-78.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
PhantomePhreakno kde or gnome^^10:25
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blekosnero linux aint freeware10:25
DARKGuyHoly cow10:25
DARKGuyNero for Linux!10:25
blekosgnomebaker doesnt look that bad10:25
blekosy get nero when u got k3b?10:25
soundrayPhantomePhreak: on dapper, you would have used inittab. Edgy uses upstart in place of sysvinit, so everything has changed... you'll have to look for docs on upstart10:25
=== carlo [n=carlo@cpe-65-24-205-232.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:25
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alex-weejblekos: Nero Windows isn't freeware either... :P10:25
PhantomePhreakhm k ;)10:25
HazarathAny dice here, guys?10:25
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blekosu got a point :) but now i'm in Linux!!110:26
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DARKGuyNero has experience burning CDs though. I've lost more than a dozen CDs burning stuff with linux burning programs :(10:26
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DARKGuyAnd I dunno why >.<10:26
soundray!ndiswrapper-utils | Hazarath10:26
ubotundiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 48 kB10:26
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HazarathGot the package, soundray.10:26
soundray!wireless | Hazarath10:26
ubotuHazarath: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:26
ernzalex-weej: Any luck yet?10:26
blekoshmm, dont know Darkguy10:26
Hazarathsoundray, Got all that, I can't complie the package.10:26
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alex-weejernz: ask the room, there are some GPG commands you need but i forgot how to use them10:27
soundrayHazarath: if you had "got" it, you wouldn't be trying to compile anything.10:27
Trini_Manwhats the best way to do Remte dexktop on ubuntu ?10:27
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soundrayTrini_Man: vnc, configure via vino-preferences10:27
Hazarathsoundray, Ok, I have the source, and now attempting to install... 'make' cannot be found.10:27
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jamieoliver22im looking for the person who helped me a few minutes ago... ?10:27
blekossometimes times Linux confuses me with all that options, and thats what I like10:28
soundrayHazarath: you're on the wrong track. But if you insist that you must compile something, install build-essential10:28
Trini_Manoundray : what ?10:28
DARKGuyThis is weird though, the Nero that came with my burner has no serial number o_o; how am I suppossed to use it for my Linux one :(10:28
mc44jamieoliver22: just ask your question, someone else might be able to help10:28
ValmarkoI'm using ubuntu6.10. how can I install aiglx for my card: ati radeon 9550?10:28
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blekosi'm using Gnome basically but I like KDE as well since it has lots of stuff usefull to an user10:28
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Hazarathsoundray, I just found a giude to install my Belkin 54G card, and that's what came up via Google.10:28
jamieoliver22it was an error i was getting about the grub 17 error10:29
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ernzOK, Does ANYONE know how I would go about installing key and resolving this error I get when trying to update repos: W: GPG error: http://seerofsouls.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 024EF0BCA98AA08910:29
ernzW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:29
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Hazarathsoundray, What should I do to get my card installed, then?10:29
mc44ernz: sudo apt-key add -10:29
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JeevaHow can i see how long my pppoe connection has been active ?10:29
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soundrayHazarath: read the wireless docs ubotu pointed you to.10:30
ernzmc44 - sudo apt-key add 024EF0BCA98AA089?10:30
Trini_Manwhat port does the remote desktop use ?10:30
pibarnashow can I activate on beryl-settings that effect the windows goes up or down to show desktop?!?10:30
soundrayTrini_Man: 5800 and 590010:30
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cmt^^how come mplayer's gui doesn't work for me, but running mplayer from a terminal works just fine?10:30
Trini_Manand how can i change the default port for remote desktop10:30
A3nki got the weirdest errors while trying to start an application : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35648/10:31
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A3nkcan anyone tell me what to do  to fix them?10:31
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=== Rprp sleep
georgycmt: do you have the skins loaded ?10:31
mc44ernz: if that is the right key, yes10:31
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jamieoliver22i need help regarding the grub 17 error10:31
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ernzmc44 -  sudo apt-key add 024EF0BCA98AA08910:31
ernzgpg: can't open `024EF0BCA98AA089': No such file or directory10:31
soundrayA3nk: use a user terminal and run 'sudo network-admin'10:32
=== A3nk is now known as A3n-
soundrayA3nk: sorry, correction: use a user terminal and run 'gksudo network-admin'10:32
soundrayA3n-: that's just rude10:32
A3n-huh, A3n is me but he somehow is still idleing10:33
mc44ernz: you need the whole GPOG key10:33
dxdemetriouI have problem with mplayer. The fullscreen doesn't work with resolution 1280x1024 with xv. Anybody have the same problem?10:33
ernzmc44: Where do I get that?10:33
mc44ernz: from the reposiory. You know you can just ignore GPG errors and istall he softwre anyway10:34
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A3n-soundray: whenever i try sudo or gksu i get errors like "gethostbyname() not found" or something10:34
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A3n-jred:u still there?10:34
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soundrayA3n-: then your /etc/hosts is most likely faulty10:34
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scylaxhow can i configure my network card so it will not have an IP address?10:35
ernzmc44: I'm not ignoring the key, hence being in the room asking for help. The problem is, I have no idea what a key is, where to find it or what it does in relation to installing the software I would really just like to install with a double click.10:35
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georgyscylax : why ?10:35
scylaxfor snort, georgy10:35
mc44ernz: yes, my point is you dont need to install the key10:36
soundrayHymnToLife: bonjour, good to see you after a long time10:36
thomaswhy does the nvidia driver want to install a new kernel image on edgy?10:36
jamesbrose Are there any inspiring document about ubuntu? I am taking it to a conference in my rural town and i want something to show people how great it is10:36
jamesbroseand how its technology should be more widespread10:36
soundraythomas: what?10:36
=== keeganX [n=keegan@CPE-76-178-92-102.natsow.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifesoundray, same here :)10:36
ernzmc44: Sorry, I am being stupid again. I read "Can't" :) My bad.10:36
georgyscylax : sudo ifdown ethX10:36
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Huffalumpok, still works after rebooting =oD  thanks again10:36
pibarnasmouse gestures on beryl just stop working without any configuration?10:37
thomassoundray: hmm when i do apt-get install nvidia-glx it installs a 386 kernel image, on top of my generic kernel. do you get me?10:37
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soundrayjamesbrose: www.ubuntu.com is a good place to start10:37
ernzmc44: Am trying to install beryl AGAIN, it's doing my nut in and I am starting to get grumpy.10:37
ValmarkoI have ati radeon 9550. What yould you do to be sure you're using the right driver, the one that boosts the graphics to 100%10:37
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soundraythomas: got you now...10:38
thomassoundray: so why does it do that?10:38
ccvpHIZ ALL ANy use linuckZ?10:38
A3n-soundray:  my hosts file = http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/35650/10:38
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nicoladid any of you ever emulate the gba (game boy advance) in ubuntu ?10:38
A3n-soundray: i dont know how to change it or what to add/remove from it10:38
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soundraythomas: have you got 'linux-restricted-modules-generic' installed?10:39
jamesbrosesoundray, obviously :P10:39
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thomassoundray: well i tried to install that, but it still wanted to install a new kernel, is that whats meant to happen. like the generic kernel doesn't work with the drivers for some reason10:39
felixfoertschIs there someone who can help me with a GnomeICU problem? It says "very, very bizarre Error while connecting". Can't figure out what the problem is.10:39
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mc44!shout | ccvp10:40
ubotuccvp: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:40
soundraythomas: it doesn't do that here...10:40
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thomassoundray: haha ok! wierd....10:40
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dredhammerhello which is better when compileing make install or checkinstall ?10:41
thomassoundray: basically i'm having a problem because i need to compile a driver for my nic, but when i did that it wouldn't work on the 386 kernel. so i'm choosing between network, or 3d, and i just did a fresh reinstall.10:41
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thomassoundray: it's a bit perplexing!10:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:41
dredhammerAlso has anyone successfully compiled the latest mplayer svn  with theora support enabled?10:42
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soundrayA3n-: run 'sudo gedit /etc/hosts' and remove the "ordiadri" string from the first line. Then try gksudo again.10:42
thomassoundray: i'll just try it again. i'm not quite so drunk now so that should help.10:42
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soundraythomas: oh, you're the scotch man, and it's morning now where you are ;)10:43
thomassoundray: haha you've got a good memory :)10:43
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soundraythomas: I'll go and have a glass of Lagavulin soon...10:44
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thomassoundray: haha good idea :)10:44
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:44
soundrayA3n-: sorry, that won't work of course...10:44
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soundrayA3n-: you'll have to reboot in recovery mode and edit /etc/hosts with nano10:45
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meshyfanyone think they could  help me getting my wireless lan card working? Having trouble understanding ndiswrapper etc etc10:45
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Hazarath_soundray, Failure, it will not connect, no indicatos work.10:45
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Hazarath_Indicators, even.10:45
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!10:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:45
weswh-i'm trying to decide if i should format my external usb storage drive as ext2 or fat32. for storing music/photos/documents, i can do ext2 and use the fs-driver.org tool to access it from windows and linux, or i can just do fat32. it's a 160gig usb2.0 drive, any recommendations?10:46
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meshyfI've tried those things but haven't figured it out yet. Ish weird.10:46
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HazarathHelp getting WiFi up? All my other attemps failed. Read guides.10:47
=== slipttees https://bugs.launchpad.net/products/uck/+bug/74713
meshyfK guess it'll just be more trial and error.10:47
soundrayweswh-: if you're not shy of installing an extra Windows driver, ext3 is by far the best option (ext2fs will read/write ext3, too)10:48
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HazarathNeed help getting my Belkin 54G PCI card online.10:48
davieyHi, has anybody here got lirc to work?10:48
cmt^^daviey - irssi ftw10:49
thomasweswh-: whats the fs-driver tool like on windows, if it's good. i'd go with ext310:49
davieycmt^^, huh?10:49
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )10:49
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davieycmt^^, Thats great!! how does that helo?10:49
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cmt^^daviey - helo?10:49
thomashe meant help10:50
davieycmt^^, sorry helo mean't to say help10:50
weswh-soundray - does ext3 offer big advantages just for a storage drive? the only reason i was thinking ext2 is they say on the website: "If you mount an Ext3 file system as an Ext2 file system and the file system is not cleanly dismounted, (e.g. due to a system crash), you have to run the e2fsck tool. (Linux does it automatically.) Running e2fsck can take several hours on large volumes. You do not benefit from journaling the Ext3 file system, because you have to r10:50
weswh-un e2fsck."10:50
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HazarathNeed help with wireless, read guides, still stuck.10:50
thomasHazarath: whats the matter10:50
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cmt^^daviey - I guess it doesn't.. but I recommend you give irssi a shot, it's by far the best irc-client available10:50
weswh-thomas: seems to be excellent. fs-driver.org10:50
cmt^^(if you ask me)10:50
thomasweswh-: well don't use fat32 then :)10:51
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davieycmt^^, ahh, i'm looking for LIRC - linux infra red10:51
Hazaraththomas, can't seem to get wireless to work, was gonna try to get the wrapper thingy installed, was told I'm going the wrong way, tried the ubuntu interface thingy, still no dice.10:51
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thomasHazarath: if there are no linux drivers installed, you'll need to use the ndis wrapper10:51
Hazaraththomas, I tought so... can't get past ''make' not found'10:52
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Byanhow big should my swap be, with 2GB of ram?10:52
mc44Hazarath: apt-get install build-essential10:52
thomasHazarath: hmmm where are you doing that?10:52
kitcheByan: don't need a swap with 2GB of ram really10:52
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Byankitche: should I have one anyways?10:52
Hazaraththomas, Hmm? Where am I donig what?10:52
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kitcheByan: if you want to be safe yes but it probably won't be used10:53
kudzubanekitche: unless you want to capture coredumps of mem leaks and such10:53
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thomasHazarath: when does it say make not found10:53
cmt^^daviey - heheh, i just assumed lirc was something in regards to IRC10:53
cmt^^Like licq10:53
davieycmt^^, cheers anyway10:53
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Hazaraththomas, in the newly created directory after un-compressing ndis10:53
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=== Hazarath installed build-essential
thomasHazarath: ok you should install ndis with Ubuntu's package manager10:54
HazarathEr... installs10:54
kitchekudzubane: yes but don't think many ubuntu users with 2 gb's of ram will be doing that10:54
Hazaraththomas, thanks... I hate doing it the bash way.10:54
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kudzubanekitche: i do :)10:54
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thomasHazarath: from what you are saying, you are installing ndis from source. you can just install a binary of it. use synaptic10:55
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Hazaraththomas, Doing so now.10:55
thomasHazarath: :)10:55
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thomasHazarath: what guide are you using for ndis?10:55
CarlFKI need a util to fixed a tweaked partition table - like something that will see the FS's on the disk and figure out where the start/end of the 3 primary partitions should be. any suggestions ?10:55
Hazaraththomas, Some dude's that has my Belkin 54G card. Was told that I have a hard nosed chip on the card.10:56
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thomasHazarath: ok there is an ndis howto on the ubuntu wiki, i'm not sure of the address, but i used that to get my wireless working. you should check it out10:57
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jevangeloi just installed 3ddesktop11:01
jevangelohow do i get it to work11:01
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DARKGuyjevangelo: read the manual: man 3ddesktop11:01
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DARKGuyjevangelo: you'll also have to use some program to bind it to a key or something11:01
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TLEHow do I get mplayer to deinterlace when I'm playing a mpeg2 file ?11:02
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dxdtWhere does $PATH get all of its paths from?  It seems like it has a lot more than the ones just in /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc11:03
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kitchedxdt: .bashrc and .bash_profile in your home directory11:04
kunwon1~/.bashrc ?11:04
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Byanbetter practice to have both OS's on the same disk or one on each?11:06
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hjmillswhat do I need to do to iptables to connect to a local irc server on the network (client and server side)?11:06
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DARKGuyByan: I'd prefer one OS on each disk, so in case one of them screws up, you can just format and reinstall11:06
dxdtYeah I checked there, but it doesn't seem to have anything.  Like my echo $PATH has things like sbin in it and I don't see .bashrc or bash_profile adding that.  Is that added by some other program somewhere?11:06
NineTeen67CometEeeks gadzooks .. When I login I get a white desktop and no icons .. No real time when it started, but it was yesterday, I just assumed there was an issue with Beryl but upon logging in today it's stuck like this again ..11:06
=== NineTeen67Comet help*?
kingrayrayanybody here familiar with ubuntu on ppc? specifically an older G3 imac?11:07
hjmillswhat do I need to do to iptables to connect to a local irc server on the network (client and server side)?11:07
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hjmillsNineTeen67Comet: check your xorg logs and any berly logs (if it does log stuff) and try logging into gnome failsafe so as not to laod beryl11:08
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kitchehjmills: for client side nothing for server side you just have to make sure the port is open that the irc server is running on11:08
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Byancan someone give me the name of the thing I need to do for dual monitors?11:09
hjmillskitche: how do I do that - I don't know iptables that well11:09
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ubotuhjmills: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:09
NineTeen67Comethjmills: gotchya .. thanks .. I'll go less a little .. :)11:09
mc44Byan: Xinerama11:09
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hjmillsByan: what do you mean? like xinerama?11:09
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Byanhjmills: IDK11:09
LaserLinewhat's the command line to see ever package installed on your system11:09
ByanI just want dual monitors like I have in XP11:09
DARKGuyByan: For dual monitors you can use Xinerama11:10
hjmillskitche: thanks but the pc its running on is a serer with no gui11:10
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kingrayrayon recent nvidia cards you can also use twinview11:10
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hjmillsByan: do you have an nvidia gfx card?11:10
kitchehjmills: then look up the iptables howto that ubotu said11:10
Byanhjmills: mhmm 7600GT11:10
nothlitTheres also fireflier11:10
kitchenothlit: server has no X on it11:10
hjmillskitche nothlit: thanks11:11
MurchadhLaserLine, sudo dpkg -l >> ~/applist ~this worked for me!11:11
rubix_anyone here had probs with azureus not having a systray icon11:11
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mc44rubix_: right click->Add to Panel the add NotificationArea11:12
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AdamKiliHey people: I'm doing a five minute presentation and want to present Ubuntu linux11:12
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AdamKiliany good major points I should explain?11:12
KillerkiwiHelp ANybody, how do I set an MSN avater in Gaim2 ?11:13
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hjmillsAdamKili: artwork is available on the wiki which may help11:13
hjmillsAdamKili: also emphasize its free and dont forget to take along cds if you can11:13
aleprofcan anybody help me with via drivers for my video card?11:13
DARKGuyAdamKili: Nothing better that giving out free CDs for everyone to try! :D11:13
nothlitfireflier works on a server that has no x11:13
AdamKiliI'm going to have my Ubuntu laptop with me. But the CDs is a excellent idea I wouldn't have thought of.11:14
nothlittheres fireflier-server and then fireflier-client-(gtk/qt/kde) qt and kde are diff... and theres a java client too11:14
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ITSa341Good Evening, Anyone here familiar with using a cellular card in a laptop with Ubuntu?11:14
hjmillscan i connect to multiple irc servers at once with a single irssi instance?11:15
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB11:15
kitchehjmills: yes use /connect instead of /server11:15
hjmillskitche: thanks11:15
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dxdtaleprof, maybe, what's up?  You just ask isntead of asking to ask11:16
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psychadhi, i have ubuntu 6.10 and i compiled mplayer. it can play most stuff, but mp3files and videofiles with mp3soundlayer sounds really bad, really distorted terrible sound11:16
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psychadmp3s play fine in xmms though11:16
psychadany hints what i can do to fix this?11:17
haxalityI'm having problems with NFS11:17
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okndoes anyone know how can i fix the console fonts..they are huuge..how can i set the resolution someting like 1280x1024 ?11:17
haxalityI've read like 4 tutorials, and I think I've figured it out11:17
haxalitythe problem is that root isn't mapped on the server11:17
ITSa341Can anyone point me to information about EVDO cards in Ubuntu?11:17
haxalitywhat should I do to fix it11:17
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mamonassassinatrying to open photoshop 7.0 in wine...11:17
amonkeywhen i start X i get an api mismatch, the nvidia kernel module is 9625, but the X module is 9629. how can i update the kernel module? i have a suspicion that the kernel module just needs to be reloaded, but i don't know how.11:18
kingrayrayhow do u install ubuntu 6.06 LTS from a PPC system via CLI? when X starts, the resolution or something seems to be invalid so i can't see anything11:18
mamonassassinawhat is that?how can i solve it?11:18
dxdtokn,umm yo mean like the consoles not in gnome-terminal but the console like when you hit ctrl+alt+F1 ?11:18
hjmillskitche: ok, i have added an input rule to accept traffic on 6667 but i still cant connect, any ideas?11:18
kitchehaxality: well if you explain what's wrong then someone might help you11:18
aleprofdxdt, I've tried installing xserver-xorg-video-via11:18
haxalitykitche: sorry, heh11:18
kitchehjmills: did you restart iptables?11:18
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haxalityI get the error 'Permission Denied' when trying to connect to the server11:18
mathieu__psychad: do things sound ok with mplayer ?11:18
aleprofbut when i set "via" as driver and restart X, X does not start11:18
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OneSeventeenI'm creating a virtual machine to run Ubuntu 6.06 server, how much space should I allocate for the primary drive?11:18
haxality(connect = mount NFS drives on the client)11:18
hjmillskitche: no - that will probably be it - how do i do that?11:19
psychadmathieu__: everything but mp3s. i can for instance play wmv files and they sound perfect11:19
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mamonassassinathat's strange,i guess...winetools said Photoshop 7 runs fine.11:19
kitchehjmills: depends the server uses ubuntu?11:19
ar24Has anyone had success digitally signing documents in OpenOffice under Edgy?11:19
hjmillskitche: yup11:19
HazarathOk, this is getting no where... all the others that help go off before I get resolved... need WiFi help, tried everything.11:19
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kitchehjmills: then look in /etc/init.d there should be an iptables script in there then do sudo /etc/init.d/iptables restart11:19
dxdtaleprof, when it fails to startx, what's the more detailed error, it probably gives you a chance to see one or something, right?  Or does it just straight crash?  If you change the driver to vesa can you get in X?11:20
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psychadmathieu__: right now i am playing an wav in mplayer, it sounds nice11:20
hjmillskitche: no - theres no iptables script there - thats the first place i looked11:20
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haxalityoh, the irony..11:20
kitcheamonkey: well considering that the X module and the kernel module are the same thing really you would do sudo rmmod nvidia then sudo modprobe nvidia11:21
ar24I've exported the certificate path variable to the appropriate .mozilla/firefox/default profile directory and restarted OOo, but it still crashes every time I try to sign a document.11:21
psychadmathieu__: and i can't decode mp3 to wav, the same sound goes into the audiodump.wav11:21
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kitchehjmills: hmm it might be in another script which  I have no clue where though but it should say in that howto where the script it11:21
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aleprofdxdt, with vesa driver X starts, with via i got something like "no device found"11:21
HazarathNeed WiFi help, please. Tried the guides, etc, no good.11:21
amonkeykitche, that's the first thing i tried but when i tried to rmmod nvidia, it said the module was in use.11:21
dcordeshow can i convert mpeg video to mp4? i tried mencoder before but i didn't understand what argument i needed. please help11:21
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hjmillskitche: oh - apparently the firewall is inactive in ubuntu by default so it cant be the firewall11:22
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dxdtaleprof, interesting, are you absolutely sure that's what the video card is?11:22
fbcWhat packages do I need to install to get the MAKE command?11:22
dxdtfbc, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:22
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kitchehjmills: look at /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow11:22
dxdtfbc, that should hook you up with all the cool tools.11:22
dxdtg++ , etc11:22
dxdtand make11:22
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fbcdxdt:  thanks11:22
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mathieu__psychad: well it does sound like mplayer is not decoding your mp3s properly11:23
bertxHi, do somebody knows an easy way to use beagle with vfat partition ?11:23
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amonkeykitche: can i force it to unload somehow?11:23
ar24Seriously, I've created both self-signed certs and certs with root authorities and imported them into Firefox, and OOo seems to see them, but I have no idea why it keeps crashing.11:23
mathieu__psychad: does mpg123 work ?11:23
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psychadmathieu__: exactly11:23
psychadmathieu__: let me try, i didn't even know i sh9ould have mpg12311:23
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mathieu__psychad: it's just another program11:24
aleprofdxdt, yes, or better, hope yes... asus K8M89011:24
psychadi know what it is11:24
Hovahwo then how do i do a back up ,like the restore in windows11:24
psychadno, i don't have mpg123 installed11:24
psychadmathieu__: however, xmms plays nicely11:24
psychadxmms default ubuntu package11:24
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aleprofdxdt, it's an integrated video card11:24
rubix_i am having some probs with the display of a .wmv file, its all choppy and unrecognizable11:24
dxdtaleprof, that's what I was guessing, lemme google real quick11:25
analfabetahow can i download only packages .deb for a instalation of software?!11:25
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kitcheHova: you need to backup yourself with partimage or another way11:26
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Stormx2Issue! Following the BerylOnEdgy guide from the wiki. When updating my package list, one of the repos 404s. Further investigation (led me too http://amaranth.selfip.com/) says its closed. What should I do?11:26
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Hovacani get partimage on the sytmatic packadge ?11:26
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kitcheStormx2: remove it from your source.list11:26
kitcheHova: yes11:26
Stormx2kitche: And not do the beryl thing?11:27
cmt^^What might be wrong when mplayer works from terminal but the gui doesnt work11:27
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kudzubanewow, background load is just too high, removing from laptop11:27
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kitchekudzubane:  :)11:27
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cmt^^kudzubane - my dear old friend :>11:27
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cmt^^i finally got the ati drivers working11:28
kudzubanekitche: too used to 0.00 0.00 0.0011:28
kitchecmt^^: your probably missing the frontend but if you run gmplayer in console it will give you more information11:28
Hovaits not there  partimage11:28
mathieu__psychad: it could be that you did not have the proper development header files when you compiled mplayer11:28
ar24Anyone here actually using OOo?11:28
kudzubanecmt^^: good job, what additional step(s) did you have to perform11:28
hjmillsok, which is the simplest and easiest irc daemon?11:28
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thomasi'm having some problem with the nvidia-glx drivers, i installed them but it says "unable to load nvidia kernel driver! be sure you have instaled the nvidia driver for running kernel" anyone got any ideas?11:29
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cmt^^kudzubane - i actually download the linux drivers from ati.com :}11:29
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kitcheHova: sure it is partimage just looked at packages.ubuntu.com11:29
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sponixwhats the best torrent client ?11:29
psychadmathieu__: i guess so, but the configrue script says it finds mp3lib, what shall i be looking for. what <package>-dev solves this mystery? can you play mp3s in mplayer on your machine?11:29
cmt^^kitche - it added an icon to the applications/multimedia-menu11:30
DARKGuyanybody knows why bittornado doesn't resume my torrents?11:30
CrescendoAfter the upgrade to Edgy, Xchat opens links using Mozilla.  It should open them using Firefox. Any ideas on how to fix it?11:30
kitchecmt^^: what did?11:30
mamonassassinano,really,what is going on here?11:30
cmt^^the mplayer-installation11:30
cmt^^(from synaptic)11:30
alessandropironidxdt it's me (aleprof), i've logged from my laptop, so i can restart X on pc11:30
mathieu__psychad: yes11:30
kitchecmt^^: doesn't mean anything console would give you more information why it's not running11:30
mamonassassinawhat can i do to run photoshop 7.0?11:30
cmt^^ok hang on11:30
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mamonassassinathis error message is very...errorous :P11:31
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DARKGuymamonassassina: check the WINE appdb: http://appdb.wine.org and search for PS 711:31
mathieu__psychad: when it plays the mp3 it says : Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib]  MPEG layer-2, layer-311:31
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sponixmamonassassina: might check the wine site see if it runs photoshop11:31
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mamonassassinasponix: winetools says it runs fine11:31
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Myriai think i found a bug in the ubuntu 6.06 x86-64 distribution, although i don't know for use11:31
kingrayrayi have used photoshop 7 in wine11:31
DARKGuymamonassassina: winetools is way outdated11:31
haxalityso does anyone know what would cause me to get a "Permission denied" error while mounting an NFS share11:31
sponixmamonassassina: never heard of winetools11:31
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DARKGuymamonassassina: PS7 runs on Wine anyways11:31
Myriathe "time" command does not understand its options11:31
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:32
mamonassassinaDARKGuy: ya,but i get that...thing.11:32
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DARKGuymamonassassina: see in the wine appdb if your error has been already issued there? I don't have PS7 so...11:32
mamonassassinahttp://appdb.wine.org/ not found on firefox11:32
psychadmathieu__: yes11:32
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Myriawhen you do "man time", the example command "time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" ls -Fs"  is given, but if you actually try that command, you get -bash: -f: command not found11:32
DARKGuymamonassassina: wtf! oO11:32
mamonassassinaDARKGuy: that's the worst part,it has been issued there.11:32
tkoodahow do I stop ubuntu from sleeping/suspending and/or logging me out when I close my laptop?   (commenting out "#ACPI_HIBERNATE=true" and "ACPI_SLEEP=true" in /etc/default/acpi-support dosn't seem to work?)11:32
dxdtalessandropironi, I'm reading a few posts about it, but haven't come up with a "good" solution yet.  You might want to repeat the question to the rest of the room too in case some people smarter than me can figure it out too(since it has been a while)11:32
kitchemamonassassina: it's winehq.com11:32
DARKGuymamonassassina: so.. o.o?11:32
hjmillsdoes a simple irc daemon exist?11:32
DARKGuythanks kitche xD11:32
dxdttkooda, you have gnome power manager?  You should be able to change those options there11:33
alessandropironiok, thank you dxdt11:33
mamonassassinaDARKGuy: what i just sent won't load here.11:33
mathieu__psychad: and also : Selected audio codec: [mp3]  afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)11:33
kitcheor .org*11:33
Lattywarewrong channel11:33
Lattywaresorry guys11:33
psychadmathieu__: yes11:33
haxalityguess not..11:33
tkoodadxdt, thnx, I'll check it out11:33
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:33
psychadmathieu__: i get sound, just very bad sound11:33
dxdttkooda, System >> Preferences Power Mangement11:33
Myriaanyone know how to use "time"'s command line options?11:33
cmt^^kitche - http://pastebin.se/481811:33
psychadmathieu__: the sound is similar to what it supposed to sound like, but very very bad11:33
tkoodadxdt, cool, thnx11:33
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stoortyis there a way to load up a console with jsut the keyboard?11:33
DARKGuymamonassassina: I think the wine site is down (like, WTF?!)11:33
kitcheMyria: yes time <command> and that's it11:34
haxalitystoorty: hit ctrl-alt-F211:34
psychadstoorty: ctrl+alr+f111:34
psychadstoorty: ctrl+alt+f111:34
haxalitypsychad's suggestion works too11:34
Myriakitche: try it - it doesn't work11:34
dxdtstoorty, once in gnome?  do one of the ctrl+alt+F keys or do alt+F2 and type gnome-terminal11:34
mamonassassinaDARKGuy: ya,that's very strange.11:34
DARKGuymamonassassina: nor .org or .com work :(11:34
kitchecmt^^: your missing the skin of the frontend11:34
Myriakitche: it tries to interpret the first option as the command and execute it11:34
psychaddxdt: a console or a terminal?11:34
haxalityMyria: that IS the command11:34
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Myriahaxality: not according to "man time"11:35
Myria"man time" says there's options to do formatting and such11:35
haxalitywhat option are you trying to use11:35
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dxdtpsychad, huh?11:35
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alessandropironiI can't configure my video card asus k8m89011:35
Myriai think bash might have a builtin named "time" that's interfering11:35
kitcheMyria: it should be time [options]  command [argument]  and there is only one option called -p11:35
Skenvoyhalp: windows/linux samba interoperability - i want to be able to have windows users browse root shares with anonymous access. Share = user makes password dialogues pop up on all windows clients11:36
Myriamy ubuntu 6.06 x86-64 says there's 8 options11:36
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psychaddxdt: i'm asking the quasi-philosophical question "is a console the same thing as a terminal?"11:36
Skenvoyand as a bonus i'd like all user account bound to the linux system's passwd system11:36
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Skenvoycurrently, linux machines can't smbmount with security = share11:37
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kitcheMyria: you talking about GNU options?11:37
Skenvoyand windows machines want passwords when browsing shares with security = user11:37
stoortyhmmm.... my taskbar thing has crashed, how can i kill it and reload it11:37
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dxdtpsychad, In response to someone asking how to get to one, probably not.  I think there is one, but off the top of my head, I honestly can't even think of a function that I have to do in console that I can't do with gnome-terminal..11:37
Myriakitche: i guess.  the manpage says it's a debian program.11:37
amonkeyi restarted gdm and now x won't start because of an nvidia kernel module api mismatch. when i try to rmmod nvidia it tells me the module is in use, any ideas?11:37
dxdtstoorty, if you can open a console or terminal do sudo killall gnome-panel  and it should autorestart itself11:38
haxalitycan anyone tell me why I'd get a 'permission denied' error when trying to mount an NFS share11:38
kitchehaxality: your NFS permissions is wrong11:38
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haxalityon where, the server or the client?11:38
dxdtlatex hurts my brain11:38
haxalityand what about them is wrong?11:38
psychadstoorty: do you want to start the taskbar thing, or do you want to reset your session. you can alwasy restart x (and log otu from x) byt typing ctrl+alt+backspace11:38
ubotuhaxality: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:38
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl11:38
haxalityok, kitche, I've been through everything on that page11:39
CrescendoAfter the upgrade to Edgy, Xchat opens links using Mozilla.  It should open them using Firefox. Any ideas on how to fix it?11:39
haxalityno luck11:39
psychadstoorty: oh, type alt+f2 and you'll get a box from where you can launch programs, you can forinstance type gnome-terminal11:39
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diminthedami dont have enough permission to empty the wastebin. Is there a command to do this?11:40
kitchehaxality: how are you trying to mount the NFS share?11:40
meshyfOk now this is getting frustrating D:  I am using the ndiswrapper-1.31, got it installed and everything. Found what I think is the right driver for it, but now ndsiwrapper says "Driver present, hardware present Invalid driver!" what the heck do I do now?11:40
dxdtalessandropironi, do you plan to use this driver to try to do things like Beryl and the other 3d video card things?  I ask because I found a solution that would probably work, but it uses an open source driver that although better for your card than vesa, won't let you do 3d stuff.11:40
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Byanhow do I change the resolution of the terminal for my server?11:40
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Skenvoymy samba server is also not responding to netbios broadcasts for name resolution11:41
frandavid100is there a command for shutting down the computer?11:41
Myriathe options work if i do /usr/bin/time instead of time11:41
Byanfrandavid100: shutdown11:41
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Myriai'll just do that then11:41
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frandavid100thanks Byan, and any way to delay it, say, 30 min?11:41
kitchehaxality: since to me it sounds like your not using sudo when trying to mount it11:41
Byanfrandavid100: man shutdown11:42
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dxdtByan, do you mean your console font like when you press ctrl+alt+F1  ?11:42
alessandropironidxdt, no actually i don't need 3d11:42
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Byandxdt: huh?11:42
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hjmillshow do I specify a password when connecting to an irc server?11:42
Byandxdt: I mean, I am on a almost headless server11:42
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dxdtoh I got nothing on that.  You mean like when you ssh in the font is weird?11:42
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reversebladehjmills, with XChat ?11:43
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linux__hallo leute11:43
reversebladehjmills, click edit tab with the servers11:43
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Byandxdt: I have no X server11:43
ByanI am on a terminal11:43
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Byanno ssh11:43
hjmillsreverseblade: sorry - im using irssi11:43
linux__hey piople help how can i my ip hidden?11:43
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ITSa341Can anyone point me to information about which EVDO cards work best in Ubuntu?11:44
cmt^^kitche - how do I get that then?11:44
linux__i cant soft finden11:44
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reversebladehjmills, if you are proficient enough to use irssi, then I am sure you will find it out11:44
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hjmillsreverseblade: lol, thanks11:44
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J4kchDamn microsoft owning bungie, forces me to get w32codecs just to watch the Halo3 trailer...11:45
frandavid100thanks Byan, g'night!!11:45
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kitchecmt^^: mplayer-skins you want to install that11:45
Stormx2note to self11:45
Stormx2buy better video card11:45
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ITSa341Can anyone point me to information about which cellular internet cards work best in Ubuntu?11:45
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alessandropironidxdt, what do you have found11:45
linux__leute zu hilfe11:45
linux__bitte bitte11:46
Rayworldanybody with an acer aspire 5050 with ubuntu installed??11:46
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linux__ ?11:46
haxalitykitche: I've used sudo for every mount command11:46
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes11:46
linux__Gibt es jemanden aus De?11:46
haxalitykitche: since you can't even 'mount' as non-root11:46
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:46
cmt^^kitche - it says I already have the latest version11:46
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se11:46
kitchehaxality: well techinally you can mount as non-root11:46
haxalitykitche: ok, but my point was that I have used sudo every time11:47
dxdtalessandropironi, the thread here has some interesting solutions, but I am not sure if these are the best options.  Someone mentions a fix by removing one driver then using another but you still leave via in your xorg.conf because they use the same name for some weird reason.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291157&highlight=asus+K8M890+video11:47
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Skenvoyhow do i get a decent, working samba config - i want windows users to browse shares anonymously - currenly linux clients can but windows XP cannot11:47
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Skenvoyalso I don't want a separate samba password system11:47
rubix_with the adobe flash plug graphics and interactive menus display ok but the text does not11:48
Skenvoyi want it synced/equivalent to/whatever the linux system passwords11:48
Rayworldi havent sound...11:48
Rayworldlspci say 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 437b (rev 01)11:48
Rayworld00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-ISA Bridge (rev 80)11:48
Rayworld00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev 80)11:48
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Rayworldif i put my headphones it sound11:48
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AnRkeyHi everyone11:49
Rayworldbut without them i havent11:49
kitchehaxality: what does your /etc/hosts.deny say on the server?11:49
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AnRkeyI have been snooping around on ubuntu.com and I can't find out where to join the beta testing team for ubuntu's next release11:49
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AnRkeycould any1 here tell me?11:49
ValmarkoIs it  safe to set agp mode to x8 on ubuntu 6.10?11:49
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kitcheAnRkey: you just download the feisty fawn iso11:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about testing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about testing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:50
sanchoGood evening.11:50
sanchoAnyone around?11:50
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gnomefreakAnRkey: its not there start downloading the ISO ill get you the link11:50
Stormx2Evening, sancho.11:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beta - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:50
Flosofthow come that the IAX library is broken, and when is there going to be a fix?11:50
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sanchoI am searching for some help. Is this the right place?11:50
Stormx2Anyone here using GmailFS / Gmail Drive?11:51
Stormx2sancho: Yeah. Ask away11:51
nuked_omensancho, it might be11:51
alessandropironidxdt, it seems to be the right thing... thank you, i go on reading11:51
AnRkeythanks gnomefreak11:51
ITSa341Stormx    I use the ff extension for that11:51
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Skenvoyhow do i get a decent, working samba config - i want windows users to browse shares anonymously - currenly linux clients can but windows XP cannot11:51
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Stormx2ITSa341: Any good?11:51
Skenvoyi want it synced/equivalent to/whatever the linux system passwords11:51
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nuked_omenthere is a lot to learn in this short life11:51
Skenvoyalso I don't want a separate samba password system11:51
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kitcheAnRkey: join #ubuntu+111:51
sanchoI'd like offer something to community. I have a server on the net with pretty fast and stable connection and I would like to offer a mirror for installations. How can I do this?11:51
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dxdtalessandropironi, yeah long story short it looks like you hit a bug in Ubuntu that should be fixed in the next release :( in the meantime I think you can use that post to solve the problem.  I would use that post probably if I were you11:52
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ITSa341Stormx2  It works but I have found the free xdrive to be more suitable since it has more space, larger file sizes and a platform independant gui11:52
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Stormx2ITSa341: xdrive?11:52
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Stormx2ITSa341: Ah okay11:53
Stormx2ITSa341: Whats the hitch?11:53
ITSa341Stormx2  sign up for a free AOL account, then sign up for the free xDrive account and you will end up with 50GB free storage11:53
Stormx2Oh sweet11:53
ITSa341FREE AOL   no credit card etc11:53
PacifistI've successfully installed ubuntu on a couple of my computers, but on another PC the CD doesn't automaticlly boot on start-up.  How can I fix this?11:53
kingrayrayPacifist: make sure the system's bios is configured to boot from cdrom11:53
AmaranthStormx2: I'm probably a bit late but here:11:53
Amaranth!nvidia9 | Stormx211:54
ubotuStormx2: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)11:54
AnRkeythanks kitche11:54
ITSa341Stormx2   their interface works great in ff linux11:54
Stormx2Amaranth: Don't worry. Been there broke x fixed it logged back in.11:54
Stormx2Amaranth: My card is unsupported, I guess.11:54
sanchoGuys, no advice on this one? : I'd like offer something to community. I have a server on the net with pretty fast and stable connection and I would like to offer a mirror for installations. How can I do this?11:54
AmaranthStormx2: What card?11:54
Stormx2Amaranth: Old nvidia, 1 second.11:54
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nuked_omensancho, i tried searching on ubuntu.com, couldn't find a link whatsoever11:54
Stormx2Amaranth: Bleh. How do I get its name? I forget. Its like an NVIDIA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro11:55
sanchonuked_omen: Neither did I, I would not ask otherwise :-)11:55
kitcheStormx2: yeah you want the nvidia-legacy drivers11:55
AmaranthStormx2: oh hell, that'll never be supported :)11:55
ITSa341Anyone got any advice on an EVDO ( cellular ) card for use in Ubuntu? I don't want to sign up for two years and buy a $100 card and find it won't work right11:55
johny5Silly question, can I mount a networked dvd burner in order to burn things on it?11:55
Stormx2kitche: Eek?11:55
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AmaranthStormx2: I don't even think the open source driver goes back that far (the new 3D one)11:55
Stormx2kitche: There wouldn't be much point running beryl on that then...11:55
Stormx2ITSa341: 5gb space only? Is there an "AOL Users Signup" somethere? ;-)11:56
nuked_omensancho, ok, just thought you're one of those that ask when they got the answer :)11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nforce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
AnRkeygnomefreak: i'm fine now thanks for your help11:56
kitcheStormx2: think anything TNT is legacy I know my geforce2 mx 440 is still supported11:56
OneSeventeenwhat do I do when my wifi network connection forgets the IP addresses associated with Domain names?11:56
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Stormx2I need a new graphics card then. Any suggestions?11:56
sanchonuked_omen: No :) I even searched the forum, but there is a lot of mess and no real answer :-(11:56
Amaranthkitche: Actualy I'm pretty sure the geforce 2 cards are no longer supported as of 97xx11:56
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holycowhey Amallya11:57
kitcheAmaranth: no they are still supported my card works fine in regular nvidia card11:57
ITSa341Stormx  it said 5gb all over but when I got done it gives AOL users 50GB   You have to use the link at aol.com and your AOL username when you sign up11:57
Hovastill cant install the partimage11:57
Amaranthkitche: With the 97xx driver? I know it works with 972911:57
kitcheAmaranth: but then again geforce 2 mx 440 is not really a geforce2 card11:57
Hovachecking for working autoheader... found11:57
Hovachecking for working makeinfo... missing11:57
Amaranthkitche: err, 962911:57
Stormx2ITSa341: xD Apparently my screen name has been suspended.11:57
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nuked_omensancho, i think they got many mirrors already.. why don't you try something else11:57
ITSa341Stormx2   Ooops11:57
nuked_omenother kind of support maybe11:57
Amaranthhey holycow11:57
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holycowAmaranth, question for ya ... what is the fastest way to compile and package particular drivers for dapper?11:57
Amaranthholycow: *shrug*11:58
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Amaranthholycow: I just replace one driver with another for nvidia11:58
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sanchonuked_omen: They have no mirror in my country and the DL from near countries is pretty slow. I have a machine directly at the SIX exchange center...11:58
holycowi've packages some using a hack way back ... is there a decent shortish howto, the debian notes on packaging are too long11:58
holycowAmaranth, manually?11:58
Amaranthholycow: I don't know how to do it, sorry11:58
=== conreyt [n=conreyt@dsl.76.240.networkiowa.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hovacan any one help with thi patition thing11:59
holycowAmaranth, no biggie, shootin in the dark11:59
kitcheAmaranth: well considering that 97xx drivers are not out11:59
h6wHey, is it possible to make the gnome panel float above the applications rather than push them over?11:59
Amaranthholycow: The only kernel module packaging I've done as been replacing one nvidia driver with another and changing the version in the build script11:59
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Amaranthkitche: They probably will be soon11:59
holycowah gotcha *nod*11:59
Amaranthkitche: They'll probably be in feisty too11:59
nuked_omensancho, i'll probably contact the developers.. and also tell them to make it easier to participate11:59
nuked_omeni would*11:59
mnoirholycow: If you are using standard debian building tools, there is a cute toy called checkinstall that will do it for you11:59
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sanchonuked_omen :-) Thanks in advance. Can I drop you my mail or something to allow some contact?12:00
=== EdLin [n=jbl@user-0cdf2vc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
nuked_omensancho, sure.12:00
conreytanyone here have experience grabbing video off of a Canon ZR80 I can't seem to find any docs in the wild....  I could really use some help. (Ubuntu Edgy)12:00
kitcheAmaranth: well geforce2 mx 440 are still being made my geforce 2 mx 440 is DirectX 9 compatible12:00
nuked_omeni do msn and yahoo12:00
Stormx2Blah. What format are USA phone numbers in? I need to make one up xD12:00
holycowmnoir, neato12:01

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