
=== Mithrandir [n=tfheen@vawad-xen1.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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aileancomposite-by-default has been deferred? :(12:41
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gnomefreakailean: not sure i know a package was rejected because it didnt build fine12:49
aileangnomefreak, i just see the deferred notice on LP12:50
aileangnomefreak, i hope not - i really think it's what ubuntu and desktop linux needs12:50
gnomefreaki never looked i think its a  big thing with the binary drivers by default12:51
aileanwell of course i understand that12:51
aileansabdfl convinced me on the subject though :)12:51
gnomefreakit was a good idea and i know the beryl devs are working towards it but the binary thing and the fail to build maybe why its deffered but i never saw the notice.12:52
BurgworkI never saw it either12:52
aileannahh, i just mean that it's marked as deferred. i didn't see any statement or anything12:53
gnomefreakberyl-core was i heard a FTB12:53
gnomefreakyou have link handy?12:53
aileanhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/composite-by-default even12:54
BurgworkI just don't see any notice in my email, which is odd12:55
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aileanBurgwork, don't worry -  i haven't received any email about it or anything12:55
aileanmisunderstanding :)12:55
gnomefreakit would have been in feisty-changes?12:55
aileanall i saw was the word "deferred"12:55
aileanwell i'm subscribed to this feature and didn't receive any email about it12:56
Burgworkit could be that those changes don't trigger bug mail, which is odd12:56
aileanit's just weird that it's essential, but deferred :)12:57
Burgworknot the only spec12:57
aileansurely if it was essential, they'd find the time to work on it :D12:58
gnomefreaki will find out from the effects team whats going on im sure someone there knows. wish i was able to be kept up-to-date being owner of it12:58
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aileanis it possible that some eedjit just went in and changed it without anyone's knowledge?01:01
aileanno. it won't let me01:01
aileani'm not important enough01:02
Burgworkonly keybuk or sabdfl can do that01:02
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gnomefreakkeybuk isnt on atm maybe ill ping him later im sure he did it01:02
gnomefreakasbdfl wanted it way too bad to deffer it this early i would think01:03
Burgworkmdz may also have done it, now that I think about it01:03
gnomefreakhe can change it?01:03
aileani'm glad you agree it's strange01:05
Burgworkyes, as he is the registrant01:05
aileanunless they decided to go with the metacity composite work . . .01:06
gnomefreakberyl-core must really be screwed up if the FTB is the reason01:06
aileanfailure to build?01:06
BurgworkFTBFS is the more common term01:06
Burgworkthe metacity stuff is dead01:06
aileanwhat about compiz though, that was a serious option01:07
Burgworksoren is now working on compiz01:07
aileanwhy is it dead?01:07
Burgworkbecause it is01:07
aileanno one working on it?01:07
bhales'what he said01:07
aileanyeah, it doesn't quite explain though :)01:08
bhalesoren wrote it, and has since moved on to compiz01:08
bhaleit happens01:08
aileanoh right01:08
Burgworkcompiz has major issues as well01:09
BurgworkI wonder if my blog post has anything to do with this01:09
aileansomeone's changed it01:10
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aileancool, back to drafting01:11
aileani'm happier01:11
Burgworkhmm, just changed again01:12
aileannot for me01:12
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Burgworkchanged from deferred to not started01:13
gnomefreakyes its fixed just waits for upload to hit repos :)01:13
aileanthis was the one feature i wanted to see in the default installation01:14
aileanhrm . . . "Sony Adds PS3 Support to Linux Kernel" http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/07/21121401:17
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frandavid100I'd like to file a bug against the open dialog, what package would be the correct one?02:13
frandavid100anyone there?02:17
xerxasthe open dialog ?02:18
frandavid100the open file dialog that appears on any gnome app02:18
frandavid100since it's the same in every app, I assume it must be a separate package02:19
xerxasI don't understand02:19
xerxasbut maybe I don't have enough knowledge 02:19
xerxasok 02:20
xerxassorry 02:20
xerxasI got it 02:20
xerxasthat should be gtk ? 02:20
xerxasnot sure 02:20
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crimsunif you mean the file chooser, yes, that's gtk+2.002:20
frandavid100well I could try filing it in gtk02:20
frandavid100you sure?02:21
frandavid100fine then thanks ^^02:21
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frandavid100alright, bug filed02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 74907 in gtk+2.0 "nautilus and the "open file" dialog" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:27
frandavid100thanks for your help guys, good night!02:27
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crimsunseb's going to have a field day with that one.02:27
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wasabianybody able to speak as to the installability of a feisty daily cd build?03:46
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wasabi(i have a system that requires 2.6.18+)03:47
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jdongwasabi: early today it was mentioned that e-d-s was uninstallable03:53
jdongwasabi: I'd still say get a herd1 cd :)03:53
wasabigrabbing the latest daily build right now. i'll grab a herd1 just in case.03:54
wasabineed a solution when i get into work tomorrow. =/03:54
wasabinew intel mobo. achi stuff.03:54
wasabiWonder how hard it would be to backport feisty's kernel to edgy.03:55
wasabiprobably pretty easy... would just have to go through the trouble of actually making a custom installer.03:56
kylemeh? why bother, what pci ids? you can probably work around.03:56
wasabihmm. guess a usb cdrom drive would solve the problem too.03:56
wasabiIt just can't read the IDE CDRom.03:56
wasabiIt gets the SATA drives fine though.03:56
jdongkylem: lack of chipset support :(03:57
jdongkylem: it's a known issue with like the Core 2 Duo desktop chipsets03:58
jdonglike the 965/975's03:58
wasabiayup. that'd be me.03:58
jdongthey have really odd IDE chipsets03:58
jdongthat were merged in 2.6.1803:58
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jdongwe tried backporting to 2.6.17 but none of those cherrypicks seem complete enough03:58
wasabiare they odd as in "new" or odd as in "stupid?"03:58
jdongwasabi: new03:59
jdongas in, instead of a shiny well supported intel ICH* chipset03:59
jdongyou get some random unknown company's cheap IDE chipset03:59
jdongthough the SATA chipset is the awesome ICH one03:59
kylemwe'll see.03:59
wasabiAhh. So it's just the IDE chipset.04:00
wasabiThe SATA is fine?04:00
jdongwasabi: exactly04:00
wasabiI might just run by fries and grab a SATA DVD writer to replace my current one then04:00
wasabiand forget the entire problem.04:00
wasabiI meant to do it anyways.04:00
jdongthat'll work :)04:00
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jdongwasabi: and btw a Feisty kernel should build on Edgy with no problems04:01
wasabisuspected as much.04:01
jdongwasabi: you can actualyl just install feisty kernel debs on Edgy04:01
wasabijust have to get edgy installed first. ;)04:01
jdongEXCEPT the gui components in l-r-m aren't gonna work04:01
jdongyou can install the linux-image packages04:01
jdongand you should rebuild l-r-m-2.6.19 if you need them04:01
wasabiWith another CD drive, or setting up a PXE boot or some crap, I don't have anyway to get into a working system. :)04:01
jdongwasabi: I was told also that it behooves thee to backport initramfs-tools from Feisty too04:02
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wasabiI'll probably just install feisty. I ran it before I got the new box at work anyways.04:02
wasabiI love breaking things.04:02
wasabiit's going to be a super quick box yum.04:03
wasabi4 HD"s, RAID1004:03
wasabie6600, 4gb ram.04:03
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cjwatsonjdong: backporting the feisty kernel to the edgy installer will be pretty messy unless you revert all the structural udeb changes04:45
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cjwatsonif you do that it should be possible ...04:45
cjwatsonmay not be worth it for one system, though04:46
wasabii'll just install feisty.04:47
=== cjwatson nods
wasabiand cross my fingers that the installer works. ;)04:47
bddebiancjwatson: Hi.  Hey, how do I properly ask to get packages brought from Debian that are not currently being synced? (Not new packages but probably blacklisted?)04:47
cjwatsonbddebian: check in http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/sync-blacklist.txt to see if they're blacklisted and why04:47
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bddebianHmm, not on that list04:48
cjwatsonbddebian: if they aren't, they should be brought in automatically; just make a note to file bugs with ubuntu-archive subscribed shortly before UVF if they aren't04:48
cjwatsonbddebian: example package?04:48
bddebianmig and gnumach04:48
bddebianAnd maybe hurd04:48
bddebianBecause they are ports?04:49
cjwatsonhurd only builds for an architecture we don't support, so that won't happen04:49
cjwatsonwell, it might get synced I guess but won't build04:49
bddebianAye.  Hurds not as important for now but I would like to get mig and gnumach if at all possible04:50
cjwatsonerr, those are all in feisty04:50
cjwatson       mig |    1.3.1-2 | feisty/universe | source04:50
cjwatson   gnumach | 2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1 | feisty/universe | source04:50
cjwatson      hurd | 20060825-2 | feisty/universe | source04:50
cjwatsonall in sync with Debian04:50
bddebianHmm, strange04:50
bddebiannevermind... Sorry04:51
bddebianIs that new?04:51
cjwatsonwasabi: I don't know of daily build breakage right at the moment ... well, Kubuntu ubiquity won't be happy, but ...04:51
wasabigetting the alt image anyways04:52
cjwatsonbddebian: no, not at all; those are all there right back to warty04:52
cjwatsonbddebian: none of them have ever built though04:52
bddebianHow the hell have I missed those.  Damn, I have GOT to get off the crack04:52
cjwatsonbddebian: I suspect they need a manual bootstrap by infinity04:53
bddebianNot a big deal as long as the source is synced. Thanks man.04:53
=== bddebian cowers back to his hole feeling like an idiot
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jdongcjwatson: you're right, I didn't consider the installer... silly me :)04:58
cjwatsonthere are the following sources currently not blacklisted and not synced from Debian: attal-themes-medieval cdrskin etoile gnuradio iceape preview-latex python-gtk2-doc samizdat tagcoll2 xbase-clients xutils04:58
cjwatsonI suspect all of those have problems of some kind that make sync-source bail out, and have to be thought about and resolved manually04:59
cjwatsonfor instance: E: tagcoll is in main but its source (tagcoll2) is not.04:59
cjwatsonso tagcoll2 needs to be checked for suitability in main, and then forced in05:00
bddebianI thought I brought in a new attal-themes-medieval in edgy?05:01
cjwatsonbddebian: it's not a source package in edgy; presumably built by another source05:02
bddebiancjwatson: Oh, I think it's built from attal now05:02
cjwatsonlooks like it got split out into a separate source package again in Debian, the way it was up to dapper, or similar05:02
bddebianAhh. Hmm05:02
cjwatsonagain, that's the sort of thing that needs to be resolved manually05:02
bddebianIs that list posted somewhere?05:03
=== bddebian copy and pasts
bddebianpastes even05:03
cjwatsonprobably should be, but you can ask an ubuntu-archive member to run 'new-source' in ~/syncs any time you're curious05:03
cjwatson(or in fact just run it, it cds itself)05:03
cjwatsonthat's just main - there are other lists for contrib and non-free05:04
cjwatsoncontrib: acx100 atokx2 dguitar doom-package dynagen freemind fst gcc-doc-defaults googleearth-package groovy gwp horae ifeffit imgtex ipw2200 ipw3945 jabref kfolding libvpopmail-perl nvidia-cg-toolkit ogre-contrib opendict-lingvosoft openjump penguin php4-vpopmail pose pose-skins premail psyco-doc python-doc-defaults python-lame python-ldap-doc python2.5-doc q-tools susv2 tuxguitar vpopmail xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev05:04
cjwatsonnothing for non-free05:04
bddebiangah, I don't "do" main :)05:05
cjwatsonsome of those should possibly be blacklisted (for now?), e.g. ipw3945 is in l-r-m05:05
cjwatsonbddebian: Debian main not Ubuntu main05:05
bddebianI wondered05:05
=== cjwatson goes back to bed and hopes that the dog has stopped noisily licking herself
bddebianHeh, gnight cjwatson, thanks05:06
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Kanohi, are the tools used to create the standard live cds freely available07:36
Kanodid not find usefull info in the wiki07:37
crimsunyes, see http://uck.sourceforge.net/ for example usage07:39
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Kanothey are not really speedy but maybe it can be tuned a bit07:40
Kanodid you ever think of sorting the image07:42
Kanothx, will look into it07:47
Kanodo you know how this is done with knoppix like cds?07:49
crimsunno, but Mithrandir may be interested07:50
Kanowell i know how it is done manually. that basially works well, i c you use bootchart to optimize it07:51
Kanonot bad that idea07:51
Kanoopt. cds need a bit longer to install, but boot is faster07:52
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slomorodarvus: ping?08:02
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pittiGood morning08:29
Burgundaviamorning pitti08:30
pittihi Burgundavia, how are you?08:31
Burgundavianot bad08:31
Burgundavianeed to sleep but waiting up for a conference call with jono and christina08:33
pittiheh, happy coffee drinking then08:34
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desrtBurgundavia; can't be later than 11:30 there...08:36
Burgundaviayes, but the meeting is at 9am UTC08:36
Burgundaviaand i hate skype08:37
desrtshouldn't y'all be using ekiga or something? :08:37
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Burgundaviayes, but it works less well08:38
desrtsomewhere richard stallman is crying08:38
Burgundaviayes, he probably is08:38
mneptokcry for me, you stout little emo-hippie.08:39
Burgundaviagiven I run madwifi, he is already crying08:39
Burgundaviamneptok: you get very wierd when at work :)08:39
mneptoks/when at work//08:39
=== pitti hugs desrt
desrt"Those who are willing to give up their freedom for a little temporary video conference deserve neither freedom nor conferencing."08:39
desrtpitti; hi :)08:39
Burgundaviadesrt: right08:40
desrtBurgundavia; ben franklin.  seriously.08:40
desrtthe man was a visionary08:40
Burgundaviayou want the actual quote?08:40
desrti know it, thanks :p08:40
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mneptokFranklin denied authorship08:43
mneptok(but it may still be him. no one will ever know for sure.)08:44
desrtfor real?08:44
=== desrt didn't know that
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pittihi Kagou 08:48
Kagouhey pitti. How are you ?08:48
pittiKagou: great, hacking on spec implementation like mad :)08:49
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Kagoupitti: when i do a wish bug asking for a package sync from debian, must i assign someone to it ?08:51
pittiKagou: no, but you need to subscribe ubuntu-archve08:52
pittiarchive, even08:52
pittiKagou: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources, section 'syncs'08:53
pittiKagou: it links to my script that does everything for you (almost)08:53
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Kagouthanks pitti 08:53
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pittidoko_: wrt cyrus-imapd2.2 merge, does Debian use 4.4 or a < 4.3 version?08:59
doko_pitti: 4.208:59
pittidoko_: ah, ok; thanks09:00
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pittidoko_: wrt bug 70957, shall I apply the patch myself or do you prefer doing that yourself?09:05
UbugtuMalone bug 70957 in python2.5 "support apport reporting for python programs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7095709:05
doko_pitti: I'm preparing new uploads for python2.4 and python2.509:06
pittidoko_: ah, great09:06
=== pitti hugs doko_
tepsipakkidoes it need all buildd's to complete before a package is moved to archive?09:13
pittitepsipakki: no09:13
pittitepsipakki: sources go straight in09:13
pittitepsipakki: and binaries come whenever a buildd finishes building them09:14
pittitepsipakki: (in the non-frozen development release case, anyway)09:14
tepsipakkipitti: ok, thanks. I'm just wondering why evolution is not in yet, only ia64 build waiting, others completed09:14
pittitepsipakki: probably stuck in NEW, due to a lib rename or so09:14
tepsipakkiah, ok09:14
pittitepsipakki: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+queue?start=20 -> there09:15
pittihm, weird, that only talks about translations09:16
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Mithrandirhmm, it should be possible (in malone) to say that you're not interested in bugs for a particular distribution.09:34
BurgundaviaMithrandir: there are a bunch of "don't bug me options", including the team membership one09:34
MithrandirBurgundavia: no such twiddles on https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-archive/+subscribedbugs nor the advanced search.09:35
MithrandirI'm not particularly interested in bugs which only affects baltix.09:35
Mithrandir(because they've been fixed in Ubuntu)09:35
FujitsuMithrandir: I've been looking for that option for a while too :(09:40
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raphinkhi opi09:50
lifelessmvo: can I assign this to you ?09:51
UbugtuMalone bug 74899 in update-manager "crashed in saveDistUpgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  09:51
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doko_Riddell: merging libtunepimp09:58
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opiguys, tell me, was there an new XOrg upload?10:01
Burgundaviaopi: what is your issue?10:02
Riddelldoko_: that doesn't need merged, there's a new version out10:02
opiBurgundavia, it seems to be ABI incompatible with prev version10:02
opiBurgundavia, my friend is using openChrome drivers I've compiled from thier repos (as Edgy driver didn't work)10:03
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doko_Riddell: ok, please upload :)10:03
Kanothere is a uck to customize a live iso,but how was it created (from scratch)10:04
opiBurgundavia, after upgrade hers desktop died and from synopis it looks like a Xorg can't load OC driver10:04
Kanoespecially the rootfs10:04
Burgundaviaopi: out of repo drivers are not really our issue, tbh10:04
opiBurgundavia, yup, I just wanted to confirm if you guys uploaded'em, as I haven't seen this upgrade on my Edgy desktop10:05
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Burgundaviaopi: there was a new xorg upload10:05
opiBurgundavia, no that I blame you :-)10:05
Burgundaviagiven I have coded or packaged exactly nothing on Ubuntu, I absolve myself of all responsibility :)10:06
opiOK, then I'm off to "How to compile video driver against Xorg tree in Ubuntu for females" :>10:06
Burgundaviaopi: is there a reason you need a custom dirver?10:07
opiBurgundavia, via drivers provided by Eft are dying with "NO SCREEN"10:07
Burgundaviathen that is a bug. Please make certain it is filed10:07
Burgundaviastrong candidate for an SRU, if you can get some good data on it10:08
MithrandirKano: deboosttsrap and apt-get10:08
opiBurgundavia, and since she's living in Holland I have small amount time to debug it, and OC worked OOTB10:09
opiBurgundavia, will do, she will be here on XMas and I'll get some time to inspect what's wrong with it10:09
mvolifeless: thanks for 7489910:10
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lifelessmvo: np. apport++ :)10:12
lifelessmvo: also, what do you think of https://launchpad.net/bugs/7474710:13
UbugtuMalone bug 74747 in Ubuntu "Default sources.list file has source packages enabled by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:13
pittinice bug number :)10:13
doko_keescook: is the autogen test fix forwarded upstream?10:13
Mithrandirlifeless: it's a feature in order to comply with the gpl, really.10:14
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pittihm, but for developers it's nice, and for the spirit of free software too, IMHO10:14
elmoMithrandir: that's crack10:14
elmoMithrandir: sources.list has nothing whatsoever to do  with GPL compliance10:14
lifelessthe GPL concept I can see - but having synaptic auto-enable the sources *when requested for source* will achieve that just as well10:14
Mithrandirelmo: it is?  "Equivalent access" is the wording in the gpl and it's not hard to argue that it should be just as easy to get the source as the binaries.10:15
Burgundaviapitti: lovely, but 95% of the people pulling down those sources.list don't use it.10:15
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lifelessMithrandir: you can get to just as easy without downloading gigs of source data over time10:15
elmoMithrandir: the sources are on the same server, in the same directory, it doesn't get much more equivalent10:15
infinityI think most people who aren't RMS agree with elmo on this one.10:16
elmoMithrandir: if you want to argue that the GPL enforces equivalence all the way up the stack past simple http/ftp level, I think you're clinically insane10:16
pittiBurgundavia: *shrug* 95% of the users will download the daily apt-get update lists in vain, too10:16
Mithrandirelmo: oh, lots of people would argue I'm insane. :-)10:16
pittiBurgundavia: and sources lists will change very little for stable users10:16
infinityI did, however, get involved in a flamewar with RMS about this 5 years ago or so, where I took elmo's position, and RMS *insisted* that the GPL required Debian to ship with deb-src lines in sources.list.10:16
lifelesspitti: not really, as the auto-application of security updates is much more realistically useful.10:16
=== Mithrandir shrugs and goes back to doing syncs.
raphinkit seems indeed that most users need universe more than they need deb-src10:17
infinityIncidentally, it's the last time I argued with him about anything.  Or spoke to him, for that matter.10:17
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pittilifeless: (just reductio ad absurdum, sorry)10:17
pittiSources.gz for stable/main is so small...10:17
elmopitti:  it may be small but with as many users as we have, each extra pair of HTTP IMS hits hurts10:18
elmoesp. for security.u.c10:18
pitti(for the record, 18 kB for dapper-security main)10:18
lifelessyes, but as elmo notes its 50% of the load on security10:19
pittiok, I'm just afraid of those people which will start complaining about 'le huh? apt-get source doesn't work any more in feisty'10:20
mvolifeless: apt-setup is responsible for seting up the sources.list. historically it was always including deb-src lines. but I think that the gpl does not really require that it is enable by default10:20
BurgundaviaI am mad or is that 103 GB, assuming 18kb and 6million IPs?10:20
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pitti'k, the server load argument is pretty compelling to me10:22
Riddelldoko_: any plans for a merge of subversion?10:23
doko_Riddell: no, infinity wants to merge apache2 first, then subversion10:23
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pittimvo: if we do that, then IMHO it should become much easier to enable sources; and we have to find a way for non-admins to get source, too10:24
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mvopitti: easier than going to "repositories" and clicking on "source code"? its two clicks currently 10:25
pittimvo: ah, there10:25
=== pitti didn't see that box, sory
Riddelldoko_: right, cool10:26
jdubpitti: "le huh?" <- awesome10:31
_ionBtw, couldn't archive.ubuntu.com (or e.g. nearest.archive.ubuntu.com, which would then be used in the default sources.list) be made to return the list of mirrors geographically closest to the client? For example, apt-cache show pdns-backend-geo10:31
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mvo_ion: we have a spec about this for feisty10:34
dholbachgood morning10:34
_ionmvo: Ok, i'm reading it now. :-)10:36
dholbachhey _ion10:38
_ionHi dholbach10:39
RiddellKeybuk: is anyone processing sync requests?  I've had no response to bug 7315210:40
UbugtuMalone bug 73152 in pth "sync pth from unstable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7315210:40
MithrandirRiddell: I am doing it just now.10:41
KeybukRiddell: wasn't any point processing them during freeze10:42
Riddellfair point10:42
Riddellthanks Mithrandir 10:43
FujitsuMithrandir/Keybuk: Can either of you please let a universe SRU into dapper-updates?10:44
MithrandirFujitsu: has the motu SRU team decided on a policy yet?10:46
Mithrandirdholbach: ^^10:46
FujitsuMithrandir: It has gone through the process as was decided a number of weeks ago, and been approved by motu-sru.10:47
MithrandirFujitsu: ok, if it has ubuntu-archive subscribed, I'll try to get to it today, then.10:48
MithrandirKeybuk: we want people to not drop -Q parameters when calling modprobe, don't we?  (About https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/71980 )10:49
UbugtuMalone bug 71980 in dmraid "Please sync dmraid from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:49
FujitsuMithrandir: Yep, it's been subscribed for some time now. Thanks!10:49
dholbachMithrandir: yeah, they're doing good work already10:49
dholbachMithrandir: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU and it's linked from StableReleaseUpdates10:49
Mithrandirdholbach: ok, so the policy is in place.  Great. :-)10:49
Mithrandirdholbach: yeah, that's fine, but somebody said something about the policy not being finalised yet.10:49
Mithrandirdholbach: but if it is, that's good.10:49
KeybukMithrandir: right10:50
dholbachit has been for three or four weeks or something10:50
MithrandirKeybuk: thanks.10:52
doko_dholbach: I'm stuck with just one vote from the SRU team for bug 68380 ...10:56
UbugtuMalone bug 68380 in eclipse "eclipse for edgy-updates" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6838010:57
dholbachdoko_: afaik it's either "votes" or "after ... days"10:57
doko_dholbach: no, I don't see that10:59
dholbachdoko_: "After at least 5 persons have tested the package and attached a "works for me" comment to the bug and after a minimum aging period of 7 days, you may prepare a second upload to release-updates:"10:59
dholbachoh, hm10:59
doko_dholbach: I'm still at 1) ... "A proposal is accepted, once three people from the MOTU-SRU team give their assent."11:00
doko_that's difficult, as the team has just five members11:00
dholbachdoko_: best to ping on the bug again - if you want to ping them privately: StevenK, crimsun, siretart, sistpoty are on the team11:01
doko_and someone called dholbach ...11:04
dholbachdoko_: somebody called me?11:05
doko_Mithrandir: (MoM) I requested syncs for libbsf-java and jakarta-log4j1.211:05
Mithrandirdoko_: there's no point asking on IRC; I'm going by the list of bugs ubuntu-archive is subscribed to.11:06
doko_Mithrandir: you misunderstand.11:07
Mithrandirdoko_: ok, please explain then11:07
doko_Mithrandir: going through python and java related MoM entries not assigned to me ...11:08
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Mithrandirdoko_: oh, you mean "I stole your libbsf and jakarta-log4j1.2 merges"?  Excellent! :-)11:08
doko_and these are/were assigned to you.11:08
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lifelessdoko_: upload python!11:20
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lifelessdoko: so, what do I need to do to get a python2.x upload with the apport hook patch included ?11:32
doko<pitti> doko_: wrt bug 70957, shall I apply the patch myself or do you prefer doing that yourself?11:32
doko<Ubugtu> Malone bug 70957 in python2.5 "support apport reporting for python programs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7095711:32
doko<doko_> pitti: I'm preparing new uploads for python2.4 and python2.511:32
doko<pitti> doko_: ah, great11:32
UbugtuMalone bug 70957 in python2.5 "support apport reporting for python programs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7095711:32
pittiheh, I was just going to quote the same11:33
lifelessgnight y'all11:35
lifelesssmall suggestion11:35
mneptoknighty RC!11:35
lifelessrecord such things in the bug reports11:35
lifelessstops folk needing to read every line of IRC to have a feeling for whats happening11:35
pittithat should be 'in progress' or 'fixcommitted'11:35
pittilifeless: sleep well!11:35
=== mneptok forces infinity to choose between the Lurpa and the Ahm-Vhoom
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infinitymneptok: *blink*11:37
seb128hum, ctrl-left write a "5D" instead of going back one word, is that bash to blame?11:40
mneptokinfinity: Star Trek geekery. sorry. :)11:41
=== pitti confirms that bug, that worked a few weeks back
seb128it worked a few days back11:41
pittidoesn't work on VT either11:41
seb128bash has been updated on dec 4th11:41
seb128I blame it11:41
pittioh, bash doesn't use libreadline5?11:42
pittioh, ncurses11:42
=== mneptok whispers "zsh"
pittidoko, seb128: confirmed, downgrading bash to edgy makes it work again, so it's not ncurses or libreadline11:43
StevenKmneptok: Which uses zle ...11:44
dokopitti: bash uses the statically linked libreadline for performance reasons11:45
pittioh, argh11:45
pittidoko: ok, so I suspect it's rather a bug in readline11:45
pittihm, that hasn't been updated since October11:46
pittibut might have been synced just recently11:46
pittidoko: that's only startup performance? or do they have any patches to it?11:47
dokopitti: yes, startup performance11:48
pittiI see (although with our /bin/sh being dash now, it won't make much of a difference any more)11:48
=== Keybuk giggles at scary comments in source code
Keybukabout 2,000 lines into the unit tests, I was clearly losing the will to live11:50
pittiKeybuk: *being curious*11:50
Keybuk * everything we do and must live a fully moral and selfless life to avoid11:51
Keybuk * the eternal misery that awaits us.11:51
Keybuk *11:51
Keybuk * The alternative is that we just die, and so does everyone else, so11:51
Keybuk * everything we ever do is ultimately forgotten and therefore meaningless.11:51
Keybuk *11:51
Keybuk * Oh, yeah, check the return value was what we expected, or something.11:51
Keybuk */11:51
Keybuk/* If there's a god, and eternal life, then we're all held accountable for11:51
Keybuk(first line got eaten by IRC there, oops)11:52
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Riddellpitti: any plans for main inclusion queue reviews soon?  I've a bunch pending11:56
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pittiRiddell: right, I saw the wiki mails, and the amount scared me11:57
pittiRiddell: can't promise that I'll manage today, but on Tuesday at most11:57
Riddellyou should finish your gnome-mount patch first of course :)11:58
pittioooh, btw, exactly the right man and right topic11:58
pittiRiddell: does KDE pay attention to volume.ignore?11:58
pittiRiddell: I'm implementing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountAllLocalFilesystems ATM11:58
Riddellpitti: don't have a clue, what does it mean?11:58
pittiRiddell: if KDE would suddenly display icons for fixed unmounted HD partitions, but you cannot mount them through the UI, we need to figure out something11:59
pittiRiddell: gnome-vfs interprets it as 'show an icon for the volume' (false) or 'don't bother the user with that one' (true)11:59
pittiRiddell: so far we had volume.ignore for nonremovable volumes12:00
pitti(== true)12:00
Mithrandirseb128,dholbach: can one of you ACK or NACK https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-backgrounds/+bug/74416 please?12:00
UbugtuMalone bug 74416 in gnome-backgrounds "Please sync gnome-backgrounds (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  12:00
dokoMithrandir: I don't understand your last comment for bug 7461312:00
UbugtuMalone bug 74613 in python-setuptools "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7461312:00
dholbachMithrandir: I think seb128 worked with xerxas on it, so it should be fine.12:01
Mithrandirdoko: there's no copy of debian/changelog from when the Ubuntu package branched off until what you're asking to be synced.12:01
dokoMithrandir: ahh, ok thought that was the icu thing12:02
seb128Mithrandir: ack12:02
Mithrandirdoko: I've commented about the same on multiple bugs today; it would simplify my job if you used the requestsync script (or emulated its output)12:02
seb128Mithrandir: I've commented on the bug12:02
Riddellpitti: I'm told KDE does respect volume.ignore12:02
Mithrandirseb128: thanks.12:02
pittiRiddell: ok, can we continue in 30 mins or so? I'm off for lunch12:03
dokoMithrandir: what is the rationale for including the changelog? I.e. it's incomplete anyway if we sync a new upstream version12:03
Riddellpitti: sure12:03
iwjKeybuk: This `watershed' command doesn't exist yet, right ?  So I should go and write it.12:03
Mithrandirdoko: it makes it possible for me to check that the changes you say are included actually are documented as included, for instance?12:03
Keybukiwj: it does, it's just not in the feisty package yet because I hadn't got to it yet12:04
Keybukjust leave it out for now, for testing purposes without it is good enough12:04
Keybukit's a built-in thing12:04
iwjErr, right.12:04
dokoMithrandir: no, not if things are changed/integrated upstream12:04
Mithrandirdoko: if you want to change the policy of what information we want, you're free to do that on ubuntu-devel@lists, but until a change occurs, this is the policy which is in place.12:05
iwjKeybuk: Also, I wanted to talk to you about this alleged race which means we supposedly have to move the symlink creation from vgchange to a vgmknodes run by udev.12:05
Keybukiwj: yes12:05
iwjIn fact it is sufficient to run vgmknodes, and there is no need to change vgchange.12:06
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iwjBecause vgmknodes takes out the vg lock as does vgchange, so vgmknodes does nothing but cannot exit until vgchange has finished.12:06
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Keybukthat's sufficient12:07
iwjI did have to fix the way the symlinks were dealt with to stop it doing unlink();symlink() and make it do symlink();rename() instead.12:07
Keybukit's basically just so that later RUN rules in the processing of the resulting devmapper block devices can rely on the /dev/VG/LV symlinks existing, as well as /dev/mapper/VG-LV12:07
iwjRight.  I just wanted to check that the race you were thinking of was that the udev event for the dm device might be processed with the link not present.12:07
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Keybukit would be nice if udev could say "I have this new devmapper block device, it's dm-0, but really /dev/mapper/VG-LV ... and it's LVM, so also /dev/VG/LV"12:08
Keybukthus it'd work whatever people put in their fstab, etc.12:08
iwjOK.  I'll tidy the lvm2 changes up and upload them.12:08
iwjThe extra udev rule (in the lvm2 package) is harmless if you remove-but-not-purge lvm2 AFAICT.12:09
=== Mithrandir just figured that fstab is really shorthand for face-stab, not file system table..
iwjDo you want me to do the vgmknodes or are you going to call that ?  And are RUN rules done sequentially ?12:09
Keybuk"extra udev rule" ?12:09
iwjUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="watershed /sbin/vgchange ....12:10
Keybukthe vgmknodes rule should be shipped by lvm2 as well12:10
KeybukRUN rules are done in sequence for a particular job, yes12:10
iwjshipped by lvm2> Right.  With a lowish priority so it happens early.  Right.12:10
Keybukmaybe 82-*.rules given it's for a race checking12:11
iwjRight, exactly, that's what I meant.12:11
iwjErr, in fact, thinking about it, the dm device itself will case vgchange to run again so that's just as good as vgmknodes.12:12
iwjs/ case/ cause/12:12
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Keybukpitti: talking of which, I'd like to move the hal udev rules12:18
KeybukI think it'd make more sense for it to be 95-hal.rules not 85, as it's being run before udev has really finished12:19
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KeybukRiddell: tagcoll vs. tagcoll212:32
Keybukyou requested the latter be sync'd from Debian12:32
Keybukshould we remove and blacklist the former?12:32
RiddellKeybuk: yes please12:32
Keybukwhy hasn't tagcoll been removed from Debian?12:32
Riddellthe source package has as far as I can see, the binary tagcoll package now comes from tagcoll212:33
Riddelloh, except 1.6.3-1: kfreebsd-i38612:33
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Keybukoh, fair enough12:34
infinityOh sure, he leaves like 30 seconds before I wanted to ask him something.12:35
StevenKinfinity: Just so you can have the pleasure of waiting for him. Duh.12:36
infinityDamn Seb, always playing hard to get.12:36
mneptokinfinity: "yes, i'm wearing them. did you get the .jpgs?"12:36
infinityStevenK: Feel like being a good samaritan and debugging why the e-d-s build SEGVs on ia64? *bat lashes*12:36
infinity(And I don't want to hear "I don't have an ia64 box" as an excuse either, young man)12:37
=== StevenK hits Ctrl-U and whistles innocently.
StevenKinfinity: I wasn't actually going to say that, it was more along the lines, "I don't have an account on an ia64 box that I can install build-deps on." :-)12:38
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KeybukRiddell: libapt-front will need changing build-deps12:39
Keybukas well tagcolledit12:39
RiddellKeybuk: libapt-front has been renamed to libept (which should be in NEW)12:39
Riddelltagcolledit I'll fix12:39
Keybuk"ept" ?!  has lifeless been naming our packages? :p12:39
StevenKlibept fails to build due to no tagcoll2, from what I recall.12:40
KeybukStevenK: ah, we appear to have reached the middle of this conversation12:40
StevenKI'm trying to say it isn't in NEW, it's in the archive, it just hasn't built.12:41
=== StevenK shrugs.
StevenKinfinity: I'm happy to do so, if you want.12:41
cjwatsonKeybuk: one thing that occurred to me when reading udev-lvm and udev-evms in parallel: presumably you either want some option to watershed to tell it where its lock file is, or for it to work that out dynamically based on the command name?12:41
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-103-133.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukcjwatson: the one in udev is done on the rule name12:41
Keybukbut I was thinking of doing it in upstart instead12:41
cjwatson"rule name"?12:42
RiddellStevenK: so it is, that means Keybuk can throw out libapt-front12:42
Keybukcjwatson: it's a function in udev, if the RUN+= begins "watershed" it's done inside udev based on the rule id in the parsed table12:42
cjwatsonoh, I see12:42
infinityStevenK: Would be awesome, if you have access to the hardware.  If not, I'll have to bug someone on staff to do it, or do it myself when I have time.12:42
infinityStevenK: Someone like seb!12:42
StevenKinfinity: ... Ubuntu has ia64 machines. :-P12:43
infinityseb128: If I bake you cookies, will you debug the e-d-s segv on ia64?12:43
infinityStevenK: Not publically accessible (yet), unfortunately. :/12:43
StevenKI have this small feeling that my wife would object to my buying an ia64 on a credit card just so infinity will love me.12:43
Riddellenrico: tagcolledit build-deps should be changed in debian too no?12:44
seb128infinity: I'll have a look12:44
seb128infinity: hum, e-d-s segfault or e-d-s 1.9.3 build failure?12:44
infinityseb128: The build failure, if you look carefully, looks suspiciously like a segv in the build.12:45
seb128infinity: bah, looks like gtk-doc not being happy with amd64, glade-3 was already failing on documentation build12:46
Riddellenrico: actually it doesn't compile, any plans for a tagcolledit for libtagcoll2?12:47
seb128infinity: I think I'll be lazy and upload a version without --enable-gtk-doc, that's not required, the tarball ships the html files12:47
infinityseb128: Laziness works for me.12:47
infinityseb128: I can't really ask you to spend any paid time on ports anyway, so whichever lazy route you prefer. :)12:47
seb128ok ;)12:48
seb128could anybody get evolution out of NEW?12:49
infinityseb128: I already did.12:49
=== seb128 hugs infinity
cjwatsonpitti: I have a tiny hal patch which makes it work better with mouseemu; just makes probe-input.c allow the BUS_VIRTUAL type12:53
cjwatsonpitti: mind if I upload, or should I file a bug?12:53
mjg59Hm. I thought we had that already.12:53
pittiKeybuk: argh @ conffile transition, but fine for me12:55
cjwatsonmjg59: apparently not12:56
pitticjwatson: since I need to upload a new hal for Keybuk anyway, maybe just commit the patch into the bzr?12:56
cjwatsonalso need to figure out how to make gnome-power-manager notice new keyboards appearing in hal12:56
cjwatsonpitti: ah, I didn't check bzr; will do12:56
pitticjwatson: sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu12:56
pitticjwatson: if that's fine for you?12:57
infinityseb128: Hrm, if it's gtk-doc hating life, I suppose we could wait for the newly-synced source to build and retry e-d-s to see if it's magically happy again.12:57
pitticjwatson: I'll do Scott's conffile transition this afternoon then, and upload12:57
seb128infinity: seems a good idea to me12:57
seb128let's do that ;)12:57
infinityseb128: Alright, I'll let you know if it remains FUBAR.12:57
seb128thank you12:57
cjwatsonI'll fix up the udev rule installation in mouseemu12:57
cjwatsonKeybuk: where should a rule to restart a program on add events go? 80?12:58
pittiRiddell: so basically you need to decide whether or not you want to handle mounting of fixed non-auto-fstab hard disk partitions in KDE12:58
Keybukcjwatson: 8512:58
pittiRiddell: if so, then you can just use the new hal and need a similar trick in KDE that I do in gnome-mount (if you get a permission error, sudo yourself as root again)12:58
Riddellpitti: it would be nice, it's kindae a mess at the moment12:59
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cjwatsonoh yes, reading ALL of /etc/udev/rules.d/README helps12:59
pittiRiddell: if not, then we need to modify the hal fdi rules or kio's interpretation of it to not show them12:59
Riddellpitti: sudo again?  is it already sudoed?01:00
pittiRiddell: (gksu in the gnome case, some kdesu GUI wrapper for you)01:00
pittiRiddell: the current gnome-mount approach is: try as user, if you get a PermissionDeniedByPolicy error, try 'gksu -- gnome-mount ...'01:01
pittiRiddell: for admin members, that is01:01
pittiRiddell: so that admins can mount them through the UI, and non-admins don't01:01
Riddellpitti: clever01:02
Riddellpitti: does gnome-mount replace pmount?01:02
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pittiRiddell: over three corners, yes01:02
pittiRiddell: the hal mounting backend replaces pmount01:03
pittiand gnome-mount calls it01:03
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rodarvusslomo: pong01:11
Fujitsuinfinity: Apparently I kick you to get the maintainer field unclobbered for my packages.01:12
infinityFujitsu: Indeed.01:12
infinityFujitsu: Or pitti, I suppose.01:12
slomorodarvus: will you merge/update the xorg stuff? if so it would probably nice to include one patch from upstream for the ati driver that is in no release :) shall i file a bug for this or is just giving you the changeset/diff enough?01:13
infinityFujitsu: Specific packages, specific email you want whitelisted, what?01:13
Fujitsuinfinity: You're significantly closer for kicking :P01:13
rodarvusslomo: yes, this is enough, please do01:13
Fujitsuinfinity: Specific email, if you please.01:13
rodarvus(and assign the bug to me)01:13
slomorodarvus: will do, thanks (changeset 9f5ea3981449f29ff204eb154166e8fc813205fa btw)01:14
infinityFujitsu: Given our proximity, I may expect bribery.  pitti wouldn't ask you to hand-deliver a souvlaki from Lamb on Chapel.01:14
StevenKLike Fujitsu is old enough to drive.01:15
=== StevenK ducks
=== Fujitsu attacks StevenK with an infinity.
infinityThat doesn't work.01:16
infinityFujitsu: Which email do you need whitelisted?01:16
Fujitsu(after catching the train, and abducting infinity) So there!01:16
Fujitsuinfinity: william.grant@ubuntu.com.au01:16
infinityFujitsu: And don't you have an ubuntu.com email?01:16
infinityFujitsu: And if so, why not just use that?01:16
infinity(All ubuntu.com is whitelisted)01:16
FujitsuHahah, that's bug... I forget which.01:16
FujitsuI don't have an ubuntu.com address, because of some bug because my primary address has ubuntu.com in it.01:17
StevenKOhhhh. Neat.01:17
infinityFujitsu: Do we have other people at ubuntu.com.au?  Should I just whitelist the domain?01:17
StevenKPersonally, I'd prefer to have my @ubuntu.com be my primary address in Launchpad.01:18
FujitsuI'm the only one with packages at the moment.01:18
StevenKI've heard "don't do that", however.01:18
siretartinfinity: did we or rather team soyuz import the pre-soyuz katie whitelist into soyuz?01:18
FujitsuYeah, bug 62109 is why I don't use @ubuntu.com.01:18
UbugtuMalone bug 62109 in launchpad "ubuntu.com email address creation" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6210901:18
infinitysiretart: This is an entirely different whitelist.  katie never did what I'm doing now (overwrite maintainer fields in binary builds)01:18
infinityStevenK: The current system forwards your lpaccount@ubuntu.com to your primary address, and we don't like mail loops.01:19
infinityStevenK: I'm sure it could be made smarter to pick the secondary if the primary would be an obvious loop, but whatever.  Social solutions are easier than code sometimes.01:20
FujitsuWhich is exactly why mine doesn't exist yet.01:20
FujitsuSomebody forgot a $, I suspect :P01:20
StevenKinfinity: But it's like two lines of code, surely?01:21
infinityStevenK: Not my code, don't know.  I try to avoid touching too much launchpad code, lest someone suggest I move to the launchpad team.01:21
infinityOh, piss off apt, you filthy... ARGH.01:23
infinityCan someone hit Michael for me when he logs on again?  kthx.01:23
infinityE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.iinet.net.au_linux_ubuntu_dists_feisty_universe_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)01:23
infinityThat is NOT a valid reason to refuse to let me apt-get source from main.01:24
infinityAnd running "apt-get update" on a 512k line is painful.01:24
FujitsuAh, but it is.01:24
=== infinity grumps.
StevenKinfinity: 50KB/s is too slow?01:24
infinityStevenK: For a man used to 24Mbps at home, yes, it's too effin' slow.01:24
StevenKinfinity: I invite you to remember Australia bandwidth, say even 4 years ago.01:25
infinityStevenK: I've only lived here for 3.01:25
StevenKYes, exactly.01:25
infinityStevenK: And I started with 1.5Mbps when I moved here.  Which *was* painful too, but not as bad as this.01:25
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=== Fujitsu invites you to remember Optus international bandwidth, even now.
StevenKFujitsu: My carrier is Exetel. It's hard to forget.01:26
StevenKinfinity: I'm on 1.5 at the moment, trying to decide if I can swing a switch to ADSL2+01:26
infinityStevenK: I rather like my ADSL2+01:26
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StevenKI'm getting that impression. :-)01:27
infinityStevenK: Was  abit shaky when it was first connected, now it's solid, fast, and quite nice.01:27
StevenKinfinity: My main concern is what to do with my mail for 5-8 days while I get disconnected/reconnected.01:29
infinityStevenK: Ask some kind soul like me to be a backup MX and spool it all for you?01:30
StevenKOr get work to do it.01:30
StevenKIt's also the question of a spare $250. Which around Christmas doesn't exist.01:32
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infinityFujitsu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2006-December/001980.html01:36
FujitsuThanks, infinity.01:37
=== StevenK wonders when Fujitsu is going to hand deliever the souvlaki.
infinitySoon, I hope.  I;'m starving.01:38
StevenKdeliver, even01:38
=== StevenK grins and high fives infinity.
infinityFujitsu: A number 3, please (the L.O.C special)01:39
=== Fujitsu rips StevenK's liver out.
cjwatsoninfinity: oh, please whitelist cjwatson@debian.org maintainer fields. kind of a shame it doesn't notice any LP people who have an @ubuntu.com address, and whitelist all of their validatedemail addresses?01:39
=== StevenK shrugs and grows a new one
infinityFujitsu: A side of saganaki too.01:39
Fujitsucjwatson: That'd be a good idea.01:39
infinitycjwatson: Want it whitelisted, or overridden to cjwatson@ubuntu.com?01:39
cjwatsoninfinity: just whitelisted is fine; is a different hat01:40
infinitycjwatson: Fair 'nuff.01:40
cjwatsonFujitsu: I actually assumed it worked that way until I checked man-db just now01:40
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cjwatsoninfinity: any way to make this configuration on the buildds rather than requiring an upload?01:41
infinitycjwatson: It has no LP knowlege whatsoever.  File a bug on launchpad-buildd if you'd like the functionality more integrated, though.  I could waste some cycles on it sometime.01:41
infinitycjwatson: Oh, I can change the config in the chroots, but it's easier to just upload.  *shrug*01:41
infinitycjwatson: With the exception of today, people don't exactly ask often. :)01:41
cjwatsonbug> will do01:42
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verwilstMithrandir: ping01:44
infinitycjwatson: Mangled.01:45
infinityseb128: Err, wait... gtk-doc is arch:all... How can it hate one arch more than another? :)01:47
FujitsuHow often is MoM meant to update? I uploaded matplotlib 15 hours ago, it still hasn't updated to reflect said upload.01:48
infinityseb128: I'd assume it's a jade bug or something.01:48
StevenKjade, on the other hand, hates all arches equally.01:49
seb128infinity: good remark, yeah, probably01:50
infinityStevenK: I remember it being more often broken than not on many in the past, yes.01:51
infinityStevenK: Not the world's happiest codebase.01:51
StevenKYeah, well.01:51
cjwatsoninfinity: launchpad-buildd has no open bugs - is it definitely the right product?01:55
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Mithrandirverwilst: please include some context with your ping.01:58
verwilstMithrandir: one context, coming up :p01:58
verwilstMithrandir: i just noticed the grub2 spec in the wiki01:59
verwilstMithrandir: is it still on track for feisty? the grub2 site seems pretty scarse with updates/status reports :)01:59
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Mithrandirverwilst: I haven't yet started actually working on it, just poking it a bit with a stick.02:00
Mithrandirverwilst: I'm intending to have it ready for feisty, yes.02:00
verwilstMithrandir: sweet :)02:00
Mithrandirverwilst: it won't be default for i386/amd64/ppc, but it should be available in expert mode at least.02:01
verwilstMithrandir: it supports EFI too eh02:01
verwilstthe wiki says it doesn't02:01
cjwatsonthe status reports are inconsistent02:02
verwilst"It is working on PC, OpenFirmware-based PowerPC machines (PowerMac and Pegasos) and EFI-based PC (IntelMac)"02:02
verwilstso at least it means they're still actively coding it :)02:02
infinitycjwatson: It used to be the right product.  cprov may have moved everything to "soyuz" with tags...02:02
cjwatsonEFI support is one reason we're pushing for it, for the Intel Macs02:03
Mithrandircjwatson: well, according to mjg59 not doing bootcamp on intel macs is going to just be really painful.   We might want to go that route anyway, though.02:03
cjwatsonoh, yeah, true02:03
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cjwatsonbut even then it's going to be better than lilo, and our grub doesn't do intel-macs-with-bootcamp at the moment02:04
Mithrandiryeah, true02:04
infinitycjwatson: Yeah, file it on soyuz, and tag it "soyuz-build", I guess.02:04
cjwatsonoh, damn, that's a point, I need to make mouseemu work on intel macs without visible EFI02:04
cjwatsonwas hoping not to have to shell out to dmidecode02:05
verwilstand maybe grub2 will have support for xfs and such?02:05
verwilstso i can finally get rid of my ext3 /boot's ;)02:05
Mithrandirgrub 1 supports xfs, afaik.02:05
Mithrandirit just requires xfs_freeze to be run02:06
verwilstMithrandir: myeah it does.. but not enabled in ubuntu i think?02:06
verwilstReiserFS and graphics-based user interface are still pending items02:08
cjwatsonMithrandir: that isn't enough02:08
verwilst2 nice things :p02:08
cjwatsonI've tested this extensively in the past, and briefly recently02:08
cjwatsonthey've always *claimed* it supports xfs that way, but it doesn't actually work - there's still a fairly wide race condition02:08
Mithrandircjwatson: ok.02:09
verwilstcjwatson: maybe grub2 brings some relief ;)02:09
cjwatsonI don't know the situation with grub2 there. To be honest I think it's an XFS bug.02:09
cjwatsonbut maybe grub2 manages to work around it somehow02:09
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=== verwilst ponders upgrading to feisty
mjg59xfs has different ideas about when data actually hits the disk02:11
mjg59Which makes it harder to guarantee that your bootloader is going to be able to find it02:11
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cjwatsonyes, well, I have little sympathy for folks who think pushing the uttermost limits of POSIX is a fun game02:14
cjwatsonit's technically allowed, but manages to be less useful than all the other filesystems, so ...02:15
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cjwatsonthe only real answer I've seen with grub1 is to queue actual grub installation until /target is unmounted, which requires a load more stuff in udebs and has suboptimal consequences for error recovery02:18
cjwatsonor just to stick a sleep 60 in there, which makes me a sad panda02:18
verwilstcjwatson: can't you just sync it or something?02:19
cjwatsonverwilst: doesn't work, hence my POSIX comment above02:19
cjwatsonXFS reads the sync spec *very* carefully indeed and does about as little as it can get away with - which isn't enough to let grub actually read the data back02:19
verwilstcjwatson: hm02:20
verwilstand there's no way to force it to do some more? ;)02:20
cjwatsonyou have to actually unmount the filesystem (or maybe remount it read-only) to force it, and that's logistically very difficult at that stage in the installer, considering that we're running the grub binary from the same filesystem and have other stuff mounted in there02:21
cjwatsonno other method that's been suggested has worked in my tests02:21
cjwatsonyou may find it works on some machines - it's a race condition, so that's to be expected02:21
cjwatsonand sleeping for a minute or so and trying again probably works, but is very unsatisfactory02:22
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cjwatsonmeh, where did the dpkg.org A record go??02:29
dokocjwatson, Mithrandir, mdz: who can/wants to comment/approve feistyplusone-toolchain-roadmap ?02:30
pitti_cjwatson: oh, I already seriously doubted my memory when I looked for it some days ago...02:31
pitti_eventually I found the stuff on wiki.debian.net02:32
cjwatsonpitti_: thanks, that'll do02:32
cjwatsondoko: probably not me just now02:32
pitti_bhbh bh bh f 02:36
=== pitti_ gets rid of the cat
=== Ng pictures a cat on a computer with the caption: im in ur laptop, uploadin ur security fixes
pitti_wow, that's a pretty amazing pattern it managed to produce while jumping on the keyboard02:37
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_ionim on ur laptop, developin ur ubuntu02:40
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cjwatsonpitti_: that was almost Irish02:41
=== pitti_ tries to pronounce that and wipes off the screen
cjwatson"vvvvv", basically ;)02:41
_ionI'd pronounce it "bhbhbhbhf", not "vvvvv". :-)02:43
pitti__ion: the cat probably disagrees02:43
=== pitti_ imagines the cat would pronounce it as 'get me some attention, you nerd' or so
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pitti_doko: btw, you know about requestsync? (wrt. changelogs)02:49
dokopitti_: yes, but that doesn't solve the problem02:50
pitti_yup, just wanted to make sure that you don't file requests manually02:51
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Q-FUNKit seems that Planner requires an explicit Build-Depends on libdbus-glib-1-dev to build on Ubuntu.  I'll just add it and re-upload to Debian.03:03
pitti_Q-FUNK: maybe some later gtk/whatever dropped it? then it might sooner or later bite Debian, too, right03:04
pitti_Q-FUNK: hello, bte03:04
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Q-FUNKI guess it would be a good idea for me to update my ubuntu chroot to feisty and test this before uploading... :)03:05
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-23-226.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128Q-FUNK: that was a transitional bug, time to get some packages rebuilt with the new gnome-vfs, that's fixed now03:07
=== pitti_ hails geser for taking over X maintenance
pitti_erm, praises03:07
pitti_argh @ my English brain cells today03:07
seb128pitti_: you want to take over X? ;)03:07
cjwatsonpitti_: either works03:08
Q-FUNKseb128: come again?  would simply re-launching the builds at ubuntu fix it or do I need to update my "upstream" debian package for anything?03:08
cjwatsonalthough the latter is slightly better03:08
pitti_cjwatson: oh? I thought I mixed it up with 'Uhura, hail the Klingons'03:08
seb128Q-FUNK: retry a build should work, if not there is some package still shipping a .la mentioning the lib which should not03:08
seb128Q-FUNK: common GNOME libs have been rebuilt, planner might use a "non-common" lib that needs a rebuild too though03:09
Q-FUNKseb128: ok.  can you relaunch those or who should I ask?03:09
seb128just ask on the chan if somebody can give a retry to the planner build03:09
seb128some people can do that03:09
seb128infinity, Keybuk03:10
=== infinity perks.
seb128hey infinity ;)03:10
Q-FUNKspeaking for the devil^Wangel.03:11
infinityplanner given-back.03:11
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=== Q-FUNK puts himself a to-do to check the logs again in an hour
infinityseb128: For the record, you should recommend me or Mithrandir for give-backs.  Keybuk's more of a last resort. :)03:12
infinityseb128: I'll be working on proper docs and ways to contact the buildd team and sending some stuff to -devel-announce in he next week, though.03:12
seb128infinity: ok ;)03:12
cjwatsonpitti_: the word has both meaning03:14
Keybukin fact, I always ignore any requests for buildd work if either infinity or Mithrandir are around03:14
KeybukI only have the power in case either is hit by a bus03:14
Q-FUNKif they get hit by dbus, does it count? ;)03:16
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infinityIf people make nerd jokes and are subsequently hit by a real bus, do we care? :P03:18
Keybukit could be worse; one could get hit by the VESA Local Bus03:19
MithrandirI'm not sure whether VLB is better or worse than the PCI Express03:19
infinityDie.  All of you.  Seriously.03:19
MithrandirYou can get overrun in 16 lanes.  At once!03:19
thomi hate geek humour.03:20
Mithrandirit's friday afternoon, I'm sorry. :-P03:20
infinitythom: And this is why we get along.03:20
Q-FUNKhow about a nice game of dbus frogger?03:22
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thomQ-FUNK: how about a nice cup of...03:22
Q-FUNKthom: smile!  you're on candid camera! :-P03:23
Mithrandiruh, is malone really, really broken right now?03:32
Mithrandirah, no03:32
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Q-FUNKinfinity: it seems that the takeback on planner worked. thanks!03:34
infinityQ-FUNK: NP.03:35
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enricoRiddell: oh, right, tagcolledit!  Glad you mentioned03:37
enricoRiddell: it should build with tagcoll (not tagcoll2), does it not?03:38
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Mirvpitti: hi, about your debian bug 402145. the package does generate different files for low/big-endian systems, should it still be Arch:all?03:46
UbugtuDebian bug 402145 in voikko-fi "voikko-fi: package should be arch:all" [Unknown,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/40214503:46
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wasabi__Welp, 2.6.19 doesn't even seem to see this CD drive03:47
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Riddellenrico: well the configure check fails at least03:53
Riddellchecking for LIBTAGCOLL... configure: error: Package requirements (libtagcoll) were not met:03:54
RiddellNo package 'libtagcoll' found03:54
cjwatsonogra_,pitti: any ideas on the gnome-power-manager side of bug 67954?03:55
UbugtuMalone bug 67954 in mouseemu "mouseemu prevents detection of Power button event" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6795403:55
Riddellenrico: and changing aclocal to accept libtagcoll2 the include's are a problm03:55
Riddellenrico: CommandlineParser.cc:22:29: error: tagcoll/stringf.h: No such file or directory03:55
pittiMirv: oh, does it? they had exactly the same size and looked quite arch:all to me; sorry if that's wrong, I'll just close the bug then04:00
enricoRiddell: yes.  It should build with libtagcoll-dev, it surely won't build with libtagcoll2-dev04:01
pittiMirv: oh, and thanks for the reports and caring for a good Finnish support04:01
pitticjwatson: will look in a minute04:01
enricoI can  try to port it to tagcoll2 now, but that'd be quite late for etch04:01
Mirvpitti: http://packages.debian.org/testing/text/voikko-fi <- it is different for hppa/m68k/mips/powerpc/s390/sparc than the rest04:02
Mirvpitti: thanks for having good instructions on how to proceed :)04:02
enricoRiddell: I'll try to make it work with tagcoll04:02
elmopitti: if that's an ispell thing, they are indeed endian-specific04:03
pittielmo: no, these are rules files for a system called 'malaga'04:04
cjwatsonpitti: actually, I might be able to figure this out ...04:04
Riddellenrico: oh, so libtagcoll-dev is staying in the archive?04:04
pitticjwatson: I don't have mouseemu installed on my system (we don't install it by default)04:04
cjwatsonpitti: correct, not yet :-)04:04
Riddellenrico: why not just port tagcolledit and scrap the old tagcoll?04:04
pitticjwatson: apparently because this guy has an x86 macbooc04:04
enricoRiddell: yes, it does, because of apt-front04:04
cjwatsonpitti: we're going to need to for >1 button mouse support on intel macs04:04
pittiright, I figured04:04
enricoRiddell: unfortunately, adept hasn't been ported to ept yet04:05
cjwatsonhence I'm trying to make it work, since intel-mac-support is one of mine04:05
enricoRiddell: it requires libapt-front, which requires tagcoll 104:05
enricoRiddell: I'd really like to get rid of tagcoll 1 and apt-front04:05
cjwatsonpitti: I think I just need to add a device-added signal in gpm-hal-monitor.c04:05
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Mirvpitti: they are different files (_b and _l) with different contents, but presumably the upstream could make it unneeded at some point. but apparently the libvoikko currently needs them in that way, different byte-order for different endianness04:07
Riddellenrico: this is a tangled web of dependencies04:07
ogra_cjwatson, that signal should be there already04:08
pittiMirv: I closed the bug; sorry for the noise04:09
ogra_cjwatson, there is power_button_pressed in src/gpm-manager.c in the gpm source04:09
ogra_it gets the event from hal though04:09
cjwatsonogra_: it doesn't notice when new keyboards appear, which is device_added04:10
cjwatsonogra_: this is actually a real problem :-)04:10
ogra_does hal notice it ?04:10
cjwatsonogra_: mouseemu does its work by creating a virtual keyboard device in userspace04:10
cjwatsonogra_: yes, it does - g-p-m subscribes to the signal but does nothing with it04:11
cjwatsonhal definitely notices, I just patched it :-)04:11
ogra_heh, ok04:11
cjwatson(only in bzr as yet)04:11
enricoRiddell: it is, and I'd like to get rid of some, but mornfall's not currently active on adept04:11
ogra_i'll look if there is any kind of patch in a newer gpm04:11
cjwatsonI think gpm-hal-monitor.c is the right place - I'm happy to write the patch if you can review it04:12
cjwatsonsince I have all the stuff set up here04:12
ogra_the one we have is pretty old, i'm still waiting for giskard who wanted to maintain it in debian and ubuntu now ...04:12
enricoRiddell: tagcolledit built fine with libtagcoll-dev 04:12
ogra_but i think i'll package the new one myself if he doesnt soon come up with anything04:12
enricoRiddell: post-etch I'll port it to tagcoll204:12
Riddellenrico: ok04:13
ogra_cjwatson, i'm fine with the patch, but i suspect it makes more sense with a 2.17 package04:14
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ogra_ah, seems device_added is only used in context with bastteries in gpm04:18
cjwatsonI haven't worked out how it's used at all yet - file/line pointer?04:19
ogra_gpm-battery.c uses it04:19
cjwatsonah, is this in 2.17?04:19
ogra_and gpm-hal.c recieves the event 04:19
ogra_yep. just got the source04:19
cjwatsonthere's no gpm-battery.c in 2.16.1 - gpm-hal.c's implementation of device_added is basically empty04:20
ogra_oh, ok04:20
ogra_i didnt compare the two yet ...04:20
cjwatsonI'll grab CVS04:21
ogra_just grap 2.17.3 from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-power-manager/2.17/04:21
cjwatsontoo late04:21
ogra_thats what will be in the next package04:21
ogra_ok :)04:21
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pittiRiddell: MIR exiv2 -> it's still in NEW, and the (absent) soname handling of the lib makes me weep04:26
Riddellpitti: I've not looked at it (I didn't write the MIR) but the Debian packager did say the versioning is unclear04:27
pittiyes, we probably have to live with that04:28
pittiI'd just like to take a look at the binaries when they go out of NEW, before that the rdepends won't build anyway04:28
pittithe rest is okay04:28
Tonio_pitti: hi04:29
iwjKeybuk: Do you want me to pick up UdevEvms ?  I have a setup here which would make it quite quick to do I think.04:29
Tonio_pitti: yeah sorry I wrote the MIR a bit too soon04:29
pittiHi Tonio_04:29
iwjAs it's just the same as UdevLvm but for EVMS.04:29
Tonio_should have wait for the packages to be out of NEW...04:30
Keybukiwj: sure04:30
pittiTonio_: no problem, I just let it sit there for a while04:30
Tonio_pitti: okay04:31
pittiRiddell: firefox-themes-ubuntu, rss-glx, gftp, libgd-graph-perl, oo.o, and quagga will work with graphicsmagick, too?04:32
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Riddellpitti: hmm, good question04:36
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ryanakcaI don't know if this is the right place to say this, but on http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fg%2Fglibc%2Flibc6_2.4-1ubuntu12_i386.deb&md5sum=3d7d40e703e91d16e54e64525174d38f&arch=i386&type=main  ,  there are several broken links 04:47
spikecjwatson: dunno if you ever managed to have a look to that email I sent you about preseeding and serial console, but just wanted to update you that the problem exists on "real" servers too, completely different hw than the one reported in my email04:52
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cjwatsonspike: ok, problem is that I have no experience with serial consoles and no hardware here with which to even start trying to reproduce it ...05:05
spikecjwatson: actually I 'spose I could give edgy a try before anything else05:05
spikeI'll do it on moday and report back05:05
cjwatsonspike: could you humour me and try adding 'debian-installer/locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us' to your boot parameters?05:06
pittihmm, if I fork() in a program, the child looses all global variables?05:06
cjwatsonspike: because even at priority critical, the locale question is going to be asked, and you aren't preseeding it ...05:07
pitti(and allocated heap variables)05:07
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spikecjwatson: re-read the email I sent: if I remove the serial console it works just fine, which means preseed of itself works05:09
spikecjwatson: if I plug in a monitor and let it go, without serial console, it works05:09
spikewithout any change05:09
spikebesides, I've got d-i debian-installer/locale string en_GB and d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select uk05:10
spikein my preseed file05:10
cjwatsonspike: localechooser is sensitive to whether a serial console is attached. please humour me.05:10
spikeoh, good point, will do, thanks05:10
cjwatsonspike: those preseeds won't do anything in your preseed file - the preseed file is read after that point05:10
Keybukpitti: in which language?05:11
pittiKeybuk: C05:11
cjwatsonkbd-chooser/method is recommended over console-keymaps-at/keymap05:11
spikecjwatson: ok, updating everything and trying,thanks05:11
Keybukif you fork in C, and have lost access to the heap or globals, then Mr Pointer has fallen out with Mr Boundaries05:11
pittiKeybuk: hm, right, I just eliminated the fork(), still doesn't work; nevermind05:11
cjwatsonspike: there's a special different template that's asked in localechooser in the event that you have a serial console05:11
cjwatsonso I suspect that preseeding it properly, as recommended, will work05:12
pittiKeybuk: in main() I allocate a global char**, and in the child it's suddenly NULL; I suspected the fork() at first, but must be something else05:12
Keybukyeah, definitely not the fork05:12
cjwatsonglobal in what way?05:12
cjwatsonyou mean static?05:12
Keybukthe only difference after a fork is the return value from that function05:12
pitticjwatson: yes05:12
pitticjwatson: right05:12
pittiKeybuk: well, and fds are closed05:12
Keybukpitti: no, fds aren't closed05:12
pittiargh, /me headdesks05:12
cjwatsonfds are closed on exec not fork05:13
Keybukcjwatson: and then only if so marked05:13
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pittiyup, found it; PEBCAK of course05:14
pittisorry for the noise05:14
bddebiancjwatson: Hey, sorry to bug you more but I don't see an attal-themes-medieval source package on packages.u.c or apt-cache madison??05:14
cjwatsonbddebian: correct05:14
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cjwatsonwhat's your point? :-) I said that was a new source, not yet synced05:15
cjwatsonattal-themes-medieval |    0.9.2-1 |      unstable | source, all05:15
Keybukpitti: Problem Exists Between Coffee And Konciousness?05:15
cjwatsonit's in Debian05:15
bddebiancjwatson: We have 10.x in Ubuntu05:15
pittiKeybuk: Between Cut and Krackful paste, rather...05:15
bddebianThey aren't seperate sources anymore.  The upstream build system changed where you can't build attal without a themes package now05:15
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cjwatsonbddebian: new-source can't tell; if it shouldn't be synced, it needs to be blacklisted05:16
pittiKeybuk: 'char ** foo = ..' doesn't really change the global foo that I added after that...05:16
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cjwatsonbddebian: there's no safe way for it to say "the version number of this source package is less than that other version number over there somewhere, therefore I shouldn't sync"05:17
bddebiancjwatson: Right, sorry.  How should I handle that?  File a bug to ask for it to be blacklisted?05:17
cjwatsonbddebian: ask Keybuk, who has the file open in vim such that I can't just do it now ;-)05:17
KeybukKeybuk ALWAYS has the file open05:17
Keybukhe's a bitch for that05:17
bddebianKeybuk: Sooo? :)05:18
Keybukit's in the other blacklist file05:18
Keybuk(the one in my head)05:18
KeybukE: attal-themes-medieval_0.9.2-1.diff.gz (from attal-themes-medieval) is in the DB but isn't an orig.tar.gz.  Help?05:18
Keybuknice error05:18
Keybuknow I remember why I didn't sync it <g>05:18
Keybukyou want it blacklisted?05:18
bddebianKeybuk: Yeah, in Edgy we jumped the debian version and the themes package is built from the attal source package now05:18
Keybukso you want that blacklisted properly?05:19
bddebianIs it my place to make that decision?05:19
Keybukelmo: that's my favouritest EVAH error.  I like it when Soyuz says "Help?"05:19
Keybukbddebian: it is now05:19
bddebianSure blacklist it and kick the Debian maintainer to wake up and get our version ;-P05:20
cjwatsonKeybuk: is it randomly matching on filenames in the hope that one of them might be a .orig?05:20
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elmoKeybuk: that's my code05:20
elmocjwatson: no05:20
elmoit's specifically asking for an orig.tar.gz05:20
elmoand soyuz said "here have this diff.gz instead"05:20
elmothat smacks of some horribleness in the DB05:20
Keybukwe had that version in dapper05:21
elmooh, sorry, no, I'm entirely lieing05:21
Keybukas a source package05:21
Keybukelmo: err, this source looks utterly bogus <g>05:22
elmoKeybuk: which source?05:22
cjwatsonogra_: am I likely to be able to run the gnome-power-manager binary built from CVS without bothering to install it, just with the data from the existing package?05:23
elmosync-source or the package we're talking about?05:23
Keybukelmo: sync-source05:23
Keybukit looks like it'd fail whenever the DB can fess up the source package requested05:23
Keybukit's failing because we do have that source in Ubuntu, just published in an older release05:23
cjwatsonmm, yeah, we do05:23
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ogra_cjwatson, well, you will miss some patches, but yes05:29
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cjwatsonseamonkey (full mozilla suite) renamed05:35
KeybukDebian are insane05:35
cjwatsonor maybe just what used to be mozilla-browser. something like that anyway05:35
cjwatsonthe ice{ape,dove,weasel} naming scheme is quite cute, I think :)05:36
pitticjwatson: did you see the icons? they are even cuter05:36
=== dholbach likes the humping weasel: http://mik.unpackable.org/humping_iceweasel.gif
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dholbachand there's icedax too05:39
Keybukwhat's icedax?05:39
dholbachcdrkit stuff05:39
=== Keybuk adds wildcard support to the blacklist file :)
dholbachROCK :)05:40
Keybukice* muahahaha05:40
pittiKeybuk: while you are at it, can you blacklist enigmail?05:40
pittiKeybuk: we have to permanently fork due to that renaming, too05:40
Keybukpitti: what did they call that?  iceotter?05:41
pittiKeybuk: icedove05:41
Keybukicedove is thunderbird, isn't it?05:41
Keybukright ?05:41
=== Keybuk confused
Keybukenigmail is its own source05:41
pittiright, see above05:41
Keybukyes ...05:41
pittiKeybuk: yep, but it produces the tbird enigmail plugin05:41
Keybukbut they're not renaming that source?05:41
Keybuksure, but we can merge that, no?05:41
Keybukblacklist = no sync, no mom, etc.05:41
pittithey even use icedove'ish sdk tarballs in the upstream package, so there's not much to merge05:42
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pittinot blacklisting it doesn't really hurt, it's just a bit confusing05:42
KeybukI need to blacklist "mozilla" though05:43
Keybukthat's a transitional package to iceape now05:43
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jdubbanshee deps on boo... interesting05:46
pittihey jdub05:53
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keescookmornin' all05:57
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pittiKeybuk: ok, so I got the renaming /etc/udev/rules.d/85-hal.rules -> 95-hal.rules ready; that's confirmed to be the One True Rank now?06:16
Keybukpitti: yeah, much better place for it06:19
pittiok, then I upload this now06:19
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pitticjwatson: uploaded your hal patch with that version, in case you want to do Malone juggling for that06:20
cjwatsonpitti: thanks06:23
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Riddellcjwatson: fancy promoting a bunch of things to main for me?06:37
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cjwatsonpitti: what's supposed to set HAL_PROP_INPUT_DEVICE?06:40
cjwatsonRiddell: would prefer if Keybuk could do it - I'm beneath a stack of things about six deep at the moment and am terrified of losing context :)06:41
KeybukRiddell: which things?06:42
RiddellKeybuk: libofa, libwibble, libpqxx, xdg-utils06:43
Riddellall sources and binaries06:43
Riddellall approved by pitti06:43
cjwatsonKeybuk: has DEVNAME gone away?06:44
cjwatsonhmm, no06:45
Keybukcjwatson: hope not! :p06:45
cjwatsonjust trying to work out why hald seems to think it's empty here06:46
KeybukRiddell: done06:47
cjwatson17:37:07.078 [I]  osspec.c:226: SEQNUM=2755, ACTION=add, SUBSYSTEM=input, DEVPATH=/sys/class/input/input54, DEVNAME=, IFINDEX=006:47
cjwatson17:37:07.079 [I]  hotplug.c:171: /sys/class/input/input54 is a class device (subsystem)06:47
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cjwatson(why yes, I am stopping and starting a uinput program rather a lot)06:47
Riddellthanks Keybuk 06:47
Keybukcjwatson: what does udevmonitor -e say?06:48
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cjwatsonKeybuk: ... oh, never mind, I've just spotted that the subsequent add of /sys/class/input/input54/event6 came with a DEVNAME06:50
cjwatsonudevmonitor doesn't list DEVNAME for either though06:51
Keybukthat implies there was no device for it?06:51
cjwatsonah, no, it does later on06:51
Keybuk[UEVENT]  is what came from the kernel06:51
cjwatsonthat devpath seems to get added, then removed, then added again06:51
Keybuk[UDEV]  is what udev thought about it06:51
cjwatsonoh, ok, I just suck then06:51
cjwatsonI've been deep in the twisty udev/dbus/hal/g-p-m stack for hours06:52
cjwatsondamnit, why does gpm_hal_device_has_capability not work06:58
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seb128could anybody give a retry to gedit build on amd64?07:18
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elmoBurgwork: ping07:19
Burgworkelmo: pong07:19
Burgworkgeez, everybody is looking for me07:19
iwjKeybuk: udev-evms done too.  Let me know if I can be of any more assistance.07:20
Keybukiwj: want to go at udev-devmapper? :)07:21
Keybukcomplete the trilogy07:21
Keybukudev-device-mapper ?07:21
LaserJockBurgwork: you're a wanted man ;-)07:22
iwjKeybuk: Sure.  Very much the other end of the spectrum.  I'll take a look at that on Monday.07:22
iwjIt's good that I've had an excuse to play with udev, which I previously didn't understand at all.07:23
Keybukit's not too difficult really; it's basically just a rule processor for events from the kernel07:23
Keybukthe trick is mostly understanding the kinds and content of events for each device07:23
Keybukwould be good to have someone else on the team who can grok it07:23
iwjmvo: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/bzr/apt-breaks-iwj/ has that dist-upgrade Breaks: fix.07:24
iwjmvo: But I still need to talk to you about the dist-upgrader.07:24
iwjKeybuk: It's a crazy crazy programming language.07:24
dholbachiwj: mvo is not here07:25
iwjdholbach: Oh, is he on holiday already ?07:25
Keybukiwj: it didn't start out as one07:25
dholbachno, he was travelling and should be around a bit later07:25
Burgworkelmo: pm me if needed07:25
Keybukbut has had turingness bolted on07:25
iwjdholbach: Ah.  There's no urgency; it can wait until next week.  The apt thing is something mvo asked for.07:25
iwjKeybuk: Always happens.  It's usually best to design it in.07:26
Keybukiwj: if I didn't know better, I'd say there was a planet-sized hint going on there :p07:26
iwjI don't do hints :-).07:26
iwjBut now that you come to mention it ...07:27
iwjKeybuk: Is that `watershed' feature going to make it into the archive soon ?  I haven't really tested the raceyness or otherwise of the evms change because it depends on watershed to avoid the race.07:28
Keybukiwj: yeah, the patch is sitting in my inbox, I just haven't got around to testing it yet07:29
iwjKeybuk: If you mail me a copy when you have a mo I'd be happy to look at it.  It's the kind of thing that can be subtly wrong.07:29
iwjSo another brain thinking about it would probably be worthwhile.07:29
KeybukI've got a small stack of udev changes that need doing, I should probably tackle them soon next week07:30
Keybukneed to see how this modprobe patch works as well07:30
iwjmodprobe patch ?07:30
Keybukit builds modprobe into udev07:30
Keybukso you don't need to parse modules.alias, modules.dep and /etc/modprobe.conf every time a device gets inserted07:30
iwjThat would be a win, I suppose.07:31
Keybukalso means we can do fast lookups of modalias strings into driver names (when we get that kernel patch)07:32
Keybukso can make device/driver binding decisions in udev07:32
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mvohey iwj - you wanted to discuss something?07:44
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jdongkeescook: another universe security thing.... flexbackup08:31
jdongkeescook: in dapper/edgy, temporary file creation insecurity08:31
keescookjdong: yeah, I think I saw the CVE go by for that.08:32
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siretartdid anyone already request to get ubuntu-devel-discussed added at gmane?09:08
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sfllawkylem: What do you know about ACPI, Power Buttons, and Laptops?11:05
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kylemnot a terrible amount, mjg59 would be your best bet...11:06
sfllawmjg59: What do you know about ACPI, Power Buttons, and Laptops?11:08
Burgworksfllaw: what he doesn't know is a better question11:08
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Adri2000builds in "dependency wait" are automatically re-ran as soon as the dependency is available?11:11
sfllawmjg59: https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/6876011:12
UbugtuMalone bug 68760 in gnome-power-manager "no power button in edgy" [Undecided,Needs info]  11:12
sfllawmjg59: Basically, the system is not responding to the PWRF.11:12
sfllawmjg59: I'm wondering if it's using the PWRB instead?11:12
sfllawmjg59: My machine also exhibits similar behaviour, although it's a Thinkpad T60p.11:12
giskardsfllaw, i guess it's an acpi problem11:16
=== giskard thinks he should really update g-p-m
sfllawgiskard: It looks like some problem with Linux-ACPI and not userland ACPI.11:18
LaserJockwhen is dash used and when is bash used? I don't quite understand11:18
giskardbash is used as shell, dash is used for the pre/post script, afaik.11:18
giskardsfllaw, if linux-acpi means kernel side, yes.11:19
LaserJockwell, but on a user's system11:19
LaserJockI'm getting bug reports about breakage in apps, supposedly from bash->dash11:19
_iondash is used for scripts, bash is used as the interactive shell.11:19
sfllawLaserJock: /bin/sh is dash now.11:20
LaserJockI know11:20
_ionSuch scripts should be fixed, either by modifying them to POSIX syntax or changing #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash11:20
LaserJockbut the user's shell is still bash, right?11:20
LaserJockhmm, do we  have any automated way to know when something has broken because of bash->dash ?11:22
giskardall script run with  set -e11:23
cjwatsonLaserJock: checkbashisms (in devscripts) is a pretty good start11:25
=== cjwatson makes pbbuttonsd chew marginally less CPU
Fujitsucjwatson: Can you please finish off #43150 if/when you have the time?11:26
cjwatsonstill way too much polling in there, but it's probably a kernel problem ...11:26
LaserJockcjwatson: ah, thanks for the tip. texmacs seems to have several plugins with bashims11:26
=== Fujitsu chews cjwatson's CPUs.
=== geser [n=michael@dialin105219.justdsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cjwatsonFujitsu: looking11:29
cjwatsonRiddell: thanks for your ubiquity patch yesterday, but unfortunately it still doesn't seem to show the nested list of radio buttons under "Guided - use entire disk"11:32
cjwatsonRiddell: it's supposed to look like this:11:33
cjwatson* Guided - use entire disk11:33
cjwatson  * <description of first disk>11:33
cjwatson  * <description of second disk>11:33
cjwatson  * ...11:33
cjwatson* Manual11:33
cjwatsonat the moment I just get the outermost list11:33
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_ionNow that ubuntu-devel@ is moderated, i wonder how frequently/actively the moderation queue is checked?11:37
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LaserJock_ion: heh, I thought it was > /dev/null11:38
=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@dslb-084-056-029-048.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
cjwatsonFujitsu: I believe I have to wait for gcl to build everywhere before accepting maxima. Please https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gcl/+subscribe yourself in the meantime, as MOTU/SRU says11:39
Fujitsucjwatson: That is correct, and that I shall do.11:40
FujitsuI've subscribed to both.11:41
cjwatsonI saw you were already in a team subscribed to maxima.11:41
FujitsuThat is correct.11:41
FujitsuThanks for finishing this off.11:42
cjwatsonsorry for the delay11:42
=== jelmer [n=jelmer@2001:7b8:37b:1:202:a5ff:fe0d:7b99] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicyI'm gonna go out on a limb and try to get qvm86 to work, and get Edgy or Dapper to boot under it11:58
bluefoxicyI'm thinking two things:11:58
bluefoxicyA) Someone buy KQemu so that @%*@( gives us the source code11:59
bluefoxicyB) Get qvm86 running Ubuntu11:59
bluefoxicy(B) will be cheaper, me thinks.  Either way, I want something that I can throw onto the LiveCD that when popped into a Linux/Windows host will go, "Oh, you want to run the LiveCD in a virtualized environment?" and do so at full speed.11:59
shackan_you want to ship qemu with the livecd?12:00
bluefoxicy(there's also option (C), I start probing KQemu myself and reverse-engineer it)12:00
bluefoxicyshackan_:  it's been a flighting fantasy of some liveCD makers to have the liveCD run without booting off it; in fact, IIRC a specific version of Knoppix loads Qemu when it's stuck into a Windows machine12:01
bluefoxicybut it's slow as ass.12:01
shackan_doesn't seem something worth spending one's time on, especially when you could improve qvm86 instead12:01
bluefoxicyqvm86 is a GPL'd RE of kqemu, which is support framework for qemu12:02
shackan_I know12:02
shackan_vmplayer is too slow too ?12:02
bluefoxicyvmplayer is not BSD/GPL/LGPL12:02
bluefoxicyI highly doubt they're going to stick that on the LiveCD12:03
shackan_ok, and neither is kqemu12:03
bluefoxicyqvm86 is12:03
shackan_but what's so wrong about kqemu ? it can't be distributed or something ?12:03
bluefoxicykqemu can be, but it'll take money, which can be avoided12:04
bluefoxicyhold on a sec12:04
bluefoxicyThe QEMU Accelerator is free to use, but it is a closed source proprietary product. You are not allowed to distribute it yourself to other people without an explicit authorisation. Distributors wishing to include the QEMU accelerator on CDs, ISO images or packages must contact the author to know the exact terms.12:04
bluefoxicyshackan_:  he is tightly controlling it because he wants a wealthy venture capitalist to rain money down on him12:05
shackan_bluefoxicy, there's nothing wrong with willing to make money from your work :)12:05
bluefoxicyif someone wants to buy it off him that's great; but there's no market for it and nobody's paid him anything yet, and i'm not rich, so I need another route12:06
shackan_so qvm seems the only way, if you have the skill and a lot of time to invest12:07
bluefoxicyshackan_: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.qemu.qvm86/19/focus=19 btw updates qvm86 to be closer to kqemu 1.312:07
=== jelmer [n=jelmer@gwalcmai.vernstok.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shackan_(I still don't buy the idea of emulating live cds)12:08
bluefoxicywhy not12:09
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shackan_because I don't see the issue in rebooting for a sec12:09
bluefoxicyhaving to close all open programs?12:10
bluefoxicyI would hate to reboot right now12:10
bluefoxicymy IRC buffers are full etc etc12:10
bluefoxicyI have dozens of firefox tabs open and such12:10
bluefoxicyAnd I know a lot of people who think LiveCDs will trash your hard disk12:11
bluefoxicyespecially college teachers that have a heart attack when i throw one into a machine12:11
shackan_which is stupid12:11
bluefoxicyI know.12:11

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