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antmanuv | hello | 05:28 |
antmanuv | anyone ? | 05:28 |
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=== bigbopper [n=bill7121@host86-144-211-39.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-java | ||
bigbopper | Hi all... total newbie to Linux and am having LOADS of trouble,everbody says Linux is easy!!! Mmmmm! would take issue with that statment LOL, how the hell do I get a Java Plug -in to work in firefox?? you have to do a Manual Install, Heads up my Arse trying to get it to work!!!! lol help please. | 09:33 |
bigbopper | Am I in this room??? | 09:34 |
tmarble | please start with step 5. here: https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu.html | 09:35 |
tmarble | OR -- simply search for Sun Java in Synaptic (be sure to select the package sun-java5-plugin) | 09:36 |
bigbopper | Hey thanx for the reply , that would be easy in windows but here!!!! am struggling lol will let you know brb | 09:37 |
bigbopper | The Sun Java 5.0 Browser plug-ins there but I cant tick it?? Ive managed to D/L Sun Java 5.0 and install it,will this do and do I have to restart?? | 09:51 |
tmarble | please exit and restart Firefox... then enter this for the URL about:plugins | 10:01 |
bigbopper | Mmmmm Terminal says theres No Java 5 plug in there?? | 10:01 |
bigbopper | Sorry folks but the sun-java5-plugin is not there in Add/Remove or Synaptic?? | 10:35 |
tmarble | you probably have to insure that you have added the multiverse (commercial) component | 10:35 |
bigbopper | Am DAFT I know but I only installed Ubuntu a few hour ago lol | 10:35 |
bigbopper | multiverse (commercial) component???????????? | 10:36 |
tmarble | http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components | 10:37 |
bigbopper | when I was Pre-install I read that the Learning Curve was Steep but worth it!!!!! Bloody Hell !! my heads going round and now More reams of reading! lol think Im going to give up! | 10:38 |
tmarble | gosh, a little more patience gets you very close to software freedom... shame to quit now! | 10:41 |
bigbopper | multiverse (commercial) havent a clue where you find this never mind what it is Or how to set it!! | 10:42 |
tmarble | OK.. starting from Gnome -- pick the System menu, then Administration then Synaptic Package Manager | 10:43 |
tmarble | Then (in Synaptic) choose the menu Settings | Repositories... | 10:44 |
tmarble | you can check all of: universe, main, multiverse, restricted | 10:44 |
tmarble | You will then need to click the Reload button | 10:45 |
tmarble | Type "java5-plugin" in the Search Box | 10:46 |
tmarble | Then check the package sun-java5-plugin for installation | 10:46 |
tmarble | Then click apply... you will get the plugin installed | 10:46 |
tmarble | Then exit/restart Firefox (once that installation is complete) | 10:46 |
tmarble | HTH | 10:46 |
bigbopper | Then check the package sun-java5-plugin for installation. Ok got to here but theres no java5 package showing in synaptic?? | 10:49 |
tmarble | hmmm did you add multiverse? | 10:49 |
bigbopper | hank on they where all ticked! I`ll check brb | 10:51 |
bigbopper | Mmmmm there all ticked and it asks me to reload then says repositers changed but still No java5 | 10:55 |
tmarble | did you reload? | 10:56 |
bigbopper | yes done it 3 times after restarting synaptic and still no java5-plugin listed?? | 10:58 |
bigbopper | Ive done this very thing so many times in windows on forums with newbies know what its like | 10:59 |
bigbopper | sometimes it just will not work!! when it should. thanx for all you help but I give up bye | 11:00 |
tmarble | sorry | 11:00 |
bigbopper | np | 11:01 |
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