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antmanuvanyone ?05:28
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bigbopperHi all... total newbie to Linux and am having LOADS of trouble,everbody says Linux is easy!!! Mmmmm! would take issue with that statment LOL, how the hell do I get a Java Plug -in to work in firefox?? you have to do a Manual Install, Heads up my Arse trying to get it to work!!!!  lol help please.09:33
bigbopperAm I in this room???09:34
tmarbleplease start with step 5. here:  https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu.html09:35
tmarbleOR -- simply search for Sun Java in Synaptic (be sure to select the package sun-java5-plugin)09:36
bigbopperHey thanx for the reply , that would be easy in windows but here!!!! am struggling lol will let you know  brb09:37
bigbopperThe Sun Java 5.0 Browser plug-ins there but I cant tick it?? Ive managed to D/L Sun Java 5.0 and install it,will this do and do I have to restart??09:51
tmarbleplease exit and restart Firefox... then enter this for the URL about:plugins10:01
bigbopperMmmmm Terminal says theres No Java 5 plug in there??10:01
bigbopperSorry folks but the sun-java5-plugin is not there in Add/Remove or Synaptic??10:35
tmarbleyou probably have to insure that you have added the multiverse (commercial) component10:35
bigbopperAm DAFT I know but I only installed Ubuntu a few hour ago lol10:35
bigboppermultiverse (commercial) component????????????10:36
tmarble  http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components10:37
bigbopperwhen I was Pre-install I read that the Learning Curve was Steep but worth it!!!!!  Bloody Hell !! my heads going round and now More reams of reading! lol think Im going to give up! 10:38
tmarblegosh, a little more patience gets you very close to software freedom... shame to quit now!10:41
bigbopper multiverse (commercial) havent a clue where you find this never mind what it is Or how to set it!!10:42
tmarbleOK.. starting from Gnome -- pick the System menu, then Administration then Synaptic Package Manager10:43
tmarbleThen (in Synaptic) choose the menu Settings | Repositories...10:44
tmarbleyou can check all of: universe, main, multiverse, restricted10:44
tmarbleYou will then need to click the Reload button10:45
tmarbleType "java5-plugin" in the Search Box10:46
tmarbleThen check the package sun-java5-plugin for installation10:46
tmarbleThen click apply... you will get the plugin installed10:46
tmarbleThen exit/restart Firefox (once that installation is complete)10:46
bigbopperThen check the package sun-java5-plugin for installation. Ok got to here but theres no java5 package showing in synaptic??10:49
tmarblehmmm  did you add multiverse?10:49
bigbopperhank on they where all ticked! I`ll check brb10:51
bigbopperMmmmm there all ticked and it asks me to reload then says repositers changed but still No java5 10:55
tmarbledid you reload?10:56
bigbopperyes done it 3 times after restarting synaptic and still no java5-plugin listed??10:58
bigbopperIve done this very thing so many times in windows on forums with newbies know what its like 10:59
bigboppersometimes it just will not work!! when it should. thanx for all you help but I give up bye11:00
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