
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
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=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
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wasabi__Keybuk: you around?06:05
Keybukwhat's up?06:05
wasabi__initramfs questions. Trying to boot a system, which seems to be fairly broken. At some point during the initram, the HD's get probed... repeatidly (as indicated by lights blinking on then off for 1 sec on the drives)06:05
wasabi__Trying to pinpoint it06:05
wasabi__break seems to get me there.06:06
wasabi__can I continue after breaking?06:06
Keybukyeah, just exit the shell06:06
wasabi__hmm. gave me a panic last time I tried thta06:06
Keybukwhich release?06:06
wasabi__looks like udev isn't kicking off.06:10
wasabi__it's um... the latest daily. I have this wonderful system here which has an intel d965.06:10
wasabi__So, nothing less than 2.6.18 works on it. ;006:10
wasabi__The problem i was having is the device nodes weren't being created before mdadm ran06:11
wasabi__I ran udevd --daemon;udevtrigger;pkill udevd manually during premount06:11
wasabi__and then exit 0, and it continued, and worked.06:11
_ionThere used to a problem with the run order of udev, lvm and md stuff, but i thought it was already fixed.06:12
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wasabi_yay new working system06:14
Keybukanything to do with lvm, md, evms, etc. is totally busted in feisty :p06:18
wasabi_well, got it working by hand... until i reboot again06:19
=== wasabi_ sticks udevd --daemon; udevtrigger; pkill udevd into local-top/mdadm
=== wasabi_ snicker
Keybukdoesn't it PREREQ="udev" ?06:19
wasabi_Which doesn't exist in local-top06:20
wasabi_udev is now in init-bottom and init-premount.06:20
wasabi_and not in local-top.06:20
Keybukthose happen first06:21
Keybukwell, premount does06:21
wasabi_how do the prereq's work though?06:21
wasabi_Aren't they only within the one script subdir06:21
Keybukwonder if it's looping because udev doesn't exist :p06:21
wasabi_so, the prereq "udev" is unfulfillable.06:21
wasabi_ahh, yeah.06:22
wasabi_it's looping.06:22
wasabi_hence the HD noise. ;006:22
Keybukthat's the bug then06:22
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
treepioTrying to make upstart-0.3.0 but I get alot of errors with: ./configure --prefix=/tree/temp/upstart --sysconfdir=/tree/etc -->some of my errors: make[2] : ***[cfgfile.o]  error 1, + alot of cfgfile errors07:08
Keybuktreepio: we'd need to see the actual errors07:10
treepioon another system, I hatve to type em all :)07:11
Keybukunfortunately we can't see the other system's console, so don't know what they are unless you type them :-/07:11
treepio../nih/io.h:221: warning: 'warn_unused_result' attribute directory ignored07:12
Keybukthat's just a warning07:12
treepiocfgfile.c:880: error: 'RLIMIT_NICE' undeclared (first use in this function)07:13
treepiocfgfile.c:880: error: 'each undeclared identifier is reported only once), cfgfile.c:880: error: for each function it appears in), 07:14
treepiocfgfile.c:880: error: 'RLIMIT_RTPRIO' undeclared (first use in this function)07:15
AlexExtrememissing include?07:15
treepiothose are my 4 errors. Looks like I have made some basic mistake somewhere. alot of warnings and stuff07:15
Keybukwhich version of kernel, glibc and gcc are you using?07:18
AlexExtremedoes /usr/include/bits/resource.h exist for you?07:19
Keybukthose two limits were added in ~2.6.12 and I guess glibc 2.3.607:20
treepioresource.h exist07:21
treepiokernel 2.4.31, gcc 3.3.6 .. checking glibc.07:21
AlexExtreme2.4.31 probably won't work, if they were added in 2.6.1207:22
Keybukyeah, wayyyyy too old version of Linux :)07:24
treepioglibc: 2.3.507:24
AlexExtremedefinitely too old :)07:24
treepiobah :).. I'll boot into another system and try :)07:24
AlexExtremewhat distro are you using, out of curiousity?07:24
treepiothis isslackware07:24
AlexExtremewhich ver?07:24
Keybukupstart needs 2.6.12 or later, gcc 4, glibc 2.4 etc.07:25
Keybukslackware still ships with 2.4 kernel?!07:25
treepiook, let me see what fedora has07:25
AlexExtreme11 ships with 2.6 afaik07:25
AlexExtremebut patrick really didn't want to have 2.6, don't ask me why :/07:25
Keybukupstart isn't much use without 2.6 anyway07:26
treepioprobably because he had to do alot of work :)07:26
Keybukthe entire point is that you'd want to use it with udev07:26
treepioI just want to try and build a system, and decided upstart looked nice, ruby and all.07:26
Keybukmost recent version of Ubuntu, Fedora and SuSE are all suitable07:27
KeybukDebian etch should be as well I believe07:27
treepioI have FC5 on the comp I'm testing with07:27
AlexExtremebtw Keybuk, when will development on all these fancy new upstart features start? ;)07:28
KeybukAlexExtreme: I'm working on some of the lower level library changes at the moment07:28
KeybukI imagine I'll get to upstart next week, and probably do the bulk of them over december07:28
AlexExtremesounds good07:29
treepiokernel: 2.6.18xxx, glibc: 2.4, gcc: 4.1.007:30
AlexExtremealso, how do you get udev to emit events upon device additions/changes? add calls to initctl in the rules files?07:30
AlexExtremetreepio: that should work07:30
treepioAlexExtreme: thanks, I will try again07:31
KeybukAlexExtreme: yeah07:31
KeybukI plan to patch udev to do it directly as well07:31
AlexExtremeand one last question: will the development of the replacement initscripts take place in the respective packages themselves or in a bazaar/cvs/svn/whatever repo?07:32
Keybukdepends for which packages?07:33
Keybukthey'll certainly be shipped inside those07:33
Keybukbut I suspect it'll be sensible to have a bazaar repository of them for people to use07:33
AlexExtremeyes, definitely07:33
treepioIt's hard to learn the basics of linux..07:33
treepioNo errors this time though, thanks.07:34
treepiocan I jsut take the example files and throw in event.d and just change the disk layout?07:37
AlexExtremethe example files are for ubuntu07:39
Keybukreplacing the init daemon of your system is quite a big undertaking for a novice07:41
treepioI have made my disk layout, fstab and inittab. now I decided to try upstart(looks nice). do I have to reqrite everything ?07:41
treepioKeybuk: you got it right. I am a nivice in this field.. so I decided to learn it.. Have to start somewhere07:42
Keybukto do upstart properly, you'd need to write everything to boot your machine, yes07:42
Keybuk(in particular, upstart doesn't use inittab)07:42
treepioProblem is that upstart is so new, it's hard to find any info on it.07:42
Keybukit's still being developed07:42
Keybukwe're only just at the point where we're about to begin replacing init scripts with upstart jobs07:43
treepioWill I need to change much to have it work on my new system?. or should I just get the old unix or messy sysvinit stuff? (I will have to learn that too, so why not learn the good looking upstart)07:43
treepioWouldn't it be nice to have 17 people in here instead of 16 ;)07:44
treepioEspecially because I want to learn ruby too07:45
Keybukif you're installing a Linux machine from scratch, without any distribution, I'd definitely start with upstart07:45
Keybukit's just as useful as sysvinit today07:45
treepioKeybuk: the other inits got alot of help and howtos. Can you help me with the files I will need to change ?07:45
treepioFor a start maby help me to find out how many and what files need changing07:46
KeybukI'm confused a little07:46
treepioAbout what07:46
Keybukare you taking an existing installation of Linux and attempting to modify it to use upstart07:46
Keybukor are you trying to build a Linux install from scratch?07:46
treepioI'm using an existing distro to make a new07:46
Keybukright, so you're modifying an existing installation?07:47
treepiono, I have made a seperate partition with empty dirs added fstab inittab and so.07:47
Keybukah I see07:47
Keybukthe first thing is you need to throw away that inittab file07:48
Keybukinstead you'd need to write /etc/event.d files to match what you originally put in there07:48
treepioI'm a pretty good sysadmin if I should say it myself.. but this, the basics are really hard.07:48
treepioProbably easy once I have made it work just once..07:48
=== AlexExtreme sits and waits while KDE SVN builds...
Keybukyou'd need to write shell scripts to check and mount the disks, etc.07:48
Keybukall the usual boot-time tasks07:49
treepioKeybuk: I can just change a few parameters in the example jobs right. I don't need something fancy. I just want to have it working and end up with a prompt someday.. then I can check and learn the scripts07:50
Keybukthe example jobs are based on the Debian / Ubuntu inittab07:50
Keybukyou'd need to tweak them to match a different distribution (init is gloriously inconsistent)07:50
Keybukthat'd make sure that the existing SysV scripts (/etc/rc*.d and /etc/init.d) are still run07:50
treepioI will try to look up an inittab from debian/ubuntu07:51
treepioDo I need those?, just removed the rc.d folder I had set up .. :)07:51
Keybukyou don't need them07:51
Keybukbut you do need what they did07:51
Keybukif you don't want the rc.d scripts, you'd need to rewrite them as /etc/event.d jobs07:52
treepioThanks, I want it real basic. don't care about compatibility .07:52
Keybuktbh, if you wanted a REALLY quick start ...07:52
Keybukyou only need one file in /etc/event.d07:52
Keybukon startup07:52
Keybukrespawn /bin/bash07:52
AlexExtremepff :)07:52
treepiohuh? :)07:53
Keybukthat'd give you a root shell, and keep it running07:53
treepioI want that.07:53
AlexExtremeyou can just put init=/bin/bash on the kernel command line for that!07:53
KeybukAlexExtreme: true, but then it wouldn't be upstart supervised07:53
AlexExtremealthough, that wouldn't respawn it and it would kernel panic when the shell exits :p07:53
AlexExtremeoh, and you'd need console owner ;)07:54
_ion    ;-)07:54
treepioNo more panics, got enough problems with my cpu fan I died up with speaker cables.. the retention bracket is broken in all 4 corners :) so I tied it up with wires.. complains about heat problems.. hehe07:54
_iontreepio: Upstart isn't made in Ruby, it's C code.07:55
Keybuk_ion: cute07:55
_ionWouldn't that example also need 'console owner', btw? :-)07:56
AlexExtremei said that ;)07:57
=== _ion is blind.
treepiorebuilding upstart to the right location dunno why I made it in /tree/temp. :)07:58
Keybukuse --prefix=usr/ --exec-prefix=/ --sysconfdir=/etc08:00
Keybukthen install with make DESTDIR=/tree install08:00
Keybukthat'll do the right thing08:00
treepiook built and ready.08:00
Keybuklikewise for things like libc, etc.08:00
Keybuk(admittedly, if I were building a Linux from scratch, I would do away with /usr <g>)08:00
treepioI did: ./configure prefix=/tree/usr sysconfdir=/tree/etc   (where /tree is a mounted partition)08:01
Keybuktreepio: the problem with that is that upstart will be looking for /tree when it boots08:01
Keybukwhich won't exist if you mount that partition as the root08:01
Keybuk(/tree/usr will become /usr)08:01
AlexExtreme./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --exec-prefix=/ && make clean && make && make DESTDIR=/tree install08:02
treepioI will just rm -rf stuff again08:02
treepioAlexExtreme, Thanks08:02
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
treepioI will get on to installing bash, etc etc. Thanks for all your help so far.08:37
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