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smaggardhow come kubuntu doesnt have the new firefox 2.0 in package manager yet?12:15
smaggardi fetched updates too...12:16
SchuenemannI believe edgy does12:16
billytwowillybecause it's in edgy...12:16
billytwowillyupdate to new kubuntu...12:16
SchuenemannI installed it in dapper, though12:16
smaggardso u mean a new kubuntu comes out and they stop updating packages for the old one?12:16
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smaggarddinners ready bbl12:17
billytwowillyafaik they never updated the packages in old kubuntu at all.  Just security updates.12:17
billytwowillyyou must hav a backports repository to get backports12:17
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smaggardso i guess everybody updates12:17
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billytwowillyand those aren't supported by canonical, which probably won't matter to you that much.12:17
billytwowillywell, if you don't want to update see if it is in backports12:18
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Schuenemannsmaggard: I followed a step-by-step tutorial on how to install fx 2, but I can't access web now to find it again12:18
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Goofy_OS2I have Kubuntu v6.10_x64 installed. After a shutdown it will not boot completly. I get message on the screen like: /etc/rcS.d/S20checkroot.sh: 407: readlink: Permissions denied and more lines like Cannot initilaize /etc/mtab or Unable to execute /bin/sh for rc.default... Any idea how to fix?12:24
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RoKFiTI need an ftp applicatoin12:26
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cntbsetxkbmap -option grp:lswitch,grp:lalt_toggle,caps:shift_lock,grp_led:scroll,numpad:microsoft,grp:alt_shift_toggle12:26
cntbcntb> alt+shift  wont change language12:27
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aleksanterihey has anyone got a link to a page which has the konsole commands?12:28
cox377can anyone recommend a way to speed up kubuntu???12:28
pablo7cos377: don't run kde.12:29
cox377pablo7: Ummm what do u mean? any recommendations?12:30
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Goofy_OS2I have Kubuntu v6.10_x64 installed. After a shutdown it will not boot completly. I get message on the screen like: /etc/rcS.d/S20checkroot.sh: 407: readlink: Permissions denied and more lines like Cannot initilaize /etc/mtab and Unable to execute /bin/sh for rc.default... Any idea how to fix?12:31
UncleDrugpablo7:  close IRC12:31
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cox377UncleDrug: how come?12:31
UncleDrugcox377: sarcasm12:32
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cox377UncleDrug: kk12:32
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wordhow do you re do the mbr for grub after winders overwrites it?12:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:35
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pablo7cox377: you could try another window manager (like ratpoison), maybe just use the console.12:37
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pablo7UncleDrug: thanks for the advice.12:38
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SchalkenHow would one go about changing a 60GB reiserfs partition to ext3 without loosing it's data?12:43
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aleksanteriyeah has anyone got a page to konsole commands?12:49
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doppelganger_hey guys, i'm trying to install vmware-workstation now after having used the free vmware player for a while12:49
doppelganger_it says it won't install because there is another vmware installed12:50
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doppelganger_but i've gone through adept and removed all packages12:50
gilt<Schalken> a very good question but a very small answer to that try!!!:)12:50
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LordOliveranyone here work with 56k modem compatibility12:50
Schalkengilt: that would mean just format it which will erase the data :O12:51
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gilt<Schalken> Just transfer the data to another harddisk and format to reisure filesystem12:52
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Schalkengilt: i dont have another disk :(12:52
giltcopy to dvd12:52
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IronMHi Kano12:53
IronMgood evening12:53
Schalken60gb/4gb=15 dvds!12:53
LordOliverSchalken: I assume you are backing up windows data, yes?12:53
giltno other option because some much data but there is no solution other than this in your situation12:54
LordOliveror data that is accessed via a Win* OS12:54
SchalkenLordOliver: no...its my linux home partition.12:54
LordOliverthat sucks12:54
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LordOliverI am recovoring from a format myself12:54
gilt<lordoliver what modem you were talking about12:55
Schalkenactually...if i delete my windows partition and my root partition, i will have enough room to copy the reiserfs partition, format the original to ext3, and copy the data over...12:56
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Schalkenbut then i have to reinstall widows which is a pain in the ass :(12:56
LordOlivergilt: well, it seems from what I have read a linmodem is non existant for my architecture (or at least elusive, highly) I am looking at maybe a US ROBOTICS usb modem and I was just wondering if it would be compatible without alot of work12:56
drackalgun latino12:57
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giltwait a moment let me check12:58
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LordOlivergilt: ok12:58
gilt<loroliver is it conexant based chip12:59
drackyap alo12:59
LordOlivergilt: that ain't good12:59
gilt<you mean u have tried the linuxant driver01:00
LordOliveroh well, I guess I can use my old dell as a modem network server and connect it to my lappy via wireless01:00
LordOlivergilt: yes01:00
gilt<there r two versions of the linuxant driver: free versus licenced..which one u tried01:01
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giltfree only gives 14.4k01:01
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giltlicencedversion will give full speed01:01
LordOlivergilt: so I have to buy an external modem and then buy a driver to use said modem? I thought they were supposed to be pnp01:02
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giltwell it is linux and you know vendors..they all go for microsoft stuff<:01:03
LordOliverthat blows01:04
billytwowillyand that is why vista is the best thing for linux since sliced bread. It's poorly compatible with previous apps, so it gives a compelling reason to switch.01:04
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billytwowillyMore switchers = more market share = more drivers01:04
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ThePubis there a way to reliably setup kwin to have all windows centered on display 1?  center doesn't seem to do it.01:05
LordOliverbillytwowilly: hmmm... that'd be nice01:05
malik_hi guyz can some one tell me how to increase the time of the bubble which apears above an icon giving its description?01:06
billytwowillymalik_: doesn't it just stay if you don't move the  mouse off the icon?01:06
LordOliverbillytwoworth: I believe it collapses in like 10 seconds01:06
gilti agree  with billtwowilly01:06
coreymon77i cant get a krfb thing working01:06
coreymon77he sends me the invite01:06
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coreymon77i open it01:07
coreymon77and it says that there is no server operating at that host and port01:07
billytwowillyk, then I have no idea how to fix your problem malik;) And here I thought I was being all smart and stuff;)01:07
RawSewageQuestion:  I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  then ESC before finishing.  now it says it's locked.  how can I unlock it01:07
coreymon77i mean01:07
BluesKajgood question malik_, I've been wondering that myself ,and i'm a pretty fast reader...collapses in more like 3 secs01:07
RawSewageI already tried sudo dpkg --configure -a01:07
coreymon77connection failed. no server running at the given adress and port01:08
malik_no it disappears after abt 3 or 4 second .............im specially talkin abt time clock in the task bar coz i have added few timezones n its bubble is not long enuf to let me chk out all the time zones01:08
LordOliverthis is probably a #D question, but has anyhere tried/installed the D compiler?01:08
gilthello everybody...can anbody tell me where to get video 4 linyx 2 with framework version 2.001:08
BluesKajor read whats playing on streamtuner thru xmms01:09
billytwowillyoooh.. one better than c;) but is it better than C++? how much awesome do the two plus signs give?01:09
malik_yeppers u r right mate.......but whats the remedy?............any idea guyz?01:09
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LordOlivermalik_: I just timed it 8 seconds01:10
RawSewage /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process01:10
RawSewageHow do I unlock it01:10
billytwowillyit collapses fast on edgy.. darn.01:10
BluesKajI think it's in system settings/ window behavior...but I'm not sure what control it is , malik_01:11
LordOliverbillytwowilly: nope, I am on edgy, 8 seconds01:11
LordOlivermaybe it is processor specific01:11
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malik_in my installtion its just abt 4 esc plus im slow.................:(........okie i ll have a look01:11
billytwowillyLordOliver:  are you on some weird euro version?;) I swear it is 3 seconds here. I just timed it.01:11
malik_plus how do u send me the msg in red?............sorry if it sounds too stupid but i dont know how to use things in irc?01:12
moS-uu /msg NickServ IDENTIFY01:12
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LordOliverbillytwowilly: x86_64 from the good 'ol USof A01:12
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cntb->   /msg NickServ IDENTIFY Pa5sw0rD moS-uu01:13
coreymon77malik_:  type the persons name you want it to appear red to and then a : infront of your message01:13
LordOliveror a ',' works01:13
cntbnp malik01:13
billytwowillyLordOliver: i386 that's weird that it is different though. Are you using beryl or something? Mine's just the default install.. oh wait, update from breezy, so maybe that is breezy's setting..01:13
cntbmalik_, np01:13
malik_thanx gyz01:14
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LordOliverbillytwowilly: I was going to use Beryl, but the install seems like too much work for so little reward01:14
LordOliverjust like trying to NDIS wrapper in Zod01:15
LordOliver*to install01:15
billytwowillyLordOliver: it's probably a breezy setting then01:15
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LordOliverbillytwowilly: you ever try making Beryl work?01:16
BluesKajit's a bitch with ATI cards , LordOliver ...ben trying all day off and on but I keep getting the message that XGL isn't found ..01:18
ThePubLordOliver: none of the composite servers are worth the time, unless you only use a desktop like a show car :)01:18
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ThePubBluesKaj: I read somewhere that the ATI driver doesn't support compositing.01:18
moS-uuhm, what happend to /etc/inittab in edgy, does someone know?01:19
galathalionanyone got a sombrerohat for sale+01:19
LordOliverThePub: I spend 90% of my time in the terminal01:19
BluesKajwell, ThePub you may be right but in the wkis there are some who claim it works01:19
LordOliverBluesKaj: ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M :(01:20
BluesKajyup, LordOliver01:20
LordOliverThePub: hmmm... making it look pretty is always nice :)01:20
BluesKajmanaged to get direct rendering tow ork but that was it01:20
ThePubLordOliver: it can look pretty without wiggly though windows surely?01:21
LordOliverThePub: of course, just gotta watch out of themes that say "Best with Beryl" or crazy shit happens01:21
ThePuber.. swap that "though" and "windows", then add a comma after them.01:21
LordOliverThePub: I got it... I normally hang out at ##C so I have seem some horrible 3 graderish typing01:22
LordOliverthough I would like it to look like Mac OSX01:23
ThePubLordOliver: I suppose that is a bonus, being compared to third grade writing!01:23
ThePubSo buy a mac? :)01:23
LordOliverThePub: can't stand the OS, just like how it looks :)01:23
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LordOliverThePub: I have a Mac anyhow01:26
sdlnxgkanyone know how to set an environment variable for BROSWER????01:27
BluesKajdaughter just bought an refurb'd IMAC tiger for her graphics work01:27
ThePubLordOliver: I'm not too infatuated with the various versions of osX UI.. grew up on MacOS and the new operating system is a poor excuse for an apple creation imo.01:27
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LordOliverThePub: I am running 8.3(?) on my MAC01:32
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jetchrmm...windows effect for beryl don't work01:34
EndlerDoes anyone have kilot working properly in 6.10?  My snyc stops at 30%.  Read it was a bug in the KDE 3.5.5 version, that's been patched in the CVS.  It there an edgy package available somewhere?01:35
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EndlerHello guest.01:36
Sergi0hi reallylinuxn00b01:36
reallylinuxn00bI recently installed Kubuntu, and have a broadcom wifi network card (linksys). I need to know how to install it.01:36
malik_guyz still no luck with finding a way to increase the duration of popup bubble in kubuntu..................any idea where can i find it?01:37
EndlerI've never installed a broadcom based card, but most wireless cards turn out being a pain in the ass to install under Linux.  It's one of it's Achilles heals, unfortunately, so don't expect it to be too easy..01:40
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EndlerI guess everyone has started their weekend and is out having fun.  It's usually a lot busier in here.01:42
notechreallylinuxn00b: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:43
LordOliverreallylinuxn00b: install automatix2 then download then google your broadcom and download that it is really easy in kubuntu01:43
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:44
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LordOliverLjL: automatix2 works damn good for installing the NDIS wrapper01:44
notechbroadcom shouldn't be much of a problem using ndiswrapper01:44
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Amorityhas anyone had a problem where when they connect a USB device, it is recognized and asks what you wish to do, but after you select open in new window, it doesnt do anything? I dont why this has been happening lately :S01:44
LjLalright i'm not even gonna argue01:45
notechLordOliver: but why use something so risky when it's pretty simple following the docs?01:45
LordOlivernotech: not motivated to do it the hard way when the easy way works just fine01:46
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notechLordOliver: guess you never looked at the docs, its not hard01:46
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danychouinardI've been able to enable my TVOUT on my HP laptop, how do I quickly switch to a lower resolution?01:46
LordOlivernotech: plus, it was a fresh install so what was the worse to happen, I spend 20 minutes installing it again?01:46
Amorityno one has ever encountered my USB mounting problem?01:47
LordOliverAmority: I don't know what is up... is the usb device on the desktop?01:47
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notechLordOliver: whatever, but might be noce if you were to warn people about these risky apps when you suggest them. others may not want to reinstall01:47
AmorityLordOliver, no it isnt. Lately when I connect a USB device, it will pop up asking what I want to do. After that it does nothing. The icon doesnt even appear anymore and the device isnt found in 'storage media'01:48
LordOliverAmority: I am assuming just a small usb storage device?01:49
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AmorityFor the most part, yes. Im also trying to connect my Camera, which (in the past) would be recognized like a USB storage device01:49
danychouinardAmority: Anything in dmesg?01:49
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LordOlivernotech: if I am to warn people of all the dangers in the world, I would be busy for along time01:49
Amoritydanychouinard, .. what do you mean dmesg? sorry Im still new. Is that a command?01:50
LordOliverAmority: try and find out01:50
Amorityok :D01:50
LordOliverAmority: at least man it01:50
Amorityit says :01:51
Amority[17217221.792000]  usb-storage: device scan complete01:51
Amority[17217341.556000]  usb 1-1: USB disconnect, address 201:51
LordOliverif I am playing Mr Saftey always man a new command before use01:51
danychouinardamority : try and find out :)  But do it in a konsolne01:51
Amoritythere's more to it but thats all i could find that had USB in it01:51
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LordOliverwow, that is one short man page01:51
AmorityLordOliver :P i just pasted the bottom01:52
LordOliverAmority: no I just man'ed "dmesg"01:52
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notechLordOliver: that's pathetic. do whatever you want, you can always change nicks or something after helping a few destroy their systems. i'v got no more to say.01:52
Amorityis there a mount command that I can use?01:53
EndlerI've used automatix on two systems   without any issues.01:53
LordOliverAmority: for future refrence to learn about a command use man <command>01:54
Amorityok thanks LordOliver01:54
Amoritywoah :D I see now01:54
LordOlivernotech: is it safe to use "man" or should I war people about the power of knowledge also?01:55
LordOliverAmority: if there is also info <command> sometimes it has different info01:55
Amorityok thanks :D01:55
LordOliverno problem01:56
notechLordOliver: stupid question since using man to learn a command will not possibly destroy a system.01:56
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danychouinardI'm in KDE, should I be able to quickly witch resolution?01:56
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LordOlivernotech: what if the command they learn causes massive system failure?01:57
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mike-linuxwhere do I find all needed codecs etc/01:57
mike-linuxwhat repo?01:57
Amorityuniverse and multiverse i think01:57
mike-linuxok I am new to kubuntu01:58
notechLordOliver: user error, not caused by using a risky app. now please quit using my nick. i do not agree with advising risky apps with no warning and never will, you do.01:58
malik_yes multiverse n universe01:58
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB01:58
mike-linuxand vlc,w32,jre all in there?01:58
danychouinardme bad, sorry.  I only have one resolution listed in my xorg.conf, I guess my ctrl-alt-minus would be working now.01:58
LordOliverit is the wrong time of the month for someone I see01:59
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malik_but for jr u need to follow the instructions on the ubuntu or kubuntu hel pages01:59
reallylinuxn00bhi. I'm still having trouble installing my wifi card driver.01:59
malik_plus u dont really need to install jre on kubuntu02:00
mike-linuxfor frostwire02:00
LordOlivermalik_: some Java IDE's require it02:00
Alter-Egoin kontact, there is a spot for locality and region, where does state fall in this ?02:01
malik_okie then if u need it(jre) follow simple instruction on help pages of ur distro02:01
fangoriousthe livecd isn't displaying in 1680x1050, even though it put that as the default res in xorg.conf (and it is the native res of my display)02:01
LordOliverAlter-Ego: I would assume region02:01
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mike-linuxcan I save /home?02:03
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ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.02:03
LordOlivermike-linux: what do you mean?02:03
LordOliverit should say "poorly supporting MSN"02:03
CaBlGuYhow would I go about upgrading gaim?02:04
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mike-linuxwhen installing I would like to save /home  petition02:04
LordOliverCaBlGuy: download the new one, and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file02:05
CaBlGuYLordOliver:  k..02:05
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EndlerIt makes life a lot easier if you use a separate partition for home.02:06
LordOliverCaBlGuY: to keep various people around here happy... there are risks associated with Gaim02:06
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mike-linuxEndler: I have from a prevoius install02:06
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mike-linuxand would like to save it ,:and in debian etch installer02:07
EndlerOh, then upgrading shouldn't be a problem.  Just make sure you tell the installer to mount, but not format your home partition02:07
mike-linuxEndler: cheers02:07
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mike-linuxbrb 20 min ,,,install02:08
CaBlGuYLOL   yea, I  kinda know that already LordOliver, thanks anyway..  ;-)02:08
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danychouinardI'm back, I was not able to switch xorg resolution after all02:10
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LordOliverthat sucks... I am too risky to help though ;)02:11
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danychouinardWhen I was on ubuntu 5.10, I had that switch resolution application.  Is there something similar in KDE?02:13
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thill2708how do I get my program into the repositories?02:15
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crimsunthill2708: see the topic in #ubuntu-motu02:15
CaBlGuYok, how do I install the gaim .rpm package?02:15
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crimsunCaBlGuY: why not use the included version in the repository? You can use adept, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, dselect to install it02:16
LordOliverdanychouinard: there is a resapplet in the repositories02:16
CaBlGuYI got 1.5 already installed, I wanna upgrade to 2.002:16
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crimsunCaBlGuY: which kubuntu release are you using?02:17
danychouinardLordOliver: looking.  thanks02:17
CaBlGuYummm   6.0 I think...02:17
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crimsunCaBlGuY: ``lsb_release -r''02:17
LordOliverdanychouinard: but, I am forced to tell, you that it may not be safe ;-)02:17
danychouinardI almost asked :D02:17
LordOliverdanychouinard: I installed and it seems cool on my system though02:18
gatorI dont want to interupt - so Ill ask and then wait for someone to respond - Ive a little question about an nvidia graphics card...any help would be greatly appriciated...02:18
danychouinardIs the a way to query the package description beforehand - in case it is not safe for example?02:18
danychouinardfrom the CLI of course02:19
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danychouinardgator:just ask02:19
CaBlGuYcrimsun:  should I just get the Ubuntu upgrade?02:19
noiesmo!ask | gator02:20
ubotugator: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:20
CaBlGuYgator:  do you have drivers installed yet?02:20
crimsunCaBlGuY: gaim hasn't been backported to 6.0602:20
gatorI dont know what driver to use - I go through the vid setup - and I see drivers for my card - but the system says its a diff one...Im afraid if I change it, it might fart on me....02:20
gatorI think I do....02:20
gatorIt says nv02:20
CaBlGuYgator:  do you get the Nvidia splash screen when u boot??02:21
noiesmogator, open konsole type lspci | grep VGA02:21
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gatorwell maybe02:21
CaBlGuYK, u aint got them installed02:21
gatordo you mean the text at the top showing the specs....02:21
noiesmogator, that will tell you what card you have02:21
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CaBlGuYcrimsun:  so, upgrade Ubuntu then..  yes?02:21
mike-linuxI am unable to install!02:22
=== noiesmo uses envy to install nvidia drivers
gatoryep - I actually still have the box - it says its a geforce fx 5500 but the sys says its an geforce 402:22
crimsunCaBlGuY: I wouldn't do that just to get a newer version of gaim.02:22
CaBlGuYgator:  OK, u got the same card I do.02:22
noiesmogator, check this its the easiest it downloads the latest driver of the net or you can use the nvidoia-glx from repos02:22
CaBlGuYcrimsun:  well, I need to upgrade my Ubuntu anyway..   to get the new bells n wistles..  :p02:22
mike-linuxMy lcd screen gets muddled during install?02:23
CaBlGuY!tell gator about glxr02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glxr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
CaBlGuY!tell gator about glx02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:23
CaBlGuYdangit..  :/02:23
gatorwhich works best - -plus should I try the ones listed - Im running kubuntu 6.1002:23
noiesmogator, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html <-- link to download site the apps on launchpad also02:23
LordOlivermike-linux: is it truly LCD?02:23
mike-linux1024x768 lcd=yes02:24
danychouinardLordOliver:resapplet is cool, worked pretty well.  Only complaining about ESD (I'm of course running artsd)02:24
mike-linux60 Htz02:24
CaBlGuY!Nvidia drivers02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Nvidia drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
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noiesmogator, I just installed 9631 it took like 10 minutes including 6 minutes for my download driver02:24
LordOliverdanychouinard: :-) my shady applets do work02:24
gatorThts from that link?02:24
noiesmogator, http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=2006120901061438002:25
LordOliverdanychouinard: rofl, some people are just stupid02:25
CaBlGuYgator:  don't pay attention to anything I'm doin.. I'm just tryin to remeber.. :p02:25
CaBlGuYListen to noiesmo..  ;)02:25
LordOliverhas anyone ever installed D compiler on edgy?02:25
gatorokay - Ill give it a run...thanks, Ill come back and let you know if I can....lol02:26
crimsunLordOliver: yes, it required a fair bit of work, but it's certainly feasible.02:26
CaBlGuYgator:  if you get the driver installed right..  you'll know..  ;)02:26
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gatorcool thnks again....ltr02:26
LordOlivercrimsum: damn, I was hoping for the quick and dirty02:26
CaBlGuYc-ya o/02:26
noiesmogator, just check my site notes02:26
LordOlivercrimsun: damn, I was hoping for the quick and dirty02:26
=== noiesmo wonders how to get info on envy to bot
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danychouinardLordOliver: anyway, I did not follow what append first, but I know that one cannot complain for not doing there homework.02:27
CaBlGuYeeewww    quick n dirty..   just like the street walkers..   :p02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
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crimsunnoiesmo: use standard blootbot syntax02:27
noiesmohow can we add envy to bot02:27
LordOlivercrimsun: did you ever find a kubuntu friendly IDE for D?02:27
crimsunenvy is blahblahblah02:27
crimsunLordOliver: I'm an nvi user.02:28
malik_LordOliver: is it possible to have restore session or restore a closed tab function of opera in konqueror?.........or there exists any extension for konqueror?02:28
noiesmocrimsun, I havent done before sorry dont know howto02:28
crimsunnoiesmo: what is envy?02:28
LordOlivermalik_: Opera works fine under kubuntu02:28
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BluesKajI like opera at times for something different , and itworks very well02:29
noiesmocrimsun, envy is a pearl script that install's nvidia drivers from nvidia very easy02:29
noiesmocrimsun, i used it and it works great02:30
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malik_LordOliver:i tried opera but it didnt detect any multimedia plugins n i tried alotta different packages n ways, wasting my time for abt a wk b4 i got rid of it coz it wont play any thing off of the internet.02:30
noiesmocrimsun, here's the home page http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html02:30
noiesmocrimsun, project is registared on launchpad02:31
noiesmocrimsun, https://launchpad.net/products/envy02:31
SupremeBeingcrimsun: Hey I remember you =) my name before was ColonelKernel :)02:31
BluesKajone of best test of a browser for plugins is youtube , yahoo, amazon music sites02:31
malik_otherwise it was faster than konqueror n displays webfonts better02:32
LordOlivermalik_: firefox?02:32
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crimsunubotu: envy is a Perl script that eases installation of the official Nvidia drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy02:33
LordOlivercrimsun: don't forget the inherent risks involving scripts02:33
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=== ScottA [n=Guest970@c-71-228-28-248.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ScottACan anyone help me set up my wireless LAN?02:34
malik_LordOliver:firefox starts crashing alot and becomes slow after i install all the extensions to have all the features  of opera.............konqueror is working grately just one fucntion is missing which is restore closed tab or last session of tabs. if u r a programmer cant u guyz make some code into it n make it easy for all of us :)02:34
ScottAwell, connect to my existing lan.02:34
SupremeBeingScottA: sure02:35
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ScottAI recently installed Kubuntu, and need to install the drivers for my wifi card, but don't know how.02:35
Jucatomalik_: you can somewhat imitate the "last session of tabs" in Konqueror, but you have to do it manually...02:35
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SupremeBeingScottA: Are you sure you need to install the drivers?  I never have had to02:35
SupremeBeingScottA: Have you tried simply using Wireless Assistant?02:36
LordOliverhmm... malik_, I am using firefox and it is fast enough, but I will look at konq for you02:36
ScottAWireless Assistant doesn't recognize a connection02:36
ScottAits a linksys card02:36
ScottAit works fine in windows.02:36
SupremeBeingScottA: Mine's linksys too.  Hmm, is your network encrypted?02:36
malik_jucato: how do we do that?............can u point me in the right direction?02:36
ScottAhow did you get yours to work?02:36
LordOliverScottA: kcontrol and is eth0 disabled?02:36
SupremeBeingScottA: I just opened Wireless assistant and hit refresh, found my network, connected02:37
ScottAeth0 is disables.02:37
Jucatomalik_: Settings -> Save View Profile will save the opened tabs (make sure the "Save URLs in profile" option is enabled)02:37
SupremeBeingis it pci or usb?02:37
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HabaKKukim looking for english native speakers02:39
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SupremeBeingPlenty here :)02:39
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HabaKKukare u one of them ?02:40
malik_Jucato: yes thats true but that is like a backup....................personally i still love opera n god knows i crave for it. its way faster than other browsers02:40
LordOlivermalik_ that is true, it is just not supported well/at all02:40
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Jucatoremember I said you can "imitate"? I didn't say it was exactly the same02:41
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malik_LordOliver: yes i know and i cant understand why the linux community doesnt like opera?02:41
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Jucatomalik_: 2 words: closed source02:42
hansmalik_: is opera open source?02:42
LordOlivermalik_: I think it may be too sunish for them linux people have unix/sun nightmares ;-)02:42
=== CaBlGuY leaves.. o/
Jucatoanyway, the whole linux community doesn't "doesn't like" opera02:42
pacmanwhat's the easiest way to move a folder from my buddies linux server to my computer02:43
SupremeBeingFirefox is only about 8 million times better02:43
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Jucatomostly just those who are really conscious about free/open source software02:43
malik_well opera has on their website different packages for nearly all the major linux flavours so im guessing on some level it is open source or free to use02:43
hansmalik_: and by the way, for me it's not just that opera is closed source there are better open source browsers available02:43
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Jucatomalik_: free as in free beer, not free/open source02:43
Jucatotbh, though, opera is good02:44
larson999i like opera but it seems like it's not as friendly to some of the 'wild' code out there.02:44
Jucatoand one of the best when it comes to mobile browsers02:44
mike-linuxI get a pink screen when trying to install02:44
mike-linuxfine line02:44
hansopera is great, firefox is better with the plugins02:44
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SupremeBeingFirefox + NoScript = God02:45
larson999i'd prefer opera if a few of the sites i use worked better with it.02:45
hansand addblock plus02:45
SupremeBeingthat too  :) adblock is great02:45
Jucatoanyway... it's all about choice. you have a choice, so there02:45
SupremeBeingand the web developer plugin is wonderful02:45
Jucatogetting close to being -offtopic here02:45
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SupremeBeingit's tangently related, all good02:46
hansand flashblock02:46
SupremeBeingubotu left the server?!02:46
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mike-linuxanyone else had probs installing/02:46
SupremeBeingmike-linux: installing what?02:46
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com02:46
hansmike-linux: lots of ppl have had problems02:46
SupremeBeingmike-linux: are you using a downloaded iso or a ship-it cd?02:47
mike-linuxI get a pink screen early innto the install process02:47
mike-linuxiso is good02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about left the server?! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
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malik_hans: any suggestions other than firefox which will work in kubuntu............. already using konqueror but not gr8ly impressed ..........tho it gets the job done..............but missing  good mouse gestures n restoring closed tabs02:47
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hanskonquerror malik_02:48
hansnot much else02:48
Jucatomalik_: mouse gestures in KDE are global. they don't apply only to Konqueror02:48
larson999malik_ you looking for a browser?02:48
mike-linuxSupremeBeing: downloaded02:49
SupremeBeingmike-linux: Did you run checksums?02:49
hansmalik_: but by all means use opera02:49
mike-linuxall good02:49
mike-linuxfine live02:49
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malik_well i suppose one can use opera but then again for multimedia files i wud have to use konquerror........so its kinda pain02:50
Jucatokonqueror also has a crash recovery plugin. and like I said earlier, you can manually save opened tabs. those 2 are enough for me to match Firefox's/Opera's similar features02:50
Jucatoapokryphos: huh?02:50
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apokryphosJucato: problems with ubotu, so got a temporary replacement -- Ubotwo02:50
LordOliverkate': not bad... maybe not so good for me to pause Casino Royale, but not bad :-)02:50
Jucatoapokryphos: ah no wonder that clone is there.... :)02:50
LordOliveroops, wrong channel02:51
larson999malik_ why can't you use opera for mulitmedia files?  there's also seamonky, mozilla.02:51
LordOliverseamonky is scary02:51
SupremeBeingI hate seamonkey02:51
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SupremeBeingit's like Firefox for retarded people02:51
SupremeBeingjk lol02:52
shadowhywindstupid question, how does one remount a file-system as rewriteable from the konsole02:52
LordOliverman mount02:52
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hansremount -o rw ??02:52
LordOliverman remount02:53
LordOliverit ain't that hard02:53
=== SupremeBeing didn't know how to do it, and he's a freakin supreme being =D
larson999i like seamonkey and mozilla for some things02:53
malik_larson999: i cudnt figure out how to make opera detect multimedia plugins n play video files off the net altho it was playin youtube files but bbc and npr.org and sydney morning herald n couple other ethnic sites were not working at all02:53
=== digitalfreedom [n=beau@pool-71-254-73-254.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
SupremeBeingmalik_: That's because Firefox is better XD02:53
larson999malik_: oh?  i thought all i did was the same thing i did to get them to play in ff02:54
digitalfreedommy firefox hngs up sometimes loading pages02:54
mf_debianmount -o remount,rw /dev/something02:54
SupremeBeingdigitalfreedom: Don't blame the browser =P probably ur lack of connection speed and/or RAM02:54
hansmf_debian: yep thats it02:54
digitalfreedomon the mandriva boards i here ppl speak of a "cooker" real fast could some tell what this "cooker" is?02:55
mf_debiandigitalfreedom: same as sid02:55
larson999cooker is kinda lik edgy02:55
digitalfreedomok now if i knew what sid was..id be happy02:55
mf_debianno edgy is stable now02:55
malik_may be i stuffed up somewhere but thing is no one on those days was free to help i asked for help alot but no answer so i tried alotta stuff on my own n it didnt really worked02:55
mf_debiansid == still in development, debian unstable branch02:56
malik_cooker is the apt-get of mandriva far as i know02:56
digitalfreedomdewd if got 1 gig of ram and i connect t 3306 ok its not me02:56
digitalfreedomfirefox hangs and thats the end of it02:56
larson999cooker is kinda like the next edgy :)02:56
digitalfreedomhmmmmm neat02:57
malik_larson999: may be i stuffed up somewhere but thing is no one on those days was free to help i asked for help alot but no answer so i tried alotta stuff on my own n it didnt really worked02:57
malik_larson999: are u using opera?02:57
shadowhywinddoes my fstab have to have rw in it?02:57
digitalfreedomrw ?02:58
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mf_debianshadowhywind: no02:58
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mf_debianshadowhywind: defaults is fine for most partitions02:58
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shadowhywindbecause i am doing mount -o ro /dev/hda1 and it still comes back as read-only file system02:59
mf_debianro == read only rw == read write02:59
mf_debianwhich do you want?02:59
hansshadowhywind: is that a windows file sytem02:59
shadowhywindthanks that worked03:00
kn0ck0utanxious for upcoming version 7........... 3D desktop seems promising03:00
kn0ck0utit is gonna blow vista03:00
digitalfreedomvista blows03:00
shadowhywindoh when i was looking at the man page, i read the wrong line, hehe03:00
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larson999malik_: i am not.  i'm away from home staying in a hotel and not on my main machine03:01
kn0ck0utI been away from linux a long time, just installed kubuntu two weeks ago I am loving it03:01
digitalfreedomversion 7 of what?03:01
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digitalfreedomkubuntu is the kill03:01
coreymon77i accidentally pressed hide menubar in konqueror03:02
coreymon77how do i get the menubar back03:02
kn0ck0utUbuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn Herd 103:02
kn0ck0utthat is what I am talking about03:02
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hanscoreymon77: try [Alt] [Tab] 03:03
kn0ck0utW coreymon7703:03
kn0ck0uthit F903:03
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malik_coreymon : press ctrl=m03:03
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coreymon77thank you malik03:04
malik_welcome mate03:04
kn0ck0utsorry was confused with the sidebar03:04
digitalfreedomno i look fatter holding zilla03:06
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pacmanokay, I'm a dumbass03:11
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pacmansomeone help me out here03:11
pacmanI want snag a folder off my buddies server, and put it on my desktop03:11
mike-linuxpacman: whats broken?03:12
pacmanwhat is it: scp <folder name> *<???>03:12
aseigopacman: konqi is your friend03:12
mike-linuxI cannot even install03:12
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digitalfreedominstall what mnike?03:12
aseigopacman: open konqueror and type fish://user@server/path03:12
aseigopacman: drag 'n drop to your hearts content03:12
aseigopacman: there's also sftp://03:12
pacmanholy crap, batman03:13
=== aseigo smiles
pacmanI've never done the fish:// business before....03:13
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ThePubhmm, can amarok play modules?03:14
digitalfreedomyahoo just died03:14
pacmanmy yahoo just died too03:14
digitalfreedomkopete is geeking out03:14
flaccidguys looking for a program to look at what iso format my cd is?03:14
aseigopacman: it just uses ssh but it's ++useful03:14
digitalfreedomwow really pacman?03:14
=== Jucato wonders what's the difference between fish:// and sftp://
Jucatoflaccid: k3b?03:15
aseigoJucato: sftp requires sftp turned on in your ssh daemon.03:15
Jucatoaseigo: ah ok. thanks :)03:15
aseigoJucato: fish uses plain ol' ssh03:15
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-24-12-230-147.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
pacmanis it Kopete or Yahoo that's down?03:15
flaccidhmm where would i go Jucato?03:15
digitalfreedomits yahoo my moms died03:15
digitalfreedomand she is on xp03:15
Jucatopacman: both are fine here03:15
ThePubpacman: Kopete can't go 'down' it's just a client.03:15
digitalfreedomi.l try again03:15
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digitalfreedomlastnight i got a message about yahoo doing work on the system03:16
flaccidJucato: k3b says its iso9660. i mounted it but cannot see any files03:16
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning.03:16
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flaccidi'll try that thanks03:17
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flaccidno thats an iso03:17
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flaccidi want to mount my iso9660 cd which is apple computer type 00203:18
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malik_hey guyz my amarok wont add my music to the library saying taglib package might be broken ...........i have uninstalled n then reinstalled it off the net with apt-get but still same prob...................any idea?03:18
digitalfreedomi do have a real question tho....i got this file and its a .package extension how do i install this? nvr seen that ext b403:18
Jucatopacman: spoke too soon, Yahoo's dying on me too03:18
pacmanjucato that sucks03:18
LordOliveryahoo, just kicked it on me also03:19
Jucatonow I don't know whether that's just Yahoo-KOpete, or Kopete in general03:19
digitalfreedomits crapping out guys i cant see it now...the servers maps are all going blank03:19
Jucatoerr. I meant Yaho in general03:19
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digitalfreedomthis is soooooooooooo WEAK03:20
LordOliveryahoo server maps are a joke, they are the equivlant to saying "why sure I will drop my pants and take it up the ass"03:20
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digitalfreedomhhahahah @ Lord Oli03:21
digitalfreedomthats true tho03:22
ThePubyahoo put out a message last night they were going down about this time for updates03:22
digitalfreedomi got that but didnt believe it] 03:22
digitalfreedomthought it was spam03:22
digitalfreedomguess not :-P03:22
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LordOliverdigitalfreedom: spam? me? flame yes, spam is just not healthy03:26
malik_hey guyz can any1 help me?.................... my amarok wont add my music to the library saying taglib package might be broken ...........i have uninstalled n then reinstalled it off the net with apt-get but still same prob...................any idea?03:26
LordOliverI use noaton03:26
=== SupremeBeing [n=corin@adsl-75-2-14-76.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajdoes anyone's browser play this movie? http://homepage.mac.com/savagebean/iMovieTheater11.html   ... if so lemme know what plugins I'm missing03:27
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Skeez187How do I use different wallpapers for the 4 virtual desktops?03:28
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JucatoSkeez187: choose the desktop you want to apply the wallpaper to in the drop down list at the top03:29
flaccidwhat is the native gui mount tool to kubuntu03:29
malik_LordOliver: whats Noaton?03:29
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noiesmoBluesKaj, mozilla-mplayer03:30
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB03:30
Jucatoflaccid: Disks & Filesystem in System Settings03:30
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:30
noiesmoLjL, will the envy info be in all ubuntu channels03:30
LordOlivermalik_: media player app03:30
Skeez187Thank you very much Jucato03:30
LjLnoiesmo: yes, it wasn't added as a channel-specific factoid03:31
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation03:31
noiesmoLjL, cool :)03:31
BluesKajnoiesmo, I have mozilla - mplayer installed...kaffeine won't start for some reason :(03:31
noiesmo!w32codecs | BluesKaj03:31
ubotuBluesKaj: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:31
hansBluesKaj: I get "No stream found"03:32
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pacmananyone ever use a Sansa mp3 player and try and use Linux to ptu files on it and stuff03:32
RoC_MM_0wAny idea why a .procmailrc file wouldn't be being read by on dapper drake?  I have postfix&procmailrc installed, and the user owns the directory and it's files.  It's totally not reading the procmailrc at all.03:32
noiesmohans, site works for me mozilla-mplayer kicks in03:33
noiesmoBluesKaj, I added some symbolic links to my w32codecs folder03:33
hansnoiesmo: not for me, I even got the html and tried mplayer directly03:33
BluesKajnoiesmo, you using FF ?03:33
noiesmoBluesKaj, yes firefox03:34
BluesKajnoiesmo, what symbolic links did you add ?03:35
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RoC_MM_0wAnybody with procmail experience?03:35
ubuntudoes anyone know the link to the site that tells you how to add windows to your grub menu?03:35
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:36
ubuntuit dosnt say how to there03:36
noiesmoBluesKaj, I have unpacked w32codecs to /usr/lib/codecs03:37
RoC_MM_0wIt's relatively easy, the file is /boot/grub/menu.lst03:37
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noiesmoBluesKaj, I then have a link from codecs to /usr/lib/win3203:37
hansubuntu http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_Windows_entry_into_GRUB_menu03:37
noiesmoBluesKaj, I also have one from codecs to /usr/local/lib/codecs03:37
ubuntuhans: thanks03:38
lrentzHow can you integrate Kate into konqueror.  I switched from suse to kubuntu and I got quite fond of that configurations03:38
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Jucatoright-click Preview in Embedded Text Editor?03:38
lrentzhmmm. let me see.03:39
BluesKajthanks noiesmo , installed the plugin ...it works !03:39
noiesmoBluesKaj, :)03:40
lrentzis there a way to preview it default.03:41
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-242-145.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
lrentzopen in a new tab works as well.03:41
RawSewageIs it normal to have a lot of kio_file and kio_html slave socket things in the process table?03:42
lrentzautomatically previews it.03:42
lrentzI thought that I actually got the editor in suse.03:42
RawSewagewhats' kdeinit03:43
RawSewagecan I shut off kdeinit03:44
RawSewageit seems to be making lots of slave sockets03:44
malik_noiesmo: how do we can i make this link?.............from /usr/lib/codecs to /usr/local/lib/codecs.................?03:44
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RawSewageIs it normal to have a lot of kio_file and kio_html slave socket things in the process table?03:45
TheDebuggercd /usr/local/lib         ln -s /usr/lib/codec03:45
RawSewagekdeinit is creating a ton of slave sockets03:46
TheDebuggercd /usr/local/lib         ln -s /usr/lib/codecs           ...03:46
hansmalik_: ln -s  /usr/lib/codecs /usr/local/lib/codecs03:46
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malik_thanx to all the guys who responded03:50
noiesmomalik_, sorry dude was doing how to for this for my site lol03:50
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malik_thats okie03:51
malik_i think its great thant linux has come so far03:51
malik_specially for total nebiz like me03:52
malik_im loving it n probably wud love it even more when i ll b able to figure out how to make opera function properly in linux03:52
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noiesmomalik_, yeah but opera is free as in free beer but not free open source03:53
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vaniqueokay well03:55
vaniqueany native english speaker there ?03:55
crimsunthere are quite a few.03:56
BluesKajyup, several03:56
vaniquei just need one only for improvment of one pharse03:56
BluesKajvanique, ask your question03:57
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:58
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digitalfreedomwell chit04:03
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crazyreddwolfhello i'm looking for some help in setting up my ftp server i ran the apt-get part that in the server guid but can't seem to get in to configure it04:15
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:15
crazyreddwolfi also get a message that the zeroconf is not running so how would i get it running again04:16
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ThePubcrazyreddwolf: do nothing of course!  it's "zero conf" afterall, right?04:18
crazyreddwolfthats what it says04:18
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crazyreddwolfwould i need it running for the other computers on my network to see the ftp server04:19
Whopperthere is a problem: when i try to boot, it says frequency out of range. I'm new, what can i do to fix this?04:19
ThePubcrazyreddwolf: no clue, sorry.  haven't been paying attention.04:19
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Whopperwell, it says 78k / 97 hz04:19
crazyreddwolfhello i'm looking for some help in setting up my ftp server i ran the apt-get part that in the server guid but can't seem to get in to configure it04:20
crazyreddwolffor me to finish seting up the ftp server i have running04:20
crazyreddwolfbut i get the message about the zeroconf04:20
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philipCan anyone recommend to me a simple game which I could play without much thought while listening to an audiobook04:21
lrentzfrozen bubbles04:21
Hirvinenphilip: Why not just listen?04:22
lrentztrue haha04:22
hansor sleep?04:22
philipFor some reason I can listen better when I'm playing a simple game like Tron.04:22
crazyreddwolfis there anyone that could help me with my dilema04:23
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noiesmohow can I create a text file with a list of all directories and the disk space used for each specifically my users home space04:24
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fm-2noiesmo: cd /home; du > space.txt04:26
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redleaderevening folks04:26
redleadergot a quick question04:26
redleaderI'm attempting to play a dvd on 6.10, and the title pops up when I insert the disc (autoplay) but when I go to play it in kaffeine, it says that the disc is blank or I dont have permissions04:27
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fm-2ugh... brb04:27
noiesmofm-2,  cheers04:28
crazyreddwolfhello i'm looking for some help in setting up my ftp server i ran the apt-get part that in the server guid but can't seem to get in to configure it04:28
redleaderas in : The source can't be read. Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading NAV packet.)04:28
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digitalfreedomwhere should i install java to ? or better yet where at../usr/bin? /usr/local...04:31
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crazyreddwolfok then can some one point me in the right direction for help with setting up a ftp server04:34
crazyreddwolfwith out going to the server guid04:34
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redleaderI'm noticing a lack of support in this "support" chan04:37
crazyreddwolfi see the same thing it like they don't evn care04:37
redleaderah well, back to reading the useless FAQ04:37
redleadershould be a party04:37
crazyreddwolfi'm doing that right now04:38
crazyreddwolfwith getting a server running04:38
=== Whopper needs to reinstall kubuntu :(
redleaderhows that working out for you?04:40
redleaderI'm just trying to watch a dvd04:40
crazyreddwolfnot good04:40
hanscrazyreddwolf: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#FTP_Server04:40
crazyreddwolfhans i have that already and it is doing me no good04:40
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hanscrazyreddwolf: so what is the problem?04:41
crazyreddwolfredleader hows yours going04:41
redleaderI have no idea what I'm doing04:42
redleaderits great04:42
crazyreddwolfi can't get the ftp server to configure04:42
crazyreddwolfand i get a zeroconf message04:42
redleaderall I want to do is change permissions on a dvd drive04:42
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tamacrackerHey guys?04:42
crazyreddwolfthats true04:42
abattoirredleader: you have libdvdcss installed?04:42
tamacrackerHow do I stop a specific site from loading pop ups?04:43
redleaderI dont even know what that is04:43
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abattoir!dvd | redleader04:43
uboturedleader: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:43
abattoirhmm, i guess that's too ubuntu specific...04:43
abattoirwait a sec04:43
redleaderis it in adept?04:43
abattoirredleader: install libdvdnav and libdvdread3 from adept04:44
abattoir(if you have multiverse enabled)04:44
tamacrackerDoes anyone now how to stop pop ups from a specific website when using firefox?04:44
tamacrackernow - know04:44
redleaderI have libdvdnav4 installed, is that okay?04:45
abattoirredleader: once you've installed libdvdread3, go to /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3(preferably in a terminal)04:45
abattoirredleader: yeah, install libdvdread3 too04:45
redleadergot both04:45
abattoirredleader: ok, open up a terminal(konsole)04:45
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abattoirredleader: cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread304:45
abattoirredleader: sudo ./install-css.sh04:46
abattoirredleader: (btw, doing this might be illegal in your country, check w/ local laws)04:46
redleaderoh... alrighty04:46
redleaderits installing04:46
abattoirredleader: cool, try playing a dvd after that's done04:46
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No1VikingI must have done something really wrong here. I get new downloaded e-mails into my draft folder instead of inbox. Any ideas why?04:47
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redleaderkaffeine crashed, I'm gonna try it again04:47
losguachonesalguien de chile04:48
redleaderI'm gonna go watch a movie, many thanks04:49
tamacrackerCan someone tell how I can block a specific site, please?04:50
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crazyreddwolfthat sight is usless to me i have kubuntu 6.06 not the ubuntu 6.1004:52
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crazy_busI installed normall ubuntu.  And then installed the package 'kubuntu-desktop' to get the KDE windows manager.  But for some reason KDE is different from when I got it from straight kubuntu.  The font's are different, firefox looks half GNOME, and item on the KDE menu bar flicker if you hover over them.  Does anyone know anything about this?04:55
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noiesmocrazy_bus, did you install kubuntu-default-settings05:00
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:01
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 05:02
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crazy_busnoieesmo, apt-get install, says that I already have the latest version of kubuntu-default-settings.05:04
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syntaxxanyone know the md5sum of the kubuntu 6.10 i386 cd?05:10
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Dr_willisit should be in a file on the ftp sites syntaxx05:11
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syntaxxok thanks05:12
[RIP] d3jakeokay, if when starting up the install of the newest version of Kubuntu, I get this on the top of the screen: Loading /casper/vmlinuz ... isolinux:Disk error 80, AX = 4200, drive 9F <= What' does that mean?05:13
syntaxxDr_willis: when i check defect the cd it says checksum 1 failed.. but the md5sum is correct that would be burn error right?05:13
Dr_willissounds likely.. or you are checking the cd wrong05:14
Dr_willisor got the wrong md5sum file :)05:14
syntaxxi downloaded the file here http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/kubuntu/edgy/05:15
syntaxxthe kubuntu desktop i38605:15
[RIP] d3jake`I did too05:15
Dr_willis1f9baed847eff89b03c754fcaea8070e  kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso05:16
syntaxxanyone know a good m5sum checker for windows?05:16
Dr_willisHmm.. I installed Opera - and somehow its set to the default browser05:17
Dr_willissyntaxx,  i recall one that put 'check md5sum' in the right click menus under windows.05:17
Dr_willisbut i aint used it in ages05:17
[RIP] d3jakeis it my turn to ask a question..?05:18
Dr_willisyou just did.. care to ask another. :)05:19
[RIP] d3jake:p05:19
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:19
[RIP] d3jakeokay, if when starting up the install of the newest version of Kubuntu, I get this on the top of the screen: Loading /casper/vmlinuz ...isolinux:Disk  error 80, AX = 4200, drive 9F <= What' does that mean?05:19
Dr_willisYour cd/disk is bad most likely.05:20
Dr_willisburnt wrong/bad download/or somthing similer05:20
[RIP] d3jakeaww05:20
Dr_willishence the use of the term 'Disk  error' :)05:20
[RIP] d3jakethough I did order one...though I was told that the version that you can order is old?05:20
Dr_willisits possible the cd/dvd drive is flakey..05:20
Dr_willisthe ones they send are the LTS version. so its the 'long term support' version05:21
Dr_willisYou can upgrade from it to the latest05:21
[RIP] d3jakeso..?05:21
Dr_willisIt also can take some time to get to you.05:21
[RIP] d3jakeheh05:21
[RIP] d3jakecouplea weeks?05:21
Dr_willisIve heard some times several months. :)05:21
Dr_willisbut i normally download the images05:22
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[RIP] d3jakethat i did... though I"ll probably set up the download on a diffrent computer...05:22
ThePublast time I looked at the page it said it could be as much as 12 weeks05:22
[RIP] d3jake O_O05:22
[RIP] d3jakethis comp likes to randomly stop downloading when I set it up to download overnight05:23
Dr_willisor go to the latest bookstore and find a linux magazine with the cds05:23
ThePubjust do a network install using grub for windows :)05:23
[RIP] d3jake``net install? I've heard of Grub, but that's about all I know...05:23
[RIP] d3jakebut Windows I know alot about :)05:24
ThePubcouple months back I did that with dapper and it worked like a charm.  takes modifying your windows boot sequence though, and unless you know something about windows boot sequences and grub can be a real pain.  forget I suggested it :)05:25
[RIP] d3jakeah, sounds good :)05:25
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ThePubbut it allows a person to install w/o needing to burn/write any disks.  which was a lifesaver for me ;)05:26
[RIP] d3jakeah, then again I don't really want to mess with my boot start up thingie...05:26
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[RIP] d3jakeI'll try to get a new CD burned, I"ll come back in here, whether it works or not05:27
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[RIP] d3jaketalk to y'all later05:27
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ThePubthanks for the warning?05:27
Dr_willisGrub is one of those tools thats worth  reading/learning/and learning well.05:27
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ThePubisn't that true?  it's one of those tools that you don't think anything about until you need it, and that's just about the time you wish you knew a bit more about it :)05:28
ThePuball new linux users should be made to use Lilo first.. just so there is an appreciation of what Grub offers ^^05:29
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campbchare there problems occurring with the flash player? i can't get any sound periodically :(05:31
campbchlike, now-ish05:31
campbchis there any way to reload it? it should work based on the content, it's just youtube05:31
digitalfreedomwhich brwoser?05:32
ThePubstop and start your browser :)05:32
campbchi stopped, started, stopped x, restarted, which im sure does the sound05:32
campbchit's still not doing anything05:32
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campbchim definately not muted :p05:33
campbchand other sound, .ogg files and such work05:33
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campbchdoes it stop and start things differently?05:34
campbchi did it again, and now it works :o05:34
campbchdisproving the literal definition of insanity05:34
ThePubmaybe you should make a sacrifice to the adobe gods?05:34
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malik_hello ppl............can some one tell me plz how to fix or restore my desktop theme back to system default in kubuntu ..................i was fiddling with it n now it looks like really bed version of win9805:52
abattoirmalik_: you mean the widget style?05:52
abattoirmalik_: or the colour?05:53
malik_everything has gone haywire.............i have fixed the blue color bar at the top of the page but actual page n text on it are not recoverd yet05:54
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abattoiron top of which page?05:54
malik_they r very bland..........not like shiny n spiffy when i installed linux05:54
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abattoirmalik_: could you post a screenshot?05:55
abattoirmalik_: at imageshack.us, for example05:55
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malik_i can but how do i do that?..........do i have to have amembership?05:56
abattoirmalik_: no it's free05:56
ThePubmalik_: go into the control panel05:56
ThePubexpand appearance and  themes05:57
ThePubclick on theme manager05:57
ThePubchoose a theme on the left side of the right panel :)05:57
malik_oki im in theme manager05:57
ThePubthose are all the basic ones that come with theme05:57
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ThePubwith kde05:58
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malik_yea i know that much but ...........its very bland now05:59
ThePubso what's diff?05:59
malik_b4 pages were nice n shiny n spiffy05:59
ThePuball the "spiffy" features are under the appearances section.. for the most part ^_^06:00
malik_now they are greyish06:00
ThePubweb pages?06:00
malik_abattor: here is the screenshot...................... http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1oe5.png06:02
ThePubmalik_: expand internet and network, then web browser and you may wish to look under fonts06:06
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ThePubmalik_: in fact.. if you go down all those different options and just hit the "defaults" button.. they'll all go back to the default :)06:07
intelikeyor logout and rm ~/.kde -r       resets most everything06:08
malik_would that even reset my plugin settings too? and the icons on the panel bar too?06:09
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intelikeyplugins for ?    pannel yes.06:10
malik_plugins formultimedia in konqi06:10
malik_plugins for multimedia in konqi06:10
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malik_u mean it wud or it wudnt?06:11
malik_im bit confused06:11
intelikeyit should06:11
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malik_that means im stuffed06:12
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DennisTTI'm wondering how much swap space I should allocate for my Kubuntu06:12
malik_aussie aussie aussie.........................06:13
malik_lets see if some one can reply06:13
intelikeyheavy ram usage would be in the line of 1+g    medium usage  190m to 900m       and light ram usage  12m to 128m     so figure that as real ram plus swap space DennisTT06:15
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intelikeywithout doing major hacking about 12m is as light as i can run ubuntu linux      an ultra-light truely minimalist linux can be as small as 64k ram    but is generally about 4m.   didn't figure that would apply tho.06:19
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intelikeyspecally seeing that i found it impossable to boot a default ubuntu kernel in 4m    the kernel + initrd wont uncompress in that amount of space.06:24
intelikeywhich is propper,   uncompress or decompress ?06:25
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HawkwindThere is no such word as uncompress06:27
HawkwindCould have answered your own question by going to google.com and typing   define:uncompress06:28
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intelikeyso you say google doesn't know about uncompressed things ?      oh well that's just another shortcomming of google.06:30
Dr_willisyou uncompress the .zip. but the diver underwent decompression :)06:30
geniiHello. Is anyone aware of a precompiled kernel with sshd? I'm doing netboots, want to monitor the stations without a mess of KVM etc06:30
intelikeyDr_willis actually i think you decompress the .zip  but it is afterwards uncompressed....06:31
intelikeyi could be wrong.06:31
NewNoviceAny help here on changing the monitor power-off time from the default (5 min) such that the change stays through a reboot? (desktop use)06:31
NewNovicerunning dapper06:32
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intelikeyNewNovice if you can reset a box without it waking the monitor there is something wrong with the hardware.06:33
geniiI believe his issue is that he can set it to turn off in whatever time, but that the change gets wiped next time he starts the system06:34
intelikeyNewNovice i'm saying it can't be done.    let he who will prove me wrong.06:34
RoKFiTcan anyone help me with something in the gimp?06:34
intelikeygenii ah youre probably right.06:34
NewNovicegenii: correct.06:34
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intelikeyNewNovice ok how do you change it to begin with ?06:35
intelikeyan init script can set things at boot time.06:35
NewNoviceI can change the time, and it sticks only for that X session.06:35
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geniiNewNovice I think you need to set another option that saves your session.06:36
NewNoviceChanged using system settings06:36
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NewNoviceOK how?06:36
intelikeymmmmm ok that's kcontrol.     mmmm   save session as default ?06:37
geniiUnfortunately I'm not on a  KDE box right now to go find it :( But if you poke around I'm sure it's not extremely hidden06:37
NewNoviceHow do I get to kcontrol?  I thought that was replaced by system settings.06:37
HawkwindDr_willis: uncompress is *not* a word.  It does not exist.  It's always been *decompress*.  You decompress a compressed file, and the diver underwent decompression06:37
geniihawkwind - I agree with you.06:38
intelikeyHawkwind we use it too much for it to "not exist"  google is wrong.06:38
Hawkwindintelikey: I never said google doesn't know about uncompressed things.  I stated, uncompress is *not* a word, as google could have told you that06:38
Hawkwindintelikey: Believe what you want, but it's been incorrect for years and years06:38
intelikeyand new words are born every day.06:39
intelikeycomputer isn't a word.06:39
geniiwell, uncompress is a word. For instance, you can have an uncompressed file which has not been previously compressed. Therefore it cannot be stated to be decompressed.06:39
Hawkwindintelikey: Computer is a word.  google.com and type   define:computer06:39
Hawkwindgenii: That's still decompressed06:40
geniihah so true06:40
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intelikeybut webster's dictionary doesn't list it.  so it's not a word.     point being what you use for the authority on the issue makes all the differance.06:40
Hawkwinduncompressed is in no dictionary at this current time.  If it's not in Websters then it's not a word06:40
Hawkwindintelikey: Yes it most certainly does06:40
intelikeyand i don't count google as an anthority on ... well much of anything except search engines06:41
Hawkwindintelikey: Sounds like you better learn to use dictionary.com before you speak06:41
Hawkwindintelikey: Then that's where your problem lies06:41
geniiDoes anyone know ehre to find precompiled kernels with certain feature sets? I need an installation kernel for netboot installs which will let me ssh into that box.06:42
intelikeyHawkwind no not my problem.06:42
ThePubUsing Webster's to determine a words' validity is like basing contemporary history on a geologic history framework.06:42
intelikeyThePub so you agree with me....06:42
HawkwindThePub: Thta's how it's done.  If it's not in the Websters or Meriams, then it's not recognized as a word.  It's been that way for many years now06:42
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ThePubMaybe if a person wants to naively argue a point, sure.06:43
RoKFiTcan anyone help me do a transparent layer in gimp06:44
HawkwindLook up the word funner.  It's not a word, and it's also not in any dictionary06:44
NewNoviceHow do I get to kcontrol?  I thought that was replaced by system settings.(dapper)06:44
ThePubI think you'll find that the popular vernacular will hold more sway outside if the five or so people per college campus who use the dictionary rule.  ;)06:44
HawkwindRoKFiT: Tried #Gimp ?06:44
geniiAlternately a method to pre-execute or insert a kernel module for sshd06:44
RoKFiTyeah, no one is replying06:44
ThePubRoKFiT: create a new layer and set it to transparent.. it's not hard :)06:44
RoKFiTThePub, how?06:45
unix_infidelRoKFiT: there should be a layer option for transparent.06:45
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ThePubopen the "Layers" window and click on the "New Layer" button06:45
unix_infidelits just like Photoshop since like PS6.006:45
RoKFiTunder transparency there are like 5 different options for layers06:45
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RoKFiTadd color to alpha or add to alpha06:46
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=== genii thinks about gimpshop
ThePubyou're making it too difficult.06:46
intelikeyun- is of much wider application, and is attached at will to almost any adjective, or participle used adjectively, or adverb, from and is also, but less freely, prefixed to nouns.   <--- noah webster on un-    so uncompressed is as valid as unleaded or unused or any other word that we apply it to...06:46
ThePubgo to the dialogs menu, click on layers06:46
weswh-where do i go to change my network settings? (i want to give myself a static ip)06:46
ThePubin the new layers window, click on "new layer" (looks like a page in lower-right corner)06:46
ThePubunder "layer fill type" click "Transparency"06:47
geniiweswh you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces06:47
ThePubclick "ok"06:47
ThePubdelete old layer06:47
RoKFiTwhy can i not edit the tranparency of an existing layer?06:47
ThePubbada bing, bada boom, presto changeo.. problemo solved06:47
intelikeythe fact that google doesn't find uncompressed doesn't mean it's not a word.    absense of evidance is not evidance of absense    if all the uses of un-  were listed the dictionary would be almost twice as large.06:48
ThePubintelikey: there is a difference between words and bad english though.06:48
=== intelikey wonders what google says about " unbeliveable "
RoKFiTThePub: read what i wrote06:49
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Dr_willisis 'derstandable' a word?06:49
ThePubRoKFiT: maybe you can.. but I don't know.  Maybe check out a gimp channel or mailing list or howto for more specific stuff.06:49
RoKFiTwhy can't i make an existing layer semi trans..06:49
=== genii wonders what google says about "evidance"
RoKFiTi am in gimp06:49
RoKFiTidk how06:49
intelikeyDr_willis hehhe06:49
RoKFiTnobody is responding06:49
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weswh-genii - no graphical tool?06:49
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ThePubRoKFiT: it's IRC and probably a under-used or cared-for channel.  don't sweat it, don't expect miracles and don't expect instant gratification.06:50
Dr_willis'expect the unexpected'06:50
ThePubRoKFiT: I know there's some pretty extensive books on the gimp homepage.06:50
Dr_willisunless thats not a word.06:50
RoKFiTi'll check the forums06:50
Dr_willis'unless' theres another..!06:50
geniiweswh Well there likely is but I'm a command-line guy. It's not that difficult, there are scores of examples out there. You can use konsole from X and it's not so painful06:50
ThePubSo anyhow, someone said something about "funner".  Which is not a word, it's a violation of the English language ruleset.06:51
weswh-genii - do i have to set all of the information, or can i let dhcp handle any of it? like, do i need to give it dns06:51
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weswh-i see some examples that seem to exclude dns06:51
intelikeyenough with the unwarrented undesirable and uneducated uses of un.....06:51
intelikeydown with the UN06:51
RoKFiTThePub: what is the url?06:51
geniiwes - 1 minute, I'll ssh into a boxen and pull an example for you06:51
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ThePubweswh-: kcontrol -> internet & network -> network settings doesn't work for you?06:52
Dr_willisfunner is not? but funnier is?06:52
geniiThere ya go :) A graphical interface06:52
ThePubRoKFiT: gimp.org I'd imagine.06:53
Dr_willisI recall a paper out years ago about re-engineering english. :) really irked the english majors.. would of put a lot of them out of a job.06:53
Dr_willis+good ++good.06:53
RoKFiTnothing about transparencies in the how to, and i'm not buying a book06:53
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weswh-i don't see Kcontrol? i see Kinfo..06:53
intelikeyDr_willis i don't speak english anyway,  :)06:53
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intelikeyvery few of us do.06:54
ThePubRoKFiT: then wait on irc, search the web, or wait patiently here I suppose.  I have given you the sum total of my experience on gimp and transpariencies.  It's worked for years for me that way :)06:54
Dr_willis'us'? Egads! you are one of 'them!'06:54
geniiwes - Anyhow basically you just replace "dhcp" with "static" then below that you put "address x.x.x.x" "netmask x.x.x.x" "default-router x.x.x.x" all on separate lines with appropriate values.06:54
ThePubI don't speak English either.  I'm American, we speak Mutt.06:54
intelikeyus and them, we and they, why does it all come down to black and white like that.....06:54
RoKFiTThePub: well with your method, do you know how to adjust the amount of transparency?06:54
geniiwes - and without the quotes around the lines06:55
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ubuntuhello everone...trying to get this demo disk to install anyone care to kill a few minutes with me?06:56
ThePubI really wish konversation didn't use the visited link color for lines that have your name in them :(06:56
intelikeyubuntu not at all06:56
darkangel_hi! I need help with my sound card, i tried to compile alsa driver byt i had problems with that and now I can't heard anything, someone could helpe me please?06:56
ThePubRoKFiT: hmm, haven't tried that for years.. let me check something.06:56
Dr_willis'what' demo disk?06:56
geniidarkangel Which chipset?06:57
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darkangel_via 8237 genii06:57
ubuntuyou know the disc that has linux on it without installing it first06:57
ThePubRoKFiT: you're not looking for transparency but a solid mask, right?06:57
geniidarkangel thats not a soundcard chipset06:57
Dr_willisubuntu - you are refering to the Kubuntu "Live cd" ?06:57
ubuntuyeah a live cd06:58
ubuntuthats it06:58
RoKFiTThePub: no i want to make it 50 percent transparent to see the layer behind it partially06:58
darkangel_well it's the south brige06:58
geniidarkangel Most likely some ESS chipset. You should open your box and look at what ist says on the largest chip there.06:58
max_can someone give me the lionk to the site that tells you how to add a windows entry to a06:58
Dr_willismax_,  an example is in the grub's menu.lst config file06:58
ThePubRoKFiT: in the layers window check out opacity maybe :)06:59
Dr_willisi normally uncomment it - to put 'windows' at the top grub entry06:59
intelikeyeeeek  a massive outage......06:59
geniidarkangel I mean the largest chip on the soundcard, or it may be on the motherboard but it controls the sound, etc06:59
xsachagoodbye world06:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:59
intelikeywell when the net splits i think i'll split from it....06:59
RoKFiTlol ThePub it was there the whole time06:59
ThePubthere's a difference between being transparent and opaque07:00
Dr_willisi got parts/joins hidden.. i never see net splits07:00
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ThePubI'll take some cherries on my netsplit!07:03
geniiWell that was exciting07:04
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darkangel_genii what can I do for fix my alsa driver?07:04
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RoKFiTopen image as new layer07:05
ThePubRoKFiT: I'm really in no position to give much advice about GIMP.  Last time I seriously used it the program was competing with MS Paint.  :)07:05
RoKFiTpaste as new layer, HOW!!??!07:05
digitalfreedomFYI yahoo is back up07:05
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ThePubdigitalfreedom: Yahooooooooo for Yahoo!07:05
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DennisTTHow do you restart the x server?07:06
geniidarkangel The best thing is to first find what hardware your soundcard is based on. Then when you are sure it is the right chipset, you can choose a module for it, and then add it in to /etc/modules07:06
HawkwindDennisTT: ctrl-alt-backspace07:06
ThePubRoKFiT: if you paste something into an image and create a new layer, the floating object becomes a layer.07:06
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HawkwindDennisTT: killall kdm, telinit3, killall X, many other ways07:06
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RoKFiToh sweet07:07
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geniidarkangel i had to do this with an ESS1869 souncard recently07:07
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digitalfreedommass boot?07:07
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ThePubRoKFiT: now please, do some exploration on your own.07:07
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RoKFiTwill do, thank oyu07:07
DennisTTdigitalfreedom: They're restarting the servers07:07
DennisTTThey announced it earlier today07:07
ThePubRoKFiT: The GIMP follows many Photoshop-isms.07:07
wes_ThePub: what do you think of the azureus native code version?07:07
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RoKFiTit didn't with the layer thing07:08
ThePubwes_: idk, never used it.07:08
ThePubRoKFiT: depends on the version you're used to I suppose :)07:08
wes_i have to get sun java to use the regular one right07:08
=== ThePub shrugs
digitalfreedomjava bleh07:09
ThePubNever used another java myself.  Sun FTW.07:09
RoKFiTi will figure it out, but thanks for the help07:09
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RoKFiThow do i change open with file types in system settings?07:10
ThePubEspecially Groovy + Java :)07:10
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RoKFiTi found it07:12
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ThePubyipee.. kmail finally decided to thread my inbox!  :)07:12
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ThePubonly took a restart of my computer.07:13
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darkangel_genii I foun wich was my sound controller AC97 Audio Controller07:13
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ThePubhmm, is there a setting I'm missing?  kde seems to think there's a panel on my second monitor at the top.  it exapands windows fine, but I'm unable to drag unmaximized windows all the way to the top of the desktop.07:14
DennisTTKubuntu runs the hard drive surprisingly quiet07:15
digitalfreedommy HDD's spin like made07:15
digitalfreedomthey zing all the time07:15
DennisTTBut I don't get why my desktop doesn't "fit" the monitor07:15
DennisTTit always scrolls like 20px down07:16
ThePubdigitalfreedom: swap is not memory! :D07:16
geniidarkangel OK.. AC97 is only a kind of standard. You still need to find who actually makes it so you know what chips it needs drivers for.07:16
DennisTTwhen my mouse is at the bottom07:16
digitalfreedomi got plenty of ram07:16
DennisTTand when my mouse goes to the top, it scrolls the whole desktop up 20px07:16
DennisTTOk make that like 100 pixels07:16
darkangel_digitalfreedom I have problems with my sound card07:17
digitalfreedomchk yer pm's07:17
digitalfreedomand how to post ppl's names like that?07:17
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wes_azureus says i am using java 1.4.2 which is not compatible - how do i switch to the 'right' java?07:19
digitalfreedomdo a !java and see the pages07:20
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:20
geniidarkangel - can you type in sudo lspci and tell me what it says by pasting it to the pastebin?07:21
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:23
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darkangel_sorry I'm new and I don't understand what exactry do you want me to paste :(07:24
digitalfreedomda open konsole type lspci07:24
edgyHi, I am subscribed to a mailing list via my google account but kmail doesn't bring the message I sent to the list myself thought it brings others messages properly. Is there an option needs to be tweaked in kmail or gmail to bring them?07:24
darkangel_I did it07:24
digitalfreedomcopy/paste all that07:24
darkangel_00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge07:24
darkangel_00:00.1 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge07:25
darkangel_00:00.2 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge07:25
darkangel_00:00.3 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. PT890 Host Bridge07:25
digitalfreedomoh god07:25
darkangel_00:00.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge07:25
darkangel_00:00.7 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M800CE Host Bridge07:25
darkangel_00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 PCI Bridge07:25
darkangel_00:09.0 Communication controller: Rockwell International HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (rev 01)07:25
darkangel_00:0f.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller (rev 80)07:25
darkangel_00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)07:25
darkangel_00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)07:25
digitalfreedombig bleh07:25
geniiPlease, use the pastebin darkangel07:25
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darkangel_00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)07:25
darkangel_00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)07:25
abattoir_darkangel_: please do not paste here07:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:25
darkangel_00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)07:25
darkangel_00:10.4 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)07:26
darkangel_00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge [KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South] 07:26
darkangel_00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)07:26
darkangel_00:13.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)07:26
darkangel_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)07:26
digitalfreedomjust find the audio part07:26
digitalfreedomthats all we need07:26
geniiOK I see the relevant part in there07:26
geniiGive me a minute to do some research on it07:27
digitalfreedomgood cause i was laughing so hard i missed it07:27
notechshould maybe say lspci | grep -i audio next time :)07:27
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genii-awayyes, my bad07:28
digitalfreedomits all good tho07:28
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prophitincneed help finding the fstab and mtab files on here07:29
geniidarkangel - You need the via82cxxx module.07:29
digitalfreedomfor fstab just do cat /etc/fstab07:29
prophitincsays cant mount to second harddrive07:29
digitalfreedomfrom the konsole07:29
prophitincis that the one i need to change?07:29
digitalfreedomi dont know thats how you look at it tho07:30
darkangel_ok how can I get It? :(07:30
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prophitinci need to mount to another drive07:30
digitalfreedomgoogle DA is an awsome tool07:30
geniidarkangel - please do a lsmod |grep via82cxxx and put the results in the pastebin - DO NOT CUT AND PASTE THEM HERE07:30
digitalfreedomno mount from konsole?07:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:30
prophitincno from storage media07:31
prophitinchow would i do that07:31
darkangel_ok sorry but I'm learning :(07:31
digitalfreedomyes DA we know its cute really07:31
geniidarkangel Thats OK we were all newbies once07:31
digitalfreedomi love linux just for this07:32
digitalfreedomyou HAVE to learn and RTFM07:32
digitalfreedomits gr807:32
prophitincno a harddrive07:32
prophitincsays cant mount cause couldnt find it in fstab or mtab07:33
prophitinci did and i found it07:33
digitalfreedomis it a backup hdd?07:33
geniidarkangel by the way it may not find anything when you do that. If so just say07:33
prophitincbut still i did this last time and had to change something in the folder but what do i change and where did the folder go07:34
digitalfreedomim lost07:34
darkangel_:( ok I got the result but how do I paste it? I opend the window for pasting but It says: Make a correction, what's wrong?07:35
digitalfreedomi couldnt get to my 2nd hdd and i gave up07:35
DennisTTHow can I install Firefox on Kubuntu?07:35
prophitinci cant give up07:35
digitalfreedomdennis apt-get install firefox07:35
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geniiDennis apt-get update && apt-get install firefox07:35
notechprophitinc: where is located in the ide chain?07:35
digitalfreedomgennii is on top of it07:35
prophitincwhat do you mean notech07:36
darkangel_I have firefox genii07:36
darkangel_ahh sorry it's for denny07:36
notechprophitinc: primary master, primary slave, etc07:36
prophitinclinux is on hdd1 and the drive i need to mount is on hdd007:36
prophitinclinux is the secondary drive07:36
geniiproph Thats not another drive.07:37
prophitinchow do i get to the fstab and mtab folders07:37
prophitincsure it is...07:37
notechlost me. a drive has no partition number unless something changed in kubuntu07:37
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digitalfreedomi told you cat /etc/fstab from konsole07:37
geniiNo, if it was hda or hdb or hdc it would ne another dirve07:37
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prophitinclinux is on an 8gb bigfoot and the other drive is an 80gb western digital im sure they are different07:38
geniihdd1 hdd2 hdd3 etc are all partitions on the same drive07:38
notechprophitinc: hda is primary master, hdb is primary slave, etc07:38
prophitinclinux is on hdb and the other is hda07:38
geniiThere should not even be a hdd0 since they start at 107:38
prophitincok gotch now...sorry07:38
notechand which are you trying to mount?07:38
prophitincwell i have hdd0 hdd1 hdd307:38
prophitincto the 80gb07:39
digitalfreedomso try mount /dev/dd207:39
digitalfreedomhda w/e07:39
digitalfreedomi need a drink07:39
prophitincwill that be a permenant mount?07:39
notechhdd2 would, should be, the second partition on the secondary slave07:39
digitalfreedomim giving up07:40
digitalfreedomim just gonna watch07:40
notechdigitalfreedom: am i wrong?07:40
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digitalfreedomno its not you07:40
digitalfreedomno no no07:40
notechheh, ok07:40
geniidarkangel - So anyhow. Something that may help with your sound problem. Open up the file /etc/modules and add to the bottom "via82cxxx"  without the quotes. Next time you boot it will load that module.07:40
digitalfreedomhow do you do that07:40
notechdo what?07:41
digitalfreedomput ppl's names in front like that07:41
digitalfreedomits been since i used irc07:41
geniiI just type em in :)07:41
notechin xchat just type the first letter or 2 and hit tab for auto complation07:41
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genii(since I'm somewhat anal)07:42
notechgenii: you type too fast then :)07:42
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geniiYeah sometimes07:42
digitalfreedomnotech: i did it07:43
digitalfreedomthank you07:43
digitalfreedomit works in Konversation too07:43
geniiI'm using chatzilla so I dunno if it has those features07:43
notechdigitalfreedom: kewl :)07:43
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notechdigitalfreedom: just watch it it when there are several nicks that start the same, it'll get you. sometimes you need to hit tab more than once07:44
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digitalfreedomi noticed that07:45
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digitalfreedomi like using keyboard shortcuts anyway...ppl are like wow when you alt+tab through open windows07:46
darkangel_genii i did it, so what exactly is going to happen when I boot?07:46
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digitalfreedomyour computer will melt07:47
digitalfreedomj/k it should load the module nd you should have sound07:47
digitalfreedomif that was the problem07:47
geniidarkangel When you boot the module which is for the chipset of your soundcard will be loaded into the kernel. So after you get into KDE the speaker icon should be active07:47
digitalfreedomyeah what i said07:48
digitalfreedomlol genii just adds more stuff07:48
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geniidarkangel if it does not work first time you may need to specify irq dma and some other stuff in there after. But hopefully it will work first time with defaults07:48
darkangel_I hope so :( well if not I think I'm going to be here asking you crying for help :(07:49
geniiI'll be around :)07:49
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geniidarkangel - before you leave hangon a minute07:50
geniidarkangel - Since you will need to reboot anyhow... when the box powers up go into bios and look up the info about what irq, dma and so on the sound is using (if it is on your motherboard which likely it is). then you will have that handy if it needs to be put in hte /etc/modules07:51
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geniiIf you need to put that stuff I will be around to help you still07:52
digitalfreedomim making popocorn07:52
geniiOK again I'll ask about my prob LOL - anyone know how to ssh into a headless machine during a netboot install?07:53
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darkangel_sorry I don't understand.... If it is not enough my english is not so good but in es chanel anyone helped me, could you tell me again what is going to happen but easier to underderstan please, sorry for be so stupid :(07:54
digitalfreedomyour gonna have sound07:54
notechhow could you? if it's still on install then no ssh server has been started07:54
digitalfreedomif you dont have sound then come back in here07:55
digitalfreedomcha cha07:55
darkangel_ok so I'll reboot my pc and I'll tell you what happened07:56
geniidarkangel - You need to reboot your computer for the change in /etc/modules to take effect. When you reboot, before the computer begins loading, you should hit "del" or "f1" etc to go into the BIOS. In the bios you should try to find where the settings for your onboard devices are. You need to look at what interrupt, DMA and other info it gives about that and then write this down.07:56
geniinotech Well I think there may a couple ways to do this07:57
genii1- get a kernel with sshd compiled in07:57
genii2 - use a pre-execute sommand to insert it as a module07:57
notechsshd is a server, don't believe that can be compiled in. not like itts a module07:57
digitalfreedomvery advanced07:58
geniiWell, nfs can be compiled in.07:58
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:58
digitalfreedomwow it came up07:59
notechgood point. never heard of it done with sshd, would be interesting07:59
geniiheh :)07:59
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RoKFiTcan anyone help me get giFT to connect with apollon?07:59
notechalthhough nfs isn't exactly a server as far as i know08:00
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geniimy current prob is I have 2000 systems to netboot and install and thats a *LOT* of keyboards/monitors/mice etc to have laying around to monitor the process08:00
ajopaul_i have two sound cards one is pci other is onboard how do i make my one of them as the default one?08:00
geniinfsd is a server. debian provides a nfs-kernel but I dunno about ssh-kernel08:00
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geniiI was toying with building a custom initrd.gz which would have the proper stuff on it but mkinitrd is such a pain in the ass08:02
digitalfreedommore sound card stuff08:03
digitalfreedomwel lyou can disable one or the other i suppose08:04
geniiajopaul - if you're not using both at once I'd suggest disabling the one on your motherboard08:04
geniiLOL dig08:04
digitalfreedomgr8 minds babe08:04
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notechgenii: not finding anything on google about a ssh-kernel08:04
RoKFiTwhat do i have to do to be able to play wmv's08:05
geniiThere is a way intftpd to insert stuff to execute before the installer and preseed stuff goes. I may have to do it somehow this way08:05
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geniimore PITA reading howtos etc08:05
prophitincanyone know how to get into the root account08:06
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geniisudo passwd08:06
geniithen change it to whatever you like08:06
digitalfreedomor sudo -u -i root08:06
digitalfreedomthen password08:06
digitalfreedomor open a root shell08:06
digitalfreedomand then type rm -r /home08:07
digitalfreedomno dont type that08:07
notechshouldn't really do that, noob's don't know any better and will do it before you can say don't08:07
digitalfreedomi know but i cant resist08:08
geniiyou know, onetime by accident I installed a program which needed to be installed as it's user. But I did it as root. In the installer it had somewhere "cd / && rm -R *"08:08
digitalfreedomi have messed my system up so bad sometimes08:08
digitalfreedomwith one mouse click i dropped the ext3 off08:08
digitalfreedomand got kernel oanic08:08
digitalfreedomon the restart08:08
notechso why have others mess up theirs?08:08
digitalfreedomwhen you first get linux its hard08:09
genii"with great power comes great responsibility"08:09
digitalfreedomno exe's?08:09
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digitalfreedomand the most is whats a tarball?08:09
notecheven harder when someone tells you to wipe the /home08:10
notechthankfully you left of the -f08:10
digitalfreedomyeh i know i feel bad now but he hanst left the chat yet08:10
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geniiprophitinc - You should probably not mess with logging in as root. Do everything by sudo08:11
digitalfreedomi left it out and you just old it08:11
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digitalfreedomyes duo is best08:11
digitalfreedomsome ppl wil type in anything to see wht happens i know i did08:11
notechdigitalfreedom: true, i did. but wasn't given in a complete command :)08:12
digitalfreedomi know no thats good too08:12
geniisomething interesting: if you login as a regular user then execute rsync by way of sudo the files get transferred into the regular users ownership not root08:12
notechusually the users that say 'what will that do' are eithher wise or been gotten by a given command before. heh08:13
geniiI found this out the hard way08:13
digitalfreedomouch genii08:13
geniiI wonder if darkangel's sound is back on :)08:13
notechyeah, because even as sudo you are still the user, just given power to run a root command08:14
digitalfreedomthey aint back yet so maybe something happend08:14
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notechprobably getting irq's, dma's, i/o addresses of all devices :)08:14
digitalfreedomhopefully anyway08:15
RoKFiTThePub: you here?08:15
RoKFiTwmv support for kaffeine... does anyone know how?08:15
geniiI wonder if I'll have to walk him through how to navigate his bios... I hope not. This stuff can get tedious08:15
notechguess i'll go watch Stargate. have a good one.08:16
digitalfreedomyeah even more when you cant see the screen they are looking at08:16
digitalfreedompeace NT08:16
digitalfreedomget the single malt whiskey out genii08:16
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geniiI think I'll smoke something instead :)08:17
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digitalfreedomyeah now were talking08:17
digitalfreedomganga good windows bad08:17
geniioh something just occurred to me...about firefox etc08:18
digitalfreedomits better than IE?08:18
geniianyone know how to specify to use xmms etc to play a url that starts mms://thisplacewithmusic.example08:18
digitalfreedommine does it by default08:18
digitalfreedomafter i installed xmms08:18
geniiright now I'm getting some error about unknown protocol etc08:18
geniiHmm maybe I'll purge xmms and reinstall it then08:19
geniiMy friends do a web radio site but I can't get it on linux right now08:20
digitalfreedomtry eh properties downloads view and edit actions08:20
digitalfreedomthen change action08:21
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geniiHmm maybe I'll do that. The problemmatic url is  mms://   can you get it to play normally? I know he uses windoze stuff as a backend, thought that might be the underlying issue08:22
RoKFiTcan anyone help me play wmv's in kaffeine?08:22
digitalfreedomtake the mms off the url08:23
ajopaul_i have two sound cards one is pci other is onboard how do i make my one of them as the default one?08:23
geniisomething about one of them to be soundcard0 but I forget where to set that08:24
=== genii ponders or is it sound-slot0 ?
digitalfreedomdid we just go over this08:26
digitalfreedommy movies wont play all the way neither i get the fbi warning and then it stops08:26
geniiProbably some regional settings crap08:27
abattoir_digitalfreedom: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?08:27
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DennisTTI'm trying to edit my Sharing - System Settings08:28
DennisTTAnd it asks me to click on the Administrator mode button08:28
DennisTTAnd I click it08:28
DennisTTAnd it pops up: Su returned with an error.08:28
DennisTTWhat am I supposed to do?08:28
digitalfreedomno but i just read that on the kaff page AB08:28
digitalfreedomim getting it now08:28
abattoirDennisTT: it doesn't prompt you for a password?08:29
DennisTTNope it just pops up with "Su returned with an error."08:29
geniiodd that su and not sudo08:29
abattoirDennisTT: did you modify /etc/sudoers?08:29
DennisTTI'm going to restart and see if that fixes it08:30
abattoirDennisTT: try a sudo command in a terminal08:30
abattoirDennisTT: you should get a more descripted error08:30
DennisTTOk I will in a minute08:30
geniiYou may want to try apt-get remove --purge su && apt-get install su08:30
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geniiI think it could still be a separate package than sudo08:31
RoKFiTadept_manager and updater keep closing after i've added a repository08:31
RoKFiTE: Type 'ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
geniiput deb before it08:32
vorpal_RoKFiT: it needs a deb08:32
vorpal_genii: beat me to it08:32
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RoKFiTStill I get... The APT Database could not be opened!  This may be caused my incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem.08:34
geniitry first apt-get update08:34
geniicould be no databse exists yet08:34
RoKFiTremoving the line fixed it08:34
DennisTTOk the restart seemed to fix it08:34
DennisTTThanks abattoir anyway08:35
RoKFiTbut how can i get kaffeine to play .wmv files?08:35
abattoirDennisTT: np08:35
abattoir!codecs | RoKFiT08:35
ubotuRoKFiT: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:35
geniisince wmv format is microsoft proprietary I suspect you'll have to wait til someone reverse engineers the codec08:35
abattoirRoKFiT: follow the links.... unless you use amd6408:35
RoKFiTi use amd6408:35
abattoirRoKFiT: oh, then wmv9 doesn't work afaik08:36
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digitalfreedomconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH08:36
digitalfreedomnice one08:36
RoKFiTanything else i can use?08:36
MistaEDwmv plays with the latest mplayer and i think vlc, with open source codecs08:36
abattoirdigitalfreedom: install 'build-essential'08:36
RoKFiTnothing for kaffeine?08:36
_goofy_im having problem streaming video off a usb hdd any one have a clue08:36
geniimplayer is likely best bet08:36
abattoirdigitalfreedom: in either adept or through 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'08:36
RoKFiTnothing for kaffeine?08:36
abattoirRoKFiT: i think a 32-bit chroot is the only option08:37
geniiRoK you may want to check sourceforge but I'm doubtful08:37
RoKFiTdo i just have to wait?08:37
abattoirRoKFiT: i've tried both vlc and mplayer, neither play wmv9 stuff for me08:37
RoKFiTjust wait?08:38
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RoKFiTheh, when will one be released?08:38
abattoirRoKFiT: wait for what?08:38
RoKFiTa w32 codec for kaffeine08:38
abattoirRoKFiT: for microsoft to port it to 64-bit?08:38
geniiYou may want to try something like a windows exe codec for wmv that can support the -d (decompress to raw) then execute it in wine08:38
RoKFiTno to install a plugin for kaffeine to play wmv08:38
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abattoirno wine in 64-bit as well :)08:39
RoKFiTjust a wmv plugin for kaffeine08:39
geniigeez that sucks08:39
vorpal_abattoir: why would the codec matter if its run on 64 or 32 bit archatecture?08:39
geniiprobably because code-base for wine is intel based08:40
abattoirvorpal_: because those are 32-bit windows binaries08:40
=== vorpal_ nods
RoKFiTso my options are mplayer or vlc and none for kaffeine?08:40
geniiRoK I have a minute or 2 here. I'll look around for something if you can hangon08:41
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RoKFiTyeah i saw on the forums people use gstreamer08:41
MistaEDwhere's the multiarch ubuntu support for apt? :P i reckon there should be an option to have amd64 but have 32-bit programs where it is really needed like codecs/browsers for flash, etc.08:41
RoKFiTi don't want to do anything illegal though08:41
abattoirMistaED: they are waiting for dpkg(hence debian) to get it from the ground up08:42
RoKFiTkaffeine-gstreamer, but i couldn't find it08:42
vorpal_RoKFiT: are you in the US?08:42
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MistaEDabattoir: ok so in 20 years? cool08:42
abattoirMistaED: hehe08:42
abattoirMistaED: i heard working is starting after etch(??) is released08:42
abattoir(hear-say stuff though)08:42
RoKFiTwhy vorpal08:42
digitalfreedomdamn it08:42
vorpal_from what i hear it will be illeagal here is aus too08:42
digitalfreedomnothing but the warning08:42
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vorpal_cause the US has stupid IP laws that makes everything illegal08:43
abattoirdigitalfreedom: which warning?08:43
vorpal_(slight exageration)08:43
digitalfreedomthe movie awarning08:43
RoKFiTyeah i figured using microsoft codecs would be08:43
digitalfreedomi gt 15 sedonds of video from the dvd then nothing08:43
abattoirdigitalfreedom: you installed libdvdcss?08:44
abattoirdigitalfreedom: do you have libdvdread3, libdvdnav4 ?08:44
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vorpal_RoKFiT: it might not be. I know some of the non-free stuff is but i don't know which bits08:44
geniiRoK - There seems to be something useful here about it http://flavor8.com/index.php/2005/10/22/wmv-codecs-for-mplayer-linux/08:44
RoKFiTit'd just be nice to use 1 player like kaffeine08:44
abattoirdigitalfreedom: ok, do as i say08:45
geniibut your mileage may vary08:45
abattoirdigitalfreedom: make sure you have the universe and multiverse repos enabled...08:45
abattoirdigitalfreedom: do you have them?08:45
digitalfreedomnot yet08:45
digitalfreedombut im working on it08:45
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abattoirdigitalfreedom: ok, once you have them enabled, search for libdvdread and libdvdnav08:46
digitalfreedomi just get no menu is all08:46
abattoirdigitalfreedom: install those two packages08:46
RoKFiTgenii: anything for kaffeine?08:46
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geniiNah looks mplayer centric08:47
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geniigimme a minute tho and I'll look08:47
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abattoirRoKFiT: tell me if you find a working solution :P08:47
abattoir(apart from a chroot, i.e)08:48
RoKFiTwhat is a chroot08:48
DennisTTWhat's the username/password to login to samba08:48
DennisTTfrom another computer08:48
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RoKFiTabattoir: what is a chroot08:48
geniiRoK according to kaffeine FAQ on their homepage at sourceforge:08:48
genii4. How can i play WMV/Quicktime/Real Media files?08:48
geniiAgain: Download the latest win32 codecpack from www.mplayerhq.hu and copy all files to /usr/lib/win32.08:48
abattoirRoKFiT: it's like running a 'mini 32-bit' version... you change root into that to run 32-bit stuff08:49
abattoir!chroot | RoKFiT08:49
ubotuRoKFiT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box08:49
DennisTTOh and how do I change the workgroup of the samba server?08:49
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy08:49
geniidennis edit the smbd.conf file08:50
RoKFiTgenii, where is the win32 download located on the page08:51
geniiI'm not sure but it shouldn't be too hidden08:51
RoKFiTwait, i found it08:51
geniilemme look LOL08:51
geniiAh good08:51
DennisTTgenii: where's the smbd.conf file located?08:51
geniideniis usually in either /etc or /etc/samba08:52
DennisTTThanks genii08:53
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geniiSorry may be named smb.conf not smbd.conf08:53
genii<- my bad08:53
DennisTTYeah it was, no worries I found it08:54
RoKFiTi can't create a win32 folder08:54
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geniidennis There is an extensive man page for smb.conf with all the things you can set also08:54
geniiRoK You need to do it with sudo mkdir    and so on08:54
RoKFiTjust did08:55
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RoKFiTsee this is why i want to run as root08:55
RoKFiTthat kind of work is annoying08:55
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geniiBut it constantly reminds you of why it's neccesary08:55
RoKFiTstill no wmv video in kaffeine with that mod genii08:55
RoKFiTaudio though08:56
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geniiRoK I'm out of ideas ATM now08:56
RoKFiTvlc works08:56
vorpal_RoKFiT: before i reinstalled i'm pretty sure i could play wmv in kaffiene, so it can be done08:57
RoKFiTmaybe if i switch the codec to mplayer in kaffeine08:57
geniiI need to go get a coffee. If darkangel returns please let him know I'll be back in about 5-10 minutes08:58
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vorpal_genii: bring me back a mug of caffiene too thanks08:59
vorpal_black no sugar08:59
RoKFiTah shoot now kaffeine isn't playing regular avis08:59
RoKFiTwhat did i do?09:00
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RoKFiTi switched to mplayer encoder then switched back to kaffeine and now it's not playing09:00
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RoKFiToh yeah it is09:01
vorpal_RoKFiT: lol09:01
vorpal_what was wrong?09:01
RoKFiTidk i had to switch tabs09:01
RoKFiTi was on the right tab, but switching tabs worked09:01
prophitincnotech i know the drive now its hdb1 thats what i want to mount to...how do i do that09:02
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Zamber how to disable that circle-baloon-whatever tootlips in the bottom bar?09:02
RoKFiTunlock panel, configure panel,...09:03
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prophitinccan anyone help me mount to hdb1?09:03
RoKFiTno it's in system settings, appearance09:04
vorpal_prophitinc: what do you want to do?09:04
prophitinci want to mount to my 80g windows harddrive to get my files09:05
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prophitincand save things there if i can09:05
prophitincits hdb109:05
prophitinci know i have to do something like mkdir or whatever09:05
vorpal_do you know if it's ntfs or fat32?09:05
prophitincyes ntfs09:06
vorpal_sudo mkdir <somedirectory>09:07
vorpal_depends where you want it to mount09:07
vorpal_may not need sudo depending on where you choose09:07
prophitincdoes it matter where i mount it?09:07
vorpal_not really09:07
flaccidmount it in /media or /mnt09:08
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vorpal_sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /<yourdirectory>09:09
vorpal_no wait a second09:09
vorpal_you probably want to mount it read only09:09
=== genii hands vorpal a large mug of Tim Horton's finest
vorpal_genii: :)09:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:09
flaccid^^ has correct options and masks for ntfs,fat etc09:10
vorpal_sudo mount -t ntfs -r /dev/hdb1 /<yourdirectory>09:11
vorpal_i think that should work09:11
vorpal_prophitinc: make sure you don't write to it or you could seriously fuck it up09:11
geniiyeah ntfs write support is still messed09:12
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flacciduse the mask on the help page09:14
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ubuntuhi all ! I have a probem with the arts daemon. When i log in, my computer stops responding for a while, and the arts daemon is using 90% of my CPU usage. Can someone help me ? (I use KUBUNTU Edgy with kde 3.5.5)09:27
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vorpal_ubuntu: is it a fresh install?09:30
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ubuntunow i am running from the livecd09:31
ubuntuand i have the same problem09:31
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ubuntuand other question: I have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX 4000 ; what i must install to have 3d acceleration ( nvidia-glx, or i have to use the nvidia installer )?09:35
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sparrJust encountered the debian mailing list posting from ten years ago where someone pointed out that bashisms are a problem when using another provider of sh.  Always interesting how problems like this seem inconsequential to people with no forward vision.09:41
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Linux_Galorecool just hacked the suse menu (kickoff) onto my kubuntu install09:44
Linux_GaloreIm just hacking some of the eye candy bugs out09:45
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Linux_Galoreis very responsive, allot better than kbfx09:46
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233109:46
Linux_Galoreyeah www.kde-apps.org has a .deb  for kubuntu09:46
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flaccidi can't find kick off on kde-apps10:01
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=== aleksanteri needs some help again
aleksanteriwhat's the root password by default?10:04
Zamberman sudo10:06
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flaccidno root pass10:07
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Linux_Galoreflaccid: you wont, its replaces the normal kde menu10:10
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flaccidi found it there 102mb10:11
flaccidoh they omitted it from serach heh10:11
Linux_Galoreflaccid: just start the normal kde menu in the applets, logout or restart kicker10:11
flaccidi aint got the bandwidth to d/l it yet dang10:11
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Linux_GaloreI had to edit the kmenu.png and the kmenu_basic.mng file10:12
Linux_Galorewrong size icon10:13
Linux_GaloreI kicked the kbfx menu icons I was using10:13
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Linux_Galoreused gimp to convert one of the png kbfx icon themes to kmenu_basic.mng10:13
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aleksanterii don't remember which kubuntu version have i got (6.06 or 6.10), how can i get it?10:26
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llutzcat /etc/issue10:26
aleksanteriok it's 6.06, thx10:27
digitalfreedomanyone know anyfree ebooks ob cli?10:28
digitalfreedomon cli?10:28
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: are you looking for intro to cli basics?10:29
digitalfreedomsomething like that..10:29
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:29
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: check the links @ http://lotusleafslinks.tuxfamily.org/ <- Linux/Command Line10:29
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lotusleafdigitalfreedom: check out linux/command line as well as misc/online books free and linux/various10:29
digitalfreedomkewl guys thanx..i need mostly network commands netcat..finger whios stuff like that10:30
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: all that and more =)10:31
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: yw10:31
digitalfreedombut im going to make it my goal to be a CLI guru10:31
digitalfreedomthats a good goal right?10:31
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: indeed10:31
digitalfreedomyeah i gave up o nthe underware model career10:31
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digitalfreedomcall me a throwback but i like reading actual paper books...10:34
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digitalfreedomok another question im viewing a man page now and how do esc back to cli10:34
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: hit the q key?10:35
digitalfreedombeau@beau-desktop:~$ man mkdir10:35
digitalfreedomReformatting mkdir(1), please wait..10:35
digitalfreedomis that bad?10:35
digitalfreedomi hit q b4 you posted and i got that10:35
digitalfreedomshould i call an ambulance?10:35
lotusleafdigitalfreedom: there are some good beginner tutorials @ linux.org as well as other places, check the links on my site10:36
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digitalfreedomfound a gr8 and im gonna shre the link10:42
digitalfreedomhttp://www.hackemate.com.ar/textos/Linux/Linux Complete Command Reference/Linux Complete Command Reference.pdf10:42
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ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB10:47
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boudMorning. Does anyone know where the krandr resize and rotate tray applet has gone in edgy?10:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krandr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
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Linux_Galorevorpal_: pfft that wont answer his question11:05
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vorpal_Linux_Galore: i had no idea what it was11:06
vorpal_i was seeing if it did11:06
Linux_Galoreboud: its an image resize tool11:06
vorpal_cause i was curious11:06
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boudLinux_Galore: no, it for dynamically setting the resolution and rotation of your screen11:07
boudusing the xrandr protocol11:07
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Linux_Galoreboud: I know11:07
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boudLinux_Galore: ok11:08
FreddyMhow can i set Konqueror to have middle click close a tab11:08
boudLinux_Galore: I'm going to give a presentation today and I used to use it before to set the resolution to the beamer's resolution.11:08
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boudOf course, I can use the command-line utilty xrandr, but I was a comfortable little applet.11:09
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Linux_Galoreboud: its in the utilities section under the main menu11:11
boudLinux_Galore: that's where I looked, but it isn't there, and I cannot find it in adept_manager either.11:12
Linux_Galoreboud: it is for me11:12
Linux_Galoreboud: just run krand in a terminal11:12
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Linux_Galoreboud: so you dont have it installed yet ?11:13
ubotukonqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5280 kB11:13
boudLinux_Galore: apparently I had it installed, because from the commandline it worked. Thanks!11:14
Linux_Galoreboud: I dare say its not in your main menu yet because kicker hansnt refreshed11:14
boudLinux_Galore: that's possible.11:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gizmo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
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Linux_Galoreboud: also doesnt help that Ive updated my main menu to kickoff so thing are a bit different11:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gizmoproject - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
Linux_Galoregenii: its like skype11:16
Linux_Galorebut uses open standards11:16
geniiYes I know, I have it installed :)11:16
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geniiAnd patched into an esterisk box actually11:16
Linux_Galoregenii: its also closed source so wont be listed11:16
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:17
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:17
geniihmm I thought it was open11:17
Linux_Galoreit isnt11:17
aleksanterino it isn't11:17
Linux_Galorethats why no one installed opera by default11:18
ubuntusalut  tous11:18
aleksanterii really should ask them why11:18
Linux_Galorealeksanteri: because opera is now moving to the portable market11:18
Linux_Galoreie mobile phones11:18
ubuntuy a t'il une persone francophone qui peut m'aider s.v.p merci11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about conexant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
jasinfirefox was not default on my system knqueror was.11:20
Linux_Galorethey should but kickoff as the new default menu in kubuntu, it makes kbfx look clunky11:20
aleksanteriLinux_Galore: ok11:20
Linux_Galorejasin: thats because ff is gtk11:20
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Linux_Galorejasin: kde isnt11:20
Linux_Galoresorry konqueror isnt11:20
Linux_Galorekonqueror uses qt like the whole of kde11:21
FreddyM!fr | ubuntu11:21
ubotuubuntu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:21
jasinkde? i'm runing kubuntu11:21
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jasinkonqueror was default11:22
Linux_Galorejasin: k = kde in kubuntu11:22
FreddyMjasin: KDE is the Desktop Envirement11:22
jasinyes, I'm aware of that11:22
aleksanteriK Desktop Enviroment11:22
FreddyMah okay11:22
aleksanterithat's where the name comes from11:22
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Linux_Galoreubuntu uses the gnome desktop based on gtk11:22
jasinI know what kde is11:22
jasinkubuntu usses kde11:23
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jasinI prefer kde11:23
geniiCDE = Common Desktop Environment  KDE = pun11:23
Linux_Galoregenii: CDE is different11:24
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geniiYes I know. But they modelled KDE after it11:24
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Linux_Galoregenii: to some degree yes. bit like saying Linux is based on Unix, it is to some degree but isnt any more11:25
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gposabellahi there11:25
geniiWell, yes, they are wildly divergent these days :)11:26
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Linux_Galoregenii: yeah, edgy killed the init startup11:26
Linux_Galoregenii: thank god for that11:26
gposabellaplease, where is the inittab in Edgy ?11:26
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geniiLinux is only modelled on Unix as much as Minix was... they do not share a common core tho. *BSD of course has it's more truer unix roots11:27
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Linux_Galoregenii: Linus removed all the minix code years ago11:27
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jasin"KDE" stands for "the K Desktop Environment".11:28
jasinThe "K" did indeed stand for "Kool" for a brief period of time back when the earth was warm and dinosaurs terrorized Ringo Starr.11:28
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geniijasin Yes. The K does not stand for a longer word11:28
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Linux_Galorehere I was thinking is stood for krap :-P11:28
jasinIn October 1996, Matthias Ettrich posted a message asking for help creating a desktop for his girlfriend which he called the "Kool Desktop Environment", mostly as a pun on CDE (the Common Desktop Environment).11:28
lm_hey there can anybody tell me, why the **** my xp machine still asks for a username and pass, even thought my shared folder is public?11:29
lm_i just dont get it11:29
jasinkde i smuch better then gnome11:29
jasinkde is much better then gnome11:29
geniiI actually prefer gnome11:29
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Linux_Galorelm_: whats XP11:29
lm_windows xp11:29
aleksanteridead smiley11:29
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digitalfreedomwhats windows?11:29
Linux_Galorelm_: you have a window called XP ?11:29
lm_comon...be seriously :D11:30
lm_its called ibm11:30
aleksanteriWindows XP (dead smiley :P )11:30
geniilm_ you are trying to access a shared folder on your windoze box from an ubuntu machine?11:30
Linux_Galorelm_: I wouldnnt have a clue, I havent used a crashware Microsoft program in 9 years11:30
lm_genii: nope the other way around11:30
digitalfreedomcrashware YEEEHAAAAAA11:30
lm_genii: trying to acces my home folder on my kubuntu box11:31
=== digitalfreedom bout choked on his dr pepper at crashware
jasinlinux is not uncrashable11:31
Linux_Galorejasin: neigther is a T-72 tank, so11:31
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jasinlinux is actually quit easy to crash11:31
Linux_Galorejasin: neither is a T-72 tank, so11:31
jasinlinux is actually quit easy to crash11:31
lm_digitalfreedom: at least, windows lets me share my folders prperly and withot problems11:31
digitalfreedomlnux lets me too11:32
geniilm_ the login name you use for windows login is what gets passed to the samba so it it isn't the username on the ubuntu box it will fail auth and ask you again11:32
lm_digitalfreedom: hmmm... i guess linux favors you11:32
Linux_Galorelm_: actually I share files between machines all the time, I can start a random ftp file share in 4 seconds11:32
digiluxwhere: Metamorfozis ???11:32
digitalfreedombecause i let go of windoze for stable reliabe bug free os11:32
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Linux_Galorelm_: theres even a simple share applet in kde, but you dont know that because your stuck in winsuck land11:32
digitalfreedomyou just have to RTFM with liux its not the lazy mans OS windoze11:33
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jasinlinux just dont crash on a daily bases like windows does, but it is crashable, its actually quit easy to crash linux.11:33
geniilm_  you can set in the smb.conf something which I think is "guest ok = yes" or similar which will override it11:33
Linux_Galorejasin: I havent crashed a linux machine in months11:33
lm_genii: ....what? so you meani should login with the user and pass i use to login on my windows box?11:33
lm_oh ok11:34
Linux_Galorejasin: you can crash Linux but only if you do something really dumb as root11:34
digitalfreedomyeah like i did once when i eleted my ext3 off the drive11:34
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digitalfreedomsingle malt whiskey is good11:34
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digitalfreedombut it sometimes impeded the typing skillz11:35
digitalfreedomand vision11:35
geniilm_ No. What I'm saying is if you have a folder on the samba box whose files are owned by "george" but you default login to windows as "administrator" the XP box tries to auth as "administrator" to the samba server to get files owned by "george". So it fails then asks you for the user and password again11:35
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Linux_Galoreyeah, the problem with windows is it keeps shifting how it uses smb on every update, why cant Microsoft just stick to one method instead of adding layers of BS that stuff it all up11:36
digitalfreedomone of the gr8 unanswerale questions of the universe11:36
Linux_GaloreI have zero issues with samba and the Linux desktops at work, but god help me every time a XP machine updates it cant find samba11:37
digitalfreedomi know how to fix your problem lm sudo to root then type rm -r /home then look away11:37
geniilm_ Anyhow there are a *LOT* of options for smb.conf which can be seen with man smb.conf   One of them is to allow guest access which is likely what you want.11:38
digitalfreedomznd throw in -f oo11:38
Linux_Galoreanway, as of last week all the XP machines got formated into hell11:38
lm_genii: thanks alot ill try my way trough this11:39
geniilm_ break a leg :)11:39
digitalfreedomor a keyboard11:39
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jasinThe Synaptics TouchPad driver for linux crashes many distros. It'll crash the system is bad that'll it'll break the kernel.11:40
digitalfreedomanyone here read the book The Heretic?11:40
geniialso you can purposely set a null password for a samba user with smbpasswd -n username11:40
jasinlinux is not crash proof.11:41
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llutzjasin: never had any trouble with xorg-driver-synaptics in any distro11:41
geniibut it has better airbags11:41
jasinI have, with ubuntu and fedora.11:42
llutzjasin: not with knoppix, kanotix, dapper, edgy, grml11:42
digitalfreedomapps might crash but not the whole system11:42
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digitalfreedomno blue screen hell or memory dumps11:42
geniino just the occasional core dump :)11:43
Linux_GaloreI havent had a core dum in 2 years11:43
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jasindigtal, a kernel panic is basically the entire system going down.11:43
digitalfreedombetter se a doc for that man11:43
digitalfreedomsounds painfull11:43
jasindigtal, i got those all the time in redhat.11:43
Linux_Galoreusually I find core dumps are due to beta code11:43
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geniiI think the last core dump I had was on a freebsd 4.8 box11:43
geniimore often it's "kernel panic" this or that11:44
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digitalfreedomtried to kill init process11:44
Linux_Galoreyeah I used to  have kernel panics in the old 2.4 days but you shouldnt have them now11:44
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vlad92i have a Genius eye 311Q webcam; how can i use it on Kubuntu (i don`t find any drivers) ?11:45
jasinmost of the time when i got a kernel panic it would either kill the entire system or it'd kick me back to lilo.11:45
Linux_Galorevlad92: did you look it up on www.google.com/linux11:45
geniiI would get total system freeze with all keyboard lights goin11:45
jasinlinux, yeah, there what .. s11's now?11:45
vlad92i didn`t know this site11:47
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Linux_Galorevlad92: there are over 2-3 million devices you can plug into a PC, so best to check on www.google.com/linux first11:47
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jasinlinux is not the most stable os but i still prefer it to windows.11:49
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jasinwindows is just crap.11:49
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Admiral_Chicagojasin: linux has been a lot more stable for me than Windows11:50
Admiral_Chicagoor at least that's my experience11:50
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jasinadmiral, dos is more stable then windows lol11:51
digitalfreedomone time in computer camp i fingered myself11:51
jasinadmiral, so that aint saying much11:51
Admiral_Chicagothe only times my system breaks is when I fiddle around with it too much11:52
jasinI would get swap space ussage after booting the system in windows.11:52
Admiral_Chicagoand thats really my own fault11:52
digitalfreedomnobody likes jokes around jokes here?11:52
jasinI've never use swap space in linux.11:52
Admiral_Chicagoi rarely use it too11:53
LynoureI use it a lot, I like hibernation :)11:53
jasinlinux is very good with memory management11:54
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=== genii steals digitalfreedom's <ANY> key
jasinwindows is a freakin memory hog and the more you install the biger bottle neck you create.11:56
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:57
jasinI use partition magic myself.11:57
Admiral_Chicagoanyone guide me on mounting a ext3 partition on a liveCD11:58
geniibloat: win3.11=5 floppy disks win95=~100Mb win98=~400Mb XP=~1G11:58
jasingenii, i had 2 gigabytes in xp and it was slow as hell.11:58
Admiral_Chicago  oh wait i know how to do it11:58
jasingenii, linux is super fast with 2 gigabytes.11:59
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geniiI have some p2400 here with 192Mb and 6G hd and they run dapper no problemmo11:59
geniip2-400Mhz to clarify11:59
jasinunlike with windows, i can specific in the kernel how much memory is in my system.11:59
llutzgenii: first slackware i got = 50 3.5" floppy disks :(11:59
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geniicpm/80=800K 5 1/4"12:00
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jasinI used rehat, and fedora, for many years. Now I use exclusivly a debian based distro; ubuntu is my favorite.12:01
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genii1 5 1/4" to boot 1 5 1/4" to run a word processor from12:01
Linux_Galorejasin: bet you have office installed, when you install Office it pre loads a huge lib in the background, sucks up all your ram12:01
llutzgenii: yeah, the old times.... :)12:01
jasinI used redhat and ultamently fedora, for many years. Now I use exclusivly a debian based distro; ubuntu is my favorite.12:01
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mc__debian is the best12:01
Linux_Galorejasin: so windows uses 60mb+ of ram even though you dont even use office for that session12:02
jasinlinux_galore, i use abiword, nothing else.12:02
jasinlinux_galore, i wont use an office suite12:02
Linux_Galorejasin: you dont have to use office for it to suck up the ram, office pre loads when you boot12:02
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jasinlinux, not on my system it dont :)12:03
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Linux_Galorejasin: unless you hack the registry is always pre loads12:03
geniimc__ Well ubuntu is of debian heritage :) But for the hardcore I'd say pure debian is the way12:04
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Linux_Galorejasin: OpenOffice has a pre loader too called oooqs, makes it open super fast when you click on a file12:04
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geniijasin I think he's talking about M$ windoze12:04
Linux_Galorejasin: but unlike office , its optional12:04
malc_I installed nvidia drivers and graphics work fine (apart from videos).  But since then the keyboard shortcuts for Amarok don't work (ie WindowsKey + B for next song) can anyone help?12:05
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jasinlinux, I dont use open office12:05
Linux_Galoregenii: lol, like one would bother running M$ office in Linux12:05
geniiXandros is working on that with CodeWeavers12:05
Linux_Galorejasin: so you never open a doc file12:05
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Linux_Galoregenii: Ive got codeweavers at work, office XP works fine with it under Linux12:06
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jasinlinux, yep i do, in abiword.12:06
Linux_Galorejasin: abiword it gtk and render like crap12:07
jasinlinux, yep i do, in abiword or on the windows machine.12:07
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jasinabiword works fine for me.12:07
mc__genii: i think debian is still better for servers12:07
mc__genii: debian stable of course12:07
Linux_Galorejasin: gtk looks like rubbish in windows12:07
jasinno problems whatsoever12:07
mc__genii: and sid is nice for the bleeding edge guys12:08
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geniimc__ for the hardcore serving I'm somewhat divided between freeBSD and Debian12:08
jasinthats fine, you use what you like.12:08
mc__genii: FreeBSD has jails,they really rock12:08
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geniimc__ Right now at work we use a debian based machine with a bunch of virtual servers, some are FreeBSD12:09
geniipreviously we used sunos12:09
geniiWe are switching entirely to debian but we have legacy stuff that runs only on the old bsd boxen for now12:10
Linux_Galoregenii: you would love Nexenta, Open Solaris with Ubuntu packages. even has apt-get12:10
Linux_Galoregenii: Ive got Nexenta on a machine because I want to play with ZFS12:11
geniiIsn't solaris10 free now ?12:11
Linux_Galoregenii: opensolaris is12:11
Linux_Galoregenii: solaris is the comercial arm12:11
aspediaI want to secure apache -site with htaccess. Im using htpasswd2- the file is created , apache is restarted but when I get the site then there is no auth. Apache is not executing .htaccess12:12
aspediawhat is missing or wrong?12:12
aspediacan someon help?12:12
geniiYeah we got licences with our Sunfire boxes we never used. We ended up with amd64 debian12:12
Linux_Galoregenii: why ??, just swap to OpenSolaris, Debian amd64 port is rubbish12:13
geniiaspedia I suspect you need to set up an entry for it in apache2.conf (or equivelent)12:13
jasinlinux_galore, dont like anything lol12:14
jasinlinux_galore dont like anything lol12:14
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Linux_Galorejasin: no, right tool for the right job12:14
mc__genii: what virtualisation are you using?12:14
aspediawhat for an entry12:14
geniiSome ppl are fussy :) Or perhaps "discerning" is more politically correct12:15
jasingenii, thats obvious hehe12:15
jasinlinux_galore yeah sure, whatever.12:15
Linux_Galorejasin: Sun run solaris on there "enterprise servers" with AMD64 cpu's12:16
geniiaspedia First you need to put that .htaccess file in the directory you are trying to protect. Then usually in the virtual servers or Aliases section of the apache conf files you make an entry which has an appropriate line to use the .htaccess file.12:16
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Linux_Galorejasin: not if you want to risk you company on a few hackers from Debian who dont get paid, go for it12:16
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geniimc__ we are using Xen12:17
jasinbs, anything connected to an open network like the internet -- is hackable.12:17
Linux_Galorejasin: your missing the point, this isnt a security issue12:17
mc__genii: Xen is nice,but i prefer OpenVZ12:18
geniiaspedia http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/htaccess.html12:18
LynoureLinux_Galore: What? Most ubuntu developers do not get paid either.12:19
Linux_GaloreLynoure: yes but many do12:19
jasinnothing connected to the internet is 100% secure.12:19
LynoureLinux_Galore: How many?12:19
Linux_GaloreLynoure: your answering my question for me12:19
LynoureLinux_Galore: I was under impression that just a handful.12:20
geniiYeah our X2100 came with opterons (165 I think)12:20
Linux_GaloreLynoure: and debian has fewer12:20
crimsunLinux_Galore: "many" is roughly a dozen.12:20
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heinkel_111hello..i have a problem with almost all my kde applications, they seem to crash at shutdown with a SIGSEGV erorr message12:20
LynoureLinux_Galore: It's still ugly to imply that means using debian is dangerous12:20
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heinkel_111i cannot figure out what is broken12:20
heinkel_111it is maybe some of my kde settings files which needs replacing?12:21
Linux_GaloreLynoure: no but if Im a Solaris shop and my hardware is solaris freindly last thing I would do is swap to Debian12:21
geniiheinkel You should run memtest12:21
LynoureLinux_Galore: s/debian/linux ?12:21
heinkel_111can i run that from konsole?12:21
jasinits probably not his memory.12:21
geniisegment faults are usually some mem prob12:22
Linux_GaloreLynoure: why would I swap from an OS with zero issues to a maybe has no issues OS12:22
Linux_GaloreLynoure: considering both are open source now12:23
geniiheinkel No, not from konsole. You need to select it at boot time by hitting TAB key when grub starts. Then you choose it from there to boot up to. It will scan your ram to see if it has a problem.12:23
jasinTheir  usually an Abnormal termination of some process12:23
heinkel_111thank you genii12:24
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geniiIf the memory goes through 5 or 6 passes of memtest without problem then it is indicating software12:24
heinkel_111will run then12:24
geniiif it does not pass memtes, replace your ram12:24
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LynoureLinux_Galore: I could not find the OpenSolaris bug database on a quick googling, so I cannot verify it having zero issues. But oh well.12:24
emiliano75buongiorno a tutti12:24
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Linux_GaloreLynoure: were talking AMD64 Sun stuff, issues would be near and far on hardware12:25
xpapiezhi je tu nekdo?12:25
xpapiezHi all, is anybody here?12:25
emiliano75i have a problem with kaffeine and video files..... video jump12:25
emiliano75how can resolve this problem?12:26
Linux_Galoreemiliano75: use mplayer12:26
jasinOpen solaris bugs: http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=1112:26
emiliano75ok, i try... thanks :-)12:26
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LynoureLinux_Galore: Thank for keeping close track on it :)12:26
Linux_Galoreemiliano75: I recompiled kaffeine to support mplayer as the engine12:26
geniiheinkel If memtest passes your ram return here for other help12:27
jasinopensolaris-bugs Archives: http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/opensolaris-bugs/12:27
xpapiezI have ntb and new system - it is ubuntu. I want to have ne kernel12:27
Linux_Galoreemiliano75: when I get video play issues I just swap to the mplayer engine in kaffeine and it seems to fix it12:27
xpapiezthe latest kernel has modules which i need to run DVB-T and my camera12:27
xpapiezis any there who is able to set up .config?12:27
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Linux_GaloreLynoure: of course their will be bug in opensolaris its now having to sun on a mixed bag of hardware, in this case its Solaris spec hardware12:28
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xpapiezplease help me12:29
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mindspinxpapiez: waht do you want?12:30
xpapiezset up .config from the latest kernel12:30
xpapiezI really do not know what I need12:31
mindspinyou want to compile your own ?12:31
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mindspinany reasons for it?12:31
xpapiezthere is module for my DVB-T, camera12:32
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geniixpapiez you do not need to recompile your kernel for that12:32
mindspincan't you load the mudeles?12:32
mindspinmodules even12:32
xpapiezis not better to input it to kernel?12:33
=== aleksanteri has a directory of tracked music modules
geniixpapiez What is the file extension on the module you are trying to istall for your DVB-T,camera etc? .deb? .tar.gz or similar?12:33
mindspinnot inmy view12:33
xpapiezit is in the latest qc-usb_tree12:34
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geniixpapiez OK, but what I am trying to discover is whether you need to compile the module/driver from scratch or12:35
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geniiwhether it is somehwere now on your system and you just need to insert the module12:36
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xpapiezok, I try to find out the module and insert it.12:36
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geniido you have the exact name of this module/file??12:37
xpapiezI thought that is better to kompile a new kernel.12:37
geniieven if you have to compile a new module you will not have to recompile the kernel12:37
xpapiezv4l1_compat v4l2_common12:38
geniiOK give me a minute to go find out about this module12:38
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geniiIt is for a memory device. It seems you do not need to compile it12:40
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geniito see if it is already on your system try modprobe -l dvb_usb_dtt200u12:41
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xpapiezno there is any result12:42
geniiOK did you download this thing already?12:43
geniixpapiez this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18329712:44
xpapiezthanks a lot12:46
geniixpapiez Have fun :)12:46
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eilkergconfd (maksim-5613): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory" to a read-only configuration source at position 0 //  any idea for this ? why gconf ? i use kde..12:50
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ubotugconf: GNOME configuration database system. (daemon and tools). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.9-7.1 (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 1484 kB01:05
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VincentMXwhat's the name for the 64bit kernel in edgy?01:07
lealjrol sou novo em usar Kubuntu01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brazilian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
lealjrgostaria de alguma dica de como fao para obter material para estudar esse so01:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spanish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
VincentMXlealjr: espanol is in #kubuntu-es01:09
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VincentMXbrazilian is the same as spanish right?01:09
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js1990how do i join channels, coz i dno ne channel names01:10
VincentMX/join #channel01:11
marciomraalguem fala portugues ai?01:11
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.01:11
VincentMXit was that easy?01:12
VincentMXjust the extension?01:12
VincentMXi thought you needed to type !brazialian01:12
eilkervincentmx: brazilian is different from spanish01:12
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:31
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k-oshJe ne comprends pas. English here only.01:32
k-oshNo worries.01:32
noobiis there any fr01:33
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:33
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k-oshJoin any of those two and you should find some french speaking people there.01:34
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ricanelitewho here is running Ubuntu Edgy on a Apple Machine?01:35
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ricaneliteDoes anyone here run MacOnLinux?01:40
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sistemasgood mornig01:59
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sistemasI'm woriking in a small webapp in Quanta Plus02:00
sistemasbut this IDE colapse continously02:00
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B-Minusim gonna install windows vista to use photoshop on my laptop, if my MBR will be overwriten, how can i repair it so i can see grub ?02:08
ZamberB-Minus consider using GIMPshop02:11
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B-Minusi am but its not as good as photoshop02:12
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B-Minusim using like 'more then standard tools'02:12
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B-Minusi want multiple layer adjustements etc02:12
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B-Minusnot possible with gimp02:12
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Vladdy-yay, w32.parite.b works under wine :D02:17
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arconismy firefox is getting fuck02:30
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blizzzekcould someone describe to me what "liable to get sued" means?02:32
blizzzekis it equal to "you may get charged" ?02:34
gnomefreakblizzzek: it means you can be sued02:34
blizzzekgnomefreak: ok, thanks02:35
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shenmueHi, the 2.6.17-10-generic kernel cannot power off automatically?02:38
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Vladdy-of course it can :O02:39
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shenmueBut when I shutdown my pc, I have to press the power button manually02:40
xwolf-i need to merge some free space to my ext3 partition. i looked through gparted and qtparted but none of them seems to have what i want. how can i do that?02:40
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shenmueWhen I use i386 kernel, it can halt though02:41
DexterFfriend of mine (linux knowledge = about apple user) runs kubuntu 6.06 on a machine behind a NAT-router. I'd like so see what's going on on her screen02:42
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DexterFso - easiest way to have that secure? I thought about x11vnc, but that's unencrypted and requires a port fwd, right?02:43
Vladdy-spying on people?02:44
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Vladdy-best is openssh port forwarding + vnc :P02:45
DexterFah, bad chioce of words on my part: no, *supporting* people02:45
DexterFI talked her into trying kub instead of windows so naturally I have to do some support work02:46
Vladdy-tightvnc is unsecure, but if you use openssh port forwarding, all data is sent encrypted02:46
DexterFwell. which means I would need an account on her machine02:46
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DexterFkub has no built in remote support capabilites, huh? should file a feature request for v7...02:48
Vladdy-well, kubuntu has some02:48
Vladdy-but it uses vnc02:48
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Vladdy-but NAT is evil :-/02:50
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DexterFrequires port fw, too02:51
Vladdy-and by the way, port forwarding can work both ways02:53
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Vladdy-if you have your ssh open, she can forward her port to you02:53
gan|y|medok, you might call me "old-fashioned", but i really don't like some of the  improvements in edgy02:53
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gan|y|medoh god, it keeps adding up...02:55
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gan|y|medi have a problem with opera. after having upgraded from 8.x it seems that it does not interpret any css spacing/margins. any ideas what this could be? clearing the configs doesn't help...02:58
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olegfinkgan|y|med: switching to konqueror/fireofx?03:00
gan|y|medof course, THAT is a solution03:00
gan|y|medwould i ask for remedy then?03:00
gan|y|medok, you had your fun. any SERIOUS suggestions?03:01
shenmuecan konqueror use firefox extensions?03:01
mc__shenmue: nope03:01
Vladdy-only its plugins iirc03:01
olegfinkgan|y|med: is that on linux only?03:02
gan|y|medwindows works fine03:02
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gan|y|medhow is the program file for the ati control panel called (my link is broken)?03:03
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olegfinkgan|y|med: hmm maybe to try bugsearch on opera website?03:09
gan|y|medi'll try. though i was not very successful on google. thx anyway. strange error though...03:09
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ScottAI'm still having a problem getting my wireless card working, and the documentation on Ubuntu is of no help to me. I have Kubuntu 6.10, and a Linksys PCI Wifi Adapter03:11
olegfinkgan|y|med: can you detail it a bit ? I agree a bit strange :)03:11
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ScottAcan anyone help me?03:11
gan|y|medok. when i use opera 8 web sites look what we may label normal. but in opera 9 everything is tightened up as if the margins and border tags are not considered at all (like cellspacing and -padding = 0)03:12
ScottAits with opera03:13
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gan|y|medScottA: just ask03:13
ScottAI remember something like this happened to me on my win machine03:13
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gan|y|medhow did you solve it?03:13
ScottA<ScottA> I'm still having a problem getting my wireless card working, and the documentation on Ubuntu is of no help to me. I have Kubuntu 6.10, and a Linksys PCI Wifi Adapter03:14
ScottAganymed: hold on03:14
rainerhello, I am running edgy and have enabled main, restricted, universe and multiverse repositories with the edgy, edgy-updates and edgy-security archives. when I try to update/install new packages through aptitude, most of them fail. A debconf window pops up and says incorrect nice value, needs something between -20 and 19. the console error output is se of uninitialized value in join or string at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/DbDriver/Stack.pm03:14
rainerline 104, <GEN3> line 4.03:14
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gan|y|medrainer: is this an update?03:15
rainerany ideas? :) it worked fine until some time ago, that problem suddenly started appearing03:15
rainerno idea, it happens at "preconfiguring packages..."03:15
B-Minusim gonna install windows vista to use photoshop on my laptop, if my MBR will be overwriten, how can i repair it so i can see grub ?03:15
gan|y|medhave you upgraded from dapper?03:15
rainerno, clean kubuntu edgy install from release iso03:15
rainerit worked until some time ago, that problem suddenly started appearing today (havn't upgraded packages for a week or so)03:16
ScottAganymed: In Opera 9, try View > Fit To Window03:16
gan|y|medtry to update your file cache and reinstall xorg (best from console if there is still one in edgy, couldn't open it so far)03:16
gan|y|medaaahhh, looks horrible03:17
ScottAstill squished?03:17
raineralso what confused me, right after installing there was a package conflict (apt could solve but there was one). looked very strange to me :)03:17
gan|y|medyes, no distances between the elements at all, even with a clean config03:17
sdlnxgkGood Morning Everyone !!!  Have A Great Weekend !!!03:17
gan|y|medrainer: have you tried to reinstall xorg03:18
ScottAhmm. Is it like, all to one side in a narrow column?03:18
rainerno, but doing so now03:18
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rainergan|y|med: you are right, when I press "Cancel" in that debconf window all the xorg packages come up with the same failure so it's probably related to that (which sounds like I am not the first one having that problem :)03:19
sdlnxgkAnyone using mythtv??? where  can I find the best  card for kubuntu??03:21
ScottACan anyone help me with my wifi problem anyways?03:21
gan|y|medrainer: do "apt-get update" and then "apt-get install xorg" (or whatever it is called). look at "apt-get help" to find the exact command for reinstalling as it has changed since i used it last time, i think03:22
rainerapt-get --reinstall install ;)03:22
rainerbut same error03:22
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gan|y|medScottA: no, it is just sqeezed togehter03:23
gan|y|medhave you updated the repos?03:23
ScottAtry reinstalling it.03:23
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gan|y|medhey, i am ot a noob :)03:23
ScottAlol, srry.03:24
dwb222hey guys, i am having trouble with my dell inspiron 500m. it worked but not has a  very slow moving touchpad mouse after using some bad sources.list03:24
dwb222can anyone help?03:24
ScottAI suppose none of you have any idea how to get wifi working?!03:25
Vladdy-ScottA: depends, is the card found?03:25
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Vladdy-then you need to know what card you have..03:25
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ScottALinksys WMP54GS with SpeedBooster03:25
soulriderhi everyone03:26
Vladdy-unless I'm mistaking, linux v2.6.18.3 will work with it, need to extract firmware with fwcutter though03:27
rainergan|y|med: I fixed it...I did dpkg-reconfigure debconf and changed it to ask questions in dialog interface, not KDE and no errors anymore..seems it's related to the Qt debconf interface :)03:27
ScottAI tried using fwcutter, but it kept saying 'couln't find package bcm43xx-fwcutter'03:28
gan|y|medsry, was busy03:28
Vladdy-it's in my repository03:28
gan|y|medScottA: what is your wifi problem?03:29
ScottAI can't get my card to work.03:29
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:29
ScottAhold on03:29
gan|y|medrainer: oh yes, that is the other possibility. sorry, it has been a long time since this error appeared on my debian box. but good to know03:29
DrCubhi ScottA03:30
Vladdy-ScottA: it's in universe03:30
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gan|y|medare there kernel modules for your card?03:30
ScottAI already enable the universe repositories.03:30
Vladdy-did you run apt-get update then?03:30
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ScottAI can't connect to the net, so nothing works. :(03:32
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Vladdy-scotta: you have to use wired connection on that pc for now03:32
sdlnxgkI tired to get my wifi working but had lots of issues with win drivers for a linksys card03:32
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ScottAIt just gave me 'failed to fetch' for everything03:32
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ScottAthx anyways03:33
Vladdy-because you need to do some stuff that requires network connection03:33
sdlnxgkthere are web pages out there that say you can use ndiwrapper and windows driver to get it working but haven't yet03:33
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CyberAlancouldn't he use like a thumb drive?03:34
Vladdy-yeah, can transfer files with that03:34
ScottAHow can I use a thumb drive?03:35
gan|y|medou can press F12 to open the "Quick preferences" menu. From this menu, try to experiment with the different "Identify as..." settings03:35
gan|y|medthere is NO Identify as... anymore!03:35
Vladdy-ScottA: easiest is to download on other pc with internet03:36
ScottAright. where do I go about geting the files I need?03:36
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gan|y|medok, this browser is driving me crazy. why do they remove the identification option???03:40
gan|y|medit is not that they a "significant" market share03:41
gan|y|medhave to go for a mom03:41
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soulrider!info gconf03:42
ubotugconf: GNOME configuration database system. (daemon and tools). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.9-7.1 (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 1484 kB03:42
B-Minusi damaged my grub by installing windows vista, how can i repair it ?03:42
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soulriderits not a good idea to put that in kubuntu right ?03:42
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:42
soulriderB-Minus: i installed vista 2 days ago03:43
soulriderand i screwed it up too :P03:43
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BluesKajwhich Vista?03:43
soulriderRTM or something03:43
soulriderwho craes03:44
soulriderits not like im keeping it03:44
B-Minusi only need it for photoshop03:44
soulriderjust wanted to give it a try03:44
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soulrideri need windows for that too03:44
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soulriderbut i heard ou can use it on wine03:44
B-Minusi tried but its not the same03:44
B-Minusand a little buggy03:45
B-Minussome things cant be used etc03:45
soulrideryeah, all apps look really ugly under wine too :P03:45
soulrideroh, really ?03:45
soulriderits sdo annoying03:45
soulriderhow vista pops up security warnings every 5 secs03:45
soulriderand asks you if you were the one that started something03:45
B-Minusyou cracked it ?03:45
BluesKajphotoshop in XP works well enuff03:45
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soulriderBluesKaj: i use it on XP03:45
B-Minusi dont think there is anyhting in vista that cant be done in linux03:46
B-Minusbut i really want photoshop :s03:46
BluesKajtried vista RC a wheile back but it wasn't ready for Nero or Google earth or any out of the ordinary progs03:46
B-Minusgimp is good but it gets beaten by PS in many ways03:47
soulrideri still cant use gimp preoperly03:47
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B-Minusi can my made my christmas card with gimp :p03:47
mc__yeah gimp really needs improvements03:48
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soulriderits a great app, but you need to re learn the interface03:48
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soulriderand if youre not a graphics designer, its kinda hard03:48
B-Minusi didnt try gimpshop yet03:48
soulrideri havnt seen many good tutorials03:48
LjLthe GIMP needs improvements, yes. the 'rm' command can be used to patch it03:48
B-Minusi have a 3 DVD tutorial for PS CS2 :p03:49
mc__i thinkd gimp's problem is not the user interface,which i prefer over ps03:49
B-Minustotal training :p03:49
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soulriderB-Minus: :O03:49
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mc__gimp simply doesnt have all the nice features03:49
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B-Minus+ one other thing, when i print with gimp the quality seems to be really bad i dont know what am doing wrong03:49
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BluesKajphotoshoplearning curve is pretty tough too03:50
soulrideri never print anything :P03:50
B-Minusi need to put the jpeg to a memstick and put the memstick in the printer and print lol03:50
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=== _Vladdy [n=maart@2002:9163:93b9:a:bad:cafe:dead:babe] has joined #kubuntu
soulridermaybe if you use PNG?03:51
_VladdyB-Minus: sudo grub03:51
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_Vladdyroot (hd0,XX)03:51
_Vladdysetup (hd0) and grub is back :O03:51
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soulriderit may not be 0 though03:51
soulriderdo this03:51
soulriderfind /boot/grub/stage103:52
soulriderthat will tell you03:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about neatbeans - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
soulriderdoes anyone know where ic an find good python tutorials ?03:58
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Zambersoulrider look on google ;P03:58
soulridermaybe someoen was reading some tutorials03:59
soulriderand could suggest something03:59
Zambereventualny install ecipse and download tuts for it03:59
delightsoulrider maybe u are looking for netbeans not neatbeans :-)03:59
soulrideroh damn03:59
soulrideri allways make typ0s03:59
soulrideri use eclipse for everything03:59
delightme 204:00
soulriderjust wanted to try netbeans04:00
delighti did .. but ..04:00
delighteclipse rocks04:00
soulriderlol, neatbeans sounds so dirty :P04:00
soulriderthe visual editor for java in eclipse is terrible04:00
soulriderits way too slow04:00
Zamberwell, sometimes04:01
mc__soulrider: thats a linux problem04:01
Zamberit depends on your hardware :P04:01
soulridernot sometimes, allways :P04:01
soulridermc__: its even wors ein windows i think04:01
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mc__soulrider: nope04:01
soulriderZamber: i got a good computer04:01
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mc__i've got an Athlon X2 4400+04:01
mc__with linux it runs still to slow04:01
delightsoulrider: the one in netbeans is not better .. i hate that locked source04:02
delightit got that form file and everything04:02
mc__in school we got an Sempron 2700+,where it runs smooth04:02
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stamenI have a problem04:02
delightmatisse is good ... but hey jdk6 is on the doorstep and you won't need matisse04:02
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=== mc__ is running jdk6 already
stamenI changed my PSU and now my kubuntu can't start the X server04:03
stamenit shows me only @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@04:03
stamenall over the screen04:03
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stamenhow to fix this04:03
stamensome ideas?04:03
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soulrideri dont know, sorry04:03
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gan|y|medok, who the hell removed the consoles from the standard config. that is just gross04:04
Zamberstamen you can reconfigure xorg.conf with the wizard or by hand04:04
FabienDhi all. did anyone of you successfully run WSAD 5 ?04:04
delightsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:04
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stamenhow to add DNS servers in linux?04:05
Kiongkuhey anyone knows how to set monitor resolution to 96 dpi in xorg.conf?04:05
_Vladdystamen: add them to /etc/resolv.conf04:05
verzonnenstamen: edit /etc/resolv.conf04:06
_VladdyOne reply is enough!04:06
verzonnendamn lag04:06
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soulriderdoes anyone know of a program that can put a console in my desktop, kind of how conky shows the stats04:06
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soulriderhi ubuntu_04:07
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pierrethhello soulrider04:07
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pierrethi no longer see my desktop when i am booting04:07
soulriderwhat do you mean ?04:08
pierrethhow can I fix it^04:08
pierrethI mean my machine start...04:08
RadiantFiredoes anyone know where the embedding group options for konqeuror are stored, like for graphics applications and text applications?04:08
pierrethbut I don t see the login for kde04:08
soulrideruhm, i dont know04:08
pierrethi have a black screen instead04:08
soulriderhave you tried doing jdeinit from a console ?04:08
soulriderthats what i would do04:09
pierrethhow can I do that?04:09
soulriderwel,, wheny ou boot, doesnt it show a console?04:09
soulrideryou put your username, pass04:09
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soulrideris the screen just black ? =/04:10
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delightpierreth what about ctrl+alt+f104:10
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pierrethdelight: and then^04:10
soulriderand then your username04:10
pierrethit is booting normally04:10
soulriderand kde init04:10
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delightand then loging and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:10
soulrideryeha, that too :P04:10
pierrethi did the last one04:10
soulrideri need to go take a shower04:10
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pierrethOK, I will try this04:11
pierreththank you04:11
DeadS0ulanybody having trouble with kwallet in edgy?04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about MergedFB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
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DeadS0ulfor some werid reason kwallet never starts up when I log in, and it loses all my passwords whenever I restart X04:12
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Kiongkuanyone here knows how to modify xorg.conf?04:13
verzonnenDeadS0ul: I turned of kwallet and got the induvidua apps to store the passwords04:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:15
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gan|y|medok, what is the sense of a navigation bar without having anything to navigate with? how is this an "improvement"? m$ couldn't have done it "better"...04:16
DeadS0ulverzonnen: I see04:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:18
verzonnenDeadS0ul: I figured that if some one can hack this machine they can get all my passwords anyway04:18
DeadS0ulmeh i'm not worried bout that04:18
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DeadS0uli just wanna get it working04:19
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verzonnenDeadS0ul: well you can do what I did and disable kwallet04:20
DeadS0ulhow do I do that?04:22
_Vladdyah, that's why apt-get stopped working, it tried to download from an ipv6 address :O04:22
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DeadS0uli remember i had to remove the ipv6 module for my kubuntu box to get my networking working04:24
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Vladdy-made a small script that sets up ipv6to4 tunnel04:24
Vladdy-works with tun6to4 <ipv4 address>04:25
DeadS0ulheh i just blacklisted the module04:25
verzonnenwho uses ipv6 at home/work and why?04:25
Vladdy-just because I can :-)04:25
DeadS0ulno point criticizing man04:25
DeadS0uldifferent ways of soloving problems04:26
verzonnenVladdy-: good reason04:26
Vladdy-[16:25]  [Whois]  Vladdy- is n=maart@2002:9163:93b9:a:bad:cafe:dead:babe (maarten)04:26
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verzonnenI know what ipv6 is and why it is going to be used, just wondering why it's implemented on most linux versions already while almost  no one seems to be using it04:29
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verzonnenI would love to see ipv6 implemented tomorrow though04:29
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abionnnndo the broadcom bluetooth dongle drivers come with ubuntu?04:30
Vladdy-easy to get it working :O04:30
abionnnn*kernel module04:31
Vladdy-if your provider supports it04:31
abionnnnHmmm lemme check with Mr. Belkin :P04:31
Vladdy-try, ping and pray for a reply04:31
abionnnngot a reply...04:32
Vladdy-create a shell script with the contents of http://pastebin.cross-lfs.org/41204:32
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Vladdy-then just do './script youripv4addr' and try to connect to ipv6.chat.freenode.net04:33
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Vladdy-needs to be run with sudo04:34
abionnnnother than a cool hostname what advantage does it give you to tunnel through that? :P04:34
Vladdy-access all ipv604:34
verzonnenipv6 does encryption and i think that is kind of cool04:35
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verzonnenttl 255 ?04:41
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verzonnenisn't that kind of high?04:42
pierrethhello, i still have the black screen problem04:42
pierrethwhen do I kdeinit...04:43
pierrethit says it has a problem with KUnique register04:43
cathalupdate manager doesnt start automaticly when i log in, cant find the program in system services, where can i set this program to start automaticly?04:43
pierrethcathal: yes04:43
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pierrethcathal: put in your .kde/Autostart04:44
pierrethcathal: in your home folder04:44
Zambercathal run sudo apt-get autoupdate04:44
daseebhi! I want to create a .deb package from a tool I have written myself. Can you give me a link to some documenattion how to do this? All howtos I've found take debian sources and build a package out of them04:45
pierrethhello i am unable able to boot kde04:46
daseebI also have no standard make files with my program because I don't use gcc04:46
pierrethZamber: i can start my machine...04:47
pierrethZamber: it boots my at the time to display the login window...04:47
Zamberyou se your terminal, right?04:47
cathalZamber: autoupdate package doesn't exist for me, is it a certain repository?04:47
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pierrethZamber: i have a black screen04:48
Zambercahal it's a apt-get command04:48
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Zambersudo apt-get autoupdate04:48
Zamberit ubdates automaticaly packages that have newer versions04:48
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pierrethZamber: i am using kde by booting from the dvd04:48
Zambercathal go to your xorg.0.log04:49
Zamberand search for (WW)04:49
Zamberits innn...04:50
Zamberno xD04:50
Zamberno cathal04:50
pierrethZamber: yes?04:51
Zamberpaste your /var/log/xorg.0.log on phpfi.com04:51
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pierrethZamber: the /var/log of my hard drive?04:52
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pierrethZamber: OK I have to mount my disk04:52
Zamberof the drive where you have that not loading kde04:52
ranceI seem to having trouble with the cd autoloader in kubuntu, mostly with audio cds but there are some strange things going on with data cds as well04:53
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ranceis there a troubleshooting page or something I missed when I googled for it04:53
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Zamberrance chceck out this http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=101122002717168&w=204:55
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Zamberpierreth how it's going?04:56
rancethanks Zamber, will try it04:56
pierrethZamber: i have just mounted my drive04:56
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gan|y|medhow can i revert that irrational behaviour of konqueror NOT to show ALL dirs in the dir tree?04:58
abionnnnhttp://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=26047 <--- what do these kernel messages mean? I'm trying to install a usb bluetooth dongle04:58
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FragragCan someone help me play WMV files with VLC?04:59
pierrethZamber: http://phpfi.com/18302105:00
Zamberabionnnn http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0404.0/1054.html05:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:00
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pierrethZamber: sorry for the delay05:00
Zamberpierreth looking..05:01
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Zamberpierreth looks like you've tryed to enable DRI in a rough way "(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"05:02
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gan|y|medcan nobody tell me how to see ALL dirs in the dir tree again?05:03
Zambershow me your xorg.conf and say what graphic card you have ;)05:03
pierrethZamber: i had a crash before05:03
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pierrethZamber: OK05:03
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Zamberpierreth ypu managed to get DRI work?05:03
pierrethZamber: Sorry I don t know what you are talking about :-)05:04
ZamberDRI = direct rendering infrastructure05:04
ZamberI gues you have a nvidia or ATI05:04
mimmosiete in tanti05:05
pierrethZamber: http://phpfi.com/18302205:05
pierrethZamber: I have old PIII from IBM05:06
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Zambercould you give me the correct graph. card name?05:08
marcreicheltI installed the portscanner "knocker" to test my server for open ports05:09
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pierrethZamber: it an ibm 300PL05:09
marcreicheltbut if I try to run the program an ugly error is returned05:09
Alter-Egowhat is the finince app for kubuntu ?05:09
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pierrethZamber: i don t what graphic card it has05:09
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ZamberAlter-Ego http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html05:10
Vladdy-pierreth: use lspci to find out ;-)05:10
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pierrethVladdy-: OK05:10
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marcreicheltsee this shell output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36073/05:11
JoeJoeI have an idea for kununtu: why not add some more apps like the gimp, Koffice and some games?05:12
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pierrethZamber: http://phpfi.com/18302505:12
HymnToLifeas if Kubuntu wasn't heavey enough aldready...05:12
marcreicheltthe funny thing is: if I download the current version of knocker from the official homepage and compile and run that one, I get the same error05:12
JoeJoewhat does that mean: heavy?05:13
HymnToLifemeans it install far too much stuff by default imho05:13
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JoeJoemaybee add it on to the site, so it has  package part and make it easy for everyone?05:14
pierrethZamber: does it help^05:14
HymnToLifepackages fot GIMP and Koffice already exist05:15
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HymnToLifeand about 12,000 more05:15
JoeJoei mean link them direct to the kubuntu site05:15
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HymnToLifethat's not the way things work here05:16
HymnToLifewe use apt to install stuff05:16
JoeJoeoh right!05:16
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pierrethZamber: still here?05:17
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pierrethZamber: so, do you have an idea?05:18
marcreicheltanyone that knows something about my problem with "knocker"?05:18
Zamberpierreth I'm looking for the driver that supports your card05:19
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pierrethZamber: yestherday everything was working on this computer05:20
Zamberwhat were you changing?05:20
ZamberI have a idea ;)05:20
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Zamberlook into /etc/X11/ dir05:21
Zamberand look for files xorg.conf.SomeShitHere05:21
Zamberreplace SomeShitHere with anything05:21
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Zamberif you have more that one file like that05:22
Zambertake the one witch is the youngest05:22
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Zamberand compare it with your xorg.conf05:22
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pierrethZamber: OK05:23
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silviaentro qui per la prima volta05:24
pierrethZamber: i have many of them05:24
silviaqualcuno pu aiutarmi05:24
Zamberpierreth that's normal05:24
pierrethZamber: do you think i have a problem with this file or could it be somthing else^05:24
Zamberlook on the latest one05:24
Zamberin 90% pf X errors it's a badly configured xorg05:25
Zamberpf -of05:25
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ZamberI was installing my radeon 9200 for the lat week and had a couple of preakdowns like that ;)05:26
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pierrethZamber: what should i look in the file?05:27
Zamberany diffrences05:27
Zamberfrom the current one05:27
weswh-i installed azureus, and got the issue about the wrong version of java. so i installed the sun java 5, and set it in update-java-alternatives and in etc/jvm to the top. now when i start azureus, it loads, and i see the main window, and then it closes immediately. any ideas?05:28
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:28
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:29
pierrethZamber: input device  stylus and cursor were removed05:29
Zamberone sec05:29
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Zambergot it ;)05:30
weswh-if i switch back to the gij for java, everything is fine (but the tracker gives an error about the wrong version of java..), when i switch to sun java, it just instantly crashes.05:31
Zamberahh no05:31
Zamberwere removed from witch one?05:31
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pierrethZamber: the actual xorg.conf has it, i have another file that does not05:32
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Zamberpost it on phpfi.com05:32
hyper_chphpfi :)05:32
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cvasilakhi, any tutorial on installing knetworkmanager? i have install it but how to configure it?05:33
hyper_chit just lacks one thing: you can't alter stuff... however I like the search of it very much05:33
pierrethzamber: i will try the oldest one05:34
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Zamberok ;)05:34
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pierrethZamber: thank you05:34
Zamberno problerm :)05:34
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cgetkeygood morning folks05:35
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bomberhow do i create a boot disk in kubuntu?05:35
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bomberi need to reinstall grub after i reinstall windoze xp05:36
Jucato!grub | bomber05:36
ubotubomber: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:36
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gan|y|medi wanna install opera 8.54 which worked on dapper. however, dpkg does not install the opera binary. instead it puts a symlink to /bin/opera in /usb/bin, but, of course, there is no such file in /bin. any ideas?05:37
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weswh-anyone have Azureus running with 6.1?05:37
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:38
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gan|y|medok, the server is down. and i do not want to install opera 9. it has to be 8.5x. it used to work, but it just doesn't install this damn binary...05:43
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gan|y|medhow do i access the files in a deb archive directly?05:44
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:44
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)05:45
zorglu_hmm not a good one05:45
gan|y|medthat is m$ style05:45
cgetkeyanybody have any luck getting a dxg video camara to work05:45
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gan|y|medwhat about kpackage? might this work?05:46
Vladdy-gan|y|med: just look there, it's html style ;-)05:46
zorglu_gan|y|med: it is unlikely you want to do that because of the high risk you to make something wrong. if you are sure you want to do it, man dpkg explain it all05:46
gan|y|medit is very likely i want to do this05:46
Vladdy-for example, http://archive.ubuntu.com/05:46
zorglu_gan|y|med: what about following the tutorial ? :)05:46
Vladdy-just go there :O05:46
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Vladdy-ubuntu, pool05:46
Vladdy-and then your flavor05:46
zorglu_gan|y|med: cool, then 'man dpkg' will provide you the info you need05:46
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gan|y|medat what stage of the install process do you think i am if i ask sth. like accessing a deb archive directly05:47
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weswh-i seem to have some strange permission requirements even in my home dir. yesterday i was getting permission denied in firefox trying to save a file to a folder i created in my home dir (but i could save it to my desktop). now ktorrent is telling me "cannot open /home/wes/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0/cache/01 Get Innocuous.mp3: Permission denied"05:47
gan|y|medlook at my initial post05:47
gan|y|medi wanna install opera 8.54 which worked on dapper. however, dpkg does not install the opera binary. instead it puts a symlink to /bin/opera in /usb/bin, but, of course, there is no such file in /bin. any ideas?05:47
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weswh-i mean, i assume ktorrent knows what it is doing - not sure why it needs that tmp folder but whatever - how can i give my apps outright access to my home dir?05:47
weswh-hidden or otherwise05:47
gan|y|medand is there any known issue with the security server?05:48
zorglu_gan|y|med: yep, i have one :) except if you know what you are doing, you should not messed up with raw stuff like dpkg internal :)05:48
zorglu_gan|y|med: but if you know what you are doing, you can mess with dpkg internal, people are doing it everyday05:48
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user_hello everybody05:49
user_i am here...05:49
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Aravindha ha ha05:49
gan|y|medso how do i "look" into a deb file. i just wanna extract the opera binary as it is not done be dpkg anymore05:49
pierrethZamber: ?05:49
zorglu_weswh-: they have it by default05:49
gan|y|medwould anybordy minde sending me a file?05:50
Zamberpierreth ?05:50
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ubuntu_HI NOOBS05:50
zorglu_gan|y|med: told you already :) this is all in the "man dpkg" <- copy that in a terminal and read. you have a long ride to mke :)05:50
pierrethZamber: it does not work :-)05:50
Zambergan|y|med just unzip it xD05:50
pierrethZamber: I think the problem is with KDE05:50
weswh-zorglu - what would you make of that error? (and the fact that in firefox i couldn't save to one of my dirs there, permission denied as well)05:50
gan|y|medi'll try it05:50
pierrethZamber: do you think I should try a reintall of kde?05:51
Zamberpierreth did you try thelatest backup or the oldest?05:51
pierrethZamber: The oldest05:51
Zamberreinstalling is not the point :P05:51
zorglu_weswh-: 1. describe what you do and 2. the error you see in clear details05:51
ubuntu_pierreth Loser :D05:51
ubuntu_pierreth Loser :D05:51
cgetkeyhas anyone have any luck getting a DXG movie camara to work?05:52
ubuntu_i have05:52
Zamberpierreth use the youngest backup05:52
=== ubuntu_ Lol :D
zorglu_ubuntu_: please behave05:52
pierrethZamber: why the youngest?05:52
weswh-i seem to have some strange permission requirements even in my home dir. yesterday i was getting permission denied in firefox trying to save a file to a folder i created in my home dir (but i could save it to my desktop). now ktorrent is telling me "cannot open /home/wes/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0/cache/01 Get Innocuous.mp3: Permission denied" when trying to seed a torrent05:52
Zambercoz it's the one that should work05:52
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zorglu_weedar: ok do "ls -ld ~" in a terminal and give me the result05:53
Zamberbtw say if something changes it's behavior05:53
weswh-i have examined the folder in question (.kde/share etc) and it seems that my user has permission. group or other permissions are forbidden. but i am the owner.05:53
pierrethZamber: nothing has changed05:53
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weswh-is it possible that ktorrent is running as something other than my user? (it was installed with the system)05:54
zorglu_weswh-: ok do "ls -ld ~" in a terminal and give me the result05:54
zorglu_weswh-: no ktorrent run as your normal users05:54
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weswh-drwxr-xr-x 17 wes wes 4096 2006-12-09 11:24 /home/wes05:55
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pierrethZamber: i think i have a lock05:56
Zamberpierreth I have a idea ;)05:56
Zamberwait a sec05:56
voicuis there any other dc++ client beside valknut?05:56
zorglu_weswh-: ok this is the normal result. now do "touch /home/wes/blabla"05:56
zorglu_weswh-: and then "ls -l /hom/wes/blabla"05:56
Vladdy-abKdefKhijKlmnopqrstuvwKsyz :O05:56
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ubotudc: The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06-19ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 56 kB, installed size 200 kB05:57
zorglu_voicu: not what you were looking for :)05:57
Zambersudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge05:57
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weswh--rw-r--r-- 1 wes wes 0 2006-12-09 11:56 /home/wes/blabla05:57
Zamberin xorg.conf05:57
zorglu_voicu: i believe i saw a #linuxdc++05:57
voicui'll try to fin it05:57
zorglu_weswh-: ok so you can create a file in you home dir05:57
weswh-right (i have done so)...let me see if i can recreate the problem in firefox. it was strange05:58
zorglu_weswh-: can you reproduce this 'touch/ls' in the directory up to the ktorrent one ?05:58
weswh-should i put it all the way in the final dir, or stop at .kde, /share?05:58
zorglu_weswh-: the point is to find the dir which cause the trouble05:59
pierrethZamber: I think i have a lock05:59
zorglu_weswh-: it is somewhere between /home/wes and the .mp305:59
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Zamberpierreth look on piv msg05:59
weswh-do you think the fact that .kde is hidden makes a difference or that should be cool?05:59
pierrethZamber: i did05:59
zorglu_weswh-: no difference at all, the 'hidden' stuff is only for the user seeing it or not. not difference for the computer06:00
pierrethzamber: when i try to start kde, it says I has an error KUnique register or something like that06:00
cgetkeyMy daughter got on for Christmas and I'm trying to get it to work on linux06:00
cgetkeya DXG movie camara06:00
abionnnnZamber: do you happen to know which ubuntu package has bluezfw?06:01
pierrethZamber: do you think this could the problem^06:01
Zamberabionnnn nope06:01
Zambergoogle for it06:01
Zamberpierreth checking..06:01
abionnnndid, nothing. :p06:01
abionnnnapt-cache doesn't help either heh06:01
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Zamberlol xD06:01
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zorglu_cgetkey: you would have more chance on more specialized channel. google for 'linux studio'06:02
abionnnnperhaps its depreciated06:02
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cgetkeyit has software only for mac or microsoft but I run linux06:03
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cgetkeybut I'll try  an search for linux studio thx06:03
aleksanteriuse wine then06:03
cgetkeyAhhhhh thx I'll try that06:04
aleksanterisudo aptitude update06:04
aleksanterisudo aptitude install wine06:04
aleksanteriput those in one at a time06:04
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cgetkeyforgot about wine06:04
weswh-zorglu - i found the problem. and...not so sure it's going to be easy to fix unfortunately.06:04
zorglu_weswh-: what is it06:05
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aleksantericgetkey: ;)06:05
zorglu_!tab | weswh-06:05
ubotuweswh-: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:05
weswh-zorglu_: i was able to touch/ls all the way to the final directory...and all of the directories are owned by me etc.06:05
aleksanteriubotu: :O06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about O - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
zorglu_weswh-: ok06:05
weswh-zorglu_: in the final 'cache' dir, ktorrent puts links to the actual files on the filesystem - those links are root :(06:05
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cgetkeygotta go thx for any and all help guys and gals06:06
cgetkeymuch appreciated06:06
weswh-zorglu_: not sure why ktorrent would do it that way, surely it's a problem for most users06:06
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zorglu_weswh-: you can change the owner of a file by "chown wes.wes yourfilenamegoeshere"06:06
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weswh-right, but that's not really a solution in the long run. if i have to manually change file permissions for whatever ktorrent is doing in the background.06:07
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weswh-zorglu_: it gives me an option of where to store temportary files, but doesn't seem to have an option for "don't create any new files, just use what is on the fs"06:08
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iberthi! I had to change a NIC on a machine, and now eth0 isn't there anymore. With which dpkg-reconfigure can I set up the network again?06:08
zorglu_weswh-: it is not ktorrent or firefox changing the owner, it is somewhere in your local dont06:08
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zorglu_weswh-: let me guess this fs is a window one ?06:09
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zorglu_in your local dont=in your local conf06:09
pierrethZamber: I will try what you said06:09
weswh-no, ext3. it's on the same drive as my system06:09
Zamberk ;)06:09
zorglu_weswh-: ok why is it owned by root ?06:09
=== aleksanteri is downloading kubuntu updates ;)
pierrethZamber: i hope it will work :-)06:10
prophitincoi how do i install a tar.gz file?06:10
weswh-oh -  see what you mean. the link file will mirror the permissions of the file on the fs06:10
Zamberprophitinc what distro do you use?06:10
weswh-zorglu_: ok, let me see. because they were copied from another drive (also ext3) that i mounted06:10
Zamberso you can install things only with a .deb ext06:11
Zamberor manually install a C compiler06:11
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prophitincwell the linux version of shock flash thingy06:11
prophitincis in tar.gz06:11
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prophitincneed it to play online rpg for the kids06:11
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:12
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prophitinchow do i do that?06:12
Zamberread the tips06:12
weswh-zorglu_: right you are, all of those files are owned by root. that explains a lot. the directorys i created while i was in kdesu konqueror, are owned by root. so are all of the files i copied over during that time. doh!06:12
zorglu_weswh-: ok :)06:12
weswh-zorglu_: i am pretty weak with cli at the moment, is there a quick command that will recursively set all of the permissions for every file in my home dir to my user?06:13
weswh-otherwise i have a lot of right clicking to do. heh06:13
zorglu_weswh-: chown -R wes.wes youbasedir06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about right - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:13
zorglu_weswh-: the second link06:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kickerpager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:14
ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5808 kB06:14
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weswh-zorglu_: so i did, "sudo chown -R wes.wes /home/wes", it took the command, but doesn't seemed to have changed any permissions?06:16
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HymnToLifeweswh-, you should have done "wes:wes"06:16
zorglu_as HymnToLife said :)06:17
zorglu_well understandably i told you . twice :))))))))))06:17
weswh-zorglu_: ok, did that wes.wes thing mess anything up? :)06:18
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HymnToLifeand even if it had, wes:wes would have sorted it06:19
weswh-hmm, i don't get it. it's not changing things. "sudo chown -R wes:wes /home/wes"06:20
weswh-all of the dirs and files that were root before, are still root06:20
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nagyvis there any dcop call to ban/love/skip a track in amarok's last.fm player?06:24
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angasuleI can't add the RSS from english.aljazeera.net (it's on the left side), I don't know anything about RSS to tell if it's an akregator bug or the problem is in aljazeera's side, anyone that knows? :? it's a pain to check manually, like it's the 90's or something06:28
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weswh-maybe sudo isn't powerful enough to change the permissions of the files that were made while using kdesu?06:29
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verzonnenangasule: what is the url?06:30
weswh-when i try to do su - in console, it says authentication failure06:30
verzonnenweswh-: try sudo su -06:30
angasuleverzonnen: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/4D6139CD-6BB5-438A-8F33-96A7F25F40AF.htm?ArticleGuid=55ABE840-AC30-41D2-BDC9-06BBE2A3666506:31
angasuleverzonnen: if you got to http://english.aljazeera.net the link is on the left in large, friendly letters06:31
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verzonnenangasule: that is not a valid rss link06:32
edulixI'm not seeing gtk apps with antialiased fonts06:32
angasuleverzonnen: oh, ok :(06:32
edulixeven though I have configured kcontrol to set it to Bitstream, or Sans Serif, or..06:32
edulix(i've tried many906:32
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weswh-verzonnen: that did appear to give me a clean root shell, thanks. but i still can't solve my problem. the other day i was messing around the kdesu konqueror, and ended up copying over all of the files from my old HD while in that mode. so they are all owned by root - and now won't play nice with my applications. all i am trying to do is change everything under /home/wes, (all folders and files) back to my user. with root access now in06:33
weswh-console, i did "chown -R wes:wes /home/wes", and it isn't changing the file permissions at all06:33
verzonnenangasule: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/4D6139CD-6BB5-438A-8F33-96A7F25F40AF.htm?ArticleGuid=55ABE840-AC30-41D2-BDC9-06BBE2A3666506:33
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verzonnenjust add a new feed to akregator06:34
verzonnenweswh-: ok, try this "chown -R wes:wes /home/wes"06:35
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angasuleverzonnen: is that not the same link I mentioned?06:35
verzonnenangasule: yeah it is06:36
verzonnenangasule: my mistake06:36
angasuleverzonnen: neat, it worked by manually adding it, what's the correct extension? .rss? then it'd work fine?06:36
scode__I'm a noob at linux. What's the command to move a file?06:37
weedarscode_: mv06:37
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weswh-verzonnen: that is what i did before. now this has gone from strange to scary. i opened up a kdesu konqueror session, and all of the sudden in that (as opposed to the regular konqueror) it is showing that the permissions have changed. so i go back to regular, and it's good now too. maybe it just took a while to update at the GUI level? but the one folder i was most concerned with in regular konqueror, is still showing owned by root. in06:39
weswh-kdesu, it is showing owned by wes06:39
weswh-is there a way i can examine the whole directory in konsole, and see anything that is not owned by wes?06:39
weswh-because i don't trust this GUI anymore :)06:39
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verzonnenweswh-: try this as your regular user "id"06:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about AI - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3G - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
verzonnensory hard to resist playing with bots.....06:45
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srednaThe videp players in kubuntu are fast becoming more and more broken06:52
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srednaNow I can't view full screen video06:52
srednaUsing libxine06:53
srednaMplayer can, but does something really ugly06:53
verzonnenuse mplayer06:53
srednaMplayer fails loading a lot of the streams I want to open06:53
srednaIt's ASF parser is broken06:54
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ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multimedia_keyboards - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
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srednaMplayer also appears to download at least the double amount of data compared to xine, with no difference in quality06:56
aleksanterihey how to check if i am running a 64-bit version or not?06:57
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srednaHm, I found out something: If I have an other instance of kmplayer open with xine, it uses some different video driver, which does not permit full screen mode.06:59
srednaEven though that other player was stopped, and did play an audio stream.07:00
srednaThere is yet some way for linux...07:00
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genjix2well I have an oddity... installed default kubuntu and only mplayer works -> no kaffeine07:04
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genjix2aha http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76111.html07:06
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ZappixHey, would Kubuntu run on a Pentium Tillamook /MMX (233Mhz)?07:07
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ZappixProbably would being Gentoo can run on an i486 >>;07:07
hyper_chZappix: how much ram?07:08
SkrotKDE might be a little heavy for such a old computer :)07:08
hyper_chZappix: I'd rather try xubuntu instead of kubuntu07:09
ZappixAh, okay. (Used to have an AMD thunderbird but my motherboard for it died)07:09
hyper_chor install *buntu without any gui and get fluxbox or something like that07:09
ZappixAh, okay, thanks.07:09
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hyper_chZappix: well, there are a few lightweight desktops out there... you need just to test a bit :)07:10
Zamberxfce is nice07:10
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hyper_chI think on a pentium mmx 233 with 256 mb ram xfce shouldn't run to bad07:11
hyper_chs/to /too07:11
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Zamberfluxbox would run for sure07:11
aleksanterianyone knows a fast way to get wine?07:11
Zambergo to a shop and say "wine please"07:12
Zamberofc you have to be 18 :P07:12
aleksanterii mean the program07:12
Zambersudo apt-get install wine07:12
aleksanteribut it doesn't install it07:12
Zambersudo apt-cache search wine07:12
Zamberand look wich one matches your criteria07:13
hyper_chaleksanteri: you're on edgy or dapper?07:13
Zamberthere's another way also07:13
hyper_chdeb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main07:13
hyper_chdeb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main07:13
Zambergoogle for automatix07:13
hyper_chadd that to your repos07:13
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:13
hyper_chand change "edgy" to "dapper"07:13
ZappixIt'd be awesome if I could run a processor even though it was missing one of the pins.....07:13
DennisTTHow can I find out what version of Kubuntu I'm using07:14
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.07:14
aleksanteri"deb-src command not found" :|07:14
ZappixI have an AMD K6-II but one of the pins came off while I was trying to unbend one of them >.<;07:14
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Zamberaleksanteri add it to ypu sources.list07:14
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hyper_chaleksanteri: open a terminal07:15
aleksanterii have one open all the time :P07:15
hyper_chaleksanteri: enter there:   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:15
hyper_chaleksanteri: copy there the two repos I posted above07:15
Zambernano or kate07:15
aleksanteriahh nano, :D07:15
hyper_chaleksanteri: replace edgy by dapper07:15
hyper_chaleksanteri: in nano --> press then ctrl-x (for exiting)... it will then ask you whether you want to save07:16
aleksanterii have used nano before07:16
hyper_chaleksanteri: then enter in the terminal:   sudo apt-get update07:16
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hyper_chaleksanteri: and finally:  sudo apt-get install wine07:16
hyper_chaleksanteri: then make some coffee and when you come back execute in the terminal:   winecfg07:17
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hyper_chaleksanteri: the winecfg is necessary to create all that stuff like fake c_drive07:17
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aleksanteriok :P07:18
aleksanterii have tried a wine program before07:18
ubuntu_plz why do i get "instalation crashed" after i want to install kubuntu 6.06.1 or 6.10?07:18
aleksanteribut it was a beta and didn't work :P07:18
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hyper_chaleksanteri: not all programs work in wine07:18
hyper_chaleksanteri: winamp unfortunately works only half... :(07:18
Zamberaleksanteri for what do you need wine?07:18
Cloneplz someone help me07:19
aleksanterii am a windows to linux switcher07:19
hyper_chClone: just ask...07:19
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aleksanteriand want my windows apps :D07:19
hyper_chaleksanteri: I know how you feel :)07:19
Zamberaleksanteri me too07:19
Cloneok one sec i wil return07:19
hyper_chaleksanteri: however I use vmware :)07:19
Zamberanyway look on synaptic packet manager07:19
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Zamberand look for substitutes of your faivourite win apps07:20
aleksanterii am going to get the coffee now ;)07:20
Zambersynaptic or adept07:20
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ZamberVCL is better xD07:21
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"07:21
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billytwowillyso if I get a "can't read superblock" error when I try to mount a windows share does that mean the hard drive is toast?07:21
hyper_chZamber: winamp has the media library with a few streams and one of those airs Star Gate season 9... :)07:21
ironfroggy_LTi have installed cupsys to a seperate box, but when i try to browse to (its ip):631, i get nothing. what reasons could there be?07:21
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Zamberhyper_ch you can stream media through VCL also07:22
Zamberalso form m3u07:22
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Clonek so07:22
Zamberso there's no need to listhen that streams through winamp07:22
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Zamberjust get the stream addr07:22
Clonewhen i want to isntall kubuntu i choose everzthign needed but when it comes to create a partitions07:23
ironfroggy_LTany takers? i do, in fact, have access to the box in question.07:23
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Cloneit creates i press OK and then my monitor shut down and i ge no  signal message07:23
Clonethen i turn it off and again on07:23
Cloneand when i see desktop07:23
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.07:24
Cloneit says formating drive E: to ext307:24
Clonebut nothing happens even after 5mins07:24
Cloneso i pressed ESC and it said Installation crashed07:24
Zamberformatting takes some time in some cases07:24
Clonethis happened to me with live cd of kubuntu 6.1007:24
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ZamberClone run the liveCD07:24
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:24
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Cloneand live DVD of kubuntu 6.06.107:24
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Clonezamber i have livecd of 6.1007:25
Zamberrun the GNOME partition manager07:25
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pierrethZamber: hello07:25
Zambernot the instal07:25
Cloneand same thing happen07:25
Zamberhi pierreth07:25
pierrethZamber: It seems that KDE was not installed07:25
Zamberdon't say xD07:25
Cloneso wat shoudl i do?07:26
pierrethZamber: but it was installed yestherday07:26
Zamberrun the livecd07:26
Clonei run kubuntu 6.10 live cd07:26
Zamberrun the partition manager from it07:26
pierrethZamber: It was a problem since a reset07:26
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Zambermanage to make a nice partition for ubuntu07:26
hyper_chZamber: well, I don't know the streaming urls :) that's the problem... and winamp lists them really nicely... lots of anime and some tv shows07:26
Zamberand make it07:26
Zambernot from the install07:26
Clonei dont want format disk i have pagefile from windows on it07:26
Lam_is there a terminal command i could use to flip the kde screensaver on and off?07:26
Zamberbut from the partiton manager07:26
Clonei have 150 GB there07:27
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Cloneand want install it there :P07:27
pierrethZamber: it was taking a very long to get out of the black screen07:27
Cloneya from partiotion manager07:27
Cloneand then?07:27
ZamberClone so make a partition07:27
pierrethZamber: Normally, KDE is a lot faster07:27
Clonek so07:27
Clonei do partition07:27
pierrethZamber: thank you07:27
Clonehow much for swap07:27
pierrethZamber: i will reboot again as a test07:28
Zamberk ;)07:28
Clone150% of my RAM?07:28
ZamberClone the swap should be about 3 times of your RAM07:28
Cloneso 3 GB07:28
Zamber3 or 207:28
Cloneand /home part and /root part?07:28
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ZamberI did evrything on a one partition07:29
Zambernot mentioning the swap07:29
hyper_chclone: root part - depending on your overall diskspace - between 5-10gb...   /home --> the rest of your drive07:29
Zamberand it works fine ;P07:29
=== Pp`Aw is now known as Pp`
Zamberhyper_ch he wants to have his win stil lthere07:29
Clonezeah win there07:29
hyper_chZamber: you can do everything in one partition but it is recommended to create an own home partition :)07:30
=== verzonnen [n=verzonne@206-248-136-247.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #kubuntu
Clonejust want to install it correctly so i can use dual boot07:30
Zamberhyper_ch find the place where the playlists are kept and simply copy it somewhere07:30
Clonewait i reboot with livecd07:31
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ivokshi kubuntu users!07:31
hyper_chZamber: well that's one option but right now I run winamp in my vmware....07:31
ivokshelp us create DVD for those who don't have internet access07:32
=== revan [n=revan@c-69-245-193-52.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ivokswe need you to get packages list of most used packages07:32
ivoksif you are interested in helping your community, please visit http://www.ubuntu-hr.org/ningi/07:32
=== Ace2016 [n=ace@212-1-152-230.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
ivoks(no, this isn't spam :)07:32
Zamberivoks if you don't have internet what's the point of running a internet based OS?07:33
Zamberyes it is xD07:33
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ivoksZamber: maybe you have, but no broadban07:33
=== aleks|coffee is now known as aleksanteri
weswh-hmm, i installed the nvidia-glx driver...but didn't 'set it up' or anything. i noticed that amarok wasn't doing the cool 3d visualizations anymore, just the standard 2d ones. when i click through them i get a few blank screens07:34
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=== claudio_ [n=claudio@bl4-179-238.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu
Zamberah, got it ;)07:34
hyper_chZamber: why do you say ubuntu is an internet based os?07:34
claudio_I need help please07:34
aleksanteriok i c how wine works07:34
weswh-i went into system settings and told the graphics card to use "propiretary" drivers, it says it is now using 'nvidia' (before it was using 'nv') - how can i tell? just want to make sure it's doing everything it can07:34
=== molotoff [n=a@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu
Zambercoz evry linux system has it's power in the internet07:34
Zamberupdates, new packages07:35
claudio_ i'm new to linux and i want to install gcc?07:35
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claudio_somebody can help me please?07:35
=== campbch [n=campbch@ppp-69-218-79-0.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
ZappixAnyone here know if a processor would work if one pin is missing? :P07:36
Zamberclaudio witch version?07:36
Zamber4.1 ?07:36
claudio_it doesnt mathers07:36
Zambersudo apt-get install gcc-4.107:36
campbchZappix - try it, let us know :D07:36
Zamberfrom the terminal07:36
LehmytestZappix: a p4 did work with one pin less07:36
ivoksclaudio_: apt-get install build-essential :)07:37
campbchdepends which pin?07:37
ivoksclaudio_: withouth ':)' part07:37
ZappixLehmytest: seriously? >>07:37
=== Lehmytest is now known as Hossie
Hossieyes the p4 of my friend did still work07:37
Hossieand still does07:37
campbchanyways, if i ususally  use wireless, and i want to use an ethernet connection, how do i tell it to do so?07:37
claudio_inpossible to find package07:37
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campbchit detects it, has an internal ip and everything07:37
campbchbut i cant connect if i disable wireless?07:38
ZappixI have no idea if I want to risk trying though >>;07:38
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Zappixif something goes wrong I'm screwed :D07:38
campbchit shouldnt break anything, its not like trying to jam something in where it doesnt go07:38
Zamberclaudio_ for witch one?07:39
=== fowlduck [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
ZappixHeh I know someone who did that07:39
campbchits like not jamming something in where it's meant to go07:39
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Zappixand in return killed his laptop XD07:39
=== ubuntu_ is now known as XVampireX
campbchpoor laptop07:39
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ZamberRIP for him07:39
campbchok, if i disable my wireless, how do i connect via ethernet?07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
notechconfigure the wired interface07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about YourMom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsmack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:40
Vladdy-consider yourself warned..07:40
LjLstop please07:40
=== ubuntu_ is now known as XVampireX
ironfroggy_LTanyone know what i need to do in order to get cups allow connections outside of localhost?07:40
ZappixI don't think this board has ports for fans though.....I have one you connect to ze cables of the power supply, but that's designed for 200Mhz, don't know if I should try it with 45007:41
aleksanteribtw has anyone got the code to install opengl? :D07:41
ZappixAleksanteri: 4207:41
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claudio_ivoks: whem i execute that yt asks me are you root and them return to the comand line07:41
Zamberaleksanteri google? :P07:41
=== stewped [n=ssss@pool-71-115-143-203.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
ivoksclaudio_: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:42
Zamberopengl is a rough thing to configure xD07:42
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claudio_ivoks:impossible to find build-essential packadge07:43
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Zappixoh by the way: want to see the computer I'm using?07:43
Zappixhttp://dzone.d-padnetwork.com/site/files/Timalook_computer.jpg <-- XP07:43
aleksanteriwth is that?07:43
ivoksclaudio_: that's k|edu|ubuntu, right?07:43
Zappixaleksanteri: My computer? :P07:44
ZappixIt's genius07:44
ZappixNever felt like putting the motherboard and everything in my case07:44
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ivoksclaudio_: did you do sudo apt-get update?07:44
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inetproclaudio_: did you update /etc/apt/sources.list07:46
ivoksrun it07:47
Zamberyeah ;] 07:47
Zamberxgl/beryl works fine for me ;D07:47
=== pierreth [n=pierreth@ip216-239-78-18.vif.net] has joined #kubuntu
ZappixMight I have to tinker with my BIOS to get a fan working? >>;07:47
ZappixI have a port for a fan, but when I plug it in, it doesn't automatically turn on07:47
pierrethhow do you change Konqueror so I need to double click to open a file?07:47
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177674936.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
aleksanteripierreth: i did it once...07:48
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aleksanteriwait a sec07:48
pierrethaleksanteri: OK07:48
max_does anyone dual boot linux and win98?07:48
BluesKajI did at one time07:48
max_where did you get win98 drivers? i cant find any07:48
max_only XP stuff07:48
aleksanteripierreth: found it07:49
BluesKajbeen a while07:49
ironfroggy_LTare there any scripts i can install to more easily configure cups to be used by my local network?07:49
swamianyone tryed the 2.6.19 kenel?07:49
ZappixMight I have to tinker with my BIOS to get a fan working? >>;07:49
ZappixI have a port for a fan, but when I plug it in, it doesn't automatically turn on07:49
=== [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu
max_BluesKaj: oh, ok07:49
aleksanteripierreth: System settings -> mouse07:49
swamianyonre tryed the new 2.6.19 kenel?07:49
ironfroggy_LTi am trying to grok exactly what configuration i need to change how, but it seems a common thing to do, i thought there has to be something easier.07:49
aleksanteriand it's there07:49
pierrethaleksanteri: thank you07:50
claudio_ivoks: sorry my lack of knoledge but it is sudo apt-get update /etc/apt/sources.list or only update /etc/apt/sources.list07:50
ivokssudo apt-get update07:50
=== mtn_man [i=Mtnman@adsl-70-234-132-102.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
swami anyone tryed the 2.6.19 kenel?07:50
pierrethaleksanteri: i have no mouse in system settings07:51
BluesKaj! Feisty Herd07:51
claudio_ivoks:yes and next(sorry newbie)07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Feisty Herd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
=== chozabu [n=chozabu@ctmpc1axp6.ctm.aber.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu
ivoksclaudio_: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:51
BluesKaj! Feisty Herd 107:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Feisty Herd 1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:52
aleksanteripierreth: oh07:52
pierrethaleksanteri: OK, I have it in kcontrol only07:52
claudio_ivoks:impossible to find build-essential packadge07:52
ivoksclaudio_: why do you need gcc?07:52
=== trol [n=trol@dba220.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
pierrethaleksanteri: It is not my system settings07:52
claudio_for programing07:53
ivoksclaudio_: did you enable internet repositorys?07:53
aleksanterii am running a finnish version and the translations aren't accurate sometimes :|07:53
claudio_whf is that07:53
claudio_i dont know07:53
pierrethi have a broken translation of kde, how can i fix?07:53
ubotuInstall gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE).  For a good KDE guide, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=307:53
ivoksok... i don't use KDE07:54
ivokscould someome explain claudio_ how to enable internet repositories?07:54
claudio_thank you for your time :)07:54
=== jrenato [n=jrenato@] has joined #kubuntu
ivoksclaudio_: you need to enable ubuntu repositories07:55
ivoksclaudio_: thousands of programs are there07:55
ivokscome on kubuntu community :)07:55
inetproclaudio_: You have Adept?07:56
claudio_ivoks: im ready to quit Kubuntu whitch other distribuition would you will be good for my07:56
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inetproK Menu->System->Adept (Package Manager)07:56
ivokskubuntu is ok07:56
claudio_inetpor: and anext07:57
inetproSelect View->Manage Repositories  in the Adept package manager window07:57
inetproTo enable the Universe repository, find the repository line with the Universe Component, and right click the line and select Enable.07:58
ivoksinetpro: he needs main too :)07:58
swaminolimitsoya .....do u have sata hdd?07:58
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inetproOops.. right07:58
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BluesKajthose repos should be enabled by default07:59
swaminolimitsoya .....do u have sata hdd?07:59
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host25-164-dynamic.104-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
ivoksBluesKaj: i'm not sure; if you install it offline08:01
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weswh-ok, so i am really getting myself into trouble here. i am trying to get my system to work with the official nvida driver. i found a tutorial online and ran "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable", and got a warning about Xorg and MD5 and not being able to do it, or something08:02
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@adsl-d35.84-47-31.t-com.sk] has joined #kubuntu
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Clone
ironfroggy_LTsomeone here has to have configured CUPS before, right?08:02
Clonecan someone tell me how can i install kubuntu on my HD so i can use it in dualboot win winxp?08:03
claudio_i dont know if my prob is that im runnig it on a virtual machine?!?!?!08:03
weswh-so i went into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, and looked to see if the driver was marked nv, or nvidia - it was marked nvidia. (i had already changed that in System Settings). anyways, i also noticed some stuff in there about 640x480 - which is the resolultion i am stuck in now after a reboot08:03
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@eej173.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
weswh-is there a way I can make the system regenerate a new optimal xorg config or something?08:03
ivoksclaudio_: just install it :)08:03
max_Clone: partition off some space for Linux...install windows first, the install linux the the other partition08:03
ivoksclaudio_: does your virtual machine has access to internet?08:04
claudio_yes im talking by it08:04
weswh-in System Settings now, it won't even let me drag the resolution up, in admin mode. it does see the correct hardware still though08:04
claudio_its vmware player08:04
weswh-is there an xorg configuration tool?08:04
=== red [n=red@203-97-233-196.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #kubuntu
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inetproclaudio_: it shouldn't make a diff08:05
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Xenol
claudio_my native system is windows and them im running  Kubuntu on vmware player08:05
inetproclaudio_: can you choose something else to install?08:05
Xenoli am on livecd08:05
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claudio_something else?!??!like what08:06
=== AMICOHacker [n=AMICOHac@host79-94.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
inetproclaudio_: what you get when you do sudo apt-get update08:07
weswh-what can i do to get back to 1280x1024, at least?08:07
Dr_williscowsay | figlet08:07
Xenolplz someone08:07
weswh-do i need to manually edit the resolution references in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?08:07
Xenoli create partitions08:07
claudio_reading list of packadges...ready08:07
Xenoland then press isntall08:07
Dr_willisweswh-,  thats always an option.08:07
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Xenolfor root which is bets filesystem?08:08
inetproclaudio_: that all?08:08
XenolREISERFS or ext?08:08
Dr_willisXenol,  when in doubt - use ext308:08
claudio_yes it all08:08
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@eej173.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Zamberhad some problems with beryl :P08:08
XenolDr_willis how much for wat swap 3 GB root 20 GB and rest for home?08:08
Dr_willis3gb of swap is a big huge. :)08:09
Zamberhe has 1gb ram08:09
weswh-Dr_willis: what are the others? i am sure that my graphics card isn't working properly even though it says it is using the nvida driver and nvidia-glx is installed. like when i hit "logout", it takes it a few seconds to 'redraw' the screen with the gray color.08:09
Xenolso how much08:09
Dr_willisbut it also depends on your actual ram.08:09
ironfroggy_LTso if people have obviously configured CUPS before, one might be right to assume they have an idea where docs can be found on opening CUPS up to a local network, right?08:09
Skrot1-2gb swap is enough then08:09
Dr_willisi always put at least 512mb.. 2gb is proberly plenty.08:09
Skrot3 is too much08:09
Xenolso 2GB08:09
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@ip68-108-80-96.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
SkrotI've got 2GB ram and 4GB swap, never use more than 100MB of that swap :p08:10
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Skrotwasted space :(08:10
inetproclaudio_: when you do 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list' paste for us the lines that don't start with a hash (#)08:10
Xenolk got swap how much for root ? ;P08:10
BluesKajSkrot, why so large swap08:10
Dr_willisright now i am using 128 out of 1.5 gb of ram.. no swap used at all08:10
SkrotXenol: You usually just need a / and a swap. Set swap to 2*ram and / to rest08:10
claudio_wait i thing i get it08:11
SkrotBluesKaj: Think kubuntu install CD follows the old 2*ram=swap.08:11
XenolDr_willis for root 20 GB is enough?08:11
Skrot20GB is more than enough for the system08:11
BluesKaj1g should be plenty of swap ... thay old rule goes for smaller memory08:11
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Dr_willisXenol,  should be.. it have 1.75TB of drive space... so i dont worry about sizes much. :P08:11
weswh-Dr_willis: ok, i am really screwing myself now. I just ran 'sudo dexconf', and ended up with an xorg.conf file that is much smaller, and makes no mention of my specific graphics hardware etc.08:12
Xenoland wat is / partiotion? smth like /home?08:12
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XenolDr_willis lol08:12
alelurmopuhi all08:12
Dr_willisweswh-,  dexconf? never heard of that one.08:12
weswh-surely there is a way to get it to reevaluate my system, like it did at install, and come up with an appropriate file?08:12
=== leileiloll [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
claudio_i forgot to do apply on adept(loll)08:12
Bentregarding cups:
SkrotXenol: / is the root. All the subfolders are on the same partition unless you create specific partitions for it (such as /home)08:12
Dr_willisdpkg-reconfigure xorg (or somthing like that)08:12
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:12
weswh-Dr_willis: it was mentioned in the xorg.conf file - said it was generated by dexconf, the Debian Xorg Configuration Tool08:12
inetproyou welcome08:12
SkrotXenol: On desktop computers you seldom need to create more than just the root08:13
inetprowe all been there08:13
Dr_willisweswh-,  you got a nvidia or ati card?08:13
alelurmopuwhen I try to configure my key map in kcontrol i find that there aren't any Available Layouts08:13
alelurmopuHow can I add them ?!08:13
Xenolskrot, so u suggest that i create / and home?08:13
claudio_Thank you all for the help!!!!!!!!:)08:13
weswh-Dr_willis: nvidia.08:13
SkrotXenol: I'd just create /08:13
Dr_willisweswh-,  nvidia has its own x config generation program as well.08:13
weswh-the whole reason i was messing with this was trying to use the nvidia driver.08:13
Dr_willisyes. :P08:13
raphinkI suggest creating / and /home08:13
Xenolskrot, then i got 100+ GB free :/08:13
Dr_williscofiguration of X is avery very.... interesting topic. :)08:13
weswh-Dr_willis: would that be avail to me if i installed nvidia-glx?08:14
raphinkat least because it allows to reinstall without losing the docs08:14
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@206.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisweswh-,  the default xorg.conf the system made 'may' be backed up.. look in /etc/X11/08:14
Zamberhow to disable gamma in the kde menu?08:14
ivoksraphink: hi!08:14
Xenolskot, is there any way to install GRUB somewhere else then to win disk MBR?08:14
raphinkhi ivoks :)08:14
raphinkhow are you man?08:14
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Dr_willisweswh-,  its rather simple to get the nvidia drivers installed these days.. about 4 lines on the shell. :)08:14
Xenolraphin , ya?08:14
ivoksgreat, you?08:14
raphinkivoks: I'm great :)08:15
raphinkXenol: I suggest you use / and /home08:15
Xenoli do it08:15
weswh-Dr_willis: well, the "sudo nvidia-glx-configure enable" command is what started my troubles, it seems08:15
raphinkXenol: so you can safely reinstall if you need, without touching your documents08:15
Xenolbut i want to install GRUB somewhere else than to windows MBR08:15
Dr_willisweswh-,  and what 'troubles' are those...08:15
=== Pp` [n=ppjet6@lns-bzn-52-82-65-104-136.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
raphinkXenol: e.g. if you want ot install a clean feasty in a few months instead of dist-upgrading08:15
weswh-not sure if that is right or not, just something i found online08:15
weswh-Dr_willis: well, booting into 640x480 mainly :P08:15
Xenolpossible to install it to lin disk?08:16
claudio_Gcc is runnig..... Cool ty again08:16
weswh-do you know of any good guides online dealing with the nvidia drivers and x configuration?08:16
Dr_willisXenol,  you can install grub most anywhere.. getting it to boot - is the harder part.08:16
weswh-i've been getting a lot of conflicting info on google08:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:16
SkrotXenol: 100+GB free? Thought you said you only had 20?08:16
Xenolskrot, i will describe08:16
SkrotXenol: If you've got 120-ish, just make everything /08:16
Dr_willisweswh-,  the official nvidia docs on their driver is well worth reading/printing out.08:16
Dr_willisweswh-,  the ubuntu wiki page on how to install them - needs reworked.08:17
SkrotXenol: except the 2GB you make swap08:17
Xenolskrot, i have 135 GB free i want it like this 20 GB root 2 GB swap and home rest08:17
SkrotXenol: okay, then you make 20GB /, 2GB swap and 113GB /home08:17
Dr_willisweswh-,  you may just need to run the KDE screen res configuration tool and slider the slider to the hither res. or it could be your system thinks your monitor cant do any higher08:17
Xenolskrot, and i am interested if it is possible somehow easily install GRUB somewhere else than MBR of win08:17
BluesKajweswh-, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL08:18
Dr_willisUsage: grub-install [OPTION]  install_device08:18
inetproXenol: I always make a spare partition to allow for installing a new version at a later stage08:18
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Xenolskrot, and BTW root need to be primary but home need to be priamary?08:19
SkrotNo idea about primary :)08:19
Dr_willisI always make all my partitions 'primary'08:19
inetprothen you can decide to work with the new or if you have trouble go back to old08:19
Dr_willisjust easier to do it that way08:19
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weswh-Dr_willis: at the present time, i can't raise the slider any higher08:19
Xenolintepro k i will leave 15 GB free08:19
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BluesKajDr_willis, he needs to be in admin mode08:20
Xenolskrot, so i make partitions and wat now08:20
weswh-Dr_willis: following these links, going to try the configure-enable again, last time it gave me issues08:20
ironfroggy_LTi found a cups doc that covers what im trying to do, but it mentions some 'linuxconf' utility that i cant find. what is that?08:20
Dr_willisweswh-,  on a new system - getting nvidia going is about a 2 min job for me.08:20
Dr_willisweswh-,  install 3 or 4 packages.. run that one command.. restartX.08:20
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campbchcould someone test for me and tell me if it worked?08:21
campbchi dont have access to a computer outside the network08:21
weswh-Dr_willis: according to this it's only 1 package now. yeah, i will see if the command gives me the same error, hang on08:21
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Dr_willisweswh-,  well that package has othe rdependencies. :P watch the messages - it proberly downloads 2 others.08:21
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XenolDR_willis in QTparted i have options like "begin of unallocated space" and "end of unallocated space" wat should i choose?08:21
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ironfroggy_LTthere is no way it makes sense for configuring CUPS to be this freaking hard to find out08:22
campbchis it working? anyone? :(08:22
mc__where  to get linuxconf?08:22
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ironfroggy_LTmc__: i dunno, thats what i was asking08:22
campbchcups liked me, i guess... as long as the network is working, and i know what model the printer is for the driver, i've only had a problem when i first started08:22
ironfroggy_LTcampbch: but how do you get cups to accept non-localhost connections?08:23
ironfroggy_LTsuch a simple thing and i cant get a shred of information on it08:23
weswh-Dr_willis: mind if i pm you the output i get from running that command?08:23
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Dr_willisweswh-,  which command. :)08:24
Xenolskrot, so wat now if i made partitions?08:24
mathiouzzhi everyone08:24
Xenolskrot, well i have them in qtparted but how to create them?08:25
SkrotXenol: I've never used qtparted08:25
Dr_willisweswh-,  yes.. it is detecting a  'changed' xorg.conf file.08:25
weswh-should i run the md5 command it asks about?08:25
SkrotXenol: But usually you also need to format the partitions08:25
Dr_willisweswh-,  just check your xorg.conf and see if the Driver line. is set to 'nvidia' or 'nv'08:25
Dr_willisweswh-,  thats all that really needs to be changed.08:25
Xenolskrot, but when i use install icon on desktop i get isntallation crashed error dunno why it will make partitions but not format em08:26
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cloakableAre there any PCMCIA bootdisks for Ubuntu?08:26
Xenolskrot. and in QTparted cant format those partitions cause they r only logical aint created yet and i am confused how to create em :/08:26
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weswh-Dr_willis: none at all. the screen section is set to Generic Video Card, Generic Monitor, etc.08:27
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RawSewagehow do you use sox to batch convert a bunch of audio files08:27
Zamberberyl is funny :D08:27
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Zamberwhen focused on one window it has more that 60fps08:27
Dr_willisweswh-,  do a ............   cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
Zamberchanget to xchat it has 20 xD08:27
Dr_willis Driver         "nvidia"08:27
Dr_willisis what i get..08:27
Dr_willisif its 'nv' you need to change it.08:27
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl08:27
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weswh-its vesa, but i will check with cat08:27
Xenolskrot, partitions r made wat now? how to install kubuntu on disk and also GRUB?08:28
weswh-(this all got screwed up when i ran the dxconf tool..or whatever).08:28
Dr_willisThen theres your main issue. :) change vesa to nvidia and restart X and see if it takes off.08:28
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Dr_willisweswh-,  OR see if theres a backup of your original X config.08:28
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Dr_willisrestore it.. then check its Driver Line.08:28
mathiouzzhas someone already got problems with dvd burning under ubuntu ?08:28
Xenoldr_willis i have made partiotions with QTparted how can i install kubuntu and GRUB now plz?08:29
mathiouzzxenol just follow the installation script08:29
mathiouzzno ?08:29
Dr_willisXenol,  you realize that the installer can do that all for you.. :)08:29
Dr_willisXenol,  start the isntaller.. tell it where to mount / and /home to... and let it go..08:29
mathiouzzfar better08:29
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weswh-do i need all of the special things the file had before (like specifically saying it was a Geforce FX5200 and all that), or can i just change the driver, and leave it all looking pretty bare?08:30
Xenoldr_willis i know but ppl said to use QTparted :}08:30
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mathiouzzxenol then ok use qt parted but after make a standard install08:30
thomasis there anybody who can tell me briefly how to make my tv tuner work? I did that once before and I read the notes, but now I am not able to repeat it...08:31
mathiouzzand when it'll ask for the partitions to format and so one select the one you wish to be your root partition etc ..08:31
Xenolmathiouzz, GRUB will be installed automatically?08:31
mathiouzzsorry thomas don't know it08:31
BluesKajGParted is much better and easier to use , but it has tobe downloaded and burned to cd , but works as alive cd ...I think it's the best so far :)08:31
mathiouzzcourse xenol08:31
BluesKajthomas, which tv tuner?08:32
thomasblueskaj: there is a conexant CX23881 chip on it and the tuner hardware is a philips FM1216ME08:32
Xenolmathiouzz, which is home? /media?08:33
thomasblueskaj: I know I need the modules cx88xx and cx880008:33
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BluesKajok sounds like an ati wonder pro08:33
mathiouzzby default you only need 2 partitions : one root (/) and swap08:33
Xenoli want also home08:34
BluesKajok, what kind of video feed do you have thomas ?08:34
mathiouzzso make another partition with /home inside then ;)08:34
Xenolwhich mount point should i select for it?08:34
thomasblueskaj: I want to use the antenna signal (if you mean that by video feed)08:34
Xenoldont  have it there :/08:34
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mathiouzzpm xenol08:34
Xenolby default /media is set there08:34
Xenolmathiouzz, sec i need to register for PMs08:35
BluesKajyes , thomas, ok here's a URL that will help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198703.08:36
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Dr_willisTime to learn some linux fundamentals.. heh heh08:36
thomasblueskaj: thanks. I will check that and hopefully come back with a positiv result.08:37
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weswh-Dr_willis: i found a backup file (from before i even changed things in System Settings). it was set to nv, with all of the right resolutions. i changed that to nvidia. earlier i also tried commenting out the Wacom driver areas - and x wouldn't even start when I booted up. if i remove those again, and then at the bottom of the file..08:37
BluesKajit worked for me ...i have the same chips and tuner , thomas08:37
weswh-where it says 'Server Layout', should i be ok?08:38
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weswh-(i don't have anything wacom, and it's producing errors sometimes)08:38
Dr_willisweswh-,  dont worry about the wacom stuff.. its not a problem.. and trivial to fix. IF you reaize what all to coment out.  yes it has settings for wacom in the middle and bottom of the file08:38
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weswh-ok, i will leave it alone. do i need to restart my entire computer, or can i use that ctrl+alt+bckspc (i think?) to restart x?08:39
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weswh-(if that will leave my irc session etc. in tact)08:39
sinisterguyis there any similar program to tomboy for kde?08:39
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Xenoldr_willis one question when i selec from mount point i cant find there /home wat should i choose?08:41
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Xenoldr_willis, nvm it seem i blind or drunk08:41
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Dr_willisXenol,  :)08:41
Dr_willisor both08:41
Xenolk when i set it should i tick reformat ?08:42
weswh-ok, back to a decent res now...but i am not seeing the 'nvidia splash screen' that everything mentions08:42
weswh-things definitely seem smoother though08:42
inetprosinisterguy: have you used tomboy?08:42
Admiral_Chicagosinisterguy, knotes08:42
Admiral_Chicagoweswh-, could you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:43
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mathiouzzhave someone already encountered errors during dvd burning ?08:44
weswh-Admiral_Chicago: sure. (also all of my visualizations in amarok are working now).08:44
mathiouzzlike this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36104/08:44
mathiouzzhelp me please08:45
notechweswh-: try, glxinfo | grep -i rendering08:45
ironfroggy_LTok i think i have things configured so i can use CUPS throughout my network, but i cant configure it because its asking me to go to https://server-host-name:631/admin, which is redirecting to a google lucky search for "server host name" when it cant find it. what gives?08:45
ironfroggy_LTping server-host-name does work08:45
inetproknotes? Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application maybe that's where it's similar to knotes but then....08:45
inetprolets you organise your notes08:45
inetpro intelligently by allowing you to easily link ideas together with Wiki style interconnects.08:45
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notechironfroggy_LT: server-host-name is your hostname08:46
Admiral_Chicagoi have a problem with my X settings, basically beryl borked my install and i'm stuck on GNOME08:46
ironfroggy_LTnotech: i know that...08:46
ironfroggy_LTnotech: what im saying, is why cant firefox find it when i can in fact ping it, ssh to it, etc.08:46
BluesKajmathiouzz, K3b ?08:46
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notechironfroggy_LT: oh, sorry. this on the same box as the cups server?08:47
Admiral_Chicagoinetpro, i'm not sure if you can do that in Knotes08:47
ironfroggy_LTnotech: no, im setting CUPS on my server.08:47
BluesKajberyl is a screwup for ATI cards...it's dangerous08:47
Admiral_Chicagotomboy works on KDE for the most part, just a few bugs08:47
weswh-Admiral_Chicago: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36107/08:47
inetprodon't think so either08:47
weswh-notech: Direct Rendering: Yes08:48
Admiral_Chicagoweswh-, give me a sec, I'm multi tasking08:48
notechweswh-: then 3D drivers are working08:48
Xenoldr_willis when i have in mount screen disk as hda 1 hda 2 it will mount them into linux?08:49
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Dr_willisXenol,  i dont have the installer memorized.. its not too hard to figure them out. You want one to be mounted as / and the other as /home08:50
Xenolyeah but not win disk which r HDA i gues08:50
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Dr_willisXenol,  this is when you have to learn how linux handles drives and what disks are what.. you just ran gparted.. you diodent notice which ones are what?08:51
Xenolthen i should leave those as default set / and /home tick reformat and wait to install em and GRUB and then use kubuntu on HD?08:51
ubuntu_is there a way to detect a hdd after linux has booted up even if the hdd wasn't pluged in when the bios was detecting the hardware?08:51
Dr_willisubuntu_,  you plugged in an IDE drive while the ystem was powered up?08:51
ironfroggy_LTso how does my client find my server by hostname anyway?08:51
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ironfroggy_LTbecause it seems to work some places but not others.08:51
BluesKajXenol, windows will be hda1,.if you are adding linux to a a new partition it will be hda2 or 308:52
XenolHDA= first psychical disk HDB=second psychical disk on HDA i have windows and on HDB one 100 GB08:52
notechironfroggy_LT: seems odd if you can ping by host name08:52
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ironfroggy_LTnotech: i thought so too08:52
notechironfroggy_LT: believe it has to do with the hosts file08:52
ironfroggy_LTduh. i was in an ssh session on that box when i ran ping08:52
ubuntu_ya, it works in windows.  i've been told it damages the hdd, but in this case i've got no choice08:53
weswh-has anyone run Deluge (bittorrent client) on Edgy?08:53
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Dr_willisnever heard of it weswh-08:53
Xenoldr_willis i got smth like no root user WTF is that?08:53
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Admiral_Chicagoweswh-, i run Ktorrent.08:53
Dr_willisXenol,  no idea.. i would guess you are trying to hard to do things that the instller should be making trivially easy.08:53
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weswh-it's new, gtk based...but supposedly very good. yeah, i am running ktorrent also at the moment. i wish it had a "test connection" feature like azureus does08:54
thomasblueskaj: thx for the link. I can now get a picture with tvtimer, but still no sound...08:54
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weswh-or i knew another way to test my incoming port connections08:54
thomasblueskaj: the mixer settings are not the reason08:54
Dr_williswine utorrent.exe08:54
zorglu_weswh-: what is supposed to be very good in it ?08:54
Xenoldr_willis one question while i am installing should i be surfing and watching film or wait till installation is done?08:54
Dr_willisXenol,  i never use the live cd installer.. i always use the alternative cd/installer... I doubt if web surfing will slow it down much08:55
zorglu_Dr_willis: have you heard they just sold the source to bittorrent inc and the original author will no mnore dev on it ?08:55
Admiral_Chicagoweswh-, okay your X is okay, maybe the splash screen will appear when you reboot.08:55
Dr_willisanything else accessing the hd can slow it down08:55
weswh-zorglu_: well, i don't know much about it all. but i have heard that ktorrent isn't optimal for the speeds of the entire swarm, or something.08:55
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zorglu_weswh-: ok08:55
ubuntu_i'm running a live cd on a laptop.  i forgot the bios pw, so the boot order is stuck at: floppy, hdd, cd.  so to boot from cd i have to remove the hdd, and now i want my live cd to see the hdd, but how?08:55
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BluesKajthomas, be sure to change the card: options cx88xx card=5" > cx88xx,  to: options cx88xx card=4" > cx88xx08:55
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notechironfroggy_LT: put in the hosts file the ip and host name of the box you want to access by hostname08:56
Admiral_Chicagoubuntu_, sudo fdisk l-08:56
Admiral_Chicagothen mount it08:56
ironfroggy_LTubuntu_: so take out the battery and reset the bios08:56
Admiral_Chicagoalso, you could reset the bios PW by clearing the CMOS08:56
ironfroggy_LTnotech: already got it, now that i realized my mistake. thanks.08:56
ubuntu_i've reset the bios, the pw won't reset08:56
notechironfroggy_LT: ok :)08:56
zorglu_ubuntu_: phone your vendor and ask for the bypass08:57
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zorglu_!netinstall | ubuntu_08:57
ubotuubuntu_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:57
ubuntu_dell sucks and  this thing was out of warernty a long time ago08:57
zorglu_ubuntu_: the first link will give you way ot install ubuntu wihotut booting on cd08:58
notechit'll be a header that you jump differently, at least on Dell's i've seen08:58
ubuntu_who said nething about installing ubuntu?08:58
zorglu_ubuntu_: ok what do you wanna do ?08:58
ubuntu_i want to mount the hdd08:59
ironfroggy_LTubuntu_: one option is to use a floppy bootloader08:59
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zorglu_ubuntu_: ok plug it then08:59
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DennisTTWhy isn't Kubuntu letting me have a higher resolution than 853x6__08:59
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Dr_willisDennisTT,  i would guess either the video card drivers are confused.. or need installed, or the montor settings are wrong.08:59
zorglu_DennisTT: a matter of driver/monitor configuration08:59
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:59
ubuntu_where do i get a floppy bootloader? i've looked, the only thing i can find tells me how to get one from my hdd and put it on floppy09:00
notechDennisTT: verify the refresh rates in xorg.conf match your monitor specs09:00
zorglu_ubuntu_: the link i gave you will provide it09:00
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notechroot: is not very wise to irc as root09:01
coreymon77is not very wise to do anything as root other than what needs to be done as root09:01
ironfroggy_LTwhere can i get the command lpadmin?09:02
notechbetter and more complete :)09:02
zorglu_!info lpadmin09:02
ubotuPackage lpadmin does not exist in any distro I know09:02
zorglu_not there:)09:02
ironfroggy_LTnow i know i can get it09:03
Xenoldr_willis last question GRUB will be isntaalled to HD0 which disk is that?09:03
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ironfroggy_LTive used it on two kubuntu boxes already09:03
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FragragWhy am I stuck on 'waiting for header' when I want to install something?09:03
notechironfroggy_LT: not sure, but it should be one of the cups packages. might search for cups packages09:03
ironfroggy_LTi have it installed on another box, how can i find what package it comes from?09:04
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zorglu_$ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/lpadmin09:04
zorglu_cupsys-client: /usr/sbin/lpadmin09:04
weswh-i just plugged in a firewire hard drive (hfs) - it pulled it right up, but it says unmounted. i can see the contents in /media/System Drive/ - how can i tell what device it is to mount it? amarok seemed to think sda something?09:04
ironfroggy_LTthanks. i thought it should turn up in apt-cache search lpadmin09:05
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ironfroggy_LTwould be nice if my kind of printer (very common model) was supported out of the box. how i go about getting that done?09:05
ironfroggy_LTi dont want others to suffer as i have!09:05
notechweswh-:  dmesg should show it09:05
zorglu_ironfroggy_LT: i dont have any printer :)09:06
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ironfroggy_LTzorglu_: get one already, its 2006!09:06
zorglu_yep and soon 2007!!!09:06
zorglu_just after that i heard 2008 :)09:06
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zorglu_wow time flies by :)09:06
ironfroggy_LTdont it tho?09:06
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zorglu_and they are hard to configure :) bla :)09:07
ironfroggy_LThey you can get a networked printer-scanner-fax for under a 100 bucks. its time to buy.09:07
DrearyHi, any Polish is here? =)09:07
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:07
zorglu_a lot there :)09:07
inetproironfroggy_LT: did you look at http://www.linuxprinting.org/09:07
Zamberhej ;)09:07
weswh-notech: as far as creating a new mount point (in /media) is that typically a root operation?09:07
Drearysiema / good to know :] 09:07
Xenolwho can help me with installation plz?09:07
ironfroggy_LTinetpro: yes09:07
Zamberzorglu_ polska? :P09:07
weswh-but when things are mounted, they are generally avail to users?09:07
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DrearySo im goin to #ubuntu-pl09:08
ironfroggy_LTinetpro: but that isnt as helpful as just being able to use my printer out of the box.09:08
XenolPLZ someone09:08
Xenolwhy i get this?09:08
zorglu_Zamber: well i know the !pl :) this is all i know :)09:08
DennisTTThank you zorglu_09:08
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DennisTTThat seemed to fix it09:08
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notechweswh-: root, sudo, whichever. it isn't writable to by a user09:08
inetproironfroggy_LT: i hear you... been there too09:08
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:08
zorglu_DennisTT: cool :) event if i dont remember what i tol dyou :)09:08
ironfroggy_LTok why is CUPS making me to go to https and not actually working? i can find the box now, but it wont connect via https, which i dont care if i dont use.09:09
weswh-notech: hmm, i was wrong - this is actually a mounted removable medium. the problem is the files i need are locked. this is an HFS drive, from a mac computer i had that died. similar file systems and all, any clue about that?09:09
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weswh-taking the data from one machine to another like that, it isn't really 'protected' is it?09:09
notechweswh-: sorry, never dealt with HFS09:10
ironfroggy_LTcan i make cups not care about https?09:10
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weswh-notech: well, it seems to be a local issue. i go to a folder and it says "sorry, you don't have enough permissions to access this folder"09:10
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XenolTraceback (most recent call last):09:12
Xenol  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 166, in ?09:12
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Xenol    main()09:12
Xenol  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 161, in main09:12
ubuntu__Hi! I have a problem installing kubuntu 6.10. After partitioning and copying all files the installer hangs at 99% "Downloading package lists".09:12
Xenol    install(sys.argv[1] )09:12
Xenol  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 57, in install09:12
notechweswh-: then it was mounted for only root access09:12
weswh-ok, practical advice here - i had this problem before. in order to access the data on the drive, i have to go into kdesu konqueror - the only problem is that when i do this, and copy the files to my home directory, they all end up being owned by root, and i have to change the permissions.09:12
Xenol    ret = wizard.run()09:12
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde-ui.py", line 336, in run09:12
ubuntu__Any help appreciated!09:12
Xenol    self.progress_loop()09:12
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde-ui.py", line 580, in progress_loop09:12
weswh-notech: ah, how can i 'remount' it for user access?09:13
Xenol    if dbfilter.run_command(auto_process=True) != 0:09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/filteredcommand.py", line 153, in run_command09:13
Xenol    self.start(auto_process=auto_process)09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/filteredcommand.py", line 62, in start09:13
Xenol    self.db = DebconfCommunicator(PACKAGE, cloexec=True)09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py", line 125, in __init__09:13
zorglu_Xenol: i see the bug:)09:13
Xenol    write=self.dccomm.tochild)09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py", line 48, in __init__09:13
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Xenol    self.setUp(title)09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py", line 51, in setUp09:13
Xenol    self.version = self.version(2)09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py", line 60, in <lambda>09:13
notechweswh-: i'm not on kubuntu at the moment but if its similar, mount it with the umask=0 option09:13
Xenol    lambda *args, **kw: self.command(command, *args, **kw))09:13
Xenol  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/debconf.py", line 81, in command09:14
Xenol    status = int(status)09:14
XenolValueError: invalid literal for int():09:14
Dr_willisweswh-,  learning to do things with the shell.. is much safer then running konqueror as root09:14
Xenolwhy i get this09:14
Xenolwhen i want to isntall?09:14
Dr_willisXenol,  you realize that most people have you on ignore now.09:14
zorglu_Xenol: because you dont know how to use pastebin09:14
ibertIs there a tool like Grip for the command line? want to run it on a box without display.09:14
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ubuntu__ibert: use cdparanoia09:15
Dr_willisibert,  you could always use vnc, and have a remote desktop on it. there are command line ripper tools out. check freshmeat.net09:15
junkyplz, someone can help me?? i'm new in kubuntu09:15
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Dr_willisjunky,  #1 - ask a question. Phrase it well...09:15
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junkymy sound don't work09:15
thomasBluesKaj: sorry for disturbing again. I check everything: the hardware (cables) the settings described in the link you gave me and the kmixer settings. I still do net get sound.09:15
zorglu_ibert: you can just ssh forwarding too, you would have k3b running on the non display box and you will use the nice gui09:15
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Dr_willisjunky,  and your sound card is a ?09:16
junkyi try with drivers... but im new... and i do   a lot of time here09:16
thomasblueskaj: what I found out: when I change the volume slector in kdetv, nothing changes in kmixer. Is there any device I need to set?09:16
Xenolzorglu, so i wont be able to install kubuntu?09:16
ibertzorglu_: yeah I know. but this is machine without X its jast my LAMP09:16
zorglu_!sound | junky09:16
ubotujunky: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin09:16
Xenoli also tried 6.06.1 and same shit09:16
XenolDr_willis i know but none could helped me cause i get same bug everytime i wanted to install i got this bug was on IRC one week ago but no answer :(09:16
junkyis integrate, abit nv8, realtek09:16
zorglu_ibert: ok09:16
ibertubuntu__: thanks. I'll check09:16
Xenolzorglu can u help me?09:16
zorglu_Xenol: no :))09:17
Dr_willisXenol,  sounds tome like the cd is either messed up. you got somthing really funky going on.09:17
Xenoldr_willis i newly burned this version destroyed one CD when i was lastly traing to install09:17
Dr_willisjunky,  you may want to do some googling to see if that sound card/chipset is supported by ALSA at all.  also the Ubuntu wiki pages may help.09:17
junkyi dont understand09:17
junkyoks i serch if my sound card is supported...09:18
Dr_willisXenol,  you try using the alternative installer cd yet?09:18
inetprohow do I disable PrintScreen button from running ksnapshot09:18
inetprodon't know how many times i've pressed it by mistake09:19
Xenoldr_willis i have it downloaded but havent tried it yet i think i dont get graphic mode there and i am afraid i wont be able to install it :/09:19
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ubuntu__Anyone an idea, why the installation might hang at 99% when "Downloading package lists"? I see connection attempts to a mirror003.isp.belgacom.be. Why did kubuntu chose that mirror? I never selected it.09:19
Dr_willisinetpro,  look under the 'keyboard shortcuts' control panel icon09:20
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inetproi don't find it thre09:20
Dr_willisXenol,  you dont need graphical mode to install the system.. never have.09:20
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Xenoldr_willis can i burn alternative CD version to dvd-rw?09:20
junky?? i don't see if my sound card is compatible with alsa09:21
inetproDr_willis: ?09:21
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Dr_willisinetpro,  im still trying to figure out how you 'accidently' hit that key. :)09:22
Dr_willisXenol,  since its a cd.. no.09:22
ironfroggy_LTthe cups web frontend is forcing me to use https at the end of the configuration process, but everytime it seems to lock cups up completely!09:22
Xenoldr_willis any ideas how could i install kubuntu without downlaoding new instllation burning new cd?09:22
junkysomeone know what i have to do,? i need to install drivers for my sound card?09:22
inetproDr_willis: my keyboard layout is really stupid - print screen is where insert should be09:22
junkyis an integrated sound card09:22
inetproeverytime i press shift insert for copy09:23
Dr_willisXenol,  not really.  the wiki docs may have some methods. ive never bothered.09:23
ironfroggy_LTthere has to be a way to disable https for CUPS, any ideas?09:23
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Dr_willisironfroggy_LT,  the cups homepage/docs and the cups config files whold be the place to look09:23
FragragWhy when installing programmes, am I stuck on 'waiting for headers'? Are the repositories down?09:23
Dr_willisironfroggy_LT,  of course I like the cups web interface09:23
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ironfroggy_LTDr_willis: i like it too, but i just want to use http and not https09:24
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thomasdoes anybody have an idea, why I can see the video in kdetv, but do not get the sound?09:27
junkyplz someone can help me with sound ??? please09:27
weswh-whatever happened before when the system automounted the firewire drive, it didn't allow me to copy over any files. it said "the directory /whatever does not exist" (when i was browsing it, and actually playing some music off of it). so i want to remount it, and be able to access it as a normal user not root.09:27
Xenoldr_willis so wat should i do now?09:27
FragragIs the repository down? I did 'ping be.archive.ubuntu.com' in konsole and I don't get any answer09:28
weswh-so i tried "mount /dev/sda3 /media/firewire", and it says only root can do that. if i sudo that, haven't i accomplished the same thing as before?09:28
ironfroggy_LTDr_willis: https is actually crashing cups, so avoiding it at all would very helpful.09:28
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Xenoldr_willis so can u help me somehow?09:29
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weswh-yeah, i just did that - and the files i need still have "lock" icons. the only way i have found around it is kdesu, but like i said, could not copy the files to my home dir09:29
junkyno one....09:30
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Xenoldr_willis :(09:31
Dr_willisXenol,  Ive never done a net isntall of ubuntu, ive heard its possible.. check the install docs/wiki pages.. or go buy some cd's :)09:31
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Xenoldr_willis in wat way is alternate method better than desktop and why i can install it from desktop version? :)09:32
julledoes any know an ftp server program that i easily can install through the apt-get install command?09:33
Dr_willisXenol,  its faster for me. i awalsy use the alt installcd. it has some other options also09:33
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Xenoldr_willis i am  fucked up cause i cant install it from dekstop and i have googled it whole and also got severals manuals how to install it09:34
junkyk alguen me ayude kon el sonido porfavor...09:35
junkyo algun k me diga algun manual mas para principiantes09:35
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:36
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weswh-how can i check what the permissions are (who owns) a directory through konsole?09:37
senjinanyone go too www.rollforlife.se and vote on the pol pleas09:37
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der_steppenwolfhi, how can i see the change log of program versions in kubuntu?09:38
inetproAnybody know where ksnapshot is mapped to the PrintScreen button?09:38
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Dr_willisinetpro,  go ask in #kde perhaps09:38
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inetprowill do thanks09:38
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Xenolhow can i install kubuntu 6.10 from dekstop cd?09:40
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weswh-ok, i changed the permissions of the mount point for the drive - but it's still being mounted owner - root, and i still can't access the entire drive as a user. (i can access some of it, which is strange) - what's the protocol for mounting a drive for user access? umask=0 seems only to be an option if i were doing this in fstab09:40
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ReilithionAre the tulip or eepro100 ethernet kernel modules included as part of the Kubuntu Live CD?09:41
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Dr_willisshould be09:43
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Dr_willis  /drivers/net/tulip09:44
Dr_willisis where they would be if they are there09:44
ReilithionOk, then something weird must be going on.  I can't for the life of me figure out why the interface gets no reply when pinging out.09:44
Dr_willisive seen some eepro cards that some how get the wrong module loaded09:45
sickdhow can install the manual pages to work with threads in kubuntu?09:45
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sickdi mean pthreads?09:45
sickdhow can i work with pthreads in kubuntu?09:45
Zappixokay for those whom were here earlier: The processor didn't work =/09:46
Xenolhow can i install kubuntu 6.10 desktop?09:46
Xenoli get one message saying isntallation crashed09:46
ZappixSo I retired it for good, and took the thermal paste off by soaking it in bioling water.09:46
Xenoli have it in paste09:46
Xenolbut can i copy it here?09:47
Dr_willisXenol,  if its that huge paste you pasted earlier - it wont help any one to paste it.09:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:47
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Xenoldr_willis where else should i ask?09:47
ZappixMost NVidia drivers are plug and play :D09:47
Zappixwell at least mine are09:47
Dr_willisXenol,  forums/wiki, or break down go to the store and buy some blank cd;s and download the alt. installer cd... OR read the installer wiki/pages and learn how to do a net install.09:48
Dr_willisDont expect magic  'type  a simple command' answer. You got either somthing really weird with that system.. or some badly burnt cd's09:49
Xenoldr_willis one question can u tell me why my 20 GB partiotion was formated in less  then 5 mins and 100 GB part didnt even start to format?09:49
Xenoli dont think it is badly burnt i burnt it with slowest speed possible09:49
Dr_willisXenol,  who/what told it to format.. when in doubt do it from the shell.09:50
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Xenoldr_willis i am noob with shell didnt learned it yet :P09:51
Dr_willisXenol,  i guess ya got somthing to keep you busy for the next few days then09:51
Xenoldr_willis telll me09:51
Dr_willisTell you what?09:51
user_what would you prefer to use, provided you have an amd64: linux with amd64 or k7 kernel?09:51
Xenolif i format that partition before install why TF it start formating from beginning when i try to install it?09:52
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Xenoldr_willis any ideas?09:53
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Dr_willisXenol,  all you really need to do is have the sectionof the drive you want to use 'unallocated'  then let the installer partition/format it.09:54
user_what about my kernel related question?09:54
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Dr_willisuser_,  i use the 32bit kernels. edgy has sort reduced the # of kernel options also.09:54
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tencoi am unable to start kaffeine09:56
user_tenco: hi09:56
tencoit just does nothing, even no output if i start it with --verbose in a konsole09:56
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user_but on ething puzzles me: when i ws using debian sarge my nic and sound card were unsupported, but ubuntu seems to absolutely no problem with that09:57
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Dr_willisuser_,  proberly  a newer kernel version being used now09:59
tencoand there's no kaffeine dir in .kde/share/apps and no config in .kde/share/config09:59
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user_dr_willis: debian sarge includes kernel 2.6.10, but after i installed that one, some of kernel modules were to my surprise gone09:59
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PerseidI was here before. grub keeps giving an error 17 unless I use the Kubuntu boot disk and pick Boot From First Hard Disk. The device.map and menu.lst look right to me.10:00
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tencodunno what's wrong here with kaffeine :-\10:00
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srednaWhich video encoder is better (if any), ffmpeg or mencoder?10:03
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Zappix.....how do I open this thing up? D:10:05
Zappixtalking 'bout a pentium P510:05
inetproDr_willis: i fixed my ksnapshot issue... it's under regional & accesibility and input actions10:05
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inetproDr_willis: thanks for the help10:06
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user_have you ever tried qemm97?10:07
user_it's great, it accounts for 617 kb of conventional memory on my old box10:07
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user_how do i request my kernel version unde ubuntu?10:09
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Murchadhuser_, uname -ra10:10
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Xenoli made CD check and it sazs  checksums detected10:11
Xenolso CD must be ok10:11
Xenoldont uthni<10:11
Xenolu think?10:11
Xenol0 checksums failed10:11
Dr_willisYou mean checksum verified?   sounds right to me then.10:12
Xenolyeah no defects detected10:12
Xenoldr_willis so wat u think?10:12
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Dr_willisIf youve 'proven' that the cd is good.. then either its your messing witht eh drives befor you install thats the issue.. or you got flakey hardware, or some odd bios/bug happening10:14
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user_what prog is used under debian to calibrate the joystick?10:16
smaggardi think its joyconfig10:16
user_i mean teh one connected to the gameport of your soundcard10:16
smaggardno im jk10:17
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ranceIm running kubuntu 6.10 Edgy and my kde is having trouble with cd automount on audio cds, data cds are working fine.  When I try to play a cd i get an error telling me I dont have permission to access the device, but I have permission just fine when its a data cd10:21
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gan|y|medhow is the package for all the windows codecs called?10:21
kbloghi, i can not play any dvds10:21
der_steppenwolf hi, how can i see the change log of program versions in kubuntu?10:21
kblogwho can help?10:21
smaggardi think its w32codecs in package handler10:22
gan|y|mednot in the repo10:22
smaggardlike sudo apt-get install w32codecs10:22
gan|y|medmultiverse is activated10:22
ranceganly|med: win32-codecs  but due to licenseing its not part of your system, you have to add it by hand10:22
smaggardgoogle it10:22
smaggardyou will find the server with them on it10:23
gan|y|medso it is not in multiverse?10:23
ranceits a dep package, but you have to download it yourself10:23
ranceno its not in multiverse, probably never will be either10:23
smaggardno u dont have to manually download it you have to add the right repository to your sources10:23
smaggardcuz technically the w32 codecs might be illegal10:24
gan|y|medi could copy the files in the right place if i weren't that lazy10:24
smaggarddepends on where you r10:24
smaggardi can pastebin u my sources10:24
smaggardif u want10:24
gan|y|medlet's not get into this discussion. but thx for the hint-10:24
smaggardim running dapper tho10:24
gan|y|medi still hate how my websites look in opera. what happened???10:25
ranceI think you want to add the "main restricted" repository and then you can apt-get install win32-codecs10:25
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gan|y|medok, can you paste your sources.list please10:26
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gan|y|medi hate all this drm propriety stuff. ogg rocks :)10:26
ranceyea: hang on10:26
gan|y|medi mean have you ever seen a codec with such a nice name as ogg theora?10:27
gan|y|medi mean: "mp3"...10:27
rancegannly|med: mine is for edgy and has universe multiverse, and the restricted, and the opera repositories in it already10:27
gan|y|medi think i am missing the restricted10:27
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ranceganly|med: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/36129/10:29
gan|y|medthere is an opera repo? interesting.10:30
gan|y|medso i guess you are using opera. anything strange with the border distances when you browse. mine are all squeezed in10:30
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xstAfter an upgrade, the fonts in emacs became very ugly and non-antialiased. How can I fix that?10:31
ranceI don't really use opera much, I just have it so when I design web sites I can see what it looks like in several different browsers10:31
rancebut I havent seen what you are describing10:31
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smaggardwho put windows is gay in there?10:33
gan|y|medrance: ok, i have restricted in there. looks pretty much like yours, but i cannot find w32* (update was fine)10:33
LjLsmaggard: whoever made that paste, i suppose... ?10:33
smaggardok u got me, it was me :D10:33
smaggardu should be a detecterive10:34
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Dasnipa`detecterive lol10:35
Dasnipa`i like it10:35
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smaggardnow i must go pick up my gf for some hott wild dirty stuff :D10:35
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ranceI just bet that your Windows is Gay repository is part of the problem10:36
smaggardwell crap im back, the air compressor is broke10:36
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gan|y|medok, i have done it by hand10:38
gan|y|medstrange what this repo might be... a mysterious one10:38
gan|y|medok, i need your help10:39
rancethey work, ive got a wmv file on the machine right now that plays great10:39
gan|y|medi believe you. i just don't have time for the hassle now. i'll have to look in this later though10:39
gan|y|medhow do i deactive the behaviour that some dirs are considered hidden now?10:40
gan|y|medeven when i am root10:40
ranceI think I downloaded it by hand when I did it first, I found the repo later and added it in case of an update10:40
ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles10:40
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ranceglad to hear it10:42
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gan|y|medbut i would NOT call this a "feature"10:42
gan|y|medsimplicity != usability10:42
gan|y|medsimplicity = what m$ considers usability10:42
NamShubgan|y|med: dont worry you aint alone thinking that...10:43
gan|y|medyes, it will be dropped. happy day10:43
NamShubie. its not in the next version10:43
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casev01someone knows a repo for beryl 1.2?10:44
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Dr_willisi find the feature rather trivial.. :)10:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:45
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CaBlGuY!w32 codecs10:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:46
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gan|y|medthx a lot guys10:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:49
LjLbut anyway10:49
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:49
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godzilaim beginer,can anyone please tell me how to shut down firewall?10:51
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LjLgodzila: there is no firewall activated by default10:52
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LjL!pm | godzila10:53
ubotugodzila: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.10:53
LjL!firewall | godzila10:53
ubotugodzila: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:53
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casev01beryl is out ?10:53
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gan|y|medi wanna use kmldonkey. do i necessarily need to install mldonker-server (as server points to localhost) or can i just connect to any donkey server on the net?10:54
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Dr_willisinstall kmldonkey and see if it works.. :)10:55
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craftycornerquestion...what is right java for Dapper Drake?10:55
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:55
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digitalfreedomthe java for linux10:55
Dr_willis sun-java5-jre10:55
digitalfreedomyeah what the doc said10:56
digitalfreedomi had fits out of it yesterday10:56
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digitalfreedomand i think i messed my repos's up10:57
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craftycornerebay's a pill about it, I have sun-java5-jre, installing the fonts.  hope that works10:57
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:57
craftycornereveryt ime I try to get live help from ebay, they send me to a page with download choices10:57
gan|y|medhi Dr_willis10:57
tommy_adept keeps at waiting for header downloads 99%10:57
tommy_what can i do ?10:57
gan|y|medno it doesn't- says no connection to server10:58
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digitalfreedomyou on cli tommy?10:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:58
tommy_digitalfreedom: what is cli ?10:58
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digitalfreedomcommand line interface10:58
B-Minusdigitalfreedom: no10:58
digitalfreedomon a konsole10:58
craftycornerum, I can give you the list of the choices ebay's inflicting10:58
B-Minusdigitalfreedom: im using adept10:59
mc__tommy:  common language interface10:59
B-Minusadept manager10:59
digitalfreedomtry this apt-get update from konsole10:59
B-Minusok tnx10:59
digitalfreedomlangiuage line same thing10:59
digitalfreedomi like it10:59
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B-Minusit does the same11:00
gan|y|medok, there is no mlnet. so i guess i have to install mldonker-server11:00
B-Minusmaybe i have bad repositeries11:00
B-Minuscan that be11:00
B-Minuscause i just installed edgy11:00
craftycorneredgy's got some problems11:00
B-Minusi deleted my whole windows, this laptop is gonna be linux only11:00
digitalfreedomi better check mine11:00
craftycornercan you tell me what offerings won't give my machine a spazz11:00
B-Minusthere was a tool that creates sources.list automaticaly11:01
B-Minusor not11:01
CaBlGuY!flash 911:01
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports11:01
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craftycornerthere we go, still recieving11:01
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports11:01
digitalfreedomB-Minus: good for you on the laptop11:01
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl11:02
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B-Minusdigitalfreedom: funny thing is, today i installed vista on it, i couldnt stand it for 1 hour11:02
B-Minusso deleted the whole thing11:02
craftycornervista is bull11:02
B-Minusbut now my sources.list wont load :ss11:02
digitalfreedompm me B and ill help you from there if i can11:03
B-Minusstrange cause it worked perfectly before i reinstalled the whole thing11:03
craftycornersave to disc?11:03
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craftycornergotta go11:04
SchuenemannI clicked on some "share" or "applet" stuff and now I have icon close to the trash can, with the "new server" only option. How can I get rid of this?11:04
Schuenemannan icon*11:05
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Schuenemann"public file server" is the name11:05
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Dr_willisright cliock on it look at its menus11:11
BluesKajSchuenemann, right clock on it and choose quit11:11
Dr_willisLogical eh?11:11
Schuenemannthe only option is "new server"11:12
Schuenemannif I click on the panel arrow says "remove public server file", but won't that just take it from the panel?11:12
Schuenemannhow can I know if that server is running?11:13
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digitalfreedomthe panle menu should give you an option to remove and application11:13
Schuenemannmove, remove, about, help... but even the trash can has that, so I suppose it's not related to that server itself11:14
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Schuenemannthe application name seems to be kpf11:15
SupremeBeingwhat's the trick for a successful update to edgy?  Last 2 times I tried it there were errors and it messed up my xorg.conf11:17
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digitalfreedomhi jimmy11:19
jimmy_where are you from?11:19
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digitalfreedomlinux land11:19
jimmy_its good11:20
digitalfreedomvery good11:20
jimmy_oh yes11:20
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jimmy_im from czech republick11:21
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:21
ubotukpf: public fileserver for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 193 kB, installed size 628 kB11:21
dejanhello everyone11:23
weswh-anyone know some cool 3d things i could use to flex my graphics card a little? preferably a really good music visualization - i've been playing with the libvisual plugins for amarok, and frankly they aren't very cool11:23
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weswh-ideally there'd be some separate app. that looked at the total mix out of the system11:23
weswh-so it wasn't linked to an app11:23
dejandoes anyone recommend 64bit kubuntu11:25
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adz21cdejan: not been a problem for me really11:26
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adz21cdejan: well except one thing which isn't major, but i could have swarn i red somewhere it happened on 32bit as well but its more of an annoyance than a problem11:26
jimmy_whats better please ubuntu kubuntu or eduntu?11:27
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dejanadz21c: i want to be able to use flash and I had a few problems with flash other than that everything was good11:28
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adz21cdejan: well yes flash is an issue, but 2 ways of solving that ... install firefox 32bit or i managed to get flash working under konqueror x6411:28
scroccousually you just have to copy one file to the right directory, dejan11:28
scroccohi all - are DVD-R discs written by K3b supposed to be readable on apple systems? I add Rock Ridge , Joliet extension and UDF structures , but they look empty on 2 ibooks (they work well on my box)11:28
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dejanjimmy_: i think they are all the same, they only thing diffrent is only minor11:29
Schuenemannwhy flash is still version 7 for linux? this sucks11:29
adz21cnope, 9 beta is out11:29
SchuenemannI can't see videos in youtube11:29
scroccothere's 9beta, Schuenemann11:29
scroccoyout ube works with it11:29
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Schuenemannwhen I go to the adobe site and click "download flash player", 7 is the one it shows me11:30
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adz21cyea well cos 9 is beta u have to go get it urself11:30
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scroccopick "Download Installer for Linux "11:32
weswh-jimmy - i prefer kubuntu. there is also xubuntu. the only difference is the desktop environment11:32
Schuenemannso version 8 was never released?11:32
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:spamer] : mnk75i b5un
dejanso you recommend 64bit linux, is it easy to upgrade or is it going to be a fresh install11:33
scroccoSchuenemann:  right. never11:33
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weswh-www.gnome.org, www.kde.org, www.xfce.org - whichever you like best, go with that version of ubuntu11:33
Schuenemann /ignore spamer11:33
jimmy_go to ass spamer11:33
adz21cdejan: well its not been a problem for me since i used it, and i would imagine its fresh install11:33
adz21cSchuenemann: yea basically11:33
dejani have i586 version of kubuntu11:34
Schuenemannscrocco: is this beta version ok?11:34
BluesKajdoes anyone have the ability or right to ban or kick this jerk11:34
adz21cdejan: any reason u want x64?11:34
SchuenemannBluesKaj: well, you have the ability to ignore :D11:34
dejanwell i have a 64bit system so why not11:34
B-Minuskick ?11:34
_kuja_spamer needs to be glined, as far as I'm concerned11:34
dejanhow do you stop this spamer11:34
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Schuenemanntype /ignore spamer11:35
_kuja_/ignore spamer11:35
Schuenemannsince no one can ban hi11:35
adz21cdejan: yea thats my basic philosophy lol but I don't think you will gain much extra ... if anything11:35
_kuja_Hmm, sh**11:35
scrocco===================== FIGHT NOISE WITH MORE NOISE11:35
jimmy_leo but spamer i know your ip you get virus or worms ok lamer?11:35
adz21cdejan: personally i would wait till I was next ready to do a fresh install, but for me, I always used x64 version of distros11:35
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scrocco===================== FIGHT NOISE WITH MORE NOISE11:36
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Schuenemann] : Kubuntu Support Channel | Feisty Herd 1 Released | Edgy has Landed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage"
scroccothis is a human11:36
=== _kuja_ goes off to find someone with "privileges" to kil--- kick spamer
scroccoyou are very clever, spamer11:36
scroccogo for it, _kuja_11:36
dejanjust add the spamer to you ignore list11:36
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Schuenemannnah... he deserves to die11:37
FragragWhy are there no mods?11:37
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dejanif he wants to sit in from of his comp with one hand on c and the other getting of then thats his delema11:37
scroccowhich is the correct mask to use? a simple "/ignore spamer" doesn't work11:37
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind or trappist11:37
jimmy_he isnt spamer his name is leo11:38
BluesKajyup, copy and paste this into the server entry box :  /ignore spamer11:38
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scroccothanks to the mods11:38
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BluesKajthanks Hawkwind11:38
Schuenemannscrocco: are you using konversation?11:38
scroccono, xchat11:38
dejanno to your ignore list, right click on the left hand side where all the users are and select ignore, he will not shw up in the dialog anymore11:38
LjLperhaps set mode +t Hawkwind11:38
Schuenemannahh... might be diferent in xchat11:38
scroccooh right, thx11:38
LjLhe's been changing the topic11:38
scroccoare DVD-R discs written by K3b supposed to be readable on apple systems? I add Rock Ridge , Joliet extension and UDF structures , but they look empty on 2 ibooks (they work well on my box)11:38
dejanyep Konversation11:38
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BluesKajhe's gone11:39
Schuenemannthey are supposed to be readable anywhere11:39
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jimmy_hele lidi je tady nkdo z eska?11:39
LjL!cz | jimmy_11:39
ubotujimmy_: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.11:39
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:40
weswh-so it seems flash 9 will be along soon enough. that's good11:40
weswh-i figured they wouldn't let linux rot too badly11:40
BluesKajhehe  not quite Schuenemann11:40
adz21cso i read they also might do x64 on v911:40
dejanare there any chat sites for programmers11:40
dejanor are there any here11:41
Schuenemannwhat do you need?11:41
bun_tun_dunhi. somebody here have made an authentication against samba PDC work?11:41
_kuja_freenode is a programmers haven, as far AFAIK11:41
dejanjust general advise, on packages for certain librarys11:41
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports11:41
BluesKajthere's gotta be a command line chat somewhere for them ...most don't GUI's11:41
BluesKajirssi !11:41
BluesKajflash is tricky tho ...it may not install in your browser11:42
weswh-dejan - for programmers? freenode has channels for almost any language you can think of11:42
LjLSchuenemann, scrocco, _kuja_, jimmy_, BluesKaj: when this sort of thing happens, please *do* type !ops to get the operators' attention. use that command only in emergencies, but in emergencies, do use it.11:42
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports11:42
Schuenemannflash 7 worked here, I followed their walkthrough11:43
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BluesKajok LjL will do , thx11:43
Dheeraj_k funny isn't it? http://thakur.dheeraj.googlepages.com/windows.JPG11:43
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phobiacHow can I find out the name of my wireless card? I've switched from using GNOME to KDE and GNOME used to have a Device Database that told me about all my hardware, I can't find anything like that for KDE. :(11:44
BluesKajhas anyone tried to install flash 9 ?11:44
SchuenemannI am deciding if I should try11:44
phobiacI've put flash 9 on my laptop. All I use it for is the firefox plugin though.11:45
_kuja_blueskaj, I've been using it since they released the first beta .....11:45
Schuenemannis it ok?11:45
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BluesKaj_kuja_, in ff11:45
phobiacIt works pretty well, the only issue I've had is that flv movies (Like YouTube) will stop playing for me every once in a while.11:45
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_kuja_For the most part. it has issues with it covering up other things in the window, at least in Opera, and I think FF too.11:45
Dheeraj_k<BluesKaj>: yeah11:46
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Dheeraj_k<BluesKaj> i downloaded its binary file from adobe's web site11:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:46
phobiac!wireless card11:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireless card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:47
BluesKajwell, the flasf vers i have now works well and i had real "time" setting it up right. I think I'll wait :)11:47
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:47
Schuenemannwhich is it?11:47
_kuja_ah, another useful link.... http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/11:47
phobiacAh, thanks11:47
CaBlGuYsomeone in here told me about a flash 9 for linux link the other day..   it was without addin anything to your repos or any stuff like that, straight DL and install..11:48
CaBlGuYanyone know of that?11:48
Schuenemann_kuja_: do I have to remove the flash 7 I installed previously?11:48
_kuja_Flash 9 is a single file that you put in the plugins folder. libflashplayer.so11:48
_kuja_Schuenmann, I'd recommend it.11:48
Schuenemannhow to do  that?11:49
Dheeraj_kwell u can install it using installer http://www.adobe.com/go/fp9_update_b2_installer_linuxplugin11:49
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aleksanterihey what's your favorite feature in kubuntu?11:50
obsethrylare there any differences between ubuntu and kubuntu11:50
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Schuenemannkubuntu uses KDE11:50
obsethryli want a gnome - free environment11:50
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Schuenemannubuntu uses gnome11:50
obsethryli mean like I do not even WANT gtk apps11:50
obsethrylisn't the package manager based on gtk11:50
_kuja_Which package manager?11:51
SchuenemannI don't know... I'm quite new here11:51
_kuja_aleksanteri: katapult :)11:51
aleksanterii'd say the look of it11:52
aleksanterikubuntu has cwl appearance11:53
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ubuntuI have a problem11:53
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ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.11:53
ubuntuI need help11:53
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_kuja_That happens a lot in support channels, it seems11:54
obsethryl_kuja_: the interface for all the nice .deb files11:54
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aleksanteri:O katapult's cwl11:54
_kuja_It's either pyqt, or pykde, I forget which11:54
_kuja_And that's if I'm remember right at all.11:55
CaBlGuYwheres the plugins folder for mozilla at?11:55
CaBlGuYthe defualt install place..11:55
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ubuntuhow I can repair a damage file in my filesystem? apt or dpkg can reinstall a damaged files in my system11:55
CaBlGuYand if I can't find ~   ??11:55
_kuja_wait, nope, c++/qt/kde11:55
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aleksanterisearch for "mozilla" and then navigate the plugins folder in it i think11:56
ubuntucan apt or dpkg check the integrity of the installed files ??11:56
mathiouzzerh excuse me but could someone help me to solve my problem : all the dvd i try to burn with K3B or brasero fail11:56
mathiouzzwith that message11:56
SchuenemannCaBlGuY: ~ is the home directory11:56
ubuntuany can help me ?11:56
Schuenemann /home/user_name11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ultraiso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
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aleksanteritry ultraiso11:56
_kuja_ubuntulog: it checks the md5s of the *.debs after it downloads them11:57
CaBlGuYSchuenemann: then I need to browse it in root, cuase only thig in /home is my user folder..  nothin else..11:57
aleksanterimathiouzz: http://www.ezbsystems.com/ultraiso/index.html <-- shareware, but i guess you need it only this one time :P11:57
SchuenemannCaBlGuY: so, it's in that folder11:58
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mathiouzzwhat i wanted to say11:58
obsethryl_kuja_: excellent11:58
CaBlGuYSchuenemann:  ummmmm  what folder???   :-O11:58
mathiouzzis that even if i change programs11:58
Schuenemann /home/user_name/.mozilla/profile_name/extensions11:58
mathiouzzi always get crashes11:58
mathiouzzso i think it's a problem of infrastructure11:58
aleksanterithen i guess it's the hardware11:59
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Schuenemannthe user folder11:59
mathiouzzdon't u think ?11:59
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mathiouzzyep that's what i'm thinking too11:59
aleksanteriget a new burner11:59
mathiouzzbut how can you solve that ?11:59
CaBlGuYSchuenemann:  nope, not in there..11:59
aleksanterisolve what?11:59
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mathiouzzthat error message11:59
SchuenemannCaBlGuY: the directory is hidden11:59
CaBlGuYSchuenemann:  really???  what ever gave ya that idea...   :p12:00
aleksanterimathiouzz: i think it relates to the burner as well12:00
aleksanteribecause it really doesn't do anything12:00
aleksanterino successes at all12:00
SchuenemannCaBlGuY: you're kidding me, right?12:00
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aleksanteriso it's the burner12:00
mathiouzzhmm not sure12:00
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mathiouzzas it burns dvd's on windows12:00
mathiouzzit's not a problem of hardware12:00
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mathiouzzbut i think it's a linux problem12:00
aleksanterimathiouzz: what do you mean?12:01
mathiouzzas i can burn dvd's on windows12:01
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CaBlGuYSchuenemann:  Ummmm  no....   I aint no freakin Linux Gawd...   I'm good enough to install it but that's about it..  I need help installin all the additional stuff..   so, that's why I'm here..12:01
=== Stim [n=Mist@host169-106-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
mathiouzzand all the programs i use to burn dvd's onlinux crash12:01
mathiouzzi think it's a problem of linux12:01
mathiouzzno ?12:01
aleksanteriredownload the iso then12:01
mathiouzzi tested the md5sum12:01
mathiouzzthey correspound perfectly12:01
SchuenemannCaBlGuY: .mozilla is hidden, every directory/file that starts with a point is hidden12:01
cucoany packages for mailody in edgy? i did not find in the default repositories12:02
aleksanterii am clueless now...12:02
CaBlGuYSchuenemann:  ok...  so,  how do I acces it then??12:02
_kuja_cuco, I really doubt it, not with something as new as it12:02
mathiouzzso to resume : it's not a problem of iso , it's not a problem of program and it's not a problem of hardware12:02
Schuenemannyou're using konqueror or the shell?12:02
mathiouzzso it's probably a problem of kernel or sumthin like that no ?12:02
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aleksanterino it can't be the kernel12:03
notechaleksanteri: try different media, it may be bad12:03
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Schuenemannclick view > show hidden files12:03
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aleksanterinotech: ???12:03
mathiouzzwell i tried different medias12:03
mathiouzzverbatim dvd's and other dvd-rw12:03
mathiouzzboth crash12:03
mathiouzzand succesfully burn on windows !12:03
Schuenemannmaybe the dvd is protected?12:03
mathiouzzwhat's the problem :S12:03
aleksanterithe dvd12:04
mathiouzzprotection is patched :P12:04
notechcrash as in what?12:04
mathiouzzk3b , brasero all crash12:04
aleksanterithe dvd might be malfunctioned or somtething like that12:04
notechi missed the beginning of this12:04
mathiouzzi destroyed 7 dvd12:04
mathiouzztake a look at my paste12:04
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mathiouzzwhen k3b fails in the middle of the burning12:05
mathiouzzok a dvd with bad media ok12:05
notechtry cleaning the drive12:05
mathiouzz2 dvd's bad ok12:05
mathiouzzbut 712:05
aleksanteriso it's not the dvd12:05
mathiouzzbut i told you that the drive was clean and it doesn't crash on windows12:05
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notechmathiouzz: i had some sitting here for like 6 months and they all went bad12:05
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mathiouzzerf :S12:06
_kuja_mathiouzz: Try burning with a different version of growisofs12:06
mathiouzzyep but it crashed on a dvd-rw12:06
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notechif you have another linux system then md5summ the dvd12:06
night|awaymathiouzz did you check the md5sum of the image12:06
mathiouzzyep night12:06
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CaBlGuYok. got it..  now..12:07
aleksanterimathiouzz: perhaps you could order a ready-burned dvd?12:07
mathiouzzis there an automatized way to install another version of growisofs ?12:07
_kuja_not really, but it should be painless.12:07
mathiouzzit's not only a problem of 1 dvd12:07
MurrlinI can't seem to add the 15-26.686 restricted modules in adept. nothing happens when I 'request install'12:07
mathiouzzit's a problem that my burner is quite new and it crashes on linux12:07
aleksanteriso what are you burning now?12:08
mathiouzzi'm gonna try another version of growisofs12:08
notechcheck for a firmware update?12:08
_kuja_mathiouzz, are you using dapper or edgy?12:08
Murrlindo I need to be running the 26 image to do this?12:08
mathiouzzerh not a bad idea checking for a firmware update12:08
_kuja_Hm, should be up to date, try to find an older version.12:08
mathiouzzi've got an amd64 but as i had a lot of problems with some programs i use now edgy i38612:08
mathiouzzeverything works unless burning12:09
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mathiouzznow i've got a few clues12:09
mathiouzzfirmware upgrade12:09
mathiouzzthanks for your help guys12:09
mathiouzzgotta go to sleep now :S12:09
mathiouzzgood night all12:10
_kuja_Did burning work with amd64? Sometimes, though rarely, obscure hardware problems pop up when using i386 on an amd64/emt64 system12:10
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
PerseidOK. I am desperate now. I reinstalled Kubuntu to see if it would correct my grub config and now when I boot all I get is the command line12:12
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aleksanteritype login12:13

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