brainsik | i hit three bugs today, two for python packages in the main repository | 12:13 |
brainsik | really really critical bugs, i don't understand how they got released -- severe missing dependencies | 12:14 |
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brainsik | the other package is for something in universe, and it's not clear to me who to contact to get it fixed. the maintainer is a debian person, but the problem is ubuntu specific. | 12:17 |
LaserJock | brainsik: do you have bug numbers? | 12:20 |
brainsik | sure | 12:20 |
brainsik | This is probably easier: | 12:21 |
brainsik | | 12:21 |
brainsik | ignore the kernel bug, that one i posted a while ago | 12:21 |
brainsik | the others are from today/yesterday | 12:22 |
brainsik | looks like one was confirmed | 12:22 |
LaserJock | hmm | 12:23 |
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LaserJock | brainsik: this is on Edgy? | 12:26 |
brainsik | indeed | 12:26 |
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LaserJock | well, the Debian package is the problem | 12:27 |
LaserJock | for python-imaging | 12:27 |
brainsik | LaserJock: what do you see? the debian package dependencies look correct | 12:29 |
brainsik | LaserJock: things look fixed in Feisty | 12:29 |
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LaserJock | brainsik: ? | 12:29 |
LaserJock | I looked at the Debian sid packages and they are missing the deps you said | 12:30 |
LaserJock | Ubuntu didn't change anything | 12:30 |
brainsik | LaserJock: this? | 12:30 |
LaserJock | yeah | 12:31 |
brainsik | LaserJock: those dependencies are right, they have the C libraries libjpeg62, etc | 12:32 |
LaserJock | I know, what I'm saying is Ubuntu hasn't changed anything | 12:32 |
LaserJock | I'm trying to track down what happened | 12:32 |
brainsik | i'm really confused, they are missing here: | 12:33 |
brainsik | oh, i see | 12:33 |
brainsik | LaserJock: i have a theory, if you want to hear it | 12:33 |
LaserJock | ah, I think I found it for python-imaging | 12:33 |
LaserJock | * Add dependencies on ${shlibs:Depends}, lost in -6. Closes: #378596. | 12:33 |
brainsik | yeah, i saw that entry in the fesity changelog | 12:34 |
LaserJock | that's in the 1.1.5-11 changelog | 12:34 |
LaserJock | Edgy has 1.1.5-10 | 12:34 |
brainsik | ah | 12:34 |
LaserJock | so it just missed that fix | 12:34 |
brainsik | it looks like the same thing happened to python-psycopg | 12:35 |
brainsik | | 12:35 |
brainsik | 1.1.21-10 | 12:35 |
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brainsik | LaserJock: my theory is all this happened when Ubunutu moved from having python-imaging depend on python2.4-imaging (where all the binary stuff was), to just python-imaging. It's like all the dependencies didn't get changed. And in the case of python-psycopg, even the description "[Dummy Package] " remains in edgy. | 12:36 |
LaserJock | well, Ubuntu didn't do it but they just lost the ${shlibs:Depends} when the went from metapackage to real package | 12:37 |
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brainsik | LaserJock: I see what you are saying | 12:38 |
LaserJock | Debian underwent a transition to a new Python Policy for packaging | 12:39 |
LaserJock | these 2 packages unfortunately didn't get completely fixed in time for Edgy it seems | 12:39 |
=== brainsik ndos | ||
LaserJock | how bad of a bug are these? | 12:39 |
LaserJock | do they make the packages unusable? | 12:39 |
brainsik | really bad: 1) if you do a fresh install of python-imaging, then you won't get the C libraries installed and the package is useless. importing the module fails. | 12:40 |
brainsik | 2) if you use apititude dist-upgrade to go from dapper to edgy, the C libraries can get uninstalled, breaking the packages that used to work | 12:40 |
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shawarma | Tmob: Only just got round to looking at your code now. I have no idea what's wrong. Sorry. | 12:41 |
Tmob | shawarma, i found this.. | 12:41 |
Tmob | shawarma, read their comment.. search for BREG | 12:41 |
Tmob | trying to see how to change my code that way.. | 12:42 |
Tmob | i'm really bad at this asm embedding.. | 12:43 |
brainsik | LaserJock: apticron is totally broken as well, the cron job can't run with the change from /bin/bash to /bin/dash for /bin/sh. | 12:43 |
LaserJock | brainsik: and that is on edgy as well? | 12:44 |
brainsik | LaserJock: yes | 12:44 |
Tmob | shawarma, hmm removing -fPIC works.. not sure if it will work operationally though | 12:44 |
LaserJock | brainsik: and it renders apticron useless I suppose | 12:44 |
brainsik | LaserJock: well, it doesn't run :) the program itself works, but it's the cronjob that is supposed to run it and the cronscript is busted. | 12:45 |
LaserJock | well, I'm just trying to get a feel for if these bugs are candidates for edgy-updates | 12:45 |
LaserJock | they all seem like pretty severe regressions to me | 12:46 |
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brainsik | LaserJock: well, that's how i feel | 12:46 |
brainsik | LaserJock: thankfully, they are all really simple fixes | 12:47 |
LaserJock | yes they are, but the process to get them there is kind of lengthy | 12:47 |
brainsik | LaserJock: i have no doubt :-( is there any way i can help? | 12:47 |
LaserJock | brainsik: well, I think I'll try to write the SRUs and I might need some help as far as the user impact is concerned | 12:49 |
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LaserJock | brainsik: btw, this is the Stable Release Updates (SRU) process: | 12:50 |
plugwash | i'd think the lowest risk way to fix theese issues caused by the bash-dash transition would be to simply alter the scripts in question to use bash | 12:53 |
LaserJock | yep | 12:53 |
LaserJock | that's the thing, all three of these bugs are 1-line fixes | 12:53 |
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brainsik | plugwash: that's what i did on the edgy machine where i found it | 12:54 |
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tsmithe | ping LaserJock | 01:03 |
LaserJock | yeah | 01:03 |
tsmithe | i uploaded a new version of asoundconf-gtk with the changes you suggested, should you care to revu it again | 01:04 |
LaserJock | tsmithe: ok, probably can't right away but probably this weekend I'll try to rerevu the ones I did the other day | 01:05 |
tsmithe | thanks muchly | 01:05 |
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tsmithe | i wasn't expecting anything "right away" ;) | 01:05 |
tsmithe | now if only someone could merge(? - is that the correct term) xfce4 | 01:06 |
LaserJock | I would guess Gloubiboulga will be doing that | 01:06 |
tsmithe | coolio | 01:06 |
tsmithe | just i'm hoping i won't need to file a bug about this annoying panel when that's done | 01:07 |
tsmithe | ah yeah - just saw the email | 01:07 |
LaserJock | brainsik: ok, I assigned myself to your 3 bugs, I'll try to get SRUs proposed as soon as I can | 01:08 |
brainsik | LaserJock: i appreciate it very much. any idea how this could have happened? these packages appear to not have been tested before release. | 01:09 |
LaserJock | brainsik: well, basically what happened is we released Edgy right between the problem and the fix in Debian | 01:12 |
LaserJock | and if nobody filed a bug before we released there isn't much of a way to know | 01:12 |
plugwash | well in the case of the missing dependencies maybe most people who used them on ubuntu already had the libs in question installed from other things | 01:13 |
LaserJock | perhaps | 01:13 |
LaserJock | it's tricky business trying to make sure it's all perfect | 01:13 |
brainsik | plugwash: yeah, i can see that. but the apticron one doesn't fit that. :( | 01:13 |
plugwash | as for apticron it appears to be a straight auto-import from debian so its quite possible that is was simply never tested | 01:14 |
LaserJock | well, we did do some bashism testing I remember | 01:14 |
brainsik | LaserJock: indeed. i just feel like if i pick Debian, i get higher quality but a release cycle that's far too long. If i pick Ubuntu, i get a great release cycle, but everything is far less tested. :-( | 01:14 |
LaserJock | well, there are sum pluses and minuses there for sure | 01:15 |
LaserJock | we are really trying to get better testing for Feisty | 01:15 |
plugwash | yeah, one of the disadvantages of using a second tier distro like ubuntu is that the repositries may contain packages that have never been tested on that distro | 01:15 |
plugwash | whereas with a first tier distro you can be fairly sure that the maintainer at least tested it on thier own system before uploading | 01:16 |
brainsik | LaserJock: well, let me know if you need any help from me. | 01:16 |
plugwash | and is likely also aware of any major changes happening in the distro | 01:16 |
brainsik | plugwash: yeah, that's what i am coming to understand. very interesting. | 01:17 |
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LaserJock | well, one of these is particularly interesting | 01:17 |
LaserJock | because the Debian maintainer is also the Ubuntu maintainer | 01:17 |
LaserJock | so he should have known there was an issue there | 01:18 |
LaserJock | but as he basically takes care of all of python in Ubuntu I guess he overlooked it | 01:18 |
plugwash | btw why was the bash-dash change made in the first place? performance? | 01:20 |
shawarma | Does anyone have an ia64 machine I can use for debugging a package? | 01:20 |
LaserJock | brainsik: the best thing I can tell you is that if you possibly can test the packages you care about in Feisty *before* it's released | 01:20 |
brainsik | plugwash: performance is cited in the description of the package | 01:20 |
LaserJock | brainsik: generally the Beta release would be the best | 01:20 |
brainsik | LaserJock: yeah, that's what i'm thinking i'll probably do | 01:20 |
LaserJock | yeah, it shaved some time on bootup | 01:20 |
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LaserJock | and I guess it just in general made system processes faster | 01:21 |
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brainsik | LaserJock: i'm coming from Debian, so i've gotten used to things pretty much always working. i realize it's different with the faster release cycle and i think i'm willing to put in the extra time for it. and i've now got a VM system up and running, so testing should be no big deal. | 01:21 |
LaserJock | brainsik: I believe we are also going to try to do much more automated testing too for Feisty | 01:21 |
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Fujitsu | LaserJock: It shaved quite a lot of time on bootup, I believe. | 01:21 |
TheMuso | Fujitsu: heh just goes to show what we need to indicate a merge in progress. :) | 01:21 |
Fujitsu | TheMuso: Yup. | 01:22 |
brainsik | LaserJock: cool. it's all very interesting to me. | 01:22 |
LaserJock | yeah, for me as well | 01:22 |
=== plugwash would think that at least a regression test install then rebuild then install the rebuilt version for every package would be a good idea | ||
LaserJock | TheMuso, Fujitsu: I was just thinking (and talking with sfflaw) about tags on LP | 01:22 |
LaserJock | perhaps we can file bugs for merges and tag them to show status | 01:23 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure if we'd even need tags, maybe an advanced search would be enough | 01:24 |
LaserJock | plugwash: but doing that on 20,000 source packages takes some time too :-0 | 01:24 |
LaserJock | :-) rather | 01:24 |
crimsun | joejaxx: you can work around that by appending hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false . The problem is the partitioner. | 01:24 |
LaserJock | many of the things I'm frustrated by are bugs that take actual usage to know that there is a regression | 01:24 |
joejaxx | crimsun: ah ok | 01:25 |
joejaxx | i will have to try that | 01:25 |
LaserJock | we don't have time to play around with every package to see if it works right | 01:25 |
LaserJock | and most of the time we wouldn't even know what to look for | 01:25 |
StevenK | LaserJock: Agreed. | 01:25 |
LaserJock | packages that are uninstallable or Fail To Build From Source are about as far as we can go | 01:26 |
StevenK | LaserJock: Personally, I'm sick of users saying "This has been broken for months! Don't you check?!" | 01:26 |
plugwash | [00:22] <LaserJock> plugwash: but doing that on 20,000 source packages takes some time too :-0 <-- which is why you 1: automate it 2: use fast machines 3: use more than one machine. | 01:26 |
LaserJock | plugwash: but some amount of stuff is not easily automated | 01:26 |
LaserJock | like what I'm saying | 01:26 |
StevenK | plugwash: That won't catch everything. | 01:26 |
LaserJock | we generally handle FTBFS and unmet-deps reasonably well | 01:27 |
plugwash | StevenK nope but it can at least be made to catch packages that are uninstallable on a system with a minimal installation | 01:27 |
LaserJock | ajmitch is working on getting britney working on Universe | 01:27 |
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LaserJock | it apparently takes quite a bit of time and RAM but I think we'll have it | 01:28 |
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Fujitsu_ | Note to self: Keep track of time when using a laptop on battery power with Blackbox; there's no g-p-m to save you. | 01:29 |
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LaserJock | heh | 01:29 |
LaserJock | why not run g-p-m in blackbox? | 01:30 |
LaserJock | or would that totally defeat the purpose | 01:30 |
Fujitsu_ | I haven't got any Gnome stuff installed at the moment. | 01:30 |
plugwash | does ubuntu currently import stuff from sid regardless of RC bugs? | 01:30 |
LaserJock | I believe so | 01:30 |
Fujitsu_ | I don't think I've got any Gnome libs other than GTK, or dbus/hal... | 01:30 |
LaserJock | I think it's pretty automatic | 01:30 |
Fujitsu_ | plugwash: Yes. | 01:30 |
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crimsun | LaserJock: pong | 01:32 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 01:40 |
Fujitsu_ | Hi bddebian. | 01:40 |
crimsun | 'lo bddebian, Fujitsu_ | 01:40 |
bddebian | Hi Fujitsu_ | 01:40 |
bddebian | crimsun: Hiya | 01:41 |
Fujitsu_ | Hi crimsun . | 01:43 |
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Fujitsu | Damn sparc and ia64 buildds lagging behind... | 01:52 |
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crimsun | bddebian: (Debian component again...) | 02:44 |
bddebian | crimsun: ? | 02:45 |
crimsun | #75064 | 02:45 |
bddebian | Oh, shister | 02:45 |
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joejaxx | bddebian: lol | 02:46 |
joejaxx | bddebian: if i wanted to test out debian | 02:47 |
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joejaxx | bddebian: which release should i get? | 02:47 |
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crimsun | bddebian: you may find pitti's script (cf. under Syncs) useful | 02:47 |
joejaxx | bddebian: :P | 02:48 |
joejaxx | bddebian: does debian have clustering packages in its repos? | 02:48 |
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joejaxx | bddebian: nevermind that is an ignorant question | 02:51 |
bddebian | crimsun: Doesn't work real well when filing bugs from a Windows box ;-P | 02:52 |
plugwash | joejaxx use the etch rc1 images | 02:59 |
joejaxx | plugwash: ok | 02:59 |
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bddebian | Sheesh where the hell do I see what component the stupid debian package is in?? | 03:33 |
bddebian | crimsun: ?? | 03:36 |
crimsun | bddebian: I normally use PTS | 03:40 |
bddebian | Which is? | 03:40 |
crimsun | bddebian: e.g., , see the source file URLs at the bottom of the left side | 03:41 |
crimsun | (note the 'main' in the URL) | 03:41 |
bddebian | Hmm, I'm on | 03:41 |
crimsun | e.g., | 03:42 |
bddebian | Yeah, duh thanks | 03:43 |
crimsun | np | 03:44 |
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bddebian | Hmm, I just sync everything and I won't have anything to do for Feisty+1 :-) | 03:50 |
crimsun | sounds like a win-win situation! | 03:51 |
lifeless | whos a kde person here ? | 03:52 |
bddebian | I know enough to be dangerous, that's about it | 03:53 |
lifeless | does adept-installer do dpkg-divert tricks to make upgrades work ? | 03:54 |
lifeless | its missing replaces: statements for adept, which it was split out from | 03:54 |
lifeless | (the whole suite is buggy in this regard) | 03:55 |
bddebian | Got me, sorry :-( | 03:56 |
lifeless | do you have adept installed ? | 03:57 |
lifeless | if so can you look in the preinsert for adept-installer, for dpkg-divert calls ? | 03:57 |
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crimsun | dpkg-deb -I adept-installer_2.1.2ubuntu3_i386.deb preinst >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? | 04:02 |
crimsun | 2 | 04:02 |
crimsun | so there's no preinst at all. | 04:02 |
lifeless | righto | 04:04 |
lifeless | bugfiling time | 04:04 |
imbrandon | re | 04:05 |
crimsun | (imbrandon is a kde person) | 04:05 |
lifeless | I know that ;) | 04:05 |
imbrandon | ? | 04:05 |
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crimsun | imbrandon: you broke adept-installer!!?@ | 04:06 |
crimsun | (jk) | 04:06 |
imbrandon | ugh hehe doubtfull, that thing is a mess | 04:06 |
=== imbrandon dosent like to touch it :) | ||
=== imbrandon reads the scrollback | ||
elkbuntu | "it broke itself, i swear" | 04:06 |
lifeless | whoever did the packaging update to 2.1 broke it | 04:06 |
imbrandon | mostlikely Riddell or mornfall | 04:07 |
imbrandon | they are the only two brave enough souls to touch it | 04:07 |
imbrandon | i know there was some changes planned soon for it ( as far as the way it handled debconf stuff ) but not sure who is doing it or if its even started or finished | 04:08 |
imbrandon | btw heya crimsun elkbuntu lifeless and bddebian | 04:09 |
crimsun | &hi; | 04:09 |
elkbuntu | hi imbrandon :) | 04:09 |
imbrandon | btw elkbuntu got the bday card today, thanks :) | 04:09 |
elkbuntu | :) | 04:09 |
StevenK | imbrandon: You're also born on the 9th? | 04:09 |
imbrandon | 19th | 04:09 |
StevenK | Ah | 04:09 |
imbrandon | is my bday | 04:09 |
elkbuntu | i had no idea what day to aim for | 04:09 |
crimsun | haha | 04:10 |
imbrandon | lol | 04:10 |
elkbuntu | just knew it was sometime in december and i had to make fun of your age : | 04:10 |
crimsun | "err, well, it's sometime before Christmas..." | 04:10 |
imbrandon | LOL | 04:10 |
StevenK | Muahah | 04:10 |
bddebian | Heya imbrandon | 04:10 |
imbrandon | :) | 04:10 |
crimsun | imbrandon is now an old fart | 04:10 |
bddebian | *cough* | 04:10 |
imbrandon | officialy in a few days :) | 04:10 |
lifeless | imbrandon: this is trivial shit | 04:11 |
lifeless | imbrandon: broken packaging | 04:11 |
imbrandon | lifeless: ahh | 04:11 |
lifeless | happy few-days-day | 04:11 |
lifeless | | 04:11 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 75073 in adept "missing conflicts or replaces: lines in splt out packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 04:11 |
imbrandon | nice | 04:11 |
imbrandon | is there a changelog entry to show whom slit the packages ? | 04:12 |
imbrandon | split* | 04:12 |
lifeless | should be | 04:12 |
lifeless | you have it installed, not me :) | 04:12 |
lifeless | just look for 2.1 | 04:12 |
imbrandon | hahah thats the first thing i uninstall :) | 04:12 |
imbrandon | but i will | 04:12 |
imbrandon | :) | 04:12 |
imbrandon | first adept then oo.o , THEN i use my computer :) | 04:12 |
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lifeless | imbrandon: :) | 04:14 |
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jdong | what's the MOTU policy on annoying programs? :D | 04:20 |
lifeless | there is none :) | 04:21 |
jdong | yay! | 04:21 |
jdong | come on, who doesn't want musical iptables? </sarcasm> | 04:21 |
jdong | though I gotta bring down the pitch of ports 40000+ | 04:21 |
imbrandon | ugh LVM has finaly gotten the better of me | 04:22 |
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somerville32 | Is there an SRU policy for documentation packages? | 04:36 |
imbrandon | i'd assume its the sme sru policy | 04:37 |
imbrandon | as the rest of the archive | 04:38 |
imbrandon | s/sme/same | 04:38 |
psusi | gotten the better of you? | 04:38 |
psusi | lvm trash your data or something? | 04:38 |
somerville32 | But there is such a low risk of regression. It seems like there should be a more permissible policy for documentation to allow fixs and updates. | 04:39 |
imbrandon | psusi: no i seem to be too ignorant to set it up correctly | 04:39 |
=== psusi doesn't see too much point in it | ||
imbrandon | somerville32: well imho the SRU policy is quite permissable | 04:39 |
imbrandon | psusi: well its really really nice for a server you plan on adding more and more storage to at some point | 04:40 |
imbrandon | with -0- downtime | 04:40 |
imbrandon | and minimal data movement | 04:40 |
psusi | I guess.... if you plan on hot plugging the new storage | 04:40 |
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imbrandon | sure, 146gig 15k sas drives in a del poweredge 2950 are quite hotplugable :) | 04:41 |
imbrandon | s/del/dell | 04:41 |
psusi | I just wish it would handle raid configurations other than 1 | 04:41 |
imbrandon | well raid is done with the hardware controller so no biggie there | 04:41 |
psusi | I don't like hardware raid | 04:42 |
imbrandon | its very very nice and very reliable from my experince | 04:42 |
psusi | seen them munch the drives a few times or just blow up and you can't plug the drives in another machine and recover the data | 04:42 |
imbrandon | sure, i did just that exact thing 2 days ago on a redhat oracle server for colegate | 04:43 |
imbrandon | just pulled a drive while it was hot, put it in another box and rebuilt the array | 04:43 |
imbrandon | took all of 1 hour max | 04:43 |
lifeless | psusi: deoends on the raid controllers in question | 04:43 |
psusi | no, I mean if the raid controller dies, you can't just plug the disks in another machine and pull data off | 04:43 |
imbrandon | psusi: sure you can | 04:44 |
imbrandon | why wouldent you be able to | 04:44 |
lifeless | psusi: *depends on the raid controller* | 04:44 |
imbrandon | just import the config on the new raid controller | 04:44 |
psusi | because you can't access the array without the card | 04:44 |
lifeless | psusi: so buy more than one card! | 04:44 |
psusi | that assumes you have a new controller of the same type ;) | 04:44 |
psusi | that's not allways possible/painless | 04:44 |
lifeless | plugin the battry pbackup, and away you go, no dataloss | 04:44 |
imbrandon | depends on your raid setup, i JUST pulled a sigle drive from a raid 5 ( perc 5 dell controller ) and poped it into a nother box and booted | 04:45 |
Tmob | shawarma, there? | 04:45 |
imbrandon | then added a few more drives and boom i had an identiacl box | 04:45 |
Tmob | anyone here familiar with inline asm in C? | 04:45 |
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psusi | imbrandon, ohh, raid1 then I guess? can't do that with raid5 | 04:45 |
Tmob | or gcc constraints.. specifically | 04:45 |
Tmob | | 04:45 |
imbrandon | i just said raid 5 | 04:45 |
imbrandon | :) | 04:45 |
psusi | imbrandon, care to explain how you boot from only one physical disk out of a raid5 set? ;) | 04:46 |
imbrandon | you dont you rebuild the array with more drives then you can | 04:46 |
imbrandon | e.g. you have a single poweredge with 4 drives in a raid 5 | 04:47 |
psusi | that requires the raid controller card | 04:47 |
lifeless | wow | 04:47 |
imbrandon | then you pull one replace it, pull the second etc | 04:47 |
lifeless | more cnoflicts ;) | 04:47 |
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psusi | I'm not talking about replacing a failed disk, I'm talking about when the controller dies and you want to get the data off using another machine ( that doesn't have the same controller ) | 04:47 |
imbrandon | ahh well use the same controler :) e.g. 90% of our machinges are poweredges with the same controlers | 04:48 |
psusi | and I once had a controller up and decide that the 4 disks in the array were in fact, members of two different arrays of the same name, and since each only had 2 out of the 4 in the set, they could not be activated ;) | 04:48 |
imbrandon | not a problem backup from tape ( you wernt relying on the raid if it was the only raid controler you had were you ? ) | 04:49 |
psusi | shouldn't have to | 04:49 |
imbrandon | yes you should, no single point of failure | 04:50 |
imbrandon | eg one raid controler | 04:50 |
psusi | with software raid you can plug the drives into any machine and they work | 04:50 |
psusi | no, shouldn't have to resort to the backups | 04:50 |
psusi | not you shouldn't have to back up ;) | 04:50 |
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imbrandon | well that was more of a case of not buying the proper hardware for the setup, e.g. you still had a single point of failure | 04:51 |
imbrandon | not that hardware raid is bad | 04:51 |
psusi | that's my point... the hardware raid introduces that single point of failure | 04:51 |
psusi | go with software raid and you have one less single point of failure | 04:52 |
imbrandon | not in any sane production enviornment | 04:52 |
jdong | hah, that's a neat trick | 04:52 |
imbrandon | and more overhead | 04:52 |
psusi | negligable | 04:52 |
jdong | openSuse 10.2's installation never reboots | 04:52 |
jdong | it just unmounts the installation media chroots into the system and boots up like normal | 04:52 |
psusi | crunching a few XORs is blindingly fast on modern cpus ;) | 04:52 |
imbrandon | psusi: well every cycle counts in some ( most situations at work ) cases :) | 04:52 |
psusi | jdong, sounds neat... unless the installation isn't actually bootable, then when they reboot, it doesn't work ;) | 04:53 |
imbrandon | that and you can do neat thingsa like raid 5 with LVM :) | 04:53 |
jdong | psusi: at least it gives them one run :D | 04:53 |
jdong | lol | 04:53 |
psusi | hehe | 04:54 |
imbrandon | psusi: anyhow point is if its done correctly ( as with anything ) hardware raid isnt bad, infact its good in some cases :) | 04:54 |
bddebian | Hmm, we don't have libsvn-perl? | 04:54 |
jdong | bddebian: we should | 04:55 |
jdong | bddebian: or how does svk work? | 04:55 |
jdong | and wow, the sysinfo:/ view is cool | 04:55 |
jdong | but that umount progress dialog bug is still there | 04:56 |
jdong | lol | 04:56 |
jdong | we should just mount our removable devices sync | 04:56 |
psusi | no no no | 04:56 |
psusi | sync boogers the disk | 04:57 |
psusi | we need to dig up that flush mount option patch and get it in the kernel | 04:57 |
psusi | what's wrong with the umount progress dialog? | 04:57 |
jdong | psusi: it's nonexistent in KDE since Edgy | 04:57 |
psusi | ohh... what happened to it? | 04:58 |
jdong | rather 3.5.4/3.5.5 | 04:58 |
jdong | psusi: WE DONT KNOW | 04:58 |
psusi | lol | 04:58 |
jdong | and nobody appears to be trying to figure it out :) | 04:58 |
psusi | would be a good thing to fix ;) | 04:58 |
bddebian | jdong: Well it's supposed to come from the subversion source package but I don't see a binary in feisty | 04:58 |
psusi | or as a workaround, change the unmount behavior to a remount ro, THEN umount | 04:58 |
jdong | psusi: but right now it means there's around a 5-30 second death trap for Kubuntu users | 04:58 |
jdong | hmm, yes, that workaround would work | 04:59 |
psusi | at least that way the icon won't go away until it is all flushed | 04:59 |
jdong | right | 04:59 |
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=== psusi wonders how well it would go over to have a popup when you unplug a disk that has not been cleanly unmounted yet that says "Aiyeee! You took that disk before I was done with it! BAD MONKEY!" | ||
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jdong | psusi: Edgy GNOME does that | 05:02 |
jdong | psusi: but the wording IMO is absurd | 05:02 |
jdong | it's a speed-reading test | 05:03 |
psusi | lol, really? neat... what's it say? | 05:03 |
jdong | it shows like 2 or 3 sentences of a warning | 05:03 |
jdong | on a libnotify popup | 05:03 |
jdong | that lasts like 5 seconds | 05:03 |
psusi | hahha | 05:03 |
=== jdong triest to bring it up | ||
psusi | "BAD MONKEY! You have angered the computer gods. For your transgressions you must be punished. I will eat all your files for breakfast. Yum yum yum." | 05:04 |
jdong | Unsafe Device removal. To avoid serious data loss, disable removable drives with the Eject option in the drive icon's context menu, on the desktop, Computer place, or drive applet. | 05:05 |
jdong | actually, the notification stays there until you close it out now | 05:05 |
jdong | it didn't the last time I invoked that dialog | 05:05 |
jdong | psusi: it doesn't actually check for diry unflushed buffers though | 05:06 |
jdong | psusi: that'd be more hilarious | 05:06 |
psusi | is it accompanied by an audio of "DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!"? | 05:06 |
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jdong | "Congratulations, you just lost 11.5MB of data. If you want to do that again, feel free to yank out your drives anytime you want! loser" | 05:06 |
psusi | ok, I think I have had enough beer while on irc for tonight | 05:06 |
psusi | lol | 05:06 |
jdong | lol | 05:07 |
psusi | night | 05:07 |
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chillywilly | bah... | 05:36 |
LaserJock | hmm, bug #74955 is interesting | 05:38 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 74955 in qgis "Properties on objects in old project (0.7.4) caused crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 05:38 |
LaserJock | the user files a bug when the package in the repos works but the package from the upstream breaks | 05:39 |
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superm1 | hey guys i was trying to include a png image in a package, but i cant seem to when i debuild, dpkg-source: cannot represent change to debian/background.png: binary file contents changed | 05:45 |
bddebian | Yeah, not easy | 05:46 |
superm1 | so is there any way around this? | 05:46 |
bddebian | There are a couple of ways to do it. Either use like an xpm format or uuencode the binary image | 05:46 |
superm1 | i mean i'd think plenty of packages include images and such | 05:46 |
superm1 | do you know if feh lets you set xpm images as a background? | 05:46 |
bddebian | No I don't, sorry | 05:46 |
bddebian | Of course the other option is to get it included in the upstream tarball :-) | 05:47 |
superm1 | well this is kinda a distro specific kinda thing..... | 05:47 |
superm1 | okay i'll look into that, what do you mean by uuencode? | 05:47 |
bddebian | Basically you encode the binary file to text, then when building you need to decode the file back to the binary format. | 05:50 |
superm1 | is uuencode installed by default on systems? | 05:50 |
superm1 | or will that be another build dep | 05:50 |
bddebian | No, I think you have to add a build-dep for it but I'm not positive | 05:51 |
bddebian | I usually try to avoid doing that | 05:51 |
superm1 | alright. i'll give xpm a shot with feh | 05:51 |
superm1 | any other image formats that are ASCII friendly? | 05:51 |
superm1 | well moot point, feh works with xpms :) | 05:58 |
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Hobbsee | ...where is everyone? | 06:01 |
Lathiat | hiding | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | awww :( | 06:03 |
=== Hobbsee knows that she's not in the best state, but didnt think people would hide from her :( | ||
LaserJock | Fujitsu: ping | 06:05 |
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Hobbsee | cool, more MOTU's | 06:13 |
bddebian | Where, where? | 06:21 |
LaserJock | and she leaves :/ | 06:25 |
bddebian | I guess I scared her away? :) | 06:26 |
bddebian | I seem to have that affect on women ;-P | 06:26 |
LaserJock | heh | 06:26 |
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LaserJock | and bugs | 06:26 |
LaserJock | bddebian: I was going to ask you, I see syncs of science packages with .desktops. how's that going? | 06:27 |
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bddebian | LaserJock: Like which? | 06:30 |
chillywilly | changing IP addresses on a T1 breaks a lot of stuff | 06:33 |
chillywilly | :P | 06:33 |
chillywilly | forgot about all my apache vhosts | 06:33 |
bddebian | Heh. Heya chillywilly | 06:33 |
Hobbsee | it's so quiet...why? | 06:34 |
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bddebian | Hobbsee: We're falling asleep :_) | 06:35 |
chillywilly | bah | 06:36 |
chillywilly | wimp | 06:36 |
chillywilly | holy shit, I've had the same netflix movies forever | 06:36 |
crimsun | rexbron: RE: libmjpegtools0c2a, potential IP issues for encoding | 06:36 |
chillywilly | I am so not getting my money's worth | 06:37 |
rexbron | crimsun: hmm | 06:37 |
rexbron | that will pose a problem | 06:37 |
rexbron | i guess cinelerra will have to be multiverse | 06:37 |
rexbron | too bad | 06:37 |
bddebian | Ahhh, why do I sit here and watch the news?? | 06:38 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: awww | 06:39 |
chillywilly | slacker | 06:39 |
chillywilly | ;P | 06:39 |
Laser_away | bddebian: I'll talk to you later about it | 06:39 |
bddebian | Laser_away: NP, gnight man | 06:41 |
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Hobbsee | crimsun: you around? | 06:51 |
imbrandon | heya Hobbsee | 06:51 |
Hobbsee | hey imbrandon | 06:51 |
Hobbsee | how's things? | 06:51 |
imbrandon | goodie :) | 06:51 |
imbrandon | ( if thats a word ) | 06:52 |
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Hobbsee | heh | 06:52 |
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Hobbsee | hey jdong | 06:53 |
jdong | hey | 06:53 |
jdong | I should be sleeping :) | 06:53 |
jdong | but who needs sleep when there's some coding deadlines in 2 days :D | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | what deadlines? | 06:53 |
jdong | and respective webdocs | 06:53 |
jdong | Hobbsee: not ubuntu, some robotics stuff | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | ah | 06:54 |
jdong | but there is good news | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | imbrandon: does sound work, on kde? | 06:54 |
imbrandon | yea | 06:54 |
imbrandon | i'm playing some stuff now | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | hrm | 06:54 |
jdong | at 12:50AM I did call one of the team members to deliver a nice little rant about the use of <blink> and <marquee> | 06:54 |
=== Hobbsee has forgotten the debugging sound stuff | ||
Hobbsee | jdong: haha, nice | 06:54 |
imbrandon | lol | 06:55 |
jdong | sometimes it's NOT so good to have a web programming nerd around | 06:55 |
jdong | the other day, he embedded a 2048x1536 jpeg into an html file | 06:56 |
jdong | grr | 06:56 |
jdong | worst part is opening up the properties dialog on the link took 5 minutes | 06:56 |
jdong | stupid data: uri's | 06:57 |
chillywilly | why would any decent web guy embed such a large image? | 06:57 |
jdong | chillywilly: he thought it was funny? | 06:57 |
chillywilly | hah | 06:58 |
jdong | I don't always want to know the reasoning behind things like that | 06:58 |
chillywilly | I suppose not | 06:58 |
jdong | these are the guys making robot remotes out of their macbook gyros | 06:58 |
jdong | i.e. they'd play laptop catch while I'm working on the robot, and the next thing I know there's 30hp of unfiled sharp metal lunging at me | 06:59 |
jdong | "oops, forgot to kill the remote control daemon" my *** | 06:59 |
imbrandon | wow that looked fun | 07:01 |
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chillywilly | bah | 07:05 |
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Tmob | is there a way to make a make install think its running in a chroot ? | 07:17 |
Tmob | i dont want to install into /usr/local/bin.. | 07:17 |
Tmob | i want to see what its installing.. first | 07:17 |
crimsun | the Makefile{,s} should honor $DESTDIR | 07:17 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: yes? | 07:18 |
Tmob | crimsun, ok, i guess this particular make doesn;t :( | 07:18 |
Tmob | i want it to think that ites installing into /usr/local/.. | 07:18 |
Tmob | becaues it sets up some env scripts which have the destination locations inside them | 07:18 |
Tmob | isn't there a way to do taht? somehow wrap the entire app into a chroot or something..? | 07:19 |
crimsun | I take it this app doesn't use autotools, then? | 07:19 |
Tmob | no.. not even ./configure | 07:19 |
Tmob | its just a makefile | 07:20 |
Tmob | and i type make | 07:20 |
crimsun | sick. | 07:20 |
crimsun | yeah, hack up the Makefile{,s} | 07:20 |
Tmob | heh ok | 07:20 |
jdong | urgh | 07:21 |
jdong | what is it with peoples' fascination to type random commands they see? | 07:21 |
=== jdong just had to reset a robotics build server because a kid has apparently discovered the infamous bash forkbomb | ||
Tmob | jdong, why isn't ulimit set properly? | 07:22 |
Tmob | i will blame the admin | 07:22 |
jdong | because I thought I could trust them | 07:23 |
jdong | yeah, so blame me | 07:23 |
jdong | mainly because I didn't want them to actually have a reason for spawning a large # of processes | 07:23 |
jdong | then call me a 2:30AM when they can't | 07:23 |
jdong | (which they have before) | 07:23 |
jdong | :) | 07:23 |
imbrandon | dont unplug it, turn off the ringer :) | 07:24 |
crimsun | you should unplug yo... | 07:24 |
jdong | lol | 07:24 |
jdong | the crappy build tools sometimes do need for users to be able to spawn around 30-50 processes | 07:24 |
imbrandon | so set the mimit to 100 | 07:25 |
imbrandon | limit* | 07:25 |
jdong | and even 30 infinite loops on a uniprocessor box is pretty deadly | 07:25 |
jdong | in terms of ssh'ing in and stopping it | 07:25 |
jdong | but I guess it sure beats nothing | 07:25 |
=== jdong effects a limit of 100 | ||
=== jdong considers testing the limit with the bash forkbomb, then thinks better of it | ||
imbrandon | just tell them to watch youtube while they wait till you come in in the morning | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: ping? | 07:27 |
jdong | imbrandon: then they leave youtube presents for me :) | 07:27 |
jdong | imbrandon: /bin/head failed tripwire the other day.... | 07:27 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: contentless pong | 07:28 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: back in 20 mins, try again | 07:28 |
jdong | it featured a wonderful new feature | 07:28 |
imbrandon | well make it intresting and blok youtube at the router and make them do some ssh / socks forwarding home but figure it out on thier own etc | 07:28 |
jdong | $ head on | 07:28 |
imbrandon | it will slow them down for a few hours | 07:28 |
jdong | applied directly to the forehead! | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: okay. ping for 20 mins then. | 07:28 |
jdong | <repeat for all vt's and open fd's> | 07:28 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: @ sound | 07:28 |
jdong | sometimes I really think I should take away some of the sudoers | 07:29 |
imbrandon | i thouht you said you are the only admin | 07:29 |
imbrandon | if they have sudo they can fix it | 07:29 |
imbrandon | if they cant fix it they shouldent have sudo :) | 07:29 |
jdong | imbrandon: they use sudo to install stupid bsd shell games and fortune addon packs | 07:30 |
jdong | lol | 07:30 |
jdong | and I didn't say I was the only admin | 07:30 |
imbrandon | e.g. again why do they need it, thats not an administered server thans a sandbox it sounds like :) | 07:30 |
jdong | I hopelessly assume that if I give a member or two sudo, they'd fix things themselves and not bother me | 07:31 |
VoX | | 07:31 |
jdong | since I'm not technically on the team anymore | 07:31 |
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VoX | sfw | 07:31 |
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crimsun | Hobbsee: pong | 07:53 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: my sound has died again, how do i fix it? | 07:54 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: i get nothing from aplay | 07:54 |
=== Fujitsu yawns | ||
Hobbsee | hey Fujitsu | 07:54 |
Fujitsu | Gawd it's hot outside. | 07:54 |
crimsun | by "nothing", do you mean "it's inaudible but appears to play", or do you mean "it explodes"? | 07:54 |
Fujitsu | And low visibility... | 07:54 |
Hobbsee | the former | 07:55 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: pastebin ``asoundconf list && amixer'', please | 07:55 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: | 07:56 |
imbrandon | nicght all | 07:56 |
imbrandon | err gnight | 07:56 |
Fujitsu | Night, imbrandon. | 07:56 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: amixer set 'Master' 80%,80%,on | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: still no sound for aplay. but it will blare, as i've got pcm set to max, and control the master via the multimedia keys | 07:57 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: have you tried unloading all alsa modules, then reloading snd-hda-intel? | 07:58 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: no. the syntax is....? | 07:58 |
crimsun | kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}' |sort -r) && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | no wonder i didnt remember it :P | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec] | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: ^ | 07:59 |
crimsun | is it snd_timer that's still loaded? | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | it was | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | as i had kalarm running | 08:00 |
crimsun | any processes holding /proc/asound or /dev/snd ? | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: check with lsof -t /proc/asound/* /dev/snd/* ? | 08:01 |
crimsun | sure | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | returns blank | 08:02 |
crimsun | ok, and ``lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}' |sort -r'' ? | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | a whole lot of stuff - want me to pastebin? | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: | 08:03 |
crimsun | sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}' |sort -r) | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | FATAL: Module snd_timer is in use. | 08:04 |
crimsun | ah, yep, that one. | 08:05 |
crimsun | are you running 6.06, 6.10, or 7.04? | 08:05 |
crimsun | (all three of them have broken alsa, yay?) | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: 7.04 | 08:08 |
Hobbsee | feisty | 08:08 |
crimsun | mm, that's rather tragic. | 08:08 |
crimsun | head -3 /proc/asound/card0/codec* | 08:08 |
Hobbsee | ==> /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 <== | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Codec: SigmaTel STAC9200 | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Address: 0 | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Vendor Id: 0x83847690 | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | ==> /proc/asound/card0/codec#1 <== | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Codec: Conexant ID 2bfa | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Address: 1 | 08:09 |
Hobbsee | Vendor Id: 0x14f12bfa | 08:09 |
crimsun | ok, you'll need to try [what will become] 1.0.14rc1 | 08:11 |
crimsun | sec, I need to roll the snap | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | okay | 08:11 |
jdong | PGHRAAAH | 08:12 |
jdong | you guys are gonna laugh at me | 08:12 |
jdong | on second thought, I won't tell you guys | 08:12 |
=== Fujitsu laughs anyway. | ||
jdong | it'll save me the embarassment | 08:12 |
jdong | someone pranked /etc/bash.bashrc | 08:12 |
=== jdong doesn't like being interrogated by bashrc.... :( | ||
jdong | and it's just really bad nerd jokes too | 08:18 |
jdong | with surprisingly good regex on the punch lines I'm supposed to type in | 08:19 |
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=== Fujitsu goes into a LP-kicking frenzy. | ||
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crimsun | Hobbsee: wget | 08:41 |
Fujitsu | Evening, Burgundavia. | 08:42 |
Burgundavia | hey Fujitsu | 08:42 |
Fujitsu | DO you have some Freenode LP-attack monitor, or something? | 08:42 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: grabbing | 08:42 |
Burgundavia | Fujitsu: why so? | 08:43 |
Fujitsu | 18:39:24 * Fujitsu goes into a LP-kicking frenzy. | 08:43 |
Fujitsu | 18:41:40 -!- Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-motu | 08:43 |
Burgundavia | ah, right | 08:44 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: compile it, or what? | 08:44 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: extract it, make sure build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r) are installed, then cd work/alsa-driver && ./configure --enable-dynamic-minors --with-kernel=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build --with-debug=full --with-sequencer=yes --with-oss=yes --with-pcm-oss-plugins=yes --with-pcmcia=kernel --with-cards=hda-intel --with-card-options=all && make dep && make && sudo make install-modules | 08:44 |
crimsun | (spotted a bug in my script, durh, corrected) | 08:45 |
Fujitsu | Gah, screw this, I'm going to write something to mass subscribe motuscience directly to the bugs. | 08:45 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: wow, that's long | 08:46 |
Fujitsu | But that won't work... I can't get a sane listing of bugs... Crap. | 08:46 |
=== Hobbsee goes and hides from crimsun | ||
Hobbsee | crimsun: um.... | 08:47 |
crimsun | ? | 08:47 |
crimsun | if your headphones weren't plugged in... | 08:47 |
=== Hobbsee found the problem | ||
Hobbsee | no, wasnt that | 08:47 |
Hobbsee | it's about that bad though | 08:48 |
crimsun | you were wearing the wrong set of headphones? | 08:48 |
Hobbsee | no, i had the mute button set | 08:48 |
crimsun | ah, the hardware mute button | 08:48 |
Hobbsee | yes | 08:48 |
crimsun | yeah, I need to start poking for that | 08:48 |
Hobbsee | indeed | 08:48 |
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Hobbsee | i keep forgetting - it's just a multimedia key, so i hadnt used it prior to this lappy | 08:49 |
crimsun | ok, well, at least I verified my changes aren't completely insane, since my hardware still seems to work with 14rc1 | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | didnt see it in alsamixer or anything | 08:49 |
crimsun | yeah, you won't, it's lower level | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | *grumble* | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | thanks for your time, crimsun | 08:49 |
crimsun | np | 08:49 |
Hobbsee | sorry its' for such a pebkac error, i thought i checked that | 08:50 |
=== Fujitsu grabs Hobbsee's Long Pointy Stick of Doom(tm), and gores Launchpad on it. | ||
Hobbsee | heh | 08:59 |
Fujitsu | motuscience's bug totals are suffering nastily due to LP's stupidity... | 09:00 |
Burgundavia | what is it doing now? | 09:01 |
Burgundavia | or, rather, what isn't it doing now? | 09:01 |
Fujitsu | #60124, compounded by #5183[56] . | 09:01 |
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tenshu | hello all | 03:24 |
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shawarma | This has probably been asked 734 times before... If there's a build failure on and architecture which I do not have access to.. Then what? I'm out of luck? | 04:34 |
shawarma | In particular sparc and IA64. | 04:34 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 05:52 |
rmjb | 'sup bddebian | 05:52 |
bddebian | Why isn't the merges page keeping up? There are still several packages on there that have already been merged/synced | 05:52 |
bddebian | Hello rmjb | 05:52 |
rmjb | I'm gonna try to whack a few today | 05:52 |
rmjb | I thought you were an ubuntu member? | 05:53 |
bddebian | I am, why? | 05:53 |
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rmjb_ | sorry bout that, my "reliable" isp dropped my connection... again | 05:58 |
bddebian | :-) | 05:59 |
rmjb_ | did you get my last comment? how come you came in as ? | 05:59 |
bddebian | rmjb: I've never gotten my mask | 06:03 |
bddebian | And Ubuntu doesn't want to admit I'm associated with them ;-P | 06:04 |
rmjb | oh... good way to hide from guys that pounce on an ubuntu member as soon as they join a channel then :) | 06:04 |
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rmjb | bddebian: when I finish a merge do I upload to revu or generate some kind of diff to attach to the bug? | 06:09 |
bddebian | Personally, I would say submit a bug report and attach a diff but I've been a little out of touch lately | 06:09 |
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catunda | I am reading MOTU guides on wiki page and I found this link on is broken. | 06:32 |
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_Enchained | Hi here | 06:34 |
rmjb | sivang: hello? | 06:34 |
rmjb | hello _Enchained | 06:34 |
_Enchained | Can someone review a package for me ? | 06:35 |
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bddebian | Later gang | 06:50 |
rmjb | later bddebian | 06:50 |
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imbrandon | woot , finaly got the server racked | 08:15 |
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joejaxx | imbrandon: nice | 08:28 |
joejaxx | imbrandon: i got lvm working on the riad0 | 08:29 |
joejaxx | raid 0 | 08:29 |
imbrandon | cool | 08:29 |
joejaxx | F ujit su helped me set it up | 08:29 |
joejaxx | imbrandon: do you know where i can purchase a 72/144GB 4mm tape from? | 08:29 |
joejaxx | the highest i have seen is 36/72 | 08:30 |
imbrandon | not i, monday i can ask the purchasing dept at work | 08:30 |
imbrandon | they might know | 08:30 |
joejaxx | oh ok :) thanks | 08:30 |
joejaxx | imbrandon: have you tried tape backup on ubuntu? | 08:30 |
imbrandon | not personaly but we do it at work all the time | 08:31 |
joejaxx | imbrandon: oh ok | 08:31 |
rmjb | joejaxx: what tape format? I've worked with LTO | 08:39 |
joejaxx | i have to look it up | 08:42 |
joejaxx | i know it takes 72/144 | 08:42 |
rmjb | question about merging, if MoM shows changes in the source files, can I ignore them and replace the files with what's in new orig tarball and just focus on the contents of the debian/ directory? | 08:49 |
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geser | it depends | 09:02 |
geser | some packages dont't use a patch system | 09:02 |
geser | instead the files are patched directly | 09:02 |
rmjb | how can I tell? | 09:03 |
geser | check where the change comes from | 09:04 |
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geser | when using a patch system there is mostly also a debian/patches dir | 09:07 |
rmjb | in these cases, the original tarball would be modified?, thus the diff.gz would show it? | 09:07 |
geser | yes | 09:08 |
joejaxx | rmjb: what whould you say a good ftpd whould be? proftpd? | 09:13 |
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rmjb | joejaxx: I dunno, but the Ubuntu Server Guide recommends vsftpd: | 09:14 |
=== joejaxx looks | ||
joejaxx | i have used proftpd personally but i wanted to see some other alternatives | 09:15 |
fbond | joejaxx, I use vsftpd at work & home | 09:16 |
fbond | used to use proftpd | 09:16 |
joejaxx | fbond: ah ok | 09:17 |
fbond | I never noticed much of a difference, personally, but security features of vsftpd seem to be sufficient | 09:17 |
joejaxx | yeah proftpd can only go so far security wise | 09:17 |
joejaxx | fbond: yeah | 09:17 |
fbond | RHEL ships with vsftpd by default, FWIW | 09:17 |
fbond | they're supposed to be "stable" and "secure" | 09:17 |
fbond | (which translates loosely to, "doing anything non-standard is a royal pain in the ass" | 09:18 |
joejaxx | yeah basically lol | 09:18 |
fbond | twoftpd looks like the most secure FTP implemenation for per-user FTP; configuration looked like more than I wanted to deal with at the time. | 09:19 |
fbond | the author works for FutureQuest; they are an excellent data-center / hosting company / etc | 09:19 |
joejaxx | fbond: nice :) | 09:20 |
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zorglu_ | q. any good link/keyword on a doc explaining how to setup my own repository ? | 09:31 |
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rmjb | zorglu_: check out Falcon, it's a repo maker | 09:35 |
zorglu_ | lookin | 09:35 |
rmjb | I've never used it myself but there are ubuntu repos that use it like | 09:35 |
joejaxx | fbond: you are right i am looking at the tour right now | 09:35 |
joejaxx | fbond: they put so much time into designing that place it is not even funny | 09:36 |
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zorglu_ | rmjb: yep a lot of people seems to use it, im unable to find info about it tho :) | 09:39 |
rmjb | | 09:40 |
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zorglu_ | ok i fails to find doc or even where to download this, i will try to set one up directly (i found debian doc on it) and be back on falcon if the previous fails | 09:44 |
zorglu_ | rmjb: thanks for your help | 09:44 |
rmjb | np | 09:44 |
zorglu_ | ultra naive question: what is a .udeb ? | 09:50 |
zorglu_ | i will ask this question elsewhere:) | 09:51 |
rmjb | I think it's a micro deb | 09:51 |
geser | yes, u = | 09:51 |
rmjb | really small, used for the initial ram disk, initrd | 09:51 |
geser | used for the installer | 09:51 |
zorglu_ | ah ok thanks | 09:52 |
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geser | every deb has /usr/share/doc/ dir and that's missing in udebs I think | 09:53 |
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rmjb | stevenK: I'm taking a crack at merging adasockets | 09:56 |
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rmjb | can I have two builds running at the same time for the same pbuilder?? | 10:24 |
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zorglu_ | ok im have a wonderfull repository running :) | 10:34 |
rmjb | using falcon? | 10:35 |
imbrandon | rmjb: yes ( the pbuilder question ) | 10:36 |
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rmjb | wshew thanks... I can't wait for one build test to finish before trying another merge... 45 mins is too long | 10:37 |
imbrandon | :) | 10:37 |
imbrandon | yea its really nice on a dual core system :) | 10:37 |
zorglu_ | rmjb: nope my own. well currently i have a weird Release and no gpg key... so the apt-get produce scary message like 'this is unauthenticated... are you real real sure' :) | 10:37 |
imbrandon | but yea you can have as many going at one time as you system can handle | 10:37 |
imbrandon | Is there another word for synonym ? | 10:38 |
=== imbrandon is kidding | ||
rmjb | my system can handle the builds... my bandwidth is the bottleneck | 10:38 |
rmjb | a synonym for synonym could be meaning :P | 10:39 |
imbrandon | run a local mirror on a fileserver :) i do , speeds things up nicely | 10:39 |
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imbrandon | hrm cigarette time bbaib | 10:39 |
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zorglu_ | dpkg-parsechangelog: warning: no utmp entry available and LOGNAME not defined; using uid of process (1234) <- while building a package i got a lot of those, any idea on how to fix this ? | 11:08 |
rmjb | zorglu_: I get those too, I don't know how to fix but I know they can be ignored | 11:10 |
zorglu_ | ok i will ignore them too :) | 11:11 |
fbond | zorglu_, you were probably building inside a pbudiler chroot? | 11:12 |
fbond | s/pbudiler/pbuilder | 11:12 |
zorglu_ | sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc | 11:13 |
zorglu_ | yep this is the command i use | 11:13 |
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fbond | yeah, there is probably no user in /etc/passwd for the uid that is building the package | 11:14 |
fbond | since it is not a complete system | 11:14 |
fbond | the environment is not a login environment | 11:14 |
fbond | or something along those lines | 11:14 |
zorglu_ | ok :) so in the 'safely ignored' category :) | 11:15 |
fbond | yup :) | 11:15 |
fbond | you shouldn't get that when building outside of pbuilder, though | 11:16 |
fbond | (unless your system is particularly odd) | 11:16 |
zorglu_ | q. how do i check if a .deb is signed ? i try to trouble shoot why my .deb are not signed ? at least when people do apt-get on it, it is mentioned as impossible to authenticate | 11:16 |
fbond | zorglu_, are you using a third-party repo? | 11:16 |
fbond | your .deb may be signed, but people don't have the key in their local apt setup | 11:17 |
zorglu_ | yep, the time to get the stuff stable enougth to attempt inclusing in ubuntu | 11:17 |
fbond | keys for the official repos are distributed with ubuntu | 11:17 |
fbond | people can add your key to their apt setups ... don't remember the command | 11:17 |
fbond | man apt-key should help, if you want to go that far | 11:18 |
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zorglu_ | yep i do something wrong there | 11:21 |
fbond | um, you aren't really "doing something wrong" | 11:21 |
fbond | you just haven't distributed your public key to users | 11:21 |
zorglu_ | either i dont export the good key or dont include it well or the .deb is not really signed | 11:21 |
zorglu_ | well apt-get do report "The following packages cannot be authenticated!" :) | 11:22 |
fbond | does `apt-key list` show your key? | 11:22 |
zorglu_ | yep | 11:22 |
fbond | And, is the package signature in your repo? | 11:22 |
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fbond | (WARNING: I have not actually set up package authentication in the repo I use) | 11:23 |
imbrandon | its not weather the deb is signed it the repo its complaining about | 11:23 |
zorglu_ | fbond: what do you mean ? :) | 11:23 |
fbond | I feared that :) | 11:23 |
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zorglu_ | imbrandon: what is it complaining about then ? | 11:23 |
fbond | imbrandon: is there a key for the repo itself? | 11:23 |
imbrandon | the releases file must be signed, the debs really dont matter as far as apt is concerned | 11:24 |
imbrandon | in this instance | 11:24 |
fbond | ahh. well, there you have it. | 11:24 |
fbond | where does that signature reside, or is it in the Release file itself? | 11:24 |
zorglu_ | oh the release.gpg | 11:24 |
imbrandon | one sec , lemme show you mine | 11:24 |
imbrandon | yes | 11:25 |
rmjb | what's the link to the build servers statuses on launchpad? I don't see it on the front page | 11:25 |
zorglu_ | well i dont hgave this Release with all the hash :) | 11:25 |
zorglu_ | i didnt found how to generate this file :) | 11:25 |
zorglu_ | imbrandon: is there tool to generate the Release file at the distribution level ? | 11:25 |
geser | rmjb: overview -> Target (feisty) -> buildds | 11:25 |
imbrandon | zorglu_: why not use something like falcon, it takes care of all this for you | 11:25 |
imbrandon | yes | 11:26 |
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zorglu_ | imbrandon: because i failed to find the doc or even how to download the software :) | 11:26 |
fbond | zorglu_, I use reprepro | 11:26 |
zorglu_ | imbrandon: so i went for the stuff i had doc for :) | 11:26 |
imbrandon | | 11:26 |
imbrandon | second one down | 11:26 |
imbrandon | comes with pdf docs | 11:27 |
imbrandon | real easy to setup and use | 11:27 |
imbrandon | you can make a proper repo in 5 minutes | 11:27 |
imbrandon | :) | 11:27 |
Seveas | imbrandon, I just finished the no-config-file-anymore branch ;) | 11:27 |
Seveas | nice ncurses dialogs for configuring | 11:27 |
imbrandon | infact there is the upstream author zorglu_ :) | 11:27 |
imbrandon | Seveas: rockin | 11:27 |
zorglu_ | ok :) | 11:28 |
fbond | hmm. I'll have to check that out, too. reprepro occasionally seems a bit crude. | 11:28 |
rmjb | thanks geser | 11:29 |
zorglu_ | <- is there a codename for this file ? i mean it is not documented in | 11:32 |
zorglu_ | a keyword which would help a search ? | 11:32 |
guibis | doko i have send a mail to you at ubuntu ... | 11:34 |
guibis | *i have sent | 11:34 |
zorglu_ | apt-ftparchive is the steped i missed :) | 11:39 |
Fujitsu | Morning, LaserJock. | 11:40 |
LaserJock | hi Fujitsu | 11:40 |
doomsday- | hello there, I'm looking for automake/libtool help... any ideas where I can find a dedicated IRC channel ? | 11:40 |
LaserJock | is it general help or help on a specific program? | 11:41 |
doomsday- | general help | 11:42 |
doomsday- | ..but it's for my specific program :-) | 11:42 |
rmjb | hey Fujitsu haven't seen you around for a while | 11:42 |
LaserJock | hi rmjb | 11:42 |
rmjb | doomsday-: tried file:///usr/share/doc/libtool-doc/libtool.html from libtool-doc package? | 11:43 |
Fujitsu | I'm around 0300-0900 UTC on weekdays, and all the time on weekends, so that would explain it. | 11:43 |
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doomsday- | I've read whole manual from and redhat website | 11:43 |
LaserJock | hmm | 11:44 |
fbond | there's probably a different channel for each version :) | 11:45 |
rmjb | well I'm not on as often as you guys... so that would explain it more :) | 11:45 |
doomsday- | ^^ | 11:46 |
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doomsday- | well, I'm a bit confused with use of shared libraries with libtool. I have a binary and some plugins. These plugins are only loaded dynamically after my binary is launched. And then, I only need *.so files from plugins. I'm seeking for a way to not build, or at least, not install *.a and *.la files. | 11:50 |
doomsday- | no autotools expert around? :p | 11:55 |
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shawarma | doomsday-: I've seent that done by just letting autotools do its magic and then removing the .a and .la files afterwards. | 12:08 |
doomsday- | :'( | 12:09 |
shawarma | doomsday-: Heh.. Otherwise try #workingset | 12:09 |
shawarma | doomsday-: Sorry. Make that ##workingset | 12:10 |
doomsday- | thanks ;) | 12:10 |
shawarma | I think that channel name qualifies as one of the least obvious channel names ever. | 12:11 |
shawarma | A google search for "autotools irc workingset" doesn't even give any references to it on the first page. | 12:12 |
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