
manchickenIt's not actually the build...12:23
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=== manchicken suspects cdbs....
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manchickenBloody permissions problem it seems...12:43
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manchickennothing fakeroot can't handle.12:45
manchickenOkay, so how do I get something signed?12:49
ryanakcamanchicken: gpg?12:55
ryanakca!gpg | manchicken12:56
ubotumanchicken: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto12:56
manchickenright, but I'm talking specifically about signing packages....12:57
ryanakcaah, debuild -S -sa12:58
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manchickenMan, kde-systemsettings is a rather confusing codebase.01:51
manchickenLooks like it's generating its UI based off of a .rc XML file.01:51
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manchickenAnybody know how to dchroot as another user?02:30
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manchickenOkay, so the setupGUI flexability that folks are used to with kde-systemsettings is no more.02:55
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Jucatokool! danimo's password patch works perfectly in feisty :)03:17
freeflyingJucato: password patch?03:27
Jucatodisplays dots instead of asterisks when typing in the password03:27
HawkwindWhy would you want dots instead of *'s ?03:27
HawkwindWhat's the purpose03:28
Jucatoasterisks look soo old? :)03:29
Jucatolooks better on the GUI. anyway it only affects KDE styles (plastik, I think). so you don't have to worry :P03:30
HawkwindJucato: I do agree that the dots do look better 03:48
HawkwindI just didn't understand why the patch was done other than just for that very reason03:48
Jucatoactually I think it was also a sort of "proof of concept" that it could be done in Qt 3. danimo previously thought it could only be done in Qt 4 (which he already did for KDE 4 I think)03:49
Jucatonot really sure though03:49
manchickenIf this thing compiles I will be surprised to say the least.03:49
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=== manchicken mumbles "please compile, please compile, please compile..."
=== manchicken swears.
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Tonio_imbrandon: ping ?08:08
Tonio_Riddell: just saw you finally did the minute yesterday... I was not at home this WE (didn't knew that on friday) so I did this offline....08:08
Tonio_Riddell: just posted it08:08
imbrandonTonio_: pong08:12
Tonio_imbrandon: hey :)08:16
Tonio_imbrandon: the french way to get a laptop didn't work....08:17
Tonio_imbrandon: still possible to do that with your help ? I'll place the order correctly this time :)08:17
Tonio_imbrandon: can you email me your postal address then ? I lost it :)08:18
Tonio_imbrandon: tonio at ubuntu.com08:18
imbrandonnp, yup08:18
Tonio_thanks ;)08:19
Tonio_imbrandon: how is the new job ?08:19
imbrandongreat, was busy as hell getting used to the new schedule but now its all smoothed out08:19
imbrandon( and i'm off the next 3 days , i just got off a 12 hour shift heh )08:20
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imbrandonwhat did you and raphink get ? /me looks at the title , sorry i've been kinda afk the last week or so08:21
Tonio_imbrandon: we both are engaged :)08:22
crimsunthey're getting married.08:22
crimsunnot to each other.08:22
imbrandonohh rock on, congrats08:22
Tonio_hehe, hi crimsun08:22
imbrandonheya crimsun08:22
JucatoTonio_: congratulations :)08:23
imbrandonyea i like the hours, i work two 12 hour shifts and 2 8 hour ones and get 3 days in a row off, plus i get time at work to work on {k}ubuntu08:24
Tonio_Jucato: thanks :)08:24
Tonio_imbrandon: that's trully great, really08:24
imbrandon( while at work )08:24
imbrandonplus free rackspace for colo boxes :)08:24
imbrandoni just put my first one up yesterday and i'm migrating some things to it08:25
imbrandonsee now it wont be long Tonio_ untill it truely is "papa Tonio_ "08:27
Lureimbrandon: lol08:27
imbrandonhehe heay Lure08:27
Tonio_imbrandon: still working hardly on that, indeed :)08:28
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sebasRiddell: Were there any updates on kdepim lately?11:06
sebasI'm losing email with dimap for a few days already, seemingly random, sometimes whole folders are empty at once.11:06
sebas(Using kmail, of course)11:08
Riddellsebas: there's not been any updates11:27
Riddellalthough dimap is known not to be the most stable part of kmail11:27
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sebasRiddell: Well, haven't had that problem ever11:34
sebasI'll look into it some more, thanks though11:34
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fdovingRiddell: ping? around for a kopete upload to edgy-updates?05:05
Riddellfdoving: oh?05:12
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fdovingRiddell: bug 69583 aging period is finished.05:13
UbugtuMalone bug 69583 in kopete "SRU: kopete can't connect to ICQ. " [Low,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6958305:13
fdovingRiddell: i'm preparing the files now.05:13
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mhbgood evening05:27
doelmanhi mhd05:28
mhbhi doelman, pleased to meet you :o)05:30
doelmannice to meet you too:)05:30
fdovingRiddell: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/edgy/updates/kopete/ - please upload and comment on bug 69583 when done. thanks :)05:33
UbugtuMalone bug 69583 in kopete "SRU: kopete can't connect to ICQ. " [Low,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6958305:33
Riddellfdoving: done, thanks05:37
mhbthanks to both of you05:49
mhbI've been waiting for that for a long time :o)05:50
Riddellit still has to pass NEW again05:52
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gnomefreakwasnt amarok 1.4.4 backported for dapper?06:57
gnomefreakor is it that one that wont run on dapper :(06:57
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nixternali have been playing with OpenSUSE 10.2 w/ KDE today, and there are a couple of things that are pretty nice which might be cool in Kubuntu07:12
nixternalKickoff isn't one of them after playing with it imho07:12
jdongnixternal: like say an attractive bootsplash?07:12
jdong(just kidding!)07:12
jdongnixternal: I too did not like kickoff07:12
nixternalthe bootsplash is a x-mas theme07:12
nixternalthat tripped me out07:12
jdongnixternal: kickoff was clunky to use for me... it definitely didn't make suse easier to use for me07:12
nixternali had penguins in santa hats running across my snow & ice covered grub menu07:12
jdongI did like the sysinfo:/ view though07:12
jdongnixternal: that's an easter egg07:12
nixternalkickoff is smooth for me, just not practical07:13
jdongnixternal: it happens once every n% of grub installcd boots07:13
nixternalthe KHelpCenter owns us hardcore and their My Computer/Konqueror frontpage rocks07:13
jdongnixternal: +1 on the My Computer07:14
jdongnixternal: that is a sweet view07:14
nixternali remember people complaining about Kubuntu print config, theirs is even worse..i had to use http://localhost:631 just to install a smb printer07:14
jdongYaST didn't do it?07:14
fdovingnixternal: My Computer is the sysinfo:/ kioslave?07:14
jdongfdoving: yes07:14
fdoving.. I have a started package of that somehwere..07:15
nixternalya, YaST sucks for print configuring samba shares07:15
jdongnixternal: hmm, when I used SuSE before Ubuntu I used YaST to do that07:15
nixternaland you can really search application manuals with KHelpCenter, which is a huge plus07:15
jdongnixternal: I know by default they set up CUPS as a client-only07:15
jdongwhich is really strange if you ask me07:15
nixternaljdong: i tried yast for it, but it would come back with a print$ for the queue and it would fail during eveyr test07:16
nixternali like the yast layout a little better than sys settings i think...again imho07:16
nixternalkerry beagle is a champ in suse as well...cool how it works with everything07:17
jdongnixternal: also YaST is significantly faster in 10.2 than when I used it before07:18
jdongthere used to be really noticeable lag launching every applet07:18
nixternalya, it is super fast i noticed07:18
jdongthe entire KDE actually was quite snappy07:18
nixternaloverall it is a pretty responsive system07:18
jdongDT_GNU_HASH is enabled too, IIRC07:18
jdongyes, it is. In the huge changelog07:18
mhbhave I gone to #opensuse all of the sudden? :o)07:19
jdongone thing that really bothered me07:19
jdongwas how hard you had to work to get restricted codecs07:19
nixternalit is good to try other kde distros to see what you can learn07:19
jdongno need to give me an RMS speech07:19
Riddellooh, k3b 1.0 rc 107:19
nixternalrestricted codecs worked from the beginning, they even tell you how to install win32codecs07:19
jdongnixternal: huh? really?07:19
jdongnixternal: I had to go digging around for pacman and other repos07:20
nixternalya, you can enable the non-oss repos on install07:20
jdongnot non-oss07:20
nixternali downloaded and played an mp3 w/o installing anything07:20
jdongthey castrated xine's decoders except for like vorbis and theora07:20
jdongnixternal: that's because realplayer handles mp3's07:20
jdongnixternal: try a xvid video and you'll hit a brick wall07:20
jdongnixternal: you have to go out for 3rd party xine-lib07:21
Riddelljdong: fancy backporting cmake?  (and subversion 1.4 when it's in), KDE developers are asking me for them07:21
nixternali don't even see real player, and it played the mp3 through kaffeine and amarok07:21
jdongRiddell: the backport is already approved but ubuntu-archive is being slow :)07:21
nixternalno wonder i couldn't find libxine-extracodecs07:21
Riddelljdong: there's a new cmake07:21
jdongRiddell: 2.4? or even newer?07:21
jdongnixternal: amarok has been patched to do its playback thru realplayer07:21
Riddelljdong: 2.4.5 (up from 2.4.4)07:21
jdongnixternal: so has most of the other stuff07:21
jdongRiddell: ah ok, will take a look07:21
Riddellthanks jdong07:22
mhbRiddell: ubiquity and hwdb python scripts are able to use both KDE & GNOME libs ... is there a python library/class that is able to produce similar DE-independent code? Or how do you do it?07:22
jdongnixternal: but as I said, try any other format ;-)07:22
nixternalm4a didn't work07:22
jdongnixternal: including unencrypted mpeg2 dvd's07:22
jdongnixternal: ha! you make me laugh ;-)07:22
Riddellmhb: no, and the duplicate a lot of code.  hwdb especially is pretty much two implementations of the same thing07:22
jdongnixternal: it takes around 6 3rd party repos to get our equivalent of apt-get install libxine-extracodecs07:22
nixternalso i am noticing now07:22
jdongthat'd be my ONLY complaint about OpenSuse07:22
nixternalwth, it won't play anything but ogg and mp307:22
nixternalhowever, opensuse is not newb friendly if you ask me07:23
Lurenixternal: I cannot believe that you like yast layout more than system settings...07:24
jdongnixternal: read their RestrictedFormats page07:24
jdongnixternal: RMS would be proud07:24
nixternalLure: it has a smaller more concise layout that is topically devided07:24
nixternalit makes it easier finding some things07:24
nixternalSax2 is very limited, but definitely better than previous releases07:24
Lurenixternal: for me it was vice versa... it was just suprising for me when you said it...07:25
nixternalit seems they have restricted alot of stuff with these newer releases, making it difficult to config via a gui07:25
nixternalthen again, the only thing i use system settings for is print config, because the Kubuntu print config is far better than any others i have ever seen, on any os07:25
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tomaexcept windows09:40
nixternalthe keyboard autodetect in feisty on the alternate cd is goofy, it select jp for me09:58
Lurenixternal: yep, other reported the same...10:02
crimsunnixternal: (it's known)10:02
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nixternalroger, thanks10:16
=== ryanakca scratches Dell off his list of laptop manufacturers
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ryanakcaThey don't sell laptops without windows...10:21
tomaryanakca: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=3561010:26
alleeryanakca: DELL never forced me to do tests with windows before accepting a call.10:26
ryanakcatoma: interesting10:27
ryanakcaallee: ??10:28
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ryanakcaallee: but I'd probably still end up paying for windows...10:29
alleeryanakca: with HP I had (long time ago) lot's of trouble with defect harddisk.  They insistent me to anwser?  What's the windows error msg?10:29
alleeryanakca: yes.10:29
ryanakcaallee: meh... I don't have money to waste... I've been saving up for a year now... still don't have enough...10:29
ryanakcamy annual income = almost nothing... < 1000$10:30
alleeryanakca: k10:30
tomaryanakca: i can ship you a dual boot ;-) http://www.own-it.nl/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,17/category_id,6/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,1/10:30
ryanakcaallee: any companies to recomend?10:31
ryanakcatoma: kk, just a sec :)10:31
tomaits dutch anyhow ;-)10:31
ryanakca*tries to unscramble the random letters* 60gb hd, 512mb ram?10:31
alleeryanakca: I'm very happy with Dell.  That's based on the fact that bad hardware support is excellent10:32
ryanakcaAMD Sempron 3500+  CPU10:32
ryanakcaallee: yeah... my cousin works for dell :)10:32
ryanakca2nd or 3rd level tech support or something of the sort :)10:32
alleeryanakca: well then buy a Dell laptop via your cousin!10:33
ryanakcaI can try :)10:33
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nixternalhow can i use qt4 on edgy with qmake? qmake is still tied into qt312:09
nixternalnm, qmake-qt412:10
nixternalyay, wrote my first qt4 app!!!12:11

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