fignew | ok | 12:14 |
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php-freak_ | fignew: now what should we do? | 12:14 |
delphine | hello :) | 12:14 |
fignew | try cat /dev/zero > /dev/dsp | 12:14 |
fignew | notice the zero | 12:14 |
fignew | should be alittle bit louder | 12:15 |
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php-freak_ | yes did it | 12:15 |
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php-freak_ | don't hear anything | 12:15 |
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fignew | the problem is I'm doing the /dev/random and dev/zero and I can barely hear them on my headphones | 12:15 |
bgsteffens | How do i restart KDE please? | 12:15 |
graft | are your speakers on, php-freak? | 12:15 |
fignew | and these are really good headphones | 12:15 |
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php-freak_ | fignew: well i don't hear anything i put my ear up to the speaker | 12:16 |
graft | bgsteffens: ctrl-alt-backspace is the cheap way to do it, or else you can do it from the kmenu (logout) | 12:16 |
graft | bgsteffens: or you can do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 12:16 |
bgsteffens | ok ty :) | 12:16 |
fignew | LOL! | 12:17 |
fignew | my laptop has the same soundcard | 12:17 |
Weam | Hi everyone, i installed kubuntu 6.06 some day ago, all went fine. Tho im getting problems with GRUB, it hangs at Loading Stage 1.5 / Hard Disk Error, and i've found out it has something to do with my S-ATA disk.. i googled some and found out i need to update my BIOS to make it work, tho i already had the latest so thats screwed. | 12:17 |
Weam | A guy help me install LILO instead of GRUB but i got some Fatal error cuz of raid (?) tho im not using any raid, but i guess my S-ATA controller identifys it as a raiddisk. Is there any way of making it work? Any known solutions? | 12:17 |
Weam | Here is a guy with the same problem, also the same motherboard as me: | 12:17 |
php-freak_ | fignew? are you serious | 12:17 |
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Weam | apart from him tho i only got one s-ata disk and uses the whole thing for linux so no dualboot etc | 12:17 |
php-freak_ | fignew: is your working? | 12:18 |
fignew | yes, and, my speakers don't work either... HOWEVER, when you plug in headphones, they work | 12:18 |
php-freak_ | hmm | 12:18 |
php-freak_ | lol what should we do I have a gateway laptop | 12:18 |
fignew | Mine is a sharp :P | 12:18 |
fignew | I like it, (laptop doesn't make sound in class!) | 12:18 |
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fignew | Weam: Try disabling the RAID in the BIOS | 12:19 |
fignew | there should be an option to disable the RAID firmware | 12:20 |
fignew | php-freak_: have you tested the headphones? | 12:20 |
php-freak_ | i don't have none | 12:20 |
fignew | !!! | 12:20 |
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Weam | fignew aight, ill try that | 12:20 |
php-freak_ | fignew: what about that device i disabled? | 12:21 |
verzonnen | mewshi: | 12:21 |
php-freak_ | or that said it was busy? | 12:21 |
fignew | artsd is the KDE sound system | 12:21 |
fignew | sometimes it gets in the way | 12:21 |
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php-freak_ | i see | 12:21 |
fignew | but it'll start right back up | 12:21 |
php-freak_ | hmm see how i can get this working | 12:21 |
graft | artsd should never be used | 12:21 |
fignew | graft: why? | 12:21 |
fignew | it's normally enabled by default | 12:22 |
lupine_85 | artsd isn't much use | 12:22 |
graft | because the sound quality is bad, it has high CPU usage, everything that uses it can talk to ALSA directly, etc. | 12:22 |
fignew | I don't mind it | 12:22 |
graft | and everyone should have ALSA dmix plugins these days, so you don't even need it for software mixin | 12:22 |
mewshi | sudo smbpasswd -a system_username <- do i type this in exactly? | 12:22 |
php-freak_ | boom | 12:22 |
php-freak_ | its fucking working | 12:23 |
php-freak_ | headphones, and speakers | 12:23 |
fignew | now? | 12:23 |
php-freak_ | yes | 12:23 |
BluesKaj | !language | 12:23 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:23 |
fignew | :P | 12:23 |
fignew | that's funny | 12:23 |
verzonnen | mewshi: I guess you nneed ti change the system_username | 12:23 |
php-freak_ | disable the external amp | 12:23 |
fignew | under alsamix? | 12:23 |
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php-freak_ | no | 12:23 |
php-freak_ | kmix | 12:23 |
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fignew | :P | 12:24 |
php-freak_ | working? | 12:24 |
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fignew | that's why you sould always fiddle with the settings :P | 12:24 |
fignew | I'll try that on my laptop | 12:24 |
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Weam | fignew; I can't do any settings in VIA SATA IDE RAID-menu (controller-device) and the only option I got in bios is to have it enabled or disabled | 12:25 |
fignew | aww, I dont have that option | 12:25 |
Weam | and ofc if i disable S-ATA controller my disk wont work | 12:25 |
fignew | you've tried to disable it? | 12:25 |
Weam | ye, just did to be on the safe side | 12:25 |
php-freak_ | fignew: you talking to me | 12:25 |
fignew | could it be that the drives are plugged into the RAID SATA plugs on the motherboard? | 12:26 |
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fignew | php-freak_: no, weam | 12:26 |
kkathman | php-freak_: many of the things about which you have inquired, are in settings or discussed in the wiki. Also several ubuntu/kubuntu forums exist on line for your utilization. Those might be good sources to go to before asking in the channel :) | 12:26 |
gemidjy | how to downgrade libhal1 libhal-storage1 automaticly? | 12:26 |
fignew | kkathman: seemed like a good question to me...? | 12:26 |
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Weam | hm, nah i mean. i followed the motherboard manual about setting up a S-ATA disk and its in the only plug i can plug it in (yeye good english), anyway at the motherboard its plugged in at SATA 1 | 12:27 |
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fignew | what type of mobo? | 12:27 |
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Weam | | 12:28 |
marshcast | hey guys... I'm having problems with this new 'autoremove' function in apt-get | 12:28 |
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marshcast | can anyone help me? as I understand it it should remove all dependencies that aren't used. | 12:29 |
fignew | not automatically | 12:29 |
kkathman | hehe | 12:29 |
fignew | hmm Weam... | 12:29 |
fignew | marshcast: it just tells you if they exist | 12:30 |
kkathman | not much is automatic - however, aptitude tries to remove package-specific dependencies | 12:30 |
fignew | when you run an apt-get command | 12:30 |
Weam | the problem i got is pretty rare as i understand, fdoving tried to help me, tried installing LILO and a bunch of other things. didnt work tho :< | 12:30 |
marshcast | KDE loads up loads of things I dont want - lets start, for instance , with bluetooth. I dont want any bluetooth, but how do I remove all those bluetooth libraries etc? do I have to go through it all by hand to remove them? shouldn't autoremove do it for me? it doesn't seem top wortk for me. or am i missing something here? | 12:31 |
BluesKaj | "autoremove" can also do damage , if yer not careful | 12:31 |
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jontec | ooh... I have fcgid... and I didn't even know it | 12:31 |
fignew | Weam: I'm still brainstorming on a possible solution | 12:31 |
marshcast | so how do I go about setting up a secure and fast system with kde? | 12:31 |
marshcast | is it possible? | 12:31 |
Weam | aight | 12:32 |
kkathman | marshcast: some of those are kernel module that you'll need to remove that way I reckon | 12:32 |
marshcast | if I try to remove anything at all with adept it seems to remove the whole of kde?!?! | 12:32 |
fignew | marshcast: hold on | 12:32 |
marshcast | kkathman: all of them? if I try to autoremove kdebluetooth then it just removes that 1 app. | 12:33 |
fignew | K-menu --> System Settings --> advanced | 12:33 |
marshcast | with you, fignew | 12:34 |
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fignew | System Services to remove non-kde related stuff | 12:34 |
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kkathman | marshcast: there are modules that are loaded during boot, you'll need to change that....I did this once or twice, but its been a I dont want to tell you wrong | 12:35 |
fignew | and service manager to remove KDE related stuff | 12:35 |
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racarr | !pastebin | 12:36 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:36 |
fignew | Weam: so GRUB has been totally removed? | 12:36 |
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Weam | nope, grub is still the loader, fdoving said that LILO should have higher prio tho when it gets an error GRUB loads instead | 12:37 |
Weam | something like that | 12:37 |
Weam | anyway | 12:37 |
Weam | still got GRUB as loader | 12:37 |
Weam | and its still "GRUB Hard Disk Error" | 12:37 |
marshcast | fignew - this doesn't seem to let me remove them & all the piles of (what is in effect if i dont use it) rubbish that goes with them. my system is still full of unused stuff. do I just have to out up with that in kde? | 12:37 |
fignew | Weam: because even if there is a RAID controller without a RAID, it should still boot | 12:38 |
marshcast | that would make it a bit of a dinosaur | 12:38 |
marshcast | :( | 12:38 |
fignew | under what... Service manager? | 12:39 |
fignew | Weam: will memtest86 boot? | 12:39 |
marshcast | system services | 12:39 |
Weam | is that embedded with kubuntu or do i need to boot memtest with floppy etc? | 12:39 |
fignew | it should be an option under GRUB | 12:40 |
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eilker | !sls | 12:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sls - try searching on | 12:40 |
fignew | marshcast: did you click administrator mode in the bottom right? | 12:40 |
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Weam | hm no, it dont load if so. all i get when i trying to boot my computer i get "GRUB Loading Stage 1.5" followed by "GRUB Hard Disk Error" and then it freezes | 12:40 |
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fignew | remember, marshcast, be careful with the system services, without certain things, the system may break | 12:41 |
fignew | Weam: you selected Memtest? | 12:41 |
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marshcast | fignew - I cant remove anything from systemservices though. | 12:42 |
fignew | did you click administrator mode in the bottom right? | 12:42 |
ncaller | What package should I install to get the source code to /bin/ping ? I haven't had luck looking | 12:42 |
marshcast | I want shot of all bluetooth related apps. can I do this without searching out all apps and dependencies by hand one at a time? | 12:43 |
Weam | fignew, im sorry. i havent been having these kind of problems before when trying out linux so, how do i do that? (im a total grubnoob) | 12:43 |
fignew | press escape | 12:43 |
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fignew | when GRUB first pops up | 12:43 |
marshcast | and yes - admin mode. but can only start/stop/restart deamons | 12:43 |
Weam | aight | 12:44 |
fignew | ncaller: iputils-ping | 12:44 |
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fignew | marshcast: what do you have against BT? | 12:45 |
fignew | :P | 12:45 |
ncaller | it says I already have that package, but I don't see the source for it under /usr/src | 12:45 |
fignew | marshcast: you can edit the /etc/init.d/ files | 12:45 |
fignew | 1 sec ncaller | 12:45 |
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marshcast | BT?? | 12:45 |
kkathman | fignew: I looked in my processes and bluetooth isnt running on my system | 12:45 |
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kkathman | so maybe he actually specifically installed?? | 12:46 |
DekKeD | any idea how to edit an IMG file? | 12:46 |
Weam | fignew; im spamming escape-button but i dont got time before it says hard disk error | 12:46 |
Weam | tried several times now | 12:46 |
Weam | >.< | 12:46 |
marshcast | fignew - don't think i have anything against anything (unless it's corporate - then I do tend to get a bit asrsey...) | 12:46 |
fignew | wait, you want it to run? | 12:46 |
fignew | Bluetooth that is? | 12:47 |
fignew | hmm | 12:47 |
fignew | Weam: 1 sec | 12:47 |
jpiccolo | has anyone seen the ADAPTEC 2610SA | 12:47 |
marshcast | kkathman: me? i didn't install - but it's there - i dont want it on the machine as I'm never going to use it...also - btooth is just an example - i want to strip the system of all unused services/apps AND all their deps | 12:47 |
fignew | ncaller: apt-get source iputils-ping | 12:48 |
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fignew | marshcast: Debian is best for doing that | 12:48 |
marshcast | which is why the adept thing with 'remove one, remove all' seems a bit odd | 12:48 |
kkathman | marshcast: As I said earlier, each of those are in one of the boot directories. You just need to find which ones you want to get rid of and move them elsewhere I reckon | 12:49 |
marshcast | fignew: Hhhmmm.. but i a bit noob for Debian | 12:49 |
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fignew | agreed with kkathman, look in /etc/init.d | 12:49 |
marshcast | kkathman: that's the only way - - seems dangerous :/ | 12:49 |
marshcast | fignew: kkathman, and deosn't get shot of the libraries/apps from my hdd :( - that mean it's not possible except by hand? | 12:50 |
kkathman | ahhh thats the directory...thanx fignew :) | 12:50 |
fignew | yes, but if you're careful, you won't have problems... but if you do, boot up with a liveCD, mount the HD, and fix what you messed up... | 12:50 |
kkathman | I had forgotten | 12:50 |
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fignew | marshcast: the files will still be there, they just won't be run at bootup | 12:51 |
fignew | so all the BT stuff will still be taking up space | 12:51 |
fignew | but boottimes will be faster | 12:51 |
kkathman | marshcast: it takes a little leg work to work through each of the modules to know which one does what, but then you simply remove that one from the directory, then the boot process doesnt process it.. its quite safe, unless you remove something you didnt want to...all you need to do is put it back tho | 12:52 |
fignew | Weam: Looks like it's failing before it ever gets to the point I'm thinking of | 12:52 |
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marshcast | Hhhhmmm... was trying to get the machine sorted quick to have minimal access to things and get it into someone elses house with just browser/openoffice & amarok. that's not going to happen with kde, is it...? | 12:52 |
Weam | yup, seems so | 12:52 |
fignew | Weam: you have a few options though, you could setup grub to boot from a floppy | 12:52 |
fignew | or thumbdrive (assuming the BIOS supports USB booting) | 12:52 |
Weam | hm | 12:53 |
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fignew | marshcast: try Xubuntu | 12:53 |
fignew | still very easy to use | 12:53 |
ncaller | fignew: I had to install dpkg-dev as well, but that worked, awesome and thanks | 12:53 |
fignew | :) | 12:54 |
Weam | how do u mean with floppy? that i should dl like an BOOT-floppydisk for kubuntu or something? do i need it every time then etc? | 12:54 |
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fignew | yes, you would need it everytime | 12:54 |
marshcast | yeah - i just come from Xubuntu. wanted to make it easy for them to use, which kde offers in a greater degree for noobs... | 12:55 |
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marshcast | but that could be the answer, eh | 12:55 |
fignew | keep everything then | 12:56 |
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fignew | just imagine if they bought a Bluetooth adaptor for their phone and it didn't work! | 12:56 |
Weam | think i got a floppy laying around somewhere. is it hard setting up grub to boot on it if i would choose to do it like this? | 12:56 |
fignew | Weam: never done it | 12:56 |
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Weam | :< | 12:56 |
fignew | I know you can do it though | 12:56 |
fignew | there's an app called grub-floppy | 12:57 |
fignew | prob. makes it pretty easy! | 12:57 |
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RealisticDragon | now thats a name that didnt get thought through :) | 12:57 |
fignew | :P | 12:57 |
Weam | guess its time to google some to check it out | 12:57 |
vado | Re | 12:57 |
fignew | Weam: I would prob. reinstall Kubuntu | 12:57 |
RealisticDragon | is there a kubuntu ppc (or powerbook) channel on freenode? :o | 12:58 |
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Weam | i've reinstalled kubuntu 6.10 twice, thought it was something wrong with the iso so burned and installed kubuntu 6.06 three times | 12:58 |
Weam | same error every time | 12:58 |
Weam | even followed a pictureguide | 12:58 |
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Weam | tho its not hard at all installing kubuntu | 12:58 |
Weam | i did it to be sure | 12:59 |
Weam | so it has nothing to do with kubuntu-install | 12:59 |
fignew | no | 12:59 |
RealisticDragon | what was the error Weam? :o | 12:59 |
fignew | just reinstall because you messed with lilo | 12:59 |
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Weam | oh | 12:59 |
Weam | ye | 12:59 |
Weam | but still, need to figure out the grub-floppy thing first | 12:59 |
fignew | RealisticDragon: | 12:59 |
fignew | that pretty much sums it up :P | 01:00 |
Weam | yup, kinda | 01:00 |
RealisticDragon | woo, thats fun :) | 01:00 |
fignew | BIOS RAID conflicting with GRUB, no off switch for RAID = trouble | 01:01 |
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fignew | strange thing though is I had BIOS RAID turned on on (whee) my home computer... no problems | 01:02 |
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RealisticDragon | the strangest things can mess stuff up | 01:02 |
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RealisticDragon | my powerbook does suspend/resume on lid close *perfectly*... as long as it's connected to a WPA network... WEP kills it dead one time in 20... god knows whats the root cause of that | 01:03 |
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fignew | you can fix that | 01:04 |
RealisticDragon | script to unload the wireless driver on suspend? | 01:04 |
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fignew | yes | 01:05 |
fignew | but start with simple | 01:05 |
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RealisticDragon | simple? | 01:06 |
fignew | do you have knetworkmanager installed? | 01:06 |
RealisticDragon | yes but it doesnt work for PPC, i need to use wifi-radar (at best, or CLI) for WEP and cli for WPA stuff | 01:06 |
fignew | DOH! | 01:07 |
RealisticDragon | its a broadcom airport card, bcm43xx drivers | 01:07 |
RealisticDragon | hey, at least it works :D its a disctinct improvement | 01:07 |
oslo | does someone here has already success to use gmailfs ?? | 01:08 |
RealisticDragon | not tried it :) sounds interesting though, got a link? | 01:09 |
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fignew | RealisticDragon: have you looked under /etc/network/ | 01:10 |
fignew | ? | 01:10 |
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RealisticDragon | ah ha, interesting - the pre-down.d (etc) stuff? | 01:11 |
RealisticDragon | that would probably work nicely | 01:11 |
RealisticDragon | does suspend automatically up/down the interface? or will i need a "disconnect from network" link on the desktop | 01:11 |
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fignew | I have written a little script that connects/disconnects me from my school network | 01:15 |
ingo | ay | 01:16 |
fignew | with a link on my 'top | 01:16 |
fignew | so let's see here | 01:16 |
RealisticDragon | ifdown eth1 && modprobe -r bcm43xx | 01:16 |
RealisticDragon | :) | 01:16 |
fignew | bringing it up though is a bit more work | 01:17 |
fignew | at least for me :P | 01:17 |
RealisticDragon | heh | 01:17 |
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RealisticDragon | mostly a pest with changing networks | 01:17 |
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fignew | Hidden network, WEP (no big deal, right?... wrong: thousands of MAC addresses), and a login captive portal. | 01:17 |
eilker | how can i define a shortcut, to not write "sudo apt-get install" evertime ? is it possible ? | 01:18 |
RealisticDragon | i should probably cache some information about the network and then check on resume with iwlist eth1 scan to see whats present before bringing the network back conditionally | 01:18 |
ingo | eilker: alias | 01:18 |
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eilker | !alias | 01:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alias - try searching on | 01:18 |
ingo | define it in your bashrc | 01:18 |
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eilker | ingo: bashrc? u mean shell scripting ? | 01:18 |
fignew | alias ls='ls --color=auto' <--- Enabled by default | 01:18 |
LjL | eilker, alias is a shell command. type "help alias" | 01:19 |
chupie | i got one of those free kubuntu cd's, popped it in the cdrom drive.. and when it goes to boot, i get a kernel panic.. | 01:19 |
chupie | its version 6.06 LTS 64bit | 01:19 |
RealisticDragon | doesnt knetworkmanager handle that for you fignew? otherwise nm-applet will work in kde if you need it badly, or wifi-radar (which is a bit less elegant) | 01:19 |
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RealisticDragon | chupie: how old is your machine? | 01:20 |
fignew | RealisticDragon: it would (and I wish it did) except, I would have to add each AP's mac address | 01:20 |
sithergean | us | 01:20 |
chupie | about a year | 01:20 |
RealisticDragon | do you know what kind of processor it has? you might just need a different version of the disk | 01:20 |
fignew | it aliases the WEP key with the AP's mac address (not SSID) | 01:21 |
chupie | its a Athlon 64 3000+ | 01:21 |
fignew | what happens right before the kernel panic? | 01:21 |
RealisticDragon | sorry chupie, thought id start with the obvious ;) theres nothing wrong with that | 01:21 |
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chupie | well its right at the boot screen, asking me what i want to do, i choose start.. and then it goes to load the kernel.. and then i get a screen full of crap i have no idea what it is.. and at the bottom it says kernel panic | 01:22 |
chupie | tried to kill init | 01:22 |
chupie | or something of that sort | 01:22 |
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eilker | LjL: is it correct ?// alias -p test=sudo apt-get install | 01:23 |
fignew | does shift+pageup scroll up? | 01:23 |
LjL | eilker: why -p? | 01:23 |
chupie | i dunno, i'll have to reboot and check | 01:23 |
RealisticDragon | did you check the CD was ok? | 01:23 |
chupie | no, i can also do that | 01:23 |
LjL | and i think you need quotation marks after the = i think, eilker | 01:23 |
LjL | alias test="sudo apt-get install" | 01:24 |
RealisticDragon | might be worth a check in case its a bad disk :o | 01:24 |
chupie | well i just got it and took it out of the mailing envelope | 01:24 |
chupie | kk | 01:24 |
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fignew | good point RealisticDragon | 01:24 |
chupie | be back in a few | 01:24 |
thedevilsjester | Does anyone know a good way to (in C++) execute a program from within your program, not using any forks or calls that stop execution of the calling app (I need this for launching a browser from within my app) | 01:24 |
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lupine_85 | thedevilsjester: execv() ? | 01:25 |
thedevilsjester | doesnt work like I need it to | 01:25 |
thedevilsjester | with that I have to harvest zombie proccesses of the called app | 01:25 |
thedevilsjester | atleast in all my experiances with it | 01:26 |
eilker | LjL: got it, thank you | 01:26 |
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eilker | fignew: what does this do / ls='ls --color=auto' / ? what does it mean ? ls is ls, so why do we have color and auto etc..? what does color do ? is it for colors when we type "ls" ? | 01:29 |
chupie | well.. | 01:29 |
RealisticDragon | any luck chupie? | 01:29 |
chupie | i get a kernel panic trying that | 01:29 |
RealisticDragon | the media check? | 01:29 |
chupie | what it says is, kernel panic - not syncing | 01:29 |
chupie | yeah | 01:29 |
jontec | hey guys... I've asked this in #rubyonrails and #apache... here we go: for fastcgi, this article tell me to add -D FASTCGI to APACHE2_OPTS in /etc/conf.d/apache2, however, I have fcgid installed... what do I add? However, I will note that these directions were written for gentoo... and I am on kubuntu and in the conf.d folder, I already have a fcgid.conf file. | 01:29 |
chupie | and when its doing that.. my cdrom is making a weird noise | 01:29 |
RealisticDragon | im going to go with a media fault then, if the drive works fine in windows :) | 01:30 |
chupie | not in windows | 01:30 |
chupie | but yeah it works fine | 01:30 |
fignew | I'm not sure... I typed in alias then <TAB> a few times and that popped up... I suppose it makes the file listings colorful | 01:31 |
=== eilker is so happy, found "linux timeline" | ||
dettoaltrimenti | hey- I can't seem to get swf files (flash) to play in konqueror... any suggestions? | 01:31 |
fignew | jontec: if you're gonna run fastcgi, use lighttpd | 01:31 |
fignew | :P | 01:31 |
RealisticDragon | i dont have aa copy of the md5sum handy for the 64 bit CD im afraid to check it :/ | 01:31 |
chupie | i've noticed this pc though is very picky on *nix's... i'm running FreeBSD atm.. which is so far the only thing i have been able to run on it | 01:31 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: do they play in firefox? | 01:31 |
dettoaltrimenti | fignew: no | 01:32 |
jontec | fignew: I'm limited... it's not my choice. I'm using apache2 | 01:32 |
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dettoaltrimenti | fignew: although I have downloaded numerous packages that claim to give flash support for mozilla | 01:32 |
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chupie | should i try downloading the iso? and trying it? | 01:32 |
eilker | fignew: i see, thanx anyway | 01:32 |
fignew | eilker: what's linux timeline? | 01:32 |
fignew | chupie: yea, redownload perhaps with wget? | 01:33 |
RealisticDragon | if even the media check wont run i would try it chupie, it depends - maybe not if you are on dialup or metered, then id try and get someone to give you a md5sum to check the current disk against | 01:33 |
eilker | friends you should see this, | 01:33 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: do you want flash 7 or flash 9 (beta)? | 01:33 |
eilker | fignew: see the link pls, history of linux distro's | 01:33 |
chupie | kk, redownload | 01:33 |
RealisticDragon | flash 9 works pretty well, its in non-free backports right? | 01:34 |
dettoaltrimenti | fignew: flash 7, if it works on youtube- that's about all I use flash for | 01:34 |
RealisticDragon | youtube works with 7 or 9 :) | 01:34 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: yes, 7 or 9, but most other videosites require 9 (for some odd reason) | 01:34 |
BluesKaj | flashn9 is buggy , had replace it with 7 | 01:34 |
dettoaltrimenti | fignew: hell ok, 9 | 01:34 |
RealisticDragon | they improved the video codecs in 8 i think fignew | 01:34 |
RealisticDragon | but there was no release 8 for linux | 01:35 |
chupie | also.. should i just go w/ i386 | 01:35 |
fignew | chupie: what connection you on? | 01:35 |
chupie | also.. should i just go w/ i386? | 01:35 |
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chupie | cable | 01:35 |
chupie | 6mbit | 01:35 |
larson9999 | 9 + bugs = 7 + websites that don't work with 7 | 01:35 |
RealisticDragon | chupie: i have an amd64 machine running i386 for now | 01:35 |
=== fignew runs 9... no problems | ||
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dettoaltrimenti | I write down whenever anyone tells me how to do something, because usually linux ends up getting messed up and I have to reinstall | 01:35 |
larson9999 | 9 + bugs > 7 + websites that don't work with 7 | 01:35 |
RealisticDragon | it makes some things easier (for now) like browser plugins... 64bit gets easier all the time | 01:35 |
fignew | same, running i386 on my AMD64 | 01:35 |
otaku-san | anyone a kxdocker user here? | 01:35 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: ok 1 sec | 01:36 |
chupie | i dunno.. i've just so far used 64bit on this pc, xp 64, bsd 64.. etc.. not too much of a drop in performance? if any? | 01:36 |
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RealisticDragon | none i think | 01:36 |
chupie | 18 minutes to download | 01:37 |
=== chupie sits patiently | ||
=== fignew can download ubuntu images at 100mbits/s | ||
fignew | HAR | 01:37 |
chupie | lol | 01:37 |
chupie | that would be nice | 01:38 |
=== fignew hugs college Linux mirror | ||
chupie | ahh | 01:38 |
RealisticDragon | im in mexico at the moment... broadband here is two men shouting 0111001 at each other ;) (20k/sec on DSL) | 01:38 |
chupie | LMFAO | 01:38 |
chupie | nice... | 01:38 |
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RealisticDragon | hence no WPA, the (monopoly) phone company supplies all the DSL routers | 01:39 |
RealisticDragon | anyway chupie i was planning to give 64 bit kubuntu another go at around 7.10 since my workstation will probably be happy with 6.06 until then :) | 01:39 |
fignew | technically everything is 100mbit for me... but no servers are fast enough :/ | 01:40 |
chupie | ah, icic | 01:40 |
dettoaltrimenti | unlimited bandwidth doesn't exist! | 01:40 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: | 01:40 |
RealisticDragon | fignew: was ever thus, even my 10mbit service at college used to overwhelm servers no problems | 01:41 |
jpiccolo | !software raid | 01:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about software raid - try searching on | 01:41 |
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fignew | !swraid | 01:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about swraid - try searching on | 01:41 |
dettoaltrimenti | fignew: thanks | 01:41 |
jpiccolo | where would i find system requirements for software raid? | 01:41 |
fignew | there's one extra step though | 01:41 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: at the end, open up Konq. go to prefrences, and search for plugins | 01:42 |
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RealisticDragon | jpiccolo: | 01:42 |
eilker | hey people lets say / alias df="sudo apt-get install" / what happens when i write "df ":D | 01:42 |
RealisticDragon | oops, sorry, bad link :o | 01:42 |
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RealisticDragon | | 01:43 |
_kuja_ | eilker, exactly what you think it'd do | 01:43 |
fignew | it would run apt-get install :/ | 01:43 |
fignew | :P | 01:43 |
eilker | _kuja_: df is another command too....will df command be lost ? | 01:44 |
eilker | :D | 01:44 |
Red-Sox | How do I make the time 12-hour? | 01:44 |
_kuja_ | alias is temporary, it only lasts until you close the terminal. | 01:44 |
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_kuja_ | you wouldn't be able to use df until you changed it | 01:44 |
fignew | Red-Sox: right-click | 01:44 |
_kuja_ | I do that with install, a command I never use .... alias install="sudo apt-get install" | 01:44 |
fignew | on the time | 01:44 |
_kuja_ | Only I put it in my bash profile ... | 01:44 |
eilker | _kuja_: is alias temporary ?? but i need it permanantly.... | 01:45 |
Red-Sox | fignew: uh-huh? | 01:45 |
eilker | _kuja_: possible ? | 01:45 |
_kuja_ | eilker, put in your ~/.bash_profile | 01:45 |
fignew | 1 sec | 01:45 |
Jucato | er. it's recommended to put it in .bash_aliases | 01:45 |
Red-Sox | kk | 01:45 |
fignew | Date & Time format | 01:45 |
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notech | rewrite df to an install command? how odd | 01:46 |
dettoaltrimenti | fignew: sorry to be a pain, but that made flash work in firefox. Can I make flash work in konqueror? | 01:46 |
RealisticDragon | dont suppose anyone knows how to bind (key)-left click to be right click do they? stupid powerbooks | 01:46 |
_kuja_ | jucato, makes not a lot of differnece, but you have to switch on the use of .bash_aliases in the profile if I rmeember right | 01:46 |
fignew | then Times & Date | 01:46 |
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Jucato | _kuja_: yes. but bash itself "recommends" putting in .bash_aliases,that's why it has that part | 01:46 |
Jucato | RealisticDragon: switch the mouse buttons? | 01:46 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: I told you :P --- dettoaltrimenti: at the end, open up Konq. go to prefrences, and search for plugins | 01:46 |
eilker | jucato: where is " .bash_aliases" . i cant find its place by locate command | 01:47 |
RealisticDragon | Jucato: need to use the left button as well most of the time ;) but theres only one button on the machine | 01:47 |
Jucato | oh... | 01:47 |
Jucato | eilker: ~/.bash_aliases | 01:47 |
Jucato | eilker: scroll down to the Aliases part | 01:47 |
Red-Sox | Now how do I restart the kicker? | 01:48 |
fignew | login | 01:48 |
fignew | ermm logout | 01:48 |
_kuja_ | type in kicker and hit enter | 01:48 |
Jucato | no | 01:48 |
Jucato | Alt+F2, "dcop kicker kicker restart" | 01:48 |
_kuja_ | if it's already running that killall kicker first | 01:48 |
DaveQB | Red-Sox dcop kicker kicker restart | 01:48 |
dettoaltrimenti | oh sorry fignew | 01:48 |
DaveQB | beat me! damn | 01:48 |
DaveQB | :) | 01:48 |
Red-Sox | cool :) | 01:48 |
jpiccolo | RealisticDragon, thanks for the links but thats not really what i am looking for, i want to know what kind of cpu and ram requirements are needed for different raid sizes (say 2terabytes) and raid level say raid 5 | 01:48 |
_kuja_ | I swear my fingers are dyslexic anymore | 01:48 |
Red-Sox | thanks guys | 01:48 |
RealisticDragon | ah sorry jpiccolo | 01:49 |
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jpiccolo | no prob | 01:49 |
fignew | jpiccolo: none really | 01:50 |
fignew | as long as it's not ancient | 01:50 |
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eilker | jucato: is it correct ~/. = /home/user/. | 01:50 |
fignew | it should be able to handle it | 01:50 |
Jucato | eilker: yes. actually you type in ~ and the system will understand it | 01:50 |
jpiccolo | say a 1.4 althon and 512 ram | 01:50 |
fignew | also, pay attention to the Filesystem, Ext3 might not be the best choice for a 2TB RAID | 01:50 |
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fignew | no problem | 01:51 |
jpiccolo | would be able to handle a 6 disk raid 5 array? | 01:51 |
shadowmob | hello everyone | 01:51 |
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_kuja_ | hi there | 01:51 |
shadowmob | I am in need of some help. | 01:51 |
boris`` | what does ubuntu mean? | 01:51 |
_pragma | shadowmob: how can I help you? | 01:51 |
goldfish | boris``: "Unable to install gentoo." | 01:51 |
fignew | jpiccolo: I don't see why not | 01:51 |
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boris`` | LAWLAWL | 01:51 |
goldfish | boris``: in african | 01:51 |
jpiccolo | oh ok sweet | 01:51 |
_pragma | goldfish: i find you offensive | 01:51 |
shadowmob | I just installed Kubuntu and I am trying to get it to work the way I want it to | 01:51 |
=== eilker learnt very interesting thing ~ redirects to /home/user | ||
fignew | as long as you have enough plugs :P | 01:52 |
goldfish | _pragma: I find you black gold. | 01:52 |
=== _pragma curtseys. | ||
jpiccolo | yeah, well i was looking at that | 01:52 |
_pragma | shadowmob: HOW MAY I HELP YOU?! | 01:52 |
goldfish | Ah man. | 01:52 |
RealisticDragon | what do you need help with shadowmob? :) | 01:52 |
_kuja_ | eilker: $HOME does too. | 01:52 |
goldfish | This is bad. | 01:52 |
shadowmob | I have an intel core duo processor and an ATI x1400 | 01:52 |
_pragma | shadowmob: if you can't be courteous enough to provide an answer, I will refuse to help you. | 01:52 |
Jucato | although ~ is easier to type than $HOME :) | 01:52 |
shadowmob | I am trying to get it to run at full cpu frequency | 01:52 |
_pragma | shadowmob: i see. | 01:52 |
Jucato | boris``: | 01:52 |
shadowmob | it is only running at about half | 01:52 |
_pragma | shadowmob: ah, only half. hmm. | 01:53 |
_pragma | shadowmob: i've had some experience with this | 01:53 |
RealisticDragon | the CPU should change on it's own depending on what you are doing shadowmob | 01:53 |
boris`` | Jucato: what?! this is offensive! | 01:53 |
fignew | goldfish: that translation is only applicable for one dialect: more commonly ubuntu means "cant be bothered with a system that is broken half of the time" | 01:53 |
_pragma | RealisticDragon: leave my noob alone | 01:53 |
jpiccolo | fignew, i was thinking about 2 of these | 01:53 |
RealisticDragon | my laptop runs at half frequency unless im doing a lot of stuff | 01:53 |
goldfish | eilker: If you're using 'cd ~' , 'cd' will do the same thing. | 01:53 |
_pragma | shadowmob: i know how to help you | 01:53 |
shadowmob | Well when I am running on battery power I'd like it to run at full cpu frequency | 01:53 |
boris`` | Jucato: that site claims to distribute "nigger porn" | 01:53 |
goldfish | fignew: Ignore me, that was just for boris``. | 01:53 |
_pragma | RealisticDragon: you're running on half frequency | 01:53 |
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_pragma | RealisticDragon: shadowmob wants to run at full frequency | 01:53 |
boris`` | Jucato: i am black, you are offensive! | 01:53 |
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_pragma | RealisticDragon: i will help the noob if you will silence yourself | 01:53 |
_pragma | Jucato: are you offending black people? | 01:54 |
RealisticDragon | gtg, see you alter : | 01:54 |
_pragma | shadowmob: anyway, like I was saying ... | 01:54 |
_pragma | shadowmob: what you need to do first is ignore RealisticDragon | 01:54 |
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_pragma | shadowmob: we do this like this: /ignore RealisticDragon | 01:54 |
Jucato | boris``, _pragma: prove your accusations | 01:54 |
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shadowmob | Done | 01:55 |
eilker | goldfish: i knew cd ~ before, but just learnt ~ redirects to /home/user in konqueror | 01:55 |
fignew | jpiccolo: looks ok (I suppose)... Do note, the easiest way to install a software raid is with the Alternative Install disk! | 01:55 |
_pragma | shadowmob: perfect | 01:55 |
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dettoaltrimenti | can you open .doc files in konqueror? | 01:56 |
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jpiccolo | fignew, would it be better to install the os on the raid or have a seperate hd for the os | 01:56 |
Jucato | apokryphos: thanks btw :) | 01:56 |
jpiccolo | fignew, this is going to be just a fileserver | 01:57 |
fignew | dettoaltrimenti: yes, I believe you can if you install koffice... | 01:57 |
Jucato | dettoaltrimenti: not in Konqueror, but in | 01:57 |
Jucato | of course, if you have KOffice/KWord install, you can "preview" them in Konqueror | 01:57 |
apokryphos | Jucato: np, he was being a lot worse in #suse :O | 01:57 |
fignew | seperate HD for OS is always best! | 01:57 |
Jucato | apokryphos: oh so he was spamming a lot, eh? good thing he didn't do that in #kde :P | 01:58 |
jpiccolo | and if the seperate hd that the os is on dies, i would beable to get my software raided file system back? | 01:58 |
apokryphos | it was? | 01:58 |
dettoaltrimenti | ok | 01:58 |
fignew | Jucato: with Koffice, KIO will only let you preview... not edit? | 01:58 |
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robomoore | !pebkac | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pebkac - try searching on | 01:59 |
robomoore | sure you don't >.> | 01:59 |
fignew | jpiccolo: yes | 01:59 |
Jucato | fignew: yes. read only. but it's not handled by KIO, btw | 01:59 |
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fignew | really? | 01:59 |
fignew | Jucato: what handles it then? | 01:59 |
Jucato | KParts | 02:00 |
Jucato | embedded viewers are handled by KPart (except tar:/ afaik) | 02:00 |
fignew | jpiccolo: if this is a mission critical File Server I would get hardware RAID though | 02:00 |
chupie | well, time to try the new iso | 02:00 |
chupie | brb | 02:00 |
fignew | ohhh | 02:00 |
fignew | ok | 02:00 |
_kuja_ | RAID and I never got along :( | 02:00 |
jpiccolo | fignew, well this is just going to be a fileserver to get the junk off my hd | 02:01 |
jpiccolo | personal use | 02:02 |
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jpiccolo | i am building a different one for my dads shop right now, thats only going to be a raid 1 though | 02:02 |
fignew | wow, you have alot of junk :P | 02:02 |
fignew | mirroring is always good :) | 02:03 |
jpiccolo | i am trying to wait till the 1T drives come out so it will drive the prices down on all the others | 02:03 |
jpiccolo | plus i want to do it, and i want to make it worth my while | 02:04 |
jpiccolo | wow, gentoo takes awhile to install, well i should say compile | 02:05 |
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jpiccolo | yeah i guess that would be about 5 levels of back up | 02:07 |
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fignew | meh, I've tried gentoo three times... each time I tried to install... compile errors. | 02:09 |
robomoore | !twinview | 02:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about twinview - try searching on | 02:09 |
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jpiccolo | 66 out of 360 so far | 02:11 |
jpiccolo | gentoo is the only one that reconigized the network card | 02:11 |
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kilrae | ! i got beryl working | 02:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i got beryl working - try searching on | 02:13 |
kilrae | quiet you | 02:13 |
fignew | lol :P | 02:13 |
oslo | kilrae> welcome | 02:13 |
kilrae | silly bot | 02:14 |
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kilrae | hehe, everything is wiggly | 02:14 |
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=== fignew did the whold XGL / aiglx thing when it first came out | ||
kilrae | this is so going to improve my efficiency | 02:14 |
fignew | LOL! | 02:14 |
kilrae | i keep moving windows just for fun | 02:15 |
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Furesho | anybody here know how to use unace? i can't seem to get the friggin command to work. i typed unace -ex filename.ace but i get a message on how to use it properly. | 02:15 |
kilrae | reminds me of when i got 3.1 | 02:15 |
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fignew | damnit jpiccolo, I feel like installing gentoo now | 02:17 |
jpiccolo | haha, sorry | 02:17 |
fignew | luckily for me, though, I have no computer to install it on | 02:17 |
jpiccolo | i have a brand new one | 02:18 |
_kuja_ | One plus for beryl I say, is that moving windows no longer takes 50% cpu usage :) | 02:18 |
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jpiccolo | well, new in the sense the motherboard came yesterday | 02:18 |
arrenlex | fignew: Life is too short to run gentoo. | 02:18 |
jpiccolo | and its the first micro atx board i have messed with | 02:18 |
deegrayve | hey yall | 02:18 |
fignew | lol arrenlex | 02:19 |
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fignew | kilrae: did you use Aquamarine | 02:20 |
fignew | ? | 02:20 |
kilrae | i guess not | 02:20 |
kilrae | xgl and beryl | 02:20 |
kilrae | i've read the name, but i don't know what aquamarine is | 02:20 |
_kuja_ | I think aquamarine is a window decorator that uses kwin-style window decorations ...... if I remember right | 02:22 |
fignew | yes | 02:22 |
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Red-Sox | _OKAY_ now I need to get my songs off my iPod | 02:22 |
kilrae | i just got it working a few minutes ago, still using the standard decorator | 02:22 |
kilrae | i should to be studying for my metalogic exam on thursday | 02:23 |
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labadli | Hi every one. | 02:23 |
labadli | How are u today?? | 02:23 |
_kuja_ | fignew, where would one get aquamarine anyway ... I just set up beryl a few days ago, and I miss the plastik windec already ... | 02:23 |
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kilrae | plastik? it's a crystal world | 02:24 |
jpiccolo | can amarok play a .pls | 02:24 |
fannagoganna | yes | 02:25 |
labadli | yes | 02:25 |
fannagoganna | amarok is pretty god-damn versatile | 02:25 |
labadli | can amarok play wma??? | 02:25 |
jpiccolo | just open the address as a stream | 02:25 |
jpiccolo | ? | 02:25 |
arrenlex | The real question is, can amarok cure cancer? | 02:25 |
fignew | labadli: if you have the wma codec :P | 02:25 |
fignew | arrenlex: ear cancer, yes | 02:26 |
jpiccolo | oh i got it | 02:26 |
jpiccolo | sweet | 02:26 |
labadli | can i have it in internet?? | 02:26 |
fignew | hmm? | 02:26 |
fignew | _kuja_: I was just wondering if you had it installed, I'm interested in it | 02:27 |
larson9999 | if you have the cancer codec | 02:27 |
larson9999 | i think that's closed source | 02:27 |
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fignew | just checked, w32codecs does NOT have it :( | 02:28 |
fignew | ;)_ | 02:28 |
chupie | well so far the live cd is working.. but the installation has froze @ 60% trying to load the usb storage module | 02:28 |
chupie | heh | 02:28 |
fignew | wow chupie, so it was the CD? | 02:29 |
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fignew | chupie: do you use USB? | 02:29 |
chupie | only for my mouse | 02:30 |
chupie | which.. didn't work on boot, so i had to search for a ps/2 mouse | 02:30 |
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chupie | hmm... i hear hard drive activity but.. its been @ 60% for a while... | 02:31 |
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fignew | give it a few more minutes | 02:32 |
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fignew | then reboot, and append the bootoption nousb to the boot options | 02:32 |
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chupie | k | 02:32 |
chupie | kubuntu is based on debian right? | 02:33 |
fignew | also, try checking the virtual terminals for debug output | 02:33 |
fignew | yes, debian based | 02:33 |
chupie | yay, apt-get | 02:33 |
chupie | lol | 02:33 |
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arrenlex | chupie: Or you could have just entered "apt-get" in the terminal to see what happens. =P | 02:34 |
fignew | :P | 02:34 |
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madzia | yo | 02:35 |
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fignew | yoyoyo | 02:35 |
arrenlex | Bling. | 02:36 |
madzia | :D | 02:36 |
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chupie | ugh... gonna reboot in a few minutes | 02:37 |
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Jucato | reboot? | 02:40 |
arrenlex | Jucato: You know, that thing which resets your uptime. | 02:41 |
chupie | currently trying to install | 02:41 |
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Jucato | oooh... never heard of it till now. :) | 02:41 |
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Necros | hey php-freak_ | 02:42 |
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php-freak_ | necros: yes? | 02:44 |
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Necros | did you get your setup working? | 02:45 |
larson9999 | arrenlex: viagra? | 02:45 |
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arrenlex | larson9999: ...where did that come from? o_O | 02:46 |
php-freak_ | Necros: most certainly, got everthing working on Kubuntu, just working a shopping cart for a client. | 02:46 |
larson9999 | arrenlex: resetting your uptime | 02:46 |
php-freak_ | custom programming job, and then I need to get back to my scooter website. | 02:46 |
Necros | cool | 02:46 |
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larson9999 | arrenlex: wrong channel. sorry for the bad joke | 02:46 |
Necros | I had to go to a concert.. | 02:46 |
php-freak_ | Necros: you wouldn't know any where to find a good article writers? I need some india submitted to articles sites | 02:47 |
php-freak_ | I'm into seo, but have too much time with what im doing now, and i need to pay someone to do my submissions for me, and directory submissions | 02:47 |
lrentz | What is better to use for beryl XGL or AIGLX? | 02:47 |
Necros | 'Fraid not | 02:47 |
php-freak_ | hmmm | 02:47 |
php-freak_ | You know much seo/php? | 02:48 |
php-freak_ | sql? | 02:48 |
Necros | nope | 02:48 |
Necros | I'm a pure C++ kind of guy | 02:48 |
Necros | never worked with databases and the like | 02:48 |
novo | Anyone know how to unset my wireless channel on my card using iwconfig? I set it to a specific channel but now I dont want it locked on a channel | 02:48 |
php-freak_ | Necros: do it for a living? | 02:48 |
_kuja_ | lrentz, AIGLX works very well. | 02:48 |
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Necros | php-freak_: I sometimes contribute to various projects. I burn out when I work to long on code. I did rank first place in my state during high school.... | 02:49 |
lrentz | What is the difference between the two? | 02:49 |
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php-freak_ | Necros: what do you do for a living them? You should at least write software, and sale it? | 02:49 |
Koshtan | hi wirld.. :) | 02:49 |
Necros | php-freak_ I'm going into the Marine Corps this summer, until then I'm just bumming around | 02:50 |
php-freak_ | I see | 02:50 |
php-freak_ | Necros: well Hey i need to get back to work | 02:50 |
php-freak_ | ttyl | 02:50 |
_kuja_ | probalbly has an answer, lrentz | 02:50 |
arrenlex | Necros: Iraq a hot destination this time of year? | 02:50 |
Necros | yep | 02:50 |
php-freak_ | getting paid 30 bucks an hour lol | 02:50 |
php-freak_ | take it easy | 02:50 |
Necros | arrenlex: Eh, its alright | 02:50 |
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lrentz | _kuja_, Thanks for the info. AIGLX works well for you. Are you using it on a laptop? | 02:51 |
_kuja_ | No, desktop, with the Nvidia 9631 drivers. | 02:51 |
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Necros | Can you run AIGLX on a legacy-glx card? | 02:52 |
_kuja_ | Which card? | 02:53 |
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larson9999 | if i run all of these fancy new graphics thingies, does it make my desktop slower? | 02:53 |
Necros | Riva TNT2 | 02:53 |
_kuja_ | larson9999: shouldn't, it offloads the majority of the work to the graphics card, it actually speeds things up for me :) | 02:54 |
larson9999 | _kuja_: you're just saying that to get me to try it. | 02:55 |
larson9999 | _kuja_: like that crack dealer on the corner always wanting to give me a freebie | 02:55 |
flaccid | !logitech | 02:55 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about logitech - try searching on | 02:56 |
_kuja_ | No, I'm serious, lets say I move a window, before, CPU usage jumped to about 50% or so, not it doesn't go higher than about 5% | 02:56 |
MarcC | what do I do when KDE locks up? I can move my mouse but I can't use it. | 02:56 |
Necros | _kuja_: Do you know if a Riva TNT2 will run it? | 02:56 |
_kuja_ | MarcC: ctrl + alt + backspace might kill X for you, or you can hope it will. | 02:56 |
_kuja_ | Necros: not sure | 02:57 |
Jucato | _kuja_: it will, if the keyboard still responds | 02:57 |
MarcC | so there's no KDE-centric way, just killing x, eh? | 02:57 |
_kuja_ | Jucato: which is why I said might. | 02:57 |
Jucato | MarcC: no. because X isn't a KDE app/server | 02:57 |
MarcC | ok, thanks | 02:57 |
MarcC | will try that :) | 02:57 |
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MarcC | and how do I restart the kicker, btw? | 02:58 |
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chupie | ok, try #2 | 02:58 |
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_kuja_ | necros, you said the card is a legacy card, by legacy are you also meaning old? If it's underpowered your experience with it probably wouldn't be too nice anyhow. | 02:58 |
arrenlex | legacy:hardware::retro:fads::golden:old people | 02:59 |
Jucato | MarcC: Alt+F2 (or in Konsole), type in "dcop kicker kicker restart" (without the quotes) | 03:00 |
Necros | I mean it uses the legacy nvidia driver | 03:00 |
Necros | I overclocked (considerably) and it runs games like Medal of Honor smoothly. I cant imagine a window manager being that demanding | 03:00 |
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_kuja_ | I can't either | 03:01 |
_kuja_ | I don't think the legacy nvidia drivers have aiglx support, but you may be able to run xgl instead, but it's not as good (in my experience) | 03:02 |
Necros | alright | 03:03 |
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MarcC | thanks Jucato | 03:07 |
Jucato | np :) | 03:08 |
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syntaxx | is there a shortcut keys to go to the next virtual desktop? | 03:12 |
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weswh- | firefox is a hole. i've had the same experience with it on xubuntu. i installed this system and have had it running for about 4 days...the first few my memory usage (after i got it all setup) and browsing the web with konqueror, was hanging around 250. (+/- buffers/cache). ever since i installed fox, it's been slowly creeping up, even though i haven't been opening more tabs or anything else. just had a couple of browser instances idle | 03:14 |
weswh- | i'm up to 376 megs used now, ff being the only thing different about what is running or in use | 03:15 |
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weswh- | i am also using ktorrent, and i have increased the load there a bit over the past few days as well - but it didn't seem to be growing much until ff. | 03:15 |
chupie | well good, got it installed | 03:15 |
chupie | ok.. i got one problem.. what is the defualt root password..? heh | 03:15 |
chupie | i noticed just as it got done installing.. it never asked me for one | 03:16 |
NamShub | chupie: theres none | 03:16 |
DaveQB | chupie there's njo root account | 03:16 |
chupie | oh.. | 03:16 |
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DaveQB | chupie use sudo | 03:16 |
chupie | well thats different | 03:16 |
weswh- | also, has anyone else noticed that konqueror is very slow to update it's idea of file permissions? when i chown stuff, ls -al will of course show the changes immediately. konqueror takes a certain series of closing it, doing a kdesu session, closing that, etc. before it will see the changes | 03:16 |
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DaveQB | chupie you can create a root account if you want or simply sydo su | 03:17 |
larson9999 | i guess i was lagging | 03:17 |
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weswh- | chupie - it's a security measure | 03:17 |
chupie | kk | 03:17 |
NamShub | chupie: why do you want a root account for? | 03:17 |
chupie | oh, i'm just used to using su | 03:17 |
larson9999 | at first i thought i needed to set a su pw. now i think the sudo way is better | 03:17 |
chupie | for apt-get etc | 03:17 |
NamShub | sudo -s :) | 03:17 |
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DaveQB | weswh- F5 seems to work for me in Konqueror | 03:18 |
weswh- | yeah, i prefer sudo now too. though i do sudo su - pretty often too | 03:18 |
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weswh- | DaveQB: yeah, i guess i just figured that going up a directory, and then back in would accomplish the same thing as F5. i suppose not. some kind of cache or whatever | 03:19 |
larson9999 | i got an offer for a permanent position... and it's for more money that i get for doing the same thing under contract. i'm not charging enough! | 03:19 |
larson9999 | same company, too. | 03:19 |
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weswh- | anyone use beagle? i know a while back it wasn't entirely would be nice if they had a tool like that, that would index the entire drive - not just certain types of files. like google desktop search for windows. | 03:20 |
larson9999 | weswh- beagle write? | 03:20 |
weswh- | larson9999: eh? | 03:20 |
larson9999 | weswh-: the program, beagle write. | 03:21 |
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weswh- | larson9999: it's the same as beagle but more expansive? | 03:22 |
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larson9999 | weswh-: nah, just teasing. beagle write was a program for the apple ii | 03:25 |
larson9999 | weswh-: word processor. | 03:25 |
campbch | eh? | 03:26 |
campbch | ok, this is really screwing me up | 03:26 |
campbch | an array | 03:26 |
campbch | is a pointer | 03:26 |
lrentz | What would no valid open pgp data found when trying to add pgp key | 03:27 |
campbch | if i have an array of arrays, that is the same thing as a 2d array | 03:27 |
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campbch | if i have an array of pointers, i should have a 2d array, without dealing too much with double pointers or 2d arrays | 03:27 |
campbch | now | 03:27 |
campbch | in memory | 03:27 |
campbch | i have 5 strings, all in formats[5] , and each is a char* | 03:28 |
campbch | i take one of those | 03:28 |
weswh- | larson9999: ah, never had an older apple :) | 03:28 |
campbch | and i can reference it like formats[1] [1] or formats[2] [1] etc, correct? | 03:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | #offtopic | 03:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | campbch: but you are correct | 03:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | err !offtopic | 03:29 |
campbch | hmm? | 03:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 03:29 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 03:29 |
campbch | what is | 03:29 |
campbch | oh | 03:29 |
campbch | my | 03:29 |
campbch | my channel changed :( | 03:29 |
campbch | apologies | 03:29 |
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dettoaltrimenti | do people get paid to stay in this chatroom all the time? | 03:31 |
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larson9999 | dettoaltrimenti: yeah. and all the girls digg them | 03:33 |
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=== kkathman notes that his check seems to be a little late | ||
|WAL| | I'm having troubles with USB drives (CDrom/iPOD) in Kubuntu LTS.. they don't seem to be detected upon plugin | 03:33 |
jontec | !supercow | 03:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about supercow - try searching on | 03:35 |
jontec | !moo | 03:35 |
dettoaltrimenti | how do I unpack a tar.gz file? | 03:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on | 03:35 |
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LjL | !tar | dettoaltrimenti | 03:35 |
ubotu | dettoaltrimenti: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see | 03:35 |
LjL | dettoaltrimenti: tar xf filename | 03:35 |
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dettoaltrimenti | oh so ark can do it all | 03:37 |
dettoaltrimenti | I'll learn how to do it in the terminal later | 03:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | dettoaltrimenti: the terminal is a lot better than GUI | 03:38 |
|WAL| | I'm having troubles with USB drives (CDrom/iPOD) in Kubuntu LTS.. they don't seem to be detected upon plugin | 03:38 |
dettoaltrimenti | why is the terminal better | 03:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | most users of *nix systems will agree (after) they use the systems for a while | 03:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | terminal can do most anything | 03:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | !repeat | |WAL| | 03:38 |
ubotu | |WAL|: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:38 |
dettoaltrimenti | why even use beryl, or xwindows then? | 03:39 |
LjL | i don't agree that the terminal is better. i think it's better for certain purposes, and i also think it's overused in Unix due to bad GUIs | 03:39 |
dettoaltrimenti | can I get onto irc chat in the terminal? | 03:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | dettoaltrimenti: irssi | 03:40 |
angasule | dettoaltrimenti: yes | 03:40 |
LjL | !info irssi | dettoaltrimenti | 03:40 |
ubotu | irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB | 03:40 |
Necros | terminal is much faster | 03:40 |
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Admiral_Chicago | !info w3m | dettoaltrimenti | 03:40 |
angasule | the terminal is different, better for some things, worse for others | 03:40 |
ubotu | w3m: WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support. In component main, is standard. Version 0.5.1-4ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1036 kB, installed size 1816 kB | 03:40 |
dettoaltrimenti | im going to ive that a try | 03:40 |
angasule | for example, the terminal sucks for detail editing of an image | 03:41 |
angasule | but for batch processing of images it's great | 03:41 |
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Admiral_Chicago | angasule: uhh some people swear only by vim or emacs | 03:41 |
flaccid | some people live in a fairy world | 03:41 |
angasule | for example, if you have a lot of black and white images, you can turn the white into transparent of hundreds of images with a single command (I had to do this once, actually) | 03:41 |
LjL | angasule: wait, if i really want *detail* editing, i find using hex codes easier than pointing my shaky mouse to the right pixel with my shaky hand :P | 03:41 |
flaccid | of their own | 03:41 |
angasule | Admiral_Chicago: I'm a vim user, actually :) | 03:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | hahah, that's true | 03:42 |
angasule | LjL: hahahaha | 03:42 |
angasule | I did draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex pixel by pixel, once | 03:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | zomglolwth | 03:42 |
angasule | and I would use a hex editor to create my own images when coding an image loader | 03:42 |
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flaccid | sounds like you got way too much time on your hands :) | 03:42 |
angasule | but, those were just in case I ever need to use the insanity defense | 03:42 |
dettoalt1imenti | wow, irc on the terminal is awesome | 03:43 |
angasule | I was like 12 when I did the tyrannosaurus rex | 03:43 |
LjL | !info aview | 03:43 |
ubotu | aview: A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0rc1-8 (edgy), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB | 03:43 |
LjL | !info hasciicam | 03:43 |
ubotu | hasciicam: ascii for the masses. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1.3 (edgy), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB | 03:43 |
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angasule | you can play quake in ascii :) | 03:43 |
angasule | anyway, console != ascii | 03:43 |
LjL | !info overkill | 03:43 |
ubotu | overkill: bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ascii-art. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-8 (edgy), package size 323 kB, installed size 2724 kB | 03:43 |
angasule | in fact if the console could only do ascii, it'd suck | 03:44 |
angasule | utf-8 is much better :) | 03:44 |
angasule | !info nethack | 03:44 |
ubotu | Package nethack does not exist in any distro I know | 03:44 |
angasule | whaaaat? | 03:44 |
angasule | nethack is the best game in history | 03:44 |
flaccid | haha | 03:44 |
LjL | angasule: well yeah, it can only do character rendering though (unless you consider the framebuffer 'console' that is) | 03:44 |
angasule | LjL: ASCII is only 127 chars (well, even less) | 03:45 |
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flaccid | !falconseye | 03:45 |
ubotu | falconseye: A port of NetHack using SDL. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.3-16ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 812 kB, installed size 2172 kB | 03:45 |
VanessaE | Can someone help me here? GIMP keeps printing this image I'm working on (a 3320x4950 slice of a PDF I loaded) in landscape mode, making it run off one edge of the page, even though I've explicitly told GIMp to use portrait mode. Tell it to use landscape mode and it prints in portrait mode (but of course I can't use the whole page). | 03:45 |
LjL | !find nethack | angasule | 03:45 |
ubotu | Found: jnethack, nethack-common, nethack-console, nethack-el, nethack-gnome (and 4 others) | 03:45 |
angasule | bah, GUI for nethack is heresy | 03:45 |
LjL | angasule: so is ASCII for video :P | 03:45 |
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flaccid | !nethack-qt | 03:45 |
ubotu | nethack-qt: Text-based/Qt overhead view D&D-style adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-8ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 937 kB, installed size 2092 kB | 03:45 |
angasule | LjL: have you tried it? :P | 03:46 |
LjL | angasule: i don't have to try it to know it's heresy :P | 03:46 |
Uni | stefan, you wouldn't happen to be the stefan who works at codesourcery would you? | 03:46 |
bLaZeD | how can i remove a sym link in cli...i tried to rm -rf the file and it says i cant | 03:46 |
angasule | LjL: set the console to green on black and watch The Matrix in ASCII, it's a religious experience, I tell you! | 03:46 |
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LjL | angasule: i would, but i'm busy listening to a novel in morse | 03:47 |
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flaccid | bLaZeD: what is the error? | 03:47 |
angasule | :P | 03:47 |
bLaZeD | [enemy@glass public_html] $ rm -rf etmain/ | 03:47 |
bLaZeD | rm: cannot remove `etmain/': Not a directory | 03:47 |
bLaZeD | i created it with ln -s | 03:48 |
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flaccid | bLaZeD: remove the / at the end | 03:48 |
flaccid | the / indicates the directory. omitting it indicates the file or symlink | 03:48 |
bLaZeD | omg sorry for wasting ya time | 03:48 |
bLaZeD | lol | 03:48 |
bLaZeD | :-) | 03:48 |
flaccid | no. that tripped me out for months because of tab complete back in the day... | 03:48 |
flaccid | :) | 03:48 |
flaccid | now i am bored | 03:49 |
flaccid | eating sushi | 03:49 |
flaccid | yay | 03:49 |
bLaZeD | hehe | 03:50 |
AlexLibman | sushi rules | 03:51 |
flaccid | this is really good sushi, cept they ran out of salmon rolls | 03:52 |
VanessaE | (just fyi, I just deleted my .gimp-2.2 directory just to make sure no settings were getting screwed up... didn't help) | 03:53 |
VanessaE | just tried it with another image (something from my camera)... same problem there too. | 03:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | VanessaE: what did you just try? | 03:55 |
VanessaE | Admiral: trying to print an image with The GIMP.. | 03:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah i see | 03:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | hmm, maybe a bug report | 03:55 |
VanessaE | when I tell it portrait, it prints landscape, and vice-versa | 03:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | !bug | 03:56 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 03:56 |
flaccid | VanessaE: its either gimp, or your print server | 03:56 |
VanessaE | thing is, it works on my husband's box, which goes through the server also. | 03:56 |
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flaccid | VanessaE: what is the dif between your box and your husbands then? | 03:56 |
VanessaE | hardware-wise, just a different video card. Software size, not sure (both run edgy and are up to date) | 03:57 |
flaccid | very hard to troubleshoot | 03:57 |
flaccid | try using the same cupsd.conf | 03:57 |
VanessaE | I can print from KDE's printer setup - the test page comes out just fine | 03:57 |
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flaccid | you could have different local print system configurations.. | 03:58 |
VanessaE | possibly - but both machines dump to .....wait as sec | 03:58 |
Admiral_Chicago | my keyboard stopped responding on Dapper, any ideas? Kdm works, but nothing past it | 03:58 |
VanessaE | Opera's doing it too... | 03:58 |
VanessaE | wtf? | 03:58 |
_kuja_ | admiral_chicago, so I'm assuming it works fine in the terminal also ... try changing the region of the keyhboard in systemsettings, if you can get there | 03:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | _kuja_: i'll try | 03:59 |
flaccid | VanessaE: it does to to the local print system first you know.. | 04:00 |
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VanessaE | yep I know..checking the settings there now. | 04:01 |
flaccid | Admiral_Chicago: there is some bugs on that. not sure if its the same. tried a different user or new login ? | 04:01 |
VanessaE | the "printer" on the local system is just a 'raw' queue, since I'm letting my server handle the grunt work | 04:01 |
Admiral_Chicago | flaccid: different login? tty? | 04:01 |
flaccid | VanessaE: yes but its probably differnt cupsd.conf to your husband | 04:01 |
VanessaE | right | 04:01 |
flaccid | Admiral_Chicago: i'd adduser test then login in kdm with test. quick of seeing if the problem lies in ~/somewhere | 04:02 |
weswh- | i have an Athlon 2500+, should i install ardour-gtk, or ardour-gtk-i686? | 04:02 |
VanessaE | I might have fixed it... | 04:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | flaccid: i'll try that next, it's on a different bok | 04:02 |
flaccid | ok | 04:02 |
VanessaE | The "margins" page in the print setup was showing a landscape image even though it was set for portrait... tried switching landscape/portrait a couple of times, left it back on portrait, hit OK, then went back in. Now it looks right and the printout is correct. | 04:03 |
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VanessaE | (in KDE control center : Printers -> Instances -> Settings -> Margins ) | 04:04 |
flaccid | VanessaE: just one of those things i guess. one of those things that really gets to ya | 04:04 |
RoKFiT | what's going on people? | 04:04 |
VanessaE | yeah | 04:04 |
flaccid | .. if it doesn't fix heh | 04:04 |
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VanessaE | very weird.. | 04:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | _kuja_: nothing, flaccid will attempt you approach later | 04:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | gotta run | 04:05 |
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flaccid | cya | 04:06 |
RoKFiT | is there a cedega installer in repos | 04:08 |
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flaccid | cedega is not free | 04:09 |
flaccid | and not in repos | 04:10 |
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RoKFiT | i know, but the .deb file is not installing for me | 04:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | RoKFiT: sudo dpkg -i cedega.deb | 04:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | that's the command | 04:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | afk | 04:11 |
flaccid | what is the error, RoKFiT? | 04:11 |
RoKFiT | nothing, ark just opens with nothing in it | 04:11 |
flaccid | have you tried installing it? | 04:12 |
RoKFiT | with Admiral_Chicago's method? | 04:12 |
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Jucato | RoKFiT: don't click on it in Konqueror. right-click -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package | 04:12 |
flaccid | yes | 04:12 |
flaccid | or Jucatos | 04:12 |
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RoKFiT | yes now it says errors were encountered when trying to install .deb something | 04:13 |
Jucato | Ark doesn't install .deb because it's not an installer. :) | 04:13 |
RoKFiT | it says errors installing | 04:13 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: use pastebin to show the errors | 04:13 |
claydoh | dang cedega needs on or more deps installed, but i can't remember which | 04:14 |
RoKFiT | dpkg-deb: unexpected end of file in version number in /home/brandon/Desktop/cedega-small_5.2.3_all.deb | 04:14 |
RoKFiT | i can't copy it | 04:14 |
flaccid | ark can usually open .deb packages. maybe the package is stuffed | 04:14 |
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RoKFiT | Jucato: i can't copy the text from the install terminal | 04:15 |
claydoh | RoKFiT: if its highlighted, it is copied | 04:15 |
tato_ | yes now it says errors were encountered when trying to install .deb someth | 04:15 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: highlight the text, then right-click Copy? | 04:15 |
RoKFiT | one minute | 04:15 |
=== flaccid waits to see the error | ||
RoKFiT | | 04:16 |
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=== Jucato thinks it would be dependency errors.. | ||
claydoh | Jucato: the installer doesn't have any right-click options | 04:16 |
Jucato | oh | 04:16 |
claydoh | but once highlighted, it is copied | 04:16 |
Jucato | yeah, X thingy :) | 04:17 |
=== _kuja_ agrees with jucato | ||
Jucato | hm.. strange error.. not very helpful | 04:17 |
RoKFiT | yeah i can't copy from x thingy? | 04:17 |
flaccid | package is most likely chopped | 04:17 |
claydoh | iether need python-gtk2 | 04:17 |
RoKFiT | meaning? | 04:17 |
claydoh | or | 04:17 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: by default, when you highlight something, it's copied into X's clipboard. you can paste it normally, or press the middle mouse button to paste | 04:18 |
claydoh | to paste, justctrl-v after highlighting the selected text | 04:18 |
flaccid | meaning its corrupted, not the full thing was copied, hash doesn't match etc. | 04:18 |
RoKFiT | okay, thanks | 04:18 |
dennister | hey ppl...i really need some help tonight: can't log into x except as root | 04:18 |
claydoh | or possibly python-glade | 04:18 |
RoKFiT | python-gtk2 installed | 04:19 |
flaccid | dennister: have you checked logs? | 04:19 |
RoKFiT | glade-1.2 or glade2? | 04:19 |
dennister | yes, kernel event issues, permission denied on /dev/ of other issues i don't know how to fix | 04:19 |
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larson9999 | bed time | 04:20 |
flaccid | dennister: if you create a newuser and log in with that, does it work | 04:20 |
claydoh | prob glade2 | 04:20 |
_kuja_ | bed time? what's that :P | 04:20 |
dennister | haven't tried that yet...but will...hate being in as root :( | 04:21 |
flaccid | yeah it sux. if the new user can log in. would be easier to migrate your profile to the new user | 04:21 |
flaccid | unless you wanna spend hours on it. | 04:22 |
dennister | i don't, but i've got to cause other two users are me and mythtv, which i just got reinstalled with new tuner | 04:22 |
RoKFiT | brandon@brandon-desktop, how can I rename brandon-desktop? | 04:22 |
dennister | nice to see u back flaccid :) | 04:22 |
flaccid | hehe thanks dennister. been very busy at work | 04:23 |
claydoh | RoKFiT: in System Settings, in the networking section | 04:23 |
RoKFiT | thanks | 04:23 |
flaccid | even though i'm at work atm heh | 04:23 |
=== AlexLibman whines that there's no Ubuntu package / EasyUbuntu installer for jedit, secondlife, tivodecode, kqemu ... | ||
flaccid | mythtv set up on ubuntu sux asss | 04:24 |
dennister | lol...i remember you got a new job; is it going well, d\ya think? | 04:24 |
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RoKFiT | flaccid, use tvtime | 04:24 |
flaccid | yeah kqemu would be good Alex | 04:24 |
flaccid | yeah I use it RoKFiT. but would like to try mythtv coz of the hype | 04:24 |
flaccid | yeah no job rox | 04:25 |
dennister | well i did have mythtv working...then found out ir blaster on that model could never transmit, now i have a different, more powerful model | 04:25 |
RoKFiT | same here, i want to give it a try | 04:25 |
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flaccid | boss aint even here atm. doing goverment client work. 'i was hacking a goverment site yesterday' | 04:25 |
dennister | and it was almost perfect here...till i got this x problem | 04:25 |
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dennister | get paid to hack...heaven | 04:26 |
flaccid | i need a digital tv tuner that is linux friendly, has 2 tuners, is usb and is small. suggestions? | 04:26 |
RoKFiT | flaccid, doesn't ati make an external usb video card? | 04:26 |
dennister | well, hauppauge 150 is linux favourite...ivtv drivers, but edgy makes ivtv easy | 04:26 |
flaccid | RoKFiT: no idea | 04:26 |
flaccid | dennister: can you link me? | 04:26 |
Jucato | "can you link me?" | 04:27 |
=== Jucato clicks on flaccid | ||
flaccid | heheh | 04:27 |
dennister | hold on a sec | 04:27 |
=== Jucato clicks on dennister, too | ||
flaccid | nah hes a 403 | 04:28 |
Jucato | lol | 04:28 |
dennister | | 04:28 |
=== flaccid does a sushi burp | ||
dennister | do NOT get the 250 or 350 models tho...make sure it's 'newer' 150 model based | 04:28 |
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dennister | or get a tuner that's not ivtv-driver-based at all, and you'll have more choices in terms of tvapplications | 04:29 |
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flaccid | dennister: you can't get that in usb | 04:30 |
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dennister | e.g. xawtv, motv, tvtime, kdetv....none work with ivtv cards...usb tuners don't work well with linux period | 04:30 |
flaccid | oh my bqad | 04:30 |
flaccid | its the 150 in the usb | 04:30 |
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flaccid | WinTV-PVR-USB2 | 04:31 |
flaccid | | 04:31 |
dennister | be VERRYY careful buying usb-type tuners | 04:31 |
dennister | do u have to have usb? | 04:31 |
flaccid | yeah coz i want it for mobile purposes | 04:31 |
dennister | oh dear...hold on | 04:32 |
RoKFiT | how can i install cedega? | 04:32 |
flaccid | why be careful | 04:32 |
RoKFiT | compile it? | 04:32 |
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claydoh | RoKFiT: there are how-to's but the code you can compile does not contain all the features of the cedega binary | 04:33 |
flaccid | RoKFiT: read the manual | 04:33 |
flaccid | bbs | 04:33 |
claydoh | If you bought cedega, compiling the code is a step backwards in this case | 04:34 |
RoKFiT | yeah but the installer isn't working | 04:34 |
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claydoh | compiling is harder | 04:34 |
claydoh | you should pastebin the errors given, | 04:35 |
claydoh | when trying to install it | 04:35 |
claydoh | where did you get it from? | 04:35 |
RoKFiT | so you're saying try to compile it and pastebin those errors? | 04:35 |
RoKFiT | because i just pastebined the .deb installer errors | 04:35 |
claydoh | no paste the errors from installing the .deb | 04:35 |
dennister | flaccid: this may take a while to find the list of tested cards | 04:36 |
RoKFiT | claydoh: | 04:36 |
claydoh | RoKFiT: i don't see a link to it... | 04:36 |
claydoh | ahh | 04:36 |
claydoh | bad download | 04:36 |
RoKFiT | it was a bad download? | 04:36 |
claydoh | I woulfd say so | 04:37 |
claydoh | whered you get it from? | 04:37 |
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claydoh | ahh hold on | 04:37 |
claydoh | you need to make sure in the command you have the full name of the deb file | 04:37 |
dennister | flaccid: u here or away? i found something for u | 04:38 |
claydoh | it nedds to look likethis: 'sudo dpkg -i cedega-small_5.2.3_all.deb' or whatever the actual filename is | 04:38 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: sudo dpkg -i [type in a few letters of the deb file then press Tab] | 04:38 |
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claydoh | if it is warez version of cedega you are on your own :) | 04:39 |
RoKFiT | setting up cedega-small | 04:39 |
RoKFiT | ... now nothing | 04:40 |
claydoh | itll take a sec | 04:40 |
RoKFiT | okay | 04:40 |
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RoKFiT | can i lower the dpi of my mouse? | 04:40 |
shinobi2 | anyone have kubuntu on a mac? | 04:41 |
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dennister | flaccid: Hauppauge does make a Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T USB2 that supposedly works with mythtv..mythtv's list of supported cards is at | 04:42 |
jpiccolo | gentoo still installing | 04:42 |
jpiccolo | arg | 04:42 |
Rob-West | can someone help me install vncviewer | 04:43 |
Rob-West | apt-get install vncviewer doesnt work | 04:44 |
RoKFiT | no, yeah, this cedega installer isn't installing | 04:44 |
RoKFiT | Jucato: | 04:45 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: only reason I see is that the package is corrupted | 04:45 |
Rob-West | !vncviewer | 04:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vncviewer - try searching on | 04:45 |
claydoh | does it give a different error? | 04:45 |
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RoKFiT | it says Setting up cedega-small, then goes to my regular terminal line | 04:46 |
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RoKFiT | brandon@smith:~/Desktop$ | 04:46 |
jpiccolo | cedega offers support | 04:46 |
RoKFiT | i'll try the forums | 04:46 |
RoKFiT | does anyone know how to change the dpi of a mouse? | 04:47 |
Rob-West | can someone help me install vncviewer | 04:47 |
RoKFiT | 2000dpi is way way way too fast | 04:47 |
jpiccolo | have you tried changing pointer acceration? | 04:47 |
RoKFiT | yes, they both are as low as they go | 04:47 |
claydoh | that should mean it installed if it gave no errors | 04:50 |
claydoh | tho it won't show up in your menu until you logout/in | 04:50 |
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claydoh | or wait a while | 04:51 |
Rob-West | whats the VNC port | 04:51 |
claydoh | but if you type in 'cedega' in a terminal or in the Run Command dialog, it should open up | 04:52 |
Red-Sox | Is there a screensaver that shows me what's now playing in Amarok | 04:53 |
_kuja_ | red -sox, I don't think so | 04:54 |
dennister | test | 04:54 |
dennister | test | 04:54 |
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bobdediego | test | 04:56 |
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claydoh | Red-Sox: | 04:57 |
claydoh | might work for you | 04:57 |
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Rob-West | i can VNC into my little brothers PC | 04:58 |
Rob-West | cant* | 04:59 |
weswh- | i have an Athlon 2500+, should i install ardour-gtk, or ardour-gtk-i686? | 05:00 |
bobdediego | ardour-gtk | 05:00 |
bobdediego | I686 its for two cores cpu | 05:00 |
bobdediego | s | 05:00 |
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dennister | could someone let flaccid know about the links/tuner info i posted for him^^? | 05:02 |
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dennister | i gotta go reboot and see if my problem's fixed | 05:03 |
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nixternal | anyone, at the command line (konsole) type: grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | sed -e 's/.*: //' | awk '{print $1,$3,$4}' | 05:04 |
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nixternal | let me know what you get please | 05:04 |
jpiccolo | i get | 05:05 |
jpiccolo | AMD 64 X2 | 05:05 |
nixternal | cat /proc/cpuinfo <-- how about that? | 05:05 |
nixternal | im glad you tried that with a x2 | 05:06 |
bobdediego | model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz | 05:06 |
jpiccolo | you want all that? | 05:06 |
nixternal | thanks | 05:06 |
nixternal | no jpiccolo , just the model name | 05:06 |
nixternal | sorry, i should have said grep | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | Z80 X1\ | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:06 |
jpiccolo | model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ | 05:06 |
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nixternal | rocking..thanks | 05:07 |
jpiccolo | np | 05:07 |
bobdediego | :) | 05:07 |
nixternal | time to get new hardware..make coding stuff easier for all platforms :) | 05:07 |
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bobdediego | indeed | 05:08 |
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flaccid | thanks dennister | 05:09 |
Red-Sox | How does one install flash for konq? | 05:09 |
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jasey | hi there, id just like to know how one could disable icons in menus and such. thank ya in advance | 05:13 |
flaccid | give google a try Red-Sox | 05:14 |
flaccid | its just a symlink i believe | 05:14 |
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_kuja_ | jasey, right click on the kmenu icon, configure kmenu | 05:14 |
_kuja_ | might be in there ... | 05:14 |
_kuja_ | **menu editor | 05:15 |
jasey | would not that just configure the k menu | 05:15 |
jasey | i mean every menu | 05:15 |
jasey | toolbar menus, right click menu, the works | 05:15 |
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_kuja_ | Hmm, nope, it's elsewhere | 05:15 |
bobdediego | go to system settings | 05:15 |
dennister | hey ppl | 05:15 |
_kuja_ | desktop in system settings | 05:15 |
bobdediego | indeed | 05:15 |
bobdediego | hiya dennister | 05:15 |
jasey | oki doki | 05:15 |
jasey | under behaviour? | 05:16 |
dennister | still can't start x, except as root in recovery problem is kernel event manager can't start at boot | 05:16 |
_kuja_ | I'm not seeing it there either .... gah | 05:16 |
bobdediego | under Appearance I think | 05:16 |
jasey | ive looked in there | 05:16 |
_kuja_ | right click the panel, configure panel | 05:16 |
dennister | nor is the system services module present in system least not for root | 05:17 |
Skeez187 | There are a bunch of screensavers that only play when I choose the "random" option, how do I make them show upin the actual list of screensavers? | 05:17 |
_kuja_ | it's under the panels appearance menu | 05:17 |
dennister | this is one helluva problem | 05:17 |
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jasey | where, _kuja_ ?? | 05:18 |
_kuja_ | right click on the panel, configure panel, click on appearance, there should be a checkbox for showing the side image in the menu | 05:18 |
bobdediego | what exactly do you need to change? | 05:18 |
jasey | i dont care about the k menu | 05:18 |
jasey | im talking about icons that appear in menus, any menus | 05:18 |
jasey | right click menus, toolbar menus, etc etc | 05:19 |
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bobdediego | that must be definitely on System Settings | 05:19 |
bobdediego | double check please | 05:19 |
jasey | stupid little pictures of clipboards next to Paste and stars and pieces of paper next to New and spanners next to Configure blah blah blah | 05:19 |
jasey | ive doubled checked that and kcontrol, no module seems to control it | 05:19 |
bobdediego | humm | 05:19 |
bobdediego | then I dunno my friend | 05:20 |
jasey | im thinking some obscure configuration file may control it.. | 05:20 |
bobdediego | hhahahha | 05:20 |
jasey | as with everything lol | 05:20 |
bulwynkl | !LVM | 05:20 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 05:20 |
bobdediego | i feel ya | 05:20 |
_kuja_ | jasey, are you sure the one I pointed you to doesn't turn that off as well? It would require an application restart to take effect if it's the one | 05:20 |
jasey | no, it just affects the k menu. the module is, after all, all about the panels and not the widgets | 05:21 |
_kuja_ | Well, I really doubt we'll have any luck finding anything in system settings, it's crippled by comparison with kcontrol anyway | 05:22 |
jasey | i know, why we have it is beyond me | 05:22 |
jasey | thats why i use kcontrol anyway | 05:23 |
jasey | if i were to accurately describe how i want menus to look like, i would have to compare it to Windows 98/Me/2000 (whereby having icons in menus is a mortal sin) | 05:23 |
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bulwynkl | media path question... default path for e.g. kubuntu install CD is /cdrom, I have a CDRW that seems to want to mount in /cdrw and DVDRW that wants to mount in /dvdrw.... OR | 05:24 |
_kuja_ | Try going to appearance -> style | 05:24 |
jasey | tried it | 05:24 |
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bobdediego | ...we need a handbook....or the Bible, LOL | 05:24 |
bulwynkl | DVDrw that mounts as /cdrom but is somewhat broken and doesn't want to recognise CDs (only DVDs) so looking in cdrom0 is not working, but cdrom1 is not the right location... | 05:25 |
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momal | How can I force a device to become unbusy?? | umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy | It wont let me eject the cdrom. How can i force it to become unbusy.. I don't seem to have anything up using it. | 05:25 |
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bobdediego | reboot? | 05:25 |
momal | without rebooting | 05:25 |
jasey | unmount it ? | 05:25 |
bobdediego | damn | 05:25 |
bobdediego | :( | 05:25 |
bobdediego | got me there | 05:25 |
_kuja_ | sudo umount /media/cdrom0 | 05:26 |
_kuja_ | ? | 05:26 |
bobdediego | that should do it | 05:26 |
momal | still says its busy | 05:26 |
jasey | if not, make sure a process isnt using the disc drive | 05:26 |
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jasey | use system guard and see what process is most likely using it | 05:26 |
_kuja_ | sudo fuser -ck /media/cdrom0 | 05:26 |
bobdediego | and kill it | 05:26 |
_kuja_ | ? | 05:26 |
jasey | and if youre trying to unmount while the terminal's working path is /media/cdrom, theres another problem :P | 05:27 |
abattoir | momal: are you in /cdrom while trying to umount it? | 05:27 |
momal | nope | 05:27 |
abattoir | :P | 05:27 |
momal | i closed everything that seems to be using it | 05:27 |
abattoir | /media/cdrom? | 05:27 |
momal | nope not in it | 05:27 |
Skeez187 | There are a bunch of screensavers that only play when I choose the "random" option, how do I make them show up in the actual list of screensavers? | 05:28 |
momal | screw it just going to have to reboot | 05:28 |
bobdediego | see?, reboot....magic :) | 05:28 |
_kuja_ | fuser usually works for killing the processes that don't want to die that are accessing the cd drive.... always did for me anyway | 05:29 |
jasey | Skeez187: an easy way would be to install xscreensaver which comes with a better screensaver configuration utility than kde's one... but then of course everything gets mucked up cos you have too many screensaver managers lol | 05:30 |
bobdediego | fuser works, ya, but that gus had something different running i think | 05:30 |
bobdediego | guy* | 05:30 |
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Skeez187 | Hmmm | 05:31 |
jasey | but yes, xscreensaver's configuration utility is just better in general to both the gnome and kde ones :) | 05:31 |
Skeez187 | Im installing it now | 05:32 |
bobdediego | now, I have a question | 05:32 |
bobdediego | is there a theme manager for kubuntu? | 05:32 |
RoKFiT | i'm trying to install razertool_amd64.deb and it says Unpacking replacement razertool... Setting up razertool... Press <enter> to exit..., I press enter and nothing happens, what should I do? | 05:32 |
jasey | in terms of what kind of theme? | 05:33 |
_kuja_ | bobdiego, kcontrol -> appearance -> themes? | 05:33 |
jasey | lol | 05:33 |
Skeez187 | Thanks a lot jasey, you solved my problem | 05:33 |
bobdediego | is not there, already checked, on Mepis there is one but on Kubuntu seems to be not there | 05:33 |
bobdediego | sorry for the n00b question :) | 05:34 |
jasey | no worries Skeez187. just for a bit of trivia, xscreensaver was the manager on ubuntu 5.10 :) why they changed is beyond my comprehension | 05:34 |
jasey | it should be there in kcontrol =\ | 05:34 |
_kuja_ | you are in kcontrol and not systemsettings, right? | 05:34 |
jasey | systemsettings is rubbish. open kmenueditor and change the command to kcontrol >_> lol | 05:34 |
_kuja_ | Why that's not in systemsettings is beyond me, but it _is_ in kcontrol | 05:34 |
Skeez187 | Yeah the one in Dapper doesnt even show the other 50 screensavers available | 05:34 |
Skeez187 | They should have kept xscreensaver | 05:35 |
jasey | yeah they should have | 05:35 |
bobdediego | under Appearance I have: Colors, Fonts, GTK Styles and Fonts, Font Installer, Icons, Style and Window Decorations...missing Themes | 05:35 |
jasey | what we should do is put in Feisty's launchpad specs page is "get rid of that systemsettings rubbish, put kcontrol back where it belongs" | 05:36 |
bobdediego | under Appearance I have: Colors, Fonts, GTK Styles and Fonts, Font Installer, Icons, Style and Window Decorations...missing Themes | 05:37 |
bobdediego | thats what I get from there | 05:37 |
jasey | unusual :S | 05:37 |
_kuja_ | I do believe they're planning to do a _lot_ moreusability work on the currently rather unusable systemsettings | 05:37 |
bobdediego | they should | 05:38 |
jasey | systemsettings is just confusing lol. nothing is where it should be. | 05:38 |
bobdediego | Mepis in that matter is better | 05:38 |
bobdediego | but I will not wipe my HDD again , hehe | 05:38 |
jasey | lol | 05:38 |
bobdediego | lol | 05:38 |
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_kuja_ | here's what it looks like for me: | 05:39 |
jasey | pretty | 05:39 |
bobdediego | is that on Kubuntu kuja? | 05:40 |
_kuja_ | Yeah | 05:40 |
bobdediego | damn | 05:40 |
jasey | i would say it is, if hes on a kubuntu channel ^^ | 05:40 |
bobdediego | what did u install to get that config? | 05:40 |
jasey | that comes as part of kubuntu-desktop | 05:41 |
bobdediego | LOL | 05:41 |
bobdediego | I know | 05:41 |
_kuja_ | a part of kde-base at that | 05:41 |
jasey | oh | 05:41 |
bobdediego | dumb question | 05:41 |
jasey | lol | 05:41 |
jasey | brb | 05:41 |
jasey | gotta uninstall beryl, it keeps mucking up the konversation text buffer :( | 05:41 |
bobdediego | k | 05:41 |
jasey | oh this is nice... better :) | 05:42 |
_kuja_ | which reminds me ... I need to get around to finding aquamarine, if it's in a usable state | 05:42 |
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jasey | trevino's repositories have it | 05:43 |
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malik__ | !aquamarine | 05:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aquamarine - try searching on | 05:44 |
_kuja_ | and what line would I need to add to my sources.list for trevino's repository? what arch's does it support? | 05:44 |
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jasey | it supports 32 bit and amd | 05:44 |
whisky | ? | 05:44 |
jasey | deb edgy beryl-svn | 05:45 |
bobdediego | | 05:45 |
bobdediego | check that out | 05:45 |
bobdediego | that is what I get on Appearance | 05:45 |
jasey | use with extreme caution, aquamarine crashes more than drunk drivers on a friday night | 05:45 |
_kuja_ | eee, I was beginning to get that impression when I googled it | 05:45 |
jasey | thats not kcontrol to begin with | 05:46 |
jasey | thats systemsettings | 05:46 |
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bobdediego | butuuuuuuuuuum | 05:46 |
bobdediego | hahahahaha | 05:46 |
_kuja_ | bobdiego: hit alt+f2, type in kcontrol, hit enter. | 05:46 |
jasey | click the k menu, click run command, and enter kcontrol :P | 05:46 |
bobdediego | ok | 05:46 |
jasey | ya that too lol | 05:46 |
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bobdediego | holy command | 05:47 |
kkathman | kcontrol = much better :) | 05:47 |
bobdediego | hehehehe | 05:47 |
kkathman | hehe | 05:47 |
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jasey | and if you ever feel adventurous, open the kmenu editor, and change the command for the System Settings entry from whatever it is to kcontrol ^^ | 05:47 |
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kkathman | very good idea in fact | 05:47 |
RoKFiT | can anyone help me change the permission of my mouse? | 05:47 |
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bobdediego | making some changes at this moment :O | 05:48 |
_kuja_ | RoKFiT, whatever do you mean? | 05:48 |
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RoKFiT | i downloaded and installed razertool-gtk and it says that i may need to change the permission of the device | 05:49 |
jasey | tried running the program as sudo? | 05:49 |
_kuja_ | sudo chmod (whateveryouneeditchangedto) /dev/input/mice | 05:49 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: 777? | 05:50 |
jasey | lol | 05:50 |
_kuja_ | that'll probably do it | 05:51 |
RoKFiT | i seriously don't know | 05:51 |
jasey | and like i say, try that tool as sudo | 05:51 |
jasey | often those programs urge you to change the permissions of everything when all it REALLY wants is to be run as root | 05:51 |
_kuja_ | Be right back, I need to get myself some MD before any more blood leaks into my caffeine stream | 05:51 |
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jasey | lol | 05:52 |
RoKFiT | there was an error communicating with the device: Operation not permitted You may need to change the permissions of the device (see the README) | 05:52 |
bobdediego | now, this is nice | 05:52 |
RoKFiT | any ideas? | 05:52 |
jasey | have you seen the readme? lol | 05:52 |
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_kuja_ | Mmmmmm, caffeinated | 05:55 |
jasey | woo | 05:56 |
RoKFiT | how do i restart udev? | 05:58 |
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_kuja_ | sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart, probably | 05:58 |
RoKFiT | will that restart the computer? | 05:58 |
_kuja_ | No | 05:59 |
RoKFiT | YES IT WORKED!!!! | 05:59 |
RoKFiT | HAHAHAH | 05:59 |
RoKFiT | TOO HAPPY!!!! | 05:59 |
RoKFiT | that was awesome!!! | 05:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | !wifi | 06:00 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:00 |
_kuja_ | hehehe | 06:00 |
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Admiral_Chicago | flaccid: ping | 06:01 |
RoKFiT | I LOVE YOU WORLD!!! | 06:01 |
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flaccid | hello | 06:01 |
flaccid | ping? | 06:02 |
_kuja_ | yM inmd si ras.clebdm | 06:02 |
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RoKFiT | IT'S SO SMOOTH!!! | 06:02 |
jasey | what is?? | 06:02 |
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RoKFiT | my razer mouse | 06:02 |
RoKFiT | the razer mouse | 06:02 |
jasey | oh :) | 06:02 |
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RoKFiT | the DPI was way too high and i finally got the razertool-gtk working | 06:03 |
RoKFiT | and its sooooo smooth | 06:03 |
RoKFiT | i love this mouse! | 06:03 |
jasey | im glad you have it working how you like it :D | 06:03 |
wheatie | \o/ | 06:03 |
_kuja_ | I contemplated buying one of those, then I decided I wanted to save my money for something else, so I spent the extra money on a keyboard :) | 06:03 |
RoKFiT | thank you jasey | 06:03 |
ichido | hello | 06:03 |
jasey | no worries. if only my mouse would behave how i want it. lol. | 06:03 |
jasey | hi there :) | 06:03 |
_kuja_ | helloooooooo | 06:04 |
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RoKFiT | why would anyone even want a 2000 dpi in this day and age | 06:05 |
RoKFiT | its WAY too powerful | 06:05 |
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RoKFiT | or way too high dpi | 06:05 |
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_kuja_ | super-duper precise work? | 06:05 |
ichido | or pro gaming | 06:06 |
RoKFiT | but it makes the mouse too fast | 06:06 |
RoKFiT | maybe in linux | 06:06 |
RoKFiT | i suppose for windows | 06:06 |
RoKFiT | but even then there were mouse flaws | 06:06 |
RoKFiT | like mouse wiggle | 06:06 |
_kuja_ | @pity 7 windows | 06:07 |
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=== _kuja_ yawns | ||
ichido | slow night uh? | 06:09 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: what did you say? | 06:09 |
_kuja_ | you betcha | 06:09 |
RoKFiT | yeah kinda slow | 06:10 |
jasey | oh dont yawn, im so tired! lol | 06:10 |
_kuja_ | Sleep is for the weak. | 06:10 |
RoKFiT | vlc is kinda jacked. i liked kaffeine, but disliked compatability | 06:10 |
RoKFiT | like the volume in vlc is annoying to adjust | 06:10 |
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ichido | i use kaffeine w/ the xine backend | 06:11 |
jasey | vlc is an evil thing. but still. nice way to avoid downloading win32codecs. | 06:11 |
_kuja_ | I hear VLC will be switching to QT4 :) | 06:11 |
jasey | oh hooray! | 06:11 |
ichido | nice | 06:11 |
jasey | better than that wxwidgets stuff lol | 06:11 |
RoKFiT | yeah jasey, my kaffeine just like stopped working | 06:11 |
jasey | i hope audacity follows suit o_o | 06:11 |
ichido | audacity looks so outdated | 06:11 |
jasey | yeah it does | 06:11 |
_kuja_ | Apparantly they had their fill of fighting wxwidgets to get it to do what they needed it to do. | 06:11 |
jasey | it looks fine in Windows, but looks ugly on X | 06:12 |
=== Jucato has one less reason to use Kaffeine now... | ||
jasey | lol | 06:12 |
ichido | i haven't tried it on windows | 06:12 |
binary2k2 | I just widh audacity used ALSA, don't care what it lookes like | 06:12 |
binary2k2 | *wish | 06:12 |
bobdediego | well guy, gtg, thx for the advice, I already changed some stuff :P | 06:12 |
jasey | me too | 06:12 |
jasey | bye bye :) | 06:12 |
bobdediego | take care | 06:12 |
_kuja_ | later bobdediego | 06:12 |
RoKFiT | uh jasey | 06:12 |
RoKFiT | do you know how to fix kaffeine | 06:12 |
jasey | if i knew what was wrong with it, yeah | 06:13 |
jasey | lol | 06:13 |
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RoKFiT | for me it won't open since i installed vlc and tried to install w32codecs | 06:13 |
ichido | lol | 06:13 |
RoKFiT | it just doesn't open | 06:13 |
jasey | run it from konsole and see what error messages it brings | 06:13 |
_kuja_ | try to open it in a terminal | 06:13 |
RoKFiT | i did, and no errors came up | 06:13 |
jasey | oh | 06:13 |
RoKFiT | yeah shitty | 06:13 |
_kuja_ | interesting | 06:13 |
jasey | try sudo apt-get install --reinstall kaffeine | 06:14 |
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kuto | hi | 06:14 |
ichido | but app doesn't start or it doesn't play the vids? | 06:14 |
jasey | i had a similar thing with amarok. a reinstall fixed it right up. | 06:14 |
jasey | hi huto | 06:14 |
jasey | kuto* | 06:14 |
_kuja_ | in that case, sudo apt-get install --reinstall kaffeine | 06:14 |
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ichido | hi kuto | 06:14 |
jasey | echo :P | 06:14 |
RoKFiT | and jasey do you know how to install the w32 codecs for 64 | 06:14 |
_kuja_ | they won't work, you'll need a 32-bit player | 06:15 |
RoKFiT | bogus | 06:15 |
_kuja_ | Or, better, use a more up to date player (assuming all you're looking for is wmv9 playback) | 06:15 |
RoKFiT | so just use vlc for now? | 06:15 |
jasey | i think i read somewhere people usually install win32codecs in a 32 bit installion of kubuntu and chroot into that one from the 64 bit version | 06:15 |
_kuja_ | You probably heard that a long time ago jasey, no need to resort to that now :) | 06:16 |
RoKFiT | jasey that sounds way too complicated | 06:16 |
jasey | oh yay | 06:16 |
jasey | it isnt that complicated really. its just a major pain in the rhetorical bum. | 06:16 |
RoKFiT | does it now? | 06:16 |
RoKFiT | not*? | 06:16 |
RoKFiT | hahah. | 06:16 |
_kuja_ | one moment | 06:16 |
_kuja_ | While I dig up one of the possibile solutions | 06:16 |
jasey | woo hoo | 06:16 |
binary2k2 | chroots aren't complicated IMO, just a pain in the A$$ | 06:17 |
RoKFiT | yeah the machine is running smooth now, just no side panel on the case! | 06:17 |
_kuja_ | | 06:17 |
RoKFiT | do you guys use vlc? | 06:17 |
ichido | in the mplayer homepage you have the 64 bits of the w32codecs to download | 06:17 |
_kuja_ | Dapper only | 06:17 |
_kuja_ | I have VLC, that doesn't mean I actually use it. | 06:17 |
ichido | haven't tried them..... since I have a 32bit machine | 06:17 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: what do you use? | 06:17 |
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_kuja_ | Either Kaffeine or Mplayer (any frontend will do), depending on my mood, the day of the week, which side of the bed I woke up on, and the weather. | 06:18 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: and are you 32bit? | 06:18 |
_kuja_ | No | 06:18 |
jasey | yeah ive got vlc, just for windows media video. otherwise, its kaffeine all the way baby (looks at libxine seductively) | 06:18 |
RoKFiT | do you use jasey's method of chrooting to a 32bit world | 06:19 |
jasey | i dont do that lol | 06:19 |
_kuja_ | No, I haven't done that since Breezy | 06:19 |
RoKFiT | oh | 06:19 |
jasey | i just saw that on the ubuntu wiki, on the restrictedformats page | 06:19 |
RoKFiT | why can't kaffeine just support wmv | 06:19 |
_kuja_ | It can | 06:19 |
_kuja_ | it will | 06:19 |
RoKFiT | but why doesn't it by default | 06:19 |
jasey | it does ^^ | 06:20 |
jasey | because its not a free format | 06:20 |
_kuja_ | The version in the repositories doesn't. | 06:20 |
_kuja_ | Microsoft Opened the specs on WMV9 because they plan on using it for something, like a DVD format or something | 06:20 |
RoKFiT | see but i'm new, i need something simple | 06:20 |
RoKFiT | install and work | 06:20 |
RoKFiT | that is the kubuntu "idea" | 06:20 |
jasey | lol | 06:20 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: same reason Ubuntu doesn't have MP3 enabled by default | 06:20 |
RoKFiT | whatever, i now know how to setup the majority of things, and i'm learning | 06:21 |
RoKFiT | soon i'll have it memorized | 06:21 |
RoKFiT | how many installs did it take you to remember simple things like how to mount a drive | 06:21 |
RoKFiT | and edit fstab properly | 06:21 |
_kuja_ | As soon as the specs on WMV9 were opened, the FFMPEG devs implemented it, which means MPlayer, Xine, and others support it now. | 06:21 |
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RoKFiT | totem-xine was perfect under gnome for me | 06:22 |
_kuja_ | (Kaffeine uses Xine, another note, MPlayer 1.0RC1 and on has it implemented) | 06:22 |
Jucato | _kuja_: of course, presuming that it will be opened in a way/license that is acceptable to the devs | 06:22 |
jasey | kaffeine can use mplayer as well | 06:22 |
_kuja_ | via kmplayer | 06:22 |
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jasey | ya | 06:22 |
gatsby | hey guys, its Admiral_Chicago here, anyone help with wireless | 06:23 |
ichido | as soon as wmv9 is the standard they are going to change something so only they can use "propertary features" or whatever to screw everyone else | 06:23 |
RoKFiT | so the all-in-one player i should be using is... | 06:23 |
gatsby | the documetation isn't helping me much | 06:23 |
RoKFiT | or what i should be using is... with... done.... | 06:23 |
_kuja_ | ichido, but of course | 06:23 |
gatsby | | 06:23 |
gatsby | is teh link i'm followinf | 06:23 |
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AngryElf | hey all -- i installed libxine-extracodecs, yet still, amarok doesn't like my i need to install something else? | 06:24 |
Jucato | ok this is weird... there once was a vlc-qt package? | 06:24 |
jasey | wow | 06:24 |
_kuja_ | RoKFiT ... mplayer 1.0RC1 would work ... with the KMPlayer frointend it actually wouldn't be too bad either | 06:24 |
_kuja_ | And seeing as you can make Kaffeine use KMPlayer as a backend, you can have the best of all worlds :) | 06:24 |
jasey | yup | 06:25 |
RoKFiT | awesome | 06:25 |
flaccid | AngryElf: did you select the xine engine in amarok config | 06:25 |
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RoKFiT | now how do i do that? | 06:25 |
gatsby | Jucato: can you help me out | 06:25 |
gatsby | its Admiral_Chicago | 06:25 |
jasey | sudo aptitude install kmplayer | 06:25 |
Jucato | gatsby: sorry, can't. don't know anything about wireless stuff | 06:25 |
Jucato | !vlc-qt hoary | 06:25 |
AngryElf | flaccid, default setting -- but reselected anyways | 06:25 |
gatsby | Jucato: this is my 1st too | 06:25 |
RoKFiT | now what jasey? | 06:25 |
ubotu | vlc-qt: Qt frontend for VLC (dummy legacy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB | 06:26 |
malik__ | AngryElf: have u installed w32codecs? | 06:26 |
jasey | just a tick | 06:26 |
flaccid | what is the error message, AngryElf? | 06:26 |
_kuja_ | download mplayer 1.0RC1 ... you'll have to compile it yourself, that is, unless you can find an up-to-date repo for it. Edgy only has version 1.0-pre8 | 06:26 |
jasey | mp3 support isnt in win32codecs | 06:26 |
AngryElf | unable to load some files | 06:26 |
binary2k2 | malik__: you don't need w32codecs for mp3 | 06:26 |
AngryElf | malik__, mplayer plays the files fine | 06:26 |
malik__ | okie sorry | 06:26 |
binary2k2 | ooh, kinda jumped on you there :p | 06:26 |
AngryElf | sorry "some media could not be loaded (not playable)" | 06:26 |
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jasey | okay RoKFiT, after installing kmplayer and mplayer, open kaffeine (if you can), click Settings > Player Engine > Embedded MPlayer for KDE | 06:27 |
malik__ | amarok installs the support for mp3 by itself but some really old dodgy mp3 which were not properly made cant be plays | 06:27 |
flaccid | AngryElf: does playing a wav or ogg vorg file with xine engine work? | 06:27 |
malik__ | i have same prob too...........but they are very few | 06:27 |
jasey | RoKFiT: did you try reinstalling kaffeine at all in this time? | 06:27 |
AngryElf | i actually don't have any :-/ | 06:27 |
binary2k2 | malik__: that's only on edgy tho | 06:27 |
flaccid | malik__: it doesn't | 06:27 |
=== AngryElf isn't kidding | ||
RoKFiT | jasey: yes i did and i just tried to open kaffeine, and it didn't open | 06:27 |
jasey | oh | 06:28 |
RoKFiT | is vlc messing with it? | 06:28 |
whisky | hi | 06:28 |
flaccid | AngryElf: did you search? i would just goto #amarok and get help from the experts | 06:28 |
Jucato | RoKFiT: and what happens if you try to run in from the command line? | 06:28 |
RoKFiT | nothing | 06:28 |
_kuja_ | RoKFiT: sudo apt-get remove --purge kaffeine && sudo apt-get install kaffeine | 06:28 |
RoKFiT | just goes to the next line | 06:28 |
Jucato | nothing launches? | 06:28 |
whisky | kaffeine?? | 06:28 |
jasey | yeah, try kuja's idea | 06:28 |
Jucato | very strange... | 06:28 |
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jasey | purging a bad config file may be the answer | 06:28 |
malik__ | AngryElf: are u usin edgy or?/ | 06:28 |
jasey | also, you could try this from Konsole: kaffeine --verbose | 06:29 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: done! | 06:29 |
RoKFiT | now what | 06:29 |
RoKFiT | start kaffeine | 06:29 |
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_kuja_ | yup | 06:29 |
AngryElf | malik__, dapper | 06:29 |
RoKFiT | still no-go | 06:29 |
_kuja_ | VERY odd | 06:29 |
RoKFiT | yeah! | 06:29 |
jasey | try kaffeine --verbose in a terminal | 06:29 |
malik__ | ooh okie.........havew u tried files tab of the amarok to make it play those file? | 06:30 |
jasey | it should give you debugging info when before it crashes :P | 06:30 |
RoKFiT | nothing happens | 06:30 |
_kuja_ | RoKFiT: what version of KDE/Kaffeine are you using? | 06:30 |
RoKFiT | goes to next line | 06:30 |
RoKFiT | kde 3.5.5 | 06:30 |
flaccid | brb | 06:30 |
RoKFiT | kaffeine i don't know | 06:30 |
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_kuja_ | on Dapper, or on Edgy? | 06:30 |
jasey | even with --verbose ? weird :( | 06:30 |
RoKFiT | Edgy | 06:30 |
_kuja_ | weird indeed. | 06:31 |
RoKFiT | candidate version 0.8.2-0ubuntu2 | 06:31 |
_kuja_ | One moment while I piece somethign together | 06:31 |
RoKFiT | okay | 06:31 |
jasey | you havent got a mixed up sources.list do you | 06:31 |
=== _kuja_ has a shell script to write | ||
RoKFiT | i'm not sure | 06:31 |
malik__ | AngryElf: have u tried files tab of the amarok to make it play those file? | 06:31 |
jasey | okay, i can safely assume no then lol | 06:31 |
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RoKFiT | i think i may have edited sources.list though | 06:32 |
RoKFiT | but edited it back | 06:32 |
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RoKFiT | i enabled one repo that didn't work then i removed the line with a text editor | 06:32 |
malik__ | AngryElf: one more thing...........are those file present in ur collection tab in amarok? | 06:32 |
RoKFiT | when attempting to install that w32 support for it | 06:32 |
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_kuja_ | RoKFiT, while I'm wrting the script, can you enable the source repos in your sources.list (for main and universe at least) | 06:33 |
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eilker | No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled // is this normal ? | 06:33 |
AngryElf | oh neat -- it fixed itself all by its merry self | 06:33 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: yes | 06:33 |
AngryElf | all while reading the news :-/ | 06:34 |
malik__ | yea sometime it does that | 06:34 |
AngryElf | thanx anyways! :) | 06:34 |
jasey | lol | 06:34 |
malik__ | np mate | 06:34 |
binary2k2 | eilker: what's that error from? | 06:34 |
jasey | xine must have just clicked, or something refreshed itself ^^ | 06:34 |
RoKFiT | all repos are enabled | 06:34 |
flaccid | haha thats xine-ui for ya, AngryElf!! | 06:35 |
eilker | binary2k2: it is from syslog //localhost kernel | 06:35 |
flaccid | heh xine-ui is so shite | 06:35 |
jasey | absolutely | 06:35 |
jasey | lol | 06:35 |
flaccid | actually i think i mean xinelib | 06:35 |
flaccid | well all of xine is wicked and then crap | 06:35 |
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binary2k2 | eilker: can you pastebin a few lines before and after it? | 06:36 |
binary2k2 | !pastebin | 06:36 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:36 |
AngryElf | while i'm here -- is there any way to have playlists stored in the database? | 06:36 |
flaccid | sure is | 06:37 |
flaccid | well yes iirc... read the amarok documentation | 06:37 |
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flaccid | sorry AngryElf: the collection database setting is in amarok config | collection | 06:38 |
flaccid | sqlite, postgresl, mysql | 06:38 |
eilker | binary2k2: it is in fifth line | 06:38 |
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AngryElf | flaccid, yea, but by default that's only files, play count rating blah blah | 06:38 |
AngryElf | not the playlists i create | 06:38 |
malik__ | AngryElf: try playlis tab | 06:38 |
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RoKFiT | where is _kuja_? | 06:41 |
binary2k2 | eilker: seems to be normal, I get that too | 06:41 |
_kuja_ | I'm working on it >.> | 06:41 |
flaccid | oh, i don't think it does that yet, ask in #amarok | 06:41 |
eilker | binary2k2: thank you very much for your interest, do u have this too // kdm_greet[5300] : Can't open default user face | 06:41 |
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_kuja_ | !pastebin | 06:43 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:43 |
binary2k2 | eilker: I don't get that error, but I do get another kdm_greet error | 06:43 |
eilker | binary2k2: :) i see | 06:44 |
binary2k2 | eilker: as long as your system boot, and is working, you don't need to worry too much about the errors :p | 06:44 |
binary2k2 | eilker: I get a strange error: "kdm_greet[18084] : Internal error: memory corruption detected" but KDM works find :p | 06:45 |
binary2k2 | (and memtest86 says everything is fine too) | 06:45 |
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eilker | binary2k2: i have it too:) the memory corruption | 06:45 |
eilker | binary2k2: it boots slow... | 06:46 |
jpiccolo | eww memory corruption | 06:46 |
_kuja_ | RoKFiT: | 06:46 |
binary2k2 | my system boots in 36 seconds, from poweron to KDM login :D | 06:46 |
binary2k2 | and this is on a 5 year old PC | 06:46 |
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_kuja_ | not bad for an old one ... mine does it in 19s | 06:47 |
eilker | binary2k2: i have lamp server, ftp server, vmware server,nessus server etc, it boots nearly 90 seconds :D | 06:47 |
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RoKFiT | _kuja_: run those commands individually? | 06:47 |
binary2k2 | well that's why then :p | 06:47 |
eilker | binary2k2: ohh dhcp server too :D | 06:47 |
_kuja_ | You could do that, or you could dump it in a text file, chmod +x the file, and run it as a script | 06:48 |
binary2k2 | eilker: well the good thing about linux is you don't have to restart often | 06:48 |
eilker | binary2k2: yess that is a great thing :) | 06:48 |
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binary2k2 | the only reason I restarted last was to clean the dust out of the case :p | 06:49 |
jpiccolo | up 14 days | 06:49 |
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Unknow2007 | hello to all | 06:50 |
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_kuja_ | hello | 06:50 |
Unknow2007 | where are you from Kuja? | 06:50 |
binary2k2 | 10 days so far, average for me is about 40 days, because I get board and compile a kernal :p | 06:50 |
_kuja_ | VA, US | 06:51 |
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Unknow2007 | ok | 06:51 |
jpiccolo | on your desktop pc or a server | 06:51 |
binary2k2 | desktop | 06:52 |
Unknow2007 | I have a question about aplication Mailer | 06:52 |
Unknow2007 | are have a program bulk mailer for linux | 06:52 |
Unknow2007 | ? | 06:52 |
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=== _kuja_ doesn't know | ||
Unknow2007 | ok | 06:53 |
RoKFiT | okay _kuja_ what do i do now with that page? | 06:53 |
_kuja_ | With what page? | 06:53 |
RoKFiT | the page you sent me with all the script | 06:53 |
Unknow2007 | and other people doesn't about? | 06:53 |
RoKFiT | | 06:54 |
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RoKFiT | that one | 06:54 |
_kuja_ | Well, as we agreed, you can either run it one command at a time, or make a shell script out of it and have it do it all for you (recommended) | 06:54 |
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_kuja_ | Mine just finished compiling :) | 06:55 |
RoKFiT | okay | 06:55 |
RoKFiT | from the "text" section | 06:55 |
Unknow2007 | Somebody knows to say me, where I find a program that's bulk mailer? | 06:56 |
Unknow2007 | for linux | 06:56 |
matthew | Unknow2007, nobody likes spam. | 06:57 |
_kuja_ | To make it a shell script: make a new file in kate, call it, copy the text in and save it, chmod +x, bash | 06:57 |
binary2k2 | !repeat | Unknow2007 | 06:57 |
ubotu | Unknow2007: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:57 |
Unknow2007 | ok ubotu, and binary2k2 | 06:58 |
Unknow2007 | ok matthew | 06:58 |
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matthew | Unknow2007, I'm sorry if you aren't going to send spam, but bulk mail, in my mind, is automatically spam. | 06:59 |
_kuja_ | well, newsletters could be considered bulk ... some of them are worth my time. | 07:00 |
binary2k2 | matthew, it could be for mailing lists | 07:00 |
Unknow2007 | understand you matthew. Don't question about it again. | 07:00 |
Unknow2007 | yes binary, it's mailing lists sender. | 07:00 |
matthew | Unknow2007, sorry, my bad. | 07:00 |
binary2k2 | Unknow2007: you could ask in the general linux channel ##linux | 07:00 |
Unknow2007 | yes Kuja, I think so. | 07:01 |
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_kuja_ | RoKFiT, how's that script going for you? | 07:02 |
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Endler | I seem to have lost the icons that normally appear to the left of each shutdown option. Buttons and text (Shutdown, reboot, etc.) are all there, but no icons on the left. | 07:03 |
Endler | Icons are working normally everywhere else. | 07:03 |
_kuja_ | Endler: weird, have you done anything recently that you think might have affected it? | 07:04 |
Endler | Well, it's not my system. I set it up but don't use it too often. I did change the icon theme, but it's the same one I use on all my other machines, and icons still appear on the shutdown menus of all those machines. | 07:05 |
RoKFiT | _kuja_: i'm going to do it in a minute | 07:05 |
RoKFiT | possibly tomorrow | 07:05 |
RoKFiT | i'm just about to watch a football match, aka soccer | 07:06 |
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_kuja_ | endler, perhaps try changing the icon theme, take a look, then change it back? | 07:06 |
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Endler | I'm not on that machine right now, but I'll try that. The really funny part is that icons work 100% in every other place, and the fact that that icon set defiantly includes the icons. | 07:08 |
Endler | I thought maybe there was a place in kcontrol to say whether or not you want icons on the shutdown menu. Not sure why anyone would want to turn them off just there though. | 07:09 |
_kuja_ | Yeah .l | 07:09 |
_kuja_ | **it's weird | 07:09 |
RoKFiT | yeah _kuja_ thank you for the help, i'll bbl | 07:09 |
Jucato | Endler: System Settings -> Appearance -> Style -> enable "Show icons on buttons" (may require a logout to take effect) | 07:10 |
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Endler | Hmm, you'd think that would apply system-wide, not just on the shutdown menu, but maybe it is any other places just aren't using icons on the buttons. | 07:12 |
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rocky123 | hello everybody | 07:13 |
rocky123 | can anybody help me with video4linux | 07:13 |
Jucato | Endler: you can check if other buttons like OK, Save, Cancel, Open, etc. have buttons on them | 07:13 |
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Endler | Maybe I just didn't notice because it only applies to KDE apps. | 07:15 |
rocky123 | can anybody tell me which version of video4linux is installed with the edgy kernel 2.6.10.-generic | 07:15 |
xsacha | anyone know if kvm (will) supports 64-bit? | 07:17 |
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jpiccolo | do i need all the cds to install slack? | 07:17 |
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flaccid | i gtg | 07:18 |
Jucato | jpiccolo: errr... wrong channel? | 07:18 |
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Endler | Hey, It's easy to do :) | 07:19 |
jpiccolo | well i was just wondering | 07:19 |
Endler | Esp if you use Konversaton and the scroll wheel a lot. If you dip a little too low, it scrolls the chatroom tab, lol. | 07:20 |
Jucato | yeah | 07:21 |
jpiccolo | yeah amarok and kaffiene do that all the time to me | 07:21 |
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ichido | jpiccolo: I always used 1 cd only.. but I haven't installed one since slack 9.1 | 07:22 |
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Endler | I don't think having the scroll wheel cycle though the tabs is such a good idea. I'll bet you can turn that off somewhere though. | 07:22 |
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jpiccolo | ok, yeah will get cd 1 now, and other ones later if needed | 07:23 |
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Jucato | Endler: it's the default for all of KDE | 07:24 |
musya | everytime i try and ssh into my machine it says connection refused, and i have ssh installed and my firewall settings are all fine what should i do? or try? | 07:25 |
Endler | Oh, does that behavior every come in handy in any KDE app? | 07:25 |
notech | is the ssh server running? | 07:25 |
Endler | ever | 07:25 |
Jucato | yes | 07:25 |
Endler | Which ones? | 07:25 |
Jucato | for me it does. Konqueror, desktop, even Konvi | 07:25 |
Jucato | scroll wheel to cycle | 07:26 |
Jucato | through stuff | 07:26 |
Jucato | even works on the taskbar | 07:26 |
DaveQB | musya nmap scan the machine to make sure port 22 is open for a start | 07:26 |
Endler | Seems to me it would only be handy if the tabs themselves were not visible to go direct to them. | 07:27 |
musya | DaveQBhow do i make sure its open? and how do i open the port? | 07:27 |
notech | musya: netstat -natlp | grep ssh | 07:27 |
Endler | May its just because I always have a zillion of everything open at the same time, and I don't want to see all the shit I'm not trying to get to fly by. | 07:28 |
musya | notech: it still wont ssh, i did what you said | 07:28 |
Endler | Might work better on more manable lists :) | 07:28 |
DaveQB | musya I was suggesting scanning from an the box your trying to connect FROM, but notech's idea will work | 07:28 |
DaveQB | musya what was the result ? | 07:29 |
notech | musya: but did the command return anything? | 07:29 |
musya | nope just gave me a new command line | 07:29 |
Jucato | Endler: that's your choice, and you can click on the tabs. but sometimes I want to browse through the tabs in succession and I don't want to have to click on each one | 07:29 |
notech | musya: the ssh server is not running then | 07:29 |
musya | uh, how do i turn it on, i just typed in ssh and i got that it was installed but how do i start it? | 07:30 |
notech | musya: that was run on the box you trying to ssh into, right? | 07:30 |
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musya | yea | 07:30 |
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binary2k2 | musya: do you goe anything if you type "pidof sshd" ? | 07:30 |
DaveQB | notech i didnt get anything either with that command, yet I am definately ssh in on the box I tried | 07:30 |
notech | musya: i'm not sure of the ssh server package name for kubuntu, someone else will know | 07:30 |
binary2k2 | I think you need sudo before netstat | 07:31 |
musya | binary2k2: no, just a new command line | 07:31 |
musya | yea i did do sudo | 07:31 |
Endler | I suppose it can be useful if you're actually doing it intentionally :D | 07:31 |
DaveQB | its installed right ? | 07:31 |
binary2k2 | musya: try "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start" | 07:32 |
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musya | should i just look for a new ssh package? | 07:32 |
musya | ok 1 sec | 07:32 |
shan` | :S i screwed up | 07:32 |
DaveQB | it should of started if not try binary2k2's command | 07:32 |
shan` | lol | 07:32 |
notech | DaveQB: wierd, wonder why netstat didn't show it | 07:32 |
shan` | grub is looking at a windows install at hd0,0 which i deleted but i want it to look at another install which is at hd0,1 | 07:32 |
DaveQB | notech not sure, I have hardly used netstat so cant say, | 07:33 |
musya | binary2k2: i typed it in i got that the command was not found | 07:33 |
DaveQB | a command i want to learn more | 07:33 |
binary2k2 | musya: what package did you install ? | 07:33 |
DaveQB | musya "sudo ls /etc/init.d/s*" | 07:33 |
binary2k2 | you don't nees sudo for "ls" | 07:33 |
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DaveQB | binary2k2 you might if the dir is 600 | 07:34 |
shan` | how do i edit grub? | 07:34 |
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Jucato | shan`: edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 07:34 |
musya | DaveQB: i got this | 07:34 |
musya | /etc/init.d/screen /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/sysklogd | 07:34 |
musya | /etc/init.d/sendsigs /etc/init.d/stop-bootlogd | 07:34 |
musya | /etc/init.d/single /etc/init.d/stop-readahead | 07:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | i set up ndiswrapper wrong | 07:34 |
binary2k2 | DaveQB: but i know init.d isn't :p | 07:34 |
musya | binary2k2: no i didnt install anything | 07:34 |
DaveQB | shan` sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst i think | 07:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | is there a way i can just remove the data associated with it without removing the packagae? | 07:34 |
DaveQB | musya no ssh installed then | 07:34 |
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Admiral_Chicago | !pante | musya | 07:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pante - try searching on | 07:34 |
DaveQB | musya sudo apt-get install ssh | 07:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | !paste | musya | 07:34 |
ubotu | musya: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:34 |
binary2k2 | musya: sudo apt-get install ssh | 07:34 |
binary2k2 | musya: that will install ssh | 07:35 |
DaveQB | yeah, what i said :) | 07:35 |
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musya | ok ill install it 1 sec, and sorry for flooding | 07:35 |
notech | Admiral_Chicago: 3 lines of paste is too much here? the bot does that much quite often | 07:35 |
DaveQB | you could of tried dpkg -l ssh musya but we have already proven its not installed | 07:35 |
binary2k2 | ^^ I was going to say that too | 07:36 |
binary2k2 | well dpkg -l | grep ssh | 07:36 |
DaveQB | just dpkg -l ssh is fine though | 07:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | didn't know how much you were using sorry | 07:37 |
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Endler | Oh, btw, my shutdown hang problem turned out to be splashy using a framebuffer mode higher than the videocard supported. Interestingly enough Kubuntu doesn't use a vga= command in grub by default. It must try to autodetect what your card can handle and guessed wrong. | 07:37 |
notech | Admiral_Chicago: what is the limit for lines here? | 07:37 |
musya | ha! ok i installed it and it works now, sorry that was an easy one, thanks guys though | 07:37 |
DaveQB | noworries musya | 07:38 |
binary2k2 | musya: no problem :D | 07:38 |
musya | thanks | 07:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | notech: no real limit, depends on the number of users, lot of activity, very few | 07:38 |
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notech | Admiral_Chicago: ok, thanks. thought there might be a specified limit. :) | 07:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | nope | 07:39 |
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xsacha | everyone here heard about kvm? anyone tried it? | 07:40 |
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rocky123 | can anybody tell me which version of video4linux is installed with the edgy kernel 2.6.10.-generic | 07:41 |
bgsteffens | Hello everyone, can someone tell me the easiest way to burn an image file to a disc in a fresh install of Kubuntu edgy? | 07:41 |
DaveQB | bgsteffens use K3B | 07:41 |
Endler | I think a lot of people that think they have a problem with acpi are really having a problem with splash trying to use an usupported framebuffer mode on shutdown. | 07:42 |
bgsteffens | DaveQB: is that prepackaged with kubuntu or do i download it? | 07:42 |
DaveQB | xsacha Keyboard Video Mouse ? | 07:42 |
DaveQB | bgsteffens not sure. Should be in Kmenu > Multimedia | 07:42 |
xsacha | DaveQB: no :P the new virtualisation in kernel | 07:42 |
naught101 | bgsteffens: open is in k3b | 07:42 |
naught101 | open *it* | 07:42 |
bgsteffens | oh awesome thank you | 07:42 |
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xsacha | DaveQB: KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine for Linux) | 07:44 |
xsacha | will be in 2.6.20 | 07:45 |
Endler | K3B has been rock solid for me whereever I've used it. I think it's the only burning program for either Windows or Linux that has never once created a coaster for me. | 07:45 |
xsacha | the backend cdrecorder created a few coasters for me :( | 07:45 |
binary2k2 | that's the beauty of CD-RWs :p | 07:46 |
Endler | I think it has for me too, but not when accessed via K3B. It might have something to do with it requesting access to run with extended privileges when you first install it. | 07:47 |
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Admiral_Chicago | /msg Admiral_Chicago | 07:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | ##KDE 3.5.5 Repo | 07:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | deb edgy main | 07:50 |
Jucato | ? | 07:51 |
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dettoaltrimenti | in irc, how do I get a list of all channels? | 07:53 |
gatsby | !restricted | 07:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:53 |
binary2k2 | dettoaltrimenti: /list | 07:53 |
dettoaltrimenti | thanks binary2k2 | 07:53 |
binary2k2 | :) | 07:54 |
thoreauputic | dettoalt1imenti: be aware, the /list command will list thousands of channels | 07:54 |
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binary2k2 | konversation will warn you first | 07:54 |
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gatsby | !easysource | 07:59 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - It does not currently support Edgy sources. When asked if it will, the reply was "maybe". | 07:59 |
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DaveQB | how does one tunnel a wget download through to their home server using ssh ? | 08:01 |
DaveQB | examples I have read dont work | 08:01 |
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binary2k2 | DaveQB: how about just ssh to the home server and running wget from there? | 08:02 |
DaveQB | but then I have to transfer again using scp | 08:02 |
DaveQB | 2 downloads essentially | 08:02 |
DaveQB | I want 1 download on the home server that dumps the file to me here, at work, in one command | 08:03 |
binary2k2 | is the work pc running linux? | 08:03 |
DaveQB | a pipe might work, but I thought an ssh tunnel created here at work that I can connect to to tunnel past our firewall here | 08:03 |
DaveQB | cygwin | 08:03 |
binary2k2 | ah | 08:03 |
DaveQB | i read ssh -D 1010 username@remoteip | 08:04 |
DaveQB | to create a local SOCKS proxy on port 1010 ,but connection to it with firefox fails | 08:04 |
DaveQB | s/connection/connecting | 08:05 |
binary2k2 | I have no clue | 08:06 |
DaveQB | haha | 08:06 |
DaveQB | | 08:06 |
DaveQB | Does it work for you ? | 08:06 |
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binary2k2 | DaveQB: can't get it to work for me | 08:10 |
DaveQB | hmmm bugger | 08:10 |
binary2k2 | but I do have some funkey firewall rules :p | 08:10 |
binary2k2 | try with a high port. i.e. > 1024 | 08:11 |
binary2k2 | ports 1-1024 require root to bind | 08:11 |
thoreauputic | the usual socks port is 1080 if I recall correctly | 08:11 |
thoreauputic | not that it should matter as long as it's > 1024 | 08:11 |
DaveQB | i'll give it a try | 08:13 |
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eMaX | moin moin | 08:14 |
thoreauputic | wiki wiki ! | 08:15 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 08:15 |
Endler | SSH tunneling can get confusing, but when it also works slicker than shit once you figure out a way to use it for a particular situation. A bunch of example solutions for different scenarios in the SSH man would be a VERY welcome and useful addition. | 08:16 |
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eMaX | why does ubuntu create a agroup with the username whenever I create a user | 08:17 |
Endler | So you can have groupies :) | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | Endler: tsocks is a nice way to socksify *everything* :) | 08:18 |
Jucato | eMaX: that's the standard in Linux, iirc | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: that's the Debian Way (tm) | 08:18 |
binary2k2 | eMaX: because ubuntu uses personal groups | 08:18 |
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thoreauputic | Jucato: no, some distros use "users" etc | 08:18 |
eMaX | what is the reason for a group that has only one member | 08:18 |
Jucato | ah yeah | 08:18 |
binary2k2 | i.e. a user has there own goup | 08:19 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: enables you to restrict / allow on the basis of the user group rather than a generic group | 08:19 |
Endler | In case you want to share files with a select members of your choosing. | 08:19 |
eMaX | so you say thisis now the standard linux (tm) way? | 08:20 |
eMaX | just that I don't recreate a "users" groupp | 08:20 |
binary2k2 | it's the standard 'debian way (tm)' | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: no, it's not standard - as I said, it comes from Debian in Ubuntu's case | 08:21 |
eMaX | ok. as I am now using deb/ubuntu, I'm going to adhere to that | 08:21 |
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thoreauputic | eMaX: you can of course create groups, add users to groups etc etc | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | assuming you are the admin/sudo/root user :) | 08:22 |
eMaX | what is the ubuntu equivalent of profile.local in SuSE | 08:23 |
thoreauputic | never used SuSE.... | 08:23 |
binary2k2 | maybe /etc/profile | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | what does profile.local do ? | 08:24 |
binary2k2 | guess from the name | 08:24 |
eMaX | ok bash.bashrc seems to work | 08:24 |
eMaX | just for environmen settings | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | ah | 08:24 |
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thoreauputic | /etc/profile is usual - bash,bashrc would work too | 08:24 |
binary2k2 | well all /etc/profile dose is source /etc/bash.bashrc anyway | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | right | 08:25 |
paolo | How. is it possibile to auto-mount a cd when inserted? | 08:25 |
paolo | Hi :). is it possibile to auto-mount a cd when inserted? | 08:25 |
Endler | thoreauputic, does tsocks address the encryption issue at all or do you still need to run it through a ssh tunnel | 08:25 |
thoreauputic | Endler: tsocks is used in conjunction with ssh ( at least, that's how I use it) | 08:26 |
notech | paolo: you don't mean a music cd, do you? | 08:26 |
Endler | Oh, OK. I figured as much. | 08:26 |
paolo | notech: a data cd, no music | 08:26 |
Endler | I'll check it out. | 08:26 |
thoreauputic | Endler: once the tunnel is set up, using tsocks allows you to run commands through it | 08:27 |
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notech | paolo: ah. i'm sure it is, other distro's can. sorry, i don't know how though. heh | 08:27 |
chupie | using smbmount ... how do i specify a user and password when mounting a network drive? | 08:27 |
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paolo | :( | 08:28 |
paolo | (thanks, anyway) | 08:28 |
binary2k2 | chupie: like: [service] [mountpoint] -o username=user,password=pass | 08:29 |
binary2k2 | chupie: check out man smbmount | 08:29 |
chupie | k | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | Endler: for instance, ssh -NfD 1080 ; tsocks firefox <-- browse through an ssh tunnel with the IP address of | 08:30 |
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Endler | Do you run any remote desktop through shh. I use krfb/krdc through an ssh tunnel and it works ok, but it sense that I have a fast cable connection and will only let me choose fast connection. Medium and slow are grayed out. The only problem is that cable is only fast in one direction and when you you are hampered by the slow upload speed. | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | Endler: check out freenx | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | !freenx | 08:32 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 08:32 |
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binary2k2 | the NoMachine server for linux is now free, so you can use that | 08:33 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: permanently? Used to be just for testing.... | 08:33 |
Endler | Sound good. I'll give that a shot too :D. Is it a lot more efficient about it sends over that wire than K remote desktop? | 08:33 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: ah sorry i misunderstood | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: thought you meant the online test site | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | Endler: orders of magnitude better | 08:34 |
binary2k2 | thoreauputic: no, the actual server you install | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: yup, as I said i misunderstood - go it now :) | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | *got it | 08:35 |
eMaX | wow. oracle works. pfffew. | 08:35 |
Endler | KRD keeps sending the same wallpaper image back and forth instead of caching it, for example. | 08:35 |
binary2k2 | don't know if FreeNX is bein maintained now that the server is free | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | Endler: freenx doesn't do the round trip thing | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | Endler: try it - it rocks | 08:36 |
thoreauputic | or NX or whatever - as binary2k2 says, it's free | 08:36 |
Endler | I definitely will :) Thanks. | 08:36 |
Endler | I'm glad I asked. | 08:36 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: free as in Freedom or only as in Beer? | 08:36 |
binary2k2 | beer | 08:36 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: right | 08:37 |
binary2k2 | (I think) | 08:37 |
binary2k2 | dunno actually | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: freenx is Free | 08:37 |
binary2k2 | I know freenx is free, the clue is in the name :p | 08:39 |
Endler | Goodnight everyone. | 08:40 |
thoreauputic | hmm #kubuntu reminds me of the way #ubuntu was in the warty/hoary era :) #ubuntu is just too big and too full of *very* new people now... | 08:40 |
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thoreauputic | binary2k2: heh, yeah "freenx" is kind of obvious, sorry :) | 08:40 |
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eMaX | re | 08:41 |
binary2k2 | I used it before the nomachine server became free | 08:41 |
binary2k2 | worked very well too, as i recall | 08:41 |
thoreauputic | binary2k2: yah, it did - after all I think the code is probably pretty much the same | 08:42 |
eMaX | I wonder why ubuntu per default enters my gateway as dns server. | 08:43 |
eMaX | I don't want that as it is very slow working as a dns server | 08:43 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: because dhclient queries your router | 08:43 |
eMaX | in wlassistant I set "manually" to ip address etc. so no dhcp | 08:44 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: most routers can be configured to use manual dns settings | 08:44 |
eMaX | nevertheless dhcp is running | 08:44 |
eMaX | i mean dhclient | 08:44 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: do you have static Ips in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 08:45 |
thoreauputic | if you have "inet dhcp" dhcp will be used | 08:45 |
eMaX | when I use wlassistant to disconnect and reconnect, it sets my nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf | 08:46 |
eMaX | when I use wlassistant to disconnect and reconnect, it sets my nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: as i said, that means the dhcp server on the router is setting your DNS up - it needs to be configured at the router | 08:47 |
thoreauputic | i.e. your router is overwriting your /etc/resolv.conf | 08:48 |
eMaX | yes but you know, I now have to start wlassistant every time I want to overwrite that setting, disconnect and then reconnect. | 08:48 |
chupie | hmm... i could add some debian package mirrors to the apt-get mirror file couldn't i? | 08:49 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: have a look at the config for dhclient then - something like /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 08:49 |
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thoreauputic | eMaX: one hackish way to stop it is to make /etc/resolv.conf not writable ( sudo chmod -w /etc/resolv.conf ) | 08:50 |
eMaX | tn | 08:50 |
eMaX | x | 08:50 |
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eMaX | re | 08:54 |
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paolo | Hi.. I've edited fstab and changed noauto to auto for the cdrom; however it doesn't mount automatically the cdrom yet... | 09:21 |
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KomiaPoika | paolo auto only applies at boot | 09:23 |
thoreauputic | paolo: wrong option | 09:23 |
thoreauputic | paolo: auto means 'mount this on boot" as KomiaPoika says | 09:24 |
paolo | i see. so, which is the correct options to auto mount a cdrom when inserted? | 09:24 |
thoreauputic | paolo: you aren't trying to mount an audio CD, are you ? | 09:24 |
paolo | no: a data cd | 09:24 |
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thoreauputic | For KDE i don't know - in gnome it just works | 09:25 |
thoreauputic | paolo: the ivman package will do it, but I would have thought KDE had it built in somehow | 09:26 |
paolo | thoreauputic, so I have to install this package? | 09:26 |
thoreauputic | paolo: sorry, I only have KDE on my laptop ( currently using desktop) | 09:26 |
paolo | thoreauputic, I'm using icewm | 09:27 |
thoreauputic | paolo: ah | 09:27 |
thoreauputic | paolo: install ivman and read the man page then | 09:27 |
Jucato | paolo: this is the default line for the CD Writer on my system: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0 | 09:27 |
Jucato | I think pmount also handles that? | 09:28 |
thoreauputic | paolo: it isn't an /etc/fstab thing | 09:28 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: yes, but that isn't automatic - ivman is | 09:28 |
thoreauputic | I guess it uses pmount though | 09:28 |
Jucato | thoreauputic: I don't have ivman installed, but everything is automatic. maybe they replaced ivman with pmount? | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | paolo: auto mount is a desktop environamnet thing, so if you use another wm you need ivman | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: are you running KDE? | 09:29 |
Jucato | yes | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: that's why | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: paolo is running icewm | 09:29 |
paolo | thoreauputic, well, more exactly i'm using rox-filer on icewm | 09:30 |
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paolo | but i've found a tip: let's try | 09:30 |
thoreauputic | paolo: ivman won't pop up an icon, but it should do the mounting for you | 09:30 |
=== Jucato scratches his head... | ||
Jucato | you mean pmount won't work on anything but KDE? | 09:30 |
paolo | i'll be back soon | 09:30 |
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thoreauputic | paolo: in rox-filer you can just go to /media and click to mount anyway | 09:30 |
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thoreauputic | Jucato: no, I mean KDE has a fancy automount function ( that probably uses pmount as one of its backends) | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: pmount will work even without X | 09:32 |
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Jucato | meaning, he can use it with icewm too | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: I use fluxbox and I run ivman in my fluxbox start script to enable usb and other automount functions | 09:33 |
Jucato | oh.. | 09:33 |
Jucato | w/ or w/o pmount? | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: of course - but pmount is a *command* not an automatic mounter in itself | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | Jucato: you are confusing two levels of functionality here | 09:34 |
Jucato | ah | 09:34 |
thoreauputic | :) | 09:34 |
Jucato | yep.. apparently :) | 09:34 |
Jucato | all I know is HAL+pmount = no worries :) | 09:34 |
Jucato | (talking about packages here) | 09:35 |
thoreauputic | as I said though, rox-filer mounts on click anyway, although ivman makes it aware of usb disks etc | 09:35 |
thoreauputic | ie. with ivman running, clicking on /media/usbdisk or whatever will access the device | 09:36 |
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jakub_ | what's the PAM module for preventing root from seeing network profiles? i.e. a network user logs in with a home directory mounted as /mnt/home/netuser, root doesn't have access `find /mnt/home/netuser` | 09:36 |
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tamacracker | Guys? How come every time I watch a video online... say from Youtube, myspace, google etc... the sound and video freezes and the sound is like a broken record that keeps repeating over and over? | 09:44 |
eMaX | re | 09:44 |
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reldruh | tamacracker: that sounds like a flash problem. Have you tried reinstalling it? | 09:45 |
tamacracker | I have not... | 09:45 |
reldruh | it couldn't hurt | 09:46 |
tamacracker | alright ill see what I can do. | 09:46 |
reldruh | and maybe try the updated flash 9? | 09:46 |
reldruh | I think it's still in beta, but it's working great for me | 09:46 |
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thoreauputic | the beta flash player is also alsa aware, which is nice ( no fighting for the sound device) | 09:48 |
eMaX_ | re | 09:48 |
eMaX_ | a package tells me that libqt3-mt >= 3:3.3.7 is needed, yet 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3 be installed. What can I do | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: what package ? | 09:48 |
thoreauputic | eMaX: hello? what are you installing? | 09:50 |
eMaX_ | ok sorry was able to solve it with --force-depends-version. needed to install tora with oracle support | 09:50 |
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eMaX_ | how can I add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that this is taken for each program I start from kde as a normal user? | 09:54 |
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eMaX_ | how can I exclude one given package from the update manager? I don't want to update a given package that I've installed manually and that now the packager thinks to be broken. Is there something like an ignore flag? | 09:57 |
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Ignite_ | Is it possible to upgrade to 2.1? | 09:57 |
Ignite_ | Cleanly I mean. | 09:58 |
Ignite_ | :) | 09:58 |
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reldruh | Ignite_: it's probably best to wait until it gets into the repositories. I'm no expert, but I think that's the best way and it doesn't usually take long for it to get in there | 09:59 |
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Ignite_ | I was thinking because it's a minor (major.minor.micro) release it wouldn't be in the repos until feisty fawn. | 10:00 |
eMaX_ | is there a way to exclude a package from the update manager? | 10:01 |
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reldruh | Ignite_: I think it'll be there before then | 10:02 |
reldruh | is there a feature in it that you really need? | 10:02 |
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reldruh | has anybody here played with kde4 at all? | 10:06 |
eMaX_ | ? | 10:08 |
reldruh | eMaX_: I don't know if there's a way to exclude a package | 10:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | reldruh: i know some people that have but they are all asleep | 10:09 |
matthew | how can I install KDE4? | 10:11 |
reldruh | Admiral_Chicago: too bad. I was curious what it was like. I know the major parts of the new gui aren't really ready yet, but I was wondering what changes are already visible | 10:11 |
reldruh | matthew: | 10:11 |
reldruh | that's a set of instructions for the latest developer snapshsot | 10:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | reldruh: as i understand it, a lot is under the cover stuff | 10:11 |
Jucato | visual changes are very, very minimal, almost not noticeable, in the latest snapshot released for Kubuntu | 10:11 |
reldruh | are the applications faster, though? | 10:11 |
reldruh | the ones that have been ported? | 10:11 |
Jucato | emphasis on the "developer" snapshot | 10:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | reldruh: i heard they are | 10:11 |
reldruh | mmm... good point | 10:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | very fast | 10:11 |
matthew | reldruh, thanks. | 10:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | anyways I have a paper | 10:11 |
reldruh | does phonon happen to be in a workable state? I'd love to see new sound stuff in linux | 10:11 |
Jucato | it's not something that users can use already, or can observe. the developer snapshots are not meant as demos but something that developers would be able to use in developing KDE4 apps | 10:11 |
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MHK | hi all | 10:12 |
reldruh | impatience go the best of me | 10:12 |
reldruh | MHK: hi :-) | 10:13 |
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MHK | reldruh: hi =) what's going on? | 10:14 |
reldruh | MHK: nothing much in here | 10:15 |
reldruh | we were just talking about kde4 and how it wasn't ready for people to use yet | 10:15 |
MHK | lol | 10:15 |
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MHK | well, i'm really looking forward to kde crash | 10:15 |
reldruh | MHK: isn't that already out? | 10:16 |
Jucato | "not ready for user-type people to use yet" | 10:16 |
Jucato | developer-people can most certainly use it already... | 10:16 |
matthew | MHK, ok, so, what's "plasma"? | 10:16 |
Jucato | krash = nickname given to the developer snapshots of KDE 4 (KDE 3.80.x | 10:17 |
Jucato | matthew: | 10:17 |
matthew | Jucato, thank you | 10:17 |
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reldruh | I wish those websites were kept more up to date | 10:17 |
gan|y|med | good morning | 10:17 |
MHK | well, in the end i only need two things: xine and my browser. maybe also konversation | 10:17 |
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MHK | is... somewhat empty... no screenshots etc. | 10:18 |
twosouls82 | imbrandon: your site is down, due to a misconfiguration; 'error id: "bad_httpd_conf"' | 10:19 |
Jucato | they weren't meant to contain screenshots anyway | 10:19 |
reldruh | MHK: not even a roadmap like on the other ones | 10:19 |
MHK | crap.. | 10:19 |
Jucato | the real "action" goes behinds the scenes (at least for the other KDE4 projects) | 10:19 |
eMaX_ | my problem is that I manually forced to install a package "tora" which requires libqt3-mt >= 3.3.7 while I have 3.3.6 installed. The package works and I want to keep it that way. yet the package manager now tells me that the package is broken and wants to "fix" it by installing the tora version from the repository that I do not want, as it does not have oracle support. | 10:19 |
MHK | guess, will migrate to gentoo then. everything will be faster | 10:19 |
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bgsteffens | what is that command similar to 'sudo' but that can be run in Konsole? it starts with a k i think.. maybe 5 letters.. k____ kate /etc/.... | 10:19 |
Jucato | if you really want to keep up to date, read mailing lists, commit-digets, | 10:20 |
Jucato | bgsteffens: kdesu | 10:20 |
MHK | kdesu | 10:20 |
bgsteffens | tyty :) | 10:20 |
MHK | Jucato: i want results! =D | 10:20 |
Jucato | MHK: good luck. even if you use Gentoo now, you still won't have KDE 4 | 10:20 |
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MHK | Jucato: i know, but when it's released i think about to migrate... | 10:21 |
MHK | damned, my teacher is back... | 10:21 |
MHK | cu | 10:21 |
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Jucato | he even got his /quit "joke" wrong | 10:22 |
Jucato | Alt+Q does nothing... | 10:22 |
Jucato | he needs Ctrl+Q | 10:22 |
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malik__ | kedit? | 10:26 |
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malik__ | ksudo? | 10:27 |
Jucato | older KDE text editor. Kate is newer | 10:27 |
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malik__ | !kdsudo | 10:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdsudo - try searching on | 10:27 |
Jucato | malik__: he already had his answer. it's kdesu | 10:27 |
matthew | !kdesu | 10:28 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 10:28 |
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malik__ | thats oki i was just tryin to find it for myself as i saw it somewhere yesterday:) | 10:28 |
snapy | hello I would like to know what is the KDE way to share a desktop via VNC. Somehow it has disappeared from my KDE menu | 10:29 |
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stamen | hi | 10:31 |
lupine_85 | weird... I can ssh to my remote server, but trying to set up a subversion repo accessible via ssh is saying access denied (publickey authentication). Any ideas, anyone? | 10:31 |
stamen | a problem with edgy again | 10:31 |
lupine_85 | erm, access denied when I svn co from the local machine | 10:31 |
matthew | stamen, what's up? | 10:31 |
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stamen | it didn't activate on startup the SWAP | 10:32 |
stamen | and the hardware problems | 10:32 |
matthew | stamen, sudo swapon -a | 10:32 |
matthew | that should work | 10:32 |
stamen | and the hardware drivers I mean, soory | 10:32 |
stamen | ok | 10:32 |
matthew | the swap or the raid? | 10:32 |
stamen | and the LVM something | 10:32 |
matthew | !LVM | 10:33 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 10:33 |
stamen | I have only SATA drive | 10:33 |
lupine_85 | !subversion | 10:33 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: | 10:33 |
stamen | ok I will see now | 10:33 |
stamen | matthew: thanks for now | 10:33 |
stamen | :) | 10:33 |
Kabal | Hello all, | 10:33 |
Kabal | I'm trying to install PSP Video Converter (pspvc) | 10:33 |
Kabal | But when I try to install I get this.. | 10:33 |
Kabal | who can help me? :) | 10:33 |
stamen | I will try the tips which you gave me | 10:33 |
matthew | yay! | 10:33 |
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stamen | matthew: after doing this command sudo swapon -a will it be permanent | 10:34 |
stamen | not to write it again and again | 10:34 |
matthew | I think so. It was perm for me | 10:34 |
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stamen | ok | 10:34 |
matthew | if not, you can add the command to xinitrc | 10:34 |
matthew | I think | 10:34 |
stamen | swapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/a3704e1e-197b-444b-931e-e6a57aafbc91: Invalid argument | 10:34 |
matthew | ok, gimme a sec | 10:35 |
matthew | try sudo swapon /dev/device_name | 10:35 |
stamen | ok | 10:35 |
wiking_ | how to configure Picasa to show images full screen, not to fit screen ( ) | 10:36 |
crazy_penguin | DBO: may I bother you with a question? | 10:36 |
matthew | stamen, did it work? | 10:36 |
stamen | matthew: waht I see after df -h is very strange for me | 10:36 |
eMaX_ | re - anyone here who can help me on how to tell my package manager to ignore one given package? | 10:36 |
stamen | as i see on the place where should | 10:36 |
matthew | stamen, what does df -h do? | 10:36 |
stamen | it be the swap there is shm | 10:36 |
stamen | dev/shm | 10:37 |
stamen | is this somthing new? | 10:37 |
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matthew | stamen, don't you have the swap on the physical hard drive? | 10:37 |
matthew | stamen, I've never heard of shm. | 10:38 |
stamen | I made it and it was before upgrading | 10:38 |
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stamen | that is realy strange | 10:38 |
stamen | there is varlock | 10:38 |
stamen | varrun | 10:38 |
stamen | procbususb | 10:38 |
matthew | stamen, what is the partition no. of the swap partition? | 10:39 |
stamen | it didn't appear | 10:39 |
stamen | that is very strange for me | 10:39 |
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stamen | and now I must fix this too :( | 10:39 |
matthew | stamen, try mkswap /dev/device_name | 10:39 |
stamen | ok | 10:40 |
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matthew | stamen, how'd that work? | 10:40 |
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stamen | wait | 10:41 |
matthew | k | 10:41 |
crazy_penguin | can someone tell if i need more then the recipient (the users who i want to be able to receive mail thru the server) account in the postfix chroot passwd file ? | 10:41 |
kraut | moin | 10:41 |
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stamen | matthew: I made it swap again :) | 10:42 |
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stamen | matthew: now I will try with other command | 10:42 |
matthew | yay! It worked? | 10:42 |
stamen | wait | 10:42 |
matthew | ok | 10:42 |
stamen | it works :) | 10:43 |
stamen | thank you very much | 10:43 |
matthew | stamen, very cool | 10:44 |
stamen | but now the problem still stay with the other partitions | 10:44 |
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matthew | stamen, have you changed your fstab? | 10:44 |
stamen | no | 10:44 |
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matthew | !pastebin | stamen | 10:45 |
ubotu | stamen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:45 |
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matthew | paste your fstab on pastebin | 10:45 |
stamen | matthew: what was the address | 10:45 |
stamen | matthew: for pastebin | 10:45 |
matthew | | 10:45 |
matthew | paste it as stamen | 10:46 |
stamen | matthew: | 10:46 |
stamen | matthew: as I see it has modifyied itself | 10:46 |
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stamen | matthew: there are UID | 10:47 |
matthew | I see, was the text "converted during upgrade to edgy" included, or did you add that yourself? | 10:47 |
shenmue | !lftp | 10:48 |
ubotu | lftp: Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP client programs. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.0-1 (edgy), package size 349 kB, installed size 1364 kB | 10:48 |
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Admiral_Chicago | matthew: automatically by ubuntu | 10:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | makes for a more robust fstab | 10:48 |
stamen | matthew: I think kubuntu did it | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | don't know why | 10:49 |
Jucato | !UUID | 10:49 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jucato ftw. | 10:49 |
Jucato | :) | 10:49 |
stamen | Admiral_Chicago: will work the older fstab which I have in backup | 10:49 |
matthew | Jucato, FTW | 10:49 |
matthew | for sure | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | stamen: that's shouldn't be the problem | 10:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | what is the problem anyhow | 10:49 |
matthew | stamen, I've got no idea...anyone else know? | 10:49 |
Jucato | stamen: it should work, /dev or UUID | 10:50 |
stamen | whawt is ->Jucato, FTW | 10:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | For the win | 10:50 |
stamen | aaa | 10:50 |
Jucato | :P | 10:50 |
stamen | :) | 10:50 |
abattoir | Jucato FTW too | 10:50 |
stamen | so windows can see it? | 10:50 |
Jucato | lol hi abattoir! | 10:51 |
abattoir | hi Jucato :) | 10:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | ?? | 10:51 |
Jucato | windows can't see ext3 or swap partitions | 10:51 |
matthew | Windows Native can't see anything but FAT, FAT 16, FAT 32, and NTFS | 10:51 |
matthew | I think | 10:51 |
snpz^wrk | is there any LiveCD available with 2.6.19 kernel included? | 10:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | there is a guide somewhere online | 10:52 |
snpz^wrk | Jucato, ext2fs | 10:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | snpz^wrk: maybe Feisty | 10:52 |
cpk1 | Jucato: err yo can get windows to see ext2 so it sould be able to see ext3 | 10:52 |
snpz^wrk | Explore2Fs | 10:52 |
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Admiral_Chicago | !feisty | 10:52 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 10:52 |
snpz^wrk | i mean | 10:52 |
Jucato | snpz^wrk, cpk1: of course, but not by default | 10:52 |
lenscape | !aria2 | 10:52 |
cpk1 | excuse poor spelling | 10:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aria2 - try searching on | 10:52 |
snpz^wrk | jup | 10:52 |
cpk1 | keyboard acting up | 10:53 |
snpz^wrk | Admiral_Chicago, i will take a look | 10:53 |
lenscape | anyone know where I can find a .deb for this? | 10:54 |
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snpz^wrk | | 10:58 |
oslo | lenscape> do you have try i get it following the package link from your url | 10:58 |
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matthew | good night, everyone | 10:58 |
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lenscape | oslo: Thanks. I didn't see that link | 11:00 |
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AnalogMan | Hello | 11:03 |
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sercik | heila!!! | 11:04 |
sercik | how are you all! | 11:05 |
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AnalogMan | Troubled | 11:05 |
sercik | in linux is normal | 11:05 |
eMaX_ | ne1 knows how to exclude a package from the package database / auto update? | 11:05 |
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sercik | only in windows all is simple but you can't do anithing! | 11:05 |
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AnalogMan | Okay, then what can I do with my problem? | 11:06 |
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thoreauputic | eMaX_: you can do (in terminal) sudo aptitude hold <name-of-package> to stop it being upgraded | 11:07 |
bernielive | hi all | 11:08 |
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bernielive | new to linux how do i install programs? | 11:08 |
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thoreauputic | !adept | 11:09 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: | 11:09 |
bernielive | thanks | 11:09 |
thoreauputic | bernielive: read that - you might also install synaptic ( it is more advanced in some ways) | 11:10 |
thoreauputic | !repos| bernielive | 11:10 |
ubotu | bernielive: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 11:10 |
thoreauputic | !synaptic| bernielive | 11:11 |
ubotu | bernielive: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 11:11 |
thoreauputic | bernielive: adept and synaptic do the same things really - synaptic is probably more adaptable, and the command line apt and aptitude are the back ends for both | 11:12 |
sercik | if you want to install program you can use apt-get install "program" if you know the name | 11:12 |
sercik | or you can use synaptic or adept_manager graphic interface | 11:12 |
bernielive | thanks serik all noted | 11:12 |
sercik | i Like synapticbut is not default installed on kubuntu to do that open a konsole and type sudo apt-get install synzptic | 11:13 |
bernielive | thanks thoreauputic | 11:13 |
sercik | bernielive: pm me | 11:13 |
thoreauputic | bernielive: no worries :) | 11:13 |
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bernielive | pm? | 11:13 |
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sercik | private message | 11:14 |
sercik | click on my name right mouse and then choose private message | 11:14 |
bernielive | doesn`t say pm | 11:15 |
=== Jucato notes that it is recommended that instructions/guides be given in the main channel for the benefit of everyone | ||
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sercik | bernielive?! | 11:19 |
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sercik | which program are you usinf? to chat? | 11:19 |
snpz^wrk | Konversation | 11:19 |
snpz^wrk | xchat | 11:19 |
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sercik | on the left top you must see my name under #kubuntu | 11:19 |
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sercik | excuse me snpz^wrk i talk with bernielive | 11:20 |
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Jucato | sercik: if he's using Konversation (which is the one installed by default), it should be right-click -> Open Query | 11:20 |
sercik | i have already opened conversation so he must only switch window chat | 11:21 |
sercik | hi jucato! | 11:21 |
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Jucato | hi | 11:22 |
sercik | i'm not very good with linux | 11:22 |
sercik | but i'd like to help for the basis | 11:22 |
Jucato | looks like he went afk or something | 11:22 |
sercik | ii want to do my part | 11:22 |
Jucato | that's very good :) | 11:22 |
Jucato | keep it up | 11:22 |
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sercik | i have abbandoned fedora for kubuntu and for i'm in trouble for the differences :( | 11:23 |
sercik | for example telinit command doesn't work in kubuntu | 11:23 |
Jucato | don't worry. the basic differences would probably be the commands and package names. (unless you were using GNOME then) | 11:23 |
sercik | i'd like to start in runlevel 3 and then call runlevel 5 with startx | 11:24 |
Jucato | sercik: telinit is in Kubuntu | 11:24 |
sercik | i use kubuntu | 11:24 |
Jucato | ah.... runlevels... too advanced for me :) | 11:24 |
sercik | and the inittab configuration file? | 11:24 |
sercik | noooo | 11:24 |
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sercik | in redhat there was a file in /etc called inittab | 11:24 |
Jucato | hm.. I forgot where inittab is.. but I think it's in here somewhere | 11:24 |
sercik | only need to write init 3:initdefault | 11:25 |
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sercik | but i can't find inittab in kubuntu | 11:25 |
cpk1 | *ubuntu doesnt use runlevels iirc | 11:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | cpk1: it does | 11:25 |
Jucato | ah I think they did away with that in Edgy? | 11:25 |
sercik | i don't think that don't use runlevel | 11:26 |
sercik | is impossible | 11:26 |
Jucato | sercik: edgy uses a new init system, not the old sys v init | 11:26 |
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Admiral_Chicago | no, still do iirc. maybe because of upstart not sure | 11:26 |
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Jucato | I do recall editing something like inittab to reduce the number of tty's... I just forgot... | 11:26 |
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cpk1 | there still is /etc/inittab | 11:27 |
cpk1 | i *think* | 11:27 |
cpk1 | i am running dapper though | 11:28 |
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sercik | in the last kubuntu there is not inittab | 11:30 |
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sercik | someone could explain me qhy in synaptic appears like no installed some kde packages? | 11:31 |
sercik | but i'm using kde now | 11:31 |
sercik | under the category kde universe? | 11:31 |
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sercik | cai i switch to tha package to have completely support for mp3 mp4 aac in kde program? | 11:32 |
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sercik | Admiral_Chicago please light me!! | 11:33 |
omgponiezlol | sercik: hello | 11:33 |
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omgponiezlol | it is I | 11:33 |
sercik | | ? | 11:34 |
omgponiezlol | I = Admiral | 11:34 |
sercik | i know that you are admiral | 11:34 |
omgponiezlol | what can i do for you? | 11:34 |
sercik | what do you think abot my previous question? | 11:34 |
omgponiezlol | synaptic? or mp3 | 11:35 |
sercik | i remember that in fedora there was a kde red-hat project that give the complete and official kde | 11:35 |
omgponiezlol | not sure about that | 11:35 |
omgponiezlol | !restricted | sercik | 11:35 |
ubotu | sercik: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 11:35 |
omgponiezlol | for mp3 | 11:35 |
sercik | i thought that there was a similat thing in kubuntu | 11:35 |
sercik | i know that page! | 11:35 |
sercik | and i have read | 11:36 |
omgponiezlol | kubuntu = kde build for ubuntu | 11:36 |
sercik | but if i change completely kde | 11:36 |
Rob-West | will Kubuntu go from my S3 video to Nividia withough a problem | 11:36 |
omgponiezlol | Rob-West: probably | 11:36 |
sercik | seems that universe repository give the complete kde | 11:36 |
Rob-West | i dont wanna fight with Xorg | 11:36 |
omgponiezlol | if not, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:36 |
Jucato | (probably not... need to reconfigure X) | 11:37 |
omgponiezlol | sercik: you mean for every kde package ever? | 11:37 |
omgponiezlol | Jucato: X has done it for me before | 11:37 |
Jucato | omgponiezlol: it used a fallback driver when you switched cards? | 11:37 |
omgponiezlol | no it just worked, no idea how but it did... | 11:37 |
Jucato | what driver were you using? | 11:38 |
omgponiezlol | nv iirc | 11:38 |
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Jucato | and you switched from what card to what card? | 11:38 |
omgponiezlol | nv to on board | 11:39 |
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Jucato | the onboard is also nvidia, I presume? | 11:39 |
omgponiezlol | Jucato: can this come up some other time, unfortunetly Admiral has to get back to work | 11:39 |
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omgponiezlol | no intel | 11:39 |
Jucato | ah | 11:40 |
Jucato | ok sorry.. | 11:40 |
=== Jucato shuts up now | ||
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omgponiezlol | Jucato: thanks, we can talk when it's not... | 11:40 |
omgponiezlol | @now chicago | 11:41 |
Ubugtu | Current time in America/Chicago: December 13 2006, 04:41:06 | 11:41 |
Rob-West | !time | 11:41 |
ubotu | time: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB | 11:41 |
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=== Jucato still shutting up for the meantime | ||
Linux-Noobi | @now zurich | 11:41 |
Ubugtu | Current time in Europe/Zurich: December 13 2006, 11:41:39 | 11:41 |
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Rob-West | @now Watervliet | 11:41 |
Rob-West | !detroit | 11:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about detroit - try searching on | 11:42 |
Rob-West | @detroit | 11:42 |
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Rob-West | @now detroit | 11:42 |
Ubugtu | Current time in America/Detroit: December 13 2006, 05:42:19 | 11:42 |
Rob-West | wow | 11:42 |
sercik | yes admiral | 11:42 |
Rob-West | how can i check my CPU temps | 11:42 |
sercik | i'm installing everything form universe repository that regards kde! | 11:43 |
sercik | rob-west you can use lm-sensors | 11:43 |
sercik | try sudo apt-get install ksensors | 11:43 |
sercik | it installs lm-sensors and also a kde interface | 11:43 |
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Rob-West | 35C works | 11:47 |
xsacha | hey anyone here know about restricted modules.. installing old nvidia driver or something? | 11:47 |
Rob-West | thats what my CPU is running at | 11:47 |
sercik | Good job Rob! | 11:48 |
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rob | thanks sercik! | 11:48 |
digitalfreedom | i love when kopete crashes my desktop | 11:48 |
rob | :p | 11:49 |
sercik | nothing | 11:49 |
sercik | xsacha what do you need? | 11:49 |
xsacha | does restricted modules need to be uninstalled when you get a newer nvidia driver? | 11:49 |
digitalfreedom | i love it even better when it crashes right after a reboot and wont re open thats aswsom | 11:49 |
sercik | if you use alberto milone repository no | 11:50 |
xsacha | what about installing from nvidia site? | 11:50 |
sercik | because is an .deb package that will upgrade automatic with apt | 11:50 |
sercik | i prefer to use people repository | 11:50 |
sercik | you can vist alberto milone page and read which are the pro and cons | 11:51 |
sercik | i have done with alberto milone repository and then automatic with adept_manager the driver download and install | 11:51 |
sercik | if you use 64 bit: | 11:52 |
sercik | #Alberto Milone Driver | 11:52 |
sercik | deb binary/ | 11:52 |
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xsacha | if i (it's not me -- i dont have an nvidia card) installed the drivers from nvidia website though, would i need to uninstall restricted modules? | 11:52 |
sercik | add this to sources.list | 11:52 |
sercik | i think that it is a right think | 11:53 |
sercik | for sure...... | 11:53 |
xsacha | ok thx, page not found on that link | 11:53 |
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sercik | is not a page is the link to entry in sources.list | 11:54 |
xsacha | i know | 11:54 |
xsacha | but i cant browse it? | 11:54 |
sercik | no | 11:54 |
sercik | try to googlin for alberto milone | 11:54 |
xsacha | :( can usually browse them | 11:54 |
Jucato | hm.. | 11:54 |
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sercik | wait a minute | 11:54 |
Jucato | !nvidia9 | 11:55 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb edgy stable | 11:55 |
sercik | jucato i'm italian so prefer alberto milone :) | 11:55 |
Jucato | sercik: I don't know who owns that one. it's just in the bot | 11:56 |
Jucato | (but yeah I think I'd trust tseliot's more...) | 11:56 |
sercik | when i download with synaptic i can't browse the web (slowly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) | 11:56 |
sercik | jucato is there an qutomatic mode to insert jucato: like you do with sercik: | 11:57 |
sercik | or you must write it | 11:57 |
Jucato | sercik: tab completion. like in the command line | 11:57 |
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abattoir | sercik: write Juc and hit the tab key | 11:57 |
abattoir | or even Ju | 11:58 |
sercik | great | 11:58 |
sercik | thank you | 11:58 |
sercik | Jucato: thank you | 11:58 |
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sercik | ah! the exact page is | 12:00 |
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sercik | |multimedia | 12:01 |
sercik | !multimedia | 12:01 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: and for applications see this: | 12:01 |
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delphine_ | hi there | 12:04 |
delphine_ | I am struggling to use Katapult | 12:05 |
delphine_ | but I get a funky "invalid or uninitialized input deveice 166" | 12:05 |
delphine_ | s/deveice/device | 12:05 |
sercik | !aac | 12:06 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 12:06 |
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revolutionstudio | hey just asking but what kind of a server is myspace?....ftp or what? | 12:08 |
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revolutionstudio | hey just asking but what kind of a server is myspace?....ftp or what? | 12:11 |
Rob-West | i just cleaned up my desktop | 12:11 |
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Rob-West | i added a second taskbar | 12:11 |
Rob-West | and it looks alot better | 12:12 |
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d34l3r | hi | 12:14 |
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MHK | re | 12:14 |
probZ | i got a problem | 12:14 |
MHK | tell us | 12:14 |
probZ | I need widgets | 12:14 |
MHK | well, me at least | 12:14 |
probZ | do you know what I mean | 12:14 |
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probZ | they show CPU Load | 12:15 |
diomet | a | 12:15 |
MHK | something like superkaramba? | 12:15 |
probZ | inet speed | 12:15 |
probZ | etc | 12:15 |
MHK | try aero | 12:15 |
Jucato | !superkaramba | 12:15 |
ubotu | superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to | 12:15 |
probZ | ^^ wait | 12:15 |
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MHK | you'll get this at | 12:15 |
probZ | wait... going to take a look | 12:15 |
diomet | help | 12:15 |
=== MHK had a physics test and fucked it totaly up. why can't teacher just ask something about linux?! | ||
diomet | where can i find xine codecs? | 12:16 |
diomet | in apt-cache search | 12:16 |
MHK | | 12:16 |
diomet | thnq | 12:16 |
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probZ | where to find superkaramba? | 12:16 |
Riddell | see RestrictedFormats | 12:16 |
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mkay_ | probZ on sourceforge | 12:16 |
Riddell | probZ: universe | 12:16 |
MHK | probZ apt-get install superkaramba | 12:16 |
probZ | ok ^^ | 12:17 |
probZ | i got kubuntu edgy eft | 12:17 |
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probZ | (6.10) | 12:17 |
MHK | probZ apt-get install superkaramba | 12:17 |
probZ | hope it's already built for edgy | 12:17 |
Jucato | it is | 12:17 |
probZ | any idea where to get apt package of xchat for edgy? | 12:17 |
probZ | i cant find | 12:17 |
MHK | damned, just try man! | 12:17 |
Jucato | !info superkaramba | probZ | 12:17 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 515 kB, installed size 1408 kB | 12:17 |
probZ | i am talking bout XCHAT not superkaramba -.- | 12:17 |
Jucato | MHK: patience | 12:18 |
Riddell | probZ: it's also in universe | 12:18 |
MHK | probZ sorry, meant superkaramba not xchat | 12:18 |
Riddell | although xchat-gnome is probably in main | 12:18 |
Jucato | probZ: xchat is in the repositories, just like superkaramba | 12:18 |
MHK | Jucato messed a test | 12:18 |
probZ | xchat gnome is in main but not normal xchat | 12:18 |
probZ | that sucks >_< | 12:18 |
MHK | diomet: do you speak german? | 12:19 |
probZ | ich ja | 12:19 |
probZ | :> | 12:19 |
diomet | i`m new on kubuntu/linux and i'll apreciate a lot some help with this codecs | 12:19 |
probZ | :-D | 12:19 |
probZ | @ mhk | 12:19 |
diomet | MHK, no... | 12:19 |
MHK | diomet: damned... | 12:19 |
probZ | so | 12:19 |
mindspin | !de | 12:19 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:19 |
probZ | wo liegt das nun | 12:19 |
probZ | in welcher kategorie @ mhk | 12:19 |
MHK | diomet: there is very good wiki, unfortunately in german... | 12:20 |
probZ | ah - dientprogramme | 12:20 |
probZ | ^^ | 12:20 |
diomet | does not exist some apt-get install ? | 12:20 |
MHK | probZ ?? | 12:20 |
probZ | jo | 12:20 |
probZ | was gibts | 12:20 |
diomet | i found one last night | 12:20 |
MHK | diomet, because some are proprietary software | 12:20 |
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diomet | but i have reinstall the kubuntu | 12:21 |
diomet | and now i can`t find it | 12:21 |
MHK | diomet: i know that the admin will kill me, but try | 12:21 |
probZ | MHK | 12:21 |
probZ | no update for edgy already... | 12:21 |
probZ | only for dapper | 12:21 |
probZ | ;) | 12:21 |
MHK | probZ hu? what are you talking about? xchat? | 12:21 |
probZ | no | 12:22 |
diomet | i found a source.list for edgy | 12:22 |
probZ | I am talking bout automatix | 12:22 |
diomet | on | 12:22 |
MHK | diomet be carefull!!! | 12:22 |
probZ | it is not optimized for edgy already | 12:22 |
probZ | only for dapper drake | 12:22 |
mkay_ | diometic, i have the same prob. try easyubuntu... | 12:22 |
MHK | probZ don't mind use 6.10 | 12:22 |
probZ | I use 6.10 :-D | 12:22 |
probZ | ;> | 12:22 |
mkay_ | i hope it will be right for edgy, cause i install it too | 12:22 |
MHK | probZ me2 | 12:22 |
probZ | MHK ich kann deutsch | 12:22 |
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probZ | nur nebenbei | 12:22 |
probZ | ^^ | 12:22 |
diomet | i like 6.10 | 12:22 |
diomet | the last ubuntu tryied was 5.10 | 12:23 |
MHK | that sucked... | 12:23 |
MHK | =( | 12:23 |
probZ | 5.10 lol | 12:23 |
probZ | crappy installer.... | 12:23 |
probZ | :-D | 12:23 |
mkay_ | probZ dies ist ein englischsprachiger channel. bitte richte dich danach | 12:23 |
probZ | jop kk | 12:23 |
diomet | i've been searching for an os to replace windows | 12:23 |
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diomet | and until now | 12:23 |
diomet | kubuntu is the best | 12:23 |
diomet | :) | 12:23 |
MHK | diomet: try MacOSX gg | 12:23 |
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probZ | i need an overview what shows me how much RAM is used | 12:24 |
probZ | how mach Harddisk space etc | 12:24 |
probZ | I got superkaramba now | 12:24 |
MHK | probZ take aero | 12:24 |
probZ | what extensions do you recommend | 12:24 |
mkay_ | MHK mac is cool | 12:24 |
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mkay_ | probZ superkaramba | 12:25 |
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mkay_ | or conky | 12:25 |
probZ | i've got superkaramba | 12:25 |
probZ | but it only shows "design" | 12:25 |
probZ | designs | 12:25 |
diomet | maybe, but it can be installed on a pc | 12:25 |
MHK | mkay_: got this crap at school... unfortunately | 12:25 |
diomet | :) | 12:25 |
probZ | but not extensions -.- | 12:25 |
diomet | i heard something about a pc version | 12:25 |
MHK | probZ: download some from and then unpack and then click on'em | 12:26 |
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mkay_ | probZ no, it have nice sysmonitors too | 12:26 |
=== MHK is annoyed of people using not free software. Word crashed? nothing new, it did this from the first release on... | ||
probZ | :-D | 12:26 |
bezxyw | :D | 12:27 |
probZ | just microsoft software | 12:27 |
probZ | nothin more or less | 12:27 |
MHK | M$ u mean | 12:27 |
probZ | I was forced to Win XP on an 1 GHZ Machine | 12:27 |
probZ | to install* | 12:27 |
probZ | 5 mins after inet access the machine was damn slow | 12:27 |
probZ | and full of viruses | 12:27 |
probZ | >_> | 12:27 |
probZ | now I will install some Debian based Distribution | 12:28 |
diomet | a few years ago i installed a XP on a 350MHz pc | 12:28 |
probZ | :-) | 12:28 |
MHK | who looked for codecs? | 12:28 |
diomet | ME | 12:28 |
probZ | Windows ME | 12:28 |
probZ | :-P | 12:28 |
mkay_ | me too, cause easyubuntu doesnt work | 12:28 |
MHK | | 12:28 |
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mkay_ | im installing edgy via ssh, very precious | 12:28 |
MHK | and for the german one: | 12:29 |
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probZ | MHK | 12:29 |
probZ | extensions for Superkaramba? | 12:29 |
stamen | hi | 12:29 |
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probZ | where 2 get from | 12:29 |
stamen | how to see which program uses my CPU on 100% ? | 12:29 |
abattoir | probZ: what sort of 'extensions' do you need? | 12:29 |
abattoir | stamen: try top | 12:29 |
probZ | well | 12:29 |
probZ | one that shows CPU Load | 12:29 |
stamen | abattoir: how | 12:29 |
probZ | one for RAM usage | 12:29 |
abattoir | stamen: 'top' in a terminal | 12:29 |
stamen | ok | 12:29 |
probZ | one for iNET Activity (in and out) | 12:30 |
MHK | stamen: top -d 0.5 | 12:30 |
probZ | thats it | 12:30 |
abattoir | stamen: open up a terminal(konsole) type top, and press enter | 12:30 |
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diomet | libxine-extracodecs | 12:30 |
diomet | that`s the codec | 12:30 |
diomet | now i have to find a repository | 12:30 |
diomet | :) | 12:30 |
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probZ | ah and one for harddisk usage (space left / space used) | 12:30 |
abattoir | !info libxine-extracodecs | 12:30 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 12:30 |
probZ | @ abattoir | 12:30 |
stamen | abattoir: I saw it, thanks :) | 12:30 |
MHK | ffmpeg (universe), libxvidcore4 (multiverse), libxine-extracodecs (multiverse), libquicktime | 12:30 |
MHK | that are the most important codecs | 12:31 |
abattoir | probZ: browse through or click on Get new stuff in the sk main window | 12:31 |
abattoir | probZ: and choose a system monitor which fits your needs | 12:31 |
MHK | probZ: shall i send you a copy of aero? | 12:31 |
MHK | abattoir: give it up... | 12:31 |
abattoir | MHK: give what up? | 12:32 |
MHK | abattoir: give it up, he wants you to do it. | 12:32 |
probZ | -.- foad | 12:32 |
abattoir | MHK: do what? | 12:33 |
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MHK | probZ: look yourself and use your eyes. I can only recommend you something. | 12:33 |
=== abattoir is all confused now | ||
probZ | forget what he said | 12:33 |
probZ | ... | 12:33 |
MHK | abattoir to install the superkaramba design | 12:33 |
probZ | i dont need superkaramba... i had normal widgets using Gnome | 12:33 |
probZ | now I search some for KDE | 12:33 |
probZ | -.- | 12:33 |
probZ | thats all... | 12:33 |
abattoir | probZ: yeah, superkaramba is a 'widget' program | 12:34 |
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probZ | superkaramba only shows me some designs | 12:34 |
probZ | i dont need designs -.- | 12:34 |
MHK | and then you need some widget themself | 12:34 |
abattoir | if you need something very simple(at least eye-candy wise) get gkrellm | 12:34 |
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MHK | designs=widget | 12:34 |
abattoir | probZ: 'designs'? | 12:34 |
eilker | !vnc | 12:34 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 12:34 |
probZ | yeah visual designs... | 12:34 |
abattoir | MHK: wait a sec | 12:34 |
MHK | abattoir hm, also two sec... =) | 12:35 |
abattoir | :) | 12:35 |
MHK | well, these were now 45.4 sec | 12:35 |
eMaX_ | re | 12:36 |
eMaX_ | anyone knows what ubuntu-minimal is for and why it is being removed upon install of other packages? | 12:36 |
MHK | probZ | 12:37 |
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probZ | ? | 12:38 |
probZ | right | 12:38 |
probZ | Imeant desklets | 12:38 |
probZ | not widgets ^^ sry | 12:38 |
MHK | probZ: | 12:38 |
j03 | !FreeNX | 12:38 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 12:38 |
MHK | probZ guess that's what you're looking for | 12:38 |
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abattoir | probZ: try | 12:38 |
probZ | yep^^ | 12:38 |
abattoir | oh, the same stuff | 12:38 |
abattoir | it's by nixternal apparently :) | 12:39 |
probZ | I mixed up widgets / desklets | 12:39 |
probZ | sry! | 12:39 |
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=== MHK thought that desklet=widget ... =S | ||
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marius_ | Hi, I'm running thunderbird as my mailclient and if I click on a link in an email it tries to open this with konqueror. However I'd prefer if it used firefox. I cannot find this setting in thunderbird so I'm guessing thunderbird somehow drops the request to kde and lets kde open it with the default browser. Where do I set this behaviour ? | 12:39 |
MHK | marius_ go to Systemsettings | 12:40 |
MHK | marius_ then to standard programms (or similar, got german version) and then to webbrowser and change then to firefox (got to type in) | 12:41 |
marius_ | MHK Systemsettings/standard programs/webbrowser is already at firefox | 12:41 |
diomet | mkay_: i solved | 12:41 |
diomet | :) | 12:41 |
diomet | need help? | 12:42 |
MHK | marius_ hum, well then i don't know | 12:42 |
twosouls82 | marius_: it might use the $BROWSER variable then | 12:42 |
probZ | abattoir | 12:42 |
probZ | how to change the KDE Theme? | 12:42 |
twosouls82 | marius_: export it in your ~/.bashrc | 12:42 |
probZ | oO? | 12:42 |
probZ | not just the background | 12:42 |
eilker | !ssh | 12:42 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 12:42 |
twosouls82 | probZ: try to look for yourself in Kcontrol | 12:42 |
twosouls82 | look harder | 12:43 |
marius_ | If I type an address in the "run command" bar in kde is in fact uses firefox. So it appears to be a thing of GTK applications maybe | 12:43 |
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twosouls82 | marius_: look at what I said, some apps (mostly gtk) use the $BROWSER environment variable to launch urls | 12:43 |
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twosouls82 | marius_: put 'export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox' in ~/.bashrc | 12:44 |
twosouls82 | marius_: then relogin | 12:44 |
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twosouls82 | it might even lauch sensible-brower, that wouldn't be nice | 12:45 |
twosouls82 | =) | 12:45 |
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Hisfkof | hi peapole, i need install kwlan (or similar) gui for wpa_supplicant | 12:45 |
Hisfkof | kwlan don't work, his say "wpa_supplicant not are executing" but wpa_supplicant daemon are working | 12:45 |
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marius_ | twosouls82: I've done something similar: in a shell : >>> export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox' && modzilla-thunderbird <<< but still the same so the env setting does not seem to do the trick | 12:46 |
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twosouls82 | marius_: to determine if the sensible-browser is used; 'ln -s /usr/bin/firefox ~/bin/sensible-browser' and restart thunder, if that wasn't it, remove the symlink from your personal bin dir | 12:47 |
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marius_ | twosouls82: still konqueror... Hmm I need to work now. I'll try later. I'll just keep copying the addresses into firefox | 12:51 |
twosouls82 | marius_: export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox' && modzilla-thunderbird <--- typo, missing ' | 12:51 |
twosouls82 | marius_: have a nice day at work | 12:51 |
marius_ | twosouls82: O yea the typo was here in the chat, not in the shell of course. But thank you ! | 12:52 |
twosouls82 | :) | 12:52 |
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probZ | found what i needed | 12:54 |
probZ | ... | 12:54 |
probZ | where can i find truecrypt... is there any official binary? | 12:54 |
lupine_85 | !truecrypt | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on | 12:55 |
lupine_85 | nope | 12:55 |
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fildo | *gone | 01:00 |
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Gunirus | Hi | 01:03 |
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Gunirus | When i plug in my USB hdd, Kubuntu asks me what to do. I click "open i a new window" and the hdd will be mounted... But the owner is root | 01:04 |
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Gunirus | how can i change that? | 01:07 |
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digitalfreedom | i do i uninstall a tar file from cli? | 01:13 |
digitalfreedom | how* | 01:13 |
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verminox_ | hey any kdevelop users here? | 01:18 |
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sercik | an antivirus for kubuntu? | 01:18 |
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supergreg | my adept package manager just quit on me, and now it says "another process is using the packaging system db" - how do I kill it? | 01:21 |
Jucato | !adept crash fix | supergreg | 01:21 |
ubotu | supergreg: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 01:21 |
supergreg | thanks | 01:21 |
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Gunirus | When i plug in my USB hdd, Kubuntu asks me what to do. I click "open i a new window" and the hdd will be mounted... But the owner is root | 01:22 |
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Gunirus | how can i change that? | 01:22 |
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marius_ | twosouls82: If you are interested, i've found a solution to the default browser used by thunderbird: update-alternatives --config x-www-browser | 01:24 |
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twosouls82 | marius_: thanks man, next time I will have that as a third option =) | 01:24 |
twosouls82 | ;) | 01:24 |
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twosouls82 | marius_: I changes my from 'galeon' to 'konqueror', I am on kde an galeon was default :D | 01:27 |
twosouls82 | s/changes/changed/g | 01:27 |
twosouls82 | s/a/an/g | 01:27 |
=== twosouls82 gets himself a new keyboard a la minute | ||
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delphine_ | ok, Katpult is driving me crazy | 01:46 |
delphine_ | or rather, it's not driving at all :( | 01:46 |
stamen | how can I search in console by letter | 01:47 |
stamen | ls ? | 01:47 |
stamen | in example, I am in directory with many subdirs | 01:47 |
stamen | and they are starting with letters | 01:48 |
stamen | how can I search by letter "w" | 01:48 |
stamen | lets say | 01:48 |
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stamen | to show me the folders with "w" | 01:48 |
eMaX_ | did I say recently adept sucks.... | 01:48 |
stamen | :) | 01:49 |
eMaX_ | when I have a conflict, it gives me an ok button and forgets all selected packages afterwards | 01:49 |
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stamen | eMaX_: yes I now | 01:49 |
stamen | :) | 01:49 |
stamen | know | 01:49 |
eMaX_ | any other thing that I can use instead that would be better | 01:50 |
stamen | eMaX_: use apt-get | 01:50 |
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stamen | eMaX_: for search use-> apt-cache search | 01:50 |
eMaX_ | a little more like user interface fancy ? :) | 01:50 |
stamen | eMaX_: with GUI I don't know | 01:51 |
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marius_ | stamen: ls w* | 01:51 |
stamen | marius_: 10x | 01:51 |
stamen | :) | 01:51 |
stamen | how can I test my webcam | 01:52 |
stamen | does it work or not | 01:52 |
eMaX_ | of course if I select packages manually using adept, I cannot use apt-get as the database is locked | 01:52 |
stamen | eMaX_: close adept | 01:53 |
stamen | and try gain | 01:53 |
stamen | again | 01:53 |
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Jucato | !adept crash fix | eMaX_ | 01:54 |
ubotu | eMaX_: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 01:54 |
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Jucato | delphine_: ls <letter>*, like "ls w*" to search for everything beginning with 'w' (doesn't include 'W') | 01:55 |
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delphine_ | huh? | 01:56 |
Jucato | er sorry | 01:56 |
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Jucato | it was for stamen... | 01:56 |
delphine_ | auto complete ;) | 01:56 |
Jucato | stamen: ls <letter>*, like "ls w*" to search for everything beginning with 'w' (doesn't include 'W') | 01:56 |
Jucato | delphine_: nah.. I wasn't reading properly... your nick and stamen have the same color here... | 01:56 |
stamen | Jucato: yes they told me :) | 01:57 |
stamen | Jucato: 10x | 01:57 |
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stamen | Jucato: do you know how to test my webcam | 01:57 |
Jucato | nope | 01:58 |
stamen | Jucato: I wan't to use it ofcourse | 01:58 |
Jucato | I don't even have a webcam, much less know how to test it... | 01:58 |
stamen | Jucato: but I can't use it with skype for now | 01:58 |
stamen | Jucato: ok | 01:58 |
abattoir | !webcam | 01:58 |
ubotu | webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at Supported cams: | 01:58 |
stamen | does anybody knows | 01:58 |
abattoir | stamen: skype for linux doesn't support video yet | 01:58 |
stamen | abattoir: yes I know | 01:58 |
stamen | :( | 01:58 |
stamen | thats why I install whengophone | 01:59 |
stamen | whengophone | 01:59 |
stamen | it supports | 01:59 |
stamen | but I can't see a preview in the settings | 01:59 |
stamen | of my webcam | 01:59 |
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nuxil | how can i put a dot at the 3 number from right to left? example.. i got a string like: 123456 i want that to be 123.456 or if its 1234 i want it to be 1.234 | 02:18 |
nuxil | how can i do it? | 02:19 |
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Koshtan | hi all | 02:21 |
kruemeltee | hi Koshtan | 02:21 |
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Koshtan | first time starting this talking from the live CD :D | 02:22 |
Koshtan | looks good | 02:22 |
fdsareqwfsdarewq | hello? | 02:25 |
fdsareqwfsdarewq | hi this thing is on :) | 02:25 |
Koshtan | first time for you to dude? | 02:25 |
Koshtan | :) | 02:25 |
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fdsareqwfsdarewq | first time on irc in oh 10 years | 02:26 |
fdsareqwfsdarewq | never used this client before | 02:27 |
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fdsareqwfsdarewq | the channel lists are hilarious lilo-memorial :) | 02:28 |
fdsareqwfsdarewq | ciao | 02:28 |
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Koshtan | :)) | 02:30 |
Koshtan | is there any good pluggin for .mp3,.avi... etc. ? | 02:31 |
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Koshtan | is there any good pluggin for .mp3,.avi... etc. ? | 02:34 |
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Koshtan | any one... | 02:35 |
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BluesKaj | howdy all ! :) | 02:39 |
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Koshtan | hi | 02:40 |
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Gunirus_ | hi Koshtan | 02:44 |
BluesKaj | wow, quiet this morning | 02:45 |
Koshtan | is there any good pluggin for .mp3,.avi... etc. ? PLS | 02:47 |
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Koshtan | this OS looks just fine :D | 02:48 |
crimsun_ | Koshtan: for what app/usage? | 02:48 |
BluesKaj | can anyone decipher this message . This is the error message generated when trying to open Xawtv,... Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-ledfixed-medium-r-*--39-*-*-*-c-*-*-*" to type FontStruct | 02:48 |
crimsun_ | Koshtan: enable the universe and multiverse components, then install the 'libxine-extracodecs' package | 02:49 |
Koshtan | crimsun_: realy dont care i just want to play them.. ex.: coffeine to play .avy and amarok .mp3 | 02:50 |
Koshtan | ill do my best thanks... | 02:50 |
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Koshtan | :) | 02:50 |
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Shan` | i just connected another hdd in place of my cdrom.. now i cant see it | 02:51 |
master_ | give it for ubuntu a filesharing program??? | 02:51 |
Shan` | tanyone? | 02:52 |
Shan` | hello? | 02:53 |
crimsun_ | Shan`: does the bios recognise it? | 02:53 |
Shan` | yeah | 02:53 |
Shan` | i mean i hope so | 02:53 |
Shan` | lol | 02:53 |
Shan` | i didnt check | 02:53 |
crimsun_ | then check. | 02:53 |
Shan` | lol brb | 02:53 |
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Koshtan | crimsun_: how do I enable the universe and multiverse components? im realy kinda new here SRY | 02:55 |
crimsun_ | !components |Koshtan | 02:56 |
ubotu | Koshtan: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 02:56 |
Koshtan | hih thanks... | 02:56 |
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Shan` | well.. i checked and it detects it as secondary slave | 02:57 |
Shan` | crimsun_, ?? | 02:58 |
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master_ | ubuntu sucks | 02:59 |
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dannybuntu | lol | 03:00 |
BluesKaj | well, now you can deal with it Shan`, but it means you have to reset the connections for that drive to either primary or slave depending on what setup you want to have | 03:00 |
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flo_ | Anyone here who can help me with passwordless ssh ? | 03:01 |
Shan` | Black5un, does that mean i need to check the jumper? | 03:01 |
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Koshtan | laters my linux friends.. crimsun_ ,thanks again! | 03:01 |
BluesKaj | yes. go to the makers' site for the name amd number of the drive to dee what the jumper options are, Shan` | 03:02 |
BluesKaj | see | 03:02 |
Shan` | grrrr | 03:02 |
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Shan` | Black5un, theres no jumper in there.. os its obviously a slave rigt? | 03:02 |
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Shan` | *sigh* | 03:04 |
BluesKaj | not necessarily Shan` , it depends on the maker's setup | 03:04 |
BluesKaj | what brand is the drive | 03:05 |
Shan` | its a 40 gb sAMSUNG | 03:05 |
BluesKaj | model ? | 03:05 |
Shan` | AND SORRY BOUT THE NICK BluesKaj | 03:05 |
Shan` | SV4012H | 03:05 |
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Shan` | the thing is BluesKaj that i got this drive from work.. and i intend to use this as a backup disk.. but i need to first take a backup of the stuff thats on there.. it might be some imp work related shit | 03:07 |
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hammer | sources list /etc/apt? | 03:08 |
Shan` | ? | 03:09 |
VSpike | When I insert a removable storage device and it gets mounted into /media and a link placed on the desktop, what mechanism(s) are doing that? | 03:09 |
Shan` | would be fun to automount all drives eh? | 03:09 |
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BluesKaj | Shan`, you can see the drive , then you have access to the data unless it's pw protected etc | 03:11 |
Shan` | BluesKaj, I cant mount it.. i see it as hdd but if I try to mount it it asks for a fs type which i know is ext3 cos theres another ubuntu install on it but then it says ext3 is wrong | 03:11 |
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mindspin | VSpike do you have issues with usb devices? | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | doesn't matter whether it's a slave van always change it | 03:12 |
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Shan` | would reconfiguring grub see it as a bootable and give me that option? | 03:12 |
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Schuenemann | how can I remove the java (JDK) included in kubuntu? | 03:12 |
eMaX_ | anyone here knows how to recompile the kernel that comes with kubuntu? I'm asking as I've seen a patch that would allow me to enable my drivebay hotswap. I've not yet compiled a kernel on ubuntu (only suse), and otoh don't want to break any other things like suspend/standby which work well | 03:13 |
crimsun_ | ...there is no JDK included with Kubuntu. | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | sorry, JRE | 03:13 |
crimsun_ | meaning gcj? | 03:13 |
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Schuenemann | yeah, gcj | 03:13 |
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crimsun_ | why remove it? do you want Sun's or IBM's instead? | 03:13 |
Rebecca | hi hi... how do i kill arts on the live cd.. im trying to install but arts keeps poping up "sound server fatal error; cpu overload aborting". top shows it is going crazy. killing it doesnt help because it respawns.. disabling sound in kde setup thingy doesnt help either | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | yes, I'll install JDK 6 | 03:14 |
BluesKaj | Shan`, your present ubuntu is prolly ext3 as well ...some how it has to become the primary ....the best thing in my opinion is make it the primary and disconnect your present primary for now so you can access the samsung | 03:14 |
crimsun_ | Schuenemann: you don't need to remove it; just reconfigure the Java alternative and $PATH | 03:14 |
Schuenemann | but there's no reason to have an older version | 03:14 |
Shan` | BluesKaj, makes sense.. thanx | 03:14 |
Shan` | bbl | 03:14 |
crimsun_ | Schuenemann: when you remove gcj, it'll drag away a considerable portion of the infrastructure, too. | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | right | 03:15 |
Schuenemann | hmm... | 03:15 |
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crimsun_ | Rebecca: in a Konsole: grep snd_via82xx /proc/asound/modules >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $? | 03:15 |
Rebecca | the reason it's dieing is probably because it's trying to use my crappy onboard sound by default.. but i have a SBlive that i normally use.. ill fix that up when i finish the install but anyone know how to kill arts for now? | 03:15 |
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crimsun_ | Rebecca: tell me what that entire command returns | 03:16 |
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Rebecca | crimsun_: 0 | 03:16 |
sercik | hi rebecca! | 03:16 |
sercik | probably you could disable onboard audio from bios | 03:16 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: excellent. I fixed that several months ago. In the meantime, just set your SB Live to be the default. In that same Konsole, what's the output from ``asoundconf list'' ? | 03:17 |
Rebecca | sercik: um, hi | 03:17 |
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Rebecca | V8237 | 03:17 |
sercik | i think is the best solution if you use a live why doesn't disable audio on board? | 03:17 |
sercik | ciao a tutti!!! | 03:17 |
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the_hammer | ok every sudo command i do isnt working sudo kwrite and sudo kate | 03:18 |
sercik | hi to the great kkathman... | 03:18 |
Rebecca | sercik: because right now im just trying to install it to my hdd not set it up | 03:18 |
the_hammer | i wanna edit my stupoid sources list | 03:18 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: ok, in the same Konsole: echo options snd-via82xx dxs_support=2 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 03:18 |
Schuenemann | the_hammer: it's kdesu | 03:18 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: wait, you haven't finished installing it yet? | 03:18 |
Schuenemann | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:18 |
the_hammer | thanks guys | 03:19 |
Rebecca | crimsun_: nope. read what i have said and that's evident | 03:19 |
Rebecca | crimsun_: i just dont want the install to be messed up by arts consuming 99% cpu while im doing it | 03:19 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: (no, it's not evident, because the installer could have begun already, which changes the approach) | 03:19 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: you can disable the sound server in System Settings | 03:20 |
Rebecca | crimsun_: like i said... i did already.... | 03:20 |
VSpike | mindspin: sorry.. had to attend to a crying baby suddenly. Not exactly. Mostly curiosity. Also that something has created a whole load of directories in my /media folder called usb, usb0, usb1 ... usb7 and I'm curious why | 03:21 |
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Rebecca | what is spawning arts? i just want to kill the damn thing while i install | 03:22 |
crimsun_ | Rebecca: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd|awk '{print $1}') && sudo modprobe snd-via82xx dxs_support=2 | 03:22 |
mindspin | I asked because there is a bug relating t hal (which is doing the handling of usb devices, and other things) | 03:22 |
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Rebecca | crimsun_: sweet. i think that did it... so far :) | 03:23 |
Rebecca | crimsun_: thanks :) | 03:23 |
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VSpike | mindspin: I assumed it was to do with the 3 port hub / cardreader that I plugged in. Yet, when I plug a card into that device, it gets mounted as /media/usbdisk | 03:24 |
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mindspin | so you seem not affected by that bug | 03:24 |
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VSpike | mindspin: what are the symptoms? | 03:24 |
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mindspin | usb devices are no more recognized by plugging them in and you'll have to fiddle around with fstab or "downgrading" hal | 03:25 |
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ncaller | gnome-terminal has a way to enlarge the window and font while keeping the lines 80x25 constant. using (Ctrl Shift +). In Konsole I know you can drag the window larger and choose a larger font size but is there a way to increase it and keep the aspect or lines the same? (80x24) in this case? | 03:26 |
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VSpike | well, I have one device which used to be recognised when I plugged it into that 3 port hub, and now isnt unless I plug it into the PC itself. | 03:27 |
Alter-Ego | i am getting no sound from you tube videos | 03:27 |
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vyoman | what is the linux way of windows ipconfig /flushDNS? | 03:29 |
ncaller | vyoman what do you need to do? | 03:30 |
vyoman | clear the dns cache | 03:30 |
LjL | vyoman, don't assume we know what windows commands do :P anyway, i'm not sure there's a DNS cache at all... i'll check | 03:30 |
ncaller | what is resolving improperly? | 03:30 |
vyoman | ohps yes thanks | 03:30 |
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LjL | vyoman: <- but this daemon the talk about doesn't seem to be there here =) | 03:31 |
vyoman | i am changing the DNS entries on the server and don't like to wait for the DNS TTL | 03:31 |
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ncaller | create a temporary entry for the machine in /etc/hosts | 03:31 |
VSpike | mindspin: so, what part does HAL play in the whole process? I remember you used to have to fiddle with things like putting "auto" in your fstab, or using supermount or autofs or whatever they were called. Are those still involved, or does KDE itself take care of things now? | 03:31 |
LjL | vyoman: some google seems to confirm my suspicions of no-caching-by-default | 03:32 |
ncaller | verify it has actually been changed on the nameserver by doing a manual lookup at that nameserver: $ host | 03:33 |
vyoman | ahh thank you very much, i thought i ask here first | 03:33 |
sercik | i have tried to launch a program with alt+F2 combination keys (for example synaptic) it requires root privileges and kubuntu try to use gksu (s gnome frontend to sudo) why it doesn't use kdesu instead? | 03:33 |
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LjL | sercik: well, if the program is synaptic, then it doesn't surprise me too much that it tries to use to gksu... | 03:33 |
mindspin | iirc hal is the kde part which handles the stuff, but I#m no expert/developer | 03:33 |
sercik | hi ljl | 03:33 |
LjL | sercik: anyway, can't you just specify "kdesu" before the command manually, if the program itself is too smart for its own good? | 03:34 |
sercik | i have resolved installing gksu | 03:34 |
sercik | but i tought that was an option to specify the use of kdesu as predefined! | 03:34 |
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LjL | wouldn't installing synaptic install gksu anyway? | 03:34 |
ncaller | also when you run Alt+F2, there is an options menu to "Run as a different user" you should use that | 03:35 |
Jucato | LjL: afaik, no | 03:35 |
sercik | excuse me but i don't understand | 03:35 |
sercik | the problem however is not important..... | 03:35 |
VSpike | mindspin: thx | 03:35 |
LjL | sercik, there's no "predefined" sudo-like command i think... it's just that some programs (like synaptic, i guess) have the abilities to launch a sudo-style thing on their own. in the case of gnome programs, i would assume it's gksudo | 03:35 |
sercik | probably | 03:36 |
ncaller | well maybe not if root's password is unknown and only accessed through sudo then being able to enter the root password is pointless. I guess it depends on if kde's run is invoking su or sudo | 03:36 |
sercik | i'm not good in linux and was not symple to mer understand that the problem was gksudo :( | 03:36 |
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LjL | Jucato: hmm, well, depends what you use to install it ;-) gksudo is a recommends. if you install gnome-app-install it's a depends, though | 03:37 |
Jucato | LjL: probably. I only installed synaptic (for testing) | 03:37 |
LjL | sercik, why was it a problem, at any rate? | 03:37 |
Schuenemann | can anyone tell me where to download flash9? Adobe website always redirects me to flash7 | 03:37 |
sercik | strange that apt-get install synaptic doesn't install also gksudo | 03:37 |
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LjL | Jucato: right, i said "depends" because if you installed it using, say, aptitude, the recommends would be installed by default | 03:37 |
LjL | !flash9 | Schuenemann | 03:37 |
ubotu | Schuenemann: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports | 03:37 |
Jucato | it shouldn't be a problem. when you install Synaptic, the K Menu entry for it doesn't specifically use gksu/gksudo or kdesu | 03:38 |
Schuenemann | !backports | 03:38 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See | 03:38 |
Jucato | LjL: not on my system (set aptitude not to install recommends :P ) | 03:38 |
LjL | sercik: "gksu" is listed as a "recommended" package for Synaptic. apt-get, by default, doesn't install "recommended" packages, but only "dependencies". other front-ends (such as aptitude) do that by default | 03:38 |
sercik | ok | 03:38 |
LjL | Jucato: ah well, i was talking defaults of course :P | 03:38 |
fdoving | sercik: it's not needed to run synaptic. it's just ubuntus way of starting synaptic. | 03:38 |
sercik | but aptitude is not good frontend | 03:39 |
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sercik | not simple to use | 03:39 |
fdoving | also, one can configure kdesu to use the su/root password instead of the sudo/user password. | 03:39 |
sercik | so i have installed synaptic tha i like much | 03:39 |
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LjL | fdoving: i assume his problem was that he launched it without any *su* thing whatsoever, and i suppose if it sees it's not root, synaptic tries to launch gksu... | 03:39 |
Jucato | LjL, sercik: the K Menu entry for Synaptic has the "Run as different user" enabled, and doesn't use gksudo or kdesu specifically. this means that the it's up to the system to decide whether kdesu or gksudo is installed/being used | 03:39 |
sercik | i have learned one new thing "Run as different use" | 03:40 |
sercik | i have installed a lot of games like pingus penguin racer-...... but there aren't no shortcut in kde menu | 03:40 |
Jucato | sercik: if "Run as different user" is set to blank, the system will assume that you want to run it as root | 03:40 |
LjL | sercik: but anyway, just typing "kdesu synaptic" should suffice | 03:41 |
Jucato | sercik: some apps really don't get added to the menu | 03:41 |
sercik | without doubt | 03:41 |
sercik | but noone games i have installed? | 03:41 |
Rebecca | sercik: you can add them yourself | 03:41 |
LjL | sercik: well, *some* packages do miss a menu entry. otoh, i've sometimes experienced that packages that *do* provide an entry don't have it added until KDE is restarted, for some reason | 03:41 |
sercik | thank you ljl | 03:41 |
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LjL | sercik: well, dunno, let me try the ones you mentioned | 03:42 |
Jucato | LjL: no need for a restart. "kbuildsycoca" is enough. I also think that has been fixed in Edgy | 03:42 |
fdoving | LjL: that's because the sycoca isn't properly updated. running 'kbuildsycoca --incremental' from the commandline would fix that. | 03:42 |
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sercik | i thibnk that you are right because i don't think that al lgames doesn't add shortcut | 03:42 |
sercik | yes rebecca | 03:42 |
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LjL | Jucato, fdoving: thank you. yes, i don't think i've seen that anymore in edgy actually | 03:42 |
sercik | but if i install ten application together is not symple to make ten shortcut | 03:43 |
LjL | (though still, i think i'll keep using ctrl alt backspace ;) | 03:43 |
Schuenemann | how do those backports help me? I already have those in my repositories | 03:43 |
fdoving | some games only provide a debian-menu menu entry. in that case one needs to install the 'menu' package. | 03:43 |
sercik | fdoving explain me better please! | 03:43 |
LjL | sercik: pingus and planetpenguin-racer, you said? | 03:43 |
Jucato | sercik: there are very few apps that don't get added to the menu, compared to ones that are added | 03:43 |
sercik | so i'm stranged noone shortcut appears | 03:44 |
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LjL | Schuenemann: then "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" should do the trick | 03:44 |
Jucato | sercik: usually some of the games I think don't really get added to the menu, unless you do some stuff (like what fdoving mentioned) | 03:44 |
Schuenemann | will that install 9? | 03:44 |
fdoving | sercik: some apps do not provide a .desktop file, which will make up the menu. some provide a .menu file in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.menu file instead, debian (and then ubuntu too) got a system to read those files and make a menu. to get that menu you need to install the 'menu' package. | 03:44 |
LjL | Schuenemann: if you're on Edgy and have backports enabled, yes | 03:44 |
Schuenemann | how can I know which version will it install? | 03:44 |
Schuenemann | I'm on dapper | 03:44 |
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LjL | Schuenemann: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree | 03:45 |
LjL | Schuenemann: if you're on dapper, then perhaps seveas has it | 03:45 |
LjL | let me look | 03:45 |
sercik | if i explore the contect of one package can i understand if and where a shortcut is created? | 03:45 |
Jucato | LjL: flash 9 beta 2 available for both dapper and edgy in backports | 03:45 |
Seveas | (dapper-backports has it) | 03:45 |
LjL | Schuenemann: oh nevermind then. just use backports | 03:45 |
Jucato | :) | 03:45 |
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Schuenemann | but it's 7 | 03:45 |
fdoving | sercik: it will make a kmenu -> debian submenu with all it's fancy debian-menu stuff. | 03:45 |
Schuenemann | 0 | 03:45 |
LjL | Schuenemann: then you don't really have backports enabled | 03:45 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: do you have dapper-backports enabled? | 03:45 |
LjL | Schuenemann: are you sure there isn't also another version listed? | 03:46 |
sercik | i install menu package | 03:46 |
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Schuenemann | let me see | 03:46 |
LjL | sercik, here planetpenguin-racer is added a menu entry in Games / Arcade. i don't see pingus though | 03:46 |
sercik | ljl i have installed menu package and some application appeas | 03:47 |
LjL | Schuenemann, apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree will list *all* the versions that you have available, including older ones from other non-backports repositories | 03:47 |
sercik | appears | 03:47 |
Schuenemann | only 7 was listed | 03:47 |
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LjL | sercik: together with a lot of cruft, i bet =) | 03:47 |
LjL | Schuenemann: then you don't have backports enabled, pastedbin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:47 |
sercik | thanks to jucato for this hint | 03:47 |
Jucato | !pastebin | Schuenemann | 03:48 |
ubotu | Schuenemann: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:48 |
=== Jucato redirect sercik's thanks to fdoving | ||
Schuenemann | I guess I'm wrong | 03:48 |
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sercik | yes thanks to fdoving i don't remember right | 03:48 |
Schuenemann | # deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 03:48 |
Jucato | :) | 03:48 |
Schuenemann | this should be uncommented, right? | 03:49 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: yep | 03:49 |
Jucato | the "sudo apt-get update" or click on Fetch Updates in Adept | 03:49 |
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sercik | someone could give me the repository for flash on kubuntu edgy | 03:49 |
sercik | if i do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree noone package is found | 03:50 |
Jucato | sercik: it's in multiverse (Flash 7) and edgy-backports multiverse (Flash 9) | 03:50 |
Jucato | !multiverse | sercik | 03:50 |
ubotu | sercik: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 03:50 |
sercik | i have multiverse enabled | 03:50 |
sercik | but it can't find | 03:50 |
Jucato | sercik: I guess you don't have the correct multiverse enable | 03:50 |
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sercik | could you paste me the correct address? | 03:51 |
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sercik | i have found it in unofficla ubuntu starter | 03:51 |
Jucato | sercik: you have to add the word "multiverse" to the line that looks like "deb edgy universe" | 03:51 |
Jucato | add multiverse, don't replace "universe" | 03:51 |
rebecca | okay... installed.. now how do i change the sound device? | 03:52 |
Jucato | so that it will look like "deb edgy universe multiverse" | 03:52 |
sercik | like this: deb edgy main restricted universe multiverse | 03:52 |
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Jucato | yeah that will do | 03:52 |
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sercik | i have this line but flash-plugin..... is not found | 03:52 |
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Jucato | sercik: did you just add that recently? | 03:53 |
sercik | no | 03:53 |
Schuenemann | I added backports and now it lists versions 7 and 9, how do I choose? | 03:53 |
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sercik | i have already done many upgrade | 03:53 |
sercik | and i have done apt-get update | 03:53 |
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Jucato | hm.. strange... | 03:53 |
sercik | i know it's strange | 03:53 |
sercik | i can't understand! | 03:54 |
fdoving | Schuenemann: the highest version will be preferred. you can select to install a lower version with for example: sudo apt-get install packagename=version | 03:54 |
Schuenemann | ok, thank you | 03:54 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: you will probably have a notification that updates are available. | 03:54 |
shenmue | !postmark | 03:54 |
ubotu | postmark: File system benchmark from NetApp. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.51-5 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 68 kB | 03:54 |
Jucato | all you need to do is update to get the latest flash | 03:55 |
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rebecca | anyone? (changing the sound hardware it's set to use) | 03:56 |
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eMaX_ | how comes that adept_manager says that kde is not installed in kubuntu, while I'm obviously using kde | 03:58 |
Schuenemann | argh... didn't work, appearently | 03:58 |
rebecca | the Kubuntu Device Database has frozen.. | 03:58 |
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Schuenemann | asks for plugin installation whenever I load a site that uses flash | 03:58 |
sercik | eMaX_: i have the same problem | 03:58 |
sercik | the packages kde are under kde (universe) | 03:59 |
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eMaX_ | which means? | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | This version is a testing version, updated daily, and we give no warranty it won't break anything, burn your house,or kill your dog. But it *should* be safe to use anyway. | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | :) | 03:59 |
sercik | noone have reply to me | 03:59 |
fdoving | eMaX_: because kubuntu does not install the whole KDE suite. the package named 'kde' is there to install it all. which we do not do by default. | 03:59 |
sercik | fdoving: but also kdelibs appears like noinstalled and that's impossible | 04:00 |
fdoving | sercik: that's impossible. | 04:00 |
eMaX_ | but if I do install it I won't break anything? | 04:00 |
fdoving | eMaX_: not sure, haven't tried. | 04:01 |
sercik | no it's not impossible | 04:01 |
sercik | wait a minute | 04:01 |
fdoving | sercik: it's not impossible adept say it's not installed. But I still belive kdelibs is actually installed. | 04:02 |
sercik | yes is installed if i do dpkg -l | grep kde is here | 04:02 |
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m`kay | - are 404 ??? | 04:03 |
rebecca | i heard about some script that sets up all the non-free codecs.. doesnt seem listed in the faq.. can anyone enlighten me about it? | 04:03 |
sercik | i have installed kdelibs 3.5.5-0ubuntu3 | 04:03 |
sercik | but in synaptic there is 3.80.1-0ubuntu1 | 04:04 |
eMaX_ | anyone already tried 2.6.19 on top of edgy? | 04:04 |
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fdoving | !automatix | rebecca | 04:04 |
ubotu | rebecca: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:04 |
m`kay | !easyubuntu | rebecca | 04:04 |
ubotu | rebecca: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 04:04 |
eMaX_ | !easyunbuntu | 04:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about easyunbuntu - try searching on | 04:05 |
rebecca | fdoving: cool. thanks :) | 04:05 |
eMaX_ | oops | 04:05 |
sercik | probably is because is not a kde upgrade but a different version | 04:05 |
sercik | in fact if i try to install it removes many kde packages and install other versions | 04:05 |
Schuenemann | this damn apt-get didn't install any flash | 04:05 |
TheGateKeeper | rebecca, you want the w32codecs? | 04:05 |
sercik | Schuenemann: download manually flash | 04:06 |
Schuenemann | where can I find it? | 04:06 |
Schuenemann | flash 9 | 04:06 |
sercik | installing is simple i have done so | 04:06 |
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sercik | wait a minute | 04:06 |
Schuenemann | can't find at the adobe site | 04:06 |
rebecca | TheGateKeeper: yeah.. eventually. | 04:06 |
m`kay | schuenemann | 04:06 |
sercik | if you want i can send you the file | 04:06 |
TheGateKeeper | rebecca, read the top of my web page: | 04:07 |
Schuenemann | someone but that's german! | 04:07 |
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Schuenemann | oops | 04:07 |
Schuenemann | *butt that's german! | 04:07 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: what do you mean by it didn't install flash? | 04:07 |
sercik | /nickserv register ciccio | 04:07 |
Schuenemann | Jucato: I opened a page and it told me to download the plugin | 04:07 |
sercik | that's stupid kopete | 04:08 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: but you were able to install it using apt-get? are using Konqueror? | 04:08 |
rebecca | TheGateKeeper: okay. i think ill get a few other things done first though.... like my sound... anyone know how to change the physical sound device? | 04:08 |
sercik | i have done my password to all | 04:08 |
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Schuenemann | Jucato: firefox... and it said the installation was finished | 04:08 |
j_ | humm, how do I check if openGL works? | 04:09 |
sercik | /nickserv identify ciccio | 04:09 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: have you tried to restart firefox? | 04:09 |
Schuenemann | Jucato: yes, I closed before installing | 04:09 |
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Jucato | hm.. strange... | 04:09 |
Schuenemann | and now I accidentaly installed 7 again lol | 04:09 |
fdoving | sercik: i think it's time to change that password :) | 04:09 |
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sercik | but i don't understand... | 04:09 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: in Firefox, type "about:plugins" and see what Flash version is installed | 04:10 |
sercik | kopete doesn't execute /nickserv command? | 04:10 |
Jucato | sercik: you're probably typing a blank space before the "/" | 04:10 |
Schuenemann | 7... but I installed it accidentaly when it was requested | 04:10 |
Schuenemann | anyway, no 9 | 04:10 |
Jucato | sercik: and I think it should be /msg nickserver.... | 04:10 |
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sercik | /nickserv identify ciccio | 04:10 |
sercik | no there is not blank space | 04:10 |
Jucato | sercik: try /msg nickserv.... | 04:10 |
LjL | sercik: i'd change it | 04:10 |
sercik | with /msg it open a new private conversation | 04:11 |
sercik | yes i will change it | 04:11 |
sercik | but i doesn't use kopete anymore | 04:11 |
Schuenemann | maybe you should type that in console/status ? | 04:11 |
BluesKaj | Schuenemann, flash 9 is buggy ...7 is stable and it works | 04:11 |
sercik | stupid program GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR | 04:11 |
Schuenemann | flash 7 does not open youtube | 04:12 |
rebecca | Does anyone know how to change the physical device that the sound daemon is using? i need to change mine | 04:12 |
BluesKaj | works for me , Schuenemann | 04:12 |
sercik | i will return with konversation | 04:12 |
Schuenemann | how come? | 04:12 |
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BluesKaj | about: plugins, in the address bar | 04:12 |
BluesKaj | type: about: plugins, in the address bar | 04:13 |
Schuenemann | Shockwave Flash 7.0 r68 | 04:13 |
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Schuenemann | BluesKaj: what about it? | 04:13 |
sercik_ | l | 04:13 |
BluesKaj | application/x-shockwave-flash and application/futuresplash | 04:14 |
BluesKaj | you should have both | 04:15 |
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rebecca | anyone? it's kind of a show stopper for me using kubuntu....... | 04:15 |
Schuenemann | yes... in fact, it opened an youtube video now | 04:16 |
Schuenemann | but the video was a lot slower than it should be | 04:16 |
sercik | i heve changed my password | 04:17 |
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sercik_ | /nickserv | 04:18 |
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sercik__ | /ns | 04:19 |
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jpiccolo | do you guys know anything about PCI-X? | 04:20 |
Schuenemann | !pci-x | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pci-x - try searching on | 04:21 |
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sercik | /ns | 04:21 |
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ClayG | hey anyone know the package/kernel name I need to apt to get dual core support? | 04:22 |
Schuenemann | sercik: type that on status... it's safer | 04:22 |
trappist | ClayG: somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but you get dual core support out of the box | 04:23 |
sercik | /i'm trying to learn | 04:23 |
sercik | i have added command on strtup in kopete but it doesn't work | 04:23 |
sercik | i'm trying on internet on how to configure kopete right | 04:23 |
Schuenemann | I don't like kopete | 04:23 |
dannybuntu | kopete is great! | 04:24 |
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Schuenemann | I wonder when there'll be a client like mirc | 04:24 |
Jucato | er? | 04:25 |
Jucato | Konversation == IRC client | 04:25 |
dannybuntu | loool | 04:25 |
Schuenemann | but not as configurable as mirc | 04:25 |
sercik | mirc works good with wine | 04:25 |
Jucato | ?? | 04:25 |
sercik | now i will try to install it | 04:25 |
Jucato | you can automatically identify yourself in Konversation | 04:25 |
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Schuenemann | can you use aliases, scripts, etc? | 04:26 |
Jucato | of course | 04:26 |
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paulo | hello all | 04:26 |
Schuenemann | hmm | 04:26 |
rebecca | brb: restarting x... but in the mean time if someone figures out how to change the damn sound device let me know when i return please.... | 04:26 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: Settings -> COnfigure Konversation -> Command Aliases or Auto Replace | 04:26 |
Jucato | for scripts, they can be found/placed in /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts or ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts | 04:27 |
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Schuenemann | ok | 04:27 |
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Jucato | you can choose to have your channel tabs at the top, bottom, or left side (tree view) | 04:27 |
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_norman | question i have an e-tech adsl usb2 modem how can i connect it with linux | 04:28 |
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Schuenemann | I could configure mirc to ignore actions (/me), is that kind of configuration possible with konversation? | 04:28 |
Jucato | that I don't know | 04:28 |
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Jucato | er sorry | 04:29 |
Schuenemann | in some networks, lots of people keep auto-announcing the stupid songs they're listening to :p | 04:29 |
rebecca | soooo... anyone figure out my highly complex question.? *sigh* | 04:30 |
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fdoving | rebecca: did you investigate inside system settings? | 04:30 |
fdoving | rebecca: something about sound and devices? | 04:30 |
rebecca | fdoving: yes... i have looked there.. | 04:30 |
fdoving | rebecca: it's there, i don't have a kde desktop around now, can't check. | 04:31 |
rebecca | fdoving: the 'hardware' section lets me select which sound server im using.. but i fail to see what that has to do with hardware... | 04:31 |
rebecca | ok | 04:31 |
rebecca | weird... im supposed to have 3d accel working but glxgears runs super slow.. | 04:32 |
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Nookie^ | !w32codecs | 04:32 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:32 |
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sercik | rebecca prova glxgears --showfps | 04:33 |
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sercik | in una console | 04:33 |
fdoving | or 'glxinfo | grep -i rendering' | 04:33 |
rebecca | sercik: Warrning: unknown parameter: --showfps | 04:33 |
fdoving | rebecca: i belive it's one - | 04:34 |
rebecca | fdoving: and what am i looking for exactly in the output? | 04:34 |
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fdoving | rebecca: in the output from 'glxinfo | grep -i rendering' you're looking for Yes or No. | 04:34 |
Jucato | rebecca: it should have this "direct rendering: Yes" | 04:35 |
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rebecca | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 04:35 |
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rebecca | direct rendering: Yes | 04:35 |
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rebecca | hmmm.. whatever visual 0x4b is | 04:36 |
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kwtm | In Kubuntu, where exactly is the trash:// directory shown in the trash can ("recycle bin")? It's not ~/.Trash or ~/Trash --I checked. | 04:36 |
sercik | ah was -printfps | 04:37 |
sercik | not showfps excuse me | 04:37 |
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ragnar_123 | hi there! | 04:37 |
sercik | rebecca you could also try penguin racer | 04:37 |
rebecca | hmm.. is foobilliard not in the normal repos? | 04:38 |
LjL | rebecca: IIRC yes | 04:38 |
LjL | !foobillard | 04:38 |
LjL | !foobilard | 04:38 |
ubotu | foobillard: a 3D billiards game using OpenGL. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0a-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 976 kB, installed size 1444 kB | 04:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about foobilard - try searching on | 04:38 |
LjL | eh, correcting a typo that i didn't make | 04:39 |
ragnar_123 | any administrator here, who can tell me why am suddenly was banned from #ubuntu yesterday? | 04:39 |
rebecca | hmm.. cant find it in the repos...... | 04:39 |
piotsze | kwtm: "trash:/" in konqi, ".Trash-1000" (hidden) as a folder on each partition | 04:39 |
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ncaller | rebecca apt-cache search tuxracer | 04:40 |
fdoving | ragnar_123: try #ubuntu-ops | 04:40 |
rebecca | does ubuntu's repos only have a tiny subset of the packages avail in the deb repos or something? | 04:40 |
fdoving | !repos | rebecca | 04:40 |
ubotu | rebecca: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 04:40 |
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BluesKaj | rebecca, type this in the terminal: fgl_glxgears | 04:41 |
ncaller | I get the same message with glxgears on my thinkpad, I also have direct rendering enabled and fps is 1171 avg. | 04:41 |
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the_hammer | is there away to add an item of my choice to kmenu system tab? | 04:41 |
rebecca | BluesKaj: i dont have it installed | 04:41 |
ncaller | right-click system choose "edit menu" | 04:42 |
ragnar_123 | fdoving: thanks | 04:43 |
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BluesKaj | rebecca, ok , sorry about that .. maybe this site can help you get the right drivers and setup: | 04:46 |
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the_hammer | ok this is gonna be tricky to explain but here goes | 04:46 |
sercik | rebecca you could visit alberto milone drivers web page | 04:47 |
sercik | for me works good | 04:47 |
sercik | i have a 7600 GT | 04:47 |
the_hammer | i open a term i type in sudo kmenuedit i created a new thing to add to the menu i call super user i have to sudo to see my work in the menu but long story short i wanna add it to the kmenu | 04:49 |
Jucato | the_hammer: why are you running kmenuedit as root? | 04:50 |
the_hammer | because i need root privs to do what i wanna do with it | 04:50 |
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the_hammer | any of u used mepis before? | 04:51 |
Jucato | what do you mean? you run kmenuedit as a normal user if you want to see the changes on that user | 04:51 |
rebecca | BluesKaj: i think it is installed ok actually... despite the cryptic error. tuxcart + foobillard works fine | 04:51 |
Jucato | the_hammer: you want to add a K Menu entry that will launch Konqueror as root? | 04:51 |
the_hammer | or seen any distro with a super user file manager in kmenu? | 04:51 |
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the_hammer | something like that yes | 04:51 |
the_hammer | it can be done in mepis | 04:51 |
the_hammer | i wanna try and make it work here | 04:51 |
Jucato | the_hammer: you don't need to be root to add that in kmenuedit | 04:52 |
rebecca | which is certainly a plus compared to my days spent trying to get 3d accel working with debamd64. hehe | 04:52 |
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humbolt | how can I quickly get a button in my taskbar which does execute one thing on the first and another on the second click? | 04:52 |
Jucato | the_hammer: add a normal entry in K Menu, and for the command, put in "kdesu konqueror" | 04:52 |
Jucato | the_hammer: or, just put in "konqueror" then enable/check the "Run as different user" and leave field beneath it as blank | 04:53 |
the_hammer | ok i messed something i think...ill trry again and ill be back in a bit | 04:53 |
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the_hammer | i got it | 04:57 |
the_hammer | i found my prob to while i was at it | 04:57 |
sercik | to all people tha speak with me about the problem that apt-get for me can't find lflash-plugin nonfree!! | 04:57 |
Jucato | flashplugin-nonfree | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | !fash | 04:57 |
sercik | i have understood the problem: I have 64 bit | 04:57 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fash - try searching on | 04:57 |
the_hammer | when i typed the command in term to edit menu out of habbit i did it as root | 04:57 |
the_hammer | *slaps self | 04:58 |
sercik | and on the universe repo there isn't 64 bit flash | 04:58 |
ubuntu | hello | 04:58 |
Jucato | the_hammer: which is why I was asking why you were running kmenuedit as root | 04:58 |
sercik | noone of us could understand now i have understood the problem | 04:58 |
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Jucato | sercik: basically because there is not 64 bit Flash at all.. | 04:58 |
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sercik | exact | 04:58 |
the_hammer | ya it didnt dawn on me till after | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | Jucato, i was about to say that. :) | 04:58 |
Jucato | sercik: I didn't recall you mentioning you were on 64-bit... | 04:58 |
sercik | but before you haven't told me that | 04:58 |
Dr_willis | one of th emany reasons i dont mess with 64bit linux yet. | 04:58 |
shotglass | i have a question: how do I set my resolution to 1280 by 1024? The maximum res on the LiveCD is 1024 by 768 | 04:58 |
sercik | but you are good you must arrive yourself :) | 04:58 |
shotglass | is that changable | 04:59 |
Jucato | sercik: we can't read minds or guess if you're on 32-bit or 64-bit | 04:59 |
archangel_ | Hey, I just got a media card reader. How do I get it to work with linux | 04:59 |
sercik | :) | 04:59 |
the_hammer | ok now i can continue to play bbl guys and thanks again | 04:59 |
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sercik | jucato: i'm joking | 04:59 |
Jucato | the_hammer: next time, just right-click on the K Menu and select Menu Editor | 04:59 |
shotglass | how do I set my resolution to 1280 by 1024? The maximum res on the LiveCD is 1024 by 768 | 04:59 |
shotglass | [15:58] <sercik> but you are good you must arrive yourself :) | 04:59 |
shotglass | [15:58] <shotglass> is that changable | 04:59 |
sercik | i'm not good | 05:00 |
sercik | i'm here to ask for your help | 05:00 |
shotglass | so can i change the resolution while using the LiveCD? | 05:00 |
sercik | to all people that need help on 64 bit kubuntu i can help to install firefox32bit with flash and java | 05:00 |
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mc__ | im trying to compile enlightnement form cvs the autogen script gives me followin error:./ line 10: aclocal: command not found ,what package do you think is missing? | 05:01 |
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sercik | one question windows vista exists 32 bit version? | 05:01 |
shotglass | never mind | 05:01 |
crimsun_ | sercik: it would be beneficial to write up your help on a wiki page, too. | 05:01 |
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sercik | the help is already online! but for someone that have a doubt..... | 05:02 |
sercik | how many people here call from europe? and from italy? | 05:03 |
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LjL | !offtopic | sercik | 05:04 |
ubotu | sercik: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:04 |
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LjL | and of course vista exits in a 32 bit version anyway | 05:04 |
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Schuenemann | I have installed JDK 6, how can I make kubuntu stop using gcj (perhaps even remove it) ? | 05:05 |
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archangel_ | wow never mind it was auto matic | 05:05 |
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Jucato | Schuenemann: "sudo update-alternatives --config java" | 05:06 |
archangel_ | the icon to the media was right there on my desktop | 05:06 |
archangel_ | I didnt have to do jack | 05:06 |
archangel_ | lol | 05:06 |
Schuenemann | Jucato: huh... I don't see the installation I just made | 05:06 |
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Jucato | Schuenemann: you installed jdk or jre? | 05:07 |
archangel_ | what does this mean? -----------> can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 05:07 |
Schuenemann | JDK, but it contains JRE | 05:07 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: then there should be a line for Sun Java there | 05:08 |
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arne | could some one please tell me how to get mpd to recreate th db file? | 05:08 |
Schuenemann | there isn't... I swear | 05:08 |
Schuenemann | /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1 | 05:08 |
Schuenemann | *+ 2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java | 05:08 |
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Jucato | Schuenemann: how did you install it,btw? apt-get? | 05:09 |
sercik | LjL: was only a question don't be so precise! | 05:09 |
Schuenemann | no, the shell script at sun's site | 05:09 |
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Jucato | ah, no wonder... | 05:09 |
Jucato | sorry, my knowledge stops there.. | 05:09 |
Schuenemann | apt-get does not have 6, I think | 05:09 |
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Jucato | nope. only 5 | 05:10 |
Schuenemann | how can I undo the installation? | 05:10 |
Schuenemann | whereis javac doesn't return anything, that's strange | 05:10 |
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dannybuntu | hello all can anyone tell me how to reverse the effect of ./configure? | 05:12 |
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LjL | dannybuntu: make distclean possibly | 05:15 |
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LjL | or just remove the directory and untar again :P | 05:15 |
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dannybuntu | ok will try thanks :) | 05:15 |
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BluesKaj | what bit torrent client is best in (k)ubuntu ..I'm using azureus , but it seems to stall and lose conns frequently ...any suggestions ? | 05:19 |
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dannybuntu | ktorrent | 05:19 |
rebecca | interesting..i disabled onboard sound and it's still not finding my SBlive | 05:19 |
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dannybuntu | Blueskaj: Ktorrent looks and feels like utorrent | 05:20 |
the_hammer | anyone one here use eye candy? | 05:20 |
BluesKaj | dannybuntu, ktorrent seems buggy to me , doesn't launch properly half the time | 05:20 |
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the_hammer | when i try to d/l liquid weather i friggen kate opens and kills my d/l | 05:21 |
the_hammer | why and how to stop? | 05:21 |
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the_hammer | says something bout binery file and poof d/l dies | 05:21 |
dannybuntu | BluesKaj: utorrent works well in wine | 05:22 |
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makis | hi | 05:22 |
the_hammer | wine...ill drink it with ya | 05:22 |
makis | anyone tried voipbuster client with wine? | 05:22 |
LjL | makis: no, but keep in mind that you can use *any* SIP client with voipbuster (you just need their own client in order to *create* an account) | 05:23 |
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LjL | !wengophone | 05:23 |
ubotu | wengophone: SIP-based software telephone with video and chat features. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99+svn4511-4ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 2280 kB, installed size 4988 kB | 05:23 |
LjL | !twinkle | 05:23 |
ubotu | twinkle: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.dfsg-1 (edgy), package size 1115 kB, installed size 2988 kB | 05:23 |
makis | thanks for your answer | 05:23 |
LjL | !kphone | 05:23 |
ubotu | kphone: Voice over IP (VoIP) phone application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2-6 (edgy), package size 406 kB, installed size 1260 kB | 05:23 |
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LjL | makis: the voipbuster site has a "SIP" page when it gives you the parameters to use on the client | 05:23 |
makis | but with voipbuster client you can send also sms | 05:24 |
rebecca | can anyone tell me how to change my sound device please? | 05:24 |
makis | thats why i'd like to use it | 05:24 |
LjL | makis: well, i believe you can do that from the web page as well, though | 05:24 |
Schuenemann | is there a way to remove GCJ without any side effects? I want to install JDK 6 | 05:24 |
makis | yeah i'm a little lazy,i know.... | 05:24 |
makis | however thanks | 05:24 |
LjL | makis: not a matter of laziness, but while WINE can be useful at times, i think mostly you should avoid it when you can... it's just unnecessary hassle and eating of resources, isn't it | 05:26 |
LjL | Schuenemann: won't update-alternatives suffice? | 05:26 |
Schuenemann | the sun jdk isn't listed there... | 05:26 |
Schuenemann | I installed using the shell script from sun's website | 05:26 |
makis | i agree on that | 05:27 |
rebecca | doesn't anyone have a clue how to setup sound?! | 05:27 |
Jucato | LjL: he installed Java 6 from | 05:27 |
LjL | oh, nevermind then | 05:27 |
Schuenemann | why installing things have to be a pain? =/ | 05:27 |
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LjL | makis: also, WengoPhone supports SMS sending - but i don't know if it's a Wengo specific feature, or something general to SIP that will work with VoipBuster as well | 05:28 |
LjL | Schuenemann: it doesn't if you get them from the repositories :-P which, admittedly, don't have java 6 | 05:28 |
vado | Bonsoir tout le monde | 05:28 |
Schuenemann | yeah... that's a problem | 05:28 |
Schuenemann | I installed from another distro that didn't come with gcj and it worked fine | 05:29 |
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Schuenemann | isn't there a manual way of adding an entry to update-alternatives? | 05:29 |
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The_Machine | dumb question, yeah.. where can i find my floppy? | 05:36 |
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The_Machine | i'm not seeing it under media. | 05:36 |
The_Machine | how might i mount it, or be able to make it so i can use it? :) | 05:37 |
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tenco | kann mir mal jemand sagen warum psi in der ubuntu version nur jabber kann? o_O | 05:41 |
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Schuenemann | !nl | tenco | 05:44 |
ubotu | tenco: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 05:44 |
BluesKaj | !de | 05:44 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:44 |
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tenco | ups, sorry | 05:44 |
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tenco | false channel XD | 05:45 |
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rebecca | how do i manually setup sound? :/ | 05:47 |
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crimsun_ | rebecca: more context, please? | 05:48 |
rebecca | crimsun_: it's not detecting my PCI SBlive | 05:49 |
rebecca | so i guess i need to set it up manually | 05:49 |
crimsun_ | what's the output from ``asoundconf list''? | 05:49 |
weswh- | is it possible to run openssh off of the livecd? i am trying to figure out a way to get some data off of a drive onto my laptop (before i install the system). not sure what tools are at my disposal just with the livecd. ssh would work perfectly, but given it's not even installed by default i doubt it is there? | 05:49 |
rebecca | there is none | 05:49 |
crimsun_ | none? | 05:49 |
=== rebecca nods | ||
crimsun_ | what's ``cat /proc/asound/cards''? | 05:50 |
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zorbas | hi | 05:50 |
rebecca | No such file or directory | 05:50 |
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crimsun_ | rebecca: pastebin your ``lspci -v && lspci -nv'' | 05:51 |
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zorbas | hey guys which distribution is best for newbie : kubuntu or suse ? | 05:52 |
Schuenemann | both are nice, in my opinion | 05:52 |
Schuenemann | but suse is heavier | 05:52 |
BluesKaj | kubuntu...suse has a terrible pkg sources setup | 05:52 |
Jucato | you're asking in a #kubuntu channel? | 05:52 |
zorbas | i've installed suse but it seems to complicated to me | 05:52 |
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zorbas | :) | 05:52 |
weswh- | i wouldn't say suse is 'complicated', apt-get is much nicer for packages as mentioned | 05:53 |
zorbas | i simply asking | 05:53 |
Schuenemann | if it seems complicated, try slackware :D | 05:53 |
Schuenemann | you can install apt-get in suse | 05:53 |
zorbas | slackware ? | 05:53 |
zorbas | what is apt-get ? | 05:53 |
weswh- | but you won't be able to use the debian/ubuntu packages | 05:53 |
weswh- | i meant overall, i wasn't impressed with suse packages. but, i'm rather new myself. | 05:54 |
Jucato | apt-get is the program for the APT package manager in Debian, Kubuntu, and others | 05:54 |
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Schuenemann | and suse is 5 cds... kubuntu is only 1 | 05:54 |
Jucato | Schuenemann: disadvantage: you need a good internet connection to install other stuff | 05:54 |
zorbas | yes is really big | 05:54 |
Schuenemann | yeah... right | 05:54 |
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crimsun_ | rebecca: tell us the url when you've pasted it. | 05:55 |
rebecca | | 05:55 |
Jucato | the premise with Kubuntu's 1 CD is that it contains everything you need to run a normal, "free" desktop | 05:55 |
Schuenemann | but the programs in those cds become old quickly | 05:55 |
megapig | change res 1280*800 anyone? | 05:55 |
rebecca | crimsun_: pastbin was being weird | 05:55 |
crimsun_ | rebecca: ? | 05:55 |
rebecca | crimsun_: no | 05:56 |
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ultm8 | hey up folks | 05:59 |
ultm8 | have a real simple question for u linux gurus | 05:59 |
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ultm8 | i just cannot get my head around how to moving files out of a folder to another folder using the terminal | 06:00 |
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ultm8 | can some1 give me an example | 06:00 |
Schuenemann | type cd directory | 06:00 |
Schuenemann | like cd /home | 06:00 |
ultm8 | yes | 06:00 |
rebecca | ultm8: man mv | 06:00 |
Schuenemann | ahh mov | 06:00 |
Schuenemann | move... sorry | 06:00 |
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ultm8 | yeah sure i know its mv <--- but how do i move the files within the folder and not the folder itself? do i have to move each file seperately? | 06:01 |
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ultm8 | for example i have 10 files in LINUX folder | 06:02 |
VSpike | if you want to move the files in the folder, cd into into it and do "mv * /some/new/place" | 06:02 |
ultm8 | the star with do it? | 06:02 |
ultm8 | :o) | 06:02 |
Jucato | yes | 06:02 |
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Jucato | * = "everything" | 06:02 |
rebecca | use wildcards with caution... | 06:02 |
ultm8 | i had a sneaking suspicion :o) thx Jucato | 06:02 |
Jucato | actually it means "all files" | 06:02 |
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ultm8 | u can sleep well 2night knowing u did a good deed | 06:03 |
ultm8 | hehehe | 06:03 |
VSpike | ultm8: yes. And you can be more specific, e.g. "mv file* /some/new/place" which would move anything starting with "file", e.g. file123, filexyz, file.txt | 06:03 |
rebecca | Jucato: and directories (which are really just another kind of file i know) | 06:03 |
ultm8 | 1 sec will just try it | 06:03 |
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ultm8 | quality | 06:03 |
Jucato | rebecca: depends on the command. afaik cp and rm don't work with directories unless you specify -r | 06:03 |
ultm8 | i want to move all folders and files within the folder | 06:04 |
rebecca | true.. but we are talking about the wildcard not the specific command | 06:04 |
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ultm8 | so would it be sudo mv * -r /home/blar/blar etc | 06:04 |
Jucato | rebecca: I meant that * in cp and rm doesn't include folders, afaik | 06:04 |
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Jucato | ultm8: no need for the -r | 06:04 |
ultm8 | oki doki | 06:05 |
ultm8 | here we go then | 06:05 |
ultm8 | i will get back to u | 06:05 |
ultm8 | 1 sec | 06:05 |
rebecca | ultm8: read the man page.. it's explained quite well | 06:05 |
delan | Algum do Brasil? | 06:05 |
Jucato | !br | 06:05 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 06:05 |
eeos | how do I switch to text install, because my screen goes blank? | 06:05 |
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ultm8 | guys thx soooo dam much | 06:06 |
ultm8 | finally | 06:06 |
VSpike | ultm8: you can use mv to rename files too | 06:06 |
rebecca | im going to crash for the night.. if anyone has a clue about manually setting up the hardware sound device (yes i sound like a broken record but noone seems to have a clue). then please Private message me with info. | 06:06 |
VSpike | mv oldname newname | 06:06 |
ultm8 | well done give urselves a big bat on the back ;o) | 06:06 |
eeos | can I install from the iso to my hard disk without cd and without floppy? | 06:06 |
mc__ | !ati | 06:06 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 06:06 |
eeos | !iso | 06:07 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. | 06:07 |
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eeos | !install | 06:07 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and | 06:07 |
ultm8 | now i can install joomla @ long last | 06:08 |
ultm8 | hehehe or next steop | 06:08 |
ultm8 | step | 06:08 |
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ultm8 | in the last 15minutes i learnt how to moves files using ssh to my server and to move files from folders only | 06:08 |
ultm8 | u guys rock thx | 06:08 |
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eeos | I would like to install on a laptop through the internet, fetching files from the main repository, but I have no floppy and no cdrom | 06:10 |
Jucato | ultm8: couldn't do it from a GUI? | 06:10 |
eeos | can I do it? | 06:10 |
The_Machine | heh | 06:10 |
The_Machine | hehe | 06:10 |
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ultm8 | erm no jucato | 06:12 |
Jucato | why? | 06:12 |
ultm8 | my server has no gui | 06:12 |
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mefisto__ | What are kernel headers? I've been googling this and getting more and more puzzled. Is there a simple answer? | 06:12 |
ultm8 | and for some reason i cannot connect via the graphical interface on my localmachine | 06:12 |
Jucato | sftp:// in Konqueror? | 06:12 |
ultm8 | hold on i will give that a go | 06:13 |
ultm8 | am actually using ubuntu | 06:13 |
ultm8 | not kubutu | 06:13 |
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ultm8 | but the ubuntu folks weren't very helpful ;o) | 06:13 |
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ultm8 | might go back to good old kde though ;o) | 06:13 |
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Jucato | ah | 06:15 |
Jucato | well.... | 06:16 |
Jucato | don't know how to do that in Ubuntu... | 06:16 |
delphine_ | hello people | 06:16 |
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crimsun_ | rebecca: any update on the paste? | 06:16 |
ultm8 | yeah i think its the same | 06:16 |
ultm8 | tried using natilus | 06:17 |
delphine_ | I have a question concerning unmounting the partitions at shutdown. But I may be totally wrong about the whole thing anyway. | 06:17 |
ultm8 | but for some reason my password fails eeeck! | 06:17 |
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ultm8 | yes | 06:17 |
ultm8 | i done it | 06:18 |
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ultm8 | thx jucato u taught me something else | 06:18 |
Jucato | ?? | 06:18 |
delphine_ | Admiral_Chicago: you around? | 06:18 |
ultm8 | hahaha am on a learning streak | 06:18 |
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Jucato | what did I teach you? sftp on Nautilus? | 06:18 |
ultm8 | if i type in sftp://username@ip in natilus i can graphically enter my remote machine | 06:19 |
ultm8 | hehehe | 06:19 |
ultm8 | sftp | 06:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | delphine_: sorry no, major paper due in 40 minutes | 06:19 |
Jucato | yeah | 06:19 |
ultm8 | in natilus | 06:19 |
ultm8 | yeah | 06:19 |
delphine_ | Admiral_Chicago: ok | 06:19 |
Jucato | works in KOnqueror too | 06:19 |
delphine_ | Admiral_Chicago: may the force be with you | 06:19 |
ultm8 | also taught u something too natilus u can do it in there | 06:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | ty | 06:19 |
ultm8 | was trying in my webrowser @ 1st | 06:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | delphine_: PM me if you wish | 06:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'll be awy 3 hours though | 06:20 |
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delphine_ | Admiral_Chicago: naa, i'll let you work | 06:20 |
delphine_ | thx :) | 06:20 |
ultm8 | yeah i know konqueror works, but never used it ;o) i think konqueror is far superior to gnome | 06:20 |
ultm8 | loads more functions | 06:20 |
ultm8 | but gnome is a nicer smoother environment | 06:20 |
Jucato | ultm8: I didn't know it worked the same in Nautilus, tbh :) | 06:21 |
ultm8 | but kde has loads more functionality | 06:21 |
ultm8 | well we all learn together | 06:21 |
ultm8 | heheh | 06:21 |
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ultm8 | i cannot believe am logged into my other computer via this 1 | 06:21 |
ultm8 | that is sooo cool | 06:22 |
ultm8 | hahaha | 06:22 |
ultm8 | noob excitement | 06:22 |
Jucato | :) | 06:22 |
CVirus | !nvidia | 06:22 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 06:22 |
ultm8 | thats sooo handy | 06:22 |
ultm8 | was worried because lateron i need to move more files over | 06:22 |
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ultm8 | and now no more worries | 06:23 |
ultm8 | i think i wil still give the command line priority | 06:23 |
Jucato | yep. it's always good to learn the CLI counterpart | 06:23 |
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ultm8 | ok buddy i have to go now | 06:24 |
ultm8 | gotta go pick up the mrs | 06:24 |
ultm8 | but i will be back | 06:24 |
ultm8 | take care and thx 4 ur helps peeps | 06:24 |
ultm8 | Jucato the * | 06:24 |
Jucato | hehe | 06:24 |
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derekS | hi. iI am trying to upgrade from dapper->edgy, and it is giving me problems with koffice-libs... i couldn't find any issues on launchpad/forums...any suggestions? | 06:33 |
derekS | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/koffice-libs_1%3a1.5.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/krossrunner', which is also in package koshell | 06:34 |
derekS | thats the error | 06:34 |
raphink | uninstall koshell | 06:34 |
raphink | run apt-get update | 06:34 |
raphink | and reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 06:34 |
raphink | see if that fixes it | 06:34 |
derekS | uninstall via apt or dpkg? | 06:35 |
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raphink | either | 06:35 |
derekS | can i "--ignore-depends=koffice" | 06:36 |
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derekS | because otherwise i can't uninstall | 06:36 |
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raphink | how do you mean you can't uninstall? | 06:37 |
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derekS | apt wouldn't do it | 06:38 |
derekS | so i needed dpkg | 06:38 |
derekS | i did it with dpkg... works now :) | 06:38 |
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raphink | ok | 06:39 |
BluesKaj | what gives : ? /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files/xawtv-3.95/arch-i686-linux/config.log ...won't trash this file ! | 06:40 |
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raphink | BluesKaj: is that a question? | 06:43 |
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_pte | hello. can I somehow install kubuntu edgy without reformating the partition? (something like copy this, set this and it will work..) | 06:45 |
delphine_ | huh, what did you have on the partition before? | 06:46 |
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raphink | you can _pte | 06:46 |
_pte | I've got one single partition, but with some data on it.. | 06:46 |
_pte | (it's ext3) | 06:46 |
raphink | but if you ask this, I doubt you will manage to do it | 06:46 |
eloquence_ | sup every1 | 06:47 |
delphine_ | raphink: heh | 06:47 |
_pte | so can I just copy it and set lilo (or grup)? | 06:47 |
raphink | _pte: why not save the data, install and put the data back on the partition? | 06:47 |
raphink | _pte: this is what the desktop CD does almost | 06:47 |
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raphink | _almost_ | 06:47 |
eloquence_ | speaing of partitions anybody know about triple booting? XP,Ubuntu, BackTrack | 06:47 |
raphink | eloquence_: it's just like double booting | 06:48 |
dom | morning, everyone! | 06:48 |
chriskelly | hi all, I have a question that's probably obvious but I haven't been able to figure it out for the last couple of weeks | 06:48 |
raphink | except you add another entry to menu.lst | 06:48 |
chriskelly | I am recently upgraded to kubuntu edgy eft and the bluetooth supports seems much better but... | 06:48 |
_pte | thanks | 06:48 |
dom | !wireless > dom | 06:48 |
chriskelly | I can't figure out how to pair a device | 06:48 |
megapig | why does most of my programs start to malfunction? | 06:48 |
raphink | megapig: do you expect an answer? | 06:49 |
megapig | dunno lol | 06:49 |
megapig | Amarok won't start anymore | 06:49 |
eloquence_ | raphink th eprob is that when backtrack installs itself it takes over the MBR and i cant even get into Windows | 06:49 |
megapig | anyone know how to fic it? | 06:49 |
megapig | fix* | 06:49 |
eloquence_ | I wanna stick with ubuntu's GRUB at boot | 06:49 |
raphink | eloquence_: then install windows first, then backtrack and then linux | 06:49 |
raphink | eloquence_: or just reset grub after all installs | 06:49 |
raphink | megapig: you're not giving much info | 06:50 |
eloquence_ | I have an NTFS part for Xp and an ext3 part for Linux which I split into three parts... 5gb ubuntu, 5gb BackTrack 500mb Swap | 06:50 |
eloquence_ | I aint reinstalling windows :-) and I might reinstall ubuntu since I screwed it up trying to install ieee80211 | 06:50 |
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raphink | ok | 06:50 |
eloquence_ | I have 6.06 but for some reason, it shows that ieee80211-1.1.11 is installed but ipw3945 wasn't finding it so I tried installing a seperate ieee80211 and it blew my wireless card away | 06:51 |
raphink | wow backtracks developers hvae a pretty high opinion of themselves | 06:51 |
raphink | :) | 06:51 |
_pte | eloquence> i usually boot some live cd, mount linux partition, chroot it and type lilo | 06:51 |
eloquence_ | its actually kubuntu that I have, but yea... I got screwed | 06:51 |
raphink | "Combining the best features from both distributions, and paying special attention to small details, this is probably the best version of either distributions to ever come out." | 06:51 |
eloquence_ | backTrack devs has a buncha potato chips up their butt | 06:52 |
raphink | beah, lilo | 06:52 |
eloquence_ | they dont wanna break them | 06:52 |
_pte | but if u r uber hacker like me, u can hack xp boot loader to load linux :-) | 06:53 |
chriskelly | Is there a 'Pair a new device' option anywhere does anyone know or should I install an extra package? | 06:53 |
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eloquence_ | _pte... i am still not too linux proficient... my windows bloodlevel is still over 90% | 06:53 |
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eloquence_ | i am ubernoober | 06:53 |
eloquence_ | we are a new breed ;) | 06:53 |
delphine_ | ;) | 06:53 |
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raphink | eloquence_: what's special about backtrack? | 06:54 |
eloquence_ | should i just try downloading Edgy? | 06:54 |
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eloquence_ | raph... i just wanted it for the security stuff | 06:54 |
eloquence_ | to mess around with wireless | 06:54 |
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raphink | ok | 06:54 |
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eloquence_ | here in Saudi Arabia its hard to find decent broadband ... there are a few places that have it where i wanna try to get into it... i can also use it to maybe help the ppl secure their wireless (make money on the side) | 06:55 |
eloquence_ | i am doomed to use dial-up .. so .. yeah, wanna get into some unused wireless broadband whenever i can | 06:55 |
_pte | buee, dial-up | 06:56 |
_pte | "unused wireless broadband" :-) lol | 06:56 |
eloquence_ | yea saudis are lame | 06:57 |
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eloquence_ | they pay for expensive connections | 06:57 |
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eloquence_ | then put them in their businesses or hotels knowng no1 will use them | 06:57 |
eloquence_ | and put passwords on them | 06:57 |
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eloquence_ | might as well use what they r paying for an dmaybe help them to stop others like me ;) | 06:57 |
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eloquence_ | if Dapper wasn't acting so gay... I woulda been able to use my ipw3945 correctly and never go to BackTrck | 06:58 |
eloquence_ | a 2.7gb install just to use some wireless tools OOTB :( | 06:58 |
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smaggard | hey | 06:59 |
_pte | try slack, it's small and you can add some modules, but never tryed it | 06:59 |
eloquence_ | i dont really wanna stray to far from ubuntusince it is better for windows kiddies like me | 07:00 |
eloquence_ | but... i also wanna be bale to use all the hhardware built into my laptop | 07:00 |
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scion_ | hi | 07:00 |
eloquence_ | it's bad enough i have a winmodem and cant use it for dial-up | 07:00 |
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eloquence_ | but when i am also not able to use my wireless... i feel a bit screwed | 07:00 |
_pte | unconnected... | 07:01 |
scion_ | when i try mount my usb stick i get the following: An unknow error occured... help! | 07:01 |
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eloquence_ | yea .. uber-unconnected | 07:02 |
_pte | scion> can u open terminal and dmesg | tail ? | 07:02 |
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scion_ | _pte: yes i can | 07:03 |
_pte | to anyone creating iso boot images> can u optimize somehow layout of data on the CD? I want to use my DVD drive again after I boot! | 07:03 |
_pte | scion> and is there some error, or something? | 07:04 |
chriskelly | bluetooth | 07:04 |
scion_ | _pte: there does not appear to be any error | 07:04 |
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chriskelly | sorry (meant to do a search) | 07:04 |
scion_ | _pte: | 07:05 |
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_pte | scion_> it looks normal to me, don't know ubuntu much, but I usually mount devices by hand when GUI magic doesn't work | 07:09 |
scion_ | i'm kubuntu dude | 07:09 |
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_pte | scion_> just mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/floppy or somewhere else and it should work. maybe some another initiative application tryed to mount it or something (it somethimes happened to me under kde) | 07:12 |
scion_ | _pte: check it out now!! - | 07:12 |
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_pte | scion_> ??. and you can read it under windows? | 07:13 |
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scion_ | yes, without problems | 07:14 |
scion_ | and i even did a chkdisk just in case | 07:14 |
scion_ | this memory stick is FAT32 | 07:14 |
delphine_ | ok, I need help on accessing my ext3 partition with Windows | 07:14 |
delphine_ | anyone can help? | 07:15 |
delphine_ | ie. I need to make sure that the ext3 partition is cleanly unmounted when I quit linux | 07:15 |
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_pte | scion_>have no idea | 07:16 |
delphine_ | so that window can access with the Ext2 Installable File System for Windows | 07:16 |
scion_ | ok cheers anyway | 07:16 |
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_pte | why when I open / in konqueror, I see just home, media, rofs, but I can chdir to everywhere from address bar (in livecd)? | 07:24 |
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Rob-West | hows everyone | 07:24 |
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Dr_willis | !hidden | 07:27 |
ubotu | Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: | 07:27 |
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Dr_willis | _pte, thats a 'feature' that seems to be getting removed soon. :) | 07:27 |
_pte | maybe just remove it for root (and why the .... there's not mc on the livecd? ok, prepared for 100+ cp and mv and mkdir..) | 07:29 |
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Authority | in kdmrc, on the ServerCmd line, what is the -br option that is used when starting X? | 07:29 |
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zorglu_ | _pte: I see just home, media, rofs <- what is this 'rofs' ? | 07:30 |
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_pte | aha, thanks for link | 07:30 |
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zorglu_ | !rofs | 07:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rofs - try searching on | 07:31 |
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_pte | isn't it something from livecd? | 07:32 |
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zorglu_ | oh they mean 'read only file system' ? | 07:32 |
zorglu_ | !search rofs | 07:33 |
ubotu | Found: | 07:33 |
triki | Retrieving Data.... Please Wait.... | 07:33 |
zorglu_ | ok i will know another day :) | 07:34 |
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_pte | how can I create /dev directory? | 07:36 |
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zorglu_ | "mkdir /dev" but it is unlikely you want to do that | 07:37 |
zorglu_ | as it most likely already exist | 07:37 |
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zorglu_ | and it has a very constrained content | 07:37 |
_pte | no, i'm manually installing kubuntu | 07:37 |
buzzy | !version | 07:37 |
buzzy | how can i know my version of ubuntu? | 07:37 |
zorglu_ | there is a command for that | 07:38 |
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zorglu_ | but i dont remember which one | 07:38 |
zorglu_ | lmb/freedesktop kindof stuff | 07:38 |
eloquence_ | buzzy | 07:38 |
eloquence_ | go to terminale | 07:38 |
eloquence_ | and type uname --help | 07:38 |
buzzy | ok | 07:38 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal. | 07:38 |
eloquence_ | uname -r will show u what kernel u have | 07:39 |
zorglu_ | ahh a misterious answered :) | 07:39 |
buzzy | guys now i want to know if i have ubuntu breezy or whatever version!! | 07:39 |
buzzy | :D | 07:39 |
zorglu_ | buzzy: <ubotu> To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal. | 07:39 |
zorglu_ | this was the command i was thinking about | 07:39 |
eloquence_ | breezy is 5.04 i think | 07:39 |
eloquence_ | 6.06 is dapper | 07:39 |
eloquence_ | edgy is 6.10 | 07:39 |
buzzy | ok | 07:39 |
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NapalmSMiles | um how do i configue glx? 3ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible! | 07:43 |
NapalmSMiles | or whatever it is that needs configuring? | 07:43 |
zorglu_ | !xxgl | 07:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xxgl - try searching on | 07:45 |
zorglu_ | !xgl | 07:45 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See for Kubuntu systems | 07:45 |
NapalmSMiles | also what the apt-get for installing the xwindows base files? | 07:45 |
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angasule | zorglu_: xgl != glx | 07:46 |
angasule | !opengl | 07:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on | 07:46 |
eloquence_ | try #ubutu | 07:47 |
angasule | NapalmSMiles: do you have an nvidia card? ati? intel? | 07:47 |
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NapalmSMiles | not sure its a laptop,and i didint keep the orginal info | 07:47 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: you try to install the 3d desktop stuff, no ? | 07:47 |
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NapalmSMiles | and the make/models wore off the bottom | 07:47 |
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NapalmSMiles | yup | 07:47 |
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zorglu_ | an | 07:47 |
zorglu_ | angasule: i guess it was rather xgl then :) | 07:48 |
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angasule | NapalmSMiles: try 'lspci' in a console, it will tell you a bunch of PCI stuff in your laptop, maybe you can figure out what you have | 07:48 |
zorglu_ | "lspci | grep VGA" <- type that | 07:48 |
zorglu_ | as angasule saidf | 07:48 |
angasule | zorglu_: 3ddesktop is an application, it is NOT xgl | 07:48 |
zorglu_ | angasule: hhehe :) | 07:48 |
angasule | zorglu_: 3ddesktop needs just opengl, it's not related to compiz, beryl or any of that, it's just a neat virtual desktop switcher | 07:49 |
zorglu_ | angasule: pfff | 07:49 |
zorglu_ | sure | 07:49 |
NapalmSMiles | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01) | 07:49 |
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zorglu_ | angasule: you are having a bad day i guess :) | 07:49 |
NapalmSMiles | is that it? | 07:49 |
angasule | I had 3ddesktop running, but beryl is much more impressive so I use that when people visit :P | 07:49 |
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NapalmSMiles | whats berly?im just loking for eye candy | 07:50 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: yep this is your model of graphic card | 07:50 |
NapalmSMiles | !berly | 07:50 |
angasule | NapalmSMiles: that's an integrated card, yes | 07:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about berly - try searching on | 07:50 |
NapalmSMiles | !beryl | 07:50 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 07:50 |
angasule | NapalmSMiles: you must get OpenGL working on your laptop before using any eye candy stuff | 07:50 |
NapalmSMiles | apt-get install opengl? | 07:51 |
zorglu_ | "glxinfo | grep render" <- type that in a terminal NapalmSMiles | 07:51 |
imbrandon | 07:51 | |
NapalmSMiles | X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) | 07:52 |
_pte | do i need /lib/udev/devices? how can I copy it? | 07:52 |
NapalmSMiles | Major opcode of failed request: 142 (GLX) | 07:52 |
NapalmSMiles | Minor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext) | 07:52 |
NapalmSMiles | Serial number of failed request: 16 | 07:52 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: you cant do 'glxinfo' ? you got problem in the install already | 07:52 |
NapalmSMiles | Current serial number in output stream: 17 | 07:52 |
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buz | anyone using the edgy kernel updates from today? they wont boot for me | 07:53 |
zorglu_ | _pte: you are sure you handling something adapted to your current skills ? | 07:53 |
zorglu_ | _pte: i mean to install manually kubuntu is VERY HARD :) | 07:53 |
_pte | but is's fun :-) | 07:53 |
zorglu_ | enougth for me to say that i dont know anybody able to do :) | 07:53 |
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NapalmSMiles | i just tried again in root: | 07:53 |
NapalmSMiles | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 07:53 |
NapalmSMiles | Xlib: No protocol specified | 07:54 |
NapalmSMiles | rror: unable to open display (null) | 07:54 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: the issue is the X driver, not the user from which you run the command | 07:54 |
zorglu_ | $ glxinfo | grep render | 07:54 |
zorglu_ | direct rendering: Yes | 07:54 |
zorglu_ | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20050528 AGP 4x NO-TCL | 07:54 |
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zorglu_ | you should get something like that | 07:54 |
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zorglu_ | the important part being the Yes :) | 07:54 |
NapalmSMiles | so what do i have to do? | 07:54 |
zorglu_ | maybe try to boot X without xgl | 07:55 |
angasule | NapalmSMiles: you might want to check in #ubuntu and the ubuntu and kubuntu email lists | 07:55 |
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nuxil | hey has anyone played with Kommander ? | 07:56 |
zorglu_ | dont forget google :))))))) | 07:56 |
nuxil | #join #kde | 07:56 |
nuxil | erm | 07:56 |
NapalmSMiles | um wait i need the x base system installed right? | 07:57 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: well sure | 07:57 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: what are you running on ? | 07:57 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: you dont have X ? | 07:57 |
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NapalmSMiles | dose that come normally with kubuntu? | 07:57 |
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NapalmSMiles | sorry im still new | 07:58 |
zorglu_ | NapalmSMiles: yes :) X is what display the windows on the screen | 07:58 |
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NapalmSMiles | lol ok | 07:58 |
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wayne_1980 | hello all | 07:58 |
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zorglu_ | hmm ok lets try " xvinfo | grep "number of ports" " <- put that in a console NapalmSMiles | 07:59 |
zorglu_ | wayne_1980: hello | 07:59 |
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wayne_1980 | hi zorglu, howz u? | 07:59 |
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BluesKaj | ok , dumped azureus.. the new version of KTorrent is much more stable and it stays connected ...YES! | 08:00 |
NapalmSMiles | same as before, | 08:00 |
sercik | hi again | 08:00 |
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sercik | i use dpkg -l to see which are the package installed | 08:01 |
NapalmSMiles | should something go where "number of ports" is? | 08:01 |
zorglu_ | $ xvinfo | grep "number of ports" | 08:01 |
zorglu_ | number of ports: 1 | 08:01 |
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zorglu_ | you should get something like that | 08:01 |
sercik | could someone explain what rc means | 08:01 |
zorglu_ | rc = release candidate | 08:01 |
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zorglu_ | well it is one possible meaning at least :) | 08:02 |
_pte | real crap? | 08:03 |
ev1lm1nd666 | repeat code? | 08:03 |
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NapalmSMiles | frost wire slows my computer down like crazy,it starts a process called java that takes up 30-60% of my resources.anyone have a seuggestion for a diffrent p2p? | 08:05 |
sercik | please be serious | 08:05 |
sercik | rc is not release candidate | 08:05 |
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buzzy | !ntfsresize | 08:05 |
angasule | sercik: 'rc', in software, means release candidate | 08:05 |
sercik | i try to remove a program and dpkg say that is not installed but only configuration file | 08:05 |
buzzy | !ntfsresize | 08:05 |
buzzy | !ntfsresize | 08:05 |
buzzy | !ntfsresize | 08:05 |
buzzy | !ntfsresize | 08:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:05 |
sercik | are present | 08:05 |
angasule | sercik: oh, yeah, some files have an .rc extension as well | 08:06 |
zorglu_ | sercik: well provide more info in your question, you may get more suitable answre :) | 08:06 |
sercik | so it tell to use --purge | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:06 |
zorglu_ | buzzy: avoid the spammin please | 08:06 |
ev1lm1nd666 | rc= root comand? | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:06 |
NapalmSMiles | retarded computer | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:06 |
LjL | !ops | 08:06 |
NapalmSMiles | !rc | 08:06 |
sercik | and when i use --purge and then try again dpkg -l the package doesn't appers anymore | 08:06 |
ubotu | Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind or trappist | 08:06 |
ubotu | rc: an implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-3 (edgy), package size 73 kB, installed size 184 kB | 08:06 |
angasule | rc has a thousand meanings | 08:06 |
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sercik | STOP | 08:07 |
sercik | rc is in the output of command dpkg -l | 08:07 |
angasule | I always think rc == Remote Controlled, and it helps me remember the order in which mathematical matrices are specified, (row, column) | 08:07 |
tsdgeos | lol, ubotu asked for help :D | 08:07 |
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sercik | zorglu_: have you understoof? | 08:08 |
sercik | zorglu_: have you understood? | 08:08 |
zorglu_ | sercik: yep you want the meaning of the .rc suffix generally used for configuration file | 08:08 |
zorglu_ | sercik: and this is a good question :) i have no idea:) | 08:08 |
sercik | packages not installed but leave something on hd? | 08:08 |
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sorush20 | hi.. | 08:09 |
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zorglu_ | sercik: nope what is left is the config files | 08:09 |
sorush20 | kubuntu is k3b is check sum and I don't really know what to do after that? | 08:09 |
zorglu_ | sercik: and the config files happens to has a .rc in their name | 08:09 |
sorush20 | I get a value but I'm not sure if its correct .. what is the subcheck? | 08:09 |
sercik | it is possile to know when i use apt-get install package from which repo packade is downloaded | 08:10 |
zorglu_ | <- sercik it is the same rc kindof stuff | 08:10 |
zorglu_ | sercik: yep, use 'apt-cache policy yourpackagename' | 08:11 |
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sorush20 | !sum | 08:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sum - try searching on | 08:13 |
sorush20 | what is the sum check for the kubuntu iso | 08:13 |
zorglu_ | sorush20: it check if the cd is properly burned | 08:14 |
zorglu_ | aka if the disk is not corrupted | 08:14 |
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zorglu_ | !md5 | 08:14 |
ubotu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 08:14 |
zorglu_ | i guess the first url explains it | 08:15 |
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janos_ | hi | 08:20 |
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sercik | someone have 32 bit ubuntu could send me some files? | 08:21 |
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sercik | i need to use mplayer32 on 64 bit kubuntu | 08:21 |
janos_ | bocs de csak magyarul beszlek :D | 08:22 |
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zorglu_ | !hu | 08:22 |
ubotu | Ha magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu | 08:22 |
buzzy | guys please help me: i open gparted but it shows me /dev/hda1 witha "!" ==> it says that gparted can't read filesystem (it is windows 2000 filessyetm) how can i resize that partition? please answer me whatever you know!! :D | 08:22 |
janos_ | ok | 08:22 |
janos_ | thx | 08:22 |
zorglu_ | !resize | 08:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resize - try searching on | 08:22 |
zorglu_ | !msg ubotu resize | 08:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msg ubotu resize - try searching on | 08:23 |
_pte | !ntfs | 08:23 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - See also !fuse | 08:23 |
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_pte | !ntfsresize | 08:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsresize - try searching on | 08:23 |
zorglu_ | ok it is somewhere in there :) | 08:23 |
zorglu_ | there are some tools to resize ntfs | 08:23 |
zorglu_ | and they are described in the wiki | 08:23 |
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RealisticDragon | heh hfs+ might be a pain but at least Linux can read it :P | 08:26 |
zorglu_ | <- the stuff about ntfs resize | 08:26 |
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sorush20 | how do I make sure there are no error in the iso of kubuntu that I have downloaded? | 08:32 |
zorglu_ | you run the checksum on it :) | 08:32 |
zorglu_ | !md5 | 08:32 |
ubotu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 08:32 |
zorglu_ | the first link is for you :) | 08:32 |
RealisticDragon | pfft real men burn the CD and wait for 99% of the install to go by to discover it's broken ;P | 08:33 |
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oslo | RealisticDragon> did u check md5sum before :D ? | 08:34 |
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RealisticDragon | to be honest, uh, no... im always too lazy, but i have been lucky so far :) only one bad one in a decade or so | 08:35 |
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RealisticDragon | can anyone remember what the trawling for imagess software is called? the one that will watch your lan segment for traffic... the name escapes me | 08:36 |
RealisticDragon | oh, driftnet, nm :) | 08:36 |
michelleindeed | okay, i'm a moron, i swear. i am trying to upgrade skype and i am having serious issues... | 08:37 |
michelleindeed | although in my opinion skype is crap anyhow | 08:37 |
RealisticDragon | skype is a static binary right? so, you just unpack click and away you go... or did they change it? | 08:38 |
_kuja_ | Well, they've got debs too | 08:38 |
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zorglu_ | well if you dont like the software, no need to install it then :) | 08:38 |
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michelleindeed | eh, i've decided to do it so now i'm going to have to | 08:39 |
zorglu_ | if you go against my solutions, stuff wont be as smooth :) | 08:39 |
michelleindeed | i have issues with my mic anyhow so i figure i may as well upgrade it before i bother fixing the mic.. | 08:39 |
RealisticDragon | zorglu_: not heard of the girfriend imperative then? ;) | 08:39 |
_kuja_ | download the deb ... dpkg -r skype && dpkg -i *.deb? | 08:39 |
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michelleindeed | i'm downloading the deb pkg | 08:40 |
_pte | btw. when u boot livecd in safe vga mode and select 640x480, the boot screen is not resized and u cannot see any messages under the progress bar, which should be fixed | 08:41 |
_kuja_ | _pte, if you're talking about edgy, you won't see any messages, safe mode or not. | 08:41 |
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_pte | and press enter to reboot is not message? ;-) | 08:42 |
_kuja_ | Of course not :D | 08:42 |
michelleindeed | it's saying something about the utility not being in my PATH | 08:43 |
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_kuja_ | pastebin it? | 08:43 |
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michelleindeed | ? | 08:43 |
_kuja_ | !pastebin | 08:43 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:43 |
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michelleindeed | well, it's not all that large. it just says error - ark, because it opens ark when i click on it. | 08:44 |
michelleindeed | and then says that ^ | 08:44 |
_kuja_ | that's okay, it needn't be opened with ark anyway ... | 08:44 |
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michelleindeed | i absolutely forgot what to do | 08:45 |
_kuja_ | jeeze ... kde takes forever to compile :o | 08:45 |
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RealisticDragon | hah i used to run gentoo on a 1 ghz celeron, i know the pain :) | 08:46 |
michelleindeed | oh wait. just rightclick and install. wow. | 08:46 |
RealisticDragon | it got so bad my dorm actually set up distcc :) | 08:46 |
michelleindeed | now i feel very stupid. | 08:46 |
zorglu_ | michelleindeed: time to remove it now | 08:46 |
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michelleindeed | remove the other one? | 08:46 |
_kuja_ | I think it has been going for about two hours ... watched a movie while I was waiting... | 08:46 |
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RealisticDragon | well early KDE builds were 24 hours plus on that machine, so should be under 6 hours on todays computers :) | 08:47 |
_pte | when (hd0,4) is linux partition in grup, then /dev/sda5 is root partiotion in linux, isn't it? is SATA sda or not? | 08:47 |
_kuja_ | RealisticDragon: I'd like to see just h ow long it takes, should be interesting | 08:48 |
NapalmSMiles | can anyone think of a way to put a iso on an ipod? | 08:48 |
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RealisticDragon | as a bootable disk NapalmSMiles? | 08:48 |
_kuja_ | RealisticDragon: I had decided that I wanted to have a vanilla kde installed as well, what a time consuming idea | 08:48 |
NapalmSMiles | yup | 08:48 |
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billytwowilly | did you guys switch to beryl in edgy when I wasn't looking? I have beryl like window switching and re-running kwin no longer fixes my lack of borders on windows. | 08:48 |
raquel | feliz navidad paaara todos | 08:49 |
RealisticDragon | edgy doesnt have beryl, even with backports, at least on ppc/32 billytwowilly | 08:49 |
RealisticDragon | no es navidad hoy :P | 08:49 |
ninHer | igual para ti raquel | 08:49 |
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billytwowilly | k, is there a beryl/kubuntu support channle? | 08:49 |
zorglu_ | !es | 08:49 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 08:49 |
zorglu_ | !xgl | 08:49 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See for Kubuntu systems | 08:49 |
billytwowilly | thanks | 08:49 |
RealisticDragon | im not sure NapalmSMiles, sounds interesting though :) i think you can provided it can be read like a normal USB drive | 08:49 |
ninHer | brasa el bot este | 08:50 |
_kuja_ | perhaps #beryl? | 08:50 |
BluesKaj | billytwowilly, have fun if yer using ATI :) | 08:50 |
sercik | please i need two files from 32 bit version | 08:50 |
RealisticDragon | hey, 3d accel works for ATI cards now :) | 08:50 |
sercik | => not found | 08:50 |
sercik | => not found | 08:50 |
NapalmSMiles | it can but i just dont know how to put the iso on it K3B will only burn to cd's | 08:50 |
_kuja_ | uggh | 08:50 |
sercik | someone could send me? | 08:51 |
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RealisticDragon | - boot from an ipod into linux for PPC | 08:51 |
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ninHer | NapalmSMiles: k3b can burn iso's | 08:51 |
_pte | I wan't to know, how can ati degrade performance in their drivers so much without being noticed of calling delay, looping etc. :-) | 08:51 |
NapalmSMiles | yes but only to cds,i need it burnt to a ipod | 08:51 |
ninHer | NapalmSMiles: cd and dvd ones | 08:51 |
_kuja_ | k3b is my hero :D | 08:51 |
ninHer | mine too... lol | 08:52 |
RealisticDragon | well it works for mac hardware, so there might be a way to get it working for pcs too :) | 08:52 |
ninHer | why don't you install gnu/linux on your ipod ? | 08:52 |
michelleindeed | okay, it's upgraded, quite easily in fact. | 08:53 |
RealisticDragon | because that still wont let him boot pcs with it ninHer? ;) | 08:53 |
michelleindeed | now i just need to get my mic working sometime this year | 08:53 |
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sercik | kkathman: please help me? | 08:53 |
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ninHer | RealisticDragon: look at this link and think twice | 08:53 |
NapalmSMiles | ninHer: because the install files in iso format | 08:53 |
ninHer | | 08:53 |
sercik | send me from your ubuntu | 08:53 |
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zorglu_ | sercik: install it from the repositories | 08:56 |
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yuma | hi there, anyone having trouble opening the gmail inbox with firefox? | 08:57 |
cloakable | Nope. Why not try Kmail? | 08:58 |
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inetpro | yuma: I use gmail and firefox all the time | 08:58 |
yuma | inetpro: have you experienced some issues lately? | 08:59 |
inetpro | yuma: nope | 08:59 |
RealisticDragon | kmail can read gmail accounts now right? i was looking at it because google offer an smtp server and ICBA to run my own... anyone tried it and know if it works with forged "from" and "return to" headers? | 08:59 |
yuma | inetpro: I see the inbox for a second and then, crash | 08:59 |
inetpro | yuma: i've just been there but lemme try again | 08:59 |
yuma | inetpro: ok | 09:00 |
yuma | inetpro: maybe it's some plugin I've installed | 09:00 |
yuma | inetpro: have you configured the File Picker for firefox? | 09:00 |
inetpro | yuma: no... what doe it do? | 09:01 |
yuma | inetpro: it just changes the file picker from the gtk based to the qt based | 09:01 |
inetpro | yuma: never used it | 09:01 |
eMaX_ | re | 09:01 |
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yuma | inetpro: it shouldn't be related to that... | 09:02 |
eMaX_ | how, when I boot kubuntu, can I switch off the splash screen and see the boot messages? | 09:02 |
nalioth | yuma: yes, i've noticed trouble in the last week or so. nothing ever resolves but a white screen | 09:02 |
eMaX_ | like in SuSE, I simply press Esc; is there something similar in Kubuntu? | 09:02 |
inetpro | yuma: still trying to connect... me network connection very slow | 09:02 |
yuma | inetpro: ok | 09:02 |
yuma | nalioth: nothing resolves? what do you mean? | 09:02 |
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NapalmSMiles | system setting spalsh screen? | 09:03 |
yuma | I've found this bug, | 09:03 |
NapalmSMiles | maybe? | 09:03 |
inetpro | yuma: connected no problem | 09:03 |
billytwowilly | lol fix one problem and find another. X is giving me weird errors when I try to start konqueror now. Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 09:03 |
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billytwowilly | any ideas? | 09:03 |
The_Machine | anyone have a tutorial how i can add my kubuntu machine to a windows 2k domain? (something more recent?) Is there some kind of utility that will let me do this automatically, rather than having to edit all sorts of files? | 09:03 |
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nalioth | yuma: it ends up a white (blank) window | 09:03 |
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yuma | nalioth: here it crash | 09:04 |
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billytwowilly | and when I try to open kaffeine for that matter. same error. | 09:04 |
inetpro | anyone have a solution for remote administering a MAC server from Kubuntu? | 09:04 |
yuma | nalioth, inetpro: in the bug sais it's fixed, but maybe just in the ubuntu repositories | 09:05 |
billytwowilly | inetpro: ssh? | 09:05 |
rampone | any solution for the suspend/hibernate HORRIBLE ERROR ? | 09:05 |
inetpro | I mean something like rdesktop or vnc | 09:05 |
RealisticDragon | if you need the user interface does NX work? | 09:05 |
billytwowilly | vnc will work in linux. | 09:05 |
RealisticDragon | cant remember if there is an OSX server | 09:05 |
inetpro | billytwowilly: but what do i install on the mac? | 09:06 |
NapalmSMiles | what are the advantages of kubuntu over gentoo | 09:06 |
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billytwowilly | inetpro: search fink for a vnc server? I dunno, I don't really do macs yet;) I'll be more helpful when I get a macbook in a couple months;) | 09:06 |
cloakable | NapalmSMiles: You don't have to wait ages to install :) | 09:07 |
scipper | hi | 09:07 |
cloakable | NapalmSMiles: Or KDE :P | 09:07 |
RealisticDragon | mostly its easier to keep it running smoothly NapalmSMiles | 09:07 |
scipper | does anyone has a howto i can run opengl with my radeon x800xt? | 09:07 |
RealisticDragon | other than that, its all Linux, the actual desktop isnt much different :) | 09:07 |
inetpro | thanks billytwowilly i will do some more googling on fink | 09:07 |
NapalmSMiles | keep which one running? | 09:07 |
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billytwowilly | inetpro: fink is like .debs on ubuntu for macs.. | 09:08 |
billytwowilly | inetpro: I think | 09:08 |
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inetpro | aha | 09:08 |
_pte | HA! finally! i'm able now to boot from hdd! | 09:08 |
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inetpro | billytwowilly: | 09:09 |
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billytwowilly | redirects there;) | 09:09 |
buz | gnomefreak: this is somehow related to update initramfs. ever since i run update -k all not even dapper kernel will work anymore | 09:09 |
zorglu_ | !ati | scipper | 09:09 |
ubotu | scipper: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:09 |
buz | which is reaaally unfortunate considering the laptop doesnt have a cdrom | 09:10 |
RealisticDragon | does automatix have the ATI drivers in it? | 09:10 |
zorglu_ | RealisticDragon: it is supposed to, yes | 09:10 |
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scipper | ubotu i already installed the atidriver(fglrx) but this doesnt make opelgl run | 09:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i already installed the atidriver(fglrx) but this doesnt make opelgl run - try searching on | 09:12 |
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scipper | o0 | 09:12 |
zorglu_ | scipper: ubotu is a bot | 09:12 |
scipper | looks like, didnt know | 09:12 |
zorglu_ | scipper: do "glxinfo | grep render" in a terminal | 09:12 |
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RealisticDragon | lol my website is being spammed by a bot advertising ubuntu :D | 09:13 |
RealisticDragon | the spammers hit a new low... whats next, spamming for cancer charities? :/ | 09:13 |
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scipper | zorglu Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual | 09:13 |
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inetpro | billytwowilly: do i understand correctly? You install fink and then you install any .dpkg package? | 09:14 |
zorglu_ | scipper: ok do "xvinfo | grep "number of port"" in a terminal | 09:14 |
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scipper | zorglu number of which port? | 09:15 |
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zorglu_ | xvinfo | grep "number of port" <- type this in the terminal, number of port is a pattern, you dont have to replace it | 09:16 |
RealisticDragon | inetpro: fink has a built in package manager and list of packages for OSX systems | 09:16 |
scipper | zorglu oh kk ^^ | 09:16 |
billytwowilly | inetpro: I haven't used it. My understanding is that fink is justa package manager. So you install fink and then there should be some way to tell fink to download and install software from repositories. | 09:17 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon: wow, sounds very cool... can't wait until tomorrow. Unfortunately the MAC is at work. | 09:17 |
scipper | zorglu nothin happens on this command. when i just type xvinfo the terminal says no adaptors present | 09:17 |
RealisticDragon | << you can download VNC for OSX (and linux) from here | 09:18 |
zorglu_ | scipper: did you install the driver for your card ? | 09:18 |
inetpro | billytwowilly: will try it tomorrow.. now 22:17 and need some sleep :) | 09:18 |
scipper | zorglu yes i installes it with apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 09:18 |
zorglu_ | scipper: do you have a nvidia by chance ? | 09:18 |
scipper | no | 09:19 |
scipper | ati | 09:19 |
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inetpro | RealisticDragon: we've tried that at some stage and had a problem but maybe i should try again | 09:19 |
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rizwaan | hi, anybody using rlocate on (k)ubuntu? | 09:19 |
RealisticDragon | inetpro: are you going to be running over an insecure network? like the inetnet? | 09:20 |
zorglu_ | scipper: some issue happen today with nvidia kernel, did your stuff worked yesterday or it is the first time you try ? | 09:20 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon: not a chance | 09:20 |
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RealisticDragon | heh just asking, VNC has no security of its own you see :) but you can use it with port forwarding and SSH | 09:20 |
scipper | zorglu its the first time i try to. could there be a problem with my ati graficscard and the nforce chpset? | 09:20 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon: yip i know. Thanks | 09:21 |
kkathman | morning (well afternoon) folks | 09:21 |
RealisticDragon | i used to use it over the campus network redirected via a mail server i had shell access to since it could see both inside and outside the LAN :P | 09:21 |
rizwaan | could anyone suggest me how to make a "rc.local" like startup script in ubuntu.. to load rlocate module at the startup | 09:21 |
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rizwaan | i came from slackware.. | 09:21 |
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inetpro | RealisticDragon: tell me, does OSX have ssh installed by default or do I also install that somehow via fink or other... | 09:22 |
buz_ | inetpro: ssh client is installed by default | 09:22 |
RealisticDragon | errr give me a sec and ill check | 09:22 |
buz_ | server i'm not sure | 09:22 |
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RealisticDragon | i have mac on linux installed on this machine :) its rather slick | 09:22 |
zorglu_ | !tab | scipper | 09:22 |
ubotu | scipper: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 09:22 |
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zorglu_ | !ati | scipper | 09:23 |
ubotu | scipper: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:23 |
_kuja_ | rizwaan, are you wanting details on how to write the script, or how to get it to run on startup ... or both? | 09:23 |
zorglu_ | scipper: have you followed this tutorial ? | 09:23 |
rizwaan | get it run on startup | 09:23 |
inetpro | buz_: interesting... | 09:23 |
rizwaan | both would be nice.. :) | 09:23 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon: on Intel? | 09:23 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon: or should i say PC? | 09:23 |
scipper | zorglu_: no not yet ^^ | 09:24 |
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eMaX | re | 09:24 |
zorglu_ | scipper: ok now is a good time :) | 09:24 |
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scipper | kk i thought installing the package with apt would be enough | 09:24 |
inetpro | RealisticDragon? | 09:25 |
nagyv | I would like to write an audio CD from a selection of mp3s and wmas, but for the wma files k3b says that the format is not supported. What can I do? | 09:25 |
_kuja_ | rizwaan, I've no idea what would go into the script, but I can help with the other part. Check that there isn't already somethign in /etc/init.d | 09:25 |
eMaX | how can I list all installed packages / deb? | 09:25 |
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rizwaan | okie dokie | 09:26 |
zorglu_ | rizwaan: dont /msg me, use #kubuntu to ask your questions | 09:26 |
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rizwaan | okay | 09:26 |
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rizwaan | which file is 'rc.local' equivalent to slackware in (k)ubuntu? | 09:27 |
Murchadh | eMaX, dpkg -l >> applist creates file applist | 09:27 |
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inetpro | eMaX: good question... i've never doen this on the CLI. Anyone? | 09:27 |
nagyv | eMaX: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l > ~/packages | 09:27 |
nagyv | I have a small sh script for this, if you want I can post it on pastebin | 09:27 |
Realistic_Dragon | rizwaan: you need to make your own, the article i linked had how to do it :) | 09:27 |
eMaX | tnx | 09:27 |
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Realistic_Dragon | oh, i got d/ced, sec ill repost it :o | 09:28 |
nagyv | anyway, I have to say thank you for this same irc channel, the posted line was received here :) | 09:28 |
Realistic_Dragon | | 09:28 |
rizwaan | ok, thanks Dragon :) | 09:28 |
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Realistic_Dragon | np, wanted to know myself :) | 09:28 |
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gnomefreak | buz_: the head kernel developer is commenting on your bug. he says it should be an easy fix. the instructions will be on the bug report | 09:29 |
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scode_ | I was told by nixternal after i had an issue with my graphics card to put in composite as disabled, now I'm getting this error message saying to enable it | 09:30 |
_osh | Realistic_Dragon: That isn't the "new and improved" way of doing it is it? The "edgy" way. | 09:30 |
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Realistic_Dragon | apparently its the debian way | 09:30 |
Realistic_Dragon | so it probably has dust on it :P | 09:30 |
eMaX | question: does kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic refer to that specific file or symlink in / or in /boot? | 09:31 |
buz_ | gnomefreak: i'm quite positive this is an initrd issue | 09:31 |
_osh | Realistic_Dragon: Weren't the startup something that they're working on. To improve startup time and move away from the symlinked version into something new that has dependancies between applications. Like samba depend on network and portmap being started... | 09:31 |
buz_ | copying an initrd from another machine seems to have mostly worked | 09:31 |
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andres_ | Hola | 09:31 |
gnomefreak | buz_: he knows the issue if hes replying that fast. i trust him on kernel | 09:31 |
Realistic_Dragon | _osh: oh, hm, i dont know if itll still work then... /etc/init.d is still there on edgy though | 09:32 |
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_pte | ther's no resolv.conf in kubuntu? | 09:32 |
_pte | !resolv | 09:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resolv - try searching on | 09:32 |
=== gnomefreak stays aaway from kernel issues. i play more with apt issues | ||
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_kuja_ | _pte, resolv.conf is in /etc, and it's there. | 09:34 |
inetpro | _pte: I've always created my own resolv.conf | 09:34 |
buz_ | ok getting the old initram at least gets me back into kubuntu | 09:34 |
buz_ | now for his fix | 09:34 |
Rob-West | is Beryl XGL good | 09:35 |
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_kuja_ | beryl + aiglx = better :) | 09:35 |
buz_ | unless you got nvidia | 09:35 |
buz_ | in which case you get black windows when you run out of video ram | 09:35 |
Rob-West | well im getting an Nvidia card | 09:35 |
Rob-West | its 128mb | 09:36 |
buz_ | get one with tons of ram if you want to use beryl | 09:36 |
Realistic_Dragon | has anyone tried beryl+aiglx on a ppc machine? | 09:36 |
yuma | Hey, anyone having good results with a Intel 915GM integrated on Beryl + Aiglx? | 09:36 |
_kuja_ | decent low-end/cheap nvidia card: geforce 6600gt | 09:36 |
buz_ | -> #ubuntu-xgl | 09:36 |
_kuja_ | (by todays standards) | 09:36 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: good question, im interested by the anwer too :) | 09:36 |
Rob-West | im getting an Nvidia 5500 | 09:36 |
buz_ | even for aiglx | 09:37 |
_kuja_ | sounds ... old | 09:37 |
yuma | zorglu_: I think I wont like the answer :) | 09:37 |
jaramillo | where can i find the .torrent for kubuntu (cd, not dvd) ? | 09:37 |
buz_ | wasnt the 5XXX line the ones that sounded like vacuum cleaners | 09:37 |
Rob-West | the guy im getting it from wants me to put Compiz on this computer | 09:37 |
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jaramillo | in i only find dvd's in the release folder | 09:37 |
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_kuja_ | I used to have a 6600gt ... but I sold it to a friend and got myself a 7900gtx :) | 09:37 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: well i got good 3d perf on it. way enougth to play 3d games. so i guess a window stuff could be handled easily :) | 09:38 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: i havent tried tho :) | 09:38 |
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jaramillo | and cd's under the 'simple' folder. are those cd's final version? | 09:38 |
yuma | zorglu_: I tried but it was slow like hell | 09:38 |
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yuma | zorglu_: I felt asamed of the graphic card... Never tried again | 09:39 |
zorglu_ | yuma: 0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 09:39 |
Rob-West | if i went back to windows how would the Nvidia FX5500 game | 09:39 |
ernz_c | Hi everyone, I am new to Kubuntu. I just switched from Ubuntu. Does anyone know if there is a way to change the icons of specific mounted devices and their names in the Storage Media applet? | 09:39 |
_kuja_ | rob-west, if you played a game that was even somewhat new, it would show its weakness very, very quickly | 09:39 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: i run first personn shooter on that at more than 60fps... i wont understand that a 3d stuff doing simple stuff will be slow | 09:39 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: well one day i will try :) | 09:40 |
Rob-West | well im talking like Grand Theft Autos | 09:40 |
yuma | zorglu_: I don't know, but maybe I didn't configured it right | 09:40 |
buz_ | gnomefreak: getting rid of kopt and then have grub use UUID doesnt hep | 09:40 |
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yuma | zorglu_: I tried algo the koroora (something like that, I can't remember the name) and it worked very fast... | 09:41 |
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The_Machine | is there an easy way to join a windows domain (2000) in ubuntu? some util or something? | 09:41 |
yuma | zorglu_: but again, in kubuntu it didn't work | 09:41 |
zorglu_ | yuma: ah ok :) then it is more a config issue :) | 09:41 |
gnomefreak | buz_: is that what he told you to try? | 09:41 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: i hate to config stuff :) im still on dapper for this reason :) | 09:41 |
yuma | zorglu_: do you see in glxgears the gears move smooth? | 09:41 |
inetpro | The_Machine: samba? | 09:42 |
nagyv | how can I restart the sound daemon? something went here really wrong. Amarok crashes every time when I would like to play something. | 09:42 |
zorglu_ | yuma: yep without any issue | 09:42 |
buz_ | gnomefreak: yes | 09:42 |
yuma | zorglu_: I can't wait for the new software... hehe | 09:42 |
gnomefreak | buz_: than put it in the bug report | 09:42 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: is what i run on it. with much less details tho :) | 09:42 |
yuma | zorglu_: then, definetly I have something broken | 09:42 |
gnomefreak | he will get the email and he will work with you on it | 09:42 |
brian_ | go to the system settings panel and sound, and change the audio driver, it will restart the sound syste | 09:42 |
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gnomefreak | or fix it. | 09:42 |
billytwowilly | so if konqueror won't start what's the best way to go about figuring out why? The error messages when I run it in a terminal are uninspiring.. | 09:42 |
The_Machine | inetpro - hmm.. right, it's partially samba | 09:43 |
The_Machine | i mean, i'm not seeing any *recent* tutorials on how i would join an NT domain with k/ubuntu | 09:43 |
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yuma | zorglu_: hey, it looks better that Cube! | 09:43 |
The_Machine | :( | 09:43 |
The_Machine | i know it's easy in a couple of other distros.. | 09:43 |
buz_ | currently writing the report | 09:43 |
yuma | zorglu_: I'll give it a try, when exams finish... | 09:43 |
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zorglu_ | yuma: very fun to play, very fast paced | 09:43 |
inetpro | The_Machine: what you trying to achieve? | 09:43 |
yuma | zorglu_: are you using the i810 driver for X, don't you? | 09:43 |
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nagyv | brian_: thx | 09:44 |
zorglu_ | yuma: let me check | 09:44 |
brian_ | np | 09:44 |
holger | hi all | 09:44 |
zorglu_ | Driver "i810" <- yuma | 09:45 |
yuma | zorglu_: I see | 09:45 |
zorglu_ | (WW) I810: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found | 09:45 |
zorglu_ | (--) Chipset 915GM found | 09:45 |
yuma | zorglu_: I've noticed that it sais to me that DRM failed, I'm talking about glxgears | 09:45 |
inetpro | The_Machine: sorry i'm a commandline fan... i edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to set thye domain value etc. and then i do smbmount | 09:46 |
brian_ | nagyv: what format are you trying to play in amarok? | 09:46 |
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yuma | zorglu_: hahaha, I don't even have direct rendering, this morning something broke for good | 09:46 |
scipper | zorglu_: i try to follow the man but i got an error on the step with fglrxinfo | 09:46 |
zorglu_ | yuma: only this morning ? it was ok before ? | 09:46 |
scipper | zorglu_: same as before Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual! | 09:46 |
billytwowilly | hmm. which -dbg for kde should I use to get debugging symbols out of konqueror? | 09:47 |
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yuma | zorglu_: I left direct rendering yesterday, but today, when arrive to university the whole xorg.conf was broken | 09:47 |
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yuma | zorglu_: I left working* | 09:48 |
inetpro | The_Machine: i think you have to install smbfs to get smbmount | 09:48 |
zorglu_ | yuma: did you update in the middle, there is an issue with the update on nvideo this morning ?/ | 09:48 |
holger | ubuntu is so nice, but today my mouse is broken, not physically ;-) yesterday i connected my digital camera the first time. Now, after a reboot my mouse is not working anymore, what can i do?, it's so sad. | 09:48 |
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andres_ | hola alguien habla espaol? | 09:48 |
yuma | zorglu_: nope, I didn't | 09:48 |
holger | it's an usb mouse | 09:48 |
eMaX_ | yo | 09:48 |
RealisticDragon | euthanasia is the only answer, for he was a good and faithful mouse and it would be inhmane to let it suffer | 09:48 |
The_Machine | inetpro - i can take a command line fan | 09:48 |
nagyv | brian_: I don't know exactly what happened. I was playing something while I wanted to convert some wmas2mp3 using this script: It did not succeed, and after amarok said that the sound device is occupied by some other program. I restarted it, and then it did not answered to anything. | 09:48 |
The_Machine | so i did edit the domain in smb.conf | 09:48 |
bgsteffens | i'm new from windows to kubuntu, and i cannot figure out for the life of me how to install software (other than getting the packages through the console).. now i'm trying to install thunderbird. it's a .tar.gz file and i can't figure out what i'm supposed to do with it! >_< | 09:48 |
inetpro | The_Machine: yip | 09:49 |
nagyv | bgsteffens: use synaptic, that is a user interface for the package manager | 09:49 |
The_Machine | inetpro: are you joined to a Active Directory domain w/ your kubuntu? | 09:49 |
inetpro | The_Machine: i think it's still called Workgroup | 09:49 |
holger | Any suggestions in troubleshooting mouse-support? Please | 09:49 |
RealisticDragon | bgsteffens: start up adept and install it from there | 09:49 |
RealisticDragon | its on the menu under system | 09:49 |
inetpro | The_Machine: yes | 09:49 |
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brian_ | to install a .tar.gz file install alien from the package manager | 09:49 |
nagyv | bgsteffens: sorry, no use adept, synaptic is for Gnome (the other ubuntu) | 09:49 |
inetpro | The_Machine: and it's even a 2003 domain | 09:50 |
RealisticDragon | bgsteffens: once you have it open you can just type in thunderbird and then click install :) it does everything else for you | 09:50 |
nagyv | brian_: for .tar.gz-s he needs build-essentials I think | 09:50 |
zorglu_ | scipper: dunno the answer sorry, the kernel seems to have trouble with 3d today | 09:50 |
brian_ | after that open a terminal window and browse to the directory where the .tar file is | 09:50 |
bgsteffens | Adept Manager Manage Packages? | 09:50 |
holger | Is it possible to redetect the mouse? | 09:50 |
nagyv | bgsteffens: yes | 09:50 |
RealisticDragon | holger: unplugging and replugging should pick it up with hotplug | 09:50 |
holger | :-( | 09:50 |
holger | ok | 09:50 |
brian_ | the command to change to .deb is sudo alien packagename | 09:51 |
bgsteffens | ok cool, thank you :) | 09:51 |
bgsteffens | has anyone gotten blender to install on kubuntu edgy? | 09:51 |
RealisticDragon | holger: the mouse works in another machine? | 09:51 |
brian_ | after you change to .deb, just right click and install with package manager. | 09:51 |
nagyv | bgsteffens: to get access to some non opensource packages you will have to add new repositories to your sources.list file | 09:52 |
RealisticDragon | bgsteffens: i think blender is in adept | 09:52 |
RealisticDragon | blender is Open Source nagyv:) | 09:52 |
andres_ | yuma how to register me to talk to you | 09:52 |
bgsteffens | ok thanks =) | 09:52 |
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RealisticDragon | yes bgsteffens, you can install blender with adept | 09:52 |
zorglu_ | !register | andres_ | 09:52 |
ubotu | andres_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 09:52 |
nagyv | RealisticDragon: I know, I was not talking about blender | 09:52 |
RealisticDragon | ah ok | 09:52 |
holger | mmh, i have replugged it, but nothing happens i will try it on another machine, but this was happend after i plugged my digital camera yesterday - i think something has happend with the usb ports, mmh | 09:53 |
andres_ | ok tanks | 09:53 |
RealisticDragon | you have tried a different physical port holger? | 09:53 |
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holger | mom | 09:53 |
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holger | yes i tried, but nothing | 09:54 |
nagyv | bgsteffens: just to know. .tar.gz files in general are source files (not always), so to install them you have to compile it from the source. Package manager is preferred because of security updates and is also more comfortable. | 09:54 |
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RealisticDragon | :/ sorry holger, its a bit of an odd one that, not seen a broken mouse in a while | 09:54 |
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trappist | and you're less likely to break your system when you stick with the package manager | 09:54 |
bgsteffens | nagyv: ok ^^ a question about source code.. what gui libraries for c++ are supported by kubuntu/kde? qT? | 09:54 |
billytwowilly | guys, I really need some help. I'm running edgy and konqueror won't start. Where do I get the debugging symbols for konqueror? do I use the kdebase ones? | 09:54 |
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RealisticDragon | bgsteffens: you can install gtk/gnome libs if you like, the ubuntu and kbuntu share repositories and can run side by side | 09:55 |
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RealisticDragon | xfce/xubuntu as well | 09:55 |
brian_ | Unless you just prefet konqueror, install firefox from adept | 09:55 |
bgsteffens | nice | 09:55 |
RealisticDragon | if you want the whole thing install ubuntu/desktop but you dont need to, when you select apps itll automagically install all the things you need (as long as you use adept to do it) | 09:56 |
yuma | brb | 09:56 |
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RealisticDragon | billytwowilly: im sorry im afraid i havent used the debugger with kde before :o | 09:56 |
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billytwowilly | RealisticDragon: can you offer any other suggestions as to how to figure out why konqueror won't start? | 09:57 |
RealisticDragon | run it from the command line and see what error it gives you | 09:57 |
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holger | oh, let me tell you i am stupid :-) my mouse was connected through a ps2-adapter for while and stopped working today. now i removed the adapter and plugged in usb and it is working again, very odd. Thanks RD | 09:58 |
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Gangster | does kubuntu come with 3d desktop as a default in the current version ? | 09:58 |
brian_ | hmm | 09:58 |
RealisticDragon | lol np holger | 09:58 |
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RealisticDragon | no Gangster | 09:58 |
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billytwowilly | RealisticDragon: it gives crap errors. I'll give you an example Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 09:58 |
RealisticDragon | hopefully the next version will | 09:58 |
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Gangster | crud | 09:58 |
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Gangster | thx | 09:58 |
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holger | :-) | 09:58 |
billytwowilly | after that there is a bit more, but it essentially just stops. | 09:58 |
alejo | I have a problem with adept manager "help" | 09:58 |
RealisticDragon | billytwowilly: erk, no idea im afraid | 09:58 |
loslopez | mctux | 09:58 |
brian_ | whats wrong with adept? | 09:59 |
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alejo | I dont more upgrade kubuntu.. | 09:59 |
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yuma | re | 10:01 |
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nagyv | bgsteffens: I don't know. Actually I do not really understand you question. :) | 10:05 |
chris___ | how can i update kDE to 4.0 version? | 10:05 |
alejo | the error message is "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. " | 10:05 |
chris___ | how can i update kDE to 4.0 version? | 10:06 |
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The_Machine | i'm trying to figure out why evolution mail would be starting up when i log into KDE | 10:07 |
The_Machine | it isn't in my KDE Autostart folder | 10:07 |
RealisticDragon | gah i hate google because im on a mexican ip it keeps giving me spanish language websites when i search, even with the terms in english | 10:07 |
The_Machine | little help? | 10:07 |
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The_Machine | strange RealisticDragon. I didn't know google did that :) | 10:07 |
RealisticDragon | The_Machine: KDE saves your session when you log off | 10:07 |
The_Machine | But i don't run evolution mail.. while i'm on.. | 10:07 |
RealisticDragon | yeah, it redirects to hen you have an english locted ip as well The_Machine | 10:08 |
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RealisticDragon | is it minimised in the system tray? | 10:08 |
The_Machine | nope. | 10:08 |
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Zerb_Riss | does anyone know how to get acroread to open PDF files inside Firefox? | 10:08 |
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RealisticDragon | hm, if you try opening up a console and ps x | grep vol | 10:08 |
The_Machine | k | 10:08 |
RealisticDragon | then kill anything that looks like evolution before logging out and back in | 10:08 |
The_Machine | interesting | 10:09 |
The_Machine | thanks :) | 10:09 |
RealisticDragon | it might not work :) | 10:09 |
yuma | hmmm, now firefox works ok with gmail | 10:09 |
The_Machine | i do see evolution stuff | 10:09 |
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The_Machine | alarm and "data-server" | 10:09 |
yuma | I don't understand a thing... | 10:09 |
The_Machine | whatever that is. | 10:09 |
trojan_war | I havent had any problems with kubuntu, don't understand why some people have so many probs | 10:09 |
RealisticDragon | you can kill it with 'kill -9 insetpidnumhere' | 10:10 |
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RealisticDragon | or killalll evolution-data-server or whatever might work too :) | 10:10 |
mhb | Hi ... what's the best audio encoder for Kubuntu? | 10:10 |
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mhb | I need a FLAC -> mp3 | 10:11 |
alejo | alguien habla espanol? | 10:11 |
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RealisticDragon | mhb: mencoder can convert anything more or less, and its scriptabl | 10:11 |
RealisticDragon | e | 10:11 |
mhb | RealisticDragon: is it xine-based? | 10:13 |
LjL | !es | alejo | 10:13 |
ubotu | alejo: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 10:13 |
mhb | or mplayer-based? | 10:13 |
RealisticDragon | no mhb, its mplayer based | 10:13 |
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RealisticDragon | its a command line transcoder, very feature rich (and a little bit complex) - its great combined with xargs though | 10:13 |
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alejo | gracias :) | 10:13 |
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RealisticDragon | no, mplayer | 10:13 |
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yuma | I changed the ui.allow_*File_Picker* in about:config of Firefox 2.0 but the new File Picker (the qt based) didn't recognize my encoding and break the directories with and so on | 10:15 |
yuma | is there any way of fixing it? | 10:16 |
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billytwowilly | anyone running beryl with kde? Got a link to a howto? the #ubuntu-xgl stuff appears aimed at gnome users | 10:16 |
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trojan_war | ubotu: tu habla engles muy pecito? | 10:16 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tu habla engles muy pecito? - try searching on | 10:16 |
mhb | is there an encoder which is easy to install and graphical? | 10:16 |
trojan_war | yeah, go to windows, im sure you would like nero | 10:16 |
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RealisticDragon | im not sure mhb, i think there probably is :) | 10:17 |
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RealisticDragon | as for installation, you can use adept which will help you out | 10:17 |
RealisticDragon | its under system on the menu | 10:17 |
billytwowilly | !beryl | 10:17 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 10:17 |
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RealisticDragon | if you open up adept and type in encoder theres a pretty big selection of applications to dig through :) | 10:18 |
mhb | RealisticDragon: I guess so | 10:18 |
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mhb | RealisticDragon: but I hoped for a quick recommend, since I need it pretty fast | 10:19 |
RealisticDragon | hm, id take a look at gtranscode maybe | 10:19 |
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dek_ | i have installed Win32 codecs, but Kaffeine doesn't play XviD, any ideas? | 10:19 |
RealisticDragon | | 10:19 |
mhb | RealisticDragon: thanks | 10:19 |
cloakable | dek_: libxine-extracodecs | 10:20 |
RealisticDragon | nvm, video thing :./ sorry | 10:20 |
earl_ | speaking of beryl. i'm trying to get that running and i get a weird error in my Xorg.0.log. it goes something like this: | 10:20 |
sercik | w32codecs is for mplayer and not for kaffeine | 10:20 |
earl_ | (EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed to open the DRM [dri] Disabling DRI. | 10:20 |
sercik | that use the xine engine | 10:20 |
earl_ | anyone know what that means | 10:20 |
dek_ | ok | 10:20 |
dek_ | let me try | 10:20 |
dek_ | :P | 10:20 |
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Gangster | is there a development version that comes with 3D desktop default ? | 10:21 |
dek_ | works, thanks to both | 10:21 |
RealisticDragon | there are instructions to set up a 3d desktop on edgy Gangster | 10:21 |
Gangster | im only gonna be running the live cd though | 10:22 |
RealisticDragon | otherwise i think mandriva (?) has a release at present with a 3d desktop by default if that helps | 10:22 |
RealisticDragon | ahh ok | 10:22 |
Gangster | im getting kororaa atm | 10:22 |
Gangster | its live cd is 3D | 10:22 |
Gangster | im more familiar with ubuntu though | 10:22 |
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Red-Sox[away] | Two problems, both with flash | 10:26 |
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Red-Sox[away] | (A) Sound waaay behind in Konq, and (B) NO sound in YouTube | 10:26 |
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RealisticDragon | Red-Sox[away] : are you running flash 7 or 9? | 10:27 |
RealisticDragon | i have had both problems with v. 7 | 10:27 |
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Red-Sox[away] | RealisticDragon: 9 | 10:29 |
earl_ | how do you get flash 9? | 10:29 |
Red-Sox[away] | Er | 10:29 |
Red-Sox[away] | 8 | 10:29 |
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Red-Sox[away] | no | 10:30 |
RealisticDragon | 8 doesnt run on linux :o | 10:30 |
Red-Sox[away] | 7 | 10:30 |
earl_ | i didn't think so | 10:30 |
RealisticDragon | and you install the flash-nonfree package earl_ | 10:30 |
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Red-Sox[away] | RealisticDragon: 7!!one | 10:30 |
RealisticDragon | i think 9 (beta) is in backports, if its not in universe | 10:30 |
elbing | I use 9 release from adobe web | 10:30 |
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ernz | Can someone help me please, I just installed Kubuntu, and I was trying out themes in the theme manager. I clicked high contrast, now I can't return to default settings. Please? :) | 10:31 |
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ernz__ | Can someone help me please, I just installed Kubuntu, and I was trying out themes in the theme manager. I clicked high contrast, now I can't return to default settings. Please? :) | 10:32 |
excitatory | ernz_: couldn't you go back into the theme manager and change it to the default? | 10:32 |
Red-Sox[away] | ernz__: Mistaaake | 10:32 |
excitatory | ernz__: and there's no need to flood the channel like that. | 10:32 |
Red-Sox[away] | ernz__: lol | 10:32 |
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Red-Sox[away] | ernz__: Didn't you see the high contrast preview? | 10:32 |
Red-Sox[away] | :P | 10:32 |
ernz__ | excitatory, I tried that, it "defaults" to the high contrast every time | 10:32 |
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excitatory | ernz__: well, logic would dictate that you try a different theme. | 10:33 |
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ernz__ | excitatory: I searched for the default Kubuntu theme, but only found one for Emerald. I wen to KDE-look and it seems as though everything is for another distro or a thrid party style manager! | 10:34 |
ernz__ | Very frustrating | 10:34 |
excitatory | ernz__: no | 10:34 |
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ernz__ | "No"? | 10:34 |
excitatory | go back into the theme manager, and use Plastik, or Keramik or something | 10:34 |
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ernz__ | excitatory: Which one is the Kubuntu default? | 10:35 |
elbing | kubuntu theme? | 10:36 |
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ernz__ | ebling: I don't see it in there :( | 10:36 |
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excitatory | plastik | 10:39 |
Zerb_Riss | no | 10:39 |
Zerb_Riss | Crystal is the Kubuntu default | 10:39 |
Zerb_Riss | Platik is the KDE default | 10:39 |
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ernz__ | excitatory: When I click plastik the window decorations look off. | 10:39 |
elbing | oh, crystal for window decoration, I thought about color theme | 10:40 |
elbing | sorry | 10:40 |
ernz__ | Zerb_Riss, I don't see crystal for the theme | 10:40 |
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Zerb_Riss | what do you mean by theme? | 10:40 |
Zerb_Riss | what config page are you on? | 10:40 |
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nagyv | I would like to try out bzflag, but first it would be nice to practice "at home" on localhost. How can I do that? | 10:41 |
ernz__ | Control Center Modules Menu > Appearance and Themes > Theme Manager | 10:41 |
Zerb_Riss | what the... are you using SuSE? | 10:42 |
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excitatory | ernz__: well that's because a theme encompasses a whole look to the desktop.. i don't use themes.. i use a customized set of window borders, colours, etc. so if you changed those, then choosing straight up plastik will change those settings to its own. | 10:42 |
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Zerb_Riss | oh I see it | 10:43 |
ernz__ | Zerb Riss: Add the applet to panel | 10:43 |
ernz__ | :) See | 10:43 |
Zerb_Riss | yah I don't think Kubuntu uses a theme by default | 10:43 |
Zerb_Riss | under Style it uses Plastik | 10:44 |
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elbing | not really, neither control center... maybe systemsettings | 10:44 |
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excitatory | ernz__: if it's really bothering you.. you can always create a new user, and log in as that. | 10:44 |
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Zerb_Riss | yah well Theme Manager isn't in System Settings, it's only in kcontrol | 10:45 |
ernz__ | excitatory: Sounds like a last ditch - I would be better to reinstall KUbuntu | 10:45 |
Zerb_Riss | if you want to reset everything, then just rename the .kde folder in your home directory and it will reset your desktop | 10:45 |
elbing | right. I don't use complete themes... maybe I was wrong for that | 10:45 |
ernz__ | Zerb_Riss: Rrrrrrealy? I will try that now and will be back shortly. | 10:46 |
Zerb_Riss | well from what I can tell, there isn't a theme for Kubuntu | 10:46 |
elbing | read Zerb_Riss, is not needed to reinstall | 10:46 |
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excitatory | i can't believe this guy | 10:47 |
Zerb_Riss | I just created a Kubuntu Theme lol | 10:47 |
elbing | lol | 10:47 |
Zerb_Riss | took like two seconds | 10:47 |
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excitatory | he's convinced that creating a new user is a last ditch solution, so instead, he's going to reinstall.. | 10:48 |
excitatory | that's insane | 10:48 |
Zerb_Riss | no | 10:48 |
Zerb_Riss | he's going to do what I said | 10:48 |
elbing | not, that's windows 2003 server | 10:48 |
Zerb_Riss | i.e. rename the .kde folder in his home directory | 10:48 |
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elbing | i usually rename k3b around 3 times for week... it hates my DVD's lol | 10:49 |
elbing | very useful method | 10:49 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 10:49 |
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ernz | That TOTALLY just worked!!! | 10:49 |
Zerb_Riss | :) | 10:49 |
ernz | Awesome. | 10:49 |
elbing | Zerb_Riss: thank for give us Kubuntu Theme | 10:49 |
ernz | B) | 10:49 |
elbing | got o kde-look and upload it lol | 10:50 |
Zerb_Riss | hehehe | 10:50 |
ernz | I lost all of my panels and stuff, but that was totally worth it. | 10:50 |
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Zerb_Riss | yah | 10:50 |
Zerb_Riss | .kde has all of your kde settings in it | 10:50 |
Zerb_Riss | I said rename in case you couldn't get something back | 10:51 |
ernz_ | Where would my desktop settings be saved? :D | 10:51 |
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ubuntu | how do i change the partition tables from a live kubuntu cd? | 10:51 |
elbing | well, but if he doesn't know anything about change themes in KDE, do you think if he will know to look for individual configuration files? | 10:52 |
Zerb_Riss | I'm not sure, I think it's in .kde/share/config | 10:52 |
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Zerb_Riss | elbing: better than making a whole new user o_O | 10:52 |
ernz_ | elbing: I'm ugly, not stupid. | 10:52 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 10:52 |
elbing | right, goingo to silence :p | 10:52 |
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elbing | hehe, sorry man, it was ironic, that's all | 10:53 |
ernz_ | 2nd thoughts, I better just do it manually. | 10:53 |
ernz_ | Oooh ooh, one more question before I go... | 10:53 |
ernz_ | !ask | 10:53 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:53 |
ernz_ | :) | 10:53 |
ubuntu | i messed up my windows bootloader when i tried to put grub on, and i want to change it back, but how do i get read/write access to my ntfs hdd from a live cd? | 10:54 |
ernz_ | there a way for me to alter the name/icons of individual icons on the removable storage applet? | 10:54 |
Zerb_Riss | hmm no clue on that one | 10:54 |
RealisticDragon | if you want to write to an NTFS disk you need to use NTFS_captive I think (blame microsoft for that one :( ) its on the ultimate boot CD linux distro, not sure about k/ubuntu | 10:54 |
ernz_ | The reason I ask is because I bought a USB card reader today, but it registers as a UsbDisk, with a USB pen drive icon, when it isn't. It gets more confusing because I do also have an actual pen drive plugged in too. | 10:55 |
elbing | ubuntu, if you want to restore your MBR, try booting from windows cd and from console type "fixmbr" | 10:55 |
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ubuntu | i just need to change my boot.ini back, but don't have write access to it | 10:55 |
ernz_ | elbing: Would "bootfix/fixboot" be of any use also? | 10:56 |
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ubuntu | i could fix it from linux if i could get linux installed on here, but i can't get my partitions correct. and don't know how to from this cd | 10:57 |
dhq__ | hey all | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | how can I choose to open files with a double-click, instead of a single one? | 10:58 |
dhq__ | my x doesnt wrk | 10:58 |
dhq__ | fdoving: you there ^^ | 10:58 |
ernz_ | Scheunemann: I actually know the answer to that one!!! Wait a sec and I will tell u | 10:58 |
Schuenemann | k | 10:58 |
RealisticDragon | start:system settings:eyboard and mouse | 10:59 |
Zerb_Riss | Schuenemann: System Settings->Keyboard & Mouse->Mouse->Double-click to open files radio button | 10:59 |
ernz_ | What realisticdragon said, then check "Double click to..." | 10:59 |
Schuenemann | where is keyboard & mouse? | 10:59 |
ernz_ | This could have been my first fix, and you guys steal my thunder? | 10:59 |
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RealisticDragon | sorry ernz_ :) | 10:59 |
elbing | heh | 11:00 |
ernz_ | Click on the Big K in the corner, and then System Settings | 11:00 |
ernz_ | Keyboard and mouse is 3rd row, second column | 11:00 |
Schuenemann | I found it... but keyboard and mouse are 2 separate entries | 11:00 |
Schuenemann | at least in dapper | 11:00 |
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ernz_ | Mouse then? | 11:00 |
Schuenemann | working now, thank :p | 11:00 |
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elbing | good job ernz_ :p | 11:01 |
ernz_ | Schuenemann: Awesome. Damn I am good. | 11:01 |
Schuenemann | hehe | 11:01 |
Schuenemann | right duke | 11:01 |
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Zerb_Riss | way to go ernz | 11:01 |
=== ernz_ has never even used Dapper! B) | ||
xenol | hi can someone help me how to install gfxboot for GRUB? pm me | 11:02 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: You can take this one.... | 11:02 |
ernz_ | heh | 11:02 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 11:02 |
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Zerb_Riss | I don't even know what gfxboot is, but I'd like to :) | 11:03 |
xenol | hh | 11:03 |
xenol | wait i give u a link | 11:03 |
ernz_ | lol | 11:03 |
elbing | did anyone probe xgl unde kubuntu? | 11:03 |
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elbing | s/une/under | 11:03 |
Zerb_Riss | xenol: this might help: | 11:04 |
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ernz_ | !gfxboot | 11:04 |
ubotu | gfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB | 11:04 |
Zerb_Riss | it actually looks pretty cool | 11:05 |
Zerb_Riss | maybe my wife could figure out how to start my comptuer with that | 11:05 |
Zerb_Riss | :) | 11:05 |
xenol | | 11:05 |
Schuenemann | I leave windows as default for my sister | 11:05 |
ernz_ | Zerb: I'm getting my cat to do it for me... | 11:05 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 11:05 |
ernz_ | I'll just screw it up. | 11:05 |
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ernz_ | Windows.... "lol". | 11:06 |
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Schuenemann | xenol: have you tried sudo apt-get install gfxboot ? | 11:06 |
xenol | zup | 11:06 |
xenol | yup | 11:06 |
xenol | i removed grub but couldnt do this | 11:06 |
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elbing | I leave bsd for my wife... she's a very complicated woman :p | 11:07 |
xenol | nvm find my mistake | 11:07 |
ernz_ | If anyone ever needs to know how to establish a Citrix server within Debian based distros, I totally figured it out earlier. | 11:07 |
Schuenemann | write a tutorial | 11:07 |
ernz_ | Scheunemann, I modified one I found online and am submitting it to my college 2moz. | 11:08 |
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Schuenemann | you know, you can type part of a nick and hit TAB :p | 11:08 |
aliesky | hello | 11:08 |
ernz_ | Has anyone in here dabbled with Beryl yet? | 11:08 |
aliesky | How can i econfigure my TimeZone?? | 11:08 |
ernz_ | Does it even work with Kubuntu? | 11:08 |
RealisticDragon | i believe it does ernz_, theres a big howto somewhere | 11:09 |
elbing | aliesky: right mouse button | 11:09 |
ernz_ | Aliesky, right click clock > timezones > configure timezones. | 11:09 |
elbing | over clock, of course | 11:09 |
Zerb_Riss | it works with Kubuntu | 11:09 |
Zerb_Riss | I'm running it now | 11:09 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss, I tried on Ubuntu, and was successful at installing it 1 and a half times out of five. | 11:09 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 11:10 |
Zerb_Riss | it's easy to install | 11:10 |
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ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: Perhaps you have a DECENT howto? | 11:10 |
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Zerb_Riss | just the one provided by Beryl | 11:11 |
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Zerb_Riss | | 11:11 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: I has it working fine, BEFORE I "dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg"'d | 11:11 |
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Zerb_Riss | oh you probably overwrite your xorg.conf file, in that case | 11:11 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: I need resolution 2048x1024 you see. | 11:12 |
ernz_ | So how would I do BOTH, install beryl AND change my res. | 11:12 |
ernz_ | I did it once, but that was just using random key-presses for 8 hours until it magically worked. | 11:12 |
Zerb_Riss | lol | 11:13 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: That wasn't a joke. | 11:13 |
ernz_ | :| | 11:13 |
Zerb_Riss | can't you change your resolution in System Settings->Computer Administration->Monitor & Display->Screen Size? | 11:14 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: Highest shown is 1024x768 | 11:14 |
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ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: And the driver it is currently using is "nv" when i know it should be using "nvidia" | 11:15 |
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tomaczec | hi | 11:15 |
Zerb_Riss | did you install the latest nvidia driver? | 11:15 |
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ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: Heres the story: | 11:15 |
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xenol | damn i scared of removing GRUB last time i had to reinstall kubuntu :/ | 11:16 |
xenol | ? restrictedformats | 11:16 |
Schuenemann | !restrictedformats | 11:17 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 11:17 |
xenol | tz | 11:17 |
xenol | ty | 11:17 |
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compilerwriter | Can anyone please help me do a backup of my evolution stuff. I am having trouble figuring out how to get the job done. It is my last task before a clean re-install. | 11:17 |
weswh- | how buggy is Beryl? and if you install it, does it take over your system, or is sort of optional? the expose like feature and the program switcher i would consider using...along with some of the translucency and such. the cube..nah | 11:19 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: I have used ubuntu for the last year. Went from Dapper, to Edgy. I got beryl to work on edgy. I have always used scripted installers (Combinations of automatix, and easy ubuntu) which took care of my graphics driver too. My little brother bought me a new phone, and It uses bluetooth, I have a dingle dongle but Gnome is USELESS when it comes to bluetooth support, and all the KDE tools were buggy at best. Yesterday I started using KDE and it's been a | 11:19 |
ernz_ | bitter sweet relationship so far. All of my devices are much better to interact with including bluetooth. What I would really like, is for a fully working Kubuntu system, with all the stuff I has from automatix, and beryl, and the correct drivers for my graphics card. Not asking for much, just that. Reckon it's dooable? | 11:19 |
ernz_ | Weswh: Same boat | 11:19 |
compilerwriter | ? evolution backup | 11:20 |
Zerb_Riss | ernz_: sure ;) | 11:20 |
Schuenemann | compilerwriter: use exclamation, not question mark | 11:20 |
compilerwriter | !evolution backup | 11:20 |
ubotu | evolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 5022 kB, installed size 38204 kB | 11:20 |
Zerb_Riss | you should be able to get Beryl working with that link I pasted | 11:20 |
ernz_ | Weswh: I have had beryl working before. it's sweet. | 11:20 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: Problems I face with beryl are: screwed up video playback after installing Beryl, and the resolution thing I was talking about earlier. | 11:21 |
angasule | beryl is very unstable, crashes often, I wouldn't (and don't) use it while working | 11:21 |
RealisticDragon | i guess im lazy before i would have broken things happily installing it, now im just waiting patiently for it to get integrated :P | 11:21 |
weswh- | yeah, i have mixed feelings. part of me thinks if it aint broke don't fix it. but i used to have a mac, and did enjoy some of the glitz | 11:21 |
weswh- | not that kde in and of itself is dull or anything | 11:21 |
angasule | as for automatix et al, it's a *legal* problem in the USA and its colonies | 11:22 |
ernz_ | Angasule: I hate to agree. | 11:22 |
jhutchins_wk | Could someone check this stream: | 11:22 |
jhutchins_wk | It's supposed to be 128k MP3, but I get "no demux available". | 11:22 |
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angasule | I want a hot blonde delivered with my shipit CDs, why can't I have that? | 11:22 |
ernz_ | Angasule: "As for automatix"... and if you live in Scotland :D | 11:23 |
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HymnToLife | ernz_, Automatix stinks wherever you live :p | 11:23 |
jhutchins_wk | Is bery still gnome only, or does it use KDE now? (Or is it it's own thing?) | 11:24 |
angasule | ernz_: Scotland is a colony of a colony of the USA :P | 11:24 |
RealisticDragon | america was founded based on a healthy disrespect for law and order, i dont see why that should change now ;) | 11:24 |
angasule | really, software patents and all that silliness... | 11:24 |
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xenol | why doesnt adept manager start when i enter password? | 11:24 |
ernz_ | HymnToLife: Automatix, in fairness, is the reason why a lot of people stick with X/K/Ubuntu, and don't revert back to windows.... | 11:25 |
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HymnToLife | ernz_, so what ? | 11:25 |
ernz_ | Angasule, Scotland is a colony of a colony of the USA :P << I have no idea what that means. :) | 11:25 |
RealisticDragon | he is talking about us brits | 11:25 |
ernz_ | HymnToLife: You lost me. | 11:25 |
Zerb_Riss | ernz: Beryl does mess up video playback, it's a bug in the program | 11:25 |
angasule | ernz_: just making random fun of a country :P | 11:25 |
RealisticDragon | what he doesnt realise is that scotland runs england rather well | 11:25 |
angasule | Scotchland is nice | 11:25 |
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ernz_ | RealisticDragon: I know that, I just can't tell it it's good or bad making fun. | 11:26 |
RealisticDragon | scots have more people in cabinet per person by far | 11:26 |
compilerwriter | Can anyone talk me through a backup of my evolution data please? | 11:26 |
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RealisticDragon | sorry compilerwriter, i dont use evolution | 11:26 |
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Zerb_Riss | me neither | 11:26 |
xenol | i cant start adept where can i see running active procceses plz? | 11:26 |
RealisticDragon | you might have more luck in the ubuntu channel as I believe evolution is default for ubuntu? | 11:26 |
RealisticDragon | most people here probably use kmail | 11:27 |
HymnToLife | me neither (Thunderbird fanboy inside :p) | 11:27 |
Zerb_Riss | I'd love to walk you through it, but I have no idea what to tell you | 11:27 |
compilerwriter | You Scots can be credited with my favourite drink. | 11:27 |
RealisticDragon | xenol: try running a terminal and then typing 'ps x' | 11:27 |
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compilerwriter | Then again you are also responsible for golf. | 11:27 |
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compilerwriter | I guess we will call it a wash | 11:27 |
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ernz_ | For any Americans in the room who aren't aware: London is not a country. England is. Scotland is a country. Wales is a country. Ireland is a country. All of the aforementioned countries are part of Britain (UK). | 11:28 |
compilerwriter | Thanks for the advice though. | 11:28 |
HymnToLife | [23:26] <compilerwriter> You Scots can be credited with my favourite drink. <= and for my favourite chess opening :D | 11:28 |
xenol | realisticdragon does adept_manager acuse that i acnt run adept ? | 11:28 |
RealisticDragon | sorry we cant help more compilerwriter, good luck | 11:28 |
ernz_ | HymnToLife> A head-butt to the face is a chess move??? | 11:28 |
compilerwriter | Thanks for advice | 11:28 |
HymnToLife | when playing White, when playing Black I still like my French ^^ | 11:28 |
RealisticDragon | xenol: ksudo can be a tiny bit fussy sometimes i find, have you tried running it from the terminal with sudo adept? | 11:28 |
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xenol | no | 11:29 |
RealisticDragon | ok, you can bring up a terminal with start>system>console | 11:29 |
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ernz_ | compilerwriter > You still there? | 11:29 |
xenol | i have console opened | 11:29 |
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RealisticDragon | ok, type sudo adept | 11:30 |
xenol | i also typed sudo apt -get install flashplugin-nofree | 11:30 |
xenol | and it says uknown command :/ | 11:30 |
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HymnToLife | that's most certainly because it's 'apt-get' | 11:30 |
RealisticDragon | apt-get is all one word | 11:30 |
xenol | it is running | 11:30 |
xenol | but am interested whz so late :/ | 11:31 |
compilerwriter | I am still here yes | 11:31 |
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RealisticDragon | adept is running for you now? or apt-get? | 11:31 |
compilerwriter | I am in both channels | 11:31 |
RealisticDragon | xenol: the other thing you might find useful is apt-cache search flash (this apt-cache search shows you the things that apt-get can install) | 11:31 |
compilerwriter | ernz_ Do you have some help for me? | 11:31 |
ernz_ | compilerwriter: I might, is it the mails you are trying to export, and then import again on your new installation? | 11:32 |
compilerwriter | That would be what I am after. I was going to reformat and then reinstall. | 11:33 |
ernz_ | compilerwriter: I have done this myself, sorry I didn't speak up earlier, I am stupid. | 11:33 |
compilerwriter | There was also Calendar stuff too. | 11:33 |
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compilerwriter | contacts and the like. | 11:33 |
buzzy | !grub | 11:34 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 11:34 |
compilerwriter | Would be good just to know how to do backups etc. | 11:34 |
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ernz_ | From what I can remember, if you goto the mail section, and then, folder at a time, if I am right, select all the mails in that folder, then click file, and I THINK there is an export option. Name the file what that folder is called. | 11:34 |
ernz_ | Repeat for each folder, and I assume the procedure is identical/similar for contacts and calender entries. | 11:35 |
xenol | !kpilot | 11:35 |
ubotu | kpilot: KDE Palm Pilot hot-sync tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1887 kB, installed size 4348 kB | 11:35 |
compilerwriter | Thanks ernz I will give it a go. | 11:35 |
xenol | wat for is Kpilot good that i have i required to install thorugh update? | 11:35 |
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ernz_ | compilerwriter: I think I have the procedure bookmarked. Please hold... | 11:36 |
compilerwriter | roger wilco ernz_ | 11:36 |
=== ernz_ plays elevator music. | ||
ernz_ | compilerwriter: Sorry, can't find the links BUT....! | 11:37 |
xenol | plz wat for is Kpilot? | 11:38 |
xenol | !gfxboot | 11:38 |
ubotu | gfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.23-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB | 11:38 |
ernz_ | A little bird showed me a cool trick earlier. Perhaps just copying your ENTIRE .evolution folder back on your new installation will retain everything? | 11:38 |
xenol | !firefox | 11:38 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see Installing plugins: | 11:38 |
ernz_ | Zerb_Riss: Whats the liklihood of that working? | 11:38 |
xenol | !movieplayer | 11:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about movieplayer - try searching on | 11:39 |
xenol | !xine | 11:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on | 11:39 |
compilerwriter | I don't know how the messages are stored in evolution, hopefully that will work though. | 11:39 |
TheGateKeeper | what the ls option to get the permissions? | 11:39 |
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ernz_ | Compilerwriter: It seems to work for everything else in Linux :) | 11:40 |
compilerwriter | ernz_ how did yo play elevator music | 11:40 |
compilerwriter | I have forgotten how do to emotes like that. | 11:40 |
Murchadh | compilerwriter, You should tar your home folder with tar -cvzf home.backup.tar.gz /home. Then check it with tar -tvf | less to see all the files are backed up. | 11:40 |
=== ernz_ plays music by typing /me and then some text | ||
xenol | realisticdragon plz wat for is kpilot? | 11:41 |
ernz_ | Compilerwriter: Murchadh sounds smarter than me. Do what he says instead as a precaution :) | 11:41 |
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crazyreddwolf | hello i would like to set up a easy ftp server, i have gone through the server guide on my linux machine but could not figure it out and i have seen the web sight for it too and still nothing could someone help walk me through it | 11:42 |
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compilerwriter | Thanks murchadh but I don't want to end up with the same problems I am having now. | 11:42 |
compilerwriter | Somehow I have bolluxed things and I have no clue where. Therefore I am just trying to save data that I know is needed and will be innocuous. | 11:42 |
Murchadh | compilerwriter, Check to see if there is an evolution folder. Check in ~/.kde/share/apps. You could just backup this folder. | 11:43 |
compilerwriter | ok | 11:43 |
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ernz_ | Murchadh: Not the /home/ folder? | 11:43 |
ernz_ | :S | 11:43 |
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Murchadh | ernz_, ~/ is a shortcut for home. | 11:43 |
ernz_ | Murchadh: Ignore me. I'm going ~. | 11:44 |
ernz_ | Exactly... | 11:44 |
Murchadh | hehe | 11:44 |
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LeeJunFan | ~ is where you makefile it. | 11:44 |
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ernz_ | LeeJunFan: That's deep man. Real deep. "Home is where you makefile it" | 11:45 |
angasule | !kpilot | 11:45 |
ubotu | kpilot: KDE Palm Pilot hot-sync tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1887 kB, installed size 4348 kB | 11:45 |
sikun | i just installed kubuntu on my laptop and i've noticed so far the cpu fan hasn't turned on.... i was just wondering if there is something else i need to do? | 11:45 |
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ernz_ | LeeJunFan: That's deep man. Real deep. "Home is where you makefile it" | 11:46 |
ernz_ | Right, I better go now before I screw up any more computer related stuff. Thanks all for your help. | 11:46 |
LeeJunFan | :) | 11:46 |
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crazyreddwolf | hello i would like to set up a easy ftp server, i have gone through the server guide on my linux machine but could not figure it out and i have seen the web sight for it too and still nothing could someone please help me out | 11:46 |
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kkathman | crazyreddwolf: sudo apt-get install proftpd | 11:49 |
kkathman | then just Google the home page for details | 11:49 |
crazyreddwolf | could not find package list kkathman | 11:50 |
kkathman | crazyreddwolf: be sure all of your repositories are enabled | 11:51 |
crazyreddwolf | ok | 11:51 |
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compilerwriter | Murchadh unfortunately not | 11:52 |
Bubba_Gump | is there a shortcut-key to minmize the current window? | 11:53 |
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kkathman | Bubba_Gump: you can set one up...use the kcontrol or system settings and set your shortcuts | 11:54 |
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flaccid | Bubba_Gump: check your system settings - > regional and accessibility > keyboard shortcuts -> windows | minimise window | 11:54 |
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flaccid | if anyone has logitech keyboard multimedia keys working pls let me know | 11:57 |
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crazyreddwolf | ok as far as i know all my respitories are on | 11:58 |
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kkathman | crazyreddwolf: do an apt-cache search ftp and look for proftpd it should be there, if not, you definitely dont have all the repos turned on | 12:00 |
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kkathman | or you might still have your cd-rom set in your sources.list | 12:01 |
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crazyreddwolf | your talken about in the adept manager right | 12:03 |
kkathman | whatever method you use | 12:04 |
kkathman | adept, synaptic, cli | 12:04 |
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crazyreddwolf | i had looked in the adept manager and found stuff on ftp but none for proftpd | 12:05 |
tomlikestorock1 | why is it that when I turn on my laptop, and I start typing to log in, my first keypress is always ignored? How do I fix that? | 12:05 |
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bgsteffens | ok i'm getting really frustrated to add mp3 support to kaffeine or amarok | 12:05 |
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kkathman | crazyreddwolf: here's what comes up toward the bottom of my apt-cache search ftp: proftpd - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon | 12:06 |
bgsteffens | i see tutorials on the net that tell me to open an mp3 file in amarok and it will prompt me to install mp3 support, but amarok just crashes, as does kaffeine | 12:06 |
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MasterLexx | hey | 12:06 |
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crazyreddwolf | at the bottom of mine came up with vsftpd | 12:07 |
MasterLexx | how can i see the directories of my partition? i am logged in as standard user and konqueror shows me / with only home and media | 12:07 |
crazyreddwolf | i have kubuntu 6.06.1 | 12:07 |
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kkathman | bgsteffens: | 12:07 |
kkathman | scroll down and find the mp3 section | 12:08 |
MarcC-Linux | hi, I'm using Edgy and it has Firefox 1.5 installed - how do I get 2.0? | 12:08 |
bgsteffens | Open Amarok and play an mp3 file. Amarok will ask if you would like to add mp3 support and then install the libxine-extracodecs package. | 12:08 |
bgsteffens | but amarok only crashes | 12:08 |
kkathman | or go to and look in the documentation section for mp3 | 12:08 |
tomlikestorock1 | anyone ever have that problem? the first keypress is ignored? | 12:08 |
kkathman | typically all you have to do is 1) be sure you have xine and amarok-xine installed, and then install the w32codecs | 12:08 |
bgsteffens | xine and amarok-xine?? | 12:09 |
kkathman | bgsteffens: sudo apt-get install amarok-xine then go into amarok and under settings, change the engine to xine | 12:10 |
kkathman | be sure you've installed the w32codecs | 12:10 |
bgsteffens | how do i install w32codecs? sudo apt-get install w32codecs? | 12:10 |
lenscape | how do I get kubuntu to leave the search list in resolv.conf alone? | 12:11 |
kkathman | bgsteffens: yep | 12:11 |
bgsteffens | kkathman: it couldn't find the package | 12:11 |
lenscape | it keeps getting reset - presumably when the lease is renewed | 12:11 |
kkathman | which package? | 12:11 |
bgsteffens | w32codecs | 12:11 |
kkathman | you'll need to enable restricted-formats in your sources | 12:11 |
crazyreddwolf | i just went back in to the repos and made sure they were all turned on | 12:12 |
bgsteffens | is that in my um | 12:12 |
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bgsteffens | that list with commented out places to find packages? | 12:12 |
kkathman | yes, some may be commented out | 12:12 |
bgsteffens | what's the path of that file agian? >< sorry to be such a bother | 12:12 |
tomlikestorock1 | why not just use easyubuntu? | 12:13 |
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kkathman | if you are editing it directly... use kdesu kate then edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:13 |
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