
BenCkylem: I'm running into the same sort of crap in the rt2x00 drivers :/12:19
BenCThe scan work queue has this check at the top of the handler12:19
BenC        if (unlikely(!rt2x00dev->scan))12:20
BenC                return;12:20
BenCthe work_struct is rt2x00dev->scan->work12:20
BenCso not only is it unlikely, it's seems to be just plain buggy if scan == NULL12:20
BenCbecause it only gets freed at the bottom of the handler12:20
kylemthe wireless code is pretty much crap afaics.12:21
BenCwe need to start a save-the-code foundation so drivers like this stand a chance of actually making it into the kernel proper12:33
=== kylem is still wondering what's going to happen to dscape.
BenCthey're waiting for when a driver worth going into the kernel actually uses it12:35
=== kylem thought there was a bcm43xx-dscape branch
BenCI think it's in the same git tree as dscape12:38
kylemhmm. ah well.12:39
BenCman, I know what I want to do to fix this rt2x00 the right way, but it's just to much damn work12:40
kylemif it's this bad forward porting, i wonder how bad backporting is going to be... 12:41
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BenCfuck this, I'm doing it the right way12:43
mjg59kylem: It's maintained in wireless-dev12:43
kylemi should ping linville and find out wtf is up12:44
BenCI think dscape is on the wireless summit agenda12:52
kylemis there a url for this yet?12:53
BenCkylem: Don't think so, #wireless on the other network12:58
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derekSBenC: ping02:55
derekSI did whatyou said about take out quiet and splash, went to take a photo but the text wasn't readible. it was all gray dotted boxes and stuff02:59
derekSthis happened before in the edgy release cycle (never dapper or earlier for me)02:59
derekSbut fixed after *some* update02:59
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BenCalmost there04:27
=== kkubasik [n=kjk38@kjk38-laptop.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
kkubasikHey, I'm still having issues with the bcm404:31
kkubasikdriver in the latest feisty kernel04:31
kkubasik0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 UART (rev 01)04:31
BenCwait till 2.6.20, which might upload this evening04:32
kkubasikI put the results of a modprobe bcm43xx (from dmesg) up in a pastebin04:32
kkubasiko, alright, sounds cool04:32
BenCusually works better if you put it in a bug report04:32
BenCIRC is too interactive for taking in bugs04:33
kkubasikjust wanted to make sure it wasn't user error before filing a super-hardware specific bug report04:33
BenCwhat's the actual error?04:33
BenCdo you have firmware installed?04:33
BenCdid it work in edgy, and start failing in feisty?04:33
kkubasikit never worked04:36
kkubasikthere's a bug already filed against edgy04:36
kkubasikthe BCM4310 just doesn't work under linux04:36
kkubasikndiswrapper has an irq conflict04:37
kkubasik[377600.228000]  ieee80211_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'04:37
kkubasik[377600.232000]  ieee80211: 802.11 data/management/control stack, git-1.1.1304:37
kkubasik[377600.232000]  ieee80211: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Intel Corporation <jketreno@linux.intel.com>04:37
kkubasik[377600.280000]  bcm43xx driver04:37
kkubasikis the closest thing to an error04:37
kkubasikand yeah, I have all the firmware04:39
kkubasikran with no errors04:39
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derekSBenC: almost there?05:07
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derekSit still doesn't work, and i cna't take a pic05:28
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derekSBenC: I can't get to a gui to add a bug in launchpad.... but I managed to get these.... do these help? http://slovin.info/image3.jpg http://slovin.info/image4.jpg05:51
BenCderekS: Both of those are 40305:53
derekSbenc: lemme try to fix it05:55
derekSahh permissions issues :)05:58
derekSall fixed05:58
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BenCderekS: There's nothing wrong there other than maybe X isn't setup right, or it's broken somehow05:59
BenCthe system booted successfully (as noted by the login prompt)06:00
BenCso there's no kernel error there06:00
derekSBenC: yeah, thats a previous kernel, lemme give you the present one, i am a moron06:00
derekShold up06:00
derekSthat wasn't the error i was describing before06:00
BenCinfinity: ping06:04
infinityBenC: pong06:10
BenCinfinity: Remember the lrm bug where it seemed like a newly installed one wouldn't have correctly run depmod on first boot?06:10
infinityDid you just find it?06:11
BenCI just experienced it on 2.6.20 lrm over two reboots, and then it went away the first time I ran lrm-manager by hand :/06:11
derekSBenC: http://slovin.info/image6.jpg and http://slovin.info/image7.jpg these were taken with splash and quiet turned on.... i am getting you a screen shot of the unreadible text i get with it turned on06:12
infinityI love how much sense that bug doesn't make.06:12
infinityBenC: Is there any hope of you reproducing it and leaving the system/chroot broken?06:12
BenCI have one other machine that uses lrm so I'll give it a try there06:13
BenCderekS: I'm pretty sure I know what that one is, give 2.6.20 a try when it's available, like within a few days06:13
derekSBenC: http://slovin.info/image8.jpg it freezes printing "text" like this06:13
derekSBenC: ok... i can wait :)06:13
BenCthat garbage I don't know about, but who knows06:14
derekSany idea why there is this nasty grub bug not showing text right?06:14
derekSit happened in edgy for a while, then it magically wnet away :)06:14
derekSBenC: any idea when you are going to try 2.6.20?06:14
BenCyou talking about that last pic?06:14
BenCif that last pic happened after the softlockup, it has nothing to do with grub06:15
derekSno the last pic is when quiet and splash are turned off06:15
derekSseperate boot06:15
BenCit's still not grub06:15
derekSafter the softlockup nothing really happens (for as long as i have left it)06:15
derekSBenC: what would it be?06:15
derekSahh, prob wrong settings?06:16
derekSBenC: so when do you predict .20 will be out?06:43
BenCderekS: I said within a few days06:43
derekSperfect thank you06:43
bronsonMy build fails at the end: failure: cannot open upload file ../linux-vserver-image-kdump_2.6.17.1-11.1_i386.deb for reading: No such file or directory07:37
bronsonThat's from dpkg-genchanges.07:39
bronsonIt's right; that .deb doesn't exist.07:40
bronsonDoes anyone know what would generate it?07:40
bronsonAh, I think it's because I changed the flavor...07:52
bronsonYep, that's it.  flavours = vserver-386 but crashdump = 38607:52
bronsonspin spin spin...07:53
bronsonThat's interesting...  in debian/control it says: Kernel Crash Dump is only available on i386, x86_64(amd64) and PowerPC64 systems.07:55
bronsonBut as far as I can tell, a kdump kernel is only generated for 386.  There's no debian/config/amd64/crashdump or debian/config/powerpc/crashdump.07:57
bronsonIs one of these wrong?  Or is my analysis wrong?  :)07:58
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dade`BenC: ping08:32
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thommjg59: so, when i hotdock, i get all the usb ports and sound and video and shit, but no cdrom drive from the ultrabay11:03
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mjg59thom: Hm11:54
thomworks fine if i reboot, tho11:54
mjg59Bay events are harder11:55
thomuh, in that it sees the ultrabay, so it's hotdock specific and not something larger11:55
kkubasikis the ubuntu-2.6.git repo somewhat synced against mainline kernel devel, or does it just catch up when there's a release12:38
kkubasikscratch that dumb question12:39
kkubasikgit log12:39
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=== kylem wanders off for coffee.
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=== BenC prepares to unleash temporal doom
zulyay doom03:54
zulBenC: you are free i have someone else testing for me04:05
kylemtemporary doom? :)04:05
BenCzul: I'm still going to test toay04:06
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel | 2.6.20-1.1 uploaded - On the 18th day, the bear arose from his toybox and came upon us. Use it, but there are still a few missing modules.
_MMA_BenC. I installed Feisty on my laptop. I installed the linux-lowlatency meta. It installs the kernel but didnt update GRUB. Should I file a bug?04:07
kylemBenC, woo.04:08
zulBenC: you are nad your freaking bear :)04:08
BenC_MMA_: It probably updates grub, but -generic would come first...go to the grub menu and select it manually04:08
_MMA_Yea. I looked after I booted. It wasnt listed in menu.lst.04:10
BenC_MMA_: That's not likely the lowlatency kernel's fault...try running "sudo update-grub" manually and see04:10
_MMA_I had to add it manually.04:10
_MMA_ Can I remove my entry and still run "sudo update-grub"?04:11
_MMA_Ok. I removed my entry then "sudo update-grub". That worked.04:12
BenC_MMA_: your entry would get overwritten anyway, unless you added it below the "add your entries here" line04:14
=== kylem needs some way of queueing a kernel package to build across the arches without it taking hours to manually copy files around
kylemor more to the point, queuing three different ones...04:17
BenCkylem: Look in debian/bin/bens-build-scripts/04:18
BenCI use that for all my local machines, and for the dev machines like davis and faure04:19
kylemoooh. sweet.04:19
BenCkylem: There's no docs, and it may be hard to understand, but they work04:19
BenCkylem All the build-* scripts are local04:19
BenCedit build-common for the machines and settings04:20
BenCdo_build and do_clean go on the remotes04:20
kylemsweet. this should cut a good chunk of time off my turn around.04:20
BenCkylem: Basically the remotes have a git repo, and "build-clean foo" pushes to the remote, and totally blows away any changes and checks out a fresh tree04:21
BenCkylem: My machines here all have /org/<dist>-<arch>/ubuntu-2.604:21
BenCI have amd64 and i386 on the same machine, and it builds both in parallel04:22
kylemurgh. it totally didn't occur to me that i could push into a porter machine from my laptop.04:22
BenCbuild-monitor -v foo bar ...04:22
=== kylem has been tarring things up on hera and then wget + proxy.
BenCthat is the icing on the cake, so you can watch how the build is going04:22
BenCthe builds occur in a screen, so you can always login and attach to it04:23
kylemsweet, thanks!04:23
zulBenC: now you have a fan club..04:59
BenCzul: I expect you to be president and take in club dues, %90 of which goes toward my hardware fund :)04:59
zuli dont get a cut though05:00
BenC%10 is for you05:00
zuleven better05:00
zulit can go to diapers05:00
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fabbioneBenC: 05:26
fabbione   * x86: Revert patch that allows disabling hyper-threading.05:27
fabbione     - GIT-SHA a5443e2694749510381b4c54b95f5a3ee2656dcf05:27
fabbionewhy is that?05:27
BenCfabbione: Two reasons. 1) It wasn't even enabled in edgy05:27
BenC2) Linus, and others said it was overkill...the SSL vulnerability has been worked around in openssl, and the fact is, it's only theoretical05:27
fabbionefair enough05:28
fabbioneBenC: i cannot find the git commit to commit to fix futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic in edgy-security05:33
fabbionekylem: also to you ^^05:33
kylemon powerpc or sparc?05:33
fabbionenot the implementation.. but the fix of the implementation05:34
BenCfabbione: I'm pretty sure I pulled that stuff in05:34
fabbionei did send you the patch via email05:34
fabbionei didn't put it in git05:34
kylemit's probably in -updates05:34
BenCwe don't have anything in edgy-updates yet05:34
fabbioneplease don't tell me that you forgot about it05:34
BenCfabbione: I remember you asking me about it before, and I checked and did a git-cherry-pick or something05:34
BenCas we were talking about it05:35
BenCfabbione: Did you just check the changelog, or did you check to see if the patch is actually there?05:35
fabbionei am doing a git pull now05:35
BenCplease do, I am almost 100% positive I grabbed that fix05:35
BenCIf not, it's a big fuck on my part, and we'll do another -security upload with that before the end of the week05:36
kylemthe only stuff i put in -security was the CVE fixes... it was probably my fault, i probably confused yours with the powerpc one.05:37
fabbione* refs/heads/origin: fast forward to branch 'master' of rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-edgy05:42
fabbionei have this tree here05:42
=== fabbione checks
fabbionethe patch is in that tree05:43
fabbionecommit 76e1615aec30973bea2b2261243b247c136d2d7e05:43
BenCsweet, than it's in edgy security05:43
fabbionekylem: can you check if it is also in your tree?05:43
fabbioneor the one that has been uploaded05:43
kylemi have, it's not.05:43
BenCfabbione: I did the upload from the git repo you pulled from05:43
fabbioneyou two don't agree05:44
kylemcommit 6e57a3a89785692bd8d012d80f5ee210ab8e0b6805:44
kylemAuthor: David S. Miller <davem@sunset.davemloft.net>05:44
kylemDate:   Tue Mar 28 01:00:08 2006 -080005:44
kylem    [SPARC64] : Implement futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic().05:44
kylem    Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>05:44
kylemok, maybe it is, but i didn't put it there.05:44
fabbione  * [SPARC64] : Fix futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic implementation.05:44
fabbione    Upstream GIT-SHA: c7fed9d75074f7c243ec8ff2c55d04de2839a6f605:44
fabbione    - Malone #6826605:44
kylemmaybe my tree is out of date.05:45
fabbionethis one is also part of CVE-2006-564805:45
fabbioneso ok.. i guess we need to define a better way of handling this stuff05:45
fabbionewho is going to coordinate with pitti?05:45
BenCkylem: Can you pull to see if you get all that stuff?05:46
BenCfabbione: We both do05:46
fabbioneso.. i don't understand05:48
fabbioneif that commit was there05:48
fabbioneand Ben did the upload05:48
fabbionefrom that tree05:48
fabbionewhy did it disappeared?05:48
=== fabbione scratches his head
kylemhold still05:49
BenCwhat do you mean disappeared?05:49
fabbioneBenC: kylem said that's not in the tree that has been uploaded?05:49
BenCno he didn't05:49
BenChe said it wasn't in his local git05:49
kylem*i didn't upload*05:49
fabbione<kylem> i have, it's not.05:49
=== fabbione sighs
BenCI uploaded05:49
fabbioneyou all suck :P05:49
zuli dont05:50
BenCby all I hope you included yourself :P05:50
fabbionezul: you more than these 2 guys05:50
fabbioneBenC: well yes of course05:50
BenCthis is the suck channel05:50
kylemfabbione, my bad, i assumed i had it, but since you already pointed out it was done before i was an employee...05:50
fabbionekylem: it was done even before you were born :P05:50
kylemoh sod off. :)05:51
BenCkylem: You cannot claim post-employment for problems :P05:51
fabbioneok.. well05:51
kylemfabbione, according to the tag it was uploaded, so there.05:51
fabbionethen we need at least to notify pitti to correct the USN05:51
=== BenC wonders what happened to "hppa will reappear in feisty"
fabbioneBenC: stalled on kylem and jbailey to give a .19 running kernel to infinity for the buildd05:52
kylemBenC, i'm too busy fixing upstream in the time i spend not-working...05:53
fabbionekylem: not-working? does that mean you have free time? we can fix that :)05:53
kylemfabbione, no, i don't really.05:53
=== kylem looks at ~/.activity at Saturday/Sunday
BenCfree-time for me is time I spend working on Ubuntu for free05:54
fabbioneBenC: or feeding the cows05:54
BenCgotta feed my security guards05:55
fabbioneBenC: eheheh05:55
fabbioneok.. i am back feeding my dinoshark05:56
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kylemBenC, heh, nice electric fence.06:56
ivoksif someone is interested in test machine for marvell ide controler, let me know06:57
ivoksi'm wiling to provide unlimited access06:57
BenCivoks: I have one, and we fixed it already :)06:57
ivoksoh, great :)06:57
BenCedgy-security contains the marvell driver06:57
ivokssince when?06:57
zuloh looky moo cows06:57
BenClike today06:58
ivokstoday, up-to-date edgy didn't recognise it06:58
BenCyou may have to update -security and try again06:58
ivokseh, i'm on feisty allready :)06:58
BenCfeisty already contains it06:58
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BenChmm...why is PATA_MARVELL disabled in feisty kernel :/06:59
ivokseh :)06:59
BenCfixing it now07:00
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dade`well, can't see the battery07:48
dade`in the gnome-power-manager07:48
dade`ONLY using ubuntu kernel, the 2.6.19 vanilla works07:48
BenCdade`: Any ubuntu kernels, or just feisty?07:51
BenCtry 2.6.20, should be available in a day07:52
dade`has mactel patches and things like that ?07:52
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BenClooks like most of the mactel patches got merged in 2.6.2007:58
dade`ow yea07:59
dade`maybe suspend will work too08:00
dade`dade@choo:~$ lsmod |grep bluetooth08:02
dade`dade@choo:~$ 08:02
dade`ok ? now i move bluetooth mouse and it works :D08:02
dade`(but this means I can't turn off bluetooth :( )08:02
BenCmust be working off of usb compat08:05
dade`infact looks like a usb mouse08:06
dade`but uses battery power .08:06
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Florisanyone here?08:38
tepsipakkiumm, the tg3-backport didn't get in the latest dapper-kernel?08:39
tepsipakkiwait a sec08:40
tepsipakki-27.50 is dated Nov 29 but released today?08:41
Florisanyone know how long before the nvidia drivers will get updated to 1.0-974208:41
BenCAnd I had the answer all typed out too08:43
tepsipakki"when it is ready" ?-)08:43
BenCNo, actually tomorrow :)08:43
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zuler...so on kernel.org which one should we be pulling from to fix bugreports for dapper,edgy? ;)08:46
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BenCzul: -updates08:46
zulah ok08:47
zulyour's or kyles?08:48
zulok because your dapper one is 2 month's old and kyle's is 13 days08:49
zulaccording to gitweb08:49
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BenCI'll pull/push08:51
zulthanks, sorry for being a pain in the ass08:51
markedwardsCan anyone tell me the status of the sky2 driver problems in the Edgy kernel?  It looks like it didn't get updated with the recent kernel update.08:52
BenCzul: Synced08:53
zulmerci buckets08:53
BenCmarkedwards: That will go into edgy-proposed first08:54
markedwardsBenC: Ah, thanks.  So perhaps in the next kernel update?08:54
BenCdefinitely the next one, just not sure when that will be :)08:55
BenCsweetness, 2.6.20 is built everywhere except ia64 so far08:55
markedwardsGot it, thanks.  Just wondering.  I've got a script running to check my eth0 connection every two minutes and reboot it if there's no IP. That will hold me :-)08:55
gnomefreakBenC: anything you like user to leave on a kernel will not boot issue?09:00
gnomefreakin a bug09:00
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BenCgnomefreak: Like where it stops booting...let is sit 3 minutes to see if busybox comes up09:19
BenCthose sorts of things09:19
BenCask them to boot without quite/splash options too09:19
gnomefreakwell after running initramfs (to see if same issue) now no kernel boots09:19
gnomefreakhes in a bad spot and im not sure what he did to get that way09:20
gnomefreakbug #7565509:20
gnomefreakthat is his bug09:20
BenCgnomefreak: Probably easy fix, I think09:22
BenChe needs to boot rescue from CD09:22
BenCI'll put this in the bug report09:22
gnomefreakwe no longer have safe kernel mode in feisty (just FYI)09:23
BenCWe still have rescue mode on the CD right? :)09:24
gnomefreaki dont know i cant use livecd09:24
gnomefreaki have to look at alt. cd to see if it has it09:25
gnomefreakit should09:25
gnomefreakalt. shouldnt have it iirc09:25
BenCalt should have a menu option in the installer to mount and chroot into a partition09:27
gnomefreakah i will look at it tonight sometime after i get caught up09:27
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCKeybuk: ping09:32
KeybukBenC: yo09:32
BenCKeybuk: Any more info on that broadcom firmware?09:32
KeybukBenC: the site is fujitsu siemens09:33
Keybuktheir driver licence implies that you could redistribute the entire driver file unmodified if the other user accepts the EULA as well09:34
Keybukexcept the "entire driver file" is 90MB!09:34
BenCoh, damn09:34
BenCKeybuk: Here's one that's only 0.26Meg09:39
BenCTranslation of the EULA seems to be the same as you describe09:39
Keybukis that the same firmware?09:41
BenCbcmwl5.sys is the driver09:42
BenCand it's in there09:42
BenChmm, fwcutter doesn't work with the .sys in this driver09:43
BenCwait, I'm reading the output wrong09:43
BenCbcm43xx-fwcutter can cut the firmware out of BCMWL564.SYS09:44
bronson_Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub09:44
bronson_dpkg: error processing linux-vserver-image-2.6.17-11-vserver-generic (--install):09:44
bronson_  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12809:45
bronson_Anyone know offhand what I can check?  update-grub runs without errors.09:45
BenCno idea09:46
BenCadd -x to the postinst script09:46
BenClike #!/bin/sh -x09:46
bronson_...and then do another build?09:47
bronson_OK, will do.09:47
BenCKeybuk: Do you think we'll need to pop up an EULA for this driver?09:48
KeybukBenC: we could put it in debian/copyright <g>09:50
BenCwell, we assume people using all the rest of the stuff agree to the GPL without a popup09:50
BenCs/GPL/whatever license/09:51
Keybukpopup on first use?09:51
BenC"third commits itself expressly"09:51
BenCwould have to09:51
BenCKeybul: One thing I noticed is that it doesn't say you can't modify it09:59
zul /msg BenC you know that queen song "im going slightly mad"?10:01
BenCzul: Yes :)10:02
zulmaybe i should pay more attention to detail10:02
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bronson_Wait, wtf?  I haven't changed this package and now it installs great.10:46
bronson_I used to get that postinst exited with error 128 every time.10:47
bronson_I'm still using the exact .deb that I've always been using and --purging between attempts.10:47
bronson_Oh good.  Got the error again.10:49
bronson_Great, I love non-deterministic package installs.  :(10:49
bronson_All I'm doing is dpkg --purge / dpkg --install cycles. 10:49
KeybukBenC: true, but the way copyright works, it has to say you *can*10:56
KeybukI'm not even sure that licence as is would get past elmo :p10:56
Keybukbut maybe it just needs a "LA LA LA" <g>11:02
Keybukpersonally, I was all for shipping the firmware, and claiming that "every other download site on the net does, so why can't we?"11:02
Keybukand "it's all in good faith, y'r honour"11:02
=== rrittenhouse [n=tad@cpe-76-188-35-66.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
bronson_Well, I sure don't get it.  My postinst returns 0 every time (at least, it executes "exit 0" at line 1295 every time), yet sometimes dpkg claims that it returned error 128.12:00
bronson_Guess I'll ask on ubuntu-devel...  I'm stumped.12:00

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