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keescookwow.  *that* reboot was exciting.12:32
sfllawMithrandir, cjwatson: Re: Bug 74004...  Have you also accepted the changes to initramfs-tools to edgy-proposed?12:32
UbugtuMalone bug 74004 in udev "Doesn't include qla2xxx firmware" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7400412:32
sfllawMithrandir, cjwatson: Nevermind, I see it now.12:33
BenCcan someone publish linux-source-2.6.20 and accompanying packages please?12:36
jdubfisty's switching to python2.5?12:38
bhaleaha fisty12:39
bhalehi jdub 12:40
jdubyo bhale12:41
jdubi have an autocorrect in irssi to do that ;)12:41
LaserJockhmm, "Fisty - the Break My Python release"12:41
LaserJockso many ways that could be taken wrongly :/12:41
bhaleThe Fawning Fist 6.0912:42
=== bhale shuts up
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jdongbhale: that doesn't sound right....12:43
bhaleyeah no kidding12:43
jdongthat sounds like a terrible joke I'd make12:43
jdongI've seen worse though12:43
bhalebluefoxicy isnt here12:43
bhaleim filling in12:43
jdongone particular non-fluent english speaker at the forums....12:43
jdongin a thread he used "suppository" rahter than "repository" at least 20 times12:44
jdongeventually I had to go through and edit most of that12:44
jdongand pm him informing him of what suppository means12:44
=== bluefoxicy hands jdong a pill the size of his head
bluefoxicyYou need to take this with a half a glass of water12:44
jdubwith a nick like jdong, of *course* it sounds like a terrible joke you'd make!12:44
jdongbecause people were making terrible cracks (eugh pun) about it12:44
jdub<- win!12:45
bhalejdub ftmfw!12:45
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jdongok, there needs to be a really brute-force rough-around-the-edges nuclear superhammer for dealing with 3rd party stuff breaking core ubuntu functionality12:51
LaserJock"core"? :-)12:52
LaserJocknv is workin' just great for me :p12:52
jdongLaserJock: I was referring to a mass apt-get install --reinstall, apt-get remove $unofficial_packages12:53
keescookjdong: probably scriptable by examining the install source of a package.  :)12:53
jdongkeescook: certainly it's very scriptable12:53
jdongjust someone needs to have the guts to write it :D12:54
LaserJockhah, do we need a vsabdfl package?12:54
jdongkeescook: and did I read my inbox correctly  that there's more clamav patching fun for {dapper,edgy} now?12:55
keescookjdong: yeah, there is.  the update is giant; I've got it prep'd for dapper/edgy already, but haven't had a chance to test it yet.12:55
keescookhiya ajmitch 12:55
jdongnot in a hurry12:55
jdongjust noted it12:55
=== jdong still has to deal with that dapper-backports oversight
jdongI'm just considering infinitely backporting from edgy-security for now :D12:56
jdongof course that's nowhere near LTS timeframe12:56
jdongbut meh12:56
jdongthat'll give me 13 more months to come up with a better idea12:57
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arpuhi @all i hvae this problem  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 please can anybody help me ? 01:35
=== bluefoxicy stabs openoffice.org for crashing every time he tries to copy from it and paste into another program ><
bluefoxicyI can past ehere01:36
bluefoxicypasting in firefox crashes oOo01:36
arpubut i tested it with different kernels 01:37
arpuso i think is not a kernel problem 01:37
arpua know this usb works for some time 01:38
_ionarpu: Press the grey button on the device, the one to the right from the LED. That will definitely fix the problem.01:39
arpu_ion: sorry i do  not understand 01:39
arputhis is a webcam with pwc modul i pached the modul  with the unofficell pc modul 01:40
arpupwc ^01:40
minghuaarpu: please ask on #ubuntu for support, or file bugs in launchpad01:40
minghuaarpu: this is not a support channel01:40
arpuminghua: ok thx a lot but i found a bug report but no solution 01:41
arpumom i search 01:41
bluefoxicythis isn't a bug channel either01:41
minghuaarpu: please add your comments in that bug then01:41
bluefoxicyas much as I flame the devs periodically for the particularly annoying ones.01:41
bluefoxicyi.e. the ones that cause me to lose data 6 times in 5 minutes01:42
arpuminghua bluefoxicy sorry and thx for your time and ork on ubuntu 01:42
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arpuminghua: https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/54419 ii do not know what i can write to help 01:54
UbugtuMalone bug 54419 in linux-source-2.6.15 "usb change between 2.6.15-23 and 2.6.15-26 breaks working setup" [High,Confirmed]  01:54
minghuaarpu: I don't know anything about kernel either, sorry01:58
locsmifhi, i'm looking for the much talked about 'livecd.sh' script, where can i find it? (trying to rip ideas from it)01:59
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LaserJocklocsmif: "much talked about", hmmm02:07
locsmifmostly infinity and mithrandir, from what i could find on google02:09
locsmifif it's public i'd like to take a look at it and rip ideas from it for my own ubuntu or debian based livecd possibly :)02:10
Seveaslocsmif, afaik it's not public02:11
locsmifWell, at least i can stop looking for it then ;)02:13
LaserJockthey might be able to give you a cleaned up version or something02:13
LaserJockI'm not sure02:14
delireisn't the livecd.sh used in http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/  or have i got my proverbial wires crossed?02:14
LaserJockI doubt it, if it's the script I'm thinking of02:15
LaserJockchanging an existing .iso is quite a bit different then making it frm scratch02:16
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alex-weejdmix is causing crackling in my stock u610 installation... :(02:34
twbMithrandir: OK, at last I'm trying to boot the merged caspre via NFS.02:34
twbSadly, ipconfig can no longer see eth0, a sis900-based NIC.02:34
crimsun_alex-weej: and not reproducible with plughw:0 itself?02:37
twbIf, at the fallback initramfs shell, I do `modprobe sis900', ipconfig can detect eth0.02:37
alex-weejcrimsun_: correct02:37
twbAny idea what's responsible for doing that modprobe when things are working?  I suspect udev.02:37
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twbIt appears that casper is not doing the 0x02 udev magic, which is in the nfs-top/udev script.  I'm gonna try that myself, now.02:45
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Chipzztwb: sure ipconfig can't see it; that's because iPconfig is a windows command ;P02:54
twbChipzz: nope02:55
twbipconfig is a klibc command02:55
twbAnd doing the 0x02 thing fixed it.02:55
=== Chipzz frowns
ulinskieanybody here from ubuntu trademarks?02:58
twbMithrandir: any idea where casper-premount/udev comes from?02:59
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LaserJockulinskie: "from" Ubuntu trademarks?03:08
LaserJockulinskie: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy03:09
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jdub`anthony: oi.03:30
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twbMithrandir: aha, the udev file is in the udev package.03:38
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imbrandonmoins fabbione 05:59
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glicki have a question06:01
glicki work with redhat at work06:01
BlackCheesefire away06:01
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glickand the way they bring up the different runlevels with S scripts and K scripts is what im used to06:01
glickhow does ubuntu do it06:01
glicki guess to bring up runlevel 3 it just runs the scripts in rc3.d?06:01
glickbut i dont see any kill scripts06:01
glickall S scripts06:02
fabbioneglick: they are no different06:02
BlackCheeseUbuntu does E and J scripts mostly and ubuntu is unfit so it doesnt runlevel it walklevels with I scripts. Here at Ubuntu we believe Jebus is the light.... We take all very seriously06:02
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=== Hobbsee glares at BlackCheese
fabbioneBlackCheese: ???????06:03
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fabbioneglick: the only main difference is that we use rc2 by default06:03
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glickfabbione, so how does it switch from level 4 to 3 for example06:03
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b BlackCheese!*@*] by Hobbsee
fabbioneglick: the same way as redhat does06:03
glickhow does it stop services06:03
fabbioneglick: same way06:03
glickfabbione, but i dont see K scripts06:03
glickonly S scripts06:03
fabbioneyeah let me write :)06:04
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@125-236-172-192.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] by Hobbsee
fabbionemost of the K scripts are totally unnecessary06:04
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-b BlackCheese!*@*] by Hobbsee
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fabbionethey are only missing from rc0 and rc606:04
fabbionebecause no matter what you do06:04
fabbionethe system sends a kill to all processes06:04
fabbioneand that's the same as using a K script06:04
fabbionethe few apps that still require a K script will retain it06:05
fabbionethe others have been removed06:05
glickfabbione, hah ok06:05
glicki see em06:05
fabbioneone of the side effects is a faster reboot/shutdown06:06
glickubuntu doesnt have a runlevel where it doesnt include X?06:06
fabbioneless code to run that's going to die anyway06:06
fabbioneglick: not as RH does06:06
imbrandonglick: not really ( other than single user mode , but its not the same )06:07
glickwhy not add such a runlevel?06:07
imbrandonif there isnt a need , why add it :)06:07
fabbioneglick: google for it :)06:07
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fabbioneglick: there have been tons of discussions about it06:07
glickimbrandon, i don know there might be a need06:07
glicki guess thats what server edition is for though06:08
glickso i guess its not needed in the desktop distro06:08
imbrandonor you could simply tell gdm/kdm/xdm not to start :)06:08
imbrandonbut exactly06:08
glickdo i use the service command in ubuntu like in redhat?06:08
fabbioneglick: really... google for it to find all possible reasons/objections/discussions06:08
imbrandonyou'll also notice too coming from redhat that we done beleive in having services installed that arent used, like sshd etc thus the split between ssh-client and -server06:09
imbrandonbut yea you have /etc/init.d/service stop|start|blah 06:09
imbrandonbut as fabbione said there is tons of disscussions that can be found on good as to why its done this way06:10
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pittigood morning06:12
imbrandonmoins pitti 06:12
ajmitchmorning pitti 06:13
pittihi imbrandon, hey ajmitch06:13
imbrandonanyone know the reason ( other than everyone is super busy ) we've been holding off on apache2.2 ?06:14
Chipzzfabbione: there's another difference06:15
pittiimbrandon: I filed a sync request yesterday06:15
glickheh ive used redhat so much06:16
glickim used to it now06:16
Chipzzfabbione: we start gdm from /etc/rc?.d/, while redhat starts gdm from init(tab)06:16
glickand i cant stand redhat!06:16
fabbioneChipzz: i am sure there are...06:16
imbrandonpitti: rock on, good i found out i needed it today on my edgy webserver :(06:16
imbrandonhopefully it wont be too much of a pita for me to backport06:16
Chipzzso to stop gdm, on redhat you have to go to runlevel 3 (instead of 5), and on ubuntu you can do /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:16
imbrandonChipzz: or just install broken drivers and wait for gdm to time out </sarcasim>06:18
Chipzzimbrandon: hehe :)06:18
imbrandonsadly i know that from experince06:18
imbrandonevil evil X :P06:18
Chipzzyea, me too06:20
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glickhey in the next ubuntu release where compbiz an xgl will be the default, will there be easy options to not install them?06:24
glicki mean will it be a choice? like install 3d desktop yes or no?06:24
pittiglick: I truly hope so :)06:25
somerville32Me too06:25
imbrandonyes it should be a choice and it hasent been decided if its compiz or beryl and it most likely WONT be xgl, it will be AIGLX06:25
pittiglick: right now, the desktop-effects package allows you to easily enable it06:25
somerville32I have a 333mhz w/ 128mb of ram - 3d stuff would kill my box.06:25
glicki just dont want it forced upon me06:25
imbrandonsomerville32: sounds like a good xubutu canidate :)06:25
pittiglick: if we enable it by default, the same switch should be available to turn it off06:25
glickim happy living in my 2d desktop world06:25
somerville32imbrandon, Thats what I'm running ;] 06:25
glickpitti, but it just seems like it should be off by default and enabled by a switch06:26
pittiglick: I feel with you, I tried out compiz yesterday and found it so utterly broken that I immediately returned06:26
glickespecially if you have crappy vid hardware06:26
twbThe equivalent of service(8) in Ubuntu is invoke-rc.d(8).06:26
glicki just dont want to see ubuntu become one of those annoying distros where you have to disable a bunch of stuff for it to be bearable06:26
twbFor interactive use, it's better to use /etc/init.d/<service>06:26
HrdwrBoBglick: otoh, if it works, it's *amazing*06:27
glicki still use dapper on my desktop06:27
twbIt's just chrome06:27
ajmitchHrdwrBoB: I don't find it that special06:27
glickHrdwrBoB, but its highly experimental software, im sure it has dozens of security holes in it06:27
HrdwrBoBglick: security holes in my window manager isn't going to ruin my day06:28
imbrandondozens? wow they must have plugged some up /me stops06:28
imbrandontime for sleep yall, gnight06:28
pittiglick: I'm rather concerned about usability and hardware support here06:29
glickHrdwrBoB, its more then a window manager06:29
glickand it certainly can ruin your day06:29
glickwell it can ruin my day cause i have important files on my pc06:29
HrdwrBoBwell, it's unlikely to ruin my day, but it would be quite possible to ruin lots of peoples days 06:29
HrdwrBoBglick: attack vectors on your window manager  are very little06:30
glickHrdwrBoB, its not just a window manager06:30
glickit has kernel access to hardware06:30
twbUh, surely the window manager has permission to exec and permission to talk to the x server.06:30
imbrandonaiglx does not compiz :)06:30
imbrandonanyhow any holes are not good holes06:31
HrdwrBoBimbrandon: absolutely06:31
HrdwrBoBbut in order to own your WM, you'd have to run compromised code06:31
HrdwrBoB.. in which case all bets are off in any case06:31
glickXserve and X.org have been around like 20 years, regular 2D and are still full of security holes06:31
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glicki mean i know you cant get ANY software completley bug free06:32
glickbut you can asomtotically approach an "acceptable" level06:32
imbrandonglick: you know aiglx is part of x.org right, you guys are mixing the X server and the WM and the composite manager06:32
imbrandonanyhow really really off06:32
glickimbrandon, yeah06:33
glickimbrandon, thats what im saying its not just a WM06:33
twbIf it really worries you, don't run X.06:33
twbYou can play dvds and look at pictures on the framebuffer.06:33
glicksure would be faster :)\06:33
glickbut not as sexy06:34
twbActually, framebuffer terminals are significantly slower than 2d-accelerated X servers running xterm.06:34
twbThey also don't do antialiased fonts :-(06:35
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twbSo yeah, I fixed a bug in the udev package.  Anyone interested?06:53
Hobbseetwb: keybuk or someone probably is, when they're here.  would help if you gave the bug #06:54
twbI haven't filed a bug yet.06:54
twbThe bug is actually introduced by feature patch that I'm waiting for Mithrandir to pull into the casper package.06:55
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keescookhey fabbione, can you have a look at an mdadm patch I pulled together?  I ran into a race with initramfs+md.  #7568107:15
fabbionekeescook: edgy or feisty?07:15
keescookfabbione: feisty.07:16
pittihi keescook, still up?07:16
keescookbasically, my sata drives come online after local-top/mdadm has already aborted07:16
keescookhiya pitti!  yeah, long evening.  :)07:16
pittishort night for me :)07:16
fabbionekeescook: you have done a lot of work that has been already done and needs to be moved to udev-mdadm07:16
fabbione+  wait=$(sed -e 's/ /\n/g' < /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | grep ^devices= | cut -d= -f2- | sed -e 's/,/ /g')07:17
fabbioneyou have no guarantee that devices are listed in mdadm.conf07:17
keescookfabbione: yeah, i know.  :P07:17
keescookactually, that's a requirement for mdadm now (says the readme)07:17
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fabbionekeescook: hem no.. it's not07:18
fabbioneARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 UUID=e4ac4774:c730d28b:0978c89e:2173da3d07:18
fabbionethis won't match anything in your entry07:18
fabbioneand stall07:18
keescookaaah, you mean the device= isn't a requirement... good point07:18
=== fabbione has been there...
fabbionekeescook: just wait for the spec to be implemented.. really07:19
fabbionekeescook: i didn't spend time fixing mdadm in feisty..07:19
keescookthe udev-md spec says it's implemented, so this led to my confusion.  :)07:19
fabbionesee the big SRU for mdadm in edgy07:19
fabbioneno it has been mistakely marked as implemented and reassigned to me07:19
keescookoh! hah.  okay.  :)07:19
=== fabbione changes status
jdongkeescook: is it true that madwifi has some buffer overflow07:19
keescookjdong: yup.07:20
jdongkeescook: exploitable to gain root?07:20
jdongkeescook: lovely :)07:20
jdongbut there is good news?07:20
keescookjdong: unsure if it's been proven to gain root, but it's a stack attack, so it's likely.07:20
jdongkeescook: mmm :-/ not something I like to wager :D07:20
keescookfabbione: cool, I'll leave my patch in place on my machine for now.  Let me know when you want beta code tested.  :)07:21
fabbionekeescook: i am blocked by Keybuk that needs to do a udev upload07:21
fabbionekeescook: and i have plenty of raids to test, but yes.. i will let you know..07:22
fabbioneone more test > *07:22
desrtpitti; hello :)07:25
pittihey desrt 07:25
desrtdo you know when the new kernel for dapper will be out?07:25
pittidesrt: erm, the ones I released yesterday?07:26
desrt((btw: having my security notifications signed by someone whose pgp key i have signed directly is cool))07:26
desrtthe firewall fix isn't in the dapper kernel07:26
desrtyou mentioned that in your mail, i think07:26
pittidesrt: ah, right; there was some serious trouble with backporting that patch07:27
pittidesrt: we have a patch which is currently reviewed by upstream07:27
pittidesrt: so I hope we can get another update in January07:28
desrtwell, in any case,  idon't think the bug affects me07:28
desrti guess if you have fragment reassembly in place then it doesn't matter07:29
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desrtit sort of makes me consider upgrading to edgy, though07:31
pittidesrt: argh, I should have mentioned that it only affects IPv607:35
=== pitti fixes this on the webpage
desrtoh.  nice.07:40
desrtipv6 is for suckas :)07:41
fabbionedesrt: ipv6 is teh winnar.. you suck07:41
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionepitti: dude...07:42
desrtya.  seriously.07:42
fabbionepitti: CVE-2006-5648 affects sparc too. the kernel is patched, but the USN needs to be updated07:42
fabbionepitti: 07:43
fabbione  * [SPARC64] : Fix futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic implementation.07:43
fabbione    Upstream GIT-SHA: c7fed9d75074f7c243ec8ff2c55d04de2839a6f607:43
fabbione    - Malone #6826607:43
UbugtuMalone bug 68266 in linux-source-2.6.17 "unkillable cpu-eating zombie children left by glibc build" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6826607:43
desrtthat bug has, perhaps, the best summary ever07:44
fabbionedesrt: luckly i didn't do the usual make -j 409607:44
desrtholy crap.  i haven't signed martin at all.07:45
fabbionedesrt: did i ever sign you?07:45
fabbionedesrt: i am pretty sure i did.. 07:45
desrtand i signed you and emailed the sigs07:45
desrtbut you couldn't open them or something07:45
fabbioneyeah i think i did it07:45
desrtoh.  good :)07:45
fabbionewhat's your gpg uid?07:46
fabbioneuid as in email07:46
desrtlots of gdm flaws today07:47
pittifabbione: ok, /me fixes wiki page07:48
desrteep.  only one flaw.  just looked like lots from the volume of emails i got07:49
fabbionepitti: thanks07:49
fabbionedesrt: it looks like i don't have them.. oh well07:49
desrtfabbione; i used scott's script.  at the time you said you were having difficulty opening them07:49
desrtfabbione; you could probably check in your received mail for them07:49
desrt(if you really care) :)07:50
fabbionedesrt: no i am sure i don't have them in my inbox07:50
pittifabbione: done, thanks07:50
fabbionedesrt: i guess we will resign next time07:50
desrtfabbione; i'm sure i'll see you soon :)07:51
desrtany word on where the next one will be?07:51
fabbionedesrt: and if not.. i wish you a good travel in the other life07:51
=== desrt will probably be in the area if it's in europe
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=== pitti tests 2.6.20, rebooting
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtpitti; on your laptop?07:56
pittidesrt: both amd64 desktop and ppc laptop07:57
fabbionelooks good on sparc07:57
desrthold it up to your ear07:57
desrtis it ticking anymore?07:57
pittidesktop is running now07:57
pittiargh, usb 2.0 broken07:58
=== dilinger [n=dilinger@c-24-128-243-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtusb 2.0 was broken before you rebooted your desktop, dear :)07:58
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pittidesrt: 'ticking'???08:03
desrtpitti; the new kernels are supposedly "tickless"08:03
desrtor, rather, circa 2.6.17-8 i heard "we'll be tickless by 2.6.20"08:03
desrtie: the timer interrupt (HZ) no longer constantly runs08:04
desrtbut, rather, is only scheduled when it needs to be08:04
pittiah, I remember08:04
desrtnot sure how you find out if you're tickless or not08:05
desrt(i doubt the trick with holding it up to your ear actually works)08:05
jdongdesrt: pfft08:06
jdongdesrt: doesn't fix C3/C4 buzzing on my laptop08:06
jdongdesrt: tickless patches that is08:07
desrtthat's because the entire userland is retarded08:07
jdongI hope that's why08:07
desrtcome see my talk at linux.conf.au about how to fix it :)08:07
jdongI see the .au and somehow think it won't happen :D08:07
desrtdude.  summer in january.08:07
jdongbut i'll be awaiting the day I can send my alptop to C308:07
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pitticjwatson_: may I nag you about the SRU bug 59946 again?08:24
UbugtuMalone bug 59946 in gnome-system-tools "Admin tools require admin group membership" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5994608:24
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twbAnybody know if usplash can be made to work over pxelinux?08:38
fabbionetwb: what do you mean over pxelinux?08:39
fabbioneusplash starts from initramfs08:39
pittiargh, why does gdb get more broken with every release recently?08:40
twbI think the underlying problem is that the framebuffer isn't being used.08:40
fabbionetwb: pxelinux is just a minimal piece of code to download kernel and initramfs08:40
twbI just get a boot: prompt instead of the full gxfboot thing that you get when booting with isolinux.08:40
fabbioneworks fine here08:43
twbHmm, maybe it's because I'm using CentOS4's pxelinux.0 instead of Ubuntu's08:43
twb(I'm stuck with CentOS on the server, against my will)08:43
fabbioneyou can still use pxelinux.0 from ubuntu08:44
twbThat's what I'm about to do.08:44
fabbioneanyway this is become #ubuntu stuff08:44
twbfabbione: (moved to #ubuntu)08:50
=== Zober [n=a@dvb278.resnet.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ZoberIs there an svn system out there that does not require installation?  For example, if i want to host a repository on my site, but its a shared host with no shell privilages.08:52
pittiZober: setting up svn requires shell access TTBOMK08:53
Zoberis there a knockoff of svn that run on say php/mysql?08:53
Zoberor perl and mysql or something08:53
pittiZober: however, bzr does not :) it can use sftp, rsync, or you can copy it with ftp, or whatever08:54
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desrtevery time i read a get-women-involved-in-linux document i am depressed08:57
desrti'm like "oo.  magic solution"08:58
desrtand then it's either the same-old, or worse08:58
=== desrt goes to bed
=== mdke points at #ubuntu-offtopic
dade`don't go to bed08:59
dade`we have 2.6.20 \o/08:59
dade`desrt: have you tried it ?09:00
Zoberpitti, have you ever set up bzr?09:01
pittiZober: sure, I use nothing else :)09:01
Zoberwhere is the server side portion of it?09:01
Zoberin downloading the client09:02
Zoberscreenshots look something like tortoise09:02
pittiZober: this is off-topic here, btw09:02
pittiZober: there is no server-side09:02
pittiZober: please read the tutorial on https://bazaar-vcs.org09:02
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pittiLathiat: I'm going to update dapper's and edgy's avahi now; did you see any regression with the current patch? (I didn't)09:28
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pittiLathiat: I know you wanted to actually test injecting bad netlink packets, but since it's such a serious regression, I'd rather make it work RSN09:29
Mithrandirso, what should we do about the missing update-inetd?  Fix the apps or add the dependency and wait until shit is fixed in Debian?09:31
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-36-79.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiseb128: so, the pkg-create-dbgsym testsuite works for you on current feisty?09:38
pittiseb128: if you boot to 2.6.20, could you run it again and compare? I'd appreciate that09:38
pittiseb128: to see the comparision between i386 and amd6409:38
seb128let me try09:38
seb128I just need to build pkg-create-dbgsym ?09:39
pittiseb128: no, just apt-get source and ./testsuite09:39
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pittiwb seb128 09:44
seb128re pitti09:44
seb128pitti: "2.6.20" on my chinstrap user dir, that the testsuite on i386 with 2.6.2009:45
pittiseb128: did it succeed?09:45
seb128well, there is some PASS and some FAIL too09:45
pittiseb128: right, the failed ones are the gdb09:46
seb128compare with 2.6.17 at the same place09:46
pittiseb128: and it passed on 2.6.1709:46
pittiseb128: ok, I wait until the gdb testsuite (and thus the package build) has finished here and test on amd64 again09:47
pittiseb128: fun, with our current feisty package, gdb failed *all* tests...09:47
seb128for some value of fun :p09:47
seb128I'm happy to be still running 2.6.17 :p09:47
pittiseb128: why doesn't .19 work for you? for me, it only breaks the nvidia driver resolution09:49
seb128my network card stop communicating after some time09:49
seb128and the only way to get network again is to reboot09:49
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pittihey dholbach 09:49
seb128some time being 30min to one hour usually09:49
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dholbachgood morning09:50
dholbachhey pitti, hey seb12809:50
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seb128hi dholbach09:51
somerville32Good Morning! :)09:51
dholbachheya somerville3209:51
=== somerville32 hugs dholbach.
seb128hi somerville32 Keybuk09:51
=== dholbach hugs somerville32 back
=== somerville32 hugs keybuk.
=== Keybuk hugs somerville32
=== dade` hides
fabbionecjwatson_: i did test network-console and found only 3 minor issues. Do you have time to discuss them when you will be around?09:58
pittiseb128: \o/ my gdb loves me again10:01
=== seb128 hugs the great pitti
pittiand so does apport again10:02
seb128how did you fix it?10:03
pittiseb128: I grabbed the patch to support the .gnu.hash ELF section from upstream CVS10:03
pittiseb128: ok, I uploaded the new gdb; it would be great if you could test it again on i386 once it's built10:06
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seb128pitti: sure10:06
fabbionewho broken samba upgrade? ...10:09
fabbioneMithrandir: don't you feel guilty today? :P10:09
pittiargh, vmware doesn't like 2.6.20, brb10:11
fabbioneMithrandir: never mind.. it's that update-inetd thingy10:11
=== Keybuk wants to know who broke ondemand
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seb128fabbione: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/73734 ?10:13
UbugtuMalone bug 73734 in samba "update-inetd dependency missing on 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (feisty)" [Unknown,Fix released]  10:14
fabbioneseb128: yes... that one10:14
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seb128there is a patch if you feel like sponsoring the upload :)10:14
fabbioneseb128: that's why i removed Mithrandir from the list of suspicious people10:14
fabbioneseb128: i think Mithrandir is working on a more general thing10:14
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Mithrandirfabbione: the general fix is "add the missing dependencies". :-P10:21
Mithrandirfabbione: the limit of my guilt would be "not testing the package prior to upload", but I just changed the build-deps, so. :-P10:21
fabbioneMithrandir: you still touched it last :P10:22
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dokoMithrandir: are you able to requeue packages?10:32
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cjwatson_21:00 < twb> I notice the isolinux.cfg for Edgy includes a ramdisk_size kernel argument.   What does this do, and what are the consequences of changing the ramdisk without updating or removing this argument?10:32
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cjwatsontwb: I think ramdisk_size is actually unnecessary now; I removed it from feisty CDs a week or two back10:32
cjwatsontwb: it was a hangover from when we used to use an initrd rather than an initramfs10:33
Mithrandirdoko: yes10:33
cjwatsontwb: gfxboot != usplash; I don't think pxelinux has been fully educated about gfxboot yet, so you'd need to do so. Assembly hacking ahoy10:33
cjwatsonfabbione: network-console> sure10:33
dokoMithrandir: please requeue eclipse on ia64, maybe on another machines. looks like random failure to me10:34
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Mithrandirdoko: given-back10:35
fabbionecjwatson: ok.. so the 3 things i noticed are: network-console did not run automatically even if installed. from the partitioner i went back to the main menu and netcon entry was before (higher priority?) of choose mirror. when ssh into the system and selected to run the installer, i was in very low debconf priority. AFAICT we should move netcon after choose-mirror (otherwise on netinstall you don't have netcon installed when it's supposed 10:36
fabbioneto run). Probably we need to increase it's priority to make it run by default when selected (assuming this isn't just a fallout from the previous issue) and last we should preserve the default debconf priority when ssh'ing into10:36
fabbionecjwatson: last problem is that i am not sure how to do any of the above....10:37
fabbionecjwatson: so i am seeking your god-alike 31337 sk1ll5 here10:37
cjwatsonwell, this is kind of awkward10:38
cjwatsonnetwork-console should be as early as possible after the network is up, to avoid having to use the serial console more than you have to; remember that there are situations where it's included in the initrd, and moving it after choose-mirror would be suboptimal for those10:38
cjwatsonthis is really http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=28805310:39
UbugtuDebian bug 288053 in network-console "network-console - Regression: is not correctly added in menu" [Important,Closed]  10:39
fabbionecjwatson: ok, than we have some kind of chicken-egg problem because if we need to download it from the mirror then choose-mirror is mandatory10:39
cjwatsonor we could just include it in the initrd *shrug*10:39
fabbionei vote against initrd10:40
fabbionei'd rather ask one more question in console10:40
fabbionethe real pain of console is the partitioner and the package installation10:40
cjwatsonwell, I don't approve, I'd rather fix that main-menu bug somehow10:40
fabbionedropping netcon in the initrd means pulling in sshd and ssl10:41
fabbionethat would be a bloat IMHO10:41
cjwatsonfixing the main-menu bug would be optimal and would avoid the need for either of these breakages10:42
cjwatsonneeds some care though10:42
cjwatsonI don't understand why the priority would be any different10:42
fabbionei wouldn't know how to.. i did never fiddle with main-menu10:42
cjwatsonnetwork-console doesn't set it10:42
fabbionecjwatson: probably the drop of debconf priority is a fallback from me having to <go back> to main menu to select it10:43
cjwatsonoh, probably. main-menu knows to restore that, but it probably doesn't get a chance in this case10:44
cjwatsonI'm not concerned about that, then10:44
fabbionei have the feeling that 2 of these issues are just fallouts of netcon not being configured automatically... 10:44
fabbionewell you understand what i mean10:45
fabbionei am not too concerned either.. i just would like to verify that sometimes10:45
cjwatsonyes, the priority is just fallout10:47
=== Mithrandir hugs shell, awk and grep
twbcjwatson: thanks.10:50
twbMithrandir: merged casper that works for me is available10:52
=== pitti arghs at avahi FTBFSing in dapper -- the world just seems to hate me today
fabbionecjwatson: what would be your ideal solution in the short term that won't require casting black magic on main-menu?10:53
cjwatsonfabbione: ENOENT10:55
cjwatsonfabbione: fixing main-menu (or having time to investigate without being asked for workarounds) is my ideal solution10:55
=== Mithrandir wonders wtf language-support-sco is.
cjwatsonScots I think10:55
Mithrandirlooks like it10:56
fabbionecjwatson: ok.. i will let you quiet.. i didn't expect you to dig into this fast10:56
cjwatsonfabbione: the reason that it's currently skipped is Debian bug #22463310:57
twbsco Scots Scoats leid; Lallans10:58
fabbionecjwatson: feh yeah i remember that too10:58
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Mithrandirtwb: coolie, what's the URL?11:06
twbMithrandir: I had to make a minor change to udev, too, to make it load the network drivers before trying to nfsmount.11:08
twb...that change is only needed if you are netbooting, however.  You can boot from a CD-ROM without it.11:08
Mithrandirtwb: I'll take a look at it; thanks a lot!11:10
twbNo no, thank you!  Once it gets into feisty, I can just install it via apt-get instead of having to ship the .debs around myself.11:12
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fabbioneKeybuk: davem is working on the kernel to export that sysfs attrib we did talk about.11:22
twbKeybuk: I found a typo in the udev bzr branch.11:28
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Keybuktwb: oh?11:32
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twbKeybuk: yeah, in debian/udev.docs11:32
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Keybuktwb: what's the typo?11:36
Keybuktwb: where's that referenced?11:38
Keybukit is docs here11:39
twbAdmittedly, I may be branching the wrong branch.11:40
Mithrandirthere, main fixed wrt update-inetd mess.11:41
StevenKKeybuk: What do you think about putting a "Last updated: <date>" on the MoM pages?11:41
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KeybukStevenK: *shrug* just look at the date in the header, or on the listing?11:44
Keybuktwb: oh, that branch has never been used11:44
Keybukudev isn't in bzr11:44
twbWhy are there branches for it, then?11:45
StevenKKeybuk: On the listing.11:45
StevenKKeybuk: Just to give a clue that MoM isn't updating, or so.11:45
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Keybuktwb: because I attempted to put it into bzr, and gave up11:48
Keybukand there's no way of deleting branches in LP11:49
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twbKeybuk: so if I want a change to the initramfs stuff that udev installs for casper, what's the best way to go about it?11:51
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Keybuktwb: send me a patch12:00
Keybukapt-get source udev to get the current code12:00
twbBasically the file that ends up in casper-premount/udev needs an extra12:02
twb /sbin/udevtrigger -s -Bpci -Iclass=0x02*12:02
Keybukthat file doesn't exist in feisty12:02
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twbI'm working with edgy atm12:03
Keybuk(and why do you need network cards to mount the casper root fs?)12:03
twbKeybuk: because the casper rofs is on an NFS export, not a CD.12:03
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KeybukI see12:10
Keybukyou'll have better lucky with feity, as that just triggers everything12:10
twbIf casper-premount/udev is not in feisty, what has replaced it?12:10
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Keybukthe init-premount script (that starts udevd) now just calls udevtrigger on everything12:11
Keybukthat only takes 0.03s on my laptop12:11
twbI see.12:11
twbWhy didn't it do that in Edgy?12:11
Keybukbecause we needed to settle the events in edgy12:12
Keybuk(ie. wait for them to actually finish)12:12
Keybukfeisty it's ok for them not to be finished, any script should expect the device it wants to not be ready yet12:12
Keybuke.g. mountroot spins12:12
twbDoes it spin asynchronously?12:12
twbPerhaps that question doesn't make sense.12:13
cjwatsonfabbione: untested main-menu patch heading towards http://bugs.debian.org/28805312:15
twbWhen does feisty release?12:15
KeybukApril 19th12:15
ograyou should ask "when is feistys feature freeze ?" rather ;)12:17
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fabbionecjwatson: ok..12:21
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fabbionecjwatson: got the patch.. i will try to build an installer either later today or tomorrow to test it.12:43
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fabbionebah screw that.. 12:44
=== fabbione builds now
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Lathiatpitti: i havent seen any problems12:57
Lathiatpitti: so if youd like should be ok12:57
pittiLathiat: great, thanks; /me releases12:58
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fabbionecjwatson: booting the image now...01:04
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fabbionecjwatson: nope.. didn't work...01:17
fabbionescratch that01:17
=== fabbione retest
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fabbionecjwatson: I LOVE YOU..01:29
fabbionethat patch seems to work just fine'01:29
=== fabbione hugs installation using sshd
pittifabbione: yay01:42
fabbionepitti: we still need cjwatson supermagic power for main-menu fix01:43
fabbioneotherwise it works01:43
Mithrandirfabbione: now we just need tftp over ssl.01:43
fabbione   | To continue the installation, please use an SSH client to connect to  |    01:43
fabbione   | the IP address and log in as the "installer" user.        |    01:43
fabbioneMithrandir: sickness :P01:43
ograopenvpn ?01:44
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Mithrandirogra: do you know of any firmwares that support openvpn?01:44
ograMithrandir, firmware ? didnt you talk about tftp ?01:44
Mithrandirogra: yes, firmwares often support tftp for you know, netbooting. :-P01:45
fabbioneogra: patches to OBP are welcome :P01:45
ograpfft ... that use for tftp is totally overrated :P01:45
ograwe were experimenting with openvpn initramfs inbtegration for ltsp ... but indeed thats after tftp :=)01:46
fabbioneogra: dude.. you start to scare me now....01:47
ografabbione, why ? whats wrong with wrapping nfs into a vpn tunnel to make it more secure ? :)01:48
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fabbioneogra: nothing wrong.. but at that point you might as well send the entire installation in the initramfs :)01:48
ograthere is a guy who does that ... as an alternative to ltsp ...01:49
ograits pretty ugly, but seems to work01:49
Mithrandirogra: it's only ever-so-slightly stab-yourself-in-the-eye, but apart from that, it's nice and lovely.01:49
dholbachheno: you're not in #ubuntu-bugs! :-)01:50
pittidoko: did you already do anything with till's new hplip package?01:50
=== dholbach hugs heno
dholbachheno: how's it going?01:50
dokopitti: no, not yet01:50
fabbioneogra: what's wrong with that? you can get almost full OS with less than 40Mb of compressed initramfs01:50
fabbionetime to stop01:50
ografabbione, right ... 01:50
fabbionecya later at the meeting01:50
pittidoko: ok, since AFAIR you cannot test it either any more, I just eyeball and upload, ok?01:50
dokopitti: ok with me01:51
pittidoko: argh, I wish he would put source.changes there, not i386.changes01:51
henodholbach: yeah I don't auto register to many channels, was just sitting in on the LP meeting as distro rep, will report later01:51
dholbachheno: ah nice01:52
fernandomoin all01:52
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neutrinomassmjg59: (I was redirected to you ) On what basis are acpi issues assigned to the kernel vs. acpi-support ?01:56
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dholbachogra: there's a new dia release02:01
ogradholbach, thanks02:02
dholbachde rien02:02
mjg59neutrinomass: If it's a bug in the kernel, it goes against the kernel. If it's a bug in the shell scripts, it goes against acpi-support.02:04
mjg59Which means that it should pretty much always be against the kernel02:04
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neutrinomassmjg59: Ok, thanks 02:05
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seb128mjg59: hi02:06
seb128mjg59: sorry to ping you again about the new compiz, I just want to get that moving and in shape before then people try to replace it by beryl02:08
seb128mjg59: if you don't have time to work on the update I can do it, just let me know02:08
mjg59Ok. Feel free to do so - I'm busier than expected right now02:09
seb128mjg59: ok, I'll just do the update to the new version for now, we can discuss package split and other changes later02:10
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ogradholbach, hmm, that dia release is called 0.96-pre1 ... not sure we want that ...02:32
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seb128ogra: why not?02:38
ograwe never used the -pre versions ...02:38
seb128well, depends if they will have 0.96 before feisty02:39
ograthey are not followint the gnome schedule, do they ? 02:40
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cjwatsonfabbione: woo, nifty. rock on untested patches03:04
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Lathiatpitti: your goign to love me03:11
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dholbachogra: it's still a while until uvf :)03:17
ograhmm, it ftbfs'es anyway with a tom of compiler errors03:17
dholbachnice :)03:18
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salgadoI assume dpkg-buildpackage -nc is the fastest way to rebuild a package after I did some changes to it, is that right?03:43
cjwatsonpitti: reading the g-s-t bug now03:44
cjwatsonpitti: so this is basically just reverting the auth mechanism to dapper?03:45
pitticjwatson: right03:45
cjwatsonpitti: did you grep for anything else that does the same sort of thing done by time-tool?03:45
pitticjwatson: plus reintroducing the gksudo calls from various applets03:45
pitticjwatson: those were the fixes we made in dapper; I didn't grep the archive for more, just discussed that with seb128 03:46
pittiand I went through the menus to find more, but didn't03:46
pitticjwatson: oh, the time-admin patch is not 'reverting to dapper', it's a new patch03:47
pitticjwatson: since dapper's time-admin didn't yet try to talk to the session dbus03:47
pitticjwatson: the patch is in feisty for a while03:47
cjwatsonpitti: ok, I'm happy with the general approach; could you upload that lot?03:47
pitticjwatson: sure, thanks03:47
cjwatsonI'd like to be able to use Breaks for this, but I suspect that is not really safe for edgy-{proposed,updates} since upgrades from dapper will use that03:48
pittiright, the newer s-t-b breaks the older g-s-t03:49
cjwatsonpitti: in edgy, doesn't it have to be gksudo rather than gksu? I thought the sudo-mode stuff was new in feisty03:49
pittihmm, AFAIR I did test it in edgy, but I'll do it again just to be 100% sure03:50
pitticjwatson: but from what I can see it was in dapper03:50
pittigksu (1.3.7-0ubuntu7) dapper; urgency=low03:50
pitti  * debian/patches/02_ubuntu_gksuexec.patch:03:50
pitti    - removed, no longer needed because we can always use gksu and03:50
pitti      it will use a gconf key to determine what backend (su, sudo) to use03:50
cjwatsonhmm, ok03:50
cjwatsonmaybe I'm thinking of when corresponding changes were introduced in Debian03:51
seb128mjg59: in fact that compiz upgrade is not that easy that I though since there is no .diff.gz but everything to the tarball. Is there any distro change we should keep? If that's the case I'll let you do it rather than dropping changes because I don't know about them03:51
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cjwatsonpitti: your gnome-applets change has a memory leak: you need to (a) free application and gksu in the early return since one of them might be non-null (b) free gksu at the end03:52
pitticjwatson: oh, good catch; I'll fix that03:54
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cjwatsonpitti: would it be a good idea to drop to SUDO_GID as well as (before) dropping to SUDO_UID?03:54
cjwatsonI know that ubiquity does that when poking gnome-screensaver03:55
pitticjwatson: it's not necessary for connecting to the session dbus03:55
pitticjwatson: my initial patch had that, but I removed it since I didn't see a benefit03:55
cjwatsonok, I guess it's not a big deal03:55
pittiand I prefered a smaller patch03:55
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cjwatsonall the diffs are fine with the exception of the gnome-applets one04:02
pitticjwatson: updated gnome-panel is building04:02
pittierm, -applets04:02
cjwatsoncan we maybe add a Conflicts or something in s-t-b?04:02
cjwatsonif it breaks the old g-s-t, then we could end up in a situation where users can't run any administrative tools ...04:03
cjwatsonwell, they could run synaptic and update-manager I suppose, but still04:03
cjwatsonwould need to be on g-s-t plus the other binaries you changed04:03
pitticjwatson: if that wouln't disrupt apt, I'm fine with that04:03
cjwatsonwell, it's no worse than any of the other Conflicts << in the archive04:04
pitticjwatson: the other changes are not really that important IMHO, they are just convenience shortcuts04:04
cjwatsonok, then just on g-s-t04:04
pitticjwatson: ok, could you please rejest the s-t-b upload?04:04
pittiConflicts: liboobs-1-1 (<< 0.5), gnome-system-tools (<< 2.15.5-0ubuntu3~prop1)04:05
pitti(the liboobs one was there before)04:05
cjwatsondoes the new g-s-t also break the old s-t-b?04:06
cjwatsonI guess not04:06
pitticjwatson: no, that way works04:06
cjwatsonwell, it won't be able to talk to the user's session bus04:06
pitticjwatson: that's fine, since the session bus fix is in g-s-t itself04:06
pittinot in s-t-b04:06
pittii. e. the new gst is fully operational with the old s-t-b04:07
cjwatsonright, ok, all the other dbus communication is on the system bus?04:07
pittiI verified that with a grep04:07
pittiand, of course, by testing all the apps04:07
=== pitti edits control.in instead and goes back to start, without getting $4000
pitticjwatson: ok, new g-applets work fine with new patch, also tested with mv /usr/bin/gksu{,.old}04:12
=== pitti attaches
pitticjwatson: new patch attached, I marked the old one as [obsolete] 04:13
pitticjwatson: g_free(NULL) is safe, thus this works04:16
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cjwatsonpitti: right, my thought too04:18
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ograogra@edubuntu:~/packages/edsadmin-1.0$ dpkg -S /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so04:22
ogradpkg: /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so not found.04:22
ograseb128, ^^^ any hint ?04:22
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seb128ogra: 04:23
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seb128$ dlocate gobject.so04:23
seb128python-gobject: /usr/lib/python-support/python-gobject/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so04:23
seb128python-gobject: /usr/lib/python-support/python-gobject/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so04:24
seb128python-gobject: /usr/lib/python-support/python-gobject/python2.4/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.so04:24
seb128without _ :)04:24
seb128yeah, it's available correctly for me04:24
cjwatsonmoved to /usr04:24
ograright, i didnt even see that04:24
ograanyway, this package build deps on python-gtk2 ... isnt that a metapackage that should pull in python-gobject ?04:25
ograor do i need to explicitly list all pygtk bindings nowadays ?04:25
pitticjwatson: fine to upload gnome-applets?04:25
fabbionecjwatson: well dude.. you rock.. we know that...04:26
seb128ogra: ?04:27
pittiseb128: ah, your g-s-t upload to edgy-updates beat mine04:27
seb128ogra: python-gtk2 Depends on it04:27
cjwatsonpitti: yeah04:27
ograseb128, i have a package that build-deps on python-gtk2, configure of this package runs "import gobject" to check for pygtk availability04:27
ograapparently it fails, even though the build dep is there04:28
seb128ogra: weird, what is the package? something I can try from a pbuilder?04:28
ograits edsadmin, let me look up the repo url04:29
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cjwatsonpitti: edgy-updates language-packs belatedly accepted04:30
cjwatsonpitti: except for language-pack-af, which for some reason soyuz isn't letting me accept04:31
pitticjwatson: g-s-t and friends all uploaded, I got accepted mails04:32
pitticjwatson: is there anything special about -af?04:32
cjwatsonI think it was my fault - there may have been some weirdness during queue processing that led to a duplicate item in unapproved04:33
cjwatsonit's in the accepted queue as well, so I've just rejected it04:33
Keybukcjwatson: there's a pesky soyuz bug04:36
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KeybukI've ended up with things in multiple queues simultaneously when doing syncs04:37
ograwoah ... gnome-screensaver is evil ...04:38
Treenaksogra: it is?04:39
ograyeah, 2.17.3 just kills my session if i lauch the settings tool04:39
Treenaksogra: cool04:39
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ograintrestingly that happens wit the 3d bubbles hack selected ... which is unlike the name suggests a 2d screensaver04:41
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ogradamned, who had this crappy idea to translate all the hacks in the g-s-s UI ...04:42
Treenaksogra: your employer? :P04:43
=== ogra tries to find out which screensaver is which
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dholbachsnu u u  u04:51
radixman that is not a thing that should be possible04:52
Spadsthat is some fantastic abuse of unicode04:52
Spadsalthough gnome-terminal doesn't handle the overwrite control stuff very well04:53
dholbachxchat-gnome neither04:53
Spadsperhaps that ought to go on the agenda :)04:53
ograhmm, my i is broken if its upside down04:55
Spadsogra: he was using U+0131  LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I and U+0323   COMBINING DOT BELOW04:57
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radixyeah, I just figured that out with python :P04:57
radixisn't there a LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED I? :)04:57
Spadsogra: and gnome-terminal doesn't seem to do combining characters very well04:58
Spadsa ought to just look like 04:58
radixgedit messes up the i + combined dot04:58
radixas well04:58
Spadsthere are a lot of problems with even attempting to support fixed-width unicode04:58
Spadsso I'm not surprised04:59
seb128ogra: 04:59
seb128# grep Build-Depends edsadmin-1.0/debian/control 04:59
seb128Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)04:59
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=== ogra slaps forehead
ograseb128, so sorry ... 05:00
psusipitti: ping05:00
seb128ogra: np05:00
pittipsusi: in a meeting, pong05:00
=== ogra now sits there blushing
seb128ogra: happens to everybody no worry ;)05:01
psusipitti: ok.... just wanted to let you know in case you had not yet noticed, I updated bug #60894 with a debdiff and assigned it to you since you were the last person to update the reiserfsprogs package05:01
UbugtuMalone bug 60894 in reiserfsprogs "mkfs.reiserfs creates an unmountable file system" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6089405:01
pittipsusi: ah, fine05:02
psusipitti: someone else could upload it I'm sure, but I figured you might want to since you touched the package last05:02
Chipzzanyone seen this? http://parker1.co.uk/satanic/05:02
pittipsusi: I don't have a particular affection for the package, but if it just comes down to sponsoring, that's fine for me05:03
psusipitti: if you think you will get to it soon great, otherwise if you don't care I can ask for someone else to sponsor05:03
pittipsusi: I set it to 'in progress' to catch my attention05:03
pittipsusi: but it might take until January05:03
pittipsusi: if you find someone who has time for it now, go ahead05:04
psusilol... ok... I'll try to find another sponsor to upload ;)05:04
psusiso... anyone else have time to upload a very simple patch correcting the man page of mkreiserfs? ;)05:04
pittipsusi: oh, just the manpage? consider it done then05:05
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pittipsusi: I thought it was something that requires much brainpower to check05:05
psusipitti: hehe, ok... yea... I just fixed the man page to note that the kernel does NOT support block sizes other than 4096 bytes05:05
pittipsusi: ok, will upload in some minutes05:05
psusiI also emailed the debdiff to the debian bts05:06
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=== psusi screams at yet another notice of waiting for moderator approval
psusipitti: well I replied to your email about the local file mount in gnome, but it's currently waiting for moderator approval... anyhow... why do we no longer use pmount?  don't we want devices that are either flagged as user or not in fstab at all to be mountable by non admins?05:08
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pittipsusi: we do, but the hal backend + gnome-mount do that now05:10
psusipitti: oh, it sounded like you were saying that it now required sudo to do the mount05:11
pittipsusi: no, only for fixed hard disk partitions; that didn't work at all before05:11
psusiyea, that's what I'm talking about... if you have a fixed partition that is marked as user mountable, you shouldn't need sudo to mount it05:12
pittipsusi: ah, right, that's a special case05:12
psusiand I'm not entirely sure I agree with non admins not being able to mount fixed partitions that don't appear in fstab at all05:13
pittiI'm paranoid about that05:13
pittiother partitions == other Unix systems, windows systems, etc.05:13
psusiif it is really a fixed disk, then it should have an entry in fstab05:13
psusiand if the admin doesn't want users to mount it, it should say noauto nouser05:13
pittibut admin has super-powers, it's not an 'user'05:14
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psusiI'm talking about a non admin user.... unless the admin set fstab to say nouser noauto, then the non admin user should be able to moutn it I think05:14
pittino, that should be an opt-in, not an opt-out05:15
pittiand the 'user' flag is not relevant here anyway05:15
psusihow isn't it?  it means that non admin users are allowed to mount/unmount it05:15
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pittipsusi: right, but this spec is entirely about providing access to devices for admins through the GUI :) (devices normal users don't have access to)05:16
psusipitti: right... but non admin users should also be able to mount partitions shown in fstab as user... and I think partitions not found in fstab at all.05:16
pittipsusi: I agree to the first one; can you please file a bug about it?05:17
psusithat's how pmount behaved before and I agreed with it05:17
pitti(I'm not sure whether it works, didn't test it)05:17
pittipmount didn't mount fixed partitions which weren't in fstab05:17
psusiok.... I'll test it to make sure if it works or not first05:17
pittigreat, thanks05:17
psusiyes, it did... it's just that g-v-m did not try to call pmount on fixed partitions05:17
pittinoauto,user might already be handled by g-v-m05:18
psusipmount's rule was if it isn't in fstab, go ahead and let users mount it... that's what it was created for afaik05:18
pittipsusi: it didn't; at least it's not supposed to, if that works on your hardware, I'll issue an USN for that :)05:18
pittipsusi: ... *and* if the device is removable/hotpluggable05:18
psusihrm... I thought it was g-v-m that checked that?05:19
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pittipsusi: that would be pretty pointless05:19
psusiI could have sworn I tried manually using pmount on disk partitions and it worked as a non admin if the partition was not in fstab05:19
pittisince it wouldn't be a security policy any more05:19
pittipsusi: if that worked, please file a critical bug and assign it to me05:19
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psusithe security policy is to honor fstab, but if there is no fstab entry, default to allowing non admins to mount it05:20
psusithat is why pmount was created as I understand it05:20
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pittipsusi: no, pmount was created to mount removable devices05:20
pittiI'm the original designer and sole upstream :)05:20
psusiright, but that is just a specific case of "no fstab entry?  let user mount it"05:20
pittipsusi: right, 'no fstab entry && removable'05:20
pitti(&& a couple of other conditions)05:21
psusiI see....05:21
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pittihey sbalneav 05:21
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psusiso why treat non removable disks differently though I guess is my question?05:21
sbalneavsorry, quick logout-n-in needed05:21
psusiespecially since the removable or not information is not 100% accurate ;)05:22
pittipsusi: you can't trust removable hard disks anyway05:22
pittipsusi: right, not 100%, but it errs on the side of caution05:22
pittipsusi: but at least in certain environments people do trust their internal hard disks05:22
psusiwhat harm could be done by allowing users to mount non removable disks?05:22
psusi( that don't have an fstab entry )05:23
pittipsusi: modifying other OS installs, spying out passwords, breaking hibernation images from Windows, accessing other user's files, etc.05:23
psusipitti: isn't it the responsibility of the admin to set permissions within those filesystems, and fstab itself, appropriately?05:23
pittipsusi: permisssions within that file system are fairly moot if you allow a user to access it...05:24
pittinoone guarantees that uids match, let alone that the other fs even has uids05:24
pittipsusi: oh, btw, reiserfsprogs uploaded05:25
psusipitti: true.. but that's why we have fstab; so the admin can set it to not be mounted... 05:25
psusione bug down... 9 million to go ;)05:25
pittipsusi: so the admin can as well configure it to allow users to mount it (that's what you can do in theinstaller)05:26
psusitrue.... if it really is a permanent fixed disk....05:27
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psusiand one of these days I need to go through and slap around ext2/3/reiser/etc and make them respect the uid/gid/umask mount options05:29
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psusiat least I got udf to do so05:29
psusibut reiser might make more sense on a large removable disk... but you probably don't want to rely on the ids on the filesystem as they may differ between multiple systems that you plug the disk into05:30
pittipsusi: uid= makes sense for udf (but already supports it)05:30
pittipsusi: I have my doubts for real unix file systems like extN and reiser05:30
cjwatsonogra: 05:31
cjwatson        Packages must not modify their own or other packages conffiles05:31
cjwatson        programmatically.05:31
psusipitti: I had to patch it a few months ago because it would not honor uid= properly... it used it as a default if the id on disk was -1, but ignored it if there was a non -1 id on disk05:31
cjwatsonogra: what in particular was vagrant referring to?05:31
cjwatson        Packages must not modify other packages' configuration files05:31
cjwatson        except by an agreed upon APIs (eg, a /usr/sbin/update-foo command).05:31
cjwatsonthere's that05:31
cjwatsonagreeing an API would make sense, though, and shouldn't block your work?05:31
ogracjwatson, gimme a sec, i'll look it up in the archive05:31
cjwatsonit's just a little more effort05:31
psusipitti: the other filesystems shuold respect it as well since you can be mounting a filesystem that belongs to another instal or os with different uids05:31
psusipitti: or used on a shared removable disk ;)05:31
ogracjwatson, http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ltsp-devel/2006-December/000537.html05:32
pittipsusi: I have a bad feeling about that, though; if you don't want permissions on such devices, then use udf or vfat, not an unix fs05:32
pittiotherwise the semantics of uid= would just be to turn ext2/reiserfs etc. into something like vfat05:32
cjwatsonmdz: in practice RMs decide what counts as a serious bug, which is pretty close to deciding on policy. It's a very old RM vs. policy maintainer dispute ...05:32
ogramdz, RM's apparently decide what NEW packages are allowed to get in right before the freeze05:32
ograand it seems vagrant was quite late with the request for ltspfs05:33
mdzcjwatson: I think there's a clear line between interpreting policy and setting new policy05:33
psusipitti: vfat sucks though due to poor space use and such... and udf has shortcomings as well.... and that still doesn't accoun for the case of mounting a hard disk partition that belongs to another os05:33
Mithrandircjwatson: that bit also comes from policy, IIRC.05:33
mdzthis is clearly the latter, and it isn't done well05:33
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Mithrandir(the "not change other package's configuration files")05:33
cjwatsonactually, it seems pretty sensible to me05:33
cjwatson"don't screw around with configuration files when you can't guarantee that their format won't change on you"05:33
mdzcjwatson: that's not what it said05:34
mdzit said "other packages' configuration files"05:34
mdzand configuration files which aren't conffiles often don't have a clear owner05:34
cjwatsonmdz: also, it looks like an interpretation of policy 10.7.4 to me05:34
mdzlike /etc/modules05:34
cjwatson"sharing configuration files"05:34
cjwatsonIf it is desirable for two or more related packages to share a configuration05:34
cjwatsonfile and for all of the related packages to be able to modify that05:34
cjwatsonconfiguration file, then the following should be done:05:34
cjwatsonOne of the related packages (the "owning" package) will manage the05:34
cjwatsonconfiguration file with maintainer scripts as described in the previous05:34
ogra /etc/modules isnt owned by *anything* 05:34
cjwatsonThe owning package should also provide a program that the other packages may05:35
cjwatsonuse to modify the configuration file.05:35
Mithrandirogra: it's probably owned by base-files?05:35
cjwatson/etc/modules is a difficult case, but there are many easy cases where the above does make sense05:35
ograMithrandir, so created == owned ?05:35
Mithrandirogra: not necessarily.05:35
pittiogra: it's mainly a matter of defining an owned package; the package which exposes the interface gets to be the owner, I'd say05:36
psusipitti: also udf wasn't usable before my patch because pmount would give uid= and the user would create files, then when it was unmounted, the kernel actually wrote uid=0 to the disk... so when you remoutned it, the file that had been yours was now root's05:36
pittiogra: simple then: coreutils is the owner, and the interface is 'cat' :-P05:36
cjwatsonogra: (in particular the installer creates certain configuration files, but can't own them)05:36
cjwatsonI think it's OK for the API to be "it's a text file, one module per line, feel free to change it" as long as the owning package documents that05:37
ograi think /etc/modules is a very grey area here ...05:37
cjwatsonit's just that that's not OK for some files people like to modify ...05:37
cjwatsonsshd_config is a nice case - the key names keep changing05:37
pitticjwatson: oh, that's certainly a conffile?05:37
pittioh, it's not05:38
cjwatsonits contents used to vary based on debconf questions - they don't any more, but it's too hard to retrofit conffile-ness05:38
pitticjwatson: if the key names keep changing, how do you manage upgrades? is upstream friendly enough to read older versions (and key names)?05:38
cjwatsonno, openssh-server.postinst gets to fiddle the file on upgrade05:39
cjwatsonit's not a lot of fun05:39
=== pitti had some real fun getting upgrades right for postgresql.conf
pitticjwatson: heh, same boat then05:39
=== pitti wrote lots of perl codes and test suite stuff to get that right
cjwatsonI can patch in older key names, but I prefer not to do that indefinitely - easier to migrate05:39
pittiright, so did I05:40
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=== Keybuk is so patching gnome-typing-monitor to have a "Disable Breaks" checkbox in the menu
ograwhy would you use gnome-typing-monitor then ?05:47
somerville32Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the application? lol <g>05:47
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KeybukI don't understand the question05:47
Keybukthe application forces me to take hourly typing breaks05:47
Keybukthere are occasions (such as team meetings) where that's not possible05:47
ograright, thast its purpose05:47
Keybuka checkbox to temporarily disable it during those times would be useful05:48
thomKeybuk: just use workrave then?05:48
Keybukworkrave is ... over the top05:48
KeybukI've never managed to configure it to not take up most of the panel; and just lock the screen once an hour05:48
seb128BenC: any news on the directfb merge?05:50
BenCseb128: With 2.6.20 finally uploaded, I'll be able to do some merges this next week05:50
ogradoes that mean the alternate installer will switch to directfb as debian did ?05:51
fabbioneBenC: i did look at it... it's a pain05:51
BenCfabbione: Doesn't looking at it mean you accept responsibility for it? :)05:51
fabbioneBenC: forget it :) i was trying to merge it to satisfy a Depends and i had to tell myself: "Screw that.. i so much do NOT need this app"05:52
cjwatsonogra: probably not05:52
seb128BenC: ok05:52
ograah, good05:52
pittiBenC: do you accept bribes for the apport stuff? such as me taking merges from you or so? :)05:52
cjwatsonogra: I have absolutely no problem with the idea, but the execution of it isn't ready yet05:53
BenCpitti: I'll have time after the meeting to discuss it if you want05:53
ograoh, i thought etch will ship with it05:53
pittiBenC: would be great; although it's mainly a matter of finding time to implement it, unless I wrote something unclear into the spec05:53
ogra(i'm fine with alternate as is ...)05:54
cjwatsonogra: etch will, although optionally05:54
BenCpitti: Ok, I'll refresh myself with the spec and go from there05:54
cjwatsonthe newt installer ain't going away any time soon05:54
ograthats good05:55
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pittiogra: is my grep-dctrl fu not strong enough, or do we really not have an inetd in main yet?05:57
cjwatsonunfortunately we need a libd-i fix and ABI change to make it possible to start doing proper cdebconf plugins to improve the UI05:57
pittiah, right, that doesn't Provide:.*inetd of course05:58
pittiogra: can we drop netkit-base to universe then? IOW, adding openbsd-inetd should fully replace netkit-inetd?06:00
ograyeps it should06:01
ogradebian made the transition some months ago06:01
pittiwell, it replaces another source and it has openbsd in the name, how much better can it get? :-P06:02
pittihey thom, how are you?06:03
thomhungover. office party last night ;-)06:04
thomother than that, good. you?06:04
pittigood as well, without the hungover :)06:04
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somerville32pitti: Just to be on the safe side, have you seen this bug?: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/fai/+bug/7577906:18
UbugtuMalone bug 75779 in fai "fai-doc: Root password hash stored in log files." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:18
pittisomerville32: no, didn't see it so far06:18
somerville32pitti: Should it be marked as a security vulnerability?06:22
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pittisomerville32: I don't understand the bug from the brief description yet, I'll write a followup question06:23
pittisomerville32: not sure what fai-doc has to do with root password hashes06:23
=== somerville32 nods.
ograit documentzs the password for later use :P06:24
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cjwatsonrather reminiscent of the breezy installer vulnerability, that06:26
cjwatsonI'm perversely glad that somebody else's installer had the same kind of thing ;)06:26
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pittisomerville32: the password of the buildd root account?06:26
pittianyway, I'll look into it06:27
ograjust call it a feature :) you will never lose your root pw with it :)06:27
somerville32pitti: I didn't report it :P06:27
pittiglad that it's universe, though06:27
pittispares us another brown-paperbag USN06:27
jdongcjwatson: haha, is it healthy to take relief in others' security bugs? ;-)06:27
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Mezany idea why I get this: 06:27
Mezchecking whether the C++ compiler (gcc   ) works... no06:27
Mezconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.06:27
pittijdong: shared blame is half the blame ;)06:27
pittiMez: did you try CXX=gcc?06:28
cjwatsonjdong: schadenfreude, baby06:28
ograMez, get a sane compiler ? 06:28
pittiMez: gcc -> C, g++ -> C++06:28
pitticjwatson: wow, Schadenfreude is used in English?06:28
Mezogra: I'm using the ubuntu ones06:28
Mezpitti: hmm - I'll have to hack on the damn code now06:28
ograpitti, did you know that doppelgaenger is used in english ?06:28
cjwatsonpitti: I'm not sure it's universally understood, but yes06:29
pittiogra: I knew that one from a Star Trek episode06:31
ograah, i never watched them unduubbed06:31
Ngwe say kindergarten too, for pre-school. basically the english will steal anyone's words ;)06:32
ograand zeitgeist :)06:32
=== bhale imagines a german guy doing a voice over of Captain Picard
bhalethats funny06:32
somerville32pitti: IF there is a bug report that says that a security update borked something, should I subscribe you?06:32
pittisomerville32: absolutely06:33
thomdubbing is utter crack :-)06:33
pittisomerville32: and IRC-ping me, for the sake of prioritizing (my bug inbox is as big as a planet)06:33
ograthom, hey, all our actors live from it in germany 06:33
somerville32Low priority: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dovecot/+bug/7578506:33
UbugtuMalone bug 75785 in dovecot "After security update (1.0.beta3-3ubuntu5.4), no service" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  06:33
pittisomerville32: hm, I was so proud of my thorough testing :/06:34
pittisomerville32: will look, thnaks06:34
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dade`somehow in my ubuntu hald starts before acpi stuff06:36
dade`starts before acpi modules are loaded06:37
dade`this way acpi does not know about my battery06:37
jdongdoesn't the acpid init script modprobe all the acpi modules?06:38
dade`it does, but does it after hald has beel started06:38
ograarent they loaded in initramfs already ?06:38
ogra(just guessing)06:38
somerville32Whats the name of that new program that automatically collects crash data?06:41
jdongbetter known as "what's making my differential backups 3x larger"06:42
somerville32ogra: I thought the name was something like a bomb or something, lol. Are you sure it is apport?06:42
ograpretty sure, yes06:42
pittiyes, it is :)06:42
=== jdong kicks his 933MHz pity box
somerville32Does apport do the balloon notification or does it use the notification daemon?06:43
jdongit does its own balloon to my knowledge06:44
pittisomerville32: n-d does the bomb and notification06:44
jdongit's a sad day when it's faster to compress something on that box by mounting sshfs over adhoc B wifi and having my other boxes do it06:44
pittisomerville32: and n-d calls apport-gtk when you click onto the bomb06:44
somerville32Is the bomb in the systray on in the balloon?06:44
somerville32The systray06:46
somerville32So what if the systray crashes?06:46
shawarmasomerville32: It'll show up some other time.06:46
jdongwhat if apport crashes? ;-)06:48
somerville32jdong: Don't laugh :P I'm trying to figure where to reassign this bug report (Bug #62705) to :P06:48
UbugtuMalone bug 62705 in xubuntu-meta "[edgy xubuntu uptodate]  "report crash" balloon should be clickable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6270506:48
pittijdong: the code jumps through some hoops to defend against that, but if the phython interpreter dies underneath apport, then things go bad, of course06:49
pittisomerville32: erm, it is clickable... anyway, it's update-notifier06:49
somerville32In Xubuntu though?06:50
pittino idea if they use u-n06:50
somerville32We should get ubugtu to have someway to easily check to see if a package is in the seeds06:50
pittisomerville32: apt-cache rdepends update-notifier|grep desktop06:51
pittisomerville32: not in xubuntnu06:51
pittiogra: approved openbsd-inetd06:54
ograthanks !06:56
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ograis there anything else in main depending on netkit-inetd ? 06:58
ograi'm fine caring for the transition if there is06:58
ogra(actually i'd expect the debian transition to be fine though)06:58
pittiogra: can't see anything06:58
pittiogra: openbsd-inetd Provides:/Replaces: netkit-inetd06:59
ogragreat ... i'll monitor anastacia06:59
pittiso it should Just Work (tm) with Dependencies06:59
pittisomething needs to force the upgrade for users, though06:59
ograin case of ltsp its simply ltsp-server ... 06:59
pittiso that they don't get into using an universe package after an upgrade07:00
ograi'll look around for other possible candidates07:00
pittiogra: I'm afraid we'll need a proper transitional package07:00
pittin-inetd has very few rdepends07:00
ogrameh, ok, i'll do one ...07:00
pittiunfortunately openbsd-inetd version < netkit-inetd version07:01
ograah, k i didnt notice that 07:01
pittiogra: Debian has to cope with that as well, did they epoch o-i?07:01
ogra(simply because i didnt look :) )07:01
ogranot that i know of, we should have their latest package ...07:02
ograand ours has no epoch07:02
ograanyway, i need a break, back in 3007:03
pittimdz: FYI: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/live-system-fs-mounting07:03
mdzpitti: thanks07:04
pittiogra: if we don't care about netkit-inetd any more at all, we could just change the current package to become transitional07:04
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pittiogra: although, no, that'd mean to keep it in main07:04
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tkamppeterThere was a program to easily auto-generate patches, one started it, it opened a shell in which one did changes and after typing "exit" one got a patch, only I have no idea any more of the name of this program. can someone help me?07:29
bhaletkamppeter: dpatch-edit-patch, cdbs-edit-patch07:30
jdongwow, that's sweet07:30
=== jdong goes and tries them out
jdongto think I was using bzr for stuff like that...07:31
bhalecdbs-edit-patch gives you a "plain" patch07:31
bhalethank pitti 07:31
psusihrm... can't view the changelog of a package on launchpad eh?07:32
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psusihrm... I bet you could rewrite those patch management tools to use a unionfs instead of copy/chroot/diff/delete... would probably be faster since you could avoid making all the copies07:35
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pittijdong: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources, FYI08:02
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cjwatsonpitti: the Conflicts in the s-t-b change has the wrong version08:27
cjwatson+Conflicts: liboobs-1-1 (<< 0.5), gnome-system-tools (<< 2.15.5-0ubuntu3~prop1)08:27
cjwatsonshould be 0ubuntu5~prop1 in both places08:28
cjwatsonpitti: I'm rejecting s-t-b on that basis; please reupload once you've corrected that. The others look fine so far and I'm accepting them08:29
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BenCany archive folks alive?08:39
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cjwatsonBenC: very briefly ...08:42
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BenCcjwatson: Nm, I forgot lowlatency went into universe and not main08:44
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cjwatsonok, I'm slightly bemused but no problem :)08:44
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pitticjwatson: done; thanks for catching08:47
pitticjwatson: I uploaded s-t-b before bumping the g-s-t version08:47
seb128BenC: what information would be useful on a bug "network card stop working after a while with 2.6.19 and 2.6.20" out of syslog messages and lspci?08:49
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siretartmmmh. after upgrading to feisty, mdadm barks with 'mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found'. Does anyone happen to know whats going on here?08:59
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jpetsohi all. i got a question with packaging. very basic, very newbie, i hope i don't offend anyone by asking such easy questions ;) anyways...11:15
jpetsoi'm maintaining the lila icon set, or at least the kde part of it, and somebody uploaded some control files to make a .deb package to http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=333311:15
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jpetsonow... how can i rebuild this package on my own?11:16
jpetsoso that we can offer it through our website, and update it timely, and stuff11:16
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keescookhm... gdb has FTBFS on i386/amd64.11:19
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