
plugwashafaict some funding agencies wan't stuff that they fund to be freeer than GPL, that seems perfectly reasonable to me12:14
plugwashor the agency doing the funding wants to use it in thier own propietry stuff12:15
Simon80Laserjock, LGPL12:16
LaserJockI guess my main complaint with the GPL is that on one hand it's so free, but on the other hand is so restrictive12:16
Simon80for that very reason12:16
Simon80but the restrictiveness is what makes it so good12:16
LaserJockI'm not so sure12:17
Simon80the so called copyleft12:17
LaserJockyeah, I can see in the beginning where copyleft was important12:17
Simon80without it, people would be more apt to flip flop and release closed code12:17
LaserJockI just think it's hampering a lot of growth12:17
Simon80where is growth being hampered, huh?12:17
LaserJockbecause everybody hoped on the GPL bandwagon and now places where it could grow it can't because of copyleft12:18
LaserJockin this case chemical software12:18
Simon80I think your demand is unreasonable though12:18
Simon80it's not growth in that area if you can't GPL it12:19
LaserJocknah, I just think something like LGPL might be better12:19
Simon80well, unless you just mean open source growth or something12:19
LaserJockopen source yes12:19
Simon80well then12:19
Simon80you could always write open source code that still falls within the funding requirements then12:19
LaserJockbut this is what I'm saying12:20
Simon80what ARE you saying?12:20
LaserJockin my field we have a GPL'd library that is supposed to be the standard for chemical information transfer12:20
LaserJockbut many projects don't use it because it's GPL'd12:20
LaserJockso the only way for it to be the standard is for *everything* else to be GPL'd12:21
plugwashhave you tried talking to its developers about getting it placed under a freer license?12:21
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LaserJockwhich has caused people to reject the standard and write something else that they *can* use12:21
Simon80personally, I think that it's totally up to the developers whether they want more users or more GPLed software12:21
LaserJockthis is what I'm talking about with the GPL "bandwagon"12:22
LaserJockI just think many people just GPL stuff because it's obvious12:22
LaserJockbut it can cause problems for other's in the future12:22
plugwashyep, have you told the libraries devs this?12:22
plugwashand if so how did they respond?12:23
Simon80I dunno, by the time you've written some code, you've thought about the ramifications of the license12:23
Simon80I definitely have.. and I would use the GPL by choice12:23
LaserJockI suppose, but these are scientists we're talking about12:23
Simon80indeed, who else should be more supportive of the GPL than scientists?12:23
LaserJockplugwash: well, this is the debate going on right now, hence why I'm thinking about it  :-)12:23
LaserJockwell, they aren't12:23
LaserJockscientists have some of the worst licenses I've ever seen12:24
plugwashthe GPL has its place, but libraries that are supposed to be the reference implementation of a standard are not that place12:24
Simon80and they should freaking wise up, they're on the forefront of expanding human knowledge, and they should act like it, lol12:24
LaserJockSimon80: yes, but it's very difficult12:25
Simon80plugwash: I suppose that's a valid point, but it depends how pervasive the standard is12:25
Simon80what is very difficult?12:25
LaserJockI'm part of an open standards, open source, open data chemistry group12:25
plugwashSimon80 if you wan't the standard to be pervasive then GPLing the standard is not the way to achive that12:25
Simon80no, clearly not12:25
plugwashand generally gaining wide acceptance is the whole point of standards12:25
LaserJockwell, for instance, I am relying on somebody else not publishing my research before I do12:26
Simon80I have to go eat12:26
LaserJockit would be difficult for me to take an "Open Chemistry" stnace12:26
LaserJockmany scientist believe in academic-only or non-commercial licenses12:27
LaserJockit's just tough12:27
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-024-208.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockand you are talking about their career12:27
Simon80well, this is why I like the GPL, cause without it, nobody would be thinking about this12:27
LaserJockI've spent 9 years in uni and I'd be pretty darn upset if somebody "stole" my work12:28
Simon80I mean, i know my attitude is a bit imposing... but there are so many cases where companies GPL something cause they have to12:28
Simon80Laserjock: wouldn't there be repercussions of them doing that?12:28
Simon80I mean, it would be obvious they did it12:28
LaserJocknot if they published it before I did12:29
LaserJockit's just a race to who publishes first, the only weapon I have is ignorance on their part ;-)12:29
Simon80err.. but you would have public source code history that would act as proof that it was your work12:29
LaserJockwouldn't matter12:29
Simon80how do you know that?12:29
Simon80I don't think academics like plagiarism much12:30
LaserJockbecause it's the paper that matters :-)12:30
LaserJockwell, it's not "stole" as in came into my lab and grabbed my notes12:30
Simon80no, it's plagiarism12:30
LaserJockbut as in "I share my ongoing research with others in the field"12:30
LaserJockwhich is equivalent to FLOSS I think12:31
Simon80yeah, that's what the GPL does12:31
LaserJockthat would kill me12:31
LaserJockI couldn't do my research if I acted that way12:31
LaserJockat this point12:31
Simon80well what you could do is develop in private, but publish under the GPL when you're done12:31
Simon80it's only the distribution part that the license covers12:32
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80you can do what you like with it in private12:32
LaserJocksure, that's more or less what Chemistry is now12:32
sistpotyhi folks12:32
Simon80well then how does that sound?12:32
Simon80along with this paper is some GPL code, enjoy folks12:32
LaserJockwell, it doesn't sound very open12:32
Simon80it's better than the alternative you suggest12:32
=== plugwash [i=plugwash@p10link.net] has left #ubuntu-motu []
Simon80which is to not use the GPL, and reinvent the wheel12:33
LaserJockwell, it's the current situation12:33
Simon80it's not the current situation, not how you explained it12:33
LaserJocksorry, I'm sort of mixing things about12:33
LaserJockfor me personally I don't do anything with software12:33
Simon80.............I still have to go eat, lol12:33
LaserJockI was equating FLOSS to "Open Chemistry" where scientists work as the FLOSS word does12:33
Simon80well, they do now12:34
Simon80sort of12:34
LaserJockin an interesting way12:34
Simon80they like to charge money for papers, but otherwise, it's kind of like that12:34
Simon80it SHOULD be like that12:34
LaserJockanyway, you better go eat12:34
Simon80I mean, nothing wrong with using a bit of communism where it applies.. as in when it doesn't involve property redistribution12:34
Simon80basically, information wants to be free.. it's cliche, but it's how we should view this12:35
LaserJockwell, if I was truly open in my research I'd never be able to graduate :-)12:35
Simon80laser, what if, like I said, you were open upon publishing it12:35
Simon80but not before12:35
Simon80doesn't that fix it?12:35
LaserJockwell, that's fine. that's really the scientific model for the most part12:36
Simon80I feel very strongly about not restricting the flow of information12:36
LaserJockbut that doesn't bring the power of FLOSS to science12:36
=== gandalfn [n=gandalfn@i02m-87-89-253-156.d4.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu-motu []
Simon80yes it does12:36
Simon80part of it12:36
Simon80there's not the same collaboration, but there is some12:36
LaserJockthe power would be to share ideas and develop before it gets published12:36
Simon80you build on other papers12:36
Simon80before of after they get published, there's still sharing going on, man12:37
LaserJockyeah, some12:37
LaserJockbut I want it all :-)12:37
Simon80so I don't care if you wait till it gets published, the issue that I care about is whether people publsih freely, that sort of thing12:37
LaserJockyeah, that makes sense12:37
LaserJockanyway, that was really OT12:37
Simon80and I don't see yet why that couldn't include GPLed code at publish-time12:37
LaserJockwell, I don't publish code so that would be a problem :-)12:38
LaserJockbut for people who do there are at times (apparently) when there are restrictions set by the funding agencies12:38
LaserJockand while the push might need to be made to make the funding agency accept a GPL license12:39
LaserJockI'm not really convinced that all code in this world needs to be GPL'd12:39
LaserJockif you're out for world domination then copyleft is the way to go I guess12:39
LaserJockif you're trying to be useful and let people do what they want with it then I think there are better choices12:40
=== LaserJock returns everyone to their regularly scheduled programming
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=== ajmitch returns
ajmitchmm, lunch :)01:02
ajmitchwhat's up?01:02
=== ajmitch is glad it's a nice, sunny friday afternoon
ajmitchwhere I get to sit in the office01:02
LaserJockdo you have a window?01:02
jelmerSo, I've got a package in universe that I need to update. What's the proper process for that (while I'm not a MOTU)?01:03
LaserJockjelmer: file a bug, attach a debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors01:03
jelmerLaserJock: roger, thanks01:03
ajmitchLaserJock: sure, the window runs the length of the office, is about 2m by 6m :)01:03
ajmitchjelmer: bzr-svn?01:04
=== LaserJock cries
=== Lathiat has no external windows in his office
jelmerajmitch: yep01:04
ajmitchjelmer: is it in debian right now?01:04
Lathiatmy eyes usually kill me everytime i walk outside ;p01:04
LaserJockthey don't let us have *any* windows with all the lasers flying about ;-)01:04
LaserJockalthough we do get to occasionally drill holes through walls to get from one room to another01:05
jelmerajmitch: Not yet. The required Python-Subversion changes have been integrated into the Debian package as well now.01:05
jelmerSo it should be possible, if somebody can sponsor (my AM seems to've gone MIA)01:06
ajmitchsure, I can 01:07
ajmitchI offered awhile back, I can't remember what the hold up was then01:07
jelmerProbably the fact that python-subversion needed patching01:07
ajmitchI think so01:07
ajmitchif you can give me a url to a source package, it'd be great01:08
ajmitchmakes things more consistent if I use the same tarball as you have01:09
jelmerajmitch: Packages are up at http://samba.org/~jelmer/bzr/01:09
ajmitchI don't know how NEW processing is going in debian at the moment with etch frozen01:09
LaserJockI thought it was dead01:10
jelmerajmitch: It looks quite short at the moment01:10
ajmitchhttp://samba.org/~jelmer/bzr/bzr-svn_0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc is the ubuntu update?01:11
sistpotyajmitch: is there a way to grab a package sitting in debian's new?01:11
jelmerajmitch: Oops, yes, that's right. 01:11
ajmitchsistpoty: no, due to various arcane restrictions01:11
ajmitchlike US export laws, iirc01:12
sistpotyah, k... because bddebian wants to bring a package in that's also sitting in new :)01:12
jelmerajmitch: Working on a Debian entry..01:12
ajmitchsince it's not verified by ftpmasters whether debian can distribute the package yet01:12
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LaserJockajmitch: they just need an offshore account ;-)01:13
sistpotyoh, seems like it's no longer in new *g*01:13
jelmerajmitch: Is it a problem if there are -ubuntuX entries in debian/changelog for a debian package?01:13
LaserJocksistpoty: is it in or is it just not there?01:13
jelmeror do I just need to make sure the last entry is 0.2-0 ?01:13
sistpotyLaserJock: I'm just checking... *g*01:14
ajmitchjelmer: last entry should be 0.2-1, I don't think they care if there are -0ubuntu1 entries01:14
ajmitchI'm sure I've put packages through debian NEW with ubuntu changelog entries01:14
sistpotyLaserJock: it's at least not yet on p.d.o, maybe it got rejected01:16
LaserJockI thought there was something about a NEW flush in November01:16
ajmitchsistpoty: package name?01:17
ajmitchsistpoty: was that actually uploaded to debian?01:17
sistpotyajmitch: I'd swear that I've seen it in new yesterday... and there is a bug marked as pending on the older one01:18
sistpoty(wishlist bug regarding new upstream version=01:18
sistpotydebian bug #31633501:19
UbugtuDebian bug 316335 in libparagui1.0-dev "libparagui1.0: new version available" [Wishlist,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/31633501:19
ajmitchit'd probably get rejected for wonky shlibs :)01:20
superm1is there a way to make a package use an interactive debconf frontend even if the system has debconf generally set to noninteractive?01:20
sistpotyhehe, probably...01:20
sistpotyajmitch: seems very much like it... I found it in pkg-sdl svn (with wrong shlibs *g*)01:22
jelmerajmitch: I've uploaded 0.2-101:23
sistpotyno, rejected for debian/copyright reasons: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-sdl-maintainers/2006-December/000280.html01:23
LaserJockand people look at me funny when I say you need to account for the licenses of *all* files01:24
sistpotyhehe, I guess I'm a get debian/copyright right diehard as well01:25
ajmitchyou have to be01:27
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=== ajmitch trusts that bzr-svn will be sane with copyright :)
ajmitchjelmer: might be good to depend on a version of python-version that has the appropriate patches01:31
jelmerajmitch: Right, I hadn't thought of that. Rebuilding...01:34
ajmitchapart from that it looks fine01:35
=== ajmitch still had the previous version lying around
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jelmerajmitch: Fixed now, I've uploaded a new version.01:47
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zuldo do do01:54
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sistpotywb imbrandon01:57
imbrandonheya sistpoty 01:57
sistpotyoh, nice... gborzi is now also (co)-maintaining keytouch in debian :)01:58
ajmitchhey imbrandon 02:00
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superm1ping crimsun_ 02:08
superm1imbrandon you around?02:16
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxwhat other screen video capture applications are there other than istanbul and xvidcap?02:21
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sistpotyok, /me needs to go to bed now. otherwise I'll be late for lunch with siretart *g*02:25
sistpotygn8 everyone02:25
joejaxxGoodnight sistpoty 02:25
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mruizping slomo02:50
ajmitchmruiz: probably the wrong time of day for that02:51
mruizhello ajmitch 02:51
superm1hey ajmitch, can i possibly steal a few minutes from you to get a revu?02:52
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ajmitchit may take a bit more than a minute, so I'd have to wait until later02:53
superm1oh okay02:53
superm1figured i'd try :)02:53
jdongso it appears like Wednesday the 13th also carries some bad luck02:54
superm1jdong, why is that?02:54
jdongpeople are rarely yet many people are, getting grub error 17's with the kernel updates02:54
jdongreporting that kopt's root=/dev/??? line got bumped up by 102:54
jdongi.e. sda1 -> sda202:54
jdong(Dapper users)02:55
jdongand Edgy users randomly report various X failures02:55
jdongboth official and unofficial drivers02:55
jdongincluding modprobe searching wrong paths, corrected with depmod -ae02:55
ajmitchsuperm1: try again in a few hours, it's friday afternoon here02:55
jdongnvidia xorg drivers totally disappearing, fixed by reinstalling nvidia-glx02:55
superm1ajmitch, aye okay thanks02:55
theCoreanyone would like to review the patch that fix bug 57951?02:55
UbugtuMalone bug 57951 in xchat "xchat crashes frequently on quit" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5795102:55
jdongmonitor out of sync, fixed with reconfiguring xorg02:55
superm1jdong, why all the breakage though?02:55
jdongyou name it\02:55
superm1this seems like very weird stuff02:56
jdongsuperm1: I'm totally confused02:56
superm1to break from a kernel update02:56
jdongsuperm1: I've tried to track it down02:56
jdongsuperm1: spent about 3 hours yesterday with 5 different people02:56
jdongsuperm1: we'd figure out what happened, but have no idea why it happened02:56
superm1i've done the updates on 3 of my boxes, and they went smoother then most kernel updates (no needing to redo module-assistant or anything)02:56
jdongsuperm1: and all attempts to roll back the update, redo it and reproduce it fails02:56
jdongsuperm1: me too02:56
jdongbut look at that thread (the replies)02:57
jdongthere's an unignorable number of users experiencing some sort of problem02:57
jdongand they can't all be blamed on unofficial nvidia repos02:57
jdongit's left me utterly confused and completely out of ideas02:57
jdongand not being able to consistently reproduce any of the symptoms is leaving me extremely frustrated02:57
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang02:58
superm1very crazy stuff02:58
superm1Hello bddebian 02:59
bddebianHi superm102:59
superm1bddebian, would you have a few moments for a revu?02:59
bddebianYeah, why not03:00
superm1great: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=378003:00
superm1just settled all the licensing mess today :)03:01
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bddebiansuperm1: I would add a -0ubuntu1 revision03:04
superm1it was going to always be ubuntu native03:04
superm1the license allows for ubuntu and derivatives03:04
bddebianCan it really carry a GPL license?03:06
superm1the packaging03:06
superm1not the firmware03:06
superm1crimsun_, was fairly iffy about it to, and said as long as I got this license and approval for hosting on ubuntu servers + mirrors, then it would fall on ubuntu-archive admins final decision03:08
=== danielmarsom [n=daniel@222-153-245-148.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
danielmarsomhave you guys considered putting webmin in the repos?03:12
joejaxxdanielmarsom: it was in the repos03:15
joejaxxthey took it out03:15
danielmarsomany idea why?03:15
joejaxxsecurity concerns if i remember correctly03:15
danielmarsomok. thanks man.03:17
joejaxxdanielmarsom: you are most welcome03:17
ash211if anyone's looking for a bug to fix, 03:18
ash211bug 24981 could use an added dependency03:18
UbugtuMalone bug 24981 in anjuta "Anjuta: unfulfilled glib dependency" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2498103:18
bddebianUgh, anjuta03:18
superm1bddebian, couple of questions about revu though - there is a Multimedia section when I look in Synaptic/Sections.  What do I set to get it placed in that?03:18
superm1oh. nvm, looks like 'sound'.  a bit counter-intuitive eh? :)03:19
superm1thanks for the revu bddebian 03:19
bddebianI don't see one listed here: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/03:21
bddebianOhh nm :-)03:21
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bddebianHoly crap there are a lot of packages on REVU03:26
crimsun_we should tag team them.03:26
bddebianI'm looking now03:26
crimsun_we'll have a revu day soonish03:26
bddebianI think I have all my merges done that I can do for now..03:26
=== ehazlett [n=ehazlett@adsl-69-212-246-164.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchbddebian: coming to the motu meeting?03:28
bddebianDid we ever pick a date?03:28
bddebianHmm yeah I can probably make that03:30
ajmitch9am saturday for me03:30
bddebiancrimsun_: So I shouldn't review until revu day?03:30
crimsun_I'm going to do a few now03:31
ajmitchyou should review constantly03:31
crimsun_well, after I get some more coffee :)03:31
ajmitchrevu day is just a special day where dholbach hugs everyone03:31
bddebianajmitch: So should you! ;-P03:31
superm1bddebian, about that error about too long of an extended description, is that anything to really worry about?03:31
ajmitchbddebian: so I should03:31
ajmitchdoesn't mean I will03:31
superm1because its a license03:31
bddebiansuperm1: I wouldn't worry about it too much but I'm not as anal as ajmitch :-)03:32
superm1okay i'll reupload with the others fixed then.  Thanks :)03:32
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=== jmantha [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmanthahi guys04:02
bddebianHeya jmantha04:02
bddebianNew nick? :-)04:02
jmanthayeah, it's the latest craze04:02
bddebianSo I've noticed :)04:02
jmanthacjwatson, bhale, tfheen04:03
bddebianDon't make me go all bdefreese on your asses :)04:03
jmanthaplease don't04:03
ajmitcham I going to have to change as well?04:03
bddebianajmitch: Nah, you're close enough :-)04:03
=== bddebian decides to rebel
=== ajmitch is now known as ajmitchell
ajmitchtoo long to type04:04
=== bddebian guesses he just isn't part of the "cool Ubuntu" crowd
ajmitchnah, you're far beyond mere cool04:05
bddebianYeah right04:06
=== ajmitch guesses the motu meeting is just a formality to elect bddebian as ruler of the universe for life
bddebianTell that to my wife ;-P04:06
jmanthaajmitch: +104:06
ajmitchwith jmantha as deputy04:07
jmanthahmm, not sure about that04:08
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bddebianajmitch: Oh no, jmantha would make a much better ruler04:11
jmanthabah, I don't rule anything04:12
bddebianYou just plain RULE d00d :)04:12
jmanthabddebian: I think if you look the my number of uploads you'd beg to differ04:16
bddebianBah uploads, schmuploads :-)04:18
ajmitchstop arguing & get back to fixing04:19
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jmanthaxchat-gnome just isn't quite there04:26
bddebianajmitch: I can't fix anything :-)04:27
crimsun_it looks like a lot of people are getting bitten by the kernel updates04:29
crimsun_of course, precisely none of them are Ubuntu's fault.04:29
crimsun_-and- they're filing bugs that we have to reject.04:30
=== ajmitch has not really heard of this problem
crimsun_at least two alsa bug reports in LP today due to the edgy-security linux-image-foo update04:31
crimsun_both of them turned out to be caused by pebkac04:31
ajmitchour lives would be so much better without them04:31
bddebianWhat's with the freakin' 3 changelog entries for a single merge?04:32
ajmitchI'm sorry?04:32
ajmitchplease explain04:32
bddebianistanbul on REVU04:33
bddebianthere's a MoM entry + two uploader entries just for the merge04:35
ajmitchright, stating that you saw this on a specific package would have helped when you asked your question04:35
bddebianIt was a rhetorical question :-)04:35
ajmitchlike many of your questions prefixed with WTF!?!04:35
bddebianYEP :)04:36
=== ajmitch wonders if he can set an /ignore filter on that
bddebianSo is this some new "policy" before I complain about more packages with Merge-o-Matic changelog entries?04:37
bddebianajmitch: You can always just ignore me04:37
bddebianGo for it man04:38
ajmitchthe new policy is to include the remaining ubuntu changes 04:38
bddebianThat's not new is it?04:38
ajmitchnot really04:39
ajmitchhaving multiple changelog entries like that is just wrong04:39
bddebianJust making sure :-)04:40
ajmitchsure, there's no way it could be uploaded as-is04:40
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superm1crimsun_, while on your revuing madness can you look at ivtv-firmware again?04:54
crimsun_I'm in a meeting.04:55
superm1ah okay04:55
=== somerville32 hugs crimsun_.
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bddebianWhat is a ~git20061213 revision? (compiz on REVU)05:07
ajmitcha git revision, from 2006121305:09
bddebianI got that. What is git?05:10
=== Simon80_ [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1128541413.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitcha revision control system05:11
ajmitchone that's quite popular05:11
=== ash211_ [n=andrew@user-1121mhi.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmanthabddebian: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_%28software%2905:11
bddebianHeh, what do I know? :-)05:14
=== somerville32 ducks.
bddebiansomerville32: Correct05:14
=== somerville32 hugs bddebian.
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=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmanthaok, so I've got an SRU interpretation question05:22
=== nameinuse [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1167880474.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmanthado I need to include the previous changelog in the .changes?05:23
jmanthaor just the one I'm adding05:23
=== nameinuse is now known as Simon80
jmanthathe Main SRU page has "Make sure to generate the .changes file against the base version in the relevant distribution and not against the version in -proposed or a previous version in -updates, using the -v option to dpkg-buildpackage or debuild."05:24
jdongahhhh ew ew ew stay away from me05:27
jdongno, I can't help you use your "dapper-backports suppositories"05:27
crimsun_jmantha: for -proposed or -updates?05:28
jdongwhy am I always the butt-end of all these random jokes05:28
crimsun_jmantha: the statement above means you shouldn't include changelog entries from -proposed05:28
crimsun_jmantha: ...a policy that doesn't seem to be enforced very strictly but policy nonetheless.05:28
jmanthaah, ok. I see05:29
jmanthaI was a little confused05:29
bddebianShould debhelper/compat be 5 before an upload?  I think so but I don't know if we "force" that now?05:29
crimsun_bddebian: we haven't enforced any compat version, really.05:30
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmanthacrimsun_: hmm, and the version has to be different between -proposed and -updates ?05:34
ajmitchjmantha: for it to be accepted by soyuz, it does05:35
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jmanthaajmitch: so what have people been using, .1 ?05:36
ajmitch& then .205:37
ajmitcheg wlassistant 0.5.5-0ubuntu3.205:37
ajmitchwent into -updates05:37
ajmitchthere doesn't appear to be a consistent numbering used05:38
jmanthawell I was going to upload ubuntu1 to -proposed05:38
jmanthabut should I do ubuntu2 or ubuntu1.1 to -updates?05:38
ajmitchpitti used  gnome-netstatus 2.12.0-5ubuntu7~prop105:38
ajmitchfor -proposed05:38
crimsun_right, we should probably adopt ~ usage05:39
=== ajmitch is not the raging MOTU-holic, so can't really say
jmanthaok, so is ubuntu1~prop1 lower then ubuntu1 ?05:39
jmanthageeze, versioning gets so ridiculous05:40
ajmitchyes :)05:40
=== ajmitch wonders when crimsun_ will rename
jmanthahe is forbidden from doing so05:40
ajmitchsurely not?05:40
jmanthaoh yeah05:40
=== AnAnt [n=anant@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsun_I guess not. The trinity has spoken.05:41
AnAntbddebian: ping05:41
bddebianAnAnt: I'm not here ;-P05:41
AnAntbddebian: ok, I was wondering are you an electronic engineer ?05:42
bddebianHeh, not hardly :-)05:43
bddebianI'm just a monkey05:43
bddebianI'm not smart enough to be an EE :-)05:44
ajmitcha deity like bddebian has no need of mere classifications like 'EE"05:44
ajmitchyou cannot put him in a box like that05:44
AnAntbddebian: what made you interested in tkgate?05:45
bddebianAnAnt: I'm just here to upload stuff. :-)05:46
bddebianI'm in it for the money ;-P05:46
ajmitchand the abuse05:47
ajmitchwe're all in it for the abuse05:47
AnAntbddebian: Ubuntu pays money for MOTU work ?05:47
ajmitchI wish :)05:47
ajmitchunless bddebian isn't telling us something?05:48
crimsun_we get to bask in the glory of the trinity; that's payment enough.05:48
AnAnttrinity ?05:48
=== AnAnt scratches his head
bddebianAnAnt: That was sarcasm (about the money) :_)05:49
=== bddebian 's sarcasm just NEVER seems to translate well
=== lavaman [n=lavaman@c-24-98-219-122.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AnAntbtw, the best way to get a package into Ubuntu is getting it into Debian , right ?05:51
bddebianAnAnt: That is ideal yes.05:53
AnAnthow to do so ?05:53
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AnAntbtw, I see that pbuilder only takes from main repo, how can I add restricted,universe repos to pbuilder ?05:54
bddebianAdd them to pbuilderrc05:54
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bddebian#COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"05:57
AnAntI did that yesterday05:59
AnAntbut still can't see universe packages06:00
AnAntI even ran sudo pbuilder update after that06:00
=== danielmarsom [n=daniel@222-153-245-148.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
danielmarsomhave you guys considered putting frozen-buuble 2.10 in the repos?06:03
crimsun_isn't that an sk merge?06:04
AnAntbddebian: I should remove that # before COMPONENTS, right ?06:05
bddebianAnAnt: Did you update sources.list in /etc/pbuilder/... ?06:05
bddebianAnAnt: No, leave the #06:05
AnAntbddebian: oh, I did remove the #06:05
AnAntbddebian: there isn't a sources.list in /etc/pbuilder/06:06
bddebianAnAnt: Did you update sources.list in /etc/pbuilder/apt-config/06:06
bddebianSorry, cut/paste :)06:06
AnAntbddebian: I only got 2 files in /etc/pbuilder/06:06
bddebianDo you have a ~/.pbuilderrc?06:07
AnAntbddebian: buildd-config.sh  & pbuilderrc, pbuilderrc is a symlink to /etc/pbuilderrc06:07
AnAntbddebian: no, there isn't a ~/.pbuilderrc06:07
bddebianWhat the heck is going on with versioning these days?? xmms2: 0.2DrGonzo-4 :-)06:10
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superm1hey bddebian, after those two changes to ivtv-firmware, could you mark it as advocating?06:38
bddebiansuperm1: Sure06:39
superm1great thanks06:39
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bddebianGnight gang06:48
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jmanthaanybody running vmware player or server on edgy?07:04
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jmanthawow, crazy busy in here tonight07:33
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SlimG2games installed from .deb packages should go in /usr/share/games and not /usr/local/games, is this correct?07:56
somerville32/usr/local/ is for like manually installed stuff07:59
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ssami had a package revu, but now it has gone into debian. should i now file a bug in launchpad to have it imported? what package should i file against? 08:33
Hobbseessam: which package?08:33
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule08:34
=== Hobbsee wonders if the autosyncer is still on
ssamit is not currently in ubuntu08:35
Hobbseeyes, so it will need to be synced from debian to ubuntu08:35
Hobbseeapparently it is08:35
Hobbseessam: how long was it since it hit debian?08:36
Hobbseeright, so it should automatically sync over to feisty in the next couple of days08:36
=== ChaosFan_ [i=sithjanu@faui01.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeif it's not in feisty in a week or so, you probably want to file a bug asking for the sync from debian sid, and subscribe ubuntu-archive, and get a MOTU to ack it08:37
ssamcool thanks08:37
Hobbseenot a problem08:37
=== Hobbsee goes to archive htat off REVU
=== reggaemanu_ [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-138-121.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Ash-FoxWould anyone happen to know the best method for detecting in a makefile if the target platform is i386 or not (at least some documentation on this?)? (Currently I'm using a script in the middle of this to determine and execute the appropriate commands, and I don't believe that's the 'right' way todo it)10:43
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F7549A.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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dholbachgood morning10:46
=== snowblink [n=snowblin@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachhey Ash-Fox10:47
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-103-93.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MidMarkis there a way to see packages for this stupid bug that has ONE line diff and has 3 long months life?10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 59138 in wxwidgets "amule crashes when I close a tab" [Unknown,Unknown]  10:49
dholbachMidMark: what is your question exactly?10:49
dholbachhow to get a fix included in ubuntu?10:49
MidMarkmy question is: why it wasn't fixed? It's a stupid fix based in one line, so few to test, few time to revision, few time to recompile...why 3 months and still here?10:50
dholbachwe have procedures, if you don't stick to them and point the right people to things they will go unnoticed10:50
dholbachmaybe most of the developers don't use amule10:51
MidMarkdholbach: the bug is in the wxwidgets not amule10:51
MidMarkso all programs based on them have this bug including amule10:52
dholbachall I can say is: stick to the procedure for inclusion of patches and all will be good10:53
MidMarkwhich procedure? We have a bug report, we have a package, we have a fix... next step will be build our packages by our own, but  at this point I can be the mainteiner :(10:55
MidMarkdholbach: this a FAQ for a motu people, I'm not10:57
dholbachno it's not10:57
dholbachthe first point says is a link to the procedure for getting patches included in ubuntu10:58
MidMarkdholbach: it's just subscribed also to sponsored bug11:01
dholbachMidMark: I don't understand what you're saying11:02
dholbachLP is offline atm11:02
MidMarkanyway I think if a mainteiner doesn't fix this bug after a BR so detailed and a diff so short and a time so long... then your procedures have for sure something wrong...11:04
dholbachthje problem is, that we don't have package maintainers11:05
dholbachwe maintain everything as a team11:05
dholbachand there are a LOT of bugs11:05
dholbachif you don't subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to a fix it will go unnoticed11:05
StevenKAnd if you'd prefer for us to look at things, tell us, or subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.11:06
dholbachit's unfortunate, I can see that11:06
dholbachbut it's really that simple11:06
MidMarkdholbach: 11:06
MidMark[11:03]  <MidMark> dholbach: it's just subscribed also to sponsored bug11:06
MidMark[11:03]  <MidMark> :(11:06
MidMark[11:04]  <dholbach> MidMark: I don't understand what you're saying11:06
dholbachI don't understand "it's just subscribed also to sponsored bug"11:07
dholbachdo you mean that 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' is subscribed to the bug?11:07
MidMarkhere https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-sponsors/+subscribedbugs is just present the bug11:07
MidMarksearch for 5913811:07
StevenKThey are, and the bug has 13 dupes.11:08
Ash-FoxIn debian/rules, is it possible to get execute a different set of commands depending on if the architecture is i386 or not? (If so, please tell me how :)11:08
StevenKAsh-Fox: It is. But why?11:08
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MidMarkso I think we just do all the stuff in the procedure isn't?11:09
dholbachMidMark: "13 Dec 06 22:15" - that's when the sponsors were subscribed11:09
dholbachso give them some time to figure it out11:09
Ash-FoxStevenK, because the program I'm packaging can produce much better x86 binaries, that just a 'generic' binary that's used for the other platforms.11:09
MidMarkI think the bug is already known because for Feisty someone has fixed it...11:10
Ash-Fox(It's complicated -- but the program in question actually has m68k assembler transcoded either into x86 directly or into portable C code -- the latter being a lot slower.)11:10
MidMarkso now you are telling that was unknown before 13?11:10
StevenKAsh-Fox: So different commands, or different CFLAGS, or what?11:11
Ash-FoxStevenK, different commands to execute for building11:12
StevenK(Converting m68k ASM on the fly?? Ouch.)11:12
MidMarkok sorry fix for feisty was on 1311:12
MidMarkso I expect it veeeeery soon11:12
MidMarkanyway this story about sponsored bugs it's something painful...11:13
=== xerxas [n=R67894@AGrenoble-257-1-119-51.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKAsh-Fox: It's do-able using make conditionals11:14
Ash-FoxStevenK, hmm, okay. I'm going to look that up11:15
StevenKAsh-Fox: The make construct you want to look up is 'ifeq'11:16
StevenKAsh-Fox: Utilising $(DEB_HOST_ARCH)11:16
StevenKAsh-Fox: That's enough of a hint, no? :-P11:16
Ash-FoxStevenK, yep, thanks =)11:17
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dholbachcongratulations siretart!11:18
siretartthanks, dholbach :)11:18
=== dholbach hugs siretart
dholbachwell done! :-)11:18
=== siretart hugs back
Ash-Foxifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),i386) <- heh, that was easy =)11:19
=== StevenK nods.
MidMarkalso someone asked for set higest importance for this bug... if someone can do this...11:19
Hobbseewhich bug?11:20
=== Hobbsee tells StevenK to look at it and fix it
StevenKAwww, but mother....11:20
Hobbseebut nothing.  go on11:21
HobbseeMidMark: that's fixed in feisty, but needed in edgy, right?11:21
StevenKThen it isn't just me.11:22
MidMarkthe bug talk about itself, no need to argue anymore11:23
HobbseeStevenK: sorry?  that's a SRU, it looks like11:23
StevenKExactly, so it isn't just me that needs to be involved.11:23
StevenKBesides, I'm not invoking the magical motu-sru superpowers until there is a debdiff for edgy-proposed.11:24
Hobbsee!sru > MidMark 11:24
Hobbsee!sru | MidMark 11:24
ubotuMidMark: sru is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:24
=== Hobbsee wonders what this "nominate for release" button does
MidMark> Bugs which represent severe regressions from the previous release of Ubuntu11:25
HobbseeMidMark: you'll need to follow the SRU process now, as it's after edgy's release11:25
Hobbseeyes, so it qualifies11:25
Hobbsee!sru is <reply> Stable Release Update informationn is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.11:26
ubotusru is already known11:26
Hobbsee!no sru is <reply> Stable Release Update informationn is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.11:27
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee11:27
Hobbsee!no sru is <reply> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.11:27
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee11:27
MidMarkso I've to subscribe ubuntu-sru11:27
StevenKFirst thing is prepare a debdiff for edgy-proposed11:27
StevenKAnd after that is in the bug, subscribe motu-sru11:28
=== Hobbsee wonders why mlind hasnt poked you @ sru before.
MidMarkguys if I do all these stuff I have just my packages ready and fixed11:28
MidMarkI'm not in motu team11:28
StevenKYou can get sponsored.11:29
StevenKYou do the work, and someone else uploads with their key11:30
MidMarksponsored means money?11:30
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StevenKIt does not11:30
Ash-FoxStevenK, thankyou very much for the help. Working perfectly =)11:30
StevenKAsh-Fox: No problem. :-)11:30
Hobbseewow, that's been open since november, and it's taken this long for someone to put it in the right place.11:30
MidMarkHobbsee: none know all that burocracy11:31
Hobbseebah.  mlind only has 2 days ago.11:31
=== Hobbsee cant help it if bugs are lost in the ether
StevenKOr beg mlind to do the SRU dance.11:32
MidMarkyes but normal people like me, just know launchpad, I repeat, if I have to know all that procedure I can fix for me and stop to waste time in launchpad11:32
StevenKI'm so not doing an SRU request.11:32
HobbseeMidMark: then you need to look somewhere and say "i've got a fix, what can i do?" - until you do that, or give it a tag of patch attached, or something that makes it distinct from all other malone bugs (how many is there again?) it likely wont be found.11:33
MidMarkjust to know: how many people counts motu?11:34
StevenK4,000 bugs for universe and multiverse11:34
MidMarkyes they are a lot11:35
StevenKAnd 59 people11:35
StevenKDo the math.11:35
MidMarkbut hey... none of 59 uses wxwidgets in Edgy :)11:35
dholbachsome of the are busier with their other lives as others too11:35
StevenKAnd we don't spend all of our time on bugs, or indeed on Ubuntu11:35
StevenKMost of us spend it on IRC.11:36
=== StevenK ducks.
MidMarkhey so stop wasting time here :)11:36
MidMark[joking] 11:36
=== dholbach is still unhappy about the motu meeting on friday night but shuts up
Hobbseedholbach: heh.  yes...  it's our saturday morning11:37
StevenKOh damn, what time?11:37
dholbach20 utc iirc11:37
MidMarkso I've to propose a debdiff for that bug or someone else will do?11:37
StevenK7am, I think11:38
Hobbseeyeah, 7am11:40
=== Hobbsee responds to the bug report out of annoyance.
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeMidMark: you or mlind, or someone else who wants to11:40
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@4-217.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeMidMark: FYI.  this is why it's hard to find bugs.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=patch&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=11:42
Hobbseeany of them could be like your bug.11:42
HobbseeMidMark: for ones with patches attached: 11:43
Hobbseed=&field.has_patch=on&field.tag=&field.has_no_package.used=&search=Search  89911:44
=== StevenK watches IRC turn to line noise.
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@titoph.planetemu.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Zic_ [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MidMarkHobbsee: I have understood, wxwidgets 2.8 were planned for feisty inclusion?11:50
Hobbseeno idea11:51
Hobbseedepends if anyone's merged it / packaged whatever new upstream versoin there is11:51
MidMarkso you are all/none maintainer of all universe/multiverse packages?11:52
HobbseeMidMark: there are no maintainers of universe/multiverse packages as such.11:53
MidMarkyes I mean: all motu can do all and nothing... there is no guarantee of nothing...11:53
=== jonh_wendell [n=wendell@ubuntu/member/wendell] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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HobbseeMidMark: yes, we can all modify anything in universe.  non-MOTU's can fix packages, give debdiffs, and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors for stuff in universe, so that a MOTU can look at their debdiff, and upload it11:54
StevenKMidMark: And to give you some idea, there are 9,236 source packages in Edgy in universe.11:55
MidMarkso 1/2 bug for every package :D11:55
StevenKWhich build into 15,131 binary packages11:55
HobbseeStevenK: where'd you find those numbers?11:56
=== StevenK grins
StevenKzgrep -c Package on Sources.gz and Packages.gz for i38611:56
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MidMarkHobbsee: anyway debdiff is very similar (say identical) to feisty fix...11:58
MidMarkstill one line...11:58
HobbseeMidMark: it doesnt matter, they still require SRU's.11:58
=== Hobbsee has had this argument with kopete before
=== mr_pouit [n=silk@LAubervilliers-151-12-125-187.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== MidMark like bugs votes like kde.org
StevenKKDE has people *vote* on bugs?12:00
StevenKOh geez12:00
HobbseeStevenK: yes, but they do nothing.12:01
StevenKHeh heh12:01
StevenKKDE, the votes, or the people? 12:01
=== StevenK smirks
HobbseeStevenK: well, if the dev doesnt see them, or doesnt like them, then they do nothing12:01
=== Hobbsee smacks StevenK
Hobbseeof course, they have proper maintainers there12:01
MidMarkanyway guys I understood all yours argue, I've listen all and took very seriously, but I don't like argue like: "I don't see the bug or I don't use this program then I don't want to fix it"12:03
MidMarkI think you have to understand that some programs are largely used by people... and wxwidgets (with amule) it is12:03
HobbseeMidMark: no one said that.12:04
HobbseeMidMark: it's not a case of no one wanting to - it's a case of no one who could upload actually *knowing* about the bug prior to 2 days ago.12:04
HobbseeStevenK: the votes do nothing.  duh12:04
MidMark[10:53]  <dholbach> maybe most of the developers don't use amule12:05
=== Zic_ [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeso you've interpolated that to say "so no one cares about it"12:05
Hobbseewhat dholbach meant was "maybe msot of hte devs dont use amule on edgy, so therefore havent seen the bug, nor been looking at the bugs for amule"12:05
MidMarkit can be12:05
MidMarkfeisty has the bug too... anyway ok I'm satisfied, hope that someone produce debdiff12:07
HobbseeMidMark: you said that it didnt12:07
Hobbseeand you'd better be that someone12:07
MidMarkI don't know even how to produce it12:07
Hobbseedidnt it tell you how to, in that SRU link?12:08
MidMarkyes I have to read also... :)12:08
MidMarkunderstand, try, test...12:08
MidMarkdebdiff is a cumulative patch for a source package?12:10
MidMarkcan I write me in the changelog?12:12
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aa_hi, our debian maintainer was wondering how and when you sync with debian, since debian is in some kind of freeze and we were wondering if we could push a deb directly to you guys in time for feisty12:32
aa_bug 42882 is the backdrop for this12:32
UbugtuMalone bug 42882 in pida "PIDA version in dapper is very old" [Medium,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4288212:32
aa_edgy version is pretty recent, but I want to keep up to date for feisty12:33
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Hobbseeaa_: everything's still autosyncing, as far as i'm aware12:37
Hobbseeaa_: there are some ubuntu changes - it will need to be looked at ,it wont be automatic12:38
Hobbseeaa_: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/pida/pida_0.3.1-2ubuntu2/changelog12:41
Hobbseeaa_: where's the debian source for that?  12:41
aa_Hobbsee: source for what, sorry I am not clever with debian stuff12:41
Hobbseeaa_: source for pida.  ubuntu takes sources, not debs12:42
aa_Hobbsee: oh I see12:43
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Hobbseeaa_: and when will that go into debian?12:47
aa_Hobbsee: but we have the same maintainer for ubuntu and debian, if that makes a difference12:47
aa_Hobbsee: well debian is in freeze12:47
Hobbseewhen does it unfreeze?12:48
aa_Shoragan: help me out here :)12:48
aa_Hobbsee: shorogan is our Debian maintainer12:48
Hobbseecool :)12:48
aa_he was unclear on the ubuntu rules/process so we decided to join here and ask you12:48
Hobbseesounds good to me :)12:49
aa_it's Friday, real work can wait til monday! Long live open source!12:49
ShoraganHobbsee, if i prepare a new package, can that go into ubuntu without going through debian first?12:51
HobbseeShoragan: sure, if you want to.  of course, it's easier if it goes thru debian12:51
=== Hobbsee wonders about just fudging the version number
ShoraganHobbsee, debian is currently in freeze for the etch release, so no new upstream version right now :)12:52
HobbseeShoragan: we've got a couple of changes in ubuntu from the debian package - seen at http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/p/pida/pida_0.3.1-2ubuntu2/changelog - if you could/want to incorporate them into your package, that would be great12:52
HobbseeShoragan: yeah, i figured as much.12:52
ShoraganHobbsee, sure, i'll do that12:53
Shoraganare there some diffs available already?12:54
HobbseeShoragan: if you prepare a source, and put it somewhere for uploading, we can upload it to ubuntu.  we could probably stick a debian version number on it as well, so the autosyncer will just keep syncing it, if hte package is exactly the same.  *puts down the evil crackpipe*.  12:54
Hobbseeas in, the patches from ubuntu?12:54
HobbseeShoragan: yep.  there are for all our packages (i think)  http://patches.ubuntu.com/p/pida/12:55
Shoraganok, thanks12:55
Hobbseenot a problem12:55
HobbseeShoragan: would you be about to push that into experimental, btw?12:55
=== Hobbsee isnt that clear on debian either
Hobbsee(seeing as sid is frozen)12:56
ShoraganHobbsee, that would be a possibility, i'll try to get that sponsored12:56
=== Hobbsee nods
Hobbseeyour choice of course.  but we can sync from there too.  :P12:56
Hobbseeif we dont have to look, then it will stay more or less at the debian version, without needing to be looked over, as long as the autosyncer is on - that's what i'm t rying for12:57
Shoraganwhen will the autosyncer be switched off before the release?12:58
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:58
Hobbseeupstream version freeze, which is...12:58
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule12:58
Hobbseefeb 812:58
Shoragannot December 21st?12:59
Hobbseeyou're right, i cant read12:59
Hobbseebah.  well, we can request syncs after that12:59
Shoraganok, so i'll push it to experimental, and you can pull from there01:00
Hobbseeas long as i actually remember to request it01:00
aa_excellent work chaps, my 7 users will be happy about that01:00
Hobbseehehe :)01:00
aa_oh wait, 7 including me, so that's 601:00
HobbseeShoragan: unless it's easier to upload the same source that you're about to put in debian01:00
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Shoragani'll have to look at the needed changes first01:01
=== Hobbsee merges sapphire
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sistpoty|unihi folks01:16
siretartcould some motu please look/sponsor the patch in bug #74133? (I'd do it myself, but I don't have a feisty chroot at hand)01:17
UbugtuMalone bug 74133 in gtetrinet "[SRU]  gtetrinet crashes on first startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7413301:17
siretartheyho sistpoty|uni :)01:17
sistpoty|unihi siretart :)01:17
siretartpalski: thank you for work on the sru requests. in general, could you please try to find a sponsor while the motu sru team processes your request? please don't expect the sru team members to sponsor you01:19
Hobbseehey sistpoty|uni 01:20
sistpoty|unihi Hobbsee 01:20
StevenKsiretart: That was my rule! :-P01:20
siretartStevenK: ;)01:21
sistpoty|unihi StevenK 01:21
sistpoty|unihey \sh 01:21
=== StevenK waves
=== jinty [n=jinty@177.Red-83-54-74.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseesiretart: ie, you want someone to upload that debdiff to edgy proposed?01:23
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siretartHobbsee: right01:25
=== ajmitch had better go to sleep
ajmitchso that I can get up for some meeting01:27
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Hobbseeyes, that would be useful...01:28
Hobbseeer...i'm an idiot01:30
Hobbseesiretart: where's the duncecap?01:30
Hobbseehey ubuntu_demon 01:31
=== siretart had to lookup duncecap in a dictionary ;)
Hobbseesiretart: the idiot-hat :P01:33
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Hobbseesiretart: tried to apply patch from package 1 to package 2.  it failed.01:35
Hobbseesiretart: uploaded01:35
siretartHobbsee: thanks01:36
Hobbseesiretart: not a problem01:36
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ubotubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.01:41
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StevenKsiretart: I agree with you, in regards to your comment at the end of bug 68467.02:11
UbugtuMalone bug 68467 in update-manager "restricted component lost from sources.list during upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6846702:11
palskisiretart, Hobbsee: thank you!02:11
StevenKsiretart: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/dist-u.html02:12
siretartStevenK: thats a cute idea :)02:15
StevenKIsn't it just. :-)02:15
StevenKMeans I downloaded pretty much all of Edgy in about 3 minutes.02:16
siretartIn the end, there should be some gui to configure your 'preferred' mirror. where 'preferred' is the fastest one, which is likely to be a custom/private one02:17
siretartthat gui is ideally accessible from update-manager. but I think mvo plans something like that anyway. I remember some spec about that02:17
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\shguys....who is doing the backports nowadays?02:27
Hobbsee\sh: jdong, imbrandon, mez02:28
siretart\sh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-backporters02:28
siretart\sh: the ppl of that group can authorize backport requests02:29
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palskiSRU Bug #73780 needs sponsors too, it already has three ACKs from motu-sru team02:34
UbugtuMalone bug 73780 in kdbus "[SRU]  kdbus (edgy)" [Low,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7378002:34
Hobbseepalski: i'll do it02:36
Hobbseepalski: done02:38
palskiHobbsee: thank you :)02:38
Hobbseenot a problem02:39
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
geserHobbsee: regarding bug #75871 please look at bug #7529402:44
UbugtuMalone bug 75871 in genpower "Please sync genpower (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7587102:44
UbugtuMalone bug 75294 in genpower "Please sync genpower from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7529402:44
Hobbseegeser: wah.  dupe it then, i must have checked the rest.02:46
Hobbseeoh blergh02:47
geserit looks like it needs a build-depend on sysvinit but I don't know if it's the right thing02:48
Hobbseeit cant02:51
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siretartsistpoty|uni: for easier SRU bugmail filtering, I just changed all bugs from https://bugs.launchpad.net/people/motu-sru/+subscribedbugs to have a description starting with [SRU] , so that we can filter those mail easier with procmail02:52
sistpoty|unisiretart: yay! thx02:54
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=== proppy hugs dholbach
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\shI wonder why courier is appearing on the universe merges list...*hmm*03:18
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=== dholbach hugs proppy back
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bddebianHeya gang03:43
sistpoty|unihi bddebian 03:49
bddebianHeya sistpoty|uni03:49
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imbrandonheya bddebian 04:17
bddebianHi imbrandon04:17
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giskardmotu meeting today at 20UTC right?04:24
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sistpoty|unigiskard: yep04:32
bddebiansistpoty|uni: Did you happen to get a chance to try libparagui again?04:33
sistpoty|unibddebian: yep, saw my comments?04:33
bddebianOh no, I'll check, thanks04:33
sistpoty|unibddebian: it was rejected for unstable, due to missing debian/copyright information04:34
bddebianYeah I was just reading that, thanks.  Hmm04:35
bddebianI hate dealing with licensing crap :-)04:35
sistpoty|unibddebian: watch out for zip file content as well ;)04:36
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=== Ash-Fox is absolutely baffled where they stuck the sunjava license file for the preinst script
=== rrittenhouse [n=tad@cpe-76-188-35-66.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jdongAsh-Fox: I think debconf is responsible for popping that up?04:46
=== kallewoof had that issue too, Ash-Fox.. In chrooted test-install it refuses to license itself. Ended up having to enter the chrooted environment and hackily mark the license as 'having been accepted' before it worked.
bddebianHow do I do that?  Name each specific file which carries the different license?04:48
Ash-Foxjdong, well, I do have access to the preinst script. It's just that I can't figure out where the license file is actually stored in the .deb file, as I'd like to use a similar popup agreement for specific package I'm packing that's full of legal issues :P04:48
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=== kallewoof realizes the issue is different :) The license is in the ... *checks*
kallewoofcontrol.tar.gz/templates file04:49
Ash-FoxWoh.. what the heck..04:50
CzessiHi, a MOTU has time for a 2nd review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=376504:50
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Ash-Foxkallewoof, thankyou very much04:50
kallewoofNP. :)04:50
Toadstoolgood morning !04:51
Toadstoolhey bddebian 04:51
sistpoty|unibddebian: yep, just name each file with a different license (and the license as well)04:52
sistpoty|unihi Toadstool 04:52
Toadstoolthere's a motu meeting today, right?04:52
Toadstoolhi sistpoty|uni 04:52
sistpoty|uniToadstool: right04:52
Toadstoolok, i'm at work but i'll try to take a look at what's going from time to time then :)04:53
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bddebiansistpoty|uni: Should I even do this since I have different package naming?04:56
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sistpoty|unibddebian: hm?04:58
sistpoty|unibddebian: in what way is the package name related to debian/copyright?04:59
cbx33bddebian: not still the same pacakge?04:59
bddebiansistpoty|uni: It's not, I mean my package name will be different that Debians05:00
nixternalhrmm..for a sync request, ubuntu sponsors for universe correct? why is Hobbsee's email address listed in there? 05:01
Toadstoolbddebian: you're packaging something which is already in Debian?05:01
bddebianToadstool: It's in the Debian NEW queue apparently05:01
sistpoty|unibddebian: maybe you should use the same source-package name as debian does (but the binary package name should stay that way)05:02
bddebiansistpoty|uni: Hmm, OK05:02
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=== Toadstool reads the backlog to avoid asking dumb questions
sistpoty|unibddebian: I guess this could've been another point (wrong shlibs name), why it was rejected from debian g05:02
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nixternalbug 7590905:03
UbugtuMalone bug 75909 in comix "[Sync Request]  Sync comix (3.6-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7590905:03
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gesernixternal: comix 3.6-1 is already in feisty05:06
nixternali am a retard05:07
=== nixternal goes and rejects his own stupidity :)
Admiral_Chicagoi'll mark that down nixternal05:08
gesernixternal: I assume u-u-s has hobbsee's e-mail because there is no ML for u-u-s yet and the e-mails need to go somewhere05:08
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nixternalahh, just never noticed it before i guess05:10
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geserme neither. I just looked because you mentioned it05:11
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nixternali should have known, i mean i seen that it was in edgy already (backported) and even seen the 3.6.1 changelog in changelog.ubuntu.com05:12
nixternal1 of 2 things, either not enough caffeine this morning, or possibly to much already05:13
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@108.92-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nixternalbug 7591005:35
UbugtuMalone bug 75910 in knemo "[Feisty MoM]  Merge knemo (0.4.6-1)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7591005:35
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bddebiannixternal: What about it? :-)05:38
bddebiannixternal: Can you please check your qucs on REVU also.  I think it's still got Edgy in there?05:41
\shok time to stop business and travel home05:41
bddebianLater \sh05:42
\shwill be home around 20 utc05:42
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nixternalbddebian: you can toss out the qucs on revu is you would like05:51
nixternalthat is quite old05:51
bddebiannixternal: What about schafkopf or whatever the heck that is? :-)05:53
nixternaltoss it..all them old ones can get thrown out05:54
sistpoty|unisiretart: still at uni?05:55
nixternalif there are new ones, i will work on them later...that schafkopf is some sort of favorite card game..never heard of it myself05:55
sistpoty|unii can play schafkopf :)05:57
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nixternali could probably learn it quicker than finding this "thomas the train" lego kit for my nephew06:03
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nixternalamazon is holding the toy hostage. $100 on amazon, and when it is in stock at local stores, $3006:12
elmargolis there a way so see every package who depends on a specific package?06:12
nixternalwasabi imbrandon 06:12
nixternalhows work?06:12
imbrandonbusy as hell today06:13
nixternalseems you have been busy as hell..i haven't seen a dew run in a while ;p06:13
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palskicrimsun_: ping06:20
bddebiannixternal: koverartist, kxstitch? :-)06:21
nixternalrm -rf um06:22
nixternalthose were all edgy packages i believe...or they can stay and i can put some newones up for feisty, unless they can go through a sync or merge06:22
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siretartsistpoty|uni: I just returned home, and left a few minutes before you pinged me :)06:27
sistpoty|unisiretart: ah... was just needing a short break, that's why I asked06:28
zorglu_q. in the debian/control file, there is a line called "section:", what are the possible value of this field ? is there some keyword i could use to get the possible alternatives ?06:33
Adri2000I'm updating a package to the last upstream version (grisbi), because it seems a bit abandoned in debian... there are some minor bugs (such as typo in the description) reported in the debian bts, can I fix them while updating the package to the last upstream version?06:35
Adri2000zorglu_: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections06:35
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zorglu_a package name is not allowed to contains a '_' ?06:47
zorglu_like foo_bar.deb ?06:47
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Adri2000zorglu_: I don't think so, never seen such a package name06:50
zorglu_ok, what is the standard procedure in this case ? to replace it by a '-' ?06:50
siretartzorglu_: no. it is not allowed. the '_' is reserved for separating package name, revision and architecture06:50
siretartzorglu_: wpa_supplicant e.g. is named 'wpasupplicant'06:50
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zorglu_ok thanks 06:51
siretartusing '-' and '+' is fine, however. consider this: dvd+rw-tools06:51
zorglu_ok so '-' will do :)06:52
dholbachmruiz: after you installed pbuilder you can change its configuration to use universe also - that's in /etc/pbuilderrc, then you run sudo pbuilder create06:55
dholbachmruiz: that should basically be it06:55
dholbachmruiz: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto has more information about that06:56
mruizgreat dholbach 06:56
dholbachmruiz: but of course, feel free to ask whenever you need anything06:56
dholbachmruiz: you don't have to use it always - it's just great if you use it if you package something new, because it will help you to determine if the package builds in a minimal environment06:56
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mruizdholbach: you told me about Merge & Sync... I'm reading MOTU school tutorial about M&S  -> "You'll also find it useful to go ahead and create a scratch directory (like /tmp/merges/) and install the 'build-essential', 'devscripts', 'cdbs', 'dpatch', and 'fakeroot' packages using apt-get/aptitude/dselect/synaptic/adept." No problem with Ubuntu version that I use?07:05
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dholbachit's of course better to use feisty and be able to test merges in a real life example07:06
dholbachbut you can in some cases do that in a chroot also07:06
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dholbachand in the beginning your uploads will get reviewed, so there wouldn't be much harm07:06
dholbachstill it's better to work with the development version - but that's a decision I leave up to you07:06
Zic_sistpoty|uni: hi :) Apparently, you are in your university so you can't help me with menareants :p If you can take a look on its when you can, beacause I'm not always here when you are in your home :>07:07
zul meeting in 2 hours isnt it?07:07
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dholbachzul: yes07:09
GloubiboulgaI won't be able to make it finally :(07:10
siretartdo we have a channel for desktop effects? /me just tries out compiz on his fresh feisty workstation :)07:10
jdongthough it's not really official07:10
jdongit's mostly the beryl guys hanging out there07:11
jdongthough quite helpful nontheless07:11
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crimsun_palski: contentless pong07:13
palskicrimsun_: Hi, I just wanted to make sure that did you mean 0.8.3-0ubuntu3.1~proposed1 or 0.8.3-0ubuntu3~proposed107:15
palskitalking about the SRU07:15
crimsun_palski: what's the current version?07:15
crimsun_(in the release pocket)07:16
crimsun_then 0.8.3-0ubuntu3.1~proposed107:16
palskiok, thanks07:16
=== bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsun_0.8.3-0ubuntu3~proposed1 would be less than 0.8.3-0ubuntu3, which is in the repos.07:16
palskii see07:17
crimsun_you can always use dpkg --compare-versions and check the return value07:18
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kallewoofcrimsun_: *waves* I think I've fixed the things you mentioned yesterday. I was unsure if I should wait around for you or if I should ask just anyone to re-check the REVU submission. 07:20
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crimsun_kallewoof: any other MOTU can07:21
kallewoofcrimsun_: Cool.07:22
=== kallewoof waves at MOTUs. Anyone feel like reviewing? :D http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3784
zorglu_q. for a non official tool, what is the proper /bin directory ? /usr/bin ? /usr/local/bin ?07:24
=== sistpoty|uni plays "find the segfault"
sistpoty|uniarg! it's somewhere in between 30000 lines of code07:25
mruizdholbach: are you using Feisty?07:25
superm1crimsun_, would you have a moment to ack the ivtv-firmware on Revu?07:25
imbrandonsistpoty|uni: actualy its probably inbetween 2 lines of code but you just havent narrowed it down that far yet07:25
=== imbrandon ducks
dholbachmruiz: yes07:26
dholbachmruiz: i think most of the people use it here07:26
sistpoty|uniimbrandon: properly it's even only 1 line, but I haven't found that one yet :(07:26
imbrandonsistpoty|uni: :)07:26
mruizdholbach: what is the best way to upgrade my Edgy?07:28
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crimsun_zorglu_: anywhere you'd like. In terms of debs, it shouldn't touch /usr/local.07:30
zorglu_crimsun_: ok thanks07:30
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crimsun_superm1: I'd look at the last lintian warning, but otherwise it looks ok07:35
jdongcrimsun_: you know if there's a reason the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=risky for ffmpeg doesn't --enable-x264?07:36
superm1crimsun_, that warning is because the license is so lengthy07:36
superm1from what i gather07:36
superm1i dont really know how to get around it07:36
dholbachmruiz: probably   "gksu update-manager -c -d"  if mvo enabled it already07:38
crimsun_superm1: the b-d-i one?07:40
crimsun_jdong: note the source component.07:41
crimsun_jdong: it would be madness to ship x264 support in ffmpeg -and- in x264. The former lies in universe, the latter, in multiverse. What would the point of the latter be?07:43
jdongcrimsun_: DBO=risky turns on several multiverse flags anyway07:43
jdongcrimsun_: like lame encoding, xvid, etc07:43
jdongjust not x26407:43
crimsun_right, if you want it, please submit that bug 07:43
jdongcrimsun_: ffmpeg can transcode a divx AVI to a h264+AAC mp4 in one fell swoop07:43
jdongthat's the main difference for me07:43
crimsun_it won't make any difference anyway, since we don't enable it07:43
jdongcrimsun_: it makes it easier for those who rebuild their ffmpeg in that way :)07:44
superm1crimsun_, the one i knew about was : W: ivtv-firmware: too-long-extended-description-in-templates ivtv/present-hauppauge-eu-v107:44
jdongcrimsun_: also, would it be possible to have a ffmpeg-multiverse variant too?07:44
crimsun_superm1: no, "W: ivtv-firmware source: build-depends-without-arch-dep"07:44
jdonghave the two mutually conflict each other07:44
crimsun_jdong: oh god.07:45
jdongthe ability for ffmpeg to deal with multiverse codecs is indispensible to video player owners07:45
jdongcrimsun_: for example, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iPodVideoEncoding07:46
crimsun_and it would completely skew what slomo and siretart worked so hard to do in breezy.07:46
jdongI'd like that to go away07:46
jdongnamely the "sudo checkinstall -D make install" part :D07:46
crimsun_having multiple copies of the same source is -insane-07:46
jdongI'm sorry to hear that07:46
crimsun_ffmpeg will likely see another CVE07:47
jdongwhy are we so insistent on ffmpeg in universe though?07:47
superm1crimsun_, oh i didn't notice that... i'll get that fixed07:47
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siretartjdong: I'm working on getting ffmpeg in main. 07:47
crimsun_jdong: because a fair number of apps are useless without it.07:47
jdongNovell/Redhat seem to believe all the mpeg2+ codecs are under patent lockdown anyway :(07:47
jdongso does ffmpeg with its ability to decode mpeg4 belong in universe/main?07:48
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crimsun_if it does, likely no.07:48
siretartjdong: what do you want to do with an multiverse-ffmpeg anyway? link it to existing applications? or link it to other multiverse applications? or 'just' use the command line utilities?07:48
jdongsiretart: to use the commandline07:49
jdongsiretart: for encoding video to the media player I'm getting soon07:49
jdongit's either a single ffmpeg command or a series of 5-6 other commands with an alternate method07:49
jdongI'd rather have the former07:49
jdongand not by our official howto which recommends checkinstallling a package07:50
siretartI could imagine a source package in multiverse, which downloads the 'main' source package, applies some patches to it, and install the ffmpeg binaries in a debian binary package07:51
jdongthat'd be cool07:52
siretartobviously, this won't work if you want to enable existing applications to use the new codecs. for the commandline utilities, this would/could work.07:52
jdongbtw, http://en.opensuse.org/Restricted_Formats07:52
jdongfor your viewing pleasure....07:52
jdong"DVDs are encoded in mpeg2-video, for which there is no support in the current SUSE Linux OSS release, due to the mpeg2 format being patent-encumbered by its owners, Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).The patent holder is unwilling to offer an unrestricted patent grant, as required by the GPL. "07:52
jdongthey seem to strongly believe all the mpeg* video codecs are patent-protected07:52
jdongSUSE's xine that ships with the OS is stripped of all decoding abilities except raw AVI's, vorbis, and theora07:53
jdongnot even their non-OSS component opens that up07:53
jdongit only adds MP3 support via realplayer07:53
siretartjdong: hm. ubuntu does not seem to have problems with shipping mpeg2 DECODERS. up to now, only encoders of the mpeg variant codecs are denied07:54
jdongsiretart: right, that's what we've been doing at least... though Novell camp seems to think very differently?07:54
jdongperhaps it's a USA-specific thing?07:54
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crimsun_fwiw, novell is likely correct in the usa.07:55
siretartjdong: I think that there is big confusion in the workd07:55
jdongcrimsun_: I agree with that07:55
siretartconsider the patents.txt in ffmpeg. there have been some codecs already disabled07:55
siretartin the ffmpeg source package, that is07:55
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crimsun_cya sistpoty|uni 08:08
plugwashredhat and suse are more paranoid than most08:08
plugwashprobablly understandable given thier corporate nature08:09
jdongplugwash: that's because they do serious linux business in the US?08:09
jdongplugwash: and they'd be most likely targeted by legal action...08:09
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jdongplugwash: in contrast MEPIS in the US just blatantly ships every restricted thing possible08:10
jdongincluding w32codecs08:10
jdongthey just simply added PLF repos to their product08:10
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AnAntanyone knows what libieee.a is for ?08:13
crimsun_presuming it's from libieee1284-3-dev ...08:14
Adri2000I'm updating a package, should I update the version of debhelper (in depends) ?08:15
Adri2000currently it's debhelper (>> 3.0.0)08:15
crimsun_if you have a reason to, sure08:15
zorglu_jdong: just reading the page, i never though about the kernel module with propriatary license. but it is clearly against gpl :) aka illegal08:15
crimsun_if it's a merge from Debian, it'll be kinda pointless08:15
zorglu_fun that i never realized that08:15
crimsun_if it's your own package, then making it standards-compliant to the latest policy is a Good Thing08:16
jdongzorglu_: that's still pretty under debate right now :)08:16
Adri2000crimsun_: the package is grisbi, and it seems abandoned in debian, so I'm updating it to the last upstream version08:16
jdongzorglu_: but yeah, they tend to set the standards on legal strictness08:16
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zorglu_jdong: well i really dont see what kind of debate could happen. gpl is 'if you link against code in gpl, the linked code become gpl' so if you either it is illegal to link or the propriatary driver should be gpled.08:17
crimsun_'morning ajmitch 08:18
zorglu_jdong: i dont say we should stop doing it :) but this is clearly illegal :) exactly like the mp3 thing :)08:18
gnomefreakmorning ajmitch 08:18
jdongzorglu_: linus posted something about it... how he doesn't believe non-GPL module == derived_work08:18
ctrlsoft'morning ajmitch08:18
Adri2000crimsun_: what should I do with that? I already updated standards-version (was 3.5.x), is it right?08:18
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zorglu_jdong: if so, there is no difference between gpl and lgpl ?08:19
crimsun_Adri2000: to >= 3.7.2 ?08:19
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jdongzorglu_: IANAL, IANAKD08:19
Adri2000crimsun_: yep 3.7.208:19
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crimsun_Adri2000: just check Policy and make sure it's compliant08:19
Adri2000hmm, there is no debian/compat08:21
Adri2000and W: grisbi source: package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version 308:21
crimsun_'debhelper (>> 3.0.0)' would do that, yes08:23
crimsun_(also check debian/rules)08:23
Adri2000export DH_COMPAT=3 <-- I have to replace that with debian/compat right?08:25
crimsun_either make sure it matches what's in debian/co{mpat,ntrol}, or remove it 08:25
Adri2000there is no debian/compat and debian/control says debhelper >> 3.0.008:26
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superm1crimsun_, I re-uploaded with that lintian warning resolved08:27
crimsun_if you're going to update it to 5, then just remove it completely, adjust debian/control, and echo 5>>debian/compat08:27
crimsun_> , rather. Having trouble typing.08:28
zorglu_jdong: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rgooch/linux/docs/licensing.txt <- linus on the gpl and linking. he is clearly no lawer :)08:30
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jdongzorglu_:  :)08:31
crimsun_superm1: 08:34
crimsun_  ivtv-firmware_0.20061007_source.changes: done.08:34
crimsun_Successfully uploaded packages.08:34
crimsun_superm1: thanks for your work!08:34
bddebianw00t, crimsun_ is DA MAN08:34
crimsun_bddebian: not nearly a fourth of what you are!08:34
siretartjdong: crimsun_: slomo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionFFmpeg <- please read and comment on it08:34
=== siretart dinner
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superm1thanks crimsun_ awesome.  Now just cross my fingers that archive admins like the licensing :)08:35
minghuameeting in half an hour, right?08:36
crimsun_minghua: yes08:36
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minghuacrimsun_: thanks and hello :-)08:37
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bddebiancrimsun_: Oh BS :)08:39
crimsun_minghua: &hi; 08:39
jdongsiretart: ok, I've submitted my "concern"... IANAL by any means08:40
jdongalso I'm not sure if I was supposed to use the Reviewers section08:40
jdongon second thought that looks like it's for the deities08:40
jdongsorry :)08:40
crimsun_superm1: (he's on vacation until jan)08:42
superm1crimsun_, is there anyone acking stuff sitting in binary new for dapper's backports then while he is away?08:42
crimsun_sure, I suspect tollef/colin/scott08:43
crimsun_it would be a bad idea to ping 'em, though08:43
superm1k. 08:43
zorglu_jdong: http://uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0312.1/0697.html <- if you are interested by the subject, this emails makes it point a lot clearer than the previous one08:45
jdongsuperm1: the archive deities do that08:46
jdongsuperm1: apparently now they'll get cranky if I poke them, so I haven't dared08:46
superm1jdong, i see...08:46
superm1jdong, libiec has been sitting for like 10 days, so i wasnt really sure if i should poke around about it08:47
crimsun_(it's poor manners to poke them to process queues, since they have to do it anyway)08:47
jdongsuperm1: I understand; I'm assuming they're busy with other stuff08:47
jdongsuperm1: (the approved backports queue hasn't been processed for that long either)08:48
superm1jdong, yea. well it will get in eventually, thats all that matters :)08:48
jdongsuperm1: I hope so :)08:48
jdongsuperm1: it's better than the 5-month wait in breezy/dapper-cycle :D08:48
jdongso I ain't complainin08:48
superm1hehe yup08:48
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proppydamn, the macbook keymap makes me mad08:53
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=== sistpoty is out for a fast cigarette, before the meeting starts
bddebianOh shit, the meeting..08:58
nixternalmeeting time08:59
sistpotydamn, no cigarette (too late), but at least a coffee :)09:01
nixternalis it possible to sync/merge from debian experimental? or is that a bad idea? kvpnc has a new upstream that closes every bug on malone (5 of them)09:11
bddebianI've done it in the past09:12
nixternalok, it can't hurt to request it i guess09:12
nixternalwhat's the worse that could happen, reject the bug? hell i had to reject one of my own earlier :)09:13
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siretartdoes anyone have the link to the motu council spec?09:19
imbrandonhrm when is the meeting ?09:21
imbrandon~30 minutes ?09:21
sistpotyit's now09:21
ajmitchimbrandon: yes, right now09:21
imbrandoncan you give me a qick run down on what topic we're on and whats been said ?09:22
imbrandonjusta  little summery09:22
ajmitchmotu council, nothing beyond what was said at UDS09:23
ajmitchapart from the term limits coming up09:23
zorglu_q. is there any doc on all the abreviation used in #ubuntu-meeting ? (just trying to understand what is being said)09:24
nixternalTB == tech board09:24
nixternalUDS == ubuntu developer summit (speaking of mt. view this round)09:24
nixternalCC == community council of course09:24
zorglu_ok thanks09:25
nixternali think those are the main ones that have been slung around in the past 10 or so minutes09:25
zorglu_btw you guys may learn to type faster and avoid those abreviation :)09:25
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LaserJockhmm, is the meeting over?09:45
nixternaljust in time (45 minutes late, but still in time)09:45
ajmitchLaserJock: we're on item 2 of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings09:47
LaserJockajmitch: thanks09:49
LaserJockhow did the first item go?09:49
ajmitchit went09:50
ajmitchit wasn't really something to agree on, more just clarifying what is there09:50
nixternali must admit, as it stands for someone really new to this whole ordeal we call MOTU, revu is probably easier than bazaar09:52
nixternalbut i like the bazaar idea though..it allows more involvement (means i can break it and make you mad at me)09:52
=== AstralJava [n=jokitalo@cm-087-94-053-172.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1nixternal, with the way bzr would work, i think there would still be an area of LP for revuing - you'd upload your branch into a common directory -  so you cant break it all and make everyone mad :)09:55
LaserJockyou can break other people's packages though09:56
nixternaloh darn ;p09:56
nixternaloh good09:56
nixternalif you can break other peoples packages, that would be pretty scary09:56
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LaserJockbut they are likely to be already broken so you have like a 50/50 chance of actually fixing instead09:56
siretartdo we have a sobby server somewhere so that we can share the minutes?09:56
nixternalsiretart: share them on the ml?09:57
nixternalor the wiki09:57
siretartnixternal: way too synchronous09:57
siretartI'd specifically asked for gobby09:57
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nixternalthere were some open canonical sobby servers at one time10:00
nixternalfor uds, don't know if they stayed open, but i think they did because they use them i believe for the weekly newsletter10:00
ajmitchdon't let the minutes block on 1 person :)10:02
nixternalbug 75930 - can someone look at this sync request - im sure i messed up something10:04
UbugtuMalone bug 75930 in kvpnc "[Sync Request]  Please sync kvpnc (0.8.7) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7593010:04
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LaserJockso merges got blown over?10:07
ajmitchLaserJock: yep10:07
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=== Toadstool sneaks into the meeting
Adri2000what's wrong with the idea of a box for each package in MoM to let a note saying "I'm working on it" / "this merge can't be done yet due to a problem with..." ?10:10
ajmitchAdri2000: there needs to be some way of getting that data onto the merge page10:11
LaserJockbecause Scott hasn't written that in :-)10:11
ajmitchsee LaserJock's reply ^^ :)10:11
LaserJockI don't see why it would be so hard to do for us10:11
LaserJockwe really should set up something like a MOTU Package Page10:11
LaserJockwhere there is a page/ package that has notes, tasks, etc.10:12
LaserJockthen we could data mine that for lists10:12
Toadstoollike an enhanced packages.qa.debian.org?10:12
LaserJockbut then I feel like LP should be able to do this10:12
ajmitchLaserJock: sure, someone just has to do it :)10:14
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bddebianDamn I feel so disconnected anymore :'-(10:34
siretartI'm currently preparing minutes of the meeting. I'll paste my draft to paste.debian.net soon. could please some native speaker look over it, correct some spelling and post it to the mailing list?10:35
bddebianajmitch: Just having a hard time keeping up with everything with my work schedule :-(10:35
ajmitchsiretart: sure10:37
crimsun_oh geez, nick highlights all over irssi10:39
crimsun_siretart: seconded.10:39
minghuabddebian: are you doing merge for svk?  if not I want to do it10:41
bddebianminghua: Can't be done waiting on libsvn-perl afair10:41
siretartajmitch: crimsun_: http://paste.debian.net/1846510:41
minghuaI see10:41
siretartbeware, I really suck at english spelling10:41
minghuause a spellchecker? ;-)10:42
ajmitchsiretart: from irc, I wouldn't know that you're not a native speaker :)10:42
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crimsun_siretart: looks good, http://paste.debian.net/1846610:45
LaserJockok, I'm off guys. I'll read the logs and follow up on ML10:46
bddebianLater LaserJock10:46
crimsun_siretart: (just a minor correction (removal of CC from MC decision per Colin's clarification)10:46
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=== joejaxx is wondering why the locale packages for ubuntu are pulling openoffice
bddebianminghua: You are certainly free to do it though10:47
crimsun_joejaxx: if you meant langpacks instead, follow the Dep/Rec chain10:48
joejaxxcrimsun_: yeah10:48
minghuabddebian: I trust you, I just thought you didn't have time10:48
minghuasee, that's the reason we need a comment system for merges10:49
joejaxxcrimsun_: too bad i am not going to be able to use the ubuntu langpack metapackages10:49
pirasthi, i want to fix klogic.. in the documentation of it, pictures are missing.. do you have any starting point?10:49
pirastwhere to start fixing it?10:49
ajmitchsiretart: made a couple of other corrections10:49
pirastor where to have alook?10:49
crimsun_joejaxx: e.g., language-pack-en-base Recommends language-support-en, which pulls in the OO.o bits10:50
joejaxxcrimsun_: yeah10:50
siretartajmitch: since you seem to have incorporated crimsun_'s change, I think we can post your version. shall you or I post it?10:50
joejaxxcrimsun_: which means i am not going to be able to use the ubuntu language pack/support meta packages10:50
ajmitchsiretart: you can post it10:51
joejaxxcrimsun_: this should be interesting10:51
bddebianminghua: Trusting me if your first mistake ;-P10:52
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joejaxxcrimsun_: kind of ridiculous thought10:53
joejaxxcrimsun_: they pull openoffice-writer10:53
joejaxxcrimsun_: which explains why i had that on my xubuntu install10:54
siretartajmitch: sent10:55
siretartajmitch: crimsun_: thanks for proof reading10:55
ajmitchmy pleasure :)10:55
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ajmitchhello Amaranth 10:55
crimsun_siretart: yw :)11:00
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minghuabddebian: s/if/is/ ?  I'll check it later when I have more time :-)11:05
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sistpotysiretart: eeek, now we have FF on february 8th?11:07
siretartsistpoty: eeh? did I get something wrong?11:08
sistpotysiretart: actually I thought we'd align everything except FF (new packages) to main... or did I miss that?11:08
bddebianLater gators11:09
siretartsistpoty: oh. I must have missed that. please clarify as followup. sorry for the confusion11:09
sistpotysiretart: let me read backlog again, I guess I just missed that11:09
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pirastokay, found it..11:10
pirastanother question, the dhelper and so on add "martin@localhost" in fields where my e-mail adress is required. where can i change it?11:11
sistpotysiretart: well... the decision (at least as I read it) was to discuss the dates on u-d-discuss... 11:13
Toadstoolpirast: with DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME environment variables I guess11:13
pirastToadstool, thanks11:14
siretartsistpoty: okay. my bad. could you please clarify as followup?11:15
sistpotysiretart: ok, will do11:15
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sistpotyStevenK: around? I still need a vote for #72951 :)11:22
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dholbachgood night fellas11:24
crimsun_night Daniel11:26
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dholbachnight Daniel11:26
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FujitsuIs it just me, or are Debian tasks in Malone now stuffed?11:31
Adri2000Fujitsu: stuffed?11:36
FujitsuYeah, have a look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/46456 for example.11:36
UbugtuMalone bug 46456 in x10-automate "Upstream | x10 ships no .desktop file" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  11:36
FujitsuStatus: Status tracked in11:37
Adri2000oh yeah, it's new11:37
crimsun_result of new LP build, perhaps?11:37
FujitsuDon't they only release on Tuesdays? I'm sure I've checked since then....11:38
Adri2000Fujitsu: but what "stuffed" mean?11:38
FujitsuAdri2000: Stuffed, as in it provides no useful information at all.11:38
crimsun_fscked, broken, cracked, etc.11:38
FujitsuWhat crimsun_ said.11:38
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Adri2000ah yeah, all debian bugs are "Status tracked in" and they shouldn't11:42
Adri2000I thought it was only because the bug watch was added recently11:42
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pirastcould anyone please merge the debdiff in bug 75937?11:47
UbugtuMalone bug 75937 in klogic "klogic's help images are not being shown" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7593711:47
TheMusoWhy does LP have to have a constant change in bug reporting interface?11:49
crimsun_keeps us on our toes.11:49
TheMusoDamn right11:49
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pirastTheMuso, maybe because it is not perfect yet ;-)11:49
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TheMusoSo am I right in understanding that eventually, instead of putting new packages on revu for inclusion, bzr branches will be used instead? Or have I interpreted incorrectly?11:51
sistpotyTheMuso: correct11:51
TheMusoMakes sense.11:52
TheMusoAlthough I do wonder about any new MOTU hopefuls as to whether they like that idea or not, and thus may not contribute.11:53
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crimsun_revu won't be deprecated immediately from what I understand.11:53
crimsun_pirast: done.11:54
pirastcrimsun_, thanks..11:55
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joejaxxcrimsun_: the first images just built lol the boot :)12:06
joejaxxthey boot*12:06
joejaxxeverything works12:07
joejaxxyou login and up comes the environment12:07
joejaxxcrimsun_: i still have to build the powerpc images12:07
joejaxxi am waiting for those machines to upgrade to edgy first though12:07
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joejaxxcrimsun_: for some reason the edgy/feisty fluxbuntu images are 60mb bigger than the dapper ones that will have to be fixed12:10
joejaxxor 50mb rather12:10
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