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jldugger-tablet | how's feisty looking atm? usable? | 03:06 |
Burgundavia | jldugger-tablet: yes | 03:06 |
jldugger-tablet | seems either the latest edgy kernel update or the alsa module upgrade screwed up audio recently | 03:06 |
jldugger-tablet | err | 03:06 |
jldugger-tablet | my alsa upgrade, not the upgrade | 03:07 |
jldugger-tablet | trying to decide whether to upgrade or keep edgy and fix alsa | 03:07 |
jldugger-tablet | more like "un fix" | 03:07 |
jldugger-tablet | since the whole point was to get jack sense working and that appeared to have failed | 03:08 |
jldugger-tablet | [17179585.560000] snd_timer: disagrees about version of symbol snd_info_register | 03:08 |
jldugger-tablet | i tried apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic but it persists =/ | 03:09 |
jldugger-tablet | where does alsa hide? | 03:09 |
jldugger-tablet | maybe i'll just upgrade and see if that samba + gstreamer thing is fixed | 03:10 |
jldugger-tablet | Burgundavia, hmm. the #ubuntu+1 topic kinda indicates the opposite =/ | 03:18 |
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Whoopie | Hi, anybody here who own a ThinkPad T43 or R52? We, some users from ##ibmthinkpad, are interested if we could enable AHCI mode with a modded BIOS. And perhaps, you have some experience. | 10:27 |
mdke | I have a T43 | 10:27 |
mdke | a T43-1871, to be precise | 10:28 |
mdke | no idea what you're talking about though, sadly | 10:28 |
Whoopie | ah, nice. The T43/R52 has an ICH6M SATA controller. It supports AHCI mode or "compatibility mode". AHCI uses the ahci kernel module, the other one ata_piix. | 10:29 |
mdke | right | 10:29 |
Whoopie | for newer TPs like T60, it's possible to switch theses modes in BIOS. But not at the T43/R52. | 10:29 |
mdke | not sure which is mine | 10:29 |
mjg59 | In theory, you can | 10:29 |
mjg59 | But there's no real reason to | 10:30 |
Whoopie | no? I thought, AHCI has better power management. | 10:30 |
mdke | my battery life is terrible these days. dunno if it has just got worse with Edgy, or if the battery is running out | 10:31 |
mjg59 | No, the available chip capabilities are pretty much identical | 10:31 |
mjg59 | mdke: Your machine is decently old by now? | 10:31 |
mdke | mjg59: relatively yeah. is it a year and a half since I got it? | 10:32 |
mdke | something like that | 10:32 |
mdke | it's had good use as well | 10:32 |
jldugger | mdke, at least on edgy, gnome's power time estimation doesn't seem very linear | 10:32 |
jldugger | despite there being a VERY linear graph of charge vs time | 10:33 |
mdke | ah. Well, tbh, with these gpm icons, I have never got a clue where my battery is at, until it's about to fail | 10:33 |
Burgundavia | jldugger: that is likely due to ACPI reporting its charge left in a bogus manner | 10:33 |
Burgundavia | mdke: you are not the only who finds the icon confusing | 10:33 |
mdke | the question I'd ask is if there is someone who doesn't find em confusing | 10:33 |
jldugger | i thought the bat stat monitor came with an optional time? | 10:34 |
Burgundavia | bat stat !- gpm | 10:34 |
jldugger | it would probably better though to have green till halfway, orange for under half till some critical battery | 10:34 |
mdke | is a year and a half considered about time for the battery to start wearing out? | 10:35 |
jldugger | mdke, how long is the battery lasting | 10:35 |
jldugger | ? | 10:35 |
mdke | about an hour, i guess. not really sure | 10:35 |
Burgundavia | gpm can you tell total charge and reference charge | 10:36 |
Burgundavia | or, at least, it could | 10:36 |
mdke | oh wow, cool | 10:36 |
mdke | I'll have to do some testing | 10:36 |
Burgundavia | appears to have vanished in .17 | 10:36 |
jldugger | i vaguely recall there being a report of battery status uner "information" | 10:37 |
jldugger | with things like total mAh or whatever the unit is | 10:37 |
mdke | btw, mjg59, have you got a couple of minutes? | 10:37 |
Burgundavia | yes, but that appears to have vanished | 10:38 |
jldugger | maybe they decided ACPI was lying | 10:39 |
jldugger | ;) | 10:39 |
jldugger | in too many cases | 10:39 |
Whoopie | mjg59: what's the benefit of AHCI then? | 10:39 |
mjg59 | Nothing terribly specific | 10:40 |
Burgundavia | mdke: ah, right, left click on the battery icon and choose your battery | 10:43 |
mdke | Burgundavia: nothing happens | 10:43 |
Burgundavia | should get a notifcation icon with the information | 10:43 |
mdke | no | 10:44 |
mdke | right click, power history, looks interesting though | 10:45 |
jldugger | Burgundavia, edgy or feisty? | 10:46 |
Burgundavia | feisty | 10:46 |
Burgundavia | left click | 10:46 |
jldugger | im thinking he doesnt have feisty | 10:46 |
jldugger | given that he complained about edgy in particular | 10:46 |
Burgundavia | jldugger: his blog said he just upgraded | 10:46 |
mdke | I get the battery if I left click, but selecting it does nothing | 10:47 |
jldugger | ok then. /me notes to check planet more often in the future | 10:47 |
mdke | another one not reading my blog | 10:47 |
mdke | they are everywhere | 10:47 |
Burgundavia | file a bug then | 10:48 |
Burgundavia | it should be giving you a notification window | 10:48 |
mdke | noted | 10:48 |
mdke | brb | 10:48 |
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