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elkbuntuok this is not good12:52
somerville32What is not good?12:53
elkbuntuthere's marketing team meeting in 7 minutes12:53
elkbuntui see no burgundavia or even madpilot12:53
somerville32I'm here!12:53
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
tonyyarussospeak of half the devils.12:56
elkbuntuhe is alive!12:56
somerville32Lets do roll call?12:56
Burgundaviawe meeting in -meeting?12:57
elkbuntudude, where have you been?12:57
elkbuntuBurgundavia, not a clue12:57
Burgundaviabusy with work12:57
Burgundaviageez, I have only bee missing for 2 days12:57
Burgundaviayou would think the world had ended12:57
=== elkbuntu pouts
somerville32UWN 25 didn't get released.12:58
poningruso are we doing it here or -meeting?12:58
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: Well, traditionally on the third day search parties are dispatched I think.12:58
=== somerville32 nods.
Burgundaviasomerville32: realize that12:58
somerville32lol, doh12:59
somerville32Of course you do12:59
=== somerville32 slaps his forehead.
poningrumeeting or here?12:59
Burgundaviawe have a jenda?01:00
elkbuntuim starting to wonder01:00
=== jenda_ [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
somerville32He did a time checker earlier01:00
somerville32Speak of the devil!01:00
tonyyarussoNow we just gotta talk about Madpilot a bit01:01
elkbuntui think that answers the jenda question01:02
Burgundaviatonyyarusso: my brother will follow my lead :)01:02
=== jenda apologises, but is very tired at this late hour
jendaI'll do my best not to fall asleep on the keyboard and yckgrdxchb all over #ubuntu-meeting ;)01:24
=== beuno changes his name to yckgrdxchb so he gets notified ;D
jendalol ;)01:26
Burgundaviajenda: we will get to you next, so can leave if needed01:32
jendaNo problem at all.01:33
jendadanbuch929: next step on the roadmap: case studies.01:42
danbuch929how now?01:42
danbuch929for tonight's "ajenda" ?01:42
jendacould even do it before the HOWTOs, or at the same time - as in 'look what has been achieved elsewhere'...01:42
danbuch929right on - in the "spread it" section?01:43
jendawell, we will probably end up restructuring, anyway :)01:43
danbuch929precisely :-D01:43
jendaBut yes - basically, teh spread it section is the only one I plan to work on any time soon ;)01:44
=== beuno thinks that he wil habe to talk to Dan on monday to re-focus
jendaif you mean in contrast to the 'get/see/try' sections, too - as they are probably redundant.01:44
danbuch929gotcha - this is where I'm hoping we can take advantage of wordpress01:44
danbuch929jenda: yes, indeed01:44
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o jenda] by ChanServ
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beunodan, these cases where what I had in mind when choosing wordpress   :D01:45
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danbuch929beuno: exshellent ;-)01:45
jendabeuno: not a great idea throwing your email addy in a publically logged chan ;)01:45
jendasid: ubuntuvideo.cob01:46
jendacom, even01:46
beunojenda, I know, but I get so much spam already for the address itself I reccon it won't be much of a difference...01:46
jendaI follow that line of thought often, as well.01:46
elkbuntusid, how about you just let me finish the process01:47
jendaelkbuntu: some sort of status update would be nice, though :)01:47
beunodan, any progress on FTP access?01:47
danbuch929beuno: jenda and I have been playing ping tag :-)01:48
elkbuntujenda, if i say 'ive been working on them' i get another flurry of people pinging and emailing me, and any progress stops01:48
danbuch929jenda: can we talk briefly after the meeting about FTP access to diy.devubuntu.com?  (yes, I know it's late for you :-)  )01:49
jendafor technical reasons, we can only have one account to share.01:49
=== beuno has to leave in a few minutes
=== jenda delegated the responsibility of entrusting you with the access himself, because he is the one working with you ;)
danbuch929jenda:  one account is no prob - I've just hidden the password from myself :-P01:50
jendadanbuch929: ah, you don't know it? :)01:51
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jendadanbuch929: you could've talked more, too ;)02:31
jendaelkbuntu: I'll still be around, only gradually less responsive.02:32
danbuch929jenda: sorry :-(  ... still feelin' like a noob02:43
Burgundaviadon't worry02:43
jendadanbuch929: ;)02:44
jendaCorey won't eat you if you talk :)02:44
BurgundaviaI only eat babies and kittens02:44
danbuch929HA!  It'd be a disappointment anyway...   I'm made of 'kraut and vinegar02:45
jendaalthough elkbuntu might try, but we'll hold her back.02:45
jendaI will.02:45
jendaI need you too much ;)02:45
jendaelkbuntu: do you like sourkraut?02:46
danbuch929jenda: thanks :-)   ...hehe02:46
=== jenda gets back to cloaking.
=== danbuch929 wraps himself up and outta IRC to go wrap up presents
danbuch929Great meeting!02:51
=== danbuch929 [n=emelia@70-39-156-18.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing []
elkbuntuit's past lunchtime and i havent even had breakfast :|02:54
MenZaYour point being?02:54
jendahehe :)02:56
=== jenda thwacks MenZa
MenZawith a big pointy hobbsee of doom?02:56
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BurgundaviaMadpilot: you just missed the -marketing meeting03:11
Madpilotah well03:11
Madpilotgood turnout?03:11
jendarather good.03:12
jendaThis meeting was very revolutionary, for me, personally.03:12
jendaThe state now can hardly be compared with the state before...03:12
jendaFor example - now I can go to bed, but that's just a tiny glimpse of the huge difference the meeting made ;)03:13
=== MenZa snickers
MenZajenda: just out of curiosity, when are you expecting to buy the shirts?03:13
MenZaI'm probably printing the last stickers Monday03:13
MenZaPrinter is working again03:14
jendaas soon as I get my butt to write juliux an email ;)03:14
MenZajenda, one request03:14
MenZagive gecko^| an unaffiliated mask, will you?03:14
MenZarecent freenode convertee03:14
jendaI need him to have an email and an alternate nick set up.03:14
MenZahaving him do thatnow03:16
Madpilotjenda, you doing the roughcut shirts, then?03:20
jendaMadpilot: mmm03:20
jendaMadpilot: It looks like I'll postpone the project :/03:21
jendaThe reason is simple03:21
jendajuliux has a batch of incredibly beautiful shirts that I simply can't beat.03:21
jendaHe has them with embroided ubuntu logos, and that i can't do for a big design for a reasonable prize.03:22
jendaargh, price03:22
MadpilotCool - embroidered shirts are great (I'm hard on t-shirts, silkscreened designs don't last long around me...)03:23
jendaSo, I don't know how to do this03:25
jendaIt seems best to me to just point people at juliux' beatiful work.03:26
jendaAnd make roughcut posters instead ;)03:26
Madpilotfine with me :)03:26
jendaI'm sorry I didn't go through with that.03:30
jendaNothing's set in stone yet.03:30
jendaBut I don't want to compete with another project, when my entire point is to encourage other projects to spring up.03:31
MenZafanks jenda03:37
jendaMenZa: wif pleshor.03:38
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elkbuntujenda, encourage him to do obey tshirts?03:57
MenZaMadpilot: same here03:58
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poningruok the firefox party tool04:32
poningruthe guy who is working on it said parts of it needs some tlc04:32
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somerville32Jenda: ping09:47
=== jenda hides
jendaNot here, sorry.09:47
jendaYou are free to leave a message, though.09:47
jendaI'll feel free not to heed it, however...09:48
=== somerville32 dies from sadness.
somerville32Check thou e-mail inbox09:49
jendariight ;)09:51
jendaok, I'll get around to prodding Jane sooner or later :)09:51
jendathanks for volunteering.09:51
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=== beuno [n=martin@200-127-237-82.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== beuno wonders if jenda is around
=== jenda wonders if beuno will notice him if he hides in the corner.
=== beuno is pretty perceptive and probably will
beunoI was wondering if we could talk for a minute on "what will be what on the webpage"10:11
beunoas in "what wil be wiki, what will be static and what will be on the database"10:12
=== jenda thinks
jendaNo matter what I say now will probably be wrong :)10:17
beunomaybe I don't need a straight answer as much as a short ping pong10:17
jendawe will have a static front page and a few pages, such as contacts, about etc, I'm sure.10:17
jendathen we'll have a few sections...10:17
beunoyesterday in the meeting it was said that the howtos would be stored in the wiki, for example10:17
jenda[downloadables; shipabbles; howtos] 10:18
jendaI don't really even know what you can do with a database :)10:18
beunook, well, basically, everything   ;D10:19
beunomaybe my first question is what sections will be direct links to the ubuntu wiki?10:19
jendathe howtos definitely.10:20
jendaBut I'd still like to be able to work with those links in a database-like manner.10:21
jendaFor example, sort the howtos by budget.10:21
=== beuno thinks...
jendanow the downloadables I'd like to be able to sort as well... for example, if the searcher were to look for all the posters, I'd like a catalogue-like or even web-forums-like list of posters to come up, with a preview and brief description.10:22
Burgundaviathat would be the driven by the existing catalogue, however10:28
beunook... well10:28
beunono wordpress seems to be *needed* for all that10:29
beunosounds more like a custom database + php to me10:34
jendabeuno: Dan is the guy to discuss that with :)10:38
jendaI have no clue.10:38
beunoI know, I know...10:38
beunojust anxious, and Dan left 10:39
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