=== MitchM [n=MitchM@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== Red_HerRing is now known as Red_HerRing|cod | ||
=== MagicFab [n=magicfab@ubuntu/member/magicfab] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== beuno [n=martin@200-127-236-33.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-227-24.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== MagicFab is away: eating... | ||
=== jalrnc [n=joao@ip68-0-221-147.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
jenda | MagicFab: please turn away your auto-away script. They are hardly tolerated in any serious channel on freenode. | 01:15 |
=== tsmithe is away: sleeping | ||
jenda | tsmithe: don't do that. You're making the operator's life a lot more difficult, having to try and detect bad humor, and deciding if it is a reason to act in and of itself. | 01:27 |
tsmithe | poor cranky jenda | 01:27 |
tsmithe | :) | 01:27 |
tsmithe | i thought you were going to sleep | 01:27 |
tsmithe | it's half past 1! | 01:27 |
jenda | I am, just need to finish up a few replies. | 01:27 |
jenda | yes, it is. | 01:27 |
jenda | that's early by my standards :) | 01:27 |
=== tsmithe too... | ||
tsmithe | and you spelt humour wrong!!!! | 01:28 |
tsmithe | you cannot call yourself european | 01:28 |
jenda | I can't call myself British. | 01:29 |
jenda | And am happy not to :) | 01:29 |
tsmithe | evil one! | 01:29 |
tsmithe | why happy? | 01:30 |
tsmithe | that's just nasty | 01:30 |
jenda | I learnt my english in Washington DC - proud to use it as such ;) | 01:30 |
tsmithe | you 'tard! | 01:30 |
tsmithe | do you have an american accent?! | 01:30 |
jenda | (I'm equally as bad at creating lame humor as I am at detecting it, BTW) | 01:30 |
jenda | I used to. | 01:30 |
tsmithe | HUMOUR!!! | 01:30 |
jenda | I'm afraid it's long gone :( | 01:30 |
tsmithe | good | 01:31 |
tsmithe | never be afraid | 01:31 |
jenda | I now have a rough, Slavic one. | 01:31 |
tsmithe | good | 01:31 |
tsmithe | that's much, much nicer | 01:31 |
jenda | quiet ;) | 01:31 |
tsmithe | :D | 01:31 |
tsmithe | why? | 01:31 |
jenda | I liked my american accent :) | 01:31 |
tsmithe | nooo! | 01:31 |
tsmithe | i was going to /ignore you for evilness | 01:31 |
tsmithe | but if you've lost the accent... | 01:31 |
jenda | meh | 01:32 |
tsmithe | meh!? | 01:32 |
jenda | If you /ignore me, you'll miss your last warning. | 01:32 |
jenda | ;) | 01:32 |
tsmithe | my last warning? | 01:32 |
jenda | once I really get mad at your enter-as-punctuation or manual-auto-away or british accent. | 01:33 |
jenda | :) | 01:33 |
tsmithe | lol manual-auto-away | 01:33 |
tsmithe | without britain you would never have had your ruddy american accent | 01:34 |
jenda | true | 01:34 |
tsmithe | and what kind of idiot doesn't put a u in humour? i mean, more countries in the world use en_GB than don't | 01:35 |
jenda | that doesn't mean i have to like the british accent. | 01:35 |
tsmithe | you don't like it?! | 01:35 |
tsmithe | why? you've never even heard me talk! | 01:35 |
jenda | Countries aren't as important as population. | 01:35 |
jenda | (fortunately) | 01:35 |
tsmithe | yes they are! | 01:35 |
tsmithe | they induce culture | 01:36 |
jenda | And *I* don't put a u in humor. | 01:36 |
tsmithe | thus proving jenda's idiocy | 01:36 |
tsmithe | and btw: humor is not a word | 01:36 |
jenda | It is nowhere stated that people who don't put the <redundant> u in there are idiots. | 01:36 |
jenda | And humor is a word, with two meanings even. | 01:37 |
tsmithe | it's bloody well not redundant! | 01:37 |
jenda | and I'm not going to argue with you, and this is offtopic. | 01:37 |
tsmithe | ok | 01:37 |
tsmithe | mwhahaha | 01:38 |
=== rrittenhouse [n=tad@cpe-76-188-35-66.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
beuno | jenda, got a sec? | 01:46 |
jenda | beuno: just one. | 01:47 |
jenda | Seriously ;) | 01:47 |
beuno | np, it's quick | 01:47 |
beuno | I'm doing my php/mysql magic, and I was wondering if you had 2 o 3 URLs to howtos in the wiki | 01:48 |
jenda | howtos for php/mysql? | 01:49 |
jenda | nope | 01:49 |
jenda | not I | 01:49 |
beuno | lo | 01:50 |
beuno | no no | 01:50 |
beuno | marketing | 01:50 |
beuno | diy stuff | 01:50 |
jenda | aha | 01:50 |
jenda | hmm | 01:50 |
beuno | lol | 01:50 |
jenda | No, I don't have any handy, I'm sorry. | 01:50 |
beuno | np | 01:50 |
beuno | I'll just use random stuff | 01:50 |
jenda | I don't think that material exists yet. | 01:50 |
jenda | ye | 01:50 |
jenda | yep | 01:50 |
=== beuno googles up playboy | ||
jenda | just use MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu and MarketingTeam | 01:51 |
beuno | that will do, thanks | 01:51 |
jenda | np | 01:51 |
jenda | night | 01:51 |
beuno | g'night | 01:52 |
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== tsmithe [n=bip@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | tsmithe, is it taken care of? | 02:21 |
tsmithe | huh? | 02:22 |
tsmithe | it? | 02:22 |
somerville32 | The feisty stuff | 02:22 |
somerville32 | All taken care of? | 02:22 |
tsmithe | all the stuff that was in the document you gave me | 02:22 |
tsmithe | but as i said, there was no more xfce stuff | 02:22 |
=== MagicFab is back (gone 01:09:35) | ||
=== beuno points out jenda's comment to MagicFab: <jenda> MagicFab: please turn away your auto-away script. They are hardly tolerated in any serious channel on freenode. | ||
MagicFab | this is hardly "auto away" | 02:25 |
tsmithe | heh | 02:26 |
beuno | he didn't seem in such a good mood, so tt's probably more that | 02:26 |
tsmithe | did you see my response | 02:26 |
tsmithe | "* tsmithe is away: sleeping | 02:27 |
tsmithe | <jenda> tsmithe: don't do that. You're making the operator's life a lot more difficult, having to try and detect bad humor, and deciding if it is a reason to act in and of itself." | 02:27 |
=== tsmithe out | ||
MagicFab | ? | 02:27 |
tsmithe | ?? | 02:27 |
MagicFab | how is the op life any more difficult ? | 02:28 |
tsmithe | who knows | 02:28 |
tsmithe | jenda was being cranky | 02:28 |
beuno | somerville32, when's the UWN 25 gonno launch? | 02:33 |
somerville32 | tsmite: I think you should apologize to Jenda. You were very rude. | 02:34 |
somerville32 | beuno: When ever Burgwork has time. | 02:34 |
MagicFab | tsmithe, I had a somewhat heated exchange with her | 02:34 |
somerville32 | It is a he | 02:35 |
somerville32 | Jenda is male. | 02:35 |
MagicFab | somerville32, huh, oups | 02:36 |
MagicFab | tx | 02:36 |
beuno | somerville32, any big changes? I've had ppl translate ir all day, and it's about 70% done | 02:37 |
somerville32 | beuno: The only thing changing is the feisty changes | 02:37 |
beuno | great | 02:38 |
beuno | that's mainly what's left to translate | 02:38 |
somerville32 | Alrighty | 02:38 |
somerville32 | I got run | 02:39 |
=== jalrnc [n=joao@ip68-0-221-147.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Tak to you all tomorrow | 02:39 |
=== somerville32 waves. | ||
beuno | g'night | 02:39 |
=== jalrnc_ [n=joao@ip68-0-221-147.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== Red_HerRing|cod is now known as Red_Herring | ||
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rjian | hello guys.. | 03:50 |
rjian | hello XiXaQ | 03:51 |
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=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
rjian | helo Admiral_Chicago | 04:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | rjian: hello | 04:13 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: holidays is fast approaching :) | 04:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | yes they are rj | 04:14 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: hehe by the way can u give me links of the UWN 25? I write something hehe | 04:15 |
Admiral_Chicago | just a sec | 04:15 |
Admiral_Chicago | rjian: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue25 | 04:15 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: hehe ok thnx.. theres a new christmas release hehee | 04:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | a new chirstmas release of what? | 04:18 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: ubuntu hehehe | 04:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | hmm, i'll have to look that up | 04:19 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: how can i add it on UWN 25? | 04:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | edit the wiki | 04:21 |
rjian | i will add it on the last part of the article? i mean the bottom? | 04:22 |
=== jalrnc [n=joao@ip68-0-221-147.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Admiral_Chicago | rjian: actually, you'll want to talk to somerville32 | 04:23 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: ah ok.. | 04:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | UWN was late, so it's for everything that happened last week | 04:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | you want to add that information to UWN26 | 04:24 |
somerville32 | rjian: Please do not add anything to UWN25. | 04:24 |
rjian | Admiral_Chicago: ok u can check the site if u want ehehe | 04:24 |
somerville32 | Please add to 26 | 04:24 |
rjian | somerville32: ok.. no problem | 04:25 |
rjian | somerville32: theres a new Ubuntu xmas edition how can i add it there? | 04:26 |
somerville32 | rjian: You can add it under the community news | 04:27 |
rjian | somerville32: ok thnx a lot.. :) | 04:27 |
=== Admiral_Chicago AFK | ||
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
rjian | somerville32: ive already save it.. wats next?? | 04:36 |
rjian | somerville32: who will edit it? | 04:37 |
somerville32 | We will :] | 04:37 |
rjian | somerville32: actually i dont know who create that OS.. hehe.. do u want to check it? | 04:40 |
somerville32 | We'll look into it | 04:41 |
rjian | somerville32: check this link http://ubuntusoftware.info | 04:41 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Burgundavia | somerville32: ping | 05:13 |
somerville32 | pong | 05:13 |
Burgundavia | somerville32: use my nick when you pong somebody | 05:13 |
somerville32 | lol | 05:13 |
Burgundavia | where are we at with 25? | 05:13 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia, Just need final look over | 05:13 |
Burgundavia | and then a send? | 05:13 |
Burgundavia | in the in wiki? | 05:14 |
somerville32 | Yup. | 05:15 |
somerville32 | Feisty changes is a LOT of work | 05:15 |
somerville32 | Took us 6 hours | 05:15 |
somerville32 | Are we going to be able to do that each week? | 05:15 |
Burgundavia | yes it is | 05:15 |
Burgundavia | it goes faster if you ignore bits | 05:16 |
somerville32 | lol | 05:16 |
somerville32 | I ignored 50 packages | 05:16 |
Burgundavia | I ignore most non-desktop packages | 05:18 |
Burgundavia | truly duplicative stuff i usually nuke | 05:18 |
Burgundavia | basically, take the big stuff and the gems and you will make most people happy | 05:18 |
Burgundavia | sorry about disappearing, but work has been an absolute hell recently | 05:20 |
=== somerville32 nods. | ||
somerville32 | I think we should do something to catch up | 05:20 |
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-67-112-52.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Burgundavia | somerville32: you are a member yet? | 05:28 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia, Yup. Why? :) | 05:28 |
Burgundavia | can you send via your ubuntu.com addy? | 05:29 |
somerville32 | Yup. | 05:29 |
somerville32 | cody-somerville@ubuntu.com | 05:29 |
Burgundavia | want to send it | 05:29 |
Burgundavia | ? | 05:29 |
somerville32 | Sure, lol | 05:31 |
Burgundavia | grab the raw output and paste it into an email | 05:32 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia, What do you usually have for the subject? | 05:32 |
Burgundavia | nuke the toc and send to ubuntu-news@lists.ubuntu.com | 05:32 |
Burgundavia | Ubuntu Weekly News #XX | 05:32 |
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Should I add an apology for the late release? | 05:37 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:somerville32] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | UWN 25 released, UWN 26 in progress | ||
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Burgundavia_, sent | 05:51 |
Burgundavia_ | ok | 05:52 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia_, so? :) | 05:56 |
Burgundavia_ | sorry, busy | 05:57 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia_, So, did you hear about what happened to your brother? :P | 05:59 |
Burgundavia_ | no, what? | 05:59 |
somerville32 | He got k-lined | 05:59 |
Burgundavia_ | for what? | 06:00 |
somerville32 | dcc exploit | 06:00 |
Burgundavia_ | using it? | 06:00 |
somerville32 | The rumour is that it was a mistake | 06:00 |
=== somerville32 shrugs. | ||
somerville32 | You just paste a string into the channel and it causes people to crash and burn | 06:00 |
=== Burgundavia_ is calling him | ||
somerville32 | lol | 06:01 |
somerville32 | Make sure to share all the details ;] | 06:04 |
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Burgundavia, What do you think about making issue #26 some sort of special holiday issue and have it from the 11th to the 25th so that we can get caught up :P | 06:08 |
Burgundavia | sure, that works | 06:08 |
somerville32 | really? alrighty | 06:09 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia, release procedure completed. | 06:18 |
Burgundavia | sounds good | 06:18 |
Burgundavia | let me get that email out | 06:18 |
Burgundavia | done | 06:19 |
=== somerville32 cheers. | ||
somerville32 | : ) | 06:21 |
rjian | weeeeeeee | 06:24 |
rjian | somerville32: another distro hehe | 06:32 |
rjian | somerville32: it is called Ubuntu satanic edition.. | 06:32 |
somerville32 | 0_o | 06:32 |
rjian | somerville32: check this link http://parker1.co.uk/satanic/installation/ | 06:33 |
rjian | somerville32: cool for halloween hehe | 06:33 |
somerville32 | I dunno if I want to :P | 06:33 |
rjian | somerville32: did u see the x-mas edition?? | 06:33 |
somerville32 | lol | 06:33 |
somerville32 | Sorta, yeah | 06:34 |
rjian | somerville32: cool for christmas gifts.. hehee | 06:34 |
somerville32 | Burgundavia, So, are we going to have some sort of fancy ceremony for me;] | 06:49 |
Burgundavia | here is your hat. It will get heavy | 06:49 |
=== somerville32 falls over. | ||
=== Lifeling [n=Josh@c-71-224-1-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== Lifeling [n=Josh@c-71-224-1-230.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing [] | ||
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-227-24.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Burgundavia, Are we going to put #25 on fridge? | 07:20 |
Burgundavia | right | 07:20 |
Burgundavia | I will write something and then get mdke to approve it | 07:20 |
somerville32 | Maybe note that #26 is a special holiday edition? | 07:21 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:somerville32] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | UWN 25 released, UWN 26 in progress for Dec 30th | ||
Burgundavia | somerville32: you received thanks from the chinese guy yet? | 07:27 |
=== somerville32 looks. | ||
=== bethko [n=bethko@adsl-75-16-81-8.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | Burgundavia, I don't think so. Where would it be? | 07:30 |
Burgundavia | coming to your email | 07:30 |
somerville32 | How do you know? lol | 07:31 |
Burgundavia | because it comes everytime | 07:32 |
somerville32 | From the same guy? | 07:33 |
=== SiberianFox272 [n=Siberian@user-0can29b.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Madpilot | the UWN's Chinese fan club? | 07:35 |
bethko | Hello, I finally figured out the irc thing. | 07:36 |
Burgundavia | hey bethko | 07:37 |
bethko | Hopefully I will be able to make it is meetings and stuff now. | 07:37 |
bethko | Ok, I am trying to fiugure out how to use orca on here | 07:41 |
bethko | tab doesn't seem to do what I want it to | 07:42 |
bethko | Ok, it was ctrl tab and I think my computer is getting slow. | 07:46 |
bethko | Ok, so I am in the marking chat room. Anything interesting going on? I noticed that the weekly newsletter cameout. | 07:50 |
bethko | I am trying to get my hands on more cd's to pass out at events and ship-it doesn't seem to like me. | 07:51 |
bethko | My last two requests were turned down | 07:51 |
=== bethko [n=bethko@adsl-75-16-81-8.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing [] | ||
nixternal | i know i haven't been all that active, but if you need help ensuring that there is an "Up-to-date" release for the UWN let me know. it was very odd reading news from a month ago in a "weekly newsletter" | 08:17 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:17 |
somerville32 | nixternal: The next release spans from then to the 30th | 08:17 |
somerville32 | nixternal: So start cooking! :) | 08:17 |
nixternal | when did the last one end? November? | 08:18 |
=== jenda peeks in | ||
=== nixternal pokes jenda in the eye | ||
nixternal | quit peeking | 08:18 |
=== jenda apologises to the absent MagicFab | ||
somerville32 | nixternal: lol, no :P | 08:19 |
somerville32 | December 11th I think | 08:19 |
nixternal | ahh, ok | 08:19 |
somerville32 | So we're doing one from 11th to 25th with it being released on the 30th | 08:19 |
nixternal | i seen a November 24 in there, so i assumed | 08:19 |
somerville32 | A "holiday special" | 08:19 |
somerville32 | nixternal: that was 23 | 08:20 |
nixternal | no, that was 25 | 08:20 |
nixternal | i just got done reading it | 08:20 |
nixternal | it had marks letter in it | 08:20 |
nixternal | which truthfully, i am sick of hearing about | 08:20 |
nixternal | idiots at the LUGs have been chewing it up | 08:20 |
jenda | UWN 25: "It is, apparently, addictive, and requires a large amount of dexterity and wit - which is probably why Toby Smithe has never tried it." | 08:24 |
jenda | WTF? :) | 08:24 |
somerville32 | : O | 08:24 |
jenda | (that's not very nice) | 08:24 |
somerville32 | He put that in himself | 08:24 |
somerville32 | Omg.. lol | 08:24 |
jenda | haha :) | 08:24 |
=== somerville32 is a failure. | ||
jenda | What won't one do to have their name in the UWN ;) | 08:25 |
somerville32 | Oh well, he deserves it | 08:25 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:25 |
=== somerville32 notes that he still hasn't gotten any loves letters yet. | ||
=== jenda writes somerville32 a love letter... | ||
jenda | ..nah :) | 08:27 |
somerville32 | :D | 08:27 |
somerville32 | Awww.... | 08:27 |
=== somerville32 is disappointed. | ||
jenda | But great job, anyway ;) | 08:27 |
somerville32 | Great job everyone! :) | 08:28 |
somerville32 | For Feisty changes, I think we only dropped ~50 packages | 08:28 |
somerville32 | So I think that makes it the most verbose feisty change section ever | 08:28 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:28 |
=== somerville32 notes that it took a team of 4-6 people 6 hours to do it all | ||
somerville32 | I doubt we'll ever be that verbose again, haha | 08:29 |
jenda | hehe ;) | 08:31 |
jenda | I can help (try helping) with next weeks section on the MT. | 08:31 |
jenda | I will definitely do the part about the DIY ;) | 08:31 |
jenda | As I don't trust anyone to describe it well :-) | 08:32 |
somerville32 | UWN 26 is going to have to be awesome if we're going to get away with not having a UWN for half a month, lol | 08:32 |
jenda | hehe :) | 08:32 |
jenda | UHMN | 08:32 |
jenda | Ubuntu Half-monthly Newsletter. | 08:32 |
somerville32 | More like: UAMN | 08:33 |
somerville32 | Ubuntu Almost-Monthly Newsletter | 08:33 |
somerville32 | lol | 08:33 |
jenda | UMIWCOTMBIIDWOOLN | 08:45 |
jenda | Ubuntu Maybe It Will Come Out This Month But If It Don't We're Out Of Luck Newsletter | 08:45 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
somerville32 | ;] | 08:56 |
nixternal | why won't we have a UWN for half a month? | 09:00 |
nixternal | just because it is the holidays doesn't mean we get to slack damnit. it means more works, we are ubuntu's little helpers | 09:01 |
nixternal | s/works/work | 09:02 |
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
jenda | juliux: Good morning | 09:04 |
juliux | good morning jenda | 09:04 |
jenda | nixternal: right ;) | 09:04 |
juliux | jenda, nice skript on ubuntuforums.org that sends out the birthday greetings | 09:05 |
jenda | juliux: Do you think you could write me up some info on your shirts so that I could put them up on diy.devubuntu.com? | 09:05 |
juliux | jenda, sure | 09:05 |
jenda | I only have one other shipping project to offer. | 09:05 |
jenda | cool | 09:05 |
juliux | jenda, but i have to find time, because i will travel home for christmas tommorow | 09:06 |
jenda | It's no hurry | 09:06 |
jenda | (But the sooner the better :) ) | 09:06 |
jenda | People tend to ask me about shirts often, too. | 09:06 |
juliux | ok | 09:07 |
juliux | jenda, http://diy.devubuntu.com/index.php?sub=get where can if order the second poster? | 09:09 |
jenda | You can't, sorry. | 09:09 |
jenda | You can download it, though. | 09:09 |
jenda | http://doc.ubuntu.com/~marketing/DIY%20Material/Ubuntu_Posters_Roughcut/ | 09:09 |
juliux | but the is get it the wrong category or? | 09:10 |
jenda | Madpilot | 09:10 |
jenda | juliux: it's a working version, nothing on there is true ;) | 09:10 |
juliux | ah ok | 09:10 |
Madpilot | hmm? | 09:12 |
=== slytherin [n=onkarshi@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
slytherin | Can I provide any feedback on UWN 25 now? | 09:22 |
slytherin | tsmithe: ping | 09:24 |
jenda | slytherin: you're free to :) | 09:30 |
jenda | Feedback is very welcome. | 09:30 |
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jenda | Madpilot: nuttin', just about the posters. | 09:30 |
Madpilot | yeah, saw that | 09:30 |
slytherin | jenda: Some paragraphs are duplicated in Changes in Feisty section. Specifically paragraphs about Guifications, Seahorse and irda-util | 09:31 |
jenda | Madpilot: still got any of the posters left? MagicFab would like one - no idea how near or far he is, though. | 09:31 |
jenda | Burgwork^ | 09:32 |
Madpilot | I do, but I think he's in Montreal, which means he's almost closer to you in the Czech Rep. as he is to me ;) | 09:32 |
jenda | slytherin: ok, we'll relay that to somerville | 09:32 |
jenda | hehe :) | 09:32 |
jenda | birt | 09:54 |
=== jenda smacks keyboard | ||
jenda | juliux: cool, didn't know the forums had one ;) | 09:54 |
juliux | jenda, you mean the birthday greetings from the forum? | 09:55 |
jenda | juliux: yep | 10:08 |
tsmithe | howdy slytherin | 10:08 |
tsmithe | did you say dupes in feisty changes????! | 10:08 |
tsmithe | argh god | 10:08 |
tsmithe | that section causes more trouble than it's worth! | 10:08 |
tsmithe | well, i'm removing them | 10:09 |
=== tsmithe is off | ||
tsmithe | for a couple of days | 10:25 |
tsmithe | i'll help with uwn when i'm back ;) | 10:25 |
tsmithe | bye cranky evil jenda | 10:25 |
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jenda | I'm not cranky anymore ;) | 10:30 |
jenda | But you're still using enter as punctuation, and that can get me cranky quite quick. | 10:30 |
jenda | 10:30 | |
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jenda | danbuch929: aloha | 01:09 |
danbuch929 | jenda: bon matin | 01:10 |
jenda | they don't say that, dan ;) | 01:10 |
jenda | they just say bon jour, lame frenchmen, them | 01:10 |
danbuch929 | hehe | 01:10 |
=== danbuch929 peeks around for frenchmen | ||
jenda | (Although they do say it for evening and night... to confuse us) | 01:11 |
jenda | danbuch929: I just had a new idea for the site. | 01:11 |
jenda | But.. | 01:11 |
jenda | I forgot. | 01:11 |
danbuch929 | that is a problem | 01:11 |
danbuch929 | to communicate information, one must remember it | 01:12 |
danbuch929 | argh | 01:12 |
jenda | Memory I/O error... | 01:12 |
jenda | :) | 01:12 |
danbuch929 | how will we solve this? | 01:12 |
jenda | Run a memtest, I'd say... | 01:12 |
jenda | and voila, it's back. | 01:12 |
jenda | :) | 01:12 |
danbuch929 | I'm too volatile for that :-P | 01:12 |
jenda | Yeah - I was thinking. | 01:12 |
jenda | We will have a page for juliux' shirts, and menza's stickers. | 01:13 |
jenda | (stickers that I'm shipping) | 01:13 |
danbuch929 | good, yes | 01:13 |
jenda | How about having a page-ling for projects that people are about to do, but aren't sure of it yet? It could help generate feedback. | 01:13 |
jenda | It might be a bad idea filling the site with trash, too. | 01:14 |
danbuch929 | hrm... | 01:14 |
jenda | For example, I'm not sure if I should do a re-run of them posters or not, wondering if it would be worthwhile having a page for that... or not. | 01:14 |
jenda | Yeah, I might be inclining towards not, myself now ;) As you can see, I haven't had time to think about it much :) | 01:15 |
danbuch929 | would this somehow fit into the best practices section of "spread it" | 01:15 |
danbuch929 | hehe | 01:15 |
jenda | I think it would be more fit in the shipping section, because I don't see that section filling up. | 01:16 |
danbuch929 | gotcha | 01:16 |
jenda | People will be coming for ready-made materials... | 01:16 |
jenda | ...they'll see that we offer A, B and C, but not D-Z... | 01:16 |
jenda | ...if they know exactly what they want, they'll urge about it, I'm sure... | 01:17 |
jenda | ...but if they aren't completely sure,... | 01:17 |
jenda | ...and if we have a page about D-M, for example, of stuff that ain't out yet, but might be if people show enough demand... | 01:17 |
jenda | ...it might help show that demand. | 01:17 |
jenda | But a forum thread can do just that as well... | 01:18 |
danbuch929 | I like your idea ... but yes, I think that the forum is the place for it | 01:18 |
jenda | ...at the same time, I see no reason why not to have an 'under consideration page' which would have a picture, and a link to the forum thread. | 01:18 |
danbuch929 | we can always set up a permalink to the relevant forum thread :-) | 01:18 |
danbuch929 | HA | 01:18 |
jenda | 01:19 | |
jenda | OK, I'll give this some thought... | 01:19 |
danbuch929 | yes, I like all of the Digg-ness that's going on with our design | 01:19 |
danbuch929 | I don't think it's a bad model to follow - it's familiar | 01:19 |
jenda | Diggness? :) | 01:22 |
jenda | I digg all the like-ness that's going on, for sure ;) | 01:22 |
=== jenda doesn't understand, BTW | ||
danbuch929 | sorry..... I was just referring to the fact that we're looking to make diy more of an aggregation of links | 01:24 |
danbuch929 | ... with user voting | 01:24 |
danbuch929 | ...and commentary | 01:24 |
danbuch929 | ...like Digg.com (and many others, yes) | 01:24 |
danbuch929 | it's, like... totally "Web 2.0" :-P | 01:25 |
danbuch929 | I changed the tooltips, BTW ... http://diy.devubuntu.com | 01:26 |
danbuch929 | :-) | 01:26 |
jenda | hehe :) | 01:29 |
jenda | ok | 01:29 |
jenda | danbuch929: could they be vertically centered? | 01:30 |
danbuch929 | will do - except.... it's a bit tricky | 01:31 |
jenda | ah | 01:31 |
danbuch929 | it's actual text, not an image | 01:31 |
jenda | ok | 01:31 |
danbuch929 | and the sizing is relative to the browser defaults | 01:31 |
jenda | text is good... | 01:31 |
jenda | I see. | 01:31 |
jenda | mm | 01:31 |
danbuch929 | ...neither of which are particularly good excuses | 01:31 |
danbuch929 | there's a way to do it... | 01:31 |
jenda | hehe :) | 01:32 |
danbuch929 | I just can't get the CSS to work the way I'm expecting it to | 01:32 |
danbuch929 | I'll prod beuno for help on this later today | 01:32 |
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Burgwork | jenda: I don't have any posters | 06:32 |
jenda | Burgwork: did I say you do? | 06:34 |
Burgwork | right | 06:34 |
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beuno | hello danbuck929 | 06:46 |
jenda | beuno: hey there... | 06:47 |
jenda | I recommend using tab-completion. | 06:47 |
beuno | hey jenda | 06:47 |
beuno | lol | 06:47 |
jenda | 06:47 | |
beuno | hmm, hello, danbuch929 | 06:47 |
beuno | ;D | 06:47 |
beuno | I didn't think it would work | 06:48 |
danbuch929 | hellooooo? | 06:48 |
beuno | thanks jenda | 06:48 |
jenda | np | 06:48 |
beuno | Dan, I was about to work on the webpage, should I go ahead and change everything into includes? | 06:49 |
danbuch929 | that'd be great! | 06:49 |
danbuch929 | I've got copies of the whole site hither and thither, so no worries! | 06:49 |
danbuch929 | include to your heart's desire | 06:49 |
beuno | oh, I wasn't gonno overwrite it online, just upload to the dir | 06:50 |
beuno | but if you want... | 06:50 |
beuno | that change is gonno help me out with the programming | 06:50 |
beuno | and I cleaned up the code a bit while I was at it | 06:51 |
danbuch929 | I'd encourage you to just edit everything inside "/" rather than "/proposed-changes/" | 06:56 |
danbuch929 | it's in the best interest of the project to help you, the primary php coder :-) | 06:56 |
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beuno | great then | 06:57 |
beuno | I like that option much better | 06:57 |
=== jenda nods | ||
beuno | I'm gonno try and get better performance out of the CSS also | 06:58 |
beuno | so you don't need 3d rendering enabled for it to be smooth ;D | 06:58 |
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danbuch929 | beuno: sorry to take so long in replying ... that's great! Please prod and edit to your liking - whatever makes your job easier with PHP/MySQL | 08:06 |
beuno | ;D | 08:06 |
beuno | great | 08:06 |
beuno | doing it as we speak | 08:06 |
beuno | I'll upload to diy then | 08:06 |
danbuch929 | excellent | 08:06 |
beuno | any idea whats delaying UWN 25? | 08:13 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: Overstretched people :( | 08:14 |
beuno | ;( | 08:20 |
beuno | anything I can do to help? | 08:20 |
beuno | or is it one of those things where only "X" can do it? | 08:21 |
Burgwork | 25 is out | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | I'm not sure - ask sommerville32 when he's around. | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | So it is. | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | Go go go 26! | 08:24 |
beuno | heh | 08:28 |
beuno | ok ok | 08:28 |
beuno | I'll get back to my php | 08:29 |
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