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KatteKrabhowdy peoples12:54
KatteKrabRichEd: ping?12:55
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BHSPitLappyhi, all04:16
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cbx33mornin all08:55
cbx33hey willvdl08:55
cbx33anything intersting in the meting after I left?08:55
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cbx33hey peeps10:20
highvoltagehey peep10:22
cbx33hi highvoltage10:23
cbx33howz it going10:23
highvoltagegoing well thanks10:24
highvoltageI have a lot to do but I'm having trouble getting out of bed :)10:25
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highvoltageneed to get my passport sorted out, hair cut, among other semi-pointless things. but I think I'll do that tomorrow.10:25
highvoltagebeen bugsquashing this morning, much more fun :)10:25
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kgoetzcan i ask ubuntu ltsp questions here? i'm not getting much luck with #ltsp11:01
cbx33fire away11:01
kgoetz my LTSP client (dapper based) is getting to "* Loading hardware drivers..." then just says "nfs:11:02
kgoetzserver not responding, still trying" after a few minutes (and keeps repeating the nfs error).11:02
kgoetzany thoughts? :(11:02
cbx33sounds as if it's telling the truth ;)11:02
cbx33have you confirm the nfs is exported ok?11:02
kgoetzhow can i confirm it? it used to work ok  :\11:04
cbx33well do you know how to mount an nfs share manually11:04
kgoetzno :\11:04
cbx33ok....do you have another machine on the network?11:04
cbx33hang on two secs11:05
kgoetzi can grab another laptop to plug in. brb.11:05
cbx33hanve you tried restarting the nfs server?11:06
kgoetzyes, both the service and the system its on11:06
cbx33i can't remember the syntax exactly and I don;t have an nfs share anywhere handy to test11:07
cbx33it's something like11:07
cbx33mount -t nfs /mnt/directory11:08
cbx33try that11:08
kgoetzsudo mount -t nfs /mnt works (ls /mnt gives i386). thats on the local host untill i get the lappy booted11:10
cbx33ok good11:10
cbx33so the nfs works11:10
cbx33what about grepping the logs to see what happens?11:10
kgoetzi dont see anything special in syslog, is ther another place?11:12
kgoetzhm. new error11:13
kgoetznfs: rpc call returned error 101 <- on laptop pxe booting11:13
cbx33are you sure the dns is working on? - I've had reverse DNS errors before11:14
kgoetzits an ltsp-server-standalone setup. i hope that stuff is dealt with11:15
kgoetzit was in my other setups :/11:15
kgoetzonly difference (apart from one being a laptop,a nd one a desktop) is that the desktop is getting a static dhcp address11:16
kgoetzactually, i'm wrong11:16
cbx33is the address being assigned by another dhcp server?11:17
kgoetzthey are both in dhcp configs11:17
kgoetzno, its on a crossover cable11:17
cbx33is it communicating ok over that cable?11:18
kgoetzwell, its pxe booting, and going fine to the nfs bmounting bit11:18
kgoetz* seems to be communicating fine11:19
cbx33so tftp is working11:19
cbx33you sure that the nfs path is being servered right from the dhcp server11:19
kgoetzits serving /opt/ltsp/i386, iirc correct?11:20
cbx33yeh i think so11:21
kgoetzwould the host bein  outside the dhcp range cuase issues?11:22
cbx33I'm not too hot on the set11:23
cbx33look in11:23
cbx33see what path / host range is accepted11:23
=== kgoetz hopes not :S
cbx33 /etc/exports on the server11:23
kgoetz /opt/ltsp *(ro,no_root_squash,async)11:24
cbx33does it need to be /opt/ltsp/i386 now?11:25
cbx33I'm not sure tbh11:25
kgoetzthat matches with what i have on a working production server, so i think its right :|11:26
kgoetzbrb. heard thunder, making sure dogs are ok11:27
cbx33have you tried googleing for the exact error message?11:27
kgoetzcbx33: got some tabs open atm. hadnt looked at them yet11:30
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cbx33sorry about that11:32
=== kgoetz wonders if itrs a bug, and does a dist-upgrade
kgoetzi'm going to take > 1 hour to dist-upgrade :/ i might not be albe to work on this again until tomorrow :(. thanks for the help cbx3311:47
cbx33sorry i couldn't do more11:48
kgoetzthanks for yoru effort :)11:48
cbx33let me know what happens11:49
kgoetzwill do :)11:52
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willvdlhighvoltage, passport? where you of to?12:41
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cbx33hey all03:23
utkHey, can you help me out ?03:26
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highvoltageheya bddebian03:41
bddebianHi highvoltage03:41
highvoltageedubuntugirl: pipedream is Jan Groenewald03:42
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: sure thing03:42
highvoltageedubuntugirl: wizzy is Andy Rabagliati03:42
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: righto03:42
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sbalneavogra: Hey, vagrant tells me you've come up with a python alternative to lp_server?03:58
cbx33ahhh python04:02
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cbx33hey sbalneav04:05
sbalneavICMP ECHO REPLY04:05
cbx33howz it going?04:06
cbx33have you ever done any work on the ldm glade file?04:06
sbalneavNo!  Learning glade + python is VERY high on my list of things to do!  I REALLY need to learn how to do gui devel, and glad + python seems the perfect way to get into it.  Got any good tutorials?04:07
cbx33sbalneav, hold there 2 seconds04:07
sbalneavCool!  Thankx04:09
cbx33hope it helps04:09
cbx33had some great feeback from it04:09
cbx33s/x/s/ would have been sufficient no?04:09
sbalneavSure, but precision always counts :)04:12
ograsbalneav, https://launchpad.net/people/ogra/+branch/ltsp/feisty-ltsp-jetpipe04:13
cbx33ogra, I'm here now if you're available for meeting?04:13
cbx33or 7 if not04:13
sbalneavHad I said: "Cool!  xylophones are sexy, thankx", yours would have not worked :)04:13
cbx33sbalneav, true04:13
ograsbalneav, for now it does only usb and parallel printers, is missing all kinds of error catching etc, the code does only show the principle but needs a lot fleshing out ...04:15
cbx33however "Thankx that's great I'll look later thankx again would have failed too :p04:15
ogracbx33, 7 is better, i'm fighting with a weird screensaver bug atm04:15
cbx33heheh np04:15
sbalneavogra: I need serial printers, so guess who's going to help you with this? :)04:15
cbx33ogra, did you get my message about BETT?04:15
sbalneavfetch phase 1/4 :)04:16
ograsbalneav, just look at the diff from the last revision ... that should be everything ...04:17
ogracbx33, no ?04:17
sbalneavogra: I think this is a great idea.  solves the whole licensing issue nicely.04:18
cbx33I've convinced my boss to let us take some kids up there04:19
ograsbalneav, yep04:19
sbalneavogra: heh, nice and simple.  OK, all we need to do is pull in python.serial, and parse command line options to set up the serial port properly.04:22
cbx33it's gonna be a great BETT show for edubuntu04:22
ograi didnt know about python.serial :D ... i thought about a pipe to setserial, but found that to ugly :)04:23
sbalneavpython.serial looks easy.  It opens a file like object just like the open does, so all we'll have is just some code to select wether or not it's a "simple" device like /dev/lp... or /dev/usb/lp..., or a /dev/ttyS....  Then just do the proper open.  We'll probably only add about 15 lines of code to do that.04:28
sbalneavI'll look at that today.04:28
sbalneavOne comment: why don't we pull jetpipe out of the ltsp tree, and just make it a standalone package.  It would be useful generally, and not just in the context of ltsp. :)04:29
sbalneavheh, copyright notice is longer than the code.04:33
ograsure, lets make it standalone ... for now i just wanted a quick fix for feisty users so they can print ... the merge with debian wiped lp_server from our code as well and i didnt want to just re-add it04:35
sbalneavyeah, understood.04:36
=== ogra sighs deeply ... this bug is giving me bad headdaches
sbalneavWhich one?04:36
sbalneavOh, that's easy.04:37
ograi cant reproduce it, but half the world seems to have it04:37
sbalneavgconftool-2 --direct \04:37
sbalneav            --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory \04:37
sbalneav            --type string \04:37
sbalneav            --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/mode blank-only04:37
sbalneavThat solves all problems with screensavers, I find :)04:38
ograoh, crap, wrong bug No.04:38
ogra76623 has a patch and all, i just need to merge it ...04:38
cbx33not a problem here04:39
cbx33can you get soemone to do a trace on it?04:39
ograthere is a trace attached ...04:40
cbx33oh sorry04:40
=== cbx33 has to go
ogra(oh, its attached to one of the duplicates, sorry)04:40
cbx33i thought i didn't see one there04:41
cbx33any more thoughts on the gnome canvas thing?04:41
bddebiancbx33: Have an error message?04:43
cbx33basicalyl a required catalog gnomecanvas could not be found04:43
bddebiancbx33: Well that's not very helpful :)04:45
cbx33i got to dash04:46
cbx33will look closer later04:46
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highvoltage!seen pips105:47
ubotuI last saw pips1 (n=AZ2304@actz87.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) 3d 20h 53m 19s ago, quiting: "Azureus"05:47
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cbx33ogra, meeting?08:05
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ogragimme a minute08:06
cbx33ok np08:06
ograbut yes08:06
cbx33crimsun_, ever had it where a small mic sounds like it's got a ring mod on it?08:07
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crimsun_cbx33: check your capture settings08:17
cbx33thanks crimsun_08:18
ogracbx33, oook08:20
cbx33ogra,  oggggg08:20
ograi assume you read the SCP spec08:21
cbx33meeting here or in pm?08:21
ograhere is fine08:21
ograso, the first and most important part is the split into front and backend08:21
ograi'm not concerned if any of the other features need to wait until feisty+1, but we need the infrastructure for multiple server support now08:22
ograso that should be the focus08:22
cbx33right ok08:22
cbx33well I can split that up fairly easily08:22
cbx33not a huge task really08:23
cbx33do you have any idea about how you want classes/functions arrangeD?08:23
cbx33or shall I do what I think there?08:23
ogrado what you think, but i guess you need to end up with frond and backe3nd classes08:23
cbx33are we splitting into two pacakges?08:24
ogragood question08:24
cbx33which would eventually become 308:24
ograwill it make sense to have a commandline gui, soemthing with curses ?08:24
ograhmm, KDE, right08:24
cbx33I'm not sure08:25
ograyeah, then lets have a split package08:25
cbx33i think it's the most sensible way to go08:25
cbx33I think command line would be great08:25
ograat least SCP-backend SCP-gnome08:25
ograthe kde part is up to others08:25
cbx33I'm not saying I'm gonna write the kde frontend08:25
cbx33though I think I could08:25
ograpython-qt shouldnt be to hard, but thats really something the KDE community can do08:26
cbx33command line would be good....as I would have...if it was fully implemented here....need to have ssh access to it08:26
cbx33that would be a good idea08:26
ograwell, commandline is defined in the spec08:26
ograbut not with curses ui ...08:26
ograbut i think it wouldnt make sense anyway08:27
cbx33is curses tieable with python?08:27
ograraw commandline is fine ... for sending messages etcv08:27
cbx33ok so the split + package split is main concern08:28
cbx33now we need to look at Multiple server control08:28
=== ogra stares at his keyboard
cbx33when you say multiple servers08:29
cbx33from the spec.....i see it meaning the following08:29
cbx33one front end can talk to several servers08:29
cbx33but only one at a time08:29
cbx33am I right here?08:29
ograin later releases we can spoil that on the UI side and make it talk to multiple servers transparently08:30
cbx33do you think at some stage it would be useful to do true multiple servers?08:30
cbx33I really think SCP could be a big selling point for Edubuntu08:30
ografor now one server<->one client is fine08:30
ogralets grow slowly, but with good quality ;)08:30
cbx33what else on the list do you see being priority for feisty08:30
cbx33if I had the time I'd work on it all day everyday08:31
cbx33get it to be a fantastic app08:31
cbx33sadly I have to goto work08:31
ograwell, blank/lock seems like a low hanging fruit08:31
cbx33will need tie in to x11vnc?08:31
ograi.e. like implementable in less than 30min08:31
ograyeah, we'll need the vnc integration08:32
cbx33how do you see that being implemented08:32
cbx33right ok08:32
ograwell it was described in the former spec08:32
cbx33yes it was08:32
cbx33now I don;t think I'm qualified to touch x11vnc08:32
ograah, and copied over :)08:32
cbx33but I would like to know what's goign on there08:32
ograthats fine, i'll care for that part08:33
cbx33if you could lemme see a diff when you're done08:33
cbx33that'd be great08:33
cbx33I'm keen to learn08:33
ograi'll keep the work in bzr, you can diff every small change ;)08:33
Burgworkbreaking it out as a backend means somebody could right a frontend, or an ebox plugin, etc.08:34
Burgworka web frontend, rather08:34
ograBurgwork, yep08:34
Burgworkogra: have you looked at ebox?08:34
ograeven though i'd love to see vnc through html working first :P08:34
Burgworkeverybody I have seen do it uses java08:34
cbx33that would be awesome.....08:35
ograBurgwork, only at the website, i didnt install it08:35
Burgworkogra: imbrandon has a setup and I am about to get one going08:35
ograwell, anyway, web is beyond our focus atm, but the API will be there08:35
Burgworklooks really interesting, is actively developed, have a number of DDs on staff08:35
cbx33Burgwork, care to blog/howto about it once you're done?08:35
Burgworkcbx33: will do08:35
Burgworkit requires some hacking to run on Feisty, due to upstart08:35
cbx33is something I'm keen at looking at too08:35
cbx33ogra, are we going for this pop up install x11vnc pacakge thing?08:36
cbx33explain why it can't be a dep?08:36
Burgworkcan't you use vino?08:36
ograbecause you cant install a dep inside a chroot08:36
cbx33oh i see08:36
cbx33yeh sorry08:36
cbx33can't it be a dep for the chrrot?08:36
cbx33i mean when building the chroot?08:37
ograthat would make *all* ltsp installs vnc servers08:37
ograthats not what we want08:38
ograit needs to be installed dependant on SCP being installed08:38
ograwhat do you think about userlist filtering ?08:38
Burgworkogra:  have you seen http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Desktop/FastUserSwitching08:38
ograseems easy enough to me08:39
cbx33yeh i think so08:39
ograBurgwork, nope, i havent08:39
BurgworkDavidz is working on it08:40
Burgworkit is an FC7 goal08:40
Burgworkit looks interesting for the "who is where" use case08:40
ograi'm usually not a big fan of davidz's GUI works ... lets see08:40
ogracbx33, ok, so i see the prio as follows:08:41
Burgworkis not a gui08:41
ogra* Multiple server control (split front/backend)08:41
ogra* Blank / Lock Workstations08:41
ogra(because its so easy)08:42
ogra* Remote desktop access08:42
ogra* Filter functionallity of the userlist08:42
ogra* Tiled class overview via VNC08:42
sbalneavogra: I'm working through jetpipe.  I'm going to make it command line equivalent to the old lp_server.  I.e. a -w, -d <device> -t <stty opts>, etc.  That ok with you?08:42
cbx33is that bottom one doable in feisty you think?08:42
ograi'll care about the remote desktop access stuff and about renaming etc08:42
ograsbalneav, totally, i was just to lazy :)08:43
sbalneavNo problem.08:43
cbx33ogra, you lazy...?08:43
ogracbx33, the bottom one is a nice to have08:43
sbalneavOgra's the *last* person in the world I;d call lazy.08:43
cbx33me too08:43
cbx33ogra, I think it would be awesome08:43
ograand sharing teachers screen is likely for feisty+108:44
cbx33posibility to make those thumbnails clickable?08:44
cbx33for a full screen preview?08:44
cbx33possible to take control of screen?08:44
ograbut thats a huge task08:44
ograand i'm fearing we end up with it half implemented08:44
cbx33which ?08:44
ograthe tiled VNC thing08:44
cbx33just making it bigger08:44
cbx33what do you see as the problems?08:44
ograso if you want to work on it, please do it in a separate bzr branch08:45
ogravnc is a beast08:45
cbx33a beast we shall tame08:45
ograwell, but it will take its time ...08:45
cbx33of course08:45
ograi dont want to rape it ;)08:45
cbx33I'm not saying it'll be done over night ;)08:45
ograjust tame :)08:46
cbx33so I now have something to work on after christmas08:46
cbx33doubt I'll get anything done before08:46
cbx33if I'm being perfectly honest08:46
ogranobody forces you to ;)08:47
cbx33but i like to08:47
cbx33and I hate letting you all down if I dont08:47
cbx33oh ogra one last thing....any word on how to get this glade working08:47
cbx33for the ldm screen08:47
Burgworkcbx33: always better to under promise and over deliver08:48
ograto be honest, i have no idea whats wrong there08:48
cbx33sounds like a bug to me08:48
cbx33do you know what the catalogs it's talking about are?08:48
cbx33and where they are located?08:48
ograit may be that gnomecanvas isnt supported anymore by recent glade implementations08:48
cbx33that would suck08:48
ograwell, gnomecanvas is dying in favor of cairo08:48
cbx33leaves us with an out of date ldm glade file08:48
BurgworkI wonder if I could get Userful to merge our stuff into SCP...08:48
ograbut cairo isnt there yet08:49
cbx33Burgwork, explain?08:49
ograso there is an unfilled gap08:49
Burgworkogra: we have a web-based thingy like SCP, called DiscoverAssisst08:49
ograyou can try to redo the ldm engine in cairo if you have to much spare time ;)08:49
cbx33dued I've never even used cairo08:50
cbx33not about to start screwing with that yet08:50
cbx33too much else to do08:50
cbx33though I'd like to08:50
ograBurgwork, aha, well, i guess you could merge stuff, yes08:50
cbx33I wouldn't really know where to start08:50
ograa cairo rewrite is on my list for ldm ... but its far down at the bottom atm ...08:51
cbx33maybe when you get to that stage I could help out08:51
ograit will take some releases to get that far down the list :)08:53
ograbut i'll think of you if i get there08:53
Burgworkogra: if you split the backend, life gets more interesting08:54
ograok, i'm afk until distro meeting ...08:54
ograBurgwork, split ?08:54
Burgworksplit SCP, sorry08:54
=== willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33Burgwork, SCP is goign to be split08:54
ograok ... bbl08:54
cbx33thanks ogra08:56
cbx33it took us a while but has been really good08:56
Burgworkcbx33: once you split the backend, are there plans to make it work on standalone machines?08:59
Burgworkmake it so, if you have a lab of 30 machines, you can install the backend on each and the front end on one and have it work?09:02
Burgworkassuming each of those 30 machines is a fat client09:03
Burgworkogra: have you guys talked with the stateless Linux people? Fedora is doing some cools things with systems management09:04
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cbx33yes i was interested in stateless at one point09:16
Burgworkcbx33: basically, with ltsp fat clients, that is basically the same as stateless09:18
cbx33ah ok09:18
willvdlfolks, I'm out. catch you tomorrow afternoon09:23
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cberloHi folks.  Got a (hopefully) quick question:  how would I kill all processes from users that aren't logged on (execept daemons and system users)?09:49
cbx33write a script09:50
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Burgworkcberlo: upon the user logging out, kill all their running processes09:55
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cberloBurgwork: Okay, and with ldm, how do I detect when they logout?10:09
cberlo(sorry, got tied up for a bit there)10:09
BurgworkI have no idea10:09
cberlocbx33: a script would be a good idea.  I'll try that.  What would you put in it?  :)10:09
sbalneavDo all your users run the same kind of desktop?10:11
sbalneavi.e. gnome-session?10:12
sbalneavI guess, more to the point is: what's being left around that you feel you need to kill off?10:12
Burgworksbalneav: in a public environment, you want to kill anything that people leave running, for security reasons10:14
sbalneavBurgwork: I'm trying to find out WHAT's being left around.  If it's only the users' gconfd, there's no harm in that staying there: it doesn't need to restart next time then.  If it's something else, then that may point to a bug, or a misconfiguration.10:15
cberlosbalneav: bonobo is leaving a process behind that seems to affect nautilus upon re-logging in.  Basically, I'm not pulling a proper desktop, and plugging in USB storage devices isn't visually registering (but they are accessible if you know where to look, which I'm assuming my students won't).10:18
sbalneavIf you kill off the bonobo process, do things work correctly, then?10:20
cberloDon't have access to the server at the moment (just spent the afternoon testing a new lab with it, and noticed as I logged in and out of the account I used for testing that it occasionally left this one bonobo process running; killing it seemed to fix the Desktop glitches I was experiencing).10:20
cberlosbalneav: In short, yes.  :)10:20
cberlosbalneav: I had thought to use ps aux to narrow down the running processes, but I wind up with an assortment of daemons and such in the mix, so grepping to remove what I know should not be killed is a lengthy process.10:21
cberlosbalneav: Basically what I was trying to do is grab a list of who's running processes vs. who's logged in (except for the root process) and kill any processes that were running but didn't belong to anyone logged in.10:22
sbalneavOK, well, there's two courses of action here.  Most importantly is to file a bug on Bonobo, as it should exit correctly upon session termination.  The second would be running a script to clean up.  Something along the following lines.10:22
sbalneavfor each user in $(getent passwd | awk '$3 > 999 {print $1}'); do10:23
BHSPitLappygot a little question10:24
BHSPitLappywe have an ubuntu desktop running at home, and I was curious if I could install edubuntu-desktop and have its environment run for just a particular user.10:25
sbalneav   pgrep -u ${user} gnome-session || pkill -u ${user} bonobo10:25
cberloAs soon as I have Internet access on that server again I will file an appropriate bug.  About that script...  what's the awk supposed to do?  I'm not fully versed in awk...10:26
sbalneavI typed that off the top of my head, so you'd need to play around with it a bit.10:26
sbalneavthe awk looks at your passwd file, and any user that has a userid greater than 999 (i.e. 1000 and above) it will return the username10:27
sbalneavyou can try it on the command line by itself10:27
cberloright, just figured that part out.  :)10:27
cberloRunning it on my own laptop here, and watching the results.10:27
ograthat might kill yourself :)10:27
sbalneavthat means you wont look for any root, etc processes.10:27
sbalneavyeah, you'd want ot be running that as root10:27
sbalneavnot as a user :)10:27
cberloYes, so fairly safe to play with as me...10:28
sbalneavwell, except for the pkill part.  You'll return your name, and kill your own processes10:28
sbalneavwhich will log you out.10:28
cberloSo the pgrep greps the processes for gnome-session then kills bonobo if it doesn't find it?10:28
sbalneavthat's a very simplistic way of doing it, but...10:30
cberloOkay, here's my revision:  for user in $(getent passwd | awk '$3 > 999 {print $1}'|cut -f1 -d:); do echo $user; pgrep -u ${user} gnome-session || pkill -u ${user} bonobo; done10:30
cberloNow, where can I put that so that it runs when someone logs off?  Or should I just stick it in a cron job?10:30
sbalneavah, yeah, forgot the separator in awk.10:30
sbalneavawk -F: '$3......10:30
sbalneavthen you can ditch the cut.10:31
cberlogood.  I'll learn awk yet!  :)10:32
cberloSo, ogra, what runs at logout that I can stick that little script in?10:33
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ogranothing, you need to stick it into ldm10:33
cberloogra: You'd be proud of me:  I used Edubuntu LTSP 6.10 without hacking the ldm out of it this time!  30 user setup.10:33
cberloogra: Okay, so how do I modify ldm, then?10:33
ogranice :)10:34
cberloOh, and a side question:  what kind of memory would you suggest for the following configs:  10 user, 30 user, 60 user?  My estimate was 1GB, 2GB and 4GB.  Fair?10:35
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sbalneavThat seems reasonable.10:38
cberloI gotta run.  I'll have to pick your brains again tomorrow.  Thanks for the assistance, sbalneav!  A lot cleaner than what I was working with.  And I'll get that bug report in ASAP!10:38
ograah, crap, he's gone10:44
ograhe could have used LDM_REMOTECOMMAND for what he wanted10:44
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-241-25-170.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
blue-froghi aquickie if I may.. where the login window GUI saves the security information (automatic login...)?11:08
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Marco``hi ppl12:04
Marco``is edubuntu available in multilanguage?12:04
Marco``I need it in german12:05
Marco``#ubuntu was faster ;)12:07
Marco``ty anyway12:07

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