
=== merlin-linux [n=quail@unaffiliated/quaillinux/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
=== Nailor [n=nailor@dsl-tkubrasgw1-fe19fa00-61.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
=== freeflying|away [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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=== jldugger [n=jldugger@ppp-70-252-173-221.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
sfllawWhy is this channel unregistered?06:19
ajmitchprobably because an op needs to register it06:21
ajmitchand for someone to be an op, you either need to kick everyone from the channel, or talk nicely to a freenode staffer06:22
ajmitchit used to be registered, awhile ago06:23
ajmitchI guess the original contact may have dropped it06:23
ajmitchsfllaw: talking to a staffer now, it will get sorted06:25
Burgundaviait was finally dereggedc06:28
ajmitchnalioth has to ping seveas about it first06:29
Burgundaviathe original registrar was a semi-troll, tbh06:29
Burgundaviahe had some good ideas, he just didn't know when to stop06:32
sfllawI see.06:33
sfllawI have a laptop.06:33
sfllawI had to fight with /etc/default/acpi-support to get it to suspend.06:33
sfllawIt was very unhappy.06:33
ajmitchmine suspends beautifully06:33
sfllawajmitch: :(06:33
ajmitchhowever waking up isn't reliable06:33
ajmitchwhich is quite an important part06:34
sfllawMine didn't even suspend.06:34
Burgundaviaacpi-support is a gross hack, basically06:34
ajmitchit's an acer, so it has some acpi weirdness06:34
Burgundaviamjg59 even admits it06:34
sfllawIt's true.06:34
ajmitchmjg59 has looked at mine, and thrown up his hands in disgust06:34
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
=== dade` [n=dade@nectarine/admin/dade] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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=== Lure_ [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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=== dade` [n=dade@nectarine/admin/dade] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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=== tenzin [n=tenzin@gw.ptr-80-238-207-181.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
=== mode/#ubuntu-laptop [-s+cnt] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-laptop [+o Burgwork] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-laptop:Burgwork] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Laptop Team | This is not for support, please use #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu-laptop [-o Burgwork] by Burgwork
Burgworkajmitch: you around?10:30
Burgworkyou got ops10:30
ajmitchI know10:30
ajmitchI was bugging nalioth about registering it10:30
ajmitchwhich he has graciously done now10:31
=== dade` [n=dade@nectarine/admin/dade] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
Burgworkajmitch: you got something of the auth-client to show us?10:44
ajmitchnot right now (being at work & going away for a few days afterwards)10:45
=== ajmitch plans to do some UI hacking next week anyway
ajmitchvisiting home is usually dull & boring, so I'll either read or hack :)10:46
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-laptop

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