
Keybuko/~ I hate debugging01:05
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AlexExtremeyou know what? i've just switched to kde :P06:13
AlexExtremehave you ever had problems with gnome getting so unbelievably slow that it takes 10 minutes to download 15 emails?06:14
Keybukwhich mail client?06:15
AlexExtremethunderbird, but it's something to do with gnome because thunderbird is fine when run from other desktops06:15
_ionI've tried KDE every now and then for a long time, and never found it nice enough to use. :-)06:16
_ionPerhaps KDE 4 will change that. :-)06:16
AlexExtremeanyway, this is a bit off topic... ;)06:16
AlexExtremeyes, i'm looking forward to kde406:16
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