
mdkewhat do you think of the left/right split? maybe there should be one12:18
mdkethere are something like 14 topics... they won't fit well12:19
mdkewe could relegate the "Getting more help" and "Contribute to Ubuntu" topics to the interweb12:22
mptwell, if it was ok to put "Getting more help" on the Web site, people would already know to look on the Web site for more help ;-)12:24
mdkethat makes no sense!12:25
mdkeall it does it point to the various parts of the internet support community anyway, all it would add is an extra click, to the website12:25
mptok, but even if it's just a direct link to the Web site, it still needs to be on the front page12:27
mptbut the number of topics probably could be reduced12:28
mdkeoh I see12:28
mdkeyou're not reading my mind.12:28
mdkeWhat I meant to say was "relegate the X and the Y topics by adding a sentence about them to the front page"12:28
mptReplace a topic link with a sentence?12:29
mptWouldn't that take more room?12:29
mptI'm probably not understanding12:29
mptIt's too early in the afternoon12:29
mdkewell, the sentence would be in the right column12:29
mdkeand have a link to the website12:29
mdkethe topics would be down the left12:29
mdkempt: i'll try and do a mockup... it's a bit late, I'm explaining myself badly12:31
nixternalmdke: for a GNOME app :)  that looks pretty good12:31
mdkenixternal: check out the scrollback - mpt has some good ideas for your mockup too12:31
mdkeor rather, his ideas apply equally12:32
mptI don't think "Games" or "Programming" are suitable as top-level categories12:34
mptand "Office" I'm not sure of, either12:34
mdkempt: what would you do with em?12:35
mptThis isn't an index to everything we have help for, it's help on the OS-in-general12:35
mdkethis is true, but it's nice to have documents available from navigation as well as search12:35
mptGames have their own Help menus12:35
mptThat's the navigation12:35
mdkempt: do you think that there is value in documents which talk about what extra applications the user can install? that's essentially what those documents do12:36
nixternalmdke: ya, i am going to take some of them into account. we might actually just utilize konqueror with the help:/ linking for our help, since it is better and easier than khelpcenter12:38
mptNot much12:38
mptMaybe a few paragraphs in the section on adding/removing software12:39
nixternalim also working upstream on that stuff as well a little bit with kde, awaiting my svn access12:39
mptunder "What software can I install?"12:39
nixternali do like the fact of making it skinnier so-to-speak in order to allow the user to read it and do it at the same time12:39
mdkempt: I think you may be right. this would mean essentially nuking games.xml, office.xml and programming.xml12:39
nixternalim not nuking games.xml thats for sure :)12:40
=== mpt cowers
nixternalmpt: only because i just got done, or am in the process of finishing the games section :)12:40
mdkeI think it sounds sensible. Obviously, the useful bits might integrate well with the add-applications section, as mpt suggests12:41
nixternaloh without a doubt they could fall in the add-applications section12:41
nixternalthere is a lot that could fall under that as well12:41
nixternalsince the entire games section is about installing games anyways with a brief exerpt about each game12:41
mdkeI think I'm with mpt on this, it would also ensure that the topics are focused on substantial sections12:42
mdkenot quite sure the best way to proceed, though. Should we seek further views or simply update the wiki page and get on with it?12:47
mdkeit seems to me that me, nixternal and mpt are driving this topic-based-help ride so maybe we can just go ahead12:48
nixternalit would be nice to get some extra views, maybe open it up for a few days or so and then if we don't get much, lets just go ahead and rock with it12:49
nixternalholidays will make it difficult right now to get some extra views as well12:49
mdkeyes, true12:49
nixternalmdke: maybe a simple blog post could spark the attention we are seeking about it as well12:50
nixternala "what do you think of this" type post, or unleash it to the wolves in #ubuntu12:51
mdkewhen I have a good mockup, I'll do that, certainly12:51
nixternalya, i need to rework mine as well12:51
nixternalooh, time to roll..dad's birthday12:52
mdkehave fun12:52
mdkeah great, I've introduced a crash to yelp with my simple patches :)01:07
mdkeaha, invalid html01:10
bdmurraymdke: I have some time over the holidays and wanted to work some more on documentation, but I haven't received an svn password yet.01:12
bdmurrayI'm happy to keep sending patches but thought having the write access might be easier.01:13
mdkebdmurray: it's waiting on the admins I'm afraid. They may not be working at the moment, I'll try and find one to get it sped up01:13
bdmurraymdke: no problem, I understand it is the holidays. ;)01:14
mdkechasing up now01:14
mdkempt: http://mdke.org/tmp/yelp.png (you'll need to help with fixing that bullet pointed list01:21
mdkebut, as a draft, is that better?01:21
bdmurraymaybe Application Management?  That seems more concise01:22
mdkewe'll need to improve the names, definitely. The server one is totally out01:23
bdmurrayThe layout looks better though01:23
mdkempt: so, those topics can be reduced by 5 (and we can add 2 from Gnome)01:23
mdkenet reduction of 3, which should make it an acceptable size01:24
=== mpt_ [n=mpt@121-72-134-94.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkempt_: did you see that last mockup?01:54
mdkenot sure if you were pinging out01:54
mdkeyou'd have to have a pretty long pingout, mind01:54
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mdkempt__: here is one with the topics removed, reordered, and the serverguide reworded: http://mdke.org/tmp/yelp.png02:19
mdkeoh crap, not reordered02:19
=== mdke fixes
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mdkempt_: dude!02:40
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=== mdke slaps mpt_'s connection with a fish
mpt__mdke, http://mpt.net.nz/temp/ubuntu-help.png02:54
mdkempt: heh. quite a lot more radical?02:55
mdkealso, you get to add topics which we haven't written, that's not fair. I can only work with what we have02:58
mdkempt: ok, my last try for the night: http://mdke.org/tmp/yelp.png - quick feedback?03:07
mdkeit's missing the two topics that would come from Gnome03:07
mptcontinuous improvement :-)03:10
mdkempt: if I get a working patch I think I'll attach it to a bug somewhere. The stuff in the right hand column needs to be made translatable, and we need to improve the css a bit... but I've been struggling so much with the patch system that I'll be pleased to get a patch out of it03:12
mptThe bullets problem might merely be because you don't have <ul> ... </ul> around them03:12
mdkeno, I have em03:13
mpthmm, odd03:14
mdkebug 7694403:24
UbugtuMalone bug 76944 in yelp "Improve yelp index layout" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7694403:24
mdkempt: ok, any more ideas on layout/categories welcome at any time, I am very positive about a great outcome for Feisty03:35
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UbugtuNew bug: #76952 in ubuntu-doc "basic-concepts.xml is missing the word "them"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7695206:05
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mdkeoh great, another tutorial website :(12:14
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nixternal[      mdke]  oh great, another tutorial website :(08:12
nixternalhaha. they are everywhere08:12
nixternalthe more that pops up the more different each howto becomes08:12
mdkesuch a shame08:21
mdkenixternal: I've written to the guy to ask about why he didn't feel able to contribute directly to the Ubuntu documentation, I suspect however the website makes him money, I don't know08:44
nixternallink me08:48
mdkeI'm referring to the tutorial website that arrived on planet today, hang on08:48
nixternaloh wow08:48
nixternalya, i read his post on the planet..the vim one08:49
nixternalwow, each post has adsense garbage08:50
mdkemy blog has adsense too, it's earning me well over $0.02 every day08:53
mdkebut maybe he does better :)08:53
mdkeand he has a donation button08:53
nixternali have some as well, but i haven't had one click that i know of08:53
mdkeI think I'll remove em, they suck08:53
nixternalya, me too08:53
nixternalbtw, i like your new layout...very clean08:53
nixternali am going to eventually get around to doing a clean theme hopefully from scratch when i get some time08:54
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mdkenixternal: cool09:32
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mdkehi mpt11:33
mdkempt: what do you think of this structure of the "New to Ubuntu 7.04?" topic: http://mdke.org/tmp/newtoubuntu.png11:35
=== mdke loves bugging mpt
mdkepopey: around?11:40
mdkepopey: do you fancy trying to set up something like doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts?11:41
mdkepreferred username?11:42
popeyusing what? drupal or something?11:42
mdkefor logging in11:42
popeyin order of preference, alan, popey, alanpope11:42
mdkepopey: query11:46
popeyalready there11:47
popeyoh, hang on, am I not identified11:47
popeycan you see my replies?11:47
mdkeyou'll get an error if you're not identified11:47
popeyyeah, in another window waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there11:48
=== mdke nods
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