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sistpotyhi folks12:15
agentrealist: yeah.... the forums are no longer a viable source of info on most topics - o well, at least more people are using gnu/linux which is always good - although topics like 'why did they make x program open source - those idiots' are a little banal12:15
agentsistpoty: i just realized your nick is not sisypoty :)12:15
agentsistpoty: oh, and hi ;)12:16
sistpotyhi agent ;)12:16
sistpotyScottK: pyspf uploaded12:23
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mdkeanyone around who can give me a quick hand?12:49
mdkeaha ciao12:49
mdkeI'm working on a patch for yelp. I used cdbs-edit-patch and then made a debdiff. But now I'd like to make some further changes. How do I proceed?12:50
mdkeI should say that I've lost the source tree I was working on12:50
sistpotymdke: but you still got the debdiff?12:50
FujitsuHas the debdiff been applied to the package in the archive yet?12:50
giskardyou have a patch! apply it on the original source12:50
mdkeFujitsu: no; sistpoty: yes12:51
mdkegiskard: and then when I make another debdiff, my changes will be in that one too?12:51
sistpotymdke: do as giskard says... get last version and patch -p0 < *debdiff12:51
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mdkealright, I will try that.12:52
mdkethanks all three12:52
sistpotymdke: you'll need to make a new debdiff then from the resulting source package and the orig versoin then ;)12:52
giskardmdke, yes the debdiff will be between the original source and the modified one.12:52
mdkeso, to clarify, do I need to get two copies of the source tree unpacked?12:53
sistpotymdke: you need the orig version unpacked, then you apply the debdiff12:53
mdkeyep, with you so far12:53
sistpotymdke: that will result in the source tree becoming the new version12:53
sistpotymdke: if you build a source package then (assuming you already added a new changelog entry in your debdiff), you'll get a new .dsc file12:54
sistpotymdke: then you can just debdiff old.dsc new.dsc12:54
mdkebrilliant, thanks12:54
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bddebianHeya gang01:14
cypherbiosbddebian: hi :)01:15
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bddebianHello cypherbios01:16
sistpotyhi bddebian01:17
FujitsuHi bddebian.01:18
geserHi bddebian 01:19
bddebianWow, hi Fujitsu, geser01:19
sistpotysheesh... having to read through a french page again... this is all so french to me :)01:19
mdkehi, I'm back with the questions01:30
mdkeI've now made my debdiff, but it seems to contain files which i didn't touch :(01:30
mdkeI'll paste it somewhere01:30
cypherbiosbddebian: when you are busy, could you make me a favor?01:31
mdkehttp://mdke.org/tmp/yelp.diff <-- that was the first one01:31
cypherbiosbddebian: take a look on my uploaded package on REVU and leave some comment :) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=374801:32
bddebiancypherbios: When I'm busy? :-)01:32
mdkethe only files I touched were debian/changelog and stylesheets/toc2html.xsl, any idea what all the other stuff is?01:32
cypherbiosbddebian: are NOT, sorry :)01:32
mdkesistpoty: are you still around?01:35
sistpotymdke: yes... please give me a minute, I just want to finish a revu entry ;)01:35
mdkesistpoty: certainly. Hilight me when you're ready01:36
sistpotywill do01:36
Fujitsumdke, that's all RCS stuff... It's possible that the Makefile does some odd stuff with it. Did the old debdiff have those files modified as well?01:38
mdkeFujitsu: yeah, that's the old debdiff01:39
FujitsuHm, I think that's OK.01:40
FujitsuIt's just rewritten the patch, so there should be no problems.01:40
sistpotymdke: problems solved already?01:43
mdkesistpoty: Fujitsu thinks so. I have no clue :)01:43
mdkeFujitsu: is it my fault that happened?01:44
sistpotyFujitsu: what did you mean to change actually? maybe that gives some clue ;)01:47
sistpotymdke: and your changelog entry is too wide: it shouldn't be wider than 80 chars01:47
mdkesistpoty: ok, I can sort out the CL. I changed the two files I mentioned above01:47
bddebiancypherbios: Done :-)01:47
cypherbiosbddebian: wow, thanks!01:48
bddebiancypherbios: Well it FTBFSs for me :-(01:48
cypherbiosbddebian: let me see :)01:48
mdkesistpoty: but the other files I didn't touch, I don't know why they are in the diff01:48
sistpotymdke: not quite sure right now. I'll do a testbuild with these files removed from the diff... maybe the build log gives some insight01:49
mdkesistpoty: do you mind? that's very generous of you!01:49
sistpotymdke: no problem ;)01:49
cypherbiosbddebian: I'm working to correct this now01:51
bddebiancypherbios: Cool01:51
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sistpotymdke: seems rather related to the fact, that there is a 06_ubuntu_index.diff already, that contains these files01:55
sistpotymdke: so the time stamps of this patch will get updated01:55
sistpotymdke: a few lines in the patch are just identical, and I don't see a reason, why these should be there in the debdiff in the first place01:55
mdkesistpoty: I was trying to add to that patch01:56
sistpotymdke: how about using a newer patch instead of one that's already there?01:56
mdkeI did cdbs-edit-patch debian/patches/06*etc01:56
sistpotymdke: if you want, I can sent you a sanitized debdiff01:56
mdkesistpoty: because that patch contains stuff I want to build on top of, and in some cases, modify01:56
mdkeI understood that cdbs applies the patch, then lets me modify the source tree directly01:57
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sistpotymdke: ah, I see... well as written above, the timestamps will get autoupdated (and thus will always be in the diff)01:57
mdkesistpoty: it's a nice offer, but I need to know how to do it myself in order to improve on the patch :) it's not quite finished01:57
=== Hobbsee waves
sistpotymdke: you can snip a patch in two at the diff -Nru lines (at least in theory)... with a bit of luck it's nothing more than cutting old/new patches in two and deleting from these until they are sane ;)01:59
sistpotyhi Hobbsee01:59
mdkesistpoty: ok, let me try.01:59
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sistpotybtw.: did I mention that I hate patch systems yet?02:01
mdkesistpoty: is the patch not sane in the state that i uploaded?02:01
mdkemaybe I can just submit it, and seb will understand what is going on02:01
crimsun_'lo barry02:01
mdkeit's my first patch after all02:01
mdkeoh, I need to add a depends on ubuntu-docs, I wonder how he will react to that...02:02
sistpotymdke: I don't know really... however in case you wouldn't want to touch the same files as the 06_ubuntu patch, it would be better to create a new one02:02
sistpotymdke: otherwise I think it should be fine02:02
sistpotyhi crimsun_02:03
crimsun_'lo stefan02:03
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FujitsuIt's crimsun!02:05
sistpotyomg, I still need to buy christmas presents tomorrow :(02:06
crimsun_yes, even on vacation I can't escape the death spiral of alsa bug email02:06
=== mdke pulls the plug out from crimsun_'s email
mdkesistpoty: me too02:07
sistpotyI fear that the city will be crowded02:07
mdkeno presents this year!02:07
sistpotyhehe, or I just buy a tie and a pair of socks for my dad *g*02:08
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Hobbseeimbrandon: you around?02:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: this wouldnt be in your house, would it?  http://www.iftk.com.br/wordpress/xmas-beer-tree02:12
mdkeah, small question - when I use dch -i, how can I program it to know my correct email address?02:13
mdkealso, when doing debuild, for the gnupg key02:13
crimsun_pass -e and -k, respectively, with their correct values02:14
mdkeisn't there some kind of dotfile?02:14
sistpotymdke: DEBEMAIL is one variable, let me look up the other02:14
sistpotymdke: DEBFULLNAME02:15
mdkesistpoty: where do I put em?02:16
HobbseeGPGKEY= is another02:16
Hobbseemdke: .bashrc02:16
sistpotyHobbsee: .zshrc :P02:16
mdkeoh right02:16
Hobbseethat too :P02:16
mdkei *think* i'm using bashrc02:16
=== mdke is not very good at this linux stuff
Hobbseemdke: that's odd.  i thought you were a great debian hacker that is working onto ubuntu?02:20
mdkeHobbsee: maybe someone else02:21
Hobbseenah, not him.02:21
Hobbseeoh you're the wiki guy or something?02:21
=== Hobbsee is now truly lost :P
mdke"the wiki guy"02:22
Hobbseeor documentation or something02:23
Hobbseeplease ignore my brain, it doesnt like doing things early :P02:23
Hobbseeno, not him either02:24
=== Hobbsee takes her brain out, finds a new one, and puts that in instead
=== mdke puts on his "wiki guy" branded hat
sistpotymdke: may I pester you with a wiki problem?02:26
mdkesistpoty: sure02:27
mdkeI can try02:27
sistpotymdke: I still cannot get the page renamed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/PackagingMistakes should be /MOTU/School/PackagingMistakes02:27
sistpotymdke: but the wiki still complains that this page would exist (but it doesn't)02:27
mdkeoh awesome02:28
mdkesistpoty: it must be a bug. The target page originally existed... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingMistakes?action=info02:29
mdkeI'd suggest doing it manually02:29
sistpotymdke: ok, will do... thx02:29
mdkecopy the raw text from the source page and dump it into the target page02:29
sistpotythat's just like juggling with patches ;)02:30
mdkeour version of the wiki software is pretty ancient, so it has these rubbish moments02:31
Hobbseefix it?  :P02:33
mdkeHobbsee: the powers that be are working on it02:39
Hobbseemdke: :)02:40
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cypherbiosbddebian: please, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=386903:14
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cypherbiosbddebian: the python-gtk2-dev aren't needed to build the package, it's only needed to install it, and the python-gtk2 already are an dependency03:15
cypherbiosbddebian: I just commented the line to check for pygtk, because the apt will do it before, when installing the package03:16
bddebianOK, after the kids go to bed I'll check it out03:17
cypherbiosbddebian: thank you :)03:17
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ScottKSistpoty - Thanks again for all your help.  It's been an interesting learning experience.  It'll go smoother next time...03:26
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sistpotyScottK: thanks for your contribution ;)03:26
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=== Hobbsee waves
suicideduckysweet then, i assume i can be heard.03:48
suicideduckyI'M just learning about packaging and was wondering where abouts i would find some small sized source code that i could try packaging on, just to see if it works or not.03:50
StevenKXorg? :-P03:50
StevenKsuicideducky: Never mind, I'm poking fun. :-)03:51
FujitsuStevenK, LOL.03:51
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suicideduckywhat was that sorry, damn lil X button got in my way03:52
FujitsuReminder to self... Don'04:00
Fujitsu*Don't use sed-style lines in normal IM conversations with people who don't know what they are.04:01
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HobbseeFujitsu: hehe04:15
HobbseeFujitsu: should be fairly obvious04:15
FujitsuBut there are so few people I talk to who don't understand them... :S04:16
StevenKSo teach the ones who don't know them.04:16
=== bddebian doesn't know sed
Hobbseebddebian: yes, but you understand s/foo/bar/04:19
bddebianOh, aye :-)04:19
=== StevenK idly notes he has a little bit of beer in his fridge for someone who doesn't really drink beer.
bddebiancypherbios: Got it04:21
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jdongwonderful, someone said my name... time to wear out my pgup key04:23
StevenKjdong: /lastlog04:23
superm1if an upstream tarball (from SF) has CVS directories in it still, what is the appropriate thing to do about the lintian warnings?04:23
StevenKRepack it, if you care enough.04:24
Fujitsusuperm1, attack upstream.04:24
StevenKThat too.04:24
FujitsuAttack upstream with a big nasty hot poker.04:24
StevenKOr a big nasty Hobbsee, either way.04:24
FujitsuSame thing.04:25
=== StevenK waits for a supplier to call him back to see can finish dealing with this after hours callout
FujitsuHobbsee: How'd you go with attacking that KDE upstream?04:25
StevenKThen again, I'm getting paid to IRC at the moment.04:25
=== StevenK ponders assuming \sh's answer was 'yes' to his question.
HobbseeFujitsu: i filed them a bug, i'm not sure anything got done04:27
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=== sistpoty is off to bed
sistpotygn8 everyone04:51
cypherbiosbddebian: thank you for the comments on revu, I'm rebuilding the manpage now04:56
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LaserJockanybody around?04:59
bddebianNope, just us nobody's ;-)05:00
bddebianWhat's happening LaserJock?05:00
LaserJockI just got to my inlaws tonight05:01
LaserJockthought I'd get online and check my email05:02
LaserJockonly have about 230 to go through05:02
LaserJockit seems Stefan is the REVU master!05:03
LaserJockhave we declared the REVU sprint over?05:04
LaserJockoh sweet05:09
LaserJockimbrandon: you around?05:09
bddebianDunno but yeah he has been an animal :-)05:10
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LaserJockI was going to write up my REVU Days report but don't want to cut it off to short05:13
LaserJockmaybe I'll do it tomorrow05:13
Hobbseei dont think dholbach will ever want the sprint over05:13
Hobbseebecause then people wont be thinking about REVUing05:13
bddebianHmm, maybe I better get back to work then :-)05:14
FujitsuHobbsee, probably true.05:15
LaserJockwell, I'm personally not a big fan of these "Days"05:17
LaserJockif they work they're great05:17
LaserJockI think this one has been excellent05:17
LaserJockI counted 6 NEW packages and 2 updates uploaded05:18
LaserJockusually we can go a whole REVU Day without a single upload05:18
Hobbseedid you add supertux in that?05:19
LaserJockhmm, no05:19
Hobbsee(was an update, dumped on revu)05:19
LaserJockso 6 and 305:19
LaserJockand a whole lot of comments/updates05:19
ScottKI'll jump in and say that as a new packager I found having a REVU day very helpful.  One, it got me focused on getting a package done by a specific day and then with all the focus on REVUing, I was able to get several iterations of my package done, commented, and corrected in a very short time.  For me it was 3 days from first upload to a package in Feisty.  That's pretty awesome.05:22
cypherbiosbddebian: I have one question... What I need to do to my manpage (aptoncd.1) be "recognized" when packaging it, something on debian/rules, debian/docs ?05:22
StevenKRun dh_installmanpages in debian/rules, and add aptoncd.1 to debian/manpages05:22
StevenKOr just read the manual page for dh_installmanpages05:22
LaserJockScottK: yeah, we'd like to have more of that kind of experience05:22
StevenKEr, sorry, dh_installman05:23
cypherbiosStevenK: thank you :)05:23
StevenK(dh_installmanpages is the older one. I'll put my walking frame away now.)05:23
bddebianGah, beat me to it :)05:23
LaserJocka lot of times we've haven't been able to get the word out and it was only 1 day, so we didn't have a lot of REVU "users" show up I don't think05:23
LaserJockI think perhaps sprints are better than days05:24
bddebianProbably.  Especially with the TZ differences05:26
LaserJockHobbsee: did you see the latest response to the supertux thread on the forums?05:26
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LaserJockbddebian: I'd rather spend a week focusing on something, being able to come in and out05:26
LaserJockit's so easy to miss one day05:27
ScottKI agree about more than one day.05:27
bddebianDamnit, I'm drawing a blank.. What do I pass to cvs diff?  I thought it was -urN05:27
bddebianLaserJock: Aye05:27
HobbseeLaserJock: the one about "install from my feisty repo"?05:27
LaserJockHobbsee: yeah, the person reported unmet deps with the feisty one too, but I don't know if they've messed their system up or not05:28
HobbseeLaserJock: they have.  i'm pretty sure05:28
LaserJockhmm, somebody proposing feisty-experimental05:28
LaserJockI wonder how well that would work actually05:29
LaserJockbasically a 1 week delay05:29
Hobbseewell, everyone would enable it anyway05:29
Hobbseebecuase feisty's known as not stable05:29
LaserJockwe'd have to name it feisty-really-really-old-and-stale05:29
HobbseeLaserJock: no depedancy errors.  the guy is just smoking crack05:29
=== Hobbsee checked with a chroot
LaserJockI wonder if they're running edgy or something05:30
Hobbseeit works on edgy too05:31
Hobbseeif it gets recompiled05:31
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LaserJockwow, nifty netsplit06:04
cypherbiosbddebian: manpage working now, please take a look >  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=387006:05
luisbghey LaserJock, merry christmas btw06:06
LaserJockluisbg: hi!06:07
bddebiancypherbios: I'm already on it :-)06:12
bddebiancypherbios: OK, advocated06:13
cypherbiosbddebian: :D wow! thank you!06:14
bddebianNo, THANK YOU :-)06:14
LaserJockaptoncd, sweet06:15
LaserJockcypherbios: did you write aptoncd?06:17
cypherbiosLaserJock: yep 06:17
cypherbiosLaserJock: I'm the developer :)06:17
LaserJockcypherbios: cool, I've wanted something like that for a while by not enough to go write it06:17
LaserJockcypherbios: does it create an actual repo on the CD?06:18
cypherbiosLaserJock: yes, me too. We have not similar yet, and definitively we need something like that06:19
cypherbiosLaserJock: it haves 2 main functions: 1-Create an CD/DVD-repository with the packages downloaded with apt-get (on apt-cache), and 2-Download an entire repository/section06:20
cypherbios[Download an repository and put it on an CD/DVD -or how many medias where needed-] 06:20
LaserJockhow do you then install those? is it just added to sources.list?06:21
cypherbiosLaserJock: by the GUI of aptoncd, or just 'apt-cdrom add' 06:21
LaserJockwe're going to be adding a 2nd CD in Edubuntu with Feisty06:21
LaserJockit'll be a repo CD06:22
LaserJockand then we're going to make it so that when you insert the CD gnome-app-install fires up and lets you pick tasks06:22
cypherbioshumm, interesting...06:23
LaserJockso if the user inserts the CD they don't have to do any apt-cdrom, or even start synaptic06:24
LaserJockhopefully in the future it'll be pretty easy to create an add-on CD and have users just pop it in and go06:26
cypherbiosLaserJock: and is it what I'm trying to do, let the user create your own add-on cds, and backup of your packages... taking the apt anywhere06:27
cypherbiosLaserJock: an possible integration with synaptic already has been planed, mvo have contacted me about this06:29
LaserJockours is a little different06:29
LaserJockit will integrate into gnome-app-install and it's supposed to be more like a part of the installation06:30
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LaserJockcypherbios: the spec is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuOnTwoCDs if you're interested06:31
cypherbiosLaserJock: humm, cool, I'll check it out06:31
LaserJockour trick is to give the user a few choices as to what kinds of software to install06:32
LaserJocknot individual packages06:32
cypherbiosLaserJock: like an preseed, an set of packages06:33
cypherbiosLaserJock: meta-packages will be very useful in this case06:34
LaserJockyeah, well probably tasks06:34
LaserJockbut perhaps metapackages06:34
LaserJockthat's one of my jobs for Feisty06:34
LaserJockget things into main and put together into categories06:34
cypherbiosan multimedia metapackage would be very pretty thing :)06:35
cypherbiosLaserJock: aptoncd creates an metapackage with all packages on the media created as dependency, to an easy restore/installation of then all after add the media as apt source06:36
LaserJockmostly I'll be doing science meta-packages to start with since that's what I know and there are quite a few packages to choose from06:43
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cypherbiosoh, is 4:00am here... I need go to sleep, cheers :)06:52
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StevenKimbrandon: http://www.iftk.com.br/wordpress/xmas-beer-tree09:04
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=== enyc wonders if sistpoty around
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imbrandonStevenK, zomg that soooooo rocks10:20
imbrandoni'm gonna make one of those next year :)10:21
elkbuntuthe scary thing is, i believe you10:21
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enycmeepmeep ;-)11:07
enycI am about to upload this debdiff patch and comments to fix confirmed problem in universe feisty package ;-)11:08
enycWho do I 'assign' the package to ?11:08
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alleehi, how often runs revu archive queue?  5 min isn't it?  I try to reupload digikam but it complain .dsc already exists.  that after 20 min11:14
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imbrandonenyc, no one, you never assign a bug to anyone, they assign it to themselfs11:15
imbrandonallee, 5 minutes, are you uploading the same version number ?11:15
imbrandon( you might need to delete the *.upload file localy if so )11:16
alleeimbrandon: yes. Made a stupid mistake11:16
imbrandonahh :)11:16
alleeimbrandon: .upload is long gone:11:16
StevenKimbrandon: Or use dput -f11:17
=== StevenK idly wonders about borrowing clanlib from \sh.
imbrandonenyc, to answer you though you "subscribe" ubuntu-universe-sponsors though11:18
imbrandonnever assign anyone though11:18
imbrandonthats a no no11:18
siretartallee: you forgot to sign your digicam upload :)11:18
siretartallee: please reupload with signature11:18
imbrandonheya siretart 11:18
siretarthuhu imbrandon :)11:19
alleesiretart: sure?  dput tells me that sig in good in .dsc and .changes11:19
enycimbrandon: im not sure what you mean about subscribing to ubuntu-universe-sponsors11:20
siretartallee: /usr/bin/more told me something else ;)11:20
imbrandonenyc, when you view the bug , to the left there is a link that says "subscribe someone else"11:20
siretartshopping, bbl11:21
enycimbrandon: anyway I have uploaded to  https://launchpad.net/bugs/72602 11:21
UbugtuMalone bug 72602 in qpsmtpd "qpsmtpd should create /var/run/qpsmtpd in init.d (/var/run/ is tmpfs)" [Medium,Confirmed]  11:21
imbrandonenyc, great now like i said "subscribe someone else" on the left and search for "ubuntu-universe-sponsors"11:22
enycimbrandon: right... nad ubuntu-universe-sponsors is not there ?  only hobbsee@gmail.com11:23
imbrandonsomething is buggered with the group11:24
imbrandonajmitch or hobbsee will probably have to look at iot11:24
enycbetter create a bugreport ;-)11:24
imbrandonfor now choose that one11:24
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enycimbrandon: right... ok if you say so11:24
tsmithewho is daemon at poleboy.de ?11:24
suicideduckyhey all, still there?11:25
enycsuicideducky: maybe11:25
suicideduckyenyc: now how would i reply to that?11:25
enycimbrandon: at what point does somebody "nominate for release" ?11:25
imbrandontsmithe, sistopy11:25
enycsuicideducky: ?how would suic reply to ??what?? ?11:26
enycimbrandon: is this something the universe sponsors then look at?11:26
suicideduckyenyc:  "suicideducky: maybe"11:26
imbrandonenyc, yes11:26
enycsuicideducky: err... no reply needed ;-)11:26
suicideduckyhas anyone in here tried or looked at packaging101 by daniel hollbach?11:27
suicideducky[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/OpenWeek-Packaging101] 11:27
enycimbrandon: right... so now I wait to see if imbrandon looks at this ?11:28
enycimbrandon: err.... hobsee even11:28
imbrandonenyc, they email is just set incorrectly it will goto the team11:28
imbrandondont worry 11:29
enycimbrandon: ok.... what is that team then?11:30
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enycimbrandon: why "sponsors" ?11:30
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imbrandonenyc, because they will "sponsor" the upload for you12:10
imbrandon( e.g. the patch )12:11
imbrandonand review it12:11
enycimbrandon: aaaah I understand ;-)12:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: heya. 12:11
imbrandonheya Hobbsee 12:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: somerville and i need to know what our passwords are for your machine12:12
imbrandonHobbsee, i might not have got the accounts back reset yet since i rebuilt the box12:12
imbrandoni can do that here in a few12:12
imbrandonand will email everyone12:12
imbrandon( its a brand new dual core beast )12:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: okay12:12
Hobbseenice :)12:12
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enycHobbsee: something is apparently wrong with "ubuntu-universe-sponsors" group such that "hobbsee@gmail.com" is listed... such that I 'appear' to have assigned bug 72602 to you rather than the sponsors-group12:15
UbugtuMalone bug 72602 in qpsmtpd "qpsmtpd should create /var/run/qpsmtpd in init.d (/var/run/ is tmpfs)" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7260212:15
enycHobbsee: assuming you are == hobbsee@gmail.com ;-)12:15
Hobbseeenyc: it is me, yes.  subscribe, not assign12:16
enycHobbsee: oh yes... subscribed indeed ;-)12:16
Hobbseebut that mailing address will actually subscribe the sponsors12:16
=== Hobbsee has a different address for her "hobbsee" mail
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=== StevenK ponders flying to the US so he can kill Adam Heath.
FujitsuWhat did said person do, StevenK?12:50
StevenKWrite dbs12:51
StevenKWhich clanlib uses, and it broke fatally.12:52
StevenKAfter following the makefile snippets through about, oh, ten levels of indirection, I figured out the problem.12:52
StevenKI swear dbs causes SHLVL to reach 3 digits.12:53
StevenKHah! It's working12:53
StevenKFriggin' one line patch taking me 25 minutes to sort out, *grumble* *grumble*12:54
=== elkbuntu hands StevenK a chill pill
StevenKHeh, I'm fine. :-)12:55
elkbuntugo sing auld lang syne for me then :12:55
elkbuntui've been called crazy and insane already12:56
Hobbseego on steve, sing :P12:56
StevenKMake me.12:57
elkbuntuHobbsee, you're going to do a duet with him?12:57
TheMusoelkbuntu: ROFL12:57
Hobbseeelkbuntu: nah, i think not.12:57
=== StevenK bets elkbuntu doesn't want to hear what he usually sings.
elkbuntuStevenK, im going to be hearing some really interesting sounds this next week12:58
TheMusoStevenK: Do you read planet Ubuntu?12:58
StevenKIE: When I remember12:58
=== Hobbsee hands StevenK an rss feed reader
StevenKAh ha01:01
DarkMageZi wish evolution had rss feed reading power01:01
StevenKelkbuntu: You have piked my interest enough to consider it.01:01
=== StevenK idly wonders about convincing Hobbsee.
TheMusoStevenK! StevenK! StevenK!01:01
StevenKTheMuso: And where's your .ogg?01:01
=== StevenK smirkls
TheMusoTwill be there by Friday.01:02
TheMusoMy voice is is in no singing shape tonight, and I am way from tomorrow till Wednesday.01:02
HobbseeStevenK: dream on01:02
StevenKMy voice is in no singing shape ever01:02
StevenKThe key I sing in can and does change over the course of one word. :-(01:03
StevenKHobbsee: Oh?01:03
TheMusoNobody is tone deaf!!01:03
elkbuntuStevenK, you sound like mine01:03
HobbseeStevenK: @convincing me01:03
elkbuntuTheMuso, it's not about being tone deaf, it's about voice behaving01:03
StevenKHobbsee: I figured.01:03
HobbseeStevenK: dad has a pitch corrector.  never fear01:03
Hobbseedoes a damn good job, too01:03
TheMusoHobbsee: ??01:03
TheMusoPitch correcter?01:03
TheMusoThats cheating.01:04
StevenKelkbuntu: Send me yours, and I'll send you mine tomorrow? :-)01:04
HobbseeTheMuso: depends what it's for01:04
elkbuntuStevenK, i need to redo mine so it's in tune with the snippet01:04
Hobbseethe snippet is clearly out of tune to you01:04
Hobbseeit just depends on how you look at it01:04
elkbuntuits out of time as well01:05
StevenKI might get my wife to do it, too.01:06
StevenKShe can actually sing.01:06
TheMusoStevenK: Really?01:06
TheMusoHad training and all?01:06
=== Fujitsu hides.
StevenKOh, nothing like that, she can just hold a tune and stay in key, etc.01:07
StevenKWhich means she's already two up on me. :-(01:07
Hobbseepoor you :P01:08
elkbuntuhmm... Fujitsu is hiding from something...01:08
=== elkbuntu looks around for the cause
StevenKI think it's your blog post. :-P01:10
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suicideduckyhello, can i be heard?01:44
Adri2000you can be read01:44
suicideduckyok then ill work with that01:44
suicideduckyim new to packaging and as i was working through a basic packaging tutorial (from ubuntu.com, somewhere to do with MOTUs :)) i typed in debuild -S to build a package. it build fine but at the end it gave me a error of something to do with no gpg key found and it was trying to sign the output or soemthing. what is the gpg key used for?01:49
mr_pouitto sign the changes file01:50
suicideduckyand how do i obtain one?01:50
suicideduckythanks :)01:51
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Adri2000Hobbsee: I believe backport requests should be done by filing a bug in the edgy-backports product, no in the ubuntu package02:09
HobbseeAdri2000: ah.  i subscribed the backport team.  *shrug*02:10
imbrandonAdri2000, correct 02:10
Adri2000and there is already a bug filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/products/edgy-backports/+bug/7683402:10
UbugtuMalone bug 76834 in edgy-backports "backport supertux" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:10
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tsmithe!seen sistpoty04:20
ubotuI last saw sistpoty (n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty) 11h 29m 12s ago, quiting: "Reason #312: Dopefish spotted."04:20
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bddebianHeya gang05:54
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rmjb_hey bddebian05:54
bddebianHeya rmjb05:55
cypherbioshello bddebian05:57
bddebianHeya cyper05:58
bddebianErr cypherbios05:58
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rmjb_./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/<package name> *should* put all the files that would have ended up in /usr/lib into /usr/lib/<package name> right??05:59
rmjb_cause that is not happening for me :(06:00
tsmithesiretart, i uploaded a new version of asoundconf-gtk in accordance with sistpoty's comments: could you have another look, please? it's at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=387606:02
tsmithethanks - i gotta go now06:02
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cypherbiosbddebian: when an package are uploaded to archives, how it is updated, is still done on REVU? or only an MOTU can keep updating the package on archive?06:11
gesercypherbios: only a MOTU can upload to the archive06:12
geserbut everybody can prepare a debdiff and a MOTU can sponsor the upload06:13
cypherbiosgeser: so I (as non-motu) should keep contact with an motu to update the changes made on my package, right?06:13
gesercypherbios: right06:14
cypherbiosgeser: humm, thanks :)06:16
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rmjbanyone has experience setting configure options when using cdbs? I've tried COMMON_CONFIGURE_FLAGS and DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS and neither seems to take06:18
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Adri2000rmjb: DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --enable-gtk-doc < that works06:24
mr_pouitrmjb: I have already used DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS and it worked06:24
mr_pouitAdri2000: :D06:24
rmjbI just got it... I had to put the option *after* the include for autotools.mk06:25
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rmjbalso I'm still confused about the := vs = but I have just = and it works06:25
rmjbhey jdong06:25
jdonghey rmjb06:25
jdongwow, azureus is no longer that big a memory hog with sun-java6 :D06:25
jdongit's staying around 50-60MB RSS06:26
rmjbwhere'd you get the new jvm?06:26
jdongrmjb: built from feisty06:26
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jdongcleanly backports to Edgy06:26
rmjbthat's the gpl'd one?06:26
jdongno stable release of java is gpl'd yet06:27
jdongthe next generation java platform is the GPL'd one06:27
jdongit's all svn and beta-y right now06:27
rmjbjava 7??06:27
jdongthe j2me platform is gpl'd already06:27
jdonglike yesterday I saw that06:27
rmjbI thought they wanted the gpl'd java out in time for feisty... 06:27
jdongit will be...06:28
jdongthey promise Q1 0706:28
jdongfor a stable gpl'd java06:28
rmjbthat seems like a short time to role out a new version of java, esp since 6 is still new(ish)06:28
jdongI know06:29
jdongI don't know if it'll meet its deadline06:29
jdongwow java6 is faster too06:29
jdongwith azureus especially06:29
rmjbhey jdong I have a backport request for dmraid: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/6829406:30
UbugtuMalone bug 68294 in dmraid "Please backport dmraid to edgy - works in feisty" [Medium,Confirmed]  06:30
jdongthere's no longer that lag opening up new dialogs/windows06:30
jdongit feels native if I didn't know better :D06:30
rmjbit backports cleanly to edgy and I'm using it on edgy too... it also fixes a nasty bug in edgy06:30
rmjbwhen you get a chance can you take a look?06:30
jdongrmjb: I'm not gonna process any more backports until ubuntu-archive clears the current queue of them06:30
jdong(which hasn't been done in a few weeks)06:30
jdongotherwise the info just gets stale06:30
rmjbI noticed a slowdown on the backport list from you06:31
rmjbjust thought you were winding down for the holidays :)06:31
jdongnaw it's more because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.tag=06:32
jdongand likewise for edgy06:32
jdongall around two weeks old :)06:32
jdongI'm gonna give -archive a chance to catch up before I snowball more packages06:33
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rmjbif you want to check out more java6 goodness check out https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html06:34
rmjbit's supposed to be a 3d desktop done in java06:34
jdonghehe :)06:34
jdongyeah looking glass06:34
jdongI used to play around with it06:34
rmjbI'm d/ling it now06:35
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imbrandonrmjb, that works fine on java5 too, they demo'd it for us at UDS06:35
LaserJockmorning MOTU people06:35
jdongI'd expect it to work on java506:35
jdongbut java6 is significantly faster06:35
rmjbit looks better (more useful) than compiz, beryl and aero06:35
jdongit's not even funny :)06:35
rmjbthey have ubuntu debs on that page for java6, java3d and looking glass06:36
LaserJockrmjb: that Glass stuff?06:36
LaserJockyeah, I was pretty impressed at UDS06:36
LaserJockit was pretty blingy but I could see that some of the stuff was actually pretty handy06:36
LaserJockstuff like attaching a terminal window to the back of another windows06:37
rmjbyeah, I saw a video for it, they actually did useful stuff... not just flaming menus06:37
LaserJockso you can flip a window over and have a terminal for that task06:37
rmjbthough those are cool too06:37
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LaserJockthe panaramic view of the desktop was interesting06:40
LaserJockassociating places in the background with desktops, etc.06:41
rmjbAdri2000 or mr_pouit or anyone else, if I want to put a variable into my DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS how'd I do that? I've got DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS = --libdir=$(prefix)/lib/pmplib but that fails06:42
rmjbI've also tried ${prefix} and "\${prefix}/lib/pmplib"06:42
rmjbLaserJock: I'll soon see... :)06:43
jdonggrr, why do I have to find and complain about all the unmounting bugs?06:44
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LaserJockjdong: maybe you're the only person that unmounts things :-)06:47
=== rmjb never unmounts things
jdongoh yeah of course :)06:49
jdongapparently everyone else has outgrown USB sticks?06:49
jdongor just don't realize that it'll take 45 more seconds after the icon disappears before all the data is actually ON the device ;-)06:50
LaserJockI've never seen an unmounting bug, what happens?06:50
jdongLaserJock: icon disappears while buffers are still flushing06:50
jdongyank out the drive during this time period, poof goes most of your data06:50
jdongKDE is bitten all-across by it since 3.5.406:50
jdongGNOME still has one more unmount method (right click nautilus bookmark pane) that doesn't show the dialog06:51
zorglu_dunno if it is related, but when one of my usb disk is on sleep and i reboot the box, the shutdown process freeze, and i have to manually switch it off06:51
jdongit's a pretty plausible data-loss scenario...06:51
jdongtypically there's about 20-30s doomsday window with 512MB RAM, USB2.006:52
jdongbut worst-case 1GB RAM + USB 1.1 can take in excess of a minute to fully flush06:52
jdonghence iowait is colored red on all my system monitoring applets06:52
zorglu_ext3 flush quite requently tho06:53
zorglu_i dont remember the exact period 06:53
jdongthat's ext306:53
jdong(5sec, btw)06:53
jdongthough that's technically metadata flushing06:53
zorglu_which fs are you using ?06:53
jdongFAT32 thumb drive06:54
zorglu_there are no periodic flush on fat32 ?06:54
jdongwhich flushes 0.x% of dirtiness every n centisecs06:54
jdongbut for copy-a-file-and-unmount usecases, that's never enough to get the job done06:55
jdongtypically for me there's 15 secs of unmount delay before all the data is flushed06:55
jdongI use my USB pendrives primarily to transfer medium-sized files to my slow wireless-linked boxes06:56
jdong(1mbit wifi links... no fun for scp)06:56
LaserJockhmm, I haven't had a problem with that yet06:57
jdongLaserJock: you a GNOME user?06:57
zorglu_i remember the 'sync && sync && umount' time :)06:57
jdongyeah, gnome users are pretty safe06:57
jdongyou get the bouncy unmounting dialog06:57
jdongexcept in once case I just discovered of course06:57
LaserJockKDE just loses the icon too fast?06:58
jdongLaserJock: immediately the icon is gone06:58
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jdongLaserJock: I mean instantly. poof. :)06:58
zorglu_oh and you say that the user may unplug the disk, wrongly thinking it is safe ?06:58
jdongI've made that mistake before06:58
jdongso it's not out-of-the-question06:59
zorglu_my dapper got a icon option 'safely remove' for usb disk here06:59
jdongzorglu_: in Edgy, safely remove immediately destroys the icon06:59
jdongwhile the umount is still active in the background06:59
jdongin Dapper, KDE had a progress dialog pop up06:59
jdongthat said Unmounting... until it was all synced06:59
jdongbut that disappeared in Edgy07:00
rmjbokay maybe I unmount sometimes... and when I do it by going to My Computer and right clicking then Eject it writes then ejects07:00
jdong(bug 61946)07:00
UbugtuMalone bug 61946 in kdebase "[Edgy Data Loss]  umount progress dialog missing" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6194607:00
zorglu_really ? here on dapper, 'safely remove' pop up a dialog 'need to be root' without proposing to put the root passwd07:00
jdongzorglu_: then your setup is weird :)07:00
rmjbother times it doesn't write then eject, it just goes away fast07:00
jdongit defnitely worked perfectly in Dapper07:01
jdongrmjb: GNOME handles it gracefully07:01
jdongrmjb: see bug 3264307:01
UbugtuMalone bug 32643 in nautilus "unmounting of removable drives should show a progress dialog" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3264307:01
jdongI complained about it in Feburary07:01
jdongactually a bit before then07:01
jdongand that's how it got fixed in GNOME07:01
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LaserJockok, did my blogging for today07:53
LaserJockthank goodness my inlaws have cable07:54
PriceChildhehe LaserJock i know what you look like :P07:55
LaserJockI know what you look like too ;-)07:56
neutrinomassSeveral packages depend on iceweasel but it's not in feisty... should I request a sync ?07:57
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LaserJockhmm, do they have a hard dependency?07:57
neutrinomassAnd does it make sense to file -build1 changelogs to packages that need rebuilding or will that be done automatically at some point anyway ?07:57
LaserJockI would think they would do a iceweasel | firefox or something07:57
LaserJockneutrinomass: if it's something that rarely gets rebuilt then sure07:58
geserneutrinomass: I doubt iceweasel will get synced07:58
neutrinomassDepends: iceweasel | iceape-browser07:58
neutrinomass(for mozilla-diggler )07:58
LaserJockwe're going to have to merge those I think07:58
neutrinomassLaserJock: Cool thanks ... I wasn't sure whether there's any automatic rebuilding going on07:59
LaserJockI don't think so07:59
LaserJockgenerally once it's succesfully built that's it07:59
LaserJockneutrinomass: you might ask -devel if iceweasel is going to go into Universe or not08:00
neutrinomassLaserJock: There's about 10 mozilla-* packages that depend that way ...08:00
=== neutrinomass will
LaserJockyeah, it's certainly be easier maintainence wise, but I don't know if that's really the solution08:00
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LaserJockbecause people will already have firefox installed08:01
LaserJockso those packages will basically make them install 2 versions of firefox08:01
LaserJockwhich is nasty to do08:01
neutrinomasstrue ... Do you know if there's a reason they chose not to depend on firefox? It doesn't really make sense (other than wanting to push iceweasel)08:02
LaserJockin that light, I think it would probably be better for our users to have a | firefox08:02
LaserJockneutrinomass: they have no firefox package I don't think08:02
neutrinomassTrue... they moved it to non-free or whatnot so they wouldn't want to move everything there08:03
neutrinomassLaserJock: So should I file bugs and add a | firefox ?08:03
LaserJockin my opinion yes, but it might be better to ask the higher up how we want to handle it because it does effect a decent number of packages08:04
LaserJockok, I'm off08:04
LaserJockcya all08:04
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Adri2000geser: ping, could you upload a few things for me now? 2 new upstream releases08:32
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geserAdri2000: which ones?08:33
Adri2000the packages are libdjconsole and djplay (I'm the original maintainer in ubuntu for both), djplay uses libdjconsole, so the best would be to upload first libdjconsole, and once it is built, upload djplay08:34
Adri2000everything is here: http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/toupload/08:35
Adri2000geser: ^08:42
geserAdri2000: according to /etc/udev/rules.d/README your udev file in libdjconsole should be 45-... instead of 40-...08:43
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Adri2000geser: hmm ok, and I should change that in the package but upstream can keep the 40-?08:47
Adri2000ok, I'm fixing that08:49
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Adri2000debian/tmp/etc/udev/rules.d/40-hpdjconsole.rules /etc/udev.d/45-hpdjconsole.rules08:54
Adri2000I can't do that in a .install maybe?08:54
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geserI don't know08:55
Adri2000I will do that in debian/rules08:55
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Adri2000better :)09:02
geseryes :)09:03
Adri2000geser: thanks for this review :p updated diff.gz and dsc at the same url :)09:04
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Adri2000geser: it seems ok now?09:19
geseryes, I already uploaded libdjconsole and I'm waiting now on the accepted mail09:20
geserthe mail is there09:20
Adri2000yeah, thank you!09:20
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geserAdri2000: djplay looks ok, I will upload it once the new libdjconsole is on the archive09:23
Adri2000okay :)09:23
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tsmithegeser, are you free for revu'age?09:30
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gesertsmithe: I don't have an account on revu and can't comment there09:32
tsmitheno problemo09:32
siretarttsmithe: any idea where this comes from? http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/asoundconf-gtk-0612231155/asoundconf-gtk_1.5-1ubuntu4_all.lintian09:44
tsmithei haven't changed the file since before09:44
tsmithethat's really weird09:44
tsmitheand it works fine on my system09:44
tsmitheputting it in System/Preferences09:45
fdovinglintian is refering to the debian-menu thing.09:48
tsmithei know09:48
tsmithei mean - i haven't changed the file, and it works on my system...09:49
tsmithewhat to do?09:49
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fdovingtsmithe: even if it works it's not given it's done the right way.09:51
tsmithei can see that09:51
tsmithebut, as i said, what to do?09:51
fdovingtsmithe: first, debian menu requires a .xpm icon, you don't provide that. second, you need to put it in an already existing section, not creating your own like you do.09:51
tsmithebut - it's not in a different section on my machine... i'll do as you say, but i find it strange09:52
fdovingdo you even use the debian menu system? 09:54
fdovingdo you have the package 'menu' installed? 09:54
tsmithenope ... i understand the problem now09:54
tsmithei did09:54
tsmithebut not any more09:54
fdoving'man menufile'09:54
fdovingyou can simply remove the debian/*.menu file to escape the simplest way.09:55
tsmithei think i'll just do that09:56
tsmithei thought it was for a freedesktop-esque file09:56
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tsmithewell, i've made another upload http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=388210:05
tsmitheif anyone would be so kind as to revu it10:05
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Adri2000geser: I have another upload (just a debdiff) ready, if you are not too tired of sponsoring :P10:36
geserAdri2000: ok10:37
Adri2000bug 7699610:38
UbugtuMalone bug 76996 in amule "better icon for amule" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7699610:38
=== mato [n=kosik@adsl-d193.84-47-56.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
matoHello. Could the REVU admin to re-sync the "REVU uploaders keyring" please?10:58
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matoHi Spacey. Do you have time? I would like to ask something concerning uploading new Ubuntu packages.11:01
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spaceymato: i'm afraid i cannot help you with that. i'm not a package maintainter11:03
Adri2000matid: if it's just a question, ask11:03
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matoI have created several packages for personal use for software not available in Ubuntu (yet). I would like to upload it to REVU, so that perhaps someone will be willing to review them.11:05
matoI am registered at Launchpad.11:05
Adri2000ok, you just need a keyring sync11:05
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matoThe manual reads that some of the admins has to "re-sync the REVU uploaders keyring". Is here some such person?11:05
matoI am not sure precisely what it is, but I guess so.11:06
Adri2000ping ajmitch siretart for a keyring sync11:06
=== rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tsmithein feisty universe, the compiz packages are from fd.o right?11:20
=== mruiz [n=mruiz@ubuntu/member/mruiz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartAdri2000: done11:25
=== EvanCarroll [n=EvanCarr@] has left #ubuntu-motu []
=== jdong tries building firefox out of fiesty for fun
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== TMM [n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== giskard [n=giskard@213-140-22-74.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== coyctecm [n=niko@a84-231-77-150.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw8-feb6fb00-217.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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