
=== cabose [n=cabose@pool-71-124-36-19.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
cabosetablet help?02:07
cabosewhoever is interested, please pm me02:07
cabose(need help compiling linuxwacom)02:07
cabosei am working on implementing finer details of the functions of a tablet02:08
jlduggersuch as?02:20
cabosei am trying to install wacomcpl02:20
caboseand the only way i know of right now, is to compile linuxwacom02:20
cabosebecause i can't find a package02:20
cabosebut, when i try to compile, it errs out02:21
caboseand doesn't tell me much02:21
caboseas far as i know, the problem is that it doesn't think i have the kernel source on the machine02:21
jlduggermaybe, apt-get build-dep wacom-tools02:21
cabosewhen i specified the directory02:21
cabosethat doesn't install wacomcpl02:21
cabosei tried02:21
cabosewell, i got all the basics working02:23
caboselike rotation and functionality of the stylus02:23
jlduggerrotating a tabletPC screen?02:23
cabosegot it working fine02:24
jlduggerwhat tablet are you using?02:24
cabosegot a nice little script02:24
cabosetoshiba portege02:25
jlduggerive got a toshiba tecta02:25
jlduggertecra even02:25
cabosedid you get wacomcpl?02:25
cabosei am thinking02:25
cabosethat once i get everything up,02:25
jlduggeri dont think so02:26
jlduggerlemme turn it on02:26
jlduggeri just got back from christmas an hour ago02:26
cabosei want to make packages for everything02:26
caboseand one dummy package to handle it all02:26
jlduggermore power to you02:26
cabosethat way, for my school02:26
jlduggerubuntu-tablet ;)02:26
cabosethat wants to incorporate tablets02:26
cabosei can help students02:27
cabosewho want to use linux02:27
caboseby giving them an easy to use solution02:27
jlduggerall of them? i hope you cna handle it ;)02:27
caboseall of what?02:27
cabosethe students?02:27
cabosei just figure, mass email02:27
cabosethe .deb02:27
caboseand give instructions02:27
caboseall the debs02:28
caboseand a line to put into sources.list02:28
jlduggeryour school big on linux?02:28
cabosenot really02:28
cabosethe IT staff is02:28
cabosebut, admin and other people02:28
cabosekeep the school using microsoft and apple02:28
cabosei want to change that02:28
jlduggera couple of questions: do you have a launchpad account?02:29
caboseno, but i should02:29
cabosei noticed some stuff about the sky2 driver02:29
cabosethat a fix was released02:29
cabosebut i couldn't get to it02:29
cabosefor my normal laptop02:29
cabosei am borrowing a school tablet over break02:29
cabosei have a toshiba satellite02:30
cabosethis is just a tablet i am borrowing02:30
cabosei asked the guy who is running this program i am in02:30
caboseabout removing windows02:30
caboseand installing linux02:30
cabosehe told me, "Please do"02:30
cabosebut, about the sky202:30
cabosethat is the ethernet driver for my laptop02:31
caboseMarvell Yukon sysconnect II02:31
cabosedriver thinks it is pci02:31
jlduggerwhen was it changed to "fix committed"02:31
cabosebut it is pcie02:31
cabosenot sure02:31
cabosebut, a couple of months ago02:31
cabosei found the launchpad entry02:31
caboseand it said, issue resolved02:31
cabosedo you know of a package for wacomcpl?02:32
caboseor, how to tell it that my kernel source DOES exist02:32
jlduggerit would probably be wacom-tools02:32
cabosefor compiling the linuxwacom utilities02:32
cabosesee, i installed wacom-tools02:33
caboseand it installed just about everything but wacomcpl02:34
cabosewacomcpl is a graphical configuration utility02:34
cabosefor calibrating02:34
caboseand for mapping the stylus02:34
caboseit then automatically enters the data in xorg.conf02:34
cabosewacom kernel source?02:35
cabosewhat now?02:35
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cabosealready installed02:35
cabosea w<tab> reveals only wacdump wait wall watch02:36
cabosewa<tab> i mean02:36
cabosehow much do you know about compiling from source?02:37
cabosebecause i am having slight problems02:37
caboselinuxwacom can't find my kernel source, even when i specify --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux (i made my own symlink)02:38
cabosei think that is what is keeping it from compiling02:38
cabosewould you like to see the output02:38
crimsundo not use /usr/src/linux.02:38
crimsunuse /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build02:39
cabosewhy not?02:46
caboseor, rather, why?02:46
caboseso, you think that might work02:47
cabosei posted the output of configure and make02:48
caboseto pastebin.com02:48
cabosenumber 84613802:48
crimsunwell you don't have any of the build-dependencies installed.02:52
crimsunlinux-headers-$(uname -r), x-dev, libx11-dev, and so on02:52
jlduggerwhich is why i suggested build-dep02:53
caboseso, what is your best suggestion for the overall circumstance?02:55
crimsun...install the build-dependencies?02:55
cabosewhat's the syntax for that again?02:56
caboseapt-get install --build-dep wacom-tools02:56
crimsunapt-get build-dep wacom-tools02:57
cabosesorry bout that02:57
cabosemy fingers are cold02:57
crimsunthen install linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:57
cabosei have the headers installed02:57
cabosenot on the tablet02:57
cabosei forgot02:57
cabosei installed them on my tablet02:58
caboseCould not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open02:59
crimsun(use sudo)03:00
cabosei did03:00
crimsunthese are questions not meant for this channel.03:00
cabosewhat channel do i take them to?03:00
crimsunthe general support one.03:00
caboseubuntu channel didn't give me any help03:00
cabosei fell into a lapse of retardation03:01
cabosecrimsun, tell me03:02
cabosewhat exactly is this channel for, then?03:02
crimsundevelopment. You're asking support questions.03:02
caboseok, well03:03
cabosewhat i am asking kindof crosses the line03:03
crimsunbtw, you can always check to see if those of us who are active here will help you in #ubuntu.03:03
caboseah, ok03:03
cabosei know this is besides the point03:04
cabosebut, this channel seemed pretty empty to me03:04
cabosenobody was talking anyway03:04
caboseon a side note, why is that command uname?03:05
cabosei mean, what is the u for?03:05
cabosei know what it does03:05
cabosescrew it...03:06
cabosei want to get involved with some development, but i need to learn valuable languages03:06
caboseany tips?03:06
cabosei am thinking to start with C03:06
cabosei have some experience elsewhere03:06
cabosebut nothing directly valuable03:06
caboseTHANK YOU03:07
caboseTHANK YOU ALL!03:07
cabosecan anybody please tell me how to use check-install real quick?03:08
caboseso i can make a debian package03:08
cabosewas it make check-install03:08
caboseor was it make03:08
cabosethen check-install03:08
cabosei got it installed03:13
cabosethank you all03:13
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petafileMy sound card only works about half the time I boot my computer, any ideas why?06:37
petafile00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)06:37
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