=== NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@021M26.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
NineTeen67Comet | Hello all .. I'm using Ubuntu Server 6.10 .. I have been using Gallery2 for a long time (couple years) and always installed it by hand. I see it in the apt-get repositories but I'm unsure how to implement it? I keep all my websites on /media/shared/shared/www .. I assume Gallery/Plone/Wordpress etc etc .. is going to install somewhere around /var/www .. How can I use it with apt-get since my sites are not in /var/www? | 02:21 |
NineTeen67Comet | Off to play with it .. | 02:26 |
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Stalwart | can anyone tell me what i get if install ubuntu in server edition? | 01:13 |
Stalwart | basic system or bunch of useless daemons? | 01:14 |
ivoks | 'cli' option in ubuntu install installs basic system, if i'm not mistaken | 01:19 |
ivoks | server version installs almost same thing | 01:19 |
ivoks | but different kernel | 01:19 |
Stalwart | different kernel? | 01:34 |
Stalwart | with xen or something even more different? | 01:34 |
ivoks | eh, more or less | 01:35 |
ivoks | -generic kernel is desktop kernel | 01:35 |
ivoks | -server kernel uses different scheduler | 01:35 |
ivoks | and some other stuff | 01:35 |
ivoks | it's slower for multimedia, but better on high load (very simplified :) | 01:35 |
Stalwart | oh | 01:39 |
Stalwart | is question about timer frequency for #ubuntu-desktop or something like that? | 01:40 |
=== Stalwart likes 1khz for both system timer and usbhid | ||
ivoks | i think there are lowlatency kernels planed for feisty | 01:40 |
Stalwart | in freebsd timer can be set with boot parameter | 01:42 |
ivoks | i don't think this is possible on linux, but i really am not sure | 01:43 |
ivoks | maybe you should ask in ubuntu-kernel? | 01:43 |
Stalwart | hehe | 01:53 |
Stalwart | probably | 01:53 |
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okaratas | -j #ubuntu-tr | 10:07 |
okaratas | sorry.. | 10:07 |
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