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hjhello, anybody here ?05:51
hjoh.. hi kgoetz..05:54
hji had several questions but the wiki allready solved them05:54
hjim doing a research for a proyect of the world bank  focused in mexico05:55
hjinnovation to reduce poverty...05:55
hji was trying to find out if it was possible to create customized livecd focused on children05:55
hjand so it happens it does....05:55
hjdo you think that it would possible to sponsor a specific distribution of edubuntu ?05:56
kgoetzsponsor a derivative of edubuntu?05:56
hjyes sponsor "pay" some developers to create e costum version for edubuntu05:57
hjfor this specific project of the world bank05:57
kgoetzi dont know, depending on what you want to derive for it might be better to help them build edubuntu05:57
=== crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #edubuntu
kgoetzif you choose to sponsor devs, tahts your call.05:57
kgoetzhow you go about that, i dont know, but it is ok05:58
kgoetzhi crimsun05:58
hjwell in brief...   the proyect intends to involve young people in an innovative way to help reduce poverty...05:59
hjthe country in which the proyect will be held is mexico06:00
hjmost of the poverty problemas in mexico is because people lack of access to information, hence they are not able to develop new skills06:00
hjthe idea behind this proposal for the proyect is to give children livecd and equip schools and parks with very low cost terminals06:01
hjin this way in cooperation with schools...   children could learn to develop skills and have access to knowledge06:01
kgoetzsounds like what netday (sp?) in south africa06:02
hjwell yes.. in some way... mexico has very similar conditions of poverty of african and some Asiatic countries06:03
hjthis livecd is one of the possible proposals, the second one is a children version of wikipedia06:04
hjalthough it might require greater funds06:04
kgoetzhj: how far do you think you would have to derive from edubuntu? or are you just trying to find ideas at the moment?06:04
hjwell i found that many of the applications needed allready exist...06:05
hjhold sec please06:05
hjim back06:06
hjapps such as KDE Edutainment Pack06:06
kgoetzyou would want them included?06:07
hji think NEW development wouldnt be necesarry at least at the first phase...06:07
hjjust tons of costumization...06:07
kgoetzsounds like you want to derive quite a way off a standard cd06:08
hjthe real challenge would be to teach teachers how to use the tools,  and get some infraestructure for centralized information06:08
hjdo you think this is a big problem ?06:08
kgoetznot as such.06:09
hji've only used slax, im quite new in this opensource OS world06:09
hjnever the less in new developments and similar06:09
kgoetzi'm not a dev, so i cant comment on the current state of edubuntu and whats in it06:09
kgoetzogra is the man to ping on that front06:09
hjgraet.. ill make sure to organize more ideas and contact him..06:10
hj.do you have any other ideas ?06:10
kgoetzhj:  try emailling the edubuntu/ubuntu-education lists06:11
kgoetzand see if you can catch RichEd-1  as well06:11
hjthanks a lot..06:12
hjand how are you involved in the proyect ?06:12
kgoetznp. hope it helped06:12
kgoetzedubuntu? i used to run it on some of my computers, not i hang around to ask indirectly  related questions06:13
kgoetzand because i hope to start getting edubuntu into schools here06:13
hjand where are you located ?06:13
hjand what has been your experience ?06:14
kgoetzwith eduubuntu? i used the 6.06 release, and it worked well.06:15
hjand how have schools recieved it ?06:15
kgoetzi'm hoping for a less 'childish' version, for middle/upper school06:15
kgoetzi havent deplyed it here yet. i want to do it properly first time ;)06:15
hjyes, precisly, a distribution for students 12 - 18 would be perfect for my project06:17
kgoetzhj: i know there was talks of work on one, i just dont know how it went06:17
kgoetzperhaps if you can work with edubuntu, you can wortk with them to make the version06:17
hjI have to live for now Karl, but i appreciate a lot your help... i'll et you know of i have any success on promoting edubuntu in mexico and the world bank..06:20
hjif the world bank likes it i could get some funds...06:21
hji gotta move from location... maybe ill return later...06:21
kgoetzgood luck hd06:21
kgoetzlook forward to see ing you again06:21
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ry0672hi all09:04
hjhi there09:05
ry0672anyone up?09:05
ry0672got a question09:05
hjim kinda in here, but im a complete neophyte... jajaj im afraid i cant answer much09:05
hjjajaja but shoot, im sure between the both of us can find an answer in the wiki and docs09:05
ry0672I want to install edubuntu for my sister's daugher that's 9 years old09:06
kgoetzry0672: you should ask a question, if someone can help, they will09:06
ry0672i c09:06
ry0672better yet is edubuntu a safe OS for young children?09:07
ry0672I am looking for some way that restricts young kids from accessing say prOn sites and the like09:08
ry0672is edubuntu the way to go? Or should I be looking elsewhere?09:08
hjwhoa, i belive than regardless the OS you use the real danger is in the web outhere... if edubuntu (please confirm) doesnt come with a type of firewall o contrnol access system you would liek to get one...09:09
kgoetzyou could put filters in place, but i havent tried09:09
hjdoes edubuntu come with parental control out of the box ?09:09
kgoetz606 didnt, i dont know about 6.1009:10
ry0672filters, good guess I can do a search on that09:10
ry0672"parental control" ty thats what i meant to ask09:11
ry0672brb gotta google,lol09:11
kgoetzif you dont mind some confiuration, theres squid+[chastitybelt,dans gardian] 09:11
ry0672I C... squid+[chastitybelt,dans gardian] 09:12
kgoetzry0672: do you have ubuntu/edubuntu installed at the moment?09:13
ry0672no, I have Ubuntu on my laptop, and i'm currently on my gf's pc and am dl'ing the edubuntu Live CD09:14
kgoetzhave a look around packages.ubuntu.com if you want to see whats in it :) or look in synaptic09:15
ry0672again thanx09:15
ry0672will do!09:16
hjuu squid is really something  i used to recomend it for local goverment agencies..09:16
kgoetzhj: meaning you like it, or you think its to big?09:20
hjbut i've never tried it in a closed envoriment ... maybe it can work well09:22
kgoetzi dont know much about filtering proxies - i aimed to educate users at work, rather then block them09:22
kgoetzand slap them about now and then if i find bad stuff happening09:22
kgoetzmind you, my work isnt a big corp, so there is some room to manouver09:23
hjwell, as long its a local network squid should be able to do a great job...09:23
hjim unsure about the same computer that runs as server should be a client itself, even more if its for a child...09:24
hjbut for a small network of even 3 - 5 computers squid gets the job pretty good...09:25
kgoetzi dont feel sane sugesting someone increase their network complexity - i'm happy to, but i dont like recomending it to someone who just wants a childenres comp.09:25
hjuuuh....  "DansGuardian requires squid or another similar caching proxy server on your local network."09:26
hjand DansGuardian seems to capsulate more funtions suchs as AV with clam...09:27
hjseems more like a "smart" frontend to various components...09:28
hji would try densguardian....09:28
=== kgoetz should probably get familar with filtering stuff
hjUbuntu Christian Edition also includes fully integrated web content parental controls powered by Dansguardian. A graphical tool to adjust the parental control settings has also been developed specifically for Ubuntu Christian Edition. These features are truly what sets Ubuntu Christian Edition apart.10:12
hjIf this guys did it im sure you can manage to do something10:13
hjups... he is gone ...10:13
kgoetzwonder if we have poached that frontend yet10:14
hjkgoetz:  so, what is it that you do for a living ?10:34
kgoetzhj: i have been living off my savings. (ie not earning a living). i work as a volunteer for several groups10:36
kgoetzand for the next 6 months i'll be a full time student10:36
kgoetzperhaps with a 3 week visit to papua new guinea to setup a network over there using ubuntu+debian10:37
hji've never been there, but it sounds as if they have a lot of new world - old world cutlures10:43
kgoetz'full time student' - i'll probalby get half the course or more on recognition for prior learning10:43
hjhow old are you ?10:43
kgoetzthe trip will be pretty intence if i get to go10:43
hjthats pretty cool, being able to travel and work as a volunteer10:44
kgoetzyeh. i'v been volunteering for 2 years already10:44
kgoetzi'll have to cut back when i get real work though :\10:44
kgoetzi have to break that habit. its real work wether i get money or not10:46
hjyes indeed, but anyways... we must do it while we can.. (no family to take care of)10:46
hjmost of my time and hobbies are currently sponsored by a media lab, located in mexico...10:47
hjrestatemedia.com restatemedia.net10:47
hji get enough money for a living, but i really need to get more income before i get old and start needed more money10:47
hjbut hey... its a great way to spend time.. volunteering10:48
kgoetzbrb in a few min10:48
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kgoetzjust making food. will be a bit longer10:58
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kgoetzffs. i needed info on that shell. it died ;(11:18
kgoetzmust have been the blackout11:18
kgoetzhj: i was logged into a shell before. the host has gone down.11:19
kgoetzit only goes down when the UPS runs out.11:19
hji'll get a new "old laptop" just to play around with edubuntu11:22
hjor maybe i'll just go straight fwd to compile a customized liveUSB..11:23
artbird309What would be better to install for a server at school edubuntu or ubuntu it is for a 150 seats desktops?11:24
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kgoetzartbird309: what age group?11:24
artbird309kgoetz: 6-1211:24
kgoetztry edubuntu11:25
cbx33hey peeps11:25
hjI read somewhere you could create quizes with some package, has anyone tried it ?11:25
artbird309kgoetz: does that have all the stuff that ubuntu server has11:25
cbx33artbird309, the base installs of both are largely similar11:26
cbx33what are you after specifically?11:26
artbird309I ldap sever with samba11:26
artbird309I think I am open for a better set-up11:27
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cbx33hi ogra12:57
cbx33bye ogra12:57
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bddebianWhoa, a Princess? :)03:48
rockprincessyep ;)03:48
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rockprincessheheh ;)04:00
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cbx33hey all05:37
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sorlcan someone direct me on how to install a printer on a thin client?05:58
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