
=== kreativer_nickna [n=benjamin@V98d5.v.pppool.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
HymnToLifefaLUCE, resize the WIndow ?12:13
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faLUCEHymnToLife: no12:14
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jartis there an option to make the window borders dissapear when a window is maximized?12:24
aseigojart: yes... in the window behaviour panel there is an option to make it so you can't move maximized windows12:26
aseigowhich has the side effect of getting rid of the borders12:26
=== Fir3Ligth [n=inconnu@ANancy-157-1-56-12.w86-213.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Fir3Ligthexcusez moi de vous drangez12:27
Fir3Ligthbonsoir  tous12:27
jartaseigo: yes! thanks12:27
HymnToLife!fr | Fir3Ligth12:27
ubotuFir3Ligth: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:27
aseigojart: np12:27
Fir3Ligthexcuse me sorry12:27
Fir3Ligthi don't speak very well english12:27
jartje ne parle pas francias12:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:30
HymnToLife!fishing | Captain_Haddock12:31
ubotuCaptain_Haddock: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:31
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Daisuke_Idoi'm trying to figure out why, upon enabling translucency and shadows, does full-screen video seem so dark, and when i go back to the desktop, it's even darker12:33
Daisuke_Idonearly impossible to read12:33
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chrisI booted up apt but it told me that the database was locked, because another program was using it. I looked into htop but i can't reconize the program that is using it12:41
chrisi even tried a reboot12:41
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matthew__chris, I'm no expert, but I think you need to delete the lock files12:43
chrismatthew__, how?12:43
chrisman apt-get?12:43
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matthew__chris, no, let me google around...12:44
matthew__chris, here you go...second post.      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15667312:45
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matthew__chris, np, just remember to pay it forward (the knowledge_12:46
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matthew__BrianSteffens, hey, long time no see...12:47
matthew__what's up?12:47
BrianSteffensnot much =) configuring a mailserver12:48
Sannehi all, my husband's Kubuntu complains about files under /root not writable on KDE start, and indeed the /root folder is gone. Instead there's a /root *file* that's reported several GB big, attributes: ---Sr-srw, date: 2105-12-08. Should I try fsck in the hope it get's repaired? Could this indicate a disk failure coming?12:48
Fir3Ligthgood evening with all you have the good evening of the frog12:48
Fir3Ligtheaters: ~)12:48
BrianSteffensO_O lol12:49
Fir3Ligthi'am sorry i'am french12:49
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BrianSteffensbonjour :o)12:49
Fir3LigthI try to speak English very well12:50
BrianSteffensthat was good, even most english speakers would have messed up that sentence by saying 'I try to speak English very good'12:51
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Fir3Ligthyes I know I do not speak time too well that I translate12:53
TheDebuggerJe suis un canadien :D12:53
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TheDebuggerQuebecois plutot :D12:53
Fir3Ligthokay TheDebugger12:53
Fir3Ligthspeah franais alors12:53
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TheDebuggerFir3Ligth: Pourtant, c'est vrai :/12:54
jmananyone able to install flash 9 beta12:54
BrianSteffensje ne parle pas francais :o( je voudrais parle francais =/12:54
TheDebuggerjman: Just enable the backports repository and install flashplugin-nonfree12:54
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Fir3Ligthcontent de faire connaissance avec quelqu'un qui parle #french"12:55
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jmanhow to enable backports repository?12:55
gustavoalguien habla castellano?12:55
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TheDebuggerFir3Ligth: C'est bien en effet, viens dans #ubuntu-fr si tu n'y est pas deja12:55
intelikeymaybe i'm back.12:55
Fir3Ligthdo you speak english TheDebugger12:56
TheDebuggerFir3Ligth: Je me debrouille :)12:56
Fir3Ligthcomme moi12:56
jmancan someone explain in english how to enable the backports repositories12:57
brandon_how do I disable tray flashing12:57
TheDebuggerjman: In adept_manager, somewhere in the menus, there's "repositories". Then you right-click on the repositories you want to enable and select "Enable" from the menu12:57
Fir3LigthBrianSteffens: you want that I learn how to you to speak French???12:57
Fir3LigthI am a good professor12:57
BrianSteffensFir3Ligth: oui :)12:57
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:57
TheDebuggerjman: And don't forget to click the apply button after enabling them12:58
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intelikeyjman add that line to your /etc/apt/sources.list12:58
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Fir3Ligthyou have an address12:58
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Fir3Ligthsorry i go in my bed12:58
brandon_does anyone know how to disable tray flashing?12:58
intelikeythat assumes edgy  if dapper  then  s/edgy/dapper/ ^12:58
BrianSteffensFir3Ligth briansteffens@gmail.com <- pour email12:59
Fir3Ligthok thank you12:59
BrianSteffens=] 12:59
MidMarkhow can I talk to someone with konversation, knowing its name that it's in another channel?01:01
BrianSteffensMidMark: type /msg theirnamehere a message01:01
MidMarkBrianSteffens: thx01:02
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Fir3Ligthyou have an adress m$n BrianSteffens01:03
BrianSteffensFir3Ligth: bgsteffens@hotmail.com pour msn01:04
Fir3Ligththank you01:04
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intelikeyhmmm /var/auth.log has several  "localhost PAM-env[29437] : No such user!? "   messages.   anyone know if that's important or not ?01:09
intelikeywill pam still work properly or should i look into fixing that ?01:10
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crimsunintelikey: is libpam-foreground installed?01:11
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intelikeycrimsun yessir        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages01:12
khayleuswhat is the recommended way to install kubuntu from ubuntu? just install "kubuntu-desktop"?01:12
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intelikeykhayleus yes01:13
khayleusintelikey: using apt-get?01:13
intelikeykhayleus or you don't need all kubuntu-desktop really.   might just install    kde01:13
khayleuswill I get all the standard install kubuntu apps if I do that?01:13
intelikeykhayleus yes dpkg via your favorite frontend01:14
intelikeywith kubuntu-desktop you will01:14
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intelikeywith kde you get all the kde apps and keep your ubuntu default apps as well01:14
khayleusbut kubuntu-desktop would remove some of them?01:15
intelikeywell you keep them if you install kubuntu-desktop too but they fall from default to secondary01:15
khayleusah, yeah thats not so bad (actually I would prefer that)01:15
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intelikeykhayleus one could install kubuntu-desktop and kde   :)01:15
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intelikeywould pull in a few goodies you might like.01:16
khayleusah righto, I'll try that, thanks intelikey01:16
intelikeycrimsun any further thoughts ?01:18
khayleus400mb will take a couple of hours to download :)01:18
matthew__BrianSteffens, why did you give Fir3lite your email addy?01:19
zero-9376does anyone here use azureus on kubuntu01:19
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BrianSteffensmatthew__ teach each other languages ;P01:19
intelikeykhayleus i'd make sure you have the updates and security repos enabled for main and universe at least... "before you dl"   :)01:19
TheDebuggerzero-9376: Why?01:20
khayleusyep, have done01:20
zero-9376mine wouldnt start at first and now if shows an azureus failed to start message that wont go away01:20
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TheDebuggerzero-9376: Is your java vm installed correctly?01:20
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TheDebuggerzero-9376: because *ubuntu comes without java01:20
zero-9376i dont know i just installed the dependencies, didnt do anything else01:21
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:21
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matthew__BrianSteffens, oh, ok...was wondering for a sec...01:21
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BrianSteffensmatthew__ hehe01:21
khayleusI rather like Rufus for bittorrent, kind of like azureus but without the java deps01:22
zero-9376is that in the repos?01:22
crazy_busI have no idea what caused this but half of my programs suddenly won't work.  And when I type the program name (firefox, gimp) I get the following error.01:23
khayleusnot sure if it is in the repos01:23
crazy_busgimp: error while loading shared libraries: libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: Input/output error01:23
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zero-9376i have universe and multiverse repos and it didnt show up01:23
zero-9376im checking what java stuff i have installed now01:23
fdovingcrazy_bus: from the commandline run 'sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0;sudo apt-get -f install'01:24
khayleusit isn't, but one can download it from the web site01:24
tux_hello all01:24
fdovingcrazy_bus: you might actually want --reinstall too, like this:  'sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgtk2.0-0;sudo apt-get -f install'01:24
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khayleuscould have swarn I saw it in revu once though01:24
intelikeyzero-9376 sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgdk-pixbuf2      see if it helps ya01:25
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intelikeyerr crazy_bus ^01:26
intelikeysorry zero-9376 !01:26
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zero-9376installing blackdown runtime environemtn and uninstalling gij01:27
crazy_busThank you all for your help.  intelikeys command got it working again. :)01:28
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intelikeyyeah sorry i misaddressed that01:29
=== intelikey needs new glasses
giobalotj craiova01:30
TheDebuggerzero-9376: Why don't you install the real jvm?01:30
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zero-9376i just read on my trackers forum that someone uses less resources runing azureus under blackdown, and my system doesnt have a lot of resources01:31
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ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro01:31
zero-9376id rather not use azureus at all but they have banned ktorrent, rtorrent and i cant get utorrent to work under wine or crossover01:32
crazy_busWhy have they banned those clients?01:33
zero-9376apparently reporting bad stats, ive heard the problem with ktorrent is fixed in v2 but they are still banning it for the time being01:33
zero-9376its the only real problem ive had switching completely to kubuntu on my main pc01:34
intelikeyis that AU wide or just your isp ?01:34
intelikeyor none of my business maybe ?01:36
zero-9376no just the one tracker that im aware of, apparently others have done the same but are now allowing ktorrent again01:36
zero-9376just not my tracker :(01:36
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zero-9376going to get the rufus client as well and see if that will work01:37
zero-9376worst thing is that ive had to install so much otherwise uneeded stuff just to try and get torrents working01:38
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Admiral_Chicagohey all01:46
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deboyocan anyone save their konsole settings as default and have them actually saved?01:47
deboyo(notably the schema settings)01:47
ferminalguien que hable espaol?01:47
fdoving!es | fermin01:47
ubotufermin: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:47
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ferminalguien tiene cuenta de hotmail?01:49
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soulriderfermin, solo ingles en este canal,. para espa~nol usa #kubuntu-es01:50
ferminok, muchas gracias!01:50
matthew__!es | fermin01:50
ubotufermin: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:50
intelikeywhat's the "proper" way to re-execute a scritp only one time from within the script ?01:50
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intelikeyif ?what? ;then $0 ;fi     ???01:51
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soulriderintelikey: cant you do a for ?01:51
soulriderHawkwind: you here ?01:51
intelikeysoulrider probably.  sujestions ?01:51
soulrideri dont know wnything about scripting01:52
fdovingintelikey: i'd guess a while would be nice.01:52
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intelikeyfdoving but what's the test ?    cause anything you do it's going to do it again in the next instanse   ??01:52
deboyointelikey: drop a file in /tmp/?01:53
intelikeyps -p $PPID | grep bash > /dev/null && $0    <<<< that's what iv'e come up with.    is there something better ?01:53
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intelikeymaybe >>>>  ps -p $PPID | grep $0 > /dev/null || $001:54
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intelikeythis seems to work and would not be bash dependant.01:56
intelikeyps -p $PPID | grep `basename $0` > /dev/null || $001:56
intelikeybut there is most likely a more simple way.01:56
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fdovingintelikey: yes there is, is this bash or dash?02:00
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intelikeyfdoving lets say dash02:00
intelikeyfdoving i'd like it to be shell independant as possable02:01
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fdovingok. for bash something like: i=0;while [ $i -lt 2 ] ;do echo oce;i=$[$i+1] ;done02:02
fdovingi don't think dash understands the $[$i+i]  part though.02:02
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intelikeyah  silly me.         fdoving you joged my memory.   [ -z "$P ]  && P=y && $002:04
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RugAck, help.  I have just done a reinstall this time to edgy, and now X just displays garbage on the screen.  I have run the dpkg-reconfigure, and edited my xorg.conf down to nill, all to no avail.  The last config attempt locked up my PC (solid red-screen in X untill I could swap tty's and kill it).  Any Advice?02:06
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule02:08
Fir3Ligthbye tous le monde02:09
Fir3Ligthgood nigth02:09
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Fir3Ligthbonne nuit02:09
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freeridewhats up everyone02:16
kev1nnothing...thats the problem02:16
freeridesame as last night02:17
freeridenever got it fixed02:17
freeridescreensaver wont work02:17
freerideO think it's those new packages02:17
freerideI used adept to update02:17
freeridenow my screensaver is borked02:17
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nibi!KDE wallet02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about KDE wallet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
freerideanyone have any ideas?02:18
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kev1nnot from me...i am a newbie to this02:18
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freerideany non-newbies 'ere?02:19
fdovingfreeride: kdewallet problems?02:19
nibino that was me i believe02:19
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eilkerhi, /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,noauto,rw,nouser 0 1  // i dont want to be checked filesystem in this drive, what can i do ?02:19
freerideno, screensaver probs02:20
freerideI used adept to update 58 packages and now my screen saver is borked02:20
eilkerit takes too much time in booting02:20
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fdovingfreeride: feisty?02:20
freeridewhats that?02:21
freerideI'm using dapper :-p02:21
eilkernew version02:21
fdovingthen I have no idea, sorry.02:21
nibikde wallet is so lame, i was signed in to kopete while my friend was using my computer for a bit, just to google something. So he clicks on the wallet and just saw the password right there!02:22
freeridehmm, anyone with any ideas?02:22
freerideyeah, I havent had luck with the wallet either02:22
freerideI dont trust stuff like that02:22
freeridemy password wallet is my brain02:22
Theorynibi: you can set it not to appear in the tray02:23
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Theorythen tracking down the passwords is harder02:23
eilkerfdoving: could u help me pls ? it is win xp drive02:23
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fdovingeilker: sorry, going to bed.02:23
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nibiyea but the fact that it shows the password just like that isn't too comforting02:23
eilkerfdoving: thanx anyway02:23
freerideok, lets focus on my screensaver here people02:24
nibifreeride: what screensaver is it?02:24
freerideall of tem, they quit working02:24
freerideI think it happened when I used adept to update 58 packages02:24
nibiIf you go to configure desktop and test from there02:25
nibiwhat happens?02:25
freeridethe test works02:25
freeride90% of them work during the test02:25
freeridefireworks was working just fine, kicking in after 9min of inactivity02:25
freeridebut now it quit working02:26
freerideI'm thinking it's the updates02:26
Ash-FoxAnyone happen to know of a method to try to get the xserver to fall back onto a vesa driver if something goes wrong?02:26
nibiwhat happens now?02:26
nibiur monitor turns off?02:26
freerideno, I have the powersaving disabled02:26
freeridejust nothing02:26
freeridenothing happens at all02:26
nibihmmm weird02:26
freeridelike I said, I had fireworks working but I'd be happy with clock right now02:27
nibihave you tried clicking on defaults in configure desktop?02:27
freerideI need some advanced kubuntu'ers on this task pronto02:27
freeridedefaults? hmm, no, I didnt want to reset my settings but I guess it'd be better to try that then to do a re-install and skip the updfates...02:28
freeridedo all of you guys and galls use adept?02:28
nibiyea plus its only display settings02:28
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kev1nyes freeride02:29
freerideha, I clicked defaults and all it did was distroy my backround02:29
freeridenothing else changed02:29
freeridethis is irking me02:30
freerideany advanced kubuntu gurus in here?02:30
freerideI guess we're just a channel full of newbs telling eachother our problems! :-D haha02:31
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eilkeris 2 minutes 25 seconds boot time normal for a system which has lamp server ,ftp server ,dns server ,vmware server ?02:33
freeridesounds reasonable02:34
freerideI dont know anything though, I cant even fix my screensaver02:34
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freeridehello nolesmo02:37
freeridehello everyone02:37
freerideane anyone02:37
freeridehaha, I thought this was the support channel :-/02:38
coreymon77freeride: what do you need02:38
freeridemy screensaver quit working02:39
coreymon77what do you mean quit working02:39
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freerideI think it happened when I used adept to update 58 packages02:39
freerideit quit working, none of them will work anymore02:39
coreymon77what did you do, upgrade to edgy?02:39
freeridethey all work when you click the test though02:39
kaihello every one..02:39
freerideno, I think I'm stillu sing dapper02:39
coreymon77hi kai02:39
freeridehow do I check?02:40
kaiIs there a "download manager for kubunut?02:40
HymnToLifeshould be installed by default02:40
njeeactually I'm not sure it is....02:40
kaiis there where I can download many things at once kinda like get right?02:41
njeesorry man, I can't read :)02:41
coreymon77freeride: check in your apt sources.list file02:41
kaiwhat about wireless? I have  anet gear atheros based card?02:41
freeridehow do I find that?02:41
HymnToLifethat doesn't matter02:41
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freeridewhere is it02:41
kaithe link and power lights blink back and forth..is there anything I can do to et this to work?02:41
coreymon77kai:  an atheros based card should work automatically02:41
njee"sudo apt-get install kget" without the quotes should hook you up with kget in the command line02:42
kaiI can find networks02:42
coreymon77kai: do you know what the name of your network is02:42
kaiI just connect to them02:42
kaii called it swap.net02:42
coreymon77your essid is swap.net02:42
njeekai: is this a wireless network?02:42
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kaiw/ my card I can see it, juts not connect to it02:43
coreymon77kai: for example, my essid (or network name) is cohens02:43
Novanosi1!flash 902:43
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports02:43
kaiwhat else do I need to connect to it?02:44
JontyHow can I run an autoupdater in the background on Kubuntu?02:44
coreymon77do you have the name?02:44
HymnToLifewhat happens when you try to connect ?02:44
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coreymon77HymnToLife: ill take care of this, i have an atheros based caqrd02:44
kaicoreymon77:  one sec02:44
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kaicoreymon77: my led are still blinking, I just get a "Connection failed" error02:46
kaido I need to take off my WEP?02:46
coreymon77okay kai, listen, do you know the network name (the essid)] 02:46
kaicoreymon77: yes02:46
kaicoreymon77:  I named it myself02:46
coreymon77kai: you need to know two things, the essid and the wep key02:47
coreymon77you do have a wep key right?02:47
kaiI made the ssid and the WEP key myself02:47
kaiI know the pass phrase02:47
kaiI need to the hex numbers huh02:47
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kaiI inserter my my WEP02:48
coreymon77dont tell me it02:49
kaiDo i need to check the ascii box or leave it un-checked?02:49
coreymon77leave it'02:50
coreymon77so kai, you know your essid and your wep key correct?02:51
kaicoreymon77: I took off the wep and I still can't get on it02:51
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kaicoreymon77: I see it on my list as being un-protected wlan02:51
coreymon77kai: put the wep back on02:52
kaicoreymon77: ok...now what02:52
coreymon77in a terminal window02:53
coreymon77type the following command, replacing the stuff in the square brackets with the proper info02:54
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kaicoreymon77: ok...Im ready02:54
kai..when you are02:54
coreymon77sudo iwconfig ath0 essid [your essid]  key [your wep key] 02:54
coreymon77so for example02:54
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coreymon77with a network called blah with a key of 123456789002:54
coreymon77it would read02:55
coreymon77iwconfig ath0 essid blah key 123456789002:55
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kaiok, I did it02:56
coreymon77i mean02:56
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coreymon77did you put sudo in front?02:56
kaiWas I supposed to get a message or something when I pressed enter?02:56
kaiIm already sudo user02:56
kaiI was doing something else02:56
kai...in sude02:56
coreymon77now it should work02:56
kaimy lights on my card are still blinking02:57
kaiis that ok?02:57
coreymon77so are the ones on mine02:57
kailol, really thats weird as hell02:57
kaiit still failed :(02:58
coreymon77its not working?02:58
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kaimy key is 26 chars do I need to change it to 10 or something02:59
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coreymon77its hex right?03:00
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coreymon77well mines a 10 char03:00
kaiok, Imma change my wep to 64bit instead then03:01
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kaiunser security from my client manager should it be open or shared?03:02
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doopyhey friends. i have a problem connecting to the internet on a wired connection in kubuntu03:03
doopythe light for my connection is on on the router and i have an ip but i can't get konqueror to pull up any webpages or connect to my aim account on kopete03:03
HymnToLifedoopy, can you ping websites ?03:04
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HymnToLifeby URL and by IP03:04
kaicoreymon77: do I need to setup my card in some other way03:05
doopy what's the command for that03:05
doopyping google.com03:05
coreymon77atheros cards work automatically03:05
doopysays unknown host google.com03:05
kaiI have a linksys router, will that make any kind of diffrence03:05
HymnToLifeand ping ?03:05
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doopysays operation not permitted03:06
coreymon77kai: did you make the new wep key?03:06
kaiI think  I know what the prob might have been03:06
coreymon77one question kai03:07
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kaiI had people in my wifi and I had certain thigns disabled03:07
kaiyes I did03:07
coreymon77how are you talking with us if your internet is not working?03:07
doopyi installed guarddog03:07
kaiIts only 10 chars03:07
doopymaybe it's that03:07
kaiIn on wired lan03:07
HymnToLifeyeah, maybe03:07
kaibut I want my wifi03:07
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coreymon77go back to konsole03:07
doopyyea it was03:07
kaiI disable certain wifi deals on my rotuer03:07
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coreymon77and do the iwconfig thing03:07
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coreymon77and use your new key03:08
kaicoreymon77: Your freakin awsome03:08
coreymon77it works?03:09
kaithere was 2 probs03:09
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kaiPeople were leaching my wifi at first and I had it disable by mac address unless I put them on my table and the key deal03:09
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kaicoreymon77: ...many praises now I can use it at school03:10
coreymon77now look03:10
coreymon77kai:  unless you want to have to type that command every time turn on your computer03:10
coreymon77do this03:11
kaicoreymon77: ...ready when you are03:11
zero-9376anyone installed the latest azureus, my tracker has banned all but the latest version03:11
bobbyi have problems with streaming media. every media type works fine in totem(gstreamer backend) gxine/amarok(xine backend) exept for streams.03:11
bobbythe players seem to play them but there is simply no sound03:12
crimsundo you have the codecs installed?03:13
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crimsuni.e., gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and libxine-extracodecs, respectively03:13
bobbyyes btw the players should complain about missing codecs than03:13
coreymon77kai: go to the directory /etc/network03:14
bobbythey do not they play the stream but there is nothing comming out of my speakers03:14
crimsunbobby: are the stream audible via xmms or mpg123?03:14
kaicoreymon77: I'm there03:14
coreymon77kai: okay, right click on the interfaces fiel03:14
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bobby crimsun what do you mean?03:15
coreymon77go to the actions submenu, and then clik on edit as root03:15
bobbythe streams them self are fine on my gentoo desktop they play ok03:15
crimsunbobby: reproduce the symptom with xmms and mpg12303:15
kaicoreymon77: ...im there03:15
bobbywill try that hang on03:15
coreymon77kwrite is open?03:16
coreymon77the last two lines in that file are03:16
coreymon77wireless-key s:[your wep key] 03:17
coreymon77i mean03:17
coreymon77auto ath003:17
kaimy last 2 lines are:03:17
kaiauto wlan003:17
kaiiface wlan0 inet dhcp03:17
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coreymon77is there a section that starts with iface ath0 inet static03:18
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kaithey all end in inet dhcp03:18
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coreymon77oh ya03:19
coreymon77thats good03:19
coreymon77is there a section that starts with iface ath0 inet dhcp?03:19
kaiyes: the 3rd and 4th lines03:20
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coreymon77so the first line is iface ath0 inet dhcp right?03:21
aztekso CD or DVD release? what's the bonus of having a DVD copy?03:21
kaino that line is on 9th and 10th line03:21
kaiand it only appears one time close to the bottom, but that line does appear03:22
coreymon77so the ninth line is iface ath0 inet dhcp right?03:22
bobbycrimsun: xmms plays it ok03:23
coreymon77what is the 10th line?03:23
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bobbywhy does amarok screw up it looks like its doing everything it should do03:24
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kaiauto ath003:24
kaiiface ath0 inet dhcp03:24
kaithose are lines 10 and 1103:24
shadowhywindwhat repositiory is wine in? i can't seam to find it for the life of me03:24
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kaishadowhywind: I can get it to you03:24
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coreymon77copy all the contents of that file03:25
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coreymon77go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:25
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coreymon77im mean03:25
shadowhywindkai well i could easyly just download it myself and compile it, but i know its supposed to be in the repo's and i can't find it03:25
coreymon77copy and paste all the contents of the interfaces file03:25
kaishadowhywind: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt03:26
kaicoreymon77: one sec03:26
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shadowhywindkai what do i do with that link?03:27
kaishadowhywind: the other is: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt03:27
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kaiput it in your repo03:27
kaicoreymon77: here ya go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39393/03:28
shadowhywindas i am doing that, I allready know the answer, but i am hoping there is a different answer then no., Is there a way to upgrade from 32 to 64 bit03:28
kaishadowhywind: i DONT no03:29
kaii cant help wit that that03:30
coreymon77okay kai, put the auto ath0 line after the iface ath0 inet dhcp line03:30
kaiyou mean that command you told me to type in?03:30
coreymon77in the interfaces file03:30
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shadowhywindbecause i have my 32-bit version setup perfectly, and i want to swich to 64 now that i know my wireless will work. And i am just to lazy to do a full reinstall03:31
coreymon77you see how it says auto ath0 and then on the next line iface ath0 inet dhcp?03:31
rEvolution27i know i'm hopless but.... if i download a program (.tar.gz ) and i extract it.. how do i install the program?03:31
shadowhywind./configure, make, make install03:31
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kaijust put that online to the bottom of that part03:32
kaijust reverse them right?03:32
kaiok, did that03:33
coreymon77and then in between the two lines03:33
coreymon77up /sbin/iwconfig $IFACE essid [your essid]  key [your key] 03:33
kaithe word 'up' as well03:34
bobbycrimsun: i cant find any extra codec packages for xine03:34
bobbyanyway i thing the problem isnt in those packages03:35
kaicoreymon77: ok i did it03:35
coreymon77save it03:35
kaiits saved03:36
coreymon77and restart your computer and see if you auto connect to the internet03:36
coreymon77if your dont03:36
coreymon77type in the iwconfig command and tell me03:36
kaibrb :)03:36
coreymon77and restart your computer and see if you auto connect to your wireless that is03:36
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crimsunbobby: libxine-extracodecs would be in multiverse, but you said you have it installed.03:39
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kaicoreymon77: Gud news is it connected when I got my connection03:41
dettoaltrimenti_how do I install from a tar.gz file?03:41
kaibut it didnt automatically just connect tho03:41
kaibut thats cool tho03:41
coreymon77did you have to type in the command?03:41
BrianSteffensdettoaltrimenti_ do tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz03:42
naliothcrimsun: got a minute?03:42
dettoaltrimenti_do I not need sudo?03:42
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BrianSteffensthat'll extract, go into that folder, check for README or INSTALL files.. but usually you'll do './configure', make, then make install03:42
dettoaltrimenti_ah ok gotcha03:42
BrianSteffensprobably for the 'make install'03:42
naliothdettoaltrimenti_: one should look for an ubuntu package first, though03:42
BrianSteffensyes yes, look for that first.03:43
kaicoreymon77: will I be able to connect to my school network?03:43
coreymon77okay then03:43
coreymon77kai: ya03:43
kaithere is no web but to actually get on I just put in a id and pass03:43
coreymon77just type in the iwconfig03:43
kaiSo now I can connect any netwoerk regardless?03:43
crimsunnalioth: hi03:43
kaican you type out that command so I can save it to a file03:44
coreymon77as long as you know the essid and wep key (if there is one)03:44
kaiwhat if theres not?03:44
coreymon77then just leave out the key part03:44
coreymon77oh ya03:44
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naliothcrimsun: i've got sound out of my galeon web browser, cplay, mpg123/321 and none from any other gui media player (no startup sound, either) any ideas?03:44
coreymon77you also need to knwo the type of wireless card it is03:44
coreymon77but is this a laptop you are on?03:44
coreymon77okay then03:45
coreymon77sall you need to knwo is the essid and the wep key03:45
coreymon77if there is a wep key03:45
crimsunnalioth: cat /proc/asound/{modules,version} && lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*03:45
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coreymon77sudo iwconfig ath0 essid [the essid]  key [the wep key] 03:45
coreymon77if there isnt a wep key03:46
coreymon77just type03:46
coreymon77sudo iwconfig ath0 essid [the essid] 03:46
naliothAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.10rc3 (Mon Nov 07 13:30:21 2005 UTC).03:46
naliothi hate line breaks03:46
dettoaltrimenti_nalioth: I'm trying to install OpenArena, didn't find an ubuntu install, and there is no documentation on how to install in the tar.gz03:46
naliothdettoaltrimenti_: i'm just now reading up on that (must be the digg effect)03:47
dettoaltrimenti_heh yeah ok03:47
leileilollyeah i just replaced the site with something cooked up in a text editor03:47
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kaiwill this work if it was WPA and not WEP?03:47
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coreymon77kai: i think03:51
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kaicoreymon77: have you set up jpysticks in linux I have zsnes rom but I dont know to get my controllers working03:52
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coreymon77kai: sorry, dunno03:53
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kaicoreymon77: lol, its ight, I got the huge part working03:53
robin_anyone using apollon in edgy?03:54
kaiThank you much kind sagew03:54
coreymon77no problem kai03:54
kaiits like pulling teeth03:54
kaicoreymon77: I like linux but some of the smallest thing like wifi works automagically in Windows. You have to really wanna stick with it03:55
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kaiThe workst part is I wanna be a programmer, and I still can't figure out things like that03:55
coreymon77kai: the wifi works automatically too03:57
coreymon77you just need to put in a tiny command03:57
azteki can get my wifi setup on my ubuntu computers in the time it takes for me to run a Win driver installer now t03:57
aztekwasn't always that tho :)03:57
coreymon77of course03:57
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kaiwell, I couldnt not figure out the ndiswrapper at all03:58
kaiso I got the athero based card03:58
coreymon77ndiswrapper is a pain03:58
coreymon77thats why i researched which card i should get before getting a new one03:58
kaihad coreymon77 not told me about that command I woulda been stuck like chuck with 2 wifi cards I coulndt use03:58
rEvolution27can someone tell me how to install this? msg me plz thank you03:58
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:59
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kailuv linux04:02
kaiall these great programs all integrated, for free/no spyware/no viruses04:03
kaiI upgraded my connection04:04
kaiI download over 1000 Kbs/sec, its great04:05
bobbyok this is rediculous there is no good reason for amarok or other xine based apps to screw up on streams04:06
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bobbyany one else out here with the same problem?04:06
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dettoaltrimenti_does the command './configure' work on kubuntu?04:09
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crazy_busIt did for me04:09
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dettoaltrimenti_ok, do you configure tar files?04:11
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crazy_busI untar the .tar file before installing them04:12
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dettoaltrimenti_:( I can't get this game to install04:18
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crazy_busWhat game?04:19
coreymon77dettoaltrimenti_: whats the name of the game?04:19
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dettoaltrimenti_just read about it on digg04:20
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naliothdettoaltrimenti_: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please04:20
crazy_busThere is a get deb of that file04:20
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leileilollthank you, i will add that to my mirrors list04:22
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janis there a default username and password for Kubuntu 6.10?04:23
soulriderno jan04:24
janI just installed from the alternate disc and can't log in04:24
soulrideryou ahve to set up a user and his/her apss when you install04:24
soulriderjan: i never used hte alternate CD, i might be wrong04:24
praetorif i get the adept source through apt-get, how can I compile it?04:25
janunless I'm losing my mind, I didn't get the user setup option during install04:25
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coreymon77why dont you just install adept through apt?04:25
spitwise_anyone have any experience with a font manager?04:26
praetorcoreymon77: i've finished writing the c++ part of https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpdateManager and need to add my code to adept04:26
praetorcoreymon77: i'm just not sure how to compile adept04:27
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kaidoes anyone know of a program to where I can combine videos or a video editor or something like that04:28
soulrider./configure, make, checkinstall ? =/04:28
praetorsoulrider: there is no configure04:28
soulridermake ?04:28
soulrideri really have no idea :P04:29
praetormake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:29
praetorno makefile04:29
soulriderwell, if you program in c++04:29
soulriderhow do you usually ompile programs ?04:29
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praetorsoulrider: most programs come with a configure script and such04:30
soulrideri know04:30
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soulriderdo you think you can make your own configure script ?04:30
soulrideror makefile ?04:30
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praetorsoulrider: I just use KDevelop, it handles all of the autotools nastyness04:30
praetoranyway, someone must know how to compile it.04:31
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praetortheres no INSTALL file either04:32
Linux_Galorepraetor: any README or INSTALL file in the root directory of the rarball04:32
rEvolution27where can i find one of those neat system performance monitor thingys eveyone has on their desktop? msg me plz thx04:33
Linux_Galorepraetor: might be using qmake04:33
praetorLinux_Galore: only a TODO, NEWS and COPYING04:33
Linux_Galorepraetor: anything on the home page04:33
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praetorLinux_Galore: nah, and I don't think qmake is used for KDE3 apps, just for Qt04:34
praetordoing qmake -project, qmake, make gives a bunch of errors that it cant find the KDE libraries04:34
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superkirbyartistHi, I am using pretty old laptop (266mhz, 2GB HD, 172MB RAM), I have Windows 98, I cannot boot from CD even though I selected "CD-ROM" in BIOS Settings.  I would appreciate any help.04:36
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: model and make ?04:36
superkirbyartistGateway 2000 Solo.04:37
Linux_Galoresuperb0wl: there are a bunch of variants under the Solo 2000 series04:38
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Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: : there are a bunch of variants under the Solo 2000 series04:39
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intelikeysuperkirbyartist is now known as superimpatient  :)04:39
superkirbyartistNo, I'm not impatient, I can live with 98, but crashes when I try to use USB drive.04:39
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: http://fr.rpmfind.net/linux/LLHP/welcome.html04:40
superkirbyartistWill that help me with Solo 2K?04:40
superkirbyartistThis is all dialup.04:40
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: yeah thos are install notes for different laptop models04:40
superkirbyartistThank you ^_^ please wish me good luck.04:41
=== MrMeh [n=aaaaaaaa@adsl-75-36-57-68.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeysuperkirbyartist you could start with explaining what windows 98 and a laptop have to do with linux/kubuntu    and assuming there is a connection you could explain what you have tried already in testing.    i.e.   cd is bootable in other boxes and/or other cd's are bootable in the lappy....04:42
superkirbyartistCD is definitively bootable on other computers.  Windows 98 is installed on laptop, but for compatability's sake, would like Xubuntu (98 is at least 8 years old!).04:43
coreymon77sadam is dead!04:43
praetorcoreymon77: as if - I saw a news report last night they they couldnt decide who gets to execute him04:43
MrMehpics or it didn't happen04:43
praetorapparently they get about 100+calls a day with volunteers04:43
rEvolution27oh well it had to happen tonite04:43
dettoaltrimenti6does everyone here look at digg every 10 minutes, like me?04:44
MrMehanyone here familiar with gtkmm?04:44
coreymon77praetor: cnn.com04:44
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intelikeydettoaltrimenti6 what's digg ?04:44
coreymon77its all over the news04:44
dettoaltrimenti6hmm, I should turn on the tv04:44
lombraoooo i sleep now04:45
lombrabye f. all...04:45
coreymon77take a look at www.cnn.com04:45
coreymon77he is dead!04:45
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: the cd should boot according to what Im reading04:45
superkirbyartistLinux_Galore:  I have to say many links are 404s.04:45
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Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: yeah the mirror is down04:45
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superkirbyartistLinux_Galore: How to make it boot is the question, I will try to figure it out.04:45
superkirbyartistLinux_Galore: I found similar working website on google.04:46
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: how did you burn the cd04:46
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: did you burn the cd as a data cd ?04:46
intelikeysuperkirbyartist if it can be set to "none" set the hd to none so bios can't boot it.   linux doesn't depend on bios so it should find it ok.04:46
superkirbyartistLinux_Galore: CDRW doesn't work with laptop, so used ubuntu to transfer from CDRW to CDR04:46
lombracoreymon77: executed....04:47
lombrai sleep now, this is not just...04:47
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: did you burn the cd as a data cd or as an ISO project ?04:47
praetor saddam dead at age 69....what a pimp04:47
lombrapraetor: :P04:48
MrMehhow do I change/remove the kubuntu kdm log in screen?04:48
superkirbyartistI copied the files.04:48
intelikeyLinux_Galore "<superkirbyartist> CD is definitively bootable on other computers."  so i assume that means what it says.04:48
superkirbyartistThe first ever CD was based on ISO04:48
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: cant do that04:48
superkirbyartistThe files are on the CD.04:48
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: you you burnt the cd as an ISO project not as a data cd04:48
Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: a data cd wont boot04:49
intelikeyis the cd bootable in other boxes or not.  that's the only test needed.04:49
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superkirbyartistintelikey the CD is bootable from others.04:50
Linux_Galorebugger cant type to save myself today04:50
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Linux_Galoresuperkirbyartist: sounds like your on the old bios04:50
intelikeyif i lay the cd in a tray and hit the reset, and the box boots the cd  then who cares 'how' it was burned.   it's bootable.04:50
Linux_Galoreintelikey: I dont know if he has more than one machine04:51
Linux_Galoreintelikey: also i had a case were the guy coppied a bootable cd but the new one was a "data cd"04:52
intelikeyLinux_Galore one could assume that he does. a lappy with a 2g hd is hardly a cd burning machine.04:52
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intelikeyLinux_Galore yes.  but that's why i asked him and two times he confirmed that it is bootable.   so lets just assume that it is.04:52
intelikeyshall we ?04:53
Linux_Galoreintelikey: yes, the guy with the data CD also said it was bootable because the "original was"04:53
intelikeyok you handle it.  i'll shut up.04:53
Linux_Galoreintelikey: Im vary wary of what people say is "real" because its often not04:54
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: better question may have been "have you put the cd you have just tried into another machine"04:56
intelikeysee pm   and  scroll up for more. ^04:56
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Scokwhats up?05:01
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Xal2I need to reinstall grub, but grub-install wont do it.05:02
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Xal2Why do I need to reinstall grub?05:04
Xal2My device is /dev/sda, so I tried grub-install /dev/sda, but I get the following error: Not found or not a block device.05:04
Xal2It is no longer on the MBR.05:05
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Xal2That's usually a good reason.05:05
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Linux_GaloreXal2: ??  sda105:06
Xal2sda1 has windows on it05:06
Linux_Galoresorry ignore me05:06
Xal2sda2 has linux on it05:06
Xal2I'm trying to install to the MBR though, not to a drive.05:06
Linux_Galorejust thinking out loud05:06
intelikeyXal2 sudo ?05:06
Xal2well, should I be chrooted into my installation?05:07
intelikeyyes probably.05:07
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intelikeynot that it's a must  but it makes it easier.05:07
Xal2I am05:07
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intelikeyand the static device node is there    ?05:08
Xal2What do you mean?05:08
intelikeyyou know udev is what you see in the regular /dev  not the static device nodes.05:08
intelikeybut chroot into the system and no udev is there active.  so you have to have the static device nodes      ls /dev/sda05:09
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Xal2Hmm you're right05:10
intelikeyshould be there but on the odd chance it's not ???05:10
Xal2fdisk doesn't list any partitions05:10
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intelikeyfdisk isn't trying to read /dev  it's reading /proc/partitions which isn't mounted in the chroot.05:11
intelikeyfdisk -l05:11
intelikeycannot open /proc/partitions05:11
intelikeyin the chroot unless you mount it /proc is empty05:12
Xal2I tried a different way.05:13
Xal2I hope it worked05:13
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Xal2I've somehow managed to clear my drives with grub, lol05:13
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=== intelikey never has liked grub yet.
ForgeAushmmm... how do I get my Wmaker Menu's back?05:14
Xal2I like it.05:14
intelikeyand can't use it here.05:14
Xal2It does what I tell it to.05:14
ForgeAusintelikey I think it'll get better05:14
Linux_GaloreXal2: usually recovering the mbr is 4 steps at the command line05:14
ForgeAusit has potential05:14
Xal2Hmm, installing it to my linux drive isn't what I need05:14
Xal2If I type setup hd0 in grub, what will happen?05:15
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intelikeyForgeAus probably.  but it reads through bios.  as long as that remains constant, it will never be able to boot my system.05:15
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Linux_GaloreXal2: once the live cd is booted  mount -t ext3 -o rw /dev/sda3 /mnt  (isnt Linux on your third partition)05:15
ForgeAusintelikey??? what do you mean?05:15
ForgeAusdoesn't it have to read through bios?05:15
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ForgeAuswhy would that be problematic?05:16
intelikeyForgeAus lilo doesn't.05:16
Linux_GaloreXal2: then edit the command to your liking05:16
intelikeyForgeAus cause i don't use partitions.05:16
ForgeAuseek! lilo? ouch!...05:16
Linux_GaloreXal2: chroot /mnt05:16
ForgeAusintelikey? what do you mean you don't use partitions?05:16
Gen0c1d3just saying hello <305:16
intelikeyForgeAus i don't.05:16
ForgeAusyou do have at least one boot partition don't you?05:17
ForgeAusa system one (even if you got other OS's installed along with it on the same one you have at least one part right?05:17
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:17
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ForgeAushow can you NOT have a partition?05:17
intelikeyForgeAus no.05:17
intelikeyno partition05:17
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intelikeyzero not any.05:18
Xal2Okay, I've chrooted into /mnt05:18
dopecan i run kde apps in windows!?05:18
Linux_GaloreXal2: then cd /mnt/path/to/grub-install05:18
ForgeAusdope yes05:18
dopeoh :/05:18
Linux_GaloreXal2:  grub-install /dev/sda05:18
Xal2okay, i'm there05:18
ForgeAusits not the greatest yet...05:18
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ForgeAusintelikey how does your system boot without a partition?05:18
Xal2Not found or not a block device05:19
ForgeAusdo you even use a HDD?05:19
intelikeyForgeAus lilo.05:19
Xal2An unpartitioned drive counts as a partition afaik05:19
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Linux_GaloreXal2: fdisk -l05:19
intelikeyForgeAus this box has eight drives in it.05:19
ForgeAusXal yes it has a primary partition05:19
Xal2cannot open /proc/partitions05:19
ForgeAusintelikey your not making any sense05:19
ForgeAusa whole drive can be one entire partition05:20
ForgeAuswhat filesystem are you using inteli?05:20
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Xal2maybe he has an unformated drive05:20
intelikey<Xal2> An unpartitioned drive counts as a partition afaik <<<<  no.   you can have a single partition and you can have no partition05:20
Xal2with nothing on it05:20
ForgeAusext2? ext3? riser? etc?05:20
Linux_GaloreXal2: something is seriously broken05:20
Xal2enlighten us05:20
intelikeyForgeAus ext205:20
ForgeAusunformatted drive?... then how's he storing data on it?05:20
Xal2Linux_Galore: worked before05:20
ForgeAusext2 is a partition type05:20
Xal2it lists all my drives outside of the chroot environmen05:21
intelikeyForgeAus and just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it wont work.05:21
ForgeAusa whole drive as ext2 = 1 primary ext2 partition... normally05:21
Linux_GaloreXal2: yeah run fdisk -l outside05:21
intelikeyForgeAus no ext2 is a fs type also.05:21
Linux_GaloreXal2: make sure sda is listed05:21
ForgeAusintelikey you mean the drive hasn't been formatted?05:21
Xal2All of my partitions are listed.05:21
Xal2Yes, /dev/sda1 - 6 are listed05:22
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Linux_GaloreXal2: do they show up as ext3 ?05:22
Xal2intelikey: how can that be? I'm curious05:22
intelikeyno it is formated.  ext2        like  sudo mke2fs -c /dev/hda05:22
Xal2sda2 shows up as ext3 and sda5 as swap05:22
ForgeAuswhats mke2fs do? I'm not familiar with the command05:22
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: defines a partitions file system type05:23
intelikeyForgeAus it's the command that mkfs.ext# calls05:23
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: in this case ext205:23
ForgeAuslol intelikey your just toying with me... you need to explain yourself more for me to understand I think05:23
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intelikeyLinux_Galore no it formats "actually makes a file system"05:23
Xal2I'll see if this fixed it.05:24
Linux_Galoreintelikey: I though mkfs doesnt actually do the block work05:24
intelikeyForgeAus how many partitions does the normal floppy disk have ?05:24
intelikeyForgeAus no   005:24
ForgeAuswow I didn't know that05:24
Xal2What is the purpose of having no partitions?05:24
Xal2Oh really?05:24
Xal2So what is a partition?05:25
Xal2Linux_Galore: fixed it05:25
intelikeyyou can partition a floppy  but by default they have no partition.05:25
Xal2Thanks for the help though :)05:25
Linux_GaloreXal2: aah05:25
ForgeAusI thought you needed to format it (usually in windows it puts a signle fat12?? or something  filesystem on it)05:25
Xal2I used the grub program, set (hd0,1) as root and setup on hd005:25
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Linux_GaloreXal2: aah you had hd0,2 or something ?05:26
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intelikeywell with linux    the hdd or any other device is only a block specific device node to the system.   you can put partitions there or just format "make a file system"   or even write raw data to it.  with no fs or partitions05:26
Xal2I was scared of putting hd0 for setup though, because I've had grub wipe my drive before.05:26
Linux_GaloreXal2: yeah common mistake, grub counts from 005:26
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Xal2That wasn't it though.05:27
Xal2I had that right.05:27
Linux_GaloreXal2: what was it ?05:27
Xal2before i used: root (hd0,1) setup(hd0,1)05:27
ForgeAusintelikey so you kinda manually put one single disk with an entire ext2 filesystem without writing to a parittion table...05:27
Xal2I needed: root (hd0,1) setup (hd0)05:27
intelikeyForgeAus now you are beginning to see05:28
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ForgeAusas far as I was aware I thought the filesystem itself counted as a partition...05:28
Linux_GaloreXal2: aah you put grub in the wrong place were the bios cant find it05:28
ForgeAusapparently not05:28
intelikeyactually there isn't even a partition table    only the file system.05:28
ForgeAusinteli, do you multiboot? or just one single os?05:28
Xal2Well, like I said, I'm scared of GRUB.05:28
ForgeAusXal don't be scared05:29
Linux_GaloreXal2: the mbr is easily fixed05:29
Xal2It's not the MBR that I screw up05:29
intelikeymulti-boot.   but like i said there are eight drives in this box.05:29
Xal2It actually has cleared my hard drive of all its partitions before.05:29
ForgeAusif you are THAT scared easy way to do it is try virtualization first!05:29
ForgeAus(ie vmware or Xen or something)05:29
Xal2MrMeh: no fun in that05:29
ForgeAusmock up a version and try it there05:29
Linux_GaloreXal2: grub doesnt actually delete partitions05:29
Linux_GaloreXal2: fdisk can though05:30
MrMehno fun in what?05:30
Xal2I used grub on my windows partition once05:30
Xal2All the files went away05:30
=== BrianSteffens is now known as Miramax
ForgeAusXal, perhaps because you wrote to the MBR... and it couldn't find your windows anymore05:30
ForgeAusthey didn't exactly go away05:30
ForgeAusthey just weren't being pointed to05:31
intelikeyForgeAus  and  one drive in this box, actually has a partition table and partitions and M$ file system on one of the partitions.   but i seldom use that drive at all.05:31
Linux_GaloreXal2: no, every partition has its own mbr, what grub did is muck up the windows stuff on the first cylinder of the partition05:31
Xal2Can that be fixed?05:31
ForgeAusintelikey I can understand that05:31
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ForgeAusbut then I'm no purist... lol :)05:31
Linux_GaloreXal2: yeah XP has a recovery thing on its CD05:31
ForgeAusI suggest if you come to a point like that you read up first about how to boot an XP partition using Grub before you mess up your MBR05:32
Linux_Galorethe partition mbr has a funny name05:32
Xal2It was on an NTFS partitoin though05:32
Linux_Galoreits not called an mbr but does a similar job05:32
Xal2not the one windows was on05:32
ForgeAusdoesn't matter the filesystem type05:32
ForgeAusit matters that the MBR knows where to look05:32
ForgeAusfor what05:32
MrMehXal2, no fun in what?05:32
Xal2Hmm, the only options I found in the recovery CD were fixboot and fixmbr05:32
Xal2Oh, in not screwing up05:32
ForgeAusyup them are the two05:33
Linux_Galorethe mbr is just a pointer05:33
Linux_Galorefor the bios05:33
intelikeyForgeAus that drive is not the boot drive,   but even if it were.  grub still couldn't boot my linux system because of the lack of partitions05:33
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intelikeyspeaking of the one with partitions.05:33
ForgeAusintelikey I have a question for you would it hurt to insert some partition information on your drive?05:33
ForgeAusthen grub could work with it05:34
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ForgeAuspartitions afaik seem to have some advantages... in that A) you can organize your drives and filesystems in separate ones...05:34
intelikeyForgeAus at this point it would.  it would be writen on the same sector as the first copy of the superblock05:35
Linux_Galorethe mbr is too small to actually run a boot loader so most boot loader are multi part, the bios when it does all its rubbish looks at the mbr and says, yep that will run and does so, the mbr contains a very small program that basically says goto this partition and run this app, the app being GRUB05:35
intelikeyForgeAus which would spell desaster  if i didn't know where to find the second copy.05:35
Xal2So what in the windows recovery cd would rewrite the mbr for a drive that doesn't have windows on it?05:35
ForgeAusintelikey sounds like it but also sounds very manual ...05:36
Linux_GaloreXal2: yeah it will rewrite the mbr and try and recover the working partitions for you05:36
ForgeAusI prefer the easier roads lol05:36
intelikeymb4 is 512 bites05:36
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intelikeyeek mbr is 512 bites05:36
Xal2Now that makes me hungry05:36
Linux_GaloreXal2: then you get the Linux cd and recover grub and bingo your working05:36
ForgeAusyou could always use a temporary storage device to copy files to before you do anything to the drive?05:36
Xal2That would take too long05:37
Xal2not worth it05:37
Xal2Not on this computer anyway05:37
Xal2I always have the important stuff backed up before an event such as this occurs05:37
Linux_GaloreXal2: or do what I did 6 years ago and just said bugger it and deleted windows lol05:37
intelikeyForgeAus yes.   but if i added a partition table i'd still have to mke2fs the thing again because of the location of the superblock05:37
ForgeAusok so I'll bite (byte? ) whats a superblock?05:38
Xal2Linux_Galore: I'm a gamer.05:38
ForgeAus(btw this isn't the first time I've heard of one... I just hadn't really needed to know what it meant before and probably won't remember anyhow...)05:38
Xal2Linux isn't perfect yet.05:38
ForgeAusXal I got news for you05:38
ForgeAussometimes its the imperfections that make things perfect! rofl05:39
intelikeyForgeAus for practical purposes it the *nix equivlent of the  fat  in dos.05:39
Daisuke_Idoneither is windows?05:39
Xal2they're better in Windows though05:39
ForgeAusbesides Linux will never be "perfect"... nor will any other OS05:39
Xal2Well, you know what I mean.05:39
Daisuke_Idoactually, i've been really digging ut2k4 in linux05:39
Xbehaveif i have access to drivers and a windows pc, how much can i find out about a webcam i have?05:39
fowlduckwhat is better in windows?05:39
Xal2Games simply run better in Windows.05:39
Xal2They are, afterall, written for Windows.05:39
fowlduckgames designed for windows run better in windows, yes05:39
ForgeAusyou mean its where the inode references are stored?05:40
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-unixlinux-filesystem-superblock.html05:40
intelikeyfowlduck the money ?05:40
=== dettoaltrimenti_ [n=dettoalt@cpe-66-61-61-45.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Xal2Games written for Linux and Windows run well on both as long as you have an Nvidia gfx card.05:40
fowlduckbut cross-platform games: doom3, enemy territory, ut2k4, are better in linux imo05:40
fowlduckintelikey: what?05:40
Xal2That's because you have a bias.05:40
ForgeAusgrrr nvidia :(05:41
Xal2They run just as well as long as your graphics driver is decent.05:41
intelikey<fowlduck> what is better in windows?    <intelikey> fowlduck the money ?05:41
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=== ForgeAus has ATI
fowlduckXal2: actually I have a mac, so no i don't05:41
fowlduckintelikey: ahhh05:41
Xal2MrMeh: OSX is unix, and linux is similar.05:41
Xal2You have a bias >_<05:41
Xal2I don't play doom305:41
Xbehaveerm all games are designed for windows05:41
Xal2I play UT2K4, and Linux performance is pretty good.05:41
MrMehwhen was I talking about OSX and linux?05:42
Xal2You weren't.05:42
Linux_GaloreXal2: OSX is barely unix anymore05:42
Xal2How about the KDE set of games.05:42
Xal2They're not for Windows05:42
ForgeAusintelikey, you mean superblock is where inodes get referenced from?05:42
Xal2I bet they run better on Linux.05:42
intelikeyForgeAus yeah05:42
Xal2WoW plays alright in WINE except for the crackling sound.05:42
intelikeyit's where the information about the fs is stored05:42
ForgeAuskde games probably run fine in Windows05:42
Xbehavewell all major games UT doom etc, designed for windows05:42
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fowlduckXal2: you can tweak windows heavily so that those games run as well on windows as they do on linux, but linux tends to be slimmer and more efficient, so games run better in my experience05:43
Xal2UT has a LInux version.05:43
ForgeAusthere isn't much they do thats superspecial like 3d gfx etc... so if you have cygwin you probably wouldn't see much difference in kde games05:43
fowlduckUT, Doom 3, Quake 3, Enemy Territory, etc, are cross-platform and run great in linux05:43
ForgeAusunless you get a special specific kde game with some stuff that cygwin doesnt do (which is probably alot at this stage)05:43
Xal2But C&C Generals sucks in Linux05:43
Xbehaveyes but it is coded for windows, the linux port is a port ots just they are very good quility programs and as a result its easy to port05:44
fowlducksaying they are designed for windows is wrong05:44
ForgeAusbut I was assuming you meant the average mahjongg, shisenshou, tetris etc pack...05:44
Xbehavethey are tho05:44
fowlduckthey are written to be cross-platform05:44
Linux_Galorebasically a superblock contains metadata05:44
fowlduckgames written for directx are designed for windows05:44
fowlduckgames written for opengl are designed to be cross-platform05:44
Xal2I wish more companies would use opengl05:45
ForgeAusalso cygwin is very rpm-based rather than deb... so its a bit of a mismatch with debian-based linux like kubuntu is05:45
fowlduckme too05:45
Xal2But no one cares about Linux.05:45
ForgeAusgrrr ogl directx! grrrrr :(05:45
fowlduckmmm, sorta05:45
Xal2They could write them for both though.05:45
=== ForgeAus misses glide
Xal2Aren't some games compatible with both?05:45
ForgeAusXal some probably are05:46
=== fowlduck thinks that opengl needs to be pushed a little more
Linux_Galorereally Linux needs its own version of DirectX05:46
Linux_Galoreand some dev tools05:46
fowlduckno, no it doesn't05:46
RugForgeAus: yeah those were some kick-ass cards.05:46
ForgeAus3DFX rocked05:46
Xal2Game designers need to stop kissing M$'s ass.05:46
ForgeAuspity they had no business sense05:46
fowlduckdirectX is Microsoft's way of hijacking graphics and making their own closed protocols05:46
Linux_Galoredirectx allows a "game maker" to totally ignore all the hardware layer, yes even sound05:46
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fowlduckopengl needs to be more developed05:47
ForgeAuslol imagine D3D under mono! rofl05:47
fowlduckand pushed harder05:47
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ForgeAusactually I think there is a planned (or current?) wineD3D project05:47
Xal2Did I say game maker?05:47
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Xal2If I did, I need some sleep.05:47
Linux_Galorethe problem we have now is a game maker just wants to make games he doesnt want to have to worry about all the stupid hardware05:47
Rugfowlduck: Can you think of a more beautiful game then NeverWinter Nights (OpenGL)05:48
ForgeAusthey also want to get rid of the gecko out of their current msie...05:48
Xbehaveim just looking for an interview that i read, im fairly sure UT is coded primarily for windows then its done verywell and so windows dependancies can be removed or something like that, im not 100% tho05:48
Linux_Galoreand also the dev tools for Windows shit on anything available in Linux05:48
balsamic_chichenwhat's the key combinations that takes screen shots when i'm moving the cube with mouse05:48
fowlduckRug: more developed does not mean capable of more, it means more mature and easier to harness for development05:48
balsamic_chicheni know there's the xgl channel, but i'm asking here cuz i think i see alot of pros here =)05:48
Linux_GaloreMicrosoft has got this one thing right, if you make the tools the developers will follow05:49
ForgeAusbals.. in beryl? nice :)05:49
fowlduckno pros, a lot of prose though05:49
ForgeAusLG I agree05:49
balsamic_chichenya in beryl, i wanna take a screen shot of my beryl cube and make it my aim avatar lol05:49
balsamic_chichenso that's what i was asking what's the key combinations that takes screen shots when i'm moving the cube with mouse05:49
ForgeAusbals, awesome, I dunno enough about beryl to help you05:49
fowlducki can't wait until Iron Python is included in Visual Studio, or is at least easy to install05:49
ForgeAusI dobut I can do it with my machine anyway05:50
ForgeAus(I'm running kubuntu under vmware)05:50
Linux_GaloreLinux is nice in concept but without the dev tools and the libs were a sitting duck05:50
balsamic_chichenthx tho =) i just wanted to try ask first =)05:50
ForgeAusfowl, yeah that and Haskell!05:50
Xal2I have one Linux and one Windows computer, both dual boot05:50
ForgeAusVS is definitely going IronPython, theres already builds withi t built in.. but it will probably go Haskell next05:50
fowlducki don't know much about haskell, just that it's some sort of procedural language05:50
Xal2I have a KVM, so I can use both :)05:50
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ForgeAusHaskell is functional programming language05:50
Xal2Linux is really easy to setup as a server.05:50
ForgeAus(Python has some basic funcitonal tools)05:51
Linux_GaloreXal2: it is these days05:51
Xal2I'm a young newbie05:51
Linux_GaloreXal2: but just making Linux servers doesnt make Linux great05:51
ForgeAusits just a programming style as opposed to your usual procedural/modular programming)05:51
fowlduckForgeAus: no change that there is a VS build that will run on XP with Iron Python, is there?05:51
Xal2I know.05:51
ForgeAusI don't actually understand functional programming myself yet to be honest05:51
Xbehavehttp://www.linux-gamers.net/smartsection.item.16/inteview-with-croteam-039-s-vedran-skrnjug.html < from that its quite clear that programs are made for windows and ported to linux05:51
Xal2I really don't know enough to do much with Linux.05:51
ForgeAusyou can get boo for mono05:51
Xal2I'm spoiled with Kubuntu.05:51
ForgeAus(basically python for *nix's vers of .NET)05:52
Daisuke_Idothis about serious sam?05:52
Linux_GaloreXbehave: as long as they use opengl or use an in house widget kit, if they use a purely DX9 setup it doesnt port05:52
ForgeAusfowl, yes there is, but I wouldn't know where/how to find it05:52
Xbehaveyeah but its the same for most games, the port is just done because its easy05:52
ForgeAusits definitely not in the official current VS whats it up to 8? build... but there are custom ones that have IP built in...05:53
fowlduckXbehave: heh05:53
Linux_GaloreXbehave: or if they do try and port the game its a first class pain in the ass05:53
fowlduckXbehave: thats dor serious sam05:53
ForgeAusyou'd have to go searching for them tho... becuas like I said I have no idea where/how to find them05:53
ForgeAusmaybe P2P?05:53
=== intelikey still wishes he would have learned C when C was young and so was he.
ForgeAus(wouldn't it be fun to do some MS Office addins in python? rofl)05:53
fowlducklol yeah05:53
ForgeAusC isn't so difficult05:54
fowlduckC is icky05:54
ForgeAusC++ improves it C# simplifes it05:54
ForgeAuslol its weird05:54
Linux_Galoreyou can learn the basics of C in a month, 1 year to be semi proficient05:54
intelikeywell 50 something is no time to start learning C05:54
Xbehaveyeah i didnt find the UT 1 but the jist is the same, opengl means ports are fairly simple but games still use MS stuff and so need to be ported05:54
fowlduckjust doesn't make much sense anymore unless you need hardware control for some reason05:54
ForgeAusI was so daunted by all the {}'s in C!05:54
ForgeAusI still think it makes the code look messy05:54
ForgeAusI prefer python or pascal05:54
ForgeAus(chrome isn't too bad for a pascal for Visual Studio)05:55
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fowlduckXbehave: that's a design decision, when UT was released it was linux-ready.  They code it to make it easily portable, but finish one playform at a time.05:55
ForgeAustheres also other choices like Component Pascal or just get Delphi05:55
=== Linux_Galore trolls by screaming "ruby rules"
fowlduckyou mean rails rules05:55
ForgeAuslol Ruby is kewl I dunno much about it tho05:55
fowlduckruby without rails is crap05:55
ForgeAuspersonally I think I need to make my own language called saffyr!05:55
fowlduckdo it05:56
ForgeAus(but someone would probably oudo it and make an emryld!05:56
fowlduckyou know C, right?05:56
Linux_Galorerails just takes ruby from great to wow man thats just fsking aswome05:56
fowlduckno, before rails ruby was crap05:56
ForgeAus(play on Perl and Ruby.. of course)05:56
fowlduckrails made ruby05:56
ForgeAusI know some C but I aren't proficient in it or anything05:56
fowlduckthe combination is fantastic, no doubt05:56
ForgeAusrails is for webdev right?05:57
ForgeAusits just an addon to ruby for what apache?05:57
=== ForgeAus tastes some sweet CherryPy
fowlduckI've done application programming in ruby and honest greatly prefer python....and ruby is really slow too05:57
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ForgeAuseuch! I don't like Cherry!05:57
fowlduckno, rails is a full web development framework05:57
ForgeAusI'm a python fan too05:57
fowlducka la turbogears and django05:58
pwn4tt4ckI wish I knew python05:58
pwn4tt4ckI hear its easy as pie05:58
pwn4tt4cknever took the time to read the books though05:58
pwn4tt4ckI mostly spend my time in PHP05:58
ForgeAusPascal, Haskell, Python....05:58
pwn4tt4ck<333 php05:58
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: it's really easy to learn, i can point you to some nice resources if you want05:58
pwn4tt4ckplz do05:58
ForgeAusalthough I know very little about haskell sofar05:58
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: if you love php, learn python and you'll hate php after a little while05:58
ForgeAusbut theres always #haskell around to ask :)05:58
pwn4tt4ckhahha, I doubt it05:58
pwn4tt4ckphp is my heart05:58
LeeJunFanfowlduck: that's true.05:58
ForgeAusI think they purposely make it seem more complicated than it is05:58
pwn4tt4ckI couldn't imagine my website without it05:58
=== intelikey only knows bash.
ForgeAusyou can get VHS for Visual Studio05:59
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Programmers05:59
ForgeAusinteli you know more than I do05:59
ForgeAusI'm not such a basher05:59
ForgeAusnor even a batchscripter!05:59
ForgeAuswhich is SAD to the nth degree!05:59
Linux_Galorethere is a thing I have here some were by a very good writer who has worked with every computer language inder the sun and he talks about each and how it falls short of the mark at the end of the day (even shows how python has some serious failings) then he ends on ruby and how it doesnt have the same failing as python and perl and java05:59
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fowlducknot missing much with batch scripting05:59
LeeJunFanpython is more of a multitool than PHP as well. PHP has become one, but it wasn't meant to be one.05:59
archangel_my jump drive doent seem to work with dapper, how come?05:59
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: thank you06:00
ForgeAusPython seems more small scripty than appsy... but its getting there... slowly06:00
fowlduckLinux_Galore: well, I'm glad there are some people with opinions out there, unfortunately ruby is slow, immature, and relies on "magic"06:00
fowlduckwhatever, python is extremely extensible, you can make humongous applications with it06:01
intelikeyjump drive?06:01
LeeJunFanForgeAus: I dunno, a lot of the KDE stuff is python06:01
ForgeAusfowl check out boo :)06:01
pwn4tt4ckJump drive is a flash drive06:01
fowlducki have06:01
ForgeAusgood point Lee :)06:01
fowlduckmagic, as in it prefers implicit over explicit06:01
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fowlduckconvention over configuration06:01
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pwn4tt4ckyou know what rocks at the end of the day, though? XML06:02
fowlduckwhich sounds good, but in the end isn't that great06:02
fowlducklol, yeah06:02
pwn4tt4ckagain, I couldn't imagine my pages without xml06:02
fowlduckxml makes the web go around06:02
ForgeAusimplicitness is kewl... I don't want to have to keep saying exactly what I need all the time... it helps me make less mistakes06:02
fowlduckForgeAus: implicitness does not mean you can't make things easier06:02
pwn4tt4ckSo python is for more than just the great WWW?06:02
intelikeyguys          archangel_  had a support Q.06:02
ForgeAusXML is just do-it-yourself SGML06:02
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: bery much so06:03
pwn4tt4ckyou can make real apps like you would with c++ or what not?06:03
intelikeyremember this is still a support channel06:03
ForgeAusits nothing without a schema.. plus its wordy06:03
pwn4tt4ckxml is the best way I've found of passing static info through the net06:03
pwn4tt4ckk, sorry06:03
fowlduckthe web is xml.  it's how your webpages are stored on the client side06:03
fowlduckDOM ftw06:03
pwn4tt4ckwe need a channel just for this discussion06:03
soulriderdoes anyone know if its possible at boot time, to see what thr system is doing? the way it was in dapper, now all i see is the logo but i dont know what my computer is doing06:03
pwn4tt4ck</3 DOM06:03
pwn4tt4ckI never took the time to understand document object models06:03
fowlduckthat's why you hate it06:04
archangel_my jump drive doent seem to work with dapper, how come?06:04
fowlducklearn it and it demystifies javascript and the web06:04
ForgeAusactually fowl, your kinda right kinda wrong06:04
fowlduckarchangel_: ummm, what do you mean by doesn't work?06:04
ForgeAusHTML isn't exactly XML, it uses XML-like tags... but its all under SGML06:04
archangel_toda roba  intelikey06:04
intelikeysoulrider the linux kernel hasn't changed that much.   boot with verbose and vga=normal06:04
fowlduckForgeAus: you should explain further :)06:04
fowlduckForgeAus: on the client side it becomes XML06:05
ForgeAusso the web isn't XML its HTML + some other formats...06:05
intelikeysoulrider or vga=0x0f0506:05
fowlduckForgeAus: read what I said closer06:05
archangel_wont recognize it. like it doesnt work, but it does.06:05
fowlduckarchangel_: plug it in then check the tail end of the output of dmesg06:05
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: I dont use Javascript that much. When I do it's in small quantities. Anything I'd need JS for (save drop downs and other DHTML) I use PHP to do06:05
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: ajax owns06:06
soulriderintelikey: do i remove quiet ?06:06
ForgeAusis PHP perl-like?06:06
fowlduckForgeAus: PHP is perl castrated06:06
ForgeAusAJAX is the big buzzword...06:06
ForgeAusat the moment anyway06:06
intelikeysoulrider yep that's what is squelching part of it.   and silent   also06:06
ForgeAusppl love AJAX and I don't even know what it means exactly.. yet06:06
soulrideri dont see silent06:07
ForgeAussame with WEB2.0 of course06:07
fowlduckForgeAus: if you have less than $20, check out the pragmatic programmers book on ajax, it will help you understand ajax and the web06:07
pwn4tt4ckphp is perl castrated hahahaha06:07
soulriderim gonna reboot :)06:07
fowlduckarchangel_: plug it in then type this is on the command line.  Paste the output into pastebin.ca:  dmesg | tail06:08
intelikeysoulrider probably not there then.  but quiet and the framebuffering  togather keep the messages away   so vga=  and  verbos   togather bring them in.06:08
ForgeAusfowl I odn't really need to understand them... if I'm using a good enough IDE... it'll do all the understanding of them for me :)06:08
pwn4tt4ckI dont like AJAX. Then again I've only dabbled into the research, never tried it06:08
ForgeAusI just need to drag and drop the right tools int he right place and set their properties so that voila... my app works as I meant it too06:08
fowlduckForgeAus: when you realize that isn't enough, come back and see me06:08
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ForgeAuslol fowlduck... I know in essence its not enough06:08
ForgeAusbut its a start06:09
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: yes, it seems as though you need to be a rocket scientist to do it, but you really don't, in fact it's easy.  It just changes pages06:09
ForgeAusAspect Oriented programming is interesting...06:09
ForgeAusI have yet to see AspectPython tho :(06:09
intelikeyeven Hobbsee_06:09
pwn4tt4ckI quit learning after I learned php506:09
fowlduckForgeAus: you would make a great CS major, you don't want to understand anything in depth, just from 30,000 feet06:09
ForgeAusits mostly Java (and of course some C) that its being toyed with)06:09
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: I'm sorry to hear that :(06:10
pwn4tt4ckI started with html, moved to xml, then sgml, the c++, then perl, then php 4 and 5 and then just stopped06:10
ForgeAusfowl... too much of it to understand in depth06:10
ForgeAusits like wading in the ocean and picking a rock instead of the coral reef to explore06:10
crimsunfowlduck, what is that supposed to imply about cs majors?06:10
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pwn4tt4ckI'll start again with python though, but now I think I need to leave. my girlfriend doesnt look that excited by the conversation06:10
balsamic_chicheni hate cs06:10
soulriderintelikey: works great! thanks!06:10
intelikeysupposed to imply....  he said it out rightly06:10
fowlduckcrimsun: that there are many who only have 30,000 foot views of the technology in use in the industry06:10
intelikeysoulrider np06:11
crimsunfowlduck, I'm pretty sure that's not limited to cs majors.06:11
ForgeAusfowls right06:11
crimsunanyhow, it's pretty off-topic, so I'll stop.06:11
fowlduckcrimsun: yes, but they make it their business to be like that :)06:11
ForgeAusthese days they can't seemt o zoom into one specific tool and teach it06:11
ForgeAusthey have to do general overviews06:11
ForgeAusbecause theres just SOOO much stuff out there06:11
ForgeAusnobody could learn them all anyway...06:11
balsamic_chichenmy cs class: the book has nothing to do with the lecture, the lecture has nothing to do with the hw, the hw has nothing to do with the book, non of what i mentioned has to do with the midterms, the midterms has nothing to do with the finals, and the grading is arbitary, the grading curve, well it's a flat line. that's is life at berkeley cs lol.06:11
fowlduckForgeAus: learn a few types of languages in depth and it makes the rest much easier to understand06:12
Daisuke_Idothe croteam mention reminded me that i have a copy of serious sam sitting here...  haven't tried it in linux yet though06:12
balsamic_chichensorry that really should have gone in the offtopic section06:12
ForgeAusfowl I agree06:12
pwn4tt4ckcan I idle in here?06:12
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: yes06:12
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pwn4tt4ckfowl: thanks :D06:12
fowlducknp, bro06:12
ForgeAusproblem is the only one I've had the chance to learn indepth (with support that is) is VB :(06:13
soulriderHawkwind: do you happen to be here ?06:13
ForgeAuswhich translates bascially 1-to-1 relationship with C#06:13
archangel_fowlduck: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39416/06:13
fowlduckForgeAus: yeah, I know VB.NET too, you should check out a "scripting" language in depth06:13
ForgeAuslike PYthon06:13
intelikeypwn4tt4ck idle all you want but turn you away anouncments off.06:13
ForgeAusI've been getting inroads to python06:13
ForgeAusI'm not interested in perl tho06:13
fowlduckarchangel_: wow, that's weird06:14
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ForgeAussome kinda Lisp/scheme/smalltalk family language might be itneresting... TCL seems kinda left behind ... dunno much about it06:14
ForgeAusFortran is very Pascal-like in some ways...06:15
fowlduckForgeAus: learn python in depth (since it can be used for pretty much anything) and learn Lisp06:15
ForgeAuslisp is very () intensive right?06:15
ForgeAusclisp seems to be the go06:15
archangel_yeah, this seems to happen when I got to have the thing working to get another pc up and running06:16
fowlduckwhatever, just learn it, and then learn a web framework06:16
archangel_(windows pc)06:16
fowlduckthat's what I would do if I could06:16
ForgeAusVisual Studio.NET (dunno bout the current vers but def 2003/2002 vers') had a built in example of a lisp interpretter! lol :)06:16
archangel_linix is here to save the day   hehehe06:16
fowlduckarchangel_: hmm, I'm looking at how to clear dmesg06:16
fowlduckForgeAus: VS makes you dumb, I really wouldn't recommend it to someone starting as a programmer06:17
fowlduckForgeAus: (aka, what you said earlier about dropping stuff in and it works)06:17
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fowlduckargh, i'm in os x, i need to install ubuntu in a vm06:17
intelikeyfowlduck -c06:17
ForgeAustry kubuntu :) I like it better06:18
crimsunlet's cut the FUD, ok? VS has nothing to do with dumbing down learning any language or any process.06:18
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=== ForgeAus ubuntuized and xubuntuized his kubuntu anyhow
fowlduckcrimsun: it discourages many good things.  This isn't FUD.06:18
fowlduckFear, Uncertainty, Doubt06:18
crimsunfowlduck, that's your opinion, and it has things which many IDEs can do. Please, cut the FUD.06:19
fowlduckI love Visual Studio, don't get me wrong, just I'm a lab assistant and I see lots of students affected by VS hiding the goings on under the hood06:19
ForgeAusfowl, I agree that VS is about all that... but its objective is mostly to simplify rather than cover or anything sinister...06:20
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intelikeyfowlduck then you too think the gui is a secondary tool  and the command line is the system ?06:20
fowlduckcrimsun: FUD reflects an intentional skewing of facts to produce the feelings FUD is an acronym for, which I am not doing06:20
ForgeAusie, reigons do tend to be compacted in outline views etc, but they are there to explore if you have the guts to try it :)...06:20
fowlduckintelikey: GUI is there to make things easier, and it is a good thing.  I believe that you should know what's going on before you make it easier though06:20
crimsunfowlduck, I'd say that lambasting VS as a tool not suitable for novice programmers simply because it does things differently from how -you- would like is FUD.06:21
archangel_can I do a search for anything connected by usb?06:21
ForgeAusintelikey often there is a commandline drive with a gui slapped on it model but that odesn't HAVE to be the case... depends on the tool and what makes sense for it...06:21
intelikeyarchangel_ lsusb06:21
Linux_Galorejust compiled the latest version of K3B, wow he has added allot of ripping options06:21
intelikeyarchangel_ also dmesg | grep usb06:22
archangel_nothing happens when I do that06:22
Linux_Galorever 1.0rc306:22
intelikeylsusb returns nothing....  odd.06:22
fowlduckcrimsun: I'd say that recommending that new programmers not use a tool that keeps you from learning to read documentation, compile code, etc, is not FUD06:22
crimsunfowlduck, it doesn't keep you from learning to read documentation.06:23
fowlduckit encourages it06:23
fowlduckit helps you too much, is what I'm saying, when new programmers need to learn to help themselves06:23
intelikeykinda like the gui encourages to not type06:23
crimsunfowlduck, that's quite a leap. I suppose GNOME encourages one not to read documentation, as does KDE?06:23
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=== intelikey </shrugs> and points to !offtopic AGAIN
fowlduckcrimsun: no, but intelisense encourages one to not read documentation06:24
ethos_Is it complicated to get my windows media center box to access video files on my kubuntu box?  I just converted to kubuntu on my server and don't know how to get them connected.06:24
freerideello :-)06:24
fowlduckand code-completion encourages people to not learn syntax06:24
intelikey!samba | ethos_06:25
ubotuethos_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:25
=== visionary [n=visionar@bb219-74-228-8.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu
fowlduckarchangel_: dmesg -c will clear your dmesg output.  Afterwards plug in the USB device and type dmesg.  paste that output into pastebin.ca06:25
fowlduckarchangel_: the last output didn't include any activity from the connection of the device06:26
freerideI forgot my question :-/06:26
visionaryGreeter application crashing06:26
intelikeyi told you -c   ^^^^^ way up there.... guess you missed it.06:26
fowlduckarchangel_: that could either be a problem with how much output was shown or that nothing shows up06:26
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:26
fowlduckintelikey: I saw it, but was arguing with crimsun :(06:27
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fowlduckintelikey: but thanks for pointing it out06:27
intelikeyi think he'll have to sudo that tho06:28
visionarynew to linux but my greeter application crashes and web cam does not work...any help appreciated06:28
fowlduckintelikey: good point06:28
fowlduckarchangel_: try sudo before those commands06:28
archangel_nothing happend06:28
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archangel_oh ok06:28
intelikey!webcam | visionary06:29
ubotuvisionary: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:29
intelikey"greeter application crashes"  ?    kdm ?06:30
fowlduckhow can you be sure that the webcam doesn't work if you can't log in?06:30
archangel_wow that did something06:31
intelikey-:- SignOff visionary: #kubuntu (Remote closed the connection)06:31
fowlduckcool! ;)06:31
slougiit's always wonderful to see patient people...06:31
intelikeymaybe he thoungt that the ubotu post was all the help he needed....06:32
slougiwho knows :)06:32
=== intelikey assumes that he's not lagging enought to see things in distorted order.
slougidunno, I always get a bit annoyed when people can't wait longer than 2 minutes for an answer06:33
=== fowlduck assumes monkeys aren't flying out of my butt
freeridedoes anyone know, can you get a 5-button mouse to work with kubuntu?06:33
fowlduckbut we've all been wrong before06:33
slougifreeride: yes you can06:33
freeridedo you know how?06:33
slougifreeride: I am not sure if there are graphical tools to do it though, but by tweaking /etc/X11/xorg.conf it is possible, hold on06:34
freeridek, holding :-)06:34
Xbehavefreeride you need to add a few lines to xorg, try here > http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Graphics_Card06:34
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Xbehaveoops wrong end but its on that page under mise06:34
intelikeyok archangel_ that thing is trying to access a keyboard when you  plug that "jump drive" in.06:35
fowlduckarchangel_: hmm, it doesn't appear that anything is happening when you plug in the USB device.  That's weird and instantly puts this problem outside of my level of expertise.  I'm sorry06:35
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slougifreeride: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39420/06:35
intelikeyit's assuming/expecting a keyboard   for some reason.06:35
fowlduckintelikey: I'm betting something else is up with that06:35
slougifreeride: the important lines are the ones with *AxisMapping06:35
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[serial] Hi all06:36
fowlduckintelikey: my xorg.conf would always throw weird errors for me under edgy about invalid input devices, so I always look on that with some skepticism06:36
intelikeyfowlduck which is ?06:36
slougithat's for a 7 button mouse though, you can play around with it a bit :)06:36
[serial] Guys I have quick question... Is LVM2 update safe for dapper?06:36
intelikeyinvalid input devices <<< wacom  it's programed to look for wacom devices.06:36
intelikeysame thing.    expecting something that isn't there.06:37
archangel_fowlduck: crap, thank you for trying man06:37
[serial] I have my workstation running dapper and I heard that the upgrade from dapper to edgy screwed up many peoples LVM2 partitions...06:37
[serial] Now I have abot 700G in this box in LVM2, and softraid all kinds of setups - I am afraid that I would loose my partitions if I upgrade LVM2...06:38
[serial] And that would be a disater...06:38
intelikey[serial]  sounds resonable.  it "screwed up" lots of things for lots of people.06:38
fowlduckarchangel_: I'm sorry, I wish I could help more.  The only other thing I can think of is check the output of lspci06:38
fowlduckarchangel_: but you may need to install pciutils06:39
intelikeylshw also06:39
fowlducknot familiar with that06:39
[serial] intelikey: Well the workstation isnt going to edgy any soon thats for sure but the adept updater keeps bugging me for lvm2 update... I dont want to remain with no disks under this box...06:39
fowlduckarchangel_: but what you're looking for is your USB Controllers06:39
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[serial] I figured I'd just ask her - maybe somebody would know...06:40
archangel_fowlduck: ok, I think that might be a job for tomorrow06:40
[serial] I kinda think: "If it aint broken dont update it :))"06:40
ForgeAuswhen I run adept installer I get 3 versions of IDLE for python, how do I know which one to install?06:41
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[serial] intelikey: And I know for a fact that one of the problems with dapper-edgy upgrade was the LVM2 issue...06:41
intelikey[serial]  i don't use lvm   nor partitions   maybe some of these other guys can answer that.     but if the update is in security section  you might want to look into it.06:42
fowlduckarchangel_: ok, again I'm sorry I couldn't help more06:42
freerideoh yeah, I remember, how come this doesnt come with gimp?06:42
fowlduckfreeride: gimp is more than a simple application06:42
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fowlduckfreeride: and it seems that they only want to include simple ones06:43
intelikeyfreeride you can install gimp via the package manager at any time.06:43
freerideahh, ok, good06:43
freerideI'll look into that later, thanks06:43
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freerideI have two other problems before taht :-)06:43
intelikeyfreeride there are some 18,000 packages ready in the repos for your install pleasure at any time.06:44
Xbehaveim following  !webcam but when i launch easycam2 i get the following error No module named gnome.ui06:44
fowlduckyeah, only 1800006:44
intelikeygimp is one among many06:44
intelikeyfowlduck i know.    we need more packages.06:44
fowlduckXbehave: you may need libraries associated with gnome to run easycam2 then, have you checked the dependencies?  Is easycam2 from the repositories?06:45
freerideone among many what?06:45
fowlduckone among many packages06:45
intelikeyfreeride packages.06:45
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fowlduckfreeride is a text editor for ruby06:45
intelikeyalso an irc nickname.06:46
Xbehaveyes i added repos and checked dependancies06:46
intelikey!repos | freeride06:46
ubotufreeride: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:46
freerideit's also a snowboarding style ;-)06:46
Xbehaveits in custom repos tho06:46
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freeridewow, you guys are throwing a lot of info at me here :-) I'm still reading about my mouse :-P06:47
intelikeycustom repos begs breakage06:47
intelikeystory at ten06:47
Xbehavenormall repos have only 1300 packages06:47
Hawkwindsoulrider: I am now, what's up ?06:48
Xbehavestory at 1106:48
intelikeyXbehave normal  as in main ?06:48
intelikeynormal as in "main universe multiverse"    check again06:48
Xbehaveasin including restriced ect, its a repo the ubuntu guide told me to add btw not some random 1 i found06:48
Xbehaveo wait i have 1300 installed my mistake06:49
intelikeythere ya go06:49
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fowlducki win06:50
fowlduckstory at 1106:50
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freeridewow, this is a lot to take in06:50
intelikeyi have 459 installed.06:50
fowlduckfreeride: the square root of 9 is 306:50
seven11anyone how do i get vncviewer to start in the right window size06:51
intelikeythe square root of linux is root06:51
intelikeyseven11 set the window size  and click the upper-left button special window settings something blah blah...06:52
intelikeyor kcontrol06:53
intelikeyall kroads lead to kcontrol06:53
intelikeybottem line tell kde to remember the size and possion.06:54
soulriderahh great06:54
soulriderwell, Hawkwindis it posible for me to send you packages to put on your repo ?06:54
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soulrideri tried to get someone to put them on the ubuntu repos with no luck06:55
Xbehaveback in the world of sane people im following !webcam > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam and its asking for gnome.ui how do i fix it06:55
soulridersome apckages are not updated in ubuntu or debian06:55
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intelikeyXbehave install gnome-ui  maybe ?06:56
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computerwhat's the key combo for taking screen shot while rotating beryl cube with mouse06:56
intelikeyor guile-gnome0-gnome-ui - Guile bindings for libgnome06:56
soulridercomputer: maybe set ksnapshot witha  timer06:57
soulrideralso, Hawkwind, i iploaded some wallpapers to TKs FTP06:57
computero that'd work, thx =) i was just putting it out there to see if there might be key combos that's more convennient,06:57
intelikeydoes just hitting the [print-screen]  not take screenies ?06:57
Hawkwindsoulrider: What packages are you wanting to send ?06:57
soulriderfor now filelight06:58
soulrideralthough i ahve to recompile it06:58
soulriderbut the latest version is important06:58
soulriderbecause it doesnt crash06:58
soulriderthe on ein the repos crashes every time06:58
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XbehaveCouldn't find package gnome-ui06:58
Hawkwindsoulrider: Sure, email them to me when you have them done06:58
computeris there quicktime plugin for kubuntu edgy06:59
soulrideruhm, can you PM me your email ?06:59
Xbehaveand i still get the same error after installing guile---06:59
Hawkwindsoulrider: hawkwind AT gmail DOT com06:59
intelikeypost error06:59
soulriderahh ok06:59
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=== intelikey writes a script to sed 's/DOT/./,/AT/@/g' | tr -d ' ' specially for spam companies..... or maybe not./
seven11intelikey: the vncviewer window is smaler than the actual window and i can scroll only once and than its stuck07:02
intelikeyseven11 on you in console or X ?07:03
seven11on x07:04
seven11i start vncviewer from console07:04
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intelikeyah  that sounds like a frame buffering problem.07:04
intelikeyseven11 boot the thing with vga=0x0f05   and see what it does.07:05
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intelikeyseven11 you do know how to edit the boot options at boot time don't you ?07:06
seven11intelikey: in console   vncviewer vga=0x0f05 ?07:06
intelikeyno at boot.07:07
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intelikeywhen the computer starts.   grub and all that rah.07:07
seven11i need to vncview a xp mashine on the network07:07
seven11it works07:07
freeridewhat is nautilus? :-/07:08
ForgeAusa file manager07:08
seven11the screen size is not the same and that makes it not easy to navigate07:08
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ForgeAuslike konqueror, *commander, dolphin, and Thunar07:08
ForgeAusmostly the one used by Gnomes07:08
freeridehmm, well I'm trying to get my 5button mouse working07:08
ForgeAusgrr Gnome (no s there)07:08
freerideand I was reading this page http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Mice07:09
ForgeAusseems to work inside kde (but maybe kubuntu has some gnome stuff to make it work?)07:09
Xbehavehave  added the 2 lines to your xorg.conf07:09
freerideI edited my xorg.conf file07:09
Xbehaverestarted x?07:09
intelikey<thumps the mic>   'SQUEEEEK!'  "is this thing on?'07:09
seven11intelikey: if i start vncviewer -fullscreen my keyboard doesnt work anymore07:09
intelikeyseven11 we don't seem to be communicating.07:09
Xbehavewhat have you tried your extra 2 mice in?07:10
freerideI tried it on a webpage in konqurer07:10
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freeridebut the tutorial page says it's just for firefox07:10
intelikeyseven11 there is a keyboard switch too  iirc07:10
freerideI want it to work for everything07:10
Xbehaveit doesnt have 5 button suppot07:10
freeridecan I get it to work with my tormal system? like system settings and stuff07:11
Xbehaveyou have to do the next step then install a program that makes programs think the extra buttons arekey combos07:11
Xbehaveno most programs dont use the extra 2 buttons07:11
LeeJunFanman, every time I try unionfs it resolves one of my problems and has a new one.07:11
freerideso that will make it work for everything?07:11
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LeeJunFanI wonder if there's a better fuse implementation of union?07:12
fowlducki can't wait for zfs and time machine in os x07:12
freerideyeah, the next step is just for nautilus though right?07:12
=== Linux_Galore isnt impressed with fuse
intelikeyLeeJunFan what are you cobbeling togather with unionfs ?07:12
jontecwhy is my processor only operating at 800Mhz... this is STUPID!07:13
Xbehaveit cant work with everything it only works with programs that have 5 button mice controls07:13
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fowlduckjontec: depends on the processor07:13
LeeJunFanintelikey: I've got a thick client setup, I want each workstation to mount it's one unioned /etc for mtab and cups configs07:13
Linux_Galorefowlduck: zfs will only be for none OSX disks07:13
LeeJunFanintelikey: rather than using 25 separate /etc dirs like I have now.07:13
Linux_Galorefowlduck: you wont be able to run OSX on zfs07:13
fowlduckLinux_Galore: I'm sorry, what?07:13
fowlduckaww, for real?07:13
freeridecan you pm me XBehave?07:14
Linux_Galorefowlduck: yeah, the meta search engine depends on the hfs file system07:14
intelikeyLeeJunFan and symlinks wouldn't work i guess.07:14
jontecfowlduck, I am wasting 1.2Ghz (it's an AMD Turion, single core) it's a laptop... the performance monitor is annoying... so I closed it... I could not change the performace profile and it constantly runs at 800Mhz07:14
LeeJunFanintelikey: nope, tried that - mtab doesn't work if it's a symlink.07:14
Linux_Galorefowlduck: your stuck with hfs, the only advantage would be backups in the case of OSX07:15
fowlduckjontec: wow, weirdness.  some processors take down their multiplier to save power and whatnot07:15
Xbehavefreeride:  no:( im not registerd otherprograms can use the extra buttons using imwheel, but only those expecting 5 button mice will use it without tham07:15
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fowlduckLinux_Galore: precisely07:15
LeeJunFanintelikey: mtab is really the biggest problem, if I symlink /proc/mounts to mtab it kind or works but since /proc/mounts doesn't have user info once a user mounts something that user can't unmount it.07:15
Linux_Galorefowlduck: you can still create a zfs partition or disk and use that for backups07:15
freeridehow come you dont register? I think I'm going to do it now07:16
LeeJunFanintelikey: and of course if I have 25 systems sharing the same mtab when one mounts /media/cdrom they all think it's already mounted.07:16
Linux_Galorefowlduck: in the long run Apple will have to either dump hfs or update it07:16
fowlduckLinux_Galore: yay :)07:16
Xbehavefreeride:  because i came on to set up my webcam and should have gone to bed agers ago, also i avoid pming as im fairly new and my get overridden by a pro07:17
Linux_Galorefowlduck: I think thats why they have added zfs just in case hfs hits a problem07:17
intelikeyLeeJunFan yes i see....    thinking.07:17
spitwisewill osx fonts work?07:17
spitwisehi intelikey07:17
freerideoic, ok07:17
Linux_Galorespitwise: you have to convert them or get the source file and run buildset07:18
Xbehavefreeride: if u follow the instructions for natilus it will work in konq and because u can easily set shortcuts in kde it can be set up for almost any app, you just but alt+left as a shortcut for the left 1 and .... for the right 107:18
spitwisei see .. but M$ fonts will, right?07:19
Linux_Galorespitwise: I use buildset and have a nice collection of OSX icons tarballs that I use with kde07:19
LeeJunFanintelikey: mount treats mtab differently if it's a simlink, but I wonder if I made a hardlink. hrm.07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buildset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
spitwisehmm funky07:20
spitwisethanks guys07:21
LeeJunFanthat wouldn't really work either since the src of the link would have to be on the same FS.07:21
Linux_Galorelet me get the link were I get my source icons sets that are from OSX07:22
intelikeyLeeJunFan hardlinks can't span fs's.     making umount a script that does sudo umount.real $*   and setting sudoers to  ALL ALL=ALL NOPASSWD :/bin/umount.real /media/*    one could then use a symlink to /proc/mounts   but you might still have problems with shared info...07:22
LeeJunFanintelikey: that might work. Already all systems mount tmpfs to /media so they don't all have access to the same mounted devs.07:23
LeeJunFanthat's a good idea. Thanks intelikey07:23
intelikeyand a really sharp hacker would do something like  umount /media/../proc   so that probably isn't a good idea07:23
LeeJunFanintelikey: true, but they are still only going to umount that one workstation, worst case scenario is a reboot.07:24
intelikeybut at least they could only umount things.  not really dangerous.07:24
spitwisewhat i'm needing is fonts to use for in gimp, scribus etc07:24
spitwisenot system07:24
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Linux_Galoreyou can build kde icon sets from those files, the buildset program is also included in the file07:25
intelikeyok i'm went.    LeeJunFan drop me a memo on the final solution.07:25
LeeJunFanintelikey: okay, so far the mount/umount wrapper idea is the best.07:26
spitwisedefoma and the like are new to me07:26
intelikeygood night   or  gooday  which ever side your on.    and good luck to your pinguin07:26
LeeJunFanintelikey: gnight.07:26
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Linux_Galorespitwise: this is what the icons look like -> http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=13507&file1=13507-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=SNOWE2-Tangerine-RAD.E8&PHPSESSID=a8b565af83aa006c1b331684ce3519c707:28
dopehow do i get the run command window to autocomplete?07:28
spitwisei'm not really asking about iconsets at all07:28
spitwisebut thanks07:28
Linux_Galoredope: use katapult  way better or learn to use the command line07:29
spitwisei need to install some certain fonts for graphics work07:29
robotgeekdope: i dont think it does07:29
Linux_Galoredope: katapult auto completes07:29
dopelol ok thanks everyone :)07:29
Xbehavecommand window?07:29
Linux_Galoredope: also looks really funky too07:29
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ForgeAuswow msie 4 linux! rofl...07:30
dopeok i try katapult and type gvim and nothing happens :|07:30
ForgeAusthis aught to b fun :)07:30
fowlduckkatapult reminds me of quicksilver for os x07:31
fowlduckkatapult reminds me of quicksilver for os x07:31
Xbehavesame here07:31
ForgeAushow well does mirc work under *nix?07:31
Linux_Galoredope: may want to also look at installing yaquake for simple command line access on the fly07:31
dopei have07:31
ForgeAus(ala wine)07:31
fowlduckmirc for *nix?  is there such a beast?07:31
dopei type gvim into it and it won't open it :/07:31
matthew_homestarrunner ftw07:31
Xbehaveif you want to use a command you recently used theres a dropdown box that lists them all07:31
fowlduckdude, you don't need or want mirc07:31
ForgeAusfowl well not exaclty.. under wine is what I meant07:31
Linux_Galoredope: in the command line the tab key = autocomplete07:31
ForgeAusI'm using konversation of course I don't need it07:31
Xbehaveand tab completes ones youve used07:32
Linux_Galoredope: may have to hit it twice though07:32
fowlduckForgeAus: I like x-chat07:32
ForgeAusbut I do want to play with it just to see how it goes or lacks going07:32
ForgeAusxchat is kewl too07:32
fowlduckForgeAus: and irssi07:32
fowlduckand some people like femaledogX07:32
ForgeAusirssi? dunno it07:32
robotgeekfowlduck: katapult is nowhere near what quicksilver does, though it is a good start07:32
ForgeAusrofl B!tchX?07:32
Xbehaveis there anything thats similar to mirc?07:32
robotgeekXbehave: similar in what way?07:33
fowlduckrobotgeek: just reminds me of it, that it's a launcher07:33
Linux_Galorespitwise: fonts are easy just type  fonts:/  in konqeror and drag the font from the desktop into the file07:33
Xbehavewell wen i used irc mirc could have lots of sub windows inside of the main one07:33
fowlduckmight need to run konqueror as root07:33
Linux_Galorefont file*07:33
robotgeekfowlduck: quicksilver does a lot of neat things, like select a file and upload to a ftp site, all using gui tools without touching the mouse :)07:34
fowlduckrobotgeek: yes, i have and use it07:34
fowlduckrobotgeek: i said it remindsme of it07:34
robotgeekfowlduck: heh, sorry. i also love quicksilver07:34
spitwiseLinux_Galore: just curious if it makes a difference whether i use M$ or Mac versions07:34
spitwiseof ps or tt fonts etc07:35
Linux_Galorespitwise: not really just make sure its a file format that supported07:35
spitwiseok thanks Linux_Galore07:35
Linux_Galorespitwise: ie ttf  is supported07:35
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spitwiseright ;)07:35
Xbehaveubotu webcam07:36
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:36
Xbehavedoes anybody use kopete? how do i msg ppl07:36
Xbehavenvm it was msg instead of say07:36
Linux_Galorespitwise: also beware of the files used, if you install a broken font file (from a crap source) it may break your ghoscript translator thus you cant print07:37
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Linux_Galorespitwise: if your not sure about a font install it as a user from within kcontrol, so if its buggy it can easily be removed07:38
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spitwiseLinux_Galore: does defoma make any sense to you?07:39
Linux_Galorespitwise: rings a bell07:39
ubotudefoma: Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.10 (edgy), package size 76 kB, installed size 512 kB07:39
spitwisejuat looking for some way to create set to turn on and off, so all 80kazillion aren't there allthe time07:40
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spitwisewithout manually making fontdirs07:41
fowlduckspitwise: you could manually remove them :/07:41
Linux_Galorespitwise: install them as a user then not in the system07:41
spitwiseLinux_Galore: yup07:41
Linux_Galorespitwise: takes a few seconds to add or remove a font in a user account07:42
spitwisewell i'm talking about TONS of fonts07:42
fowlduckspitwise: chmod 00007:42
Linux_Galorespitwise: I have over 16,000 sets07:42
spitwisemore than seconds to sort through/organize according to projects which are in flux constabtly07:42
spitwisesets, yes07:43
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Linux_Galorespitwise: I just use them as I need them07:43
Linux_Galorespitwise: konqueror can be a font manager too07:43
spitwiseya? sweet/.07:44
Linux_Galorespitwise: look at any ttf file07:44
fowlduckwow, that smells07:45
spitwisei guess i think of a font manager as a tool to create sets to easily turn off or on07:46
spitwiseonly thing macos really spoiled me on07:47
spitwiseconquerer lets me view it thats pretty badass07:47
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berylCuddlyhey is there quicktime plugin for kubuntu edgy?07:48
robotgeek!codecs > berylCuddly07:49
berylCuddlythx robotgeek, but i already installed those mentioned there07:50
robotgeekberylCuddly: hmm, which page are you trying to view?07:50
berylCuddlyand i was visiting a site needing quicktime plugin on firefox i still couldn't open it07:50
berylCuddlyit was somewhere on cnn, let me find it07:51
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berylCuddlycan't find it now, i remember it was one of the windows that i opened that had something about suddam lol, not the ones requiring windows media player, it said i had a plugin uninstalled and click here to install, when i clicked here, it said something about quicktime, that's what started my question =) i can't find now, so i guess i have to wait till i stumble on it again, but thx alot for the earlier links07:54
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zairulazwanI have just install kubuntu07:56
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matthew_zairulazwan, very cool...07:58
zairulazwanneed help... I have another hard disk 80G with has previous data from win xp how can I mount it to Kubuntu07:58
dopethe text in konqueror is too big but when i lower the text size it never saves it08:00
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ForgeAushey all08:02
ForgeAusmy konversation certainly WAS terminated :(08:02
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ForgeAusnow I can't get back into my kubuntu desktop!08:02
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ForgeAuswhat do you do if kdm kicks you bakc to the login screen?08:03
dopetype sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:03
ForgeAusI can't08:03
dopewhy not?08:03
ForgeAusno prompt nothing to type anything except login08:03
ForgeAusall I can get is a login screen08:04
ForgeAusnothing else08:04
dopehit ctrl alt F108:04
dopea login should come up08:04
ForgeAusI think it froze08:04
dopetry ctrl alt F208:04
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ForgeAusman I'm glad this is inside a VM08:05
ForgeAuswouldn't be able to use my PC otherwise!08:05
ForgeAusrestarting now... slowly...08:06
fnord_um i just installled the kubuntu packages from whatever that catagory is at the bottom of the list in aptitude,but my os dosent reallt look like kubuntu whats up?08:06
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ForgeAusok now at pretty blue kubuntu login screen08:07
ForgeAusif I type my password, screen goes black and (I think its trying to log in) but kicks me back to same blue login screen (assuming the password was correct)08:07
ForgeAustrying control alt f2 now08:07
ForgeAusfroze it again08:08
ForgeAusfnord what packages did you install? any xfce or ubuntu (gnome) ones?08:09
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ForgeAusyou might have xubuntu or ubuntuized your kubuntu lol :)08:09
ForgeAus(bottom of the list sounds like xubuntu)08:09
MrMehhow much do companies pay prebuilt pc manufacturers to preinstall their crap?08:09
ForgeAusok back to login screen08:10
ForgeAuswhat now?08:10
ForgeAusalt control f1 or f2 freezes it08:10
MrMehspeaking of the pretty blue kubuntu log in screen, how can it be removed/changed?08:10
fnord_ForgeAus: no xfce, and im not sure aboute the ubuntu08:10
ForgeAusfnord you said it doesn't look like kubuntu anymore, what DOES it look like instead?08:11
ForgeAushows it different?08:11
fnord_like ubuntu08:11
MrMehforge, do you get an error when you log into kubuntu?08:11
ForgeAusits all brown?08:11
ForgeAusMrMeh no08:11
ForgeAusno errors I can see anyhow08:11
fnord_basicly the menu bar08:11
fnord_theres no kubuntu boot screen no kde menu bars system settings ETC08:12
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fnord_the apps are there but the rest is missing08:12
fnord_anyone have any help?08:13
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zairulazwanwhat do we look for in chosing KDE or GNOME?08:15
robotgeekzairulazwan: imo, KDE is easier nad more user friendly, but what do you expect in #kubuntu :)08:16
zairulazwanthe usual staff as in win xp, office, wathching DVD, movie making08:16
robotgeekzairulazwan: sure, kde does pretty well then08:17
zairulazwanwhy is that i found the system runs a bit slower as compare with win xp. any setting i miss08:17
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jontecmy swap partition is on /dev/hda4... I try to enable it in 'Disk and Filesystems', but it doesn't work.... swapon also doesn't work.... I had my swap enabled a while ago (I set it up just like this), but then linux ran a scan and it stopped working (so I set it up like l said first off... sorry this is out of order...) I need to set it up again... how can I?08:21
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Li`lEndianWhere can i get amarok scripts for konversation- dont think its on the konversation.kde.org page08:24
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ForgaciusI really gotta talk to my ISP.. his login screen really is getting in the way08:25
jontecokat, never mind08:26
jontecLi`lEndian: I don't know... but what kind of scripts would they be? I'm curious...08:26
Forgaciusnah its just anything I try to do on the net he basically dumps me with his login screen which is fine if I open my browserand want to log in08:26
Forgaciusbut if I get logged out for any reason in the middle of a download... the dtat transferred to my d/l is the login screen :(08:27
Forgaciusgrr data08:27
Forgaciuscorrupts things :(08:27
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jontecForgacius, a proxy doesn't help does it? (I don't know much about how the web works... :D )08:28
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Forgaciusanyway my kubuntu login still isn't working08:29
Forgaciuscan't do ANYTHING at all with it08:29
Forgaciusjust try to log in only to get booted back to same screen08:29
Forgacius(whatever WM I choose)08:29
ForgaciusI guess its prolly I filled up my drive again08:29
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jontecis it local? I'm confused?08:30
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Forgaciuscoz thats kinda what happened last time08:30
Forgaciusjontec which one?08:30
Forgaciusthe ISP one or the kubuntu one?08:30
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Forgaciushehe the isp one is remote.. the kubuntu one is local08:30
jonteckubuntu one.... I see now... so what's the problem?08:30
ForgaciusI get the blue screen where you log into kubuntu08:30
Forgaciusits got a menu iconlike thing to choose window managers and stuff08:31
ForgaciusI can type the correct password08:31
Forgaciusand I hit the enter key/press the button and I don't get INTO the desktop I just get back to the login screen08:31
justin__what's up g08:31
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ForgeAusthe fine art of ghosting? rofl08:32
Li`lEndianhow can i edit konversation alias (/media) to show more details?08:32
jontecForgeAus: what vm are you trying to use?08:32
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ForgeAusfor now KDE08:32
ForgeAusI was in WindowMaker when it happened08:33
ForgeAuserm I mean when I last booted in08:33
jontecForgeAus: (I'm basically a noob by the way) so can you log in to kde? I mean without selecting anything?08:33
fnord_um i just installled the kubuntu packages from whatever that catagory is at the bottom of the list in aptitude,but my os dosent reallt look like kubuntu whats up?08:34
ForgeAusI can't get into kde08:34
fnord_theres no kubuntu boot screen no kde menu bars system settings ETC08:34
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jontecthe only time I was successful with logging in with another wm was with xubuntu... but never mind...08:34
jontecI'm trying to remember how you get the console up on the login screen08:34
ForgeAusum theres a menu08:34
ForgeAusbut that doesn't seem to work etiehr08:35
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ForgeAusunless it works just that its all black on black or something08:35
ForgeAuscoz I tried that (am trying it now)08:35
ForgeAusbut it blacks out08:35
ForgeAusno prompt, no text that I can see08:35
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jontecForgeAus: hmm... ctl + alt + F7.... if you're back on that menu... but if you have nothing there (which is really weird) then you should do that command I just tried08:36
ForgeAushmmm when I type something it bumps me back tot he login screen08:36
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ForgeAuscontrol alt F7 didn't do anything08:37
jontecummm.... one time... my password was mysteriously deleted... so if login with the console that comes up doesn't work.... then you should try the rescue kernel (should see it on grub) and try resetting the password for your account08:37
ForgeAusI think the password actually works08:37
ForgeAuscoz if I type it in wrong it tells me08:37
ForgeAus(gives me a login error)08:37
ForgeAusI think its somethign in the bootup process08:38
jontecForgeAus: hmm... how did you install WindowsMaker? was it with a package?08:38
ForgeAususing adept08:38
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ForgeAusI also got enlightenment, iceWM ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop08:39
ForgeAusI tried twm but uninstalled that one08:39
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ForgeAusoh I forgot one, fluxbox :)08:39
jontecumm.... I don't think anyone's alive here... and I don't know (I'm guessing, which you know) so I'd try #ubuntu and the access to the login console is ctl + alt + F6... :D08:40
ForgeAusI havn't got enlightenment or fluxbox working very well yet... I can get itno the interface and stuff... wm related things work inside them but I havn't figured out how to run apps in them yet08:40
ForgeAusum great, control alt F6 freezes the login screen08:41
Li`lEndianForgeAus: simple edit in ~/.fluxbox/menu|keys is all you need08:41
ForgeAuswait its shutting down...08:41
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jontecForgeAus: ? wow...08:42
ForgeAusmaybe it didn't freeze afterall or my control alt (insert -> sends ctl alt delete to a VMware machine)08:42
ForgeAusdid it08:42
jontecoh... yeah, probably...08:42
jontecI ran xubutu in vmware... it sucked.... I was on a 1.2Ghz machine with 384 ram though... so yeah.... I ended up using gentoo (we have a gentoo server at school and I was trying to learn before I was made admin :D ) and it worked quite well... it was speedy at least08:44
ForgeAushehe yeah VMware is great08:44
ForgeAusI never really tried linux properly until Kubuntu08:44
ForgeAusand it works well08:44
ForgeAusuntil now08:44
ForgeAusI think I just overloaded it08:44
jontecyeah... what's your machine's specs?08:44
ForgeAusbut how to unload it if I can't log in?08:44
jontecunload what?08:45
ForgeAusp4 3g asus mb, high end ATI radeon video...08:45
ForgeAuswell at least the liveCD boots08:45
ForgeAusbut can I do anything with my Xubuntu from in there?08:45
jontecwow. that's good. :D I don't see why you'd have any problems.... even in vmware... :D08:46
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jontecForgeAus: I'm not sure... :D my initial thought is that having those systems together on one HD partition/vmware disk is not a good idea... I'm thinking they overlap in bad ways? I'd ask about that... that could be the source of your problem?08:47
jontecthen again, maybe not...08:47
jontecI dunno...08:47
ForgeAushehe yeah well I do tend to overdo it08:48
ForgeAusbut I don't htink its the overlap thats causing the problem08:48
ForgeAusthey logged in fine last time and I didn't install any new VWM's or anything since...08:48
ForgeAussomething else broke08:48
jontecI just have the distinct feeling of resentment between them... so much refuse to work together... but I'm not one to be adventurous like that..08:49
ForgeAushow do I get to my HDD from in the live  CD?08:50
jontechmm... a good question....08:50
jontecI'm thinking you don't :D08:50
ForgeAuslol I'm adventurous and they do seem to work together08:50
ForgeAuswell separately anyhow08:50
ForgeAusthey don't seem to interoperate but I aren't asking them to... that I know of08:50
jontecthen I dunno... I haven't really tried before... but I was able to install gparted because qtparted was horrible on the amd64 dapper cd...08:50
jontecI still don't know where the livecd put the gparted files AND the gnome depenencies08:52
ForgeAusI agree08:53
ForgeAusgparted is way better.. for me anyhow08:53
jontechmm... try... look in media:/ ?08:53
ForgeAusmore functional08:53
ForgeAusmedia:/ where do I type that in konsole or in konqueror?08:53
jontec(though you've probably already tried that using the task bar)08:53
jontecdefinitely konqueror :D08:53
ForgeAusso its a koi slave?08:54
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jontecI don't know what you just said. :D08:54
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jontecI just know that it's like the smb:/ protocol and you can only use it from within konqueror08:54
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ForgeAusyay I got into it08:56
ForgeAusnow what to do to fix it08:56
jontecfix what? and I'm guessing you go into the HD?08:57
jontecI think you use the install? and have it format your main partition?08:57
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ForgeAusgrr won't let me change things on it08:58
jonteclike what do you want to change?08:58
jontecyou aren't going to like torch the HD with konqueror, are you? :D08:59
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jontecI wouldn't advise it. I'd just re-install if you want it back up and running08:59
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mohammedguys , i just booted my pc to see the screen resolution has gone ! it was 1024*768 now it's 1152*76809:01
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ForgeAusno but I want to delete var/cache09:02
ForgeAusfrom adept09:02
ForgeAusand stuff09:02
ForgeAusso I got room on the drive09:03
ForgeAusthats probably all it needs09:03
ForgeAusI think its because my ISP cut out that made my machine crash09:03
ForgeAus(I was installing stuff at the time)09:03
ForgeAusnever a good time to have something crash on you09:03
ForgeAusbesides I can't delete anythinga nyway :(09:03
ForgeAusnor edit09:03
jontecForgeAus: all packages that are incomplete get put in the partials folder in /var/cache/apt :D I know that much....09:04
jontecand hopefully if they're otherwise corrupted... they won't install correctly anyway09:04
jontecand if all that you wanted to do was delete the folder... then you should have probably ran the rescue kernel09:05
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jontecit gives you complete access (instant root to your system)09:05
ForgeAushow doI run the rescue kernel?09:06
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ForgeAusactually I think its some of the complete ones that are the ones I need to delete!09:06
ForgeAusthe partial ones don't take up much room09:06
jontecwow... lol.09:06
ForgeAussee It hink my ISP crashing put the login page into the partial ones so I guess they gotta go to09:07
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jontecokay... so to run the rescue kernel... you restart the computer or vm09:07
ForgeAusyes well I can restart the computer/vm whatever easy enough09:07
ForgeAusthen what?09:07
jontecand when grub comes up it should have a second kernel (the second one on the list) and it should have in parentheses09:07
ForgeAusok I think I've seen it.. brb. resetting09:08
jontecrescue or recovery or something along those lines09:08
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jontecshutter exposure is the coolest thing ever (cameras)09:10
ForgeAusstill logging out09:10
jontecwow... lol.09:11
ForgeAusahh recovery mode09:11
ForgeAuslotsa text09:11
ForgeAusevent manager09:12
jontecit boots as normal... :D09:12
ForgeAuswow the font changed! lol09:12
ForgeAusI don't think I ever seen a text screen do that before!09:12
ForgeAusohhh kay09:13
ForgeAusnow what?09:13
ForgeAusI'm at a root prompt09:13
jontecdo what you need. :D09:13
ForgeAusum.. how?09:13
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jontecdo you know commands?09:13
ForgeAusls doesn't even work09:13
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ForgeAusits just a prompt09:14
ForgeAuswhat am I supposed to do from there?09:14
jontecwelll you may be in the root home directory so...09:14
jonteccd ..09:14
jontecthen ls?09:14
ForgeAussays: root@forge-desktop:~#09:14
jontecyeah.... root's home directory and it's empty09:14
ForgeAusls does nothing09:14
ForgeAusunless its empty09:14
ForgeAusoh yeah09:14
ForgeAusthat figures09:14
ForgeAusahh yes ls works09:15
ForgeAusI'm not very strong on linux command-line09:15
ForgeAusI rarely have used it before09:15
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jontecwell... so... we're in so look in "man apt-get"... I'll look too and we'll see if we can find how to uninstall packages... ( I think it's apt-get remove foo ) what packages do you think that you need to remove?09:17
ForgeAusahh wdm!09:17
ForgeAusI might be able to log into plain X! (for the first time ever)09:17
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ForgeAusok maybe not09:18
jontecwhat'd you do?09:18
ForgeAusall the logins I try fail09:18
ForgeAusI typed wdm09:18
ForgeAus(wdm is a login screen wait isn't it xdm for Xwindows???)09:19
ForgeAusI dunno but its asking me to log into debian but I can't find a username/pass that works lol!09:19
ForgeAusI'm not sure what login its asking for exactly09:19
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ForgeAushangon why doesn't root : rootpass work?09:20
jontecummm... did you just type "login" coz I just tried that at my root prompt and got nothing09:21
ForgeAusohh I get it.... its the login/pass for the liveCD maybe?09:21
ForgeAuseverything I try fails09:21
jontecit's for the system... but you're as root... so you don't need/aren't allowed to login09:22
jontecis it allowing you to put in a username and password?09:22
ForgeAusits aksing for them09:22
jontecwhat's your main user?09:23
ForgeAususer? chris, computer forge-desktop I think09:23
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ForgeAusI'm not entirely sure09:23
ForgeAusdepends on what kubuntu install called what09:23
ForgeAusI just knowt he password it asked me for is the same as root password09:24
jontecI was going to have you use passwd on chris09:24
ForgeAusbut root doesn't work with either a password of root (the main root pass) or blank09:24
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ForgeAusthats weird09:24
jontecbut I want you to create a new user before that :D so we don't mess anything up...09:24
ForgeAusmaybe I should exit this login screen09:24
jontecso when you put in chris and your normal password does it say "invalid" or something?09:25
ForgeAusargh exitlogin failed!09:25
ForgeAusyeah doesn't work with chris either09:25
ForgeAusor root09:25
ForgeAusor forge09:25
ForgeAusor forge-desktop09:25
ForgeAusunder blank root or (the pass I chose)09:25
jontectype exit09:25
ForgeAuscontrol alt f1 quit wdm09:25
jontecwait did you just type wdm? to get there?09:26
jontecI thought you typed login. :D09:26
ForgeAushow do you remove a file?09:26
jontecyou're at the root prompt, right?09:27
jontecwait on that for a sec :D09:27
ForgeAusyeah I'm at root prompt09:27
jontectype "login -p chris"09:27
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ForgeAusI need to delete a file09:27
ForgeAusit tells me x server is already running09:27
jontecwhen did you start x?09:27
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ForgeAusand theres some lock in temp files that I need to delete /tmp/.X0-lock09:27
ForgeAuswhich is probably why id didn't let me boot09:28
ForgeAusI didn't start X09:28
ForgeAusit didn't work09:28
ForgeAusI tried to tho09:28
ForgeAus(I suck at command line)09:28
jontecso what have you done...? a list... :D09:28
ForgeAusso how do I remove the lock file?09:28
ForgeAusa list? um not much09:28
ForgeAusI booted09:28
ForgeAusgave me a prompt I didn't think ls was working09:28
zachhey, does anyone know how to mount my secondary hard drive and stuff so I can use it?09:28
ForgeAusI traversed the directory tree a little09:28
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ForgeAustried wdm but no login would work for it09:28
ForgeAus(because x is locked is probably why nothings working)09:29
ForgeAusthen I used control alt f1 which booted me out of wdm09:29
ForgeAusand so I tried xdm09:29
jontecForgeAus: restart into recovery... we need to see if your login works. :D so when you get back... you need to do "login -p chris"09:29
zachI've been looking around in this OS for a while, but idk code stuff, so idk how to mount it...09:29
ForgeAuswhich told me that there was a lock on a file09:29
jontecthen shove a password in... and if it works then that's good :D but if not then we have a problem...09:30
jontecif we still have that lock problem... then I'm going to surrender :D09:30
ForgeAusit doesn't work09:30
ForgeAuslogin -p chris doesn't09:30
jontecthe lock file is because you've tried to login so much09:30
jonteczach: gimme a sec09:30
jonteczach: what filesystem is the other hd?09:31
zachjontec: thanks09:31
ForgeAuszach u using kubuntu?09:31
zachidk, its whatever windows makes it cuz I was running it w/ windows before09:31
ForgeAusin system settings under advanced (in administrator mode) you should be able to do it in the gui there... mount the filesystem at least09:31
zachjust straight Ubuntu09:31
ForgeAusif not use media:/ in konqueror?09:31
ForgeAusok well ubuntu's control panel equivalent whatever its called should have some kind of filesystem manager09:32
ForgeAusI just don't know enough about ubuntu to know what its called in it09:32
jonteczach: yeah see what you can do by going to the... little Computer icon in the task bar and choosing storage media09:32
ForgeAusprobably an alternate way of doing the same thing in kde09:32
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ForgeAusstorage media sounds good!09:32
ForgeAusmight be something in there to mount disks09:33
ForgeAusum jontec I havn't ever needed to use the username chris to log in before09:33
ForgeAus(I guess that does it all behind the scenes09:33
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ForgeAusor maybe chris isn't the username was just what kubuntu asked for a name of a user on installing it?... get me?09:33
zachya, it didnt really have anything in there...09:34
ForgeAusthe only time I need my password is when I run an app as root09:34
jonteczach: and once you're there the windows drive should be like hda1 (guessing) but realize that you won't be able to write to the drives09:34
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jonteczach: forget my directions... I just remembered that you're on ubuntu... join the #ubuntu channel... they'll be alot more helpful :D09:34
ForgeAusntfs? hmmm09:34
zachI'm getting really pissed at this thing cuz I thought it was supposed to be easy to use, its free, but not easy09:34
ForgeAusyeah problem09:34
ForgeAusyou can install with synaptic some ntfs tools09:34
ForgeAusto do more with ntfs filesystems09:34
zachthanks jontec09:35
ForgeAusum jontec do you think it will let me login if I remove the lock file?09:35
jonteczach: it's still linux... and linux has nevere been easy... it's rough getting started... you'll lern to love it later and hopefully find a more advanced os if you are so inclined09:35
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jontecForgeAus: we do not want to remove the lock file09:35
ForgeAushmmm no need ubuntu linux is advanced neough to do anything you should need!09:35
ForgeAuswhy not?09:36
jontecgah... I misspelled learn09:36
ForgeAuslol jontec luckily I read typoese09:36
zachjontec: I'm going to keep it, even after I finally get my windows fixed, but I'll keep trying this, thanks for the help anyways09:36
ForgeAusI'm not sure what login I'm logging in to anyway09:36
ForgeAusthe live cd or the HDD09:36
jontecForgeAus: the HDD09:37
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ForgeAusnothing seems to work cept from the kubuntu login screen09:37
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ForgeAusbut that doesn't boot up my desktop09:37
ForgeAusI'm assuming thats because my X is locked09:37
jonteczach: you're welcome... and for most people ubuntu is about all you'll want to work with :D once you get it running at least... but some people are intrigued by the possibilities that linux offers once they get into the guts09:37
ForgeAuswell then why do none of my usernames/passwords work for logging in from the recovery kernel?09:37
ForgeAusI didn't set all this up manually09:38
ForgeAusI just hit the install from the live CD it did the rest09:38
jontecForgeAus: we're trying to work with system it's self... no desktop, no X, no anything :D09:38
ForgeAuswhich might have included giving me a username/pass that I don't know about09:38
jontecForgeAus: cli all the way09:38
ForgeAusgrrr I odn't want to cli09:38
ForgeAusI just want my desktop back09:38
jontecForgeAus: your login should be the one you get into kubuntu with09:38
zachunderstandable, with everything being free and there being so many possibilities...09:38
ForgeAusI don't use a username to get into kubuntu I only need to type my pass09:39
ForgeAusthe username already there is forge09:39
jontecForgeAus: the one you used the very first time you used kubuntu after the install09:39
jontecForgeAus: okay, then it's forge (I don't know :D)09:39
jontecForgeAus: we have to work with cli... it's all we have :D09:39
ForgeAusneither did I that that was my username but that doesn't seem to work anyway09:39
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ForgeAusactually that worked09:40
ForgeAusforge worked!09:40
jontecForgeAus: GOOD!09:40
ForgeAuswith the login-p thing09:40
ForgeAuslol I didn't expect it to09:40
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ForgeAusmaybe I didn't try that combo in wdm?09:40
ForgeAusbrb trying it... just for fun09:40
ForgeAusum do I have to log out?09:41
jontecForgeAus: okay that makes a big problem switch... we know that it's a problem with something that gets into the guts of the system.... not the candy coating09:41
ForgeAusis this login nested?09:41
jontecthe candy coating you use to access it09:41
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ForgeAusinside another one09:41
ForgeAusto get back to where I was do I have to logout?09:41
jontecForgeAus: the login you just used is possibly nested within the root... but I'm not totally sure09:41
ForgeAusI can always type login -p forge again thats easy done09:42
jontectry logout and see what you get09:42
ForgeAusyup it was nested09:42
jontecif you get a login prompt09:42
fowlduckYou can log in as root at the recovery console if you change the root's password in the passwd file to something unintelligible, iirc09:42
jontecso you're back to root, then (wanted to make sure)09:42
fowlduckyay, in as root = win09:42
fowlduckman, i wish I could remember the trick, someone told me it like 6 months ago09:43
ForgeAusgrrr wdm doesn't work anymore09:43
jontecfowlduck: we have instant root :D09:43
jontecfowlduck: we just need to make sure that his regular login works09:43
jontecthen he can sudo su into root later09:43
fowlduckjontec: yessir09:44
ForgeAusok back to login09:44
ForgeAusgot a forge prompt now09:44
ForgeAuswhat do I need to do to get back into my desktop from here?09:44
jontecForgeAus: lol :D we don't need wdm... but I think that we're at the end of my knowledge09:44
jontecwe probably still have the same problem09:44
ForgeAuswhat problem?09:44
fowlducknot kdm or gdm?09:45
ForgeAuskdm is kde gdm is gnome09:45
ForgeAusxdm is Xwindows09:45
fowlduckand you're using?09:45
jontecit's a problem with X and the kde interface that's preventing you to login (or all of that other..... .... crap you have)09:45
fowlduckwdm is?09:45
ForgeAushmmm Wdm might have been windowmaker?09:45
ForgeAusor is Xdm XFCE?09:45
ForgeAusor both?09:45
fowlduckwow, ok09:45
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ForgeAusbut theres no edm for enlightenment that I know of09:45
ForgeAusthats wierd09:45
fowlduckxfce uses gdm by default i think, since xdm is a load of poop on a stick09:45
ForgeAusxdm is xwindows original one probably09:46
fowlduckxdm is the display manager for X09:46
ForgeAusI can only run wdm from root anyway09:46
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jontecForgeAus: I really don't know what kind of effect all of that stuff is haing on each other09:46
ForgeAusdisplay manager? is kde kdm a display manager?09:46
ForgeAuslol jontec thats not a problem09:46
ForgeAusits all working09:46
fowlduckkdm is the display manager09:47
ForgeAusjust that I can't login from kdm09:47
ForgeAusor any dm for that matter09:47
ForgeAusif my X is locked would that be why?09:47
fowlduckForgeAus: wow, try creating a new user in recovery mode and log in under that09:47
jontecForgeAus: that's what I was saying before... it's the candy coating.... :D09:47
ForgeAusjontec what exactly do you mean by that?09:47
ForgeAusfowl? how do I create a new user?09:48
jontecnot at fowlduck btw09:48
ForgeAusI have no idea what I'm doing in cli!09:48
jontecman adduser09:48
jontecI'm looking at it in a few secs09:48
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fowlduckForgeAus: if this is ubuntu, I believe there is adduser and useradd09:48
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fowlduckForgeAus: use useradd09:49
ForgeAuslol its kubuntu (which everyone says is the same but I disagree)... anyhow... there probably is an adduser and a useradd09:49
ForgeAustells me unable to lock password file09:49
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fowlduckuseradd bababa09:49
ForgeAuswell I was going with testuser but still09:49
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fowlduckok, that's probably why kdm blows up09:50
rcrookhas anyone else run a logitach quick cam on kubuntu?09:50
ForgeAusgrr whats this stuff mean?09:50
fowlduckForgeAus: type ps -A | grep dm09:50
ForgeAusgives me a list of wdm processes I guess09:50
fowlduckForgeAus: you probably have two display managers running at the same time and one has it locked09:50
ForgeAus3x with a wdm login at the end09:51
fowlduckForgeAus: wait, are you logged in as root?09:51
ForgeAusI was09:51
ForgeAusbut jontec had me login as forge09:51
fowlduckgo: sudo useradd testuser09:51
ForgeAus(my username)09:51
ForgeAusthat worked its asking password09:51
ForgeAuswhy can't I just have deleted the lock file? wouldnt that have fixed all this?09:52
fowlduckok, so your password file isn't locked09:52
jontechey, we had to see if it would work :D09:52
fowlduckno, you do not want to delete the passwd file, bad bad bad09:52
fowlducknever do that09:52
ForgeAusgrrr it wont accept the password :(09:52
fowlduckwhy not?09:52
ForgeAusno the passwd file the file thats locked X09:52
ForgeAusthat temporary one it told me to earlier09:52
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fowlduckugh, stop breaking crap09:53
fowlduckdo you have sshd running and a login I could use?09:53
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ForgeAusum why would it tell me to delete it if its going to break something?09:53
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fowlduckok, I didn't know it was a temporary one09:54
ForgeAusthis is all too confusing :(09:54
jontecit told you to?09:54
ForgeAusyes it told me to I said earlier jon09:54
fowlduckwow, I'm confused now09:54
jontecoh... I just saw lock file and delete and yelled no09:54
ForgeAuswhen I tried running xwindows in the first place I said it told me it had a lock on some temporary file09:54
fowlduckForgeAus: that makes little sense if we don't know what the file is09:55
jontecokay I found it: [03:27]  <ForgeAus> and theres some lock in temp files that I need to delete /tmp/.X0-lock09:55
ForgeAuswell when I tried to run it it told me it was already running and to delete the .X0-lock in the /tmp/ directory09:55
ForgeAusif I remove that will that fix my kdm?09:55
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ForgeAusI sense a but09:56
jontecfowlduck: he's got several windows managers installed09:56
ForgeAuswhat could cause it to be locked like that?09:56
fowlduckIf wdm is running though it will probably break a lot of stuff09:56
ForgeAushow do I unrun wdm? lol09:56
fowlduckForgeAus: try this: sudo /etc/init.d/wdm stop09:56
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jontecForgeAus: like he said before... one is locking the other... that's why he had you run ps -A | grep dm... it searched the running processes to find windows managers that were running09:57
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fowlduckjontec: nothing wrong with that, the problem comes when he has many running at the same time09:57
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fowlduckjontec: display managers, actually09:57
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ForgeAusit said ist stopping it09:57
ForgeAusand then back to prompt09:57
fowlduckok, then run sudo kdm09:58
jontecfowlduck: same thing to me :D (lol... I'm a noob)09:58
ForgeAusit shouldn't have still been running09:58
fowlduckForgeAus: we'll see if this is the problem09:58
ForgeAusum that didn't fix it09:58
ForgeAusstill boots me back to the pretty blue screen09:58
jontecI bit open a burn earlier out of frustration with my computer if anyone cares to know :D09:58
fowlduckwhat did it say?09:58
ForgeAusno error message09:58
ForgeAusjust doesn't log in09:59
fowlducktype dmesg | tail09:59
ForgeAusafter I log in it accepts the login just doesn't go INTO kde09:59
ForgeAusjust comes back to login09:59
ForgeAusum how do I get out of kde first?09:59
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ForgeAusgrr kdm09:59
fowlduckok, is this getting you further than it was before?09:59
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ForgeAusthats where I was stuck to begin with09:59
ForgeAusI can get into kdm09:59
ForgeAusjust can't get into kde from kdm09:59
fowlduckok, so no error messages about bad passwords or anything?10:00
ForgeAusdoesn't matter what WM I try10:00
ForgeAusno bad passwords10:00
fowlduckpress ctrl+alt+f210:00
ForgeAusno errors10:00
ForgeAusno nothing10:00
ForgeAustried that10:00
fowlducklogin as yourself aggain10:00
ForgeAusit freezes10:00
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ForgeAussame with f110:01
ForgeAusand f6 I think it is10:01
fowlduckdo you have anything important on this pc?10:01
ForgeAusf7 doesn't do anything10:01
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fowlducklater Rob10:01
ForgeAusfowl its a Virtual Machine and aside from loads of reinstalling nothing important10:01
Rob-Westnight fowlduck10:01
ForgeAusI'd rather not reformat it unless I absolutely HAVE to tho10:01
jontecForgeAus: all of them are different sessions... 1 > F1, 2 > F2, etc. I just chose six coz it was less than seven which I started with :D10:01
ForgeAuswhat do you mean by sessions in this context?10:02
jontecForgeAus: I'm not sure if that's the technical term... but yes.... once in KDE you can use them and they attach to a user10:02
jontecForgeAus: meaning you can login as a different user on each one10:02
fowlduckForgeAus: well, we're not there to help you get through this and somehow you've managed to get multiple display managers borking, so instead of us spending hours trying to help you get through this, why not just reinstall?10:02
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ForgeAuswasn't hard to get multiple display managers working10:03
fowlducki seriously don't know how you managed to get all this messed up10:03
ForgeAusjust install them and they go10:03
fowlducki said borking, not working10:03
ForgeAusmy internet connection ided10:03
ForgeAusgrr died10:03
ForgeAuswhich messed up an install that messed up my erm.. session?... in WMaker10:03
fowlduckIt could be an X configuration issue too10:03
ForgeAusit was still runing but it was kinda broken10:03
ForgeAuswhen I rebooted I couldn't log into KDM from there10:04
ForgeAuserm I mean KDE... (from KDM)10:04
fowlduckok, that gives me some background10:04
fowlduckprobably a messed up X, which is easy to fix10:04
ForgeAusok how do I fix it then?10:04
fowlduckcan you get back to the command line by rebooting?10:04
ForgeAushow do I exit kdm back to the promt I was at to begin with!10:04
pwn4tt4ckits four thirteen am10:05
fowlduckuhhh, let me install kubuntu quick10:05
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ForgeAusum... yeah if I use grub to reload a recovery shell10:05
jontecForgeAus: were you in recovery kernel that whole time?10:05
ForgeAuswas in the recovery kernel all the time you told me to10:05
jontecdamn (sorry for cursing) but still......10:05
fowlduckForgeAus: and remember, we're volunteers, helping you out of kindness, please chill10:05
pwn4tt4ckall: is recovery kernel like safemode on the unmentionable OS?10:05
ForgeAuslol I'm chilling!10:05
ForgeAuswhy wow?10:05
ForgeAusyeah pwn kinda10:06
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jontecI just associate recovery kernel with do your business in cli and get done10:06
ForgeAuswell more like recovery console of XP's10:06
jontecnot ACTUALLY starting X or anything10:06
fowlduckyeah, i'm surprised it starts at all10:06
ForgeAusanyhow I have to reset?10:06
fowlduckwould be a good idea10:06
=== ForgeAus restarts
pwn4tt4ckThis question is pointless, but is it 4.15am for anyone else here?10:06
ForgeAuslol I'm in australia10:07
fowlduck3:07 here10:07
ForgeAusnot 4:15am here10:07
ForgeAusonly 8pm10:07
jontecI'm interested.. how old is everyone here...?10:07
fowlduckForgeAus: yeah, it's also summer there10:07
pwn4tt4ckahh crap I need to fix my clock, resync10:07
pwn4tt4ckI'm ...10:07
fowlduck24 now, I almost typed 2310:07
fowlducki feel old10:07
pwn4tt4ckoh ok10:07
ForgeAusok restarting recovery mode now10:07
pwn4tt4ckI'm 18 :D10:07
fowlduckand i'm not, which makes it even more weird10:07
jontecwell I hate summer... and I have a friend in Australia.. she moved there last yeah10:07
jontecI'm 15. :D am I youngest? please say no10:08
pwn4tt4ckI started programming around 14 and then webdesign took over my life :\10:08
pwn4tt4ckbut in all reality, yes10:08
jontecdarn. that stinks10:08
ForgeAusI'm mostly a n00b to linux tho10:08
ForgeAusthis stuff is WAY over my head10:08
jontecI do rails10:08
jontecat pwn btw10:08
ForgeAusok back to prompt10:08
ForgeAusnow how to fix my X10:09
fowlducksudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:09
pwn4tt4ckhow do you resync the freaking clock!?10:09
jonteceven better... I had just typed raze everything else... apt-get remove [whatever] 10:09
pwn4tt4ckI feel so... n00b right now10:09
jontecI mean10:10
jontecwhat fowlduck said was better :D10:10
Linux_Galorepwn4tt4ck: right click on it -> configure clock10:10
x-demonhow i can backub MBR?10:10
ForgeAusits asking what driver?10:10
jontecoh I didn't even see his question10:10
pwn4tt4ckI can make a database program in 5 mins in C++ after studying the language all of 20 minutes, and I cant resync a freaking clock...10:10
pwn4tt4cklinux_: thx10:10
fowlduckx-demon: ummm, how long is the mbr, 512 bytes?10:10
Linux_Galorex-demon: why would you backup the mbr it contains no real data other than a pointer10:11
x-demoni need GRUB backup10:11
x-demonboot sector10:11
Linux_Galorex-demon: grub doesnt actually exist in the mbr10:11
jontec2983 casualties in Iraq... I'm watching current right now10:11
fowlduckmbr points to a location on disk that contains grub :)10:12
ForgeAuseek whats this videocard bus identifier? PCI:0:15:0 ???10:12
ForgeAuswhats all that?10:12
fowlduckForgeAus: just hit enter10:12
x-demonhow i can backup grub?10:12
ForgeAusamoutn of kb to use for video card?10:12
fowlduckx-demon: backup your /boot directory10:12
Linux_Galorex-demon: you dont. what your doing is futile10:12
fowlduckForgeAus: just hit enter10:12
x-demonand how i can write audioCD from mp3s10:12
pwn4tt4ckjontec: did you know america loses 40,000 people a year in fatal car crashes? But man the media blows up all near 3,000 soldiers we've lost.. funny how the larger issues escape them10:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audioCD_from_MP3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:12
Linux_Galorex-demon: I dont think you know how grub works10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audioCD_disk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of ones self from the planet are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows. (Please note Freenode Policy.) Thanks.10:13
ForgeAusok mostly just enter for all of these right?10:13
fowlducklol, for the wrong channel10:13
fowlduckForgeAus: yes10:13
x-demonhow i can write AUDIOCD from mp3 files?10:13
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fowlduckx-demon: ubuntu has documentation on things of this nature, check their docs first then come back here10:14
Linux_Galorex-demon: if you want to desperately backup the mbr (god knows why) you can use dd if=/dev/hdx of=MBR-backup bs=512 count=110:14
x-demoni doesnt found it10:14
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jontecpwn4tt4ck: I'd heard as much in health class... :D I don't see it as a lot (that's a bad thing to say, I have no personal connection to it... yet... until/if there's a draft... that our democratic congress will shoot down) so yeah... I was watching a thing on current today about motorist and bicyclists in New York.. supposedly it's a pretty common thing... 42-47 a year (still isn't a lot to me)10:15
Linux_Galorex-demon: hdx  being your hardisk  usually its hda10:15
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ForgeAusok back to prompt10:16
fowlduckx-demon: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html10:16
ForgeAusnot sure what half of that stuff was10:16
fowlduckForgeAus: reboot and boot into the regular kernel10:16
pwn4tt4ckjontec: I think the media fails at their job. If they really wanted to give me the knews, they would tell me this: What we're doing in the war, what our plan is to get out of the war, and what steps we're taking, then a timeline. But instead they give us their opinions and buy the public, causing them to rally against the president10:16
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jontecpwn4tt4ck: I'm fighting the president on the political part not the killing part. :D and yeah the media gets worked up because they drive cars everyday... not shoot guys everyday :D10:16
pwn4tt4ckContinued: They'd rather kill patriotism than give us the news, and when you kill patriotism you destroy the soul of the country10:16
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fowlduckthe media is obsessed with ratings10:17
pwn4tt4ckPeople usually think I'm a republican, truth be told I hate both parties because neither of them care about anything more than tearing the other down.10:17
ForgeAusok regularbooting10:17
Linux_Galoreyou guys, people are asking questions move it to #kubuntu-offtopic10:17
fowlduckso we get whatever they think will drive up ratings10:17
pwn4tt4ckanyway, I'm done being off topic10:17
Linux_Galoreits ok if the room is dead but not in the middle of a support questions please10:18
pwn4tt4ckthere are no operators in here?10:18
fowlduckthat can be fixed10:18
pwn4tt4ckits not a problem :p10:18
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jontecLinux_Galore: okay... but we were almost done anyway10:18
ForgeAusnope still didn't boot up into kde10:19
ForgeAusno different10:19
jontec'least I'm done noe10:19
pwn4tt4ckwhat is it booting in?10:19
fowlducktoo bad x-demon left, i was about to give another link10:19
pwn4tt4ckis forge doing the gnome to kde switch?10:19
pwn4tt4ckI just did that a little while ago10:19
fowlduckno, he installed wdm10:19
ForgeAusgets in KDM and accepts login when I press enter, screen blanks out to go into kde, but it just goes back ot KDM10:19
fowlduckand he was trying to run kdm at the same time10:19
Linux_Galorethats the second time today someone has though grub exists in the mbr10:19
jontecpwn4tt4ck: nope... he just has a lot of crap things messing with X... we think10:19
fowlduckor something10:19
fowlduckLinux_Galore: well, it does ask if you want to install grub in the MBR during install10:20
Linux_Galorefowlduck: I know but its actually wrong10:20
fowlduckLinux_Galore: then you can understand the confusion10:20
jontecI was about to ask if grub was on the HD, but the MBR is on the HD, though isn't it?10:21
jontecbut it's another layer?10:21
ForgeAuswhy should WDM be any different to having KDM?10:21
pwn4tt4ckI used to want to duel boot windows and linux... then I realized I'd be better off with just linux :D10:21
ForgeAusor GDM10:21
fowlduckForgeAus: I have no idea why your junk is borked then, sorry10:21
ForgeAusI still think its because that temporary file is locked10:21
ForgeAusdo yout hink its still there? or deleted?10:21
fowlduckForgeAus: it isn't, unless you don't know what you're doing and have multiple ones running at the same time10:21
jontecIf I could just use rails... and sound actually worked on my lappy I'd consider it10:21
fowlduckForgeAus: you could try10:21
fowlduckjontec: you can't use rails?10:22
ForgeAusif its only a temporary file it shouldn't break anything right?10:22
Linux_Galorejontec: the mbr is the first sector on the first cylinder, the bios looks at it after it has done its job, if it executes it then it just hands the machine over to that process, in this case the mbr just has a really small bit of code that basically points to were grub is on the hardisk10:22
fowlduckForgeAus: i dunno, it's a VM, just try it10:22
ForgeAusthe WDM that was still running was broken anyway... (shouldn't have been)10:22
ForgeAusthanx for your help fd :)10:22
abdusabriHi, i have an (MSI 945GM2) main board, suddenly the screen resolution switched to 640x840 and it dosen't accept any changes even when using the administrator mode, any idea how to change it?10:23
jontecfowlduck: no, I have to use word and stuff as well and open office is just too much of a hassle... If I could only use rails... meaning having nothing else to do on the computer... from the point of productivity10:23
fowlduckabdusabri: you could use a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:23
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fowlduckabdusabri: or manually go into the xorg.conf and add the resolutions you want10:23
pwn4tt4ckthats what I like about linux10:23
Linux_Galorejontec: I use koffice, fast simple and works with doc's10:23
fowlduckjontec: ahh, ok, yeah, i'm on a mac and i use os x, so...10:24
jontecLinux_Galore: never tried it... hmm...10:24
abdusabrifowlduck, thanx alot :)10:24
jontecfowlduck: lucky.. :D10:24
fowlduckabdusabri: np :)10:24
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fowlduckjontec: yeah, it's nice :)  office for mac is expensive though, like insanely so10:24
jontecLinux_Galore: I'll download it sometime.... (I'm on dial-up so not until after holidays)10:24
Linux_Galorejontec: koffice will also support ODF (open document format) so openoffice user will be happy10:25
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: nothing is expensive, its the internet*10:25
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Forgaciusisp booted me out10:25
Forgaciusalways does that when I ask a quesiton!10:25
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: i pay for all my software and music10:25
pwn4tt4ckme too :\10:25
jontecfowlduck: yeah mainly why I didn't go for it in the end. :D The software... I was convinced that I was going to have to buy a copy of windows.... and office for either one and adobe CS and the list kept going on and on10:25
pwn4tt4ckBut the point is, you dont have to if you want to risk jail time :D10:25
fowlduckjontec: software costs are often a limiting factor10:26
Forgaciusoh wait10:26
jontecLinux_Galore: keeps getting better and better I'll see if I can find some screen shots10:26
Forgaciusthat temporary file is gone now :(10:26
pwn4tt4ckCS is awesome, except my computer freezes every time I run it lmao10:26
ForgaciusI can't delete it!10:26
fowlduckok, so we lay that issue to rest10:26
Forgaciusno wdms are running in the ps list tho10:27
fowlduckand kdm still won't run?10:27
fowlduckForgacius: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm10:27
pwn4tt4ckhow long does it take to learn all of this stuff, commands and what not?10:28
Forgaciusnope still not10:29
jontecjust thinking about forgacius 's problem... this would have been a mess on gentoo... actually it wouldn't have worked... kde and X would have prevented it I think... the use flags would have been all wrong10:29
Forgaciusbut at least kde seems to be my default now.. at least it was highlighted with (previous)10:29
fowlduckForgacius: lame10:29
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: I still don't know all of them, and it's not a matter of knowing all of them10:29
fowlduckForgacius: I wish it worked, that's lame10:30
Forgaciusoh IC10:30
jontecpwn4tt4ck: anything I know I know by use.... I vaguely remember things that I'm told.. but not a lot more than that10:30
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Forgaciushmmm... so the locks gone nothing stopping it but it still doesn't load10:30
jontecpwn4tt4ck: but the grep thing stuck (but I used it once or twice then experimented)10:30
fowlduckForgacius: it's what i like to call: BORKED10:31
jontecpwn4tt4ck: I constantly have problems so.... yeah10:31
fowlduckjontec: me too, that's how i learn.  os x gets boring for me, nothing to fix10:31
seven11how can i play rmvb files10:31
pwn4tt4ckjontec: how do you get the red? I promise I wont overuse it.... eventually10:31
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fowlduckthe red?10:31
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: like this?10:32
fowlduckthat just turns red when someone uses your name10:32
ForgaciusI guess that means I just need to reformat and reinstall KDE10:32
pwn4tt4ckThanks :D10:32
fowlduckstart typing someone's name and press tab10:32
fowlduckit completes it10:32
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: tab?10:32
Linux_Galorejontec: I view koffice as what OpenOffice should have been, quick innovative and not full or rubbish no one ever uses10:33
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: the tab key10:33
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: yeh omg yeh10:33
jontecpwn4tt4ck: you just type my name :D10:33
pwn4tt4ckjontec: yeh cause it's easy10:33
fowlduckForgacius: I would have done that a long time ago10:33
Forgaciuslol fowl10:33
jontecpwn4tt4ck: better yet you can type parts like "jon" the press tab and it'll do it for you :D10:33
Linux_Galorejontec: also koffice intergrates with your contacts and email stuff in kde10:33
jontecpwn4tt4ck: exactly10:33
Forgaciuscould it be just that theres too much on the HDD?10:33
Forgaciusie delete some files?10:33
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jontecLinux_Galore: I don't have contacts :D10:33
pwn4tt4ckjontec: way ahead of you. why isnt it red on my screen when I address you?10:34
Forgacius(not enough workingspace?)10:34
Linux_Galorejontec: you get it with the email suite10:34
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fowlduckForgacius: not likely, probably just borked in some fashion that is difficult to determine10:34
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Forgaciuswhen/if my isp guy comes I'll show him what his connection did and delete some and try it10:34
Forgaciusif he gets here10:34
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: because it's a way to alert you if someone mentions you10:34
jontecLinux_Galore: I have an exchange account for e-mail. :D I never get to use outside clients.... only the web app my school has... it's not worth the setup for personal... I never use it... I am almost constantly working10:34
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: makes sense10:35
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: not a way to show you tab-completed10:35
jontecpwn4tt4ck: it's not supposed to10:35
pwn4tt4ckyou know, I was wondering how you guys got everyone's usernames right all the time without any typos10:35
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: if you go to another tab and someone mentions you it alerts you on that tab and when you click over here you can instantly notice who said your name10:35
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: right, makes it stand out10:35
Linux_Galorepwn4tt4ck:   type the first three letters then hit tab10:36
Forgaciuslol pwn I just abbreviate10:36
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: precisely10:36
jontecpwn4tt4ck: I just learned the tab-completion thing lately... like tried it last night... and have been working on it in Konsole10:36
ForgaciusLinux that works if people don't have similar nicks10:36
jontecForgacius: I've typed your's all night10:36
fowlduckI have to type Linux_ then press tab10:36
Linux_GaloreForgacius: then tyoe 4 letters10:36
Forgaciusjon Forge would do10:36
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: or I can type "lin" + tab + down down down + enter :p10:36
jontecForga :D10:37
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ForgaciusForgester, Forgerooni, Forgaholic, I've used many varients in my time10:37
fowlduckForgacius: since you have ForgeAus and Forgacious I have to type Forga and hit tab10:37
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jonteclol... weird.10:37
ForgaciusI can't seem to ping my ghost out10:37
pwn4tt4ckwhat does that mean?10:37
Linux_GaloreForgacius: heh heh 2 letters will work in konversation10:37
Forgaciusmy "empty" shell of a nick thats left over from when I got booted is still there10:38
fowlduckit's not pinging out, he means time out10:38
pwn4tt4ckoh ok10:38
Forgaciusfowl no I meant ping out10:38
pwn4tt4ckI need to hang in here more often... I just keep learning10:38
ForgaciusI tried to ping it to get it to time out10:38
Forgaciusbut that didn't work10:38
fowlduckI'm in xchat aqua, and i don't like windows-style completion10:38
Forgaciusxchat aqua?10:38
pwn4tt4ck<3 konversation10:38
fowlduckand that works?10:38
Linux_GaloreFo type  fo tab down arrow key enter10:38
Forgaciuslike I said ghosting is a fine art10:38
jonteche's on OS X10:38
fowlduckxchat aqua is on the mac10:38
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jontecremember :D10:38
ForgaciusI sued to like MacIRC10:39
Linux_GaloreForgacius:  type  fo tab down arrow key enter10:39
Forgaciuslol Linux10:39
ForgaciusI'm in mIRC now10:39
Forgaciusits a double tab that does it in that client10:39
Forgaciusno arrow keys10:39
jontecI use the aqua style in kopete when I use it.. (but never for IRC) and but I can't find it on edgy....10:39
Linux_GaloreForgacius: hit it twice10:39
fowlduckyeah, windows-style completion10:39
Forgaciusyou just cycle through them with the tab key10:39
fowlduckno thanks10:39
Forgaciusyes I'm aware mIRC stole that style completion10:40
pwn4tt4ckI'm not allowed to plug my website am I?10:40
Forgaciuswell "stole"10:40
Linux_Galoreactually just hit the tab a few times and it goes down the list of similar names10:40
jontecForgacius: back when I first started with mIRC.... 8th grade... on Hyperiums... I HATED IT10:40
fowlduckLinux_Galore: not on mine10:40
ForgaciusI love mIRC10:40
jontecForgacius: that guy always creeped me out10:40
Forgaciusmy fav IRC client!10:40
jontecForgacius: how an you say that!?!10:41
Forgaciuswhat guy?10:41
ForgaciusI love mirc!10:41
jontecthat asked you to register... I had a really old version10:41
ForgaciusI've tried many clients and mIRC is the one I always go back to10:41
Linux_Galorelol, mirc is horrible10:41
Forgaciuskonversation is good...10:41
ForgaciusI'm not komplaining :)10:41
jontecI used Trillian... even for IRC on windows10:41
pwn4tt4ckkonversation is all I've ever known10:41
Forgaciustrilian is ok10:41
ForgaciusmIRC I prefer still10:41
Linux_Galorecalling mirc nice is like calling lots of gay crap in a client great10:41
pwn4tt4ckOH, I used XChat before, dont like xchat10:41
fowlduckyeah, it's not everyone's favorite10:42
Forgaciusxchat is ok, I prefer konversation over it tho10:42
hyper_chirssi is the only one I can use from university :)10:42
Forgaciuswhat exactly is so BAD about mIRC?10:42
Linux_GaloreI like simple irc clients with a clean ui10:42
Forgaciusit does all I need it to do and more10:42
fowlducki'm addicted to xchat10:42
Forgaciusnice nicklist..10:42
fowlducki tried using others10:42
jontecI'll tell you what though... I declare war on all gnome users.... especially those that like it.10:42
Forgaciusnice chatwindows10:42
Forgaciusnice interface10:42
Forgaciusnice everythign10:42
Linux_GaloreForgacius: its full of teenage rubbish10:42
ForgaciusLinux? as in what?10:42
fowlduckjontec: you'll lose10:42
pwn4tt4ckjontec: glad I just switched from gnome to kde10:43
jontecfowlduck: not important.10:43
Linux_GaloreForgacius: multi coloured gay text, mass spamming macro's10:43
fowlduckjontec: i like gnome :)10:43
Forgaciusyeah I like kde better than gnome10:43
fowlduckI tolerate KDE's crap10:43
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pwn4tt4ckgnome is alright, but after fooling around in KDE, I think KDE es el mejor10:43
Forgaciusmass spamming macros?.. where? they're only in scripts if you add/install them10:43
jontecfowlduck: and I'd probably win... I have tanks... big communist ones.. and cookies... and only one color of paint10:43
ForgaciusmIRC doesn't have any by default10:43
pwn4tt4ckjontec: you win10:43
jontecpwn4tt4ck: si. me gusta la KDE (I use la as compared to el)10:44
Forgaciusbesides most IRC clients you could, if you wanted (I don't know why you would tho) add them to!10:44
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Forgaciusthe colours aren't a problem really you just need a client that can read them!10:44
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Linux_GaloreForgacius: no I just ignore them10:44
Forgaciusin fact I have a little fun with them... try in mIRC typing this line:10:44
Forgacius2 red ducks10:44
jontecbut after thinking about it (after calling every red thing at my school communist) KDE is blue... and ubuntu is brown... which is close to red... which is not cool at all10:44
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Forgacius(with no spaces before the 2)10:44
maploinhow come there is no syntax highlighting in vim? or vim.ruby?10:44
Forgaciusin red10:44
pwn4tt4ckjontec: hablas espanol? Que bueno! Como hago el enie con el squiggly line en linux?10:45
fowlduckmaploin: sounds like a question for #vim10:45
kev1ni am on kubuntu as of now..... i have friends telling me to switch to gnome..... please tell me why kde is better so that i can rebuff them10:45
Forgaciushow does konversation see mirc colours?10:45
hyper_ch!es | pwn4tt4ck10:45
ubotupwn4tt4ck: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:45
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: prettier colors10:45
jontecNo se como. :D10:45
maploinfowlduck: no, it's ubuntu specific, it works in my other distro10:45
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fowlduckmaploin: it's configuration specific of some sort10:45
jontecI can't even type the e which is in my NAME (not spanish.. but whatever... it's french... but I am not...)10:45
maploinand besides, there is no vim.ruby in other distro afaik10:45
Linux_GaloreForgacius: you know how little kids like those colourfull silly books, but as you grow up you realise how immature it is, well that's mirc to me10:46
pwn4tt4ckjontec: de donde eres? english word!!!10:46
fowlduckmaploin: make sure konsole is allowing colors10:46
kev1npwn4tt4ck... other than colors...anything else?10:46
maploinit does10:46
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: yes, let me think10:46
ForgaciusLinux, I think your jaded10:46
Forgaciuskolours are a GOOD thing10:46
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: I just switched10:46
Forgaciusthey activate your brain, and can be used to set moods10:46
Linux_GaloreForgacius: if your a child yes10:46
jontecYo soy de los Estados Unidos.. :D y tu?10:46
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pwn4tt4ckkev1n: no.. just the colors10:47
Forgaciuswhy do you think theming is such a big thing?10:47
fowlduckmaploin: can you get any other language specific highlighting?10:47
maploinnope, none10:47
Linux_GaloreForgacius: it shows insecurity and the intent not to stick to the subject10:47
kev1npwn4tt4ck: ...thats why i chose kde in the first place...the colors10:47
pwn4tt4ckjontec: soy de los estados tambien :D10:47
fowlduckmaploin: I know the problem, gimme a second10:47
ForgaciusLinux how so?10:47
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: same10:47
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: plus gnome didnt feel as 'feature packed'... I dunno, I like the KDE start bar10:47
pwn4tt4ckomg the kde... launch bar :D10:48
pwn4tt4ckwindows = bad10:48
jonteckev1n: stuff actually works... and it works together and most of the programs have a big K in it :D10:48
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kev1nyes,...thats for sure10:48
Linux_GaloreForgacius: one thing you learn as you mature, its all rubbish made to hide what is "real", once you learn that you then stick to simplicity because thats hard and leaves no were to hid your true soul10:48
Forgaciuskde startbar seems pretty much a ripoff of winXP's anyway... (sorry to say.. it but they seem much the same to me, cept maybe virtual desktops)10:48
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pwn4tt4ckthis guy was like, "I dont want a system that crashes all the time, thats why I'd never use a mac!!" other guy, "Well what do you use now thats so much better than a mac?" original guy, "windows!"10:48
Forgaciuswhich you can addinto XP but most people dont get those powertoys10:48
jonteckev1n: each gnome program seems to be made by a different community and it doesn't seem to have that "home" kind of feeling that I have come to love in KDE10:49
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kev1nthanks jontec..... thats the sort of thing i was looking for10:49
pwn4tt4ckjontec: donde ensenas espanol? omg english so the censor wont catch me :D10:49
Forgaciuslol mac?... doesn't Macintosh stand for Machine Applications Crash If Not The Operating System Hangs?10:49
fowlduckmaploin: add this to the TOP of ~/.bashrc10:50
jontecForgacius: but KDE did it better... so they deserve to keep it.... unlike Windows... who basically (but legally) stole from mac and umm.... eff'd it up. :D10:50
pwn4tt4ckI went to kubuntu-es, and no one talks :\10:50
Rob-Westnice one Forgacius10:50
fowlduckmaploin: export TERM=xterm-color10:50
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jontecpwn4tt4ck: que significa ensenas? no se... T_T | what filter?10:51
ForgaciusI don't get that jon, how does the startmenu rip of Macintosh, I mean the user interface, icons, and windows and close buttons and stuff sure... they ripped off mac.. minimizing maximizing control panel even10:51
Forgaciusbut the startmenu????10:51
Forgaciusnot that I could tell10:51
fowlduckmaploin: let me know if it works10:51
pwn4tt4ckjontec: habla solamente en espanol y mira10:51
maploinfowlduck: still nothing10:51
Linux_GaloreForgacius: everyone has stood on the shoulder of those before them, even Apple10:51
ForgaciusI agree LG10:52
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pwn4tt4ckcuando yo hablo solamente en espanol el server me da (correcto?) un mensaje10:52
fowlduckmaploin: restart your terminal10:52
hastesaver!es | pwn4tt4ck10:52
ubotupwn4tt4ck: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:52
maploini did that10:52
kev1nare we in a non english channel here?...:(10:52
ForgeAuslol which is why a Window Manager like IceWM is nice10:52
fowlduckmaploin: and your terminal isn't in color now?10:52
Linux_Galorekev1n: no10:52
ForgeAusit seems like middle ground between many others10:52
pwn4tt4ckno its english, some of us speak the spanish though10:52
ForgeAusbut it lacks features10:53
maploinfowlduck: my terminal always had colors, just not vim10:53
hastesaverpwn4tt4ck, but not here, please :-)10:53
fowlduckmaploin: hrm....10:53
pwn4tt4ckjontec: asi como este: http://docs.python.org/tut/node3.html10:53
kev1npwn4tt4ck: i know...it was my cryptic way of saying..please speak english10:53
jontecForgacius: I mean (assuming history stands and everything) that Windows stole their initial windows system from mac after apple gave them the rights or something for a year advance of office for the Macintosh10:53
fowlduckmaploin: then you can take that out of your .bashrc10:53
pwn4tt4ckhastesaver: ok, not here10:53
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: sorry, its five am, I'm running on nothing10:53
maploinfowlduck: i already did that10:53
kev1npwn4tt4ck: np10:54
ForgeAuslol jon then they successfully sued MS for making windows from it10:54
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kev1nits 8pm where i am10:54
ForgeAusbut MS still made more out of it than the lawsuit cost them!10:54
hastesaverkev1n, sarcasm is bad. Plain speak is good. Cryptic speak is... ?10:54
pwn4tt4ckkev1n: you are so lucky... dude I'm making coffee right now10:54
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pwn4tt4ckcryptic speak is as bad as espanish :D10:54
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pwn4tt4cksi el puedo hablar cryptic, puedo hablar espanol10:55
pwn4tt4ckI'll stop now10:55
pwn4tt4ckel puedo, see that?? thats what happens at 5am with no coffee10:55
pwn4tt4ckpuede* and I'll be right back with some coffee10:55
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ForgeAusno don't drink coffee! it stuffs up your sleeping cycles10:56
ForgeAusbesides for every amount of extra time coffee gives you, you need to pay it back into your sleep bank after!...10:57
fowlduckmaploin: I think /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim holds the problem, look what it's looking for to determin if it's a color terminal?10:57
fowlduckmaploin: and if you check out vimrc in the /etc/vim directory, you'll notice that it's running this config when it launches10:58
ForgeAushmmm vim emacs... hmmm... I think I'll stick with pico and kate!10:58
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fowlduckmac ftw10:58
maploinfowlduck: thanks for all the help, gtg now10:59
fowlduckmaploin: take care10:59
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jontecForgeAus: I know this is sacrligious... but I can't blame windows... I mean I can't image having windows without using the minimize, maximize, and close buttons... I still have my black and white macintosh II in my room. :D It survived Y2K no problem (though I don't know if Y2K was as big as they said it was... its like what my chemistry teacher said... with asbestos... it's a ton of asbestos and the particles in the air10:59
jontecthat causes problems not having stuff made out of it..... and even small exposure won't cause problems... it's the exposure over a prolonged period of time...) /ramble10:59
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jontechey, fowlduck ... I have a problem with ls on a gentoo machine... anyway I could get it to do the color ls automatically and stilll accept commands... I was going to do a cheap symlink to a ls --color file.. but that doesn't accept directories :D11:01
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hastesaverHi, my monitor settings are screwed up. In KDE's "Monitor and Display" System settings, under Choose Graphics card, should I choose i810 or "Intel 845"? I have a "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device"11:01
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pwn4tt4ckForgeAus: I'm on break from school, christmas holiday :D I have the next tomorrow night and the day after to catch up on sleep, unless its new years, in which case poo11:01
fowlduckjontec: not a clue, my man11:02
malik__hi there i am trying to install frostwire but instead of saving the file its opening it with kate and gives me the error that if i saved it it will be corrupted and then i am unable to install from it.............what do i do?11:02
fowlduckjontec: google ftw11:02
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jontecfowlduck: okay :D I should probably try #gentoo. :D my sysadmin has been trying to fix it since day one... I want to fix it by surprise. :D11:02
hastesaver!frostwire | malik__11:03
ubotumalik__: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:03
fowlduckhey, anyone know in what file TERM is set?11:03
hastesavermalik__, are you following exactly those instructions?11:03
pwn4tt4ckthey have an opsour version of limewire? omg thats great11:03
jontecwell it's 5:00... I'm going to be hitting the sack soon... so if I logout unexpectantly... that's where I am.11:03
berylCuddlythe sack...11:04
berylCuddlylol never heard that b411:04
jontecberylCuddly: shut up. :D11:04
jonteclol. oh never mind...11:04
jontecthought it was gonna be... never mind.11:05
fowlduckhey, anyone know in what file the TERM environment variable is set?11:05
berylCuddlyi guess if ur camping in sleeping bags11:05
jontecanyone know what the TERM environment variable is?11:05
malik__i tried to download the exe file from frostwire website n then saved it on my desktop and then tried to install it with sudo dpkg and also from kubuntu package menu option but no use11:05
fowlduckjontec: thanks for bein a smart-alec ;)11:06
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jontecfowlduck: well I don't know11:07
kev1nmalik_..... the exe file or the .deb file?11:07
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kev1njontec: are you going to be in the sack by yourself?11:07
jontecdude... .hack//roots is on... I didn't even know it'd been released in america11:07
jonteckev1n: well yes... I hope I don't find anyone unexpected in it...11:08
malik__its .deb file but it automatically gets open with kate n it says its a bin file and will be corrupted if i saved it.......but i saved it nonetheless.....but it doesnt install11:08
kev1njontec: kewl...11:08
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kev1nmalik_: have a look at this...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:09
pwn4tt4ckjontec: I'm staying up all night while I still can. :D I figure in 20 years I wont have the energy to stay up all night and pull a full work day the next day :D lol11:09
jontecpwn4tt4ck: well I stopped working at 11:30 ish...11:10
malik__i looked at it but the version on ubuntu site is old11:10
berylCuddlymalik_ can't u just right click the frostwire deb file11:10
fowlduckworks now11:10
jontecpwn4tt4ck: when my processor would only run at 800Mhz and my swap was dead.11:10
berylCuddlymalik_ and then install it there11:10
fowlducktoo bad maploin isn't here still, i figured out his problem11:11
berylCuddlymalik_ under kubuntu package manager11:11
malik__tried both ways ........right click and also from terminal11:11
berylCuddlywas there error msg in terminal?11:11
berylCuddlycould u paste it, thx11:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:11
jontecpwn4tt4ck: it stinks.... because I was being very productive.... OH! and an rails migration to a database wasn't working (straight from the frickin' book)11:11
jontecpwn4tt4ck: it all went downhill from there11:11
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pwn4tt4ckjontec:  lol. I deliver pizza for a living and work on websites on the side. :\ I was in the middle of my shift and my clutch gave out. I managed to get my car home on hopes and dreams, and a good prayer, but its not runnin anymore until I can get a new clutch11:12
fowlduckyeah....thereis no kubuntu package manager11:12
fowlduckthere is adept11:12
fowlduckwhich sucks11:13
fowlducka lot11:13
berylCuddlyi meant kubuntu package menu on the deb file, if u were talking to me11:13
fowlducklol, ok11:13
fowlduckbut adept still sucks11:13
fowlducka lot11:13
pwn4tt4ckif you run kde on ubuntu it becomes kubuntu... if you run kde on damnSmallLinux, does it become kdamnSmallLinux?11:13
jontecpwn4tt4ck: wow. I really need to learn how to drive a clutch... it's killing my and my academic rival can drive one... and I can't... so yeah11:14
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jontecpwn4tt4ck: no... it becomes crap with a candy coating...11:14
pwn4tt4ckjontec: its not that hard. Push clutch, let go of gas, move to next gear.11:14
fowlduckjontec: manuals are overrated11:14
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fowlduckjontec: I used to own all manual transmission vehicles11:15
pwn4tt4ckjontec: lol, and stick takes a fair amount of practice but its not dificil by any means11:15
fowlduckit's annoying by all means though11:15
pwn4tt4ckonly when your clutch goes11:15
pwn4tt4cklike mine11:15
jontecfowlduck, pwn4tt4ck: wait... there's a difference between stick and clutch...? hmm.. interesting11:15
fowlduckas soon as you don't need to own old cars, get an automatic, imo11:15
pwn4tt4ckthe clutch is the pedal, the stick is the thing you move to get the gears to change11:16
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fowlduckmanuals have three pedals and a stick11:16
berylCuddlyhey malik_ i did the right click thing and it seems to work for me11:16
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: you know all these 'street racers'? none of them can outshift an automatic :D but some of them come damn close11:16
berylCuddlymalik_ when i start frostwire it just says i don't have JRE, but shows me a link to upgrade JRE, not the same as wwhat u encountered11:17
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: I just hate manuals in traffic11:17
jontecpwn4tt4ck: well, yeah... I thought that you meant that it was a design difference... like we have an automatic then we have a clutch and then we have a stick... but okay. :D11:17
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malik__berylCuddly: how do u download it thought?........damn thing always gets open with kate on my system11:17
berylCuddlymalik_ maybe try uninstall whatever u installed now with dpkg -r, then do the right click method?11:17
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pwn4tt4ckare we allowed to cuss in here? I wouldnt drop any f bombs but, is damn ok?11:17
berylCuddlylet me see11:17
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dopewhat's a good program for viewing a webcam on a remote computer?11:18
fowlduckdope:  firefox11:18
fowlduckdope:  just have your webcam publish a snapshot from the webcam every couple of minutes11:19
berylCuddlymalik_ just now it's opening with kate, but the first time i did it, there was no kate11:19
dopeis there no better way?11:19
berylCuddlymalik_ wierd, so i'm not sure11:19
pwn4tt4ckbetween me and my stoner brother, the christmas food went away in a hurry11:19
fowlduckdope:  there might be, but that's the way I would do it...then again, i'm a geek11:19
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: you should join my website11:20
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: should I?11:20
fowlduckoh joy!11:20
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: yes, the greatest choice you will ever have to choose... that is... behind every other choice in life... but still... remysheppard dot com11:20
pwn4tt4ckQuick! Guess my name!11:21
berylCuddlymalik_ if ur still here, i found workaround, all u had to do is right click the link, and go open with firefox webbrowser11:21
berylCuddlymalik_ that way u start downloading instead of previewing with kate11:21
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: Tom Cruise?11:21
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: wow! You're good... how did you know!?11:21
berylCuddlymalik__ not sure if ur name has two dashes, but my msg above might help11:22
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: no use in hiding it now11:22
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malik__yes checking that thanx mate11:22
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berylCuddlynp, hopefully that helps11:22
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fowlducki: uhh, if I joined your forum i would probably never come back, i have a terrible memory and i find habits hard to pick up11:23
pwn4tt4ckI was going to change my nick to i<3scientology, but it didnt work11:23
berylCuddlyi don't think they allow signs11:23
malik__berylCuddly: although i have kmldonkey working perfectly on my system........do u think that i need frostwire though?11:23
berylCuddlyi tried to use (='.'=) as my screen name11:23
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: that was the problem11:23
Pensa`MIAhow to delete all kicker data and reset it to factory default?11:23
Pensa`MIAbecause mine just went off screen :)11:23
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: plz? you dont have to come back, just make it look like people come to my site lmao. naw you dont have to join11:24
berylCuddlymalik__ i'm not sure about that, sorrie11:24
ForgeAuslol windows firefox  doesn't want to update to 2.0 yet11:24
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fowlduckForgeAus: or it won't update to 2.0 by design11:24
berylCuddlythey need to update the themes on kde-look lol, so they can fit firefox 2.011:24
fowlduckForgeAus: likely11:25
pwn4tt4ckjust use konqueror?11:25
fowlduckplease don't make me hit you11:25
pwn4tt4ckI like it11:25
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berylCuddlyi hate the startup screen of konquerer, blue, light blue crap11:25
pwn4tt4ckI like blue :\11:25
berylCuddlyme too11:25
fowlduckI like mexican food11:25
berylCuddlybut the konqueror startup screen blue looks cheapish =11:26
fowlducka lot11:26
berylCuddlyi like shiny things =)11:26
pwn4tt4ckthis is the first channel I've ever been too that I havent been scared of. every other channel is like 'OMG I GOT SO MANY CC'S TODAY!!! OMG I'M A HAXOR!'11:26
pwn4tt4ckso, thank you all for being nice11:26
Pensa`MIAhow to delete all kicker data and reset it to factory default?11:26
pwn4tt4ckjontec: credit cards11:26
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jonteccubic centimeter?11:26
berylCuddlyfactory? hehe11:26
fowlduckChunky Concubines?11:27
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: again, credit cards11:27
pwn4tt4ckI dont know who brags about chunky concubines11:27
aseigoPensa`MIA: delete ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker11:27
fowlduckpwn4tt4ck: i suppose there has to be a channel for everything11:27
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: this is the internet11:27
pwn4tt4ckfowlduck: there probably is :\11:28
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aseigopwn4tt4ck: sir mix-a-lot?11:28
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malik__whats the delete command with purge?11:28
pwn4tt4ck#sir.mix-a-lot :\11:28
aseigo"i like big butts and i can't deny ..." =)11:28
fowlduckuhh, what?11:28
pwn4tt4ckyou got the lyric wrong >_<11:28
fowlduckall you otha brothas can't deny11:28
aseigoah, right.. and i can not lie11:28
pwn4tt4ckeveryone should type /j #sir.mix-a-lot11:29
=== aseigo quietly ducks back out of the channel
fowlducki joined up11:29
fowlduckwhere is everyone else?11:29
fowlduckobviously they're not cool11:30
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pwn4tt4ckis jontec still here?11:31
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jontec_.hack conglomerate... happy communist america to all :D.... (goodnight... morning... whatever)11:31
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jontec_bye :D11:31
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jontec_any last words?11:31
pwn4tt4cktake care?11:31
jontec_k then11:32
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dopei can't connect to my remote pc :|11:32
syedany idea about irc channel for python11:33
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Pensacolathx, it worked :)11:34
syed[Channel] : what should i do to get identified to that channel, i am using kubuntu-konversation11:35
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pwn4tt4cksyed: what do you mean?11:36
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syedpwn4tt4ck: i want to login to irc channel for python, can u pls tell the irc node for it11:37
cntbon default install some help not available11:37
dopemaybe my internet connection at home died11:37
dopei can't ping my ip11:37
cntbwhen accessing via Kde start help11:37
Pensacolaremember to always lock the kicker taskbar, else it acts really strange and dissappears sometimes :)11:37
syedpwn4tt4ck: also i would like to know how to login using it11:38
cntbwhat is the name of apt-get install package for kde help ?11:38
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pwn4tt4cksyed: oh do you know the name of the channel?11:38
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syedpwn4tt4ck: i dont know11:38
pwn4tt4cksyed: type in /j #python11:39
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berylCuddlyyay i was able to successfully install java runtime environement!! with synaptic, adept do suck, last time i tried with adept it froze on the agree to license page =)11:40
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: how did you do that!? I havent been able to install jre yet11:41
berylCuddlydo u use kubuntu edgy?11:41
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berylCuddlywell seeing this is kubuntu forum, do u use edgy/11:41
pwn4tt4ckI just updated to kubuntu a few days ago from ubuntu and gnome11:41
berylCuddlyor dapper11:41
pwn4tt4ckI dont know11:41
pwn4tt4cklet me check11:41
syedpwn4tt4ck: it states, " [Channel]  You need to be identified to join that channel"11:41
pwn4tt4cksyed: you're in konversation?11:42
pwn4tt4cksyed: and you're trying to join the #python channel?11:42
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: how do you check what version of kubuntu you run?... cause idk11:42
berylCuddlypwn4att4ck i was gonna ask u lol, especially after u said u were gonna go check, let me google11:43
syedpwn4tt4ck: yes i am in konversation11:43
syedpwn4tt4ck: yes i want to join python channel11:43
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pwn4tt4cksyed: click this ---> #python11:44
berylCuddlypw4att4ck  type the following in konsole and hit enter: less /etc/debian_version11:44
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: thx11:44
berylCuddlynp, learnt something myself lol11:45
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syed_pwn4tt4ck: even after clicking this, it states the same11:45
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pwn4tt4ckit tells me this: testing unstable (break) debian version END11:45
berylCuddlyhmm let me google more than11:46
pwn4tt4ckWhats the error one more time?11:46
berylCuddlyur prolly on edgy, but one sec11:46
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pwn4tt4cksyed_: can you tell me what the error is again?11:47
syed_pwn4tt4ck: it states that "You need to be identified to join the channel".11:48
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pwn4tt4cksyed_: I got it11:48
pwn4tt4cksyed_:  type this: /ns register <password> <email>11:49
pwn4tt4cksyed_: replace <password> with a password and <email> with your email11:49
berylCuddlypwn4tt4ck anyway edgy/dapper shouldn't matter that much, ur on kubuntu right, so this is what I did: go to adept manager, search for synaptic, install that using adept manager, then open synaptic, search for jre in synaptic, check to install jre, then after jre download and during the install process, click the triangle below the status bar to see details, u'll see a blue screen that u need to click ok on in order to proceed,11:49
berylCuddlyto click ok, just press tab, then hit enter, and then agree to whatever else it asks u to do, and u should be ok11:49
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pwn4tt4cksyed_: then type /j #python11:49
berylCuddlyi think the problem i had with adept-manager was that i couldn't click ok for some reason, and that's why it stalled on adept-manager, luckily this time it worked for me, hopefully it'll work for u 211:50
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: and to think I was trying to download things from sunmicrosystems11:51
berylCuddlyo hehe11:51
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pwn4tt4ckwell check it out, I already have it installed11:52
berylCuddlylol nice11:53
berylCuddlydo u know what kmldonkey is?11:53
pwn4tt4cksyed_: did you get it?11:53
pwn4tt4ckberylCuddly: nope11:53
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berylCuddlyi think malik mentioned it11:53
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pwn4tt4ckits weird to think that I could go to bed now and wake up at noon and still be tired lol11:53
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pwn4tt4ckhahaha, my bro is waking up. I remember when he went to bed a few hours back11:55
ubotukmldonkey: KDE GUI for MLDonkey. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 853 kB, installed size 2932 kB11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about MLDonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:55
pwn4tt4ckhe lies...11:56
pwn4tt4ckall-knowing, pish11:56
berylCuddlybtw googled MLDonkey wiki, it == edonkey + lots others11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
berylCuddlythink i'll install kmldonkey now11:56
pwn4tt4ckI thought you were all knowing, !ubotu11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
pwn4tt4ckhe sent me a PM11:57
=== MDCore_2 [n=gavin@] has joined #kubuntu
pwn4tt4ckand it said, "I'm only a bot, plz dont think I'm intelligent:11:57
pwn4tt4ck06:06]  <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about your momma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
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pwn4tt4cksyed__: did it work?11:58
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syed__pwn4tt4ck: i am sorry to say, but still i am not able to connect.. can u tell me what should i do first11:59
pwn4tt4ckdid you register your username?11:59
syed__how should i do that11:59
pwn4tt4cktype /msg nickserv register 123412:00
pwn4tt4ck1234 is your password12:00
fowlduckdon't forget to identify afterwards12:00
pwn4tt4ckthen type /msg nickserv identify 123412:00
pwn4tt4ckthen type /j #python12:00
pwn4tt4ckif you do it just like that, you should be good12:01
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pwn4tt4cksyed made it!!12:02
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lord_kodakI think I'm the only one that gets it12:03
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pwn4tt4ckaaaaaaaaand its dead12:07
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pwn4tt4ckhey syed12:08
pwn4tt4ckk I'm going to bed12:10
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pwn4tt4cktime for bed12:12
=== pwn4tt4ck shouts goodnight to everyone
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tamacrackerwhy won't firefox open .php pages but instead makes you download it and not have a prog to open it?12:26
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bobbyhow can i compile gtk apps on kubuntu?12:31
tamacrackerhm.. seems like everyone's asleep12:31
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bobbythe necicary files for pkg-config seem to be missing12:31
bobbytry /join first12:32
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BeLinuxthis Adept manager confuses me12:39
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BeLinuxi find synaptic easier....12:40
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bobbyadept tryed to remove half my system lasttime i tried it since that i only use apt12:41
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=== Ash-Fox shakes his head... Him: "I like Apple's single mouse button, it's a lot better. I always have one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse anyway." Me: "As opposed to two hands on the mouse?" Him: "Yes."
=== Adlai [n=adlaiff6@cpe-66-67-2-154.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
BeLinuxi cannotz find apt12:46
BeLinuxis it in kubuntu 5.10?12:46
Ash-FoxIf you're typing the command, you most likely mean 'apt-get', not 'apt'.12:46
bobbywhat do you mean by that can not find apt?12:47
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:47
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bobbyapt-cache search <phrase> is also verry helpfull12:48
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BeLinuxi see..that is a command line only tool?12:49
bobbyadept is gui frontend12:49
Ash-FoxMany people use adept for installing/uninstalling/upgrading packages graphically on Kubuntu12:49
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bobbysynaptics is the gtk frontend12:50
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BeLinuxcan i use synaptic? i know it from pclinuxos and like it. its very easy.12:50
BeLinuxi dont get adept..12:50
BeLinuxsorry asking silly questions..but i just left windows world12:50
bobbyyes you can i would recomend it even12:50
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Ash-Fox'sudo apt-get install synaptic' from a terminal if it isn't already installed12:51
Ash-FoxI would recommend you upgrade to 6.10 though...12:51
BeLinuxnow since 2 weeks on linux only12:51
bobbynp at all ubuntu is a beginners distro12:51
BeLinuxi read that it is a risk to do that12:51
BeLinuxto upgrade from 5.10 to 6.1012:51
bobbythat is so easy to install that beginners prefere it12:52
Ash-FoxBeLinux, do tell you the truth.. I just install over it with the newer install cd12:52
BeLinuxso easy?12:52
BeLinux6.10 cd in the drive and thats it?12:52
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BeLinuxwill update everything autom.?12:52
=== g-henna [n=tobi@p54BD2542.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
HobbseeBeLinux: you need to go from 5.10 --> 6.06 --> 6.10, else you get dependancy problems.12:53
g-hennahi everyone!12:53
BeLinuxand do i need an upgrade to 6.10?12:53
Ash-FoxBeLinux, if you want the more refined software.. yes.12:53
BeLinuxi would like to get new kontact and koffice then i will be happy..i could do that within 5.10 or?12:53
g-hennai just bought a new printer, an hewlett-packard business inkjet 1000 and connected it via usb to my router, which i'm printing to using cups from my kubuntu machine12:53
Ash-FoxI don't think you can get the new kontact or koffice from 5.10, unless you compile them from scratch.12:53
BeLinux(i am lagging occasionally up to 2-3 minutes, so dont wonder about my  delays)12:54
bobbyhow can i see what version i got?12:54
g-hennavia socket://192...:910012:54
BeLinuxhobbsee.. got it12:54
Ash-Foxg-henna, okay?12:54
g-hennanow the problem is that when printing pdf files from kpdf that contain formulas (from latex), then there are white boxes within some of the formulas12:54
HobbseeAsh-Fox: correct.  you dont want to.12:54
g-hennasame from xpdf12:54
g-hennai use the hpijs driver for that printer12:55
g-hennai mean, everything looks fine, except for half deltas or half sum-signs12:55
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BeLinuxi have xubuntu 6.06..can i do an upgrade of Kubuntu with it??12:55
g-hennaany idea what could cause/fix this?12:55
Ash-FoxBeLinux, in my opinion, you're better off doing a clean install, that way you don't get anything murky left behind.12:55
BeLinuxif not i have to download the cd ...ufff....12:55
adz21cBeLinux: yes u can to m knowledge12:56
Ash-FoxBeLinux, no, that will install xubuntu 6.0612:56
Ash-FoxConverting then to kubuntu, requires some heavy terminal usage and lots of downloading, you're better off downloading the kubuntu cd12:56
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HobbseeBeLinux: you could just back up your data and do a clean install of 6.10, if you wanted to.12:57
=== Ash-Fox agrees with Hobbsee's reccommendation.
g-hennaodd, only special characters like big parentheses (or deltas, or greek letters) are cut in half some times12:57
g-hennawhich is stupid for equations, because i cannot understand it at all if it isn't complete...12:57
g-hennaor is there any better place to ask?12:58
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Lynoureg-henna: If you do not get an answer here, try on the Linux printing site12:59
BeLinuxcan i run the newest KDE and koffice with kubuntu 5.10 and all the other software? if yes i dont need to upgrade again?12:59
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ForgeAusBeLinux, um try backports?01:00
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BeLinuxwhat do you mean?01:00
BeLinuxwhat is that?01:00
ForgeAuswhats 5.10? dapper badger???01:00
fdovingBeLinux: you need to upgrade if you don't want to make the packages yourself.01:01
fdoving5.10 is breezy.01:01
BeLinuxi see..s o that means the newest KDE and kontact etc...doesnt run on old versions?01:01
ForgeAusok breezy if it has adept add the backports repository01:01
g-hennaLynoure: do they have an irc channel?01:01
Lynoureg-henna: I do not know.01:02
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BeLinuxlike kontact for 6.06 doesnt run on 5.10? i understand that reight?01:02
fdovingBeLinux: correct.01:02
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BeLinuxi tried pclinuxos and there it was possible to update to the newest KDE desktop01:03
BeLinuxwith synaptic..so this is not possible in kubuntu?01:04
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g-hennaBeLinux: KDE depends on a lot of libraries. so if you wanted the newest KDE, you would also need the newest KDE libraries. these, in turn, depend on other much newer libraries... and if you try to upgrade all of them, i promise, you're better off with a new install01:05
Jucatodepends if the latest KDE packages are available for that particular release01:05
g-hennaand then, remember to create a /home partition01:05
BeLinuxmaybe i dont get the logic behind this..01:05
Ash-FoxKDE is very low memory.01:06
BeLinuxfor me as user..i could see that in pclinuxos i could upgrade to the newest KDE etc...01:06
HobbseeBeLinux: for the later releases, kubuntu.org has later repositories of kde.01:06
HobbseeBeLinux: but not for breezy01:06
HobbseeBeLinux: i'd expect you werent 3 releases behind on pclinuxos01:06
bobbyhow can i see what kubuntu release im working on?01:07
Hobbseebobby: cat /etc/release01:07
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Hobbseeor help, about01:07
JucatoHobbsee: lsb_release -a01:07
Hobbseeoh wait, help, about will just tell you your kde version01:07
BeLinuxso 2 different concepts01:07
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TheGateKeeperBeLinux, what version of kde do you want?01:08
BeLinuxhobbsee, i tried 0.93a.its very nice and easy..but so slow on my computer01:08
BeLinuxkubuntu is faster01:08
JucatoBeLinux: well, you have to get used to the concept that different Linux distributions package and release software differently01:08
HobbseeTheGateKeeper: nothing that's provided for breezy.01:08
deathplanterhi guys,anyone knows how to run first-start kde wizard in ubuntu?01:09
bobby6.10 :)01:09
Jucatodeathplanter: install kpersonalizer and run it01:09
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deathplanterJucato: thx01:09
BeLinuxTheGateKeeper: all i need, really is newest Kontact, Koffice..and an easy way of updating it. also i want to install own programs like Skype without problems etc,.01:10
BeLinuxwondering if this can be done with Kubuntu 5.10 without upgrading again..like in windows..again and again01:10
HobbseeBeLinux: FYI, the support for 5.10 (breezy) ends in...ah...april, anyway01:11
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bobbyim glad i didnt put gentoo on this laptop installing emacs from cvs takes its time01:11
Hobbseethe long time releases are supported for longer (3 years on desktop, 5 on server)01:11
Hobbseebobby: haha, yeah01:11
BeLinuxthats sentence sounds familiar to me (window$) ;)01:12
tobreI have a strange problem. When I suspend my laptop, kubuntu is not suspended, but it just locks up computer. Screen saver comes up and computer is locked.01:12
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tobreWhat might be the reason?01:12
TheGateKeeperBeLinux, the problem you have with (k)ubuntu is there upgrade release cycle, if you want to get off this merry go round you need to installl another distro, sabayon & zenwalk may well be good candidates01:12
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HobbseeTheGateKeeper: dapper isnt so bad.  2 and a half years of support left01:13
jerpthere's an upgrade guide to edgy on this page,  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php01:13
Hobbseejerp: yes, *from* dapper, ie, 6.0601:13
bobbydifference from windows is that supporting somethig for or 3 years are quite a few packages01:13
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TheGateKeeperHobbsee, & after 2.5 years what happens, direct upgrade or fresh install?  My money is on the latter01:14
tobreSo, anybody doesn't have same issue?01:14
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BeLinuxgatekeeper. i like kubuntu because its fast and stable on my computer. but those are my requirements..i understand every release is a "closed" package. but still ican install own programs like Skype and WINE without problems right? i will try 6.06 as suggested.01:15
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BeLinuxi like pclinuxos as well..but its unfortunately so slow01:15
bobbyomg pentium 3 650 mhz01:15
bobbyi still find kde to load slow01:16
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bobbygnome is way faster01:16
HobbseeTheGateKeeper: upgrade to the next long time support release.01:16
TheGateKeeperBeLinux, (k)ubuntu is not exactly fast, there are others that are MUCH faster01:17
Hobbseebobby: better to run xfce on that01:17
BeLinuxfor me its ok..01:17
HobbseeTheGateKeeper: kde doesnt really get much faster.01:17
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BeLinuxbut so silly that Kontact in kubuntu 5.10 has no possibility to import outlook express mails!!01:18
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BeLinuxthats why i asked about upgrading to a newer version of kontact (there u can import mails from OE)01:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:18
bobbyHobbsee: i need a full blown DE on this one since its not my laptop but from a buddy of mine who can barely manage in windows01:18
BeLinuxi am stucked, anyways i will upgrade to 6.06 , hopefully nothign gets broken01:19
Hobbseebobby: ah01:19
TheGateKeeperHobbsee, well, you want to see speed, install kubuntu & arch linux with a KDE desktop on the same pc, then get your stop watch out :-)01:19
bobbyHobbsee: on my gentoo desktop i use fluxbox01:19
HobbseeTheGateKeeper: ahh, so we should look at nicking patches from arch.  i know we're comparable to suse01:19
JucatoHobbsee: we are? :O01:20
HobbseeJucato: yeah...well...they dont have any performance patches in suse that we arent using too now - they all got pushed to upstream kde01:20
=== Hobbsee asked, in dapper and edgy development
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g-hennaguys, i'm getting sick... already pdf2ps creates these white boxes, so i can see them with gv in theps file...01:21
g-hennanow what's that? internally, pdfs are converted to ps before printing, right?01:22
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BeLinuxwho knows a very good Text-Only brower for Kubuntu01:23
BeLinuxexcept Lynx01:24
deathplanterlinks? ;P01:24
deathplanteror elinks!01:24
Jucatow3m? elinks? links2?01:24
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Hobbseeelinks is good01:25
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Hobbseew3m confuses me :(01:25
Hobbseelinks2 is also good01:25
bobbyon gentoo i could get kde and friends in my own language how can i do that on kubuntu?01:25
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dropsldoes anyone know a program which can merge several mpeg1 files?01:26
g-hennasudo apt-get install kde-i18n-de/en/jp...01:26
malik_how do i access kwallet thingy?01:26
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malik_the thing which stores all the passwords01:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:26
cntbtoday I want to install  scanner SANE lan sharing01:27
Hobbseemalik_: run kwalletmanager01:27
cntbshould not be complicated01:28
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BeLinuxsee you later, thanks for your help01:28
cntbfor scanner sharing will follow "How to share a scanner on your network"01:29
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php-freakreading makes you smart :)01:31
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:36
php-freakHmm someone recommended me to something, I'm having problems with my sound, playing videos through firefox01:37
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bobbyphp-freak: what kind of video?01:38
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php-freakwell i want all of them to work, but hold on il check01:38
php-freakits not flash01:38
php-freakjust regular video01:38
php-freakhttp://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&q=matt+cutts&btnG=Google+Search&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv for example go there, none of them videos have sound when I play them01:39
bobbyand what are you using to play the vids?01:39
TheGateKeeperHobbsee, not a question of nicking patches, but what would be good is if (k)ubuntu was better optimised for various platforms, arch is quick because it is optimsed for i68601:39
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bobbyerm that is flash php-freak01:40
HobbseeTheGateKeeper: there's a long thread on the ubuntu-devel mailing list about whether the i686 / i386 really makes much difference.  the answer was "not enough of a difference" - ie, no percievable difference for the user01:40
bobbyplays the video trough flash01:40
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php-freakokay, I just installed flash01:40
php-freakmaybe i need to restart my system first.01:41
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:41
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nagyvhello! I am just going to install kubuntu dapper to my friend from a live cd, but he already has a home partition. Is the live cd clever enough? Will I have the chance to select partitioning, or should I use the alternate install cd?01:42
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:42
bobbyphp-freak: in linux that isnt nesisary normaly and kubuntu has flash installed by default01:42
php-freakwell I'm not getting sound from it01:43
php-freakall my other sounds works fine01:43
crimsunbobby: err, by default? Are you sure?01:43
jerpnagy, that live cd is not what you want use the alternate01:43
jerpalternate will let you select the partitions01:43
crimsun(since when were multiverse packages seeded in -desktop?)01:43
TheGateKeeperHobbsee, I put arch on a P3 & it was noticable quicker, in fact the time to boot up & the time for kubuntu to boot up on a MUCH faster machine (Athlon XP2200) wasn't much in it, trust me (k)ubuntu is SLOW01:43
humehi... i have problems with knetworkmanager. Every time I boot and am to log into my encrypted network, I first have to type in the wallet password, and then the WEP key - that seem not to be stored in wallet. Anyone can help me out?01:44
bobbycrimsun: i have just installed ubuntu and i could play that video so im sure01:44
php-freakbobby: it said something about to make sure multiverse pakcages are installed, so im installing them01:44
crimsunbobby: you didn't use easyubuntu or automatix or something?01:44
crimsunbobby: because I'm the flashplugin-nonfree maintainer, and I -know- it's not installed by default.01:45
bobbydont even know what those things are01:45
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HobbseeTheGateKeeper: fair enough.01:45
Jucatoit's not installed by default. but in Edgy, there's a small script that asks you if you want to install Flash when you first encounter Flash content using Konqueor01:45
bobbycrimsun: all i did was trow in the kubuntu 6.1 cd and it works out of the box01:45
drkmhas anyone experienced problems with downloading from rapidshare with KGet?01:45
crimsunTheGateKeeper: you'll find the metric that Ben used; feel free to refute them, though I'll caution you that optimising for i686 is a lost cause.01:46
nagyvand which kubuntu would you recommend to a non-power user? (dapper or edgy? I use edgy, but I was upgrading, and I can imagine, that a new install is much better)01:46
bobbyhavent seen that one script01:46
humeanyone can help me with kwallet? I have to type in my WEP network key every time even though it is saved in kwallet....01:47
Jucatobobby: the scripts pops up a dialog box01:47
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Jucatoer.. the script... it's not something you have to run manually01:47
nagyvsorry, was anybody answering me? (my konversation freezed :( )01:48
TheGateKeepercrimsun, all I know is that (k)ubuntu is slow in comaprison to some other distro's like arch, I don't precisely know what they are doing to get their speed, but (k)ubuntu devs could learn something from it01:48
php-freakokay I got it working01:48
php-freakalsa enabler01:49
jerpnagy, use the latest and greatest if your system is current01:49
php-freakdon't look like his mouth is moving with the sound in my video01:50
bobbyJucato: i understand that and havent seen it01:50
TheGateKeeperI have personal experience so trying to persuade me otherwise is definately a LOST cause01:50
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TheGateKeeper!fstab > TheGateKeeper01:54
bobbyphp-freak: sound on kubuntu is a bit tricky i guess still cant play media streams in amarox for some reason01:55
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jerpnagy, use the latest and greatest if your system is current, but remember Dapper has LTS status01:56
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drkmdoes anyone know how to get KGet to work with rapidshare.. it loads the download but only downloads the HTML file not the actual file it should be getting ?02:00
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Hobbseedrkm: you tend to need to look for a "direct download" link, and feed it that02:03
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Hobbseedrkm: asking the same question in 2 places is kinda annoying too, btw02:03
drkmHobb: thats what I'm doing.. I can't see why it would be downloading the HTML still02:03
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=== Hobbsee doesnt know
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sivajiple some one help me02:10
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plbgnrpls everyone... I have this http://paste.uni.cc/12506 tv tuner and want to use it ;)  which module should I use to achieve that?02:10
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sivajican u  help me02:13
tsdgeossivaji: don't ask to ask, just ask02:14
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sivajii dont know i to run a c program02:14
sivajii dont know how to run a c program02:15
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andreaswsivaji: chmod +x foo.c02:16
andreaswa.out I mean ^^02:16
andreaswthan ./a.out02:16
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andreaswHave you already compiled the program sivaji?02:16
sivajiyes i got that a.out executablefile where i can see my out put02:17
andreaswok than ./a.out should run the program02:17
sivajihow to run that when i tried to run in consol it disappears from directory02:18
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sivajii got *. o file also02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
andreaswsivaji: is this your own C program or did you download it from someone?02:19
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:19
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sivajiit my own hello world program02:20
aheadthank you very much02:20
andreaswwell did you try running ./a.out ?02:20
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Lynoureahead: feel free to ask questions in English here, too :)02:20
sivajiconsol says there is no such directory /a.out but i could see that in same directory02:21
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tsdgeossivaji: ./ the dot is important02:23
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aheadi want to ask a question in english ,but .......02:25
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humei have a i have problems playing dvds - do I have to manually install libdvdcss in some way to get a sharp picture?02:27
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TheGateKeeperhume, I thiught you needed libdvdcss to get dvd playback, in any event I would recommend installling it02:28
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TheGateKeepercrap I can't type02:29
humeTheGateKeeper, ok, i installed the package libdvdcss through apt-get, but isn't there a script I have to run manually after that, somewhere?02:30
TheGateKeeperhume, not that I am aware of02:30
umaloneCan someone tell me how to make an external ntfs usb drive writable? It's read-only as it is now.02:30
humeok.. testing again02:30
umaloneI was told that I need to install ntfs-3g package02:31
umalonebut what to do after that is installed?02:32
humeTheGateKeeper, no better image, I'm afraid, unsharp and "shadowy" image... any ideas+02:32
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TheGateKeeperrepo for ntfs-3g --> deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ dapper main02:33
umaloneI've just installed the ntfs-3g package here...02:33
umaloneI just don't know what to do next.02:33
TheGateKeeperhume, never really had a problem so sorry, no, other might however02:34
umalonechmod doesn't seem to work02:34
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humeanyone got ideas on how to solve bad images when playing dvds?02:34
TheGateKeeperumalone, not used the package myself, just know of it's existance02:35
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umalonealright. I'll hunt for more info02:35
umaloneThanks anyway.02:35
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cntbfor scanner sharing will follow "How to share a scanner on your network" http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/13/175123402:47
cntbfor scanner sharing will follow "How to share a scanner on your network" http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/13/175123402:47
cntbsorry for repeating02:47
cntbalso found and will try sanetwain bridge02:48
cntbover the networking windows scanning from scanner connected to linux02:48
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sivajiivaji> i yet to learn c program02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:12:47]  <sivaji> u02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:12:51]  <andreasw> for GUIs it isn't used very often02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:13:12]  <andreasw> but in embedded systems for example in cars, trains and so on02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:13:17]  <andreasw> it is used very often02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:13:33]  <andreasw> because it is not only fast but also produces very small programs02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:13:56]  <andreasw> In some environments space is very important.02:51
sivaji[Sat Dec 30 2006]  [19:14:10]  <sivaji> what is GNU i come across this very often but i dont know02:51
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aurkaHello everybody, how can I find out whether I have CONFIG_USB_NET_CDCETHER compiled as a module or into kernel (in a generic distro kernel, not compiled by me)...?02:52
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sivajiare u there02:53
sivajiNickServ- The nickname [sivaji]  is already registered but cannt communicate with others ple some one help me02:54
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sivajiNickServ- The nickname [sivaji]  is already registered but cannt communicate with others ple some one help me02:55
gnomefreaksivaji: that would mean someone else owns it or you havent identified to nickserv02:56
sivajino just before i am chating with   a person by mistake i closed window when i came back i cannt02:57
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sonicGBsivaji: /msg nickserv help02:58
cntbsivaji: /msg nickserv id p455w0rd02:58
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gnomefreakyes i see your pm but i allow all pms02:58
sivaji sivaji: /msg nickserv id p455w0rd i cannot understand say clearly02:59
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sivajignomefreak help me to be in touch with others03:00
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gnomefreaksivaji: if someone owns that name you cant03:00
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sivajino just five minutes back i am chatting with someone with same name03:01
sivajinow i can i get back03:02
sivajignomefreak help me03:02
gnomefreaksivaji: since someone else owns the name you CANT have it03:03
gnomefreakthere is nothing i can do about that03:03
gnomefreakhint register a different name03:03
gnomefreaksivaji: best place to help you would be #freenode-social03:04
cntbsivaji: why not have several registered nicks03:05
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sivajii dont know how to register03:05
gnomefreaksivaji: /msg nickserv register help03:06
mc__Hello im using 6.10 on a notebook,and my keyboard doesnt work properly. Keystrokes with ALT dont work.03:06
cntbgnomefreak: dont they ask you why gnomefreak on kubunut?03:06
gnomefreakcntb: doesnt matter i have many names03:06
cntbme too gnomefreak03:06
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cntbsivaji:  soon will have more03:07
sivajiwhat ? soon will have more03:07
sivajii cant understand03:07
cntbsivaji:  being osessive about nick can lead you nowhere03:07
cntbfollow me sivaji03:08
sivajiyes tell me03:08
cntbfirst chage nick now03:08
sivajihow to do that03:08
cntb write  /nick newnick03:08
cntbdo it03:08
sivaji /nick newnick03:09
cntbnow your nick is newnick03:09
cntbinvent something in place of newnick03:09
sivajiok then03:09
gnomefreaksivaji: no space infront of / and change newnick to a nick you would like03:09
cntbwell first char is /03:10
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cntbwatch me changing sivaji03:10
cntbdoing /nick linopil03:10
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linopilgnomefreak is now thunderstruck03:11
gnomefreaknop eim back :)03:11
linopiland cntb is linopil sivaji03:11
sivajiam i writ03:11
sivajii am still getting sivaji y ?03:11
linopilthink fast and do carefully sivaji03:11
linopilhaha yes03:11
gnomefreaksivaji: you cant use the same name you are using now03:12
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linopilsimply write command /nick sivaji-ubuntu03:12
gnomefreakbrb going for smoke03:12
linopilI just invented you a nick03:12
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linopilo/ gnomefreak03:12
=== sivaji is now known as sivaji-ubuntu
sivaji-ubuntuyes thank u03:13
sivaji-ubuntulinopil still cannot chat will oters03:14
sivaji-ubuntulinopil still cannot chat will others03:14
sivaji-ubuntudo some thing03:14
Lynouresivaji-ubuntu: you cannot chat with others where?03:14
linopilgood first step03:15
linopilnow sivaji-ubuntu do next step03:15
sivaji-ubuntutell me03:15
linopilwhich is :03:15
sivaji-ubuntuwhich is:03:15
sivaji-ubuntuare u there03:15
linopil -- wait03:16
=== sivaji-ubuntu is now known as sivaji
linopil write /msg nickserv register sivajissmartpassword6to8characters03:17
sivaji /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>03:17
linopilsivaji: ?03:17
linopilstart the line with /msg03:17
sivajijust now i tried03:17
linopilput in "what you exactly tried"03:17
gnomefreakreplace <password> with a password of your choice03:17
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linopilgo PM with me to try registered03:18
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linopil[16:19]  <-> sivaji> private03:19
sivaji<linopil> [16:19]  <-> sivaji> private ??????????/03:19
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linopilmsg me /msg linopil something03:19
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g-hennamaaan, i love unix :-) "cp -ruv /etc /media/usbdisk" -- ever tried *that* with windows? :-)03:21
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gnomefreakyou cant03:21
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gnomefreakg-henna: windows doesnt have /etc03:22
linopildid you try to PM sivaji ?03:22
g-hennaand afterwards "dpkg --get-selections > /media/usbdisk/packages" -- and reinstalling becomes your favourite activity *grin*03:22
g-hennagnomefreak: i know, that's why i said it :-)03:22
sivajiwhat pm ?03:22
gnomefreaklinopil: your in for a long day ;)03:22
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animimotusI have just installed this theme http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=49721&file1=49721-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Kubuntu+Edgy+UserList for having a user list on logon03:26
chrismirHi. I've seen so many howto's for installing beryl I can't figure out which one I should use. I use kubuntu edgy and have nvidia's GeForce 6800 LE. Anyone can point me to the best/most current howto?03:26
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animimotusbut the avatar doesn't appear03:27
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animimotussomeone have an idea?03:29
linopilsivaji was not so smart03:29
chrismiranimimotus: Perhaps set the avatars in system-settings?03:29
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andreaswlinopil: I think he had a language problem03:29
animimotuschrismir: in "about me" I have a message something like "You adminator doesn't autorise the image changing"03:31
chrismirthen change to admin mode :)03:31
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gaahI have a problem getting my dual screen setup to work. kdm always starts on my secondary monitor instead of my primary, how do i define which monitor to use for screen0 and screen1 ?03:32
animimotuschrismir: where, please ?03:32
gaahfrom my xorg.log i see it detects DFP-0 and CRT-1 and it assigns CRT-1 as the monitor to use for screen0 and dfp-0 for screen103:32
gaahi need to swap those so DFP-0 becomes screen0 ie the primary one03:32
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chrismiranimimotus: Well.. system-settings - advanced mode - login manager. then at the bottom there's a button 'administrator mode'03:33
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MHKi messed my ipw2200 up03:36
chrismirthen fix it03:37
MHKmy kubuntu 6.10 does not recognize my wlan-adapter anymore. but from the beginning on it actually did. so, how can i undo it?03:37
MHKis there any package i can install?03:38
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linopilSANE questions03:38
linopilfound a nice article anout Scanner sharing03:39
esbenMHK: Does not recognize.... what do you mean exactly?03:40
MHKesben: well, when i type "ifconfig" it used to return an "eth1" earlier, but now... only "eth0". that's where i'm hanging on now03:41
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esbenMHK: Right. Have you tried unloading/reloading the module yet?03:42
MHKesben: i admit, i did something wrong. i wanted to update ipw2200 from sf.net... but i messed it up03:42
animimotuschrismir: in "user" I have select "user, administrator" for the image source. But I can't change in "about me"03:42
linopilI want to discuss scanners03:42
esbenMHK: Oh well, just reinstall the module. (Explanation coming, I just have to look up some of the steps)03:42
MHKesben: like "modprobe ipw2200"? -> result: FATAL: Error inserting ipw2200 (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)03:43
esbenMHK: Definitely reinstall :) Find the module by loacte ipw220003:43
MHKesben: thx man, i new to linux, so usually i fuck up the system twice before i get it running properly again...=)03:43
MHKesben: in the shell?03:44
esbenMHK: Yes. Most likely it is the kernel package but is in nice to know how to do this :)03:44
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MHKesben: well, i get some output...03:45
esbenMHK: Then you should get the full path... most likely you'll get quite a few from different versions03:45
HobbseeMHK: got linux-restricted-modules installed?  and updating the module from sf.net sounds like trouble03:45
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MHKHobbsee jep03:45
esbenMHK: Just pick one that ends with .ko and do sudo dpkg -S (full name)03:45
MHKesben: yes, generic, i386 in usr/src/linux-headers and some /lib/firmware03:46
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quentinsalut a tous03:46
esbenMHK: What does sudo dpkg -S <filename> give you on one of those? Don't pick the firmware :)03:47
esbenMHK: Most likely, it is something like ....restricted... or else and linux...image03:47
MHKesben: well, i tried that one in /lib/modules...etc. the only with *.ko. it returned the full path.03:47
MHKesben: /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko03:48
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esbenMHK: MHK: You tried "sudo dpkg -S  /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko"?03:48
MHKesben: yes, hope i didn't kill anything important... =S03:49
esbenMHK: You should get a line like this one: linux-image-2.6.15-27-amd64-k8: /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-amd64-k8/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx03:49
esbenMHK: You want the name before the colon03:49
chrismiranimimotus: hmm. I also selected 'user, administrator' but I _can_ change the image (both login manager as in about me)03:49
MHKesben: linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic: /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko03:49
chrismiranimimotus: So I'm not sure wat is wrong03:49
MHKesben: sorry, didn't read =(03:49
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esbenMHK: Great :) Then just reinstall that one with "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic"03:50
esbenMHK: And then modprobe again when you're done03:50
MHKesben: just that?03:51
esbenShould do it03:51
=== MHK is stupid! =O
esbenMHK: No you're not :)03:51
MHKesben: trying.... brb03:51
chrismirso many beryl howto's. which one I shou;d use?03:52
MHKesben: hope that my harddisk won't be touched...got a semester work on it...03:52
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esbenMHK: Should be completely harmless03:53
MHKesben: well, now knetworkmanager shows me that no wlan is avaible in the neighboorhood, but this is completely normal... =D03:53
MHKesben: thx, it worked!03:53
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=== MHK gives a HUGE hug to esben!! =D
esbenMHK: Smiles happily :)03:54
MHKesben: are you a kernel dev?03:55
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esbenMHK: No, just a user (I develop software, but in a completely different area)03:56
MHKesben: what actually did i? i mean, it's good it works again, but i allways want to know what happens behind the scene...03:56
eg_hey, what do I have to do, to use php4-cgi?03:56
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esbenMHK: You had overwritten the .ko file with some bogus version for another kernel... you just refreshed it with the version supplied from Ubuntu03:56
esbenMHK: apt-get is the program Adept uses behind the scene03:57
eg_i've allready installed it, but how do I activate it?03:57
MHKesben: i just reinstalled the standard kernel? *cannot belive that it was so simple*03:57
=== MHK hammers his head on the laptop
esbenMHK: It was, and yes :)03:58
humehow can I install a pdf-printer that is accessible from openoffice, so I can print to pdf, not just export (to make use of more options to get what I want on the pdf)03:58
humeanyone got ideas on this?03:58
MHKesben: what does: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic ?03:58
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esbenMHK: Reinstall the the 2.6.17-10-generic version of the linux kernel03:59
MHKesben: sorry, this one: sudo dpkg -S  /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko03:59
esbenMHK: Find the pacakge that contain the  /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2200.ko file03:59
MHKesben: i usually use apt-get to install, i know this, was just the wrong copy&paste03:59
esbenMHK: Happens :)03:59
=== MHK head meets table
=== MHK has headache
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=== MHK is stupid
esbenMHK: Poor table, poor head... come on, be good to 'em :) Have a laugh: http://www.jesusandmo.net/2005/12/28/guess/ (stay away if religious)04:00
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MHKesben: ROFL, that one is good! =D (my religion: linux and hacking, the rest is lost time!)04:01
esbenMHK: :D04:02
MHKesben: thx a lot!04:02
esbenI'd better go do some dish washing, be back later :) And no problem :)04:02
MHKesben: got to go...04:02
MHKesben: cya04:02
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RidayahI'm trying to add the 'view mode' and 'sort' context menus to Konqueror's right-click menu, anyone have an idea on how to do tuat?04:04
Ridayahdo that*04:05
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esbenRidayah: I don't, but that question is answered every week or so on the KDE mailing list, so try google for a solution :)04:08
esbenRidayah: That sounded a bit harsh :/ No offense meant of course :) Happy new year to all :D04:09
RidayahHeh, I've been digging for a week so I must not be looking in the right place!04:10
RidayahI see all about the servicemenus and such, which is indeed useful, not quite what I'm looking for. Well guess I can keep looking.04:10
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Captain_HaddockHi, I can access my windows box via samba from both Linux machines, but not vice versa. The two Linux machines can't access each other's shares either. What could be the problem?04:13
Captain_HaddockFirewall turned off.04:13
Captain_HaddockH .. e .. l .. l .. o slow-motion04:13
slow-motionhi Captain_Haddock04:13
Ridayahesben: I keep googling and keep turning up nothing on how to get them in place, if -you- know where it says it'd be greatly appreciated.04:14
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:18
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blubb-kboxhi, how do i change my charsets?04:23
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braddoroi upgraded to edgy from dapper and someting went wrong when I ran dist-upgrade.  There are a bunch of apckahes that look half installed and the bad part is my networking stopped wotking so I can't get to the internet to redownload them.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?04:25
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adaranhello everyone. i have a sis900 network chip, which is correctly detected and the sis900 module loads fine. however, i have no /dev/eth0 - how is that possible?04:43
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max_what do i need to download for mp3 support in k3b?04:47
Mez!info libk3bmp304:48
ubotuPackage libk3bmp3 does not exist in any distro I know04:48
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto04:48
Mez!info libk3bmp3004:48
ubotuPackage libk3bmp30 does not exist in any distro I know04:48
Mez!info libk3b2-mp304:48
ubotulibk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.17-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 100 kB04:48
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Jucatohi Mez! :004:49
Mezhi Jucato04:50
JucatoMez: how's katapult doing? any new features we can look forward too? :)04:50
MezJucato - at the moment - I'm having soooo many difficulties trying to fix a few problems with it04:51
Mezmy home Pc is rebooted about every 10 mins when I'm trying to fix it as it currently randlomly crashes out the whole system04:52
MezJucato - indeed04:52
Jucatowell, good luck04:52
JucatoMez: and a Happy New Year!04:52
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Jucatowee that was fast :)04:53
MezJucato - also all the catalogs need re-doing to the new API04:53
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JucatoKDE 4 API?04:53
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MezJucato - I was grabbing a coke :D04:53
MezJucato - oh, and that04:53
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Jucatoheh :)04:53
Mezno - the new Katapult API ... multithreading and multi actions, and multi results04:53
Jucatoooh nice04:53
root______I installed a program called as 3dchess, but I can't figure out how to run it04:54
Mezluckily atm we have backwards compatibility for old stuff :D04:54
Mez!info 3dchess04:54
ubotu3dchess: 3D chess for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-12 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 132 kB04:54
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Jucatoroot______: (I hope you're not running as root) the executable is in /usr/bin/games, afaik04:54
Jucatoer.. /usr/games, I mean04:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:55
Jucatoroot______: it doesn't get added to the K Menu04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dhclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
Jucatoroot______: afaik,you just have to type in the name of the executable (3dchess, iirc) in Konsole or in Alt+F204:56
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root______jucato: I tried that without success04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
JucatoMez: btw, have you seen Launchy, a launcher for Windows? http://www.launchy.net/#introduction04:56
bytedevilhay algun espaol?04:57
Jucato!es | bytedevil04:57
ubotubytedevil: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:57
Jucatoroot______: have you checked in /usr/games?04:57
root______will do04:57
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RidayahOkay; I'm going to ask again.04:57
RidayahHow do you make changes to the Konqueror right click menu that ARE NOT service menus? Things like 'sort' and 'view mode'04:58
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JucatoMez: it's open source, too. the difference is that it shows possible hits/matches to what you type. just checking if you saw that already :)04:58
braddoroHow do I go about getting networking on edgy, when it seems not there04:58
JucatoRidayah: I'm afraid it's in the source code, but I'm not entirely sure.04:58
MezJucato - we have seen launchy yes ... and quicksilver and all the other alternatices ... :D04:59
RidayahIf I have to go fudge the source code so be it04:59
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JucatoMez: of course, you would have. silly me... :)04:59
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XVampireXHow do I boot the livecd into a different language?05:00
root______isn't there a program in kubuntu that finds installed programs and places the launchers in the k-menu?05:01
Mezroot______ - hit alt+space :D05:01
tsdgeosroot______: that should be done automatically05:01
Jucatoroot______: not if they're not meant to... some apps really don't05:01
Jucatotsdgeos: some apps don't, for some reason. one of them is 3D Chess05:01
tsdgeosthere's kappfinder too05:01
XVampireXYeah, some apps don't have .desktop files05:01
XVampireXYou can manually go to edit kmenu and press save05:02
Mezroot______ - it depends on how the programs packaged... you might want to install menu - there should be something in there :D05:02
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Mez!menu | root______05:02
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ubotumenu: generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.29 (edgy), package size 379 kB, installed size 1580 kB05:02
XVampireXCan anyone please help me? :P05:02
XVampireXHow do I boot the livecd into a different language?05:02
root______cheers, thanks guys05:02
tsdgeosXVampireX: maybe it's not supported?05:02
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XVampireXI think it is05:03
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MezXVampireX - YOU CANT REALLY05:03
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MezXVampireX -  however - see In Gnome, your preferred browser can be changed in System > Preferences > More Preferences > Preferred Applications. If you're not using Gnome, e.g KDE or some other desktop environment, you're fresh out of luck! Any patches to automatically support opening a URL in KDE's preferred browser would be happily accepted.05:03
MezXVampireX see http://lichota.net/~krzysiek/projects/ubuntu-livecd-customization/ for on how to make a custom livecd05:03
soulriderMez: i think it is posible to change the default browser05:04
MezJucato - am using windows ... :D (not my choice) and am not used to it not having an auto-buffer feature05:04
XVampireXOh, so the livecd is english only?05:04
JucatoMez: http://www.thekatapult.org.uk/ is gone?05:04
JucatoMez: ooh.... really ouch...05:04
MezXVampireX - no - you can change the language once you've logged in :D05:04
soulriderXVampireX: im not sure, but you can install kubuntu in any language05:04
tsdgeosMez: kde has the same dude05:04
XVampireXI know05:04
MezJucato - yes - the gits cancelled my account for no reason - I'm bitching at support :D05:05
XVampireXBut livecd itself05:05
MezJucato - and it'll be moving to .net05:05
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tsdgeosMez: kcontrol->kde components->web navigation05:05
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XVampireXAnyway, be back later05:05
XVampireXI don't need the different language support in livecd, but my friends do05:05
Meztsdgeos - yes - but that doesnt change the issue that was the problem earlier05:05
tsdgeosMez: ?05:05
MezXVampireX - you can change it once it's booted...05:05
malik_can any one tell me if there is a repository for frostwire?05:06
XVampireXMez: How?05:06
malik_becoz from the website i am unable to download working package.......it keeps getting opened and corrupted by kate05:06
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MezXVampireX - somewhere in one of the control panels :D05:07
Meznot too sure - not done it myself05:07
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XVampireXMez: Alright, thanks05:07
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ZarephathHrmm.. I just issued a sudo apt-get update and it tells me that /var/lib/apt/ doesn't exist, I have no idea why it would be missing...I haven't deleted it...can I just recreate the directory structure?05:07
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soulridermalik_: frostwire has a deb package05:08
soulriderin their site05:08
soulriderbut i think theres a small problem with it.05:08
soulriderTheres a tutorial on http://ubuntuforums.org on how to get frostwire running properly05:08
root______I'm tryin to install firefox 2.0, is there anyway to do it through a repository or a .deb.. from the firefox website I can only download a tarball05:08
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MezXvampireX have you spoken to your loco team - they may provide localisedx CDS05:09
soulriderroot______: i think the one in the repos is the 2.0 version05:09
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Zarephathroot______: using apt-get? I would assume it has been added to the repository by now05:09
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TheGateKeeperroot______, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion05:10
root______I tried doing apt-get and it says I have ot most recent one05:10
malik_soulrider: yes i tried that but the version at the ubuntu is old plus deb package is bit crooked there..........i was wondering if some1 has it in some repository or can some1 mail me the package?:)05:10
arun_i want to know whether properitery multimeedia codecs are available in backports only05:10
Jucatoarun_: they're in multiverse05:10
Kr4t05!restricted > arun_05:10
soulridermailk check this out. http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/web/firefox05:10
soulriderits the latest version05:10
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root______nick- h05:11
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root______how dows one change the irc nickname05:12
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soulridertype /nick and then the nickname05:12
malik_soulrider: i think u meant to send that link to root :)05:12
Jucatoroot______: /nick <nick>05:12
Jucatoroot______: I hope you're not running as root though...05:12
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root______no I'm not05:13
soulrideryah malik_ sorry :P05:13
Mezroot______ your ident says you are... trying to attract haxx0rs ?05:13
soulriderroot______:  here you can see the package in the repos is the latest one http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/web/firefox05:13
root______my ident?05:13
root______what's that05:13
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root______I'm fairly confident I'm not running as root05:14
root______as I understand it, the root is disabled in ubuntu by default no?05:14
Jucatoroot______: yes. but did you, by any chance, launch Konversation with "kdesu" or "sudo"?05:14
root______I launched it through the run command05:15
root______and just did konversation05:15
root______not sure why it chose my username as root_________05:15
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iftiqI'm not longer root05:16
Meziftiq is n=root@ * root05:17
braddorowhat does it mean when filenames have .dpkg-new appended to the end of them?05:18
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root______hmm this time I made sure not to to do sudo konversation or anything such05:19
root______and it still calls me root05:19
arun_i want to use kubuntu for learning java programming ,is it possible05:19
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soulriderarun_: of crouse05:23
soulrideri program in java05:23
ubuntusalut tout le monde05:23
soulridersalut ubuntu05:23
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Hassan2ac'est cool ce chat05:23
arun_so i can install jdk through apt-get05:23
Hassan2ac'est pour aider les news linuxiens ??05:23
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soulrider!fr | Hassan2a05:24
ubotuHassan2a: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:24
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soulriderarun_: yes you can05:24
arun_are u in india05:24
soulrideryou need to enable the multiverse and universe repositories and install sun-java5-jdk i believe05:24
malik_is it possible to install frostwire from linux tarbal package on kubuntu edgy?05:24
Hassan2asalut soulrider05:24
soulriderme? =/05:24
Hassan2adites est ce que sur gnome ya client irc comme sur kde ?05:24
soulriderHassan2a: i dont speak your language, sorry :P05:25
soulridermalik_: theres a tutorial on how to install frostwire correcly in the ubuntu forums05:25
soulridercheck it out05:25
malik_thats didnt do me any good........i think that is outdated05:26
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soulriderhave you tried installing the .deb package on frostwires site ?05:26
soulrideralso, do you have java installed ?05:26
arun_i want to share a cd-writer in windows through samba  is it possible05:26
soulriderarun_: no idea05:26
malik_they are saying frostwire version is 4.10.*** but on the website its
arun_k where are u living in this small world05:27
soulridermalik_: try installing the deb package on forstwires site, if it doesnt run properly follow the instructions on hte forums, but just isnatll the latest package05:27
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soulrideri liv ein Uruguay05:27
soulriderlive in*05:27
malik_yes i have java installed and when i try to download ubuntu pack from frostwire website it gets opened up by kate and then it stuffs it n i cant install it any more05:28
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Hassan2aya quelqu'un ?05:28
soulriderHassan2a: french ?05:28
Hassan2ayes or english :d05:28
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soulrideryou have a french channel05:29
Hassan2asoul ?05:29
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soulrideryou can only use english on this channel05:29
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:29
soulriderarun_: austria ?05:29
Hassan2aok parlons franais alors :d05:29
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Hassan2aje peux te poser une question N*05:30
soulrider!fr | Hassan2a05:30
ubotuHassan2a: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:30
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Fir3Ligthplease speak english Hassan2a05:30
Fir3Ligthi'am french but speak english05:31
iftiqhmm I can't find firefox 2.005:31
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iftiqin the repos05:31
Mez!fr Hassan2a05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr Hassan2a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:31
Mez!fr | Hassan2a05:31
ubotuHassan2a: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:31
soulrideriftiq: its there05:31
soulrider!firefox | iftiq05:32
ubotuiftiq: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:32
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Hassan2aen fait est ce que sur gnome il ya un truc pour se connecter  l'irc comme sur kde ??05:33
Hassan2aplus personne ?05:33
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Vincent_kHi all, I did the hardwaredetectionthing but it couldnt send the results. Now I have a package that I'm suppose to send as an atachment. What's the adress to where to send it? I missed it when finished the detectionapp.05:40
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malik_oki can some1 tell me whats wrong with frostwire?..........coz i just downloaded tarbal version n extracted it with ark and then from within that extracted folder i am able to run frostwire by double clicking the runfrostwire.sh file but it hasnt installed any thing on the system05:42
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TheGateKeeperif I want to tinker around with kdevelop then if I install that & build-essentials will that cover most of what I initially need?05:47
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malik_oki can some1 tell me whats wrong with frostwire?..........coz i just downloaded tarbal version n extracted it with ark and then from within that extracted folder i am able to run frostwire by double clicking the runfrostwire.sh file but it hasnt installed any thing on the system05:49
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TheGateKeepermalik_, so just make a menu item that runs runfrostwire.sh & sound like your done05:52
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:53
paulw2 /quit05:53
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burepeKtorrent just started crashing on me. Can anyone tell me how I can fix it? This is the out put when I start it in the command line http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39490/ and this is what the crash handler says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39491/ Thank05:55
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sungamburepe, I haven't looked into it in a while, but it used to be a common issue. Try using another torrent client :)05:57
burepeI really would like to fix it.05:58
soulriderburepe: i think the best you can do is run utorrent with wine05:58
soulriderthats what i do05:58
soulridereither that or azureus05:59
soulrideri find ktorrent to be a rather abd client05:59
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sungamburepe, don't think there is any easy fix. At least not unless it's been fixed lately :)05:59
esaymI have never had a problem with ktorrent05:59
esaymbut I mainly use emule05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatiks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
burepeI like it. I have been using it for months. I wonder what caused it to start05:59
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:59
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:00
esaymdoes any one know how to add a short cut to my hard drive on my panel/task bar?06:00
esaymi got a short cut on my desktop but i cant get one on the panel06:00
esaymbeen trying to figure it out for like a month06:00
Roadrunner1985esaym i know it. but my english is to bad to explain this.06:01
sungam!spam | roadrunner06:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:01
Roadrunner1985sungam: haha06:01
esaymI live in texas. I am good at figure out other languages ;)06:02
sungamRoadrunner1985,  :)06:02
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esaymIt can't be that hard?06:02
Roadrunner1985esaym: im german xD06:02
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esaymso am I06:02
esaymI just don't speak it06:02
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esaymCome on Roadrunner198506:03
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esaymor anyone else...06:04
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sungamesaym, is the konqueror button on your panel?06:04
esaym just want a shortcut button to /dev/hda506:05
esaymon my panel06:05
Roadrunner1985esaym: drag and drop your shortcut to the bar. ;)06:05
esaymI think i tried that, let me try again06:05
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Roadrunner1985esaym: so i tryed it out before a few seconds. runs perfectly06:06
esaymIt adds it to the panel but when I click I get06:06
esaymIt adds it to the panel but when I click I get06:06
esaymService '/home/laptop/.kde/share/apps/kicker/Hard Disc Device-3.desktop' is malformatted.06:06
esaymthats what I get when I click it on the panel06:07
Roadrunner1985esaym: where is it mounted?06:07
esaymon root06:08
Roadrunner1985 on /root/ ?06:08
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Roadrunner1985hmm. than drag and drop the folder (mount) to the bar.06:09
esaymwhat do you mean by folder?06:09
evan_hello guys... konquerer is giving me this error06:09
evan_Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:06:09
evan_ klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.06:09
Roadrunner1985esaym: i mean that you drag&drop /root/ to the bar.06:09
Roadrunner1985oh damn. my english >.<06:10
evan_any ideas? plaz msg me.. tnx06:10
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esaymdragging a folder works06:11
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esaymok I got it.  I dragged my /home folder onto the bar then renamed it to /root/06:11
Roadrunner1985no problem esaym06:11
esaymio-slave I have seen that somewherer before06:11
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esaymmaybe search the forum?06:11
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Roadrunner1985esaym: try it out ;)06:12
revolution27i'll try the forum :(06:12
revolution27oh wait i can't use konquerer lol... fires up firefox06:13
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esaymah man this shortcut is nice :)06:15
esaymany good kubuntu forums?06:15
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Roadrunner1985esaym: i know. a shortcut is a nice thing xD06:15
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Roadrunner1985esaym: http://kubuntuforums.net/06:16
claydohesaym: http:kubuntuforums.net06:16
revolution27any one have any idea about this error for konqueror?06:16
revolution27Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:06:16
revolution27 klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'.06:16
claydohtho there is a lot of Kubuntu content on ubuntuforums06:16
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basstichGood day, eh - I have a 'STALL' question - when transfering files from hd to sdcard, it starts off at blazing speed - and then STALLS...06:18
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claydohrevolution27: you can try reinstalling the package 'kdelibs'06:19
claydohlots of ggole hits on the error, but no realm answers06:19
revolution27yeh i searched... alot of stuff in other languages06:20
revolution27any idae what would cause this to happen?06:20
claydohbasstich: probably it first creates the directories (fast) then copies the files (slower)06:21
esaymhttp://kubuntuforums.net/ <-- seems kinda liek a small community06:21
esaymnot too much info06:21
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esaymbetter then nothing I guess06:22
claydohya, but I like it there06:22
revolution27kubuntu has been giving me soo much trouble lately06:22
basstichanyone help with file transfer stalls?06:22
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revolution27claydoh said <claydoh> basstich: probably it first creates the directories (fast) then copies the files (slower)06:23
claydohbut he did say stalls, which i just realized means it isn't copying ;(06:23
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basstichit copies small files.. no problem06:23
claydohtho sometimes it for me says "stalled" but it is still transferring06:23
basstichbut BIG files start... then slow... then stalls06:23
basstichclaydoh - it eventually quits.06:24
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claydohnever had that happen to me unfortunately06:24
basstichI'm relatively new to linux - but as everything else works great, I'm sure it is a buffer setting06:24
revolution27nothing is working great for me :(06:25
claydohrevolution27: what version you run?06:25
basstichhow about on a 1 GB + file?06:25
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revolution27wow it really is giving me problems... i can't even open adept06:29
revolution27i better re-start06:29
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luhi'm trying to get a microphone running - it's definetely correctly hooked - because i hear a noise when i put it on and when i put it off again06:37
luhwhat do i have to do that i really get input06:37
luhand can use it in skype for example as well?06:37
[GuS] Hi people!!! I'm having some problems in Kubuntu edgy since i've upgraded from Dapper... in the xkb configuration (inside Systemsettings) i have this, none keyboars/language to choose: http://www.lnxteam.org/downloads/pub/pics/kubuntu/xkb-problem.png06:38
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revolution27i rebooted and everything's fine but when i drag a window it moves very slow.... what could that be? my screen refresh rate?i don't think so06:38
hoodyhi there ... got trouble with my bcm431o wifi card ... i got it working with ndiswrapper and i can connect to networks using iwconfig ... now i wanna use knetworkmanager but it doesn't show up any devices06:39
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hoodyrevolution27 did u install any graphicdrivers?06:42
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LynoureHow I can  change the background color for inactive items in Kasbar? It shows background color as black in the settings but actually it is dark grey, and changing the black into something does not do anything06:45
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hassan2asalut tout le monde06:49
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hassan2ahi all06:50
hassan2ac'est nul ya personne ^^06:51
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hassan2asalut milian06:53
Fir3Ligthhassan2a tape /join #kubuntu-fr06:53
hassan2apourquoi ?06:54
Fir3Ligthparce que ici on parle anglais06:54
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Fir3Ligthmerci de ta comprhension hassan2a :=)06:55
hassan2aparlons anglais alors :D06:55
TheGateKeeperwhat is the package called that has the KDE headers?06:56
Theorykdelibs4-dev ?06:56
TheGateKeeperTheory: found that one thanx, installing now...06:57
hoodykde4 is still beta?!06:58
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tsdgeoshoody: no06:58
tsdgeoskde4 is still alpha06:59
tsdgeosor pre-alpha06:59
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hoodydoesn't matter although isn't final07:00
TheGateKeeperin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. <-- this what I have got, kdelibs says it doesn't have any development files, so what do you think I need?07:01
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TheGateKeeperhoody: you sure kdelibs is what I need?07:02
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hoodymaybe kdebase-dev07:03
ganohi all07:03
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hoodykdebase-dev or kdelibs i'm not quite sure07:03
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ganowhen i dowload kubuntu it capacity=515 and the capacity in website=699.99 i don t know what is difference?07:05
ganoany body know07:05
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ganoplease help07:06
Theorygano: are you talking about the iso image?07:06
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Schuenemannis there a bug with de desktop auto-align?07:07
Schuenemannthe desktop*07:07
TheGateKeeperthanx hoody that was the one I needed :-)07:07
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ganoi don t understand what do you mean?07:07
SchuenemannI mean it's not working07:07
hassan2athere isn't difference07:07
hoodyanybody in here familiar with knetworkmanager?07:08
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ganois the linux better than windows?07:10
Schuenemannbetter is relative07:10
hoodyif you wanna play ... NO07:10
Kr4t05gano: In some ways, yes, in other ways, no.07:10
Schuenemannhoody: how about cedega?07:11
ganobetter in what?07:11
Kr4t05gano: If you want a secure, stable system that you can form around yourself, then yes.07:11
hoodyhaven't used it ... but i know that not all games are working with it07:11
Schuenemannit's free07:11
ganoand not better in what?07:11
hoodyand i guess performance isn't that good07:11
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Kr4t05If you want to play the latest games and you want to be able to have everything done point-and-click, then no.07:12
Schuenemannyour probably very used to some programs that you won't find out in linux07:12
Kr4t05gano: There are many things that you have to do from a terminal (Think DOS-Prompt).07:12
Schuenemannwhich isn't linux's fault, of course07:12
ganohassan:from where?07:12
Schuenemannis there a bug with de desktop auto-align?07:13
Schuenemannis there a bug with the desktop auto-align?*07:13
hoodyi don't think so07:13
hoodyworks fine for me07:13
SchuenemannI believe it used to work for me too07:13
SchuenemannI just noticed today that it's not working07:14
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hassan2ahello all07:16
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ganofrom where you?07:16
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BrianSteffensis anything special needed (like a special driver install) to use raids in *buntu?07:42
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matthew_!raid | BrianSteffens07:44
ubotuBrianSteffens: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:44
BrianSteffensmatthew_ ty, trying to help a friend07:44
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matthew_BrianSteffens, cool...I know nothing about RAID's ...just enough to do a little ! before the word in question...lol07:45
coreymon77ya, that usually works07:45
coreymon77oh watch this07:46
coreymon77!seen anything07:46
ubotuI haven't seen anything recently07:46
BrianSteffensmatthew_ yeah i know absolutely nothing.. my friend says his raids are conflicting on the hda/hdb/etc devices and swapping around a bit and messing with his boot lol07:46
coreymon77poor blind bot!07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
coreymon77dumb bot07:46
coreymon77heres a snack dumbo!07:46
matthew_very helpful though07:46
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coreymon77speaking of which07:47
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coreymon77i gotta go each lunch now07:47
coreymon77im hungry!07:48
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pwn4tt4ckhere is a general question: should ten year olds be allowed on the internet without supervision and allowed to roam through chatrooms07:53
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coreymon77pwn4tt4ck: i personally am against those child internet blocker program things07:53
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coreymon77and depending on what chatrooms you are talkinga bout, sure07:54
pwn4tt4ckcoreymon77: so you think kids should be allowed to roam all through the internet and chatrooms without supervision?07:54
coreymon77this chatroom for example, is perfectly fine07:54
coreymon77heres the problem pwn4tt4ck07:55
pwn4tt4ckcoreymon77: I dont think they should have those blocker progs, I'm against that too, but I think mom or dad should at least be sitting there supervising07:55
coreymon77they could07:55
coreymon77but heres the problem07:55
coreymon77once the parents stop supervising and the kdis are allowed to finally roam free07:55
coreymon77they wil be overwhelmed with all the things that they where protected from earlier07:56
coreymon77and will be more tempted to do them07:56
pwn4tt4ckright, so lets go ahead and expose them to it at ten07:56
pwn4tt4ckat least when they're older, say sixteen, they can handle it07:56
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coreymon77okay, that is jsut rediculou07:57
pwn4tt4ckor will know partly how to process it07:57
coreymon77you dont have to supervise internet use until they are 1607:57
pwn4tt4ckcoreymon77: I just watched a ten year old girl go into a chatroom full of hackers and get eaten alived07:57
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coreymon77just do it gradually07:57
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coreymon77now im gonna go eat07:58
pwn4tt4ckI agree, but giving a kid the internet at ten years old, all of it, with no supervision, is a pretty bad idea07:58
coreymon77maybe so07:58
coreymon77just dont be too protective07:58
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pwn4tt4ckOh I agree, but you cant be too unprotective, either, make sense?07:58
pwn4tt4ckok go eat07:58
coreymon77and do not install blocker programs and the like07:58
pwn4tt4ckI dont want to keep you07:58
fdovingpwn4tt4ck: my personal opinoin is that kids should have moral/ethic internet rules, not filters or programs 'watching' them.07:59
yogiHello... is it necessary to register the gstreamer in Edgy?07:59
pwn4tt4ckbut I think until they're old enough to understand what is right and wrong on their own, mom and dad should supervise07:59
coreymon77that just encourages and tempts kids to learn how to hack through them07:59
fdovingpwn4tt4ck: i agree.07:59
yogiHello... is it necessary to register the gstreamer in Edgy?07:59
pwn4tt4ckyeah, I did hack the life out of my aol07:59
fdovingyogi: what do you mean register? can you explain your problem more in detail?08:00
coreymon77putting too many parental controls just encourages hacking08:00
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coreymon77go ahead, supervise, but be careful not to do it too much08:00
pwn4tt4ckcoreymon77: you cant hack mom and dad. I'm not talking about programs I'm talking about REAL parental supervision. mom and dad standing over their shoulder watching. And as they get older, mom and dad give them more freedom, more alone time with the net08:00
yogifdoving: In Dapper one has to issue 'gst-register-0.8' to register all the gstreamer stuff.  There is no command in Edgy for that08:00
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pwn4tt4ckkgo eat08:01
fdovingpwn4tt4ck, coreymon77 and myself, the topic is for #kubuntu-offtopic, really :)08:01
coreymon77food time08:01
pwn4tt4ckI know, it was dead so I figured it wouldnt be a problem, but when tech support comes I quit, or try to :D08:01
fdovingyogi: ah.. sorry, i don't know anything about gstreamer. maybe someone else here does.08:02
yogifdoving: Hope so... thanks.08:02
yogiHave a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :-)08:02
fdovingthanks, you too :)08:02
pwn4tt4ckfdoving: I have a question, when I log into a chat it says (n=remy@blahblahblah.nc.res.rr.com) and gives away my name, state, and server, how can I change that or hide it?08:02
pwn4tt4ckyogi: you too!08:03
yogiThanks, pwn4tt4ck!!08:03
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yogipwn4tt4ck: Do YOU know anything about gstreamer??08:03
pwn4tt4ckyogi: sorry mate, I do not08:03
yogipwn4tt4ck: K... THanks!08:04
yogiWonder if it is too soon to GOOGLE for Edgy.08:05
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yogigarruda: Do you know anything about gstreamer setup?08:06
yogigarruda: ...for Edgy?08:06
yogiLOL... ran HIM off...08:06
pwn4tt4ckfdoving: did you get my question earlier?08:06
pwn4tt4ckyogi: how did you manage that?08:07
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fdoving!cloak | pwn4tt4ck08:12
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ubotupwn4tt4ck: Tor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks08:12
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secleinterdoes anyone know where the "system icons" folder is? i'm talking about the collection of icons you can pick from by default when you go to change the icon of a folder, etc.08:15
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aseigosecleinter: depends on your icon theme.. they are all in `kde-config --prefix`/share/icons08:16
secleinterdoes that mean /usr/share/icons?08:17
secleintermy icon theme location is /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg08:17
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secleinteraseigo: also, how do i get to "kde-config --prefix"?08:18
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aseigosecleinter: on kubuntu that's /usr08:18
aseigosecleinter: if you run that from a konsole on any system with kde on it it'll tell you where kde files were told to be installed to08:19
proogwhen i log in to kubuntu 6.10, kopete keeps asking me for all my IM passwords even though i use my kde wallet - any solution?08:19
secleinteraseigo: because i'm looking for the "folder_music" icon but it doesn't show up anywhere under the "crystalsvg" folder08:19
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aseigosecleinter: yeah, crystal doesn't have one08:20
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secleinteraseigo: well that doesn't make sense, because when i go to any folder and go to the properties, one of the available icons under the default "System Icons" directory is "folder_music"08:21
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yogipwn4tt4ck: unknown. LOL08:22
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yogipwn4tt4ck: Just asked about gstreamer... ;-)08:23
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matthew_I like gstreamer...yogi, are you having trouble w/ it?08:25
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hassan2aslt tlm08:32
yogimatthew_: I am wondering about gstreamer w/Edgy.  There is NO 'gst-register' command available.08:32
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pwn4tt4ckyogi:  I thought matthew_ asked that lol. I was about to be like, "omg talk to yogi!!"08:33
yogimatthew_:Dapper required that command and it is not available on Edgy.  Wondering if it is necessary.08:33
yogipwn4tt4ck: LOL08:33
pwn4tt4ckyogi: have you tried w/o it?08:33
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pwn4tt4ckyogi: try doing what you need to do without the register com and see if it works :D08:33
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pwn4tt4ckyogi: if they don't have it, chances are they dont need it :D08:34
yogipwn4tt4ck: Okay... and I hope you are correct.  I do not REMEMBER what I did that caused the errors on Dapper.  Too long ago. lol08:34
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yogipwn4tt4ck:Tried 'dist-upgrading' Dapper and ended up w/busted Firefox, and 33 pkgs held bak. :-(08:35
M06wis there any way i can change the home page of firefox with out actualy opening firefox08:35
yogipwn4tt4ck:So.... I reluctantly did a virgin installation w/o b0rking the Dapper.08:35
pwn4tt4ckM06w: why wouldnt you want to open firefox?08:36
pwn4tt4ckM06w: you can probably go into the config files and change it, let me look that up for you08:36
M06wreason i cant open it is becuase i installed adobe flash and now yahoo (my home page) causes it to poof out of existance upon load08:37
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pwn4tt4ckM06w: /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/ look around in there08:40
pwn4tt4ckM06w: there should be a file that has the homepage in it, just change that and save08:40
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pwn4tt4ckM06w: I cant find the file personally though, cause I havent poked around enough08:40
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M06wok, and would you happen to know how i go about uninstalling adobe flash?08:42
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Captain_HaddockM06w: How did you install it?08:43
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pwn4tt4ckI'm gonna idle08:44
M06wi went to a page that needed to install it, got the bar saying it needed to install a plugin, and clicked ok untill it said it was done08:44
M06wthis page was pandora.com if it matters08:45
marianodoes anyone know where the boot loader  contents are located08:46
Captain_Haddockwell, you can change your homepage from the .mozilla directory in your home directory08:46
fdovingwrong window.08:46
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Captain_HaddockM06w: you can do something like grep -Rin "google" * in there08:47
Captain_Haddockwhich should point you to the right file08:47
M06wgrep -Rin "google" *?08:47
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Captain_Haddock(if google is your homepage)08:48
=== Captain_Haddock checks.
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Captain_HaddockM06w: ~/.mozilla/firefox/4tfcyqzs.default/prefs.js is where it is set in my directory08:49
Captain_HaddockThe 4t... is all random08:49
Captain_Haddockand will be different in your box.08:49
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hassan2ahello. i want learn englisg :D08:49
Schuenemannis there any way of turning katapult's animation off? it's too slow for me08:50
hassan2acan you help me for learn english ? :D08:50
Schuenemannhassan2a: english classes might help08:50
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hassan2aSchuenemann:  i didn't understand sorry08:52
Schuenemannyou should look for english classes, not a linux IRC channel08:53
LINUXHIGHhello everyone08:53
Captain_HaddockHow do I get a script to be run on boot?08:53
Captain_HaddockI think I've to add it in one of those rc.d directories..08:53
Captain_Haddockbut which one?08:53
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New2disWorldcan someone help me08:54
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New2disWorldi am trying copy a cd in linux using k3b08:54
hassan2ai don't understand "should look for"08:54
New2disWorldand it error out08:54
SchuenemannNew2disWorld: protected cd, maybe?08:54
Captain_Haddockhassan2a: try another channel.. likely in another network, like EFNet.08:54
M06wis there any way i can uninstall konqueror with out uninstalling kde08:54
Schuenemannwhat is the error?08:55
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hassan2aanother  channel = ubuntu-fr for exemple ?08:55
Schuenemanndude, you are not going to learn english in an IRC channel08:56
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hassan2awhy ?08:56
Schuenemannwhat do you think?08:56
hassan2ayou speaking english in this channel it's for this08:56
Schuenemannif learning a foreign language is so easy, I want to learn french then08:56
M06wthe internet does not speak english08:57
hassan2aeuh a french is very diffucul langage08:57
Schuenemannhassan2a: then find a chat channel, it's better08:57
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M06whassan, have you memorized the english alphabet yet?08:57
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Schuenemanndoes it need memorization?08:58
M06wi would think so08:58
hassan2ayes Mo6w08:58
M06wthen all you need to do is go read a dictionary08:58
hassan2ayes a have a dctionary for learn08:59
hassan2abut i prefer speak whit boys and girls08:59
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M06ware you calling me white?!08:59
hassan2awhite is an color09:00
M06wthems fighting words in my locale09:00
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:00
Schuenemannmc__: thanks09:00
mc__Schuenemann: np09:00
New2disWorldit says error in red09:00
katakombiis anybody used to launchpad?09:00
New2disWorldelapsed time09:01
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mc__katakombi: whats your problem?09:02
New2disWorldcan someone help me with this issue09:03
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hassan2awho has KDE ??09:03
New2disWorldi am running kde09:04
katakombimc__ i've registered and posted an specification for feisty09:04
katakombibut no replies so far09:04
New2disWorldit says unable to eject  media09:04
mc__katakombi: so whats your problem?09:04
New2disWorldi am trying to copy a cd09:04
katakombii don't know whom to address with feature requests09:04
hassan2acan you help me  ?09:04
New2disWorldit read the source cd fine but error09:05
New2disWorldunable to eject media09:05
hassan2amy adept manager is in english but me i want it in french.09:05
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New2disWorldcan anyone help09:07
katakombiNew2disWorld  - what are you trying to do?09:09
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New2disWorldI want to copy an audio cd with k3b under kubuntu.09:11
New2disWorldSo I click copy cd in k3b. Then I put in the audio cd. I click start.09:11
New2disWorldThen K3b starts reading the audio cd.09:11
New2disWorldAt 50%, when reading is complete, k3b should eject the audio cd for me to put in an empty cd-r. That's when I get the error message "unable to eject media".09:11
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New2disWorldKatakombi - what do you think09:13
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katakombiif k3b cannot eject media then most likely some other process is still blocking it09:13
katakombitry in konsole 'lsof | grep /dev/cdrom' and see what it's telling you09:13
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Schuenemannis there any way of turning katapult's animation off?09:15
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New2disWorldKatakombi-->  it is waiting for something09:18
New2disWorldkatakombi-  once i type the command.  I get this >09:18
katakombiso there is no process blokcing it09:18
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katakombior your device uses another name09:19
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katakombi(which is unlikely)09:19
katakombican you cancel k3b?09:19
New2disWorldi did09:19
katakombiand still no eject possible?09:19
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katakombisometimes in a konsole 'sudo eject /dev/cdrom' helped me09:20
katakombibut as i told you there must be a process running which still accesses the cdrom09:21
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DeathDealerneed help with resolution connecting to a 56in hdtv09:27
DeathDealercan anyone help09:27
LeeJunFanNew2disWorld: fuser -m /dev/cdrom should tell you the pid of what's using your CD-ROM.09:28
LeeJunFanfuser -k /dev/cdrom should kill whatever proc is using it.09:29
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New2disWorldkatakombi-  i think that i may find the problem.  it is a permission issue09:30
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New2disWorldi am in the process of burning the cd again.   i will let you know09:31
DeathDealerdoes anyone know how to do this ?09:31
DeathDealerI really want to be able to play hi-def movies on my tv09:31
DeathDealerwith out the need for a 400 player09:31
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arekpierwszy raz jestem tutaj...., jest tutaj kto? Kto w ogle widzi co ja pisz?09:57
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areko, dziki Ci czowieku...., bo ju mylaem, e co nie tak zrobiem....10:00
Scokbut you know you should use english10:00
arekok...., thank you:)10:00
archangel_is that russian?10:01
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archangel_it looks slovic10:02
Scokno its polish10:02
arekI have benn never here before..., so sorry for not use English...10:03
archangel_my grandparents spoke yiddish, that as far as I can go10:03
archangel_thats fine arek10:03
arekThank you:)10:04
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Schuenemann!pl | arek10:07
ubotuarek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:07
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arekThank you ubotu:) I am going to read it10:08
stefanhello :)10:08
Schuenemannarek: ubotu is a bot10:09
arek:) Thank you..., I see that I have to learn how to chat correctly10:10
archangel_a bot that can type................... sweet!!10:10
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marxi need some help please10:11
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:11
marxi finised installing kubumtu 1 hour ago and now i have problems with sudo10:11
marxi try to do apt-get update10:12
LeeJunFanmarx: you did something to your system time?10:12
marxand its asking once sudo pw, i but same as my user have10:12
marxmy sistem time?10:12
LeeJunFanmarx: nevermind, different problem.10:12
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marxok after puting password it seems to be ok10:13
marxand try to make again update10:13
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marxbu nothing hapend10:13
marxi just gived me new line and thats it10:14
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marxand when i try to use some programs as root user they wount start10:14
marxif someone can help me please write me private10:15
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LeeJunFanmarx: so you are running 'sudo apt-get update' ?10:15
Schuenemannis there any way of turning katapult's animation off?10:16
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ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.10:16
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soulriderSchuenemann: katapult it installed by default on kubuntu10:17
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Schuenemannsoulrider: I want to turn off its animation10:18
marxso is there somebody, who can help me?10:19
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:20
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Schuenemann[18:23:36]  <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:23
marxi alredy read that page and nothing helped me10:23
Schuenemannwhat is your problem?10:23
marxonly way for me is to log in recovery mode, do all my installs and restart againd and login as normal user10:24
marxbut that is not very good10:24
Schuenemannso, what is your problem?10:24
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marxmaybe we can start private and I explain again10:25
marxi can not to nothind as root10:25
Schuenemannwhy not?10:25
marxi'm using sudo command but nothing happends10:25
Schuenemannsudo apt-get update?10:26
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jerpif sudo isn't working it's a sign of something seriously wrong.  it might be best to reinstall10:26
marxit gives me new line and empty line10:26
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alexandrealguem pode me informar como fao pra instalar o plugin de flash no meu navegador? Sou novo usuario de linux, versao KUBUNTU10:27
Schuenemann!br | alexandre10:27
ubotualexandre: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:27
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Schuenemann /join #ubuntu-br10:28
marxif i start terminal and first i use sudo it asking password, i but my normal user name password, it seem to be ok. and after that only thing what happends is new line10:28
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Schuenemannyou typed sudo what?10:28
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marxwhatever i tryed sudo apt-get update10:29
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marxi have tu give password, so i did that10:29
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marxand reinstall is not a really option for me, i want to fix this problem or what ever it could be10:30
kog(sorry to interrupt) Q: how do I change alt-tab so that it cycles apps on All Desktops, not just current desktop?10:31
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elvakahow can i check my FS with fsck?10:32
LeeJunFanelvaka: what kind of fs is it?10:32
LeeJunFanelvaka: is it your root fs?10:32
elvakai have it mounted on /home10:33
LeeJunFanelvaka: you need to unmount the fs first to check it.10:33
elvakaok, i did it10:33
marxseems, that no body can help me and I have to reinstall my system10:34
LeeJunFanelvaka: no just fsck.ext3 /dev/[device] 10:34
LeeJunFannow just10:34
elvaka"sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sda3" does nothing, only says "/dev/sda3: clean, 117388/26509312 files, 19412052/52996426 blocks"10:35
LeeJunFanelvaka: it thinks it doesn't need to be checked. just a sec. man fsck.ext3 - there's a force option.10:36
elvakawith -f10:36
LeeJunFanelvaka: fsck.ext3 -f /dev/sda310:36
elvakai will try it, TY10:36
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LeeJunFanmarx: sry, I've never seen that issue with sudo, a few others yeah, but not that one.10:37
LeeJunFanwell, I was going to suggest sudo -i to see if it gave root.10:37
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:39
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Schuenemannhow can I list every file/directory starting with j?10:41
Schuenemannis I use "ls j*", it lists inside directories starting with j10:41
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marxi'm back again10:42
marxi get this problem fixed10:43
marxi made reboot, loged in to recovery mode as root and just gived to root a new password10:43
marxnow everithing is working fine10:44
kogso root didnt have a pass before?10:44
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: ls -d j*10:44
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LeeJunFanSchuenemann: or find . -name "j*" -exec ls -d {} \;10:45
marxi'm not sure10:45
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Schuenemannworked, thanks10:45
=== _thomas\ [n=thomas@pD9E98DCC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
marxnow im "siting" in terminal as root user and i can do what i want, not like it was before10:45
LeeJunFanroot doesn't need a passowrd for sudo to work, and by default it doesn't have on.10:45
fdovingSchuenemann: or 'find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'j*'10:45
Schuenemannfirst form sounds simpler10:45
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LeeJunFanfdoving: oh yeah, I really didn't need the ls {} :)10:46
fdovingLeeJunFan: and you needed the -maxdepth, didn't you?10:46
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fdovingls -d is easier though.10:47
LeeJunFanI guess I just like seeing how many options I can give the command for the same output. hehe10:47
LeeJunFanfdoving: well, I didn't know if he wanted to find them all recursively.10:47
jerpyou're probably the only one that has the audacity to use root for an undetermined duration,  while sudo is adequate for all us others.10:47
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LeeJunFanjerp: sudo wasn't working for him.10:47
LeeJunFanjerp: he didn't have much choice.10:48
Schuenemanncan anyone tell me which are the arguments to update-alternatives --install ?10:48
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: have you checked the manpage?10:48
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: you'll find all the aps which have alternatives in /etc/alternatives10:48
Schuenemannand that aps is the second argument?10:49
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sivajiple tell me how to register here10:50
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: if you just want to change an existing one then you use update, install is to create new alternatives.10:50
SchuenemannI have to create one10:50
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SchuenemannI installed jdk manually10:50
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: err, sorry config is to change.10:50
harrisony1sivaji:  /msg nickserv help register10:50
SchuenemannI did it for java, javac, javadoc, etc, but forgot jaavws10:50
Schuenemannthere is only one entry for javaws10:50
JOSFWhat do I do if the Adept database got locked and I can only use Adept in Read Only mode ? (I had an error during the last install of the Sun JDK). In /var/lock there is nothing10:51
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: I don't do it often and I normally have to stumble thru it myself every time I do. I usually get the symlink and the actual name reverse or something. :)10:51
JOSFHow can I release the lock or make sure, that everything works fine ?10:51
sivaji /msg nickserv help register10:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:51
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SchuenemannLeeJunFan: the man page is a bit confusing10:52
LeeJunFanhrm, I know there's a factoid for aptlock somewhere.10:52
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SchuenemannLeeJunFan: you know what is genname?10:52
harrisony1sivaji: without the space in front10:53
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and you're left with a locked database, try typing this in a terminal (such as Konsole):  "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptlock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:53
JOSFLeeJunFan: thanks10:53
sivajitell me what to do now10:53
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sivajiharrisony ple10:54
Schuenemann/nickserv register PASSWORD10:54
Schuenemannchoose a password and do this10:54
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sivajinickser means10:54
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LeeJunFanSchuenemann: I think genname is the "generic" name like gcc10:54
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LeeJunFanSchuenemann: ie, w/o any version info.10:55
Schuenemannlike javaws10:55
harrisony1sivaji: nick serv is the nickname servece10:55
fdoving!register > sivaji10:56
malik_can some one tell me how to create a shortcut for "runfrostwire.sh" on my panel or in internet menu?....by the way its located in a directory in my home directory10:56
sivajithen y i cant communicate with others10:56
harrisony1!register | sivaji10:56
ubotusivaji: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:56
harrisony1^^ there10:56
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sivaji[505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )10:57
harrisony1!register | sivaji10:57
ubotusivaji: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:57
harrisony1go threre it tells how to register10:58
sivaji!register | sivaji10:58
sivajii cant understand i am new usr10:58
harrisony1ok do this /msg nickserv register <makeapasswordhere> eg /msg nickserv register mypassword10:58
harrisony1no spaces infront10:58
=== Rob-West is tired bbl
malik_can some one tell me how to create a shortcut for "runfrostwire.sh" on my panel or in internet menu?....by the way its located in a directory in my home directory10:59
harrisony1malik_: right click on kmenu go menu editor10:59
harrisony1and were is runfrostwire.sh located10:59
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malik_its in /home/malik/frostwire10:59
sivajimy name is registered but still i cant use y?11:00
hudsyi cant install a .deb in my kubuntu!! HOW CAN I INSTALL IT??11:00
harrisony1ok then go File>new item11:00
LeeJunFansivaji: you need to login now.11:00
harrisony1hudsy: calm down11:00
sivajihow to login11:00
sivajiwhere to login11:00
harrisony1in konsole sudo dpkg -i <packagename>11:00
LeeJunFansivaji: /msg nickserv identify [yourpassword] 11:00
hudsywhats calm down??11:00
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harrisony1hudsy: its an action chill! ok were here to help and i just told you ^^11:01
harrisony1jerp: mello11:01
jerpchill :)11:01
Schuenemannok, installing java is a pain, I admit11:01
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harrisony1Schuenemann: i just installed from the repostries11:01
Schuenemannjava 6?11:02
harrisony1errr v6 is out?? i thnk i did v511:02
harrisony1hudsy: in konsole sudo dpkg -i <packagename>11:02
Schuenemannapt-get doesn't have java 6,11:02
SchuenemannI'll take a life to do those update-alternatives -- install for everything11:02
harrisony1hmmm damn what needs java 6 anyway  i  never knew it was out11:03
SchuenemannI need java 6 :)11:03
Schuenemannbecause I work with it11:03
harrisony1http://munckfish.net/blog/archive/2006/12/15/howto-packaging-java-6-for-ubuntu/ google anybody??????11:04
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: sudo apt-get install galternatives11:04
LeeJunFangui for alternatives, never tried it myself, just found it.11:04
Schuenemannwhat does that mean?11:04
Schuenemanngui for alternatives11:04
harrisony1http://munckfish.net/blog/archive/2006/12/15/howto-packaging-java-6-for-ubuntu/ just do that11:04
gnomefreakgui for update-alternatives command11:04
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: galternatives is an app for managing alternatives via a gui.11:04
LeeJunFan!info galternatives11:04
ubotugalternatives: graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 28 kB, installed size 276 kB11:05
Schuenemannharrisony1: great, he configures "java"11:05
harrisony1:D google is your friend11:05
Schuenemannhow about javac, javaws, appletviewer, jar, rmiregistry, javadoc, etc, etc, etc, etc?11:05
SchuenemannI'll take my life to do that for each one11:05
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sivajiple some one helpme why i get incorrect password when i login11:06
SchuenemannLeeJunFan: but will that have java 6, when apt-get doesn't?11:06
Schuenemann!es | anarko11:06
ubotuanarko: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:06
SchuenemannLeeJunFan: oops sorry, I didn't read well11:06
harrisony1sivaji: mind /j #illhelpyou11:07
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anarkoayer instal kubuntu11:07
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anarkocmo ir a un canal en espaol?11:10
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:10
SchuenemannLeeJunFan: that's awesome, thanks11:11
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LeeJunFanSchuenemann: cool. I figured for something as annoying as alternatives there had to be a helper app :)11:11
Schuenemannyeah, I'd have to do for over 30 programs11:12
malik_harrisony1: oki thanx mate but now menu names have gone bonkers ........how do i them alphabeticaly?11:12
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LeeJunFanalthough I do like what alternatives accomplishes, especially if you are someone who has to frequenltly go back and forth between diff versions.11:12
harrisony1sivaji: errr lets see (its my 1st day on kde lol)11:12
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malik_i mean how do i sort them alphabetically11:12
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SchuenemannI should better create a shell script for that11:13
harrisony1malik_: arnt they auto alphabetical11:13
malik_they were but after i added the frostwire menu they have gone haywire :(11:14
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harrisony1malik_: um......ARGHH!.. i dont know if i can be any help sorry :( try look in help11:16
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malik_thats oki mate thanx any ways11:17
Bubba_Gumphow do i delete the downloaded adept programs?11:17
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malik_sudo apt-get autoremove11:17
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harrisony1errr malik_ were is install or remoce11:18
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Bubba_Gump*thanks :)11:18
Bubba_Gumpany idea also of a good firewall software?11:18
harrisony1Bubba_Gump: firestarter11:19
harrisony1!firestarter | Bubba_Gump11:19
ubotuBubba_Gump: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:19
harrisony1hmmm wait11:19
harrisony1!info firestarter | Bubba_Gump11:19
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB11:19
harrisony1it works in kde as well ive never used guarddog tho11:19
Schuenemanndo I need root to run ANY shell script?11:20
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jerpBubba_Gump: how do i delete the downloaded adept programs?   sudo apt-get autoclean  ......check the man page11:23
Lam_im trying to chmod u-x on each of my mp3/flac files, but there are directories involved and i can't do it recursively without affecting the directories as well. anyone have suggestions as to how i can do this task?11:23
harrisony1Lam_: you posted in #ubuntu as well, i doubt its possible11:24
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Lam_harrisony1: yeah, but sometimes i get more accurate help in here since #ubuntu is sometimes swamped beyond relief11:24
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harrisony1Lam_: yep! i know what you mean11:25
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freeridewhats up11:25
crimsunLam_: actually it's quite simple with find(1)11:25
harrisony1hey freeride11:25
freerideI upgraded to edgy and x wouldnt start because of some video conflict so I just re-installed dapper11:26
crimsunLam_: find /some/dir -name '*.flac' |xargs chmod u-x11:26
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crimsunLam_: find /some/dir -name '*.mp3' |xargs chmod u-x11:26
freerideI still cant get my dang screensaver to work though11:26
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crimsunLam_: note that if you're attempting this on fat32 or ntfs partitions, it's pointless11:26
Lam_yeah. ext3 for me11:26
Lam_thanks a lot11:26
freeridewhats up guys and girls11:30
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mjrclarka lack of knowledge about how to go about getting my usb mini lava lamp to come on at a specified time in the morning.11:30
Theorymy system doesn't suspend11:31
mjrclarkjust seeing if mine does11:31
freerideI'm not well educated on usb lava lamp technology11:32
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harrisony1mjrclark: that would be kinda hard11:32
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Schuenemann if someone executes a shell script like "./shell.sh arg", how do I read that arg?11:33
freerideanyone here familiar with the dapper screensaver bug?11:33
LeeJunFanTheory: will it suspend if you echo "mem" >/sys/power/state ? you'll have to sudo -i first11:33
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jamcalguien en castellano??11:33
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: you mean in the script? $111:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languages - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:34
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TheoryLeeJunFan: it's more coming out of suspend, think I know the solution, just rebuilding my kernel11:34
harrisony1i dont know my spanish!11:34
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harrisony1freeride: whats the dapper bug?11:34
mjrclarkwell it did something.. I clicked hibernate and I think it did suspend.11:34
SchuenemannLeeJunFan: thanks again11:34
LeeJunFanI don't know your spanish either.11:34
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Schuenemannharrisony1: do you have a spanish?11:35
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harrisony1Schuenemann: nup11:35
LeeJunFanno, just 5 illegal mexican's in the garden.11:35
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mjrclarkharryison, by hard do you mean literally impossible in software?11:36
harrisony1im trying to see if there is a command were it shows a whole lot of languages so i dont have to google translate 6 times11:36
Schuenemannwhat do you mean?11:36
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harrisony1mjrclark: i dont know how it would work as if you plug it in it would work so...its got to do with hardware unless you had a spare pc which you could wake up and suspend remotly which a computer could do from a shell scri[t11:37
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mjrclarkharrisony1: yes, it is a dumb usb device using only power, no chip inside it. I suspected this might be the case, but could not find anybody to confirm it.11:39
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harrisony1unless you had a spare pc (it wouldnt need a monitor or anything just a copy of ubuntu running with a few tweaks11:39
plutoI have two XFS hard drives in addition to my main ext3 linux drive. Whenever I delete something on the XFS drives, rather than it moving to the trash, it instead moves to a hidden folder on the drive called .trash. Is there a way to make it move to the trash on the main drive like it should?11:41
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mjrclarkyes, I do, but sounds easier to stick with existing alarm and just unplug the lamp to go to sleep.11:42
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draikHello everyone11:49
cntb\o draik11:50
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draikcntb hey there11:50
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draikTo everyone in the channel...11:51
draikI have an error when I boot...11:51
draikhere is the error...11:51
draikKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)11:52
tsdgeossounds bad11:52
robotgeekdraik: what OS, which architecture?11:52
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draikUsing Kubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-68611:52
draikI tried google, but it's not useful since its all LILO related and other OSs11:53
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cntbmaybe take bootable CD to check hard disk11:53
robotgeekide/sata hard drives?11:53
draikit's a laptop11:53
andreaswAnybody knows why I can't unmount devices via the Desktop Icon if I let them mount via udev?11:54
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draikMy desktop won't even go through GRUB so I just boot using the Super Grub Disk11:54
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robotgeekdraik: and this is right off the install?11:54
family_kubuntu edgy; installing local; error packages not found:  glib-2.0, gtk+-2.0, gthread:  but I think they are there as I look at the output from aptitude search11:54
draikandreasw: sudo umount /media/(device)11:54
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draikrobotgeek: Nope. I have been using this for quite some time11:55
family_(er, except for gthread)11:55
robotgeekdraik: did you get a kernel upgrade?11:55
draikfamily_ what is that about?11:55
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andreaswdraik: lol I know how to mount and unmount on the console, but should I open everytime a Console just to umount stuff?11:55
draikrobotgeek: That was a while back. I upgraded my Dapper Drake to 68611:55
family_trying to install a local from source; ./configure gives errors, but I don't understand them all11:55
paul_ /server irc.inet.tele.dk11:55
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draikandreasw: I do. I love CLI11:56
andreaswdraik: the thing is that there is a point in the context menu of the device symbol wich says: "Safly Remove"11:56
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andreaswbut it doesn't work for devices you mountet via udev it seems11:56
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robotgeekandreasw: AFAIK, all these devices are mounted via udev, no?11:56
draikandreasw: When I "safely remove" on my USB dev's, it's never been an issue for me.11:56
andreaswdraik: but for me it is11:56
draikAre you sure that everything is done being saved?11:56
intelikeycan some body dirrect me to setting up a printer in kde ?11:57
andreaswdraik: a umount /dev/foo works11:57
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:57
andreaswbut not with Safly Remove11:57
draikintelikey: You need help???11:57
andreaswShouldn't do Safly Remove the same like umount?11:57
LeeJunFanandreasw: you could also open konqueror and go to media:/ to unmount. Which I have to do once in a while when safely remove isn't available from the menu.11:57
intelikeydraik yeah something isn't working right here.11:57
draikintelikey: I look up to you for answers11:57
andreaswrobotgeek: I created my own udev rule so it is always mountet to the same mounting point and so on11:57
draikintelikey: My hero has fallen :(11:57
intelikeydraik never under estimate anyone's stupidity.11:58
robotgeekHeroes also read man pages11:58
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andreaswLeeJunFan: that would be the same work like alt + f2 umount /media/foo ;)11:58
LeeJunFanandreasw: you don't have to do that any more with edgy, it will create /media/[disklabel] 11:58
=== robotgeek thinks that should go in a song, lol
LeeJunFanandreasw: true.11:58
draikintelikey is my man(ual)11:58
foobni have an existing ubuntu/swap partition that i want to overwrite with kubuntu. do i have to delete and recreate those partitions or can i get away with just formatting my existing ext3 partition and installing kubuntu on it?11:58
andreaswLeeJunFan: the thing is that I have "Safly Remove" in the context menu but it just don't work for me with hat device11:58
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draikrobotgeek: any clues regarding my kernel issue?11:59
felipe__Hello, I can't install sun java from adept, I need to hit ok in the console that adept shows, but I can't do it11:59
intelikeydraik nough already.   :)11:59
LeeJunFanandreasw: but umount always does? nothing else is using the device?11:59
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robotgeekdraik: maybe you can revert to the older kernel while booting from grub11:59
DaSkreechfelipe__: Do it from the Konsole11:59
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draikfelipe__: you need to show details and then move your arrow keys till you get to the "OK" and hit enter11:59
andreaswLeeJunFan: yep umount does work. Safly Remove seems to do nothing12:00
draikrobotgeek: I have attempted that, but they are all having the same issue12:00
LeeJunFanintelikey: as per our discussion on symlinking /etc/mtab. I found a patch for util-linux which fixes mount for just that purpose. Lamely it was given to the mount maintainer years ago, he said he would work it into mount, but never did.12:00
robotgeekdraik: even your older kernel, weird12:00
draikI can boot into winxp, but that doesn't accomplish anything12:00
felipe__draik: I don't get any feedback when I hit the keys12:00
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andreaswSeems buggy to me12:00
draikfelipe__: follow DaSkreech's instructions12:00
LeeJunFanintelikey: so I'm either going to compile my own mount, or go with your sudo solution.12:00
ConstyXIVwould anyone be able to tell me if MTP music players (sansa, zen, etc), work in amarok?12:00
draikConstyXIV: I have a ZEN and it works for me12:01
DaSkreechfelipe__: You are going to have to kill adept12:01
andreaswMaybe I should make a bugreport and have it fixed in 1-3 years like my last bug I reported ;)12:01
felipe__DaSkreech: how do I kill it?12:01
ConstyXIVdraik: ok, thanks12:01
DaSkreechPress the x?12:01
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draikConstyXIV: np12:01
LeeJunFanwhew, nothing more fun than waiting for trash to empty in kmail imap when there's 10k messages in there.12:02
DaSkreechpress Alt+Space and type konsole12:02
felipe__DaSkreech: I'm already on the console12:02
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DaSkreechLeeJunFan: Viva la Attachments!12:02
draikDaSkreech: What is that? ALT+[SPACE] ?12:02
DaSkreechfelipe__: Press it :)12:02
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draikI am used to ALT+F212:02
cntbtrying to define saned acording to http://penguin-breeder.org/sane/saned/ and /or http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/13/175123412:02
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DaSkreechdraik: try Alt+Space ;-)12:03
draikI did12:03
alexandreOl pessoal12:03
DaSkreechfelipe__: You have adept closed?12:03
felipe__DaSkreech: I already force quit adept12:03
DaSkreechdraik: Type the name of some application12:03
draikDaSkreech: I did. What is the name of what I'm seeing?12:03
alexandrealguem sabe como posso baixar um programa estilo limeware? ou kaazar?12:03
DaSkreechdraik: katapult12:03
LeeJunFandraik: katapult12:03
alexandree onde baixo?12:03
cntbAlt+Space is the katapult draik12:03
andreaswDaSkreech: really nice I also knew that ;)12:03
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:03
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.12:03
intelikeyLeeJunFan kewl.   glad to hear the update.   let me know how it works out.    i implemented the u/mount wraper on a box sever months ago for an elderly lady who has no business trying to learn about computers  but insists on doing email/printing and digital camera printing.     it works for her...    ;/12:03
draikThank you DaSkreech, LeeJunFan and cntb12:03
DaSkreechandreasw: Have you tried it as a calculator?12:03
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DaSkreechfelipe__: Ok in konsole type sudo apt-get -a --configure12:04
DaSkreechfelipe__: Wait12:04
andreaswDaSkreech: I just discovered it via alt + space ^^12:04
DaSkreechIt's sudo dpkg -a --configure12:04
DaSkreechandreasw: Very cool app I wish they could get some developers12:04
felipe__dpkg: status database area is locked by another process12:05
DaSkreechfelipe__: You have no other apt-get or adept running?12:05
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cntbatt. ! trying to define saned according to http://penguin-breeder.org/sane/saned/ and /or http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/13/175123412:05
cntband how do I know saned is up12:06
cntbin kde12:06
felipe__DaSkreech: Not that I can see. but It could still be running although the window is gone12:06
DaSkreechfelipe__: lets find out12:06
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andreaswDaSkreech: but how can I play a song from my media lib12:06
robotgeekcntb: ps -ef | grep sane12:06
DaSkreechfelipe__: type in konsole ps aux | grep adept12:06
andreaswDaSkreech: just searched for one, pressed enter but nothing happened12:06
felipe__ps aux | grep adept12:06
foobnif i have an existing swap partition is it ok to keep using it as it was from my last linux install, or should i delete it or format it before installing a new linux distro?12:06
DaSkreechandreasw: Do you have amarok open?12:06
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cntbtrying that robotgeek12:07
DaSkreechandreasw: Of course otherwise the songs wouldn't turn up :)12:07
andreaswDaSkreech: ah ok I saw that it added the song to the end of the playlist12:07
felipe__DaSkreech: yup it seem de updater is running12:07
DaSkreechfelipe__: Kill it :12:07
andreaswDaSkreech: but can I change it so it starts playing the selected song at once?12:07
cntbrobotgeek: sane not there12:07
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felipe__DaSkreech: How can I kill it?12:08
DaSkreechandreasw: Not sure. Press Alt+space then Ctrl+C12:08
DaSkreechfelipe__: Does it have a PID number?12:08
foobnare my questions too hard? :P12:08
cntbfedora has system-config-services what is in kubuntu?12:08
felipe__DaSkreech: there are like three columns that could be the pid12:08
DaSkreechfoobn: Missed them what are they?12:08
robotgeekcntb: /etc/init.d/saned restart, maybe12:08
harrisony1foobn: what way yout question12:08
draikso nobody knows what that means?12:08
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draikKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)12:08
foobnif i have an existing swap partition is it ok to keep using it as it was from my last linux install, or should i delete it or format it before installing a new linux distro?12:09
harrisony1foobn: leave the swap partition12:09
foobnk, thanks12:09
robotgeekdraik: i dont know why you should have that issue on your older kernel too12:09
harrisony1linux swap is linux swap12:09
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draikrobotgeek: I don't know either, but that's what I'm getting12:09
DaSkreechfoobn: Yes it is12:09
DaSkreechfelipe__: Erm I think the first one is the PID12:10
foobnharrisony1: what about my existing ext3 partition that has ubuntu on it, can i just format it and install kubuntu on it too?12:10
felipe__DaSkreech: kill -p pid?12:10
intelikeydraik means your initramfs.img is not loading the driver for the fs or the device.    or.  your /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/device* is misconfigured.12:10
DaSkreechfelipe__: sudo it since it's a root thread12:10
draikintelikey: How do I fix this issue?12:10
DaSkreechfoobn: If you don't mind losing everything on it12:10
draikOnline forums didn't do anything to explain it for GRUB, only LILO12:10
harrisony1foobn: if you want kde/kubuntu do this in ubuntu sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop12:11
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cntbBecause of the way it operates, xinetd (as well as inetd) is also referred to as a super-server.12:11
DaSkreechfoobn: There is an esier (though longer) way12:11
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harrisony1and press f12 at the log in screen to choose kde or gnome, i just installed kde this morning12:11
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intelikeydraik read up on grub and then at the boot prompt hit [esc]   and  manually select the correct device as the root partition   then boot.12:11
draikintelikey: I don't understand why it's saying (0,0) if it's (0,4) as my root12:12
intelikeydraik if that still gives the same error.  then rebuild the initramfs.img (maybe named initrd.img-*)   and try again.       but if it did work then fix the boot/grub/<file> that is messed.12:12

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