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nixternalJucato: that guy rob west in #kubuntu, him and i are in msg, he is from the same town, a very small town...he is giving me the scoop on my old stomping grounds07:18
Jucatonixternal: ooh that's nice. it's always nice to discover a fellow Linux user, much more a Kubuntu user, who lives nearby07:18
nixternalwell, i don't live near there anymore, but all of my family does07:19
nixternali am in chicago now, about 2.5 hours from him, still nto that far07:19
=== orkid [n=orkid@bas1-barrie18-1242381321.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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froudRiddell: anyone installing KDE 4 should best look at http://developer.kde.org/build/trunk.html and http://developernew.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Unstable_Version11:13
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RiddellLure: slovenia is changing to the euro?04:21
tomaRiddell: according to a thread on kde-i18n, it is04:22
Riddelldid they tell the EU I wonder04:22
tomaso I can throw away my Tolars ;-)04:22
tomawhich were worthless anyhow probably04:23
tomaRiddell: yes they did tell them: http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm04:24
=== Riddell finds http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/5169086.stm
tomawhat about romania then?04:25
Riddellthey're not in the EU yet04:25
Riddellnot for another few hours anyway04:25
Riddell"Ireland's national language will get official status in the EU on 1 January 2007"  ooh, squillions of documents translated into a language nobody can understand :)04:26
tomaso romania joins, but does not change currency?04:26
mhbwell, yes04:26
mhbit is common to join and have your own currenc04:27
=== toma lacks memory to store those facts
mhball the newer EU members have their own currency, slovenia is the first one to get the Euro04:27
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mhbby the way, happy New Year to all of you and Kubuntu04:30
tomamhb: the same to you !04:31
mhbone more thing from me: can we do a nicer volume up / volume down pop-up when using the laptop keys? Do you know where the current widget is set up?04:38
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ryanakcaoooh... *always wanted to learn gaelic... that language that squillions of documents will be translated into, and that nobody can understand*05:22
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LureRiddell: yes - tonight ;-)05:59
Lurehappy new year to kubuntu team members06:00
=== Lure I am off for party now
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nixternalmy new toy -> http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/sys/255601339.html08:20
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-196-156.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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