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klepaskwwii: ping03:12
kwwiiklepas: hi03:12
klepaswhat's going to happen in regard to 1px borders on the 16x & 22px icons in Oxygen?03:13
kwwiiklepas: not much, I guess03:13
klepasi'm out of the loop in regards to Oxygen, figured i'd ask you rather than pop a possibly stupid question over the ml03:13
klepasso no 1px borders?03:13
kwwiiwell, we are thinking about it, but it nothing has been decided yet03:13
kwwiiI am not sure whether it will happen or not03:14
kwwiiwhen we started the set, we have black borders around them03:14
kwwiiand then we removed them03:14
kwwiiso going back to using them might take a while03:14
kwwiianyway, we are thinking about not using 16x16 icons anymore03:14
klepasalthough you probably know this, they don't need to be black :-)03:15
klepasno 16px icons?03:15
kwwiiif it were to happen, I guess we would add a very light border03:15
=== klepas uses only 16px icons
klepasother than for folders in a file browser03:15
kwwiiwe would still make them, for certain things03:15
klepasi use 16px desktop wide03:16
kwwiibut in general they would no longer be used in most thing03:16
klepasmaximizes working space03:16
kwwiihow big is your monitor?03:16
klepasi find it brilliant03:16
kwwiiwell, in kde4 we are moving one size up for almost everything03:16
klepasi know all the icons, where what is and what they do mostly off by heart for the apps i use the most03:17
klepaswhat prompted that?03:17
=== klepas considers a bid to stop the destruction of the 16px icon under KDE
kwwiiwe had a long discussion - but nothing is certain yet03:17
kwwiiwe will still have and use 16px icons03:17
kwwiibut not per defualt03:17
kwwiiwell, a few will always be needed per defualt03:18
mhbkwwii: how big your monitor must be in order to ditch 16^2 icons?03:18
kwwiimhb: that is not really the point, I was just wondering if he had a small monitor since he said he like to maximize the space03:18
klepasif i was on a 1920x1200 i'd still do what i do now03:19
kwwiimainly, 16px icons are used for menus and in the filebrowser03:19
klepasi love it03:19
klepasthose are, i find, still normally 22px at minimum by default under KDE and GNOME03:19
kwwiiso until now the biggest change is that we want to use 22x22 in the menus03:19
klepashave you guys mocked up Konq's interface with those?03:20
kwwiiactually, there is little difference in size of the menus because we are changing the spacing as well03:20
klepasi think seeing some potential shots of how it would look like are (a) good (turnoff)03:20
kwwiiwe have test code which we changed and it works and looks nice03:20
klepaswhat about the text?03:21
klepasare you going to increase the default desktop font size too?03:21
kwwiithe text stays the same03:21
klepasthat's quite weird... then with the suddenly larger icons?03:21
kwwiibasically in the menus we reduced the spacing around the icons03:21
klepasso now they are more cluttered?03:22
kwwiiagain, none of this is "decided" only in testing03:22
klepassorry, i'm not meaning to give you a bashing or anything -- it just seems like a strange decision that i find is unecessary03:22
kwwiithe thing is, you do not really see them as being cluttered03:22
klepasi haven't seen how it all looks like with the changes being proposed but although it personally sounds not like an improvement, i can't see it's purpose03:23
kwwiilook at osx and see how many 16px icons they use03:23
kwwiialmost none03:24
klepasfsck osx03:24
kwwiiit is the nicest looking dekstop around03:24
kwwiiand almost everyone agrees on that03:24
klepaslast time i checked, and i posted this on the ml recently too: no free software project should just model themselves after osx03:24
klepasunless there was dedicated to do that03:24
kwwiibut again, we'll test and test again before anything is final03:24
klepasi'd love to see some screenshots03:25
kwwiioh, we are not doing that at all...just trying to make the nicest looking desktop we can :-)03:25
klepas(by looking at what osx do and if it's pretty model it? is the question that's going around though... =\ )03:25
TheSheepactually osx is becoming old slowly03:26
kwwiionce we get that far, I am sure that there will be lots of discussion and such03:26
kwwiiTheSheep: yeah, you are right there too03:26
TheSheepit's better to be a step ahead :)03:26
klepasosx :)03:26
klepas(in it's shadows...)03:27
klepaskwwii: is there a chance you could shoot me a link to some screenshots or something of the sort?03:27
kwwiiklepas: if I had any, or had code to do it, i would, but I do not03:28
kwwiiit is a long way from reality03:29
kwwiia long, long way03:29
kwwiione dev tried it out to see how much of a problem it would be03:29
kwwiisometime in the next couple of months we will put a usability test online, which everyone can take part it03:34
klepasthere's a brilliant idea03:34
kwwiiit will help us form a good idea of what everyone thinks, not just a few artists or devs ;-)03:35
msikmaTheSheep: if you think you can be one step ahead, design-wise, of commercial systems, especially the likes of Mac OS X, then good luck.03:35
kwwiimsikma: well put03:35
kwwiiI wonder how much money apple or win puts into the design of their respective desktops03:36
msikmaI'm not saying it's impossible, but you must consider the fact that a large team of dedicated and seasoned designers have worked on it for a long time.03:36
klepasi just don't see why Mac OS X is always the one that work is being compared to03:36
TheSheepmsikma: you can rip from them and extend :)03:36
kwwiiTheSheep: but that is not really getting ahead03:36
kwwiijust going around03:36
klepasi don't doubt that Apple has spent a large sum of money on the design work... i just dislike the attitude of "it's what mac does"03:37
TheSheepmsikma: I see a problem with the fact that they are designers (artists) not cognitive psychologists and ui specialists (scientists)03:37
klepasas a justification of choices in design03:37
msikmakwwii: I think they put a lot more money in it than Microsoft. It's difficult to change the theme in Mac OS X, and you need to resort to hacks to do that. There's no alternative except making all blue look grey. They are really, really concerned with making sure people can't mess up their interface03:37
msikmaTheSheep: do you really think that Apple hasn't hired a whole team of usability experts?03:37
TheSheepmsikma: I'm pretty sure they fired a large number of them recently03:38
msikma"Pretty sure"?03:38
klepasif the designer can't justify the choice they've made without saying "it's what mac does" then there is a preblem03:38
msikmaSo that's a reason for doubting the process of a major company who puts design first? I don't find that very constructive, personally.03:38
kwwiiklepas: I was just pointing out that one of the two major desktops does it that way, not saying we want to do it like mac :-)03:39
klepaswell considering we don't know much about the insides of Apple, i think a designer shouldn't go "it's what they do, and they are very knowledgably about that they do, so i copied them"03:39
TheSheepmsikma: there are a lot of very dedicated ui design proffessionals who will gladly give hints and pointers to anyone willing to implement their ideas -- because most ui designers are kinda evangelical about good interface -- they want it done03:39
kwwiiwe are not copying them or anyone03:39
klepasit's more of a matter of "they did it" as a justification03:40
msikmaTheSheep: that's not really a reply to what I was saying.03:41
kwwiino, it is a matter of "they did it" so I guess we can test the idea we have - the implementation is totally different anyway03:41
msikmaUnless you were adding that to your statement about Apple firing UI designers.03:41
TheSheepmsikma: sorry, I don;t type as fast as you, it's a reply to your lines from 5 lines ago :)03:42
kwwiiwe have never gone further than thinking we would like to test it before03:42
msikmaAnyway, the Mac OS X interface is far from perfect.03:42
msikmaIn my opinion, there's one glaring mistake, which is the resizing of windows. I mean, why is there a 16x16 hotspot?03:43
msikmaThere are other things too. But generally, I find it a very good interface, though recently suffering from some consistency problems.03:44
kwwiimsikma: not sure if I understand you03:44
msikmakwwii: you can only resize windows in the bottom-right corner in Mac OS X.03:44
kwwiiahh, now I get it03:44
msikmaEven with the "metal" skin that implements thick window borders.03:44
kwwiiI used mac before anything else, so for me it was not very wierd03:44
msikmaI can kinda get why it was that way back on the G line of processors.03:45
msikmaIt was "just the way it was", with respect to old applications that still had to remain functional.03:45
kwwiiI think it is a matter of them trying to keep things simple to an extreme these days03:45
msikmaBut with the Intel switch, they surely could have done something to change it.03:45
msikmaMaybe. They mainly seem to be targeting switchers from Windows these days.03:46
TheSheepI've recently read the apple's HIG. All they care about is how many pixels is between this button and that border.03:46
msikmaThen it would make sense to implement proper resizing, from all sides of the window.03:46
msikmaTheSheep: HIGs are guidelines for application developers, so it's certainly no surprise that they aren't talking about their design decisions in there. That's proprietary to them.03:47
msikmaI'm pretty sure that leaking that sort of information will get you a suit based on violating trade secrets.03:48
TheSheepmsikma: but they could say "use buttons for this, tabs for that and treeview for that"03:48
TheSheepmsikma: compare it with GNOME hig or (shudder) Vista's HIG03:48
msikmaTo be honest, I haven't read those.03:49
msikmaI just briefly had a look at them.03:49
TheSheepmsikma: Vista even has a real-live examples taked from newest MS Office "this is how it shoudn't be done"03:49
msikmaI should read the Gnome guidelines. I wonder what they state.03:50
TheSheepmsikma: they make a lot of important UI decissions for you03:50
msikmaWell, that's good.03:50
TheSheepI think that too.03:50
msikmaI've seen plenty of applications with no thought put into the design at all, so if people were to simply follow such a document, then at least they can get most of it right, given that they're not /complete/ retards.03:51
TheSheepand consistent03:51
TheSheepsome decissions are arbitrary03:52
TheSheeplike the order of 'ok' and 'cancel' buttons03:52
msikmaMaybe Apple didn't put sufficient effort into their HIG because there is already a lot of design enthusiasm in the Mac community. If you make a bad-looking application on Mac OS X, you simply aren't going to get away with it unless it's a /really/ vital application.03:52
TheSheepmsikma: it seems to me that they are more concerned with looks than with usability03:53
msikmaThis is very healthy, I believe, because people aren't going to like it when they notice that their bad design is causing nobody at all to download their program.03:53
msikmaTheSheep: I find that a bold statement. I don't think that this is the case. Usability has always been an important issue for Apple designers. I don't think that they simply don't care.03:54
TheSheepmsikma: yes, but not all developers of mac apps are employees of apple -- they need a HIG that tells more than "how to make your apps look exquisite"03:55
TheSheepmsikma: I'm sure they have some internal documents for that in apple03:56
msikmaI haven't read their HIG, so I can't comment on its contents, but a lacking HIG should not imply that there aren't any other documents online that one may use for a usability reference. That's part of the Mac community, and the important applications that are developed by it are somehow always well-designed, because otherwise they simply don't get any limelight.03:57
TheSheepmsikma: I'd be very glad if you pointed me to some if you find any :)03:57
TheSheepmsikma: I'm not really into mac community, so I simply don't know where to look03:58
msikmaApple have an entire team to do formal usability tests, so there's no doubt that their internal developers will be paying that much attention to it. They just work, while others design.03:58
msikmaI've never developed a Mac program, so I don't know either.03:58
TheSheepmsikma: what I complain about is that the expert's work remains a secret of apple -- 3rd party developers are at disadvantage03:59
msikmaThat could very well be so.03:59
msikmaI'll read their HIG sometime.03:59
TheSheepit's pretty boring'04:00
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plb_anyone have problems saving svg images in gimp with gimp-svg plugin installed?05:07
plb_I can open but not save05:07
TheSheepplb_: isn't that normal?05:17
TheSheepplb_: I mean, the svg plugin *imports* the svg file as a raster05:18
TheSheepplb_: no way to convert that back into vectors05:18
TheSheepplb_: use Inkscape to edit svg files05:20
plb_Yeah, I've been trying to do that lol...never really used it before05:21
plb_I'm trying to make color variations of the ubuntu logo05:21
plb_in gimp I just adjust hue or color easily05:22
plb_inkscape I'm not really sure05:22
TheSheepwell, vector images work a litle bit differently05:23
plb_I see05:23
TheSheepplb_: I think you could overlay a colorized, half-opaque outline of the logo, for the quickest effect...05:24
plb_how do I go about that?05:24
TheSheepplb_: copy the whole logo, and sum it into a single path -- then just set a transparent, colorized background to it.05:25
plb_ok got it copied but how do I sum it to a single path05:26
TheSheepplb_: there is an option in the menu for that05:26
plb_hrm I just don't see it05:30
kwwiipath --> union05:30
kwwiibut all elements have to be ungrouped first05:30
TheSheepsorry, I thought it would be simplier05:31
kwwiiand doing it that way will only work with slight variations05:31
plb_ok let me put it this way...I just want a black ubuntu logo lol05:31
TheSheepplb_: of course *THE& way to do it is to edit the svg file with a text editor and to a substitution on the colors used :)05:31
kwwiithe "correct" way of doing it would be to select the object and then change the actual color of it05:32
kwwiifor each object which makes up the logo05:32
plb_gimp is so much easier ;] 05:32
TheSheeptext editor is faster :)05:32
kwwiibut you could select the groups and first click on "no fill" (or line) and then add a color for everything05:33
kwwiigrep is your friend :p05:33
kwwiiartwork via sed....ouch05:33
TheSheepplb_: svg is an xml format05:34
plb_forget "created by the gimp" logo...."created by sed"05:34
plb_so what are the plans for feisty in terms of art05:36
kwwiigood question05:39
kwwiiI'll stick to the easy questions :-)05:39
TheSheepI guess the most recent proposition are the amber-like shiny thingies05:42
plb_what is this05:43
TheSheepplb_: see the wiki05:44
TheSheepplb_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Feisty/Incoming05:45
TheSheepoops, sorry, wring page05:46
=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
plb_not bad05:47
plb_going for a whole different look?05:52
TheSheephttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubun2design/u2Specifications/u2Brainstorm/u2BuufFull <-- wow!05:53
plb_yeah, I saw these icons on gnome-look05:53
TheSheeplove them05:53
plb_are they going to be the default ones for feisty for something05:54
TheSheepI don't think so, they are posted as an example of organic look05:55
plb_Mark should just mattahan to do a custom ubuntu iconset if he likes them so much ;] 05:55
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mhbI guess they won't become default. Ever.05:56
TheSheepyeah, they don't scale well and have some accesibility problems :)05:56
plb_I like tango personally ;] 05:56
TheSheeptango's nice as a standard05:57
TheSheepbut pretty bleak05:57
mhbI like most of the icon sets, including Tango, Oxygen and Human.05:57
mhbbut all in a different way05:57
TheSheepI hate human for the raster directory icon05:57
TheSheepit's ugly when scaled05:57
plb_you have seen the new icons for fedora 7?05:58
plb_on gnome-look called echo or something05:59
plb_not finished though05:59
mhbif Human were more complete and fully SVG, I would like it more, too.05:59
mhbTango is also not very complete - I can't use it on KDE without some icons missing.06:00
TheSheepmhb: hmm?06:00
TheSheepmhb: which ones?06:01
plb_What about metacity/gtk2 theme...going to get changed as well?06:03
TheSheepplb_: probably06:03
TheSheepplb_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubun2design/u2Specifications/u2WindowProposals06:04
mhbTheSheep: not sure now06:05
plb_I don't like any of that =\\06:06
TheSheepplb_: me neither06:06
TheSheepplb_: fortunately, you are free to change them :)06:06
plb_doesn't look at all professional06:07
TheSheepI hate the "pearly" window buttons06:07
mhbTheSheep: no Configure icon (a wrench in Crystal/Oxygen)06:07
TheSheepblindly copied from macos06:08
TheSheepmhb: there is the screwdriver and wrench icon06:08
plb_yeah basically lol06:08
TheSheepfollow the leader06:10
_MMA_troy_s: ping06:11
plb_I really hope Mark doesn't approve any of those metacity themes lol06:11
mhbTheSheep: yes, but it's sadly not named well so that it can be used in KDE out-of-the-box :o)06:12
mhbTheSheep: can't find a "Filter View" icon06:12
TheSheepmhb: well, since it's the Tango that sets the standard, the bug is obviously in KDE06:13
mhbTheSheep: heh06:13
mhbTheSheep: yes, you might say that06:14
mhbTheSheep: but a standard that doesn't work is kind of worthless to me06:14
kwwiithe freedesktop naming spec will be used in kde4, not kde306:15
kwwiiand we have a list of icon names we need to add06:15
mhbkwwii: I know06:15
kwwiimhb: I was offering that info for TheSheep ;-)06:15
mhbTheSheep: as kwwii says, it may improve in KDE4 :o)06:15
mhbTheSheep: it's probably either the packager's fault that it doesn't make a few symlinks to make more icons work in KDE306:16
mhbTheSheep: (no either, sorry)06:16
plb_something like that would be nice for a gtk2 theme for ubuntu06:17
plb_it's an osx theme but it's quite nice and fitting for ubuntu I think06:18
mhbTheSheep: but still the Tango Icon Gallery has several blank places06:18
kwwiiplb_: I guess that has usability problems ;-)06:19
kwwiibut anyway...time for dinner06:19
plb_never used it myself but I think it fits ubuntu nicely06:19
=== TheSheep uses xfwm4 with 'Moheli' theme
TheSheepand it's all I need06:21
mhbTheSheep: yes, _you_ :o)06:34
TheSheepmhb: fact is that the less an interface element is distracting, the better it is. Best interfaces are not visible at all.06:35
mhbTheSheep: I wish all Oxygen, Tango and Human would be complete enough to work on KDE4 :o)06:35
TheSheepmhb: I thinkt that Tango is open to contributions06:36
mhbTheSheep: and the latter two to work on KDE3, since both are available now06:36
mhbTheSheep: it is - if only I had time :o)06:36
TheSheepmhb: is this the 'oxygen' you mean? http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=50716&file1=50716-1.png&file2=50716-2.png&file3=&name=Verglas+Icons+Set+02%3A+Oxygen06:37
mhbhttp://www.oxygen-icons.org/?cat=3  <-- preview06:39
TheSheep" It is important to represent devices and media storage in a way that user will immediatly recognize them.06:42
TheSheepand then they draw a "realistic" hdd, as if an average user have ever seen one06:42
troy_s_mma_ you here?06:46
_MMA_i am now.06:48
_MMA_May I PM?06:48
kwwiiTheSheep: it is more about the printer, and usb hard drives than anything else...kde rarely if ever uses a normal harddrive icon anway :-)07:05
kwwiicameras, etc. ad nauseum07:05
TheSheepkwwii: I see07:06
TheSheepkwwii: not a kde guy, you see :)07:06
mhbkwwii: not exactly true07:20
mhbkwwii: well KDE does not, but Kubuntu does07:20
mhbkwwii: open /media (if you have Edgy+)07:21
mhbkwwii: I have one remote and two local partitions there with a hard drive icon07:23
TheSheepit should be a 'partition icon' ;)07:25
mhbkwwii: I guess TheSheep may be right. My father can hardly tell what a computer component does (he didn't recognize the RAM card I gave him this Christmas :o)07:29
TheSheepotoh how do yu draw a partition? :)07:35
mhbTheSheep: that's the reason why they use a disk metaphor07:36
TheSheepmaybe a file cabinet methaphor woul work better...07:37
TheSheepthe icon is there already07:37
troy_sGreets TheSheep07:43
troy_set mhb07:43
troy_sIt is worth discussing the metaphors for hardware... we are still using legacy 'files and folders' from bloody xerox star era07:44
=== TheSheep nods
TheSheepI like how Tango pushes it a little farther07:46
TheSheepnot sure about the 'delete' icon, for example07:46
TheSheepbut I guess it's better than a red X07:46
troy_sSimple X as a symbol might work well.07:47
troy_sIt is a cross between teaching your audience and having the expectation that your audience will know what something means.  The latter is generally folly.07:47
troy_sAs you can never typify something on a global scale.07:48
TheSheepwell, there is this thing called 'affordance'07:49
TheSheepand it applies to icons too07:49
troy_sDo you have an art and design education background Sheep?07:49
TheSheeptroy_s: no, I'm an amateur, but I read everything on the subject that I can get my hands on since several years :)07:50
troy_sThat is a lot more than most can say.07:50
troy_sAffordance is generally more applied to actual physical implementations07:50
troy_sFor example, putting a closed handle on a door implies a pull.07:50
troy_sSimilar I suppose to a 'button' look for something -- implies pushing in an interface.07:51
troy_s"pushing" rather.07:51
TheSheepsure, but putting a beveled frame around something implies click :)07:51
troy_sI agree 100%07:51
TheSheepthen again, there are colors -- "red means stop"07:51
troy_sThose are cultural centric07:51
TheSheeptroy_s: well, some are more than others07:52
troy_sFor example, if you compare NA versus say, French walk crossing colours.07:52
TheSheeptroy_s: red/green seems to be pretty instinctive07:52
troy_sI have a reference somewhere relating to those two very colours...07:52
troy_sThey aren't quite as instinctive as you would like.07:52
TheSheeptroy_s: all the poisonous animals are either red-black, yellow-black or white-black07:52
troy_sSounds like someone has read "universal principles of design"07:53
TheSheeptroy_s: high contrast means "watch out"07:53
TheSheeptroy_s: nope, didn't read this one07:53
troy_sOh you should...07:53
troy_sgreat reference.07:53
TheSheepI will look for it, thanks.07:53
troy_sBut yes, those archetypes are generally evolutionary in nature -- from longstanding traditions.07:53
troy_sSuch as poisonous creatures, etc.07:54
troy_sOut for a bit... love to chat about that in a bit.07:54
TheSheepsounds are pretty nice in this regard07:54
TheSheepgreat, I'll be waiting here :)07:55
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_MMA_troy_s: Im testing our theme on Feisty. Theres a difference in how the theme is displayed on Edgy vs. Feisty. In Feisty the desktop icons have a color background behind the text where Edgy doesnt.10:36
_MMA_It uses Murrine. The .deb and theme Im using are the same on Edgy and Feisty. So Im guessing theres something different outside of our packages giving us the difference.10:36
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