
crimsunerr, am I supposed to be getting error spew when attempting to checkout ubuntu-edgy-updates.git?12:46
crimsun(checking out ubuntu-2.6.git completes successfully)12:47
crimsunhmm, I guess so, since checking out ubuntu-edgy completes successfully, too. Probably the "shouldn't see" privilege. :)12:54
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qt Hi all. How do I tell what kind of phy device my onboard 3Com 3C910 chip is attached to?01:02
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ChrisBradleydoes anyone here work with the module assistant?02:40
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BenCkylem: ping04:53
kylemyo dude04:54
BenChow's things?04:54
kylemgood good04:54
kylemfinally feeling a bit better04:54
kylemtrying to take care of some administriva atm.04:54
BenCgood deal04:55
BenCwhen you get back to kernel stuff, feel free to upload your -proposed stuff if you want04:55
tepsipakkidoes that include the tg3 backport for dapper, among other things?-)04:56
kylemokie doke04:57
kylemtepsipakki, yeppers04:57
tepsipakkikylem: sweet :)04:58
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zuloh xensource how much i despise you sometimes05:27
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MithrandirBenC: any plans on fixing the resume/switch_console stuff that mjg59 asked you about a month ago?06:00
BenCMithrandir: Yeah, working on it now06:09
Mithrandirgreat, thanks.06:09
BenCkylem: Am I remembering right that you had a patch for feisty for bug #36885?06:12
BenCshit, wrong bug06:12
BenCthat one06:12
BenCkylem: Is it in your git, or is there a patch?06:14
kylemi think it's in git.06:14
kylemi'm not quite sure what do to with it, since you said that people were expecting different things.06:14
BenCit's an oddball bug, but I think we're stuck keeping things the same as dapper/edgy06:15
BenCwould be nice if the axis was configurable at runtime instead of this stupid table of hope-it-works-for-everyone crap06:16
BenCkylem: thanks06:16
kylemhmm, could fairly easily make it a sysfs attribute if you want06:16
BenCit's not possible to have more than one of these devices in a system is it?06:17
kylemi would doubt it.06:17
kylemunless the driver eventually becomes some kind of generic thing.06:17
BenCyeah, sysfs changeable axi configuration would be nice then06:17
kylemshould be fairly easy.06:18
BenCbasically add separate x/y axis inversion and make then both module_param's06:19
BenCkylem: I'm willing to drop the dmi table if we can configure it06:21
BenCwell, drop the dmi table changes we have in dapper/edgy in favor of this06:23
BenCleave what's there06:23
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BenCMithrandir: ping08:41
Mithrandirhi BenC 08:42
BenCMithrandir: Hey, can you let me know if ata_piix still doesn't work for you on 2.6.20-3?08:42
BenCre: bug #6443308:42
MithrandirBenC: oh, I probably never had the problem, but it was marked as fixed by the kernel upload and it was a targetted bug, so I closed it (it shows up in my listings, which gets annoying)08:43
BenCIt's re-targetted to 2.6.20 for some reason, probably because I removed the patch08:44
BenCMithrandir: Sorry, I misread it as you having the same issue08:45
BenCI'll close it, I'm pretty sure ata_piix is the right driver, and works now08:45
Mithrandirit was added to 2.6.19 by Christian Kellner08:45
mjg59BenC: If both ata_piix and ahci can drive the chip (which they almost certainly can), ahci is preferable08:45
BenCmjg59: Just wondering why 0x268{1,2} are in ahci and 0x2680 is specifically in ata_piix08:46
BenCjust seems like someone made a conscious decision08:46
BenCor maybe it's just been overlooked08:47
mjg59It's quite possible that > 0x2680 no longer have piix-compatibility08:47
mjg59But that doesn't explain why it isn't in ahci08:47
mjg59It's an utter mess. 08:47
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mjg59We probably ought to be keying off the device class - that ought to be different for ahci devices08:47
BenCmjg59: ping, bug #7530509:16
BenCdoes it work with 2.6.20-3?09:16
mjg59BenC: Haven't had a chance to try09:17
BenCMithrandir: pm/console fix is in git now09:35
MithrandirBenC: great, thanks.09:35
BenCMithrandir: When's the latest I can upload a new kernel to not much with Herd 2 for you?09:36
MithrandirBenC: preferably before next week.09:36
BenCcan do09:38
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gnomefreakBenC: are you around for a minute. i have a bad initramfs-tools bug and can use advice if you have any10:56
BenCis it the ide-generic bug?10:56
gnomefreakkernel no boot10:57
gnomefreaki get a mdadm error 10:57
BenCadd ide0=noprobe ide1=noprobe to command line10:57
gnomefreakits only 2.6.2010:57
BenCsee if that fixes it10:57
gnomefreakadd that to boot options?10:57
BenCinitramfs-tools wont update any initrd's except the newest one when updated10:58
gnomefreakok gonna try this10:58
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gnomefreakBenC: doesnt fix it it still wont boot 11:16
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