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Kamping_Kaiserhello :)02:48
bddebianHeya Kamping_Kaiser02:49
Kamping_Kaiserhi bddebian , hows it going?02:50
bddebianOK, thx, you02:50
Kamping_Kaisertired, but otherwise good :)02:50
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willvdlhighvoltage, ping08:42
highvoltagewillvdl: pong08:43
willvdlpvt msg08:44
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juliuxhi rockprincess09:23
rockprincesshallo juliux! ;)09:23
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juliuxhi cbx3310:01
cbx33hi juliux10:02
juliuxcbx33, you write the wiki howto for a windows dhcp and edubuntu server right?10:02
cbx33is it out of date?10:03
cbx33i think there may be a path to change?10:04
juliuxcbx33, i don't know but it could be that rockprincess needs your help with an windows dhcp server;)10:04
rockprincesshi pete! no but i think i'd need some of your help, when i move my edubuntu server to my school.....i'll set it all up at home, but i think i'd need to configure their dhcp server for my ltsp...10:04
rockprincesshehe yeah ;)10:05
cbx33ah yes10:05
cbx33that sounds reasonable10:05
cbx33is it a windows dhcp server?10:05
juliuxcbx33, and i wasn't sure if you wrote the howto;)10:05
cbx33i wrote the windows dhcp and the multiboot one....but not the multi arch one10:05
rockprincesscbx33: yes i think it is....but i'll ask them just to verify it...10:06
cbx33if so, just lemme know and I'll try to help out10:06
cbx33!seen RichEd10:06
ubotuI haven't seen riched recently10:06
cbx33!seen jono10:06
ubotujono is on IRC right now!10:06
rockprincessexcellent, thank you Pete!10:07
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willvdlcbx33, RichEd will be in tomorrow afternoon10:54
cbx33ahhh ok10:55
cbx33thanks willvdl10:55
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cbx33howz it going willvdl?11:23
Kamping_Kaiserhi rockprincess11:24
rockprincessheyyy Kamping_Kaiser ;)11:24
willvdlcbx33, sun-burned, pigging out on watermelons and generally just trying not to see what an awesome day it is in cape town12:12
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willvdlcbx33, when does BETT start?01:20
cbx33next Wednesday01:22
cbx33that leaves us with...not a lot of time01:22
willvdlhmmm. RichEd said he'd get hold of you tomorrow01:30
juliuxcbx33, did you need stuff for the BETT ?01:58
cbx33um...I think we are sorted.....what stuff did you have in mind?01:59
juliuxthinclient, stickers02:00
cbx33hmmm.....i don't think we'd be bale to get thinclients in time anyway....plus we are tight on space02:02
cbx33unless they are laptops02:02
juliuxah great02:03
highvoltagecbx33: I know you're busy, but could you also put together a story about BETT for the website at some point?02:06
cbx33before or after the event?02:16
highvoltagecbx33: up to you. if it's during the event, then it might be nice that edubuntu'ers know about it02:33
highvoltagecbx33: how long does BETT last?02:33
highvoltagecbx33: nevermind, I'll check your BETT wiki page again02:33
highvoltage!seen Burgandavia02:35
ubotuI haven't seen burgandavia recently02:35
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willvdlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microlearning  It has a name :)02:47
willvdlanyone know what we should do with https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes ?02:56
highvoltageupdate with each release?02:57
highvoltageoosh! it's old!02:57
ograwipe it02:57
willvdlbut where should install notes logically reside?02:57
highvoltagewillvdl: I may be wrong, but I think there's a newer version of it somewhere02:57
willvdlhelp.u.c? handbook etc?02:57
ograon the gettingstarted page02:57
willvdlright. off the www site. cool02:58
rockprincessare there .png versions of these covers? https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuCdLabelAndSlip?action=show&redirect=EdubuntuCdAndSlip02:58
ograjust open them in inkscape and save them as png ;)02:58
willvdlrockprincess, check with the marketing folks as well. they keep alot of current resources02:58
willvdlprobably under DIY marketing somewhere02:59
ograwell, that one is a community contribution02:59
ograi dont think there are other versions of it02:59
rockprincesswillvdl: can i adjust them because on the cover it says 5.10 (which is breezy i think?) but i have a edgy install....02:59
ograbut the DIY page should have the offvicial cd covers02:59
rockprincesswhere is the DIY page?03:00
highvoltagerockprincess: you could edit the .svg file, and change the version number03:00
ograright, with inkscape ...03:00
willvdlrockprincess, that wiki page is old and scheduled for cleanup. (hnce 5.10)03:00
rockprincessok, thanks everyone ;)03:00
willvdlhighvoltage, the picture changes too though03:00
ograwillvdl, not for that cover art ...03:01
highvoltageedubuntugirl: google edubuntu DIY covers03:01
ograi aslo think its beautiful enough to keep it archived for public usage somewhere03:01
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: Google found 'DIYMarketing - Ubuntu Wiki', at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing03:01
highvoltagerockprincess: there are other png's on that page too ^^^03:02
highvoltagerockprincess: or pdf's, at least03:02
willvdlthey have a beta site out somewhere. check #ubuntu-marketing03:02
rockprincessthank you highvoltage!!!! ;)03:02
rockprincesswow this site is MEGA.....everything i needed :)03:04
rockprincessis there a specific plugin for firefox? because all svg seem to be a bit out of shape for me....03:06
juliuxrockprincess, check also the artwork sites in the wiki03:06
highvoltagerockprincess: download inkscape03:07
highvoltagerockprincess: it's in the ubuntu repositories03:07
highvoltagerockprincess: you can open .svg files with inkscape and make changes to everything, including the text03:08
rockprincessjust installed inkscape03:08
juliuxsudo apt-get install inkscape ;)03:08
ograright, use gnome-app-install (Add/Remove applications)03:08
ograapt-get ... tsk03:08
juliuxogra, she use kubuntu ;)03:08
ograand ?03:08
rockprincesshehe true juliux ;)03:08
highvoltageknome-app-install then :-p03:08
ograkubuntu has the same functionallity in adept, doesnt it ?03:08
juliuxogra, i don't know if there is gnome-app-install03:08
juliuxogra, i never tested kubuntu03:08
ograso there should be a menu entry as in ubuntu03:08
juliuxwe don't know but i know that there is apt-get ;)03:09
ograbut apt-get is a bad advise in support :P03:11
ograkeep tight to the tools we provide for endusers ;)03:11
juliuxrockprincess, is no enduser;)03:13
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cbx33highvoltage: it's 3 days04:40
cbx33I can do like a diary for it ;)04:40
willvdlogra, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLtsConfParams is for 5.10 while http://www.edubuntu.org/ThinClientConfig is for dapper - correct?05:00
willvdlah, no ogra05:01
willvdlI'm off, see you all at the meeting05:01
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highvoltageedubuntugirl: tell cbx33 the diary idea sounds great, you could even do it on your blog then we can link to that05:10
edubuntugirlRighto, highvoltage!05:10
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jbreforthi LaserJock, happy new year:)08:54
LaserJockhi jbrefort08:55
LaserJockand Happy New Year to you!08:56
ograhmm, do we need a meeting today ? i dot really have anything to report ... and given that everybody was on holidays i suspect the others havent much either08:57
LaserJockthat's my position :-)08:58
jbrefortLaserJock, did you get bodr-5?09:00
LaserJockI need make some progress on dynamic-menus and MIRs09:01
LaserJockjbrefort: I haven't yet, but I saw Egon's email09:01
jbrefortI did not install it yet, but your color schemes might be broken09:01
LaserJockoh really?09:03
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ograwe'll need to discuss the EC policy if you are going for it ... our initial policy was to have more community members than employees in the council ...09:45
willvdloh. good point.09:54
ograim fine with changing that ... but we need to have a consensus about it09:54
ograi.e. all EC members should agree09:54
=== LaserJock looks around
=== highvoltage is here
highvoltagetime ran away from me10:08
willvdlit will do that. pesky time.10:08
LaserJockhighvoltage: if you kill it it won't run away from you ...10:09
highvoltageLaserJock: heh, I'm a time assassin10:10
willvdla time bandit10:11
=== coz_ [n=coz_@pool-151-201-27-176.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
willvdlwhat is EdubuntuLight? https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLight10:12
LaserJockEdubuntu based on Xubuntu, more or less10:12
LaserJockhighvoltage's baby10:13
LaserJockif I remember right10:13
LaserJockhmm, or maybe that's a bit different10:13
coz_willvdl, a good way to find out would be to download the live cd if it is available... I pesonally think edubuntu is a great version10:14
willvdlcoz_, I'm more interested in tracking the page/discussion on the wiki in a logical place10:15
coz_willvdl, sorry ! :) I get over enthused sometimes and just say whats on my mind10:16
LaserJockhmm, I don't think either EdubuntuLight or UbuntuLite are really doing anything10:16
willvdlit looks from the page to be a proposal for an xfce base10:16
willvdlwhich would be Xubuntu...10:17
LaserJockyeah, highvoltage has some specs for that10:17
coz_here is my new edubuntu wallpaper I made    http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/4566   tell me what you guys thnk10:17
willvdl"We changed color sheme to Green. We think its more UbuntuLite Color. Than purple one before. I hope that zou will enyoj staing here on the page."10:18
LaserJockcoz_: it's a little too fuzzy for me, or maybe I need to get a new prescription ;-)10:19
coz_LaserJock, well it is a digital painting i guess i can sharpen it a bit10:19
LaserJockwillvdl: are you going through all the Edubuntu wiki pages?10:20
willvdlone by one :)10:20
willvdlcoz_, pretty cool. are you on the artwork team?10:21
coz_willvdl, yes i am10:21
Seveasogra, available for a quick chat?10:21
coz_willvdl, if you scroll dwon you will see my name   https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art10:22
LaserJockwillvdl: awesome10:23
willvdlLaserJock, there are a lot of "dangling" links with no parents. lost in the wiki-maze10:23
LaserJockyeah, it's a real mess10:24
willvdlI shall uncover them armed with a pencil sharpener and biscuit crumb trail to find my way home10:24
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localverbHi guys10:24
LaserJockwillvdl: wanna do MOTU when you're done with Edubuntu? ;-)10:25
willvdlwanna clean out my garage instead?10:26
willvdlLaserJock, I have an itchy delete-finger :) I am well known in some circles...10:26
willvdlhi localverb10:26
localverbI need your help guys10:27
localverbI am new to ubuntu and I've just installed ubuntu 6.10 but I have a minor problem10:27
willvdlLaserJock, perhaps you would know. Is stuff like https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuRoadmap there as a process prior to using LaunchPad?10:27
willvdllocalverb, shoot10:28
localverbI know it's not about ubuntu here but i am tired of lokking for solutions10:29
localverband I am pretty sure it applies to edubuntu too10:29
highvoltagelocalverb: shoot10:30
highvoltageah, willvdl already beat me to the 'shoot' :)10:30
willvdltoo busy killing time hey10:31
localverbbefore I install ubuntu I had 2 partitions ...one fat32(for windows) and the other is NTFS(for  data storage)10:32
localverbbut when I installed ubuntu I only see the windows  fat32 partition (the first one)10:32
localverbbut I van't see or access NTFS partition10:32
localverbany solution ?10:32
LaserJockwillvdl: hmm, that doesn't look like it got anywhere. It looks to be a spec for UBZ to do a roadmap but it doesn't have anything10:33
willvdlthere are a few such pages. pre-launchpad it seems everyhting was done straight off the wiki10:36
willvdlI wasn't around then10:36
willvdllocalverb, where did you install edubuntu onto? which partition?10:37
localverbI mannually created two additional partitions for linux one ex3 and one swap10:37
willvdlhmmm, the install should automatically pick it up10:38
willvdlno prob. find which device it is. e.g. /dev/hda?10:39
localverbI am not having problems with ubuntu ...it rocks as all disto do :)10:39
localverbalso windows works fine and i can see and access the NTFS partition10:39
localverbthe only problem is that I can't access the NTFS partition from ubuntu10:39
localverbsorry >>>>Distros**10:40
willvdljust need to mount it I guess10:40
willvdlget it into /etc/fstab10:40
localverbbut the fat32 was there without mounting?10:40
willvdlyeah, it's strange it didn't happen automatically.10:41
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localverbI am extremely sorry10:43
localverbbut It was out of my hands10:43
localverbI disconnected by mistake10:43
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mwalker_mewconsuHello Edubuntu folks10:44
localverbSorry willvld :(10:44
mwalker_mewconsuI'm looking to pilot this version of Linux for a client of mine. How does the enterprise version of this OS work?10:45
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willvdlmwalker_mewconsu, edu/k/ubuntu doesn't have an enterprise version as such10:48
willvdlthe Dapper Drake version has been referred to as an enterprise versionmainly because it is LTS (Long Term Support)10:49
willvdlThis version is supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on servers10:52
mwalker_mewconsuthank you10:54
mwalker_mewconsuhave you had any experience managing workstations from the server?10:54
willvdlpersonally no but most folks in here work with thin-client servers on edubuntu.10:55
mwalker_mewconsua thin client server would mean a "Desktop" PC asking as a server?10:55
willvdlmeaning that a number of "dumb" terminals can run off a server. kind of like a remote desktop network10:56
mwalker_mewconsuI see so the workstations would use the server as the OS instead of having the OS installed on the actual workstation?10:58
willvdlyes. this is one way of setting up the network and is quite popular10:59
willvdlthe thin-clients have very minimal hardware11:00
mwalker_mewconsulets say I have a server in a class room, can I remotely troublshoot the server and its users from a location outside the networked classroom? Similiar to Remote Desktop Connection in Windows?11:01
willvdlyes, you could open and ssh connection to the server over the network11:02
mwalker_mewconsuwhat is s/and/an/?11:02
willvdlsorry, meaning I typed and instead of an11:03
mwalker_mewconsuoh okay11:03
mwalker_mewconsunow when I ssh over the network would this only be performed via the terminal? Will there be any GUI involved (ie. Being able to see a "users" screen remotely, if they are having problems)?11:04
stgraberit's in the planned functionality for the next version of Edubuntu11:05
mwalker_mewconsuI see11:05
stgraberactually you can only see the lest of processus launched by the users11:05
stgraberlog them out, launch a command or stop a processus11:05
willvdlstgraber, you refering to SCP?11:06
LaserJockmwalker_mewconsu: the server is like an ordinary Linux computer11:07
willvdlcool. SCP is (currently) limited to managing the thin-terminals running off the server right?11:08
LaserJockmwalker_mewconsu: the thin clients (where the students actually work) run the OS on the server over the network11:08
willvdlso you would remotely access it like any other linux box11:08
stgraberwillvdl: there is a spec to add VNC and some other great stuff in it11:09
LaserJockso the requirements for the thin clients are quite small ( 32-64MB of RAM, network card) and they don't even need a hard drive11:09
mwalker_mewconsuI'm new to Linux, I've experimented with it in the past (SUSE 6.0 I believe) but I've never really implemented it into a project.11:09
LaserJockit's also much easier to administer because you only have one actual machine11:09
mwalker_mewconsureading the system requiremented you need 256MB of ram per user?11:10
willvdlfor the server yes11:10
willvdlbut each terminal requires much less11:10
blue-frogvnc functionality is already installed if not mistaken (vino - system/preferences/remote desktop  activate allow users to view your desktop and then use vnc11:11
mwalker_mewconsuI think based on our current system specs The most ram our PC's can take is 2GB.11:11
mwalker_mewconsuright now won't allow my client to purchase any extra hardware. They've spend the last 3 years upgrading all their iMac's to PC's.11:12
willvdlblue-frog, in regards to SCP it is a bit different I think11:12
willvdlmeaning that SCP manages the thin-client sessions and in future could have VNC functionality included11:13
mwalker_mewconsubut I can probably pull this off on for one of the smaller classrooms and see how it goes.11:13
willvdlhow many terminals do you want to run?11:13
mwalker_mewconsuwell in the classroom there are 5 student computers and 2 teacher computers11:15
mwalker_mewconsuwhat I can probably do is move 1 pc from another site to serve as a server for this project, but I would still be under the memory requirements.11:16
mwalker_mewconsuI stumbled onto Edubuntu just a few nights ago, after stumbling onto Ubuntu.11:17
willvdlyou've stumbled into the right place :)11:17
mwalker_mewconsuI'm creating a proposal to present to the Principal and Assistant Principal and I want to go into the meeting well prepared.11:18
mwalker_mewconsuI like how first and foremost Linux is not Windows and so the students won't really know where to look to manipulate the system.11:19
stgraberwell 256MB/thinclient is a bit high I think because if for example you launch 2xOpenOffice or firefox it won't be twice in the server's memory11:19
mwalker_mewconsusecond I like the dual booting option (I'm running right now Edubuntu and Windows XP Media Center on my laptop) The ability to dual boot if needed will also protect the investment the school has already made.11:19
stgraberbut if all the users use different applications or high-memory-usage software it will indeed cause a problem11:20
mwalker_mewconsuright now I was just thinking of dual booting XP and Edubuntu on each workstation11:20
stgraberyou boot on the network for Edubuntu, you simply have to choose to boot from the harddisk too boot on XP11:21
stgrabernothing is written on client's harddisk (if you use an Edubuntu server and LTSP as described above)11:21
mwalker_mewconsuand the teacher can let the students know which OS he/she will need to run for the lesson that day.11:21
mwalker_mewconsuyes I like that idea Stgraber11:21
=== BTR [n=lajene@x1-6-00-11-43-66-52-be.k711.webspeed.dk] has joined #edubuntu
mwalker_mewconsuThis system has to be easy to use and easy to maintained or it won't get used at all.11:23
BTRHi, what is the main difference between edubuntu and kubuntu?11:23
mwalker_mewconsumost likely the the students will be using the Educational software to supplement the learning in the classroom.11:24
BTRBut i mean, what can i as a student get from edubuntu, thati dont get in kubuntu?11:25
stgraberBTR: edubuntu is an ubuntu (gnome) + education software in the case of a workstation use and a LTSP server + ubuntu (gnome) + education software in the case of a server install11:25
BTRWhat lies in "education software" for excample?11:26
stgraberBTR: for a personnal use nothing, all ubuntu version use the same packages so you can install the "education software" on you kubuntu as well11:26
stgraberkig, kmplot, gcompris, kalzium, ...11:26
stgraberbut you can install them directly on your kubuntu11:26
stgraberyes, schooltool is also installed (even on the workstation install ??)11:27
willvdlthere are a few institutions that have chosen to run kubuntu in the classroom11:27
BTROhh, i see:)11:27
BTRNobody in either #ubuntu nor #kubuntu seems to know how, but is there any place where i can get the Drivers for Intel Corporation 82852/855GM vga card?11:32
willvdlhave you tried the intel website?11:34
BTRYes, i was only able to find windows drivers11:34
willvdldoes the 915 driver not do the trick?11:40
willvdlcheck if there is a # channel for the kernel or similar. might be more helpful11:41
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BTRwillvdl: Im new to linux, so i didnt fully understand the 2 lines! :)11:50
willvdlmeaning have you tried the i915 driver in ubuntu? It covers a number of the 9xx drivers. I have i945 and it works11:51
willvdlotherwise look for an irc channel that deals mainly with the linux kernel support if there is no luck in #ubuntu11:52
BTROh, can i get it via adept?11:52
BTRDo you have any ideas of what channel i should try?11:53
=== willvdl wonders if it is not by default on the system
rockprincesshello willvdl!11:54
BTRSo you think its already installed? its just i want to use my other monitor at the same time, but the "Xinemara" (i think its called), just wont run sp i was told it proberbly was a problem with my vga driver11:54
highvoltagewillvdl: what happened to getting enought sleep? :)11:54
willvdlBTR try #kernel (I hope)11:55
willvdlhighvoltage, I overslept :)11:55
highvoltageah :)11:55
willvdlor at least I'm going to11:56
=== rockprincess has stumbled upon these two excellent sites.... http://www.schoolforge.net/ and http://richtech.ca/seul
willvdlschoolforge is very neat11:59
rockprincesscool, what is the 2nd link?12:11
willvdlmore an ICT in education journal. v good though12:12
rockprincesseduforge looks good and easy on the eye.....but i cant really find a project page similar to schoolforge12:16
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