
popeymysql -u adminuser -p12:17
mdkeoh, I see, sorry12:17
nixternalmysql -h localhost -u username -p12:17
popeyworking as designed :)12:17
popeyah, an expert!12:17
nixternalchange localhost with the ip12:17
popeyplease help! :)12:17
mdkeand where do I get adminuser from?12:17
nixternaladminuser would be like root, or mdke if it has root access12:18
mdkemdke has sudo access, is that ok?12:18
mdkeno, apparently not12:18
nixternalyou need to have/or have setup a mysql admin user as well12:18
popeyah, yes12:18
popeydo this12:18
popeyhmm, actually, maybe not12:19
popeyis it a server install? doesn't it have a root account?12:19
mdkeno root account12:19
popeytry sudo -s12:20
popeythen mysql12:20
popeythen create database foo12:20
mdkelemme see the Ubuntu Server Guide :D12:20
nixternalahh yes, forgot about that popey :)12:20
mdkepopey: no, that's what I tried the first time12:20
popeyok, try12:20
mdkeyou see, it's in the server guide12:20
popeyheh, cool :)12:20
nixternalya, but has the mysql bug been fixed in the server guide? it provides old mysql commands that hoses up the root mysql account (it used to at least)12:21
mdkeI don't know. Anyway, it doesn't work12:21
=== mdke moves to the wiki
popeyok, try this12:22
popeysudo -s12:22
popeyuse mysql12:22
popeyselect * from users;12:22
popeyand see what users are in the list12:22
nixternalalso, make sure you #bind-address          in /etc/mysql/my.cnf12:23
nixternalnice, i just realised there was tab complete for my directories right through irssi12:23
nixternaleither i didn't know, or never noticed12:23
popeyholy cow12:23
popeythat's cool :)12:23
nixternalsudo mysqladmin -h localhost -u <username to add> password <password for new user>12:24
nixternalthat is how you create a mysql user12:25
mdkeit occurs to me that there is already a root account on this box12:25
mdkeI'm slightly worried about buggering up the installation if mysql is already in use12:26
mdkei know12:26
mdkeI'll consult the magic webmaster12:26
nixternalhrmm. laserjock sneaked past me somehow today12:27
popeyit's okay mdke there's other stuff I need to do anyway, I am not waiting on you12:28
mdkepopey: ok good. He is walking me through it/doing it for me12:28
popeyI have started putting the videos on there, so you will probably see some peaks in bandwidth use today12:28
mdkeoh cool12:28
popeyin /srv/doc.ubuntu.com/www/screencasts/videos12:28
nixternaloooh, screencasts?12:28
nixternali have been wanting to learn how to do that12:29
nixternali have never been successful when trying though12:29
mdkenow is your chance12:29
mdkeor, in a few days is your chance12:29
nixternalwell, there is KScreenCast but I don't know if it is working12:29
nixternaland the other one, i forget its name, it records super fast12:29
nixternalalthough it makes it look like i can type 500wpm12:30
nixternalya that's it12:30
mdkepopey is much more tech about the whole thing12:30
nixternali know the name was familiar12:30
popeyi don't use istanbul12:30
popeyi use xvidcap12:31
popeymuch better12:31
popey(for what I need) :)12:31
nixternali tried xvidcap as well, but i was to stupid to work it :)12:31
popeynixternal: http://quickones.org/ has my screencasts I am migrating to doc.ubuntu.com12:31
popeythey were made with xvidcap & qemu12:31
nixternalone kubuntu screencast :)12:34
nixternalto much brown on that page for me ;p12:34
popeyand a windows desktop :)12:35
nixternalfirst time i seen one of them in action in a while12:35
popeywhat? a windows desktop :)12:35
mdkewhen is the Kubuntu brown theme going to come out?12:35
popeyI had to install it inside qemu because I don't have any windows machines12:36
nixternalmdke: NEVAH!12:41
mdkethat's what you think12:43
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popeytime for bed12:55
mdkepopey: db created :)12:55
mdkeand user12:55
popeymail it to me?12:55
popeywill set it up tomorrow morning12:56
mdkegood night!12:57
mdkepopey: still here quickly?01:00
popeyheh, you know me so well, I say I am off to bed, but often say it 3 or 4 times over the space of 2 hours before it actually happens01:01
mdkewe're all like that01:01
mdkepopey: a search for your gpg key on major keyservers returns two, neither of which is the one listed on one of your two launchpad pages. Can you give me the id of the correct one?01:02
mdkeah, three on this keyserver01:02
popeyhttp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x57A4363C&op=index that one?01:03
mdkeok, I've found that one now. You might want to revoke the others :) and merge your launchpad pages too01:04
popeyi have more than one?01:04
popeyhttps://launchpad.net/people/alanpope is the only one I use01:04
mdkemerge this one into it: https://launchpad.net/people/alan-pope01:05
popeyhow do you do that?01:05
popeyor can I delete that one?01:05
mdkefollow the link on the base people page01:05
popeycool, ta01:05
mdkeok, email sent, hopefully you can decrypt it alright01:06
popeylets hope so01:06
popeyI almost never use gpg, so will learn tomorrow ;)01:06
mdkeok, cool01:07
popeyaccounts merged, thanks] 01:08
mdkegod, it's past midnight already01:10
bdmurraymdke: do you have a minute?01:10
mdkebdmurray: yep01:11
bdmurrayI was noticing that _sometimes_ when there are instructions dealing with installing packages it mentions what repository they are from.01:12
bdmurrayI thought the repository might not be mentioned if it was main but it might be more than that.01:12
mdkethat's the theory, yes.01:13
mdkepotentially, it's not 100% properly applied01:13
bdmurrayso if main don't mention the repository and if not main then mention the repository?01:14
mdkeyes. Do you think that is sensible01:14
bdmurrayYeah, it makes sense but maybe it should be written down in the style guide.01:14
mdkeyes. The styleguide needs some work. It also has lots of gaps01:15
mdkeas in, placeholder stuff01:15
mdkebdmurray: btw, your attention to detail is phenomenal. Great stuff. You'd like trappist01:15
bdmurraymdke: thanks.  It is nice to be able to actually fix the things I notice.01:17
bdmurrayFrequently there are things I can't fix.01:18
mdkeglad we got you in quickly01:18
bdmurrayI mean like on TV or in magazines. ;)01:18
crimsundoesn't edgy enable universe by default?01:18
crimsunif so, there's no point in mentioning the component if the package is in main or universe01:19
crimsunrather, main, restricted, or universe01:19
mdkecrimsun: if it does, I didn't hear about it01:19
mdkeyou're quite right, if that's the case01:20
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bdmurrayI'm sure I have modified my sources.list but if /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list is any indication then it is just main and restricted.01:34
crimsundist-upgrade or fresh install?01:34
crimsunI'll have to ping mvo tomorrow01:35
bdmurrayfresh install of edgy01:35
popeymdke: not received your mail yet01:40
popey(now I have figured out all my pgp stuff)01:40
mdkepopey: oh bloody hell.01:41
mdkecheck your junk01:41
mdkeI think dreamhost got blacklisted today01:42
popeyyes, it was in my spam01:42
popeysorry, I *never* look there01:43
popeyok mdke, got it01:43
mdkehow annoying01:43
popeyX-popey.com-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SBL+XBL01:44
popeyyeah, looks like that was the problem01:45
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nixternal<para>For greater control over the boot-up services, install the <application>bum</application> from02:46
nixternalhahahahaahah, good catch bdmurray :)02:46
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LaserJocknixternal: still about?06:15
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highvoltagehi, for documentation purposes, what's the correct way to install packages from a terminal? apt-get, or aptitude?02:01
pschulz01highvoltage: I would suggest 'apt-get' but you need explain the situation..02:03
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highvoltagepschulz01: someone in my LUG insists that 'aptitude' is the 'default' on Ubuntu, and wants to change all our Ubuntu documentation to reflect this02:04
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=== mdke_ evenings
mdke_highvoltage: no, we don't recommend any package manager. We say "install X", then refer to our installation documentation. As for Ubuntu, the default is gnome-app-install07:23
mdke_highvoltage: from a terminal, there isn't a "default"07:23
mdke_highvoltage: anyway, let's just hope "someone from your LUG" doesn't have svn access07:25
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highvoltagemdke_: hehe, yes.08:17
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LaserJockhi mdke09:05
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LaserJockmdke__: you here?11:02
mdke__LaserJock: yes11:02
LaserJockwhat were we using docteam.ubuntu.com for?11:03
mdkeLaserJock: remember our svn server11:03
mdkewe're still using it11:03
LaserJockI never remember the the name11:03
LaserJockI always assumed it was doc.ubuntu.com11:03
LaserJockI always grab the url off of DocumentationTeam/Repository ;-)11:04
mdkeI think docteam is better, gives more of an impression of being for the team.11:04
mdkedoc.u.c sounds like it should be the official docs11:04
LaserJockyeah, people are often confused about the difference between help.u.c and doc.u.c11:04
mdkeand between help.u.c and wiki.u.c :(11:09
mdkewe'll find the right solution hopefully11:09
LaserJockwell, something's been brewing in my poor brain lately11:10
LaserJockI'm pretty excited about TBH11:10
LaserJockand where the system docs are heading11:10
LaserJockbut I'm really feeling like the online docs on help.u.c need a fair amount of work11:11
mdkethe wiki ones, you mean?11:11
LaserJockI've been trying to look at some of the other distro's online help11:11
LaserJockstatic docs11:11
mdkeI don't understand, those are the same as the system docs11:11
LaserJockthat's sort of my problem11:12
mdkehow can you be excited about them and disappointed at the same time11:12
LaserJockbecause I'm excited about them in yelp on the user's computer11:12
LaserJockbut I'm less certain about how that will translate to online docs11:12
mdkeoh really?11:13
LaserJockmostly from the point of view of the packaging guide and contributing guide11:13
LaserJockbut thinking about it as a whole too11:13
mdkeI'd hoped we would be able to merge the tbh stuff with the wiki in time for Feisty11:13
mdkeand then drop the distinction between static and wiki docs online11:13
LaserJockmy overall impress is that we view the online docs as just a byproduct of writing the help docs11:13
mdkebut it's not going to be possible11:13
mdkeyou think they require a different style?11:14
LaserJockI'm still thinking about this11:15
mdkeI don't think we're going to be able to support two different styles online and in the system11:15
mdkeand I'm not convinced there's a good reason to11:15
LaserJockI'm a little concerned there11:15
nixternalit would be difficult11:15
mdkebut we need to sort out the structure of the online site11:15
mdkehaving a single wiki with good quality assurance will work11:16
mdkeinstead of this static/wiki distinction we have now11:16
nixternali think we should change wiki.ubuntu.com to dev.ubuntu.com to distinguish as a developers site :)11:16
nixternalor at least change the title at the top to Ubuntu Developers Wiki11:16
mdkenixternal: that's absolutely right. I wonder if we can write a spec about that which is convincing enough for the developers11:17
mdkethat would be a real challenge11:17
=== mdke senses excitement
nixternalmdke: i wonder if we approach sabdfl about it first and see if we can get a blessing?11:17
nixternalhis backing would help11:17
mdkeno difference really11:18
nixternaltruthfully, i think we could excite enough devs11:18
nixternalto make a change11:18
mdkeyou'll need to work as hard to convince him as to convince anyone else11:18
nixternalvery true11:18
mdkebut if we do a good writeup, get some feedback, address peoples' issues, it might be workable11:18
mdkewhat would be the arguments against?11:18
nixternalpeople have wiki.ubuntu.com bookmarked11:18
willvdlconfusion for one11:18
nixternaland ya what will said11:19
mdkewhy confusion?11:19
mdkeit's confusing now11:19
nixternalalthough people are already confused by wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com11:19
willvdlno matter what structure you take it will be confusing in a way11:19
nixternalso dev.ubuntu.com would definitely end the confusion11:19
mdkebecause the site is named after the software that runs it, even though it's the same software that runs www.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com. That's crazy11:19
mdkenaming sites after software is bad11:19
willvdlsince some bits are here and others there11:19
willvdlIn my opinion it would be more fruitful to spend time on demystifying it up front11:20
nixternalmdke, i got you there. drop the wiki, make it dev or devwiki, or anything that screams DEVELOPERS ONLY11:20
nixternalwell not screams it, but distinguishes it11:20
mdkethere is one disadvantage I can think of11:20
nixternalLaserJock: where are you at :) you are the grand puba, help a brothah out11:20
mdkethe difficulty in communicating in another way that the site (dev.u.c or whatever) is editable by all11:20
LaserJocknixternal: what?11:20
nixternalmaking sure you were awake11:21
LaserJockI could also see where people would also expect it's only for devs "personal playgrounds" or something11:21
mdkewillvdl: having some bits here and others there, where those bits are genuinely different things for genuinely different audiences, makes quite a bit of sense, tbh11:21
LaserJockdevelopment.ubuntu.com is a little long11:21
nixternalLaserJock: what do you think about s/wiki/dev11:21
LaserJockmaybe devel.ubuntu.com11:21
nixternalor devel11:21
mdkethe name isn't such an issue, though11:22
LaserJockbut then there is help.ubuntu.com/community11:22
willvdlmdke, true but still needs to be distinguished11:22
mdkeLaserJock: that would disappear11:22
mdkeLaserJock: it would just be help.ubuntu.com11:22
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mdkewillvdl: yeah, sure. Clearer urls would help, IMO11:23
willvdlnixternal, I can't help thinking devel limits it in a sense11:23
willvdlwhat about marketing etc. not strictly devel but still housed on the wiki11:24
mdkethat's right. It would have to be something like "community" or similar. Hell, Gnome use "live"11:25
nixternalit will limit it from people creating pages called 'I_Can't_Get_Ubuntu_To_Install_Grub_Without_Reformatting_Or_Wiping_My_Entire_Hard_Drive_What_Should_I_Do_To_Fix_This_Please_Help_Me_ASAP'11:25
mdkecould they *be* more random?11:25
nixternalkde uses dev.kde.org or kdedevs.org or soemthing, need to look at bookmarks11:25
mdkewouldn't hurt to have a look at a few projects11:26
mdkeI tell you what. I'll draft a spec soon and we can try and work out for ourselves whether we think it will work.11:26
nixternalsounds like a plan11:26
mdkeplay devils advocate for each other, try and figure out all the disadvantages11:26
mdkethen see where we are11:26
nixternalcommunity.ubuntu.com & help.ubuntu.com11:27
mdkebut it will need to be good if we are to convince people in a serious way, that sort of immense change is scary11:27
nixternalwell, i am sure we can pull enough examples from wiki.ubuntu.com and why people keep using it instead of help.ubuntu.com11:28
nixternalin order to help us drive the issue a little bit11:28
=== mdke remembers how hard it was to convince people that help.u.c was a good idea
mdkeit took several rewrites and several hostile CC meetings11:29
LaserJockogra still grumbles about that at Edubuntu meetings sometimes11:29
mdkeyeah. No vision :)11:30
LaserJockwell, right now he dislikes the redirects11:30
mdkeI see his point on that. we had a bug about those today.11:30
LaserJockbecause he won't rebookmark or learn the help.u.c ones11:30
mdkethey are inelegant11:31
willvdlis there a plan to eventually phase out (expire) the redirects?11:31
mdkewillvdl: no, but I'd love to make one11:31
mdkedo you have any ideas about that, or experience in terms of broken-linking issues11:31
willvdlI managed to lose a few which Corey helpfully restored :)11:32
mdkelightbulb -> head11:32
willvdlwell where are people linking from? If it's inside the wiki then it is trivial to fix11:32
mdkewillvdl: no, problem is bookmarks/external links11:33
mdkehere's an idea11:33
mdkewe build something into the "Page Not Found" thing that Moin does, which says "If you are looking for documentation, you may find the page you are looking for on our documentation website, at help.ubuntu.com/community/$pagename"11:34
mdkethen we just scrap the redirects11:34
mdkenow, if someone finds a problem with that idea, I'm going to be angry11:34
mdkebecause I'm pleased with it11:35
willvdlI like it but then I don't link :P11:35
LaserJock"But ... but ... I don't wannaaaaa!"11:35
mdkeseriously, disadvantages?11:36
willvdlneed to ensure that the Naming is maintained on community/$pagename from the original on wiki11:37
mdkemeh, Canonical have some special coders, surely they can do that11:37
mdkethat page already is clever enough to do a search for similarly named pages11:38
willvdle.g. wiki.u.c/MyWikipage  -> help.u.c/MyWikiPage are different11:38
mdkewillvdl: that's ok, because the pages were moved from the former to the latter without changing their names11:38
mdkeyes, it was a "cp" command ;)11:39
willvdlwhat if they were moved to a nested page?11:39
mdkevery technical11:39
willvdlscratch that11:39
willvdlrun it by Matt Nuzum and see what he thinks?11:39
mdkegood plan. He'll probably be up actually11:40
=== willvdl checks #canonical
nixternal[mdke]  now, if someone finds a problem with that idea, I'm going to be angry11:42
nixternal[mdke]  because I'm pleased with it11:42
nixternali find one problem with it though11:42
willvdlwhat is our relationship with ubuntuguide?11:44
mdkenot good, unfortunately11:45
nixternaland that as well11:45
mdkenixternal: what's the problem?11:45
willvdlpity. a lot of work goes in there.11:45
nixternalUbuntu Guide seems to enjoy providing people with a How To on breaking their system using 3rd party garbage11:45
nixternalnone mdke, I just wanted to see you get angry :)11:45
mdkenah, it's good stuff11:45
mdkewillvdl: yeah. We've tried to pull the "please don't reinvent the wheel" argument on em.11:46
nixternala lot of their docs are fairly well written, however none is hardly tested11:46
mdkealso on ubuntu-tutorials11:46
nixternalthere are so many reinvented wheels out there now11:46
LaserJockI just pray that I do as little reinventing as possible11:47
crimsunI think I'll write some howtos for writing Ubuntu guides and rewriting KDE.11:47
nixternalcopy & paste :)11:47
mdkethis Ubuntu Tutorials guy is the one who I'd most like to see involved11:47
mdkebecause he is doing great stuff11:47
nixternalsudo apt-get --purge remove crimsun11:47
crimsunnixternal: there goes 50% of universe, alsa, proofreading, bug triaging, and whatever else ;)11:48
nixternalError: crimsun has to man GNOME dependencies, however is a closed KDE user/lover11:48
mdkesadly he doesn't seem to reply much to my emails/comments. It's surprising because he is an Ubuntu member and heavily involved with the community11:48
LaserJockcrimsun: well, I wanted to rewrite chuncks of LP and Debian's BTS/PTS the other day so so :p11:48
nixternalcrimsun: we have LaserJock to cover that :)11:48
crimsunhe's the other 50%11:48
crimsunmdke: does he respond on the forum?11:49
nixternalcrimsun: in order to rewrite kde wouldn't you have to know c++? from what i have heard gnome developers aren't intelligent enough to do so, of which most are 70 years old and were around for the initial creation of c11:49
mdkecrimsun: I haven't tried yet. I will though.11:50
nixternalubuntu tutorials guy == christer?11:50
LaserJocknixternal: low blow, all the contribution I've done on Gnome apps has been in C++ :p11:51
mdkenixternal: yes11:52
nixternaldoes that silly bot work in here11:53
mdke(see our exchange in the comments here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/22/ubuntu-tutorials-giving-the-planet-a-spin/)11:53
mdkewell, not so much an exchange, as me ranting on11:54
nixternalhehe, it is a decent exchange, however i don't like the fact he didn't address you directly from what i can see11:55
mdkeyeah, I noticed that too. He deliberately avoided replying to me.11:55
mdkebut he replied to my email11:55
nixternalok good11:55
nixternali can't locate his username on freenode that he has on LP11:56
LaserJockis he on IRC?11:56
nixternali remember talking to him on irc one day11:56
mdkeit's Kudaeyz or similar11:57
nixternalactually LaserJock you and I were talking to him I think. you guys were talking about the Utah area or what not11:57
nixternalI remember helping him with the LoCo stuff as well11:57
nixternalbut i thought he went by christer or something else11:57
nixternalhrmm. according to nickserv Kuyaedz was last seen 4 weeks 2 days ago11:58
willvdlhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDefaultDesktopLanguage  --> I guess this should rather be in help.u.c without the "edubuntu" bit11:59
mdkegotta love Newz, he's had a better idea still12:01
david_corralesmdke: so, what's the fuss about :)?12:01
mdkedavid_corrales: which fuss?12:02
nixternalChrister is going by Zelut now a days and is currently online12:03
mdkewell found12:04
mdkesee if he will have a quick chat12:04
nixternaloooh, what was Newz's idea?12:04
mdkeI think his objection was that the solution would appear on every 404, rather than just documentation ones.12:05
david_corralesthe whole wheel reinvention, et al12:05
mdkedavid_corrales: you're asking why it's a bad idea to reinvent the wheel?12:05
david_corralesno, I mean12:06
david_corraleswho's reinventing stuff12:06
mdkeah, loads of people12:06
nixternali am going to create ubuntu-howtos.com now12:06
nixternali should, and then redirect it to our wiki :)12:06
mdkeif we manage to get a solution which shows a generic message for each documentation 404 on wiki.u.c, which links to the new page on help.u.c, that would be even cooler12:06
=== nixternal checks the domain name
mdkeactually, we have a list, david_corrales12:06
mdkei'll dig it out12:07
david_corralestoo bad, since all those efforts could be unified12:07
willvdlmdke, should be possible. it jsut needs to search the namespace on each site12:07
nixternalwww.quit-using-ubuntu-domain-names.org.com.net.info.tv :)12:07
mdkewillvdl: we can do a grep and then find and replace, or something a bit more subtle with the same effect12:08
mdkehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/IndependentDocEfforts <-- david_corrales (it's a bit out of date)12:08
willvdland if no match is found then it goes to default 40412:08
nixternalhmm, that would make it easier, the custom 404 page most definitely12:08
david_corralesmdke: thanks :)12:08
willvdlessentially it is an automatic redirect if the page name appears on help.u.c12:09
mdkewillvdl, nixternal: newz being newz, he also has the technical side in mind, as well as the idea12:09
mdkewhat a man12:09
willvdlsuggested rather than automatic12:09
david_corralesubuntu guide is filled with non-ubuntu repos =/12:09
nixternalya, newz is one of my favorite heros now a days :)12:10
mdkethe idea would be to have a list of the moved pages, and have the 404 page query it. If the page is there, it tells you it's moved, if not, the regular 404 page appears12:10
nixternalthat and if he messes me up, it is only a 2 to 3 hour drive to find him for payback12:10
nixternalisn't it though :)12:11
willvdlbuy him something nice12:12
nixternalyou guys work for Canonical, not me, so buy me something nice12:13
nixternalim a poor student, w/o a job, or at least a permanent solution for a job12:13
mdkeyou're presuming Canonical pays well12:13
nixternalmdke: better than the GI Bill does I'm sure12:14
david_corralesgive him an ubucookie12:14
LaserJocknixternal: +112:14
mdkenixternal: not sure12:14
LaserJockI haven't actually made any money in years12:14
nixternalubuKookie here12:14
LaserJockgeeze, can't you KDE people learn how to spell ;-p12:15
nixternalI make just over $1,000 USD a month for going to school12:15
nixternali need money12:15
nixternalwell, the current consulting contract though will make my student life very comfortable for the year though12:15
nixternalnow if only i could get some free tickets, then i would be very happy12:16
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