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newz2000I just sent a message to the list and would love your feedback on it04:36
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troy_snewz2000 who were you talking to?05:06
newz2000anyone in particular05:06
newz2000no one in particular, I mean05:07
troy_sQuite brilliant really newz -- but it will require the support of many.05:14
newz2000maybe if there's a little positive feedback from the team I'll post a msg to the forums and also update the bug to get more people involved05:15
troy_sI think the trick is to figure out the process to getting something into the repos.05:26
troy_smain would be lovely, but who knows.05:26
newz2000sorry for the delayed response, I'm starting to drift off at my keyboard... better call it a night. g'night05:34
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork! Happy New Year to all!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by troy_s at Mon Jan 1 04:00:15 2007
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Cimihere's Cimi04:00
lizardkinghere's lizardking04:01
lapociao cimi04:07
lapociao lizardking04:07
lapotoo many italians :-)04:08
lizardkingja italian too04:13
andreasnthe Italian Conspiracy, eh? ;)04:14
andreasnslowly taking over everything artwork related in GNOME...04:15
=== TheSheep knew that ridicolously blue sky looked suspicious
Cimiandreasn, do you like http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9100/schermataem7.jpg04:17
Cimiubuntustudio theme work in progress04:18
TheSheepmurrine black?04:18
Ciminew version04:18
andreasnlooks nice04:18
Cimiwith selectable hilight04:19
andreasnblack themes can be hard, so I think you've done a good job on this one04:19
Cimithank you04:19
lapolooks nice04:20
andreasnreminds me that I better make that inkscape set usable04:20
TheSheepCimi: what icon theme is that?04:21
Cimiof the screenshot?04:21
TheSheepCimi: yes04:21
TheSheepCimi: just curious04:21
Cimiosx :(04:21
TheSheepright, should have recognized the trash :)04:22
lizardkingtry to use Tango-Noir, as in ubuntustudio wiki says04:22
lizardkingandreasn: Ahah the italian Consipracy is cool04:24
andreasnthink about it04:24
lizardkingI think as in fashion italian people have some good innate stuff for artwork04:24
andreasnLapo, Ulisse, Luca Ferretti04:25
andreasnand the list goes on.... ;)04:25
andreasnand Cimi and yourself04:25
Cimilizardking sucks on themes04:26
TheSheepthat's because Italia is sunny -- you have an advantage while picking the colors ;)04:26
lizardkingyes Cimi you are right04:26
lizardkingI'm an improvvisate artworker, i'm an engineering04:26
lizardkingbut I can give good adivce to who make themes ;) (bad english)04:27
Cimilizardking, ;)04:29
lizardkingCimi: yes?04:30
Cimijust for advices/suggestions :P04:30
lizardkingbut I like artwork, I can give good suggestions!04:31
TheSheeplizardking: any good tutorial for beginners at gtk theming?04:32
lizardkingTheSheep: You should visit the official Gnome theming tutorial04:34
lizardkingTheSheep: In my opinion is not good a lot04:34
lizardkingCimi: Trevio is packaging you murrine-configurator04:35
TheSheeplizardking: do you have any experience with xfce-specific parts of theme?04:35
lizardkingCimi: Trevino wanto to send the debian/ dir of the package04:35
lizardkingTheSheep: No, I don't use Xfce and I have any skills wit this features04:35
TheSheeplizardking: found the tutorial, thanks a lot04:38
lizardkingTheSheep: ok, I hope my little help could improve your Skills ;)04:39
Cimisee ubuntustudio look04:46
lapoCimi: I like the bg image image what's that?04:47
TheSheepCimi: woudn't a graphics artist prefer a solid background? :)04:47
CimiTheSheep, i agree04:48
Cimibut it is the only bg i have with selectable colors :D04:48
TheSheepCimi: maybe a grid...04:48
lapoCimi: apt-get install gnome-backgrounds04:48
lizardkinglook fine this bg04:50
Cimiok stars bg rocks04:50
lapoCimi: andreasn's04:50
lizardking sudo aptitude install gnome-backgrounds ;)04:52
lapolizardking: I'm oldschool :-)04:52
Cimisudo pacman -S gnome-backgrounds04:52
Cimiarchlinux reigns!04:52
lizardkingpacman, which is the arcade game? ;) hihihi04:52
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host207-165-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
TrevinhoCimi: hi05:01
lizardkingTrevinho: hi05:01
lizardkingCimi: here is trevi05:02
Trevinho[ITA]  siamo una buona percentuale di italiani qui mi pare... :P [/ITA] 05:02
Cimihi Trevinho05:02
lizardkingyes we are almost italian05:03
TrevinhoCimi: did you  receive the debian folder?05:03
Ciminothing yet05:03
Cimialice sucks05:04
lapoCimi: gmail05:05
Trevinhoalice sucks... lol... said in english it sounds better :D05:05
lizardkingAahaahh loool05:08
lizardkingAlice is my girlfriend, trevi!  :( (joke)05:08
troy_sHas anyone been using the LUA engine yet?05:12
lizardkingtroy_s: What is the LUA engine?05:14
lizardkinghttp://dborg.wordpress.com/tag/gnome/ is this?05:16
lizardkingThe color are quite ugly : P05:16
lizardkingmhh it seems a mix of ubuntulooks,clearlooks, and murrine glassy05:17
troy_sLua pretty much puts an end to engine writing.05:19
troy_sIt is a LUA scripted frontend with a Cairo drawing backend.05:19
troy_sIt doesn't do anything other than provide a scripting interface05:19
troy_sSo 'engines' are basically obsolete.05:19
troy_sdborg wrote it -- very clever.05:19
troy_sThe colours have nothing to do with it...05:19
troy_sclearlooks / murrine / etc are all hard coded engines -- not versatile.  Lua will be able to do just about anything.05:20
lapotroy_s: sounds cool05:24
lapotroy_s: well it let's you write "engines" with higher level programming language tho :-)05:25
lizardkingi understand now05:25
lizardkingI did not read the post05:26
lapoor even it let's you script "engines" :-)05:26
lizardkingBefore you said "LUA Engines" I think that was a new one05:26
troy_sWell technically it _is_ an engine.05:29
troy_sBut it has the potential to be an engine to end all engines.05:29
troy_sIn that you do not need to recompile the 'engine' to see the effects of the work.05:29
troy_sQuite brilliant really.05:29
lapoyes it is05:30
Cimi2 problems05:30
lapobtw It solves the problem of user installing themes, not artists doing them05:30
Cimi1) gtkrc have to get updated "engines"05:31
troy_s1) ???05:31
Cimifor example if someone port murrine to LUA05:31
lapoCimi: that lua engine is (well will be) everything you need05:31
Cimithen every themes that use murrine  ported to lua need to reupdate their gtkrc every time i make a release05:32
Cimiand this is absolutely _bad_05:32
lapoCimi: nope, that engines do all the drawing stuff via scripting so you won't need murrine at all05:32
troy_sActually no.05:32
troy_sYou completely misunderstand05:32
troy_sIt is far superior than engine writing05:32
dborg__cimi is still thinking about lots of people customising a base engine. of course with lua scripts themes will always be complete forks, just like metacity themes05:32
troy_sFor one, you aren't relying on the fundamental skills to prevent memory leaks and good coding.05:33
dborg__there is nothing bad about forking themes. and it gives you much better control about your theme05:33
troy_sWell theoretically with LUA you can escape the need to install further themes.05:33
lapotroy_s: yep, a lot, but you need to master lua scripting isted of c (which is far better) but you have to know it, and prsonally speaking I prefer to pass mockups to coders :-)05:33
Cimidborg__, yes dborg05:34
troy_sOne theme engine.05:34
Cimibut take every murrine themes on gnomelook05:34
Cimithere are 50 (i guess)05:34
dborg__lapo: I try to make it dead simple :) knowing lua code will be a plus but not required05:34
Cimiconsider them ported to lua05:34
troy_sWhat made you choose Lua dborg, as opposed to say, python?05:34
lizardkingmhh interesting05:34
lapodborg__: great, come on then finish it, now! :-)05:34
troy_sPort it once.05:35
Cimievery "themes" need to update their theme every "murrine" release05:35
dborg__troy_s: lua is made to be small and fast, running the python interpreter for every gtk app would be a lot of overhead05:35
troy_sYes... but with lua once you write it in lua you can throw away the rewriting process.05:35
troy_sdborg -- ahh.05:35
lizardkinglet's prove it cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome -z3 co gtk-engines05:35
troy_sVery solid reasoning.05:35
Cimi*every themer05:35
troy_scimi -- once ported though, no need for the engine at all.05:36
dborg__troy_s: did you test it already with the example theme I sent you?05:36
troy_sYou are relying on dborg's frontend to access the cairo work.05:36
=== dborg__ is now known as dborg
troy_strying to finish up metacity.05:36
Cimitroy_s, consider i change the style of a button05:36
troy_sthen i am migrating onto gtk05:36
Cimievery themer wuill have to reupdate their themes05:36
troy_sCimi -- Lua replaces murrine05:36
troy_sThe 'theme' is stored in Lua script.05:36
lizardkingCimi: I think you are not more able to write button afet LUA05:37
troy_sWhich does _not_ require a recompile.05:37
dborgCimi: what makes you think that themers _want_ their themes to be updated?05:37
troy_sThat's the beauty of Lua05:37
troy_sthe Lua engine makes all the engines obsolete05:37
Cimidborg, if my new "button design" is better05:37
troy_sSo that the coders can focus on keeping Lua tight, and the artists can write themes without worrying about it.05:37
dborgCimi: if murrine would be ported to lua, you wouldn't write "themes for murrine" anymore, but "themes based on murrine" instead05:37
Cimithen people need to drag and drop my changes in the lua script05:37
Cimiam i correct?05:37
troy_sYour 'murrine' would be basically a set of functions in Lua.05:38
troy_sIf you changed it,05:38
dborgCimi: if they want to use it, of course. you take the features you want from any theme or write your own.05:38
troy_si believe lua has inheritance doesn't it dborg?05:38
troy_sSo you could use "parent of class is Cimi.murrine" and override where appropriate?05:39
Cimii like a lot the benefits of lua05:39
Cimiand surely i will port it to dborg's engine05:39
troy_sIt is _amazingly_ versatile.05:39
troy_sI have been perusing the code...05:39
troy_sOne benefit is that you don't need to recompile05:39
Cimiit's good for few and fast mods05:39
troy_swhich is _massive_05:39
Cimior for fast themes05:39
dborgtroy_s: nope, the engine simply calls a function from the script. you could probably include another script, but in general I think it's better if each theme is self-contained05:40
troy_sIt's good for all mods.  The complexity is limited only by the Lua code.05:40
Cimibut i don't think it is better for "wide used" themes05:40
troy_sdborg -- you are probably right on that.05:40
troy_sOtherwise it is dependency hell.05:40
troy_sCimi -- what makes you stake that claim?05:40
troy_sI suppose you will need to wait and see.  I intend to start using it immediately.05:40
lapodborg: only one request, nice and complete documentation for poor artists on how to use it! :-)05:41
Cimitroy_s, me too05:41
troy_sthe _real_ beauty of Lua will shine to end users who want05:41
troy_sto demonstrate05:41
Cimibut for "little" engines05:41
troy_show quickly it will be to05:41
troy_schange colours.05:41
Ciminot an huge one as murrine05:41
lizardkinghere in cvs downloaded I see only C files not Python one05:41
troy_sLizardking -- it is a true 'engine'05:41
troy_sso it is in C.05:41
troy_simport it, build it,05:41
troy_sand migrate it into the proper engine directory.05:42
lizardkingtroy_s: ok05:42
troy_sTo an end user, the designers can write 100s of different variations and make them completely easily to change theoretically.05:42
troy_sNo theme engine for different colours.05:42
dborgcurrently battle for wesnoth is killing my time :/ otherwise it might already be finished05:43
troy_sWesnoth is worthy ;)05:43
troy_sAlthough the timed scenarios make me ill.05:43
lapodborg: apt-get remove it now! :-)05:43
dborgno apt-get here ;)05:43
troy_swhat are you deving on dborg?05:43
troy_sNow that you have left Ubuntu.05:44
lapohave you got rm there? :-)05:44
dborgforget it lapo ;)05:44
lapoah is it the upkg distro?05:44
troy_sNever heard of it... just visited paldo dot org now.05:44
dborgpaldo is a small unknown distribution by the vala devs. it is also based on gnome and the "just works" idea, but much more basic05:45
dborgyes lapo05:45
lapoI need to try that one05:45
troy_sAnyways dborg, how many of the widgets does Lua currently touch?05:46
troy_sI presume it is about trapping the signals for them?05:46
dborgtroy_s: mostly, some widgets require certain tweaks. I do the widget support and example implementation at the same time, so it sometimes takes a while to get it right05:48
dborgtroy_s: my list of missing widgets: http://pastebin.co.uk/814705:48
troy_sNot too many left really.05:48
dborgthe one with exclamation marks are important05:48
troy_sFrame... hrm.05:49
dborgyes, not much work left05:49
troy_sDoes frame handle the pre-window drawing before metacity?05:49
troy_sOr is that more of a panel frame.05:49
dborgthe frame you get around a group of options for example, but also the frame around a listview, etc05:49
troy_sAhh... groupbox.05:50
troy_sWith you.05:50
troy_sIt would seem to me that Lua is quite an important engine and probably should be shipped with the basic engines package.05:51
troy_sConsidering that it is the most versatile developed yet.05:51
Cimii agree05:51
Cimignome needs good engines05:51
Cimiand good style05:51
troy_sIt needs _one_ good engine.05:51
lapoisn't it in gnome-engines already?05:51
troy_sWith a good scripting backend.05:51
Cimitroy_s, yes05:52
Cimidborg, how slow is it?05:52
troy_sThe reality is that if every theme engine writer jumped onto it, it would be very robust.05:52
troy_sAs it would get the little bits filled in quickly.05:52
lapovery true05:52
troy_sCimi -- depends on the coding practices.05:53
troy_sCimi -- Lua is pretty blazingly fast as a scripting engine.05:53
troy_sSo the overhead is minimal.05:53
troy_sBut if you waste cycles with poor coding practices, I am quite certain that it can be made to grind to a halt.05:53
troy_sdborg might have some benches on a comparable type of look against look thing.05:54
Cimii'm quite good in optimizing code05:54
Cimithe problem is that not all of us are good in it05:54
Cimibtw this is not our problem05:55
lapoCimi: ok know you have no excuses to jump on the lua engin bandwagon then :-)05:55
Cimithe few themes that will be shipped to gnome 2.18-20 have to be fast05:55
dborgyou can't really do much wrong with your scripting, the slowness will mostly be caused by the type of cairo drawing ops you use. in comparison a lua theme is a little slower, but still way faster than a pixmap theme05:55
Cimidborg, ok very fine!05:56
dborgif you want a blazingly fast theme, you shouldn't even use cairo ;)05:56
troy_sI think the era of targetting the lowest common denominator of computing is getting rather old.05:56
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lapodborg: or work on cairo to make it draw things faster :-)05:56
troy_sConsidering that a 3000 class amd 32 bit chip is less than 30 dollars these days.05:56
troy_s+1 to the latter.05:56
Cimitroy_s, anyway we MUST do good code05:57
troy_sGood code is always a must.05:57
Cimiand not code bad just because it's not important05:57
troy_sCimi -- you should use your excellent skills to dive into Lua.05:57
troy_sAnd help dborg finish it.05:57
dborglapo: it doesn't matter, anti aliased smooth corners and complex translucent gradients will always be slower than drawing straight pixels with gdk :)05:57
Cimii will take a look next weeks05:58
Cimianyway murrine will never stop to exist until i find a solution with lua scripts05:58
Cimii will port murrine on lua05:58
lapodborg: lua engine sounds coo, but please tell me that you are still working on scrathpad05:59
Cimibut this will not stop murrine development05:59
lapoScratchpad even05:59
dborglapo: sure, in fact I'm itching to work on it again. but I'm forcing myself to finish the lua engine first... since it's almost done06:00
troy_sForce harder Wesnoth guy ;)06:01
lapodborg: wesnoth really need to get removed by your machine eh :-)06:01
lapodborg: you should eventually propose scratchpad for inclusion in gnome, I really think it's smarter, meaner, better then gedit06:03
dborglapo: but it is totally non-conformist :) I don't think it would fit in well yet. it's also very developer oriented (then again, gedit isn't exactly plain anymore either)06:05
lapodborg: that's the cool part06:06
dborgalso, gedit is _much_ more polished and stable, especially with regards to internationalisation and file handling06:06
lapodborg: yep that's a good point, but you can cure it, no? :-)06:06
dborgit's not my priority :) first and foremost I want to make an editor that works great for 95% of all users, instead of focusing too much on the remaining 5%. gedit is much more conservative and that's probably a good thing for a default editor that simply may not fail06:08
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troy_sgrr lua is disabled by default in autogen.sh06:19
troy_sin theory, is animation possible with the engine?"06:20
dborgyes, but it would be hacky just like in clearlooks, etc. I will probably not implement it before a "clean" method is found06:22
troy_sdborg -- that will require the gnome architects to implement it at the api level i take it?06:28
troy_sdborg -- a Lua wiki on your site might help for designers to dump their experiences in the form of documentation :)06:29
troy_ssave you a little work.06:30
dborgtroy_s: that's a good idea, but it should probably be somewhere on live.gnome.org06:31
dborgif you want to start one, I would be very grateful ;) just keep in mind that things can still change drastically (but I hope not)06:31
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