[12:30] nixternal: oh, by the way [12:30] duh duh duh! [12:31] popey, drupal? [12:32] nixternal: work was immensely slow today, so I braindumped about the wiki thing [12:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImproveWebsiteStructure [12:32] good deal. I will check it out after dinner and make some notes if needed [12:33] i clean out my desktop cases once a month. last month i moved my machines closer to the door in order to receive some cooler air. wow they are dustier after doing that [12:33] ok [12:34] mpt: you might take a look too, and give some feedback. We were just playing with ideas [12:34] somerville32: yes [12:36] somerville32: what about drupal? === tonyyarusso is researching cms and blog software....sorry [12:36] a site i setup on doc.ubuntu.com is drupal based [12:36] we were talking about it just before you arrived [12:36] ah [12:36] http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts [12:36] popey, I have a lot of experience with Drupal if you need any help [12:37] thanks somerville32 [12:37] its pretty basic to be honest, not using most of drupal === tonyyserver [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-doc === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === dsas [n=dean@ACD4571A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc [01:01] ooh, interesting problem [01:03] Oh noes! It is mpt! === mpt cowers === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-134-135.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [01:20] mpt: oh cool, you don't think the renaming thing is loony === acacs [n=acacs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mdke hugs mpt === mpt hugs mdke [01:29] I dislike URLs containing "wiki." on the grounds that that's an implementation detail [01:30] good man [01:30] I tell you something we have in the Italian community that we can't shrug off [01:30] everyone, almost without exception, describes every page as a "wiki" [01:31] haha [01:32] That's sortof synecdoche [01:32] bless you [01:32] Well, kind for the thing, rather than whole for the part, I guess [01:33] "wiki page" is quite awkward to say in Italian :D [01:33] you have to say "page of the wiki" [01:35] No nouns masquerading as adjectives in Italian? [01:35] E.g. "wooden chair" becomes "chair of wood"? [01:35] yeah [01:36] (well, wooden is actually an adjective, but ykwim) [01:40] mpt: was pleased to see you accepted that bug about the portlets being the wrong way round in the left column [01:41] mpt, do you not reckon that when folks are on a URL containing "wiki" it is perceived as an invitation to edit? [01:42] i think that's the point we need to address [01:42] willvdl: do you fancy adding that to Unresolved Issues? [01:43] mdke, at this time of night I don't fancy much other than my pillow [01:43] willvdl: well, since I'm already on the pillow, I'll do it [01:43] ah there is plenty of time for sleep, now is work time :) [01:43] Unresolved Issues? [01:44] yeah [01:44] willvdl, I know that a small proportion of people in general pay any attention to URLs, but I don't know how much higher that proportion is amongst the sort of people who'd want to edit a wiki page [01:44] nixternal, it's 02:43 here. only reason I'm up is because I'm proofing edubuntu marketing materials for BETT [01:44] woo that sounds like fun :) [01:44] willvdl, add an "== Unresolved issues ==" section to the end of the page if it doesn't already have one [01:44] it does. I'll add the point === nixternal doesn't want to look at any more marketing materials this week [01:45] ah, wasn't watching what page you were referring too :) === willvdl is just getting cracking on them [01:45] if people read urls, we wouldn't have the problem :D [01:46] mpt, I have a suspicion that when folks see "wiki" as synonymous to "open to contribution". Would be hard to establish though [01:47] Perhaps, but a "Fix this page yourself" button at the bottom would have greater effect :-) [01:47] lol [01:47] mpt: +1 [01:47] +1 [01:47] well, they both already have "Login to edit" at the top [01:47] would "fix this page yourself" not fit in the URL? [01:48] anyway, point added [01:48] gnargh [01:48] willvdl: "at the bottom" [01:48] I have a widescreen, it fits in mine [01:48] heh [01:48] willvdl: try this one on your widescreen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hi_I'm_new_to_Ubuntu_and_I'm_having_a_hard_time_going_online%2e_My_wireless_net_work_card_is_a_Belkin_F5D7000-W_I_would_really_appreciate_it_if_some_one_told_me_how_to_go_about_this%2e?action=info [01:48] credit: nixternal [01:48] hahahahha [01:49] the truly awesome thing about that page is that he opened it twice [01:49] ?action=DELETE!!! [01:49] it's already deleted? [01:49] ya [01:49] he did another one? [01:49] see the link I posted [01:49] hahahaha [01:49] omg [01:49] he varied it too. He added "here" to the end of the page text [01:49] haha, try this one on your widescreen [01:50] one of our edubuntu pages had a nice red banner inserted by a guy wanting DVD's to distribute [01:50] i have a widescreen and the link still split to 3 lines [01:50] i don't know how i let another one of his posts slip through [01:51] seems you have a nemesis [01:51] lol [01:51] must be [01:51] we need to think outside the box for a replacement for "wiki" though [01:52] is this the "dev" vs "wiki" etc debate from earlier? [01:52] yes. willvdl the url is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImproveWebsiteStructure?action=show [01:52] heheh mdke that fits on one line here (the long url) [01:52] you must have five or six monitors [01:53] thank god tomorrow is friday. I really haven't had any sleep this week [01:54] mdke is there a LP spec ref? would like to subscribe [01:54] mdke: http://gallery.popey.com/gallery/screenshots/Screenshot_005 :) [01:54] willvdl: no, I'll make one now [01:55] popey: whoosh [01:55] plenty of space left there too [01:55] taking the pee a little, usually i only have that one one screen :) [01:55] ah, perhaps we could make reference to www.kubuntu.com and www.edubuntu.org too [01:56] nod [01:59] the edubuntu.org is a slightly different animal but hopefully it will endeavour to follow the same conventions [01:59] who should be approver for that? [01:59] jane, mark? [02:00] for what? edubuntu.org? probaby Richard [02:00] for that spec [02:02] Jane does love wikis [02:02] hmm [02:03] I'll leave it blank for now [02:03] ok I'm getting silly. Ciao. === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] [02:06] What about xubuntu.org?! [02:07] potentially each of these derivative websites might need separate specs [02:07] they all have slightly different structures === somerville32 nods. === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu-doc === bhuvan [n=bhuvan@ubuntu/member/bhuvan] has joined #ubuntu-doc [03:36] what package provides gnome "disks manager"? [03:39] The Ubuntu documentation refers to it as being in "System -> Administration -> Disks" but I don't see it there on Edgy. [03:39] And I'm not sure if it is my install or the documentation. [03:39] removed due to upstream decision [03:40] (so, the latter) [03:41] Okay, cool. Why was it removed? [03:42] no idea about the actual rationale. [03:44] Apparently it was buggy or something? === MatthewV [n=MatthewV@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-doc [04:24] Do we use docbook sgml or xml? [04:31] xml === Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-doc [04:48] oi LaserJock [04:49] hi nixternal === theCore [n=alex@ubuntu/member/theCore] has joined #ubuntu-doc [04:51] theCore! [04:51] hi LaserJock [04:51] theCore: I just fired up emacs snapshot [04:52] but the fonts look awful [04:52] hehe, mine? [04:52] which one is yours? [04:52] the one at debs.peadrop.com [04:53] ah, no [04:53] the one in the repos [04:53] try mine then [04:53] just a sec [04:54] theCore: what did you do to xchat? [04:54] http://peadrop.com/files/Screenshot.png [04:54] a bug fix [04:55] bug 57951 [04:55] Malone bug 57951 in xchat "xchat crashes frequently on quit" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57951 [04:55] oh yeah [04:56] I need to get the fix into the repos [04:56] so what did you do to emacs? [04:56] it's a version from the emacs-unicode-2 branch [04:56] the mighty emacs 23 [04:57] I update it about once per week [04:57] and I sync with Debian once per month [04:58] LaserJock: you probably want my .emacs too [04:59] and read this http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/XftGnuEmacs [05:00] theCore: your .emacs is on peadrop still right? [05:00] I can probably svn it [05:00] yep, but I need to remove the password before [05:00] for some weird reasons, their is a password on it :/ [05:01] there* [05:01] http://svn.peadrop.com/emacs/ [05:03] yep, it is working now [05:03] svn co http://svn.peadrop.com/emacs/ emacs [05:03] ln -s emacs/emacs.el .emacs [05:05] to launch it, you will need a small script or add a .Xdefaults file [05:07] that my little script I like to use: http://peadrop.com/files/emacs.sh [05:08] (Vim lovers would probably laugh hearing me right now :)) [05:08] so much configurations [05:13] hmm, hopefully I didn't kill LaserJock === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-doc === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-doc [05:24] bdmurray: don't worry about the quicktour stuff. i think we may eventually nix it [05:26] LaserJock! [05:26] theCore: so did you put the font in .Xresources ? [05:27] LaserJock: I trying to [05:27] it works if I do: emacs --enable-font-backend --font "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-10" [05:27] LaserJock: yep [05:27] but I should be able to put that in a file somewhere [05:28] LaserJock: I use a script for that, but I think I just found out a new way [05:29] nixternal: okay, it wasn't much work to fix though. [05:29] no problem [05:29] we may be able to pull from it though [05:29] i have never taken a look at it personally though [05:32] LaserJock: hmm... it seems that until they get rid of legacy font-handling codes, you will need the `--enable-font-backend' option [05:33] LaserJock: messing with emacs again? [05:33] nixternal: yeah [05:33] i keep telling myself I am going to, but never get around to doing it [05:33] LaserJock: in theory, I could patch it [05:33] theCore introduced me to org mode [05:33] hehe [05:33] there is a guy in the Chicago LUG, all he uses is emacs. he doesn't even use a DE at all. nothing but term. RMS's twin [05:34] there's really not much of anything emacs can't do [05:34] heh, when you ask him what os he uses, he will tell you emacs [05:34] nixternal: lol, there's even a guy who made an Emacs OS [05:34] nixternal: he made init point to Emacs [05:35] that is scary [05:37] yeah, my boss is sure that way [05:37] even with OS X all he does is have emacs, acroread, and firefox [05:38] http://www.informatimago.com/linux/emacs-on-user-mode-linux.html [05:38] scary --^ === rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-doc [05:41] LaserJock: if you use my dot emacs, I recommend you change some of the values in custom.el (eg. the email address) [05:42] LaserJock: also, I assume some basic packages to be installed, like nxml-mode and emacs-goodies-el [05:43] man i lost a system due to mem failure :( [05:43] trying to find replacement memory for cheap isn't easy [05:43] LaserJock: also devscripts-el, debian-el and auctex [05:43] nothing more than ddr3200 is all i need, 512mb would work and of course 1gb would be swell. but the prices aren't there just yet [05:49] LaserJock: do you got any other questions about Emacs, before I leave? [05:49] theCore: no, I just wanted to figure out the font issue [05:49] LaserJock: ok [05:50] then, I am off for today [05:50] see ya all === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-doc === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-doc === somerville32 [n=somervil@ubuntu/member/somerville32] has joined #ubuntu-doc === TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === glatzor [n=sebi@p54964AF1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === bhuvan [n=bhuvan@ubuntu/member/bhuvan] has joined #ubuntu-doc === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:58] How do I link to another element with an id= in the same document? === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@242-172.dial.nortenet.pt] has joined #ubuntu-doc === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-134-135.dsl.telstraclear.net] has left #ubuntu-doc ["http://mpt.net.nz/"] === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-134-135.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] === jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-doc === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-doc [05:02] what's the policy on using CategoryArchive in the wiki? [05:23] mpt: or Blah [05:23] willvdl: i have no clue on the archive stuff [05:24] seems to be used but wondering how it relates to quality assurance spec. [05:24] anyhoo. it's FRiday and I'm going to drink beer rather. [05:24] see you all Monday === theCore [n=alex@ubuntu/member/theCore] has joined #ubuntu-doc === willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"] === froud [n=sean@dsl-242-143-145.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jeffsch [n=jeff@dhcp561-1-99.dsl.ucc-net.ca] has joined #ubuntu-doc === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-doc === motin_ [n=motin@c80-217-109-98.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-doc [08:54] mdke: has anyone suggested mydocs.ubuntu.com for the wiki? [08:54] "mydocs" suggests ownership and thus the ability to add and edit the content === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [09:00] jeffsch: no, not to my knowledge. [09:09] mdke: ok. I'll add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImproveWebsiteStructure [09:12] jeffsch: it doesn't really work for that, because there aren't any docs on the wiki === Jucato_ [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [09:13] hmm... I was thinking "documentation" and not "documents" [09:13] but that's a good point [09:14] there isn't any documentation either... [09:14] we're talking about wiki.ubuntu.com here [09:15] doh! my brain fails me once again! [09:15] I'm seeing "wiki" but thinking "help" :( [09:16] :) === xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc [09:34] bdmurray: yes, we have a bug open about disk-admin [09:35] mdke: what is the bug? [09:35] bdmurray: that we have documentation about using disks-admin and the program isn't shipped anymore [09:36] okay. just out of curiousity why isn't it shipped anymore? [09:36] too many bugs [09:37] ironically they wanted to remove it in dapper and I persuaded them not to on the basis that we had docs about it [09:37] so they removed it at the beginning of Edgy and we just forgot all about that [09:37] Is there an alternative gui disk admin tool? [09:38] no, there was a discussion about it on the mailing list but we came to the view that we should simply remove the material on the basis that partitions are now mounted automatically [09:38] or something like that [09:40] okay, is looking at the server guide a decent idea? [09:41] yes, that needs some serious attention. If you can see places to simplify it, that would be wonderful [09:41] we also need to reorganise it a bit better. I'm going to work on that this weekend I think [09:41] braindump on w.u.c rename: work.u.c, collab.u.c, meta.u.c, data.u.c, projects.u.c, create.u.c, jot.u.c, think.u.c, (dev or devel are still my favorites) [09:41] just trying to spark something here === LaserJock shields his eyes [09:42] how about dahood.ubuntu.com? [09:42] community is good as well, but like stated it is to much to type [09:42] haha [09:42] i love it [09:42] mdke.ubuntu.com :) === mdke nods [09:42] mdke: incidentally I don't see myself as a member of the ubuntu-doc team in launchpad [09:42] bdmurray: an oversight by us. Did you apply? [09:42] com.ubuntu.com would be a good short hand [09:42] lol [09:42] a head spinner [09:43] mdke: what is the application process? [09:43] bdmurray: "join this team" [09:45] in launchpad? [09:46] ah, found it [09:52] i can't register my wiki page on LP [09:52] someone else already has, but i have the actual wiki page === Liz [n=liz@203-118-187-170.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-doc [10:24] w00t [10:24] they've implemented the gpg plugin for squirrelmail on dreamhost [10:24] nixternal: ^^ [10:24] nice [10:24] makes it easier when im away from my computer [10:25] now all they need to do is activate threading and all is at peace === TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:16] evening mdke [11:16] evening [11:17] popey: good job today [11:19] thanks [11:20] just need to finish the how-to and flesh out some specs === mdke nods [11:21] then we'll start cracking on finding some people [11:21] agreed [11:21] I wondered if it would be worth you chatting with the ubuntuclips guy on a one to one basis and trying to convince him to come on board early doors [11:22] yup [11:22] will do [11:22] nixternal: having said that, I can't find the plugin. DH have been lying to me [11:22] popey: cool [11:23] need to sort the "rules"too because we (me and him) differ on our ideas [11:23] technical or social? [11:24] technical [11:24] resolvable? [11:24] yeah, i am sure it is [11:24] cool, I'll leave that to you :D [11:25] :) === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:43] mdke, still around? [11:44] mpt: yes [11:45] mdke, the links I removed were to files that aren't there [11:45] Are you intending to move them to that directory from somewhere else? === dsas [n=dean@ACD4571A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc [11:46] mpt: well, you left one of them. And yeah, we can import them when they have reached a nice stable state upstream [11:47] ok, I'll restore those links, and move them when there's a better place for them [11:47] I thought maybe you felt they might go better in something like "Configuring the desktop" [11:48] and use to fix my cross-references [11:48] ok [11:48] mpt: one more thing, about the presence of "What's new" [11:49] you think it's worth writing those? people upgrading get the release notes in update-manager and online [11:49] and in firefox too, now I think of it [11:49] I hadn't envisaged shipping them with the help [11:50] I'm not entirely sure what the release notes are supposed to be for [11:50] (I reported a bug yesterday asking why they include instructions on getting Ubuntu) [11:50] yeah I know, I rejected it [11:50] :p [11:51] but you'll need to talk to mdz or tollef I think if you're not satisfied with my response [11:51] but just as helping people understand the differences between Windows and Ubuntu 7.04 will help them use Ubuntu 7.04 [11:51] so helping people understand the differences between Ubuntu 6.10 and 7.04 will help them use 7.04 [11:52] I'm talking about important differences in how to do things, not "we have rounded window corners now" [11:52] that's very true. But i don't know if it justifies us maintaining a kinda slimmed down userfriendly version of the releasenotes just for that [11:52] apart from anything else [11:52] I bet you the important differences in how to do things aren't always in the dev's releasenotes [11:53] Extra important for it to be in the help, then :-) [11:53] it will be hard work for us to hunt it all down and write it up, given how much is already on the plate [11:53] but still, we can mull it over [11:54] mpt: a few other things about the patch [11:55] you've also removed the links to the administration thing and the users/groups thing [11:55] and the switching from windows material that I incorporated [11:55] We have discussed that ten minutes ago [11:56] mpt: no, we discussed the links to material that isn't there (the Gnome upstream stuff) [11:56] ok, I'll restore those links, and move them when there's a better place for them [11:56] these are things that were there [11:57] (I've just finished that) [11:57] ok. [11:57] the switching one obviously overlaps with your glossary thing, they should be combined [11:58] that glossary stuff is really useful, btw [11:58] Yes, that's what I meant by "I'll ... start incorporating relevant information from 'Switching From Windows'." [11:58] So "If you've been using Windows" will link to a list of topics, of which the glossary is one page [11:58] mpt: I'd already down the "incorporating relevant information" part. What you see there is a slimmed down version of "switching from windows". But that's cool, I'll leave you to that [11:59] onto other things [11:59] mpt: menu entries... we should use entities for these [11:59] are you familiar with how we do those? [11:59] ok, back up a bit [11:59] You'd already done the incorporating [11:59] yes, I thought I had [12:00] Is there a reason for retaining the "Introduction", "Installing Ubuntu", etc topics? [12:00] ok, I must have dreamed that then [12:00] sorry! [12:01] np :-) [12:01] mpt: a quick side note on the installing section [12:01] I didn't want to try and do all of that in one patch [12:01] the help will be available from the live cd... I wonder if it's worth keeping that section on the basis that people might look for help being trying to use ubiquity === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:02] In 7.04 Ubiquity is due to provide assistance in transferring stuff from Windows [12:02] To answer your next question, I'm not familiar with how we do entities [12:02] ok, we'll go through that quickly [12:04] essentially, when you type &printing; in a document, it looks in trunk/ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C/ent (if that file is incorporated in the top of the docbook file), which in turn (if it has a "printing" entry) looks in trunk/ubuntu/menus/C/printing.xml, which provides the blahblahblah stuff [12:04] so it's shorthand for doing the menu entry [12:04] but more importantly, it provides a central place to change all instances of a menu entry, if one changes. [12:05] Wow, creating a new file for every menu entry [12:05] that is done manually as needed [12:06] say for example that Ubuntu decides to make gnome-control-center the default instead of having those silly System->Preferences and System->Administration menus, it will potentially make it easier to update all of our menu entries [12:07] follow me? [12:07] yep [12:07] good idea [12:07] ok. [12:07] however [12:07] send the updated version of your patch, I'll apply it, and we can work on that after [12:07] "Use &gnome-app-install; to install applications from Ubuntu’s software library,..." [12:08] that's right. Is it worth having links in the glossary to bits of the help too? [12:08] actually, this is quite easy [12:08] I'll do it now [12:08] Yes, there should be such links [12:08] I've included comments for some of them [12:09] cool [12:09] you'll need to include the new ubuntu/menus/C/*xml files in your patch in that case [12:09] GEdit doesn't syntax-highlight entities that contain dashes === mdke goes to do the washing up [12:10] "Applications -> Add/Remove Programs"? [12:10] On my system it's "Applications" -> "Add/Remove..." [12:10] (of which we'd elide the ellipsis) === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:12] Using entities does make the glossary code much shorter [12:13] but if (say for example) Ubuntu decided to make gnome-control-center the default instead of having those silly System->Preferences and System->Administration menus, those entities wouldn't really save us any time in that particular case :-) [12:13] We'd have a lot more to change in the relevant pages [12:13] depending on how it was implemented, yeah - that occurred to me [12:13] it was a crap example [12:14] I was just dreaming out loud === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-70-78.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:15] A better example is the stuff that was moved from System Tools to various other places [12:15] don't rub in the badness of the example [12:15] sowi === mdke hugs === xabbott [n=xabbott@c-24-129-86-149.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:17] hooray, my first new entity [12:17] however, it has unwanted space after it [12:17] and I can't fix that [12:17] hmm. [12:18] because there's always a newline at the end of the entity file [12:18] and XML interprets the newline as whitespace [12:18] they *all* have unwanted space?