
vidd_laptop(that is 6x more then my desktop)12:27
somerville32Why not run Xubuntu on it?12:27
vidd_laptopsomerville32, i am12:28
somerville32That script is weird then12:28
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vidd_laptopyes it is12:28
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maxamillionwork was nuts today ...12:28
vidd_laptop*wave* maxamillion12:29
maxamillionhi hi :)12:29
vidd_laptopwhat happened?12:33
vidd_laptopor not?12:33
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liquidengineerHello again12:33
vidd_laptopwb liquidengineer12:34
liquidengineerThe computer I'm running my livecd off of has WindowsXP install on an ntfs drive12:34
liquidengineerI'd like to mount it with xubuntu12:34
liquidengineerI can see it using the disk-admin12:35
vidd_laptopliquidengineer, you want to replce it or view it?12:35
liquidengineerview it12:35
=== vidd_laptop dont think you can
liquidengineerthat doesn't seem right12:36
maxamillionvidd_laptop: sorry, i was posting on the forums .... nothing particular, it was just busy around the office today12:37
liquidengineerXubuntu can't mount NTFS?12:37
roflarnu wanna mount it with read only ? or did i get u wrong ?12:37
liquidengineerread only is fine12:37
maxamillionyou can view it12:37
liquidengineerwrite would be better12:37
roflarnsec ill get a link :>12:38
maxamillionliquidengineer: you can't write from the live cd12:38
liquidengineerthat's cool12:38
=== vidd_laptop fired M$ b4 dapper came out
roflarnahh u are using a livecd12:38
roflarndidnt know :P12:38
liquidengineershould've made that more clear12:39
liquidengineerI'm on the 6.0612:39
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liquidengineerI'll check it out12:40
liquidengineerWill this work for Dapper Drake?12:40
somerville32!nts | liquidengineer12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
somerville32!ntfs | liquidengineer12:40
ubotuliquidengineer: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:40
roflarnfor dapper :>12:41
liquidengineerI'll check it out12:41
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grazieanyone know of a client better than gFTP?12:50
maxamilliongui? .... no, but then again i haven't really looked because i think gftp is pretty good but if you don't mine getting dirty with a little cli ... ncftp is nice12:52
ubotuncftp: A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.1.9-1 (edgy), package size 441 kB, installed size 1020 kB12:52
graziemaxamillion, thanks12:53
maxamilliongrazie: np :)12:54
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somerville32Xubuntu is so awesome :)02:07
kalikianayes indeed02:08
kalikianahow come you did notice that now? :)02:09
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Jester45somerville32 just woke up and smelled the coffe02:31
somerville32haha ;] 02:32
somerville32I don't think I would devote so much time to Xubuntu if I didn't realize it a long tim ago02:32
kalikianathere are people using windows - do they realize how much they love it?02:33
crimsunsomerville32: eh?02:35
crimsun(-EPARSE for the "don't think I would devote so much time to Xubuntu if I didn't realize it a long tim ago")02:36
Jester4524 screen quake 3 it so cool02:38
Jester45the guy spent so much money but is ony getting 45 fps02:38
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kalikianaJester45: wow, that must be nice - so sad that he get only 45fps02:41
somerville32crimsun: <somerville32> Xubuntu is so awesome :)02:43
somerville32Jester45: I have Quake3 installed here02:43
Jester45the grapics card is running 24 screens do02:43
crimsunwell yes, I don't get involved in crapshoot projects ;)02:44
Jester45its gota be harsh on it02:44
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kalikianaAre people using offline dictionary applications?03:05
somerville32I have a handful of times03:06
somerville32But I usually have firefox open03:06
kalikianaWhich one did you use then?03:07
kalikianaIs that a package or do you mean a book?03:09
somerville32Comes with gnome, I think03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:11
somerville32!info gnome-dictionary03:12
ubotuPackage gnome-dictionary does not exist in any distro I know03:12
somerville32Must be bundled03:12
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superkirbyartistCan someone please help me with enabling the desktop in Ubuntu Edgy?  I see no wallpaper and cannot add any icons.03:47
somerville32superkirbyartist, Applications > Settings > Desktop03:48
superkirbyartistSorry, I am in Gnome.03:49
somerville32superkirbyartist, Please see #ubuntu03:49
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cellofellowhi Adam.04:53
maxamillionhow are you?04:54
cellofellowI'm fine. I can't get pyNeighborhood to actually mount. Everything else works fine.04:55
maxamillionpyNeighborhood won't mount ... i even downloaded the latest from his sourceforge.net page and tried04:56
cellofellowwhy? it says it uses the same stuff as linneighborhood. I even tried doing CIFS, which it supports, instead of SMBFS. No luck. Nor does it matter whether the executables it calls are setuid or not. At least linneighborhood tells me what's wrong. This just says "Failed to Mount", nothing even in the terminal.04:58
maxamillionwell his website says he is still porting linneighborhood04:59
cellofellowso, it's still alpha then?04:59
cellofellowshould work at 0.4, shouldn't it?04:59
maxamillioni have no clue04:59
cellofellowthat's what it is.04:59
maxamillionwell ... technically it shouldn't work fully until 1.0 .... but different people have different ideas of version numbering05:00
cellofellowyeah, I guess.05:00
somerville32Did you run it as root?05:02
cellofellowno, should I?05:03
maxamillionwait ... you have to run pyneighborhood as root?05:04
cellofellowthat did work, but I don't like it. shouldn't it be enough to setuid the called files like linneighborhood?05:05
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cellofellowand it calls thunar, mc by default but I chose thunar, as root. bad idea.05:06
cellofellowif I setuid pyNeighborhood, then it opens thunar as current user.05:08
maxamillioni don't like that ...05:08
cellofellowI think this works, using setuid.05:08
cellofellowhmm, but can I write to the mounts when they are mounted by root?05:09
maxamillioni think so05:10
cellofellowjust waiting for a file I can write to load.05:10
maxamillionif i was at work i could check on the functionality, but i don't have a windows machine to interface with at home so i don't even have pyneighborhood installed05:11
cellofellowoh, hmm. Well, it seems to work with setuid-ing the bash script that calls it that is /usr/local/bin/pyNeighborhood05:12
cellofellowyeah, everything works.05:12
maxamillioninteresting ...05:14
maxamillionwhat uid does it need?05:14
cellofellowI just did sudo chmod +s $(which pyNeighborhood)05:15
cellofellow0 I guess.05:15
maxamillionoh ... ok05:15
cellofellow0 == root I think05:15
maxamillioni guess to05:16
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cellofellowand now it's not working. oh well.05:24
kalikianayou could run pyNeighborhood as root and Thunar as user via sudo05:24
maxamillioni really don't want to deal with trouble shooting that application once feisty releases05:24
kalikianalike "sudo -u cellofellow Thunar"05:24
maxamilliongksudo ;)05:25
cellofellowit'll be included in feisty?05:25
kalikianamax: wouldn't matter here I guess, since from a rooted app you don't need a user pass05:25
cellofellowI think I'll stick with linneighborhood for now and let someone else figure out pyNeighborhood's quirks and fix/hide them in Feisty.05:27
somerville32I think I'll abandon my quest to package it then if it doesn't work05:29
somerville32cellofellow: File a bug upstream05:29
cellofellowupstream, meaning on the sf site?05:29
maxamillionok ... i'm outta here ... might be back later05:30
cellofellowthe recent firefox upgrades just reminded me I need to upgrade swiftfox too.05:31
grumpymolecellofellow: you might find some help on getting pyNeighborhood working here:05:36
cellofellowok, thanks05:37
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maxamillionwell ... i just brought my iBook into the living room instead so i can watch tv05:39
cellofellowgrumpymole: nice tutorial, except I already have everything set like you do, and it won't mount with smbmnt and smbumount setuid.05:41
somerville32cellofellow: Maybe you don't have things setup correctly?05:44
cellofellowI tried using full paths like his tutorial said, but that didn't work neither.05:45
somerville32Do you have samba _installed_?05:49
cellofellowyes. LinNeighborhood works fine.05:50
cellofellowmy conf files: http://cellofellow.homelinux.net/ubuntu/pyneighborhood-confs.tar.gz05:53
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rentonhi, xubuntu alternate install stuck at 85%07:07
rentonno reason why, cpu isn't beint used because i can switch to terminals. any ideas?07:07
maxamillionrenton: yeah ... you running it on a machine with 64mb of ram?07:08
rentonbut it runs like it has 64 heh07:09
rentonthe ram might be faulty.07:09
maxamillionoh ... nvm, 65% is the error i know about07:09
maxamillionyeah... sorry i'm not too sure07:09
maxamillionbut i do need to go, i have work early in the morning ...07:10
maxamillionthere is a memtest utility on the iso image, you can check that ... sorry i wasn't of more help07:10
rentonyeah, ill try that.07:11
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rentonStill, you'd think the memory would freeze the whole machine.07:11
rentoni'm accessing the distribution from a new terminal just fine.07:11
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Zeqfreedwhat should i do if i get a message that some charsets are being missed?08:45
Zeqfreedis it a glibc issue?08:46
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Commander-Crowehi all08:56
rentoni just installed xubuntu alternate08:57
rentonthen went apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:57
rentoni can see the xubuntu logo but my screen is going ballistic.08:57
rentonand the pc crashed.08:57
rentonWhoop, okay it uncrashed.08:57
rentonAnd rebooted.08:57
Commander-Croweyou install xubuntu via the xubuntu-alt cd and then you did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?08:59
rentonbecause for some reason doing live installs never work, my pc freezes.08:59
rentonso i did a command-line only install09:00
rentonsee if i could get around whatever was freezing in install09:00
Commander-Crowebut command line install still installs the GUI09:02
rentonno it doesn't09:02
Commander-Croweso it would boot up as if you installed via the normal disk09:02
rentondoesn't explain why apt-get install xubuntu-desktop just installed 1 gig of stuff then.09:02
Commander-Crowerenton did you use the OEM install?09:02
Commander-Croweor did you install using the Ubuntu/Kubuntu disc or any other disc09:03
somerville32You mean server install?09:03
Commander-Crowethats what I was getting too09:03
rentonxubuntu-alternate cd09:03
rentoncommandline mode09:03
rentonwhihc makes sense - it gives you a command line.09:03
Commander-CroweI see that09:03
rentonOEM would have nothing to do with command line.09:03
Commander-Crowerenton but after you install the OS you boot up with a GUI09:03
Commander-Croweunless your disc is still in there09:03
rentonno i didn't09:04
rentoni rebooted and got a prompt. without the disc.09:04
rentonand then proceeded to install xubuntu-desktop which was not installed.09:04
Commander-Crowetype this in "startx"09:04
Commander-Croweif that doesn't work try this "gdm"09:05
rentonI can't now that I installed xubuntu-desktop package, now startx is in some script.09:05
rentonand now when start-x loads, my screen goes bezerk.09:05
rentonand crashes at the xubuntu logo.09:05
Commander-Crowesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:05
rentoncan't get to a term, pc is frozen.09:06
rentonhow can i force bootup without X?09:06
Commander-Crowenot sure09:07
Commander-Crowetry pressing ctrl+alt+F109:07
rentonlike i said, i can't get to a term, the pc is frozen.09:07
rentonit's fine for most of bootup, there has to be a flag i can pass to grub or something to change it to load without the script.09:07
rentonsingle user mode or something. can't remember it.09:07
Commander-Croweget into the GRUM comand promt (I think its esc on boot up) and try recovery mode09:08
Commander-Crowebad day09:09
rentonyeah that worked.09:10
rentonill set the res lower.09:11
rentoni wonder also if the gfx chipset has something to do with it. intel chipsets blow hardcore.09:11
rentonHeh. it was detecting as vesa.09:12
rentonit's an i180 and there's drivers for it. i knew it was a fiddly one.09:13
rentonold crappy intel graphics adapter.09:13
rentonbingo, fixed. :)09:14
Commander-Croweok all working?09:15
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somerville32There is definitely "working hours" for this channel, haha10:54
somerville32So quite early morning here10:54
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crimsunsome of us are active 24/710:59
somerville32like me, I guess \0/11:03
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crimsunI should sleep, because I have a meeting in 2h56m11:04
crimsunon the other hand, I have -so- -many- -bugs- -to- -triage-11:05
somerville32crimsun: I wouldn't be able to go to sleep. If I goto sleep, I need a good 8-9 hours before I can be revived.11:07
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jlisthi all11:40
somerville32Hi :] 11:40
jlistit's quieter in here. too many messages in the other two rooms11:41
somerville32:] 11:41
jlista question: xubuntu is nice. It's supposed to work better on slower machines - than kubuntu or ubuntu11:42
jlisthowever the modules installed are really similar11:43
somerville32Do you have kubuntu and ubuntu both installed with Xubuntu at the same time?11:43
jlistthe heavyness (or lightness) of GUi is similar to ubuntu, lighter than kubuntu11:43
jlistyes, but not on physical boxes. I've been running them all in vmware11:44
somerville32So you're referring to how "light" it appears to be11:44
somerville32not how light it really is11:44
jlisti don't know. I feel it's lighter than kubuntu11:44
jlistbut is there a big difference between x and ubuntu?11:45
jlistgnome is kind of light, too :)11:45
somerville32I can't run gnome happily11:45
somerville32But I can xfce4 happily11:45
somerville32I'm running a 333mhz w/ 256mb of ram11:45
jlistoh i see. will gnome start more processes?11:45
somerville32gnome has a bigger footprint11:46
somerville32Anyhows, I really need sleep :] 11:46
jlistsure .good night :011:47
jlistsince i'm also running win xp on vmware, along side with k/x/ubuntus11:47
jlistto be honest, i think winxp is the fastest11:47
jlistwith the same hardware configuration11:48
somerville32jlist: Weird. I have a Windows XP that is just dead-slow but runs uber-fast under Ubuntu11:48
jlisti'm not sure if it's just me, or it's a well accepted fact11:48
somerville32Just you most likely ;] 11:49
jlistok :)11:49
somerville32What is the host OS?11:49
jlistwinxp with 192M mem runs smoothly in vmware. Host OS is winxp, too :)11:49
jliston a pentium M 1.7G11:50
jlistbut when i run any linux distro, i feel the slowness11:50
somerville32virtualization is no way to compare speeds11:50
jlistyeah. i suspect that11:50
jlistbut i have a theory for what i experience though11:50
jlistfor windows, the GUI is tightly integrated with the kernal - i doubt windows will run w/o GUI11:51
somerville32There is a good chance there is something slowing Linux down in wmware11:51
somerville32I need sleep11:51
jlistfor linux, X window is layered11:51
jlistsure sure. good night again :D11:51
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yevgenyhi people12:56
yevgenyare there people from Ukraine?12:56
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EdgeTHey guys, I still can't install xubuntu01:11
EdgeTEven with the alternate cd, it freezes at 85% of the software installation01:11
EdgeTAnd it doesn't find the xfce-desktop pack, can anyone please help me with it?01:12
hyper_chEdgeT: when you boot up, check the CD whether it was correctly burnt01:20
EdgeTIt was, I can boot from the local image with np with W!nd0z3 VMWare01:21
EdgeTPlus, I double checked the cd integrity01:21
hyper_chthen I have no clue01:22
hyper_chdid you try ubuntu-alternate or kubuntu-alternate?01:22
EdgeTK, thanks tho01:23
EdgeTI did try xubuntu alternate01:23
EdgeTI get some weird messages in the "command-line" mode01:23
EdgeTIn the base tty01:23
EdgeTMight the problem be that I downloaded the 386 version instead of the 64-bit if I have a 64-bit Turion?01:26
hyper_chhmmm, don't know01:31
hyper_chtry the 64bit01:31
EdgeTYeah, but I need the w32codecs and stuff01:32
EdgeTAnd I have no clue bout chroot :(01:34
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rentonthere isn't a package for wondershaper for edgy, but there is for dapper/badger.02:07
rentonI installed wondershaper manually as it's just a script, but it doesn't work, and doesn't error out.02:07
rentonare there any bandwith throttlers supported in edgy?02:07
ormiretpackages.ubuntu.com says wondershaper is in edgy - it is in universe though. Do you have the universe repository enabled?02:15
rentonah, probably not02:15
rentoneither way i got it working. ;)02:16
rentonhe changed the script since i last used it.02:16
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=== Verithrax [n=brd@201-43-167-6.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #xubuntu
VerithraxHm, how do I enable compositing in Xubuntu Edgy? I set up the extension on X, Xorg log doesn't say anything, even restarted xfwm to explicitly turn on compositing. Anything I'm missing?05:08
=== UbuntuN00B_HBG [n=mathias@c-4ea8e155.1111-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu
UbuntuN00B_HBGHello everyone! I'm desperately looking for a netinstall of xubuntu! Anyone here who kan point me in the right direction?05:10
gripirVerithrax, everything done in the xorg.conf05:10
gripirset the option under device and created a new section?05:11
VerithraxNo, I just added composite to the extensions section.05:11
gripirok wait i paste it05:12
gripirthese two options you must add05:13
gripirmaybe stupid question, but you are using nvidia card?05:13
VerithraxWhich is why I didn't add it.05:14
VerithraxUsing the Radeon driver, direct rendering works fine.05:14
UbuntuN00B_HBGNo netinstall for xubuntu?05:14
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VerithraxAh, I seem to have gotten it to work.05:21
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VerithraxNot very responsive with anything but just shadows, but pretty.05:22
VerithraxAny way I can get a true transparent terminal?05:22
gripiris there no composite configurationtool?05:23
gripiri dont use it, sorry05:23
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VerithraxTHere isthe window manager tweaks control panel.05:24
VerithraxMaking the terminal transparent gives me fake transparency, unlike when using Beryl.05:24
VerithraxBut that's an issue with xfce4-terminal.05:25
jon__anyone know what magic I have to do to get wmv files to run on my xubuntu?05:25
VerithraxSo I guess I'll just go back to using gnome-terminal05:25
Verithraxjon__, search for restricted formats in the Wiki.05:25
jon__I have a probleme with my keybord...05:27
jon__I instaled it on english but wish to run on other language... but everytime i Log out I hev to input "setxkbmap no" to get it working... any ideas on???05:27
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Zeqfreedhey guys05:38
Zeqfreedi have a question for you ;)05:38
Zeqfreedis there a way of switching cursor themes on the fly without restarting X?05:39
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ellioTb!seen maxamillion06:07
ubotuI last saw maxamillion (n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu) 2h 2m 48s ago, quiting: "leaving"06:07
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jonty_rocks3help! can anyone help me?07:06
jonty_rocks3I am installing with the Alternate Install CD and it has been on Configuring Anthy (65%) for about 50 mins now. The Hardisk indicator is showing activity though. Please help07:08
TheSheepjonty_rocks3: switch to second terminal with alt+f207:12
jonty_rocks3ok one sec07:12
TheSheepjonty_rocks3: list the running processes with 'ps x07:12
TheSheepwith 'ps x'07:12
TheSheepfind the index-rebuilding process, or something like that07:12
TheSheepand kill it07:13
TheSheepwith 'kill the-process-id-taken-from-ps-x'07:13
jonty_rocks3one sec07:13
jonty_rocks3last one is /usr/bin/mkworddic -f /etc/anthy/dict.args07:14
jonty_rocks3then ps x07:14
=== jonty_rocks3 is AFK, brb I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n
jonty_rocks3thats all it is07:15
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TheSheepjonty_rocks3: see what number is beside it07:15
TheSheepjonty_rocks3: and do 'kill that-number'07:16
jonty_rocks3now what07:16
TheSheepjonty_rocks3: continue with the instalation07:17
TheSheepjonty_rocks3: switch to the first terminal with alt+f107:17
jonty_rocks3yey ty07:17
jonty_rocks3its working =D07:17
jonty_rocks3what is anthy?07:17
jonty_rocks3ok c ya ty07:18
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=== Jazon [n=arkygeek@] has joined #xubuntu
Jazonhi :)  i heard xubuntu was the way to go for this imac 350slot load????09:14
=== Chris1671 [n=Miranda@crmp-26.res.umass.edu] has joined #xubuntu
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-60-217.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu
Chris1671Hello everyone09:18
Chris1671I'm new to Xubuntu and irc as well09:18
Chris1671Unfortunately my Xubuntu isn't working so well09:20
Chris1671Can anyone even see what I'm typing?09:21
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DarthLappyAsk your question and somebody'll see if they can help.09:24
Chris1671Ok well I'm dual booting 32 bit windowsXP Professional and 64 bit Xubuntu09:25
Chris1671I tried to install Xubuntu with the first disk and I got out of range error for my monitor09:26
Chris1671I was able to install with the alternate disk09:26
Chris1671and text mode wouldn't work on the alternate disk09:26
Chris1671I had to do oem install09:26
Chris1671Now when I boot Xubuntu I see a blue background and a mouse cursor and nothing else09:27
kalikianaYou might switch to text mode via Ctrl+Shift+F1 and do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:27
kalikianaOh, so frequency is okay??09:28
Chris1671frequency is wrong for a minute when booting now and then it goes to the blue screen09:28
Chris1671I think it is still some problems with my monitor09:29
Chris1671It is a 17 inch CRT09:29
Chris1671I have a evga 7800GT video card09:29
Chris1671the Vertical range is 30-69 kHz09:30
kalikianaThe above hint is to reset your (monitor) config; but I don't know what might exactly be the boot problem.09:30
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Chris1671well I can't seem to do anything09:30
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Chris1671so how do I get to a place where I can type in some of these commands?09:30
kalikianaCtrl+Shift+F1 gets you a Terminal09:31
Chris1671I'll see if that works09:31
kalikianaBut I'm not sure about the boot freeze still.09:31
Chris1671well it isn't freezing09:32
kalikianaYou might want to inspect the logs..09:32
Chris1671it is just a monitor problem where it is out of the range for a minute09:32
kalikianaYou said you geta blue screen and can't do anything?09:32
Chris1671I'm also brand new to Linux09:32
kalikianaTath's what I was once, too :)09:33
Chris1671well it is like a desktop background with a mouse cursor09:33
Chris1671didn't try keyboard shortcuts09:33
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kalikianaDo you see any icons?09:33
Chris1671no icons09:33
Chris1671nothing other than what I've described09:33
kalikianaThat's why I assumed something is wrong :P09:33
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TheSheepmaybe the installation didn't finish and you don't have the panels?09:34
Chris1671Any the mouse doesn't seem to go outside the blue background either09:34
Chris1671Well I would have no problem starting the installation over09:34
Chris1671that might be easier than trying to fix what I have09:35
Chris1671but I don't know how to avoid the problem09:35
kalikianaIt *might* be that the setup did wrong09:35
kalikianaIn that case a new try is probably easier than using a Terminal..09:35
Chris1671well if I am getting hardware issues what can I do when I'm booting up09:35
Chris1671like how do I get it to not say out of monitor range when trying to install?09:36
Chris1671it happens very shortly after it says it is loading the kernel09:36
TheSheepChris1671: do you have the terminal when you press alt+ctrl+f1?09:36
TheSheepChris1671: if so, you can continoue the installation09:37
Chris1671I haven't tried keyboard shortcuts09:37
Chris1671I haven't used linux before so I didn't try them09:37
Chris1671maybe I should go try some and then come back and report the results09:37
Chris1671if I can bring up the terminal what should I do?09:38
kalikianaGet a Terminal irc client in case it doesn't work ;)09:38
TheSheepsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:38
Chris1671well if I can't get the terminal to work I'll just boot back into windows and come back09:39
Chris1671ok I'll be back in a while09:39
Chris1671going to try it now09:39
kalikianagood luck :)09:40
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Chris1671ok no such luck09:45
kalikianaso what's the status now?09:45
Chris1671none of the keyboard shortcuts seem to be doing anything09:46
Chris1671I think I'm going to plan on reinstallation09:46
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kalikianaSry I couldn't help you09:47
=== pike_ [n=happy@74-140-134-102.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #xubuntu
Chris1671so when I try the normal xubuntu installation it doesn't get very far before it says monitor out of rang forever09:47
Chris1671so I need to help it get past that09:47
kalikianaSo you can't actually install using the live CD?09:48
Chris1671I'm assuming plug and play stuff is failing or something09:48
Chris1671no I can't install with the live cd09:48
kalikianaDoes your monitor say anything useful?09:48
Chris1671version 6.10 by the way09:48
Chris1671it gives me the frequencies it can handle09:48
Chris1671but other than that no09:48
Chris1671it just counts down and then goes into power-saving mode09:49
Chris1671I think I may need to specify them manually09:49
Chris1671but I'm not sure how to do that before I start the installation09:49
kalikianaI am not sure if you could specify boot options in the live CD...09:49
Chris1671there were some09:50
kalikianaWas there a boot menu or something like that?09:50
Chris1671well if I can't do it with the live CD what do I do?09:50
Chris1671yes there was a boot menu09:50
kalikianaYou could use the alternate CD and install the GUI manually09:50
TheSheepChris1671: there is "install in safe graphics mode" option on the live cd...09:50
Chris1671the text mode install gets a similar error09:51
Chris1671the safe graphics mode didn't work09:51
Chris1671I have a dual core CPU if that matters09:51
Chris1671AMD 4200+09:51
Chris1671I might have a chance to do something manually in the text mode before I get to the problem though09:52
Chris1671not sure about that though09:52
Chris1671I guess I will mess around with some of the boot options and see if I can figure out anything else09:56
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Commander-Crowehye slow-motion10:25
slow-motionhi Commander-Crowe10:25
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Jester45is vm size mean memory usage11:06
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Commander-Crowedon't know11:13
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=== Jester45 starts google
DarthLappysudo apt-get install googlo11:17
xfrostI got a problem with my desktop, i've installed the nautilus and runed it, after thath i've logout and login again now I don't got my wallpaper and my desktop area, how can i fix it?.11:20
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xfrostYes Nautilus11:24
xfrostIt installed when i tryed to install anjuta.11:24
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DarthLappyI'm not sure, but make sure the setting for XFCE to manage your desktop is set.11:25
xfrostHow I can do that?.11:25
DarthLappyI can't really check because I don't have access to my Xubuntu boxes at the moment :(11:25
xfrostSorry, what you mean with that?.11:25
xfrostReady, I found it.11:26
cellofellowI have a DVD-ROM drive with a headphone output, and normal speakers plugged into a onboard Yamaha DS-1L soundboard. What I want to do is be able to switch quickly from the headphones to the speakers with a quick keystroke. any idea how to do that?11:26
cellofellowall that button does is turn on xfdesktop11:26
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Jazonhi all11:29
Jester45cellofellow: you mean the button turn o xfdesktop now and you want ot change it to switching outputs?11:29
Jazonok, i burned a cd of xubuntu dapper for mac.... still wont boot to it.  and once os9 starts it says the disk is unreadable by this computer.  do i burn another?  what did i do wrong?11:29
cellofellowJester45: no, the xfdesktop stuff was for xfrost. totally unrelated. I just want to be able to use the headphone output.11:30
cellofellowIt only works when playing CD's at the moment.11:30
Jester45Jazon: are you sure it burned corectly do not put the iso on the cd burn the iso as a cd11:31
Jester45cellofellow: do you know how ot make shortcuts/mapkeys11:31
cellofellowyes, but I don't know how to set up the audio outputs11:31
Jester45try man alsa11:31
cellofellowthere's only one in the alsa setup.11:32
cellofellowman alsa returns nothing.11:32
Jester45hold on a few mintues i will look11:32
crimsunalsa's not in charge of/related to what you're trying to do11:32
Jazoni did.11:32
Jester45its xmicer right11:33
Jazonappears fine when i open in ubuntu on a pc11:33
Jazonused k3b burn disk image11:33
Jester45Jazon: ok what about having the bios setup11:33
Jester45Jazon: also what about the cd driver not being bootable11:34
Jazonhmmm how to adjust that?11:34
Jester45the bios?11:34
ormiretcellofellow: that headphone socket is likely to be hooked up to the audio CD decoder in the DVD drive it can't be used for anything else.11:34
Jazonyes the bios11:34
cellofellowcrimsun: I didn't think so. I just want to redirect the alsa output to the headphone. preferably it would auto-detect headphones but I don't know what to do.11:34
crimsunon the dvdrom?11:34
crimsunthat's completely out of alsa's realm.11:35
Jester45Jazon: during boot press f1 i think maybe be somthing else crimsun might know11:35
cellofellowI figured. It's just my speakers don't have headphone outputs on them, and I was looking at the headphone jack on the DVD and trying to get it to work.11:35
Jester45cellofellow: does the drive have a audio cable?11:35
Jazoni thought on the apple g3 imac you held down the C key11:36
cellofellowon the back, I did plug in power, IDE, and some little cable that looked like audio.11:36
Jester45cellofellow: its a thin 4 pin wire11:36
Jester45or 4 socket11:36
ormiretthe audio out the back of the drive is from the drive to the soundcard not the other way round.11:36
Jester45yea on my computer that hooks into my motherboard11:37
cellofellowcan't remember how many pins, but it is thin. The shape of the plug was sort of like a squished top-hat.11:37
Jazonanyone here running an iMac G3  by any chance?11:37
cellofellowIt does go to the back of the mobo where the sound stuff is.11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
Jester45ok i know there is somthing WHEN YOU CAN CHange the out put device11:38
Jester45cellofellow: try menu --> settings --> sound/mixer11:38
cellofellowalright. so I can't really hack this and make the DVD into a pseudo-device or anything?11:38
Jester45then see if you have an extra device11:39
cellofellowthere's only one device, the onboard Yamaha.11:39
ormiretnot without some hardware hacking11:39
cellofellow:( I'm not to comfortable with that.11:39
Jester45cellofellow: come on its fun11:39
Jester45FYI hardrive disk fly good11:40
cellofellowwhat could I do? ormiret, you said it's an input cable, not output?11:40
ormiretI would recomend a splitter on the output from the sound card going to the speakers and then switch off the speakers when using headphones (unplug them if they aren't powered)11:40
ormiretcellofellow: to use the socket on the drive you would have to rewire the drive and your soundcard11:41
cellofellowthey are powered. That would work. Simple hack. :D Why didn't I think of that. Still, that DVD output is lonely.11:41
Jester45plug somthing in it11:41
cellofellowok, doing that is beyond me.11:41
=== Jester45 likes dismantling not rewiring
cellofellowall I've ever really dismantled was a digital camera that got dropped on too many times.11:43
cellofellowplaying a CD with Grip does use the DVD sound AND the ALSA speakers.11:44
Jester45i done computer cd player mp3 player portable dvd players  some tvs hardrive SD memorycard11:44
Jester45you know the works11:44
ormiretJester45: how many of them ever worked again :)11:45
cellofellowyou took apart an SD card? how? those are so small.11:45
Jester45the computer11:45
Jester45the insides are smaller11:45
Jester45the memory part is about 1/5 the size of card11:45
cellofellowI did take the case off of a USB thumbdrive. Tiny.11:46
cellofellowholy small.11:46
Jester45the case? not real parts11:46
Jester45the harddrive was fun11:46
Jester45the motor was fast :)11:46
cellofellowI'd bet. How fast are most HDD's, 5200 RPM?11:47
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cellofellow:( I wish that gCal had an uploads system for its ics files. Then I could connect sunbird to it properly. Not for me, I prefer gCal, but someone else prefers desktop apps.11:50
Jazonimac 350 - slot load - can i use entire disk and eliminate os9 altogether?12:11
Jazoni have the opetions (1) erase entire disk: IDE1 master (hda) (2) Use largerst cont. free space (3) Erase entire disk and use LVM: IDE1 master (hda)12:12
cellofellowor part yourself and keep apple's OS around.12:19
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