
Dodoriaikonia, how i active he?12:01
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ikoniaDodoria: bit late now, you've messed up your system12:01
jontec_n2diy: got disconnected...12:01
compengiAggort, no the created one which is windows is the logical and the other partitions should be extended12:01
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n2diyjontec: roger that12:01
Dodoriaikonia, wait i traduct12:01
n2diyjontec: what interfaces are listed with ifconfig?12:01
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ikoniatraduct ?12:01
jontec_n2diy: n2diy: eth0 and lo... (should have eth1, wireless card, but that's another issue... I have to get the drivers from a exe file that I need to run (can't use wine, x64) and therefore need to transfer to my windows computer)12:02
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Aggortcompengi: That's not even possible12:02
Dodoriaikonia, i'm learning english12:02
Aggortcompengi: My NTFS partition is primary12:02
ikoniaDodoria: no problem12:02
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jasineth0 should be wired, eth1 should be wireless12:02
compengiAggort, yeah and the others are secondary12:02
n2diyjontec: ok, can you ping eth0, or its ip address?12:02
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compengiAggort, secondary are extended12:02
jontec_n2diy: from another computer?12:02
Aggortcomengi: I can only have one secondary the rest must be logical12:02
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HymnToLifejontec, you can use !cabextract to extract files from an EXE12:03
compengiAggort, it's the opposite12:03
n2diyjontec: no, from your terminal.12:03
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jontec_HymnToLife: thanks12:03
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joshua__how can I add /opt/e17/bin to $PATH ?12:03
Dodoriaikonia, up?12:03
ikoniaDodoria: up what ?12:03
Aggortright now I ahve NTFS and extneded12:03
compengiAggort, one logical and the others as much as you want but extended12:03
chotchkihey guys i am trying to setup a common shared folder that will be globally writable by all users to store photos, my question is where should i put it in the file tree?12:03
jontec_n2diy: yes.12:03
ikoniajoshua__: PATH=$PATH:/opt/e17/bin12:03
joshua__thank you ikonia12:03
AggortI can't cus I need a root and a swap12:04
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ikoniajoshua__: you should know this stuff if you're trying to build a cvs pakcage12:04
Aggortroot is "/" swap is the gig12:04
n2diyjontec: good, I imagine you have a rounter, can you ping that?12:04
Dodoriaikonia, you say for, me up system12:04
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compengiAggort, yeah12:04
tomplastEveryone! Visit http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/eu_streaming_service_for_everybody and sign the petition to encourage EU to support open formats!12:04
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ikoniaDodoria: you have broke your system12:04
compengiAggort, i'm going to take shower now12:04
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Aggortwait wait wait 1 more thing12:05
AggortWhy did I have 3 mount points last time and only 2 this time?12:05
jasinTry ping
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Dodoriaikonia, how i broke my system?12:05
compengiAggort, cause you made something wrong12:05
n2diyjontec: can you ping www.google.com?12:05
jontec_n2diy: nope, no router.12:05
AggortI did exactly what you said12:05
ikoniaby breaking the apt dependency tree and installing potentially incompatible library versions12:06
compengiAggort, all the created partitions must be viewed in mounting point12:06
jontec_n2diy: I'm sure... I have internet on this computer?12:06
jasinroot is / its where everything is located, unless you have separate partitions for other things.12:06
Aggortthey aren;t12:06
compengiAggort, but they should12:06
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compengiAggort, check it again12:06
n2diyjontec: no router, how do you connect to the internet?12:06
Aggortjsut two12:06
compengiAggort, and see what did you do wrong12:07
AggortI have 51 gis unallocvated12:07
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Dodoriaikonia, how i broke my system?12:07
heapmewhat backup tool (non commercial) should i use for backing up files/directories to dvd/cd?12:07
ikoniaDodoria: I've just told you12:07
AggortII create an extended partition with that?12:07
ikoniaDodoria: you installed libs outside apt - so apt won't know whats installed12:07
Dodoriaikonia, i remove libs of glib in apt?12:08
jontec_n2diy: I have a windows computer that provides the connection.... ICS originally setup with two windows computers... but now I have two linux (kubuntu), both dual boot, and a windows laptop (gives the connection), and the desktop in the other room that I store files on12:08
ikoniaapt doesn't know about glib thats the point12:08
AggortI NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP I have been trying to install ubuntu for over 3 hours12:08
Falstiusheapme: you could use gnomebaker or k3b or just the one built in to gnome.12:08
jontec_n2diy: it's all connected with a switch12:08
ikoniaAggort: you need to learn to not use caps12:08
jontec_n2diy: and a lan cable I hooked up to a wall jack12:08
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Aggortikonia: Sorry I am just really pissed right now12:08
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jevangelois it possible to have a lamp server on desktop ubuntu?12:09
ikoniaAggort: well thats not a great way to attract attention. I suggest you go away and come back calm12:09
heapmejevangelo sure12:09
gnomefreak!lamp | jevangelo12:09
ubotujevangelo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:09
Aggortikonia: I just want to get Ubuntu installed12:09
jasinkernel, /etc - This directory contains all the configuration files for your system, /var - This directory contains spooling data like mail and also the output12:09
jasinfrom the printer daemon.12:09
ikoniaAggort: well, thats too bad at the moment12:09
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jevangeloi just want to do a lamp environment, but i dont want to do it on server12:09
n2diyjontec: ok, I'm not sure what the diff is between a switch and a router is, but does it have an ip address, and can you ping it?12:09
jasin /etc - This directory contains all the configuration files for your system, /var - This directory contains spooling data like mail and also the output12:10
FalstiusAggort: trying to get two operating systems on one computer is often frustrating.  It is a lot easier when you can just wipe a system clean.  You really should read about partitions and mount points.  A quick explanation is just as likely to confuse you as help you.12:10
AggortI am not expecting a quick explnation I ahve dual booted before12:10
ikoniaAggort: so you should have no problems12:10
ikoniaubuntu has an easy install routine12:10
ikoniayou should be fine12:10
heapmeAggort well whats the problem? just install windows first if it's windows then ubuntu12:10
Aggortikonia: Apparently Ubuntu is differnet12:11
ikoniano its not12:11
jontec_n2diy: no it doesn't :D it just like extending the network cable. a router is usually a connection source and switch in one, I think.12:11
syd67rowhere should I add the commands to enable my wireless connection (wpa_supplicant and dhclient)? I want them to be run at startup12:11
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FalstiusAggort: yes, but no one here is going to write you a 5 page dissertation on partitions :)12:11
Aggortheap: I already have Windows installed12:11
heapmeAggort or are you using a dell emachine?12:11
TonrenWhat's the simplest, easiest-to-set-up mail server package around?12:11
ikoniaAggort: so whats the problem12:11
erUSULsyd67ro: man interfaces12:11
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ikoniaTonren: personal taste12:11
erUSULTonren: default in ubuntu is postfix12:11
AggortI need to know exactly what type of partitions I need to install ubuntu12:11
n2diyjontec: ok, and the switch plug into a wall jack?12:11
jontec_n2diy: I don't think it's the network I can get out and I can even view files on the computer I'm trying to transfer files to... it's just that I can12:11
ikoniaAggort: thats personal taste12:11
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ikoniaand you've done it before - so it shouldn't be a problem12:12
jontec_n2diy: I can't transfer files to it12:12
AggortComoengi had me create an extended partition and a logical one12:12
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AggortHe said I needed a seondary partition to install12:12
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jontec_n2diy: it gets to like 32kb, 512kb, or 1024kb and stalls12:12
Aggortand now I'm confused12:12
heapmeAggort theres a howto install ubuntu video on youtube, teaches you that stuff in about 10 minutes12:12
ikoniaAggort: you should know this - have you read the docs ?12:12
jasinAggort, you should have the following partitions: / , /boot , /usr , /var , /home, swap12:12
tuxubi get "Aborted (core dumped)" when running the sysinfo app (sysinfo packaged). has anyone experienced this situation?12:12
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jontec_n2diy: then the network connection on this computer fails12:12
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jasinAggort, however, only / and swap ae required by the install12:12
Falstiusjasin: that is over kill and is only going to cause him trouble.12:12
cafuego_Aggort: Despite what everyone says, if you have / and swap, you'll be fine.12:12
jasinAggort, however, only / and swap are required by the install12:13
syd67roerUSUL: are you sure?12:13
n2diyjontec: ok, and the switch plugs into a wall jack?12:13
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Aggortjasin that's all I want, but I;d also like to be able toa ccess my Windows files12:13
ikoniajasin: he should know this - he's done it before12:13
Stormx2professor: When you go back into winecfg, does the CD drive show up under drives?12:13
jasinFalstius, not if he knows how to partition a hard drive.12:13
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Aggortand does my root need to be primary and my swap secondary?12:13
cafuego_Aggort: linux cna read the windows files without problems.12:13
professorStormx2, I think it does12:13
ikoniaAggort: read the docs12:13
ikoniait tells you12:13
jasinFalstius, over kill? how so?12:13
Aggortikonia: Did, and it helped nothing12:13
ikoniajasin: he hasn't got a clue - you'll confuse him12:13
ikoniaAggort: rubbish12:13
jasinikonia, thats good12:13
ikoniait explains this12:13
Aggortikonia: Not12:13
FalstiusAggort: / and swap can be primary or logical (there's no such thing as secondary).  You can work out accessing the windows files after installation.12:14
ikoniajasin: its not - he's getting annoying12:14
professorStormx2, it says D: /cdrom12:14
jasinikonia, he dont seem confused.12:14
AggortI already tried installing it and it failed12:14
heapmeyes linux can 'read' windows files without problems, its when you try writing to/from partitions that it gets crazy :(12:14
syd67roerUSUL: i think that there you can only set duplex, speed, mtu, but not wpa ana dhcp............12:14
Aggortcompengi said I needed to amke them seondoary12:14
ikoniaAggort: there is no such thing12:14
jevangeloanyone know any web-based juke box scripts12:14
Aggortbut once you create an extended partition, the rest ahs to eb logical12:14
Stormx2professor: /cdrom?12:14
ikoniathe only limitation i syou can only have 4 primary partitions12:14
Stormx2professor: Thats not right12:14
jevangeloi want to stream music from this box12:14
cafuego_Aggort: As long as those partitions exist, linux doesn't care what kind they are.12:14
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jevangelousing like, php or something12:14
jasinAggort, you can make them both primary, you are allowed up to 4 primary partitions total12:14
Aggortikonia: I I can scroll up and copy and apste it, ity's what he said12:14
Stormx2professor: It should be /media/cdrom12:14
Falstiusjasin: unless you're setting up a specialized server, creating seperate /usr and /var will only cause trouble and won't really help.12:14
Stormx2jevangelo: Uhh...12:15
ikoniaAggort: I don't care what he said, I'm telling you fact12:15
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ikoniabut you SHOULD know this if you've read the docs12:15
professorStormx2, na it just says cdrom12:15
JayRoecan someone tell me how I start a program on another screen using the console?12:15
Aggortikonia: then he scrwed me all up and wa swhy I was pissed12:15
heapmelinux can be installed both primary or logical12:15
ikoniaAggort: you wouldn't need to ask i fyou had read the docs12:15
Stormx2jevangelo: SHOUTcast, and theres another...12:15
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Aggortikonia: I did! I followed the instructions and the thing failed12:15
professorStormx2, wait I did auto detect and now E: says media cdrom, but  I did that before and it didnt work12:15
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Angelushi guys! :)12:15
Stormx2icecast, thats it12:15
FalstiusJayRoe: alt-f2 then login again.  Or read man screen.12:16
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jasinAggort, if you click erase entire disk it will do everything for you, there will be no need to manualy partition the hard drive; hoiwever, if you have windows installed it will be gone as wil anything else thats the hard drive.12:16
FurryNemesisAngelus, hi!12:16
erUSULsyd67ro: read here  zless /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz12:16
Stormx2professor: Have you checked under the advanced options?12:16
jasinAggort, if you click erase entire disk it will do everything for you, there will be no need to manualy partition the hard drive; however, if you have windows installed it will be gone as wil anything else thats the hard drive.12:16
adaptrStormx2: ac'ly, icecast/ices is OSS, shoutcast isn't (not really, or not completely)12:16
jpasshey guys, is there a way to disable my laptop sound card? bios doesn't offer the option but i'd like to disable it because i have my pcmcia one12:16
Angeluswas wondering, I have firefox running at the moment, v1.512:16
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heapmeit's good to reinstall windows from time to time anyway, it speeds it way up12:16
jasinAggort, if you click erase entire disk it will do everything for you, there will be no need to manualy partition the hard drive; however, if you have windows installed it will be gone as will anything else thats on the hard drive.12:16
professorStormx2,  and do what under advance12:16
Angelusit's not asking to be updated but I'm download v.212:16
heapmeand helps clear out any spyware12:16
ikoniajasin: easy guy12:16
Stormx2professor: What is "filesystem" set to?12:16
Angelusis v2 the latest version?12:16
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FurryNemesisAngelus, pretty much, v or something of the sort12:17
jasinikonia, I dont know what your problem is but yo really need to back off.12:17
AggortI have a 1.2 gigabyte partition for Swap and 50gb for root , won;t that do?12:17
professorStormx2,  ok slow down, where do I find the file system12:17
Angeluseven with ubuntu?12:17
ikoniajasin: I was only asking you to not say that long sentence again12:17
ikoniayou said it 3 times12:17
Aggortand I;ll still be able to access my windows files12:17
jasinAggort, thats fine12:17
ikoniaso I said "easy guy"12:17
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jasinaggort, not unless windows is on a separate partition12:18
Stormx2professor: bah, there should be something like that under advanced12:18
JayRoefalstius, what if I want to start a program on screen 1 by running it from a console on screen 0?12:18
AggortThis is where I am gettign confused12:18
AggortWindows has to be on another partition it's NTFS12:18
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jasiniknonia, why not? I'd rather be specific then inaccurate.12:18
ikoniajasin: your sentence was fine12:18
heapmeAggort once linux is install you can access them from /media/hda or somethin simliar depending on your installation/hardware)12:18
ikoniayou just said it three times, I thought your keyboard was stuck12:18
FurryNemesisAngelus, if you dl'd it from the FFwebsite, then yes12:18
FalstiusJayRoe: I think that is possible, but not easy.  Screen is probably what you want.12:18
jasiniknonia, no wyou're contradicting yourself.12:19
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ikoniajasin: am I ?12:19
Aggortjasin: don;t you mean as long it's on the same device?12:19
jasiniknonia, man, you need to stop.12:19
ikoniajasin: stop what ?12:19
ikoniaI just said "easy guy"12:19
JayRoefalstius, I tried with "appname --screen 1" but that doesn't work anymore for some reason12:19
ikoniabecause you said the thing about deleting the whole disk three times12:19
jasinAggort, you can do that as well.12:19
ikoniano offence was intendend12:19
heapmeAggort linux doesn't use drive letters like windows. everything is a subdir of / (the root dir) and you can mount your other devices to any directory inside of any subdir in /. your cd rom, your windows partition, etc12:19
professorStormx2, I just have label and serial number12:19
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jasinAggort, but it dont need to be on a second drive, a separate partition will do.12:20
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Stormx2professor: Hmm. Got the CD drive selected in the list above?12:20
FalstiusJayRoe: you don't mean two separate monitors do you?12:20
sebaanyone that knows the kernel startup can help me in somehting?12:20
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ikoniaseba: whats up12:20
jasinAggort, there afre no c: d: 's in linux, everything is under /12:20
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JayRoefalstius, yes I do, TV-Out to be exact.12:20
jontec_heapme, jasin: have him set it to "do no mount", he can mount it later :D just have him setup a root partition and swap.12:20
heapmeseparate partitions are kind of like having virtual additional harddrives12:20
zylcheHow would I change the name of a device, I assume it's the label on the partiton, by command line? :/12:20
professorStormx2, ok now I do12:20
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FalstiusJayRoe: ohhh :)12:20
professorStormx2,  but still the same12:20
Aggortok I ahve 2 mount points "/" and Swap12:21
erUSUL!anyone | seba12:21
ubotuseba: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:21
Aggortthat's all I need?12:21
heapmeAggort yes12:21
dRK_sHd0wdoes anyone know about ispconfig??12:21
Stormx2professor: tried doing "killall wineserver" and trying again?12:21
heapmemake sure swap is set to type 'swap'12:21
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Stormx2professor: Try #winehq too12:21
ikoniaAggort: just so your clear swap is not a mountable partition12:21
heapmewhich im sure it is by default in ubuntu12:21
jasinjontec, if its on a second drive he can just unplug the power to it and then install linux to the first drive, bit he'll have to confiqure grub to have windows bootable.12:21
professorstorminc, where do I type that12:21
Aggortand they can both be primary and I can access my Windows files? See Compengi said I needed /home to point to my NTFS12:21
storminccan anyone tell me how the scripts in /etc/acpi work. do i need to symlink what i want to battery.d etc?12:21
FalstiusJayRoe: I don't know how, I haven't had a spare monitor for years but I remember there was some config file you could use to specify which screen programs would start on.12:21
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professorstorminc,  where do I type that12:22
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sebaikonia when the boot starts the kernel makes a gdt and then loads the kernel there12:22
jasinAggort, as you were already told, to install linux you will need the following partitions: / and swap12:22
ikoniagdt ?12:22
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heapmeand even swap is optional, but recommended12:22
jasinAggort, please listen.12:22
FalstiusAggort: you don't want home to point to ntfs, that would be really bad.  Just leave the ntfs partition alone.12:22
Angeluswhat do you do with the files once they are downloaded?12:22
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Angelushow do you install things?12:23
jasinheapme, yes it is but the buntu install will complain if there is no swap12:23
AggortThat asshole fucked me up then12:23
jribAngelus: use synaptic, or add/remove programs12:23
professorstorminc, I type that into the command line and nothing happened12:23
erUSULseba: grub loads the kernel into memory not the kernel itself afaik12:23
Aggortexcuse my language12:23
ikonialanguge !12:23
jasinheapme, yes it is but the ubuntu install will complain if there is no swap12:23
jrib!synaptic | Angelus12:23
ubotuAngelus: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:23
jontec_jasin: I think I misuderstood what was going on... :D never mind.12:23
heapmejasin saw you the first time ;012:23
storminccan anyone tell me how the scripts in /etc/acpi work. do i need to symlink what i want to battery.d etc?12:23
=== phaedrus444 [n=esaveall@cpe-74-69-242-254.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasinheapme, and the typo12:23
Angeluswhat if you have already downloaded the gz file?12:23
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professorstorminc, can you private im me12:24
ikoniaAngelus: don't use gz files12:24
dRK_sHd0whey is anyone familiar with ispconfig???12:24
jasinheapme, I correct myself, I like being understood.12:24
AggortIcan't beleive he did that12:24
professorstorminc,  or make a room12:24
sebaerUSUL well i know but grub loads the first stage of the kernel12:24
ikoniajasin: AHHHH thats why you typed it 3 times12:24
AngelusI have no other choice12:24
heapmejasin you cant make anyone understand you, trust me ;012:24
ikoniaI didn't see the correction12:24
mkudzinI am a long time Linux user, but I am new to Ubuntu.  I am determining how some features are configured.12:24
ikonianow it makes sense12:24
Aggortok nwo the isntall won't start!12:24
=== lam_yh [n=lam_yh@201-26-52-220.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
jasinikonia, twice is three? since when?12:24
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mnoirAngelus: if synaptic can find and instal, it is preferablt to a downloaded gz12:24
FalstiusAggort: I doubt he did it on purpose.  This run moves quickly and that is a complicated subject.12:24
stormincprofessor: im sorry but the one who replyed to you earlier was Stormx212:24
jribAngelus: what are you trying to install?12:24
ikoniajasin: when I said "easy guy" its because you said something 3 times, I didn't notice you where correcting yourself12:24
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AngelusI'm trying to install firefox v212:24
erUSULseba: the kernel doees not have stages it is a single monolithic elf executable12:24
Aggortthe install won't start12:24
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lam_yhhey ..i never used this chat12:25
jribAngelus: firefox2.0 is default on ubuntu edgy12:25
jasinikonia, I know what i said and how many times I said it.12:25
professoroh im sorryt12:25
AngelusI'm using dapper12:25
lam_yhis a chat to help ubuntu users ?12:25
jasinikonia, I said it, afterall.12:25
ikoniajasin: I didn't say you didn't12:25
AggortIt jsut keeps sayign starting the partitioner and then nothing pops up12:25
erUSULseba: well it can link modules at runtime but that's another matter12:25
JayRoeHow do I start a program on screen 1 from a console on screen 0, anyone?12:25
jontec_lam_yh: yes12:25
heapmejrib really? wonder why it's not defaault on kubuntu edgy :(12:25
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lam_yhoh..thank y very much12:25
mnoirlam_yh: yes do you have a question - ask it12:25
jribheapme: just install the firefox package.  I guess kubuntu uses konq by default?12:25
jribAngelus: why not upgrade?12:26
lam_yhmnoir: where are you from ?12:26
jasinikonia, I never said you did, learn to listen.12:26
jontec_!welcome | lam_yh12:26
ubotulam_yh: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.12:26
Angelushow do I do that jrib?12:26
heapmekde uses konq by default and i had to enable like backports for firefox2 in kubuntu edgy12:26
n2diy! workspace12:26
jrib!upgrade | Angelus12:26
FalstiusAggort: You clicked "next" from the partitioner?12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about workspace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:26
ubotuAngelus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:26
=== wildur [n=dhghhh@1-2-2-8a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
lam_yhow tks a lot ! :D12:26
sebaerUSUL the kernel have a boot stage, /kernel/boot/12:26
=== martin911115 [n=martin91@63.18-dial.augustakom.net] has joined #ubuntu
AggortFals yeas12:26
jasin ikonia!*@* added to ignore list.12:26
sebaerUSUL all the OS have that12:26
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@119.181-78-65.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniajasin: just drop the attitude, I was trying to explain to you why I said "easy guy" when you said about wiping his hard disk 3 time earlier, I didn't realise you where correcting yourself12:26
mkudzinI have a question. How does nautilus sort filenames?  I can't seem to get it to recognize LC_COLLATE12:26
heapmeand firefox2 crashes the heck out of kde for me12:26
AggortI am at the Prepare Mount Points and I click forward and then i get the message12:26
=== runge [n=runge@c-cddae255.215-5-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
jasinaggort, that sbecause you created no partitions.12:27
Aggortjasin i did12:27
Angelusahh I thought you meant upgrade firefox, I can't upgrate ubuntu because I'm on dial up12:27
erUSULseba: /kernel/boot/ <-- the path is from kernel sources?12:27
FalstiusAggort: which message?12:27
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ikoniaAngelus: why does that stop you ?12:27
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sebaerUSUL yes12:27
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Angelusit's 600m to download, I've tried :)12:28
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kaozcan someone tell me how to find out what locale i am using please?12:28
jribAngelus: ok in that case:12:28
jrib!firefox | Angelus12:28
ubotuAngelus: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:28
ikoniano its not12:28
sebaerUSUL /kernel-x.x.x/boot/12:28
AggortIt's froze on starting the partioner at 50% at scannign disks12:28
ikoniafirefox isn't 600 meg12:28
Stofferdoes ubuntu have built-in wifi support?12:28
heapmeAggort if you're worried about things you might want to just download vmware server for windows (it's free) and practicing installing linux on there before you do a real install on your hardware. i did that and it gave me a lot of confidence12:28
Angelusno upgrading to edgy is :)12:28
jasinaggort, you have to format them each time and comitt the changes not just once or before.12:28
ikoniaStoffer: it has wifi tools12:28
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB12:28
ikoniaAngelus: why upgrade to edgy12:28
phixnayhi everyone12:28
AggortI;m not at all worried12:29
AggortI got nothing to lose12:29
Angelusjrib suggested it lol12:29
AggortI just want this to install12:29
phixnayI'm having trouble setting my resolution to 1440x900, can someone help me?12:29
LinTuxIKONIA: are you on eithernet or wifi12:29
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Aggortthe install jsut won;t start12:29
ikoniaLinTux: I'm on wifi at th emoment on my laptop sat downstairs12:29
heapmeAggort theres no reason it shouldnt install if you created a / and swap partition , and then just start installing, it will format them probably and then install. the end12:29
mnoir!fixres | phixnay12:29
ubotuphixnay: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:29
Stofferok, but would I have to find drivers for my D-link card before installing, or are there any included?  I'm working off a wireless desktop here.12:29
=== NullPointer [n=kurant@32.Red-83-61-14.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULseba: i have the latest git snapshot here and no boot/12:29
FalstiusAggort: it is possible that when you did the initial partition in windows it created a nonstandard partition table.12:29
jasinaggort, if it froze while trying to format the hd then your hard drive either has error or you didn't create the partitions properly.12:29
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf12:29
jasinaggort, if it froze while trying to format the hard drive then your hard drive either has errors or you didn't create the partitions properly.12:30
erUSULseba: but anyway what do you wnat to ask specifically?12:30
LinTuxI have been unlucky with several WIFI cards, any recommendations?12:30
AggortIs it possible I ran out of RAM or something12:30
AggortI've been on ehre for a long time12:30
ikoniaLinTux: anything with good kernel support12:30
axismelintux, intel pro wireless12:30
ikoniaLinTux: thats why I'm using too12:30
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jasinaggort, not possible with linux, ubuntu linux only need 128 to run.12:30
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LinTuxaxisme: cheers m812:30
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Stormx2Is there a simple way to make the common dialogs (open, save, etc) a larger size?12:31
Aggortthe isntaller crashed12:31
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AggortI got a emssage12:31
jasinaggort, once again, if it froze while trying to format the hard drive then your hard drive either has errors or you didn't create the partitions properly.12:31
jontec_jasin: that gui installer is real buggy... I remember using the kubuntu one, I ended up having to use install gparted on the live cd for x64.12:31
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FalstiusAggort: I like you need like 196mb of ram for the live CD installer.12:31
stormincprofessor: im sorry but the one who replyed to you earlier was Stormx212:31
storminccan anyone tell me how the scripts in /etc/acpi work. do i need to symlink what i want to battery.d etc?12:31
Aggortjasin: can;t be the ahrd drive Windows is on it and working12:31
=== ekaeka [n=alex@pool-151-203-234-81.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
jasinjontec, that snot ubuntu thats kubuntu, kubuntu is bugy, has been since it was created.12:31
ColinTI have problems with installing hplip does anyone know why it hangs and don't install?12:31
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jasinaggort, umm yes it can.12:32
sebaerUSUL this part of the kernel makes a gdt load the kernel and set protected mode, and then the kernel makes the page directory and loads the entries,, well, my question is how the kernel can put itself in a page?12:32
jasinaggort, windows runing does not mean the hard drive has no errors.12:32
jontec_jasin: I take offense to that :D.12:32
Aggortjasin: lol true12:32
=== Uthalin [n=jvdimas@pool-70-21-152-31.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaseba: /join #kernel - lots of kernel devs to answer12:32
jasinjontec, lol12:32
Aggortjasin: I ran chk disk12:32
Aggortit keep crashing not even at the isntall step12:32
=== Wolfpaws [n=wolfy@unaffiliated/wolfpaws] has joined #ubuntu
jasinjontec, I did the kubuntu thing, and i got rid of it. Kubuntu is bugy!12:33
sebaikonia thanks12:33
ikoniaseba: I've found some great discussions in there12:33
ikoniavery friendly considering the IQ of some of the guys12:33
jasinaggort, chkdsk is not very good.12:33
WolfpawsHow can I change window manager?12:33
sebaerUSUL thanks, i will change to kernel channel12:33
erUSULseba: a tipycal kernel is ~1MB even more this days and a page in x86 is 4k what you say is either flawed or incomplete12:33
Angelusthanks for all your help guys12:33
=== CiscoJones [n=mike@HW-ESR1-208-102-7-64.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
Angelussee you next time :)12:33
Aggortjasin: It's lokcing up at the keybaord selection12:33
jasinaggort, chkdsk dont find error in the mbr, it wont find low leve errors,etc..12:34
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jasinaggort, chkdsk dont find error in the mbr, it wont find low level errors,etc..12:34
phixnayso can anyone help me fix this resolution problem? I've tried everything I know of12:34
sebaerUSUL well, i wanted to say all the kernel in different pages12:34
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Aggortjasin: I know, but why is the isntaller doing this?12:34
sebaerUSUL no problem,  thanks12:34
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FalstiusAggort: I thought you said it was locking up at a scanning disks.12:35
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jasinaggort, ok, well since you know more then the experts here then have at it, fix the computer.12:35
Aggortjasin: don;t be rude12:35
jasinaggort, have fun12:35
Intangiris there a way to save your gnome panels configurations?12:35
jasinaggort, dont be arrogant and argumentative.12:35
Intangirthere should be a way to save it to a file or something, and import it on another machine12:35
jontec_jasin: I have a successful install on my desktop.... just about everything works. :D My laptop is crap with it, though. I keep having network problems with samba, I think (ha! not kubuntu's fault) either that or just my network card in general.12:35
Intangiror user12:35
erUSULseba: as i said it is grub who copies the kernel bynary (and the initrd if any) into memory and from then on the kernel execs itself12:35
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Falstiusjasin: I think 'experts' is a bit of an overstatement.12:35
ColinTI have problems with installing hplip does anyone know why it hangs and don't install? Any help or hint would be most valued. .-)12:35
jontec_jasin: plus gnome is not smart.12:36
anorexicpillowHey... uh i want to import my calendar from the ubuntu one to sun bird... where is the data?12:36
AggortFals: It did, and closed it's self. When i reopneded it I tried to get through the installer and now it just hangs at the keyboard12:36
phixnayI want to set the monitor to its preferred resolution of 1440x900, but everything I've tried has not worked, and I've tried a lot of things12:36
jasinaggort, either you want help or you do not, and from the looks of things you dont, all you do is argue.12:36
=== dllh [n=daryl@c-68-62-181-159.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Falstius just accidentally burned a CD image to a DVD.
jontec_Falstius: vetrans12:36
jontec_Falstius: veterans12:36
AggortJasin: Your being arrogant not me. I am not arguing I am giving simple facts12:36
lam_yhhow can i register in this chat?12:36
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Aggortjasin: Obviously I want some help and I need some serious serious help12:37
jasinFalstius, i'm a programer and computer technician, so speak for yourself.12:37
anorexicpillow uh... /msg nickserv register?12:37
phixnayis irc ignoring me or something???12:37
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Aggortfor crying outloud I can't even copy and apste on ehre anymore12:37
jasinjontec, how so?12:37
=== Nvening [n=nvening@i-83-67-102-130.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
phixnayCAN ANYONE SEE THIS?12:37
anorexicpillowits a big chat room u may have to wait a bit12:38
phixnaybut you don't know how to help?12:38
AggortFals: Did you read what i said about the keyboard?12:38
anorexicpillowwhats ur question?12:38
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@pool-72-76-163-200.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
phixnayI'm trying to set my resolution to 1440x900 but it won't go12:38
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jontec_jasin: it's ugly, and its programs don't integrate. everything intergrates on KDE.12:38
anorexicpillowoh right... as far as i know its not possible12:38
FalstiusAggort: what are you trying to install ubuntu on, what is the machine?  And I asked if it was getting stuck and scanning disks or asking for the keyboard?  Try typng something into the test area for the keyboard and see if the "next" (or is it forward?) button becomes active.12:39
=== Nomad_ [n=Nomad@host-69-146-185-27.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
AggortIt's a custome built machine12:39
anorexicpillowi know i cant get mine any bigger12:39
anorexicpillowyou may be best to continue to ask in here or on the forums12:39
=== cyphase is amused by MPAA propoganda: http://mpaa.org/dvd_faq.asp
AggortIt got stuck at the canning but I clsoed it so I tried again and it froze at the kayborad12:39
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cyphasethe Linux questions are funny :)12:39
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jasinjontec, ugly? my gnome desktop has better graphics then my windows desktop ever did.12:39
AggortI typed stuff there, but it did nto become active again12:39
phixnayso you can't get your monitor to work on it's default resolution either?12:40
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Nomad_I just have a fast question.  I'm trying to try out Ubuntu on my old computer, and doesn't seem to be doing anything.  It loaded and "configured" a bunch of stuff, and now is just sitting at a blank screen with a blinking cursor.12:40
jasinjontec, integrate? what you tryign to intergrate?12:40
heapmebeauty is in the eye of the beholder12:40
anorexicpillowi dont know :S12:40
=== HuibertGill [n=huibert@p5085DE09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
anorexicpillowima  newb myself :P12:40
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf12:40
=== davmor2 [n=davmor2@62-30-74-119.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
FalstiusAggort: is it still running or did you kill it right away?  And please be patient, I don't install ubuntu on a daily basis so I don't remember the exact order of steps.12:40
heapmei've been using linux off and on for 9 years and am still a newbie12:40
TonrenCould someone please tell me what's wrong with my postfix when I install it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/593/12:40
anorexicpillowbtw... does anyone know where the evolution calendar data is?12:40
n2diyNomad_: how long has it been cooking?12:41
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ColinTWhat does this mean: gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.12:41
Nomad_My main question is if there is a list of system requirements in the docs somewhere?  I can't seem to find it anywhere12:41
xtknightjontec_: are you saying Qt-based applications do not use the GNOME theme?  or do you mean when you're in root mode that only the stock GTK theme is used?12:41
jontec_jasin: but I'm comparing it to kde. :D kde > gnome ?> windows12:41
Nomad_n2diy: Probably 20 minutes12:41
mwalker_mewconsuso far what I enjoy about Ubuntu linux is the speed in starting up the OS12:41
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cheeseboy16how do i change what it says on grub menu?12:41
heapmemwalker_mewconsu and you can make it even faster12:41
xtknightcheeseboy16: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  in root12:41
AggortFals: I know, and I didn't kill it when it froze on scanning disks, it locked up and gave me a bug report. Now I still have the keyboard running12:41
n2diyNomad_: and no activity with the cdrom and HD?12:41
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=== Harksaw [n=sharcle@adsl-155-162-45.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jontec_xtknight: I mean that the default ubuntu theme for gnome is ugly. Kubuntu's KDE theme for kde is better. :D that's what I'm saying.12:42
Nomad_n2diy: No, doesn't seem to be doing anything anymore.12:42
xtknightjontec_: ohh12:42
mnoircheeseboy16: by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst12:42
TonrenUgh.... why is this stupid mail server crap so hard?12:42
jasinjontec, The beauty you seem in kubuntu is a kubuntu thing, kde by default without any of the kubuntu tweak and confiurations is pretty ugly.12:42
Nomad_Just have that blinking cursor on a blank screen.12:42
n2diyNomad_: Can you turn your cap led on and off with the cap lock key?12:42
mwalker_mewconsuI would eventually like the ability install Windows XP Pro inside Linux as I've heard it can be done, but I'm not sure SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 would run inside Windows, inside Linux....12:42
IceToxHey guys! My computer is going very slow.. You guys are able to help me out finding out what makes it slowing down?12:42
Nomad_n2diy: No, it appears not.12:42
=== Silvis [n=silvia@209-148-169-62.dynamic.rogerstelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
jontec_jasin: maybe, but it makes no sense to install kde on standard ubuntu12:42
FalstiusDid you click next and then it froze or was the next button not available?12:42
xtknightmwalker_mewconsu: sure they would if you used a virtual machine.  they may even work under wine, but i doubt it12:42
FalstiusAggort: Did you click next and then it froze or was the next button not available?12:43
n2diyNomad_: ok, your hung, how much ram do you have?12:43
heapmemwalker_mewconsu it can using things like vmware or qemu but it would be slower to run and visual studio is already slow as it is12:43
AggortFalstius: No it's after I clicked forward12:43
xtknightnot as slow as eclipse12:43
jasinjontec, what for? anything you can run on a kde desktop can be run in gnome.12:43
mnoirjontec_: makes sense if you want to run KDE instead of gnome12:43
TonrenCould someone please tell me what's wrong with my postfix when I install it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/593/12:43
Nomad_n2diy: Um.  Like, 96?  32 + 64?12:43
ColinTWhat does this mean: gedit has not been able to detect the character coding. And how can I solve the problem?12:43
jasinjontec, kwifi, kde games, klaptop.. all work in gnome just as they do in kubuntu.12:44
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu
jontec_mnoir: but talking about adept in an ubuntu channel just isn't good.12:44
n2diyNomad_: ok, that is the problem, 256 is the suggested min, but I have squeaked by with 196.12:44
mwalker_mewconsuyah and I need Visual Studio for work. I'm aware of Mono but I'm not sure it's in a state where I could use it yet.12:44
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HeathenDanhow come when i click on networking, i get "the configuration could not be loaded" error?12:44
AggortFals: Did you get that?12:44
Nomad_n2diy: Ahh.  I see.  It would really help if there was a list of requirements somewhere on the main site.  I scanned around and couldn't find anything.  If it's there, it should be more apparent.  Well, thank you anyway.12:45
FalstiusAggort: yeah, I'm just trying to think of what you should do.12:45
jasinmwalker, linux has its own ide's, editors, and compilers.12:45
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jasinmwalker, you dont need visual studio in linux12:45
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xtknightmwalker left already :P12:45
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AggortFals: Honestly, I tihnk if I rebooted I;d be fine. Since I can't apst now, can't copy, can't take a screen shot12:45
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xtknightjasin:  what would you say is the best C++ IDE for GNOME/linux?12:45
jasinxtknight, i dont have a user list12:45
n2diyNomad_: yes, you might look at the wiki? I only know because is on the CD sleeve.12:45
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FalstiusAggort: probably.12:45
jasinbest? thats personal opinion.12:46
anorexicpillowis there a way to import my appointments from Evolution to Mozilla Sunbird?12:46
xtknighti'd like your opinion12:46
Nomad_n2diy: I downloaded the ISO, so I don't have a CD sleeve.  Won't do much good looking at them now as I know it won't work.  Heh.  Thanks again.12:46
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xtknighti just haven't found any that can stand a chance to visual studio, imho12:46
n2diyanorexicpillow: did you run sunbird, and try its import function?12:47
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cafuego_cyphase: It's an interesting pice of fud, isn't it? Nowhere do they mention that content applies to the US only.12:47
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anorexicpillowyah but i dont know where its located?12:47
TonrenCould someone please tell me what's wrong with my postfix when I install it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/593/12:47
anorexicpillowfile import... where are the evolution files located?12:47
xtknightanorexicpillow: ~/.evolution i believe12:47
cyphasecafuego_: "oops"12:47
my_keyis it true that running irssi from a shell on your local machine is very insecure. Should i really run it from a bouncerhost or in a jail or something like that?12:48
n2diyanorexicpillow: probably in .evolution somewhere?12:48
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cafuego_cyphase: ... or that they were told that region locking DVD players is actually not permitted in Australia for instance.12:48
anorexicpillowokay so the how do i get there... usr? tmp?12:48
cafuego_my_key: No, it's not true.12:48
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cyphasecafuego_: it's that damn DMCA12:49
jasinAnjuta is pretty good12:49
cafuego_Tonren: You're missing a localhost entry in /etc/hosts12:49
n2diyanorexicpillow: /home/your user name12:49
jasini've used Anjuta before12:49
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cafuego_cyphase: We now have something of that sort here (a worse one than the US) but it's still not illegal to use DeCSS to watch your DVDs on Linux (or format-shift them to say an iPod)12:50
Tonrencafuego_: I don't think so. localhost mylaptop is the first line12:50
ColinTI am trying to install a hp printer but can't quiet get it to work anyone clever?12:50
xtknightjasin:  ahh ok ill give that a shot . thanks12:50
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cafuego_Tonren: hrm12:50
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jesseanyone here know how to get printer working on Ubuntu12:50
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cyphasecafuego_: "here" is australia, right?12:51
linuxfanstaranyone know a live cd that has ntfs/fat32 read and write built in?12:51
jesseI posted my problem here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222412:51
n2diyjesse: click on system/admin/printing?12:51
Tonrencafuego_: All I wanted to do was get TWiki running... but it wouldn't let me turn off authentication, so I needed to register a user to edit anything, so I figured I'd get a mail server running so I could register.12:51
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ColinTaxisme: what is cups and where do i get it?12:51
cafuego_cyphase: yah12:51
jesseI wish it was that easy12:52
xtknightColinT:  cups is included with Ubuntu12:52
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:52
techfungroin protection, any sporting goods store12:52
heapmecups is a song by underword, or something you drink out of or the printing system included with ubuntu12:52
jasina lot of people brag about kdevelop over on the kde side.12:52
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Cholitook, I have a problem with my system for the last 10 hours and I don't know how to solve it. Please read this post: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222012:52
=== cyphase crosses out australia
jasinnever used kdevelop myself though.12:52
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cafuego_cyphase: The "But don't you want Linux users to watch DVDs" is a nice one. What with them not answering the actual question <heh>12:52
xtknighti wasnt too imrpessed with kdevelop myself12:52
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ColinTxknighgt: well. Then I am afraid I am a bit confused when cups is the answer to get a printer to work.12:52
Savage-{anybody have problems opening up .ico files in gimp?12:52
axismejesse, did you look on the brother website?12:52
Kleskif i install winxp after ubuntu on the same harddrive, what happens with grub?12:53
linuxfanstardoes anyone know a live cd with full ntfs support built in?12:53
xtknightColinT: it is included with ubuntu but not all printers are supported, and not all work by default12:53
axismethey had the file on there?12:53
jesseI did everything that was there12:53
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:53
jesseand still not printing12:53
xtknightColinT: i will only be able to help if i know your printer model12:53
mkudzinCan anybody help me with sorting filenames in the File Browser?12:53
Savage-{Klesk: it could overwrite the MBR with the windows bootloader12:53
Savage-{Klesk: then just reinstall grub12:53
magic_ninjawhat applications would you guys reccomend12:53
ColinTxknighgt: It works allright. But it using loads of ink and not very clear. My problem is that I try to install hplip but dosen't quiet work12:53
jesseplease read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222412:53
axismei just did12:53
psynth*.mpg file support, how ?12:53
n2diymkudzin: I'll give it a shot.12:54
xtknightColinT: what errors?12:54
=== ReinH [n=ReinH@cpe-70-112-17-191.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KleskSavage-{: can i do that with my live cd?12:54
Savage-{Klesk: yeah12:54
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:54
ColinTxknighgt: HP 920C12:54
jesseBrother MFC-420CN12:54
Savage-{Klesk: easiest way to do it12:54
KleskSavage-{: ok, thanks :)12:54
axismeive installed one of those before12:54
axismehad one in the office where i used to work12:54
ReinHAnyone familiar with libxslt in Ubuntu? xslt-config is not in my path after sudo apt-get install libxslt1.112:54
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ColinTxknighgt: Well. Where shall I start.  Tried to install hplip, but it wont autorun. Then I have tried to to it by writing command in Terminal. But it stops and hnags at the same place everytime12:55
ReinHthe usual install process should install that script, right?12:55
mkudzinn2diy: I added the line LC_COLLATE="C" to my .profile.  However, the File Browser now puts files beginning with a dot at the END of the list, instead of the beginning.12:55
jasinkdevelop got the most votes in this poll here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/poll.php?do=showresults&pollid=78612:55
xtknightColinT: type my name exactly or else it wont be any good :D  i need it to highlight12:55
kogberGnome users: I am writing a Howto for the forum, and using kde, and I need a Gnome version of how to add a process to Autostart (xbindkeys, specifically).  Anyone care to help?12:55
Tonrencafuego_: Typing "sendmail" gets this error: sendmail: fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: setgid_group =12:55
ColinTxknighgt: Must be doign somethign wrong but not sure what.12:55
Savage-{Klesk: type grub in console then type root (hdx,x) -> setup (hdx)12:55
mkudzinIf I do "ls -al" in a terminal, it comes out correct.12:55
cafuego_Tonren: is /etc/mailname empty or something?12:55
ColinTxtknight: sorry12:55
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xtknightjesse: sorry, im not sure what to do to fix your problem12:55
cyphaseDoes anyone know of a rhythmbox 0.9.7 deb for edgy?12:55
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ReinHAnyone familiar with libxslt?12:55
Tonrencafuego_: Umm, it doesn't exist.12:56
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xtknightColinT: what is HPLIP exactly?12:56
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n2diymkudzin: what happens when you click on "name"?12:56
cafuego_Tonren: create it and plonk a nice name in it, see if that helps12:56
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xtknightColinT: hp printer control panel if I recall?  is it suposed to have a linux version?12:56
cyphasethere was one on the forums a few days ago, but the link is returning a 40412:56
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Tonrencafuego_: Is /etc/mailname a hostname or a username?12:56
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cafuego_Tonren: a hostname12:56
Savage-{anybody have problems opening up .ico files in gimp?12:56
ColinTxtknight: Was informed it was an updated driver for HP printer being able to control ink, printing and paper quality. To be able to use the same printer control as when I had WIN.12:56
Tonrencafuego_: Exact same error.12:57
cafuego_Tonren: fqdn even12:57
ja_Can anyone tell me what the "preserve times" option in rsync does?12:57
franky_hello anyone knows about a bug in totem freezing the computer ?12:57
mkudzinn2diy:  I can sort the files either alphabetically (but with the dot-files at the end) or with the dot-files as the beginning, but in reverse alphabetical order.12:57
xtknightColinT: well i also have an hp printer so ill see if i can get it installed myself12:57
jesseMy keyboard is messed up my DVD drive is not recognized and my printer wont print damn so far Linux is not treating me kindly12:57
xtknightColinT: if i can, ill tell you how12:57
cafuego_ja_: that should not change the creation/modification tiemstamps on transferred files.12:57
ColinTxtknight:  :-) How kind.12:57
Cholitodoes anyone knows a bug in cdrecord?12:57
xtknightColinT: i really miss the options for my hp printer.  i had no idea12:57
ColinTxtknight:  But most people say they just installed it.12:57
n2diymkudzin: ok, that is the only way I know how to do it.12:57
xtknightColinT: werent they missing in win2k/xp too?12:58
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xtknightColinT: i only remember HP settings in windows 98 when hp made the driver themselves12:58
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anorexicpillowI still cant find the evolution files.. can someone tell me how to get to them through the file browser?12:58
xtknightanorexicpillow: show hidden files12:58
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jasinhttp://openprinting.org/ has hp printer drivers for linus12:58
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ja_cafuego, thanks. Does that mean that regardless of what the time stamp is, it will be untouched on the destination?12:58
ReinHAnyone with libxslt experience know how to properly install it on ubuntu? xslt-config isn't in my path after I install the libxslt1.1 gem12:58
ColinTxtknight:  well I had ME.  Very fond of the printer and it printed everything perfect. But then ME was a moneywaster12:58
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kogberGnome users: I am writing a Howto for the forum, and I need a Gnome version of how to add a process to Autostart (xbindkeys, specifically).  Anyone with some experience, plz message me12:59
xtknightColinT: did you use the HPLIP in the Ubuntu repositories or do you want/need a newer version off hp's site?12:59
jasinMy mom had windows Me, it ran beautifuly on her old machine.12:59
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guisshi guys, does anyone know if nowadays a via rhine II based network card works under edgy? 'cause I can't get it to load as eth0 neither with dapper lastest kernel nor with edgy lastest12:59
Stofferis there a non-live cd version of ubuntu I can install?  Because the old laptop I'm trying it out on just can't handle a live-cd12:59
ja_cafuego_, thanks. Does that mean that regardless of what the time stamp is, it will be untouched on the destination?12:59
mkudzinn2diy:  Thanks.  It clearly is looking at LC_COLLATE (I can tell by how it handles capital letters), but it is getting dot-files wrong.12:59
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ColinTxtknight:  Not sure.12:59
cafuego_ja_: Correct, afaik.12:59
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ColinTxtknight:  See if I can find it out01:00
axismejeese, did you download both the LPR and cups wrapper?01:00
anorexicpillowa step by step would help :P01:00
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xtknightanorexicpillow: View->Show hidden files, double click .evolution01:00
ColinTxtknight:  Was not on a Ubuntu page, looked diffrently.... I have been at this almost all day.01:00
ja_cafuego_, cheers.01:00
Tonrencafuego_: What the hell is this "newaliases: fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: setgid_group = " monkeybusiness?01:00
franky_totem freezes the computer after launching a video even though it works with xine any clue01:00
xtknightColinT: http://hplip.sourceforge.net/ ?01:00
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axismejesse, also make sure its looking on the network and not the USB port...by default it thinks its on USB01:01
cafuego_Tonren: Do you have any weird entries in /etc/aliases?01:01
jesseaxisme yes I did can you please read my post <jesse> please read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222401:01
axismei did!01:01
=== hegemon [n=hegemon@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColinTxtknight:  Yep, that where I got it from01:01
xipCan someone help me play a DVD on warty?01:01
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Tonrencafuego_: None except the default01:01
jesseThat explains what steps I have done thus far01:01
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Nveningxip, yep01:01
xipNvening, :)01:01
Nveningwhats the problem01:01
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xipwell ... how to do it?01:01
hegemonHello, I need a good password manager/wallet app, any recommendation?01:01
axismedid you make sure it was set to look on the network and not USB?01:01
xipI didnt have much luck on google since warty is pretty old01:01
Nveningwell im guessing this is a film?01:01
anorexicpillowokay thanks... but now how do i find those in the sunbird import thing01:02
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Nveningoh, warty, erm01:02
xipa dvd right out of the box01:02
Jordan_Uxip: Why are you running warty?01:02
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jesseI tried doing it through the CUPS GUI but if you are talking about manipulating a text fiel of sorts then no01:02
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xipJordan_U, I dont have anything else on hand not a burner01:02
xtknightColinT: hmm.  well type sudo apt-get install hplip01:02
xipim stuck with warty for now01:02
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elpargohi could someone tell me the implications of installing a .deb that is not on any entry from the repo list01:02
Jordan_Uxip: You can do an online upgrade01:02
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ColinTxtknight:  Lest go slow. So in terminal I shall type "apt-get install hplip" ?01:02
xipJordan_U, How would I go about doing that01:03
Nveningxip, you will need to get a css packager01:03
xtknightColinT: funny.  my deskjet 722c is not supported by hplip . oh well01:03
xtknightColinT: sudo apt-get install hplip01:03
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Nveningxip, ill get u a link brb01:03
xipNvening, thanks01:03
axismelast time I did it I seem to recall it being quite painless......01:03
xtknightColinT: after that, 'sudo apt-get install python-qt3'  also01:03
Tonrencafuego_: All of the google results are coming up in foreign languages.  :\  What in the world could the problem be?01:03
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xopey_what's the default network manager in ubuntu (6.1)01:03
cafuego_Tonren: Dunno...01:03
axismedid you enter the IP for the printer? it doesnt search like windose01:03
axismeyoua re using it as network printer, right?01:04
anorexicpillowis there a way to find .evolution threw the sunbird file finder01:04
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franky_any idea about totem freezing my computer ?01:04
Tonrencafuego_: Wait... there's a line in /etc/postfix/main.cf that's "setgid_group = "01:04
jesseI can set it to Network CUPS(IPP)01:04
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Tonrencafuego_: But the headers above it say that I only have to worry about it while installing a new version.01:04
ColinTxtknight:  After first entry I get (I have a NO version of Ubuntu,) a message saying somethign like hplip is already newset version01:04
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-86-78.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
axismedid you set it to that?01:04
ColinTshall I continue01:04
dav666Hi can anyone help me with an "update manager" problem?01:04
xtknightColinT: a NO version? what do you mean01:04
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axismegimme the other options01:04
axismewas a few months ago :-P01:05
Tonrencafuego_: how do I get a list of group IDs?  I'm just going to slap a new one down in here.01:05
ColinTxtknight:  Lest go slow. So in terminal I shall type "apt-get install hplip"01:05
xtknightColinT: oh ok.  yes it would say that01:05
Nveningxip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:05
ColinTxtknigh: Norwegian01:05
xtknightColinT: you're fine then...ok now01:05
jesseset it to Network CUPS(IPP) with URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp001:05
xipNvening, thanks01:05
Nveningbut it says you shouldnt skip versions01:05
xtknightColinT: don't bother if it says already newest version01:05
Nveningand wartys pretty old01:05
xtknightColinT: now type    sudo apt-get install python-qt301:05
axismeLPD/LPR is ringing a bell01:05
ColinTxtknigh: ok one sec01:06
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dav666Please can someone help me with an "update manager" problem?01:06
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xipoh nice to know I'm using a "End-of-life" version01:06
Nveningxip, warty has package manager right?01:06
axismethen socket://ipaddresshere:910001:06
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axismethat should do it01:06
Nveningwell search for css01:06
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xipbut doesnt show anything past warty versions (ex. firefox shows latest version as 0.9)01:06
ColinTxtknigh: same message for this one Newest version already installed01:06
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Jordan_Uxip: DON'T try to upgrade directly to Dapper or Edgy though, you need to upgrade to Breezy then Dapper etc, you can't skip a version01:06
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xipJordan_U, Yeah I read that01:07
dRK_sHd0wis anyone familiar with ispconfig????01:07
Nveningyou need to update your package list xip01:07
xipNvening, I did01:07
Tonrencafuego_: "# setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management# commands.  This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that# is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account."  What does that mean, exactly?01:07
jesseso what do I do I dont quite understand where I type that stuff01:07
TonrenDoes anyone know how the hell to set up Postfix?01:07
xtknightColinT: alright.  type this "  sudo /usr/bin/hp-toolbox  "01:07
Nveningoh right01:07
ColinTxtknigh: Well actually the message is. x is already newest version01:07
axismesee your pm window01:07
xipNvening, it only grabs from /warty01:07
Nveningwell and old version of css should do anyway? it hasnt changed01:07
dRK_sHd0wtonren, what are you trying to set it up for??01:08
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-242-223-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
franky_where can I freeze caused by totem come from ?01:08
ColinTxtknigh: Lost of writing... then... "failed to open device" get a pop up with a long message in01:08
TonrendRK_sHd0w: All I want is for TWiki to work, but it won't let me turn off authentication, so I have to register a user, and in order to do that, my mail server has to be working.01:08
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axismejesse, you looking in pm window?01:08
TonrendRK_sHd0w: And I figure, I ought to know how to set up a mail server anyway, since I'm learning all sorts of admin stuff.01:09
dav666I keep getting the "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" error with update manager but no update program is running, the update manager crashed last time i ran it and it still thinks its running so i cannot start it again... Any help please?01:09
TonrendRK_sHd0w: But this is just unreal. Every google search result is in freakin' Swahili, and there's no mention of this error ANYWHERE on the Wiki!01:09
xtknightColinT: that's fine..does any dialog show up?01:09
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dRK_sHd0wtonren, lol I just got my webserver setup paste ur url and give me the url01:09
=== stoneey [n=stoney@d90-144-121-251.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyI installed and configured sunbird two weeks ago, now I can't get it to run. I typing sunbird in a terminal, from my home directory, what am I doing wrong?01:10
dRK_sHd0wtonren, I meant paste the error and give me the url lol01:10
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bruenign2diy, the calendar thing?01:10
n2diybruenig: yep01:10
ColinTxtknigh: No Installed HP device found. ...... and some suggestion where to install it from. Then " only deviced installed with the hp: CUPS backend will appear in the HP device manager01:10
Thug-N-Mei get a error trying to install win 32 codecs01:10
Aggort2What does error 17 means in GRUB?01:10
Thug-N-MeW: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb404 Not Found01:10
bruenign2diy, it worked before but doesn't anymore?01:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:11
n2diybruenig: yep01:11
Thug-N-Meany help please ?01:11
franky_but nothing about totem freezing01:11
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dav666Please can someone help me with an update manager issue?01:11
ColinTxtknigh: I have tried to install from System - Admin. - Printer. But can only get the hpij driver01:11
=== jesushub [n=jesushub@236.Red-83-56-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
axismejesse, LPD/LPR host or printer     then type in socket://ipaddresshere:9100        if that doesnt work try the internet printing protocol with the same socket thing....im fairly sure its the MPD one tho01:12
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axismejesse, gotta go, good lucl01:12
Jordan_Udav666: try: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock01:12
xtknightColinT: hmmm..sorry im' afraid i dont know where to go from there01:12
Aggort2What does error 17 means in GRUB?01:12
TonrendRK_sHd0w: I think... I think it just randomly started working01:12
xtknightColinT: you may have to use the newest version from hp's website01:12
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Twinxorhi, does anyone use snes9x?01:12
=== Miles [n=Milesb2k@80-192-21-56.stb.ubr03.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Twinxorif so please upload your keymap to pastebin01:12
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dRK_sHd0wtonren, lol01:13
dav666 Jordan_U: it didnt work?01:13
=== bruenig likes zsnes
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ColinTxtknigh: is thet the hplip.1.6.12? Or somethign else. I have tried to install the lip but it stops in device Conflict for ever and hangs01:13
Jordan_Udav666: What happened ?01:13
Tonrenbruenig: ZSnes is the shit.01:13
ColinTxtknigh: So I just wonder if it actually never has been properly installed01:13
xtknightColinT: hmm... ya hplip 1.6.1201:14
dav666asked for my password, then i retried opening update manger but got the same error about it already being in use when its not01:14
xtknightColinT: is your printer on the supported devices list for hplip01:14
linuxgooberwhat types of wifi security does linux support?01:14
=== quasar8888 [n=quasar88@pool-151-205-180-70.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ColinTxtknigh: Say so, yes01:14
bruenig!wifi | linux_user40035401:14
ubotulinux_user400354: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:14
bruenigwell that was for you linuxgoober01:14
Thug-N-Mecan anyone please help me installing w32codecs ?01:14
Jordan_Udav666: Try: sudo killall update-manager01:14
xipietotechttp://www.gnome.org/~jamiemcc/tracker/DEB/Edgy/ <---how would I add this to my sources.list rather than downloading?01:14
Thug-N-MeW: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-1plf4_i386.deb01:14
Miles=Ah. Finding my way here was an amusing adventure01:14
Twinxorbruenig, sound is inexplicably messed up in zsnes01:15
xipietotecas in how would I format it from my sources.list file?01:15
bruenigThug-N-Me, yes that doesn't exist anymore, don't know if they took it down or what01:15
Jordan_U!w32codecs | Thug-N-Me01:15
ubotuThug-N-Me: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:15
linux_user400354bruenig: wtf?01:15
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brueniglinux_user400354, yeah tab complete wasn't kind to me01:15
dav666 Jordan_U: returns "No process killed"01:15
quasar8888I just installed ubuntu what is the best color printer to use ?01:15
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:15
franky_I tried all the pages and I didn't find a clue about totem freezing my computer any clue ?01:15
MilesI'm afraid i need some help. I wonder how many eyes just rolled?01:15
bruenigThug-N-Me, by doesn't exist I mean the package on that particular server01:15
Thug-N-Me<Jordan_U> the link its down looks like that repo hasnt got it anymore01:15
phr34ckGuys, Frostwire is not quitting. Each time I click the "x" button it just minimises .... and there are no processes for it so I can kill it.01:15
phr34ckWhat should I do ?01:15
xipOMG 450MB to download to upgrade from warty to hoary O_o01:16
Harksawso I'm connected to my other computer's folder in File Browser, all the files are smb://somethingorother, but I can't play them directly, I can only copy them onto my computer. How can I play them directly? Do I need to mount that folder somehow?01:16
Thug-N-Me<bruenig> yeah so they dont host that package anymore .. anywhere else i can get it ?01:16
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Jordan_Udav666: Try rebooting?01:16
ColinTxtknigh: oh, how interesting. When I typed the lat commando. It actually got up version 1.6.901:16
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dav666 Jordan_U: tried that twice, update manager crashed whilst in use and now it thinks its been left open01:17
phr34ckGuys, Frostwire is not quitting. Each time I click the "x" button it just minimises .... and there are no processes for it so I can kill it.01:17
phr34ckwhat to do ?01:17
bruenigThug-N-Me, open a fresh terminal and copy and paste this: wget http://seveas.imbrandon.com/pool/dapper-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb01:17
xtknightColinT: hmm.. yeah because of apt-get01:17
MilesDoes anyone have any idea how to help me out? My graphics card (Nvidia Geforce 6600) Is causing a Kernel Panic on boot. Me and my friend (who's a lot more skilled in it than I) had a look and it seems like the card is not being recognised by the kernel.01:17
xipietotechttp://www.gnome.org/~jamiemcc/tracker/DEB/Edgy/ <---how would I add this to my sources.list rather than downloading?01:17
Jordan_Udav666: What happens when you try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?01:18
xipietotecas in how would I format it from my sources.list file?01:18
Thug-N-Me<bruenig> thanks01:18
=== sgamer [n=sgamer@cpe-70-113-15-178.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ColinTxtknigh: ? How can I get the Terminal screen back to accept a new commando?01:18
bruenigxipietotec, try something like this, deb http://www.gnome.org/~jamiemcc/tracker/DEB/Edgy/ ./01:18
Thug-N-Mebruenig what ver of ubuntu are you on to ?01:18
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pb69Hey guys01:18
sgameranyone else ever gotten a modprobe exit error after trying to install alsa-source?01:18
dav666 Jordan_U: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."01:18
bruenigxipietotec, not certain it will work but if it did that would be what it would look like01:18
bruenigThug-N-Me, xubuntu edgy01:19
pb69anyone using Iriver T30 with ubuntu01:19
ColinTxtknight: "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16601:19
ColinT  Major opcode:  14401:19
ColinT  Minor opcode:  301:19
ColinT  Resource id:  0x0"01:19
xtknightColinT: press control C to quit the program taking up the terminal01:19
xtknightColinT: or, next time run the app with a & at the end of it01:19
xtknightColinT: that is because we are running a kde app in gnome, disregard that01:19
Thug-N-Mebruenig ahh so not a ubuntu user :) shoul i upgrade to the newer version ? im on dapper01:19
sgameri cant even get into recovery mode but if i hit ctrl-alt-del i can get a login prompt on the non-recovery boot01:20
Jordan_Udav666: Ok, run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a -phigh ( the -phigh will just make it ask fewer questions because otherwise it would ask a LOT of them )01:20
ColinTxtknight:  I am confused now. ctrl + C dosen't do anything01:20
=== newman [n=stanthec@c-24-20-3-136.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigThug-N-Me, don't know a lot of people say not to, I didn't have any problems but I fresh installed so maybe that is the difference. It depends on you I guess, if you like the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" philosophy then no, feisty is out in 4 months01:20
Jordan_UColinT: What program do you have running in the terminal01:20
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xtknightColinT: close the HPLIP thing01:21
pb69anyone using Iriver T30 with ubuntu?01:21
franky_I have a problem with totem anyone can help ?01:21
=== balarka [n=balarka@adsl-68-72-114-166.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ufranky_: What type of problem>01:21
TonrenThis is bizarre...01:21
Jordan_U!hi | balarka01:21
ubotubalarka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:21
balarkahi stefan01:21
TonrenSuddenly, I can IM and XChat, but I can't successfully ping anything, and I can't look at websites.01:21
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:21
balarkathank u01:21
MilesAnyone got any clues towards solving the issue between A Kernel panic and a Geforce 6600 card? i'm afraid i can't solve it via drivers.01:22
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dav666 Jordan_U: "whiptail: error while loading shared libraries: libnewt.so.0.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:22
dav666debconf: whiptail output to the above errors, giving up!"01:22
Thug-N-Mebruenig well every time a new version of ubuntu was out i (fresh) install it to except this time ... dapper works good here so i might stick with it untill feisty is out01:22
ColinTxtknight: last commando was sudo /usr/bin/hp-toolbox01:22
balarkai am new to this community01:22
franky_Jordan_U, my computer freezes when I launch a video with it and it is the default application wich is anoying ...01:22
balarkacan u tell me a place where01:22
balarkai can find01:22
xtknightColinT: yes...so did you get your terminal back now?01:22
balarkasome projects now going on01:22
Thug-N-Mebruenig thanks for you help, gtg bye01:22
TonrenHas anyone had this problem before?01:22
ColinTxtknight: No. It is the reply from that commando that still is in treh window and when I type I just get a new line01:22
MilesCould anyone help me out?01:22
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xtknightTonren: dns server/cache maybe01:22
franky_Jordan_U, any clue ?01:22
ColinTbut no directory etc01:22
Tonrenxtknight: Could you elaborate?01:23
=== trainer_ [n=chatzill@pool-72-95-181-27.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightColinT: umm .. did you close the HPLIP toolbox program that opened/01:23
elpargoif I install something with gdebi will all the other package managers reconize it?01:23
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dav666 Jordan_U: Thanks for your help but I think I am just going to do a full reinstall. Only thing I can think of01:23
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balarkalooks everyone busy01:23
bruenigxipietotec, did that work?01:23
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xtknightTonren: look up DNS and maybe it will make sense...i'd have to explain a lot though hehe01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
Jordan_Udav666: OK, out of curiosity did you use any 3rd party repos or automatix?01:23
Tonrenxtknight: Well, how would I clear my cache?01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
ColinTxtknight: Done now. Yep got back the terminal. (It's like ten years ince last time I ran a computer from commando)01:24
bruenig!automatix | Jonbo01:24
ubotuJonbo: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:24
JayRoe"C compiler cannot create executables." Can someone tell me how to fix this error?01:24
AscIs there a driver that I can use if I don't want video acceleration?01:24
=== bruenig hates tab complete now
xtknightTonren: you wouldnt want to do that.  nothing would work then.  it's just that xchat is in your cache01:24
Ascan xorg driver I mean01:24
ColinTxtknight: Right Terminal is back.01:24
xtknightTonren: your dns server is probably down01:24
bruenigsorry Jonbo01:24
Tonrenxtknight: Do you think maybe my ISP's DNS server isn't working?01:24
xtknightTonren: exactly01:24
Twinxoroh wonderful, the keybindings on snes9x are hardcoded in the source!01:24
Tonrenxtknight: Do me a flava fave.  What's Google's IP addres?01:24
xtknightColinT: ok so terminal is back and you get a directory or not?01:24
dav666Jordan_U: no, i just got an error now from update manager stating "Error: BrokenCount > 0" I think that means it's screwed01:24
bruenigTwinxor, well at least it is open source01:24
bepogiminor ?: i wanted to try out kde so i apt-get kde.  didn't like it so i removed it (successfully), but now the boot screens (where the meter goes up and down and stuff) is kubuntu.  How do I reset that to ubuntu?01:24
=== Aggort2 [n=Aggort2@c-67-186-51-137.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Twinxoryeah, now I'm going to recompile it :/01:25
Tonrenxtknight: Yep.  That loads just fine.01:25
bruenigWe really should get a factoid for people with the kubuntu splash problem01:25
Aggort2What does error 17 mean and how do I fix it?01:25
MilesAnyone care to help me out with my Kernel Panic error on boot?01:25
dav666Jordan_U: never mind, thanks for helping. I'll just do a full reinstall. Cheers01:25
Tonrenxtknight: This sucks... what the hell kind of ISP lets their DNS go down for more than like 2 minutes?01:25
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ColinTxtknight: I think I have my default one. name@name-laptop:~$01:25
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xtknightTonren: use as a dns server01:25
xtknightColinT: ok yeah01:25
Twinxoror OpenDNS01:26
Nveninglol, look what i just found http://www.flickr.com/photos/86444323@N00/81971182/ (minor cencory needed) and yes it is to do with ubuntu01:26
=== CIA_Agent [n=yourname@c-67-182-251-221.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tonrenxtknight: Wait a minute... this isn't my ISP's fault01:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:26
sgameri need to figure out at least how to get to a recovery mode where my file system doesnt mount read only because of boot errors01:26
Nveninglol, fine01:26
Tonrenxtknight: I just went to Google.com adn a few other places on another computer on this same network, and it worked.01:26
sgamerbecause recovery mode is sticking with the same modprobe problem01:26
Tonrenxtknight: That must mean it's my fault.01:26
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xtknightTonren: hmm01:26
JayRoeubotu can you tell me how to get around this: "C compiler cannot create executables."01:26
sgamerand all i did was follow the forum sticky on how to install alsa from alsa-source01:26
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MilesIs anyone willing to help me out at some point?01:26
Tonrenxtknight: It APPEARS that my ISP's DNS is down, but it's only affecting my laptop.01:26
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:27
Tonrenxtknight: I'm on wireless, Ubuntu, and the computer that worked was Windows connected directly to the router.01:27
xtknightTonren: odd..01:27
=== DrBanzai [n=redlance@h216-170-017-249.adsl.navix.net] has joined #ubuntu
CIA_Agentwhen I log in, I just get a blank light blue screen. What happened?01:27
xtknightTonren: flush dns cache on laptop (dont ask me how :P )01:27
Jordan_Ufranky_: There are many other options for media players, also, usually if Ubuntu "freezes" it isn't actually totally frozen yet (only the GUI ) and a simple ctrl+alt+backspace will bring it back to life01:27
=== thePuck__ [i=thePuck@dsl-63-249-115-81.cruzio.com] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightgot a problem. Ubuntu live cd didn't run on my laptop01:27
Tonrenxtknight: rofl.... dammit01:27
bruenigMiles, all you asked from scrolling up was "could somebody help me?" that is not specific01:27
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:27
pb69Toren : about wireless, I use WPA-TIk is there support for that ?01:27
Aggort2What does error 17 mean and how do I fix it?01:27
jriblivingdaylight: use the alternate cd01:27
=== DavidLeeRoth [n=diamondd@adsl-074-229-198-249.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
DralidHow do I get time & date to read (and store) the clock using local time?01:28
h3xisholy crap you guys david lee roth uses ubuntu01:28
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ColinTxtknight: so any idea where to start again? (I am not to much help myself am I...)01:28
Tonrenpb69: Sorry, I don't know off the top of my head.01:28
livingdaylightjrib, alternate cd is livd cd?01:28
=== xipietotec_ [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
franky_Jordan_U, it works with xine but totem completely freezes my computer and kill01:28
DavidLeeRothon ubuntu, how do you make a user account an admin account (from an admin account)?01:28
bruenig!alternate | livingdaylight01:28
ubotulivingdaylight: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:28
stefanfeisty have xgl default01:28
Tonrenxtknight: That's so weird, though.  Why would my DNS suddenly stop working?01:28
pb69toren :" I am dissapointed now.. (joke)01:28
=== elyon225 [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
franky_Jordan_U, kill X don't work even ctrl alt suppr01:28
xtknightTonren: oh, comcast's does sometimes.01:28
Tonrenxtknight: Remember, it's JUST for my laptop.  Everyone else on the network seems to be doing just fine.01:29
xtknightColinT: lol um...the latest version off hp's site01:29
CIA_Agentwhen I log in with my user and password. it doesnt load into Ubuntu. No desktop. Can someone help me?01:29
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Jordan_Ufranky_: Then run: sudo apt-get install totem-xine to make totem use xine as a backend01:29
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jribDavidLeeRoth: add the user to the "admin" group, or use system > administration > users and groups01:29
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franky_Jordan_U, I already did01:29
DavidLeeRothjrib, from the terminal>01:29
xtknightTonren: so if you try a site youve never been to before on BOTH pcs, what happens?01:29
franky_same problem01:29
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livingdaylightbruenig, yea, how do i know it will work though? i didn't get X with the live cd01:29
DavidLeeRothhow do I add the user to the admin group?01:29
jribDavidLeeRoth: then use the first thing I said01:29
cyberfr0gI'll find out01:29
ColinTxtknight: right. Have downloaded that one.01:29
jribDavidLeeRoth: sudo adduser user_name admin01:29
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Jordan_Ufranky_: Are you able to get to a tty when frozen?01:30
franky_Jordan_U, no01:30
Aggort2Somebody, anybody,What does error 17 mean and how do I fix it????01:30
sgamergonna reboot into an old kernel, hopefully i wont have to brb but i'll try my best01:30
DralidHow do I get time & date to read (and store) the clock using local time? This is a dual-boot machine, and the other OS assumes that the BIOS clock stores the time as local.01:30
brueniglivingdaylight, if you want to work at it, unless you built your own hardware from scratch, you will probably eventually be able to get it to work if it doesn't right from the start01:30
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JayRoeCan someone tell me how to fix this: "C compiler cannot create executables."01:30
Tonrenxtknight: I can go to ANY site on the Windows machine wired to the router.  I can't go to ANY site on my Ubuntu laptop on Wireless.01:30
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bruenig!repeat | JayRoe01:30
ubotuJayRoe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:30
Aggort2What does error 17 mean in GRUB, to specify.....01:30
jribJayRoe: install build-essential.  What are you compiling?01:30
livingdaylightthe live cd didn't run on R60e01:30
xtknightDralid: something related to UTC maybe?01:30
MilesIf someone has some free time, could they help me with an issue i'm having with my Nvidia Geforce 6600 card? It seems to be causing a kernel panic upon boot which i can't solve via drivers or updates. I've tried using both nvidia's own drivers and also using Easy Ubuntu. Acording to X.org there is NO nvidia device detected, although i am unsure if this is missing because i have never managed a successful boot with it.01:30
PriceChild!hi | s1nn0n01:31
ubotus1nn0n: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:31
franky_Jordan_U, the only thing I got was an strace (not usefull in my opinion) it fails on a poll01:31
xtknightTonren: alright... well ..i have no idea :)01:31
Jordan_U!dualboot | Dralid I think that is covered here01:31
ubotuDralid I think that is covered here: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)01:31
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TonrenHey all - Why did my DNS suddenly stop working?  I've verified that other computers on my network can still visit any site, and I can load Google vai IP address in my web browser, but I can't visit ANY website via DNS.01:31
xtknightColinT: so..have you tried to install it yet or do you know where to start?01:31
JayRoejrib, I'm trying to install lirc01:31
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave01:31
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rioghalAggort2, does this help?  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22grub+error+17%22&btnG=Google+Search01:32
jrib!info lirc | JayRoe01:32
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB01:32
s1nn0nDoes any one have any idea why my amd 4000+ seems to capped at 1000mhz in Edgy? Bios shows it to be running at 2500mhz01:32
jribJayRoe: no need to compile, just install from the universe repo01:32
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JayRoejrib, how do I do that?01:32
ColinTxtknight: I have by double clicking on the .run icon. That gives me a reply: gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.01:32
jribJayRoe: have you enabled the universe repository?01:32
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xtknightColinT: oh..um ok instead of double clicking it, run in the terminal01:33
trainer_after 2 days i am STILL stuck trying to get wifi working on my laptop, can anyone help. I followed this (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092) and the card is recognized, but I can't get an ip from dhcp01:33
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xtknightColinT: sudo sh filename.run01:33
JayRoejrib, sorry I don't know what that is. Is it something like automatic and add/remove?01:33
Milescould anyone help me with an issue i'm having with my Nvidia Geforce 6600 card? It seems to be causing a kernel panic upon boot which i can't solve via drivers or updates. I've tried using both nvidia's own drivers and also using Easy Ubuntu. Acording to X.org there is NO nvidia device detected.01:33
PriceChildtrainer_ what card?01:33
jrib!repos | JayRoe01:33
ubotuJayRoe: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:33
ColinTxtknight: Thern I have tried in terminal. That give me a l o ng list of applications I don't have and need01:33
jrib!synaptic | JayRoe01:33
ubotuJayRoe: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:33
xtknightColinT: what do you mean?01:33
xtknightColinT: sudo sh filename.run   gave you a list??01:33
trainer_PriceChild, I dont know but it's a new dell inspiron 150101:33
jribJayRoe: let me know if anything still isn't clear after reading those documents01:33
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Cholitocan any1 see this post and please give a solution? or whatever I have to do to fix this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222001:33
franky_Totem freezes my computer when I launch a video01:33
trainer_i am not using wep so maybe i have to do what is specified here? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=330125&highlight=inspiron+wireless01:33
franky_anyone can help ?01:34
pb69anyone using Iriver T30 with ubuntu? need some help to make ubuntu to stop reconizing it as a camera and stop loading Image import util and let me access it like a normal USB drive (which works fine on other devices but my T30)01:34
tyme-totem sucks01:34
livingdaylightdo i need a particular version of ubuntu for my laptop - it is core duo 201:34
ColinTxtknight: ok I just do it again to get the correct wording.01:34
alink1000Hey, how come I can't change my screen resolution higher than 800x600?01:34
alink1000pretty lame if you ask me...01:34
tyme-franky_:  use kaffeine01:34
jrib!fixres | alink100001:34
ubotualink1000: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:34
JayRoethanks jrib, I'll have a look01:34
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ColinTxtknight: Ecstracting archive01:34
xtknightColinT: that sounds good01:34
ikonialivingdaylight: i'm not sure breezy has core2 support01:34
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franky_tyme- I need it running because it is the default application (else my sister kills my computer)01:34
livingdaylightikonia, what makes you say breezy?01:34
ikonialivingdaylight: ubntu 6.0.601:34
ColinTxtknight: (been here before) :-)) Well ask for automatic or manual instalation.01:35
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tyme-franky_:  make kaffeine default01:35
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xtknightdapper is 6.06, edgy is 6.1001:35
loufoqueikonia: that dapper drake01:35
xtknightbreezy and hoary are older01:35
ikoniadapper, sorry01:35
livingdaylightikonia, what about Dapper or Edgy01:35
ColinTxtknight: sorry Custom install or Auto Intall.01:35
ikoniamy mistake01:35
s1nn0nDoes any one have any idea why my amd 4000+ seems to capped at 1000mhz in Edgy? Bios shows it to be running at 2500mhz01:35
ikoniadapper - don't think so01:35
ikonianot certain01:35
ikoniaedgy - maybe01:35
livingdaylightDapper desktop live cd sorta crashed on me01:35
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xtknightColinT: no idea....you may want to check hp's documentation at this point01:35
TonrenWhy did my DNS suddenly stop working?  I've verified that other computers on my network can still visit any site, and I can load Google via IP address in my web browser, but I can't visit ANY website via DNS.  Is there a cache I should be clearing?01:35
ikoniaonly on certain chipsets01:35
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franky_tyme-, how ?01:36
Sub7sdl: Couldn't open audio: No available audio device! - Can anyone help me with this?01:36
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xtknightTonren: who knows, just reboot the laptop ;)01:36
ikoniaTonren: are you running your own dns server ?01:36
pb69Tonren : check dns --help shoudl have the "clear cache command"01:36
livingdaylightanyone know about Lenovo R60e core duo 2 ? working with Ubuntu?01:36
Tonrenxtknight: I wanna figure it out.01:36
jpassnot sure01:36
elyon225How would I go about setting permissions for /pub so that all users can access it?01:36
ikonialivingdaylight: check the HCL on the site01:36
Tonrenikonia: No, as far as I know, I'm using my ISPs01:36
tyme-!permissions | elyon22501:36
ubotuelyon225: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:36
xtknightcore 2 duo is sketchy with ubuntu01:36
ikoniaTonren: cool, just checking01:36
livingdaylightikonia, HCL?01:36
ColinTxtknight: ok. Lets try atomatic it's recommended.01:36
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Tonrenpb69: I don't have a command "dns"01:36
ikonia"Hardware Compatability Test"01:36
AggortHey I did a search for it and all but I am confused. I still don;t understand what exactly error 17 is in GRUB and I need some help01:36
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:36
ikoniaTonren: there is no commend01:36
elyon225tyme-: Thank you.01:37
Tonrenikonia: Wait a minute.. in /etc/resolv.conf , there's a line: "nameserver"01:37
MixxOS:(WinXP Professional 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build #2600))  Up:(4d 6h 47m 11s)  CPU:(1-AMD , 1837MHz, 512KB (100% Load))  Mem:(Usage: 405/1024MB (39.55%)) / (||||------)  HD:(Total/Free: 232.88/18.3GB)01:37
Sub7sdl: Couldn't open audio: No available audio device! - Can anyone help me with this?01:37
ikoniaTonren: is that the only line ?01:37
ColinTxtknight: Then I need to: enable the universe/multiverse repositories in Synaptic (think I'have done that)01:37
Cholitoikonia: my post is now in english and I added more info ;) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222001:37
Tonrenikonia: There's also search tc.ph.cox.net01:37
ikoniaTonren: that line means its trying to use your laptop as a dns server01:37
ikoniawhich isn't good01:37
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Tonrenikonia: IT says not to edit this file by hand.01:37
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ikoniaTonren: are you using dhcp ?01:38
Tonrenikonia: Yep.01:38
ColinTxtknight: and disable the Ubuntu CD source. (think I have done that as well. Both in Source Manager.01:38
franky_tyme-, can you help ?01:38
xtknightColinT: hmm ok01:38
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ikoniaTonren: then you need to restart dhclient to get the dns servers from the dhcp server01:38
AggortDoes anyone know if there is a solution to GRUB?01:38
xtknightColinT: well keep me posted :P01:38
Aggorterror 1701:38
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ColinTxtknight: and now the list.....01:38
ikoniaaggort is that the only message01:38
livingdaylightikonia, darn it only goes up to IBM R52, mine is R60e01:38
JayRoejrib, it says I've already installed lirc :-s01:38
Aggortikonia: yes01:38
Tonrenikonia: I can see them in my router's configuration screen01:38
quasar8888can anyone suggest a printer that I can buy that is HASSLE free with regard to installation ?01:39
Arigatowhere do I find the apache2 access logs?01:39
Klark_Kenthello, what package is it in synaptic that installs gcc and all that stuff? i believe it has 'essential' in the name01:39
ColinTxtknight: a lot of dependancies are missing.01:39
DralidJordan_U > I have a working dual-boot system, except that they cannot agree on what time it is. Both systems automatically update the clock, but ubuntu stores the time as GMT and the other OS as local.01:39
trainer_Arigato, /var/log/apache201:39
xtknightColinT: i guess thats why you enabled universe01:39
Tonrenikonia: I have 3 IP addresses to use.  How do I set them correctly?  Like I said, it says in /etc/resolv.conf NOT to edit it manually.01:39
livingdaylightikonia, i'll have to try suse. They tend to work on laptops better than ubuntu01:39
jribJayRoe: k, unfortunately I've never used it, so I can't help setting it up01:39
p3rra--Can anyone help me to install Tibia? :>01:39
ikoniaTonren: you need to restart your dhcp client to get the info from your router01:39
up365Sub7: follow this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449  it helped me with SB Live card01:39
odlaquasar8888: try linuxprinting.org01:39
JayRoeah np, thanks for the help jrib :)01:39
Tonrenikonia: But if it did this once, it'll do it again.  How do I stop it from using my laptop as a DNS server?01:39
pb69Dralid, usually BIos has a switch to turn 1 of the 2 cpus to be off..01:39
AggortBecause of grub not working I can't load Windows or Ubuntu01:39
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alink1000wow... that... so didn't work01:40
ikoniaAggorthang on01:40
ikoniaaggort hang on01:40
alink1000It just brought be to this black screen with a command type of line.01:40
alink1000that's it.01:40
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alink1000I want to higher my resolution, not fix it.01:40
ikoniaTonren: for some reason your router has not offerered dhcp dns addresses01:40
ColinTxtknight: True. And then I get a wired repy that a running manager apt-get has been detected. And that I need to quit that before continue01:40
ikoniajust restart the dhcp client01:40
alink1000and that thing that I was told did nothing.01:40
Aggortikonia: Will do01:40
my_keydoes anyone know how to add dnsservers via the command line instead of via network admin (gui tool)? every time i shut down my wireless driver my dnsservers are lost...01:40
xtknightColinT: synaptic maybe01:40
alink1000so... anyone wanna help? I'd like to higher my resolution more than 800x600...01:41
ikoniamy_key: put them in /etc/resolv.conf01:41
Tonrenikonia: It was working before, though - it spontaneously stopped working.01:41
ColinTxtknight: That window is closed01:41
jribalink1000: what did you try exactly?01:41
Dralidpb69 > I only have a one CPU system (?)01:41
my_keyikonia: thanks01:41
ikoniaTonren: just restart dhcp client01:41
livingdaylighta shame no one knows about ubuntu and R60e laptop here. I'll try forums; i sure hope not to have to leave ubuntu01:41
alink1000that one thing someone else told me01:41
Tonrenikonia: OK01:41
elyon225OKay, I'm not understanding this whole permissions thing.  I see how to change permission for a folder, but will that change it for ALL users?01:41
franky_how can I stop totem from freezing my computer01:41
alink1000and then gave me a link01:41
alink1000but I want to higher my resolution, not fix it.01:41
rioghalalink1000, have you tried running this command?:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:41
ikoniaaggort are you ready  ?01:41
jribalink1000: be more specific, there are several suggestions on that page that answer your question01:41
alink1000no, not yet.01:41
alink1000hold on01:42
Aggortikonia: yes01:42
alink1000will that allow me to choose higher resolutions?01:42
pb69anyone using Iriver T30 with ubuntu? need some help to make ubuntu to stop reconizing it as a camera and stop loading Image import util and let me access it like a normal USB drive (which works fine on other devices but my T30)01:42
rioghalalink1000, that should allow you to add other resolutions to xorg01:42
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ikoniaaggort ok - I can explain the problem and how to fix it, but you'll have to do some working out on your own, is that ok01:42
franky_jrib, I can play anything with all the other players exept totem01:42
MilesIf someone has some free time, could they help me with an issue i'm having with my Nvidia Geforce 6600 card? It seems to be causing a kernel panic upon boot which i can't solve via drivers or updates. I've tried using both nvidia's own drivers and also using Easy Ubuntu. Acording to X.org there is NO nvidia device detected, although i am unsure if this is missing because i have never managed a successful boot with it.01:42
cafuego_elyon225: Perhaps. Permissions come in groups of thee, for three kinds of users.01:42
ColinTxtknight: brb01:42
Aggortikonia: Yes01:42
franky_jrib, I have totem-xine backend01:42
ikoniaaggort before I start how much do you know about how grub works (so I know where to start)01:42
cafuego_elyon225: There is 'read', 'write' and 'execute' for each of the 'owner', the 'group' and 'others'.01:42
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jribfranky_: what kind of freeze?  Just totem? X? everything?01:43
CIA_Agentcan someone help me?01:43
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jrib!helpme | CIA_Agent01:43
ubotuCIA_Agent: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:43
Aggortikonia: I know that it replaces MBR and let's you slecet which operating system to boot... that's it01:43
CIA_AgentI cant get a desktop after I log into Ubuntu is there a way to fix that?01:43
franky_jrib, everything01:43
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alink1000how do I know which driver to choose?01:43
ikoniaaggort do you get the menu up at all or is the first thing you see the error 1701:43
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franky_jrib, like my machine has no more CPU/RAM01:44
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ColinTI am trying to install a program an it freezez at01:44
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cafuego_elyon225: By changing those combinations you cna tweak access to all files and directories/01:44
elyon225cafuego: So to change permissions of a file so that all the users I've setup have read/write access to it? (This if for mp3 files)01:44
jribfranky_: weird, and both gxine and xine-ui work without a problem?01:44
alink1000on the configuring xserver-xorg01:44
Aggortikonia: It starts to load GRUB (what is is 5.1) and then it said loading Grub...     then I get Error 1701:44
franky_i didn't try gxine and xine-ui only xine and it works for all file formats01:44
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rioghalalink1000, onboard graphics? nvidia? ATI?01:44
ikoniaaggort so you don't get the menu screen at all01:44
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cafuego_elyon225: I would personally go that via group permissions. Create an 'mp3' group, give that group full access, and add any suers that needs access to the files to the 'mp3' group.01:44
ikonia(just working out which partition its error 17 'ing on)01:45
alink1000ATI Radeon Xpress 200 integrated graphics...01:45
Aggortikonia: nope01:45
alink1000feel sorry for me? :(01:45
ColinTHow can I stop a runnign application?01:45
ubotuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave01:45
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n2diyI installed and configured sunbird two weeks ago, now I can't get it to run. I'm typing sunbird in a terminal, from my home directory, what am I doing wrong?01:45
ikoniaaggort whats happening is one of 2 things, do you have multiple hard disks  ?01:45
ColinTWhen I don't know what or where it is?01:45
elyon225cafuego: Okay.  So to give that group full access?01:45
Aggortikonia: no01:45
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ikoniaaggort good, that makes things easier01:45
AtomikuQuick question: How can I run this python script in the background? Im currently using: "python /path/to/script.py" it just runs in the terminal and if I exit terminal the python application stops01:45
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cafuego_elyon225: 660 on the files and 770 on the directories01:45
alink1000mkay, rioghal, I answered you. :)01:45
Aggortikonia: I figured01:45
rioghalalink1000, I don't know anything about ATI, but I have onboard graphics and I chose via. Is there a driver listed something like ati?01:45
franky_jrib, any clues ?01:46
ikoniaaggort can you make notes as this is quiet long01:46
cafuego_elyon225: Which you could translate to u+rwX,g+rwX,o-rwx01:46
alink1000yeah, it's called ati01:46
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alink1000should I select that one?01:46
palm76i've got a hardware question....will it make much difference if i replace my 2 sticks of 256mb ddr333 ram with a stick of 1gb ddr400?....would i notice much difference in speed?01:46
elyon225cafuego: So just changing /pub doesn't affect the files within that directory?01:46
cafuego_elyon225: ... which is a string that 'chmod' understands too.01:46
ikoniapalm76: no  you won't - and thats not an ubuntu question01:46
Aggortikonia: I'll type it on my macbook :)01:46
rioghalalink1000, please be patient, I can only type with my left hand, the right hand got broken in a soccer game last week 01:46
ikoniaaggort ok here we go01:46
Aggortikonia: go ahead01:46
n2diyAtomiku: append the & to the end of the command?01:46
jribfranky_: k, xine == xine-ui.  Have you seen if it happens with a fresh new user?01:46
AtomikuOh, really?01:46
Atomikucool, i'll try it01:46
rioghalalink1000, I would select the ati driver and see if that works01:46
franky_jrib, gxine is not installed01:47
ja_I'm formatting a 320GB drive via USB1.1 which I've read has a transfer rate of 12Mbps. At this rate, I've calculated 320GB/12Mbps = 7hours! Is this seriously the case?01:47
ikoniaaggort boot from a ubuntu cd01:47
palm76ikonia:i run ubuntu ;-)01:47
cafuego_elyon225: No, BUT if you give everyone write access to /pub, everyone can delete files in there.01:47
Aggortikonia: k01:47
ikoniaaggort open a terminal and do "sudo su - "01:47
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franky_jrib, I removed the .xine and retried it is the same01:47
ikoniaaggort then do "grub"01:47
Aggortikonia: k01:47
alink1000didn't work01:47
elyon225cafuego: I'm not really worried about that.  None of these other users would even know how to start ;)  I just want them to be able to use Amarok to play music.01:47
ikoniaaggort "you'll get a prompt like this GRUB>"01:47
alink1000I chose the resolution, but it didn't change...01:47
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Aggortikonia: I'm in Ubuntu now from the CD01:47
cafuego_ja_: Yes, if you think that formatting needs to access each part of the drive (like Windows would). Linux is less retarded and basically flips a bit that says "you're ext3 now" and write a few backup superblocks.01:47
palm76anybody else have any opinions?01:48
ikoniaaggort do you want to do this as we go along ?01:48
jribalink1000: it should be an option after you restart X01:48
rioghalalink1000, did you restart xorg?01:48
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Aggortyea that'd be cool01:48
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ikoniaaggort ok you start and just confirm as you get to where we are now01:48
Atomikudoesnt seem to be working...01:48
cafuego_ja_: Should take about 30 seconds via IDE/SATA and a ferw minutes TOPS via usb 1.101:48
elyon225cafuego: But that brings up another point.  If I download music into that folder, would I need to manually change the permissions for each .mp3 file?01:48
ikoniapalm76: you won't see anything to the naked eye01:48
alink1000how do I restart it?01:48
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MilesIf someone has some free time, could they help me with an issue i'm having with my Nvidia Geforce 6600 card? It seems to be causing a kernel panic upon boot which i can't solve via drivers or updates. I've tried using both nvidia's own drivers and also using Easy Ubuntu. Acording to X.org there is NO nvidia device detected, although i am unsure if this is missing because i have never managed a successful boot with it.01:49
Tonrenikonia: I restarted the DHCP client.  didn't work.  Restarted the laptop.  Didn't work.  I manually deleted the "nameserver" line from resolv.conf, now everything works again.01:49
n2diyAtomiku: there is a space between the end of the command and the &.01:49
rioghalalink1000, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    but be aware that command will close x windows and all apps that depend on x01:49
ikoniaTonren: looks like that was stopping dhcp from updating it01:49
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alink1000and it is abnormal to hear a noise from my hardrive, upon getting a bolded response in chatzilla?01:49
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cafuego_elyon225: In theory yes, but in practice we have the setgid bits for that. if you setgid the directory, any files written there will have their group set to the group of the directory.01:49
franky_jrib, what should I do ?01:49
Aggortikonia: I did sudo su- and it said command not found01:49
alink1000then, it will change?01:49
cafuego_elyon225: So chmod g+s /pub should take care of that.01:49
ikonia"su - "01:49
ikonianot "su-"01:49
ikoniano problem01:50
AtomikuHow do I list the running processes?01:50
rioghalalink1000, when x is restarted, it should have the new resolutions available01:50
Aggortok I'm in GRUB's prompt01:50
ikoniaAtomiku: "ps -ef "01:50
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ikoniaaggort ok can you tell me which partition / is on01:50
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Aggortikonia: 1 sec01:50
AtomikuThanks ikonia and n2diy01:50
ja_cafuego_, I started formatting as ext2 about 30 minutes ago and still no sign of light. Think I should restart gparted?01:50
ColinTxknight: It hangs after I have started the instalation01:51
Tonrenikonia: How do I know it won't just do that again?01:51
n2diyAtomiku: is it running?01:51
ikoniaTonren: don't know01:51
rioghalalink1000, what I did was CTRL+ALT+F1, add the resolutions, restart xorg, CTRL+ALT+F7 and the new resolutions were there01:51
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cafuego_ja_: Ugh, gparted. I'd just use mkfs.ext2 to be honest01:51
ikoniarioghal: he's gone - thank god01:51
Atomikutheres quite a few running01:51
Aggortikonia: /dev/hda301:51
rioghalikonia, ah, ok.. I hope I was able to help01:51
Atomikufrom all the failed attempts I made01:51
ikoniaaggort ok so here is that you need to type01:51
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ikoniaaggort root (hd0,2)01:51
Aggortikonia: k01:51
ColinTxknight: on "Dependency and Conflict Resolution"01:51
ikoniaexactly like that01:52
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ja_cafuego_, cheers. I'll look into that.01:52
jribfranky_: try with a new user01:52
AtomikuAlso, When my python script echos stuff its echoing it onto the terminal... I dont want that. Is there anyway I can make it shut up?01:52
Aggortikonia: I got this -  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x8301:52
ikoniaaggort perfect01:52
ColinTxknight: the rest of the text are: Running 'sudo apt-get install --force-yes --yes python-dev libcupsys2-dev libusb-dev lsb openssl libsnmp9-dev python-reportlab sane-utils'01:52
ikoniaaggort now do this01:52
Aggortikonia: good01:52
ikoniaaggort setup (hd0)01:52
n2diyAtomiku: can't help with your script.01:52
jribAtomiku: redirect output to /dev/null, example:  echo foobar > /dev/null01:52
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Aggortikonia:  k01:53
ikoniaaggort now do01:53
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ikoniaaggort quit01:53
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Atomikuokay rewind first I need to kill all the python processess. How do I do this? I know the PIDs01:53
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Aggortikonia: k did it01:53
rioghaltoo bad I can't redirect my sister's output to /dev/null01:53
ikoniakill -11 atomi01:53
alink1000how do I add more workspaces available?01:53
alink1000*to be available01:53
ikoniaAtomiku: kill -1101:53
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n2diy! kill01:53
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:53
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ikoniaaggort now if you reboot grub should be fine01:53
jribalink1000: right click on the workspace applet and go to preferences01:54
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Aggortikonia: I sure as hell hope so01:54
necrodrakoCan any one help me with Skype?01:54
AtomikuWait... that kills kacpi_notify01:54
gregis winex still avaliable for free?01:54
ikoniadave_v: I've not seen a force9 user for YEARS01:54
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ikoniaaggort it will be01:54
Aggortok ikonia: I'll brb01:54
dave_vikonia: we still exist :) although they do suck01:54
Abelni need some help with xgl on ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft, i dont get glx to work, im new too this01:54
ikoniadave_v: not seen on for so long01:54
ikoniaAbeln: /join #ubuntu-xgl great help there01:55
palm76abeln:what kind of card do you have and wich driver?01:55
necrodrakoI have a problem with skype, when im talking to my friend my end dies, i still hear my friend but he doesent hear me. Does any one have a solution for this?01:55
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Abelnati radenon mobilty 9600 128mb01:55
fossawhere can i go to ask a html/css question?01:55
ikoniafossa #html01:55
gregis winex still avaliable for free?01:56
palm76abeln:and wich driver?i assume you want to setup beryl/compiz?01:56
Abelnyes thats right01:56
n2diywhere can I go to solve a sunbird problem?01:56
MajeWhere's a good place to start troubleshooting a kernel panic?01:56
palm76abeln:did you try the howto on the forum?01:56
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franky_jrib, how do you export your display after a su01:56
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ikoniaMaje: is it an ubuntu kernel - or home made kernel01:57
jribfranky_: export DISPLAY=foo01:57
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franky_export DISPLAY=:0.0 didn't work ...01:57
dave_vIs there a log file that contains the output from the rc.d scripts on bootup? I installed a link with update-rc.d and sure enough there is a symlink in /etc/rc2.d but the service does not start on server boot, the other services in rc2.d boot successfully and I can successfully run the service manually using /etc/init.d/service start so I am guessing there is some kind of problem as it is running, is there a log file that documents the rc.d process? - 01:57
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Majeikonia: an ubuntu kernel01:57
ikoniadave_v: there used to be a boot.log01:57
ikoniaMaje: at what point does it panic01:58
paranoid_androidhello, my usplash ... how to explain... it just moved over to the right and down a bit instead of being in the centre of the screen. oddly started doing this when i upgraded to Edgy. any ideas on this? cheers01:58
franky_jrib, export DISPLAY=:0.0 didn't work ...01:58
drumlineI just got a new client that has 2 of 4 drives that were kicked from the array...   Anyone know how I can manage to recover one of the drives and get his data?01:58
pb69anyone using Iriver T30 with ubuntu? need some help to make ubuntu to stop reconizing it as a camera and stop loading Image import util and let me access it like a normal USB drive (which works fine on other devices but my T30)01:58
Majeikonia: during boot, it gets to the splash screen, about 1/3 full bar01:58
jribfranky_: what are you trying to do?01:58
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ikoniathen panics ?01:58
ikoniadoes it actually say "panic"01:58
Majeafaik, yes01:58
franky_su - to a fresh new user01:58
dave_vikonia: where is the boot.log?01:58
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archiehow to kill connection ?01:58
MajeI'm trying to help Miles, just asking some different questions01:58
necrodrakoI have a problem with skype, when im talking to my friend my end dies, i still hear my friend but he doesent hear me. Does any one have a solution for this?01:58
franky_sudo su - john01:58
ikoniadave_v: used to be in var - not sure if its still generated01:59
xipHow can I get totem to play a DVD01:59
franky_(totem:15729): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:01:59
my_keyikonia: if i add dns servers to /etc/resolv.conf won't they get overwritten by the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script ?01:59
dave_vno, its not there ;(01:59
ikoniamy_key: depends on the priority01:59
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ikoniadave_v: arse01:59
Aggort2ikonia: The error still appears.01:59
jribfranky_: you should login with the new user after logging out with this one for testing.  But you probably need to do 'xhost +local:' as your regular user as well01:59
ikoniareally ?01:59
Aggort2Yes, really.01:59
my_keyikonia: how do i set or influence that priority?01:59
ikoniaaggort and you only have 3 partitions, XP root and swap ?02:00
ikoniamy_key: look at the dhcp.conf file02:00
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Aggort2ikonia: Yes, but I think I might have an idea what my problem is02:00
my_keywill do. thanks again02:00
Majeikonia: the kernel does panic, but there is no error in the kern.log anywhere02:00
ikoniaaggort explain02:00
chicowhere cawn i get the update for ubuntu02:00
ikoniaMaje: you won't get that02:00
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ikoniaMaje: do you want to debug this properly ?02:00
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Majeikonia: I would like to figure out what the problem is, then hopefully debug it :P02:01
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ikoniaMaje: its not easy you need to enable a function called "sysrq"02:01
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xipHow can I get totem to play a DVD02:01
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ikoniaxip search the wiki for restricted formats02:01
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Majeikonia: where can i do this?02:02
TonrenHey guys, my Postfix isn't actually sending mail to remote hosts.  Local delivery works fine, but remote doesn't.02:02
ikoniaMaje: you'll have to search for the correct option, break into the grub menu and add the option to the boot line02:02
ikoniaTonren: are you doing this on an ADSL line ?02:03
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Tonrenikonia: Nope.02:03
Aggort2For a long while now, I have had to use the Windows recovery CD rom (essentialy the install CD) to boot. I don't boot to the CD, but I did need it to be in my CD-rom for Windows to boot. Here jsut recent;y I realized my BIOS had changed themselves and boot boot to CD first. If I change it back to HD I simply get to a DOS like screen with a blinking horrizonatal line and I can't do anything02:03
ikoniaTonren: what sort of connection02:03
tirus89h3xis, you here?02:03
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h3xistirus89, yes02:03
Tonrenikonia: I'm connected to a Cable modem via a commercial Router02:03
Majeikonia: any literature to help me understand a bit better what i'm doing?02:03
ikoniaTonren: don't bother than02:03
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Tonrenikonia: Do you know where postfix queues its outgoing e-mails?02:03
ikoniaMaje: the wiki - but I don't have time to search at th emoment. Look for sysrq02:03
ikoniaTonren: /var/spool I think02:04
Majeikonia: alright, thanks02:04
tirus89h3xis, ok, i have determined that its my hard drive like 3 sectors are thrashed, im amazed that windows installed, but ubuntu wont let me, unless the alternate works02:04
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ikoniaTonren: its not worth setting up on cable modems02:04
h3xistirus89, i wouldnt count on it but go ahead and give it a try if you want02:04
Tonrenikonia: Howcome?02:04
Aggor1ikonia: I figured all that would be rather important02:04
ikonia1.) you'll have to deal with natting 2.) you'll have to deal with dynamic IP addresses 3.) most internet mail servers won't accept mail from home connection addresses02:04
tirus89h3xis, i prob will, and i'll prob get a small hd, you know where i could get a small gig hd other than ebay02:05
franky_jrib, I got a lot of things02:05
franky_jrib, i tried sudo -u john totem02:05
h3xistirus89, nope, not that i know of02:05
ikoniaAggor1: actually - its not02:05
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Aggor1Ikonia: No Way02:05
franky_jrib, and I got this ALSA lib pcm.c:2146:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM dmixer02:05
tirus89h3xis, cause this comp is crap, and i dont want to put a 50 gig into it, not worth it02:06
xipikonia, got a problem here02:06
franky_jrib, and this02:06
Tonrenikonia: I can deal with NATing, there are scripts for dynamic IP addresses, and I've sent mail from a home server before.02:06
franky_Failed to open session DBUS connection: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.02:06
jewbileeHow do I remove software that I installed by compiling?02:06
ikoniaAggor1: way02:06
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Aggor1Ikonia: Well that was an issue I couldn't fix and I thought it might be why GRUB won't boot properly from my hard drive.02:06
jribfranky_: yes, just login with your new user :)02:06
h3xistirus89, yeah, that's reasonable. im sure there are like 10gb or so drives on ebay that sell pretty cheap02:06
Aggor1ikonia: So what, I'm screwed02:06
Tonrenjewbilee: Unless you used checkinstall, you can't.  You'll just have to delete stuff02:06
tirus89is there a way that i could install linux on a flash drive and have the hd formatted for linux and use it for file storage02:06
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ikoniaAggor1: give me a minute and we'll walk it through again02:06
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nigroI have a question02:06
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jewbileeTonrrn: alright, thanks02:06
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franky_jrib, ok :)02:07
Aggor1ikonia: Sure02:07
kitcheTonren: if you have a domain with busines sinternernet then a mail server works good, I use a mail server usually for caching my mail02:07
tirus89h3xis, cause if so, i'll just get a 2 gig from best buy or circuit city and do that02:07
nigroanybody have ubuntu amd64?02:07
ikonianigro: yes02:07
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ikoniakitche: yes, thats a good example02:07
h3xistirus89, maybe, it sounds like it would work. ive never done it before02:07
cafuego_nigro: I used to02:07
alink1000hey, how do I run as administrator all the time?02:07
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h3xisalink1000, why02:07
alink1000because I'm sick of getting into certain applications, and entering passwords all the time02:07
jribalink1000: that's a terrible idea, but02:07
ikoniaalink1000: your asking LOADS of question, why not take a look at the wiki to learn the basics02:07
jrib!sudo | alink100002:08
ubotualink1000: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:08
h3xisalink1000, dont do it02:08
jewbileeis there a command to delete all of the files in a folder?02:08
tirus89h3xis, seems like a good idea, i think i found a flash drive install link on digg, maybe i'll write an article on it...02:08
h3xisalink1000, because that would pose a security risk02:08
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alink1000then how do I start this synaptic with administrative privilages?02:08
h3xistirus89, alright02:08
ikoniaalink1000: have a look at some of the basic docs and howto's to get at least a basic idea of how things work02:08
Sub7audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.02:08
tirus89h3xis, ^_^02:08
jribjewbilee: rm -r /path/to/folder/* /path/to/folder/.*   maybe02:08
alink1000or other programs, at that?02:08
ikoniaAggor1: ok - open a pastebin and lets debug02:08
Aggor1Sorry how?02:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:09
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ikoniaalink1000: read some of the basic dos02:09
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alink1000what URL?02:09
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jewbileejrib: just rm -r /path/to/folder/02:09
ikoniayou've asked loads of basic questions tonight, it may do you good to just get a grip on the basics02:09
jewbileejrib: but thanks02:10
jribjewbilee: that deletes the folder to02:10
Sub7on sound test - audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing?02:10
nigroikonia, cafuego: I have problem with my wireless card, is an Broadcom 4311, is instaled but when I try connect ..   show me this message send_packet: Network is down02:10
jewbileejrib: yea, sorry, thats what i wanted02:10
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ikonianigro: broadcom sucks in general on amd64 it mega sucks02:10
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Cholitook, I think I've tried A LOT but nothing is helping. When I try to install/remove/upgrade a package, it complains about cdrecord02:10
rioghalalink1000, here are two very good starting points for docs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/  and  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation02:10
Aggor1ikonia: k ready02:10
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Harkonnen20bah i still can't get the Ubuntu live cd to run, 6.06 or 6.102:10
alink1000k, thanks02:10
Harkonnen20both give me a x server error02:10
CholitoI tried apt-get install -f but still doesn't help02:11
ikoniaok Aggor1 I'll give you a list of commands, can you copy and paste them/output into the pastebin please02:11
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CholitoI tried to reinstall cdrecord, and still the same02:11
nigroikonia: any idea?02:11
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ikonianigro: broadcoms area a real pain, I don't work on them as they are too much trouble, more so on x8602:11
rioghalalink1000,  http://ubuntuforums.org/  has also saved my backside more times than I can count02:11
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alink1000I wouldn't know where to find stuff in there though... :(02:12
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nigroikonia, I try with ndiswrapper...02:12
ikoniaAggor1: "fdisk -l /dev/hda" "mount /dev/hda3 /var/tmp" "ls -la /var/tmp"02:12
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alink1000Can you just answer one general question first: How do I enter specific programs with administrative privilages?02:12
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ikoniaalink1000: if you can't use a search box on a wiki - there is no point trying to use ubuntu02:12
ikoniaalink1000: I just don't think you want to search02:12
nikini installed wine form source, and i am trying to play guildwars.. it starts.. but it is wery laggy and i get the error message : fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_UnlockRect unsupported unlocking to Rendering surface surf@0x11302d0 usage(WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET)02:12
makuserudoes anyone know if you can use a PSP in ubuntu?02:12
nemik_is there any way to shuffle/sort around open windows on the gnome taskbar?02:12
ikoniayou've asked tons of basic questions02:13
nikinon every frame02:13
Sub7on sound test - audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing?02:13
mvfeinsteinHello, I just installed Ubuntu 6.10 (OEM install) and I was prompted to enter a password but not a user name... Can anyone tell me what the default username is?02:13
Aggor1ikonia: it can't open hda02:13
ikoniamakuseru: I've heard of people using it02:13
Tonrenikonia: When I look in the status part of /var/spool/postfix/defer, it says that it's been delayed because connection to alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com: Connection timed out.02:13
jesseWhen I select Network Printer does anyone know what I am supposed to type in for the Host and Queue?02:13
rioghalalink1000, the safe bet is to use something like "sudo appname" for command line apps, and "gksu appname" for gui apps. example: "gksu synaptic"  will open the synaptic gui02:13
ikoniaAggor1: ls -la /dev/hda02:13
Harkonnen20mvfeinstein isn't it root?02:13
Cholitonikin: it's very very hard to get GW to run in linux =/02:13
nigroikonia, with driver for 64 bits, but no results02:13
nemik_is there any way to shuffle/sort around open windows on the gnome taskbar?02:13
Cholitoi've tried several times, even with cedega02:13
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nigroikonia, sorry for mi bad english...02:14
ikonianigro: I've said 3 times I don't use broadcoms as they are rubbish - very rubbish in x86_6402:14
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nikinCholito: i have managed to fix the mouse problem, and everythiung else... it just seems that the HW accel of wine int properly working for some reason02:14
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jimcooncatyeah, I have two internal broadcom NICS that don't work well02:14
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mvfeinsteinHarkonnen20 I tried root with the password I put in but it didnt work.... Is there anyway to change the password without logging in?02:14
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Cholitonikin: i didn't even got to install it lol02:14
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ikoniajimcooncat: he's trying wireless broadcoms on x86_64 - its a nightmare02:15
jesseI am trying to setup a UNIX Printer (LPD) but I dont know what I type for Host and Queue02:15
Harkonnen20no idea02:15
Aggor1ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/598/02:15
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nikinCholito: i will provide a TXT to the community once i get over this hard accel problem02:15
jimcooncatikonia, would a 32 bit chroot help?02:15
ikoniajimcooncat: mega hard02:15
Cholitonikin: let me know ;)02:15
ikoniaAggor1: sorry - try "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda"02:15
ikoniaAggor1: my mistake02:15
Cholitonikin: which problem is it?02:16
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chicois there a way to check if the ISO cd is good burnt02:16
kitchenikin: to have wine use HW acc it needs patched02:16
jimcooncatmmm take 'em back to the store lol02:16
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cafuego_chico: md5sum02:16
the|borgwell... any1 have any experince with widescreen monitors and nvidia?02:16
nikinCholito: it is not standard problem asfar as i read other peoples howtos... the game is wery-wery laggy (6fps)02:16
ikoniathe|borg: yes02:16
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chicocafuego, what is that02:17
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nikinkitche: can you provide me a link about that?02:17
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Aggor1ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/600/02:17
the|borgcus ive been beating my head over this for a while02:17
ikoniaAggor1: got it, now do "sudo mount /dev/hda3 /var/tmp"02:17
ikoniathen cd /var/tmp02:17
Cholitonikin: holy cow...that slow?02:17
nikinCholito. i get an error message on every frame : fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_UnlockRect unsupported unlocking to Rendering surface surf@0x11302d0 usage(WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET)02:17
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Atomikuim using putty and I cant create virtual terminals by using ALT-F1 etc02:18
nikinyep, on Gef4 MX 440 ... (aprox 19fps under Windows)02:18
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ikoniaAtomiku: putty is a terminal emmulator02:18
kitchenikin: did you look at wine's site for it?02:18
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ikoniayou can't put virtual terminals in a terminal emmulator02:18
=== Atomiku freezes
nikinkitche: nope... i was thinking that HW accel is a built in thing02:18
kitchenikin: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=5386 it has a howto on how to get guild wars running in wine02:19
Aggor1ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/601/02:19
AtomikuI thought I could run that python script in a virual terminal....02:19
nikinAtomi8ku: try the program called screen ... maybe that will help you out02:19
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ikoniaAtomiku: you can02:19
Ben_21hi all, wonder if I could get some help with this: I just installed ubuntu and I'm trying to find the edit partitions thingy, seems it's missing from the menu where it used to be ? I tried logging in as root but it wasn't there, If i recall it's called system settings ?02:19
AtomikuYa see cause I want this to stay running even when I logout02:19
ikoniaAggor1: wrong link02:19
kitchenikin: anyways Guild Wars is only Bronze so it works but there is a lot of bugs still that need to be worked on02:19
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cheesewhiz728I'm going to temporarily un-install ubuntu from a dual-boot machine....Do I delete just the ubuntu partition? or do I also delete the linux-swap and GRUB partitions?02:19
Atomikujust like my eggdrops n stuff do02:19
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ikoniaAtomiku: you can02:19
jimcooncatHardware reccommendation, please. Looking for a brand name mobo/cpu combination that works well with hardware-based Xen. Want 4 RAM slots and good (non-RAID) EIDE controller. Please PM me if you can specify brand names, and maybe sources. Need 2 to start.02:19
AtomikuI can?02:20
AtomikuI can!02:20
Aggor1ikonia: shouldn't be02:20
AtomikuIf only I knew how...02:20
ikoniaAggor1: thats just th eoutput of fdisk -l again02:20
nikinKitche: GW is gold now.. since Wine 0.9.2702:20
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AtomikuShame theres no one here that knows ;)02:20
|Sora|im trying vmware in windows for the first time, right now im trying to mount ubuntu, whihc network type should i choose?02:20
muralihi all02:20
ikoniaAtomiku: you just type the command in the terminal02:20
kitchenikin: umm it's bronze with the latest update02:20
Aggor1ikonia sorry02:20
xtknightjimcooncat: try #linux  you will probably get many more responses there02:20
chicoin burning ISO cd should it be audio, data or photo ?02:20
ikoniaAggor1: its not a problem02:20
ikoniano rush02:20
jimcooncatxtknight, thanks02:20
Atomikuikonia: I did. "python /home/atomiku/bots/pyborg/pyborg-irc.py"02:20
cheesewhiz728I'm going to temporarily un-install ubuntu from a dual-boot machine....Do I delete just the ubuntu partition? or do I also delete the linux-swap and GRUB partitions?02:20
xtknightchico: none...there should be a burn iso or burn image command02:21
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Atomikuits a continuous python script02:21
ikoniaAtomiku: and ....?02:21
rioghalchico, none of the above, you should burn it as a cd image, it won't ask for data, etc.02:21
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IndyGunFreakchico, what burning software are you using?02:21
AtomikuIt keeps on running and echoing on the terminal im on. I want it in the background02:21
Aggor1Ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/603/ this should be right02:21
the|borgeh... i'll come back later when its quieter02:21
kitchenikin: from wine's page for guild wars Current Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) Nov 10 2006 0.9.22. Yes Yes Bronze Checked02:21
Atomikuso I can continue entering commands on the terminal02:21
un_operateurcheesewhiz728, are you planning on a reinstall later on?02:21
Aggor1ikonia: I did  sudo munt and I did the cd/var/02:21
jimcooncatcheesewhiz728, why not just disable Ubuntu in grub?02:21
nikinkitche: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=5903 look this02:21
ikoniaAtomiku: thats just a badley written script, pipe the output to /dev/null, and & it02:21
ikoniaor nohup it02:21
mnoircheesewhiz728: what are you going to do with the space?02:21
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cheesewhiz728I'm going to use it for my windows partition for now02:22
the|borgbut simply i cant get the correct resolution with my monitor 1680x105002:22
] batistuta[ppl somebody can advise me some codecs for ubuntu 6.10???02:22
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Atomikuits not a badly written script at all02:22
xtknight!codecs | ] batistuta[02:22
ubotu] batistuta[: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:22
ikoniaAggor1: last one "ls -la /var/tmp/boot02:22
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franky_frankyjrib, Same thing with a brand new user02:22
] batistuta[tks02:22
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un_operateurAtomiku, send it to the background -- add a & to the end of the command -- python script.py &02:22
kitchenikin: yes but only with those patches without them it's bronze02:22
the|borgi have it in my xorg.conf02:22
ikoniaAtomiku: clearly it is if its outputting to the terminal and you don't want it to02:22
cheesewhiz728jimcooncat: I need to uninstall it to make more room for my windows partition...02:22
the|borgbut it rejects it02:22
nikinkitche: i have aplyed those ptches02:23
Atomikuikonia you arent helping02:23
n2diyI installed and configured sunbird two weeks ago, now I can't get it to run. I'm typing sunbird in a terminal, from my home directory, what am I doing wrong?02:23
Atomikuits doing what its supposed to do02:23
nikinthats why i compiled wine from source02:23
the|borgand kicks me back to 600x40002:23
xopey_when i try to mount my ipod as user, "could not execute pmount". how do i configure pmount for users?02:23
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Atomikubut not what *I* want it to do02:23
ikoniaAtomiku: no - your not listening, i've told you to nohup it, & it and pipe the output to /dev/null02:23
po0i burned a 3.5GB movie @ 16X = 22 mins, is this normal or slow?02:23
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Atomikuun_operateur: How do I "send to background" ?02:23
jimcooncatcheesewhiz728, you can delete the partition (don't forget to back up)...02:23
xtknightcommand 2> /dev/null02:23
franky_frankyjrib, the error with dmxier occured02:23
ikoniaAtomiku: I've told you 2 times now02:23
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un_operateurAtomiku, like i said -- invoke the command with a & appended to02:23
cheesewhiz728jimcooncat: But do I also delete the linux-swap and grub partitions?02:23
jimcooncatcheesewhiz728, live cd is easy to change partitions. Use GParted.02:24
Atomikuit continues to output though02:24
xtknight& does NOT change stdout02:24
Atomikui can still use the terminal though02:24
jimcooncatcheesewhiz728, you have a partition for grub? Maybe /boot?02:24
ikoniaAtomiku: you have to output the command to /dev/null if you don't want to see the text02:24
AtomikuIm not sure how to redirect it all to /dev/null02:24
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un_operateurAtomiku, ermm, redirect the output to /dev/null them -- python script.py &> /dev/null &02:24
Aggor1ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604/02:24
Atomikuthere we go02:24
cheesewhiz728Jimcooncat: yes...I want to know if I also delete that along with my ubuntu distrp02:24
ikoniaAggor1: got it, looks good02:24
Atomikuthis looks promising.02:24
jribfranky_franky: is the user in the audio group?02:24
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jimcooncatcheesewhiz728, you need to have a windows mbr fix handy if you do this. I think format.exe.02:25
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xopey_doesn't ubuntu support udev so that my ipod would automout?02:25
franky_frankyjrib, yes by default02:25
chicohow do i create the .iso CD02:25
Aggor1ikonia: If it looks good it must be bad?02:25
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chicoi downloaded the file02:25
cheesewhiz728jimcooncat: thanks...gtg02:25
franky_frankybut it said that the device is unknown02:25
ikoniaAggor1: something is going wrong there02:25
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chicoand have place all of them in the desktop02:25
Aggor1ikonia: DAMN IT lol02:25
ikoniaand you only have 1 disk in the whole system ?02:25
nikinAtomiku: if you wnt to run several programs at a time... so that you can, but dont have to folow the output of each of them... use screen.  :D sorry Ikonia ... if i misundertud the problem just shoot me :D02:25
jribfranky_franky: hmm, but your system doesn't freeze right?02:25
jimcooncatcheesewhi:  a bootable floppy or cd with format.exe on it.02:25
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Atomikucool cool.02:25
ikonianikin: screen is a good call, but its a bit advanced for him02:25
franky_frankyjrib, of course it does02:25
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franky_frankyjrib, changing the user didn't change the problem02:26
seanjhi people02:26
Aggor1ikonia: Yes one hard drive, CDRW, DVD and that's it I swear02:26
ikoniaAggor1: not doubting you - just being clear02:26
BitloksDoes any one know the trick to toggle full screen mode on Terminal Server Client02:26
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ikoniaAggor1: few minutes to walk it through in my head02:26
un_operateurBitloks, F11 maybe?02:26
nikinikonia: screen is a breeze to get used to it, and has several pretty nice features like freeing a process from a session02:26
Aggor1ikonia: However a while ago when we tried to add a seocnd drive my machine wouldn't boot, so we took it out, this was a LONG time ago though02:26
=== mnoir finds terminals are cheap enough that he can afford to just open multiples and not redirect or background anything
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ikoniaAggor1: thats fine02:26
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ikonianikin: I know this02:26
Aggor1ikonia: k02:26
aeromixhow can I start a script in invisible mode?02:26
Bitloksun_operateur, Nope02:27
ikoniaaeromix: whats invisible mode02:27
mnoiraeromix: invisible mode?02:27
=== mnoir get out the cloak
nikinikonia: i know you know it...02:27
franky_frankyjrib, I am out of ideas02:27
maddashikonia: I think he means, w/o a terminal window popping up02:27
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franky_frankyjrib, :)02:27
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ikoniamaddash: ahh02:27
aeromixikonia: just that the script runs in no terminal window02:27
Cholitowhen I try to install/remove/upgrade a package, I get this error: unable to open files list file for package `cdrecord': Input/output error02:27
ikoniaaeromix: crontab02:27
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Cholitoany idea why that can be?02:27
rioghalmnoir, especially with gnome-terminal.. run the command, right-click the terminal window, chose "open tab" and go to work 02:28
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[GnB] jabberwockyhey guys, question: i've mounted one ntfs drive (hda1) on /media/ntfs1, but i have two ntfs drives plugged in. is there any dir-like command i can use to see what the names of the connected drives are? ...i'm using 6.10 and can't seem to find the disk manager.02:28
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jribfranky_franky: have you tried running it in gdb?02:28
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mnoirrioghal: yeah tabs are nice - i just forget they're there02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gbd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
maddashhas anyone here ever experienced 3ddesktop scrolling by itself in carousel mode? it's ghostly...02:28
[GnB] jabberwockyi tried hdb1, but it seemed to do nothing.02:28
rioghalmaddash, made me dizzy02:28
ubotugdb: The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 6.4.90.dfsg-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2315 kB, installed size 5108 kB02:28
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franky_frankyjrib, no but the strace gave me one last thing a balckout on a poll()02:28
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )02:28
ubotutmsnc: textbased (console) MSN client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 156 kB02:29
ikoniaAggor1: still thinking.....02:29
kitche[GnB] jabberwocky: it's in System > admin > disk manager02:29
Aggor1ikonia: take your time02:29
maddashrioghal: you've had it happen?02:29
ikoniakitche: got a minute I can bounce something off you ?02:29
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jribfranky_franky: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.19/+bug/70760 see if this is the same issue02:29
maddashrioghal: 3ddesktop switching workspaces on its own, I mean...02:29
kitchePupUserb315f4: tmsnc is good it's not being developed anymore though but it works02:29
[GnB] jabberwockykitche: that's where it /should/ be, but it's honestly not. =/02:29
rioghalmaddash, yeah, I didn't like 3ddesktop much, though02:29
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maddashrioghal: w/o user input...is it supposed to do that?02:30
Aggor1ikonia: This thing with the CD boot has been bugging me for a LONG long time and I just want to at least be able to boot into Ubuntu without using the CD02:30
jribfranky_franky: are you using the nvidia driver?02:30
rioghalmaddash, oh, on it's own??? Never seen that.02:30
kitcheikonia: go ahead all I m doing right now anyways is messing around with minix02:30
franky_frankynon ATI Radeon Mobility T2e02:30
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rioghalmaddash, I don't think that is normal behavior02:30
maddashrioghal: omg. ET's trying to phone me or something02:30
ikoniaAggor1: just going to bounce of kitche for a minute02:30
PupUserb315f4kitche: I know its pretty simple to sue too, but i'm not sure how to scroll up in the active convo window02:30
franky_frankyjrib, this exactly what happens02:30
PupUserb315f4kitche: i was thinking about an alternative if noone here knew how02:30
jribfranky_franky: are you using the free driver?02:30
maddashrioghal: :P seriously, I nearly had a stroke when I saw the thing spinning on its own...02:30
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heapmecan i use samba to transfer files to/from my windows ntfs partition?02:30
heapmeinstead of ntfs-3g02:31
ikoniakitche: Aggor1 has got himself into a grub none boot situaiton (don't know or care how) he's getting error 17 (can't access partition) which to me normally signifies wrong partitions02:31
kitchePupUserb315f4: select the window with tab then press press up and it should scroll up02:31
franky_frankyjrib, nop the official02:31
maddashrioghal: let me guess - you use beryl?02:31
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franky_frankyand the latest02:31
rioghalPupUserb315f4, pageup/pagedwn ?02:31
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ikoniakitche: he only has one harddisk in his system - / on hda302:31
chicoI wish to burn a ISO cd. Anyone who can help?02:31
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PupUserb315f4rioghal: nope02:31
PupUserb315f4kitche: nope02:31
jribfranky_franky: see if it happens with the free one, just to check where the issue is02:31
mnoirheapme: do not write to an ntfs partition unless you back it up in windows first.02:31
rioghalmaddash, no, I dislike that fancy stuff02:31
Cholitoit seems that I'll have to reinstall it anyway xD02:31
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nikini ame trying to run guildwars.. i patched wine for the cursor related problems. but it seems that i have problems with HW accel ... it runs about 6fps ... i get error message fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_UnlockRect unsupported unlocking to Rendering surface surf@0x11302d0 usage(WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET)  on every frame    , any ideas?02:31
[GnB] jabberwockychico: rightclick on the iso and choose burn02:31
penguinfanhi i am looking for a backuptool working under linux and windows. i want to regularly backup my system to a usb disk. i red about bacula but don't know if a smaller solution might not be sufficient for me02:31
ikoniaI've told him to do a grub> root (hd0,3) - which fines the ext2 partition so looks good, then a setup (hd0)02:31
ikoniawith me so far ?02:31
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franky_frankynot in that part I think02:32
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Ben_21is there something i have to do to access all the tools in the menus cause im sure somthing is missing in the ubuntu menus now that I installed 02:32
magnus87I was wondering how to stop the x-server from starting automatically when booting, can anyone tell me?02:32
franky_frankyjrib, I would rather say it is a codec bug02:32
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franky_frankyjrib, and it worked before and I can not "afford" the free one for performance reasons02:32
alitis4any programs that i could scan an image or a page, from my scanner to my pc ?02:33
ikoniakitche: did you follow that ?02:33
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jribfranky_franky: I actually had a similar issue.  mplayer plugin would crash for me whenever I used xv video output and the nvidia driver.  With nv it wouldn't crash, and it wouldn't crash if I used gl as the output either.  I only suggest trying the free one so you can comment on the bug02:33
[GnB] jabberwockyalitis4: GIMP can scan, just go to Acquire >> TWAIN02:33
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kitcheikonia: it would be (hd0,2) since 0 is partition 1 1 is partition 2 2 is partition 3 if it's /dev/hda302:34
franky_frankyjrib, yes sure02:34
ikoniasorry - I did say hd0,2 - typo on my part02:34
franky_frankydo you want to see my xorg config ?02:34
ikoniait found the ext2 partition02:34
jribfranky_franky: I'd suggest switchign over to gxine as it is similar to totem-xine02:34
alitis4[GnB] jabberwocky, sane or gimp?02:34
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[GnB] jabberwockyalitis4: i know gimp can do it, not sure about sane02:34
[GnB] jabberwockyalitis4: it probably can, but i've never used it tbh02:35
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franky_frankyjrib, yes but that still won't make totem work :)02:35
ikoniabut when he boots he still gets the error 17 - the only thing I can think of is that hd0 isn't hda - but it must be as it finds hda3 as hd0,202:35
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spitwisekubuntu comes with a scanning app02:35
ikoniaAggor1: can we re-try the grub install02:35
franky_frankyjrib, and it should because it used to ...02:35
ikoniayou've only got one disk - so this should be super easy02:36
ubotukooka: scanner program for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 737 kB, installed size 1200 kB02:36
Aggor1ikonia: sure02:36
kitcheikonia: but I would have him see if root is correct in the menu.lst since it might be wrong it depends on how he runs the grub command did he run it with sudo?02:36
ikoniaaggor ok - sudo su -02:36
Aggor1ikonia: I installed it through Ubuntu so02:36
ikoniakitche: ahhhh yes02:37
ikoniaAggor1: kitche had a good call, can you do "sudo vi /var/tmp/boot/grub/menu.lst02:37
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ikoniastick in a pastebin please02:37
ZeldaHow can I get Ubuntu to run again?02:37
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muralihi all02:37
ikoniaZelda: wh is it not running02:38
CholitoZelda: turn the computer on02:38
ZeldaI get no desktop or icons. Its like windows not running explorer.exe02:38
[GnB] jabberwockysweet, got it via bruteforcing all the letters i could think of.02:38
maddashCholito: LOL02:38
muralican someone please tell me which library to use for console graphics??02:38
aeromixI am writing crontab according to your advices. what's wrong with the following code: 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57 * * * *02:38
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Cholitomaddash: xDD02:38
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[GnB] jabberwockyZelda: [ctrl]  [alt]  [backspace]  ?02:38
maddashZelda: press ctrl+alt+f102:38
CholitoZelda: just a joke02:38
Zeldathat just soft resets, and nothing02:38
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noelferreirai used unzip command to extract a multi part archieve. i got this error: file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  4. what should i do?02:38
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jribaeromix: do you know you can do time/step?  You can condense that long thing you have there into */302:39
Zeldalet me give you all a short history.02:39
maddashZelda: press ctrl+alt+f1, login, issue "sudo aptitude" and see if you have any window managers installed02:39
ikoniaAggor1: thats not all of it02:39
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ikoniascroll down02:39
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aeromixjrib: no.. I'll try tnx02:39
ikoniapaste the whole file02:39
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fabiofxhi... how to use iso-8859-1 in ext3 partition?02:39
Zeldaok hang on 1 sec maddash02:39
nn531anyone ever get aireplay to  work?02:39
jribaeromix: it should still work the way you have it though02:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aireplay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:40
franky_frankyjrib, Section "Device"02:40
franky_franky        Identifier  "ATI Graphics Adapter 0"02:40
franky_franky        Driver      "fglrx"02:40
franky_franky        Option      "(null)"02:40
franky_franky        Option      "VideoOverlay" "on"02:40
franky_franky        Option      "OpenGLOverlay" "off"02:40
franky_franky        Option      "OverlayOnCRTC2" "1"02:40
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franky_franky        Option      "Mode2" "1024x768"02:40
jrib!paste | franky_franky02:40
ubotufranky_franky: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)02:40
franky_franky        Option      "HSync2" "60"02:40
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franky_franky        Option      "VRefresh2" "75"02:40
franky_franky        BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"02:40
ZeldaI tried to edit grub. I hit esc going into recovery mode. I accidently hit the power switch on the power strip.02:40
aeromixjrib: yep it works now..tnx02:40
con-manfranky_franky: !pastebin02:40
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mnoiraeromix: one thing that is wrong is it is a pita when you can use /3 for the minte spex02:40
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Aggor1ikonia: Sorry forgot this wasn't windows give em a sec there is a lot02:40
con-man!pastebin | franky_franky02:40
ubotufranky_franky: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:40
ZeldaIve tried teminal command lines. startX, init 2, 3,4 etc nothing02:40
ikoniaAggor1: no problem02:40
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Zeldastill doesnt bring up desktop.02:41
bepogiHello... I uhh... removed my 'systray' like panel from the top right of Gnome.  How do I restore it?02:41
Zeldayou think that would help maddash?02:41
jontechey, I need help I just used: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193350. I got to the last step, however ifconfig still does not let me put eth1 (my wireless card) up02:41
jribfranky_franky: I'm kind of out of ideas too.  I'd add to the bug report, and would test if it was the driver's fault if I were in your shoes02:41
franky_frankyjrib, you gave me the idea it had something to do with overlay02:41
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jribfranky_franky: hmm maybe, that's worth a try02:42
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n2diyjonetec, does ifup eth1 bring it up?02:42
nn531maddash: do you know what aireplay is or wre you just referring me to the bot?02:42
Harkonnen20Hello guys I need some help trying to run the live version of Ubuntu 6.06. I keep getting a x server error and it won't let me boot into ubuntu.02:42
franky_frankyok anyway thanks a lot jrib02:42
noelferreirahi used unzip command to extract a multi part archieve and i got this error: file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  4. any help please?02:43
tirus89!alternate install02:43
Harkonnen20I have photos of the errors02:43
n2diyjontec, does ifup eth1 bring it up?02:43
jribfranky_franky: np, hope you resolve the issue02:43
Harkonnen20if someone would help me in a pm that would be great02:43
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tirus89!alternate ubuntu02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alternate ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
franky_frankyjrib, seems quite hard to understand but I will try02:43
muralican someone please tell me which library to use for console graphics??02:43
jontecn2diy: interface eth1 already configured02:43
franky_frankysee you all02:43
kitcheHarkonnen20: will it take you to the shell shold have soemthing that looks like ubuntu@ubuntu~$02:44
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n2diyjontec, that is what ifup responded with?02:44
Harkonnen20kitche pm and i will show you 4 photos i took02:44
jontecn2diy: yes02:44
Aggor1kitche/ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/607/02:44
n2diyjontec, does ifconfig list it now?02:44
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jontecn2diy: no02:45
con-manhow do I put a trash Icon on my desktop02:45
ikoniaAggor1: that looks spot on02:45
Aggor1ikonia: DAMN02:45
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Harkonnen20one of my photos does have something like that02:45
ikonialets try it again02:45
ikonia"sudo su - "02:45
Harkonnen20comes up after i view the x server output log02:45
ikoniaor "sudo grub"02:45
noelferreirahi used unzip command to extract a multi part archieve and i got this error: file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  4. any help please?02:45
n2diyjontec, can you bring it down and back up again with ifdown and ifup, and see if that does it?02:45
tirus89h3xis, lol, i paused the torrent yesterday for some downloading updates, and now, there is only 1 seed, what do I do now?02:45
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h3xistirus89, cry02:45
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maddashnn531: sorry...I was checking it out for myself02:46
murali:-*:-*:-* can someone please tell me which library to use for console graphics??:-*:-*:-*02:46
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tirus89h3xis, wait, its droping, seeds popin up02:46
Aggor1k did sudo grub02:46
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con-manhow do I put a trash Icon on my desktop02:46
ikoniaAggor1: root (hd0,2)02:46
maddashnn531 I don't refer people to bots without some preliminary explanation...I don't think anyone should...02:46
ikoniaaggor setup (hd0)02:46
jontecn2diy: no, it gives me the error that "no such file or directory exists"02:46
ikoniaaggor quit02:46
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nn531maddash: well thats nice of you, anyways, it's part of aircrack basically a packet sniffer to find wep keys02:47
rioghalcon-man, run gconf-editor, then go to apps/nautilus/desktop and check the ones you want to appear02:47
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nn531maddash: me and my buddy were trying to find his wep key in his router and I couldnt get that part of the program to work02:47
h3xistirus89, yeah just watch it02:47
ikoniaAggor1: reboot02:47
Aggor1probing Devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time02:47
n2diyjontec, hmm, I don't know if this works in Ubuntu, but try sudo netconf02:47
ikoniaAggor1: oooh right02:47
ikoniayour not there yet02:47
rioghaln2diy, I don't think netconf is installed by default02:48
jontecn2diy: nope02:48
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ikoniastill probing.....02:48
Aggor1oh  well shit lol02:48
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aeromixdoes cron start after I have edited crontabs -e ?02:48
ikoniastill probing ?02:48
rioghalaeromix, cron should be always running02:49
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Aggor1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub02:49
Aggor1Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.02:49
ikoniaAggor1: got to take a shower back in 30 minutes, enter those commands once its finished probing, quit and reboot02:49
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Aggor1oh wait02:49
Aggor1I did thsoe commands already02:49
n2diyrioghal: jontec, is there a way to manually config the network?02:49
ikoniayou have to wait until you get the "GRUB>" prompt02:49
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rioghaln2diy, I don't know, still learning Ubuntu here02:49
ikoniajust do them again when you get the grub prompt02:49
Aggor1That's where I did them02:49
=== thevenin [n=mike_hun@cpe-68-201-36-166.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jevangelohow do you mount a .bin file02:49
Aggor1I was there02:49
con-manhow do I change the icon of my trash can02:50
ikoniareally ? and now its started probing ?02:50
Aggor1no no02:50
n2diyrioghal: roger that.02:50
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Aggor1look at what i pasted02:50
Aggor1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub02:50
Aggor1Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.02:50
kitchejevangelo: .bin are usually executable files02:50
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mnoirjevangelo: that question does not make sense02:50
ikoniaAggor1: where are the commands ?02:50
Franky_jrib, just one more thing02:50
jontecn2diy: I wish I knew, :D I'd be using it02:50
tirus89h3xis, be back in 2 hours or so02:50
n2diyjontec: can you see if netconf is available with synaptic?02:50
Franky_jrib, gxine did the same thing02:50
Aggor1I quit remember02:50
con-manhow do I change the icon of my trash can02:50
ikoniaahh right02:50
jevangeloits a .bin and .cue file02:50
ikoniaok - reboot and fingers crossed you sould be good02:50
jevangelothere cd files02:50
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jontecn2diy: yeah it's here in adept (similar to synaptic) I'll install it02:51
ikoniaI'll hang on02:51
cafuego_jevangelo:use bchunk to turn it into an iso02:51
Aggor1I do need to take out this Live CD rtight?02:51
kitchejevangelo: ah it's a cd image you have to convert them to an iso to mount them02:51
n2diyjontec: roger, good luck.02:51
Aggor1lol ok jsut maiking sure02:51
ikoniait should eject on reboot02:51
chicoi am still in search of a way to make sure this ISO cd will work right02:51
con-manhow do I change the icon of my trash can02:51
rioghalcon-man, run gconf-editor, then go to apps/nautilus/desktop and change the icon02:51
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con-manim there02:52
rioghalcon-man, Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor02:52
jribFranky_: hmm strange that xine-ui doesn't02:52
con-manim there but i dont know how to change it02:52
con-manthere are check boxes02:52
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Aggort2Ikonia: Should I put the windows CD in since it won't boot without it?02:52
ikoniaAggort2: no - it should boot without it02:52
rioghalcon-man, Well, slap me, I was wrong :(02:52
ikoniayou've just installed a boot loader02:52
n2diyOk, I found my sunbird problem, I installed it to /sunbird, instead of /opt/sunbird. Now how can I get it listed in my applications menu?02:52
ikoniaalthough I find it strange that your hard disk won't boot without it02:52
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=== con-man slaps rioghal
Aggort2Ikonia: Didn't even get the grub to start loading without it?02:53
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w3ccvchico, is it a bootable disk? try and boot it, try all the functions befor you install02:53
ikoniathats a strange hardware issue then02:53
con-mananyone else?02:53
con-manhow do I change the icon of my trash can02:53
con-mananyone else?02:53
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thevenincon-man, what OS02:53
ikoniaI've got to go grab a shower, I can work some more in 30 minutes02:53
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theveninyou should be able to right click on it and change it02:54
jontecn2diy: just installed it. it gave me a warning about some files, and told me to back them up, I did.02:54
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nathan__can anyone help me with setting up Compiz?02:54
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con-mani cant02:54
leandroHi I have a doubt about the gdb package on Ubuntu edgy. Does someone can help or this is not the best channel to ask this?02:54
jontecn2diy: so what next?02:54
chicow3ccv, while trying the start/install UBUNTU, a black screen shows up and then nothing happens02:54
kitchenathan__ #ubuntu-xgl can help you with that02:54
nathan__i have a very very detailed post about it here: http://forum.go-compiz.org/viewtopic.php?p=2590#259002:54
n2diyjontec: sudo netconf02:54
nathan__ok thanks...  new to IRC, have to figure out how to get there02:54
jevangelook, its an iso now02:55
emporerPI have a very exciting anouncement to make for ubuntu CAD users02:55
jontecn2diy: laptop-netconf: You should define at least one profile in /etc/laptop-netconf/opts.02:55
jevangelois it mount -loop or something?02:55
thevenincon-man, sorry i though i had a help channel open, not an ubuntu channel02:55
thevenindont know right off the top of my head02:55
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nn531how do I find what chipset and drivers i have/need for my wifi?02:55
n2diyjontec: ? I'm lost.02:55
Slartis there a good regexp file renamer around for ubuntu? preferably command line based?02:55
jontecn2diy: did you get that that was an error?02:56
DarthLappySlart: Roll yer own!02:56
mnoirnathan__: slart - 'find' with the exec option02:56
n2diyjontec: Doesn't sound like an error, but more like an instruction.02:56
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jontecn2diy: same thing02:56
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SlartDarthLappy: mmm... I'd rather just use something premade.. but thanks for playing.. =)02:56
n2diyjontec: ? I'm lost.02:56
ubotulaptop-netconf: network detection and configuration program for laptops. In component universe, is extra. Version (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 156 kB02:57
Slartmnoir: I'll have a look, thanks02:57
DarthLappySlart: It's not terribly difficult to use the utilities bash provides.02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chipset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
SmashCatHello, I just installed Ubuntu Edgy on a server. Is there a way to stop apt-get from asking for the CD, and pull files from the net instead?02:57
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:57
mnoirSmashCat: remove the cd from sources.list02:57
kitcheSmashCat: remove the cd from your sources.list02:57
SmashCatmnoir: Ok, thanks02:57
SlartDarthLappy: hmm.. bash deals with filenames and such? without having to use other applications?02:57
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DarthLappySlart: Well, no. But there are lots of applications.02:58
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SlartDarthLappy: and the names of these other applications are?02:58
mnoirSlart: the mv builtin can do what you want but find makes it easier - it is still a primitive as you want :)02:59
DarthLappySlart: grep, mv, etc.02:59
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Rageagainstthisanybody use cad here?02:59
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SlartI'll have a look or two at find, mv and buddies.. I'll be back if they are mean to me =)03:00
n2diyRageagainstthis: gEDA.03:00
CThohttp://ctho.ath.cx/grub_example.txt - is this close to something that would alternate between OSes every boot?03:00
jontecn2diy: I'm looking for some stuff03:00
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emporerPthere has been released for linux/ubuntu a professionl Cad package as powerful as autocad from medusa 4.o03:00
n2diyjontec: Good luck.03:00
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n2diyRageagainstthis: gEDA. gnome electronic design software.03:00
nn531how do i find what kind of wireless car I have?03:01
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mnoirnn531: do you drive it with a stick or a wheel :)03:01
kitcheCTho that page doesn't exist03:01
CThokitche: sorry03:01
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CThotry http://ctho.ath.cx/tmp/grub_example.txt03:01
n2diynn531: ifconfig03:01
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RageagainstthisemporerP: thanks for the suggestion, i will take a look at that.  Oh sorry ok n2Diy, i should have specified im in the civil engineering profession.  I was going to take a look at bricscad03:02
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kitcheCTho: no sicne you can't have two defaults let me find a good howto for what you want03:02
jevangelohow do you mount .iso files03:02
n2diyRageagainstthis: ok, can't help you with that.03:02
CThojevangelo: mount -o loopback03:02
nn531n2diy: I see a lot of things that dont make any sense03:02
cafuego_jevangelo: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /some/free/dir03:02
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wheels3572Can someone help me with this error msg please.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/609/03:02
n2diynn531: at the very left, what do you see listed besides LO?03:03
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CThokitche: so, that wont' reset the default every time?03:03
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n2diynn531: ok, that is your ethernet card. Your trying to get wireless going right?03:04
tosmoi installed ubuntu on an old pc. installation worked despite the fakt i head to disable the hdd in bios-setup, but i cannot boot it, of course not direktly by the bios, but also not with booting from dvd an then selecting "boot from harddisk"03:04
tosmohead > had03:04
nn531n2diy: yeah Im trying to find my drivers and chipset03:04
n2diynn531: do you know the make and model?03:05
lordhelmetis there a way to attach to and view a running console session? i'm trying to help my dad with linux and he wants to see what i'm doing on the console since I SSH in03:05
kitcheCTho: look at grubby it should be part of grub03:05
nn531n2diy: nope my comp is an inspiron 600003:05
mnoirlordhelmet: look at VNC03:05
anorexicpillowIs there a way to have Sunbird running in the system tray/back ground kinda like evolution does03:05
CThokitche: i dont' have it, but i do have grub...03:05
n2diynn531: short of pulling out the card, and looking at it, I don't know?03:06
lordhelmetvnc is too slow and crappy, i want to be able to just view the console03:06
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nn531ill figure it out03:06
nn531n2diy: thanks03:06
n2diyanorexicpillow: yes, it is called suntray.03:06
professorHey guys I have a question03:06
n2diynn531: nada03:06
anorexicpillowokay thanks ill look around for it, does it happen to be in the synaptic package manager?03:07
professorHow the heck do you get a broadcom 802 wireless card to work using ndiswrapper, I cant get the driver anywhere03:07
n2diyanorexicpillow: I'm not sure, I just found it while googling for a fix for my sunbird. Did you get your calendar imported?03:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
professoron a laptop, mine is a compaq presario, that was my first mistake lol03:07
nn531n2diy: how does PRO Wireless 2915 WLAN 802.11a/b/g03:08
anorexicpillowyah i got my calander imported now i just have to get it to run in the back ground and to run on start up would be good too03:08
kitcheCTho: this is as close as I can find http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?postid=75640403:09
n2diynn531: thats a start, google on it and see if you can find something related to linux.03:09
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n2diyanorexicpillow: cool, you can find start up info with a google search.03:09
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anorexicpillowoh okay03:10
CThokitche: how does that work? it sets windows as default-once, but leaves linux as the real default?03:10
n2diyanorexicpillow: was suntray listed by synaptic?03:10
anorexicpillowno and it appears that its only for windows...03:11
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anorexicpillowbut on the forums someone mentioned Alltray03:11
n2diyanorexicpillow: ok, I didn't explore it myself, good luck.03:11
anorexicpillowheh thanks :P03:11
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kitcheCTho: yea from what I can tell by the code03:12
CThokitche: ok, i think i can do what i need with that03:12
cheeseboy16how do u install nvidia drivers?03:12
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:12
n2diyanorexicpillow: did you get sunbird listed in your apps menu?03:13
CThokitche: the goal is to reboot once to linux weekly, dd primary drive to backup, then go back to windows03:13
zammiti hope i'm in the right channel: i'm attempting to install fglrx on ubuntu edgy (2.6.17), i was following a tutorial on the net, i completed the installation with no errors, but when i test it i'm getting "direct rendering: no"; any help?03:13
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anorexicpillowyah i got that working under...applications>Office03:13
n2diyanorexicpillow: how did you do that?03:14
anorexicpillowthere was a great tutorial on the ubuntu forums03:14
kitcheCTho: you can make windows default if you wish but I don't even use dd since it's a pain to work with I have other methods to do my backing up anyways since dd saves the whole disk03:14
BobrobynHey...does anyone know what the error messege:  "sudo: ./ndiswrapper_setup: command not found" when running the broadcom script thingy...means...and how to fix it?03:14
CThokitche: well, i'd like to be able to just swap cable positions to boot from the backup03:14
n2diyanorexicpillow: ok, I go hunting for it.03:14
anorexicpillowits HOW TO: install sunbird03:14
anorexicpillowreally easy to spot03:15
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SmashCatAnyone know if there's something special I have to do in Ubuntu to get php to load external modules? I've added them using apt-get, but the default config doesn't load anything in.03:15
n2diyanorexicpillow: Ok, I probably saw it earlier, but at the time, I couldn't get sunbird to open, so I skipped it.03:15
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zammitinclude them in your ini @ smashcat?03:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
mnoirCTho: if you are using 6.10 or higher you may have an FSTAB issue with UUID references03:16
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zammitsmashcat: then restart php?03:16
CThomnoir: i have no idea what that means03:16
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SmashCatzammit: It has the extension directory pointing to the right place. Restarting apache makes no difference.03:17
mnoirin fstab, the latest releases use UUID instead of hardware device to identify disks03:17
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Aggorthow do I register to this channel?03:17
mnoirCTho: when you switch cable positions, the UUID will just cause fstab to use the same diaks as it used before the switch03:18
ubotuAggort: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:18
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rioghalAggort, to register your username: /msg nickserv help register03:18
n2diyAggort, what ever you did worked.03:18
CThomnoir: oh03:18
n2diyAggort, ah, never mind.03:18
CThomnoir: i'd have the main drive removed if it's dead...;)03:18
Aggortn2diy: When lol03:18
zammitsmashcat: don't you have to tell php to include the modules you just d/l'ed, i don't think it _auto-includes_ the extensions just b/c they're in the directory03:18
anorexicpillown2diy: here is alltray http://alltray.sourceforge.net/downloads.html do you mind telling me how i can install it?03:18
mnoirCTho: there is a solution - replace the UUID refs with the old fashioned /dev/xxxx refs03:18
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zammitsmashcat: in your ini -   extension=whatever.so03:19
n2diyanorexicpillow: wait, let me take a look at it.03:19
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mnoirCTho:when you test your methodology, it will either work and i am wrong or remember this conversation :)03:19
CThomnoir: i might actually use damn small linux or something03:20
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mnoirCTho: still look for the UUIDs - they are a more reliable way of addressing disks, except in situations like yours :)03:20
haramabiffI have a stupid question... how do you find the command line interface.. I am very new to ubuntu03:20
n2diyanorexicpillow: follow the link labeled Ubuntu Repos03:20
SmashCatzammit: Yeah, thanks, I was just doing that. Added them all manually. Got used to Fedora/Redhat adding them during the install.03:20
mnoirCTho: and DSL may adopt them as well03:20
CThomnoir: where are the uuids reference?03:21
BigBamBoHello does any one know what package has xorg SDK ?03:21
zammitharamabiff: applications -> accessories -> terminal03:21
mnoirCTho: are you running 6.10 now?03:21
zammitsmashcat, so it works now? =P don't forget to restart php after modifying the ini (if you haven't already)03:21
CThomnoir: 6.06 right now03:21
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kitcheBigBamBo: xorg-dev or xserver-xorg-dev depending what you want if you mean the include files it's xserver-xorg-dev03:22
mnoirCTho: oic - wait a sec i will pastebin sumpin for you03:22
BigBamBocool thank you03:22
BigBamBokitche: Thank you very much03:22
SmashCatzammit: Yeah, it's picking up the modules now. It was actually mainly the eaccelerator module I needed loading. The docs I found for Ubuntu are wrong though.03:23
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n2diyanorexicpillow: if you have sunbird in your menu, you should be able to click on it, and drag it to the tray.03:23
zammitsmashcat: blah so many wrong docs =( i myself am in the middle of one of those atm. still waiting for a reply =(03:24
anorexicpillowi mean to minimize while running03:24
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BobrobynDoes anyone know what "sudo: ./ndiswrapper_setup: command not found" means...even when ./ndiswrapper is allowed to tab complete in the terminal?03:24
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anorexicpillowlike gaim and gmail thing03:24
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anorexicpillowhide in the system tray03:24
SmashCatzammit: Yeah, I'll email the author, so hopefully nobody else will have the same problem I had :-)03:24
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mnoirCTho: that pastebin wont let me paste what i wanted.03:25
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rioghalThis deskbar applet is quite nice03:25
n2diyanorexicpillow: you can run it in the background with sunbird &03:25
CThomnoir: http://pastebin.mozilla.org03:25
mnoirCTho: k, sec03:25
n2diyopen a terminal, and type sunbird &03:26
glickhey is it really worth it upgrading from dapper to edgy?03:26
rapidglick, thats your choice03:26
zammitsmashcat: good stuff =)03:26
anorexicpillowokay ill try that03:26
glickrapid, i know its my choice03:26
glickwho else's choice would it be?03:26
j0hntchey im using an hp pavillion and ever since my switch to linux my wired internet has been ridiculously slow. this happens in every distro ive used (knoppix, gentoo live cd, ubuntu live cd, etc.) but the speeds are normal in windows and wireless anyone konw why this might be happening?03:26
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rapidglick: not ours03:26
mnoirCTho: look at http://pastebin.mozilla.org/258303:26
cheeseboy16sudo nvidia-xconfig wont work03:27
CThooh, intersting03:27
mnoirct now look at your /etc/fstab03:27
anorexicpillown2diy it doesnt seem to be working03:27
mnoirthe UUID replaces the ref to /dev/whatever03:27
CThomnoir: so as long as i use /dev/hda# it'll be ok?03:27
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mnoirCTho: it is a label based method03:27
mnoirCTho: yes03:27
n2diyanorexicpillow: let it cook a while, mine took a while.03:27
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CThoi'll have to play around with this03:28
mnoirCTho: that fstab was off a plain 6.1003:28
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LameBMXdo i have to modprobe fglrx or will using it in xorg.conf make it load?03:28
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mnoirCTho: just a little bump in the road :)03:28
zammitcould someone assist me w/ flgrx and ati video cards? it installed fine, but is not working?03:28
CITguycould someone direct me to how I can get a DVD to play?03:29
LameBMXZambezi, lsmod | grep fglrx ..03:29
mvfeinsteinHello, Can anyone here help me get my logitech cordless desktop s510 working on 6.10?03:29
n2diyanorexicpillow: ?03:29
LameBMXZammit lsmod | grep fglrx ..03:29
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glickanyone still running dapper?03:29
n2diyglick: yep03:29
anorexicpillowit is still sitting :P03:29
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tomzonei am03:29
mnoirglick: of couse03:29
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professor_hey guys03:29
jrevelledgy wins03:29
LameBMXzammit, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx03:29
glickim just too lazy to upgrade03:30
LameBMXzammit, do you get results for those?03:30
glickand i see no real point to at this point03:30
mnoirjrevell: contest for difficult to upgrade?03:30
zammitfglrx 415180 0   \n   agpgart 34888 2 fglrx,via_agp03:30
n2diyanorexicpillow: should have done something by now, shure it isn't open, and sitting on your task bar?03:30
LameBMXzammit that means it loading03:30
professor_Got a question about wireless I have tried everything, where do I get a driver to get broadcon wireless laptop card to work03:30
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LameBMXwhat about cattin xorg03:30
zammitlamebmx, how long does it take to load? its been about 10+ minutes03:30
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anorexicpillowyah its open... ill try again03:30
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n2diyanorexicpillow: try what again, it is open?03:31
anorexicpillowit says command not found03:31
LameBMXzammit, for what to load?03:31
SmashCatGlad I had this Edgy DVD, my Gentoo box finally crashed and refused to boot again, so I've tried out Ubuntu for the first time (well, I did have a quick look a few weeks back, but didn't really use it)03:31
anorexicpillowyes it is open03:31
zammitlamebmx, and from cat.... driver "fglrx"03:31
SmashCatDon't think I'll go back to Gentoo now ;-)03:31
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vect0rxsmashcat i kjust switch from gentoo to edgy myself03:31
LameBMXyea you are using those drivers .. what are you waiting on to load?03:31
mnoirSmashCat: after gentoo, ubuntu is gonna be boring03:31
vect0rx<3ing this distro03:31
zammitlamebmx, you said its loading - or did you mean it has already loaded?03:31
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Mightily-Oatshi all, does anyone know what features im missing out on by having noapic and nolapic enabled?03:32
n2diyanorexicpillow: if it is open, the command was succesful, you can go back into the terminal, and use normally now.03:32
vect0rxaccidently blew some dual boot windows away but not too concerned over it03:32
glickmnoir, gentoo is a big time sink03:32
LameBMXzammit, that means its loading the driver in the boot sequence .. why do you thing fglrx isnt working?03:32
mnoirglick: i agree, and i used to hand build everything03:32
SmashCatvect0rx: Yeah, I got sick of Gentoo updates screwing the server up. It's nice not having to worry that an update will cost you half a day tweaking and rebuilding everything!03:32
FCSoccyQuestion: I am trying to recover windows files using ubuntu (NTFS drive) and Ubuntu cannot mount the drive.  Can someone walk me through allowing access to these files?03:33
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:33
zammitlamebmx, oohh; i was told to run "glxinfo | grep direct" and i should get a line that says "direct rendering: yes" but mine says "no"03:33
FCSoccythank you03:33
mnoirFCSoccy: good luck03:33
LameBMXzammit, did you modify your xorg.conf file03:33
FCSoccyoh does it matter that I am on a Live CD?03:34
zammitlamebmx, yes from driver ati to driver fglrx03:34
LameBMXand that is it03:34
mnoirFCSoccy: maybe - go there and read - then tell us03:34
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FCSoccyhaha thanks03:34
mnoirFCSoccy: give back to da community03:34
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zammitlamebmx, i then restarted X, but then ubuntu never came back up, it froze, i finally just tried typing "restart" and then my computer rebooted03:35
LameBMXzammit, when you are using fglrx .. i think you need to pipe fglrx info into grep03:35
LameBMXglxinfo dont work for it03:35
SmashCatOnly thing I've noticed is that the hard drives are not as fast with Ubuntu (using hdparm, the two big drives used to give 49MB/sec every time; now one gives 44MB/sec and the other 26MB/sec(?!). Weird, but not that big an issue03:35
zammitlamebmx, yes thats all i changed in the xorg.conf03:35
excitatoryso i just did a fresh install of edgy (from a edgy iso downloaded yesterday) on a second machine.. i'm looking at the sources.list and everything is set to dapper?  why might that be?  (keep in mind this is a fresh install on a new machine)03:35
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mnoirexcitatory: cuz you were using a 6.06 iso?03:35
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zammitlamebmx, okay so its working then? lol =S03:36
LameBMXzammit, its your lucky day i was just gonna play with fglrx myself .. so i shall brb .. gotta reboot for it to take effect lol03:36
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zammitheh k @ lamebmx03:36
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excitatorymnoir: hrm.. but the iso is labeled edgy... but by the looks of it i'm on dapper..03:36
CapNbeefyhey how do i configure firestarter to allow amule to connect...i know the port is 4662 i just dont know how to set it to allow in firestarter03:36
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mnoirexcitatory: it is a live cd so boot and prove what it is :)03:36
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mnoirexcitatory: otherwise that is veeeery strange03:37
FCSoccyI tried the "gksudo gedit /etc/pmount.allow" command and it gave me a warning: "...authentication rejected..." any thoughts?03:37
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mnoirFCSoccy: you put in yer password??03:38
excitatorymnoir: if i pop in the desktop cd i used could i somehow tell what it is?03:38
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FCSoccymnoir: its live cd, i don't have a username or password03:38
excitatorymnoir: argh.. it is 6.06..03:38
mnoirFCSoccy: hmm i forgot ...03:39
haramabiffwhen I try this:    sudo dpkg  --configure -a && sudo apt-get update   I am asked for my password but I am unable to type anything... Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?03:39
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mnoirFCSoccy: dunno - somebody here should know how to get root privs in the live cd...03:39
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j0hntcharamabiff: you can't see your password when typing it as a security measure. you probably are03:40
mnoirexcitatory: i tole you so :)03:40
juanto_harambiff: you will not be able to see anything but it is being tyed03:40
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turboloverhey guys03:40
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turboloverive run into a problem when starting ubuntu install03:40
j0hntcmnoir: it doesnt log you in as root on the live cd?03:40
FCSoccymnoir: thanks for trying at least, ill ask everyone03:40
kitcheFCSoccy: try gksu should work and not ask for a password03:40
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zeeblewhat's the name of the KDE application that's a image editor like gimp?03:41
turbolovereverything works fine then when i hit start it gives me an error screen saying it cant find screen or display03:41
mnoirFCSoccy: type id in a terminal - who are you?03:41
mnoirj0hntc: we shall see :)03:41
kitchezeeble: kde doesn't have an app like gimp that I know of03:41
haramabifflol..thanks.. as I said I am a newb..03:41
SmashCatharamabiff: Use "sudo su -" No more problems ;-)03:41
turboloverusing an ati radeon 920003:41
FCSoccymnoir: great timing for a computer freeze.... (must be the 256 mb ram)03:41
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zeeblekitche: something called kreta, or krita03:41
excitatorymnoir: well... do you think i should re-download edgy and do another install.. or should i just dist-upgrade?  (like might there be a benefit to installing with edgy?)03:42
mnoirFCSoccy: another possibility - if /etc/whatever is not moved to a virtual filesystem you will not be able to change it03:42
=== HeathenDan thumbs up krita
kitchezeeble: kritia is it it's part of koffice03:42
HeathenDankitche, yes03:42
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zeeblekitche: oh. .. let me check it out.03:42
mnoirexcitatory: hard to say - i did 2 dist upgrades here and have no complaints but most bad problems (besides idiots) have been in upg rather than clean install03:43
kitchezeeble: I use gimp myself just easier for me and gimp doesn't depend on gnome03:43
FCSoccymnoir: i'll give you an update in a min, computer is rebooting (stupid celeron mobile)03:43
mnoirFCSoccy: :)03:43
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zeeblekitche: i use gimp too, but i heard someone mention a kde application, so just wanted to see what it is about :)03:44
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rioghalBe back later03:46
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iratsuhow would one go about creating an ubuntu package mirror?03:47
No1Brican someone help me understand how I follow the step by step guide for a rt61 wirelss card03:48
No1Brithats the link... I dont understand what it is telling me to do03:48
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mnoirNo1Bri: that is all commandline stuff - you need to be very trusting or very comfortable to do it03:50
amicrawlerhow do i change my font size in kvirc>03:50
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phrontisthow can I tell which ubuntu I'm running?03:51
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:51
No1Briim confortable doing it I think.... I judt dont understand how to do it03:51
phrontistright, how do I tell which?03:51
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FCSoccymnoir: when i load terminal, it says "to run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".  See "man sudo_root" for details.03:52
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amicrawlerman sudo03:52
amicrawlerin the shell you type  man sudo03:52
mnoirFCSoccy: you can try that for gedit - it should work03:53
amicrawlerit will tell you evry thing you want to know about that subject03:53
FCSoccyok thanx03:53
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mnoirFCSoccy: the reason gksudo is usually used is an impression that a gui tool should be used with a gui tool03:53
amicrawlerso you want to know how the man pages work type man man03:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rt61 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
mnoirFCSoccy: i gotta get up early to go feed the sheep - l8r03:54
amicrawlerwhat is the command to turn on wireless devices03:54
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FCSoccymnoir thanks for the help!03:54
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No1Brican someone help me with this guide so I can get my wireless card to work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo03:55
nn531mx laser help needed, want to get more buttons to work than the left, right, and wheel03:55
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h3xisdude wtf03:56
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cheeseboy16how do u add windows xp to grub boot?03:56
nn531dammit douchebag03:56
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso03:56
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Aggortanyon e know much about GRUB error 17?03:56
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No1Briamicrawler: I think its sudo ifup eth0103:56
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No1Brior which ever your wirless is called03:56
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=== nn531 punches Hotshot' in the face
h3xismy hero.03:57
adubdoes anyone know if the latest ubuntu works out of box with ati cards?? i use to have to download and install drivers03:57
cheeseboy16help plz03:57
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lufishalp plz03:57
adubalso is there a program for screencast03:57
truckinadub - works fine with ATI.03:57
cheeseboy16i need to do this quick03:57
Aggortanyon e know much about GRUB error 17?03:57
Cholitowhen I try to install/remove/upgrade a package, I get this error: unable to open files list file for package `cdrecord': Input/output error03:57
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Cholitoany idea why that can be?03:57
harushimohey everyone, I was here yesterday. I was wondering how to image a hard drive and pipe the image to a second computer03:57
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adubtruckin i mean out of box like a year ago i had to install the drivers seperate on this laptop to get my video to come up03:58
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cheeseboy16how do u add windows xp to grub boot?03:58
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Mazinhow do you fix that one bug where argb windows end up looking all washed out and transparent when they shouldn't be?03:58
Cholitoand it doesnt matter which package I'm about to install03:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about argb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:58
HentaiSushisomeone make GRUB go away :(03:58
washbearcheeseboy - it does so automatically if you install windows first03:58
truckinadub - i have two or three running ATI, with no messy stuff. they work fine.03:58
HentaiSushii dont want grub anymore!!!!03:58
adubcheesyboy16 resintall grub03:58
washbearcheeseboy16 - it does so automatically if you install windows first03:59
nn531does anyone know if the mx laser works in linux?03:59
adubhentaisushi install lilo, lol03:59
cheeseboy16ya i kno but it was erased when i installed nvisia drivers03:59
HentaiSushii dont want anything linux03:59
adubgosh this is fun its been a year since i have been away03:59
HentaiSushiim trying to get rid of linux03:59
HentaiSushibut i cant cause of GRUB03:59
Cholitoplease, read http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222003:59
adubhentaisushai then delete partitions03:59
tomas_where do i get the java, flash and others03:59
HentaiSushigrub messes up03:59
washbearHentaiSushi- you need to do that from windows03:59
tomas_in one downloading03:59
aduball and make ntfs03:59
HentaiSushistill tried to load03:59
adubwashbear amen brother03:59
HentaiSushii am in windows03:59
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HentaiSushii have tried deleting the partitions04:00
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HentaiSushithat doesnt work04:00
adubcan someone tell me how strong ubuntu is on recognizing hardware these days04:00
washbearHentaiSushi- it is: fix mbr in recovery console04:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zlib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
lupine_85adub: pretty good04:00
HentaiSushihow do i get to recovery console?04:00
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SubMOAadub, I haven't had any hardware problems04:00
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AggortGrub error 1704:00
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adubwill it recognize a ati xpress 200m graphics card on initial install??04:00
washbearHentaiSushi - that is a windows question, RTFM is there is one :)04:00
Cholitotomas_: google04:00
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BigBamBoDoes anyone know were I can down load xorg SDK?04:00
cheeseboy16someone plz04:00
truckinadub - better than debian, close to fedora or better.04:00
HentaiSushican you tell me or not04:00
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heapmei thought you get to the recovery console when you first boot your computer and it lets you choose to go into ubuntu recovery mode?04:01
washbearHentaiSushi - google it: "FIX MBR"04:01
truckingrub rocks man.04:01
Clujohardware?  installed ubuntu on a dell laptop, no problems at all, then it recognized my wifi card.04:01
SmashCatAnyone know what the Ubuntu config file is to store the dnsdomainname between reboots?04:01
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cheeseboy16some help me fix grub04:01
adubtruckin what about the graphics card in question does anyone know much about the recognition of it on initial install04:01
Mazinhow do I fix programs that are transparent and washed out when they're not supposed to be?04:01
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Pelocheeseboy16,   #grub04:01
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truckinSmashCat - /etc/hosts   i imagine.04:01
washbearcheeseboy: you had your answer: reinstall grub04:01
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washbearor add it manually04:01
cheeseboy16i tried that04:01
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SmashCattruckin: No, that's for the host name04:02
cheeseboy16i dont kno how to add xp manually04:02
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cheeseboy16i kno how to edit menu.lst04:02
=== leros [n=justin@ip68-1-223-208.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
adubd00dz im loving this a year ago this channel had on average 300 less users than gentoo channel04:02
truckinSmashCat - umm...it escapes me atm.04:02
cheeseboy16but not what to put04:02
haxalityhello, I was wondering if anyone knows any good software/tutorials that would help me use my computer as a software synthesizer04:02
=== No2Bri [i=No1Bri@adsl-76-214-227-249.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
adubguess who is number 1 kickin' butt on freenode these days04:02
washbear# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS04:02
washbear# on /dev/hda104:02
washbeartitle           Micro$oft Winbloat XP Perfesnl04:02
washbearroot            (hd0,0)04:02
adubdatz right04:02
washbearchainloader     +104:02
ubotuwashbear: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:02
washbearthis is an example (sorry, wanted to get rid of the quesdtion) that assumes you have winbloat in first partition of first disk04:03
aduband kubuntu has 300 plus users use to be a lil over 10004:03
AggortGrub error 17?04:04
AscIt never detects my windoze partition....04:04
adubthis is awesome how much the community has grown in only a year nice work community!!! crush windows crush windows04:04
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Aggortadub: If they want to crush windowsthen let me start gaming on Ubuntu04:04
adubwell obviously crushing other distros of linux as well ubuntu fam04:04
No2Brican someone please help me get started on this step by step for a rt61 wirelss card https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo04:04
zammitadub =\ so harsh towards windows04:04
adubzammit dang str8 i am04:04
haxalityhello, I was wondering if anyone knows any good software/tutorials that would help me use my computer as a software synthesizer04:04
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Aggortadub: If any linux distro allowed you to play video games like Windows, it'd be all over, and I'd fully migrate from Widnows XP to Ubuntu04:05
CholitoNo2Bri: its a step by step, how can you need help?04:05
adubsk00L forces me to use the crap so yeah i wasnt able to wine in a lot of doze appz a year ago ticks me off and emulated windows is slow crap04:05
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AggortRight now I can't do that for WoW or CS or BF2 or War Rock!04:05
washbearhaxality -try googling "soundgarden" and "planet ccrma"04:05
haxalitythank you very much04:05
adubaggort im 1 up im no gamer but school forces me to use whinedoze04:05
adubbut anyhow04:05
nn531tomas_: anyone answer your question yet?04:05
adubim just studying hardware compliance of ubunut and im excited of how the community has grown since my last entrance04:06
Aggortadub: Really, that sucks. If I wasn't a gamer I;d be set04:06
=== Daishi [n=daishi@ool-4570aea6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyaAggort, technicaly, its about game developers not letting you play on linux, and not linux disallowing you anything04:06
adubanyone know of radeon xpress 200 m working out of box with ubuntu as in fresh install and not needing to self install teh driver04:06
PeloAggort,  and there are linux games, not much and not the latest but there are some04:06
No2BriCholito: so do I type $ apt-cache search linux-headers-`uname -r` in the terminal?04:07
washbearAggort - isn't gaming on its way to consoles anyway?04:07
adubalso i have a ubiquiti wifi card04:07
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AggortPelo - Yea I know04:07
AggortWashbear - HELL NO04:07
tritiumadub: which driver?  The open "ati" driver, or the closed "fglrx" driver?04:07
adubdoes madwifi come preinstalled on the latest ubuntu??04:07
tritiumadub: yes04:07
adubtritium i use to use the closed fglrx driver04:07
adubhave to use that with the ati04:07
zammitadub, i'm not sure, but ubuntu recognized my wireless card no problem =)04:07
truckinadub - avoid the fglrx driver, use the generic ati04:07
nn531tomas_: ??04:08
tritiumadub: fglrx is not installed by default.  Perhaps in future releases it can be, but not currently.04:08
AggortWashbear - In a way yes, but way too many games are still on the PC only. IMHO I think they need to ditch efforts to make PC exclusives and keep people coming to the systems04:08
truckinadub - any radeon model should fire right up.04:08
tritium!ati > | adub04:08
zammittruckin, really avoid fglrx driver? i've been trying to install in the past few weeks and have had no luck04:08
harushimoanybody know how to image a hard drive04:08
adubtruckin even with my widescreen and i remember back in the day i use to have to use the fglrx driver a year ago04:08
washbearAggort - ok, havent really played much since C64, with two minor regressions: at the time of Wolfenstein and Age of Empires04:08
AggortAnybody know how to fix GRUB erroe 2804:08
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu
AggortWashbear - Love wolfenstine hated empires04:08
truckinzammit - it sucked, i reverted to ati, and 50 screensavers decided to work...go figure04:08
harushimoi know i can use dd but I always to pipe the image to my computer04:09
tritiumadub: I use "ati" with a widescreen laptop and a 4:3 external monitor (dualhead)04:09
CholitoNo2Bri: yes, that way you get your kernel version04:09
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pagefaultyeah stay away from fglrx04:09
washbearAggort - my favourite will always be Brue Lee on C64 :)04:09
pagefaultunless you like your system to be as crashy as windows04:09
adubtritium so it will autorecognize my settings04:09
washbearit's been downhill ever since04:09
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adubthe install04:09
tritiumadub: yes, it should.04:09
zammittruckin, any idea on how to get rid of fglrx completely? i just installed it, and it hasn't worked04:09
AggortWashbear - I can't beat my NES days, but my favorite game ever is Sonic the Hedgehog 304:09
Ice_Wewezammit: use synaptic with "Complete Removal" option?04:10
adubalso the madwifi driver for my ubiquiti card it has atheros chipset04:10
tritiumzammit: uninstall the packages you installed, and the sudo-dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg, and choose ati04:10
adubthat will work on a fresh install of the latest ubuntu?04:10
pagefaultwhat is with that anyway, nvidia has their own package04:10
pagefaultbut ati gets squashed in with wireless drivers?04:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
zammittritium, ice_wewe thanks04:10
AggortI need to egt grub fixed so I can actually boot to the isntalled version of lUbuntu I hate how slow this live CD is04:10
tritiumadub: it has worked for the last 2 for me, maybe longer, but that's as old as my Thinkpad is04:10
Ice_WeweAggort: what's wrong with grub?04:11
truckinzammit - edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf the 'dpgk-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'  reboot or /etc/init.d/gdm restart.04:11
adubsee cause im stuck in the mud if i cant get my wireless pcmcia up ill have no internet04:11
AggortIce_Wewe: Error 1704:11
truckinzammit - just replace fglrx wth ati. iirc04:11
Ice_WeweAggort: can you elaborate? I don't happen to have Error 17 memorized04:11
tritiumyes, that's all that's strictly necessary, truckin04:11
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AggortIce_Wewe: That's all it is04:12
Ice_WeweAggort: ok ok ok (goes to Google)04:12
tritiumadub: I'm speaking mainly to your ati question.  I'm not sure about your chipset.  You may need ndiswrapper.04:12
AggortIce_Wewe: It will start to load Grub and then boom error 1704:12
adubhas anyone been able to wine in office 2003??04:12
pagefaultno but I have installed office 2003 in wine04:12
adublol pagefault cool04:13
Ice_WeweAggort: "17 : Cannot mount selected partition | This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB. "04:13
aduband it is not buggy at all runs smooth04:13
pagefaultyou need to copy over pretty much your entire windows dir to wine04:13
pagefaultand use native dlls04:13
Ice_WeweAggort: any idea what the root fs type is?04:13
Aggortext 3204:13
Ice_WeweAggort: wait wait wait04:13
adubpagefault does it run stablely04:13
Ice_WeweAggort: where did you install grub, to the root, or the MBR?04:13
pagefaultadub: yeah it runs well enough04:14
pagefaultit has some small problems04:14
leroswhat does this mean: "libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b04:14
Ice_WeweAggort: yeah, install it to the MBR04:14
pagefaultcrossoveroffice is a lot better and easier to get going04:14
=== Turgon [n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/turgon] has joined #ubuntu
adubwhat about crossover office04:14
heapmeusing office from beyond the grave? i dunno04:14
aduboh so crossover office does let you run office 2003 now??04:14
Ice_WeweAggort: I don't think you know how to do that, want me to find out?04:14
pagefaultyou have to tweak wine a lot04:14
pagefaultadub: yes04:14
adubi was only able to get office 2000 up a year ago they mustve done some progressive work on it04:14
adubnice to see gosh i love linux04:14
pagefaultyeah they came out with another version04:15
AggortIce_Wewe: No i know how I;ve done it ebfore04:15
Aggortbut I think my MBR is fucked up04:15
adubpagefault this is very good news04:15
pagefaultthey support WoW now as well04:15
Ice_WeweAggort: ok, but won't grub just overwrite whatever's there?04:15
adubdo you know of any screencasting program that is solid04:15
adubfor linux to make videos of your screen etc04:15
AggortIce_Wewe: Should but still got the error04:15
Ice_WeweAggort: good that you know, because even though I've done it before, I don't do it often enough to remember, like my online banking password04:15
adubistanbul was around a year ago but super buggy04:15
pagefaultno idea04:15
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=== karakara [n=awhalan@ppp252-225.lns3.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mazinhow do I fix this argb issue? http://files.aztekera.com/images/argbbug.png04:16
Ice_WeweAggort: you installed it to the MBR?04:16
AggortNot right now before I did04:16
=== Valmarko [n=marco@bl4-223-123.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
AggortI am awaiting ikonias return04:16
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's wrong with the .png image04:16
Balsamic_Chickenit looks purty =)04:16
Aggorthe has been heloping me a great deal04:16
Ice_WeweAggort: are you sure that Grub is pointing to a device that exists?04:16
Ice_WeweAggort: I mean for your / partition04:16
maddashmy .xsession isn't executing like it should (with the loading of wdm)....any ideas?04:16
MazinBalsamic_Chicken: It's not supposed to be so washed out04:17
=== greg [n=Home@24-241-17-243.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
adubok is there a way to section of my partitions right now without deleting them other than partition magic04:17
Ice_Wewemaddash: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?04:17
gregthank u whoever heleped me a minute ago04:17
MazinBalsamic_Chicken: it's like, selecting "Lighten" instead of "Normal" compositing in Photoshop04:17
adubpartition magic has screwed up my computer partitions before i have two ntfs partitions that are taking up my entire system04:17
pagefaultI have a common question, how do you get alsa dmix working with OSS support?04:17
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kitchepagefault: install aoss-alsa04:18
pagefaultI have followed like 3 guides and half of them sort of work04:18
AggortIce_Wewe: Very04:18
pagefaultthey work but not at the same time04:18
pagefaultI can use an OSS app but then nothing else can use the soundcard04:18
leroswhat does this mean: "libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b"04:18
Ice_WeweAggort: ok, well is there anything on the root partition you care about?04:18
=== erudified [n=alex@cpe-24-24-102-135.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
erudifiedHow can I create 'network places' (or whatever they're called) that don't appear on my desktop04:18
Ice_Weweleros: it means that libGL doesn't support visual 0x4b04:18
maddashice_wewe: "-phigh"?04:18
Ice_Wewemaddash: I don't know, it's in xorg.conf, in case you screw X up04:19
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erudifiedalso, is there any way to get gnome to support FUSE or something?04:19
lerosice_weww: what impact does that have on my system?04:19
Ice_Weweleros: I don't know, is your system doing anything you don't want?04:19
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erudifiedIt'd be awesome to have a nice gui for mounting sftp volumes via FUSE =)04:19
leroswell, i have been unable to get XGL to run04:19
Ice_Weweleros: let my phrase it this way "Were you trying to do something that this bug/lack of feature prevented?:04:19
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cld2can anyone tell me what program ubuntu uses to guess at and generate the xorg.conf ?04:20
adubhow long has ubuntu 6.10 been out?04:20
cld2since 6/10/0604:20
maddashice_wewe: didn't screw anything up that has to do w/xorg...it's just xsession that won't freakin' run!04:20
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Ice_Wewecld2: dexconf04:20
cld2adub: so a little over 3 months04:20
Ice_Wewemaddash: ok, so try the same command on xsession04:20
cld2Ice_Wewe: thanks.04:21
Ice_Wewemaddash: wait, but xsession is part of X04:21
maddashice_wewe huh???04:21
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aduboh gez it was 5.10 this time last year i think04:21
adubso it has updated a lot04:21
dredhammerhello is there anyway to edit the file properties of multimedia files like movies you create yourself?04:21
cld2how do I figure out what package a given file is in? say i have the path?04:21
adubdoes anyone do screencast from linux?04:21
kitchepagefault: well OSS can only use your card one app at a time but with aoss you can have many apps open04:21
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Ice_Wewecld2: go to synaptic and do a search for "Provided" or "Provides"04:22
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Ice_Wewecld2: I think04:22
nolimitsoyaadub, its actualy only been two releases; one every 6months04:22
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Balsamic_ChickenMazin ic, sorry i can't be of too much help with that, i'm just now learning gimp as i got along lol04:22
adubnolimitsoya cool i love this stuff04:22
cld2Ice_Wewe: im trying to do it the other way around04:22
pagefaultkitche, well if I use real OSS drivers I can use multiple OSS apps, but my problem is when OSS is being used I can't use any ALSA apps04:22
cld2I have /usr/bin/dexconf and I want to figure out what package it came from.04:22
Ice_Wewecld2: trying to find out which package provides a binary?04:22
nikini ame writing a how-to about installig GuildWars on Edgy. where should i post it?04:22
=== ankan_ [n=ankan@c-68-45-241-16.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
adubdoes anyone know about screen video capturing in linux has there been any big advances in doing this or is it possible to wine windows media encoder in?04:23
cld2Ice_Wewe: correct.04:23
Mightily-Oatsmy hdd sounds like its parking the heads clicks about every 10 seconds04:23
Kr0ntabIt's is does not present itself as a USB device, so therefore it cannot use the infamous usbserial module (that would have been too easy)...  :-(04:23
=== mralphabet [n=user_nam@71-89-33-80.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mightily-Oatsjust randomly starts happening04:23
ankan_hey guys..i have mplayer mozilla-plugin for firefox in ubuntu dapper....and whenever i try to play an online video it buffers upto 99% and stops...i cant play any video...i have the win32 codecs04:24
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, backup, now!04:24
Kr0ntabsrry mates.. wrong window04:24
Mightily-Oatsonly fix is to reboot.. any ideas?04:24
Ice_Wewecld2: so do what I said for the binary name, and if a package provides that binary (try not to give the full path, I find that that doesn't work well) it'll show up04:24
truckinMightily-Oats - type 'top' in an xterm and see what process is sooo busy.04:24
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nn531ankan_: join the club, where did you find your tutorial?04:24
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dredhammerhow do i edit the properties of multimedia files in nautilus?04:24
Mightily-Oatsthe light itself isnt flashing... nothing odd in top04:24
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Mightily-Oatsjust sounds like it parks...04:24
kitchetruckin: top won't help him it's his hard drive failing probably04:24
KingPestanybody have banshee working on 6.10 amd64?04:25
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, as is said, backup. check smart data, but backup first thing04:25
Mightily-Oatssmart data?04:25
truckinMightily-Oats - hrm, man hdparm04:25
strabesWould anyone be able to compare the support of zen vision:m versus ipod video in linux?04:25
nolimitsoyatruckin, no!04:25
bfanyone know if there is a trick to getting nvidia drivers set up in edgy?  i've tried every tutorial/installer i could find, and i can't get 3d04:25
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Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: is it an external drive?04:25
mvfeinsteinCan anyone recommend apt sources that are faster then the default ubuntu 6.10?04:25
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: Seagate?04:25
Mightily-Oatsinternal.. sata laptop04:25
nolimitsoyatruckin, dont _ever_ run perf testing on a failing drive04:25
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: brand of drive?04:25
adubdoes anyone know if i would have to delete my entire partition to get an install working of linux??04:25
Mightily-Oats5400 rpm04:25
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, dont do anything before backing up. itll make things worse if its failing04:25
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: does it do this all the time, or only sometimes?04:25
truckinit cant hurt to read the man page?04:25
adubi have two ntfs partitions taking up my entire hard drive04:26
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ankan_nn531: wht u mean by the tutorial?....i just grabbed the mplayer fonts and the plugin for mplayer04:26
Mightily-Oatsonly sometimes... usually after the laptops been on a while.. turn it off for about 5 and then back on again and its fine04:26
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:26
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: it's re-calibrating the heads... I just read an article on this04:26
Mightily-Oatsdoesnt sould like its dying (no screaming)... just the ticking like its parking.. then reads.. then parks again04:27
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: nothing to worry about04:27
amicrawleris there a place in ubuntu to get wireless dev working ?04:27
Mightily-Oatsreally... phew04:27
amicrawleri hava a wmp11 v4 pci card04:27
superkirbyartistI am having a hard time using D-Link 802.11g Laptop Wireless Card.  I don't have a "wireless" option in "Networking".04:27
Ice_Weweamicrawler: well, if your computer recognizes the device, network-admin?04:27
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-24-128-249-253.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mightily-Oatsok.. any way to stop it.. or it has to do this?04:27
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, a failing drive doesnt have to be screaming04:27
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: doesn't mean you shouldn't back it up04:27
imbecilei love ubuntu!!!!!04:27
nn531ankan_: did you do anything with libdvdcss204:27
amicrawlerand a netgear thumdrive usb wireless to04:27
superkirbyartistI would appreciate any advice not leading to worsen the laptop.04:27
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: no, it's part of the drives functions, if you access the drive or interrupt it, it will continue the process later04:27
Mightily-Oatsvery true.. backing up now.. ive been caught without backup before04:28
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Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: I'm not sure you can stop it, since it's a performance aid to the drive04:28
Mightily-Oatsok.. so these days they make drives that randomly tick on you..04:28
Mightily-Oatsor tick you off when you hear the ticking all the time and think somethings wrong04:28
karakarabuilt in clock04:28
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: no, the drive has to re-calibrate the heads once in-a-while, how is it supposed to know if it's the middle of the night or not?04:28
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Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: all the time?04:29
Kr0ntabanyone familiar with getting a dell 5700 PCI Express Mini Card (CDMA EVDO) working in linux (I mean... ubuntu... so we remain on-topic)?  my search thus far has been fruitless.04:29
kitcheMightily-Oats: actually they don't soudns liek your heads are about to crash to me actually04:29
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: you said it wasn't all the time04:29
Mightily-Oatsnah.. not all the time.. like it didnt do it at all yesterday04:29
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, this is once every ten minutes. this is a failing drive04:29
Kr0ntabIt's is does not present itself as a USB device, so therefore it cannot use the infamous usbserial module.04:29
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ...ok04:29
amicrawlerok sees wlan004:29
ankan_nn531: thts allready installed in my system04:29
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Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: well I have a USB -> IDE external drive that sits there and does this all day, nothings wrong with it04:29
=== LameBMX [n=lamebmx@adsl-69-221-117-66.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mightily-Oatsa few days ago it did.. then about 2 days ago i installed edgy...04:29
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: Western Digital 160GB04:29
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nn531ankan_: yeah hmm I got 1 video to play once and thats it.. no more04:30
Mightily-Oatshadnt done it until now04:30
imbecilehow do i enable the universe repo?04:30
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amicrawlerhow do i get my mrg to use it04:30
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, what happens when you turn your computer of is that all electronics get reset, platters and heads cool, etc04:30
LameBMXi am now on the fglrx04:30
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, when they heat up again, your problems comre back04:30
nn531ankan_: so im just givin you what I did, try the steps on http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/ and see if any of that helps04:30
jrib!universe | imbecile04:30
ubotuimbecile: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:30
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: don't know, can't really help you. ^^^ @ nolimitsoya's answer04:30
ankan_nn531: huh...tht blows....anywhere to find the solution04:30
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Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: eh, the first one04:30
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, id not trust that drive with anything 'till its checked, deep04:31
Mightily-Oatssounds like its stopped doing it now04:31
SmashCatThis is weird, there is no way to set the domain name on Ubuntu Edgy. The domainname tool is missing, dnsdomainname just errors out when used to set anything, hostname can (obviously) only set the host, and there are no config files.04:31
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: it has to re-calibrate the heads because when the HDD cools/heats up the metals expand and contract, changing the disk geography (if you will)04:31
Mightily-Oatsyeah.. ill back up and seek another drive just for standby04:31
=== Dave321 [i=dave@cpe-66-67-131-67.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mightily-Oatsjust in case.. and if it is just re-calibrating then i have another drive to dump stuff on :)04:31
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Mightily-Oatsok.. just started again.. i heard a tick04:32
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: Do as you please, I don't feel that anything is wrong. Then again, it's not my data to loose04:32
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, modern drives have glass platters, and you wont see any temp diffs within a 10min period04:32
amicrawlersay not connected04:32
zaknigger stole my bike!04:32
amicrawlerifup: interface wlan0 already configured04:33
tonyyarusso!ohmy | zak04:33
ubotuzak: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:33
Mightily-Oatsthanks <Ice_Wewe> and <nolimitsoya>.. yeah.. it probably is just re-calibration.. but i need the data :)04:33
IntuitiveNippleRAID it ?04:33
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: well I'm assuming he's using the computer for more than 10 minutes, I kno that I happen to keep this desktop and a server on 24/7, so there would be no cool-down time04:33
Mightily-Oatsand who knows... thanks all...04:33
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, some disks move their heads to avoid local wear and heatbuildup over the tracks they hoover when idle, but thats not parking. Mightily-Oats says this sounds like parking, and thats done on spinup/read errors04:33
variantMightily-Oats: take a look at hddtemp and hdparm and also syslog messages for kernel warning04:33
heapmewhen i put /home on its own partition should i make it a primary or logical partition?04:33
Ice_Wewevariant: I don't have the command hddtemp, is it part of another application?04:34
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karakaradoesnt matter much, i use a primary tho in case i want to boot from it04:34
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok, well I've had 2 1.8" iPod HDDs die on me, and whenever they did parking, the platters spun down and back up again, so I think this is different04:34
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Mightily-Oatshdd temp is 51 degreec04:35
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, a spindown/up is diffrent from parking04:35
heapmeyou can boot from /home?04:35
crimsondoes galeon suffer the same security disadvantage that mozilla does?04:35
nolimitsoyaMightily-Oats, thats high04:35
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-186.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mightily-Oatsahh.. ok... time to buy a laptop cooling pad04:36
crimsonas in are they so closely related that the large amount of people who use mozilla render galeon less stable?04:36
karakaraboot from /home.. no, boot from the drive if i format it, yes04:36
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: no, this was a failing HDD that would park the heads and spin down then back up...04:36
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, im with you so far, but im not going to argue this; a spindown/up-retry is diffrent from parking04:37
Ice_WeweMightily-Oats: mine is 62C04:37
kitchecrimson: well considering that galeon uses gecko but I never used galeon and never heard of security problems with seamonky or galeon04:37
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, thats dangerously high04:37
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok, agree to dis-agree04:37
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok04:37
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crimsonkitche: but it is based on mozilla04:37
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: it has very little cooling, and has been running like this for 6 months, so I'm not gonna break a sweat over it04:38
kitchecrimson: no it's based on gecko not based on mozilla gecko is the engine that runs both04:38
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, you should. your drive will fail prematurely04:38
crimsonkitche: it is described as a GNOME browser based on mozilla, word for word, in their description04:38
Mightily-Oatsok.. thanks all.. i gtg... cya04:38
jshadias"Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the mozilla layout engine)."04:39
kitchecrimson: yes, but the only thing that galeon and seamonkey have in common really is that both use the gecko engine04:39
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: meh, the HDD in the server was at 41C04:39
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: but I think it was sleeping...04:40
crimsonkitche: then what about galeon is based on mozilla is what i'd like to know, i like them both but i am worried about security and stability so i am considering the switch, but i'd like to know if it is worth my time04:40
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amicrawlerin control panel  in kde  when i push admin mode it will not go in  how come it just sit there in a red outline ....................04:41
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mcquaidsomething basic but i forget how,  i need to test something and I need to be offline to test this.  I've been unplugging this puter from the router04:41
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mcquaidwhats the cmd to stop the net connection?04:41
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ws_i did some apt04:41
adubi have two partitions dedicated to windows for the entire hard drive is there anyway to resize the partitions without losing data other than partition magic???   can ubuntu installation do this on its on??04:41
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ws_and now startx or gdm doesnt work at all.. but when i just type Xorg it does, it says something that's something is wrong with my X-server. any idea?04:42
truckinmcquaid - ifdown eth0  or whatever04:42
variantmcquaid: /etc/init.d/networking stop04:42
nolimitsoyaadub, it can, but its dangerous. have a backup04:42
mcquaidthx and thx04:42
kitchecrimson: Galeon is not based on mozilla read this "Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (the mozilla layout engine)."04:42
mcquaidnow let me see if that wor04:42
zammithello, is there any reason that my sound just all of a sudden doesn't work? i've been messing with ati/fglrx, but what would that have anything to do with it?04:42
amicrawlerin control panel  in kde  when i push admin mode it will not go in  how come it just sit there in a red outline ....................04:42
AggortI think ikonia forgot about me04:42
truckinvariant -  good answer :)04:42
kitchecrimson: seamonkey is based on mozilla though04:43
adubnolimitsoya it can what is the option on installing just resize partition etc04:43
adubalso do you still have to create a linux swap partition on install04:43
nolimitsoyaadub, yes04:43
crimsonkitche: are you promoting seamonkey?04:43
crimsonout of curiosity04:43
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kitchecrimson: no just trying to tell you that Galeon is not based on mozilla04:43
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Cholitoif I get this: 'unable to open files list file for package `cdrecord': Input/output error' when installing (using apt-get or aptitude) should i report a bug in cdrecord or apt-get/aptitude?04:44
ws_it says error in locking authority file04:44
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kitcheCholito: are you using sudo when using them?04:46
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Cholitokitche: yes04:47
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CholitoI can't install/remove/upgrade packages04:47
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lupine_85Cholito: it's not a bug, it's a user problem04:48
lupine_85is your filesystem sane?04:48
lupine_85and can you install anything else?04:48
Cholitolook at this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222004:48
MagicFabIs there anything remotely close to Autocad for Linux / Ubuntu ?04:49
Cholitolupine_85: no, nothing04:49
Cholitois when I try to instal anything when I get the cdrecord error04:49
Cholitolupine_85: btw, how can I check the sanity of my fs?04:49
kitcheMagicFab: look at qcad04:49
lupine_85well, try sudo dpkg --force-all -r  cdrecord04:49
lupine_85hopefully that'll work04:50
lupine_85then you can try to install something else04:50
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Cholitounable to open files list file for package `cdrecord': Input/output error04:50
lupine_85ok. by the sounds of it, it's having difficulty reading to or writing from the disc04:50
MagicFabkitche, tx04:50
lupine_85switch from/to ;/04:50
lupine_85boot into a live cd and fsck it?04:51
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amicrawlerwhat does this mean ? wlan0     no wireless extensions04:51
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Cholitobut is just with cdrecord as dpkg -l cdrecord gives me an error, but not with other packages04:51
amicrawlerhelp please04:52
AggortI need some help with GRUB error 1704:52
Cholitosorry, dpkg -L cdrecord (not -l)04:52
amicrawlerhelp please04:52
amicrawlerwhat does this mean ? wlan0     no wireless extensions04:52
imbecileeverytime i try to add universe repository in software preferences and i close the box it is unchecked.. any ideas?04:52
sean_hey, trying to allow write access to /etc/apache2 and /var/ but "sudo chown -r sean:sean /etc/apache2" gives me "sudo: /var/run/sudo owned by uid 1000, should be uid 0"04:52
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imbecileamicrawler, what wireless card are you using?04:53
Aggorthey kitche, I know ikonia talked to you, can you help me out?04:53
amicrawlerwmp11 v404:53
lupine_85sean_: you've broken sudo04:53
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imbecileamicrawler,  do you have nm-applet loaded?04:53
sean_lupine_85: i didn't touch it! honest! how do i fix it? :P04:54
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MTecknologyAny suggestions for all of these errors? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/610/04:54
lupine_85yes you did. you chown'd /var to yourself04:54
lupine_85who knows what else you've broken04:54
amicrawleri have knemo loaded04:54
lupine_85ah well. Do you have a root password?04:54
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nikinCholito: i got it :D04:54
nikini mean the GW :D04:54
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sean_lupine_85: think i did actually... just following instructions though... ok how do i fix it then?04:54
AggortKitche: I am still having issues with Grub04:54
amicrawlernm-applet what is it ?04:55
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Cholitonikin: nice!!! what was it?04:55
lupine_85sean_: you need to own that file to root (chown root:root /var/run/sudo)04:55
lupine_85you can only do that as root04:55
variantamicrawler: gnome network manager04:55
lupine_85you can't use sudo to do it because sudo it broken04:55
amicrawleri run kde04:55
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin04:55
lupine_85so either use the root password you (ha!) prepared in advance, use a live CD, or use the recovery console04:56
zammithelp - any idea why my sound all-of-a-sudden stopped working? tried rebooted, and resetting the default audio device04:56
imbecileamicrawler,  under "system" "networking" does it say your wireless card is active?04:56
nikinCholito: Wine's Virtual Desktop coused the problems.. and the saders.. after disabling both it runs on about 60-75% of the speed i got under windows. and thats ok :D04:56
lupine_85and yeah. In general, anything involving chown and a top-level directory is a Bad Thing(tm)04:56
imbecileamicrawler,  ouch, im not that familiar with kde04:57
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amicrawlersudo ifup wlan004:57
amicrawlerifup: interface wlan0 already configured04:57
sean_lupine_85: i'm completely new to linux here, i blame whoever told me to do that in #ubuntuforums04:57
Cholitonikin: how many fps?04:57
amicrawlerthat's what i did04:57
levanderIs anyone in here using the Google Browser Synch extension for Firefox successfully?  It doesn't work on my machine.04:57
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lupine_85sean_: that's some idiot right there04:57
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nikinCholito: about 12 with a Geforce4 MX44004:58
lupine_85well, do you still have your live CD handy?04:58
the_mugdo any of you guys  know of a good mocap (screen cap, like video) for linux?04:58
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sean_lupine_85: i just want to run a wee test.php test page in apache! that's all i tried to do... argh!04:58
imbecileeverytime I enable universe repo the box unchecks, how can i do it in terminal?04:58
Cholitonikin: nice, with a 6600 should be lot more =)04:58
sean_lupine_85: ok how does this here recovery console-ma-thingie work...04:58
kitcheAggort: can you pastebin everything that you have your menu.lst your fstab04:58
AggortI need some help with GRUB error 1704:59
amicrawlerwhat to do ???????????what to do ?????????  i'm so lost04:59
lupine_85you reboot and select "recovery mode" when GRUB prompts you04:59
Cholitonikin: I have to run now, are you planing to post it somewhere?04:59
Aggortkitche: huh?04:59
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sean_lupine_85: and then what does it do?04:59
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lupine_85it'll boot you into text-mode-only as superuser04:59
imbecilejaney, lives by me04:59
HymnToLifeimbecile, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list - uncomment all the lines mentioning universe04:59
nikinCholito: i posted my mods on the Guild Wars thread on ubuntu forums04:59
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variantthe_mug: istanbul04:59
lupine_85you can then run ^that command^ and reboot04:59
imbecileHymnToLife,  thanks04:59
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB04:59
Aggortkitche: I'm kind of new to linus04:59
kitcheAggort: does the rescue mode work fine for you when you boot?04:59
turboloverhas anyone had trouble installing ubuntu with a radeon 9200 card?05:00
ekaekacould someone help me with amarok? running a script to be specific05:00
lupine_85however, there's a vast amount of stuff in /var that could be broken by a chown like that05:00
lupine_85personally, I'd reinstall05:00
Aggortkitche: I don't get to a boot screen at all unless it's through a bootable CD05:00
the_mugvariant: thanks05:00
Ice_Wewehey nolimitsoya how about 53C?05:00
lupine_85well, after lynching whoever it was who gave you that "advice"05:00
AggortKitche: Another words I can't even get to Windows recovery console05:00
turboloveri get to boot screen, select isntal then get an ugly screen telling me display not found05:00
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tritiumAggort: "in other" words, rather05:01
sean_lupine_85: right =( i've got my liveCD here... i'll reinstall.... first, a lynching05:01
Aggorttritium: Yeah05:01
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, id say its high, (especialy if its a 5400rpm 2.5" drive) but not dangerously so. read the manufacturers documentation. working conditions are always listed05:01
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nikinCholito: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283122  but read my comment before begining.. coz some stuff has to be done before beginning with this howto05:02
magic_ninjawould a c programing tutorial for UNIX be relevant to linux as well?05:02
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: no, it's a Western Digital 250GB KS 3.5" Desktop drive05:02
Aggortkitche: I did everything ikonia asked me to and still nothing05:02
HymnToLifeC is C, whatezver the platform you run it on05:02
magic_ninjaturbolover: ty05:02
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, still, read the documentation. always.05:02
magic_ninjai havn't really done anything programing wise, just scripting05:03
bds!aptitude | me05:03
ubotume: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide05:03
Cholitonikin: beforer starting with your hack, I have to solve this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33222005:03
HymnToLife!fishing | bds05:03
ubotubds: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:03
imbecileHymnToLife, I dont see what to uncomment05:03
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: right, so Google if I didn't get a manual with it?05:03
HymnToLifeimbecile, pastebin the whole file05:03
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: cause I got a static bag and a HDD, and no manual05:03
bruenigthat factoid needs to be changed in light of apt-get autoremove05:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:03
nikinCholito: let me have a look05:03
imbecileHymnToLife,  ok05:03
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, rather dubdubdubdotwesterndigitaldotcom05:03
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sean_lupine_85: will you be on here in a few minutes once i've reinstalled ubuntu to get advice on setting up apache without destroying linux?05:04
lupine_85probably not :s05:04
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] batistuta[_beryll is amazing05:05
lupine_85TBH it's not an irc-appropriate thing anyway. You're best sitting down with a tutorial.. or a book05:05
Aggortcan't anyone help me with this bastard of a problem05:05
magic_ninjawhat is this big deal about beryl...all i hear about is the glitches05:05
AggortGRUB error 17 sucks05:05
nolimitsoya!helpme | Aggort05:05
ubotuAggort: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:05
imbecileHymnToLife, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/612/05:05
sean_lupine_85: a book! i have a book! lol... the book's the one giving me all the problems05:05
HymnToLife!language | Aggort05:05
ubotuAggort: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:05
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: 5 C to 55 C (whoops)05:05
Aggortbastard is not a bad word05:05
sean_i think i'll install Red Hat Linux, as that's the version of linux the book assumes i'm using05:05
MTecknologyHow do I output errors to a file?05:05
HymnToLifeimbecile, is that _all_ you have ?05:05
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, thats pretty much normal working conditions05:06
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zammitaggort, have you googled the problem?05:06
lupine_85Aggort: problems don't get married, so it's not that context; therefore, it's the insulting context. but yeah.05:06
Aggortzammit: yes05:06
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: yeah, but 63C ain't that hot05:06
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, usualy its between 10-90% relative air humidity as well05:06
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, yes it is05:06
imbecileHymnToLife,  let me try again05:06
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turboloverubotu why would i get a screen saying display not found when trying to start the livecd?05:06
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: well, we're supposed to be in the middle of *ahem* winter, but with all the rain we've been getting, I'm sure the humidity is less than 90%05:06
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Cholitoturbolover: xDDDDD05:07
MTecknologyHow do I output errors from command line to a file?05:07
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HymnToLifeturbolover, there can be 1,000 reasons for it, the most common is that the X server is trying to use a bad driver05:07
jribMTecknology: 2> file  at the end of a command05:07
nikinCholito: did you try to clear the apt-cache .. mybe the cdrecord package there is broken05:07
=== Balsamic_Chicken [n=computer@c-67-188-119-66.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: and to think I didn't know or care till 10 minutes ago05:07
AggortI;ve been on here since 2 pm... still I can't access windows and jsut got ubuntu instlalled now I can't access it...it's very very frustrating05:07
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, please understand that the temperature will affect (among other things) the viscosity of the damping and lubrication fluid, and greatly influence wear05:07
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MTecknologyjrib, aight, I was trying > and >> - but it's 2> ??05:08
Cholitonikin: Ithink it IS broken, but it seems there is no way to fix it05:08
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, heat cykling will also cause a great deal of metall fatigue05:08
turboloverhymn, eh, so my card isnt supported? or is ther ea driver i can change it to?05:08
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: right, but that's only in the motor, which is brushless anyway05:08
jribMTecknology: yes, errors usually get sent to standard error instead of standard out05:08
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HymnToLifeturbolover, what card do you have ?05:08
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ...right05:08
charmingtechniq1How is the migration from FC6 to Ubuntu?05:08
charmingtechniq1anyone comment?05:08
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, thats the most important part05:08
HymnToLifecharmingtechniq1, dunno, never used FC except at school05:08
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: wait wait, I think I can get my Mule to pull it around!05:08
imbecileHymnToLife, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/613/05:09
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok, you got me... thanks for telling me05:09
MTecknologyjrib, it's wine though... wine is catching the errors, but I want to save them - ty05:09
Ice_WeweMTecknology: what's wrong with wine?05:09
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, not if all the pixiedust has been machined of the platters from a chrashing head, and that will be the probable outcome of a failing bearing05:09
charmingtechniq1does it have to reformat ... when you migrate from FC5 to Ubuntu?05:09
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AscAggort, what's the issue that keeps you from accessing Ubuntu?05:09
HymnToLifeimbecile, open it in gedit, so you can copy/paste the whole file :             gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:09
MTecknologyIce_Wewe,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/610/05:09
turboloverati radeon 9200 se05:09
charmingtechniq1I have a lot of server ... apache ... http... CRM stuff going on that I don't want to have to reinstall...05:10
AggortGrub Error 17 Asc05:10
nikinCholito: 'apt-get clean && apt-get check'05:10
onnastickAnyone have experience getting networking functional in Ubuntu 6.10 from inside a Parallels virtual machine?05:10
adubdoes anyone here have a ubiquiti pcmcia card05:10
HymnToLifehmm, I guess it should be supported05:10
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: so, I'd loose data05:10
AggortGrub error 17 - All I know is some sort of partition error and no one has helped me yet... well solve it. Kitche and Ikonia were, but then Kitche disappeared and ikonia took a shower never to return05:10
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, yes you would. and a great deal of it too05:10
Asccharmingtextniq1, I think I kind of think that going from FC to Ubuntu is dificult to impossible.05:10
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok, so since that hasn't happened yet, I'm good05:10
HymnToLifeturbolover, are you trying to use Ubuntu on the same computer you're on right now ?05:10
Asccharmingtextniq1, However, installing things with APT is much easier than using RPMs05:11
Aggortasc: Grub error 17 - All I know is some sort of partition error and no one has helped me yet... well solve it. Kitche and Ikonia were, but then Kitche disappeared and ikonia took a shower never to return05:11
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: I'm wondering why the server HDD is so cool, it has almost no cooling, as is also 7200RPM05:11
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, no you arent. it means you are in even more danger that you where before05:11
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: must be the pixies05:11
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: good thing I made backups recently05:11
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nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, air flow and bearing type, numbers of platters and size of heads all influence temperature05:11
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zammitis someone, anyone available, to help me with my lack of sound?05:11
HymnToLifeturbolover, then to troubleshoot you'll need to try irt again and have a look at the logd05:12
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: well putting a fan on top of it seems to have lowered the temp by 13C05:12
Cholitonikin: no luck05:12
kitcheAggort: usually a reinstall of grub fixes it05:12
Cholitonikin: still the same05:12
AscAggort - my internets are slow, but I'm trying to look it up05:12
imbecileHymnToLife, i got "GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed."05:12
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, fans are magnetic, and even though the housing shield pretty good, i wouldnt keep them near magnetic storage devices05:12
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: hmm, it seems to have stopped at 51C, but the server HDD is so cool... connect the dots...05:12
turbolovereh, what is the command to configure X05:12
HymnToLifeimbecile, pretty normal, gedit shoul openup anyway05:12
Aggortkitche: Isn't that what ikonia had me do? If not I don't know how to05:12
jrib!xconfig | turbolover05:12
ubotuturbolover: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".05:12
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, especialy not those that already suffer from blanking...05:12
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ok, so I have to have cooling that isn't magnetic...05:12
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HymnToLifetumbleweed, there are lots of ways to configure X, you can try              sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
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AggortAsc: I already googled it, there isn't anything that helps05:13
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, regular chassi cooling should be sufficient to move air across the drives05:13
gthbGood evening05:13
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: right, I don't have any chassis cooling05:13
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AscAggort, did you use guided partitioning?05:13
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, then you probably has many more problems than you hdd05:13
AggortAsc: yes05:13
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: probably05:13
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: got rid of chassis cooling cause it was loud05:14
AggortAsc: Ikonia ran me through a ton of commands through terminal and said everything looked right05:14
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, get good fans, and optimize air flow05:14
MTecknologyIce_Wewe, so... any answers?05:14
AscAggort: Okay, now that's odd.05:14
imbecileHymnToLife,  im not sure what im doing wrong gedit opened but the txt didnt transfer05:14
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: or, throw out crummy case and get a new one with good fans05:14
AggortAsc: No joke05:14
Cholitonikin: I think I've tried everything but fsck in a livecd05:14
EnsignRedshirtJust curious... who is behind the "Ubuntu Christmas Edition"?05:14
AscAggort: Have you tried reinstalling?05:14
Ice_WeweMTecknology: oh sorry, hadn't looked at it yet... brb05:14
AggortAsc: Tried reinstalling what?05:14
imbecileEnsignRedshirt,  santa clause05:15
HymnToLifeimbecile, what do you mean "transfer" ?05:15
AscAggortL Ubuntu05:15
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nikinCholito: did you try to reinstall cdrecord with synaptic, (i dont remeber how reinstall goes with apt)05:15
AggortAsc: No...05:15
Ice_WeweMTecknology: "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"." complaining about lack of 3D accel05:15
AggortAsc: Really would like not to05:15
imbecileHymnToLife, i thought it was supposed to transfer complete text05:15
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Cholitonikin: apt-get install --reinstall cdrecord05:15
AggortAsc: To be honest, I ebelive the problem is with my PC05:15
HymnToLifeimbecile, it should open gedit with the whole file in it, just copy it to the pastebin05:15
AggortAsc: I have something wrong with my PC that I can't get XP to boot without having the Installation CD in05:16
MTecknologyIce_Wewe, how do I take care of that? I know I have the right driver installed - Beryl works great05:16
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onnastickAnyone have experience getting networking functional in Ubuntu 6.10 from inside a Parallels virtual machine?05:16
AggortAsc: it's odd, it doesn't boot to the CD, but if it's not in the windows won;t boot... well now in this case GRUB won't load so  I can't boot anything from my ahrd drive anyway05:17
AscAggort: Yeah, that sounds like it might be a similar problem.  MBR or partition table permanantly damaged or something.05:17
nikinCholito: did it does the same?05:17
Cholitonikin: and no, it doesn't work05:17
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: well, you're talking about not putting fans on top of the HDD. (Redneck sounding story). Well, the HDD from another comp failed, so I just put it right on top of my HDD and left it like that for a couple weeks05:17
AggortAsc: Permantely?05:17
AggortI have some photos05:17
Ice_WeweMTecknology: I don't know, is GLXgears bearable at fullscreen (you'll know what I mean when you try it)05:17
imbecileHymnToLife,  after every command i type i have no spot to do the next one05:17
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HymnToLifeimbecile, close gedit, it will get you back to the promp, you can also add a & after ytour commang05:18
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AscAggort: Well, formatting the disk and installing GRUB pretty much insures that it's not a leftover rootkit or corrupt data or something.05:18
HymnToLifeI definitely need to go to bed05:18
HymnToLife@time Paris05:18
Cholitonikin: I'll try a fsck with a livecd no05:18
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Paris: January 06 2007, 05:18:3705:18
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gthb@time Reykjavik05:18
Cholitosee you later guys05:18
UbugtuCurrent time in Atlantic/Reykjavik: January 06 2007, 04:18:5305:18
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nikinCholito: oki05:19
Cholito@time lima05:19
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Lima: January 05 2007, 23:19:0505:19
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AggortAsc: this is what happens without a the windows XP CD inside booting to hard drive http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3706/img2993sd3.jpg05:19
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AscAggort: If you've got a spare drive somewhere, you could arrange it so it's the boot drive, mount it on /boot, and your main drive on / ... I think05:20
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: what about the Antec NSK2400?05:20
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AggortAsc: This is the CD http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3126/img2995fg9.jpg05:20
AggortAsc: I don't have one sorry05:20
xzkis it possible to play WoW on linux/ubuntu05:20
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: looking for something mATX that can handle a Zalman aftermkt cooler (like little taller than the PCI cards) that has good cooling for under $10005:21
=== LordTureis [n=daniels@user-0c933nl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ascgonna take a while for those to load on 56k05:21
MTecknologyIce_Wewe, it's excellent in normal window... but full screen crashes the gdm05:21
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 06 2007, 04:21:3405:21
Ice_WeweMTecknology: woah, that ain't right05:21
Ascxzk: yes, use Cedaga05:21
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MTecknologyIce_Wewe, what isn't right?05:22
Ice_WeweAsc: yes, Cedega is shareware05:22
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, get your self a dremel, some adda or papst fans, some bitumen mats and have a whack at whatevers under your desk right now. itll be cheaper and better05:22
Ice_WeweMTecknology: that it crashes gdm at fullscreen05:22
Jazonubuntu edgy powerpc.  can i get automatix to work somehow?05:22
xzkcedega costs money!!!05:22
magic_ninjathats right....download it and share it with everyone05:22
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: bitumen?05:22
magic_ninjacedega makes bank rolls by ripping off wine05:22
nolimitsoya!automatix | Jazon05:22
ubotuJazon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:22
AggortAsc: This is what happens when the CD I showed is inside. The boot from CD does it's five dots ... and then grub loads. Grub doesn't load (just like windows wouldn't)unless the CD is in. Then grub fail http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/2420/img2999vb2.jpg05:23
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, sort of tar/rubber stuff used for damping05:23
LordTureisDoes anyone know of a preference for gnome-panel that allows a panel applet to take up that last pixel at the right?  It just seems weird that the right corner pixel is a dead spot.05:23
Ice_Wewemagic_ninja: no, it's been modified to run games that wine can't, but I don't think that justifies paying them lots for it05:23
Jazonnolimitsoya: ok.  thx05:23
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu05:23
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Ice_Wewemagic_ninja: they used most of the hard work of the wine developers, added a couple lines of code, and started charging bucks for it05:23
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ah, ok05:23
xzkLordTureis: what dead pixel?05:23
AscAggort: You might be able to pull it off with a USB stick.05:23
magic_ninjaIce_Wewe: which is why i say its shareware, buy it and share it lol05:24
xzkLordTureis: in ubuntu ?05:24
AggortAsc: Pull what off?05:24
xzkLordTureis: where?05:24
AscAggort: Booting.05:24
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MTecknologyIce_Wewe, this might be a good time to mention that I also can't open up Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 & 1105:24
Ice_WeweMTecknology: right... something ain't right, and I can't help05:24
Ice_WeweMTecknology: BTW, what's under F11?05:24
AggortAsc: True, but what good would that do me?05:24
AscAggort: Well, you'd be able to boot for one. ;p05:25
MTecknologyIce_Wewe, full screen VNC05:25
AggortAsc: I can boot to CD05:25
Ice_WeweMTecknology: ah, ok, don't use that anyway05:25
AggortAsc: That's what I am on, I am on Ubuntu install CD using it live05:25
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LordTureisput the deskbar _button_ or the login / logout applet on the far right of the panel.  Then swing your mouse to that corner.  It seems to me that you should automatically activate the button when you click, but you don't.  Just 1 pixel to the left, and it works though.05:25
Linux_Galoreyep, its official sound card support on Linux is "still crap" after 4 years05:25
AscAggort: Well, you'd be able to boot to the drive like you were doing with windows.05:26
nolimitsoyaLordTureis, file a bugreport05:26
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's looking glass, it's sort of like beryl, but it looks different, is it part of beryl?05:26
AggortAsc: How so?05:26
AggortAsc: When yea a USB drive lol but still what good does this do me?05:26
Ice_WeweLinux_Galore: whats official sound card support? My NForce sound works as good as the day it came (uhh, except I fried line in, iPods really do go too loud...)05:26
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nolimitsoyaBalsamic_Chicken, its suns version of aeroglass/beryl05:26
ekaekahow can I determine how many versions of python I currently have installed?05:26
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Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: so no problem leaving the fan on top of the HDD for the night?05:27
AscAggort: If the computer boots from the USB drive, it should be able to start normally, running the rest of the system from the HDD05:27
GuerrillaWonDoes anyone have any firewall recommendations?05:27
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Linux_GaloreIce_Wewe: creatibe SBlive Externals have been out for years and Linux still doesnt work beyond a claytons hack05:27
AscGuerrillaWon: Firestarter's been good to me.05:27
AggortAsc: But I need Grub to load to run windows and Ubuntu05:27
jrib!firewall | GuerrillaWon05:27
ubotuGuerrillaWon: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:27
nolimitsoyaIce_Wewe, i wouldnt leave it there for a second, considdering the amount of effort the people at samsung, hitachi and seagate put into blanking05:27
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imbecilehow do i enable universe repositories?05:28
MTecknologyIce_Wewe, I'd try to post the crash log from full screen, but it's 13.5M05:28
Aggortor wait? can I boot grub from USB? and then load windows and ubuntu from there?05:28
jribimbecile: ubotu told you before, did you read the links he told you about?05:28
AscAggort: The idea is to install GRUB on the USB drive, so that it can load windows and ubuntu.'05:28
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AggortAsc good Idea05:28
Kr0ntabubotu, tell imbecile about repositories05:29
imbecilejrib,  yes but everytime i check the box it unselects itself after i close05:29
Linux_GaloreIce_Wewe: sblive USB had "basic stereo" 4 years ago, considering 60% of desktops are laptops the the sblive USB stuff is the most comon 5.1 rigg i find this pretty poor05:29
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MTecknologyIce_Wewe, well... once I turn off XGL glxgears works great in full screen05:29
AscAggort: It should be possible if your BIOS supports it.  I've never tried booting from separate media and running from the HD before, but its been done.05:29
bruenigimbecile, what version are you running?05:29
Linux_GaloreIce_Wewe: and I still only can get "basic stereo" in Linux05:30
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imbecilebruenig,  dapper drake05:30
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jribimbecile: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please05:30
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Balsamic_Chickennolimitsoya thx05:30
jrib!pastebin | imbecile05:30
ubotuimbecile: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:30
magic_ninjaLinux_Galore: whats your audio card, i have 5.1 surround set up so i can help ya05:30
AggortAsc: Is there anythign special I should ahve to do? And I do beleive my bios supports it05:30
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AggortIf not is it possible to boot grub from floppy or even CD?05:30
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bruenigimbecile, run the following command, the whole thing on one line to enable all your repos: sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/dapper universe/dapper universe multiverse/g' -e 's/dapper-security universe/dapper-security universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update05:31
Ice_WeweLinux_Galore: we all know Creative's the devil05:31
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: ?05:31
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: care to explain the effort they put into blanking?05:31
nikinCholito ?05:31
fangoriouswhat can I use to check the fan speed and core temp05:31
Linux_Galoremagic_ninja: SBlive USB, got the basic stereo front working but thats all05:31
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heapmei want to make an extra partition just for backing up files from my /home partition. how should i do this, just make it another logical ext3fs?05:31
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AscAggort: To boot to a USB device, you'll have to fiddle with BIOS - there should be a place where you can select the device you want to boot from.05:31
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magic_ninjaheapme: yep that should do it, put it at the very end of the hdd05:31
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magic_ninjaheapme: it takes longer to back up, but its easier in the event of hdd problems05:32
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magic_ninjaheapme: plus if you want to change your OS then your in good shape05:32
AggortAsc: Yes, but what about CD or Floppy? Because installing Grub on my USB looks tricky05:32
heapmeyeah, thanks05:32
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AscAggort: You can start GRUB from any type of bootable media, but it'll be a lot easier to deal with if it's RW.05:32
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AscAggort: There are GRUB boot floppies, but you'll never fit everything in the /boot partition into one; they're more for installing GRUB and doing recoveries.05:33
magic_ninjaLinux_Galore: open a terminal and do alsamixer05:33
magic_ninjaLinux_Galore: it varies from system to system but play with that, trust me it should work, if you can't figure it out then try searching the ubuntu forums05:33
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Linux_Galoremagic_ninja: done get 1 constrol05:34
=== Paul_ [n=paul@c-68-48-225-124.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
deorypcould someone point me to how to get more than one audio source using my sound card at the same time?05:34
AggortAsc: I just want to be able to get into windows and Ubuntu,05:34
AscAggort: A CD is also difficult.  I don't know how it would be done.05:34
Linux_Galoremagic_ninja: it only show "one" control05:34
heapmemagic_ninja what should i name the partition though? /backups ?05:34
xtknightdeoryp: what do you mean by 'getting more than one audio source'?05:34
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magic_ninjahmm...usb sound card is a kinda dumb idea if ya ask me, but any who try searching ubuntu forums, never had a usb sound card so i can't help ya too much05:34
deorypxtknight: xmms and something else, like mplayer in firefox05:34
Linux_Galoremagic_ninja: ive dont all the alsamixer stuff already05:34
magic_ninjaLinux_Galore: ask in #creative, just idle there and be patient, i bet someone will get ya05:35
xtknightdeoryp: oh, you mean if you play sometihng in xmms, mplayer will not play sound?05:35
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AscAggort: If your HD is damaged in some way that prevents it from booting without external help, that's going to be tricky no matter what.05:35
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imbecilehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/615/     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/616/05:35
imbecilebruenig, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/615/     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/616/05:35
deorypxtknight right, and if mplayer is playing and xmms starts it says it can;'t because the sound card is inuse05:35
xtknightdeoryp: that's odd.  i am sure alsa supports multiple sounds at once but maybe it's your driver05:36
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magic_ninjaheapme: it doesnt matter what you name it, just something you can remember05:36
magic_ninjaheapme: there should NOT be a "/" in the filename though, the / represents a mount point05:36
Ascdeoryp: Does your mplayer have alsa compiled in?  Use 'mplayer -vo help' to see.05:36
AggortAsc: yea it said the CD would be icompatible05:36
xtknightmplayer -ao help i think05:36
Ascyeah, that one05:36
AggortAsc: Well this sucks because even if I did get grub to boot it wou;dn't get me anywhere, b3ecause I need to boot from the hard drive05:37
bruenigimbecile, what do you want05:37
bruenigimbecile, it is all there05:37
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heapmemagic_ninja really? does that mean when i put /home on its own dir i shouldnt use / in the name too then?05:37
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heapmeer /home in its own partition i meant05:37
AscAggort:Have you been thinking about getting a new drive at all?05:37
witlessshould i install stunnel or stunnel4 ?05:37
bruenigimbecile, oh that was after the command, yeah just do sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.backup /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
imbecilebruenig,  so it should work? i got some errors of duplicates05:37
bruenigimbecile, then sudo apt-get update05:37
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bruenigyou should have all your repos05:38
imbecilebruenig,  thanks alot man05:38
deorypAsc mplayer was just an example, i really want to use glGo and xmms at the same time05:38
xtknightmultimusen: hey05:38
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-186.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
NatorafI have a 40 GB mp3 player, how could i install ubuntu on it05:38
AggortAsc: I am poor as shit05:38
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Ascdeoryp: If you've selected the ALSA plugin of xmms, you should try to find out if glGo has one as well,05:39
multimuseni cannot install ubuntu on my athlon amd64 pc with a msi motherboard... :-/05:39
AggortAsc: Explain again why I couldn't use a floppy to boot Grub05:39
nikinNatoraf: what mp3 player? ipod?05:39
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MTecknology!!! I'm getting this error when I log on... 'User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored...' And xgl quit working.05:39
xtknighti use a floppy to boot up grub...05:39
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wheels3572what's the command to tell me what version of Ubuntu im running?05:39
xtknightit's the only way i can get xp/vista/linux tri-boot without going thru tons of trouble05:39
bruenigNatoraf, hmmm, there is ipod linux, if you were looking to put ubuntu on it, you are probably out of luck, you would have to cut it up so much that it would really cease to be ubuntu05:39
xtknightwheels3572: lsb_release05:39
xtknightwheels3572: sorry,  lsb_release -a    actually05:39
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Cholitono luck =(05:39
AscAggort: You might be able to.  But I don't know if it would be any better at starting Ubuntu than a copy installed on your drive05:40
nikinCholito: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-249474.html05:40
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Natorafits from gigabeat05:40
Natorafmade by toshiba05:40
Ice_Wewenolimitsoya: what about blanking?05:40
AggortAsc: Why though, if I would be booting from the hard drive?\05:40
wheels3572xtknight, tyvm05:40
xtknightwheels3572: no problem05:40
fleischwurstwhere can i find the internet explorer in ubuntu?05:40
AggortAsc: and wouldn't a USB be awfully small for Windows05:40
xtknightfleischwurst: there is no internet explorer for the Linux operating system05:40
Ice_Wewefleischwurst: ummm, in Microsoft land?05:40
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Natorafuse firefox05:41
wheels3572fleischwurst, you wont find it.  It uses Firefox05:41
multimusenfleischwurst >> you cant. But perhaps by wine05:41
fleischwurstlol? no internet explorer?05:41
nikinNatroaf: then no idea.. sorry :(05:41
Ice_Wewefleischwurst: yeah, no kidding05:41
xtknightfleischwurst: you would have to run it under a virtual machine or emulator.  if you want a `web browser` (wink wink), then use Firefox05:41
fleischwurstinternet without internet explorer?05:41
Ice_Wewefleischwurst: linux doesn't have MSFT cr*p in it05:41
fleischwurstonly icq??05:41
nvezfleischwurst: If you mean the Microsoft Internet Explorer, no, but an internet browser, it has one.05:41
nvezIt's called Firefox.05:41
fleischwurstlol, just joking :p05:41
deorypAsc xmms was not set on the right driver, thanks05:41
Ice_Wewefleischwurst: man.... that was a riot05:41
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AscAggort: Trying to think.  A floppy is worth a try, but I don't know how to make one that will load windows automagically.05:41
xtknightwell i could see how it would be a question05:42
fleischwurstmass highlight :D05:42
nvezfleischwurst: Boo. :P05:42
xtknightbut if u managed to install ubuntu...05:42
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AggortAsc: Why though, if I would be booting from the hard drive?\05:42
Natorafi read there a way to install ubuntu on a flash drive but never on mp3 player05:42
Natorafhey i have 40 GB on it05:42
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threeonefouri have downloaded updates for certian packages but now it's saying i have to do them agian whats up05:42
AggortAsc: I don;t want it to boot Windows automatically I want to select which one to load05:42
Cholitonikin: holy cow!!05:42
AscAggort: We don't know what's broken exactly.  It might be the partition table, it might be the MBR.05:42
variantNatoraf: it's just another storage medium.. you can use it as the root disk if your bios supports booting from usb05:42
multimusenHow cant I install ubuntu on a amd64 dualcore pc (Athlon, 1 gb ram, MSI motherboard)05:42
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nikinNAtroaf: if yopur mp3 player acts like a pendrive.. the it must be the same stuff05:42
wheels3572xtknight what's the command I would use to find a program im looking for if I dont know the exact spelling of it?05:43
nikinCholito :D:D:D:D05:43
zammithi, I have no sound anymore, it just decided to stop working, does anybody have any thoughts, please?05:43
xtknightwheels3572: find one that is installed?  hm like what?05:43
wheels3572xtknight, to be exact to answer your question im looking for vmware05:43
AggortAsc: I still think it is the MBR since it wants me to boot from CD so badly.05:43
wheels3572xtknight, read this url please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/609/05:43
multimuseni have used ubuntu for two years now - but it wont run on my new pc05:43
nolimitsoyawhat is the most efficient floss h.264 decoder at present?05:44
xtknightwheels3572: well it looks like you found vmware but are having trouble starting it?05:44
AscAggort: You can use the grub-floppy command to make a floppy with GRUB on it.  After that, I've only ever started by entering the commands manually (.e.g. 'root (hd0,0); kernel /boot/whatever'), but once you set the root you should be able to load a config file on the root drive.05:44
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xtknightwheels3572: what command led you to that error message?05:44
wheels3572xtknight, I went to install vmware workstation on my pc05:44
imbecilethere something else i need to install to get universe repo working?05:44
AggortAsc: I wish I knew how in that case05:44
AscAggort: It might also be possible to install your current grub configuration on a floppy, or put the config file on the floppy, but I don't know how.05:44
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xtknightjust copy the first 440 bytes of a hard disk to a floppy05:45
xtknightthat's what i did05:45
xtknightto copy my boot loader before i installed vista05:45
AggortAsc: Damn\05:45
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xtknightwheels3572: and how are you attempting to do that?05:45
xtknightwheels3572: what led you to the error message you pasted me?05:45
AscAggort: I've only ever used GRUB floppies as a kludge to boot DSL a few times.,05:45
Natorafyeah bios support it but i am afraid I will lose comparability to listen to mp3 player \05:45
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Cholitonikin: dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `cdrecord' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.05:46
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nikinCholito: cant you reintsall cdrecord now?05:46
wheels3572xtknight, I was following isntructions from the vmware PDF file and extracted that file file and then I did ./vmware-install.pl05:46
AggortAsc: Even if I got into grub to select an OS I wouldn't know how05:46
Cholitoand: failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `libecore1-dbus': Invalid argument05:46
Cholitonikin: no05:46
xtknightwheels3572: ahh okay.05:46
xtknightwheels3572: well, do you have vmware installed already?  like vmware player or vmware server?05:46
AscAggort: You'd use the same sequence of commands that's in /boot/grub/*lst05:46
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wheels3572xtknight, that's my problem I dont think I do.  I need to find a command that might tell me if it's installed lol.05:47
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AscAggort: Well, in that file on a system where you're booting from the drive anyway.05:47
multimusenSUsE works fine for me - but I prefer Ubuntu - so which ISO should I use for an Athlon AMD64 dualcore with a MSI-V motherboard?05:47
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xtknightwheels3572: type 'aptitude search vmware'  this will tell you about all packages named vmware.  and on the left, and i means that it is currently installed.  if it's anything but an 'i' then it is NOT installed05:47
Jazonhow can i install macromedia flash player on powerpc with edgy?05:48
AggortAsc: I've never quite dealt with that before05:48
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nikinCholito: so everything is the same.. just the message changed?05:48
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Cholitokind of, wait05:48
imbecileis there something else i need to install to get universe repo working?05:48
jribJazon: you can't05:48
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AggortAsc: I'm definitely a noob to linux though I sued it in high school a year ago. But of course we had two ahrd drives and everything worked fine lol05:48
xtknightwheels3572: you can also just use synaptic.  or check Applications->System Tools in vmware's case to check if there are any shortcuts for vmware in that menu05:48
EnsignRedshirtimbecile: What have you done so far?05:48
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Jazonjrib oh oh.  so any web site for my kids that utilizes it is a no go then?05:49
xtknightimbecile: 'sudo apt-get update'   after you have added universe05:49
Cholitonikin: http://pastebin.cholito.org/pastebin.php?show=3805:49
variantJazon: under a virtual machine05:49
AscAggort: You're looking at what might be an impossibly steep learning curve if you want to try and get this working.  I'm not dead certain I'd be able to.05:49
variantJazon: try gnash, free flash player05:49
Jazonvariant: what do you mean (sorry)05:49
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xtknightAggort,Asc what are you guys trying to do? ;)05:49
AggortAsc: lovely05:49
wheels3572xtknight, ok it shows vmplayer05:49
variantJazon: nevermind the vm. gnash is best for you.. dunno what state its in though05:49
xtknightwheels3572: well did you do vmware-install?  after vmware-install you do ' sudo vmware-config.pl '05:50
AggortWhat about Asc?05:50
AggortAsc: lol copied and apasted wrong thing05:50
Ascxtknight: Trying to boot a drive that can't boot from its' own MBR05:50
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AggortAsc: What about GAG05:50
multimusenwell - it seems that noone knows what to do here ... if ubuntu cannot run on a an Athlon AMD64 dualcore with a MSI-V motherboard - then I have to use another distribution :(05:50
Aggortxtkinght: I can't get Grub to load I get error 1705:50
wheels3572I dont know.  I dont recall having that lol but I must have.  What I wanan do now is just remove it period anyway05:51
zebsci hate to ask if a lot of others already have, but are there problems with the apt respository going incredibly slow?05:51
imbecileEnsignRedshirt, xtknight  I am trying to add them in software properties and everytime i check the boxes and close the box they are unchecked05:51
xtknightAggort: tried wiping the first 512 bytes of your disk (and backing up all data of course)05:51
heapmei'm making a separate ext3 partition called 'backups' before i install linux. will the ubuntu installer auto detect it and let me tell it where to mount it (e.g., /home/backups) or do i have to mount it after linux is installed?05:51
xtknightAggort:  clears out mbr, might solve some issue05:51
nikinCholito: what if you clear your cashe to let the cdrecord file come frome the repo, not your HD?05:51
xtknightAggort: but it also wipes your partition table so you will lose data05:51
Aggortxtkinght: I installed from a completely blank ahrd drive05:52
multimuseneven live cd wont run on an Athlon AMD64 dualcore with a MSI-V motherboard05:52
xtknightAggort: first 440 bytes is the boot-loading part of it, so just wiping that and reinstalling grub may fix an error05:52
jribimbecile: you have duplicate entries, like the error says05:52
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EnsignRedshirtmultimusen: You could also try asking in ubuntuforums.org.  There is a section there for 64 bit.05:52
AggortI deleted all my partitiions and everything wiped it out and then installed Windows and after that Ubuntu05:52
xtknightAggort: this is on a PC right?05:52
imbecilejrib,  how do i fix that?05:52
multimusenEnsignRedshirt >> thanx05:52
AggortI have a weird error with Wodnows that doesn't allow me to boot unless the isntall CD is in.05:52
jribimbecile: remove the duplicate entries05:52
Aggortxtknight yes05:52
xtknightdeleting all your partitions does not wipe your boot sector05:52
AggortIt should have05:53
xtknightnever should ;)05:53
variantAggort: does ubuntu load and you are having trouble booting windows or what?05:53
Aggortgood god05:53
xtknightjust changes the partition table05:53
Cholitonikin: same, no luck =(05:53
xtknightthe first 440 bytes (boot code) are not touched05:53
multimusenEnsignRedshirt >> and I will go there... good idea05:53
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AggortNo Grub won;t laod so icanl;t axccess any of the OS's on my hard drive05:53
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xtknightAggort: so is there any data on the drive now besides OSes?  would you like to start clean?05:53
variantAggort: what is displayed as the last thing on your screen when booting?05:53
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Aggortxtkinght: I am not starting clean I already did that once and I don;t feel like going through another XP install today05:54
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Aggortvariant: http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3706/img2993sd3.jpg this05:54
jribimbecile: they may reside in /etc/apt/sources.list and/or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/05:54
lerosI'm installing java and the license agreement popped up, how do I select "OK"?05:54
xtknightAggort: i understand but it may be the only solution.  we can try just wiping your boot sector and leaving your partition table in place.05:54
jribleros: arrow keys and enter iirc05:55
variantAggort: I thought you got "error 17"05:55
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Aggortvariant: yes05:55
variantAggort: where does it say error 17 then?05:55
imbecilejrib,  should i just delete both files?05:55
imbecilejrib,  im not sure which ones to remove05:56
jribimbecile: maybe, depends on what is in them05:56
variantAggort: are you booting from a live cd? or did you let it boot from hd?05:56
Aggortxtknight: wouldn;t delteing my boot secotr ruin my NTFS partition?05:56
xtknightwould have to be a HD, livecd doesnt haev grub05:56
lerosjrib: i've arrowed down to the bottom, but enter does nothing05:56
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jribleros: space bar?05:56
Aggortvariant: I am on Ubuntu Live05:56
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xtknightAggort: not if you don't touch the partition table05:56
variantAggort: what i mean is, when you get "error 17" it's because you tried to boot the hard disk right?05:56
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Cholitonikin: look at this! http://pastebin.cholito.org/pastebin.php?show=3905:57
zebscare the apt repositories having speed problems today?05:57
Aggortxtknight: then i;d be willing to try it as long as It doenslt ruin anything05:57
Aggortvariant: yes05:57
nikinCholito : and you look at this...05:57
lerosjrib: i've tried that too. the escape key takes me out of it, but it pops up again05:57
variantAggort: it should be just a matter of reinstalling grub05:57
xtknightAggort: regardless, is there any data that you absolutely cannot have wiped from the ntfs partition?  Any stuff that you need to backup?  Or is it just Windows?  the operation isnt completely reliable.  but it's about as reliable as it can be05:57
jribleros: strange05:57
Sir_PenguinHi :) I was wondering if someone would be able to help with changing my runlevel so that I can install my drivers, it doens't like the X system being open and I'm not sure how to quit it, even when I'm in Runlevel 2 it still says X is open (I got there by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1)05:57
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Aggortxtknight: jsut windows05:57
jribSir_Penguin: what card?05:58
xtknightAggort: ok.  i know you dont want to install windows again.  99% chance says you wont have to reinstall it05:58
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lerosjrib: yah, i'm totally stuck on this stupid license agreement page05:58
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Sir_PenguinNVidia 7900GT05:58
Aggortvaraint: it;s odd, because I can;t boot from hard drive. My OPC has ahd the error for some time where it requires my Windows install CD to be in, but it doesn't boot to the CD isnteead it would boot windows as long as I didn't press ANY key05:58
xtknightAggort: want to start?05:58
jrib!nvidia | Sir_Penguin05:58
ubotuSir_Penguin: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:58
variantAggort: on the live cd run "grub-install hd0"05:58
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xtknightwe're going to wipe his boot sector first05:59
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xtknight(first 440 bytes excluding partition table)05:59
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variantxtknight: why? thats what installing grub to it will do05:59
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Aggortvariant: mkdir: cannot create directory `/boot/grub': Permission denied05:59
xtknightjust to be sure everything is out of there05:59
variantAggort: do it as root05:59
Aggortxt ok05:59
Aggortxt: star iover sorry05:59
xtknightAggort: i thought you already tried to reinstall grub?05:59
xtknightAggort: or have you not tried that?06:00
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variantxtknight: reinstalling grub will do that06:00
imbecilehow do i delete my /etc/apt/sources directory?06:00
Aggortxtknight: I think that is what ikonia made me  do06:00
jribimbecile: don't do that06:00
xtknightwell we'll try it06:00
variantimbecile: you dont have one06:00
Aggortgive me the code to type it in then06:00
nikinCholito: nice questionmarks :S06:00
xtknightjust reinstall gurb, if that doesnt work then we'll wipe the boot sector AND reinstall06:00
imbecilejrib,  what all do i remove then?06:00
xtknightfirst lets just try reinstalling grub06:00
jribimbecile: pastebin the files you found06:00
Aggortok walk me thorugh reisntalling grub06:01
variantAggort: mount your /boot partition first06:01
Sir_PenguinThanks, I'll give that a go :)06:01
Cholitonikin: I know06:01
xtknightAggort: sudo fdisk -l06:01
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variantAggort: how many disks do you have?06:01
Aggortvariant: Shouldnlt it be mounted?06:01
Aggortvaraint: 106:01
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variantAggort: if your in the live cd then it wont be.06:01
nikinCholito: did you get something out what i sent you... its kinda the same probllem... isnt it?06:01
Cholitonikin: yeah06:02
Aggortscrew paste bin06:02
AggortDisk /dev/hda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes06:02
Aggort255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders06:02
AggortUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:02
Aggort   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:02
Aggort/dev/hda1   *           1       12749   102406311    7  HPFS/NTFS06:02
Aggort/dev/hda2           12750       12902     1228972+  82  Linux swap / Solaris06:02
noqqahI am trying to burn of one DVD onto TWO DVD burners simultanesouly... anyone got a clue how to do this? K3B only lets me pick on OR the other one but not the two at the same time06:02
Aggort/dev/hda3           12903       19457    52653037+  83  Linux06:02
CholitoI just need you cdrecord.list =P06:02
variantAggort: for example: mkdir /mnt/boot/ && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/boot06:02
ubotuAggort: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)06:02
jribAggort: don't do that please, use pastebin...06:02
nikinCholito: are you running edgy?06:02
xtknightAggort: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows   && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows06:02
variantAggort: ok, in that case do "mkdir /mnt/boot/ && mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/boot"06:02
xtknightactually second command may need a sudo06:02
Cholitonikin: amatos at gmail06:03
Aggortwho am I lsitenign to lol06:03
variantxtknight: why do you want him to mount windows?06:03
xtknightvariant's right06:03
imbecilejrib,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/617/06:03
nikinCholito: ok.. where is that file?06:03
xtknightbecause i helped someone mount windows the other day and im always used to making him mount NTFS :)06:03
Aggortmkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/boot/': Permission denied06:03
variantAggort: ok, start with sudo su -06:03
Cholitonikin: /var/lib/dpkg/info/cdrecord.list06:03
variantAggort: then run what i mentioned06:03
jribimbecile: what am I looking at?06:04
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Aggortwhich one?06:04
xtknightAggort: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/linux     &&   sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/linux06:04
noqqahI am trying to burn of one DVD onto TWO DVD burners simultanesouly... anyone got a clue how to do this? K3B only lets me pick on OR the other one but not the two at the same time06:04
imbecilejrib,  my /etc/apt/ folder06:04
variantAggort: sudo su -06:04
jribimbecile: where is sources.list?06:04
Aggortvariant Ialready did that06:04
harrisonyjrib: /etc/apt/sources.list06:04
variantAggort: ok, then runt he mkdir command i asked you to06:04
imbecilejrib,  that was the first thing i deleted06:04
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jribimbecile: /why/?06:04
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variantAggort: dont do what xtknight said, as you will be mounting your windows partition06:05
xtknighti corrected myself and posted a working command though06:05
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imbecilejrib,  i asked you if i should delete it and you said yes06:05
noqqahI am trying to burn of one DVD onto TWO DVD burners simultanesouly... anyone got a clue how to do this? K3B only lets me pick on OR the other one but not the two at the same time06:05
xtknighti got it wrong again!06:05
jribimbecile: ok no matter, pastebin what is in /etc/apt/sources.list.d including the contents06:05
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nikinCholito: sent06:05
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imbecilejrib,  ok06:05
variantxtknight: no, you said mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/linux.. hda1 is his windows part06:05
Cholitonikin: deutschland?06:06
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AggortI did it06:06
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Aggortnothign came up06:06
Aggortjsut another line06:06
variantAggort: so, you should have /mnt/boot and have /dev/hda3 mounted there?06:06
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variantAggort: thats fine06:06
nikinCholito: Hungary06:06
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nikinCholito: spain?06:07
Aggortvaraint ok now what06:07
variantAggort: now do grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/boot hd006:07
Cholitonikin: Peru =P06:07
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imbecilejrib,     dapper-multiverse.list       dapper-universe.list dapper-multiverse.list.save  dapper-universe.list.save06:07
Cholitonikin: failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `libecore1-dbus': Invalid argument06:07
xtknightlooks fine..06:08
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jribimbecile: ok delete all of that and make yourself a new /etc/apt/sources.list at the !easysource site06:08
ootinyooQuestion: I downloaded 6.10 onto a dvd. Now what do I do? How do I open it? How do I get started?06:08
nikinCholito: where is the list file of that?06:08
jrib!easysource | imbecile06:08
ubotuimbecile: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:08
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variantAggort: cool06:08
Aggortootinyoo: umm put it in your drive and restart06:08
variantAggort: wait06:08
imbecilejrib, thanks ill give it a try06:08
variantAggort: please pastebin your /mnt/boot/boot/grub.conf file06:08
variantAggort: and let me see06:09
wheels3572xtknight, Can I shoot vmware-player now or later.  I removed it and all the files that go with it and rebooted X and it's STILL says it's in Linux.06:09
ootinyooOk thanks.  I did try that and got an error message.  Let me write it down and I will be back.06:09
riotkittiepop it in your drive, reboot... .06:09
riotkittiemake sure BIOS is set to boot from the DVD drive06:09
xtknightwheels3572: well what just happens if you run ' sudo vmware-config '   right now??06:09
Aggortvaraint how do I access that?06:09
wheels3572let me see06:09
Aggortsaid there was no such file06:09
riotkittieor hit the F key to enable a boot menu if one's shown06:09
xtknightwheels3572: it may need to be ' sudo vmware-config.pl '06:09
Jazonhmmmm cant seem to figure out how to install gnash.... any pointers for me variant?06:10
ootinyoook thanks. Let me try.06:10
variantAggort: try instead /mnt/boot/boot/menu.lst06:10
xtknightAggort: he means /mnt/boot/boot/grub/menu.lst06:10
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Cholitonikin: searching06:10
xtknighttwo boots actually since it was mounted at /mnt/boot and there's another boot subdir06:10
nikinCholito: oki06:10
Aggortpermission denied06:10
wheels3572xtknight, command not found06:10
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xtknightwheels3572: try the one with .pl?06:10
riotkittieooh. vmware. that brings me to my first stupid question.06:10
wheels3572let me check the 2nd option06:10
Cholitonikin: there is no list file for that package06:11
variantAggort: you need to use a viewer or editor06:11
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nikinCholito: let me see on my system06:11
variantAggort: for example: less /mnt/boot/boot/menu.lst06:11
wheels3572xtknight, command not found.  Cuz it never got to installing it06:11
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xtknightwheels3572: oh boy06:11
glynHi, how do I get a cam working on Ubuntu Linux and what programs can I use it with?06:11
xtknightwheels3572: type ls -al /etc/init.d/vm*       and post it on pastebin06:11
wheels3572xtknight, everytime I goto install it it tells me another version is there.  But if I do a apt-get remove vmware-player it says nothing is there06:12
wheels3572xtknight, ok standy06:12
xtknightwheels3572: you can purge vmware-player instead of shoot it.; )  type sudo dpkg --purge vmware-player06:12
Jazonglyn: hi.  amsn is easy to use webcam with.  start with that (it's like msn messenger)06:12
xtknightwheels3572: that just removes residual config files06:12
xtknightwheels3572: but also do the ls  -al thing06:12
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glynJazon:  can windows users use that?06:13
Aggorthttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/619/    Line 20 is where it starts the rest was previous06:13
Jazonglyn: yes.  plus you can talk to people uising msn's version06:13
glynoh cool06:13
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Jazonhi HossBud06:14
Cholitonikin: no luck reinstalling/removing the package06:14
variantAggort: looks fine, try rebooting now (remove the livecd)06:14
riotkittiei know the guest os can only used hardware thats recognized and functioning in ubuntu ... but is it possible to build upon that functionality? like... if i have a digicam that functions as a pc cam as well  but only works as a digital cam in ubuntu, could i install the driver in a VMed window and get that working?06:14
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wheels3572xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/621/06:14
riotkittielemme guess, a big fat resounding no :P06:14
HossBudI've got a problem and I'm not having a lot of luck understanding what I've read on the internet.06:14
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nikinCholito: i dont even find that package on apt.... i have all repos enabled06:14
glynJazon:  Where can I get amsn?06:14
Jazonriotkittie: try it and then tell us06:14
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xtknightriotkittie: depends.  does the virtual machine software support the usb 2.0?06:15
riotkittiewhats your problem, Hoss? i probably cant help it06:15
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HossBudI've installed a firewire hard drive06:15
xtknightriotkittie: assuming that's the interface for your cam06:15
Jazonglyn: from the internet.  ;-)  google amsn ubuntu06:15
HossBudand I used Gparted to create a new partition and file system on it06:15
variantriotkittie: haha06:15
xtknightwheels3572: did you do purge?06:15
riotkittieJazon > i'm tempted to. but.  i only have so much space on my ubuntu partition06:15
Cholitonikin: I think that's from e1706:15
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wheels3572I just did the command you said FIRST :)06:15
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xtknightwheels3572: do it ;p06:15
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no0ticdoes this audio card works with ubuntu? 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High06:16
no0ticDefinition Audio Controller (rev 02)06:16
Jazonriotkittie: set up a partition on an external... ?06:16
jontecHey, is there anyway that I can use the fact that my Lexmark printer is connected to a windows computer to my advantage? Any thoughts?06:16
HossBudbut when I try to save or read a file on it, it tells me I dont have permission06:16
riotkittieand im probably too stupid to get it going on my zenwalk partition =\06:16
variantno0tic: yes06:16
nikinCholito: hmm i dont have e1706:16
HossBudand when I get the info on it, it says it belongs to root06:16
riotkittiei dont have an external.06:16
Jazonwow, ubuntu totally made this old imac come alive :D06:16
=== riotkittie hugs her 12gb hard drive and weeps
no0ticvariant, on my friend's laptop it doesn't out of the box06:16
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Aggort2I still think the problem lies within the fact that this thing doesn't boot without a CD  in it06:16
Cholitonikin: I think I'll just reinstall and keep on with my life xD06:17
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variantno0tic: check the alsa card matrix for any issues06:17
HossBudso I dont understand how to take ownership of the drive06:17
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's the hello program from google06:17
Jazonriotkittie: heh - my iPod has 30Gb.... lol06:17
no0ticvariant, in the mixer there isn't a Master toggle06:17
xtknightAggort2: are you even telling it to boot off the HD?06:17
glynJazon:  Will this work with older versions of Ubuntu?06:17
wheels3572xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/622/06:17
no0ticvariant, what's the alsa card matrix?06:17
Aggort2xt:  Yes06:17
variantno0tic: i will show you06:17
riotkittiemy ipod is nonexistant :|06:17
Jazonglyn: depends on the camera, and how old ubuntu you mean06:17
Aggort2it jsut hangs there for a long time then goes to CD06:17
nikinCholito: yep.. maybe that would be the only solution... but one Q remains... why did that hapen?06:17
xtknightwheels3572: well we will have to destroy the rest of vmware, messy if you dont mind06:17
no0ticvariant, thanks06:17
Jazonglyn: but generaly, yes06:17
variantno0tic: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=All06:17
Aggort2but it doesn't boot the isntall it would boot windows before this grub mess06:17
Aggort2it's so strange06:18
harrisonyBalsamic_Chicken: hello as in the messenger?06:18
wheels3572xtknight, I want it GONE lol at ANY expense.  Got any C4 :D lol06:18
xtknightwheels3572: sudo rm -r /etc/vmware           sudo rm /etc/init.d/vmware*06:18
xtknightwheels3572: linux C4 ^^06:18
Cholitonikin: I have no idea06:18
variantAggort2: did you try rebooting?06:18
wheels3572xtknight,  ok standby06:18
CholitoI didn't installed anything weird :(06:18
HossBudit seems like it should be simple, but I cant figure it out06:18
riotkittiei am going to get a larger drive at some point. 12gb and no burner is bad enough with one os, and im "using" three06:18
Aggort2variant: It's doing it now I am on my laptop06:19
Balsamic_Chickenharrisony yes06:19
Cholitonikin: I was thinking about the 64bits ubuntu, but I think I'll pass on it =/06:19
variantAggort2: ok, tell me how it goes06:19
no0ticvariant, it's surely an Intel based card? or can it be any other compatible chipset?06:19
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nikinCholito: i think 32bit is better06:19
bigm555I'm looking for some assistance with a wireless KB and mouse06:19
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Aggort2Varaint: try one failed (that was without the Windows CD) grub (well nothing for that mattter) loads unless that dmaned CD is in there06:19
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Cholitonikin: I know =)06:20
variantAggort2: odd, did grub load up this time though?06:20
riotkittiewhat filesystem?  what's the line about the partition in your fstab say?06:20
Cholitolet's wait a little bit06:20
HossBudanyone?  :)06:20
Aggort2variant: with the CD in, it's at GRUB Loading, please wait ...06:20
nikinCholito: oki :D i think then i go to sleep its 6:20 am06:20
HossBudI might be doing this wrong06:20
Aggort2Error 17 once again06:20
maltyo, someone is try to make $$$ off of ubuntu OS, STOP THEM! -----> http://cgi.ebay.com/FORGET-WINDOWS-XP-THIS-IS-THE-ONLY-O-S-YOU-NEED_W0QQitemZ200062541009QQihZ010QQcategoryZ140070QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting06:20
variantAggort2: did you install ubuntu with default settings or did you do anything your self?06:20
Aggort2I am telling you, it's this issue with Windows not booting unless the CD is in there06:20
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baconbeaconHey all, how can I check the read/write stats on each of the hdds in the system?06:20
Aggort2variant default06:21
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Aggort2same with Windows06:21
glynJazon:  it's telling me   Package tcl8.5 is not configured yet.06:21
glynand I have dependency problems because of that06:21
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variantbaconbeacon: hdparm -Tt /dev/hda (or hdb hdc whatever)06:21
nikinsee you later :D06:21
bigm555can anyone assist with mouse and kb freezing?06:22
Aggort2Why on earth woudl I need that Windows CD in there evn for GruB  to load or Windows before GRUB06:22
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Aggort2anyway, any more ideas?06:22
variantAggort2: sorry man, i dunno what it could be.. error 17 means unsuported filesystem.. (but that can mean more than the obvious.. like something is installed wrong not just unsuported)06:22
glynJazon any idea?06:22
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riotkittieHossBud: have you taken a look at your fstab?06:22
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Gimsysi have a question please06:23
Aggort2I'm thinking about having a professional come and check it out06:23
Aggort2I am gonna give it two more days of trying06:23
Roman_MCould anybody help me with setting up mysql-server-5.0-30 on dapper please? Is there any way to add mysql-server-dfsg into /etc/apt/sources.list?06:23
Aggort2plus I work tomorro06:23
HossBudthe drive mounts and I can view the contents, but cant read or write06:23
HossBudit shows ownership as root06:23
glynguess it doesn't work with older versions of ubuntu06:23
lupine_85malt: oh noes!!06:23
riotkittieyes but whats the line in your fstab say about it?06:23
variantAggort2: i'm working now06:23
maltits legal they said06:24
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maltso nvm06:24
HossBudlet me check06:24
Gimsysi have a pentium 2 400 mhz with 192 ram and 4mb onboard video , will the graphical version of ubuntu run on it ?06:24
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Roman_Mglyn: so no way?06:24
wheels3572xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/624/06:24
glynIt's telling me I need a newer version of libc606:24
LetterRiphi is this vandalism? or intentional? - " Edgy06:24
baconbeaconGimsys it should06:24
LetterRipFire up the crackpipes! (?!)"06:24
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imbecilecan someone tell me how to make new sources list? i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/06:24
Aggort2I obviuosly need to figure out this Window CD thng06:24
glynin order to configure the tcl and tk06:24
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professorhey guys I have a question, trying to get a laptop to get wireless, it has a broadcom, and it is driving me crazy, I was reading that I might need to change kernels, is that a good thing or a bad thing. some one jhelp me out06:25
Gimsysthank a lot for your help baconbeacon06:25
Gimsysrespect !06:25
glynis there any way to get a new version of libc6 without upgrading?06:25
taliseinAggort2: So your problem is you can't boot Windows unless you use a windows boot cd?06:25
glynthe newer ubuntus don't run on my computer06:25
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Aggort2a Windows install CD06:25
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xtknightwheels3572: lol06:25
Aggort2http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3126/img2995fg9.jpg  this right here06:25
imbecilecan someone tell me how to make new sources list? i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/06:26
wheels3572xtknight, I tried  a few variations lol to no avai06:26
taliseinAggort2: does your /boot/grub/menu.lst entry for windows include "rootnoverify" at the end?06:26
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xtknightwheels3572: are you as sick of /etc/vmware as i am?06:26
Aggort2Ask variant06:26
xtknightwheels3572: sudo rm -rf /etc/vmware06:26
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wheels3572xtknight, im more then sick of it lol06:26
xtknightwheels3572: but make sure its /etc/vmware... rm -rf anything else   and you will regret it06:26
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HossBudriotkittie: it doesn't look like its listed in there06:26
Aggort2talisein this happens without anything Linux even being installed06:26
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Aggort2It doesn't even boot directly to the CD IT JSUT BOOTS WINDOWS AS NORMAL06:27
taliseinAggort2: oh, so there's no grub installed?06:27
Aggort2I have never seen anything like it06:27
xtknightwheels3572: and type this command separately:  sudo rm -rf /etc/init.d/vmware*06:27
wheels3572xtknight, done :) just /etc/vmware06:27
xtknightwheels3572: remember, dont do rm -rf on anything else06:27
Aggort2talisein right now there is, but evne when there wasn't it'd do this06:27
tritiumwheels3572: you didn't install the ubuntu package of vmware-player?06:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:27
xtknighttritium: we are wiping all remnants of vmware player/server from the repos and installing Workstation06:27
Aggort2now that grub is installed it won't start to load anything, including GRUB unless that CD is in there06:27
taliseinAggort2: what company did you buy this computer from?06:28
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tritiumxtknight: why didn't you --purge?06:28
wheels3572xtknight, no idea what I did honestly06:28
riotkittiewhat file system is it?06:28
professorHow do I get wireless to work on my laptop, its a broadcom, I have looked everywhere06:28
professorcant find the inf file anywhere06:28
xtknighttritium: did, but he tried to install workstation so it didnt remove some directories when it purged06:28
wheels3572xtknight, so far no error msgs lol06:28
xtknightwheels3572: thats fine06:28
xtknightwheels3572: it should not have returned anything to my knowledge06:28
wheels3572lets see if it installs now lol06:28
imbecilehow do i make new sources list? i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/06:28
xtknightwheels3572: wait06:28
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xtknightwheels3572: 'sudo updatedb'   did you do that?06:29
riotkittieewww. i hate recovery cds.  <cringe>06:29
taliseinAggort2: hrm. dunno. you might try to fiddle int eh bios to disable whatever system restore stuff they have06:29
tritiumxtknight: hmm, okay.  Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the --purge option ;)06:29
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Aggort2talisein tried that06:29
Aggort2no avail06:29
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HossBudriotkittie: the whole drive is ext3...according to Gparted06:29
wheels3572doing the sudo updatedb now06:29
xtknighttritium: yeah sometimes its fun just to rm -r everything you know06:29
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wheels3572xtknight, right it returned right back to cli prompt06:29
xtknightwell not `everything`06:29
xtknightwheels3572: ok.  now type 'locate vmware'06:30
tritiumdefinitely not everything06:30
xtknightwheels3572: if it returns anything, there's still varmints06:30
tony_I'm having some problems with beryl... when I start the Beryl manager, it says "Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: murrine"06:30
wheels3572xtknight, soons it gets done doing the update db i will lol06:30
tony_anybody else had that before?06:30
taliseinAggort2: ditch windows and reformat everything? ;)06:30
xtknighttony_: #beryl  may be of further help06:30
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Aggort2talisein: Did that sane thing happened06:30
xtknighttony_: but actually it's not finding a GTK theme engine...  .so file i think06:31
tony_ok how do I fix it?06:31
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Aggort2If it wasn't for gaming I;d ditch Windows altoether, even then grub wouldn't load to load ubuntu06:31
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riotkittieah. im completely clueless here. hold on. let me try to mount my other linux partition and see what happens06:31
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tony_go to #beryl or do you think you'd be able to direct me to the right sources?06:31
wheels3572xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/625/06:31
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glynanyone know a webcam program that works with an old Ubuntu?06:32
glynor how to get amsn working on Hoary?06:32
xtknightwheels3572: ok just one more file06:33
taliseinAggort2: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Hidden_Protected_Area06:33
xtknightwheels3572: sudo rm -r /home/wheels/.vmware06:33
imbecilei deleted my sources stuff and am trying to make new one i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/ any help on setting it up?06:33
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riotkittiesorry HossBud, your problem's outta my league06:34
glynno one knows?06:34
HossBudthanks for trying though06:34
RalthHello guys!  Kismet problem here.  I ran kismet, and it seemed to work fine, but now I can't connect to my wireless network.  Any ideas?06:34
wheels3572xtknight, ok back to cli06:35
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wheels3572xtknight, do update db then locate vmware?06:35
glynanyone know a webcam program that works with an old Ubuntu?06:35
variantwheels3572: updatedb && slocate vmware06:35
glynor how to get amsn working on Hoary?06:35
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paradizelostwhat is the command to run screen with a specific command to run?06:35
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variantparadizelost: "screen commandname"06:36
paradizelostas in i want to screen -# top and have it run top?06:36
donivhey guys....06:36
variantparadizelost: scren top06:36
donivwanted to ask if anyone has tried installing mac osx on a machine already running ubuntu06:36
donivdual booting06:36
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riotkittiehow about a chmod on the dir its mounted to06:37
wheels3572xtknight, ok I QUIT lol still shows a shit load out there look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/626/06:37
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HossBudok, I figured it out, if anyone is keeping track06:38
imbecilei deleted my sources stuff and am trying to make new one i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/ any help on setting it up?06:38
imbecilei deleted my sources stuff and am trying to make new one i have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/ any help on setting it up?06:38
riotkittiedo tell :P06:38
HossBudI had to do this in terminal "sudo chown -R <username>: /media/ieee1394disk06:39
HossBudthat was the default name that ubuntu gave the drive06:39
HossBudI just learned a new command06:39
riotkittieah. chown. i was kinda close. <gives herself a cookie>06:40
HossBudthanks for trying though06:40
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HossBudI'm so green with linux, its a little embarrasing06:40
riotkittiei know what you mean.06:41
jackassjust a quick question, which linux firewall is the most powerful? thanks06:41
HossBudthis is the first time I have tried this chat room, I'll have to hang out in here and see if I can help some other people on another night, good night to all06:41
HossBudand thanks again riotkittie06:41
riotkittienite, HossBud06:41
=== Feldegast [n=feldegas@cor11-ppp5668.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jackassits good morning for me...06:42
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imbecilehowdo i make the sources.list file I deleted it and i need help06:42
Feldegastdo you have a backup?06:43
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imbecileFeldegast,  the guy who was helping me before told me to delete the backups06:43
xtknightwheels3572: sorry, been afk for a sec06:44
xtknightwheels3572: those are fine06:44
Feldegastdoesn't sound like help to me06:44
xtknightwheels3572: you dont need to remove the rest and you shuoldn't.  try vmware install now06:44
riotkittienever delete backups. :P change the name or move to another folder if needed but dont delete them06:44
Feldegastwhat version of ubuntu are u using?06:45
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imbecileFeldegast,  dapper drake06:45
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imbecileFeldegast,  i made another one at source-o-matic i just need help making the file06:46
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wheels3572xtknight, how do i specify which directory to install binary files?06:46
xtknightwheels3572: vmware should ask you06:46
wheels3572it did but do I type it out?06:46
xtknightwheels3572: what do you mean?06:47
imbecileFeldegast, here ill give you the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/623/06:47
glynhow do I get Ubuntu to detect my camera on USB?06:47
Feldegastwheels3572 you can just press enter to accept their sugestion06:47
wheels3572Feldegast, ok ty06:47
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xtknightwheels3572: im watching a sitcom now ill have to help between commercials or Feld can ;)06:48
Feldegastimbecile so you have a copy and you just need to do what with it???06:48
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MTecknologyHow do I remove a session?06:48
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wheels3572xtknight, ok ty and greatly appreciated on the help :)06:48
MTecknologyonly the option at login06:48
imbecilemake the sources file06:49
wheels3572Feldegast, ty that worked too06:49
imbecileFeldegast, make the sources file06:49
glynhow do I get Ubuntu to detect my camera on USB?06:49
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bob_bcithey there06:49
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bob_bcitcan some one help me with 2 things. I would like to install Skype on my ubuntu box.06:50
Feldegastimbecile that file looks fine, just put it where you deleted the others from06:50
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Feldegastbob_bcit that06:50
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imbecileFeldegast,  how do i make the file though?06:51
ianm_did anyone recently update firefox only to have it crash on some pages now?06:51
Feldegastbob_bcit that's simple, download the large binary (the one with everything already compiled into it) as a tarball, extract it and run it should just work06:51
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Feldegastimbecile just use kate or your favorite text editor as root06:52
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imbecileFeldegast,  and name it souces.list?06:52
jackasshey guys.. what is the most powerful firewall available?06:53
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buckosomebody from here can help me ?06:53
n2diyjackass:  the one you can, and do, use.06:53
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buckohello, people i running linux ubuntu ( gnome ) and i want to change Username on the pc. how ?06:53
jackassn2diy: lol...06:53
buckopeople i want to change this bucko@bucko-desktop:~$06:53
Feldegastimbecile yes, in /etc/apt06:54
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n2diyjackass:  not a joke, it is the same answer for how to back up.06:54
glynhow do I get a usb cam working on Ubuntu?06:54
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Jazonbucko: do you have another account setup?06:54
shalosbucko try the users and groups in the system--administration06:54
buckoi dont have06:54
buckothen shalos06:55
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Jazonbucko: sudo adduser nameofuser06:55
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buckoJazon: i dont want to adduser !06:55
Jazonbucko: to switch su nameofuser06:55
buckoi want to change my username !06:55
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Feldegastglyn is it supported in linux?06:55
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glynFeldegast:  I don't know06:56
Jazonglyn: google06:56
bean7connect #SUSE06:56
SurfnKidhow can i search an entire website for a specific string 'word'06:56
glynFeldegast:  People have told me that they've gotten usb cams to work on linux06:56
SurfnKidcould I do that with wget/06:56
glynwhen I google it I just get 50,000 useless results06:56
Jazonglyn: seriously dude.  you can find this out yourself.06:56
Jazonwhat camera is it glyn06:56
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ianm_SurfnKid: yes...06:57
Feldegastglyn sucess depends on if the specific camera is supported or not06:57
CocoLePewLogitech Quick cams works fine06:57
glynintel something let me chec06:57
SurfnKidianm_, thanks just what i wanted to know06:57
FeldegastCocoLePew they do? kewl, i'll make a note to get one of them06:57
CocoLePewI use qcam soft06:57
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oavicenasomeone know what is the starterbar in beryl seen in several videos of youtube?06:57
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phatliphey guys, when using gaim - how can i get it to minimise to a taskbar, rather than closing when i press the 'x'?06:57
SurfnKidphatlip, there's an option to minimze when hitting close06:58
SurfnKidinside the preferences06:58
CocoLePewPress the - instaed06:58
MTecknologyHow do I remove a session from the login options?06:58
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bob_bcitFeldegas: I am having trouble installing this skype crap. can u help me again06:58
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CocoLePewSkype is supposed to work well if you compile the source06:59
CocoLePewBut it is still be crap lol06:59
bob_bciti am new06:59
Feldegastbob_bcit sure, which file did you download?06:59
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oavicenait is very similar to gdesklets but the icons move aroung the desktop and bump06:59
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bob_bcitthe ,deb06:59
glynI'm not sure what version of intel it is but I don't think it's supported for Linux06:59
Feldegastgrab the tarball06:59
bob_bcitthe tarball??07:00
Feldegasti'll get the link07:00
CocoLePew.tar or .bz or bz2 or gz07:00
n2diybob_bcit: can you find it in synaptic, that will handle any dependices.07:00
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bob_bcitn2diy: what would i look for in synaptec07:01
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nextse7enCan anyone help me, I'm fairly new to linux, I need to modify my xserver .conf file from the command line, can anyone recommend a good editor that isn't complicated to do the with? Or is there a way to restore my default .conf file?07:01
n2diybob_bcit: scyphe?07:01
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oavicenanano is quite easy07:01
n2diybob_bcit: or however it is spelled? :)07:01
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bob_bciti looked07:01
CocoLePewyour are on the console?07:01
oavicenaand you can see the commands when editing07:01
nextse7ennot now, I'm on the windows part.07:01
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oavicenaat the bottom07:02
nextse7enI'm looking for somthing as easy as edit in dos.07:02
oavicenanano is very easy07:02
nextse7envi just confuses the crap outta me.07:02
tritiumnextse7en: try nano, as oavicena suggests07:02
TGPOnextse7en, nano is even easier07:02
Feldegastnextse7en i use mc :)07:02
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n2diynextse7en: nano07:02
oavicenado not use vi07:02
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CocoLePewjoe is another editor, i prefer it than vi07:02
glynare there any programs that will just detect your USB cam?07:02
nextse7enGot it, I'll be back if I can get my xsever running.07:03
IntertricityI can't believe there's 878 users in one channel c_c07:03
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n2diynextse7en: nano will run from a terminal.07:03
nextse7enwish me luck07:03
nextse7enty all for the suggestion.07:03
Intertricitygood luck07:03
Feldegastglyn you need the driver for the cam, that requires kernel support iirc07:03
oavicenayou won't need it07:03
ernzHi all, I am having an issue with DVD::Rip, all of the sound from a movie I am backing up is a couple of seconds behind. I am using the latest version of DVD::Rip, can anyone shed some light on the problem please?07:03
strinhhow does one turn off gnome?  gnome doesn't like to work with the amount of video memory that this computer has.07:03
n2diynextse7en: gl07:03
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strinhturn off gnome for good... /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesn't do the trick.07:04
glyndoesn't look like I'll be able to get that, I don't have the install CD and don't know what camera it is07:04
glynon windows it would just detect it07:04
IntertricityI'm giving my ubuntu install a rest for the night, I"ve been fiddling with that infernal broadcom driver07:04
yakumocan i convert cd image isi into dvd image iso07:04
yakumocan i convert cd image iso into dvd image iso07:04
Feldegastglyn prolly cos windows has the driver, in windows you should be able to find out what the camera is and google for it07:05
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glynI've tried Fedora, WIndows, other ubuntu version, but nothing except Hoary will run on my computer07:05
lukillashi everybody07:05
glyndunno why some of the ram is fried07:06
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lukillassomebody speak spanish?07:06
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lukillasi am from argentina07:06
CocoLePewSorry only French07:06
CocoLePewWell some English too lol07:06
ernzyakumo: From what I am googling at the moment, it seems that k3b will handle that sort of conversion.07:06
lukillaswhere are u from coco?07:07
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lukillashola oavicena07:07
n2diy! es | lukillas07:07
ubotulukillas: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:07
CocoLePewMontreal Canada07:07
oavicenalikillas yo hablo espaol07:07
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lukillasok, igual algo de ingles manejo, jaja07:07
lukillasde donde eres oavicena?07:07
oavicenaBadajoz Espaa07:07
n2diy! es | lukillas07:07
ubotulukillas: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:07
oavicenaBAdajoz Spain07:07
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yakumo<ernz>but i have trouble running the k3b07:08
powercathow do I get the wizard that autodetects my partitions and configures them, just like at install time?07:08
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oavicenathat is a good question powercat07:08
ernzyakumo: In which case, can I suggest mounting the ISO with daemon tools, and then creating a new ISO as DVD?07:08
glynhmm how do I mount a cd rom drive?07:08
oavicenai'd want to know it too07:08
ernzyakumo: Just extract all the files to a new DIR07:09
yakumowhen i try to run k3b on my terminal: k3b: error while loading shared libraries: libkparts.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:09
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n2diy! mount07:09
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:09
ootinyoowhen I try to boot from the disk (DVD) that I downloaded 6.10 on...I get an error message: Media Test Failure...Check cable. Now what?07:09
n2diyootinyoo: replace the cable?07:10
CocoLePewyakumo, try to run k3b setup07:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:10
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tritiumootinyoo: did you check the md5sum of the image you downloaded to make sure it was good?07:10
yakumo<CocoLePew>hot to? :)07:11
ootinyooThere is no cable...this is a laptop. No I didn't check that.07:11
yakumo<CocoLePew>how to? :)07:11
lukillaspeople, is there any program like macromedia dreamweaver, to design webpages under linux? i'm using ubuntu 6.1007:11
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yakumo<ernz>how do i extract iso file??07:11
lukillasi downloaded bluefish but it is a html editor07:12
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n2diylukillas: mozilla composer?07:12
ernzyakumo: Is this a bootable disk you are trying to make?07:12
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lukillasn2diy: mozilla composer? thanks, i'll try07:12
ootinyootritium...I was hoping it would be ok.  :/07:12
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mvfeinsteinCan anyone here recommend some update servers faster then the default for 6.10?07:12
ernzyakumo: Hmmm, this could be tricky. Lemme read a little more into it and I'll get back to you in a sec.07:13
n2diy! servers07:13
ootinyoook I will check it.  What about booting from a flash drive?07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
Feldegastmvfeinstein a mirror in your area?07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
oavicenalukillas: you can try nvu07:13
glynokay, I was able to find the drivers and I installed it with wine for the pc camera, what do I do now?07:13
joserafaelyou can use dreamweaver under linux07:13
n2diy! repos07:13
lukillasand another question ... can i connect my motorola phone in data/fax mode, with p2k drivers unde ubuntu?07:13
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:13
Johnny_i got myself a little problem, hoping u guys could sort out07:13
yakumo<ernz>ok thnks07:13
Johnny_just got a 300gig hdd07:13
oavicenait has a site management tool as the one in dreamweaver07:13
joserafaelnvu sucks07:13
Johnny_have a master with windoze xp07:13
lukillasthanks oavicena, i'll try nvu too07:13
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lukillasi'm a beginner :)07:14
Johnny_installed ubuntu07:14
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oavicenawell, it's not bad07:14
mvfeinsteinFeldegast, I just want something faster when I do updates or install software my xfer rate is 10KB or less if I download something from the web I get about 400KB07:14
joserafaelyou can use dreamweaver with wine07:14
Johnny_then i get grub error 1807:14
n2diy! enter | Johnny_07:14
ubotuJohnny_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:14
oavicenadoes it work? dreamweaver with wine?07:14
joserafaelyou can look for on google07:15
Feldegastmvfeinstein in synaptic i have set it to use my local mirrors rather than the default main servers....07:15
n2diyJohnny_: google for grub 18.07:15
oavicenais it hard to set up?07:15
joserafaelnot really07:15
oavicenaeven for a new?07:15
glynI need help using a USB cam for Ubuntu07:15
glynI already installed the drivers07:15
glynwhat now?07:15
joserafaelyes, you can do it07:15
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Feldegastglyn what model is it?07:15
ernzyakumo: I may have a solution but it's gonna need a little work, I'll talk you through it if you are willing?07:16
glynintel easy pc camera07:16
Johnny_getting grub error 18 being too big hdd, been reading and apparently the quick fix without flashing my bios is to put the /boot partition at the beggining of the drive.07:16
Feldegastglyn i have no idea sorry07:16
lukillasdreamweaver with wine? thanks ... so, i've got two options, wine-dreamweaver and nvu07:16
lukillasthanks so much07:16
=== di||itante [n=MMH@pool-70-105-171-90.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
lukillasoavicena and joserafael07:16
varsendaggranyone play foobilliards and wanna play a network game?07:16
glynwhen I go to system and devices it sees it07:16
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ernzyakumo: OK, are you familiar with terminal commands?07:16
glynI just don't know how to actually use it07:16
Johnny_just need a little run through with manual partitioning with gparted if anyone can spare the time07:16
oavicenade nada07:16
FeldegastJohnny_ i always put /boot at the beginning07:16
varsendaggrlukillas, nvu is pretty good07:16
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yakumo<ernz>basic commands07:17
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mvfeinsteinFeldegast What do you mean by local mirrors? Does Ubuntu have something like apt-spy?07:17
varsendaggrcouple that with inkscape gimp and blender and you can do anything07:17
lukillasanyway i can use openoffice writer and save as html :D07:17
ernzyakumo: Cool, please go here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning >> and mount the ISO.07:17
varsendaggrlukillas, true07:17
protocol1is there a reason the installer halts when I try to load it?07:17
ernzyakumo: That page shows instructions. Only 3 lines, not too bad.07:17
protocol1is there a command I can use to bypass certain things to make it work?07:18
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ernzyakumo: Mounted alright?07:18
n2diyprotocol1: yes, and yes, follow the instructions at the boot prompt.07:18
Feldegastmvfeinstein in synaptic you can select if u want to use the main servers or a local mirror, look on the 1st tab in synaptic settings07:18
mvfeinsteinFeldegast wouldn't local mirrors be pulling data from a CD or DVD rather then the web?07:19
Johnny_with gparted, I simply need to put a small partition at the front and flag it with "boot"? what about the "main" install, where is that going to be? do I need to flag another partition?07:19
yakumo<ernz>thnks ill just get my iso file on anther computer and try to do this... :)07:19
seanjargh!! how do i connect to another Samba server running on Ubuntu Dapper?07:19
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protocol1n2diy, I select install ubuntu and then it tries to load then stops07:19
Feldegastmvfeinstein in synaptic repositories, 1st tab sorry07:20
protocol1is there a boot option I can use to make it work?07:20
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seanjthis is bs07:20
ernzyakumo: Not needing help any more?07:20
Feldegastmvfeinstein you set it to an alternate country to use a different set of servers07:20
n2diyprotocol1: and you have the option of using F2 or F3, escape, etc....07:20
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yakumo<ernz>ill go back if i have question thnks07:20
ernzyakumo: Fair enough, good luck with that.07:21
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z1hi everyone. could you recommend a cd-burning app for windows that i can use to burn an iso? (other than nero)07:21
xtknightz1: ImgBurn07:21
glickz1, nero?07:21
seanjfuck, nevermind..07:21
ernzSo, anyone use DVD::Rip? I am getting duffed audio on my rips, wassup!?07:21
seanjas usual DIY07:21
varsendaggrseanj, watchit07:21
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seanjwatch what?07:22
z1xtknight, is that free?07:22
xtknightz1: yup07:22
variantseanj: smb://ipaddress07:22
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n2diyseanj:  your cranky, is it time for bed?07:22
seanjvariant: thanks, I'll try that07:22
pwilsonholy crap, it worked07:22
z1xtknight, thanks much.07:22
seanjn2diy: the insults aren't helping thanks07:22
pwilsonnextseven herre.07:22
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CrankymonkyCranky is he eh?07:22
variantseanj: that works in konqueror.. dunno what your using07:22
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seanjn2diy: do you belong in a support channel, insulting people ?07:22
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seanjvariant: nautilus07:22
variantseanj: dunno07:23
variantseanj: try it07:23
Johnny_So when partitioning for an ubuntu install, you need to flag two partitions : one as root and one as boot am I correct?07:23
mvfeinsteinFeldegast It only has two options main and us.... Does ubuntu have mirror repos like debian?07:23
seanji'll try it07:23
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n2diyseanj:  it wasn't an insult, it was a question, sometimes it is best to sleep on things.07:23
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=== Music_Shuffle hides from the monky.
pwilsonAnyone want to help me with a crazy nvidia driver problem?07:23
seanj"Please select another viewer and try again"07:23
chris_im having one too07:23
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kouraneveryone's having that problem07:23
seanjok n2diy, I'll buy that07:23
variantJohnny_: one as / (root) one as swap and optionaly (but reccomended) one as /boot there are other options for more advanced setups too07:23
seanjthis is a 3 day running problem however :/07:23
seanjI'm sorry07:23
glickPOW! put that in your crack pipe and smoke it bitch!07:23
seanjyeah i got owned07:24
glickwrong channel07:24
chris_i just updated my kernel to 2.6.17-10 and i cant install the driver, something about not being able to build the module07:24
deepsahey i got something interesting here. i am having intel high defination audio on my laptop and it gets detected if i disable my internal modem otherwise it doesn't gets detected. and if it gets detected then too it doesn't work no sound comes out. i have the proper alsa module loaded by the kernel snd-hda-intel.07:24
n2diyseanj:  cool, we're trying for the best here.07:24
seanjokay :)07:24
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pwilsonDoes anyone know what gpu is actually inside a geforce go 615007:24
crimsundeepsa: -disabled-?07:24
protocol1n2diy, Im trying different boot parameters07:24
crimsundeepsa: is it a thinkpad/lenovo?07:24
kouranrefer to this forum thread for the nvidia problem http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318206&highlight=nvidia+driver+x+server07:25
deepsacrimsun: its lenovo07:25
glynanyone experienced with GnomeMeeting?07:25
glynI need to know how to tell it that I Have a cam07:25
n2diyprotocol1:  good luck.07:25
glicki used it once07:25
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crimsundeepsa: using the latest bios?07:25
glickgnome meeting07:25
deepsacrimsun: yeah the latest07:25
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glickits not fantastic07:25
crimsundeepsa: normally it's the other way around: you have to enable the modem to hear anything07:25
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variantglick: it's called ekiga now07:25
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deepsacrimsun: modem enabled sound works in gentoo but in ubuntu i don't know why07:25
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=== protocol1 tries an ubuntu 6.06 cd instead
glickyeah ekiga sucks now07:26
=== untung [n=untung@67-42-94-223.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsundeepsa: are you using alsa-driver 1.0.14rc1?07:26
chris_why doesnt my nvidia driver build the kernel module? it shows the progress bar up to 100% then says it cannot build it07:26
deepsacrimsun: no my alsa is built inside the kernel and if i try to build alsa-driver it give error at something called vmalloc07:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
riotkittieare you getting some kind of error message beyond that07:26
crimsundeepsa: then you need to use at least 2.6.20-rc307:26
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untungI am using ubuntu 6.1007:27
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J0HNhey all07:27
untunganybody using the 6.10 version?07:27
riotkittiehi untung07:27
deepsacrimsun: i got that and did make menuconfig it gave a whole lot of error  i was login via root to do that07:27
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untungChris: that's cool07:27
J0HNwhat's the terminal command to open up a program that will allow me to fix my screen resolution?07:27
pwilsonhow do I kill xserve so I can run the nvidia executible?07:27
crimsundeepsa: you don't need to be root to compile a kernel.07:27
CrankymonkyGuys, there is this guy I met online, goes by the alias Music_Shuffle.  I think I might love him and I know he loves me back.  What should I do?07:27
seanjok... all i need to know is how to get NFS working07:27
seanjI'd rather that than Samba anyway07:27
kouraninit 307:27
Music_ShuffleRofl! :P07:27
crimsunCrankymonky: you might just check yourself out of #ubuntu for starter.s07:27
glickim still using dapster drake07:27
deepsacrimsun: ok but then also it fails. on some headers missing07:27
untungi am trying to install monodevelop07:28
pwilsonkouran just type that into terminal/07:28
=== Johnny_ is now known as furthur
J0HNunder "System/Prefrences/Screen Resolution" it won't let me select my screen res.07:28
chris_untung: i cant get the nvidia driver to install on it :(07:28
pwilsonkouran just type that into terminal?07:28
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crimsundeepsa: is build-essential installed?07:28
n2diypwilson: restart, or kill so you can get to a command line?07:28
kouranyeah what did you want to know?07:28
untunghi,  i have problem in installing monodevelop in 6.1007:28
glickim really not to happy about the futures plans of ubuntu07:28
deepsacrimsun: how do i check it i mean what command?07:28
di||itanteseanj: tell me mmor anout nfs07:28
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glicktheir gonna make 3d desktop default in feisty?07:28
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untungChris: what happen?07:28
glickwtf is that all about07:28
kouranif you do init3 in terminal itll change to runlevel 3 which is command prompt07:28
riotkittieahhh internet love. this takes me back.07:28
furthurI am currently using Gparted, Ive got Create As : Primary Partition.... so this would serve as root?07:28
crimsundeepsa: you can use syntapic to see if it's installed, or dpkg -l build-essential|grep ^ii07:28
pwilsonno, I need to shut down X entirely, otherwise the nvidia executible won't run07:28
glicksome of us dont have fancy schmancy graphics cards07:28
crimsunkouran: no it won't07:28
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seanjdi||itante: NFS is the Network File System, allowing computers to share filesystems, which can be mounted to appear as a local filesystem (local disk drive)07:29
untungchris : can you check the driver?07:29
Crankymonkycrimsun, That'd be just a little joke.07:29
seanjmaybe ubotu knows...07:29
crimsunkouran: we don't play runlevel games; 2-5 are identical07:29
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:29
protocol1n2diy, it stops on loading drivers?07:29
glickisnt anyone else uncomfortable about that?07:29
crimsunglick: sure07:29
J0HNdoes anybody know?07:29
n2diypwilson: sudo init 107:29
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kouranyeah i just realised when i said that, my bad07:29
deepsacrimsun: No packages found matching build-essential07:29
protocol1Im using the 6.06 install CD07:29
crimsunglick: however, it's utterly offtopic for this channel.07:29
untungChris: I installed the ubuntu in vmware , it runs well07:29
di||itanteseanj: i know, tell me what you want to do, ill hel you07:29
crimsundeepsa: so install it07:29
glickso shouldnt we speak out that we think its crappy so they dont do it?07:29
variantpwilson: /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:29
chris_untung: it says it can't find the path to the kernel source, so i put it, which is /usr/src/________ and then it begins to build the module, after it gets to 100% it says cannot build kernel module07:29
Music_Shufflecrimsun, I know!  He just can't keep it to himself sometimes, forgive him.  Crankymonky is just affectionate like that. ;P07:29
lukillasok, i downloaded and installed nvu, it's seems like frontpage, easy to use .. thanks to all for the help ;)07:29
seanjahh okay di||itante ... I have a dir named /stuff on "wreck" and I want to export it so I can mount it with "rayne"07:30
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n2diyprotocol1:  which one?07:30
crimsunglick: this is not the proper forum for that.07:30
protocol16.06 install cd07:30
J0HNwhat's the terminal command so i can fix my screen resoultion and stuff?07:30
fami_Excuse me, but I have a stupid question. I'm trying to reinstall ndiswrapper and I'm following a guide. When I type make uninstall I get the following error: /bin/rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper': Is a directory07:30
riotkittie i think my gfx card has a whopping 8mb of ram07:30
furthursomeone here knows his way around gparted?07:30
=== emun [n=emmun@216-164-143-7.c3-0.upd-ubr3.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
protocol1the last thing its working on is Loading hardware drivers07:30
kouranthis has probably been asked a billion times, but has anyone solved the nvidia issue with xserver not starting?07:30
untung<christ> sorry, i am new too in Ubuntu07:30
variantriotkittie: mine has 51207:30
adubwhat is a good version of gcc to get07:30
protocol1then no action07:30
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n2diyprotocol1:  if you are replying to me, include my nick, so it is highlighted here.07:30
adubthat will compile most packages07:30
chris_untung: its okay :)07:30
variantadub: whatever comes with build-essential07:31
protocol1n2diy, ok07:31
glickmine has 3207:31
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furthurtrying to set a boot partition and a root partition and not sure howto proceed... ideas?07:31
riotkittie512.  my god between you and the guy who has 2.5x more storage on his ipod than i have on my laptop, i am rapidly becoming a sad, sad panda07:31
di||itanteseanj: on wreck, #apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server portmap07:31
variantriotkittie: hehe07:31
untungany body can help Chris?07:31
n2diyprotocol1:  which one, what is the last message you see?07:31
mvfeinsteinCan anyone tell me where I can find a list of local mirrors for the 6.10 repos.... I really need something faster then the main and us servers07:31
xtknightthey should just make geforce 6xxx+ and radeon X1300+ use the 3d by default, and the rest be 2d by default.07:31
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seanjdi||itante: okay, trying.. thanks :)07:31
adubvariant sounds like a plan im just getting back into linux after about a year absence and its insane how much the ubuntu community has grown07:31
protocol1Loading hardware drivers07:31
kouranthis has probably been asked a billion times, but has anyone solved the nvidia issue with xserver not starting? i've tried everything but xserver does not start.07:32
xtknightor everything 2d, and select a few device IDs to be 3d by default07:32
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chris_if anyone can help it would be great07:32
adubalso crazy all my hardware works on a fesh install on my laptop im blown away07:32
n2diyprotocol1:  if you are replying to me, include my nick, so it is highlighted here.07:32
deepsacrimsun: i installed build-essential but then also sudo make menuconfig fails heres what it shows http://pastebin.ca/30775907:32
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protocol1n2diy, Loading hardware drivers07:32
variantadub: yeah, it's nice07:32
glynstill looking for help installing a webcam on Hoary (it's the only thing that runs on my computer) gimme a chat if you can help07:32
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adubi can remember coming on to freenode and gentoo had like 300 more users than ubuntu channel now thats changed07:32
=== beck [n=beck@CPE-144-131-108-3.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyprotocol1:  Thank you! :) It doesn't say which one?07:32
newbiemeglyn, what webcam?07:32
fami_Excuse me, but I have a stupid question. I'm trying to reinstall ndiswrapper and I'm following a guide. When I type 'make uninstall' I get the following error: /bin/rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper': Is a directory07:33
crimsundeepsa: install libncurses5-dev07:33
di||itanteseanj: tell me when ur done07:33
n2diyprotocol1:  if you are replying to me, include my nick, so it is highlighted here.07:33
linux_denanyone here know about flash videos being out of sync. And Hopefully some fix07:33
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revanhi, I've just installed beryl on ubuntu 6.10 and when I try to load emerald with beryl i get this error:07:33
revan** (process:6477): WARNING **: get_setting_is_read_only not found in backend ini07:33
revanberyl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3207:33
revanberyl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3207:33
revanberyl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3207:33
J0HNplease help me somebody...07:33
deepsacrimsun: is there any lists of such packages i need to install in order to compile my own kernel ?07:33
untunghi, i installed monodevelop using sypnatic package but monodevelop doesnt show up in the application. can anyone help?07:33
=== dstaudt [n=dstaudt@adsl-70-240-50-34.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
beckOkay... I just opened BitTorrent and it asked me for a meta file, where can I get this meta file from?07:33
protocol1n2diy, nope...this issue happened after I replaced a wifi PCI card07:33
chris_John: whats the problem?07:33
crimsundeepsa: yes, and they're listed on the wiki; please search it.07:33
newbiemerevan did you check your xorg.conf07:33
riotkittiemy cam is the only thing keeping me from  entirely nuking my win partition now :\07:33
glynnewbieme: Intel Easy Cam07:33
newbiemerevan, and make sure it's set up for the right default depth07:33
fami_untung: can you start it from the command prompt?07:34
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deepsacrimsun: okay07:34
variantriotkittie: what kinda cam?07:34
revannewbieme I used the command sudo nvidia-xconf or something like that07:34
revani'll check it thanks07:34
n2diyprotocol1:  Was everything ok before you put in the nic card?07:34
MTecknologyIf I just comment out the lines in my sources.list file for XGL, will that stop me from getting updates to beryl svn w/o reverting back to beryl?07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metafile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
variantMTecknology: ye07:34
glynnewbieme:  Intel Easy PC Camera, to be exact07:34
riotkittieit's an  ancient fuji finepix07:34
beck!meta file07:34
J0HNok, i need to fix the drivers... er something. i want to change my screen resolution. i think it has something to do with xorg.conf. i know there's a terminal command that'll help... but i don't know the command07:34
n2diyprotocol1:  Was everything ok before you put in the wireless card?07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about meta file - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
protocol1n2diy, yeah....and I did test the wifi pci card in windows and it does work07:34
MTecknologyvariant, ty07:34
untungfami : how?07:34
seanjdi||itante: after rebooting the client system, SMB access works...07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about BitTorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
tritium!fishing > beck07:34
chris_John: i believe you have to edit your xorg.conf file07:35
seanjdi||itante: so I'll try NFS later.. thanks for your help :)07:35
fami_untung: try opening up the terminal and typing the name of the application07:35
protocol1n2diy, yes everything was ok before07:35
n2diyprotocol1:  What happens if you remove the card, and reboot?07:35
fami_untung: or, conversely use Alt<F2> and enter the name of the program into the run box07:35
J0HNyah, somebody before told me of a terminal command that opened a handy program that edited xorg.conf for me...07:35
beckAll I need to know is where to get the meta file for BitTorrent.07:35
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di||itanteseanj: ok07:35
chris_John: its in /etc/X1107:35
J0HNbesides, where's xorg.conf located anyway?07:35
adubwhere is a good apt search site to find repositories with certain applications07:35
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protocol1n2diy, its boots fine to the installer07:35
revandefault depth is 3207:35
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fami_untung: if that works, then adding the program to the applications menu via alacarte is easy07:36
tritiumadub: you'll want to use official ubuntu repositories07:36
riotkittiei found a driver on source fource but it either lacked the functionality i sought, or i was too stupid to get it together. i forget. maybe it was both.07:36
chris_John: it will have a bunch of resolutions, you just have to add in the one you want07:36
untungfami: i entered monodevelop but it does not work07:36
riotkittienot that it really matters :P07:36
n2diyprotocol1:  You aren't installed yet?07:36
revannewbieme: the default depth is 3207:36
adubok tritium i need an emule client07:36
=== beck mumbles and mutters.
protocol1n2diy, no07:36
glynany luck newbieme?07:36
J0HNi'm lookin at the file right now...07:36
protocol1n2diy, thats what I am working on07:37
chris_John: okay07:37
n2diyprotocol1:  Install first, and deal with the wireless card later.07:37
adubtritium do i need to edit sources.list to put stuff in there07:37
chris_its near the bottom07:37
protocol1n2diy, ok07:37
untungfami: it only has  monodoc in the application07:37
protocol1I will give that a shot07:37
newbiemerevan, do you have this in your screen section:07:37
fami_untung: you'll have to find the monodevelop binary and see what command is necessary to run it07:37
n2diyprotocol1:  good luck.07:37
protocol1n2diy, I will give that a shot07:37
newbiemeglyn: i'm checking to see what drivers are out there07:37
tritiumadub: have you tried amule?07:37
newbieme# Enable 32-bit ARGB GLX Visuals     Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"  # If you are using an older version of compiz that # does not support rendering into the Composite # Overlay Window, you will need to disable clipping # of GLX rendering to the X Root window with this # option, or you will get a blank screen after # starting compiz:     Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"07:37
Shadow_milWell... SLEEPY LAND CALLS ME, gnight all07:37
fami_Excuse me, but I have a stupid question. I'm trying to reinstall ndiswrapper and I'm following a guide. When I type 'make uninstall' I get the following error: /bin/rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper': Is a directory07:37
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chris_John: it goes from highest resolution to lowest, left to right07:38
glynah alright thanks07:38
revannewbieme: yes07:38
adubtritum i have search for amule i have used in the past but in the repositories that are default it does not show up07:38
revanoh, sorry newbieme. typo, default depth is 2407:38
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adubcan you dcc me a good sources.list or something that will have a good repository list07:38
chris_John: just add in your resolution to the beginning of that for each display07:38
riotkittieremove it with rmdir or rm ?07:38
adubthat is kinda key in getting good apps07:38
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ubotuamule: client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1 (edgy), package size 1239 kB, installed size 3368 kB07:38
fami_untung: unfortunately, I'm not familiar with monodevelop, so I can't address any issues other than how to add stuff to the applications menu :(07:38
SlickxTell me07:38
adub:)  thanks for answering questions fo rme07:38
untungfami: i have no idea about that. why it doesn't show up after i installed it from sypnatic07:38
SlickxWho decides on the name of the releases?07:39
tritiumadub: amule is in the universe repository07:39
J0HNi searched the xorg.conf document07:39
=== Shadow_mil test
fami_untung: sometimes programs installed via synaptic don't show up in the applications menu. They have to be added manually07:39
Slickxwho ever named ubuntu is retarded07:39
J0HNi found a few spots where it listed a bunch of screen resolutions07:39
riotkittiethe ubuntu release name fairy does of course07:39
adubtritium how did you find that out i just ran the same command didnt do anything for me07:39
n2diySlickx: God?07:39
tritiumSlickx: take it easy, please07:39
chris_John: its at the very bottom07:39
J0HNbut i don't see where i'm supposed to set the resolution i want07:39
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Music_ShuffleWhat's the command to view access lists for a channel?07:39
oavicenadoes anybody know about wine?07:39
riotkittieeh. i dont see why people are so hung up on the names.07:39
Music_Shuffleon XChat?07:39
SlickxPeople don't want to choose a distro because they feel guilty for the AIDS infected people of Manubuatau in African07:39
untungfami: you means it may be already installed ?07:39
Music_ShuffleOr just in general realy.07:39
chris_John: itll say 800*600 640*480 etc07:40
Music_ShuffleSlickx, then...don't choose it because of that? lol.07:40
untungfami: how can i find it? any windows explorer in ubuntu?07:40
jumbersSlickx: If you don't like it then uninstall it or if you haven't installed it, then just don't.07:40
tritiumadub: from ubotu, but I also apt-cache searched for it, since I have all the repos in my sources.list file07:40
fami_untung: maybe. do a search for it or check the various */bin folders07:40
chris_John: at the res you want before the 800*60007:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
newbiemerevan, how about changing your default depth?07:40
newbiemeunless you have a reason for using 3207:40
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SlickxEggy Elephant07:40
tritiumSlickx: warning07:40
SlickxFor Eggy Elephant07:40
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chris_John: add the res you want before the 800*60007:41
revannewbieme: sorrytypo. default depth is 2407:41
tritiumSlickx: no, for your comment about Africa07:41
oavicenai am trying to run winecfg, but i cannot get into the program files directory in add-application tab07:41
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jumbersSlickx: There's really no reason to come in here and troll the IRC and waste space. It's crowded enough in here without your mindless banter07:41
fami_untung: but once you have the command necessary to launch the binary, you simply need to open alacarte and tell it what the command is that runs the application, where you want to put the link for it, and what icon you want to use :D07:41
denis_anyone know how to fix flash video being out of sync youtube etc..07:41
oavicenai am using ubuntu 6.1007:41
fami_Excuse me, but I have a stupid question. I'm trying to reinstall ndiswrapper and I'm following a guide. When I type 'make uninstall' I get the following error: /bin/rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper': Is a directory07:41
tritiumSlickx: we have a Code of Conduct.  Try showing some respect.07:41
SlickxIRC is full of mindless banter07:41
J0HNthe problem is: i see many resolutions. 800x600 is found essentially in the middle of this list of resolutions. this occurs a few times in the document07:41
Slickxsurely 99% of text on IRC is mindless banter07:41
riotkittieindeed it is. dont add to it.07:41
emunhas anybody had this problem, the parallel port does not show up in device manager , but shows up when i run run ubuntu llive cd.07:41
SlickxHow is it a waste of space?07:42
adubtritium why is my vim spazing out07:42
jumbersSlickx: Not in here it isn't.07:42
fami_At least nobody is executing gay.pl in this IRC channel07:42
blankySlickx: then you're part of it, apparently07:42
Slickxare you running 640*480 or something07:42
variantSlickx: only when people like you turn up07:42
blankySlickx: in fact, you're the missing 1%07:42
chris_John: where you want to add your res should be at the very bottom, under a certain number of Displays07:42
newbiemerevan, that might be the problem!  it shouldn't be looking for 32, then, if your default depth is 2407:42
riotkittievim is spazzing out because it is the root of all evil07:42
oavicenanobody knows about wine?07:42
jumbersSlickx: There are 882 people in this channel. It's almost impossible to follow the chat as it is07:42
J0HNi'm running 800x600 and need to change it07:42
Winter-1Music_Shuffle helps me :(07:42
n30n!resolution | J0HN07:42
ubotuJ0HN: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:42
oavicenai need that little help07:42
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revannewbieme: So, what can I do to let it know I'm running 24bit depth?07:43
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Music_ShuffleWinter-1: ?07:43
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glynI know Wine won't run Yahoo07:43
Winter-1Music_Shuffle when is my ban up?07:43
Music_ShuffleI dunno, ask in -ops?07:43
fami_When I type 'make uninstall' I get the following error: /bin/rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper': Is a directory. How can I get the operation to go through? Is there a way to manually complete that operation? Is it necessary for the install?07:43
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J0HNthank you!07:44
dstaudtrevan: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?' this is a 'wizard' that lets you pick x server config options, including color depth07:44
oavicenawhen i run winecfg, in the applications tab, when i click add i see the program files diretory but when i get in i don't see the folders in it07:44
protocol1n2diy, after installing it the OS...whats the next step after slapping the card back in?07:44
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n2diySee ya slickx07:44
tritiumWinter-1: from which channel?07:44
J0HNi think i just found the command i was asking for earlier, i think it's "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:44
J0HNlet me give it a try. brb as i do so07:44
Winter-1tritium ubuntu-offtopic07:44
n2diyprotocol1:  is the box up?07:44
newbiemerevan, lemme check out some files and see if i can figure it out07:44
crimsuntritium: he's muzzled for posting urls to inappropriate images.07:44
Winter-1tritium cuz i posted a link of a girl with a bra on cuz they were talking about some slut girl07:45
revanok, thank you newbieme :)07:45
dstaudtfami : the script is failing when it tries to delete that directory.  I guess you could try manually deleting it yourself07:45
tritiumWinter-1: well, that's no good07:45
protocol1n2diy, yeah pulled the wifi PCI card out and installing the OS now07:45
fami_dstaudt: thank you!07:45
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Winter-1crimsun how long is it for?07:45
n2diyprotocol1:  ok, can you get online without the wifi card?07:45
tritiumadub: couldn't tell you, sorry07:45
crimsunWinter-1: until you stop asking.07:45
riotkittiegahhhh. i wish the other half would let me install a distro on the desktop :\07:46
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protocol1n2diy, yeah with my other wifi card I can07:46
protocol1n2diy, im sure07:46
glynany luck newbieme?07:46
dstaudtriotkittie: i am running an IBM T43 laptop booting off a USB hard drive :)  my internal HD is windows07:46
n2diyprotocol1:  ok, but no wired connections?07:46
dstaudtUSB hard drive with Ubuntu on it of course07:47
protocol1n2diy, not at the moment...07:47
newbiemeglyn, hold on--i tried helping two people at once, sorry!07:47
Avatar[1] Hey all. I'm having trouble with the Ubuntu LiveCD v6.1 can't get it to start on my computer. It gives me wierd graphical errors.07:47
fami_dstaudt : worked like a charm. I appreciate the help07:47
newbiemerevan, can you e-mail me your xorg.conf contents?07:47
riotkittieah. i need to get an external. or at least a larger internal.07:47
n2diyprotocol1:  ok, try connectiong with he card you think works.07:47
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adubyeah im not liking vim for some reason its quirky i dunno whats up with it but ill try nano and see if i can get by or emacs07:47
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protocol1n2diy, then?07:48
fami_dstaudt : I thought that might work, but I'm wary when it comes to deleting stuff that I didn't personally make.07:48
Avatar[1] I'm running an Intel dualcore 2.8, with 2gb ram and a Gforce 680007:48
dstaudtriotkittie: i also ran ubuntu in vmware for a long time on my windows drive, you can run it full screen07:48
riotkittienano's insanoly easy, adub07:48
untunghi: anybody using monodevelop here?07:48
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dstaudtbut of course somewhat slower and no graphic accel07:48
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riotkittieinsanely, too.07:49
n2diyprotocol1:  tell me if it worked or not.07:49
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linux_denhelp with ubuntu flash video out of sync anyone07:49
dstaudtlinux_den: have you tried the flash 9 linux beta?07:49
andrew_anybody familiar with Kiba Dock here?07:49
dstaudtaudio sync is a known issue with the flash 7 plugin, i believe07:50
=== ice63 [n=gary@c-68-42-183-22.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemelinux_den, are you using the FLASH from the repos or the beta?07:50
nymphetamineAfter i installed flash 9 i didnt have any problems..07:50
linux_denrepos I think07:50
=== maple1 [n=sdfsdfs@d36-155-33.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
gop! kiba > andrew_07:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:50
crimsunflash 9 is in the repos, too.07:50
Avatar[1] I'm having trouble booting the Ubuntu 6.1 live CD. Can anybody give me a hand?07:50
dstaudtbring up a page with a flash on it, and right click it to see the version07:50
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , whats not working?07:50
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untunghi: what is the web server for ubuntu 6.1?07:50
newbiemelinux_den, download the flash 9 beta from here:07:50
protocol1n2diy, I do have a cd with drivers for both windows and linux...should I try those out too?07:51
linux_denwill try using 907:51
Avatar[1] It gives me wierd graphics errors when I try to run.07:51
Avatar[1] Like vertical colored lines07:51
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , laptop?07:51
Avatar[1] Desktop.07:51
n2diyprotocol1:  no, tell me if it worked or not.07:51
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , have you tried some boot options?07:51
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linux_dendownloading now07:51
Avatar[1] Intel dualcore 2.8, 2gb ram, geforce 680007:51
dstaudtavatar: try the 'alternate' CD, obviously not a 'try before you buy' live cd, but it often lets you install where the livecd fails07:51
Avatar[1] No i haven't. Not sure what I should try.07:52
gopis thier a tool in ubuntu to download you tube videos07:52
adubhow can i check my network card setting i want to see if monitor_mode is set07:52
=== wallacej [n=anon_cla@pool-71-111-89-101.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Avatar[1] I'm not trying to install i just want to see the operating system before I commit to it.07:52
adubiwpriv ?? maybe would that check my stuff running on wrieless card07:52
foxinesssorry can i do upgrade from LXF DVD ? for this month ?07:52
riotkittieuse one of the firefox extensions, gop07:52
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , yup07:52
protocol1n2diy, I know which wireless card works but I dont want to use that one07:52
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , if you hit the f2 f3 etc keys on the first screen07:52
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , it should give you boot options07:52
newbiemelinux_den, when it downloads, just unzip it and the directions are in a README file in the folder07:53
dstaudtgop: this website lets you download youtube videos: http://www.techcrunch.com/get-youtube-movie/, and there is a firefox plugin to do so also07:53
n2diyprotocol1:  I know that, but we need to see how it is working!?07:53
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , and a little description about what they do07:53
protocol1n2diy, I will see if the ubuntu system detects the one I want to work after I install it07:53
Avatar[1] Oh right. Well I tried some of the different resolutions. A few times it made it to the OS, but everything was distorted, like when you choose a resolution your monitor can't handle.07:53
=== protocol1 installs ubuntu first
newbiemeglyn, does your device manager see your cam?07:54
Avatar[1] i tried safe graphics mode but it didn't help.07:54
NickGarveyAvatar[1] , I think there is a safe graphics option and such, not sure though, its been a while sens I have booted the live cd07:54
adubwhat is the latest version of crossover office07:54
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NickGarveyadub, in the repos or the actual lastest version?07:55
Avatar[1] Yeah I just tried the safe graphics mode. No dice.07:55
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NickGarveyadub, 2.1.0 is the actual, not sure whats in the repos07:55
NickGarvey!info openoffice07:55
adubwell i guess the latest stable nickgarvey i dont care if i have to buy i just need something to run office 200307:55
ubotuPackage openoffice does not exist in any distro I know07:56
NickGarveyadub, it should be installed already.07:56
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NickGarveyadub, http://download.openoffice.org/2.1.0/index.html?focus=download07:56
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n2diy_I'm back, my ISP cut me off.07:56
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NickGarveyAvatar[1] , aoeu07:56
fami_Okay, I just reinstalled ndiswrapper and dmesg returns "[17266170.824000]  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready" What's wrong now?07:57
adubno office 200307:57
dstaudtadub: it is possible to run MS Office using the Crossover Office compatibility product (which costs some $)07:57
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NickGarveyadub, oh! I didn't see crossover, I read open07:57
NickGarveysorry about that07:58
J0HNok, i'm back after running that terminal program.07:58
dstaudtI don't believe Outlook works, however07:58
J0HNit was the command i was thinking of07:58
J0HNnow i gotta do ctrl+alt+backspace to apply the changes, right?07:58
dstaudtJohn : yes07:58
nymphetamineUm, strange question, Is there a bug that wont let you Empty your trash bin?07:59
newbiemeanyone know how to get thumbnails in kde?07:59
vect0rx!info eclipse07:59
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 121 kB, installed size 412 kB07:59
J0HNthe last time i did that, the monitor said it was out of range (referring to the resolution). and as i'm currently running ubuntu as a live cd, all i could do was restart and didn't get to write down that command to begin with. lol... wish me luck07:59
newbiemeyeah, like in the file browser...previews of files08:00
newbiemei know totem handles it in gnome, but i don't know much about kde08:00
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glynany luck newbieme?08:00
nymphetamineyeah...should be able to go to view in your browser08:00
riotkittiehave you checked the options/preferences whatever in konqueror?08:00
glynHow do I boot from a Windows Boot CD when I already have Linux Ubuntu installed?08:00
newbiemewell i don't have the cam, so i can't tell you if i have it figured out, but does your cam show up in your device manager?08:01
newbiemei checked the options like that in KDE08:01
glynyeah it does newbieme08:01
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newbiemetold kcontrol to show previews for everything, etc, but no thumbnails.  ever.08:01
dstaudtgly: you may need to enter your BIOS setup and set it to put the CDROM in 1st boot priority08:01
newbiemeglyn, how what does it say is the location of the device08:01
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riotkittiechange your bios options08:01
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glynlet me check08:01
glynwhere would the location be listed?08:02
dstaudtnote, if you want to dual boot windows/linux, you have to always install windows first08:02
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riotkittiewhat location?08:02
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riotkittieboot options?08:02
newbiemeglyn, open up the gnome device manager08:02
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dstaudtwhen you reboot the PC, look for a very quick text message similar to 'Press F2 for Setup'08:02
glynno, we're talking about the camera08:02
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newbiemein your administration menu08:02
riotkittieoh ;p08:02
newbiemethen find the camera in the list08:02
glynI'm going to try the bios thing if I can't get the cam workin08:02
glynI'm under the camera08:03
newbiemelook in the advanced tab08:03
n2diy_riotkittie: who are you talking to?08:03
riotkittienobody in particularrr08:03
fami_According to the list of wifi cards that work with ndiswrapper, mine should operate fine. However, despite having recompiled ndiswrapper from source and installing the drivers, my wlan0 isn't showing up in ifconfig or iwconfig output...08:03
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glynunder info.bus?08:03
linux_dentried v9 flash plugin but still out of sync. Will A reboot help08:03
glynor path_device?08:03
HanselDoes anybody know the name of that game that is kind of like Lunar Lander but you have to avoid missiles and bullets while trying to land on the pads?  You also have to pick up boxes and move them and stuff like that...08:03
dstaudtlinux_den: have you confirmed flash9 is loading, by right clicking a flash and checking the version listed?08:04
n2diy_riotkittie: maybe that is why you arent't getting answers, if you want someone to respond to you, include there nick in your message.08:04
fami_If I were to direct someone to a forum post with the output of 'tail /var/log/messages would someone help me finally get this damned thing working?08:04
cens0redcan I make a request to the people who run the universe repository?08:04
Hansellinux_den - I just updated my aliases file and then grabbed a different flash file and voila...08:04
riotkittien2diy, i am getting answers but thanks for the concern.08:04
Hanselfami_ what is going wrong?08:04
HanselI can try to help...08:04
glynit's /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f:2/usb1/1-108:05
linux_deni installed in the user directory not global. what do you mean update aliases08:05
fami_Hansel wlan0 simply doesn't show up in the output of ifconfig or iwconfig08:05
n2diy_riotkittie: good luck.08:05
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newbiemeso that's good08:05
Hanselerr... sources.list  not aliases  :)08:05
HanselI am in work mode  hehe08:05
dstaudtfami_ what how-to or steps did you follow?08:05
newbiemeat least ubuntu is reading it right08:05
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fami_dstaudt : the last post in this thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19061408:06
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newbiemeyou're using edgy, glyn?08:06
fami_Different version of ndiswrapper, but all other steps were the same dstaudt08:07
glynnah hoary is the only thing that works on my computer08:07
dstaudtdoes 'ndiswrapper' appear when you do 'sudo lsmod' ?08:07
fami_dstaudt yes08:07
cens0redman, I'm about give up on audio linux and install a windows 98 partition so atleast I can do some f#$%ing recording.08:07
=== glyn [n=glyn@pool-71-118-24-205.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
glyndisconnected somehow08:07
glynhoary is all the works on my comp08:07
fami_dstaudt >_< wlan0 just appeared in ifconfig08:07
glynI just arn a memtest and it somehow passed where before it failed though08:08
Hanselmaybe I'm just lucky but my entire system works like a champ... :x08:08
riotkittieis there a way to enable mouse emulation (mouse keys with the number pad) in gnome? read a post on forums that suggested shift + ctrl + number lock but that really didnt work08:08
glynwhere can I find a version of Edgy?08:08
dstaudtfami_ : doh!08:08
cens0redsorry about that.08:08
newbiemejust off the ubuntu website?08:08
newbiemethe reason it's not working is because you need the driver that's included in dapper and later08:08
newbiemethe spca5xx works with your cam08:08
newbiemeyou can try to install it on hoary...i imagine there's a package for it somewhere08:09
adubwhat is another good GUI irc client im not likeing x-chat08:09
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glynyeah there probably is but no one seems to remember anything lol08:09
Feldegastglyn or do a dist-upgrade if u have an older version08:09
adubi use to like it but the layout is awkward in newer versions08:09
glynI can do a dist-upgrade without a CD from Hoary?08:09
dstaudtadub: i usually run mIRC under wine :)08:09
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Feldegastadub i use konversation08:09
fami_dstaudt Okay, I've been this far before. Now, as soon as I disable eth0 and eth1, my internet will drop completely. I have the correct Hex key and the proper ESSID already entered.08:09
=== quasar8888 [n=quasar88@pool-151-205-180-70.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieadub: awkward how?  i seem to recall it looking just like this when i first used it years ago08:10
Feldegastglyn it's not part of the cd....it's part of apt08:10
fami_dstaudt : right now I'm connected to the internets through a much weaker wireless card coming from a laptop wired to my Desktop. I'd rejoin the chat from the laptop but it's my brothers and I believe that it's currently password protected.08:10
glynOh, so I can upgrade to Egdy somehow from Hoary?  How?08:10
glynthis is vital information08:10
newbiemesudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:10
quasar8888what is Edgy ?08:11
dstaudtglyn: goood luck though.  if you want to save your sanity, I would recommend a fresh install of edgy08:11
n2diy_! enter | glyn08:11
ubotuglyn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:11
newbiemeEdgy is the newest ubuntu release08:11
riotkittieedgy = ubuntu 6.1008:11
glynlol it doesn't work08:11
dstaudtthere was a lot of failed migration just from dapper to edgy08:11
glynunmet dependencies08:11
newbiemego figure08:11
newbiemecan you burn cd's at all, glyn?08:11
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toulousehey guys, any1 no a program to allow me to use a joystick as a second mouse?08:11
toulouseno programs for that?08:12
newbiemewell you could order free Dapper cd's from shipit, or there are ways to download the .iso and then mount it and install from your harddrive08:12
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dstaudtit's linux, i'm sure it exists...somewhere.  the joy is in the hunt08:12
newbiemebut that's probably more work than you'd be comfortable with08:12
cens0redmaybe I'll try audio linux again when ubuntustudio comes out.08:12
newbiemeso my suggestion is to find someone who can burn that cd for you08:13
quasar8888how do I determine my ubuntu version ?08:13
newbiemeedgy is leaps and bounds better than hoary...you'll love it08:13
glynThanks for the help I'll see what I can figure out08:13
dstaudthoary is ancient :)08:13
newbiemequasar--try going to system >  about ubuntu08:13
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiedoes the alternate install cd give you the option of not installing grub?08:14
tommasonwhen I try to edit my httpd.conf I get an error that I do not have the proper permissions. How would I fix that so that my user has access to the /var/www directory?08:14
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fami_tommason : chown should do it08:15
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dstaudtriotkittie: no, not by default at least08:15
fami_tommason : I'm not sure what the precise command is, though. Check the man pages.08:15
Feldegasttommason add your user to the group that has permission?08:15
Charlie-Brownhi, have a couple questions?08:15
dstaudtriotkittie: what are you trying to accomplish?08:16
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newbiemecharlie-brown, go ahead08:17
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newbiemewe've probably got 100 answers, 1 of which might work08:17
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lupine_85tommason: you want to add your user to the www-data group08:18
adubcan someone help with a kismet.conf configuration i have an atheros card i have setup the suiduser but i need to setup the source=08:18
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riotkittiedstaudt: nothing, really. i am thinking about moving partitions around and adding edgy to the mix08:18
lupine_85don't chown /var/www to your user if you can help it08:18
jasinRadar is better then Kismet08:19
LetterRipis there anyone who might be willing to upgrade blender to be able to handle arabic translations? ie someone who is a expert on that type of code?08:19
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riotkittiei added a new distro last week and it took me nine hours to manage to get back into dapper. heh. <hangs head in  shame>08:19
Charlie-Brownyeah, I've been having issues getting internet to work on my laptop with Ubuntu since 6.06 came out, and I recently bought a Buffalo USB wireless adapter, however, I don't know how to set it up so that I can have the internet working on it. i'm typing from a different computer obviously08:19
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyeI have installed flash9 plugin from the dapper repos but firefox is not finding it.08:19
aN1quasar8888,  lsb_realease -a08:19
fami_... I'm not recieving any DHCP offers when I run sudo ifup wlan008:19
Charlie-Brownalso, I wanted to use this laptop with Ubuntu on it to run as a dedicated server for a couple things including IRC, and I was wondering whether it would be better to use the Desktop version or the Server version08:20
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jasinriotkittie, hehe08:20
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newbiemecharlie-brown, do you know what chipset your wireless card uses?08:20
adubwhat do i use for enablesources etc08:20
aN1quasar8888,  i mean lsb_release -a08:20
newbiemewhyameye, just download the beta file and then put it into your plugins folder manually08:21
whyameyenewbieme: which plugins folder do you suggest?08:21
tommasonlupine_85: how do I add my self to the root group..08:21
newbiemein your home folder08:21
Charlie-Brownnewbieme: umm, let me look it up, hold on08:21
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DARKGuyHey there and happy new year xD... I have a small question: I see sometimes there's some boot kernel lines like "vga=791" and I know they're like 1024x768x16 and stuff like that. When I boot my comp with that line, it says the video mode can't be set and it shows a list of col/row size (80x25, 80x40 and so on). What would be the kernel line to use if I want to select a size like that, and not a 1024x768 one, for example?08:22
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quasar8888thenks aNI08:22
quasar8888I mean thanks aNI08:22
james296how can I run enlightenment with every application using the same skin the default theme uses?08:22
james296instead of the ugly grey theme08:22
Charlie-Brownnewbieme: no, but i have the link of the specifics on it from where i bought it, if you'd like to see that08:22
Charlie-Brownwould you?08:23
=== Harkonnen20 [i=Harkonne@71-17-53-194.msjw.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Harkonnen20Hey Im running the live cd of ubuntu 6.06, and was wondering how do I get access to my windows files08:23
tommasonwell I am already in the root group but I still can't edit anything in the /var/www/ directory.. Any suggestions.. ?08:23
Harkonnen20read only access is fine08:23
Harkonnen20NFTS also08:23
quasar8888aNI which printer do you use ?08:24
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Feldegasttommason what user owns the directory?08:24
Feldegastand what are the permissions? 770?08:24
seanjwow, now I can't even mount a CD-ROM08:25
newbiemewhyameye, did you get it working?08:25
dstaudtHarkonnen20, 'ntfs-3g' is what you are looking for, though i tried it last week and couldn't get it to work08:25
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tommasonhmm.. let me see.. sounds about right.. <-- = newb08:25
aN1quasar8888,  i have hp printer08:25
newbiemethere's a README file in the folder you downloaded that'll tell you just where to put it08:25
aN1and my name is an(one008:25
mvfeinsteincan anyone here help me configure my keyboard media buttons?08:25
fami_Does anyone have any ideas on why wlan0 isn't getting any DHCP offers?08:25
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Harkonnen20dstaudt i dunno what that is08:25
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Harkonnen20I would just like to view the files08:25
aN1quasar8888,  type dat so msg is highlited easier for me08:25
whyameyenewbieme: not yet. Still finding the download...08:26
dstaudtHarkonnen20, it is a package and command-line tools.  unfortunately I'm not aware of any easy/GUI way08:26
newbiemefami_ did you check your /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/iftab files to make sure it's showing up with the right MAC?08:26
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dstaudtgoogle, or search ubuntuforums.org for a how-to08:26
newbiemewhyameye--alright, lemme know when it's done08:26
riotkittiewait. you just want to mount the file sys right, Harkonnen20 ??08:26
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Harkonnen20just to poke around with some files, open em up and stuff08:27
adubanyone familar with kismet settings for atheros card08:27
don_pedroLudzie, prosz o spakowany katalog .nautilus bo mi nautilus nie dziaa! :(08:27
n2diy! ru08:27
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:27
Charlie-Brownso, any clue as to the chipset?08:27
newbiemethere's an open source driver for it08:28
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riotkittieHarkonnen20, >> try something like "sudo mkdir /media/win && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/win"08:28
quasar8888aNI how do I highlight text ?08:28
=== Olathe [n=O1athe_@12-210-171-190.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemeyour chipset is the ralink rt250008:28
OlatheDoes anyone know of any console fonts that are less than eight pixels wide ?08:28
Harkonnen20im on a live session btw08:28
fami_newbieme No, lemme try that and see what's happening.08:28
riotkittiereplacing /dev/hda1 with whatever the proper drive and partition are08:28
Charlie-Brownso i should put that onto my usb stick, copy it onto my ubuntu laptop, and install that driver into ubuntu and it'll work, newbieme?08:28
aN1quasar8888,  lol u typed my name wrong if u type it correctly it auto does it08:29
aN1quasar8888,  my name is an(ONE)08:29
Harkonnen20i can make directories on a live session?08:29
dstaudtriotkittie, cool!  it mounted, but i can't even browse it due to permissions..?08:29
aN1quasar8888,  yeah i no itz hard to read08:29
newbiemeyou shouldn't need to put anything on your usb stick08:29
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newbiemejust install it in ubuntu08:29
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glynhey, back for more help08:29
quasar8888aN1 OK08:29
newbiemethen maybe restart, and it should work08:29
tommasonhow do I edit the permissions for that directory?08:30
glynever since I installed Ubuntu, my computer won't detect CD roms and it won't even detect a boot CD08:30
glynhow do I fix this?08:30
aN1quasar8888,  yeah my printer is hp 544008:30
Charlie-Brownnewbieme: i'd have to put it into my usb stick in order to put it on my laptop, since my laptop can't access the internet08:30
aN1quasar8888,  wuts up?08:30
glynI went to setup and put boot cd room first but nothing happens08:30
fami_newbieme : the MAC address seems to be correct in iftab, but all I see in interfaces is my ESSID and hex key08:30
riotkittiedstaudt, >> try something like chmod 755 <dir>08:30
dstaudtglyn: sounds like your cdrom is not working, or got disconnected08:30
newbiemeah, yeah charlie-brown, my bad08:30
newbiemebut yeah, just install it on ubuntu and your card should work08:30
glynI tried a bunch of different boot cds08:30
quasar8888aN1, was it difficult to install ?08:30
newbiemeglyn, does it see cd's after you boot, or is it just a boot issue?08:31
Harkonnen20riotkittie i will let you know if it works08:31
glynit doesn't see it before or after08:31
dstaudtriotkittie, failed due to read-only file system!08:31
riotkittieglyn, >> is your bios set to boot form CD?08:31
aN1quasar8888,  no i didn't have to do anything08:31
glynit's set to boot the CD first yeah08:31
aN1quasar ubuntu like detects it08:31
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newbiemefami, um...08:31
=== HaCh324 [n=ubuntu@mctnnbsa28w-142167114111.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Charlie-Browni have a couple other questions. which would be better in terms of interface to use as a dedicated server for IRC & gaming; ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server (linux noob here). and finally, is there a way to update from 6.06 to Edgy without having to DL another torrent of the newest release? Like, can I just update from in Ubuntu itself08:32
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newbiemefami_ delete the extra stuff in your interfaces file08:32
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mbufany links to setting and testing Perl CGI on Ubuntu with apache2 ? i'm new to apache08:32
newbiemeauto wlan008:32
newbiemeiface wlan0 inet dhcp08:32
mbufhave installed apache2, php-4 and php works08:32
=== Angelus [n=David@58-84-91-166.dial-lns6.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
aN1quasar8888,  np08:32
newbiemethat's basically all you want right now, get rid of the essid lines and everything else for your wlan08:33
glyndoes it have to be mounted or something?08:33
glynit was working fine before ubuntu08:33
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:33
dstaudtCharlie-Brown, i would probably go with desktop.  server would be recommended if you did not need/want a GUI - i.e. low-power pc08:33
Charlie-Brownah, i see, alright08:33
fami_newbieme : so delete auto wlan- and iface wlan0 inet dhcp?08:33
jasinclamTK is the bets virus scanner for linux08:33
riotkittiedstaudt, did you try the last one with sudo ?08:33
newbiemeno no no, you want to keep that08:33
Charlie-Brownshould I get the beta of the driver, or go w/ a lower version?08:33
newbiemebut make sure that any other information for the card is gone08:33
dstaudtriotkittie, yes08:34
newbiemeso if there's an essid, get rid of it08:34
fami_newbieme Wait, what am I supposed to delete from interfaces then?08:34
dstaudtCharlie-Brown, yes you should be able to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 in place via apt-get, i.e. 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get distupgrade'08:34
aN1jasin there are virus in linux?08:34
=== chris_ [n=chris@CPE0050ba114ed1-CM00159a3f19d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemeanything related to the hex or essid08:35
newbiemeif it's just this stuff:08:35
newbiemeauto wlan008:35
ronaldoCharlie-Brown: yes you can update from dapper to edgy08:35
newbiemeiface wlan0 inet dhcp08:35
=== neighborlee [n=neighbor@c-24-18-193-240.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemethen leave it and don't delete it08:35
=== dangan [n=dangan@ppp111-125.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
whyameyenewbieme: I copied libflashplayer: sudo mv /tmp/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/. and I still have no flash...08:35
ronaldowithout a full download08:35
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ronaldoit's a matter of changing the apt sources08:35
newbiemewhyameye, it's in your home folder, then /.mozilla/plugins08:35
dstaudtwhyameye, search for and replace all occurrences of 'libflashplayer.so'08:35
ronaldoand apt-get update & & apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade08:36
ronaldois't in the docu08:36
dstaudtthere may be a couple08:36
newbiemewhyameye, you might have to create the folder08:36
whyameyenewbieme: I want all users to have access to flash, so shouldn't it be /usr/lib/...08:36
tommasonhow do you edit the permissions for a directory that is owned by root?08:36
chris_anyone with nvidia driver problems, go here, this script will get you up and running in just moments! http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html08:36
Angelusis it true that there is no need for virus protection?08:36
dstaudtwhyameye, yes, but if it's present in your user plugins folder too, it will over-ride08:36
Charlie-Brownas for my usb wireless card's driver, should I get the beta of the driver, or go w/ a lower version?08:36
ronaldoAngelus: I would still do sncanning if I was serving files over samba to windows machines08:37
whyameyedstaudt: but I am getting no flash at all, so what is overriding?08:37
newbiemeah, didn't know that, whyameye!08:37
Harkonnen20riotkittie the command didn't work it said that it is already mounted or its busy08:37
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Charlie-Brownlike if i go with the beta, will i f*** stuff up by accident?08:37
fami_newbieme : forgive me for being so cautious, but I don't want to lose internets completely. The interfaces file has all kinds of crap related to my eth0 connection (which is what I'm using right now). So to be COMPLETELY sure: delete everything but auto wlan0 and wlan0 inet dhcp08:37
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ronaldoCharlie-Brown: your milleage may vary08:37
Harkonnen20and i went to the location it said where it was and i can't view the contents don't have permissions08:37
Angelusronaldo, I just surf the net and don't do that much on the computer, just home use08:37
ronaldobut it seems to be ok08:37
Charlie-BrownHow do you mean ronaldo?08:37
newbiemefami_ nope!  you can leave everything08:37
=== jack_wyt_ [n=jack@] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemebut anything in your wlan area08:37
newbiemeEXCEPT what i posted08:37
newbiemeIF there is anything--get rid of it08:38
newbiemeany essid or hex values or anything like that08:38
=== kuzmaster [i=icechat5@] has joined #ubuntu
ronaldothen Angelus you should still be ok08:38
fami_newbieme : so just delete the ESSID and Hex values?08:38
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kuzmasterhello everyone!08:38
ronaldobut you should alway care to look who's code you will be running08:38
Angelusbeauty! :)08:39
ronaldobut in general everything you apt-get is a-ok08:39
Angelusthank you08:39
ronaldofrom the central repo's08:39
kuzmasterhow stable is ubuntu 6.10 edgy etf with networking and such?08:39
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newbiemefami, yeah08:39
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pavanmy screen resolution is 1024 x 768 but its not coming in ubuntu can u help08:39
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riotkittieHarkonnen20 >> i'm clueless then. i seem to recall my xp partition automounting and being fully readable when i was using the live CD08:39
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adubhow to i remove a repository i apt-get in08:39
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adubapt-get remove?08:39
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dstaudtkuzmaster, very, in my experience - though i understand some wireless functionality works better in dapper08:39
whyameyedstaudt, newbieme: if I put libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins, then it works. If I put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins it doesn't work. I don't really understand why...08:40
fami_newbieme : okay, now what?08:40
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pwilsonInteresting, I just found out why nvidia 6150 go won't work with non legacy drivers.08:40
kuzmasterdstaudt, well, when i used dapper, the wireless worked fine in kubuntu......08:40
newbiemewhyameye, i don't understand either, it works fine for me...perhaps apt-get remove your previous version of flash?08:40
kuzmasterdstaudt, but, im just wondering how good it would be with ubuntu 6.10.....08:40
newbiemefami_, i'd install network-manager-gnome if you haven't already08:40
pwilsonBecause its a damn 430 mobile rebadged, what the hell kind of fresh hell is that?08:41
newbiemefami_ or -kde, if you're using kde, then restart08:41
pavanmy screen resolution is 1024 x 768 but its not coming in ubuntu can u help08:41
dstaudtkuzmaster, try the live cd, maybe :)08:41
kuzmasterwhat are the major imporvements in edgy eft?08:41
glyndoes anyone know how to get WMV's working on the old Hoary distro?08:41
pwilsonit crashes more, mostly.08:41
newbiemeglyn, do a sudo apt-get install w32codecs08:41
fami_newbieme is there a way to check to see if I already have it installed? I've been screwing with a lot of stuff related to all of this and have only a slight clue as to what I'm doing.08:41
riotkittieHarkonnen20,  if you do "sudo ls <mountpoint>"  does it list anything?08:41
newbiemeor install vlc (sudo apt-get install vlc)08:41
pwilsonThat is a big improvement, yes?08:42
glynI installed the codecs08:42
glynbut they still won't play08:42
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newbiemefami_ if it's already installed, it will say so, so don't worry08:42
newbiemeglyn, install vlc, then08:42
tommasonanyone have any ideas as to how I would edit the permissions for a directory that is owned by root?08:42
newbiemetotem is known for having problems with wmv files08:42
glynrequires newer version of libc6 that I can't install08:42
fami_newbieme It will say so how?08:42
Feldegasttommason use sudo when changing them08:42
newbiemetommason--if you're not concerned with security (you don't share your pc), the simplest method is sudo chmod 777 (file path here)08:42
fami_<--lunix newb newbieme :(08:43
dstaudtHarkonnen20, i was able to get a file listing from my ntfs drive via 'sudo ls <mount point>'08:43
riotkittiepavan > try 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then alt + ctrl + backspace to restart x when you've made your changes08:43
jasinvlc is good08:43
newbiemefami_, in your terminal, type sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome08:43
pradeeptommason, sudo -R chmod for a dir08:43
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newbiemeit will check to see if it's installed, and if it is, the text will tell you08:43
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Feldegasttommason use sudo chmod 77508:43
newbiemeglyn, that's why you should really upgrade!08:44
fami_newbieme good thing I asked, because I didn't have it :O Okay, now that it's installed, I should restart and configure my internets through the GNOME network manager?08:44
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riotkittiedstaudt > if youre using gnome and want to view the files in nautilus, try  "sudo cd <mountpoint> && sudo gnome-open . "08:45
newbiemefami_ yeah, when you restart, run "nmapplet" and it will put a little wireless manager in your panel tray08:45
adubSET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument.      <--- get that on the following command    iwconfig ath0 mode monitor08:45
cyphaseanyone with a SIP account willing to call me?08:45
newbiemethen use that to connect08:45
fami_newbieme : okay, thanks. brb08:45
adubdo i have to take ath0 down from the network to set monitor mode first?? dunno little linux rusty though08:45
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Harkonnen20sorry riotkittie i shut it off08:45
adub:)  this is awesome how much the community has grown im overwelmed08:46
Harkonnen20its getting to be bedtime08:46
alink1000About that changing resolution thing again...08:46
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports08:46
riotkittie<~ meant to go to bed like three hours ago. eep.08:46
alink1000how do I do it now?08:46
Harkonnen20I wish I could get it to work on my PC08:46
tommasonI tried sudo chmod 775 /var/www/ and I am getting the same permission issues..08:46
Harkonnen20it apparently does not like the fact that i have integrated video and standalone video cards08:46
alink1000yep, getting my screen resolution to go higher, how would I do that? :)08:46
=== Sir_Penguin [n=knivage@ppp108-120.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbiemeglyn, have you gotten vlc installed?  it plays everything08:47
Harkonnen20will not boot just gives me x server error08:47
Sir_PenguinHi again :)08:47
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dstaudtriotkittie, 'sudo cd <mount point>' gives: sudo: cd: command not found08:47
riotkittieoh. hm.08:47
Harkonnen20i was using my dad's lappy when i got it working, booted first try :P08:48
Harkonnen20pissed me off08:48
riotkittietry "sudo gnome-open <your mountpoint>08:48
Harkonnen20so disc works :P08:48
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Sir_PenguinI've got Ubuntu 7.04 installed and I know that is still "meant" to have errors but I was just wondering if anyone else has the problem where whenever you open help it comes up with a bug reporter.08:48
n30nKnow any good programs for playing dvds08:48
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:48
heatxsinkhello all, i'm having some serious problems with the nvidia kernel driver08:48
aN1riotkittie, wut does gnome-open do?08:48
heatxsinkwas there an update recently?08:48
Harkonnen20VLC will play dvds08:48
aN1riotkittie, if itz mounted the it will be in mnt rite?08:48
Sir_PenguinHappens from the networking app and the main menu one.08:48
newbiemeVLC rocks for dvds08:49
Harkonnen20it hates menus though08:49
n30nnewbieme: Thanks08:49
alink1000is... anyone willing to even pay ATTENTION to what I asked?08:49
riotkittieaN1, gnome-open opens the file in the designated application for that file type08:49
Harkonnen20always crashes for me on windows08:49
newbiemedid you guys know VLC is porting over to Qt?08:49
aN1riotkittie, thx08:49
newbiemethat's weird...never crashed for me08:49
Sir_PenguinWhat did you ask? I came after you asked it.08:49
riotkittiegnome-open . opens the current directory, for example08:49
tommasonSo any other suggestions.. sudo chmod 775 /var/www/   does not work.. :(08:49
newbiemealink, hey08:49
riotkittieopens it in nautilus, rather08:49
newbiemeyou just want your screen resolution to go higher?08:50
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riotkittieoooh. my brain is getting mushy08:50
Sir_PenguinDrivers i expect.08:50
alink1000I only see up to 800x600...08:50
Sir_PenguinWhats your card?08:50
alink1000none, integrated08:50
n30n!resolution | alink100008:50
ubotualink1000: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:50
alink1000ATI Radeon Xpress 20008:50
newbiemewhat's your native, then?  1024?08:50
Sir_PenguinHow many MB?08:50
aN1riotkittie, double shot espresso08:50
alink1000no ram08:51
dstaudtriotkittie, gnome-open or gksudo nautilus results in an invisible sleeping nautilus instance...i;'m running feisty08:51
Sir_PenguinNah, it has to.08:51
alink1000it hogs up my little 512 MB of ram08:51
Harkonnen20integrated uses system memory08:51
alink1000nope, it's crappy and integrated08:51
riotkittiean1: caffeine stopped working for me years ago :\08:51
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Sir_PenguinHow much of your system memory does it use?08:51
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glyn_bad connection08:51
glyn_what can I use besides vlc newbieme?08:51
newbiemealink, why don't you do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:51
glyn_vlc says I have unmet dependencies and I can't find get the libc6 version08:51
Harkonnen20i've tried that on my pc newbieme :P08:51
newbiemeglyn, you could try mplayer or kaffeine08:52
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aN1riotkittie,  : ( some green herbal tea hehe and comon ur not dat old lol years ago08:52
Harkonnen20doesn't work for me, it asks like a billion questions too08:52
newbiememy strategy is to copy my xorg.conf file08:52
newbiemefor backup08:52
Harkonnen20hard when its live cd08:52
riotkittiedstaudt, >> with gnome-open, are you including the "." at the end of that command08:52
tommasonwell 777 worked but that is very insecure.. right?08:52
glyn_get the same problem trying to install mplayer08:52
glyn_libc6 is out of date or whatever08:53
newbiemethen run the config and copy down the horizontal and veritcal syncs from the newly-generated file08:53
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newbiemeand then simply copy my original xorg back over, and replace the proper sync values08:53
newbiemeworks like a charm08:53
riotkittiean1: i'm ancient :P08:53
dstaudtriotkittie, a "."  ?  no08:53
newbiemetommason, 777 isn't really insecure08:53
newbiemeunless you have people accessing your pc and you don't want them messing with those files08:54
riotkittiedstaudt >> try again. "gnome-open ."   the . is important - it signifies the current directory08:54
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noiesmoglyn_, what does  sudo aptitude install mplayer it has better dependency resolution and might offer a solution apt-get cannot08:54
tommasonI will eventually08:54
tommasonnot at this time though..08:54
newbiemewell then 777 will be fine08:54
newbiemeand you can always change it later08:54
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tommasoncool... thanks again guys08:54
alink1000well that didn't work...08:54
dstaudtriotkittie, 'gnome-open .'   opens a working nautilus in my current directory08:55
alink1000I tried restarting that X thing and it didn't work.08:55
Harkonnen20It was just funny that i could get the Live cd to run on my dad's laptop without a hitch but can't for the life of me get mine to work08:55
ekaekacan I make it so that when I click my scroll wheel in firefox it makes an on screen scroller?08:55
glyn_ah good one newbieme08:55
dstaudtriotkittie, 'sudo gnome-open /media/ntfsvol' hangs08:55
adubSET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument   <--- i get that when i set      iwconfig ath0 mode monitor08:55
riotkittiehm. thats odd.08:55
alink1000I think I gotta do this over thing with x to choose a new resolution to get added.08:55
newbiemealink1000, i have a howto i wrote that's pretty much guaranteed08:55
alink1000can someone tell me what that command is?08:56
alink1000k, linkeh plzeh08:56
riotkittiei almost wish i hated myself enough to pop a live disc in and give it a go myself  :P08:56
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riotkittiebut the way my cd drive runs, ... eww.08:56
Harkonnen20talking to me kittie?08:56
riotkittieHarkonnen20, nope08:56
newbiemeekaeka--you'll probably want imwheel, i think08:56
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Harkonnen20using my nick helps cause i got highlighting on :P08:57
aN1newbieme, NICe how-to08:57
aN1newbieme, u use beryl?08:57
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newbiemeyeah, i use beryl08:57
naphelgehey gang i am d/loading alternate ubuntu image after trying all day to boot with default live... is there a prob with 6.10 live?08:57
riotkittieHarkonnen20, there are probably some parameters you can pass to the kernel at boot to get around the issue that youre running into but i have no clue what they are08:57
alink1000newbieme: I don't even understand that...08:57
tritiumnaphelge: no, it's likely your hardware08:57
aN1newbieme, yeah for me when i do the cube rotation the surface all flickers08:57
alink1000that one link you gave me.08:57
lovlossIs there any application out there that can help me rip stuff off of my data cds that isn't copying off right? They're old disks and the file transfers act screwy08:57
newbiemeaN1, that's weird...like the refresh rate is off?08:58
dstaudtHarkonnen20, ok, it looks like there is an '-o user' option needed: 'sudo mount -o myname /dev/hda1 /mnt/point'08:58
Harkonnen20heh someone earlier told me to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:58
dstaudtriotkittie, so the question is, how to unmount the currently mounting?08:58
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naphelgewell i have d/loaded live 2 times from diff mirrors, burned 5 cd's on 2 diff laptops running FC6 & mandrake a-ok08:58
newbiemealink, i can try to walk you through it08:58
aN1newbieme, yeah but after i restart beryl couple times it goes away and also glxgears crashes with beryl like crashes everything08:58
newbiemeaN1--i have no idea08:58
adubdoes anyone know how to get monitor mode working on an atheros card08:59
aN1nah itz k just wondering itz only alpha ware08:59
aN1don't expect to be perfect08:59
riotkittiedstaudt "sudo umount <mountpoint>08:59
pwilsonwhether I use synaptics, or apt-get, I get the same problem, 5 times in a row.08:59
pwilsonW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17/nvidia-glx-legacy_1.0.7184+
pwilson  MD5Sum mismatch08:59
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glyn_newbieme I tried mplayer and it just gave me a black screen, then it froze08:59
riotkittieyes, umount, not unmount08:59
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imbecilecan someone point me to doom 3?08:59
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pwilsonAnyone have any recommendations.08:59
aN1newbieme,  can't wait for feisty with beryl 0.2 thou08:59
newbiemetrue that, aN108:59
ekaekanewbieme: is that a package or an extension?08:59
newbiemeekaeka--it's a package09:00
newbiemedo a search for it09:00
riotkittiei wish i could run beryl or compiz. they look sweet.09:00
naphelgeso the alternate ubuntu image will be text install?09:00
newbiemealink--do you have your original xorg.conf backed up?09:00
lupine_85naphelge: yes, but it's easy09:00
naphelgeis it like druid09:00
Gururiotkittie why cant u ?09:00
alink1000and... how exactly would I do that? =|09:00
riotkittieGuru > dont have the vid power for it, i imagine09:01
newbiemewell, first, if you've changed anything to your original install xorg.conf, including running the reconfigure command, you want to get back to the unaltered file09:01
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naphelge*sighs*... haven't had to do text install since like RH609:01
Harkonnen20yeah i know, i just tried to run the live cd to play around with ubuntu and get familiar with it and im bombarded with errors and sudos09:01
newbiemerun this command and see if you have anything that looks like a backup:09:01
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newbiemels /etc/X1109:01
edmsecboijust wondering if i could get some more info on setting up a dual operating system using Windows XP Home & Ubuntu (Version 6.06)09:01
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newbiemeyou're looking for a file like xorg.conf_bak or xorg.conf.backup or something09:02
alink1000newbieme, you have msn or anything? as I must send you a screenshot for further help.09:02
newbiemealink, i have AIM and gtalk09:02
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Harkonnen20use gaim lol09:02
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riotkittieedmsecboi, what kind of info do you need?09:03
newbiemegaim > kopete09:03
edmsecboiidiot level info09:03
adubdoes anyone know if monitor mode works on a clean install of ubuntu with the default driver installation i dont see monitor in iwpriv but who knows can someone please help09:03
edmsecboiriotkittie is it okay to private message you for the help?09:03
ekaekaedmsecboi: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing09:03
alink1000anyways, what's your aim, newbieme?09:03
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Gururiotkittie i have a 9550 ,what card do you have ?09:03
alink1000blasphemy my assphemy...=|09:03
newbiemeapparently my pm's in gaim's irc aren't working09:03
riotkittieedmsecboi, sure - but i am not sure how much help i will be able to provide :P  you may be better off asking in here09:04
ekaekaedmsecboi: I was in your position just a week ago, and have learned quite a lot since then using ubuntu 6.10 :)09:04
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naphelgei have never used a linux flavour with the debian package manager... ow much different from rpms is it?09:05
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pwilsonhow do I install a package on my desktop from the command line?09:05
newbiemenaphelge, it's much faster for me.  i tried fedora core 6, and it was horribly slow doing installs, update, etc09:06
riotkittieGuru, >> its a rage mobilty09:06
nolimitsoyapwilson, dpkg -i foo09:06
riotkittiewith like no ram ;p09:06
nolimitsoyanaphelge, apt actualy works, rpm doesnt :P09:06
pwilsondpkg -i foo /path/package.*?09:06
riotkittiewe have a radeon something or other that is pretty decent in the desktop but it's an XP box all the way09:06
pwilsonlike that?09:06
nolimitsoyapwilson, foo is your package09:06
naphelgeheh i never really had any probs with rpms... just dependency probs that went away with yum09:07
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newbiemenaphelge, rpm's tend to be updated faster for unstable packes (like freshrpms), but other than that, the debian package managers tend to do a better job09:07
nolimitsoyarpm has always been a surefire way to end up in dependency hell for me09:07
newbiemei rarely have any problems at all09:07
newbiemeand against, it's much faster09:07
newbiemebut in general, it's the same concept09:08
=== Zdra [n=zdra@169.215-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
heatxsinkis there some new driver package for nvidia-glx09:08
riotkittiedependency hell :D09:08
nolimitsoyaheatxsink, you can use the drivers from teh nvidia site09:08
naphelgeyeah kewls thats y i wanna try ubuntu... something different from FCore & mandrake09:08
heatxsinknolimitsoya:  why cause the ones that are from the repo is jacked up?09:09
newbiemeheatsink--  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beta_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2909:09
Harkonnen20i just don't understand why ubuntu keeps trying to detect my onboard video card, it is disabled in BIOS09:09
nolimitsoyaheatxsink, no, but if you want the latest drivers...09:09
riotkittiei downloaded FC in the redhat days and madriva when it was mandrake but never installed either09:09
naphelgejust 150 megs left to finish d/loading alternate cd... i hope this one worx09:09
heatxsinkwhen my box tries to run gdm it states that09:09
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nolimitsoyaheatxsink, and well, yes, the depends of the repo package are jacked up :P09:09
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heatxsinkit failed to load the nvidia kernel module09:10
heatxsinkso it's NOT me09:10
heatxsinkand my setup09:10
heatxsinkit's the depends?09:10
nolimitsoyaheatxsink, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic09:10
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heatxsinkalready installed09:11
nolimitsoyaHarkonnen20, give it to me instead <309:11
Harkonnen20you don't want none of this09:11
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nolimitsoyaHarkonnen20, yes i do. ill turn it into a paperweight :P09:11
Harkonnen20and i bet if I plugged my monitor into my onboard and enabled it again, ubuntu would boot09:11
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pwilsonack, anyone know how I can get the legacy nvidia driver without apt-get or synaptics, both are downloading w/bad checksums.09:13
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pwilsonI tried downloading off of the the web, but that is saying that it is corrupt too.09:14
naphelgejust so i know i am doing this right... after d/loading the alternate image (which is *.iso?) i can just right click the image from nautilus & choose to write to disc yeah?09:14
Harkonnen20burn image to disc09:15
Harkonnen20if it has that option09:15
naphelgei think nautilus says write to disc09:15
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naphelgebut same same yeah09:15
Harkonnen20well it might just burn a .iso to the cd :P09:16
pwilsonno one at all?09:16
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heatxsinkwhat if I revert to an older kernel image, would that work?09:16
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jasinwhy revert?09:16
heatxsinkit seems as if http://albertomilone.com/drivers/edgy/nonlegacy/32bit is down09:16
naphelgenah i have bured discs already of the live default image & they have the filesystem in place ... they just hang at welcome screen tho09:16
naphelgeso hoping alternate image worx09:17
dstaudtHarkonnen20, were you able to access your windows NTFS drive?09:17
DARKGuyGreetings! I'm getting some errors when booting to my linux partition. After fsck runs, at 80.something fails and says something like "file system contains large filenames" and tells me to run fsck without -p or -a . However, either in normal or recovery mode, fsck only says "unable to resolve UUID=<some numbers or ID here>" and doesn't do nothing to the drive. I'm running now an Ubuntu 6.10 LiveCD. - Question is: Is there a way to do fsck on my linux dri09:17
pwilsonanyone have any idea why no matter where download the package from, its corrupt?09:17
Harkonnen20I shut the lappy off, was gonna go to bed09:17
karakaraenter ftw09:17
dstaudtHarkonnen20, I found the command :)09:18
Harkonnen20well i can write it down and try tomorrow09:18
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dstaudtHarkonnen20, 'sudo mount -o uid=username,gid=username /dev/hda1 /mnt/point'09:18
Pensacolahow to remove the usb stick icons from the desktop?09:19
naphelgeis there a way to check a cd once it is burned to verify it is a-ok? like an md5sum check for burned cd's type thing09:19
Harkonnen20so "sudo mkdir /media/win" then that command?09:19
DARKGuyhm, anybody? :/09:19
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Harkonnen20can the username have spaces09:20
jasinPensacola, eject the usb drive09:20
Pensacolawithout ejecting the usb drive :)09:20
dstaudtHarkonnen20, it's your ubuntu login name, so i think not..?09:20
Harkonnen20well the ubuntu login name is just ubuntu09:20
jasinPensacola, they automount when the usb stick is inserted09:20
naphelgePensacola... umount the usb do a df & make sure it unmounted then yank it... icon should disappear09:21
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jasinPensacola, ejecting it will unmount it, right click on teh drive .. select eject09:21
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naphelgeyeah sorry just old habits umounting09:21
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Harkonnen20so 'sudo mkdir /media/win' then 'sudo mount -o uid=ubuntu,gid=ubuntu /dev/hda1 /media/win09:23
heatxsinkhas other people had this identical problem as myself with the nvidia drivers?09:23
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ekaekanewbieme: after I installed imwheel, it won't function, even after I restarted X09:24
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blankyGRRRRR, I added backports repos to edgy and i still cant find subversion 1.409:25
dstaudtHarkonnen20, yes?09:25
wimsanyone here know about an alarm clock application ?09:25
Harkonnen20so 'sudo mkdir /media/win' then 'sudo mount -o uid=ubuntu,gid=ubuntu /dev/hda1 /media/win09:25
Harkonnen20would be the commands i need to use?09:25
labanuxcan I change ubuntu logo in Application icon?09:25
dstaudtHarkonnen20, yep...or thereabounts :)09:25
blankylabanux: there's a tutorial on that09:25
blankylabanux: I think at ubuntuforums.org09:26
dstaudtHarkonnen20, 'man mount' to read the manual pages for the command09:26
Harkonnen20well i can mount it in /home or whatever also right?09:26
dstaudtHarkonnen20, guess so09:26
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labanuxblanky: ok... thanx for the clue09:26
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me get direct render enabled? I have gone through some directions online but cant seem to get it enabled09:26
ekaekaHarkonnen20: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Windows09:26
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Harkonnen20hmm now i don't know what to believe anymore09:27
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dstaudtHarkonnen20, from what I understand, the contents of that link will work as well09:28
dstaudtjust gives read-only to everyone, instead of just to one user09:28
Harkonnen20oh its just a different way09:28
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ekaekaalso it would mount it on boot up, not just one time, if you follow the correct instructions09:29
Harkonnen20live cd09:29
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ekaekaI meant on boot up of an ubuntu partition, not live cd09:30
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Pensacolawell I want to keep my usb drive mounted, but not visible on the desktop09:31
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newbiemepensacola, run gconf-editor09:32
newbiemethere's an option somewhere for something like "mounted media icons" on the desktop or something09:32
newbiemejust uncheck it09:32
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spongebob354I'm using Ubuntu Edgy AMD64 Azureus runs and then dies with this output: http://pastebin.com/85254709:33
Pensacolais that in the desktop section newbieme?09:33
newbiemeum...i'd assume so09:33
newbiemei can look in a second and check09:34
ekaekanewbieme: after I installed imwheel, it won't function, even after I restarted X09:34
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newbieme@ekaeka--there's some config file you have to change, and a script to run09:36
newbiemei don't know it--google for imwheel ubuntu scroll or something09:37
maxximoc qualcuno che parla italiano?09:37
Ssi, io09:37
maxximociao   :)    finalmente!!!09:37
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S-Angelidimmi maxximo09:38
maxximosei anche tu sei qui con opera?09:38
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labanuxblanky: the forum says to change the logo here  /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor.png. I've done it, but it still didn't work..09:38
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blankylabanux: did you log in and out?09:39
blankyer, out and int?09:39
blankyer, out and in?09:39
maxximocon cosa stai chattando?   irc?09:39
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newbiemeit's apps > nautilus > desktop09:39
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rsthello guys09:39
spongebob354The Azureus package for Ubuntu Edgy AMD64 is broken.09:39
labanuxblanky: i use killall gnome-panel instead of login and logout09:39
xipHi, im using breezy but synaptic cant connect to get updates09:39
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spongebob354I downloaded Azureus from azureus.sf.net and it works fine. FIX IT09:40
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S-Angeliis anybody capable to tell me how to allow on my lan my imac pc to connect to my ubuntu and retreave files I have?09:40
blankylabanux: oh well, I don't know, I suggest login and out09:40
Harkonnen20well its bedtime09:40
labanuxblanky: but, last night i've tried to do that, but it still doesn't work09:40
Harkonnen20thanks for the help09:40
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blankysorry then I don't konw09:40
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maxximoio sto usando il browser di opera ma non riesco ad impostarlo!!!  :(09:40
cjsoftukMajor problem here: I'm missing the rtl8139 kernel module (I thought this was standard!).  Do I need to recompile my kernel?09:41
labanuxblanky: i even has renamed all files named distributor-logo.png to other name09:41
rsti am using ubuntu 6.10 and trying to mount crypted patition, created by suse linux09:41
rstbut I can't figure out how to translate suse's crypttab to ubuntu's one09:41
labanuxany one else.?? anybody know how to change the ubuntu logo int Appication menu launcher09:42
blankymaxximo: italiano?09:42
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maxximosi sono italiano! :)09:42
blankyhey guys is there an italian channel?09:42
blanky!opera | maxximo09:42
ubotumaxximo: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:42
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maxximograzie blanky !09:43
Trentsterhey all, how do I check on a lamp server what ip addresses are conencted to the apache site?09:43
blankymaxximo: :)09:43
newbiemepensacola, did that work for you?09:43
cjsoftukanyone know about missing kernel modules....?09:43
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cjsoftukrtl8139 in specifics09:44
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lovlossAre theere any applications at all that will help me get stuff off of old data discs when nautilus/konquerer/explorer cannot?:09:44
xipI can't get update-manager to upgrade to 0.4209:45
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Bitlokswhats the command line for installing .deb files09:48
emiledpkg -i file.deb09:48
adubhow can i make a desktop file if one doesnt show up on installation???09:49
xipIm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades to upgrade from breezy to dapper but it says I should get update-manager version 0.42.2 or higher but the highest I can get synaptic to get is 0.37 can someone help me out09:50
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cjsoftukI have two ubuntu machines with rtl8139 network cards and one picks it up, one doesn't.09:50
cjsoftukI think I'm gonna have to start loading kernel modules!09:50
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Aar0n444When was 6.06 released?09:52
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heatxsinkthis is HORRIBLE09:52
Aar0n444Actually, nevermind09:52
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xipwhat is multiverse09:54
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freakabcdhi all09:54
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spastisuse and ubuntu ? who is better?09:54
freakabcdhow do i update from dapper -> edgy ?09:54
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xiphow do I update from breeze -> dapper09:55
Aar0n444spasti, it's what you like really.09:55
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scamboywas up everybody!!!09:55
freakabcdscamboy, who exactly was up?09:56
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scamboyfreak: everyone that use ubuntu...hehehe09:56
newbiemexip, in the terminal, type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:56
deepsaeverybody go here see this very interesting http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33247209:56
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xipwhats dist-upgrade09:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:56
YoGhi can anyone help me install a new theme?09:57
scamboyyog: google it man09:57
xipnewbieme, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.09:58
xipthats what i got09:58
newbiemexip, then you're probably upgraded?09:58
newbiemewhenever you get that automatic updater09:58
newbiemeit updates files09:58
xipaccording to upgrade notes09:58
newbiemewhen a new version of ubuntu comes out09:58
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newbiemeit updates to that new version09:58
xipit says to get 0.42 but i cant get that09:59
YoGscamboy, I'm following the FAQ on art.gnoem.org, I have downloaded a "desktop theme" from there, dragged it into the theme manager and it said it was installed but i can't find the new theme in the theme manaer....09:59
xiponly 0.3709:59
xipshould I run update manager anyway?09:59
adubcan someone help me get monitor mode working on atheros chipset card09:59
freakabcdis there a guide for upgrading from dapper to Edgy ?10:00
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freakabcdnewbieme, isn;t there like a guide that says these problems are to be expected, etc. etc. ?10:01
xipnevermind, I had to change repository to breezy-updates10:01
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newbiemeyeah, dapper to edgy upgrades are messed up10:02
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imbecilehow do i make vlc my default media player?10:02
newbiemeif you have problems, google is your best answer10:02
newbiemeimbecile: right-click on the media file of the type you want vlc to handle10:03
newbieme(pick an mp3 file, wmv, whatever)10:03
adubis there a program that will let me install .sis files for nokia phone that runs symbian based operating system for s60v3 series phone10:03
Moniker42imbecile: right click>properties>open with...10:03
newbiemeand then open with other program10:03
newbiemeand choose vlc10:03
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imbecilenewbieme, Moniker42, thanks10:04
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furseiseki!tally foo10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally foo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
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mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me fix this Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"10:06
Moniker42hey i'd like to install LAMP with "apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server" it says use "any method" an example of such a method would be...10:06
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Moniker42would "sudo aptitude install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server" work?10:07
Aar0n444Does 6.10 offer any major advantages over 6.06?10:07
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:07
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hagabakacan i switch which of my two NICS is eth0 and which eth1?10:08
freakabcdso i don;t nered to have the seveas repo for java now?10:08
shackgood morning10:08
AmaranthMoniker42: It won't be anything bad10:08
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AmaranthMoniker42: It'll install an apache server with php and a mysql server10:08
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Amaranthoh, and php support for mysql10:09
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xipupgrading from warty to latest version is such a bitch10:09
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BlenderKittyanyone running knoppix std here?10:10
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imbecilewhen i try to enable universe repo in "software properties" i check the box and when i click add and reopen it it is unchecked again, how do i fix this?10:10
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adubi want to set grub to have no timer to roll to another OS10:10
adubwhat do i need to change ?? and can i do this hitting e at the main prompt??10:10
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newbiemeanyone need any help before i go to bed?  there's a 1% chance i might have a clue10:13
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hemantsolankideepsa,  hello10:14
persiaIs Breezy Badger still a supported release?10:14
ColinTI just wonder whict printers are most compatable with Linux10:14
imbecilenewbieme, i need help with universe repo10:14
ColinTUbuntu, my HP is using buckets of ink10:14
TwistesdTexanI don't think that changing grub to have no timer is a great Idea but I changed mine to 3 seconds. I don't remember how though.10:15
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heatxsinkmy box is completely un-usable10:15
heatxsinkI want to fucking cry10:15
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deepsahemantsolanki: hello10:16
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hemantsolankideepsa,  whats going on ?10:16
heatxsinkTwistesdTexan:  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:16
labanuxmy Compaq laptop can't use external speaker in ubuntu... But it still can play out the sound from the laptop speaker10:16
deepsahemantsolanki: nothing i am trying to work out my sound in fiesty fawn10:16
hemantsolankideesa can you tell me which motherboard is best for amd x2 ?10:16
vleonhellow, is there a way to turn a source code to a .deb file?10:16
ColinTOr is it possible to change settings in Opne .Office?10:17
labanuxi'm using alsa for the sound server10:17
hemantsolankideepsa,  i m asking to you10:17
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newbiemeimbecile, what do you need help doing?10:17
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furseiseki_!tally foo10:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally foo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:17
deepsahemantsolanki: ya i am trying to detect my sound10:17
labanuxi've connect the speaker to the output jack, it still doesn't work10:17
newbiemevleon-- it depends what source file you're looking at.  the process might be different from the "standard" method10:17
imbecilenewbieme, when i try to enable universe repo in "software properties" i check the box and when i click add and reopen it it is unchecked again, how do i fix this?10:17
hemantsolankideepsa,  have you installed ubuntu in your laptop ?10:17
deepsahemantsolanki: ya fiesty fawn10:18
newbiemeimbecile, do it from the command line10:18
newbiemedo this:10:18
labanuxit still play from the laptop speaker10:18
mikelohey anybody know of a really light weigh image viewer? ( itried gtksee but i cant zoom out)10:18
newbiemesudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup10:18
TwistesdTexanDid you get that adub? (03:16:44 AM) heatxsink: TwistesdTexan:  edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:18
newbiemesudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:18
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vleonnewbieme: does the procces require porggraming knowldge? or if the source is able to be build on your system youu can just follow a guide?10:18
newbiemevleon-- it really depends on the program10:19
newbiemeGOOD programs should just be a 3 step process10:19
persiavleon: Take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Packaging for some links about the process.10:19
adubtwistesdtexan yeah thanks10:19
newbiemedid you do that yet, imbecile?10:19
hemantsolankideepsa, http://www.mininova.org/tor/53596210:19
imbecilenewbieme,  yep im there10:19
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adubill try it twistesdtexan also is there a better irc client that is gui other than xchat10:20
imbecilenewbieme,  ok done10:20
adubi like konversation for kde are there any others anyone can recommend10:20
MOTHello, is this the correct forum to ask for help on wireless network?10:20
newbiemeso, so then find the universe line10:20
adubi dont want to use up 80 megs of hard drive space to run  konversation though10:20
newbiemeit will have a # in front of it10:20
imbecilenewbieme, ok10:21
newbiemejust get rid of the #10:21
YoGhi, I've installed several themes, i can see them in ~/.themes, but i don't see theme in the "theme preference" window, can anyone help me?10:21
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newbiemethen save the file10:21
newbiemethen to refresh, type sudo apt-get update10:21
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furseiseki_!tally foo10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally foo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
greengoblinhey there is something wrong with a file on my comp. i get i/o error  trying to do something with it.. even delete it...10:22
newbiemelemme know if that works for you, imbecile10:22
greengoblinim tryin to get rid of it10:22
spastiall for me is #.good feeling10:22
imbecilenewbieme,  van i pastebin it to you?10:22
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furseiseki_!tally foo10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally foo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
hemantsolankianybody can tell me which motherboard is best for AMD X2 Processor10:23
newbiemethe newest one10:23
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imbecilenewbieme,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/631/10:23
imbecilewhat do i remove the # from?10:24
hemantsolankistill I'm using Asus M2N-MX with AMD X210:24
TwistesdTexanadub: I just started using IRC yesterday so I wouldn't know.10:24
newbiemeawesome...never seen this before10:24
newbiemeyeah, just replace the entire file with this10:24
newbiemewell, nevermind10:24
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newbiemeyou made your own repo list10:24
imbecilenewbieme, yeah someone had me delete my old source.list10:25
ColinTAnone good with Open Office?10:25
MOTCould someone help med activate my wireless pcmcia card in ubuntu 6.10. It worked when I booted the liveCD. It also worked doing my text install (i don't have much ram). I can se the correct essid and network key in /etc/network/interfaces, but in network preferences I only have a modem.10:25
newbiemeimbecile, are you using dapper or edgy?10:25
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imbecilenewbieme,  dapper10:26
adubtwistesdtexan what parameter would you use to define for grub to never automatically roll to an OS10:26
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greengoblinhey there is something wrong with a file on my comp. i get i/o error  trying to do something with it.. even delete it...10:26
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adubwould you just comment out the timeout option?10:26
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furseiseki_!tally foo10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally foo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
furseiseki_No nations found with the alliance name 'foo'10:26
furseiseki_!tally /b/10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tally /b/ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
furseiseki_Alliance: /b/10:27
furseiseki_Nation Count: 42210:27
furseiseki_Total NS: 888044.6510:27
furseiseki_Average NS: 2104.3710:27
furseiseki_Nr. Of Nuclear Weapons: 610:27
furseiseki_NS Graph:10:27
furseiseki_       ^10:27
furseiseki_   18k+| = 0.24%10:27
furseiseki_   16k+| = 0.24%10:27
furseiseki_   14k+|  0.00%10:27
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso10:27
furseiseki_   12k+|  0.00%10:27
newbiemeimbecile, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/632/10:27
furseiseki_   10k+| = 0.71%10:27
furseiseki_    9k+| = 0.71%10:27
furseiseki_    8k+| == 1.42%10:27
furseiseki_NS  7k+| = 0.71%10:27
newbiemereplace your entire file with that10:27
furseiseki_    6k+| === 1.66%10:27
furseiseki_    5k+| === 1.90%10:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
furseiseki_    4k+| ===== 3.55%10:27
newbiemethen do a sudo apt-get update10:27
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furseiseki_    3k+| ============= 8.77%10:27
furseiseki_    2k+| ========================== 18.48%10:27
newbiemeand you should be all set10:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@71-37-18-178.tukw.qwest.net] by crimsun
Aar0n444Thank god.10:27
elkbuntuand this is why crimsun rocks10:28
crimsunfurseiseki_: please use pastebin (see the topic and the ubotu factoid)10:28
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freakabcddapper -> edgy going on now.. hopefully everything works out10:28
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Aar0n444No one cares about /b/10:28
xipI get an error when upgrading to dapper can someone help me10:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@71-37-18-178.tukw.qwest.net] by crimsun
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun
freakabcdxip, upgrading _to_ dapper? from breezy ?10:28
imbecilenewbieme,  is that all?10:29
TwistesdTexanabud: timeout3 is what I did because 10 secs is too looong10:29
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xipon the upgrading to ubuntu 6.06 LTS window10:30
newbiemeshould be it10:30
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TwistesdTexansorry adub: didn't want to insult you10:30
xipit stops and says "could not calculate the upgrade"10:30
cyphaseI'm online, but I can't access the web..10:30
xipand thats it10:30
imbecilenewbieme,  thanks alot10:30
xipdoesnt continue10:30
cyphaseit's as if http has been disabled10:31
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adubhi everyone10:31
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xipfreakabcd, any idea?10:31
freakabcdxip, sorry man. you10:32
freakabcd're quite brave going from breezy -> dapper10:32
TwistesdTexanadub: I guess you could change the timer setting to 0. But that would change it where you couldn't access a safe mode.10:32
freakabcdcos i've heard that it doesn;t work too well.10:32
freakabcdand i myself hope i don;t have much problems after the upgrade finishes10:32
xipwell i followed the instructions exactly10:33
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adubtwistesdtexan i would think 0 would just make it automatically load up linux10:34
TwistesdTexanadub did you make the change yet?10:34
deepsaplzz help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33247210:35
adubtwistesdtexan no sorry i havent what if i comment that line out??10:35
adubi just dont want to screw up grub to beyond no return10:35
xipim wondering if I should upgrade just like I've been doing before dapper10:35
xipinstead of using upgrade manager10:35
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threeonefourwhere do i find scanner drivers for edubuntu10:36
newbiemexip - the only real way to upgrade without problems is do install ubuntu fresh10:36
TwistesdTexanI thinnk it would skip the timer but the timer give you access to another safe mode. ie different kernal10:36
adubi dont want to think with grub though and screw it up10:36
aduband not be able to boot my OS10:37
xipnewbieme, well i would do that but I only have a warty cd10:37
TwistesdTexanIf you upgrade then you might need to go back to another kernal and no timer wouldn't allow you to do that10:38
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TwistesdTexanMine has kept the timer since the change in breezy10:38
xipwell im using synaptic to upgrade to dapper10:38
xipmaybe it will work10:38
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TwistesdTexaneven though I am on a 3 gig hzs machine it doesn't like to run anything but 386 kernal. I have tried to change to x86 and nogo. I used grub to go back.10:41
Aar0n444What the fuck is wrong with this10:42
Aar0n444I'm trying to do something as sudo, and it says I'm using the wrong password.10:42
Aar0n444I'm typing the same password I logged in about 2 minutes with10:42
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mikelohow do i make a deb for jdk 1.6?10:43
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freakabcdAar0n444, check caps.10:43
Aar0n444I am10:43
freakabcdtry typing the pwd in plain text in term to see if it inputs correctls10:43
TwistesdTexanAarOn444 do you have multi-users?10:44
Aar0n444I have10:44
Aar0n444No, just me10:44
Aar0n444I've just logged in using the same password. Now it's refusing me access to sudo10:44
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TwistesdTexancheck the user privilages?10:45
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threeonefouranyone have an answer to my question10:46
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Aar0n444It should be fine, I've just installed10:46
andytof47hey all10:46
Aar0n444Argh, nevermind. I'll reinstall10:47
andytof47just wondering if i upgraded to edgy from dapper wether it might be easier to get my ati m6 mobility working10:47
andytof47anyone had experience???10:47
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threeonefourAar0n444, are you sure you installed  and not running from a live cd10:49
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Aar0n444threeonefour 10010:50
Aar0n444Doesn't matter.10:50
threeonefourAar0n444, whitch version of buntu10:50
sandy16i am getting my gdm crashed frequently, can any body help me out of this?10:51
deepsai get this error while compiling alsa-driver http://pastebin.ca/30780710:51
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threeonefourAar0n444, witch command are you trying to use10:51
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Ferretp/las -hi10:52
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deepsaanybody help please i get error while compiling alsa-driver http://pastebin.ca/30780810:52
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Aar0n444I was trying to use  sudo pico blahblabh and sudo nano blah blah10:52
Aar0n444Then I just tried su10:53
threeonefourdeepsa, wait your turn10:53
freakabcddeepsa, fiesty should be in #ubuntu+1, no?10:53
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threeonefourAar0n444, did su work10:53
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andytof47hi i am trying to install fglrx and get an error telling me the driver is not compatible with Xorg 7.1 anyone able to help10:53
Aar0n444I'm going to try and reinstall10:54
Aar0n444Don't worry, but thanks :D10:54
threeonefourAar0n444, first do this   run a recovery shell10:54
deepsaplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help10:54
ColinTCan somone help me with setting up an E-Mail account with evelution?10:54
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Ferretdeepsa: Look for a newer version of alsa-driver; or if you're making a custom kernel, use the driver that are in the kernel itself10:54
Aar0n444threeonefour I've only just installed it, it's no hassle10:55
Ferretdeepsa: And yeah, slightly wrong channel10:55
deepsaFerret: kernel is bad10:55
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andytof47hi i am trying to install fglrx and get an error telling me the driver is not compatible with Xorg 7.1 anyone able to help10:55
deepsai wanna out alsa from kernel Ferret10:55
cyphasehmm.. my router was sending me DNS replies on weird ports10:55
mvfeinsteinCan anyone tell me how I can fix this error  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"10:55
cyphasei had to go to another computer and find another dns server10:56
threeonefourcyphase, whitch ports10:56
andytof47anyone please10:56
Ferretdeepsa: Guess what happens when you do that?  When something in the kernel changes, the outside version stops compiling, which is one of the reasons *why* alsa is in the kernel.  Guess what's happening in your case?  Wow, really?10:56
cyphasethreeonefour, it was a different port everytime i ran dig10:57
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cyphaselemme see..10:57
deepsaFerret: see my kernel has alsa but it doesnt detect the card.10:57
Ferretdeepsa: See if there's a newer version which doesn't try to use the deprecated config.h10:57
andytof47hi i am trying to install fglrx and get an error telling me the driver is not compatible with Xorg 7.1 anyone able to help10:57
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deepsaFerret: i posted in the forum too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=332472.10:57
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cyphasethreeonefour: it's 389 now, but it also tried 35, 223, etc10:57
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Ferretdeepsa: That's the hda, right?10:58
threeonefourcyphase, thats weird     go to #threeonefour10:58
deepsaFerret: ya snd-hda-intel10:58
threeonefourthis channel is for ubuntu only10:58
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Ferretdeepsa: Well, that's a very common module, I doubt that you'd need to compile your own version of alsa-driver to get it10:59
deepsaFerret: is this the latest version of alsa? ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.9rc4a.tar.bz210:59
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andytof47hey guys i really need some info about fglrx error10:59
deepsaFerret: my sound wont work man10:59
andytof47can anyone help10:59
crimsundeepsa: no, that's very, very, very old10:59
=== ruschi [n=ruschi@p57B4F846.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
threeonefourcyphase, i will help you in that channel11:00
deepsacrimsun: gimme link of latest alsa plz11:00
ruschigood morning - I need experts on udev11:00
cyphasethreeonefour: i'm already in there11:00
crimsundeepsa: 1.0.14rc1 is the latest11:00
deepsawhere i get11:00
Ferretruschi: Give details please.11:00
crimsundeepsa: see http://www.alsa-project.org11:00
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deepsai am there cr11:00
ruschisomehow the IR-device on my T60 is not recognized correctly11:00
ruschiand it does not create a /dev/ircomm0 device11:01
deepsacrimsun: my sound doesnt work11:01
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ruschiI can create it manualy11:01
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ruschiand it works perfectly11:01
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ruschibut udev doesn't creat it11:01
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ruschiand after every reboot the devicenode is gone11:01
ColinTCan someone help me setting up Evelution E-mail?11:01
ruschiHow can I ger udev to create this device11:01
ruschior do you use other workarounds11:02
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Ferretdeepsa: In alsamixer, did you remember to press 'm' to unmute your card?  It may have been working perfectly but muted11:02
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ruschiI could put "mknod /dev/orcomm0 c 161 0" in /etc/rc.local - but that doesn't see mvery "professional"11:02
deepsaFerret: alsamixer not open give error no sound card present say11:02
Ferretdeepsa: When you disable your modem it works, it says.11:03
deepsaya it get detected but no output11:03
FerretDid you check to see if it was muted?  It has cyan 'MM' under the controls (Main and PCM)11:04
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deepsaya i check i make unmute and full volume but no output11:04
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deepsahi mena11:04
menadeepsa, hi u r here11:04
deepsaya mena11:04
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menai dont know why my file system permisison is unkowen11:05
ruschiwhere does udev know its device nodes to create?11:05
deepsamena: lol old problem pm me i will help11:05
jal0xFFrar is encrypted, Archive Manager wpmopen it?11:05
jal0xFF* to open it?11:06
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menadeepsa, hahh old....okay11:06
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Ferretruschi: If udev is picking it up at all, it should be creating a device node somewhere...11:06
ruschihow do I know whether udev is picking it up?11:07
deepsahelppppppp sound not working here11:07
Ferretruschi: see if you can find it with ls -lR /dev | grep 161 (grrr find can't search major numbers)11:07
fleischwurst_I GOT SEGFAULT11:07
fleischwurst_WHEN UBUNTU STARTING11:07
fleischwurst_HOW TO FIXX??11:07
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deepsafleischwurst_: use vista11:07
Toma-what is segfaulting?11:08
Olathefleischwurst_, did you just now install Ubuntu ?11:08
OlatheToma-, it's when a program starts throwing rocks at other programs.11:08
fleischwurst_how to fix??????11:08
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Toma-WHAT is segfaulting. I know what it is, but what program is doing it?11:09
xstIn /etc/fstab I have added "noauto" as mount option but still, the mount point is beeing mounted automatically upon boot. Why? And how can I fix it?11:09
ruschinope - the devicenodes with major 161 have all a creation time 3 minutes ago when I manually created /dev/ircomm011:09
fleischwurst_segmentation fault!!!11:09
pradeepfleischwurst_, at what point do you see this segfault?11:09
=== handir [n=handir@pD9EBA1E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fleischwurst_wehn i start eth11:09
Ferretruschi: The kernel tells udev all the details on what to create through sysfs and kernel events, but udev is rarely configured to 'drop' device nodes completely.  If udev doesn't know about them they just get created in som default location -- so I suspect in your case udev simply isn't getting poked by the kernel about it (possibly because these ircomm devices aren't supported by hotplug)11:09
fleischwurst_eneme yterritory hack11:09
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fleischwurst_doesnt work anymore!!!!! :((((((((((((811:09
ruschiall other devicenodes have creation time at boottime11:09
Toma-fleischwurst_: ok, youll need to disable your onboard LAN i suspect...11:09
fleischwurst_what nopW????11:09
deepsafleischwurst_: format11:10
=== thaly [n=ttodorov@port-83-236-62-131.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-fleischwurst_: youve probably busted the config for it.11:10
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:10
ruschi@Ferret: How would I do a workaround?11:10
ruschijust do static node cration with mknod?11:10
fleischwurst_lol :p11:10
fleischwurst_that was funny though :)11:10
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menadeepsa, you dont answer me ..plz11:10
ruschi@ferret: or is there a "professional solution to this?11:11
habeebHello! Is there a program that can automaticaly download the newest episodes of the shows I'm RSS subscribed11:11
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Ferretruschi: Does it all work fine when you create them manually?11:11
deepsamena: i replied11:11
ruschi@Ferret: No problem - its working like a charm11:11
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mena lol old problem pm me i will hel11:11
menaoka i know11:12
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fleischwurst_sorry, my little brother11:12
pradeephabeeb, democracy player11:12
fleischwurst_just ignore him11:12
fleischwurst_he is a stupid, silly fuck11:12
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PriceChild!ohmy | fleischwurst_11:13
ubotufleischwurst_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:13
Ferretruschi: Well, creating the node directly will probably be the only way, but we can give udev a quick poke to see if it'll work -- Does "grep -R ircomm /etc/udev/rules.d/" return any lines?11:13
habeebpradeep: hard to use? I want it for net radio, will it work?11:13
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ruschi@Ferret: no it doesn't I already checked this11:13
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pradeephabeeb, as in? podcasts?11:13
habeebpradeep: yes11:14
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NullPointerhello, what is the best IRC client for linux? I use xchat-gnome, but it is very basic in comparence with mIRC for win11:14
abhinayNullPointer: xchat11:14
jal0xFFand what tool to open encrypted RAR?11:15
fleischwurst_how to switch language in console?11:15
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fleischwurst_whats the variable?11:15
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ruschi@Ferret: How do I create a rule to get udev to find it?11:16
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deepsaFerret: dude when i sudo make install alsa-driver where it write the files man11:16
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pradeep!rar | jal0xFF11:17
ubotujal0xFF: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:17
hastesaverHow do I install software without root access? (In my own directory, etc.) Apart from downloading and compiling the tarball... is there no way to use the packages in the repositories?11:18
Everflexhey, i'm using XAMPP, but does anybody know what the default username is for logging into the web interface?11:18
threeonefourjal0xFF, you could always bf it11:18
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deepsawhich package has alsaconf11:20
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ruschi@All Thanks alot - time for reboot11:22
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lovlosswhats the best package for some really nice fonts?11:23
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Schalkenwhat can i use to view cpu temperature?11:25
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deepsagdesklet Schalken11:26
azamoum17tu tapel commen11:26
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azamoum17je compran rien11:27
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azamoum17tu tapell comen11:27
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azamoum17koi c rieu11:27
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azamoum17t 1 fille au 1 garcon11:28
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hastesaver!fr | azamoum1711:28
ubotuazamoum17: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:28
alejandrosackalguien es de ESPAA??11:28
hastesaverazamoum17: sorry, which language?11:28
hastesaver!es | alejandrosack11:29
ubotualejandrosack: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:29
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andytof47_hey need a little help downgrading from xorg 7.1 to xorg 7.011:29
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andytof47_how do i downgrade ???/7.1 to 7.0?11:31
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|Sora|im using vmware to emulate ubuntu 6.10, and have the connection "Bridged" ... but i cant seem to go online wiht the image, could it be my firewall?11:31
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andytof47_more to the point how do i get help in here????11:33
harrisony|Sora|: change it to NAT11:33
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hastesaverthere doesn't seem to be anyone here today :-)11:33
andytof47_well it seems quiet in here11:34
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abhinayandytof47_, try this11:35
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imbecileok what repo has kismet in it?11:35
urakaipahi there :) I have a problem with buggy software... sometimes one of these freeze and start to fill up all the ram. Is it possibile to set the maximum amount of ram for each process? I mean like set up the process priority11:35
=== lupine_85 throws an eyecandy bone -- http://www.lupine.me.uk/img/purdy.png
abhinayandytof47_, sudo aptitude install xorg=7.011:35
kane77anybody has problems with flash after upgrade to firefox
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andytof47_cheers try now11:35
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harrisonyimbecile: kismet?11:36
kane77urakaipa, yes you can "nice" the process11:36
kane77urakaipa, (use the command nice)11:36
andytof47_abhinay : Couldn't find package "xorg", and more than 4011:36
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urakaipakane77 but nice can just set up the priority. How can I set the max amount of ram?11:38
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psynthis there no taskbar type thing in edgy ?11:40
psynthor ubuntu in general for that matter ?11:40
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vleoncan anyone give me an explanation of how to extract ace archive files?11:41
threeonefourpsynth, do you meant a mini terminal11:41
hastesaverpsynth: don't you see one at the top-right? (in GNOME)11:41
kane77thats strange I had firefox 2.0 installed and now suddenly in "about" box it says
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urakaipavleon i think you need the ace support, try installing unace package with apt-get install unace11:43
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vleoncan you give me the exact command?11:43
vleonsudo apt-get install unace ?11:43
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urakaipavleon yes. after that i think you can open the .ace archives with file-roller11:44
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vleoni actually wanted to open them with archive manager, is it possible?11:45
break_quick question11:45
break_ubuntu is only a single cd, right?11:45
break_i found it11:45
urakaipavleon yes, that is file-roller11:46
kane77thats strange I had firefox 2.0 installed and now suddenly in "about" box it says why?? I want my firefox2 back!! :(11:46
=== ikonia wakes
vleonwell its strange the extantion is installed and yet i cant open the ace files11:46
break_is there only one version of ubuntu 6.0611:46
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vleonthe latest version is 6.1011:46
break_i know11:47
break_this is dapper11:47
vleonoh im sorry11:47
break_has it been changed at all11:47
break_let me rephrase that11:47
ikoniabreak_: there is stable - which is 6.0.6 with long term support and 6.10 with community support11:47
break_has dapper been changed at all in the past 6 months11:47
break_the cd image you can download11:47
ikoniayes there is
break_thats what i have, good11:47
break_just wondering if this cd is outdated or not11:48
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ikoniathis information is on the ubuntu website11:48
ikoniacheck there for basic information11:48
break_its a quick question, saves some time11:48
break_i knew somebody in here would know11:48
ikoniaits on the main page11:48
ikoniathats quicker11:48
break_back to labeling this massive pile of burned cd's11:48
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vleonwell its strange the extantion is installed and yet i cant open the ace files11:50
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urakaipavleon you are right... I never had ace archive but now that i tried it's true, it's not possibile to open them11:52
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psynthhasteserver: If I for example close my amarok so that it minimizes to taskbar I can't see the Icon appearing anywhere ?11:52
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vleonwell then what should i do ? :\11:52
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psynthAnd I tryed to use the Add to panel but cant find anything there ? Some on here know how to get the taskbar showing ?11:54
|Sora|Can someone guide me to installing vmaware tools in ubuntu iso image in vmware workstation, thanks11:54
kane77thats strange I had firefox 2.0 installed and now suddenly in "about" box it says why?? I want my firefox2 back!! :(11:54
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metresHi all, do someone knoe why adept manager display square instead of ''..?11:54
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kane77psynth, what do you mean by taskbar?11:54
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psynthamarok closed by pressing the X button of the windows normally minimizes it and keeps still playing ? but I cant se any icon anywhere after its minimized ?11:55
ikoniakane77: you said that about 2 minutes ago11:55
ikoniaexactly the same line11:55
metresmaybe after this command : localedef -i fr_CA -f ISO-8859-1 fr_CA11:55
kane77ikonia, sorry...11:56
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|Sora|can someone help me please11:57
|Sora|im new at this11:57
psynthkane77: you catch my drift ?11:58
ikonia|Sora|: whats the problem11:58
kane77|Sora|, whats the problem?11:58
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kane77psynth, what do you mean by taskbar??11:58
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urakaipavleon it could be that your .ace archive was made with a recent version of ace tool, and unace is too old11:58
|Sora|Can someone guide me to installing vmaware tools in ubuntu iso image in vmware workstation, thanks11:58
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|Sora|i have it mounted in the ubuntu image11:59
|Sora|but i dont know how to install it11:59
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hjmills!ask |Sora|11:59
ubotuSora|: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:59
ikonia|Sora|: you want to install ubuntu into a virtual machine, or you want ot install vmware onto ubuntu11:59
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:59
hjmills!ask ||Sora|11:59
ubotu|Sora|: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:59
|Sora|hjmills, i already did11:59
|Sora|at [5:54am] 11:59
sleepy495How do I set a password on my desktop when I'm afk?11:59
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hjmills|Sora|: I know - just for future ref (im in a diff time zone remember)11:59
ikoniasleepy495: you can't if you can't access the machine12:00
|Sora|ok, well that is insulting!12:00
hjmills|Sora|: but i wasnt online then - sorry12:00
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ikonia|Sora|: its not insulting, do you want help or not ?12:00
hjmills|Sora|: what is the problem?12:00
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sleepy495but I can12:00
ikoniasleepy495: what do you want to do ?12:01
hjmillssleepy495: you want to lock the screen?12:01
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ikoniaoooh right, press the button in the top right corner12:01
ikoniait brings up a menu with "lock screen" on it12:01
|Sora|I have ubunto loaded in vmware workstation, now i wanted to install the "VMware tools"12:01
urakaipaanyway... someone know how to set up the max amout of ram for a process?12:01
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hjmillssleepy495: in gnome open System>Preferences>Screensaver and tick the box "lock screen when screensaver is active" then when the screen saver comes on it wil need the password to get back on12:01
metresDo anyone already had this beryl error ?   ** (beryl-manager:11294): WARNING **: Beryl caught deadly signal 11 Not initializing the Gtk-Qt theme engine12:02
ikonia|Sora|: you can't install vware onto a machine running in a virtual machine12:02
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|Sora|im using virtual space12:02
|Sora|or whatevre its called12:02
hjmills|Sora|: but that would be like running a virtual machine on a virtual machine...12:02
ikoniametres: /join #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl12:02
ikonia|Sora|: you can't do that12:02
|Sora|well, i have it mounted12:02
ikonia|Sora|: you can't do that12:02
|Sora|i have vmware tools mounted inside an image12:02
ikonia|Sora|: you can't do that12:03
|Sora|i jsut need ot install it12:03
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hjmills|Sora|: is ubuntu installed on a virtual machine?12:03
|Sora|no, live cd12:03
ikonia|Sora|: you can't do that12:03
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hjmills|Sora|: and you want to install it?12:03
|Sora|sp i need ot install it in the virtual machine, only then i cna install vmware tools?12:03
ikoniahjmills: he wants to install vmware onto the live cd, then install the livecd into the virtual machines12:03
ikonia|Sora|: you can't do that12:04
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hjmillsikonia: but then when you reboot you lose everything - its just mad12:04
ikoniahjmills: I know - thats why I'm saying "you can't do that"12:04
|Sora|let me try installing ubuntu in vmware12:04
hjmillsikonia: yeah - crazy!12:04
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lupine_85could install it onto a USB key drive easily enough12:05
hjmills|Sora|: you need vmware installed on a pc (not using a live cd) before you can install ubuntu on the virtual machine12:05
ikonialupine_85: nope, as the vmare install wouldn't be present on the livecd when he rebooted12:05
lupine_85it's do-able12:05
|Sora|i think you guys have it wrong12:05
|Sora|i have vmware installed in windows12:05
lupine_85with some $PREFIX magickery, everything is do-able :)12:05
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lupine_85I'd put /opt as the kde drive, install vmware to that, and mount --bind the dir containing the kernel module12:06
|Sora|now what im doing it running ubuntu image in vmware, but i dont have ubuntu installed in the image12:06
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ikonia|Sora|: click the "install" icon on the desktop12:06
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me I am having trouble getting direct render to work on my system (ATI X850 XT & Edgy)12:07
ba5e|Sora|: you can get ready installed VMWare images12:07
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|Sora|yes ikonia, doing that as we speak12:07
ikonia|Sora|: so whats the problem ?12:07
|Sora|i wanted to install vmware "tools" on a live cd, seems thats not possible12:08
ikoniayes, thats correct12:08
ba5e|Sora|: should be, its just a rpm/gz mounted fs - you might need alien12:09
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aeromixhi.. I have this line written in crontab : * * * * * sh /home/au/cron/iesss.sh but the script actually doesn't starty any time?! any clue?12:10
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Kryptor`with courier-imap it wont let me create root folders with outlook/outlook express but i can create subfolders of the inbox. i am using it with postfix on debian. Has anyone experianced this issue?12:10
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jamiehdWhenever I trt12:11
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hjmillsaeromix: that means run every second of every min of every hour of every etc...12:11
ikoniaaeromix: thats because you've told it to start every second of every day and you've entered the command as "sh" not "sh /home/au/cron/iesssh"12:11
jamiehdI'll start again...12:11
ikoniaKryptor`: this is ubuntu - not debian support, /join #debian12:11
jamiehdWhenever I log into MSN on Gaim, it instantly closes as soon as I sign in. Any ideas?12:11
aeromixhjmills: every minute, not?12:11
nimbohooray ubuntu! my mouse doesn't work anymore after installing the latest updates12:11
hjmillsaeromix: well it will run all the time - do u really want that?12:12
Kryptor`ikonia ubuntu and debian are similar :P12:12
ikoniaaeromix: you've told it to run every second of every minute ofevery day12:12
ikoniaKryptor`: but not the same - and this is #ubuntu support not debian12:12
ikoniathere is a #debian channel for debian12:12
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aeromixhjmills: actually I wanted that to run every 3 minutes but after I got to know it doesn't run I changed it to better control if it already runs12:12
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ikoniaaeromix: https://wiki.ubuntu.com - read up on cron12:13
jamiehdWhenever I log into MSN on Gaim, it instantly closes as soon as I sign in. Any ideas?12:13
hjmillsaeromix: use */3 and is the sh <filename> all on one line?12:14
ikoniajamiehd: saw you when you typed it 60 seconds ago12:14
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ikoniahjmills: he'll have to quote it or it will just launch sh and exit12:14
jamiehdBut it went off screen, and I wasn't sure if anyone had noticed12:14
ikoniawhy not make the script executable and drop the "sh"12:14
hjmillsnimbo: totally broken or just whacky sensitivity?12:14
nimbototally broken12:14
hjmills!patience | jamiehd12:14
ubotujamiehd: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:14
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jamiehdI''ll have a look12:15
hjmillsnimbo: hmm - check the xorg config and see what was upgraded12:15
jamiehdThank you12:15
aeromixhjmills: yep12:15
hjmillsaeromix: what is the script? pastebin it if u can12:15
ctquclwho knows how can I use the windows key(between alt and ctrl12:15
ctqucl) in gconf-edit?12:15
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aeromixhjmills: ok w812:15
ikoniahjmills: it appears xorg 7.1.1 has quite a few issuse with the autodetection in edgy12:15
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nimbonothing i guess12:16
aeromixhjmills: http://pastebin.sk/517/12:16
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ikoniaI've got a mouse problem after a clean install of edgy - but the upgrade from 6.0.6 to 6.10 was fine as 6.0.6 put all the details in xorg.conf for me so it didn't have to autodetect12:16
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aeromixhjmills: it works ok if I run it normally12:16
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaaeromix: because your cron setup is wrong12:17
=== Cyvros [n=Cyvros@cor8-ppp3501.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ctquclsuch as <Alt>F1  in gconf-edit,how can I use the key between ctrl and alt.12:17
aeromixikonia: what should I do?12:17
hjmillsaeromix: are you using your crontab or roots?12:17
ikoniaaeromix: I've told you 3 times the problems12:17
aeromixhjmills: crontab12:17
Cyvrosgood evening, all.12:18
p3rra_Please help, it works to do things as a root with "sudo some-command" but i can't login as root :(12:18
urakaipaHow can I set the maximum amount of ram for a process?12:18
aeromixikonia: I did everything according ti your advices but it doesn't work yet..12:18
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hjmillsaeromix: do what ikonia said and make it executable and dont use sh12:18
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hjmillsso the cron line is * * * * * /path/to/script.sh12:18
aeromixhjmills: it is already exectuable12:18
hjmillsaeromix: then dont use sh in front of it12:18
hjmillsaeromix: should it be running in your home dir?12:19
ikoniawhy is he still using * * * * *12:19
ikoniaaeromix: show me the output of crontab -l12:19
CyvrosWould anyone be able to help me install Enlightenment?12:19
hjmillsikonia: because he wants to be plagued by xmessage?12:19
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aeromixikonia: # m h  dom mon dow   command12:20
aeromix*/3 * * * * /home/au/cron/iesss.sh12:20
ikoniaCyvros: not sure if there is a package for that on ubuntu12:20
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Cyvrosikonia: I've tried about six different methods, two or three times each, and none have worked.12:20
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ikoniaCyvros: thats not what I said, I said I don't think ubuntu has a package for it12:20
Cyvrosikonia: Some get as far as a whopping 1% (of what I assume is d/l)!12:20
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:20
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:20
Cyvrosikonia: Yes.12:21
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:21
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:21
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:21
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aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:21
aeromix-rwxr-xr-x   1 au au  245 2007-01-06 11:57 iesss.sh12:21
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ikoniaaeromix: don't flood/spam12:21
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hjmills!paste | aeromix12:21
ubotuaeromix: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)12:21
=== ikonia adds aeromix to ignore
SimonLMorning all12:21
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Cyvrosikonia: I have found some methods involving sudo apt-get install enlightenment (or some such).12:21
ikoniaCyvros: so there is an enlightenment package then12:22
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|Sora|ikonia, ok finished installing, and now i jsut updated ubuntu by installing updates, is there a need ot restart?12:22
Cyvrosikonia: I'm not sure, but I think it's more of a "was"... It shows up in Synaptic all right, but it just says there's nothing actually there.12:22
SimonLCan anyone help me with a screen resolution problem, my monitor uses 1440 * 900 resolution, it works perfect in Windows, but the resolutions in linux dont go that high by default.12:22
ikonia|Sora|: read basic usage docs on http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com12:22
ikoniaCyvros: if it lists as a package - its there12:23
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|Sora|i cna oyu that, or you can tell me :)12:23
SimonLOn the forums, some others had a problem, but they didn't solve them there, or not in a way I understood, thanks :D12:23
Cyvrosikonia: Hang on, I'll pull out the message it spits out.12:23
ikonia|Sora|: no - read the basic docs12:23
aeromixhjmills: yes, it should be running in my home dir. my username is au12:24
nimbohow can i reverse the latest update packages?12:24
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Cyvrosikonia: Here we go. http://pastebin.com/85259912:24
|Sora|something wrong nimbo?12:24
SimonLanyone willing to help me :)12:24
ikonianimbo: you'd have to re-install the old version12:25
|Sora|why didn't you tell me this before, i jsut updated, darn12:25
nimboso is there a log file?12:25
ikoniaCyvros: there is no package there12:25
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Cyvrosikonia: Ah. Could it be my sources list?12:25
ikonia|Sora|: just because it effect nimbo doesn't mean it will you, you may not even have the same packages installed12:25
Cyvrosikonia: As in a problem with it.12:25
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ikoniaCyvros: no - the package has been removed12:25
|Sora|ok ikonia12:25
Cyvrosikonia: Damn.12:26
Cyvrosikonia: Thanks, anyway.12:26
ikoniano problem12:26
ReG_i have a trouble with opengl based xscreensavers, some are not correctly displayed12:26
CyvrosI'll probably just wait until Elbuntu is released. :D12:26
nimboso where is the log file which shows what update packages has been installed at the latest?12:26
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deepsawhich package has this checking for libasound headers version >= 1.0.12... not present.12:27
ikonianimbo: dpkg.log12:27
ikoniadeepsa: are you trying to run a "configure" script12:27
ImpatientHi, I need some help disabling the feature that makes ubuntu not write the changes to disk until it unmounts..12:27
ikoniathen you should know what your doing - before compiling source packages outside of ubuntu support12:27
deepsaikonia: man tell me i am expert12:27
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ikoniaImpatient: I'm not aware of that feature12:28
SeraVitaeImpatient - maybe look around to disable write caching.12:28
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ikoniadeepsa: doesn't look like it12:28
SeraVitaecheck automount stuff.12:28
=== Elektrochelovek diena
=== Ber1 [n=administ@adsl-147-42-12.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniadeepsa: no disrespect intended12:28
deepsaikonia: i wanna detect sound in ubut12:28
dv5237what are source repositories?12:28
Impatientikonia: weird, it's default on my installation (Edgy eft)12:28
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ikoniaImpatient: it maybe on mine, just not aware of it12:28
deepsaikonia: dude can u help detect sound in ubutun12:29
Ber1peps, I need some help installing my wireless12:29
SimonLanyone know how to change the resolution out of the default ones?12:29
Ber1anyone could help?12:29
ikoniadeepsa: what do you mean "detect" sound12:29
ikoniaSimonL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com search for xorg resolution12:29
deepsaikonia: i mean no sound coming out12:29
SimonLthanks :D12:29
ikoniadeepsa: so why are you compiling software to fix that ?12:29
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deepsaikonia: i wanna test12:29
ikoniatest what ?12:29
deepsaosund outut12:30
SimonLmaybe its your sound card deepsa12:30
ikoniaso why do you need to build software for that ?12:30
deepsasound output*12:30
=== AlexFicelle [n=alexandr@215.192-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
SimonLI know my new one i bought for windows wont work in linux, because the drivers arent out yet12:30
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=== SimonL slaps soundblaster
deepsai need software like madplay to play music12:30
ikoniadeepsa: no you do'nt - xmms, totem, soundjuicer - all play music12:30
ikoniaand many others12:31
deepsaikonia: they r not playing sound12:31
SimonLthey play colours? :)12:31
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ikoniadeepsa: so what does that tell you, either all the software is broke , or your sound card isn't working/configured12:31
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Impatientabout sound support, I have one computer with one soundcard that only works in windows and one that only works in linux..12:31
ikoniahow will building ANOTHER audio player help/fix12:31
jamiehdhello again!12:31
deepsaALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open resource for writing.12:31
deepsai get this12:31
jamiehdI've read through the rules, thanks for the link :)12:31
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ikoniadeepsa: perfect - so there is the problem, building another audio player won't fix that12:31
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ReG_there are calculation mistakes in "gears planetary" for example, gears are not completely displayed12:32
deepsaikonia: how i solve i post forum too no response12:32
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ikoniadeepsa: https;//wiki.ubuntu.com - search for alsa12:32
deepsaokay see this ikonia12:32
kane77where are most of programs installed??12:32
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ikoniakane77: /usr/bin12:33
kane77like /usr/ something?12:33
deepsaikonia: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33247212:33
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deepsaikonia: help ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^12:33
ikoniadeepsa: I don't want to read that, check out the wiki search12:33
kane77ikonia, aren't those just links?12:33
ikoniakane77: no12:33
deepsaikonia: wtf12:33
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deepsayou don wanna help newbie12:33
ikoniaplease don't swear at me12:33
kane77ikonia, where should I put firefox12:33
ikoniakane77: you don't put firefox anywhere - use apt to download and install it12:34
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deepsais this ubuntu help channel everyone?12:34
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ikoniadeepsa: yes this is the ubuntu support channel12:34
kane77ikonia, there's no firefox2...12:34
psynthIf a window is minimzed to "taskbar" how do I recall it ? no icons anywhere ?12:34
deepsaikonia: then where is support hiding12:34
ikoniakane77: are you using 6.0.6 ?12:34
kane77ikonia, yes12:34
deepsai want support12:35
ikoniadeepsa: all around, you've just been given a support link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com that explains how to setup alsa12:35
ikoniakane77: just hang on for FF2 to be moved onto t 6.0.612:35
deepsaikonia: plz help man12:35
=== SimonL buys deepsa a bra
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deepsaSimonL: dude can u help men12:35
ikoniadeepsa: I've given you a support link on how to set it up - if you have specific setup questions then I'll help12:35
SimonLim a noob :P12:35
SimonLbut hmm12:35
=== AlexFicelle [n=alexandr@215.192-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
SimonLi did fix my sound12:35
SimonLhave u installed the mp3 patch thing?12:35
deepsaSimonL: ya mp312:36
ikoniadeepsa:https://wiki.ubuntu.com - search for alsa12:36
ikoniaSimonL: his problem is Alsa setup12:36
SimonLno idea what that is but ok :D12:36
psynthsomeone wanna help me for a bit ?12:36
deepsaikonia: dude now seriously. i am using ubuntu fiesty12:36
ikoniadeepsa: then thats silly12:36
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ikoniapsynth: whats up12:36
deepsaikonia: but sound sud work12:36
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ikoniadeepsa: no - as its a configuration problem12:36
SimonLare ur speakers on?12:36
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deepsai have laptop12:37
ikoniaSimonL: are you trying to be a pain - the problem is alsa not setup properly12:37
deepsaspeaker on always12:37
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SimonLwell he isnt going to listen to that12:37
=== janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-132-153.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
deepsai got alsa 1.0.14rc1 i compile it12:37
AzMooHey, where is the grub configuration file? I thought it was supposed to be /boot/grub/grub.conf12:37
ikoniadeepsa: thats also stupid12:37
deepsawhen i do sudo make install where the file goes12:37
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ikoniaAzMoo: /boot/grub/menu.list12:37
AzMooikonia, oh, ta.12:38
levanderIf I have a GTK 2.x theme installed, is there a point to installign a Metacity theme?12:38
deepsaikonia: how can i remove alsa from kernel?12:38
psynthikonia: this same f'''king problem with the "taskbar" If I minimize the amarok window so that it still keeps playing the icon of amarok does not apear anywhere. No taskbar ?12:38
levanderI've installed a few and haven't noticed any changes they've made.12:38
ikoniadeepsa: your not going to fix anythign doing random stupid things - just read the link and you'lll have it fixed in 30 minutes12:38
deepsaikonia: are you sure dude????12:38
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ikoniapsynth: check launchpad for bug reports12:38
ikoniadeepsa: I am yes12:38
deepsaikonia: okay i read12:39
SimonLhey ikonia, I saw nothing on wiki about my screen resolution problem12:39
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psynthikonia: so sorry but launch pad is ?12:39
kane77does dist-upgrade (i want to upgrade to edgy) work well? I heard people complaining...12:39
SimonLubuntu wiki that is12:39
ikoniaSimonL: you saw nothing about how to reconfigure xorg12:39
SimonLlemme look again12:39
=== bef is currently installing ubuntu
ikoniapsynth: its like ubuntus bugzilla12:39
ikoniakane77: no12:39
TLEHey guys. I need info for a thread in the forum. Is the Xvid codec installed per default on a standard Ubuntu install?12:39
ikoniaTLE: no12:40
KenSentMe!xvid > TLE12:40
TLEok thanks12:40
=== EdgeT [n=EdgeT@dyn-83-153-240-59.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
needhelpcan anybody help me i got a problem with evolution. when I try to open a movie file it gives me the following message "12:40
needhelpCannot create output file: /home/aviisr/.evolution/cache/tmp/evolution-tmp-FcZ4ve:12:40
needhelp Is a directory"12:40
break_what do you all like better: GNOME or KDE12:40
break_or what?12:40
EdgeTHey guys12:40
ikoniabreak_: its just personal taste12:40
=== Buster^Ubuntu [n=buster@lns-bzn-58-82-251-250-227.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
break_they are both as capable as the other12:40
psynthikonia: so you think it's a bug if some sort ? that it should normally appear, the icon ?12:41
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break_they just look different12:41
break_thats it?12:41
EdgeTHow could I set X's resolution from a TTY plz?12:41
ikoniapsynth: possible12:41
kane77break_, I like gnome.. and I use also xfce on my second computer... sometimes I like openbox12:41
ikoniaedgeT xrandr#12:41
ikoniaedgeT xrandr12:41
break_im going to install linux right now12:41
EdgeTikonia xrandr?12:41
break_ubuntu or kubuntu, not sure which12:41
befbreak; have you used a linux build before?12:41
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befbreak; install ubuntu, later on you can add KDE if you wish12:42
EdgeTikonia I suppose it should offer some help too right?12:42
break_yeah i know12:42
break_i'm quite a noob when it comes to linux12:42
ikoniaEdgeT: no but the manpage will12:42
break_and ubuntu isnt very difficult12:42
befbreak; im also a big noob :)12:42
=== Feldegast [n=feldegas@cor11-ppp5668.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
EdgeTikonia oki thnx12:42
befbreak; though Ive played with a few different builds12:42
EdgeTikonia I'mma try it out12:42
needhelpikonia, you seem to understand. can you help me with my evolution problem?12:42
break_i keep having to get rid of linux because my windows install breaks and i end up installing windows on my linux drive to fix windows12:42
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ikoniaI don't understand your problem, why are you tyring to watch a movie with a mail package ?12:42
levanderSome people are just uploading splash screen PNG's to gnome-look instead of Splash themes.  How do I install a splash screen?12:43
abhinaywhat is the best ftp client every ?12:43
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TLEKenSentMe: thanks, uh by the way, why is it that when people talk about free formats they always just mention that ogg type video codec, isn't Xvid free and open source too?12:43
befbreak_ : windows is the devil :d12:43
break_xvid is free12:43
break_well, when i come back in an hour or so, show me how to use wine12:43
break_i play games12:43
break_Counter Strike:Source12:43
befI have little-to-no-experience with wine12:43
needhelpikonia, lol. I recieve *.avi files in mail messages from friends. up untill now i was double clicking them and totem would have play them now it gives me the next message12:43
needhelpCannot create output file: /home/aviisr/.evolution/cache/tmp/evolution-tmp-FcZ4ve:12:43
needhelp Is a directory12:43
break_haha, alright12:43
befi only really play browser games and simple games XD12:44
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Feldegasti have 2 xorg.conf's, how to i select the one i want to use at bootup?12:44
TLEbut not as free as ogg theora ?12:44
Impatientbef: I changed my windows boot screen to a picture off hell and with the text "Hell is booting up..." :D12:44
ikonianeedhelp: no idea12:44
ReG_is there any opengl display problem in ubuntu 6.112:44
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ikoniaFeldegast: you'll have to write a script12:44
befImpatient : Hah, nice work there!12:44
orioloi have a problem installing jdk 1.4.2 on ubuntu 6.10, does anybody can hel please?12:44
ikoniaReG_: be more specific12:44
SimonLalmost got lost in alt ctrl F1 lol12:44
befikonia : could you please give some more information12:44
ikoniabef: about what ?12:44
befikonia : i am a tool, I meant to say oriolo :)12:45
ikoniano problem12:45
orioloi have the problem when i create the .deb pacakge from .bin12:45
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=== bef slaps himself with a soggy cheeseburger
befHm, are you sure the permissions are set correctly12:45
orioloit says dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED libjvm.so' not recognized12:45
befHm strange error12:46
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befwhy is the package format so?12:46
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befis that the form you acquired it in? if so, check if there is an alternate package12:47
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orioloi got it from sun12:47
oriolonow seems that now it is working! :)12:48
=== Sentinel [n=sentinel@static-87-245-56-206.teleos-web.de] has joined #ubuntu
orioloi just have the warning in make-jpkg12:48
Sentinelhi - some1 knows about getting an existing NTFS-Raid0 to work? NForce4 Ultra chipset12:48
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oriolothanks a lot bef!12:49
ikoniaSentinel: doubtful you will be able to12:49
oriolobut yestarday it didnt work...12:49
ikoniaas NF4 is not real raid12:49
Sentinelikonia: i know12:49
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ikoniathe data is delt with by the windows driver......that doesn't exist on linux12:49
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Sentinelikonia: can i undo that raid0 without loosing data?12:49
levanderIf I want to associate evince with PDF files instead of the default xpdf, how would I do that in nautilus?12:50
ikoniaSentinel: don't konw - I'm not a windows expert12:50
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SimonLthis is confusing me12:50
Sentinelok ty12:50
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SimonLfancy trying to help me some more ikonia12:51
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SimonLisnt there a way to type, sudo resolution 1440 * 90012:51
SimonLor something easy :P12:51
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SimonLonly had linux 2 days, only want the right resolution :P12:52
k_vvhello... i just wanna ask where in ubuntu can I change my network settings ? in which file in /etc ?12:52
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levanderSimonL: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution12:53
SimonLnah lev, it doesn't go high enough :(12:53
SimonLI need 1440 * 90012:53
Tomcat_k_vv: System => Admin => Network, or /etc/network/interfaces12:53
levanderSimonL: you need to reconfigure X-Windows then, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:53
k_vvTomcat_:ok thx man :) very helpful ;)12:53
oldabhi! when i connect the computer with the tv via svhs, i only get a black screen. Where can i activate the svhs-out?12:53
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vect0rxso i have an lcd tv that goes 1360x768, and a laptop that i'm trying to get xorg to output to it with12:54
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vect0rxlaptop is a dell inspiron 1100, (gfx card Intel 845G, driver=i810)12:54
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SimonLdid that alrdy12:54
SimonLit said i need to enter my gfx card in binary terms or something12:54
SimonLso i looked on the page it gave to find it out12:54
SimonLbut it didn't make sense to me12:54
levanderSimonL: in "binary terms", I've never seen that, don't even know what it means12:55
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levanderSimonL: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't even install xgl i don't think12:55
|Sora|ok, how come when i try to install this it wont come up, it has a lokc in the icon, the name is 'vmware-install.pl"12:55
levanderSimonL: that only happens when you install hardware acceleration12:55
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levanderSimonL: which video card do you have?12:55
SimonLNvidia GeForce 7800GT i think12:56
oldaball: how can i activate the svhs-out?12:56
BigToeFirefox never remembers the printing paper size/border settings, how do I make it keep them?12:56
levanderSimonL: if it doesn't recognize your video card, just choose the driver "nv" from the list it provides, that's the open source nvidia driver.  You can install hardware acceleration later if you want.12:56
SimonLok cool lemme try12:57
befQuery: Just installed a program successfully, shows in menu however execution loads nada, nothing happens :O12:57
levanderSimonL: When you said gfx, I thought you meant glx.  By gfx, did you mean GeForce?12:57
|Sora|ok, how come when i try to install this it wont come up, it has a lock in the icon, the name is 'vmware-install.pl"12:57
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SimonLi said gfx :P12:57
SimonLi meant graphics12:58
levanderSimonL:  you provide a name and choose a driver for your graphics card, the name doesn't really matter, it's just what your card is called in xorg.conf, you can call it anything12:58
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levanderSimonL: You could name it Sue and it would still work.12:58
sexcopter8000i'm trying to change the synaptic network settings from going through a proxy to a direct connection, but it just maxes out the processor and is inoperable. is there some config file i can get to manually?12:58
SimonLit comes up with this12:58
SimonLi will pm it cos its like 10 lines12:58
befQuery: Just installed a program successfully, shows in menu however execution loads nada, nothing happens :O - any ideas?12:58
levanderSimonL: You get the Johnny Cash reference in that last comment, or your too young?12:58
=== interfear [n=interfea@c-69-248-75-175.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SimonLi got it :)12:58
interfearhi.. if i go to software updates via the gnome system menu -> software updates, it will open a box, but its just all grey with nothing in it..anyone know what this could be?12:59
SimonLok looks like i cant paste from that screen12:59
SimonLsue, its a suedanime :D12:59
BigToeFirefox never remembers the printing paper size/border settings, how do I make it keep them?12:59
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SimonLcant spell that word :P12:59
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SimonLbigtoe, how often do you print with FF?12:59
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|Sora|someone help12:59
BigToesome days I print two or three jobs a day01:00
befBigToe you can make a keyset response to make selections01:00
BigToesome days I don't do any at all01:00
SimonLah k01:00
BigToebef, a what? :P01:00
SimonLtry googling it :P01:00
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befim not sure how to code it for a GNU01:00
BigToeI wonder if upgrading to FF 2 would help...01:00
befthough you can setup something which reads as a plugin to FF01:00
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befand if you hit a key in the print setup, it choses your preset options01:01
befother than that, FF2 is more likely to remember the "last-used"01:01
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befrather than resetting, so give that a try01:01
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deepsaikonia: i got this when i play mp3 via output: ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC): Invalid argument. i followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting01:01
interfearhi.. if i go to software updates via the gnome system menu -> software updates, it will open a box, but its just all grey with nothing in it..anyone know what this could be?01:01
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deepsaikonia: i followed each and every step given in wiki01:02
flohrianis #ubuntu-de the official german channel?01:02
SimonLinterfear, what are you trying to update, maybe you have all updates01:02
SimonLbecause mine wasnt empty, i updated it last night and now it is blank too01:03
interfearSimonL: i dunno i guess i have all the updates.. but woudlnt it say something like "your system is up to date or something" ?01:03
SimonLi guess not :P01:03
interfearSimonL: totally just grey?01:03
SimonLit says01:03
SimonLat the top01:03
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SimonLyour system is up to date :P01:03
SimonLthen a big grey box01:03
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interfearlemme show u a screenshot of mine..01:04
deepsaikonia: r u there dude01:04
BigToeHow do I install firefox 2? I've unpacked the tar.gz file to ~/firefox, what now?01:04
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SimonLis there a make file in it?01:04
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SimonLdunno then :P01:05
sacaterBigToe: cd to that directory, and run ./configure01:05
SimonLnow i know :P01:05
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BigToebash: ./configure: No such file or directory01:05
SimonLare u in the right folder01:05
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SimonLlol send it again inter01:05
sacaterBigToe: delete the firefox2 DIRECTORY, but leave the .tar.gz01:05
magical_trevskyBigToe, try just doing ./c then pressing tab, and try upper case C too01:06
SimonLi was typing when u sent it and it killed it01:06
SimonLmeh it wont let me :(01:06
zaphod_  bigtoe: if you dont know how to compile, then why dont you use .dep-packages?01:06
interfeark ill post it..01:06
SimonLk :D01:06
BigToesacater, what?01:06
BigToemagical_trevsky, nothing01:06
sacaterBigToe: go into the command01:06
Nielskensome ndiswrapper freaks inhere?01:07
BigToeI am in the command line01:07
sacaterBigToe: good01:07
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sacaterBigToe: now use 'cd' and change to the directory with the firefox .tar.gz01:07
|Sora|someone help me please01:07
SimonLwhats up Sora01:07
|Sora|ok, how come when i try to install this it wont come up, it has a lock in the icon, the name is 'vmware-install.pl"01:07
sexcopter8000for anyone interested i found the file in /root/.synaptic/synaptic.conf and have managed to change the proxy settngs01:07
interfearSimonL: http://home.comcast.net/~interfear/ss.jpg01:07
BigToeok sacater01:08
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SimonLoh weird interfear01:08
=== BigToe is moving the file from /tmp to ~
SimonLtried rebooting? :P01:08
Shiyou have to change the permissions of the perl script |Sora|01:08
sacaterBigToe: now type this exactly01:08
interfearill try that now..01:08
hjmills|Sora|: a lock means you dont own the file - use chown or chmod01:08
SimonLalways try that :D01:08
|Sora|how do i do this?01:08
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Shichmod it01:09
Shior chown01:09
|Sora|when i right clikc, open in termal, the termal opens and closes rihgt away01:09
sacaterBigToe 'tar -zxvf *packagename* .tar.gz'      replace 'package name with package name lol01:09
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kuzmasterhello everyone01:09
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hjmills|Sora|: open a terminal and run "sudo chown `echo $USER` /path/to/that/file.pl"01:09
BigToeer, back01:09
BigToe:S sorry01:09
Shichown sora:sora vmware-install.pl while you're root01:09
BigToeso what do I type now?01:09
welpBigToe: 13:14 < sacater> BigToe 'tar -zxvf *packagename* .tar.gz'      replace 'package name with package name lol01:09
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BigToethanks welp01:10
hjmills|Sora|: the echo $USER bit just inserts your username but dont forget the backticks around it (key next to 1)01:10
SimonLthis resolution gives me a headache :(01:10
kuzmasterso, i just downloaded and burnt ubuntu 6.10, i boot into it, and test it out, off the livecd......01:10
hjmillsSimonL: change it?01:10
kuzmasterbut i checked to see if the wireless would work01:10
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SimonLno one seems to know how01:10
kuzmasteras thats my only internet connection01:10
hjmillsSimonL: in gnome?01:10
kuzmasterand it diddnt work01:10
SimonLi can change it to the ones it gives01:10
BigToewelp, you know that's done exactly what I've already done... :P01:10
SimonLbut non are right01:10
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SimonLcos its widescreen01:10
hjmillsSimonL: ok - that uses gnome - but you want a different resolution?01:10
kuzmasterbut, it worked fine in 6.06...01:10
interfearSimonL: reboot :)01:10
SimonL1440 * 90001:10
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SimonLhaha interfear :D01:11
muaddoes feisty have beryl?01:11
hjmillsinterfear: that wont help01:11
SimonLhe knows mills, thats what i told him to do :P01:11
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interfearyeh it worked01:11
SimonLtold ya it would ;P01:11
kuzmastercan any one please tell me how to get wireless working (i have  ralink card) in ubuntu 6.1001:11
BigToesacater, what now?01:11
interfearnow im happy again01:11
hjmillsSimonL: oh ok, lol - try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a terminal and ill talk you through it01:11
kuzmasteri havnt yet installed ubuntu, because i wanted to try and get it working in the liveCD01:11
=== interfear loses sleep at night when his linux box isnt working proper
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SimonLk on it01:12
BigToebah, brb01:12
hjmillskuzmaster: try searching the wiki01:12
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hjmills!wifi | kuzmaster01:12
ubotukuzmaster: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:12
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kuzmasteralso, when i was in the liveCD, i was seeing 2 wireless devices, wlan0 and wmaster0????? but i only have the one wireless card01:12
lupine_85kuzmaster: yep01:13
interfearkuzmaster: they are two of the same devices01:13
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interfearkuzmaster: i have that too01:13
lupine_85as the name implies, wmaster0 is a master interface01:13
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SimonLand lan is your LAN :D01:13
lupine_85you use it to create wlan0, then wlan1 if you like as well01:13
lupine_85all on the same card, of course :)01:13
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lupine_85lets you set up virtual interfaces for monitoring, master, ad-hoc modes, etc01:14
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emilelupine_85: do you know if you can connect to 2 wireless networks at the same time using 1 card (master) and 2 setups (wlan0 wlan1)?01:15
kuzmasterso, which interface would i use for the internet and stuff?01:15
kuzmasterwmaster or wlan?01:15
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|Sora|so i do "sudo (location of file)" ?01:16
|Sora|in terminal01:16
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Yondamn modem :/01:16
bef_ubuntuhi guys01:17
bef_ubuntuNeeding some installation help with a program01:17
bef_ubuntuwill need to send error through query01:17
hjmillskuzmaster: i would go with wlan001:17
bef_ubuntuit's a few lines long01:17
kuzmasterk, thanx01:17
ikoniabef_ubuntu: stick it in a pastebin01:17
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bef_ubuntuikonia : what is that :O01:18
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ikonia!pastebin >bef_ubuntu01:18
|Sora|hjmills, are you here?01:18
hjmills|Sora| to run as root yes01:18
hjmills|Sora|: yes01:18
|Sora|ok, but it failes01:18
hjmills|Sora|: what does it say?01:18
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|Sora|"Unable to copy source file01:19
SimonLYou do not have access to this folder because, YOU FAIL :P01:19
|Sora|to destination file01:19
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hjmills|Sora|: what does the program do?01:19
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ikonia|Sora|: what are you trying to do01:19
|Sora|its vmware tools01:19
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|Sora|install vmware tools01:19
hjmills|Sora|: from the repos?01:19
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bef_ubuntuThank you ikonia01:19
ikonia|Sora|: you can't install vmware tools to an install running within a vmware01:19
bef_ubuntuIkonia : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/642/01:19
|Sora|no, it was a tar, i extracted it, and running vmware-install.pl under sudo01:20
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hjmills|Sora|: is it not in the repos? have u checked multiverse and universe./01:20
ikonia|Sora|: you can't install vmware tools to an ubuntu install thats running in a virtual machine01:20
|Sora|ikonia, do you even know what vmware tools are for?01:20
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ikoniabef_ubuntu: what is that program ?01:21
ikonia|Sora|: yes thanks01:21
SimonLwhy isn't linux made easier, then more people would use it :P01:21
bef_ubuntuIm installing a simple game, graal01:21
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ikoniaSimonL: it is easy - people just refuse to read any docs01:21
|Sora|if you do, then you would knwo it IS possible01:21
kuzmasterhmmmm..... im currentally going through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 and it says that ill need "the key (case-sensitive) used to access the access-point; the encryption used for the key"01:21
vvlawanybody here use mplayer? there are no xv support to my mplayer ,how to do it?01:21
SimonLi read loads01:21
kuzmasterbut i dont use any encryption or anything like that01:21
SimonLit made no sense ;(01:21
ikonia|Sora|: your obviously just going to do wha tyou want without any clue for what your doing01:21
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kuzmasterso, do i just leave them blank?01:21
SimonLcame up with some error that made no sense01:21
break_ubuntu is installed!01:21
hjmillsSimonL: thats what ubuntu is trying to do - just remember making it easier doesnt make it more like windows - easier makes it easier to learn when you have no knowledge01:21
ikonia|Sora|: I didn't mean that - I meant not a clue within a linux environment01:22
Nielskenxtknight, you can't help me probably01:22
|Sora|ikonia, now tell me, why would vmware itself, tell me to install vmware tools?01:22
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Jowivvlaw, try "mplayer -vo xv filename.avi"01:22
SimonLim just in a mood cos the resolution is giving me a headache01:22
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hjmills|Sora|: you need to install vmware tools in the environment that is installed on the physical machine - not inside the virtual machine01:22
ikonia|Sora|: as per your ealier post your running vmware on a windows platform yes/no ?01:22
ikoniahjmills: exactly !01:22
bef_ubuntuikonia : simply installing a game, permissions set properly on the install and everything ran fine, then when I try to load the program through the menu nothing happens so I threw it in terminal to see what the result is, and it showed these errors in the paste bin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/642/01:23
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hjmillsSimonL: did you do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:23
ikoniabef_ubuntu: its sef faulting01:23
ikoniasrg faulting01:23
SimonLcheck ur pm, i pasted the error01:23
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hjmillsSimonL: I didnt get it for some strange reason01:23
bef_ubuntuikonia : right, so what do I do? :x01:23
EdgeTikonia, I got a really nasty problem :(01:23
SimonLk lemme repaste01:23
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JowiSimonL, what graphic card do you have?01:23
|Sora|hjmills, why not?01:24
ikoniabef_ubuntu: nothing really, its probably incompatible01:24
SimonL7800 256mb01:24
EdgeTikonia, like, it says: "Display null" or something like that01:24
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EdgeTikonia so X crashes everytime01:24
ikonia|Sora|: the tool package goes on the vmware platform - not within the virtual machine01:24
hjmills|Sora|: because vmware tools lets you change the vm ware stuff - you cant change it from the insides01:24
vvlawJowi, SUB: Added subtitle file (1): ./24_1x01_-_12.00_am_01.00_am.ac3.dvdrip.xvid-fov.srt01:24
vvlawError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.01:24
ikoniaEdgeT: why are you telling me this ?01:24
JowiSimonL, and the resolution you want is not available in the list?01:24
hjmills|Sora|: just like not being able to change the police station if you are locked in a cell01:24
ikoniahjmills: good example01:25
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SimonLits a widescreen 19" visual monitor01:25
hjmillsikonia: thanks01:25
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bef_ubuntuikonia : it's the linux install for a game which was written by a coder of linux, lol, it's definately compatible, I've used it on other build succesfuly01:25
SimonLso needs 1440 * 90001:25
phobshi. a just instaled ubuntu server (LAMP) and now ia hve a question. ehat is the root password ? coz i was never asked to enter one during the instalatin.01:25
hjmillsSimonL: try resolution95501:25
EdgeTikonia well you told me bout the xrandr so I thought you might know something that could help me configure it ?01:25
SimonLwheres that?01:25
hjmills!info resolution95501:25
ubotuPackage resolution955 does not exist in any distro I know01:25
|Sora|then tell me, what is the point of vmware tools? :)01:25
ikonia|Sora|: I explained this to you earlier - you cannot install vmware products onto a machine running within to a virtual machine01:25
SimonL!info resolution95501:25
JowiSimonL, you can manually add the resolution to your xorg.conf file by using "gtf" in a terminal. "gtf 1440 900 60 -x" where 60 is the refresh rate you want01:25
SimonLthanks Jowi01:25
SimonLlemme try01:25
=== |Sora| waits for an answer
ikoniabef_ubuntu: have you ever used it on your current version of ubuntu01:26
|Sora|i guess the developers wanted to create something for nothing ehh?01:26
JowiSimonL, then you need to paste that modeline into xorg.conf to the monitor section01:26
ikonia|Sora|: I don't know what you problem is but I don't know why you won't listen to whats being said01:26
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ikoniayou install vmware tools onto your HOST platform01:26
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maniencehi guys01:26
EdgeTCan anyone please help me with X?01:26
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ikoniahjmills: over to you01:26
SimonLdidnt understand that last bit :P01:26
JowiSimonL, and add the mode "1440x900" as well to the screen section01:26
bef_ubuntuikonia : no, this is my first 20 minutes using my new ubuntu... was using the devil for a few weeks as an intermediary01:26
hjmillsSimonL: sorry - that was meant to be 915resolution01:27
hjmills!info 915resolution01:27
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:27
hjmillsikonia: ok - thanks01:27
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|Sora|im not trying to install vmware my my host platform01:27
ikoniabef_ubuntu: "linux" is genric - just because something works on one distro doesn't mean it will work on all others01:27
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|Sora|im tyring to install it in guest01:27
ikonia|Sora|: thats the point/problem - thats where it is meant to ho01:27
ikoniato go01:27
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maniencei hate this ugly boot splash in ubuntu 6.10...01:27
|Sora|hmm ya, i know that, thats what i been asking for the past 3 hrs01:28
mwemanience: then remove it ;)01:28
manience...is there a way to deactive that splash screen01:28
hjmills|Sora|: you need to install vmware-tools on windows as windows is the host01:28
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bef_ubuntuikonia : the coder specificall uses ubuntu01:28
mwemanience: sudo apt-get remove usplash01:28
maniencemwe: it didnt work to remove the usplash entry01:28
hjmills|Sora|: vmware-tools for linux is only needed if you use linux as the host01:28
ikoniabef_ubuntu: speak to him then01:28
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maniencemwe: thx, ill try this01:28
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mwemanience: wait01:28
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bef_ubuntuikonia : is there anything i could try asside from accepting that it wont work01:29
ikoniabef_ubuntu: speak to the developer01:29
bef_ubuntuikonia : alright, thanks01:29
maniencemwe: argh. this will remove ubuntu-desktop also01:29
hjmillsmanience: you can just remove splash from the /boot/grub/menu.lst file01:29
mwemanience: it's just a meta package01:29
hjmillsmanience: or there is a guide on the forum to change the image01:29
hjmillsmwe: you need ubuntu-desktop to upgrade properly01:29
ikoniamanience: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package01:29
|Sora|hjmills, vmware tools is meant to be installed in the guest01:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:30
|Sora|not on the host01:30
mwehjmills: why? I don't have that01:30
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|Sora|to provide screen resulution etc01:30
vvlawhow to remove the mplayer?01:30
manienceikonia: i know... but includes important thinks, isnt it?01:30
hjmillsikonia: ubuntu-desktop is needed to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 etc (between ubuntu versions)01:30
ikoniahjmills: yes totally01:30
maniencevvlaw: sudo apt-get remove mplayer01:30
mwehjmills: so you're saying you can't remove _anything_ in that bloated package if you want to upgrade properly?01:30
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hjmillsmanience: just open /boot/grub/menu.lst in a text editor and scroll down to where it shows the boot options and remove splash from the first boot option01:31
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|Sora|hjmills, now lets say you are right, now when i click on "Intall vmware" tools, why does it mount in guest and not in host? ;)01:31
hjmillsmwe: apparently not01:31
mwehjmills: in that case the updater is broken01:31
mwehjmills: or sucks bad at least01:31
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maniencehjmills: thx, did u deactivate the boot splash, too?01:32
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|Sora|ik,, im glad to be on your list, prud actually, you help no one, and oyur arrogent and not understanding the situation01:32
Jowi!pastebin | SimonL01:32
ubotuSimonL: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:32
hjmills|Sora|: because you are using the version of vmware tools for linux not windows? i dont know - i just know you cant change the box from the inside01:32
hjmillsmanience: no - i just have before - my old gfx broke if u used the splash01:32
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mwehjmills: I'll report a bug. they can't expect nobody to remove any of the stuff in ubuntu-desktop01:32
BigToe                                                                                                                                         !stfu01:33
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.01:33
ikoniahjmills: I've provided him with a link to the install guide, there is a gues tools package - but not vmware-tools01:33
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vvlawmanience, i compiled the mplayer after apt-get install . so if i apt-get remove it ,it will still at my computer01:33
hjmills|Sora|: actually ikonia is one of the most helpful people in the channel at the moment and if he has ignored you - he wont see your petty insults01:33
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BigToehey wait, what's with the large number of spaces? :f01:33
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hjmillsmwe: let me know the url and ill back it up01:33
ikoniahjmills: unessasarry, but thank you. Kind words are always nice01:33
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|Sora|hjmills, thanks for letting him know :D01:34
maniencevvlaw: if u compiled that on your own, u have to type "sudo make remove" in the installation path of mplayer01:34
hjmillsikonia: ok then - thanks01:34
mwehjmills: I need more detail to file a proper bug01:34
hjmillsmwe - what do you need?01:34
mwehjmills: details about how it breaks01:34
kuzmasterso, im reading http://tinyurl.com/yn4y2l , and its telling me to do "sudo apt-get install kdebase", allong with numerous other packages01:34
hjmillsmwe: u want me to do it?01:34
mwehjmills: if you know the details01:35
kuzmasternow, if i cant download them on my ubuntu machine, how can i download them on windows?01:35
ikoniakuzmaster: no, sorry01:35
ikoniayhou can't01:35
mwehjmills: personally I upgraded three times without having ubuntu-desktop installed, so i don't know how it breaks01:35
ikoniayou'd have to search the repo's for the debs01:35
WanderersHello. I recently upgraded from Breezy to Dapper and now Ubuntu does not appear to recognise my USB Memory sticks anymore  - which worked fine in  Breezy. Any thoughts on how to fix this?01:35
|Sora|hjmills, anyone can help01:35
kuzmasterwtf? then how can i get them accross to ubuntu?01:35
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kuzmasterif ubuntu dosnt have access to the internet?01:35
|Sora|just because you help, doesn't make you a good person01:36
ikoniakuzmaster: you're supposed to download them through ubuntu01:36
|Sora|and go about ignoring others01:36
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hjmillsmwe: i think you were lucky01:36
|Sora|because maybe you dont understand the situation01:36
kuzmasterbut ubuntu dosnt have the internet01:36
ikoniakuzmaster: but I see what you're seaying01:36
|Sora|now that is arrogent01:36
manienceis there a tool in the repository to generate md5 cypted strings?01:36
mwehjmills: maybe so.01:36
ikoniakuzmaster: is it not easier to fix the ubuntu interenet rather than download all kde to windows ?01:36
ikoniamanience: md5sum can I think01:36
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krinns_hi all01:37
kuzmasterwell, im just following  this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29#Raconfig01:37
BigToeHow do I install FF 2.0? I have the .tar.gz unzipped to ~/firefox and there's no Configure or makefile.01:37
SimonLhow old are you ikonia?01:37
krinns_i have ubuntu 6.0.601:37
kuzmaster"1. To install the utility, you'll need to download and install the kdebase and qt3 development packages. Type:"01:37
ikoniaSimonL: Why ?01:37
krinns_its firefox is crashing01:37
krinns_what should i do01:37
SimonLyou seem to know a lot about linux01:37
|Sora|and i "insulted" him, if you even called wha ti said insults, because he insulted me, by adding me to the ignore list01:37
mwehjmills: at least one time I had to reinstall a few packages that were accidently removed though but I don't remember the details. is it when you use the automatic update thing it breaks?01:37
SimonLwas just wondering whether it was a job, or if ya just a smart kid :D01:37
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manienceikonia: md5sum? what to you mean? im searching for a prog01:37
mwehjmills: cause I just edited sources.list and dist-upgraded01:38
ikoniakuzmaster: you can get most of that of the cdrom01:38
ikoniakuzmaster: my job01:38
ikoniaSimonL: My Job01:38
BIGDADDYok i need some more help please01:38
vvlawmanience,go back the installation path of mplayer? and following the ./configure command,then type "sudo make remove"?01:38
BigToeHow do I install FF 2.0? I have the .tar.gz unzipped to ~/firefox and there's no Configure or makefile.01:38
hjmillsmwe - thats the main problem - some apps are removed - if thats a main package...OUGH01:38
kuzmastermost, as in all?01:38
ikoniaBigToe: use apt-get01:38
ikoniadon't install from tar files01:38
BigToeit's on there? wow01:38
SimonLsysadmin or someit?01:38
kuzmasteri want to be able to install RaConfig fully on my ubuntu machine01:38
BigToeI didn't see it and thought the auto-update utility would have told me to upgrade :P01:39
ikoniaSimonL: not to keen to talk about it on irc01:39
mwehjmills: I guess I'm the kind of person who looks what it wants to remove before accepting ;)01:39
SimonLoh sorry :(01:39
kuzmasterbut it dosnt have access to the internet01:39
ikoniaBigToe: 6.0,.6 ?01:39
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BIGDADDYafter installing ubuntu it still dont show in boot loader01:39
SimonLjust being nosey :P01:39
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega01:39
ikoniakuzmaster: the package you need are on the ubuntu cd01:39
hjmillsmwe: yeah - but for the automated way I dont think you can01:39
ikoniaget kde of the cd01:39
ikoniathen download the 1 package through windows01:39
kuzmasterk, thanx, ill try again01:39
kuzmasteror, ill try01:39
ikoniakuzmaster: see what I'm suggesting01:39
mwehjmills: I think it sounds broken01:40
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ikoniarather than download 600 meg through windows - use the cd then download 1.5 meg through windows01:40
maniencevvlaw: the easiest way i always do is to compile the mplayer again by "./configure" and "make" and "make install"... then type "make remove"01:40
kuzmasteri think so...........01:40
BigToeikonia, firefox 2 isn't on there01:40
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ikoniaBigToe: not in 6.0.601:40
black_abaddonnice game01:40
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BIGDADDYany1 ?01:40
ikoniaBigToe:  I believe it will be though01:40
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BigToeikonia, how do I upgrade to 6.10 then? :P01:40
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blekoshi, any ideas how to disable bluetooth service?01:40
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hjmillsmwe: yes - i filed a bug report01:40
ikoniaBigToe: there is a wiki article on it01:40
hjmillsmwe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/7818001:40
ikoniaI've used it and its very good01:41
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mwehjmills: good ;)01:41
BigToehmm, ok01:41
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:41
ikoniabitumens: it is good01:41
ikoniaBigToe: the wiki guide is very easy ad good, I've got personal experience01:41
ikoniatakes a while to download though01:41
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manienceis it a secure way to type my passwd in the menu.lst md5 crypted?01:41
break_i want my screen resolution to be 1152x864, and not 1024x76801:42
BIGDADDY<<<<<< waiting patiently01:42
BigToeyeah ikonia01:42
ikoniamanience: what do you mean01:42
break_how do i change it01:42
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ikoniaBIGDADDY: constantly posting things like <<<<<<<<<<<< is not waiting patiently01:42
BIGDADDYoops sorry01:42
BIGDADDYmy bad very sorry01:42
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symonc_i'm having a very peculiar problem --- would be Infinitely appreciative if anyone could help!  i am trying to install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro, with an ATI X1600 video card... the trouble is, once it boots into X, all I can sort of make out the desktop, except everything is just diagonal lines -- i can't make out the cursor, or read anything. and i cannot switch to a consol to play with the xorg.conf .... Very Weird Indeed ---- I'm out o01:43
symonc_f ideas.01:43
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BigToeI once upgraded from 5.10 to something, and the PC crashed and I had to use irssi to get to this channel because X didn't load :S01:43
manienceikonia: there is a support to protect to boot menu by set a password01:43
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matteohi people01:43
Nveninghi, im not getting sound on either you tube or google video but rhythm box plays fine, and ideas why??01:43
ikoniamanience: yes there is01:43
manienceikonia: u can set this password in the /boot/grub/menu.kst01:43
matteoi'm under debian on my desktop01:43
matteoand ubuntu un my laptop01:43
ikoniaNvening: flash01:43
matteonow i want to make a pbuilder on my desktop01:43
matteothat makes ubuntu packages01:43
ikoniaor downgrade01:43
Trixseymy friggin desktop is gone01:44
ikoniadepending on your verrsion01:44
Trixseyits pitch black :p01:44
Nveningill try an ugrade first01:44
vvlawmanience,you just only ./configure? no --enable-gui fuctions like that?01:44
matteoi have just to change the mirrors in pbuilderrc before creating it?01:44
break_i want my screen resolution to be 1152x864, and not 1024x768, how can i change it01:44
manienceikonia: i thought, its secure to type this password in a md5 string01:44
hjmillsTrixsey: can you see anything?01:44
Trixseyer.. well01:44
TrixseyI can use programs01:44
ikoniamanience: why not just type it and let grub encrypt it01:44
symonc_any ideas ...?01:44
Trixseyand the trays are working01:44
hjmillsbreak_: can you see it in the normal resolution dialog?01:44
TrixseyI'll try reboot01:44
ikoniaif you put in a string - you'll have to enter that string as a password01:44
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SimonLi know howto do it01:45
SimonLassuming what i just did works01:45
break_640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 show up. i want 1152x864, everything is too big01:45
hjmillsbreak_: then you need to reconfigure xserver-xorg to add the res u want01:45
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manienceikonia: let grub encrypt it? grub can encrypt my password? whats the way for? i thought u have to type this password in the menu.lst file?01:45
BIGDADDYi take it no one can help me then?01:45
vvlawmanience,is this the make problem?01:45
sacaterBigToe: did you get firefox2 running01:46
maniencevvlaw: i dont know, i never compile mplayer by own01:46
vvlawmp_msg.c:(.text+0x1f7): undefined reference to `guiMessageBox'01:46
vvlawlibvo/libvo.a(video_out.o):(.data+0x20): undefined reference to `video_out_xv'01:46
vvlawcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status01:46
vvlawmake: *** [mplayer]  Error 101:46
hjmillsBIGDADDY: is grub loading when your pc starts up?01:46
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:46
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ikoniamanience: I could be wrong on that, but I /think/ there is a grub option that lets you put it into the file through grub that uses a kernel encyption module01:46
BigToesacater, no, instead I'm upgrading to 6.10 and getting it from synaptic :P01:46
maniencevvlaw: uff, in what way u compiled mplayer before?01:46
BIGDADDYi did try it from Re how to restore grub01:46
symonc_bump:     i'm having a very peculiar problem --- would be Infinitely appreciative if anyone could help!  i am trying to install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro, with an ATI X1600 video card... the trouble is, once it boots into X, all I can sort of make out the desktop, except everything is just diagonal lines -- i can't make out the cursor, or read anything. and i cannot switch to a consol to play with the xorg.conf .... Very Weird Indeed ----01:46
symonc_ I'm out of ideas.01:46
ikoniasymonc you JUST said that01:47
krinns_any update for firefox01:47
krinns_why its crashing01:47
ikoniakrinns_: check in the apt repo's01:47
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BIGDADDYi think i know why its to do with my hardrive setups it hink01:47
krinns_well all good01:47
manienceikonia: may be by typing grub --md5?01:47
krinns_i might read once01:47
break_ill read this01:47
ikoniamanience: something like that01:47
krinns_that i have to get flash things from java website01:47
ikoniaI've not done it for a while so can't remember the details01:47
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krinns_but wont remember01:48
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ikoniakrinns_: flash is nothing to do with firefox01:48
krinns_ya but01:48
ikoniakrinns_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com tells you how to install flash01:48
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krinns_it wont open falsh website01:48
ikoniakrinns_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats01:48
manienceikonia: if im wrong and im typing a false, is there still a way to boot linux?01:49
hjmillsBIGDADDY: grub prob thinks ubuntu is on a diff hdd - how many hdds and partitions do u have?01:49
vvlawby ./configure --enable-gui --enable network ....and so on...and follow it use the "make" && make install command01:49
manienceikonia: maybe through a live cd and rewriting the menu.lst?01:49
ikoniamanience: the password doesn't stop it booting, it stops you editing it01:49
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ikoniamanience: I don't htink the password option is controlled from menu.lst I think its part of the install onto the boot sector01:49
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BIGDADDYi have 4 hardrives and where i put ubuntu was on the last one and its got 4 partions on it01:50
manienceikonia: ah yes, ure right01:50
vvlawmanience , always undefined reference to `video_out_xv' error:(01:50
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BigToebah, have to reboot because I did software update01:50
manienceikonia: thx01:50
ikoniamanience: no problem, you may want to check as what I'm saying is from memory01:50
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hjmillsBIGDADDY: then grub should look for it on (hd3,<partition / is on>)01:50
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maniencevvlaw: did u compile mplayer ever before successful?01:50
ikoniavvlaw: why are you compiling software ?01:51
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BIGDADDYi also have windows xp on the first 2 hardrives wich i can see when i boot up but i dont see grub is there anyway to put grub on the first hardrive?01:52
AlphaFactionhey folks, anyone got any idea why ubuntu crashes unless i have dri disabled?01:52
vvlawmanience, yeap,the first time it successful01:52
ikoniaBIGDADDY: grub is mean to go on your boot drive01:52
break_alright, how about this thing asking me how much video RAM to let this crap use?01:52
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ikoniabreak_: ignore that01:52
break_Enter the amount of memory (in kB) to be used by your video card.01:52
break_just continue?01:52
Mightily-Oats<AlphaFaction>: gfx card or drivers dont support it01:53
JowiAlphaFaction, sounds like a video card driver problem01:53
BIGDADDYyes but how do i get grub to the boot drive?01:53
break_i have an NVIDIA 7900GT01:53
manience! by the way, theres no entry in the menu.lst to deactivate the splash boot screen01:53
maniencevvlaw: uhm.. very strange01:53
ikoniaBIGDADDY: there is a grub install guide on https://wiki.ubuntu.com01:53
BIGDADDYi did install ubuntu from cd and let it do all of it01:53
vvlawikonia, because when i installed the mplayer by the apt way ,it worked fine,but there has no mp3lib support, i want to complie it to use mp3lib fuction ...01:53
AlphaFactionMightily-Oats:  its a 6600 nvidia card with the latest ubuntu drivers01:53
ikoniavvlaw: really I thought you could add mp3lib support to it01:53
ikoniavvlaw: my tip would be get the source deb - alter it from there and re-package01:54
ikoniaso apt can track it01:54
Mightily-Oatsok.. the nvidia drivers are installed.. has the xorg.conf file been edited01:54
maniencevvlaw: ikonia is right01:54
maniencevvlaw: try this01:54
AlphaFactionMightily-Oats: yep01:54
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break_ Use kernel framebuffer device interface?01:55
break_yes or no?01:55
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PriceChildI have the rewrite module loaded, and .htaccess edited...  but I'm not getting rewrites.... any ideas anyone?01:56
break_haha, what kind of mouse do i have01:56
ikoniaPriceChild: is the error_log showing anything, eg writes attempted and failing or just not happening01:56
break_ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/201:56
ikoniabreak_: we don't know01:56
ikoniabreak_: you'll have to do SOME reading yourself01:57
break_whats teh difference?!01:57
manienceDeavticate the ubuntu's boot splash screen wo'nt work? also not by editing the menu.lst01:57
Mightily-Oatsumm.. just looking at some info... not sure y it crashes unless its disabled.... but all posts so far are saying to disable it01:57
manienceanyone an idea?01:57
ikoniabreak_: you'll have to do SOME reading yourself01:57
PriceChildikonia: where's the log? :P01:57
amirbreak_:  is it logitech or microsoft or anything else?01:57
ikoniaPriceChild: errr $APACHE_HOME/logs whcih on ubuntu is.....(hang on)01:58
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Mightily-Oats<manience>: i think you can remove splash and quiet from the menu.lst and it will work01:58
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break_its just a regular mouse. 2 buttons, scrollwheel...01:58
ikoniaPriceChild: /var/log/apache201:58
PriceChild thanks :)01:58
ikoniano problem01:58
ikoniabreak_: you'll have to do SOME reading yourself01:58
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Mightily-Oatsits in 2 sections though... one about half way down under default options or somethign.. then the other ones down on the kernel line01:58
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amirbreak_: if you turn your mouse upside down, look if there is any numbers or anythng decribing the modell01:59
Mightily-Oatsafter removing you will have ti run sudo update-grub01:59
befany direct way to make ubuntu into kubuntu01:59
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ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega01:59
befif i install KDE will it simply affect all my consoleneeds01:59
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ikoniabef: console needs ?01:59
PriceChildikonia: File does not exist: /var/www/location/of/path01:59
ikoniakde is a desktop01:59
manienceIs ubuntu-desktop an important package? or is it an meta package, which could remove securly?01:59
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ikoniaPriceChild: is that in the log ?02:00
PriceChildmanience: metapackage needed for upgrades to newer versions02:00
PriceChildikonia: yes02:00
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PriceChildikonia: i snipped it a bit :)02:00
befikonia : kubuntu console runs differently, possibly its the version?02:00
ikoniaI guessed02:00
PriceChildikonia: also had the referral url02:00
PriceChildbut that's it02:00
maniencePriceChild: so i couldnt remove it, right?02:00
ikoniaPriceChild: no no, thats fine02:00
PriceChildmanience: course you can :)02:00
BIGDADDYi did try this one >> Using the Desktop/LiveCD while preserving Windows Bootloader02:00
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BIGDADDYbut it never worked02:00
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ikoniaPriceChild: looks like its trying to reference a file that doesn't exist in the re-write02:00
amirbreak_: nor search in google for logitech M-RAF9502:01
ikoniaPriceChild: can you check the file it wants is there and readable02:01
break_too late02:01
break_finished trying to configure this02:01
ikoniaBIGDADDY: I've told you the url for the grub install wiki pages02:01
amirbreak_: ok02:01
PriceChildikonia: i'm messing with drupal... everything's fine afaik02:01
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maniencePriceChild: and whats with upgrading to newer versions of programs include in this metapackage?02:01
ikoniaPriceChild: drupal.....you've passed my skills02:01
BIGDADDYyes thats where i tried that one but it never worked02:01
break_xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration02:01
break_   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007010608004402:01
PriceChildmanience: as in dapper to edgy02:01
break_what does that mean!?02:02
PriceChildikonia: thanks for your help :)02:02
ikoniaBIGDADDY: show me the link you used02:02
maniencePriceChild: edgy02:02
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ikoniaPriceChild: sorry, I know nothing about drupal02:02
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ikoniaPriceChild: I can help with apache issues though02:02
ikoniaBIGDADDY: thats not the url I gave you02:02
BIGDADDYor do u think i should try this one ?? Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader02:02
ikoniathats not wven the wiki02:02
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PriceChildmanience: no, if you upgrade from for example dapper to edgy, or edgy to feisty then you need i02:03
ikoniaBIGDADDY: FYI: you do need to overwrite the windows boot loader IF you want grub to be the overall bootloader02:03
BIGDADDYthis link u gave me and i did a search for grub https://wiki.ubuntu.com/02:03
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maniencePriceChild: k, thx02:04
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BIGDADDYok i will try the Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader02:04
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maniencePriceChild: if i'll remove it know, could it simply reinstalled via apt?02:05
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BIGDADDYok wish me luck :)02:05
BIGDADDYive already messed up me windows xp :02:05
PriceChildmanience: yes02:05
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maniencePriceChild: thx02:07
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BIGDADDYjust printing the instructions but be bor i go is there a grub instaler that can do it for me as i a such a noob ?02:08
Igor_V2how can i install a new theme to my desktop?02:08
symonc_bump:     i'm having a very peculiar problem --- would be Infinitely appreciative if anyone could help!  i am trying to install Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro, with an ATI X1600 video card... the trouble is, once it boots into X, all I can sort of make out the desktop, except everything is just diagonal lines -- i can't make out the cursor, or read anything. and i cannot switch to a consol to play with the xorg.conf .... Very Weird Indeed ----02:08
symonc_ I'm out of ideas.02:08
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deepsaikonia: man you are awesome man you are awesome. i got my sound working all because of you. i read that damn wiki man cool02:09
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BIGDADDYjust noticed this : Using the Unofficial "Super Grub Disk what is it?02:09
ikoniadeepsa: good for you, really pleased !02:09
ikoniadeepsa: I really mean that too, well done02:09
redmonkeyUbuntu is the only Linux that supports all my new hardware out of the box. thumbs up!02:10
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ikoniaredmonkey: I don't know about that02:10
BIGDADDYlol sorry for typos and spelling but i am all self tought and that includes my reading and writing02:10
redmonkeyikonia: ?02:10
Igor_V2to install a new theme....whats it's format?02:11
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ikoniaredmonkey: its not the only distro - and it certainly doesn't support all out of the box02:11
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ikoniaredmonkey: just re-read all "YOUR" support02:11
BigToeI try to update to 6.10 but keep getting "Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"02:11
redmonkeyikonia: yes, it IS the only distro that supports my hardware out of the box!02:11
redmonkeyikonia: how do you know it better?!02:11
redmonkeyikonia: you dont even know my hardware :)02:12
ikoniaredmonkey: I don't thats why I just said I re-read and said sorry for missreading02:12
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BigToeI try to update to 6.10 but keep getting "Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"02:12
ikoniaBigToe: I saw you say that less than 10 lines up02:13
ikoniaits still on screen02:13
BigToeand? repeating it's the only way for me to get any help in here usually :P02:13
ikoniano its not02:13
ikoniaits rude02:13
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ikoniaand if thats your approach/attitude - you'll get nowhere02:13
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juan__bigtoe, many people preffer to do a fresh install rather than an update to 6.1002:14
ikonia!patience |bigtoe02:14
ubotubigtoe: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:14
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|Sora|!patience ikonia02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience ikonia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:15
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|Sora|!patience |ikonia02:15
ubotuikonia: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:15
ikonia|Sora|: oh, your still here, I've take you off ignore now after flushing my list02:15
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ikoniadid you get the url I sent you02:15
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ikonia|Sora|: I'm not asking for help /02:15
|Sora|i will have to wait till the person who told me about vmware tools gets online02:15
hexidigitalhow can i undo a ln -s command?02:15
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Igor_V2how can i install a new theme to my desktop?02:15
Igor_V2to install a new theme....whats it's format?02:15
ikonia|Sora|: did you not get the URL I sent you02:16
ikoniahexidigital: remove the link02:16
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detlouhas firefox 2.0 been backported to Dapper? Is a package available? thx02:16
|Sora|the lins are dead02:16
ikoniaare they ? they worked for me02:16
ikoniahang on02:16
hexidigitalikonia::  i know that, but that's what i am asking how to do02:16
BIGDADDYIkonia befor i go do u think i can use  the Unofficial "Super Grub Disk ?02:16
Aryondetlou: I think not.02:16
ikoniahexidigital: rm02:16
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hexidigitalikonia::  rm ln -s?02:16
ikonia|Sora|: the links are working try again - here is the url02:17
hexidigitalikonia::  or just rm -s?02:17
ikoniarm "link name"02:17
hexidigitalikonia::  thanks02:17
ikonia|Sora|: just tried 3 links at random off that page - they all worked02:17
ikoniathat should get you moving again02:17
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ikonia|Sora|: any good ?02:18
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|Sora|ikonia, i dont think they have a linux one in there, those all seem to be for window guests02:18
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ikonia|Sora|: I'm sure I found a link one in there, thats why I sent the url02:19
ikoniahang on02:19
=== SimonL pats ikonia on the back for being such a cool helper
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|Sora|oh wait, jsut saw it02:19
BigToeI try to update to 6.10 but keep getting "Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"02:19
ikonia|Sora|: heres another one http://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_newguest_tools_linux.html02:19
ikonia|Sora|: ahhh you got there too02:20
deepsaikonia: dude i replied to my post at the forums. i explained the whole procedure and you know what the first step was? it was to read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:20
SimonLhe had ws55 you gave ws502:20
ikoniadeepsa: thats great, really pleased for you. Well done for reading and undertanding it02:20
ikoniaSimonL: well spotted02:20
ikoniamine works02:21
BIGDADDYthank you for your help i will be back hopefully if all goes well02:21
ikoniadon't know about his02:21
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SimonLwell its hard to copy and paste the middle bit wrong :P02:21
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SimonLso common then, tell us a lil about your secret job :P02:21
SimonLare u a coding spy?02:22
SimonLif so, say nothing02:22
ikonianothing secrect, I just don't disscus it on public IRC channels02:22
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SimonLtheres only 900 people here02:22
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SimonLdo you work for nokia?02:23
SimonLis your name mean to be nokia though? :P because it is sortof an anagram of it02:23
ikoniaI've just noticed my nick is an anagram of nokie02:23
ikonianever noticed that before02:23
ikoniaall the years I've used it too02:23
ikoniaSimonL: well spotted02:24
SimonLi bet u were like, wtf is he talking about nokia02:24
ikoniaas you said it - it was obvious02:24
ikoniabut no-ones ever said it nor have I noticed02:24
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SimonLi think that deserves a clue in pm02:24
ikoniasorry no02:24
enricohey hello02:25
enricoa question:02:25
ikoniaask it02:25
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enricobut with java jdk i have need also of java jre?02:25
enricoto run the application?02:25
ikoniajdk should give you jre02:25
ikoniano point installing a dev kit without runtime libs02:25
not-hackerHello, is it a 64bits kernel that is installed (I have installed ubuntu for AMD 64, but the uname -r shows 2.6.17-10-generic)  ?02:25
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ikonianot-hacker: do uname -a and look for x86_^402:26
enricothanks Ikonia also i think it!!!02:26
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ikoniauname -r  just shows the kernel release name02:26
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not-hackerthanks ikonia02:26
=== PriceChild [n=PriceChi@host86-138-186-223.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
internetnokiathats what i thought your name meant :P02:27
internetnokiawas code for where u worked, some internet branch of nokia02:27
ikoniavery amusing02:27
wsjunioris there any specific ubuntu kernel for turion amd64? (k8) or just a generic amd64 kernel?02:27
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ikoniawsjunior: generic amd6402:27
SimonLapparently this name is registered now, it wasnt an hour ago :(02:27
ikoniaturin is just a low powered amd6402:27
enricoand excuse me ikonia...02:27
SimonLbrb fixing res still02:27
ikonianothing special about it02:27
ikoniaenrico: no problem02:27
enricowhich is the executive file for java ??02:28
ikoniaenrico: what do you mean02:28
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SimonLlinux is weird, it doesnt have exe files02:28
enricothe executive file for the compiler02:28
SimonLconfused me like hell02:28
ikoniajava is a run time application02:28
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ikoniajava is the command to launch the jvm02:28
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enricoyes i know..02:28
ikoniaenrico: so whats your question02:28
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enricoin this case i hace wrong something in the installation...02:29
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ikoniaok time for a shower and break02:29
SimonLworks :D02:29
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SimonLlovely and crisp02:29
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ernstphow do I purge a package from the commandline?02:30
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AzMooHey, how can I get the firefox mplayer plugin to be used when I try and view the (WMP) videos on http://www.abc.net.au/vod/ ? It works on gentoo, but I didn't have to configure anything. It just worked :\02:30
=== damien_karras [i=JavaUser@84-72-42-14.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
ernstpAzMoo: use totem-mozilla and totem-xine instead02:31
damien_karrasI want to ask a question02:31
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:31
an21Hello - How can I change the size of a print out from firefox... The firefox help says there should be a scale menu item in print preview, but on my install (edgy) it doesnt seem possible...02:31
damien_karraswhat should I ask?02:31
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an21chaning the font size of the page display doesn't work02:31
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blekosanyone can tell me what's the right way of installing ubuntu/linux? i mean i have a partion / and a swap partion. SHould i have a differnt partition for root and another for users?02:32
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ernstpblekos: / is root then. it's nice to have a separate partition for /home if you want to reinstall ubuntu or switch to antoher dist sometime02:32
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BigToeWhenever I search for updates, use synaptic or try to update to 6.10 but keep getting "Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"02:33
jribdamien_karras: this gets old fast02:33
AzMooernstp, that's what I was using, but it says that no URI handler is implemented for "mms"02:33
damien_karrasjrib: what?02:33
blekosand how much space should allocate to root?02:33
ernstpAzMoo: got win32codecs?02:33
AzMooernstp, yep02:34
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damien_karrasI want to ask a question02:34
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SimonLask away, sure someone can help02:35
damien_karraswhat should I ask?02:35
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso02:35
SimonLthe question?02:35
elkbuntujrib, ?02:35
damien_karraswhat question?02:36
jribelkbuntu: see damien_karras , he's a frequent visitor02:36
AzMooernstp, figured it. totem-xine wasn't installed. I thought i checked it though.02:36
AzMooernstp, cheers.02:36
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ernstpAzMoo: yw! :-)02:36
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damien_karrasI want to ask a question02:36
elkbuntudamien_karras, are you here to just be annoying?02:36
blekosif i set a / directory and a /home directory can they xchange free space in case of need?02:36
damien_karrasI want to ask a question02:37
ernstpblekos: not very easily02:37
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ernstpblekos: but like 5 GB on /, and everything else on /home02:37
sacaterBigToe: sorry i didnt see your reply, did you upgrade firefox02:37
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ernstpblekos: you can start from the livecd and change them with gparted later on02:37
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BigToeno, I've tried to upgrade to 6.10 sacater so I can get it through synaptic... but I keep getting an error02:38
maddyyaaahoooo it wirked02:38
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sacaterBigToe: which is....02:38
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BigToeFailed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)02:38
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maddy<<<< BIGDADDY02:38
enricobut sorry,02:38
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maddynow installing the updates02:39
an21How can I change the size of a print out from firefox... The firefox help says there should be a scale menu item in print preview, but on my install (edgy) it isnt there? How can I get the proper firefox print preview screen in ubuntu?02:39
sacaterBigToe: eeples, is your ubuntu install working fine apart from that02:39
enricowhat i must download for install java application and write programs?02:39
ootputg'day fellas, can any of you help me out with setting up dual sound cards in ubuntu? If there's a wiki link for something like that, i'd appreciate it02:40
BigToean21, if you go to Print then properties you can set page size... is that what you want?02:40
jrib!java | enrico02:40
ubotuenrico: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:40
sacaterenrico: sudo apt-get install java02:40
BigToesacater, yes, apart from the lack of firefox 2 :P02:40
sacaterenrico: or go into add/remove programs, and search java02:40
an21bigtoe: no I want to change the size of the text on the print out - the scale... but this option is missing in ubuntu firefox print preview02:40
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sacaterBigToe: hmm, what version are you running (ubuntu)02:40
BigToeah an21, can't help you there :(02:41
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sacaterBigToe: try running this for me 'sudo apt-get upgrade firefox'02:41
maddyI would just like to say a big thank you to all who have helped me02:41
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BigToesacater, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:42
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maddyafter updates does ubuntu need to restart ?02:42
dhlaya001hi guys...im struggling logging in to firefox....02:42
BigToemaddy, not usually02:42
BigToeif it does it will tell you02:43
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maddyphew so its not like windows then :)02:43
sacaterBigToe: okay try this 'sudo apt-get install galeon'02:43
ootputmaddy: depends on how significant the upgrades are. Ubuntu should warn you though02:43
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ootputyou're not in kansas anymore ;)02:43
sacatermaddy: YES after certain updates, for them to take effect, you must restart, but only if you are prombted to02:43
dhlaya001hi guyz...can u help me?02:43
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BigToesacater, The following NEW packages will be installed galeon galeon-common02:43
maddywell its the first time i booted up ubuntu and its just downloaded updates02:43
ootputdhlaya001: no such nick exists02:44
sacaterBigToe: press 'y' then enter02:44
BigToeI did :P02:44
dhlaya001its my student no actually...02:44
dhlaya001anyway i hav a prob here...02:44
sacaterBigToe: what you installed it?02:44
maddythe only problem i have i have to use the super grub boot disk to boot up ubuntu02:44
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ootputdhlaya001: indulge us02:44
sacaterBigToe: go to Applications>Internet> Galeo02:44
sacaterBigToe: go to Applications>Internet> Galeon02:44
dhlaya001ootput my firefox is not working...not sure why???02:45
maddyok restart asked for BRB02:45
dhlaya001everytime i log in...02:45
ootputdhlaya001: what error messages?02:45
dhlaya001it says firefox is in use...02:45
ootputdhlaya001: ps aux | grep firefox02:45
BigToesacater, what now02:45
sacaterBigToe: enjoy youre new web browser: its the same design as firefox, and developed especcially for gnome02:45
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dhlaya001and that i shud restart my computer....02:45
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binarydigitwhat happens if you fsck an unmounted partition?02:45
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ootputdhlaya001: if it's not in use, remove the .lock file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*profile/02:46
BigToehmm... ok :S02:46
sacaterbinarydigit: it will check the partition02:46
dhlaya001il try that...02:46
jaaltoWhat is ubuntu development channel called? (the package developers)02:46
binarydigitsacater: it wouldnt cause any damage correct?02:46
tomek_Hi,  I am a newbe in Kubuntu02:46
binarydigiter sorry02:46
binarydigiti meant02:46
binarydigitand active02:46
sacaterbinarydigit: provided that there is no RUNNING Os on there no02:46
tomek_I am looking for any fancy desktop theme02:46
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tomek_and good LaTeX editor02:47
ootputbinarydigit: why does it have to be mounted?02:47
sacaterbinarydigit: NO02:47
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ootputbinarydigit: if it's the root partition, boot from a livecd/dvd and fsck from there02:47
sacaterbinarydigit: only when its unmounted02:47
mattionstomek_:  winefish for LatEx editor written in Gtk2 :)02:47
binarydigityea, well someone at work just ran fsck on a mounted partition02:47
binarydigitand now the partition seems to be fucked02:47
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sacaterbinarydigit: then hes in the &*^ter02:47
binarydigitit was on /var/log02:47
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ootputfsck isn't a big stretch from the other f word ;)02:48
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binarydigithaha seems like it02:48
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tomek_thanks, I try google to find it :)02:48
binarydigitsigh, alright thanks for the insight02:48
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eyalwim looking for a really good tts engine02:48
jribtomek_: just use synaptic.  LyX is one you might want to try too02:48
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jrib!themes | tomek_02:49
ubotutomek_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:49
ootputbinarydigit: btw, you should get that co-worker to reconsider his/her reading comprehension capabilities ;)02:49
ootputfsck usually warns you when you're working on a mounted partition02:49
tomek_Thanks a lot !!!02:49
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binarydigitOotput: yea he also ran it at 4am and wasnt paying attnetion02:50
binarydigitso ill give him so benefit of the doubt02:50
faycalthe wireless card is detected but can't see the access point02:50
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binarydigitafter a long day of another sevrer having a bad hardware failure02:50
tomek_according to the LynX - I've tryed it under Windows02:50
ootputbinarydigit: ho, that's a shitty hour to have things fsck up on you02:50
tomek_I prefare something like WinEdt02:50
tomek_so perhaps winefish will be fine02:50
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maddyhello again02:51
maddyas you can see all went well :)02:51
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binarydigitootput: tell me about it, and a bunch of people are away, includngmy boss who is on vacation, good times02:51
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binarydigitatleast it was just /var/log02:51
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nol13i heard emacs is alot better than vim, is this true?02:51
ootputwhat's worse is that he/she's getting you to do all the detective work02:51
mattionstomek_: don't be scared by the web-site.. the editor is really cool.. but the website sucks [a little bit :)] 02:52
maddyi still do have a problem though if some1 can kindly help me?02:52
jribnol13: that's a question for #ubuntu-offtopic02:52
tomek_I will check it02:52
ootputnol13: emacs is a lot better than vim if you're more proficient at using emacs02:52
binarydigitootput: this is like my first job out of college, entry level and our resident linux gurus are both out, so it fell down the chain quickly to me02:52
ootputnol13: conversely, vim is better if you're better at using vim02:52
binarydigitatleast im not the one running out to the datacenter =)02:52
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tomek_is there any support for documents compilation?02:53
mattionsno problem is on the multivers02:53
ootputbinarydigit: (=02:53
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mattionsthere is a deb in ubutnu02:53
mattionsubuntu repository02:53
mattionsmultiverse or universe [don't remember02:53
nol13well which should i learn?02:54
maddyhow can i see all my other hardrives?02:54
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ootputnol13: run the tutorial for both02:54
maddyfrom within ubuntu?02:54
ootputmaddy: cat /proc/partitions02:54
tomek_onother thing - how to share my internet conection?02:54
ootputmaddy: though that won't give you detailed info02:54
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nol13what do you use?02:54
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ootputnol13: emac02:55
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maddysooryfor my dumbness but where do i fine cat/proc/partions?02:55
ootputmaddy: dumbness excused; run the command02:55
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maddyfrom where?02:56
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ootputthe commandline02:56
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nol13cool, so will i. where do i get the windows version from?02:56
maddya terminal window?02:56
ootputwhichever terminal emulator you're using02:56
ootputnol13: try google keywords: gnu emacs windows02:56
maddythis is the first time using linux for me sorry02:56
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francalieranyone here use ubuntu?02:57
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break_anyone in here have a dual core processor, that uses wine to play windows games?02:57
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jribfrancalier: probably a few people :)02:58
eyalwim looking for a really good tts engine02:58
ootputfrancalier: potentially02:58
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nikinfrancalie: everyone :D02:58
SimonLi imagine about 900 people use it here :P02:58
nol13is it in the repositories though?02:58
ootputbreak_: don't laugh, but I'm u sing my dual core to play dos games via dosbox :D02:58
ootputof course, while I'm working on multimedia apps02:58
break_in windows, theres a problem with playing games with dual core processors02:59
SimonLthere is?02:59
maddyis there not a program that will mount the drives while in ubuntu?02:59
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break_i'm just wondering if the same issue applies if you're running a windows game via. linux02:59
SimonLwhat ya trying to do maddy02:59
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SimonLaccess ur windows drives?02:59
maddysee all my harddrives02:59
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SimonLyah hmm02:59
mena_Studio, Is Here02:59
ZneroHello. My partition-table seems to be defect, so i created images of all my partitions and want to erase the harddrive completely (also bootloader and tables should go) before i restore them. which command should i use?02:59
SimonLlemme see if i can remember the cmd02:59
ootputmaddy: gparted should show you quite a bit02:59
SimonLi did it last night02:59
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mena_studio, Are You Here03:00
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francalierAndroid: was a UKIP member03:00
francalierTHat's not very ubuntu.03:00
mena_Friends How Can I Change The permision03:00
Lynouremaddy: do you just want to get your MS Windows partition mounted or something?03:00
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ootputfrancalier: what's ukip?03:00
jribmena_: permissions on?03:00
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SimonLi think its03:01
ootputmena_: what sort of permissions?03:01
francalierThe United Kingdom Independence Party03:01
jribmena_: what filesystem?03:01
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Androidnot a ukip member, just liked an animation on thier site03:01
maddywell i want to try fix my profile in windows03:01
SimonL"sudo umount -a && sudo mount -a03:01
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ootputmena_: man chmod...  chmod -w file for readonly access03:01
maddyso i need to get the the drive that windows is installed on03:01
nol13maddy, is your fan running properly?03:01
jribSimonL: that would only work if maddy has already added them to fstab03:01
gilnimit's a pity that I can't connect to #ubuntu over my tor server03:01
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jrib!ntfs | maddy03:02
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ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 763 kB, installed size 1556 kB03:02
mena_my partitions Without File System is Just For Acces Only03:02
SimonLoh yah03:02
Znerocant anone tell me how to erase my harddrive completly (and propably reformat it with ntfs?)03:02
ubotumaddy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:02
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francalierZnero: do you already have the images backed up?03:02
ootputmaddy: ubuntu may have already detected the ntfs filesystems at install time. Grep ntfs /etc/fstab03:02
SimonLforgot how i did that03:02
ootputor was that vfat?03:02
mena_My filesystem permision is uknowen03:02
Znerojey, im using acronis true image03:02
ootputmaddy: I forget which03:02
SimonLother than "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab"03:02
francalieryou want to install Windows on it?03:02
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potatoxhey, is there anyway to have ubuntu on a permanent "fastboot"?03:02
muckeri'm looking for advice on how to write a driver for Ubuntu03:02
jribmena_: you need to format the partition with a filesystem first then03:02
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potatoxin order to skip the disk checks?03:03
francalierpotatox: yeah, just rub jelly on your CPU.03:03
break_is there an mp3 player for linux thats like winamp?03:03
mena_Okay ext303:03
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Znerofrancalier: i want to restore windows first, and if resizing works i want to restore ubuntu afterwards03:03
lupine_85mucker: well, there's plenty of example code =)03:03
SimonLthere is rhapsody player03:03
Thug-N-Mehi all03:03
SimonLthats way nicer03:03
maddyoh dear so much to read my brains forz lol03:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about essential - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
SimonLwinamp is a resource hogger03:03
mena_jrib,They Are ext303:03
ootputmucker: that can get pretty complicated03:03
lupine_85check www.kernel.org03:03
break_yeah well03:03
francalierWell, you should be able to start afresh with Windows's installer03:03
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ootputmucker: view Linux kernel documentation03:03
francalierIt will also write over the bootloader.03:03
jribmena_: then you can use chmod and/or chown as usual03:03
break_i want a media player that looks and acts like winamp, without the resource hog part03:03
nol13postatox:  is your internet running properly?03:03
jrib!permissions | mena_03:03
ubotumena_: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux03:03
break_is amaroK any good?03:03
potatoxnol13: yes...why?03:03
ootputbreak_: beep media player with winamp classic skins03:03
nol13postatox:  you better go catch it.03:04
potatoxnol13: if you're going to say google it, i already have03:04
mena_ubotu, Okay thanks03:04
nikinbreak: xmms03:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Okay thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:04
break_it uses winamp skins?!03:04
Znerofrancalier: windows installer cant find a harddrive, but windows and ubuntu still worked03:04
potatoxnol13: dangit...03:04
ootputbreak_: winamp 2 skins, yep03:04
potatoxnol13: fell right into that one03:04
mena_jrib, thnaks03:04
Acetylenebreak_, amaroK is good :D03:04
muckerI have a laptop with an internal card reader, I've tried doing steps in a few posts in Ubuntu forums but don't work.03:04
Thug-N-Mewhats the name of the package that include autoconf automake and all this stuff ?03:04
xkcdnol13: Hey, I hear Coke is better than Pepsi, is that true?03:04
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jribThug-N-Me: build-essential03:04
spieqyep :)03:04
break_pepsi > *03:05
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francalierI hear that there's a New Coke.03:05
Thug-N-Me<jrib> thanks03:05
lupine_85break_: amaroK++03:05
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nol13xkcd: obviosly you havent taken the pepsi challenge03:05
AcetyleneamaroK++, haha03:05
xkcdfrancalier: Will it break my system to upgrade to this New Coke?  I can't find it in Synaptic.03:05
lupine_85it's great stuff03:05
francalierYou need to add a new source.03:05
francaliera New Source for New Coke.03:05
jribThug-N-Me: hmm autoconf and automake may not be included, but I think you're referring to build-essential03:05
ootputcoke will break your wallet03:05
muckerI'll try an indepth search and try other forums like linuxquestions but if worst comes to worst, if I have a write code to get it works, I just want to know what is required.03:05
potatoxis there any way to effectively have my system permanently boot up in "fastboot" mode to bypass the filesystem checks? (i can do this manually by running "sudo touch /fastboot" after every restart)03:06
Thug-N-Mejrib yes03:06
lupine_85mucker: just check out an example driver. There are >1,000 of them available, all well-commented03:06
ootputpotatox: set dump/pass to 003:06
potatoxootput: where's that?03:06
Zneroi tried to use gparted for reformating my harddrive, but grub etc is still remaining. isnt there any way to erase everything?03:06
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lupine_85Znero: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda -- assuming hda is the hard drive you want clearing03:07
ootputpotatox: in /etc/fstab.. the trailing digits in each row03:07
potatoxootput: does that tell fsck to leave a specific partition alone?03:07
muckerthanks for the tip, I haven't looked into any of this03:07
Znerolupine_85: thanks03:07
ootputpotatox: yes03:07
muckeror where to start03:08
potatoxootput: thank you03:08
ootputpotatox: or you could use tune2fs to accomplish the same thing03:08
maddysorry where will i find grep?03:08
ootputpotatox: without having to muck about with /etc/fstab03:08
Thug-N-Mewhere would i get SDL from ?03:08
lupine_85Znero: there's also wipe & shred that attempt to do it in a more "secure" manner03:08
ootputpotatox: assuming you're using ext2/3 partitions03:08
potatoxootput: okay...yeah, i have ext303:08
lupine_85just don't use /dev/random :D - you'll be waiting years03:08
ootputpotatox: you can tweak ext3 quite a bit, btw (o/t)03:08
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nol13later guys, its been real.03:08
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potatoxootput: you wouldn't happen to know of any magical fsck commands that would definitely fix a messed up filesystem would you?03:09
Thug-N-Mejrib any ideea of getting sdl installed ?03:09
ootputpotatox: when you have the chance, read: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-305871.html03:09
potatoxootput: i've tried everything i could find so far03:09
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ootputpotatox: no, only the basic fsck commands03:09
mattfletcherhow can i store user's and home directories on one central server, and then let users log on from any machine on my network as though it was the same machine?03:09
ootput(there's not a whole lot you can do with fsck)03:09
potatoxootput: but i always, always get a "Duplicate or Bad block in use" about 62% of the way through03:09
jribThug-N-Me: should get installed if any program needs it.  It seems to be libsdl1.2debian*03:10
ootputpotatox: mate, perhaps there's a bad block? ;)03:10
potatoxootput: yeah...it doesn't seem to be quite as robust as FreeBSD's UFS2 fsck, though03:10
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potatoxootput: that thing's a beast03:10
ootputpotatox: since you brought it up, i do prefer fbsd's fs type and tools03:10
potatoxootput: any ideas on fixing a bad block?03:10
potatoxootput: for ext3?03:10
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ootputpotatox: no, compared to linux fs'03:10
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potatoxootput: okay, thanks for your help03:11
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Znerolupine_85: It says /dev/hda: Read-only file system (im using liveCD)03:11
Thug-N-Mejrib i have libsdl1.2debian-alssa installed ... but the package i want to install is still req. the sdl package any ideea ?03:11
jribThug-N-Me: what are you trying to install?03:11
lupine_85Znero: what it says03:12
ootputpotatox: not a problem. btw: tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/hdXY  is what you're after03:12
Thug-N-Mejrib  The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found03:12
lupine_85elevate privs with sudo03:12
Thug-N-Mejrib a little linux game (abuse)03:12
jrib!info abuse | Thug-N-Me03:12
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potatoxootput: okay...i'm reading that article you sent me, thanks again03:12
ubotuabuse: SDL port of the Abuse action game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.0-4ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 306 kB, installed size 764 kB03:12
mattfletcherhow can i mount a user's home directory from a remote server - i want a system where each machine is identical to the user using it03:12
jribThug-N-Me: are you using APT to install it03:13
madmaxdoes anyone know how to configure a wireless connection on a laptop? i have a fujitsu siemens amilo pro v3505 with intel 3945ABG wireless and the interface doesn't appear in ifconfig or ubuntu's networking03:13
Thug-N-Mejrib yes03:13
jribThug-N-Me: pastebin the error you get03:13
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Znerolupine_85: what do you mean? i entered the command you posted and than the message add: ffne /dev/hda: Read-only file system appears03:13
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Thug-N-Mejrib http://pastebin.com/85269703:13
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lupine_85Znero: yes. you don't have appropriate privs to write to /dev/hda (that is the correct device-file, right?). so prefix sudo to the command to get them03:14
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jribThug-N-Me: what command gave you that?03:14
eXistenZWhat is the best way to stream mp3 in ubuntu?03:14
lupine_85since you're on the liveCD, the sudo password is blank03:14
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Znerolupine_85: sudo doesnt help, the same message appears03:14
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Thug-N-Mejrib .configure03:14
Thug-N-Mejrib ./configure03:15
lupine_85Znero: is it mounted anywhere?03:15
jribThug-N-Me: I meant to use APT to install abuse, so   sudo apt-get install abuse03:15
maddywow this is fun03:15
lupine_85or rather, any of it's partitions03:15
maddyi just hope i dont screw things up03:15
Znerolupine_85: no03:15
narmahello, a friend of mine have a USB modem. he need the package 'eagle' to have network. how can he install it without internet ?03:15
Lynouremaddy: learn the good habit of taking backups and that worry becomes a lot less03:15
lupine_85weird. works here03:15
Thug-N-Mejrib does this version of abuse support networking games ?03:16
lupine_85hda isn't your CDROM drive, by any chance, is it? =)03:16
lupine_85(SATA drives will be sd*)03:16
jribThug-N-Me: I have no idea03:16
maddyhmmm now i need to learn how to do backups :s03:16
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maddyok i ddi sudo fdisk -l and it show all my hard drives i just need to know how to mount them03:17
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KenSentMeI need to do a backtrace of nautilus, but when i do backtrace in gdb there's no stack. How can i get it done?03:17
Znerolupine_85: oh, i looked at gparted and it says /dev/sda1.... yes its a sata03:17
KenSentMeOr how can i backtrace going to places - server?03:17
maddyand also this gksudo gedit /etc/pmount.allow but cannot figer out how to mount them03:17
lupine_85Znero: please, for crying out loud, /read/ what people say. If you had an IDE and SATA hard drive, you'd be kicking my arse right now03:18
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TheGateKeepermaddy: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311&highlight=HOWTO%3A+backup03:18
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|Sora|is it possible to auothide the bottom tab?03:18
Thug-N-Mejrib abuse give`s me this "Sound : Disabled (couldn't find the sfx directory)"03:18
lupine_85so anyway. s/hda/sda/ I guess03:19
jribThug-N-Me: install abuse-sfx maybe03:19
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Znerolupine_85: sorry. but ive unplugged the drive i dont want to be formated, so nothing could have happened03:19
KenSentMeDoes anyone know what nickname Sebastian Bacher uses on irc?03:19
lupine_85Znero: at least that was sensible ^^03:19
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afiefIs there a program equivalent to windows remote assistant?03:20
maddyok i need a break my brain herts so thanks again for help i will stay logged on here if thats ok?03:20
|Sora|anyone know?03:20
lupine_85afief: yes. but I forget what it's called03:21
xtknightafief: Vino in gnome03:21
xtknightafief: aka.  Remote Desktop under preferences03:21
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jribKenSentMe: seb128  I believe03:22
xtknightKenSentMe: did you figure out how to get a stack trace?03:22
KenSentMextknight: no03:22
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KenSentMejrib: thanks, but he's offline i think :(03:22
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jribKenSentMe: no idea if this matters, but try stopping nautilus from controlling the desktop then start it03:23
KenSentMejrib: and how can i do that?03:23
afiefxtknight: and is there a way i can have a windows user enter my desktop?03:23
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jribKenSentMe: it's a gconf option in /apps/nautilus03:24
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KenSentMejrib: k, i'll look03:24
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r_rehashedhi all03:24
xtknightafief: he can use a VNC client and the IP he must type to connect is listed in the GNOME Remote Desktop Preferences03:24
jribKenSentMe: /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop03:24
r_rehashedi tried to re-install grub on my / partition03:24
afiefxtknight: does this work while i'm behind a nat?03:25
xtknightafief: is the windows pc on the same lan?03:25
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afiefxtknight: no03:25
KenSentMejrib: do i need to restart X then, orjust run the backtrace?03:25
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xtknightafief: no it will not work behind a NAT, unless you forward the VNC port or make the pc in question DMZ03:25
jribKenSentMe: just close all the nautilus instances and then try to get a backtrace03:25
KenSentMejrib: ok, thanks03:25
afiefxrknight: DMZ?03:26
r_rehashedand i get, `no device found' for root (hd0, 5); and `error in paersing string' for root (sd0, 5);03:26
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xtknightafief: demilitarized zone (PC is out of nat, all foreign packets goto PC)03:26
|Sora|is it possible to auothide the bottom tab?03:26
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r_rehashedplease help me! i have been stuck in this hell-hole for > a week :(03:26
KenSentMejrib: doesn't work03:27
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r_rehashedi have properly carried out the instructions given in the Community-contributed documentation03:27
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xtknightKenSentMe: gdb <program>03:27
r_rehashedwhy isn't grub getting installed?03:27
xtknightKenSentMe: gdb) run03:27
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Thug-N-Mejrib thanks for your help03:27
xtknightKenSentMe: Ctrl+C (or the program will crash and terminate itself)03:28
jribThug-N-Me: np03:28
xtknightKenSentMe: gdb) backtrace03:28
xtknightI'm not sure about nautilus though03:28
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xtknightit seems to terminate automatically03:28
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xtknightsince there can only be one running03:28
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KenSentMextknight: that's the problem03:29
FredDCdoes anyone know a good database design tool for linux? which can generate sql statements?03:29
xtknightKenSentMe: sudo gdb nautilus03:29
xtknightKenSentMe: if the program still happens under root, im able to get a backtrace from a root nautilus03:29
KenSentMextknight: i want to backtrace a bug when opening a connected server03:29
jribI get a bt for nautilus here03:29
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xtknightKenSentMe: problem still happens under root*03:29
jribKenSentMe: make sure there really are not nautilus instances already running, or maybe connect to the running instance03:30
xtknightif you run it under root it can't use the User's one-instance nautilus and must start another03:30
xtknightbut i'd like to know as well how to debug under user03:30
xtknightjust an idea for now03:30
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KenSentMejrib: there's still a nautilus proces running, but when i kill it it keeps coming back03:31
xtknightafter you quit all nautilus apps,   you must use  '   nautilus --no-desktop  ' next time i believe so it doesn't start itself again03:31
xtknightit wont bring the desktop back if you do that03:31
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YoGhi, I've installed several themes, i can see them in ~/.themes, but i don't see theme in the "theme preference" window, can anyone help me?03:32
xtknightsorry guys gotta jet03:32
roniezWhen i am trying to make my cron jobs start it dont, :( and i use @reboot /home/roniez/irssi.sh and in irssi.sh there is a check and a run script for irssi :S03:32
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mena_jrib, i Cant Use The chmod I am New In that ...And I cant get Any thing Forom The Pages Ubuto give me03:32
mena_What to do03:32
afiefxrknight: What port does gnome remote desktop use?03:33
KenSentMejrib: it keeps opening this: nautilus --sm-client-id 117f000101000116808803800000046280003 --screen 003:33
xtknight_awayKen did you try no desktop?03:33
|Sora|is it possible to auothide the bottom tab?03:33
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jrib|Sora|: right click > properties > autohide03:34
bakert|Sora|, not that i know of03:34
KenSentMextknight_away: i can't kill all apps, one keeps coming back: nautilus --sm-client-id 117f000101000116808803800000046280003 --screen 003:34
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jribmena_: what do you want to do?03:34
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mena_jrib, Are You Here03:34
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xtknight_awayKenSentMe: i mean did you try 'nautilus --no-desktop'?03:35
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roniezIf anybody can take a look and see if there is anything wrong in the script or in the crontab job.03:35
roniezhere is the script  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/651/03:35
xtknight_awayKenSentMe: sorry.  i didnt direct it toward your name but i described it a few lines above03:35
roniezwhen i have that it wont run the script on reboot.03:35
jribKenSentMe: if you keep killing it really fast it should stop :P  Maybe you do need to logout or something for gnome to figure out you don't want nautilus to handle the desktop.  Or, just connect to that nautilus in gdb03:35
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mena_jrib, To Give My Partitions The Permision To acces and read03:35
mena_write and read03:35
|Sora|jrib, not the tab at the top, but on the bottom, which it shows which windows are opened03:35
jribmena_: for one user or for all?03:35
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mena_For one03:36
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jrib|Sora|: right, click on the bottom panel's properties, not the top on03:36
mena_Bec Its Just Me03:36
jribmena_: just make yourself the owner then.  For example, to change /media/foobar to be owned by you:   sudo chown mena:mena /media/foobar03:36
mena_jrib, ok i will03:37
KenSentMextknight_away: i've read it, but do you want me to run it like this : gdb nautilus --no-desktop etc?03:38
KenSentMextknight_away: i ran nautilus --no-desktop, but it just opens a window and then what?03:38
xtknight_awayKenSentMe: uhh i think so.  make sure the parameter is correctly being passed to gdb though so gdb doesnt thing 'no-desktop' is a parameter for itself03:38
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xtknight_awayKenSentMe: you could also just run nautilus --no-desktop and attach gdb to the pid03:38
YoGhi, I've installed several themes, i can see them in ~/.themes, but i don't see theme in the "theme preference" window, can anyone help me? anyone?03:39
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mena_jrib, I done Thanks my Freind03:39
KenSentMejrib: i'm not that fast with killing processes and logging out doesn't help03:39
xtknight_awayKenSentMe: afraid i have to go.  if you still cant do it i may be able to help later03:39
KenSentMextknight_away: ok, i'll try03:39
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bakert #haskell03:40
jribKenSentMe: what does this say:  gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop03:40
biggahedi could use some help here http://pastebin.com/85271803:40
KenSentMejrib: true03:40
mena_jrib, For Renaming them Is there any Way Or I must To Use tun2fs03:40
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jribKenSentMe: you want that to be false so nautilus doesn't handle the desktop03:41
KenSentMejrib: i got it03:41
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oriolI can't rotate my screen. My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce FX 520003:41
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jribmena_: can't you just mount them to wherever you want?03:41
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oriolI have ubuntu 6.06, with gnome and KDE03:42
nn531anyone know why my wmv plugin in firefox stopped working?03:42
mena_jrib, Throw The fstab I cant bec i try03:42
mena_Or U mean Something else03:42
jribmena_: yes, fstab, but make sure the directory you are mounting to exists03:42
JayRoecan someone tell me why "sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd" works in the terminal, but doesn't work in system/preferences/sessions?03:42
JeruvyI would like to know how to customize the gnome desktop anyone have a pointer?03:43
jrib!themes | Jeruvy03:43
ubotuJeruvy: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:43
Jeruvyjrib: cheers :)03:43
mena_jrib, Okay03:43
GuerrillaWonCan I install 32 bit libraries etc on the 64bit setup?03:44
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GuerrillaWonWithout problems?03:44
break_can someone explain why my system is so slow???03:44
GuerrillaWonSome programs I can't install because they don't have an amd64 port.03:44
break_everything lags horribly03:44
mena_jrib,for the file system i do the sma eto change the permision03:45
oriolI try the instructions in this Nvidia url: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8774/README/appendix-d.html03:45
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jribmena_: can you be more specific?  I'm not sure what you mean03:45
KenSentMextknight_away: attaching the running nautilus makes it crash without performing the steps for the bug03:46
mena_The Partitons called File system Its permision is unkowen03:46
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orioland here, too: http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/1266403:46
mena_jrib, The File system patition03:46
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mena_jrib, I mean the owner sorry03:47
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jribmena_: you shouldn't change permissions on anything that isn't in your HOME or you don't mount yourself for storage03:47
mena_thats My Computer03:47
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jribmena_: yes, but you use sudo when you need to do things on stuff outside your HOME03:48
JayRoeHow do I add english to the spell checker? It's marking every word that's not danish03:48
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oriolI don't write English very well because I'm an spanish student03:48
mena_jrib, okay so how can i login as aoot03:48
mena_jrib, root03:48
jrib!sudo | mena_03:48
ubotumena_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:48
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linux_dentrying to connect with external hard drive anybody can help03:49
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linux_denI thought it was plug n play03:49
whyameyelinux_den: say more about the problem you are having. It's not automounting? What filesystem does the external drive have?03:49
linux_dennot automounting03:50
whyameyelinux_den: you are looking for it in the /media directory?03:50
linux_denwill look now03:50
=== EdgeT [n=EdgeT@dyn-83-153-240-59.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
linux_dennot in /media03:51
break_how do you install graphics drivers03:51
EdgeTI'd need a lil help here, if someone could help me with it03:51
jrib!nvidia | break_03:51
ubotubreak_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:51
break_thank you03:51
break_i tried googling, but that confused me even more03:52
jrib!helpme | EdgeT03:52
ubotuEdgeT: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:52
EdgeTjrib, like how could I set X to find my display and activate it from a tty?03:52
mena_jrib, if i do what is in the page you give me ....My Account Will Be root or i must to loging as root03:53
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jonfCould anyone help me activate the wireless?03:53
jribmena_: sudo executes commands with super user privileges.  So for example you could do:  sudo nano   and you have a text editor with "root" privileges03:53
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whyameyelinux_den: I'm not sure. I'd look in dmesg for some sort of message from when you plugged in the drive. I'm assuming this is USB03:54
linux_denyes usb high speed03:54
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linux_dendmesq thanks03:54
EdgeTGuys, my X seems unable to find any display, so how do I make it find it?03:55
bulmerEdgeT: have you look around your  /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:56
whyameyeEdgeT: what is happening? You can't load Gnome/KDE? Or you are running a GUI app from the command line and it gives you an error about the display?03:56
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linux_denis dmesq a text file?03:57
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EdgeTwhyameye actually I can't load Gnome, plus the tty didn't connect me to the net03:57
whyameyelinux_den: dmesg is a command.03:57
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twistieswhich run mode uses networking03:57
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twistiesrun level*03:58
bulmeryou can check /etc/inittab03:58
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jonfCould anyone help me activate the wireless?03:58
whyameyeEdgeT: not sure what you mean about tty and net. But if you can't load Gnome the first thing I would try is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:58
twistiesoh, cool thanks :) im trying to cram as much about linux into my brain03:58
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twistieslearning it to keep me busy during holidays03:58
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EdgeTbulmer, I don't even know how to open it in a tty :(03:59
linux_den[17207425.572000]  usb 4-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 703:59
linux_den[17207425.704000]  usb 4-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice03:59
mattdHey all, I'm having some problems with my girlfriends Acer laptop03:59
linux_denDoes this help03:59
EdgeTwhyameye, that's the problem, I don't have the net03:59
deepsaEdgeT: nano -w /etc/inittab03:59
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whyameyeEdgeT: why do you need the net for this?03:59
EdgeTdeepsa, what would that do?03:59
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deepsaEdgeT: open the file in tty for you03:59
EdgeTwhyameye I can't download the drivers?03:59
bulmerEdgeT: you need to pick up a tutorial on nano or vim..these are editors03:59
EdgeTdeepsa oh oki ty03:59
fleischwurst /msg nickserv register d8e2g1daF04:00
whyameyeEdgeT: then use the vesa driver which should already be installed.04:00
deepsafleischwurst: lol04:00
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deepsafleischwurst: your password of irc is d8e2g1daF04:00
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EdgeTwhyameye how do I do that?04:00
deepsafleischwurst: wtf u r04:01
=== lupine_85 hax0rz fleischwurst
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bulmerjonf: lets try..i have not been successful on mine, but you can try some of these commands04:01
lupine_85omg pr0nzlolol04:01
xkcdlupine_85: Be careful; I hear hacking is illegal now.04:01
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whyameyesudo dpkg-reconfigure xservser-xorg. When it asks what driver to use, select "vesa." I wouldn't be surprised though if the open-source driver for your video card is also already on your computer.04:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
jonfbulmer:  I have Broadcom wireless04:01
lupine_85so's half this pr0nzz :p04:01
bulmerjonf: what does ifconfig -a  tells you about your nic interfaces04:01
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whyameyeEdgeT: how come you can't connect to the net?04:02
riotkittiepr0nz :o04:02
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jonfeth0, lo, sit004:02
jonfbulmer:  eth0, lo, sit004:02
EdgeTwhyameye well, I wanted to download the nvidia-glx so I "apt-get update" but there was no connection, tho my ethernet cable was in, and the net worked, tho I can't even ping google04:02
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whyameyeEdgeT: has your net worked before?04:03
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bulmerjonf: is eth0 mapped to your wifi or is that a separate nic card ?04:03
EdgeTwhyameye, well yeah it does with a live cd and on windoz3, on the 6.10 tty, but now I've installed the 6.06 and I don't have the net anymore I think04:03
jonfbulmer:  I have a notebook04:03
bulmerjonf: easy to verify...iwconfig eth004:04
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bulmerjonf: even notebooks have nic cards plus wifi cads04:04
EdgeTThis is frustrating04:04
jonfbulmer: iwconfig eth004:04
linux_denafter using the dmesg command I get this04:04
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jonfbulmer:  no wireless extension04:04
whyameyeEdgeT: what does "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" do for you?04:04
riotkittieyeah.  i use nic everywhere but in the bedroom04:04
linux_den new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 704:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
bulmerjonf: is there a light indicator on your embedded wifi card that tells you it is active?04:05
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linux_denI there a command to mount04:05
riotkittiethen i pop my wireless in and borrow my neighbor's connection :o04:05
EdgeTwhyameye I dunno haven't tried it, brb, since I'm on w!n04:05
linux_denor just point me to a help file04:05
jonfbulmer: yes, but the light is off04:05
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=== Beawolfe [n=dale@ip24-250-100-144.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerjonf: look around for a switch to turn in on...or keyboard combo perhaps..04:05
whyameyelinux_den: mount is the command. Something like "mount -t <filesystem i.e. ntfs> <device location> <directory>"04:06
catcan someone tell me if hoary is stable?04:06
bulmeri had a friend who had a laptop, and didnt realize he had an extra switch needing turning on before the wifi will work04:06
jonfbulmer:  I just push the button, but is not switching04:06
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whyameyecat: stable but OOLLLDD. I'd use Dapper.04:06
riotkittiestable but outdated. you're better off with dapper if you can use it.04:06
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BeawolfeLooking for some help with compiz if possible04:06
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bulmerjonf: next is check with   dmesg|grep eth004:06
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jonfbulmer:  but I cant switch the light on04:07
bulmeror something in your dmesg to indicate your wifi04:07
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kenthomsonHow do i open .bin files? I have got a linux tutorial named "lgctc011.bin", how do i run/execute/see it?04:07
bulmerjonf: oh there is a switch, you may need to pull out your handy manual and read it..lolz04:07
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riotkittiesh filename.bin04:08
bulmerkenthomson: are you sure its a tutorial?04:08
sk4nKi've just followed the instructions in the forums (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131) to mount the smb network using fusesmb, but when browsing to a network share in thunar I get "Connection Timed Out" dialogs. anyone know what this might be?04:08
jonfbulmer:  but when I work with windows, I just push the switch04:08
kenthomsonbulmer, 100% sure, it's a linux tutorial.04:08
riotkittieyeh binary tutorial sounds ... eh, odd.04:08
kenthomsonriotkittie, it is04:08
catwhyameye, can you pasted me you're source list04:08
catso i can see it?04:09
bulmerkenthomson...you can first check it with  file  command to see what type of file it is04:09
kenthomsonriotkittie, bulmer, there's a .bin file and a .cue file. How do i use it in Ubuntu?04:09
bulmerjonf: see the dmesg if it detected it..04:09
catbin file ./blah04:09
lupine_85kenthomson: convert it to iso04:09
kenthomsonbulmer, ok let me try that "file:<file_name> right?04:09
lupine_85cat: no, it's a CD image04:09
ubotubchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB04:09
bulmerkenthomson: yes04:10
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riotkittieoh .bin .bin, oye.04:10
Beawolfecan someone tell me how to turn compiz on and off and also how to configure it?04:10
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kenthomsonlupine_85, bulmer is getting that software, the only way to use this thing? Can't i mount it or something?04:10
Sp4rKyplease, how can i use a port different than 22 with ssh-copy-id ?04:10
whyameyecat: you want to upgrade to dapper? Is that why you want the source list?04:10
kenthomsonlupine_85, bulmer, and once i get a "demo.iso" how do i mount it?04:10
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lupine_85kenthomson: it's a raw CD image, i.e. it contains a load of CD track stuff04:10
=== Pierre_N [n=pierre@87-194-85-41.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85you could write a filesystem driver for it I guess, but since bchunk is around, nobody ever bothered04:11
kenthomsonlupine_85, so there's now way i can directly mount it, right?04:11
bulmerkenthomson: the command I suggest is only to check if that file really is a binary file.. "file" command will tell you what type of file04:11
Pierre_NI just converted my windoze partition to ext3, and manually edited the fstab to change it to ext3 etc, but after mounting the new partition, it doesn't show up on my gnome desktop04:11
kenthomsonlupine_85, ok04:11
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kenthomsonbulmer, ok04:11
Pierre_Nalso, the fstab has some weird numbers in it, and stuff is commented out, like it's being handled by some other program04:11
lupine_85bulmer: if it comes with a .cue , it's a CD image04:11
Pierre_Nany ideas?04:11
lupine_85Pierre_N: the magic of UUIDs04:12
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bulmerPierre_N: you still have to mount it, or do  mount -a  to mount all in what it sees in the /etc/fstab04:12
lupine_85you can replace with the real device files if you like04:12
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bulmerlupine_85: ah okay..04:12
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nick4i am trying to run Netscape 3.0 on Ubuntu 6.10 but nothing happens (no error message, no nothing)04:13
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nick4how can I achieve this?04:13
bulmerlupine_85: when you say cdimage its not necessarily iso format right?04:13
riotkittienetscape 3.0?!?04:13
lupine_85bulmer: true04:13
YoungLordi got a question04:13
lupine_85it could be udf, or VCD, or all sorts04:13
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YoungLordi have gnome and want to have kde04:13
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YoungLordI'm using ubuntu04:14
kenthomsonYoungLord, open a terminal "sudo apt-get install kde-desktop"04:14
bulmerumm there is a kubuntu version04:14
YoungLordwhere is the file where I can switch it04:14
johns^YoungLord: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:14
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riotkittieYoungLord : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:14
YoungLordi have installed all needed packages04:14
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xopher-or kubuntu-core, for a less bloated environment04:14
kenthomsonYoungLord, riotkittie is right!, it;s kubuntu-desktop04:14
kenthomsonxopher, nice advice!04:14
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YoungLordi have it04:14
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riotkittieoh then log out and select kde from the session menu on the login screen04:15
xopher-YoungLord then you should be able to choose kde, in sessions in GDM, if that's what you use to login04:15
YoungLordsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, etc04:15
kenthomsonlupine_85, i installed bchunk, but it doesn't appear in any of my menus (i am on GNOME), how do i use it?04:15
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Thug-N-Mehows playing counter strike in ubuntu ?04:15
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Thug-N-Mewhos err ;))04:15
lupine_85kenthomson: it's a command-line tool04:15
lupine_85man bchunk will go through the options with you04:15
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bulmerkenthomson: you try man bchunk and see if you get any man pages for it04:15
lupine_85it's pretty easy, especially since you actually have a .cue04:15
YoungLordbut I know there is a file where I have to change a line DISPLAYMANAGER=KDE04:15
lupine_85whenever I've used it, I've had to write my own :/04:16
YoungLordor something like that04:16
Thug-N-Meis anyone playing counter strike in ubuntu ?04:16
riotkittieYoungLord >> if youre using GDM, you shouldnt have to do that04:16
kenthomsonlupine_85, i found a bchunk man page! how unlucky! let me slog through uncomprehendible mess. :)04:16
YoungLordis it a package04:16
riotkittieyou just select the session from your login screen04:16
YoungLordI'm a linux noob :)04:16
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kenthomsonlupine_85, "i've had to write my own", could you please explain that04:16
lupine_85cat <anyfile.cue>04:17
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lupine_85it's ~4 lines04:17
YoungLordsudo apt-get install gdm?04:17
kenthomsonYoungLord, make that :) ---> :( , becuase it's not goot to be noob!04:17
riotkittieand then you have the option of selecting your session, and setting the selection as default04:17
xopher-YoungLord Im sure you have that installed already04:17
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@d8-26.rb4.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonlupine_85, so i am better off with bchunk?04:17
lupine_85if you know what the .bin is meant to be, you can make good guesses as to what those lines should be04:17
YoungLordwhere can I find GDM04:17
xopher-YoungLord if you've installed ubuntu04:17
lupine_85kenthomson: you need bchunk04:17
kenthomsonlupine_85, i got it installed04:17
riotkittieYoungLord, if you have to ask, you probably already have it04:17
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lupine_85I was talking about writing my own .cue for bchink to use04:17
xopher-YoungLord log out, and the screen you'll see is GDM04:17
riotkittieYoungLord, just log out of gnome.04:18
CeRt_SkItZwhat is ubuntu04:18
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YoungLordI understand04:18
cofferjoin #ubuntu-cn04:18
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YoungLordlogin screen04:18
kenthomsonlupine_85, ok, that's too complex for me04:18
YoungLordyeees I remember ^^04:18
xopher-lupine_85 isnt there a way to mount bin files directly too? would save 'a lot' of time not needing to convert the file to iso first, if that's what you are trying to do04:18
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kenthomsonlupine_85, i read the man page it's pretty short, but i didn't find the syntax of using it. I am having a .bin and a .cue file in a folder can you please help?04:18
lupine_85xopher-: there isn't, AFAIK04:19
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YoungLordthank you all04:19
lupine_85       bchunk [-v]  [-p]  [-r]  [-w]  [-s]  <image.bin> <image.cue> <basename>04:19
xopher-lupine_85, Im sure Ive seen it somewhere *going hunting*04:19
bulmerlupine_85: you know of a program to convert a bash or ksh scripts into a binary just for hiding its contents and auto decode it back.?04:19
YoungLordok I have just ask for a friend, I'm using kubuntu ^^04:19
kenthomson!ubuntu | CeRt_SkItZ04:19
ubotuCeRt_SkItZ: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:19
lupine_85so what it says. bchunk my_bt_videogame.bin my_bt_videogame.cue my_bt_videogame04:19
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richeehi folks04:20
lupine_85bulmer: not very FOSS of you04:20
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bulmerokay ill take a look at that one04:20
|Sora|how cna i open rpm installer?04:20
kenthomsonlupine_85, so in a terminal i type "bchunk demofile.bin demofile.cue demofile.iso" and a .iso file will be created in that very folder. Am i right?04:20
xopher-lupine_85, it's possible using cdemu: http://www.bigbold.com/snippets/posts/show/269904:21
lupine_85not demofile.iso, demofile04:21
kenthomson|Sora|, you cannot normally and it is not advisavvle to use one04:21
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sc4ttrbrain!alien | |Sora|04:21
biggahedhi, someone could please help me figuring this out? just take a look, it wont hurt :) http://pastebin.com/85271804:21
ubotu|Sora|: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:21
xopher-or kenthomson, actually ^04:21
|Sora|im trying to install vmware tools04:21
Subhuman|Sora|, ubuntu is deb based, it cant open rpms . you can convert them to deb's using "alien"04:21
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lupine_85if the cd image contains an iso-format filesystem, it'll output <basename>.iso04:21
CeRt_SkItZwill i need a seperate partition to install onto04:21
sc4ttrbrain|Sora|:  what is ur guest system?04:21
sc4ttrbrainCeRt_SkItZ: yes04:22
Xbehavei get this error everytime i install anything "DESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::VBoxLayout', <> line 5 during global destruction." it comes up in the termial box but everything seams to install ok04:22
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|Sora|sc4ttrbrain, ubuntu?04:22
kenthomsonlupine_85, do i don't need to be take care of the extension of the file that is going to be generated, right?04:22
max1Hello, when configuring samba I can't acces my /music folder. Where can I find it on my server and are the errors in the smb.conf file (altough running testparm didn't gave any errors) --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/655/04:22
Xbehavewhat does it mean or how do i fix it?04:22
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lupine_85kenthomson: right. bchunk can't assume it's .iso04:23
CeRt_SkItZdo i need linux first?04:23
wsjuniorhow do i upgrade from edgy to feisty?04:23
sc4ttrbrain|Sora|: then u ll get it in deb format if im not mistaken04:23
sc4ttrbrainCeRt_SkItZ: ubuntu = linux04:23
lupine_85wsjunior: first you learn how to research things04:23
YoungLordmy friend don't believe me04:23
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YoungLordanybody from germany?04:23
Xbehavewsjunior im not sure but id asume that its recomended that you burn it onto a disc04:23
CeRt_SkItZso where do i get ubuntu04:23
lupine_85if you're going to be running an unstable, development, buggy OS, you'll need that skill04:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:24
wsjuniorlupine_85: if u cant answer dont say anything :)04:24
sc4ttrbrainCeRt_SkItZ: use google :)04:24
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:24
Pierre_Nargh at all this UUID stuff04:24
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:24
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:24
lupine_85just s/edgy/feisty04:24
CeRt_SkItZu buntcheer bruz04:24
kenthomsonlupine_85, thank you, you have helped me countless times when i have been completely lost and frustrated with linux, without knowing. Thank you for hanging out in the IRC and helping aimless noobs like me. I hope i get on well with FOSS. I will do the conversion and let you know. And yeah, how do i use a .iso file?04:24
superkirbyartistAnyone can help me with D-Link Wireless Card please?  It is not detected.04:24
lupine_85don't except such fine support when your feisty refuses to boot :p04:24
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lupine_85kenthomson: mount -t iso -o loop /path/to/.iso /path/to/mountpoint04:25
lupine_85might need to sudo it04:25
lupine_85also might be -t udf04:25
max1Hello, when configuring samba I can't acces my /music folder. Where can I find it on my server and are the errors in the smb.conf file (altough running testparm didn't gave any errors) --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/655/04:25
YoungLordI wish I would have 1% of your knowlage of linux :)04:25
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lupine_85kenthomson: good luck with it :)04:26
sc4ttrbrain!hi | TimeWaster04:26
ubotuTimeWaster: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:26
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kenthomsonlupine_85, i am pretty uncomfortable with CLI, if you could put all that command in one line, it would be much helpfule, is it "sudo  mount -t iso -t udf -o loop /path/to/.iso /path/to/mountpoint"04:26
lupine_85it's -t iso OR -t udf04:26
lupine_85depending on the FS type :)04:27
biggahedhi, could someone please help me figure this out? http://pastebin.com/85271804:27
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max1Anyone? When configuring samba I can't acces my /music folder. Where can I find the share on my server and are there any errors in the smb.conf file (altough running testparm didn't gave any errors) --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/655/04:27
kenthomsonlupine_85, ok so .iso and .udf or two file types04:28
lupine_85two filesystem types, yeah04:28
lupine_85almost everything will be iso04:28
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xopher-kenthomson you should check out nautilus-actions, it could integrate mounting and umounting isos to the context menu (right click on the file-> mount iso)04:28
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Pierre_Nso, I've edited my fstab with the UUID stuff, but when I mount my new ext3 partition, it doesn't show up on my gnome desktop04:29
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kenthomsonxopher, now that's what a i call GUI :)04:29
=== Dave123 [i=dave@cpe-66-67-131-67.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonxopher, let me check that!04:29
johns^max1: do maxime, frederik and svenn have permissions to access /music?04:29
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xopher-kenthomson this actually promises to do everything you want to: http://www.grumz.net/?q=node/281&PHPSESSID=93b44296ce953953c067c409c361412b04:29
xopher-kenthomson, it's GUI, I promise :P04:29
johns^max1: linux permissions I mean :)04:29
TimeWasterhi, ive got the following problem: after i tried ubuntu live dvd, my grafics card shows no picture if the grafic driver is loaded. it happens in windows and linux. if a vesa mode is used (in boot mode or when no driver is installed) it appears ok. (im right now in vesa mode)04:30
max1johns^:  I made a user maxime to test (adduser maxime)04:30
xopher-kenthomson basiacally just apt-get nautilus-actions and add that configuration to it, and you're all set04:31
johns^max1: no domain logons I guess?04:31
kenthomsonxopher, there's also a way to mount .cue files directly on that link!04:31
xopher-I know ;)04:31
kenthomsonxopher, i need to compile the configurations, i would surely get stuck somewhere04:31
xopher-oh, and you also need cdemu, as it uses that to mount the files04:31
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johns^max1: did you do a smbpasswd -a maxime ?04:31
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javaJakeHello everyone.04:31
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javaJakeHow do I tell Rhythmbox to encode everything in mp3 format?04:31
javaJakeInstead of OGG and FLAC?04:32
max1johns^:  When I'm connecting with my windows pc it get's my ubuntu home folder (called 'maxime' ) and it sees the music folder but I cannot access it. In the logs i found it doesn't exist but where should it be? I created the folder using swat so I thought it would create the folder automatically04:32
max1johns^: yes, I did04:32
kenthomsonxopher, i need to compile cdemu too!, who is going to teach me all that?04:32
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xopher-kenthomson hm, here's a how to : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27674304:32
johns^max1: what are the permissions of /music04:32
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max1johns^: I don't know where the folder is?04:32
xopher-kenthomson and this seems a bit easier actually: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6953004:33
johns^max1: so that's why you don't have access :)04:33
TimeWasterhas anyone a idea?04:33
kenthomsonxopher, now that's what i call constructive communism :)04:33
javaJakeHow do I tell Rhythmbox to encode everything in mp3 format? Instead of FLAC and OGG? Is this possible? Or should I switch to Amorak? :P04:33
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xopher-kenthomson hehe, but the first one was more up to date, Ill see if I can find straight out debs for you too, that would be like, super easy ;D almost too easy04:34
max1johns^: I can't find it on my ubuntu server, but I thought SWAT would create it automatically..I wouldn't know where to create the /music folder myself? Under /etc or /var/lib/samba?04:34
kenthomsonxopher, if you make things super easy for me, than i would need you to be available here almost everytime i come here, so please refrain from doing that :)04:34
JowijavaJake, in soundjuicer: edit -> preferences -> output format: select mp3 (if you created a profile for it)04:34
=== brussel [n=brussel@cpe-75-80-175-84.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WahroI'm getting a problem with my dual boot. Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. fdisk output-> http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/657/ . GRUB menu.lst -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/658/ . Would anybody know how to fix it? Thx04:35
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johns^max1: your smb.conf says path = /music so it's in /04:35
javaJakeJowi, except I'm using Rythmbox to import my CDs.04:35
johns^max1: I mount all my partitions in /media exept /home offcourse :)04:35
javaJakeJowi, does the "profiles" affect both? After all, they share the same selections.04:35
JowijavaJake, yes. rhythmbox uses soundjuicer for that04:35
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javaJakeJowi, Ok, how do I edit profiles?04:35
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max1johns^: I'll check, do you know where to check alle users allready registered with samba..a sort of overview?04:35
johns^max1: but in case of a music dir, I would create it on a disk with enough space04:35
JowijavaJake, the button beside output format04:36
javaJakeTimeWaster, hi. What seems to be your issue?04:36
superkirbyartistHow do we start PCMCIA in Ubuntu?04:36
TimeWasterive got the following problem: after i tried ubuntu live dvd, my grafics card shows no picture if the grafic driver is loaded. it happens in windows and linux. if a vesa mode is used (in boot mode or when no driver is installed) it appears ok. (im right now in vesa mode)04:36
JowijavaJake, yes, they affect both04:36
johns^max1: normally you'll add them manually or witch a bash script04:36
javaJakeJowi, ok, smarty-pants. That's way too scary. ;)04:36
nn531how do i patch and complile something?04:36
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catnn531, with patch04:36
javaJakeOh yay, it crashed.04:36
javaJakeBug Buddy appeared. *Sigh*04:37
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nn531cat: ipw2200-1.2.104:37
xopher-kenthomson allright, I wont do that then ;) Just go with the first how to, might learn sometihng in the process too. And instead of 'make install' you could try to make a checkinstall, as someone recommends in the second how to's second post, it creates and installs a deb, so it'll be easy to remove if you ever want that04:37
johns^ok I'm off. we're out to dinner. Have fun everybody ;)04:37
kenthomsonxopher, though yuo can already see sweat rolling down my brow as i read through the first howto, are you sure all that, that he says over there is safe? And i should mindlessly do it?04:38
=== SteveC [n=steve@host-84-9-50-222.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
max1johns^:but there isn't a command to show you all created userprofiles withing smb04:38
javaJakeJowi, ok, do you know what values to punch in for mp3 format?04:38
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javaJakeI got the profile window open and working. Thank goodness04:38
JowijavaJake, not on top of my hand. wait, i check04:38
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max1johns^: the music folder works! thank you04:38
javaJakeJowi, OK, thanks04:38
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=== SteveC is now known as ssssss
WahroI'm getting a problem with my dual boot. Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. fdisk output-> http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/657/ . GRUB menu.lst -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/658/ . Would anybody know how to fix it? Thx04:39
=== derFlo [n=florian@dslb-088-064-157-061.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
javaJakeTimeWaster, post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old (after loading the drivers that crash X, THEN coming back in vesa).04:39
=== BadBoy5150 [n=greg@adsl-71-149-243-147.dsl.mtry01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
max1johns^: probabely swat didn't create the folder...it keeps crashing all the time when commiting the changes, but again thanks04:39
xopher-kenthomson well the first part of the how to actually tells you how to install it, the second part, starting at: 7 or 8 just creates scripts so you can easily mount/umount images, and dont be afraid of all the code, its all just copy pasting ;)04:40
javaJakeTimeWaster, also, it would help to know what card you're using. Most likely someone else has hit this issue, and has posted about it somewheres.04:40
=== YoungLord [n=bora@p54B27E0C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
kenthomsonxopher, you see copying pasting is easy, but copying pasting something one doesn't understand is kind of queer or foolish :)04:40
xopher-lupine_85 there's also a script to create cue files for bin files missing them in the how to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276743 ;)04:40
JowijavaJake, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping04:41
TimeWasterim running no linux, im in windows right now. the problem appeared when using ubuntu live cd, and is on right now.04:41
kenthomsonlupine_85, i forgot all about gchunk when xopher threw the lure for using GUI to me, sorry :-|04:41
biggahedhi, could someone please help me figure this out? http://pastebin.com/85271804:41
xopher-kenthomson dont worry, just paste it where they tell you to and everything should be just fine ;) I dont understand it either (ok, I do, but it doesnt change anything anyway:P )04:41
fleischwurstwww.nixcoders.org - free opensource enemy territory multihack04:41
=== adie [n=adie@tapeworm.5sh.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonxopher, it changes somethings, first of all you don;t feel like a bot executing repetetive tasks while copying-pasting :)04:42
kenthomsonfleischwurst, whats that?04:42
javaJakeTimeWaster, ok, then you'll somehow need to download /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old from your LiveCD onto a floppy or networked computer. Otherwise we really can't help.04:42
=== Ppjet6 [n=ppjet6@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-130-254.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nn531hey I do "sudo apt-get update" and get a bunch of errors in failed to fetch... packages.gz, sources.gz any help?04:42
xopher-kenthomson well I use CLI a lot, but nautilus-actions really made mounting images too easy for me to even think of typing it in the terminal ever again ;)04:42
adiehow do I seed ubuntu with a metapackage at install?04:42
javaJakeTimeWaster, also, the logs'll tell me exactly what card you've got. So, in short, those logs would do the trick.04:42
kenthomsonxopher, GUI = easy operation! :)04:43
xopher-kenthomson good bots usually dont make that many mistakes ;)04:43
TimeWasteri own a sapphire x1900xt grafics card, and a gigabyte 965P-DS4 rev.1 mainboard04:43
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-36.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonxopher, :), and let me perform all that is in the first how-to right now to report whether everything is going on ok. will you be interested in knowing that?04:43
=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-32-142.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
xopher-sure, tell me if it worked out fine, and if it didnt, be sure to ask what to do ;)04:44
fleischwurstkenthomson, a linux opensource hack for enemy territory :)04:44
fleischwurstthats a game04:44
kenthomsonfleischwurst, ok04:44
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xopher-just make sure you do exactly as they say, but instead of 'make install' do a 'make checkinstall'04:44
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kenthomsonfleischwurst, you guys don't even leave games :)04:45
kenthomsonxopher, i shall note that04:45
xopher-kenthomson so you need to 'sudo apt-get install checkinstall' before that one too04:45
kenthomsonxopher, ok04:45
xopher-have fun ;)04:45
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kenthomsonxopher, checkinstall, done04:45
TimeWasterok, how do i get those logs?04:45
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phr34ckWhat codecs should I get in order to watch .mpg and .mpeg movies?04:45
xopher-!restricted formats04:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:46
TimeWasterive used a ubuntu 6.10 live dvd04:46
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javaJakeTimeWaster, does the computer have a floppy drive, and do you have a floppy?04:46
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TimeWasterive got a cd burner, does that too?04:47
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javaJakeTimeWaster, that should work04:47
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kenthomsonxopher, ken@ken-ubuntu:~/Desktop$ tar -jxvf cdemu-0.8.tar.bz204:47
kenthomsonbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.04:47
kenthomsontar: Child returned status 204:47
kenthomsontar: Error exit delayed from previous errors04:47
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snookyhi @ all04:48
JosefKlo snooky04:48
TimeWasterjavaJake: could you pls prvmsg me? i cant prvmsg you due im not registered04:48
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javaJakeTimeWaster, boot the LiveCD, let X crash. Then punch Ctrl+Alt+F1. This will give you a terminal. Run "cp /var/log/Xorg.0.* ~/" to save the logs in your home directory. Burn the Xorg logs onto a disc.04:48
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xopher-kenthomson, actually if you use nautilus-actions, dont do 8 and 9, I prefer nautilus-actions before nautilus scripts, it looks much more integrated with the desktop environment04:48
javaJakeTimeWaster, to register /msg nickserv register <PASSWORD YOU'LL USE TO LOGIN HERE>04:48
javaJakeThen when you come online, login by running /msg nickserv identify <PASSWORD HERE>04:49
kenthomsonxopher, will not perform steps 8,904:49
xopher-kenthomson uhm, you're trying to extract the cdemi tar.bz2 which is located on your desktop?04:49
TimeWasterthank you04:49
kenthomsonxopher, and i have installed nautilus-actions, will it integrate automatically once i finish that howto, or is there anything extra that i have to do?04:49
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kenthomsonxopher, yeah it;s on my desktop, and in the terminal to i am at ~/Desktop/04:50
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xopher-kenthomson well you need to download the script, and then install it, it's located here: http://www.grumz.net/?q=node/281&PHPSESSID=93b44296ce953953c067c409c361412b04:50
Xbehaveif u have windows drivers for a device can you do anything to help it work under ubuntu?04:50
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lupine_85Xbehave: for certain things04:50
kenthomsonXbehave, i doubt04:50
lupine_85most noticably NDIS drivers04:50
TimeWasterok, i will boot ubuntu now... see ya in a couple of minutes... thank you in advance, javaJake04:51
javaJakeTimeWaster, wait, did you get my message?04:51
xopher-kenthomson ok, maybe its corrupted, try downloading it again, and from a different place04:51
Xbehaveare there anyguides i could follow, its a webcam but there are no linux drivers for it04:51
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javaJakeTimeWaster, I sent you a prvmsg.04:51
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lupine_85Xbehave: windows driveras for that won't work in linux04:52
javaJakeTimeWaster, has my e-mail in it in case I don't get back, so I want to be sure you got that04:52
xopher-kenthomson if that doesnt work, try renaming it to tar.gz, sometimes files have the extensions screwed up, you can just open it by double clicking, and extracting it with teh GUI ;)04:52
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kenthomsonxopher, re-downloaded and extracted fine, am continuing on with the how to04:52
lupine_85xopher-: tar -xf autodetects as well :)04:52
kenthomsonlupine_85, my CLI hero! :)04:53
xopher-lupine_85 *kisses* ;p04:53
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biotroxi kind a like to sync my hanheld ipaq with ubuntu can i..?04:53
lupine_85moar? :p04:53
xopher-well, roar ;)04:53
javaJakebiotrox, TRAITOR!04:53
xopher-man I need a cup of coffe04:54
xopher-'no man file(s) found'04:54
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher, i did make in ~/Desktop/cdemu0.8/ and got "/bin/sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number04:54
kenthomsonmake[1] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic'04:54
kenthomson/bin/sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number04:54
kenthomsonis this bad?04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about traitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
kenthomsonxopher, you need coffee over IRC?04:54
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xopher-kenthomson I doubt that'll work, coffee over irc hmm04:55
javaJakekenthomson, next time please use pastebin.com. I know it's a pain, but it does help the rest of us with traffic.04:55
ubuntu_bjrs a toussss et bonne annee04:55
kenthomsonjavaJake, pain is the essential word, but short pastes should be allowed shouldn't it?04:55
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break_i want microsoft fonts, how do i install them04:55
lupine_85xopher-: RFC rand(MAXINT); has a specification for CoffeeOverIP04:55
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher about me executing "make" in the extracted dir, i got the above pasted messages, is it sage to continue on?04:55
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javaJakekenthomson, well.... I dunno... I'm not an admin, so I really can't say definitively.04:56
xopher-kenthomson nope, it didnt 'make'04:56
javaJakekenthomson, in my book, if you paste more then two lines, it deserves pastebin.04:56
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lupine_85kenthomson: I have no idea what an fd is, sorry04:56
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xopher-make sure you have kernel headers installed and buildessentials04:56
lupine_85file descriptor?04:56
kenthomsonxopher, buildessentials is04:56
pvt_harvhi all, i was trying to install an LDAP server in my box, installation went well but i observed that i don't have the ldapadd command04:56
xopher-kenthomson do the two first steps in the second how to ;) hehe04:56
kenthomsonxopher, ya04:57
xopher-they just assume you knew this in the first one *rolleyes*04:57
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kenthomsonxopher, lupine_85 if i "sudo apt-get install demo" then if demo is already installed will it be re-downloaded, re-configured, re-installed over my existing one?04:57
biotroxjavacake | what do you mean by traitor..?04:58
xopher-kenthomson it'll say its installed, and wont do anything, if you dont add some other parameters to the command04:58
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adubhow do you install a .sh file04:58
xopher-adub sh filename.sh04:58
lupine_85kenthomson: --reinstall will do the trick04:59
xopher-adub make sure its executable first04:59
biotroxoooo i understand.. cause ipaq using windows mobile than you call me a traitor.. :(04:59
javaJakebiotrox, mm, well ipaq is a M$ product. I was kiddin'. I wouldn't mind using a PPC myself.04:59
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kenthomsonlupine_85, ok04:59
javaJakeThey _are_ nifty.04:59
biotroxhe he he he04:59
javaJakeAnyway, BRB04:59
biotroxno problemo04:59
biotroxbut do you know how to sync my ipaq to ubuntu..?05:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipaq - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
biotrox!active sync05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about active sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
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ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.05:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pocketpc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
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ubotuA good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB05:00
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher "/bin/sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number05:00
kenthomsonmake[1] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic'05:00
kenthomson/bin/sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number05:00
kenthomson  Building modules, stage 2.05:00
kenthomson  MODPOST05:00
kenthomsonmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic'05:00
kenthomsonwhat do i do?05:00
minimecbiotrox: use multisync. There you have the possibility to sync with the evolution plugin. You might have to install that plugin too.05:01
javaJakebiotrox, I'd try Google. something like "linux pocketpc sync"05:01
xopher-kenthomson well, first, use pastebin when pasting more than one line of text/code :)05:01
javaJakeHA! Told you kenthomson! :D05:01
kenthomsonxopher, make that :) ---> :(05:01
kenthomsonjavaJake, :(05:01
break_sill somebody explain to me how you install a font?!?05:01
minimecbiotrox: I think there is a newer version than the *.deb of the repo on the homepage.05:01
break_i drag and drop05:01
break_and it doesnt go05:01
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kenthomsonbreak_, open nauitilus and type "fonts:///" drag and drop, and it works05:02
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black_abaddoni have a great home made linux programe05:02
break_no, it doesn't work05:02
javaJakeblack_abaddon, this is not the place to advertise.05:02
jribbreak_: what happens?05:02
Thug-N-Mewhere is the config file for cedega in ubuntu ?05:02
break_absolutely nothing05:02
pvt_harvhi all, i was trying to install an LDAP server in my box, installation went well but i observed that i don't have the ldapadd command. how can i install 'ldapadd' command?05:02
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jribbreak_: ls -ld ~/.fonts05:02
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lupine_85Thug-N-Me: ~/.cedega ?05:03
break_drwxr-xr-x 2 dan dan 4096 2007-01-06 10:52 /home/dan/.fonts05:03
lupine_85pvt_harv: search for it on packages.ubuntu.com05:03
black_abaddonyes it does try again05:03
lupine_85or install apt-file05:03
lupine_85whatever works for you05:03
jribbreak_: can you copy the .ttf into ~/.fonts?05:03
javaJakebreak_, sometimes you need to restart a program to get it to recognize the new font05:03
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher could you please help me, i couldn't "make" ~/Desktop/cdemu-0.8/05:04
break_its not even copying into the folder05:04
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Thug-N-Melupine_85 not there05:04
lupine_85kenthomson: I don't know the error, sorry05:04
xopher-kenthomson Im looking into it, hmm, dont get the fd number05:04
jribbreak_: what does it say when you try to use the terminal to copy it?05:04
kenthomsonxopher, as compiling doesn;t work, a .deb would help05:04
igcekhelo, my alt and alt gr keys dont work, help please05:04
break_i'm not using terminal to copy it05:04
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ar1shi people05:05
jribbreak_: use the terminal to copy it...05:05
break_i tried dragging and dropping it05:05
ubotumultisync: A program to synchronize PIM data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82-6.1 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 284 kB05:05
ar1si'm trying to find a way of printing several pdf pages on the same sheet05:05
adubxopher how do i check to see if the sh is executable05:05
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Thug-N-Me~/.cedega/configuration_profiles/cedega_5.2.9  could be this one ?05:05
Thug-N-Melupine_85 ~/.cedega/configuration_profiles/cedega_5.2.9  could be this one ?05:05
lupine_85sure, why nort05:06
lupine_85it's in the right place05:06
GuerrillaWonCan someone point me to the right direction for booting up without the cd?05:06
wasabi__i compiled at new kernel on my latitude x1, after restarting on the new kernel, i get a boot message saying "udevd something... inotify is not supported on the cpu"05:06
GuerrillaWonI suppose it's a grub configuration setting but I'm not sure.05:06
wasabi__i checked the kernel config and inotify was unchecked05:06
Thug-N-Melupine_85 hope so, i need to add something at the bottom of the config file of cedega05:06
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adubcan an sh be installed from anywhere this has a padlock on it05:07
adubthis sh file does05:07
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aduband i cant install it from anywhere05:07
wasabi__anyone know how to fix it?05:07
xopher-kenthomson, check out /usr/src, the new header files you installed should be there, extracted in a folder, make a symbolic link named 'linux' in /usr/src that points to the linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic or whatever its called, then run make again, about the debs, couldnt find any :/05:07
jribadub: what are you trying to install?05:07
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javaJakeadub, an sh file is a script. It is a set of commands that are run when you double-click on it.05:07
adubcrossover office05:07
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lupine_85xopher-: it could also be the (correct :D) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build symlink05:08
kenthomsonxopher, the new header files were not installed, when i followed the two steps in that how-to it told me that "already newest headers were installed", or something to that effect05:08
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xopher-lupine_85 yeah05:08
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vvlawanybody know what lead to this problem ?05:08
xopher-kenthomson well check it out anyway05:08
ar1shey, nobody knows a way to print several pages per sheet from a pdf file ? :(05:09
[BTF] Chm0dmorning guys. has anyone ever had a problem with an application for example my Konversation does not go in the systray although in the settings its configured for that?  It was fine yesterday.05:09
vvlawmp_msg.o: In function `mp_msg':05:09
vvlawmp_msg.c:(.text+0x1f7): undefined reference to `guiMessageBox'05:09
vvlawlibvo/libvo.a(video_out.o):(.data+0x20): undefined reference to `video_out_xv'05:09
vvlawcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status05:09
vvlawmake: *** [mplayer]  Error 105:09
roryyar1s: i think pdftk can do that; 'apt-cache search pdftk'05:09
jribadub: have you tried running   sh file.sh   in a terminal?05:09
ar1si'll check, thanks05:09
adubsh: Can't open install-crossover-pro-
=== Ramosa [n=id@0x503e573e.vgnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
[BTF] Chm0dar1s:  dont you have the option in your printer properties to make as many copies as you want to whatever page?05:09
=== Lam_ [n=Lam@129-216.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddontry my program05:09
adubjrib yes i will say there is a padlock on the file i have tried as root and as normal user05:10
kabtoffexopher-: morjens05:10
jribadub: what does  ls -l file.sh  say?05:10
roryyar1s: also take a look at pdfjam package, specifically the pdfnup command05:10
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xopher-kabtoffe heya05:10
ar1s[BTF] Chm0d, yes but it's not what I want05:10
kenthomsonxopher, i don't know how to make symbolic links05:10
jribadub: do you know if you *need* to run the file as root?05:10
[BTF] Chm0dok sorry misundertood05:10
[BTF] Chm0d*s05:10
lupine_85ln -s target link_name05:10
catkennyt, is ln -s05:10
break_this is one reason why i hate using linux05:10
break_NOTHING i find on the internet works05:10
catlinux is nice,05:10
ar1sroryy, ok. I've looked at pdfjoin but its documentation is very bad05:10
adubim an idiot i was leaving off the sh05:11
break_all i'm trying to do is install a font05:11
break_and it doesnt work05:11
=== cat pets THE KERNEL
[BTF] Chm0dbreak_:  you have no patience linux by far is more stable than ms05:11
xopher-kenthomson or graphically running a root nautilus, just drag the folder holding shift IIRC, then rename05:11
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break_yeah its stable05:11
break_but you cant do as much05:11
[BTF] Chm0di do more05:11
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catbreak_, depends what you really used linux for05:11
[BTF] Chm0di have xp runnin in vmware in case for any reason i need it.  what font are you installing?05:11
kenthomsonxopher, how do i run a root nautilus? I got so many questions :(05:12
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xopher-kenthomson gksu nautilus05:12
break_i have windows installed on another drive05:12
break_and that drive is mounted to /media/windows05:12
catwhy even bother using windows?05:12
lupine_85break_: why not just install msttcorefonts?05:12
[BTF] Chm0dive been away from windows for months05:12
lupine_85tahoma is sure to be in that05:12
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break_tahoma.ttf isnt05:12
[BTF] Chm0dhmm lemme see05:13
[BTF] Chm0di have msfonts installed05:13
ar1sroryy, pdfnup seems to be the one command :) thanks05:13
lupine_85there should be an fonts utility in the control panel05:13
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lupine_85probably a cache somewhere needs rebuilding, and adding the font using the gUI will do that for you05:13
xopher-Im on a windoze computer atm so..05:13
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break_all it lets you do is view them and change a few options05:13
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masuraAnyone could tell a good ftp server program with easy GUI? :)05:13
xopher-masura gftp05:14
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xopher-*needs to start reading whole lines before acting*05:14
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masuraxopher, does gftp offer a server program too?05:15
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lupine_85erm, no05:15
lupine_85proftpd + gedit ?05:15
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[BTF] Chm0dhmm tahoma not in gedit05:15
xopher-masura, that's what I meant by the last two lines I wrote, thought you were looking for a client app, sorry ;)05:15
[BTF] Chm0djust in crossoffice05:15
hansi1238912hello !  short question : is there a file which lists ALL packages i installed in the past (like synaptic->file->history) ??05:15
HS^hello can i install all packages in a directory with dpkg -i *.deb05:15
jribHS^: yes05:16
lupine_85webmin used to work, but isn't in the repos any more05:16
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.05:16
jribbreak_: did using the terminal give you anymore info about why it isn't copying?05:16
lupine_85booo :p05:16
ubotumultisync: A program to synchronize PIM data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82-6.1 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 284 kB05:16
masuraxopher, Ok. gFTP is a pretty good client anyway =)05:16
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jasinhappy saturday05:17
adubhas anyone installed office 2003 through crossover office05:17
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[BTF] Chm0dadub: i have05:17
xxhp2007Hi !!!!!!!!!!05:17
[BTF] Chm0dworks fine05:17
[BTF] Chm0dhi xxhp200705:17
xxhp2007all ubuntu users??? :D05:17
xxhp2007good :D05:18
adub<[BTF] Chm0d well mine says too old of a windows or need newer windows05:18
jasinI dont install microsoft software05:18
Jowihansi1238912, you can get which ones are installed atm at least with  "dpkg-query -l"05:18
kenthomsonxopher, should i make a symbolic link called linux for linuxheaders-xxx or linuxheaders-xxx-generic? There are two such header files05:18
vvlaw there are something i got05:18
vvlawanybody can go there to see and help me ?05:18
adub<[BTF] Chm0d newer windows version needed05:18
xxhp2007I hate windows05:18
[BTF] Chm0di have officexp i believe is what i installed05:18
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jasinmake your link: linux05:19
xxhp2007please don't call devil :D05:19
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xxhp2007officexp?? whats that shit??05:19
adubwell i heard office 2003 was installable05:19
xopher-kenthomson the -generic05:19
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xxhp2007openoffice rox :D05:19
kenthomsonxopher, ok05:19
hansi1238912Jowi: thx05:19
kenthomsonxxhp2007, in reality it doesn't :(05:19
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kritzstapfwhere to define a key-shortcut for changing the keyboard-layout? (gnome)05:19
xxhp2007wwhy not?05:19
JayRoeCan someone tell me why I have to run a "make install" in lirc every time I have rebooted in order to make it work?05:19
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[BTF] Chm0dif I am not mistaken I dont think it will install just office200305:20
[BTF] Chm0ddont remember05:20
xxhp2007make install?05:20
xxhp2007of what?05:20
jasinwhy on earth would anyone want ms office????????05:20
[BTF] Chm0dit says it will install the professional version of office 200305:21
xopher-kenthomson try tabbing for xopher-, because it wont highlight otherwise, and I might miss a question. . Im at my parents atm so ircing with an alternative handle05:21
javaJakejasin, maybe, just maybe, OOo doesn't have features that I'd want. :P05:21
javaJakeAnd MS does05:21
jasinjava, haha05:21
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Jowihansi1238912, if you want only the names use: dpkg-query -l | awk {'print $2'}05:21
JayRoexxhp2007 it works right now, but as soon as I reboot it doesn't work anymore. Then I have to go to /usr/src/lirc-0.8.1pre2/ and run a make install and then it works again.05:21
kenthomsonxopher-, infact i am tabbing it! but it doesn't do that automatically05:21
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J0HN!resolution | J0HN05:22
ubotuJ0HN: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:22
jasincrossover is nit free and neither is ms office05:22
lupine_85jasin: MS Office is crap, but OOo is inadequate for a lot of things05:22
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jasincrossover is not free and neither is ms office05:22
kenthomsonlupine_85, so what do you use nothing?05:22
lupine_85money isn't everything :p05:22
lupine_85no, I use ms office :(05:22
javaJakelupine_85, jasin, precisely!05:23
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lupine_85I wish I could use OOo, but it just doesn't have the features I need05:23
javaJakeSometimes spending a few hundred bucks are actually worth it.05:23
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javaJakeWell, there is one feature I wish OOo had. Importing address book information onto labels for printouts.05:23
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javaJakeThat one MS has, OOo doesn't.05:23
lupine_85javaJake: I'm pretty sure it has mail merge05:24
lupine_85if not, you have to ask wtf they're doing05:24
lupine_85what I miss are the scientific features - especially in calc05:24
jasinI use gnome office :)05:24
javaJakelupine_85, OOo does, but not from a DB. Just from an OOo text file. :|05:24
[BTF] Chm0dhell i get msoffice from ebay for like 20 bux05:24
eitanhey guys...I would like to troubleshoot my touchpad.  In log/messages my touchpad is set to different inputs, as a result my touchpad settings don't work until I kill X and log back in05:24
[BTF] Chm0dLOL05:24
jasinlupine, koffice has that stuff05:24
lupine_85javaJake: I bet it's easy to generate said file, though :005:24
javaJake[BTF] Chm0d, heh, bet it was an illegal copy. :)05:24
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lupine_85mysql, sed and awk are there for a reason :p05:24
adubim having trouble getting monitor mode to work with an atheros chipset wifi card can someone help  me???05:25
break_i give up05:25
javaJakelupine_85, hmmm... yea...05:25
break_this is bullshit05:25
kenthomsonxopher- ,  i made the symbolic link, still 'make' doesn;t work, i am on Ubuntu 6.10 GNOME05:25
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javaJake!language | break05:25
ubotubreak: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:25
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xopher-kenthomson you get the exactly same error?05:25
javaJakeTimeWaster, hey, you made it05:25
jasini want open source software. I am in linux!05:25
kenthomsonxopher- ,  ya05:25
TimeWasteryap ;o)05:25
jribbreak_: why don't you try my suggestion?05:25
break_what suggestion?05:25
lupine_85jasin: I want FOSS too, but I also want a degree :/05:25
javaJakeTimeWaster, did ya get the logs?05:26
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jribbreak_: to copy it using the terminal and see if you get an error05:26
break_it doesn't erro05:26
kenthomsonxopher, uname -r05:26
kenthomsonsudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:26
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[BTF] Chm0djava dunno came from some computer co can't remember name for that was years ago and I have crs05:26
jasinlupine, a bs? Its all bs.05:26
kenthomsonxopher, no wait, wrong paste05:26
xopher-kenthomson, please, use a pastebin05:26
javaJake[BTF] Chm0d, Oh, OK05:26
jribbreak_: and what does  ls ~/.fonts/tahoma.ttf  say?05:26
javaJakeTimeWaster, BRB, gotta grab something to chew.05:26
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:26
lupine_85jasin: B.Sc. Biology05:26
kenthomsonxopher, there is nothing to paste, same error BTW05:26
lupine_85so little things like decent Y-axis error bars are important ;)05:27
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jribbreak_: then you've installed teh font05:27
jasinlupine, 90% of the stuff you learn in college you'll never use in real life.05:27
break_why isnt it showing up in that folder?05:27
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xopher-it still seems like it cant find the headers, cause another guy had exactly the same error05:27
lupine_85jasin: college?05:27
lupine_85I'm at uni05:27
xopher-wait a sec05:27
jribbreak_: it's there, try reloading nautilus maybe?05:27
jasinlupine, lol05:27
kenthomsonxopher- , ok05:27
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[BTF] Chm0dLOL05:27
lupine_85and 100% of the stuff I learn, I'll use at some point05:27
[BTF] Chm0di love leeeenux05:28
lupine_85biology being what it is05:28
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lupine_8595% of a *social "science"* degree, maybe :p05:28
jasinlupine, yeah, sure you do.05:28
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xopher-kenthomson paste(bin) the output of this: sudo ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build05:28
xopher-kenthomson in the cdemu folder05:28
roryyjrib: i'm not sure a font in ~/.fonts will show up in Nautilus' fonts:/ virtual directory; mine don't.05:28
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lupine_85jasin: yep05:29
dcordeswhat other operating system except of ubuntu and debian are using dpkg?05:29
kenthomsonxopher, did you get a pm?05:29
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Hobbseedcordes: mepis?05:29
jribroryy: mine do, but it may only show up after the font-cache is rebuilt05:29
xopher-kenthomson ye05:29
lupine_85dcordes: anything forked from debian05:29
jasinThe social scientists help people, unlike the biologist.05:29
Hobbseedcordes: ubuntu derivatives05:29
lupine_85fork debian, catch dpkg05:29
kenthomsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 2006-12-26 01:01 /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic05:29
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kenthomsonyuck sorry05:29
lupine_85jasin: I'd hate to point out that agricultural science is a subset of biology, but there you go05:30
kenthomsonxopher, half came as a pm to you05:30
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lupine_85as is medical science05:30
kenthomsonxopher, and half got pasted here :(05:30
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xopher-kenthomson eheh05:30
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kritzstapfhum, cant find out where to define a shortcut for changing the keyboard layout (de-us), anybody knows sth.?05:31
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lupine_85http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive/0PBF38032BC-Suicide_Train.jpg :p05:31
xopher-kenthomson that seems to be in order anyway..05:31
dcordeslupine_85: i just wanna try out some other oss05:31
lupine_85dcordes: anything using .deb is essentially debian05:31
dcordeslupine_85: tyring to avoid rpm :-)05:31
jasinAgricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses the parts of exact, natural, economic, and social sciences that are used in the practice and understanding of agriculture.05:31
lupine_85if you want something different, try gentoo05:31
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red_i have all the necessary software for nfs installed on my computer. hoe do i setup a network?05:31
dcordesis there anything else besides rpm and debian?05:31
Jowilupine_85, jasin: #ubuntu-offtopic please05:31
lupine_85heh, 's ok. I'm done05:32
jasinjowi, tell that to lupine, he brought it up05:32
lupine_85I didn't even have to mention the cure for AIDS :p05:32
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Wahrocan some1 help me getting my GRUB to work?05:32
Wahrodual boot05:32
kenthomsonxopher, lupine_85 javaJake "Thou shalt not spam the pastebin!"05:32
kenthomsonSo what am i supposed to do?05:32
jasinWahro, dual boot what?05:32
WahroXP & Ubuntu05:33
lupine_85kenthomson: spam another pastebin05:33
kenthomsonlupine_85, i am not spamming it05:33
kenthomsonlupine_85, i am pasting the output of a command xopher gave me and told me to paste05:33
xopher-lupine_85, about the fd number error http://diveintomark.org/archives/2006/09/19/bad-fd-number05:33
kenthomsonlupine_85, :(05:33
fleischwurstTake time for yourself and masturbate daily. With all your efforts toward self-improvement, don't forget to reward yourself with some good old-fashioned masturbation. It's one of the best ways to relax, ease your tension, and get in touch with your body. Take a time-out from your hectic schedule and spend some quality time with yourself. And of course, Masturbate for   Peace.05:33
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lupine_85good tip, thanks05:33
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lupine_85ah, fscking dash again05:34
xopher-kenthomson hm, at the cdemu homepage, they say you need the source05:34
jasinWahro, is grub installed?05:34
red_any help with setting up a network?05:34
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TimeWasterfleischwurst: cool tip ;o)05:34
Wahroyeh.. it shows the boot menu when starting up05:34
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kenthomsonxopher, ya05:34
Wahrobut when I press the windows entry.. it doesn't work05:34
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xopher-kenthomson so try installing the kernel source instead05:34
xopher-if that would help :)05:34
LuisMendesanyone knows a program that can merge subtitles with the movie file?05:34
kenthomsonxopher, that wouldn't help :(05:35
lupine_85nah, mv /bin/sh /bin/sh-dash05:35
jasinWahro, ok good05:35
lupine_85then ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh05:35
kenthomsonxopher, thank you for all your unabated efforts, i really appreciate it05:35
lupine_85et voila, it's fix0red05:35
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Wahrojasin - msg is: GRUB Loading Stage2...05:35
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jriblupine_85: you can just  sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash  instead05:36
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher, this is one more compromise that i have made with FOSS, and the compromises that i have made with FOSS are so many, that unlike before when i sit to use Ubuntu i feel like a dumb head compromising on things, due to some unrealistic pholisophy :(05:36
jasinWahro, you will need to edit your grub.lst05:36
Wahromenu.lst ?05:36
xopher-kenthomson oh, well, you could always convert the bin files, and install a config file for nautilus-actions that mounts only isos instead ;)05:36
xopher-I see05:36
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lupine_85mm, dash is cool05:36
lupine_85it's juat a pity it's default05:37
jasinWahro, vi /boot/grub/grub.lst05:37
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CrazyPirateNinjahey, I just killed my old OS, which I don't really mind because, I had backed everything up, but I'm looking for a new one, and I was just wondering, has WPA support been improved in 6.10 (over 6.06)?05:37
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jasinWahro, or gedit /boot/grub/grub.lst05:37
lupine_85s/vi/nano for much simpler life05:37
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lupine_85and it's menu.lst05:37
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Wahrothen.. what do I need to change it to?05:37
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Wahrofdisk output-> http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/657/05:38
WahroGRUB menu.lst -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/658/05:38
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kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher- , it's not this time, this has happened to me so many times, when someone like me just wants a .bin .cue CD, which ALL the windows users in the world can achieve with a point of click, and i have to go through learning about headers/ source/ symlinks and all the crap that i would never have needed just to USE it. SO how do you expect me to get some GODDAMN WORK done, using ubuntu or any FOSS, if the configuration/installation proce05:38
kenthomsonss is a pain in the ***? :(05:38
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gpdWhen running KDE with Beryl I sometimes get GNOME desktop icons and Background? Any idea why?05:38
lupine_85kenthomson: don't like it? Write a FOSS toll that gives you a GUI05:38
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lupine_85contribute cdemu to MOTU05:39
TimeWastermv * /dev/null05:39
kenthomsonxopher, lupine_85 i still am no where near to compiling it, still "make" fails05:39
Ray-NewbieHello - I hope someone can help me here - I have ubuntu 6.10 on MS VPC, and when I shut down and restart the next time, it doesn't recognize ubuntu and just gives me the "insert book disk" prompt, and I have to reinstall.05:39
lupine_85lots of things you could do to make life easier05:39
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xopher-kenthomson it might be a pain in the ass to get set up, but when it's there, it works, and it works great..05:39
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Yavin<-- needs some help with ethernet driver05:39
kenthomsonlupine_85, i told you, i am here to get some 'WORK DONE', not contributing learning writing about countless other concepts that i never would have otherwise needed05:39
lupine_85oh noes! your Free stuff isn't perfect!05:40
xopher-kenthomson well the simplest way to do it, without any compiling, is to convert it to an iso, then just mount it05:40
Yavinbeen bustin' my ass trying to get online via ubuntu =\05:40
lupine_85if you want it to become better, you have to contribute05:40
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lupine_85that's how FOSS works05:40
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FurryNemesishi all05:41
francalierlupine_85 is what's known as an arrogant elitist.05:41
FurryNemesisanyone know of a good philosophy channel or academic server?05:41
kenthomsonlupine_85, why can't i shell out some $$$ to M$ and achieve all the peace of mind, that FOSS has looted away from me the day i installed it, and forced me to make unacceptable compromises just because i agree with what that JOker RMS thinks?05:41
lupine_85kenthomson: you could05:41
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francalierFurryNemesis: #philosophy05:41
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lupine_85then you'd be contributing to microsoft rather than to linux05:41
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lupine_85whether you contribute money or time is your choice05:41
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lupine_85francalier: I'm a realist05:42
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FurryNemesisfrancalier, tried that, doesn't seem to exist05:42
kenthomsonlupine_85, if linux is this, than i shan't want anyone to use it05:42
KenSentMeI want to debug gnome-system-tools but when i install gnome-system-tools-dbgsym it depends on ubuntu2 version of g-s-t, but the current version is Ubuntu4. Do i need to install the older version or is there some other solution to this?05:42
lupine_85kenthomson: fair enough05:42
francalierFurryNemesis: #thought05:42
kenthomsonlupine_85, i will contribute $$$$$$ anyday over time, time = priceless05:42
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jribkenthomson: you can contribute money to bounties if you want05:42
lupine_85then rentacoder.com to do it for you?05:42
Yavinerrrr, help :X ?05:42
x-r00t-xsup guys ?05:42
xopher-ANYWAY, this is not the channel to discuss this, this is strictly for help.05:42
jonty_rocks3can anyone help me??05:42
jrib!helpe | jonty_rocks305:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helpe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
xopher-jonty_rocks3 just ask your question05:42
x-r00t-xjrib, sup dude :D05:43
Wahroany1 knows how I can fix menu.lst then?05:43
jribx-r00t-x: hi05:43
x-r00t-xlong time no see jrib.05:43
jonty_rocks32 questions. first, can I change my screen refresh rate through command line?05:43
jonty_rocks3second, i cannot mount cd's or usb memory sticks etc05:43
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KenSentMe!fixres | jonty_rocks305:43
ubotujonty_rocks3: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:43
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KenSentMejonty_rocks3: check the last link in ubotu's reaction05:44
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YavinI've got 2 network cards and ubuntu doesn't recognise neither of them in 'Network Settings' - need an online driver perhaps05:44
kenthomsonlupine_85, and spending countless hours researching on net, downloading scripts compiling this and that, when something doesn't work in FOSS, is simply unacceptable to people like me who just need to get some 'work done'. Do you understand? i can't live like this, logging on this channel everyday, when someone's foolish scripts don't work with my OS. It is simply taking a too great time from my life, and is needlesly focusing my efforts in making sur05:45
kenthomsone my applications run, rather than making sure i get some work done05:45
kenthomson:( i am highly dissapointed05:45
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ephesiuskenthomson: what problems are you having05:46
mohow can i get my intel ipw3945-wlan-chip working on a self-baked 2.6.19-kernel? i'm using edgy and under a 2.6.17-kernel i just have to install the linux-restricted-modules to get my wireless working. can i install the 2.6.19-kernel and -restricted-modules from the feisty-repository?05:46
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jonty_rocks3KenSentMe doesnt work still =(05:47
kenthomsonephesius, a HELLof'a'lot, and the problems i am having keep on increasing day by day, as i use more and more of this OS.05:47
lupine_85kenthomson: no warranty is given or implied with GPL software. it's in the license.05:47
ephesiuskenthomson: could you be a little more detailed05:47
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kenthomsonlupine_85, if someone in GPL is so sure how the purity/peer-review of his SOFTWARE, why not imply warranty?05:48
jonty_rocks3grr i cannot mount things!05:48
lupine_85because then the original author would be liable05:48
kenthomsonlupine_85, that's simple lousiness, that has pushed and ditched users into a endless put05:48
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lupine_85no. something doesn't work *for you*05:48
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jonty_rocks3Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc05:48
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jonty_rocks3can anyone help me?05:49
KenSentMekenthomson: please move your discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or something. This is a support channel05:49
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Spaghetti_KnifeHi, is there an mIRC-like IRC client for Ubuntu? I want one with integrated scripting language that works exactly like mIRC's.05:49
lupine_85Spaghetti_Knife: mIRC in wine?05:50
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publicaldolooking for assistance with wireless on laptop.  Anyone there?05:50
kenthomsonephesius, i have been as descriptive on this channel as i have never been in my life, in the last few weeks, describing problems/reading hopeless-crappy docs on the internet about this standards and that, and how to configure and that, all that CRAP when all i wanted to do was get some 'work done'. And i have beeeen extremely dissapointed with the amount of hours FOSS has taken out of my life once i decided to switch05:50
jamiehdI need help on wireless too! :)05:50
Spaghetti_Knifelupine_85: wine?05:50
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kenthomsonpublicaldo, everyone is here, and this is a madhouse, you have been warned! :(05:50
lupine_85kenthomson: and you just got two viable methods for fixing your "problem"05:50
kenthomsonpublicaldo,  not exactly05:51
KenSentMekenthomson: state your problems or quit your discussion here05:51
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jonty_rocks3Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc05:51
lupine_85one doesn't work for you; as far as I can tell you haven't bothered with the other05:51
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kenthomsonpublicaldo, helpful people around but the nature of the problems is insolvable05:51
lupine_85it's a simple s/dash/bash AFAICT05:51
lupine_85hardly unsolvable05:51
KenSentMe!wireless | publicaldo05:51
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ubotupublicaldo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:51
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:51
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse05:52
kenthomsonlupine_85, not for someone who knows all this05:52
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publicaldoI've read through the ubuntu web docs, tried ndiswrapper (withthose docs) and madwifi with those docs.05:52
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:52
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publicaldoI can get a signal indication, but cannot get a conection.05:52
jonty_rocks3Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc <-- can anyone help me with this please???????05:52
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lupine_85kenthomson: so it's a learning process. hardly surprising05:52
KenSentMepublicaldo: are you using wep/wpa?05:52
kenthomsonlupine_85, for someone whos gotta crawl through all those webpages like a google bot, with water red eyes to simple make his computer do it's work, Can you picture me 'sad' and 'lonely05:52
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lupine_85kenthomson: I learned the same way05:53
ephesiuskenthomson: if you stated your problems you would probably get some help05:53
kenthomsonephesius, i stated and typed the hell out of my KBD, nothing helps05:53
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lupine_85once knowledge hits critical mass, it all slots into place and life becomes /so much easier/. Plus you're not locked into the MS view of the world05:53
lupine_85but I'm going to shut up now05:53
KenSentMepublicaldo: could you try switching off wep/wpa and try connecting without encryption? Then you'd know if the problem lies in the connection or wep/wpa05:54
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infblissjonty_rocks: what does fstab sa05:54
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infblissjonty_rocks: what does fstab say05:54
kenthomsonlupine_85, ephesius KenSentMe , i feel that by helping people here, you are simply delaying the inevitable which is "people are going to go back". Linux simply has so many comlications undocumented-features that normal users want, that it is not possible to have a linux computer working as a desktop replacement by a regular ser05:54
porchohi there. I'm facing a problem with the /etc/rcS.d/S05keymap.sh. When the script is run at startup, it outputs an error message telling that "locale" couldn't be found. I think this is the reason I can't get accents to work in Oowriter2.05:54
publicaldokensentme: yeah, I thought of that.  Hoped I could avoid it.  Crowded area around here...05:54
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publicaldoI'll give it a shot.05:54
KenSentMekenthomson: here it is, so it is possible05:54
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jonty_rocks3ANYONE ???05:54
infblissjonty_rocks: what does fstab say05:55
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ephesiuskenthomson: you obviously dont want to fix your problems because there are plenty of people here that want to help and you wont discuss any of your problems05:55
jonty_rocks3how i check fstab?05:55
kenthomsonKenSentMe, is it?05:55
jonty_rocks3me noob05:55
infblissjonty_rocks: vi /etc/fstab05:55
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jonty_rocks3in command?05:55
infblissjonty_rocks: yeah05:55
kenthomsonephesius, before you came, i lengthily discussed one of my problems to encounter a dead-end, as i usually do when something goes wrong with FOSS, and so i am simply venting out05:55
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lupine_85s/vi/nano for improved UI experience :)05:55
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ephesiusjonty_rocks3: do you want to edit it or just see what is mounted05:56
KenSentMekenthomson: yes, i only need windows for uploading to a website that needs windows media encoder05:56
lupine_85kenthomson: I thought it was quite fruitful05:56
jonty_rocks3i cant mount any cd's or anthng05:56
Music_Shufflelupine_85, and s/vi or nano/gedit for the bestest kind. :P05:56
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kenthomsonlupine_85, i don't think so05:56
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lupine_85that you're unwilling to convert a windows file to a ubuntu one is none of "our" doing; and neither is your unwillingness to change /1/ symlink05:56
Thug-N-Mei follow the howto from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5182.html and i get a error saying cannot find 'hl2.exe' any help ?05:56
kritzstapfkenthomson, you may have noticed that linux-distributions made a huge developement  in usability the last years, and its still being developed.05:56
jonty_rocks3it says the cd is mounted in vi /etc/fstab but it isnt05:56
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jonty_rocks3still says Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc05:57
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lupine_85jonty_rocks3: that file tells the computer how to mount things, not whatis mounted05:57
infblissjonty_rocks: try doing mount /media/cdrecorder05:57
jribThug-N-Me: where is hl2.exe?05:57
kenthomsonkritzstapf, that minimized and delayed the inevitable, desktop = windows, you are gonna need it one day or the other05:57
lupine_85 /etc/mtab tells you what is mounted05:57
Thug-N-Mei have have cedega and a fully updated css for linux05:57
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: you need to be in the folder of the hl2.exe file05:57
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lupine_85make sure the mount point exists :)05:57
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe there is no hl2.exe05:57
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KenSentMeThug-N-Me: you probably need to go to a folder like ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files etc.05:58
Thug-N-Mejrib no clue i just installed the counter strike source for linux so there is no exe05:58
ephesiuskenthomson: there are plenty of people here that dont use windows for anything you seem unwilling to try anything to fix your problems05:58
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hemantsolankiMy soundcard isn't detect in ubuntu 6.1005:58
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe there is nothing there i just searched the whole machine and there is no hl2.exe file :(05:59
infblisshemantsolanki: what soundcard05:59
ephesiusThug-N-Me: what did u install it with? ie wine, cedega....05:59
kenthomsonephesius, lupine_85, KenSentMe May i start a anti-FOSS campaign out of clear conscience and reason, to simply help others innocently falling into this trap of FOSS and wasting 3-4 months of their life, before they go back to Windows?05:59
jonty_rocks3it wont mount!!!!!05:59
HoagHey all, does anyone know how to remove the white lines around the page in Open Office? I might be overlooking something obvious, but I can't see it05:59
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: have you installed cedega and then installed cs:s with cedega?05:59
lnmwhat do you mean with FOSS?05:59
lupine_85kenthomson: go for it05:59
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catdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/laptop-mode-tools_1.11-1ubuntu3_all.deb (--unpack):05:59
cat trying to overwrite `/etc/power/event.d/laptop-mode', which is also in package laptop-mode05:59
catErrors were encountered while processing:05:59
cat /var/cache/apt/archives/laptop-mode-tools_1.11-1ubuntu3_all.deb05:59
catE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:59
jribThug-N-Me: where is css located?05:59
Thug-N-Meephesius i installed cedega and then i just installed counter strike source for linux ... thats all05:59
kenthomsonlupine_85, this is a perfect audience may i start05:59
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jrib!paste | cat05:59
ubotucat: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)05:59
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catsny ideas06:00
kenthomsoncat, paste it again over HERE, over HERE06:00
lupine_85erm, no. that would be trolling06:00
infblisspeople do not feed the troll06:00
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe no  not like this06:00
hemantsolankiinfbliss,  i m using asus board m2n-mx and it uses soundmax chipset for sound06:00
kenthomsoninfbliss, of yeah! you......<insert abuse here>06:00
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Thug-N-Mejrib /home/thug/GAMES/srcds06:00
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KenSentMeThug-N-Me: you should, that is what the howto means by Assuming you have cedega and a fully updated css:06:00
jonty_rocks3comon cant anyone help me here?06:00
jribThug-N-Me: find /home/thus/GAMES -name hl2.exe     turn up anything?06:00
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smiley_i m new to uuntu06:00
infblisskenthomson: there are many people for whom FOSS works06:00
ephesiusThug-N-Me: cedega should be in your application menu somewhere open cedega and then from cedega you shoudl be able to launch cs:s06:01
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing06:01
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe well i do have cedega and css installed and fully updated but there is still not exe file in it06:01
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kenthomsonlupine_85, what would be a ideal place to start one? Any suggestions on the propoganda?06:01
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infblisskenthomson: and there are many who dont06:01
lupine_85kenthomson: #windows ?06:01
kritzstapfhum, cant find out where to define a shortcut for changing the keyboard layout (de-us), anybody knows sth.?06:01
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: how have you installed cs:s?06:01
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dv_foss wont work for commercial games for example06:01
Thug-N-Mejrib nop06:01
infblisskenthomson: we are trying to make a community here06:01
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Thug-N-Mejrib nope06:01
kenthomsoninfbliss, that was the reason i tried it and wasted countless hopeless hours trying to read through hopeless code, all in wain06:01
lupine_85dv_: cedega is nominally foss :p06:01
smiley_hello i m new to ubuntu and i can t see a fat32 partition that i created during the installation06:01
dv_lupine_85, but the games arent06:01
jonty_rocks3infbliss please help me i tried everything it just wont mount06:01
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lupine_85mm, true06:01
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe i just followed this http://www.cstrike-planet.com/tutorial/1/506:02
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lupine_85nobody's taken that plunge yet, really06:02
KenSentMekritzstapf: right click on the top panel, select add to panel and then keyboard selector or something06:02
kenthomsoninfbliss, i too liked the idea of all community thingy, but at the end of the day NOTHING WORKS! PLease ask them to change the Ubuntu-heading line to that in feisty fawn06:02
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zuguI have a gparted question: I have 1 HDD, two ext3 partitions: hda1 and hda2; I want to increase the size of hda1, but there's no unallocated space between hda1 and hda2;  can shrink hda2, but it would shrink toward the end of the disk, not toward the beginning, where the hda1 partition resides; what can I do?06:02
lupine_85that said, Wesnoth for great ustice06:02
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lupine_85kenthomson: yet everything works... here06:02
lupine_85absolutely everything06:02
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe from there i installed only the source06:02
=== Music_Shuffle raises hand. Here too.
jribkenthomson: I think you should move this to #ubuntu-offtopic at this point06:02
kenthomsonlupine_85, :(06:02
ephesiusThug-N-Me: thats a guide for a cs:s dedicated server06:02
jonty_rocks3OMG CANT ANYONE HELP ME?06:02
dv_not only because of copy protection, but also because of the general attitude in the games industry, and in case of AAA games because of the technology being licensed. the ue3 engine will be licensed for many $$, FOSS is obviously misplaced here06:02
kenthomsonjrib, i think you guys should move me out of here06:03
hemantsolankiinfbliss, help dude06:03
Thug-N-Meephesius so that wont help :(06:03
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Thug-N-Meephesius how will i install css then ?06:03
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:03
dv_also, consoles are very closed because of the video game crash of 1983.06:03
lupine_85kenthomson: maybe you should have the self-control to DIY06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundmax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
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lupine_85dv_: PS3 runs on linux :)06:03
hemantsolankiinfbliss,  ya06:03
adubok im trying to install office xp using crossover office but im running into slight trouble the installation somewhat went fine but i see no office applications and its not in add/remove programs06:03
lupine_85and you can get linux for PS206:03
kenthomsonlupine_85, you don't expect so much from a heartily dissapointed dude?06:03
jonty_rocks3infbliss it still says Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc06:03
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dv_lupine_85, but only half-assed06:04
dv_they didnt include access to the real deal06:04
lupine_85kenthomson: after the amount of effort 'the community' put into you, I think you're being a bit of a baby TBH. but there you go06:04
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe any howto for css ? the first one06:04
infblisscan somebody help out jonty_rocks306:04
lupine_85dv_: yeah :/ binary modules, etc06:04
riotkittiei'd rather run linux on an xbox tho ;D06:04
KenSentMe!cedega | Thug-N-Me06:04
ubotuThug-N-Me: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega06:04
dv_maybe they will add this later, but right now this looks like a cheap excuse for avoiding  console customs because of the ps3 now being a computer06:04
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: start there06:04
riotkittiealas, i am not dropping $300 on one =[06:04
dv_lupine_85, yes they are missing06:05
kenthomsondv_, lupine_85, linux on PS3 is like running linux on a pentium-2 (age-old) PC. Not more than two cores are available and it's a really unacceptable solution06:05
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: then just install cs:s from cd/dvd as you would in Windows06:05
infblisshemantsolanki: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17932206:05
dv_kenthomson, just what I mentioned :)06:05
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jonty_rocks3i cant open cd's or anything it says: Unable to mount "cdname" Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc06:05
lupine_85kenthomson: linux on a pentium two works fine06:05
dv_also there is no access to the nvidia chip06:05
kritzstapfKenSentMe, thanks, but is there a way to define a key-shortcut too?06:05
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe i was thinking there a diff way to install cs.06:05
klaidashello :) I've installed (by apt-get install) a game called "flightgear" (which, by seeing the screenshots, I think of as the most promising linux game). However, I can't load it - there's no command "flightgear", it doesn't appear under applications->games, "whereis flightgear" returns no results. But still, Synaptic says it's installed. Well... how would I open it? o_O06:05
KenSentMekritzstapf: i wouldn't know that, sorry06:05
kenthomsonlupine_85, as in a donkey ice skates fine!06:05
lupine_85no, really06:05
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kenthomsonlupine_85, :)06:05
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe i dont even have it on a cd ... on the howto i find it doesnt say anything about cd install06:05
jribjonty_rocks3: pastebin your /etc/fstab06:05
dv_this is all really bad, because ps3s would make terrific clusters with their cells06:05
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: no, there is no linux version for cs:s06:06
lupine_85I've got it on a PII 600MHz and it goes like the clappers06:06
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jonty_rocks3i gotta type it all out??06:06
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: that is for installing a server06:06
jonty_rocks3where pastebin?06:06
kenthomson* hemantsolanki (n=hemantso@ has joined #ubuntu06:06
kenthomson<lupine_85> s/vi/nano for improved UI experience :)06:06
kenthomson* konrad_ (n=konrad@ has joined #ubuntu06:06
kenthomson<ephesius> jonty_rocks3: do you want to edit it or just see what is mounted06:06
kenthomson<lupine_85> kenthomson: I thought it was quite fruitful06:06
kenthomson<KenSentMe> kenthomson: yes, i only need windows for uploading to a website that needs windows media encoder06:06
porchohi there. I'm facing a problem with the /etc/rcS.d/S05keymap.sh. When the script is run at startup, it outputs an error message telling that "locale" couldn't be found. I think this is the reason I can't get accents to work in Oowriter2.06:06
lupine_85besides, the bus is the distinguishing feature, not the ohnoesmegahurtz06:06
kenthomson* morphir has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))06:06
jrib!pastebin | jonty_rocks306:06
kenthomson<jonty_rocks3> i cant mount any cd's or anthng06:06
ubotujonty_rocks3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:06
kenthomson* linuxgoober has quit (Client Quit)06:06
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:06
kenthomson<Music_Shuffle> lupine_85, and s/vi or nano/gedit for the bestest kind. :P06:06
kenthomson* _roxy_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))06:06
riotkittieive got slack 9 on a amd k-7 333mhz. it's sweet ;p06:06
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naliothKenSentMe: yes?06:06
lupine_85riotkittie: I did RH6 on a K6-2 233MHz :p06:07
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lupine_85that was also sweet06:07
KenSentMenalioth: it was kenthomson, but he left06:07
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Music_Shufflenalioth, he means the guy who just left above.06:07
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KenSentMenalioth: sorry to have bothered you06:07
lupine_85even with the RPM badness06:07
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dv_why is rpm bad?06:07
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dv_it was, in the past06:07
dv_but today?06:07
lupine_85a dissatiasfied, non-paying leec^H^H^H^Hcustomer06:07
lupine_85dv_: I'm just prejudiced06:07
lupine_85Yast in SuSE 10.1 didn't help06:07
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe will this still be good then ? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5182.html06:08
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lupine_85Apparently yum is OK, but I've never actually used it06:08
riotkittiehmm. i should check fedora out.06:08
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zuguI have a gparted question: I have 1 HDD, two ext3 partitions: hda1 and hda2; I want to increase the size of hda1, but there's no unallocated space between hda1 and hda2;  I can shrink hda2, but it would shrink toward the end of the disk, not toward the beginning, where the hda1 partition resides; what can I do?06:08
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: probably, but you need Cedega and cs:s install files for windows06:08
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adubcan someone help me to configure my atheros wifi card to monitor mode06:09
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe where do i get cs:s from ?  no clue whats this man .i can only get the counter strike normal game06:09
riotkittiezugu, you can shrink and then move the partitions around06:09
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lupine_85zugu: delete hda2?06:09
zugulupine_85: I thought about it, but I need the files on it06:10
=== lupine_85 thinks LVM should be by-default
lupine_85it pwns06:10
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KenSentMeThug-N-Me: you need to buy it. Or i believe it comes with half life 206:10
lupine_85zugu: small enough to temporarily move elsewhere?06:10
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lupine_85like a DVD-R, perhaps :)06:10
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zugulupine_85: no :(06:10
riotkittiehow big are the partitions in question?06:10
alex-weejis wifi easy yet on ubuntu?06:10
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe its the steam that i need ?06:11
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KenSentMeThug-N-Me: i think so06:11
riotkittieeasy? define easy., alex-weej06:11
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bobbob1016the wifi ease of use depends on the wifi card you have06:11
shackalex-wee depents on your card06:11
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zugulupine_85: I thought gparted would "shift" it for me, over the freed space, so that the free space would come before the partition06:11
jonty_rocks3ok here is pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/664/06:11
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: but you need cedega too to run Windows games on Ubuntu06:11
alex-weejriotkittie: point and clikc06:11
shackalex-weej: ubuntu forums has some good howtos for wifi06:11
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe i have cedega installed and its working.. now seens like i only need the game06:11
lupine_85zugu: I don't think it does06:12
zugulupine_85: but I guess that as lon as it has files on it I can't move it06:12
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zugu*as long06:12
smiley_can some one help me detect a fat 32 partition ??06:12
riotkittiezugu, >> it should. i did the same thing with gparted recently ... deleted a partition, moved some, made some, spread the space around06:12
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lupine_85you can xpand and shrink it from the "end" size06:12
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Thug-N-MeKenSentMe so after i get the game i can just install is with cedega from cd or hdd ? im i right ?06:12
lupine_85erm, side06:12
lupine_85but not the start06:12
jonty_rocks3so can ayone help me then?06:12
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: yes06:12
riotkittiei used the gparted livecd06:12
lupine_85at least, AFAIK06:12
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zugulupine_85: yes, but i need free space before it; unfortunately, I'm not able to delete it06:12
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KenSentMe!mount | smiley_06:12
ubotusmiley_: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:12
zugulupine_85: keeping it is the whole point06:12
trevdoes anyone know of a gui for mounting .iso files?06:12
bobbob1016Hi all, does anyone know how I could mount SMB shares from the panel, as in make a shortcut to mount the drive, I can do it through terminal, I'd just prefer a single click06:12
Thug-N-MeKenSentMe but why its that how to saying to edit the config file of cedega and stuff ,,, ?06:13
KenSentMe!diskmounter | smiley_06:13
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ubotusmiley_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:13
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jribjonty_rocks3: your fstab looks broken06:13
lupine_85trev: you can do it with a short script06:13
jonty_rocks3whats wrong with it06:13
riotkittieohhhhh i need a nap. getting old sucks.06:13
jribjonty_rocks3: why did you type that out instead of copying and pasting?06:13
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: maybe you need to make some minor adjustments to get it running right06:13
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jonty_rocks3cause thats on my laptop this IRC on ma desktop06:13
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trevmy scripting skills are non-extant, but ill find one, and ill probly learn bash one of these days06:13
KenSentMeThug-N-Me: i don't run the game myself, so i don't know the details06:14
jribjonty_rocks3: I see, well uncomment the last line06:14
Thug-N-Meok thanks06:14
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user01i have a linux file server running ssh and smb,  if i do smb://linuxserver/ in firefox i can "download" files, but like my windows machine i can just connect directly through putty with ssh using the computer name.  what do i have to do to get it as a shared fusable folder via the lan?06:14
zuguis there any way for me to move files on a partition toward its end? so that I get free space in the beginning of the partition?06:14
jonty_rocks3uncomment which bit?06:14
jribjonty_rocks3: and are you sure that line is complete?06:14
lupine_85line 1: #!/bin/sh ; line 2: mount -o loop -t iso9660 $1 /path/to/mount/point06:14
lupine_85I think it's $1 anyway06:14
jonty_rocks3yes full06:14
riotkittiezugu, > not that i know of06:14
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zuguriotkittie: thanks06:14
lupine_85you then use that script as the default handler for .iso files in your file browser of choice06:14
jribjonty_rocks3: #/dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto   change it to:  /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 006:14
jonty_rocks3oh sorry no #ubuntu before =D06:15
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jonty_rocks3no #ubuntu before /dev/gdc06:15
m12what "google earth"  like applications are there for linux?06:15
HoagCan anyone help me copy images from the context menu? I.e, copy from firefox into openoffice without saving it first?06:15
jonty_rocks3i cant type #ubuntu06:15
riotkittiei hate moving partitions around :(    the one upside to only having 12gb is that it doesnt take long tho :P06:15
jribjonty_rocks3: I understand what you are trying to say, yes, and add the 0 0 at the end06:15
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bobbob1016m12, there is one called google earth06:15
jonty_rocks30 0 is on end06:15
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lupine_85trev: for extra internets, you can modify it to create the mountpoint dynamically (so you can mount more than one at a time), and create a second ( unmount) script06:16
jribjonty_rocks3: k, not in your pastebin, that's why I mentioned it06:16
bobbob1016I'm pretty sure automatix installs it06:16
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:16
jonty_rocks3full one: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0/ udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 006:16
lupine_85so yeah06:16
trevlupine_85:yeah, o think i am going to teach myself a little scripting06:16
riotkittieooh ooh ooh.06:16
lupine_85google earth works fine if you just download it06:16
user01i wanted to be able to play audio from my linux file server through the audio player in ubuntu06:16
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Spaghetti_KnifeAre there XChat help channels besides #xChat@irc.freenode.net?06:16
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lupine_85put it in /opt06:16
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jribjonty_rocks3: yep06:17
lupine_85Hoag: drag 'n drop doesn't work?06:17
jonty_rocks3now what jrib?06:17
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jribjonty_rocks3: try the cdrom again06:17
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Hoaglupine_85: Having trouble getting to the other window while dragging it06:18
jribjonty_rocks3: same error?06:18
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lupine_85hoag: you can drag and hold onto the app in the title bar06:18
jonty_rocks3Failed to determine the mount point for /dev/hdc06:18
lupine_85it'll switch to that window06:18
jonty_rocks3jrib i cant find the fstab file in the File Explorer thing06:19
jonty_rocks3only command line06:19
jonty_rocks3is it hidden?06:19
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biggahedhi, could someone please help me figure this out? http://pastebin.com/85271806:19
jribjonty_rocks3: maybe, it's just in /etc/fstab06:19
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klaidasI've installed (by apt-get install) a game called "flightgear" (which, by seeing the screenshots, I think of as the most promising linux game). However, I can't load it - there's no command "flightgear", it doesn't appear under applications->games, "whereis flightgear" returns no results. But still, Synaptic says it's installed. Well... how would I open it? o_O06:19
jribjonty_rocks3: does /media/cdrom0 exist?06:19
jonty_rocks3one sec06:19
lupine_85klaidas: dpkg -L flightgear06:19
lupine_85that'll list all the files installed by that package06:20
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lupine_85*(might be -l, I forget)06:20
jonty_rocks3jrib yes06:20
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Hoaglupine_85: That seems to copy the HTML behind it06:20
jonty_rocks3agaffney what can I do?06:20
jonty_rocks3whoah wrong06:20
klaidaslupine_85, thanks06:20
jribjonty_rocks3: hmm, I wonder why it doesn't recognize the change in fstab.  Maybe something has to be restarted06:20
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lupine_85OLE-style stuff doesn't really work well in linux06:20
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jonty_rocks3jrib hum06:20
jonty_rocks3jrib i dunno06:20
user01are there instructions getting ubuntu configured to access another linux machine with ssh server on it?06:21
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:21
Jowibiggahed, try "apt-get autoclean"06:21
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jonty_rocks3!ssh | user0106:21
ubotuuser01: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:21
Hoxzerwhat package should contain glibc headers?06:21
biggahedJowi, ill do that06:21
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lupine_85biggahed: the remove script is looking for a file it can't find06:21
lupine_85Hoxzer: libc6-dev06:21
jribHoxzer: installing build-essential will give you them06:21
MasterShrekHoxzer install build-essential06:21
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jonty_rocks3jrib what can I do then?06:22
KenSentMeI want to debug gnome-system-tools but when i install gnome-system-tools-dbgsym it depends on ubuntu2 version of g-s-t, but the current version is Ubuntu4. Do i need to install the older version or is there some other solution to this?06:22
adubdoes anyone know of a good program for making videos of your screen in linux??  i want one that does audio and video at the same time???06:22
lupine_85Edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/graphviz-cairo.postrm (line 11) so that it doesn't give an error, and all should be fine06:22
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lupine_85adub: seom06:22
biggahedJowi, it didnt help, same error06:22
adubseom when did that come out??06:22
jribjonty_rocks3: heh do you mind rebooting just to see if it makes a difference?  I don't know the details of how the cdrom mounting works06:22
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega06:22
Jowibiggahed, "apt-get gencaches"?06:22
lupine_85adub: no idea06:23
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jonty_rocks3tried already (3 times)06:23
HoagCan anyone tell me how to get the image, and not the HTML?06:23
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lupine_85Jowi: that won't help :/06:23
jonty_rocks3jrib i tried that 3 times =(06:23
jribjonty_rocks3: after we edited your fstab?06:23
adublupine_85 have you tested it??06:23
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lupine_85adub: no, but it won't help06:23
biggahedJowi, invalid operation06:23
lupine_85read the error message & you'll see why06:23
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jonty_rocks3jrib what needs editing?06:23
lupine_85besides, it's apt-cache06:23
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biggahedlemme try lupine's fix06:23
jribjonty_rocks3: we removed teh # remember?06:23
lupine_85the relevent line is "/var/lib/dpkg/info/graphviz-cairo.postrm: 11: dot: not found"06:23
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FuelBWhere is the list of installed packages?06:24
jonty_rocks3lemme check06:24
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JowiFuelB, dpkg -l06:24
jribFuelB: dpkg -l06:24
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adublupine_85 have you tested this program??06:24
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FuelBI mean the file, I need to manually change it06:24
lupine_85adub: no, but I know how to read error messages06:24
jribFuelB: why would you need to do that?06:24
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lupine_85regenerating the cache won't change the contents of the postrm script06:25
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FuelBbecause a package has the wrong version number06:25
lupine_85it's that simple06:25
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biggahedlupine_85, this is the line in question "esac"06:25
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jribFuelB: where did the file come from?06:25
lupine_85biggahed: can you pastebin the whole thing?06:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:25
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adublupine_85 that doesnt make sense, lol06:26
lupine_85adub: mm06:26
daedrahey anyone know of any decent command line music players?06:26
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jribdaedra: cmus, mpd06:26
FuelBwell, it's just that I had to mess around a bit and force install a package from debian to get both emacs and flash to work06:26
daedra(apart from mpg321 clones)06:26
biggahedlupine_85,  http://pastebin.com/85282806:26
adublupine_85 what is mm06:26
daedrajrib: do they manage playlists? (m3u)06:26
lupine_85a noncommital sound06:27
jribdaedra: yes06:27
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jribdaedra: well i only use cmus, but I'm pretty sure mpd will too06:27
lupine_85ok, it's trying to run the "dot" command, which doesn't exist06:27
lupine_85the "correct" solution is to find the package that gives "dot", and install that06:27
jonah1980hi guys since updating to feisty first my printers wouldn't work and then i saw a command workaround i have to now do each time before printing... but now i've tried my scanner this will not work. there seems to be major usb detection problems going on...06:27
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lupine_85and report a bug also, of course, since said pacakge should be in the dependencies06:28
Snibborneed some help.....   I am running ubuntu live as my only os right now since my laptops HD failed... i have a storage drive thats only 256 megabytes... i'm wondering if i can somehow use that to save settings like user accounts and stuff, or if its big enough to install to... which i don't think it is... can someone help me out06:28
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jrib!feisty | jonah198006:28
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ubotujonah1980: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+106:28
lupine_85<click click>06:28
Jowidaedra, mp3blaster is quite good as well06:28
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FuelBI suppose the list of installed packages is one of the files in /var/lib/dpkg but I'm not sure which one06:28
lupine_85biggahed: dot is provided by graphviz, lol06:28
Snibborcan someone please help06:29
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jribFuelB: /var/lib/dpkg/status   but instead, you should just fix the problem package.  I don't recommend you go in and edit that file yourself06:29
lupine_85biggahed:  ok, either install graphviz then remove this package, or change line 2 to read exit 006:29
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EdgeTGuys, my xserver can't find any displays, is that normal?06:30
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lupine_85EdgeT: not really06:30
lupine_85is X running06:30
lupine_85(i.e. do you have a pretty GUI? :p)06:30
EdgeTlupine_85: nope06:30
jribFuelB: actually I just caught the last thing you said and I can tell you that you shouldn't need to install any package from debian to get emacs or flash to work06:30
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EdgeTlupine_85: it just crashes everytime I start it06:30
lupine_85ok, /var/log/Xorg.0.log should have some lines (more or less) beginning with (EE)06:30
EdgeTlupine_85: plud it freezes06:31
JowiEdgeT, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and go with the defaults and try again.06:31
lupine_85they'll tell you why it doesn't have a display06:31
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daedraJowi: orly... I can't seem to install cmus -> its got dodgy dependencies06:31
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lupine_85have you "upgraded" your proprietary graphics card drivers recently?06:31
EdgeTJowi: Oki, well brb, I'm using "irc" under a tty and can't switch ttys06:31
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EdgeTlupine_85: Well How?06:31
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riotkittiewhy cant you switch ttys?06:32
kenthomsonlupine_85, xopher- , i got cdemu to mount my .bin .cue and bchunk to convert them too!, but still it took the extra effort :)06:32
SimonLheya guys06:32
EdgeTlupine_85: I don't know how to06:32
SimonLanyone know why sound might not be working for youtube videos06:32
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lupine_85so you haven't updated your drivers? (that's good)06:32
EdgeTriotkittie: Maybe cuz I'm in recovery mode, not sure tho06:32
jribSimonL: install flash906:32
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lupine_85kenthomson: calmed down a bit now?06:32
kenthomsonlupine_85, looks like that atleast :)06:32
marcus_Hi what does a pci allocation error mean during boot up?06:32
riotkittieyeah the flash 9 beta is a huge improvement over 706:33
SimonLbut the videos work06:33
francaliermarcus_: your police costamulary inspection has been delayed.06:33
FuelBjrib: I installed some package from debian because it was newer than the one in ubuntu and the one in ubuntu had a bug that was fixed in the debian version06:33
SimonLwhere can i get that?06:33
francalierconstabulary, I should say.06:33
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riotkittieim not sure which im using in ubuntu06:33
jrib!flash9 | SimonL06:33
ubotuSimonL: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports06:33
SimonLhiya nokia06:33
lupine_85if you were feeling helpful, you'd go to the ubuntu MOTU wiki and suggest on it that cdemu be packaged06:33
jribFuelB: what package?06:33
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:33
marcus_francalier: excuse me?06:33
francalierHer Majesty's Inspectorate will allocate another date in the next few weeks.06:33
EdgeTlupine_85: I did a general upgrade, since I installed an old 6.06 I had06:33
EdgeTWell brb06:34
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lupine_85EdgeT: rebooted yet? :)06:34
SimonLlinux is so much nicer in the right resolution :P06:34
kenthomsonlupine_85, now that i have the cd i wanted mounted, i can't view it properly, it contains videos in .mov format. I opened them using gxine, mplayer, totem ,VLC, noting works. I have all the codecs installed. What should i do? Or should i again start trolling? :)06:34
lupine_85and thus, ubuntu, then debian, then al of linux becomes better06:34
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lupine_85.mov should work in mplayer06:34
lupine_85do you have w32codecs installed?06:34
kenthomsonlupine_85, ya06:34
SimonLhmm, while on the topic of sound06:35
daedrawhere is my repository file?06:35
marcus_more info on pci error it says that it can;t allocate the bridge section 7 and 8.06:35
SimonLwhat are these random? beeps i hear sometimes06:35
SimonLits like bumbmdum06:35
SimonLvery faint06:35
daedra(im in kubuntu)06:35
SimonLnot high pitched06:35
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FuelBjrib: emacs-snapshot06:35
riotkittiewhen do you hear them ?06:35
SimonLlike every min or so06:35
SimonLthere was another06:35
FuelBjrib: or at least one of the emacs-snapshot packages06:35
scifihey guys, im currently upgrading to edgy. i will probably try out the xgl at some point. ive heard about beryl, which is the best/easiest xgl repository to try ?06:35
kenthomsonlupine_85, mplayer on opening gives "fatal error - error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device"06:35
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zero_j #ubuntu-es06:35
riotkittieeh . no clue.06:35
zero_j/ #ubuntu-es06:35
jribFuelB: ok, but I would be wary of using random debian packages06:36
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daedra:( where's the repository file?06:36
kenthomsonSimonL, open a terminal, and go to preferences and turn the sound of, amybe those sound is the terminnal making the noise06:36
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jribSimonL: are you using gaim?06:36
SimonLgaim is open06:36
jribSimonL: it's probably gaim?  I think xchat makes noises too06:36
kenthomsonSimonL, gaim to makes noise on chat exchanges06:36
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SimonLits not xchat ones06:36
SimonLand nah its not when  ppl are talking06:36
SimonLthats much louder06:36
kenthomsonSimonL, right-click gain in launch-bar and "silent"06:37
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frogzoodaedra: /etc/apt/sources.list06:37
SimonLnah i want the gaim noises06:37
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SimonLlol there is another06:37
lupine_85kenthomson: and -vo is ? Or aren't you sure?06:37
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SimonLvery faint06:37
riotkittiemaybe you're merely going insane? :P06:37
dtgcan anybody help me with synaptics touchpad?06:37
SimonLhmm maybe it is when someone starts to type06:37
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kenthomsonlupine_85, that's what it says, i am not sure what it is or why it occurs? i have not used mplayer once becuase of this FATAL ERROR06:37
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dtgI don't have a Synaptics section in my xorg.conf06:38
phixnayhey is anyone available to help with a screen-res problem?06:38
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kenthomson!restricted ? kenthomson06:38
riotkittiephixnay, whats the problem?06:38
lupine_85OK, xine supports .mov so it should play with any player you like06:38
SimonLnope not when someone goes to type06:38
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SimonLlemme try your itdea kent06:38
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phixnayI've outlined the problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33212306:38
phixnaybasically I can't get 1440x900 on my widescreen monitor06:38
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kenthomsonlupine_85, it does't play in totem (just a bleepy-stucky audio plays), gxine, mplayer and VLC06:39
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lupine_85is libxine-extracodecs installed?06:39
dtganybody know why I don't have a Synaptics touchpad section in my xorg.conf? I want to get KSynaptics to work06:39
SimonLkenthomson, i dont think the console beeps06:39
lupine_85apt-cache show says this: "It supports MPEG 1/2 and some AVI and Quicktime videos out of the box"06:39
SimonLterminal even06:39
Alzi2Guys, how to start a new GDM session on another VT?06:39
lupine_85hmm, "some"06:39
kenthomsonlupine_85, ya one day i sat and installed a hell of a lot of codecs, so YES06:40
lupine_85support has been in since 2002...06:40
riotkittieah sorry no clue, phixnay06:40
lupine_85ah, sorenson3 wasn't supported then, let's see if it is now....06:40
phixnayit's ok, everyone else has also been stumped06:41
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:41
kenthomsoni can't play .mov files can someone please help me????????06:41
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lupine_85kenthomson: any idea what format they're actually in?06:41
exsAnu Nicotine+ users here?.. I'm trying to upgrade smoothly from 1.2.4 to 1.2.606:41
ikoniakenthomson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com search for restricted formats06:41
phixnaykenthomson: have you tried using VLC? it can play just about anything06:42
kenthomson!restricted | ikonia06:42
ubotuikonia: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:42
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kenthomsonphixnay, tried that, doesn't help06:42
kenthomsonikonia, :) tried all on that page, doesn't help06:42
ikoniareally ?06:42
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ikoniawhat happens when you play the movie06:42
Siph0nanyone know how to get wifi-radar to start automatically, and connect to my prefferred network? :) I searched the forum with wifi-radar autostart and didnt see anything that would help me06:42
lupine_85kenthomson: that is relevant to our interests06:42
kenthomsonikonia, in totem a bleepy stucky audio plays06:43
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ikoniathat looks like a codec error06:43
jribkenthomson: is this .mov available online?06:43
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dtganybody know why I don't have a Synaptics touchpad section in my xorg.conf? I want to get KSynaptics to work06:43
SimonLwhen i type in sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2 ia30-libs isnt there06:43
kenthomsonikonia, lupine_85 jrib it's a " Apple QuickTime movie (fast start, compressed header)06:43
phixnaykenthomson: have you tried playing other .mov files? it could be a problem with that file specifically, although that is a far shot06:43
kenthomson", offline i have it on a CD06:43
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SimonLits part 1 of installing flash 906:44
lupine_85kenthomson: did you read the link I just gave?06:44
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kenthomsonlupine_85, reading06:44
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kenthomsonphixnay, none of the .mov files on that cd paly, and never tried any before06:44
jonah1980to get my printers working i have to do this: sudo usermod -aG plugdev cupsys    and then restart cups.... could this be a related problem to why my usb scanner isn't working? is there something similar i can do to get it to work?06:45
adubwhat is the printer installation program for gnome ??06:45
lupine_85If that' been, done and hasn't fixed it then run your movie player from the console, and wait for any error messages06:45
jribkenthomson: does the .mov here http://www.linspire.com/products_linspire_whatis.php?tab=compatibility work?06:45
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kenthomsonjrib, let me try06:45
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Stonekeeperhi. anyone ever installed ubuntu off a USB pen drive?06:45
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SimonLisnt it just the same as off a dvd stone06:46
riotkittiephixnay, have you tried the modeline generator @ http://www.sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php ?  im not sure if it will work for you but i searched the forums and found that in a thread where someone was having similar issues06:46
adubis there any linux program that will let you install .sis files for nokia phones ??06:46
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dungodunga repo is down :(06:47
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lupine_85adub: that's a toughie06:47
lupine_85open or run?06:47
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phixnayriotkittie - I'll try06:48
kenthomsonI have used the following player and their outcomes in brackets, to play those .mov files, please help! VLC (it acts as if nothing happens, it just stops without doing anything), totem (bleepy-stucky-yucky audio plays with NO VIDEO) gxine (The xine engine failed to start.06:48
kenthomsonNo demuxer found - stream format not recognised.) mplayer ("fatal error - error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device"). HELP!06:48
riotkittiebbl.   toddler attacking my keyboard06:48
lupine_85oh, install... onto the phone?06:48
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lupine_85kenthomson: No demuxer found - stream format not recognised06:48
phixnaykenthomson: have you installed the ugly codecs, etc?06:48
trevdoes anyone know if the KDE app Mount ISO image will work in ubuntu on Gnome?06:48
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lupine_85what it says: the codec isn't installed06:48
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riotkittiephixnay, . good luck. if it doesnt work, just search forums for things like 'widescreen resolution', if you havent already06:49
kenthomsonphixnay, ugly and others installed06:49
adublupine_85 to be able to install i have an sd card for my phone so i was thinking i might be able to copy the sis to the phone06:49
kenthomsonlupine_85, i installed them06:49
lupine_85trev: it'll work, almost certainly. It'll drag a load of dependencies with it though06:49
riotkittieim sure its not an uncommon problem, so there's probably some good advice. if you can find it.06:49
adubim still at my ultimate goal of a no windows life last  year i failed but not miserably  i still need a program for screencasting and capturing my screen06:49
riotkittiesometimes sifting through the threads to find the right one is a pain.06:49
adubthat works with video and audio06:49
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lupine_85audio is easy - just redirect the sound output to a file =)06:50
lupine_85video - seom is your friend06:50
MrHorusanyone able to give me a hand with signing the Code of Conduct on Launchpad?06:50
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lupine_85there are others, but the name escapes me06:50
kenthomsonjrib, how is that linspire link suppposed to help?06:50
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MrHorusI *think* i'm doing it right but it's rejecting what i'm pasting in the box06:50
riotkittieeeek. toddler wants to bang on keys. guess this is my cue to shutdown. heh.06:50
phixnayriotkittie: how do I undo the changes this program makes if there's a problem?06:50
vaughnanybody successfully using gnucash with online banking on 6.10?  I tried to recompile to allow banking options but when running the qt-wizard that is part of aqbanking, it gets a segmentation fault.  The bug is reported for previous versions but can't find any mention beyond that.06:50
adublupine_85 maybe you can help me on this06:51
SimonLkenthomson,  can i give ya a pm06:51
biggahedlupine_85, thanks man, i finally got rid of that package06:51
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lupine_85biggahed: no problem :) don't forget to report a bug06:51
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots06:51
kenthomsonSimonL, you can, SPAM ME LIKE HELL, no problem06:51
biggahedthe problem is that i dont even know how that pakage got there06:51
lupine_85that package should depend on graphviz06:51
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riotkittiephixnay >> as far as i know - and i have not used it myself - its not going to make changes. its just going to take the info that you pass to it and output a proper modeline06:51
phixnayalright, I'll try it06:52
riotkittieif youre worried6 23512 ... hah12hh 1t12oo1212 12  12 1212 ARGH06:52
Cikenubuntu is the best distro?06:52
MrHorusanyone here signed the ubuntu code of conduct?06:52
MrHorusi'm having some difficulty with the signing process :|06:52
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kenthomsonCiken no WIndows is :)06:52
riotkittieif youre worried backup xorg.conf fil06:52
riotkittiefrist 3fir306:52
riotkittie.3. .306:52
biggahedim filling that bug06:52
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riotkittiesorry, baby is helping me type.06:53
SimonLi bet its a right riot over there kittie06:53
SimonLkid hammering away while you try to help people06:53
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rollsesssi'm trying to make a program but i'm getting errors in all the coding saying it can't even find stdio.h ect06:54
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rollsesssany ideas?06:54
kenthomsonCan noone help me?06:54
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SimonLif ur making a program06:54
Cikenkenthomson, which windows?06:54
SimonLarent you meant to know what you are doing06:54
adublupine_85 that is my goal today to do a video06:54
lupine_85adub: if you want the easy way out, "demorecorder" costs, but does everything you want. I think.06:54
Cikenkenthomson, 98?06:54
kenthomsonCiken, Microsoft Windows Vista :)06:54
Cikenoh i see06:54
SimonLwhere did u get vista06:54
adublupine_85 i do want the easy way out06:54
SimonLi wanted to play on that06:55
lupine_85ow. for a price.06:55
lupine_8525 for the 'standard'06:55
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Snibbor need some help.....   I am running ubuntu live as my only os right now since my laptops HD failed... i have a storage drive thats only 256 megabytes... i'm wondering if i can somehow use that to save settings like user accounts and stuff, or if its big enough to install to... which i don't think it is... can someone help me out06:55
kenthomson"sudo apt-get install windows-vista"06:55
lupine_85kenthomson: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo06:55
Cikenas simple as that kenthomson ?06:55
kenthomsonlupine_85, :)06:55
kenthomsonCiken, no joking06:55
weexif I have firefox open but another app has focus and I click the firefox icon to open a new firefox window, the new window pops up in the background...is this intended operation or should I submit a bug report to gnome or mozilla?06:55
SimonLsounds like a virus to me06:55
Cikenoh ubuntu seems to be the best distro06:55
adublupine_85 this is what i have been looking for for well over a year now did this app just come out06:55
ikoniaCiken: thats personal taste06:55
Cikenapt-get install window$06:55
SimonLwell it tastes good at first06:56
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lupine_85adub, probably not06:56
ikoniaho ho ho - another user who thinks m$ is a funny gag06:56
SimonLbut its the aftertaste stays a little too long06:56
lupine_85The Joy of Vista: http://www.lupine.me.uk/img/vista-01.png06:56
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ikoniaor perhaps "microsux"06:56
SimonLalthough a nice glass of wine makes it great06:56
lupine_85(one naughty word, lol)06:56
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ikoniaor something equally as l33t or whitty06:56
SimonLlol is a naughty word :D06:57
Snibbor need some help.....   I am running ubuntu live as my only os right now since my laptops HD failed... i have a storage drive thats only 256 megabytes... i'm wondering if i can somehow use that to save settings like user accounts and stuff, or if its big enough to install to... which i don't think it is... can someone help me out06:57
Snibbor need some help.....   I am running ubuntu live as my only os right now since my laptops HD failed... i have a storage drive thats only 256 megabytes... i'm wondering if i can somehow use that to save settings like user accounts and stuff, or if its big enough to install to... which i don't think it is... can someone help me out06:57
SimonLlulz isnt as naughty06:57
lupine_85megalulz for teh win06:57
SimonLOMGZ SPAM06:57
phixnaysnibbor - I don't know what to do06:57
Snibborthanks anyway06:57
phixnaymaybe you could get another linux distro that's small06:57
lupine_85Snibbor: first learn to use your keyboard ;). Then mount /home as your USB pen06:57
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phixnaylike damn small linux06:58
ikoniascane: don't shout06:58
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Snibborlupine.... how much storage will it need?06:58
kenthomsonSomeone how do i play .mov files?06:58
ikoniascane: sorry not you06:58
ikoniasacater: don't shout !06:58
lupine_85 /home shouldn't take up 256MB06:58
sacaterkenthomson 'sudo apt-get install vlc06:58
lupine_85it's just settings data06:58
weexsacater: please be more specific06:58
Snibbork thx06:58
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lupine_85kenthomson: presumably, they're using $obscure_codec. sorry.06:58
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jribkenthomson: you're supposed to see if you can play those .mov files06:58
kenthomsonlupine_85, time to boot-up windows then :)06:59
kenthomsonsacater, doesn't work in VLC06:59
TheGateKeeperSnibbor: you could possible tar /home, although there is probable a more elegate solution. Have a look at damn small linux06:59
=== SimonL hugs ikonia
sacaterweex: i have been able to compile and install source before, but now it always fails when i do make, and its evern worse with make install06:59
efrahimhi i have a one problem at network06:59
kenthomsonjrib, i saw and didn't see anythign so i am asking06:59
weexkenthomson: tried easyubuntu?06:59
kenthomsonweem, no06:59
efrahimhow can i adding a router and broadcast?06:59
sacaterkenthomson: then its no good06:59
lupine_85kenthomson: all that work for badly-dubbed porn :p06:59
lupine_85efrahim: ifconfig06:59
jribkenthomson: what?06:59
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lupine_85and route06:59
kenthomsonjrib, never mind07:00
ikoniasacater: the fact that your trying to do make install when its failing suggest you don't have  a clue about building software07:00
weexi'm able to view mov and all it took was easyubuntu if memory serves, search for it07:00
kenthomsonlupine_85, ironically it's a linux introduction video CD07:00
efrahimi am try this07:00
phixnaydid you install build-essentials? it helped me out07:00
sacaterikiona: ./configure   make    make install07:00
weexsacater: what's the first error you see when you try to make?07:00
efrahim:] 07:00
NigelSkenthomson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats Use totem-xine, should be able to play movs07:00
ikoniasacater: whats that ?07:00
ikoniawhy are you showing me that07:00
ikoniaI know how to build software07:00
kenthomsonNigelS, it doesn't07:00
lupine_85kenthomson: some lulz can be had07:00
NigelSkenthomson: then read that guide and/or establish what the file was encoded with07:01
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SimonLWanda the fish says, "Expect the worst, it's the least you can do."07:01
jribkenthomson: so, did the .mov videos on taht site work or not?07:01
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ikoniaBackPacker: in bromley ?07:01
trevi didn't notice that tremulous was in the repos so i installed it witht eh .run file, can anyone tell me the command that will uninstall it?07:01
weexwhat I'd like to fix about mov files is that they should be able to play embedded in firefox wihtout needed this media extension07:02
kenthomsonok it's quite late in the night here and i have wasted another day on Ubuntu, maybe all this reading/configuring is just delaying my inevitable plan to go back to windows, anyways thank all of you guys for all your help and support07:02
linuxeatswindowshow do you set up vnc on a live cd so I can admin it?07:02
kenthomsonjrib, they played flawlessly07:02
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kenthomsonNigelS, Apples .mov format07:02
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ikonialinuxeatswindows: why would you want to admin a livecd ?07:02
BackPackerikonia: Hi, yes I'm in Bromley. How ever did you guess? :-)07:02
trevnevermind found it07:02
ikoniaBackPacker: genius ;)07:02
Cikenwhat is that ubuntu christian for?07:02
NigelSkenthomson: there's more to it than that, .mov covers a multitude of actual codecs07:02
ikoniaCiken: chrisitans07:02
SimonLur IP is brmly07:02
MrHorusfor Christians? :)07:02
weexlinuxeatswindows: admin what? the live-cd booted box or another?07:02
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linuxeatswindowsikonia, to help my friend install it07:02
BackPackerikonia: genius enough to do a whois? :-)07:02
NigelSkenthomson: I've never had a problem yet playing them07:02
Cikenyup *s07:02
ikoniaBackPacker: nah not that clever07:02
kenthomsonlupine_85, thank you really much for all the help07:02
linuxeatswindowsweex,  the live cd07:03
kenthomsonNigelS, what player do you use?07:03
SimonLikonia, check your pm please :D07:03
ikonialinuxeatswindows: your friend needs help clicking "install"07:03
ikoniaSimonL: I don't have any pm's07:03
SimonLi pmed u :(07:03
NigelSkenthomson: it's not really about the player, it's about having the codec, though personally I seem to be using Mplayer most of the time myself07:03
weexlinuxeatswindows: just walk them through over the phone07:03
BackPackerikonia: Oh, of course, it comes up in the main window....07:03
SimonLstupid xchat07:03
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kenthomsonSimonL, you registered user? If no, you can't OM07:03
linuxeatswindowsikonia,  he's 12 and he doesn't know how to partition and he'll get introuble if he loses windows07:03
oFleXoI get /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off when booting from ubuntu cd? Pls help?07:03
kenthomsonNigelS, mplayer says ("fatal error - error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device")07:03
Cikenwhy all linux users get along and channel all hate into ubuntu  :(07:03
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SimonLopen a message?07:03
ikonialinuxeatswindows: so - he can't partition a disk but your going to talk him through setting up vnc ?07:04
linuxeatswindowsweex, Tried that but it wtasn't working ou07:04
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linuxeatswindowsbasically ikonia  yes07:04
kenthomsonSimonL, ?07:04
SimonLwhats OM07:04
kenthomsonSilenceGold, ?07:04
ikonialinuxeatswindows: if he can't partition a disk - you'll have no chance explaining how to install set and configure vnc07:04
sacaterweex: http://rafb.net/p/uJHV0F49.html07:04
skoldI've got a question: how do I include a own written file in a ruby sorcefile? when I use require 'something' it says it cant be found but it is in the same directory07:04
phixnayare you still there riotkittie? I'm having trouble running gtf.c, because I have no idea what I'm doing07:04
ikoniamore so when you don't know your self07:04
ikoniasacater: shut up saying that07:04
ikoniastop shouting07:04
linuxeatswindowsI just need to copy and paste commands to him ikonia07:04
SimonLriotkittie, is playing with her kid i think07:05
lupine_85ikonia: if your ears hurt, /ignore is your friend :)07:05
weexsampleio.cpp:92: error: alutLoadWAV was not declared in this scope07:05
phixnaymaybe you could help07:05
kenthomsonlupine_85, i told you this is a real mad house. Good night! My eyes can no longer keep open07:05
ikonialupine_85: yup07:05
MrHorussacater: how are we supposed to know?07:05
SimonLi doubt it07:05
MrHoruswe can't see the output of your compile failure07:05
NigelSkenthomson: weird, where'd you get it from?07:05
ikonialupine_85: its just poor for the channel07:05
phixnayhere's what I'm trying to do http://www.sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php07:05
sacateryes you can07:05
lupine_85mm, true07:05
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sacateryes you can07:05
SimonLI will give it a go though :P07:05
linuxeatswindowsikonia, much easier in windows msn  just invite07:05
kenthomsonNigelS, CD, but i am drowsing to sleep now07:05
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ikoniasacater: that url doesn't work07:05
weexsacater: that's your first error so whatever that means...maybe search on alutLoadWAV??07:05
MrHorusdocument not found07:05
SimonLwhats wrong with your pc phixnay07:06
JayRoeCan someone help me with lirc? I have to reinstall it after each reboot to get it to work.07:06
phixnayi'm trying to get the right widescreen resolution07:06
phixnayit works on windows07:06
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SimonL1440 * 900 ?07:06
weexi tried the first paste sacater did but it though weex was a protocol07:06
kenthomsonbye! Happy UBUNTU-ing07:06
ikoniasacater: you don't have a clue07:06
SimonLyou asked the right guy07:06
linuxeatswindowsanyone know how to start a vnc server?07:06
ikoniawhy do make install when "make" fails07:06
SimonLi did this 3 hours ago on my pc :D07:06
SimonLok lemme get the code :D07:06
weexlinuxeatswindows: just get a livecd and try it07:07
SimonLphixnay, k open up your terminal07:07
phixnayok I've tried a lot of stuff already. It might not work07:07
phixnayterminal open07:07
weexpreferences -> remote desktop07:07
SimonLwell i did the same thing07:07
SimonLdid you try editing a file called xorg.conf ?07:08
ikoniaSimonL: did you send me a pm07:08
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weexlinuxeatswindows: think your friend is up to punching a hole through the router? or maybe there's a way to get that going through some 3rd party bouncer...07:08
phixnayyeah - you can see everything i've tried here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33212307:08
SimonLi cant ikonia apparently im not cool enough :P07:08
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ikoniaSimonL: pardon ? you can send me a pm if you want07:08
ikoniaI've not got pm's off07:08
dark_hi guys, do you have an idea why my left and right arrows on my laptop dont work ?07:08
SimonLyeah i tried that too phix07:08
dark_strange, but my up and down work ....07:08
weexlinuxeatswindows: or if you can webcam to another computer there you can at least see what he's doing07:08
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ikoniadark with what application and what do you expect them to do07:08
SimonLno ikonia I CANT send you a pm :P it is being silly, you try sending me one :D07:08
ikoniathere you go07:09
SimonLdid u get my reply ikonia ?07:09
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SimonLtold u its gay07:09
ikoniaSimonL: its because your nickname is not registered07:09
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ikoniayour not identified to services07:10
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SimonLmeh thats what the other guy said07:10
dark_ikonia : they dont work at all, like if I want to go from left to rigth in this string, I cant with the right and left arrow.... only with my mouse...07:10
ikoniadark - what application07:10
jugheadI'm building a new system and I was wondering:  how well are SATA devices recognized in linux?  I would like to go all SATA for my next sytem, and I'll be putting Ubuntu on it.  Are SATA DVD-RW drives supported?07:10
dark_I cant use them07:10
ikoniahow strange07:10
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dark_check that07:10
ikoniajughead: check the hardware compatability list07:11
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:11
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dark_im not the only one : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-40604.html07:11
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SimonLoftusphixnay, you there?07:12
jugheadikonia, there are no entries for sata drives on that list07:12
jcruzlarahey do any of you know if a geforce 3 ti 200 card will work with 1440x900 resolution?07:12
phixnaydid you get my reply?07:12
SimonLoftusdid u get my pc?07:12
ikoniajughead: not supported07:12
kestazfor example i have string for /proc design capacity:         3545 mAh and that the end character ? which code in c ? i whant substr string07:12
phixnayi got your pc07:12
SimonLoftusu need to register too07:12
SimonLoftustype /ns register passhere07:13
phixnayi don't have a pass07:13
jugheadthere are no entries for cd-rom or dvd-rw drives at all.. IDE or SATA07:13
SimonLoftusmake one up07:13
phixnaywhere do I type it, anywhere?07:13
SimonLoftustype /ns register passhere07:13
SimonLoftusput it where passhere is07:13
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phixnayno such command07:14
SimonLoftusthere is07:14
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:14
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SimonLoftusmake sure u spelled register right07:14
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phixnaylol, no dice07:15
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SimonLoftusworked for me07:15
phixnayah well07:15
SimonLoftuslemme put this file up for u07:15
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SimonLoftusbtw what graphics card u got07:15
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phixnaygeforce 7600gs07:15
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SimonLoftusnice :D07:16
SimonLoftuswhat monitor07:16
SimonLoftusis it belinea?07:16
phixnayshould have done sli :)07:16
dark_any idea guys ? to solve that problem ? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-40604.html07:16
mrcucumber I have a SWIG extention that I need to install manualy but I don't really know how to do that.. it's PySndObj (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sndobj/PySndObj-1.01-linux-Python2.4.tar.gz?modtime=1150981735&big_mirror=0) and it contains: libsndobj.so, sndobj.py, sndobj.pyc, _sndobj.so where do I put these files?07:17
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SimonLoftusmake sure you copy from the text box at the bottom07:18
SimonLoftusrather than the top07:18
phixnayit's loading07:18
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SimonLoftuslol i made that mistake, and got numbers on the left and didnt notice :P07:18
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SimonLoftusok go into your terminal07:18
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HS^with beryl someti,es windows borders dissapear?07:18
SimonLoftustype "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:18
SimonLoftustype in your password07:18
SimonLoftusthen paste what i just gave you over what is already there07:19
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SimonLoftusnow hmm lemme try and remember this command :P07:19
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emo_samuraiHiya, where can I find open office help?07:19
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emo_samuraiThere are, like, 3 people there. I'm not sure that it's the official channel.07:20
HS^.j #beryl07:20
ikoniadoens't have to be official07:20
phixnaysimonLotus: this has incorrect refresh rates, and other things07:20
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SimonLoftusthats the command im looking for07:21
SimonLoftusto find what yours are07:21
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phixnaysimonLoftus: this has incorrect refresh rates and other things07:21
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emo_samuraiThere's, like, nobody there. Is there an open office channel on another server?07:22
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SimonLoftusphixnay, read up07:22
ikoniaemo_samurai: I don' t know - look on the open office website07:22
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SimonLoftusto what i said last07:22
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normanI am trying to install flash but I'm on a 64-bit laptop, the regular adobe installer doesnt work and neither do the instructions at ubuntuguide.org, what should i do??07:22
sacaterwhat are the bare things needed to compile something from source, what programs07:23
ikonianorman: flash doesn't work on 64bit07:23
ikoniayou have to do some tricks07:23
phixnaycould you say the command again? I don't understand07:23
phixnayI'm pretty new to this : P07:23
SimonLoftusim trying to find the command :P07:23
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normanikonia, is it written up somewhere? or it just doesnt work altogether07:23
SimonLoftusme too, thats why i lost the command :P07:23
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ikonianorman: wiki.ubuntu.com07:23
n2diysacater: build-essentials, and gcc07:24
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Wikipedia-Gast81I want to ask a question07:25
ikoniasacater: read how to build software on http://www.tldp.org07:25
n2diy! ask07:25
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:25
Wikipedia-Gast81what question should I ask?07:25
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ikoniaWikipedia-Gast81: is a troll user who is banned called "merrin"07:25
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damien_karraspoor ikonia07:26
no_commenthello, is here someone how can help me to configure my microphone? teamspeak and ekiga softphone don't work and i think i have the flase soundmixer preferences07:26
ikoniadamien_karras: karras is also a troll called merrin07:26
ikoniawhois the usernames and look at the domain names07:26
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso07:26
Seveasikonia, ?07:27
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damien_karrasI want to ask a question07:27
Seveasdamien_karras, the question being?07:27
naliothikonia: yes?07:27
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ikoniaSeveas: I'm sorry to alert you to this but the users damien_karras is the user "merrin" who is banned07:27
ikoniaplease check the host names and the context of his text questions07:28
Seveasikonia, maybe he learned not te be a troll07:28
damien_karraswhat is ubuntu?07:28
ikoniaSeveas: please check the user "merrin" who is banned against this guy07:28
Seveas!ubuntu | damien_karras07:28
ubotudamien_karras: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome07:28
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ikoniahe is also in #php and perl doing the same thing07:28
phixnaySimonLoftus: sorry this is taking too much time. i appreciate your help though, so could you post the solution on the forum if you find it?07:28
SimonLoftuswill do07:28
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StonekeeperSimonLoftus: i guess it's like the dvd (delayed reaction!)07:29
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Stonekeeperhowever, this old compaq doesn't do boot off usb07:29
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SimonLoftuswhats that stone?07:29
Seveashi dan_iel07:29
aristotelescan you tell me a nice sound software?07:29
aristoteleslike cooledit pro or so07:29
Seveasaristoteles, jokosher07:29
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Slartaristoteles: there's audacity07:29
Stonekeepermy problem is that this cdrom drive is dishing out loads of io errors07:29
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n2diyaristoteles: audacity07:30
damien_karrastx ubotu07:30
Stonekeeperso i wanted to install from usb07:30
SimonLoftusdo it then :D07:30
Stonekeepergot the usb pen sorted, but the bios wont boot usb pen drives!07:30
n2diyaristoteles: nada07:30
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SimonLoftusgo back to cd drive :D07:30
Stonekeeperis there a way of boostrapping it?07:30
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me, I am trying to get XGL and Beryl install and cant seem to get it to work. I am getting blackout on areas that are being redrawn, my graphics are now really slow, and beryl keeps giving me errors. I have an ATI X850 XT and Ubuntu edgy.07:30
dan_ielhi Seveas07:30
Stonekeeperbloody damn small linux boots fine :(07:30
SeveasStonekeeper, then use that ;)07:31
Stonekeepernoooo... it sucks with the wireless nick :(07:31
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Stonekeepereven a internet install would do it... tried the ubuntu mini.iso but THEY dont support the wireless nic either GRRRR07:32
Stonekeeperwhereas the alt cd installs the nic just fine07:32
SeveasStonekeeper, which nic?07:32
Stonekeeperlinksys wpc54g07:32
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mdfrosttall: I'm having trouble with firefox.  I just finished installing the flash plugin from adobe and firefox crashes every time I visit a flash site or ajax site.  I'm very new to linux, so both your help and patience would be very appreciated07:33
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Stonekeepermdfrostt i think that's to do with ?RGBA Visuals. do a google on it07:34
no_commentanyone here who knows to configure sound devices and teamspeak?07:34
Rastamdfrostt, install the plugin as shown on the ubuntuwiki, i had the same error07:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about teamspeak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
naliothdamien_karras: same deal here, friend07:34
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mdfrosttstonekeeper:  RGBA Visuals?  alright, I'll do a little research.  thanks07:34
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Stonekeepermdfrostt: follow Rasta's advice07:35
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damien_karrasubotu sucks07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
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Stonekeeperubotu usb07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
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=== ikonia did warn the channel
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damien_karrasubotu sucks07:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
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eitanHey guys, question about Ubu 7.04.  I am downloading the Alpha version.  Will it update to the supported version when April comes around?  Will it also receive updates as the Alpha build is worked on?07:37
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xtknighteitan: hey07:37
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Seveaseitan, yes and yes07:38
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eitanhey xtknight hows it going07:38
xtknighteitan: alpha as in pre-final not Alpha as in architecture right?07:38
EdgeTIs X supposed to run right on a Geforce Go 7200?07:38
xtknightheck i dont even know if ubuntu has an alpha version, i know debian does ;P07:38
eitanxtknight, i'm getting ubu 7.04 Herd 107:38
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xtknighteitan: ahh yeah, youll get updates along the way.  and updates that will break stuff07:38
eitanwhich is their pre-release07:38
EdgeTCue it always seem to bug when I install it07:38
Seveasxtknight, there is no ubuntu for the alpha arch07:38
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dungodungwhy doesn't the repo work?07:39
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mdfrosttrasta: I can't find info on installing the flash plugin on the ubuntu wiki07:39
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dungodung147.91.8.38 doesn't respond to me07:40
eitanubuntu 7.04 uses bash correct?07:40
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puneitI am facing a printing issue with Openoffice in egdy07:40
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eitanok great07:41
eitanone last q, 7.04 has the live cd too, correct?07:42
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xtknightpretty sure it will07:42
eitanok cool07:42
xtknightwait it does already actually07:42
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eitani mean07:42
xtknightthe installer is broken in feisty for me though07:42
eitanthe alpha ver07:42
eitanis it?07:42
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xtknightyes alpha versions are livecds ytoo07:43
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Acorpmam mensi problem s instalaci ubuntu, mohl by mi nekdo poradit ? nejlepe PM diky07:43
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Tomcat_!cz | Acorp07:43
ubotuAcorp: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.07:43
Cornetahelp please07:43
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Acorpah, sorry07:43
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Cornetainstall hamachi?07:44
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mnk0anyone familier with mplayer setup?07:45
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xtknightmnk0: yeah07:45
Cornetasomebody can help me to install hamachi??07:45
mnk0im getting a video display error07:45
xtknightCorneta: read the INSTALL docs?07:45
mnk0not sure what i need to configure07:45
mnk0i ran the apt-get install mplayer07:45
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whileimhereonce you install a metapackage like XUbun tu with all the associated packages is there a way to easily remove them other than selecting one package at a time?07:45
Cornetai am newbie07:45
xtknightmnk0: could you post the exact error you get?07:45
xtknightwhileimhere: remove the whole meta package and it should07:46
mnk0error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device07:46
neighborleehas anyone seen horrible buzzzing during playback of   recorded audio with audacity.and if so how do I stop this from occuring ? ;))< thx anyone :)))07:46
xtknightwhileimhere: maybe sudo apt-get autoremove metapackage07:46
Cornetalittle english07:46
xtknightCorneta: what's your native language?07:46
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CornetaPortugues Brazilian07:46
xtknight!br  | Corneta07:46
ubotuCorneta: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.07:46
Norbakmnk0: do you have installed codecs?07:46
RastaMuito bom07:46
Cornetatem uma ali07:46
jrib!zh | source07:46
ubotusource: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk07:46
whileimhereI think that only removes the metapackkage not the associated packages07:47
sinthey, where i can find a apt tree with vlc and mplayer?07:47
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xtknightCorneta: you have to join #ubuntu-br though, this is the english channel :P07:47
Cornetabrazileiros aqui?07:47
Seveas!br | Corneta07:47
ubotuCorneta: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.07:47
ikoniasint: its in the ubuntu repo's07:47
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mnk0hmm, well not really07:47
jribsint: vlc is in universe and mplayer is in multiverse07:47
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mnk0i just ran the apt-get install07:47
jrib!repos | sint07:47
ubotusint: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:47
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tuskerniniCorneta, non aqui07:47
Rastanah, estou aprendendo um pouco de portugues aindo nao faslo bem07:47
xtknightmnk0: mplayer -vo gl <videofile>07:47
xtknightmnk0: does that work?07:47
mnk0if i run mplayer from command line, it is fine by specifying that07:47
SeveasRasta, tuskernini english only please07:47
mnk0but really choppy07:47
tuskerniniSeveas, ok07:48
Rastaok, back to english >)07:48
xtknightmnk0: what about   mplayer -vo x11 videofile07:48
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xtknightmnk0: so which video output is failing?07:48
mnk0yeah that works bit better07:48
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mnk0but can't full screen video07:49
ColinTFirefox closes when I try to view my Hotmail account, anyone know why?07:49
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xtknightmnk0: have you installed video drivers?07:49
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mnk0hmm,. not too sure07:49
xtknightmnk0: ok.  probably not then07:49
mnk0i dont think so07:49
xtknightnvidia or ati?07:50
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xtknight!nvidia | mnk007:50
ubotumnk0: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:50
xtknighttry that first07:50
mnk0oh k07:50
xtknightit should make gl faster at least, and may fix the other07:50
mnk0will do07:50
mnk0thx for the help07:50
user01_hmmm why does my windows machine know the name of my linux server and not this ubuntu install?07:51
creichenHi!  Quick question:  A friend of mine is using Ubuntu, I'd like to instruct him to install a package ``by name'' (preferrably without deferring to the console and apt-get).  I don't know Ubuntu very well, though, and have no installation available ATM; how would you guys describe the neccessary steps (assuming the default Gnome-ish desktop setup)?07:51
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drzedhi there07:51
ikoniauser01 samba not configured07:51
jribcreichen: system > administration > synaptic07:51
xtknightcreichen: system->administration->synaptic   search07:51
jrib!synaptic | creichen07:51
ubotucreichen: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:51
SimonLoftusin case anyone with resolution problems come back07:51
SimonLoftusi made a tutorial :)07:51
n2diycreichen: click on system/admin/synaptic07:51
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creichenGreat, thank you very much!  That should do the trick.07:51
user01_ikonia: on this one?07:52
ikoniaon the server that doesn't show its name07:52
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jonty_rocks3SimonLoftus at the bottom of my screen is a band of lines. How can I sort this?07:52
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SimonLoftusdunno :P07:52
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SimonLoftuswhat kind of lines07:52
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ColinTFirefox closes when I try to view my Hotmail account, anyone know why?07:53
drzedis there any ubuntu-"driver"-package for vmware so that i can run unbuntu in an virutal machine?07:53
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SimonLoftusjonty_rocks3,  what kind of lines07:53
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dungodungcs.archive.ubuntu.com is down for me. does anybody give a damn?07:54
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jonty_rocks3just like a band of funny lines cant explain really07:54
SimonLoftusare you in high resolution?07:54
user01_ikonia: wait so i do ping computername on windows and it sees it and i do ping computername on this ubuntu computer and nothing07:54
jonty_rocks3SimonLoftus yes07:54
jonty_rocks3lower res is half screen size =(07:54
SimonLoftusthere was a help tutorial on it07:54
xtknightmight just need to refresh your desktop07:54
n2diydungodung: we could do anything about if we did.07:54
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jonty_rocks3SimonLoftus what can I do?07:55
SimonLoftusthere ya go07:55
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dungodungn2diy: but a confirmation would be nice07:55
SimonLoftusok nm07:55
SimonLoftusthats just someone with the problem ahha07:55
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n2diydungodung: everybody here is a volunteer, no network managers07:55
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prestwick_Not one?07:55
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dungodungbut still...07:55
SimonLoftusnot one07:55
prestwick_But network managers RAWK07:56
SimonLoftushmm jonty_rocks3, no clue really, iv'e only been on linux for 2 days07:56
jonty_rocks3blue vericle lines!07:56
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drzedaka a vmtools package vor ubuntu?07:56
jonty_rocks3thats it!07:56
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SimonLoftuswell im off for now07:56
SimonLoftustry asking for someone experienced :p07:56
jonty_rocks3shame no answer =(07:57
CheshireVikingColinT: try this website http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox , if your hotmail a/c is a live account, it'll be using flash, does the problem happen with other flash enables sites?07:57
SimonLoftusyah it is07:57
SimonLoftusits only a new thread though07:57
SimonLoftusif u post saying u have hte prob too07:57
SimonLoftusthen someone might help faster07:57
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xtknightjonty_rocks3: you might just have graphical corruption .  you can press ctrl+alt+backspace to restart the desktop, but it will close all you currently open apps immediately.07:58
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scifii have just finished downloading the update to edgyeft, but i also have 154 updates to install via the synaptic pop-up alert. shud i reboot before installing these or do it now ?07:58
xtknightscifi: just do it now, you may need to reboot after the updates07:58
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n2diyHow do I tell the update manager I don't want the mono updates, and quit bugging me about them?07:59
amosi have a pb07:59
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sintjrib: thanks, i have vlc now07:59
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adubhas anyone got monitor mode to work on an atheros chipset card??07:59
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sintjrib: but i don't get it with the multiverse08:00
sintits not in the source.list file08:00
jonty_rocks3xtknight its been there since installs08:00
amoshi i typed a command by error : sudo chown -R amos /var/  and now i cannot excute sudo or anything08:00
jribsint: you have to add it08:00
xtknightjonty_rocks3: hmm.  do you have video drivers installed?  which vendor?08:00
amosi tried to do sudo chown -R root /var/08:00
jonty_rocks3idk i'm a noob =(08:00
amosand no way08:00
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sintjrib: ok, but what is the link?08:01
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jribsint: just add "multiverse" to the end of any line that says "universe" but no "multiverse"08:01
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amosanyone can help08:01
xtknightamos: type /usr/bin/sudo instead of sudo08:01
zuguhi guys08:01
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zuguwhat is the recommended size of a /boot partition?08:01
Triplemehanyone here have experience with custom kernels?08:02
zugualso, should I place it at the start of the disk?08:02
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amosxtknight : i get sudo: /var/run/sudo owned by uid 1000, should be uid 008:02
TriplemehI can't get dri working with fglrx08:02
adubhas anyone got monitor mode to work with madwifi08:03
xtknightamos: hmm.  you might need to go in single user mode (recovery mode at grub bootup).  then do sudo chown root:root /var/run/sudo08:03
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xtknightamos: actually skip the sudo once in recovery mode.  just    chown root:root /var/run/sudo08:03
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amosis there a way to change the root password tu use it in consol mode08:04
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xtknightamos: not without sudo08:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:04
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amosso u advice me to reboot on the recovery mode and do it08:05
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xtknightamos: yup.  after that just reboot and come back08:05
jribamos: how did sudo end up being owned by your user?  Did you do a recursive chown or something?08:05
xtknighthe did chown -R user /var08:05
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jribamos: just reinstall08:06
superkirbyartistHow do I activate PCMCIA in Ubuntu?08:06
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roniezIs it easy to switch from kubuntu to ubuntu with out having to reinstall?08:06
amossudo chown -R amos /var/08:06
jribamos: (and don't change permissions/ownership outside your HOME anymore, especially recursively)08:06
amosreinstall wat08:06
jribamos: ubuntu08:06
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xtknightjust try the    chown root:root /var/run/sudo    in recovery mode first08:07
zugushould I place it at the start of the disk?08:07
amosno i cannot it take me ages08:07
xtknightthen we can do reconstructive surgery ;)08:07
mikedotyI'm having a seriousi problem with ubuntu (loaded in XP currently).  I can get to the login screen, but when I enter my name & pass, it just goes black, then returns to the login screen.  Previously it would accept my name & pass but get stuck when loading the windows manager.  Any ideas?08:07
amosto install the lamp and automatix ...08:07
jribxtknight: thing is there are other files affected08:07
zugushould I place the /boot partition at the start of the disk?08:07
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xtknightjrib: yeah i know.  we can probably just reinstall the whole ubuntu-desktop and base-files, worth trying08:07
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amosgonnna try08:07
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amosrebbot on recovery mode08:08
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n2diy! automatix | amos08:08
ubotuamos: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:08
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NicknameWhatsup homeys?08:08
=== engwnbie [n=engwnbie@bas1-oshawa95-1177730095.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
xtknighti dont think he used automatix08:09
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:09
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NicknameGood point.08:10
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roniezcan i swtich from kubuntu to ubuntu with out a massive reinstall?08:11
scifironiez: yes08:11
di||itantejust install gnome08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubunru-desktop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:12
ubotuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.08:12
superkirbyartistHow do I enable PCMCIA?08:12
roniezso a sudo apt-get install unbuntu-desktop should work?08:12
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stefgShuld work by default08:12
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SufixxIs username and password for web interface of cups in ubuntu different than standard ones? I cannot login with user root and his password. ;/08:12
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mooeyroniez, yea it will08:13
NicknameWhat is the best partition tool for Ubuntu?08:13
mooeyNickname, gparted08:13
mooeyNickname, system -> administration -> partitions08:13
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:13
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markus_nagler@superkirbyartist: having installed the packages the card should be recognized upon insertion. What do you want to enable?08:13
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adubhow can i tell what driver is install for say my wireless card08:16
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pluto Is it possible to do a reinstall of ubuntu and this time encrypt all three of my hard drives? I'd like to set it to if someone tries a password on my computer and gets it wrong too many times, it formats the drives.08:16
adublsmod im guessing08:16
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NicknameI am having a problem installing Ubuntu. I have a disk that is supposed to install Ubuntu on my computer. When I insert it, a screen with a bar on it comes up. The bar is filled up, and then it stays fora few seconds. It says that there was an error. Then, the system crashes.08:17
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adubi dont see anytng in there though08:17
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dcordesNickname: download and burn the iso again. your disc may be corrupted. you can check for this by selecting Check disc for errors in the bootmenu08:18
di||itantepluto: yes08:18
di||itantepluto: but why08:18
n2diyNickname: how much RAM does the system have?08:18
=== dave [n=dave@adsl-75-46-50-247.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
NicknameLet me check...08:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:18
prfigHi. I'm running ubuntu 6.10 on my laptop and I'm having a hard time configuring the touchpad. it's not that it doesn't work, but i wanted to do vertical scrolling as i do on windows. I found out the relevant info on the net, but it seems that the system is ignoring whatever options i enter on /etc/X11/xorg.conf, an always falls back to default values. I even tried deleting everything mouse or touchpad related from xorf.conf, but still, when i restart X, the 08:18
smiley_please can any one help me install eclips on ubuntu ??08:18
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plutodi||itante: I have VERY sensitive files on this computer that must at all costs be protected, and I can't afford the chance that someone might be able to view them.08:19
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dv_pluto, so install windows 98!08:19
xmODadub: usually you dont have to install additional drives but if your WLAN card is not working then check your config08:19
plutoBah... windows is about as secure as leaving the door open to a jewelery shop at night08:19
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dcordesim off yall have fun08:20
dv_yes, especially 9808:20
Nicknamen2diy: The screen on the computer that I'm trying to install Ubuntu on just died, so I don't think it matters buch anyways. But the computer is very old. It was made in 1999.08:20
mikedotyI agree, windows has security issues08:20
xmODdoes anyone here dev for the PSP?08:20
mikedotyThat's why I like to use ubuntu, but I can't get past the login screen righit now08:20
mikedotyEvery time I enter my login, it just crashes right back to the login screen08:20
n2diyNickname: bummer!08:20
mikedotyWhat can I do to rectify this?08:20
plutoI'm past login, but I want it locked down...08:20
di||itantepluto: if its all encrypted, and you use strong encryprion, then the format part is overkill08:20
xmODmikedoty: wat seems to be the prb?08:20
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Nicknamen2diy: Yeah. I guess I'll just get a new computer and try it on that.08:20
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dv_pluto, are you using gnome?08:20
revanI get this error when I try to run beryl-manager: beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3208:20
dcordesmikedoty: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:20
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mikedotyAlright.  I think I had to do that a couple months ago, I should have written it down :)08:21
masuraey yo what is this bullshit08:21
n2diyNickname: or a new monitor, but the system will need 256m of RAM.08:21
dv_pressing on the log out button should get you a couple of buttons, one of them being "lock screen" or something08:21
plutoKDE and Gnome dv_, just whichever I pick in the morning. di||itante, the format part might be an overkill, but a bruteforcer can eventually get through the password.08:21
dv_this starts the screensaver, which asks for password08:21
mikedotyback in a minute...08:21
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xmODis the server irc.ubuntu.com and irc.frenode.com different?08:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about madwifi-ng-tools - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
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mikedotyWait I do have one question08:22
mooeyxmOD, nope08:22
xmODhow are they different?08:22
mikedotyHow will I get to the command line in ubuntu?  Maybe  that'll be one of the boot options08:22
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mooeyxmOD, i mean: both goto freenode08:22
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dv_but it sounds like you should go for smartcards08:22
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di||itantepluto: id suggest a two factor key based scenario. you have the private key somewhere seperate from the data (usb key) when your not there08:22
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affluxhi. i just installed 6.10 on a wifi-only-box (linksys, rt61 chip) and i can't get the internet run. with the rt61pci module wifi-radar says "wlan0: failed to read scan data: resource temporarily unavailable". Any ideas?08:23
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xmODoh ok08:23
di||itantepluto: there is no bruteforcuing that08:23
tamacrackerCan someone help me out on something... I'm assuming it's simple?08:23
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plutoYou mean to where I used a USB key to activate the machine?08:23
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mooeytamacracker, ask away08:23
di||itantepluto: just to unencrypt the data08:23
plutodv_: smartcards would be awesome, but my boss won't let me have that kinda money on my budget yet.08:23
dv_oh btw. is that possible? having a private key on a flash card / usb stick and ubuntu using it for login in ubuntu instead of a pw?08:23
plutoHow would I do that di||itante08:23
cyber_brain_mfkghello all! Q: where to find modprobe.conf?(i found one tutorial but ti is for mandrake GNU/Linux) and it says i should edit /etc/modprobe.conf but i can't find it)??? :S08:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:23
=== surndliha [n=DeadMeat@e-1372.kylatee.kodu.ee] has joined #ubuntu
tamacrackerWell basically, do you know the character map? And how it has special characters?08:24
dv_pluto, and a usb stick?08:24
tamacrackerAt least on windows it's called a character map08:24
mikedotyAlright I'll bank on the hope that I can select boot to command line on the little glub glam gaim whatever-it's-called boot manager08:24
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mooeytamacracker, in what context? keyboard input, locale, web browsing etc?08:24
plutoWell, I have a USB stick... lots actually. I'd love the idea of being able to use that instead of a password or even just to encrypt.. I hope that's possible because that would be awesome.08:25
superkirbyartistHow do I enable pcmcia in Ubuntu?08:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
cyber_brain_mfkghello all! Q: where to find modprobe.conf?(i found one tutorial but ti is for mandrake GNU/Linux) and it says i should edit /etc/modprobe.conf but i can't find it)??? :S08:25
tamacrackermooey, do you remember on windows how you would hold the alt key and type numbers and then you'd get a special character?08:25
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Thug-N-Medoes anyone know how do i save all my bookmarks ?08:25
di||itantepluto: yeah its possible and not hard. there is plenty of documentation on the basics, just google it08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
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mooeytamacracker, yea - i've never done that on linux though08:25
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n2diycyber_brain_mfkg: locate08:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modules.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
dv_di||itante, the question is how well ubuntu tolerates this08:26
skoldThug-N-Me: in which application?08:26
dv_afaik ubuntu is hardwired to request a login pw08:26
cyber_brain_mfkgn2diy, nuttin found!08:26
tamacrackermooey, yeah I was wondering if it's possible to "link" special characters to that?08:26
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Thug-N-Meskold firefox08:26
dv_or at least you have to tweak tons of things to change that08:26
n2diycyber_brain_mfkg: sudo locate?08:26
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tamacrackerwhen i hold alt and hit 4 or 6 all it does is go to a previous page >.>08:26
skoldThug-N-Me: go to your home directory in nautilus08:26
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:26
mooeytamacracker, what do you mean by 'link'? the numbers relate to characters in your charset so unless it exists in that character set i doubt its possible08:27
cyber_brain_mfkgn2diy, nope!:S08:27
=== Tham [n=chatzill@adsl-68-123-73-239.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thug-N-Meskold ok08:27
=== OsteHovel [n=Oste@ti100710a080-15823.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
di||itantedv_:ist Linux. There should be noe issues just because the distro is Ubunu08:27
tamacrackerfor example alt+146 gives you ~ above the n (spanish character) on windows.08:27
mooeytamacracker, ah. i've never needed to use it so i'm not sure if the feature exists or how to enable it, sorry08:27
di||itantearg , damn keyboard08:27
=== superkirbyartist [n=superkir@bas1-ottawa10-1242462280.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dv_di||itante, as I said, you need to tweak tons of things08:27
tamacrackerah understood08:27
skold Thug-N-Me: make invisible files visible  on the view menu08:27
OsteHovelcan someone give a link to an updated apt-get mirror?08:27
superkirbyartistHow do I enable pcmcia in Ubuntu?08:28
naliothOsteHovel: updated for what?08:28
n2diycyber_brain_mfkg: hey, I don't have it either.08:28
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OsteHovelonly one that updates my ubuntu... i fucked up my sources.list file08:28
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di||itantedv_: why is it any different thank anything else08:28
Wiimoteu said the f word08:28
nalioth!tell OsteHovel about sources08:28
affluxi go t a box which has only wifi (linksys, rt61 chip, ubuntu edgy) and i can't get the internet run. with the rt61pci module wifi-radar says "wlan0: failed to read scan data: resource temporarily unavailable". Any ideas?08:28
OsteHovelops sory08:28
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skold Thug-N-Me: got it?08:28
thechefWhat's the easiest way to automatically remove  and purge all packages that were not on the CD  and (separate problem ->) what's the easiert way to reset the configuration of all installed packages, without removing them?08:29
dv_di||itante, it sounds like a change in some main places in ubuntu08:29
di||itantedv_: nothing changes at all08:29
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mooeytamacracker, aha. apparently you can press control-shift-u and type the number in to do the same thing08:29
dv_di||itante, I dont know how auth is performed, but it also sounds like digging through 14147 howtos without success08:29
tamacrackersweet gonna try it08:30
dv_ah, whatever.08:30
dv_I dont even have a usb stick :)08:30
eitanis there a simple way to upgrade to ubu 7.04 fiesty from 6.10?08:30
Thug-N-Meskold no08:30
mooeytamacracker, press control-shift-u then let go and type the digits in - it should have an underlined 'u' when you finish it will convert it to the right char for you08:30
di||itantedv_: no worries. its like 2-3 howtos and can be done in one evening of reading adne trying it08:30
tamacrackerCtrl+shift+U and any number in the num key pad?08:30
Wiimoteskold no08:30
Thug-N-Me~/.mozilla/firefox its nothing08:30
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adubim going to build madwifi driver from source will it just install over my current driver??08:31
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di||itantedv_: dont hate me cause i cant type08:31
mooeytamacracker, control-shift-u and then let go, some digits, then a space or something and it should work08:31
skoldThug-N-Me: thats bad08:31
tamacracker hm... nothin08:31
dv_di||itante, :)08:31
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mooeytamacracker, are you using gnome?08:31
tamacrackernope LOL08:31
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mooeytamacracker, ah, lol. kde?08:31
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tamacrackeryeah there's not many people on kubuntu08:32
skoldThug-N-Me: are there no files in the .mozilla/firefox directory?08:32
mooeytamacracker, hm, not sure how it works in KDE sorry :~)08:32
Breastanybody want some milk08:32
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tamacrackerok :D08:32
yomeHi.  Is there a way to "rollback" a 6.10 installation to 6.06?08:32
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n2diytamacracker: you have to keep the ctrl+shift keys down, while you enter the number.08:32
jribyome: no08:32
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xmODyome: reinstall08:32
Thug-N-Meskold pluginreg.dat  profiles.ini  vae19fqr.default08:32
Breasttamacracker: 2% fat or no fat08:32
Thug-N-Meskold thats all i have there08:32
xmODyome: u aint enjoyng 6.10?08:32
jribThug-N-Me: ~/.mozilla/firefox/uniqueid/bookmarks.html08:32
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skoldThug-N-Me: go to the .default directory08:33
tamacrackerCTRL+SHIFT? ok hold on :D08:33
IndyGunFreakyome, whats wrong with 6.10?08:33
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mooeytamacracker, you could try also the windows-key + numbers but that doesn't work here08:33
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OsteHovelits the name of the newest ubuntu edgy?08:33
shoesoh my god08:33
mooeyOsteHovel, yep08:33
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mikedotySame problem with login screen crashing happens after sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg :(08:33
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Thug-N-Mejrib there is no uniqueid directory08:34
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mikedotyLast evening Opera crashed on me a couple of times, and then I could not get it to restart at all08:34
scifiwow these updates are taking a while to install ^^08:34
skoldThug-N-Me: go to the vae19fqr.default directory08:34
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mikedotyI figured it'd work fine when I booted up today08:34
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jribThug-N-Me: by uniqueid I mean a directory with a bunch of letters and numbers08:34
yomeIndyGunFreak, a bunch of stuff isn't working on my amd64 6.10 computer that used to work on 6.06.  mplayer codecs and my printer stopping working are my current annoyances.08:34
xmODThug-n-me: /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/0lfrziek.default08:34
mikedotyLittle did I know that I would not be able to boot up today in the first place ... I don't know if the Opera crash has anything to do with the situation08:34
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neopsych1does anyone know how i can chang e my screen resolution08:35
neopsych1its a t 640x48008:35
xmODThug-n-me: press ctrl + h in home directory08:35
insane_alieni installed vmware server earlier today but it won't open. it doesn't even give me an error. anybody know how to get it going?08:35
Thug-N-Me~/.mozilla/firefox/vae19fqr.default this must be it skold jrib xmOD08:35
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mikedotyneopsych1, I think that's in the System menu at the bottom taskbar there08:35
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mikedotySystem -> display preferences maybe, something like that08:36
xmODThug-N-Me: yeah guess so08:36
skoldThug-N-Me: yes and in this directory there should be a file bookmarks.html08:36
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Inakianyone got any idea why my MBR dies every time I shut down?08:36
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Inakii have to use my livecd and chroot to my /target08:36
Inakiand reinstall grub08:36
mikedotyIf 640x480 is the only one that appears you can edit your xorg.conf file (in /etc/X11/ I believe) and add other modes such as 800x600 et al08:36
xmODThug-N-Me: wat do u wanna do?08:36
JowiInaki, explain. what do you mean by "dies"08:36
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Thug-N-Meskold is that the only file i need to save ?08:36
Inakithe laptop reports at 'no bootable devices'08:36
mikedotyI had to do that to get 1024x768 working for me in ubuntu, neopsych108:36
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Thug-N-MexmOD i wanna save my bookmarks because im going to reinstall ubuntu a fresh copy08:37
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:37
mooeyinsane_alien, on edgy?08:37
skoldThug-N-Me: if you only wanna save the bookmarks yes08:37
xmODsave only that08:37
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JowiInaki, and what brand is the laptop? a Vaio?08:37
insane_alienmooey: yeah08:37
Inakidell latitude08:37
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Thug-N-Meok thanks all08:37
RingDonutHow do I downgrade my FireFox version?08:37
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Inakimy version is breezy 5.10 server (i basically replaced everything and installed gdm, then openbox/pypanel)08:37
mooeyinsane_alien, does it max cpu when you fire it up?08:37
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xmODRingDonut: u into psp?08:37
Inakii just like ubuntu as the core :)08:38
insane_alienmooey: yeah it does08:38
JowiInaki, so GRUB works once at the first boot or...?08:38
mooeyinsane_alien, run the following: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libdbus-1.so.3:$LD_PRELOAD vmware-server-console08:38
mooeyinsane_alien, that should sort it (does for me at least)08:38
Inakii have to use my livecd and reinstall grub08:38
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JowiInaki, yes, but after it is reinstalled does it work once?08:38
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Inakionly once, then after I reboot (because swapping cd drives)08:39
Inakiit stops working08:39
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FurryNemesisanyone here ever ponder the usefulness of multiple clipboards?08:39
xmODinaki: wat do u wanna do?08:39
RingDonutI am lagging like hell08:39
JowiInaki, so if you do not swap cd drives it still works?08:39
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insane_alienmooey: thanks08:39
Inakiit's not the Cd drives08:39
mooeyinsane_alien, no problem :-)08:39
Inakiit just stops working no matter what08:39
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xmODRingDonut: laggin as in connection speed?08:39
Inakii had the same issue on my old laptop (another latitude, same version)08:40
RingDonutmy internet is VERY SLOW08:40
Inakii think it might be the hd that the latitude comes with08:40
Inaki[np]  EvilRadio: rxvt08:40
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xmODRingDonut: then its not firefox08:40
apichartCould anybody tell me how to get gtkmozembed install on ubuntu - 6.1?08:40
n2diyInaki: if the hard drive is loosing the MBR, it is probably shot.08:40
xmODRingDonut: thats been happening with me too08:40
mooeyFurryNemesis, i think glipper does that08:40
Inakin2diy: my old latitude did the exact same thing.08:40
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xmODRingDonut: u need to restart the router08:40
JowiInaki, DELL ships with a pretty good hardware check (it's on one of the cds). use it to see if you have any hardware problems. might be a flaky HDD08:40
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RingDonutxmOd: really?08:40
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FurryNemesismooey, cool, will look at it08:41
RingDonutI will reboot the router08:41
Inakiand my server occasionally did it before I switched to Moonlight)08:41
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xmODRingDonut: u can try taht.. taht works for me08:41
InakiJowi: i bought this latitude from a guy.08:41
Inakiit's used.08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glipper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
xmODInaki: wat do u wanna do?08:41
Inakibut the other latitude did the same thing08:41
Inakijust find out if it's a hardware issue08:41
JowiInaki, I think you can download it for free from dell.com as well.08:41
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InakiJowi: ty, but could it be a hardware issue?08:42
xmODinaki: wats a hardware issue?08:42
JowiInaki, yes08:42
n2diyxmOD: he is trying to install GRUB on the MBR, but it doesn't stick.08:42
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RingDonutxmOD: only my brother knows the router password :(08:42
Inakiwhen I first got it it worked08:42
RingDonutI'll see if he can reboot08:42
Inakijust the last few days it's been falling off08:42
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DigitalNinjaDoes anyone know how long it takes to do a file system check on 2 tarabytes?08:42
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xmODRingDonut: cant u jus take out the power and put it back?08:42
mikedotyWhat would be the next thing to try to resolve my login screen crashing problem?08:42
JowiInaki, are you running on AC or battery?08:42
Inakijowi: right now, AC08:43
mooeyDigitalNinja, quite some time :~~)08:43
n2diyDigitalNinja: what's a tarabyte?08:43
RingDonutxmOD: good idea08:43
Moosebuntuhelp! I can't find the glibc-headers package in Synaptic.  I've checked all the binary repositories.08:43
garrettkajmowiczWhere on the web can I grab the source packages for the 6.06 release?08:43
Inaki<3 autospell08:43
xmODRingDonut: yea i do that always.. quick and easy08:43
JowiInaki, and even if you stay on AC will still say "no bootable device"?08:43
DigitalNinjamooey: Would you say half hour or so?08:43
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Inakiit happens no matter what power source or what's in the modbays08:43
RingDonutJesus, 29secs+ lag in XCHAT08:43
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xmODi got a 42 sec lag08:44
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Inakilol RingDonut08:44
Inakiand xmOD08:44
xmODnow i get 0.3 sec08:44
skoldgarrettkajmowicz: apt-get source packagename08:44
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RingDonutnow i got 3.408:44
xmODInaki: ...08:44
DigitalNinjan2diy: Sorry. Terabyte08:44
Inaki-999999999 lag08:44
JowiInaki, can be everything from bad mobo to bad HDD. use the hardware troubleshooting CD. it has nothing to do with Linux08:44
mooeyDigitalNinja, it takes about 30mins todo my 300gb drive, so quite alot longer but it will depend on the data on the drive and the way its organised i guess. i dont think it can be predicted. its a case of suck it and see ;o08:44
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RingDonutgoing up....08:44
Inakik Jowi, thanks08:44
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RingDonutand up...(?!)08:44
n2diyDigitalNinja: :)08:44
Moosebuntuhelp! I can't find the glibc-headers package in Synaptic.  I've checked all the binary repositories.08:44
Inakicould it be something to do with having Moonlight on another partition?08:44
mooeyMoosebuntu, dont repeat please08:44
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Inaki[np]  Limewax - Seed (EvilRadio: rxvt)08:45
JowiInaki, no. the MBR is independent of partitions08:45
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Inakithanks all.08:45
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garrettkajmowiczskold: I need to get source code for a different revision than I am running...08:45
RingDonutnow i have 0.0 lag.08:45
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apichartCould anybody tell me how to get gtkmozembed install on ubuntu - 6.1?08:45
xmODringdonut: reconnected?08:45
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RingDonutxmOD: i'll reboot it in a minute08:45
edmsecboican someone point me to a webpage to get some more information on how to set up a dual operating system on my system.  i'm currently running Windows XP Home on my Boot Drive with only 1 partition for windows XP08:46
RingDonuttomorrows my birthday08:46
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DigitalNinjamooey: Well, in this case we don't have choice. We did a reboot on a server and it started the file system check on boot. I think we hit our "days" limit.08:46
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mnk0edmsecboi: theres a wikki page for ubuntu , winxp dual booting easily available from a google search08:46
mooeyDigitalNinja, its been fscking for 24hrs?08:46
xmODedmsecboi: jus install ubuntu.. it'll detect the windows partition.. if u have ONLY one partition then u need to format and reinstall both of em08:47
DigitalNinjamooey: No!08:47
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DigitalNinjamooey: It's only been going for about 15 minutes or so.08:47
mooeyDigitalNinja, ah yes i see. i hope it dosen't take too long :~)08:47
DigitalNinjaSame here.08:47
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=== RingDonut 's birthday is tomorrow!
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skoldgarrettkajmowicz: what a source package do you need?08:48
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DigitalNinjamooey: I gues I need to call the person in front of the server and let them know. I'm just the remote addmin.08:49
WulongHow do I change keyboard layout from CLI?08:49
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mooeyDigitalNinja, yea. it might be wise to get a kvm hooked up so you can monitor it.08:49
garrettkajmowiczI need the sources from 6.06 kdebase - I'm currently running 6.1008:50
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|Sora|Is there a firewall for linux with good configuration capabilities?08:50
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xmODSora: try AVG08:50
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skoldgarrettkajmowicz: try it on http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/08:50
=== RingDonut is getting a GameBoy Advance for his birthday
xmOD!firewall | |Sora|08:50
ubotu|Sora|: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:50
francalier|Sora|: iptables08:50
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DigitalNinjamooey: I was told a monitor was pluged in but I'm not sure if they can see the bottem of the screen. The resolution might be set wrong.08:50
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|Sora|i want it to ask me before it does anything, not let it be preconfigured08:51
|Sora|i think thats what iptables does, right?08:51
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xmODread the documentation08:51
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francalierYou want a Windows style pesterware thing?08:52
genius314Where is the capture folder for DOSbox in Ubuntu?08:52
BackPacker|Sora|: iptables isn't preconfigured. Out of the box it lets everything in.08:52
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skoldgarrettkajmowicz: it should be that package http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/source/meta-kde08:52
|Sora|i didn't mean that08:52
maxamilliondoes dapper alternate image have an option to boot from and install a 2.4 kernel?08:52
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theflyingfooldoes uptime count when your not logged in08:52
|Sora|i meant the rules are set before hand, not a tthe time of connection08:52
BackPacker|Sora|: you have to set it up yourself. You can do that using Firestarter or Guarddog. Or by using the command line08:52
maxamilliontheflyingfool: yes08:52
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maxamilliontheflyingfool: uptime counts how long the machine has been turned on08:53
BackPacker|Sora|: the rules aren't set up until you set them up08:53
n2diytheflyingfool: as long as the box is running, uptime is counting.08:53
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xmODn2diy: wats uptime ?08:53
=== RingDonut lags
|Sora|ok, basically i want it to ask me "Do you wan tto allow this connection to this IP" bla bla.. something likethat08:53
eitanhey guys...I wish to install xfree86 over xorg on my 6.10 laptop.  When I try to install xfree86-driver-synaptics for my touchpad, it results in a message about dependencies.  I am doing this to solve a problem I've been having (along with many other people) with their laptop ALPS touchpad devices being buggy in Xorg.  Thanks!08:53
Jowi|Sora|, check out firestarter. it will let you right-click on connections to set the rules and let you decide what happen to that connection.08:53
theflyingfooldoes uptime restart when you restart the computer or only when you turn it off08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
n2diyxmOD: how long the box has been up.08:53
mooeyDigitalNinja, ah. i've gotta go get some munch. good luck (Y)08:53
maxamilliontheflyingfool: it restarts when your computer restarts08:53
genius314Anyone know where to find the config file for DOSbox?08:53
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maxamillionxmOD: it is the amount of time the computer has been turned on since last reboot or shutdown08:54
DigitalNinjamooey: Thanks. We will need all the luck we can get08:54
xmODn2diy: oh that! lol.. i thought related to the net or somthing08:54
pugganproblems whit courier-pop/imap whit mysql: http://home.puggan.com/error/08:54
Jowi|Sora|, it doesn't warn you about outgoing connections though. you need to monitor it yourself. it's not like Zonealarm but it is simple to use if you need a software firewall08:54
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Jowi!firestarter | |Sora|08:55
ubotu|Sora|: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:55
mikeconceptsdoes edgy have a firewall already installed and running?08:55
xmODmike iptables08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modules.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
skoldgarrettkajmowicz: it should be that package http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/source/meta-kde08:55
|Sora|ok guys08:55
=== mrstocks [n=mrstocks@pro75-5-88-162-200-19.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifihey guys got big probs here. ive just bene upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10. to main upgrade downloaded and installed. i then did installed further updates, while they were installing the screensaver activated, but i tried to log in and it wouldnt accept my password. eventually i decided to reboot, when i boot into linux all i get now is a black screen and cursor at the top. HELP! :x08:55
=== math_ [n=math@ip5457c516.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mooeymikeconcepts, nope, but it has no open ports out of the box so its quite safe08:55
|Sora|i wish there was something like ZA in linux08:55
mrstocksHi, is it possible to write on my ntfs partition within ubuntu ?08:55
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Jowi|Sora|, fortunatley it is not nesseccary08:56
mooeyDigitalNinja, fyi you can use the tunefs tools to change the number of days that a disk requires a check and disable it all together08:56
maxamillion|Sora|: firestarter is alot like ZA, only better and less annoying08:56
TheGateKeepermikeconcepts, it uses iptables, but I would install firestarter to make sure the config is as you want it08:56
mrstocksAnd i have some sound driver problems, i need to force alsa to pump up the volume how is it possible ?08:56
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, can u access terminal mode?08:56
RingDonutHey all! Come hack my router! The password is bananaphone!08:56
math_can somone help me enable my sound of quake3 ?08:56
xmODmrstocks: i dont think ubuntu gives you NTFS write permissions08:56
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DigitalNinjamooey: Should it be disabled?08:56
sara newbuntu08:56
maxamillion|Sora|: well ... ther interface is alot like it, the implementation is completely different08:56
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riotkittiescifi - have you tried rebooting in recovery mode and resetting the pass from there?08:56
francalierZA works on the assumption that you have a completely untrusted userspace.08:56
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francalierWhich you do, if you're using Windows.08:56
scificyber_brain_mfkg: i cant remember how to activate that, pls remidn me08:57
theflyingfoolis it possible to change the font color on the menu at the top of the scree08:57
ubuntuxdoes someone know some kind of similar thing like vista sidebar for linux?08:57
mooeyDigitalNinja, i disable it on all my servers and make a point to run it once a month at a time thats convinient and isn't disrupting the services on the box08:57
francalierBut a responsible Linux desktop isn't like that.08:57
theflyingfoolin gnome08:57
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Jowi|Sora|, give firestarter a go. I think you'll like it08:57
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Wahrook who can help me making my dual boot work?08:57
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mnk0is there a way to install something from apt-get with compilation options08:57
math_does someone know how to enable sound in the Quake3 game???08:57
mnk0Wahro: what is your problem08:57
xmODWahro: wat do u wanna do?08:57
mooeytheflyingfool, maybe you want to look at gdesklets but im not sure08:57
Wahroit won't boot windows08:57
jribmnk0: download the source, edit debian/rules, rebuild the package08:57
mnk0you need to adda line to grub08:57
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|Sora|ok thats guys, will check out firestarter08:57
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BackPackerWahro: you've been spared!  :-)08:57
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scifiriotkittie: ive never used recovery mode. how do i reset pwd if i try it?08:57
Boobdoes anybody want some fresh boob milk08:58
jribmnk0: s/source/source *package*08:58
TheGateKeepermooey, not sure I believe that about open ports given what I found when I first fired up the gui08:58
genius314I can't find where DOSbox is located in Ubuntu.08:58
mnk0vi /boot/grub/menu.list { or where ever you installed grub }08:58
saracan anyone please help me with an overheating problem? ... I have just bought a very nice asus 3.4 g  laptop  that is great except for under edgy it overheats and steps down throttling at 65 to 70 degrees (which it gets to within 10 mins)08:58
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi,  on boot u enter maintenance mode!08:58
DigitalNinjamooey: Sounds like I need to do something like that. Doesn't this need to be done at boot or when the file systems arn't mounted08:58
mnk0jrib: source package, ehh08:58
xmODWahro: so? worng path in GRUB?08:58
mikeconceptsperhaps iptables is what I need to understand, since I've having trouble using x11vnc, I can connect and see the screen on my edgy box, but can't so anything, can't click, noo keyboard08:58
speyeri will like to install ubuntu on a small hdd 6 gb will i be able after the install to edit the boot option so that i can boot (from the same boot meu) my windows system which is on other hdd ?08:58
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Wahrothat's my GRUB config08:58
mooeymath_, it uses oss, theres some command you need to run as root to enable it or something, but i dont remember what it is. if you google it theres details on the gentoo wiki08:58
saracan anyone recommened a good cpu temp controlling module or software?08:58
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, and then u run apt-get update08:58
jribmnk0: you can look into apt-build too if you want08:58
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scificyber_brain_mfkg: ok so try recovery mode, then apt-get update08:58
mnk0ok thx08:58
Wahrohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/657/ -> output of fdisk08:59
mooeyTheGateKeeper, fair enough. ubuntu has a no open ports (ish) out of the box policy and so provided you didn't install anything extra there should be no open ports.08:59
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, hold on08:59
mikeconceptsso I need to research iptables, perhaps port 5900 is bolcked08:59
mnk0Wahro: ok, u need to find out what partition is bootable to windows08:59
mooeyDigitalNinja, it does yea but you can tell it to fsck on the next boot08:59
hrishihi, when i use to change the wireless nic mode to master using iwconfig it shows me "Set failed: Invalid Arguement Error", why this is so ?08:59
xmODWahro: u dont have a windows listing there08:59
adubdoes anyone know what is up with the madwifi driver in the new 6.10 ubuntu08:59
saraunder windows the fans seem to come on as it throttles but in Kubuntu edgy it seems that the throttling is all screwed up08:59
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adubi cant get monitor mode with some applications??08:59
Wahroit's partition c:/ .. the first partition.. sda108:59
BackPackermooey: I think the ports were open when I first installed Ubuntu (i.e. no iptables rules) but nothing was running on any port anyway08:59
mnk0line 32 - 41 in your config looks right08:59
adubboob please help me i have been working on this for a while08:59
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DigitalNinjamooey: I should look into this. some of the stuff I'm finding on google are saying "days". This is starting to look bad.08:59
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, u said u was doing update of your programs after u finished update 2 6.10?08:59
Boobif don't help, it will be more work for you09:00
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Boobif i do help, it will be less work for me09:00
Boobthink, think09:00
Booblol srry09:00
adubboob cmon man plllllllllease09:00
Boobcan't help09:00
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Jowimikeconcepts, not if you didn't block it yourself. are you behind a firewall or router now?09:00
Boobi don't know too much09:00
Boobabout ubuntu09:00
mooeyBackPacker, yes, 'no listening ports' should be the correct terminology since things like dns open ports while they do resolution09:00
TheGateKeepermooey, hmmm like I said, seeing the default setup I was less than convinced about that09:00
adubboob kismet works flawlessly but the aircrack suite i cant get anything working09:01
BackPackermooey: Agreed.09:01
lnmI'm probably being pretty stupid, but after untarring a file I try to do make but I get the error "bash: make: command not found" anyone got a pointer for me?09:01
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, then u enter maintenance mod and type sudo apt-get update09:01
adubcan anyone help with the new madwifi-ng please09:01
BackPackerlnm: install make09:01
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mooeyTheGateKeeper, if you see open listening ports please file a bug :~) but its not an alternative to having a firewall09:01
n2diyYou can test your ports using Shields Up, at grc.com09:01
riotkittielnm >> sudo apt-get install build-essential09:01
Jowilnm, install build-essential09:01
lnmcheers guys09:01
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scificyber_brain_mfkg: yes. the main 718mb update downloaded. i also had updates available from the update alert synaptic pop-up, but there was a list of updates that were skipped, it then suggested i do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again, which i did, and thats when the problem occured09:02
mnk0Wahro: i would copy lines 39-41 to the bottom where your shit for ubuntu is09:02
mikeconceptsjowi, no firewall, but a router is in use, funny thing is, I have 4 other hard drives with a mix of edgy and dapper on them, but don't have this problem on any of them, the only thing unique about this edgy install is beryl 1.4 is running09:02
mnk0it looks good09:02
TheGateKeepermooey, well I have a firewall on my router, I just use iptables as a second line of defence09:02
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Wahrowill do09:02
Jowimikeconcepts, beryl will not work with x11vnc09:02
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Jowimikeconcepts, tried that myself last week. all other WM's work09:02
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mooeyDigitalNinja, for something that big i wouldn't be surprised, but it really depends on too many factors to predict like the speed of the discs, data on them, number of errors and such forth09:02
Fubarovicdoes anyone use teh skynet.be mirrors as apt-sources in his sources.list?09:03
TheGateKeepermooey, it that something you have tested for yourself?09:03
BoobI don't know that much about Ubuntu.09:03
BoobI can't help.09:03
Fubarovici don't know the correct sy;ntax for the sources to work09:03
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scificyber_brain_mfkg: but wont it ask for my password again when i do sudo apt-get update ?09:03
mooeyTheGateKeeper, its not, no09:03
BackPackerTheGateKeeper: Not always a good idea to have two firewalls. If they're not configured exactly the same you could find yourself spending hours trying to find out why something can't get out/in...09:03
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riotkittiescifi, you can enter console mode on that box tho, right?09:03
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, just enter terminal mode and type sudo apt-get update or if that doesn't work type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:04
mooeynat provides enough safety to keep me comfortable09:04
riotkittiewait. when you boot into recov mode, you can reset your password with the passwd command09:04
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, that should fix your problem!09:04
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mikeconceptsJowi, I will go turn off beryl and see if that fixes it, thanks, I'll let you know how it turns out09:04
DigitalNinjamooey: It's a 3ware SATA RAID setup. The os is about 600gig RAID 5. The data RAID is 1.4T's on RAID 1009:04
scifiriotkittie: no i just get a blank screen with cursor at the top09:04
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Jowino probs mikeconcepts if you need any more pointers just ask09:04
TheGateKeeperBackPacker, not a problem, disable iptables then find the problem, then re-enable iptables & sort it out from there, NOT rocket science09:04
scifiriotkittie: it doesnt ask me for user/pwd or anything09:04
riotkittietry recovery mode and see if it's different there.09:05
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mooeyDigitalNinja, at least they are fast disks so it shouldn't take a day heh :)09:05
scifiriotkittie: ok, brb09:05
BackPackerTheGateKeeper: no, but you're possibly doubling up on the amount of work needed09:05
cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, yes but u know your password right?09:05
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|Sora|when i auto hide both the bottom and top bars, how come its not ocompletely hidden? i can see like 5% of the bar bulging out09:05
DigitalNinjamooey: We are hoping.09:05
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TheGateKeepermooey, you are saying what others have said in here, however I'm not entirely conviced it's a myth09:05
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Wahromnk0 - when I click windows.. nothing happens. not even a message09:06
mooeyTheGateKeeper, the 'no open ports' isn't myth, its ubuntu policy09:06
TheGateKeeperBackPacker, well it's never been a problem so far09:06
xmODWahro: i tried wat i told you?09:06
WahroI moved it all the way down09:06
mnk0hmm, then maybe pointing to wrong partition09:06
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saraIs there a module for monitering cpu temp and fans?09:06
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mooeysara, lmsensors09:07
riotkittie|Sora|, if you go into gnome's config editor (apps -> system) you should be able to change that, i believe09:07
xmODwahro: i gave u a pastebin of wat it should look like.. u copied that one?09:07
mnk0hmm try (hd0,1)09:07
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BackPackerTheGateKeeper: Good to hear it. In fact, the laptop I'm on is running an iptables ruleset, and so is the PC that the laptop is NATted through. But they're both the same ruleset.09:07
saramooey  thanks09:07
TheGateKeepermooey, well I can only go on what I found the default setup to be, I am not an iptables expert, but it didn't look to be doing too much untill I sorted it09:07
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WahroxmOD no.. but mine is the same. Except.. you still had the text from the example uncommented (which I used first)09:07
saraI need to modify lmsensors so it throttles at say 80 instead of 6509:07
joe__hi there09:07
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|Sora|ok riotkittie, will check it out, hold on09:08
arrenlex!hi | joe__09:08
ubotujoe__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:08
joe__thank you09:08
cyber_brain_mfkgok!is there modprobe.conf in ubuntu or not? i want to setup my kworld bttv TV Card modules!09:08
adubwhat is the printer setup program for ubuntu09:08
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mooeyTheGateKeeper, i think we have crossed wires here. iptables is idle by default, there is no ingress or egress filtering by default. however, ubuntu default doesn't ship any packages that listen on any external ports, hence the 'no open ports' policy09:08
=== genius314 [n=kml@pool-71-250-201-78.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
xmODWahro: so i hope you commented that text again and introduced the new one at the bottom?09:08
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Wahroyes I did09:09
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|Sora|riotkittie, where is that exactly?09:09
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mooeycyber_brain_mfkg, you can put modules you want loaded at boot in /etc/modules09:09
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TheGateKeepermooey, ok :-)09:09
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WahroI use (hdd0,1) now.. and I get Error 12: Invalid device requested.09:09
WahroI didn't get ANY message when using (hdd0,0)09:09
genius314Ok, does anyone know where the DOSbox folder is in Ubuntu?09:09
xmODyeah thought so09:09
xmODhdd is not the right command09:10
saralm-sensors wasnt installed09:10
Wahrois there another?09:10
eitanhey guys...I wish to install xfree86 over xorg on my 6.10 laptop.  When I try to install xfree86-driver-synaptics for my touchpad, it results in a message about dependencies.  I am doing this to solve a problem I've been having (along with many other people) with their laptop ALPS touchpad devices being buggy in Xorg.  Thanks!09:10
mooeygenius314, perhaps ~/.dosbox?09:10
xmODWahro: its (hd0.0)09:10
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arrenlexeitan: Why would you want to do this?09:10
saramooey could having lm-sensors installed improve my situation?09:10
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genius314mooey: Nope. I already checked there.09:10
arrenlexeitan: Nevermind, I need to read more. :)09:10
mooeysara, sorry what is the situation?09:10
n2diycyber_brain_mfkg: there is no modprope.conf in Ubuntu, google for a work around.09:10
riotkittie|Sora|, try /apps/panel/general09:10
tahorgeitan: why would you want to install xfree86 ?09:10
eitanarrenlex: xorg is very buggy for my particular touchpad09:10
cyber_brain_mfkgmooey, i know but i want 2 setup those modules i loaded! i want to add "alias char-major-81     videodev" and sililar lines!09:11
tahorgeitan: xfree won't be better09:11
xmODWahro: before you try it.. gimme a pastebin of your menu.lst09:11
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speyerwhere is grub.conf located ?09:11
eitantahorg: it was posted as a fix to the bug...hold on I'll link to you09:11
saraasus laptop overheating under edgy,  throttling down at 65 to 70 degrees which it gets to in about 10 moutes from cold09:11
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Jowicyber_brain_mfkg, it's in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases09:11
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riotkittiespeyer > try /boot/grub09:11
mooeycyber_brain_mfkg, perhaps you want the files in /etc/modules09:11
Wahroit was already hd0.. hehe09:11
arrenlexWahro: Just curious: what problem are you having?09:11
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xmODgimme a pastebin09:12
speyerriotkittie not there09:12
Wahroarrenlex - my dual boot won't boot windows09:12
eitantahorg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/4797109:12
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arrenlexWahro: What drive is Windows on?09:12
riotkittie|Sora|, i *think* it is the panel_minimized_size setting09:12
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eitanI haven't been able to find a solid fix for this bug yet.09:12
scificyber_brain_mfkg: i tried recovery mode, after it scrolls thru line sof code, it eventually says Begin: waiting for root file system ... then nothing happens :P i may as well just download the 6.10 cd and do a fresh install :P09:12
riotkittiespeyer > locate grub.conf09:12
=== Sub7 [n=clickme@host81-155-67-110.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
EliAnyone have any success using a Broadcom 1350 a/b/g Wireless Card on Ubuntu?09:12
Wahroarrenlex - sda109:12
xmODriotkittie: theres no grub.conf in 6.1009:13
Sub7Anyone got a working genesis emulator for ubuntu edgy?09:13
speyerriotkittie no output09:13
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/09:13
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arrenlexWahro: And Linux?09:13
speyerriotkittie im on dapper09:13
arrenlexWahro: And what error message is it giving you?09:13
Wahroit just doesn't do anything09:13
scifii take it a fresh 6.10 install will just replace the current GRUB successfully ?09:13
Rookie-1sara , what you looking for is desklets09:13
mooeyis gdesklets as unreliable as it was ~a year ago?09:14
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cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, that would be best! sorry but i don't know other solutions for your problem!09:14
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lnmwhen I ./configure BitchX I'm getting the following error: configure: error: cannot find setupterm or tgetent. This usually means I'm missing ncurses libraries if I'm not mistaking. But when I try to apt-get them it says they are a missing dependency but can't find 'm on the apt-get server09:14
xmODWahro: got the pastebin/09:14
riotkittiemeeee too, hold a sec,  baby is aTTAcking kb\\09:14
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lnmhow do I apt-get them from a different source?09:14
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Sub7Anyone got a working genesis emulator for ubuntu edgy?09:14
cyber_brain_mfkgJowi, should i all commands with prefix options add in /etc/modprobe.d/options (with that prefix or no)?09:15
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scificyber_brain_mfkg: luckily i wont lose any important data. im just using ubuntu experiment/experience linux as an alternative to windows :)09:15
mooeylnm, it might help if you can pastebin the full apt-get output09:15
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nikasihmm.. my vnc just stopped after today's vnc update, anyone know how to fix it?09:15
speyerriotkittie all i want is to save my grub.conf somewhere so after i fresh install ubuntu i can use the same grub.conf ... because i edited so that i can boot into my windows system from the same menu ...09:15
nikasiusing vnc4server09:15
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cyber_brain_mfkgscifi, ok!;)09:15
arrenlexWahro: Looks fine... mine is set up like that; the only difference is that there's a space between chainloader and +1, but I don't know if that'll do anything...09:16
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arrenlexWahro: Dunno, sorry. = /09:16
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:16
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Jowicyber_brain_mfkg, options goes into options file. aliases into aliases file :)09:16
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|Sora|where is /apps ?09:16
lnmhmm, wasn't there a way to not directly copy/paste into #ubuntu?09:16
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arrenlex!pastebin | lnm09:16
ubotulnm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:16
lnmthank you09:16
jrib|Sora|: that's a gconf key, you would look for it in gconf-editor09:16
xmODWahro: U ARE STILL USING (hd0,1) .. change it to (hd0,0)09:17
=== araizen [n=araizen@DSL217-132-54-2.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Wahroalready using 0,009:17
|Sora|where would gconf-editor be located at?09:17
xmODwahro: and give that space between chainloader also09:17
mnk0use irssi ;)09:17
stopgoHi, I appear to able to control my volume, but it doesn't actually seem to affect my apps' sound output. Any thoughts?09:17
Jowicyber_brain_mfkg, "man modprobe.d" will give you the full manual09:17
arrenlexstopgo: How many cards?09:17
riotkittieapplication menu - > system tools > configuration editor, |Sora|09:17
lnmmnk0: I've never tried irssi before, is it easy to use? :)09:17
stopgoarrenlex: one09:17
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Sub7Anyone got a working genesis emulator for ubuntu edgy?09:18
jribriotkittie: that's not in the menus since at least dapper I believe09:18
arrenlexlnm: I think you need the libncurses5-dev package.09:18
cyber_brain_mfkgJowi, thanx a lot!i know what to do now!:D09:18
Jowinp cyber_brain_mfkg09:18
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riotkittieah. i havent gone beyond dapper09:18
|Sora|ok thanks riotkittie, i didn;t ahev it listed before, but now added back in09:18
araizenhi everyone, i'm not using ubuntu, but trying to help someone out who is switching to linux09:18
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riotkittietry gconftool in a term?09:19
Sub7Anyone got a working genesis emulator for ubuntu edgy?09:19
mooeylnm, do you perhaps want libncurses or ncurses-bin?09:19
araizenwhat's the normal way to install a new package in ubuntu?09:19
riotkittieoh nm09:19
jribriotkittie: gconf-editor for the gui app, but it seems |Sora| has got it09:19
mooey!apt | araizen09:19
ubotuaraizen: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:19
xmODWahro: gumme a pastebin again after changing it!09:19
ubuntuxdoes someone know some kind of similar thing like vista sidebar for linux?09:19
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Wahrogetting a message now09:19
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riotkittievista. ::cringe::  :P09:19
mooey!gdesklets | ubuntux09:19
ubotuubuntux: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/09:19
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araizenubotu: so in general you can type 'apt-get packagename'?09:20
Wahrofor only a fraction of a second before it returns to the menu.. so I'm trying to read it09:20
WahroGNUB Loading stage2...09:20
arrenlexaraizen: apt-get install <packagename>09:20
araizenah, thanks09:20
mooeyaraizen, ubotu is a bot. you type apt-get install package.09:20
xmODwahro: gimme pastebin now09:20
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Wahrowill do.. starting linux again09:20
araizendoes anyone know if the package gnomad2 is available from the standard sources for ubuntu, without special configuration, or where i can check whether it's available?09:21
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rambo3!info gnomad2 edgy09:21
ubotugnomad2: Manage a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.3-1 (edgy), package size 148 kB, installed size 480 kB09:21
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araizengreat, thanks all09:21
jribaraizen: you'd need to enable universe which is commented by default09:22
araizeni hope to try ubuntu some day, it sounds really nice09:22
rambo3araizen, you need universal enabled in synaptic09:22
raulany idea about the black screen of death of ATI "radeon" module (working till yesterday-dist-upgrade)09:22
ubuntuxmooey, thx!09:22
riotkittieheh. i think ubotu may very well be the first useful bot i've seen on irc in the last ten years09:22
araizenoh, what is the configuration file?09:22
WahroxmOD ^^09:22
|Sora|thanks riotkittie, that worked, now do you knwo where i can find firestarter, i jsut installed i using synaptic09:22
mooeyaraizen, ubuntu rocks :~~)09:22
rambo3!repos > araizen09:22
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riotkittie|Sora|, try Applications > Internet09:23
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riotkittieor Administration under the System menu09:23
mikeconceptsJowi, bery lrunning is exactly what was causing me to not be able to x11vnc into edgy, turned off beryl and works fine now09:23
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xmODWahro: found problem!09:23
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
xmODWahro: change urs to this..  http://pastebin.ca/30825209:24
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arrenlexriotkittie: Ubotu is God.09:24
Wahroyou only changed the title ?09:24
xmODjus see it09:24
Wahrohm k09:24
xmODeverything after the title09:24
Jowimikeconcepts, that's what I thought. somehow beryl does not use convential ways to build the windows and detect mouseclicks. Only had this prob with Beryl so it took me awhile to figure out as well :)09:24
=== Quinn [n=hakr@ip68-98-42-41.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
xmODWahro: http://pastebin.ca/30825809:25
xmODWahro: add that and restart and lemme know..09:26
Wahrowill do thx :)09:26
Quinnhey has anyone found out how to force nome into 1440x900??09:26
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|Sora|riotkittie, righto again! :)09:26
araizenif someone says they're using ubuntu 6.1.0, they mean 6.10, and that the latest, right?09:26
BlissexQuinn: many people!09:26
arrenlexaraizen: Yes.09:26
xmODQuinn: Edit xorg.conf09:26
JowiQuinn, yes. you need to put a modeline into xorg.conf09:26
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rambo3dpkg-reconfigure-with-gun xserver-xorg09:26
Infelizsomekind of sherlocks09:27
xmODWahro: any luck?09:27
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riotkittiearaizen, its the latest stable release, yes09:27
lnmanyone know what this could mean http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/680/ (this is the error I get from apt-get ncurses)09:27
christopher_lremove help text in menu?anyone09:27
arrenlexWahro: FYI you can just press "e" at the grub prompt to edit the commands right there, without having to edit menu.lst and restart every time...09:28
nikasidoes anyone know why when i try to login to vnc, i just get to see the screen for like 1sec then i get disconnected.. started happening after todays vnc4server update :(09:28
arrenlexlnm: I think you want the libncurses5-dev package09:28
Wahrostill getting Loading Stage 2...09:28
h3xislnm, sudo apt-get install libncruses509:28
mikeconceptsI have  one problem left to solve, and that's my cs330 Intel webcam, doesn't seem to be detected09:28
xmODlnm: install from synaptic09:28
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lnmI'll have a look, thanks again :)09:28
xmODWahro: well it does'nt load?09:28
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nikasiused this guide to configure vnc : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402&highlight=vnc4server09:28
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Wahroit goes back to the menu09:28
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xmODok... u got 2 HDD's right?09:29
Jowi!pastebin > Quinn09:29
Wahroyes I do09:29
mooey!gdesklets > mooey09:29
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xmODwahro: disconnect linux one and see if u can boot into windows normally09:30
lnmapt-get said it already has libncurses5, so I'm trying the *-dev package now :)09:30
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arrenlexlnm: You need -dev packages to compile things that need these libraries. They're headers. If ./configure ever tells you it can't find libfoobar, you need to install libfoobar-dev, see? :)09:31
pugganproblems whit courier-pop/imap whit mysql: http://home.puggan.com/error/09:31
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WahroGRUB loading, please wait...09:31
WahroError 2109:31
Wahrothen it freezes09:31
xmODcause i guess grub is first on MBR09:32
lnmarrenlex: makes sense yeah. As you probably notice I'm rather new to ubuntu and linux in general09:32
xmODtry to check your windows installation somehow09:32
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arrenlexlnm: No problems. Even Torvalds was a Linux newbie at one point :)09:32
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lnmI must say the wiki and the irc channel are an awesome help though :)09:32
xmODmaybe run off the live cd and mount the windows drive to see09:32
lnmhaha, true :o)09:32
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arrenlexWahro: Again, just curious: what's the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?09:33
n2diyxmOD: grub error 21, "disk does not exsist"09:33
n2diyxmOD: could this be a master/slave issue?09:33
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xmODn2diy: yea i know.. thats because GRUB is first on MBR and he disconnected the linux drive09:34
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rambo3n2diy, is groot configured in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:34
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xmODn2diy: no its different .. :-) ..09:34
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n2diyxmOD: he didn't need to set the single drive to master?09:34
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harushimohey everyone does anyone know the commands to image a hard drive using ubuntu09:35
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Wahroarrenlex - fdisk output-> http://paste.ubuntu.nl.org/657/09:35
imbecilehey guys I installed some stuff from the advanced area in synaptic and i dont see any of the new stuff where does it go?09:35
jbroomedd if=/dev/hda of=/foo/bar/fubar.iso09:35
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harushimoand I need to pipe the iso on to my computer09:36
harushimohow would I do that09:36
shawohohey all...09:36
cyber_brain_mfkghow to find my kernel's CARDLIST?i'm runnin ubuntu 6.06!!!09:36
Wahrohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/657/ <- that one09:36
mnk0is there a way to config buttons to do special events on a logitech mouse?09:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cardlist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
xmODn2diy: i told him to DC linux drive so he could check windows drive.. actually hes having booting into windows from GRUB although my checklist shows things are correct..09:36
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shawohostop any discussion now... and let's help me... ;)09:37
B_166-ER-Xhow can i mount a (3rd) Hd , wich is in Linux Ext3 ? fdisk -l sees it, but its not in fstab and cannot be mounted.. please09:37
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theflyingfoolwhat do i need for dvd playback with edgy09:37
riotkittiewhats the problem, shawoho ?09:37
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shawohoI need the log of the amount of downloaded MB's in the last month?09:37
xmOD!dvd | theflyingfool09:37
lnmI'm getting a new make error. Is this something anyone recognises  (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/685/)? Or is this the time I'm going to try irssi ;)09:37
ubotutheflyingfool: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:37
Sub7how do i compile my genesis emulator it keeps saying there is nothing to be done09:37
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cyber_brain_mfkghow to find my kernel's CARDLIST?i'm runnin ubuntu 6.06!!!i want to setup my TVCARD and i need bttv card number for my kernel module!09:38
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riotkittieB_166-ER-X, add it to fstab?   why cant you mount it manually?    mount -t ext3 /dev/???  /your/mountpointhere09:38
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BackPackerB_166-ER-X: What does 'fdisk -l' show? Which partition is it?09:38
shawohoMy ISP is charging $1500 on the bill, so I need the log urgently ;)09:38
shawohoI need the log of the amount of downloaded MB's in the last month?09:39
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B_166-ER-Xbackpacker hdd1 ,2 ,509:39
BackPackerB_166-ER-X: And which one of those is the parition you want to mount? All of them?09:40
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riotkittieshawoho, YIKES! sorry but i dont know09:40
riotkittieack. toddler is back.09:40
WahroxmOD - is there any way I can backup the data from my other disk?09:40
B_166-ER-XBackPacker yeap, the whole disk09:40
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n2diyshawoho: is kppp your dialer, that can be setup to monitor DLs?09:41
xmODit is NTFS .. so it is only readable09:41
Wahroreadable is good enough..09:41
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BackPackerFirst you need to create some mount points, and you do this as root. You create directories into whic09:41
WahroI could send it to my other linux box then09:41
B_166-ER-XBackPacker thats done now09:42
xmODwahro: remove your win drive and insert into another winbox and copy data :-)09:42
uniqueLikeYou cyber_brain_mfkg : lspci might help09:42
shawohon2diy: nop... it is celular modem..09:42
B_166-ER-Xit gives me an error when trying to mount it, saying its a bad filesystem or something09:42
WahroI don't have another winbox :P09:42
Wahroexcept this laptop..09:42
shawohoit calls by it self09:42
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BackPackerB_166-ER-X: You've created the directories? Then try this in a console as root: mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /mountpoint (where 'mountpoint' is the directory onto which you want to mount hdd109:42
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BackPackerB_166-ER-X: if that works, you can add entries to /etc/fstab09:43
n2diyshawoho: so how many megs are the claiming you DLed?09:43
xmODwahro: mount the drive using the live cd09:43
Sub7how can i install my gens emulator09:43
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B_166-ER-Xit worked :D09:43
riotkittiecellular modem? as in... cellphone?09:43
mvfeinsteinHello, I am trying to adjust my display settings. The way they are now my max res is 1024x768 but I know I can go higher then that. I edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf and added the resolution I wanted but after reboot I am still stuck at 1024x768. Can anyone tell me what else I need to change to get it to work?09:43
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B_166-ER-Xits jsut temporary, so no need to fstab09:43
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BackPackerB_166-ER-X: Oh, ok.09:43
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user01_how do i add screensavers?  i remember an old one called xjack09:43
B_166-ER-Xthankx a lot :)09:43
red_I really need help setting up a home network with NFS. Everything is installed and both computers are setup and wireless connected to my router. Any Help?09:44
Sub7mvfeinstein: you need to install your video card drivers09:44
hey560does anyone know why the HP Laserjet III is removed from edgy, it was supported in Dapper/09:44
m0eIis this thing on?09:44
hey560how can i find out which driver i should use for my hp laserjet III printer09:44
BackPackerB_166-ER-X: you're welcome. And you can find out more about it by doing 'man mount' and 'man fstab' in a console09:44
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uniqueLikeYouuser01_: try xscreensaver or xlock09:44
shawohon2diy: that's the problem they say 320:min:seg not in Mb's09:44
LostProjectilewould someone be able to help me with a wireless network card that's being recognized but not connecting?09:44
RickyRayanyone happen to know which terastation is the best one to get?09:44
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Sub7LostProjectile: Have you entered your network key (i.e WEP key)09:45
mvfeinsteinSub7 they were installed by default... I have an ATI X850 XT and and that is what it says in xorg.conf and it is using the ATI driver09:45
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LostProjectilethere's no security enabled on the router09:45
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BackPackerred_: It's quite simple. You create a /etc/exports file listing the directories you want to make availabe. You do this on the server. Then on the client you issue mount commands09:45
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BackPackerred_: you need to have certain packages installed, though09:45
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LostProjectilei tried enabling WEP and putting in the network key, but that didn't help09:45
red_BackParker: packages are installed09:46
n2diyLostProjectile: are they all on the same channel?09:46
mnoir!wifi | LostProjectile - have you looked here:09:46
ubotuLostProjectile - have you looked here:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:46
Sub7How do i install gens emulator :S, the make, configure commands dont work09:46
LostProjectilei had them set to different channels09:46
red_i need help setting up the server and client.09:46
BackPackerred_: then you create an /etc/exports file on the server with lines like this: /data,async,insecure,rw)09:46
riotkittieSub7, >> elaborate on "don't work"09:47
n2diyLostProjectile: they have to be on the same channel.09:47
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riotkittiedonw work as in ... "make: command not found" ??09:47
BackPackerred_: This line makes my /data directory available to all machines on the LAN with address like, etc09:47
mnoir!nfs | red_09:47
ubotured_: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:47
=== Zamolf [n=dani@host13-27-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackerred_: Decide which directories to export and add lines to /etc/exports for each directory, just like that one09:47
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Fubarovicwhat does ubuntu use for auto mounting cdroms/floppies/ ...?09:48
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riotkittiefloppies. heh heh.09:48
Sub7riotkittie: says In all cases, make sure that you use GNU Make.09:48
n2diy! automount09:48
mvfeinsteinIs there anything other then xorg.conf that I need to edit to change my resolution?09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
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BackPackermnoir: that's the long-winded way of doing it. :-)09:49
h3xismvfeinstein, no09:49
Sub7then type configure, make then make install09:49
hey560Can anyone tell me where I can find which driver i should use for my HP Laserjet III printer?09:49
xmODdoes anyone know where i can download world of warcraft from?09:49
riotkittieand when you type those commands, is it telling you they dont exist?09:49
=== lovloss [n=lovloss@c-69-138-58-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mvfeinsteinIf I change xorg.conf and the changes don't take effect how can I figure out why?09:49
h3xisxmOD, worldofwarcraft.com has a client available for download09:49
Fubarovicit can't be dojwnloaded xmOD09:49
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h3xisyes it can09:49
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nikasiim trying to connect to my vnc4server through UltraVNC viewer 1.02 but after ive typed the password i get disconnected.. does anyone know how to fix it?09:49
rapidmvfeinstein, restart X.09:50
xmODh3xis: i jus wanna play the game for free09:50
mvfeinsteinrapid I restarted the computer09:50
xmODhow do i do it?09:50
n2diyhey560: system/admin/printing?09:50
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rapidxmOD, you don't.09:50
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riotkittieSub7,  >>  type the following into a term   sudo apt-get install build-essential09:50
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pr0gress0rif you install an app from source ( not apt-get ) is there a way to clean the app up easily if you no longer have the source to make uninstall?09:50
Klownerquick question, could anyone tell me how to acquire the UUID of a parititon?09:50
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h3xisxmOD, go to worldofwarcraft.com and check out their free trial they have going on. they give you 10 days to play and a fully functional client for download at no cost09:50
riotkittieit will install the files that are, well, essential for building :P  including make09:50
blankyI'm open to questions!09:50
xmODh2xis: ok will check it out09:50
Sub7build-essential is already the newest version.09:51
mooeypr0gress0r, you can use checkinstall to make a deb of your make; make install process and then uninstall the deb09:51
pr0gress0rmooey: thanks!09:51
riotkittieSub7,  i'm clueless then09:51
adubcan anyone help with a mfc-420cn brother printer installation09:51
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blankySub7: what's the problem?09:51
adubi have downloaded the driver and installed but im getting no printing action09:51
Sub7cannot install my genesis emulator09:51
lovlossare there any repos other than universe/multiverse etc that have lots of stuff? :3 I want to browse for even more with adept09:51
blankyadub: did you try the typical printers section?09:51
blankySub7: what happens, be specific09:51
blankylovloss: definitely09:52
adubblanky where is the typical printer section09:52
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blankylovloss: um...09:52
n2diylovloss: debian.org09:52
blanky!repos | lovloss09:52
ubotulovloss: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:52
blankyadub: hold on a second09:52
Sub7err, i dont know what to do basically :S, the readme says type "configure" "make" "make install"09:52
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blankyadub: System > Administration > Printing09:52
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blankySub7: and what happened, what makes you think it didn't work?09:52
lovlosshoorah. i have fun looking for new downloads09:52
lnmis there a way how I can see if an application is missing dependencies?09:52
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blankySub7: type "./configure", "make", then "sudo make install"09:53
adubblanky yes i have09:53
CzarAlexRunning Beryl causes my CPU to run at ~20% constantly. is that bad for it? Gonna harm anything by always running like that? Without Beryl it runs around ~3%09:53
=== Gartral [n=gareth@adsl-75-33-86-193.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankyadub: honestly I'm sorry but I don't know09:53
adubthat is too easy my printer is not listed i downlaod the driver and install its not printing09:53
blankyadub: you sure you installed?09:53
adubERROR : Brother LPD filter is not installed.  <---- i do get that error on install09:53
MalagmyrHow can I easily get a Xen compatible kernel on my dual-core machine?09:54
xmODjus finished installin mac on my linux box.. is'nt there any way to run mac on a box normally like linux or win and not *emulate* it? cause i do a lotta work on mac and at the moment my macboox has gone for repairs09:54
Gartralhow do i get an archive manager that handles ".rar> type files?09:54
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xmOD!rar | Gartral09:54
n2diyadub: did you try to add your printer from sys/admin/printers?09:54
ubotuGartral: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:54
Sub7blanky bash: ./configure: Permission denied09:54
Pensacolamy monitor doesn't go off anymore, it just makes the screen all black09:54
vinnybinnyhow do I create a ext3 partition on my newly installed drive?09:55
blankySub7: try sudo ./configure09:55
adubyes i did09:55
BackPackervinnybinny: Try gparted09:55
vinnybinnynot an option09:55
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Sub7blanky: sudo: ./configure: command not found09:55
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vinnybinnyremote access via ssh09:55
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adubMFC-420CN is my printer type its not listed i tried adding various printers from list just incase same driver was used not happening09:55
BackPackervinnybinny: then you can use fdisk09:55
blankytry sudo sh configure09:55
RyanGWU82Quick question: is there a command that lets me open any document from a Terminal window, similar to the Windows "start" command or the Mac "open" command?09:56
vinnybinnyBackPacker: i did09:56
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vinnybinnyi created a linux partition09:56
mooeyRyanGWU82, gnome-open09:56
Sub7: not found: 11:09:56
Sub7./configure: 19: Syntax error: "elif" unexpected (expecting "then")09:56
vinnybinnybut i can't mount it09:56
uniqueLikeYouvinnybinny: mkfs.ext309:56
BackPackervinnybinny: did you do mkfs?09:56
blankySub7: the package is probably faulty09:56
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vinnybinnynot yet09:56
blankySub7: try re-downloading it or something09:56
RyanGWU82mooey -- thanks, I knew I had seen that functionality *somewhere*! :)09:56
adubi get that error when installing as well09:56
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blankyadub: what error?09:57
n2diyRyanGWU82: shure, gedit filename09:57
BackPackervinnybinny: that formats it as ext3 - and as uniqueLikeYou says, the command is mkfs.ext309:57
blankyif you get errors then why did you say it installed09:57
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riotkittieRyan try gnome-open <document>09:57
adubblanky /etc/init.d/cups: Command not found.09:57
vinnybinnyPackPacker: thank you09:58
riotkittieoh i am slow09:58
blankyadub: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart09:58
RyanGWU82n2diy: gnome-open was what I was looking for; it uses the file type to open the in the correct associated program, like OpenOffice or Firefox.  Thanks though!09:58
Gartralty, next problem, how do i reset gnome? my desktop is all screwed up09:58
vinnybinnyand to add it to be automatically mounted would be editing mtab not fstab?09:58
BackPackervinnybinny: no, you add it to fstab. mtab is automatically generated by the system09:58
adub-bash: /etc/init.d/cups: No such file or directory09:58
n2diyRyanGWU82: ah, hadn't heard of that. :)09:58
superdumpi'm sure you guys get this question a lot but i'm using the 6.10 edgy 64-bit desktop livecd and i have an nvidia 7800GT. i can't boot into X properly, i get the nice beige/brown background and the splash image shows but is garbled and then it will go no further09:59
n2diy! gnome-open09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-open - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
BackPackervinnybinny: Just add a line like this: /dev/hdc1 / ext3 noatime 1 109:59
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superdumpi seem to recall being able to force the vesa driver somehow but i don't remember how to do it09:59
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vinnybinnyBackPacker: i want to add it as the backup drive for a cron job09:59
BackPackervinnybinny: Try mounting it first with 'mount -t ext3 /dev/hdc1 /mountpoint', changing hdc1 and mountpoint accordingly09:59
Gartralnow im getting this problem: Could not perform the operation10:00
GartralThis archive is password protected.10:00
GartralPlease specify a password with the command: Edit->Password10:00
superdumpis it possible to force the use of vesa in the boot options or do i have to switch to another shell before it boots too far and change the driver in xorg.conf?10:00
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Gartraland password isnt there10:00
adubblanky any clue?10:00
=== speyer hahahaha 31408 items, totalling 120.7 GB muzicaaaaa ;)
BackPackervinnybinny: ok. All you need to do is to add the line to /etc/fstab. You can then refer to the mountpoint in your cron job rather than referring to the device itself10:00
n2diy! enter | Gartral10:00
ubotuGartral: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:00
jerryb_help -- problem with update manager,  I get the message: ImportError: No module named UpdateManager.UpdateManager10:00
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jerryb_running edgy10:01
archieif i format free partition to ext3 wud it be full accesible for me ?10:01
Gartrali didnt try too, the system broke it up10:01
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archienow i have ntfs it locked10:01
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SmashCatHello, anyone know why spamassassin and clamav have been removed from Edgy?10:01
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SmashCat(and sendmail for that matter!)10:01
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Sub7I now have dgen (genesis emulator) but when loading a rom i get sdl: Couldn't open audio: No available audio device!10:02
Sub7Segmentation fault (core dumped)10:02
Sub7reinstalled 5 times10:02
uniqueLikeYouarchie: ext3 has rw support.10:02
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archiereally but it wud be another partition not main system10:03
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archiehope u understand me10:03
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chainswhen is feisty fawn due out?10:03
BackPackerarchie: once it's formatted as ext3 you can mount it on the 'main system'. Open a console and enter 'man mount' and 'man fstab' for more details10:04
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BackPackerarchie: basically, you create a directory to use as a mountpoint, then add an entry in /etc/fstab so that it's mounted automatically10:04
archieok thanx it is very important i cud freely manipulate files on it not like in ntfs10:05
jerryb_help -- problem with update manager on edgy,  I get the message: ImportError: No module named UpdateManager.UpdateManager10:05
uniqueLikeYouarchie: I think so. you have to mount it somewhere. Looks like someone else is helping. good lick10:05
=== BackPacker thinks a lot of people must have got new drives for Christmas...
JowiSub7, maybe dgen has got an option to set the correct audio device or to turn off the sound. try "dgen --help" in a terminal10:05
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archiebtw am i must to be root for file manipulation ?10:06
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Jowiarchie, you decide that when you mount the partition/disk10:07
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imbecileok guys i installed a few things in the advanced section of synaptic and i dont see them, where would they have gone?10:07
Jowiarchie, (or your file permissions)10:08
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BackPackerarchie: not if you edit /etc/fstab and add a line to mount the partition automatically. Then it will be available for all regular users10:08
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archietnx tnx tnx! nice channel very useful for noobs like me :)10:08
n2diyimbecile: you used synaptic to install them?10:09
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superdumpi just booted using the safe graphics mode and i noted the "xforcevesa" parameter in the boot options but it also garbles stuff in a slightly different way when that is enabled. i managed to switch to another shell (ctrl+alt+f1) and edit xorg.conf in the safe graphics mode boot and the driver was set to nv, surely safe graphics mode should use vesa...?10:10
imbecilen2diy,  yes in the advanced section10:10
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imbecilen2diy,  i only see one of about 20-30 things10:10
n2diyimbecile: I'm not familiar with the advance section, but did you do something to over ride the defaults?10:11
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imbecilen2diy,  i dont believe so i just clicked on the advanced tab10:11
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nikasianyone know why i get Jan  6 22:11:37 nikasi xinetd[3792] : warning: can't get client address: Transport endpoint is not connected ? my vnc4server doesnt work, and thats what my syslog says about xinetd10:12
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jerryb_help -- problem with update manager on edgy,  I get the message: ImportError: No module named UpdateManager.UpdateManager10:13
n2diyimbecile: I just checked, I don't even have an advance setting here on 6.06.10:13
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imbecilen2diy,  i do and im running dapper as well.. its a tab on the bottom10:14
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lovlosswhat would you guys suggest for web page development10:14
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maltwhats a example command of creating a account on ubuntu linux with limited access? where its just FTP with proftpd, where regular users can't delete the files?10:14
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mikedotyI can reinstall ubuntu real easy, right?  And my existing files will be safe, I'd just be overwriting the OS itself?10:15
imbecilen2diy,  right next to the "help" tab10:15
francaliermikedoty: not unless you have a separate /home partition10:15
lovlossmikedoty is it on its own partition?10:15
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imbecilen2diy,  thats strange10:15
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mikedotyI think it is its own partition but I'm not positive10:15
mikedotyI know I made 3 partitions10:15
mikedotyOne for swap, one for something, and one for something.  Perhaps one for the root and one for /home10:16
lovlossif it is, its safe, but you need to know10:16
mikedotyHow can I confirm?10:16
francaliertype mount in a terminal10:16
lovlosssounds like one is /home.10:16
francaliermount | grep /home10:16
n2diyimbecile: still don't see it, what version of synaptic are you running, I'm using
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mikedotyWhat will I wanna see with mount | grep /home to confirm it's its own partition?10:16
mikedoty(I'm unable to use ubuntu right now, can't get past login screen)10:17
mikedotyOkay :P10:17
=== _Uthalin_ [n=jvdimas@pool-70-21-152-31.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kwtmWith Kubuntu, where is the "trash" directory located in the file structure?  It's not ~/Trash or ~/.Trash, and when I open the actual Trash file manager, it's just listed under "trash://".10:17
francaliermikedoty: if there's no mount there you'll get no output10:17
francalierif it says something like /dev/sda3 on /home bla bla bla then you're good to go10:17
imbecilen2diy,  how do i figure that out?10:17
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francalierjust remember to tell the installer that you want to use that existing partition for your /home10:18
kwtmmikedoty: you want to see "/home" listed on a line by itself.10:18
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n2diyimbecile: from the drop down menu help/about.10:18
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imbecilen2diy,  it says im running 0.57.8. as well10:19
n2diyimbecile: WTF?10:19
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biberaohelp with partitions please10:19
kamanwho has here jabbin?10:19
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imbecilen2diy,  want me to send ya a screenshot?10:20
biberaoi have 3 partitions10:20
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n2diyimbecile: nah, if I don't have it, I don't have it.10:20
imbecilen2diy,  thats wierd10:20
kwtmbiberao: Sounds like partition day today --you're not the first with questions about partitions...10:20
n2diyimbecile: Very.10:21
mikedotyOk, thanks for the advice y'all.  Gonna try to reinstall now :)10:21
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kamanwho has here jabbin?10:21
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biberao#1 primary 20gb f ext 3 #6 / logic  19.6gb f ext3 /media/dados and #5 logic 370mb f swap swap10:21
SphynxHowdy folks.  I'm looking for some general suggestions here as I'm perhaps just missing something obvious here.  My problem is that during shutdown, 50% of the time I'm having a hard lockup.  When I shutdown, it appears that X locks up.  I'm finding nothing in the logs.10:21
biberaois this correct and i made them all acive10:21
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crateltrouble configuring synergy. Everything says it is connected but the remote machine screen is staying inactive and the mouse/keyboard are behaving as if only one computer hooked up still.10:22
JowiSphynx, try to disable acpi in grub10:22
imbecilen2diy,  perhaps you are already in the advanced section.. i noticed the <help> <about> was only available in advanced10:22
SphynxTo detail the setup, I'm running Edgy on an x86_64 install.  I have Beryl running as well.10:22
Otacon22Hi all, I have a tv video card, I see beautiful the tv, but I don't listen the audio, I think that the driver work but a setting in the audio preferencies of ubuntu is wrong, someone know what can I do?10:22
SphynxJowi - ACPI a known issue?10:23
n2diyimbecile: that could be?10:23
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francalierOtacon22: can you listen to other things?10:23
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JowiSphynx, no. but most lockups I've encountered during shutdown had to do with it. It's a hunch.10:23
Otacon22? other things?10:23
Otacon22wich others?10:23
francalierI mean, do you have any sound at all10:23
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Otacon22no, I don't listen anything of the tv, but all of sound of ubuntu10:24
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SphynxJowi - Thanks, I'll try that out.  It's a bit frustrating that the logs haven't been more verbose up to this point.10:24
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archieis there any hdd manager in ubuntu with normal gui ?10:24
francalierOtacon22: what is your input set to?10:24
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Sphynxarchie - like KDiskFree?10:24
Otacon22francalier, I don't know, how can i set it?10:25
francaliergo to a terminal and run alsamixer10:25
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archiekdisk .. what if i use gnome ?10:25
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francalierThere might be something like "Input Source"10:25
CraZy675I'm looking to buy a new printer.  Anyone know of some with linux support?10:25
JowiSphynx, yeah. and turning off acpi is safe to try10:25
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imbecilen2diy,  does your synaptic look like this? http://fapomatic.com/show.php?loc=0653&f=screenshot.png10:26
Sphynxarchie - I am using gnome - I often run KDE apps.  I'm not sure what Gnome app would work for it.10:26
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BackPackerCraZy675: HP printers have pretty good Linux support, but the cartridges can be a little more expensive10:26
Otacon22francalier, I don't find anything of the tv card10:26
archieyes i know, i use kde apps too.nevermind ill install kdisk tnx again10:26
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sanityxEasy way to figure out what printer to buy is just look at a list of all the printers with built in cups drivers10:27
CraZy675BackPacker: Thanks10:27
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Otacon22francalier, I am not so expert about audio in linux, drive me in10:27
BackPackerCraZy675: I've heard that Canon printers should be avoided10:28
theflyingfooli am thinking about converting my last computer to ubuntu but i dont know if there are programs similar to what i use on windows, does anyone know if there is a program like dBpowerAMP music converter10:28
n2diyimbecile: no, not at all, must be some setting in prefrences or something?10:28
francalierOtacon22: I'm not sure10:28
francaliertry alsamixer -c 110:28
SphynxCanon printers SHOULD be avoided under linux, unless you wish to run the TurboPrint drivers, which cost you around $4010:28
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imbecilen2diy,  is it more black and white?10:28
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Sphynxtheflyingfool, I'm not sure what all that app does, but there are a plethora of audio apps for Linux.10:29
n2diyimbecile: yep, and no icons, just text.10:29
theflyingfoolit allows me to convert mp3s to basicaly any format i want10:29
imbecilen2diy, yeah thats the advanced section10:29
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Sphynxtheflyingfool, then yes..  there are conversion apps.  There's also a free conversion tool that is web based for that..  gimme a sec and I'll dig it up.10:30
user01how can i figure out what kind of wireless card is on my laptop?  i went the manufacturer site and all it says is intel 802.11b Wireless(MPCI)10:30
JowiCraZy675, http://www.freestandards.org/en/OpenPrinting/Database/SuggestedPrinters10:30
n2diyimbecile: ok, anyway, synaptic is good at putting things where the belong, so why you can't find your stuff is a mystery. Do they run from the command line?10:30
BackPackeruser01: Try running 'lspci' in a console10:31
CraZy675Jowi: Perfect thanks10:31
mon^rchwhats different about feisty??10:31
imbecilen2diy,  no its games and kismet and airsnort10:31
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Sphynxtheflyingfool, http://media-convert.com/convert/index.php allows conversion from something to about anything.10:31
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cbriani'm having trouble running my live CD10:32
n2diyimbecile: maybe sudo updatedb would help?10:32
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imbecilen2diy,  ill give it a try10:32
user01BackPacker: if it lists it there i dont meed to install ndiswrapper?10:32
cbrianit gets past the loading part, and then its just a blank screen - either black or white10:32
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Sphynxtheflyingfool, but, there are a plethora of apps for this purpose.10:32
trevdoes anyone here play vegastrike?10:32
BackPackeruser01: No idea if you need ndiswrapper or not. But if you look at the output of lspci, you should see a manufacturer's name and model no. And that would be a start10:33
cbriancan someone help me?10:33
cyber_brain_mfkgi want to know how to remove wrong module from startup?(there's no that module in /etc/modules)!first i need to remove wrong and to load correct and my tv card is working but i have to do that every time i start my ubuntu!help?10:33
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user01BackPacker:  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI10:34
DigitalNinjais there a log of "apt" on the system? I would like to know what got updated on the last "apt-get upgrade".10:34
imbecilen2diy,  i think there may be something bad going on my cpu usage stayed at 100% all night and this morning looking at gkrellm i noticed it said 2 users10:34
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frederificuser01: does it show up as a wireless network connection in System Menu/Administration/Networking?10:34
BackPackeruser01: I don't know that card, but you could try Googling for it on www.google.com/linux10:35
xtknightDigitalNinja: cat /var/log/dpkg.log   and look for all the packages that happened within about 10 minutes of each other, that will probably point you in the right direction10:35
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n2diyimbecile: hmmm, I don't know? I think 2 users is normal, I was just in top, and I had two users too.10:35
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timmaecbrian, whats your videocard?10:35
imbecilen2diy,  ok i was scared10:35
DigitalNinjaxtknight: Thanks. I was looking for something like apt.10:36
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BackPackeruser01: You could try the Networking dialog on the System menu to see if your card is listed there10:37
n2diyimbecile: well, I'm gonna find out right now.10:37
cbriantimmae: i know it's pretty old. i'm trying to find out what kind it is right now.10:37
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n2diyIs it normal to show 2 users on a system, that only has 1 user logged in? Who is the other user?10:38
DigitalNinjaShould a reboot be done after an "apt-get upgrade"?10:38
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list10:38
DigitalNinjaI'm doing this on a server.10:38
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frederificn2diy: each gnome-terminal you have open shows as another user, maybe that's it10:38
theflyingfoolhas anyone gotten the cs2 suit running under edgy10:38
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exsanyone know og a DNS I can use?.. I started using opendns, but that bugged me. Is there any public-free dns I can use?.. (which won't log the sites I visit) ?10:38
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cyber_brain_mfkgif i blacklist a module can i load it on startup useing /etc/modules ????10:39
SphynxDigitalNinja, No.  Unless the upgrade is to the system chain or kernel, there's never a need for reboot.10:39
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n2diyfrederific: yep, thats it, opened another terminal, and now I have 3 users, thk.10:39
timmaecbrian, i have a SLI system so i had to run my install in text mode :| no LIVE for me :(10:39
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frederificn2diy: no probs10:40
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DigitalNinjaSphynx: What about libraries etc... It doesn't look like I got any on the last upgrade10:40
imbecilen2diy,  looks like he's right10:40
BackPackerexs: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=public+DNS&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-810:40
SphynxDigitalNinja, No.  ldd generally takes care of the libraries.10:40
n2diyimbecile: yep, I have X open, and a terminal, so that makes two.10:40
cbriantimmae, what's an SLI system?10:40
timmaecbrian, 2 nvidia cards10:41
Sphynxcbrian - Serial Link Interface.  It's the ability to link 2 nvidia cards.10:41
Sphynxvia 16x PCIe slots.10:41
cbrianok, my video card is an "Intel(R) 82810E Graphics Controller"10:41
DigitalNinjaSphynx: I see. When I did my upgrade it said something about not upgrading the kernel. Should I be forcing it to update the kernel?10:42
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cyber_brain_mfkgthere's no my_blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/ should i create it?10:42
SphynxDigitalNinja, kernel upgrades are your choice.  If it's a production server, I'd take a look at the changelog and see what's with the new kernel.  What bugs have been fixed, and particularly, what security patches have been put in place.  Unless you just have to upgrade the kernel due to security or functionality, then there's no reason.10:43
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SphynxDigitalNinja, There will be a lot of folks upgrading soon due to the inclusion of KVM into the kernel.10:44
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DigitalNinjaSphynx: What's KVM? I guess I need join the kernel mailing list or read up on the kernel.10:45
frederificDigitalNinja: It looks like some sort of virtualization10:45
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SphynxDigitalNinja, virtualization at the kernel level.  Basically allows for guest OS installations to run as native processes under a linux install.10:46
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DigitalNinjaSphynx: Sounds cool.10:46
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DigitalNinjaI guess I'll have to do my homework when this comes out.10:46
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SphynxDigitalNinja, it's already out10:47
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Sub7how do i get i386 to work on amd64?10:47
speyerwhy burning dvd`s in ubuntu takes 3 times longer then in windows ?10:47
SphynxDigitalNinja, It's in the latest kernel release.  I'm not sure if it's in the Ubuntu maintained kernels.10:47
DigitalNinjaSphynx: I'm just way out of tuch.10:47
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imbecilen2diy, nothing is installing for me in the advanced section, maybe im missing out on a step that you have to do in advanced  I select the file for installation click "apply" and wait for it to install and wait for it to finish.. anything else im not doing?10:47
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sayidji have a folder full of 7zip compressed files, how do i batch extract them? i can't find out anywhere.10:48
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DigitalNinjaI guess I've got some reading to do.10:48
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n2diyimbecile: click on the package you want to install, mark it for installation, and then click on the apply button.10:48
Sphynxspeyer, there's a few possibilities.  You haven't tuned dma perhaps via hdparm, or perhaps you're needing your burning perms to run as root.10:48
thecrowmadre de dios bendito....la de pea que hay aqui metia10:49
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speyerSphynx i think that i i did tuned dma with a guy few hours later and still slow10:50
speyerSphynx btw im on dapper ...10:50
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:50
erUSUL!es | thecrow10:50
ubotuthecrow: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:50
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imbecilen2diy,  dang something must be wrong.. i redid my sources.list last night maybe thats it.. have time to look at my pastebin of sources.list?10:51
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Sphynxspeyer, Ubuntu releases mean nothing to me.  I'm new to the distro.  Linux is linux.  If I were you, I'd try running the cdrao / etc as root.  I guess one way you could try it would be to open K3B or whatever burner you use via the terminal as a sudo session.10:52
n2diysure, but first, are you marking the files for intallation, before hitting the apply button?10:52
|Sora|what is the ubuntu equivelent command for "su -p" ?10:52
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imbecilen2diy,  yeah i am10:52
speyerit is possible to edit fstab so that when i boot my machine i can choose which system i want to run ubuntu or windows even if they are on diff hdd ?10:52
nikasiello i just installed freenx and im getting Authentication failed while trying to login, anyone know why? :p10:52
n2diyimbecile: ok, lets take a look at your sources.10:52
arrenlexspeyer: That's not your fstab, that's your grub conf (/boot/grub/menu.lst). And yes.10:52
erUSULspeyer: no fstab you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:52
mnoirspeyer: no - you do that in grub10:53
speyerSphynx ok thanks10:53
Sphynxspeyer - sec10:53
imbecilen2diy,  I see the files in etc!!!! wth?10:53
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speyerarrenlex erUSUL mnoir thank you10:53
arrenlexspeyer: ...pardon? o_O10:53
Sphynxspeyer - here..  try this...10:53
Sphynxspeyer - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128721&highlight=burning+is+slow10:53
n2diyimbecile: ok, so you did get them, I was thinking synaptic should give you an error if it couldn't find the sources. WTF?10:54
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speyerarrenlex erUSUL mnoir now works fine the grub.conf its ok but im going to move the linux system on a different hdd will the windows section from grub.conf still be useful as it is now ?10:54
nikasihm where can i see my SSH DSA key?10:54
Ben^I am trying to install Ubuntu Edgy on my laptop but am getting a problem where X always starts with a skewed screen.10:54
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n2diyimbecile: what happens when you try to run kismet from a terminal?10:54
Ben^I have an ATI Mobility X1600, which I have heard has this problem, and I need to install drivers to fix it10:54
Sphynxspeyer - you'll need to change your grub as well as your fstab10:55
mnoirspeyer: the answer depends on how you move stuff10:55
Ben^but question is, how can I install ununtu without seeing the screen ?10:55
imbecilen2diy,  but why arent they on my menu? i can see asterisk and amphetamine  in my /etc/10:55
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Ben^is there a console mode installer ?10:55
arrenlexspeyer: You can't just move it, because Grub won't be able to find itself and you won't be able to boot anything. You would have to boot from the liveCD and reinstall grub on the new HD.10:55
imbecilen2diy,  i cant find kismet..its only some of the things i installed10:55
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speyermnoir Sphynx i only gonna install ubunto on a diff hdd the windows partition stays as it is now10:55
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arrenlex!alternate | Ben^10:55
ubotuBen^: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.10:55
n2diyimbecile: not all apps get a place in the menu system.10:56
mnoirspeyer: during the install it should find yer win install then10:56
n2diyimbecile: can you get any of them to run from the terminal?10:56
speyerarrenlex Sphynx mnoir i will not gonna use the whole grub.conf .. only the windows settings from grub.conf which are staying on the same location will it work ?10:56
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=== charmingtechniqu [n=asher@user-12ld21i.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lc_945x3i screwed up my grub installation by installing windows boot over it10:57
Lc_945x3can i use the live cd to easily reinstall grub?10:57
speyermnoir well i will disconect all other hdds from machine ...to make sure im not deleting something :)10:57
mnoirduring your new install all instsalled osses SHOULD be found10:57
arrenlexspeyer: When you boot your computer, Grub reads its config from where it was installed (ubuntu drive). If you move this drive, Grub will not be able to find its config on boot, and will fail. You will have to repair it.10:57
mnoirspeyer: then it will not find them10:57
Sphynxspeyer - right.  What you'd do is make the partitions on the other hard drive.  Boot up with the liveCD.  Move the files from one hdd to the other.  Edit the fstab.  CHRoot into the files that you moved to the other hard drive, then reinstall grub.  Point your BIOS to that disk as your boot device.10:57
n2diyLc_945x3: yes.10:57
Ben^ubuto thanks, I am currently downloading the alternate ISO, but it will take a while. Would like to get the regular livecd working though. Have tried safe graphics mode, as well as a could of different resolutions, and also the vga=771 option too10:57
=== sintext [n=sintext@63-228-199-251.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ben^none work10:57
n2diy! grub recovery10:57
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB10:57
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Lc_945x3thanks n2diy10:57
arrenlex!grub | n2diy10:58
ubotun2diy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:58
=== kryssar [n=kryssar@c-78c6e355.038-1-65736b2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
speyerSphynx doenst sound that easy :)10:58
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Sphynxspeyer - it really is :)10:58
arrenlexspeyer: Really all you'd have to do is follow the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:58
n2diyarrenlex: I need the info on how to recover/replace grub after winders killed it.10:58
arrenlexn2diy: Second link.10:58
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arrenlexn2diy: First link. xD10:59
=== jughead [n=jughead@cpe-24-33-23-8.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sphynxspeyer - the other option is to install on the other hard drive, install grub, make your bios point to that hard drive as 1st boot drive.10:59
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arrenlexn2diy: How about: you count, I read. Together we'll manage.10:59
=== Bill573 [n=Bill@c-68-61-19-73.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BozeHello, I have gnome-pilot installed, but cant find the launcher or can't cli it. Can anyone help?10:59
n2diyarrenlex: ah, I see, thanks.10:59
n2diyarrenlex: :)10:59
=== FaithX [n=FaithX@ns.linuxterminal.com] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexBoze: dpkg -L gnome-pilot will list all the files in it. Look for something in /usr/bin10:59
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imbecilen2diy,  "imbecile@HappyLappy:/etc/3ddesktop$ ls    3ddesktop.conf" is all i see in the 3d desktop section11:00
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Bozethanks Arrenlex11:00
=== mr_lampe [n=mr_lampe@dslb-084-056-145-061.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyber_brain_mfkghow to setup that tvtime use linein as sound source?11:01
n2diyimbecile: you lost me.11:01
speyerarrenlex erUSUL mnoir i was just going to put this " http://pastebin.com/853036 " into the new fresh installed grub.conf on the brand new ubuntu os which will be on a diff hdd then windows xp .will i still be able to boot windows ? ( windows wont move )11:01
arrenlexn2diy: s/he ran "ls". This command only showed 3ddesktop.conf.11:01
speyerSphynx also for you11:02
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speyerSphynx i was just going to put this " http://pastebin.com/853036 " into the new fresh installed grub.conf on the brand new ubuntu os which will be on a diff hdd then windows xp .will i still be able to boot windows ? ( windows wont move )11:02
arrenlexspeyer: Oh, if you're installing ubuntu again, you'll be fine. I thought you were just moving the drive. The install will handle everything.11:02
n2diyarrenlex: ok, I never played with 3d Desktop, so I don't know what he should be seeing?11:02
=== mumbl__ [n=mks@e181075212.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
speyerarrenlex yeah a fresh ubuntu install11:02
=== javaprog [n=peter@213083184118.sonofon.dk] has joined #ubuntu
speyerarrenlex but on a diff hdd as it is now11:03
=== mnoir doesnt respond to questions that are addressed to 4 ppl
n2diywhy not?11:03
speyermnoir sorry11:03
Sphynxspeyer - Grub is installed on your MBR.  It's going to be looking for your menu.lst or grub.conf..  which is installed in your linux partition.  If you move it, Grub will freak, which is why you must reinstall Grub after you move your linux partition.11:03
arrenlexmnoir: If you ask the question to four more people, the girl you like will kiss you! :)11:03
cypruserWhat are the differences between GNOME and KDE?11:03
cyzieduring synaptic reload, i got this error: "http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/edgy/main-edgy/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [IP: 80" and this W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA" what does it means and how can i solve it ?11:03
=== _Er1K_ [i=Agent69@wash-dc.fbi.chatmonitor.org] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy,  I have stuff that should be in there like "3ddesktop" for example11:04
Sphynxspeyer - if you're reinstalling, just remember to change the boot device order.11:04
mnoirn2diy: in a world where there at least 2 correct answers to every question, it only confuses beginners11:04
=== phreak_ [n=robban@81-231-72-107-no23.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
francaliercyzie: GNOME is for feet and KDE is for dragons.11:04
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arrenlexspeyer: If you're installing ubuntu, it will detect and install everything just fine.11:04
mnoirarrenlex: you offerin? :)11:04
speyerSphynx and which will be first ? ubuntu right ?11:04
Sphynxspeyer - actually, just remember to install GRUB on the primary boot hdd11:04
n2diymnoir: 10-4 on that!11:04
imbecilen2diy, in the 3ddesk folder it only had a .conf file11:04
cyziehehehe francalier  ?11:04
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speyerSphynx ok11:04
|Sora|is there a glass theme in ubuntu?11:04
=== mnoir is unclear on that :)
h3xis|Sora|, no but check gnome-look.org for one11:05
n2diyimbecile: what happens if you run locate on it?11:05
speyerSphynx but the think is that during install all other hdd where windows is will be disconnected ....11:05
speyerSphynx will that still be ok ?11:05
|Sora|ok h3xis11:05
Sphynxspeyer - leave them connected.11:05
arrenlexspeyer: No, that will not be okay. It won't detect it and you will have to add it to grub manually. I highly recommend you leave it in.11:05
=== SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-241-96-171.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sphynxspeyer - if you..  yeah, what arrenlex said.11:06
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speyerarrenlex Sphynx ok hope i wont gonna install ubuntu on the wrong hdd over my stuff :))11:06
speyerarrenlex Sphynx thanks a lot11:06
arrenlexspeyer: Make a backup.11:07
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speyerarrenlex of 500 gb ?11:07
imbecilecan someone tell me if pastebin is working for them?11:07
Sphynxspeyer - no prob - and you shouldn't.  Make a backup..  but, the installer should identify those partitions as NTFS.11:07
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arrenlexspeyer: ...well, you can probably leave the pirated music and porn out of the backup. =P11:07
speyerarrenlex :))))11:07
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@207-118-44-183.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
speyerarrenlex a bit less porn yeah :D11:08
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imbecilen2diy,  im trying to pastebin it but it appers pastebin isnt working for me11:08
user01can i create multiple profiles for wireless card?  at home i want the home profile but when i visit my friend i want to select that profile if necessary11:08
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sethlyhewwoh is anybody heah?11:08
MalachiI have a problem setting my theme in Edgy.11:08
frederificuser01: are you on dapper or edgy?11:08
arrenlexsethly: Yes. There are currently 963 people here, in fact.11:09
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n2diyimbecile: ok, but it is showing you more than a couple of files right?11:09
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MalachiTheming the controls don't seem to work.11:09
user01frederific: edgy11:09
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Jowiuser01, yes. in "network-admin" you click on "location" at the top and select "create location"11:10
cyber_brain_mfkghow to setup that tvtime use line in as sound source?i cant her a sound and i have a cable pluged in tvcard and in line in!someone?11:10
imbecilen2diy,  yes i see files all over my filesystem11:10
frederificuser01: In System/Admin/Networking, you can save a set of settings (SSID etc) as a location (top of the window)11:10
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cyber_brain_mfkgor should i install other tv program?11:10
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Sphynxsethly - I'd simply re-ask the question were I you.  It generally is met with much more enthusiasm.11:10
n2diyimbecile: ok, so the stuff is there, I wonder if 3D is hiding in a desktop manager? GDM?11:10
Music_ShuffleAnd a possible...answer too11:10
=== kcinna [n=kcinna@modemcable223.5-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:11
imbecilen2diy,  how do i check?11:11
harushimohow do I get out of the command line to a gui interface11:11
Sphynxubotu - there are a lot of good Samba admin tools.11:12
Sphynxharushimo - startx?11:12
n2diyimbecile: I'm not sure, I stick with Gnome. I think you could ctrl+alt+backspace, and then look in options at the log in srceen, but that will kill everything you have running now.11:12
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user01frederific: oh cool11:12
user01frederific: thanks11:12
=== Siph0n [n=Siph0n@c-68-45-54-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy,  im only using gnome too i believe11:12
frederificuser01: you can alsoe have a look at networkmanager <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager>11:12
Sphynxubotu - try webmin.  It's pretty nifty for administering systems.11:13
frederificuser01: Its beta though, so watch out11:13
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Siph0nhey, where can i find the linux-dri-modules package? i need it for Beryl, and i cant seem to find it :( i have dapper if that makes a diff11:13
Sphynxubotu - simplifies the menial crap like setting up log rotations.11:13
n2diyimbecile: ok I no nothing about 3D, so I can't help you with that.11:13
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imbecilen2diy, what about kismet?11:14
user01frederific: im just not sure if it is ok to have both wirless and wired on at once11:14
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SphynxWell - never mind then..  I'm a dork and all of you must be getting a chuckle from it.  Talking to a bot :(  what has become of me?11:14
Tuckyh3xis, its tucker here, u their?11:14
h3xisTucky, yes11:14
n2diyimbecile: ok, lets play with that, at least I know what it does. What happens when you try and run it from a terminal?11:14
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blaub`hi@ i just installed xubuntu here :D11:15
frederificuser01: Sorry, don't know. If I was you, I'd set up one "Location" in system/admin/network for wired, and one for wireless11:15
Tuckyh3xis remember i was having problems with my wireless, well ive got my computer temp. connected to network via cable, could you try and help me get the wireless going?11:15
frederificblaub: Good for you! Welcome to the cult :)11:15
=== speyer brb
h3xisTucky, or try to atleast :P11:15
h3xisTucky, the ralink right?11:15
imbecilen2diy,  how do i run it from terminal? this is too strange11:16
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Tuckyye its ralink chip 6111:16
n2diyimbecile: umm, type kismet? :)11:16
blaub`thank you frederific it seams to be quit difficult to handle with that... but i hope i get it to work like i want ^11:16
h3xisTucky, k does dapper detect it?11:16
h3xisTucky, er dapper detects it but you cant connect, right11:17
Tuckynot using dapper11:17
Tuckyim on the most recent very now11:17
Tucky6.10 i think, edgy11:17
h3xisTucky, did you upgrade last night or today?11:17
Tuckyabout 2 hrs ago11:17
h3xisso it still freezes?11:17
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Tuckyno, it shows two wireless connections, wlan0 and wmaster0 but neither of them can see any networks11:18
h3xiswhat is wmaster011:18
imbecilen2diy,  i get an error saying its not configured yet11:18
Tuckyso i dnt think either of them are my wireless card, i need to put in the ralink driver but cant seem to do it, tried to do it for last 2 hrs11:18
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Tuckywmaster0 is a wireless connection in my network settings11:18
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imbecilen2diy,  i also noticed it said alot of the files were installed to desktop11:19
cyber_brain_mfkghow to setup that tvtime use line in as sound source?i cant her a sound and i have a cable pluged in tvcard and in line in!someone?11:19
n2diyimbecile: Good, at least it is being found. I never played with it, so I don't know how to configure it?11:19
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h3xisTucky, can you run sudo lspci -vv and copy/paste it to www.pastebin.ca and post the link here?11:19
n2diyimbecile: Ah, minimize everything, and see what is on your desktop.11:19
castoffcyber_brain_mfkg what tvcard?11:19
=== adub [n=adub@CPE-76-177-188-136.natsoe.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adubwhat is a wireless program that will allow me to select an access point to connect to from ubuntu11:20
h3xisadaptr, network-manager-gnome11:20
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bulmeradub iwlist11:20
adubis iwlist gui11:21
BergcubeI have an oldish laptop that just manages to run Gnome. I'd like to remove Ubuntu and replace it with Xubuntu, getting rid of the Gnome and heavy apps. The PROBLEM is that this laptop has no CD, no Floppy, and BIOS is too old to boot from anything USB. Can I use apt to reduce it to a generic CLI-only system and then upgrade that to Xubuntu???11:21
h3xisadub, no11:21
BackPackeradub: iwlist will list available APs, and iwconfig will allow you to configure the card to use one11:21
h3xisadub, network-manager-gnome lets you point and click and choose which SSID to connec tto11:21
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adubh3xis i went to network-manager-gnome and i selected my wireless card and it did not show aps11:22
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
adubi guess ill reload into linux and see what happens11:22
graulichI updated firefox and then updated some addons and now Firefox won't start.11:22
Tuckyh3xis, the link is http://pastebin.ca/30854111:22
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graulichI updated firefox and then updated some addons and now Firefox won't start. What can I do to salvage my firefox?11:22
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h3xisTucky, alright11:23
h3xisTucky, does it freeze like it did the last time?11:23
sedrahello how to configure the ati driver  on ubuntu 6.10?11:23
=== Christopholus [n=installe@cpe-76-184-195-196.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy,  you think i should just reformat?11:23
h3xis!ati | sedra11:23
ubotusedra: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:23
Christopholushello all11:23
Tuckyno it wont even see the ssid for the network now11:23
n2diyimbecile: what, your HD?11:23
Tuckyit does nothing at all!11:23
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SphynxBergcube, I'm sure there's a way via the alternate install disks.  I'm too new to Ubuntu to know their ways..  if there's no way to do it via Ubuntu, I'd recommend a Gentoo GRP install.11:23
imbecilen2diy,  yeah11:24
h3xisTucky, okay, hold on11:24
cyber_brain_mfkgcastoff, kworld!11:24
n2diyimbecile: why?11:24
Tuckyok :)11:24
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imbecilen2diy,  so i can get a more default setup and see where these files are going11:24
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BergcubeSphynx~  The machine has no optical drive.  I need to do it from the CLI and the current Ubuntu 6.10.  I managed to get Ubuntu into it but that was by way of setting up a PXE boot server just for this.......11:25
=== zeroGraph [n=mike@90-227-193-239-no77.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
graulichhow can I get firefox to work when it won't start after I updated some addons?11:25
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ChristopholusWOW... finallly got into this channel...11:25
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cyber_brain_mfkgcastoff, i've finaly found modules to load and now i have a picture but no sound and cannot use remote!11:25
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n2diyimbecile: well, if you want to start with a clean slate, that is a good way to do it.11:25
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iwksehi, there's a way to install gephex on ubuntu?11:26
phaedrus44graulich:  sudo apt-get remove firefox*11:26
nikasiello just installed freenx in xubuntu, everything is fine except i get a black screen when i log on ? shouldnt i be getting Xfce?11:26
SphynxBergcube - ahhh...  I see.  You could maybe use RSync or SystemImager to pull down an image once you're pxe booted.  Build the image elsewhere?11:26
i|DHow can I set socks5? I wanna connect with socks5 at 'ssh'11:26
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graulichphaedrus44: if I apt-get remove and then apt-get install it, will it save all my settings and addons?11:26
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imbecilen2diy,  how do i do backup of amule? thats the only thing im worried about it will set me back a few days if i have to delete that11:27
leviathansomebody can say me a site for install and config a ejabberd server?11:27
phaedrus44home/user/.firefox   and save the crap you want11:27
leviathansomebody can say me a site for install and config a ejabberd server?11:27
=== Southern [n=angeleye@QMStudsDynamic-251-189.qmul.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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BergcubeSphynx~  Sure.  If I had the PXE server still.  That was a one-time stunt to get it working at all.  And that is why this is a problem at all.  Had I been able to use a CD or had the PXE server it'd be straightforward.11:27
SphynxBergCube - we do something very similar using SystemImager.11:27
Tuckyh3xis ??11:27
i|DCan I?11:27
SphynxBergCube - gotcha...11:27
phaedrus44graulich:  may be .mozilla11:27
h3xisTucky, still looking. so far things look grim because im reading forum posts from people who have the rt2600 chipset and they have no problems.11:27
=== b1pum [n=pumukel@i59F70AC4.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyimbecile: not sure, what is amule?11:28
imbecilen2diy,  p2p app11:28
cyber_brain_mfkgcastoff, u have solution or not?just to know to look somewhere else!!!11:28
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Tuckyi found some forum posts saying how to put the driver in but it didnt work, unless if you wanna connect to my linux and try it?11:28
h3xisTucky, where's the post11:28
=== strega [n=strega@7-be2-7.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyhold on il find it again11:29
i|DWhere can I set, that I connect at 'ssh' via socks5?? Where can I??11:29
thecrowplease for spanish chat???11:29
i|DI wanna connect to an root with socks511:29
i|DHow can I?11:29
SphynxBergcube, just curious..  I'm gonna assume that the big thing about XUbuntu is that is uses Flux or something lighter to run the WM?  If that's the case, why not just uninstall gnome, and apt-get fluxbox?11:29
i|DI didnt found anything on ubuntu11:29
castoffcyber_brain_mfkg try this http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide looks like you play with the card number until sound works11:29
i|DIs there any terminal command?11:30
=== Krrett [n=saper@bzv202.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
frederific!es | thecrow11:30
ubotuthecrow: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:30
racarrSphynx: XFCE11:30
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["One]
iwksei get configure: WARNING: No QT support found.11:30
iwksewhile installing gephex. Anybody knows which packages are needed?11:30
n2diyimbecile: reformating is a windows fix, I think you should stay with what you have, as long as it is working for you.11:30
=== L_IVN_BRVTVS [n=ntufar@ppp212-99.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy,  well i cant get this stuff working11:30
i|DWie kann ich einstellen, dass, ich, das MIT auf socks5 einen Wurzel11:31
=== LinTux [n=adrian@i-83-67-143-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
sedramy problem is the refresh rate before install it is 85 Hz after installing it's 60 Hz an i there is not other choice ! how can i increase thr refresh rate11:31
i|DAs I can adjust that I with a socks5 on a root connecte.11:31
frederific!de | i|D11:31
ubotui|D: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:31
BergcubeSphynx~  Well, that IS indeed the last resort.  But I would like to get the system as "clean" as possible.  Get rid of extras that have been added on the way etc.  And I do not know apt well enough to be sure how to do that.....11:31
=== TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu
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n2diyimbecile: you haven't tried yet. Kismet wants to play, but it need to be configured, everybody has to do that.11:31
graulichhow can I do cp without it omitting a hidden folder?11:32
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SphynxBergcube, I see :)  I'm just feeling my way around Apt as well..  I come from ports, emerge, or *shudder* rpm systems.  I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance.11:32
erUSULgraulich: cp -a ?? man cp11:32
imbecilesedra,  no11:32
sedraimbecile =idiot!!11:33
BergcubeSphynx~  RPM?  Read about it and got scared.  Now that beast sounds ugly....11:33
=== madness [n=jfranji@83-131-89-197.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
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imbecile!fr | sedra11:33
ubotusedra: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:33
imbecilesedra, yes11:33
graulicherUSUL: thanks11:33
ChristopholusOk.... quick question... what do I use to install things correctly with ubuntu11:33
=== Nvening [n=nvening@i-83-67-102-130.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
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erUSULgraulich: no problem11:33
BackPackerChristopholus: quick answer: apt-get install packagename11:34
=== furseiseki [n=sasha@71-37-18-178.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileactually imbecil11:34
SphynxBergcube, it's nasty.. but there are reworks in the makes to resolve the dependency hell issues.  It's only too bad that the top two Enterprise (According to CTOs..) distros are RPM based..  RedHat and SuSE11:34
imbecileor something of the sort11:34
Christopholusare you talking about Synaptic11:34
n2diyChristopholus: click on system/admin/synaptic11:34
frederific<Christopholus: Easiest is the Add/Remove option in the Applications menu11:34
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:34
=== molotoff [n=molotoff@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyh3xis, the post is here that my friend told me to try, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132980&highlight=RaLink+RT61+Wireless+Solved11:34
Tuckylet me know what you think?11:34
h3xisTucky, k11:34
frederific<Christopholus: or more advanced is synaptic (System|Admin|Synaptic Package Manager)11:35
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ChristopholusI have done that but that but nothing works after I install what I need11:35
Christopholuswhat else am I doing wrong11:35
frederificChristopholus: what do you mean by nothing works11:36
SphynxChristopholus, explain "nothing works"11:36
=== sjoeboo [n=sjoeboo@dhcp-0-18-39-6c-ea-13.cpe.townisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
leviathansome webamil server for ubuntu?11:36
ChristopholusI have attempted play video ile11:36
Christopholusfrom firefox and it kills the page11:36
Sphynxleviathan, Squirrel Mail works across all linux distros.  Just need to have Postfix / Cyrus configured properly11:36
castoffChristopholus have you installed video plugins?11:37
h3xisTucky, you followed these instructions exactly with no errors and it still doesnt work?11:37
imbecilen2diy,  now i get "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/achilles/achilles_2-4.2ubuntu2_i386.deb  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)"11:37
graulichphaedrus44: I removed then installed firefox and the problem stays the same.11:37
SphynxChristopholus, Perhaps a flash bug?  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283364  A list of known bugs and their workarounds.11:37
Tuckyit wouldnt do all it says11:37
Tuckyit kept bringing up errors which wernt ment to happen11:37
=== Spyder_uk [n=Spyderuk@82-39-81-251.cable.ubr03.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Christopholuswell... I am not familiar with Linux... so11:38
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Christopholusso I am still not getting where things are to make work properly11:38
n2diyimbecile: I wouldn't worry about that, it is an old 2.4.2 repo.11:38
h3xisTucky, what kind of errors11:38
Tuckyh3xis any ideas?11:38
=== tuxedup [n=house@unaffiliated/tuxedup] has joined #ubuntu
Spyder_ukhi guys, does anyone have a problem when using beryl that programs start minimized and wont maximize, meaning you have to close and try again11:38
Tuckycant create folders or move files, so i tried doing those myself wen it said things like that11:39
Christopholuslike I am looking at the package manager now and I see multimeida (univeral and multiversial)11:39
Christopholuswhich do I sue11:39
=== s1 [n=magnus@c-62ed70d5.042-203-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
h3xistucky and you did it all as root?11:39
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tuxedupdoes ubuntu support 2dand 3d accel in the via xorg driver for the cle266 out of thoe box?  Or do I have to compile the driver manually with the openchrome source?11:39
SphynxFairwell all.  Jowi - thanks again for the tip.11:39
=== Alethes [n=alethes@206-248-145-109.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Christopholusit seems that I can downloand everything but not installed anything11:40
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s3bbyhello ubuntu community!11:40
Tuckycan u remotly connect and try it h3xis11:40
montero61This is suport of spanich11:40
h3xisTucky, if you have ssh installed and working yes11:40
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diy! es11:41
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:41
imbecilen2diy,  ok pastebin is back up here is my sources.list    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/695/   everything look ok?11:41
Tuckyi dont think i have but if you give me the link il get it and install it quickly11:41
=== Ninja [n=chatzill@adsl-68-123-73-239.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3xisTucky, sudo apt-get install ssh. if you have a router set up port forwarding11:41
NinjaPort forwarding!11:41
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Tuckyh3xis hold on11:41
s3bbyhow to remove "-- MARK --" from messages.   syslogd -m  can't find where its triggered?11:41
=== jc__ [n=rigoni@lns-bzn-32-82-254-38-213.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyimbecile: looks ok, as long as your running Dapper?11:42
Tuckyok i think it downloaded and installed it now11:42
castoffChristopholus go look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats11:42
=== gasbag [n=gasbag@66-189-91-190.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyhold on whilst i go into router settings11:43
imbecilen2diy,  yeah i am11:43
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=== hextor [n=asd@p549900ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== break_ [n=WinNT@ip72-196-223-253.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy, i keep on getting connection refused from repos11:44
Tuckyh3xis what did i need to put in the port forwarding?11:44
imbecilen2diy, i cant install anything now11:44
h3xisTucky, what kind of router11:44
Tuckysitecom mimo11:45
=== ran66 [n=ran66@aczn82.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
kane77i have a question that has nothing to do with ubuntu... can I ask?11:45
=== Daishi [n=daishi@ool-4570aea6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyimbecile: all of them?11:45
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hextorHello everyone - I am having a problem with the automount of one of my drives, even if it is on the fstab file. Mounting it manually works. Perhaps anyone could help? Thanks!11:45
h3xiskane77, try11:45
=== macogw [n=mack@c-71-61-32-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecilen2diy,  anything i try to install gets errors saying connection refused11:45
frederificTucky: Just something to note (and no offence meant to h3xis, I'm sure you're an honest guy that knows what you're talking about), be wary of allowing people you don't know to ssh in to your box, especially if you're giving them root access11:45
Daishihextor: put the line of it here11:45
=== tobias_ [n=tobias@dslb-084-056-085-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyoh ive click new, selected the type of ssh,and its asking for server, the optional info after, what do i put in??11:46
hextor/dev/hda6       /datashare     vfat    defaults,uid=XXX,gid=YYY,umask=000 0 011:46
=== xs4545x [n=xs4545x@dsl081-166-147.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77I want to buy a wifi router... and I need 1 input for wifi antena and 1 output for wifi (AP).. can normal ones do this??11:46
h3xisTucky, is it asking for app name, port (start and end), and IP?11:46
Tuckyok thanks frederific but their is nothing on this hard-drive except the install of linux11:46
Tuckyyes it is h3xis11:46
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hextora manual" mount /dev/hda6 /datashare " works but somehow it does not get mounted in the beginning. Any tips?11:47
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h3xisTucky, k for the app name type ssh, for port (start and end) make it 22, for IP make it your internal IP (do this by running ifconfig and lookig for your IP for your wired connection) and enable it11:47
darkhi people, am I the only with a problem with his right and left arrows on his laptop keyboard ? They don't work at all... Im using Edgy Eft11:47
frederificTucky: OK, just didn't want you to accidentally let some so ne'er-do-well in that could trash your main PC11:47
=== LinTux [n=adrian@i-83-67-143-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3xiskane77, why?11:48
jikanterdark: what laptop are you using?11:48
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kane77h3xis, I want to build a wifi network...11:48
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darkhp tc 440011:48
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h3xiskane77, alright, why do you need a router that has sep antennaes each for sending and receiving?11:49
=== Snide [n=snide@bas1-kingston08-1167888931.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
break_aren't all routers like that?11:49
Snidehey guys11:49
break_i know that all the linksys WRT's are11:49
h3xisno they arent11:49
Tuckyh3xis what it asks me for is, service type, and theirs a drop down with ssh in so i selected that, the it asks for server, then it says optional info and it asks for port, folder, user name, name to use for connection, what should i put in each one?11:49
=== m12 [n=matthew@adsl-147-187-21.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snidei have got a plm, i cant see a trash icon on my desktop .. how do i get it back?11:49
h3xisbreak_, the wrt54g has 2 for "maximum coverage"11:50
break_thats funny11:50
kane77h3xis, yea exactly11:50
h3xiswhat kane77 wants is MIMO11:50
m12how do I change permissions for using a specific program?11:50
=== odi3 [n=odi3@S0106001310e386eb.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileWRT are horrible for p2p apps11:50
h3xisnot really11:50
break_theres an option in its firmware to change what each ant. does what11:50
h3xisif you have good firmware theyre fine11:50
h3xisbreak_, yep11:50
=== vinnybinny [n=vinny@c-67-187-162-50.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3xisdd-wrt is teh secks11:50
frederifickane77: most routers (and other radio things, like radio mics) use 2 antennae in a diversity arrangement, wherby it uses the strongest signal out of the two of them11:50
i|DHow can I use socks via OpenSSH ?11:50
kane77h3xis, the situation is this: I have internet through wifi (antena on my roof and wifi card in my comp) I would like to buy a wifi router to cover my house so I put wifi into second computer and wire connect the other...11:50
break_i have a WRT54GS v5 right now :(11:50
break_it barely works11:51
vinnybinnyBackPacker: thanks for the help earlier11:51
SnideGuys, how do I bring back the Trash icon .. or recyle bin back to my desktop, OR how do I access the trash's folder by command or whatever?11:51
h3xisTucky, let me look it up11:51
BackPackervinnybinny: you're welcome11:51
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h3xiskane77, just set up multiple APs using WDS11:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
castoffi|D do you mean ssh through a socks server?11:52
kane77h3xis, are you able to change mac adress of the router??11:52
i|DYes castoff11:52
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castoffi|D look at dante11:52
i|DWhats this?11:52
h3xiskane77, yes, but why do make it sound complicated if all you want is a signal throughout your house? a simple 80211g will work fine11:52
=== LinTux [n=adrian@i-83-67-143-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
castoffi|D socksifies applications11:52
odi3Anyone have a minute to help me mount a network drive in ubuntu? ( i can get it to mount, but it only lasts for about 30 secs)11:52
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kane77h3xis, I'm not sure my ISP would approve of having router...11:53
LinTuxI have just downloaded Google Earth for Linux, it is a Binary file, how do I install this?11:53
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h3xiskane77, why not?11:53
i|Dok thx castoff ill try out11:53
metelliusis it so that I can not use ubuntu's hibernation if I don't include a swap partition?11:53
h3xiskane77, your ISP has no say so11:53
NveningHi, i have read the official ubuntu book which i guess covers the same as the Ubuntu desktop guide in the ubuntu.com documentation. However i would now like to expand my knowledge, particularly in the direction of fixing problems/ troubleshooting. Does anyone know of any good documentation i can read through??11:53
vinnybinnyBackPacker: this is my fstab settings for my new harddisk   /dev/hdb1 /backup ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 111:53
i|Did@uNkn0wn:~/.ssh$ dante11:53
i|Dbash: dante: command not found11:53
=== FaT32 [n=fatal@pool-70-21-50-116.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
castoffi|D once installed do a man socks.conf11:53
frederificLinTux: chmod a+x [name of google earth file] 11:53
AlecHey Nvening, use Google.11:53
=== sleepy475 [n=richard@ool-457abb67.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
TonrenHey guys, I'm at a public library that provides free wireless to its visitors.  I have a laptop with Ubuntu Edgy and Windows XP on it.  The wireless works flawlessly in Windows, but it doesn't work AT ALL in Linux.  It's run through a proxy, but it doesn't even lag in Windows.  Can anyone give me a hint about where I could start?11:54
frederificLinTux: then ./[Name of googleearth file] 11:54
castoffi|D install it ;-)11:54
kane77h3xis, ill try asking him..11:54
i|Dwhere can i find castoff?11:54
h3xisTucky, still looking11:54
i|Di did11:54
h3xiskane77, you dont need to ask11:54
i|Dits ready installed:))11:54
BackPackervinnybinny: Looks OK to me. You might want to add 'users' after 'defaults' if you want users to be able to mount/unmount it. Otherwise, it looks fine as it is11:54
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FaT32Hi there!11:54
castoffi|D the command is socksify but you have to configure11:54
JowiNvening, most of us probably got experience from using the system.11:54
i|Dwhere can i configure?11:54
=== dimak [n=diego@host219-5.pool8288.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
i|Dwhere is the config?11:54
kane77h3xis, I'll draw you a picture of what I want to achieve... (l'm good at drawing :D I work as graphic)11:54
castoffi|D once installed do a man socks.conf11:54
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i|Dwhich dir?11:55
h3xiskane77, this is good :)11:55
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
i|Did@uNkn0wn:~/.ssh$ man socks.conf11:55
i|DKein Manual-Eintrag fr socks.conf vorhanden11:55
vinnybinnyBackPacker: now how would i go about setting up a automatic backup of a couple directories every friday @ 7pm? via cron11:55
NveningYep jowi, that as well11:55
i|DNo entry for socks.conf11:55
castoffi|D it socks.conf is in /etc but on some you have to create it11:55
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=== Christopholus [n=installe@cpe-76-184-195-196.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JowiTonren, have you installed network-manager-gnome ?11:56
i|Dwhat must i input?11:56
BackPackervinnybinny: Depends on how you want to do the backup. I'd write a script to do the backup using rsync (or cpio, or just cp) and make a cron entry for it11:56
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i|Dor where can i get an exist config?11:56
i|Dfor example11:56
FaT32I have a problem. I used command prompt to change my xorg.conf due to problems... After that I finally got Gnome... So, how to continue my installation from that Live CD?11:56
=== Moon_Rabbits [n=kelly@bas4-hamilton14-1168061328.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
TonrenJowi: I've been using nm-applet and wifi-radar.11:56
vinnybinnyBackPacker: rsync would be great11:56
TonrenJowi: I tried using network-manager-gnome about 6 months ago, and it was godawful - slow, crashy, buggy.  I removed it as soon as I figured out how.  Do you think it might work now?11:56
castoffi|D look in /usr/sshare/doc/11:57
JowiTonren, so it detects the networks alright but can not connect to them or what exactly is the problem?11:57
JowiTonren, nm-applet works flawless for me11:57
castoffi|D sorry my conf file is at work so can't give specifics11:57
h3xisTucky, what is the model11:57
TonrenJowi: It connects, it gets an IP.  When I try to navigate to a website, it brings up the library's "Click 'I Accept' For Wireless Access" page.11:57
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castoffi|D sorry in /usr/share/docs/11:57
i|Did@uNkn0wn:/usr/share/doc$ dir | grep socks11:57
i|Dlibfs6                           tsocks11:57
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BackPackervinnybinny: Hold on and I'll check my own scripts...11:57
Tuckyh3xis wl-15311:57
i|Dits tsocks?11:57
frederificTonren: what happens when you click I accept?11:58
vinnybinnyBackPacker: k :)11:58
TonrenJowi: I scroll down, hit "I Accept", and it loads the library's page.  For about 30 seconds, I can access websites and ping them.  After that, nothing works.  I can't ping, I can't load sites, I can't connect to XChat or Gaim or anything.11:58
castoffi|D not sure sorry i'm not at work11:58
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castoffi|D try man socks.conf11:59
Moon_RabbitsIs it possible for me to add a new folder type thing to the 'computer' place?11:59
JowiTonren, sounds more like a connection problem (or a driver one? not sure). do you have a proper signal to the network?11:59
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i|DThere is no entry to socks.conf11:59
h3xisTucky, http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Sitecom/WL-153/SSH.htm11:59
TonrenJowi: I'm on the network right now in Windows.  It's working flawlessly.11:59
i|DI tryed11:59
Moon_RabbitsI have Filesystem, but I would like to add another one for my other harddrive.11:59
Snideso nobody know how to access the trash folder?11:59
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TonrenJowi: When I connect using the command line - ifconfig, iwconfig and dhclient - I can see that it takes a long time to get an IP address, and when it does, a lot of duplicate packets get sent.11:59
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BackPackervinnybinny: Do you want to back up to another machine or to the same machine?11:59
castoffi|D hang on i'll install it11:59
Tuckyh3xis ok il have a look at it, gimmy 2 mins11:59
Moon_RabbitsSnide: the trash folder is in the lower right corner of the screen11:59
odi3trash folder is bottom right corner of window isnt it?11:59
maddashsnide: huh?11:59
purplemunkzhi everyone ...11:59
i|Did@uNkn0wn:/usr/share/doc/dante-client/examples$ dir12:00
FaT32Anyone??? I'm new to nix* I have a problem. I used command prompt to change my xorg.conf due to problems... After that I finally got Gnome... So, how to continue my installation from that Live CD?12:00
Snide.. omg .. i didnt notice it12:00
maddashsnide: cd ~/.Trash-(user name)?12:00
Snidelol omg thanks guys12:00
Snideim embarassed12:00
castoffi|D there you go12:00
vinnybinnysame machine. just to the /backup directory (secondary hd)12:00
mag_hello.. I can't see the computers on my network, I'm working with samba server, but I got some problems can you help me ?12:00
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Tonrenaoirthoir: Sup dude.12:00
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zOapwhere do i put my ~bin ?12:00
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Moon_RabbitsCould some one help me with partitioning my drives and etc.?12:00
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aoirthoirTonren howdy12:00

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