
Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: ping12:19
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Admiral_Chicagoanyone around to work on UWN 27?02:40
Admiral_Chicagomaybe somerville32 but he is afk.02:40
somerville32Admiral_Chicago, pong02:45
Admiral_Chicagoneed help with UWN02:47
Admiral_Chicagoalso, Chicago LoCo is having a meeting in a week, can we put that in UWN02:47
Admiral_Chicagoerr, that should read, "need help with UWN?"02:51
somerville32We do :] 02:55
somerville32and feel free to put that LoCo Team news in :] 02:56
Admiral_Chicagogood, should I just edit the wiki or shoudl we fire up gobby?02:56
somerville32You can edit the wiki02:56
somerville32I just got home from work02:56
somerville32I need to get into more casual clothes and stuff02:56
Admiral_Chicagoah okay, I'll let you recharge the batteries02:56
Admiral_Chicagookay, I added the information, I can't get the headers to show right for no reason.03:08
Admiral_Chicagowell I don't understand this, my header isn't accepted, but the one for Munich is03:20
Admiral_Chicagomaybe you can look at it Cody03:20
somerville32Make sure there are spaces03:30
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tonyyarussosomerville32: ping03:39
somerville32tonyyarusso, pong-a-dee-pong03:39
tonyyarussosomerville32: My server box is clearly ailing and getting progressively worse.  You'll have to find somewhere else for gobby.03:40
somerville32Please update wiki accordingly03:40
tonyyarussosomerville32: I don't think there's anything on it atm, is there?03:40
somerville32Didn't you have your server listed as a backup server on the editing policies page?03:41
tonyyarussoponingru's was the original03:41
tonyyarussoI think he went home for break or something03:41
somerville32poingru's is actually a backup03:42
tonyyarussoCan you do strikethrough on the wiki?03:42
somerville32not sure, see wiki help pages03:43
tonyyarussoUpdated - don't know where we'll go from here.  :(03:44
tonyyarussoThat's all.03:45
tonyyarussoI'll be offline for a few days as well.03:45
tonyyarussoI'm hoping I can still get in a blurb abour the MIRs, but I'm not sure I can make promises right now; is that okay?03:46
tonyyarussoWell, hopefully.03:47
somerville32elkbuntu, you around?03:50
elkbuntusomerville32, sort of03:51
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rjianhello guys04:00
rjianhelo somerville32 04:01
Admiral_Chicagobut there are spaces04:01
rjiansomerville32: y im always receving ISSUE 15?04:06
somerville32I have no idea04:07
rjianis UWN 26 already on the email?04:08
somerville32Yup, it has been sent out already04:09
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-67-80.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
rjianhmm i did not recieved it yet..04:10
Admiral_Chicagois there a marketing list?04:12
Admiral_Chicagofound it04:13
Admiral_Chicagoshould I use   04:25
Admiral_Chicagoshould I use http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~carthik/bugstats/ for bug stats?04:26
somerville32Don't go bug stats until tomorrow04:27
Admiral_Chicagookay will do04:27
Admiral_Chicagoshould I start with these feisty changes?04:30
somerville32Sure :] 04:30
somerville32I can post more feisty changes if you'd like to work on them04:30
Admiral_Chicagoi'm editing the wiki now, let me make these changed first04:31
Admiral_Chicagookay done04:33
Admiral_Chicagomaybe you can fix my header, not really sure whats wrong with it at all04:37
Admiral_Chicagoi put the spaces there04:37
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Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: did you update the page04:55
somerville32Not yet04:55
somerville32I need to patch the magic a bit04:56
somerville32:] 04:56
Admiral_Chicagookay just wondering. btw, look at the first one, do I need to update thunderbird-dev etc or just thunderbir04:56
somerville32One sec04:58
Admiral_Chicagowell just ping me,  watching tv from my desk05:12
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somerville32Admiral_Chicago, ping05:28
somerville32Ok, I patched my magic script so that it'll be more smart when searching for URLs05:28
somerville32Instead of trying to use the source package it'll look in all the binary packages (since sometimes the binary packages don't have the same name as the source package and will result in nothing be found)05:29
somerville32It might result in duplicate urls in some cases but thats ok05:29
somerville32I'll fix that another day05:29
somerville32However, I have the output ready05:29
somerville32All 2000 lines of it :] 05:30
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elkbuntuwb poningru?10:04
poningruelkbuntu: yep I am back10:05
poningrugetting stuff backup10:05
poningruso will have gobby up and running in couple of hours10:05
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somerville32poningru, Excellent cause our backup server failed and deleted all our work while you were away10:07
poningruwell I have all the backups so its all good10:11
poningrubut what do you mean all our stuff is gone?10:11
poningrulike the UWN stuff?10:11
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somerville32UWN 27 was lost10:18
somerville32Or a revision of it was lost10:18
somerville32on tonyarruso's server10:18
rjianUWN27 was lost?10:31
rjianwat happen someone delete it??10:31
somerville32his server went on the fritz10:35
somerville32It's ok10:35
somerville32We've recovered :] 10:35
juliuxsomerville32, did you need a second gobby server?10:38
juliuxif you need one in the future ping me;) 10:39
elkbuntuwe really need one on a properly maintained server10:40
juliuxwhat is a "properly maintained server" for you?10:41
elkbuntuone that has proper power redundancy, net redundancy etc10:45
somerville32ie. canonical server10:45
elkbuntuor any farm server, tbh10:46
juliuxelkbuntu, i have several servers in the internet and they are up more then 2 years and they have no power redundancy11:03
juliuxso you can have properly maintained server without redundancy11:04
elkbuntuliving on the edge, sure11:04
juliuxmost times the noc has a problem not the single server11:05
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poningrujenda: ping04:05
jendaponingru: pong04:05
poningruoh and somerville32 04:05
poningruI guess the rest04:06
poningruwhen are we having a meeting?04:06
poningruwe need to organize a bit more04:06
jendado we ;)04:06
poningruUWN is falling apart at the seems04:06
jendaI wont' be of help the next two months.04:06
elkbuntui might be more useful after LCA04:07
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jendaHe'll be of help, I'm sure ;)04:11
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=== somerville32 pokes a stick into Jenda' side.
jenda* meatballhat (n=dbuch@70-39-156-18.clvdoh.adelphia.net) has left #ubuntu-marketing ("me looks around for Ubuntu Weekly superglue")04:26
jendaRofl :)04:26
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WaterSevenUbHey... apparently when you receive some CDs you also get some 'stickers'... is the artwork used to produce them available somewhere online?07:03
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jendaWaterSevenUb: yep, 08:01
jendaWaterSevenUb: have a look at the ubuntu.com/trademarks page08:01
jendano, /trademarkpolicy08:02
juliuxWaterSevenUb, but the stickers are not waterproof08:04
WaterSevenUbjenda, ah! great:-) 08:04
WaterSevenUbjuliux, I'm going to do them at home :-)08:04
juliuxWaterSevenUb, i put one on my notebook, but after two days the color was on my hand not on my sticker:(08:05
WaterSevenUbjuliux, well... since I want to "patch" some bikes with them... they have to do much better than that :-)))08:05
juliuxWaterSevenUb, hehe08:06
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=== beuno wonders if elkbuntu is around
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