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rexbroncrimsun: how does one decide what binaries will be created from the source package?02:58
crimsunsorry, that question's a bit vague02:58
crimsunare you asking how to name the binary packages (debian/control)?02:59
rexbronkind of look at http://www.somasuite.org/somad.php02:59
rexbroneverything there is in the same source package02:59
crimsunor are you asking how to place files in certain binary packages (debian/*.install)?02:59
=== bluefoxicy blinks
rexbronso for example (from above link):03:00
bluefoxicygnome terminal misspells "Colors" in the preferences dialog vo.ov03:00
rexbronone would have a dh_install move all the somad files into the proper dir03:01
crimsunor you could just enumerate the files in debian/somad.install03:01
rexbroncrimsun: I think I need a hand holding03:02
crimsunok, I pointed you to quodlibet's source package03:02
crimsuntake a look in debian/*.install03:02
crimsunnote how each foo.install explicitly lists which files belong to binary package 'foo'03:02
rexbrongetting the source now03:02
rexbroncrimsun: ok03:03
rexbronthat is where they would normally be make install'd to?03:04
rexbronok, makes sense03:04
Fujitsubluefoxicy, how does it spell it?03:05
crimsunas for libsoma, you should look at http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/03:05
rexbroncrimsun: how does one decide how to name (and therefore split) the differnt packages?03:06
bluefoxicyFujitsu: "Colour"03:06
rexbronbluefoxicy: that is the canadian and british spelling03:06
crimsunrexbron: that's pretty much up to the packager03:06
rexbroncrimsun: sugestions03:06
bluefoxicyrexbron: well I'm not canadian or british03:06
crimsunrexbron: (except for the libraries, which I gave you a pointer to)03:06
Fujitsubluefoxicy, that is the spelling literally everywhere except the US.03:08
Fujitsu(that speaks English, that is)03:08
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bluefoxicyFujitsu:  well, I'm in the US  o.o03:08
rexbroncrimsun: there is so much to do for this package03:10
rexbroncrimsun: this is the breakdown I am thinking of 03:10
rexbronsomad, libsoma0, libsoma0-dev, somacheck, somaclient, somaconfig, soma-doc, phpsoma, pysoma03:11
rexbronthis is based off of looking at the src03:11
Fujitsurexbron, it would be libsoma-dev.03:12
rexbroncrimsun: now how does one know where each of the files that make up the packages would normally be installed to?03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
rexbroncrimsun: now how does one know where each of the files that make up the packages would normally be installed to?03:19
crimsunrexbron: look at an installed package or a deb, or a --prefixed make install03:22
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rexbron_crimsun: 03:37
rexbron_crimsun: I did a prefixed install03:37
crimsunto $HOME/foo, I hope03:38
rexbron_crimsun: and know what is installed where03:38
crimsunok, now follow the instructions in dh_install03:38
crimsundh_install(1), rather03:38
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rexbron_crimsun: ok so for somad 03:41
rexbron_it installs a binary to usr/bin/ with the name somad03:41
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rexbron_therefore somad.install contains /usr/bin/somad03:42
LaserJockI don't think you want the first / on that03:43
rexbron_LaserJock: could you explain?03:43
LaserJockbecause it's not really going to install it to /usr/bin/somad when building03:44
LaserJockbut rather $CURDIR/debian/somad/usr/bin/03:44
FujitsuHi LaserJock.03:44
LaserJockor perhaps $CURDIR/debian/tmp/usr/bin/03:45
rexbron_LaserJock: ok03:45
LaserJock.install should have usr/bin/03:45
LaserJockhi Fujitsu 03:45
rexbron_LaserJock: What exactly does the dirs file do?03:46
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LaserJockthat's for creating directories that aren't already made03:46
LaserJockfor example, if you're adding a .desktop file that isn't in the source03:47
rexbron_LaserJock: in the file system or debian/tmp?03:47
LaserJockyou need to make sure /usr/share/applications/ is there03:47
crimsunthe latter.03:47
crimsunor rather, the packaging dir (not necessarily debian/tmp/, could be debian/foobarblah)03:47
rexbron_crimsun: so somad has files in /usr/bin and /usr/etc/03:48
crimsun/usr/etc? eww03:48
crimsunrun away run away03:48
rexbron_crimsun: what would its .install file contain03:48
rexbron_not on my system03:49
rexbron_that is where is would normally install too03:49
crimsundoes it use autotools?03:49
crimsunlike a ./configure ?03:49
crimsundoes it honor --confdir?03:49
rexbron_I got to go to a movie03:49
rexbron_will be  back in 2 h03:49
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yotuxCan someone explain CDBS to me?  Sorry an new and would like to help by packaging but have no formal programing experience 04:18
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LaserJockyotux: well, CDBS is pretty difficult to explain04:21
yotuxi was looking at the doc and i am confused by what looks liek a bash script to me04:22
LaserJockit's basically a large amount of automation of the packaging process04:22
yotuxfor me I not understanding where debain/rules is04:22
LaserJockif you are new to Debian packaging I wouldn't really recommend CDBS to start with04:22
LaserJockok, so debian/rules is  a Makefile04:23
LaserJocksimilar to what a lot of programs have04:23
yotuxI am new to the whole packing Idea04:23
LaserJockhave you ever done something like ./configure , make, sudo make install to install an app from s ource?04:24
yotuxI have install source before04:24
yotuxwhere config finds that something is not there that is need to install04:24
LaserJockwell, a Makefile is the file that tells make what to do04:24
LaserJockthe instructions for building the app04:25
LaserJockit's fairly similar to a shell script04:25
yotuxSo from what I am understanding is that using CDBS one would need to modify the make file of the source program04:25
LaserJockdebian/rules is a Makefile that gives the instructions for building .debs from the source04:25
LaserJockwell, hopefully you wouldn't need to modify the program's Makefile04:26
Nafallois sistpoty in bed? :-)04:26
LaserJockyotux:  have you seen the Ubuntu Packaging Guide?04:27
yotuxthat is where I found out about CDBS04:27
yotuxFrom what I understood CDBS made things more streamlined04:28
LaserJockdid you read through the "from scratch" and "debhelper" sections04:28
LaserJockwell, generally, I think most people start at the debhelper stage04:28
LaserJockit's just basically layers of automation04:28
LaserJockand "helping"04:28
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LaserJockCDBS has the most, but on the other hand can be the hardest to understand because it's a bit of "magic"04:29
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sistpotyhi folks04:29
LaserJockNafallo: heh04:29
LaserJockyotux: is there you found particularly confusing in the packaging guide?04:30
LaserJock*there anything04:30
NafalloWTF! :-P04:30
sistpotyhey Nafallo and LaserJock04:31
Nafallosistpoty: go to bed or something :-). I was just impressed that you probably where better than me at that :-)04:31
yotuxWell to me I was reading the packing guide and it makes reference to edgy but i am trying to assist with fiesty04:31
Nafallowere :-)04:31
sistpotyNafallo: hehe04:31
LaserJockyotux: ah, it's hard to write for the future sometimes ;-)04:32
sistpotyI hope I have a better wake/sleep states from next week on04:32
LaserJockI think I'll just try to make it release neutral in the future04:32
yotuxI understand.  Some stuff is different the main idea is that same I believe04:32
LaserJocksistpoty: I don't mind, you have normal hours for my side of the world ;-)04:33
yotuxif you are the one that wrote it thank you for all of your hard work04:33
LaserJockyour welcome, I hope it helped04:33
LaserJockit's sort of a community project04:34
yotuxit does, not being a programmer doesn't help me I don;t think.  i just feel that i use this great software that everyone help with so i need to give back to the community04:34
crimsunwe should promote sistpoty to deity status, too.04:34
sistpotycrimsun: I'm not worthy04:35
crimsuntoo bad, you're a deity now04:35
LaserJockyotux: well, I'll let you in on a little secret. Most of use are programmers either ;-)04:35
LaserJocksistpoty: it doesn't help04:35
somerville32How does one upload to multiverse?04:35
LaserJockyotux: aren't rather04:35
LaserJocksomerville32: same as Universe04:35
sistpotysomerville32: same procedure as for universre04:35
yotuxI figure it out04:35
NafalloI shouldn't say anything about sistpoty... he and I are in the same TZ ;-)04:35
LaserJockyotux: I'm a chemist, for instance04:35
yotuxok sorry i guess I am a bigger newbie than i realized after all04:36
LaserJockyou just learn as you go04:36
yotuxyes I am trying.  i start college this week for computer science04:38
LaserJockyotux: I was in the same position as you when I first got started04:38
LaserJockwell, there you go. You're already ahead of me04:38
yotuxI wish to a degree that I was forced to use the command line more.04:38
yotuxI find that one can learn a lot from using the command line instead of GUI tools04:38
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crimsunas long as one doesn't get caught up in the semantics of one at the expense of the other04:40
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crimsunwow, um, if I can't configure pulseaudio, I don't see how others are going to find this straightforward...05:53
LaserJockuh oh05:53
FujitsuUh oh.05:53
chillywillywhen you install just the base system w/ no gui (like when you type 'server' at the command line) is there a meta package/task that is installed?05:54
chillywillyerm, at the installer prompt I mean not the command line05:54
LaserJockI think so05:54
crimsunsort of. at least ubuntu-minimal should be installed.05:54
LaserJockthere are also a couple of tasks05:55
LaserJockDNS server and LAMP I think05:55
chillywillythat's from the server install disks, right?05:56
chillywillywhy doesn't ubuntu minimal have a kernel in there?05:56
Toadstoolheya everybody05:57
LaserJockchillywilly: you should check the seeds05:57
chillywillyI don't know what those are :)05:58
LaserJockchillywilly: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/+branch/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.feisty05:59
LaserJockthey are the files that tells what goes on the cd and meta packages06:00
NafalloLaserJock: and tasks?06:00
LaserJocktasks are what are used by tasksel06:01
LaserJocksort of like metapackages, but different06:01
chillywillyare you supposed to be able to check that our with bazaar?06:01
NafalloLaserJock: yea. but does the seeds generate them? :-)06:01
Nafallochillywilly: yes06:01
LaserJockNafallo: no06:02
NafalloLaserJock: oh06:02
LaserJockat least I don't think so06:02
FujitsuThe tasks are defined by Task headers in packages.06:02
LaserJockwell, they can also be shipped separately06:03
FujitsuI think, at least.06:03
Nafallolet's find out :-)06:03
LaserJockbut I believe the Ubuntu ones are done via the .debs06:04
NafalloLaserJock: apt-cache show believes you :-)06:04
LaserJockthe archive guys mess around with the binaries as far as I can tell for the -live06:04
jdongso, any good explanations why Java's EULA states "You acknowledge that Licensed Software is not designed or intended for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility."?06:04
NafalloFujitsu: apt-cache show believes you :-)06:05
chillywillyanyone every look at conary package manager or rPath Linux?06:05
Nafallochillywilly: ozamosi :-)06:05
chillywillyum, ok06:05
chillywillyis that a developer/person?06:06
Nafallochillywilly: a nick :-)06:07
Nafallochillywilly: was the contactperson for my loco before :-)06:07
chillywillyI see blogs posts by her06:07
crimsunjdong: yes, because by default it's not RT-capable06:07
chillywillyabout conary, etc.06:08
jdongcrimsun: would that be enough to warrant that warning?06:08
crimsunjdong: yes06:08
jdongcrimsun: and why would StarOffice need to be RT-capable?06:08
jdong(controlling reactors from spreadsheet macros?)06:09
Nafallochillywilly: no. you don't. you might see blogposts by him though :-)06:09
chillywillyum I thought I saw that nick in ubuntu women or some such thing06:10
chillywillya bazaar branch06:10
Nafallochillywilly: he's the admin for them...06:10
chillywillyguess I shouldn't assume then ;)06:11
chillywillyanyway, a conary-based ubuntu/debian would be an interesting thing ;P06:11
crimsunjdong: it needs to be RT-capable?06:11
jdongcrimsun: it's kind of silly for a word processor to carry a warning about use in nuclear facilities06:12
jdongI can kind of understand why a programming language/ runtime should need it06:12
crimsunI'm sure it's to cover someone's arse.06:12
somerville32jdong: What word processor has that warning?06:13
jdongsomerville32: Sun StarOffice06:13
jdongsomerville32: it seems like Sun especially likes to stamp that warning all over its products 06:13
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somerville32jdong: Too bad it didn't make it into this year's weird labels and warnings awards06:14
jdongsomerville32: wtf there's a contest for it?06:14
somerville32jdong: Do you not read slashdot?06:15
jdongsomerville32: haven't read it for two days06:15
jdongkinda been busy06:15
somerville32You miss so much when you don't read slashdot06:15
jdongsomerville32: I have a really cheap sweater that on the washing directions tab says "OR GIVE IT TO YOUR WIFE"06:15
jdongthat probably would've won something :)06:15
somerville32The winner was (paraphrased) "Don't put kids inside while running" on a dryer or something06:16
Nafallojdong: damn it! have you put an image of that online?06:16
jdongin a twisted kind of way, that actually makes some sense06:16
jdongNafallo: no, I will if I get entertained enough06:16
jdongNafallo: google... ten bucks someone with the same shirt posted it already?06:17
somerville32jdong: Runner up was "Don't dry your cellphone out in microwave oven"06:17
jdongsome of them IMO are designed to be funny06:17
Nafallojdong: hehe. thought it was you. I saw that image getting linked from a channel on another net 2-3 days ago :-)06:17
jdonglike there was this elevator sign I saw last month in China that shows a stick-figure banging its head on the sign06:17
chillywillyweird, I did a apt-get install bazaar and the only binaries installed are baz and bazaar-gpg-check06:18
jdongworse, there's a highway clearance sign on a bridge close to where I live that dangles like 3 feet lower than the clearance it stated06:18
jdongthere was a news story about that06:18
Nafallochillywilly: bzr != bazaar :-P06:20
chillywillyblah ;P06:20
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jdongchillywilly: (1) you want bzr (2) you'd want to get it from bazaar-vcs.org's repos06:21
chillywillyI'm too flippin tired now... :)06:22
chillywillybrain no worky06:22
Nafalloactually bzr != bazaar == bzr :-)06:23
chillywillyso it's not packaged?06:23
Nafallochillywilly: it is06:23
chillywillyinstalling from source is against ever fiber of my lazy being06:24
Nafallochillywilly: bzr is bazaar-ng (which are often called just bazaar)06:24
chillywillyapt-get install motivation06:24
chillywillyoh, sorry06:25
chillywillyso basically I was just trying to get a list of packages that would allow one to build a base ubuntu system06:29
ScottKAnybody up for a REVU?  Should be an easy one... http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=398406:30
NafalloScottK: sistpoty :-)06:30
NafalloScottK: it's only 6:29AM for us ;-)06:30
sistpotyScottK: let me finish gallery2 security update and then I'll take a look ;)06:30
Nafallosistpoty: lol. get some sleep man :-)06:32
sistpotyNafallo: I already did tonight... from 22.00 to about 1.00h *g*06:32
sistpotybut I'm getting tired again, maybe I'll make another coffe06:32
chillywillymaybe my good buddy ajmitchie can lend a helping hand ;)06:33
chillywillywonder wtf he went06:33
Nafallosistpoty: three hours... dude. that's worse than me that haven't slept :-P06:33
chillywillyubotu: help me find ajmitch, I lost him06:34
chillywillyubotu: seen ajmitch06:34
somerville32ubotu: seen chillywilly06:35
ubotuchillywilly is on IRC right now!06:35
=== chillywilly slaps somerville32 around some
chillywillyhmm, in pm he told me that he was last seen 1d or so ago06:35
chillywillyin here he ignores me06:35
sistpotyubotu: uptime sistpoty06:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime sistpoty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
chillywillyubotu: ajmitch?06:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ajmitch? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
chillywillyubotu: seen ajmitch06:36
ubotuI last saw ajmitch (n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch) 1d 1h 48m 15s ago, quiting: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)06:36
chillywillythere ya go06:36
chillywillyubotu: botsnack06:36
Nafalloubotu: seen Nafallo06:36
ubotuNafallo is on IRC right now!06:36
somerville32ubotu: please tell chillywilly botsnack06:36
somerville32Fine - be picky06:36
somerville32ubotu: please tell chillywilly about botsnack06:37
chillywillyubotu: lart somerville32 06:37
chillywillybummer :)06:37
chillywillyubotu: help06:37
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:37
crimsunpulseaudio-module-hal loses. Utterly.06:38
somerville32so.. who won?06:38
crimsunI did after hacking the conffiles.06:39
=== somerville32 congratulates crimsun.
crimsunnow, time to figure out wth pulseaudio-module-hal threw a hussy.06:40
gpocentekhello Universe :)06:40
crimsunhi gauvain06:40
gpocentekhi Daniel06:40
crimsunpretty early in the morning for you, no? :)06:41
gpocentekyes, 6:41am06:41
crimsunor have you, too, gone sistpoty timezone?06:41
sistpotycrimsun: I'm still here06:41
crimsunyeah, the sistpoty timezone.06:41
crimsunnow available in your local tzconfig06:42
gpocentekI usually wake up at 4am, so it's not that early ;)06:42
sistpotyutc +1, so it's 6.4306:42
sistpotyhi gpocentek btw.06:42
gpocentekhi sistpoty 06:42
Toadstoolheya gpocentek 06:43
sistpotygrml... perl... grml06:44
crimsunall the EUs!06:44
gpocentekhi Toadstool 06:44
crimsunoh wait, Toadstool's still left coast06:44
sistpotyanyone who speaks perl around?06:44
Toadstoolcrimsun: yep :)06:44
crimsunI hear Steven -loves- Perl.06:44
sistpotywell, I simply need s.th. like turn "find ." into an array of filenames06:45
somerville32gpocentek, Are you going to be at the next Xubuntu-devel meeting?06:46
gpocenteksomerville32: I'll try06:46
somerville32gpocentek, Do you know what happened to Jani? He seems to have disappeared.06:46
gpocenteksomerville32: I know that he tries to find/create a job, so he doesn't have much time for Ubuntu06:47
crimsunsistpoty: 00:47 < gxti> chomp(@filenames = `find .`); ? :p06:47
sistpotycrimsun: thanks06:47
somerville32gpocentek, What are we going to do with Xubuntu? lol06:48
gpocenteksomerville32: hum, make it work nicely ? :)06:48
somerville32gpocentek, Wee :)06:48
somerville32gpocentek, Feisty is looking nice so far.06:48
crimsunI suggest replacing moz-tbird with evolution. Wee!06:49
gpocentekyes, and yesterday commits in Xfce svn look nice06:49
gpocentekcrimsun: and thunar with konqueror06:49
somerville32gpocentek, I don't monitor Xfce svn. What went in?06:49
somerville32gpocentek, crimsun: Maybe replace gxine with Amarok?06:49
crimsunwine+iTunes kthx06:49
gpocenteksomerville32: libexo now handles the mountings06:50
Toadstoolwhat about bmpx ? :)06:50
crimsunNafallo: 'night06:50
ToadstoolNafallo: g'night06:50
gpocenteksomerville32: and Thunar uses this of course06:50
somerville32gpocentek, What was it using before?06:50
crimsunmm, nice wrt exo06:50
gpocentekThunar had its own code for this IIRC06:51
=== gpocentek hopes a stable Xfce release will happen this month
=== Toadstool is getting a lil' tipsy with all this wine from Temecula
somerville32gpocentek, me too :] 06:53
somerville32gpocentek, My SRU for mousepad is almost ready. I just need to remove a few things from the patch and cjwatson said he would approve it.06:53
gpocenteksomerville32: yep I've seen this06:53
=== somerville32 is proud of himself.
somerville32My SRU for curl got approved too and is already uploaded06:54
=== somerville32 flexes.
crimsundid I upload that one?06:54
=== somerville32 nods.
sistpotyoh, nice... I tricked the gallery2 perl-script, that updates some weird checksum files and needs CVS entries for this into spitting out a file with the oneliner :)06:56
crimsunyeah, a two-line diff06:56
crimsunimpressive :)06:56
sistpotyit is :)06:57
=== somerville32 thinks about packaging a simple python application
ScottKAny application in particular?07:00
=== somerville32 cringes.
somerville32I dunno if pyneighborhood even works right - why waste time packaging it?07:02
somerville32No one has reported being able to get it to work07:02
somerville32If there is application I want to package but they don't offer it in a tarball, should I just tarball it?07:03
somerville32(ie. they just give the one file)07:03
crimsunwow. No, I think you're better off waiting a tick, then.07:03
somerville32How long is a 'tick'? :] 07:04
Toadstoolenough time to package something else properly? ;)07:07
ScottKI was thinking about doing this one, but it's a little beyond me yet: http://www.tummy.com/Community/software/tumgreyspf/07:09
somerville32gpocentek, Do you remember the discussion about the notification daemon?07:09
gpocenteksomerville32: not really07:09
somerville32gpocentek, Do we plan to ship it in Feisty? xfce-goodies has already stripped it of gnome stuff07:10
gpocenteksomerville32: I tested it, it never worked for me07:10
somerville32gpocentek, Could we do something with notification-daemon?07:15
somerville32I don't think we ship anything like it, do we?07:16
gpocentekwe dont, but do we really need this ?07:16
gpocentekhum, wait07:16
gpocentekno, we don't ship it07:17
somerville32gpocentek, Is there anyway to see the reverse dependencies of notification-daemon?07:17
gpocentekapt-cache rdepends <package>07:18
somerville32gpocentek, Would it be possible to de-gnomify update-notifier or code our own applet?07:18
somerville32gpocentek, I'm looking through the notification-daemon dependencies and it doesn't appear it pulls anything in that xubuntu-desktop doesn't already (though I only took a look at the most likely ones not to)07:21
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gpocenteksomerville32: writting our own code would just be duplicating things, I'm not found of it07:22
somerville32gpocentek, I agree.07:22
gpocentekand de-gnomifying it is something that needs to be discuss with the desktop team07:22
=== Toadstool summons seb128
=== somerville32 gets salt and makes a circle around himself.
=== Hobbsee summons the mystery person
HobbseeToadstool: i think he's still on holidays...07:24
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee 07:24
Toadstoolhow is it going?07:24
jdongeveryone, pretend you did not see that07:25
Hobbseehey Toadstool good, just got home from work :)07:25
Hobbseejdong: why, what's it for?07:25
Hobbseedoesnt appear to be his nickserv password07:26
ToadstoolHobbsee: work?! you actually work in Australia? I'm impressed :)07:26
=== Toadstool runs
jdonghobbsee: I have absolutely no clue. it is certainly not a password to a gksu dialog that disappeared on me.07:26
HobbseeToadstool: hahaha, yes.07:26
HobbseeToadstool: well, i get paid from it, so i suppose it counts as work07:26
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Hobbseejdong: heh07:26
=== jdong pulls up pwgen and shops for a new password
Toadstooltoo late!07:28
somerville32Can someone tell me if libcario2 is in the xubuntu-desktop task?07:30
Hobbseerdepends libcario207:30
Toadstoolgosh, when I have time to spend on #u-motu, I'm kind of drunk... I feel so useless :p07:30
Hobbseeadd apt-cache in front07:30
=== Toadstool hides
HobbseeToadstool: heh, be useful :P07:30
somerville32Hobbsee, apt-cache show libcario207:31
somerville32W: Unable to locate package libcario207:31
somerville32E: No packages found07:31
ToadstoolHobbsee: tell that to 1) my manager 2) my girlfriend :)07:31
=== Hobbsee thwacks somerville32 with a rubber mallet
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~$ rdepends libcairo2 | grep xubuntu07:32
Hobbsee  xubuntu-system-tools07:32
HobbseeToadstool: it's better to listen to your girlfriend.  and managers suck like that07:32
somerville32apt-cache rdepends libcario207:33
somerville32W: Unable to locate package libcario207:33
=== Hobbsee hands somerville32 a dictionary, and tells him to look up "cairo"
somerville32gpocentek, If we added notification-daemon to the seeds then we'd only pull in libsexy2 and libwnck18 :)07:34
somerville32crimsun: What do you think?07:37
somerville32Hobbsee, Tell them that people want nice pop-up notifications on their desktop ;] 07:38
=== gpocentek doesn't want notifications
Hobbseesomerville32: who's "them"?07:38
somerville32Hobbsee, gpocentek 07:38
somerville32and crimsun07:39
somerville32:] 07:39
Toadstoolgpocentek: yeah, notifications are evil :)07:39
somerville32It told me that my /boot partition was full07:39
somerville32It is useful ;] 07:39
gpocentekbut notification-daemon itself doesn't do that alone07:40
gpocentekit's only usefull if we have software which uses it07:40
Hobbseesomerville32: i'll respect gpocentek's decisions on xubuntu, as he runs it all the time07:40
somerville32Hobbsee, I run Xubuntu all the time too : P07:40
Toadstoolgpocentek: by the way, a friend of mine installed edgy's xubuntu a couple of days ago, I told him to bug you in case something goes wrong... hope you don't mind :p07:41
=== Toadstool hides
somerville32I wonder what used the notification-daemon to tell me /boot was full07:42
=== somerville32 ponders.
gpocentekToadstool: no problem ;)07:43
somerville32gpocentek, Is there anything specific that I could help with?07:46
sistpotyScottK: for pyspf: why the alternatives? is spfquery supplied by another package as well?07:47
sistpotyScottK: ah, k07:48
gpocenteksomerville32: well, there's a lot to do for documentationn... 07:49
ScottKThere is a PERL one and a C one.07:49
somerville32gpocentek, lol :P07:49
gpocenteksomerville32: what do you want to get involved in ?07:49
gpocentekdevelopment ?07:49
somerville32gpocentek, Yes.07:49
gpocentekyou can fix bugs :)07:49
sistpotyScottK: is the orig-tarball bit identical to the upstream one? (once again to lazy to look for myself)07:50
somerville32gpocentek, Sure thing.07:51
ScottKYes.  Just renamed it.07:51
nixternaljdong: don't feel bad for the password thing, i did it a few months ago logging into the uni's server, everyone in here got the username and password due to a buggy konsole on a live cd07:51
sistpotyScottK: fine... looks good07:51
jdongnixternal: that makes me feel better :)07:51
jdongI still need to learn the whole look before you type thing07:51
nixternalya, and someone used it to and logged in :)07:51
ScottKSecond time around is easier.07:52
sistpotyScottK: let me take another small look, and if no problems come up, I'll upload it07:52
ScottKThanks.  I'll be AFK for a while, so if there are more questions, I'll answer when i get back.07:52
somerville32gpocentek, For feisty+1, could we lay out some sort of roadmap?07:53
gpocenteksomerville32: sure, that would help07:55
sistpotyScottK: all nice, uploading.07:55
somerville32gpocentek, sabdfl usually sets some "goals" for each release. Do the sister projects (ie. us) align ourselves with these goals where applicable?07:55
somerville32Or do we just do our own thing?07:56
gpocenteksomerville32: we try to follow the ideas07:56
gpocentekbut I'm not sure that we can have the same goals07:57
=== somerville32 nods.
gpocentekdesktop effects for instace doesn't really fit the Xubuntu idea07:57
sistpotyok, and now I finally go to bed07:57
sistpotygn8 everyone07:57
Laser_awaycya sistpoty 07:57
=== somerville32 moves to #xubuntu-devel.
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LaserJockgpocentek and somerville32: does xfce have many related packages in Universe?08:03
gpocentekLaserJock: almost everything is in main, except a few panel plugins08:04
LaserJockdarn, I need a "Icons for dummies" book or something. I suck at art :/08:06
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siretartslomo: yes, I already did a couple of uploads, 2 of them are currently in NEW08:25
siretartshawarma: yes, we do :)08:26
nixternalLaserJock: join the "we suck at art" user's group :)08:32
LaserJocknixternal: but I'm determined to make a couple icons08:33
nixternali have tried08:33
nixternali even follwed some gimp and inkscape tutorials08:33
Amaranthi made the original alacarte icon08:33
nixternalthe coolest thing i have done with inkscape is http://www.nixternal.com08:34
Amaranthi stole two icons from the guy that used to do ubuntu's icon set08:34
nixternaland that was by accident08:34
Amaranthput them into one :)08:34
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LaserJockwell, I need to come up with at least 2 or 308:39
LaserJockchemistry ones08:39
crimsun_Feisty is now pulseaudio-capable.08:40
crimsun_this is slick.08:40
crimsun_per-application volumes08:40
LaserJockI hardly ever use sound, but I know some people do :-)08:41
crimsun_ability to migrate applications across audiosinks and mixers08:41
crimsun_(and audiosources)08:41
LaserJockhmm, that seems cool08:43
crimsun_it's awesome08:43
crimsun_it does way more, of course, but this is just a taste08:43
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somerville32Ugh oh!09:28
somerville32: (09:28
somerville32I upload with cody-somerville@ubuntu.com09:29
somerville32but I login with cody.somerville@gmail.com09:29
somerville32So I can't comment on my own uploads.09:29
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tepsipakkisomerville32: been there.. don't remember how I resolved it, though09:40
tepsipakkimaybe contact a REVU admin to add that address to the key?09:41
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somerville32How do I use patch again? lol09:46
somerville32I generated it with diff -Nur09:47
tepsipakkiman patch09:47
tepsipakkipatch -px < patch.diff09:47
tepsipakkiuse appropriate number for x09:47
somerville32what are the different #'s for?09:47
tepsipakkitry and see :)09:48
somerville32@now atlantic09:48
UbugtuCurrent time in Canada/Atlantic: January 07 2007, 04:48:5709:48
=== somerville32 gives tepsipakki puppy dog eyes.
tepsipakkireally, man patch09:49
tepsipakkiit's too much to paste here09:49
tepsipakkibasically, it strips stuff from the file-paths09:50
somerville32tepsipakki, How do I apply it to a directory?09:58
tepsipakki10:47 < tepsipakki> patch -px < patch.diff09:58
somerville32Lets say I'm not in the directory09:59
somerville32like, I want to package blah/src/09:59
tepsipakkiuse -p009:59
tepsipakkiif you are in the parent10:00
tepsipakkiie. in the path where you ran diff10:00
tepsipakkihmm, -p1 that is10:00
tepsipakki-p0 uses full paths, -p1 strips the first slash10:01
tepsipakki(full paths related to the dir where diff was run)10:01
somerville32k, thanks10:06
somerville32Is anyone here good at editing patches by hand?10:08
Zic_it's ...10:12
Zic_He control the hardware now, and He decrease its quality10:13
Zic_standing ovation to Vista :>10:13
siretartsomerville32: emacs offers a great mode for editing patches10:20
somerville32siretart: thanks10:20
siretartsomerville32: it's call 'diff mode' :)10:20
somerville32siretart: Can you fix a problem for me?10:20
somerville32siretart: I login with cody.somerville@gmail.com10:20
somerville32I upload with cody-somerville@ubuntu.com10:20
somerville32So I can't comment on my own uploads10:20
siretartoh. hmm10:21
siretartsomerville32: can't you login with cody-somerville@ubuntu.com?10:22
somerville32I tried10:22
siretartI'm syncing your passwords, okay?10:24
siretartsomerville32: pw synced, try again :)10:25
=== somerville32 waddles over to revu.
somerville32siretart: http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=cody-somerville@ubuntu.com10:27
somerville32shows nothing10:27
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siretartsomerville32: yes, try to login with your old password for the @gmail.com adress10:32
siretartsomerville32: lostpw.py is confused by the keyid10:32
somerville32Logged in as cody-somerville@ubuntu.com 10:33
FujitsuAnybody here good at debugging instances of /etc/X11/Xsession causing the executing shell to terminate when DISPLAY is set to that of a Xvnc instance compiled in Edgy, when the Dapper-compiled (identical source) version running on Edgy works fine?10:35
Fujitsu(rather obscure, I know :P)10:35
siretartoh darn, I just filed an ITP to debian, only to notice that keeypassx has already been uploaded to edgy :/10:37
Fujitsukeepassx, you mean?10:38
FujitsuHrm, I didn't realise that was only in Ubuntu... I use it daily at work.10:38
siretartI just packaged it for debian. hrmpf10:38
tepsipakki"Cross Plateform Password Manager" :)10:53
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Amaranthcrimsun: The -3 and -4 kernels still don't fix my sound. Do you want new dumps of /proc/asound/card0/codec#0?11:50
crimsun__of -5, yes11:50
crimsun__and if you haven't attached lspci -nv, please do so.11:50
crimsun__I'm very busy this week, but I'll try to work in time to look at it11:50
Amaranthi didn't know -5 was out :)11:51
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lukshi, is there any way to check what happened to this package (if it was uploaded)? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=365702:29
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geserluks: the source got already accepted but the binary is sitting in the NEW queue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=picard02:35
Hobbseeyou're just waiting on an archive admin02:35
Hobbseeand soyuz to unfreeze02:35
cypher1hi geser Hobbsee !02:35
geserHi cypher1 02:36
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geserHobbsee: is it once again freeze time?02:37
Hobbseegeser: no02:37
Hobbseehey PriceChild 02:37
Hobbseegeser: i dont think so02:38
luksgeser: oh, i wasn't aware that launchpad has info about the queue. thanks02:38
PriceChildhey hobbsee02:38
PriceChildwhen's freeze?02:38
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule02:38
PriceChildover a month :)02:39
geserwasn't the archive partly freezed for Herd CD 1?02:39
geserand next week is Herd CD 2 due02:40
PriceChild6 Herds :O02:40
Hobbseegeser: doesnt mean taht will happen though.  it was on manual for herd 102:41
cypher1Hobbsee, i was working on the genpower merge :)02:43
Hobbseecypher1: yay :)02:43
cypher1Hobbsee, it has some problems with upstart, sysinitv change02:44
cypher1thanks to geser to pointing it out to me02:44
cypher1Hobbsee, it needs /usr/include/initreq.h from sysvinit package02:45
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Q-FUNKany Python wizard here?03:09
lifelessfor a few seconds03:10
Q-FUNKdebian bug#37499703:12
lifelessyou are aware this is an ubuntu channel ? :)03:13
lifelessanyhow, I dont have time to chase pointers.03:14
lifelesswhat is your question03:14
Q-FUNKthere's parsing errors for locales that are exception cases.03:14
lifelessexception cases ?03:15
lifelessand parsing what03:15
Q-FUNKform what i can tell, Mithrandir's original code only handles foo_FOO to foo_FOO.UTF-803:15
Q-FUNKit has no provision for handling foo_FOO@euro to foo_FOO.UTF-803:15
Q-FUNKor for handling foo_FOO.ODDLEGACYENCODING to foo_FOO.UTF-803:16
lifelessI'm struggling here. Do you mean 'if LC_LANG=en_AU@euro then python will fail to startup correctly due to site.py having a defect' ?03:16
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lifelessah well, gnight. note that @euro is not the same as UTF-8 to the best of my knowledge, and treating it as such would be a bug.03:19
lifelesslikewise legacy encodings03:19
lifelesswe should not crash on startup, but we may not have a valid encoding for the locale the uesr provides.03:19
=== lifeless -> sleep
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whiteQ-FUNK: why is utf8-migration-tool a native package?04:19
Q-FUNKwhite: because it is. no upstream, in practice.04:19
Q-FUNKit used to be an ubuntu-specific tool, which is no longer needed at ubuntu.04:21
whiteQ-FUNK: hmm 4.3.2 was never uploaded to debian, so maybe you want to merge the things?04:21
Q-FUNK4.3.2 ?04:21
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whitea bullshit, 0.4.204:22
Q-FUNKyes it was04:22
Q-FUNKit's in incoming now04:22
Q-FUNKand 0.4.3 is already waiting to supplant it04:22
Q-FUNKpending sponsoring04:22
Q-FUNKor was there another 0.4.2 i'm not aware of?04:23
Q-FUNKe.g. a fork?04:23
whitewho did the last upload?04:23
whiteno i just didn't check incoming, you are right04:23
Q-FUNKbubulle did.04:27
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ryanakcahmm... is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IdeaPool used by anybody?05:04
markvandenborreI can't find a qemulator package for feisty05:13
markvandenborreshould I file a wishlist bug about it? or is there a more appopriate way to ask?05:14
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bhalecan anyone give me a link for the nvidia-crazy-colors problem?05:33
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cyberixWhy is festalon package in multiverse?05:47
cyberixThe copyright file says it is GPL05:47
cyberixand it depends only on libc605:48
rexbroncyberix: look into what it does05:48
rexbroncyberix: It may have patent issues05:48
cyberixThe Universe is full of emulators.05:50
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rexbroncyberix: I have encountered this problem before, you are going to have to do the research, but feel free to ask more questions or contact the ubuntu package maintainer05:50
cyberixIt is in Debian contrib. Does this mean it is lacking a Debian developer?05:52
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whitecyberix: the fact that the package is in contrib does not have anything to do with the maintainer, e.g. if it is a developer or not05:53
TLEHay anyone got time for a question on dependency policy ?05:53
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whitecyberix: it basically means that the package itself is free, but needs non-free stuff05:53
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TLEThe question is. If a package aaa depends on a certain version of another package bbbb. Then if the version of bbb that is in the repo's meet the requirement of package aaa, is it then customary to exclude the versionnumber dependency in package aaa ?05:56
TLEand just have a general package dependency without a versionnumber ?05:56
TLELet me know if I don't make sense05:56
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bhalei think what you asked was, if package a depends on package b version x, and package b version x happens to be in the ubuntu archive, do you depends on package b, leaving out the detail of x?05:59
bhalethe answer is no05:59
TLEyeah exactly leaving out the detail of version x in a's dependensies.06:01
Q-FUNKcyberix: contrib is an extra distinction on the freeness of a package.  the package itself could go in main (it is free code), but it is designed to interact with a non-free package.06:02
bhaleTLE: don't do that06:02
whiteTLE: normally a >= can be used to indicate that the package needs a specific version and all future ones (if that is possible)06:02
Q-FUNKcyberix: so a free package designed to interact with a non-free package goes into contrib, on the debian side.06:03
TLEbhale: yeah ok, that is what I meant. IT IS NOT ok to leave out the detail, I was just reiterating what you said to make sure I understood it right06:03
bhaleyou did.06:03
Q-FUNKcyberix: ubuntu doesn't have contrib, though.06:03
cyberixQ-FUNK: Festalon is in contrib and depends only on GNU C Library. :-/06:03
Q-FUNKcyberix: it's not just a question of dependencies.06:04
rexbroncrimsun__: are you up?06:04
rexbroncrimsun: are you up?06:05
Q-FUNKin your particular case, this is an emulator for a commercial, closed-source product.06:05
TLEbhale: ok. it is for a bug I'm following. Now this affects the particular package in both dapper and edgy, is it serious enough to warrant a update ?06:05
Q-FUNKor well, it emulates its sound engine.06:06
rexbronShould a *-dev package depend on the runtime library?06:06
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bhalerexbron: yes.06:08
rexbronbhale: k thanks06:08
bhaleTLE: probably not, SRU proceedures mostly involve data loss or regressions06:08
TLEok thanks for your time06:09
bhaleno problem06:09
guyjohnstonhi, i asked a question a few days ago about why the game tremulous is in multiverse rather than universe. does anyone know if this has been found out?06:09
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Adri2000guyjohnston: because http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/multiverse/t/tremulous/tremulous_1.1.0-3/copyright06:18
guyjohnstonwhich part of that means it's in multiverse?06:23
guyjohnstonaren't those all free licences?06:23
imbrandonlooks like the media isnt 06:24
imbrandoninfact it isnt mentioned what lic its under at all , strange that made it in06:24
guyjohnstonit is in the 'copyright' file for the 'tremulous-data' package06:25
guyjohnstonits the creative commons attribution-sharealike06:25
guyjohnstoni'd have thougt that counts as a free licence06:26
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rexbronI am trying to build a package and it requiures the python2.3 header files,08:14
rexbronwhere can I get them for ubuntu?08:14
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Adri2000rexbron: if you are packaging a python program you need to take a look at the debian python policy08:22
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rexbronAdri2000: it is a  binary module I am not sure if that counts as a program08:25
Adri2000a kernel module?08:27
rexbronAdri2000: NO08:29
rexbronAdri2000: it is a python module08:29
Adri2000http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ > http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-module_packages.html ?08:32
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MehdiHassanpourHi MOTU08:54
MehdiHassanpourbeside ttf-freefarsi that I've asked to be added in Feisty universe, I wanted to ask for aspell-hy too08:56
MehdiHassanpourthey are both in Debian unstable now08:56
fdovingMehdiHassanpour: please make bug reports in launchpad for both. i belive subscribing the group 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' to the bugreport will speed things up.09:03
MehdiHassanpourshould I ask those packages in ubuntu-universe-sponsors ?09:04
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MehdiHassanpourthere is now such list @ lists.ubuntu.com09:07
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fdovingMehdiHassanpour: i mean, you should make bugreports at http://bugs.ubuntu.com, then you should subscribe the launchpad-group ubuntu-universe-sponsors ( https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors ). They are the ones handling these cases, iirc.09:16
MehdiHassanpourfdoving: ok thanks09:18
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LaserJockhi ajmitch 10:47
=== ajmitch is not really here
ajmitchdsl is down at home10:48
=== ajmitch is off to get food anyway
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nixternalnew upstream multiverse packages, can they be put on revu as well, or is there a different procedure?11:05
LaserJocksame, although I don't know if I'd use REVU for a new upstream version11:06
nixternalhow should i go about it?11:06
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LaserJocknixternal: if there isn't a big difference debdiff it11:09
LaserJockif there is  lot of changes put the whole source packages somewhere11:10
nixternaldebdiff == 240k11:13
Lutinis there a motureviewer around that could have a look to http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3981 ?11:16
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joejaxxHello All :)11:41
Sp4rKyhi joejaxx :)11:42
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