
BackPackervinnybinny: OK, the command to do that would be: sudo rsync -avzulHKxq /data /backup12:01
jribzOap: wherever you want.  What do you mean exactly?12:01
JowiTonren, that is strange. do you have a software firewall activated in linux?12:01
i|Dok got config12:01
frederificTonren: It sounds to me like the library's proxy is trying to run an activeX control or suchlike that is windows-only. I could be totally wrong though...12:01
TonrenJowi: Not that I know of.12:01
aoirthoirTonren: not much..came in to see if anyone knows how to get GRub to recognize an OS on another hard drive..not just another partition12:01
=== LVEB [n=HAL@mon75-7-82-228-48-95.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
purplemunkzI am having a problem being able to access the internet on a fresh ubuntu install.   I have verified that my Ethernet card (eth0) is UP and is configured correctly.    I can ping my gateway, and can being intenet domains such as yahoo and google but can not access anything when attempting to open a website in firefox.  anyone seen anything similar?12:01
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vinnybinnyBackPacker: it has some large multimedia files so i would like no compression and to just overwrite the previous backup12:01
Tonrenfrederific: It kind of seems that way.12:01
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BackPackervinnybinny: that just copies over the new/changed stuff. To sync the directories: sudo rsync -avzulHKxq --delete /data /backup12:01
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BackPackervinnybinny: OK, hold on...12:01
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maddashpurplemunkz: set your default network interface12:01
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Tonrenfrederific: The really weird thing is that in Linux, once connected, I can't even get Gaim or XChat working - so it's not just a web browser thing.12:01
purplemunkzuhm, how?12:01
frederifictonren: bit of a long shot, but have you tried asking the library people?12:01
maddashpurplemunkz: sudo network-manager12:01
zOapjrib, I have a user bin /home/user/bin. But the path is not loaded at startup. where do I put the path so that it's loaded each time I log in? it works in term, but not in gui...12:02
i|Dfrom:   to: .   via: port = 108012:02
jribzOap: use ~/.gnomerc if you are using gnome12:02
Tonrenfrederific: I just can't deal with the "Linux...?" blank look right now.12:02
BackPackervinnybinny: if there are large multimedia files, you'd want rsync to compress them while copying. They won't end up compressed in the backup directory12:02
zOapjrib, no I'm use xfce12:02
odi3purple: i use "iwlist scan" to find available networks then change essid to the network i would like to use12:02
JowiTonren, frederific might be right. it makes no sence that your connection is lost like that. can you verify that it disconnects or that the connection stays up but you can not browse?12:02
frederifictonren: Yeah, I figured it'd be like that12:02
purplemunkzok, I'll give it a try...   so even if eth0 isn't currently set as the default, would I still be able to ping external hosts and ip's using the eth0 interface?12:02
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BackPackervinnybinny: but if you don't want rsync to compress them on the way, leave out the 'z' parameter12:02
purplemunkzbecause i can12:03
frederifictonren: have you tried turning off your pop-up blocker?12:03
kcinnahow can i burn avi files to a dvd?12:03
kcinnaas video12:03
maddashpurplemunkz: if what I said works, then probably...12:03
TonrenJowi: I'm pretty sure that, once my external ping stops working, I can still ping the router (wherever it is).  And what really is strange is that it DOES work!  For about 30 seconds.12:03
i|Di dont understand this config12:03
vinnybinnyBackPacker: sounds good12:03
h3xisTucky, okay i gotta head out but good luck. i'll be back later12:03
Tonrenfrederific: Funny you should ask that, because it did try to launch a pop-up when I was in Linux.  But when I booted into Windows and connected, it's been working with no popup.12:03
kane77h3xis, http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/1197/untitledlh3.jpg here's the picture... it's abit of a mess...12:03
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Tonrenfrederific: In Windows, I connected to AIM before I even opened my browser.12:03
Moon_RabbitsCan I run speakers on Ubuntu if I don't have a soundcard? I mean, if the sound card is integrated into the motherboard? Because ever since I installed ubuntu my computer has been using it's built in speaker instead.12:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:04
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BackPackervinnybinny: if you decide you want to back a directory up to another machine on the lan, just add its name before the directory: sudo rsync -avzulHKxq --delete /data pc:/backup12:04
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h3xiskane77, alright i'll save it and check it out when i get back. im heading out, but i12:04
maddashpurplemunkz: does ffox work now?12:04
JowiTonren, check if the connection is still there after the 30 secs. if it is still up, it's not your wireless connection you should investigate but how the connection is verified from the Access Point or Proxy.12:04
h3xiskane77, i will be back later ;)12:04
=== oslo [n=Lancelot@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
purplemunkzugh.. I'm in windows atm.  I got to reboot into ubuntu to give it a shot..12:04
kane77h3xis, ok12:04
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castoffi|D do you know the socks server IP and the version either 4 or 5?12:04
BackPackervinnybinny: the advantage of using rsync is that it only copies over the bits that have changed12:04
frederifictonren: it could be that it opens one, then immediatle closes it, juse to make sure its a real PC12:04
TonrenJowi: I don't really understand what you mean.  How do I verify if the connection is "still there"?  I don't know enough about networking to investigate proxies and stuff.12:04
i|Di have ip port and its socks 512:05
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=== Tucky [n=tucker@cpc1-cmbg10-0-0-cust776.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
JowiTonren, simply ping the gateway12:05
Tuckyh3xis that is set up now12:05
TonrenJowi: Like I said - I'm pretty sure I was able to ping the gateway after the rest of my services stopped functioning.12:05
kane77h3xis, can you just look at it and tell me if it's possible?12:05
castoffi|D replace with ip and 1080 with port12:05
i|Dand then i have to remove all this # ?12:05
Tonrenfrederific: I don't think so.  Like I said - the first thing I did in Windows was open Gaim, not Firefox or even IE.12:05
frederifictonren: In that case, its not a conneciton problem12:05
odi3problem: laptop connects to network folders for about 30 seconds, then says not responding. --> //diskstation/files /diskstation/files smbfsrw,uid=odi3,gid=odi3,username=admin,password=dogman 0 0 <-- my fstab entry, anyone know how to fix?12:05
JowiTonren, I suspect frederific is right12:05
castoffi|D need a username/password?12:06
purplemunkzit really doesn't make any sense though,  as I can ping yahoo.com and google.com and get responses from those domain names.     but I simply can't access them using ffox, or even the apt-get utility isn't working as well...  though i can succesfully ping the hostname that apt-get is trying to connect to in order to pull packages.12:06
almira nice media player for my mp3 collection?12:06
frederifictonren: hmm, dont know then, sorry12:06
i|Dnot needed12:06
jrib!player | almir12:06
Tonrenfrederific: Jowi: I think you guys are right - it's probably something that the proxy is trying to verify that Linux doesn't have.12:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:06
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castoffi|D yep remove the # on the entries you use12:06
kane77almir, listen if you use gnome, amarok for kde12:06
i|Di have to remove everywhere #12:06
BackPackeralmir: amarok is very good12:06
i|Di dont know what to use there;D12:06
almirusing gnome12:06
castoffi|D and then copy the configuration to /etc12:06
jribzOap: maybe .xsession then, though I'm note sure atm12:07
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JosefKkane77: I throw caution to the wind and use amarok in Gnome too ^^12:07
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JowiTonren, if you're using firefox now check it's settings or try with another browser to see if that works any better12:07
Batmanuelhey guys, I need some help with flash sound. I read the faq, the restricted formats page AND the flash troubleshooting page and it only managed to completely break my flash support.12:07
LameBMXamarok just rocks ...12:07
castoffi|D lets go to private messages12:07
LameBMXgnome and im usin it lol12:07
=== Friggin [n=no@port-212-202-21-147.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
zOapjrib, .xession doesnt exist, I'll have a look around. thanks :)12:07
vinnybinnyBackPacker: cool! so the first one was just to get the files there. and then rsync -avzulHKxq --delete /data /backup <--- is to only update the changed files12:07
Tuckyh3xis you their?12:07
Batmanuelright now I cant even load flash videos... what should I do?12:07
jribzOap: you create it12:07
kane77JosefK, I think amarok is a bit more mature... but I like to use gnome stuff for gnome :D12:07
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ToranI'm having problems with mounting my iPod12:08
jribzOap: or .xprofile12:08
TonrenJowi: Well, Firefox works fine in Windows.  I'm sure other browsers wouldn't have any luck in Linux anyway.  Like I said - NOTHING worked, not even Gaim or XChat.12:08
LameBMXh3xis, did tirus ever show back up12:08
odi3batmanuel: i used automatix2 to install my flash support i think12:08
frederificToran: What happens when you plug it in?12:08
zOapjrib, ok, thanks12:08
BatmanuelI'll give it a try...12:08
ToranWhenever I've just rebooted my computer it works fine, but after a while amarok no longer automounts it. Dmesg shows a lot of buffer i/o errors12:08
purplemunkzhmm something else that I did notice a little while ago, was that the eth0 interface (integrated on my mobo) is displaying all F's in the h/w address field in the ifconfig report..  is that common?12:08
JowiTonren, might be a cookie that keeps the connection up, that's why i suggested it12:08
BackPackervinnybinny: no, they both update the changed files, but the one with --delete also deletes anything in the backup directory that doesn't exist in the source directory, i.e. anything that's been deleted from the source dir since the last backup. In other words, it syncs the two dirs12:08
FaT32Can anyone help please? I have a problem. I used command prompt to change my xorg.conf due to problems... After that I finally got Gnome... So, how to continue my installation from that Live CD?12:09
frederificToran: are you in KDE or gnome?12:09
BackPackervinnybinny: If you ever want to do this kind of thing manually, check out 'unison'12:09
BackPackervinnybinny: I mean, in a GUI12:09
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JowiFaT32, click on "install" icon on the gnome desktop12:09
TonrenJowi: Nope...Internet Explorer opened without a hitch.  I didn't think that was the case.  Like I've been saying - Gaim and Xchat were also affected.  How could a cookie mess with non-browser apps?12:10
kane77I got stuck somewhere... I want to create a link (or whatever it is) to firefox... how do I do this... i untarred it to /opt/firefox... when I run firefox from command line (/opt/firefox/firefox) it runs well, but I created a file called firefox in /usr/bin/ with contents /opt/firefox/firefox and thought that would run firefox, but it just runs MANY instances of sh or bash... :(12:10
BackPackerFriggin: what makes you think it's evening? :-)12:10
=== Exposure` [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Frigginwell it s here ;)12:10
BackPackerFriggin: exactly! :-)12:10
odi3purplemunkz: when u tried "iwlist scan" in terminal window, were the local wireless networks displayed?12:10
TonrenJowi: frederific: Actually... it says here that the library's wi-fi is unfiltered.  That must mean it's not a proxy; there's something up with the router itself.  I wonder what the hell is going on...12:10
Tuckyh3xis you their?????????12:10
BackPackerFriggin: it's 23:10 here...12:10
vinnybinnyBackPacker: again thanks :)12:10
FrigginI'm trying to get my wlan to work, but no luck so far12:10
JowiTonren, you mentioned that you have to click on something on a web-page to connect, true or false?12:10
ToranBackPacker: that counts12:10
BackPackervinnybinny: you're very welcome12:11
kane77Tucky, I thouht he had to go somewhere...12:11
TonrenJowi: True!12:11
JowiTonren, I rest my case :)12:11
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BackPackerToran: You have some long evenings...  :-)12:11
frederificTonren: That is very very very very odd indeed12:11
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kane77BackPacker, it's 00:11 here12:11
castoffkane77 look at the ln -s command12:11
FaT32Jowi: I only have Ubuntu 6.10 CD icon on desktop...12:11
BackPackerkane77: Evening kane7712:11
n2diyFaT32, what makes you think your install is incomplete?12:11
TonrenJowi: But what you're suggesting seems impossible.  How could a browser cookie, or lack thereof, PREVENT Gaim and XChat and even PING from working?12:11
noiesmokane77,  you need to do " sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox" that will create a symbolick link12:11
TonrenJowi: The ping command doesn't care about browser cookies.12:11
odi3problem: laptop connects to network folders for about 30 seconds, then says not responding. --> //diskstation/files /diskstation/files smbfsrw,uid=odi3,gid=odi3,username=admin,password=dogman 0 0 <-- my fstab entry, anyone know how to fix?12:12
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kane77castoff, what does plain ln do? damn... i think that was wrong...12:12
purplemunkzhmm..   I do have a wireless card installed in the pc, but I'm not trying to use it.   I'm trying to use the integrated ethernet adapter..   I haven't configured my wireless card yet, because it's using the stupid broadcom chip, and I need to get the system connected to the intenet first so I can get the broadcom fw ripper tool...12:12
JowiTonren, true, but you said you could ping the gateway after that 30 secs. I just trust what you tell me.12:12
kane77castoff, (I mean without -s)12:12
Tuckykane do you know when hes gettin back?12:12
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FrigginI'm with 6.06, updated, networkmanager installed and working, but no luck with wlan12:12
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castoffkane77 look at noiesmo answer12:12
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aoirthoirubuntu is for girls12:12
Tuckycause he was gonna help me wwith my problem12:12
adaptrTonren: most timeouts are associated with DNS trouble12:12
frederificaoirthoir: and boys!12:12
FaT32n2diy: because I didn't get any installation screens like partition select, etc.12:13
Tonrenadaptr: I have a feeling it's a DNS issue, but I don't know how to go about resolving it.12:13
castoffkane77 it makes a hard link12:13
aoirthoirfrederific: yes12:13
odi3purplemunkz: oooo sry, thought u were trying to install wireless12:13
Frigginas far as I can tell there's no way to solve this using the gui, right? One has to get one's hand dirty?12:13
Tonrenadaptr: I've had DNS issues on this laptop before.  In fact, for some reason, my /etc/resolv.conf constantly reconfigures itself to have the line: "nameserver" !!!  Sometimes I have to manually remove it to make things work.12:13
adaptrTonren: well, do you have access to another DNS server ? try you rISPs secondary as the first one instead, it sometimes helps12:13
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Acorpcan anybody help me with boot ? system won't load, i have only black screen12:13
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castoffi|D you getting my pm's?12:13
i|D* Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )12:13
i|Dlols im soory12:14
kane77noiesmo, yay!! that works :D12:14
adaptrTonren: then you have avahi or named installed, or possible a caching server12:14
n2diyFaT32, what version are you playing with?12:14
i|Dim register now12:14
break_would anybody care to help me out?12:14
purplemunkzyeh, I will be once I get this network issue resolved...   it's just not making any sense, that I can ping virtually any host name and get resonses from the ip's associated with those hosts.. but when I try to open a website in firefox, or try to connect using the apt-get tool.. bam, nothing at all..12:14
=== Otacon22 [n=otacon22@85-18-201-171.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
break_first of all, i dont know what to do with a run.gz files12:14
castoffi|d ok12:14
JowiTonren, adaptr: that's easy to check. open a browser and type in (that's google) and see if it works12:14
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noiesmokane77, :)12:14
kane77noiesmo, thanx a lot pal!12:14
break_and when i try extracting it, it errors12:14
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FaT32n2diy: Ubuntu 6.10 Live CD12:14
LameBMX!anyone | break_12:14
adaptrJowi: truem he should check that - but form what he says about resolv.conf, it looks like DNS12:14
Tonrenadaptr: Unfortunately, I don't remember the IP addresses of my ISP's DNS.  I'm at the library, anyway.12:14
eXistenZHello, how can I override ls to ls -la?12:14
TonrenJowi: I'm going to do that when I boot back into Linux.12:14
kane77why there isnt firefox 2 in dapper??12:14
Otacon22Hi all, I need to use a phone connected by a modem card as a skype speaker, how can i do it?12:14
castoffi|D you flooded me...lol12:14
adaptrTonren: you can always see them12:14
n2diyFaT32, can you boot without the CD?12:15
Tonrenadaptr: How?12:15
eXistenZI tried writing an alias but it still doesn't work =/12:15
i|Dlol im sorry castoff12:15
JowiTonren, if that IP address works in a browser then it's a DNS problem, if not, something else12:15
SlarteXistenZ:  you could check the man page for ls.. I think it's in the .bashrc file12:15
frederifickane77: Because when dapper came out, firefox 2 wasnt out12:15
noiesmokane77, because most people have moved to edgy i would say12:15
adaptrTonren: well, cat /etc/resolv.conf for one12:15
i|Di only posted what i have written and u not seen castoff12:15
AcorpHi, can anyone help me with boot ? when i am trying to boot into gnome, only black screen appears12:15
i|Dim sorry:p12:15
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break_shouldnt your computer/router automatically detect your DNS settings?12:15
odi3Purplemunkz:to activate my wire connection, i just went to administration->networking-> then clicked on wired connection12:15
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Tonrenadaptr: When I do that, I only have 2 lines: nameserver and search (hostname corresponding to my current network)12:15
adaptrTonren: if it hasn't screwed that up - but a static (i.e. wired) install really shouldn't mess with that12:15
break_if you're behind a router, just set your DNS server to the IP address of your router?12:15
FaT32n2diy: I have Win 98 :) on my drive C I really want Ubuntu12:15
kane77eXistenZ, alias "ls"="ls -la"12:15
n2diyeXistenZ: did you log out, and back in?12:15
castoffi|D  hang on a sec12:15
=== Dimensions [n=crypto@82-34-246-231.cable.ubr04.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
adaptr!avahi | tonren12:15
i|Dokie sure:)12:15
eXistenZn2diy, ja12:16
kane77eXistenZ, but its gone after restart12:16
Tonrenbreak_: There's been something odd going on with my laptop's DNS.12:16
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JowiAcorp, does this happen if you create a new user and log in with that one as well?12:16
break_seriously, i want to install a .run.gz12:16
odi3purplemunkz: does it say dhcp then inside says enable this connection and auto configuration?12:16
Tonren!avahi > me12:16
break_and i dont have any idea what to do with it12:16
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adaptrubotu is broken !12:16
Slartbreak_: fir gunzip it12:16
n2diyFaT32, hmmm, reboot, and try the install again?12:16
TonrenUbotu is dead!12:16
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kane77frederific, noiesmo and is it going to be backported?12:16
break_i tried gunzipping it12:16
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Slartbreak_: then do a "sh thefilename.run"12:16
break_and it errored12:16
Jowiubotu quit half an hour ago12:16
break_it errors12:16
noiesmokane77, not sure :(12:17
Moon_RabbitsI have two questions I'd like some help with, maybe? :}12:17
castoffi|D you get my pm?12:17
AcorpJowi: it has happen, when i tryied install from CD, it happens, when i installed from alternate CD and now trying to boot from HDD12:17
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JowiMoon_Rabbits, ask your questions and be precise12:17
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castoffok i'll send you what you need then12:17
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kane77noiesmo, anyway, how can you backport a package?12:17
DimensionsHiya ... i have two usb Wlan adopters ... how do i install them when i do lsusb one says  0ace:1215 ZyDAS other one says 18e8:6201  i dont know their brands etc ... i have searched google alot but oculdn't find any solution to it12:17
Slartbreak_: then I think you're... in a bad place =)... try downloading the file again? check it with "file filename" to see that it really is a zipped file12:17
Tonrenfrederific: Jowi: adaptr: I'm going to boot back into Linux and do some debugging.  If I can see Google after the 30 seconds, I'll know it's DNS.  I'm also gonna sudo aptitude remove avahi named.12:17
odi3purplemunkz: and is the green light on, where the ethernet cable plugs into the laptop?12:17
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purplemunkzyeh, i did that already, lol.  still nothing..    it just doesn't make any sense at all..   I mean, from everything I am seeing, DNS resolution is working fine, and I can ping my gateway...    but, come to think of it I can't even access my wireless gateway's web page using ffox in ubuntu, although I can hit it fine in windows...   I'm using STATIC ip configuration instead of DHCP.  I've got the ip config set correcty (including dn12:17
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JiggleButtJiggleButt in da house!12:17
break_ive redownloaded the 700mb file 3 times12:17
JiggleButtWee hee hee hee!12:18
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Slartbreak_: it might just be broken at the source.. what is it you're trying to download?12:18
kane77JiggleButt, ehm...12:18
break_UT2004 demo12:18
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frederifictonren: ok12:18
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Slartbreak_: got an url? I could try it too12:18
BackPackerJiggleButt: Pass that bottle over here... :-)12:18
break_beat ya to it :p12:18
JiggleButtHere ya go, buddy!12:18
LameBMXpurplemunkz, does your router do the dhcp? and if so you may want to use it ... ive noticed letting things work that way keeps stuff from breaking12:18
Moon_RabbitsFirstly, my speakers are plugged directly into my motherboard, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to have detected them. When I try and play with the volume settings it says that no sound card is detected. Do I have to have a soundcard or does ubuntu support ones that are integrated into the motherboard?12:18
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Slartbreak_:  =).. I'll get right on it.. I'll report back when done12:18
JowiAcorp, so you get to the login screen at least?12:18
Batmanuelalright, I tried automatix2 and nothing. Still no flash support -_-12:19
JiggleButtSlart: May the force be with you!12:19
break_does that give me 20 minutes to run to the store Slart?12:19
Batmanuellittle help here guys12:19
frederifickane77: have a look at <http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=324956>12:19
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FaT32n2diy: I had a problem while installing... Got black screen with "sync" message... So, I manually changed xorg.conf (added VertRefresh) and after that - startx..... But I got _runned_ Ubuntu not installed12:19
Slartbreak_: sure.. I'll be right here12:19
JiggleButtBatmanuel, what is your Ubuntu problem?12:19
LameBMXbreak_, have you tried extracting it first12:19
break_haha, alright12:19
break_yes i've tried12:19
AcorpJowi: no, only logo and progress bar appears, after that only black screen, without anything12:19
purplemunkzit does use DHCP, but I have 5 PC's connected to my router and 2 of them are servers, which i don't need pulling IP's via DHCP..   oh, and one of the PC's is my neighbor's PC (connecting to my wireless) and I don't feel like having to reconfigure all of their shiz...12:19
Batmanuelright now, I have no flash support12:19
seanjBatmanuel: add multiverse to your apt repositories and install flashplugin-nonfree12:19
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n2diyMoon_Rabbits: You'll have to figure out what the chipset for sound is, on the mom board.12:19
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BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: alsa and oss support integrated ac97 soundcards, don't know about esound12:20
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Batmanuelseanj, trying that, hold on12:20
Slartbreak, you tried opening it with that archiver in gnome?12:20
break_what a nice neighbor you are purplemunkz12:20
purplemunkzhaha yeah...12:20
purplemunkzshe's hot.. what can I say :P12:20
BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: KDE supports alsa and oss, Gnome uses esound, I believe (dont use Gnome myself)12:20
AcorpJowi: i am trying to solve it with some ppl on cz channel, so i left at this time for test something12:20
n2diyFaT32, hmmm, reboot, and try the install again?12:20
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pike_thats not so bad im using circuit city ap right now..12:20
SlartGnome uses alsa too.. or esound.. or arts.. or bah.. there's just to many of them12:21
seanjgunzip file.run.gz ?12:21
odi3batmanuel, after installing automatix2, did you go run it, click on multimedia and have automatix2 install "Flash Player"?12:21
seanjthen sh file.run12:21
JowiAcorp, ok. you've got some framebuffer problem most likely. boot into recovery mode. type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select vesa as the video driver and go for the default options for the rest and then reboot and see if you still see nothing.12:21
break_it errors12:21
seanjbreak_: what's the error ?12:21
break_gunzip: UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz: unexpected end of file12:21
Moon_RabbitsAlright, thanks BackPacker+n2diy12:21
purplemunkzah, well I'm going to go bang my head on the wall some more ... wish me luck.12:21
Dimensionsany one got solution for installing Wlan usb Adopters ? in ubuntu .... ???12:21
BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: If you open a console and enter 'lspci | grep -i audio' you  might see the card listed12:21
seanjbreak_: try renaming it to file.run12:21
FaT32n2diy: thanks, but I will get the same thing... :(12:21
odi3purplemunkz: gl:)12:21
kane77frederific, it's a notch harder as I run 64 bit version.. but thanx12:21
seanjbreak_: then do: sh file.run12:21
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Batmanuelseanj, still not working.... what the hell12:21
break_bb in a minute12:22
seanjbreak_: if that doesn't work... their own local copy is corrupted12:22
odi3batmanuel, after installing automatix2, did you go run it, click on multimedia and have automatix2 install "Flash Player"?12:22
frederificubotus back...12:22
seanjBatmanuel: :( did you restart mozilla/firefox12:22
n2diyFaT32,  ok, so you already tried that?12:22
Batmanuelofcourse I did odi312:22
francalierhas anyone here used loobuntu?12:22
castoffi|D get all that?12:22
JowiAcorp, either you have the wrong video driver or wrong monitor settings. "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" should fix that for you.12:22
Batmanuelyes, seanj, I did12:22
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i|Dyes castoff12:22
break_UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run: UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run: cannot execute binary file12:22
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seanjBatmanuel: in that case I have no idea what's wrong.. sorry :(12:22
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JowiAcorp, use the "vesa" driver to be safe12:22
Slartbreak_: do a md5 on the file.. just to see that we get the same file12:22
castoffi|D ok let me know12:22
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Moon_RabbitsBackPacker: When I input 'lspci | grep -i audio' in the terminal, nothing seems to happen.12:23
break_tell me how and i will :x12:23
i|Dyes i have got castoff12:23
FaT32n2diy: yes. I did whole process that I mentioned twice already...12:23
perkog'day!  is anyone here familiar with HAL?  I get a rather annoying error message each boot: "Failed to Initialize HAL!" .. as a result, USB does not automount.  I have read bug #24029; this is the closest i've found to my prob, but in my case dbus is running.  Any suggestions? I'm running Edgy 64bit (gnome)12:23
n2diyFaT32,  I've had trouble installing on drives with Win 98, can you low level format the drive?12:23
Slartbreak_: type "md5 myawsomelinuxgamefile.run.gz"12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glgears - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
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castoffi|D by the way the man page is man dante.conf12:23
Batmanuelurge to kill is rising.... I was only missing sound until your fancy faq broke everything. I'm gonna go uninstall everything12:23
frederificfrancalier: wow12:23
BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: OK, just do 'lspci' and look through the output. If it goes by too fast, do 'lspci | less' so you can page up and down, then press 'Q' to quit12:23
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break_command not found?!12:24
i|DThanks castoff12:24
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Slartbreak_: oops, sorry.. md5sum12:24
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odi3problem: laptop connects to network folders for about 30 seconds, then says not responding. --> //diskstation/files /diskstation/files smbfsrw,uid=odi3,gid=odi3,username=admin,password=dogman 0 0 <-- my fstab entry, anyone know how to fix?12:24
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Moon_RabbitsBackPacker: Okay, I used the lspci command, but what exactly am I looking for in the output?12:24
SlartI get ...     f72f55d1d9b5682408e36d8b0689e857  UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz12:24
break_haha, alright here it is12:24
break_f72f55d1d9b5682408e36d8b0689e857  UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz12:24
Slartlooks the same..12:24
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BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: Anything that says 'sound' or 'audio' or 'multimedia'12:24
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i|Dcastoff i readed12:24
i|D<i|D> U can read this?12:24
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frederificfrancalier: loobuntu looks great, how can I install it?12:25
break_yeah, its the same12:25
break_yours works?12:25
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castoffi|D huh?12:25
Moon_RabbitsBackPacker: Nope, nothing there. Hold on a minute.12:25
Slartbreak_: same thing here.. someone made a mistake..12:25
break_ahh, its corrupt?12:25
computriusive hit my snag again with linux12:25
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computriusive run out of problems to fix to get the install working correctly12:25
computriusim bored12:25
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Jowicomputrius, install beryl with aiglx :)12:26
computriusalready did :)12:26
break_Slart: so the file is corrupt from the source?12:26
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LameBMXwell computrius can you figure out how to make amorak hit the system bell in type with the music ...12:26
Slartbreak_: it would seem so... there's nothing on the forums about this? you can't be the first to download this12:26
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LameBMXso desktop water will go to the music :)12:27
odi3computrius: u know how to mount NAS drives?12:27
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kuzmastercan somone please tell me how to find out the frame rate that glxgears is running at?12:27
Balsamic_Chickendoes anyone know how to set profile images for gaim? like the one picture that's displayed as u when ur in chat12:27
n2diycomputrius: how do I change my keyboard layout while in terminal? :)12:27
computriusdont know what an NAS drive is, therefore probably dont have one12:27
ValmarkoCould someone tell how to request the default configuration of my firewall. I would like to undo all the changes I made with guarddog12:27
LameBMXodi3 look up nfs12:27
break_i've been out of mountain dew for a couple hours now, i need more. so i'll be back later12:27
bazslNewbie question: I am trying to run a program and I get errors of the form "error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open file: No such file or directory". I get the same message for libc.so.6, librt.so.1 and others. What do I need to install to correct this problem?12:27
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jrib!glxgears | kuzmaster12:27
ubotukuzmaster: To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.12:27
phrozen77_hi all - i've got some problems installing perl-modules using the perl MCPAN shell for modules that are NOT available with apt-get.. seemingly they all failing to make... anyone has an idea what might be wrong?12:27
Jowicomputrius, configure .xsession to start only beryl and gdesklets (you should have NO basic taskbars/docks since that is cheating)12:27
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break_when i get back, i'll bring up my other problem. the main reason why i want to try the UT2004 demo12:27
BackPackerValmarko: you can use 'iptables -F' but it might not do what you think...12:27
computriusmaybe I could code up a bbs software12:28
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computriusthat uses telnet12:28
Slartbreak_: another one, http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=55985412:28
break_i asked the guys in the wine channel, but i think its a driver problem12:28
red_anybody here a samba guru?12:28
BackPackerValmarko: You might need to set up specific rules to allow everything in our out, depending on what you think the 'default configuation' should be12:28
Slartbreak_: ah.. well.. go get those drinks then12:28
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Valmarkoummm... there's no simple way12:29
BackPackerValmarko: Hold on a minute...12:29
break_lets hope they have a 2 liter bottle for under $212:29
computriusI never have made any real app for linux12:29
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Batmanuelalright, I have flash working. I'm still missing sound though.12:29
Jowicomputrius, should look like this when you're done: http://burninghands.eu/pics/Screenshot.png12:29
break_i hate living so close to washington dc, prices for everything are higher12:29
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phrozen77_hi all - i've got some problems installing perl-modules using the perl MCPAN shell for modules that are NOT available with apt-get.. seemingly they all failing to make... anyone has an idea what might be wrong?12:29
BatmanuelI have a hunch its trying to use the OSS mixer but my card uses the ALSA mixer... how do I tell firefox that?12:29
computriusthats pretty sweet looking :)12:30
jbroomeJowi: nice scrn schot12:30
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red_anybody here a samba guru? have some questions12:30
jbroomeerr, shot12:30
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odi3lamebmx:I have the drives mounted on startup, but after about 30 seconds of use they stop working.....12:30
computriusI will take that challenge, as I want my desktop to look like that :)12:30
Batmanuel(vlc media player always gets it wrong too and I have to configure it so it uses the right sound card (I have 2))12:30
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Moon_RabbitsBackPacker: On my mobo I see what appears to be my sound chipset. It says "ESS: AudioDrive", is this of any help to solving my problem?12:31
Jowijbroome, luckily Beryl make it possible. don't need anything else :)12:31
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computriuswhere did you get the dock?12:31
Tonrenadaptr: Jowi: It was a DNS thing.  I manually set my DNS in /etc/resolv.conf to the IP address of the gateway, and it's working fine now.12:31
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Batmanuelnobody? come on12:31
BackPackerValmarko: Here's a 4-line script to take the firewall out (the | indicates the end of each line): #!/bin/bash | iptables-P INPUT ACCEPT | iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT | iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT12:31
FaT32n2diy: Ok. I probably found the way. System > Administration > Install... I already got first "installation screen"12:31
LameBMXcomputrius, what kinda vid card and how is your aiglx experience ... i went to glx cuz water and everything else works a lot better .. none of the video probs n junk12:31
Pie-rateif i install kubuntu-desktop, i'll get to chose between gnome and kde when i log in right?12:31
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odi3lamebmx: now they only time out, if i restart my comp i can use them for about 30 seconds, then they time out again12:31
JowiTonren, I'm happy it was that simple :)12:31
jribPie-rate: yes12:31
LameBMXit totem and it have to be constantly resized to see the video lol12:31
computriusI installed beryl via ubuntu repositories12:31
Tonrenadaptr: Jowi: However, the packages "avahi" and "named" aren't installed, but my resolv.conf is still setting itself as nameserver  How do I stop this and tell it to get the nameserver automatically from the wifi router?12:31
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jakub_how can i edit a PDF? are there any tools on gentoo that allow for that? i tried apt-cache search pdf | grep -i write12:31
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jribcomputrius: beryl isn't in ubuntu repositories12:32
n2diyFaT32,  Cool, good luck.12:32
Valmarkotanks BackPacker12:32
Tonrenadaptr: Jowi: It'd be an awful hassle to do this every time I want to use the web.12:32
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computriuswell.. not ubuntu ones.. I had to add a 3rd party repo12:32
BackPackerMoon_Rabbits: I recognise the soundcard. I used to have one of those a long time ago. Don't know if Ubuntu can use it or not. Try entering "ESS: Audiodrive Linux" in http://www.google.com/linux and see what comes up12:32
Tonrenjakub_: Can't The GIMP?  I know Photoshop ca.12:32
BackPackerValmarko: You're welcome12:32
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LameBMXodi3 i dont know i was just tryin to help point you in the right direction12:32
BackPackerjakub_: You can load PDF files into OpenOffice12:32
jribjakub_: you're in #ubuntu, but the GIMP can12:32
JowiTonren, in network-admin create a "location" with a different DNS and switch the locations when you need12:33
odi3lamebmx: ah ok, thanks anyway:)12:33
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CheeseWhat's OpenOffice?12:33
TonrenJowi: What's "network-admin"?12:33
BackPacker!openoffice > Cheese12:33
jakub_BackPacker: how? i tried with openoffice12:33
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odi3cheese: openoffice = microsoft office for linux12:33
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org12:33
LameBMXnp .. 2x250GB drives for stoarge on this box :/ ... not much need for nas12:33
TonrenJowi: Also, if it automatically gets the DNS from the router, I shouldn't have to manually set anything.12:33
Slart!openoffice | Cheese12:33
ubotuCheese: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org12:33
JowiTonren, "sudo network-admin" will let you know :)12:33
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Valmarkoummm... but... isnt it dangerous? I'm allowing everything. Firewall is pratically OFF (??)12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
bulmerjakub_ you may try pdf2ps > resultfile.txt  and then edit the resulting text file12:33
BackPackerjakub_: Hold on while I fire up OO and check...12:33
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TonrenJowi: Oh, jesus.  This thing.  This thing NEVER works, dude.12:34
computriusas a matter of fact I have beryl turned off right now because for some reason java apps wont draw their widgets with beryl on12:34
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bulmerValmarko: default ubuntu has no firewall activated12:34
ubotuhal: Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 1112 kB12:34
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ValmarkoOhhh... ok :)12:34
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JowiTonren, the automatic DNS is from /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and if you want to set it manyally you will have to do that each time. network-admin will let you have different profiles for different connections so that's *one* way of solving it12:34
perkoanyone ever had/solved the "HAL failed to initialize!" error?12:34
TonrenJowi: adaptr: Also, "ifconfig" shows the *broadcast* but not the *gateway*.  How do you view the gateway IP address?12:34
mnoirjrib: what version of the gimp can edit pdfs??12:35
apodictus@anyone: just installed a fresh unbuntu 6.10 started Totem and tried playing mp3/mpg files but it's complaining about not having the right codecs. If it cant play those what can it play?12:35
|Sora|how do i make the window tabs trangparent?12:35
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ikoniaTonren: netstat -rn12:35
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TonrenJowi: I"m convinced that there's something set somewhere preventing networking from automatically setting the DNS based on each router it connects to via DHCP.12:35
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adaptrTonren: route -n12:35
ikonia|Sora|: you need to used an advanced window manager settings12:35
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|Sora|where is that found ikaya_12:36
computriusLameBMX: geforce 7900 GT12:36
jribmnoir: all I've tried since dapper12:36
adaptrTonren: but start by just running dhclient -v -l12:36
Slartmnoir: gimp? edit pdfs?? since when?12:36
DimensionsHiya ... i have Two usb Wlan adopter ... thers no brand for it ... how do i install it and configure it ??? lsusb gives me this info 0ace:1215 ZyDAS and 18e8:620112:36
BackPackerjakub_: I was wrong, it isn't OpenOffice that can edit PDFs, it's KOffice12:36
adaptr!gimp | mnoir12:36
bulmerTonren: per adaptr..those will tell you what the DHCP doles out to your client12:36
ubotumnoir: An advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.12:36
gurudoes anyone here use a usb kvm switch?12:36
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Slart call the gimp.. got to try this
Tonrenadaptr: My DHclient doesn't have a -v switch.12:36
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|Sora|where is that found ikonia12:36
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mnoirSlart: i agree - i'm askin him to prove it since i do not beleive it12:36
adaptrTonren: well, then leave it off :)12:36
jakub_BackPacker: okay, i'll try with that, but i'm fairly certain i'll get the same issue12:36
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Tonrenadaptr: XD12:36
ikonia|Sora|: use a form of xgl with beryl12:37
adaptrTonren: you do want the -l, or else it will start a second daemon12:37
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vinnybinnyBackPacker: quick question again.  to setup rsync to run every friday @ 7:45pm I would add this to /etc/cron.d/anacron       45 19 * * 5 sudo rsync -avzulHKxq --delete /home/samba /backup ?12:37
jribmnoir: it just opens it as an image that you can add stuff too, it doesn't extract text into text layers for example12:37
Jowigood catch adaptr12:37
adaptrTonren: and a third, and afourth.. I've doe it :)12:37
mnoiradaptr: thanks - i have been using the gimp for quite some time :)12:37
|Sora|there is no simpler way? ikonia12:37
Azabeim trying to remotely log into my ubuntu server, what do i need to enable in order to login remotely?12:37
Tonrenadaptr: man dhclient says that -l just causes it to "try only once".  I don't understand what you mean... I've used dhclient to connect before.12:37
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ikoniaAzabe: depends how you want to login12:37
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ikoniavia a terminal or an X session12:37
TonrenAzabe: sudo aptitude install openssh-server12:37
bulmerAzabe: use sshd12:37
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javaJakeHow do I mount something when it isn't in /etc/fstab?12:37
ikoniaAzabe: just install openssh-server package12:37
javaJakeSay, /dev/sdc1?12:37
frederificAzabe: do you want jsut a terminal, or a GUI?12:37
BackPackerBackPacker: Looks right to me, but I don't remember the parameters to cron offhand. You've checked with 'man crontab'?12:37
ikoniajavaJake: mount command12:37
mnoirjrib: in other words it does not edit pdfs, it converts them to images...12:37
adaptrmnoir: long enough to grasp the conceptual difference between IMG editing and presentation ? :)12:38
Azabejust terminal12:38
Slartmnoir: well.. how about that.. it opened the pdf.. showed me the first page as an image.. wouldn't call it editing though12:38
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whileimhereIm using a IC Power AMD Mobile Sempron laptop with a built in SD card reader. The SD card reader works fine under WinXP with no additional software but under no version of Linux have I gotten it to work. The SD cards work fine with the USB Scandisk peripheral I bought but I would prefer to get the internal SD card reader to work. I have been all over the web including Google and Yahoo and Ubuntu's websites. Can anyone help 12:38
mnoiradaptr: yes12:38
javaJakeikonia, no, because I do not have /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab12:38
ikoniaso ?12:38
BackPackervinnybinny: Sorry, that was meant to be addressed to you:12:38
adaptrTonren: if you want to know, just read all of the man page.. else just trust me... you want -l12:38
francaliermount /dev/sdc1 /mount/point12:38
ikoniayou don't need it in fstab12:38
JowiAzabe, ssh is very basic and nice (text only), you can use vnc or freenx for a graphical login that works even in windows12:38
javaJakeikonia, mount /dev/sdc1 WILL give me an error12:38
adaptrmnoir: and you're sure it can ?12:38
javaJakefrancalier, thanks12:38
BackPackervinnybinny: You might want to add something like >~/backup.log12:38
bulmerwhileimhere: maybe you can exchange your laptop to a new one? ..just kidding12:38
ikoniajavaJake: thats because thats not the command12:38
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Tonrenadaptr: I really do want to know, but all the man page says is that -l causes it to "try once or exit with Error Code 2".12:38
frederificwmileimhere: sorry, most laptops built in card readers dont work under ubuntu12:38
whileimhereBulmer its about a month old.12:38
mnoiradaptr: can what - edit PDFs - no - of course not12:39
vinnybinnyBackPacker: np, only thing is how is the cron daemon able to sudo?12:39
Jowi!ssh | Azabe12:39
ubotuAzabe: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:39
frederificwhileimhere: sorry, most laptops built in card readers dont work under ubuntu12:39
computriusanyone know if the tv wonder elite works with linux... ive read various places that said it did, but ive had no luck with it12:39
Slartmnoir: ah, didn't see that.. I concur.. importing pdf's is more correct12:39
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javaJakeOK, last Q, what does GNOME use to make that fancy mount/unmount status bar pop up?12:39
BackPackervinnybinny: the cron daemon runs as root12:39
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ikonia!hcl >Computrius12:39
swamiwhat is the mono developer chanell?12:39
BackPackervinnybinny: it doesn't need to use 'su' or 'sudo'12:39
swamiwhat's it's name12:39
mnoirSlart: especially when somebody asks how to edit PDFs :)12:39
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AzabeJowi  i know how to use putty12:39
mohshamihey guys, whenever I try to watch a movie on xine, the screensaver isn't stopped like it's supposed to, any idea where I should look? I'm using beryl with xfce btw12:39
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vinnybinnyso i should remove the sudo12:39
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Azabei keep getting remote connection refused12:39
Slartmnoir: =).. well.. it did open it...12:40
ikoniaAzabe: show me the command your using to ssh in12:40
=== mnoir recond it is a good idea to be sure of what question one is really answering
DanglyBitsare there any more current linux kernels available for ubuntu..more current then 2.6.17 ?12:40
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jribmnoir: well you could edit it :)  But yes, importing would be more correct12:40
Azabessh username@ip.address12:40
mnoirSlart: :)12:40
ikoniaDanglyBits: no12:40
javaJakeDoes anyone know what GNOME does to mount stuff automagically? I'd like to do the same in a script.12:40
adaptrTonren: since the man page is about 5 screens long, I somehow doubt that that's all it says...12:40
ikoniaAzabe: what user name12:40
Azabei know how to ssh :)12:40
Azabeive been using linux for a while just new to ubuntu12:40
adaptr!automounter | javaJake12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automounter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:40
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Tonrenadaptr: I'll take a closer look, but I think that's it, really.  Anyway, I gotta run for now.  Thanks for all your help, guys! A dios!12:40
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ikoniajavaJake: gome just does a mount when it gets an event from dbus12:40
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mnoirjrib: i am not trying to be a pita - words are sometimes very loosely used here and it will almost always cause issues...12:41
frederificAzabe: do you have a firewall installed?12:41
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javaJakeikonia, Then I assume GNOME itself creates the window that pops up when you eject a disk?12:41
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ikoniajavaJake: yes12:41
aoirthoirok I got grub workin12:41
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javaJakeikonia, rats... I was hoping it was a program12:41
Azabeum, is there some sort of a firewall that comes default wiht the ubuntu-server install?12:42
mnoirjrib: seems to me that 'how can i edit hippos?' means changing the file within the framework of the structure of the file.12:42
kram_hello guys, i have a problem with ubuntu(latest stable) on my laptop, when i boot it up powernowd wasnt working, so i switched to powersave, unfortunaly at boot time only the governor performance gets loaded, but i want the govenor on demand12:42
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Azabeif so im not aware of it12:42
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frederificAzabe, nope, don't think so12:42
ikoniaAzabe: no ther eisn't12:42
BackPackerAzabe: the firewall is built in to the Linux kernel. It's called iptables12:42
SlartAzabe: iptables... or whatever it's called now.. but I don't think it's filtering anything12:42
BackPackerAzabe: also called netfilter12:42
ikoniano rules are installed by default12:42
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mnoirkram_: latest stable is not good enough a definition any more now that we have LTS - 6.06 or 6.10?12:42
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BackPackerAzabe: If you want to set up firewalling, you could try Firestarter or Guarddog12:43
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ikoniaBackPacker: he doesn't12:43
adaptrdoes anybody have a suggestion for an IRC client that does decent thread highlighting ? and I mean somehting that's actually usable, like: right-click on a nick and select Add to thread.. then all selected nicks wil be highlighted, or better yet, spliced off to a new window, so I can at least attempt to follow a conversation12:43
ikoniahe's trying to use ssh12:43
JowiAzabe, no, the firewall is open. but you might want to add "sshd: ALL" to  /etc/hosts.allow12:43
kram_mnoir: sry for that, i am using 6.1012:43
ikoniaJowi: what command did you do to install the ssh server12:43
BackPackerikonia: OK, thanks, I wasn't following the conversation from the start...12:43
ikoniaBackPacker: no problem, just didn't want you to waste your tme12:44
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mnoirkram_: sry not needed :)12:44
Slartadaptr: I've never seen one that does that.. but let me know if you find one.. I want it too12:44
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ikoniaAzabe: what command did you use to install ssh server12:44
mnoiradaptr: me too!12:44
Jowiikonia, apt-get install openssh-server12:44
ikoniaJowi: sorry - that was the wrong person. I was meant to ask someone else12:44
=== mnoir uses konversation and wants something better
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eXistenZwhat's the difference between fakeroot and sudo?12:44
adaptrSlart: if I could program I'd build one, because this has irritated me from the first ime I've used IRC.. it is sooo obvious12:44
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ikoniaeXistenZ: fakeroot is not a command, sudo is12:45
Slartadaptr: indeed.. I'm using gnome xchat at the moment.. it's ok.. but it could be better12:45
ikoniafake root is an environment12:45
ikoniasudo is a command use to assume root permissions12:45
francalierfakeroot is also a command.12:45
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ikoniareally ?12:45
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adaptrslart, mnoir: there are probably a lot of hangovers from the days when IRC was all text and no GUI.. but I mean come ON! grow up people ! :)12:45
ikoniaI've never used that12:45
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JowiAzabe, "connection refused" is probably a firewall issue *or* a blocked port.12:45
francalierthe command you use to run something in the fakeroot environment.12:45
ikoniaAzabe: what command did you do to install ssh server12:46
Slartadaptr: hmm.. I still think irc is pretty much all text =)12:46
adaptrSlart, mnoir: you know of an IRC client that's at least decently scriptable, like mIRC is ?12:46
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Slartadaptr: I think xchat is among the better..12:46
Azabeikonia: nevermind, my bad. didn't know that default install doesn't bother installing sshd :)12:46
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Azabei was assuming that it was installed12:46
eXistenZwhat is a chroot environment?12:46
ikoniathats why I was asking12:46
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ikoniaeXistenZ: read the wiki12:46
Azabethanks :)12:47
mnoirfakeroot man page:  http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/Linux/man1/fakeroot.1.html12:47
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines12:47
adaptrSlart: true, in its essence, yes  - but one of the advantages of a GUI is that it lets me manipulate text outside of the restrictions associated with a text-only screen... a very, very simple and obvious concept that a lot of OSS programmers still fail to grasp12:47
Pie-rategaim pwnz j0012:47
sleepy475isn't bitchx a good client?12:47
ikoniasleepy475: I like it12:47
mnoirSlart: better than konversation and why?12:47
adaptrsleepy475: is it scriptable ?12:47
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Slartmnoir: because I'm running gnome? =).. I haven't tried konversation so I wouldn't know12:47
adaptr!chroot | eXistenZ12:47
ubotueXistenZ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box12:47
adaptrhmm.. not that useful as an explanation12:48
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sleepy475I forget how to get it, whats the apt get command for it?12:48
mnoirSlart: oic - a purist :)12:48
sleepy475to install12:48
sleepy475been a long time12:48
ikoniaapt-get install BitchX12:48
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adaptrand to think people call Linux difficult... :)12:48
BlueDeviladaptr: bitchx is scriptable12:48
Slartmnoir: hehe.. nah.. I think I have half of kde installed already.. there are so many nice small programs for kde that doesn't exist for gnome12:49
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Pie-rateSlart: like?12:49
mnoirikonia: no caps in that command to install12:49
adaptrBlueDevil: in what ?12:49
ikoniamnoir: don't think it matters to be honest, but no12:49
ikoniaI was typing it as its said12:49
SlartPie-rate: hmm.. what was the last one.. a vnc client that supports scaling..12:49
ikoniamy bad12:49
mnoirikonia: i promise it does12:49
ikoniamnoir: I blelieve yo12:49
BlueDeviladaptr: its own scripting language, i guess12:50
mnoir.me just installed bitchx.....12:50
BlueDeviladaptr: i believe you can write plugins in tcl12:50
mnoiruuh - you know what i meant :)12:50
ikoniawe do12:50
adaptrSlart: I used to think so too. .until I started ripping all the superfluous KDE stuff out again, because I could not get shit to work anymore.. think artsd (iiiew!) the dcop framework, kdm, and a lot of smaller things that can generously break your system, or at least make it less stable12:50
adaptrBlueDevil: Tcl it is, then - thanks12:50
Otacon22I need to use the telephone as a speaker and microphone for skype , I have connected it by a modemd card, how i can do it?12:51
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Slartadaptr: oh? I haven't had any problems yet.. perhaps I'm just lucky.. I think i have artsd installed.. but it just sits there.. =)12:51
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jamesbroseHow can I completely format a old harddisk?12:51
ikoniajamesbrose: partition it and put a new file system on it12:52
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ikoniaor dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/$harddisk bs=512k12:52
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mag_how can I see all the computers conected in the la with console ?12:52
adaptrSlart: do you use JACK, or anything else that would like to share your audio ? small tip : KDE ...won't12:52
kitcheikonia: why not just use /dev/zero? instead of /dev/random12:53
ikoniamag_: you can't12:53
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ikoniakitche: so it write data, zero is fine though12:53
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adaptrmag_: define "see"12:53
castoffjamesbrose if you are looking for DoD wipe look at bcwipe12:53
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mag_ikonia: hummmm... ok ! so how can I know the name of the computer and the name of network that the machine is connected ?12:53
jamesbrosecastoff while trying to use fdisk i get this: k12:53
jamesbrose<jamesbrose> using fdisk: ext2fs_mkdir: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir12:53
Slartadaptr: I've been fighting with getting sound to work so I think I have pretty much everything installed.. jackd, esd, arts.. probably something else too.. yes.. Alsa of course.. and OSS.. and OSS through ALSA..12:53
ikoniamag_: you can't12:53
frederificotacon22: I don't think you can to be honest, modem drivers in linux are decidedly dodgy. You'd be better off getting a USB telephone (google for "skype handset" or similar)12:54
andyslart, i'vve got same problem12:54
mag_ikonia: mm ok ! thank's12:54
Slartandy: ok, what kind of problem?12:54
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Slartandy: sound?12:54
andywith my tecra800012:54
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Otacon22francalier, I am an hacker , I want to try, i know that is possibile( with windows I know howto do)12:54
Slartandy: tecra8000?? what is that?12:54
andyi tried te find out what is wrong, but i'm a newbie12:54
castoffjamesbrose not a clue...tried googling it?12:54
mag_adaptr: juts I want to know if I can use a command like net view on MS-dos but in linux of course !12:54
ikoniahacker - oooh my lord12:54
andytecra800 = toshiba laptop12:55
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Slartandy: hehe.. so am I.. ah.. laptops.. the behorned one lives in laptops.. =)12:55
adaptrmag_: sure, but you'll get the same kind of info back, i.e. for Windows networking12:55
adaptrmag_: you probably need to have a local samba server running though12:55
mag_adaptr: ok... thank's ! :D12:55
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ikoniaadaptr: he would so its in the same work group  / domain12:55
Slartandy: no tutorials on the net?12:55
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andybut i'm okay, sound is not nessasery12:56
ikoniabut that will only show windows machines - not any other unix machines12:56
JowiSlart, try "killall esd" and see if that solves it12:56
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mag_adaptr: probably... this is my problem I'm tryn to make a data server with samba but I got some problems... can you help me ?12:56
SlartJowi: solves what? my sound is working alright12:56
andyyeah, i'll look it up, tomorrow, it's 01:00 over here ( netherlands)12:56
frederificotacon22: I really don't think it is possible, almost all modem cards are "winmodems", almost all of the processing and what-not is done in a proprietry driver which is only available for windows12:56
JowiSlart, oh I thought you said that you were fighting for sound to work :)12:56
Slartandy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-November/009979.html12:57
SlartJowi: hehe.. I have been fighting.. apparently I won =)12:57
andythnx slart12:57
Jowigood for you Slart!12:57
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frederificotacon22: if you do manage it though, I'd be very interested, I've often thought about doing it myself12:57
Slartandy: you're welcome.. hope you get it to work12:57
Otacon22frederific, I have in my hand now 8 modem cards, I can start to try12:57
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spinynormanyone know what a zillion "rx invalid nwid" errors means in iwconfig?12:58
b_e_n_zi have a core 2 duo laptop with windows xp home on it... is it okay to install the amd64 desktop iso and dual boot?12:58
andy:) yess, and if i can, i'll format my windows machine12:58
frederificotacon22: the very best of luck to you, I look forward to hearing how you get on12:58
kram_i need help with my powersaved pls, i wnat to load govenor ondemand at boot time, instead it always loads performace govenor, when ir estart the daemon later wit works, i am using ubuntu 6.1012:58
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shreevewhat's the "correct" way to see "what's been added" to a new package, such as the kernel? for example, how would I tell what's new between kernel 2.6.20-3 and 2.6.20-4???12:58
ikoniashreeve: change log12:59
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shreeveikonia, where do i *find* the changelog?12:59
LaptopZZis there a way to get the text installer instead of using the new graphical one?01:00
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ikoniafor an ubuntu kernel - or kernels in general01:00
shreeveikonia, for ubuntu01:00
enycLaptopZZ: get the 'alternate' cd01:00
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frederificLaptopZZ- you need to d/l the alternate CD01:00
ikonianot sure where they are on ubuntu01:00
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Simka 01:00
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shreeveenyc, can the server cd also do a text install?01:00
Simka      ???01:00
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ikoniaSimka: english channel01:00
Nveninghi, in terminal what does -a do??01:00
=== Simka help help help
SilentDis'lo :)01:01
ikoniaNvening: just typing -a ?01:01
ewookNvening, -a on what?01:01
frederificNvening, depends on the command you use it with01:01
LaptopZZis there a way using the graphical installer to choose a different video driver?01:01
Nveningi see01:01
=== Simka help help help
LaptopZZI have a nvidia geforce 6800 and it refuses to work01:01
LaptopZZit gives me bizarre lines01:01
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ewookSimka, dude, english.01:01
shreeveanyone know where the ubuntu kernel changelog files are? (so I can tell the difference between kernels?)01:01
frederificfor example, ls -a shows hidden files as well01:01
ikoniaSimka: this is an english channel01:01
enycshreeve: i think the server cd is normally text install but it may vary somewhere between dapper and edgg ... again not sure01:01
=== Simka what ?
=== dago [n=dago@adsl-ull-187-7.46-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto]
Nveningis there a page abput the -letter commands cause i would like to know what they mean lol01:01
shreeveenyc, ok01:02
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ikoniaNvening: its different for EVERY command01:02
Simka    01:02
ikoniaSimka: speak english01:02
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Simkano speack english01:02
SilentDisI'm looking for a bit of software, and hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.  I need a way to send messages over a LAN without a server in place.  Basically, a LAN-only serverless IM proggie that's fairly easy to use.  Something like Winpopup on Windows would be ideal.01:02
ewookSimka, your lines ends up looking :     01:02
Simkano speak english01:02
enycshreeve: for a true server you will likely want dapper LTS rather than edgy at this time...01:02
frederificNvening, to find out what they do for a command, type man <COMMAND> and scroll down to options01:02
ewookSimka, well, you did just now.01:02
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mnoirSimka: what language?01:02
frederificSilentDIS: Take a look at linpopup01:02
Simkaewook what ?01:02
SilentDisfrederific, thanks :)01:02
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:02
ewookNvening, or command --help01:03
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enycSilentDis: I think there is or was a Linpopup program actually... i.e. speaks winpopup over the network01:03
ewookmnoir, wow. that's a bunch of weird chars ;P01:03
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Wakeskaterubuntu keeps locking up on me for no reason. is there a certain log that can help me find out the problem?01:03
mnoirewook: thank the bot...01:03
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ubotulinpopup: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 332 kB01:04
RichWDoes my xorg.conf look ok?  Dri wont load and it has two device sections? http://pastebin.ca/30876901:04
SilentDisenyc, cool.  i was looking into gui versions of talk, but that just seemed WAY too complex :P01:04
mnoirewook: i got perfectly good cyrillic message01:04
shreeveanyone out there using kvm virtualization with ubuntu?01:04
=== i3d [n=i3dmaste@c-24-8-49-163.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
frederific!linpopup | silentdis01:04
adaptrmag_: what are you trying to do ? I've done samba01:04
ewookmnoir, oh, so thats what it was :)01:04
SilentDisfrederific, thank you :)01:04
enycSilentDis: well ytalk does work... on the same host... over the nnetwork can be problematic...01:04
Slartmnoir: so.. how was bitchx?01:04
ikoniaRichW: your loading the dri module on ati01:04
frederificyou're welcome01:04
ikoniaI don't believe you do that with ati01:04
mnoirSlart: i do not like it - i am gui spoiled....01:04
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RichWikonia: i have a 9800 pro01:04
=== Amadeo [n=amadeo@c-69-244-72-105.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mag_adaptr: I eanto to do a data server here in my job all the people use windows xp but I wnat to do a linux server...01:05
ikoniaI don't believe you load the dri modules with the ati drivers01:05
Slartmnoir: hehe.. so the search for the perfect IRC-client goes on01:05
=== rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wakeskaterubuntu keeps locking up on me for no reason. is there a certain log that can help me find out the problem?01:05
=== XXX [n=Fosco@c-24-14-233-115.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnoirSlart: i guess i like konversation but i would like an easier way to set highlights01:05
SilentDisenyc, yeah, that's what I was finding.  way too much work for my neophyte house-mate to figure out.  I needed something very easy for them to figure out, and preferrably serverless (the server box has a mere 64mb ram, and it does the whole LAMP thing) :P01:05
RichWikonia: nvidia only?01:05
seanjwhat about xchat-gnome ?01:05
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rogue780is there a virtual machine type program out there freely available besides bochs?01:05
ikoniaRichW: no you don't load dri with nvidia - you let the driver do it01:05
XXXcan anyone help me with something?01:05
Slartseanj: I'm using that at the mo ment... I think it's just a pretty shell around xchat01:06
n2diyWakeskater: /var/log/messages01:06
=== seitan [n=epona@00146c45a36b.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaXXX: you have to ask01:06
Slart!ask | XXX01:06
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ubotuXXX: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:06
BackPackerWakeskater: You could try booting with the Live CD, mounting your main drive in /mnt, then checking out /var/log/messages01:06
seanjSlart: yeah, I prefer the original interface01:06
mnoir!anyone | XXX01:06
ubotuXXX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:06
XXXwhen i dl something from a ftp server, where does it go?01:06
adaptrmag_: any particular reason ? :) if you company has Windows server licenses (or the money for them) that would be much simpler01:06
RichWikonia: shall i remove refrences to dri from xorg.conf?01:06
ikoniaXXX: you tell it where to go01:06
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mnoirXXX: current dir usually01:06
BackPackerWakeskater: come to think of it, you probably don't need the Live CD. Just grep through the file for the time it went down01:06
SlartXXX: ehh.. probably to some default dir.. have you checked you home?01:06
XXXo ok ty01:06
ikoniaRichW: I'd check the wiki for the requirements01:06
seitani have to ati drivers install and working for my radeon 9600xt, how do i configure the tv out?01:06
SilentDisrogue780, there's Xen (linux on linux, sort of), qemu (very decent)01:07
seanjyou're welcome XXX ;P01:07
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Wakeskateri have messages open. what am i looking for?01:07
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n2diyWakeskater: What time was your last freeze?01:08
Simkawhat translate the server for on russian language?01:08
=== Simka what translate the server for on russian language?
mag_adaptr: 3 months ago the windows server was disturbed and all the information disappear :(01:08
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SilentDis!ru | simka01:08
ubotusimka:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:08
n2diy! ru01:08
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:08
rogue780SilentDis, thanks01:08
=== volosolo [n=volosolo@host-84-222-81-227.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Simkawrite in  please01:08
Wakeskaterjust a few minutes ago01:08
andrew_anyone: Is there a way to make sure direct rendering in OpenGL is working correctly?01:08
SilentDisrogue780, are you looking to do WinXP under Ubuntu?01:08
mag_adaptr:  that is the reason that now I bought a dell server and now I want to use linux !01:08
Simkawrite in privat please01:08
ikoniaSimka: we don't speak russion01:08
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sjust1216When I download a kernel from kernel.org and try to untar it it goes so far and then gives me an error that the file is corrupt01:08
SilentDis!ru > Simka01:08
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enycSilentDis: heh I used to have a few user accounts that would login and then run talk to enyc01:09
n2diySimka, that was Russian, what language are you looking for ?01:09
adaptrmag_: what do you mean, "disturbed" ? any decent server (windows or otherwise) has redundant storage and a backup strategy01:09
ikoniasjust1216: why are you doing that ?01:09
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enycSilentDis: on the old 'junk' slackware box01:09
Simka    01:09
BackPackerWakeskater: Look near the end of the file. See what was happening just before you rebooted. You did reboot, didn't you?01:09
Simka 01:09
Simka 01:09
adaptrmag_: the very first step towards data security is making daily backups of your data - you can do that in any OS01:09
Simka 01:09
sjust1216to see if I can compile my own kernel01:09
Simka   01:09
rogue780SilentDis, no, I'm looking to find a better way to test an OS I'm developing other than constantly rebooting01:09
SlartSimka: noone here speaks russian.. I think.. try the russian channel01:09
ikoniasjust1216: why - it will probably break your ubuntu bo01:09
Simka     ?01:09
SilentDissimka, this is the english-only support channel.  you said you spoke russian before, is that not correct?01:09
mnoirSimka: is not understandable!01:10
WakeskaterI was just in firefox, browsing the web when it hung...01:10
Wakeskaterbut it happened while in vmware01:10
SilentDisrogue780, qemu is probably your best bet then01:10
andrew_anyone: Is there a way to make sure direct rendering in OpenGL is working correctly?01:10
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Wakeskaterit just locks up randomly, its happened quite a few times today01:10
SilentDis!qemu | rogue78001:10
sjust1216it might but I just want ot see01:10
uboturogue780: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:10
ikoniaandrew_: glxgears01:10
sjust1216to see01:10
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Jowiandrew_, glxinfo | grep direct01:10
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mag_adaptr: Yes I know but the windows server some day didn't work and all the information or almost all disappear01:10
SilentDisandrew_, glxinfo | grep direct01:10
spinynormanyone else using a wg311t? i cant get mine to work in edgy01:10
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SilentDisJowi, you beat me to it :P01:10
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ikoniasjust1216: then you should know how to untar a file if your trying to build a kernel01:10
archiehow to view all disks path01:10
andrew_ikonia: yeah cedega runs glxgears, they show, but are messed up01:10
=== dago [n=dago@adsl-ull-187-7.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== Simka Ktonibudi address to me in ICQ shall there speak I here you do not understand
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Jowisorry for that SilentDis :)01:11
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SilentDisarchie, more info please.  could you describe what you're trying to do?01:11
ikoniaandrew_: why ar eyou using cedega01:11
SilentDisJowi, lol01:11
mnoir!elaborate | archie01:11
ubotuarchie: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)01:11
BackPackerarchie: Do you mean you want to see where all drives are mounted?01:11
PORDOi'm about to reinstall edgy eft, and i'm considering dumping my reiser partitions for something that might work better with edgy.  is this a particularly important issue?  any suggestions on which FS to use folks?01:11
enycSilentDis: hrrm on edgy you can compile and install kqemu without then needing te recompile qemu so far as I can seee01:11
sjust1216yes tar -xvjf the file01:11
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andrew_ikonia: just testing it out, but i would like to fix my opengl problem01:11
ikoniaPORDO: personal choice for your needs01:11
archieok i formated one of my disk to ext01:11
ikoniaonly you can asnwer that01:11
riotkittieanyone know offhand if there's any difference between the Dapper live disc dl, the Dapper alt install download and the uhh uhh Dapper CDs sent via shippit in terms of the software initially included?01:11
JowiPORDO, ext3 is a favourite01:11
=== Simka Ktonibudi address to me in ICQ shall there speak I here you do not understand!!!
jakobCan someone help me with modprobe?01:11
archiei cant see it01:11
PORDOikonia i'm just using it as a home desktop OS, doing some music production in Ardour and what not..01:11
BackPackerarchie: you won't see it until you mount it01:11
SilentDisenyc, yeah, it's in the package list, nice and simple to use, there's even gui managers of VMs out there (saw one up at gnomefiles.org)01:11
andrew_ikonia: glxinfo | grep direct gives me a "yes"01:11
WakeskaterBackPacker, can i show you the end of my loge.maybe you can help me out01:11
archiei even cant see it in kdisk01:12
=== RD58 [n=saul@20150154040.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
pale_horsehas anyone done a good install of "feisty" ?01:12
ikoniaPORDO: its personal taste, all have pro's and cons01:12
SilentDisandrew_, then you're set, direct rendering is working properly :)01:12
Jowiandrew_, so DRI is set up properly.01:12
BackPackerWakeskater: Not sure I can, but stick it in a pastebin then others can see it too01:12
Wakeskaternot sure what that is01:12
PORDOikonia well, sure it's personal taste.  but i've described what my needs are, so doesn't that help narrow it down?  i don't need a web server setup for instance.01:12
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SilentDispale_horse, since feisty is... what, 4 months out still... I can't see it as being all that 'together' yet ;)01:12
BackPacker!pastebin > Wakeskater01:12
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mnoir!feisty | pale_horse01:12
ubotupale_horse: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+101:12
andrew_Then I wonder why cedega is lying to me01:13
archiewhen i try to mount it says no fstab or mstab entry or somethin like dat01:13
ikonianot really, eg: ext3 would be fine but performance suffers a little with journaling, xfs is faster but has no journaling, reiser is good but has other drawbacks01:13
ikoniaall the file systems are aceptable01:13
riotkittiefeisty is fine if you like to watch your OS break01:13
=== red_ [n=red@ppp-68-251-66-154.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
pale_horseSilentDis I got the iso but the installer fails01:13
ikoniaits what you want in your trade off01:13
SilentDisandrew_, I can help a bit with cedega, i use it myself01:13
riotkittiedont use it as your main OS and you'll be fine01:13
jakobHow do I monitor which modules gets added with modprobe?01:13
pale_horseI am used to breaking my OS :)01:13
red_need help setting up user and passwords in samba01:13
BackPackerWakeskater: Go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and paste the last dozen or so lines of your /var/log/messages01:13
SilentDispale_horse, I bet it does!  lol.  it's still very alpha.  you can hit up the ubuntu+1 room, and see if they want your bug reports though :)01:13
pale_horseI was a gentoo / sourcemage user a long time01:13
ikoniared_: smbpasswd01:13
davieyPORDO, music production, have you looked into http://www.jokosher.org/01:13
BackPackerWakeskater: then come back and give us the URL01:14
n2diyjakob: lsmod01:14
=== Melissa|X [n=missysaf@h95.201.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycikonia: ext3 seems like a good choice with its rock_solid reliability and good performance in 'typical' situations so far as I can see01:14
archiei dont know what disk exactly to mount coz i cant see it name01:14
archiedont remember path01:14
pale_horsethanks SilentDis  I'll visit01:14
=== Astaroth_ [n=tobi@dslb-084-057-216-253.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
SilentDispale_horse, check out the !feisty info bit :)01:14
mnoirarchie: well what disk did you format?01:14
=== kaoz [n=kaoz@host-209-214-45-14.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jakobn2diy is there a way to keep it running so I can see what gets added?01:14
ikoniaenyc: I have no problem with ext3 - but for real time encoding you may benifit from a faster file system, depends what your doing01:14
bulmerarchie: do you remember which other hd you have?01:14
=== Scrocko [n=jonas@hd5e272b5.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
andybye bye ... AND DON'T GO BACK TO MICROSOFT !!!!01:14
kaozcan someone tell me how to get cc1plus?01:14
crimsunkaoz: install build-essential01:14
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BackPackerarchie: It won't have a path until you mount it. It will have a device name in /dev - possibly something like /dev/hdc01:14
enycikonia: makes sense01:14
n2diyjakob: I don't know?01:15
red_join #/samba01:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cclplus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:15
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kaozbuild essential is installed01:15
SilentDiskaoz, I know as much as ubotu knows on that one, sorry :(01:15
=== riotkittie hugs her 2k install just to spite andy :-'
n2diyjakob: take a look at man lsmod.01:15
Melissa|XI'm using Edgy and I just got my usb headset working, with mic, but I can't figure out how to get it to work with teamspeak. it auto-mutes me when I join a server01:15
Slartkaoz: what is cc1plus?01:15
archiewhere can i see the name i gave i.e linux_disk01:15
crimsunkaoz: which Ubuntu release are you using?01:15
kaozi am trying to get my nostromo n52 game pad to work with dapper01:15
bulmerarchie: on which controller is it attached on?01:15
jakobn2diy do you know how I can prevent a module from being loaded?01:15
ikoniajakob: black list it01:16
archieno controller01:16
=== dra_ [n=dra@nimbus.wh-hms.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu
Scrockohi people.. i've just installed ubuntu from a cd afriend of mine gave me... now, this is version 5. something... can I upgrade to 6.10 or do I have to install it from scratch??01:16
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kaozdapper release01:16
red_i received this error when trying to get my samba password setup Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE Failed to change password for red01:16
BackPackerarchie: You must have put it on a controller, oryou couldn't format it01:16
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
jakobikonia, I tried that. Which blacklist file should I use?01:16
riotkittieanyone know offhand if there's any difference between the Dapper live disc dl, the Dapper alt install download and the uhh uhh Dapper CDs sent via ship-it in terms of the software initially included?01:16
=== lobanja [n=lobanja@chello062178002123.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
ikoniared_: samaba is not allowing you to connect on local host01:16
adaptrmag_: Still, this is not directly a consequence of running Windows.. I am merely trying to figure out whether you want to "do Linux" because you were disappointed with Windows, or because of some other reason... although disappointment is a good enough reason in general, your vague descriptions of it giving you problems lead me to believe it is more a gut reaction than a considered move to a different server platfoprm.. which is not without its challenges01:16
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
archiewhat do u mean controller ?01:16
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
crimsunkaoz: then --reinstall g++-4.001:16
archiei dont understand u01:16
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list01:16
BackPackerarchie: If it's the master on IDE channel 1, it will be hda, the slave on channel 1 is hdb, the master on IDE channel 2 is hdc and the slave on channel 2 is hdd01:17
seanjriotkittie: they're all the same once installed01:17
SilentDisScrocko, you have to upgrade one version at a time.  I assume you have 5.10, so you'd have to step to 6.06, then 6.10 if you wanted the latest.  bit of a pain.  I'd recommend just pulling 6.10, burning the CD, and going from there01:17
SimkaSay please you have ICQ?01:17
kaozyes i have installed gcc-3.4 right now01:17
archiei have one disk01:17
mnoirScrocko: you will need to do 2 dist upgrades.  you might want to d/l a more recent iso instead01:17
riotkittieseanj, hm. odd.01:17
ikonia!ru >simk01:17
archieits partition01:17
ikonia!ru >simka01:17
crimsunkaoz: it's not part of that package; it's part of g++-3.4 and g++-4.001:17
bulmerarchie: use  fdisk -l01:17
Simkai dont understand u01:17
ikonia!ru >simka01:17
SimkaSay please you have ICQ?01:17
jakobikonia, nvm I think I figured it out. Is there a way to monitor which modules gets loaded?01:17
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
BackPackerarchie: If you haveone disk, it's called hda if it's an IDE disk, and sda if it's SCSI01:17
seanjikonia: use01:17
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ikoniaas you've just been told01:17
crimsunkaoz: it's not needed for a C compiler, but it is needed for preprocessing for the C++ frontend01:17
seanjuse | not >01:17
Scrockook, that's what i feared :( thanks fro the help...01:17
frederific!kvm | frederific01:18
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
=== Simka Say please you have ICQ?
ikoniaseanj:  no problem but why01:18
seanj!ru | Simka01:18
ubotuSimka:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:18
bulmerarchie: use  fdisk -l01:18
riotkittiei have been reading books and tutorials and such and when they include images of whats supposed to be a default install, they have things i dont01:18
ikoniaseanj: he asked for it in a pm01:18
ewookSimka, settle down, and go to a russian channel.01:18
crimsunSimka: don't spam, please01:18
archieL or I01:18
seanjikonia: oh sorry01:18
mnoirriotkittie: that is not uncommon01:18
SilentDisSimka, we're happy to help if you have a problem, and can relate it in english.  if that's tough (understandably), there's language specific chat rooms available.  we prefer NOT to take chat outside these rooms, simply for the sake of 'best support' and so others can learn :)01:18
seanjikonia: thought i had it all figured out lol01:18
ikoniahe's had  the message in channel about 10 times01:18
kaozok so i have gcc 3.4 and 40 installed... however to compile another prog i had to make a link to gcc 3.401:18
Scrockohehe, "go to a russian channel"01:18
BackPackerarchie: fdisk -l (that's a lower-case L)01:18
kaozshould i redo that link to 4.0?01:18
mag_adaptr: /clear01:19
=== deusjevoo [n=2cv@d54C0719B.access.telenet.be] has joined #Ubuntu
ewookScrocko, what's the funny part? =)01:19
archieits do nothing01:19
SilentDisScrocko, exactly what I said, but I prefer the confusing long explinations *giggle*01:19
SimkaI who understands no?01:19
Scrockoboth worked..01:19
BackPackerarchie: try it as root: sudo fdisk -l01:19
SimkaI who understands no?01:19
ikonia!ru >simka01:19
SimkaI who understands no?01:19
archieok ok sorry i forgot bout root again01:19
SilentDis!ru | simka READ THIS01:19
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ubotusimka READ THIS:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:19
mnoirSilentDis: i thik she can't01:20
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:20
Scrockoewook: ok, I didn't see she(?) was russian... just thought you tried to insult her :)01:20
SilentDisSimka, language?01:20
=== mythos_ [n=mythos@85-124-129-160.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
superkirbyartist How can I get the Nexxtech USB to Ethernet cable to work?01:20
SimkaSilentDis RUSSIAN01:20
mnoirSilentDis: i suspect she may have a locale problem01:20
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip72-201-119-238.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ewookScrocko, her? well, no. someone said he/she was a while ago :) how many different layouts is there for russian anyway?01:21
godtviskenWhat is a good program to remind me of things? Like the typing break, but more powerful01:21
mnoirSilentDis: and cannot see the cyrillic char01:21
=== kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-18-117-29.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SilentDisSimka, go to #ubuntu-ru01:21
ewookperhaps that's the reason for the person to return all the time01:21
=== OffHand [n=admin@f97133.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SilentDismnior ahhhh01:21
archiebackPacker how to get more info i see only blocks01:21
=== ludo__ [n=ludo@AMontsouris-152-1-103-91.w90-2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackersuperkirbyartist: If you're trying to connect to a USB socket on a cable modem, it would be much better to get a CAT-5 crossover cable01:21
=== umarmung [n=holger@p54AA065A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackerarchie: what do you mean 'blocks'?01:21
=== Wakeskater [n=david@user-0c6tnkp.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
mnoirSilentDis: just a guess from the conversation - but may be a troll :)01:21
archiei mean sectors01:21
Slartgodtvisken: there's something installed by default in ubuntu.. can't remember the name though01:22
superkirbyartistBackPacker: I am trying to connect my laptop (USB port) to the modem/router.01:22
MooUKgodtvisken: Do you mean like some sort of calendar/todo program?01:22
BackPackerarchie: what does it say immediately under 'Device'?01:22
WakeskaterBackPacker, everytime i hit the paste button on that website my computer freezes01:22
archiei need detail names size etc01:22
SilentDisgodtvisken, the calendar app in evolution ties itself into the desktop well, and will send notifications even if it's not running :)01:22
Wakeskaterhappened 3 times in a row01:22
riotkittiewhy is cat 5 better than usb ?01:22
kaozok i had to remove GCC symlink and make a new one for gcc-4.001:22
kaozit was pointed at 3.401:22
BackPackersuperkirbyartist: Oh, OK. I don't think that will work, but maybe someone else knows different01:22
crimsunkaoz: don't do that manually01:22
kaozi am the one who created the symlink01:22
crimsunkaoz: reinstalling gcc, gcc-4.0, and g++-4.0 will do that for you.01:22
kaozinitially i mean01:22
BackPackerriotkittie: I used to get lots of drop-outs when using01:23
kaozoh hehe01:23
kaozoh well its done now01:23
BackPackerriotkittie: ethernet to USB01:23
Scrockoewook: well, now I'm aware HE is russian... but admit it's a good insult... "don't spam, go to a russian server" :)01:23
kaozall i did was remove the symlink and make a new one01:23
godtviskenMooUK: yes01:23
riotkittiei have my laptop connected to the modem via crossover. the desktop's connected to the modem via usb.  i havent noticed any differenre01:23
riotkittieor difference, either01:23
BackPackerWakeskater: Is there anywhere else you can paste it?01:23
=== Cthuloid [n=cthulhu@cpe-66-24-107-57.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ewookScrocko, perhaps a bit ;) but patience for someone that repeatedly spammed doesn't go on my good side all the time :)01:23
jakobwhere are programs being run from if you type their name in the console?01:24
BackPackerWakeskater: Do you have a website you could put it on?01:24
=== Ben^ [n=Ben^@60-234-252-126.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiethen again, the desktop is my husband's XP box of horror. i try to steer clear when i can :P01:24
ewookScrocko, and especially when he's on a different locale :)01:24
Wakeskateryeah ill figure something out01:24
kitcheriotkittie: some modem can't work that way anyways mine can't I can't use usb and ethernet together01:24
BackPackerjakob: What do you mean, "where are they being run from"?01:24
Scrockoyeah, a bit annoying perhaps..01:24
ewookjakob, from the console :)01:24
riotkittiekitche: i was surprised to find out that it could actually be done01:24
kaozdoes anyone know how to install fltk?01:25
BackPackerjakob: Do you mean "In which directory is the executable for the command I'm running"?01:25
ewookkaoz: tried sudo apt-get install fltk ?01:25
jakobewook, backpacker, I have three lirc executables. When I write lirc, which of the file is it running?01:25
kaozsays cant find package01:25
BackPackerjakob: Enter 'which lirc' in a console to find out01:25
ewook*points to BackPacker * =)01:25
jakobbackpacker, thanks :D01:25
ikoniaSimka: don't pm please01:25
BackPackerjakob: You're welcome01:26
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=== Alex [i=hauntedu@gentoo/user/Alex] has joined #ubuntu
Ben^Hey, I am having a problem getting my Edgy install to work. There is a well known problem with ATI Radeon X1600 cards not working on initial install, you have to install a specific driver, which is fine. I have installed from an Edgy Alternate cd, and now I need to boot up and get into the console to do some driver configuring. The problem is I cannot access any virtual consoles using CTRL-ALT-F1 to F5, although X.org is loaded into F6 (w01:26
WakeskaterBackPacker, http://rafb.net/p/8I8J8i97.html01:26
AlexIs there a lunix command to flush out your dns cache?01:26
=== Melissa|X [n=missysaf@h95.201.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu []
archiesorry but is there normal disk tool app like in windows acronis for linux ?01:26
Scrockook, now I'll be off for a while... try to update to 6.10...01:26
BackPackerewook: Why?01:26
BackPackerWakeskater: Hold on while I have a look...01:26
ewookBackPacker, you had the answer for jakob :)01:26
ikoniaalex no - dns isn't stored on your PC - its on a server01:26
Alexikonia: Isn't there a cache kept?01:26
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ikoniaits the server that caches it01:26
BackPackerewook: Oh, I see... :-)01:26
=== Cthuloid [n=cthulhu@cpe-66-24-107-57.stny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
Ben^can you tell edgy to boot into single user mode, similar to booting knoppix with "knoppix 2" for runlevel 2 ?01:26
seanjunless you're running a DNS server yourself..01:26
Alexikonia: Ah - righto! :001:27
ikoniaseanj: then its still a dns server01:27
WakeskaterBackPacker,  Ok thanks01:27
=== Ingar [n=saltvik@ti500720a080-4956.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
seanjikonia: that's true01:27
seanjI need to keep my mouth shut lol01:27
kitcheBen^: yes it's called rescue mode01:27
ikoniaha ha, no -your right01:27
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BackPackerWakeskater: As I thought, it doesn't give any clues...01:27
SilentDisAlex, I don't think linux caches DNS the same way windows does, if that answers your question01:27
seanjthanks :)01:27
jakobbackpacker is there a way to monitor which modules gets loaded when I run a make install?01:27
WakeskaterBackPacker, is there anywhere else i can look01:27
Ben^kitchie do you have to use the CD for that ? or is it a boot option on the hard disk install ?01:27
BackPackerWakeskater: I can see the reboot at 19:19:16 and the startup entries from 19:21:03, but there's no clue what's causing the freeze01:28
=== henrym [n=henrym@60-242-18-80.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
SilentDisjakob, you know... I JUST saw something that'll monitor install proggies, and log file changes.... give me a moment to poke around.01:28
BackPackerjakob: No idea, sorry.01:28
ikoniajakob: no modules get loaded if you do a make install01:28
ikoniamake install installs software01:28
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-52-62.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniadoesn't load modules01:28
=== aaron__k [n=aaron@vpn-wh.rz-zw.fh-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackerWakeskater: You could try ~/.xsession-errrors01:28
WakeskaterBackPacker, What can i do?01:28
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kitcheBen^: it's part of the hard drive install01:28
Ben^kitchie thanks01:28
wheels3572Can someone tell me why VMWare will not recognize my CD or CDRom ?01:28
jakobikonia, what should I look for then? Whenever I restart I have to do a make install of lirc in order to get it working again.01:28
Ben^kitchie its wierd tho, I've never known virtual consoles to not work. :/01:29
ikoniajakob: why did you install it from source ?01:29
=== rrittenhouse [n=tad@cpe-76-188-35-66.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SimkaI you explain if you will say me its ICQ01:29
kitcheBen^: you just have to get to the grub menu and I don't know the key since I don't use splash screens with grub01:29
BackPackerikonia: it's remotely possible that a 'make install' could run a modprobe command, but it's unlikely01:29
jakobikonia, I followed the "how to" on the ubuntu forum.01:29
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ikoniaBackPacker: VERY unlikley01:29
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=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackerikonia: unless he was installing a module from source. Extreeeeeeemely unlikely01:30
=== toM|vendettA [n=tomv@ACA4D0B1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ikoniaI think we can assume from his question - he's not doing that01:30
Ben^kitchie yeah I can get to grub no problem. But I have no idea how to fix the vconsole problem once I get there. I can install graphics drivers to get X working, but virtual consoles use standard text modes on any video card - they should just *work*01:30
SilentDistime for me to WoW for a bit.  take care all :)01:30
=== f1assistance [n=carl@cpe-071-070-229-076.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniajakob: what makes you think its a module loading problem01:30
=== draconius [n=draconiu@incognito.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
toM|vendettAhi, I downloaded a movie and I need help figuring out what codec it needs?01:30
SilentDis!codec | toM|vendettA01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:30
=== aaron__k [n=aaron@vpn-wh.rz-zw.fh-kl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
SilentDis!avi | toM|vendettA01:31
ubotutoM|vendettA: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:31
jakobikonia, I'm a newbie, so it was just a wild shot. I just can't figure out what it is that makes lirc work after each make install.01:31
ikoniawhat happens when you start lirc01:31
=== Scrocko [n=jonas@hd5e272b5.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
WakeskaterBackPacker, how do i type that command in?01:31
tommasonI am unable to edit my apache.conf file or anything in the /etc directory.. I have tried  chmoding it to 777 and I still can't access it..01:31
groggyjakob: You know about the LIRC daemon, right?01:32
=== Scrocko [n=jonas@hd5e272b5.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"]
BackPackerWakeskater: Which command? To check ~/.xsession-errors?01:32
ikoniatommason: never chmod it to 77701:32
ikoniatommason: what command are you doing to edit the file01:32
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jakobgroggy, sorry no.01:32
jribtommason: don't chmod things outside of HOME unless you understand what you are doing, many users have been forced to reinstall as a result.  Use sudo to edit your file01:32
=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
groggyjakob: You need to start lircd in the background.01:32
groggyjakob: What kind of remote control are you using?01:32
troy_sanyone have information regarding eSATA here?  as in how to make it automount under Ubuntu?01:32
tommasonsudo.. I was trying to use Qunta01:32
jrib!sudo | tommason01:32
ubotutommason: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:32
ewookAnyone got a readable (or more understandable) site regarding chmod ?01:32
jakobgroggy a realmagic remote control01:33
Stormx2tommason: gksudo gedit /path/to/apache.conf01:33
=== Tucky [n=tucker@cpc1-cmbg10-0-0-cust776.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:33
troy_seSATA - anyone?01:33
juan_does anyone know how to install a usb wireless mouse?01:33
groggyjakob: Have you configured LIRC to find it?01:33
BackPackerWakeskater: You still there?01:33
Tuckyis h3xis back yet??01:33
jribewook: more understandable when compared to what?01:33
kitchetroy_s: what is eSATA?01:33
troy_sjuan_ should be plug and pray01:33
ikoniagroggy: he said he read the ubuntu how to - it should all be done01:33
=== pale_horse brb - supper time
Wakeskateryes that command01:34
groggyikonia: OK, assuming that the device is recognized.01:34
juan_pray.....ain't working01:34
ewookjrib, regular documentation :)01:34
ikoniaI'm still waiting for him to tell me the error01:34
troy_seSATA is external sata -- if you have an external drive with sata support, it offers eSATA output on it, which you plug into an eSATA port (adapted from SATA)01:34
=== carlos [n=carlos@cpe-72-229-150-132.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sfastest throughput.01:34
groggyjakob: Actually, I'm a little confused.  I don't have a 'lirc' executable on my machine.01:34
jribewook: do you include the ubuntu wiki in "regular documentation"?01:34
troy_sjuan_ chip / make / model / vendor?01:34
groggyjakob: ... and certainly not three.01:34
jakobikonia, groggy, if I run lircd after a reboot the log returns this "readlink() failed for "/dev/lirc" "no such file or directory". But if I run a make install first it works perfectly.01:34
=== OffHand [n=OffHand@f97133.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyh3xis you their newere?01:34
BackPackerWakeskater: OK. Open a console and enter 'less ~/.xsession-errors' (without the quotes). Page down to near the end and look for anything drastic. Press Q to quit01:34
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ewookjrib, no, I meant man chmod :) !chmod did the trick :)01:34
groggyjakob: Ah.01:34
ikoniajakob: the device isn't present as you've not set a udev device to be created at boot time01:35
jribewook: ah ok01:35
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ewookjrib, I tend to easily forget about ubuntu's acctually great way of describing things ;)01:35
juan_wireless optival mouse-rechargable by ONE01:35
kitchetroy_s: ok  I just never heard the term eSATA before that's why I asked I always heard them called external sata01:35
=== sparklehistory [n=sparkleh@63-224-6-128.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
WakeskaterBackPacker, says command not found01:35
kitchetroy_s: what's your problem exactly?01:35
troy_swell eSATA is a different port01:35
ikoniakitche: I thought that was what esata was01:35
Wakeskaternm that01:35
=== kilgore [n=shi@c-24-147-81-171.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BackPackerWakeskater: you haven't got the 'less' command?01:35
ikoniaexternal sata01:35
jakobikonia, groggy, all the "how to's" mention a module which should be loaded on boot, but I don't have the module.01:36
troy_sbasically you convert a sata cable to eSATA01:36
kaozdoes anyone here have  a nostromo gamepad? onlinux?01:36
ikoniajakob: is it talking about a kernel or lirc module ?01:36
troy_sbut the problem is that when you insert into the eSATA port, the drive is basically invisible... even via mount.01:36
groggyjakob: Clearly you have something if you can get it to run at all.01:36
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BackPackerWakeskater: You should be able to install it with apt-get install less01:36
=== mnoir reports that somebody is finally helping simka in ubuntu-ru. they're talking 14 to the dozen...
MalagmyrHow can I enable users to connect with VNC to the login screen? It's kind of silly to have to walk over to the actual computer, log on, enable vnc, walk back and use it..01:36
jakobgroggy, I can easily get it to run, it just annoys me I have to do a make install every time I've rebooted.01:37
rogue780how do I make cron jobs run as root?01:37
mnoirscary - i almost understand it01:37
troy_sMalachi: why not just use ssh -X or -Y?01:37
jakobikonia, "it"?01:37
groggyjakob: Anyway, I haven't had LIRC running on Ubuntu, so maybe there's soemthing special there.01:37
jribewook: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html is a friendly one too01:37
Tuckyanyone here good with getting the ralink 61 chip working for wireless?01:37
Malagmyrrogue780: edit the crontab as root?01:37
=== Eulogy [n=daeken@adsl-76-212-141-75.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
groggyjakob: I don't have any problems on Debian, though.01:37
troy_seSATA knowledge -- anyone?01:37
ikoniado the docs refer to a kernel module or a lirc module loading01:37
mnoirrogue780: either add to root's crontab or use the crontabes in /etc01:37
toM|vendettA<SilentDis> !avi | toM|vendettA <-- Hi, I have the proper codec installed and all, but I want to play the movie on a windows computer, and I need to figure out what codec it requires01:37
kitchetroy_s: I m not sure if Linux supports external sata yet01:37
Eulogycan anyone running the latest ubuntu run the command 'ld --verbose' and put the output on pastebin.ca ?01:37
groggyjakob: Is it running right now?01:37
ewookjrib, I salute you, thank you :)01:37
jakobgroggy no. Want me to run a make install?01:37
rogue780mnoir, Malagmyr, crontab? I've just been using kcron...01:37
mnoirrogue780: the ctontabs in /etc are prolly a better choice01:38
JowiMalagmyr, I think you need to use x11vnc and use the -auth option to point to the auth file for gdm. it's a bit messy using vnc for that. another (and probably better) option is to use freenx01:38
groggyjakob: No, don't.01:38
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX01:38
troy_skitche:  that rather is silly considering it is basically SATA -- the drive works fine when plugged directly into the SATA port, but you put the eSATA adapter on and it doesn't see it after boot.01:38
Tuckyanyone here good with getting the ralink 61 chip working for wireless?01:38
carloshi all, does anybody else get randomly disconnected when using the terminal server client from ubuntu to windows01:38
groggyjakob: Try this:01:38
groggyAs root,01:38
juan_well, another question, how do i setup wifi01:38
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xon_xoffHello, could someone please help me with a shell command01:38
=== david_ is now known as Wakeskat
groggymknod /dev/lirc c 61 001:38
jrib!ask | xon_xoff01:39
ubotuxon_xoff: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:39
WakeskatBackPacker, my computer froze when i typed that command01:39
groggyjakob: Then try rynning lircd again.01:39
Wakeskatis there anywayt o pull up a log of that?01:39
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xon_xoffI want to copy a bunch of files in a directory over another bunch of files in another directory01:39
gninommusdoes anyone know of a tutorial for getting tv out working in ubuntu with a radeon 9600xt?01:39
xon_xoffand I don't want to be prompted if I want to overwrite each one01:39
PurpleMunkw00t...  got my network issues resolved :)01:39
=== LordSkylark [n=raven@host97-101-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Ubuntu
BackPackerWakeskat: well, again there might be something in /var/log/messages... You've really got problems with that box, haven't you? I can see you reinstalling soon...01:40
=== Daishi [n=daishi@ool-4570aea6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tuckyanyone here good with getting the ralink 61 chip working for wireless?01:40
AmadeoI got my Nvidia drivers installed, but the correct resolutions and refresh rates don't show up for me01:40
Malachitroy_s: Huh?01:40
jribxon_xoff: cp won't prompt you unless you ask it to01:40
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Wakeskati think its a problem with my nvidia drive. beryl, or my wifi BackPacker01:40
xon_xoffoh wait never mind01:40
di||itantexon_xoff, "rm -f" the files to remove if they are different names than the source files01:40
Jowixon_xoff, the -i option will prompt01:40
PurpleMunkanyone else ever have an issue with ubuntu reporting the MAC address of an ethernet adapter as FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF?01:41
xon_xoffIt turns out if you have a * after what you want to copy it prompts you01:41
BackPackerWakeskat: Have you tried turning beryl off? (if that's possible)01:41
xon_xoffthanks guys01:41
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jakobgroggy I still get the same, except this gets added to the log "pixelview_init(): no such device or address"01:41
Wakeskatwhat was that command again?01:41
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mnoirPurpleMunk: maybe the last one ever made?? :))01:41
BackPackerWakeskat: you mean the 'less' command? 'less /var/log/messages' or 'less ~/.xsession-errors'01:41
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groggyjakob: OK, looks like we have the wrong major number.01:41
Wakeskat2nd one01:42
carlosdoes anybody have disconnect problems with terminal server client (RDP)01:42
groggyListen to what ikonia said.01:42
BackPackerWakeskat: but you said you didn't have the 'less' command installed01:42
PurpleMunkyeh, lol..   don't ask me why, but that's what ubuntu was doing with my ethernet card that is integrated on my mobo..  had to install an external pci ethernet card in order to access the network...01:42
Wakeskati do it was a mistake01:42
Wakeskatit froze the compute when i typed that though01:42
cappicardhmm... i'm getting no sound from flash in firefox. Is there any changes I need to make? Im running edgy01:42
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BackPackerWakeskat: oh well, one less mistake  :-)01:42
ewookcarlos, what program are you running it with?01:42
juan_wifi on a thinkpad, anyone?01:42
mnoirPurpleMunk: did you research whether there is a driver issue?01:42
Wakeskatok i typed it again and didnt freeze01:42
jribxon_xoff: make sure it isn't aliased to  cp -i  , that's not what happens here01:42
mnoirPurpleMunk: that'd be my guess01:43
Wakeskatill copy it to that site BackPacker01:43
PurpleMunkand also, I am now having a problem with ubuntu not booting when I have usb devices plugged into my PC.   it doesn't matter which device (mouse, external cd recorder, printer, etc)..  it happens every time..01:43
kitchetroy_s: ok I read that the neer kernel has better support for eSATA the article was written 12-21-200601:43
BackPackerjuan_: you're asking a very big question. Depends on which card you've got, whether a driver is available,  whether you want Managed or Ad-hoc mode...01:43
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BackPackerWakeskat: OK01:43
PurpleMunknah, I haven't looked into it too much at this point..  I'm up and running on the network, thas all I care about at this point.01:43
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WakeskatBackPacker, http://rafb.net/p/nwRo9297.html01:43
red_im banging my head against the wall trying to configure samba. please help im ready to trow my pcs out the window01:44
jakobikonia, sorry I didn't see your last reply, let me see.01:44
troy_skitche wow kitche good googling.01:44
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jrib!samba | red_01:44
ubotured_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:44
troy_skitche: when you say neer you mean newer not some dutch thing right?01:44
BackPackerWakeskat: Is that all of it? Just 22 lines?01:44
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juan_backpacker,  what do i have to look for?01:44
tommasonso is it better to use sudo -i then gksudo gedit /path/to/whatever01:44
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kitchetroy_s: yes newer so I would actually say update your kernel then it should work01:44
red_i can mount files but cant do anything with the files. asks for a user name and pass but i cant figure out how to set it up01:45
PurpleMunki'll be going wireless here shortly if everything works out with the broadcom driver firmware rip ..01:45
Eulogycan anyone running the latest ubuntu run the command 'ld --verbose' and put the output on pastebin.ca ?01:45
BackPackerjuan_: If you said which WiFi card you've got and how you want to set it up, maybe someone can help you01:45
eyalwI tried $ sudo apt-get install thunderbird , and got: Package thunderbird is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:45
WakeskatBackPacker,  i cant get it to go up anymore01:45
eyalwThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:45
Wakeskatso for now yes01:45
eyalwis only available from another source01:45
ikoniared_: the username/password is meant for a user on the place your mounting from01:45
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jrib!info thunderbird01:45
ubotuPackage thunderbird does not exist in any distro I know01:45
BackPackerWakeskat: What you posted shows that the machine went down, but doesn't give any indication as to why01:45
ikoniaeg: from server a mount /tmp from server b - the username and password is an account from server b01:45
di||itantered_,  you need to add a sambuser and sambapasswd for that user on the xserver side01:45
enycikonia: eyalw I think the package is 'mozilla-thunderbuird'01:45
jakobikonia, this is what the how to says "echo "alias char-major-61-* lirc_gpio" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/lirc"01:45
Jowi!info mozilla-thunderbird01:46
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 10504 kB, installed size 29596 kB01:46
eyalw!info thunderbird01:46
ubotuPackage thunderbird does not exist in any distro I know01:46
red_how do i do that??01:46
ikoniajakob: ok01:46
WakeskatBackPacker, how do i scroll up in the terminal. page up wont work and theres nothing to slide01:46
di||itantered_, man smbpasswd01:46
eyalwso how can i download it?01:46
BackPackerjuan_: For example, I've got a Belkin PCMCIA card in my Thinkpad R40 and Ubuntu just recognised it01:46
red_look for mozilla-thunderbird01:46
ikoniared_: told you 2 times - smbpassword01:46
red_wont work01:46
BackPackerWakeskat: hold down the shift key and use the up/down arrows and PageUP, PageDn01:46
gdb!info mozilla-thunderbird01:46
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 10504 kB, installed size 29596 kB01:46
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AmadeoHow can I fix the resolutions/refresh rates in Gnome? I'm stuck at 75Hz without all of my resolutions showing01:47
ikoniared_: what authentication database have you setup to use01:47
toM|vendettAEulogy: http://rafb.net/p/tD1MT268.html01:47
jribeyalw: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird   that's what it is called (as someone above said)01:47
BackPackerjuan_: And I just set up the card using the Networking dialog on the System menu01:47
Wakeskatthen i guess that is it BackPacker01:47
red_ikonia i know you dig this is my outputred@red-desktop:~$ smbpasswd01:47
red_Old SMB password:01:47
red_New SMB password:01:47
red_Retype new SMB password:01:47
red_Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE01:47
red_Failed to change password for red01:47
BackPackerWakeskat: Unless anyone else has any ideas...01:47
jrib!paste | red_01:47
ubotured_: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)01:47
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troy_skitche: thanks for the tip.  i'll give it a try.01:47
juan_let me look for the wifi card01:47
EulogytoM|vendettA: thank you very much :)01:47
di||itantered_,  do is as root01:47
gninommushow do i access fglrx-control?01:48
BackPackerWakeskat: Whatever is causing it isn't putting any helpful messages anywhere01:48
carloswho's using a audigy 2 zs notebook? my mic port is not working01:48
WakeskatBackPacker, http://rafb.net/p/TxQ2dy77.html01:48
red_duh- that was obvious!01:48
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ikoniared_: do you have an account on the server the shared drive is on ?01:49
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BackPackerWakeskat: Again, line 12 shows that the machine went down, but again there's no indication as to why01:49
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WakeskatIt has some lines after that about beryl01:49
red_ikonia: this is gonna sound stupid but an account?01:49
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ikoniayes, a username01:50
ikoniaand password01:50
ikoniaa login account01:50
red_ikonia: no i don't how do i set that up01:50
ikoniathen thats why its not working01:50
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ikoniathe account needs to be on the server - not th eclient01:50
ikoniathe client01:50
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di||itanteikonia, samba server doen not require a unix user be setup on the server01:51
ikoniadi||itante: I know01:51
ikoniahe's not running a samba server01:51
ikoniahe's trying to mount from a remote server01:51
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n2diyBackPacker: have you looked at his kernel log?01:52
Jowired_, sudo smbpasswd -a username01:52
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di||itanteikonia, sorry, he been talking samba for a while01:52
kaozanyone here have a nostromo n52 gamepad?01:53
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ikoniadi||itante: don't I know it, thats why I've decided to try to sort it01:53
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BackPackern2diy: didn't think of that01:53
kaozworkin with ubuntu?01:53
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lifepositivehow can I install python on ubuntu please?01:53
jriblifepositive: it is installed by default01:53
n2diyBackPacker: a million eyes.01:53
jakobgroggy, it hit me that it's now able to find the /dev/lirc it's just not able to open it. Is there something I can do in that case?01:53
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red_Jowi: Failed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user username. Does this user exist in the UNIX password database ?01:53
red_Failed to modify password entry for user username01:53
=== ikonia fails to understand how people refuse to read even a basic "how to use" document
BackPackerWakeskat: Try checking out /var/log/kernel/errors using the less command01:54
BackPackern2diy: Thanks!01:54
n2diyBackPacker: nada01:54
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user01how do you get multiple language keyboards mapped correctly?01:54
Jowired_, the user must 1. exist on the linux machine and 2. be added with smbpasswd -a command01:54
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=== BackPacker thinks Wow! This guy has a million eyes...
Jowired_, need some sleep. almost 2am here. I wish you luck :)01:54
Wakeskatsays no such file or directory01:55
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red_Jowi: no problem thanks for you help i tired of this too.01:55
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BackPackerWakeskat: Forgot to say, you need to use sudo: sudo less /var/log/kernel/errors01:55
WakeskatI did that01:55
Wakeskatnot there01:56
juan_intel  PRO/wireless LAN 2100 3b mini pci01:56
arrenlexHow would I do echo "foo" >> /var/bar with sudo?01:56
jribarrenlex: sudo -i   first, then   echo "foo" >> /var/bar01:56
BackPackerWakeskat: you don't have a /var/log/kernel/errors file?01:56
lifepositivejrib: how do I run python? :P01:56
crimsunarrenlex: echo foo |sudo tee -a /var/bar01:56
arrenlexjrib: Any ways without new shells?01:56
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Wakeskati typed it in01:57
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Wakeskatlet me look manually01:57
kuzmasterhello all01:57
arrenlexcrimsun: I'll try, thanks.01:57
user01juan i have that same card :)01:57
jribarrenlex: echo "foo" | sudo tee -a /var/bar  I think01:57
juan_how do i configure that card?01:57
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n2diyBackPacker: Wakeskat, here on Dapper it looks like it should be /var/log/kern.log01:57
kuzmasterso, im trying to install RaConfig, using these intructions01:57
jriblifepositive: you can run the interpreter by typing 'python' in a shell.  What are you trying to do with python?01:57
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user01juan: i just got it working are you on a t40?01:58
arrenlexcrimsun, jrib: that works, thanks!01:58
jriboh crimsun said it first :)01:58
capixabacan someone help me?01:58
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kuzmasterbut when i get up to the make steps, i dont think it works.... here what i did http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/700/01:58
WakeskatI dont have a Kernel folder in var/log/01:58
i|Doffline - good night01:58
capixabaI got a problem01:58
Wakeskatim using 6.1001:58
BackPackern2diy: Might have known it. That's what I get for running Mandriva 2007 while on #ubuntu...01:58
user01juan: im using edgy and it detected it right away01:58
kuzmasternow, is that supposed to happen?01:58
Wakeskati have a kern.log01:58
capixabaI have a laptop HP zv6000 with ubuntu and I would like to run my wireless01:58
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BackPackerWakeskat: that's the one. But I have to say right now, I'm not sure I'd know what to look for01:59
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n2diyBackPacker: ahhh. :)01:59
capixababut is broadcom... can someone help please?01:59
kitchecapixaba: which broadcom chipset?01:59
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BackPackern2diy: And it's what I get for hanging out in #mandriva and moonlighting in here...  :-)01:59
juan_it doesnt say, i just got it from a friend02:00
lifepositivejrib: learning about it02:00
capixabakitche: broadcom BCM431802:00
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capixabaI am trying to 6 months02:00
Gumbycan anyone tell me where network manager stores its encrypted network keys02:00
capixabaand I coudn't do nothing02:00
jriblifepositive: you might like using  ipython  to play in02:00
n2diyBackPacker: Now I'll have to remember to ask my helper what they are running!02:00
Wakeskatwhat was that site that you can paste something to BackPacker? im gonna see if i can freeze it again02:00
capixabait's very hard man....02:00
user01juan_: did you put in your wireless setting already?  system admin networking?02:00
juan_it just says ibm thinkpad02:00
BackPacker!paste | Wakeskat02:00
ubotuWakeskat: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)02:00
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capixabakitche: can u help me?02:01
kitchecapixaba: open up a terminal and type sudo ndiswrapper -l and see what it says02:01
juan_no i havent, i've never worked wireless, firts time02:01
capixabakitche: ok... give me a second02:01
lifepositivejrib: ipython?02:01
lifepositivejrib: bash: ipython: command not found02:01
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jriblifepositive: you have to install that one02:02
capixabakitche: hey man... this information: roanbrasil@roanbrasil-laptop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -l02:02
capixabaNo drivers installed02:02
lifepositivejrib: ok brb02:02
user01juan_: go to command screen and type in lspci02:02
user01juan_: if you see that card it is there and ready02:02
kuzmasterso any way. i was using make to install RaConfig, and i got up to the part where i do "make" but, i dont think it worked, it came up with heaps of stuff..... here what happend http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/700/02:02
juan_lets see02:03
user01juan_: then make sure that your wireless router is B02:03
kitchecapixaba: ok you need to install the drivers then you don't happen to have the driver install cd around do you?02:03
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juan_yes, here it is in the last line02:03
user01juan_: and ask whoever set up the wireless router about any security settings02:03
Stormx2kuzmaster: Looks fine to me.02:03
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capixabakitche: I tried to emule the windows driver... but I can't ... I dont understand the problem... do u have a solution?02:04
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capixabasome solution?02:04
jakobwhat is the point of the 0byte files in the dev library?02:04
kuzmasterStormx2: so thats perfectlly fine/normal?02:04
kitchecapixaba: well you have to extract the bcml5.inf file and the .sy file from the .exe02:04
juan_what os the wirless router to 8?02:04
MalagmyrWhere can I get an explanation on the difference between the bigiron, generic and server kernels?02:04
Stormx2kuzmaster: I'd assume so. Sure you don't need to ./configure first anyway?02:04
puffEvery now and then I get this weird thing where gnome appears  to freeze up on me.  I'm running gnome metacity under ubuntu dapper. The app  that's currently on top works fine (at the moment, emacs) but I can't alt-tab and I can't get the gnome toolbar dropdowns to work.  I'm about to ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X, but I'm looking for a) less drastic remedies and b) clues as to why this is happening and how to prevent it.02:04
capixabakitche: I think that I did it.02:04
|Sora|there is no these for ubuntu that can make window titles transparent, right?02:04
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|Sora|these = themes02:05
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MagicFab_hi - where can I d/l Edgy DVD ISOs ? Can't seem to find them02:05
kuzmasterStormx2: ummmm...i have no idea, i am following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29#Raconfig02:05
=== jughead [n=jughead@cpe-24-33-23-8.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nvezI'm looking to migrate to Ubuntu (once again!) -- However, I only have 15 GB of free space on my ONLY hard (all NTFS), is it possible to convert 10 GB of the free NTFS space to a linux FS & then move over my files and extend the parition? If you understand what I'm trying to stay? :p02:05
Stormx2|Sora|: You'd need compiz, beryl or xgl02:05
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capixabakitche: first... What must I do first?02:05
Stormx2well no02:05
kitchecapixaba: get the .exe file02:05
user01juan_: go to network under system and administration02:05
Stormx2just compiz i think... bleh02:05
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MagicFab_nvez, yes, but risky02:05
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MagicFab_nvez you have backups, eh :) ?02:06
capixabakitche: yeah... I got it...02:06
Stormx2puff: No idea... You can't run commands can you? Try killall gnome-panel02:06
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capixabakitche: and now?02:06
dmAnyone know of a way to powersave an NVIDIA card?02:06
user01juan_: you should see a wireless device02:06
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juan_yes, i see it02:06
kitchecapixaba: then do unzip name.exe replace the name with the name of the .exe file02:06
nvezMagicFab_: I know it is, but with only an extra 80GB external and 40 empty on it..02:06
|Sora|Stormx2, is that compiz in repository?02:06
nvezOops, sorry, wrong highlight, I meant that for MagicFab_02:06
rogue780anyone know why I'm getting a test.c:1:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory error?02:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:06
user01juan_: and then you click on configure and enter your settings02:06
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n2diyBackPacker: Wakeskat, ?02:06
juan_it says active02:06
dvheumencould someone give me a hand. I've been having unexplained shutdowns of Ubuntu Dapper for a few months now, very sporadic, but it happened twice in a few hours now (the last just minutes ago). How can I see if Ubuntu has shut down properly or if it was a sudden power loss?02:06
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BackPackern2diy: I'm here, but Wakeskat's box went down 4 minutes ago.02:07
Stormx2|Sora|: You may be more interested in beryl tho, thats more supported I think...02:07
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capixabakitche: yeah... I did ... and now?02:07
MagicFab_nvez, you can reduce your NTFS partition size to free those 10GB (after defrag'ing), then use LVM to install U on those 10GB, then extend the partition/ combine with other LVM modules.02:07
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:07
DimensionsHiya ... i have a zd1211 usb Wlan adopter .... i have downloaded a firmware for it ... which says copy files to /lib/firmware/zd1211 which i did ... but wat else i have to do i donno ... i still dont get it working ....02:07
kitchecapixaba: ok you should have couple of folders now one of them should say Driver in the name02:07
n2diyBackPacker: Roger that, waiting to get a peek at his log.02:07
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|Sora|Stormx2, only one is needed right?02:08
capixabakitche: how can I do it?02:08
user01juan_: you put in the name of the network the ssid02:08
BackPackern2diy: I guess his machine froze when he tried pastebinning it02:08
ubotuUbuntu's "bigiron" server kernel (linux-image-server-bigiron) is geared towards systems with more than 8 CPUs.02:08
ubotupacman: Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-16ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 24 kB, installed size 140 kB02:08
MagicFab_nvez, read a bit about LVMs and if possible, practice by using a vrtual machine / emulator (like qemu)02:08
Stormx2|Sora|: I'm not too familiar with any of it02:08
user01juan_: and then the password if there is one02:08
Stormx2|Sora|: But I think beryl is the best way to go02:08
kitchedvheumen: if dapper doesn't do a e2fsck then it shutdown probably most likely02:08
nvezMagicFab_: Know of any newbie-friendly tutorials out there or I'll have to go through the hard way? :p02:08
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Stormx2|Sora|: Just follow instructions.02:08
user01juan_: and make sure the box next to the wireless card is checked to enable it02:08
dvheumenkitche: well, I haven't got a monitor connected at the moment, so I missed the possible check, can I find this in some log?02:09
HeedSo I just did a fresh install of Edgy and got the first batch of updates, now everything that's downloaded from a repository is moving at 5-10 KB/s instead of the normal 160-180; anyone have an idea of why? The rest of my downloads are working fine..02:09
user01juan_: i uncheck the other box for the ethernet one so there isnt any confusion02:09
MagicFab_nvez, how much time you willing to dedicate to this ?02:09
puffStormx2: yeah, I'm logged in via a console window, so I can run commands. Kill gnome-panel?02:09
nvezMagicFab_: As much as it takes, I'm a patient guy I guess. :p02:09
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n2diyBackPacker: That would not be good.02:10
nvezI do have a fair big lot of Linux experience but not in FS (mainly servers, etc)02:10
Jordan_UHeed: You may just have a slow mirror02:10
kitchedvheumen: you might02:10
juan_but what about if i use mi wifi at cafes where they offer this service but there is no way of knowig all this data?02:10
capixabakitche: how?02:10
MagicFab_nvez: if you want to practice on qemu, you'll need a couple hours, plus then doing the install another 2-3.02:10
BackPackern2diy: Very true. My bet is that he'll reinstall some time soon02:10
n2diyBackPacker: Reinstall!?02:10
kitchecapixaba: how what you just go into that folder in a terminal with cd folder that has driver in it's name02:10
nvezMagicFab_: Another small tiny thing, I have a Core 2 Duo and it has support for EM64T or w/e, can I use the Ubuntu x64 version and do you suggest it or I am better off with the x32 version?02:11
Jordan_Ujuan_: You want a program to automatically display and connect to wireless networks?02:11
dvheumenkitche: I see some references of ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 77005xx. This is from fsck, isn't it?02:11
Stormx2puff: Try it.02:11
capixabakitche: no.. I did it.. next pass02:11
Stormx2puff: No. killall gnome-panel02:11
Jordan_U!network-manager | juan_02:11
ubotujuan_: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager02:11
BackPackern2diy: When they first try Linux some people re-format at the first sign of trouble.  When they get a little more experience, they reinstall. After a year or so they just grep through the logs...02:11
kitchedvheumen: most likely02:11
HeedOh.. hmm.. is there anyway to manually choose a mirror?02:11
riotkittienetwork manager rules02:11
MagicFab_I just finished reviewing and proofreading the docs at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QemuEmulator02:11
kitchecapixaba: do you see any bcm*.inf files the star is just a wild card02:12
riotkittiealthough i have not actually tested it yet. been wired all day.02:12
riotkittiebut it looks cool :P02:12
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capixabakitche: yeah.. I see it... bcmwl5.inf  or bcmwl5a.inf02:12
MagicFab_nvez, you'll have to hack a bit more to get support for stuff like flash, it's up to you. I would start with 32bit and in a couple of Ubuntu releases perhaps 64bit plugins/codecs etc will have better support02:13
n2diyBackPacker: Ok, I'm going to get booted off my ISP in seven minutes, so I'm just going to log off now, reset the connection, and then I'm good for another eight hours. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.02:13
capixabakitche: and now?02:13
Jordan_UHeed: System -> Administration -> Software Sources Try the U.S. mirror if you live in the states02:13
BackPackern2diy: OK02:13
HeedOk, I'll give it a try02:13
kitchecapixaba: ok you need to sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5a.inf then do ndiswrapper -l to see if it says driver present and hardware present02:13
nvezMagicFab_: I guess it's like Windows x64, same performence and less compatibility. :p02:13
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HeedWell, it was already on the US mirror, switching it to the 'main server' seems to have fixed it..02:14
capixabakitche: Installed ndis drivers:02:14
capixababcmwl5a         driver present, hardware present02:14
capixabakitche: and now man?02:14
jakobn2diy was it you who knew a program that would monitor make installs?02:14
kitchecapixaba: ok your hard ware is now setup02:15
MagicFab_nvez, when practicing with qemu, read about LVM and do your tests there. Search "Ubuntu LVM" in Google, I didn't find any good beginner's guide on the wiki02:15
MagicFab_Also check the forums02:15
break_is there a program like gmail notifier for linux??02:15
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capixabakitche: how can I test it?02:15
nvezYeah, I'm checking out the forums02:15
n2diyjakob: no sorry.02:15
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kitchecapixaba: you can do sudo iwlist scan see if it finds any ap near you02:15
coulixhello guys i am trying to make the edgy cd on a usb stick to install edgy on 965 intel chipset, i followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent but when it start on the comp it wroter "A] ]  weird chars for 1 line and stop"02:15
BackPackern2diy: Still no sign of Wakeskat02:16
Jordan_Ubreak_: Yes, I believe gmail notifier itself is available for Linux also02:16
MagicFab_nvez: compatibility is much better than Winx64 actually. Comparatively, most of the hardware tha has open/free drivers in 32bit linux will work in 64bit linux. Windows has to rely on its manugfacturers' drivers to do that02:16
capixabakitche: I got a problem...02:16
capixabakitche: look this msg02:16
n2diyBackPacker: maybe he is re-installing?02:16
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capixabakitche: lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.02:16
capixabaeth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.02:16
capixabaeth1      Interface doesn't support scanning : No such device02:16
capixabasit0      Interface doesn't support scanning.02:16
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BackPackern2diy:  :-)02:16
capixabaI am sorry the flooding02:16
ubotucapixaba: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)02:16
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break_eth0 is a warez group02:17
capixabaI am sorry the flooding02:17
capixabaubotu: sorry man...02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry man... - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
Jordan_Ucapixaba: Ubotu is a bot :)02:17
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kitchecapixaba: hmm you might have to sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:17
capixabaJordan_U: I didn't know... lollll02:17
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capixabakitche: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory02:18
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capixabakitche: what did it happen?02:18
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noelferreiradoes anyone have subtitles for the movie "The Good Shepherd"?02:18
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capixabakitche: what can i do now? no work...02:19
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Jordan_Unoelferreira: I think you posted in the wrong channel :)02:19
riotkittiedo i want to install Edgy?02:19
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dmWhich ones better cpufreqd + ACPI or powernowd?02:19
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capixabaJordan_U: I think too about noel ferreira02:20
noelferreirano i didn't Jordan_U? i can't find it anywhere02:20
capixabakitche: ?02:20
pagefault_powernowd works good on my core 202:20
kitchecapixaba: your missing the ndiswrapper module02:20
capixabakitche: what must I do then?02:20
noelferreiraJordan_U: Do you know any better place?02:20
pagefault_I use02:20
capixabanoelferreira: #subtitles02:21
pagefault_powernowd works good on my core 202:21
kitchecapixaba: install ndiswrapper-common02:21
pagefault_what cpu you got02:21
pagefault_I think they basically are all the same in terms of stepping support02:21
pagefault_powernowd works on pretty much everything afaict02:21
capixabakitche: my source.list doesnt have hte url to ndiswrapper-common in the apt-get install do u have?02:21
noelferreirareally capixaba is that a place like that02:21
pagefault_powernowd works good on my core 202:21
Jordan_Unoelferreira: This is a support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic maybe, but not likely there either :(02:21
capixabakitche: or .. how can i do with tgz?02:22
noelferreirabut people in here used to have almost everything jordan02:22
pagefault_on notebooks it works well with my core duo as well02:22
pagefault_powernowd works good on my core 202:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:22
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kitchecapixaba: since your hardware is present now that wifidocs will help you finish it02:23
capixabakitche: help me please... I did it.. I have tried to 6 months it...02:23
capixabaI need your help man02:23
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AmadeoMan, this is frustrating...trying to get your resolution and refresh rate to be supported02:24
kitchecapixaba: hang on a second let me figure out what repo it's in02:24
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puffStormx2: Hm, killed metacity, it restarted itself, was unfrozen for 5-10 seconds then froze  up again.02:24
capixabakitche: please02:24
puffStormx2: killed gnome-panel, it restarted itself, same behavior.02:24
Stormx2puff: Wow... something is screwing with metacity...02:24
kitchecapixaba: ndiswrapper-common is in main your sources.list shuld have main enabled02:24
capixabakitche: where?02:24
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI have a problem with VSFTPD when I try to connect with CuteFTP-pro. When I try to connect it says Can't read from control socket. Socket error = #10054 but right before I rebooted my box I could connect it it perfect.02:25
puffStormx2: Just for good measure, I killed my large swiftfox process and left it dead, in case the memory it was consuming was a factor.  Shouldn't be, i have 2GB on this machine, but.02:25
puffSo any last words before I ctrl-alt-backspace?02:25
kitchecapixaba: just sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common and it should install it after asking if you want to install it02:25
ozgurkcapixaba, nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:25
capixabakitche: but my aot-get doesnt have it....02:25
ozgurkcapixaba, apt-get02:26
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puffhere goes nothing...02:26
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI have a problem with VSFTPD when I try to connect with CuteFTP-pro. When I try to connect it says Can't read from control socket. Socket error = #10054 but right before I rebooted my box I could connect it it perfect.02:26
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Stormx2puff: eek02:26
=== Stormx2 prays
ozgurkozgur@ozgur:~$ apt-cache search ndiswrapper-common02:27
ozgurkndiswrapper-common - Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper02:27
capixabaozgurk: I need find ndiswrapper common02:27
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kuzmasterhello everyone02:28
kitchecapixaba: what do you think ndiswrapper-common is? there is a - not a space02:28
puffStormx2: Thanks for the help, in any event.02:28
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capixabakitche: my directory in apt-get doesn't find ndiswrapper-common... can u give ur sources.list? send me?02:29
capixababecause I dont have it... I need02:29
kuzmasteri am having quite a bad problem.... i cant get my wireless card to work. I am 99.9% sure that it is a RaLink chipset02:29
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kuzmasteri am using ubuntu 6.10, with all the updates02:29
kuzmastercan somone please tell me how to make my wireless connection work02:29
capixabaozgurk: can u understand me?02:29
asdfjkahsdfjkhaHow do I uninstall vsftpd on ubuntu server ?02:29
ozgurkcapixaba, what is ubuntu version ? 6.06 6.10 ?02:29
capixabaozgurk: i dont know.. how can I know?02:30
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kitchecapixaba: I don't use ubuntu so I don't have a source.list02:30
kuzmasteri have tried installing RaConfig, that dosnt work, it complains about that the device isnt found.....02:30
ozgurkasdfjkahsdfjkha, apt-get remove --purge vsftpd02:30
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ozgurkcapixaba, what is your ubuntu version ?02:30
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaozgurk thank you so much. I have asked so many questions in here the past couple days and you are the first one to ever answer02:31
=== fimii|Ubuntu [n=fimion@c-24-30-2-39.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmasterunder networking, my wireless card shows up as wlan0 and wmaster, not ra0 like most people/docs have listed/said02:31
capixabaozgurk: I dont know... how can I know? where can i look the ubuntu version?02:31
kuzmasterso can somone please tell me how to get my wireless card to work02:31
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ozgurkcapixaba, uname -ar ?02:31
kuzmasterahhhhh anyone at all?02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourcs.list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:32
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:32
nvezMagicFab_: Can't I use the utility that comes while installing Ubuntu that resizes NTFS?02:32
mooeykuzmaster, i cant tell you how to make your wireless card work but its not a problem that its called wlan0. wlan0 is a standard name, ra0 is just what the ralink drivers call the interface.02:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:32
ozgurkmy sources.list pasted link..02:33
asdfjkahsdfjkhaozgurk I get 3 errors when I type that. one is not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock another is unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ and the last is the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened02:33
ozgurkcapixaba, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/705/02:33
mooeykuzmaster, you can rename it from wlan0 to ra0 in /etc/iftab but it won't make any odds02:33
ozgurkasdfjkahsdfjkha, rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:33
kuzmastermooey: i was figuring that that wasnt a problem..... i thought i was somthing that i should note it maybe.....02:33
kuzmastermooey: ill try that02:33
mooeykuzmaster, whats the problem with your wifi?02:33
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capixabaozgurk: thanks a lot... I will paste in my sources.list02:33
kuzmastermooey: it just dosnt work02:33
ozgurkcapixaba, ok02:34
asdfjkahsdfjkhaozgurk CAnnot remove read only file system02:34
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kuzmastermooey: dosnt work full stop02:34
mooeykuzmaster, if you see wlan0 thats a good start :-) when you say doesn't work, does it list any networks?02:34
MagicFab_nvez, yes , always backup first02:34
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kuzmastermooey: well, where should it be listing networks?02:34
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MagicFab_nvez, I've done several dozen partition resizings/ installs with U. w/o problem02:34
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mooeykuzmaster, enter: 'iwlist wlan0 scanning' into a console02:35
kitchekuzmaster: sudo iwlist scan should tell you if ther is any AP near you02:35
mooeykuzmaster, that will list the networks it knows02:35
MagicFab_nvez, gotta run - ask on #ubuntu-ca and I can come back in ~3hr02:35
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peacekprdoes ubuntu have a native hard drive eraser that uses very secure algorithms (like US DOD or Gutmann algorithms)?02:35
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kuzmastermooey: ZOMG!!!!! it says no scan results02:35
ozgurkroot@ozgur:/home/ozgur# ls -la /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:36
ozgurk-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 2007-01-06 12:26 /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:36
mooey!info wipe | peacekpr02:36
ubotuwipe: Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.20-2 (edgy), package size 34 kB, installed size 120 kB02:36
LazirusiencaGreetings and all that stuff02:36
ozgurksudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:36
ozgurksudo : super user02:36
Caranarqi'm new using ubuntu02:36
LazirusiencaCan someone help me with  my graphics card problem02:36
=== petal [n=tobias@dslb-084-063-015-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuzmastermooey: but my wireles is on, and the computer maybe like a meter away from the wireless router02:36
Lazirusiencame too02:36
Caranarqand woul like some help ....02:36
liamhello, i want to add a theme to kde? can someone please tell me where to put the files once downloaded? or what procedures to take?02:36
peacekprmooey, hmm... i wonder if that is bootable02:36
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI did that02:36
asdfjkahsdfjkhaand it still does it02:36
CanadianMani'm also new02:36
n2diypeacekpr: yes it does, but I don't recall what it is called, maybe you can find it with google?02:36
peacekprmooey, thx for the info... i'll go research it02:36
Admiral_Buttercrapparently ive put my system into some sort of dev mode and it forces ubuntu to start up in BusyBox LECLI(Liniux Enviornment Command Line Interface) I have tried to learn the system but i have failed. I am unable to find out how to return to Ubuntu.02:36
LazirusiencaIm also canadian02:36
mooeypeacekpr, bootable? :}02:36
CanadianMan:) awesome02:36
peacekprmooey, cd bootable02:37
Caranarqyeah I suppose yhis is full of newbies ....02:37
CaranarqI have a question abut network02:37
quasicolona torrent of requests! It's hard not to get lost in it all02:37
mooeykuzmaster, you could try setting it to a fixed access point and see if it works. i had todo that with my ralink wifi card before it would scan for networks02:37
CanadianMani have a question should i jsut say it or wait?02:37
LazirusiencaI posted in the forums for help, but I think I screwed myself over02:37
mooeypeacekpr, its a package, its not a bootable cd02:37
capixabaozgurk: man... thanks a lot... I installed the ndiswrapper common... what must i do now?02:37
dmAnyone know anything about Kiba dock ?>02:37
mooey!ask > CanadianMan02:37
petali know it is a security risk, but I'd like to use automatic login at boot & after wake-up from standby. I think the first is done via gdmsetup, but how do I accomplish the second?02:37
peacekprwell, i guess i could do an ubuntu live cd then apt-get install wipe and run it, then install ubuntu from live cd02:37
Lazirusiencaanyone know ANYTHING about ATI RADEON 9200???02:37
asdfjkahsdfjkhaozgurk I did what you said with the ls command but it still does not work. I used su also02:37
Caranarqhahahahaha canadian02:37
n2diy! ask02:37
kuzmastermooey: how do i do that...?02:37
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:38
CanadianManlol k02:38
Caranarqwe have the same problem ...02:38
mvfeinstein Hi can anyone in here help me, I have an ATI x850 and just installed xorg-driver-fglx and now when i run glxinfo it says that direct render is off. How can I turn it back on?02:38
mooeykuzmaster, system -> administration -> networking :-)02:38
mooeypeacekpr, yea that should work02:38
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LazirusiencaHow do I install a working driver for my ati graphics card to play planeshift02:38
liamhello, i want to add a theme to kde? can someone please tell me where to put the files once downloaded? or what procedures to take?02:38
capixabaozgurk: ?? what can I do now?02:38
CanadianManis there away to open ports on your localhost?02:38
Jordan_U!ati | Lazirusienca02:39
ubotuLazirusienca: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:39
Admiral_ButtercrIs there a channel for Command line specific problems?02:39
capixabakitche: I installed the ndiswrapper-common... can we continuous?02:39
kuzmastermooey: so, like putting in the ESSID in there?02:39
CaranarqSee: My home LAN network works two windows XP and this Ububtu machine. I want a file from the XPs. Is there a way I can get that file into LINUX? The file is in one of Windows XP shared folders02:39
petalmvfeinstein: open a console & type 'lsmod' & look if you find fglry among the list...02:39
dmAnyone know anything about Kiba dock ?>02:39
quasicolonliam: try the #kde room Im not sure02:39
mooeykuzmaster, yup02:39
Jordan_UAdmiral_Buttercr: #bash02:39
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BackPackerCanadianMan: All ports are open on Ubbuntu unless you firewall them off02:39
quasicolonCaranarq:  you can do that with samba02:39
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LazirusiencaI need more help then that02:39
CanadianMangotcha thank you02:39
capixabakitche: man.. are u there?02:39
capixabaozgurk: are u there?02:40
mvfeinsteinpetal fglrx is in there02:40
Caranarqthx quasicolon02:40
ozgurkcapixaba, my sources.list past or link. your copy my sources.list you add /etc/apt/sources.list02:40
mooeymvfeinstein, is fglrx the driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?02:40
Lazirusiencahttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide I used this site to help me but im having problems02:40
peacekprit's worth a shot, i suppose - i want to donate my old laptop and put ubuntu on it so it has a working operating system when I donate it02:40
CanadianManwhen i nmap it only comes up with 3 open ports should i not be using that?02:40
quasicolonbut actually, on my network anyway, when i go to places>network servers, it lists my flatmates shared folders without me needing to do any trickery02:40
capixabaozgurk: yeah... I did it.... and I installed the ndiswrapper-common... after what can i do... i need to run my wireless... help me man02:40
mooeypeacekpr, i've used wipe to clean hard drives before, it works pretty well02:40
LazirusiencaIm having problems with the libGL file02:40
kuzmastermooey: nope, excatly the same, but, like before, there was no delay, like, it diddnt seem to search for any networks02:41
kitchecapixaba: see if you can sudo modprobe ndiswrapper now02:41
mvfeinsteinmooey yes02:41
mooeymvfeinstein, anything on in your xorg log in /var/log?02:41
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peacekprmooey, okay... that's what i'm going to do, then - sounds like a plan... thanks for the suggestion ... i was searching sourceforge for projects, but i guess my search keywords weren't the greatest02:41
LazirusiencaHey guys if it says I can't copy somethying somewhere becuase I dont have the permission to do so. what do I do?02:41
ozgurkhmm capixaba02:41
BackPackerCanadianMan: It's a good way to see what's open. And it also shows what's listening on those ports. When you know that you can decide what, if anything, to firewall off02:41
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=== Lazirusienca raises hand, "helpppp lol"
jakobI got lirc working backpacker :D02:42
mooeykuzmaster, wierd. have you done a sudo ifup wlan0 ?02:42
Jordan_U!sudo | Lazirusienca02:42
ubotuLazirusienca: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:42
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capixabakitche: this msg appear again man: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory02:42
n2diyCandianMan: that is your loopback device, it doesn't talk to the outside world, but the system does need it,02:42
BackPackerjakob: Great! Glad to hear it. :-)02:42
peacekpraway i go...02:42
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petalmvfeinstein: good. now open your xorg.conf (etc/X11/xorg.conf) and look for the section "Device"...It should say something about ATI... (if you have a ati card, that is...)02:42
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capixabakitche: whats happening?02:42
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petalmvfeinstein: In this section "Device" the second line should be 'driver'02:42
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jakobbackpacker, all I had to do was make a shortcut to /dev/ttyS0 and rename it /dev/lirc02:42
petalmvfeinstein: Is the 'driver' set to 'fglrx' there?02:43
Dimensionsdoes any one know abt vendor of  this Wlan USB ... UID is 18e8:620102:43
jakobbackpacker, do you know I make a shortcut in the console?02:43
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BackPackerjakob: Hmmm.... Wonder why an IRC client needs a serial port...02:43
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linux_newbie2if I want to create a RAID 1 setup on Ubuntu, and I want to share it under SAMBA, does it matter which filesystem I use on the drives?02:43
AmadeoSo, I've read a few forum pages...edited my xorg.conf a bunch of times...the resolution shows up now, but my refresh rate just won't change...not really sure what to do at this point anymore02:43
BackPackerjakob: a shortcut to what?02:43
kuzmastermooey: but when i did it again, it said this "wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801"02:43
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jakobbackpacker, lirc is a program for infra red remote controls :P02:43
mooeyDimensions, you can look up the device on www.pcidatabase.com02:43
mvfeinsteinmooey there is a lot anything i am looking for?02:44
BackPackerjakob: oh, OK, the 'irc' part is a little misleading02:44
asdfjkahsdfjkhaCan anyone help me uninstall VSFTPD. When I do apt-get remove --purge vsftpd I get some errors.02:44
mvfeinsteinpetal the driver is already set to fglrx02:44
mooeykuzmaster, thats wierd. the forum is a great resource for solving issues with wifi devices, deffinatly worth a search there if you haven't already.02:44
capixabakitche: ?02:44
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jakobbackpacker, the lirc file lircd was looking for was nothing but a shortcut to ttyS0. Do you know how I can make a shortcut in the console?02:44
Jordan_ULazirusienca: Basically, run: gksudo nautilus to get a file browser window with privaleges to write to anywhere, but close it as soon as you are done because being able to delete anything on your system isn't always a good thing :) or use the mv or cp commands with "sudo " in front of them02:44
BackPackerjakob: To make a 'shortcut' or symlink as Linux calls them, you use the ln command. Do 'man ln' in a console for mor information02:44
kaozinccan someone tell me where all the files are stored that synaptic dloads?02:44
mooeymvfeinstein, something that starts EE and looks relevant i guess, you could pastebin the log?02:45
mooey!pastebin > mvfeinstein02:45
jakobbackpacker, thanks, your help has really been great :)02:45
asdfjkahsdfjkhaCan anyone help me uninstall VSFTPD. When I do apt-get remove --purge vsftpd I get some errors. I am running ubuntu server.02:45
BackPackerjakob: You're welcome :-)02:45
n2diykaozinc: locate *.deb02:45
petalHow do I set my X-Session in Ubuntu up so that I'm automatically logged back in without re-entering a password when the computer wakes up from Standby?02:45
Jordan_Ukaozinc: Where the .deb files are or where the files it installs go?02:45
CanadianMani'm installing mythtv .20 and it needs ports 6543 open on local host and when i do 'nmap localhost' it does not show it on02:45
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, what are the errors? (pastebin them)02:46
Shadow_milpetal: look in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf02:46
Shadow_milo wait02:46
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I dont know how I am running ubuntu server.02:46
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, Unable to qwrite to /var/cache/apt/ and the package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened02:46
mooeypetal, if you turn off the locking when the screensaver activates (system -> preferences -> screensaver) does that do it?02:46
dmAnyone know of an APP that will sync Album art for ipod, ( automatically search for album art, then you sync it, without having to point to the file on your HDD>02:46
BackPackerCanadianMan: That's because nothing's listening on that port02:46
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, with the warning of not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:46
kaozincok when i open up synaptic and select a file to install and it says that xxx kb have to be dloaded.... where is that location02:46
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CanadianManahhhhh ok02:47
sandy16the hostname is not being displayed in my terminal only i can see is dollor ($) at the prompt, any suggestions02:47
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, are you running apt-get remove with sudo?02:47
Dimensionsmooey:  im lookin for usb devices the one u are saying are for PCI slots ?02:47
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BackPackersandy16: You need to set your prompt. You can set it up in ~/.bashrc02:47
Jordan_Upetal: Go to System -> Preferences -> Screensaver and uncheck the box that says " lock when screensaver is active"02:47
mooeysandy16, check your permissions on ~/.bashrc02:47
mooeyDimensions, oops :$ ignore heh. its late :D02:48
petalmooey: No, the block/password-requester was already off...02:48
mnk0whatu p02:48
capixabaI need install my wirelles in my laptop in the ubuntu... can someone help me please?02:48
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I am using su02:48
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petalJordan_U: That's not it - the block/password-requester was already set to 'Off'02:48
ozgurkcapixaba, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/709/02:48
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, does any other apt process exist already? perhaps in an existing open or disconnected session?02:48
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mnk0capixaba: have u googled for that wireless shit02:48
dmAnyone know of an APP that will sync Album art for ipod, ( automatically search for album art, then you sync it, without having to point to the file on your HDD> repeat02:48
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, how do I check?02:48
mnk0oh yea02:48
kaozincso does anyone know where that temp location is?02:48
ozgurkcapixaba, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/709/02:48
PriceChild!language | mnk002:48
ubotumnk0: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:48
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, hm. ps aux | grep apt02:49
mnk0ubotu: my bad02:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about my bad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:49
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CanadianManthank you now i understand02:49
sandy16BackPacker, mooey , thank you02:49
n2diyasdfjkahsdfjkha: sudo not su, they aren't the same.02:49
petalmvfeinstein: Stupid question, but have you restarted your system after you installed the fglrx-drivers?02:49
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mnk0what differencee of su -i and sudo -i02:49
capixabaozgurk: thanks again... I will try it...02:49
asdfjkahsdfjkhan2diy, they both have the same error02:49
mvfeinsteinmooey Here is the log http://pastebin.com/85320102:49
mooeymnk0,  one switches user, one performs another command as the super user02:49
mvfeinsteinpetal yes02:49
kaozinc!synaptic storage location02:50
ubotusynaptic: Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.57.11ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 1032 kB, installed size 5420 kB02:50
n2diyasdfjkahsdfjkha: ok?02:50
BackPackermnk0: Also, sudo logs who has used it and which command they used02:50
mnk0oh k02:50
capixabaozgurk: what is it? locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: Arquivo ou diretrio no encontrado02:50
linux_newbie2can anyone recommend a graphical partition manager?  The "Disks" window doesn't seem to let you create new partitions...02:50
Jordan_Usandy16: are You using Bash or another shell? ( sh in Edgy is NOT bash )02:50
mooeykaozinc, probably somewhere in /var/lib/dpkg?02:50
capixabaozgurk: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: Arquivo ou diretrio no encontrado02:50
BackPackerlinux_newbie2: gparted02:50
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ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:50
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, when I type that it says 5306 0.0 0.1 2884 796 ttyl R+ 19:49 0:0002:50
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capixabaozgurk: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: file or directory not found02:51
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linux_newbie2thanks BackPacker, mooey02:51
petalmvfeinstein: Do you still have that xorg.conf file open?02:51
mvfeinsteinpetal I know that driver is working because I am getting res above 1024x768 but before I did the install direct render was on and now it is off for some reason02:51
mvfeinsteinpetal yes02:51
sandy16mooey, BackPacker i have .bashrc as 755 , eventhough it is not working02:51
mdfrosttall: just installed boinc 5.8.1 into /usr/BOINC and have an interesting problem.  if I run the program by typing "./boincmgr" from the /usr/BOINC directory, it connects to localhost and everything works well; however, if I type "/usr/BOINC/boincmgr" it won't connect to my machine.  any ideas?02:51
Jordan_Umvfeinstein: Edgy or Dapper?02:51
petalmvfeinstein: Scroll down to its ending02:51
mvfeinsteinJordan_U Edgy02:51
mooeymvfeinstein, wierd. no errors. still glxinfo says direct rendering: no ?02:52
BackPackersandy16: mine's 64402:52
petalmvfeinstein: Is there something like " Option "Composite" "false" "02:52
n2diysandy16: why do you say it isn't working?02:52
Jordan_Umvfeinstein: You need to disable composit most likely02:52
ozgurkcapixaba, what is compile ?02:52
BackPackersandy16: it doesn't need the x bits set02:52
petalmvfeinstein: If not, try to add the following line(s) to your xorg.conf at its end:02:52
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, wierd. perhaps the lock file has not been removed or something. im not sure how to check though, sorry.02:52
=== Lazirusienca DOES HAPPY DANCE
Lazirusiencawhoot! yay02:52
di||itantemdfrostt, add /usr/BOINC/ to your path02:52
Lazirusiencagames working now02:52
petalmvfeinstein: Section "Extensions"02:53
LazirusiencaAnyone play planeshift?02:53
petalmvfeinstein: Option "Composite" "false"02:53
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, try removing /var/lib/dpkg/lock or something02:53
mvfeinsteinmooey the only error I saw was about aiglx. Direct render still says no and I just noticed this Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".02:53
sandy16and also when i use arrows (up/down) for history , iam getting this :  $ ^[[A^[[A^[[B02:53
petalmvfeinstein: EndSection02:53
di||itantemdfrostt, doh, nevermind02:53
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mvfeinsteinpetal no02:53
capixabaozgurk: compile?02:53
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, it tells me its a read only system file02:53
ozgurklocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: file or directory not found02:53
LazirusiencaANywho im gonna go, thanks for the help.02:53
petalmvfeinstein: Then put the three lines that I just posted there02:53
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, are you /sure/ you are root?02:53
ozgurkwhere error message?02:53
petalmvfeinstein: And restart your X-Server02:53
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, just logged in as root and tried it and says the same thing02:54
mooeymvfeinstein, i've had that before. there was a solution burried in the forums. i think it had todo with having the right settings in xorg.conf as petal was saying.02:54
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, can you write any files on the filesystem?02:54
petalthe fglrx-driver has some problems in edgy02:54
Jordan_Uasdfjkahsdfjkha: What problem are you having? ( it is hard to follow things right now :)02:54
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mooeyJordan_U, apt whines when trying to remove the package vsftpd02:54
kaozincJordan_U can i PM you we were talking the other nite about an ati vid card... my nick at the time was kaoz02:54
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capixabaozgurk: i didnt understand02:55
ozgurkcapixaba, where issue error message?02:55
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, no I cannot02:55
mvfeinsteinpetal mooey ok I just added those lines going to reboot brb02:55
mdfrosttdi||itante: hadn't considered that (especially because I haven't a clue how to change the search path in linux).  since you said "nevermind" later, should I take it that that wouldn't work anyway?02:55
bryanlthe ubuntu mirrors are way slower than i remember... any way i can speed up apt-get updates?02:55
Caranarqnow, how do I intall Samba???????02:55
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petalmvfeinstein: Good luck02:55
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, even in your home directory?02:55
asdfjkahsdfjkhajordan_u, vsftpd stopped working after I rebooted. I tried googling for 30 mintues hwo to fix it with the errors I was getting. Then I just decided to remove it, and it isnt working02:55
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, yes02:55
Jordan_Ukaozinc: Sure, I have to allow unregged users to pm me first though so wait a second ( By default I don't see messages from unregged users )02:55
cybercodcaranqrq... synaptic package manager has it... smb02:55
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, either you are not root or your file system is mounted read only02:55
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, root@hlds:02:56
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di||itantemdfrostt, right02:56
capixabaozgurk: yeah02:56
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, did you mount the fs as readonly ? if not, check the logs (dmesg) as it may have had an error and remounted itself read only to protect it02:56
mdfrosttdi||itante: nuts.  any other ideas?02:56
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)02:56
Caranarqi don't have the synaptic PM... not under system>administration02:56
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, All I did was reboot man, it was working PERFECT before that...02:57
capixabaozgurk: in the first apt-get and second to02:57
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, :( check the logs02:57
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di||itantemdfrostt, no, seems strange. did you have another version running at some other time02:57
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I just typed dmesg and it has all these device lookup failed lines but I cannot scroll up since im on text based02:58
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, use less. type into a console: dmesg | less02:58
mooeyand then you can page up and down02:58
asdfjkahsdfjkhadmesg | less02:58
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mdfrosttdi||itante: yes, I had the fully supported version 5.4.11, but I needed the advanced functionality provided in the 5.8.1 beta version.  I thought I completely removed any remnants of the old version, though.02:59
jewbileeHow do i find out what wireless card i have?02:59
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, am I looking for anything in particular?02:59
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mooeyjewbilee, lspci02:59
bef_ubuntucommand for changing apt sources ?02:59
di||itantemdfrostt, im guessing there is something left somewhere from the old version. possible a hidden dir in your home dir03:00
mooey!sources | bef_ubuntu03:00
ubotubef_ubuntu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:00
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Caranarqhmmm ... how can I know if I have administrative acces???03:00
cybercodcaranarq.. you still need help with samba?03:00
Caranarqyeah ...03:00
ozgurkcapixaba, past your locale command03:00
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, just something that says the file system was mounted readonly. thats assuming its not set to be read only in /etc/fstab ?03:00
CaranarqI can't install it03:00
cybercodcaranarq     http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=howto+samba   that got me going03:00
mooeyCaranarq, in the console if your prompt ends in $ you are a user. if it ends with # you are root (admin) user. you can use sudo to run root commands as a $ user03:01
jewbileemooey: If it says I have a broadcom BCM4306, which driver do i need for ndiswrapper?03:01
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, in fstab it says errors=remount-ro03:01
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cybercodjewbilee... try driverguide.com for drivers03:01
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mooeyjewbilee, i think there are native drivers for that chipset?03:02
n2diyBackPacker: he ought to be done soon, it has been nearly an hour.03:02
petalmvfeinstein: Had any luck?03:02
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, so when you write or save a file, what does it say? can't write to read only file system?03:02
mdfrosttdi||itante: home is clear.  the thing that really confuses me is that both commands SHOULD be running the exact same file.  one uses the fully path, and the other runs the program in the current directory, which is /usr/BOINC.03:02
cybercodthere are for broadcom... they don't "just work" though03:02
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey yez03:02
mvfeinsteinpetal yes it worked thanks for the help.... Now I just have to decide if I want to try to install beryl again..03:02
cybercodoften its easier to disable them and use ndiswrapper03:02
jewbileemooey: what do you mean?03:03
jewbileemooey: do i still ned ndiswrapper?03:03
cybercodi've had to deal with broadcom on two laptops03:03
di||itantemdfrostt, yeah, its wierd03:03
BackPackern2diy: I can't wait any longer, it's 2am here... See you around03:03
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, the hostname was hlds, if its a rented server i would get your host to shut the box down and run a file system check and then reboot it03:03
capixabaozgurk: somethings I dont understand03:03
petalmvfeinstein: Great! Glad I could help... Beryl is cool - give it a try! Feels like a whole new OS! :)03:03
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, no the box is sitting next to me03:03
di||itantetry updating the db database and searching for BOINC03:03
lmdhttp://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=forum/34 --> shoutcast03:03
n2diyBackPacker: roger that, I'm out of here in 30 minutes.03:03
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, run an fsck and reboot :-)03:04
mdfrosttdi||itante: thanks for your help.  I'm going to go pick some brains elsewhere.  thanks again03:04
capixabaozgurk: ipw2200 not found03:04
di||itantemdfrostt, good luck03:04
capixabaozgurk: E: Couldn't find package ipw2200-source03:04
mooeyjewbilee, i dont know alot about the broadcom chipsets, but as i understand it there is a driver already in ubuntu for that card03:04
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mvfeinsteinpetal I tried to install it yesterday and messed up my system so much that I reinstalled.... Would you happen to know where I can find a good how for ati+edgy+beryl? Or an easy way to do it?03:04
=== shalos [n=johnnyt@adsl-75-41-36-11.dsl.wchtks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
mooeymvfeinstein, theres some good guides for ati on the ubuntu forums, and for beryl on the beryl forums03:05
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capixabaozgurk: man?03:05
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey,  I did that and its still r/o03:05
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mvfeinsteinmooey is there any all inclusive that is easy to follow? I went through a lot of them and it really screw up my display last night03:05
CaranarqMany thanks!!!!03:06
Caranarqsee ya!!!03:06
ozgurk#module-assistant command03:06
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, does 'sudo mount -a' remount it was read write?03:06
petalmvfeinstein: Indeed I do! http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29084103:06
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capixabaozgurk: E: Couldn't find package ipw2200-source03:06
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mooeymvfeinstein, its a sod :( the one on the wiki should be good03:06
petalmvfeinstein: This one worked like a charm for me (also using an ATI card...)03:06
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, no03:06
linuxgoobercan someone point me to a link on how to make my own repository?03:06
ozgurkcapixaba, please your console (terminal) in command module-assistant03:06
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mooeymvfeinstein, i found it easier to install the drivers from ati.com than the ubuntu packaged ones. there is also a repository which has easy install and up to date ati drivers but i dont remember its name, sorry03:07
ozgurkyour install module-assistant ?03:07
=== decadre [n=jaidev@124-168-232-182.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, then im out of ideas, sorry. it certainly sounds like your file system is broken :(03:07
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, that at least is the root cause of not being able to remove vsftpd, heh.03:07
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, well shit.. is there any way I can retrieve some files I have stored on here before I reformat?03:08
capixabaozgurk: I typed it... and choose(choise)  ipw2200... and after... I tried install...then... this msg appear in my terminal03:08
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, if you can read them thats great, you can blip them over the network with scp if you have ssh access to the machine03:08
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I dont think I ever setup ssh, or do you haft to?03:08
=== XiXaQ [n=joerlend@237-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu
petalmvfeinstein: Btw, no matter what you do with Beryl... You SHOULD always have the possibility to go back to your GDM Login screen and chose a normal Gnome session there...03:09
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, ah. you have to install the openssh-server package :(03:09
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, hm. usb stick?03:09
petalmvfeinstein: I'm off now - Good luck with your 3d-Acc.!03:09
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mvfeinsteinpetal thanks for the help03:10
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, OOOOO I have one!!!! Do I have to manually mount it?03:10
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, does it appear in /media when you plug it in? :}03:10
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riotkittiehm. i feel the need to learn how to do something but i dont know what03:11
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, all I see is cdrom cdrom0 floppy floppy003:11
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, then yea you will have to mount it manually :~~)03:11
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n2diyriotkittie: teach me how to change keyboard layouts in a console?03:12
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, how would I go about that?03:12
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, the last dmesg output when you plugged it in should lead you to the device name (something like /dev/sdb1 or simmilar) then you can mkdir /media/usbstick; mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/usbstick03:12
mooeythe exact command depends on the device and the file system its formatted with03:13
riotkittien2diy >> sudo loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/<dir>/<dir> for a temporary change03:13
=== NoEvidenZ [n=kyle@220-245-129-15.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieuhmmmm i forgot how i made mine permanent03:13
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI see like scsi device sda03:14
n2diyriotkittie: hmmm, I've been looking for that for six years, I'll take a look. Thanks.03:14
mooeyriotkittie, you could learn how to turn water into wine :~)03:14
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, thats probably it03:14
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, the usb mass storage device driver uses the scsi subsystem03:14
asdfjkahsdfjkhaby the way I cant create the folder03:15
asdfjkahsdfjkhaits read only03:15
mooeyheh yer03:15
riotkittiemaybe it was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xkeyboard-reconfigure    . hm.03:15
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, do I haft to make the folder for me to mount it?03:16
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, mount it in /mount/floppy0 :}03:16
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, if you can make a folder in /tmp, do it therr03:16
riotkittiemooey >> already know how to turn water into wine03:16
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n2diyriotkittie: I'm on the loadkeys man page, this is what I'm looking for. I Know how to do it with X running, but not from a CLI.03:17
mooeyriotkittie, lol. something more challenging then. wine to vodka? :}03:17
NoEvidenZOk, I feel like a complete moron asking this, but through the terminal, how do I make it delete a folder and everything in it?03:17
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, omg I am so confized03:17
cybercodisn't there a way to burn from CLI?  perhaps you could just burn a disk03:17
mooeyNoEvidenZ, rm -rf will remove everything. its best to remove everything in a folder and then rmdir the folder so that you don't delete something you didn't want to delete03:17
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, hold on like 2 minutes ill brb I need to go outside for a second03:17
n2diyadd grapes!03:17
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linuxgooberNoEvidenZ rm -R /path/to/directory03:18
mooeyNoEvidenZ, we are friendly :~) never be embarrased to ask. we all have to learn03:18
riotkittien2diy >> yeah but there's something else that will make the change permanent. if i recall correctly loadkeys only works until you log out and then it resets03:18
awenasidilisomehey all03:18
ryanakcamako: ping03:18
riotkittieit's probably in the man03:18
NoEvidenZlinuxgoober: Thanks :P03:18
linuxgooberthats what we're all here for03:18
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riotkittiei rarely read them <hangs head in shame>03:18
NoEvidenZmooey: Thanks. It's not that I'm embarassed, it's that I should know. >.>03:18
mooeyNoEvidenZ, :~)03:18
n2diyriotkittie: No, no, this fine, I don't want permanent change.03:19
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riotkittien2diy, ah ok then :)03:19
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, gone for a cigarette break? :p03:19
n2diyriotkittie: I'm toying with the idea of a terminal kiosk, and a script to let users select there keyboard, so this is perfect.03:20
NoEvidenZSome days I'm all "I'm awesome! I'm learning Linux!" and others I'm like "It's all too hard!"03:20
=== adub [n=adub@CPE-76-177-188-136.natsoe.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieahhh that's cool, n2diy03:20
mooeyNoEvidenZ, it is certainly worth the effort to learn03:20
linuxgooberyeah... i feel the pain NoEvidenZ03:20
riotkittieNoEvidenZ, meee too03:20
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adubanyone get monitor mode to work with atheros wireless cards ??03:20
NoEvidenZHeh, I know it's worth learning, that's why I haven't given up yet.03:21
mooeygood on ya :~~)03:21
riotkittiei started with slackware 9. then moved in with my husband and was forced to go back to xp.03:21
mooeydivorce tbh >_>03:21
aivijay_guys am trying to setup wireless network in adhoc mode to make a peer to peer connection with my other laptop03:21
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NoEvidenZriotkittie: Girls learning computers?! What next? We'll let them VOTE?! *smirks*03:21
NoEvidenZriotkittie: Ignore me, I'm a bad person.03:22
aivijay_can i get some doc which can help me out on this03:22
riotkittiehahaha. i like bad people. they tend to be more fun than the "good" ones ;)03:22
biggahed_i miss my slack. But now im too lazy to go back03:22
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=== CDION [n=ircap8@216.Red-88-13-168.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikedotyI just had to reinstall ubuntu.  Not too bad, but now I need to get my video driver installed for my Geforce4 MX, since right now I'm limited to 640x480 resolution.03:22
mooeyaivijay_, the forums are a great place to find instructions. or the ubuntu wiki. or the linux documentation project.03:22
aivijay_i am able to configure the wireless and am also able to get the list of other wireless networks near03:22
mikedotyDo I want ... nvidia-glx as my driver?03:22
NoEvidenZaivijay_: I can't offer you docs, but I can offer you my best wishes.03:22
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CDIONhola alguien habla espaol??03:22
aivijay_but i dont know how to use it and start communicating03:22
mikedotyThat is what I installed, but I still can't access 1024x76803:22
=== CanadianMan [n=Canadian@wsip-70-184-150-216.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoEvidenZOh, while I'm in here.. My xserver keeps crashing on start up.03:23
CanadianManhow do i mount a device at boot up03:23
n2diy! es03:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:23
merolhackyo hablo spanglish03:23
riotkittiei really wanted to install slack but when i finally got my own computer, i had no discs to burn it too. and then i was like "ahhhh, i am too stupid!"03:23
mooeyCDION, #ubuntu-es03:23
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mooeyCanadianMan, with /etc/fstab03:23
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:23
cybercodmikedoty... have you heard of envy?03:23
CanadianManthank you mooey03:23
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NoEvidenZActually, I'll get some information about it dying, then i'll ask for help.03:23
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mikedotyI don't think so cybercod, though maybe I just don't remember it03:24
=== JustNew [n=zoople@ppp40-179.lns4.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiei installed zenwalk which is slacked based the other day.  apt has ruined me :P03:24
linuxgooberhow do i make a .deb from a .tar.gz source package?03:24
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-86-78.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cybercodmikedoty... its a very awesome script for installing nvidia proprietary drivers03:24
cybercoddebian package03:24
aivijay_anyone, how do u set up an adhoc net work and communicate to two machines03:24
cybercodhang on... i'll get you the page03:24
jriblinuxgoober: to do it the right way, read the tutorial at help.ubuntu.com about packaging.  Or use checkinstall03:25
mikedotyOh yeah, now I do vaguely recall that from a couple months ago when i first installed ubuntu03:25
mooeylinuxgoober, checkinstall will do it03:25
jrib!checkinstall | linuxgoober03:25
ubotulinuxgoober: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:25
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JustNewHi. Ive got an external hardrive that Ubuntu has mounted automatically. I'd like to be able to put files onto it but the system says that it is a "read only disk". any ideas?03:25
linuxgoobercan i make a repository on my website for it?03:25
edburnsHey, this was a really nice install.03:25
=== simulacra [n=norm@181-dcmp5.goeaston.net] has joined #ubuntu
edburnsI like Ubuntu so far.03:25
biggahed_i only tried ubuntu because its a polished apt using distro. I needed to try apt. But now that im using it, i must say its no as amazing as i though03:25
NoEvidenZCan anyone tell me how to check system logs so I can get some information about my xserver crashing on start up?03:25
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mooeyJustNew, you should make sure that the file system its formatted with is one that ubuntu can read and write to nativly. perhaps its ntfs.03:25
edburnsHowever, it doesn't come with xemacs pre-installed.03:26
cybercodmikedoty http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html03:26
riotkittiemy husband keeps looking at my laptop when im in ubuntu or zen and going "wow, thats cool"  ... but he wont let me touch his desktop ;/03:26
edburnsWhat's the easiest way to install xemacs on a stock Ubuntu system (6.10)03:26
JustNewit is ntfs im quite sure03:26
mooeyNoEvidenZ, check Xorg.log in /var/log03:26
NoEvidenZmooey: Thanks03:26
riotkittiei only went with ubuntu because ship-it sent me discs  ;p03:26
jribedburns: sudo apt-get install xemacs2103:26
n2diyedburns: welcome aboard, click on system/admin/synaptic, and go get Xemacs.03:26
NoEvidenZriotkittie: You using Edgy?03:26
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riotkittieNoEvidenZ >> nope, i'm using Dapper03:26
edburnsAhhh, ubuntu use apt-get.03:26
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NoEvidenZriotkittie: Aw. I was gonna suggest you get Beryl.03:26
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n2diyriotkittie:  is a smart kittie.03:27
NoEvidenZHell, I'm using Feisty.03:27
JustNewmooney: yes, my hardrive is NTFS, but so are my windows partitions03:27
jribedburns: yeah, you can use synaptic too like n2diy suggested if you want a gui03:27
cybercodi tend to wait for you gurus to work out the bugs03:27
cybercodleading edge = bug infested03:27
riotkittiei am going to repartition  and i might put Edgy on then, once my 2k partition is gone03:27
mooeyJustNew, there is experimental write support for ntfs03:27
mooey!ntfs-3g | JustNew03:27
ubotuJustNew: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:27
JustNewok col03:27
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linuxgooberleading edge linux is less bug infested than windows xp with all the updates03:27
covOPprometheushey guys, can anyone name me one simple to use video converter with a GUI for ubuntu/gnome ?03:28
n2diycybercod: leading edge = bleeding edge, and I don't like bleeding.03:28
cybercodagreed linuxgoober... thats why I'm still using xp SP103:28
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awenasidilisomeanyone know what program i would need to edit stuff on a cellphone so that i can have my own start up sound03:28
NoEvidenZI'm using Feisty because GAIM in Dapper kept crashing and Edgy wouldn't boot on my system.03:28
simulacraAnyone have any good suggestions for a FOSS disk image distribution system?03:28
NoEvidenZAnd I wanted Beryl.03:28
cybercodi don't trust anything from MS unless its been out for 3 years03:28
riotkittiei  never really had probs with xp.03:28
mooeysimulacra, can you expand a bit?03:28
linuxgooberi don't trust ms03:28
want2ubunt2Noobie Question: Can you tell the installer in 6.06 where to install GRUB?03:29
edburnsn2diy: When I do that, and search for "xemacs" I only see 4 packages in the upper right pane, and none of them are xemacs03:29
Jordan_UNoEvidenZ: Are you useing Edgy and what type of card do you have?03:29
simulacraan alternative to Norton Ghoist is the best way to describe it03:29
=== Vich [n=DrVich@ppp247-162.lns3.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
biggahed_well i got some crashing problems with *buntu... xubuntu, that is. The screensaver just makes me restart my box. Cool, huh?03:29
aivijay_anyone who can tell me how i use a adhoc wireless network and connect to it and make both the machines communicate03:29
cybercodonly problems I've ever had were usually self inflicted, but I tend to think I'd have more of them if I kept it up to date03:29
NoEvidenZJordan_U: Not using Edgy.03:29
edburnsn2diy: Is there some way to make it display non installed packages?03:29
cybercodI was driven to linux by my inherent distrust of M$03:29
NoEvidenZJordan_U: I'm using Feisty Fawn and what type of card doy ou mean?03:30
n2diyedburns: what version of Ubuntu are you using?03:30
riotkittieyeah, xp updates wreak serious havoc on a box03:30
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cybercodthats always first step... disabling them03:30
edburnsn2diy: I just installed the very latest (6.10)03:30
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edburnsMaybe that's called Edgy?03:30
edburnsNot sure03:30
riotkittiemy husbands up to date 2.8ghz p4\512mb ram loads xp three times slower than my 750mhz laptop does03:30
cybercodhas gnome gui changed much from dapper to edgy?03:30
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NoEvidenZWindows update turned my copied xp into legit XP.03:31
riotkittieerr loaded.03:31
n2diyedburns: ok, I don't know if this will work for you, but is there an advanced tap you can select?03:31
Jordan_Uwant2ubunt2: You can with Edgy, if you can't in dapper it is always possible from the termial03:31
awenasidilisomefami_ moto4lin...what?03:31
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craig-griffis_what repo can I get rar from ?03:31
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, ok im back03:31
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, howdy03:31
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cybercodcraig-griffis... automatix2 can give you rar support (and a bunch of other stuff03:32
covOPprometheushey guys, can anyone name me one simple to use video converter with a GUI for ubuntu/gnome ?03:32
=== Melissa|X [n=missysaf@h95.201.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mooeysimulacra, hm. im not sure to be honest, its not something i've ever looked for. freshmeat.net might be a good place to start a hunt for it though. im sure such a tool exists.03:32
craig-griffis_Yeah a bunch of other stuff I don't want03:32
fami_awenasidilisome, moto4lin is a good program to edit your cellphone03:32
jrib!info rar | craig-griffis_03:32
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.1-1 (edgy), package size 239 kB, installed size 472 kB (Only available for i386)03:32
jribcraig-griffis_: multiverse it seems03:32
riotkittiecovOPprometheus, whats the fun in simple to use? :P03:32
simulacrathank mooey03:32
fami_awenasidilisome, check the forums for some FAQs on how to use it. I know that you have to run it as root for it to work properly03:32
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cybercodcov0   you wanna do dvd's?03:32
awenasidilisomefami_ oh i'm at a site that supposedly has it but i'm not sure what computer to put it on03:32
jakobwhat is the equivalent of autoexec.bat in ubuntu?03:32
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mvfeinsteinberyl: SmcOpenConnection failed: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed03:32
craig-griffis_Hmmm (Only available for i386)    x64 here03:33
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, :P ok you want me to type like "sudo mkdir */media/floppy0; mount -t vfat /dev/sda */media/floppy0 " ?03:33
AggortDoes anyone in here know why Windows would need the Windows Install CD to be in the CD drive to boot, though it doesn't actually boot the CD?03:33
fami_awenasidilisome, what do you mean?03:33
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:33
AggortI need this error fixed big time03:33
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awenasidilisomefami_ should i run it on ubuntu or kubuntu or maybe the mac03:33
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, one step at a time. first see if you can make a folder in /tmp to mount it on03:33
n2diyedburns: ?03:33
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riotkittieAggort, > youre not getting some kind of error message with the demand for the disc?03:33
jakobaggort have you tried fixboot and fixmbr?03:33
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, no its read only03:33
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fami_awenasidilisome, I used it on GNOME ubuntu03:34
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Aggortritokittoe: No03:34
fami_awenasidilisome, Kubuntu should have an app called KMobile or something liek that.03:34
glorinhaeta karalhuuuuuuuuuuuu03:34
simulacraaGGORT, SOUNDS like your BIOS is set boot from the CD only. Start there03:34
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Aggortjakob: No, isn't that under recovery console in windows?03:34
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NoEvidenZAggort: Type the first few letters and hit tab.03:34
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I dont have a floopy drive. But it is still in the mount folder03:34
mikedotyI thought envy had killed my computer03:34
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Aggortsimulacra: If I change it to hard drive, nothing boots at all!03:34
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, in which case just mount it in /media/floppy0 or something :)03:34
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cybercodmikedoty ???03:35
jakobaggort, yes it is. I had a similar problem because of grub, fixmbr and fixboot did it for me.03:35
AggortNoEvidenZ: What?03:35
simulacraaha, corrupted MBR03:35
NoEvidenZNever mind.03:35
AggortJakob: I can't boot to recovery console!03:35
mikedotyI ran it in a terminal and chose "install"03:35
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, mount -t vfat /dev/??? /media/floppy003:35
mikedotyThen it crashed me, and when I tried to reboot it froze to a black screen03:35
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, where ??? is the device from dmesg03:35
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda03:35
simulacraYou can fix that from recovery consol =, but its been ages since I have done that03:35
AggortJakob: This is happening w/o grub03:35
mikedotyBut now I'm back how it was03:35
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craig-griffis_jrib, Yeah but not 64 bit.  I have multiverse03:35
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, i would be surprised if it was sda, but try sda1 or something03:35
awenasidilisomefami_ i'll try and get it but right now i have to work on this stupid MS 2k pc03:35
jakobaggort does it give you a reason?03:35
awenasidilisomefami_ any other programs that might be useful03:35
cybercodmikedoty  did you follow all the instructions? open up repos?03:35
Aggortjakob: No03:36
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, im assuming that the usb stick has been formatted on another machine? if it was windows it will be vfat03:36
AggortJakob: it just boots to it03:36
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AggortI am about to make a video showing what it does03:36
jribcraig-griffis_: correct, there is unrar though if you don't need to create them03:36
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, ok I think that worked, is there a way I can zip a while directory and send the output file into /media/floppy0 ?03:36
asdfjkahsdfjkhagzip tar or whatever03:36
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, tar -crf /media/floppy0/archive.tar /home/folder (i think)03:37
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AggortIf I could boot to recovery console I wouldn't have any problem03:37
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riotkittiewoo. i cant wait to see this video :P03:37
AggortPlease help as this is also effecting GRUB and my Windows/Ubuntu experience03:37
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, you may not specify more than one '-Acdtrux' option.............................................. I am going to kill something03:37
jakobaggort have you tried a bootdisk? as in floppy.03:37
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, you will need to umount /media/floppy0 and then eject /dev/sda before you pull out the usb stick or it might not write the files to it03:37
AggortJakob: I don't have one03:38
craig-griffis_jrib, I only need it for dvd::rip03:38
jribAggort: try ##windows03:38
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, check the man page for tar then :~) im not sure of which options to use03:38
awenasidilisomefami_ moto4lin i just realized is for motorola03:38
awenasidilisomefami_ i use cingular03:38
cybercodcraig-griffis   i use acidrip03:38
craig-griffis_jrib, it'll work with out no big03:38
jakobjrib, does ubuntu have an equivalent of autoexec.bat?03:38
mikedotyIt never gave me instructions, just a menu that I saw03:38
Aggortjakob: I know I can boot from a floppy though03:38
mikedotyI have all my repositories (multi/uni) enabled03:38
asdfjkahsdfjkhacannot create a temp filename read only03:38
awenasidilisomefami_ but maybe kmobile will work with cingular03:38
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, perhaps tar -cvf03:38
jribjakob: what do you want the alternative to do?03:38
craig-griffis_cybercod, Acid wont do whole dvd's menu and every thing03:38
edburnsjrib: Package xemacs21 is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:39
fami_awenasidilisome, Try kmobile03:39
cybercodcraig... tru... i don't use that stuff03:39
jakobjrib, I have a few lines I'd like to have added.03:39
jribedburns: you need to enable universe03:39
NoEvidenZHow do I use the Python scripting interface in xchat? O.o03:39
jrib!universe | edburns03:39
Aggortjakob: Where can I get a boot disk? Just look on google?03:39
ubotuedburns: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:39
cybercodmikedoty... it died in the middle of it?03:39
Aggortjakob: what would I need, anything to fix this issue please lol03:39
fami_awenasidilisome, Look up some SEEM editor FAQs, too. That's how you change a lot of the stuff.03:39
NoEvidenZOh, hang on.. Never mind.03:39
jakobaggort, yes google bootdisk. That should do it03:39
awenasidilisomefami_ i will once i get this MS 2k pc fixed03:40
jribjakob: do you want thing to run at boot time or can they run as your user when you log in?03:40
jakobjrib, I'd like this to be added in the boot sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/lirc | sudo lircd03:40
=== edburns reads the repositories page
AggortJakob: What should I look for?03:40
craig-griffis_dvd::rip seems to be the only true dvdshrink like program for Linux, please tell me if I'm wrong.03:40
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rbiljakob: http://customdesign.homelinux.net/nilug/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=48&Itemid=3803:40
awenasidilisomefami_ SEEM editor?03:40
mooeycraig-griffis_, if it helps - dvdshrink runs pretty well under wine :)03:40
covOPprometheusriotkittie, hehehe, it's for my father hehehe03:40
covOPprometheushey guys, can anyone name me one simple to use video converter with a GUI for ubuntu/gnome ?03:40
NoEvidenZI feel terrible.. Been awake for far too long. :P03:40
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AggortJakob: What should I look for in a boot disk?03:40
mikedotyIt died right away ... right when I chose to install driver03:41
jakobaggort, have you got any empty cd's?03:41
asdfjkahsdfjkhaAnyone here know how to tar a whole directory with subdirectories into 1 tar file?! :P03:41
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jribcraig-griffis_: I don't know, but why does dvd::rip even need rar?03:41
Aggortjakob: 30003:41
craig-griffis_AHhhhhhhhhhhh    I do not and will not ever understand people who use wine. Sorry Windoze is a pet hate that I wish would vanish from the face of the universe03:41
Pie-rateHow would I turn a .run file into a .deb?03:41
cybercodHmmm...  you did this in terminal?  i think thats what happened03:41
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mikedotyI did do it in terminal, yes03:41
toM|vendettAPie-rate: try "alien --help"03:41
cybercodit kills x03:41
mooeywelcome back, kuzmaster03:41
Aggortjakob: well over 30003:41
jakobaggort, try looking for recovery cd's then... Brb. phone is ringing03:41
kuzmastermooey: thanx03:41
Aggortjakob: k03:41
kuzmasterare the ubuntu forums down?03:42
kitchePie-rate: you can't03:42
cybercodyou have to hit CTRL+ALT+F5 and do it in there... it kills X almost immediately03:42
kuzmasterit keeps comming up with the cpanel page......03:42
mooeykuzmaster, it loads here03:42
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jakobaggort, I have to go for ten mins, sorry.03:42
Pie-ratekuzmaster: no.03:42
kuzmastersame, now03:42
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jribcraig-griffis_: what errors do you get with 'sudo apt-get install dvdrip'?03:42
kuzmasterits alright for me now03:42
mikedotyHow do I get back to X after X is killed?03:42
fami_awenasidilisome, Yeah, for motorla at least I know a lot of the phone config is done via the SEEM03:42
cybercodafter it is done03:42
mooeymikedoty, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:43
cybercodactually i think it starts it up automatically03:43
AggortHey anyone else want to help me with thsi odd issue? I really need to get it resolved03:43
Pie-rateis it possible to switch from gdm to kdm on the fly?03:43
mooeyPie-rate, sure. stop gdm and start kdm :p03:43
mikedotyIs it okay to run it from terminal?03:43
mikedotyOr should I exit x and run it from command line?03:43
cybercodno... terminal runs under x03:43
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rbilPIe-rate: run kdm in another terminal03:43
mooeymikedoty, if you are in a terminal in X and then you run it it will kill the terminal03:44
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mikedotyctrl alt f5?03:44
cybercodctrl + alt +F5.. thats what I read in the instructions03:44
jerpcovOPprometheus, http://www.smorgasbord.net/best_video_converter_windows03:44
awenasidilisomefami_ anything for cingular that you can recall?03:44
mooeymikedoty, its best to press control-alt-f1 and do it in that console03:44
mikedotyright back03:44
fami_awenasidilisome, I've never had a cingular phone :( Only motorola and nokia03:44
mikedotyF1 or F5?03:44
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, ok its taring to the directory1!! :PPPP03:44
mooeymikedoty, or any of the virtual consoles :~) f5 is fine too03:44
cybercodone them anyway... I picked F5 arbitrarily... never knew there was a diff03:44
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, wicked :p03:44
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mooeycybercod, they are all the same :) just its helpful to have a few03:44
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Pie-rateis it possible to run another desktop in another tty?03:45
eriscogaim is crashing EVERY time I talk to Smarter Child (an AI)... and gaim crashes periodically. I was wondering if there are any solutions to this, or if there are OTHER MESSAGING CLIENTS? Thanks.03:45
sam__How do You install Xubuntu ontop of ubuntu? plz03:45
AggortDoes anyone in here know why Windows would need the Windows Install CD to be in the CD drive to boot, though it doesn't actually boot the CD?03:45
awenasidilisomefami_ i only use cingular well this ones a LG so i'm not really sure on anything for it03:45
rbilPie-rate: yes03:45
mooeysam__, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:45
riotkittiesam > sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop , i believe03:45
Pie-raterbil: how?03:45
cybercodmooey... so quick... arrrgh03:45
khaije1sam__: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:45
riotkittiemooey has the speedy fingers of doom03:45
cybercodi actually knew that one03:45
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khaije1hehe.. oops!03:46
rbilPie-rate: I've never done it but a friend of mine runs his system with gnome running in tty F7 and kdm in F803:46
awenasidilisomei forgot how much MS 2k suxors03:46
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me get xgl set up on edgy?03:46
cybercodthere should be a helper point system03:46
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riotkittieon the bright side, im faster than khaije1. <does a little dance>03:46
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rbilPie-rate: I assume you just start kdm in another tty terminal03:46
mooeymvfeinstein, do you have 3d acceleration going?03:46
cybercodmvfeinstein... automatix-bleeder does it03:46
AggortDoes anyone in here know why Windows would need the Windows Install CD to be in the CD drive to boot, though it doesn't actually boot the CD?03:46
khaije1riotkittie: heh! i'm multiskalking!03:46
mooeyAggort, possibly not the right channel :p03:46
cybercodaggort... if there is a critical system file missing, it could be reading it off the disk in order to boot03:46
riotkittiebecause Windows is the root of all evil and your Windows install is clearly possessed?03:46
fami_awenasidilisome, Sorry, but I don't know any particulars of the LG phones. You would have to google for info on it.03:46
Aggortcybercod: I ahd thought about that03:47
awenasidilisomeyeah i know03:47
Aggortcybercod: But I can't even boot into recovery console to find out so03:47
awenasidilisomefami_ yeah i know03:47
cybercodAggort... try going to Qunu.com  good free windows help there03:47
mooeybest to blow your windows parition away for ubuntu though yea ? :}03:47
Aggortcybercod: Will try03:47
cybercodmooey... definately03:47
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gninommushow can i config tv out with an ati 9600xt on edgy? i followed the instructions at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide03:47
riotkittiei need to get rid of my 2k partition ;\03:47
AggortI would btu I am a gamer03:47
mvfeinsteinmooey yes03:48
mooeyexcellent mvfeinstein :)03:48
cybercodaggort... try cedega03:48
gninommusbut the ati config doesnt have any options03:48
mvfeinsteincybercod what is automatix-bleeder?03:48
awenasidilisomeany one know if i should put kubuntu on the ubuntu box?03:48
linuxgooberAggort I am a gamer, but I only use linux03:48
mooeyautomatix is evil mvfeinstein, avoid it :~)03:48
AggortlinuxgoobeR: How?03:48
covOPprometheusjerp, does that thing work on wine or what?03:48
aroonihey folks, when i run ... 'grep date_created ./' i get 'permission denied'.... do i need to write something different to recurisvely search through current directory looking for files with 'date_created'in them?03:48
cybercodmvfeinstein  it is a group of scripts for installing things in ubuntu03:48
riotkittiei am so ... something or other. i finally downgraded from xp to 2k, spent far too many hours moving partitions and breaking things...03:48
mvfeinsteinmooey ok :)03:48
awenasidilisomedont know if its better to have 2 linux boxs or 103:48
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, thank you!!!! Would you know if ubuntu is good for a gameserver? Because thats what im tring to use it as03:48
linuxgoobera lot of my favorite games play with linux and those that don't can with cedega and wine03:48
jerpcovOPprometheus, what, do you need to put something on you ipod?03:49
cybercodI've not had any trouble with it mooey... whats wrong with automatix?03:49
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riotkittieonly to realize i *could* write to my husband's computer from ubuntu after all :/03:49
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, it depends what games tbh. alot run better on windows, sadly, but ubuntu is as good as any linux distro for game hosting. its modern, which is great03:49
asdfjkahsdfjkhalinuxgoober try cedega, it seems to be the best for linux gaming03:49
awenasidilisomeasdfjkahsdfjkha ubuntu should be good for a game server03:49
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mooeycybercod, its frowned upon because it usually breaks a lot of things :(03:49
riotkittiehave 2. one to test things and potentially break things with, one to work with ;p03:49
Aggortlinuxgoober: OK, then how about this list of games I play, and you can help me out. BF2, Counterstrike, Half-Life and mods of the two, WoW, and War Rock, that's all I play03:50
linuxgooberasdfjkahsdfjkha : i have it, but theres no point in using it for games that run natively03:50
asdfjkahsdfjkhaHrmm, I had this problem that about 24 hours of running it the cpu usage would skyrocket and the serverside FPS would drop the teens, so I would haft to restart the server....03:50
mooeyriotkittie, thats what i do :~) my laptop is for breakage and my desktop is stable03:50
cybercodah... as I've said.. i've not had any trouble with it... and usually i install it before other things... so not much to break03:50
linuxgooberAggort : broaden your horizons lol03:50
covOPprometheusjerp, nope, not at all, I need a video converter/encoder, that is able to change between a wide range of formats (like SUPER  on windows) but for ubuntu03:50
Aggortlinuxgoober: Let me guess no of those games play or work?03:51
riotkittiei think im going to bring my ancient desktop out of the closet and use it for breakage :D03:51
mooeysadly linux isn't there yet for games :(03:51
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, do you know if there is a way to change the timer frequency to 1000hz on install without having to recompile the kernel ?03:51
aivijay_guys anyone who can help me out on wireless networking questions03:51
mooeyquake3 based games are good03:51
linuxgooberI play WoW and Halflife sometimes03:51
AggortlinuxgoobeR: I only play those on PC (I hate rts's btw) the rest I have a Wii and Xbox360 for03:51
=== linuxgoober agrees with mooey
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, i suspect you will have to recompile the kernel, but its not so hard :)03:51
linuxgooberlinux gaming is better than dualbooting imho03:51
mooeyi play /alot/ of enemy territory03:51
riotkittiedualbootings not bad if youve got the space.03:51
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, grrrrrrrrrr, would you have any suggestions on what kernel to use exactly for stability ?03:51
jerpcovOPprometheus, vlc has a lot of plugins http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=44932303:51
Aggortlinuxgoober: can I run mods with Steam throuhg Linux?03:52
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riotkittiealthough i imagine it'd get annoying if all you did in win was game.03:52
=== linuxgoober thinks so with cedega haven't played hl for a long time
asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort yes03:52
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, probably best just to make that change to the existing ubuntu kernel config. that way you dont stand to break too much heh03:52
cybercodI tend to keep OS partitions very small and do majority of installations on big media partition03:52
caucashello guys03:52
Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: OK then what about War Rock?03:52
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linuxgooberhy caucas03:52
phasegenanyone have any luck getting a palm t|x to connect to ubuntu?03:52
Aggortif I can play those then FUCK windows03:52
asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, I tried to find a tutorial on that but no avail. I always ended up having to dl another kernel03:52
cybercodMy win partition is only 5GB on a 250GB drive03:53
linuxgooberthats the spirrit Aggort! lol03:53
ubotuAggort: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:53
Aggortsorry kitche03:53
AggortI forgot03:53
linuxgooberfat32 cybercod?03:53
covOPprometheusjerp, thanks, I'll check it out03:53
riotkittiemy current win partition is 1 gb on a 12gb drive ;p03:53
caucasLinux for humans03:53
asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort, I could play all the hl1 modifications but I didnt have hl2 when I did it. But to my knowledge yes03:53
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awenasidilisomei have 25 gbs on a 120 dedicated to win vista and the rest is for mac os x03:53
cybercodlinuxgoober... actually no... its ext303:53
mooey!compilekernel | asdfjkahsdfjkha03:53
ubotuasdfjkahsdfjkha: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:53
cybercodi use ext2fsd in windows03:53
Aggortkitche: Would you know why Windows would need the Windows Install CD to be in the CD drive to boot, though it doesn't actually boot the CD?03:53
mooeythat has guides on using the existing kernel config, asdfjkahsdfjkha =)03:53
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asdfjkahsdfjkhamooey, thanks!!!!!!!03:54
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, no problem03:54
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Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: Like I said though, what about war rock?03:54
riotkittiexp was taking up three. and driving me crazy because i had booted into it and used it all of twenty minutes in six weeks03:54
Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: And how do you got about installing them?03:54
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort, war rock is just a mod of HL2 and if you can run hl2 then you can run a mod of it03:54
cybercodis it just me, or is ext3 more succeptible to damage from hardboots than ntfs?03:54
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structlatest release is edgy right?03:54
Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: No it;s not.... it doesn't even play through steam03:55
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mooeycybercod, ntfs hides errors :) so though you may see more, its more capable of dealing with them. when ntfs craps itself, its rarely fixable, but with ext3 its fixable03:55
Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: How do you isntall them anyway?03:55
mooeystruct, yep03:55
maddashi got a 1089% speed increase using debian...03:55
asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort, I just used wine to install/run steam then used it like I was on windows03:55
asdfjkahsdfjkhabut you should use cedega since its made for gaming03:56
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linuxgooberAggort : purchase cedega or install wine or winex03:56
cybercodriotkitty  i just find it handy to have two OSes installed because invariably I will do something to screw up one of them03:56
riotkittieare you using key sequences to avoid having to do hard buuts?03:56
cybercodI'm one of those ppl who just can't leave things alone03:56
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asdfjkahsdfjkhalinuxgoober isnt cedega the new versions of winex ?03:56
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mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, cedega is a commercial proprietray fork of wine03:56
riotkittiecybercod >> hehehe. i have three installed at the moment :P03:56
linuxgooberwhat mooey said03:56
cybercodi only hardboot when neccessary... when it is extremely locked up (not even numlock works)03:56
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Aggortis wine hard to use?03:56
asdfjkahsdfjkhawasnt cedega originally winex ?03:56
asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort no03:56
AggortWould I need to be a linux pro I mean03:56
kitcheasdfjkahsdfjkha: cedega is winex03:57
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, it was originally wine, yea03:57
cybercodaggort... no no no... i use it... whats that tell ya03:57
riotkittiecybercod > there is a way to get around that sometime with a series of keypresses03:57
AggortI am starting to like the sound of this then03:57
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AggortWell I ca give it a try03:57
asdfjkahsdfjkhahaha, I didnt even know how to mount a drive and I could get wine to work with steam/wow03:57
riotkittieyes, even when the system appears totally unresponsive03:57
Aggortbut then still doesn;t help me03:57
structif wine is gpl you would think cedega would have to distribute under gpl too03:57
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AggortI need to fix my problem firsty03:57
rbilcybercod: you should try opening another tty terminal and fix from there and if that doesn't work, ssh into your box and fix from there03:57
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Aggortwith the CD boot03:57
break_what the hell03:57
asdfjkahsdfjkhastruct, I think you just pay for the updates or something03:57
break_flash player 8 isnt available for linux?!03:58
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaor the update service03:58
mooeystruct, wine wasn't gpl when transgaming forked it, it was mit licenced. its lgpl now to stop proprietary forks03:58
asdfjkahsdfjkhaPeople will always find a way to make money :p03:58
riotkittieyou want the key sequences?03:58
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linuxgooberbreak: don't think so03:58
kitchebreak_: nope it's 7 or beta 903:58
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break_so its impossible to watch videos online03:58
iamsm1thcan anyone help me try to set up my wireless modem, i am new to linux and have been trying everything ALL DAY.03:58
linuxgooberbreak_ install beta903:58
structmooey: makes sense03:58
gninommusis dapper easier with getting tvout with ati working than edgy?03:58
mooeybreak_, flash player beta 9 works fine for online videos03:58
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kitcheasdfjkahsdfjkha: with cedega you pay for development and support it's not easy getting all those games working nicely03:59
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cybercodone moment... whats tty and ssh stand for respectivly?03:59
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riotkittiessh = secure shell, i believe03:59
mooeyiamsm1th, can you provide more information? what modem is it, what errors you get, what you have tried etc03:59
asdfjkahsdfjkhakitche I know I am just stating opinion03:59
Aggorthey one last thing: Would my games run any slower?03:59
jevangelowhen i try to mount a dvd iso, what type is it03:59
break_give me the link for flash player 903:59
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kitchestruct: their source code is avaible though cvs without the copyright protection and other stuff that isn't gpl03:59
structAggort: you are going to run games with wine?03:59
jevangeloiso9660 doesnt work03:59
break_i click on the link and it takes me to 7's page03:59
Aggortand what about using my iPod?03:59
mooeyAggort, generally yea03:59
riotkittietty i have no clue.04:00
Aggortstruct: sure sounds good to me04:00
mooeyAggort, your ipod will work with most apps. rhythmbox / amarok etc04:00
cybercodactually kitche... you join for a monthly fee... and when all the games you have are working... you quit.  program still works. you just can't update the engine... but if everything is working, you don't need to04:00
structAggort: ok have fun04:00
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto04:00
Aggortbut I;d be willing to purchase cedega to rid of Windows04:00
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaaggort, do it, its worth it04:00
iamsm1thcan anyone help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:00
iamsm1thcan anyone help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:00
Aggortsturct: What do you mean?04:00
rbilirotkittie: there are 12 tty consoles. ALT+CTRL+F1 takes u to the first. ALT+F7 from first  will take u to GUI desktop.04:00
open_source_nutbreak_: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/04:01
iamsm1thcan anyone help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:01
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riotkittieany way, my attempt to offer random, potentiially useful info. if your system appears to go completely unresponsive, even if keyboard indicator lights wont come on... try avoiding a hard boot wthi the following04:01
mooey!repeat > iamsm1th04:01
cybercodwhat does TTY stand for?04:01
open_source_nutiamsm1th: you have your wireless card setup?04:01
thechefthese days, wine is often better, especially if you have some skills in configuring it. it really depends on the games you want to play, what you should use04:01
kitchebreak_: there is packages for 7 and 904:01
Aggortasdfjkahsdfjkha: I was worried about iPod downlaoding music and video games, but it sounds like I don;t have to worry at all04:01
break_i dont see anything about 9 supporting linux04:01
mooeycybercod, teletypewriter04:01
jakobhow does ubuntu differentiate between files without file extensions?04:01
break_just mac and windows04:01
jerp!wireless | iamsm1th04:01
open_source_nutasdfjkahsdfjkha: nice nick04:01
ubotuiamsm1th: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:01
cybercodwell, aggort, its not all gravy... but it can be done04:01
ubotubreak_: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports04:01
asdfjkahsdfjkhaopen_source_nut thx04:02
mooeyjakob, it examines the contents. see the file command :)04:02
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports04:02
Aggortcybercod: What do you mean?04:02
kitchebreak_: 9 is being built for linux so it's not officially out still beta04:02
mooeypretty stable though04:02
cybercodyeah... ok... when I said it was locked up... i mean LOCKED UP... but its all better now... i used envy to change to nvidia proprietary drivers and I'm having no trouble now04:02
jakobmooey, file command?04:02
kuzmasteri am having problems when trying to update my sources.list via source-o-matic04:02
kuzmasteri get all sorts of errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/714/04:02
kuzmastercheck that out04:03
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kitchekuzmaster: you using edgy?04:03
rbilcybercod: the GUi might have been locked up but the operating system itself was still running04:03
Aggortcybercod: What do you mean it's not all gravy?04:03
mooeyjakob, yea. its a command you can use to recognise what type of file a file is, without an extension. its the same system that your desktop uses.04:03
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cybercodI'm sure, rbil... but if I cannot interact with it AT ALL... it may as well be made out of stone04:03
cybercodI tried letting it sit overnight once... no good04:03
rbilhence using something like ATL+CTRL+F1 to open another console, log in there and properly close down the system or fix the probs in the GUI04:04
jakobmooey if I create a text file how do I tell ubuntu that it's a script?04:04
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riotkittiealt+sysreq+r to put the keyboard into raw mode, then alt+sysreq+s to sync the disc, then alt+sysreq+e to terminate all processes, then alt+sysreq+u to remount all file systems read only, and finally, alt+sysreq+b to reboot. wait around 15 secs between each sequence.04:04
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cybercodno keyboard input.. no mouse input... thankfully the power button still worked04:04
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mooeyjakob, it will recognise it by the contents in the file and its file name04:04
cybercodriotkitty... wow04:04
cybercodi may have to write that down04:04
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mooeyriotkittie, thats wicked04:05
jakobmooey so should I add an extension to ie. "myscript"?04:05
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kuzmasterkitche: yep04:05
mooeyjakob, what type of script is it? bash script?04:05
FFForeverwhat do you guys think about ms and there "intellectual property" in the linux kernel?04:05
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cybercodALT + SysReq +   R then S then E then U04:05
mooeyFFForever, FUD04:05
riotkittiethen B ,04:05
kiwinz_sucks!seen batiste04:05
ubotuI haven't seen batiste recently04:05
ubotuFFForever: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:05
cybercodi think it is not going to make much difference if Sun gets patents to DRM04:06
kitchekuzmaster: did source-o-matic finally add edgy to their system?04:06
cybercodBecause then SUN will own MS04:06
jakobmooey, no idea what that is, but it sounds like a batch file. But this is what I want in the script "sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/lirc | sudo lircd"04:06
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaoo I heard somethnig about someone patenting DRM04:06
asdfjkahsdfjkhawhow as it?04:06
kuzmasterkitche: well, it comes up with edgy in the drop down box04:06
mooeyasdfjkahsdfjkha, alan cox :)04:06
break_oh great, i dont have any audio04:06
mooeyjakob, in which case you need to put a shebang at the top of the file: #!/bin/sh04:06
mooeyjakob, then the desktop should recognise it as a script04:07
break_where did my sound go????04:07
cybercodriotkitty...   R S E U B... missed the B   is that right?04:07
break_i was listening to a cd a couple hours ago, it was working fine04:07
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break_now i dont have any audio output at all04:07
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riotkittiecybercod  >> yep !04:07
jakobmooey a shebang?04:07
mooeyjakob, lol. thats what its called *shrug*04:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shebang - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:07
awenasidilisome|break_ what did you to your computer?04:08
mooeyhowdy, bnvjmhj04:08
odi3Problem: I mount a network folder in ubuntu, add to fstab, works for 20 secs or so then stops responding. If i reboot it will work for 20 more seconds then stop responding, any ideas how to fix?04:08
jakobmooey, how do I add that?04:08
cybercodriotkitty... the things you learn in here04:08
riotkittieand give it like 10 or 15 secs between each series of keypresses so the system can do its thing04:08
cybercodi'm gonna email that to myself04:08
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kiwinz_sucksbreak, check and make sure you have the right switches on04:08
mooeyjakob, open the script in a text editor and add it as a new line to the top04:08
break_i've only installed flash904:08
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new_userhi all04:08
riotkittiecybercod,  i read it on the forums and had to write it down :P04:08
kiwinz_sucksfor instance, some better sound cards have digital/analog switches04:08
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mooeyhi, new_user04:08
riotkittieits come in handy quite a few times and has never failed me04:08
break_i've had more problems with linux in the past day than i have with windows in the past year04:08
jakobmooey, ah, get it now.. Where should I put this script if I want it to run when I boot?04:08
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kiwinz_sucksbreak, what sound card are you using04:09
odi3my fstab entry://diskstation/personal /diskstation/personal smbfs rw,uid=odi3,gid=odi3,username=admin,password=baddog 0 004:09
break_nforce audio04:09
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break_im restarting, it helps alot04:09
mooeyjakob, hm. i guess in /etc/init.d/ and then link it properly but im not sure about that04:09
kuruminsorry, can you repeat pleas04:09
cybercodriotkitty.. have you had to use it?04:09
riotkittiecybercod >> indeed i have. quite a few times.04:09
mooeybreak_, linux can be hard to get going. but the advantage is that when its going it shouldn't break, where as windows usually does, its a trade off, heh.04:09
jakobmooey, I thought the init.d was just commands.. I'll give it a try04:10
riotkittieand ive never had problems or data loss on the reboot04:10
break_a trade off that seems to favor windows04:10
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kiwinz_sucksi have to rebuild my windows drive, but I keep putting it off because i dread it so much04:10
break_i can listen to music in linux, thats a plus04:10
break_but it sounds like crap04:10
kiwinz_sucksbreak, what app are you using04:10
break_no matter what program i use, volume04:10
break_right now i'm using xmms04:10
awenasidilisome|break_ does it sound faster then normal or is it just poor quality04:10
mooeybreak_, i guess it depends how many problems you run into. it would be fantastic if you noted down the problems that you have and list them somewhere (your blog, mailing list, forums etc) so that we can make ubuntu better04:10
break_very poor quality04:11
kiwinz_sucksi've had problems with VLC having crappy sound quality04:11
odi3easiest way to rebuild windows is to build once, then save image on external sourse04:11
kiwinz_sucksi mean HORRIBLE quality04:11
kiwinz_sucksbut other than that, apps play sound fine04:11
break_vlc is fine with videos04:11
mooeybreak_, use the sound mixer to adjust the levels, drop them all down abit then turn the speakers up?04:11
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riotkittiehmm.  i found audio sounded a lot better when i installed the xmms eq plugins and turned 3d  on under alsamixer04:11
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break_thats what i did mooey04:11
break_it still sounds horrible04:11
cybercododi3.. yeah I use paragon drive copy for that04:11
kiwinz_suckswhat's the best disk imager for linux04:12
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mooeybreak_, i think xmms uses oss. you might get better sound quality from a more modern player like beep media player or rhythmbox that uses alsa04:12
zcat[1] kiwinz_sucks: partimage .. or dd :)04:12
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checkmatei run xmms w/alsa fine04:12
kiwinz_sucksi've got a separate partition setup already and a clean install, so i'd like to do a complete image04:12
cybercodxmms can use alsa also04:12
odi3i used to just use ghost04:12
h_blacki just updated ubuntu to 6.10, since i did i have troubles connecting to unencrypted networks, any ideas?04:12
open_source_nutkiwinz_sucks: dd04:12
odi3same thing tho04:12
eriscoI am trying to remove a package, but it is trying to remove another package that shouldn't be removed. gnome-desktop. How can I get around this?04:12
kiwinz_sucksthanks, guys04:12
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mooeyerisco, it will do that if gnome-desktop depends on the package and so it shouldn't really be removed04:13
zcat[1] I just tar everything then reinstall grub by hand.. that way I can easily move to a different size partition or a totally different kind of drive (RAID, SATA) which partimage is likely to have issues with04:13
kitchekiwinz_sucks: be careful with dd since it cna whipe your drive clean also04:13
eriscomooey, so how can I reinstall my other package?04:13
doofyis there a good tutorial on making k3b burn mp3s in edgy?04:13
kiwinz_suckswill do, kitche04:13
mooeyerisco, aptitude reinstall package? :}04:13
kiwinz_sucksit'll make a network-installable image, right?04:13
odi3erisco, you might have gnome-desktop checked and not seeing it in the list due to a filter04:13
cybercoddoofy... you're probably missing libk3bmp304:13
AggortWell is that case, if anyone in here knows why Windows would need the Windows Install CD to be in the CD drive to boot, though it doesn't actually boot the CD, I can fix the problem and be Windows free!04:14
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eriscomooey, thanks :)04:14
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Red-SoxAny way to play apple's AAC's in Ubuntu?04:14
riotkittiewhy do you need to fix the problem to be windows free?04:14
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doofycybercod, thank you.04:14
mooeyits late. bed for me. asdfjkahsdfjkha i hope you get your system sorted, let me know how it goes :-)04:14
asdfjkahsdfjkhattyl mooey04:15
riotkittienite mooey04:15
mooeynight all04:15
odi3aggort, what happens when CD isnt in drive?04:15
cybercoddoofy.   no prob.. check spelling on that i'm not sure... and you may have to re-install k3b04:15
mag__Can I do restrictions in sub-files ?04:15
mag__in samba ?04:15
doofycybercod, ill find it, didnt know there was a package in the reps04:15
asdfjkahsdfjkhaname server = dns right?04:15
Aggortriotkittie: because regardless it will ask me to boot from CD (even thought it's clearly on the hard drive.04:15
kitche asdfjkahsdfjkha yes04:15
odi3aggort, you might just need to go into bios and change the boot order04:16
cybercodaggort... and if you do not put the cd in?04:16
odi3so it boots from specified hard drive instead of cd .04:16
riotkittieodi3, he's tried that. at least i hope he has because people have been suggesting it since at least this time last night04:16
Aggortodi3: It will jsut hang there and then about 3 mintues alter start to try and boot from CD and then it won't boot anything if the CD is in there. Hell Grub won't even start to load unless the CD is in.            Cybercod: It boots Windows fine (w/o grub) With grub I get error 17!04:16
odi3haha oo ok04:16
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webmareni can't get my keyboard to work in a java applet04:17
FFForevery is the ubuntu wiki ssl?04:17
Aggortodi3- The boot order is definitely Hard Drive - CD- Floppy. I know I suck, but I am not a total noob04:17
odi3what happens if you pull cd rom drive right out of computer?04:17
kitchethe bios boot order won't effect anything unless he has a cd in there of course04:17
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cybercoderror 17... oh yes... i just love error 1704:17
Aggortodi3: The same thing04:17
zcat[1] Aggort: what kinds drive? ide? sata?04:17
cybercodits my favorite04:17
Aggortzcat[1] : SATA04:18
Aggortcybercod: It's everyones04:18
h_blackSince i updated ubuntu i can't get it to connect to my unencrypted network, does anyone know why?04:18
webmareni can't type in java applets04:18
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iamsm1thcan anyone help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:18
zcat[1] hmm.. limited experience with sata .. I've set mine in bios to pretend to be IDE and that works for me..04:18
NoEvidenZiamsm1th: I wish.04:19
cybercodaggort... does it have an IDE drive in it?04:19
AggortIf I unistall windows it will still look for the CD and if I put the CD in then it will boot the install and not grub!04:19
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Aggortcybercod: Yes04:19
odi3iamsmlth what kind of wireless device u have?04:19
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mikedotyI return slowly because my connection to the repositories was around 5 - 7 kb/sec04:19
odi3if u have linksys pcmia card with speedbooster i can hook u up:)04:19
mikedotyAnd because I was making a cake04:19
cybercodiamsm1th... is your wireless card detected?04:19
riotkittiedid you try fixmbr from xp recov console?04:19
zcat[1] Aggort: can you get as far as the grum menu? try changing the kernel options from hda? to sda? and see if it can boot...04:19
iamsm1thyes, i think so04:20
cybercodmikedoty... did it work?04:20
=== kaozpirate [i=kaozinc@host-216-78-114-5.mob.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikedotyThanks for your help cybercod and mooey in helping me figure out to use the program correctly04:20
iamsm1thit just says this device is not configured04:20
FFForeverhow can i speen up my apt downloads?04:20
zcat[1] *grub menu I mean...04:20
FFForeverim getting 7722B/s :/04:20
Aggortzcat[1] : No when grub loads I get error 1704:20
cybercodmikedoty... so it is working?04:20
=== AnnaAniston [n=annaanis@203-196-44-81.static-dsl.nsw.aussiewholesale.net] has joined #ubuntu
FFForeveri normally get 80kb/s04:20
mikedotyIt did indeed work and it is indeed working ;)04:20
asdfjkahsdfjkhalol speen04:20
h_blackiamsm1th i'm having the same problem!04:20
webmareni can't type in java applets can someone here offer some help04:20
zcat[1] Aggort: ok, sounds like grub is looking in the wrong place too...04:20
odi3u guys have linksys pcmia cards?04:20
cybercodok... aggort... if you can put your /boot folder on the ide drive and point grub to it.. you should be able to get grub working04:20
h_blackunless you type in a essid u can't connect04:20
Aggortzcat[1] : yea04:21
Aggortthat's why I want to fix this werid thing witht he CD04:21
Aggortso I can get rid of Windows04:21
h_black(i think)04:21
Aggortcybercod: They did that last night to no avail04:21
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AggortIkonia helped me04:21
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:22
h_blackwhich unbuntu are you running sm1th, 6.10?04:22
cybercodaggort  what file system on the IDE drive?04:22
Aggortyou can run me through the steps if you;d like, but I am almsot certain that is what they did04:22
riotkittiewhen you get rid of windows, mail that cd back to microsoft, accompanied by a scathing letter about just how bad it sucks :P04:22
Aggortcybercod, I have NTFS and ext304:22
eitanhey guys...need help with a bash script04:22
kitcheAggort: well what is grub installed ot the sata drive right now04:22
Aggortkitche: Should be04:23
kitcheAggort: since if it is it would be sd0,2 instead of hd0,204:23
cybercodaggort... and you put the /boot files on the ext3 partition? and did you change grub to reflect that?  also.. i recommend the Ultimate Boot CD ISO if you can get it04:23
awenasidilisome|its so temping to wipe this guys drive and put kubuntu on it and tell him that i couldn't fix the problem so i gave him a better computer04:23
Aggortcybercod: I beleive so04:23
kitcheawenasidilisome|: do it but then again they can sue you04:23
riotkittieheh. awenasidilisome| > be nice and give him a dual boot, instead.04:23
Aggortcybercod: yes the /root is on that partition and I beleive GRUB is too04:24
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Aggortif you want to be sure give me the terminal commands and I will check for you04:24
riotkittiethat way, you open the door to linux but arent exactly forcing him through it.04:24
zcat[1] Aggort: You have some bios settings to do with SATA? I suggest try fiddling with them and see if you can get grub to load. Sounds like BIOS is finding things in a different order than the install CD told GRUB about...04:24
awenasidilisome|kitche and riotkittie i want to but its MS 2k and the guy is old so i dont want to give him something he can't understand04:24
riotkittieand make kubuntu the default option. with a really short grub countdown :-'04:24
Aggortzcat[1] : I have messed with every last setting nothing worked lol04:25
cybercodaggort... ultimate boot cd will can find and fix grub, redirecting it to a /boot folder change.   Your /boot/grub/grub.lst (i think) should still reflect where your linux kernel is04:25
zcat[1] bugger...04:25
=== homemaus [n=schiffne@pool-70-109-211-35.prvdri.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieawenasidilisome|, how old is so old?04:25
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doofydoes k3b support adding more files than are able to fit on one cd and then automatically splitting to a certain amount f cds?04:26
cybercodaggort   http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html     this is a very handy tool for your toolbox04:26
kitcheawenasidilisome|: but then again I m not a Linux user that much anymore04:26
iamsm1thcan anyone personally help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:26
=== kaeru_ [n=kaeru@cpe-24-195-129-34.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortcybercod they game me a command last night like /boot/menu/menu/grub.lst or something like that04:26
riotkittiei dont know - i think that maybe we have a tendency to make linux out to be too hard, or are too quick to discredit people04:26
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awenasidilisome|riotkittie hes old enough to not understand anything about a computer nor does he care to learn04:26
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riotkittiei imagine he's not doing much beyond email and internet04:26
awenasidilisome|hes over 50 i think04:26
zcat[1] boot a rescue disk and reinstall grub using hd(1,0) instead of hd(0,0) perhaps... worst case, put in a plain IDE drive just to boot from? :)04:26
cybercodaggort... yes. i remember now... /boot/grub/menu.lst04:26
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riotkittieah one of those old people.04:27
Aggortno such file04:27
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cybercodgrub itself needs to be pointed at the right folder though... and it may not be04:27
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-64-27.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nnyhi anyone aware of a good howto or the possibilities of taking a frsh ubuntu install and making a livecd out of it?04:27
cybercodthats what error 17 is... can't find menu.lst04:27
kaeru_Could somone help me connect to my wireless ap? Kubuntu detects and installed the driver for my interface and I can see netwoks but cannot conntect04:27
Aggortcybercod: when I should ikonia everything he said it looked right04:27
awenasidilisome|riotkittie he plays a few game but nothing fansy04:27
riotkittielolololol. the other day my husband was all yelling at me because i had downloaded the first iso of slackware and he couldnt log in to a website.04:28
Wass|hi, I would like to know if there's a way for growisofs to use for the device the  bus,target,lun  argument04:28
nnybasically i have to install some packages on a new system (either via apt or source) and want to make an install cd out of it for future use04:28
Aggortcybercod: do you know the terminal commands to check this stuff? If so give them to me and I will show you04:28
riotkittiei wanted to smack some sense into him with the tower :/04:28
cybercodnny  you a JTHM fan?04:28
zcat[1] I got my machine to run using sata just yesterday .. set the BIOS to use IDE emulation, told the kernel to use /dev/sda1 as root. Everything is sweet. And much faster than ATA66 too...04:28
=== klohunt [n=kyle@c-67-189-144-191.hsd1.ny.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
open_source_nutkaeru_: did u put in the right ssid and keys04:28
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awenasidilisome|riotkittie towers are heavy and hurt throw a brick they do just as much damage but they're lighter04:29
iamsm1thcan anyone personally help me with setting up my computer to recognize the wireless router???04:29
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nnycybercod, yeah :D04:29
zcat[1] But I don't really have much of an idea what I actually did. Fiddled with settings until it worked. Happy.04:29
cybercodaggort...    sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  (or menu.list  i can never remembr)04:29
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kiwinz_sucksiamsm1th, you shouldn't have to set it up for your router04:29
riotkittiei had my dad using slackware once back in the day04:29
kiwinz_sucksare you wired or wireless?04:29
awenasidilisome|back in the day?04:29
gninommuswhy did this happen,  aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor. ?04:30
awenasidilisome|how old is he 60?04:30
kaeru_open_source_nut: I'm not sure about the key. My AP uses WPA-PSK WEP. I used iwconfig key s:foobar but it didn't help04:30
riotkittiewhich was impressive. cos my dad is all like "alt, cont... what? write that down"04:30
KNYabout the "Networking" config tool--where does it save its settings?04:30
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iamsm1thim on wired right now04:30
iamsm1thbut i have a wireless at my house and my apartment at school04:30
kiwinz_sucksand you can't see your router?04:30
kiwinz_sucksbut you're online?04:30
awenasidilisome|someone that cares to learn the hot keys that isn't technology savvy04:30
Aggortneither of them worked04:31
iamsm1thit says that the device is not configured04:31
whileimhereI was wondering if I use an email client on my laptop like Evolution or CLAWS will it sync with say the sent items in GMAIL?04:31
iamsm1thive tried a bunch of different things04:31
eitanim pretty new...need help writing a shell script to bind 2 keys to changing the brightness of my laptop.  Right now, I need to feed it commands through terminal to change.  Those commands are "echo "n" > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness" where n is a number 1-8.  I would like to bind 1 key to lower the # and send that command to terminal, and another key to raise it.  Would love some help, thanks guys!04:31
cybercodiamsm1th   do you have   wlan0 in "Networking" ?04:31
kiwinz_sucksso your wireless card, then04:31
iamsm1thi just tried that04:31
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open_source_nutwhileimhere: yeah gmail has a howto on that04:31
iamsm1thand it said does not exist04:31
kiwinz_sucksedit your /etc/iftab04:31
open_source_nutwhileimhere: in the settings enable pop acess04:31
kitcheeitan: why not just you xbindkeys?04:31
riotkittiei dont get how he can be so clueless about computers. he bought his first one in like 91. and he's just... sad.04:31
cybercodiamsmith who are you replying to04:31
kiwinz_sucksyou'll probably see an extra ethernet card04:32
eitankitche: I would love to!  But I dunno how..04:32
odi3iamsmlth, you need to add some drivers,04:32
whileimhereOn the GMAIL site? I didnt see if it specifically will sync sent items04:32
riotkittieon the bright side, i'm not getting tech support calls from him anymore :P04:32
cybercodriotkittie... its a knack.. some got it ... some use aol04:32
riotkittiehehehe. he uses aol.04:32
ubotuxbindkeys: Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 148 kB04:32
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riotkittiemy husband uses it too. ;/04:32
awenasidilisome|i "bought" my first one in like 200304:32
odi3sec lemme restart and ill give u info04:32
open_source_nutwhileimhere: do you have pop access enabled04:33
=== n30n [n=n30n@cpe-24-28-90-228.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pale_horseheh my first was an IMSAI 8080B with a full hardware front panel ( circa 1976 )04:33
cybercodiamsmith.... you never answered... do you have wlan0 in "Networking" ?04:33
KNYabout the "Networking" config tool--where does it save its settings?04:33
kiwinz_suckshe said he didn't04:33
riotkittie1976 was before my time ;p04:33
pale_horse<< is old04:33
cybercodkny... not a clue here04:33
awenasidilisome|great thing is now i have enough computers to have XP, Ubuntu, Mac os x, Vista, and kubuntu running in one room04:33
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awenasidilisome|and soon to be opensolaris04:33
cybercodkny... try googling it...04:33
Aggortdamn nothinfg04:33
KNYcybercod, alright04:33
zcat[1] awenasidilisome|: what, one computer and qemu? :)04:34
=== vectorxshell [n=vectorxs@201-92-239-238.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
whileimhereopen_source_nut: I have no prob getting email via pop what I am wondering is this. If I go to say work and use webmail and then come home and check it with a client will all the folders sync or just the inbox?04:34
n30ndoes anyone use that auto 'network-manager' package?04:34
vectorxshellalguem do brasil?04:34
castoffKNY /etc/networks/interfaces04:34
riotkittiei want a mac :\04:34
kiwinz_sucksi do, n30n04:34
KNYcastoff, thanks04:34
=== jimcooncat [n=jim@pool-72-65-108-219.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmadeoHow do I go about updating my video drivers? (Nvidia)04:34
open_source_nutwhileimhere: i have it where they all sync04:34
riotkittiemaybe i'll get an ancient one off of ebay ;p04:34
jrib!br | vectorxshell04:35
ubotuvectorxshell: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:35
tophatsirit should sync.. but that can vary upon your server04:35
zcat[1] !nvidia | Amadeo04:35
ubotuAmadeo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:35
Amadeothanks zcat[1] 04:35
cybercodaggort... you still there04:35
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n30nkiwinz_sucks: well i clicked and disabled networking, then when i reenabled it the section for enabling and disabling wireless networking disappear04:35
Aggortnetiehr file was there04:35
cybercodarmadeo http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html04:35
kiwinz_sucksi've seen that before04:35
tophatsirlol just modded my box to inside and out to look like a mac04:35
kiwinz_sucksit usually comes back up in my experience, though04:35
whileimhereopen_source_nut: Okay. I was getting an error the other day about my sent items not syncing04:36
open_source_nutwhileimhere: what client?04:36
cybercodaggort... go into you root directory04:36
awenasidilisome|zcat qemu?04:36
kiwinz_suckslast time i saw it, the card he was using was going bad04:36
Aggortcybercod ... :cough:: how04:36
kiwinz_sucksi don't think it's an applicatin problem, i think it's hardware04:36
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awenasidilisome|riotkittie i love macs but i'm slowly moving to linux/mac04:36
cybercodaggort.. open up any nautilus window and keep hitting the up arrow04:36
zcat[1] awenasidilisome|: well.. any emulator. intel mac + OSX + parallels to run all the other OSes ...04:36
awenasidilisome|or if i can get a copy of opensolaris i'm going to use that04:36
cybercodnot the up arrow on the keyboard04:36
n30nkiwinz_sucks: i still connect wirelessly, i just cant see wireless networks under the network-manager drop list04:37
cybercodthe up one folder button04:37
kiwinz_sucksn30n, i'm clueless then04:37
kiwinz_sucksare you using kde or gnome04:37
awenasidilisome|i have 1 pc for each OS exept i run vista and os x on the macbook04:37
tophatsiri can run all os's on my machine currently but i really prefer linux and windows way over mac os04:37
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zcat[1] awenasidilisome|: thus "emough computers" == "one"04:37
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whileimhereThough I think I want something that isnt so encumbersome04:37
cybercodaggort... when you can't go up anymore, you're in root04:37
awenasidilisome|1 is never enough04:37
Aggortcybercod: cannot, it will jsut take me to the CD04:37
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awenasidilisome|what does nasidile mean?04:37
tophatsironly reason i keep my windows is for vista dictation04:37
whileimhereI dont want all that evolution can do and a smaller footprint04:37
open_source_nutwhileimhere: whell im using thunderbird04:37
Aggortcybercod: it will taske me to the CD's root04:38
zcat[1] I have enough computers to keep my house warm all winter....04:38
AmadeoIsn't a Pentium 4 (older, 2.26Ghz) considered an i386 processor? wikipedia lists it under i68604:38
n30nkiwinz_sucks: I guess its just goo it still works04:38
cybercodaggort... are you on a live disk right now?04:38
whileimhereopen_source_nut: How is it?04:38
open_source_nutzcat[1] : lol04:38
Aggortcybercod: yes it's all can boot too04:38
n30nkiwinz_sucks: i just cant see it in GUI04:38
tophatsirits a 38604:38
cybercodaggort... crap04:38
zcat[1] power bill sucks though.04:38
AmadeoYeah, I thought so04:38
awenasidilisome|zcat they all dont run at the same time04:38
kiwinz_sucksyou could try installing the kde version of the app04:38
cybercodaggort... you need to mount some partitions...04:38
kiwinz_sucksjust to see if it works better for you04:38
Aggortcybercod: ok04:38
kiwinz_sucksit also gives you more information than the gnome app04:38
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awenasidilisome|except the xp box has to run when one of the pcs needs to be on the internet04:39
open_source_nutwhileimhere:  its nice04:39
open_source_nutwhileimhere:  and cool04:39
tophatsirany one know if there is any dictation software for linux (debian or ubuntu)04:39
cybercodaggort... make some folders on the desktop... just label them 1 2 3 4 etc one for each partition on every drive04:39
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Aggortcybercod: I have ubuntu and windows installed, but cant access either of them04:39
whileimhereopen_source_nut: Ill grab it from the repo then.04:39
AscP4 is an x86 processor, which means it'll run a 386 kernel just fine, but it's a 686.04:39
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Aggortcybercod: created folders04:39
jimcooncatAmadeo, it's a 686, but can run 386 kernel04:39
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tophatsirp4 isnt a 386..04:40
Amadeojimcooncat: So which linux-restricted-modules should I be using? Will one benefit me more?04:40
awenasidilisome|mac has dictation software04:40
AscSome pentium 3s are also identified as 686s... my 500 mhz laptop is running a 686 kernel right now.04:40
eitankitche: How can i figure out what key-codes are for certain key-presses, for instance my laptop has an Fn key04:40
cybercodaggort. once you're done there,  click System, then Administration, then Disks04:40
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
tophatsiri need some dictation software really bad04:40
tophatsiranyone got any suggestions for linux dictation sofware04:41
cybercodaggort you should see your drives04:41
cybercoddo you?04:41
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AggortI have 104:41
=== Matt_ [n=chatzill@cpe-071-075-167-102.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kiwinz_suckswhat is "dictation" software04:41
cybercodok... now, you're gonna want to select the drive that ubuntu is installed on, and click the partitions tab04:41
tophatsiryou speak into mic and it types what you say04:41
awenasidilisome|yeah i finally got the driver downloaded W007!04:41
awenasidilisome|took me long enough04:41
=== gendor [n=gendor@d150-231-63.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
awenasidilisome|jeez windows sucks04:42
maddashmac also has reverse dictation software04:42
Asctophatsir: My understanding of the situation if that you're best off using a proprietary solution for dictation on Linux.  But I might be wrong.04:42
riotkittietophatsir, dictation under linux is basically a no go04:42
gendorcould someone help me04:42
zcat[1] is there any voice recogition stuff for ubuntu?04:42
maddashI once order pizza using microsoft word on a mac04:42
cybercodok... now to mount the partitions... you should see a "change" button04:42
tophatsiri will just stick with my vista then04:42
Matt_anyone have a quick minute for newb question about wifi and ubuntu?04:42
jimcooncatAmadeo: p   linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-686                   - Non-free Linux 2.6.15 modules on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV04:42
maddashand one time, my dad thought I was with a girl or something haha04:42
tophatsirjust hate beta testing.. gets to be a pain with all the bug reports04:43
Ascmaddash: I made mine sing 'the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out...'04:43
jimcooncatAmadeo, that's from dapper04:43
riotkittieIBM used to have a program but i think someone bought it   ...04:43
AmadeoI see04:43
cybercodclick that and browse your way to the folders you created    /home/ubuntu/Desktop/104:43
gendorWhen I change font settings they affect everything except Firefox which keeps having somewhat blurry fonts04:43
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AscMatt_: Just ask away, and hope somebody answers. ;p04:43
cybercodaggort   once its there, you should click enable04:44
Amadeothe 686 in Edgy says it's obsoleted by linux-restricted-modules-generic...which it says I already have...so now I don't know if I should be installing one of these or not, though the page says to... :P04:44
riotkittiei was looking into it a while ago because of issues with my wrist04:44
kohr_is there a way to change the upload browser (like in firefox) to allow you to preview files like the windows one does?04:44
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cybercodaggort, is it enabled?04:44
castoffgender: firefox settings are edit->preferences04:44
Matt_Do any wireless devices work with Ubuntu "out of the box"?  Is there a list of these devices or drivers somewhere? I have a desktop that I intend to use with Ubuntu and thought I would ask before I go out and buy an 802.11 adapter.04:44
cybercodok... now minimize that for a moment04:44
jimcooncatAmadeo, to see list:  apt-cache search linux-restricted04:44
tophatsirmeh.. i am bored.. i think i will go telnet my other comp just for kicks..=p04:44
yoshiznit123tophatsir, there are some solutions that i think work pretty well04:44
webmareni cannot type my login to the java applet on runescape.com04:44
castoffgendor: firefox settings are edit->preferences04:44
webmarencan someone offer help04:44
cybercodnow open the folder "1"04:44
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zcat[1] Matt_: rt2400 works sweet in edgy...04:44
gendorcastoff: but how can I make my fonts anti-aliased04:45
break_would anybody like to guide me through the installation of firefox 2.0?04:45
kiwinz_sucksMatt_, there IS a list, or a couple lists, rather, but they aren't too reliable04:45
zcat[1] out of the box, right off the install CD04:45
cybercodyou see your ubuntu install in there?04:45
tophatsirwebmaren: did you install the java plugin?04:45
riotkittiemy wireless card worked from the minute04:45
kiwinz_sucksyour best bet is to just ask around for someone who'd tried one04:45
webmarenfrom synaptic04:45
cybercodok... /boot/grub/menu.list04:45
yoshiznit123break_, which version are you using? 2.0 is already included by default in edgy04:45
break_im on dapper04:45
cybercodfind it yet?04:45
yoshiznit123break_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion04:45
gendorit seems that the fonts throughout the system and menus are anti-aliased but the fonts in Firefox keep aren't04:45
tophatsiryoshiznit123, what do you mean.. for dictation?04:46
cybercodok... is it opened up in gedit?04:46
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webmarentophatsir: yes i got it from synaptic, also jvm04:46
yoshiznit123tophatsir, yea actually i was looking for one a while back :-)04:46
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Matt_Anyone have any luck with the Linksys USB 2.0 802.11 adapters?04:46
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cybercodok... this is just the config file for grub.   this SHOULD  be right, as it is now.... the problem is that grub itself cannot find it04:46
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cybercodhence the error 1704:47
yoshiznit123tophatsir, i think you use ibm's viavoice and xvoice as one option04:47
odi3to get the linksys pcmia card to work you gotta update the firmware..04:47
linuxgooberMatt_ I got a trendnet to work, but it was so long ago i forget ho wi did it :-(04:47
burepe_does anyone know where the hosts file is in my apache install?04:47
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tophatsiryoushiznit, thanks.. any other suggestions.04:47
cybercodaggort....ok... wait a moment... lemme look something up04:47
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kohr_can anyone tell me what the default file upload/file chooser program (like if you are uploading something with firefox) is called?04:47
yoshiznit123tophatsir, i guess google "linux voice recognition"04:47
castoffgendor: see if this helps http://forums.pcbsd.org/viewtopic.php?p=2564604:48
tophatsiryoshiznit123, thanks for the help. will do. =] 04:48
Amadeojimcooncat: Yeah, I'm just confused...this page says to get the linux-restricted-modules according to my processor...which is a Pentium 4.  The i386 has no special comments, but the i686 says it's obsoleted by the -generic that I already have installed...so which am I supposed to be getting? Any at all before I install Nvidia drivers?04:48
eriscocan anyone find the package dbg-gaim on ubuntu 6.06? Or anyone know how I can get this package?04:48
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friedeggshello, I need help...after the default login screen, when the desktop is loading, the system is hanging, badly, the whole screen is just a solid peach colour, and a white box appears in the upper left hand corner...it looks like it wants to be a terminal there, but nothing can be typed in...help04:49
break_wow, this is too confusing04:49
Matt_well, I guess I will have to buy one from CompUSA .... and then just try to return it if it doesn;t work04:49
burepe_friedeggs: I had that same problem04:49
break_just to update a program???04:49
kiwinz_sucksfriedeggs--- sounds like a gnome problem04:49
burepe_friedeggs: did you change the resolution?04:49
kiwinz_suckstry starting a safemode session04:49
friedeggskiwinz_sucks: I tried to start failsafe, same thing04:49
kohr_can anyone tell me what the default file upload/file chooser program (like if you are uploading something with firefox) is called?04:50
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kiwinz_suckskohr_ i don't think anyone knows what you're talking about04:50
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kiwinz_sucksfile chooser for firefox?04:50
friedeggsmysystem was being weird before the restart04:50
friedeggscpu was maxed out, but nothing was opened, and the system monitor would not open04:50
gendorcan anyone help me with this Firefox problem, it seems that anti-aliasing is not on in Firefox, but it is on in the rest of the system04:50
jimcooncatAmadeo, beyond my knowledge, sorry04:51
riotkittietry switching to a tty and seeing whats running04:51
Amadeothat's ok, thanks for trying :)04:51
kohr_kiwinz_sucks you understand what i am asking? when you attach a file in gmail, for instance, a window pops up that allows you to choose the file you want to upload04:51
open_source_nutgendor: did you restart the font server after you canged things04:51
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castoffgendor: did you look at the url i suggested?04:51
Sargunjessie, Hello04:51
gendorcan you sent the URL atgain04:51
castoffgendor: see if this helps http://forums.pcbsd.org/viewtopic.php?p=2564604:51
friedeggskiwinz_sucks: how would I reset gnome?04:51
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jimcooncatAmadeo, you probably would need the corresponding linux-image04:51
burepe_friedeggs: did you just install? when you installed was the resolution 800x600 but too low? That was what happend to me. then I changed the resolution and I had your same problem. I reinstalled to get rid of it but now I still have low resolution04:51
break_Man, theres this cute girl I know around here--shes a god when it comes to linux. Too bad I lost her phone number :(04:52
gendorok I will give that a shot04:52
archiewhy my soundcard gettin down after unreal play04:52
friedeggsreinstalling is not really an option yet04:52
gendoropen_source_nut: how do you restart the font server?04:52
awenasidilisome|break_ nice one04:52
cybercodok... next you must mount up the partition that is on the IDE drive.. the ext3 one04:52
archieit says it is not configured properly04:52
open_source_nutgendor: i dont think thats your problem04:52
kiwinz_suckskohr_, that's just ajax stuff in gmail04:52
cybercodmount it into "2"04:52
friedeggsif I can find out what is causing the system to hang...04:52
kiwinz_sucksit's not a program at all04:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ut - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
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Aggortcybercod, that is my ext3 one I munted already, unelss you mean swap04:53
Aggortor NTFS04:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unreal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
gendorI will try that and come back04:53
burepe_friedeggs: if you find out let me know in case I have it again04:53
friedeggsI think it is gnome04:53
kiwinz_suckskohr, it just brings up nautilus04:53
cybercodaggort... so you're saying that ubuntu is installed on the IDE drive?04:53
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Aggortit has to be04:53
cybercodok... so which partition is it?04:53
Aggortit's my only one04:53
friedeggsbut I need to know how to reset gnome, in case it went haywire somehow04:53
kiwinz_sucksfriedeggs, you could try installing another dekstop and see if that one loads ok04:53
AggortI already mounted it04:53
kohr_kiwinz_sucks, ok i will go configure nautilus04:54
cybercodok... no problem... now we need to open a terminal04:54
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cybercodi thought you said earlier you were on sata04:54
cybercodtype grub04:54
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riotkittieyeah, t thought that too04:54
archieis here room for linux gamers ?04:54
AggortI thought it was04:54
friedeggskiwinz_sucks: how would I reinstall gnome, you know, reset it to it's original settings04:54
castofffriedeggs: you mean reset like ctl+alt+del to restart X?04:54
cybercodone moment.. lemme read a sec... must get this right04:55
friedeggscastoff:no, not just restart x, I mean reload gnome...reinstall it04:55
awenasidilisome|i have found that my brother is of no help when it comes to tech questions04:55
kiwinz_sucksfriedeggs, you could just try reinstalling it04:55
friedeggsscreen just went black on said sick comp04:55
cybercodyou said it was hda3?04:55
awenasidilisome|cuz it seems all my questions are beyond his tech. support knowledge04:55
archiei have a problem on ubuntu unreal tournament gettin my soundcard down04:55
kiwinz_suckssudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop04:55
cybercodwhich in grub translates to hd0,204:55
kiwinz_sucksthen sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:55
cybercodok... one moment04:55
AggortI knew that from eyserdta04:55
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Aggortyesterday *** bad typo04:56
friedeggseasy enough04:56
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cybercodType "root (hd0,2)"     hit enter04:56
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cybercodno quotes of course04:56
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burepe_friedeggs: that ubuntu desktop install takes a long time I think04:56
FindXroot (hd0.2)04:57
Aggortselected disk does not exist!04:57
jimcooncatkiwinz_sucks, removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't really uninstall anything04:57
kiwinz_sucksburepe_, i think the gnome libs will stay, though04:57
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kiwinz_sucksit won't uninstall much, but it should get rid of the config files04:57
kiwinz_sucksput it back to defaults04:57
Aggortcybercod...  od04:57
AmadeoHow can I find more apps to install through the tools provided?04:57
cybercoddid we miss a step?04:58
burepe_aggort synaptic04:58
zcat[1] Amadeo: synaptic ?04:58
cybercodhold on a moment...lemme look04:58
zcat[1] Amadeo: or on the main menu "Add programs"04:58
break_100%[====================================>]  9,639,378      1.68M/s    ETA 00:0004:58
faeryNatsukihello, i have a problem04:58
faeryNatsukii have no sound in firefox with flash04:58
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kiwinz_sucksfaery, what flash are you using04:58
riotkittieor apt-cache search <keyword> in a term04:58
kiwinz_sucks7 or 9 beta?04:59
Amadeozcat[1] : What if it's not in Synaptic?04:59
riotkittiefaeryNatsuki, flash 7?04:59
awenasidilisome|anyone know how to password protect the bios on a macbook?04:59
zcat[1] !seveas | faeryNatsuki04:59
ubotufaeryNatsuki: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:59
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faeryNatsukiflash 904:59
faeryNatsukilet me check04:59
zcat[1] get flash from seveas.... latest version and I think it works properly04:59
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mag_Can somebody help me with samba !04:59
cybercodaggort, go back to disks... and disable that partition... then go back to the terminal and try again04:59
break_flash 9 works for me04:59
maddashwhere's h3xis?04:59
faeryNatsuki9 beta04:59
break_i didnt have video or sound with flash 704:59
h3xismaddash, i live.04:59
mag_I can't enter to a file !05:00
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jontecdo I use a 64-bit install of ubuntu in vmware on windows?05:00
FindXi need help getting something that can play flash05:00
kiwinz_sucksflash 9 beta should work fine05:00
maddashyay h3xis05:00
zcat[1] FindX: seveas repos, then apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:00
kiwinz_sucksdo you get other sound from your browser05:00
riotkittiei only have one gripe with flash under ubuntu.  i cant login @ comedycentral.com with it.05:01
faeryNatsuki9. is my version05:01
AggortError 11: Unrecognized device string05:01
faeryNatsukii believed that05:01
kitcheriotkittie: probably because it uses flash 9?05:01
faeryNatsukibut now i have no sound with flash05:01
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riotkittiewhich is maddening because with my lack of life, i play the daily show trivia game more often then i care to admit05:01
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Aggortsorry typoerd05:01
AggortError 21: Selected disk does not exist05:01
faeryNatsukimaybe the problem is related to the sounddirectly05:01
riotkittiekitche >> i have flash 9 installed but there is this weird neon green box that covers most of the page :/05:02
faeryNatsukii have no sound when ubuntu starts05:02
cybercodHmmm... perhaps it needs to be mounted in /media/hda305:02
faeryNatsukii had sound before, but not now :(05:02
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faeryNatsukithe drums XD05:02
riotkittiefaeryNatsuki,  >> silly question perhaps but... is your volume muted?05:02
mag_help me with samba .............................05:02
cybercodaggort hit Alt+F2   then type gksudo nautilus  then enter05:02
zcat[1] faeryNatsuki: turned down or muted?05:02
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Aggort(nautilus:9536): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:03
AggortAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:03
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faeryNatsukii have sound05:03
faeryNatsukino muted soun05:03
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zcat[1] faeryNatsuki: if you have the sound settings icon, doubleclick on it, make sure both master and DSP sliders are not at zero, and speaker icon below isn't crossed out05:04
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cybercodaggort... darn05:04
earthenhye anyone know where the bluez-utiles file is gone in edgy?05:04
kenthomsonCan someone please help me, cannot play .mov files. I have the plugins installed and i have tried VLC, mplayer, gxine, totem, none of them work. Can someone please please please help?05:04
break_yay, flash9 wont play music on myspace.com05:04
faeryNatsukivolume is OK, i have sound in gnome, in alsa, in amarok, but some programs have n sound... i had two soundcards and i disabled one, now i solved one problem and after i got a second problem :(05:04
Aggortcybercod: I think this is what I went through yesterday but it worked05:04
cybercodhmmm... ok... try remounting it in "1"   i think we were supposed to use root terminal05:05
kiwinz_suckskenthomson: http://othello.alma.edu/~07tmhopk/ubuntuhowto.html#restrictedcodecs05:05
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kenthomsonkiwinz_sucks, i have installed all the codecs on the below linl05:05
jimcooncatkenthomson, .mov are Quicktime files05:05
cybercodaggort... lemme know when its remounted05:05
nojockhow do i fix java it has an error on line 7605:05
awenasidilisome|anyone got any clues on how to get a visiontek 9250 video card to work? i've dowloaded and installed the drivers and i've tried a different monitor05:05
kenthomson!restricted | kiwinz_sucks,05:06
ubotukiwinz_sucks,: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:06
kenthomsonjimcooncat, i know that05:06
cybercodaggort... close the terminal... and open a new one05:06
zcat[1] no DRM? no matter how many codecs you install, ubuntu still won't play DRM formats....05:06
kiwinz_suckskenthomson, there are less-well supported codecs (read: glitchy as crap) in the link i gave05:06
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild05:06
zcat[1] not sure if mov has a drm version though05:06
cybercodtype in  sudo gnome-terminal     enter05:07
kenthomsonzcat[1] , ok05:07
zcat[1] common problem with wmv's though. I find them all the time :(05:07
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cybercodin the new (root) terminal window  type grub05:07
kiwinz_sucksvlc plays WMV just fine05:07
earthenanyone know how I can have my blue-tooth mouse auto connect on startup I cannot find the bluez-utiles file that i used in dapper to do it05:07
zcat[1] kiwinz_sucks: not protected wmv it doesn't :(05:07
faeryNatsukisee you, i'll try to fix it, and i have to restart05:08
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kiwinz_suckszcat, i haven't had any that won't play05:08
asdfjkahsdfjkhacan anyone point me to a tutorial on modifying the original ubuntu kernel /05:08
cybercodnow, what was it   ...   Type "root (hd0,2)"05:08
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kiwinz_sucksare you using the most recent vlc and codecs?05:08
zcat[1] kiwinz_sucks: you're not looking in the right places :)05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about SheepShaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
zcat[1] !drm05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
Aggort Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x8305:09
gopso thier no SheepShaver bulid for ubuntu05:09
cybercodok.. now we're getting somewhere05:09
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cybercodone moment05:09
jimcooncatkenthomson, you try xine?05:09
riotkittiehm. i wonder how to make a fortune file.05:09
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:09
cybercodsetup (hd0)05:09
cybercodtype that05:09
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kenthomsonkiwinz_sucks, i have all the codecs, etc updates05:09
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kenthomsonjimcooncat, i tried gxine, totem, vlc, mplayer05:10
Ascubuntu VLC does wmv3 now?05:10
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI am tring to install linux-kernel-devel but when I do apt-get it says it cannot find the package05:10
kenthomsonIs this site down? http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Main_Page05:10
Aschuh, so it does.  Cool.05:11
asdfjkahsdfjkhaI am tring to install linux-kernel-devel but when I do apt-get it says it cannot find the package05:11
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kenthomsonasdfjkahsdfjkha, don't repeat, if someone knows they are bound to help05:11
cybercodasdfgjklwhatever... try it with just -dev05:11
kitcheasdfjkahsdfjkha: that's ebcuase that package doesn't exist05:11
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Aggortcybercod: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/719/05:11
kitcheasdfjkahsdfjkha: you probably want linux-tree05:11
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cybercodaggort... ok... type quit05:12
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaim tring to follow https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KernelCustomBuild to modify the ubuntu kernel05:12
cybercoddid you do this yesterday?05:12
asdfjkahsdfjkhaand it calls to install linux-kernel-devel05:12
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cybercodexactly the same thing?05:12
Aggortpretty much05:12
asdfjkahsdfjkhacybercod what do you mean with just -dev ?05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-kernel-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
cybercodok... and remind me... if there is no disk in, what happens when you reboot?05:12
kenthomsonWould it help if i uploaded a 1.3mb, .mov file that is not working so that you guys can try it out and let me know whether or not you are having the same problems?05:13
cybercodhow do you get to grub error 17?05:13
AggortOnly when the install CD is in05:13
kenthomsonIs there someone here who would help me out by downloading a small 1.3mb .mov file and checking whether it is playable in Ubuntu or not?????05:13
Aggortwithout it it will just hang then try to boot from CD and then if no CD is in try to boot from floppy then it jsut sits!05:13
zcat[1] kenthomson: url?05:13
kenthomsonjimcooncat, please read my above posts05:13
cybercodblack screen?05:13
cybercodno messages?05:13
Aggortblack with white text indeed05:14
kenthomsonkiwinz_sucks ?05:14
kenthomsonzcat[1] , ?05:14
cybercodwhat does it say?05:14
zcat[1] where's the clip? I'll try it.05:14
kenthomsonzcat[1] , ok i will give it to you05:14
jimcooncatsorry, I do research only, don't test on my machine05:14
kohr_how do i set environmenta; variables?05:14
riotkittiewait. can you boot into windows after that if the disc is in ??05:14
Aggortonly messages is standard standard and...05:14
AggortBoot From CD:05:14
AggortBoot From CD:05:14
Aggort(and w/e the floppy message is about a system disk)05:14
Ascken, I'll give it a try as well, but I'm on 56k05:15
=== khisanth_ [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-12-18.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonHERE IS A .MOV FILE http://www.sendspace.com/file/7wxsqn, someone please play it and let me know whether it is playable or NOT> please05:15
kenthomsonAsc, zcat[1]  jimcooncat here you go05:15
riotkittieis the hd, by chance, dead?05:15
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Aggortcybercod: you know the usual stuff you see when it's ready to boot. All the white text readng different things05:15
cybercodyou've only got one hard drive right?05:15
Aggortcybercod: yes05:15
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=== LucianSolaris [n=LucianS@ip70-181-201-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kohr_how do i set an environmental variable?05:16
cybercodyou didn't change jumper settings, right?05:16
LucianSolarisyo yo yo05:16
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capixabai need to help... I have a laptop with radeon xpress 200 m... how can I config in my OS ubuntu?05:16
Aggortcybercod: no recently05:16
=== dsterry_ [n=dsterry@c-24-5-134-43.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchekohr_: export VAR=whatever you want05:16
Aggortcybercod: but they'd be correct05:16
kenthomson HERE IS A .MOV FILE http://www.sendspace.com/file/7wxsqn, someone please play it and let me know whether it is playable or NOT, please???05:16
zcat[1] kenthomson: seems a bit munted...05:17
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kenthomsonzcat[1] , you get any visuals? if yes, in what player, and ya what is 'munted'?05:17
dillitantekohr_,  SET, man set05:17
ubotulinux-kernel-devel: Linux kernel hacking dependencies. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1070 kB, installed size 1108 kB05:17
cybercodok... if you could... try rebooting, now... without the disk...and write down EXACTLY what it says... when you come back, we'll search for that exact text... also, what make and model is your PC?  custom built? dell? dare i say it ... compaq?05:17
Aggortcybercod: I cxan do you one better05:17
PORDO so if i want to use dmix in my fresh ubuntu edgy install, should i set the sound system to NOT used esd?  and should i set it to use alsa as the sound device, instead of something like ICH5?05:17
AggortI have a screen shot of it05:17
Aggortgive me one sec05:17
LucianSolarisholy shit it took almost a minute to join this channel (900+ users in here) :O05:17
kenthomsoncybercod, what's wrong with compaq?05:17
zcat[1] mplayer: first frame, sorta, lots of errors. VLC crashed on it.05:18
Aggortto get it it off my laptop05:18
cybercod**snicker** ahem.... nothing05:18
Aggortbtw it's a cyber power gaming PC05:18
kitchePORDO: ICH5 is probably your sound card05:18
=== Amadeo [n=amadeo@c-69-244-72-105.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cybercodi just fix a lot of them05:18
Aggortgive me a sec to get the photo ok05:18
kenthomsonzcat[1] , not playable? Did you get any smooth frames playing for 1-2sec in any player, or NO?05:18
PORDOkitche indeed it is.05:18
AmadeoDoes anyone happen to have a Plantronics DSP-500, or know how to get it working correctly? I can get audio, but the volume is maxed out no matter what I change the volume to in Gnome05:18
kenthomsonDid anyone else try the .mov file? I can't play it in vlc, totem, mplayer, gxine. please help05:19
Melissa|XI have a plantronics headset, just not that particular one05:19
PORDOkitche my question was whether i should choose that, or alsa, as my sound device in order for dmix to work.05:19
AmadeoMelissa|X: Is yours USB?05:19
Melissa|Xyes it is05:19
cybercodarmadeo... right click the volume icon in tray and hit  preferences... make sure it is on the right card05:19
zcat[1] kenthomson: no, not playable at all. I could try it in windows but I have to go boot up another computer...05:19
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-242-223-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
PORDOmine isn't USB.  i was so depressed when i got it in the mail and had just assumed it was usb.05:19
piaohow to resize a primary disk partition05:19
PORDOi never even considered a headset might not be usb.05:19
PORDOpiao "how do i resize a primary disk partition?"05:20
=== maddash [n=maddash@cpe-24-193-206-168.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonzcat[1] , let me try it in windows then? You see going back to windows is inevitable, it's just a matter of time as to how much can ubuntu hold us. One day all pcs are gonna be windows :(05:20
bruenigPORDO "piao "how do i resize a primary disk partition?""05:20
=== blake6489_ [n=blake@90-216-58-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
piaoi use gparted05:20
PORDObruenig ?05:20
Amadeocybercod: It doesn't have a Volume selection :(05:20
zcat[1] kenthomson: I suspect the file is corrupted.05:20
iamsm1t1can anyone personally help me with my wireless connection? ive tried everything and have no idea what im doing....05:20
cybercodarmadeo.. no icon there next to clock?05:20
kenthomsonzcat[1] , i dom'y05:20
Aggorthttp://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3706/img2993sd3.jpg    This is right before it says about no system disk05:21
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kenthomson!wifi | iamsm1t105:21
ubotuiamsm1t1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:21
Amadeocybercod: I mean, when i select it...there's no Volume adjustment, just bass, etc05:21
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PORDOhow can i make my second hard drive be automounted under /media?  do i need to add it to fstab?05:21
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awenasidilisome|the awenasidilisome-man wins05:21
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Melissa|XAmadeo: try running "asoundconf set-default-card Headset" and see if that solves it05:21
Toxhi, how to reload all audio subsystem without restart ?05:21
jribPORDO: yes05:21
zcat[1] kenthomson: where did it come from?05:21
AmadeoMelissa|X: Ok!05:22
cybercodarmadeo is it set in alsa or oss?05:22
kenthomsonzcat[1] , linux tutorial cd, that is a .bin/.cue, which i have mounted using cdemu as a .iso. Do you think that could be causing problems?05:22
mineralehow can I enable xvideo ? I am trying to play a file via xv and I get something like: It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.05:22
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jribminerale: what video card do you have?05:22
Amadeocybercod: Alsa05:22
cybercodaggort... what about after that point? or does it just sit there?05:22
jevangeloi just mounted an iso that i bchunked from a bin and cue file, it has a video that has a .dat file extension05:22
Aggortcybercod: http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3706/img2993sd3.jpg05:22
jevangelowhat would i need to do to play it05:22
jevangeloi think its a vcd05:23
Toxjrib can u help me ?05:23
Asckenthompson: It doesn't work for me either.  mplayer shows a cursor moving a little but nothing intelligible in the background; vlc dies with a segfault.05:23
Aggortcybercod: it jsut sits there05:23
ubuntu_What's the best codec package to download? I have tons of video files, I need a good set of codecs05:23
cafuego_jevangelo: that would be a VCD or SVCD, MPEg1 or MPEG2 respectively.05:23
=== Winniepooh [n=mlc@49-0-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortcybercod: I let it run for 5 minutes05:23
jribjevangelo: I'd try mplayer with w32codecs, since that plays everything for me05:23
cybercodaggort... thats the same picture... it just sits at that point?05:23
ubuntu_I hear most of the good codecs are not in the repostiroeis for legal purposes05:24
=== paguilera [n=paguiler@cpe-74-69-71-129.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mineralejrib: ATI, I have installed the ati drivers and they work finre05:24
=== Chest [n=William@d14-69-143-89.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortybercod: I have let it run for 5 minutes05:24
ubuntu_where can I get a good set of codecs?05:24
cybercodand if you put in the cd... it boots up properly?05:24
jribTox: no, sorry I don't know how to do that.  Maybe  /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart   ?05:24
AmadeoMelissa|X: Doesn't seem to, unless I would need to restart X05:24
kenthomsonAsc, :(05:24
harushimohey everyone I was wondering why ubuntu live cd didn't work05:24
Chestwhy does sudo init 5 not restart my X server05:24
kenthomsonjrib, hi there, i still can't find a way to play that .mov file :(05:24
Melissa|Xtry restarting X then maybe05:24
kenthomsonjrib, i have uploaded it at http://www.sendspace.com/file/7wxsqn, if you could play it and help05:24
Asckenthompson: Does that exact file work on windows?  After downloading it from the same location?05:24
Amadeook, brb05:24
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paguileraHi.  I'm wondering if there is anyway of being able to run firefox in a debug mode so I can try to find out why it's crashing.05:25
kenthomsonAsc, not booted to windows after i had that file, but i don't doubt that it WONT work in windoZ05:25
Aggortcybercod: w/o GRUB yes05:25
castoffharushimo: did you md5sum the downloaded iso?05:25
Aggortwith grub no05:25
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=== eli [n=eli@c-71-192-43-0.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toxjrib it always stuck after game i play .. on exit i hear no sound everytime need to restart05:25
cybercodaggort... how are you selecting grub or no grub?05:25
=== moshe [n=moshe@ool-457d651a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribTox: weird, what game?05:25
Aggortcybercod: I'm not I'm saying before I isntalled ubuntu and after05:25
Asckenthompson: Okay.  As long as win's still not better, I don't have to feel insecure.05:25
=== MSTK [n=MSTK@ip70-187-130-65.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cybercodah... ok05:25
Aggortcybercod: sorry to confuse ya05:25
Toxunreal tournament05:25
ubuntu_I guess what I need are w32 codecs05:25
kohr_ok, i used the blast program to put holes over all my windows, but none of my mice have the button to remove the holes, so all my apps have gaping holes in them, how do i fix this?05:25
ubuntu_so that I can watch all my movies05:26
moshewhat do I need to do to make my hostname appear on my router's dhcp table?05:26
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kenthomsonjrib, ?05:26
MSTKfor some reason I can't get the latest Java to work on firefox, despite the fact that I followed their instructions from the Sun site.05:26
MSTKanybody mind helping?05:26
kitchemoshe: use a different dhcp client dhclient can do it05:26
kenthomson!java | MSTK05:26
ubotuMSTK: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:26
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jribkenthomson: can't play it either, it's either garbage or encoded in some pretty recent format probably05:26
Toxnot everytime but often05:26
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kenthomsonjrib, :(05:26
cybercodaggort... and it did that with windows alone, before installing ubuntu? has it always done that?05:26
kenthomsonjrib, so it won05:27
moshekitche, you mean remove the one I have on the server now?05:27
kenthomsonjrib, won't work?05:27
jribkenthomson: nope05:27
kenthomsonjrib, :(05:27
Aggortcybercod Yes to the first question no to the second. I had to reformat my hard drive about a year ago, that's when it started doing it05:27
=== Amadeo [n=amadeo@c-69-244-72-105.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AggortI had to refomrat it after I screwed up an Ubuntu install that ruined my NTFS partition and at that time being in school I NEEDED windows05:27
MSTKthanks ken & ubotu05:28
AmadeoNope :( There seems to be no volume control in the sound options for it...only PCM05:28
cybercodaggort... on starting up the ubuntu live disk, there is an option to "boot to hard disk" have you tried that?05:28
Aggorta guy last night was going to have me erase my boot sector, but I had no clue how or what to do05:28
mosheisn't dhclient what's installed by default?05:28
linuxgooberI'm writing some lessons for my cousin's typing program and there needs to have only one sentence per line. Is there anyway I can script something to put an enter after every period?05:28
mosheit's on the server already05:28
Aggortcybercod: yes it eventually errors out05:28
castoffMSTK did you link it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins?05:28
=== mic [n=mic@p548B6BA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonMSTK, :)05:29
Aggortcybercod: I unno it jsut won;t do anything05:29
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AggortI don't know what exactly it says05:29
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=== Angelus [n=David@58-84-81-122.dial-lns1.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cybercodok... NONSYSTEM DISK ERROR?05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about GDM - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:29
AggortI think that's it!05:29
docmurI"m wondering what the difference is (besides arch) that the 64bit release of a distro has over the x8605:29
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cybercodyeah, its your boot sector that is screwed....05:30
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AggortNow that's getting somewherwe05:30
kenthomsondocmur non, it is not recommended to use even on a 64bit machine05:30
=== asdfjkahsdfjkha [n=email@ip70-178-182-169.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortwell in that case can I flush it out and be safe?05:30
cybercodbecause we know the files are there, we just mounted them...05:30
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Angelusanyone know of a program for making GDMs?05:30
cybercodpossibly, but you'd have to reinstall grub afterward, like we just did.05:30
Aggortyou don't know how excited this makes me05:30
kitcheAngelus: you mean theme for gdm?05:30
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Aggortcybercod I'm willing to try anything at this poinrt05:31
Aggortso please let'as do this05:31
Angelusyes thank you kitche05:31
cybercodlemme look and see what I can find on boot sectors...05:31
cybercod-------------------------ANY BOOT SECTOR GURUS IN THE HOUSE????05:31
kitcheAngelus: I believe gnome-look.org has a good tutorial on how to make themes for gdm05:31
bruenigunfortunately not too that many dashes05:31
bruenigI mean four dashes maybe05:31
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bruenigbut that must be conservatively 20 dashes05:32
mag_can you help me with samba ? each times that I wanto to enter to ubuntu server, ubuntu server request me user an pass and I have no users created on the machine my configuration is this: http://pastebin.com/853264 could you help me !05:32
=== ublender [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigI am not 20 dashes good05:32
cybercodfunny bruenig05:32
bruenig---------------------------look at me I can draw attention by being stupid05:32
cybercodjust lots of conversations going on...05:32
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip68-225-117-130.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
moshekitche, thanks.  That did the trick05:32
zcat[1] ------------------moo05:32
cybercodah... being stupid is my specialty.. did you not know?05:32
ublenderyay, gcc is evil05:32
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cybercodi have lots of practice05:33
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moshecybercod, and you're exceedly humble05:33
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ublenderin fact, would there be a particular reason that when I compile just about anything, it segfaults and says it is unrecoverable/hardware/os issue?05:33
cybercodi barely know what I'm doing in here myself...i am just really good at researching05:33
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-64-27.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MSTKI'm sorry for asking a lot of questions, but is there a Parallels-type application in Ubuntu where I can emulate an XP environment?05:33
cybercodi used both aggort05:34
cybercoddouble stupid whammy05:34
acerbixQuestion: Is there any way to set up mirror repositories? I am trying to update Fiesty after install, and speeds are s-l-ooooooooooooooo-w. Synaptic tells me it will take 3 days. Are there any mirrors?05:34
AggortMSTK: Wine05:34
ublenderMSTK: let me suggest researching wine, vmware, cedega, and crossover office05:34
MSTKAggort: Wine just runs windows apps in Ubuntu05:34
whileimhereWhats a repo with the libdvdcss and w32 codecs?05:34
Aggortcybercod: there was a guy yesterday who knew exactly how to do it and then he logged off05:34
MSTKis there any way I can have, say, a window running that's a Windows desktop?05:34
jribwhileimhere: seveas' repo05:34
jrib!seveas | whileimhere05:34
ubotuwhileimhere: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:34
ublenderSTK: vmware05:34
AggortMSTK: sorry thoughts that what you wanted05:34
ublenderMSTK: vmware05:34
=== frankd3 [n=frankd@cpe-68-203-188-179.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MSTKAggort: it's okay, thanks for helping05:35
cybercodlemme look it up.. i didn't know how to re-install grub when i came in here earlier lol05:35
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AggortMSTK: VMware is right05:35
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Aggortcybercod: lol05:35
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cybercoddoesn't that make you feel secure?05:35
kitcheMSTK: qemu maybe but why not just use parellel they do have a Linux version?05:35
cybercodbe back in a moment05:35
ublenderso, would somebody be willing to compile something for me :p05:35
ublenderand send it to me05:35
kitcheublender: what tis it05:35
ublenderkitche: pspvc05:36
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MSTKkitche - i don't know...do they?05:36
jribublender: what is pspvc?05:36
AscHow much disk space does a new edgy install take up?05:36
mikedotyWhat file permission type am I to give a directory if I want it to be completely accessible, like any other folder I'd make?  sudo chmod ??? mydir05:36
kitcheMSTK: yes but not sure if serials are different for it though05:36
ublenderjrib: a video converter for encoding video for the psp05:36
paguileraWhat does it mean when you get a core dumped while using Firefox for an Illegal Instruction?05:37
ublenderit comiles its own ffmepg, but it segfaults at a random point in the make process05:37
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kitchepaguilera: that firefox did something bad you can find out what the core has in it by using gdc05:37
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PORDOhow do i make my optical digital out on my ICH5 the default (or work at all) in edgy05:37
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pwilsondoes anyone know how to get the nvidia Geforce go 6150 / 430m (same damn card) working in edgy, I'm at my wits end, I've tried both the current, and legacy drivers, and get an error back saying that no such hardware exists (when I use the legacy) and when I install the non legacy driver, the system boots normally, I just can't see anything on my screen, its just black, (I can hear the system prompting me to login though) Any help wou05:38
pwilsonld be greatly apprieciated.05:38
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=== Silver_Seagull [n=a@bas10-toronto12-1128676063.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileok guys, I installed kismet but do not see it in the applications menu, can someone tell me why?05:38
harushimodoes ubuntu have a feature where you can run linux on cd like knoppix?05:38
ublenderpwilson: I believe there is a special geforce go driver, although i'm not sure05:39
harushimoI was wondering05:39
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Aggortharushimo: Yes05:39
paguilerakitche: Thanks.  But when I type in gdc, it says command not found.05:39
kitcheharushimo: umm that's what the desktop-cd is it's a livecd and the installer05:39
ublenderharushimo: yes, the standard install cd is also a live cd05:39
imbecileharushimo,  yes the install cd is a live cd05:39
ubotugdb: The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 6.4.90.dfsg-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2315 kB, installed size 5108 kB05:39
kitchepaguilera: it's that gdb :)05:39
LucianSolarispwilson do you see console text when you switch ttys?05:40
kitchepaguilera: just point it at the core dump and it should debug it05:40
LucianSolarislike ctrl+alt+F[1-6] ?05:40
paguilerakitche: Oh, sorry.  gdb, not gdc.  sorry.05:40
pwilsonIts as if the non legacy driver tells x to start on the seconday monitor (even though there is none installed), because when I attach a secondary monitor, the monitor blacks out and reports that it can't support that resolution.05:40
Silver_SeagullSo I've tried 6.10 and 6.06- really I'd prefer 6.06, but both fail to init the xserver.  THey give an error about not being able to start- I checked my xorg.conf file and it's using the vesa driver for my ATi x1900xtx.  Not sure why it's dying.05:40
imbecileok guys, I installed kismet but do not see it in the applications menu, can someone tell me why?05:40
ublenderso, is/can ayone help me with compiling pspvc...05:40
LucianSolarispwilson, answer my question...05:40
paguilerakitche: How can I capture the core dump?  Is it stored in a particular location?05:40
pwilsonYes, Lucian, I do.05:40
kitchepaguilera: I said gdc also since I m working with D programming language which is what gdc is for05:40
kitchepaguilera: should be in ~05:41
pwilsonwhen I go to init 1 for example?05:41
paguilerakitche: Ok, thanks.  sorry about the confusion.  I'm going to try to find it now.05:41
harushimothat's what I thought but it didn't work on my computer05:41
LucianSolarisok, go to a console pwilson, and login, then type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:41
LucianSolarisfollow the prompts05:41
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LucianSolaristhen try to start the x server again05:41
cybercodaggort... this is probably nothing to do with it... but in your bios... is virus protection turned on?05:41
LucianSolarisif it don't work, pm me05:41
AscSilver_Seagull: The ati driver worked okay for my ATI card.05:42
pwilsonI'll try that, thanks lucian, what so you think the problem is?05:42
cybercoddo you recall?05:42
Aggortcybercod: I unno05:42
AggortI think not05:42
LucianSolarisoh, and one more thing pwilson, are you sure you're on the correct head?05:42
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LucianSolarislike are you sure head1 isn't really head2 (if it's a dual head card"05:42
Silver_SeagullAsc: This is on the installation CD- I can't even get into the GUI to install Ubuntu.05:42
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harushimodo I need more of current version of ubuntu05:42
cybercodnext time you're in there.. make sure it is not.... it could be part of the culprit... keeping grub from installing properly because it thinks it is a virus05:42
=== LameBMX parts room .. look in here and thats the first thing i saw ^^^^
cybercodi shall keep reading for a moment05:42
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Silver_SeagullAsc: It's all autoconfiged to vesa05:42
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MSTKhi all.  I heard that some PC distributors keep a Disk image of the XP Installation CD on the hard drive, to save costs of actually creating a CD.  Now I need the CD...where do I find the disk image?05:43
pwilsonLucian, its a laptop, the generic driver points to the built in disp, but when I install nvidia-glx, it appears to move it off of built in display, AND attempt to go to some insane resolution that my 30 inch external monitor cannot support.05:43
AscSilver_Seagull: Hit ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a terminal, 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', select the ATI driver, and go through the configuration.  Then kill gdm and run 'gdm'.05:43
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kitcheMSTK: you need to use a type of program what is your computer maker05:43
LameBMXMSTK, it should have a general restore cd that will do that for you05:44
imbecileok guys, I installed kismet but do not see it in the applications menu, can someone tell me why?05:44
Ascsilver_seagull: if the ati driver isn't listed, apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati05:44
kitcheLameBMX: some companies don't make the cd05:44
MSTKkitche - it's a Vaio05:44
LucianSolarisok, pwilson, go through the dpkg-reconfigure and select all the applicable options for setting up the xserver05:44
kitcheMSTK: ah might do some googling I only know about HP05:44
johny5Hello, I'm looking for a group-based p2p sharing app, like grouper, for linux.  Anyone know of any?05:44
ublenderdoes anybody have a copy of ffmpeg that has extra-codecs?05:44
LameBMXno not an os cd .. a restore cd05:44
MSTKLameBMX - I'm not sure if I got one.  If I did, then chances are I stupidly mispaced it.05:44
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LucianSolarisi think your xserver is trying to use your second monitor at an insane res05:44
kitcheLameBMX: yes some companies don't make them05:44
LameBMXhave the tools on it to restore the partiion05:45
kitcheLameBMX: for example HP05:45
rc-1is there a way to make firefox crash?05:45
pwilsonLucian, one more q, can I just install the nvidia driver, and use that command from terminal inside gnome, then restart x?05:45
LucianSolarisi had the issue when my laptop screen went out and i wanted to use an external monitor, but i almost couldn't get x to quit using the panel and use just the monitor05:45
quasicolonublender: and others: I'm having trouble getting codecs installed05:45
cybercodaggort... what brand drive is it?  fujitsu supposedly has problems like that sometimes05:45
kitcherc-1 kinda bug in firefox and flash05:45
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zcat[1] rc-1: killall -11 firefox-bin ?05:45
Silver_SeagullAsc: I had seen that but wanted to ask if there was a known issue with ATI cards/DVI+LCD/other issue :)  I'll give it a go anyways, thanks.05:45
rc-1zcat[1] , thanks05:45
LucianSolarisuh, i'd recommend you use just a command prompt until you've set up X05:45
Aggortcybercod as did maxtor, but mine is a seagate05:45
quasicolonhave you had success getting totem to play a lot of formats05:46
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AggortI;m sorry Westernd Digital05:46
LameBMXnah hp went with a unified disk to save costs ... everything is on the disk .. but the disk only installs what you got based on the mobos tattoo05:46
cybercodok.. still reading05:46
ublenderquasicolon: are you talking about like audio video codecs, or just ffmpeg?05:46
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LucianSolarisok, pwilson, i need to go, so can you find someone else to help you?05:46
pwilsonI'm currently using x with the generic vesa driver, just wondering if I could do it all at once, before I fark my x server.05:46
kitcheLameBMX: I had to make the dvd's myself05:46
LucianSolarisi hope i got you on the right track05:46
imbecileok guys, I installed kismet but do not see it in the applications menu, can someone tell me why?05:46
pwilsonSure, thanks lucian.05:46
LucianSolarisplease, just use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:46
LameBMXyea i had to retattoo a few mobos myself05:46
quasicolonublender: divx and mp3 and a lot of codecs that I thought were part of ffmpeg05:47
LucianSolaris/me, out05:47
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quasicolonbut ive installed totem-xine and ffmpeg05:47
imbecilehello, is this thing on?05:47
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Ascsilver_seagull: Not to my knowledge, but it's possible.  However, the only time I did try to configure xorg with a DVI/LCD, it detected the monitor okay.05:47
ublenderquasicolon: go to wiki.ubuntu.com and type "codecs" in the search bar05:47
cybercodaggort... you may need to check that the partitions are marked as "active"05:47
nvezhey, whats the limit for non-lba48 os's?05:47
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LameBMXmaybe some low line or something .. but ive never setup a computer that didnt have a cd (ive seen some that basically just copy the partition over vs having the os on the disc05:47
ublenderquasicolon: i'm sure that will get you started on the right track05:47
Aggortcybercod: How?05:48
LameBMX124GB or something nvez05:48
Silver_SeagullAsc: It detects my Syncmaster fine, but there are sections I wasn't sure about.  eg, it tries to set my monitor to 175MHz!05:48
nvezanyways, brb, installing ubuntuuuu05:48
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kitcheLameBMX: this computer costs $1k it's a media pc I have a partition also but wanted a rescue cd05:48
ublenderwhat i need, is a custom compiled version of ffmepg that has faac and x264 support, if someone has one05:48
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quasicolonimbecile: have you checked the systems menu?05:48
Silver_SeagullAsc: I know for a fact it doesn't go above 75 for 1440x90005:48
quasicolonimbecile: you could probably find where it exists in your system path by running "which kismet" and manually add it to your menu05:49
whileimhereHi. I am trying to use GXINE and on its setup wizard it says that I need to check for a MIT Xv extention. Anyone have a clue what this is?05:49
LameBMXkitche, u sure you didnt misplace it ... ive set up more than a few of those ... and had to retattoo others due to mobo defect05:49
imbecilequasicolon,  thanks but how do i add icon?05:49
Amadeois there any way to make applications in my bottom panel have fixed width?05:50
kitcheLameBMX: umm no since I just had to press F10 at the bios to start recovery mode05:50
Ascsilver_seagull: Well... I don't think so.  You might try the 'medium' option when it gets to monitor configuration, and select the appropriate resolution and refresh.05:50
ublenderwhileimhere: i'm not sure about gxine, but may i suggest xine-ui?05:50
whileimhereIs that better?05:50
ublenderwell, i've never had any problems with it05:50
kitcheLameBMX: then it goes to the restore partition and starts restoring no dvd involved05:50
LameBMXand you didnt get a disk with it05:50
socorrista_achmay someone help?05:50
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socorrista_achis it possible to run windows games in linux ubuntu?05:51
LameBMXeveryone ive setup has had a disc with the documentation05:51
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eetfunkwhere can i find a mirror list for apt-get?05:51
Silver_SeagullAsc: /me thinks more dev time is needed on hardware auto-detection for all distros.  That or some public whipping of hardware manufactureres for specs ;)   Thanks for the help, I'll bbl05:51
zcat[1] socorrista_ach: depends on the game05:51
LameBMX!wine | socorrista_ach05:51
ubotusocorrista_ach: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:51
cybercodone moment aggort... i'm having to get gparted05:51
socorrista_achcarbon for example05:51
LameBMX!cedega | socorrista_ach05:51
ubotusocorrista_ach: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:51
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kitcheLameBMX: nope since, but anyways this computer is less then a year old that I had to create the rescue dvd for05:51
Aggortcybercod: aren't you one Ubuntu05:51
socorrista_achwine isnt enough05:51
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 612 kB05:51
moshemust I include hostnames in /etc/hosts for each machine that I want to have access my server by hostname?05:51
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kitcheLameBMX: I just had to hit F10 before the computer booted and it went into rescue and started to restore05:51
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socorrista_achbut i read somwhere that there was something05:52
LameBMXhmmm ... ive just set a bunch up ... im not sayin you didnt get a disk ...05:52
zcat[1] socorrista_ach: dual-boot or get a console. It's easier :)05:52
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cybercodi'm in xp... on a client's machine (i do repair work) ... my 4-year-old's PC is on ubuntu though.05:52
LameBMXand everyone ive done had a disk ... and like it matters HP blows05:52
eriscohow do you spell "ary"... "arri"... "arie"... like it has gone "ary" ?05:52
socorrista_achhow do i do that?im a newbie05:52
cybercodi just don't have gparted on it...05:52
LameBMXpardon my french05:52
cybercodmy wife is using the main machine... playing WoW via cedega05:52
kitcheLameBMX: my computer I got a disk also but on hp website it also says for the media pc I had to create it myself05:53
kitcheLameBMX: or pay for one to be sent05:53
Aggortcybercod: I plan on doing that lol05:53
imbecilequasicolon,  it says its in /usr/bin/kismet but the directory isnt there05:53
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LameBMXkitche, see .. thats just shady ... add to that a line of mobos that died within 30 days ... much much better off to build your own lol05:54
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ublenderwhat i need, is a custom compiled version of ffmepg that has faac and x264 support, if someone has one05:54
cybercodshe's actually bugging me to watch a movie with her... so i may have to get back with you later on this if gparted can't do the trick... its installed... just a moment while I look05:54
cybercodi know that fdisk can do it... the windows fdisk... i dunno about the linux fdisk05:54
Aggortcybercod ok05:54
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Aggortcybercod: yea05:55
kitcheLameBMX: I usually buy cheap com,puters myself my computer costed under 300 bucks brand new05:55
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break_buildign your own pc ftw05:56
LameBMXeh .. im trapped in build my own land ..05:56
n2diykitche: why buy computers, this time of year you can find them at the curb for free.05:56
carkeysbuilding your ow nis the only way to go05:56
ublenderis it odd when gcc completely freezes ubuntu?05:56
kitchen2diy: my computer is 4 years old05:56
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LameBMXmy 3 year old comp behaves much better than anything ive had to work on so far05:56
break_the only disadvantage to building your own system is that you get quite a good price05:56
pulaskiHello, I've been running ubuntu 6.06LTS with kernel 2.6.15-27-386 on the kde-desktop for only a little while.  I'm trying to install a package that will add a kernel module.  It's a package that will let me connect to my TI-84+ SE calculator.  The README.Debian tells me I need to know where the kernel sources are located.   The README suggests /usr/src/linux but that doesn't exist on my box.05:56
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break_you basically get windows for free haha05:56
LameBMXabit ic7 max3 w00t w00t05:56
n2diykitche: mine is 1005:56
cybercodopen up the gnome partition manager05:56
cybercodselect the first partition05:57
kitchen2diy: and it's illegal to put a computer at a curb in New York State you have to take them to the dump05:57
break_i fell asleep on my couch05:57
cybercodof dev/hda05:57
break_i'm going to go to bed05:57
pulaskiWhere are the kernel sources located on ubuntu 6.10LTS?05:57
cybercodright click it and hit information05:57
kitchepulaski: have to install them05:57
n2diykitche: monitors yes, but the system box too?05:57
kitchen2diy: yes since they have lead in them05:57
riotkittiemy husband just tossed a < p105:58
cybercodlook next to "flags"05:58
cybercodwhat does it say there05:58
n2diykitche: bummer, time to move to Pa. :)05:58
cybercodok.. thats not it...05:58
pulaskihmmm kitche, are they available through adept?05:58
LameBMXouch .. riotkittie now what holds your doors open?05:58
jribpulaski: what package is this (I'm curious)?  You need to install the package to get the linux source, you probably just need the headers05:58
Aggortthe rest don't have one05:58
kitchepulaski: yes it's either linux-tree or linux-source05:58
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cybercodare the other partitions primary or in the extended area?05:58
Aggortall are primary05:59
cybercodi'm guessing you have 3?05:59
bharathFeisty problem: At GNOME startup "HAL not initialized" is displayed. Googling revealed it as a DBUS problem and an old solution exists -- but that did not work on feisty.05:59
pulaskijrib its the tidev-modules-source package05:59
AggortWindows, Swap, Root05:59
jribpulaski: thanks05:59
cybercodok.  wait a moment... reading05:59
riotkittieLameBMX, -- shhh. i wanted to keep it ;(05:59
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kitchen2diy: anyways I have 5 computer shells in my basement I cna use one is a pentium 2 ran well until the processor died on it05:59
LameBMXriotkittie, k ill keep it down ..06:00
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pulaskithanks kitche I'll look around06:00
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kitcheanyways I m getting off for now so I can watch Adult Swim06:00
cybercodaggort.. did you try the recovery mode of the windows disk,.... and enter in    fixboot?06:01
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LameBMXi had a gateway .. first computer ... couldnt play games .. ditched it build a 2.4p4a and gigabyte mobo... that was next to junk but could play games ...06:01
LameBMXso i gave that to a friend06:01
Aggortcybercod: I can't get to it06:01
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CarCase928hello, how do i use ubuntu as a proxy server?06:01
cybercodwhy not?06:01
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n2diykitche: roger that, this is my hot box, a dual p111/333 mhz machine, with 256 m of ram, and I did pay for it, $120 including a 17" monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc...06:02
cybercodyou can't boot from windows install disk?06:02
VIMmerhi, i do some PHP developement, and i have always got multiple projects going on at the same time. so in the /var/www/ folder i have created a subdirectry called 'OtherSites' were i store all other sites and when I am working on one particular one, i copy the files from the particular folder to /var/www/ and then work on it06:02
Aggortcybercod: I can't get past grub to choose recover console and the isntall CD requires I have a restore floppy and I don't have one06:02
acerbixQuestion: Is there any way to set up mirror repositories? I am trying to update Fiesty after install, and speeds are s-l-ooooooooooooooo-w. Synaptic tells me it will take 3 days. Are there any mirrors?06:02
LameBMXwhen i built my max 3 ... then just to be fair (cuz im a computer n00b) .. i built a barton box with basically same level parts as my p4 .(msi w/ kt600 chipset )..06:02
cybercodno... that's not the repair console you want... its AFTER that one06:02
LameBMXthen i gave up the barton box for a security deposite06:02
Aggortcybercod: ?06:02
VIMmeri find it too tedious, and someone told me that i cud just change the docroot for Apache everytime i work on a project, and that would solve my probelm06:03
n2diykitche: forget dragging stuff to the dump, check out www.freecycle. com, and let folks come and get your stuff.06:03
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VIMmercan anyone tel me what change to make?06:03
n2diykitche: forget dragging stuff to the dump, check out www.freecycle.com, and let folks come and get your stuff.06:03
cybercodthere's the AUTOMATED SYSTEM RECOVERY CONSOLE... that is not what you're wanting06:03
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dougbdoes anyone here have any experience with LTSP?06:03
Aggortcybercod: I know06:03
riotkittiefreecycle rocks06:03
riotkittiewhich reminds me, i should be approving posts :P brb06:04
Pie-rateMy laptop's 802.11g wireless works under ubuntu, however it doesn't work at low signal levels. Windows wireless works here, ubuntu can't connect. Is there any way to try to force it to boost its output power?06:04
nikosapiIs it possible to tell the kernel to not detect my raid array at boot time? It freezes when it detects it :-(06:04
n2diyriotkittie: roger that, is it .com or .org?06:04
imbeciledoes kismet have to be started in terminal?06:04
n2diyimbecile, can you find it in a menu?06:04
Pie-rateor am i boned until i put in an access point here?06:04
riotkittie.org. though i log in through yahoo groups06:04
imbecilen2diy,  nope06:04
n2diyimbecile, well, what other choice do you have?06:05
Aggortcybercod: put it this way there is no screen at all that I can access that let's me type in a console!06:05
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imbecilen2diy,  thats why i was asking06:05
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n2diyriotkittie: ok, as soon as I posted the link, I had my doubts.06:06
Aggortanyone new in her know much about boot sectors06:06
riotkittiehehehe ;)06:06
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cM0ssHow do I turn off powernowd in Dapper. You can do it easy in Edgy in the 'services' app....I cant find a way to do it in Dapper.06:06
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1BF2F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Master_Jodasome other ubuntu users says ubuntu server06:07
Pie-rateAnyone here know a lot about wireless drivers (>>>no, this is not a plea for someone to type !wifi, and that stupid bot needs to die in a fire<<<)06:07
n2diyimbecile, there maybe other ways to start it, at boot up, or with a cron job, but I don't know how to do stuff like thate.06:07
Pie-rateMy laptop's 802.11g wireless works under ubuntu, however it doesn't work at low signal levels. Windows wireless works here, ubuntu can't connect. Is there any way to try to force it to boost its output power?06:07
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Master_Jodaneed more time to be consider a serious option to deploy06:07
Aggortcybercod:? ?06:07
Master_Jodaother prefer centos06:08
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bikinidoes anyone know how to use ndiswrapper here?06:08
Master_Jodai like to believe ubuntu will be fine06:08
castoffPie-rate what chipset and is there a firmware upgrade?06:08
cybercodsorry.. was reading..06:08
bikiniand feel like helpin me out?06:08
cM0ssHow do I turn off powernowd in Dapper. You can do it easy in Edgy in the 'services' app....I cant find a way to do it in Dapper.06:08
Aggortcybercod: jsut making sure06:08
riotkittiefine for what, Master_Joda ?06:08
cybercodHmmm.... you know... one thing you COULD do....06:09
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Master_Jodato build appliance server06:09
Aggortuh oh what?06:09
LunchIs there a gui to enable a second monitor?06:09
Pie-rateCastoff: mmm, its an atheros AR5005G, I don't know if there's a firmware upgrade...06:09
bikiniafter you install a windows driver through ndiswrapper, then what/06:09
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Master_Jodamaybe voip server06:09
Master_Jodawhat do you think06:10
cM0ssHow do I turn off powernowd in Dapper. You can do it easy in Edgy in the 'services' app....I cant find a way to do it in Dapper.06:10
riotkittiecM0ss, >> sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop06:10
Aggortgive me anythign cybercod06:10
cM0ssthanks.... a bunch..  =] 06:10
cybercodin the live disk, where you first start it up, there's the options to change the grub boot options...  you could write down what your /boot/grub/menu.list says for your ubuntu installation, and type that into the Live disk boot options instead of what is there... and force-boot into linux... then perhaps you could re-install grub FROM your linux installation... maybe making better progress....06:11
zcat[1] cM0ss: you might also want to go into /etc/rc2.d and rename S??powernowd to K??powernowd06:11
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Aggortcybercod: Why would that help exactly?06:11
cM0sssudo: etc/init.d/powernowd: command not found06:11
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cybercodbut we'll have to try that later... i'm goin to go watch "lady in the water"   I'll be back in a couple hours.06:11
Aggortdon;rt qwatch that movie06:12
Aggortit sucks!06:12
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cybercodI am not sure... but its a possibility.06:12
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cM0sszcat[1] , Ok...I'll try it...I'll be back to let you know if it works.06:12
cybercodthat it may change something... not that the movie sucks.. which is also a possibility.. but not the one I was speaking of06:12
n2diycMOss: sudo /etc...06:12
riotkittie/etc/ not etc/   make sure you have the beginning /06:12
Aggortwell shit06:12
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cybercodmy woman is seriously going to kill me.06:13
AggortI have to go to bed06:13
cybercodnow thats dedication for you06:13
Aggorttell her I am verry sorry06:13
AggortI know hwos he feels06:13
cybercodyou gotta go to bed?06:13
=== dutch_scholtz [n=cllamb1x@c-71-193-163-175.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortyea, I am in the East Coast and I have work06:13
Aggortin the morning06:13
riotkittieits only 12:13 ;p06:13
dutch_scholtzim compiling my kernel, and i have a core 2 duo. what processor family would that fall under (in 2.6.19)?06:14
n2diyriotkittie: your pretty sharp, but a tad slow. :)06:14
castoffPie-rate: what is the name brand on the card please?06:14
AggortI gotta awake at 506:14
cybercodok... perhaps see you tomorrow... if not... ask others in here how to fix or replace your boot sector.... thats where the problem lies06:14
cM0ssriotkittie, yep...sorry...I missed my / ....it worked...thanks again...06:14
Aggortty very much06:14
AggortI hope to see you tomorrow06:14
Pie-ratecastoff: Atheros AR5005G06:14
cybercodcan I get your email? maybe I will find something later on tonite06:14
Pie-ratecastoff: its an acer lappy06:14
AggortShould I try deleteing the qwindows partition?06:14
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cybercodIf it were me I'd format the whole damn drive06:14
dutch_scholtzdoes anyone know what processor family a core 2 duo is in the 2.6.19 kernel?06:15
riotkittien2diy,  i know. i am using the qwerty keyboard layout for some reason ;p and typing like 20 wpm after corrections06:15
nvezwhile installing, my mouse is disappared, but it works (when i put over an icon, it shines, etc006:15
nvezi just cant see it06:15
dutch_scholtzwould it be Athlon64?06:15
zcat[1] if you have to ask what kind of CPU belongs in what family, you probably shouldn't be compiling your own kernels...06:15
riotkittieand oh man, am i correcting.  :/06:15
nvezany service or something icould try?06:15
riotkittiehahahaha zcat[1] 06:15
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cybercodyou can take off any esential files via the live disk by mounting the win partition using "Disks"06:15
castoffPie-rate: was trying to find it in supported hardware...can't seem to...still looking06:15
n2diyriotkittie: roger on the qwerty, dvorak is my layout.06:15
dutch_scholtzwell, there isnt any proper option for it, and currently there is confusion in the matter06:15
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Aggortcybercod, nothing is essential it's a fresh install06:15
cybercodyou can burn via the live disk as well...06:15
dutch_scholtzzcat[1] : have you compiled recently? theres confusion as to what it is...06:15
Aggortcybercod I know06:16
cybercodwipe it all then.... and start fresh...06:16
Pie-ratecastoff: it won't be there, tons of wireless things arent06:16
dutch_scholtzzcat[1] : no options fit it well06:16
Aggortincluding Ubuntu?06:16
cybercodtry ubuntu only06:16
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riotkittieyeah, i recently switched to dvorak and am kicking myself for not having done in sooner06:16
cM0ssriotkittie, is there any reason that simple command can't be found in any 'easy to find' location on the Ubuntu help sites?06:16
AggortI want to06:16
cybercodwipe it ALL... try installing ubuntu by itself06:16
Aggortttyl my friend06:16
AggortSure will06:16
zcat[1] I haven't neede to compile a kernel for _years_ .. occasionally I compile a module or two, even that's getting pretty rare.06:16
castoffPie-rate: was hoping it was ;-)06:16
cybercodbut i'm serious... wipe it all.. the whole drive06:16
Aggortthrough gparted?06:16
AggortI will06:16
nikosapiif you set for example hde=noprobe when booting the kernel is it possible to then enable the drive after booting up?06:16
cybercodit could fix the boot problem06:16
Aggortthrough gparted06:16
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itsmabusHow can I merge two files, skipping duplicate lines?06:16
cybercodyes. thru gparted... then re-install06:17
Aggortthank you06:17
Aggortif not?06:17
Aggortthen we know it HAS to be the boot sector06:17
cybercodif I knew your windows install was fresh I would have suggested that an hour ago06:17
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nvezwhile installing, my mouse is disappared, but it works (when i put over an icon, it shines, etc)  -- any suggestions?06:17
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Aggortsorry for wasting your time?06:17
Jjhas anyone had problems with pydance?06:17
cybercodyes.. if that doesn't work, get  a new drive... and use that one for media or whatever06:17
riotkittiecM0ss > dunno. but if i had to venture a guess, it'd be that either 1 - with the amount of information available on those sites, none of it is easy to find06:18
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zcat[1] Jj: Yep. it's totally alpha software...06:18
n2diyriotkittie: roger on correcting, what is the most used key, on any keyboard?06:18
MSTKum...my Add/Install Programs dialog just crashed.06:18
AggortReally? A new drive? Why?06:18
cybercodbecause if the boot sector is failing... the rest of the drive probably isn't far behind06:18
craig-griffis_Ok fstab in Ubuntu is very different to RedHat what in this line makes this a RO file system and how do I make it RW   # /dev/hdb106:18
craig-griffis_UUID=BE601D4B601D0BB1 /media/hdb1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       106:18
AggortOh no06:18
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:18
Aggortyou don;t understand06:18
MSTKis that a bad thing?06:18
AdministratorHi linux fans06:18
riotkittieon mine, at the moment, backspace, n2diy :P06:18
Aggortthis tghhing has been doing this for a very long time06:18
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LunchHow do I enable my second monitor?06:18
cybercodok... its your data06:18
n2diyriotkittie: yep!06:18
zcat[1] damn it is so HOT here today!!!06:18
Jji used to be able to play pydance in gentoo...06:18
AggortI am keen on back up so don;t worry06:19
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Jjnot in ubuntu i eget this message06:19
Jjpygame.error: mixer system not initialize06:19
jribitsmabus: comm   maybe?  I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are doing06:19
Aggortvaluable data is stored on an extrernal 80 gig hard drive06:19
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cybercodbut give that a shot... go ahead and do it before bed... it doesn't take long to format... and the install is pretty quick... then tomorrow you can let me know what happened06:19
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:19
zcat[1] I never got pydance to work reliably. sad, it seemed to have potential.06:19
AggortI sure will06:19
cybercodyou can write me at     straightshootincomputin@yahoo.com06:19
Aggortthank you again06:19
hagabakacould anyone tell me if http://supybot.com/ renders correctly in Konqueror, if you have the latest official package?06:19
Pie-rateWhere would the configuration for the Atheros drivers be?06:19
cybercodput aggort as the subject06:19
itsmabusjrib: that's perfect, thanks06:20
MSTKhm...my Add/Remove Programs dialog just froze up06:20
Administratorhow can i change my name?06:20
AggortI'll keep that on hand06:20
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MSTKis that a bad thing?06:20
cybercodgood night06:20
Jjis it possible to have nvidia legacy and non-legacy driver at the same time?06:20
castoffAdministrator /nick new_name06:20
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riotkittieMSTK, kill it and reload it. probably nothing major06:20
Jji have 2 nvidia cards, and one of them needs the legacy driver06:20
zcat[1] Jj: you have two nvidia cards?06:20
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NickCzcan someone help me get my xvid movie to work06:20
Jjzcat[1] : yup, a TNT2 PCI and a gforce 520006:20
cybercodJj i saw something about that on  ubuntuforums.org06:20
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cybercodhave you looked there?06:21
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zcat[1] Jj: I don't think you can have both driveers since the module has the same name. Perhaps the legacy driver will work with the later card tho?06:21
Jji googled06:21
jrib!xvid | NickCz06:21
ubotuNickCz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:21
yakumohi i have trouble regarding fsck, everytime  when it check for errors i notice that my file get corrupted, like my movie files, iso files... any idea how to fix it??06:21
cybercodbe back later ppl06:21
yakumohi i have trouble regarding auto fsck, everytime  when it check for errors i notice that my file get corrupted, like my movie files, iso files... any idea how to fix it??06:22
MSTKriotkittie - How do I kill it?06:22
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Jjte nvidia legacy driver should have a different name >_<06:22
MSTKi tried looking it up on the system monitor, but it doesn't seem to be listed.  If it is, it's under a different name06:22
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-50-2.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
lufisWhat's a good window manager?06:23
MSTKlufis - Beryl works fine for me06:23
Pie-ratedamnit i should have kept notes on WTF i did when i was getting this laptop working06:23
lufisMSTK: well, i'm not big on eyecandy06:23
riotkittieMSTK, type xkill in a term  ...  an icon should pop up - i believe its a skull and crossbones -   and then click on the frozen window06:23
MSTKlufis - you don't need the eye candy.  just disable it06:23
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lufisMSTK: ah, didn't know that06:23
nn531zero_chaos: you there?06:23
zcat[1] xkill? shudder...06:24
jriblufis: why not just use metacity that's default in GNOME?06:24
riotkittiei thought the whole point of beryl was the eye candy.06:24
MSTKlufis - Under the settings, each feature has a check box that you can check on or off06:24
n2diyFor six years I've been trying to figure out how to switch keyboard layouts at a console, today, thanks to #ubuntu, I learned the command is loadkeys. That command isn't listed in any of my references, so thanks #ubuntu!06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spoof - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
lufisjrib: Well, metacity works fine, i just want to try something different as a learning experience06:24
MSTKriotkittie - where do I type xkill?06:24
zcat[1] riotkittie: a little eyecandy is nice.. bery'ls default tries to show off every possible feature and it's just too much!06:25
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MSTKzcat[1]  - come on, you can't possibly be telling me that wobbly windows are the most productive thing ever :)06:25
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:25
riotkittiei just xkilled xchat because i am xdumb06:25
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zcat[1] That genie swirl effect hs trippled my productivity, I tell ya!!06:26
jriblufis: ah, in that case:  fluxbox (or any of the other boxes), fvwm, icewm, ratpoison, ... there's one more I liked but i forget the name :( ...  are fun to try06:26
MSTKI'm sorry, where do I type xkill again?  Sorry if the answer is simple and right in front of my eyes06:26
zcat[1] MSTK: alt-F206:26
zcat[1] terminal, scherminal...06:27
n2diyA couple of days ago, someone asked how to load extended characters, I knew how to do it in RH, but couldn't find the answer here, or anywhere I looked. This afternoon someone asked the queston again, the trick is ctrl+shift+u, but... hold down ctrl+shift, while you enter the charcter code. 06:27
secleinteerhey, does anyone know how i would recognize/mount a sata hard drive i plugged into my box while it was on?06:27
perky_speaking of beryl, anyone know how to get menus to go ontop? i must have accidently ticked something.. and now popups appear behind applications :/06:27
riotkittiei wish i had a video card that could handle wobbly windows06:27
perky_too many options :|06:27
MSTKwobbly windows are the defining feature of Ubuntu06:27
MSTKthey're the only reason I switched06:27
=== riotkittie hugs her scherminal
LameBMXoopps .. perky main settings ... look for steal focus prevention06:28
quasicolonimbecile: right click on the menu you want to add it to 'edit menus'06:28
zcat[1] mine kinda handles beryl, but can't do any GL or SDL stuff at the same time... sad. I think I need a better card.06:28
riotkittie i think my card has 8mb of ram. ohhhh yeah.06:29
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LameBMXperky_, okay what version06:29
riotkittie< living it up06:29
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imbecilequasicolon, thanks06:29
=== aNi` [n=fokuslee@adsl-75-16-75-201.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
MSTKSo apparently I lost my Windows XP install CD while moving to a new house.  Am I screwed for setting up any sort of virtual machine now?06:30
zcat[1]   o/~ o/~  I killed my install, just to watch it die...06:30
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konamsomeone could tell me the resolution of the usplash in dapper?06:30
konamsomeone could tell me the resolution of the usplash in dapper?06:30
zcat[1] just reinstalled XP and edgy onto the SATA drive.. took half as long as and previous install!06:30
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zcat[1] *any06:30
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AscMSTK: what version of XP was it?06:31
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castoffMSTK: is xp still installed and are you thinking vmware?06:31
zcat[1] Prof VLK :)06:31
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MSTKcastoff - yeah, but it's installed on the actual hardware, as a dual-boot06:31
MSTKAsc - not sure...but would it matter?  I could always patch it up06:31
PacketScanJust did an inplace upgrade from dapper to edgy..  Having an issue with evoltion .. When connected to imap with ssl evolution fails to retrieve the folder list.06:32
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AscMSTK: Dunno, I don't use XP.  I've got a spare home edition key though, if you want it.06:32
AmadeoWhat are the best PC-to-PC VoIP clients for Linux?06:32
MSTKAsc - Yeah, but that won't help if I don't have the CD, right?06:32
castoffMSTK: utilize BARTPE to ghost it then ghost it down into vmware06:32
zcat[1] now that I know a fresh install works, I'm going to go reinstall the good indeall (with drivers and stuff) from image :)06:32
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n2diyAsc: danger, passing out closed source keys here isn't a good idea.06:33
h3xisAmadeo, if im not mistaked, there's a Skype client for linux06:33
AscMSTK: Good point.  Could probably borrow a CD from someone though.06:33
aNi`MSTK if u owned a copy of windows before there is the OEM version of windows xp on demonoid.com u can dl it and burn it it will be all legit and wga authenticated06:33
Pie-ratewith the unit "dBm", higher is more power right?06:33
Amadeoh3xis: Yeah, I tried it out...works ok, sound quality is awful in Linux for me for some reason06:33
h3xisAmadeo, okay, what about SFLphone?06:33
Ascn2diy: Yeah, probably not.  Still, it's not as though I'm even going to use it.  I don't know about the terms of the licence agreement, but I'd consider giving it away morally sound.06:34
Amadeonot sure, let me look it up06:34
zcat[1] +3dB == twice as much power06:34
imbecileok guys i know there is something i need to type in terminal to load universe what is it?06:34
riotkittieoooh. i meant to do something productive tonight06:34
MSTKaNi` - thanks, I'll try to look that up.06:34
n2diyPie-rate: yes.06:34
aNi`MSTK hold on06:34
=== riotkittie shakes a fist at irc
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Amadeoh3xis: Have you tried this one?06:34
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ppjHow "experimental" ix Edgy x64 under VMWare?06:34
n2diyAsc: but is it something we want to expose this community to?06:35
h3xisAmadeo, nope. its site has screenshots and other stuff if youre interested06:35
Amadeook, thanks :)06:35
imbecileok guys i know there is something i need to type in terminal to load universe what is it?06:35
Chesthow do i stop a running X server?06:35
imbecileits something i need06:35
h3xisimbecile, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and add universe06:35
n2diyPie-rate: and your problems may not be output power, it could be on the receive side of things?06:36
aNi`MSTK http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/331860/1141263/06:36
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imbecileh3xis,  its something people have told me before i need first06:36
Ascn2diy: I'd /msg the key itself.  Or if you're worried about the act of piracy, I've only ever met one person in my generation who had any compunctions whatsoever about it.06:36
MSTKaNi` - thanks.  any comments onto the legality of this method?06:36
aNi`MSTK http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/320911/1141263/06:36
h3xisimbecile, what?06:36
aNi`first one is home second one is pro06:36
aNi`i think its legit if u had a copy before06:36
User181hey, does anyone know how to install ubuntu edgy in expert mode?06:37
Chesthow do i stop a running X server?06:37
MSTKgreat...now normally to use a virtual drive I'd use daemon or alcohol on windows.  But I'm not sure how to do it on a Linux06:37
imbecileh3xis,  I'm not sure, its something i need to enable via command line though06:37
h3xisChest, chase it06:37
n2diyAsc: I don't want the key, I'm just asking you to consider what the ramifications might be to distributing that on a linux forum.06:37
Chestbulmer: i think you mean ctrl-alt-backspace, that will restart it06:38
h3xisimbecile, i dont get it..you just use a text editor to edit sources.list. nothing special to do before hand06:38
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AmadeoWhich generally has better audio support/compatibility? Gnome or KDE?06:38
bulmerChest yes.ctrl+alt+backspace will kill it06:38
Chestno it will restart it06:38
Chesti want to stop it06:38
PORDOhow do i get programs to use dmix?06:38
nvezgrr, im having trouble with the install here06:38
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bulmertry it and see06:38
h3xisAmadeo, that's irrelevant. theyre just environments06:38
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riotkittienevez  > how so?06:39
nvezafter i have installed, all that appears in vertical colored scanlines on my monitor.06:39
castoffChest: init 306:39
PORDOi have this line, pcm.digi { type dmix   ipc_key 5678293   slave { pcm "hw:0,4"  channels 6  rate 48000 } }06:39
Chesti have, IT RESTARTS IT06:39
Chestinit 3 returns nothing06:39
nvezafter it loads with the ubuntu status bar when booting06:39
Chestjust sits there06:39
aNi`MSTK, sudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop06:39
M3L7DownHey Guys, where is xorg.conf?06:39
Chestnewly installed ubuntu06:39
h3xisM3L7Down, /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:39
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h3xisChest, why do you need to stop it?06:39
castoffChest: telinit 306:39
M3L7Downh3xis, thanks06:39
Chestto install nvidia drivers06:39
h3xisi see06:39
Ascn2diy: Wasn't implying you did.  Dunno about ramifications - it's not as though microsoft's spies are everywhere, and if they are they can't really go after either Ubuntu/Cannonical or whoever runs the servers.06:39
riotkittiechest > "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" ?06:39
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nvezanyone have a clue why i have scanlines all over my screen and i cant see crap after installing ubuntu06:40
Amadeoh3xis: I ask because of this on help.ubuntu.com - "#06:40
AmadeoOn some systems, the Skype application can only be used for one call each time it is run due to an issue with GNOME's Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD)."06:40
Chestriotkittie: thanks, that did it.  But why doesn't init 3 work?06:40
n2diyAsc: your probably right, but they could generate bad PR, and we don't need that.06:40
h3xisAmadeo, i guess you could try it out on gnome first. it does say "some" so you might be excluded from that06:40
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nvezcan anyone pleeease help? :(06:41
riotkittieChest, > i am not sure.06:41
MSTKaNi` - which of those do I replace with the filename/pasth of the image I'm trying to mouht?06:41
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niksofthey everyone06:41
aNi`file.iso u have to cd into the file iso directory and mount06:41
aNi`or just provide the full path06:41
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AmadeoI'll mess with em a bit, thanks again :)06:42
=== Zen [n=zen@cc1120507-a.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Ascn2diy: Hm, okay.  Can't really see it making headlines, but that's a good point.06:42
nvezso no one has a clue?06:42
niksoftso i got a little problem with the live cd here...06:42
jennahey sorry to be a pain but does anyone know how to enter expert mode to install ubunutu edgy 6.10?06:42
imbecilehow do i open sources.list as read/write in terminal?06:42
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Chestnvez: laptop?06:42
n2diyAsc: ;)06:42
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h3xisimbecile, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:42
nvezChest: nope, normal screen06:42
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Ascimbicile: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:43
nvez6600gt screen, this happened in install too but i fixed by forcing VGA to 1024x768x3206:43
jga2003can any one help me06:43
aNi`MSTK u running widnows on vmware?06:43
nvezbut now i dont know how to fix it permenantly06:43
=== Zen [n=zen@cc1120507-a.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Chestnvez: post your xorg.log to pastebin06:43
riotkittienvez,   try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:43
h3xisjga2003, ask your question and maybe someone will06:43
jga2003I installed sql-ledger06:43
nvezriotkittie: i cant see crap :P06:43
jga2003but how it work06:43
riotkittieoh. oh yeah.06:43
nvezhow can i switch to terminal or login to ubuntus terminal06:43
MSTKDemonoid won't let me download w/out registering.06:44
nvezwithout initalizing xorg or w/e06:44
AscCan VMware run an existing windows install?06:44
jennaany idea why live-expert  wont work?06:44
riotkittieapparently, neither can i cause i wouldnt have suggested that if i could read ;p06:44
castoffjga2003: /usr/share/docs/sql-ledger maybe?06:44
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n2diynvez: sudo init 1 from a terminal, now.06:44
nvezn2diy: i cant see anything on the monitor06:45
MSTKaNi` - Demonoid is restricting downloads to registered users, and unfortunately open registrations are closed06:45
Chestnvez: ctrl-alt-F106:45
aNi`damn it06:45
castoffAsc: you can ghost it and then ghost it into vmware06:45
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aNi`MSTK, try piratebay and isohunt then06:45
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n2diynvez: can you get to terminal with ctrl+alt+F106:46
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nvezn2diy: i restarted, so its loading again :P06:46
jga2003any one know Sql-Ledger06:46
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nvezhowever, in the install, same thing happened, i pressed F6 for VGA or w/e and chose 1024x768x32 and it was fixed06:46
imbecileMSTK,  i believe its open registration on fridays06:46
L0cKd0wNhey guys, just installed ubuntu for the first time, the screen resolution is awful, how do i install nvidia drivers?06:46
Asccastoff, okay, thanks06:46
n2diynvez: at the boot prompt halt it with escape.06:46
nvezi cant06:46
MSTKimbecile - well, that's another week away =/  I'll try something else06:47
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nvezi cant @ ctrl+alt+f1 part06:47
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marc__Could someone tell me if installing ubuntu via the ubuntu xmas edition is alright?  Meaning is it a well put together version etc...06:47
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nvezhold on, let me reboot and esc06:47
h3xiswhat the hell is ubuntu xmas edition06:47
ChestL0cKd0wN: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:47
n2diynvez: wait!!!06:47
LameBMXh3xis, did tirus ever return06:47
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aNi`MSTK http://www.isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=windows+xp+pro+oem06:48
nvezuhh, n2diy, im at the grub boot menu now06:48
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professorhey guys Im going crazy trying to set up my laptop with ubuntu06:48
carpenterTheHi, Is there a UI Package for setting scheduled tasks a.k.a. cron?06:48
h3xisLameBMX, not today. he said he was going to look on ebay for a ~10GB drive or so. he found out that he's got problems with his drive, as i assumed06:48
Chestprofessor: join the club06:48
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riotkittiewhat kind of problems are you having, professor, and what kind of laptop?06:48
marc__ubuntu xmas edition can be found here...   ubuntusoftware.info06:48
LameBMXan nice06:48
asdfjkahsdfjkhaGuys, I am tring to do sudo apt-get install linux-source and its telling me the package does not exist.... Any help?06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck.ntfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
n2diyok, try intit 1, if that works, and you want to proceed, use init 5.06:48
professorI need to write a text into a file, but it says I dont have permission, how do I get permission06:48
L0cKd0wNChest, thanks, i don't have TV-out though, the nvidia card is onboard the mobo06:48
asdfjkahsdfjkhaprofessor use sudo06:49
L0cKd0wNChest, shall i proceed with the instructions regardless?06:49
nvezn2diy: where?  im in the grub menu, because ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work at all.06:49
professorriotkittie, it is a compaq presario c304nr06:49
nvezit just stays stuck at that corrupted-looking view06:49
castoffprofessor: sudo command06:49
LameBMXprofessor, is it a ntfs drive06:49
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n2diyok, recovery?06:49
nvezalright, hold on06:49
riotkittieohhh compaq presario  <makes a scrunchy face>06:49
ChestL0cKd0wN: yes, it should work for ant card.06:49
h3xismarc__, why dont you just install the standard version?06:49
n2diynvez: ok, recovery?06:49
marc__h3xis, quick and dirty, no need to screw around installing all the plugins etc06:50
asdfjkahsdfjkhaAnyone here have ANY _PCI_ (not pci-e) spare vid card that I can take off thier hands?!06:50
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nvezits in, n2diy06:50
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nvezim in terminal/console06:50
marc__no one ever try the xmas edition?06:50
professoranyways how do I cange a writen file if it will not let me, I dont know how to get tot he file in terminal06:50
niksofti'm continuously booting to a blank screen with the 6.10 live cd here, right after the framebuffer splash dissapears i get a blank screen... i tried using noapic nolapic, setting screen size to 1024x768 32 and using safe graphics mode... running an optiplex110 machine, and it ran before, the only thing i changed was i threw in an nvidia geforce fx5200 card in and now i get the blank after the splash...06:51
n2diynvez: ok, do what you planned to do, and then type init 506:51
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professoror how to open it06:51
L0cKd0wNchest: ok great06:51
nvezn2diy: what exactly am i planned to do, i have no clue really. :p06:51
nvezsome people suggested dpkg reconfigure something06:51
ChestL0cKd0wN: what card do you have?06:51
nvezlet me try it..06:51
nvezsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:51
nvezill try that06:51
ChestL0cKd0wN: you may need to install the legacy drivers instead of the straight nvidia ones.06:51
jga2003I installed WINE, but didnt get any link in application menu, or i cant find any name like wine in run programmeI06:52
n2diynvez: :) I don't know! :) You wanted to get to a prompt without X, here you are.06:52
riotkittieprofessor >> sudo nano <file>06:52
riotkittieor gksudo gedit <file>06:52
Chestjga2003: wine is command line06:52
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nvezwell thanks i guess n2diy, atleast now i can work with something06:52
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LameBMXniksoft, boot to recovery ... and edit your xorg.conf file06:52
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professorriotkittie, ok what does that do06:53
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n2diynvez: 10-4, sorry I wasn't following the thread.06:53
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nvezits okay, thanks, couldnt know what to do after that anyways06:53
LameBMXhopfully someone here knows an easy tool to just reconfigure xorg.cong06:53
riotkittieprofessor, it will open the file as root, giving you permission to edit it06:53
nveznow lets try..06:53
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M3L7Downhey, so I know where xorg is located now, but when ever I try to edit from root terminal, it tells me it doesn't know what kind of file it so06:53
professorlet me try06:53
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riotkittieLameBMX,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org06:54
aNi`xorg.conf is onpen with vi or nano06:54
riotkittiedoesnt get much easier than that ;p06:54
professorriotkittie,  how do I save it now06:54
LameBMXprofessor, <riotkittie> LameBMX,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org06:54
jga2003then how i install a programm using wine06:54
riotkittieprofessor, what prgorgam did you open it with ?06:54
jribM3L7Down: what command are you using?06:54
crazy_busDoes anyone know of a open-source helicopter simulator like this one? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunship_%28game%2906:54
professorriotkittie,  the one you told me to06:55
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jga2003an accounting software06:55
professorLameBMX, what will taht do06:55
LameBMXgedit dont work without X .. and his X is crashing06:55
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riotkittieCTRL+X  ... before it exits, it will ask if you want to save changes06:55
riotkittiehit y06:55
konamhow much take an  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)" comand06:55
edgyHi, I installed k3d and it's now giving some erros every time I run apt-get. I tried to remove it with sudo dpkg --remove k3d but it's giving errors like "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" how am I supposed to remove such packages in ubuntu?06:55
LameBMXit should reconfigure your xorg.conf file for your system06:56
n2diykonam: k3b?06:56
jga2003I want to install a windows gui programme on ubuntu, what will I do06:56
mvfeinsteinI am getting some warnings from X windows about missing fonts, does anyone know if there is a base font package I can install to fix that?06:56
riotkittiejga2003, > install WINE06:56
Pie-rateOk, so far for my wireless problem, i've tried iwconfig ath0 txpower 16 (as high as it would go without giving an invalid parameter error), i've played with the sens value (it just makes the access point disappear from the list). Nothing works. It still can't connect at low signal strength, when the windows drivers have no problem.06:56
n2diyedgy: k3b?06:57
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)06:57
burepe_where is the apache hosts file?06:57
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edgyn2diy: no k3d06:57
LameBMXprofessor, nvm .. that for for niksoft06:57
LameBMXooops got nicks mixed up06:57
n2diyedgy: what is that do?06:57
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professorLameBMX, what what does that do06:57
jga2003riotkittie: I installed wine, and how it work06:57
Pie-rateis there a graphical tool better than network manager for changing wireless settings?06:57
edgyn2diy: for generating animation06:58
M3L7DownI used to be able to edit xorg.conf with the wordpad06:58
riotkittiejga2003, honestly, i am not totally sure. i've used CrossOver Office but not wine06:58
M3L7Downwhy can't I do that anymore?06:58
LameBMXprofessor, it reconfigures your xorg.conf file ... but i mistakenly put your nick in when that was info for niksoft ...06:58
n2diyedgy: ok, I thought you were trying to burn CDs with k3b, sorry.06:58
=== Netham45 [n=Netham45@c-67-165-228-166.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nvezi hope its because horizontal/vertial refresh was mis-set, restarting, fingers crossed.06:59
riotkittiei suppose their is  a WINE submenu under your Application menu06:59
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professoroh ok06:59
=== Beawolfe [n=dale@ip24-250-100-144.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
LameBMXwho left a moment before i started tellin hime what to do lol06:59
imbecilewhy isnt everything in the advanced synapticwindow  in the basic window like kismet and several games?06:59
=== Netham45 feels a need for mass-annoyance
jga2003can i install crossover in ubuntu,06:59
riotkittieand an item in there that will guide you through installation06:59
nveznot fixed06:59
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nvezson of a :(06:59
Netham45o EW{Dzbw3Q7O/ Go?9 slP?Q|hle=)N.p 4'-06:59
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ComunisTicohi can anyone explaine why does this appear when i try to open the repositories?07:00
LameBMXimbecile, i think its because the basic one integrated those applications into the menus and such ...07:00
ComunisTicoroot@roberto:/home/roberto# sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:00
ComunisTicoXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server07:00
ComunisTicoXlib: No protocol specified07:00
M3L7DownI just noticed that you tried to ask me a question07:00
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Netham45Did anyone beep when I pasted o EW{Dzbw3Q7O/ Go?9 slP?Q|hle=)N.p 4'-07:00
h3xisNetham45, wtf?07:00
imbecileLameBMX,  ahhh thats the answer ive needed for days... so the advanced ones dont install to a menu?07:00
h3xisNetham45, no07:00
M3L7DownI was trying to log in as root through the terminal, then use edit xorg.conf07:01
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M3L7Downit tells me it doesn't know what to do with it07:01
edgyn2diy: but whatever the package is I should be able to remove it, no?07:01
Beawolfecan anyone help me with compiz?07:01
imbecileNetham45,  no but it is still annoying you were right07:01
LameBMXimbecile, in short words .. synaptic lists virtually every package (if not all) ... and add remove programs integrates them into your enviroment07:01
n2diyedgy: yes, maybe you need to use sudo though?07:01
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ZambeziWhich kernel is it in Edgy server?07:02
VIMmerhi, i want to rwite a script that changes the a particular word in a file07:02
n2diy! edgy kernel07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
VIMmercan anyone plase guide me thru it?07:02
ZambeziIntuitiveNipple, Thanks. Now I'm sure dist-upgrade worked. ;-)07:03
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nvezalright.  tried something else, hope it works this time.07:03
=== L0cKd0wN [n=anom@n128-227-58-77.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
imbecileLameBMX,  so i would have to add the programs i wanted to add in advanced manually  to the panel?07:03
LameBMXyea .. i mean i may be wrong and things change07:04
n2diyVIMmer:  PERL is good at that, I don't think you'll find a lot of help here for that?07:04
LameBMXbut that was my observations07:04
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L0cKd0wNChest, ok I installed the drivers as per the instructions on the site you gave me, but I still don't see the resolution I need, (1440 x 900) i have a 19" Widescreen LCD07:04
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VIMmerthx n2diy07:04
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noobtolinuxwhat up07:04
ComunisTicoroot@roberto:/home/roberto# sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
ComunisTicoXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server07:04
ComunisTicoXlib: No protocol specified07:04
ComunisTicocannot open display:07:04
n2diyVIMmer: nada07:04
noobtolinuxabout to install ubuntu 6.10 with windows07:04
noobtolinuxhopefully it won't mess up my hd like suse did07:04
nvezson of a.  great,DOESNT WORK AGAIN07:04
ComunisTicocan anyone explain why that happens when  try to open the sources07:05
n2diynoobtolinux: install winders first!07:05
=== LameBMX grabs the chainsaw and makes L0cKd0wN 's monitor into a 15" 4:3 monitor .. there problem solved
castoffComunisTico: gedit is a gui interface...root can't open the display07:05
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L0cKd0wNlol LameBMX07:05
=== res slaps AfterDeath|idle around a bit with a large trout
n2diynoobtolinux: win07:05
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=== res slaps Administrator around a bit with a large trout
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noobtolinuxwhat about it?07:06
ComunisTico4<castoff> Then how can i open them?07:06
n2diynoobtolinux: install winders first!07:06
aNi`edgy did u find out how to uninstall k3d?07:06
=== _Uthalin_ [n=jvdimas@pool-70-21-152-31.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
homerwinders over rides your MBR and earses GRUB07:06
castoffComunisTico: use nano, vi, etc.07:06
LameBMXi wonder if imma hit the same problem when i get a widescreen monitor ... been thinkin about a 22" when i get paid (belated christmas gift to myself)07:06
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noobtolinuxi have windows on07:06
noobtolinuxi'm on it07:06
L0cKd0wNanyone know how to tell ubuntu i have a 19" monitor that needs 1440 x 90007:06
riotkittiebrb. burning edgy.  i think. ehh. hm.07:06
ComunisTico4<castoff> whats nano?07:06
aNi`Administrator:  nee how mah07:06
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aNi`Administrator:  hehe07:07
LameBMXcept xorg.cong .. no L0cKd0wN07:07
n2diynoobtolinux: ok, you are good to go, winders eats up linux, if linux is installed before winders.07:07
castoffComunisTico: terminal-based text editor07:07
L0cKd0wNLameBMX, where's xorg.conf ?07:07
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L0cKd0wNetc ?07:07
aNi`Administrator:  ur chinese rite?07:07
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riotkittiewahhhh. i wish slackware had a live disc ;/07:07
ComunisTico4<castoff> and from there i can change my sources?07:07
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LameBMXL0cKd0wN,  /ect/X11/xorg.conf07:08
Administratoryes i from china.near ChangJiang river07:08
socorrista_achcan someone tell how to enter in text mode in ubuntu??07:08
noobtolinuxwith ubuntu do you have to keep burnin cds everytime a new version is released07:08
socorrista_achi need to install a driver07:08
noobtolinuxor does it update07:08
castoffComunisTico: yes replace gedit with nano in the command07:08
n2diyriotkittie: why?07:08
=== Belgranita [n=mlc@49-0-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
LameBMXwell /e<tab>X<tab>xo<tab> lol07:08
computer13137How do I ask Ubuntu what version it is?  Like WInver for Ubuntu?  I want to make sure the upgrade took effect.07:08
aNi`Administrator: omg great do u know how to get pplive working for linuX???07:08
riotkittienoobtolinux, : you can upgrade through apt07:08
ComunisTico4<castoff>  what stranged me was that before i could change em opening them from gedit with no prob07:08
socorrista_achcan someone tell how to enter in text mode in ubuntu??07:08
noobtolinuxso I won't have to install ubuntu over and over?07:08
riotkittiei personally prefer fresh installs when upgrading tho07:08
LameBMXcomputer13137, uname -r07:08
noobtolinuxwith new versions07:08
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break_how do i install a .tgz file07:09
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Administratorok with wine?Tvants can run on linux by wine07:09
computer13137LameBMX: That's the kernel version.07:09
h3xisbreak_, you cant. you need to extract and then install the contents inside of it07:09
IntuitiveNippleL0cKd0wN: Take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31017207:09
socorrista_achplease somenone help me07:09
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break_thats what i meant07:09
computer13137LameBMX: I'm looking for like "breezy, dapper, edgy"...07:09
M3L7Downokay, all I want to do is edit xorg.conf with GOSH DARN NOTEPAD07:09
h3xisbreak_, tar xzf *.tgz i think07:09
M3L7DownLinux HATES ME07:09
aNi`ok i will try but i read it dooesn't work07:09
riotkittien2diy >> because i want to install something!  but not deprive myself of the wholesome goodness that is laying in bed and wasting time on the internet while doing it07:09
n2diyriotkittie: why?socrrista_ach: open a terminal.07:09
MerlynCoslettWhy is it that when I use any Ubuntu Install Disk after the "Windows" Like load screen, I get a tan screen, with a distorted menu that says ubuntu and the computer sits for ever on this screen07:09
aNi`Administrator: is TVants better?07:09
socorrista_achi have to have kernel access07:09
LameBMXcomputer13137, sorry thought thats what your lookin for ...07:09
PeeboWhen I type mount I get this : /dev/hdb1 on /media/hdb1 type ntfs (rw)     but if I try to do something I'm told it's a read only file system. HELP !07:10
computer13137I just upgraded to Edgy Eft, and I want to make sure it worked and such.07:10
socorrista_achits an nvidia driver07:10
n2diyriotkittie: sometimes kitties have to get out of bed too07:10
AdministratorTVants is better than pplive07:10
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computer13137Someone gave me the line before... but I don't remember.07:10
aNi`Administrator: ok i will check it out thx but im in California don't no if i get good stream07:10
noobtolinuxso someone tell me do I have have to install ubuntu over and over or will it update to newer versions? or do I have to compile updates?07:10
IntuitiveNipplePeebo: You need to install ntfs-3g to have writea-access to NTFS07:10
bulmerMerlynCoslett: use a lower resolution perhaps like 800x60007:10
earthenM3L7Down, type in command line sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:10
riotkittiewell im not in bed yet ;p07:10
nvezim really frustrated.  i cant get ubuntu to tsart properly, i just get a random garbled colored lines.07:10
Administratoryou can google about that07:10
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nvezanyone has a clue? :07:10
PeeboIntuitiveNipple,  Just did that do I have to reboot for it to take hold07:10
MerlynCoslettI have a AMD X2 3800+ Does it matter which CD I chose (AMD64 vs Stanard Install CD)07:10
nvezim sure its in xorg.conf, i just dont know what it is.07:11
IntuitiveNipplePeebo: no07:11
M3L7Downyup, doesn't work07:11
noobtolinuxnipple never did tell anyone if they are a she07:11
n2diyriotkittie: yea, but your all curled up and warm, time for a stretch.07:11
M3L7Downtells me display (null)07:11
noobtolinuxMerlynCoslett YOU NEED the amd07:11
computer13137noobtolinux, PM me.07:11
computer13137I can tell you all about updating Ubuntu.07:11
PeeboIntuitiveNipple, Is there a new mount command for ntfs-3g07:11
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:11
IntuitiveNipplePeebo: use ntfs-3g /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows07:11
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earthenM3L7Down, i guess you only have command line then right?07:12
n2diy! flash07:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:12
L0cKd0wNIntuitiveNipple, ok will do07:12
IntuitiveNipplePeebo: try reading the man pages: man ntfs-3g07:12
riotkittienvez >> try posting at ubuntuforums.org or searching posts there. there is an overwhelming amount of info available and something may apply to you. i'm sorry i cant help07:12
aNi`: )07:12
earthenM3L7Down, if thats the case change gedit to nano07:12
edgyaNi`: yes07:12
M3L7Downso, sudo gedit doesn't work, now what07:12
marijanppl can somebody help me !?07:12
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computer13137Noobtolinux: Open /etc/apt/sources.list and change all the "names" to the next version up.  Like if you're upgrading from Breezy, change it to dapper.  Then upgrade from dapper by changing it to edgy.07:12
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:12
MerlynCoslettI have tried using the stanard CD, the AMD CD, and Knoppix (attempting install that way) it always seems my computer halts after the inital load screen. Ubuntu says it supports my graphics card (7800GT), a riend recommended a different CD / DVD Drive, tried 3, all give me the same problems07:12
computer13137Then run "apt-get update'07:12
riotkittieM3L7Down,  gksudo gedit?  or sudo nano07:13
computer13137And "apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade"07:13
n2diy! flash | maryjan07:13
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ubotumaryjan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:13
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aNi`edgy how did u do it cuz i had the same error before?07:13
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M3L7Downriotkitties: will this open it in notepad?07:13
PeeboIntuitiveNipple, Looks like in need to run ntfsfix07:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:13
computer13137!upgrading noobtolinux07:13
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marijanppl i ask something 20 times07:13
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:13
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:13
Administratorreceive Tvants07:13
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:13
earthenM3L7Down, notepad is a windows program07:13
noobtolinuxwhats that do07:13
IntuitiveNipplePeebo: I've not had much sucesss from ntfsfix - had to use a Windows boot to chkdsk it07:14
n2diy! flash | maryjan07:14
ubotumaryjan: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:14
computer13137Noobtolinux: never mind.. it was supposed to make Ubotu talk. :P07:14
LameBMXnotepad is like saran wrap ...07:14
edgyaNi`: sudo mv /usr/bin/pycentral .; sudo apt-get remove k3d; sudo mv pycentral /usr/bin07:14
marijanhello ppl, hello i running linux ubuntu and i don't know how to install flash_player 9 for linux how can somebody tell me ?07:14
riotkittieM3L7Down >> i *believe* gksudo gedit will open it in the notepad-like application tho07:14
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computer13137Noobtolinux:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:14
marijannoobtolinux: i download it07:14
noobtolinuxi'm not on ubuntu yet07:14
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castoffmarijan: read the damn screen07:14
M3L7Downit tells me07:14
marijannoobtolinux: but i dont know how to install :(07:14
riotkittiebut the CLI is your friend. learn it. love it. use it.07:14
noobtolinuxi'm about to put it on07:14
M3L7Downcannot open display07:14
riotkittie<pets her command line>07:14
noobtolinuxinstall what?07:14
M3L7Downand edit xorg.conf doesn07:14
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noobtolinuxits easy07:14
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M3L7Downwork either07:14
h3xismarijan, a lot of people here will say to install it using the package but i say to be a real man and install it using the plugin provided by adobe07:15
noobtolinuxyou set up in your bios to have it boot from the cd first07:15
aNi`edgy thx a bunch07:15
MerlynCoslettI have tried using the stanard CD, the AMD CD, and Knoppix (attempting install that way) it always seems my computer halts after the inital load screen. Ubuntu says it supports my graphics card (7800GT), a riend recommended a different CD / DVD Drive, tried 3, all give me the same problems07:15
=== LameBMX wishes he was riotkittie 's command line
riotkittieM3L7Down >>> sudo nano <file>07:15
imbecilewhere do i find the icons for stuff im adding to menu?07:15
earthenriotkittie, I'm not sure but i think he is stuck in command line only07:15
PeeboIntuitiveNipple, Yeah no luck here either, Oh well I have a windoze live CD here. I'll reboot into that and be back...07:15
marijanh3xis: so nobody telling me07:15
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imbecilewhere do i find the icons for stuff im adding to menu? in the same folder?07:15
riotkittiewill open it in a CLI based editor07:15
M3L7Downk, I already used nano, and it wouldn't recognize commands to save07:15
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h3xismarijan, download the tgz from adobe and read the instructions07:15
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edgyaNi`: you are welcome!07:15
marijanh3xis: i download it but i dont know too much english07:15
riotkittiewindoze live cd???  ooh oooh tell me more.07:15
h3xismarijan, i see. well where are you at in the process?07:15
PeeboIntuitiveNipple, Thanx any how mate07:15
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earthenM3L7Down, ctrl + X is what you use to save with nano then answer yes to the 2 questions that it asks you07:16
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n2diymaryjan, what is your native language?07:16
IntuitiveNippleriotkittie: Yes, using BartPE most often07:16
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LameBMXyea windows PE have been around forever now07:16
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earthenM3L7Down, it tells you on the bottom of the screen07:16
IntuitiveNippledon't get Windows PE confused with BartPE though07:16
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riotkittieam i always the last to mow about anything ?07:17
IntuitiveNippleBartPE is much more sophisticated07:17
riotkittiebrb. i have a hot date with google.07:17
IntuitiveNippleriotkittie: If you don't Google, you'll never find out07:17
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Peeboriotkittie, Look for a tool called BartPE, you use that and a windows CD to create a BArtPE boot CD better known as Windoze live07:17
n2diyriotkittie: well what do you expect, kitties sleep 18 hours a day07:17
IntuitiveNippleWindows-bloody- dead, more like07:17
MerlynCoslettAnyone ever had Ubuntu install (graphically) glitch and not allow for install (no matter the resolution). I am using a x2 Processor, Nvidia 7800GT, 21 Inch WS Monitor (Only components I would think might cause the problem)07:17
PeeboOk I'm off to chkdsk my ffffffffnnnnn NTFS partition07:18
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nvezim really frustrated.  i cant get ubuntu to tsart properly, i just get a random garbled colored lines along the screen, anyone ever had this happen?07:18
h3xisnvez, what video driver are you using07:18
MerlynCoslettnvez: happening to me right now07:18
nvezive looked on the forums07:18
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nvezh3xis: normal ones, didnt even get to boot07:18
h3xisnvez, what card you got07:19
nvezinstallation had same error except i pressed F5 or F6 and chose 1024x768x3207:19
nveznvidia 6600gt07:19
IntuitiveNipplenvez: try starting it with the boot command options "quiet splash" removed, by pressing F6 when the boot menu appears07:19
IntuitiveNipplethat might show you what its trying to do that is failing07:19
nvezIntuitiveNipple: i get to see the splash.07:19
nvezi see it load and all07:19
MerlynCoslettI have a similar problem to nvez but mine happense after the boot screen07:19
MerlynCoslettnot during07:20
MerlynCoslettit is a tan screen07:20
nvezyeah, same here07:20
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nvezafter boot screen.07:20
MerlynCoslettwith garbled07:20
MerlynCoslettand a fed up screen07:20
MerlynCoslettand sits for hours (yes I tested hours)07:20
nvezi dont have letters, i just have horizontal lines.07:20
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MerlynCoslettdepends on the CD I use07:20
MerlynCoslettand the time of day07:20
nvezim in recovery mode and clueless. :(07:20
zcat[1] nvez: problem is the splash will be covering up whatever error message it's halting at...07:20
IntuitiveNipplewill the boot option "vga=771" help?07:20
MerlynCoslettI get past the Windows bootlike screen07:20
MerlynCoslettthen it just sits07:20
MerlynCoslettwith this weird looking rectangle box07:20
MerlynCoslettthat says ubuntu07:20
IntuitiveNippleThat sounds like Nautilus starting up07:21
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nvezzcat[1] : ah, how do i do that?07:21
n2diyMerlynCoslett: how much RAM is in your box?07:21
MerlynCoslettIntuitiveNipple: It is a tan screen with a rectangle box07:21
MerlynCoslett1 GB07:21
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MerlynCoslettThis is a gaming machine (with XP)07:21
IntuitiveNipplenvez: I just told you how to disable the splash :)07:21
n2diyMerlynCoslett: Ok, no problem there.07:21
MerlynCoslettbut I want to go back to my linux ways07:21
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zcat[1] nvez: take off 'quiet splash' so you can see all the startup messages...07:21
nvezIntuitiveNipple: i had the -exact- -same- -problem- when installing, but i pressed F6 (VGA) and chose 1024x768x32 - im sure something has to do, but ok, ill see07:21
nvezhold on07:21
MerlynCoslettin the process now07:22
MerlynCoslettthe only error I got before was my prim HD was not happy07:22
IntuitiveNipplethe more debig info you can gather, the better off you are :)07:22
MerlynCoslettbut I don't plan to use it anyway07:22
MerlynCoslettdev hda sector 1414440 I/O Error07:22
MerlynCoslettBuffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 35361007:22
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IntuitiveNipplesounds painful07:22
MerlynCoslettthen it loops that 5 - 6 times07:22
MerlynCoslettand continues setup07:22
IntuitiveNippleYes, it'll retry several times07:22
MerlynCoslettwhy would that matter in my case07:23
MerlynCoslettif I dont plan to use that hd07:23
nvezIntuitiveNipple: i chose the normal kernel, press "c", i have a few choices..07:23
nvezroot, kernel, initrd, quiet, savedefault, boot..07:23
earthenanyone know how to make a bluetooth mouse connect auto during startup07:23
IntuitiveNippleI get that on my RAID disks when the standard IDE driver tries to talk to the Stripe arrays and gets Sector Not Found07:23
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nvezor am in the wrong place?07:23
MerlynCoslettI am using the DFI LP UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert07:23
MerlynCoslettis anyone knows the board07:23
mvfeinsteinCan anyone recomend a good bittorrent client?07:23
MerlynCoslettI use bittorrent07:23
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IntuitiveNipplenvez: I usually press F6 than remove "quiet splash" from the command line, and maybe add "vga=771"07:24
MerlynCoslettcommand prompt is gone..07:24
MerlynCoslettnow it is loading the "thinking" icon07:24
MerlynCosletttan screen07:24
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MerlynCoslettarrow key07:24
MerlynCoslett(2 computers here)07:24
MerlynCoslettand I seen a tan box...07:24
MerlynCoslettwith what looks like a mountain and a sunset07:24
MerlynCoslettlines all through it like a bad video card07:24
IntuitiveNippleIs this the LiveCD?07:24
MerlynCoslettand I see ubunto in the almost top right hand corner07:24
MerlynCoslettthis is the AMD64 CD07:24
IntuitiveNippleor an already installed kernel?07:24
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MerlynCoslettI am attempting to install Ubuntu07:25
n2diyMerlynCoslett: cool, and you are playing on the other box, hopefully?07:25
IntuitiveNippleok... just getting it clear in my head07:25
nvezalright,igot it IntuitiveNipple, its booting..07:25
MerlynCoslettyes, i am talking to you on my server07:25
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MerlynCoslettand it will sit at this screen for hours (fell asleep ealier today)07:25
MerlynCoslettwoke up a few hours later07:25
MerlynCoslettand it was still sitting here07:25
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nvezIntuitiveNipple:it booted fully completetly07:25
nvezwent till "ubuntu login"07:25
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nvezthen started x or whatever the gui is, the problem happened07:25
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cameron_Hello everyone07:26
MerlynCoslettsame here nvez, what are you system specs07:26
MerlynCoslettwe both have Nvidia cars07:26
nvezE6600 core 2 duo, 2gb ram, nvidia 6600gt07:26
MerlynCoslettso I am thinking, that might be the issue07:26
cameron_Hello everyone i need a little bit of help07:26
IntuitiveNipplenvez: So it sounds like display driver issues for you guys07:26
MerlynCoslettx2, 1 gb, 7800GT07:26
cameron_can someone help me07:26
tomsavelHi all... just installed ubuntu....looks great :)07:26
=== aNi` [n=fokuslee@adsl-75-16-75-201.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nvezdef., IntuitiveNipple.. but i cant figure it out07:26
riotkittiehello tomsavel07:26
cameron_Who here knows what novels chat client looks like07:26
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cameron_Who here knows what novels chat client looks like07:26
h3xiscameron_, i do07:26
MerlynCoslettwhy is it, the site says 7800GT (And I imagine 6600GT) works07:26
MerlynCoslettyet it wont boot07:26
tomsavelhi riotkittie07:27
h3xiscameron_, on windows?07:27
PacketScanedgy installs evolution version 2.8  how can i back port to 2.6 ?07:27
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n2diy! backport07:27
cameron_h3xis you no how when someone sends you a message it just pops up its there a linux version of that ( yes windows)07:27
IntuitiveNippleYou'd better look at this forum thread, guys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11476807:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
h3xiscameron_, ah, not that i know of :/07:27
zcat[1] cameron_: linpopup07:27
cameron_is that any good zcate\?07:28
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MerlynCoslettbe nice if I was not such a man07:28
MerlynCoslettand would search once in a while07:28
tomsavelI'm running ubuntu on my MacBook using Parallels07:28
zcat[1] no idea. works identical to winpopup afaik.07:28
L0cKd0wNok i adjusted the nvidia settings once again, it's better, but text appears "squished now"07:28
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cameron_zcat[1]  when i have downloaded it threwsynaptic how do i use it ?07:29
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zcat[1] cameron_: no idea. Never used it :)07:29
zcat[1] man linpopup perhaps?07:29
riotkittiehooray for pizza. and beer. and uh, heartburn.07:29
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cameron_ok ill try it07:29
MerlynCoslettah men to the pizza and beer07:29
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computer13137I have a problem07:29
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MerlynCoslettjust not the best time to be drinking07:29
MerlynCoslettlove debugging on a light head07:30
IntuitiveNippledon't we all?07:30
computer13137I just installed Ubuntu and updated it twice to Edgy Eft...07:30
n2diycameron_:  open up a terminal, and type the program name.07:30
nvezIntuitiveNipple: dont think that has to do anything with it, its something in xorg.conf and... grrrrr07:30
zcat[1] alt-F2 and type linpopup, or put it in your session.07:30
computer13137And now I have tons and tons of 125MB partitions reading as "tempfs"...07:30
cameron_yeh im trying that now thanks07:30
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MerlynCoslettdo you recommend going to an older version of ubuntu?07:30
MerlynCoslettfor the 7800GT Problem07:30
computer13137What is it all about?07:30
cameron_how do i put it in my session zcat07:30
tomsavelhow do i know what version i am using?07:30
cameron_hey zcta wait a min07:30
zcat[1] preferences > sessions > startup programs > add07:30
edgyPacketScan: may by in this case you need to install from sources07:31
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jasinuname -r tells you which kernel you are ussing07:31
tomsavelgreat thanks!07:31
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n2diytomsavel: uname -a07:31
MerlynCoslettis there anyway to install ubuntu by console...07:32
MerlynCoslettnot have to install GUI07:32
Jordan_U!install | MerlynCoslett07:32
ubotuMerlynCoslett: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:32
computer13137All: Why does my phpsysinfo page register like fifty "150MB partitions" called "tempfs"?07:32
riotkittieyes. download the alternate install cd07:32
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IntuitiveNippleMerlynCoslett: yes the Alternate or Server CDs07:33
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cameron_n2diy or zcat[1]  when i send a new message who do i address it to07:33
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nvezMerlynCoslett: i just tried something, crossing fingers that itd work07:33
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iratsuhow would one go about sharing home directories over a local network? and is this generally a good thing to do?07:33
n2diycameron_:  you can include both our nicks, and we'll both "get" it.07:34
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cameron_ kk so what do i do for address07:34
tomsaveltake care everyone.....great community here :)07:34
L0cKd0wN1440 x 900 looks good under windows XP, but text looks real weird under ubuntu, anyone ever experience this?07:34
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riotkittiebye tomsavel07:34
nvezcome on please runn...07:34
n2diycameron_:  n2diy, and zcat?07:34
nvezI DID IT07:34
tomsavelbye :)07:34
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cameron_umm n2diy you will do07:34
lovlossI dont get deb packages much. I have multiverse, universe and main set of course, but i was wondering if there were any other good ones that i could set up for edgy eft... that way i could search for more files with adept. anyone know any?07:34
riotkittiedid what? WOO WOOOWO woo.07:35
nvezriotkittie: fixed my monitor!!!07:35
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MerlynCoslettnvez: throw it against the wall07:35
riotkittienvez, cool!07:35
n2diycameron_:  not sure I like the sound of that!? :)07:35
MerlynCoslettnvez: because I am about to07:35
cameron_n2diy i dont think this program is write for me07:35
L0cKd0wNis this a font display problem perhaps?07:35
IntuitiveNipplenvez: now document it somewhere for others to benefit07:35
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IntuitiveNipplepost it in the forums07:35
L0cKd0wNlooks like everything under gnome is affected07:35
Jordan_Ulovloss: Using a lot of 3rd party repos when you don't need them is usually a bad idea07:35
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lovlossJordan_U: Sometimes there are neat programs =)07:36
jasinlockdown, whats your color depth set as?07:36
n2diycameron_:  I'm having trouble following everything, which program don't you think is right for you?07:36
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L0cKd0wNjasin, 2407:36
cameron_umm linpopup07:36
jasinlockdown, ok, good :)07:36
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n2diycameron_:  sorry, I don't know anything about it, or possible alternative for it.07:37
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L0cKd0wNim assuming if i used 1440 x 900 under windows, i should also be using it now under ubuntu... true?07:37
cameron_ yeh does anyone on this irc channel no a alternate for novel client chat?07:37
Jordan_U!easysource | lovloss Here you go if you must, but I would leave them uncommented unless you are searching for a program or you know you need it07:38
ubotulovloss Here you go if you must, but I would leave them uncommented unless you are searching for a program or you know you need it: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:38
jasinlockdown, use what yoru video card and monitor supports07:38
n2diyLOckdOwN: nope.07:38
IntuitiveNippleLinpopup: http://www.littleigloo.org/software_002.php307:38
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jasinlockdown, windows sometimes will let you use resolutions not supported by the grahpics card and monitor07:38
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iratsuhow would one go about sharing home directories over a local network? and is this generally a good thing to do?07:38
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L0cKd0wNwell it's a 19" widescreen, onboard video geforce 6100 chipset07:38
L0cKd0wNi followed the instructions to a T07:38
atarinoxhi, does anybody know a channel for hardware discussion?07:38
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jasinlockdown, lcd's have native resolutions07:39
L0cKd0wNim pretty certain that 19" WS are 1140x90007:39
cameron_hey can somone go to #calver07:39
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n2diyLOckdOwN: who makes it? Did the get there specs from M$? Did they give the specs to us?07:40
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jasinlockdown, Most LCD monitors are able to inform the PC of their native resolution using Extended display identification data (EDID).07:40
lymlif I found a bug on ubuntu.com who should I talk to?07:40
BacchusHello.. don't manage to find the Color Schemes in hex for the ubuntu colors.. anyone know there to find them07:41
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n2diylyml:  bugs.ubuntu.com?07:41
L0cKd0wNn2diy, i bought the PC over thanksgiving, it's a "Lenovo" desktop07:41
L0cKd0wNhow would i run EDID ?07:41
n2diyLOckdOwN: great, it is brand new, it will take months for us to reverse engineer it.07:42
L0cKd0wNbut isn't the chipset rather old?07:42
L0cKd0wN6100 ?07:42
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jasinlockdown, you dont07:42
jasinlockdown, Extended display identification data (EDID) is a data structure provided by a computer display to describe its capabilities to a graphics card.07:43
Moon_Rabbitsis there a way that i can add a shortcut (or the ubuntu equivelant of) that leads to a mounted drive to the main Computer folder?07:43
n2diyLOckdOwN: if that was the case, you wouldn't be here. Have you googled on linux and 6100?07:43
L0cKd0wNi was under the impression graphics cards are in the 8000 area now heh07:43
cameron_owww no one can help me07:43
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Jordan_UMoon_Rabbits: Yes, what do you mean by main computer folder though?07:43
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zcat[1] Jordan_U: Places >  Computer  ?07:44
jasinlockdown, version numbers mean little really07:44
Moon_RabbitsJordan_U: Well, when I click Places and click Computer,07:44
cameron_if someone can help me with network chat programs join #calver07:44
L0cKd0wNjasin,  :(07:45
n2diyLOckdOwN: you don't seem to understand the battle? M$ and the folks that made your monitor, share info. with each other, and agree to not share it with linux!07:45
Moon_RabbitsI'd like to create a shortcut to that drive so that other members of my family can use it without bothering the main Filesystem drive, potentially buggering things up.07:45
jasinlockdown, you can use read-edid  to get your monitors specs.07:45
Jordan_UMoon_Rabbits: To make a link, the equivelent of a shortcut, right click the folder and go to "make link" or use ln -s07:45
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jasinread-edid gets the specs of a monitor from the hardware,07:45
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L0cKd0wNbash: read-edid: command not found07:46
zcat[1] apt-get install read-edid07:46
Moon_RabbitsJordan_U: Make link is greyed out, I can't select it?07:46
jasinlockdown, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/utils/read-edid07:46
L0cKd0wNunstable... eek07:46
burepehow can I tell the mount location of my usb hard drive?07:47
L0cKd0wNdon't like the look of that heh07:47
Moon_Rabbits(also, this folder is a mounted drive, not a random dir)07:47
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L0cKd0wNcould this be related to a kernel problem07:47
L0cKd0wNwhen grub started, i had numerous choices07:47
jasinlockdown, is that what you cam here for, to complain?07:47
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L0cKd0wNnah i came to unsquish the text lol07:48
Jordan_Ujasin: If you are going to link people to packages directly from Debian you should link them to the source package and tell them how to use apt-get build dep07:48
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jasinJordan, he knows how to download .deb files07:48
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jasinJordan, dont believe me? Just ask him07:48
Jordan_Ujasin: But binary debian .debs may not work in Ubuntu07:49
zcat[1] n2diy: that's a cop-out a lot of the time anyhow. There's a lot of stuff Ubuntu could do, that is trivially configured but is still not set up by default. Edgy is better, hopefully Feisty will be near-perfect. If read-edid can pick up the resolution, why can't the xorg-server config?!07:49
Moon_RabbitsDoes anyone know why I can't make a link to my second disc?07:49
jasinJordan, you is speculating07:49
jasinJordan, please stick with facts07:49
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n2diyzcat[1] :  ok, its a copout? Is it a lie? Ubuntu is pressing it a lot better then any distro I've played with, but we are still playing catch up.07:51
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jasinlockdown, see: http://john.fremlin.de/programs/linux/read-edid/ for more on read-edid07:51
Jordan_Ujasin: It is a fact that binary debian packages are not always compatable with Ubuntu, unless you know they work, not just that they worked for you, I think you should not recommend them07:51
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lymli had a dream about ubuntu last night :)07:51
jasinJordan, no its not.07:52
lymli dreamt they released ubuntu command & counquer :)07:52
cybercodhello again everyone07:52
L0cKd0wNbookmarked, gonna restart GDM brb07:52
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jasinJordan, its your opinion or expierence, but its hardly a fact.07:52
n2diyzcat[1] :  and I've never heard of edid, so I'm behind the times too.07:52
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jasinn2diy, of course07:52
kiwinz_sucksdebian packages may work, but they're not compiled for ubuntu's custom kernel07:53
Jordan_Ujasin: Join #ubuntu-offtopic please, I don't want to clutter a support channel07:53
kiwinz_sucksso there's no guarantee07:53
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L0cKd0wNlol now i have a scrollable destkop.... lol07:53
jasinkiwinz, all kernels are custom, regardless of the distro.07:54
L0cKd0wNkinda cool.... kinda07:54
kiwinz_sucksi know that, jasin07:54
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kiwinz_sucksthat's what i'm saying07:54
jasinkiwinz, then what you just said is illrelavent07:54
kiwinz_sucksnot at all07:54
voidmageAny boinc users?07:54
kiwinz_sucksit's as relevant as saying gentoo binaries don't work with ubuntu07:54
kiwinz_suckskernels are different07:54
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voidmageAny boinc users know how to get boinc to use nice?07:54
n2diyjasin, I did my best not to go into RMS mode.07:55
jasinkiwinz, if kernels being custom was a problem  then people would have to compile source code packages would not work in anything.07:55
kiwinz_sucksnot at all, jason, because packages are compiled per distro, with their kernel in mind07:56
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FFForeverhow can i extract a .pak?07:56
zcat[1] n2diy: If there's an open-source program that can read the EDID data, it's hardly Microsoft's fault if the xorg-config isn't making use of it.. right?07:56
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Jordan_Ujasin: It is not only a kernel problem, it is also a problem with differing library / dependency versions among other things07:57
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L0cKd0wNthis might be overkill, but do other distros handle resolution better than this... say fedora?07:57
kiwinz_suckseven packages from earlier ubuntu releases often have problems with edgy07:57
n2diyzcat[1] : I have no clue what EDID is, but if M$ own it, yes it is a problem for open source.07:57
L0cKd0wNused that for a while, until i switched to here heh07:57
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L0cKd0wNi've also not tried to run fc607:57
L0cKd0wNon this new lcd07:57
jasinJordan, if its that much of a problem then no one should even be ussing linux.07:57
kiwinz_sucksL0cKd0wN, resolution support is pretty sketchy, but i can tell you fedora core 6 sucks in general07:58
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kiwinz_sucksjasin--stop making assumptions.  people use linux because packages are made per distro07:58
kiwinz_sucksthat's why you have ubuntu repositories, not debian repositories07:58
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L0cKd0wNuh huh...07:58
Jordan_Ujason: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/MarkShuttleworth look at the section "What about binary compatibility"07:58
kiwinz_suckslockdown, you just need your screen resolution fixed?07:59
jasinkiwinz, like Jordan has been doing?07:59
zcat[1] n2diy: you're assuming ... I'd have to google and see if there's any legal reson not to use it. But I suspect it's just something nobody got around to doing yet.07:59
L0cKd0wNso im S.O.L it seems heh07:59
jasinJordan, no thanks.07:59
kiwinz_sucksjasin--i'm not here to pick sides, i don't know what Jordan's been doing, but i know YOU are making assumptions that aren't true07:59
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, correct, im at my native resolution (which is apparently 1440x900) but it looks off07:59
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kiwinz_suckshow did you get it to that resolution?07:59
L0cKd0wNi told it07:59
carpenterThecan anyone suggest a good UI for cron?07:59
L0cKd0wNthats what i was running under windows xp08:00
jasinkiwinz, obviosuly you are considering you have said not a word to him about any of this.08:00
n2diyzcat[1] : I think you are making assumptions too, if we could play with it don't you think a million OS propramers would be doing it?08:00
kiwinz_sucksthe easiest way to fix resolution is to simply replace the correct the horizontal and vertical refresh rates in your xorg.conf, make sure your default depth includes your resolution, and restart08:00
kiwinz_sucksif you used any other complicated method to do it, it was unnecessary08:01
arrenlexn2diy: This sounds like an interesting discussion; what are you talking about?08:01
IntuitiveNippleEDID is a VESA standard for display discovery, basically08:01
jasinthinking you are at the correct resolution does not mean you are.08:01
L0cKd0wNso i should edit xorg.conf directly? i've been using the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:01
kiwinz_suckslockdown--again, you assume.  i haven't been following your conversation, i just noticed you were saying all debians worked with ubuntu, which is untrue08:01
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kiwinz_sucksyeah, edit it manually08:01
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tomas_is there an easyubuntu for UBUNTU 6.10?08:01
n2diyarrenlex: open source/closed source support for drivers and what not.08:01
kiwinz_sucksdo you know your horizontal and vertical frequencies?08:01
zcat[1] n2diy: according to wikipedia it's a completely open and documented standard from VESA.08:01
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zcat[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDID08:02
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, no, but when i ran the command, it detected them for me08:02
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Jordan_Ujasin: I gave you a link to Mark shutleworth's wiki entry about why there IS binary incompatability between Ubuntu and Debian and you refuse to read it? why?08:02
L0cKd0wNjust had to answer the questions one by one08:02
kiwinz_suckslockdown--that's what it says, anyway08:02
kiwinz_sucksi've done it multiple ways08:02
kiwinz_suckskubuntu even tried to auto-configure it for me08:02
kiwinz_sucksbut it messed up08:02
L0cKd0wNand i don't i said all debians worked with ubuntu, im not experienced enough to say anything remotely intelligent in this place lol08:02
n2diyzcat[1] : cool, when you go on vacation you'll fix it for us, right?08:03
kiwinz_suckstomas_ try http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html08:03
L0cKd0wNi don't think*08:03
jasinJordan, *yawn*08:03
kiwinz_suckslockdown--not you, i was talking to jasin08:03
L0cKd0wNah :)08:03
kiwinz_sucksjasin, are you a troll?08:03
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kiwinz_sucksi'm thinking as much08:03
zcat[1] n2diy: My point; it's broken because nobody got around to writing the code yet, NOT because MSFT won't let them!08:03
jasinkiwinz, are you an ass?08:03
n2diyzcat[1] : cool, when you go on vacation you'll fix it for us, right?08:03
=== arrenlex sets up a stand to hand out free chill pills.
Jordan_U!language | jasin08:04
ubotujasin: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:04
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RudyValenciaAre the repositories for breezy still active?08:04
zcat[1] n2diy: Why don't you. You're the one that claimed it was some conspiracy from MSFT why it doesn't work already...08:04
cybercodugh... i hate it when things get ugly08:04
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tomas_is this suppose to be a one line command?08:04
tomas_wget -q http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -08:04
kiwinz_sucksone line08:05
Jordan_Utomas_: Yes08:05
Quinnhi, I just want to thank everyone in the community for being so helpful, more and more I am switching to open source and one that makes it great are helpful ppl on here and forums :)08:05
n2diyzcat[1] : I don't get vacations, and I don't code!08:05
cybercodtomas   read much Raymond E Feist?08:05
tomas_it only says OK08:05
tomas_then nothing happens08:05
kiwinz_sucksyou're welcome, quinn08:05
kiwinz_sucks...from the community08:05
kiwinz_suckstomas, that's all you need08:05
cybercodthats just the key tomas08:05
cybercodyou still need to start it up08:05
kiwinz_suckswhen you access a repository, you have a key to validate it08:06
kiwinz_sucksthe command you entered just downloaded the key08:06
zcat[1] n2diy: perhaps I'll add it to my script.. I've already got a fairly goot bit of code to detect and find/configure drivers for nvidia cards...08:06
cybercodafter you download it from repo08:06
zcat[1] *good08:06
Moon_RabbitsHow come when I try and create a symbolic link to my second disc in the slash-root it says that it already exists, but I can't see it, even in my root account?08:06
arrenlexQuinn: 1. Help out on ubuntu IRC08:06
arrenlex2. ???08:06
arrenlex3. Profit!08:06
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arrenlex^ is ~'s plan.08:06
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kiwinz_suckstomas, use this link:08:06
kiwinz_sucksthen double-click the file it downloads and it will install easy ubuntu08:07
cybercodoh no... not the underpants gnomes!!!08:07
n2diyzcat[1] : ok, I'm re-training to get into the workplace again, what, if, I can learn to code, what language should I learn?08:07
h3xisn2diy, python08:07
L0cKd0wNif I pastebinned my xorg.conf , could you guys take a look ?08:07
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RudyValenciais breezy still working?08:07
kiwinz_suckscertainly, lockdown08:07
Jordan_UMoon_Rabbits: Does the name begin with a period? ( that is how you make a file/folder hidden in *nix )08:07
L0cKd0wNok fabulous08:07
kiwinz_sucksrudy-- breezy is still up, i think, yes08:07
RudyValenciaok cool08:07
n2diyh3xis: Thank you.08:07
tomas_if i type that in the terminal, should i expect for something else to pop up or something08:08
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tomas_it only says OK08:08
FlannelRudyValencia, yep.  Breezy is still supported until April08:08
adorablepuppySynaptic seems to be very slow right now (about 3 kBps), is there some reason?08:08
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PFAcan someone help me with bitlbee... i know to "just ask" but i don't even know what i am asking!! this whole thing is confusing the heck out of me. it is really bad.08:08
kiwinz_suckstomas, no, it shouldn't say anything else or pop up08:08
cybercodadorable... you're not the first person having that trouble... so ... hmmm08:08
h3xisn2diy, ive just started learning it and it's been kind of "easy" but i also have some basic knowledge in java and c++ but it seems like a good language to pick up08:08
kiwinz_sucksclick this link to download the easyubuntu program:  http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/files/easyubuntu_latest.deb08:08
tomas_then how do i get the ubuntu08:08
Moon_RabbitsJordan_U: No, it's got no period. e.e;; Well, this is only my first day on a *nix distro so :}08:08
RudyValenciaWhat's the diff. between Ubuntu and Debian - other than Ubuntu being more up-to-date?08:08
Jordan_Uadorablepuppy: I think one of the mirrors is slow today08:08
tomas_i downloaded it, installed it, then type that one line command08:08
tomas_i thought i will get the options to choose which one to install (flash, java, etc.)08:09
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kiwinz_sucksyes, you will08:09
n2diyh3xis: Roger that, I can navigate Basic, and PERL, and that is it.08:09
kiwinz_suckstry typing "easyubuntu" into your terminal08:09
h3xisn2diy, i couldnt motivate myself to learn perl08:09
n2diyh3xis: And HTML.08:09
adorablepuppyMy usual speed on synaptic is near my cap rate (3Mbps). 3kBps is absurd! :D08:09
h3xisn2diy, haha who doesnt know html08:09
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tomas_get it THANKS08:09
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cybercodThe repos are slow... must be a M$ conspiracy08:10
Moon_RabbitsJordan_U: Where do I put the folder when I create the link? I don't see periods before any other folder names and it let me create my other folders/directories without periods.08:10
arrenlexadorablepuppy: If the rest of your internet is significantly faster, it might just be that your mirrors are in bad shape at the moment.08:10
B_166-ER-XI have a problem with a fresh Edgy install (tried with dapper, does the same thing) , on a dual boot machine with Win Xp,  i cannot get the internet working, its set to 'DHCP'  and all...theres jsut..no juice.  It works fine on My install though, as with Win Xp (i am now on anoter pc with Edgy ) anyone have and idea where to look ?08:10
Flanneladorablepuppy, it's the mirror you're using.  If it really bothers you, change mirrors08:10
Moon_RabbitsWhere do I put the period when I create the link?*08:10
n2diyh3xis: html, the copy and paste language!08:10
kiwinz_suckslockdown, do you have the manual for your monitor?08:10
h3xisn2diy, yeah really.08:10
=== burepe [n=burepe@p1155-ipbfp202kyoto.kyoto.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
cybercodmoon-rabbis    hit CTRL+H... that will show you all hidden folders08:10
adorablepuppyFlannel: How do I change mirrors?08:11
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, Im not sure08:11
n2diyh3xis: It works.08:11
kiwinz_sucksthat would help greatly08:11
L0cKd0wNi could look it up online i think08:11
Flanneladorablepuppy, there's a way through synaptic and/or software properties, but it's much easier to manually edit your sources.list08:11
Moon_Rabbitscybercod: I have it set to display hidden folders already, but there isn't already a link to my drive-two folder in my slashroot08:11
kiwinz_sucksthat's a good idea08:11
cybercodah... ok... just tryin to help08:12
Moon_RabbitsThanks anyways~08:12
=== igor [n=igor@84-255-241-173.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu
kiwinz_sucksalso, do you have a backup of you original xorg.conf?  reconfigure should have made one08:12
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kiwinz_suckspost that one for me, if you could08:12
jasinThat jerks on ignore08:12
h3xisn2diy, oh i know. back in the late 90s when i was a kid i used to make all kinds of sites and play with html using notepad and copying and pasting was a habit08:12
adorablepuppyflannel: Is that adding the "deb" lines? Is there another mirror for main packages then?08:12
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jasinlockdown, have they got your resolution problem fixed?08:12
SpinnakerWhich folder should I put XCHAT scripts? PLS HELP ME08:13
Flanneladorablepuppy, there's lots of mirrors.  I'm... not entirely sure where you'd find a list of them though, but yeah, it's the urls after each "deb" or "deb-src" line08:13
h3xisSpinnaker, put it wherever you feel like08:13
=== marshall [n=marshall@CPE0000e26ebb11-CM0011e67eb589.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelSpinnaker, probably ~/.xchat/08:13
marshallhey guys08:13
n2diyh3xis: roger that, /edit/view/source.08:13
kiwinz_suckshey marshall08:13
h3xisn2diy, exactly.08:13
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cantonaanyone know where can I buy a "linux plate"?08:13
marshallcan somebody help me install banshee 0.11.3 plugins from svn? i have no idea how this works08:13
adorablepuppyAre these the mirrors? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:14
Jordan_Uadorablepuppy: Go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources08:14
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/08:14
ydnarhas anyone used skype v3 for windows via wine?08:14
L0cKd0wNjasin, not yet08:14
L0cKd0wNworkin on it08:14
jasinspinnaker, you can put them anywhere you like.08:14
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, http://rafb.net/p/vNpXXT27.html08:14
jasinLockdown, figures08:14
L0cKd0wNthats xorg.conf.backup08:14
Flanneladorablepuppy, I believe.  these are hte official ones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive/OfficialMirrors08:14
Spinnakerokay thx08:15
L0cKd0wNthe screen is just somewhat off, but it's very noticeable enough to be a huge bother08:15
Jordan_Uadorablepuppy: Where it says "download from" choose "main server"08:15
kiwinz_sucksok, lemme check out the files08:15
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, i ran that command so many times, i prolly butchered the config08:15
kiwinz_sucks...that sucks08:15
cybercodLockdown... i would suggest deleting the 1440x1440 from the display modes... your screen is obviously not a perfect square08:16
kiwinz_sucksare you absolutely sure your native is 1440x900?08:16
adorablepuppyJordan_U: Main server is just as slow as the other one. I'm just going to start trying mirrors08:16
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jasinthe default location for xchat scripts is, ~/.xchat2/ Where "~" represents your home directory i.e.: $HOME/.xchat2/08:16
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Greiblockdown did you buy one of those newegg 180$ monitors?08:17
marshallkiwinz_sucks, thanks but i already consulted ubotu08:17
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IntuitiveNipple1440x900 is a pretty common resolution for widescreen08:17
jasinmain server is not sloww here08:17
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kiwinz_sucksactually, it's 960...08:17
cybercodbut in his xorg.conf... it shows 1440x1440... not x90008:17
jasinlockdown, and now they blame your monitor because they can't fix your problem.08:17
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marshalldoes anybody know what "shift: 347: can't shift that many" means when doing ./autogen.sh?08:17
kiwinz_sucksthat's his OLD config showing 1440x144008:17
cybercodok... sorry..08:18
kiwinz_suckshis other link was posted earlier...no problem08:18
cybercodi'm shuttin up now08:18
Moon_RabbitsIs it possible for me to move anything into the Computer:/// ?08:18
Moon_RabbitsOr is that restricted to only showing me my CDrom/floppy devices + Filesystem?08:18
=== Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu
kiwinz_sucksanyway, if your resolution is right, lockdown, try changing it to 1440x960, not 1440x90008:18
L0cKd0wNthe monitor came with the desktop system heh08:18
Hoxzerhow can I change mouse speed?08:18
L0cKd0wNit was $500 or something, get what i paid for lol08:18
FlannelSo, I just installed (dapper) using LVM, /boot is not on LVM, / and /etc are their own logical volumes, on first boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  is it poor grub configuration? or...?08:19
Moon_RabbitsHoxzer: System -> Preferences -> Mouse08:19
jasinlockdown, a word of advice, if you want to fix something in linux don't bother taking the advice of people here .. read the mans, howtos, and do some research.08:19
kiwinz_sucksmoon_rabbits--computer isn't a location, it's just how nautilus displays different key areas08:19
kiwinz_sucksyou can add something to fstab or something and it will show up there08:19
adorablepuppyAH*, Main has perked up to 2.8 Mbps.08:19
Jordan_UMoon_Rabbits: Sorry, guess I gave you bad advice :)08:20
n2diyHoxzer: click on system/prefrences/mouse?08:20
Moon_RabbitsReally? Okay, cuz that's what I've been trying to do all day and I haven't figured out how08:20
HoxzerMoon_Rabbits: thx08:20
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L0cKd0wNok restarting X brb08:20
L0cKd0wN*crosses fingers*08:20
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=== Ace_NoOne [n=me@p54A55966.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ace_NoOneHi there! Yesterday I installed Gnome and Beryl over my (freshly set up) Kubuntu, and now my machine only boots into terminal/CLI mode - any clue how to fix this?08:21
kiwinz_sucksace_noone, what instructions did you follow?08:21
kiwinz_sucksyou shouldn't have altered the boot whatsoever08:21
FlannelAce_NoOne, do you get any errors?  (you might try asking in #ubuntu-xgl, that's the XGL/Beryl channel)08:21
Ace_NoOnethe Ubuntu wiki's08:21
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kiwinz_sucksthe best guide to use is the beryl official one08:21
=== L0cKd0wN [n=anom@n128-227-58-77.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
L0cKd0wNi can't see my mouse cursor!!! O_o08:22
Jordan_UAce_NoOne: Did you use XGL?08:22
L0cKd0wNand it looks more horrible lol08:22
jasinace_no, type startx to load x08:22
L0cKd0wNthank god for [tab] 08:22
Ace_NoOnewell, I didn't get any errors; what happened is Gnome locked up, I pressed CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE - and then nothing worked anymore, so I couldn't finish the Beryl installation08:22
jasinace_no, kdm to load kde, gdm to load gnome08:22
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kiwinz_suckswell then probably you should change your xorg.conf back to how it was so you can use your mouse08:23
arrenlexjasin: That's not how it works.08:23
cybercodLockdown... do lower resolutions look bad too?08:23
FlannelAce_NoOne, definately ask in #ubuntu-xgl, they should be able to help you out.08:23
arrenlexjasin: Those are different display managers which can each lode any other system. It just happens that GDM is written in GTK and KDM is written in QT.08:23
jasinarrenle, oh so start x wont load x? yeah, whatever.08:23
arrenlexload ***08:23
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arrenlexjasin: The other thing. About kdm and gdm.08:23
jasinarrenlex, I know what their written in, thanks.08:23
arrenlexjasin: You know what they're written in but not what they do?08:24
n2diyWhat does ctrl+alt+ (+ or -) do?   Is that screen resolution, or just zooming in or out?08:24
kiwinz_sucksalright, i've got an idea, lockdown08:24
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jasinarrenlex, thats your opinion08:24
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arrenlexjasin: What is?08:24
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kiwinz_sucksn2diy-- it cycles through you different X sessions08:25
kiwinz_sucksarrenlex, ignore him08:25
mlpugi have fresh edgy on ibm thinkpad T20. machine halts totally roughly three times out of four boots. this is around where it is supposed to go into graphical mode. how to debug this?08:25
kiwinz_suckshes trolling, and has been for a while now08:25
=== echosystm [n=echosyst@dsl-203-113-239-219.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jasinThe xinit program allows a user to manually start an X server. The startx script is a front-end for xinit.08:25
arrenlexkiwinz_sucks: Oh. Someone should put up a "do not feed the trolls sign".08:25
arrenlextrolls" sign.08:25
Greibaww no nerd fight... tragic08:25
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
n2diykiwinz_sucks: so  it cycles through the xorg.conf settings?08:25
kiwinz_sucksbascially, yeah08:25
Ace_NoOnenvm guys, fixed it by restoring the xorg.conf (thank god I'd made a backup)08:25
mlpugis there some general rule to make settings in xorg.conf more safe?08:26
=== KryptoDivinus [n=kryptodi@host-84-221-219-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
jasinThe two alternative methods for starting an X server is by using a display manager and starting the X server and then manually starting one or more clients. Using a display manager is the most commonly used method.08:26
n2diykiwinz_sucks: Hello, can't we test our resolution settings that way?08:26
adorablepuppyI noticed a virus scanner in the synaptic package manager, is this really necessary? Are there viruses for linux now?08:26
arrenlexjasin: (00:22:46) jasin: ace_no, kdm to load kde, gdm to load gnome <---- wrong.08:26
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burepe I using a faq to add virtual hosts to apache and it says to "# Add this line to the Hosts file:08:26
burepe     directory.thepalace.com08:26
burepe " I am not sure what I am supposed to change the values to for my set up. Can someone tell me what the number means and if I am supposed to add the directory in the root of my apache install as as part of my url?08:26
L0cKd0wNok i tried to put everything back, the best i could08:26
L0cKd0wNstill no mouse pointer08:27
cybercodadorable... it helps to be able to scan files for viruses so you don't give them to poor disillusioned windows users08:27
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@pool-70-109-109-227.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
L0cKd0wNi have an extra problem now, wahoo!08:27
arrenlex!virus | adorablepuppy08:27
ubotuadorablepuppy: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:27
kiwinz_sucksoh geez08:27
Jordan_Uadorablepuppy: That is mostly for scanning for windows viruses so you don't send them to somebody else or as a mail filter08:27
jasinarrenlex, In the X Window System, an X display manager runs as a program, allowing starting a session on an X server from the same or another computer.08:27
adorablepuppy:D I see, protection for outgoing files.08:27
Ace_NoOnebtw: how can I edit a file (e.g. the xorg.conf) as root? on KDE, there's an item for that in the context menu, but on Gnome it seems I have to change file permission via the terminal first!?08:27
kiwinz_sucksso then copy everything frmo the link you gave me, and replace your entire xorg.conf with it08:27
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasinarrenlex, I know what display managers do, thanks.08:27
riotkittieuhhh. is there a way to logout of gnome via command line?08:27
kiwinz_sucksit'll put the settings back to what they were when it worked08:27
L0cKd0wNuhhh could you send that link back to me08:27
L0cKd0wNlol thx08:27
cybercodwow.. i think he's got a chip on BOTH shoulders08:28
L0cKd0wNone step ahead haha08:28
jasinarrenlex, stop being a jerk08:28
r_rehashedwhen i boot, i get an error saying `tty: job-control turned off' and it goes into an `(intramfs)' prompt08:28
L0cKd0wNargh! i can't click it no pointer lol08:28
r_rehashedwhat does this mean?08:28
kiwinz_suckslockdown, try ctrl+a08:28
n2diyriotkittie: init 2?08:28
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Jordan_UAce_NoOne: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is a way to make a menu item like in KDE but I don't remember how08:28
r_rehashedthe error is not exact. it's something like that08:28
=== hammad [n=hammad@S010600123fc424fd.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kiwinz_sucksWAIT, use this one:  http://rafb.net/p/ye2Ifv76.nln.html08:29
kiwinz_sucksgot rid of the extra crap for you08:29
hammadHi I'm new to Ubuntu I'm having a problem listening to anything from my speakers on my computer, if someone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.08:29
cybercodhammad.. no sound at all?08:29
erpoHey all. What cool software can I add to my edgy machine to spiff out my desktop? I'm thinking along the lines of a compositor or xplanet or some linux version of Mac OS X's dashboard widgets. What software might I not have heard of before?08:29
erpo*Edgy machine08:29
L0cKd0wNsudo KILL URSELF08:29
L0cKd0wNlol, thats how i feel right now08:30
hammadNone cybercod08:30
kiwinz_suckshammad, double-click your speaker icon in the panel and make sure all your options are turned on and the volume is up08:30
L0cKd0wNok thanks kiwinz_sucks08:30
kiwinz_sucksyou might have to edit the preferences08:30
Ace_NoOnebtw: thx Jordan_U08:30
cybercodok.. hammad... the basics... speakers plugged in... turned on... plugged into correct jack?08:30
hammadwhen i go into windows everything works fine.08:30
cybercodhammad... apples and oranges08:30
hammadhehe as far as i can see in ubuntu nothing is muted08:30
cybercodbut yes, that verifies they're hooked up properly08:30
kiwinz_suckserpo, Beryl is the compositor to use, and gdesklets add widgets08:31
Ace_NoOneJordan_U: what would be the command for accessing the GUI for file permissions tho?08:31
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cybercodhammad  you have a volume icon next to clock?08:31
hammadother than "capture"08:31
jasinlinux does not have virus problems? LOL08:31
Jordan_Uerpo: beryl , bb ( ascii animation demo ) , kiba-dock ( composited dock with a physics engine, requires composited WM like beryl )08:31
hammadyes i do08:31
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kiwinz_sucksAce_NoOne, if you have permission to change the file, just right click on it08:31
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kiwinz_sucksif not, you have to do it from the command line08:31
L0cKd0wNok brb again :)08:31
FlannelJordan_U, libcaca is better than AA/BB anyway -- color ASCII08:31
jasin   The myth that Linux is immune to viruses still persists.08:32
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cybercodhammad  if you r-click the icon and hit preferences, what device does it show that it is using?08:32
jasinAnd thats very sad, people should know better.08:32
erpoJordan_U, kiwinz_sucks: Thanks. :)08:32
r_rehashedhammad: does the volume bar come down when u click on the volume icon?08:32
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: but I usually don't (as I'm a non-adminstrative user by default, ain't I?)08:32
hammadHDA Intel Alsa Mixer08:32
hammadand next drop down is08:32
cybercodhammad onboard sound?08:32
hammadSigmatel SCaC9221 something08:33
cybercodhammad... do you have both a sound card AND onboard sound?08:33
r_rehasheda similar thing happened to me and i found my card didn't support gstreamer08:33
kiwinz_suckswell what are you trying to do?  if you just want to change access to the folder/file, the command is "sudo chmod 777 (file path here)"08:33
hammadya the volume bar comes down08:33
hammadwhen i clikc on it08:33
kiwinz_sucksthat'll give everyone read/write08:33
hammadI'm not sure what I have08:33
hammadexactly how can I check?08:33
jasinViruses by Type: Linux http://www.viruslibrary.com/virusinfo/Linux.htm08:33
kiwinz_sucksif you want, i posted a script on my site that will allow you to right-click on any file or folder to access it08:33
Flannelkiwinz_sucks, and is usually one of the best methods of destroying a system08:34
kiwinz_sucksflannel-- if you're sharing a pc with sensitive data, but most people aren't08:34
=== L0cKd0wN [n=anom@n128-227-58-77.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
cybercoddo you have two sets of sound jacks?  one vertical near the mouse and keyboard plugs? and a second set lower horizontally in one of the card bays?08:34
kiwinz_sucksbetter now, lockdown?08:34
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L0cKd0wNok back to normal, at 1280 x 1024 upon startup08:34
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: what I'm trying to do is to "un-gray-out" the file permissions section in the properties window08:34
L0cKd0wNbrb have an idea08:35
kiwinz_sucksAce, you can't do that unless you already have permission to the file08:35
jasinomly root should be able to edit files on your system.08:35
jasinonly root should be able to edit files on your system.08:35
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: but how do I get permission - how do I make Ubuntu/Gnome ask me for the root pw08:35
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kiwinz_suckslockdown, if you give me your monitor make and model, i can startup my kubuntu live cd and see what it configures08:35
=== GOATSLAYER [n=shayan@ip68-101-105-112.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jasinUse sudo08:35
FlannelSo, I just installed (dapper) using LVM, /boot is not on LVM, / and /etc are their own logical volumes, on first boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  How do I fix this?08:36
adorablepuppyI've been using different linux distros for years now, but I think Ubuntu is the one like the best. So far anyway. . .08:36
kiwinz_sucksthat's a how-to for a script so you can access stuff as root08:36
kiwinz_sucksfrom there, you can change permissions in the GUI08:36
hammadI have nothing near the mouse and keyboard USB plugins08:36
=== dawn [n=dawn@dslb-084-062-131-021.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
hammadThe place where my speakers go in are above in a little jack, its beside the mic jack n stuff08:36
GOATSLAYERguys, someone told me to """"svn co""""  some site, and the terminal does not recognize svn as a command, what do i do?08:36
cybercodhammad... so there's just the one set of sound jacks08:36
hammadyes your right.08:36
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jasindont change permissions thats a potential securirty risk, use: sudo gedit08:37
kiwinz_sucks!svn | GOATSLAYER08:37
ubotuGOATSLAYER: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/08:37
arrenlexGOATSLAYER: install the subversion package08:37
cybercodbe right back...08:37
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Ace_NoOnethx Kiw08:37
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Ace_NoOnethx kiwinz_sucks*08:37
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GOATSLAYERarrenlex: is that sudo apt-get install subversion?08:37
arrenlexGOATSLAYER: Yep.08:37
adorablepuppyHmm.  .  . One thing I'm wondering about. Is there any way to reinstall (or verify) a package that has already been installed? An issue came up the other day in which I accidentally deleted a file, I knew what file it was, but still could do nothing about it.08:37
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jasinadorable, yes synaptics08:38
arrenlexadorablepuppy: apt-get install --reinstall package :)08:38
Bhaskarhow can i merge two po files into single one08:38
adorablepuppy:D Fantastic!08:38
Jordan_U!hi | feli08:38
ubotufeli: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:38
L0cKd0wNwhat if i tried like XGL, would that render my desktop differently, perhaps hiding the resolution problem?08:38
L0cKd0wNi saw the words compiz, xgl thrown around08:38
Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: no08:38
Kr0ntabadorablepuppy, just to add to the answers you got, apt-file is a great package to use as well....08:38
macdany reason   kernel-patch-grsecurity2 isnt a package anymore?08:38
kiwinz_suckslockdown, what's your monitor model?08:39
Kr0ntabapt-file allows you to look for packages that certain files belong to08:39
L0cKd0wNwell i suppose i could put up with it....08:39
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L0cKd0wNlol one sec, lemme look08:39
L0cKd0wNmodel 692008:39
jasinadorable, you can also use  aptitude08:39
jasinto check installed packages, not installed, etc..08:39
riotkittieugh. all of a sudden, gnome wont fully load08:39
Jordan_U!fixres | L0cKd0wN, sorry if you have already been given this link, but08:39
ubotuL0cKd0wN, sorry if you have already been given this link, but: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:39
kiwinz_sucksthat's all of it?  like, no letters or anything?08:39
adorablepuppyKr0ntab: I suppose that may come in handy. :)08:39
jasinadorable, sudo aptitude08:40
L0cKd0wNtheres letters08:40
=== L0cKd0wN lifts monitor up agani
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L0cKd0wNL192 widescreen08:40
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kiwinz_sucksif you want to try the hard way, i have posted a tutorial on my site: http://othello.alma.edu/~07tmhopk/ubuntuhowto.html#resolution08:40
Jordan_U!fixres | L0cKd0wN, sorry if you have already been given this link, but08:40
ubotuL0cKd0wN, sorry if you have already been given this link, but: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:40
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jasinlockdown, still having resolution problems?08:41
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burepecan someone tell me if this brings them to a directory? www.ekoshi.net08:41
L0cKd0wNof course :)08:41
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jasinlockdown, dont suprise me08:41
CyberCodhammad still there?08:41
Jordan_Uburepe: Yup :)08:41
h3xisburepe, yes. it's /08:41
burepewhat is in it?08:41
rdvwhere does Ubuntu keep its record of installed packages?08:41
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A[D] minS!suspend08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
hammadim still here08:42
arrenlexrdv: dpkg -l08:42
Kr0ntabbtw folks, I asked in here yesterday if anyone had luck getting a Dell wireless 5700 miniPCI EVDO card to work under Linux.  I got it working... same as all the others.  usbserial module and pppd.08:42
n2diyrdv: use "locate *.deb"08:42
hammadI did lspci this is whats in there only thing i can c related to audio if it helps08:42
L0cKd0wNJordan_U, ok checking it out08:42
Kr0ntabjust for the chat logs, and if anyone carres.  hehe.08:42
kiwinz_suckslockdown, i found a link to the specs i think08:42
kiwinz_suckshold on08:42
Jordan_U[DIR]  ekoshi/                 07-Jan-2007 12:43    -08:42
Jordan_U[DIR]  phpmyadmin/             29-Sep-2006 00:12    -08:42
Jordan_U[   ]  test.php08:42
L0cKd0wNyea found it too :)08:42
burepeJordan_U: thanks h3xis08:42
CyberCodhammad     Click System> Preferences> Sound08:42
Ace_NoOnehmm... when executing the wireless assistant, I get an error "file '/etc/resolv.conf' could not be opened for writing"08:43
hammadIntel Corporaration 82081G (ICH7 Family)  High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)08:43
kiwinz_sucksthink i found it08:43
kiwinz_sucksshould be easy08:43
hammadk im there08:43
h3xishaha hammad i have that same chipset08:43
riotkittieis there some way to kill gnome and make it forget what was running ?08:43
CyberCodhammad at the bottom... whats the default sound card08:43
hammaddo you get sound ?08:43
CyberCodand are there other options08:43
h3xishammad, yes08:43
Bhaskarsvg:how can i merge two po files into single one08:43
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hammadHDA Intel08:43
hammadis at the bottom08:44
Bhaskarh3xix:how can i merge two po files into single one08:44
rdvarrenlex, n2diy: i found some files but i remember seeing a list of installed packages by date08:44
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CyberCodhammad is there another option?08:44
sachi, what is the minimum recommended space required for /boot?08:44
hammadnothing drops down08:44
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hammadjust highlights it again08:44
kiwinz_suckslockdown, make a backup of your current xorg.conf, so when you paste this new one in, you can revert back if i mess it up08:44
n2diyrdv:  roger that.08:44
jasinlockdown, you been in here for over a half hour now and they still haven't got your problem fixed.08:44
L0cKd0wNjasin, more like 1.5 hours08:45
L0cKd0wNbut im patient cuz im grateful for help08:45
jasinlockdown, thats sad.08:45
CyberCodhammad     and if you click the system sounds  play buttons there you get nothing?08:45
n2diyriotkittie: ctrl+alt+backspace, but will kill every thing running in X.08:45
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, roger08:45
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rdvn2diy: that information is in one of the .deb files?08:45
hammadPlay System Sounds? I don't understand what you mean.. It's already checked...08:45
kiwinz_suckshere's the new one you should try: http://rafb.net/p/gVm0Ia80.nln.html08:45
riotkittien2diy, that was the first thing i tried. didnt solve my problem ;/08:46
CyberCodjasin, i feel so pitiful rising to your bait, but the only thing really sad that I can see here is the vibe you're putting off08:46
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hammadOh i see what you mean cyber08:46
rdvn2diy: i once found information telling me exactly when i installed certain packages08:46
n2diyrdv: no you should find a directory named archives, with all teh *.debs in it.08:46
sacis 100MB for /boot enough or more? how much space is normally recommended?08:46
hammadSound not set for this event08:46
hammadthats what it says.08:46
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CyberCodhammad ok... set one08:46
hammadya nothing08:46
hammadi dont hear anything08:46
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Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: Well, I havn't been paying attention to what advice you have and havn't been given so I'll try from the top, what kind of card do you have and are you sure you have the correct drivers?08:46
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L0cKd0wNsac: i gave mine 100mb08:47
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hammadtried changing it around n what not08:47
n2diyriotkittie: sudo init 2?08:47
hammadi dont hear anything08:47
L0cKd0wNi have an onboard nvidia card (chipset 6100)08:47
riotkittien2diy, didnt help either08:47
L0cKd0wNi followed initial instructions as per the directions on ubuntu's support site08:47
kiwinz_suckslockdown, if i have the right monitor specs, that xorg.conf file WILL work08:47
rdvn2diy: i found that directory yes08:47
n2diyriotkittie: WTF? What are you trying to do again?08:47
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n2diyrdv: are you running X?08:48
CyberCodHammad... i'm sorry... you'll need to look for more experienced help.  I'm just fielding the easier ones tonite08:48
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burepeIn my hosts file do I put my internal or external ip address?08:48
Haroldi know this is a dumb question, but at the Ubuntu login I hit Control + Alt + Backspace and now I'm in a terminal, how do I go back into the GUI?08:49
kiwinz_sucksand the answer is...?08:49
hammadsure np08:49
jasincybercod, i could careless what you think of me08:49
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hammadcan anyone help me i dont understand why i cant hear anything from my speakers.08:49
L0cKd0wNlooks same08:49
L0cKd0wNand no mouse again08:49
L0cKd0wNi know!08:49
L0cKd0wNbut i got the backup heh08:49
burepe Control + Alt + f7 I think08:49
n2diyrdv: ok, take a note of where that archive/*.deb directory is, and then open nautilus from a terminal, with gksudo nautilus.08:49
h3xishammad, have you checked volume control08:49
hammadit says08:50
CyberCodjasin, i'm glad you could care less  thats just beautiful.  i could care less that you care less.  Its just the kind of person you are.08:50
hammadHDA intel Alsa Control08:50
riotkittien2diy, im trying to get gnome to fully load. ;p  right now, i've got panels with nothing on them , and no desktop08:50
hammadAlsa Mixer08:50
h3xishammad, through alsamixer?08:50
hammadHDA Intel (Alsa mixer)08:50
hammadthats what i says08:50
jasincybercod, good for you.08:50
hammadit says PCM08:50
hammadits full08:50
hammadits not muted08:50
jasincybercod, you done ?08:50
rdvn2diy: i think there's an easier way.  some log file told me what i installed and when.  i can't find it now though...08:50
n2diyriotkittie: do your drop down menus work?08:50
riotkittien2diy, no08:50
h3xishammad, i have the same chipset as you, however i am not using ubuntu and i am using a different kernel so i'm not sure what could be wrong :/08:51
h3xishammad, and i do have sound08:51
CyberCodjasin... as soon as i figure out the ignore functions I am08:51
n2diyrdv:  cool, go for it.08:51
riotkittiedrop down menus arent showing on the panels08:51
hammadi dont understand either08:51
jasincybercod, bye jerk08:51
hammadI get sound on MEPIS08:51
n2diyriotkittie: yuck, can you get to a terminal?08:51
Jordan_Uhammad: Does this command make any sound? cat /dev/urandom | /dev/dsp08:51
hammadI can't get my printer or sound to work on Ubuntu08:51
CyberCodoh.   i'm the jerk.08:51
rdvn2diy: found it.  it was just archived by logrotate08:51
kiwinz_suckscybercod, ignore that troll08:51
arrenlexCyberCod: Yay! Apparently I'm a jerk too! We can start a club. With jackets.08:51
riotkittien2diy, yeah, i have tilda running08:51
CyberCodcan I design the logo?08:51
n2diyrdv: ?08:52
hammadjordan how did you make that line?08:52
arrenlexCyberCod: It will have to say "do not feed the trolls!" on the back, but you can design the image.08:52
hammadafter random08:52
lillywats trolls08:52
n2diyriotkittie: hmm, a tilda ehh, what happen when you press enter twice?08:52
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CyberCodI just don't understand his bad attitude... it seems like he knows stuff... yet he's such a jackhole about it08:52
Jordan_Uhammad: Shift+bckslash or you can just copy and past the command from my comment08:53
arrenlexlilly: Annoying people with bad attitude which hang around insulting everyone and putting everyone into a bad mood.08:53
rdvn2diy: /var/log/dpkg.log ... the empty file there fooled me.  i had to look at the .gz'd archives08:53
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: I've followed your descriptions there, but ... well, it seems that there is no such folder as "$HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/", so the "Open as Root" script there is not executed ever (or whatever is supposed to happen with it)08:53
jasinthey attack me and say i'm the one with the bad attitude?08:53
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kiwinz_sucksAce--are you using gnome or kde?08:54
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hammadlol shift backspace won't work08:54
n2diyrdv:  your looking for *.deb files remember? Where are they?08:54
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: gnome at this moment08:54
hammadand apparently ctrl+v doesn't work08:54
=== L0cKd0wN [n=anom@n128-227-58-77.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieugh.now i cant resize xchat to get back to tilda. no term for me08:54
n2diyriotkittie: ?08:54
threeonefourhow to kill a process in terminal08:54
Jordan_Uhammad: Sry, I meant shift + backslash :)08:54
arrenlexthreeonefour: killall <name> or kill <pid>08:54
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, could you link me to ur xorg.conf that you edited for me most recently again plz? :)08:54
kiwinz_sucksctrl+z, threeonefour08:54
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kiwinz_sucksactually, i fixed ONE MORE thing in it08:55
arrenlexkiwinz_sucks: That backgroudns a process.08:55
arrenlexbackgrounds *08:55
L0cKd0wNoh really? :)08:55
CyberCodsnide comments = bad attitude     condescending crap = bad attitude     only hanging around so you can show up someone else instead of helping people = bad attitude.... jerk08:55
hammadcat /dev/urandom | /dev/dsp?08:55
arrenlexCyberCod: No more feeding the trolls, please.08:55
rdvn2diy: i found the deb files, but i wasn't looking for them, i was looking for a log08:55
hammadit says Permission denied.08:55
L0cKd0wNsry, i got up to get ice, need another drink to focus08:55
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riotkittieenter twice does nothing08:55
hammad./dev/dsp permission denied08:55
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: also, it also gives me some kinda device error(s) when using the "gedit $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/Open\ as\ root" command08:55
threeonefourarrenlex, thx08:55
hammadbefore it its bash:08:55
n2diyrdv:  I thought you wanted to purge your packages?08:56
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CyberCodok ok... no more feeding the trolls... its not his fault if his mama didn't hug him enough08:56
hammadbash: /dev/dsp Permission denied.08:56
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jasinlockdown, I can fix your resolution but youd otn want my help.08:57
jasinlockdown, I can fix your resolution but you dont want my help.08:57
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Jordan_U!ops | jasin is a troll08:57
ubotujasin is a troll: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso08:57
L0cKd0wNim open to suggestions, thats why im here08:57
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kiwinz_sucksyou can try that new file, lockdown...i had a value entered wrong08:57
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n2diyjasin, it is appearing to me that the want something, and when they learn how to do it, they don't want it anymore!?08:58
kalikianaIs there a way to do "ps -lA" and sort its output?08:58
kiwinz_sucksAce, i have no idea why it's doig that to you...it works for me all the time08:59
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kiwinz_sucksare you copy/pasting the commands directly?08:59
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riotkittieoh well. i will try to figure this out in the a.m.   good nite all!08:59
CyberCodgnite riotkittie08:59
jasinlockdown, your problem is actually very simple to fix.08:59
n2diyriotkitties, gn, 7309:00
princeim new to ubuntu09:00
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kiwinz_suckshi prince09:00
Haroldcan someone help me get back into gnome09:00
Ace_NoOnekiwinz_sucks: well, I guess I'll hzst start from scratch again sometime next week09:00
Ace_NoOnethx for now09:00
igcekhwllo, which is THE BEST linux driver page on the web?09:00
princeand im having trouble with my wireless usb...09:00
CyberCodharold... are you in the black/white terminal?09:00
kiwinz_suckssorry about that09:00
Balsamic_Chickenwhat does !  ops | jasin is a troll mean, is the "is a troll" part of the command?09:01
Haroldyes i am cybercod09:01
CyberCodharold  try    startx09:01
leviathana server of jabber recomended?09:01
elkbuntuBalsamic_Chicken, it's telling us what the !ops call was for, tis all09:01
Harolddidnt work09:01
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CyberCodgive you errors saying that it tried several times?09:01
jasinbalsamic, insulting people is very immature09:01
imbecilehey guys im setting up TOR and privoxy and im stuck on one part im sure someone could easily explain the question i have is line #11   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/720/09:01
Balsamic_Chickenelkbuntu what does troll mean tho09:01
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kiwinz_sucksHarold, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:01
arrenlexBalsamic_Chicken: Everything after the pipe (|) is what ubotu considers the "addressee" of the message. They put it in there to tell the ops what the problem was.09:02
Balsamic_Chickenjasin i'm not insulting anyone, i was asking about a command that was all, still learning my way around konversation09:02
Jordan_UBalsamic_Chicken: No, I added the "is a troll" part, it is just a way of alerting the channel operators that they need to do something, in this case kick somebody09:02
arrenlexBalsamic_Chicken: Annoying people with bad attitude which hang around insulting everyone and putting everyone into a bad mood.09:02
jasinbalsamic, that snot a command thats an insult.09:02
Balsamic_Chickeno cool09:02
jasinbalsamic, thats not a command thats an insult.09:02
elkbuntuBalsamic_Chicken, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll09:02
Balsamic_Chickencool thx everyone for the info, just wanted to know09:02
Haroldi get *Starting GNOME Display Manager...09:02
Haroldbut it stays in the terminal09:02
Balsamic_Chickenelkbuntu thx09:02
L0cKd0wNok here we go again09:03
L0cKd0wNbrb :)09:03
kiwinz_suckswell then something's wrong with gnome09:03
CyberCodharold.. what was last thing you did in gnome?09:03
kiwinz_suckshave you changed any settings or installed anything?09:03
Haroldhit Control + Alt + Backspace at the login screen09:03
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CyberCodhave you rebooted?09:03
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Haroldyes several times09:03
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CyberCodharold... just on the off chance.... try Ctrl+Alt+F709:04
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jasinI got better things to do then to sit in here an be insulted.09:04
jasinI pray you all grow up one day09:04
arrenlexjasin: I'm glad to hear it! :D Bye09:04
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princecould anyone please help me, i'm having trouble connecting to the net using the wireless usb adapter...09:05
elkbuntuJordan_U, CyberCod as much as i am sure you're pleased, it's not good behaviour to cheer a troll off09:05
princetried looking up the net but couldn't find anything i could understand...09:05
igcekthe best page for linux drivers?09:05
CyberCodtrue... sorry... he was just really getting to me... so many helpful people and here he is just being snide and condescending without helping anyone09:06
imbecilehey guys im setting up TOR and privoxy and im stuck on one part im sure someone could easily explain the question i have is what line #11 means  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/720/09:06
kiwinz_sucksprince, someone was on here earlier who just got his/her usb wireless to work...i don't know who, but they might be able to help if you can find them09:06
CyberCodprince.. what brand is it?09:06
n2diyimbecile: were is your internet connection? The only thing listed is 127.0.01, and that is your box!?09:06
princeits aztech wl630usb09:07
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CyberCodprince.  have you tried ndiswrapper?09:07
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imbecilen2diy,  that was a c/p from a tutorial09:07
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princecybercod, i looked that up but i don't understand how to do it09:07
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CyberCodwell, ok... you're gonna have to be open to learning a bit... but most likely it will work09:08
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Jordan_Uimbecile: I have never used tsocks but I belive that what that means is that if you want to run a command like FF with tor, you would type: tsocks firefox09:08
n2diyimbecile: ok, I don't know how to troubleshoot tutorials. Care to give a live example?09:08
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CyberCodprince, open up synaptic package manager09:09
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imbecilen2diy,  the only question i have is what to do with line 11 in the pastebin i have all else configured09:09
princecybercod, i've been to ndiswrapper on sourceforge. but i can't find the model there. i read that most of the adapters will work on netgear drivers09:10
imbecileJordan_U,  thanks, is there any way to have it automatically run when opening firefox?09:10
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gnomefreakprince: packages.ubuntu.com has it so does the install cd09:11
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n2diyimbecile: Sorry I don't know, but i don't _think_ you should be talking though
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CyberCodndiswrapper uses your windows drivers... it acts as a translator between linux and the windows drivers.09:11
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kiwinz_sucksn2diy, i think that's how TOR plays...he doesn't connect to a real server09:11
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L0cKd0wNalright something worked with that config09:12
CyberCodso you need to make sure you have the windows drivers handy09:12
L0cKd0wNthink it looks improved09:12
kiwinz_sucksit's working?09:12
Jordan_Uimbecile: Sort of, You can set it up so that when you choose FF from the Applications menu it will automatically do that, which is what I think you want09:12
NoEvidenZimbecile: Oh man, the other day I got shitty and left when I saw someone call someone else an imbecile and tell him how to fix his problem. Now I know it was just you.09:12
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kiwinz_sucksso, lockdown, here's the deal09:12
n2diykiwinz_sucks: ok, I'm lost, so good luck to you guys.09:12
princei've downloaded them onto a cd but i don't know how to install them since they have install wizards.09:12
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kiwinz_sucksyou need to write down your vert and horiz rates in that config file and keep them safe09:13
imbecileNoEvidenZ,  i just started trying this tonight..hehehe maybe it was someone else09:13
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NoEvidenZimbecile: In that case, I'm shitty again. *pouts*09:13
kiwinz_suckswhenever you reinstall ubuntu or whatever, just put those values in place of whatever is in the config file, add your resolution, and then restart09:13
CyberCodyou could look for them at driverguide.com09:13
NoEvidenZWhat card?09:13
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L0cKd0wNis there a way to anti alias or smooth fonts? or do i need to now install XGL for that?09:14
n2diykiwinz_sucks: and stay on the LOW side of the H. sync rate.09:14
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kiwinz_sucksno, you don't need XGL09:14
n2diykiwinz_sucks: I meant V. sync rate.09:14
arrenlexL0cKd0wN: That's in your gnome settings.09:14
kiwinz_sucksit's in system > preferences > font09:15
CyberCodbe back in a minute... going to make a cup of tea09:15
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kiwinz_sucksyeah, i've had issues before when i messed upt he refresh rates09:15
Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: XGL won't do anything regular xorg can't do unless you have certain ATI cards, and even then all it will help you do is run compiz / beryl09:16
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n2diykiwinz_sucks: yep, drive the V. sync rate to hard/fast, and poof, you'll let the magic smoke out of something.09:16
kiwinz_sucksprobably best settings are: Best Shape , Grayscale, Medium, and RGB09:16
L0cKd0wNok well special thanks to kiwinz_sucks for sticking it through with me09:17
L0cKd0wNthis is as good as its looked tonight so far, it's readable :)09:17
kiwinz_sucksi only know what to do because i've been through way too many lousy tutorials09:17
kiwinz_sucksubuntuforums.org sucks for getting help--too much confusion09:18
princegnomefreak : i've downloaded ndiswrapper from the site u gave me, i will be burning them to a cd and installing from the cd. should i use the add/remove applications or the synaptic package manager?09:18
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n2diykiwinz_sucks: spend an afternoon googling monitor repair, it is enlightening.09:19
L0cKd0wNi find that the support site is for an ideal scenario where everything is supposed to work, i wish i lived in that magical land where a migration to a new OS was smooth lol09:19
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kiwinz_sucksyeah, i agree.  i can tell you, though, after finally taking the "linux dive," i find it WAY easier to maintain than windows09:19
kiwinz_sucksyou figure stuff out once, and the rest is easy09:20
n2diykiwinz_sucks: and that is why you hang out here, no/09:20
L0cKd0wNyea im not completely dumb in this stuff, i've played with fedora for 1.5 years so i have reasonable experience doing basic things in the tty09:20
Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: For future reference, it is a much smoother transition if you buy hardware that is known to be linux compatible09:21
kiwinz_sucksthere are some pretty awesome linux pre-builts out there...problem is they don't get the same hardware deals as Dell and the others, so they're a bit more expensive than you'd think09:21
L0cKd0wNyea, couldn't pass up a Black Friday special in Office Depot at 4am tho09:22
Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: And the next version of Ubuntu will come with Nvidia drivers installed to make that a non issue hopefully :)09:22
n2diyJordan_U: yes, or trash pick it, old hardware work better then new, with linux09:22
CyberCodi thought ndiswrapper was in the repos???09:22
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L0cKd0wNwhen's the next version of ubuntu due?09:22
kiwinz_sucksdoes anyone know if feisty is going to include restricted modules and nvidia?  i want my wireless back  :(09:22
arrenlex!feisty | L0cKd0wN09:22
princeCyberCod: whats repos?09:22
ubotuL0cKd0wN: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+109:22
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L0cKd0wNcute bot09:22
arrenlexUbotu is God.09:22
Jordan_UL0cKd0wN: I know what you mean, I use a macbook pro only because I got it for free :)09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is God. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
n2diyarrenlex: nooo, he broke down this afternoon.09:23
kiwinz_sucksubotu is far from God09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is far from God - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
arrenlexn2diy: What?! Impossible!09:23
n2diyarrenlex: nooo, he was down, for an hour.09:23
kiwinz_sucksdid you get your fonts working lockdown09:23
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ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.09:24
Pie-rateI wish wine was better09:24
CyberCodprince... the ubuntu repositories used with apt-get and synaptic09:24
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toulousePie-rate: me too09:24
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toulouseplay games and such09:24
n2diyPie_rate: me too, that is why I drink beer.09:25
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princeCyberCod: oh ok.09:25
L0cKd0wNkiwinz_sucks, yea still getting used to the way everything is rendered, i still have the feeling its a few pixels narrow, but definitely acceptable09:25
CyberCodprince... yes they are... ndiswrapper-utils and ndisgtk09:25
kiwinz_sucksi used to hate the way ubuntu did fonts09:25
kiwinz_sucksthen i booted back into Windows to play some CoD2 for a bit09:25
kiwinz_sucksand WOW09:25
kiwinz_sucksi can't believe those ever looked good to me09:25
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wyldwhat is dual head mode?09:26
harrisonywyld: in what context09:26
CyberCodwyld two monitors..09:26
Jordan_Uwyld: I believe it is when you have two monitors09:26
arrenlexwyld: MultiHead is a common name for using multiple monitors (heads) at the same time. This can be multiple heads on one videocard, multiple videocards in one computer or even 'distributed' multihead covering multiple computers. Also known as DualHead when there are exactly two heads.09:26
n2diywyld: two monitor, and one box?09:26
harrisonythe tribe has spoken09:26
wyldgraphics cards: dual head mode: activated09:26
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NoEvidenZHow do I tell what version my shell is?09:27
princeCyberCod: so now i've downloaded ndiswrapper and the windows driver of the adapter. i will have to burn onto a disc to install it. should i use the add remove applications or the synaptic package manager?09:27
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arrenlexNoEvidenZ: sh --version09:27
kiwinz_suckshelp > about09:27
wyldwow, thanks you all09:27
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CyberCodget both ndiswrapper-utils and ndisgtk09:27
NoEvidenZarrenlex: Ah yeah.09:27
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CyberCodprince... does the windows driver include an .inf file?09:27
kiwinz_sucksi'd actually suggest ndiswrapper-utils-1.809:27
kiwinz_suckstends to work better09:27
FlannelSo, I just installed (dapper) using LVM, /boot is not on LVM, / and /etc are their own logical volumes, on first boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  How do I fix this?09:27
Jordan_Uarrenlex: Will that work with feisty not using bash for sh?09:28
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arrenlexJordan_U: ...nope. My apologies. I'm not running ubuntu. Doesn't work for dash.09:28
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LucianSolarisug, how do i remove bcm43xx module and get ndiswrapper to autoload?09:28
princeCyberCod : yes it has an .inf file09:28
FlannelJordan_U, change the first line to bash instead of sh09:28
NoEvidenZIs there a way to change the size of my TTY?09:28
CyberCodkiwinz_sucks   ndiswrapper-utils in repos is 1.809:28
n2diyFlannel: I don't know but does run level 5 work?09:28
Jordan_Uarrenlex: Out of curiosity, debian?09:28
arrenlexJordan_U: Yep.09:29
kiwinz_sucksdidn't know that, it didn't used to be09:29
CyberCodthey get updated all the time09:29
L0cKd0wNyea fonts look clean, just unusual to a newcomer09:29
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rizenineHow do I change IRQ's? I have ndiswrapper saying it's using irq 177 and acpi is saying it's using 177 as well. Then all of a sudden the kernel sends a message that it disabled irq 177.09:29
LucianSolarisANYONE: how do I remove the module: bcm43xx and autoload ndiswrapper as a module?09:29
L0cKd0wNi should be grateful that nothing is actually seriously wrong with the installation :)09:29
jimbobcan anyone help. USB mouse stops working after a few min on laptop. Touchpad still works09:29
CyberCodi tend to do things the hard way only when there is no other option09:29
kiwinz_sucksi'm going to make an image of this install while i sleep09:30
kiwinz_sucksthat way i don't have to worry about messing stuff up09:30
L0cKd0wNits 3:30 am09:30
L0cKd0wNwhere does the time go? :\09:30
LucianSolariscan anyone help me?09:30
arrenlexL0cKd0wN: It's a conspiracy. The Government is stealing your time.09:30
Jordan_ULucianSolaris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2909:30
kiwinz_suckssorry it took so long, lockdown09:30
L0cKd0wNheh hardly your fault09:31
L0cKd0wNim sure it'll grow on me09:31
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L0cKd0wNi hope nvidia stuff becomes more automated as development continues09:31
jimbob* can anyone help. USB mouse stops working after a few min on laptop. Touchpad still works *09:31
wylddid you check the cable?09:31
rizenineLucianSolaris put it in the black list.09:31
n2diyLOckdOwN: thanks for the reminder, same here. Time is relative, it doesn't go anywhere.09:31
Flanneln2diy, no.  no matter hat I pick I get "no more jobs at this runlevel"09:31
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jimbobit seems to be a common problem09:31
CyberCodthere's a nice script for installing proprietary nvidia drivers called envy... thats about as automated as you can get09:31
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n2diyFlannel: startx?09:32
iratsu_what's a good way to benchmark internet uplink?09:32
metresHi all09:32
princethanx CyberCod gnomefreak n kiwinz_sucks... i'm gonna try installing the drivers...09:32
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perky_g'day, my usb drive doesn't automount, and I get a "failed to initialize HAL!" error every time i boot.. any ideas?09:32
CyberCodprince... you know how?09:33
perky_edgy 64bit09:33
n2diy! HAL09:33
CyberCodtoo late09:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HAL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:33
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Flanneln2diy, linux hasn't booted yet.  So, startx wouldn't do any good, even if I had a GUI installed ;)09:33
kiwinz_suckshah...64bit...that's why i don't use 64bit09:33
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perky_is it a common prob related to 64bit?09:33
CyberCod64 bit does seem to be more trouble than it is worth09:33
perky_everything works except this.. i can manually mount..09:33
arrenlexperky_: The "hal" package is installed?09:34
n2diyFlannel: and still no run jobs available?09:34
Pie-rateman, rendering battle.net in firefox is a time consuming process, apparently.09:34
arrenlexperky_: And the "pmount" package?09:34
kiwinz_sucksperky, HAL is the usb hotplug09:34
jimbobwho can help with with a usb mouse problem on a laptop?09:34
Jordan_Uperky_: I don't see why being 64 bit would effect HAL09:34
Flanneln2diy: no matter which runlevel I choose, correct.09:34
kiwinz_suckstry adding it to mtab of fstab manually09:34
perky_arrenlex, both are installed09:34
metresI have an encoding problem... when I lock screen, the resulting login shows encoding error (my name is wrongly written)09:34
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Pie-ratemust be blizzard's habit of overusing flash and making ridiculous dhtml(or maybe even flash?) menus09:34
n2diyFlannel: did we try init 509:34
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Jordan_Ujimbob: Ask your question and if anybody knows they will try to help09:35
perky_posted in ubuntuforums.. hopefully someone will eventually respond :)09:35
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kiwinz_sucksmetres, how does it show up in System > Administration > Users ?09:35
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Flanneln2diy, I already told you.  Regardless of what runlevel I chose.09:36
metresI mean correct09:36
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kiwinz_sucksthat's weird09:36
n2diyFlannel: ok, I'm old and forgetful, just double checking. :)09:36
CyberCodits never a good thing when the linux guru says "thats weird" lol09:37
kiwinz_sucksmetres, can you edit your properties in the Users dialog09:37
kiwinz_suckssee if it's wrong in one of those places?09:37
n2diyCyberCod: noo, that is when you have them hooked!09:37
Flanneln2diy, I booted the liveCD, and /etc all looks sane, fstab looks good (although, I'm not sure what a 'good' LVM fstab looks like), inittab is there, as are runlevels.  It's just as if it's not mounting /etc or something.09:38
jimbobmy mouse stops responding after a few min. when this happens all usb devices when pluggin in stop working. the only way to get working is restart the pc. but the touchpad still works without a problem09:38
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CyberCodn2diy good point09:38
kiwinz_sucksjimbob, does another USB port work?09:38
metreskiwinz_sucks : when I tryed creating another user with an  it said wrong caracter in username... but mine is set correctly09:39
n2diyFlannel: I'm lost, I hate to say it but have you re-booted?09:39
CyberCodjimbob  is this during constant use or when pc is idle?09:39
Flanneln2diy, every time I enter a runlevel ;)  it stops accepting input09:39
n2diyCyberCod: :) Now reel them in!09:39
kiwinz_sucksyou tried a "?" in the name?  that might be why09:39
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jimbobconstant use. it's sitting there atm working but as soon as i use it after about 30 sec it stops.09:39
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jimbobbut the touchpad still works09:40
mainerirq conflict?09:40
n2diyFlannel: yuck, a very bad sign.09:40
kiwinz_sucksperky_ i'd just try reinstalling HAL through synaptic09:40
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n2diybe right back09:41
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metreskiwinz_sucks : not a "?"  an "e" with an accent : 09:41
Flanneln2diy, shrug.  It's a fresh install.  What did I install wrong?  /boot isn't on LVM, / and /etc are (on separate logical volumes), which... from what I've gathered is ... doable, google just can't tell me how.09:41
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StarScreamhey guys, got a dapper server...i'm trying to expose mysql to the outside world...i've allowed it via firewall and in my.cnf the bind-address is commented out...what other magic do i need to do to get ubuntu to allow me to expose mysql09:41
jimbobthe mouse works without a problem in windows. only in ubuntu 6.10. when i used 6.06 it worked without a problem09:41
StarScreami've granted access09:42
StarScreamto %09:42
StarScreamfor my db09:42
metreskiwinz_sucks : ? and  are at the same place on an us keyboard....09:42
Pie-ratewhoopsie, good thing i keep my computer password protected and locked down... shred -u Firefox-wallpaper.png before my parents see the thumbnail :)09:42
StarScreambut it says my ip isn't allows to access the db09:42
kiwinz_sucksmetres, so then i take it that e is what's showing up wrong?09:42
kiwinz_suckswhat language are you typing in09:43
metreskeyboard layout: canadian multilingual09:43
CyberCodmetres...perhaps a font setting for the screen lock is the culprit09:44
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CyberCodif there is one09:44
kiwinz_suckscould be the font, yeah09:44
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Balsamic_Chickenhow do make my windows looking like the window vista windows, cuz right now, in beryl when i pick an vista theme, i get the transparent tab alright, but everything under it is normal white color, i like how vista has the line (right below the transparent tabs) that contains:file, edit, insert, etc, black, how could i do that09:45
Pie-ratemeh. no one likes the french, just get a different keyboard.09:45
kiwinz_sucksi don't know when ubuntu starts to look at the fonts, though, so it could be that his language support is allowing him to type it in and see it in gnome, but then it's just not reading it during startup09:45
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kiwinz_sucksbalsamic, are you talking about a GNOME theme?09:46
kiwinz_sucksgnome-look.org, look under the metacity 2.x themes09:46
CyberCodmetres.. this is during the screen lock?  at the login screen? or lockout on the screensaver?09:46
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metresCyberCod : only on the login after a screen lock09:46
CyberCodbut not during the initial login09:47
RichWI need a favour from you guys, if you are running beryl/compiz with a ati card, could you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to http://pastebin.ca and give me the link?09:47
metresMy name doesnt appear on the initial login...09:47
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CyberCodah yes... silly of me09:47
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CyberCodyou could try locking out with screensaver... just create a launcher to start the screensaver and put it in your panel.09:48
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CyberCodmetres does it keep you from logging back in?09:48
kiwinz_sucksrichw, what problem are you having?09:48
RichWjust trying to get my ati card working with compiz so i want to check my conf file with someone elses.09:49
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metresrichw :  http://pastebin.ca/30912509:49
metresCyberCod : what do you mean ?09:50
RichWmetres: thanks.. il look at it.09:50
kiwinz_sucksBeryl > Compiz  :)09:50
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CyberCodRichW... wanna know how I got my compiz working when I had an ati card??? I got an nvidia one :)09:50
metresCyberCod : I am able to log back09:50
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CyberCodmetres  so it is only cosmetic?09:50
n2diyFlannel:  I don't know what went wrong.09:50
RichWmetres: beryl or compiz work fine with your box?09:51
metresCyberCod : yes but I also tried to sign with gpg and my name wasnt right there too09:51
metresRichW : beryl with free driver 8.2809:51
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RichWCyberCod: I have a spare nvidia one but its not as powerful.. nvidia 620009:51
CyberCodrichw... thats much better than the card I'm using... 4200TI09:52
RichWCyberCod: I have ati 9800pro09:52
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RichWCyberCod: 9800 pro beats the cheapo nvidia one easy ;)09:52
CyberCodYou're welcome to send me the nvidia you're not using09:52
RichWCyberCod: ATI drivers suck09:53
kiwinz_sucksi've not had one good experience with ati09:53
CyberCodbut since they were bought out they may improve09:53
kiwinz_suckscountless video cards, two tv cards...09:53
kiwinz_suckshorrible company09:53
CyberCodjust give it a little time09:53
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CyberCodhorrible company that is under new management09:53
RichWWhen i ran vista... it would not do 3D with my ati but the nvidia was fine... i have all sorts of problems with ati09:53
n2diyWho bought out ATI?09:53
metresRichW :  I had to install this version : http://linux.punkforjesus.com/beryl/beryl-0.1.4.tar.gz im on amd 6409:53
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elyon225Anyone know how to correct a problem with the syncing of DVD audio with the video?09:54
CyberCodAMD bought them a couple months back09:54
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metresRichW :  doesnt work with the latest beryl depot09:54
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kiwinz_suckselyon-- try using libdvdcss2 and vlc09:54
CyberCodif you look at their site now... its green09:54
Aiminghighhi, i need to use a configure option in apt-get, how would i do this?09:54
RichWmetres: thanks, I have a model - config file now :)09:54
Aiminghighlike i need to reinstall a program but only beacuse i need to change one configure option09:55
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RichWmetres: what ati card you running?09:55
CyberCodaiminghigh... you may just be able to delete its folder in your home directory ... in a couple instances it has reset some programs to default for me09:56
elyon225kiwinz_sucks: Already have those installed.09:56
CyberCodlook for .whatever in your home folder... cut and paste it to somewhere else so you don't lose it if it don't work09:56
RichWAnyone else running a ATI card with beryl or compiz?09:57
kiwinz_suckselyon, is it with EVERY dvd?09:57
kiwinz_sucksyou can change the audio sync in the preferences09:57
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kiwinz_sucksit's a trial and error process, but it's not too tough, and it works09:57
elyon225kiwinz_sucks: Yes.09:57
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LucianSolarisALL: hey, anyone with wifi (or experience),  what is the best, most functional, wifi scanner and manager program?10:00
LucianSolarisALL: i need a recommendation (knetworkmanager don't detect my wifi (defaults to ethernet) and kwifimanager just plain sux)10:01
LucianSolarisdamn, no one is up???!!10:02
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LucianSolariswifi-radar?  i'll give it a go10:03
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CyberCodprince... how is that going?10:03
princehi cybercod10:03
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LucianSolaristhis is BOTH a scanner and manager?10:03
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princei've installed ndiswrapper and ndisgtk. but i don't know how to use them to install the windows driver10:04
CyberCodprince... you get your wireless workin?10:04
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CyberCodok... you got the drivers? not packed up?10:04
princenope ive unzipped it.10:05
CyberCodyou in ubuntu now?10:05
princenope i'm in windows. i've only got one monitor so i have to unplug ang plug it into the other computer10:05
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CyberCodok... on ubuntu, click System>Administration>Windows Wireless Drivers10:06
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princeCyberCod ok. from there?10:07
CyberCodthen it will come up with a window... you'll click browse, and browse to where you've got the drivers saved... make sure not on a cd... copy them somewhere permanent...10:07
CyberCodyou'll want to select file ending in .inf10:07
princei went through the driver files. the only file with .inf is autorun.inf10:07
princeis that it?10:07
CyberCodif there is more than one, try them out until you get one that says Hardware Detected10:08
CyberCodonce you got that, you should be able to go into System>Administration>Networking and see wlan0 there... that'll be your wireless10:08
FlannelSo, I just installed (dapper) using LVM, /boot is not on LVM, / and /etc are their own logical volumes, init stuff and fstab both look normalish, on boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  How do I fix this? or what's the problem?10:08
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CyberCodit is actually "Hardware Present: Yes" or "Hardware Present: No"10:09
princeCyberCod oh ok.10:09
CyberCodcome back let me know if it worked10:10
princeCyberCod: sure.10:10
CyberCodyou'll need to configure the card in "Networking" to work with your router10:10
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princeCyberCod: thanx again. brb.10:10
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Pie-rateis there a program that reads from stdin and writes to the gnome copy/paste buffer?10:13
RichWPie-rate: sounds like something you could write up in python10:15
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RichWor perl10:15
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jirwinhey there10:18
LucianSolarisALL: hey, how do I get knetworkmanager to show me my wireless (eth0 via ndiswrapper)?10:18
jirwinThis may not be the place to ask this, but I will try.10:18
jirwinI just got my ati drivers working with dual head in edgy10:19
jirwinthe only problem10:19
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jirwinwhen I play a video or sound when I have dual heads enableed I get this error: [00000288]  alsa audio output error: write failed (Broken pipe)10:19
jirwinanyone have any ideas of what may be causing this?10:19
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metal03Hi there10:22
CyberCodlucian, your wireless should be wlan010:22
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CyberCodjirwin... it didn't do that before?10:23
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RichWCyberCod: it varies.. mines ra0 :P10:24
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LucianSolarisit isn't10:24
LucianSolarisnever has been10:24
LucianSolarisit's eth010:24
LucianSolarismy realtek lan device is eth110:24
LucianSolarisnow, for some reason, knetworkmanager seems to overlook eth0 as an enabled device10:25
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LucianSolarishow do i force knetworkmanager to see eth0 as a wireless network device (it's covered eth1 as a 'wired' device)10:25
LucianSolarisso i don't have to run some ugly ass gtk app10:25
CyberCodsorry... lucian... wish I could help10:26
CyberCodi know nothing about kde10:26
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alink1000where can i find some codecs/firefox plugins to support mpeg files?10:28
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jirwinCyberCod: no it didn't10:28
shack_alink1000: install software called automatix10:29
PhuzionI need to install TCL for Eggdrop, whats the easiest way to do so?10:29
jirwinCyberCod: and it goes away once I change my xorg.conf back10:29
alink1000Where can I find it at, shack_?10:29
shack_just a moment10:29
CyberCodjirwin... compare the two xorg.conf files... make sure nothing is changed except for video related stuff10:30
shack_check system-administraion-synaptic package manager10:30
shack_and seach automatix/automatix210:30
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jirwinCyberCod: will do.10:30
shack_it should be there10:30
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Flannelshack_, please don't recommed automatix.10:30
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shack_why? it's been working for me10:31
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:31
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:31
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CuriousCatthat's strange. the java applets on firefox 2 doesn't seem to work all of a sudden.10:31
shack_nothin ;)10:31
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PhuzionYeah, its essentially the same thing10:31
CuriousCatcan anyone point me to the directory where the plugins are? i'm using edgy10:31
PhuzionMy personal suggestion: Don't install Automatix10:32
alink1000system-administraion-synaptic package manager10:32
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SlartCuriousCat: I think there are several dirs for plugins.. one per user and one global10:32
alink1000what's that?10:32
alink1000check it where?10:32
CraZy675I have a ubuntu lamp server and i am trying to apt-get gd, but its asking me to put in the cd-rom, how do i set it to download from the repos?10:32
FlannelCraZy675, remove the CDrom (comment it out) from your sources.list10:32
jirwinCyberCod: a diff of the two files: http://pastebin.osuosl.org/62010:33
PhuzionCraZy675: go to /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out/delete the cdrom repo, then do sudo apt-get update10:33
CraZy675Flannel: thanks10:33
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jirwinCyberCod: it looks to be fine to me10:33
Flannel!mpeg | alink100010:33
ubotualink1000: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:33
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shackalink1000, i've been told not to recommend it, so follow flannel's instructions10:33
LucianSolarisnow, i need either: knetworkmanager to see my eth0 wifi OR a better, more extensive, wifi scanner/viewer/manager (think netstumbler with management capabilities) that doesn't look like gnome ass10:33
CraZy675awe that was so easy10:33
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timbobstevehey all10:34
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LucianSolarisnow, i need either: knetworkmanager to see my eth0 wifi OR a better, more extensive, wifi scanner/viewer/manager (think netstumbler with management capabilities) that doesn't look like gnome ass10:36
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Flannel!repeat | LucianSolaris10:36
ubotuLucianSolaris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:36
timbobstevecan anyone help me diagnose a problem I am having? Out of the blue my machine started taking a ridiculous amount of time to open X applications. e.g. it now takes 20 seconds to open gnome-terminal.... and it never did before. Are there any logs that I can look at to help find what the problem is?10:37
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Ribstimbobsteve, run 'top' and see if all your CPU is being eaten up by something10:37
Phuziontimbobsteve: possible memory leak on something?10:37
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Gyro54Hi all10:37
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flohow can i foundout if my sistem realy uses direct rendering? cedega says it doesn't10:38
Gyro54Can anyone suggest the best method to run a Creative Zen Vision M on Edgy?10:38
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timbobsteveRibs: top says that there is only 4% CPU usage... and that is Xorg using that10:38
Ribsrun top as root?10:39
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Ribstimbobsteve, I know this is very 'window-ish' -- but have you tried rebooting?10:39
magic_ninjawhats up10:39
Ribsmy guess is *something* is screwing around there10:39
Ribsit's a worry top isn't seeing it10:39
timbobsteveRibs: Rebooting doesn't help... and Xorg is still the highest CPU user (when running top as root)....10:40
Ribsthe only time that really happens is if top has been replaced with a altered version :/10:40
jirwinCyberCod: any ideas?10:40
Ribstimbobsteve, does this machine have any servers on it?10:40
Ribseven sshd or something10:40
timbobsteveRibs: from the CLI apps respond at a normal rate, but all apps in X takes forever to load....10:40
alink1000I don't see software properties in administration, just software sources..10:40
Ribsoh, hrm10:41
Ribsthat's... odd10:41
alink1000and it doesn't look the same10:41
alink1000as it says in the wiki10:41
Flannelalink1000, that's what it should be.  It's S.P. in dapper, S.S. in edgy10:41
alink1000maybe it's different in 6.10?10:41
Ribstimbobsteve, which video driver are you using?10:41
timbobsteveRibs: I had sshd and xinetd... but I shut them down... I also killed all the vmware services (I have VMWare Workstation on this machine)10:41
timbobsteveRibs: open radeon driver10:41
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Flannelalink1000, might look a bit different, but the general process is the same10:41
Ribsdoes swapping to vesa fix it?10:41
timbobsteveRibs: will have to check... brb.. gotta kill gaim10:42
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PeeboWell for the first time in 10 years Linux has disappointed me. There does not seem to be a Linux equivalent of dvdshrink.10:44
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StarScreamPeebo: you haven't looked hard enough :)10:44
StarScreamPeebo: google will help you10:45
n30nwhat do i have to do to play .rm files (real media)10:45
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PeeboStarScream, It ha not dvdrip, acid rip not even close to the fuctionality of DVDshrink10:45
StarScreamn30n: real media player10:45
RibsPeebo, http://mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/ -- seriously, first hit on google dude (if you don't mind using wine)10:45
StarScreamgoogle for Linux DVD Shrink10:45
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n30nStarScream: Is that availible for ubuntu10:46
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PeeboWINE is not f*cking LInux10:46
StarScreamn30n: yes...from real networks site10:46
StarScreamPeebo: next link down10:46
StarScreamPeebo: k9copy10:46
PeeboRunning windoze software is not running LInux software10:46
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StarScreamk9 copy isn't windows software.10:47
CVirussudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/cvirus/file.img /media/cdrom/ .... Isnt this the proper way to mount a .img file ?10:47
PeeboStarScream, I had heard of k9copy. Forgot about it in the mist of lies told about dvdrip10:47
CuriousCatPeebo: closest one to dvdshrink is this: http://www.bunkus.org/dvdripping4linux/single/10:47
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roryyCVirus: if it's an iso 9660 image, yes. They typically have extension .iso, though10:48
CuriousCatWhat i need is to change avi, mpg, etc... to DVD10:48
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CuriousCator even VCD10:48
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StarScreamCuriousCat: transcode or ffmpeg10:48
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StarScreamCuriousCat: there are some apps in the ubuntu repos10:48
StarScreamdvd something10:48
CuriousCatah. thanks StarScream10:48
roryyCVirus: try running 'file /home/cvirus/file.img' to see what sort of file it is10:48
CVirusroryy: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,10:48
FlannelI just installed (dapper) using LVM, everything is on LVM except /boot, when I boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  How do I fix this? or what's the problem?10:49
roryyCVirus: odds are it's not an ISO image then, but something else.  I'm not familiar with all the cd image types (bin/cue/...)10:49
n30nso the real.com site let me download a .bin file, what do i do with that to install real player10:49
kd7swhIt seems that I have loaded my notebook full of crap I don't even use again and it is lagging quite badly do you guys think I should wait til Feisty Fawn to do a reinstall?10:50
Flannel!real | n30n10:50
ubotun30n: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:50
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CyberCodcuriouscat.... funny that you should mention it... i was just reading this page on dvd authoring in linux  http://blogcritics.org/archives/2007/01/06/122323.php10:52
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CVirusroryy: image.img: data10:52
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roryyCVirus: that means file doesn't know what sort of file it is10:52
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CVirusroryy: so ?10:53
Ribstimbobsteve, any luck?10:53
timbobsteveRibs: no go... I also took the time to disable AIGLX as well... still no difference10:53
L0cKd0wNdoes thunar work under ubuntu10:53
PeeboCuriousCat, There is nothing there that does what DVDshrink does, BUT k9copy does read like it is a contender, running apt-get now10:53
roryyCVirus: you'll need to find out from the source of this file what sort of data it is10:53
CuriousCatCyberCod: hmm. interesting.10:53
gnomefreakL0cKd0wN: yes10:53
Ribstimbobsteve, I honestly have no idea at this point... Can you run a gui app from terminal and see if anything gets spit out?10:54
L0cKd0wNgnomefreak, do i apt-get it?10:54
CVirusroryy: it is supposed to be a CD Image !10:54
break_OS: Windows Millenium 4.90 (Build #3000) CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+, 2.21 GHz, 1024KB Video: Direct3D HAL (1152x864x24bpp 85hz) Sound: Realtek ALC850 rev 0 Memory: Used: 398/1011MB Uptime: 12h 54m 23s HD: Free: 112.36 GB/134.55 GB Connection: ra0 @ 0 bps (Rec: 3044.41MB Sent: 130.35MB)10:54
timbobsteveyeh tried that when I used 'time' to time the speed of opening an app10:54
gnomefreakL0cKd0wN: yeah install it first10:54
break_hahahaahaha, windows ME rofl10:54
roryyCVirus: you need to find out what sort of cd image10:54
CyberCodwell ppl... i've got to get some sleep10:55
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|Sora|there is no themes for ubuntu that can make window titles transparent, right?10:55
Ribstimbobsteve, I guess somehow your xorg install has become fubar10:55
timbobstevedamn :(10:55
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CyberCod                  goodnight all10:55
Ribstimbobsteve, Try a livecd to remove any doubts about your hardware10:55
PeeboQuickly before it completes downloading k9copy is downloading some KDE libs, tell me it's not going to install KDE on my computer and that it will run under gnome10:56
Ribstimbobsteve, then I'd suggest a reinstall10:56
RibsPeebo, It will run under gnome10:56
RibsPeebo, But it is a KDE application10:56
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PeeboRibs, 23Meg D/L that unpacks to 84Meg please tell me it's not installing KDE on my machine10:57
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RibsPeebo, If you want to run a KDE based application, it will need some KDE parts to work10:57
Ribsthat's a given10:57
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PeeboRibs, I'm OK with some KDE parts, but I don't want that butt ugly mother of a thing taking over my desktop10:58
RibsI doubt it will 'take over'10:59
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Ribsthe only KDE app I use is Amarok, and that plays fairly nicely10:59
PeeboRibs, Fingers crossed10:59
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PeeboRibs, Just out of curiosity how easy is it to switch between KDE and Gnome if you installed both ?11:01
Ribsyou just select which session you want from your login manager11:01
Ribshowever, you'll find both sets of applications in your menus11:02
Ribsand it's generally a bit messy11:02
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PeeboKewl, I've used Linux for just over 10 years but it has always been console based, I played every now and then with X but never had a use for it.11:02
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gnomefreakedit your munes and you wont have that problem :)11:03
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princehi everyone11:03
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PeeboOk here goes nothing k9copy has just installed BBL11:04
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princei need help with my wireless connection.11:04
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princei've downloaded ndiswrapper-utils. but can't install it.11:05
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|Sora|Is there any way in ubuntu that can make window titles transparent?11:05
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metal03Anyone here available to give a few pointers to a Linux beginner?11:06
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Jowi|Sora|, Beryl/Compiz is a 3d accelerated window manager11:07
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl11:08
|Sora|there is no other way?11:08
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|Sora|like from themes?11:08
metal03If anyone is available to explain a few things about ubuntu, I'd apreciate it!11:08
wolfgangmetal03: shoot11:09
jpjacobsmetal03, yeah sure: first of all read the docs before doing/trying stuff. and there is a starters page on the ubuntu-wiki if i'm not mistaken.11:09
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kane77metal03, might try11:09
Jowi|Sora|, there are some "fake" transparencies in a couple of window managers, but in Gnome you have no such option as far as I know11:09
=== mneptok stretches
alex_what is the best file system supported by both windows and ubuntu?11:09
metal03Well I have a little bit of problems understanding the whole "installing programs" thing...11:09
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Slartalex_there are drivers for ext2 for windows11:10
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Slartalex_ : or let me see if I can find the url11:10
mneptokalex_: ext3. http://fs-driver.org11:10
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|Sora|ok jowl, 1 more question, when i minimize something, to get it again, i have to do alt + tab, how do i make it apprar in the bottom tab and not disappear?11:10
alex_Slart:  thanks Slart, mneptok11:10
kane77metal03, okay.. so there are repositories, think of it as an ftp server containing lots of programs... repositories you have are stored in /etc/apt/sources.list11:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:11
wolfgangmetal03: have  you used Synaptic Package Manager at all?11:11
Pie-rate"for 284 days last year, exploit code was publicly available for unpatched vulnerabilities in IE6 and below."11:11
alex_i was hoping there was something understood by windows without drivers11:11
mneptokalex_: FAT3211:11
alex_as it is for a usb disk i use on all sorts of computers11:11
Slartalex_ ok, that was the same one as mneptok gave you.. it works11:11
alex_mneptok:  the problem with fat32, it doesnt support filesizes of 4gb+11:11
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mneptokalex_: for flash storage you want fat3211:12
kane77metal03, to install programs from your repositories use synaptic package manager... (system -> administration -> synaptic)11:12
alex_something i need :(11:12
jpjacobsmetal03, there are several repositories (listed in /etc/sources.list) these are site where apt get's the software from.synaptic is a frontent to the commandline tool apt-get.11:12
Jowi|Sora|, right click on the bottom bar and add a window list applet to it11:12
alex_its a usb hdd11:12
mneptokalex_: then you want ekt311:12
metal03wolfgang: I've read a lot in the forums about it...  and I tried to use it...  but I'm not sure if I did anything!!11:12
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alex_mneptok:  yeah no worries, ill use that11:12
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kane77metal03, you might only get a .deb file to install it double click it and the gdebi starts and installs it for you... (however be aware that dependencies exist - a package depends on some other packages so to install a program all the packages that the program depend on have to be installed)11:14
=== L0cKd0wN [n=anom@n128-227-58-77.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
jpjacobsmetal03, also, not all program's you install appear in the menu, sometimes you'll have to search what command launches them. This is however trivial most of the time. like if you type firefox  in a console it would launch mozilla-firefox11:14
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break_need help again lol11:14
nzMMhello, question if compiz wobbles but i have no borders, whats the likely reason?11:14
L0cKd0wNhey guys, ubuntu just completely crashed on me, i had to hold down the power button to force a hard reboot, are there system logs to tell me what happened? (im new to linux)11:15
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kane77metal03, synaptic solves the dependencies automatically11:15
wolfgangmetal03: After you mark the program you want to install (and any dependencies) you have to hit the "apply" button in the top row11:15
break_so i downloaded a .tar.bz2...and i found instructions on what to do with it on the intarweb, and it doesnt work11:15
mneptoknzMM: the default Metacity in GNOME doesn't work with compositors, iirc11:15
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break_anyone care to help me figure out what i'm doing wrong?11:16
mneptokL0cKd0wN: cat /var/log/messages11:16
Flannelbreak_, what "doesn't work"?11:16
kane77metal03, the third possibility is that you only have a program in .tar.gz or tar.bz and its in source form... to handle this you have to install "build-essential" package11:16
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|Sora|Jowi, its a wine application that dont show up11:17
break_tar xvjf LastFM_Linux_1.0.0b.tar.bz2...huge list of files that extract to a new folder11:17
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break_i browse to that folder, and i have no idea how to install from there11:17
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mneptokbreak_: tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz211:17
Flannelbreak_, why not just install lastFM from the repositories?11:18
break_it extracted11:18
break_i cant find it11:18
Flannelit's in universe11:18
Flannel!info lastFM11:18
ubotulastfm: an audio player for last.fm personalized radio. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.90-3 (edgy), package size 476 kB, installed size 1080 kB11:18
metal03hehehe...  wow!!  That's a lot of information...  I have like 10 questions after each explanation you guys give me!!  I'm so exited about ubuntu :)11:18
mneptokthat's a far saner idea11:18
kane77break_, you sure you need lastFM... amarok has it integrated11:18
Flannel!universe | break_11:18
ubotubreak_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:18
break_i want lastfm for xmms11:18
jpjacobsmetal03, if the program is'nt listed in the menu, and it doesn't work when you type in it's name at the commandline, you can request a list of files owned by a package in synaptic. Right click on the package, and you'll find it. Usually executables are in /bin /sbin /usr/sbin or /usr/bin. you can also request a list of files owned by the package by entering dpkg -L <package> on the commandline (CLI). (btw use man to get extensive info a11:18
break_i know that11:18
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kane77break_, ok.. sorry11:18
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FlannelI just installed (dapper) using LVM, everything is on LVM except /boot, when I boot I get "INIT: no inittab file found" and am then asked which runlevel I'd like.  How do I fix this? or what's the problem?11:19
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break_alright, so explain to me how i find lastfm11:19
zcat[1] break_: lastfm? all I want for xmms is my two front teeth...11:19
zcat[1] sorry, lme joke..11:20
break_i already searched for it in synaptic11:20
alecjwhi. what port does vnjc use? is it 5901?11:20
break_and it comes up with nothing11:20
wolfgangbreak_: in my experience lastfm sucks11:20
kane77break_, you have universe enabled?11:20
break_who cares11:20
zcat[1] lastfm - an audio player for last.fm personalized radio11:20
break_yes i have universe enabled11:20
metal03(Kane77, jpjacobs, wolfgang or anyone else) Would anyone of you guys be available to discuss this live on TeamSpeak or something?11:20
break_i just want it because it keeps track of what i listen to11:20
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zcat[1] must be in seveas if it's not in multiverse...11:21
Slartalecjw: 5900 I think11:21
zcat[1] !seveas11:21
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:21
Flannelbreak_, you're on Dapper aren't you11:21
Slartalecjw: 5900 for display 0, 5901 for display 1 etc...11:21
break_well, it isnt showing u11:21
break_yes im on dapper11:21
alecjwSlart: thanks :)11:21
zcat[1] ahhhh... might be an edgy thing then.11:22
jpjacobsmetal03 ermmm maybe just make a seperate channel :) any ideas?11:22
zcat[1] !search lastfm11:22
Slartalecjw: you're welcome11:22
Flannelbreak_, lastfm isn't in dapper repositories, only edgy.11:22
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break_thanks for telling me now11:22
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zcat[1] !upgrade11:22
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:22
metal03jpjacobs : I tried to PM you...11:22
break_so, i already have the .tar.bz2 downloaded and extracted11:22
break_how what do i do with it11:22
jpjacobsmetal03, made a channel #helpmetal03 :)11:22
Flannel!compile | break_11:22
ubotubreak_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:22
zcat[1] !botsnack11:23
break_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:23
zcat[1] break_: sudo ?11:23
PeeboWell k9copy is fast, I'll give it that but the test is in the quality of the final dvd. only 25% to go11:24
zcat[1] something else open?11:24
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chalcedonyhow big is ubuntu ? gb and cds ?11:24
break_<1gb, 1cd11:24
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break_for the regular install at least, right?11:24
zcat[1] chalcedony: base install is only one CD.. but I generally add another 500M of packages to make it useable...11:24
PeeboUbuntu 32 bit desktop 672 Meg ISO11:24
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chalcedonyzcat[1] : TY11:25
PeeboUbuntu 32 bit server 452 Meg ISO11:25
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zcat[1] codecs, flash, java, kino, a few games...11:25
Peebo64 bit versions similar size11:25
break_Downstream: 0.00 KBytes/s  Upstream: 0.00 KBytes/s11:25
break_hah, its broken :(11:25
break_Current Downstream: 0.07 KBytes/s11:26
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|Sora|how do i install "dmsetup" im tring to install truecrypt11:27
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L0cKd0wNif a system crash occurs, is it possible that because the OS stop functioning, no log message is created of the event?11:27
grub_booterzcat[1] : it's nice to see kino in that list :-D11:27
SubMOAspeaking of truecrypt, can you use that on a HDD that already has data on it or do I need to reformat?11:28
break_wow this is confusing11:28
break_just to install a program?11:28
break_this is at least 20 minutes of reading11:28
SlartSubMOA: I think you have to do it on a clean drive.... or tryecrypt will clean it for you =)11:28
L0cKd0wNwhat program? heh11:28
kane77metal03, I dont use teamspeak...11:29
kane77metal03, but I'm available here just pm me11:29
SubMOASlart, haha, thanks11:29
emileL0cKd0wN: i guess so because disk hasnt synced yet11:29
break_alright, ./configure doesn't always do something, right?11:29
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zcat[1] it's ice to see kino working properly :)11:29
zcat[1] *nice11:29
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JowiSubMOA, you can use it on whatever drive you want. basically you create a container of, let's say, 300MB. when dectrypted you can put stuff in it and it will automatically encrypt what you put in. then you just unmount the file and no-one can see what's inside it until you mount it again.11:30
grub_booterzcat[1] : i used to contribute a lot to that project - haven't had time of late :-/11:30
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zcat[1] well, in part because I finally have a fast enough computer, but there were a few issues with it before. It's pretty good now! I'm thinking I might do a podcast sometime.11:30
SubMOAjowi, neato... does that utilize stenography at all?11:30
emileL0cKd0wN: if i recall correctly there is a alt-sysrq combined with some keys (s,u,b) which does sync-unmount-reboot and can be useful in some cases11:30
L0cKd0wNsounds over my head heh11:31
L0cKd0wNall i know is that linux boasts stability, and that wasn't it.... hahaha11:31
SlartL0cKd0wN: if you want stability, go with the older distros.. Debian, Suse etc.. Ubuntu is a bit young to be that stable =)11:32
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emileL0cKd0wN: but with sysrq you might get your logs11:32
L0cKd0wNyea im googling :)11:33
break_Current Downstream: 1371.99 KBytes/s11:33
emileyay for google ;)11:33
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break_it said i need QT 4.1.x11:33
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levanderAnyone knows where the "temporary internet files" for Firefox are?11:34
SubMOA... do any of these crypto programs utilitze stenography?11:34
levanderThe ones that cache web pages and the such.11:34
zcat[1] levander: yes.11:34
SubMOAopps, I mean steganography11:34
JowiSubMOA, i have no idea. check truecrypts homepage11:34
L0cKd0wNlevander, type about:config11:34
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L0cKd0wNprolly find it there :P11:34
L0cKd0wN(in the URL bar)11:34
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SubMOAjowi, rgr, thanks11:35
zcat[1] levander: somewhere under ~/.mozilla/firefox/ -- was going to look for them but I haev cache turned off :)11:35
JowiSubMOA, truecrypt.org11:35
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SubMOAthanks jowi11:35
SlartSubMOA: there is at least one program that use steganography to hide stuff in jpegs that I know of.. but none of the big ones do that.. it's .. a bit ... amateurish =)11:35
levanderI typed about:config, there are a few hundred entries up there.11:36
zcat[1] levander: configureable, isn't it!!11:36
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break_so is it possible to install this or what???11:36
zcat[1] break_: possible, yes. For you.. perhaps :)11:36
levanderzcat[1] : Is there any user-specific data that firefox stores?  I "mv .mozilla mozilla-conf.bak" and restart firefox, it still knows what extensions I had installed.11:37
break_i'm about to give up and go back to windows11:37
break_this is complete BS11:37
=== Peebo is away: I'm busy with the wife in another room right now!
break_it takes me an hour or two to do ANYTHING in dapper11:37
levanderbreak_: You can repeat problem?  I got here after you stated it.11:37
Slartbreak_: who trickee you into11:37
zcat[1] break_: you build stuff from source in windows?11:37
break_but if i had edgy...it would work11:37
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SubMOAslart I was reading some technical document (way over my head, so i just breezed a lot of it) but I THINK it was saying everything on the HDD (every sector thingy) is randomly written, then the data is sporadically written to areas, although in different containers, so that you can give a key to one container and it will open everything, but that all the others seems to be random data intermingled with all the other "data"11:37
JowiSubMOA, the joy of truecrypt is that it is transparent. the container, while mounted, acts as a normal folder. when you unmount it it becomes a regular file, so you can name it what you want like "corrupted .doc file - need repair" and no one can check if it's a truecrypt file or not.11:37
Slartbreak_: who trickee you into thinking linus would be easy =)11:37
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SubMOAjowi, nice.11:37
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break_people tell me to do something, and it NEVER works11:38
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|Sora|SubMOA, truecrypt does not have steno11:38
SubMOAI shouldn't have said "everything" in the second to last line.  I meant everyting in that container slart11:38
break_You need Qt 4.1.x to compile this source-code11:38
SlartSubMOA: that sounds.. plausible.. I haven't checked out troecrypt in a while.. but that's not really steganography, is it?11:38
levanderbreak_: I'd personally still on use Linux if I were interested in learning about it, or if I had an admin handy.  Although, it is getting a lot closer to being usable to end-users.  A lot  closer with Ubuntu.11:38
break_how do i make sure QT 4.1.x is installed11:38
L0cKd0wNwhat's the problem? heh11:39
break_i need to find that girls number11:39
break_shes a cute 17 year old linux geek11:39
JowiSubMOA, I just saw on truecrypts homepage that it does have steganography as an option (they call it hidden volume)11:39
zcat[1] break_: Find a precompiled package for your distro. Or upgrade to edgy where you know it's in the repos. Compiling from source is usually not the best options11:39
SubMOAslart, I think steganography is the science of hiding data.11:39
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SubMOAjowi, nice11:39
levanderbreak_: Why do you want QT 4.1? For what purpose?11:39
break_i need it to install something i really want11:39
SubMOAslart, that's hiding, right?11:39
SlartSubMOA: yes.. I agree with you there.. and ok.. if you call hiding a volume steganography.. sure =)11:39
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PeeboWOH ! cute female Linux Geek,  someone is dreaming, but I like it.11:39
|Sora|jowi, but thats not steganography11:39
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break_not dreaming11:39
break_i lost her phone number when i moved last weekend11:40
=== AlexC_ [n=alex@host86-128-191-210.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
SubMOA... I would want to use all six crypto schemes :O)11:40
break_i moved back to this crappy town11:40
levanderbreak_: Ubuntu isn't like Windows where you're supposed to so easily mix and match applicaion versions.  It's a lot easier if you just stay with what your distribution has officially packaged for you.11:40
SlartI think more of hiding data inside sound files and such when I hear steganography.. but I guess digging a hole in the ground for the hard drive might be hiding it too =)11:40
Peeboslaps break_11:41
break_so if i cant find it through the package manager, then dont even think about using it?11:41
AlexC_Morning all11:41
SubMOAslart, haha, yes, and a very fine science it would turn out to be.11:41
|Sora|with truecrypt, you can only hide it under a truecrypt volume, which is foolish i think11:41
Jowi|Sora|, why wouldn't it be? steganography is to hide information inside other data. like hiding a message within a message.11:41
break_so i'll ask again11:41
SubMOA|Sora|, whys that?11:41
zcat[1] levander: more to the point; there is only one 'windows distro' -- and nobody in windows builds apps from source..11:41
break_how can i make sure that QT 4.1.x is installed11:41
|Sora|any idiot knows that its truecrypt :)11:41
levanderzcat[1] : Yeah, so?11:41
break_qmake -v?11:41
|Sora|and that it has this feature11:41
emilebreak_: 0900-acidburn? ;-)11:42
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PeeboWhat kind of IRC server doesn't have the slap command :(11:42
francalierbreak_: install libqt4-dev11:42
levanderzcat[1] : You also can't upgrade every single application on your entire system with one command, without even having to reboot, when a new release of the distribution comes out with Windows.11:42
=== break_ slaps Peebo around a bit with a large trout
SubMOA|Sora|, so what would be a better route?11:42
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Peebohowd U do dat11:42
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levanderzcat[1] : Just install edgy, you're bitching is taking more time than it would take to install it.11:43
break_/me slaps Peebo around a bit with a large trout11:43
zcat[1] levander: yeah, I know... It's nuts to build stuff from source, nobody does it in windows.11:43
SubMOA|Sora|, ohh11:43
avalonIs there a way to use my USB memory stick as a general login for my Kubuntu installation? Also, can I store all my passwords on it?11:43
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zcat[1] levander: wrong person.. you want to tell break_11:43
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JowiSubMOA, |Sora| the only thing that can give anyone a hint that it can be a truecrypt file is that you have the truecrypt program installed on the system. if every system came installed with it as default it wouldn't be a problem but as long as you have to install it manually it raise suspicion perhaps...11:43
|Sora|you have a gun to your head ... "open that file or we will kill your family" you open the hidden volume using truecrypt " you think we are idiots?" lol ...11:43
levanderzcat[1] : The only time I build stuff from source is when I'm really stuck wanting an application and Ubuntu doesn't provide it, which is once or twice a year.  Or, if I'm developing some software against some library or something I need a specific version of the library for.11:43
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levanderzcat[1] : my bad11:44
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SubMOAjowi, but you still have plausible deniability, right?11:44
levanderbreak_: the bitching comment above was for you11:44
break_i see11:44
levanderbreak_: Just install edgy11:44
=== Peebo rips break_s arm off and beats him to death with the mushy end.
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PeeboYeah that's kewl11:44
JowiSubMOA, I would say so. unencrypted, the file looks like random data and can not be destinguished from a corrupted file11:45
Beawolfecan anybody help me with compiz?11:45
levanderbreak_: And, if you don't have much on dapper that you care for saving, I'd really do a fresh install of edgy.  Ubuntu didn't do such a good job with the upgrade process to edgy from dapper.  Just install fresh.11:45
AlexC_Beawolfe: not if you don't ask the question!11:45
zcat[1] levander: same. almost never. If it's not in a repo somewhere I generally just wait for someone to package it... been a while since I've needed to compile anything :)11:45
SubMOAjowi oh, ok.11:45
break_Beawolfe: where are you in fairfax county?11:45
|Sora|jowi, but thats true of any truecrypt file, there is no need for a hidden one11:45
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levanderzcat[1] : Every time I've compiled something myself, I've decided later it was a mistake and that I didn't really need it.  I can't think of one time I was glad I did that.11:45
|Sora|the whol point of a hidden volume is to hide it when someone asks you to open it11:46
BeawolfeI installed the proggy but cant find it to add to menus or how I can configure it11:46
SubMOAwhat do you use to open a hidden volume in turcrypt?11:46
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Tuckyhey guys can someone help me with my wireless card??11:46
AlexC_Beawolfe: it should be in System->prefs somewhere11:46
Jowi|Sora|, I would compare it to any other type of security measure - security by obscurity. not bad but also not foolproof.11:46
AlexC_Tucky: No, not untill you ask the question!!!11:46
emilewhat program is needed to convert video to 3gp (nokia phone) format?11:46
Music_Shuffle!anyone | tucky11:46
ubotutucky: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:46
zcat[1] levander: actually, about the upgrade. Mine went sweet! Lots of stuff installed and configured so I really didn't want to start fresh either...11:46
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Jowi|Sora|, in truecrypt, the hidden volume is hidden. you need to know the exact name of the hidden volume in order to mount it. it is not visible.11:47
Tuckyive got a wireless card in my desktop which had ra61 chip, but i cant get it working, can someone help?11:47
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SubMOA|Sora|, there has to be away to open it, though, right? like pressing "alt + 7" or something would open up a dialoge box to enter a password.  Couldn't they just do all possible key combo's and shabam?11:47
avalonIs there a way to use my USB memory stick as a general login for my Kubuntu installation? Also, can I store all my passwords on it?11:47
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SubMOAjowi where would you enter that?11:48
|Sora|no SubMOA, they have seperate activations11:48
Beawolfecan't find it there Alex11:48
Jowi|Sora|, someone can see that the file is 300MB large and that it only contain 290MB of data but that's it.11:48
AlexC_Beawolfe: you could install Beryl instead?11:48
JowiSubMOA, enter what?11:48
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SubMOA|sora| Jowi I think I'll just have to fiddle around with it to get a good understanding.11:48
break_Beawolfe: I have an off-topic question to ask you.11:48
SubMOAjowi, the "exact name of the hidden volume"11:48
levanderzcat[1] : break_ sounds like a newbie, and my upgrade to edgy was hell, as were lots of others, if he doesn't have much on his dapper box, i'd recommend a fresh install.  If he does have a lot, dist-upgrade like you say.11:49
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AlexC_Beawolfe: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu11:49
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Beawolfenot sure how on Dapper........wiki page says there is no answers for installment on Dapper at all11:49
break_I don't need LastFM, but i'm used to having it. I like how it keeps track of what I litsten to.11:49
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JowiSubMOA, when you mount the volume11:49
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zcat[1] levander: yeah, probably. My upgrade from breezy to dapper wasn't quite as easy.  I ended up reinstalling that time :)11:50
SubMOAjowi, ooo11:50
break_If compiling is going to be this big of a PITA, I'll just forget about it.11:50
zcat[1] break_: yeah, totally. compiling's for gurus and developers...11:50
AmaranthBeawolfe: Dapper is not supported by beryl or compiz11:50
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Amaranthbreak_: rhythmbox (and most of music managers) have last.fm plugins to report what songs you listen to11:51
break_I was under the impression that everyone would end up having to compile something.11:51
zcat[1] break_: ten years ago....11:51
break_But if you download something, you usually get the souce.11:52
BeawolfeAmaranth Okay Thanx!11:52
zcat[1] well, perhaps five years ago.. recent distros you should never really need to compile stuff.11:52
Amaranthbreak_: If it's not in Ubuntu it doesn't exist. :P11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dstats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
AmaranthUbuntu has something like 20000 packages11:52
Music_Shufflelol :P11:52
break_and you can always add more11:52
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SubMOAI love encryption!  I just got a book, actually on it... it's in the mail :O)  And i read this book at the library all about how the NSA tried to outlaw crypto good book.11:53
Music_ShuffleIsn't it like...5k before *verse, and 20k after enabling, yes?11:53
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break_So, that guy Beawolfe...he lives in my area. heh11:53
break_I need somebody's advice on how to survive in this town. :\11:53
avalonSubMOA: If you like encryption, can you tell me if it's possible to encrypt all of my hard drives without suffering slowdowns?11:53
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zcat[1] break_: this isn't windows. There's about 18,000 packages in the official repos and quite a lot more in 3rd party repos... you don't download stuff, just find a repo and install precompiled packages through synaptic..11:54
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Music_Shuffle...wow that sucked. 'Survive?'11:54
AmaranthSubMOA: They tried like 15 years ago11:54
Slartavalon: probably not.. all encryption takes a little effort.. noticable is another thing11:54
AmaranthSubMOA: it's all open and legal now11:54
break_I searched for lastfm in Synaptic, and got no results.11:54
Victor```break_: try amarok11:54
Amaranthbreak_: therefore it doesn't exist ;)11:54
|Sora|Amaranth, after they cracked it, lol11:54
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Victor```it supports last.fm11:54
|Sora|who knows ;)11:54
emilezcat[1] : do you know of a good index of (non official) ubuntu repositories?11:55
Music_Shufflebreak_, because its not separate package-wise, its integrated in the media players :P11:55
Amaranthbreak_: But if you just want something to report what music you listen to rhythmbox will do that11:55
SubMOAopps... yea, I kind of have a nagging feeling it's not all that safe11:55
zcat[1] break_: you just need to find a repo that has it.11:55
zcat[1] !som11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about som - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
zcat[1] !sourceomatic11:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:55
Amaranth|Sora|: Trust me, the NSA cannot crack rjindael :P11:55
break_I'm pretty sure i'll be fine with xmms and nothing to tell me what i've been listening to.11:55
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zcat[1] sourceomatic lists a bunch..11:55
|Sora|Amaranth, how do you know what the NSA can or cannot do? =)11:56
Victor```hmm, what do you all prefer? OO.o or KOffice?11:56
SubMOAfigure this:  The FBI is in bed with cellphone manufactures to let them enable the microphone on cellphones (even when turned off) I wonder if the NSA did something with, say, Windows or hardware manufacturers so that any computer hooked up to the net is is part of a cluster (like the folding@home) thing and they can summon the collective power of millions (100's of millions?) computers to crack stuff.11:56
SubMOAjust my paranoid theory11:56
emilezcat[1] : thnx11:56
elamiEsetleg vannak itt magyarok?11:56
SubMOAAmaranth, why do you say that?11:56
Victor```SubMOA: they wouldn't need that, federal funding can afford powerful clusters on its own11:57
AlexC_break_: last FM _IS_ in the ubutnu repos11:57
zcat[1] break_: deb http://hassers.fi/ubuntu dapper lastfm   -- add this to your repos in synaptic, refresh, search again and you should have a lastfm package you can add.11:57
AlexC_break_: sudo apt-get install lastfm11:57
SubMOAVictor```, true, but couldn't you do a lot more with all those powerful clusters, AND millions of computers11:57
Amaranth|Sora|, SubMOA: Because every cryptographer in the world says so.11:57
AlexC_zcat[1] : no need, it's already in the Ubutnu repos!11:57
SubMOAAmaranth, ohh... I was challenging you, btw, just curious11:57
zcat[1] AlexC_: not in dapper apparently...11:57
zcat[1] AlexC_: and he doesn't want to upgrade..11:58
AlexC_zcat[1] : ahh I see,11:58
AlexC_break_: try this then: http://people.debian.org/~pxt/lastfm/11:58
Victor```SubMOA: so you are suggesting that they rigged SELinux?11:58
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|Sora|Amaranth, because they couldn't crack it ... btw ... so you know why such toold like encryption are used? .. to hide secrets .. if they were'nt secrets, everyone would know about it, hehe11:58
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Victor```if SELinux was rigged they'd already be drawing far more power than if Windows was rigged11:58
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DragoraNhi, please, i instaled HP LaserJet 1320 printer on cups, but every time i want to print document, printers waits for pressing green button on printer.. how to disable that? manual feeding is disabled in config. I searched all the web..11:58
SlartDragoraN: check to see if the default papersize is different from what's in the printer11:59
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Victor```DragoraN: can you print from, say, Windows?11:59
Amaranth|Sora|: The NSA is not God.11:59
SubMOAVictor```, ehh... no idea.  it was just a thought.  I would imagine people would notice large CPU usage, etc. but still, it was just a thought...11:59
SubMOAAmaranth, WHAT? I thought...11:59
SubMOAjust kidding11:59
Music_ShuffleAmaranth, both in that sense, and in that only God cares about everyone's personal secrets. :P11:59
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yukioHi, could someone tell me how to create a network between 2 Ubuntu pc's? Maybe with a link to a guide? Thanks.12:00
Victor```yukio: with a hub or without one12:00
|Sora|Amaranth, i didn't say they were, but there is a possibility that they do have it cracked, we will never "know" for certain12:00
SlartSubMOA: that's what all the whining about lag in counterstrike is about.. NSA stealing peoples fps ;)12:00
zcat[1] if SElinux was rigged, I think someone would notice .. could be an interesting excercise in 'hiding things in plain sight' though :)12:00
fildoyukio: carrier pigeon, that accepts packet transfers12:00
SubMOAeven if that's true, that's funny.12:00
yukioVictor```, i connected them with an ethernet cable12:00
Victor```yeah, SELinux is constantly being reviewed by developers, no way they can do that12:00
Victor```yukio: directly?12:00
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Victor```you need a crossover cable12:01
break_haha, speaking of counterstrike12:01
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Amaranth|Sora|: The only way to break it is brute force12:01
tom_biggyhi all12:01
break_i installed Steam and CS:Source through wine12:01
tom_biggywhat's the problem?12:01
break_it works, but it runs in DX8 mode, and i only get ~30fps max12:01
|Sora|ok Amaranth, whatever you say12:01
DragoraNSlart: sec12:01
break_i'm thinking its a driver problem12:01
DragoraNVictor```: yes, windows12:01
yukioVictor```, yes i connected them with a crossover cable12:02
Victor```yukio: set one machine's IP to and the other to
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yukioi've done and 0.2  its the same?12:02
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znejki have a strange sound problem .. when i play songs with a little more bass than usual i get a disted sound which i dont get in windows... any clues?12:03
Victor```yukio: is the subnet mask
SubMOAdoes (can?) truecrypt use a dongle12:03
Victor```hmm, did you make one machine the gateway?12:03
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DragoraNSlart: papersize is ok..12:04
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yukioVictor```, i set up the desktop as the gateway,
zcat[1] break_: got it sorted now?12:04
Victor```yukio: have you attempted to ping one machine from the other12:04
[sAt4nAx] break_ what display card do you have?12:04
SlartDragoraN: ok, just a thought.. my printer does that if they dont match... checked papersize in the application printing too?12:04
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break_Video: X11 Windowing System on Direct3D HAL (1152x864x24bpp 85hz)12:05
break_oh comne on12:05
yukioVictor```: not yet12:05
DragoraNSlart: yes12:05
Victor```try it12:05
break_NVIDIA 7900GT12:05
Victor```also disable the firewall on both systems12:05
SlartDragoraN: then I'm out of ideas, sorry12:05
yukiohave none12:05
yukioi have to disconnect to try that, wait 2 mins12:06
kane77is there something to stitch panoramic photos together??12:06
Victor```yukio: ubuntu has a firewall on by default12:06
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Slartkane77: searched the repos? I thought I saw something yesterday when I looked12:06
DragoraNSlart: ok.. thanks for help12:06
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zcat[1] hugin - Panorama Tools GUI12:06
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tom_biggyguys! do you know how to print a copyrighted pdf document??? In the menu the save as, and the print options a re grayed out... :(12:06
SubMOAgotta run, see yea, nice chat12:06
zcat[1] pandora - GIMP Plugin For Creating Panoramas12:06
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break_tom_biggy: take screenshots? haha12:07
DragoraNanyone ideas?12:07
zcat[1] tom_biggy: try xpdf?12:07
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tom_biggyi've tried adobe reader and that default prg starting with e....12:07
tom_biggyevince or sg like this...12:07
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zcat[1] no idea.. none of my pdf's have ever been copy protected..12:08
DragoraNplease, i instaled HP LaserJet 1320 printer on cups, but every time i want to print document, printers waits for pressing green button on printer.. how to disable that? manual feeding is disabled in config. I searched all the web..12:08
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tom_biggyI've never tried printing in Linux cause i don't have a printer :D12:09
zcat[1] DragoraN: you sure it's not just taking longer than you expect?12:09
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Victor```DragoraN: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_132012:10
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yukioVictor```: you there? i used 172.16.0.x, mask and the ubuntu's ping right each other12:10
zcat[1] ahhh.. a documented bug :)12:11
Victor```yukio: that means they have connectivity12:11
malomeatCan somebody help me?12:11
Victor```!justask | malomeat12:11
ubotumalomeat: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:11
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malomeatHeheh... okay.12:11
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DragoraNzcat[1] : how do you mean?12:12
malomeatI need tips on how to dualboot ubuntu.12:12
yukioVictor```: its here i dont know how to go through12:12
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malomeatA link would be fine.12:12
Slartmalomeat: tips? install windows, install ubuntu.. done ? =)12:12
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glickmalomeat, ever hear of google?12:12
malomeatThat simple?12:12
Music_Shuffle...you guys could just be nice.12:12
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Music_Shuffle!dualboot | malomeat12:12
ubotumalomeat: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)12:12
Music_ShuffleSimple. Jeez.12:12
Slartmalomeat: eh.. yes.. that's what I did12:13
Victor```malomeat: yes, GParted resizes NTFS partitions12:13
zcat[1] DragoraN: nm, apparently someone else has the same problem with your printer too..12:13
yukioVictor```: i would like to share files and possibly the broadband connection12:13
glickgoogle "ubuntu windows dual boot"12:13
Victor```yukio: oh, sudo apt-get install firestarter12:13
yukioon both?12:13
Victor```on the one sharing the connection12:13
Music_Shuffleglick, I just linked him, which would've taken less time than what you said -and- been more useful.12:13
Slartmalomeat: there are probably some things that could go more or less wrong along the way... I didn't encounter anything special though12:13
zcat[1] malomeat: seriously; install windows; install ubuntu afterwards. It'll ask if you want to resize windows, set up dual boot, and everything.12:13
Victor```zcat[1] : it actually does that?12:14
Victor```I have windows on a separate hard drive12:14
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|Sora|how can i open rpm packages in Ubuntu?12:14
Victor```|Sora|: FIRST, try to find the same package in .deb format12:14
zcat[1] Victor```: my 10yo is doing this month's LUG presentation, it's that easy :)12:14
glickMusic_Shuffle, i dont get it, its not hard to type into google, searching for google the link you posted is like the second link listed12:14
Music_Shuffle!alien | |Sora|12:14
ubotu|Sora|: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)12:14
Slart|Sora|: check the application Alien..12:14
Victor```alien likes to mess things up12:14
Music_Shuffle!jfgi | glick12:15
ubotuglick: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.12:15
Victor```look for the same package in .deb format12:15
DragoraNVictor```: oh.. many thanks :) i used wrong ppd12:15
Victor```DragoraN: no problem12:15
glickMusic_Shuffle, i didnt say any of those words12:15
yukioVictor```, sorry, installed it but really dont know how to use it :\12:15
Music_ShuffleThe sentiment's pretty much the same.12:15
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Slartglick: I think jfgi is close enough ;)12:15
glickMusic_Shuffle, not at all12:15
Slartif that means what I think it does12:15
Music_ShuffleYeah. Sentiment-wise, and I said that too.12:15
Music_ShuffleSlart, it does.12:15
Victor```read the fine manual? :D12:16
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yukioill search on the wiki, thanks12:16
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Victor```yukio: although your best bet would be to get a router12:17
Victor```install firestarter, use the wizard to share your Internet connection12:17
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glickMusic_Shuffle, if anything it doesnt hurt to let him know where to find information himself, i just let him know that google is out there and has many answers12:17
glickthats all12:17
yukioi cant find it in the menu, maybe i have to start it by console12:17
glickin case he didnt know about google12:17
Victor```yukio: system > administration12:17
Jason_Deanwhen i'm o scrolling on a web page or any program in general scrolling is way too slow, the same happens when a window is redrawn (like after resizing), any ideas on this ? [running xfce] 12:18
jpjacobsyukio, if you've got an old box lying around it make a great router in combination with freesco (see http://freesco.org)12:18
Music_Shuffle...maybe, but that's not how it came off as to anyone else.12:18
yukiooh thanks12:18
Victor```an old box with three NICs lol12:18
Slartyukio: ipcop is another alternative.. if you've got that box12:18
iocasteI'm having problems getting a microphone work with my Audigy 4 sound card can anyone help?12:18
zcat[1] Jason_Dean: too lottle ram? too much running?12:18
zcat[1] *little12:19
phr34ckhow do I fix fonts in FireFox? I want them to appear the same as if I was using FireFox on windows.12:19
Jason_Deanno i got lots of free ram12:19
Victor```you need one NIC connecting to the modem and another connecting to a hub/switch12:19
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Jason_Deanabout 200mb free12:19
phr34ckI have all windows fonts with me "on a usb" .... tell me what to do?12:19
Victor```phr34ck: it's best you install msttcorefonts12:19
Victor```!info msttcorefonts12:19
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB12:19
zcat[1] Jason_Dean: what's top say? any processes out of control?12:20
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phr34ckVictor```, already did that.12:20
phr34cknothing happened.12:20
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Victor```phr34ck: err?12:20
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zcat[1] Jason_Dean: just scrolling? No lag opening a new terminal or anything?12:20
Slartphr34ck: I'm not sure it will look the same anyway.. my installation doesn't look the same.. and I've tried changing fonts etc.. but it might be just me12:20
Victor```it's in multiverse, which isn't used by default12:20
Jason_Deanzcat[1] : no it's a fresh system, i had the same problem on my desktop computer and it disapeared after installing nvidia drivers12:20
Victor```you don't need to manually install your windows fonts12:21
phr34ckSlart, it's very irritating. It's like FireFox is not being able to render the webpages correctly.12:21
zcat[1] Jason_Dean: hmm.. install drivers perhaps :)12:21
Jason_Deanzcat[1] : but now i'm on the laptop who has a generic card with shared memory with the system12:21
phr34ckVictor```, I did that because there is a link in Ubuntu where they tell you about fonts.12:21
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Death_Riderhi, i've got a problem when i want to instal ubuntu, at the GNOME partition manager i get a msg "No Device Detected" which probably reffers to my HDD12:21
Victor```phr34ck: enable the multiverse repository in Synaptic12:21
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phr34ckI want to use Tahoma and Terbushet MS.12:21
yukioVictor```, Thanks a lot! i have internet on both machines :D12:21
phr34ckVictor```, already there.12:21
Slartphr34ck: yes.. I agree.. it annoyed me very much .. but I got over it.. it's like having a rock in the shoe.. after 4 or 5 miles you can't be bothered any more ;)12:21
Victor```phr34ck: both are included12:21
phr34ckSlart, amen to that.12:22
Jason_Deanzcat[1] : yeah but what drivers ? I never had this problem with windows,fedora and ubuntu 5, which i have installed in the past12:22
phr34ckThe thing is that I'm always removing the rock and putting it back again ... if you know what I mean.12:22
Slartphr34ck: hehe.. that's one way of doing it.. yes =)12:22
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zcat[1] Jason_Dean: odd problem. hopefully someone here will know. I don't :(12:23
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Jason_Deanzcat[1] : np, thanks anyway :)12:23
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Slartphr34ck: but try with the fonts.. check the settings in your windows installation... especially which fonts and sizes.. and set it the same in linux.. you might be lucky12:23
Death_Riderwhen i want to instal ubuntu, at the GNOME partition manager i get a msg "No Device Detected" which probably reffers to my HDD... how do i make it find my HDD?12:23
=== zcat[1] should probably get to bed soon anyhow
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PeeboWell it's official k9copy is crap. Low quality DVD output. I hate it when a Windoze application is the best in it's field. Dvdshrink rules supreme.12:23
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Victor```phr34ck: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/ has instructions12:24
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phr34ckSlart, I tried to do that, it's close enough. I'm happy with my desktop and everything, the thing is that you cannot controle the rendering of the webpages.12:24
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Victor```I don't see a problem with rendering, heh.12:24
Slartphr34ck: that's kind of odd.. one would think that the gecko engine would render the same...12:24
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phr34ckVictor```, fonts that is.12:25
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Victor```I installed the core fonts package and it looks fine now12:25
phr34ckIf you open the same website on different platforms, they're not the same, hence, they're not rendered the same.12:25
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Slartphr34ck: well.. that's html for you..12:25
Slartphr34ck: if people wanted it to look the same they would have used pdf =)12:26
Victor```phr34ck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20839612:26
Slarthello aktiwers12:26
aktiwersCan anyone help me out with my ATI Drivers?  [9200SE] 12:26
r4663rcan anyone tell me howto make a small wlan accesspoint on my computer that i can connect with my laptop to it?or only a few words for what i have to look at google..12:26
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aktiwersI cant seam to get it work :S12:26
Victor```!justask | aktiwers12:26
ubotuaktiwers: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:26
Slart!ati | aktiwers12:26
ubotuaktiwers: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:26
phr34ckSlart, kinda. I'm trying to figure out where is the problem. I once tried to create a file on the desktop called .fonts.config, the odd thing is that firefox detected it but it said it's not written correctly.12:26
phr34ckso perhaps I need a configuration file somewhere.12:27
Victor```phr34ck: can you at least check out that forum link I gave you?12:27
aktiwersOh thanks guys :)12:27
aktiwersI made a post on the Ubuntu Forums12:27
Slartaktiwers: have you read that page? or are you following some other setup thingy?12:27
phr34ckVictor```, I am checking. I'm not the kind that just talks ;p12:27
Slartphr34ck: never tried that.. I only messed with options in firefox12:27
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Victor```I don't really mind the rendering tbh12:28
aktiwersYes I followed the needed guides, but without any luyck :S Pls look at my post on UF Im really lost12:28
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Victor```aktiwers: Just tell us what's wrong12:28
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phr34ckDoes any of you know how do I change the Refresh rate? in the screen resolution panel, it only shows 51 mhz. I want it 6012:28
aktiwersI have 3d - I want OpenGL to work12:28
Slartaktiwers: I have a nvidia myself so I don't really know a lot about ati cards... perhaps someone else is more knowledgable12:29
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aktiwersok thanks anyways Slart :)12:29
Victor```aktiwers: did you check /etc/X11/xorg.conf?12:29
Slartphr34ck: is the resolutions correct in the xorg.conf?12:29
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phr34ckSlart, it's 1280x80012:29
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aktiwersI will have a look..  2 sec :)12:29
Slartphr34ck: and the refresh rates?12:30
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phr34ckI can't see the refresh rate in the file.12:30
phr34ckWhere is it located ?12:30
Victor```I don't know why people complain about the font rendering in X12:30
Slartphr34ck: I just commented out the lines about refresh rates.. that made xorg get the values from the monitor directly.. then everything worked alright12:30
Victor```phr34ck: it's in the monitor section of xorg.conf12:30
zakany good gnome html editors? [not wysiwyg, but preferably with inbuilt preview feature of some kind] 12:31
Victor```zak: Nvu12:31
Victor```oh wait12:31
matsvim<3 works with everything!12:31
phr34ckahh, there is a FONT PATH in the xorg.conf12:31
aktiwersFor me it looks alright..  is there a pastebin I can use somewhere? I dont know that much about how it should look.. (the /etc/X11/xorg.con)12:31
Victor```zak: men use vi12:31
Victor```are you a man?12:31
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Slartphr34ck:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397312:31
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zakVictor```: yes. a big, girly man. now gimme a HTML IDE!!!12:31
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:32
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phr34ckthese ?12:32
Slartphr34ck: yes.. just put a # in front of those12:32
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Slartphr34ck: and see if xorg gets them from the monitor12:32
phr34ckdone, should I log off or anything ?12:32
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mats?? usb12:32
Slartphr34ck: restart gnome/kde12:32
Victor```zak: try Nvu12:32
matsubotu: usb?12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
phr34ckSlart, how do I do that?12:33
Victor```It has a good HTML IDE built in12:33
aktiwersok here it is:12:33
Slartphr34ck: you can press ctrl+alt+backspace. !! all programs in x will shut down12:33
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matsBluefish is a perfect hmtl-editor.. use that one!12:33
Victor```yeah so if you're downloading porn12:33
Slartphr34ck: gnome/kde will restart automatically.. you'll have to log on again etc12:33
Victor```you better let that stuff finish12:33
phr34ckahh okay12:33
phr34ckwill do that in a while, working the fonts now.12:33
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Victor```and downloading porn?12:34
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phr34ckVictor```, I went to the website you gave me, I'm suppoe to download a bunch of XML files but the link is not found, what should I do ?12:35
Victor```well they're supposed to "improve" font rendering12:35
Victor```I really don't know12:35
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phr34ckWell, that's fine.12:35
phr34ckI'm going to change the browser.12:35
Victor```zak: sudo aptitude install nvu or sudo aptitude install bluefish12:36
phr34ckAny recommandation ?12:36
Wibble-My trash bin contains items owned by root (contained within directories I own and sent there) - how can I empty the trash?12:36
phr34ckis opera available in the repos. ?12:36
Victor```phr34ck: yeah, non-free12:36
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aktiwersVictor``` Does my /etc/X11/xorg.conf look right?    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/733/   Strange thing is my fglrxinfo shows MESA?12:37
zakVictor```: hmmm... bluefish looks like my thing, but i'll try them both. thanks.12:37
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Wibble-Victor```: whats the diff between aptitude install and apt-get install?12:37
Victor```Wibble-: eh, same thing12:37
Wibble-oh ok12:38
Slarthmm.. you only have to disable DRI on nvidia cards?12:38
matszak: there is a bunch of editors for html. Good luck! You should try to learn VI(M)12:38
seanjSlart: I've had no problems with DRI loaded12:38
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Victor```aktiwers: that looks about right12:38
Slartseanj: oh? all the tutorials I've seen for installing binary drivers for nvidia says to disable it..12:38
matsWibble-: aptitude - high-level interface to the package manager12:39
aktiwersVictor```  ok thanks..  but shouldnt  fglrxinfo show ati instead of MESA then??12:39
matsWibble-: its just a "easier" way12:39
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seanjSlart: You probably should, but I've had no trouble with my GeForce 6200 with DRI enabled in xorg.conf12:39
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Slart!nvidia > Slart12:39
matsWibble-: but it does the same thing12:40
Slart!nvidia | Slart12:40
ubotuSlart: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
zakmats: i have a vague understanding of vi [i use it for things where i have to do a quick edit of something and opening a GUI editor would take longer than the editing i need to do] , but i just can't be bothered learning to use it productively with syntax hilighting and such :) i'm forgetful too, so i'd be constantly re-learning.12:40
Slartseanj: any advantages of having DRI enabled?12:40
seanjSlart: I don't believe so12:40
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matszak: i think gvim should do the job for you then ;)12:41
Wibble-mats: typing apt-get install is easier than typing aptitude install ;) I assumed that aptitude would do more from the command line than apt-get but if it doesn't, it doesn't.12:41
rowanjlI was playing a dvd in xine, when I skipped forwards a bit the sound cut out. I've restarted the computer and I still have no sound... wtf!?12:41
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Slartseanj: hmm.. looking at the "official howto", it doesn't say anything about DRI.. note to self.. dont install stuff when deprived of sleep =)12:42
rowanjlAny idea what I should do?12:42
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j0sh0Hi all, just wondering if someone could help me - I'm running edgy on a laptop with intel integrated 855GM video card. I can't get xserver to run at 1024x768 like it did in windows. I've edited xorg.conf and then xserver wont start, downloaded 915resolution but the resolution is already in one of the modes! I'm lost for what else to do please any help greatly appreciated!12:42
seanjSlart: lol, join the club... I'm wasted12:42
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aktiwersanyone wanna help me get my ATI drivers work with 3d?12:44
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GrimWaldrowanjl did you verify with alsamixer that the sound is still on ? and are sure that any program isn't using the audio output ?12:44
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rowanjlGrimWald: how do I check to see if it is "on"?12:45
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aktiwersI think it has something to do with this error I get when running dmesg | grep   "[17179611.912000]  [fglrx:firegl_unlock]  *ERROR* Process 4633 using kernel context 0"12:45
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aktiwersany ideas?12:45
GrimWaldM stands for mute so check if there is any M for master or PCM12:45
rowanjlIt all looks fine, no mutes12:46
Victor```rowanjl: is external amplifier muted12:46
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Victor```try muting that12:46
GrimWaldand no programs as esd or artsd running ?12:47
christopher_lhow do I disable tooltips? anyone?12:47
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rowanjlI see esd in my processes list12:47
Victor```rowanjl: did you mute the external amplifier?12:48
seanjI bet tooldips are buried in some arcane configuration file :(12:48
rowanjlVictor```: the amp is not muted, and plays other sources fine12:48
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rowanjlGrimWald: I should kill esd?12:49
Victor```oh, you're not getting any sound fro m a DVD?12:49
Victor```did you try other players?12:49
Victor```vlc, ogle-gui, etc.12:49
rowanjlno sounds, not just from dvd12:50
Slartchristopher_l: perhaps nautilus does the tool tips.. but I'm just guessing12:50
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Victor```what do you mean it plays other sources fine, though12:50
GrimWaldyou could try rowanjl, at first did you verify if the sound in xine is also on ?12:50
rowanjlGrimWald: it isn't just xine, its every sound generating program, but yeah, I'll try12:50
christopher_lSlart: how do I get in nautilus?12:51
Victor```mute the external amplifier and try to play something, trust me, it's worked for me before12:51
Slartchristopher_l: I'm working on it.. give me a second12:51
rowanjlGrimWald: the computer is still silent12:51
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GrimWaldweird :/ did you try what Victor``` says ?12:52
rowanjlVictor```: I think you have a different idea of "external amplifier" than I do. I've got a 6 channel 180w RMS Kenwood amp on my desk :P12:52
Victor```mute it :P12:52
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rowanjl(It doesn't have a mute :X)12:53
Victor```mute it with alsamixer12:53
Victor```it's a switch12:53
behemothow to install xplanet on edgy eft + xgl??12:53
Victor```if it's in the mixer, press M on it12:53
jonah1980_2hey guys i need some advice... i've got a system at work that is busted up with an old copy of suse, now i've brought the hardrive home so that i can install ubuntu on it and then take it back to work - but will it boot from installing it on another box? the suse that was on it isn't booting on my home machine so i'm in fear it won't boot ubuntu at work!?12:53
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rowanjlDone, but it didn't do anything :P12:54
behemothow to install xplanet on edgy eft + xgl??12:54
Slartchristopher_l: run gconf-editor in a terminal12:54
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bzuci6.10, sound card cs46xx, no microphone input, capture is selected. Anyone....?12:55
Victor```rowanjl: so unmute it and try something else12:55
christopher_lSlart: Im already in there, but I can't turn all tooltips off12:55
rowanjlVictor```: something else?12:55
christopher_lonly the top panel12:55
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GrimWaldit's probably just a process that uses audio output12:56
jonah1980_2is there any procedure to install it on a hardrive that will go into another box with different hardware?12:56
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Slartchristopher_l: check in apps/panel/global12:56
jonah1980_2i can't install it at work cos the cd drive is broken?12:56
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Victor```jonah1980_2: depends what you mean by different hardware12:56
Slartchristopher_l: there are probably some programs that do their own tool tips.. but I'm guessing that should kill most of them12:57
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jonah1980_2Victor, well it might well have ati and mines got nvidia, different processors and motherboards etc etc12:57
Victor```different processors?12:57
Victor```as in?12:57
rowanjlVictor```: GrimWald I'm going to have to go back to windows, because I'm too tired to think about this. Thanks :)12:57
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christopher_lSlart: It's off, but not all the tooltips12:57
jonah1980_2Victor, ah well mines a 64bit machine and work is 32bit but was planning on just installing 32bit edgy12:58
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Slartchristopher_l: yes.. I noticed.. well.. there might be more places to disable it... that was the one I knew about12:58
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Victor```jonah1980_2: can't you put the good CD drive in the other computer12:59
Victor```someone here could also help you with putting the CD files on a 1 GB USB drive and booting from it01:00
jonah1980_2Victor, no unfortunately people at home need it, plus the boss doesn't want me messing around down at work, so i said i'd just bring hardrive home01:00
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Victor```jonah1980_2: hmm... the CD drive in that machine is actually broken to where it can't read CDs?01:00
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Victor```at all?01:00
jonah1980_2Victor, yup01:01
Victor```wait a second01:01
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jonah1980_2Victor, it's just an old bust up machine, we only want dapper or edgy on so we can use it as a screensaver machine in the shop window going round all day with adverts which i can pendrive across as it's not networked up or anything01:01
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Victor```I guess it might work01:02
Victor```since ubuntu installs a ton of drivers and loads all the necessary kernel modules at boot time01:03
jonah1980_2Victor, problem is suse on it's dead old and it's dual booting with windows, which we need to remove as we've put windows on a new machine as we no longer need to use it on this shop window box - so i just though whack a clean copy of ubuntu on there01:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libavifile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:04
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Victor```but quite frankly I believe putting a good drive in it temporarily would be a much, much better idea01:04
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seanjhi mazinyer_Z01:05
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GuerrillaWonDoes anyone know where there is a working libgnutls amd64 deb?01:07
jonah1980_2Victor, well i guess it's worth a shot now i'm home with the drive an all01:07
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jonah1980_2Victor, are my chances slim?01:07
GuerrillaWonAll the links I follow seem to be dead, I think I'm missing something.01:07
Victor```jonah1980_2: I couldn't say01:07
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Jowiwhat is the /srv directory for? I haven't seen it before01:08
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gencan you please help in making my ubuntu as a server01:08
Jowigen a server for what?01:08
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genthanks jovi, I'm trying to use as a internet server01:09
Jowigen, again i need to ask. what type of server do you need to install? webserver, ftp server, ssh server...?01:09
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Chromafil1Does anybody know how to grant a user the ability to perform administrative tasks in Ubuntu so they can access the graphical admin tools?01:10
genwebserver and ftp server01:10
lucairc luca01:10
jonah1980_2has anyone in here ever pulled off installing ubuntu on a hardrive that will then be put in a new system that possibly has different ati/nvidia graphics card and other totally diff hardware?? any tips?01:10
JowiChromafil1, yes, add the user to the admin group01:10
Chromafil1Jowi, thanks,  will try this with terminal...01:11
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rusheri did jonah01:11
rusherit worked perfectly01:11
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rusheramd sempron 32bit to a amd 64 and vice versa01:11
rusherati - nvidia01:12
jonah1980_2rusher, wow really?? i'm installing on an amd64 with nvidia and gonna put the drive in an intel ati box!! and not feeling like it's gonna work...01:12
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jonah1980_2rusher, and other one 32bit!01:12
rusherit will not work unless your using the 386 kernel01:12
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rusherusually ubuntu keeps the old kernel and the new kernel01:13
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Jowijust say exactly what you need help with gen01:13
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rusherhow come ubuntu is slower than debian01:14
jonah1980_2rusher, well i'm installing 32bit version of ubuntu, so will that be ok?01:14
trollbonjours y a t'il un francais sur ce chan01:14
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rusher32 bit to a 32 bit yeagh01:14
Jowitroll, va a #ubuntu-fr01:14
rusheruse generic kernel or 38601:14
trollok merci01:15
Jowide rien01:15
waycoanybody have any idea what would cause all video players to suddenly stop displaying graphics and only give me the audio portion of the file?01:15
rusherand switch your video driver to vesa01:15
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rushercodec problem i guess01:15
Storkmehow can i synchronize my evolution mail client with one or more computers?01:15
rushercopy the data in the .evolution folder01:15
rusherthunderbird was easir, that is why I siwtchted01:15
jonah1980_2rusher, so when i take drive to work and fit it and try boot, will anything go wrong, will i have to do anything? the old machine at work even has an old serial monitor with a totally diff refresh rate etc...01:15
rusheryou have to google the evolution thing01:16
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rusherI did not have a problem01:16
Storkmehow do i do it with thunderbird?01:16
rusheryou might have eto reconfigure x.01:16
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saispohi, where i can find mozilla-sunbird for edgy ?01:16
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rusherits actually .mozilla-thunderbird01:17
rushercopy all the files in the last folder01:17
rusheryour in debian 201:18
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rushergood morning01:18
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ChromafileDoes anybody know how to allow new users to access system administration through the graphical tools in Ubuntu?01:18
rusheradd them to /etc/sudoers01:18
ChromafileTried adding the users to admin group - did ot work.01:18
jonah1980_2rusher, so as long as i get a prompt someone should be able to help me fix the graphics if there's problems? also the machine has no internet connection, so will be hard to install other drivers and stuff...01:18
rusheryou should have the vesa driver installed already01:19
rusheranyone offering any Linux IT jobs?01:19
un_operateurChromafile, usually only root has those privileges -- and members of the admin group can use sudo to become root -- so invoke those said utilities using sudo/gksudo01:19
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rusheryou have to be a sudoer to use sudo01:20
rusheryou have to be in /etc/sudoers to use sudo01:20
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genalladin, can you help me in networking matters01:20
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un_operateurrusher, yes, the admin group is a sudoers group01:20
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un_operateurrusher, so members of that group can sudo01:21
ChromafileRusher, should this work?  sudo adduser --group /etc/sudoers01:21
rusheranyone have etch installed01:21
jonah1980_2rusher, man that's awesome awesome awesome - you'd have no chance in hell if you're trying stuff like this on windows... the possibilities with linux are unreal01:21
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genrusher, can you help me in networking01:21
rusheri had that problem with windows 98 back in the daay01:21
rusherwhat is your question01:21
rushercan anyone help me with debian etch01:21
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rusher'ood day mate01:22
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un_operateurrusher, whats the debian issue?01:22
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ChromafileThanks Rusher, will give that a try - may be back in a few mins :)01:22
rushermy sound does not work01:22
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genI'm a freelance webprogrammer, and would like to setup a the ubuntu as my server01:22
storkgen, good to know.01:22
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rusherit has crappy quality and high pitch noises and then stops01:22
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un_operateurrusher, configured alsa and ~/.asoundrc ?01:23
rushergen , debian etch would be better01:23
storkrusher, what sound device?01:23
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waycoanybody have any idea what would cause all video players to suddenly stop displaying graphics and only give me the audio portion of the file?01:23
storkwhat chipset, rusher ?01:23
rusherlet me find it01:23
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:24
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PDanihow can i burn a bootable cd image to a dvd?01:24
genrusher, what is debian etch01:24
rusherhda-intel nvidia corp MCP51 High Def01:25
un_operateurgen, it's a distro - like ubuntu edgy01:25
rusherdebian etch is a linux distro . Ubuntu is based from Ubuntu01:25
rusherdebian etch is a linux distro . Ubuntu is based from debian01:25
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genI would like my ubuntu to be a testing server for my web pages, LAMP to be exat01:27
uniqueLikeYoujonah1980_2: I installed debian on one pc and copied it to another pc with different hardware. After editing the boot loader and xfconfig most of the stuff worked fine.01:27
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rusheryou might want to start with a graphical version01:27
rusherregular ubuntu01:27
rushercan you survive in a shell environment01:28
genhe he he he, might start in graphical01:28
genmay last dos programming is pascal01:28
genhe he he01:28
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saispono mozilla-sunbird ubuntu packages for this times ?01:28
rusherinstall regular ubuntu then install apache or apache201:28
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rusherice weasel!01:29
genapache, MySQL, PHP01:29
un_operateursaispo, did you search packages.ubuntu.com ?01:29
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rusheryou can install all those easily after a installation01:29
saispoun_operateur: yep not found or my glasses is not good ;)01:29
asphhiya there01:29
saisporusher: iceweasel is firefox no ?01:29
rusheryes saispo01:30
rusherice weasel is the GNU Firefox01:30
un_operateursaispo, yes and no01:30
rusherjust released for debian ETch Testing01:30
rusherand Ice Dove01:30
markus_naglerAnyone know how to persuade Nautilus to display folder size in MB instead of number of items?01:30
geni think my ubuntu version is regular only01:30
waycoanybody have any idea what would cause all video players to suddenly stop displaying graphics and only give me the audio portion of the file?01:30
rusherdebian made changes and mozilla said do not call it firefox if you changed some code01:30
rusherbecause it is not firefox\01:30
rushervideo codec problem wayco, I have that problem porting video from windows - Linux and vice versa01:31
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rusherand from my camera~01:31
lucacome entro01:31
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genwere can I download the apache01:31
genfor my ubuntu01:32
wayco <rusher> where would i start to fis this problem?01:32
rushersynaptic, ubuntus program getter01:32
un_operateursaispo, you can always install sunbird from the binary tarballs -- sounds like ubuntu doesnt have it in the repos01:32
rusherinstall w32codecs01:32
rusheror win32codec01:32
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rushertry avidemux to re-render video01:32
rusherpossibly qdvdauthor01:32
rusheri ended up with videos with no sound =*01:33
wayco <rusher> i am sure they are already installed ... it was all good yesterday01:33
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rusherwhen I watched porn, it would not show the wma video, only audio. Avi and mpeg would play perfectly01:33
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX01:34
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xerophyte20 Partner Points ?? how do you get the partners points with ubuntu to be an  Affiliates01:34
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wayco <rusher> i am getting no video for any file type01:35
rusherdid  you try multiple players ?01:35
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wayco <rusher> both vln and movie player ... same results01:36
un_operateurwayco, try running your players from the command line -- they might spit out valuable debugging info that'll help you troubleshoot01:36
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications01:36
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wayco<un_operateur> have done ... starts with no error ... same result01:37
rusherdelete the profiles in your home directory and try watching again01:37
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rusherthis will start things from scratch01:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:37
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wayco<rusher> delete the profiles in your home directory?   not sure what you mean01:38
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un_operateurwayco, I'd try reinstalling the codecs if i were you01:38
rusherdelete .vlc and .kaffeine in your /home/yourname01:39
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wayco<rusher> and then reinstall them?01:39
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rusherwhen you launch a program. it makes a hidden folder filled with your settings and data01:39
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mseneyjoin #debian01:39
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rushertry just deleting the profiles firsst01:39
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zhehi all01:40
zhedoes anyone have an idea how I could set up filesharing between a ubuntu and windows machine in the same network?01:40
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rusheri do zhe01:40
rusherisntall smbfs and samba01:41
un_operateur!samba | zhe01:41
ubotuzhe: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:41
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ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se01:41
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rusher!alsa | rusher01:41
uboturusher: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:41
rusherdam =(01:42
un_operateurrusher, you can query the bot privately -- /query ubotu01:42
rusheroh lol01:42
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wayco<rusher> i just moved the .vlc folder out of path .. tried an avi .... new .vlc folder created .... same result(audio, no video)01:43
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sebsjo hi01:43
sebssomone can tell me which package i heve to use for getting mysql 4(!) for edgy t.  ?01:43
un_operateurwayco, purge-remove w32codecs (and other codecs packages you may have installed) .. purge /usr/lib/codecs -- and then reinstall your codecs01:43
sebsto b. exactly 4.1x01:44
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un_operateursebs, as long as you know the right version number -- sudo aptitude install mysql=4.1 ..01:44
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scoob_debis there someone available to tolerate new user questions for a few minutes?01:45
rusherand it will be updated automatically with update-manager right ?01:45
rusherquestion scoob?01:45
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sebsnot using apt-get install for that ?01:45
scoob_debi want to use opera web browser but it's asking what kind of ubuntu I have01:45
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un_operateursebs, errm, i'm not sure if apt-get handles that syntax and its just better to use aptitude01:46
scoob_debwas 6.10 the latest version and if so how do i tell if that is what I have?01:46
rusheropera sucks btw01:46
scoob_deboh it does?01:46
un_operateurscoob_deb, cat /etc/release or cat /etc/issue01:46
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scoob_debi have firefox installed01:46
sebsokay. Why is that so ? mnaybe because its easier possible to select versions with aptitude ?01:46
un_operateursebs, well, for one, aptitude handles dependencies better and it remembers software installed and removes packages that are no longer used -- moreoever it handles almost all apt-get commands identically01:47
rusherhow does it compare with synaptic01:48
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rusherun_operateur  how does it compare with synaptic01:48
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un_operateurrusher, it's a command-line and ncurses application -- so it has no gui -- it does as well as synaptic, if not better01:48
joshinhoI have a problem instlling ubuntu01:48
joshinhowhen I get the the part of the installation where Im asked to partition01:49
joshinhoit freezes01:49
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rusherhave you tried multiple cd's ?01:49
joshinhodoes anyone know what I can do to get round this?01:49
joshinhoi've tried one01:49
joshinhothe one I buned myself01:49
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joshinhoonto DVD01:50
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shackhey guys, I have small problem with amule and firewall. I've already opened ports 4662 tcp, 4672 and 4665 udp and forwarted port 4662 to my amule computer but still I cant connect to servers01:50
shackany suggestions?01:50
rusherwaste of dvd...........try it again on a different cd01:50
un_operateurjoshinho, I havent installed or used an ubuntu desktop CD .. but there's a way to verify if the CD was burnt properly, have you done so?01:50
joshinhooh no I haven't01:50
joshinhoguess i will do that01:51
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un_operateurjoshinho, if i were you, i'd use an alternate CD and do things the conventional way01:51
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rushercdefrag the windows drive01:51
joshinhothankyou all01:51
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rusherI found out about the alternative cd the hard way01:52
rusherdam raid01:52
joshinhowhats the conventional way?01:52
sebsun_operator: it still installs the 5.x server .. even if i name the exact version number01:52
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un_operateurjoshinho, booting the CD and performing the install without first going into a live desktop01:52
joshinhoyeh thats what I do01:52
rusheryou use the blue and red install ?01:53
un_operateurjoshinho, the problem with the live desktop is it hides valuable console messages if they are spit out01:53
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un_operateurrusher, you mean the ncurses installer?01:53
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rusherwhat is this ncurses I keep hearing about01:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
rusher!ncurses | rusher01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
mooeyits a library for making console applications easier01:54
un_operateurrusher, an example of an ncurses interface is that of midnight commander or aptitude -- try it out at the console01:54
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rusherthat has been around for years01:54
un_operateurrusher, very much similar to that of a BIOS interface -- but from a command line01:54
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abhinayhow to label a ext3 drive ? i have tried :  sudo e2label /dev/hda6 Movies , but i am not getting 'Movies' as the name of the drive instead it shows hda6 at my desktop , Any Suggestions ?01:55
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rusherright click and choose rename01:56
un_operateurabhinay, I don't use nautilus/gnome -- but there may be a way to do that using the properties of the volume -- right click > properties > somewhere01:56
rusheror make an original ICON01:56
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rusherwhat do you use un_operateur01:56
abhinayIt can't be renamed , becoz it is a drive01:57
abhinaynot a launcher01:57
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rusher6.06 came with a disk admin tool01:57
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rushermade it really easy to manage disks01:57
abhinayrusher, whats that ?01:57
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rushersystem- admin disk admin01:57
savvasI made a custom bash script with wget, and i get this: /home/forger/rapid-: Unsupported scheme.01:57
savvaswhat does it mean?01:58
rusherEdgy Eft discontinued diskadmin01:58
un_operateursavvas, maybe you are wgetting something thats not a valid URI01:58
mooeysavvas, you trying to wget a protocol that isn't valid. use only http and ftp01:58
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savvasun_operateur: is the first parameter in bash $1 or $0 ?:\01:59
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savvashm $1 that was my mistake :P01:59
un_operateursavvas, errm, i think $001:59
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sedrakehow do i install Kernel Source for my running kernel?02:00
savvasno $0 returns the shell meh02:00
savvasthat's why i was getting the error hehe02:00
savvasthanks for your help :)02:00
un_operateursavvas, ahh, shows i dont use bash for shell scripting :)02:00
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tosmojust installed ubuntu on an older machine. trying to dialin with an (at compatible) modem doesn't work. unfortunately ubuntu isn't exactly verbose about what it does/doesen't, and on the 6.10 dvd there are no other dialin tools despite what ubuntu offers in the networking settings. helpfully the help tells me where to look up on the internet which i cannot reach..02:03
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j0sh0hi could someone help me with my Xorg.0.log output and getting my intel 855GM video cards working properly?02:05
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jonah1980_2rusher,hi again getting errors and wont' let me install ubuntu - dunno if hardrive corrupt or what. trying now to zero the disk with ubcd02:05
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un_operateurj0sh0, did the card ever work before at all? whats the log saying, just give us a gist02:07
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=== sebs strats to get a bit frusttrated .. all tries: only cversion 5 i get of mysql
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un_operateursebs, ahh sorry, i read your post before and meant to reply02:08
un_operateursebs, you could try manually installing version 4 from the archives02:08
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j0sh0un_operatuer: yeah it could display 1024x768 in winxp. the log says "Not using mode "1024x768" (no mode of this name)"02:09
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sebshmm ... strated to use ubuntu today.. so you might be a bit slower with me ;)02:10
dorel__is it normal to have both artsd and esd running?02:10
j0sh0un_operauer: and then reverts to 800x600: "Virtual size is 800x600 (pitch 1024)02:10
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un_operateursebs, ok, sec02:11
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un_operateurj0sh0, can you get to a desktop or not?02:11
Lorvijaheya. how much does ubuntu need space on hd to work fine?02:11
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Kapsel_Hi, I installed a package (freeradius) on my system and did some changes in the config files in /etc/freeradius. I would like to revert to the original files, is there any way I can force a reinstall of the package and then overwrite the files I made changes to?02:11
j0sh0un_operatuer: but i know the mode is there - it shows it in the log and in "915resolution -l"02:11
jpjacobsLorvija, at least 2Gb02:11
coldwhy does flash work for suse and not ubuntu?02:11
Lorvijajpjacobs is that kinda "minimal installation" or does that include programs too...02:12
j0sh0un_operatuer:yeah i have a desktop but it wont allow me to change to 1024 res, very frustrating!02:12
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un_operateurj0sh0, have you tried via gnome-display-properties ?02:12
jpjacobsthat's a standard install . if you want it smaller, you can use xubuntu or fluxbuntu (dunno if the lastone is correct)02:13
un_operateurKapsel_, sudo sh -c "aptitude purge freeradius; aptitude install freeradius"02:13
j0sh0un_operatuer: i've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, if thats what you mean?02:13
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nol13hi, i have a dvd image that is in a VIDEO_TS folder with a bunch of .VOB files and a few others, how do i burn this to play in a dvd player? do i just make a data dvd with k3b with the VIDEO_TS folder?02:13
Kapsel_un_operateur: super, thanks!02:13
Lorvijajpjacobs okay.. just thinking of buying enough ram and installing it on it (:02:13
un_operateurj0sh0, errm, no, try this at your command line - gnome-display-properties02:14
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un_operateurKapsel_, you might like to make backups of config files next time -- try !bkp (i think thats what it's called)02:14
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jonah1980_2un_operateur, hey good to see you, you've helped me so much in past! i know saying feisty in the edgy room is a dirty word, but i don't suppose you have a feisty box do you? just i've got a few usb issues... scanners and printers not working for me on two different machines02:14
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Kapsel_un_operateur: okay. I just made alot of changes to the files to get something working, just to find out that it was a problem elsewhere. And when i fixed it elsewhere, FreeRadius was b0rken.02:15
un_operateurjonah1980_2, I did run feisty for a month or so -- but not since Jan the 1st .. whats the issue02:15
j0sh0un_operatuer: yeah, thats where it wont allow me to change the resolution! i've even set the only resolution of the defaultdepth to 1024x768 in the xorg.conf modes line02:15
un_operateurj0sh0, so you did edit the xorg.conf file manually at some point?02:16
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nol13anyone know anything about burning dvd images?02:16
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_raphael_is there a repo with moodbar in amarok for ubuntu?02:17
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un_operateurj0sh0, maybe this might help -- sudo dpkg-reconfigure --priority low xorg02:18
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jonah1980_2un_operateur, well with printers there's a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/77464  - so everyone is having to do this command everyboot to use the printer!  as far as why scanners aren't working not sure, i thought it might be related somehow but dunno, i've got some photos i need to scan and can't do it though, can only get a preview!02:18
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j0sh0un_operatuer:yeah i've played around with it manually, tried to use dpkg-reconfigure, none of them will allow me to use 1024x768 in display properties and i reckon it has something to do with what i pointed out in the log file... i'm just not sure why02:18
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j0sh0un_operatuer: what does the low xorg priority do?02:19
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un_operateurj0sh0, just reconfigures xorg but asks you about all configuration questions the installer script might have02:20
un_operateurj0sh0, after doing that -- try the same with the xorg-server package02:20
un_operateurjonah1980_2, so which command did you have to type out every boot -- the adduser one?02:21
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sedrakehow do I install kernel source for my running kernel?02:21
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jonah1980_2un_operateur, well everytime i need to print having to do: sudo usermod -aG plugdev cupsys    and then restart cups and then printers work02:21
jonah1980_2un_operateur, is there anything similar do you think i could do for scanning?02:22
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bullgard1What is the English name of the GNOME applet in the far upper right?02:22
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un_operateursedrake, find out what kernel headers are available -- aptitude search `uname -r` .. and then install them -- sudo aptitude install linux-headers....02:23
bricei search help i try to make dual screen and i don't arrived02:23
bricehere is my xorg.comf02:23
|Sora|can you turn off "sudo" ?02:23
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SlartIs there a difference between doing sudo dosomething and sudo su  , dosomething ?02:23
|Sora|the requirement for sudo02:23
un_operateurSlart, sudo su is redundant -- use sudo -s or sudo -i instead02:24
SlartI mean in the way the command is run?02:24
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un_operateurjonah1980_2, errm, all i can think of is that it's a bug -- maybe you can have one of your init scripts perform those command automatically02:24
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un_operateurjonah1980_2, did you say your scanners work but not properly?02:24
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Lynoure|Sora|: yes, but why do you want to?02:25
jonah1980_2un_operateur, yeah weird thing is it's previewing on my 32bit box02:25
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Slartwell.. the reason I'm asking is because when I try to change the rights to the alsa part of /proc (/proc/asound) by doing "sudo chmod a+rw -R /proc/asound" I get permission denied.. but if I do sudo su and then run the same command it's ok02:25
|Sora|I is possible to turn off the requirement for "sudo" ?02:25
sebsun_operator: are you still with me ;)02:26
Sir_PenguinHi all! Wireless help again :p However, I *have* made progress. I download wifi-scanner (google will find it as first item) which tells me that it *is* connected.02:26
Lynoure|Sora|: requirement for "sudo"? What do you mean?02:26
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Sir_PenguinHowever, I also have the built in networking tools setup (although not working) and I think that they *may* be conflicting with each other.02:26
|Sora|Lynoure, the need for permissin to open a file02:27
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Lynoure|Sora|: Yes, but with some files it is majorly unwise02:27
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Sir_PenguinIs this a possibility and if so would I be able to disable the built-in networking tools just for this?02:27
Lynoure|Sora|: the command you are looking for is chmod, see  man chmod02:27
jonah1980_2un_operateur, so i can hit preview and it shows in xsane and then when i press scan it says it's doing it but the scanner doesn't do anything and i just get a black image. but on 64bit box i don't even get a preview or anything02:27
kenthomsonCan someone help me with cdemu?02:27
un_operateurjonah1980_2, errm, maybe the scanner package (xsane) needs configuring/tweaking to get it working properly -- sad thing is i never used a scanner on linux before -- so, have a look around in the app and read the doc files maybe02:28
kenthomsonken@ken-ubuntu:~$ cdemu -u 002:28
kenthomson[Errno 16]  Device or resource busy02:28
kenthomsonHow do i dismount the virtual cd?02:28
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genun_operateur, please help in installing apache02:28
avalon__Can I encrypt my hard drives to prevent someone from being able to view them if they're not in my computer?02:28
Sir_Penguinkenthomson, do you mean livecd?02:28
un_operateurkenthomson, you need to terminate all open files that may be accessing the volume -- lsof | grep cdvolumename02:29
genI've already download the httpd-2.2.302:29
Sir_PenguinOkay, I think I'm totally off lol :p02:29
kenthomsonSir_Penguin, you know about cdemu?02:29
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Sir_PenguinNo, sorry, I thought that it was something else.02:29
mweavalon__: you can encrypt a file system in linux. I'm not into the details, though02:29
Sir_PenguinDon't worry.02:29
jonah1980_2un_operateur, ok thanks for your help... i didn't think i'd need my scanner either or i neednt of upgraded! oh well02:29
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kenthomsonun_operateur, no-open files are acessing that volume through the GUI02:29
Lynoureavalon__: If you do not need all hardrives be encrypted, just some parts, look into truecrypt.02:29
un_operateurgen, errm, why dont you just install via synaptic/aptitude - sudo aptitude install apache202:29
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avalon__I'd have to have the entire drives encrypted02:29
kenthomsonun_operateur, could you please explain this "volume -- lsof | grep cdvolumename"02:30
un_operateurkenthomson, that doesnt mean that there are no processing accessing the volume otherwise, does it? :)02:30
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adaptravalon__: there are several utilities to accomplish this02:30
mweavalon__: you cannot encrypt a drive02:30
kenthomsonun_operateur, no they may be accessing them02:30
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Sir_PenguinHas anyone here used the wifi-radar program?02:30
mweavalon__: you can encrypt the file system on it02:30
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The_StalLionhi, can anyone help? im trying to change the default placing for desktop icons ...when inserting a usb pen, for example, the icon appears top-left desktop ...is it possible to change that to top-right?02:30
Sir_PenguinFoudn here02:30
sebsok, so  ym question again: how do i (ubuntu newbie) get a mysql 4.1 on my ubuntu edgy theft. all tries with the package managers got me version 502:30
Lynoureavalon__: /boot and /bin and all? Why? :) (I'm curious)02:30
avalon__Well.. I just need it to where if someone steals my drive, they cant see anything useful on it02:31
kenthomsonun_operateur, Is it possible that if i mount a .cue file using cdemu, cdemu mounts them incorrectly/due to a bug in cdemu, the contents of the mounted file are corrupted?02:31
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avalon__I've got some very confidential files on it02:31
Lynoureavalon__: for 99% of the users something like truecrypt is well enough, and damn easy02:31
un_operateurkenthomson, lsof lists open files -- grep filters output -- so together you're trying to find what processing might have files on that volume open02:31
mweavalon__: encrypt the file systems on it then ;)02:31
adaptravalon__: look into cryptfs, also the possibility to encrypt a loop-mounted "partition"02:31
avalon__Can truecrypt do the entire partition?02:32
kenthomsonun_operateur, ok, and about the second question? :)02:32
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Lynoureavalon__: it can make a virtual partition that it encrypts02:32
saispohow can i build a debian package for ubunutu ? i have the .dsc, the diff and the orig packages02:32
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un_operateurkenthomson, afaik, .cue files are just lists, plain-old-text-files -- so i dont think they can be mounted, no -- but their .bin counter-parts can be mounted02:32
mweavalon__: as I said you don't encrypt devices or partitions. you encrypt the file system ;)02:32
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kenthomsonun_operateur, yeah i mean the .bin/.cue pair? Can cdemu mount them incorrectly so as to the contents on them may be corrupted?02:33
avalon__Because what I want to do if it's possible is make it to where if someone tries to hack my login password, after three attempts, the drives get formatted.. I know I"m paranoid, but if you knew these files, you'd understand.02:33
adaptravalon__: encrypting your system partition isn't all that useful, unless you're uber-paranoid; encrypt your data files instead02:33
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genun_operateur, this is the message I get when I entered the sudo - aptitude install apache2E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail able)02:33
genE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc ess using it?02:33
=== chop_ [n=chop@cpc2-walt2-0-0-cust547.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
The_StalLionhi, can anyone help? im trying to change the default placing for desktop icons ...when inserting a usb pen, for example, the icon appears top-left desktop ...is it possible to change that to top-right?02:33
un_operateurgen . sudo  :)02:33
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Lynoureavalon__: and you can even hide encrypted virtual partition within other one, so that if they have access to you and your disk, you can maybe mislead them from torturing you for the passphrase.02:33
kenthomsonun_operateur, i mean, can there be a bug in cdemu wherein the file that it mounts becomes corrupted?02:33
vdepizzolanyone know a stop-motion draw animation app for Linux?02:34
mwegen: close synaptic first if it's open02:34
adaptravalon__: so what if they try to hack your login a thousand times ? if they have access to your hard drive they can just read it... you need to encrypt the data partitions to prevent damage from physical theft02:34
genhow can I close it02:34
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un_operateurkenthomson, errm, i dont know how cdemu works -- but it shouldnt corrupt files .. maybe the bin file was already corrupt to begin with02:34
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mwegen: click the close button02:35
kenthomsonun_operateur, " lsof | grep iso" (iso is the name of mounting folder), gave me four entries, now how do i stop them so that i can unmount the .bin02:35
un_operateurkenthomson, you could just extract the contents of the .bin file if you wanted, why mount?02:35
avalon__ So by encrypting the partitions, if someone stole the drive, they couldn't make head or tails from it?02:35
genI'm in the terminal. :(02:35
kenthomsonun_operateur, i have mounted it so that i can see and it behaves as a CD, that is how it was intended to be02:35
mwegen: but synaptic is open in an X session?02:35
un_operateurgen, sudo aptitude install apache2  --- dont forget sudo02:35
adaptrgen: then kill the process, or better yet, remove the lock file02:35
un_operateurkenthomson, killall processname02:36
Lynoureavalon__: true, unless you chose a passphrase that is so weak they can guess or bruteforce it.02:36
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The_StalLionhi, can anyone help? im trying to change the default placing for desktop icons ...when inserting a usb pen, for example, the icon appears top-left desktop ...is it possible to change that to top-right?02:36
mweadaptr: is that a good idea if it's locked because another program is using it?02:36
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avalon__well that certainly isn't the case. I'm using pams to make sure that I don't have a weak pass. It's a key.02:36
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adaptrLynoure: isn't it possible to use a public key with a passphrase ?02:36
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adaptrmwe: he says he's in a terminal, and I am assuming he is *not* running X, or else he could just close synaptic02:37
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kenthomsonun_operateur, this is the first of the four entries from "lsof | grep iso" : bash       2678        ken  cwd       DIR      254,0      2048       2816 /media/iso02:37
kenthomson, What am i supposed to do?02:37
avalon__That's what I have adaptr. It's ran from a USB key that requires the drive to be in or the comptuer won't login02:37
adaptrmwe: so the only processes running that could hold the lock should be defunct or orphaned02:37
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Lynoureadaptr: Sorry, I'm lacking context for your guestion. If you meant that if he leaks his passphrase. Well, it's all for nothing then.02:37
mweadaptr: ther could be an active X session on the same machine02:37
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un_operateurkenthomson, close the bash session firstly :) open up a new one and try again -- may work02:38
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adaptrLynoure: no, what I mean is that witrh a public key and passphrase system, the passphrase alone is worthless - an attacker also needs the actual key, which makes it doubly difficult02:38
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adaptrmwe: then he could just switch to it02:38
un_operateurmwe, adaptr i think gen's working through ssh on a server02:38
kenthomsonun_operateur, what am i supposed to kill? "killall <what comes here>"?02:38
Lynoureadaptr: but if the files are as sensitive as he says, they can get all that from him at gunpoint.02:38
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adaptrun_operateur: then killing synaptic would be the way to go02:39
mweadaptr: if he's logged in through ssh he do that02:39
un_operateurkenthomson, errm, ok if you like suicide -- killall bash02:39
un_operateuradaptr, errm, synaptic on an X-less machine??02:39
Lynoureadaptr: the setup sounds like he carries also the key with him physically always, not much safer than not having one if it is always near the laptop02:39
adaptrLynoure: anybody can get that in any case whatsoever - we have to assume that whatever's in the files is also in his own head02:39
kenthomsonun_operateur, na, what am i supposed to kill so that, i am able to unmount the cdemu's .bin? I gave a sample output, there are four more that appear on "lsof | grep iso"02:39
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mwegen: ps -e|grep synapic, does that return anything?02:40
adaptrLynoure: physical danger is generally not regarded a significant factor, as a computer can hardly protect you from that02:40
Lynoureadaptr: Actually then I'd recommend just keeping it in his head. :)02:40
adaptrLynoure: unless you can swing it real hard :)02:40
un_operateurkenthomson, i think the first field in the output of lsof is the process name -- you killall a process name02:40
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kenthomsonun_operateur, ok :) thank you for all the help, that was really prompt :)02:40
kenthomsonHAPPY UBUNT-ing!02:41
un_operateurha ha, likewise02:41
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genmwe, okay guys working on it. he he he02:41
ltibor65Hi guys! I want to connect my laptop to my desktop computer with UTP crossover cable. Both computers have Ubuntu 6.06 as OS. How can I configure the the network to share files between the computers without to destroy my working Internet ADSL connection ?02:41
Lynoureadaptr: actually, having a system that adds to deniability (like encrypted partition hidden inside another one) can help a good deal there. But I have luckily never been in the situation to test how far goons go02:42
The_StalLionhi, can anyone help? im trying to change the default placing for desktop icons ...when inserting a usb pen, for example, the icon appears top-left desktop ...is it possible to change that to top-right?02:42
adaptrltibor65: how is the network connected to the internet ?02:42
finalbetaHow does md5sums get created inside the control.tar.gz of debian packages?02:42
mwegen: if you kill synaptic from the terminal it will probably leave the lock but in that case you can safely remove the lock file aferwards02:42
kenthomsonhoa so many questions?02:42
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adaptrLynoure: true. but whenevr dealing with goons it is safer - and a lot cheaper in the long run - to just hire your own :)02:42
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un_operateurfinalbeta, it's probably the md5sum of all files inside the .deb not of the .deb itself02:43
mwefinalbeta: someone ran md5sum I guess02:43
ltibor65adaptr, With adsl modem02:43
genmwe, this is the message she gave. ERROR: List of session leaders OR effective group IDs was invalid.02:43
Lynoureadaptr: I think so too =)02:43
mwegen: what gave you that?02:43
adaptrltibor65: yes, but *how* are the computers connected to it ?02:43
mwegen: ps?02:43
genthe terminal02:43
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mwegen: typing ps -e?02:43
finalbetaun_operateur, mwe , yes , it's from all files inside the package, yet it's done recursive, can't find something that does it inside md5sum. And wouldn't wanna manually run it on all files.02:44
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finalbetamwe, great answer btw. thnx.02:44
adaptrfinalbeta: it is run over the tar file, obviously02:44
jribfinalbeta: control.tar.gz? where is that, what package?02:44
finalbetait's part of every .deb file.02:44
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mwegen: please elaborate ;)02:45
genit shows  the PID TTY and TIME CMD02:45
adubsvn command doesnt work when i run it  what package do i need to have this command02:45
finalbetacontrol.tar.gz and data.tar.gz02:45
un_operateurfinalbeta, you mean the control file -- not control.tar.gz right?02:45
Lorvijaheya. I'd like to seed several kubuntu/ubuntu images but i have a little problem with ctorrent/bandwith management... ctorrent currently lets only control one instance at a time... but i can't limit all ctorrent instances to use less than xxx kb/s... Any ideas how to do this or ideas for better commandline program?02:45
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adubsvn checkout http://02:45
adaptrfinalbeta: it is built into dpkg02:45
adubwhat package do i need to have svn command work??02:45
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mwegen: typing ps -e|grep synaptic didn't return anything or what? I don't quite follow02:45
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adaptr!svn | adub02:45
ubotuadub: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/02:45
Savage-{anybody know how to open up an rpm and manually place the files?02:45
finalbetaun_operateur, no, the control file is named, control, this file is named md5sum inside control.tar.gz02:45
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finalbetaadaptr, thnx.02:46
mweadub: subversion02:46
jribfinalbeta: do you mean the .dsc file?02:46
adubthanks mwe02:46
un_operateurSavage-{, rpm2cpio rpmfile.rpm | cpio    i think02:46
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Savage-{cool thx02:46
tim167Gimp question: how do I move a layer on top of another one instead of below it ? (the up and down arrows in the layers dialog are inactive...) thanks!02:46
adaptr#gimp ?02:46
ltibor65adaptr, only the laptop is connected to Internet with Ethernet UTP, I will connect the two computers to each other and then not connect to Internet.02:46
finalbetajrib, no, but I'm probably going about building this the wrong. way, pretty much extracting a .deb file to see how I should build one for my own java program.02:46
mnoirSavage-{: alien would cvt to .deb and allow you to manage properly02:47
finalbetaThe ubuntu packaging guide is no help at all.02:47
genps -e, where can I get the next to e? he he he02:47
adaptrltibor65: and you're asking how you can still be connected to the internet ? I'd say.. not02:47
Savage-{alien sux02:47
jribfinalbeta: after reading that one, read through  the debian new maintainers guide02:47
Savage-{I haven't ever gotten a package to work right with that02:47
mweSavage-{: I have02:47
genmwe, ps -e, where can I get the symbol next to e?02:47
mweSavage-{: many times02:47
Savage-{I tried the deb option02:47
mnoirSavage-{: well that makes one of you :)02:47
Savage-{and it failed02:47
mwegen: the pipe? (|)02:47
tim167adaptr: #gimp = kinda slow ...02:48
adaptrfinalbeta: you build and manipulate .deb files with dpkg; you never assemble them by hand02:48
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Savage-{alient is notorious for not being perfect02:48
un_operateurfinalbeta, afaik, control.tar.gz ecompasses control and md5sums -- control contains the info about the package and md5sums the sums of every other file inside data.tar.gz02:48
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adaptrtim167: no problem, it was just a suggestion.. if there are people there, they would tend to know more about it02:48
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mweSavage-{: I see. I never noticed02:48
mwegen: us keyboard?02:48
Savage-{it is a vmware package02:49
mwegen: well I have a danish keyboard.02:49
mweanyone where is the pipe (|) located on a us keyboard?02:49
adaptrmwe: above the enter key, usually02:49
ltibor65adaptr, not this, I am asking how can I set the connect between two computers with cross over cable for file sharing.02:50
genis there any other way] 02:50
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mwegen: adaptr says it's usually above the enter key02:50
un_operateurfinalbeta, if you're out to build your own package -- this helps loads - http://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/make_package1.html02:50
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finalbetathank you.02:50
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adaptrltibor65: "set the connect" ? no idea what you mean, but if yo mean you want to set up TCP/IP between them - just assign each machine a static IP in the range 192.168.0.x02:50
Savage-{mwe: let me try it again02:50
mweSavage-{: sudo alien blah.rpm02:51
genokay, i'll try it again02:51
adaptrltibor65: nothing more is needed, no gateway, or whatever - just an IP in the same range02:51
mwegen: ;)02:51
Savage-{yeah I went to /tmp and typed alient ~/Desktop/VMWarexxx.rpm02:51
genyes, i get it02:51
Savage-{alien damn it02:51
mweSavage-{: heh ;)02:51
geni'll try to execute it again02:51
mwegen: go ahead02:51
gentnxs guys02:52
mwegen: ps -e|grep synaptic02:52
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ltibor65adaptr, and then will one computer see the files of other?02:52
adaptrltibor65: if you want some flexibility with that, I suggest you set the static IP as alternative for both machines, so you can still get an IP form the modem when you plug that in - but a 5-port switch costs about $20, so plan to get that ASAP02:52
adaptrltibor65: that depends - *how* do you want to share files ?02:52
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genmwe, i enter the command02:53
Savage-{whoops hehe02:53
jribfinalbeta: you should be looking at source packages btw not the binary deb produced02:53
mwegen: did it return anything?02:53
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genmwe, nothing02:53
genwent back to prompt02:53
Hmmmmhi guys, just installed on my new hp laptop. having some crazy issues with my microfone though02:53
faeryNatsukihello people, i have a question02:53
jrib!ask | faeryNatsuki02:54
ubotufaeryNatsuki: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:54
faeryNatsukiwhen i use synaptic to uninstal a package i have two options02:54
mwegen: hmm. but someone is logged into a gnome session on the same machine you ssh to?02:54
faeryNatsukiune is tu uninstall and the second something like uninstall enterely02:54
mwegen: it means synaptic is not running02:54
finalbetajrib, I'm not sure. It's a small app in beta, just wanna get an installable version.02:54
faeryNatsukiwhat is the differnece?02:54
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jribfaeryNatsuki: just uninstalling won't remove configuration files02:54
un_operateurfaeryNatsuki, the latter purges all configuration files for that package02:54
Hmmmmcan anyone help me with an audio issue please?02:54
=== adaptr wonders why the whole channel is helping gen to break into another system :)
adaptr!ask | Hmmmm:02:55
ubotuHmmmm:: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:55
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genmwe, this is the output. 30148 00:11:34 synaptic02:55
Hmmmmjust installed on my new hp laptop. having some crazy issues with my microfone though02:55
mwegen: oh02:55
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IRCMonkeyHmmmm:  like what issues mate?02:55
adaptrmwe: nya nya nya ..nyer :)02:55
faeryNatsukijrib and if i use the second option it's like uninstall and purgue?02:55
genhe he he, just trying to klearn new things02:55
ltibor65adaptr, I want now a direct connect with a UTP cable, without hub or switch and I want that both computer can read and write the certain files of other. How to make this?02:55
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX02:55
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HmmmmIRCMonkey, my mike works for a few seconds02:55
Hmmmmthen stops02:55
Hmmmmuntil i reboot02:55
adaptrltibor65: by installing some file-sharing software, like samba or nfs02:56
mwegen: sudo killall synaptic should kill it but leave the lock file. you can remove that one afterwards. then you should be able to use apt02:56
jribfaeryNatsuki: right, "remove completely" is equivalent to purge in aptitude and apt-get02:56
gentrying to setup a server02:56
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Hmmmmi have a compaq nx632402:56
Hmmmmcompaq nx6325 actually02:56
Hmmmmwith adgy02:56
IRCMonkeydo u hear noise?02:56
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IRCMonkeyor just freezes02:56
adaptr!enter | Hmmmm02:56
ubotuHmmmm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:56
Hmmmmaudio works perfect even now02:56
Hmmmmjust the mike stops working02:56
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kennytlinux >=2.6.20 is broken on ppc?02:57
IRCMonkeyHmmmm:  make sure nother application is using audio in background02:57
faeryNatsukijrib, thanks02:57
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kennytit's oopsing just after being selected here; earlier kernels hang the system right after fsck02:57
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Hmmmmwell how can i check to see if some other app is using up my mike?02:58
faeryNatsukimmm, do you know if i can use conio.h in linux?02:58
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IRCMonkeyuse top02:58
ltibor65Thanks, adaptr, I will try it.02:58
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IRCMonkeyor system monitor02:59
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kate___is msn totally disabled?03:00
kate___msg sorry03:00
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IRCMonkeyanyone setup LAMP on ubuntu?03:00
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:01
genrun the sudo aptitudeinstall apache2, and its running03:01
genmwe, run the sudo aptitudeinstall apache2, and its running03:01
genmwe, it start in installing03:01
kate___can someone please help me? i have the same problem like this guy:
mwegen: it's sudo aptitude install apache2 though03:01
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genyes, its done03:02
adaptrmwe: I'd make that "sudo apt-get install apache"03:02
genpackage is install03:02
mweadaptr: I see03:02
IRCMonkeygen what are you trying to do?03:02
genmwe, how ca I test it03:02
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mwegen: /etc/init.d/apache2 start03:02
gentrying to setup a testing server for my webpage design03:03
adaptrgen: open a browser like links or lynx and go to localhost03:03
IRCMonkeyoh ok03:03
IRCMonkeygood luck gen03:03
genhe he he thanks03:03
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gentrying hard though03:03
IRCMonkeyi'm trying that too03:03
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adaptrIRCMonkey: any reason why you did not use the LAMP option from the Server setup ?03:04
genwith the help of this I think I can03:04
mwegen: the command I just suggested should start apache. provided it succeeds and you don't have a firewall blocking connections you should then be able to see the default apache page on the server03:04
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IRCMonkeyadaptr:  nope03:04
genokay wait try to do it03:04
mweadaptr: you prefer apache 1 ?03:05
IRCMonkeygen if you install apche,make sure u get a good net monitoring tool like iptraf or something03:05
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IRCMonkeysudo apt-get install iptraf03:05
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kate___IRCMonkey please?:)03:05
IRCMonkeykate what?03:05
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kate___do you know the solution for this problem?
kate___i have the same03:06
adaptrmwe: hum.. okay, so use apache2 instead, but I don't see why you would use aptitude, if that is even possible with command-line arguments03:06
genIRCMonkey, what is iptraf for?03:06
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IRCMonkeykate let me chk the link03:06
IRCMonkey1 second03:06
phr34ckguys, something is with my computer. I logged off, and logged in back again and everyhting is slow03:06
mweadaptr: it is indeed possible03:06
phr34ckwhen I scroll down with pages, it freeses a little bit.03:06
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jenetikDoes ubuntu server include everything ubuntu desktop has?03:07
adaptrmwe: and aptitude uses its default dependency checking this way ? because that *would* make it useful... nothing else would03:07
phr34ckI used the TOP command, and it turned out that Xorg is eating up the processor "80%"03:07
adaptrphr34ck: that's not unusual03:07
jribjenetik: no, you won't have gnome for example03:07
mweadaptr: and IMO it's superiour to apt-get as it allows proper uninstallation of automatically installed dependencies03:07
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IRCMonkeykate no idea sorry03:07
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adaptrmwe: that's what I meant by "dependency checking", yeah :)03:07
jribjenetik: (by default, you can always install anything you can install on the desktop of course)03:07
phr34ckwhat am I suppose to do ?03:07
IRCMonkeykate gpm installed?03:08
mweadaptr: it does03:08
jenetikanyone know the best mirror to get the .iso from?03:08
jenetikthese are slow as hell03:08
genmwe, This is the message, Unable to open logs03:08
jribjenetik: try bit torrent03:08
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adaptrjenetik: one close to you, usually03:08
mwegen: from what?03:08
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sebsun_operator: got it: solution was to add the universe to the synaptic and all is fine03:08
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IRCMonkeygen iptraf is to monitor ur net connection03:09
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genupon executing the /etc/init.d/apache2 statr03:09
ubuntuxdoes someone have java 1.6 installed on edgy?03:09
jenetikwhere is the .torrent at03:09
jenetikI cant find it03:09
kate___IRCMonkey now i installed03:09
mweubuntux: yes03:09
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IRCMonkeyok kate03:09
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sukritIRCMonkey, hi, sorry i got disconnected03:09
genmwe, upon executing the /etc/init.d/apache2 statr03:09
sukritstill trying to recover my microphone03:10
IRCMonkeygen spelling wrong of start03:10
mweubuntux: I installed it with the installer from sun. I kept 1.5, though. just installed .16 in /opt03:10
kate___IRCMonkey and now? is it solved?03:10
sukriti tried looking in top for alsa, or sound ... but to no avail03:10
jribjenetik: choose "other installation options" and look for the right .torrent file03:10
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IRCMonkeykate cant be sure03:10
jribjenetik: yeah, that one looks right03:10
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adaptrgen: run the command under sudo03:11
IRCMonkeydoes ur pc freeze/03:11
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adaptrgen: normal users aren't allowed to start services03:11
mwegen: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start. note the sudo03:11
IRCMonkeyi mean have u chked for over heating?03:11
kate___IRCMonkey i hope, if yes then thanks, if not i will come back :)03:11
sukritIRCMonkey, what should I look for in top?03:11
IRCMonkeygood luck kate03:11
ubuntuxmwe, okay, you know if there is a deb or something for it?03:11
jenetikdoes ubuntu config satellite TV cards automatically?03:11
jenetikvideo for linux?03:11
kate___bbl thanks03:11
x-r00t-xhello. can anyone tell me what chmod i set to home dir????03:11
gensorry for the spelling :)03:11
jribx-r00t-x: whatever you want03:12
mweubuntux: I don't know any. using the sun installer was easy though03:12
adaptrx-r00t-x: you should have left it alone in the first place :)03:12
genmwe, httpd already running03:12
ubuntuxmwe, okay gonna try it out then03:12
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IRCMonkeyain top chk for any apps, that might use sound03:12
jewbileeCan anyone tell me how I make GAIM join ubuntu and identify me with nickserv on connect?03:12
IRCMonkeyand then kill it03:12
x-r00t-xadaptr, i already did something.03:12
mwegen: good. that means it's already started. I think03:12
adaptrx-r00t-x: the proper permissions are 4075503:12
mwegen: try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart to make sure03:12
x-r00t-xso chmod 40755 ~ ? adaptr03:13
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sukritIRCMonkey, ok killed everything03:13
adaptrx-r00t-x: yep03:13
x-r00t-xadaptr, [~]  ->> $ chmod 40755 ~03:13
x-r00t-xchmod: invalid mode: `40755'03:13
jribadaptr: what does that 40 mean?03:13
genmwe, Forcing reload of web server ok.03:13
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mwegen: good. now lynx locahost03:14
adaptrx-r00t-x: yes, the 4 is set with another util03:14
sukritIRCMonkey, now what03:14
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IRCMonkeyx-r00t-x:  try 075503:14
janstedehouderHi, does anyone have an experience with booting Edgy Eft on an Intel 865G chipset?03:14
mwegen: sudo aptitude install lynx if you don't have it or try w3 instead03:14
IRCMonkeynow try mic03:14
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mwegen: w3m*03:14
mpittleWhats the battery monitor for ubuntu (gnome) called?03:14
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sukritnope, no luck03:15
genwould I use a browser03:15
genmwe, would I use a browser?03:15
adaptrx-r00t-x: you can set 0755 with chmod, though - I thnk the 4 is set with chattr or something03:15
janstedehouderIt won't allow screen resolutions larger than 640x480. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't solve the problem03:15
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IRCMonkeytry apt-cache search battery03:15
mwegen: yeah ;) w3m and lunx are terminal browsers03:15
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IRCMonkeymwe yes03:16
x-r00t-xoh ok adaptr.03:16
mweIRCMonkey: yes what03:16
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IRCMonkeyyes they r terminal browsers03:16
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KenSentMeHow can i see if my rc.local script has been run at boot?03:16
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mweIRCMonkey: I know. I just told gen ;)03:16
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IRCMonkeyken try rcconf03:17
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IRCMonkeymwe sorry03:17
mweIRCMonkey: heh03:17
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genmwe,  IRCMonkey.executing sudo aptitude lynx03:18
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mwegen: sudo aptitude install lynx03:18
genmwe, IRCMonkey, yes anf its installing03:18
genmwe,  yes anf its installing03:18
mwegen: good03:19
genmwe, hey its done03:19
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mpittleWhats the battery monitor for ubuntu (gnome) called?03:19
IRCMonkeyok kool03:19
mwegen: lynx localhost then03:19
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mwegen: it should show the default apache page03:19
IRCMonkeympittle:  try this apt-cache search battery03:19
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genyehey up and running03:19
mwegen: great03:19
IRCMonkeygen way to go gen03:20
genhe he he03:20
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genI already download the iptraf03:20
menahi friends... i have a problem with mu resoluton how to solve03:20
IRCMonkeysudo iptraf to run it03:20
Jowi!resolution > mena03:21
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GoslowjimboHow do you use the broken filter in the synaptic package manager?03:22
markvandenborrehow is a novice user supposed to add a truetupe font to his system?03:22
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genmwe, how about installing the MySQL?03:22
jrib!fonts | markvandenborre03:22
ubotumarkvandenborre: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:22
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faeryNatsukiI have no sound in flash in ubuntu, what can i do?03:22
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jribfaeryNatsuki: are you using flash9beta?03:23
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mishI'm trying to set up forwarding from ethernet port to wlan03:23
mish had it working yesterday and can't work out why it is not working today - can anyone help?03:23
faeryNatsukimmm, i think that03:23
GuerrillaWonI've installed nspluginwrapper but I get command not found when trying to execute, anyone now what's going on with this?03:23
IntelligitimateMy desktop disappeared. I think Nautilus crashed. How do I get it back?03:23
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mwegen: you should probly read !lamp to install a proper lamp server03:23
wheels3572Can someone help me with Gaim Logging feature please03:23
mwe!lamp | gen03:23
ubotugen: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:23
faeryNatsukii used flash 7 and flash9beta, and the standalone flash player... no sound03:23
zighi all, I forgot, I'm looking for a console package manager ?03:23
adaptrmish: all you need is to add a route03:23
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adaptrmish: first explain what you did to make it work yesterday03:23
mishroute -n03:23
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mishKernel IP routeing table03:23
mishDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface03:23
mish192.168.99.0   U     0      0        0 eth003:23
mish192.168.0.0   U     0      0        0 ra003:23
mish0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 ra003:23
IRCMonkeywhat bout gaim logging?03:24
adaptr!flood | mish03:24
ubotumish: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:24
mwemish: don't do that03:24
wheels3572Im having issues with Gaim logging any chats now.  Is there a master logging file for Gaim?03:24
mena_plz i need help with monitor resolution03:24
IRCMonkeywheel yes03:24
IRCMonkeyif loggin is enabled03:24
mwe!paste | mish03:24
Ice_Wewemena_: ok, what's your problem?03:24
ubotumish: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)03:24
mena_i cant shange it03:24
faeryNatsukijrib, i used flash 7 and flash9beta, and the standalone flash player... no sound03:24
adaptrmena_: what is the problem ?03:24
jribfaeryNatsuki: what version does this site say you have: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/03:24
IRCMonkeymena whats wrong?03:24
Ice_Wewemena_: have you checked your xorg.conf?03:24
mena_its 600*40003:24
adaptrmena_: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include the resolutions you need03:24
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Ice_Wewemena_: you won't be able to change your resolution unless Xorg is aware of other resolutions03:25
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jakobWhat is a SVN Snapshot?03:25
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mbyI want to use hash sign in configuration file and don't want the following string to be treated as comment ? should I preceed it somehow ? I tried \ and '' :/03:25
faeryNatsukidejame ver03:25
wheels3572IRCMonkey, I have all 3 options checked and it's still not logging for me.  ANy ideas?03:25
mishsorry - didn't know about paste bin03:25
mena_so how to make it know03:25
Ice_Wewejakob: it's a tarball of SVN that's taken at regular intervals03:25
mwe!fixres | mena_03:25
ubotumena_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:25
adaptrjakob: a build at a certain point in time03:25
madbartHow can i add a new server :)03:25
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adaptrmadbart: build one ?03:25
mishjust noticed my script references wlan0 but should reference ra0 ...03:25
jribjakob: it's a snapshot of an svn repository at some point in time03:25
IRCMonkeywheel did u chk  $HOME/.gaim folder?03:25
Jowijakob, source code from a specific date and time03:25
mishoff to check that03:25
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Ice_Wewemwe: I think that's wrong, for starters, there's no such thing as ?dm03:25
markvandenborrejrib, thx for your explanation, but... I looked for the most newbie proof instructions (dropping stuff in the nautilus font view) and that didn't work on dapper03:25
mena_Okay friends i will try thanks03:25
Ice_Wewemwe: how do I fix ubotu's description?03:26
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/03:26
mweIce_Wewe: huh?03:26
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wheels3572IRCMonkey, no I have not.  It stops at yesterrday.  After I had my power failure03:26
markvandenborre(mind you, this is not for me, it's for a friend who is less experienced)03:26
ctquclI want to create a user by users-admin,but my users-admin can't work now,how can I creat a user like the kind 'desktop-user',who can help me?:(03:26
jribmarkvandenborre: sometimes you will need to restart the application or regenerate the font cache (either run 'fc-cache' or just log out and back in I think)03:26
Ice_Wewemwe: type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart03:26
adaptrIce_Wewe: there is nothing wrong with it - your display manager could be any of xdm, gdm or kdm, so a single-character wildcard is appropriate here03:26
Ice_Wewemwe: it's gdm, not ?dm03:26
mweIce_Wewe: try it it works03:26
IRCMonkeywheels3572:  open konsole type cd $HOME/.gaim03:26
Ice_Weweadaptr: ah, ok, sorry03:26
IRCMonkeythere should be a log folder03:26
mweIce_Wewe: ?dm works for gdm, xdm and kdm03:26
mweIce_Wewe: ? is a wild card03:27
Ice_Wewerirght, ok03:27
jakoband what are these lines called "deb url main stable"?03:27
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markvandenborrejrib, hm, I'll have a look and report a bug about that03:27
adaptrmwe: actually, it works for all three of them at the same time, which may not be what you want if you've got more than one installed03:27
Ice_Wewejakob: the stable tree of the main package repo?03:27
mweadaptr: it doesn't matter03:27
GoslowjimboHow can I use filters on synaptic package manager?03:27
Ice_Weweadaptr: but only one should be running at a single time03:27
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mweadaptr: it works as the ones that are not default will just exit without doing anything03:28
jakobice_wewe, as in I want find some to add to synaptic. What should google then?03:28
mishthat fixed it - thanks, and sorry again for pasting in03:28
adaptrIce_Wewe: the command doesn't care if they're running or not, but mwe is right03:28
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Ice_Wewejakob: why do you want to add random Ubuntu repos?03:28
Ice_Weweadaptr: ok03:28
ctquclI want to create a user by users-admin,but my users-admin can't work now,how can I creat a user like the kind 'desktop-user',who can help me?:(03:28
faeryNatsukijrib, that's the page you sent me says "You have version 7,0,68,0 installed"03:28
GoslowjimboAs in I want to use broken filter to find why synaptic package manager doesn't work03:29
jakobice_wewe, not random, just for beryl03:29
adaptrjakob: start by enabling the universe and multiverse repositories - that'll up your package count to 20000+03:29
Ice_Wewectqucl: edit /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd and add the user03:29
IRCMonkeyctqucl:  adduser name03:29
faeryNatsukii just installed it, and sound is working03:29
adaptrjakob: well then why not say so > sjeez03:29
mwejakob: the beryl wiki tells you how to it03:29
Ice_WeweIRCMonkey: that oo03:29
mwe!beryl | jakob03:29
jribfaeryNatsuki: install flash9beta.  Your sound will fail if you have more than one app using sound and on of those apps is flash03:29
ubotujakob: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl03:29
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ctquclthank you, Ice_Wewe03:29
faeryNatsukijrib, ahora lo que no tengo es el sonido de todo lo dems :(03:29
LoevborgLately, I frequently get very bad ping times from my ubuntu box to my WLAN router, occasionally "destination not reachable". The router is not to blame, because my iBook works fine; only the dapper box behaves weird. It's a pci prism54 btw.03:29
adaptr!es | faeryNatsuki03:29
ubotufaeryNatsuki: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:29
LoevborgAnyone have an idea?03:29
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GuerrillaWonI have nspluginwrapper installed and can't find or call it in /usr/lib anyone know where I'm going wrong?03:29
adaptr..if it even was spanish :)03:30
wheels3572IRCMonkey, Lovely I have a busted gaim logs option.  It will no longer log anymore.  GRRRRRRRRRR.  Stops at lastnight even in CLI03:30
mwejakob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy03:30
GuerrillaWonOr how to find it? find nspluginwrapper is returning no results.03:30
jakobadaptr, because I often look for the repositories(?), for different programs, but I didn't know what to look for.03:30
Ice_Wewectqucl: yeah, I'd suggest copying an existing user (like yourself) and editing it for your preferences. If you mess up passwd or shadow, there is a good chance _your system won't work_03:30
faeryNatsukihehe, sorry03:30
IRCMonkeywheels3572:  lol :)03:30
adaptrjakob: search the forums, search ubuntuguides, google, and as a last resort, try the official docs :)03:30
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wheels3572is there a way remove gaim and reinstall it see if ti works that way or is there an upgrade to GAIM?03:31
faeryNatsukijrib, now i have flash sound but i lost system sound03:31
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faeryNatsukiweird, hey! i got sound again03:31
jribfaeryNatsuki: right, see the last thing I said03:31
IRCMonkeywheels just use synaptic to upgrade03:31
adaptrjakob: *programs* generally don't have entire repositories, unless it's a dedicated separate system, like beryl, which is heavily developed but not part of the standard repo's03:31
jakobadaptr, aren't the "deb http://url.com main stable" lines called repos?03:31
GoslowjimboOOps.  I want to use the synaptic package manager broken filter to find why UPDATE MANAGER is not working.03:31
faeryNatsukijrib, the best way to install the flash 9 beta?03:31
adaptrjakob: no, the URL is the site, "main" is the repository03:31
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wheels3572IRCMonkey, ok ty03:32
jribfaeryNatsuki: flash7 uses oss so it will only allow one thign to play sound at a time, flash9 uses alsa by default so that won't happen.  Yep, I would suggest installing flash903:32
jrib!flash9 | faeryNatsuki03:32
ubotufaeryNatsuki: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports03:32
adaptrjakob: or vice versa - you'd have to ask a debian fanatic what exactly it means03:32
faeryNatsukiok, i'll give a try03:32
jakobadapt, hehe, okay :P03:32
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Ice_Wewenot to annoy too many Beryl users, but it just seems like a rip off of what Leopard and Vista ship with03:33
Ice_WeweI'll stick with my E17, thanks03:33
adaptrjakob: just know that you need all three parts of the line: deb to indicate a binary deb repo, the URL, and the section, or repo, itself03:33
Ice_Wewe*hugs E17*03:33
mena_friends how to chandge the defcult display manager03:33
Ice_Wewemena_: use gdm?03:33
adaptrIce_Wewe: have you used Beryl ?03:33
Ice_Weweadaptr: no03:33
IRCMonkeymena dpkg-reconfigure kdm03:33
jakobadaptr, of course. I was just wondering if there was an easy way to search for those lines.03:33
Ice_Wewemena_: click on the menu in the lower left corner03:33
IRCMonkeymake sure kdm is installed03:33
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adaptrIce_Wewe: then please refrain from such silly comments - beryl is capable of wizardry that Vista won't have for at least a YEAR03:34
Ice_Weweadaptr: have you used E17?03:34
adaptrIce_Wewe: if ever03:34
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mena_Ice_Wewe, then03:34
Ice_Wewemena_: sorry, didn't know you were using kdm, can't help03:34
Lynourejakob: repositiories, yes. just like in Ubuntu. But it can be hard to tell the ubuntu and debian ones apart with an automatic search03:34
adaptrIce_Wewe: does it explode/zoom/combust my dialog boxes ? can it scroll by all windows 5 times a second? :)03:34
mena_okay no prob03:34
Ice_Weweadaptr: ...no03:34
mweis there anyway to browse down the list in top?03:34
Ice_Weweadaptr: not that it03:35
poningrumwe: what do you mean?03:35
IRCMonkeymwe up/down key03:35
jakoblynoure, there's a difference between debian and ubuntu? I thought ubuntu was to debian what vista is to windows.03:35
Pensa`MIAmy screen doesn't turn off but just makes every pixel black when ubuntu is supposed to turn it off03:35
mweponingru: IRCMonkey doesn't work here03:35
Ice_Wewe(sorry about the returns) adaptr: not that it'll change anything, but I'd prefer simplicity and power over eye candy. E17 splits the difference. Besides, can you have animated desktop background in Beryl?03:35
IRCMonkeydebian is dad, ubuntu is son03:35
poningrujakob: eh... not really03:35
adaptrIce_Wewe: you should try it sometime, then... unless your system is very old (mine is an athlon XP 1700+ with a cheap GeForce FX5200) it will quite literally blow your mind03:35
adaptrIce_Wewe: you can have an animated *anything* in beryl03:35
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mweponingru: I mean I want to see the processes below the bottum03:36
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poningrumwe: oh in top03:36
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Lynourejakob: yes, there is difference. Ubuntu is based on Debian, but egdy is closer to Debian Unstable than Stable when it comes to the versions of things.03:36
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adaptrIce_Wewe: that's the whole point of it - it's open, and anybody can write plugins for it03:36
genmwe, IRCMonkey thanks guys your a big help03:36
poningrumwe: do you have X running?03:36
mweponingru: right ;)03:36
poningruas in a gui?03:36
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poningrujust use system monitor03:36
mweponingru: yes is that relevant?03:36
Ice_Weweadaptr: thanks, but no thanks. I run linux to get away from the crazy mind-set that consumers *must* have the fanciest graphics, even at the expense of power and battery life (granted, this isn't a laptop)03:36
poningruif not you cant03:36
adaptrIce_Wewe: what is, in your opinion, the power that e17 gives you ?03:36
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poningrumwe: top doesnt allow you to scroll iirc03:37
IRCMonkeygen good luck03:37
jakoblynoure, so it's a modded Debian Unstable?03:37
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poningrujakob: yes03:37
jribmwe: you could use htop03:37
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faeryNatsukijrib: could the problem be caused by the firefox update?03:37
jribfaeryNatsuki: no03:37
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faeryNatsukijrib: or related to swiftfox?03:37
jribwell, doubtful at least03:37
Ice_Weweadaptr: E17 is a versatile window manager that has 'eye candy' like desktop transitions, a unique wall paper for every desktop, animated desktop backgrounds (without the added CPU/GPU load), and many more03:38
jribfaeryNatsuki: doubtful, it's a well-known issue with flash703:38
Lynourejakob: kinda. except unstable is evermoving, everchanging, unlike the released Ubuntus03:38
mweponingru: annoying. I'll just use ps -e|less then03:38
Ice_Weweadaptr: you can read on all it's features (like I did with Beryl) at www3.get-e.org03:38
jimcooncatjrib, hey, htop's nice, thanks!03:38
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dimitri_does anybody use dynDNS ? i want to host a small web page03:38
adaptrIce_Wewe: I'll check it out - is it standard in synaptic ? I can't find e1703:38
IRCMonkeyi use no-ip03:39
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Ice_Weweadaptr: that's nice that you can animate *anything/everything* in beryl03:39
Ice_Weweadaptr: no, unfortunately you have to compile it03:39
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faeryNatsukijrib, flash7 gives me sound but flash 9 no03:39
adaptrIce_Wewe: okay, that's not a problem per se03:39
mpittleDoesn't anyone use ubuntu with a laptop in here? :P03:39
jribfaeryNatsuki: is flash9 installed now?03:39
faeryNatsuki"You have version 9,0,21,78 installed"03:39
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faeryNatsukithat's what webpage says03:39
mwejrib: yeah htop! it's cool.03:39
jribfaeryNatsuki: do you have anything else running?03:39
mpittleI just want the link to the battery monitor on Gnome, its on the About section of the monitor.03:39
IRCMonkeyjrib:  broswer-flash plugin installed?03:39
pierplease i have on question on ubuntu livecd i want to keep changes on usb key ... how is this possible ?03:39
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jakoblynoure, so will the next ubuntu be an updated ubuntu or will it be a modded version of the newest Debian Unstable?03:40
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poningrujakob: they merge with debian unstable everytime before next release03:40
faeryNatsukijrib, anything else? amsn, and nothing more03:41
Ice_Weweadaptr: to find a list of what you have to compile, try this webpage: http://www3.get-e.org/E17_User_Guide/English/_pages/2.1.html and to find out what you have to build, try this: http://enlightenment.freedesktop.org/03:41
adaptrIce_Wewe: so you installed Ubuntu then ditched Gnome and installed e17 ?03:41
poningruerr as in they bring in stuff from debian before every release03:41
mwejrib: thanks for suggesting htop. I'll avoid top when I can and use htop from now on ;)03:41
Ice_Weweadaptr: oh, and grab another theme before you make your judgement, the default one isn't the best03:41
jakobokay then, thanks for the info lynoure and poningru :)03:41
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jribfaeryNatsuki: weird, I guess flash9 is buggy for you then.  You could try the old fixes for flash7 but they just run flash through alsa-oss so I don't know if that will fail too03:42
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jrib!flash | faeryNatsuki03:42
ubotufaeryNatsuki: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:42
markvandenborre!ubotu fonts|markvandenborre03:42
ubotumarkvandenborre: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:42
Ice_Weweadaptr: no, I was running dapper and migrating to Edgy (I ran Gnome in dapper cause E17 wouldn't build). I ran IceWM while I was migrating because for some reason Nautilus and Gnome in Edgy won't read my preferences in my home, but they'll overwrite them with stuff that the Dapper versions don't like03:42
jribfaeryNatsuki: the restricted wiki has isntructions on setting up alsa-oss with flash703:42
mpittle!ubotu battery03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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mpittle!ubotu battery monitor03:42
Ice_Weweadaptr: so, thus everytime I rebooted into Edgy to install or fix something, I would have to reconfigure everything Gnome/Nautilus in Dapper03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about battery monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
faeryNatsukithe restricted wiki?03:43
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Ice_Weweadaptr: as you can probably tell, this got old really quickly, so I ran IceWM in Edgy till I got E17 compiled and runing03:43
jribfaeryNatsuki: yeah, it's in the log paragraph ubotu just said03:43
Jowiadaptr, e17 is good but nothing beats Beryl. e17 does not have the features you're probably used to having with Beryl.03:43
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ziganyone knows where I can find the headers of the ffmpeg library ? I don't find the ffmpeg-dev package03:43
Ice_Weweadaptr: if you want to run E17, you'll have to make the file .xsession and put in it "exec enlightenment_start"03:43
wheels3572Can anyone tell me if there is a GAIM room on IRC03:44
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jribwheels3572: yes, #gaim on freenode03:44
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Ice_Weweadaptr: they tell you that you have to change your window manager by hand, and I had to look in my notes for when I ran E17 on Mandrake to figure out how to do that (they really should tell you how)03:44
IRCMonkeywheels3572:  whats wrong?03:44
kamanhi. i have problemm with Open Office`s Calc- how to rename the field "Wierz 1,2,3,4,5" on the right? http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=clipboard01wp8.jpg03:44
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Jowiadaptr, if you want to try it you don't have to install from source. here are the repos for it: http://www1.get-e.org/Main/News/_articles/365.html03:44
wheels3572IRCMonkey, I just reinstalled gaim without restarting X and it's still not logging03:44
adaptrIce_Wewe: there's a very simple guide on the forums: indeed, soulmachine has a repo03:44
wheels3572IRCMonkey, and EVERYTHIGN is  checked03:45
Ice_Weweadaptr: really?03:45
Ice_Weweadaptr: but that's for i386, I bet03:45
IRCMonkeywheels3572: try this03:45
IRCMonkeywheels3572:  run gksu gaim03:45
IRCMonkeyenable loggin03:45
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Ice_Weweadaptr: problem with x64 is no one loves you enough to make a repo...03:45
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mby I wanted to use hash sign in fstab configuration file and don't want the following string to be treated as comment ? should I preceed it somehow ? I tried \ and '' :/03:45
JowiIce_Wewe, there are AMD64 versions available on that page as well03:45
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IRCMonkey1 more thing03:46
jribkaman: what does "wierz" mean?03:46
IRCMonkeyis syslog running?03:46
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gan|y|medanybody tried K-3D in edgy???03:46
Ice_Weweadaptr: oh, and unless the packages in the repo are really new, I doubt you'll be able to enjoy E17 to the fullest because most of the new features are only available to those who built from recent CVS03:46
Ice_WeweJowi: thanks for that information.03:46
Ice_Wewe*goes to look at said page*03:46
hoelkspeaking of beryl03:46
mbywierz = believe :)03:46
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hoelkany way to run it on an old tnt2?03:46
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spiceHow do I make an application run on startup from the terminal?03:46
kamanjrib - the vertical space03:46
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mby I want to use hash sign in configuration file and don't want the following string to be treated as comment ? should I preceed it somehow ? I tried \ and '' :/03:46
madbartHow to stop vpn? ;(03:47
kamanjrib - opposition to the column03:47
hoelkand is it a good idea ? i cut the fan of my tnt2 because it was to loud ;)03:47
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jimcooncatspice, add it to .bashrc03:47
IRCMonkeymad stop it on boot up03:47
hoelk(or its power control to be exact)03:47
mwespice: you mean run when you log into to the termianl or what?03:47
madbartCould someone tell me hot wo stop vpn03:47
spiceNo, I want beryl to run when I log in.03:47
IRCMonkeylot of ways ;)03:47
spiceBut I'm doing the installation over ssh, so I can't do the gui.03:47
Jowispice if you are using gnome simply add beryl-manager to your session03:47
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spiceDoesn't that require use of the gui?03:48
Ice_WeweIRCMonkey: I think he took you seriously03:48
mwespice: I think you need to edit the gconf database. not sure though03:48
Ice_WeweIRCMonkey: isn't it as simple as running vpnc-disconnect?03:48
spiceActually figured it out. Thanks guys!03:48
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IRCMonkeyice temp solution ain it?03:49
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faeryNatsukithe firefox update was really unstable for me, anybody else had this problem?03:49
wheels3572IRCMonkey, how do I uninstall gaim and start GKSU without always going to CLI?03:49
ctquclIce_Wewe: how can I creat a new user purview like the default one) now? no users-admin and no reference.03:49
Ice_WeweIRCMonkey: temp solution? No, that disconnects you03:49
mwefaeryNatsuki: it works fine here03:49
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Ice_Wewectqucl: edit /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow03:50
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IRCMonkeywheels3572:  gksu gaim command is ruunning gaim as root03:50
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mweIce_Wewe: always use vipw and vigr for that though03:50
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Jowictqucl, a simple solution is to type "sudo adduser newusername"03:50
faeryNatsukimmm, i updated it on friday, and from that day until now it crashed about... 40 or 50 times03:50
adaptrctqucl: (and Ice_Wewe) man useradd03:50
wheels3572IRCMonkey, ohhhhh.  So it's not a different Gaim?03:50
Ice_Wewectqucl: /etc/passwd, add "user:x:1001:1001:User User,,,:/home/user:/bin/bash" where user is the name of the new user you wish to add03:51
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wheels3572IRCMonkey, ok can you explain why it logs in Root mode but not regular mode?03:51
MikeTheCHello all...03:51
jribkaman: you can create a new column on the left and use that as the label when you create the chart03:51
adaptrIce_Wewe: sjeez.. for gods sake dont encourage him to fsck his system :)03:51
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JowiIce_Wewe, that is a bad way of doing it03:51
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ctquclbut perview is the same as default?03:51
IRCMonkeywheels3572:  chlk syslog is running03:52
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Ice_Wewectqucl: and in /etc/shadow, add "user::13456:0:99999:7:::"03:52
ThialfiharI'm trying to run postfix on Ubuntu (edgy) and it won't stop rejecting mail because it can't resolve any remote hosts, apparently.03:52
mweIce_Wewe: don't add users like that03:52
ctquclok,I try it03:52
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Ice_Wewectqucl: which will add the new user without a password03:52
IRCMonkeyand also chk golder/file perm. on .gaim folder03:52
mweIce_Wewe: there are programs for that03:52
Jowictqucl, use "adduser"03:52
adaptrctqucl: no idea what you're on about - to create a new user just run sudo useradd, man useradd03:52
mweIce_Wewe: useradd03:52
ThialfiharI can resolve them with host or dig, but postfix always throws out those errors.03:52
MikeTheCQuestion: Does anyone here have experience installing Ubuntu PPC on old-school hardware?03:52
Ice_Wewemwe: yes, but this is the manual way of doing it, incase the other programs aren't present or you don't/can't use them (such is the case with a Knoppix rescue disk)03:52
mweJowi: adduser is somewhat alod school isn't it ;)03:53
kamanjrib- thank you, it works03:53
adaptrmwe: not on debian03:53
wheels3572IRCMonkey, under gaim?  Sys log is cuz I can see who logged on and off03:53
mweIce_Wewe: you don't edit /etc/passwd without vipw03:53
mweIce_Wewe: it might render your system useless if you screw up03:53
gan|y|medanybody tried K-3D in edgy???03:53
adaptrmwe: adduser is a front-end to useradd, which asks you for all info and doesn't require you to remember all the switches03:53
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IRCMonkeywheels3572:  for normal user chk its folder perm. setting03:53
Jowimwe, it's better for beginners. it is interactive and prompts you for the details of the user as well as creates the homedir03:53
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ctquclthanks, I know useradd and adduser ,I just want to copy a user like the one I lost.03:54
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adaptrJowi: all of which can be done with useradd as well, but you have to read the man page first :)03:54
mweadaptr: I thought it was the other way around. I find the similar names hard to remember which is which03:54
Jowiadaptr, exactly :)03:54
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adaptrmwe: well, think of it this way - useradd is the *nix command of old, usually recognised by the form "object-action"03:55
adaptrmwe: the new-bie friendly way is usually more windoze-oriented, "action-object"03:55
MikeTheCI've been trying to install 6.10 on an old "beige" PowerMac G3 via BootX with no luck.03:55
mweadaptr: yeah ;)03:55
adaptrmwe: most *nix commands follow that pattern03:56
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jimcooncatctqucl, sounds like vipw is what you need03:56
adaptrMikeTheC: not the x86 ISO, I hope...03:56
jimcooncatctqucl, if you know vi that is03:56
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MikeTheCadaptr: No, it's the PPC version. :)03:56
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IRCMonkeywell later guys03:56
jimcooncatctqucl, if not, you have to set your EDITOR variable first to whatever editor you like03:56
IRCMonkeyhappy new year all03:56
adaptrMikeTheC: okay, then what is going wrong ?03:56
adaptrphew.. FInally :)03:56
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MikeTheCWell, I can't get it to boot the CD once it's switched out of Mac OS and entered the RAM Disk.03:57
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jimcooncatctqucl, I don't think it will make you a new /home/~ for your user though03:57
MikeTheCI've tried passing various kernel arguments, nogo.03:57
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Victor```do other live cds work03:58
Victor```and have you tried the alternate install CD03:58
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MikeTheCI've also made sure that I've got all the files named correctly and placed correctly.03:58
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MikeTheCVictor```: I haven't tried pulling down any other ISOs, no.03:58
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MikeTheCI mean, I know it works because I can get the CD to boot on a New World ROM Mac (an iMac G4).03:59
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ctquclI am not be good at englistso please dont mind I know slowly03:59
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Victor```MikeTheC: http://ftp.wayne.edu/linux_distributions/ubuntu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-powerpc.iso03:59
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caucashi guys04:00
MikeTheCVictor```: What's different about the Alternate PowerPC iso?04:00
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Victor```it doesn't boot an X session off the CD04:00
reverseblade!hi | caucas04:00
ubotucaucas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:00
MikeTheCVictor```: (D/L iit now, btw)04:00
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caucashello 4ubotu04:00
caucasthank you04:00
Victor```some machines like the alternate disc04:01
Victor```it installs the same things though04:01
Victor```you can even install a command line system04:01
Victor```I use the same disc to install Xubuntu, Kubuntu, or Ubuntu04:01
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MikeTheCDumb question: Is the kernel and ramdisk that's on it available independantly? (Or would that be compatible)?04:02
Victor```I can install a command-line system and install 'kubuntu-desktop', 'xubuntu-desktop', or 'ubuntu-desktop'04:02
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caucasThe Ubuntu Alternate CD uses the text installer instead of the new GUI installer. It needs less system memory and permits advanced installs with preseeded options as well as LVM or RAID disk configurations.04:02
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ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.04:02
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amirWhere can you get help on how to remove linux?04:02
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xstasii can't find alsasconf on edgy04:02
Victor```amir: remove it completely? just remove the partition04:02
xstasiis it normal?04:02
reversebladeamir, remove ?, why?04:02
gan|y|medwhat debian release is edgy built on?04:02
caucasdo not you like ubuntu?04:03
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caucasubuntu is considered to be the best distro04:03
Victor```no it isn't04:03
reversebladegan|y|med, it is not built on a  specific version I guess04:03
Victor```there is no "best distro"04:03
caucasat least the most visited distro around the world04:03
reversebladeThere ,s04:03
xstasianyone knows?04:04
MikeTheCWell, here's the deal. BootX loads, loads the kernel and the ramdisk, unloads Mac OS 9.1, launches the ramdisk, and then eventually fails to ever read the root partition, giving an error to that effect.04:04
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gan|y|medjust got sid as an answer in kubuntu04:04
faeryNatsukijrib, i have now flash 7 working on the machine :)04:04
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reversebladefaeryNatsuki, flash 9 is also working nicely04:04
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Victor```I really don't know Macs04:04
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caucasthis is subjective but there are many people using ubuntu than other distros04:04
MikeTheCI've been reading the various different self-help sites, but everyone glosses over any kind of details in that area.04:04
amirreverseblade: remove ubuntu compleatly because I can't install xp without removing ubuntu, Why i want to remove it, its because of a game I can't play in ubuntu04:05
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faeryNatsukireverseblade: flash 9 is giving me no sound in any browser04:05
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SteveTHello all, I need some help with my multimedia plugins. Can anyone help my get streaming video using helix? When trying to watch a video on the BBC news site, I get an error such as: "Bad Transport (rtsp://rmv8.bbc.net.uk/news/media/news_web/video/40545000/nb/40545855_nb_16x9.rm?title="BBC%20News"&author="http://news.bbc.co.uk/"&copyright="(C)%20British%20Broadcasting%20Corporation")"04:05
Victor```MikeTheC: http://www.gifford.co.uk/~coredump/beigeg3.htm04:05
faeryNatsukiand i don'r know what the problem is04:05
MikeTheCWell, you see, with what are called "Old World ROM" Macs (which the Beige PowerMac G3 was the last of), you can't directly boot the CD.04:05
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reversebladefaeryNatsuki, strange, works perfectly here04:05
caucasI have both windows xp and ubuntu on my pc04:05
adaptrmy condoleances :)04:05
caucasfirst you must install windows xp04:05
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xstasiwhere is alsaconf on ubuntu?04:05
MikeTheCYeah, that was the first one I looked at.04:05
caucasand then you install ubuntu on other partiion04:06
Victor```I have Windows XP, Solaris, Ubuntu, and FreeBSD installed04:06
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MikeTheCAnyhow, the newer ones can find the yaboot stuff on the CD and boot from it immediately.04:06
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faeryNatsukii thing the same it's really weird04:06
faeryNatsukibecause it worked before!04:06
caucasI would like to try that installation04:06
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reversebladeamir, what you have to do , is to have some unparitined space to install windows, and install it there. If you are too much confused, this way is easier , first install windows andthen install ubuntu04:06
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reversebladeamir, to remove it you have nothing to do, installing windows will wipe ubuntu out04:06
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reversebladeamir, which game btw ?04:07
MikeTheCWhat BootX does is let the Mac go as far as it's ROMs make it (that is, load an Apple OS), then it interrupts the process and switches over to Linux, which can then be booted.04:07
caucasI know there are many people who prefer using windows xp04:07
amirreverseblade: I can't install xp without doing something to my hardriver, because xp need ntfs or fat to be installed on04:07
MikeTheCIt's a pain in the ass, and the only reason I'm even trying it is I've got this old dinosaur and I'd like to set it up as a local fileserver.04:07
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caucassince that packets they have only work on that system04:07
caucasbut you might use wine04:07
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reversebladecaucas, windows is not yet a complete replacemnt of linux. there are many applications of which there is no linux alternative04:07
Victor```I need to boot into Windows to clean out my Windows partition, ugh04:08
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amirreverseblade: continuum, subspace http://wine.getcontinuum.com/04:08
caucaswine is improving the quality to recognize a lot of software to work windows programs04:08
caucason linux04:08
Victor```reverseblade: many if not all consumer applications have a free alternative04:08
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shackhey, there. I've set up my ftp server, but how can I make users to access and send files to upload directory, but not to delete files from upload dir?04:09
Victor```I know there are special applications that do not yet have free alternatives04:09
shackI'm using vsftp04:09
Victor```but the free software community is huge04:09
reversebladeamir, no need to install windows for this game. This game runs on linux as well04:09
reversebladeamir, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=3703&iTestingId=463604:09
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amirreverseblade: It says so but I cant get it to work04:09
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reversebladeamir, at what stage you are stuck ?04:10
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caucasVictor, how did you install all the distros you said you have into your h.h.04:10
amirreverseblade: I know i have followed the guide but I get stuck at one stage and I cant do anything about it04:10
reversebladeamir, does the game run ?04:10
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amirreverseblade: ill descibe it, wait04:10
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reversebladeshack, I dont think it is an easy task, you have to run a cron job that eachtime it sets those files, unwriteable04:12
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SteveThello all, can anyone help me with helix?04:12
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bXifun little experiment04:12
bXiupgrade warty to edgy04:12
reversebladehelix is a geometrical shape I suppose04:12
bXiwithout going trough hoary or dapper04:12
shackreverseblade any quides I could follow on that?04:13
reversebladebXi, what happened ?04:13
jribbXi: success?04:13
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shackreverseblade that is something I also tought, but I have no clue how to do that04:13
bXireverseblade: nothing04:13
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reversebladeshack, no, but may I ask why do you have such a requirement ?04:13
bXijust installed warty04:13
adaptrshack: depends on your server, but it should be easy to make an "anonymous drop" as it is called04:13
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SteveTI keep getting an "Bad Transport" error when trying to view video on the BBC news.04:14
adaptrreverseblade: very common requirement04:14
shackreverseblade just if I have server up and someone wants to mess up with my upload dir he can del all files from there04:14
mdkecan anyone suggest programs for designing nice greetings cards?04:14
faeryNatsukinow i have a problem, i could tell firefox to use aoss, but i want to say the same to opera, any idea?04:14
shackreverseblade tought only trusted users are let in, but some one could do it accidently04:14
reversebladeshack, AFAIKi you can assign each user, a different directory on the file system04:15
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jribshack: you can set the sticky bit on a directory, I don't know if ftp affects that at all04:15
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reversebladejrib, unix permissions must affect any service04:15
jribshack: actually I guess that wouldn't work, that would only prevent them from deleting others' files anyway04:16
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shackis there anyway that those files would change to other user when uploaded?04:16
amirreverseblade:  Here its to long to write it here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/749/04:16
shackas said I'm using vsftpd04:16
reversebladeshack, is this a file server within your LAN or you need a real FTP serve available within the internet04:16
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shackit is available within the internet04:17
reversebladeshack, yes but is it a requirement ?04:17
shackyes it is04:17
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shackso i can move files from my workplace04:17
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shacktought i can live without of solution to this problem, but it would be nice to get this done properly04:18
reversebladethen prolly , assigning a directory for each user should do the trick04:18
helpmeplzhelp me please, I keep getting Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed04:18
helpmeplzthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.04:18
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BeforewisdomIs there a tv card app for ubuntu, that records, besides xawtv, zapping, and mythtv?04:18
reversebladeshack, you can use local users on that system04:18
adaptrhelpmeplz: so.. do you have it installed ?04:18
helpmeplzI have nvidia-glx installed04:18
jribshack: http://vsftpd.beasts.org/vsftpd_conf.html suggests you can set the umask to whatever you want, that should work.  Just don't give anyone write permissions ont he files04:18
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adaptrhelpthat is *not* what it complains about - you need to install the restricted-modules for you kernel, then reboot04:19
faeryNatsukijrib, any idea in how to say opera to use aoss sound wraper?04:19
adaptroh, okay - bye04:19
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jribfaeryNatsuki: no, I don't know how04:19
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shackwhat does umask do?04:19
faeryNatsukiok, thanks :)04:19
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reversebladeshack, checked this ? http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=3703&iTestingId=4636?04:20
adaptrshack: it limits the permissions users may assign to new files04:20
GuerrillaWonI'm trying to register my nick with nickserv per the channels requirements, but it's freezing my computer, I assume just the window interface, which raises the question, is there a way to force my way out of a system freeze?04:20
adaptrGuerrillaWon: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X04:20
reversebladeGuerrillaWon, which client do you use for IRC ?04:20
vergilGuerill: ctrl-alt-backspace04:20
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GuerrillaWonI'd like to try to register again but I'm hammering my system with these restarts.04:21
adaptrGuerrillaWon: but it is a last resort04:21
vergilif you're in X04:21
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GuerrillaWonOk thanks.04:21
vergilif you're on console, chances are you hit ctrl-s... hit ctrl-q04:21
GuerrillaWonI'm using the all power chatzilla04:21
GuerrillaWonAnd to register is just /register?04:21
reversebladeGuerrillaWon, use xchat then :) but real men use irssi :)04:21
GuerrillaWonok I'll look into them.04:22
BeforewisdomIs there a tv card app for ubuntu, that records, besides xawtv, zapping, and mythtv?04:22
bXifreevo maybe?04:22
GuerrillaWonoops /ns register04:22
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=== GuerrillaWon slaps forehead.
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caucasvictor, are you there?04:22
amirreverseblade: do you know what im doing wrong?04:23
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reversebladeamir, no. but have you checked the link I have given ?04:25
amirreverseblade:  the wine link?04:25
reversebladeamir, also you can install windows via vmware within linux04:25
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amir thank you04:26
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Victor```I hope this partition resizes correctly04:26
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frojndwhat packages do I ndeed to install that I can see movies on youtube.com with firefox?04:28
amirreverseblade:  I dont understand how to follow the guide there04:28
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=== GuerrillaWon is now a real man.
Victor```!flash | frojnd04:28
ubotufrojnd: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:28
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reversebladeamir, sorry04:30
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reversebladeGuerrillaWon, lol04:30
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black_abaddonbye bye04:31
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vleonok ihave two questions04:33
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vleon1) i have to machines in my home, one of the is pentium 304:33
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vleonwould gnome be able to run well on it or am i doomed to use xfce?04:34
bulmerwhy dont you try?04:34
tonsofpcsWhat config methods does edgy eft use for app executions on startup?04:34
mooeyvleon, gnome should be fine on such a machine. the more cpu and ram the better, but it will work for sure04:34
NkZHey guys. Know where I can get a Wifi Strenght indicator?04:34
jribtonsofpcs: config methods?  What do you mean?04:34
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tonsofpcsjrib: how do I change what starts on startup04:35
vleon100% sure? i only want to be able to run movies on tv out, surf on the net and maybe play some old games04:35
mooeyNkZ, right click a panel, click add applet and add the network monitor applet. right click -> properties, set it to your wireless card and it will display the signal strength04:35
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vleonbut i dont want my system to freeze04:35
Kkeksashi all :)04:35
jribtonsofpcs: startup when you login as your user or during boot?04:35
mooeytonsofpcs, do you mean when the system boots or when you log in?04:35
mooeyhowdy, Kkeksas04:35
vleonor run vey slowly04:35
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mooeyvleon, xfce is fast. how much ram is in the pc?04:36
NkZThanx mooey :-)04:36
vleonwell i didnt check04:36
mooeyaloha, rvalles04:36
rvallesare there packages of the patched qemu for kvm for edgy?04:36
vleonbut not much04:36
tonsofpcsjrib: system boots... I'm running "andLinuxPreBeta" and it includes edgy eft and it defaults to running gui apps as root, I want to change those to run as a user04:36
vleonanyway i can upgrade the ram if thats the only problem...04:36
vleonmaybe this fact will give you a clue04:37
mooeyvleon, try gnome, see if it is ok for you. it likes ram so that will help. its much a case of suck it and see unfortunatly, not so easy to predict what speed you are happy with :~)04:37
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vleoni couldnt install xubuntu on it in regular install only alternate04:37
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vleonim happy with any spped that will smothly run my movies and let me surf on the net04:38
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riz-oHi i can't boot into ubuntu04:38
riz-oi get a kernel panic error04:38
jribtonsofpcs: see 'man update-rc.d' and !upstart I guess.  I'm not familiar with what "andLinuxPreBeta" is at all, but what you describe isn't default behavior for edgy04:38
jrib!upstart | tonsofpcs04:38
ubotutonsofpcs: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:38
mooeyvleon, install regular ubuntu and try it. if its not fast enough, all you need todo is 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop' and it will seitch04:38
riz-ohow i can  recover ubuntu04:38
mooey*seitch -> switch04:38
NkZmooey that worked perfectly. :-) Many thanks! :-)04:38
mooeyno problem, NkZ04:39
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wheels3572How do I check permissions in GAIM?04:39
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jribwheels3572: permissions of what?04:39
mooeywheels3572, permissions of what?04:39
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vleon<mooey> wow its easier than i thought :)04:39
vleonok ill do that04:39
wheels3572jrib, mooey i honestly dont know.  I was asked if I have checked permissions in gaim04:39
vleoni have a second question04:40
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mooeywheels3572, what led you to need to check them? can you expand on the problem?04:40
jribwheels3572: ask the person that asked you :)  But I'm guessing he means ~/.gaim04:40
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tonsofpcsyea, i think its using that... how do I list the scripts taht are set up?04:40
wheels3572jrib, only noe problem.  I did and have no reply they are gone idle grrrrrrrrrrrr04:40
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vleoncan you direct me to a good up to date guide, script or proggram that inables me to run tv-out with an nvidia card (i know how to install the binary drivers)04:40
jribwheels3572: well what was the original issue?04:41
wheels3572mooey, to better help you understand.  I have no logging in gaim anymore after lastnight but if I run gksu gaim it logs just fine.  So I was asked to check permissions in gaim04:41
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wheels3572jrib,  to better help you understand.  I have no logging in gaim anymore after lastnight but if I run gksu gaim it logs just fine.  So I was asked to check permissions in gaim04:41
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jribtonsofpcs: edgy uses upstart which is described on the above web page, but in edgy it is still just loading the old scripts in /etc/init.d/, so the manpage for update-rc.d will describe that04:42
jribwheels3572: where does it log to?04:42
vleoncan you direct me to a good up to date guide, script or programm that enables me to run tv-out with an nvidia card (i know how to install the binary drivers)?04:43
wheels3572jrib, that I dont understand whta you mean.  All I know is I have im logging and chat enabled in all of gaim itself.  It stopped working after tlastnight.04:43
jakobhow do I make "make install" install to a certain directory?04:43
wheels3572jrib, are you asking for the path04:43
jribwheels3572: yes04:43
wheels3572if so it's $HOME/.gaim/yahoo/wheels35197204:43
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jribjakob: ./configure --prefix=WHATEVER   usually04:43
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jribwheels3572: find ~/.gaim ! -user $USER04:44
wheels3572jrib, if so it's $HOME/.gaim/yahoo/wheels35197204:44
wheels3572jrib, under filemanager or CLI?04:44
jribwheels3572: cli04:44
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jakobjrib, I get no such file or directory when I type ./configure04:45
jribjakob: then consult the documentation for your application04:45
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jakobjrib, I would but it's a plugin and I haven't been able to find anything on it04:46
wheels3572jrib, that command find ~/.gaim  ! -user $USER goes right back to cli command prompt04:46
jribjakob: what plugin?04:46
mooeywheels3572, is logging deffinatly turned on in the gaim settings?04:46
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jakoblibtile. When I run make install it returns "install   : /root/.beryl/plugins/libtile.so.so-e"04:46
faeryNatsukimy flash player trouble is related to the plugin itself and not with firefox, i testes it in seamonkey and opera and it gives me no sound, maybe it is confusing the soundcard :(04:47
ctquclI want to know which group the default user adds on?04:47
wheels3572mooey, oh yeah no doubt.  Under preferences and logging all 3 areas are checked04:47
wheels3572and in individual windows all boxes are checkmarked04:47
jakobjrib, but I want it to unstall to /usr/lib/beryl04:47
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vleoncan someone direct me to a good up to date guide, script or programm that enables me to run tv-out with an nvidia card (i know how to install the binary drivers)?04:47
ctquclmy problem is not to create a id04:47
riotkittiefaeryNatsuki, and your problem is with the flash 9 beta?04:47
jribjakob: is there anything more to installing the plugin than running 'make install' ?04:48
bulmerctqucl: cat /etc/group04:48
mooeywheels3572, enter into a console: sudo chown -R YOUR_USERNAME ~/.gaim/logs04:48
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faeryNatsukiyes riotkittie, is with the flash 9 beta04:48
jakobjrib, not as far as I know. All I need is for it install to the right directory04:48
jribjakob: read the Makefile then04:48
mnoirctqucl: what do you mean default user and what do you mean adds on04:48
adam_12how can i tell if both the cores in my prosesor r being used? coz i think only one is being used04:48
lukillaspeople, i've got a question, i downloaded java runtime from sun and installed it, make the simbolic link but when i enter a page containing java, firefox restarts, i tried to install jre from synaptic with same results, what can i do?04:49
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jakobjrib, thanks. I think I found it :D04:49
mnoir!java | lukillas04:49
ctquclthe groups same as the user when we install system add.04:49
ubotulukillas: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:49
jriblukillas: you need sun-java5-plugin04:49
faeryNatsukiriotkittie: do you know something about it?04:49
lukillasubotu, jrib: thanks i'll try04:49
ikoniaadam_12: use top and see if it shows both processors04:49
amadeushello ....04:49
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riotkittiefaeryNatsuki, no, sorry04:50
adam_12ikonia: wat is top?04:50
asphhiya again04:50
ikoniaadam_12: top is a command04:50
mnoirctqucl: i still do not understand your question.  to see the groups of the use that you are looged on as, type id in a terminal04:50
ikoniaor do "cat /proc/cpuinfo"04:50
wheels3572mooey, I keep getting invalid user04:50
ikoniaand see if you see both cpu's04:50
riotkittiefaeryNatsuki, did this version of flash ever provide sound for you?04:50
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ikoniariotkittie: only flash 9 provides sound on most sites04:50
ikoniaflash 7 won't play any later flash built sites04:51
mnoirctqucl: IF you add a user, only a new group same as userid is created and assigned04:51
ikoniawith sound04:51
ctquclmnoir: I want to copy a user that the purview same as the user we install the system,I have lost it04:51
bulmerctqucl: cat /etc/group  and see which group a user is added to04:51
mnoirctqucl: to see all the members of groups, cat the /etc/groups file04:51
riotkittieikonia, i know but faeryNatsuki is using 9 beta and not getting sound04:51
ikoniariotkittie: I'll bet he messed up the install - thats the most common04:52
vleoncan someone direct me to a good up to date guide, script or programm that enables me to run tv-out with an nvidia card (i know how to install the binary drivers)?04:52
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out on certain NVidia cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition04:52
ikoniaas there is no install routine for it04:52
ctquclso I want to choose the right group to add. mnoir04:52
mnoirctqucl: you want to put back a user you removed or add a user that was on another system?04:52
riotkittieikonia,  yeah i was going to suggest a removal and reinstall if they hadnt already done so04:53
mnoirctqucl: how shall you determine the correct group to give the user?04:53
vleonubotu you are so cool (too bad that you are only a programm04:53
ubuntuxsomeone know how to sync a symbian phone with evolution?04:53
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vleonmooey thanks for your help04:53
faeryNatsukiriotkittie: i'm not sure, i have sound befire, but not now :(04:53
adam_12ikonia: Cpu(s):  3.0%us,  1.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 94.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.7%si,  0.0%st.04:53
adam_12is this wat im ment to b looking at and if it is then how do i tell if both of the prosesors r in use04:53
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hjmillsshould it really take 4 minutes to login to the freenode server?04:54
mnoirctqucl: i know i can help as soon as i can understand :)04:54
ikoniaadam_12: just do cat /proc/cpuinfo and see if they are both there as you obviously arn't advanced enough to read commands like top04:54
ctquclhave same purview or power04:54
mooeyvleon, no problem. wheels3572, i've got to go away for a bit, sorry, good luck solving the problem.04:54
adam_12ikonia: haha k im only 1404:54
ikoniaso /04:54
riotkittiei feel old now04:55
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hjmillsim sure i could have understood "top" when i was 1404:55
ikoniariotkittie: me too04:55
mnoirctqucl: so right now the group you want to add is in the groups file?04:55
ctquclI create a new user ,but it can04:55
ikoniahjmills: yup - hence why I said "so"04:55
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linuxnewuserrhey I jusst installed Ubuntu 6.10 (install was easy and fast)  I don't know how to compile or install apps04:55
linuxnewuserrI don't know how to install chatzilla04:55
adam_12lol i dont care i have a life :P04:56
mnoirk sec04:56
ikonialinuxnewuserr: the fact that your asking that suggest you shouldn't be compiling anything.04:56
hjmillsadam_12: almost everybody in this chat room is alive, with the notable exception of ubotu04:56
narvik86linuxnewuserr: download it form mozilla's site04:56
riotkittiei had a life when i was 14. i also had the ability to read.04:56
hjmills!install | linuxnewuserr04:56
ubotulinuxnewuserr: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:56
ikonialinuxnewuserr: check the wiki http://wiki.ubuntu.com and learn how to use apt-get04:56
linuxnewuserryeah butI don't know how to compile04:56
hjmills!synaptic | linuxnewuserr04:56
ubotulinuxnewuserr: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:56
wheels3572mooey, ok ty04:57
ctquclI want to have a user that the power same the we create by users-admin named 'desktop-user'04:57
ikonialinuxnewuserr: all the omre reason for you not to do it04:57
ctquclbut my users-admin is broken04:57
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: what do you want to install?04:57
linuxnewuserrI'm new to ubuntu and linux04:57
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I-kidolinuxnewuserr try synaptic first, u can compile after a few years04:57
linuxnewuserrI have to install chatzilla, flash player04:57
ikonialinuxnewuserr: thats great, but 2 people have sent you links to read04:57
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linuxnewuserrI know that04:57
ikoniaread them04:57
linuxnewuserrI am04:57
mnoirctqucl: the command is usermod -G newgrouptoadd loginname  OR you can alter the groups file to add the user to the group04:57
SimonLoftushiya nokia04:57
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: look on the wiki for flash - you cant compile it anyway as its not open source04:58
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hjmills!flash | linuxnewuserr04:58
ubotulinuxnewuserr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:58
SimonLoftusdon't suppose you know how to make a shortcut for a folder04:58
bulmerctqucl: do you have such a group called user-admin? i dont think so04:58
ikoniaSimonLoftus: right click04:58
menai had a problem with firefox browser...i cant open any site and i dont use any proxy service...any one know why04:58
SimonLoftusI can only find out how for files and apps04:58
mnoirctqucl: you should fix user management too04:58
=== AlexC_ [n=alex@host86-128-191-210.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiedesktop shortcut, SimonLoftus ?04:58
AlexC_Has anyone used Gajim?04:58
ikoniaSimonLoftus: strike that - there is no option on right click04:58
ikoniamy mistake04:58
hjmillsshould it really take 4 minutes to login to the freenode server?04:58
SimonLoftushello again riot04:58
mnoirAlexC_: gajim??04:59
SimonLoftusno hjmills04:59
I-kidosudo apt-get install chatzilla flashplugin-nonfree04:59
SimonLoftuslike 2 seconds for me04:59
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AlexC_mnoir: yeah it's a fork of Gaim but works with Jabber, looks intresting.04:59
jribSimonLoftus: just use "file" and provide the path to the directory04:59
ctquclnot group named users-admin,it's a gnome-system-tools04:59
ikoniahjmills: it can be slow if you have no reverse dns04:59
AlexC_mnoir: I was just wondering if I could connect to the MSN protocol thingy with Jabber?04:59
SimonLoftusit wouldnt lemme select the folder04:59
SimonLoftuslet me try :)04:59
hjmillsikonia: how can i get reverse dns?04:59
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riotkittieSimonLoftus, - try right clickind on the desktop > create launcher  and select DIRECTORY as the type?04:59
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eyalwhi guys04:59
SimonLoftusi have no directory as type05:00
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ikoniahjmills: speak to your isp - you may already have it and thats no the problem05:00
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mnoirAlexC_: hmm - i use PSI already for jabber and icq05:00
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jribSimonLoftus: you're right, it won't let you select, but it works if you type it out05:00
hjmillsikonia: i am on tiscali - do they have it or dont you know?05:00
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AlexC_mnoir: PSI, is that just another jabber client?05:00
ctquclwe can use users-admin create a kind of user named 'desktop-user', not I want to create a user that the power like the 'desktop-user'.05:00
eyalwI have installed ssh, but there's no .ssh dir, why?05:00
jribSimonLoftus: you could also just have it run the command "nautilus /foo/bar"05:00
ikoniaAlexC_: why have you come to an ubuntu support channel to talk about and ask for help on an app thats not in any of the ubuntu repo's05:00
SimonLoftusi got it :D05:00
ikoniahjmills: they should certainly have it05:00
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jakobis there a way to "zoom out", without increasing resolution?05:00
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bricehi there05:01
SimonLoftusi just selected the file inside the folder05:01
mnoirAlexC_: it does all im type things plus some other communications and services05:01
briceis there someone for tzll me what's wrong in my worg05:01
SimonLoftusthen in properties on the shortcut went to the far right tab and changed it :)05:01
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adam_12im realy new to ubuntu so i suk. i have run the command cat /proc/cpuinfo but i still cant tell if both my prosesors cores are being used (coz i dont know wat im looking at lol)05:01
SimonLoftusthanks jrib05:01
lalehey all05:01
hjmillsikonia: do i need to forward any ports on my router or would dyndns muck it up>05:01
laleI just installed feisty05:01
laleherd 105:01
laleit rocks05:01
ikoniahjmills: ahhh that could be the problem05:01
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hjmillsikonia: the dyndns?05:01
ikoniachanging your forward dns name, will effect the zone it looks up on reverse05:01
AlexC_mnoir: do I have to have a jabber account to talk on MSN via jabber?05:02
ctquclI want to konw which groups that 'desktop-user' add.05:02
ikoniahjmills: it "can" not "does" cause problems05:02
jakobbrice, what happens when you boot?05:02
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riotkittieadam_12, >> did it list one processor or two?05:02
ikoniaAlexC_: ask the application support team for that app05:02
hjmillsikonia: so if i forwarded the ports for irc to my pc would that fix it?05:02
eyalwI have installed ssh, but there's no .ssh dir, why?>??05:02
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ikoniahjmills: probably not05:02
mnoirctqucl: sorry i am still having problems understanding - you do not want to create a duplicate of desktop user or you DO want to create a duplicate?05:02
laleJust a question: the update utility tells me I should do a dist-upgrade.  Why? Should I say OK?05:02
=== SimonLoftus pats riotkittie and Jowi's kids on the head
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adam_12riotkittie: only one05:03
bricejakob, boot information on the second screen05:03
ctquclyes mnoir ,have same power.05:03
bricejakob, after i only have the first screen. impossible to have the second05:03
narvik86eyalw: how do you check for .ssh folder?05:03
riotkittieadam_12, then i will venture a guess that only one processor is being used05:03
hjmillsikonia: bummerz05:03
SimonLoftusbrice, is there an ok button but u cant use it with enter?05:03
menai had a problem with firefox browser...i cant open any site and i dont use any proxy service...any one know why....And Iam The Root user05:03
ctquclbecause my users-admin is broken ,so I can05:04
I-kidolale it should be ok to upgrade, I see no harm in renewing ur system :)05:04
cornellHi...  Trying to install keepassx, from source.  The install instructions on their site say to unpack it, run qmake, then make, and then make install.  I don't seem to have qmake.  What does it do, and is there a ubuntu "native" utility that does the same?05:04
hjmillsikonia: could that also muck up gaim logging into google talk?05:04
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eyalwnarvik86: I looked for it in my home directory, after revealing the hidden folders05:04
ctquclso I can't create the user by it05:04
jakobbrice did you make the xorg.conf with "nvidia settings"?05:04
adam_12riotkittie: lol i kinda guessed that. so hw do i get them both working?05:04
briceSimonLoftus, ???05:04
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bricejakob, i think05:04
laleI-kido: uhm OK.  But don't I have the feisty repos already? What repositories is he going to activate?05:04
SimonLoftusbrice, <brice> jakob, after i only have the first screen. impossible to have the second05:04
mnoirctqucl: ok you will need to do 3 things - use the useradd command to add new user, second - make alterations in one line in /etc/passwd, third, add user to correct groups in /etc/groups05:04
briceSimonLoftus, jakob i have 2 Pci Cards05:04
narvik86eyalw: i have there only one file know_hosts, so probably directory will be crated after few connections05:05
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I-kidolale feisty is beta, i wouldn't upgrade yet05:05
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I-kidolale unless u r a developper :005:05
riotkittieadam_12, i wouldnt know. try searching the forums . there is a wealth of knowledge there.05:05
laleI-kido: I'm currently running feisty05:05
Prt9hi, is bluetooth dongle supported by ubuntu?05:05
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mnoirctqucl: also a different native language support group may be easier for you :)05:06
laleI-kido: I just installed it from scratch (herd 1)05:06
jakobbrice, which of them doesn't work?05:06
ikoniaadam_12: have you worked out if its one cpu or 205:06
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mnoirctqucl: and me :)05:06
eyalwnarvik86: i see... hmm, i'm reading a tutorial about ssh, and they explain how to create encripted keys and place them inside .ssh05:06
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lukillaswell, i instaled sun-java5-plugin but it did not show in firefox when i entered about:plugins05:06
laleI-kido: no problems in it being unstable05:06
ctquclI just want to know which groups  I need,because I lost the one I have.05:06
eyalwnarvik86: what are u suggesting05:06
SimonLoftusmore like bonsoir though, its all dark here05:06
jriblukillas: did you restart firefox?05:06
I-kidolale feisty will be released in april05:06
bricejakob, the second (but it works when i boot. or when i do ctrl + Alt + F1)05:06
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lukillasjrib: yes i did05:06
Prt9can ubuntu support bluetootch dongle?05:06
jriblukillas: what does 'apt-cache policy sun-java5-plugin | grep -i installed' say?05:07
narvik86eyalw: i you use ssh to connect to remote machine, first connection will take smth like fingerprint, and store it in .ssh/knows_hosts05:07
bricedroide, BOnsoir comment vas tu?05:07
mnoirctqucl: to find them you need to look inside /etc/groups05:07
jakobbrice, do you get a clone if you do ctrl + alt + F1?05:07
I-kidolale: edgy runs fine, u could give it a try :)05:07
SimonLoftusPrt9, try checking on the forums05:07
ikoniawhy are people with NO uderstanding of ubuntu or linux in general so keen to upgrade to things that are a.) unstable b.) they have no idea what they are upgrading to05:07
narvik86eyalw: so it will be created after at least one connection05:07
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droideun franais, cool ! bonsoir brice05:07
mnoirctqucl: it will tell you what groups a user belongs to05:07
lukillasjrib: says nothing05:07
droidetu pourrait m'aider ?05:07
ikoniadroide: this is an english channel05:07
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Prt9droide: moi aussi !05:07
SimonLoftusthe bonsoir comment was me05:07
eyalwnarvik86: hmm.. ok, ill try keep on reading05:07
narvik86eyalw: try to connect somewhere and check if directory was created05:07
eyalwnarvik86: tnks05:08
bricejakob, no first screen become black and second have console information05:08
laleI-kido: I just want to try feisty05:08
droideikonia , I m very bad in english, scuse me05:08
laleI know edgy is fine :)05:08
jriblukillas: umm, what does apt-cache policy sun-java5-plugin  say then?05:08
mnoir!fr | droide05:08
ubotudroide: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:08
bricedroide, ;)05:08
ctquclthank you,mnoir 8-)05:08
AlexC_Could someone help me connect to MSN via Gajim please?05:08
laleI-kido: I'm not having problems with feisty now05:08
mnoirctqucl: does this help?05:08
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jakobbrice, and vice versa before you do ctrl alt f1?05:08
ikoniaAlexC_: ubuntu doesn't support that app05:08
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ikoniaAlexC_: email or join the support discussion group for that application05:08
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bricejakob, yes05:08
laleI-kido: it was just a question about strange behaviour of the system update app05:08
riotkittielale,  /please/ tell me that you are not using feisty as your primary/only OS :P05:08
I-kidolale: feisty want to upgrade to what ?05:08
droidesur ubuntu-fr, personne ne me repond, je ne sais pas pourquoi05:08
lukillas  Instalados: (ninguno)05:08
lukillas  Candidato: 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu105:08
lukillas  Tabla de versin:05:08
lukillas     1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 005:08
lukillas        500 http://ar.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Packages05:08
jrib!paste | lukillas05:08
ubotulukillas: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)05:09
bricejakob, i can't make the 2 screens works in the same time05:09
menai had a problem with firefox browser...i cant open any site and i dont use any proxy service...any one know why....And Iam The Root user05:09
jriblukillas: sun-java5-plugin isn't installed05:09
ikoniamena`you shouldn't be the root user05:09
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droidebrice , It's possible to help me ?05:09
menaI mean i am the only one who use the computer05:09
ikonia!fr | droide05:09
ubotudroide: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:09
menanothing else05:09
I-kidolele: update is ok,  but dist-upgrade is usually a newer version of the distribution05:09
SimonLoftusroot user?, do you really mean that05:09
Prt9droide: c'est poura aussi que je suis sur ce channel, ici deja, on aide.05:09
bricedroide, peut etre05:09
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hjmillscan anybody recommend me 2 very reliable nameservers that i can always use without problems?05:09
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ikoniahjmills: your ISP's05:09
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ikoniahjmills: there are no "free" open ones05:10
ikoniaonly forwarders05:10
laleI-kido: in fact, the strange thing is that I'm running the newest one, so... :)05:10
SimonLoftuscatch ya later ikonia, report making time05:10
ikoniaSimonLoftus: bye05:10
lukillasjrib: thanks, i believed apt-get install sun-java5-bin installs plugin also, now about:plugins shows me  sun java too, thanks so much05:10
hjmillsikonia: damn - cos my isp dns servers seem to be giving me probs05:10
mnoirhjmills: you pay for reliability - are your isp's not reliable??05:10
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jriblukillas: np05:10
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lalehjmills: mine too05:10
droide<Prt9> ,  brice , this is the link of my problem    http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=679879#p67987905:10
ikoniahjmills: mail your isp05:10
I-kidololale: lol dont upgrade yet, only update some newer packages, they are mostly more stable05:10
ikoniaits there responsability to provide dns05:11
menaikonia, okay ,, what is the problem05:11
lalehjmills: what's your isp?05:11
ikoniamena: I don't have a problem05:11
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mwehjmills: there is opendns.com05:11
adam_12dose any one know how to get BOTH cores of my processor working?05:11
bricedroide, trop complique pour moi05:11
ikoniaadam_12: how do you know both are not05:11
menaikonia, i mean with me the problem of that i cant open any thing throw the fire fox05:11
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jakobbrice, I've compared it to my xorg.conf and I can't find the error, if that's where it's located.05:11
droideok brice05:11
ikoniamena: is your network configured correctly05:11
user01what do i need to install to get my mp3, ogg, flac, divx, xvid, and mov files to play correctly in edgy?05:12
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alink1000how do I unarchive 7zip files?05:12
jrib!multimedia | user0105:12
ubotuuser01: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications05:12
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jrib!7z | alink100005:12
ubotualink1000: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:12
alex_join #cw.pl05:12
menaikonia, about ... i can open the gam instant messanger05:12
menaso i thing yes05:12
riotkittieogg doesnt work out of the box? ;o05:12
alink1000Is ark in the add/remove applications? :)05:12
ikoniamena: how did you install and start firefox05:12
adam_12ikonia: because cat /proc/cpuinfo only lists one05:12
linux_denanyone know how to turn off the effect when minimizing maximizing window in ubuntu05:12
bricejakob, i don't understand too05:12
Slartthere is one program I haven't been able to find a good linux-alternative for =/05:12
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rkglHi I am having a problem  when I run sodo I get the error message "rkgl is not in the sudoers file"05:13
riotkittiewhat program, Slart05:13
jakobbrice, if the second monitor works when you do ctrl alt f1, I don't think the xorg.conf is the problem05:13
droidethanks brice05:13
ikoniaadam_12: show me the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo in a pastebin and the output of uname -a05:13
pjpeterhi i put to older hard drives in my computer to copy files to and it tells me i do not have permission when i try to copy some files to it05:13
Slartriotkittie: memory editor to cheat in games =)05:13
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jribpjpeter: what filesystem?05:13
wheels3572Can someone tell me if there is a log that tells you what updates have been installed and when?05:13
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menaikonia, its comes with the ubuntu ce ....and i start it throw its icon05:13
ikoniawheels3572: /var/log/dpkg.log05:13
ikoniamena: whats ubuntu ce ?05:13
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mnoirwheels3572: it is easy in synaptic05:13
Slartriotkittie: Linux doesn't allow programs to read memory from other processes?05:13
ctquclnow I use a user which add almost all the groups of them,because I don't know which one I need or not,but for visit some hardware,I must add it, mnoir.05:13
AlexC_ikonia: there is no where on the Gajim website to contact them or anything05:13
bricejakob, when i go to system preferences/resolution screen i see only obne screen05:13
hjmillsmwe - brilliant thanks05:13
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menaikonia, ubuntu christian edition05:13
ikoniaAlexC_: thats the price of using an unsupported application05:13
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riotkittieSlart, that i do not know05:13
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ikoniamena: sorry I don't know anything about that05:14
menaikonia, okay its ubuntu05:14
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rkglHi I am having a problem with sudo...05:14
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menain any way05:14
mwehjmills: only "downside" is you'll be redirected to opendns.com for invalid lookups05:14
AlexC_ikonia: what do you mean by unsupported ?05:14
jribrkgl: hi, what is the problem exactly?05:14
alink1000ahem... is ark or file-roller in add/remove applications?05:14
sedrawhat's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu Christian??05:14
ikoniaAlexC_: ubuntu doesn't support it05:14
jakobbrice, have you tried writing a new xorg.conf from a template=05:14
hjmillsmwe - meh - i can live with that if it works05:14
ikoniamena: its not its CE05:14
pjpeter sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdc105:14
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menaikonia, okay sorry05:14
alink1000nvm, I found it. :)05:14
mwehjmills: it does. and it works fast as well05:14
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mnoirctqucl: if you can logon as a user that is good, and then execute the command 'id', you can see all it's groups05:14
skmidry__how do I connect to a wireless AP on my HP laptop via WEP as it has a ipw3945 chipset05:15
rkgljrib: when I run sudo I get the message "is not in the sudoers file"05:15
ubotuaircrack: wireless WEP/WPA cracker. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3-3 (edgy), package size 136 kB, installed size 372 kB05:15
AlexC_ikonia: .... Canonical/Ubuntu don't support it as in they help develope, no, but thats the same with thousands of apps in the repos.05:15
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jribrkgl: is this the first user that you created during install?05:15
menaikonia, now what is the problem bec i was openeing the browser and i was open sites normaly05:15
skmidry__I'm using dapper
ikoniaAlexC_: http://trac.gajim.org/newticket05:15
mwehjmills: and at least invalid lookups get you to a google search page with the opendns front end05:15
menaikonia, what happened05:15
reverseblade!wep | skmidry__05:15
rkgljrib: yes05:15
ubotuskmidry__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:15
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ikoniaAlexC_: no- this channel support ubuntu and ubuntu related packages - not random 3rd party ones that you've built yourself05:15
jribrkgl: please tell us the output you get from the 'groups' command05:15
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rkgljrib: it worked even the last time I logged in05:15
ikoniamena: stop talking to me please05:16
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ctquclhowever,I want to remove the groups that I add but it's not nessary05:16
AlexC_ikonia: I have not built it my self at all. It's in the repos!05:16
menaikonia, ok as you like thanks05:16
ikoniaAlexC_: is it ? - which ones05:16
jakobbrice, have you tried configuring xorg.conf for each monitor, one at the time?05:16
rkgljrib: the output is rkgl, audio05:16
wheels3572mnoir, does that include updates that I installed through the update icon up by the clock that's in synaptic that your talking about?05:16
jribpjpeter: if it's ext3, jus use chown and chmod to give whatever permissions you want to it05:16
adam_12ikonia: processor       : 005:16
adam_12vendor_id       : GenuineIntel05:16
adam_12cpu family      : 1505:16
adam_12model           : 605:16
adam_12model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz05:16
adam_12stepping        : 405:16
adam_12cpu MHz         : 2400.00005:16
riotkittiewhats in the repos, AlexC_ ?05:16
AlexC_ikonia: I don't know which one it's in, but all I did was "sudo apt-get install gajim"05:16
adam_12cache size      : 2048 KB05:16
ikoniaso it is, I stand corrected05:16
adam_12fdiv_bug        : no05:16
adam_12hlt_bug         : no05:16
AlexC_riotkittie: gajim05:16
faeryNatsukiboys... there's a way to make swiftfox use other language packs?05:16
mnoirctqucl: to remove - try to edit the /etc/groups file, remove users, NOT the whole line!!05:16
adam_12f00f_bug        : no05:16
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adam_12coma_bug        : no05:16
adam_12fpu             : yes05:16
adam_12fpu_exception   : yes05:16
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adam_12cpuid level     : 605:16
ikoniaadam_12: I'm adding you to ignore as I told you to put it in a pastebin05:16
adam_12wp              : yes05:16
reversebladeadam_12, stop that !05:16
adam_12flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc up pni monitor ds_cpl est cid cx16 xtpr lahf_lm05:16
adam_12bogomips        : 6005.0805:16
riotkittieohhhh use pastebin and stop flooding05:16
AlexC_adam_12: STOP THAT, use a pastebin05:17
adam_12ikonia: uname -a05:17
ikoniaits clear you can't listen05:17
adam_12Linux UBunTU 2.6.17-10-386 #2 Tue Dec 5 22:26:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:17
jribrkgl: you need to be in the "admin" group.  Reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then execute this command:  adduser YOUR_USERNAME_HERE admin05:17
adam_12wtf is a pastebin lol????05:17
AlexC_riotkittie: I'm trying to connect via Jabber (using Gajim) to connect to MSN05:17
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jrib!pastebin | adam_1205:17
ubotuadam_12: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:17
ikoniaadam_12: perhaps asking that before ignoring what I said would have been better05:17
funkyHatThe junk filter in Evolution isn't actually doing anything at all :-S anyone else ever got this problem?05:17
reverseblade!language | adam_1205:17
ubotuadam_12: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:17
ikoniaand I can see the problem already05:17
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GuerrillaWonMind if I paste a small bit of error text to see if anyone can't point me in the right direction?Package nspluginwrapper is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:17
GuerrillaWonThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:17
GuerrillaWonis only available from another source05:17
GuerrillaWonOh man I'm sorry05:17
riotkittiepasting it here is 1 - annoying  2 - fairly pointless  because nobodys going to be able to follow it , the way the chan moves05:17
jrib!permissions | pjpeter05:17
ubotupjpeter: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:17
GuerrillaWonE: Package nspluginwrapper has no installation candidate05:17
mnoirctqucl: maybe read the output from 'man group' to understand more05:17
GuerrillaWonI tried to pastebin that.05:17
ctquclmnoir:  can you give me yours 'id' output?05:18
jribGuerrillaWon: don't just try, succeed :)05:18
GuerrillaWonApparently middle mouse doesn't open up a tab, and pastes :/05:18
bricejakob, yes and it works05:18
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ubuntuxsomeone know how to sync a symbian phone with evolution with usb?05:18
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mnoirctqucl: yes, sec05:18
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rkgljrib: thanks, I will give it a try and let you know05:18
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jakobbrice, have you got "nvidia-settings"?05:18
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GuerrillaWonMy apologies05:19
alink1000whoa, it said 7za is not in your PATH. please notifty your system administrator.05:19
cornellThanks anyway, guys.05:19
AlexC_ikonia: its in the universe repository,05:19
alink1000wtf is up with that?05:19
bricejakob, i tey05:19
ikoniaAlexC_: yeah, I see it, my mistake - sorry05:19
alink1000when I tried ark that is05:19
ikoniaalink1000: please watch your language05:19
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ikoniaI don't need to see that05:19
bricejakob, yes i have it05:19
alink1000I didn't even say it...05:19
alink1000nothing wrong with that, but okay.05:19
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AlexC_ikonia: can I ask for help now it's in the repos? :P05:20
alink1000anyways, can someone please give me a solution to this thing?05:20
jakobbrice, does it recognise the second screen?05:20
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ikoniaAlexC_: well I doubt any ones going to be in a position to help - but sure. My mistake05:20
GuerrillaWonCan someone take a look at this and maybe point me in the right direction? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/753/plain/05:20
darielcomo estan?05:20
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darielestoy buscando chat de sexo05:20
bricejakob, no05:20
mnoirctqucl: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/754/  this is from 6.06 - is good for you?05:20
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AlexC_ok, Could someone help me connect to jabber via Gajim and then connect to msn??05:20
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jrib!es | dariel05:21
ubotudariel: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:21
mnoirctqucl: bos group is not needed for you05:21
jribthough I don't think any #ubuntu channel I know of can help you with that05:21
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riotkittieuh. did he just say he was looking for sex chat?  <shakes head>05:21
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ctquclwaiting ,let me have a look  mnoir05:21
mnoirctqucl: :)05:21
alink1000"The  utility 7za is not in your PATH.05:21
alink1000Please install it or contact your system administrator."05:22
alink1000that's what the error is when I tried 7zip on ark.05:22
adam_12ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/752/05:22
ikoniaalink1000: jesus - the error is pretty clear05:22
mnoiralink1000: then install it05:22
ikoniathe command 7za is not in your path05:22
alink1000how do I install it?05:22
ikoniaalink1000: at what point will you ever stop asking basic questions and start reading the wiki and the howtos05:22
ikoniayour really becoming a pain "how do i......" constantly05:22
mnoir!software | alink100005:22
ubotualink1000: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline05:22
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riotkittiewait. you chastize someone for saying 'wtf' but are free to say 'jesus'05:23
jakobbrice, judging from your corg.conf, I don't see any problems, but then again I'm fairly new to linux. The only thing I recommend right now is looking for some tutorials if you haven't already, or find somebody with a similar setup and steal their xorg.conf and then adjust it to your system. If that doesn't work, I think it's almost sure to say it's not your xorg.conf.05:23
ikoniariotkittie: touch'e apologies05:23
riotkittie which some find offensive? :P05:23
alink1000A real pain? wow this support is horrible, and you're an asshole. =|05:23
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mnoirikonia: when we stop telling him how to do elementary stuff :)05:23
riotkittienot that i care. i just like to play devil's advocate ;)05:23
ikoniamnoir: yet - we keep telling him05:23
user01jrib: thanks it works now05:23
=== islan thinks alink1000 got this confused with the Debian chat :P
ikoniariotkittie: its a fair point he's just becoming annoying05:23
bricejakob, thanks05:23
jribuser01: great05:23
=== mnoir just uses the bot to refer ppl to basic stuff :)
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mnoirmostly :)05:24
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islananyone ever have problems with a infinite loop using make?05:24
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user01jrib: wow it even works with some wmv05:24
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mnoir!anyone | islan05:24
ubotuislan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:24
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ikoniaislan: normally caused by out of sync clock05:24
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islanikonia, that's why I figured, but I thought I fixed it.  I'll check once again.  (how accurate does it need to be?)05:24
ctquclthank you , mnoir ,that's I need :)05:25
mnoirikonia: see? like that!05:25
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mnoirctqucl: good - now help answer the next question :)05:25
ikoniamnoir: yeah - but the other guy asks like 100 things a day because its easier to be spoon fed than read anything on the basics05:25
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ikoniahis first quesiton was how to login05:25
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ikoniacome on......05:25
mnoirikonia: :(05:25
Anakinhello I am new tu kubuntu and I want a few tips if u can help me...first of all where is the /etc/inittab file the one we use to choose the runlevel that we want to boot in...and second...how do I activate or deactivate services...for example I installed the telnetd server and I cant start it....05:25
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rkgljrib: it works thanks once again05:26
jribrkgl: np05:26
mnoirAnakin: 6.06 or 6.10 ?05:26
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Anakinmnoir: 6.1005:26
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mnoir!upstart | Anakin05:26
ubotuAnakin: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:26
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mnoirAnakin: welcome to mystery 10105:27
user01out of curiousity has anyone ever succesfully run photoshop cs2 under wine or crossover office?05:27
ikoniaI hate upstart05:27
pythonhttp://www.enlargeyourpenis.de/61893/ :o05:27
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ikoniawhy ubuntu wants to constantly break the norm I don't get05:27
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Anakinmnoir: 10x :)05:27
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso05:27
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Seveasmnoir, ?05:27
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Seveasmnoir, thanks05:27
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mnoirSeveas: i was yellin about enlargement05:27
ikoniauser01: I've heard of it running ok - but I have no personal personal experience of it05:28
mnoirSeveas: was i appropriate??05:28
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Seveasmnoir, very05:28
mnoirSeveas: :)05:28
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rkgljrib: I am having problems with my sound as well05:29
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islansystem time of 11:32 EST on 1/7/200705:29
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riotkittiebreaking the norm how?05:30
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rkgljrib: are there any good resources on the web to look into05:30
jribrkgl: sound in everything?05:30
ikoniariotkittie: changing form traditional init system in a mainstream distro, implimenting the blockid ata branch before its really set as accepted within the kernel branch05:30
jrib!sound | rkgl05:30
uboturkgl: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin05:30
ikoniariotkittie: just a pain for old school chaps05:31
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riotkittieikonia, ah05:31
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ikoniain dev or small distros - its cool and interesting but mainstream distros are a bit of a pain05:31
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ctquclI don't have the group 'accounting' and 'admin',and I choose the others ,thank you very much, mnoir05:31
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rkgljrib: yes, I found Alsa is selected, i will look into the resources05:32
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mnoirctqucl: yes - those are special groups for me :)05:32
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mnoirctqucl: is working?05:32
sorush20hi now do I write a .img files it's a dvd image file05:32
mnoirctqucl: why you do not have admin??05:32
mnoirctqucl: should need for sudo!05:33
riotkittieubuntu kinda scares me. i worry that theyre gonna dumb it down to increase the appeal05:33
mnoirriotkittie: that would be hard to do05:33
ctquclI can05:33
svishriotkittie: dumb it down?05:33
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Music_ShuffleIts possible to dumb it down -more-?05:33
ikoniariotkittie: yup05:33
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riotkittieyes, svish05:33
ikoniaor make it so different that old school business/users won't touch it05:33
flodineecan someone help me change my port for mail in evolution?05:34
riotkittiemnoir, why do you think it would be hard to do?05:34
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riotkittiebrb. gotta go do the mommy thing05:34
ctquclI can't use some gnome-system-tools,maybe because of this. mnoir05:34
PurpleMunkzhmm.. can somebody tell me of an easy way to setup keyboard shortcuts in gnome?05:34
svishwouldnt say making a system easier to use is the same as dumbing it down..05:34
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faeryNatsukii need to make a bash script, and launch from it a program, but i need to pass the arguments the script received to the launched app? how can i do that?05:34
Music_ShufflePurpleMunkz, simple? System -> Prefs -> Keyboard Shortcuts05:35
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=== islan finds out that his clock may be off by three minutes :(
mnoirriotkittie: all the dumbdown would have to occur at the ui level and would not have to touch the underlying system.  if they stray from the debial standard layout, support will be very expensive and hard to cannonical05:35
islanpicky picky05:35
PurpleMunkzok, so I have looked at that app before..  what's with all the hex codes as shortcut commands?05:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ccd2iso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
SOMEONEhi. i wonder if someone could help me a little?05:35
mnoirriotkittie: therefore, they can dumbdown all they want and it cannot affect the appeal to those who want to work at the less dumb levels05:36
islanwhat's the prob, SOMEONE ?05:36
SOMEONEabout ati 9250 tvout casing white screen on primary display?05:36
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riotkittiemnoir ah good point ;p05:36
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SOMEONEwithout tvout the monitor screen is ok05:37
ikoniaislan: whats up05:37
faeryNatsukicould you help me?05:37
mnoirriotkittie: if you really want an extreme view, linux .9 has been progressively dumbed down to get to today's distributions05:37
riotkittiemnoir, heh.05:37
ikoniamnoir: linux .9 ?05:37
mnoirriotkittie: X is a dumbing down...05:37
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faeryNatsukihow can I read arguments passed to a bash or sh script? it's an array? a variable?05:37
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mnoirikonia: mebbe yer too young to remember the prereleases05:37
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bulmerfaeryNatsuki: its usually $1 $2 $3 ...05:37
ikoniamnoir: ooh you mean linus pre release kernels05:38
ikonia24 floppys05:38
jribfaeryNatsuki: google for the "advanced bash scripting howto"05:38
islanikonia, hm?  oh, no, I was talking to the person with the s/n SOMEONE05:38
mnoirikonia: d/l 23 diskettes.  load all night05:38
ikoniaI remember05:38
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ikoniayup, remember it well05:38
faeryNatsukijrib: let me try05:38
jribfaeryNatsuki: s/howto/guide05:38
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riotkittiei need to find my 386 ;p05:40
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adubwhat is the repository for linux source tree05:40
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socorrista_achcan someone help me?05:41
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compengi!ask | socorrista_ach05:41
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ubotusocorrista_ach: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:41
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riotkittiesocorrista_ach, perhaps. what do you nede help with.05:41
socorrista_achi need help with editing my ubuntu boot optionsd05:41
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ctquclhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/756/ mnoir ,that's mine05:42
socorrista_achhe starts with server editition and i want generic edition05:42
adubmaybe linux-source ??05:42
JH-When installing ubuntu, it gets to 46% and freezes reading the CD05:42
JH-I did a "check CD" and it installs this way05:42
JH-never gets any farther05:42
JH-bad burn?05:42
ikoniasocorrista_ach: they are the same ting05:42
compengiJH-, yeah probably05:42
islanJH, perhaps, check the md5-thingy05:42
socorrista_achno they're05:42
socorrista_achbecause i have a nvidia05:43
ikoniajust different packages05:43
=== Hmmmm [n=Hmmmm@] has joined #ubuntu
socorrista_ache hangs up in server mode05:43
compengiJH-, try to burn it on 4x05:43
socorrista_achand runs perfectly in generic05:43
JH-I ran out of blank cds05:43
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ikonia"server mode" - do you mean you have installed the "server" build05:43
=== f1assistance [n=Carl@cpe-071-070-229-076.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
socorrista_achit installed by itself05:43
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JH-can I install an ISO onto a DVD?05:44
socorrista_achi just need to change prioritys05:44
riotkittiesudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub.menu.lst.old && sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:44
ikoniaare you sure  - it can#t install by its self05:44
ikoniawhat priorities ?05:44
riotkittieyea, how does something install by itself?05:44
socorrista_achwhen i installed it05:44
TheGateKeeperadub, if you run firefox, it has a package search engine built in05:44
=== mseney__ [n=mseney__@rrcs-72-43-200-216.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniasocorrista_ach: I don't understand what your talking about at all05:45
=== chris [n=chris@CPE0050ba114ed1-CM00159a3f19d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ctquclGood night ,some one :)05:45
riotkittiei believe he's talking about boot order05:45
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
socorrista_achwhen i install ubuntu it installed two versions05:45
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ikoniano it didn't05:45
socorrista_achserver end generic05:45
ikoniano it didn't05:45
chrisi have a quick question if anyone is willing to help out05:45
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riotkittieyou did something.05:45
ikoniayou can only do one install at a time05:45
socorrista_achi can choose if i press escape when is starting up05:46
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faeryNatsukijrib: s/howto/guide was a link? it seems to be incomplete05:46
ikoniawhat ??/05:46
TheGateKeeper!ask | chris05:46
ubotuchris: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:46
socorrista_achhow can i undoit05:46
ikoniawhat are you talking about05:46
chrislol okay :)05:46
user01how can i verify if the driver automatically installed for my graphics card is the most appropriate/recent?05:46
riotkittieare you sure one is server and the other is desktop?05:46
=== Alexiel [n=Alexiel@82-39-206-76.cable.ubr04.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["User]
riotkittieand theyre not both desktop with different kernels?05:46
=== cyberix [n=cyberix@hoas-fe17dd00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
socorrista_achright now im on generic05:46
ikoniariotkittie: how can he have 2 installs at once05:46
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socorrista_achserver doesnt start up with nvidia drivers05:47
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socorrista_achi dont know05:47
ikoniasocorrista_ach: it won't05:47
ikoniabecause server doesn't install X05:47
chrisI downloaded quake 3 today, it came in 5 .rar's and i extracted that, and now its a .exe file, which im assuming is a .exe archive with the game files inside. How can I open this exe archive?05:47
socorrista_achoh yes it does and thats my problem05:47
ikoniachris sounds like a warez05:47
riotkittieikonia >> two installs at the same time as in simultaneously putting both on?05:47
socorrista_achit shouldnt05:47
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ikoniasocorrista_ach: then you don't know what your saying - the server doesn't install X05:47
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chrisyea i got it from a warez site05:48
ikoniariotkittie: similtanious05:48
lostboyzi get this error when compiling and all requirements are met05:48
ikoniachii: then don't use warez05:48
lostboyzi am trying to install something via tarball but the configuration script says i need dependencies, but they are all there.  what do i do? it also says Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you05:48
riotkittieno. server doenst come with X, dude.05:48
chrisis there a way to open exe archives?05:48
ikonialostboyz: adjust the variable05:48
ikoniachris don't discuss warez05:48
lostboyzhow do i do that?05:48
ikonialostboyz: you should know if your building software05:48
riotkittiesocorrista_ach, >> had you been drinking during or prior to your ubuntu install?05:48
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chrisokay, well how do i open .exe archives in general05:48
socorrista_achim going to try to edit the boot file05:48
ikoniachris don't discuss warez05:49
socorrista_achthank u all05:49
mooeywhats the best way to install an autopackage package (!)?05:49
=== deusjevoo [n=2cv@d54C0719B.access.telenet.be] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autopackage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
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mnoir!elaborate | mooey05:50
ubotumooey: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:50
chrisgo to its properties and make it executable, then just double click05:50
ikoniachris don't discuss warez05:50
lostboyzyes i know i should know, but i am a new user at this and the program i want is not prepackaged05:50
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riotkittiei love it when people who have no clue what theyre talking about are adamant that they do know what theyre talking about05:50
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ikonialostboyz: get support from the program developers / support05:50
riotkittieand then act like youre delusional when you point out simple truths ;p05:50
=== mnoir knows EXACTLY what you are talking about
ikoniariotkittie: it made no sense05:50
chrisikonia: i was answering someones question05:50
=== drivera90 needs MS Paint for Ubuntu. Thoughts?
mooeychris, mine?05:51
chrisikonia: they asked how to open an autopackage05:51
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ikoniaI stand corrected05:51
chrisyes mooey05:51
mooeythank you, chris :-)05:51
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant05:51
chrismooey: go to its properties and make it executable, then just double click05:51
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riotkittieor when they use the "it installed itself!" excuse.05:51
chrismooey: np05:52
riotkittiethat's always a good one ;p05:52
ikoniariotkittie: never heard that before05:52
larrysagemy ubuntu 6.06 has been reloaded many times.. it quits when I get to the desktop, I think it may be because of my mainboard. I have an all in one via vt82c686 which works great with windows. but want to change...any ideas05:52
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ikonialarrysage: check on the ubuntu hcl if its supported05:52
ikonia!hcl | larrysage05:52
ubotularrysage: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:52
chrislarrysage: im using a via board, linux works fine05:52
larrysagehcl is what?05:52
GuerrillaWonGeeze who would have thought reading through all the community documentation on Ubuntu would be so... helpfull.05:52
ikoniachris depends on the chipset05:52
lightmanlarrysage: seems strange that ubuntu is not working beacuse of a mobo05:52
ikonialightman: not if the chips not supported it doesn't05:53
chrissame chipset that was just mentioned05:53
larrysageis a thing with the via chipset as i understand it05:53
ikoniachris then you are spot on05:53
lightmanokonia: ubuntu supports majority of recent mobo05:53
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ikonialightman: but not all05:53
ikoniahence why i said check the hcl - make sure its listed then we can move o n05:53
ikoniarather than just assuming it supported it05:53
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mnoiror you assuming it doesn't :)05:54
larrysageim wondering why when i load it it loads and runs beautifully ...why then can i not keep the drivers that it is using to setup?05:54
ikoniamnoir: yup - you remove the doubt/question05:54
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ikonialarrysage: what makes you think its via05:54
mnoirlarrysage: in a perfect world...05:54
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Toxhi, what is the last debian distr ?05:55
ikoniatox /join #debian05:55
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Toxok tnx05:55
mnoirbet it is right in their title...05:55
ikoniaor on the main webpage05:56
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ikoniaI hate that sort of thing - its super lazy05:56
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mnoirikonia: that would require understanding teh intarnets05:56
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ikoniahe he05:56
=== spoop [n=spoop@c-76-23-162-16.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jonah1980hi can anyone please help me out just to get something through my video card, i don't know what to do: http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Pinnacle_PCTV_310i   that's my card but when i run tvtuner or whatever nothing is there05:57
larrysagei have another machine and it has never had a glitch.. i have checked out the via info and it shows that there are drivers to be added but I am so new to this that I do not knw how to add them05:57
mnoirikonia: seriously, ubuntu's extreme politeness policing does encourage the annoying behaviors we have been discussing05:57
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riotkittiei should compile the intarnets05:57
s1`_hi, where does the file go after i finish editing crontab with crontab -e?05:57
ikoniamnoir: I'm all for helping but this turns into the general no nothing channel at times05:57
scifihi guys finally got my fresh install of Edgy after upgrading from Dapper went awry. I remember on Dapper i had to edit a file to change my monitors refresh rate to 75 from 60. can someone remind which file it is ?05:57
ikoniascifi: xorg.conf05:58
mnoirscifi: be vewy vewy careful - /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:58
riotkittiei have to admit. one of ubuntu's biggest selling points for me would be the community and the fact that everyone is really cool05:58
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riotkittiebut man. sometimes i just want to shake some of these people05:58
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chrisits as though everyone is one big happy family lol05:58
=== mnoir likes cool but dislikes not being to forcefully tell somebody about manuals
riotkittiethen bludgeon them with a stack of HOW-TOs05:59
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faeryNatsukithanks jrib, that's what i needed :) see you bye05:59
=== mnoir is also surprized that there has been no ot warning in the last 3 minutes :)
=== serishema [n=maria@60-234-140-152.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
scifii remember now, i just need to put my monitors manufacturers refresh rate ranges in06:00
serishemai'm having problems with apt-get and synaptic and the like06:00
jribscifi: man crontab  claims /var/spool/cron/crontabs06:00
scoobtubei don't even know how to use apt-get06:00
riotkittieserishema, what kind of problems?06:00
jribs1`_: man crontab  claims /var/spool/cron/crontabs06:00
serishemafor some reason after a crash, apt-get just goes back to the prompt without displaying anything when i try to install anything06:00
scoobtubethis is my first linux installation06:00
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serishemano error message or hint of any kind06:00
serishemaaptitude also fails06:00
ikoniascoobtube: then thats surly a warning to read up in it06:00
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mnoirserishema: nothing? no message at all?06:01
serishemano message at all06:01
castoffserishema: tried apt-get update?06:01
scoobtubeikonia, yeah, that's what i'm doing.  judging by the reactions here, i'm kinda scared to ask a question06:01
s1`_jrib, many thanks!06:01
maneyquux: shouldn't generic names such as us.archive.ubuntu.com be setup to round-robin to all the region's repositories?  at least this morning that seems not to be working (I noticed this because the repo us.archive points at is horribly slow this morning - might be maintenance window there?)06:01
serishemasame result06:01
riotkittiescoobtube sudo apt-get <package name>   to install, sudo apt-cache search <term> to search by keyword. man apt for more info06:01
jonah1980hello anyone who can help me out please? i just wanna watch a bit of tv on my computer with http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Pinnacle_PCTV_310i   this card06:01
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castoffserishema: apt-cace search work?06:01
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castoffapt-cache even06:02
mnoirriotkittie: see for that i would have piped !software06:02
chrissturmis there a decent wiki software in ubuntu main?06:02
maneyer, that was s'posed to be Q:, forgot it would expand on me06:02
maneychrissturm: yeah, several06:02
riotkittiemnoir,  ahh06:02
chrissturmmediawiki seems to be in universe06:02
chrissturmmaney: can you name some?06:02
maneythough of course "decent" is so much a matter of taste06:02
castoffserishema: sorry stumped me06:03
maneythe wiki component of Trak is pretty good, though not my first choice as a wiki06:03
=== mnoir is not sure what wiki pkg ubuntu support uses
=== bayle_ [n=bayle@host6-205-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
chrissturmtrac is not in main06:03
wolfgang_ubotu: thanks for the Windows equivalent links, very helpful06:03
chrissturmis it?06:03
maneyand I was going to say that moin was included, but now i think about it I'm not certain I've set that up on an Ubuntu box, so maybe it's in unverse too06:03
mnoirwolfgang_: you are thanking a bot :)06:03
maneyisn't?  hmmm06:04
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serishemathere seems to be an undeletable file at /var/lib/dpkg/lock06:04
maneymaybe I've only set those up on Sarge machines, then06:04
serishemai'm going to try running the riser fs check utility i suspect a corrupted filesystem06:04
mnoirserishema: delete with sudo06:04
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chrissturmi think the ubuntu wiki uses mediawiki06:04
maneyif neither is in main I'm really going to have to reconsider using Ubuntu for the new server after all06:04
serishemamnior: the delete appears to succeed but the file is still there06:05
maneyyeah, I don't really like mediawiki06:05
chrissturmubuntu main doenst even contain the packages that ubuntu.org uses :)06:05
mnoirserishema: you may be right about bad fs - reiser is not 10000% proof06:05
wolfgang_mnoir: chat newbie here, second day ever on a chat forum and I have just embarassed myself quite well06:05
maneynah, says moin is in main06:06
=== mnoir ain't using reiser until the trial is over....
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mnoirwolfgang_: naa - everybody does it :)06:06
aimtrainer__hi can anyone tell me please how to create a link in the shell (I mean a link to a folder)06:06
jribchrissturm: ubuntu wiki is moinmoin06:06
maneybut yeah, trac is universe.  bummer06:06
chrissturmjrib: ah, cool06:06
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chrissturmmoinmoin is in main, i will use that06:06
riotkittieok, enough X for me. brb06:06
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mnoirwolfgang_: try /msg ubotu    -  you can get a lot of good info06:06
serishemafound the problem06:06
serishemasudo is broken06:07
serishemaif i su to root it works06:07
magical_trevskyis there a way to limit the cpu usage a program is allowed when it's already running?06:07
mnoirserishema: how is it broken?06:07
maneyyeah, I like moin a lot.  only partly because I can hack little extensions in a decent labguage :-)06:07
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castoffmagical_trevsky: renice06:07
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mnoirserishema: do you need a good sudoers file?06:07
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magical_trevskycastoff, awesome, thanks06:08
larrysageIm back again my prosavage video is not listed in the hcl... what do I do to give it a generic driver?06:08
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serishemais there a way to back out of installing a package when it crashed half way through06:09
serishemadoing dpkg --configure -a caused the system to crash06:09
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maneydpkg --remove ?06:10
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castofflarrysage: is there a xserver-xorg-video-savage package you can use?06:11
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serishemai don't want to delete what's already there though, i just want the package manager to forget about it.06:12
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serishemai have a bit of an obsecure case06:12
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serishemai'm running ubuntu under colinux and installing x11-common is known to cause a blue screen06:12
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serishemabut i needed xsetroot from it06:12
killownHey where I found list server for mldonkey?06:12
wolfgang_question to all:  What I need is a linux download manager that has the equivalent functionality, sophistication, and easy to use gui functionality of the program "Free Download Manager" in Windows.  If anyone has personal experience with linux download manager that really works and is not quirky, I am all eyes.06:12
serishemahave you tried kget?06:13
mnoirserishema: -r or --purge one specific package and then reinstall if you want06:13
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menai cant acsses any site throw fire fox any one know why ....06:13
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serishemamnoir: but reinstalling it will cause a blue screen again and exactly the same will happen again?06:13
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castofflarrysage: did you get that?06:13
mnoirserishema: maybe, i dunno - what package is giving you such problems?06:14
serishemait's a known problem with colinux06:14
maneyserishema: sounds like you need to do a non-managed install of the part you want06:14
wolfgang_serishema:  I have not tried any linux ones yet, I trying to zero in on one.06:14
mweserishema: you can download .debs and extract them06:14
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serishemathat might be a way out of this.06:14
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mweserishema: dpkg -x blah.deb06:14
mnoirserishema: or install from console instead of terminal06:15
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hjmillsmwe: cant file-roller also read debs?06:15
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mwehjmills: maybe so06:15
angelohi all06:15
confreyhi everybody06:15
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islanhi angelo , confrey06:15
hjmillsmwe: i seem to remember it was always the default action for firefox when you downloaded debs06:15
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:15
mnoira thousand more ppl need to say hi....06:16
darkroastok, so when I hover over the date & time in ubuntu, it says "Click here to view your appointments and tasks" -- when I click, all I get is the little calendar.  How do I add appointments and tasks?06:16
hjmillscan anybody recommend a gtk instant messenger client like gaim but not gaim?06:16
larrysagesorry castoff I missed it06:16
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ikoniagtk based - touch06:16
jribdarkroast: in evolution06:16
ikoniadepends what protocols you want06:16
castofflarrysage: is there a xserver-xorg-video-savage06:16
darkroastah, thanks06:16
darkroasttoo bad I'm not using evolution :-)06:16
ikoniatouch ?? tough I meant06:16
confreyanybody from germany, or france?06:16
maneyserishema: would running inside vmware work for what you need to do?  there's a free version of that now (I think it's available for Windows-hosted too)06:17
larrysageyes I have found one but I dont know how to install it.. i have it on a disk06:17
mwehjmills: I guess you don't like gaim?06:17
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hjmillsikonia: well i use msn and google talk (jabber)06:17
mnoir!anyone | confrey06:17
timmaehjmills, i use AMSN and Kopete06:17
ubotuconfrey: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:17
serishemamaney: the idea was to avoid the overhead of emulating actual hardware06:17
cyclebrockVmware, there is a free version of the server. very slick06:17
angelokopete is nice06:17
hjmillsmwe: its giving me more errors than i can even start to try and fix06:17
mwetimmae: I don't think they're gtk06:17
serishemamaney: i was using virtual server, but it reduced my laptop battery life too much06:17
castofflarrysage: apt-get install06:17
mwehjmills: oh06:17
mwehjmills: odd06:17
confreybecause I need to chat with somebody from Germany, or France.... I'm a ubuntu user, but I need to chat about other problems...06:18
maneyserishema: back to manual install, then, I guess :-/06:18
hjmillsmwe: i may try purging it and reinstalling it06:18
larrysageok that is from the manual screen in the startup?06:18
mweconfrey: try #ubuntu-de and #ubuntu-fr06:18
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castofflarrysage: from a terminal? yes06:18
cyclebrockJust curious if anybody has luck with edgy and laptop suspending06:18
mnoirconfrey: in english?  i am not in europe but you might have better luck in the de or fr channels06:18
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larrysageok then I will be able to do it..but it is on my cd rom..what if it is not mounted?06:19
ikoniacyclebrock: yes06:19
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mwehjmills: I doubt that will help. maybe reset it's configuring in your home dir which will stay if even if you purge it06:19
confreyubotu, I have a ubuntu question too : in xine dialog window, I see fonts in a bad format, bad dimension, ideas?06:19
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ppjAnyone have some experience with Ubuntu on ESX?06:19
mnoirconfrey: type /msg ubotu06:19
castofflarrysage: you have internet access on that system?06:19
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ppjI've got the networking bridged, and man downloads are slow06:19
hjmillsmwe: ah ok - i didnt realise that stayed - explains some things06:19
RiyonukI keep trying to install kuake from the syanptic, but it installed Konsole06:19
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confreymnoir, right! thanks06:19
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larrysageyes it worked when i loaded but i dont know if it is running when the system stalls06:20
mwehjmills: only global configuration is reset when purging06:20
mnoirwolfgang_: see? caught confrey :)06:20
cyclebrockikonia, what type of laptop?06:20
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ikoniamsi S26206:20
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ubotuvmware is VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware06:20
hjmillsmwe: oh ok - useful to know - thanks06:20
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castofflarrysage: ah if you do then apt-get will get it from the net06:20
hjmillsmwe: i have removed most stuff in ~/.gaim leaving the logs as they are useful - ill see how it goes06:20
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wolfgang_mnoir: yea, now I don't feel so bad06:21
mwehjmills: yeah06:21
mnoirwolfgang_: :)06:21
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mnoirwolfgang_: you are no longer a beginner here!06:21
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serishemagot it06:21
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castofflarrysage: otherwise use dpkg -i file_name06:21
serishemadeleting and recrating the /var/lib/dpkg by doing some hacking got what i want to happen06:21
mnoirserishema: things working?06:21
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dudeswho can giveme a link for install the drivers of "QuickCam for notebooks" (logitech)06:21
RiyonukAnd I cant seem to find swiftfox in syanptic06:22
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mnoirserishema: the hack was?06:22
larrysageok how will it know where to get it from?06:22
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serishemaoh dear, nope i just broke the package system compluete06:22
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eyalwsimple tutorial for getting sshd running and configured06:23
mnoir1010 ppl say hi to eyalw06:23
castofflarrysage: the source.lst will tell it...i assume you have a fully installed system?06:23
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serishemafortunately, i backed up the orriginal files06:23
dudeswho can giveme a link for install the drivers of "QuickCam for notebooks" (logitech)06:23
chrissturmwie installier ich moinmoin am besten? fastcgi oder besser twisted?06:23
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mnoir!sshd | eyalw06:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:23
linuxnewuserrhow do I work a synaptic installer to install stuff06:23
linuxnewuserrconfused as hell with linux06:23
mnoir!ssh | eyalw06:23
linuxnewuserrfirst day on it06:23
ubotueyalw: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:23
jrib!synaptic | linuxnewuserr06:23
ubotulinuxnewuserr: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:23
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mnoir!de | chrissturm06:24
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ubotuchrissturm: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:24
castofflarrysage: so if using apt-get it will know, if using dpkg mount the cd and point it at it06:24
jribRiyonuk: swiftfox isn't in the ubunut repositories06:24
hjmillsmwe: same problem with jabber with a reinstalled gaim :( really does suck06:24
Riyonukjrib, why?06:24
chrissturmmnoir: sorry, i have too many irc channels open it seems :)06:24
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eitanhey guys...been looking for 2 hours for the terminal command to initiate the screensaver, anyone know?06:24
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mwehjmills: hmm06:24
ublenderdoesw anyone here have a psp they use with ubuntu?06:24
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frederifichi everyone06:25
mnoirchrissturm: no need for sorry - mostly i am trying to help ppl get to somebody who can help :)06:25
RiyonukIt seems alot of the programs I got from automatix arent availble in synaptic >_<06:25
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mnoireitan: that may be an interesting challenge - i would try asking in #gnome as well06:26
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menajrib, i cant acces any site throw firefox and it telling me cant establish conection wiwith nay site .....do you know why06:26
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menajrib, any*06:26
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hjmillsmena: try disabling ipv6 - that gave me a headache a while back06:27
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larrysagethanks.. I will probably be back to bug you but if I can get this machine running it will be by by windows.. I am currently testing the ubuntu on my 300mhz dell and it works so beautifully but the other machine is tons faster.06:27
menahjmills, okay06:27
lostboyzdoes it matter if you are root or user when configuring packages?06:27
doofyhow do i remove unneeded entries from the applications menu?06:27
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mnoirlostboyz: usually does06:28
jribdoofy: right click on the ubuntu icon, and select "edit menus"06:28
menahjmills, how06:28
castoffeitan: you look for the X screensaver?06:28
islandoofy, Applications, Accessories, A La Cart Menu Editor06:28
scifihi guys, theres a tool somewhere for easily mounting your other disk drives, whats it called ?06:28
hjmills!ipv6 | mena06:28
ubotumena: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv406:28
mnoirlostboyz: but that is for global config, not user config06:28
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islanor, yeah, what jrib saud06:28
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eitancastoff: the one in gnome, or are they the same?06:28
menahjmills, problem is i cant accses any site even that06:28
doofyjrib, islan thank you.06:28
jribRiyonuk: I don't know, you can request that it be considered for inclusion on one of the MOTU wiki pages though06:28
hjmillsgood point06:28
hjmillsusing fx?06:29
castoffeitan: look at xscreensaver06:29
menahjmills, yes06:29
menahjmills,, wait its opened06:29
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hjmillsmena: cos its an ipv6 compatible site i think - thats just what i found06:29
motias anybady can recomand how to config mail server on ubuntu06:29
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menahjmills, okay its opened i will see it thanks06:30
hjmillsmoti: i think there is a guide at help.ubuntu.com in the server guide06:30
jakobHow come "sudo apt-get install xwinwrap" returns nothing?06:30
Riyonukjrib, well lots of programs I want arent in the respositores, am I going to have to install them manually? Will they not get updated?06:30
motitanks i will look06:30
scifihi guys, theres a tool somewhere for easily mounting your other disk drives, whats it called ?06:30
jribRiyonuk: what other applications are not in the repos?06:31
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serishemasystem will probably crash again06:31
serishemafingers crossed06:31
Riyonukjrib, well swiftfox, frostwire, energyxt2, audacious to name a few I need :p06:31
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eitancastoff, xscreensaver isnt helping me eithe06:32
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serishemanope, yay i think i got it. I tracked down the actual package which was xserver-xorg that i don't need anyway. So i force removed it and now everything is good06:32
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hjmillsRiyonuk: there is a script for swiftfox and probably on for frostwire - audacious is in the repos and i dont kniow about energyxt206:32
Jowi!postfix | moti06:33
ubotumoti: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto06:33
chrissturmwhats the recommended way to configure moinmoin on ubuntu behind an apache server?06:33
Riyonukhjmills, wtf, I cant find audacious >_>06:33
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jribRiyonuk: audacious is in feisty.  You can request the others.  frostwire provides ubuntu debs on their site06:33
hjmillsRiyonuk: have you enabled multiverse and universe06:33
Nermalanyone else having problems with bluetooth and edgy ?06:33
hjmills!fuck | riyonuk06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
PurpleMunkzwhat is the run time level that I should start ubuntu in if I don't want the X server to start at bootup?   should it be runtime lvl 3?06:33
hjmills!language | Riyonuk06:33
ubotuRiyonuk: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:33
faeryNatsukiwe need to program in php and mysql, and we have to develop something for any common web server, which mysql is better? mysql 5 or mysql 4.1?06:33
serishemalevel 3?06:33
FurryNemesisPurpleMunkz, 2, I think06:33
serishema2 is without networking isn't it?06:34
Riyonukhjmills, Ive enabled them...I think06:34
Nermalspecifically I get a "switching device to off" bubble appear when I scan for it on my phone06:34
Riyonukjrib, what do you mean in fiesty?06:34
eitancastoff, I found that i need to change the key of /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled to true to start the screensaver, this is done through GUI by gconf, how can i do it through issuing commands?06:34
eyalwi looked at the ubuntu docs on ssh, and it explains NOTHING about configuring an sshd, only about remotly logging into one. help, sshd?06:34
Vilandiljoin #ubuntu-fr06:34
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FurryNemesisserishema, I think that dumps you into the cmd line06:34
hjmillsRiyonuk: double check and make sure u apt-get update after06:34
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jribRiyonuk: feisty is the next version of ubuntu06:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
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PurpleMunkzhmm I don't thin it's 2, because when I typed telinit 3 to change to r/l 3, then times runlevel to see what my current runlevel was, it displayed r/l 2 as the previous run level before I switched to 3..06:34
=== jueriy [n=jueriy@dslb-084-061-122-035.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:34
Riyonukjrib, so its only available if I install fiesty?06:34
castoffeitan: does typing xscreensaver do it?06:34
FurryNemesisah, ok06:35
islanhm ... how do I make sure the fan is on again?06:35
Nermallooks like this channel has gone further downhill :|06:35
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scifihi guys, theres a tool somewhere for easily mounting your other disk drives, whats it called ?06:35
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ublenderdoes anyone here have a psp they use with ubuntu?06:35
Riyonukhjmills, in Software Sources, every box is checked06:35
eitancastoff, no, i don't have the program xscreensaver but i have xscreensaver-(5 diff programs here)06:35
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jribRiyonuk: in the official repositories, yes.  The repositories are frozen before an ubuntu version is released, so it won't be in edgy since it was released last october.  I wouldn't recommend you install feisty until it is released06:36
eyalwi looked at the ubuntu docs on ssh, and it explains NOTHING about configuring an sshd, only about remotly logging into one. help, sshd?06:36
mweeitan: that's normal06:36
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castoffeitan: hum...i'm trying to download xscreensaver now to look but it is very slow06:36
serishemaapt-get install ssh did it for me06:36
eitanmwe: yeah but none of them work06:36
Riyonukjrib, :( and theses deb.'s, I know there like .exe's but do they update?06:36
serishemainstalled the server actually, rather than the client06:36
eitani mean06:36
eitanwork to start the ss06:36
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mweeitan: I see. xscreensaver-demo works here06:37
jribRiyonuk: they get security updates and major bug fixes06:37
eitancastoff: i think i can change gnome keys on the fly using gconftool -s (key) (type)06:37
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eitanill try something06:37
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Riyonukjrib, wait...what? I really dont want to download anything other than from snyaptic06:37
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scifiwhat tool do i use to mount my other local disk drives ?06:37
castoffeitan: but xscreensaver is a seperate package than the configs b/c the configs are used by other screensaver progs06:37
scoobtubeit's my understanding from reading that you have to install the ati video drivers at init level 3.  Is this correct?06:37
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mnoireyalw: i just found http://geodsoft.com/howto/ssh/servers.htm (google is your friend)  it might help.  have you tried and it is not workingg or not tried yet?06:38
jribRiyonuk: what wasn't clear?06:38
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Riyonukjrib, well...nevermind, all clear. Thanks06:39
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serishemahow can i accept xdmcp connections without actually running an X server on the local machine?06:39
agent!init > FurryNemesis06:39
jribRiyonuk: you could always join MOTU and help in the cause :)06:39
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castoffserishema: you need the Xlibraries06:39
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Riyonukjrib, whats that?06:39
eyalwmnoir: well i never found this exact page, let me read a little and get back to u on this : )06:39
jrib!motu | Riyonuk06:39
ubotuRiyonuk: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU06:39
serishemacastoff: i have those06:39
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serishemacastoff: i just don't want kdm trying to start X org since that will make it crash06:40
castoffserishema: don't ask me what package that is in Ubuntu never looked06:40
mnoireyalw: snot that hard - 1 config file  :)06:40
Riyonukjrib, cant, dont always have an internet connecting :p06:40
RiyonukIs it good to download pacakges not from the respositores?06:40
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jerpscifi, there is autofs available in the synaptic manager06:40
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scifijerp: thx06:41
scoobtubedo i need to be init level 3 to install the ati drivers for ubuntu?  I finally have a game that requires openGL and I've downloaded the ati drivers06:41
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castoffserishema: use sysv-rc-conf to turn off kdm so it won't start06:41
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serishemacastoff: i want kdm to run though to manage remote x terminals06:42
castoffserishema: if you don't have that install it, i like it alot06:42
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jribRiyonuk: I use frostwire myself, it is fine.  It is generally ok if a package is not in the repos and provides an Ubuntu deb06:42
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jribRiyonuk: of course, you are trusting the developers that created the package06:43
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castoffserishema: does it need to? i've never done that always pulled the GUI's back through ssh06:43
Riyonukjrib, alright, just wish every program was available :D06:43
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mweRiyonuk: what are you looking for?06:43
serishemacastoff: it would be easier if my linux ignorant brother just saw a login window on the right box06:43
scoobtubeok, so I opened up terminal and went from $ to # then went to desktop where the ati driver is and typed sh ./ati-driverblah blah blah and hit enter06:43
Riyonukmwe, well first I want audacious06:43
castoffserishema: hehe ok06:43
PacketScanedgy comes with firefox 2..  how to revert back to 1.5 as 2.0 is Crach happy ?06:43
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mweRiyonuk: I see06:44
jakobwhere do deleted files go in linux?06:44
mwePacketScan: it is? it never crashed here thouh06:44
Riyonukjakob, trash06:44
jribjakob: depends how you deleted them06:44
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jakobplease pretend I never asked that :-s06:44
menai still cant open any site06:45
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C_J_ProWow, been a while since I've last been here.06:45
PacketScanfree'mwe, ff2 is crashing on linux and windows for me.. revert back to 1.5 seems to be the fix for now.06:45
mwePacketScan: well if you insist, download 1.5 from mozilla.com and install it to /opt06:45
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scifijerp: in dapper there was a gui tool in administration menu for doing this, is there not such a gui tool in edgy ?06:45
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RiyonukSomeone told me Automatix was bad news...is it really?06:45
mwePacketScan: then sudo dpkg-divert /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/06:45
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scoobtubewhen the ati driver extracts and starts i get this error:  X Server: Unknown X Window06:45
mwePacketScan: err06:46
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scoobtubecp: cannot stat `x710/usr/X11R6/bin/*': No such file or directory06:46
mwePacketScan: sudo dpkg-divert --rename /usr/bin/firefox && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/06:46
scoobtubefind: install/usr/bin/fireglcontrolpanel: No such file or directory06:46
ghdhi, im installing ubuntu 5.10, i need help with partitions.  basicly theres 1 partition on c drive which contains xp, i'd prefer to make a new partition on that drive to install ubuntu.  Also theres 4 partitions on d drive, one of which has knoppix installed, but i dont know which.  #1  is 12.6gb has a lightning/downward arrow, a black smiley face  says  and says ntfs.   #2  has all my music, video etc from xp.  #3 is 12.6gb has06:46
ghd a black smiley face and says reiserfs.   #4 is 329mb swap. can anyone give advice on making a new partition on c drive or tell me which partition on d drive to delete so i can install ubuntu on it.  also, does anyone know what could be oln the 12.6gb partiton that doesnt have knoppix installed?06:46
C_J_ProAre there any alternatives to Kontakt for Ubuntu?06:46
jerpscifi, look in your synaptic manager06:46
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scoobtubehow do i get to init3 in ubuntu?06:47
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mnoirghd: why 5.1006:47
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scifijerp: i dont know what it was called. autofs is just a script, i want a gui front-end tool06:47
MetaBookfoziShi all06:47
jakobWhat does "missing separator. Stop" mean?06:47
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MetaBookfoziShow can i workout to an app don'T use my internet connection?06:47
mwejakob: from what?06:47
hjmillsis it possible to run kde apps without kdelibs as im about to reinstall ubuntu and want to use all the programs i can (so i have more choice) and make them look the same without the overhead of loading half of kde06:47
MetaBookfoziSso i'm dont want to an app goes to internet?06:47
mwehjmills: it's not06:47
jakobmwe a make or make install.06:47
hjmillsjakob: probably that something is missing a seperator so it has had to stop06:48
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ghdbecause thats the disc that ive got, and my pc is pretty crap.  is newer versions can run just as well on a 655mhz amd duron with 128mb ram, then i might install those06:48
mwejakob: it means the source code is broken06:48
mwejakob: what are you trying to install?06:48
jakobmwe, would it be safer to find a new source, rather than fix it?06:48
mnoirhjmills: no kde apps are gonna use the libs :(06:48
jakobmwe. xwinwrap, it's no longer on synaptics06:49
mwejakob: also consider using checkinstall instead of make install06:49
schlonzohello, i've got a problem. My hdb2 is, after transformating to FAT32 no longer available in ubuntu. How was the command to mute those hdd's ?06:49
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menahjmills, i still cant open any site and i done as it told me06:49
jakobmwe, checkinstall --> command not found06:49
mwejakob: install it06:49
hjmillsmwe: didnt think it was possible - overly hopeful06:49
mnoirghd - you are gonna have a very interesting time getting support here :) i should think 6.06 would run fine unless there is a specific hardware issue06:49
mwejakob: sudo aptitude install checkinstall06:49
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hjmillsmnoir: thats why i dont like kde i guess06:49
jakobmwe, thanks, I'll try that.06:50
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mwehjmills: it wont work if make install doesn't work though06:50
schlonzohello, i've got a problem. My hdb2 is, after transformating to FAT32 no longer available in ubuntu. How was the command to mute those hdd's?06:50
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mnoirhjmills: it is just disk space...06:50
N1kkiHi, just a quick question, is there any way to install from the command line, got a really slow PC and in 15mins it hasnt even loaded the desktop manager from the live CD06:50
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hjmillsmnoir: and cpu and memory as it runs in the background doesnt it?06:50
ghdmnoir ok, i guess i'll dl the latest version then06:50
mnoirhjmills: when yer running those apps...06:50
hjmillsmnoir: so when the apps close does kdelibs close:?06:51
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mwehjmills: it doesn't take cpu power to load some libs06:51
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SlartN1kki: there's the alternate install cd06:51
mnoirhjmills: afaik06:51
mwehjmills: it takes some memory though06:51
Slart!alternate | N1kki06:51
ubotuN1kki: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.06:51
=== bloated [n=bloated@ppp-70-244-62-173.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RiyonukAre there more repisotires then multivers, universe, etc?06:52
mnoirhjmills: if  ya like the apps ya gotta pay the price06:52
hjmillsmwe - is it a significant amount - i have a decently powered pc but i just dont like choking it with stuff06:52
=== Prestwick_ [n=prestwic@195-112-43-209.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrsomeone walk me through installation of easyubuntu and a .run in pvt plz these tutorial sites confuse me as a noob with this techinical crap that doesn't teach you easily06:52
mwehjmills: they do "close" if they're not used.06:52
N1kkiyep I saw that, but was hoping I wouldnt have to download and burn another copy06:52
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Prestwick_Hi can anyone help?06:52
jriblinuxnewuserr: what are you trying to install?06:52
mwehjmills: it's not that bad. some megabytes depending on the program06:52
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jrib!helpme | Prestwick_06:52
ubotuPrestwick_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:52
mnoir!anyone |pres06:52
ubotupres: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:52
Prestwick_Basically loaded up Ubuntu and a square about 70x70 pixels big is distorted in the top left hand corner ^^;06:52
SlartN1kki: I don't think there is a text mode install on the normal CD.. I might be wrong though..06:52
N1kkiah ok, Thanks :)06:53
Gosha.. how do i enable scripts in nautilus?06:53
linuxnewuserrubuntu doesn't support my videocard yet x1950 ati06:53
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PacketScanman what the heck happened in edgy.. FF2 is crash happy, Evolution lost SSL/TLS support..  Do they not test anymore before releaseing..YIKES.06:53
mnoir!elaborate | Gosha06:53
ubotuGosha: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:53
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linuxnewuserrbut i downloaded the x1900 driver .run file06:53
hjmillsmwe and mnoir: ok - thanks for all the advice - looks like im sticking with gnome06:53
N1kkiActually one more thing06:53
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mweLinuturk: doesn't fglrx support that?06:53
N1kkiI havent really got a problem but really need some ideas, I'm a student and for my main project I decided to do something relating to IPTables (networking is a big interest of mine + also this should be useful in real life), thing is the only current idea is performance testing with iptables in place and a test without, I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas for a good project, I've been thinking for couple of weeks now and t06:53
mnoirhjmills: good move06:53
hjmillscould i replace nautilus with something else in gnome?06:53
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Prestwick_Any ideas?06:53
jriblinuxnewuserr: /join #easyubuntu06:53
=== mnoir likes kde better but wants hj to be happy
Riyonuklinuxnewuserr, automatix is easier, just double click and its installed06:53
mwehjmills: yeah as long as you keep it installed06:54
=== phr34ck [n=phr34ck@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:54
hjmillsmwe: so nautilus is still needed?06:54
Goshaallright, so i put a script in ./gnome/nautilus-scripts and made it executable, now .. how do i make it appear on the right-click menu?06:54
scifii cant seem to pysdm using sudo apt-get install pysdm, it says Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock and unable to lock administration directory06:54
jriblinuxnewuserr: what is the x1900 driver file for?06:54
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:54
=== jan__ [n=jan@dyndsl-091-096-126-133.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrhow do i find automatix?06:54
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:54
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phr34ckis there an alternative for Visio ?06:54
mwehjmills: yeah some programs don't like it not being around06:54
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N1kkidid anyone get my long message?06:54
lupine_85snap :p06:54
hjmillsmwe: oh ok - no point running anything extra06:54
hjmills!shout | Wikipedia-Gast06:55
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ubotuWikipedia-Gast: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:55
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lupine_85N1kki: linux vs. vista performance testing? :p06:55
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=== damienk is now known as kdamien
Slartphr34ck: you can try Dia, it's not a full replacement.. but it's a step in the right direction06:55
jugheadhow can I mount an *.iso file in ubuntu?06:55
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=== MagicFab_ is now known as MagicFab
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn06:55
Prestwick_nobdy has any ideas then?06:55
menamnoir, how can i solve the prblem of openeing sites throw firefox...i cant open any site throw it ..do ypu know why06:55
N1kkihmm, i dunno about that, lol06:55
kdamienI want to ask a question06:55
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mooey!ask > kdamien06:56
hjmillsmena: did you read the instructions at the top of the page or lower down for dapper? edgy works on the dapper instructions06:56
jribmena: can you 'ping www.google.com'?06:56
SlartPrestwick_: never heard of that error.. sorry06:56
mwe!ask | kdamien06:56
ubotukdamien: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:56
Stonekeepe2Hi. Anyone ever used a loopback iso as an apt source?06:56
mnoirmena: dunno - clearly your networking is working since you are talking here06:56
scifii cant seem to install pysdm using sudo apt-get install pysdm, it says Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock and unable to lock administration directory06:56
phr34ckWhere is Dia located ?06:56
kdamienwhat should I ask?06:56
Prestwick_Slart: ROFL its just gone06:56
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juanojughead: as root type make dir /media/iso then type mount myiso.iso /media/iso06:56
Prestwick_Slart: Like literally its vanished just as you said that06:56
jribscifi: do you have synaptic or update manager open?06:56
menahjmills, i do as it said and iam 6.1006:56
mwekdamien: don't be lame06:56
mnoirkdamien: start with the meaning of life and work your way up06:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scripts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
mwekdamien: you said you want to ask a question and we say go ahead06:57
ubotunautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 586 kB, installed size 1424 kB06:57
SlartPrestwick_: hehe.. I think you might have to buy a new graphics card, or monitor if it keeps doing that =)06:57
=== duglas [n=douglas@cpe-24-58-207-250.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillsmena: on that page i linked u to there were 2 sets of instructions - u needto use the second one06:57
Goshaokay, then .. what/where is the script menu in nautilus?06:57
kdamienwhat should I ask06:57
juanojughead: mkdir /media/iso it is. then type mount myiso.iso /media/iso06:57
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Prestwick_Slart: this is an old Compaq Armada M700 laptop lol06:57
Slartphr34ck: it's in the repositories06:57
jribGosha: it only shows up if you install scripts06:57
mooeykdamien, ask what you came to ask06:57
menahjmills, i will see06:57
ragnar_123anyone here with a working steam install (wine), who also is willing to send me the Friends/friendsUI.dll file?06:57
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:57
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=== kdamien is now known as karras
Gosha.. and .. i do that by putting them into the script dir and make them executable, right?06:58
phr34cksudo apt-get install Dia <--- package not found06:58
hjmillskdamien: try asking why we use ubuntu as opposed to windows06:58
SlartPrestwick_: oh.. light some candles, sacrifice a bbq chicken and hope for the best?06:58
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=== guerrillawon [n=guerrill@ip68-110-205-130.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakjrib: ?06:58
linuxnewuserrcan you install KDE onto ubuntu or would it defeat the purpose and just dl kubuntu?06:58
Prestwick_Slart: I think I haven't configured xorg properly, I accidentally installed the ATI proprietary drivers when I actually have just a Rage Mobility.06:58
Slartphr34ck: hmm.. I'll have a look.. hold on06:58
jribgnomefreak: kdamien, now karras0106:58
mooeylinuxnewuserr, you can. sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:58
menajrib, ypu mean by ping googlde open it i try ti ooen it and nothing happened06:58
=== karras01 is now known as damien_karras
Prestwick_Slart: so xorg wouldn't restart, so I reconfigured xorg and chose the older standard ATI drivers.06:58
jribmena: that's a command you can run in a terminal06:58
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hjmillsmena: open a term and run "ping google.com"06:59
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SlartPrestwick_: ah.. well.. I guess with the wrong driver, anytihng is possible06:59
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Gosha"ame will not necessarily appear on the scripts menu immediately. You first must visit the scripts directory with Nautilus (which can be done using the last option in the scripts menu.)" <-- where is that menu?06:59
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jribgnomefreak: thanks06:59
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Prestwick_slart: yeah, thats what I'm thinking. Anyway, thanks for the help :)06:59
hjmillsmena: if that works get the ip it tells you and try and connect to that in fx06:59
Slartphr34ck: it's in graphics, universt06:59
SlartPrestwick_: you're welcome06:59
menahjmills, ok06:59
jribGosha: the scripts directory is ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/06:59
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Slartphr34ck: you have to enable universe repositories.. in System, Administration, software sources07:00
Goshaoh, why gnome2?07:00
linuxnewuserrok once the kubuntu desktop installs07:00
linuxnewuserrdo i restart?07:00
Sp4rKyi've 55packages which are not upgraded during update daper => edgy (python*)07:00
linuxnewuserrto make it work07:00
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slartphr34ck: there are tick boxes for different repos07:00
Sp4rKyhow can i force them to be upgrade ?07:00
phr34ckSlart, I have it enabled.07:00
jribGosha: because you are using gnome 2, that's where a lot of gnome-specific stuff goes07:00
ubotudia: Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95.0-4ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 179 kB, installed size 528 kB07:00
serishemawhy would i get premission denied mounting an NFS share when the allowed host list is * ?07:00
sleepy475how do I stop my terminal from pining google?07:00
=== SoulCHild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-020-188.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Goshaah, didn't know07:00
Goshawell, thanks07:00
jribsleepy475: ctrl-c07:00
mooeysleepy475, press control and c at the same time07:00
TsoolFolks, I'm trying to install lirc according to the instructions at http://venky.ws/forums/viewtopic.php?t=279 (I'm running Dapper, though). Everything goes just fine, the setup, the make and make install commands, themodprobe as well (and lsmod shows me the modules loaded). But, when I try mode2 I get the messages mode2: error opening /dev/lirc; mode2: No such device. And this is what I find...07:00
ragnar_123(17:57:57) ragnar_123: anyone here with a working steam install (wine), who also is willing to send me the Friends/friendsUI.dll file?07:00
Tsool...in /dev: crw-r--r-- 1 root root 61, 0 2007-01-07 18:35 /dev/lirc I've used fuer to check that no other process is using the device file. Any lic-gurus out there who could help me out?07:00
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jakobcan I run opensuse programs on ubuntu?07:01
linuxnewuserrmooey: once it installs will it automatically change to kde?07:01
lupine_85jakob: probably not07:01
SoulCHildHey. does anyone know something about the ubuntu "AC Adapter"-Problem?07:01
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lupine_85if you get hold of the source you can recompile it for ubuntu without any problems though07:01
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Riyonukjrib, so the only way Im going to get audacious is when fiesty is released?07:01
=== PA|CodyLoco [n=asfd@h69-31-197-85.cust.platinum.ca] has joined #ubuntu
phr34ckahh, it's a dia and not Dia.07:01
jribjakob: probably, but you'd install them differently07:01
i7chhow do i tell make-kpkg to run make with the -j2 option?07:01
Riyonukmooey, I heard there was like 2 versions of kde? core and normal?07:01
=== fab_ [n=fab@adsl-89-217-132-58.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
PA|CodyLocohi guys07:01
Slartphr34ck: ah.. case sensitive.. yes07:01
PA|CodyLocodoes anyone have a second to help a newb?07:01
mooeyRiyonuk, i've never used kde so i couldn't say :~)07:02
fab_hi there07:02
menahjmills, in the fire fox its told me Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.07:02
mooey!ask > PA|CodyLoco07:02
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:02
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:02
mooeylinuxnewuserr, yep it will07:02
juanoPA|CodyLoco: hi07:02
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PA|CodyLocohey I'm stuck installing any kind of Ubuntu on a system07:02
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menahjmills, i disabled the proxy and npw it telling me Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
SoulCHildAnyone who knows how to doengrade the kernel to 2.6.1607:02
PA|CodyLocoit just hangs about ten seconds into the install07:02
fab_I've got a bit a difficult question about paritions07:02
magic_ninjaPA|CodyLoco: whats the problem07:03
=== NoWhereMan [n=nowherem@host-84-220-66-194.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrmooey: can I alway return to what I had before? or no07:03
NoWhereManhi guys07:03
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:03
magic_ninjaPA|CodyLoco: how far can you get sir?07:03
juanoPA|CodyLoco: did you check your installation media?07:03
hjmillsmena: if you need a proxy you will have to leave it enabled07:03
N1kkithis bot is goooood07:03
ragnar_123anyone here with a working steam installation?07:03
=== Felix [n=Miranda@72-84.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
mooeylinuxnewuserr, yes you can. just select a gnome session when you log on.07:03
NoWhereManI don't see anumore the eject command in right click menu for thumb drives07:03
magic_ninjaragnar_123: mine works07:03
NoWhereManis it just me?07:03
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:03
PA|CodyLocoyeah I've burned the disks about three times, once to a DVD even07:03
PA|CodyLocoat slowest speed07:03
jribRiyonuk: audacious seems to provide ubuntu repositories as well07:03
SoulCHildHELLO, how can i downgrade my kernel to 2.6.1607:03
=== Aggort [n=ubuntu@c-67-186-51-137.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
juanoPA|CodyLoco: mm, what type of PC are you installing on?07:03
PA|CodyLocoit hangs right after it tries to load the linux kernel07:03
jakobCan someone help me find xwinwrap?07:03
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB07:04
fab_I've got a dualboot ubuntu / windows xp system, and I can't create a linuxpartition outside of my extended partition, how can I change this?07:04
linuxnewuserrif you install kde can you always return to the old DE that was default?07:04
AggortHow do I go about running badblocks?07:04
menahjmills, you mean enable it in the fire fox and the network proxy ......but i dont need any one of them07:04
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:04
linuxnewuserrsame here fab07:04
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linuxnewuserrfab i hear ya07:04
castoffPA|CodyLoco did you md5sum the iso?07:04
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ragnar_123magic_ninja: can you send me your Friends/friendsUI.dll, mine just doesn't work, and I do not have much bandwidth to reinstall.07:04
PA|CodyLocoa new Acer machine with a P4D, 300GB HDD, 1GB RAM07:04
N1kkisorry, shuld stop flooding the chan, lol07:04
Aggortubuntu@ubuntu:~$ badblocks -n-s-v/dev/hda/07:04
Aggortbadblocks: invalid option -- -                                                Is that not right?07:04
hjmillsmena: if you dont have a proxy then turn off the proxy in both gnome and firefox07:04
hoelkhmm what does jfgi mean07:04
RiyonukSo in installing KDE, it autmatically download kubuntu?07:04
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fab_linuxnewuserr, how long you've been looking for a solution?07:05
PA|CodyLocono, it wont load the disk checker07:05
SoulCHildubotu: downgrade kernel?07:05
jribjakob: http://swik.net/xwinwrap07:05
SlartN1kki: try searching and appending >N1kki.. as this  "!gnome < N1kki".. that way you wont be spamming the channel so much07:05
hjmillsjakob: google is your friend :D07:05
castoffRiyonuk: the splash screen yes07:05
PA|CodyLocoand the ISO is fine because I had installed it on my old system07:05
=== SiliconViper [n=siliconv@S01060013107698ba.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrlol for a day07:05
magic_ninjaragnar_123: sure no problem07:05
jakobjrib, I tried that, but I can't open the file.07:05
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Aggortbadblocks -n-s-v/dev/hda/07:05
AggortWhat am I doing wrong?07:05
ragnar_123magic_ninja: thanks :D07:05
N1kki!gnome < n1kki07:05
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB07:05
jribjakob: you need to compile it after you download it07:05
magic_ninjaPA|CodyLoco: try breaking it down07:05
jrib!compiling | jakob07:05
ubotujakob: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:05
=== spoop [n=spoop@c-76-23-162-16.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
N1kkibetter download the install Cd, C ya later guys, thanks for the hlp07:05
PA|CodyLocowhat do you mean?07:05
magic_ninjaragnar_123: what part of the file tree is it in07:05
juanoPA|CodyLoco: are you dual booting with another operating system? how is your grub configuration when installing?07:05
=== tamgo [n=saotome@tdev198-96.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
n3t0some one can help me with this http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/128907:06
menahjmills, i done it in the both ...and its the same result ......Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.google.com.07:06
Aggortbadblocks -n-s-v/dev/hda/07:06
N1kki!install > n1kki07:06
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AggortWhat is wrong with that?07:06
ragnar_123magic_ninja: program files/steam/friends/friendsUI.dll07:06
fab_can someone help   linuxnewuserr and me with a partitionproblem?07:06
PA|CodyLocojuano I was trying to do a dualboot or even just wipe the whole HDD07:06
hjmillsmena: if you have a router then reboot that and see if that helps - check other pcs on the network if there are any and see if they have the problem07:06
PA|CodyLocojuano using the Live CD07:06
menahjmills, okay i will07:07
=== maria [n=maria@60-234-140-152.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
PA|CodyLocoany option I choose, including the "verify CD" option it just kind of hangs at a blinking cursor07:07
hjmillsmena: if you still have probs and its def just ure pc then try grabbing a new ip (if using dhcp) or resetting your static ip if using that07:07
NoWhereManguys, do you still have the right click "eject" for usb drives on edgy?07:07
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ragnar_123magic_ninja: found it?07:07
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linuxnewuserrmooey:  so if i install this kubuntu de is my ubuntu no more ubuntu but called kubuntu? lol07:07
magic_ninjaPA|CodyLoco: try doing this if you can07:07
fab_nowhereman, I should be included yes07:07
menahjmills, ok07:07
=== aslddjfn is now known as New2Ubunt2
TsoolFolks, I'm trying to install lirc according to the instructions at http://venky.ws/forums/viewtopic.php?t=279 (I'm running Dapper, though). Everything goes just fine, the setup, the make and make install commands, themodprobe as well (and lsmod shows me the modules loaded). But, when I try mode2 I get the messages mode2: error opening /dev/lirc; mode2: No such device. And this is what I find...07:08
SlartNoWhereMan: nope.. I have an "umount" command though07:08
Tsool...in /dev: crw-r--r-- 1 root root 61, 0 2007-01-0718:35  /dev/lirc I've used fuer to check that no other process is using the device file. Any lirc-gurus out there who could help me out?07:08
=== Nightwalker [n=bob@88-105-25-40.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
mooeylinuxnewuserr, it will install some kubuntu branding, uea07:08
juanoPA|CodyLoco: mm im not quite sure what it could be, it could be related to a hardware incompatibilty, i had sort of the same issue when trying to install a red hat 9.0 on a P4 80 GB 512 RAM07:08
magic_ninjaragnar_123: just delete it...it will remake itself07:08
AggortAnyone tell my what is wrong with this command? badblocks -n-s/dev/hda/07:08
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NoWhereManSlart, whatever07:08
menahjmills, thanks For Your Help07:08
NoWhereManmine is localized07:08
hjmillsmena: sure07:08
cappicardhmm... us.ubuntu.archives.com is slow as hell today07:08
mooeyAggort, perhaps you need to space the -arguments -out? badblocks -n -s /dev/hda07:08
magic_ninjaragnar_123: i don't have any friends on it anyway07:08
NoWhereManbut I don't have that anymore :/07:08
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RancidLMcan any one suggest a good PDF reader that has a "high lighting" feature?07:08
PA|CodyLocojuano wait is a Pentium D925 64 bit?07:08
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jakobjrib, I can't do anything to that file you linked me to.07:08
=== Pitbull_R [n=me@bl5-46-11.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Pitbull_RHi all.07:08
hjmillsAggort: that should be badblocks -ns /dev/hda07:08
juanoPA|CodyLoco: are you on a 64 bit?07:09
PA|CodyLocomagic_ninja doing what?07:09
Pitbull_RAnyone have a clue as to why my pc keeps rebooting right after installing 6.10 server?07:09
NoWhereManfab_, I didnt understand u07:09
PA|CodyLocojuano I dunno is it 64bit?07:09
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Xzyx987Xhey, this new Plextor-760A DVD-RW drive I installed doesn't seem to work in ubuntu, but it works fine in windows on the same computer07:09
ragnar_123magic_ninja: it should, but it doesn't. The file just simply doesnt exist, and steam wont start without it.07:09
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PA|CodyLocojuano I don't use Intel procs so I don't really know lol07:09
juanoPA|CodyLoco: cause if you are you need the x86_64 isos not the i58607:09
Xzyx987Xthe drive even works in vmware with windows xp running as a guest under ubuntu07:09
PA|CodyLocoi386 is what I have07:09
fab_NoWhereMan, when you rightclick on a usb device, then there should be the eject-option (also in edgy)07:10
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Xzyx987Xcan anyone help me figure out the problem?07:10
PA|CodyLocojuano can I PM you this is giving me a head ache07:10
jribjakob: are you able to download it?07:10
juanoPA|CodyLoco: lol yes07:10
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NoWhereManfab_, there used to be07:10
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NoWhereManit's not anymore :/07:10
AggortOK then what on earth does this mean ...07:10
Aggortubuntu@ubuntu:~$ badblocks -n -s -v /dev/hda/07:10
Aggortbadblocks: Not a directory while trying to determine device size07:10
jakobjrib, yes. But I can't unzip it nor open it with a text editor07:10
NoWhereManit worked using the disk applet, but it used to be there :/07:11
fab_ NoWhereMan, you've done anything special before it disappeared?07:11
scifijrib: yes i did *slaps himself*07:11
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jribjakob: ah it seems the one there is already compiled, I had originally gotten it from somwhere else.  Anyway, do this:  chmod +x xwinwrap, then run the file with:  ./xwinwrap07:11
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrmooey:  this is a long install lol07:11
NoWhereManfab_, I think there was a dbus upadte today07:11
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ragnar_123magic_ninja: my steam says that i have a bad module (but the file isn't there (and steam doesn't create it)). Can I have yours?07:11
scifijrib: but unfortunately E: Couldn't find package pysdm07:11
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jakobokay, thanks jrib :)07:11
fab_NoWhereMan: ok, hang on a moment07:11
jrib!universe | scifi07:11
ubotuscifi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:11
=== r080cy90r [n=r080cy90@adsl-46-86.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
castoffAggort: use it on a partition not a device07:11
castoffAggort: i.e. badblocks /dev/hda107:12
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Aggortubuntu@ubuntu:~$ badblocks -n -s -v /dev/hda07:12
Aggortbadblocks: Permission denied while trying to determine device size07:12
Aggortwhy would permission be denied.... castoff: I need to do the whole device sorry07:12
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linuxnewuserrKDE looks so much nicer than nome07:13
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scifijrib: do the dapper instructions work for edgy too?07:13
jribscifi: should be similar07:13
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jakobjrib, ./xwinwrap gives me "Error: couldn't create command line"07:13
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jribjakob: weird, what arch are you on?07:13
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castoffAggort: not sure you can07:14
fab_NoWhereMan: I researched a bit, but I don't know how to recover it07:14
jakobjrib, arch?07:14
pranavplz ppl07:14
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jakobpranav, please be patient.07:14
pranavi have ubuntu 6.0607:14
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Aggortcastoff: Well somehow I need to find out if anything at the evry begining of the drive is corrupted07:14
pranavand have cd of ubuntu 6.1007:14
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fab_NoWhereMan: seems like you have to use the unmount command for a while07:14
pranavhow to upgrade??07:14
NoWhereManfab_, disk applet works07:15
Wiseguyhey guys, for some reason it looks like when im in ubuntu there is like a haze or blur over the screen or something... its not really noticeable, but compared to how sharp my text and icons look in windows i tend to notice a difference... does anyone know what would cause this? or am i just delirious?07:15
=== Silmeria [n=ubuntu@host169-52.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
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linuxnewuserrmooey: how long does this thing take to install, it's been like 20 min lol07:15
fab_NoWhereMan: aha ok07:15
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jribjakob: architecture07:15
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: what are you installing?07:15
NoWhereManstill that's really strange07:15
Silmeriayou know i was wondering....07:15
jakobjrib, as in ubuntu?07:15
mooeylinuxnewuserr, kde is large. it will take some time.07:15
=== blklegend [n=blklegen@84-120-64-144.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aggortcastoff: Even doing it by partition the device size still gets checked07:15
NoWhereManfab_, it's strange because there's no eect in computer:/// either :/07:15
Silmeriais there a way to install ubuntu via the live cd?07:15
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PA|CodyLocojuano Please check PC07:15
ragnar_123magic_ninja: if you dont really understand, then look at this: http://upit.jtw.dk/dl/wsu/07:15
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mooeySilmeria, double click 'Install' on the desktop07:16
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hjmillsjakob: as in 64bit, x86, power pc etc07:16
Silmeriathere isn't such 'install' on my desktop :/07:16
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jakobjrib, hjmills, x6407:16
zspada15hi, i have a Pentium 4 with HT and EMT64, which kernel would be the best?07:16
juanoPA|CodyLoco: i PM you07:16
PA|CodyLocoWhat ISO do I need for a Intel Pentium D 925 3.0GHz / 4MB Cache / 800MHz FSB / Dual-Core / Presler / OEM / Socket 775 / Processor07:16
castoffAggort: i just read the manpage and it says by partition basically, it is how I have always used it07:16
pranavhow to upgrade to edgy07:16
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pranavfrom cd07:16
fab_NoWhereMan: that's really strange, but I'm too new to linux, I can't help you though :-/07:16
hjmillsSilmeria: what version of the live cd u got?07:16
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Silmeriai think it's a pretty old version!07:16
NoWhereManfab_, oh well thanks, then07:16
pranavhow to upgrade to edgy07:17
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jribjakob: k it was probably compiled on x86.  You can try to grab the source from http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xapps/xwinwrap/ and compile it yourself, though I have no idea if it will work07:17
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Silmeriashould i get a newer one?07:17
PA|CodyLocojuano why the hell aren't I getting your messages?07:17
juanoPA|CodyLoco: aahh.. your not on 64, you got D07:17
PA|CodyLocojuano :(07:17
zspada15anyone know which kernel i should get?07:17
hjmillsSilmeria: get edgy - its the latest07:17
PA|CodyLocojuano so whats that mean?07:17
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jakobjrib, that was the first one I got, but it gabe me the "missing separator"07:17
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fab_hjmills:  you know how I could make a linux partition outside of an extended partition?07:17
mooey!edgy > pranav07:17
linuxnewuserrmooey: some screen came up and just selected KDE and hit ok07:17
linuxnewuserris it done now07:17
PA|CodyLocojuano which ISO should I get, pardon my ignorance but I enver use Intel07:17
juanoPA|CodyLoco: well, you got a processor with 2 "brains"07:17
jribjakob: what did you do for it to give you that?07:17
Silmeriaedgy? never heard of it...where should i download it?07:17
mooeylinuxnewuserr, its done when it returns you to the command prompt07:17
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Silmeriai'm new to ubuntu :p07:17
fab_linuxnewuserr: you've solved your problem with the extended partition?07:18
mooey!edgy | Silmeria07:18
ubotuSilmeria: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes07:18
juanoPA|CodyLoco: well, i think i386 should do in that case07:18
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PA|CodyLocojuano Yeah I know what dualcore is :)  which ISO should07:18
menahjmills. i change my ip and then i must ask any one on the network ....if it was working so what to do ...oh .. i was have the fire starter firewall installed my be its the reason for that07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HT - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
jakobjrib, make install. Make gave the same error.07:18
linuxnewuserrnah fab07:18
PA|CodyLocojuano that's what I'm using07:18
linuxnewuserri'm more worried about kde07:18
linuxnewuserrat the moment07:18
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jribjakob: pastebin07:18
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Silmeriathanks everyone07:18
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hjmillsfab_: you can install linux on a primary partition if you have a spare one - but the extended partitions are just the same in a wrapper because of how partitions work07:18
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juanoPA|CodyLoco: did you try x86_64?07:18
zspada15do i need an smp kernel if i have hyperthreading?07:18
jakobjrib, the file?07:18
PA|CodyLocojuano I could07:18
PA|CodyLocojuano I was using i38607:19
linuxnewuserrmooey: I rebooted my comp and it's not KDE?07:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:19
fab_ hjmills: the problem is, that I've got one primary ntfs partition (windows) and all others are trapped in the extended07:19
juanoPA|CodyLoco: ok, let me see if i can come up with something07:19
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castoffzspada15: yes07:19
PA|CodyLocojuano ok07:19
=== black_abaddon [i=black_ab@83-131-10-239.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
mooeylinuxnewuserr, did you let the install process finish?07:19
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: just log out and log in choosing kde from the sessions list (click sessions and choose kde)07:19
jakobjrib, I think I might have found the error, hang on07:19
black_abaddoni am satan07:19
jribjakob: the output from make (if it still doesn't work)07:19
=== Son [i=opera@83-131-29-184.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrit came up with some menu07:20
menahjmills, do u think that maybe firestarter firewall was the reason .... i unstalled it07:20
linuxnewuserrof which one to pick07:20
linuxnewuserrthan I hit ok07:20
fab_hjmills: I don't know how it happened, I erased the whole disk, then installed winxp with 2 ntfs partitions and then Linux with one fat, 2 ext3 and 1 linux swap07:20
linuxnewuserrthen nothing else happened07:20
zspada15castoff: do i necessarily need it, or will i just notice performance increases?07:20
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black_abaddonmrcvarim vam mame07:20
linuxnewuserrso i rebooted it then mooey07:20
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juanoPA|CodyLoco: actually x86_64 is only for AMD07:20
black_abaddonjesi tu?07:20
hjmillsfab_: u can have up to 4 primary paritions but if you want more than 4 paritions one of those 4 paritions mst be an extended one with the rest inside07:20
juanoPA|CodyLoco: so you wont need that07:20
PA|CodyLocojuano ok07:20
jakobjrib, the files I download were .htm's. It should work now.07:20
castoffzspada15: oh it will run fine w/o it...i never noticed much difference07:20
PA|CodyLocojuano then?07:20
Soni  cant login in my xps6607:20
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hjmillsfab_: i would recommend putting the / parition on primary if you can but if not - dont worry - it shouldnt matter07:21
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zspada15castoff: well, i decided to get the 64 bit version because i'd figure that would be faster than the 3207:21
hjmillsfab_:  what is the prob07:21
castoffzspada15: on a soyo m/b it even creashed it so i turned hyperthreading off in the bnios07:21
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn07:21
mooeylinuxnewuserr, do: aptititude install kubuntu-desktop and then wait for it to return to the prompt, then reboot07:21
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lightmanwhere i the grub folder installed?07:21
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E418.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Silmeriahum hum....i've got a pretty noob question......07:21
zspada15Silmeria: ask away07:21
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fab_hjmills: the problem is, that when it's logical, then the setup of ubuntu says that there's no root filesystem07:21
Silmeriahow do i type characters like # with xchat?07:21
Silmeriaso ashamed to ask07:22
=== b0uncer [n=juho@dyn3-82-128-188-145.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
zspada15Silmeria: what do u mean?07:22
hjmills!shout | Son07:22
ubotuSon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:22
b0uncerhi everyone07:22
=== acidjames [n=acidjame@lns-bzn-51f-81-56-130-183.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
PacketScanif i use "apt-get source evolution"  can i build with apt? or do i have to go find the source directory and build ?07:22
Sonok guys07:22
juanoPA|CodyLoco: what ubuntu you got , edgy?07:22
mooeyPacketScan, look at dpkg-buildpackage07:22
=== Pipeman_ [n=rasmus@cs181057144.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Sonevo me07:22
fab_hjmills: I wanted to make a seperate home partition, but I think I can forget this now :-/07:22
Sonsta je?07:22
lightmanquestion: where is the grub folder in ubuntu?07:22
Silmeriai mean i can't type also -> @ with this client07:22
Sonsta ima07:22
jerpsilmeria, uppercase 3 (shift +3)07:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:22
Silmeriai can just copy and paste it07:22
timmaeSilmeria, Shift+3?07:23
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black_abaddonajmo priat s njima o ovim sranjima07:23
hjmillsfab_: provided the root partition is on a primary partition you should be fine07:23
fab_lightman: /etc/grub07:23
Sonkak su ovi glupi ko kurac!07:23
linuxnewuserrdun dun dun shout dundundun shout to the devil07:23
black_abaddonprobaj se uklopit07:23
fab_lightman: I think07:23
PA|CodyLocojuano yeah 6.1007:23
Silmeriaomg doesn't work07:23
hjmillslightman: /boot/grub07:23
mnoirSilmeria: what keyboard are you using?07:23
=== redmonkey [n=redmonke@p54A07320.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0uncerif I want to create a separate /home partition when installing Ubuntu, but still use logical volume groups, how would I go about; do I just manually create / and /home partitions and go on, does Ubuntu make use of logical volume groups, or do I have to manually configure them?07:23
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hjmillsfab_: provided you dont have a /boot parition07:23
lightmanfab_: i thought the same but is not there07:23
linuxnewuserri like linux , once i understand it i'll be ok07:23
black_abaddoni cant copy main system file!help please07:23
lightmani do have /boot but is not there either07:23
mnoirSilmeria: maybe ask in #ubuntu-it ?07:23
b0uncerand does it make it more difficult to later overwrite-install another Linux, sparing /home ?07:23
mooeySilmeria, check that your keyboard type and layout are correct in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard07:23
Sonubuntu 1,66 + iso-ico!07:23
fab_hjmills: winxp partition has the boot flag07:23
hjmillslightman: /boot/grub is where it should be07:23
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linuxnewuserrmooey: it didn't work still nome07:23
=== Keeguon [n=keeguon@AOrleans-251-1-161-246.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Silmeriashould i? i have an autojoin here xD07:24
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Silmeriaeverytime i open the client07:24
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zspada15linuxnewuserr: linux is about what NOT to do, once you understand what NOT to do, than your ok07:24
=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-33-76.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
fab_hjmills: can I whisper you please?07:24
hjmillsfab_: then you need to reinstall grub and make sure its working07:24
hjmillsfab_: sure07:24
Silmeriawell sorry to bother07:24
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black_abaddonwhere can i get new linux for my windows07:24
mnoirSilmeria: english speakers tend to have reduced knowledge of these type of issues :)07:24
Silmeriai know it's annoying to reply to such noobish questions07:24
Ice_Wewedoes anyone know which package provides libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0? Synaptic won't find it for me07:24
zspada15Silmeria: we are a support channel, no question is too noobish or stupid07:24
=== jerp_ [n=xjack@c-24-98-85-89.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mooeyIce_Wewe, you can search packages by file on http://packages.ubuntu.com07:25
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linuxnewuserrmooey: should I just try synaptic?07:25
linuxnewuserrmooey: KDE didn't load07:25
=== darich [n=trickyki@host217-43-142-41.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85#ubuntu-it is if you want to ask questions in italian :)07:25
hustler1black_abaddone- new linux?07:25
Silmeriaso where can i find a kind of charmap? xD07:25
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mooeylinuxnewuserr, did you select KDE session when you logged in?07:25
black_abaddonplease help me07:25
linuxnewuserrit didn't prompt it07:25
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mooeySilmeria, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard07:25
b0uncerhm well seems you're too busy..07:25
hustler1what are u asking for?07:25
linuxnewuserrjust asked for username and w07:25
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddonnew linux programs for my linux07:26
mooeylinuxnewuserr, you have to click the sessions button and select KDE07:26
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juanoPA|CodyLoco: you told me that installing on another PC works fine right?07:26
Sonwhere can i get new linux for my windows?07:26
mooey!synaptic > black_abaddon07:26
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jakobjrib, I was able to make, but not make install.07:26
PA|CodyLocojuano please accept my DCC chat, PMs are being blocked by server07:26
hustler1use apt-get07:26
linuxnewuserrmooey: when it loads the os?07:26
mooey!elaborate > Son07:26
sighthi all07:26
jribjakob: there is no make install07:26
Silmeriathanks everyone07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about H - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
black_abaddonapt-get?where can i get one?07:26
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Soncopy paste hahahahaha07:26
mooeylinuxnewuserr, when you are looking at the login screen, use the session button or menu07:27
Ice_Wewemooey: great, thanks07:27
jakobjrib, so should I just copy the files I got from "make" to some folder?07:27
mooeyIce_Wewe, no problem07:27
Ice_Weweis there anyway I get install the contents of the package to another directory?07:27
PA|CodyLocojuano and yes i was able to install xubuntu onto an old celeron 400 machine with like 92MB of ram07:27
jribjakob: you can leave it there and just run ./xwinwrap.  If that works, copy it wherever you want07:27
Ice_WeweI'm trying to run 32bit firefox (so I can have java), but I want to keep my 64bit firefox07:27
rejeepHi! How do I open gnome-terminal with fullscreen?07:27
hustler1black_abaddon- what dist. of linux u got now?07:27
black_abaddonlinux are better when you use them on your windows07:27
jakobjrib, okay thanks, I'll give it a try07:27
PA|CodyLocoso I upgraded to this machine so I could run Ubuntu07:27
=== MungoPark [n=enforcer@i577B5277.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
k31thany ideas how i can extract an image from a pdf07:27
mooeyIce_Wewe, deb package locations are fixed. you can recompile the package with a different install location.07:27
menahjmills, i think that i wil renistall ubuntu mybe thats fix the problem07:27
fab_Ice_Wewe: you've tried chroot?07:27
SonPA|CodyLoco your comp SUCKS07:27
hjmillsmena: should do but its a bit drastic surely?07:27
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Ice_Wewefab_: haven't bothered to make one for Edgy yet, had one for dapper07:28
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Ice_Wewefab_: tell me, is there anyway I can export the display from my Dapper chroot to my Edgy system?07:28
PA|CodyLocoSon That is my third machine in my basement07:28
menahjmills, okay07:28
linuxnewuserrmooey: i'm in session but KDE is not there?07:28
Ice_Wewefab_: cause it won't work otherwise07:28
hjmillsIce_Wewe: i think there is a guide in the wiki07:28
fab_Ice_Wewe: I had the same problem, now I'm switched back to 32bit ubuntu07:28
MungoParkive got trouble installing libglib2.0-dev07:28
black_abaddoni am new user so help me please07:28
hjmillsmena: is it def your pc that has the probs?07:28
Ice_Wewehjmills: where is that wiki located?07:28
k31thany ideas how i can extract an image from a pdf07:28
redmonkeywhy dont you install kubuntu if you want to use kde anyway?07:28
black_abaddonoh 1.18b07:28
SonPA|CodyLoco:whats up?07:29
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hjmills!wiki | Ice_Wewe07:29
ubotuIce_Wewe: wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation07:29
mooeylinuxnewuserr, if kubuntu-desktop is installed that session should be there. if its not i would recommend getting a proper kubuntu cd and installing from that07:29
Ice_Wewehjmills: thanks07:29
hjmillsIce_Wewe: sure07:29
hustler1of ubuntu, suse,etc......?07:29
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menahjmills, Not Yet I didnt Ask others on the network07:29
PA|CodyLocoSon I'm stuck installing Ubuntu on a Pentium D 92507:29
jerpblack _abaddon, new linux what?  do you know how to use google?   go here and check out some screenshots .. www.osdir.com  and enter their name into google to find their site to dl07:29
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jakobjrib, I get this now "Usage: xwinwrap [-g]  [-ni]  [-argb]  [-fs]  [-s]  [-st]  [-sp]  [-a]  [-b]  [-nf] " "[-o OPACITY]  -- COMMAND ARG1..."07:29
hjmillsmena: well check that first - no point reinstalling if its a network issue!!!07:29
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SonPA|CodyLoco:can i help?07:29
jribjakob: good, that's how you use it.  The swik site from before has some example07:29
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PA|CodyLocoSon yeah for sure if you have any ideas07:30
sighti have trouble with connecting ext hdd sarotech by firewire to asus l3tp. and i can't find something that can help me with it. can anybody help me?07:30
fab_hjmills: you received my whispered message? (because i'm using trillian at the moment and I don't know if you can receive it)07:30
castofflinuxnewuserr: look at http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php07:30
jakobjrib, cool thanks. I'll have a look then.07:30
=== user01 [n=user01@adsl-69-208-87-2.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillsfab_: no - i was wondering if you had sent it07:30
black_abaddonyes thanks i yust got computer and i have linux07:30
castofflinuxnewuserr: 3rd bullet07:30
fab_hjmills:  damn trillian ^^07:30
aimtrainer__hi! can anyone tell me how to wipe a usb disk please?07:30
menahjmills, okay ...07:30
PA|CodyLocofab_ server blocks PMs from unregistered users07:30
user01how do i search for available wireless connections in ubuntu?07:30
ublenderhow would you format a command to copy a folder off another person's computer with scp?07:30
fab_hjmills: I can read it07:30
fab_hjmills: what you're writing07:30
juanoPA|CodyLoco: im sorry, i cant find anything still... i'm gonna keep looking07:31
PA|CodyLocofab_ Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register!07:31
=== scifi [n=andyt@bb-87-81-200-187.ukonline.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
hustler1I can't access my flopy drive- says please specify the filesystem type?07:31
PA|CodyLocojuano k thanks07:31
hjmillsmena: if its def your pc then check /etc/network/interfaces to make sure that is all correct07:31
SonPA|CodyLoco:you need to copy file to linux07:31
fab_ PA|CodyLoco: I see07:31
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fab_ PA|CodyLoco thank you07:31
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:31
black_abaddonare there any good programs for video and audio merging in linux?07:31
PA|CodyLocoSon what do you mean?07:31
jerphustler1, is it ext3?07:31
menahjmills, ok  i will07:31
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black_abaddonplease help07:32
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castoffublender: scp -r user_name@machine:/path /your_path07:32
hjmillsmena: if that needs changing then fix that (need sudo to edit it) and then "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"07:32
fab_hjmills: I quick register a nick07:32
juanoPA|CodyLoco: maybe you could try partitioning less HD for Ubuntu07:32
Soni dont know07:32
=== Kiongku [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-106-169.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
hustler1jerp- no07:32
jerpblack _abaddon, vlc or mplayer07:32
juanoPA|CodyLoco: try giving it 80 GB or something07:32
user01i have my wireless connection working but i manually entered the ssid, but what if im at  like a webcaf?  how do i scan for it?07:32
=== fab_ is now known as xfab
SonPA|CodyLoco:sorry i dont know07:32
PA|CodyLocojuano I can't get into the partition part07:32
PA|CodyLocoson np07:32
juanoPA|CodyLoco: oo..07:32
PA|CodyLocojuano like the installer doesn't boot at all is my problem07:33
caminomasteri need a hdd monitor... can you suggest one?07:33
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black_abaddonmy kj125 is out of line and has some errors on it, does anyone knows how to fix this?07:33
hustler1i copied a file from my xp machine onto this disk, now I want to copy to my linux computer07:33
menahjmills, ok .... but when i do that it telling me /etc/network/interfaces: command not found....07:33
=== ublender_ [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
PA|CodyLocojuano it gets stuck right after it boots from CD and I choose to run Ubuntu to install it07:33
sightuser01 i think wireless assistan manager can help u07:33
=== sam__ [n=sam@host-84-9-136-183.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillsmena: use "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces"07:33
menahjmills, although i typed sudo befor it07:33
xfab /msg NickServ set email garry.pierce@yahoo.com07:33
=== gustavnilsson [n=gustav@81-231-90-231-no41.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
hustler1but linux machine can't read floppy disk07:33
PA|CodyLocojuano which is why I am so damn confused- why it won't work cuz it should07:33
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hjmillsmena: you want to open it - not run it07:34
juanoPA|CodyLoco: ohh i see.. let me check07:34
PA|CodyLocoxfab now we get to spam you :P07:34
PA|CodyLocoxfab j/k07:34
menaok i see07:34
xfabPA|CodyLoco: hehe :D07:34
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:34
=== Lorre [n=martin@nl104-203-39.student.uu.se] has joined #ubuntu
jerphustler1, what extension is the file you are transferring07:35
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=== jedix [n=jedix@bas2-ottawa23-1096632740.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddonfreenode is great.does anyone agree?07:35
SonSomeone know some program which can mix video?07:35
menahjmills, the ip is correct the on i i use ....07:35
black_abaddonson try using nero07:35
jedixHow do I stop ubuntu from using one of my soundcards?07:35
=== Prometheus [n=quant@p54BE7E36.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddonyust kiding07:35
=== livingtm_ [n=livingtm@cpe-74-67-15-162.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedixI want it to stop using the onboard one..07:35
sightSon i need kino07:35
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sightSon U need kino :))07:36
=== hendrixski [n=bienkows@cpe-66-66-81-124.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedixI turned it off in the bios, and that did nothing.07:36
Sonsight: kino?07:36
=== gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu
Sonsight:buy kino!07:36
black_abaddoni am seling video eqipment does anyone wants to buy?07:36
PA|CodyLocoDoes anyone know if there is a free blackberry enterprise server for linux?07:37
black_abaddoni am cheap07:37
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black_abaddonyes there is07:37
=== fredl [n=b@d145072.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Aiminghighhey, how can i tell apt-get to install into a different root?07:37
PA|CodyLocoblack_abaddon where/how?07:37
fredlI seem to be having problems with installing 6.10 from the CD...07:37
=== raf256 [n=raf256@unaffiliated/raf256] has joined #ubuntu
Aiminghighi want apt-get to install a program into a chrooted directory07:37
jedixcan someone please tell me how to make ubuntu ignore a piece of hardware?07:37
fredlis there also a way to make 6.10 install in non-X ?07:38
hendrixskiblackberry + linux sounds like a winning combination, I want to hear more07:38
raf256Aiminghigh: cant you chroot, then sudo aptget install?07:38
black_abaddontry this link07:38
jpjacobsfredl, use the alternative cd07:38
fredlalternative cd??07:38
fredlwhat's that?07:38
Aiminghighraf: i'd have to have a user that's locked to that directory?07:38
=== PeterM [i=PM@] has joined #ubuntu
sightSon: why buy. it's free as i know. and it is programm for editing video07:38
black_abaddonPA did you try it?07:38
jpjacobsthere is an alternative installcd... with that, you can install without using X07:38
jedixcan someone please tell me how to make ubuntu ignore a piece of hardware?07:39
PA|CodyLocotry what?07:39
black_abaddonlink for server07:39
Sonsight:ha,ok  thanks!07:39
=== ^Aftermath^ [n=_Afterma@unaffiliated/aftermath/x-384322] has joined #ubuntu
PA|CodyLocothe link takes me to some weird non-english site07:39
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@71-87-43-100.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeterMhi! can someone help me with a question ? how can i play .avi files in Edgy?07:39
=== obstfliege [n=obstflie@xdsl-87-78-63-91.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
fredlno way, for real? you mean it's not possible to install 6.10 without X unless I download a whole new CD image??07:39
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Sonsight:can i use that on windows?07:39
user01sight: is that networking under admin?07:39
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guerrillawonuh oh07:39
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black_abaddonmaybe besouse it is undergraund server07:39
=== guerrillawon is now known as GuerrillaWon
hjmillsfred1: you could install gui linux and remove what you dont want but its harder07:39
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GuerrillaWonUmmm, I screwed up my sudoers file, I get sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 044007:40
PA|CodyLococan you PM me please?07:40
fredlhjmills, no I want to have Xwindows, but the installation doesn't work.07:40
GuerrillaWonAnyone know how to change permission to read only, while I can't sudo?07:40
sightSon: i don't remember that it have port for windows. but for windows u can use virtualdub07:40
=== joe__ [n=joe@cpe-76-188-180-141.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:40
black_abaddontalk here07:40
=== jedix [n=jedix@bas2-ottawa23-1096632740.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu []
sightuser01: yes. it want admin pass07:40
Sonsight:ok,nks, you rocks!07:41
juanoPA|CodyLoco: have you tried to boot the install with other options?07:41
fredlhjmills, when the installer has completed starting up, a popup says 'I've detected a panel already running and will now exit'07:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:41
=== b08y [n=808y@pc24.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu
GuerrillaWonPlease, anyone?07:41
killownhow I block conection program in iptables?07:41
black_abaddonmy kj125 is out of line and has some errors on it, does anyone knows how to fix this?07:41
fredlhjmills, and that's when booting from the installation CD :/07:41
=== linuxnewuserr [n=danielka@c-24-3-201-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
killownI want block all conectios in determined program07:41
PA|CodyLocojuano what do you mean exactly?07:41
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PeterMhi! can someone help me with a question please? how can i play .avi files in Edgy?07:42
=== Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@deltathree.well206.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
juanoPA|CodyLoco: when you boot with the cd, you get options, like normal installation, etc. etc.07:42
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PA|CodyLocojuano let me try that one sec07:42
GuerrillaWonSon: I edited sudoers file, let it read + write by accident, can't sudo because of it, and can't edit it because I can't sudo to root.07:42
SonGuerrillaWon:sretan vam bozic,jebem vam mater srpsku!07:42
=== AEGIS [n=ShinUser@] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillsfred1: check the cd burnt correctly- also can you press f2 after that message comes up and run the command for the ubiquity installer07:42
black_abaddoni got new version of linux!07:43
xfabcu guys07:43
juanoPA|CodyLoco: maybe you need to try another option07:43
hendrixskiprezes sie dolaczyll07:43
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user01PeterM: follow this:  i can now :)  https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html#codecs-gstreamer07:43
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black_abaddondoes anyone need it?07:43
linuxnewuserranyone: how do I uninstall linux off my computer? Can I do it in windows? I want to take ubuntu 6.10 off, linux is not for me at all, plus it looks like shit on my comp because ATI doesn't have the current drivers out for linux on my card07:43
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GuerrillaWonNot sure what that means son :/07:43
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SonGuerrillaWon:o sorry i dont know,try something!07:43
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juanoPA|CodyLoco: ill be right back07:44
=== jedix [n=jedix@bas2-ottawa23-1096632740.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddonlinuxnewuser:  you can uninstall linux with windows07:44
jedixWhat file controles automatic module loading?07:44
sightis anybody use ext hdd via ieee1394?07:44
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hjmillsjedix: /etc/modules07:45
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black_abaddongo to control panel and go to uninstall programs07:45
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jedixhjmills: there is two modules in there.. and there are a lot more loaded07:45
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black_abaddonlinux should be there07:45
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.07:45
hjmillsjedix: they will be automatically loaded probably07:45
jedixhjmills: there's one that is being loaded that I am trying to stop that isn't in there :/07:45
linuxnewuserrthanks black07:46
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sightSon: yes07:46
linuxnewuserrit's just too complicated for me and there's not a  lot of driver support07:46
zan_dwhats the easiest way to setup tor on unbutu07:46
LinTuxI need a virus scanner to automaticaly scan my emails, so that I do not pass on anything to work, any ideas?07:46
zan_dvia the CLI07:46
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black_abaddonnothing man07:46
Sonsight:can i ask you a question?07:47
castoffLinTux: ClamAV07:47
sightSon: let's try07:47
menaFriends What Is the Best Kubuntu or Ubuntu07:47
hendrixskilinuxnewuserr, there are wholes in the suported drivers, but mostly you can find what you need07:47
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: you could try the open source ati drivers which are getting much better - most display problems can also be fixed quite simply but if you definatly want to remove it you just need to delete the partition, pop in the xp cd, boot from that and at the first screen press "r" to get to the recovery console then run "fixmbr" to reinstall the windows mbr07:47
Sonsight:how old are you?07:47
=== jlist [n=jlist@c-24-7-122-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
black_abaddonjedix: can i ask you something?07:47
jedixblack_abaddon: ?07:47
hjmillsjedix which one?07:47
LinTuxcan it be setup to autoscan emails, as I have been playing with it in the past.07:47
black_abaddonare there any good programs for video and audio merging in linux?07:47
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joerlendLinTux: there are guides on setting up email servers on the wiki. They also provide information on setting up virus scanners.07:47
=== DrNick [n=tbyrne@82-33-11-124.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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=== DrNick [n=tbyrne@82-33-11-124.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LinTuxthanks everyone07:48
linuxnewuserrwell I don't know yet if I will uninstall07:48
linuxnewuserrbut I'm pretty tempted to leave linux07:48
jedixhjmills: snd_via82xx07:48
linuxnewuserrthis is confusin07:48
hjmillsblack_abaddon: to mix audio and video you could probably use mplayer, mencoder or ffmpeg - i think one of those should do it07:48
hendrixskilinuxnewuserr: remember when you were first learning windows and it was confusing?07:48
=== s1`_ is now known as s1
hendrixskiThere's the same learning curve with Linux07:48
black_abaddonthanks man07:48
=== maxdoubt [n=maxstout@user-0cdv7le.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedixblack_abaddon: apt-cache search video merging07:48
Snidehey guys, i have an app called blender .. id like to use it but every time i open it .. it cover all of my desktop space .. including the panels, etc. how do i mimize it?07:48
linuxnewuserractually it wasn't lol dos is pretty easy to use07:49
maxdoubtis there something specific i need to do to my nfs exports, to make them visibile in the gnome browser?07:49
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-46-177-41.stb.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: it always is at first - i tried it 3 times over a year and uninstalled 3 times as well - i finally settled down with ubuntu and left windows behind a few months later when i realised i wasnt using07:49
DrNickSnide: I dont think you can minimise blender, its a full-screen app07:49
hendrixskioh. you're a long time windows user...07:49
hendrixskiwell think of all the things you had to learn over time07:49
linuxnewuserrhjmills: do you have to fix the partition each time you uninstall?07:49
Snidedrnick but i can do it in windows xp ? oh well ;P07:49
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: if you think dos is easy  wait until you see the linux command line!!!07:49
mwemaxdoubt: do you means nfs mounts?07:49
SonOh fuck,im stuck i cant format my HDD07:50
maxdoubtnwe, i can mount my nfs export manually, but it doesn't show up in the gnome network browser07:50
linuxnewuserrI won't leave linux if I can have some real help, theese tutorial sites are not written for new users well07:50
Snidethanks anyway, DrNick07:50
zan_dapt-get install tor can't find it07:50
jedixhjmills: it's an internal soundcard.. I'm trying to use another one because the internal one sucks.. I've turned it off in the bios but it still loads07:50
DrNickSnide: hmm, I think its just the way it works - it does need a lot of screen space ;)07:50
=== fromvega [n=eu@200-161-218-83.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrwritten like a manual for computer scientists07:50
joerlendSon: language please..07:50
black_abaddonSON:  try using partition magic07:50
ubotuSon: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:50
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: well u dont want linux so you can get rid of the partition and you want windows to boot so you need to fix the mbr - unfortunatly windows makes it quite hard07:50
Ice_Wewehjmills: the wiki is good, but I can't get X working from the chrot07:50
Snideoh yeah thats true, drnick :D07:50
mwemaxdoubt: they shouldn't I think. should show up in a normal file browser though07:50
linuxnewuserrhj is not worth fixin it?07:50
Soni tryed!07:50
=== livingtm_ is now known as livingtmnokia
hjmillsSon: try using gparted on the live cd07:50
Ice_WeweSon: qtparted07:50
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fromvegaWhat does "hostname -a" mean? When I type "hostname" it prints my machine name, but when I type "hostname -a" it prints nothing.07:50
=== davmor2 [n=davmor2@62-30-74-119.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fuocoi'm trying to manually build 3d drivers from mesa, but I can't figure out which -dev packages exactly i need, how can i check that?07:50
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maxdoubtmwe, if i mount them yes, they show up... then what's the point of the gnome network browser?07:51
Ice_Wewefuoco: libmesa-dev?07:51
Sonok,il try07:51
joerlendhjmills: that's not true. It's very easy to replace mbr in windows. fdisk /mbr07:51
black_abaddonSON: tray hiting your HDD with youe foot07:51
=== xopher_ [n=xopher@dyn226-120.lpok.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
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linuxnewuserrwhats the difference btween kdm and gdm07:51
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Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: no no, Windows doesn't like that either07:51
hjmillsfuoco: i norm try it and see what it says when it fails07:51
hendrixskiSON: does the harddrive have any drive protection crap on it?  I tried partitioning a drive once with some Norton hard disk protection utility, it was a pain07:51
Ice_Weweanyone know how to get X working from a dchroot?07:51
DrNicklinuxnewuserr: kdm is KDE's login screen, GDM is GNOME's login screen :)07:51
joerlendIce_Wewe: one is a graphical login for kde and the other for gnome.07:51
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fuocoIce_Wewe: i want to compile mesa from git, so i thought that includes libmesa-dev07:51
hjmillsjoerlend: that works! wow - why didnt somebody tell me that - does that work with the linux fdisk or just the windows fdisk?07:51
=== jlist [n=jlist@c-24-7-122-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ice_Wewejoerlend: yeah, but why are you telling me? I run E1707:52
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=== vleon [n=vleon@bzq-88-155-56-219.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeterMhow can i play .avi files on Edgy ? I really need it to see a video from a cd, please?07:52
Ice_Wewefuoco: idn07:52
Goshahow does completion work in the shell?07:52
Ice_WewePeterM: mplayer07:52
linuxnewuserri don't want to leave linux if I can learn to use it07:52
phr34ckso Gnome and KDE are just GUIs?07:52
linuxnewuserrI don't like windows07:52
fuocohjmills: i get missing files, headers and such - but how can i know to which package these belong...07:52
linuxnewuserrI won't like about it07:52
hjmills!avi | PeterM07:52
ubotuPeterM: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:52
phr34ckor more ?07:52
black_abaddoni like medal of honor07:52
hendrixskiGosha, you mean like tab completion?07:52
lupine_85phr34ck: desktop environments07:52
PeterMIce_Wewe: i don't have codecs installed.07:52
vleon!ati tv-out07:52
Ice_WewePeterM: then install them07:52
SonPeterM:you need to install bs.player07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati tv-out - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
hendrixskiif you start typing in a filename, hit tab, it will autocomplete07:52
user01hmmm how do i view the meter for wireless in the top right hand corner?  i just created a new user and the meter is there but not in my regular account, it just shows my eth0 disconnected07:52
mwemaxdoubt: well I must admit I don't use the gnome network browser. I suppose it's for windows shares though07:52
joerlendIce_Wewe: if it works with a linux fdisk, then it won't write windows to mbr07:52
hjmillsfuoco: see if there is a guide on their website or on the forums07:52
linuxnewuserrphr34ck: KDE is nicer I think07:52
PeterMIce_Wewe: how ? i'm really a newbie...07:52
vleon!tv-out ati07:52
=== raiu [n=raiu@hou78-1-82-237-210-176.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv-out ati - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
Goshais that only in shell, or in the terminal too?07:52
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out on certain NVidia cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition07:52
Ice_WewePeterM: sudo apt-get install synaptic07:53
phr34cklupine_85, because whenever I try to start a project with Anjuta, it makes me choose between Gnome GTK or Gnome something .. if it was only an enviorment, what does it have to do with C++ ?07:53
hendrixskialso... if there are many files that start the same way, if you hit tab twice it gives you a list to choose from07:53
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Ice_WewePeterM: go in synaptic, install mplayer or gmplayer07:53
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: kde vs gnome is a matter of preference but kde is more like windows07:53
remsssHello everyone07:53
fuocohjmills: there's on their website, but still i can't tell which of the many xorg -dev packages i need07:53
lupine_85phr34ck: GTK != GNOME07:53
Ice_Weweremsss: hi07:53
hendrixskiI think07:53
PeterMIce_Wewe: ok07:53
=== serishema [n=maria@60-234-140-152.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
maxdoubtmwe, this maybe true... my samba shares show up in it and work fine... but i thought i read some documentation somwhere that said the gnome network browser could find nfs mounts07:53
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zan_ddeb: command not found?07:53
phr34ckbut it says: GNOME GTX07:53
SonPeterM:INSTALL BS PLAye07:53
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hjmillsfuoco: i guess you could "sudo apt-get install xorg*-dev" but that would be overkill07:53
Ice_Wewearugh, would someone please shed light on how to get X working in a dchroot???07:53
lupine_85that's GTK with gnome-specific extensions, I guess07:53
black_abaddoni overclocked my graphic card and now it makes some weerd noises.help07:53
=== Bone [n=linux@pc-94-45-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
hendrixskiGosha,  I don't even think about the completion when I use it it's so intuitive.  And it's been around since my UNIX days07:54
Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: can't help you there, get a new 1?07:54
fuocohjmills: yeah07:54
lupine_85black_abaddon: throw it away and buy a new one07:54
serishemathat's probably a bad sign07:54
hjmillsblack_abaddon: undo the overclock?07:54
remsssIce_Wewe, ;-) I am French but i come on #ubuntu for the fun07:54
=== draconius [n=draconiu@incognito.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
serishemamy intel i915 makes weird nosies07:54
GuerrillaWonI edited sudoers file, left it read + write by accident, can't sudo because of it, and can't edit it because I can't sudo to root. Anyone know a workaround to this? I'm pretty dead in the water.07:54
=== Bone [n=linux@pc-94-45-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Bone [n=linux@pc-94-45-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
phr34ckso an enviorment includes executables, programs and the like ?07:54
Ice_Weweserishema: talk to Intel07:54
linuxnewuserrhjmills: is it not even worth uninstallation? just boot windows ? I don't want to mess with the partition if I can cause problems on it07:54
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mwemaxdoubt: if that's the case file a bug report saying it doesn't work as documented07:54
phr34ckI thought it's only a GUI.07:54
Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: what card?07:54
hjmillsGuerrillaWon: login as root and change it or use recovery mode07:54
black_abaddonrodeom 9800 pro07:54
Ice_Weweremsss: cool, you can talk in #ubuntu-fr07:54
joerlendGuerrillaWon: boot in single-user mode.07:54
hjmillslinuxnewuserr: then just leave it for when you really hate windows!07:54
Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: yeah, well it's ATi, so it was broken when you got it07:54
serishematry failsafe boot on the grub menu. Hit esc with the grub loading thing comes up07:55
DrNickphr34ck: nope, they are both complete desktop environments.  if you want to use KDE, use Kubuntu, if you want GNOME, use Ubuntu07:55
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black_abaddonwell better than envidia07:55
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zan_dhello, is there anyone out there?07:55
Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: I have a 9700 in my laptop that I'd like to take a shotgun too07:55
phr34ckI'm using Ubuntu, but I want to understand what a desktop environment really is.07:55
Ice_Weweblack_abaddon: say that to my 7900GTX, it could own your entire system07:55
GuerrillaWonok thanks, wish me luck07:55
Ice_Wewezan_d: maaybe07:55
hjmillsblack_abaddon: have you seen nvidias linux driver support? its so much better than atis07:55
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linuxnewuserrphr34ck: DE is just a certain way of organizing the icons and etc07:55
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joerlendzan_d: if you have a question, just ask.07:55
linuxnewuserrKDE to me has a nicer look07:55
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remsssI am working in a factory jusqu'a June, and I want to go on England for one month07:55
phr34ck7900GTX is nothing but an outdated Graphic card.07:55
hjmillsIce_Wewe: urgh - ati in laptops sucks07:56
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zan_dwhy would bash say "deb: command not found"07:56
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DrNickphr34ck: think of them as not only your gui, but your entire desktop, file manager, web browser, and a whole host of other common applications07:56
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Ice_Wewehjmills: since you were kind enough to point me to the wiki, can you tell me how to get X to export from dchroot?07:56
phr34ckDrNick, I see.07:56
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mweblack_abaddon: because the ati linux coder is an alcoholic07:56
Ice_Wewephr34ck: not really07:56
phr34ckso I might get other applications if I used KDE ?07:56
phr34ckIce_Wewe, really.07:56
user01remsss: moi aussi07:56
Ice_Wewephr34ck: they're still selling it, right?07:56
hjmillszan_d: because you tried to run deb <somethin> and the command deb doestn exist07:56
black_abaddonnvidia coder is on lsd07:56
DrNickphr34ck: yes07:56
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black_abaddonme to07:56
SonI HAVE GRAPHIC CARD Nvidia fx 5700 is it good?07:56
zan_dhjmills: yes i did, so how do i get deb?07:56
remsssuser01, speak english pleassssssse07:56
castoffzan_d: b/c there isn't a deb command?07:56
phr34ckRight now, there is the 8800GTX and soon ATI is going to release their R600. Then you can kiss your 7900GTX good bye.07:56
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DrNickphr34ck: personally I prefer GNOME though as I think its more usable.  thats just personal preferance though07:57
Ice_WeweSon: well... yes and no07:57
phr34ckDrNick, I'm using Gnome as well.07:57
user01remsss: en-us or en-uk ?07:57
zan_dso then what does that mean?07:57
phr34ckbut I have no idea why ;p07:57
remsssok user, now you are in england or in france ?07:57
`Visionyou're better off buying a 7900GTO over a GTX anyways07:57
hjmillsIce_Wewe: sorry - I dont know but the wiki may have information - look under 64bit stuff because many 64bit users use a chroot to run flash etc - there is also a guide somewhere in the forums07:57
`Visionwell, better off as in, it's gonna save you about 50%07:57
DrNickphr34ck: if you prefer KDE, then Kubuntu is for you :)07:57
phr34ck`Vision, people buy GTX just because they see the GTX part.07:57
Ice_Wewe`Vision: I got mine from NVidia HQ...07:57
ewookQuestion - what would be required to run say warcraft 3, easiest way ^^;07:57
`Visionphr34ck: indeed.07:57
phr34ckDrNick, I have never encountered KDE before. I'll stick with Gnome for now.07:57
`VisionIce_Wewe: if you didn't pay for it, forget what I just said ;)07:58
DrNickphr34ck: ok, nice choice07:58
linuxnewuserrin windows do you just run in dos fdisk msr to fix the partition?07:58
user01remsss: or en-ca ?  im at the border of the us and canada07:58
black_abaddonhjmills: i have to buy a new graphic card what do you recomend07:58
Sonewook:warcraft 3 is great game!07:58
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black_abaddonin range of 200 euros07:58
joerlendewook: have you tried wine?07:58
ewookSon, indeed it is :)07:58
adaptrblack_abaddon: budget ?07:58
linuxnewuserri had to use synaptic to put kubuntu on, it works now07:58
phr34ckSo Linux kernel + Gnome enviorment makes Ubuntu ?07:58
DrNickbusy on here tonight :)07:58
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mweewook: windows would be required to run WoW easily07:58
remsssIt's not important to prefer KDE or Gnome07:58
joerlendlinuxnewuserr: yes. Just boot win98 cd or something, and type fdisk /mbr07:58
ewookjoerlend, no, not yet - was hoping to get some pointers first :)07:58
DrNickphr34ck: not quite.  there's a whole host of other GNU programs and libraries too07:58
hjmillsblack_abaddon: an nvidia - for gaming you could look at the nvidia 7600s or 7900s but a high spec 7600 may be better than a low spec7900 and if your mobo supports it you could go sli in the future07:59
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adaptrphr34ck: correctly, Linux kernel + GNU environment, add Gnome on top07:59
ewookmwe, thank god I'm not trying to run wow ;)07:59
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Sonewook:i have completed that game 20 times!07:59
phr34ckummm, I missed the GNU part .. it is ?07:59
joerlendewook: I'd try wine. You have others, like transgaming, but wine is preferable.07:59
DrNick* bbl07:59
hjmillsblack_abaddon: if you dont need the power then spend less and get a high spec 6000 series card07:59
black_abaddonhow much does it cost?07:59
ewookSon, lol. 20? I haven't come halfway yet ;)07:59
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mweewook: I think the same goes for Warcraft III07:59
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user01if i have an eth0 and and eth1 how do i get both icons to show up next to the date?07:59
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adaptrblack_abaddon: then I'd get a 7xxx series, GT NOT GS, as they;re horrible.. you should be able to get a good 256bit, 256MB GDDR3 card that knocks your socks off :)07:59
zan_dso does anyone have any idea what the deb commands on this page: http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorOnDebian mean?07:59
ewookya, transgaming, it rings a bell there.07:59
hjmillszan_d: you want to install a .deb file? use sudo dpkg -i <file>07:59
PeterMIce_Wewe: i installed mplayer, now what i have to do?07:59
mweewook: if you're determined and spend a lot of time at it you might get it to run though08:00
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black_abaddoncool thanks08:00
joerlenduser01: install network-monitor08:00
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Sonewook:what when did you get that game?08:00
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fredlHmm, this 6.10 installation procedure is not working guys, has this even been tested??08:00
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phr34ckWhy nvidia? Why not buy ATI x1950 pro ?08:00
hjmillsadaptr: he may benefit from getting a 512mb card if he can afford it08:00
phr34ckIt kick ass =)08:00
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abusoruhello, would someone happen to know how i could increase my ethX MTU ? get it greater than 1500 in fact..08:00
ewookSon, been on my shelf for like a year ;P played it at friends alot tho08:00
adaptrblack_abaddon: be sure to check out good sites like toms hardware and such, as they have deeper comparisons of the different series08:00
linuxnewuserri have that card08:00
black_abaddonbecouse it is really bad08:00
linuxnewuserrI can't use it on linux phr08:00
joerlendfredl: could you be abit more presise?08:00
mwefredl: what procedure is not working?08:00
Sonewook:you like strategy?games?08:00
adaptrhjmills: sure, but I'd sooner go with a 256MB *good* card than a 512MB *medium* one08:01
phr34ckblack_abaddon, I may recommand www.xbitlabs.com , it's my personal favorite./08:01
linuxnewuserrphr34ck: use synpatic to install kde, it looks really nice I think you would like it08:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
black_abaddonreally? why?08:01
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adaptrphr34ck: ati ? purleeease ;-)08:01
ewookSon, yes. was addicted to Red alert 1 and 2 ;) never thought command and conquer was that fun tho ( ie - its the same thing ;P )08:01
fredljoerlend, mwe: when I boot from the CD (I verified the checksums) there's a 'Start or Install Ubuntu'08:01
hjmillszan_d: lol - those arnt commands - you need to add those lines to /etc/apt/sources.list but those are for debian not ubuntu so my recommendation is STAY AWAY!!!08:01
phr34ckowh, x1950 pro took the price for the best budget graphic card.08:01
user01joerlend: i dont see that package network-monitor in synaptic08:01
mwefredl: yes?08:01
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ewookSon, not to talk about starcraft, but I couldn't find my cd =/08:02
phr34cklinuxnewuserr, I may do that. I just need to get more familiar with Ubuntu.08:02
phr34ckI've been using it for like 2 weeks now.08:02
joerlend!offtopic |son,ewook08:02
ubotuson,ewook: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:02
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adaptrphr34ck: prices schmices - you need to look at compatibility first, with Linux08:02
Sonewook: did you ever play commandos?08:02
zan_dhjmills: can you recommend anything else?08:02
fredljoerlend, mwe: when I choose this, it starts X windows. It then attempts to autostart a gnome session.08:02
linuxnewuserrwhere can I get more gnome and kde addons?08:02
ewookjoerlend, sorry there mate.08:02
jedixI just moved to module08:02
mwefredl: what did you expect?08:02
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fredljoerlend, mwe: the gnome session bombs however, I have no idea why.08:02
pointer_hy , i need some help08:02
phr34ckadaptr, true. but I have the hardware knoweldge for gaming purposes, and that's for my windows box.08:02
hjmillsphr34ck: and its nto worth the hassle of getting it up to full performance on linux08:02
pointer_i can t install ymess08:02
mnoir!tor | zan_d08:02
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 763 kB, installed size 1556 kB08:02
black_abaddondid anyone played Virtual sex on PSX?08:02
adaptrblack_abaddon: you could get a decent card for under 150 euros; 200 should get you a pretty nifty one :)08:02
joerlendfredl: bombs?08:02
PeterMguys, i installed mplayer, what can i do now to play .avi files please?08:02
hjmillszan_d: what do you want to install?08:02
linuxnewuserranyone: where can you get more gnome and kde addons?08:03
mwefredl: it has been tested but you're not the first person encountering problems08:03
fredljoerlend, mwe: crashes, dies, ends, terminates.08:03
user01joerlend: is this room not for edgy then?08:03
Songames are better than ubuntu!08:03
mnoirzan_d: install it using synaptic08:03
joerlenduser01: it is.08:03
mwefredl: use the alternate cd instead maybe08:03
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adaptrphr34ck: muh ? that doesn't parse intop anything I undrestand - *you* have the hardware knowledge ? that mean snothing if the support for the card sucks...08:03
zan_dmnoir: i need a cli way to do it08:03
mwe!alternate | fredl08:03
ubotufredl: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.08:03
fredljoerlend, mwe: so then I get a login window which tries to auto-login the user 'ubuntu'08:03
aloonI have my first real linux problem, I bought an ASUS 3.4 gig pentium 4 laptop, under windows (which I hate) it acts normal, under  ubuntu edgy it heats up to 70 degrees within minutes, and gets very sluggish08:03
mnoirzan_d: then use apt-get08:03
pointer_i download the file and after i tipe in terminal    dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb08:03
Sonubotu:games are better than ubuntu!08:03
linuxnewuserrkde says vesa is my driver for my card? how do I install the ati radeon x1950 drivers on linux phr ? any1?08:03
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zan_dapt-get install tor didn't work08:03
joerlendfredl: try and boot in safe-mode?08:03
user01joerlend: where is the package to install for network-monitor?08:03
fredljoerlend, mwe: when I let it log in, it tries to start up panel, it can't start that coz there's already one running.08:03
aloonI have lm-sensors installed08:04
PeterMhm, i think there is noone who will help me...08:04
mwefredl: and then it crashes. obviously you're one of those unlucky people having problems with the live-cd08:04
fredljoerlend: tried that too, exactly the same problem.08:04
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Goshahow do i use nick completion in Konversation?08:04
phr34ckadaptr, what I want to say is that all my hardware knoweldge is based on my purchases for gaming purposes, I never thought about hardware to wether it's compatible with Ubuntu or not. I'm new to ubuntu08:04
mwefredl: use the alternate cd instead08:04
joerlenduser01: I'm not sure which repository it's in. Try sudo apt-get install network-monitor ?08:04
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mnoirGosha: tab then return08:04
aloonI was wondering if gnome would control cpu temps and fans better than KDE is for this ASUS laptop08:04
hjmillszan_d: edit /etc/apt/sources.list as root with you fave text editor and enable the universe and multivers repos then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install tor"08:04
adaptrphr34ck: oh, okay -that makes perfect sense :) nVidia support under Linux is way superior to ATI08:04
phr34ckI don't know if you can understand what I'm saying.08:04
linuxnewuserrphr34ck: how did you install the drivers on linux?08:04
Goshawont work08:04
linuxnewuserrphr34ck:  I have the same card u have08:05
jpjacobsPeterM, it should now appear in the menu, or you can play an avi file by doing mplayer <file> in a console08:05
adaptrphr34ck: not to mention performance, too - which is what really counts for a gamer...08:05
user01joerlend: nope08:05
black_abaddonubot: are you a robot?08:05
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fredlmwe: no it doesn't crash, it gives me an icon to start the installation.08:05
joerlendfredl: that sounds very weird. You boot directly from cd, and when gnome starts up, it sais it's already running?08:05
phr34cklinuxnewuserr, I have an ATI MOBILITY X600 and I didn't install any drivers.08:05
hjmillsblack_abaddon: ubotu is a bot08:05
mwefredl: is that bad?08:05
linuxnewuserrphr34ck: I have the radeon x195008:05
phr34ckI'm currently using my lappy.08:05
fredljoerlend: that's the *second* time it starts up.08:05
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Sonhjmills:games are better than ubuntu!08:05
mnoirGosha: i typed g then o then tab then return to get yer name in this line.08:05
moshehow easy is it to set up a home print server?08:05
phr34ckwhich version of the x1950 you have ?08:05
phr34ckxt ?08:05
hjmillsSon: i prefer both :D08:05
linuxnewuserri won't leave linux because of KDE is made me want to stay08:05
fredlmwe: no, I guess it's not bad, but when I double click that icon, I get through 5 steps most of the time.08:06
joerlendfredl: the second time? I don't understand. You haven't installed Ubuntu yet?08:06
phr34ckI love that card.08:06
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GoshaGosha: ah, now it works08:06
fredljoerlend: no, the first time it autostarts GNOME, GNOME bombs.08:06
linuxnewuserryeah I need the drivers to linux08:06
mwefredl: yes. I would really recommend you try the alternate cd08:06
phr34cklinuxnewuserr, what's the problem ?08:06
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aloonIs there special modules that control the cpu throttling and fan-control?08:06
linuxnewuserrmy 19" widescreen looks like crap on both DE's08:06
PeterMjpjacobs: like mplayer /media/cdrom1/<my_movie> ?08:06
hjmillsSon, because ubuntu rocks, and games rock (if you get a good game) and so both together obviously rock harder08:06
adaptraloon: yep08:06
linuxnewuserri can't format it more than 128008:06
jpjacobsPeterM, indeed08:06
mnoirGosha: no. now yer doing it right - it alwats worked08:06
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fredlmwe: alrightie then. Any idea as to what's causing the problem?08:06
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jpjacobsit also has lot's of option: see man mplayer08:07
mnoirum always*08:07
phr34cklinuxnewuserr, did you try to mess arround with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?08:07
black_abaddoni am gay!08:07
phr34ckThat's what I used to get my 1280x800 resolution08:07
linuxnewuserrI am a newbie08:07
linuxnewuserrI don't know how to do any of that08:07
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mwefredl: badly configured live-cd08:07
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joerlendfredl: never heard of that, sorry. Perhaps you have very weird hardware?08:07
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mwefredl: many people have problems with it08:07
aloonadaptr do you know how to access the config for lm-sensors ? or any temp control  software?08:07
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linuxnewuserrphr34ck: I don't want 128008:07
linuxnewuserrphr I need 140008:07
phr34ckyou can throw in whatever resolution you need.08:07
fredlmwe: oh is that called the live-cd now? so there's no difference between the install cd and the live cd anymore?08:08
jussi01hei all, Im getting a segmentation fault on gtkrecover can someone help me fix it? Ireally need my files back08:08
Sonblack_abaddon:gay is ok person example:Valnjes08:08
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Sonblack_abaddon haha08:08
mwefredl: only if you use the alternate one08:08
Federico_Hi! anybody running ubuntu on a macbook wants to give me some impression on it?08:08
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PeterMjpjacobs: i opened mplayer from applications and when i want to play the movie it says: "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."08:08
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linuxnewuserrKDE is so much nicer, made me not leave linux now08:08
joerlendfredl: you have a alternate cd. That one provides a text based installer.08:08
SonSince day one I've been crass and far beyond.08:08
SonI couldn't laugh, I couldn't cry ...08:08
SonBefore you judge me, take a look at yourself.08:08
SonCondescending, outlivin' in a lie..08:08
linuxnewuserrHere to stick with Kubuntu now08:08
jussi01hei all, Im getting a segmentation fault on gtkrecover can someone help me fix it? Ireally need my files back08:08
Soncan you help me?08:08
phr34ckOpen the file I told you about, scroll down to: Section "Screen" and then add  the following lines:08:08
mvfeinsteinCan anyone here help me get the tilt function of my scroll wheel set up on my logitech mouse?08:08
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phr34ckSubSection "Display"08:09
jpjacobs!repeat > jussi0108:09
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phr34ckreplace the 1280 or whatever with your resolution of choice08:09
black_abaddoni love good anal sex08:09
fredljoerlend: yeah, downloading it as we speak based on what mwe just told me.08:09
mwephr34ck: pasting in here makes the ops angry08:09
linuxnewuserrhjmills:  i won't leave linux because of KDE08:09
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso08:09
linuxnewuserrphr34ck: how?08:09
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gnomefreakmnoir: ?08:09
aloonI'm running ubuntu edgy on an ASUS 3.4 g  laptop and it overheats like crazy.. has me worried, I installed windows just to check and it doesnt even get hot to the touch  errrr!08:09
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Seveasalmost same ip address08:10
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hjmillsaloon: sounds like bad power management - see if other ppl have installed linux on that lappy08:10
aloonIt would be torture to be forced into using windows08:10
mnoirgnomefreak: sorry - quick on the trigger...08:10
HymnToLifewhat was the +m for ?08:10
Seveasmnoir, were there more kickables/08:10
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jussi01so can someone help?08:10
gnomefreakty seveas for grabbing that one08:10
linuxnewuserraloon- kde is somewhat like windows but i like how it looks so much better08:11
jpjacobsjussi01, can i pm you?08:11
fredlwell at least at 1MB/sec downloading an ISO is tolerable :P08:11
GunnarQ: I have an mp3 file that I want to make smaller (So I can burn to a CD),  Any Ideas what program can do this?08:11
PeterMjpjacobs: i opened mplayer from applications and when i want to play the movie it says: "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."08:11
mnoirSeveas: i am not a prude but have a short fuse in such a busy group08:11
Goshai thought you  needed the : thing >_>08:11
hustler1jussi01-whats up?08:11
SeveasGunnar, mencoder, transcode08:11
HymnToLifelinuxnewuserr, in which way is KDE like Windows ?08:11
aloonIve looked for days for info and the best I can see is that lm-sensors is suppose to do the throttling08:11
jussi01 Im getting a segmentation fault on gtkrecover08:11
Seveasmnoir, no worries, you're doing good :)08:11
jpjacobsPeterM, try with -vo X11 or -vo sdl08:11
user01joerlend: oh you can just add them on add to panel08:11
HymnToLifeoh yeah, it has the taskbat at the bottom...08:11
Seveasmnoir, I was just asking if I missed someone :)08:11
joerlenduser01: ?08:12
phr34ckhow can I make F2 to open a specific application ?08:12
=== mnoir wonders when someone is going to make #ubuntu split at like 500 users....
PeterMjpjacobs: i tried that without console.08:12
linuxnewuserrHymnToLife:  has a start menu kind of icon in the left corner on the bottom like windows but I like it better08:12
Seveasmnoir, never08:12
mweSeveas: I think you didn't miss anyone08:12
mnoirSeveas: no - i don't think so....08:12
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aloonKDE is free and windows isint,  all software for KDE is free, windows...well its full of spyware/malware/virus/worms08:12
Seveasphr34ck, system -> prefs -> keyboard shourtcts08:12
linuxnewuserranyone: I have a 19" widescreen monitor current set on 1280 , how can i move it up to 1400 ? my linux looks smushed08:12
phr34ckSeveas, I was there, but I cannot modify anything except from the list.08:12
mwe!fixres | linuxnewuserr08:13
HymnToLife!resolution | linuxnewuserr08:13
ubotulinuxnewuserr: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:13
phr34ckI want to make FireFox launch when I click F2.08:13
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Seveasphr34ck, in gconf-editor you can set more keybindings08:13
aloondoes anyone know how to control cpu throttling (do to heat) in the command line?08:13
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zan_dwhat user does a PHP script run as?08:13
phr34ckSeveas, kay.08:13
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Seveaszan_d, in a standard ubuntu setup: www-data08:13
mwephr34ck: look into xbindkeys maybe08:13
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PA|CodyLocoOK someone please help= this isntaller will NOT boot at all its driving me nuts- can someone PM me and help me plesae?!08:14
joerlendaloon: perhaps you can use ulimit?08:14
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phr34ckwhich is more popular, KDE or Gnome ?08:14
ZnuffHello. Where is msttcorefonts from ubuntu?!!?08:14
mwezan_d: the apache user I think08:14
PA|CodyLocostarting to get really frustrated now :(08:14
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sedrahello all08:14
mnoirzan_d: that is the apache user so it is assumed you are exesuting on a web page08:14
ismailwhere can i find the folder wine puts the programsin?08:14
joerlendaloon: otherwise, if your cpu supports it, you can add an applet to the panel.. CPU monitor, I think it's called.08:14
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aloonwhen watching a youtube video on this laptop, it gets sluggish as it heats up and throttles down to 12%, but if you pull the power cord out at that time, the video gets instantly better08:14
Seveas!msttcorefonts | Znuff08:14
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB08:14
linuxnewuserrmwe: where do i run fixres at?08:15
ZnuffSeveas, hell it's not o.O08:15
fredlI tried to install from the old (5.10) CD this afternoon, and I had a harddisk that the BIOS had incorrectly recognized (it's a 200G disk, I think the BIOS puked over that) so Ubuntu installs on it just fine it seems, but HORRENDOUSLY slow.08:15
SeveasZnuff, it is08:15
fredlodd isn't it?08:15
SeveasZnuff, enable universe/multiverse08:15
mwelinuxnewuserr: you don't run it. you read the link ubotu provided ;)08:15
ZnuffI have multiverse08:15
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PA|CodyLocoAnyone please?08:15
mnoirlinuxnewuserr: no - go to that link08:15
aloonjoerlend im using ksensors which is the gui for lm-sensors, but it isnt really adjustable, just gives you a readout of temp08:15
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fredlI actually decided to put an old 6G drive in there and *boom* it goes really fast again.08:15
SeveasZnuff, then you should be able to find it. Otherwise you did not enable multiverse08:15
joerlendfredl: why would you want to install 5.10?08:15
mwelinuxnewuserr: come back if you have further problems08:16
PeterManyone can tell me please how i install codecs in edgy to play .avi files ?08:16
MooUKDoes anybody here know when blender 2.43 will make it into ubuntu? Is it likely to be ~immediately on release, or will it be more likely to only be in Feisty?08:16
Seveas!avi | PeterM08:16
fredljoerlend: coz that's the CD I had here available :)08:16
ubotuPeterM: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:16
SeveasMooUK, only feisty, if released on time08:16
fredljoerlend, and coz I don't like downloading ISO's when I don't have to :p08:16
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MooUKI really want the improved texture baking.08:16
ismailhow come i cant play vcd08:16
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mwesomeone please tell me the output of ls -ld /var/www in edgy08:17
hjmillsfred1: just get in the habit of downloading them when you have free time so you have them ready when needed08:17
guerrillawonDoes rescue mode do a reinstall? Basically will I be losing any data because it looks as if it's just a new installation.08:17
PA|CodyLocoCan someone please help me with the install? Please PM me :(08:17
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PeterMSeveas: i have to install extra codecs for Gstreamer?08:17
xopherguerrillawon no08:17
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Seveasguerrillawon, it won't08:17
joerlendPA|CodyLoco: please be more spesific?08:17
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SeveasPeterM, yes08:17
guerrillawonSo just go through the "installation" procedure?08:17
hjmillswould it be possible to create a live cd that would always install the latest version of ubuntu by downloading the necessary componants from the repos?08:17
fredlhjmills, yeah, well it's not really that big of a deal, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an old PC for my 6 year old :)08:17
mnoirguerrillawon: no - it puts you in a maintenance mode and is very manual08:17
MooUKfredl: I would be surprised if upgrading from 5.10 saved you any time at all over simply redownloading a new image.08:17
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Pipeman_my sound output is completely quiet on my PowerPC Ubuntu 6.10 install, anyone has any ideas why? the sound drivers seem to be loaded as the volume applet works et.c., just no sound output08:17
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mwehey somebody, what's the proper ownership of /var/www in edgy? I think I might have accidently changed it08:18
guerrillawonhmm when I hit escape to the boot: prompt I type in rescue08:18
hjmillsfred1: if its an old pc you may want to look at xubuntu - runs loads faster than ubuntu as it uses xfce instead of gnome but you can run the same apps08:18
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guerrillawonThen just follow through with everything?08:18
rysiek|plhi all08:18
PA|CodyLocojoerlend when any of the CDs boot (ubuntu or xubuntu live or alt) and I choose to install, it starts booting the linux kernel and then gets stuck at a blinking cursor08:18
hjmillsmwe: i think its www-data08:18
mwehjmills: I thought so too. did you check?08:18
adaptrmwe: www-data for both08:18
mwehjmills: because mine is root:root08:18
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mnoirmwe - yer web root?  should still be www-data08:18
joerlendPA|CodyLoco: have you tried booting in safe-mode?08:18
adaptrmwe: don't need to check08:19
PeterMSeveas: can you tell me where i paste those lines in synaptic?08:19
fredlhjmills, nah, when I have slowness, I'll just apt-get another window manager, should be okay08:19
guerrillawonIt brings me to the select language, keyboard, partition etc prompts :/08:19
linuxnewuserrmwe: confused as hell , I have to install ati drivers for the radeon x1950 once I figure out how to make the screen 1400x105008:19
rysiek|planybody uses ndiswrapper on (k)ubuntu edgy? I am trying to set it up, modprobe ndiswrapper gives me: Invalid argument08:19
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hjmillsmwe: i have no /var/www as i dont have a webserver on here08:19
PA|CodyLocojoerlend no actually let me try that BRB08:19
fredlhjmills, I do have sufficient memory in it so even GNOME should run in it :P08:19
mwehjmills: oh08:19
PA|CodyLocojoerlend can you please PM me?08:19
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joerlendPA|CodyLoco: rather not..08:19
hjmillsfred1: oh ok - just something to consider before you download another cd if u end up having to08:19
DanaGHas anyone here gotten gfxboot grub to work?08:19
jribmwe: root:root is correct, it shouldn't be www-data08:19
mwejrib: thanks. it seems to working too, so08:20
joerlendPA|CodyLoco: I'll be here a while though.. :) Just mention my nick.08:20
fredlhjmills, haha, I almost downloaded the alternate CD already :)08:20
hjmillsmwe: it was merely from past memory08:20
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mnoirjrib: that changed in 6.10 ?08:20
ismaili cant play vcds does anyone have thesame problem08:20
mwehjmills: it used to  be the case in dapper08:20
hjmillsfred1: oh ok - i prefer using the alternate cd :D08:20
PA|CodyLocojoerlend ok wait till i get back then lol08:20
jribmnoir: not that I know of08:20
DanaGI managed to install it, but the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu doesn't have a "message.something" file08:20
hjmillsmwe: that explains it then08:20
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mweadaptr: did you see that? it changed in 6.1008:20
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fredlhjmills, well I'm not too thrilled with the X windows installer to be honest.08:20
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mwehjmills: I was wondering since it seemed to be working ok08:21
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linuxnewuserr*has no idea what the hell he is doin to fix the res or work in command line*08:21
SoulCHildHEY, does anyone know about the aca adapter problem on asus machienes?08:21
fredlhjmills, particularly since it insists in starting up GNOME.08:21
adaptrmwe: I was mistaken, it is also root:root in dapper; I was thinking of the running user, not the permissions...08:21
mnoirjrib: /var/www has been the default apache doc root and www-data has been the default user for a long time08:21
adaptrmwe: edgy for a server ? brrr08:21
mwehjmills: but at the same time I remembered it being www-data, so08:21
hjmillsfred1: i like it when it works but the alternate install is more flexible if you dont mind the earth shattering loss of a gui!!!08:21
phr34ckto launch a program from the terminal and make it independent, we use & at the end of the line. but what if the command requires password?08:21
mweadaptr: it's not a server08:21
phr34ckhow can I do it ?08:21
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adaptrmnoir: user, ye s- but not owner, since apache never needs that much permissions08:21
mweadaptr: I use it to test some php scripts and stuff08:21
fredlhjmills, I think the 'regular' CD should have at least an option IMO to install with something else than GNOME or in text modus.08:21
adaptrmwe: if you run apache, by definition :)08:21
SoulCHildHEY, does anyone know about the "ac adapter"-problem on asus machienes?08:21
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xfabhjmills: hey there again, I just wanted to says, that I worked ;)08:21
mweadaptr: it's only listening to localhost08:22
mweadaptr: huh08:22
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xfabhjmills: thanks again08:22
hjmillsfred1: well i would suggest that they use xfce for the live cd environment but that means you cant try ubuntu first08:22
mweadaptr: it's a server to localhost only.08:22
joerlendfredl: there isn't enough space on a cd to provide both gnome and kde.08:22
hjmillsxfab: oh brilliant - thats good :D08:22
LameBMXcokeslut, do you take pepsi08:22
mweadaptr: I wouldn't run edgy on a public server08:22
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adaptrmwe: I understand, don't get your shirt up...08:22
fredljoerlend, heh, I wasn't talking about KDE :P08:22
hjmillsjoerlend & fred1: thats why there is kubuntu08:22
xfabhjmills: I just had to resize the extended partition08:22
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SoulCHildguys please: How can i uninstall the processor module?08:23
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phr34ckhow can I know my Gnome version ?08:23
fredluninstall the processor module?!?!08:23
cokeslutI'll find out08:23
fredlare you sure that's what you want to do SoulCHild ?08:23
SoulCHildfredl: Yes, i want08:23
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xfablinuxnewuserr: hjmills figured out a solution for the partition problem08:23
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adaptrSoulCHild: there's no such thing - perhaps you mean the coolnquiet driver module ?08:24
hjmillsSoulCHild: that sounds like a stupid idea - you need your processor08:24
xfablinuxnewuserr: you just have to resize the extended partition08:24
SoulCHildfredl: cause my centrino is not working properly and i read that i won't have controll over it if i uninstall but than i dont have this probelms anymore08:24
DanaGoh, speedstep-centrino?08:24
DanaGWhat's the issue?08:24
SoulCHilddanag: the problem...08:24
fredlis that an actual module?08:25
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xfabhjmills: well then, have a nice evening and see you soon08:25
SoulCHilddanag: if ac adapter is plugged in my maschine runs  very slowely, only at 100 mhz but i got 160008:25
xfabcu guys08:25
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PeterMhow can those lines from extra codecs for Gstreamer in synaptic to install them ?08:25
hjmillsxfab: cya08:25
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Federico_ Hi! anybody running ubuntu on a macbook wants to share some impression on it?08:25
fredlSoulCHild, well, if the module is named speedstep-centrino, does rmmod speedstep-centrino work?08:25
mweSoulCHild: 100 mhz?08:25
DanaGSoulCHild: try the package "powersaved"08:25
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mweSoulCHild: does it even support that speed?08:25
DanaGIt can set policies.08:25
SoulCHildfredl: i ll try08:26
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SoulCHildmwe: how can i check?08:26
fredlSoulCHild, well, the centrino should be scaled up when you do something that requires CPU power.08:26
GeckoHey there. I am thinking about switching from kubuntu to ubuntu, I know that it's just an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop away, but does anyone know if there is anything that doesn't quite work from this or is it all just good?08:26
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LameBMXGecko, the other way was pretty smooth08:26
adaptrGecko: if you remember to disable the KDE services you don't need - I found some getting in my way when switching desktops08:26
mweSoulCHild: you probably need to check the docs for your CPU. my centrino is 1.2GHz and can only clock down to 600 mhz08:26
fredlSoulCHild, it saves power on your laptop to give the CPU more power when it's actually *needed*08:27
LameBMXGecko, from ubuntu to kde .. but kde added tons of stuff i didnt care for08:27
DanaGI have a Yonah 1.83GHz, and I can only go down to 1.00GHz.08:27
SoulCHildfredl: Error: modulew is in use08:27
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GeckoLameBMX: yeah, that's my biggest concern: Having a ton of useless app08:27
DanaGInstall the package "powersaved"08:27
DanaGthen go through the config files in /etc/powersave/ and set it as you like it.08:27
SoulCHildI simply want to deactive this options, cause my ubuntu boots 3 times longer wehn ac adapter is plugged in08:27
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SoulCHildon batterie it runs normally#08:27
LameBMXGecko, well its not too hard if you do it cli .. just apt-get autoremove after wards08:28
SoulCHilddanaG: thanks, i ll try08:28
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GeckoLameBMX: oh, right08:28
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LameBMXGecko, or save it until your sure you wanna switch08:28
PeterMhow can those lines from extra codecs for Gstreamer in synaptic to install them ? please!! damn08:28
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DanaGIf that doesn't work for you, add the line "blacklist speedstep-centrino" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist08:28
SoulCHilddanag no package found named powersave08:28
BlankMediaWhat is the best linux Dock Program...kinda like OS X Dock?08:28
DanaGpowersaved  -- d is for daemon.08:29
phr34ckshould I upgrade to Gnome 2.16 ?08:29
riotkittiewith the d ath the end08:29
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SoulCHildahh ok08:29
joerlendPeterM: No need to swear. I don't understand what you're saying, and there are so many others asking. Perhaps you should rephrase?08:29
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GeckoSo, how do I use that new init system, if I for instance want to change default *dm? Still update-rc.d?08:29
DanaGI have mine set to use the scheme "acoustic" when on AC and "powersave" when on battery.08:29
LInUX_hey every one out there08:29
=== L0cKd0wN waves
DanaGI set acoustic to use dynamic CPU frequency and powersave to use powersave (lowest always)08:29
L0cKd0wNhow about dem gators? :D08:29
mweSoulCHild: I found this: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies08:30
joerlendPeterM: I think they're in the multiverse repository.08:30
BlankMediaWhat is the best linux Dock Program...kinda like OS X Dock?08:30
mweSoulCHild: it shows my supported freqs08:30
jpjacobsPeterM, gstreamer has nothing to do with mplayer.08:30
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joerlendPeterM: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:30
PeterMjoerlend: i'm not swearing, i wasted one hour for nothing, they don't help me becuase i'm a newbie or something who knows. just i want to do is to play .avi files, that's all.08:30
SoulCHilddanaG: hmm ... can#t i simply deactive it, as i am always on ac... does blacklist speedstep_centrino help08:30
GeckoI better do the switch from text-mode. Brb08:30
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L0cKd0wNPeterM, i just woke up but... whats ur problem?08:30
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DanaGYeah, that'd prevent the module from loading.08:31
joerlendBlankMedia: kdocker is nice, if you want to minimize any apps to tray.08:31
hjmillsPeterM i already told you08:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:31
SoulCHilddanag thanks,...08:31
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DanaGoh yeah, try 'cpufreq-info'08:31
mweSoulCHild: you will probably get poor battery life without speedstep08:31
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DanaGYou can set the AC scheme to "performance"08:31
menaits advisable not use automatrix right08:31
SoulCHilddanaG: command not found08:32
mnoirmena: right08:32
menaokay thanks08:32
DanaGoh, there's a package cpufrequtils08:32
jpjacobsPeterM, do you have w32codecs and mplayer?08:32
aloonanybody venture a guess wether gnome would control cpu temp/fans differently or better than KDE?08:32
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gersthi.. how can I change gaim irc colors?08:32
PeterMjpjacobs: i only have mplayer installed08:32
SoulCHildmwe: i am always on ac ... i can live with that08:32
SoulCHilddanag okay i ll install08:32
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mweSoulCHild: oh08:32
PeterMjpjacobs: do i have to install w32codecs too from synaptic ?08:32
jpjacobsPeterM, then also get w32codecs, mplayer uses those, and not the free gstreamer codecs08:33
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joerlendaloon: I would guess that gnome and kde would both provide different frontends to the same backend.08:33
DanaGYou can also dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets08:33
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DanaGand allow the cpufreq thingy to be root,08:33
LInUX_i've upgrade my ubuntu to feisty but i have a problem with the acpid  it gave a message that i should do dpkg-reconfigure acpi but it still show me that acpi not configured will what should i do >08:33
DanaGthen add a cpufreq applet to the panel.08:33
mweSoulCHild: sudo su -c 'echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq' should set it to max freq08:33
PeterMjpjacobs: there isn't nothing called w32codecs in synaptic08:33
mnoirLInUX_: go to #ubuntu+108:34
DanaGThe applet can be very useful.08:34
SoulCHilddanaG, i have now my fill 1600 MhZ,... strange.. although i am on ac...08:34
SoulCHildi ll unplugg it and see08:34
GunnarQ: I have an mp3 (Audio) file that I want to make the length smaller so I can burn to a CD,  Any Ideas what program can do this?08:34
joerlendPeterM: search the wiki. There is a link to a w32codecs download line.08:34
aloonjoerlend do you know how to control cpu throttling? ive spent days googling it and I know there is a script that controls it but I cant find it08:34
DanaGpowersaved sets it for yoy.08:34
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LInUX_mnoir thank you08:34
SoulCHildnow its on 60008:34
DanaGIt'll be ondemand.08:34
mweSoulCHild: mine does that if I unplug as well08:34
SoulCHildbut how comes that it boots 2 minutes longer when i am on batterie ??08:34
joerlendaloon: I haven't done it myself, but you can limit a users cpu time with ulimit08:34
DanaGJust look around in the files in /etc/powersave08:34
ismaili cant play vcds does anyone have thesame  problem08:34
SoulCHildi lll reboot with ac plugged in and see... and come back, will u still be here in 4 minutes ?08:35
lillpelleGunnar: maybe mp3splt package08:35
SoulCHildthanks, u help me a lot... i am fighting with this since month,...08:35
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fredlwell that's three ISO's downloaded today :P hope this one works!08:36
ryanakcahmm... is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IdeaPool used by anybody?08:36
ryanakcafredl: lol08:36
mwefredl: check the md5sum ;)08:36
jpjacobsPeterM then you'll have to add some repo's (multiverse/universe/...)08:36
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PeterMjpjacobs: can you tell me how pleae ?08:36
fredlmwe: I did. But first I decided to give edubuntu a try, I was mistaken to assume that this would be a good idea for my kids.08:37
ubotuPeterM: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:37
fredlmwe: and then I had the broken standard ISO08:37
aloonjoerlend I see cpulimit in the repos08:37
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mwefredl: yeah08:37
linux_user400354Whats the difference between a 3d card and a vga card?08:37
fredlmwe: and now the alternate ISO08:37
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DanaGYou can burn CDs at a lower speed if they get corrupted or misread at higher speeds.08:37
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=== fredl totally misunderstood what edubuntu is about.
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mwefredl: there is a good chance it will work right08:38
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DanaGI don't know what edubuntu is about.08:38
fredlmwe - yeah I already started the text install from the alternate CD.08:38
riotkittiewhat did you think edubuntu was all about08:38
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joerlendlinux_user400354: well, the 3d card calculates images. VGA writes images to your screen. Or something like that.08:38
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mwelinux_user400354: a vga card wont support accelerated 3d08:38
PeterMjpjacobs: on synaptic > repo > ubuntu 6.10 it's all there.08:39
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fredlI thought edubuntu was purely educational as in 'for kids'. Instead it seems like it's indeed also somewhat for kids, but more for schools 'n stuff to install LTSP or something.08:39
PeterMjpjacobs: universe, main, multiverse and restricted.08:39
DanaGWhat is LTSP?...08:39
fredlLinux Terminal Server.08:39
menamnoir, Is There Any problem if i use kde apps on ubuntu08:39
LinTuxanybody in the UK using Tiscali08:39
joerlendfredl: yes, it has some cool features.08:39
jpjacobsPeterM, have you updated your apt after adding those?08:39
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DanaGI use kde apps in Gnome.08:40
fredlso you can use cheapo clients that run applications on a server.08:40
abuyazanhello all08:40
seraphim_mena: no08:40
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fredljoerlend, I'm sure, but I'm no school :)08:40
PeterMjpjacobs: sudo apt-get update ?08:40
jpjacobsi mean executed apt-get update or with the updatemanager08:40
abuyazan how can i put my picture on gaim account08:40
DanaGThe only issue is that the appearance is mismatched.08:40
fredlI have only 2 kids that is :P08:40
abuyazanlike MSN messenger08:40
PeterMjpjacobs: wait a sec08:40
menaseraphim, okay thanks08:40
joerlendfredl: you don't have to run a terminal server in order to run edubuntu08:40
fredljoerlend, but it installs LTSP automatically.08:40
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vervequestion.. the 6.10 ISO.. is that a livecd?08:41
L0cKd0wNabout this multimedia problem, has he tried VLC Player, that thing worked outta the box for me08:41
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fredlverve, yes and no :)08:41
joerlendfredl: why does that matter?08:41
hjmillsverve: yes - and the install disk08:41
mwefredl: you can get all the stuff it would install with apt later though08:41
SoulCHildhey i am back... still no succes booting still takes long with ac plugged in08:41
verveand can you also install it to the hdd after?08:41
PeterMjpjacobs: yes, it's enabled.08:41
fredljoerlend: uhm, the install takes at least twice as long.08:41
hjmillsverve: yes - thats correct08:41
Uthalinverve: yeah, the live CD will install, you can even surf the web at the same time08:41
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PeterMjpjacobs: all i want a command to install those codecs, can you give me one?08:42
vervebut i don't have to install, i can just try out Ubuntu from the cd, right?08:42
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Uthalinverve: correct08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
ubotuPeterM: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
verve'cause i'm thinking i'm gonna switch to Ubuntu, but i need to wait until i get my dvd burner first08:42
joerlendverve: the Desktop-cd is both a live-cd and install cd. The Alternate CD is not a live-cd and gives you a text-based installer.08:42
mwehjmills: ?08:42
hjmills!avi | PeterM08:42
jpjacobsPeterM, there is also the seveas repo if the package w32codecs isn't available from univers/multivers08:42
DanaGSoulCHild: hmm, if you do08:42
Zeta_Johnhello all08:42
=== ASSLinux is now known as A
Uthalinverve: well it can fit on a single CD08:42
mwehjmills: I think he got it08:42
DanaGdmesg | less08:42
L0cKd0wNnot sure he did08:42
riotkittieanyone know where/how i might change the tty font :\~08:42
vervethe alternate cd?08:42
vervewhere's that?08:42
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DanaGyou can scroll through the boot messages.08:42
Uthalinverve: oh im not sure about alternate08:42
vervelike.. you can't get the two confused, can you?08:42
L0cKd0wNops are everwhere -_-08:42
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DanaGLook for anything that may seem relevant.08:43
Zeta_Johnis it a cd with app packages for ubuntu as in many distributions?08:43
riotkittieinsanely large text + speedy irc chan = bad combo08:43
SoulCHilddanag: all processes take longer, it isnt a specific one08:43
hjmillsi just get frustrated by people asking for help and ignoring the replied08:43
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mwehjmills: heh08:43
L0cKd0wNvlc player = solution to multimedia problems08:43
verveanyways, alright.. thanks guys.. and kudos to being a friendly channel08:43
L0cKd0wNend of discussion.08:43
SoulCHildand there are no errors... i also dont have options to deactivate power savings in bios08:43
mwehjmills: that seems normal in here though08:43
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joerlendCan't I scroll back with irssi?08:43
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:43
fredlhjmills, haha, you know what's worse? if you type in a longwinded reply and the guy /quits before you can hit enter.08:43
hjmillswas i kicked automatically or did somebody kick me normally?08:43
hjmillsfredl: yeah - thats sucks too08:44
mwejoerlend: I think you can but I forgot how08:44
L0cKd0wNthe ops came down from the heavens and made you leave :)08:44
hjmillsjoerlend: i want to say page up but i dont know for sure08:44
Skwid_is it possible to install ubuntu from floppy using network ?08:44
joerlendhjmills: that doesn't do it.08:44
SoulCHilddanaG: i added blacklist speedstep_centrino but rmmod still says it is in use08:44
fredlokay, I really need to go get some tobacco.08:44
hjmillsjoerlend: sorry - bin a while since i used it08:44
L0cKd0wNfloppy? people still have those O_o08:44
Zeta_Johnis it a cd or a ftp with programs packages for ubuntu?08:44
riotkittieshift + page up perhaps08:44
hjmillsjoerlend: check the man page?08:44
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DanaGI think blacklist uses - instead of _08:45
DanaGit's odd: modprobe has things hyphenated08:45
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DanaGrmmod has them underscored.08:45
DanaGthis-is-modprobe this_is_rmmod08:45
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joerlendhjmills: sorry.. :) _now_ it suddenly works. I tried it earlier, but then I only got the bash history08:45
riotkittieanyone know where/how i might change the tty font?  bueller? bueller? ;p08:45
hjmillsis there a way to get jabber and msn in xchat? or just jabber08:45
SoulCHildhmmm ... and now ? what u want me to try ?08:45
mweDanaG: modprobe -l will show all the correct names08:45
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roostishawhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook <--- could i use that guide on an external firewire drive i have attatched to my macbook with bootcamp?08:45
hjmillsjoerlend: oh well - if it works then dont complain!08:45
Seveashjmills, bitlbee08:46
joerlendhjmills: try bitlbee for msn08:46
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jpjacobsPeterM, in order to see what you must add in /etc/apt/sources.list for adding the seveas repos, use http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic, and only tick the seveas one08:46
hjmillsSeveas: oh ok - so i cant get a plugin?08:46
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joerlendhjmills: im.bitlbee.org08:46
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hjmillsjoerlend: thanks08:46
joerlendhjmills: just connect to it as if it's an IRC server and you'll get help once you're logged in.08:46
ubotubitlbee: An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (edgy), package size 297 kB, installed size 768 kB08:46
L0cKd0wNanyone know how to add the terminal to the right click menu ?08:47
SoulCHildhowever... i lll try later... danag thanks for caring08:47
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vieirai ppl need help with printing form a windows to a kubuntu box any one expert in cups?08:47
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Zeta_Johnok everybody is too busy here08:48
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Zeta_Johnby , see you later08:48
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TurboLoverhey guys08:48
mattionsvieira: try to install on windows instruments to print under Unix08:48
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TurboLoveranyone ever have a problem with lcd screen08:48
mwevieira: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:48
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L0cKd0wNTurboLover, indeed08:49
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso08:49
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L0cKd0wNoh jesus08:49
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b gay*!*@*] by Seveas
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yoshiznit123what was that?08:50
numistwell that was fun.08:50
numistmight want to look into chanmode +J08:50
TurboLoveranyone ever have a problem with ubuntu saying screens not found?08:50
dramaEMOa gay pride?08:50
Seveasnumist, +J is a spawn of the devil08:50
ismailgus can i have some help here08:50
TurboLoverlike when i try to boot up to livecd08:50
binarydigita ban on gay....08:50
numistSeveas: it also works in cases like that08:50
joerlendyoshiznit123: that was someone having sad fun.08:50
L0cKd0wNclass action lawsuit, anyone? :D08:50
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Seveasnumist, it breaks in far too many cases as well08:50
numistSeveas: when was the last time ou used it to the point of failure?08:51
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by nalioth
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L0cKd0wNubuntu is homophobic, FABULOUS!08:51
L0cKd0wNlol j/p :D08:51
yoshiznit123hey everyone, is there a way to enter unicode characters from the keyboard? something like windows' alt+numpad combination08:51
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Seveasnumist, 2 seconds before it failed again so I set mlock to -J08:51
PeterMjpjacobs: sorry but i don't understand what's that08:51
Zeta_Johnno one knows if any cd or ftp specific to ubuntu packages exists ?08:51
L0cKd0wNanyone, i wanna stick the terminal in the right click menu08:51
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Seveasand it failed to the point where after a netsplit everyone was gone08:51
PeterMjpjacobs: i tried to use synaptic to add those lines with gstreamer but i don't see any ADD on edgy.08:52
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metal04Hey, I'm having a hard time installing wine...  anyone can help?  When I add in the repositories "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main" I get a 404 not found...  Is it normal?  Am I doing something wrong?08:52
PeterMjpjacobs: so i'm confused now08:52
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numistSeveas | nalioth: note we're forwarding now to -unregged and the channel is not +r08:52
=== numist back to cleaning
Uthalinmetal04: sudo apt-get install wine should work if you have universe enabled08:52
markelhasmwe: i've check that already, can't print from the windows box only08:52
markelhasmattions: where can i find that?08:52
Seveasnumist, so?08:53
LameBMXmetal04, why are you using that repository for it08:53
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jpjacobsPeterM, do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list. then paste the lines you find using source-o-matic below all others, then save, update the packagelsitings and install w32codecs08:53
markelhasi ppl need help with printing form a windows to a kubuntu box any one expert in cups?08:53
Seveasnumist, we are perfectly capable of running a channel08:53
Seveasno need for 'advise'08:53
numistsorry, didnt mean to make anyone touchy, sheesh08:53
DanaGWhat is "J?08:53
metal04LameBMX : cause the wine website says so!  hehehe08:53
Skwid_is it possible to install ubuntu from a floppy using a network connection ??????08:53
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markelhasany cups expert!?08:53
mwemarkelhas: is a firewall blocking it or something maybe08:53
LameBMXits in universe .. remove that repo how you installed it08:53
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Uthalinmetal04: theres an ubuntu specific build in univierse08:53
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mwemarkelhas: the directions in the wiki normally works08:54
markelhasmwe: i don't think so cause i can see my shared folders08:54
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ismailskwid: dont think so but i  guess u can install it from a flash drive08:54
markelhasmwe: i've follow the wiki :(08:54
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metal04Ok, I'm a total neeb to Ubuntu and Linux...  so what is universe?08:54
markelhasmwe: the says that it was ok but the printer don't print it08:54
Seveas!universe | metal0408:54
ubotumetal04: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:54
alecjwhi. is there any way of doing everyhtign which would happen if you restarted (other than reloading the kernel) without resarting? do you just rmmod everhyitng then modprobe it all agian, then /etc/init.d/* restart?08:54
Uthalinmetal04: open up a terminal and try typing just this "sudo apt-get install wine"08:55
ompaulalecjw, a sure way to get yourself a flaky machine08:55
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fdovingalecjw: why not just reboot?08:55
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markelhasmwe: and if a send a test page from windows printers properties don't print, but if i browser with ie in cups and ask for a print test it works :(08:55
LILSHADOWHello everyone08:55
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mattionsmarkelhas: they comes as windows system addons ... they have worked for me untill I have erased the win2000 for an ubuntu also on that computer...08:56
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alecjwfdoving: becuase that would be too simple :D. i just asked out of interest really08:56
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mwemarkelhas: hmm08:56
jamaasCould anyone tell me if there is an easy way to replace/regenerate missing/corrupt /etc/mtab file ?  Newbie here ...08:56
PeterMjpjacobs: i got this when i try to apt-get install w32codecs. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/771/08:56
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ompauljamaas, reboot08:56
fdovingalecjw: ah.. sure, you can kill everything but init, and re-run the init scripts. that's possible.08:56
Pipeman_alecjw: now, I don't know how it works with the new upstart, but in normal init systems you'd be able to use "telinit 1" to go to single-user mode and then "telinit 3" (or "telinit 5" if that's the default runlevel) to go back to normal usage08:57
jamaasompaul: get the same thing each time I reboot ...08:57
joerlendPeterM: did you read the RestrictedFormats page?08:57
hjmillshow can i install the kde fonts?08:57
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mwejamaas: mtab reflects your mounts08:57
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fdovinghjmills: what kde fonts specifically? the konsole fonts?08:57
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hjmillsjoerlend: i hope so - i told him about it enough!08:57
mwejamaas: what's the problem?08:57
alecjwPeterM: w32codecs has been removed form the codecs for legal reasons.08:57
ompauljamaas, what are you trying to mount? cos that is the actual mounted partions08:57
ElcMawrGreetings... Please can anyone tell me why my Evolution (email) address book is not accepting any new addresses?08:57
alecjw!w32codecs | PeterM08:57
markelhasmwe: any ideia how can i solve this?08:57
ubotuPeterM: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:58
joerlendhjmills: I noticed. That's why I'm asking. It's abit strange that he's still asking.08:58
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jamaasompaul: I can't mount my cd or external usb disk08:58
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PeterMjoerlend: not yet, i wasted 1+ hour, it's late here and i want to play a movie, sheeesh08:58
hjmillsfdoving: well my gf used to have kubuntu but today i installed ubuntu-desktop and removed kde and now she has fonts that i dont have08:58
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] batistuta[Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:58
] batistuta[Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual08:58
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] batistuta[what can i do ?08:58
mwemarkelhas: make sure the ip traffic is getting through to the linux machine on the cups port08:58
hjmillsjoerlend: i told you about that restricted formats web page over half an hour ago - that would have had you up and running within about 10 minutes max08:58
markelhasmwe: in the wiki says about a cups.d to set port, but i don't have that folder, but in my cups.conf there is a 631 allow port08:58
joerlendhjmills: me? :)08:59
markelhasmwe: how can i check that?08:59
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joerlendPeterM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs08:59
hjmillsjoerlend: oops - my bad - sorry and thanks for telling me08:59
PeterMjoerlend: so all i have to do is "sudo apt-get install gstream0.10*.... from restreictedformats?08:59
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fdovinghjmills: oh.. compare the output of "dpkg -l '*fonts*'" on both machines.08:59
ompauljamaas, when you plug in the device click on places and then home folder and see if the device is presented there (wait about 10 seconds) if it is there it will show on the "desktop" you can right click on the desktop to choose to "eject" it08:59
hjmillsPeterM: i told you about that restricted formats web page over half an hour ago - that would have had you up and running within about 10 minutes max08:59
mwemarkelhas: but can you reach that port from the windows machine?08:59
jpjacobsPeterM, close all running apt stuff (like synaptic/updatemanager/...)08:59
=== ompaul wipes off some rust ;-)
hjmillsfdoving: thanks08:59
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ewookphaw. wine only gives me plenty of errors =/09:00
markelhasmwe: yes because i can manage the cups form windows box09:00
SHDAOW_XCan anyone help me i have a broadcom  BCM4321 wireless card and cannot get ubuntu edgy to see it09:00
SHDAOW_Xi have ndiswrapper on09:00
PeterMjpjacobs: and now?09:00
jpjacobsPeterM, it's to busy here, can i PM you?09:00
mwemarkelhas: and you can print locally on the linux machine?09:00
SHDAOW_Xand it sees the driver and the hardware09:00
hjmillsPeterM: do a "sudo apt-get install libdvdplay3 totem-xine libxine-extracodecs"09:00
riotkittiebueller? beuller?09:00
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PeterMjpjacobs: sure09:00
PeterMok hjmills09:01
alecjwSHDAOW_X: hagve you tried installing the FW and using the bcm43xx driver?09:01
ompaulSHDAOW_X, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%29?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%29 <<<---- that url there09:01
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acetech747what is the deal on the amd64 version?  i tried it before but a lot of programs seemed to have a problem so i reverted back to the x86 version.  is this less of a problem now?09:01
ElcMawrAny Evolution (email) experts here please?09:01
PeterMhjmills: E: Couldn't find package libdvdplay309:01
joerlendPeterM: READ! You've been given the answers to your questions.09:01
hjmillsPeterM: when that finishes run "i told you about that restricted formats web page over half an hour ago - that would have had you up and running within about 10 minutes max"09:01
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alecjwElcMawr: i can help you a bit, mainly with configuring evo09:01
alecjwwith gmail09:01
SHDAOW_Xompaul thank you09:01
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hjmillsPeterM: sorry - change that whole command to the following09:01
alecjwElcMawr: sory. i meant gmail09:02
hjmillsPeterM: do a "sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 totem-xine libxine-extracodecs"09:02
SHDAOW_Xalecjw what is fw?09:02
riotkittieanyone know where  i might change the tty font?09:02
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cokeslutyou tell me09:02
jamaasompaul: Thanks, when I try that just get an error message saying it can not input/output mtab.  I'll reboot and have a look again?09:02
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alecjwSHDAOW_X: firmware09:02
ElcMawralecjw, sorry it's got to be Evolution. thanks anyway09:02
yoshiznit123is there a way to enter unicode characters from the keyboard? something like windows' alt+numpad combination09:02
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ompauljamaas, have it unplugged as the machine boots log in and then plug it in09:02
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alecjwElcMawr: i meant as in configuring evolution with gmail09:02
joerlendElcMawr: don't ask for experts, you'll only scare off the semi-experts. Ask a precise question. If you really need an _expert_ then you should join #Evolution at gimpnet09:02
alecjwis tha waht you want to do?09:02
hjmillsPeterM: that command will work and get you all up and running09:03
ompauljamaas, and if it fails to show - then put it in a differnt USB port09:03
Skwid_is it possible to install ubuntu from a floppy using a network connection ??????09:03
ElcMawralecjw, joerlend -- ok thanks09:03
markelhasmwe: i can print local and from other kubuntu box09:03
hjmillsPeterM: if not - come back here and tell me09:03
metal04Uthalin : I tried "sudo apt-get install wine" but I get an error message : "Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source09:03
PeterMhjmills: ok, and after that, what i need to do ?09:03
SHDAOW_Xalecjw no how can i do that09:03
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Uthalinmetal04: using kubuntu or ubuntu?09:03
PeterMhjmills: to read restrictedformats webpage?09:03
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mwemarkelhas: and you're positive the printer is configured correctly in windows?09:03
ElcMawrPrecise question: why doesn't Evolution accept any new address book entries?09:03
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hjmillsPeterM: sudo  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh09:04
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joerlendPeterM: you couldn't possibly have read both pages and still be here asking questions?09:04
markelhasmwe: i think so09:04
hjmillsPeterM: that command will work if you are on edgy09:04
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metal04rename metal0309:04
alecjwSHDAOW_X: i'll try and find the utorial. it owrked on my bcm4306. most broadcoms work with EITER ndiswrapper OR the firmware hting09:04
metal04Can I?09:04
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markelhasmwe: i've put the link in the wizard a choose the printer09:04
mwemarkelhas: double check. I'm sorry I can't say anything more clever09:04
PeterMhjmills: ok09:04
markelhasmwe: ok them09:04
SHDAOW_Xthanks alecjw mine is pre-n dont know if that helps any09:05
markelhasmwe: i trying to set this for weeks09:05
aloondoes lmsensors actually physically control cpu temp (via fan control) or is it just a visual display of whats going on?09:05
SHDAOW_Xalecjw just for information sake its a dell laptop09:05
hjmillsPeterM: also in future if ubotu tells you to go to a website for more info then please go there - its somebody else giving you info on what you asked for09:05
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ompaulaloon, it is observational09:05
Uthalinmetal04: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:05
PeterMhjmills: it's done, now i can play ?09:05
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L0cKd0wNi wanna stick the terminal in the right click menu09:05
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L0cKd0wNhow might one accomplish this?09:05
hjmillsPeterM: yes-  open totem from them menu and try playing the .avi file09:06
alecjwSHDAOW_X: hmmm... that might mean something, but it workedo n my g+ (125 mbps) (but it can only do 11mbps (wireless b)) . this might haoppen to you too09:06
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metal04Uthalin : Ok, what now?09:06
aloonompaul I had a friend once do it, but I need to edit the script that controls the cpu throttling stages, right now it gets to 70 degrees within minutes and goes to 12% running speed09:06
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ompaulaloon, looks like the fan is not turning on09:06
hjmillsPeterM: let me know if it works09:06
mwemarkelhas: what's the address you type in the windows priner wizard?09:06
Uthalinmetal04: do you see the part where it says uncomment these lines to add sources from the universe repisatory?09:07
alecjwSHDAOW_X: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 - good luck :)09:07
PeterMhjmills: ok, thanks a lot, it works and sorry if i was so stupid09:07
jseattlequestion: how do i put firefox 1.5 on ubuntu edgy as flash player kills firefox 2.0 on my system? please help09:07
Uthalinmetal04: uncomment the line that says deb but not the one with deb-src09:07
hjmillsPeterM: thats ok - just dont ever ignore ubotu09:07
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PeterMhjmills: ok, i will next time. have a nice day09:07
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hjmillsPeterM: enjoy your video09:08
jamaasompaul: back again, this is a dell d410 notebook and the cd is in the docking station, so I shutdown, took it out of the docking station, restarted edgy and now still do not have a /etc/mtab file ... ?09:08
markelhasmwe: http://printer-server:631/printers/HP551009:08
crimsonhey, anyone know how I can fix the terminal error: C compiler cannot create executables?09:08
markelhasmwe: and set in host the ip09:08
mwemarkelhas: huh?09:08
ElcMawrsee you all again some time, I'll have to fix this evolution bug myself! cheers xxxxxx09:08
SHDAOW_Xhmm alecjw really only 11mps? because i am running it on windows and it runs fine09:08
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mwemarkelhas: ah09:08
Uthalinmetal04: once you uncomment that line then save the file and open up a terminal and type sudo apt-get update, then try sudo apt-get install wine again09:08
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naliothcrimson: that is sometimes a sign of a badly written configure script09:08
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ompauljamaas, no idea there09:08
aloonompaul the fans work but edgy doesnt work so good right off the bat for this ASUS 3.4g laptop, if im watching a youtube video it throttles down and I get glitchy images, thanhheme for throttling is reveresed if you pull the powerplug out the video gets perfect.. THe power management sc09:08
mwemarkelhas: I'd try the IP instead though09:09
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crimsonnalioth: it is for the ktorrent version update, so I am not sure that is the case09:09
jamaasompaul: Thanks, anyone else got any ideas how to fix a broken /etc/mtab file?09:09
ompaulaloon, the words bug report come to mind, I am not familar enough with that09:09
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makoryanakca: hey, what's up?09:09
markelhasmwe: done that :(09:09
alecjwSHDAOW_X: yep. :(. the driver is completely reverse engineered. but if, like me, you only use it for <=11mbps internet, it shouldnt matter,, although the range could be cut down to b's standard09:09
metal04Uthalin : The only lines I see start with gpg - -09:09
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ryanakcamako: not much09:10
TurboLoverhey guys09:10
naliothcrimson: do you have build-essential installed ?09:10
SHDAOW_Xalecjw hm i have a 108mpbs router but for the time being working is working09:10
aloonompaul basically it doesnt heat up at all in windows xp (tested) and I hate windows... but under edgy kde it seems to heat up to scary levels within 10 minutes09:10
mwemarkelhas: odd. I afraid I out of ideas though09:10
makoryanakca: i wanted to know what you were looking for, but i saw your pm09:10
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mwemarkelhas: maybe someone else has another suggestion09:10
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crimsonnalioth: oh, thats it, i forgot to re-install that after my OS upgrade. thanks09:11
Uthalinmetal04: one sec09:11
hjmillsdoes anybody here have a *shudder* lexmark multifunction?09:11
Moon_RabbitsDoes anyone know why my mounted hard disk won't show up in Places -> Computer? It's mounted under /media, but it won't show up like the cdrom and floppy do.09:11
neopshi can ne1 help with resolution problem?09:11
markelhasmwe: i hope so09:11
hjmillsMoon_Rabbits: even if you go to /media? also you should mount it in a subdir of /media09:12
alecjwSHDAOW_X: but rmember, unless you have a >11mbps interet connection, or you want to transfer files beteween 2 comps on the netwrok, it shoudnt make any differnece at all09:12
metal04Uthalin : kk, I mean I see lines with deb...  there just not in comment!09:12
mwemarkelhas: it sounds odd to me09:12
ompaulaloon, how new is that hardware?09:12
Uthalinmetal04: is there one like this? "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe"09:12
Uthalinmetal04: make sure there is not a # before it09:12
SHDAOW_Xalecjw yeah but i transfer all the times  the thing that i am wondering is just how much distance i will lose09:12
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:12
aloonompaul its about 2 years old ASUS pent 4 , 3.4 g laptop09:13
jamaasmwe: any suggestions for broken/missing /etc/mtab?09:13
SHDAOW_Xalecjw i have heard that people have gotten 54mbps out of it09:13
metal04Uthalin : deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted09:13
metal04No # before it09:13
ompaulaloon, that is one theory blown out of the water09:13
mwemarkelhas: you said you can reach the printer-server http from a browser on the windows machine?09:13
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Moon_Rabbitshjmills: Yeah, it shows up in media, and it's mounted to /media/drive-two0, but I want it to show up in Places > Computer, more of a effeciency issue than a technical one. That, and it would be easier for the rest of my family who know nothing about anything electronic.09:13
mwejamaas: mtab is not the problem09:13
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mwejamaas: mtab just shows what mounted09:13
neopsne1 help?09:13
mwejamaas: what is your problem?09:13
Uthalinmetal04: ok add this line: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe09:14
jamaasmwe: can not mount a cd or external usb disk09:14
markelhasmwe: yes09:14
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hjmillsMoon_Rabbits: create a bookmark in nautilus or a shortcut on the desktop or add it to /etc/fstab which should add  it to the my computer list09:14
ompaul!resolution | neops09:14
ubotuneops: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:14
mwejamaas: mtab has nothing to do with that09:14
alecjwSHDAOW_X: well i expect that it's different for each card09:14
metal04Uthalin : Anywhere?  It doesn't matter?09:14
mwejamaas: you need to look into /etc/fstab instead or type the correct mount command09:14
SHDAOW_Xalecjw yeah your right did you find it?09:14
Uthalinmetal04: as long as its on a line all by itself09:15
jamaasmwe: thanks, I hear you, thanks09:15
Moon_Rabbitshjmills: It is already in /etc/fstab. How do I make a bookmark in nautilus (sorry, its only my second day using ubuntu e.e;)09:15
mwejamaas: what did you try?09:15
neopsthanx if type slow bcause on cellphone typing09:15
SnideOK, I have XFX GeForce 7600 XXX Edition 256MB video card .. but when every time I go in screensaver mode, the 3d seems to be choppy .. its like as if my videoard aint enought09:15
aloonanyone else here on a laptop using edgy?09:15
Snidedo i need to edit the nvidia-settings or something like that?09:15
ericj2190aloon: i am09:15
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jamaasmwe: tried a couple of changes to fstab, it used to work fine but now is not finding things, will have a look09:15
neopsonly gives 640x480 option09:15
Snidethe nvidia driver was preinstalled by utbuntau09:16
ompaulneops, read this web page: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:16
crimsonnalioth: i got past that error but now the system "Can't find X includes." Whats that mean?09:16
hjmillsMoon_Rabbits: in nautilus browse into /media/wherever and press Ctrl+D09:16
alecjwSHDAOW_X: didn't i give you the link? oh sorry. thought i have it to you about 5 mins ago.  here it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174& - and good luck09:16
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mnoir!about | aloon09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about about - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
SHDAOW_Xalecjw thanks might of lost it09:16
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nalioth!tell crimson about xincludes09:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xincludes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
aloonericj2190 do you ever have overheating issues? or do you know how to control cpu throttling settings?09:17
SnideHey guys, when I used the add and remove application to add Azuerus (and java too) .. I can't seem to open the program09:17
Snidewhy is that09:17
naliothcrimson: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please09:17
SnideThe Azuerus program itself ..09:17
ericj2190aloon: no, sorry. i have not had had problems with that09:17
aloonokay good   : )09:17
SHDAOW_Xhey alecjw can i just pm you so its easier to communicate09:18
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alecjwSHDAOW_X: there's not really much more to talk about now, is there09:19
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SHDAOW_Xalecjw well i tried that method that you sent me and it had errors extracting it09:20
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Russelwhere do i get the kernel source for the actual ubuntu kernel?09:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
markelhassome one can help me setting cups to work with windows!?09:21
ompaulRussel, this is how you get any packages source   http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html09:21
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ompaulRussel, or type kernel and linux-image as a search in synaptic09:22
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ctphi folks. how to restart the x-server?09:22
metal04Uthalin : I get the same error message I got before09:22
metal04But I did all you asked09:22
Uthalinmetal04: did you do a sudo apt-get update first?09:22
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ompaulctp,  >> /etc/init.d/gdm restart <<  works09:22
metal04Of course09:22
ctpompaul: ah, ok. thx09:22
Nomaggizhow do you kill an app that doesn't die from "kill -9"09:22
ompaulNomaggiz, what application is it?09:23
Nomaggizompaul: both totem and gmplayer actually... really weird...09:23
riotkittiekill -9 process id09:23
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riotkittieor kill -9 name09:23
metal04Uthalin : Of course I did09:23
ompaulNomaggiz, killall totem or killall "programname"09:23
Nomaggizyes yes, no work09:24
metal04Uthalin : but lemme try again to be sure09:24
ompaulNomaggiz, totem or totem-xine?09:24
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riotkittie-9 = all ?09:24
Nomaggizand gmplayer09:24
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Music_ShuffleUhh...you broke the universe then. :X09:24
minimecHi folks. I use mldonkey-server 2.8.1-1 and forwarded the ports tcp 4662 and udp 4666 ont the router to that machine. No high IP's on the donkey servers... Where am I wrong?09:24
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mnoirriotkittie: no -9 means nuke it09:24
=== Hansel [n=mindrape@ip68-98-115-222.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieyeah thats what i thought, mnoir09:25
Uthalinmetal04: if that doesn't work im not sure what your problem is, wine is in universe so apt-get install should work09:25
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Nomaggizand what do you do when that has failed? to quote south park: how do you kill that which has no life?09:25
mnoirriotkittie: but some pgms just won't cooperate09:25
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=== riotkittie crawls back into her cup of coffee
metal04Uthalin : The line should be "sudo apt-get install wine" right?09:25
ompaulNomaggiz, if you really want to you can reboot09:25
Uthalinmetal04: correct09:25
Nomaggizno other way?09:26
mnoirompaul: prolly no need - they should be children of X09:26
Uthalinmetal04: see if someone who knows more than me can help you09:26
Hanselmetal04 - yes... you need to make sure you have the repository with it in your sources.list though first09:26
NomaggizI have an ftp download going...09:26
Hanselotherwise it will just say package not found09:26
riotkittieanyone hear read like uh, ...  i believe they are called "books" ?09:26
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ChestI want to remove Java and replace it with Java 6, but when I set java-common for removal, Ubuntu insists it has to remove ubunu-desktop.  Can you remove java and simply replace it?09:26
mnoirNomaggiz: sometimes things just get 'stuck' - after d/l ends, try restarting x09:26
ompaulmnoir, there is that,    Nomaggiz  so restarting X might be useful then09:26
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riotkittiethey are many sheets of paper. sometimes in a hard, yet neither cruncty nor candy coated shell?09:27
Nomaggizmnoir: yeah, I'll do that09:27
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metal04Hansel : I thought I verified this with Uthalin, but if you wanna go thru the verification of that with me Hansel I'd appreciate it!09:27
NomaggizI was just hoping there'd be a better way...09:27
HanselChest - try apt-get upgrade java609:27
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mnoirNomaggiz: 1st try just ending current sesion and logging in again09:27
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riotkittieNomaggiz,  xkill?   <hides>09:28
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Hanselmetal04 - k... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:28
Chestno java6 package09:28
vleon ummm strange thing, ive installed ubuntu from an alternate install disk using text mode, in the installation i wasent prompt to configure the user, and yet when i boot up the system i need to insert a login and pasword09:28
mnoirNomaggiz: then try ctl-alt-bsp to force restart if needed09:28
Nomaggizmnoir: can't, I have downloads going...09:28
vleonso what should i do?09:28
Nomaggizmnoir: afterwards, logout/reboot is no prob09:28
mnoirNomaggiz: no - i mean after the d/l end09:28
Nomaggizriotkittie: yeah, hide ;)09:28
Nomaggizof course09:28
metal04Hansel : ok, what am I looking for now?09:29
Hanselmetal04 - once you have added the ones you want in there type CTRL X then Save.  Then you will need to type      sudo apt-get update    to sync apt-get locally with all of the new repositories09:29
=== SHADOW_X [n=chatzill@pool-72-90-162-19.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hanselmetal04 - I'm not sure which repository has wine in it... if you want I can post my sources.list on a pastebin site for you09:29
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:29
minimecIs there an mldonkey user in outer space? ;)09:29
riotkittieok back to my question of the day09:29
vleon!text install09:29
=== TorontoPsycho [n=BustyMcN@dsl54007D8C.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
mnoir!info wine09:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about text install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:29
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB09:29
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vleon!alternate install09:29
riotkittiesurely, tty font is defined somewhere. any idea where?09:29
SHADOW_Xhello alecjw09:30
jpjacobsvleon, log in , and press esc to get into the grub kernel selection (if that is'nt the ccase) and then press e on the kernel you want to boot, and add single to the boot line, the B to boot the line09:30
vleonjpjacobs: what09:30
SHADOW_Xalecjw: apparently i cant pm you  because i am not registered09:30
=== slop [n=slop@68-184-128-15.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
alecjwSHADOW_X: hi.i sent you a message in a pm, then you signed off09:30
vleoni cant log in09:30
slopwhat's the gnome equivalent of k3b?09:30
gkjonesany 1 struck a system taking ages on a 427 bootup # then continuing with the boot09:30
jpjacobsvleon, i know.09:30
metal04Mnoir, Hansel: So if I understand correctly this should me in universe repository09:30
vleoni dont know how that is the problem09:30
alecjwSHADOW_X: can you pastebin what the fwcutter says plz?09:31
mnoiri believe so09:31
SHADOW_Xalecjw:  yes so i could go on linux i was on windows at the current time09:31
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riotkittieelaborate on "cant login"09:31
SHADOW_Xalecjw: sure h/o can you link me again please09:31
=== mnoir is spoiled by synaptic....
jpjacobsvleon, if you use the single bootoption, you'll be dropped to a rootshell, then you can just add the user, and give him a pass09:31
alecjwSHADOW_X: ok09:31
=== inimesekene [n=inimesek@217-159-154-248-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
Hanselmetal04 - well if you think your sources.list is accurate then exit out of the text editor and    sudo apt-get update09:31
riotkittiesynaptic and apt-get have ruined me09:31
vleonbut why wasnt a user added?09:31
Hanselriotkittie - lol.09:32
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=== Lethargy_4 is now known as gnu_raiz
metal04Hansel, Mnoir: I have a line with : "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe" should that be enough09:32
Moon_RabbitsI have a folder set to "owner: root > create aand ddelete files", and "group: users > create and delete files", but for some reason I can still only use that folder if I am using the root account or 'sudo', why?09:32
Hansellooks good metal04 - when you try to apt-get install wine what error do you get?09:32
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jpjacobsvleon, dunno, bad earth rays :p09:32
mnoirmetal04: i think so...09:33
hagabakacan I use python 2.5 instead of 2.4 for programs that use python?09:33
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HanselMoon_Rabbits - you can chmod 766 it if you want everybody to read/write to it...09:33
SHADOW_Xalecjw: can you give me the link again please09:33
riotkittieslapt-get and g-slapt are improvements over netpkg but leave something to be desired ;p09:33
mnoirhagabaka: prolly - just renenber incase they do not work that that might be the reason09:33
Moon_RabbitsHansel: What exactly does that do?09:33
hagabakawhen install python 2.5 and remove 2.4, it looks like KDE and wesnoth will be automatically removed09:33
alecjwSHADOW_X: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&09:33
dimitri_has anybody hosted a web page from there PC using dynDNS... im having trouble understanding. thanks09:33
hagabakabut python-support said python >= 2.4..09:34
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HanselMoon - man chmod... it changes the permissions on files/folders.  766 means the owner can wrx, the group can rw, and everybody else can rw09:34
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metal04Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:34
metal04Hansel : That's the error message I get : "This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:34
metal04is only available from another source09:34
metal04E: Package wine has no installation candidate"09:34
mnoirhagabaka: you installing 2.5 from non ubuntu repository?09:34
Hanselmetal04 - k... lemme post my sources.list for you... hold09:34
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vleonso i press e09:35
srbakeris there a "laptop compatibiltiy" sheet for ubuntu?09:35
riotkittieanyone use xubuntu?09:35
vleonand the d?09:35
hagabakai think it's from the official repository09:35
srbakerone that lists things like how well suspend/resume works, etc?09:35
phr34ckguys, how can I get involved in Ubuntu, like how can I make programs? I'm pretty good in C++ and Java and I want to do applications.09:35
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-20-13.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnoirriotkittie: some folks that hang out in #xubuntu prolly do09:35
riotkittiesrbaker, yes there is. its in the documentation on the site somewhere09:35
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pwuertzhi, anyone knows why my mouse cursor disappears? when loading a website using firefox... or starting an application... the mouse cursor should switch to a loading/waiting-state... but instead, it disappears completely until the loading process is done09:35
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srbakerphr34ck: read up on writing Gnome apps with C++ and/or java.09:35
=== masterskunk [n=skunky23@u18-112.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu
iSEI cannot install ubuntu, I have Windows XP on my C drive and it won't let me resize the partition09:35
phr34cksrbaker, my application will be DE specific?09:36
mnoiriSE: who is "it"09:36
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magic_ninjahello. for some reason my cdrom only reads cds that I have burned, it won't read game cds, audio cds or anything other than burned cds.  Do you guys have any ideas I believe there is a problem somewhere within my OS's hardware configuration09:36
Moon_RabbitsHansel: Alright, sounds like it will work. But, mostly just because I'm curious and would like to figure my way around better, why doesn't it work right now? I have the permissions set to "users: create/delete files" and this account is part of the 'users' group, but it still doesn't work?09:36
phr34ckthere is no general programming so it can run on  both KDE and GNOME ?09:36
vleonvleon, log in , and press esc to get into the grub kernel selection (if that is'nt the ccase) and then press e on the kernel you want to boot, and add single to the boot line, the B to boot the line09:36
vleonwhat do i add?09:36
=== Flannel [n=flannel@cpe-76-176-13-158.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vleonand what do i want to boot?09:36
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riotkittieyeah, i kinda figured people in #xubuntu would use ubuntu09:36
riotkittieerr xubuntu09:36
SHADOW_Xalecjw:  this is what it is saying09:36
Darkhackphr34ck, KDE uses Qt as its GUI framework while GNOME uses GTK+.  Both KDE and GNOME can run each others applications.09:36
=== }Feanor{ [n=fabio@host113-61-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
jpjacobsthe first one, and add "single" to the line09:37
srbakerriotkittie: i'm having some trouble finding it09:37
Hanselmetal04 - paste this list into yours... http://pastebin.com/85373109:37
SHADOW_Xalecjw: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/bcmwl5.sys09:37
phr34ckDarkhack, I see.09:37
SHADOW_XSorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by bcm43xx-fwcutter.09:37
SHADOW_XI can't find the MD5sum b89bcf0a25aeb3b47030ac83287f894a :(09:37
Jowimagic_ninja, try from another OS or a live-cd. if the problem is there in other os's it is probably your cdrom drive that is faulty09:37
phr34ckAnyone experienced in these stuff in here? I have no idea on where to start.09:37
riotkittiesrbaker, > ok  let me fire up my browser and see if i can locate it09:37
srbakergot it09:37
iSEWhen i try to resize the C partion in the ubuntu installation program to about 75GB (I am using 16GB of 150) so I can format that using the ext3 filesystem and install ubuntu09:37
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srbakerLaptopTestingTeam on the wiki09:37
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srbakerriotkittie: thanks :)09:37
srbakerriotkittie: got it :)09:37
=== RancidLM [n=rancidlm@linuxfordummies/RancidLM] has joined #ubuntu
rayedI've installed ubuntu on single sata drive fine, but want GRUB to see windows on a RAID0 array, any way to edit GRUB post-install? GRUB is on single SATA.09:37
Darkhackphr34ck, All that is required is that they have the GUI framework installed.  IE: An Ubuntu user may need to install some kdelibs in order to run some applications but they will run in GNOME just fine.09:38
RancidLMhow do i flush my DNS settings?09:38
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magic_ninjaJowi: can i mount a cd with a live cd, i only hav eone cdrom drive09:38
vleoncan someone help? it took me more that  a hour to install ubuntu only to find out that i cant log in :\09:38
mnoir!install | iSE have you been here?09:38
ubotuiSE have you been here?: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:38
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phr34ckDarkhack, I see.09:38
HanselRancidLM - you mean your own DNS server?  Explain "flush your own DNS settings"09:38
phr34ckwill see what I will come up with.09:38
iSEthanx, installing isnt the problem at the moment tho, its resizing my ntfs drive09:38
Jowimagic_ninja, that should be possible (i don't know about ubuntu live cd but DSL or perhaps Knoppix should be able to)09:38
alecjwSHADOW_X: dont use bcmwl5.sys or whatever, use wl_apsta.o instead (http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o)09:38
neutrinomassHi. I want to connect my tv to the computer (video in) and capture various programs. Is that what MythTV is for?09:39
iSEits because i have 4 bad sectors09:39
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elbetohi guys09:39
Hanselhi elbeto09:39
RancidLMHansel: my cached DNS.. for example windows:C:\>ipconfig /flushdns09:39
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:39
mnoiriSE: well that certainly has nothing to do with installing - good luck09:39
elbetoOne question, how can I make VLC the default player?09:39
=== g [n=Spike876@p5488A4A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jpjacobsvleon, doesn't the single thing work?09:39
SHADOW_Xalecjw: k09:39
vleoni didnt understand the single thing :)09:39
phr34ckHansel, right clikc and choose "Repair"09:40
=== christiane [n=christia@dslb-088-073-215-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
phr34ckit will flush and do all the work for you09:40
phr34ckwait, nevermind.09:40
elbetoOne question, how can I make VLC the default player?09:40
phr34ckthat was for Microsoft Windows.09:40
vleonmaybe if you explain more preciesly and with brackets in places that i need to write and commands to execute09:40
ubotuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"09:40
=== Quinn [n=hakr@ip68-98-42-41.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
iSEwhat do u recommend then? I use the liveCD to boot ubuntu in order to install, tho it doesnt seem to mount any hard drives and won't let me either so i can't do anything with them09:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
SHADOW_Xalecjw: bcm43xx-fwcutter can cut the firmware out of /home/jose/Desktop/wl_apsta.o09:41
SHADOW_X  filename :  wl_apsta.o09:41
SHADOW_X  version  :
SHADOW_X  MD5      :  e08665c5c5b66beb9c3b2dd54aa80cb309:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_microcode2.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_microcode4.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_microcode5.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_microcode11.fw ...09:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:41
SHADOW_X*****: Sorry, it's not possible to extract "bcm43xx_microcode13.fw".09:41
SHADOW_X*****: Extracting firmware from an old driver is bad. Choose a more recent one.09:41
SHADOW_X*****: Luckily bcm43xx driver doesn't include microcode11 uploads at the moment.09:41
SHADOW_X*****: But this can be added in the future...09:41
JowiSHADOW_X, use pastebin09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_pcm4.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_pcm5.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval01.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval02.fw ...09:41
mnoiriSE: just a theory - i'd go  to the common problems link i already gave you09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval03.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval04.fw ...09:41
=== darehanl [n=darehanl@c-71-56-30-34.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval05.fw ...09:41
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso09:41
hjmills!paste | SHADOW_X09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval06.fw ...09:41
ubotuSHADOW_X: paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval07.fw ...09:41
SHADOW_Xextracting bcm43xx_initval08.fw ...09:41
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Music_Shuffle@ nalioth09:41
jpjacobsvleon, boot the PC, then you get into a menu right where you can select which kernel to boot?09:41
phr34ckwhat's the difference between .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 ?09:41
=== chinasky [n=jose@213.Red-81-35-17.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasphr34ck, gzip versus bzip2 compression09:42
rayedI've installed ubuntu on single sata drive fine, but I want GRUB to see windows on a RAID0 array, any way to edit GRUB post-install or do I need to be clever mid install so GRUB can see raid pair as single drive? GRUB is on single SATA.09:42
naliothphr34ck: the compressor used09:42
=== SHADOW_X [n=chatzill@pool-72-90-162-19.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hanselphr34ck: for a tar.gz you    tar -zxvf     for a bz2 you     tar -jxvf09:42
=== peterhu [n=peterhu@ip68-105-179-19.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nalioth!tell SHADOW_X about pastebin09:42
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression09:42
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mnoirphr34ck: ^^^09:42
Quinnhey Jowi thanks for your help yesterday! At first my graphics wouldn't boot after modifying it, but fortunatly I took a bit of time and reset up my xorg which fixed it all09:42
=== bernhard [n=bernhard@port-2045.pppoe.wtnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
XechorI have an ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF card. I attempted some other fixes to get X to load, and now I've gotten it to recognize the screen. I still, however, get the "No Screens Found" error because "Unable to find valid framebuffer device". Any help?09:43
SHADOW_Xalecjw: sorry about that09:43
phr34ckis it the same as .rar and .zip files ?09:43
SHADOW_Xalecjw: did yousee what was wrong09:43
=== ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-97-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hanselphr34ck - kind of.. just different compression algorithms09:43
Hanselbz2 is better compression than tar.gz09:43
mnoirphr34ck: all different compressions09:43
vleon<jpjacobs> vleon, boot the PC, then you get into a menu right where you can select which kernel to boot?09:43
naliothSHADOW_X: use a pastebin, and bring us the URL09:43
vleonyeah i know how to do that09:43
=== alink1000 [n=chatzill@c-71-199-30-30.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowino problem Quinn, glad I could help09:43
vleoni even know what grubs is :)09:43
phr34ckHansel, yeah that's what I meant with my questions. Thanks.09:43
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jpjacobsvleon, can i IM you?09:43
alink1000I really can't find this archive thing, and I've tried a lot of things.09:43
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chinaskyhello, i have installed mythtv and when i try to run the backend i get this error:  Perhaps you have forgotten to bind video sources to your card's inputs?"" Thank you09:44
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
alink1000I downloaded that p7zip from the synaptic package manager.09:44
alecjwSHADOW_X: i couldnt really see it, spead accross so many lines. can you pastebin it instead (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org)09:44
alink1000but I still can't extract it.09:44
neutrinomassHi. I want to connect my tv to the computer (video in) and capture various programs. Is that what MythTV is for?09:44
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mnoiralink1000: how did you run the extract?09:44
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tiffany123How can I tell my ubuntu that it should use NO WEP KEY for the wlan device ? There are only option for ascii and hexadecimal. If I choose one of them and insert no key it doesnt work09:45
alink1000I right clicked and clicked "Extract here".09:45
mnoirwhat happened09:45
alink1000then it came up with "Archive type not supported."09:45
ghello, could someone tell me the min.requirements for "PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD", please?09:45
phr34ckhey, is it worth upgrading to Gnome 2.16 ?09:45
SHADOW_Xalecjw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/775/ did i do it right09:45
=== justin_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
gkjonesany1 got a leadtec winxp tv card sucessfully get a signal in kbuntu09:45
Quinnxechor: try using the kernel buffer, if you look in your xorg there is an option for it09:46
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pablo_hello, it doesnt works the wireless09:46
=== Rabble_ [n=chatzill@cpe-24-167-17-237.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
justin_How can I make a second hard drive which I added after installing Ubuntu .. mount with write access to users automatically on start up without being needed to mount it manually everytime?09:46
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jpjacobsvleon, see IM09:47
justin_And also.. how can I format this drive, do I simply format /mnt?09:47
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alink1000kind of in a hurry, so...09:47
Hanseljustin - /etc/fstab09:47
QuinnAnyone know how to properly set up color management with a ICCprofile? Iam a graphic designer and cannot fully switch form windows yet because I can't find any info on how to set this up. kinda my last thing to take care of.09:47
justin_Thank you very much Hansel09:47
alecjwSHADOW_X: that error always happens. just ignore it. try configuring the wireless connection in sytem>>administration>>networking09:47
Hanseljustin - alternatively you could edit one of your etc/init.d scripts to mount it09:48
Hanselie; mount /dev/hdaX09:48
justin_:) Hansel If I wish to format it same thing .. lets say -- format /media/whatever?09:48
Hanseland if you want it ntfs or whatever...09:48
pablo_hello, it doesnt works the wireless pcmcia, although it is all rightly configured09:48
justin_No it's an EXT3 disk09:48
Hanseljustin - man fstab09:48
SHADOW_Xalecjw: there is no wireless there09:48
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vleonjpjacobs do you get my answers?09:49
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hjmillswhat port does bitlbee run on?09:49
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=== ScreaminIke [n=swarm@tnt1-161-148.cac.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
vleoncause the server writes me something like this every time i write you back: Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )09:49
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:49
ScreaminIkewhat is the command to auto-config x?09:49
Hanselhjmills: netstat -an09:49
ChestCan you manually add applications to the Gnome Launcher?09:49
jpjacobsvleon, nope.09:49
vleonohh thats explains stuff :)09:50
alecjwSHADOW_X: ah yes. you have to remove all traces of ndiswarppaer. "sudo aptitude purge ndiswrapper", then remove the line "blacklist bcm43xx" from the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:50
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CylleneHey. Does anyone know why gnome gets stuck at "Window Manager" When it tries to start after logging in? I am using feisty.09:50
vleonim withyou this far09:50
HanselScreaminIke:  - xorgsetup09:50
vleonnow what? (you can write me in private ill answer here...)09:50
Rabble_when I went to the help file to find my other HD it told me to go to the "disks" window, but when i went to find it, it wasnt there09:50
QuinnCyllene - what wm and graphics driver you using?09:50
winstonjustin, is the new hdd formatted already?09:51
christianeHello. I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy today and now I cannot start vncserver anymore. There was an error msg that twn could not be found so I installed it. Then I got font errors, so I created /etc/vnc.conf containing the font vars as shown in http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VNC -- but still got the font error. How to do that on Edgy?09:51
ScreaminIkexorgsetup doesn't work, hansel09:51
riotkittieperhaps because youre uhhh using gnome on feisty?09:51
vleonjpjacobs: ok i press e to edit right?09:51
CylleneQuinn: I am using the official nvidia drivers with Xorg.09:51
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hjmillswhat port does bitlbee run on?09:51
=== madman__ [n=madman@modemcable182.141-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SHADOW_Xalecjw: i dont have that in my black list09:51
Xechor" (Quinn) xechor: try using the kernel buffer, if you look in your xorg there is an option for it" :::: I'm a newb. Is that configurable from dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg process?09:51
metal04Is it me or the WINE download package is down?09:51
rayedHi, I'm hoping to get my new Ubuntu install to see a raid array on a Silicon Image controller which has WIndows installed so grub gives me the option to boot into it.Is this something I can alter post-install in grub? Thanks09:51
Hanselhow about X -xf86config   ???09:51
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madman__to allow a port to access the linux machine for bittorents, do i modify the hosts.allow with the ip + port?09:52
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Hanselmetal04 - after updating your sources.list did you   sudo apt-get update?09:52
alecjwSHADOW_X: you should have added it when you set up ndiswrapper09:52
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Hanselmadman__ that as well as iptables09:52
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Hanselassuming iptables is in use09:52
CylleneQuinn: Any ideas?09:52
Hanseliptables = local software firewall09:52
SHADOW_Xalecjw:  hmm maybe thats why ndiswrapper didnt work09:52
madman__i dont use iptables yet09:52
madman__they are default :S09:52
riotkittiedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:52
metal04Yes but when I look at it I get a 404 not found message when trying to get the wine thing09:52
Hanselmadman___  see if it is in use without yoru knowledge  :)    iptables -L09:52
=== HoreauRT [n=rcall@cpe-24-24-111-130.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
SHADOW_Xalecjw: should i try ndiswrapper or just reboot it should work now right?09:52
vleonjpjacobs : i press e to edit the ubuntu line, and then e again to dit the root line?09:52
madman__i know its working09:53
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madman__i did not have the time to say i did not know how :(09:53
riotkittiehm. GUY WITH THE GNOME PROBLEM - sorry but i lost the nick -- are you on a laptop by any chance?09:53
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Cylleneriotkittie: no09:53
Troy_McClureanyone have a moment to help me troubleshoot why i can't read an NTFS Sata partition?09:53
=== scherfa [n=scherfa@dslb-084-063-067-217.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
QuinnCyllene- I'm really no expert here but I would say to try reconfiguring your xorg using the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:53
Troy_McClureit used to work... now it doesn't09:53
riotkittieok. then my suggestion is irrelevant09:53
alecjwyou could try that. but jsut to make sure, what does the command "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | grep bcm43xx" say?09:53
=== jughead [n=jughead@cpe-24-33-23-8.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
scherfaHello, since yesterday my soundcard didn't work anymore. Everyone else with that problem ?09:53
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madman__so i need to modify iptables + hosts.allow?09:53
riotkittieCyllene - have you ever been able to load it on feisty?09:54
CylleneQuinn: I believe its a gdm problem, not xorg09:54
riotkittieor is this a new install ?09:54
=== philmo [n=phil@host81-158-167-189.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cylleneriotkittie: new.09:54
Hanselmadman__ - I would take that approach... hosts.allow isn't completely necessary unless you are using xinetd and want more granular access configurations.09:54
alecjwscherfa: sytem>>prefences>>sound and then try fiddling with the menu at the top. when you've fgound somethigh that works, change all of them to the same thing09:54
madman__k i will figure it out :)09:54
=== Wnutt [n=fred@adsl-84-227-63-56.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieCyllene, i'm clueless, sorry09:54
vleonjpjacobs then what line?09:54
QuinnCyllene - hmm sorry Ireally don't know, I'm fairly new09:54
metal04Hansel : This is the Eroor message I can see when I do sudo apt-get update09:55
metal04Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found09:55
metal04Failed to fetch http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/edgy-seveas/backports/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found09:55
metal04Reading package lists... Done09:55
Hanselis it just me or does the Barbeque sandwich snacker from KFC taste like ass?09:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:55
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Seveasmetal04, those don't exist for amd6409:55
Hanselmetal04 - thats not good  :(09:55
scherfaalecjw: No the settings are ok. It worked a long time .. but after the update yesterday the sound didn't work anymore ...09:55
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=== nivanson [n=nivanson@213-64-79-102-no57.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
CylleneHansel: It does taste like crap09:55
riotkittieis there anything at KFC that doesnt taste like ass, Hansel ?09:55
rayedTroy can you see it in /dev/09:55
Hanselriotkittie:  I like their famous bowls and popcorn chicken.09:56
CylleneGet the buffalo snacker09:56
riotkittiewait. except the potato wedges. those are yum yum yum.09:56
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HanselCyllene:  thats what I am eating... buffalo/barbeque snacker... it is awful. The sauce is making me want to cut off my tongue09:56
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CylleneHansel: Famous bowls? You meanm their buckwt of goo?09:56
jpjacobsvleon, i'm not at my ubuntu box for the moment, i think the one where the kernel get specified09:56
HanselCyllene: yes!!!!!09:56
metal04Seveas: So I can't use wine with my AMD64? So I won't be able to play World of Warcraft?09:56
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Hanselbucket of goo... mmmmm <309:56
Seveasmetal04, correct09:56
hjmillsis this even working with my sudden lag of 30 seconds?09:56
CylleneHansel: BBQ != buffalo09:56
SeveasHansel, quit the offtopic talk please09:56
riotkittiehjmills, is what even working ?09:56
QuinnI propose there be an Open-source resteraunt with chicken09:57
HanselSeveas - sorry... just had to point out how awful that was.  </offtopic>09:57
nivansonmetal04: Almost all players playing WoW on wine and cedega got banned some time ago cuz the security program in WoW (Warden) was not allowed to run.09:57
vleonjpjacobs hh i think i got it, then what?09:57
QuinnI'll contribute some recipies and cook on weekends09:57
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CylleneSeveas: Do you know how to fix my problem?09:57
Seveas!offtopic | Quinn09:57
ScreaminIkei just got the ATI All-in-Wonder 2006 Edition AGP4x/8x card. what do i need to install/do to have gui? i'm in bash right now. no x at all.09:57
ubotuQuinn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:57
alecjwHansel: there's #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntuforums for ubuntu chat09:57
Quinnlol ubotu09:57
vleonjpjacobs it booted to a sudo command line09:57
Quinnok ok09:57
metal04Nivanson : oh...  rly?  That sucks!09:57
hjmillsHansel: thanks09:57
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Hanselhi rayed09:58
nivansonmetal04: Yeah, I would suggest you don't try it if you care for your account. Search the web for cedega ban wow and you will find it.09:58
=== slavnix [n=slavnix@host71-66-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Opuszczanie"]
vleonjpjacobs ut i suck at command line can you specify the commands i need to execute?09:58
RiyonukUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? Whats that mean?09:58
gwhat are the min.requirements for UBUNTU 6.06, please??09:58
CylleneRiyonuk: That means you need to learn to use a computer.09:58
Seveasg, depends on what you want09:58
Cylleneg: You need a computer.09:58
riotkittiesudo dpkg09:58
Music_ShuffleCyllene, ....09:58
Hanselg - I'd run it on a minimum of 486 with 64 MB of RAM... with NO GUI...09:58
Music_ShuffleRiyonuk, update manager?09:58
Hanselanything less and you are going to pull your hair out, though it may technically work.09:59
vleonjpjacobs i already did that and it booted to terminal09:59
rayedHansel, can you help with a raid problem? I want grub to see a striped raid array on which is a windows install, the ubuntu one is on a seperate sata drive09:59
hjmillsRiyonuk: it means you are trying to run apt-get twice or have synaptic/upgrade manager runnig as well as apt-get09:59
alecjwHansel: cubuntu might be to you liking hten :)09:59
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:59
gok, thanks09:59
riotkittieRiyonuk, > did you prefix whatever command you used with sudo?09:59
SHADOW_Xalecjw: so am i ready to reboot?09:59
jpjacobsvleon, so you are sure the user doesn't exist? otherwise try passwd user09:59
n2diyRiyonuk: it means you are trying to open a second package manager, when one is already open.09:59
czedlitzLiveCD booted, but the resolutions is 640x480, but screen resolution doens't have any other options... how can i enlarge it to 800x600 so i can do the install ?09:59
ctphi folks. i'm coming from gentoo, so i'm looking for the solution how to let start services automatically booting the pc (like postgress). something like 'rc-update add postgresql default' in gentoo ;-)09:59
Music_ShuffleRiyonuk, You can't run update manager/apt-get and/or synaptic at the same time.09:59
nivansong, if you want to run full graphical gnome, you will want around 256mb RAM or more. your HD will be enough dont worry09:59
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alecjw!cubuntu Hansel09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cubuntu Hansel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
RiyonukAll im running is a terminal and xchat09:59
alecjw!cubuntu | Hansel09:59
ubotuHansel: cubuntu is an unofficial command-line based Ubuntu derivative. It includes a browser, an email client, a media player and many other useful applications. For installation instructions, see http://alecjw.googlepages.com/cubuntu-commandlineubuntu09:59
rayedCan I edit grub or do I need to reinstall using a driver for the array?09:59
Hanselalecjw - I'm not interested in another distribution.. I was giving a recommendation for minimum boxen to run Ubuntu on...09:59
hjmillsctp: i think its update-rc.d09:59
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ctphjmills: ok. thx10:00
alecjwHansel: oh. sorry.10:00
n2diyRiyonuk: So where did that message come from?10:00
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Riyonukthe terminal10:00
christianeHello. I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy today and now I cannot start vncserver anymore. There was an error msg that twn could not be found so I installed it. Then I got font errors, so I created /etc/vnc.conf containing the font vars as shown in http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VNC -- but still got the font error. How to do that on Edgy?10:00
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alecjwSHADOW_X: yep. fingers crossed :)10:00
=== checkmate [n=adsf@c-24-60-23-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Music_ShuffleRiyonuk, it could be running in the background or tray...checked?10:00
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SHADOW_Xalecjw: K10:00
jpjacobsvleon,  did that spawn an error?10:00
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Riyonukjust volume is in the tray10:00
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mikeconceptsJowi, are you thre? I have the answer to using bery with x11vnc10:00
vleonjpjacobs i tride passwd with couple of users10:01
=== slavnix [n=slavnix@host71-66-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
mikeconceptsput -noxdamage with the command to run x11vnc10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about console - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
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nivansonAnybody running NetworkManager in GNOME here? I am having some trouble with it. I am using my wireless but it's manually configures. My wireless card (bcm4318 using ndiswrapper) doesn't even show up in the NetworkManager.10:01
Jowimikeconcepts, sounds like fun. :)10:01
vleonjpjacobs only root suggested to change the password10:01
=== Gunnar_ [n=gunnar@pool-70-109-189-164.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
TurboLoverhey seeing as dapper drake and the ne wrelease sucks my ass and doesnt work with my lcd screen or gfx card, which one should i go with?10:01
metal04Alright then...  I'll have to cry myself to sleep a few days to get over World of Warcraft...  but I had to quit anyways!10:01
riotkittiegah. i will do what i should have done like three hours ago and google10:01
n2diyRiyonuk: So you where sitting there chatting, and the message popped up out of the blue?10:01
vleonjpjacobs but root is always enabled10:01
mikeconceptsJowi, it works!10:01
=== Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3AB4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
naliothTurboLover: please watch your language10:01
Jowimikeconcepts, fill me in. what is needed?10:01
naliothvleon: root where?10:01
Music_Shufflemetal04, :(10:01
Riyonukn2diy, maybe...no, trying to install and it gives me an error10:01
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jpjacobsvleon, well then you prolly really don't have other users. maybe try "less /etc/passwd" and look for a user you may have accidently added.10:02
vleoni pressed passwd root10:02
hjmillsTurboLover: try edgy and get your gfx card working then your screen will work - what is the gfx card?10:02
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TurboLoverradeon 9200 se10:02
=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jpjacobsvleon, hit ctrl-c, you don't want to give root a passwd10:02
n2diyRiyonuk: Maybe...no? What where you trying to install?10:02
hjmillsTurboLover: that should work with the radeon open source driver10:02
StraightShootinCturbolover good luck i had same card10:02
metal04Anyone here can help me get some codecs for totem to be able to watch my DivX, Wmv, Rmp stuff?10:02
p_mashoanyone know how I enable tomboy or put it on the taskbar ?10:02
mikeconceptsJowi, ok, will fetch the exact link I found, but basically when you run x11vnc just add the switch -noxdamage, simple as that10:02
TurboLoverright well i see the bootup ubuntu screen10:02
=== julioh [i=julioh@poz-07-1028.poz.ras.cantv.net] has joined #ubuntu
TurboLoverbut when i do startup10:03
TurboLoverit lags10:03
TurboLoverthen goes to a really ugly screen10:03
naliothvleon: enabling a root pass in Ubuntu can lead to breakage10:03
nalioth!tell vleon about root10:03
RiyonukA program you guys dont like :p10:03
TurboLoverlike ascii colored menu screen10:03
TurboLoveri look at log sand ti says screens not found10:03
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Troy_McClurei am stumped... my fstab is set correctly, ubuntu sees my drive, it just won't read it...10:03
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StraightShootinCTurbolover... is this a fresh install?10:03
Hansel!tell hansel about root10:03
jribp_masho: right click on the panel and add it10:03
n2diyRiyonuk: Oh well, you were warned. :)10:04
=== hemppa [n=henry@bb-81-175-130-164.cable.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
RiyonukYou know dont you :p10:04
Jowimikeconcepts, trying to find it in man x11vnc10:04
vleonjpjacobs /etc doesnt have a passwd folder10:04
TurboLoveri downloaded the livecd and burned its image to a disc and booted up to it10:04
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riotkittiewhat program dont we like?10:04
n2diy! automatix | Riyonuk10:04
ubotuRiyonuk: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:04
StraightShootinCTurbolover       so you're in the liveCD now?10:04
czedlitzLiveCD booted, but the resolutions is 640x480, but screen resolution doens't have any other options... how can i enlarge it to 800x600 so i can do the install ?10:04
TurboLoveri am not10:04
RiyonukYeah, Im not going to install it10:04
TurboLoveri got frustrated and installed mandriva10:04
StraightShootinCyou've not installed yet?10:04
jpjacobsvleon... whoa... you got yourself a pretty borked system.10:04
Jowimikeconcepts, ah, got it. will try it out10:04
TurboLoveri couldnt install!10:04
vlad_rihello, everybody!10:04
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n2diyRiyonuk: Ok, I gotta go, cul.10:05
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vlad_rii've installed nvidia drivers for my video card, it works good. but there is a problem, each time i restart the machine or make a log off / log on, the refrash rate is changing to 60 Hz and i have to adjust it. how can i solve that? the worst thing, i put a modline in the Monitor section which reads: ""1280X1024@85" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync" and there is a Option line in Screen section: "metamodes"10:05
vlad_ri"1280x1024@85 +0+0; 1280x1024 +0+0". Nothing else in the whole xorg.conf related to refrash ratio... where could be the problem?10:05
jribczedlitz: does it prevent you from installing?  I'll send you instructions, but I would just fix it after the install completed10:05
TurboLoverwhen i select start ubuntu from the livecd i get the error screen10:05
mikeconceptsJowi, http://bugs.beryl-project.org/ticket/38510:05
TurboLoversaying no screens found10:05
vleonjpjacobs ell the only solution is to reinstall?10:05
jpjacobsvleon, if that even doesn't exist, who knows what else could be wrong... i'd consider a reinstall.10:05
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StraightShootinCTurbolover  of course.... sorry... just woke up here....  have you tried to change the driver from "ati" to "radeon" or vice versa?10:05
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jrib!fixres | czedlitz10:05
ubotuczedlitz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:05
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jpjacobsmaybe it is fixable, but with some cli tricks.10:05
vleonjpjacobs shit, it takes a while on pentium 3 :\10:05
PriceChildHow do I remake /etc/fstab ?10:05
rayedIs raid taboo around here?10:05
TurboLoverstraight: uhh, i cant even get into anything10:05
vleonohh well10:05
metal04Anyone knows about video codecs?10:05
czedlitzjrib, yes it does, i can't hit the Next button on the isntaller10:06
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jpjacobsvleon, let's just try to add a user, and get you back into gui.10:06
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vleonjpjacobs thank you very very much for trying to help, atleast i learned something new10:06
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vleonjpjacobs never mind ill just reinstall using oem10:06
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StraightShootinCTurboLover... you've got command line, right?  are you on broadband?  If so you can still edit your xorg.conf10:06
czedlitzjrib, nvm i got it10:06
vleonjpjacobs bye thanx10:06
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=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrcan anyone please help a linux newb? I had to reinstall ubuntu adn the partition took windows xp off, so I have no windows now butI want to learn linux anyway and i can't adjust my display drivers, I don't know how to install bins or tars10:07
Jowimikeconcepts, yep. works fine. I would never know to use that option even after reading the man page for it. thanks for letting me know!10:07
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czedlitzjrib, xorg was using some tx..something for Device and i just changed it to Vesa and it's all set10:07
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jriblinuxnewuserr: in general you will want to install everything from synaptic10:07
czedlitzjrib, thanks though10:07
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TurboLoverstraight: i dont know what i need to do with the xorg.conf10:07
TurboLoverpretend im new10:07
jribczedlitz: great10:07
StraightShootinCok... turbo.. no problem10:07
=== Carlos [i=carlos@haar068.athome223.wau.nl] has left #ubuntu []
mikeconceptsJowi, I never forget a helping hand10:07
TurboLoverand i dont have dreams about editign an obscure text file at the command line10:07
=== linuxnewuserr [n=chatzill@c-24-3-201-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
StraightShootinCYou got a 2nd PC? or will you have to do this on the machine you're currently on?10:08
=== Weiss [i=taw27@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jriblinuxnewuserr: what are you trying to install exactly?10:08
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linuxnewuserreventually ati drivers10:08
TurboLovereh this is my only machine10:08
linuxnewuserrfor the x195010:08
TurboLoverhold on for a second10:08
linuxnewuserrmy screen is a 19 widescreen10:08
linuxnewuserrit's all packed in on here10:08
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linuxnewuserrso ubuntu looks like crap10:08
jrib!enter | linuxnewuserr10:09
ubotulinuxnewuserr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:09
=== Lattyware_ [n=Latty@host86-132-244-167.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
nivansonAnybody here using Broadcom 4318?10:09
jrib!restricted | linuxnewuserr10:09
ubotulinuxnewuserr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:09
StraightShootinCTurbolover    no problem, you're just going to need to write some stuff down.10:09
Troy_McClureanyone able to help me? i cannot access a sata NTFS parition, it mounts properly, even shows how much remaining space, but will not read it10:09
jriblinuxnewuserr: the restricted wiki has isntructions for flash and realplayer10:09
jrib!ati | linuxnewuserr10:09
ubotulinuxnewuserr: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
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jribTroy_McClure: is it a permissions problem?10:09
TurboLoverokay and what is that10:10
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Troy_McClurei have it set to all users in my fstab10:10
Troy_McClureso it shouldn't be,10:10
jribTroy_McClure: what error do you get?10:10
StraightShootinCok.. when it comes up and tells you it can't find any screens, it'll probably dump you at a login prompt or else ubuntu@ubuntu$10:10
Jowimikeconcepts, you're lucky. i am good connecting names to faces but terrible with names in general if I have nothing but text to go after. runs in the family that disability.10:10
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Troy_McClureThe folder contents could not be displayed.10:11
TurboLovercan you send this to me in msg straight>10:11
jribTroy_McClure: where is it mounted?10:11
Troy_McClureSorry, couldn't display all the contents of "sda1".10:11
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TurboLoverthat way i can see and write down what you say10:11
SHADOW_Xalecjw: hello it didnt work ndiswrapper didnt really uninstal10:11
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LinTuxI have just installed Google Earth and the graphics keep scrolling, anybody know a cure?10:11
StraightShootinCif it does ask you to login, just put in ubuntu... there is no password10:11
adorablepuppyIs there any way to make the super key open the applications menu?10:11
=== degreseven [n=bryan@c-71-227-220-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
user01hi i tried to run a sh install script with sudo sh install.sh and when i did it it said /home/user does not belong to you . . . what do i need so i can install my program?10:11
StraightShootinCok... i just registered so I dunno if the PM will work... one sec10:11
Troy_McClureat /media/sda110:11
jribTroy_McClure: prefix what you say to me with my name please or I'll go crazy trying to keep up :P10:11
linuxnewuserris there a program for ubuntu that will install bins and tars automatically for me?10:12
jribTroy_McClure: can you 'cd /media/sda1' in a terminal?  What does that say?10:12
linuxnewuserri don't know how to compile10:12
mikeconceptsJowi, naw, you're as good, I just have logging turned on in xchat, and looked up who the kind person was that helped me with the beryl/x11vnc issue10:12
jriblinuxnewuserr: no10:12
linuxnewuserrand these tutorials are confusing as heck10:12
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jriblinuxnewuserr: you shouldn't need to compile anything10:12
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user01linuxnewuserr: you should try other distributions :)10:12
Troy_McClurejrib: i can CD to the location, but as soon as i do an ls i get an ls: reading directory .: Input/output error10:12
alecjwSHADOW_X: then i dunno what to do if neither ndiswrapper or the firmware work. sorry :(10:12
linuxnewuserruser01:  ubuntu was recommended to me10:13
=== cyris [n=david@s142-179-202-165.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
hjmillsgah - the world evidently doesnt want me to use google talk or msn today10:13
linuxnewuserras a new person to linux10:13
jriblinuxnewuserr: what do you want to install that you think you need to compile?10:13
user01linuxnewuserr: yep i guess i would too10:13
jriblinuxnewuserr: the program "tar"?10:13
Jowimikeconcepts, that's cheating. but I will start to do the same I think :)10:13
user01linuxnewuserr: also linux distros require some tinkering10:13
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LinTuxMan I love LINUX10:13
=== Aggort2 [n=Aggort2@c-67-186-51-137.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnewuserrI will love it10:13
mikeconceptsJowi, until I do Jowi, works for me :)10:13
linuxnewuserrwhen i know how to do stuff on it10:14
cyrisim trying to write a script that makes a bunch of linux accounts, my only problem is that passwd prompts for a password and a confirm password, how can i send a default password to this?10:14
Troy_McClurejrib: this is the entry in my fstab /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 010:14
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LinTux I have just installed Google Earth and the graphics keep scrolling, anybody know a cure?10:14
NoEvidenZEver stay out all night? It's 8am, I just got home. I was at a friend's house playing Risk. So awesome.10:14
jribTroy_McClure: when was the last time this drive worked?10:14
NoEvidenZNight of my life!10:14
adorablepuppyJust in case nobody heard me the first time, In GNOME is there any way to get the super key to open the applications menu?10:14
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=== Riyonuk [n=Riyonuk@65-169-206-196.hctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribadorablepuppy: yes, system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts10:15
jpjacobsadorablepuppy, alt-f110:15
Troy_McClureseems randomly after an update it quit, i did have to reinstall my MBR though, but yes, it works fine under windows10:15
user01linuxnewuserr: if you dont like to set your watch or program your tivo, linux probably isnt the way to go :)10:15
PriceChildCan someone tell me how to regenerate an /etc/fstab please?10:15
=== rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RiyonukWhen trying to open syanptic, I get the error "Unable to get exclusive lock"10:15
adorablepuppyjpjacobs, jrib, thank you.10:15
linuxnewuserruser cut the crap10:15
linuxnewuserri just came over from windows10:15
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jpjacobsRiyonuk, it means apt is already working10:15
Moon_RabbitsWhat is the location of "Computer"? I mean, how do I navigate to it in the Filesystem10:15
hjmills!language | linuxnewuserr10:15
ubotulinuxnewuserr: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:15
RiyonukWhere though?10:15
RiyonukI dont see it10:15
RiyonukI just logged in and back out10:15
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jribMoon_Rabbits: What do you mean by "Computer"?  Your file system starts at / and branches from there10:16
=== Winter [n=winter@72-160-204-56.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
RiyonukCan I kill the process?10:16
Moon_RabbitsI mean "Places -> Computer", when I look at the top bar in the File Browser it says it's location is "computer:///10:16
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Troy_McClurejrib: yeah... i am very confused, seems like it was after an update of some sorts, but i can't see how that would matter all that much10:16
jpjacobsRiyonuk, it can be updatemanager, working in the background. use ps ax|egrep (apt|dpkg) to see wheter apt or dpkg is running10:16
hjmillsjrib: he means in nautilus where there is computer under the places menu10:16
jribMoon_Rabbits: that's a special nautilus thing, it doesn't correspond to a particular directory afaik10:17
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user01linuxnewuserr: you can get mac os for intel computers if you want a corporate nix10:17
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jpjacobsRiyonuk, you can kill a proces with kill <pid> (pid found with ps)10:17
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RiyonukNothing happened10:17
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Moon_Rabbitsjrib: Do you know why my second drive doesn10:17
rayedIs there a way during or after install to help grub to see a striped raid array on a silicon image controller so the windows install sitting on it can be added as a boot option please?10:17
Riyonukbash: syntax error near unexpected token `apt'10:17
Moon_Rabbits't appear there?10:17
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jribMoon_Rabbits: is it mounted in /media?10:17
Moon_Rabbitsjrib: I was told that anything mounted in /media/.. gets put there.10:18
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Moon_RabbitsYeah, it is.10:18
jpjacobsright the it should be "(apt|dpkg|update)" sorry10:18
jpjacobswith the  ""10:18
Riyonuk:D so confused10:18
mineraleI'm doing `ssh -X some.host` but once I SSH in $DISPLAY is not set, what is the default $DISPLAY value when one does ssh -X ?10:18
rogue780does anyone know if there is a way to make the sound card output higher besides adjusting the volume...I know that sounds weird, but I'm doing audio out to a TV and it is markedly quieter than anything else I have plugged into it, and it's quite annoying10:18
jpjacobsotherwise bash tries to interpret the ()10:18
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hjmillsrogue780: run alsamixer in a console10:18
Aggort2Would having the jumper on the hard drive in the wrong setting cause my boot sequence to be wrong?10:18
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hjmillsrogue780: and turn the TV up :D10:18
Moon_Rabbitsjrib: Is there anything in /etc/fstab I have to edit in order for it to show up in the Places->Computer?10:18
Riyonukjpjacobs, I get 4 numbers10:18
=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
LinTuxDoes Ubuntu support PCI Express video cards10:19
madman__any good place to find wallpapers10:19
hjmillsLinTux: well mine works wonderfully!10:19
MasterShrekAggort2 it shouldnt, unless one drive isnt getting recognized and some of your operating system is on it10:19
user01how do i run sh install script as root if i have a linux program to install?10:19
hjmillsmadman__: gnome-look.org10:19
LinTuxhjmills: thanks m810:19
czedlitzok i updated my Dapper box to Edgy using the package manager, and now when the machine boots, GDM tries to start and it flickers a bunch then stops and i can no longer use the machine unless i SSH into it from my other computer10:19
MasterShrekuser01 run:   sh install.sh10:19
hjmillsuser01: sudo install.sh10:19
czedlitzany ideas?10:19
cmwebOn the live cd: how can i make it to where it will not load power management, it is killing the pc im installing ubuntu on (250MHZ processor and 64 MB ram)10:19
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vlad_rihow can i configure my system to turn on NumLock every time i log on?10:19
hjmillsvlad_ri: use numlockx10:19
rogue780hjmills, the problem is when I turn the tv up loud enough, it's almost maxed out and the speakers have a buzz to them10:19
Riyonukjpjacobs, so no what?10:19
Aggort2What is the FDD cable is for?10:19
cool-freakhi,I have a big problem,i have no sound on my laptop10:19
user01hjmills: when i do it as sudo it tells me my home directory is not mine10:20
jpjacobsRiyonuk, kill the ones you don't like :p10:20
TokoI have a bigger problem10:20
cool-freakcan anywone help me?10:20
hjmillsrogue780: then alsamixer will let you change the output level for that particular output10:20
Riyonukall of them?10:20
TokoMy gnome won't even boot10:20
jpjacobsor wait for them to end10:20
LinTuxAnywhere where I can get a driver for my Nvidia PCI Express card10:20
mikeconceptsPriceChild, http://four.fsphost.com/gradgrind/larch/larch_live_details.html this guy has a script10:20
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jpjacobswith top you can see which processes are actually busy.10:20
vlad_rihjmills: what is numlockx?10:20
hjmillsuser01: then do "sudo su" and when you are root then run install.sh without sudo10:20
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Moon_RabbitsDoes anyone know why my mounted drive isn't showing up in Places->Computer, even though it's mounted to /media/drive-two?10:20
jribMoon_Rabbits: I'm not sure.  What does you fstab line look like?  Have you made sure it's not an issue of just being "refreshed" (ie maybe logging out and back in to test)?10:20
user01hjmills: thanks10:20
Tokosudo su?10:20
TokoI just type su10:21
hjmillsuser01: but you want to install from repos where possible10:21
PriceChildmikeconcepts: thanks10:21
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hjmillsToko: oh ok10:21
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Stonekeeperhello. Does anyone know how to get Network Manager to save wpa keys and auto join on boot? thanks10:21
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hjmillsvlad_ri: its a program to turn on numlock when you start - search the forums for it - im afraid im outta here!10:21
brettleeHow do I report Broken Packages? How can I help to fix?10:21
hjmillsBye all!10:21
cmwebOn the live cd: how can i make it to where it will not load power management?10:21
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Moon_Rabbitsjrib: My fstab entry for the drive is "/dev/hda1 /media/drive-two defaults 0 0"10:21
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jribMoon_Rabbits: where's the type?10:22
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Riyonukjpjacobs, its not working "kill <pid> 482710:22
TokoI'll be even more annoying, What's with login hanging on "The Panel" then outputting "There was an error starting Gnome Settings Daemon" then it either freezes or barely works at all, and wont' for Beryl at all10:22
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Moon_Rabbitsjrib: oops, I forgot to type that, but its ext3 (this is already listed in fstab, i forgot to type it in the chat)10:23
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jpjacobsremove the <pid> you where supposed to fill that in ;)10:23
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rayedOk another - can I ssh through one computer to another rather than to one then on to the other?10:23
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Troy_McClurejrib: just did an fdisk -l and apparently my sda1 shows a SFS file system....10:23
Troy_McClureit never was that before10:23
cmwebAny one got an answer or command for my problem?10:23
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jpjacobsRiyonuk, got them killed?10:24
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brettleeHow do I report Broken Packages? How can I help to fix? The package is libapache2-mod-mono.10:24
linuxnewuserrI am trying to install the ati drivers from my desktop, do I have to specify it  when I use the sudo command in bash?10:24
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Jowirayed, yes. of course. all you need is the ip address of the computer running the ssh server.10:25
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:25
bepogiHello.  Does anyone know why the quit button doesn't work sometimes and I am forced to power down my computer via the switch?  What can cause that lost functionality.10:25
jribTroy_McClure: I'm not really sure what your error means.  I would check for anything meaningful in 'dmesg' too10:25
NoEvidenZ!bugs > brettlee10:25
jribMoon_Rabbits: did you check if it shows up after logging out and back in?10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powermanagment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
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madman__each time i load firefox he keeps old webpages, like he cannot close sessions is there a way to reset that?10:26
Moon_Rabbitsjrib: No e.e; I'll do that now~!10:26
rayedThanks Jowi, I have a gateway pc on the network that the router points to, then I ssh from that to my own pc - so I can just forward to it?10:26
SHADOW_XHello can anyone help me with my wireless card its not working10:26
NoEvidenZcmweb: I'm not sure if you can change the start up settings on the live cd10:26
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brettleeok...it'll be my first time...thanks!10:26
NoEvidenZSHADOW_X: Join the club.10:26
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TokoShadow, it matters what brand10:26
TokoWhat type is it?10:27
cmwebnoevidenZ,  some one told me to press f6 then type in acpi=off one time for this problem but it did not work10:27
SHADOW_Xwell its a dell laptop10:27
Tokobuilt in10:27
elyon225I'm having difficulty enabling Direct Rendering for my Radeon.  I followed the instructions on the Ubunut Wiki (including reconfiguring xserver), but no luck.  Anyone?10:27
SHADOW_Xno its the upgraded10:27
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Jowirayed, the router should take care of the routing. if both the computers are connected to the same router there is nothing for you to configure. just "ssh user@ipaddress"10:27
SHADOW_Xbut yes on the board10:27
NoEvidenZcmweb: where were you when you typed it?10:27
SHADOW_Xits broadcom10:27
cmwebnoEvidenz, on my old compaq desktop10:28
TokoI've used an expansion card before10:28
Troy_McClurejrib: NTFS-fs error (device sda1): ntfs_end_buffer_async_read(): Buffer I/O error, logical block 0x19605bf1.10:28
NoEvidenZ!wifi > SHADOW_X10:28
SHADOW_XBroadcom BCM4321(?) (rev 01)10:28
TokoI'm not sure about onboard wireless hardware10:28
Troy_McClurejrib: sda1: rw=0, want=425745395, limit=40960000010:28
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TokoYou have the module for the driver loaded and everything correct?10:28
christianeSHADOW_X: Try installing ncm43xx-fwcutter and run the shell skript10:28
SHADOW_Xi did that10:28
christianeSHADOW_X: Try installing bcm43xx-fwcutter and run the shell skript10:28
SHADOW_Xbut didnt work10:29
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cmwebnoevidenz, at the beginging of the cd, in the boot10:29
SHADOW_Xchristiane, would you like to help me try again10:29
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jribTroy_McClure: I can't tell you what that actually means, I'd check that the drive is ok on a different OS10:29
christianeSHADOW_X: What does dmeg say when modprobing bcm43xx?10:29
NoEvidenZcmweb: Well then i've got no idea. I'm honestly not terribly good with Linux. Sorry. :P10:29
SHADOW_Xchristiane, i could try again10:29
SHADOW_Xchristiane, how do i do that10:30
Troy_McClurejrib: it is... looks to me like it is trying to read beyond its actually size... hmph....10:30
Riyonukjpjacobs, so how exactly do I kill it?10:30
LinTuxI am trying to install an Nvidia driver and it tells me that I am using an X Server and to stop it before installing, how do I stop it and then restart it?10:30
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cmwebAny one? i only got 64 MB to playwitth here10:30
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Tokorestart x server10:30
christianeSHADOW_X: type `lsmod | grep bcm`10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inotify - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
Riyonukjpjacobs, no, I dont know how10:30
nivansonSHADOW_X: I just completed a new edgy install but I used ndiswrapper for BCM4318. What is your exact card?10:31
christianeSHADOW_X: Is bcm43xx loaded?10:31
LinTuxhow do stop X server10:31
whadaranyone can help with inotify?10:31
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pagefaultsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:31
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pagefaultthen start10:31
pagefaultor you can restart10:31
jpjacobsRiyonuk, so you got the process id's out of the ps thing right? now just do sudo kill number1 number2 ....10:31
SHADOW_Xnivanson, Broadcom BCM4321(?) (rev 01)10:32
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SHADOW_Xnivanson, thats my card10:32
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jpjacobsLinTux, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:32
LinTuxHow can I stop X Server10:32
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SHADOW_Xchristiane, how do i know if bcm is loaded10:32
pagefaultsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:32
christianeSHADOW_X: type `lsmod | grep bcm`10:32
jpjacobsfirst :)10:32
TokoAnyone know how to fix the gnome freezing error on edgy, just updated and I get a "There was an error starting Gnome Settings Daemon" and it basically freezes.10:32
Riyonukjpjacobs, care to tell me how?10:32
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Jowicmweb, are you using the live, or alternate cd?10:32
nivansonSHADOW_X: Then I suggest you use ndiswrapper for it. The bcm43xx is buggy for *18 still. bcm4318 ndiswrapper @ google and you will find help good luck!10:32
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rayedJowi, incoming ssh is pointed from the router to PC1 - I set it like that for security. At present I ssh to PC1, then from it on to PC2 - but that means 2 lots of processor overhead for PC1 doesn't it? Is there a way to extend the ssh connection to PC2? Or am I being breathtakingly stupid and it is already just doing that?10:33
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jpjacobswell like i tell you enter 'kill number1 number2 number3 ...<whtever you want to kill'10:33
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Jowirayed. are these computers inside the same LAN / IP range?10:33
petepeteanyone know how i can change my PCs bluetooth name from the default bluez ?10:33
rayedBoth computers are on the same local network, yes10:33
jpjacobsadd sudo to that. and don't type in the ... and the rest that follows10:33
SoulCHildhey can anyone help me: my ubuntu boots 3 times longer if my ac adapter is plugged in, on battery it works perfect... (centrino processor) any ideas?10:34
christianeSHADOW_X: ndiswrapper is the way I run my bcm4311 on Dell, maybe bcm4321 works ... If you try the ndiswrapper way you probably have to compile the latest ndiswrapper from source.10:34
jpjacobsand the numbers are the numbers in the first column of the output of 'ps ax|egrep "(apt|dpkg|update)"'10:34
christianeHow do I enable java for firefox?10:34
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TokoYOu need to get the JRE10:35
Jowirayed, the router is only redirecting traffic coming in from the outside to one of the PC's that you specify. inside the LAN the router only need to redirect traffic, not route it per se. it works like a switch.10:35
nivansonchristiane: Why compile it? Just install ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-tools-1.810:35
Aggort2What does cable select mean? Heh, it's been awhile.10:35
Tokonot sure about enabling in FireFox10:35
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jpjacobschristiane, there is a package for the browser plugin in apt.10:35
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Flannel!java | christiane10:35
ubotuchristiane: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:35
SHADOW_Xchristiane, how do i do that or if you have a complete guide or something10:35
TokoI used Automattix2 to install javas tuff10:35
Toko*java stuff10:35
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XechorUnable to find valid framebuffer device. Xubuntu Edgy with a ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF.10:35
FlannelToko: please don't recommend automatix10:35
Aggort2I have a hard drive set up as master with slave but the bios is not finding the slave.10:36
SoulCHildHEY: how can i deactivate speedstep_centrino?10:36
TokoNever, did just said I used it.10:36
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jpjacobsSoulCHild, sudo rmmod speedstep_centrino10:36
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adorablepuppy! My s or p key aren't working in X anymore.10:36
ubuntu__Aggort2:  jumper setting chked?10:36
Jowirayed, for example. My computer in france want to ssh into your computer in, let's say brazil. my request goes to your router that see "oh, an incoming ssh connection. i forward this to". when you ssh to a computer inside your own LAN the router just pass on the information.10:36
SHADOW_Xso anyone how would i setup ndiswrapper with my bcm4321 card10:36
SoulCHildjpjacobs: speedstep_centrino is in use10:36
jerpAggort2, you can't go into the bios?10:36
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christianenivanson: I only got 125kbit with ndiswrapper 1.810:36
TokoWell, I'll just ask my question on forum a little more10:36
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ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  hi10:36
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ubuntu__ndiswrapper -i win-driver.inf10:37
jpjacobsSoulCHild, then (i'm not too sure) do sudo /etc/init.d/powersaved stop10:37
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Aggort2Yes, jumpers checked, and yes I can get into the bios but the bios is not finding the slave..10:37
christianeFlannel: Thank you. i already installed the jre pkg, but ff doesn't make use of it ...10:37
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nivansonchristiane: I see, well that is low. I am running at 180KB/s right now. with 1.8 =S10:37
jpjacobsSoulCHild, and then the rmmod thing10:37
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nivansonchristiane: (that is my max speed too ;))10:37
SoulCHildjpjacobs: it is still in use10:37
ubuntu__Aggort2:  all wires firmly in place?10:37
rayedJowi I think I understand - so the connection is just moved from say to  - the connection is then between the outside and the latter computer anyway?10:37
ubuntu__Aggort2:  does slave make any sound like a clik?10:38
wkerzendIm running ubuntu dapper on my laptop. somehow windows managed to crash my grub into errpr 15. I solved that problem by reinstalling grub. now I get error 17. I have a boot partition on dev/hda3 and the root on /dev/hda5 please help10:38
Aggort2Yeah. What do I need to set the jumpers to if I want two hard drives to be detected? No, the slave doesn't click.10:38
rayedJowi So I can use a really slow PC as my gateway10:38
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jpjacobsSoulCHild, i don't really know what could be using it. look into running processes and services, and into the output of lsmod (it lists dependancies between mdoules)10:38
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Aggort2Do I need to set the master hard drive to master with slave present and the slave to cable select?10:39
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SoulCHildjpjacobs: okay i ll try thanks10:39
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ubuntu__Aggort2:  yes10:39
SHADOW_Xi tried to do the ndiswrapper but i get this error10:39
SHADOW_Xcouldn't copy win-bcmwl5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 144.10:39
christianeHow to enable an installed sun-java5-jre pkg in Firefox?10:39
madman__i am searching for a popular system monitoring, for cpu, disk and other info10:39
madman__not gkreill10:39
jribchristiane: install sun-java5-plugin10:39
jpjacobschristiane, like i said there is a plugin in synaptic.10:39
ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  copy the drivers first to ur $HOME folder then try10:39
christianeSHADOW_X: You need the windows driver for ndiswrapper10:39
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ubuntu__run the command as root10:40
Aggort2Ubuntu__: Thanks very much.10:40
SoulCHildjpjacobs: could it be gnome_power_manager?10:40
jimmykanyone know why my Network Monitor v2.12.0 is showing that my signal strength is 0, when I'm sure it is good10:40
XechorUnable to find valid framebuffer device. Xubuntu Edgy with a ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF.10:40
ubuntu__Aggort2:  god luck10:40
jpjacobsyeah, that could verywell be it10:40
SHADOW_Xi do have the winodws driver10:40
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ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  on home folder?10:40
=== Riyonuk thanks you
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SHADOW_Xnow it is10:41
ubuntu__what bout java?10:41
wkerzendIm running ubuntu dapper on my laptop. somehow windows managed to crash my grub into errpr 15. I solved that problem by reinstalling grub. now I get error 17. I have a boot partition on dev/hda3 and the root on /dev/hda5 please help10:41
ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  now try to install it10:41
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SHADOW_Xnow it says already installed10:41
SHADOW_Xnow what10:41
christianejrib, jpjacobs: Thanks, it works.10:41
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SHADOW_Xdont i have to black list it somewhere10:41
ubuntu__i dont think so10:41
ubuntu__not sure though10:41
christianeSHADOW_X: `rmmod bcm43xx`10:42
snowwoolfLast night I upgraded an old machine I use without X as a firewall to Edgy.  I have mirrored HDs in it, one IDE and one SCSI, using md.  Since the upgrade, every time it boots it boots it looses the SCSI drive in the RAID-1.  It re-adds back fine.  Also, the second NIC, and Intel EtherExpress Pro 100, isn't seen by the OS, until I remove the driver and reload it.  Can anyone help?10:42
christianeSHADOW_X: `rmmod ndiswrapper`10:42
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christianeSHADOW_X: `modprobe ndiswrapper`10:42
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kane77h3xis, are you here?10:42
Aggort2Ubuntu__: It didn't find it, should I set both to cable select?10:42
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christianeSHADOW_X: `ndiswrapper -l`10:42
h3xiskane77, yes10:43
SHADOW_Xnone of those commands worked10:43
RiyonukHow come when updating synaptic, it always fails the translation en_us?10:43
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kane77h3xis, have you looked at the picture I sent yesterday?10:43
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ubuntu__Aggort2:  both should not be same10:43
h3xisyeah, let me find it. or if you have the link on hand10:43
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h3xiskane77, i got it10:44
kane77h3xis, sec...10:44
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SoulChildjpjacobs: there is nothing in lsmod what is using speedstep_centrino10:44
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kane77h3xis, is it possible to do with standard routers?10:44
h3xiskane77, im not sure what youre doing in the before10:44
StraightShootinCis that you from yesterday?10:45
StraightShootinCI am cybercod10:45
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christianeSHADOW_X: `ndiswrapper -l` Output?10:45
jimmykanyone know why Network Monitor v2.12.0 would be showing that my signal strength is 0% when I'm sure it is good10:45
h3xiskane77, your main source of internet is wireless?10:45
kane77h3xis, yes10:45
=== Bryan` [n=bryan@adsl-220-57-170.sav.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3xiskane77, gotcha. i see what youre doing now10:45
SHADOW_Xbcmwl5          driver installed, hardware present10:45
SHADOW_Xwin-bcmwl5      invalid driver!10:45
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h3xiskane77, give me a second to look in my router's firmware to see if it can be done10:46
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kane77h3xis, ok10:46
h3xiskane77, youre wanting one antenna to receive data and the other to forward it10:46
h3xiskane77, right?10:46
bruenighow do you open a deb, I don't want to install it, I want to open it and look at its contents10:46
kane77h3xis, yes that's right10:46
christianeSHADOW_X: "invalid driver" doesn't sound that good ...10:46
SoulChildARGHHH: I am going crazy!!! :( is there noone having the same problem, that the notebook boots much faster without ac adapter plugged in???? THIS SUCKS10:46
Bryan`is there a quick and easy way to resize a few partitions without messing up my installation?  namely my /boot partition10:46
h3xiskane77, alright one sec10:46
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ubuntu__SHADOW_X: what happens when u run ifconfig10:47
jewbileeHow can refresh my screen like switching to a projector, whenever I press, Fn+CRT/LCD it doesnt do anything10:47
Josh0403Hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc and I went out and got a brand sew 80 gig hard drive just for it, but I get an error "Failed to stqart the Xserver (your graphical interface). It is likely that is is not set up correctly. Would you like to view Xserver output to diagnose the problem" and it is frozen up so i cant choose yea or no.10:47
SoulChildI tested 30 different linux distributions and always the same... it drives me crazy, really...10:47
Bryan`or is it a normal thing to still have /boot on its own small partition?10:47
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madman__help, when i open firefox, i got two webpages that opens, even if i close them and i stop firefox, i restart it they come back10:47
madman__any ideas10:48
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Josh0403I have an integrated nvidea gforce 4 and a pci ati readeon 925010:48
h3xiskane77, i think i got it10:48
riotkittieoooh much better10:48
h3xiskane77, let me take a screen10:48
StraightShootinCwow... josh0403... i didn't realize the 9250 came in pci... i thought pci stopped at 700010:48
jewbileeHow can refresh my screen like switching to a projector, whenever I press, Fn+CRT/LCD it doesnt do anything10:48
ubuntu__madman__: hi10:49
=== alex-weej [n=alex@halls-129-31-82-59.hor.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
enry183googd night !!!10:49
ubuntu__madman__:  2 pages?10:49
Josh0403let me check the box to make sure, StraightShootinC10:49
enry183good night!10:49
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ubuntu__madman__: ok do this10:49
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ubuntu__goto firefox opetion10:49
SHADOW_Xubuntu__, just gives me etho and lo10:49
ubuntu__choose use blank page10:50
jewbileejpjacobs, doesnt look like uboto is in here10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org10:50
ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  try ifconfig up wlan010:50
Josh0403Yep ati radeon 9250 pci10:50
madman__they still open :s10:50
pagefaultyou can get a geforce 6200 in pci as well10:50
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jpjacobsubotu botsnack10:51
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org10:51
SHADOW_Xubuntu__, wlan0: Unknown host10:51
SHADOW_Xifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.10:51
jpjacobsthere you go10:51
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Josh0403so does anyone know how to fix the error?10:51
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SoulChildanyone on a centrino processor?10:52
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pagefaultyou mean a pentium-m10:52
pagefaultcentrino is a certification10:52
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ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  ok10:52
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SoulChildyesa pentium m10:52
ubuntu__SHADOW_X:  chk in lsmod | more10:52
ubuntu__do u see ur card?10:52
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=== miniman cries very loudly
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h3xiskane77, still there?10:53
madman__ubuntu_ i found my mistakes10:53
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juanoJosh0403: you have problems with Xserver?10:53
ubuntu__madman__: what was it?10:53
markelhashow can i set cups to verbose mode?10:53
juanoJosh0403: did you install nvidia drivers?10:53
madman__i edited the /usr/bin/firefox filed and misplaced some commands to make the flash bug stop :(10:53
riotkittieooh. i miss nick completion10:53
minimanI tried to mount my linux partition in windows, and it messed up my linux partition and GRUB, now I can't boot into either OS. Is there a way I can fix this without having to format everything?10:53
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ubuntu__madman__: heh10:53
riotkittieriot: riot- riot;10:53
ubuntu__madman__:  good luck ;)10:54
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juanoJosh0403: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change driver: "nv" to driver "nvidia"10:54
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StraightShootinCminiman... what did you try to mount it with?10:54
=== Aggort2 [n=Aggort2@c-67-186-51-137.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieminiman >> how did you attempt to mount this?10:54
ubuntu__miniman: hi10:54
minimanthrough a free program10:54
Josh0403My monitor isn't plugged into my nvidia port and the integrated nvidia geforce4 isn't even installed10:54
SHADOW_Xubuntu__, how do i know if i see my card and i know i have to get drivers for it because linux still doesnt see it but if i do the search for like broadcom it is here10:54
minimanill find it out quick10:54
minimanyes thats it10:54
rayedThanks Jowi btw, bye10:54
=== josko [n=gracin@2-105.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Aggort2What jumper should I send the master to and what jumper should I send the slave to because I can't get the slave to pick up?10:54
riotkittieminiman > do you have a ubuntu live disc ?10:55
SoulChildHI.... how can i deactivate speedstep_centrino????10:55
=== SimonLoftus [n=simon@ntu5-gw-7-2-r.emman.net] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333I'm running ubuntu edgy, can anyone help print to a HP LaserJet 1000 connected to another XP machine on my network?10:55
StraightShootinClemme guess... you tried to make it come up automatically10:55
minimanim in ubuntu live disc right now10:55
kane77h3xis, sorry... computer has been taken by my dad...10:55
SimonLoftusEvening all10:55
kane77h3xis, but I'm back10:55
pagefaultSoulChild: stop powernowd10:55
juanoJosh0403: wich card are you using?10:55
ValmarkoIs it safe to remove exim4 ? Is this procedure going to interfere with automatic security updates from Ubuntu.10:55
snowwoolfWhere is the best place to ask about a RAID problem after upgrading to Edgy?  I already Googled and read everything I could find relating to the problem.10:55
SoulChildpagefault: i ll try10:55
StraightShootinCyou tried to make it come up automatically10:55
riotkittieAggort << you resolve your cd problem yet?10:55
SimonLoftusriotkittie, hiya10:55
h3xiskane77, is this what you want: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/h3xis/cap.jpg10:55
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Josh0403juano:  I'm using the ati 925010:55
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SimonLoftusriotkittie, remember that weird bumbumdum sound I was hearing?10:56
Josh0403its pci10:56
SoulChildpagefault: unknown job powernowd10:56
minimanjosh: having problems with ATI 9250? if so PM me10:56
juanohave you installed the drivers for it? Josh040310:56
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Aggort2Riotkittie: Yes, I did today, I found out it was a combination of MBR fix and fixing my jumper10:56
pagefaultsudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop10:56
StraightShootinCminiman.. check pm.... i had this problem two weeks ago10:56
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riotkittieAggort >> cool! i am glad to hear that10:56
kane77h3xis, do all (most) of the routers have 2 antenas?10:56
Josh0403juano: I think I do, I mean it works in windows.10:56
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h3xiskane77, no. this is on a linksys wrt54g10:57
Aggort2Riotkittie: But now it's not picking up the slave10:57
h3xiskane77, some have one10:57
pianoboy3333I'm running ubuntu edgy, can anyone help print to a HP LaserJet 1000 connected to another XP machine on my network?10:57
minimanJosh0403: I have the same gfx card as you..I can help you PM me10:57
juanoJosh0403: you need to install the drivers for linux10:57
Bryan`how large should a /boot partition be?  whilst installing the nvidia-glx package for whatever reason it said it ran out of space10:57
NevroPushow do I close vlc completely? I closed the window by clicking the X, but it's still playing the sound10:57
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h3xiskane77, i dont see why it wouldnt work, but i will post on the dd-wrt (the firmware used) forum and see what everyone says about it10:57
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SimonLoftusyou sure NevroPus10:57
StraightShootinCminiman  is pm working?10:57
SoulChildpagefault: command not found10:57
Josh0403doesn't linux come with them?10:57
SimonLoftusthat should close it fully10:57
pagefaultSoulChild: hmm10:58
SimonLoftuscheck your system tray10:58
kane77h3xis, ok... thanx a lot for your time :D10:58
NevroPusI know SimonLoftus, but it wouldn't10:58
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NevroPuswhere's my system tray?10:58
SimonLoftuscheck in your other desktop10:58
SimonLoftustop right10:58
bbm4ni have a problem with synaptic10:58
NevroPusyeah, not there10:58
bbm4ni m behind a router10:58
riotkittieoh man. i cannot follow this room on sirc at all. brb. xchat here i come ;.10:58
SimonLoftushave u got more than one open?10:58
=== Ghost_Printer [n=UFO@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ggergelyhi there. is there anibody here, who is Finnish?10:58
SoulChildpagefault: do understand bootchart png images and can u interpret them?10:58
NevroPusmore than one vlc? nope10:58
SimonLoftusbecause you can open it multiple times10:58
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NevroPusand noone sould be open now10:58
minimanHow can I remove GRUB?10:58
juanoJosh0403: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for any section that refers to ATI10:59
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pagefaultsudo cpufreq-selector --help10:59
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bbm4nwhat ports synapitic uses????10:59
SimonLoftusdo you know how to open up the task manager?10:59
SoulChildminiman: do u want to use windwos?10:59
StraightShootinCminiman... its not grub that is the problem10:59
pagefaultmaybe that can help you out10:59
madman__can someone send me their firefox file or config, i messed the thing up :(10:59
NevroPusno, how?10:59
pagefaultit works on my core 210:59
minimanyes it is10:59
SimonLoftusright click your bar at the top10:59
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StraightShootinCminiman  do you have another pc to put the drive in?10:59
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Josh0403miniman: i can't pm you. It says I'm not registered10:59
SimonLoftusgo down until you see system manager10:59
SoulChildpagefault: i ll try10:59
minimanI removed my linux partition, now alll i have is one windows partition.10:59
SimonLoftuswait sorry click add to panel10:59
SimonLoftusthen do that10:59
minimanAll I need to do is remove GRUB10:59
ggergelyfdisk /mbr11:00
pagefaultit lets you set the frequency to whatever you want11:00
bbm4ndoes anyone knows what ports synaptic pack manager needs to be open?11:00
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minimanjosh0403: do you have MSN?11:00
=== Charlie-Brown [n=metalhea@ool-18bbbc4a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zaggynl:o 1024 peeps in here11:00
jribfor some reason metacity has suddenly decided to no longer raise a window when I click on its contents.  The only way to raise a window now is to click on the title bar.  Anything I can do other than logging out and back in?11:00
ggergelyminiman: fdisk /mbr11:00
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pianoboy3333I'm running ubuntu edgy, can anyone help print to a HP LaserJet 1000 connected to another XP machine on my network?11:00
madman__can someone send me their firefox file or config, i messed the thing up :(11:00
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StraightShootinCif you set ex2fsd to boot the linux partition automatically then it changes the partition table entry of the linux partition to 07 which is ntfs... then suddenly grub can't read it... its still there11:00
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pagefaultsudo cpufreq-selector --help11:01
minimanI removed my linux partition.11:01
pagefaultit works yeah11:01
h3xiskane77, where are you at location wise?11:01
StraightShootinCminiman what did you remove it with?11:01
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ggergelymadman__: remove the settings. :11:01
ggergely$ rm -rf ~.firefox11:01
SoulChildpagefault: let me explain the problem: ubuntu boots 2 min longer when my ac adapter is plugged in... seems to be a processor problem but i am not sure... anyway.. could u help me if i show u a bootchart with ac plugged in/out to analyse the problem, would be very thankful if u got the time for me11:01
kane77h3xis, you mean country?11:01
StraightShootinCah nevermind then... i could have helped you before you did that...11:01
h3xiskane77, yeah. just to make sure the wrt54g is available11:01
ggergelyminiman: in win cmd: fdisk /mbr11:01
kane77h3xis, im in slovakia (central europe)11:01
=== bitumens [n=bitumens@ip.101.63.home.M1.1.lan.mits.lv] has joined #ubuntu
h3xiskane77, ok11:01
madman__i did11:02
madman__and firefox doesn't start anymore11:02
ggergelyanyonefrim Finnland?11:02
minimanThrough ubuntu: How can I remove GRUB?11:02
mweggergely: isn't it ~/.mozilla/firefox? and maybe renaming it would be wiser ?11:02
Josh0403miniman: jmh040390@msn.com11:02
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pianoboy3333I'm running ubuntu edgy, gnome, can anyone help print to a HP LaserJet 1000 connected to another XP machine on my network?11:02
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kane77h3xis, i was just checking and its available... (and isnt as expensive as I thought)11:02
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StraightShootinCminiman removing grub won't put windows bootloader back11:02
h3xiskane77, yeah. it comes with crappy stock firmware, however if this goes through i'll help you flash it with the dd-wrt firmware11:02
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StraightShootinCminiman   you could just re-install ubuntu fixing grub in the process11:03
juanoJosh0403: try this   --->  sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver11:03
disposablei 'printed' my partition table into a file with cfdisk before windows completely screwed everything. how do i use the 'printed' copy to restore my original partition table? ( i have the table, sector and raw version)11:03
bbm4nblablab la11:03
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ghatakThe current version ubuntu is 6.10, i sometime ago downloaded 6.06 LTS, if i install 6.06 LTS now, would i able to update to most recent one without downloading and installing again ?11:03
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pagefaultSoulChild: I don't really know what the problem coudl be11:03
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pagefaultSoulChild: it should be booting at full speed11:03
hou5tonI can't figure out where to put OpenOffice templates ... the directory .... to put new ones in???11:03
Flannelghatak: yep.11:03
Flannel!upgrade | ghatak11:03
ubotughatak: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:03
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kane77h3xis, hopefuly my isp wont have issues with this :D11:03
BigToeHow can I get ubuntu to play NSV streams?11:04
CarCase928hello. How do i set-up a proxy server on Ubuntu?11:04
SoulChildpagefault: thats what confusing me... do u have expirence with bootcharts11:04
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:04
=== narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-216-113.tcq.net] has joined #ubuntu
pagefaultsudo cpufreq-selector --help11:04
=== revan [n=revan@c-69-245-193-52.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pagefaultlook there?11:04
h3xiskane77, they shouldnt. even if they did (cant see why they would?) they would never know11:04
SoulChildpagefault: i did11:04
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pagefaultSoulChild: no idea what one is11:04
ghatakKewl, one more question, i want to try XGL on my lapi, and i am bout to install 6.06 LTS, can i try XGL on that or do i need separate distro for that ?11:04
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CarCase928!Proxy Server11:04
kane77h3xis, he might notice my mac changed...11:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Proxy Server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:04
Flannelghatak: yep, see #ubuntu-xgl for more niformation on setting that up11:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:04
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mwe!msgthebot | CarCase92811:05
ubotuCarCase928: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:05
h3xiskane77, your mac wont change. your mac is permanent11:05
ghatakFlannel: thanks a bunch11:05
=== terapicodave [n=dsterry@c-24-5-134-43.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SoulChildpagefault thanks anyway. for caring ;)11:05
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kane77h3xis, but I will have the router connected instead of my wificard...11:05
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BigToeHow can I get ubuntu to play NSV streams?11:05
kane77h3xis, routers do have mac, right?11:05
h3xiskane77, yes, but it's not broadcasted to your ISP11:06
Bryan`how can i resize my partitions without destroying my install?11:06
=== relachs3 [n=dddddd@ACB0B794.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
kane77h3xis, :D thats cool then :D11:06
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kane77h3xis, I'm going to look for one tomorow.. :D11:06
h3xiskane77, do you have some little pigtail cable that runs from the antenna on your roof to your wifi card?11:06
mweBryan`: that depends on the file system. for ext3 you can use gparted from a live cd11:06
juanoBryan`: use gparted11:06
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kane77h3xis, yes11:07
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@71-87-43-100.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["its]
CarCase928how do i set-up a proxy server on ubuntu?11:07
h3xiskane77, alright. let me draw a pic of what it should look like when it's done11:07
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kane77h3xis,  :D i found out that I'm not that good on freehand drawing with mouse :D11:07
=== cyclebrock [n=brock@S01060014a581b137.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
MannyLNJ08753Hello. I have a somewhere unorthodox systtem. I'm running a pre-made ubunto image under vmware (host os is XP) The image has a PDF viewer on it but I need to replace it with Adobe's PDF viewer due to the need to access a PDF protected by DRM11:07
h3xiskane77, haha not many people are11:07
wkerzendis anyone a grub expert here?11:08
MannyLNJ08753How do I do this?11:08
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:08
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MasterShrekwkerzend what do u need in grub?11:08
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Bryan`how large should i make a /boot partition?11:08
wkerzendreinstall grub11:08
mwe!anyone | wkerzend11:08
ubotuwkerzend: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:08
Flannel!grub | wkerzend, first link11:08
ubotuwkerzend, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:08
wkerzendi did but no one listened11:09
wkerzendIm running ubuntu dapper on my laptop. somehow windows managed to crash my grub into errpr 15. I solved that problem by reinstalling grub. now I get error 17. I have a boot partition on dev/hda3 and the root on /dev/hda5 please help11:09
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jewbileeCan anyone tell me where the levels window is in the GIMP?11:09
jakobCan someone tell me how I run something as root in system/preferences/sessions?11:09
init66.10 comes using python 2.4 for everything.  How do I tell it I'd like it to use 2.5?11:09
mwewkerzend: see the previous message from uboto to you11:09
jribfor some reason metacity has suddenly decided to no longer raise a window when I click on its contents.  The only way to raise a window now is to click on the title bar.  Anything I can do other than logging out and back in?11:09
BigToeHow can I get ubuntu to play NSV streams?11:09
Flannelwkerzend: error 17 is grub not recognizing the filesystem it's trying to mount11:10
=== SoundSquare [n=SoundSqu@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-79-212.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Bryan`juano: how large should i make my /boot partition.  it is currently 15mb11:10
wkerzendmwe: what ubotu descreibes is not the problem11:10
kane77jewbilee, layers -> colors -> lebesl11:10
kane77jewbilee, *levels11:10
FlannelBryan`: it needs to be big enough to hold your kernels, and a few config files.11:10
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init6Bryan:  100mb will be overkill.   Use that11:10
Bryan`Flannel: hmmm   installing the nvidia-glx package a note popped up saying it ran out of space and wouldnt continue11:10
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wkerzendgrub has as one argument root=???? what should i give there the root or the boot partition?11:11
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init6root = /11:11
Flannelwkerzend: your root partition, once you're in grub, it's found /boot11:11
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FlannelBryan`: do you have a bunch of old kernels hanging around?11:11
juanoBryan`: i use 1.4 GB SWAP, runs fine11:11
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Bryan`Flannel: this is a fresh installation11:12
CarCase928what packages do i need to set-up a proxy server?11:12
h3xiskane77, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/h3xis/cap2.jpg11:12
FlannelBryan`: alright, Why on earth did you make /boot only 15M, may I ask?11:12
RiyonukI seem to be having wireless issues11:12
wkerzendflannel ok it says error 15 again but I know the kernels are there11:12
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RiyonukXchat works fine, web browsing 99% never loads anything, not even google11:12
SimonLoftusanyone know a fast link for ubuntu ISO11:12
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Bryan`Flannel: i was used to it from messing with slackware long ago...it always reccomended it, and i never had a problem11:12
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kane77h3xis, yes, that's I was thinking... only for one computer I'll use normal ethernet cable11:13
Flannelwkerzend: error 15 is the stuff on your MBR not being able to find /boot11:13
niteWhats up people11:13
h3xiskane77, alright. im not sure if that layout will work, but i'll get back to you on it when i receive any feedback. im asking around11:13
mweRiyonuk: I wonder why xchat works then11:13
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SimonLoftusthe xchat broswer works perfectly fine for me11:13
=== Riyonuk shrugs
kane77h3xis, I realy appreciate your help...11:13
wkerzendflannel: in grub i have root(hd0,4) (this is my boot partition), then kernel /vmlinuz.... root=/dev/hda5 (which is my root partiotion) ro quiet splaqsh ...11:14
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SimonLoftusyap, very fast11:14
niteWorks for me too11:14
SimonLoftushi tiff11:14
FlannelBryan`: 100M should be plenty, kernels are about 9M a piece, for the whole thing (vmlinuz and initrd)11:14
mlissnerJust checking - this works?11:14
tiffany123can someone help me with my wlan device ?11:14
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tiffany123i want to connect to my network without any encryption - with encryption it works successfull11:14
SimonLoftuswidelan or wireless lan?11:14
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Flannelwkerzend: 15 error is before it gets to /boot (and therefore before it gets to it's config file).  It's the grub on the MBR looking at the wrong place for /boot11:15
tiffany123But if I only delete the whole key it doesnt work11:15
RiyonukIs it my DNS? Im using DNS11:15
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@219.6.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
MannyLNJ08753Hello. I have a somewhere unorthodox systtem. I'm running a pre-made ubunto image under vmware (host os is XP) The image has a PDF viewer on it but I need to replace it with Adobe's PDF viewer due to the need to access a PDF protected by DRM how do I do this?11:15
SimonLoftuswhats wrong with the encryption11:15
SimonLoftusits probs safe to use it11:15
Bryan`Flannel: thanks for the help, ill give gparted a try...i just boot into the livecd?  or is it somewhere else?11:15
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mweRiyonuk: maybe. cat /etc/resolv.conf11:15
FlannelBryan`: even 50M is probably fine.  15 is pushing it though, since you'd never be able to have two kernels installed (an old one, and a new one)11:15
mweRiyonuk: tell me if it looks right11:15
=== TBiRD_ [n=jordi@157.Red-83-43-111.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelBryan`: yeah, the liveCD can repartition11:16
Bryan`alright thanks man11:16
juanoBryan`: gparted is in the repositories11:16
juanoBryan`: also11:16
wkerzendflannel, and how do I tell grub to look at the right place (my guess is grub-install /dev/hda3) but this didnt work11:16
tiffany123SimonLoftus: I#m using mnacosx at my second computer and because of unstable drivers i have to deactivate it11:16
tiffany123is there an solution?11:16
Riyonuk*Open DNS11:16
RiyonukSimonLoftus, >_>11:16
Bryan`juano: so is it possible to do without booting to livecd? like i can do it right now?11:16
tiffany123because there is no option like "no encryption", only "ascii" and "hexadecimal"11:16
madman__is that normal11:17
madman__in 2gb of ram11:17
mweRiyonuk: does /etc/resolv.conf look right?11:17
madman__i got 2gb used by ubuntu11:17
Riyonukmwe, nameserver
FlannelBryan`: you can only repartition unmounted FSs, so probably doable, but not worth the hassle11:17
mweRiyonuk: looks right11:17
juanoBryan`: yes, you can do it through here, then reboot to make changes, you can also download a gparted boot cd, ive got that, its neat11:17
niteHi people11:17
=== init6 [n=init6@cpe-65-24-243-61.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweRiyonuk: can you ping google.com?11:17
wkerzendFlannel, doesnt root(hd0,4) tell grub where to look for boot?11:18
Flannelwkerzend: the grub installation happens on your MBR, so just /dev/hda11:18
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Flannelwkerzend: That configuration file is loaded only after it finds boot (the file is in /boot), your current error (15) is BEFORE it finds /boot11:18
niteAm I invisible?11:18
niteor what?11:18
Bryan`i see you.11:19
wkerzendFlannel: so i do  grub-install /dev/hda11:19
juanohi nite11:19
Flannelwkerzend: right, just like that page said to do.11:19
madman__firefox is not starting :(11:19
Riyonukmwe, sure...I guess it does, whats it supposed to look like?11:19
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mweRiyonuk: you should get replies and no package loss11:19
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niteHows everyone today?11:20
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mweRiyonuk: when you press ctrl-c stop stop ping the last line says packet loss:11:20
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Flannelnite: we're all dandy.  However, if you want to be social, this isn't the best place for it. #ubuntu-offtopic is what you're looking for,  #ubuntu is for support11:20
mweRiyonuk: or the second to last line rather. it should be 0%11:20
pianoboy3333When I try and print, in the printer's preferences, I get this error: Printing: No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! What does that mean?11:21
niteAhhhh thanks11:21
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Bryan`what can i use to burn iso to a cdr?11:21
juanoBryan`: xcdroast11:21
jazzrockerBryan`, k3b, gnome-baker11:21
jazzrockerBryan`, cdrao11:21
mweBryan`: cdrecord as well if you like CLI11:22
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h3xiskane77, will you be back here later?11:22
h3xiskane77, i'm kind of interested in this configuration/layout myself11:22
kane77h3xis, i should be...11:22
h3xiskane77, alright. if i come up with anything from anybody i'll let you know11:22
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kane77h3xis, what timezone are you at?11:22
h3xiskane77, eastern11:23
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kane77h3xis, so what time it is?11:23
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h3xiskane77, 5:23pm11:23
VMT2007Every time I start bash I get...11:23
kane77h3xis, here its 11:23pm11:23
VMT2007bash: setenv: command not found11:23
h3xiskane77, ah okay11:23
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kane77h3xis, I'll go to sleep in an hour... but I'll be back tomorrow...11:24
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h3xiskane77, alright11:24
mlissnerI'm having a bit of an issue...anybody want to give it a shot?11:24
jazzrockeris the default group the same as the username?11:24
jazzrockeror is there a "users" group?11:24
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:24
jazzrockeri need multiple users to be able to svn update the same website11:24
bimberiVMT2007: "setenv' is a "C Shell" script.  Won't work in bash.11:24
mlissnerCan do...IRC is new to me. The problem I'm having is that my dual core is working as a single core.11:25
VMT2007bimberi: I know that11:25
jazzrockerright now i run svn update as root11:25
VMT2007but I get it every time I start bash :)11:25
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jazzrockermlissner, uname -a11:25
mwejazzrocker: create a common group11:25
bimberijazzrocker: yes11:25
jazzrockerbimberi, yes who?11:25
VMT2007It isn't in .bashrc or .bash_profile11:25
jazzrockermwe, ok so is there one already that i should use? or should i create my own11:25
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mlissnerjazzrocker: it's the 386 kernel11:25
bimberijazzrocker: I use the "staff" group for that ("Yes" was to your first question)11:25
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jazzrockermlissner, yeh, well that'd probably be your first issue, the second would be it needs to be the "SMP" kernel11:26
mwejazzrocker: I created a 'users' group11:26
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seedsI need some help. My pppoe connection is not starting automatically at startup, why?11:26
bimberijazzrocker: ... but feel free to create your own ...11:26
jazzrockerbimberi, ok, cool thx11:26
jribVMT2007: grep -R setenv ~   and wait? :)11:26
mwejazzrocker: I don't consider my users staff11:26
juanoseeds, did you run pppoeconf?11:26
mlissnerjazz: Ok. I thought so, but when I switch to the smp kernel, I lose wireles.11:26
VMT2007jrib: recursive?11:26
seedsyes juano, but i have to make that everytime i want to connect to internet11:26
jazzrockermlissner, yeh that's probably because they haven't compiled your wireless module for that specific kernel11:26
jribVMT2007: or maybe start with just ~/.*11:26
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SilentDishello :)11:27
juanoseeds: to trigger conn, you would do ---  pon dsl-provider  --- as root11:27
mlissnerjazz: so then I have to do that myself right? And if I do, does that affect the other kernels? Cause I don't want to screw up the other kernels trying to get dual working...11:27
jazzrockermlissner, i dunno, they're not always good at compiling *all* the modules for all the kernels... i've noticed this in various distros... e.g. there's a kernel update, but then they neglect to send the updated nVidia driver, so you update your kernel and poof, X stops working :)11:27
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jazzrockermlissner, how nice of them, lol, i've seen this on multiple distros11:27
seedsjuano: how do i make it to run that command at startup?11:27
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jazzrockermlissner, so, yeh i dunno a lot about wireless, you may need to compile your wireless module by hand11:28
mlissnerjazz: annoying...11:28
juanoseeds: mm, you could do a start up script for that11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nrg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
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SilentDisbit of a weird issue, here...  I'm experiencing 'spikes' in processor usage for some reason, they appear to be related to a program called "apt-index-watcher".  there's a copy running, and every 5 seconds or so, another copy runs, which sucks 100% resources for a brief moment, then goes away, and the machine runs fine again.  this wouldn't be a problem, but it's causing a 'hiccup' of sorts when i'm doing gaming and such.  any suggestions?11:28
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:28
mlissnerjazz: so I should do it myself it sounds like?11:28
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jazzrockermlissner, so i'm sure that tendency applies to other drivers as well... and honestly i don't really know anything about wireless, i've never used it, too slow IMO11:28
seedsjuano: I'm a noob so i don't know how to do that11:28
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn11:28
=== Bryan` [n=bryan@adsl-220-57-170.sav.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
jazzrockermlissner, or at least search around on the wiki/forums11:28
seedsjuano: can you help me please?11:28
Godseyjason@ubuntu:~/devel$ git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-edgy.git ubuntu-edgy11:28
jazzrockermlissner, see if anyone else has had your problem, and then yeah, probably research how to do it yourself11:29
juanoseeds: check this out :) best luck http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/11:29
Godseyis this the correct line to get kernel source?11:29
mlissnerjazz: yeah, I've been trying that for a few days now...no responses to my posts yet.11:29
mnoir!startup | seeds11:29
ubotuseeds: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup11:29
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GodseyI get about 9meg of data and it errors11:29
madman__ubuntu optimisation11:29
jazzrockermlissner, and or submit a report to the Ubuntu team and let them know "hey! you didn't compile foo module when you compiled kernel X"11:29
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mlissnerjazz: I guess I'll see what I can figure out. I switched to ubuntu from fedora because the smp kernel in fedora didn't work eitehr...oye...11:29
bimberiGodsey: there is a "linux-source" package11:30
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seedsjuano , mnoir, ubotu: thank you very much11:30
jazzrockermlissner, hahaha lol11:30
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BigToeHow can I view NSV streams in linux?11:30
jazzrockermlissner, i've used both fed and ubuntu for quite a while11:30
mnoirseeds: hth11:30
Godseybimberi: right, the KernelCustomBuild wiki sugests using git11:30
KaczerHi, i have one problem ... I was trying to install new nvidia drivers, i installed beta version of drivers from albertomilone.com but after reboot KDE did not start .... I have only command line11:30
mlissneryeah, fedora sure is prettier.11:30
toyboytbfbUbuntu wont work for me!!!11:30
=== admi [n=admi@146.Red-83-45-250.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jazzrockermlissner, neither has really impressed me, i still use windows on my desktop11:30
KaczerHow can i start KDE from terminal?11:30
Godseyso i thought I'd give it a go, but it isn't working so I'm wondering what I've fubared :)11:30
=== ghatak [n=ubuntu@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mlissnerjazz: hardware support...what else can I say.11:30
jazzrockermlissner, yeah that's why i use windows :(11:30
toyboytbfbUbuntu keeps freezin up11:30
juanoseeds: your script would be this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/780/11:31
toyboytbfbon my desktop11:31
mlissnerjass: so you think that messing with one kernel won't screw the other?11:31
Godseyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide  <- following this.11:31
IntuitiveNippleAny GRUB experts in, can help me with an Edgy install with dmraid ?11:31
toyboytbfbAnd i switched to ubuntu last nite11:31
ghatakHey guys, which file system should i use, Ext3 or XFS, which is better ?11:31
=== inimesekene [n=inimesek@217-159-154-248-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
jazzrockermlissner, music hardware is firewire and my guess is that drivers for *nix are a few years away at least11:31
VMT2007ghatak: I use JFS11:31
bimberiGodsey: hm. righto. that's thrown my confidence a bit :)11:31
juanoseeds: make that script and put it in the dir that the url mentions :)11:31
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mlissnerjazz: huh?11:31
toyboytbfbHey guys11:31
mlissnerjazz: lost me on that one.11:31
jazzrockermlissner, um, well the Ubuntu kernel comes with a specific set of "Ubuntu" patches11:31
sten_ghatak: unless you have a UPS, I'd use ext3.11:31
jazzrockermlissner, *my* music hardware <-11:31
toyboytbfbSigh this place sucks11:31
mlissnerjazz: ah. Got it.11:31
ghatakhmm.. i guess i should stick to ext311:31
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VMT2007I use JFS on my laptop11:32
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Godseyghatak: you can shrink ext3, not xfs :)11:32
mnoir!enter | toy why not ask a sensible question:11:32
ubotutoy why not ask a sensible question:: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:32
mweVMT2007: I find jfs to be horribly slow11:32
Godseyif that's important to you11:32
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VMT2007ReiserFS isn't bad11:32
jazzrockermlissner, so anyway if you recompile by hand you should use the Ubuntu sources rather than the "vanilla" kernel.org ones11:32
jazzrockermlissner, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=kernel&titlesearch=Titles11:32
KaczerCould anybody help me? I need to start KDE from terminal.... KDE will not start automaticly11:33
ghatakGodsey: yea that is what i want basically11:33
mweVMT2007: I used to use JFS on my laptop but it was really slow handling many small files11:33
sten_vmt2007: but reiserfs has high-ish CPU usage compared to ext3.11:33
jazzrockermlissner, this is probably the one you want: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild?highlight=%28kernel%2911:33
seedsjuano: thank you very much, i will try it now11:33
juanoseeds: no problem11:33
VMT2007lol, use vfat11:33
Godseyghatak: w/ lvm2 and ext3 you can grow/shrink filesystems11:33
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Godseyghatak: I don't think you can online shrink, so you would have to use a rescue disk for that but you can online grow11:33
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jazzrockermlissner, honestly building a kernel really isn't *that* hard... most people are just irationally scared of things they don't know... if you follow the instructions and do it right it'll take a little trial and error and research but you'll get it11:34
VMT2007I can't shrink my ext3 fs11:34
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GodseyVMT2007: is it mounted?11:34
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sten_jazzrocker: do you know how to figure out which RTC chipset one has?11:34
bimberiGodsey: hmmk, the wiki page suggests both methods, but to use git if you want the latest development release (and says that's preferred)11:34
mlissnerjazz, OK, well I guess I'll see if I can figure it out.11:34
VMT2007Godsey: I wasn't born yesterday, and it wasn't when I tried.11:34
jazzrockersten_, um usually with google :)11:34
GodseyVMT2007: does it tell you the fs doesn't have resize inode support?11:35
mweVMT2007: odd. I can easily schrink ext3 with gparted from a live cd11:35
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jazzrockersten_, i generally look at my hardware and take any serial/part numbers, look up the card in question and then google for it plus the word "chipset"11:35
mlissnerjazz, thanks for the suggestions, it'll give me something to be proud of...11:35
jazzrockersten_, most linux hardware guides will tell you what chipsets various hardware has11:35
mlissnerjazz, do I get to call my kernel whatever I want to?11:35
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rnalexanderI think I managed to mess up a CHOWN command.11:35
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jazzrockermlissner, yeah pretty much11:35
mlissnerjazz, sweet.11:35
mwernalexander: that's easy to do ;)11:35
rnalexanderNow my /etc/sudoers file belongs to my user account not user 011:36
mlissnerjazz, thanks again. I'm out for the moment.11:36
Godseygit may be too fancy for me :)11:36
rnalexanderand I can't run sudo...11:36
jazzrockersten_, also putting the word "linux" in there helps because we're the ones who most often want to know that info11:36
mwernalexander: boot to single user mode and change it back11:36
mnoirrnalexander: did you set a root pswd?11:36
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Godseyftp 0.99 kernel source from mit.edu was easier I think :P11:36
rnalexanderNo, I didn't set a root password I'm afraid, I can't SU in and change it :-(11:36
sten_jazzrocker: mm, that's always worked for me in the past.  I'm having more trouble this time though, because the chipset in question lives in a laptop11:36
ggergelyjust do: chowh root:root /etc/sudoers11:36
mwernalexander: there should be a rescue option in the grub boot menu11:36
bimberiGodsey: lol11:36
IntuitiveNippleAny GRUB experts about?11:36
jribrnalexander: what chown command did you use?11:36
jazzrockermlissner, last word is: i usually just compile exactly and only what i need directly into the kernel... but that's just me11:36
ggergelyyou are the owner, you should be able to change it11:37
Flannel!ask | IntuitiveNipple11:37
ubotuIntuitiveNipple: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:37
mnoirrnalexander: boot from the live cd, mount yer disk and change it11:37
mweggergely: no11:37
IntuitiveNippleI asked it already!11:37
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ggergelyi beleive you11:37
mweggergely: users cannot chown to other users11:37
Godseybimberi: but of course I am going to work on it till I figure it out ..just because11:37
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samuelsup all11:37
ggergelyi didn't know it.11:37
FlannelIntuitiveNipple: sorry, meant to !anyone you.  Anyway, just... ask the question, if anyone knows, they'll answer11:37
rnalexanderMWE, how do I boot to single user mode please?11:37
ggergelynow i learned sg new :)11:37
jazzrockermlissner, a better way to do it would be compile "most" of exactly and only what you need directly in, and then choose some of it that you can compile as modules and do so11:37
IntuitiveNippleGRUB is reporting an error after "setup (hd0)" - being Error 6: Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage211:37
samuelanyone know what this means?11:37
mwernalexander: from the bootup menu, rescue11:37
samuel/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: debian/rules: /usr/bin/make: bad interpreter: Permission denied? im doing it as root? permission denied?11:37
GodseyVMT2007: did you paste the error somewhere I can see it?11:37
rnalexandermwe trying now, thanks!11:38
=== willskills [n=will@client-82-26-160-149.edin.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
VMT2007Godsey: I did it from a live CD11:38
VMT2007so no11:38
jazzrockersten_, there's a whole site devoted to linux on laptops11:38
jazzrockersten_, http://www.linux-laptop.net/11:38
mlissnerjazz, I don't follow that, but I'll make a note of it in case someday I do?11:38
GodseyVMT2007: and you're positive it didn't auto mount the filesystem? :)11:38
VMT2007Godsey: I unmounted it11:38
sten_jazzrocker: yeah, I know about www.linux-laptop.net and www.thinkwiki.org11:38
rnalexanderMWE there is a recovery mode option, but that's it, should I use that?11:39
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Godseythe only time I've seen it not work is if the filesystem didn't have resize inode support or the kernel wasn't built w/ resize support11:39
mweVMT2007: it's odd, though. using a recent gparted I guess?11:39
snowkrashflash doesnt work on my ubuntu installation11:39
Godseybut resize2fs gave a meaningful error11:39
snowkrashcan i try to install it via easy ubuntu11:39
mwernalexander: yeah that one11:39
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snowkrashis easy ubuntu save?11:39
jazzrockersten_, k then i dunno man... my guess is that the RTC would be part of the mobo... so... wouldn't that be like, nVidia, intel or AMD? depending on what system you have?11:39
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mwesnowkrash: in most cases11:39
Godseymwe: I rarely have luck w/ parted11:39
jazzrockersnowkrash, i don't like easyubuntu11:39
jribsnowkrash: easyubuntu will just install flashplugin-nonfree from multiverse, same as installing in synaptic11:39
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jazzrockersnowkrash, i've had bad luck with it... even the last time they told me "no no no, it's so much better now" it really wasn't11:40
wkerzendFlannel: thanks found my mistake andcorrected it11:40
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snowkrashwell i tryed to install it from universe11:40
snowkrashfrom the adobe page11:40
mweGodsey: I see. gparted has worked flawlessly for me.11:40
rnalexanderMWE, booting now.  Ok, I'm at the command line.11:40
snowkrashnothin worked11:40
jribsnowkrash: it's not in universe11:40
juanosamuel: try giving chmod 77711:40
VMT2007mwe: Yeah, the Ubuntu live install and even a FreeBSD live CD11:40
mwernalexander: good11:40
jribsnowkrash: which package?11:40
mweVMT2007: hmm11:40
jazzrockersnowkrash, lol if you care about flash, don't use *nix11:40
sten_jazzrocker: yeah, I have an ICH4, but haven't yet been able to find what RTC is integrated into it.11:40
rnalexanderMWE, go to the file and try changing permission manually?11:40
Godseyif I want a to shrink from say 3G to 2G, I use resize2fs to make it 1.8G or so, shrink to 2G lv and then resize2fs to increase it up to the full device :)11:40
ghatakwhat is the password for root on liveCD ?11:40
mwernalexander: chown root:root /etc/sudoers11:40
jrib!root | ghatak11:41
VMT2007snowkrash: try downloading one of the betas :P11:41
ubotughatak: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:41
GodseyI'm paranoid I'll shrink the lv smaller than the fs11:41
snowkrashjazzrocker: stupid answer11:41
ghatakok thanks11:41
jazzrockersten_, http://www.google.com/search?q=ich4+rtc&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a11:41
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bimberighatak: there is none, but you can set one with 'sudo passwd'11:41
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VMT2007oh yeah they're  going  to use a default root password11:41
rnalexanderMWE, got it!  Is there a permissions repair tha tI can run, I'm sure sudoers isn't the only file that got permissions changed incorrectly?11:41
ghatakbimberi: wont let me su into root11:41
=== chuck_ [n=bob@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jazzrockersnowkrash, um... no not really... neither flash, nor the ATI drivers actually even work on mac hardware... ditto for 64 bit... and the flash for linux right now is *still* old and doesn't actually work11:42
bimberighatak: *sudo*11:42
mwernalexander: what's ls -l /etc/sudoers say?11:42
VMT2007doesn't it use some random junk as the root password by default11:42
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jazzrockersnowkrash, seriously, i used to run XP inside vmware if i wanted to watch flash11:42
bimberighatak: if you need a root shell, use 'sudo -i'11:42
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rnalexanderMEW, it's set back to root and root.11:42
mwejazzrocker: rofl11:42
ghatakbimberi: thanks got it11:42
jribrnalexander: if you did some kind of recursive command that changed permissions outside your HOME, you should probably reinstall11:42
mwernalexander: I mean for perms11:42
killownhow I get alsa-conf working ?11:42
pianoboy3333When I try and print, in the printer's preferences, I get this error: Printing: No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! What does that mean?11:43
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jazzrockeri ran xp in vmware for IE testing really... but when i wanted to watch flash... that's what i used11:43
sten_jazzrocker: the latest flash9 beta is head and shoulders above anything *nix has ever had--yes, it still sucks, but it sucks less.  A/V sync at least works now. ;-)11:43
mwernalexander: it should be 44011:43
killownubuntu its whithout sound11:43
jazzrockersten_, hahahah "it doesn't suck *as* much anymore, yay!"11:43
dm_Hey guys any idea how to create a batch file in win XP ? its only allowing me to creat a TXT file11:43
jazzrockerkillown, run alsoconf from the commandline?11:43
LameBMXAS the defining word of the day11:43
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jazzrockergah, alsaconf even11:43
jribdm_: /join ##windows11:43
killownjazzrocker command not found11:43
rnalexandermwe, good call, I screwed up the perms when I was trying to change it.  It's at 440 now (-r---r------)11:43
ompauldm_, that is not for here11:44
jazzrockerkillown, lsmod (don't paste it)11:44
=== joss_ [n=ubuntu@dslb-082-083-210-212.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwernalexander: as it should be11:44
jazzrockerkillown, is alsa even linked into your kernel?11:44
LameBMX!pastebin | killown11:44
ubotukillown: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:44
=== truthfatal [n=truthfat@h186.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu
dm_Well thanks for ALL your help11:44
mwernalexander: I think sudo will work now11:44
rnalexanderJRIB, oh dear, I'm afraid that's what happened.11:44
Godseyrnalexander: you didn't -s sudo did you? :)11:44
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rnalexanderJRIB, I stopped it when I realized the commend was wrong...11:44
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rnalexanderGodset, no I was trying to change permissions on some files in the directory I was in and chowed to me with a bad leading slash.11:45
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IntuitiveNippleAny GRUB experts about?11:45
rnalexanderI chowned myself.11:45
rnalexandergo me.11:45
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mwernalexander: oh11:45
juano!ask | IntuitiveNipple11:45
ubotuIntuitiveNipple: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:45
rnalexanderMWE, reinstall?11:46
mwernalexander: you may be in deeper trouble then11:46
Godseyrnalexander: I mean, sudo still is suid root correct?11:46
mwernalexander: nah11:46
mwernalexander: fix it11:46
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IntuitiveNipplejuano - I know, and i have, and i'm waiting for someone who knows their stuff11:46
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mlissnerjazz, I think this kernel thing looks like a bit much for me.11:46
mwedid you do it on /11:46
rnalexanderMWE I'm afraid so...11:46
mwernalexander: I did once as well. managed to fix it11:46
juanoIntuitiveNipple: what seems to be the problem with GRUB?11:46
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killownjazzrocker, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/785/11:46
Godseyrnalexander: you can probably use apt tools to reset permissions11:46
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mlissnerjazz, any easier ideas? It says "reasons not to compile a custom kernel: You merely need to compile a special driver. For this, you only need to install the linux-headers packages"11:47
rnalexanderGodset, apt tools?  more details please?11:47
jimmykanyone know why Network Monitor v2.12.0 would be showing that my signal strength is 0% when I'm sure it is good11:47
CelestianpowerI have a problem with my printer: I try to print, it makes all the whirring noises and the slider goes from side to side, but it just comes out with a blank page; what's wrong?11:47
eXistenZif I change the root dir with chroot, will everything in my system get changed?11:47
jazzrockermlissner, ahh yes that is true, often that works as well11:47
=== Philluminati [n=Phillumi@host86-129-43-100.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwernalexander: I did chown -R root.root /. then changed /home/ each user back. and a few other files in /etc that programs complained about like /etc/cups11:47
rnalexanderThe good news is that none of the directorys seem to be set to me.11:47
Godseyrnalexander: I'll google a bit, I haven't used debian since potato so rusty11:47
=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@h-68-167-252-86.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU
IntuitiveNipplejuano - I'm installing Edgy, on a dmraid device, so following the FakeRAID howto, but i'm getting an error when issuing the "setup (hd0)" command11:47
VMT2007jimmyk: it's never happened to me before11:47
CDBI'm trying to utilize file sharing with my Windowx XP box and it asks me for a domain at authentication but I'm under the workgroup: HOME.11:47
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IntuitiveNippleGRUB is reporting an error after "setup (hd0)" - being Error 6: Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage211:47
VMT2007does `iwconfig` show a strong signal strength11:47
CDBCan anyone help me?11:48
pianoboy3333When I try and print, in the printer's preferences, I get this error: Printing: No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! What does that mean?11:48
jazzrockermlissner, so yeh, i don't remember exactly what package it's called, but you still need everything for building a kernel (e.g. build-essential: gcc, make ....) and you also need the linux header files for your currently running kernel so that the module can link against your currently running kernel11:48
VMT2007I don't even want to hear `stage1` or `stage2`11:48
rnalexanderWhere Is my home directory in ubutnu?11:48
VMT2007stupid gentoo11:48
mwernalexander: what's your user name?11:48
snowkrashdo other have problems with flash as well11:48
killownjazzrocker, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/785/11:48
VMT2007rnalexander: ~11:48
snowkrashon ubuntu11:48
rnalexandermwe ryan11:49
jazzrockermlissner, the header files are sort of a map for the code to know where to poke in11:49
WimpogGuys, do you know the room name for Ubuntu-Server?11:49
IntuitiveNippleVMT2007: yeah, its a pain! Google hasn't been my friend either11:49
jpjacobsCDB there is a tool smbpasswd. use it like this : smbpasswd -a <user>. more info: man smbpasswd11:49
FlannelWimpog: this is it11:49
CDByour home dir is ~ or under /home/11:49
mwernalexander: /home/ryan is your homedir11:49
rysiek|plguys, anybody knows where can I find any help with wpa_supplicant?11:49
mlissnerjazzrocker, I guess I get that...so the idea is to merge in the files needed into the existing kernel?11:49
killownI cannot get alsa-conf11:49
jazzrockerkillown, yeah so it looks like you're running OSS instead of ALSA11:49
jazzrockermlissner, yeah11:49
GuerrillaWonDoes anyone know of a good package that can handle remote desktop to a windows machine?11:49
rnalexanderI might have gotten it fast enough.11:49
CDBhey, thanks a lot jpjacobs... i'll check it out11:49
mwernalexander: try find / >/dev/null 2>&1|grep ryan|less maybe11:49
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killownjazzrocker     but without sound11:49
FlannelGuerrillaWon: X can do that by default11:49
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WimpogI have ubuntu-server installed, and want to also install LAMP. Do you know how to do that without a CD???11:49
juanoIntuitiveNipple: maybe this can help http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=503066 :)11:50
mwernalexander: that should find files owned by you11:50
mlissnerjazzrocker, well that sounds about as complicated all around as building a cusrom kernel...11:50
Flannel!lamp | Wimpog, wiki link11:50
ubotuWimpog, wiki link: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:50
jazzrockermlissner, yes indeed11:50
GuerrillaWonWhat would I look under?11:50
VMT2007GuerrillaWon: uh, one second11:50
mlissnerjazzrocker, would it be possile to merge in the smp stuff instead?11:50
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jazzrockermlissner, nope11:50
PhilluminatiThere is a good remote desltop tool but I can't remember what its called11:50
VMT2007Windows Remote Desktop or VNC?11:50
FlannelGuerrillaWon: XDMCP is a common one, if you're doing it over a LAN, otherwise you have to do some tunneling11:50
sten_GuerrillaWon: your options are RDP (not sure what servers are available for this), VNC (I use VNC4), and NX Server11:50
jazzrockermlissner, that's too low level11:50
rnalexandermwe it turns up nothing.11:50
mlissnerjazzrocker, had a feeling.11:50
IntuitiveNipplejuano: thanks, but no. Already chased that one (and several others) down11:50
Godseyrnalexander: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/47611:50
sten_GuerillaWon: sorry, I misunderstood your question11:50
mwernalexander: leally?11:50
VMT2007Flannel: Yeah he's going to connect to Windows' X server.11:50
GuerrillaWonIt's a windows remote desktop.11:50
juanoIntuitiveNipple: ok :) ill try to come up with something11:51
GuerrillaWonThanks for the help.11:51
mwernalexander: not even the files in your homedir show?11:51
jazzrockermlissner, i would personally recommend compiling your own kernel custom for two reasons, one it's not that hard, two you'll learn something, three you'll still have your old kernel(s) to fall back on should you mess up11:51
Godseyoh sorry that isn't good11:51
=== RogerBacon [n=RogerBac@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177645781.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
mwernalexander: and did it finish so quickly?11:51
VMT2007GuerrillaWon: for GNOME?11:51
jazzrockermlissner, lol i guess that's three reasons11:51
IntuitiveNipplejuano: thanks... Google hasn't been a help and i've been looking for 4 hours11:51
jpjacobsGuerrillaWon, there is rdesktop11:51
GuerrillaWonIt's not across a lan so I'll get to get into some tunneling.11:51
RogerBaconanyone have read this ? : http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.txt11:51
rnalexanderI'm trapped at a (END) prompt.11:51
rnalexandercontrol C won't get me out.11:51
FlannelVMT2007: cygwin is a lovely thing, and easy to install/carry around on a thumbdrive.  Not my fault windows is deficient.11:51
juanoIntuitiveNipple: hehehe11:51
GuerrillaWonvmt2007 yes11:51
mwernalexander: press q11:51
Philluminatirdesktop isn't for connecting to windows machines!11:51
rnalexandergot it,.11:51
mlissnerjazzrocker, tough call. I will have the old one to fall back on in grub right?11:51
jazzrockermlissner, because honestly, in order to really understand how to "just compile a driver" you should understand what i means to compile a kernel11:51
jazzrockermlissner, correct11:51
jazzrockermlissner, probably about 4 old grub entries actually11:51
PhilluminatiIt's called "TSCLIENT"11:52
mwernalexander: I screwed up the command. sorry11:52
jazzrockermlissner, i mean you can compile 10 different kernels if you want11:52
VMT2007Philluminati: yes it is11:52
jazzrockermlissner, and put them all in GRUB11:52
VMT2007it handles RDP fine11:52
jpjacobsPhilluminati, sure it is.11:52
mwernalexander: try find / |grep ryan|less instead11:52
mlissnerjazzrocker, It's on. Thanks for the help, I have to go get coffee now - I've stalled as long as possible with my friends.11:52
VMT2007GuerrillaWon: sudo aptitude install rdesktop11:52
jazzrockermlissner, hahaha11:52
mlissnerjazzrocker, much, much appreciated.11:52
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Philluminatiwmt2007, jpjacobs....it is???? I've just done it. Terminal Services Client11:52
VMT2007when that is done, sudo aptitude moo11:52
VMT2007you need to do that11:52
WimpogGUYS, How do I start LAMP server, once it is installed?11:52
IntuitiveNipplejuano: to be clear, I've got a RAID 1+0 on /dev/mapper/pdc_xxx with 8 partitions ( windows, data, extended, swap, boot, root, home) all mounted on /target and i've chroot-ed to /target11:52
jpjacobsthat rdesktop _is_ a windows remote desktop client11:53
rnalexandermwe, I might have typed the command wrong, I was able to confirm that my home dire11:53
mwernalexander: or even better find / -user ryan|less11:53
rnalexanderMWE, that's working, loads of files, mostly in my home directory.11:53
pianoboy3333webmaren: well, can you help me if I go to #ubuntu? I've been posting there for the past two hours and no one has said anything...11:53
=== VMT2007 is now known as Victor```
CDBAwesome. I got access to my linux box from winxp, but I still can't "authenticate" windows from linux.11:53
=== Victor``` is now known as Victor````
jazzrockerWimpog, /etc/init.d/apache2 start11:53
mwernalexander: the ones outside should be changed though11:53
Philluminatinow i'm confused. I don't know what rdesktop is. I thought it was something to do with rsh. anyway gorilla, you want tsclient11:53
jazzrockerWimpog, /etc/init.d/mysqld start11:54
Victor````wow, three `s is already registered11:54
Victor````oh wait11:54
IntuitiveNipplejuano: GRUB finds stage1 & stage2, and writes the e2fs_stage1_5, but fails on the "install..."11:54
pianoboy3333When I try and print to a printer connected to an XP computer, in the printer's preferences, I get this error: Printing: No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! What does that mean?11:54
rnalexandermwe, loads of stuff in my /etc directory as well.  still paging.11:54
CDBit resolves but when i try to connect to the windows share, it asks for a domain and a password, but i am not under a domain.11:54
jazzrockerWimpog, theoretically that will do it if it's not done already... then go to http://localhost/11:54
mwernalexander: oh11:54
CDBno matter what i try it fails11:54
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WimpogWhere to go???11:54
mwernalexander: try find / -user ryan >badfiles.txt to get the names to a text file11:54
Victor````Guys, this IRC channel isn't the only avenue of help.11:54
rnalexandermwe dang, it's into bin and boot as well...11:55
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rnalexanderand dev11:55
mwernalexander: then you can remove the lines showing files in your homedir11:55
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snowkrashin fact joining this channel never ever helped me out :)11:55
mwernalexander: yeah11:55
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juanoIntuitiveNipple: mm can't help much.. , sorry11:55
CDBdoes anyone have any experience accessing a windows network file share?11:55
init6How do I force ubuntu to use python 2.5 as default?11:55
jpjacobsPhilluminati, if you don't believe me, see apt-cache show rdesktop11:55
jazzrockerWimpog, do you know what a web browser is?11:55
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IntuitiveNipplejuano: thanks for trying.. you see why i'm looking for an expert? :D11:55
Wimpogyeah, I do know11:55
Philluminatijpjacobs. I do believe you.11:55
mwernalexander: try find / -user ryan >badfiles.txt to get the names to a text file11:55
=== lmerino is now known as jarufe
sten_jazzrocker: <whew> I finally found it.  The problem was finding which design the ICH4 integrated.  googling "ich4 rtc" didn't help...but eventually I realized that "ich4 rtc compatible" might yield some results.11:55
jazzrockerVictor````, ++ (forums and wikis are your friends)11:55
Wimpogwhich URL you meant?11:56
Victor````WHAT? ubuntu forums are VBULLETIN?11:56
un_operateurinit6, you don't because most packages depend on 2.4 and can't use 2.5 as it breaks quite a lot of functionality11:56
Victor````non-free forum software!11:56
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kmagdoes start-stop-daemon monkey with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH?11:56
juanoIntuitiveNipple: :-), yep11:56
ghatakHow diffirent is Ubuntu from Debian apart from the front end ?11:56
rnalexanderokeys.  I think it stops after the files.  Can I use the txt file list to change them back?11:56
mwernalexander: well everything in /bin should be root.root11:56
Victor````ghatak: not much different11:56
jazzrockerghatak, why do you ask? yeah not much11:56
Victor````the backend can mean many things11:56
sten_jazzrocker: the trouble is, it's a "Motorola MC 146818 Real-Time Clock plus RAM"...hmm11:56
mwernalexander: chown -R root.root /bin11:56
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GuerrillaWonNice I got rdesktop up and working fine.11:56
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Philluminatighatak. it's mostly the packages and their default configurations11:56
init6un_operateur:  Figured as much. Thanks for confirming.11:56
GuerrillaWonIt's a bit choppy but it'll do, thanks guys.11:57
Victor````the kernel is the same across virtually all Linux distributions, albeit some do use 2.4 and others use 2.611:57
rnalexandermwe, done.11:57
=== Victor```` is now known as Victor```
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sten_omg... "a standard part of the IBM Personal Computer Architecture, from the introduction of the IBM-PC AT and continuing into the IBM PS/2 line of systems"11:57
jazzrockerppl still use 2.4? wow11:57
kmagI've got a program that runs fine when started on the command line as root, but when I use start-stop-daemon (with no --chuid), I get link errors11:57
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ghatakjazzrocker: we use debian Etch at our workplace and i am gona try Ubuntu at home, so was just wondering how much familiarity i will gain from debian11:57
GodseyVictor```: what forum software would you have them use?11:57
killownmy system not works sound11:57
Victor```Godsey: phpBB.11:57
killownwhat I do?11:58
jazzrockerghatak, um... plenty11:58
Victor```It may not be that great out of the box but it's sure extendable11:58
Victor```extensible, wow11:58
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jazzrockerphpBB is a security hole... no lemme rephrase that... security canyon11:58
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un_operateurghatak, the only difference is some ubuntu packages don't work on debian -- but it seems the inverse it somewhat true tho11:58
Victor```that's true...11:58
ghatakVictor```: right, well that is beauty of Debian11:58
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rnalexandermwe, ok, the new-made text file doesn't list /bin anymore.11:59
jazzrockerif i didn't work with PHP all day i might not know that... but i do11:59
mwernalexander: good11:59
GodseyVictor```: I recently read vbulletin pulls licenses arbritrarially, other than that the software is superior11:59
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rnalexanderBTW, when did folks shift to Less instead of More?  I feel like a total piker.11:59
Godseymaybe they should switch to sharepoint 2007 :)11:59
PORDOi finally got dmix working, but now i have sound from Flash coming out of my ICH5's analog, not digital.  digital is the default device in my asound.conf11:59
mwernalexander: everything in /etc/ should be root.root as well except /etc/cups11:59
PORDOanyone know why this might be?11:59
ghatakun_operateur: Well i am under the impression that Ubuntu will give me good secure system as debian but with much recent packages of software, unlike debian where u have to wait for ages to get a recent version11:59
Victor```Godsey: Simple Machines is free to an extent11:59
un_operateurrnalexander, less is more :)11:59
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Victor```and that board software is very good12:00
GodseyVictor```: I hate web forum software12:00
rnalexanderMWE, there's still file sin etc, but they're all in X11...12:00
jazzrockerrnalexander, ohhh... so text files are how you ls /bin12:00
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Godseynothing nntp can't solve :)12:00
mwernalexander: oh12:00
mwernalexander: all of them?12:00
mwernalexander: the file may not be sorted12:00
rnalexanderoop, no spoke too soon, etc's hosed as well.  calendar/ console/  cron12:00
un_operateurghatak, well, thats one of the areas in which ubuntu varies from debian, ubuntu likes to be a bit more bleeding-edge while debian likes to count on stability, hence why debian seems to lag on some packages12:00

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