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stdinsleepy495: it has a "Junk" folder for spam, it puts emails it thinks is spam in there, and it "learns" too, so yeah12:15
sleepy495ok, thanks12:15
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MidMarkhow can I sync removable device?12:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:27
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k4071k_b0073rhey anyone here ever play games on pogo.com?12:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rcync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:28
k4071k_b0073rcause while under kubuntu i cant seem to load any of the rooms on pogo12:28
ubotursync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.8-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 237 kB, installed size 472 kB12:28
stdinMidMark: maybe that ^12:28
MidMarkstdin: my problem is I want to put sync for all my removable devices until the bug in Edgy is fixed12:30
MidMarkI have to change my fstab?12:30
k4071k_b0073rcould it be something to do with java?12:30
stdinMidMark: you mean add it to the mount options?12:31
stdink4071k_b0073r: I'll try and check12:31
MidMarkstdin: yes, appending it just prevent to cache data?12:32
k4071k_b0073rthank you i dont know what the deal is man....just seems that i can login to pogo but i cant join any rooms12:33
stdinMidMark: you have to mount it manually, with pmount sync /dev/sda12:34
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MidMarkso I cannot put it in fstab for automatic mount?12:35
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stdinMidMark: no, because removable devices aren't in fstab12:36
stdink4071k_b0073r: do you have java installed ?12:37
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MidMarkstdin: yes, I have to change an udev rule?12:37
fdovingMidMark: i belive it's a hal policy.12:37
stdinMidMark: no, udev has nothing to do with mounting12:37
k4071k_b0073rhell i dont know12:37
k4071k_b0073ri just installed kubuntu12:38
MidMarkfdoving: sync can help to prevent data loss for removable device?12:38
k4071k_b0073rshow i install a jave environment to12:38
stdink4071k_b0073r: then, you don't12:38
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k4071k_b0073rok so ill try to install java now12:38
fdovingMidMark: yes, it will also write the device to death fast. but that's your choice. /etc/hal/fdi/policy/preferences.fdi12:39
fdovingthat's where it is in feisty, atleast.12:39
fdovingline 51.12:39
fdovingMidMark: change 'false' to 'true'.. and see if that helps.12:40
MidMarkfdoving: I'm reading... but I haven't understood why it kills removable devices12:40
fdovingMidMark: there is a comment with a link to a linux-kernel mailinglist post.12:41
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MidMarkfdoving: I was reading it before you pointed out me, I try to understand better...12:42
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fdovingMidMark: good, then you'll figure it out from here.. i need to go to bed.12:42
fdovingnite all.12:42
gnomefreaknite fdoving12:43
rysiek|plargh, sorry12:43
fdovingnite gnomefreak.12:43
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fdovingand midmark, stdin and all.12:43
=== MementoMori [n=filippo@d83-190-178-170.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu
rysiek|plguys, anybody here uses wpa_supplicant?12:43
MementoMorihi all12:43
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MidMarkrysiek|pl: tried, but there are no good software to configure it12:44
rysiek|plMidMark: yeah, I'm fighting with the config file right now12:44
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rysiek|plMidMark: or do you know any good software that will allow me to use WPA with EAP-TLS authentication?12:44
MementoMoriI just installed kubuntu 6.10 i386 on my laptop and everything went fine. What I should install in order to change cpu speed on the fly?12:45
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MidMarkrysiek|pl: I don't... sorry, they are all buggy/incomplete12:45
MementoMorirysiek|pl: did you already tried knetworkmanager?12:46
MidMarkknetworkmanager sucks12:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knetwrokmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 213 kB, installed size 1448 kB12:46
rysiek|plMementoMori: will knetworkmanager allow me to use EAP-TLS?12:46
rysiek|plok, I'll give it a go12:47
MidMarkrysiek|pl: for me knm doesn't detects any ssid don't know why12:47
MidMarkbut you can try12:47
MementoMorirysiek|pl: I dont remenber..... but I found it a nice software12:47
MementoMoriMidMark: maybe your router/ap doesnt broadcast any ssid12:48
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MementoMori!cou speed12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cou speed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
MementoMori!cpu speed12:48
ubotucpu: a console based LDAP user management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-8 (edgy), package size 137 kB, installed size 432 kB12:48
gatorhey is there any other messenger's like gaim and kopete12:48
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sonicGBgator aMSN is a good MSN clone (only does msn tho)12:49
gatorI need like for all of them.12:49
gatorGaim is ok..but there are some bugs in it.12:49
sonicGBfor that, I think that kopete is the best12:49
MidMarkMementoMori: I don't want to broadcast ssid, but I don't know how to tell to knm that is the right behaviour12:49
gatorkopete is hard on the ram.12:49
sonicGBram is cheap :-) hehe12:50
gatoryes..but when ur 15..its nto12:50
cntbplease join kubuntu torrent download http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en12:50
ubotusim: Simple Instant Messenger (KDE). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 3335 kB, installed size 9304 kB12:50
_sledge_Does anybody have successfully burned a CD with Kubuntu at all?12:50
stdin_sledge_: yes, many times12:51
gatorOut of 1.12:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kpowermanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
cloakable_sledge_: Yep, I have a perfect 6.10 cd12:51
_sledge_I've two machines with different dvd burners and I get the same effin' error message all the time.12:51
stdin_sledge_: what's the error you get?12:51
MementoMori_sledge_: try changing cds12:51
gatorIts not that hard to burn a cd.12:51
gatorIts more of common sense.12:52
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frank_I'm getting this build error while trying to build cinelerra: audioesound.o: In function `AudioESound::open_input()':/home/frank/cinelerra-temp/hvirtual/cinelerra/audioesound.C:80: undefined reference to `esd_open_sound'12:52
frank_any ideas?12:52
sonicGBhmmm, sim looks good12:52
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stdinsim's quite nice, yeah12:52
cntbstdin: important question !! for everyone who wants to make transition to linux12:53
sonicGBfrank_: that can be tough to troubleshoot, sometimes happens when you have version mismatches in different packages12:53
stdinfrank_: why not use the version in the ubuntu repositories?12:53
sonicGBfor eg if cinelerra requires something_else 0.12 and you've only got 0.11, etc...12:54
stdincntb: what?12:54
sonicGB!ask | cntb12:54
ubotucntb: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:54
frank_stdin: sonicGB: cinelerra is not in the repos. and the ubuntu deb on the cinelerra webstite doesn't seem to work eithet12:54
cntbstdin I Say and other are worried by same question12:55
stdinfrank_: is that from http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu ?12:55
cntbusing burner at least as in nero12:55
stdincntb: nero is c**p :p , i use k3b12:56
frank_stdin: not exactly. there is another repository for cinelerra for dapper12:56
cntbsonicGB:  pls calm down12:56
_sledge_stdin: Sense Code: 0x24 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in cdb) Fru 0x012:56
_sledge_Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) error refers to command part, bit ptr 0 (not valid) field ptr 012:56
sonicGBcntb: what?12:56
MementoMorithe "power manager" icon in the tray bar show me battery charge status and cpu speed but I cant change it from this program......12:56
_sledge_Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 012:56
MementoMoriwhat I'd try?12:57
cntband dont you flame me sonicGB I am here to help and be helped12:57
_sledge_The funny thing is: growisofs seems to burn, but craps out with a "Can't close session" error, while mkisofs & dvdrecord just bail immediately.12:58
rysiek|plMementoMori: knetworkmanager does not discover my wireless iface (rausb0)12:58
rysiek|plMementoMori: any ideas? I am totally new to this app12:58
sonicGBcntb: I'm sorry if you thought you were being flamed. I don't think that i've flamed anyone, it certainly wasn't my attempt.12:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:58
sonicGBand with that, I think that's quite enough ubuntutude for me for one day! I'm off. Have a great day folks! :-)12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:59
flaccidwhy are segfaults becoming common with apt-get ??12:59
stdin_sledge_: what's the error you get?12:59
_sledge_stdin: scroll up12:59
sonicGBfrank_: btw, cinelerra looks nice, I'm gonna have a go at building that today. If you're still stuck with it, come looking for me later, hopefully I'll have sorted it!01:00
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MementoMorirysiek|pl: http://passivemode.net/updates/2006/5/29/linksys-wusb54gc-linux.html01:00
rysiek|plMementoMori: ah, thanks01:00
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stdin_sledge_: what application is that from, k3b?01:00
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andrehello all01:01
_sledge_stdin: dvdrecord01:01
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feprssHello all01:02
andrehey feprss01:02
rysiek|plMementoMori: there's nothing there, I have the driver installed and compiled, I also recompiled wpa_supplicant so that it supports the driver, I am able do discover some networks (including my own) with the Wireless Assistant, but KNetworkManager does not see my net iface01:02
feprsswhy in kconsole arrow keys aren't working? anyone that can help me?01:03
stdin_sledge_: I don't know what that error is01:03
feprsswhen I use up arrow it writes an A, left arrob it writes a B, etc01:03
stdin_sledge_: try asking in #ubuntu or ##linux01:03
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rysiek|planyways, network manager is not an option here, my network card driver does not support the wext01:05
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_sledge_oh lol, growisofs worked...01:09
_sledge_habeeb it01:09
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cntbplease join kubuntu torrent download http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en ! ty already joined guys01:11
stdincntb: if you want to advertise something, use #kubuntu-offtopic , this is a support channel01:11
stdin* please :)01:12
=== miguel [n=miguel@125.Red-83-59-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
BTRHi, is there any app that reminds of autocad?01:12
feprsswireless assistant from kubuntu doesn't support WPA?01:12
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miguelk tal?01:13
stdinfeprss: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WifiDocs/KubuntuWPAHowTo01:13
feprssBTR http://alts.homelinux.net/search.php?type=priv&q=autocad01:14
gesslari'm trying to create a .deb file for a qt program. i think i've got the handle on the "no configure" thing, but i seem to be having this problem that my actual binary isn't making it into the .deb file01:14
gesslari'm following these instructions: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Deb_Guide01:15
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feprssyes stdin, but isn't good for novice users :/01:15
feprssI'm looking for something as in gnome or in wxp01:15
stdinfeprss: I don't use wireless, so that's the only guide i know of01:15
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feprssall right, thanks :)01:15
gesslarwhich, btw, needs fixing. i'll try to find someone to email about the problems with the guide01:16
BTRthanks feprss!01:16
Rorshachwhat's that guide, stdin? I'm having difficulty with connecting through my wireless card.01:16
stdinRorshach: wireless help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs WPA help https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WifiDocs/KubuntuWPAHowTo01:17
nikolai STILL dont know how to install kbfx themes -_-01:17
nikolaits really mean to me :(01:17
nikolai dont have the configuration software01:17
stdingesslar: ask in #ubuntu-doc01:18
gesslarthanks stdin01:18
RorshachIronically, I'm thinking everything is working as it should, and is most likely a config problem, as I can detect the wireless networks around me, I just can't connect to mine.01:18
gesslarwait, is that for the help with building the deb or the reporting of the problems with the docs, stdin?01:18
feprssoh stdin, that guide looks well, the only requisite is knetworkmanager01:19
feprssknetworkmanager is myy answer, thanks :)01:19
stdingesslar: the docs, wait a sec for the deb help :p01:19
nikolahow do i quit an app from the konsole?01:19
stdingesslar: about the deb package, are you going to install it yourself too?01:19
gesslargesslar: all right :p01:19
stdinnikola: Ctrl-C01:19
rysiek|plMementoMori: if you ever happen to be in Warsaw, drop me a line and you'll get yourself a cold beer and a decent guide to the city. one of the links you gave me helped. :D JID: rysiek[at] rysiek.ath.cx01:19
gesslarstdin: yes, ideally.01:19
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stdingesslar: what type of app is it, source code (with make et all) or just a gui thing?01:20
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gesslarstdin: the app is a qt gui application, it's not a source distribution.01:21
gesslari hope i answered that right01:21
stdingesslar: ahh, ok, on to my next question then :p what part of the guide you posted isn't working ?01:21
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MementoMorirysiek|pl: am happy to read this...... But it's quite difficult I'll ever be in warsaw... I'll drink a cold beer thinking of you here in Italy01:22
rysiek|plMementoMori: anyways - thanks a bunch, and cheers :)01:22
gesslarstdin: the guide is fine, except for the part called "File:file rules" where the bottom of the scrollbox shows that they meant for some of the content to be outside of the scroll box to be instructions, not part of the file info itself01:22
gesslarstdin: that, i'll bring up to the -doc people01:23
MementoMorihere is late and tomorrow is a working day........ 'nite everybody01:23
gesslarstdin: other than that, i war largely successful in building my .deb file and it installs just fine, just...well, my binary isn't in the .deb when i check the package information01:23
gesslarwar = was01:23
stdingesslar: looks like everything from "</nowiki}}" on isn't in the file, or do you know that already?01:25
gesslarstdin: and the instructions don't really go into what they mean by "add installation commands". no examples, or anything, so i'm unsure.01:25
gesslari figured that out :)01:25
gesslarthat's what i was going to report to the maintainer01:26
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stdingesslar: ahh, so you want to report that to this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=2759901:27
stdingesslar: and you can build the deb in a "hackish" way, if the guide isn't working01:27
gesslaractually, i just had some inspiration as to why it might not be working01:28
stdingesslar: but it's not exactly easy01:28
stdingesslar: what's the inspiration? help me, help you :p01:28
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gesslarwell, in my .pro file i tell it: DESTDIR = bin01:29
gesslarso the binary file doesn't end up in the main directory when it compiles01:29
gesslarso maybe the deb maker thing isn't FINDING the binary01:29
gesslarso it has nothing to put in the .deb01:29
gesslari'm changing it to leave the binary in the main directory01:29
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stdinin "File:file rules" gesslar ?01:31
gesslarit didn't find it, still01:32
gesslari have rules open01:32
stdinin the guide, it on line 4501:32
gesslarstdin: oh my goodness01:32
gesslarstdin: i completely missed that01:33
stdinheh :p01:33
gesslarstdin: oh, but that line's already in my rules file01:33
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stdinstill, you may need it in that file too01:33
ubotuyakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB01:33
gesslarlove yakuake01:34
draikI do too01:34
draikbut I can't seem to find it in the repos for dapper01:34
stdindraik: you need to enable universe01:34
stdin!universe | draik01:34
ubotudraik: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:34
gesslarstdin: it's in that file01:34
draikI just updated my sources list from source-o-matic01:35
draikI know about the repos, I just don't know why I wasn't able to find it01:35
stdindraik: did you tick the box with "Community maintained" in it?01:35
draikI had everything enabled01:35
draikThere was only the one that asked if you wanted src01:35
stdindraik: that's not it, post your sources.list on pastebin01:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:36
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draikThere was my list01:37
draikstdin: http://pastebin.com/85392501:38
draiklist to my laptop anyway01:38
stdindraik: can you see it in adept?01:39
draikstdin: I don't use adept01:39
draikI just updated the file and used konsole01:39
stdingesslar: maybe follow another guide, that one seems not to be very good01:39
rysiek|plcu all, gtg01:39
gesslarstdin: do you know of any other?01:40
stdindraik: did you run "sudo apt-get update" after you changed the file?01:40
draikstdin: I'm currently running     sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade01:40
stdingesslar: i'm googleing now :p01:40
draikstdin: yup01:40
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draikI'm on the last update01:40
draikerr.. upgrade01:40
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stdindraik: what dose "apt-cache search yakuake" show ?01:41
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draikfinishing up the upgrade01:41
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:42
draikstdin: got it!01:42
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:42
thompaanybody know hot to make kmpalyer open bbc radio?01:42
stdindraik: :)01:42
stdingesslar: maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToBuildDebianPackagesFromScratch01:43
thompaIf I could avoid real player somehow...01:43
stdinthompa: have you got w32codecs ?01:43
thompaim on kubuntu6401:43
thompai dont think it will work01:43
draikstill not on my K menu01:44
gesslarstdin: thanks!01:44
thompai think there is a way for mplayer using codecs at hand or something01:44
thompabut mplayer wont install01:44
manomhi everybody, do you know where can i get help about compiling kdebluetooth from svn trunk?01:44
lupine_85manom: whoever manages the svn trunk will provide compilation instruction01:45
thompanevermind mplayer is installed it seems01:45
stdinthompa: I'm not sure you can do it then, short of installing a basic system in a chroot01:45
manom:) thanks01:45
stdindraik: try logging out, and back in01:46
thompastdin: the bbc radio site will work without real player im sure, if not ill chroot whatever that is01:46
draikJust did01:46
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draikI got it back01:46
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:47
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stdinthompa: ^^01:47
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gesslarstdin: i figured it out! :)01:49
gesslarstdin: thanks tonnes :)01:49
stdingesslar: yay :D01:49
jpr_my first time using IRC01:50
stdinwell welcome to the #kubuntu channel :)01:50
draikWelcome to #kubuntu01:50
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draikWhat can we do for you today jpr_01:51
jpr_I've installed ubuntu linux on one of my machines and i'm just messing around with it, it's great01:52
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draikIf you need help, this would be the place01:54
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jpr_I am having a problem with ktorrent01:54
draiksimple questions first...01:55
draikAre you on a router?01:55
jpr_I can download one torrent no problem, but if i try to download a second i get an error01:55
jpr_yes i'm on a router01:55
stdinwhat's the error you get?01:56
draikdid you port forward?01:56
draikactually, nevermind01:56
jpr_don't know about port forwarding01:56
draikwhat type of router do you have?01:56
draikactually, hold on01:56
draikI know of a place that has the manual for every router for port forwarding01:57
jpr_it just says that there was a problem opening the torrent, and to try saving it first01:57
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Calmcacilthis is mean01:58
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jpr_is it port forwarding thats the problem?01:58
draikcould be01:58
draiklet me find the manual01:58
Calmcacilcant get wlan working -_-01:58
stdinjpr_: ahh, so try downloading the .torrent file to your desktop, then opening it in ktorrent01:58
jpr_I never had a problem like this on the other operating system01:58
stdin!wifi | Calmcacil01:58
ubotuCalmcacil: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:58
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sleepy495is there a web site or tutorial on installing xgl/compiz for dapper? most sites just mention stuff for gnome and edgy..01:58
draikjpr_: http://portforward.com/01:58
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jpr_I'll have a look at it02:00
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draikIt will help you with your specific router and firewall settings02:00
Calmcacilneed to get wlan up with wpa x302:01
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pcnerd37Hello.  I need some help02:01
stdinCalmcacil: wireless help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs WPA help https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WifiDocs/KubuntuWPAHowTo02:01
jpr_Why does it allow me to download the first file without any problem?02:01
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Calmcacilim looking at it ;p02:01
stdinCalmcacil: 2nd link is specifically for WPA02:02
draikno clue02:02
draikjpr_: no clue02:02
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jpr_ok draik thanks for your help02:03
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pcnerd37I have just installed the latest version of Kubuntu on my thinkpad and Im having some wireless issues.  When I try to use the wireless assistant to get on a WEP encrypted network, the connection always fails.  I have tried this on several wireless networks with no luck.  Can anybody tell me why this is happening and how i can fix it?02:03
flaccidpcnerd37: try knetworkmanager02:03
draikjpr_: no problem02:03
pcnerd37ok, thanks02:04
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pcnerd37will that work for WPA networks too?02:04
flaccidyep sure will02:05
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flaccidmind you the devs forgot that now using generic kernel, ipw and other drivers won't be available02:05
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flaccidso hopefully your card is fine or uses wext02:05
pcnerd37i hope so too02:06
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jlh_Thsi is my first time using this app02:07
jpr_same here02:08
stdinthen welcome to #kubuntu02:08
jlh_I have not been to this IRC channel before.02:08
jlh_I'm a long time Debian user.02:08
stdin#kubuntu is the support channel for Kubuntu02:08
stdin<-- feisty :)02:08
Seeker`<--- windows XP02:09
stdinBOO! :p02:09
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jlh_seeker are you using Mirc02:09
stdinhow's kqemu going Seeker` ?02:09
BluesKajstdin, is feisty stable in your opinion ?02:10
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stdinBluesKaj: it's been quite stable, for me (TM)02:10
stdinUptime: 14 days, 10 hours and 46 minutes02:10
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stian__this is so anoying02:11
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jlh_Your not running it as a server are you?02:11
Calmcacilwhen i join a WPA network02:11
Calmcacilmy computer freezes up02:11
stdinBluesKaj: but it's not considered stable, it's still under development02:11
stdinjlh_: nope, well only samba and ssh02:11
Calmcacili am using ndiswrapper02:11
Seeker`jlh_: Yes, I am using MIRC02:11
BluesKajyeah i'm aware of that , simply curious , stdin :)02:12
Calmcacilanyone have any ideas02:12
jlh_That's a cool program. I used it for about 12 yrs02:12
stdinBluesKaj: I've got edgy on another partition, just in case, but I haven't had to use it so fat02:12
Seeker`stdin: I've got it running. I am attempting to install XP with it so I have even less reasons to boot in windows. but it keeps on stopping at 35% installed02:12
stdinSeeker`: I remember trying to install XP in qemu, too for ever, so I gave up and used vmware02:13
jlh_VMware rocks02:13
Calmcacilanoying crap02:14
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stdinI use qemu where I can02:14
jlh_Just remember there are great commercial apps out there.02:14
Seeker`oooh...just made it to 37%02:14
jpiccolowhats the app that shows weather on your desktop02:14
jlh_I never had a sucessful load using Qemu02:14
stdinSeeker`: just leave it for a few hours, and hope it don't crash :p02:14
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stdinjlh_: you can even open vmware images in qemu :)02:15
Seeker`thats what i'm thiking of doing02:15
Calmcacilwpa kinda sucks02:15
BluesKaji used GParted to setup and resize the Windows NTFS and Edgy ext partitions ...worked well as a live cd for me02:15
Seeker`the problem is that my desktop is very noisy, so i may not be able to get much sleep02:15
jlh_No, Just use Vmware and create a vmware image.02:15
jlh_vmware is free. Check out the website.02:16
BluesKajVMWare, bah humbug ! :)02:16
jlh_It works02:16
stdinjlh_: use qemu to create a vmware image, and qemu is free (really free GPL)02:16
BluesKajI don't see the point of it02:16
jlh_Do you work in IT02:16
stdinor just use XEN :p02:17
jlh_You have to learn something other than opensource apps.02:17
stdinjlh_: yeah, but when you can use oss, you should :p02:18
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jlh_Corporate networks are not built entirely on opensource02:18
stdinall the computers I work on use GNU/Linux02:18
Seeker`jlh_: But when at home you can use as much (or as little) oss as you like02:18
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jlh_You work in a corporate environment?02:19
BluesKajI just logon to windows (if I really need to), which becoming less and less frequent as time goes by. :)02:19
Seeker`jlh_: Yep02:19
jlh_how many users?02:19
jlh_Hard to believe that all computers are oss top to bottom...02:19
Seeker`in the company i work for? probably a couple of thousand. I dont work in the IT department, I work in R&D02:20
Seeker`All of the computers I use for anything other than checking email run linux02:20
jlh_That's different02:20
BluesKajmost corporations hire windows IT admin guys : hence the prevalence of windows where there is no need for it02:21
jlh_When you send people out the field, they will have to connect and use applications that interface with the dealer location.02:21
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K`zanAm I doing something wrong or is wine not a ubuntu package?02:21
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:22
stdin!info wine02:22
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB02:22
stdinK`zan: it is an ubuntu package, follow that guide02:22
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Seeker`jlh_: It is possible to use open source software in most (if not all) situations02:23
soulriderhi everyone02:23
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jlh_Who is going to pay to move, train and rewrite applications02:24
jlh_This is why makes more sense to attack small emerging companies02:25
Seeker`jlh_: One of the problems at the moment is that people are trained to use windows from the beginning, not use computer or generic applications02:25
jlh_influence Linux use02:25
jlh_You don't understand what I'm saying.02:25
K`zanstdin: Must have something screwy here, have the universe repository but all I get is libwine, libwine-dev and winefish.  Not sure what is going on here...02:26
flaccidi think linux needs 5 more years to be up there02:26
flaccidthe interoperability just isn't there yet02:26
jlh_When I move a fileshare to a new location without research, I can break many applications.02:26
stdinK`zan: huh, how did you search for it?02:27
jlh_Now think of changing a whole infrastructure.02:27
K`zanadept just entered "wine"02:27
K`zanstdin: used adept just entered "wine"02:27
jlh_Linux needs an administration tool02:27
Seeker`i'm not saying that it should be used everywhere now02:28
flaccidjlh_: it has lots already doesn't?02:28
jlh_with plugins to manage02:28
stdinK`zan: open konsole, and type in "apt-cache search wine" and see if it's shown there02:28
Seeker`but given time it definately can be used in a much larger share of the market02:28
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stdinjlh_: look at webmin02:28
flaccidwebmin is shite02:29
jlh_I know what webmin is.02:29
K`zanstdin: thanks, trying that now.02:29
flaccidif you mean a control panel. none free exist that are any good02:29
jlh_I hear ya02:29
stdinyes, but that's what he was describing, and the only one I know of like that02:29
jlh_thats what I'm talking about.02:29
flaccidi'm writing one02:29
flaccidbut it won't be GPL02:29
flaccidand its going to take me probaly 2 years to finish02:30
cloakableOh? Why?02:30
jlh_We can't lead if we are emulating Windows way of doing things02:30
flaccidbut yes i'm doing this because none free exist that are any good02:30
K`zanstdin: same results with addition of tellico stuff :-/.02:30
flaccidi don't think windows has much to do with CPs :)02:30
jlh_SAmba is nice but we are always trying to be compatable with MS AD02:30
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stdinK`zan: what version of kubuntu are you on? and what architecture?02:31
flaccidwe've been compatible with ms ad for a number of years now with samba02:31
K`zanedgy, amd6402:31
K`zanstdin:  edgy, amd6402:31
jlh_We need to be inovative.02:31
flaccidwe are innovative. just lacks a lot of other stuff02:32
jlh_Do we really need 10,000 linux distros?02:32
flaccidbut we need one that beats windows in all aspects02:32
jlh_WE have no standard02:32
flaccidnot one does that yet02:32
K`zanjlh_: I don't think so but with the pissing matches that go on, I can't see how that can be avoided...02:32
jlh_I hear ya02:32
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superkirbyartist Any ideas for lightweight sound recorder?02:32
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jlh_That's the biggest dissapointment about Linux, to me.02:33
flaccidits too late to unify *nix. but its not too late to improve what is available02:33
flaccidsuperkirbyartist: audacity might be light enough02:33
K`zanjlh_: if half that energy went into getting stuff done in a VERY few distros, we'd have left m$ in the dust a good while back :-(.02:33
stdinK`zan: don't think there is a amd64 package for wine02:33
superkirbyartistflaccid:  Thank you!02:33
jlh_When I say standardization, I hear your attacking Oss02:33
flaccidmy dislike of linux is distros not living up to name and not satisfying the person trying to come from windows02:33
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K`zanstdin: OK thanks, the amount of stuff that won't run under amd64 (linux and windoz) is staggering :-(.  THanks for the help, much appreciated.02:34
stdinK`zan: is there any reason you need to run 64bit ?02:34
flaccidan out-of-the-box emphasis needs to placed on linux. its not out of the box yet, rarely is02:34
jlh_I would like to setup a re-think website for Linux users and programmers.02:34
jlh_that would be a start02:35
flaccidjlh_: so would i . you set it up and i'll post :)02:35
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jlh_I'm graduating in June, I will have more time to invest in Linux.02:35
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jlh_Linux could use a add/remove programs app.02:36
jlh_I don't mean adept or apt02:36
K`zanstdin: I think the only good reason is I got bit believing the marketing BS :-/.02:36
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Seeker`isn't that what synaptic does?02:36
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stdinjlh_: what about the one in the kmenu?02:36
jlh_Most people do not care what a dependancy is02:36
flaccidjlh_: it does have it02:37
K`zanstdin: about to uninstall all the 64 bit stuff and just install the 32 bit "equivalents"...02:37
flaccidthere are a few add/remove gtk apps02:37
stdinK`zan: the only advantages or 64bit is if you have 4GB+ RAM really02:37
geeksterjlh_ most people also don't care what a .dll is02:37
jlh_under system settings02:38
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jlh_That's a good place to put it.02:38
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stdinjlh_: Kmenu -> Add/Remove Programs02:38
jlh_Adobe EAsports don't write apps for us because there are to many distros02:39
bonbonthejonI am having trouble with kontact02:39
jlh_They are not going to write 40 versions of an installer02:39
bonbonthejonkontact will not fully maximize02:39
flaccidthats coz they are stupid02:39
jlh_We need a standard02:39
flaccidyou only need 1 version because of archs02:40
geeksterjlh_ actually i talked to a bunch of the adobe guys at linuxworld, they dont write them more because of the percieved limited market share linux has today.02:40
flaccidjlh_: adobe is bullshitting basically02:40
stdinjlh_: linux just don't have enough market share, and you only need 3 packages for linux, a tar.gz a RPM and a DEB02:40
flaccidjlh_: have a look at nexuiz02:40
jlh_where do things reside /etc  /home  /var....02:40
flaccidstdin: or 1 binary installer02:40
flaccidhmm no mah:heir in ubuntu, thats not good02:41
stdinyep, like the nvidia driver installer, works on all linux, only one package02:41
jlh_What DEB? Not all Debian deb's are compatable with Ubuntu..02:41
flaccidoh it does02:41
flaccidi spelt it wrong02:41
dwidmannjlh_, much of it does seem to be standardized, to some extent02:41
flaccidjlh_: try man hier02:41
geeksterjlh: there is a lot of issues with linux, same can be said for every OS out there.02:41
jlh_see what I mean, and that's stated on ubuntu02:41
flaccidjlh_: trust me its adobe not linux that is the problem02:41
flaccidnexuiz has one .zip and works on all platforms..........02:42
jlh_how about a click binary02:42
stdinjlh_: that's to do with what libs are packaged, and dependencies, just stick the directory tree in a deb, it'll work on all deb systems02:42
geeksterjlh: try clicking on a .deb02:42
jlh_dpkg -ivh ooooo.beb02:42
flaccida click binary is fine. x11 is a standard for gui and sh is standard for shell...02:42
jlh_you know what I'm talking about.02:43
flaccidthere really isn't a problem02:43
flaccidit comes down to the developers02:43
flaccidexcuses are always made..02:43
jlh_They don't all work. Let's keep out of the Linux fantasy world02:43
flaccidthat sounds like a pathetic excuse02:43
geeksterjlh_ i do know what your talking about and there is still a few pieces missing i do not disagree, but i think you will see windows has the same issues for a lot of stuff too.02:44
flaccid'i want linux to rule', 'be easy on them they don't work' wtf02:44
jlh_I think there are better ways of doing things but I don't see them challenging MS02:44
flaccidthings need to be treated on a professional level or it won't compete02:44
flaccidthere is nothing missing.... i just disproved that02:44
stdinjlh_: depends on the package, but if you realace a full app, with all it's dependencies in it, it will work on any deb system02:44
flaccida binary installer negates the need for more than 1 way of distribution02:45
stdinplace not replace02:45
geeksterjlh: better be glad its there or you would be even more harrassed with virus's and spyware, ms wouldnt have the competition forcing them to look better and more secure02:45
homerassuming KDE 4 comes out 2 weeks before fiesty comes out02:45
=== stdin agrees with flaccid
jlh_Right, but who wants to research all that. I can't get people to stop opening unknown mail senders.02:45
homerwill it be included?02:45
dwidmannhomer, kde4 will not be default in kubuntu02:45
stdinhomer: I doubt KDE 4 will be out any time soon02:46
dwidmannit will be made available upon completion02:46
flaccidprobably someone that wants to put some effort into the gnu/linux mission.........02:46
stdinnot released anyway02:46
homerstdin: alot of KDE devs are working solely on KDE 4 now, so you never know02:46
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dwidmannit will be a seperate set of packages entirely, kde3 apps are not compatible with kde4 at all, also, the settings directory will be ~/.kde402:46
stdinhomer: it'll take more than 4 months tho :p02:46
flaccidwell i read there was a qt3 compatibility wrapper in qt4...........02:47
jlh_Most people want to sit on an IRC channel and piss each other off, rather than finding a solution to one major problem before moving on to the next.02:47
flaccideven showed that to me when i compiled qt402:47
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geeksterjlh_: how much software have you released and how many how-to's have you written???02:47
flaccidmost people i doubt ti. some perhaps, but that is not all people. nowhere near it02:47
stdinoff topic discussions are supposed to be in #kubuntu-offtopic02:47
flaccidmyself i've written articles, helped, reported bugs etc. something that a lot of people do here02:48
jlh_KDE will get some major apps designed for us because they will standarize something and distribute their toolkit like MS pushes the ASP suite02:48
homerit seems the ubuntu people have a special plan for KDE 4 if it get released02:48
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geeksterditto flaccid and its why i do anytime in irc at all02:48
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geeksteri personally can't wait to see kde4... quite excited.02:49
jlh_I'm the freakin' penguin. What does it matter. I use Linux02:49
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stdini'm gonna wait until at least RC1 to try kde402:49
homerplasma looks to be the coolest part of it02:49
geeksterglad to finally have my treo syncing with kontact.02:49
homerbut that is really pre-alpha02:50
homeralot of libraries are mature while others are pre-alpha02:50
brandonhey can someone tell me if there is a way to fix flash on myspace so that it displays the players correctly02:50
homerlike phonon is pretty mature02:50
K`zanstdin: based on my experiences so far, I agree :-).  I don't have anything that needs 4G of RAM so I might as well install the 32 bit versions :-/.02:50
stdinyeah, not developer release, a release candidate02:50
dwidmannI think I'll wait til there are debs ... takes too much bandwidth to keep up with svn02:50
jlh_I will be happy we are not always adding "finally" when something works.02:50
stdinK`zan: it will save you a whole lot of trouble :p02:50
homeralso KWin improvements look cool02:51
homerKHTML is really heavy development02:51
K`zanstdin: I would have :-) but I have already beat my head bloody finding out what works and what doesn't :-).  At least I can stop that now :-).02:51
dwidmannI wonder if they're working on a new kwin theme or not, hmmm02:51
homerlots of commits to it02:51
geeksterim quite happy with kde as it is but cooler is nice and kde4 definetly looks to deliver on that.02:51
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bonbonthejoncan someone help me figure out how to get konqueror to work with Novell BorderManager02:52
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jlh_see ya all02:53
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BluesKajwhat's force removal command for an unwanted file that consistently wants to install03:13
stdinapt-get remove ?03:13
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bonbonthejonBluesKaj: apt-get purge?03:14
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Hobbseeapt-get remove --purge03:14
BluesKajno, apt doesn't work03:14
stdinBluesKaj: what's exactly is the situation ?03:14
BluesKajtrying to get risd of calmav it intereferes with upgrades in synaptic03:15
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stdinBluesKaj: try with aptitude remove03:15
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Alter-Egodoes kubuntu have a billing clock/timer ?03:34
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denisgood mornmng03:37
denish morning03:37
denisI have a problem with adept since I upgraded to kubuntu 6.1003:38
radiantcan someone do a /whois on me and post it in whisper?03:38
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denisI have 27 packages to update but everytime I want to do that the package to be updatet is shown as (break)03:39
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denisany idea?03:39
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denisperhaps because of the sources.list?03:41
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BluesKajthe calmav pkg is broken and upgrading doesn't work and purging won't either ...stuck in limbo and it's interfering with upgrading other pkgs03:42
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n8k99hey there03:47
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draikCan I convert pdf to another format?03:51
draikIn Kubuntu, can I convert pdf to doc, odt or another format?03:51
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nikolaguess what?04:00
nikolaI GOT KBFX TO WORK04:00
nikolaKIND OF04:00
nikolaI kinda cheated it into working :P04:01
bonbonthejonnikola: did you use the repository?04:01
AnnirakHow would I go about recording a 15-minute audio clip from line-in at specific times of day?04:01
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nikolathere is a place where you can change the look of the bar in the bar settings04:01
nikolai did that04:01
nikolathen i dloaded a program that became my kbfx button04:02
lupine_85Annirak: $console recording program + cron04:02
nikolathats all04:02
nikolamy computer now looks like.............. windows xp...................04:02
nikolawow, this is totally an OS confused Mac04:02
nikolaiz still my fav computer :P04:02
nikolamainly cuz i cant get my hands on my dad's macpro ><04:03
Anniraklupine_85: any suggestions for the console based recording program?04:03
nikolaoh, that reminds me04:03
nikolahow do i get my webcam and mic to work with kubuntu?04:03
lupine_85Annirak: no, sorry.04:04
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geoffbHey folks, kubuntu on an intel macbook! woo! a much easier windowing system to cope with than OS X! I'm stuck with screen resolution of 1024x768, I want/need 1280x800, no option to change it in the gui. May I have some pointers on how to fix that please?04:06
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BluesKajgeoffb, sys/settings/monitor&display/hardware/admin mode/scrnsize slider04:12
BluesKajcorrection geoffb,sys/settings/monitor&display/admin mode/scrnsize slider04:13
makuseruanyone know a channel i can go to for videogame help?04:18
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geoffbBluesKaj: thanks, I've tried that, I don't have options beyond 1204x768... at the moment I'm digging in xorg.conf to rectify that04:20
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BluesKajyes, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ...there you'll see the options for scrn resolutions04:23
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:24
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 165 kB, installed size 584 kB04:25
makuseruanyone know a channel i can go to for videogame help?04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
scorp2025Hi, I need to install the gettext-ruby1.8 package in Dapper, unfortunately the given version is quite buggy and more or less useless for my purpose.04:26
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scorp2025What shall I do?04:26
prophitinchey i need help setting up a password for su04:26
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".04:26
stdinahh :)04:26
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BluesKajthat's it04:26
stdinprophitinc: use sudo04:26
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:27
j_Hey, I feel rude, is it ok if I ask for some help in here? lol04:27
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:27
prophitinci need to install java04:27
prophitinci downloaded 2 different files04:27
j_just installed kubuntu, and all my images are screwed up, it's like on a badly compressed video, all the black space in any image is like green and scrambled04:28
stdin!java | prophitinc04:28
ubotuprophitinc: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:28
makuseruprophitinc: you could use automatix04:28
prophitincwhats that04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ausomatix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:28
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:28
stdin^^^ automatix = bad04:28
makuseruit dosnt break anything04:28
makuseruautomatix = makes EVERYTHINg easier04:29
notechseen itt hose a different distro04:29
makuseruits for ubuntu based distros only04:29
makuseruw32 codecs, multimedia codes, mplayer and flash plugin for FF and java04:29
makuseruprophitinc: www.getautomatix.com04:29
notechno it isn't, or maybe it was automatrix. something along the ssame thing04:29
prophitinchow do i enable multiverse?04:30
makuseruyes automatix is ubuntu ONLY04:30
makuseruit says it on its main site04:30
BluesKajhmmm, can't seem to purge or upgrade a broken pkg ...what does one do to get rid of it ?04:30
stdinautomatix can leave your system in an an usable state when you try and upgrade, if you use it, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK04:30
BluesKajit won't fix either04:30
BluesKajdin't used automtix04:30
stdinBluesKaj: that statement wasn't directed at you :) what package is it, clamav?04:31
makuserustdin: automatix does only good04:31
prophitincso how do you enable multiverse?04:31
stdinmakuseru: like I say, if it breaks your system, too bad04:31
notechmakuseru: maybe for you, but many others have had troubles04:31
BluesKajyeah, damn thing sticks like sh..t to a blanket04:32
stdin!multiverse | prophitinc04:32
ubotuprophitinc: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:32
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stdinBluesKaj: try sudo dpkg -r clamav04:32
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david_ya quelqun?04:33
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:33
BluesKajdpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove clamav which isn't installed...strangest thing, yet it keeps wanting to upgrade WTF ?04:33
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stdinBluesKaj: what dose "dpkg --list | grep clamav" show?04:34
stdinBluesKaj: pastebin if it's large04:34
notechAutomatix2 does not replace your sources list. It adds missing official sources and some safe third party sources to your existing sources.list  ...... so nice of them to determine what 3rd party are safe while giving you no choice in the matter04:34
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stdinnotech: and why not just do it the safe way, following the guides on help.ubuntu.com ?04:35
BluesKajjust pmd ya, stdin04:35
BluesKajwell queryed04:36
notechstdin: i would never use automatix04:36
stdinBluesKaj: try "sudo dpkg -r clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam ibclamav1 "04:37
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BluesKajwarning: ignoring request to remove ibclamav1 which isn't installed04:38
stdinpeople should not reccommend automatix, or easyubuntu, as both can do considerable damage, if you still want to use it, then good luck04:38
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BluesKajeasyubuntu is a bit better , not as damaging as automatix04:39
php-freak$ lynx -source http://go-pear.org/ | php ?04:39
php-freak$ lynx -source http://go-pear.org/ | php  how do i run this?04:39
stdinBluesKaj: huh... , try " sudo dpkg -r clamav-base clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam"04:39
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php-freak$ lynx -source http://go-pear.org/ | php  how do i run this?04:40
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
ubotuphp4: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-1.1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB04:41
stdinphp-freak: try installing that04:41
stdinphp-freak: then run the command in konsole04:41
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php-freaki already got that installed04:42
php-freakstdin? what are you talking about04:42
php-freakI'm asking how do I installed pear04:42
php-freakdo you know anything about php04:42
php-freakhttp://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php its telling me how to install pear here, and thats what im trying to do04:42
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stdinphp-freak: you have to install php, then run the command it says in konsole04:42
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php-freakstdin: php is install cli version/ web version04:43
php-freak -source http://go-pear.org/ | php04:43
php-freaki run that04:43
php-freakunkown command04:43
holgeris there a way to delete the last entry from history. "history -d" wants to know the offset, but i don't know the offset of the last element. mmh04:43
stdinphp-freak: ok, if you have it installed, just run the command in console as "lynx -source http://pear.php.net/go-pear | php -q"04:44
php-freakcommand not found04:44
holger"history | tail -n 2" returns the offset i want to know, how can i match it?04:45
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stdinphp-freak: try: "wget http://go-pear.org/ -O - | php -q"04:45
_sledge_Did you mean: ubuntu upgrade from edgy to frosty04:47
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BluesKajsnowman is the latest > :)04:48
php-freakstdin: cool got it whats the -O -q for?04:50
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stdinphp-freak: the '-O -' makes wget output the file to stdout, and but I don't know what the '-q' option to php dose04:51
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zshayare the servers for apt-get running slow today?04:55
zshayall of my downloads are going normal speed except for apt-get downloads...04:56
virustechhi! who can tell me how to play mp3 music on my kubuntu? please04:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:57
Annirakhow do I change the volume of /dev/dsp?04:57
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AnnirakWell, for recording audio, that is04:57
stdinAnnirak: use kmix for that04:58
stdinzshay: depends which servers you are using04:58
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Annirakstdin I'm trying to record audio from a script.  Can I use kmix to change the audio in that scenario?04:59
stdinAnnirak: that should work, or alsamixer05:00
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Search4Lancereeee problem!05:01
Search4LancerI've been doing some rearraging in my room and left my laptop unplugged and of course it died05:01
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Search4LancerI just started it back up and the screen size was at 800x600 (not sure what it was before), which is definitely not right05:02
Search4LancerI tried changing it to the larger value, and rather than making everything smaller (the desired effect) everything stayed the same size, and the screen was scrolling05:02
stdin!xconfig | Search4Lancer05:02
ubotuSearch4Lancer: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".05:02
stdinSearch4Lancer: use the last command there ^^05:03
Search4Lancerit's the resolution that's the problem, correct?05:03
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stdinSearch4Lancer: yes05:03
Search4Lancerthat didn't do much05:04
stdinSearch4Lancer: what happened when you ran it?05:04
Search4Lancer"warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been customized"05:05
Search4Lancerand it overwrote it, but with who knows what05:05
stdinSearch4Lancer: ahh, run this first: sudo sh -c 'md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum'05:06
stdinSearch4Lancer: then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" again05:06
Search4Lancersame result (or lack thereof)05:07
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stdinSearch4Lancer: what version of kubuntu are you on?05:07
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Search4Lancerheck if I know... I tried to upgrade to Edgy and it didn't work, so... Dapper?05:08
Search4Lancerkind of silly that there aren't resolution settings somewhere easily accessible05:08
stdinSearch4Lancer: in konsole type: md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5su05:09
stdinSearch4Lancer: correction: md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum05:09
Search4Lancerresult: c6c0b7a666f6d7b298b3eb42cda2f713  /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:10
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stdinSearch4Lancer: ok, now type : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh05:11
stdinSearch4Lancer: toy should see a a blue menu come up05:11
stdin(sort of)05:11
Balsamic_Chickengood evening stdin05:12
thompais there a special kernel i want for amd64 duo core, it installed with generic, ?05:12
stdingood morning Balsamic_Chicken :p05:12
stdinthompa: generic is fine05:12
thompathere is amd64 generic also though05:12
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's the equivalent of krdc remote desktop connection in ubuntu?05:12
Search4Lancerstdin: still gives me the whole "not updating, possibly customized" schpeel05:12
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stdinSearch4Lancer: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
stdin(without the -phigh)05:13
draikDoees     dpkg --get-selection    work for anyone?05:13
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thompastdin: shouldnt i be using amd64-k8-smp or something?05:13
stdindraik: yes, but it's dpkg --get-selections05:13
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draikstdin: UGH... I hate missing that one letter05:14
stdinthompa: no, they have all been merged in to the generic one05:14
draikstdin: Thank you... again05:14
MarcC-Liwhere can I find the settings for the "lock screen" command? It stopped displaying the screensaver all of a sudden.05:14
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)05:14
thompastdin: good enough05:14
draikstdin: I've had so much help from you today. I thank you for that. When do I get your bill?05:14
=== draik is listening to Open Your Eyes by Guano Apes on Best Of Guano Apes [Amarok]
draikwoohoo... plugin works!05:15
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's the equivalent of krdc remote desktop connection in ubuntu?05:15
stdindraik: no problem, but all donations are welcome :p j/k05:15
draikstdin: why not?05:15
BluesKajnite all05:16
stdindraik: hey, if you want to send my money, I won't stop you05:16
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draikstdin: Depends, where's it going?05:16
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stdindraik: i'm in the UK05:17
draikstdin: I'm in the US05:17
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:17
draikstdin: might be a BIT of a problem there05:17
Search4Lanceryuy I don't even know what to put for half the crap it's asking me05:17
stdinBalsamic_Chicken: ask in #ubuntu ?05:17
stdinSearch4Lancer: just leave as default (press enter), until you get to the resolution part05:18
stdindraik: paypal :p05:18
draikstdin: That's what I was thinking05:18
draikstdin: I deal with paypal at work all day long05:18
draikstdin: It's just a matter of conversion now05:19
stdinI can't remember the last time I used it, but it's useful to have one i guess05:19
draikstdin: Its about what... $1 USD is about $0.50 or so05:20
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draikI know my USD is worthless to you05:20
draikso I have to bulk it up just right05:20
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stdindraik: google says $1 = 0.516182316  :p05:21
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=== Search4Lancer wonders what resolution he wants
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stdinSearch4Lancer: 1024x768 is standard, but you can go bigger05:22
Search4Lancerwell it's a widescreen laptop05:22
stdinahh, ok05:22
Search4Lancerit has 1280*800 selected... I think that's what I've been using05:22
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stdinyeah, sounds right05:24
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Search4Lancerokay.... I'm done.... now what? restart xorg?05:25
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stdinSearch4Lancer: yes, you just logout, and choose "restart X server" from the login menu (or press Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace if you can't find it)05:27
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Search4Lancer:-\ still seems wrong05:30
Search4Lancerwell, still _is_ wrong05:30
stdinis it a different resolution tho?05:30
Search4Lancerno... I'm pretty sure it's the same as it was a moment ago05:31
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stdinmaybe this page can help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:32
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Balsamic_Chickeni'm trying to connect to someone that's could use krdc, once i know his ip address, how do i connect to him, does he need to have some application open for me to be able to connect with him?05:36
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stdinBalsamic_Chicken: don't know, but here's a help page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC05:37
Balsamic_Chickenstdin ty05:38
stdinnp , hope it helps05:38
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apixelatedofficeI recently installed KDE, which is better with the KDE desktop... easy ubuntu OR automatix?05:45
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stdinsee this warning:05:45
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:45
stdinif you still want to install, then go ahead05:46
kai_How would I go about releasing and renewing my Ip number if linus?05:46
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apixelatedofficehmm, yeah, I want some stuff done fast, but I guess I'd better take it slow.05:46
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stdinkai_: try "sudo ifup --force eth0" if it's the IP of eth0 you want to renew05:46
kai_ahhh, is that one a wiki for commands and what not05:47
stdinkai_: huh?05:47
stdinapixelatedoffice: what things do you want? codecs,flash,java?05:48
kai_is there a wiki or something where I can look up some ip commmands I can in linux? I don't know any05:48
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apixelatedofficeyeah,... pretty much.05:48
stdinkai_: all I can recommend is search google, I just happen to have learnt that command05:49
apixelatedofficeIt's cool, I have a lot to figure out, I'll figure it out soon enough. :)05:49
stdinapixelatedoffice: this page has all the info you need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:49
apixelatedofficeoh thanks :)05:50
stdinno problem05:50
stdinapixelatedoffice: if you have any other questions, or need help, just ask :)05:50
apixelatedofficethanks :)05:50
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cravI have a broadcom bcm4318 that I absolutely cannot get to work. I've read and attmpted at least 10 different guides on the subject. Is it worth my $17 to just get a compatable card?05:56
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's good then05:57
stdincrav: have you read the guides on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ?05:57
stdincrav: dapper or edgy?05:58
aseigoRiddell: ping05:58
stdinlooked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Edgy05:58
aseigodammit. wrong channel05:58
stdincrav: that link should help05:58
cravi haven't seen that particular link05:59
cravi shall try yet again!05:59
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=== stdin crosses fingers for crav
cravright now i'm only online because of windows06:00
cravso i shall return, hopefully NOT while in windows.06:00
stdinok, good luck crav06:00
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makuseruanyone know a channel i can go to for videogame help?06:06
Admiral_Chicago /list might know.06:07
Admiral_Chicagowhat do you mean video game help06:07
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stdinmakuseru: don't think there is one, have you looked at the help page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games06:07
makuseruno i havent06:08
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knappAnyone familiar with Devede?06:13
knappHow can I make chapters in it?06:13
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Dr_willisnever heard of it.06:15
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dwidmannDr_willis, it's a python app for creating dvds, so now you've heard of it :)06:17
dwidmann**video dvds06:17
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stdinknapp: when you select a file, you can set chapter length under "Advanced options"06:18
stdindon't think you can set chapters manually tho, just the length between them06:18
stdinnice little app there, didn't know about it06:19
knapphmm let me take a look06:20
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knappI have 11 avi files that I want to put on dvd. How can I make it so each (1-11) are chapters?06:21
knapp11 chapters06:21
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knappMaybe just uncheck that box that says split into chapters?06:22
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stdinknapp: don't think you can with that app, I think you can with kmediafactory tho06:23
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knapp*sigh* so many freakin programs06:23
knappwhy cant one do them all :/06:24
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stdinknapp: but you can try unchecking the box and err06:24
stdinsee not err :p06:24
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Minatakustdin: Say, do you know where genii is?06:26
stdinMinataku: I don't, he's not online atm06:26
stdinhasn't been all day06:26
MinatakuHe said he'd be back yesterday and he wasn't06:27
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stdinhe was here yesterday06:27
AnnirakI'm trying to capture audio from my line-in port with a script.  I'm using rec (sox package).  When I listen to the audio stream by removing the mute flag from line-in in alsamixer, I hear clean audio.  When I record it with $rec -d /dev/dsp outfile.wav and play it back in kaffeine, it's distorted.  When I force the sample rate to 44.1kHz, it's not as bad, but it's still distorted.06:27
Minatakustdin: I didn't see him :o06:27
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stdinMinataku: he was here as genii and genii206:29
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stdinbut he left at 11pm GMT06:29
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Minatakustdin: Weird... maybe my brain is busted06:30
MinatakuWouldn't be the first time06:30
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stdinMinataku: he should be here tomorrow, he has the odd day off :p06:30
stdinAnnirak: maybe try asking in #ubuntu or ##linux seeing as it's not really a kubuntu specific issue06:31
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Minatakustdin: Ah06:33
Minatakustdin: I was a bit worried, lol06:33
stdinMinataku: maybe he actually has a life outside of linux :p06:33
Minatakustdin: lol06:34
Minatakustdin: I know, I know06:34
stdinnot like me :p06:34
MinatakuBut he wasn't around when he said he would be and I got a little concerned06:34
MinatakuI'm still young enough to care sometimes06:34
stdinaww :)06:34
Annirakstdin: point.06:35
MinatakuI'm cynical as all hell but I still have some love06:35
stdinall you need is love, love, love ....06:35
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MinatakuAnnirak: Perhaps the input signal is too high for the card? That could lead to clipping if precautions aren't taken06:37
AnnirakIt does play properly when done directly06:38
Annirakjust not when recorded06:38
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ValmarkoI'd like to spend some of my free time by learning programing my computer. I' ve just downloaded to books: Ruby Cook Book ; The Rubu way. Well, I just need the ruby itself and some decent IDE :) Could someone help me ?06:43
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB06:44
MinatakuOooh, that's nice06:44
Valmarkotanks :)06:44
MinatakuValmarko: I'd suggest Python, though06:44
MinatakuIt's more prevalent of a scripting language than Ruby06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
MinatakuAlso for a real language, there's always good old C++06:45
MinatakuOr C06:45
ValmarkoI no nothing about programming. I just want to start from some point, But, why do you suggest python?06:45
MinatakuValmarko: Personal preference, really, I use a couple programs written in Python and they're great06:45
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morghanphoenixPython is the one I'm trying to learn in what little spare time I have. Lots of stuff I have is written in python and it's supposed to be one of the simpler languages to learn06:46
MinatakuI've never actually used anything written in Ruby, yet, and it seems less prevalent than Python is06:46
ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-11ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 208 kB06:46
Dr_willisdifferent focus :)06:46
Valmarkoummm... Are there any books ?06:46
morghanphoenix!direct rendering06:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about direct rendering - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:47
stdinI know of a python ide, but not a ruby one06:47
morghanphoenixAnyone know the url for the direct rendering help?06:47
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.06:47
ValmarkoWell... tanks :)06:47
stdinmorghanphoenix: what graphics card do you have ?06:47
morghanphoenixATi Radeon 7000 128MB06:48
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stdinmorghanphoenix: what dose "glxinfo |grep direct" show ?06:48
morghanphoenixXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:49
morghanphoenixdirect rendering: No06:49
morghanphoenixOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:49
MinatakuValmarko: No problem06:49
stdinmorghanphoenix: ahh, you need the ati binary driver then06:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:49
morghanphoenixStarts at the Radeon 9000 series in the support list06:50
morghanphoenixis there a legacy driver06:50
morghanphoenix7000 is a pretty new card, it's amazing the ATi driver doesn't support it06:51
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MinatakuIf all else fails, there's always VESA06:51
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ubotuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x06:52
MinatakuI have to remember that *buntu does things in an easy/automated manner06:52
stdinmorghanphoenix: what dose "lspci |grep VGA" show" ?06:53
MinatakuI'm a Gentoo user who came in here to talk to someone so the thought of not doing it myself confounds me06:53
stdinmorghanphoenix: that's "lspci |grep VGA"06:53
morghanphoenix0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] 06:53
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stdinlooks like ATI don't supply a driver for that anymore :(06:53
MinatakuIsn't there a legacy ATI driver that they shove all their way-too-early-EOL'd card drivers to?06:54
MinatakuOr has ATI gotten worse since the last crap I heard about them?06:54
morghanphoenixAck, not fair, even dgen is running slow and choppy.06:54
stdinoldest driver I can find is 8500 series06:54
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stdinhmm, google time :p06:55
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MinatakuI hate when they do things like that, as if nobody uses the card anymore when in reality a lot of people still do06:55
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morghanphoenixIt's a pretty new card too.06:55
MinatakuEOL/EOS doesn't mean End Of Use06:55
MinatakuCompanies that provide no support for older products aren't companies worth doing business with06:56
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MinatakuSolely because of the fact that at any time determined by the company you'll end up screwed06:56
morghanphoenixI didn't buy it at least06:57
morghanphoenixEvery part of my computer was free06:57
MinatakuAt least I know better than to ever buy ATI06:57
morghanphoenixSalvaged from peoples junked systems, whatever still works and is better than what I have ends up in my box.06:58
MinatakuLest my computer become more than 6 months old and they tell me my card is obsolete and that I can copulate with myself06:58
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MinatakuTrying to keep the language clean for in here06:58
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morghanphoenixAmazing what people trash computers for06:58
morghanphoenixMost of my system was trashed because thier copy of windows me crashed06:59
Minataku"Oh, this is more than 10 days old, bin it"06:59
MinatakuAnd of course the companies all assume that this is what EVERYONE does06:59
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morghanphoenixI'm going to be buying a new laptop from linux certified soon, it'll be the first new computer I've owned since my 386 in the  mid 90s07:00
MinatakuWhile in reality most people don't have the money or rather the expertise to change their hardware every time the next thing comes out07:00
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morghanphoenixIs impossible to screw up in windows if the CD that comes with it has good drivers.07:01
morghanphoenixJust plug & play, then insert the disc for bonus features07:01
flaccidwelcome to capitalism, Minataku07:02
MinatakuNot to mention the total folly of "Intellectual Property" which really does nothing more than cause advancement to grind to a halt and lay festering07:02
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morghanphoenixIt would be just as easy in linux if you could actually find the damn drivers07:02
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Minatakuflaccid: Don't remind me, capitalism is the same reason we have to fight DRM/TCPA07:02
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morghanphoenixDRM is the reason I'm using linux now07:02
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morghanphoenixMicrosoft, Apple and Sony got into a fight over who owned my music and videos, my computer was the loser07:03
MinatakuWith any (of their) luck we'll all be forced to use Windows thanks to big business07:03
Minatakumorghanphoenix: That's a good one07:03
morghanphoenixAnd of course Microsoft wanted a butt load of money for the disc to the OS I allready owned07:04
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MinatakuOf course07:04
morghanphoenixMine had been damaged, and even with a valid cd-key they wanted more than an old OS is worth.07:04
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Minataku"License transfer!? THAT'S ILLEGAL WITCHCRAFT!"07:05
morghanphoenixI think if you've bought the damn OS you should be able to use it. We have an old 333 that has windows XP and it should be transferable to the faster computers, but no, that wouldn't make more money.07:06
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MinatakuOf course not, it's locked to the original computer thanks to "Product Activation"07:07
morghanphoenixAs long as you remove it from the old computer there shouldn't be a problem, you still only own one installed copy, but that would constitute good customer service.07:07
MinatakuAnd -$30007:07
morghanphoenixWhich I've had to do again four times in the last six months for the cd-rom, video card and both sticks of ram.07:07
MinatakuOr whatever they overcharge for Windows07:08
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morghanphoenixBut since you've allready paid $200, I guess that'd make it $400, so $300 is a good average.07:08
morghanphoenixGotta go to Safeway, out of Dr. Pepper, not a good thing when you're short on sleep.07:10
morghanphoenixToo bad they stopped selling jolt around here.07:10
MinatakuSorry to sidetrack the channel with all that XD07:10
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flaccidat the end of the day its people and greed that ruin it07:13
flaccidand as if google has lived up to their slogan07:13
geoffbhuman greed07:14
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flaccidthats a double superlative, geoffb07:14
flaccidheh i know someone named geoffb too07:14
geoffbbut you're better now?07:15
flaccidhumans > greed07:15
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ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 556 kB07:16
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Rob-Westmy bittorrent wont work07:16
Rob-Westlike 73% through a download and it stops working07:17
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MinatakuRob-West: Are there still seeds/peers?07:17
Rob-Westbut it bittorrent freezes07:18
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Rob-Westeven in gnome07:18
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stdinRob-West: it may be there aren't any seeders07:19
Rob-Westno theres like 600 seeders07:19
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Minatakustdin: I asked that already, apparantly the app is freezing up on him07:19
Rob-Westlike if i have it opened and i open konversation07:20
Rob-Westthen try to go back to bittorrent its just a blank gray window07:20
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xenophile7x7does anyone know a good resource to look up CLI-based software for kubuntu?07:21
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geoffbxenophile7x7: is there something in particular that you're looking for?07:22
xenophile7x7ive only been using linux a few day,s so im still learning07:22
stdinRob-West: maybe try a console torrent application, like rtorrent07:23
xenophile7x7but i want to focus more on cli than the gui07:23
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Rob-Westwont i have to start my download from 0%07:23
xenophile7x7im not necessarily tryin to find a download site. just a resource to see whats available.07:23
geoffbxenophile7x7: I'm not aware of a specific place to search for cli only stuff. I often use freshmeat.net for finding stuff generally07:23
MinatakuIt should start from where the other client left off07:24
stdinRob-West: probably, but maybe you could copy the partly downloaded files/dirs to where rtorrent saves them, and it may resume (maybe)07:24
xenophile7x7ok, ill give that a shot. thanks!07:24
geoffbbut I usually approach it from the point of view of solving a specific problem, not browsing07:24
geoffbu welcome07:24
geoffbdo ask if there's something specific you need a solution to07:24
xenophile7x7oh i will07:24
Rob-Westwhere does rtorrent save07:24
xenophile7x7just checking around to see whats out there atm though07:25
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xenophile7x7kinda compare and contrast, experiminting and such07:25
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Rob-Westhow do i open a torrent file07:25
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stdinin rtorrent?07:26
geoffbfair enough... maybe have a look at... .lynx (web browser), wget (web harvester!!!), rtorrent (bittorrent client)... uhm.... /me scratches head...07:26
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geoffbRob-West: iirc, it will accept the torrent filename as a command line argument07:26
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Rob-West[Snarf-It.org]  Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_X_Deluxe-Razor1911.torrent07:26
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Rob-Westso just put that in07:27
stdinRob-West: start it like: rtorrent torrentfile.torrent07:27
geoffblol... no, MSFS won't run on linux <grin>...07:27
geoffbyes, that's right07:27
genbenhi all, been trying to config the jre plugin for FF on kubuntu according to the instructions at plugin.mozdev.org, but it isn't working07:27
Rob-Westi give up07:28
Rob-Westi wish i could FTP it07:28
geoffbRob-West: what's the issue? is it still giving you grief?07:28
Rob-Westi should have just stuck to windows07:28
geoffbso what have you done so far?07:28
stdingenben: use the packages in multiverse07:29
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geoffbdon't stress dude, it can all be sorted :-)07:29
genbenk, what is the correct package name07:29
Rob-Westwell before bittorrent stopped wanting to work my file got to 72%07:29
geoffboh, ok, and now you're trying a different torrent client....07:29
Rob-Westthen i lost power and then bittorrent started acting up07:29
stdingenben: sun-java5-plugin07:29
geoffband rtorrent? not working?07:30
Rob-Westit wont open the torrent file07:30
genbenstdin: ta07:30
geoffbon the command line, you're typing "rtorrent <torrent file name>"?07:30
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genbenso pretty much anyhting i want to do, just follow the various ubuntu methods?07:30
stdingenben: you have multivers enabled tho?07:31
genbeni do07:31
geoffband it says....?07:31
Rob-Westill try Kget07:31
stdingenben: there is normally an ubuntu way, look at this page for others: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:31
genbenstdin: thanks07:32
stdinno problem :)07:32
geoffbRob-West: when switching to another torrent client, if it starts again at 0%, then look for ways to make it find the stuff you've already downloaded. Sometimes they will have different defautl destination dirs, and you might need to re-arrange the settings to make it play nice with what you've already retrieved.07:33
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Rob-Westill try FrostWire07:34
geoffbuh, is that a torrent client, or gnutella?07:35
geoffbno, wait, "now with bittorrent support", it's all good07:35
Rob-Westhow to i make it see my other files07:35
Rob-Westcuz imma be pissed if i gotta start over07:35
geoffbRob-West: look for preferences/settings regarding where it saves / looks for downloads by default.07:36
geoffb[17:33]  <geoffb> Rob-West: when switching to another torrent client, if it starts again at 0%, then look for ways to make it find the stuff you've already downloaded. Sometimes they will have different defautl destination dirs, and you might need to re-arrange the settings to make it play nice with what you've already retrieved.07:36
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Rob-Westit took me 3 days to get this far07:37
Rob-Westto move files to a different folder its going at 12MB a second07:38
Rob-Westi want this speed for downloads07:38
geoffbRob-West: do you have plenty of free disk space?07:38
Rob-West140 gigs total07:39
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Rob-West119GB free07:39
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moj0risingHi. Does anyone know if Ican install compiz via apt-get on Feisty?07:40
stdinmoj0rising: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz07:41
stdintho beryl may be easier to install07:41
StingRayHi, stdin. :)07:41
stdinhey, StingRay :)07:42
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moj0risingreally? OK I'll take a look onw.07:42
moj0risingeasiest is best. I just want to try it out.07:42
Rob-Westthis better work07:42
stdinStingRay: what mad security problem do you want to solve today? :p07:42
moj0risingthanks, stdin07:42
StingRay:D, stdin07:43
stdinmoj0rising: for beryl https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz07:43
stdinmoj0rising: for beryl https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl07:43
stdinwrong link :p07:43
StingRayenough for today...Yesterday I went to bed too late :O07:43
stdinheh, I know the feeling07:43
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StingRayI managed to resolve my problem, but terminal session to and FreeNX07:43
moj0risingthanks again!07:44
stdinnp :)07:44
StingRaystdin, the problem is that this situation is repeating for last 5 month too often07:44
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fignewlol Rob, I have those download speeds :P07:45
StingRay:), however I will manage. I am just too new and have to read too much07:45
stdinStingRay: have you thought about using ssh instead of vnc?07:45
StingRayX11 forward?07:45
StingRaystdin, I am running away from ssh and other users than me :D07:45
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Rob-Westgeoffb thanks man07:46
stdinStingRay: ssh is the same as a user just logging in07:46
Rob-Westthis OWNS07:46
StingRaystdin, I made an autologin, so the user doesn't know his password07:46
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stdinheh :p07:46
geoffbyou're welcome Rob-West07:46
vulcaniusanyone know how to get aptitude to show full version info (most recent/installed/etc) from the CLI?07:46
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vulcaniusalso how to get it to show it by default07:47
Rob-Westfrostwire works better07:47
stdinvulcanius: use apt-cache policy PackageName07:47
StingRaystdin, kiosktool is a very good too indeed. I also locked gnome sessions in a very simple (maybe unprofessional way). I just locked .gnome* in the homedir :)07:47
Rob-Westi moved the files to where frostwire save loaded the torrent and it said for the statys: RESUMING07:47
vulcaniusthanks stdin07:48
geoffbRob-West: then it will spend a while checking what you've got already and what it needs to get, then it will go off and get the rest of the download07:48
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stdinStingRay: you really don't trust your users07:48
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StingRaystdin, I caught them lying...07:49
StingRaythen I put some kloggers and rdesktop...:D in fact I put Remote Administrator 2.207:49
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stdinStingRay: I suppose it's a good way to secure a public computer07:50
StingRaystdin, I could not get vnc properly working on :0.007:50
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Search4Lanceraarrgh I've finally got the display fixed but now my middle mouse button doesn't work!07:53
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Rob-Westgeoffb its doing it now07:56
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geoffbSearch4Lancer: you've been tinkering around in xorg.conf? :-)07:57
Search4Lanceryes... my resolution got boned when my laptop shut off.... how I don't know...07:58
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Search4Lancerbut I've got the resolution fixed now07:58
Search4Lancerand the scroll area on my touchpad is even working now, too07:58
Search4Lancerbut my middle mouse button no worky07:58
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jordo23ANyone here run a 64 bit distro?08:05
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Rob-Westsup Jucato08:05
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Jucatohi Rob-West08:06
jordo23Hey Jucato...08:06
geoffbSearch4Lancer: what does the "Mouse" section in your xorg.conf look like (uh... someone know how to work pastebin?)08:06
Rob-Westok y did frostwire like scan the torrent then start ad 008:06
geoffbRob-West: when a torrent client starts work on a new download, it pre-allocates all the space it needs in files of the same name as those it's downloading08:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:07
geoffbthen it just fills them in with the real thing bit-by-bit as they come down08:07
Rob-Westwell it got to 35% in scanning then started at 0%08:07
geoffbthe files look like the real thing, but you can't tell what you have, what you haven't without working through and checking them chunk-by-chunk08:07
geoffbthat's what it's doing08:07
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geoffbgrrrr, I don't like that08:08
geoffbstdin: thanks08:08
geoffbRob-West: did you copy or move the files into the new location?08:08
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Rob-Westto my frostwire download location08:09
geoffbdid you move, or copy?08:09
geoffbtis business of transferring a torrent from one client to another can be tricky...08:10
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rgahello all08:10
geoffbok, dig around in the destination dir, see if it's created a second set of files, or if there's only the one set08:10
geoffbhey rga08:10
stdinhmm, anyone have a tip on how to use less or cat on a file starting with a - ?08:10
rgahi geoff08:10
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geoffbrga: escape the '-' with a backslash...08:11
stdinI've tried quoting in " and ' and even \-08:11
Rob-Westtheres just 1 set08:11
rganeeding help08:11
rgaany idea regarding asterisk08:12
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geoffbsorry stdin, I'd have said use the backslash....08:12
stdingeoffb: don't work, cat: invalid option -- R (file name is -Reff- )08:12
geoffbah, ok, its interpreting it as a command line option08:12
geoffbthere's a way to say "no more command line options, this next thing is a filename".... now...08:12
stdingeoffb: I've tried 'cat \-Reff\- ' but no good08:12
geoffbI wonder what it is...!08:12
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rgaany1 with asterisk knowledge.....?08:13
stdingeoffb: ahh, you reminded me of it, it's 'cat -- -Reff-' :D thanks08:13
geoffbstdin: try "more -- -Reff"08:13
Jucatostdin: how about cat "-Reff-"?08:13
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stdinJucato: tried that, didn't work, even tried cat '-Reff-'08:14
Jucatoah... :(08:14
stdinJucato: but got it now, so it works :)08:14
geoffbJucato: because the filename begins with something that looks like a command line option, it's getting foncused. Using the '--' (dash-dash) signals to the shell "end of options", and that the next thing is a filename08:14
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stdinJucato: nees 'cat -- -Reff-'08:14
geoffbrga: I know a ~little~ bit about asterisk... try me....08:15
Jucatoaah good to now..08:15
geoffbfine, don't then...!08:15
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Rob-Westthis sucks08:15
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Rob-Westnow my torrent is going slow08:15
Rob-Westill fight with bitttorrent08:16
moj0risingOK. I tried to install beryl on Feisty. It is not in the repositories like the docs say. Weird.08:16
moj0risingI tried adding some repros sound in some other areas but they don't support feisty.08:17
geoffbSearch4Lancer: how you doing with your mouse thing?08:17
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Rob-Westill try bittorrent08:17
stdinmoj0rising: there isn't a reop for feisty, just use the edgy ones, they work fine08:17
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stdinmoj0rising: add "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main" to your sources.list08:18
stdinmoj0rising: it has beryl version 0.1.4 :)08:18
moj0risingCool. That shouldn't hirt anything?08:19
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moj0risinghurt, I mean.08:19
stdinmoj0rising: I'm running feisty with beryl, works here :)08:19
moj0risingawesome. I'm so excited!08:19
stdinas you should be :p08:20
Rob-Westit sayd bittorrent is unknown08:20
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Rob-Westbittorrent wont load now08:27
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Rob-Westrebooting doesnt fix my issue08:37
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ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.08:51
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jordo23Jucato:  How do you configure buffering through Kaffeine.....I am trying to play a video stream and it buffers the first 15 seconds, stops, then buffers the next 15 seconds, stops, etc.09:00
Jucatojordo23: sorry, I don't know09:00
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thedudewhodoesth.::Torrart Radio::. tune in @
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Jucatothedudewhodoesth: what's that supposed to be?09:13
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zeekstarrhow do I do transparent menus?09:35
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Hikaru79Hi, anyone here>09:52
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makuserui am09:53
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jtmoneyhey guys, i'm on a notebook... how do i configure power options, that is, different power profiles (plugged in, on battery, etc.) and things like when i shut the lid it suspends to ram?10:30
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aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-common3_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:49
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aldinwill it work later10:49
Tm_Taldin: Do apt-get update10:49
aldini did update than sudo apt-get -d upgrade10:49
dennis_i can use my usb mouse + keyboard only after plugging the usb device out and in. can anyone help me solving this problem?10:50
aldinall went well but few of them wont10:50
Tm_Taldin: Yup, try again.10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-common-data_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-common3_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-client3_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-glib1_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-core4_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
ubotupaste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/avahi-daemon_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-compat-libdnssd1_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-qt3-1_0.6.13-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:50
aldinbut only those wont10:50
Tm_TNo prob.10:51
aldini know i apologized10:51
aldinsorry again10:51
aldinwhere is tilda on us keyb10:51
Tm_TThose got upgraded lately, I recommend to keep trying with update & upgrade10:51
Tm_Taldin: Sorry can't remember, haven't been using US keyb for ages.10:51
aldinok, i am bosnian10:52
Tm_THeh, I'm finnish.10:52
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Tm_Taldin: I think with google you'll find images of us layout.10:53
aldinTm_T: ok, have some probs with ba kbd with beryl..., saw something xmodmap10:53
aldinba -> bosnian10:53
Tm_TI don't touch beryl, I have enough unstable apps already. ;)10:54
aldinTm_T: ok10:54
aldingotta go see ya10:54
ramanuji had installed ubuntu 6.06 on my laptop10:54
ramanuji have nvidia display but it is showing vesa card10:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:55
ramanujwhen i installed nvidia driver then some lines are coming on display10:55
Tm_Tramanuj: Check if that helps.10:55
ramanuji saw all mam10:55
ramanujbut it the lines are coming10:55
ramanujpreviously i was using mandriva 200710:56
ramanujthere x server was automaticaly taking video driver as nvidia10:56
ramanujany one can help plz10:56
Tm_Tramanuj: One thing..10:56
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Tm_Tgrep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:57
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ramanuji should paste the out put here ?10:59
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Tm_Tramanuj: if multiple lines, use pastebin10:59
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Tm_TAnyway, I have to go, good luck with it. ->11:00
ramanujok thak alot11:00
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filip_how do i do the command gksudo in kubuntu?11:02
thoreauputicfilip_: try kdesu instead11:03
lupine_85filip_: what's wrong with kdesu ?11:04
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filip_kdesu worked..11:05
filip_but now i cant use "gedit"11:05
lupine_85then use kate instead of gedit?11:05
filip_how do i do that command in kde?11:05
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filip_shit... the linux dc++ i got from ubuntuforum wiki doesnt work...11:09
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filip_does anyone know were i can get a working version of a dc++ clone?11:10
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jtmoney^hey guys, i'm on a notebook... how do i configure power options, that is, different power profiles (plugged in, on battery, etc.) and things like when i shut the lid it suspends to ram?11:18
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castedHi, what package do i need for kdialog?11:24
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lupine_85packages.ubuntu.com will tell you :)11:26
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Jucatocasted: no need to install kdebase, afaik. can't you run kdialog from the command line?11:27
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VSpikeI hate Linux sound systems right now :/11:27
castedWell, fixing this for someone else. I think he is using ubuntu, but kdialog is not installed (i asked him too run from the console)11:28
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Jucatocasted: yeah, it won't be available since he's using GNOME11:28
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castedHe is using amarok though. Does amarok depend on kdebase?11:29
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Jucatokdelibs, but not kdebase, afaik11:30
castedkk, thanks11:30
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chuenHi, can anyone give me a heads up on setting up my printer? I'm using the guie, but am getting  an error msg saying that either the driver(s) don't exist or I don't have perimission to use them.  Are the installed with the original install?11:33
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Balsamic_Chicken I only participte 4 GI space for the Ubantu, and now it's complaining don't have enough space, only 156 Mb left, what should I do??11:43
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nusclyBalsamic_Chicken: remove not needed packages, like games11:49
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Balsamic_Chickennscly thx11:56
animimotusin my Kubuntu I can't drop files on a virgin DVD-RW. How can active UDF drag and burn, please ?11:57
animimotuslike on a floppy disk11:58
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Jucatoanimimotus: you know my answer :)11:58
nusclyanimimotus: use K3b11:58
animimotusJucato: oh, a translation problem :p12:00
filip_is there anything like bulletproof ftp for kubuntu?12:00
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dwidmannkbear, kasablanca, kftpgrabber?12:01
filip_how do i use konqueror like that?12:03
filip_but what i want to do is to share my own files12:04
=== Jucato Googles bulletproof ftp..
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rysiek|plhi all12:09
rysiek|plguys, got a problem here (asked on #ubuntu already, no answer though) - suddenly there are 300+ directories on my / (ext3), which are shown by ls -l  as: ?--------- ?  ?    ?     ?       ? name12:09
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adaptrrysiek|pl: fsck12:13
rysiek|pladaptr: done already, "filesystem clean" O_o'12:14
adaptrrysiek|pl: then something ran which created those directories12:14
adaptrrysiek|pl: arte you sure it is mounted as ext3 and not ext2 ?12:17
rysiek|pladaptr: these are dirs lik /usr/share/perl512:17
rysiek|plyeah, I am pretty sure12:17
rysiek|plyep, mtab says it's ext312:17
adaptrrysiek|pl: that's completely different from what you posted before - please be as literal as you can be when reporting errors12:17
rysiek|plwhere's the difference?12:17
adaptrrysiek|pl: amd there is no way you could *see* /usr/share/perl5 as a root directory12:17
adaptrrysiek|pl: and it's a link, anyway - just delete it12:17
rysiek|pladaptr: I said they're *on* my root partition12:17
adaptrrysiek|pl: so how do you know they're not supposed ot be there ?12:17
rysiek|pladaptr: man. /usr/share/perl, usr/share/perl5 - those *used to be* directories.12:17
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rysiek|pladaptr: they *are* supposed to be there. but *not* as ?----- ? ?...12:17
filip_how do i login as root to run a program that demands that12:17
rysiek|plfilip_: sudo program12:17
filip_thers no graphic ways?12:18
adaptrrysiek|pl: did you run badblocks on the root partition ?12:18
rysiek|pladaptr: besides, some programs can't find they're files (like... debconf, dpkg, aptitude, etc.), and guess where those files should be? yep, in those dirs12:18
rysiek|pladaptr: no, I did not12:18
rysiek|pladaptr: I'll do it now12:18
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adaptrwell, that woul dbe step one12:18
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rysiek|pladaptr: thanks, on it12:18
adaptryou'll need to do it read-only, of course12:18
rysiek|plyeah, I'll probably just run kubuntu live12:19
rysiek|plwell, there goes five days of setting my laptop up...12:20
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Jucatofilip_: "kdesu <program>" if <program> is a graphical app12:22
rysiek|plfilip_: kdesu program :)12:22
animimotusgrep burning /etc/group <------- does return anything. It's normal ? When I burn a DVD the files belongs to root:root12:23
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a_how i can run (install) jdk  java devlopment kit on ubuntu12:23
animimotusso I must add my users?12:23
adaptr!jdk | a_12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
adaptrpfffrt.. silly bot12:23
a_java devolpment kit12:24
a_i have bin file and want to run it12:24
animimotusadaptr: silly command :p12:24
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adaptranimimotus: oh no sirra, it was well-conceived and immaculately executed!12:25
adaptra_: make the file executable and run it12:26
adaptra_: you'll have to do this as root, most likely12:26
a_how to make it executable?12:26
rysiek|plchmod +x filename12:27
adaptra_: if you want complete, 100% hand-holding (you sissy!): chmod a+x filename && sudo ./filename12:27
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a_sorry not get what u said12:27
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a_can tell me step by step12:28
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rysiek|pla_: open konsole and type in: cd /the/dir/with/the/binfile; chmod a+x the_name_of_the_bin_file; sudo ./the_name_of_the_bin_file12:31
a_ok wait plz12:32
daumantashi anybody who loves kubuntu ;>12:32
=== rysiek|pl puts his hand up
larson9999nope. we all hate kubuntu12:33
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daumantasbullshit ;>12:35
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disposablewhen booting, i get 'Attempting manual resume' and 'attempt to access beyond end of device'. then the kernel panics. how do i make it NOT to resume from hibernation but to boot normally?12:36
animimotusgrep burning /etc/group <------- does it return somethings ?12:36
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motsare there any packages for kdevelop 3.4?12:37
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a_rysiekjlp  it is give me install.sfx.4404 file in same directory12:39
DeMolayanimimotus: not in my PC12:40
rysiek|plmots: apti-cache search kdevelop :)12:40
a_i get file in same dirctory called install.sfx.4440412:40
motsrysiek|pl: theres only 3.3 here12:41
animimotusDeMolay: ok. Because the files I burned belongs to root:root instead to my user. I search the problem12:41
rysiek|plmots: in that case no, I suppose12:41
rysiek|pla_: I have completely *no* knowledge on java12:41
a_how to insta java run time12:42
rysiek|pla_: I just told you what the other's told you to do in a more clear way12:42
rysiek|pla_: search on help.ubuntu.com12:42
a_u can go to www.java.com and download manully the java runtime12:42
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danielcheshow to i get kaffine to play wmv files?01:04
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Jucatodanielches: you need to install w32codecs01:05
Jucato!w32codecs | danielches01:05
ubotudanielches: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:05
danielcheswhat program can easily convert them to ogg format?01:07
Jucatothat I don't know...01:07
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a_what is su? do su is command line?01:10
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:12
a_thank u01:12
a_bu when type su ask me about password when write it tell me not authorization01:13
Jucatoa_: don't use su. use sudo.01:13
a_this site tell me how to install java run time01:15
Jucato!java | a01:15
ubotua: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:15
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Jucatoa_: you can install java from the repositories ^^^^01:15
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vluidneed some help.. ... ..01:38
manomwell...i'll try my best...01:39
vluidthanks, it is about kopete01:39
vluidi like it very much, but it doest really support irc, or am i wrong?01:39
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manomuf, I don't think so (not sure)01:40
manomhave you tried konversation?01:40
vluidi am using gaim now, but with gaim i got encoding problems01:40
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vluidhave to check01:41
manomkonversation is the KDE irc program BUT kopete seems to allow irc01:41
JucatoKopete can be used for IRC. but it's IRC features are very poor compared to real IRC programs01:41
vluidok, konversation is only for irc. im also using icq et jabber.01:42
Jucatoicq, jabber, yahoo, msn, g-talk = IM (Instant Messaging)01:42
vluidill stick with gaim, but i got these weird encoding problems01:42
Jucatolike I said, Kopete can do IRC too01:43
vluidi mean, i _would_ stick01:43
vluidthanks, ill try kopete again01:45
manomsee you!01:45
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animimotusplease, where can I find the last burn log?01:48
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animimotusthe DVD burn was good but the verification has failed01:49
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vluidim back again!01:51
vluidwith kopete i cannot connect to any irc server01:51
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manom??? ill try myself01:53
vluidthanks, perhaps im too clumsy01:53
manomwhat problems did you had01:54
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vluidi added a new irc-account and then i added a server irc.ubuntu.com (default for gaim), then i tried to connect. i chose #kubuntu as channel. it tried to connect for 3-4 min then i broke up.01:56
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vluidhad same problem before01:56
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vluidok, i gave kopete a try, because i had these encoding problems with gaim.01:57
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manomhi vluid01:59
bronzeGood morning.  What file do I have to modify to allow root logins on the main X-windows login?  (20+years *NIX user, Yes. i know the risks :-)02:00
menomvluid: i'm now from kopete02:00
Jucato!sudo | bronze02:01
ubotubronze: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:01
Jucatobronze: that page has instructions02:01
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menomvluid: :) i followed your instructions and everything worked02:02
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vluidstrange --..--02:03
manomwhat version of kopete do you have?02:03
vluidstandard ubuntu02:03
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manomi've got the same02:03
vluidill try again02:03
manomi'm sorry but i have no clues02:04
tristanohello, i want to connect a pc with kubuntu and a pc with windows trhough samba. pcs see them (pinging), but in both machines that don't see the network. someone can help me?02:04
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tristano(i'm sorry for my poor english)02:05
manomtristano: first you have to install samba-server package02:07
manomtristano: then go to kcontrol and configure it.02:07
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vluid@ manom: it worked now. perhaps i misspelled something.02:09
manomsee you!02:10
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tristanomanom, i'm a stupid... i've installed smb4k but not samba :S02:11
powerfoxHi. I have got some problems with vpn connection via pptp-linux (pon). May somebody help me?02:11
manomi had similar problems xD.02:11
manombye bye guys and girls02:12
dmialsorry for my english :-) hello, had anybody install tv-tuner Beholder 409FM on Kubuntu 6.10?02:12
dmialit works, but there are rather bad signal translation, then in windows02:13
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dmialmy tuner based on saa7135, and I use modprobe saa7136 tuner=67 card =63 in /etc/modules02:14
dmial& so I use cable TV in PAl-format02:14
piotrekkubuntu is little unefficient why?02:14
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tristanomanom, now?02:20
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pbobanhi. anyone knows which package contains su-to-root? i installed kvpnc but cant start it without this :(02:25
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bronzesudo su -02:26
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bronzeor is that not what you need? (it gets you to  root in a shell)02:27
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MetaMorfoziShola! If somebody have 3minutes for me, to try something in firefox, please highlight me02:28
MetaMorfoziSnot 3, 1.5;)02:28
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gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: what version of ff?02:29
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MetaMorfoziSplease, try out this: open ff, save a file, and open the download manager (the built in)02:30
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MetaMorfoziSand click on "open"02:30
MetaMorfoziSthe open  link, to that file that you have downloaded02:30
MetaMorfoziSis that work for you?02:30
MetaMorfoziS(is it opens the file?02:30
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: it does for me but im not on 2.0 :(02:31
MetaMorfoziShm, have you an idea, aboutwhy not working for me? (on both machines that i have use)02:31
MetaMorfoziSin strace02:31
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: someone else had same issue i asked them to open a bug report but i dont know if he ever did02:31
MetaMorfoziSit says permission denied02:31
MetaMorfoziSbut why?02:31
MetaMorfoziShmm, wherE?02:32
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: your on edgy?02:32
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: launchpad.net02:32
MetaMorfoziSkubuntu edgy and firefox 2.0*02:32
gnomefreaknot sure why you are getting permissions denied unless one of the folders is restricted permissions02:32
MetaMorfoziSno, because if i save a fiel to my desktop02:33
MetaMorfoziSwhy that is denied for firefox?02:33
MetaMorfoziSand, i can open files from desktop (and i can save)02:33
tristanoi'm trying to connect 2 pcs, one with windows, the other with kubuntu, through samba. now windows sees the kubuntu host, but isn't possible to see shared folders, i have an error that says: user could not have authorizations to use network resorce02:33
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moon-xsphave somebody in china02:34
MetaMorfoziSlaunchpad search fields are big crap02:34
MetaMorfoziSi get results from all other apps but not firefox.02:34
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zombiedogi love monkeys02:47
zombiedogwho loves monkeys02:47
Dasnipa`me too02:47
zombiedogu llike dogs too02:47
Dasnipa`only the ones that fling poo02:47
zombiedogme too02:47
zombiedogwho is in uses runescape02:48
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:48
zombiedogwho in here uses rs02:48
Dasnipa`stupid kiddie zombie02:48
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eMaX_hi all02:50
eMaX_I have a problem with firefox on kubuntu: whenever I open a page that contains a java applet, ff sementation faults if run as non-root02:51
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eMaX_strace on ff shows that shortly before the crash he reads ~/.java/deployment/deployment.properties which has about the same content (except timestamps) as for root02:51
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eMaX_AMAOF he cleanly removes his lock file before crashing02:52
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:53
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Prabhu-hi, can i configure NAT server on if i have a single n/w card on the m/c? and if that pc is using is a gateway to connect to net?02:57
Prabhu-any help?02:58
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JOSFI never use a playlist. I prefer direct double-click on entries in my media-library. Is there a way to realize this with AmaroK ? Currently, when double-clicking an entry it gets added to the playlist but not played immediatly.02:58
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JOSFOr, alternativley, is there any good audio player for KDE besides Noatun,Amarok,Juk ?02:58
JOSFI dislike all of them.02:58
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Prabhu-any help in configuring a NAT/Proxy using a single NIC on a ubuntu box?03:10
beels15in deutsch03:11
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:11
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JuJuBeeWhere do I turn off focus stealing prevention?03:14
JuJuBeeFound it. never mind.03:15
tristanoi'm trying to connect 2 pcs, one with windows, the other with kubuntu, through samba. now windows sees the kubuntu host, but isn't possible to see shared folders, i have an error that says: user could not have authorizations to use network resource03:15
JOSFJuJuBee: where was it ?03:15
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JuJuBeeUnder window behavior...Control Center03:16
JOSFtristano: If you do not need Samba you could try with Avahi and Zeroconf and ftp (it's more easy)03:16
JOSFJuJuBee: thanks03:16
Jucatoyou can also set it in the Window Menu (Alt+F3 or right-click on the title bar) -> Advanced -> Special Window Settings...03:16
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JuJuBeeControl Center -> Desktop -> Window Behavior -> Advanced Tab...03:17
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tristanojosf, i don't know avahi and zeroconf03:18
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JOSFtristano: It is intended for automatic (zero) configuration of a network. If you just want to xfer files between two machines, then you could use it.l03:20
JOSFFor the Windows side you need Apples Bonjour package03:20
JOSFcheck it out on wikipedia03:21
JOSFthey have more links. It is integrated with KDE03:21
JOSFCheck the Network settings for KDE03:21
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tristanoJOSF: and for share internet connection on a lan with a linux server?03:23
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eMaX_anyone here ever had problems w/ the java plugin for firefox?03:24
JOSFIt's all available under avahi and zeroconf. Two demons you install on the Linux side. But if you already have configured DHCP or have static IPs, then why don't *just* use an FTP server on the Linux side ?03:24
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JOSFHowever, with AVAHI and Zeroconf you get Printer sharing too03:25
JOSFcheck it out on Google. It's a five minute setup03:25
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tristanoJOSF: ok, thanks03:25
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wilmanhey i want to get my audacity going03:28
wilmanit does playback03:29
wilmanbut i  can't seem to record03:29
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tristanoJOSF: i don't find nothing on google on homto configuring with zeroconf and avahi!03:37
JOSFtristano: wait a moment03:37
tristanoJOSF: thanks03:37
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JOSFtristano: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21863003:38
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wilmanubotu: record03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about record - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
wilmanubotu: recording03:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about recording - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:42
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compilerwriter1Has anyone successfully gotten a mud up and running on kubuntu?03:47
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Tidoa mud?03:49
compilerwriter1yes a multiuser dungeon.03:49
compilerwriter1I know I am dating myself here.03:49
JucatoMUD = Multi User Dungeon03:49
amedeoqualuno italiano03:49
Tidohaven't seen one of those since I was a little kid :o03:49
Jucato!it | amedeo03:50
ubotuamedeo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:50
amedeochi mi aiuta in italiano?03:50
TidoI can't say I've done it, but I remember looking at a mud package a long time ago and it being very well documented03:50
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:50
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compilerwriter1Tido a friend of mine has just gotten himself access to a static ip and is itching to relive our college days.03:51
compilerwriter1Tido do you have any idea which mudlib and driver you were examining?03:52
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Tidoidk compilerwriter1, let me see if I can remember03:52
Tidoit was one of the more widly used and known ones03:52
Xeakini need to talk with some expert in kubuntu03:52
compilerwriter1Jucato do you have any input on the matter?03:52
compilerwriter1we all have some knowledge xeakin03:53
Jucatocompilerwriter1: sorry. none...03:53
compilerwriter1Your just old enough to know what I am talking about.03:53
Xeakinok i have a problem that is really freaking me out03:53
compilerwriter1Xeakin cut to the chase.03:53
Xeakinim really new into linux03:53
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Xeakinand i tried like 6 distribution already03:53
compilerwriter1We were all new once xeakin03:54
Xeakinall live, and with all i get the same error03:54
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XeakinSQUASHFS error: unable to read page block.....................03:54
Xeakinwhen the cd is booting03:54
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Xeakinive searched in a lot of pages, i check de hdd and the memory, and all the pc looking for some hard error, but everything looks fine03:54
Xeakinand i have it running in vmware03:55
Xeakinso i really dunno what can be :S03:55
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Xeakindo u guys have some clue, abut what can it be?03:55
compilerwriter1Xeakin that is a little more for someone above my pay grade.  If everything is working though perhaps it is and optional thing that something in the livecd always checks for.03:55
Tidocompilerwriter1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LPMud03:56
BluesKajhowdy all :)03:56
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compilerwriter1Thanks tido03:56
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Tidocompilerwriter1: more specifically: http://www.bearnip.com/lars/proj/ldmud.html03:57
Xeakinso im screw :(03:57
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balinthi, how can i save the modified xorg.conf file?03:58
wilmanctrl x03:58
wilmanand answer yes03:58
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wilmanhow to test if my soundcars id working properly, recording03:59
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BluesKajbalint, "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"... click on save04:00
balintomg its unbelievable, my internet is always interrupted on linux, but only on linux :(:(04:00
balintwell bb i have to burn up my ISP04:00
BluesKajor whatever edit program you use kde is usuak=lly kate04:00
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BluesKajasks a question but doesn't wait a reasonable time for an answer04:02
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VSpikeIIRC MudOS is the best supported and most active Driver04:03
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tristanohow to remote-controlling linux in windows?04:04
Tidotristano: check out either VNC or FreeNX04:05
BluesKajhey abattoir04:05
tristanoTido: ok04:05
abattoirhi BluesKaj04:05
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VSpikecompilerwriter1: check this old thread http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.mud.lp/browse_thread/thread/9c5d33c4a44c9ee0/dc687cc50ad037fd?lnk=st&q=author%3Acarlyle-clarke+mud&rnum=1#dc687cc50ad037fd04:05
Tidoanyone know a graphical gui for subversion?04:05
BluesKajI need to purge clamav but it won't go away , nor will it update so i can remove it ...any suggestions ?04:06
JucatoTido: kdesvn?04:06
Tidothx Jucato04:06
VSpikecompilerwriter1: http://www.mudconnector.com/04:06
sleepy495is xgl/compiz worth installing on dapper 6.06?04:06
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rasputin1575hello peeps, can anyone help me configure my network - kubuntu 6.10, pls PM04:07
eMaX_the following took me 1 hour to find out: firefox crashes consistently when visiting a page containing a java applet when the following setting is made: user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Firefox/1.5; Linux)");04:08
Tidosleepy495: it can be fun, it burns a little more resources, but a lot of people enjoy it - however you can get along without just as well04:08
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compilerwriter1Thanks VSpike04:10
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VSpikecompilerwriter1: np :)04:10
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bonbonthejonrasputin1575: did you figure out your network problem04:17
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rasputin1575no man...  its a headache04:18
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: whats the problem04:18
rasputin1575i can connect for a few mins b4 i lose it04:18
rasputin1575right.. well i can use the internet for a few mins and then i lose it..04:18
rasputin1575am looking for someone (kind enough :) ) to share the file /etc/network/interfaces so that i can have a glance on how its done04:19
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I PMed you04:19
BluesKajgents I need to purge clamav but it won't go away , nor will it update so i can remove it ...any suggestions ?04:20
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rasputin1575yup bonbon, i replied04:20
kristyoncan anyone tell me where the config file is for video devices?04:20
kristyonas in v4l04:20
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bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I didnt get anything04:21
rasputin1575ooops.. hold on lemme try again04:21
BluesKajneither adept nor synaptic or even apt/aptitude can make clamav go away cuz it's badly broken04:21
rasputin1575anything ?04:21
BluesKajand it can't be fixed04:22
bonbonthejonBluesKaj: try reinstalling and then removinf04:22
Jucatowhat error message?04:22
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: no04:22
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BluesKajbonbonthejon, err i did all that :(04:22
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rasputin1575not sure whats happening.. am getting urs though04:24
bonbonthejonI dont think I am identified04:24
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rasputin1575ok hold on, will send u a link (left it on a forum) ..details are there04:25
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bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I cant view web pages04:25
mustasjHi all. I am thinking about installing kubuntu, I am curios if it recognice my sound card, it requires the Intel HD Audio module. Output from lspci : 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller . Any idea if this is supported in 6.10? It was not supported in dapper. If not, where can I find a kernel config for ubuntu/kubuntu kernels? Thanks04:26
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: just tell me the problem04:26
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rasputin1575ok thing is i have 2 laptops.. one with windows and the other with kubuntu04:26
rasputin1575got a rooter (no wireless), just plain old cable04:26
rasputin1575when cable is connected to windows, everything works fine04:27
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rasputin1575but when i connect it to kubuntu's, it works for a while04:27
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rasputin1575now i guess i must have screwed up the configuration on /etc/network/interfaces04:27
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bonbonthejonrasputin1575: have you edited it?04:27
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rasputin1575yup.. big time.. everytime i google it, i get something different, so its doing my head in04:28
oceanstreamWhat's the difference between edgy and feisty?04:28
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bonbonthejonoceanstream: edgy is the most recently released, feisty is still in development04:28
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+104:29
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I should pastebin this, but I cant04:29
oceanstreamah, thank you.04:29
oceanstreamclearly i am noob to *buntu.04:29
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: auto lo04:30
rasputin1575yeah go on04:30
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: iface lo inet loopback04:30
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: auto eth104:30
Jucatooceanstream: we were all noobs once :)04:30
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: iface eth1 inet dhcp04:30
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rasputin1575ok i have static instead04:30
oceanstreamJucato: yeah, but I get to be a noob all over again!  Slackware refuses to install on my laptop, so it's time to find a user-friendly distro. :)04:30
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Jucatooceanstream: slack? then you're definitely not a noob :)04:31
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: well, does the router have DHCP?04:31
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oceanstreamJucato: haha, but I've failed at using anything else - I'm kind of excited for package management and dependency tracking done by a program instead of by my brain :)04:31
oceanstreamJucato: the only linux I've actually been able to make run in the last 7 years or so is slackware.04:32
rasputin1575thats what i was told.. i just rang the provided...  i guess i need to change that to dhcp04:32
Jucatowell, knowledge that you gained will definitely still be useful, no matter the distro :)04:32
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gorganalmightyoceanstream: slackware is one of the hardest distros to use, or so im told04:32
Jucatooceanstream: you are *definitely* *not* a noob :)04:32
Jucatogorganalmighty: it is. it's the mother of all source based distros04:33
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: yeah, the ISP should give an IP to the router, the router should use DHCP to give IPs to the computers04:33
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Jucatothe oldest living distro as well04:33
oceanstreamgorganalmighty: It can be a pain if you're not used to it - buliding everything from source w/o any real safety net.04:33
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: the windows box must be getting the ISP's IP, then kubuntu is left without04:33
rasputin1575cool <bonbon>.. since its dhcp , u think i need to fill out the details for address, netmask, network, bcast and gateway ?04:33
gorganalmightyis there no package management in slackware?04:34
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: the stuff I sent you should get an IP from DHCP04:34
oceanstreamgorganalmighty: Well, there's an extremely limited set of package tools..04:34
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I also use knetworkmanager, which is really nice04:34
JucatoSlackware packages are .tar.gz :D04:34
oceanstreamgorganalmighty: Nothing even close to what ubuntu, debian, mandrake offer.04:34
oceanstreamgorganalmighty: When I want a program, I download the source and compile.04:34
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gorganalmightyhmmm... i think i'll stick with kubuntu thankyou! ;)04:35
rasputin1575cool mate, lemme have a go at that... will need to signout from here... am on windows right now04:35
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: ok, ill be here for a while04:35
Jucatoanyway, slackware discussion getting -offtopic :)04:35
rasputin1575thx for ur help .. yeah i'll pop in later to let u know how it goes.. also just wondering , could there be a prb with my ethernet card ?04:35
oceanstreammy bad :) - what's the name of the ubuntu package management system?04:35
bonbonthejonanyone know is I can disable TLS in konqueror04:35
bonbonthejonrasputin1575: I doubt it04:35
rasputin1575ok cheers... lemme try it now..04:36
Jucatobonbonthejon: Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Crypto ?04:36
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gorganalmightyoceanstream: dpkg04:36
gorganalmightyas ubuntu is debian04:36
chronic1how many of you guys use the Automatix2 script?04:36
bonbonthejonthanks Jucato04:36
chronic1i just started to read about it yesterday...and still don't know too much about it04:37
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:37
gorganalmightychronic1: I've been advised not to touch it so i don't04:37
chronic1ok..note taken....sounds kinda like a deb-hell maker04:37
Jucatochronic1: you can ask in #automatix if you want04:37
Jucatohopefully, feisty will make automatix and easyubuntu a bit redundant in some areas04:37
gorganalmightynot easyubuntu because of proprietry issues04:38
oceanstreamDoes kubuntu use beryl or another compositing window manager?04:39
oceanstreamfor desktop effects?04:39
chronic1Jucato: do you happen to have dvd/wmv/flash support on your machine?04:39
Jucatochronic1: not sure/yes/yes04:39
Jucatooceanstream: not installed by default04:39
Jucatoand not completely supported (yet)04:39
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Jucato!beryl | oceanstream04:40
ubotuoceanstream: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl04:40
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chronic1did the standard "apt-get install flash-nonfree" work for you?04:40
gorganalmightyis easyUbuntu still maintained?04:40
Jucatochronic1: yes. (flashplugin-nonfree)04:40
Jucatogorganalmighty: not really sure. you have to ask them04:40
oceanstreamJucato: That's alright, I made beryl work with slackware I'm sure kubuntu will be similar.04:40
chronic1hmm, i have always got the error about bad network or upstream changes04:41
chronic1guess i'll try again04:41
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Jucatobtw, Flash 9 beta 2 is available in dapper and edgy -backports04:41
Jucatowmv support (w32codecs) is the easiest to install, provided you're on a 32-bit system04:41
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports04:42
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chronic1Jucato: i tried the w32codecs and the libdvdcss2 but get the following error for both of them....04:42
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Jucatochronic1: I'm presuming you're on a 32-bit system. w32codecs and flash don't work on 64-bit04:42
chronic1it is a 32bit system04:43
bonbonthejonJucato: I'm trying to authenticate konqueror with BorderManager, I disabled TLS, but now it says it lost connection to the server04:43
Jucatobonbonthejon: oh... I'm not familiar with those stuff :(04:43
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bronzeHi. My /etc/apt/apt.conf file has only one line in it (New kubuntu install) and does not seemto beable to reach any repos.  and all the repos in sources.list were commented out by the installer. I can't do any apt operations successfully. Can anyone give me some ideas what to do please?04:43
BluesKajJucato, neither adept nor synaptic or even apt/aptitude can make clamav go away cuz it's badly broken04:43
bonbonthejonJucato: ok, thanks, where shoudl I ask04:43
BluesKajany ideas , Jucato ?04:44
Jucatobonbonthejon: probably here, but you'd have to wait for someone to answer...04:44
chronic1sorry for the PM...i just am wierd about pasting in channels04:44
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Jucato!pastebin | chronic104:44
ubotuchronic1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:44
Jucatothat's what pastebins are for :)04:44
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Jucatochronic1: you can't install w32codecs from the repositories (at least the official ones)04:44
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bonbonthejonbronze: if you do ifconfig do you have an IP address04:45
chronic1what all repositories would you say are "safe" to include?04:45
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bronzebonbonthejon: yes. I can get to internet fine04:45
Jucatochronic1: my personal opinion? ubuntu.com, kubuntu.org, and wine04:45
Jucatobronze: you need to uncomment the repositories you need04:45
bonbonthejonbronze: can you ping the source04:45
paul_Hi everyone, can someome please help me, I am new to Kubuntu. I have mounted a samba share in a folder within /media/sharedrive/, I would really like to modify the icon here, so I can make it look like a network share rather than a regular folder but every time I try to do it, it tells me I do not have sufficient access to edit a .directory file. There isn't even a .directory folder in there! I have tried sudo kate the .directory file, but it doesn't find04:46
paul_anything, can someone please help?04:46
Jucatochronic1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs04:46
bronzeJucato: you read my mind. I just did that. :-)04:46
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bronzebonbonthejon: My network issues are all resolved.04:46
bonbonthejonbronze: can you update04:46
bonbonthejonbronze: good04:46
bronzebonbonthejon: just did. it seems to be working04:46
bronzethank you.04:47
Jucatoheh :)04:47
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gorganalmightyWhen i started using kubuntu I was suprised at how small the repositorys are.  Aren't there any generic Debian repositorys I should be adding?04:47
bronzeoops - i installed xchat... there goes all the system speed - its activating gnome libraries.... :-(04:48
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:48
Jucatogorganalmighty: small?04:48
bonbonthejongorganalmighty: ^^^04:48
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gorganalmightyit seems small when you search for a particular type of util and find there are none04:48
gorganalmightyfor example a binary file editor04:48
Jucatogorganalmighty: there are 20,000+ packages in Ubuntu04:48
Jucatoof course, it might not be as much as what Debian has04:49
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gorganalmightymaybe small is the wrong word04:49
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paul_Xeakin: I can't PM apparently, not registered.04:49
gorganalmightybut ive been looking for a good linux binary file editor and haven't found one04:49
Jucatogorganalmighty: can you give an example of one?04:50
Jucato!register | paul_04:50
ubotupaul_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:50
gorganalmightyalso items like PythonCard and Audacity aren't in there04:50
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB04:50
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gorganalmightyJucato: no i can't.  If I could I wouldn't be searching for 104:50
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:51
Jucatogorganalmighty: well, usually, you first search if there is a such an app in Linux before you search if there's a package for it in Kubuntu04:51
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Jucatobecause Kubuntu can't have a package for an app that doesn't exist for Linux :)04:51
gorganalmightyi couldn't find audacity when I searched with adept from the dapper livecd04:51
Jucato!pythoncard | gorganalmighty04:52
ubotupythoncard: wxPython-based GUI construction framework (meta-package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-7 (edgy), package size 24 kB, installed size 60 kB04:52
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bonbonthejongorganalmighty: the livecd probably doesnt have all the repositories enabled04:52
Jucatogorganalmighty: in the Live CD, most of your repositories are disabled. it will only show you main and resitricted04:52
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gorganalmightyi went in an enabled the ones that were there, but there were only about 504:52
Jucatogorganalmighty: it's a Live CD :)04:53
gorganalmightyi must be missing something....04:53
Jucatoit's not meant to be a *real* install04:53
Jucatoit only contains enough settings and information to run, test and install04:53
gorganalmightyi only have internet at work so I use the Live CD to download packages to install at home04:53
Jucatoif you really want to search for available packages, packages.ubuntu.com is the best way to go04:53
gorganalmightyokay thanks04:54
Jucatogorganalmighty: you have manually add universe and multiverse in the Live CD04:54
gorganalmightymy silly :D04:54
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Tidoanyone know a gmail checker that can check multiple accounts?04:55
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froudgive up, where is a magic solution to install nvidia on Kubuntu Dapper04:55
JucatoTido: kmail? kcheckgmail?04:56
kristyonanyone use zoneminder?04:56
Jucatofroud: is your card legacy?04:56
gorganalmightydo the opensource nvidia drivers support any kind of hardware acceleration?04:56
kristyonnot 3d anyway04:57
Jucatogorganalmighty: nope04:57
froudJucato: GeForce FX 520004:57
kristyongorg anal mighty?04:57
gorganalmightyand i assume the closed source ones don't come preinstalled in kubuntu04:58
Jucatodepending if your card is legacy or not, this should work normally: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)" then "sudo nvidia-xconfig"04:58
Jucatogorganalmighty: you assume correctly04:58
manchickengorganalmighty: And they're unstable.04:58
oceanstreamWhen I'm trying to set up this system, it doesn't give me a place to put in a root password?04:58
gorganalmightykristyon: HAHA, Gorgan Almighty04:58
Jucatomanchicken: they are not :P04:58
oceanstreamthen, when attempting kdesu I have no idea what to put in...04:58
Jucato!sudo | oceanstream04:58
ubotuoceanstream: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:58
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Jucatooceanstream: your (first) user's password04:58
froudJucato: I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common04:58
kristyongorgan, sorry just my dirty mind, I couldn't make it out!04:58
manchickenJucato: Sure they are.  Especially if you want to do anything with power management.04:58
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Jucatomanchicken: heh, I'm on a desktop... :)04:59
froudJucato:  sudo nvidia-glx-config enable04:59
Jucatofroud: you need the linux-restricted-modules for your kernel too04:59
gorganalmightywhat about download stright from nvidia website?04:59
Jucatothat's different from nvidia-kernel-common04:59
kristyonanyone use gatos for ati radeon vid capture?04:59
oceanstreamJucato: Well, how am I supposed to configure eth0 with this system?  In the configuration manager, it's set to dhcp and "Administrator Mode" asks for the root password.04:59
lupine_85gorganalmighty: no point04:59
Jucatogorganalmighty: possible, but more problematic04:59
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable04:59
manchickenJucato: Just because you don't use the functionality they break doesn't mean they don't break functionality ;)04:59
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Jucatomanchicken: it just means that I'm unaware of the instability :P05:00
Jucatooceanstream: I just told you, your user's password is the sudo password05:00
Jucatooceanstream: you could also read the wiki page I pointed out earlier05:00
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manchickenATI drivers are even more unstable though.05:00
gorganalmightylol i wouldn't ever touch an ATI card05:00
Jucatono kidding?05:01
Jucato :P05:01
manchickenThese video card manufacturers are the enemies of freedom.  Nobody should buy from either of them ^_^05:01
kristyonhow about ati video input?!!05:01
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gorganalmightymanchicken: Good idea, I always love to GUESS what should be on my monitor!! :P05:01
kristyonbeen trying for ages to get my radeon to do capture05:01
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sleepy495Will my desktop theme be erased when I install xgl/compiz?05:02
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fignewgorganalmighty: ... or just use intel :P05:02
manchickengorganalmighty: Intel makes quite a nice graphics card, and they support free software drivers, too.05:02
bonbonthejongorganalmighty: I had a teacher who joked he could listen to the processor instead of jusing a monitor05:02
gorganalmightymanchicken: 3D acceleration?05:02
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manchickengorganalmighty: Yep.  Quite nice.05:02
fignewgorganalmighty: tons of it!05:02
kristyonman thats some high hearing range he's got!05:02
Jucatomanchicken: non-IGP video cards?05:02
gorganalmightymanchicken@ I didn't realise that, I'll check it out05:02
manchickenJucato: Dunno on that one.05:03
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manchickenOr, for the safety and stability of your machine, you could just use free software drivers without 3d accel on any card.05:03
manchickenBut I would agree that the intel cards are the best way to go.05:04
gorganalmightySeriously can these Intel 3D accel cards compete with nVidia and ATI?05:04
manchicken(or any card sporting an intel chipset)05:04
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manchickengorganalmighty: Sure they can.05:04
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lupine_85gorganalmighty: the latest one is OK05:04
gorganalmightymanchicken: have you ever tried playing Tux Racer without 3D Accel?05:04
lupine_85i810 and i915 were a bit weak05:04
manchickengorganalmighty: The more important question is is your freedom worth 3d accel?05:04
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lupine_85manchicken: well, yes :p05:05
=== lupine_85 digs out old comix
manchickenThat's a rather cheap price.05:05
Jucatomanchicken: yes05:05
JucatoI also have the freedom to choose to use a binary driver, even if it somehow limits my absolute freedom, right?05:05
=== lupine_85 is a dirty sell-out :p
gorganalmightymanchicken: I'd prefer to avoid opensource becoming the new vendor lock-in05:06
manchickenSure you do.  But I wouldn't recommend it.05:06
sleepy495how do I edit this from root? etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc, is it kdesu kate or just kdesu05:06
manchickengorganalmighty: How is that a vendor lockin?05:06
Jucatosleepy495: kdesu kate05:06
Jucatosleepy495: kdesu lets you run kate as root05:06
manchickengorganalmighty: When you've got the ability to do whatever you want with the software, there is no lockin.05:06
lupine_85oh yes05:06
Jucatosome, though, have a mental lockin05:06
Jucatomental/theoretical/ideological lock in05:07
manchickenYeah.  Those who hate the notion that it's okay to restrict freedom for the sake of profit will have that lock-in I suppose.05:07
Daisuke_Idomy mind is apparently elsewhere this morning...  i read kdesu as k-desu rather than kde-su :\05:07
gorganalmightyRestricting someone to only free stuff when better is available is just like vendor lock-in05:07
lupine_85desu desu desu05:07
gorganalmightythey all fall down05:08
=== Daisuke_Ido shudders
Jucatolupine_85: hai!05:08
Daisuke_Idooh no05:08
manchickengorganalmighty: It's not about restricting.  It's about freedom.  Less free is not better.05:08
Jucatowell, anyway, discussion is getting -offtopic...05:08
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lupine_85manchicken: more choice is always better ~desu05:08
gorganalmightyAnd I've got work to do....05:08
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manchickenEven if it's "better" technology, it's still not okay to restrict a person for the sake of profit.05:08
manchickenlupine_85: Slavery is not a choice.05:08
lupine_85it is if there's a choice05:09
manchickenlupine_85: Slavery is never a choice.05:09
JucatoI suggest to those who want to continue the discussion to continue it in #kubuntu-offtopic05:09
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manchickenJucato: Stick in the mud ;)05:09
manchickenEither way, nvidia and ATI drivers suck mainly because they destabilize your kernel as well as restrict your freedom.05:09
lupine_85If I choose to sell myself into slavery (rather than being captured in a village raid ;) ), it was a choice05:09
lupine_85but yeah, the binary drivers do suck05:10
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manchickenlupine_85: Not if the slave-masters killed the people who offered you freedom so that slavery would be the only choice.05:10
lupine_85and there your analogy falls down. they didn't :)05:11
lupine_85Jucato: oh, ok :)05:11
manchickenGo to offtopic05:11
lupine_85not that there's much else going on here05:11
=== Jucato has a lot to say, but won't say it in here
lupine_85nah, I'm done05:11
Jucatonot a good reason :)05:11
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compilerwriter1VSpike still here?05:12
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manchickenlupine_85: Tell that to the guy who got sued by ATI for trying to reverse-engineer 3d drivers for Free software.  We could have nice, stable ATI drivers by now.  Though I've found that composite WMs kinda slow things down ^_^05:12
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Jucato1 reason why we tend not to encourage offtopic discussions, even when there's a very low traffic in here, is because some people might be afraid to ask questions because there's an ongoing discussion05:12
manchicken(see?  I talked about something kubuntu related, it's on topic)05:12
lupine_85well, reverse-engineering is illegal in some countries05:13
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compilerwriter1Tido you still here?05:13
lupine_85clean-room implementation is necessary05:13
lupine_85hence nouveau05:13
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manchickenlupine_85: Naw.  People should be able to write whatever software they want to write.  Like in kubuntu, you can write any program or contribute to the distro freely ^_^05:13
manchickenThey even have a nice way of encouraging people to try making distros from their distro.05:14
manchickenIt's quite nice.05:14
compilerwriter1I could use a little mud installation help if someone feels like playing around.05:14
Tidoyeah compilerwriter105:14
lupine_85mm, now we hit philosophy. That "right" clashes with the "right" of people to own what they create05:14
=== Jucato sighs...
compilerwriter1good tido.  Want to help me get a mud fired up?05:14
manchickenlupine_85: Who says they have that right?05:15
Jucatomanchicken: I really like you, specially for all your help... but please?05:15
=== lupine_85 <-- gone
TidoI really can't, compilerwriter1, I'm working :(05:15
manchickenJucato: I suppose ^_^05:15
manchickenNobody has any good questions right now though. ^_^05:15
manchickenWhat else is there to talk about?05:15
Tidoif you do it get up and running, send me an ip sometime, would be crazy to see a mud again05:15
Jucatomanchicken: see my statement earlier05:16
compilerwriter1I got as far as config to create the makefile.05:16
manchickenWhich one?05:16
Jucato<Jucato> 1 reason why we tend not to encourage offtopic discussions, even when there's a very low traffic in here, is because some people might be afraid to ask questions because there's an ongoing discussion05:16
manchickenWe're in code-freeze at work, so it's kinda dull there.05:16
compilerwriter1tido I am not sure I will be able to do that but perhaps you will be able to help in that regard when the time comes.05:16
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JucatoI was like you before. I questioned the rule of not having offtopic conversation during low traffic times...05:17
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manchickenI wouldn't think that would be the problem.05:17
compilerwriter1Anyone need a diversion?05:17
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Jucatodiversions are more than welcome, in offtopic :)05:17
Jucatounless they are Kubuntu-related diversions05:17
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soulriderJucato: i think that if its a low traffic time it should be allowed to have offtopic conversations05:19
soulriderbut definately not whent heres a lot fo people asking questions05:19
Jucatosoulrider: I thought so too before. But I've seen it happen, that some people were reluctant to ask because there was an offtopic debate/discussion going on05:20
compilerwriter1Jucato It is a kubuntu diversion of sorts.  I am trying to make something work on kubuntu.05:20
Jucatoanyway, it's not for me to decide05:20
soulridercompilerwriter1: what do you mean by "divertion of sorts" ?05:20
JucatoI only implement "the rules" :)05:21
compilerwriter1Jucato but in all fairness it is a total waste of time sort of thing for someone with a headache to divert the tension for a minute05:21
compilerwriter1soulrider I am trying to get a mud up on my machine to play with one again.05:21
soulridera mud?05:21
compilerwriter1I think I have managed a workable make file from the config but am not sure.05:21
=== Jucato notes though that #kubuntu is fairly lenient to offtopic conversations... but there are limits
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BluesKajso what's the sledgehammer command to rid the system of a program that is blocking apt-updates ?05:22
BluesKaja broken pkg05:22
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ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:23
soulriderthere :)05:23
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rysiek|plhi all05:25
soulriderhi rysiek|pl05:25
rysiek|planybody knows of a way to *make* apt/aptitude/dpkg remove a given package *without* executing the pre-remove script?05:25
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soulriderno idea, i just aptitude purge everything :P05:27
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Jucatowhat pre-remove script? and why don't you want to run it?05:27
soulrider!repos > compilerwriter105:28
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rysiek|plJucato: the prerm scripts; I get "subprocess pre-removal scripts returned error code 2"; I had a disk failure, some directories gone buh-bye (well, I have them - as files with numbers as their names in /lost+found :/ ) and I don't want to re-install the system from ground up05:29
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Jucatoah.. . hm...05:30
=== Jucato is clueless
rysiek|plJucato: actually reinstalling *all* the packages solved almost all problems - the dirs are back where they should be, etc - but 4 packages didn't install correctly05:30
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BluesKajapt keeps tewlling me to : dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem , but it doesn't do anything , the problem remains05:32
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Jucatosudo apt-get -f install ?05:33
soulriderBluesKaj: sudo dpkg -conf......... ?05:33
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africantigerAnyone able to help out of dependency hell on a newly installed Kubuntu?05:35
africantigerI am trying to install automatix205:35
sleepy495Does it matter where to put certain backupfiles or can I put them anywhere05:35
soulriderafricantiger: why would you have dependcy hell ?05:35
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:36
soulriderjust use apt-get or adept to install packages and it will install the dependencies05:36
bubu1uksleepy495: at least somewhere where they r safe. that's why it's backup. not somewhere where they can get lost. :p05:36
africantigertried a simle package vim, but no go05:36
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:37
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soulriderafricantiger: vim is already installed05:37
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:37
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africantigersoulrider: yes it is!05:37
soulriderafricantiger: ;)05:38
africantigersoulrider: why does apt-get fail?05:38
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soulridermaybe because its already installed05:38
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africantigersoulrider: I also tried gvim -- that also did not work05:38
yelonekhow do i give rights to write for me in /media/hda4 ? i tried to use chmod but not sure if i use it right05:39
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africantigersoulrider: I am new to debian not linux (I use Fedora)05:39
soulriderafricantiger: if youre using apt-get aptitude or adept, it WILL download dependencies automatically05:39
yelonekchmod u+w /media/hda4 ?05:39
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soulrideryelonek: press alt+f2 and type "kdesu konqueror"05:39
Jucatoafricantiger: gvim is not installed by default, but vim is05:39
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soulriderthen go to /media/ and change permissions by right clicking hdb4 and selecting properties05:39
soulriderafricantiger: deb doesnt have the problems rpm has ;)05:40
yelonekthx, soulrider :)05:40
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africantigersure did not work for automatix205:40
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africantigerneither .deb or apt-get xxx05:40
soulriderafricantiger: have you enabled the extra repositories ?05:40
africantigerdon't thinks so05:40
soulrider!repos | africantiger05:41
ubotuafricantiger: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:41
soulriderthat is probably your problem05:41
Jucato!automatix | africantiger05:41
ubotuafricantiger: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:41
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soulrideri suggest you dont use automatix i heard it broke some systems, but its your choice, some people use it and like it05:41
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africantigerok, stay away from automatix, instal lthe extra repos05:42
africantigerhow do you use apt-get with adept?05:42
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africantigeri tried apt-get adept install gvim  --- that did not work05:43
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yeloneksudo apt-get install gvim05:43
Jucatosudo apt-get install gvim05:43
soulriderafricantiger: adept is like a GUI for apt-get05:43
=== Jucato goes to bed
soulridersee you Jucato05:43
unix_infidelo man, sleep sounds fun.05:43
Jucatosee yah! :)05:43
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:44
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Jucatobe nice to newbies :)05:44
soulriderwe are ;)05:44
=== Jucato has to get up in 5 hours
soulriderafricantiger: follow that link, it will explain how to add the new repositories05:44
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africantigersoulrider: thanks05:45
africantigerall: thanks05:45
soulriderno probnlem05:45
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BluesKajstill stuck in broken pkg hell here :(05:45
soulriderill be back in a sec05:45
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soulriderBluesKaj: this will sound very windows-ish, but how about a reboot?05:46
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yelonekafricantiger: go to adept_manager, not installer05:46
yelonekafricantiger: then you got view->manage repositories05:46
BluesKajhehe, soulrider :) ...I guess it's worth a try05:46
=== soulrider [n=mauro@r190-0-136-56.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderim back :)05:47
africantigerwhat is adept_manager?05:47
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soulriderafricantiger: thats adept05:47
yelonekafricantiger: kind of adept05:47
scorp2025Hi, last night I changed my source list to edgy (I am using dapper) and made a apt-get update. Then I switched back to default source list, unfortunately installing gettextruby1.8 isn't possible any more (keeps bugging that it isn't installable). What shall I do?05:47
yelonekgo to system->adept manager05:47
soulrideradept has several interfaces, some are more expert oriented while others are more newbie oriented05:47
soulriderscorp2025: did you upgrade to edgy ?05:48
soulrideri dont think you should have changed the repo list back05:48
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africantigerWhat is the main problem with automatix2?05:48
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intelikeysoulrider how would reboot help a broken package ?05:49
scorp2025soulrider: No I didn't. I tried to install the gettextruby1.8 version of edgy but it didn't work so I switched back.05:49
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intelikeyscorp2025 did you apt-get update after you switched back ?05:50
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scorp2025intelikey: of course. That's why I don't understand the problem05:51
intelikeylets see the error05:51
TheGateKeeperBluesKaj, so what have you managed to break today?05:52
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intelikeyBluesKaj   Q. "so what do linux user do anyway?"    A. "they install software."     :)05:54
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BluesKajclamav. by trying to remove it05:54
intelikeysudo apt-get remove clamav     says what ?05:55
scorp2025intelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/837/ I translated the error message, because it's in German.05:56
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BluesKajclamav-daemon: Depends: clamav-base (= 0.88.4-1ubuntu2) but 0.88.4-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed05:57
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intelikeyscorp2025 k thankd.05:57
intelikeyBluesKaj try       aptitude remove clamav clamav-base clamav-freshclam libclamav105:59
intelikeysee what it does.05:59
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Bubba_Gumpcan anybody name a good place to buy PCI graphics cards in the UK please?06:00
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compilerwriter1Is a file that keeps stalling while being downloaded likely to be corrupt?06:01
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yelonekanybody had problems with sound mixer ?06:01
intelikeyscorp2025 did you try#   sudo apt-get remove libgettext-ruby1.806:01
yeloneki'm turning mute on, but still hear sounds06:01
intelikeyscorp2025 probably just say not installed.06:01
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scorp2025intelikey: it's not installed.06:02
intelikey!info libgettext-ruby1.8 dapper06:02
ubotulibgettext-ruby1.8: Gettext for ruby1.8. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1build1 (dapper), package size 131 kB, installed size 2068 kB06:02
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intelikeyscorp2025 ok you have not universe in your sources.list  or the wrong universe repo06:02
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africantigerhelp installing gvim06:02
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intelikey!sound | yelonek06:03
ubotuyelonek: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin06:03
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scorp2025intelikey: I have main restricted universe and multiverse turned on.06:03
intelikeyas dapper   and applied changes ?06:03
africantigeri have added universe and multiverse06:03
BluesKajerror processing clamav-daemon (--configure):Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting configuration.06:04
scorp2025intelikey yeah.06:05
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intelikeyBluesKaj ok first add that package to the removal   and then if that fails try this#     sudo dpkg -P --force-remove clamav-daemon clamav clamav-base clamav-freshclam06:06
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intelikeyor --force-all06:06
intelikeythen do# sudo apt-get install -f    to take care of any inconsistancy in the package database06:07
pcnerd37Hi.  Im hoping somebody can help me.  Im having trouble figuring out how to set up the universe and multiverse repositories.  Im trying to use the guide for ubuntu to set them up with synaptic, but what it says to do and what is there are two different things.06:07
BluesKaj intelikey,  dpkg: unknown force/refuse option `remove06:08
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intelikeysee above post ^06:08
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intelikey<intelikey> or --force-all06:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
yelonekwhat is pcm in mixer ?06:09
pcnerd37also, when doing any kind of scrolling, it is real jerky and not smooth at all.  Is there anyway to fix that?06:09
scorp2025intelikey: any ideas left?06:10
ubotukmix: sound mixer applet for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 366 kB, installed size 1208 kB06:10
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apixelatedofficeI have to be a KDE n00b for a bit... I want to get rid of a ton of Gnome based apps... KDE apps are much better... so anyways, I checked like 25 un-installations and crashed my system last time... if I simply un-installed the gnome desktop (with one check using synaptic) would that harm my system?06:10
intelikeyoh scorp2025 if you tried to install that from edgy repos you may need to  "sudo apt-get clean "   also06:11
BluesKajSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:11
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intelikeyyou could have a uninstallable package in the cache dir.06:11
BluesKajsounds reasonable06:11
intelikeywhat was the error ?06:11
BluesKajthat was it above06:11
BluesKajE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:12
pcnerd37when i move windows on the screen or try to scroll, it is really jerky, is there anyway to fix that?  graphics drivers possibly?06:12
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africantigersoulrider: how does one install software on kubuntu?06:13
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africantigerI have been successful thus far?06:13
africantigernot even in adept06:13
apixelatedofficeis checking to uninstall simply the gnome desktop, will it mess my system up?06:13
intelikeyBluesKaj why are you installing ?    -P is purge packages06:14
africantigeri am trying to install firefox from adept06:14
intelikeyapixelatedoffice no not at all06:14
BluesKajI'm not installing as such , but I reckon I have to install to fix the broken pkg in order to remove it successfully06:15
apixelatedofficeOk thanks, it's a start... one day I wont be a n00b, and I'll be super happy with KDE!!! lol06:15
intelikeyafricantiger try the command line ?     sudo apt-get install firefox06:15
africantigerunmet dependencies06:16
scorp2025intelikey: thx for your help! But this just won't work, I guess I finally killed my system :-(06:16
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apixelatedofficeintelikey... one more quicky... what is the fastest way to uninstall programs you see in the 'start menu'06:16
intelikeyBluesKaj shouldn't have to    that's what the --force-all -P  should do on the dpkg command   if you ran that then you might run the apt-get install -f   to see what it says now.06:16
sleepy495what line do I add for sources,.list, this one doesn't work "deb http://xgl.compiz.info/dapper main06:16
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intelikeyapixelatedoffice sudo apt-get remove <package name>      and wildcards will work     gtk*   for example will clean out most all gnome packages.06:18
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intelikeyscorp2025 i'm on dialup so slow connection but i'm installing that package to test   trying to determine what might be happening there.06:19
apixelatedofficeOK awesome, thanks, one of the reasons I switched to KDE is because the Ubuntu room is ridiculous ... 1000 people... and if you have a question you are their mercy! :^)06:19
intelikeyonly a few seconds left on the dl.06:20
BluesKajintelikey, same errors06:20
intelikeyapixelatedoffice yes a channel can get "over crowded"06:20
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apixelatedofficeyeah, it's almost like the super geeks rule the room and there is no room for simple questions.06:21
intelikeyBluesKaj clear the cache and try it.06:21
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BluesKajhow do i do that, intelikey ?06:21
intelikeyapixelatedoffice except the "super geeks" don't seem to know anything either most of the time.06:21
apixelatedofficehehe, super geek wannabes? lol06:22
intelikeyBluesKaj sudo apt-get clean06:22
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BluesKajEEEUWW intelikey , that looks dangerous06:22
LynoureBluesKaj: it just cleans away local cache of .deb files06:23
intelikeywell in all fairness to the supergeeks i don't usually get an answer to my questions in here either.06:23
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intelikeyscorp2025 i just installed   Setting up libruby1.8 (1.8.4-1ubuntu1.3) ...06:23
intelikeySetting up libgettext-ruby1.8 (1.1.0-1build1) ...06:24
LynoureBluesKaj: I have always thought that get clean sounds like a shower :)06:24
scorp2025intelikey So it worked for you?06:24
yelonekhow do i put openoffice.org Draw into menu ?06:25
intelikeyas you see no error here     (dapper)   so it's in your sources.list or your package cache  or your package database       edit the sources.list by hand carefully and make sure there is no edgy in it.   sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*   and  sudo apt-get update    then try again.06:25
yeloneki tried to add ooffice -draw  position06:25
yelonekbut that doesn't work06:26
BluesKajbummer ...same errors06:26
scorp2025intelikey could you please paste your source list?06:26
yeloneknah, no underline: "% U"06:27
intelikeyBluesKaj ok you you want to play hard ball with that thing we can rm the configs for that package and then uninstall it.06:27
apixelatedofficeumm is 'OpenGL' referring to "most compatible with gnome"?06:27
BluesKajintelikey, it seems the only thing left to do :)06:27
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intelikeyBluesKaj ok how do you want to do it.  cli or gui ?     and you'll have to wait while i take a short break first.06:28
BluesKaji don't even want the thing ...I mistakenly decided to install it06:28
BluesKajcli works for me06:28
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scorp2025intelikey thx a lot :-)06:28
apixelatedofficeI think I answered my own question... when I clicked uninstall... it wanted to uninstall gaim and abiword and xchat and stuff!06:28
lynskyn__Are you gay?06:29
intelikeyk brb.06:29
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NeonLightninghow do i check what processes are using a specific process06:31
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NeonLightningoi bash is using dpkg06:32
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NeonLightningand i can't kill dpkg06:33
intelikeyBluesKaj ok.  do    rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/clamav*.*inst ;sudo apt-get install -f ;sudo apt-get remove --purge clamav*06:34
compilerwriter1I may have backgrounded a job how do I find out?06:34
yelonekhow do i run OODraw ? I know it is installed, but there is no shortcut in menu06:34
intelikeyNeonLightning users can't kill what they don't own.   sudo.06:34
NeonLightningi am in console as root right now06:35
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NeonLightningand i thought you couldn't use kill -9 without beeing in sudo or root anyway06:35
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intelikeyNeonLightning fuser -k /usr/bin/dpkg*06:35
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intelikeykill doesn't have to be -9  can be -6 or no option  also killall <processname>        ps -A x    &   top  are handy.06:38
BluesKajcool! thx intelikey ...no broken pkgs ! :)06:38
intelikeycompilerwriter1 fg ?06:38
intelikeyBluesKaj np.06:38
NeonLightningoh i've always just used -906:38
intelikeyBluesKaj i have had dpkg broken many times....06:39
NeonLightningand for ps i usually use ps -aux |grep whatever06:39
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intelikeythat will error  ^   NeonLightning   they broke posix  the -a is not an option.   try  ps aux      and i don't like it but that's the new standard06:40
NeonLightningyea it errors but still works for some reason06:40
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intelikeyman ps for more.06:40
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intelikeyNeonLightning i like "-A" better than "a"  anyway  :)06:41
NeonLightningyea my adept errored wile installing totem-gstreamer and then i went to use it again and it said i couldn't change anything  so i tried to apt-get install it and it gave me an error saying to do dpkg --configure -a and that just gives me and error saying that dpkg is in use06:42
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intelikeydid you kill it ?06:43
intelikeydoes ps -A x say it's [defunct]  ?06:43
NeonLightningit doesn't say anything about not beeing able to but when i kill it i check ps again and its still there with the same pid06:43
NeonLightningi'll try that06:44
NeonLightning 9613 ?        D      0:00 dpkg --configure -a06:44
intelikeykillall dpkg06:44
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NeonLightningi'm running off livecd and man is that putting the cd in go06:45
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NeonLightningbut now the cdrom has stopped and its still sitting on a blank line not at the prompt again tho06:45
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intelikeykillall didn't return ?     eeek!06:46
intelikeyman the life boats!    abandon ship !06:46
NeonLightningyea this mobo is flaky so i'm blaming that06:46
intelikeysudo kill -9 -1      women and children first!    aoooogaaa !06:47
intelikeyexpect that to kill it. ^    along with everything else.06:47
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NeonLightninglol so thats the same as shutdown -t3 now now06:48
intelikeyno it leaves a running system.06:48
intelikeyit's like killall5 && exit06:49
NeonLightningwhat does it leave you with?06:49
intelikeythe kernel and init.06:49
NeonLightninglol might as well just reset06:49
intelikeyyou can then login and startx06:49
NeonLightningcan't login i'm on a livecd06:49
intelikeyif you wish.06:49
NeonLightningdon't know the pass they use for the account ubuntu06:50
intelikeynot one.06:50
jakkass.: 18: Can't open /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions06:51
jakkassany ideas guys?06:51
jakkassi'm trying to start my lighttpd server06:51
jakkassit won't work :o06:51
intelikeyis the file there ?06:51
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jakkassdoesn't appear so06:51
llutzjakkass: installed no ubuntu-package?06:51
jakkasseh what?06:51
jakkassi installed kubuntu if thats one of the default packages i must have06:52
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intelikeyjakkass i think that's in lsb-utils06:52
intelikeylet me check06:52
jakkassE: Couldn't find package lsb-utils06:52
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jakkassE: Couldn't find package ubuntu-package06:52
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ubotulsb-base: Linux Standard Base 3.1 init script functionality. In component main, is required. Version 3.1-10ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 76 kB06:54
jakkasshmm its not in apt-get06:54
jakkassfor some reason06:54
jakkassoh base06:54
sleepy495how do I unhide files in konqueror?06:54
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jakkasslsb-base is already the newest version.06:54
LjLUbotu, tell sleepy495 about hidden | sleepy495, see the private message from Ubotu06:54
intelikeybut it's not there... in fact i just went looking for   /etc/init.d/*funct*   and don't have one.    so find out what is looking for it and fix that.06:55
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ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles06:55
intelikey!hidden | sleepy49506:55
ubotusleepy495: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles06:55
llutzthey call it a "feature" ... tststs :(06:56
intelikeysleepy495 you might have been asking about   view -> show hidden06:58
soulrideri think that feature is getting removed in feisty06:58
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intelikeythat will show  .blah   where as the other will show you how to see /things06:58
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intelikeysoulrider yes i heard it was,  all they got was cussings from it....06:59
soulriderlol yes intelikey06:59
HailandKillIs there a helpful part of Adept Manager that will kindly tell me why my requested changes apparently BREAK everything?07:00
soulrideri think that all of my complaining about pppoe connections finally worked, since theyre implementing knetworkmanager07:00
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intelikeyHailandKill did you enable the universe/multiverse repos ?07:01
intelikey!repos | HailandKill07:01
ubotuHailandKill: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:01
HailandKillNot to my knowledge. Should I?07:01
intelikeyread the link   ^07:02
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HailandKillI've got everything enabled that is required enabled07:03
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intelikeythe standard ubuntu repositories " main restricted universe multiverse  & backports "   are safe (reletivly anyway) and give you access to over 12 more packages.07:03
sleepy495why is my source.list blank when I type kdesu kate etc/apt/sources.list ?07:03
intelikey"required enabled" ???07:04
gnomefreaksleepy495: you forgot the first /07:04
intelikeycause there is no $HOME/etc/apt/sources.list07:04
zorglu_sleepy495: "/etc/apt/sources.list"07:04
gnomefreaksleepy495: its /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
HailandKillintelikey, they are enabled. I remeber doing it now, but I just edited the file.07:04
intelikeyHailandKill ok apply changes update the database07:05
intelikeyHailandKill just editing the file alone does nothing.07:05
HailandKillintelikey. Sorry, yeah... I updated everything ages ago. It all works perfectly07:06
intelikeyok what is listed that you can't install ?07:06
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HailandKillI'm trying to install libpq-dev07:07
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ubotulibpq-dev: header files for libpq4 (PostgreSQL library). In component main, is optional. Version 8.1.4-7ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 298 kB, installed size 988 kB07:07
intelikeyok and it gives errors ?07:07
HailandKillIt says Requested change: BREAK (install)07:08
HailandKillConsequently, it refuses to install.07:08
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intelikeyah ok you added other (non-ubuntu) repos didn't you.  and installed what compiz ?07:09
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intelikeypastebin you sources.list HailandKill07:10
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=== intelikey <grumbles> people add debian repos and install krap then wonder why ubuntu packages are broken...
=== intelikey continues: not to mention personal 4th party repos... </grumbling>
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about break - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:12
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:14
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.07:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rezolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:16
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:17
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HailandKillintelikey, right... http://pastebin.com/85443307:19
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NeonLightningi installed totem-gstreamer and gstreamer-0.8-dvd and totem keeps telling me that i don't have the plugins to play a dvd07:19
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intelikeyHailandKill hmmm well that's clean enough.    open a konsole and do# apt-get -s remove libpq*           and see what all it pukes out.07:23
intelikeymay need to close adept first07:24
intelikeynot sure for a dry run07:24
HailandKillIt pukes out a lot...07:25
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intelikeyyes is libpq4  in the list ?07:26
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intelikeybetter yet re run it with this added to it.     | grep libpq07:27
ninnghizidhaQuestion: I cant upload to Flickr on two Pcs with Kubuntu (6.06 and 6.10) - i cant upload, thats so wierd.07:27
HailandKillone step ahead:07:27
HailandKillit is in there, "Note, selecting libpq4 for regex 'libpq*'07:28
HailandKillE: Broken packages07:28
intelikeyHailandKill notice.   "Note, selecting"  can be ignored.07:28
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intelikeybut the broken package error we may need.07:29
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sleepy495where is kde window decorator located?07:29
intelikeyso get that in context    try this#  apt-get -s remove libpq* | grep -B5 -A5 libpq | grep -v "Note, selecting"07:30
intelikeyHailandKill that should parse the output  might forget grep and just use less07:31
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intelikeybtw for anyone that didn't know    less has a search feature   /string   or  ?string   to search for string forward or backwards respectively07:33
HailandKillintelikey http://pastebin.com/85444207:34
HailandKillnot sure if that's quite what you expected...07:35
Tidothis is what I hate about kde/kubuntu: when I accidently open a file that uses a program already open, it makes the new mouse cursor, and puts a new item on the taskbar, and then takes about 2 minutes to figure out that program is already running07:35
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intelikeyHailandKill  sudo apt-get install -f       and pastebin the output07:36
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intelikeytido so use   twm   insted of kde  :)07:37
sleepy495whats this mean at startup, "/dev/sda3 has been mounted 30 times without being checked?07:38
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intelikeysleepy495 ah it means it's been mounted 30 times without being checked07:38
HailandKillpretty much what it says on the tin07:38
HailandKillIt isn't a problem, sleepy49507:39
HailandKillintelikey, http://pastebin.com/85444507:39
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intelikeysleepy495 if you want to change that behaviour  use sudo tune2fs /dev/sda3      man tune2fs   for options07:40
sleepy495I installed compiz and xgl, when I type compiz --replace gconf it says Couldnt load plugin 'libgconf.so07:41
intelikeysleepy495 i personally turn max count off   but that's not recommended.07:41
intelikeyone would just assume gconf is installed.....07:42
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intelikeyHailandKill hmmmm that's very odd.07:43
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intelikeyHailandKill if you try to install that libpq4-dev via apt-get does it give anymore info on what is holding it up ?07:44
intelikeyHailandKill cause that doesn't look normal   to have a broken package request with nothing broken....07:44
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intelikeyHailandKill i was actually expecting it to end with a postinst configure error or something.07:45
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BluesKajoops , fix broken pkgs is back !07:49
fairmanHi, i have one question. How to set to always run *.exe application throught Wine? I can set "remember this application forever" but next attempt he do not remmeber it. I am trying it throught Krusader07:49
intelikeyBluesKaj what did you do now      lol07:50
BluesKajnothing ...upgraded repos07:50
BluesKajerr updated rather07:50
intelikeyfairman right click one and select run with and remember this type07:51
HailandKillintelikey, if I use Adept it tells me that there was an error committing changes. Followed with some generic possibilities, like it couldn't connect to the server or the package breaks other backages07:51
fairmanintelikey: Yes i did it, but it is still wrong07:51
HailandKillI'm assuming libpq4-dev is breaking something, but I can't seem to find out what.07:51
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BluesKajthis reminds me of Yast in Suse ...had broken pkges all the time ...din't matter what  :)07:52
fairmanintelikey: right click - select open with - remember - it write "saving configuration" but it is still bad07:52
intelikeyHailandKill close adept and do# sudo apt-get install libpq4-dev       so you can read the error message07:52
intelikeyfairman hmm odd.   i guess you need to get with someone that uses kde.07:53
intelikeyBluesKaj if updating the database broke things then the sources.list is in error.07:53
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NeonLightningi installed totem-gstreamer and gstreamer-0.8-dvd and totem keeps telling me that i don't have the plugins to play a dvd any suggestions?07:55
intelikeyfairman iirc you can open konqueror and menu settings configure konqueror     then in that window look at and/or edit file associations07:55
sleepy495how do I activate compiz?07:55
HailandKillintelikey, http://pastebin.com/85446207:56
dwidmann!dvdcss | neonlightning07:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:56
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:56
dwidmannYes. That.07:56
BluesKajyeah intelikey , it's the official edgy list ...is it flawed ?07:57
fairmanintelikey: Still wrong, i add "exe" and default applicaton wine (Wine Window Emulator) -> saving configuration but ....07:57
intelikeyBluesKaj wouldn't suprise me.07:57
intelikeyHailandKill is that an upgrade from dapper to edgy you are running ?07:58
HailandKillintelikey, straight dapper install.07:58
intelikeyHailandKill oh sorry meant breezy to dapper anyway.07:59
intelikeythat's odd.     oh wait.   you don't have updates07:59
BluesKajwell, i's not really abig bother ...apt does update ok , it's not blocked ...synaptic just tells me  there's a broken pkg whenever i open it , but I can still install other pkgs07:59
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intelikeyi think i know what it is HailandKill   what was the url to your sources.list again ?08:00
HailandKillintelikey http://pastebin.com/85443308:01
intelikeyHailandKill ok08:02
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intelikeycopy yours to a safe place or name  and try putting that one in /etc/apt/   and do this#   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:04
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intelikeythen see if you don't have much better luck with it.     the problem is that the updates which ubuntu has issued has changed the dependancies on some packages.   that's why it installed ok for me but you got errors.08:05
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revolution27hey guys, firefox is installed but it's not in my applications menu. How can I get it there?08:08
studentit should be under internet08:08
revolution27yeh but it's not08:08
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studentcan you locate it with konqueror?08:08
studentor a file manager?08:08
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revolution27i could before... now i can't08:09
revolution27but i can run it by typing firefox08:09
studentright click ur bar, hit add application, and try typing in the name08:09
BluesKajinteresting error here .. "subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"08:10
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BluesKajpre-removal script?08:11
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revolution27that works08:11
studentdoes anyone here know how to configure wireless internet?08:11
studenti have an airport card08:11
revolution27but hot do i get the icon?08:11
BluesKajbbl, finally got some snow to push :)08:11
intelikeyBluesKaj yeah located in /var/lib/dpkg/info/<packagename>.prerm08:12
intelikeyBluesKaj most packages have  prerm postrm  preinst and postinst  scripts.08:12
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intelikeyoh and a .list  that is a record of what the package.deb actually installed.08:13
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frojndHawkwind by anc chance here?08:17
intelikeyHawkwind your phone is ringing.08:18
intelikeyfrojnd i haven't seen him say anything in a while.08:18
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frojndnevermind HawkWind...08:21
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Hawkwindfrojnd: ??08:23
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frojndI had some problems with avidemux and I somehow connected with moive apocalypto (iMBT) and that u might have seen it...08:24
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HawkwindUmmm, nope.  Not my type of movie at all.  What made you think of me and that movie together ?08:25
frojndScT :)08:25
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HawkwindNope, haven't seen it and probably won't08:28
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frojndI just got a thought nothing more :)08:30
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muratdoes anybody installed scorched3d ?08:37
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:38
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HailandKillintelikey That has seemed to have fixed it. Thanks very much!08:38
revolution27everytime i type qtparted into adept it closes, why?08:38
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vgesomeone can tell me how to enter "enter" -key in skype chat?08:38
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xHerr4did have a people that can to install a tar.gz program??08:39
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Dasnipa`did have a people that can to install?08:40
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fdovingxHerr4: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware08:43
K`zanwhat does one need to play flash in firefox, so far tried swf-player and flashplayer-mozilla, do I need the non-free one?  TIA!08:43
xHerr4ok thank you!08:43
fdoving!flash9 | k`zan08:43
ubotuk`zan: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports08:43
K`zanfdoving: Thanks, checing it out now.08:44
xHerr4dou you have it in french??08:44
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:44
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports08:44
xHerr4ok thank08:44
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K`zanubotu: added: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-backports main universe multiverse restricted and did the update and still no flash9 found?!?08:49
naliothK`zan: flash 9 isn't in the reops08:49
nalioth!tell K`zan about flash08:50
K`zanfdoving: added: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-backports main universe multiverse restricted and did the update and still no flash9 found?!?08:50
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K`zan!tell K`zan about flash08:51
naliothK`zan: look for private messages08:51
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K`zannalioth: I'm doing something wrong here :-/08:51
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
naliothK`zan: ^^^08:53
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K`zannalioth: seems to be for older versions than edgy :-(.08:55
K`zannalioth: Got things I have to go do, will look into it a bit later.08:55
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jannhi, does anybody have experience with the skype plugin for kopete (http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kopete%20skype/). i'd like to use it but cant find it in the repositories. i downloaded the file but dont know what to do now. thanks.08:59
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:59
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cpk1hrmm are you supposed to unmount a camera before you unplug it?09:06
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cpk1hmm i dont think i see it in mount...09:08
TurnTheOtherWayhmm first time irc. plenty here, anyone help me with install probs?09:08
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xeen7_7Somebody here knows how to install EMC ? it is the programm for CNC-Coding09:09
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cpk1TurnTheOtherWay: whats wrong?09:10
TurnTheOtherWayyknow theres a desktop screen before it lets you install?09:11
TurnTheOtherWaytryout kinda thing09:11
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marcolinuxragazzi sono l'unico a star impazzendo con linux?09:12
TurnTheOtherWaythe desktop doesnt load it just turns into a screen of coloured bars and flashes09:13
fdoving!it | marcolinux09:13
ubotumarcolinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:13
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rindolfHi all.09:13
rindolfCan anyone try to reproduce this bug with KDE 3.5.5? http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=27999 . One has to set the windows style to Keramik and use it with FocusFollowsMouse.09:14
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TurnTheOtherWay_argh connection reset. now my timed out self is here09:17
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php-freakhey guys how can i view all devices that are installed on my usb drivers09:18
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: try starting in vga mode09:19
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KaiserSusephp-freak: lsusb09:19
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: you have an nvidia?09:20
TurnTheOtherWay_how do you start in vga?09:20
KaiserSusephp-freak: on second thought... I don't really understand yer question09:20
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php-freakBus 004 Device 012: ID 0711:0900 Magic Control Technology Corp. SVGA Adapter09:20
php-freakwell its saying its there09:20
php-freakim trying to get that working09:21
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php-freakits for dual screen monitor support09:21
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: are you on the computer you are trying to install linux on right now? if you start in safe mode i think you can switch to tty1 and you will get a fine screen09:21
cpk1i cant remember the command to start in vga09:22
php-freakhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812203013 well read this right here under linux09:22
php-freaksays it works with linux09:22
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zorglu_hmm a vga via usb ? i miss something, i mean usb bus is not fast enought to send the content of the vga.. no ?09:22
php-freakPros: Works with the sisusb driver for 2.6.x kernels and sisusb x.org driver. Works great out of the box with SuSE 10.109:23
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php-freak2.0 is09:23
TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: im on that comp, yes. you mean start in safe mode in kubuntu install?09:23
TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: also, whats tty1?09:24
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: yes and then switch to tty1 (press ctl alt f1)09:24
cpk1hopefully you will get a clear picture09:24
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php-freakany one know how i can get this to work? with that driver?09:25
cpk1and then you will need to use the command line to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
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TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: ill try that first part, thanks. but why the conf file?09:25
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: but, there should be a way to start in vga (iirc safemode is supposed to but it doesnt in edgy)09:25
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cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: when you get to all the boot options from the cd there is also some help text, read through that and see if there is a vga option09:26
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zorglu_well i was wrong apparently vga via usb is possible :)09:26
TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: vga wouldnt be necessary if tty1 works?09:26
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php-freakhey guys do you know how I can get this to work http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812203013 well read this right here under linux09:27
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cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: if tty1 works then you will still need to make sure X is using vga09:27
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: once you get it installed you wont need vga anymore though dont worry =)09:27
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intelikeyhave oddity.   pt_chown: needs to be installed setuid `root'09:28
intelikeyCannot chmod /dev/ttyp0 to 620 currently 666: Operation not permitted09:28
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TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: X? also, why would vga be required (and are these messages being sent only between us?)09:28
intelikeybut if i chmod that to 620 then the error  cant chmod to 666  comes up   why all the chmoding ?09:28
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intelikey<TurnTheOtherWay_> cpk1: X? also, why would vga be required (and are these09:29
intelikey                   messages being sent only between us?)09:29
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: everyone can see these, and i dunno why vga is required but every *buntu install I have done my nvidia card always has problems and I have had to install in vga mode09:29
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: if you get to tty1 though then you will need to do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and then look for Section "Device" and change here: Driver         "nvidia" change the nvidia to vga09:31
TurnTheOtherWay_cpk!: so they can lol. the addressing just sends to freenode too. ill try those things thanks09:31
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TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: sudo nano?09:31
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cpk1unless someone else (intelikey maybe?) knows how to start in vga from the edgy install cd09:31
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intelikey!irc | TurnTheOtherWay_09:32
ubotuTurnTheOtherWay_: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines09:32
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: sudo makes you do a command as root and nano is a very user friendly text editor09:32
intelikeythe last url ^09:32
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revolution27hey, anyone know any free software similiar to garageband or frooty loops?09:32
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:33
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revolution27was that for me?09:33
TurnTheOtherWay_thanks intel. first timer lol. and thanks cpk ill try those out... now wheres my cd?09:34
intelikeyheh for one and all09:34
intelikeyTurnTheOtherWay_ yeah i gathered that.09:34
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cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: hopefully that works for you, if you cant get to tty1 then read the help provided on the cd at the boot options menu and see if there are any options you can do from there09:35
TurnTheOtherWay_cpk1: alright ty. just need to copy down instructs before i boot cd lol09:35
cpk1and hopefully you wrote this stuff down =P09:35
TurnTheOtherWay_one step ahead of ya :p09:36
intelikeyrevolution27 searching the package database for those key words draws a blank.09:36
cpk1i'm going to be gone for several hours though so hopefully this works =)09:36
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TurnTheOtherWay_lol if it doesnt i hope theres someone around :s09:36
intelikeythere's always someone around.09:36
cpk1TurnTheOtherWay_: and dont worry about having to install in vga, once i installed I was able to get the nvidia drivers installed and dont have any problems with it09:37
TurnTheOtherWay_oh one more general thing anyone. does kubuntu have GRUB?09:37
TurnTheOtherWay_and does it add in other OS's automatically?09:38
TurnTheOtherWay_or is manualadd necessary?09:38
intelikeygrub is the default boot loader.  and it does a pretty good job of adding other (M$) os's09:38
intelikeynot as good with other *nix os's   but that is to be expected.09:39
desyncgrub automatically added my winxp install on my 2nd drive, and make my 2nd drive look like it's the only drive so xp boots as if nothing changed09:39
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intelikeywith linux you can name your kernel anything and put it anywhere, which makes it a little more tricky to autodetect09:40
php-freakhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812203013 does any one know how to get this to work, it said it wors with linux?09:40
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php-freakI have xp drivers setting here, but no linux drives09:41
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php-freakhttp://www.strotmann.de/twiki/bin/view/Microusb/UsbDevices also says linux driver exist here too09:42
revolution27hey, (i dunno if this is even legal but) does anyone know how to get amarok to play music purchased from itunes?09:42
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revolution27the format seems to be m4p09:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:43
TurnTheOtherWay_m4p is itunes pprotected :/09:43
zorglu_http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsisusbvga.shtml <- php-freak09:43
intelikeyif the answer is not there then i have no clue ^09:44
revolution27yeh m4p is protected.. but i'll look it up09:44
revolution27i hate itunes for that09:44
TurnTheOtherWay_an m4p won't run with anything else as far as i know09:44
php-freakzorglu: is this it?09:44
intelikeyTurnTheOtherWay_ ah you mean legal hateware.09:44
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intelikeynice.  who would pay for such a thing ?09:45
zorglu_php-freak: what do you mean ? it explain exactly how to plug your stuff09:45
revolution27that's a good way t odescribe it ;)09:45
TurnTheOtherWay_anyone who wants music from itunes09:45
revolution27i got gift cards, that's why09:45
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TurnTheOtherWay_who has one of thsoe little cards09:45
php-freakzorglu: lol, but I mean this should fix it, this is what i need right?09:45
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peryskaq es esto?09:45
TurnTheOtherWay_and in itunes, they even label songs with nice big EXPLICIT signs09:46
peryskahola a todo/asa09:46
TurnTheOtherWay_unremovable ofcourse09:46
php-freakzorglu: sorry i might of confused you09:46
zorglu_php-freak: i think so. the original page say it is a sisusb. and the page i gave you is for sisusb09:46
intelikeyyour money man.  not my problem.  sorry i mentioned it.09:46
zorglu_!tag | php-freak09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
zorglu_!tab | php-freak09:46
ubotuphp-freak: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:46
=== intelikey has never seen/heard itunes, and never will.
revolution27anyone know an itunes replacement that accepts international credit cards? I don't think so09:47
intelikeyby choice.09:47
TurnTheOtherWay_lol yes enough of this i have kubntu to install. have fun everyone09:47
php-freakzorglu_: is there a way my current onboard video card I can make it where it will have higher resolution?09:47
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php-freakmaybe just by a little bit09:47
zorglu_php-freak: i dont understand your question, can you rephrase09:48
peryskaagur a todos09:48
intelikey!resolution | php-freak09:48
ubotuphp-freak: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:48
peryskavoy a informarme un poco de esto09:48
peryskalo siento09:48
zorglu_!es | peryska09:48
ubotuperyska: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:48
peryskaesto es interesante09:49
=== kruemeltee sagt schlfrig "bye bye"
php-freakThis driver is only provided in source code. This source code compiles under Linux 2.6.9 and newer kernels. 2.409:50
php-freakhow can i tell if my nix matches that?09:50
intelikeyit does09:50
zorglu_"uname -a" will give you the version of kernel you got09:50
intelikeybut to answer your Q    uname -a09:50
zorglu_which is higher than '2.6.9'09:50
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zorglu_aka 'it does' :)09:51
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php-freak 2.6.17-1009:52
php-freakwill it work?09:52
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zorglu_.17 is higher than .909:53
=== intelikey noticed that we didn't have to paint an X on the sides of the black horse to tell them apart, the white horse is a little taller...
zorglu_ This source code compiles under Linux 2.6.9 and newer kernels.  <- from what you pasted09:53
peryskano entiendo nada09:53
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php-freakso it won't work?09:53
zorglu_peryska: here we speak english and most of us dont understand what you are saying :009:54
php-freakzorglu: can you help me with this, im tottaly lost09:54
zorglu_php-freak: ????09:54
php-freakget this installed09:54
intelikeyphp-freak back to my first answer to "<php-freak> how can i tell if my nix matches that?"    "<intelikey> it does"09:54
zorglu_php-freak: well .17 is newer than .909:54
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zorglu_but clearly to compile a kernel will be painfull for you09:54
zorglu_hmm maybe you can compile only the module tho :)09:55
php-freakhow can i get this done09:55
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php-freakzorlglu_: will you help me please?09:55
zorglu_sorry no time09:55
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BluesKajintelikey, I went to the clamav site and was able follow their instructions for reinstalling clamav successfully..then i just removed it10:00
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intelikeyi started to install it just to see what it was... hehhe10:01
BluesKajpita is what it is10:02
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intelikeyyou should see the way people act when you say "i dont have antivirus software"      then they really phr33k out when you say "and no firewall"   :)10:02
BluesKajyeah  :)10:03
=== juano [n=juano@r190-0-141-253.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyand when i say something like last install was over a year ago and not one crash.....    :)10:04
esaymanyone know of a replacement for the windows version of angry ip scanner http://www.angryziber.com/ipscan/10:04
BluesKaji'm behind a router so I just use avg on my windows partition10:04
esaymI really miss an app like that in linux10:04
intelikeyBluesKaj but i get the same looks from people in here when i say "i don't have any partitions"   so i guess it's all in what you are used to.10:05
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brett__what is a good ftp program for linux10:06
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BluesKajwell intelikey, I'm not quite "there" yet but i will be soon ...once i get tovid and todisc cli commands figured out and working I'l prolly kiss the NTFS partition goodbye10:07
intelikeyesaym   nessus - Remote network security auditor, the client  &  nessusd - Remote network security auditor, the server         +     nmapfe - The Network Mapper Front End10:07
cntbplease join kubuntu torrent download http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en10:07
intelikey!spam | cntb10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
intelikeyhmmm didn't that used to work.10:08
intelikeyanyway   don't spam the channel10:08
=== TurnTheOtherWay [n=chatzill@ACBCB144.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
brett__does anyone know any ftp programs for linux?10:09
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esaymcan nmap scan ranges?10:09
intelikeyesaym there are a lot more apps  it all depends on what you want to do.10:10
intelikeyranges of ip's or ranges of ports ?10:10
esaymjust something quick and easy10:10
TurnTheOtherWayintelikey: know anything about nano?10:10
esaymjust scanning 1 or 2 ports on a netrange10:10
fdovingcntb: around?10:10
intelikeyyeah TurnTheOtherWay   ^ means hold the ctrl key down10:10
esaymlike scan for open port 8010:11
TurnTheOtherWayahhh isee10:11
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intelikeyesaym yes   but you might need to use it cli to get that out of it.   the nmapfe  fe=frontend a gui10:12
TurnTheOtherWayintelikey: tried to edit xorg but couldnt use the ^ lol so couldnt install. its a little confusing lol.10:12
TurnTheOtherWayesaym: what makes you want to scan for open ports lol?10:13
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esaymcheck for servers when I get on a new network10:13
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intelikeyTurnTheOtherWay yes they could have made the help pages a little easier to find    of course hitting f1 is kinda a criptic way to access help10:13
esaymwhat is cli?10:14
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:14
TurnTheOtherWayi couldnt find anything useful in the helps10:14
esaymoh rofl10:14
carlosquick question. how do I unlock my /var/lib/dpkg ?10:14
bbeck_I just installed nvidia-glx, and it replaced my smp kernel with a non-smp kernel.  Is there a way that I can have nvidia drivers and use an smp kernel?10:14
fdoving!adept crash fix | carlos10:14
ubotucarlos: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'10:14
K`zan!nvidia drivers10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
intelikeyTurnTheOtherWay in nano   hit [f1] 10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia_drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
esaymcan nmap scan ip ranges?10:14
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BluesKajCLI - Command Line Interface or terminal or konsole or console :)10:15
carlosthanks fdoving !110:15
esaymi have knmap10:15
fdovingyou're welcome carlos.10:15
carlosthanks ubotu10:15
intelikey!ati | K`zan10:15
ubotuK`zan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ati/nvidia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
TurnTheOtherWayintelikey ahh i see. thanks intel.10:15
intelikeyK`zan also !nvidia  is the same infonode.10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about svga - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:16
BluesKajhehe..dumb bot10:16
intelikeyTurnTheOtherWay no problemo10:16
intelikeyde nada10:16
TurnTheOtherWayuseful little bot10:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sda3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:17
esaymok nmap can scan ranges10:17
TurnTheOtherWay*goes to install kubuntu again*10:18
intelikeyyes and regex is as handy as a pocket on a shirt.10:18
intelikeyman regex10:18
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intelikeyok back around after last rounds.10:20
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revolution27for anyone who want's to know how to convert protected m4p files to unprotected m4a files (to allow itunes purchased music to be played anywhere) goto http://www.hymn-project.org/download.php )10:22
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revolution27It should be legal if you bought and own the music10:22
K`zanI need access to restricted repositories and the howto doesn't say what that is, does that mean: "main restricted " (which I have, but no nvidia binary driver) ?10:23
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ftldwhat command tells me how much of a volume is in use?10:24
ftldwhat command tells me how full a volume is?10:24
K`zanalso no "Restricted copyright" box in manage repositories ?!?10:24
K`zanAh, synaptic....10:25
JucatoK`zan: restricted is already enabled by default10:25
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ftlderr, i didn't mean to say that twice in here10:26
ftldoh well10:26
K`zanJucato: THanks, now to figure out why it can't find the nvidia drivers, going to load synaptic and see if that finds it.10:27
K`zanJucato: Not sure, always downloaded and installed the drivers from the nvidia site in gentoo...10:27
SSJftld:Try "df"10:27
JucatoK`zan: that's the name of the nvidia package10:28
JucatoSSJ: df shows you the amount of free disk space... (Disk Free)10:28
K`zanAh, OK, thanks Jucato !  Checking now.10:28
=== fl1 [n=flo@host63-172-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
K`zanJucato: Don't think so :-(: These XFree86 4.x/X.Org binary drivers provide optimized hardware acceleration10:29
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K`zanlooking for nvidia, not xorg drivers.10:29
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ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3970 kB, installed size 12312 kB10:29
K`zanJucato: That is what it says about nvidia-glx10:30
K`zanAh, OK, RTFM :-) NVIDIA binary :)10:30
=== Jucato scratches his head...
Linux_Galorehai Jucato10:30
=== linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
K`zanJucato: I took that to be xorg drivers...10:31
K`zanJucato: New to debian (again :-).10:31
K`zanJucato: Been running gentoo for the past few years...10:31
Linux_GaloreK`zan: the nv driver is usually supplied with the xorg package10:31
K`zanLinux_Galore: Yes, but that one leaves MUCH to be desired :-).10:32
Linux_GaloreK`zan: I know, blame nvidia for lack of documentation10:32
K`zanLinux_Galore: I do indeed...10:32
=== j0b [n=j0b@lns-bzn-26-82-254-116-3.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
K`zanI also need kernel source for something (I installed 64 bit and too many apps I want / need do not run under it, so I am transitioning to 32bit).10:33
Linux_Galorewish Intel made a decent graphics drivers, i965 even though having a open source driver with 3d still lacks allot10:33
K`zanLinux_Galore: I will not touch anything intel puts out if I can avoid it :-/.10:34
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K`zanok, lemme reboot the beast and see if it worked, brb.10:36
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=== Linux_Galore o O (why is he rebooting to run a nvidia driver ? )
BluesKajLinux_Galore, bad windoze habit10:39
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Linux_GaloreK`zan: you know you dont have to reboot to load the driver10:40
HailandKillToo late10:40
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K`zanLinux_Galore: Always have in the past - no nvidia splash screen, I don't think this is what I wanted... checking.10:40
CVirusK`zan: why did you move away from Gentoo ?10:41
K`zanLinux_Galore: Nope it isn't: Driver          "nv"10:41
Linux_GaloreK`zan: just log out then press press ctrl alt backspace   that reloads the x server and the "driver"10:41
JucatoK`zan: did you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" already?10:41
K`zanCVirus: Pissing matches are killing it and apps I need are no longer in portage.10:41
Jucatoor "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"?10:42
CViruspissing matches ?10:42
K`zanJucato: No, but will to see what happens.10:42
JucatoK`zan: then no wonder your driver is still nv10:42
CVirusportage almost contains everything10:42
Jucato!nvidia | K`zan10:42
ubotuK`zan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:42
K`zanCVirus: People to whom being important is more important than gentoos wellbeing.10:42
JucatoK`zan: you also need to install the linux-restricted-modules that matches the kernel you are using10:43
Jucatosudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)10:43
K`zanJucato: That seems to have changed the xorg.conf, restarting x, brb10:43
Jucatohm.. did he install the restricted modules already?10:44
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K`zanThat got it, thanks MUCH all!10:44
K`zancrap, the url for the nvidia binary driver howto didn't survive the restart, again please?10:45
Jucatodoesn't matter if you got it working already :)10:46
binkshi i installed pyqt and qt4 designer but it doesnt show up in development menu how do i start it10:46
BluesKajK 'zan  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
K`zanJucato: Was just concerned that there might be something else I needed to run besides the xorg.conf update thing you gave me.10:47
Jucato!nvidia | K`zan10:48
ubotuK`zan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:48
K`zanBluesKaj: Thanks much!10:48
K`zanJucato: you too :-).10:48
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BluesKajK`zan, np :)10:51
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jpiccoloa new version a feisty is out?10:52
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting10:53
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Jucatojpiccolo: none yet, afaik.10:54
JucatoHerd 2 isn't out yet10:54
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jpiccoloi am running herd 110:54
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jpiccoloand when i goto update it says "A new version of Kubuntu is available! Click next if you wish to upgrade now."10:55
jpiccoloi click next and adept update manager dies10:56
boblenyIs there some kind of documentation for kubuntu's terminal commands?10:56
fdoving!cli | bobleny10:57
ubotubobleny: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:57
JucatoCommand Line Interface10:58
jpiccolocli is the terminal10:58
boblenyIs there a diffrence in commands from ubuntu to kubuntu?10:58
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jpiccolonot really10:59
boblenyyou say that like there is?10:59
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Jucatoexcept when you are talking about specific apps10:59
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jpiccolowell i mean some programs will have different names10:59
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boblenyNo big deal there10:59
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TheGateKeeperbobbyd, ubuntu & kubuntu are the same distro using different desktops11:00
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boblenyIs there a way to password protect files in your home folder?11:01
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LjLbobleny: encrypt them11:02
boblenyHow do I do that?11:02
matthiashow do i select wish java jre i want to use?11:02
matthiasi know that there was anything with dpkg but i dont know what11:02
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LjL!kgpg | bobleny11:03
ubotukgpg: GnuPG frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 445 kB, installed size 1404 kB11:03
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boblenythanks (8-)11:05
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josh_i have superkaramba runnin11:05
josh_how do i get the docks to see my cpu temp and fan rpm's11:05
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josh_i have an nforce 430 chipset11:06
matthiasor was it sth like update-alternatives?11:06
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matthiasi got it on my own: update-alternatives --config java11:06
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BluesKajwhat's the best way to upgrade the JRE version over the one in the repos ?11:08
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Dasnipa`BluesKaj, download it?11:08
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BluesKajtrying the deb pkg download din't work ...it caused an installer prob11:09
josh_has all the drivers/software you need for that kind of stuff11:09
josh_adobe reader, p2p clients11:09
BluesKajno josh_, automatix isn't for me... not a good excperience11:09
josh_java/flash for firefox11:09
BluesKajbroken pkgs11:10
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Dasnipa`BluesKaj, just download the installer from java11:10
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TheGateKeeperBluesKaj, you got synaptic installed?11:11
Dasnipa`BluesKaj, i went and aliased it to a different name so when i want to run 1.5 i run with java5 and and 1.4 is just java11:11
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josh_ok well can someone help me with the sensors11:11
josh_i want to monitor cpu and fan11:12
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JucatoBluesKaj: what installer problem?11:13
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BluesKajDasnipa`, I wish it was that easy ...I had probs with it not having the right dependencies previously installed11:14
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BluesKajanyway, I'm at a site that seems to be what i need helpwise...thx anyway11:15
Croupierhi there11:15
Tidowhat package do I need to connect to subversion as a client?11:16
LjLTido: subversion11:16
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LjLor if you want a GUI too11:16
ubotukdesdk-kio-plugins: subversion ioslave for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 435 kB, installed size 880 kB11:17
ubotukdesvn: subversion client with tight KDE integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (edgy), package size 1405 kB, installed size 3304 kB11:17
farkri have a dual boot system (win2000/linux) and win2k only supports up to 32gb fat32 partitions. do you think it would work to make two 32gb fat32 partitions so i can use one for my music and one for my movies?11:17
fxrhello can i ask a question?11:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:18
fxrdoes anyone know if this how-to should work for my radeon 9600se: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide11:18
Dasnipa`farkr, it isnt windows that only supports fat32 up to 32 gb its a restriction on the filesystem itself11:18
farkri thought fat32 goes up to 2 TB11:19
Dasnipa`farkr, wtf crack are you on?11:19
farkrit said it on the msdn site11:19
Dasnipa`fat16 could do, 4 gb if i recall... fat32 brought that number to 3211:20
Dasnipa`maybe ntfs is the 2tb one11:20
zeekstarrI've been having a problem not being able to download files bigger than 4.3 gig, something about thats the biggest file allowed on my fat32 ( I dual boot as well)11:20
farkrFAT32 supports drives up to 2 terabytes in size.11:20
farkrNOTE: Microsoft Windows 2000 only supports FAT32 partitions up to a size of 32 GB.11:20
LeeJunFanXP as well11:21
LeeJunFanof course11:21
Jucatoyes, but file sizes in FAT32 are limited to 4GB afaik11:21
farkr2gb i think11:21
LeeJunFanyeah, 211:21
zeekstarrwhat can I do to allow bigger file sizes. i can't download dvd isos right now11:21
Dasnipa`farkr, i dont think thats quite accurate in the article11:22
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Jucatooh there, 2GB :)11:22
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farkranyways my question was is making multiple 32gb fat32 partitions the best solution so i can still read/write my data from win2k?11:23
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x86why not use ntfs and some open source NTFS linux drivers?11:24
LeeJunFanzeekstarr: use a different filesystem.11:24
farkrx86 too dangerous11:24
Chousukeiirc there is an ext2 driver for win2k11:24
farkrsince i have no other way to backup11:24
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farkrthose are only good for read only, not writing, they corrupt things11:25
x86yeah there are ext2 and ext3 drivers for windows :)11:25
zeekstarrLeeJunFan: Yea I knew that much, but I need a fat32 so I can dual boot XP and Kubuntu and share my 250gig hd between them11:25
farkrthose things corrupted me is the reason im lookin for a fat32 solution right now ;011:25
Dasnipa`farkr, yes i found it. actually the most recent version of fat32 supports 8 TB while yes the max filesize is still 4 gigs11:25
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zeekstarris that a setting that perhaps could be changed in partition magic (boot up)?11:26
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LeeJunFanzeekstarr: http://www.fs-driver.org/11:28
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zeekstarrI've already got gigs upon gigs of files ont his fat3211:29
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LeeJunFanzeekstarr: don't know what to tell you FAT32 isn't going to hold dvd iso's. You could possibly use windows XP to convert Fat32 to ntfs and use a fuse base ntfs fs driver which allows r/w for the linux use.11:31
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:31
LeeJunFanI don't know how unsafe it is - I've used it a bit w/o any problems.11:31
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JosefKis there any way to have the bookmarks toolbar only show in the Web View profile of konqueror?11:32
TheDebuggerHow about ntfs-3g?11:32
JucatoJosefK: unfortunately, no11:33
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JosefKJucato: alas, this seems like a serious flaw.  I'll check to see if I can hack it into the config files by hand11:33
JucatoJosefK: good luck. but afaik, no amount of config hacking answers that11:34
Jucatoit's really in the code. a *gasp* limitation of Konqueror11:34
JosefKcrikey :/11:35
silyaHi all! There is many mistakes in russian translation in kubuntu 6.10 :/ Who coordiantes it?11:36
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K`zanSilya if you know Russian, get involved and help fix it!11:37
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daveyarussoI have an odd disk issue.  I had two partitions, deleted one (using GParted on an Ubuntu Live CD), and then grew the first into the space.  Now, I seem to have an 11 GB _partition_, but only a 5.4 GB filesystem (same as it had before on the first).  How do I fix it?11:40
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hassan2awho playing to enemy territory ?11:42
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JosefKno dice with the config files, there are keys for Hidden etc. for each of the toolbars, but konqueror just ignores them11:46
JosefKit must be stored somewhere else, but wherever it is isn't in .kde/share/apps/konqueror11:46
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lupine_85daveyarusso: run resize2fs on it?11:47
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daveyarussolupine_85: Works for ext3 as well as ext2 presumably?11:47
lupine_85you can do online resizing into a larger partition, so you don't need to be in a live cd to do so11:47
lupine_85yeah, works fine11:47
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato or DBO11:47
lupine_85just sudo resize2fs devicefile11:47
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Hobbseenixternal: ?11:48
fdovingwrong chan i belive..11:48
nixternalwrong window ;)11:48
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=== daveyarusso thinks he hit wrong chan :P
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gnomefreakit was taken care of in #ubuntu11:48
nixternalback to the meeting11:48
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lupine_85thought I'd been caught sekeretly selling Windows Vista there ;)11:48
JucatoJosefK: I've been telling you, it's not possible. but feel free to dig around if you still want to11:49
LjLwrong window but... *nobody was affected*?`that's a first11:49
klerfaytI got problems with monitor turning blank after some minutes then I'm away - what could be the cause?11:49
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daveyarussolupine_85: I'll give it a try.  Thanks.11:49
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lupine_85np, I do it a lot with my LM partitions :)11:49
JosefKJucato: heh, I'm nothing if not persistent11:49
lupine_85erm, LVM11:49
Jucatogood luck11:49
JosefKJucato: nice to see the rush of people with ideas in #kde too...11:49
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daveyarussolupine_85: Tony may find you for LVM help sometime... ;)11:50
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=== lupine_85 hides
lupine_85seriously, I hacked through it11:50
lupine_85now it's working, it's incredibly cool though11:51
daveyarussolupine_85: You sure it doesn't need to be a live CD?  I got "/dev/hdc3 is mounted; can't resize a mounted filesystem!"11:51
lupine_85strange. dapper or edgy?11:52
lupine_85hmm. the older kernel might not have support for on-line resizing built in :/11:52
lupine_85worked fine on edgy11:53
lupine_85sorry, I just assume everyone's on edgy ;)11:53
daveyarussolupine_85: Aaah.  That seems likely.  Well, we can get resize2fs on the live CD anyway.11:53
hassan2aanyone playing to enemy territory ?11:54
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lupine_85hassan2a: not right now...11:54
daveyarussolupine_85: Is the package name for that the same as the command (if you know offhand)?11:54
lupine_85it's hard to play ET and use IRC at the same time :p11:54
=== lupine_85 -S es it
hassan2aisn't hard ^^11:55
lupine_85t'isn't easy ^^ desu11:55
lupine_85daveyarusso: e2fsprogs: /sbin/resize2fs11:55
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daveyarussolupine_85: Great.  Thanks.11:56
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fxrhi ve tried about a thousand howtos' to get fglrx working with my radeon 9200se i keep killing X11:59
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fxrits really starting to frustrate me12:00
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fxrcan anyone offer any ideas where i might be going wrong?12:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:00
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fxr***The model of the card is in the 9xxx series, 9500 or higher, or it is in the X series (e.g. X300), or it has TV-Out capability. The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 8500.***12:04
fxrdoes that mean my 9200 is supported, its not totally clear12:05
desynci've given up on fglrx with my x130012:05
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lupine_85fxr: it probably means it isn't12:13
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foobwhen i type "sudo ntfsmount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1/ -o umask=0007" i get: "Use the force option to work a mounted filesystem. Mount failed." What should I do?12:14

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