
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
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harrywwcgreetings - had a quick look and the download site, and some of the mirrors - what's the MD5SUM of the edgy-dvd-i386.iso? I grabbed the MD5SUMS file that was with it, but the contents are for "feisty-dvd-*.iso" - and the sums don't match (of course ;')03:18
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harrywwcok... if someone has an answer, would they please email to "harrywwc@yahoo.com.au" - TiA - .h03:33
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kgoetz!seen riched06:06
ubotuI last saw RichEd (n=richard@dsl-241-111-169.telkomadsl.co.za) 12h 43m 41s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection06:06
kgoetzmmm ok06:06
=== kgoetz notes this jboss thing isnt in the repos... wonder if its in backports
kgoetzits not... oh well06:15
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=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-241-56-11.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
kgoetzhi RichEd07:56
RichEdhi karl07:56
kgoetzhow are you?07:56
RichEdwell thanks ... a trifle warm 23 degrees and it is not even 9:00 am yet07:59
kgoetzhehe. its about 36 outside atm :|08:00
=== kgoetz is trying to get the dependancies for lams installed.
kgoetzRichEd: i have jboss (a lams dependancy) "installed" (untar and go on the basic level), and i'm being stopped by this bug (hope its a real bug...): http://launchpad.net/bugs/7865708:28
=== kgoetz afk dinner
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RichEdbrb - reboot08:47
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Feral_KidGood morning all...10:44
kgoetzhi mate10:44
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RichEdhi Feral_Kid10:50
RichEdkgoetz: will check out the bug issue when I get back ...10:50
RichEdplease put up that link again ?10:50
=== RichEd -> collecting passport
kgoetzRichEd: i'm just looking into it atm.10:51
kgoetzhttp://launchpad.net/bugs/78657 <- i'm just downloading the source to check it out10:51
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kgoetzhi ogra :)11:11
Feral_KidSorry, was just making some tea and playing on skype...11:20
kgoetznp :)11:21
=== kgoetz realises this is an ubuntu chan, and skype is not frowned on... i was about to give you a going over ;)
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RichEdogra: ping12:04
RichEdrodarvus: ping12:04
kgoetzwb RichEd12:05
kgoetzhi rockprincess12:05
ograwhere do we go ?12:05
Feral_KidAlrighty.. Finished playing with the firewall for a few minutes... So what is the topic of the day?12:09
rockprincesshey kgoetz ;)12:09
RichEdhi rockprincess ...12:09
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RichEdedubuntu meetring in 1 hour12:09
rockprincesshey RichEd!!! ;)12:09
kgoetzin -meeting? for how long?12:09
RichEdshould be 1 hour ... may spill over a bit longer12:10
Feral_KidWell, that would be 4AM for me... Sounds like a good time...12:10
RichEdI've got a another meeting so will see you guys in an hour if you are awake.12:10
Feral_KidAnyone bringing coffee and donuts?12:12
rockprincesshehe ;)12:14
rodarvusRichEd, pong12:37
rodarvusgood morning12:37
RichEdhi rodarvus12:37
RichEdsee /msg12:37
rodarvussorry, daughter school took longer than expected12:37
RichEd=== edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 2 mins ======12:59
gnomefreakRichEd: from the topic it already started01:01
RichEdgnome ... that's the meeting bot :)01:02
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ogragnomefreak, ubugtu switches topic ten mins in advance ;)01:42
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RichEdping ogra02:20
caris_mereI am having trouble installing a program on edubuntu02:20
ograRichEd, pong02:20
rpereir1caris_mere: What kind of program?02:20
caris_mereit says: error: dependency is not satisfiable: xlibs02:21
ograxlibs doesnt exist since two releases anymore ... what are you tryinbg to install there ?02:22
caris_merethe thing is, I was able to install the program on another edubuntu computer02:23
rpereir1caris_mere: The actual version of ucblogo, does not depend on xlibs.... Maybe your database is outdated...02:25
ograhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/devel/ucblogo.html doesnt depend on xlibs02:25
rpereir1caris_mere: Are you  using edgy?02:25
caris_mereno, dapper02:25
ograhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/ucblogo.html neither02:26
rpereir1caris_mere: In dapper, doesn't use xlibs too02:26
rpereir1ogra: :-)02:26
ogralibx11-6 replaces that dep02:26
rpereir1Did you try:  sudo apt-get update ?02:27
caris_merewill try now02:27
caris_mereI didn't get it with apt-get, because it doesn't find it02:28
caris_mereI just downloaded it online02:28
ograthat breaks indeed ...02:28
ograjust enable universe and install it from synaptic or apt-get02:29
ograhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu might help02:30
caris_mereI understand about repositories, but I never know in which to look02:31
caris_mereI had the same problem yesterday when I was trying to find libxine-extracodecs :-)02:32
ograjust enable all of the official ones and use synaptic ;)02:33
rockprincesswhat does ucblogo do?02:33
ogracaris_mere, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:33
caris_mereit allows you to program in LOGO language02:33
ograthe docs have all the step by step guides you need ;)02:33
caris_mereogra: thanks02:34
caris_mereDoes anybody know of any other good educational programs for elementary?02:35
ogragcompris is already installed ...02:36
ograhave a look at childsplay ...02:36
ograits similar but has other learning games included02:36
ograsqueak (from multiverse) is also very popular02:36
caris_merewith gcompris, does your chess area work...02:38
caris_meremine always says it needs gnuchess, but when I install that it still doesn't work02:38
willvdljuliux,my mail is struggling to get out. might have to try again later :|02:46
juliuxwillvdl, np02:46
Feral_KidWow LOGO... Nothing like turtle graphics...03:21
Feral_KidTo find some applications... Might I point you to www.seul.org03:23
Feral_KidDoes anyone know if there is a torrent available for edubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)?03:25
Feral_KidStrike that question, I found one that available...03:29
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nixternalogra_: the only thing I have in the repos is the Handbook. I am guessing the other docs are elsewhere which I don't know where that "here" is though04:47
nixternalif you know where they are, and I can get a copy, I can put them in the repos and they can be maintained from there04:48
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ogra_nixternal, there should also be "about edubuntu" and the firefox startpage05:37
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Andre_GuilhonCan anybody tell me if Edubuntu has translation to brazilian portuguese?06:34
Andre_GuilhonJust found it!!06:37
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festucltsp in edubuntu can server a hard clients?07:21
highvoltagefestuc: what would you like to serve to the hard clients?07:23
highvoltage(or fat clients)07:23
festuci have a 11 machines07:24
festucall of them are exactly the same07:24
festucy want put server in one, and de oters run diskless07:24
festucIWant :P07:24
highvoltageah. so you just want to use regular PC's as thin clients?07:27
highvoltagethat is possible, yes.07:27
highvoltagethey need a PXE client, version 1 or newer07:27
highvoltageor you can make floppies using etherboot floppies07:27
festucmoterboard has a nforce whit pxe enabled, yes07:27
highvoltagethat makes it easy07:27
highvoltagethen you can do a default edubuntu server install, and the clients will boot if they are on the same network07:28
festuchow configure server for server fat clients, is easy?07:28
highvoltageit is not supported in the current version of edubuntu07:29
highvoltageit is very possible that the next release will have partial support for that.07:29
highvoltagebecause it requires an authentication server, which we didn't have yet in the previous release.07:30
festuci need to buy a 10 harddisk more?07:31
highvoltageyou can boot those machines as thin clients still07:36
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #edubuntu
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
LaserJocknixternal: the about edubuntu and firefox page and I think release notes were in the doc team repo08:05
=== willvdl [n=will@vc-196-207-41-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
willvdlLaserJock, ogra asked in the meeting about getting an svn checkout for edubuntu-docs08:39
willvdlwhat would this entail?08:39
LaserJockhow do you mean?08:41
=== willvdl checks logs quick
willvdlLAserJock: <ogra>could someone from our doc team prepare a svn checkout of selected docs i casn put into the edubuntu-docs package ? so we can get up to speed with the packaging after herd2 ?08:47
LaserJockah, so we need edubuntu-doc packaging08:48
willvdlyeah. What would be ready?08:52
willvdlwhat would go in it?08:52
willvdlHandbook, release-notes & about-edubuntu?08:52
LaserJockI guess08:54
LaserJocknothing is finished that I know of08:54
LaserJocknixternal: pingy pingy08:54
ogra_LaserJock, i dont want anything *finished* ... i want something thats finished by release ... but we need to get up to speed with the package to have it done before string freeze (i'd rather have it ready before feature freeze even, like i'd like to see an artwork concept before that date)09:00
ogra_s/date/date as well/09:00
LaserJockogra_: ok, well I can get an edubuntu-docs package ready09:00
ogra_we have an edubuntu-docs package09:00
ogra_its just empty09:01
ogra_but idling in universe since two releases09:01
LaserJockwell, then I can freshen it up, etc if you want09:01
LaserJockI should write a script (as dholbach has done for ubuntu-docs) that does the checkout and moving of files09:02
LaserJockare we replacing ubuntu-docs or supplimenting it?09:02
ogra_LaserJock, do you see any of my 5 mails i sent during the day to your 2CD thread on -devel ?09:04
LaserJockno :(09:04
ogra_(probably only my evo is broken and simply doesnt show the,)09:04
ogra_gmbl ...09:04
ogra_i see them passing my server and being delivered to lists.ubuntu.com :(09:04
LaserJockthe aren't on the lists.ubuntu.com archives09:07
=== AliasVegas_ [n=aliasveg@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== AliasVegas_ is now known as cbx33
cbx33hi all09:13
cbx33the first day of BETT was amazing09:13
cbx33willvdl those leaflets look sweeeeet09:14
LaserJockhmm, me wonder's if cbx33 is really Lisa ;-)09:14
cbx33no i just stole her pc09:14
cbx33we're trying to install a new printer cartridge09:14
cbx33and it's not working09:14
cbx33how dumb am I09:14
cbx33ping highvoltage09:14
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@dyn-88-123-11-76.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #edubuntu
willvdlcbx33, glad you got them09:15
cbx33it was AWESOME09:15
cbx33jono and I were run ragged09:15
cbx33will have a blog entry by end of day09:15
cbx33the kids LOVED IT09:16
cbx33they ticked off Microsoft ;)09:16
cbx33i have lots of stories to tell ;)09:23
LaserJocksounds good09:24
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cbx33hey peeps I'm back10:18
LaserJockyou weren't gone long10:21
nixternalLaserJock: pongy pongy :)10:28
LaserJocknixternal: have you found the Edubuntu docs?10:28
cbx33hey nixternal10:28
nixternalheya cbx3310:28
cbx33I didn't think LaserJock spemlt that bad10:28
nixternali found the sticks in the chicago land area today10:29
nixternalnothing but farms10:29
willvdlcbx33 pong10:32
LaserJockwere did Oliver go?11:01
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ograherd2 is broken ...11:32
LaserJocktesting didn't go well?11:32
LaserJockah, bummer11:32
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
Laser_awayogra: are all the tests for LTSP?11:40
Laser_awayogra: is testing LiveCD and Workstation installs needed at all?11:40

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