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seelemhb: can you send me screens of the GRUB interface?  i dont have a dev box set up at the moment01:15
=== Jucato waves at seele
kwwiihi seele01:16
=== Jucato waves at kwwii, too
kwwiisince others are waving01:17
Jucatohehe :)01:17
seeleso what is alt+space supposed to do?  because i see a katapult icon pop up but i dont know what to do with it01:17
kwwiiseele: thanks for suggesting a meeting01:17
kwwiigood idea01:17
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.01:17
kwwiianyway...time for sleep01:18
Jucatosweet dreams kwwii! :)01:18
seeleubotu: uhm.. i dont get it01:18
seelei know what alt+f2 does, i do it all the time01:18
seelei dont know why i have to hit alt+space.. i just did it by accident a few minutes ago and had no clue what was going on01:18
Jucatoseele: it's an application launcher. you type in the app name, it autocompletes, press enter to launch the app01:18
seeleso how is alt+space any different than alt+f2?01:19
seeletheres no feedback01:19
seeleat least with alt+f2 there is a text box..01:19
Jucatoseele: katapult can also search through bookmarks, amarok playlists, documents (kinda tricky this one)01:20
Jucatocan also be used as a simple calculator and spell checker01:20
Riddellhi kwwii, sorry for missing the meeting01:20
Riddellkwwii: seems like it went well though01:20
seeleuhm.. hum01:20
seelei still dont get how to use it01:20
seelei got it to open kate the first time, now it wont do anythign01:20
seeleand how would you use it as a calculator?  theres no keyboard feedback01:20
Jucatoseele: just type in numbers and operators01:21
seelei broke it01:21
Jucatoer... you have to spell the app name correctly...01:21
seelei see the K show up for k3b and then the 'a' is in kterm01:21
seeleit worked the first time..01:21
Jucatoseele:  have you seen OS X's quicksilver? I think this is a clone of that01:22
seelenope, not a mac head01:22
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seelethis must be broken01:22
seeleso i typed something that i know isnt in kmenu.. and i assume that would search for a document01:22
seelebut then i try typing something that IS a document, but starts with an S (which also has an application) and the focus disappears on the second character01:23
fdovingkatapult is fun.01:23
seelebroken == me not being able to figure this damn thing out01:23
seelei still cant get it to work :(01:24
seeleah hah01:24
=== Jucato is not goot at explaining... :(
seelethe mouse-follows-focus must be whats wrong01:24
fdovingwhat do you want to do? it's tricky, i can't use it, because it doesn't understand real commands.. just .desktop files.01:24
seelei minimised everything and i could open kate again01:24
seelefdoving: well i "discovered" it by accident a few minutes ago01:25
seeleand cant seem to get it to work even after people told me what to do01:25
seeleapparently its a eye-candy replacement for alt+f2?01:25
Jucatosort of.01:25
fdovingseele: first trick. hit alt+space, then ctrl+c to bring up the 'menu'.. there you can configure it.01:25
JucatoQuicksilver clone01:25
seeleuhm.. hmm01:26
seeleis there documentation for this?01:26
fdovingno idea.01:26
Jucatothere was, but a really small one...01:26
Jucatoexcept that the site for katapult disappeared01:27
JucatoMez was having problems with his host01:27
seeleis this just for fun or supposed to replace or do something?01:27
fdovingi think some people use it.01:27
Jucatosupposed to do something :)01:27
JucatoI do use it more than the K Menu01:28
Riddellit's alt-f2 for people who don't know about the command line (but obviously it's still a feature for advanced users)01:28
Jucatobut I have the other catalogs disabled. I only have Programs, Calculator and Spell check01:28
seeleso basically its for the devs who put it there? because i cant imagine anyone actually finding this01:29
Riddellmanchicken: glatzor in #ubuntu-devel says he's going to be working on making software-properties more platform independent this week01:29
fdovingseele: mac-heads are used to the alt+space shortcut from osx.01:29
Riddellseele: yes, same as alt-f201:29
Jucatoseele: actually, I think some users do use it, once they discover it01:29
seelehow many mac-heads now about that in osx?01:29
fdovingspotlight in osx uses alt+space.01:29
manchickenRiddell: Does that mean I get to stop bashing that brick into my head now and work on yet another task?01:29
seelethe more i know about osx the less i think of it01:29
seeletheres some weird stuff it does with the log out menu01:30
seeleJucato: i just "discovered" it and had no idea what it was01:30
fdovingseele: i can't stand it either.. i have a mac, but i run kubuntu on it. :)01:30
seeletheres no keyboard feedback01:30
=== manchicken has developed an allergy to Python...
Riddellmanchicken: it means it's probably worth waiting for him to do that :)01:30
manchickenOkie dokie.01:30
seelei couldnt even do it after people told me a) what it was and b) how to use it01:30
manchickenCould you ask him to separate UI and backend while he's at it? ;)01:31
Jucatoseele: the large icon on the right is supposed to change depending on what katapult tries to autocomplete01:31
Riddellmanchicken: that's the plan01:32
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Jucatoseele: but yeah, documentation is a bit wanting... and I personally have a hard time trying to explain what it does :P01:33
manchickenRiddell: You got some small C++ tasks that need doing?01:33
fdovingnite all.01:34
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, it seems like it did01:34
kwwiiok, time for bed01:34
seelel8rs kwwii01:34
kwwiisleep well01:34
Jucatog'night kwwii01:35
ryanakcanight kwwii01:35
manchickenHappy z's kwwii01:35
ryanakcanight fdoving01:35
seeleso did people request to put katapult in as default or did it just appear?01:36
Riddellseele: I put it in because I love it01:37
Riddelland lots of other kubuntu people agreed01:37
=== ryanakca likes katapult
ryanakcawonder if there are some more themes for it...01:37
manchickenYou what the HARDEST part of katapult is?01:37
seelehum.. well that sucks01:37
seelewho works on it?01:37
manchickenGetting used to using it.01:38
seelemanchicken: lol01:38
Jucatoseele: Mez, iirc01:38
manchickenI'm so used to Super-r, that it's hard to use M-space01:38
ryanakcaseele: the guy who put it into kubuntu :)01:38
Riddellmanchicken: make adept mark packages in main, same as synaptic does01:38
Jucatothere's also a #katapult btw01:39
ryanakcaseele: go alt-space, ctrl-c, about katapult :)01:39
seeleryanakca: yeah.. really easy to remember :P01:39
manchickenRiddell: You got a spec?01:39
ryanakcaseele: lol01:39
Riddellmanchicken: the feisty adept one01:39
Riddellmanchicken: but mostly just copy the ubuntu logo column in synaptic01:40
seeleyou know its broken if you have focus-follow-mouse enabled?01:40
manchickenThat fella?01:40
Riddellseele: we don't01:41
Riddellmanchicken: aye01:41
seeleRiddell: we dont use focus-follow-mouse or you dont know its b0rk?01:41
Riddellseele: we don't use it01:42
Riddellthe control-c thing has annoyed me for ages, it needs something you click on for the menu01:42
seeleok.. so i type / and music/ is highlighted, but then there is an icon to the right which is a folder which says Open01:42
seelewhat does that mean?01:42
Riddellit opens the folder01:42
ryanakcathe spell feature is slooowww...01:43
ryanakcaRiddell: http://rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/switch_valuesandtypes.patch01:43
seelethis isnt faster than alt+f2, is it there because its pretty?01:43
Riddellseele: it doesn't depend on you knowing the application's binary name01:43
Riddellseele: it has a decent calculator too01:44
manchickenRiddell: Gotcha.  Mind if I add a use case to that spec EXPLICITLY for this change?01:44
Riddellmanchicken: don't, specs shouldn't be edited after approval01:44
seeleRiddell: hmm.. it doesnt depend on you knowing the binary name which is useful for non-technical users who will never discover and/or figure it out to use it?01:44
Riddellmanchicken: add notes to the bottom if you want01:44
manchickenIt looks like the third use-case is similar to what you want... but not exactly an accurate use-case.01:45
ryanakcayeah, the calculator is usefull for when you don't want to start up abakus or python...01:45
ryanakcapython is a usefull calculator :)01:45
Riddellseele: it gives better visual feedback on what is about to be launched and doesn't need the whole name to be typed01:46
manchickenMan... launchpad/wiki.ubuntu kinda sucks performance-wise.01:48
seelewhat feedback?  an icon after you blindly type?01:48
ryanakcaRiddell: any other small low priority python tasks?01:50
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Riddellseele: yep01:55
manchickenRiddell: You got an image, or you want me to just derive one from somewhere else?01:55
Riddellmanchicken: use the kubuntu logo01:55
manchickenIs there a clean image of it anywhere?01:55
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Riddellryanakca: you havn't properly done the first task, still need a new upstream .tar.gz and source ready to upload01:58
ryanakcaah, so I need to? create an upstream .tar.gz ?02:01
=== ryanakca thought all was needed was a patch :)
Riddellryanakca: upstream tar is linked to from kde-apps.org02:02
ryanakcaRiddell: to make sure I understood properly, I take the make a new .tar.gz with the fixed source?02:10
ryanakcas/take the make/make02:10
Riddellryanakca: yes02:11
Riddellryanakca: did you look at that icon the guy wanted added?02:12
manchickenLaunchpad is seriously sucking right now.02:13
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes. He wanted to replace the current UPS usb logo with it?02:13
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manchickenOkay, where the hell do we keep track of bazaar packages again?02:22
=== manchicken needs to bookmark more.
Riddellalthough it's probably incomplete02:24
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manchickenRiddell: Okay, so should I pull adept from bzr?02:26
Riddellmanchicken: yes02:27
ryanakcaRiddell: hmm... I think I'm going blind... I don't see any UPS logos... I see 2 icons with USB symbol on it, hal-bus-usb.png and hal-flash.png... and it is the 0.3 source I should be looking at... if not, that explains everything...02:28
manchickenThe "~jr/adept/ubuntu" branch?02:28
Riddellmanchicken: yes02:29
manchickenRighto.  I'll stop asking silly questions now ^_^02:29
ryanakcamanchicken: I think I should do the same :)02:29
Riddellryanakca: yes, 0.3 seems to be the latest02:30
manchickenRiddell: So, a personal question... how do you manage to keep a job and do as much as you do with Kubuntu?02:30
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Riddellryanakca: dunno, read his e-mail, he probably wants to add a UPS icon02:31
Riddellmanchicken: I'm in the fortunate position of having a job requiring me to do as much as I can with Kubuntu02:31
manchickenAre you on staff or something?02:32
=== ryanakca wonders where one could get such a job
manchickenOr is your employer just using a lot of kubuntu, and supporting your contribution habit?02:33
apokryphoson the Canonical payroll02:33
RiddellI'm on the canoical distro team02:33
Riddellcalling it staff sounds wrong though02:33
Riddellryanakca: sitting at home of course :)02:34
apokryphosare there any other Kubuntu devs at the moment getting paid by Canonical?02:34
apokryphoslast time I checked the only gnome guy they had was seb12802:35
Riddelland dholbach02:35
Riddelland the ubuntu release team02:35
apokryphosI see02:35
ryanakcaRiddell: lol02:35
apokryphoshiring devs is expensive02:35
JucatoRiddell is very very lucky :)02:36
=== ryanakca agrees
apokryphosbut at least Canonical can afford to contribute in other ways also, with OSS events, applications, etc02:36
RiddellJucato: try telling that to my girlfriend :)02:36
Jucatolol :)02:37
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ryanakcaRiddell: after reading his email, I'm guessing what he wants (and you want) me to do is add a UPS thingy?02:39
Riddellryanakca: sounds likely, I've not read the e-mail for many months, it's been sitting there without me caring to act on it02:40
ryanakca(seeing that grep doesn't show anything about UPS in the source at the moment?)02:40
Riddells/caring/having more important things needing done/02:40
=== ryanakca thinks he'll go talk to his principal about doing kubuntu stuff next semestre instead of sitting there bored playing around with MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Publisher (for the 3rd year in a row)
Riddellsounds like a good plan that02:45
manchickenHmm... adept doesn't build from bzr...02:46
manchickenadept/kubuntu_upgrader/Makefile.in is missing.02:46
Riddellmake -f admin/Makefile.common  will make that02:47
Riddellyou need autoconf and automake1.902:47
=== Riddell goes to snooze
Jucatosweet dreams Riddell! :)02:47
manchickenI think I have that.02:47
Jucatoisn't it make -f Makefile.cvs?02:48
manchickenRiddell: I do appreciate your help on this.  Much thanks.02:51
manchickenThis build process hates me ^_^02:52
alleeJucato: yes. Look at Makefile.cvs you'll see it does the same02:56
Jucatoallee: aaah thanks :)02:57
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ryanakcahey Hobbsee|NotHere02:59
Jucatoheh :)03:00
JucatoHobbsee|isHere :)03:00
ryanakcaoops, Hobbsee :)03:00
manchickenHobbsee!  w00t!03:00
Hobbseehey Jucato, ryanakca!03:00
Hobbseehehe :)03:00
Hobbseehey manchicken!03:00
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon with her Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a few times
manchickenmmm doom...03:01
Jucatowarning: contentless ping detected :P03:01
Hobbseeknm is installed by deafult now - yay :)03:02
manchickenWHY does adept from bzr hate me?03:02
ryanakcamanchicken: dunno...03:03
Jucatobecause you are soooo good? :)03:03
manchickenDon't patronize me ^_^03:03
Jucatook then...03:04
Jucatoit hates you because you're soooo bad :P03:04
manchickenI think it's just soooo evil.03:04
ryanakcalol... like hobbsee?03:04
manchickenIt was engineered for evil.03:04
=== Jucato is wondering if Canonical is sort of trying to push bzr as an svn/cvs alternative in the future
Hobbseethey are03:06
Hobbseei think03:06
Hobbseethe branching, etc is pretty cool03:06
=== ryanakca still has to figure a few things about bzr though...
Hobbseesame here :P03:06
manchickenWhat's wrong with svn though?03:06
ryanakcaI used svn for a week and bzr is messing with my mind now03:07
Jucatooh.. and now that Git is slowly becoming more popular.. that leaves us with 4 rcs?03:07
HobbseeTonio_: did you upload kde-guidance-powermanager?03:07
ryanakcaif your going to use bzr, make sure you use it before svn..03:07
Tonio_Hobbsee yeah should be built during the night03:07
=== Tonio_ beds
HobbseeTonio_: it's not installing properly03:07
ryanakcamanchicken: dunno... nice thing about bzr that I just figured out today is that you can commit locally... you don't need a repo or anything03:07
ryanakcabonne nuit Tonio_ :)03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee fixed package already uploaded03:08
Tonio_bonne nuit :)03:08
Jucatoryanakca: sounds like git...03:08
ryanakcaTonio_: quand changeons-nous la langue officiel de #kubuntu-devel ?03:08
alleecvs is dead03:08
Jucatoryanakca: too late, I learned a bit of svn already :)03:08
HobbseeTonio_: you may want to check if soyuz ate that - i cant see it03:08
Jucatook, so 3 rcs's :)03:08
Tonio_hehe bientot, ca pourrait devenir interessant, y a pas mal de francophones ici :)03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee it is okay for me here03:09
ryanakcanight night Tonio_03:09
Jucatog'night Tonio_!03:09
Tonio_Hobbsee I just got the fixed package via dist-upgrade03:09
Tonio_nite all :)03:09
manchickenryanakca: You can copy from one repository to another in SVN IIRC.03:09
alleeanyone know if daily iso is working?03:10
=== allee rsync's
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:/etc/default$ apt-cache policy kde-guidance | grep ubuntu03:10
Tonio_  Install: 0.7.1~svn20070111-0ubuntu203:10
Tonio_  Candidat: 0.7.1~svn20070111-0ubuntu203:10
ryanakcamanchicken: no, but to the current directory... no need for any repo... it gets commited to .bzr..03:10
manchickenThat's not a bad idea.03:10
ryanakca(./.bzr, not ~/.bzr)03:10
manchickenOkay, I can't get this bloody thing to build.03:11
ryanakcayeah, might be usefull for word processor docs... that way incase you mess it, or a co-worker messes it up, you can revert...03:11
Tonio_Hobbsee we may retalk about that if it isn't okay for me, but according to me you may just wait for a mirror sync and that's it03:11
=== ryanakca heads to bed
Jucatoryanakca: good night to you too!03:14
ryanakcanight Jucato03:15
ryanakcaNight anybody else going to bed shortly after him03:15
Hobbseeneat, OK03:22
manchickenOkay, so, anybody know why I might be getting something like 'cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/bin/adept_manager': No such file or directory' when I try to debuild adept from bzr03:23
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Hobbseebecause /usr/bin/adept_manager path is wrong, or something?03:23
Hobbseeis there an adept_managre in the source?03:23
manchickenIt's adept/adept_manager03:25
manchickenErr, adept/manager03:25
=== Jucato wonders if feisty will have a different name for adept again...
manchickenBut it seems like it wants to build in ./debian/tmp/usr/bin/adept_manager...03:26
manchickenBut it never even creates a ./debian/tmp03:27
Hobbseeit should in the rules03:27
manchickenWhat would something like that look like?03:28
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manchickenThis thing won't build.04:12
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Hobbseeokay, bzr officially rocks :)05:16
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Jucatohi bddebian03:35
bddebianHeya Jucato03:36
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mhbhi all04:08
Jucatohi mhb!04:09
Hobbseehey mhb!04:09
Zerlinnahello all :)04:11
mhbHobbsee: did ryanakca talk to you about his -qa ideas?04:13
Hobbseemhb: yes.  what'd you think o fthem?04:14
=== Hobbsee still thinks that's probably for -testing
Hobbseealthough -qa is a prettier name for testing04:15
Hobbseespeaking of which, i spoke with someone in -testers today - about that they could report in the section on the forums if they felt more comfortable.  also, the wiki page for kubuntu cd testing changed04:15
Hobbsee(there were two)04:15
mhbHobbsee: the problem is, testers are an open team, so they should not have access to bug severity changing04:16
mhbHobbsee: and a brand new team would not have many members, although I might be wrong04:17
Hobbseemhb: yes.  i'm not convinced that a separate -qa, separate to ubuntu-qa is the way to go04:17
mhbHobbsee: but it's probably hard to get into ubuntu-qa, isn't it?04:18
Hobbseemhb: seeing as: 1.  kubuntu/ubuntu bugs arent split  2.  that doesnt encourage people to triage kubuntu bugs - it separates them04:18
Hobbseemhb: nto really.  it's about as hard as i'd push people to get into -qa, assuming i had a part in it.04:18
Hobbseemhb: do the bugwork, ask, get in.04:18
Hobbseemhb: but you *have* to do the bugwork first04:18
Hobbseecant see why k-qa would be any different04:18
Hobbseesfllaw is a nice guy, so's dholbach04:18
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Hobbseemhb: btw, without a set email address, all members will get bugmail04:20
Hobbseeso i suspect you'll get some leaving when it gets used more anyway04:20
mhbHobbsee: members of ubuntu-qa get all bugmail?04:24
mhbeven from kubuntu, xubuntu etc?04:24
Hobbseemhb: er, i dont think they're sbuscribed to anything.  i meant -testers04:24
Hobbseeunless they have a specified mailing address, all members of the team get the bugmail04:24
Hobbseemhb: i'm not sure it's a good idea to split the small supply of bugtriagers more than we have to, anyway04:25
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Hobbseemhb: will think on it more though04:29
Hobbseemhb: i favour getting things done over beaurocracy, if we can :)04:29
Hobbseemhb: mind you, the person who has the most badges on LP wins!04:30
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon
=== Hobbsee still wants konversatinon debs
hungerHow can I stop guidance-power-manager to offer suspend-to-disk?04:34
hungerpitti says that is not the job of hal to report this but a config setting of the p-m used.04:35
hungerIn my case the brand of laptop I use is capable of suspend-to-disk (which is what hal reports), but due to config issues this particular laptop can not.04:36
fdovingi belive g-p-m relies on hal to report correct information.04:37
hungerfdoving: hal reports "this brand of laptop does support suspend-to-disk" which is correct.04:38
fdovingthen i think you need to hack the script to remove it from the menus.04:38
hungerfdoving: pitti claims that this is what it should do... my "this laptop can't" is a config issue of the p-m according to him.04:38
hungerfdoving: guidance-power-manager offers it (and queries that info from hal).04:39
fdovingi know.04:39
hungerfdoving: g-p-m does so too:-(04:39
fdovingi have the same "problem".. the ondemand governor does not work for me.04:40
fdovingbut guidance-powermanager is smart enought to fallback to userspace on the dynamic setting.. instead of just crashing.04:40
fdovingi belive it would be harded to "fallback" to suspend, on hibernate.04:41
hungerfdoving: here is suspends to a encrypted swap partition... and of course fails to resume afterwards.04:41
fdovingthat makes it harder.. as 'suspend' works.. but resume fails..04:42
hungerfdoving: I am looking for some way to tell *all* p-m my users might end up using that suspend-to-disk is not an option:-(04:42
fdovingI belive the easiest way would be to override some hal setting in the policies.04:42
fdovingwouldn't it?04:42
fdoving'hey HAL, I don't want to support hibernation'.04:42
fdovingthat would be easier than rewriting all powermanager interfaces.04:43
hungerfdoving: That is what I thought. pitti says that is not the way to go und deverted my bugreport to g-p-m instead of hal.04:43
fdovingI don't belive it's a bug though.04:43
fdovingIt's a user-created-special-issue.04:43
hungerfdoving: It is a misfeature. How else to report it but via launchpad?04:44
hungerfdoving: Having the option to tweak settings is not a user-created-special-issue!04:45
fdovingI mean, i don't consider it a guidance-powermanager bug, nor a gnome-power-manager-thing bug.04:45
hungerfdoving: Neither do I. that is why i reported a bug against hal that it seems impossible to change the relevant setting.04:45
fdovinghunger: i agree, but i don't understand why one can't use HAL to do this.04:46
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fdovingyou can set policies on everything else.. like mount options for usb-storage devices and all..04:47
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hungerfdoving: Well, maybe you can change that setting in hal as well. I have not found any useable documentation on hal yet:-(04:48
Lurehunger: add disableHibernate to power-managerrc04:48
Lurehunger: in Feisty04:48
hungerLure: power-managerrc?04:48
Lurehunger: this is also respected in ksmserver logout dialog04:48
Lureand disableSuspend=104:49
=== fdoving copies that into tipsandtricks.txt
hungerLure: I got several users... and they use kubuntu-, ubuntu- and xubuntu-desktop:-( I'd love to have something global.04:49
Lurehunger: gnome-power-manager has this in gconf04:50
Lurehunger: look at sources of casper package which disables it for Live CD04:50
=== hunger wonders where to set global gconf settings.
Lurehunger: I think there is gconf command line04:52
=== Lure trying to find bug where this is described
hungerLure: Any idea how to disable this for all kde users? Without them being able to override it again?04:53
Lurehunger: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/60442/comments/4004:53
UbugtuMalone bug 60442 in gnome-power "Dual / Two Batteries, shutdown on empty expansion battery. (GPM does not recognises second battery on hotplug)" [Unknown,Fix released] 04:53
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Lurehunger: set it in global power-managerrc file04:54
fdovinghunger: root@light:~# hal-set-property --udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer --key power_management.can_hibernate --bool false04:54
fdovinghunger: then check with 'lshal'.04:54
fdovingI got a furniture delivery. bbl.04:54
Lurefdoving: that should be general, yes04:54
hungerfdoving: Thanks!04:54
hungerLure: Thanks, too!04:54
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hungerfdoving: Does not work. hibernate is still offered.04:55
hungerfdoving: You need to run that command with can_suspend_to_disk in addition to can_hibernate.05:00
pinheiroseele: hi05:04
pinheirowhat do you think?05:04
seeleooh, so quick.  lemme check my mail05:05
seelepinheiro: <3++05:05
seeleim going to forward this to ellen, i think shell love them too :)05:05
pinheironext choose a basic color so then you can have litle images with a personalised box05:06
fdovinghunger: ok. noted. but with both it works. can you check with can_suspend_to_disk only?05:08
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seelepinheiro: what do you mean by choose colors?05:30
pinheiroakademy 2006 green05:32
pinheirodevelopers new black (previs version)05:33
pinheirothat way each site can be part of somthig (kde) and have its hown thing05:33
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seelepinheiro: orange?05:36
pinheiroi love orange05:38
pinheirowill sent you orange versions in a sec05:38
pinheiroseele: think brown goes nicer with them05:47
seelepinheiro: youre the artist :)05:48
pinheirosix versions must chose one :P05:50
pinheirocan also make a kinda image for the site that shows several diferebt colored computers and some sad with some kind catchy frase05:52
pinheirousabulitize you kde05:52
pinheiroor somthing05:53
=== iankesterhaney [n=chatzill@cpe-24-27-109-235.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
iankesterhaneyhello, my feisty fawn update manager crashes after asking if i want to upgrade tio a newer version, if i press cancel it bombs out.  aptitude and synaptic work though.05:57
seelepinheiro: ellen and i like the orange and blue.. she likes the light blue more and i dont have a preference05:58
pinheiroits a decision05:59
pinheiroi will do the image now and cosider this another joob well done :)05:59
pinheirooo i need a slogan05:59
Riddellpinheiro: what's the artwork?06:00
pinheirofor the kde usability site06:00
Riddelliankesterhaney: that's a known problem thanks, the code is at an early stage06:01
iankesterhaneythank you06:01
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pinheiroseele: can you try to define me usabilyti06:19
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pinheiroso i can try to come out with a nice slogan for a nice image im making :)06:20
Jucatomhb: you there? wasn't your proposal about changing the widget style for feisty, not the windeco? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue27#head-2feef2e65041158ba89cdc25fd5971a8dffdbe3206:25
seelepinheiro: ill have to think about that and get back to you06:28
pinheiroi will send 2 pick for inspiration06:29
pinheirotry to picture the slogan there06:30
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pinheiroseele: check mail06:53
Riddellgosh, I just got a support request from Clark Kent07:26
fdovingwow, superman contacted you! :)07:26
Riddellspose I should answer it before he blows my house away or something07:26
tomainternet is everywhere07:26
\sheven in metropolis07:29
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Lureshould we do something similar for kubuntu?10:55
mhbLure: bug 7856811:03
UbugtuMalone bug 78568 in kubuntu-meta "kubuntu-restricted-extras" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7856811:03
mhbLure: in other words: I guess we should, because people already said they want it ... I don't know if somebody is working on that, though11:04
Luremhb: thanks for reference to bug - let's wait what Riddell thinks11:04
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