
h3sp4wn!simple backport12:14
tamacrackawhy am i gettin this at a webpage:12:14
tamacrackaWarning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect] : Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in F:\web\albumbase\config-slave.php on line 2112:14
tamacrackaCouldn't connect to MySQL. MySQL said: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'12:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about simple backport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:14
tamacrackaack ><12:14
gan|y|medand how is the ati config tool called??12:14
jordo23h3sp4wn when I plug it in it is autodected by Kubuntu as a camera....12:15
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h3sp4wngan|y|med: aticonfig --initial (aticonfig --help will tell you)12:16
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kubunterojordo23: Kubuntu is right :)12:17
kubunteroI'ts using a kodak Protocol12:17
jordo23kubuntero:  Huh?12:17
gan|y|medno, i need the name of the frontend12:17
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gan|y|medany idea about the weird mesa thing???12:17
jordo23kubuntero: Any idea how to transfer files to and from it?12:17
kubunterojordo23: I could explain more fully if you like but the iRive is annoucing it self as a camera with storage that happens to be media12:18
notechjordo23: the H10 must be started in 'rescue' type mode to be used, dunno if your app will work though. i tend to just mount mine manually as a storage device12:18
kubunterojordo23: get Amarok 1.4.412:18
kubunteroIt speaks mtp12:18
kubuntero<microsoft transfer Protocol>12:18
h3sp4wnsleepy495: http://www.albertomilone.com/driver_dapper.html12:18
jordo23notech: How do you mount it?12:18
jordo23jordo23 = noob12:19
jordo23Any idea how to reset the device too (hard reset)12:19
dwidmannalright, among other things, I've change mirrors, and my download seems to be going smoothly, junocdx12:19
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andreaswIf I go into folder properties (Konqueror) I have two times a tab for sharing what is the difference?12:19
notechjordo23: i create a mount point and then tail -f /var/log/messages to see what /dev/ it's given and mount -t auto /dev/whatever /mnt/point12:20
notechthink kubuntu uses /media instead of /mnt12:20
dwidmannandreasw, two different types of sharing, I think12:21
h3sp4wnIt is the lsb specification that specifies using /media12:21
h3sp4wnYou could mount into /proc if you wanted to12:21
jordo23notech:  Am new at mounting drives.....can you walk me through it?12:21
andreaswdwidmann: yes but what is what, one smb and one nfs most probable12:21
andreaswdwidmann: it would also be better to give the tabs different names12:21
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notechjordo23: i don't have my h10 instructions with me to see again how to start it in the right mode12:22
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB12:22
h3sp4wnjordo23: maybe you want pmount (so you don't need sudo12:23
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andreaswdwidmann: sometimes I wish there was better documentation and a better naming policy for fhe GUI under Linux ;)12:23
jordo23h3sp4wn: I checked and have pmount installed......what's the command?12:24
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dwidmannandreasw: I agree, it needs to be changed.12:25
jordo23is amarok upgradable to 1.4.4 through apt?12:25
Linux_Galorejust tried kmail in kubuntu for the first time in a while, for some strange reason it hasnt been patched with the spam filter tool12:25
jordo23running edgy12:25
foneswedgeV: sorry to bother you again12:26
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cloakableLinux_Galore: What distro?12:26
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fonesbut do you know why i can't copy folders to my external drives?12:26
dwidmannjunocdx: it seems to be going smooth as silk for me12:26
Linux_Galorecloakable: kubuntu12:26
fonesor create new folders/files12:26
Linux_Galorecloakable: edgy12:26
dwidmannjunocdx, which apt mirror are you using?12:26
cloakableLinux_Galore: Sorry, version. Edgy?12:26
wedgeVfones: are they fat32?12:26
Linux_Galorecloakable: nothing in the repo either12:26
fonesi'm not sure12:27
cloakableLinux_Galore: Should be Tools > Anti-Spam Wizzard under KMail12:27
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eilker!frozen bubble12:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frozen bubble - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:27
wedgeVfones: type 'mount' in a terminal12:27
cloakableLinux_Galore: That's where it is on mine12:27
fonesoh wait i might have figured it out12:27
h3sp4wnjordo23: pmount /dev/sd??12:27
Linux_Galorecloakable: aaah, not obvious12:27
fonesnevermind, i tried to change the permissions12:28
foneswhen you right-click on the folder12:28
dwidmannwith regards to spam filtering, does anyone have an opinion about bogofilter vs spamassassin, which one catches more spam for you?12:28
Linux_Galorecloakable: should be a icon in the main bar too like all the other clients12:28
cloakableLinux_Galore: Very not obvious :)12:28
jordo23h3sp4wn   should it be pmount /media/sd   ??12:28
wedgeVfones: type 'mount' in a terminal, it will tell you the filesystem type12:28
kubunterojordo23: Yes12:28
cloakableLinux_Galore: Running it puts a couple of buttons on your toolbar :)12:28
jordo23kubuntero: Can I upgrade to 1.4.4 through an apt-package?12:29
h3sp4wnjordo23: depends what the device name is12:29
kubunteroeilker: You want Frozen Bubble?12:29
kubunterojordo23: Yes you can12:29
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok12:29
Linux_Galorecloakable: yep noticed, I havent used kmail in a while because of the lack of good html support, seems to work now12:29
jordo23h3sp4wn:  sd being the device name?12:29
h3sp4wnjordo23: dmesg | tail -2012:29
wedgeVfones: well, thats bad. kubuntu doesnt come with a ntfs driver that supports writing12:29
sleepy495h3lsp4wn, should I follow that guide or install nvidia via envy?12:29
cloakableLinux_Galore: Yeah12:29
h3sp4wnjordo23: (that should tell you)12:29
fonesoh no12:30
eilkerkubuntero: yes i just wanna see it12:30
Vlanhi, I've installed Fiesty and my old /dev/hda now detects as /dev/sda anyone has that too?12:30
h3sp4wnsleepy495: I would follow that guide it uses deb's not the nvidia installer12:30
kubuntero!info frozenbubble12:30
fonesis tehre any way to fix that?12:30
h3sp4wnVlan: to be expected12:30
ubotuPackage frozenbubble does not exist in any distro I know12:30
jordo23h3sp4wn: What am I looking for there?  Ran the command...12:30
wedgeVfones: umm... i dont know if its possible with the live cd12:30
dwidmann!info frozen-bubble12:30
fonesthat's ok, i can still burn data dvds with live yeah?12:30
wedgeVfones: there is a driver which supports writing, but you'd have to install it12:30
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 356 kB12:30
h3sp4wnjordo23: what the device name is I presume you plugged it in last12:30
Jucato!frozen-bubble | kubuntero12:31
kubunteroWhoops missed a key stroke :)12:31
h3sp4wnVlan: libata it was been a spec for ages12:31
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eilkerthank you12:31
Linux_Galorecloakable: allot better than the last time I used kmail (about a year ago)12:31
kubunteroJucato: Not me! eilker12:31
h3sp4wnVlan: /j #ubuntu+112:31
wedgeVfones: i think you can, i never used the live cd12:31
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Jucatokubuntero: oh :)12:31
kubunteroJucato: plus ubotu doesn't play that way12:31
kubunteroThe one in the repos is too old anyway12:31
wedgeVfones: k3b is the standard kde burning program12:31
cloakableLinux_Galore: Hehe12:31
Vlanh3sp4wn:is that means that it now be sda?12:31
kubunteroTHe new one has network multiplayer!12:32
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h3sp4wnVlan: Is it working properly ?12:32
Linux_Galorecloakable: now to figure out how you get the contacts stuff working12:32
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h3sp4wnVlan: sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda12:32
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Jucatokubuntero: you're telling me that ubotu doesn't work that way?12:32
Vlanh3sp4wn:yes but it confuses me a little12:32
jordo23h3sp4wn:   http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/85551512:33
h3sp4wnVlan: They want to depreciate the old ide code - the serial ata code is newer an more maintainable12:33
fonesyeah i think its on here12:33
Vlanh3sp4wn:thanks i got it now12:33
Linux_Galorecloakable: I dont really need the filter because i have a server side filter already12:33
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jordo23Kpackage also states that the latest Kubuntu edgy version of amarok is 1.4.3.....how to get 1.4.4?12:33
Linux_Galorecloakable: its just good to know how to do it12:34
dwidmannjordo23 deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-144 edgy main12:34
cloakableLinux_Galore: I use the filter :)12:34
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl12:34
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fonesit says i need something called cdrdao12:36
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gan|y|medi have problems with fglrx and mesa (again). it just does NOT use fglrx opengl acceleration12:37
gan|y|medyesterday it worked12:37
foneswedgeV: what's the ntfs driver called? i'll try and install that and see if that works12:37
wedgeVgan|y|med: look for the error in /var/log/Xorg.log.012:38
deniselewhi im a windows refugee how do i get things to auto run12:38
wedgeVgan|y|med: search for DRI12:38
jordo23When my iriver was autodetected as a camera....this is what was in the konqueror line when opeining in new window:  camera://iRiver H10@[usb:002,004] /12:38
fonesok i'll see if i can find it12:38
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wedgeV^ fones12:39
gan|y|medDRI is set to 066612:39
wedgeVi have no idea if that will work with the livecd though12:40
gan|y|medDRI initialization failed!12:40
wedgeVit probably will though12:40
Vlani think file sharing does'nt work properly if Fiesty12:40
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wedgeVgan|y|med: yea, it will say why it failed12:41
gan|y|medany idea what this is supposed to mean: driver needs X.org 7.1.x.y with x.y >= 0.0 | detected X.org
gan|y|medshort before12:41
wedgeVgan|y|med: thats fine12:42
gan|y|med(maybe driver kernel module missing or bad)12:42
gan|y|medthat's what it says12:43
gan|y|medbut i have used the same driver that previously worked12:43
wedgeVgan|y|med:  lsmod | grep fglrx12:43
gan|y|medit is there12:43
jordo23Jucato: What version of amarok under edgy do you run?12:44
TheDebugger1.4.3 iirc12:44
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok12:44
Jucato1.4.4 iirc12:44
Jucato!info amarok12:44
TheDebuggerHmm, i got 1.4.3 and running edgy12:44
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10 (edgy), package size 14370 kB, installed size 31288 kB12:44
wedgeVgan|y|med: can you paste the whole file to some site?12:44
jordo23Jucato: How do I upgrade to 1.4.4 if it says I already have the latest version at 1.4.3?12:44
Jucato1.4.3 is default in Edgy12:44
wedgeVdoes this channel have a pasty?12:44
Jucatojordo23, TheDebugger: you can get Amarok 1.4.4 from kubuntu.org12:45
gan|y|medok, now it is not. but the last time i started it was12:45
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gan|y|medone mom12:45
gan|y|medlast time i had the module started and it was in the logs and mesa was used anyway12:45
jordo23Jucato: Manual install or through apt?12:45
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Jucatojordo23: through apt, but you have to add the kubuntu.org repository12:46
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Linux_Galorehmm kontacts doesnt intergrate with kmail in a single screen, not good12:47
jordo23Jucato: What line to add to sources.list?12:47
wedgeVdeb http://www.kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-144 edgy main12:47
Jucatojordo23: go to kubuntu.org12:47
jordo23Jucato: Do you also have a default sources.list for Kubuntu?12:47
Jucatothe instructions are there12:47
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JucatowedgeV: you also have to add the GPG key12:47
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wedgeVoh, right12:47
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wedgeVi never add them, i dont trust the packages anyway12:48
Jucatobut if you don't add them, apt-get update fails, iirc12:48
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jordo23wedgeV: Thanks though...12:49
gan|y|medrecompiled the module, restarted x server12:49
Jucatoanyway, kubuntu.org repositories can be trusted, since they are packaged and signed by Jonathan Riddell.12:49
gan|y|medfglrx is loaded12:49
wedgeVgan|y|med: not working ?12:49
jordo23Jucato: Do you have a default sources.list for edgy?12:49
gan|y|medbut fglrxinfo now causes a restart of the x server12:50
gan|y|medwedgeV: so no12:50
jordo23or does anyone?12:50
wedgeVJucato: it just complains :)12:50
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:50
Jucatojordo23: a copy? right now I don't12:50
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wedgeVgan|y|med: which version of the drivers are you using?12:50
Jucato!source-o-matic | jordo2312:50
jordo23Is sources.list the same under kubuntu than Ubuntu? Or different repositories all together?12:50
ubotujordo23: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:50
gan|y|medwedgeV: used to work12:51
Jucatojordo23: all (official) *buntus share the same repos12:51
wedgeVgan|y|med: hmm, i think i had the same problems with that version, i'm now using 8.32.512:51
gan|y|medbut it used to work?!?12:51
gan|y|medi am trying the other one12:52
jordo23Jucato: thanks.....remember the other day when you had me install kubuntu-desktop meta package, I didn't know if I had to change my sources.list....thanks though...12:52
wedgeVi use the default edgy ones because your version crashed X with fglxinfo12:52
Jucatojordo23: ah. you don't need to change12:52
wedgeVi used12:52
jordo23Jucato: Jordo23 gets confused easily.... :)12:53
scifianyone use pysdm at all ?12:53
Jucatojordo23: jordo23 needs to take deep breaths more often :)12:53
fonesdo .rpm files install in kubuntu or should i get the .deb file instead?12:54
=== jordo23 takes two deep breaths and has a cigarette
wedgeVfones: .deb12:54
jordo23Is there a way in Pico to select all text and delete?12:55
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BluesKajbah azureus is till a hog and nat / upnp is still out to lunch ...I'll stick wit ktorrent12:55
jordo23Jucato: Go to #kubuntu-offtopic12:56
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fonesonce you click on the .deb file it opens up in Ark12:57
fonesfrom there i am lost12:57
wedgeVwhat deb are you downloading?12:58
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deniselhi i was in here last night trying to get my java working still no luck12:58
gan|y|medwedgeV: no, doesn't work12:58
wedgeVgan|y|med: still crashes the server?12:58
gan|y|medwedgeV: fglrx is loaded, fglrxinfo works again (no restart), but still mesa12:58
scifidid grant any user access to a drive, what would the permissions syntax be ?12:59
wedgeVgan|y|med: paste me you /var/log/Xorg.log.0 again12:59
fonesi was told to download something called winpe12:59
foneswhich i found a torrent for12:59
gan|y|medfglrx(0): Acceleration enabled | fglrx(0): Direct rendering disabled01:00
h3sp4wngan|y|med: lsmod | grep fglrx01:00
wedgeVgan|y|med: paste the full to that site again01:00
fonesbut once i  got the .deb file i'm not sure what to do with it to install01:00
fonesfor bittorrent01:00
deniseleverything is enabled01:00
Jucatodenisel: how is it not working?01:01
wedgeVfones: well to install a .deb you have to save it, then "dpkg -i file" to install it01:01
RavenTuxWhat would the command be to see what % my notebook battery is at?01:01
fonesthanks wedgeV01:01
gan|y|medtoo late01:02
deniselwhen i go to play my euchre game on yahoo it says game cant be played on this server i was here for hours trying to get it to work01:02
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gan|y|medX Window System Version 7.1.101:02
gan|y|medRelease Date: 12 May 200601:02
gan|y|medX Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.101:02
gan|y|medBuild Operating System: Linux i68601:02
gan|y|medCurrent Operating System: Linux talib 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i68601:02
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deniselit was not installed properly01:02
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deniseljava i mean01:03
foneswedgeV: i got nothing but errors01:03
fonesmy guess is because this is a live cd?01:03
Jucatodenisel: are you using Konqueror or firefox?01:03
gan|y|medi am sorry. there was still the older cache enabled01:03
deniseli tryed both01:03
Jucatodenisel: for firefox, you need to install "sun-java5-plugin"01:03
deniseli just want to play a card game01:04
Jucatoyou don't need to do that for Konqueror01:04
gan|y|medit should have pasted:  fglrx       415436  0 | agpgart 34888  2 fglrx,intel_agp01:04
Jucatodenisel: also, you installed "sun-java5-bin" or "sun-java5-jre" right?01:04
kubunterodenisel: sudo apt-get install kpat01:04
gan|y|medwedgeV: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/997/01:04
wedgeVfones: i'm not sure, who told you to get winpe anyways?01:04
h3sp4wngan|y|med: dpkg-divert --list | grep fglrx (is libGL1.so diverted)01:05
fonesa friend of mine told me i should get it cause it's like a windows live cd, and easier for me to understand :)01:05
Aapzakgan|y|med: You do have a DRI error in your logfile01:05
gan|y|medi know01:05
Jucatodenisel: after you have install that, you need to run this command "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and choose the sun java version01:05
gan|y|medbut why?01:05
gan|y|medit loads Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so01:05
gan|y|medseems to be the mesa lib01:06
deniseltheres none that say sun01:06
gan|y|medh3sp4wn: no output01:06
Aapzakno forum topics on it?01:06
gan|y|meda lot, but don't help01:06
wedgeVgan|y|med: i suppose your module and X driver are the same version?01:06
gan|y|medthat thing has been around for years01:06
kubunterodenisel: sudo apt-get install kpat01:06
gan|y|medit is loaded01:07
wedgeVgan|y|med: well.... you X log doesnt really say why it fails01:07
fonesreason being, is because i don't think i can backup my files with this kubuntu live cd01:07
kubunterofones: It can work but Windows Live CD is a stretch01:07
wedgeVusually it contains enough info to figur out what is wrong01:07
foneskubuntero: i figured it was01:07
deniselit said it was already there01:07
gan|y|medshould i change /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so to point to /usr/lib/xorg01:07
fonesi only have to backup like 10 files01:07
h3sp4wngan|y|med: did you use the ati.com installer ?01:08
fonesit is proving rather difficult to do so01:08
wedgeVfones: how big are they?01:08
h3sp4wngan|y|med: Why ?01:08
gan|y|medwhich used to work01:08
fonessome are big01:08
wedgeVfones: if they fit on a usb stick...01:08
gan|y|medbecause it works01:08
fonesi wish they did01:08
deniselit said kpat was the newest version01:08
gan|y|medi just had to disable composite01:08
h3sp4wngan|y|med: you should at least generate deb's01:08
wedgeVthe ati installer creates debs01:08
jordo23kubuntero:  You still here?01:08
gan|y|meddoesn't work because it cannot find pushd (which is installed and in PATH)01:09
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h3sp4wnwedgeV: Only if you ask it to01:09
Aapzakgan|y|med: edgy, right?01:09
wedgeVgan|y|med: oh, use bash instead of dash01:09
h3sp4wnwedgeV: in which case fglrx would divert libGL01:09
jordo23kubuntero: I installed 1.4.4.....how do I get it to recognize my iriver?01:09
gan|y|medi am using bash (sudo bash)01:09
wedgeVyea, but the ati installer isnt01:09
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wedgeVyou have to link /bin/bash to /bin/sh01:10
AapzakI see a post from 10/21/2006 about this, a fix fix < edgy but not for edgy01:10
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wedgeVsome genius decided to use dash instead of bash of /bin/sh01:10
gan|y|medbut i have changed libGL* in /usr/lib to point to /usr/lib/xorg01:10
h3sp4wnAnd a great idea it was01:10
Aapzakgan|y|med: have you checked the kernel messages?01:10
h3sp4wn /bin/sh should not act like bash01:11
kubunterojordo23: Should have a section that says media devices01:11
Aapzakmaybe kernel rejects01:11
wedgeVwell it should make stuff work01:11
wedgeVnot break01:11
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h3sp4wnThings work perfectly if people write /bin/sh scripts that call /bin/sh01:11
wedgeVand complaining that scripts should use /bin/bash isnt going to help01:11
wedgeVyea, but peiple dont01:11
wedgeVso whats the point...01:12
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jordo23kubuntero: Yeah....I tried to auto detect....and it states it finds an iriver device.....but when hitting connect it says failed to connect....01:12
h3sp4wnwedgeV: faster01:12
kubunterojordo23: Hmm01:12
wedgeVwho cares if its faster when it breaks most stuff01:12
kubunterojordo23: May want to tell the guys in #amarok01:12
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Aapzakgan|y|med: you probably allready read thatone01:13
Aapzakbut it fits your problem perfectly01:13
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h3sp4wnwedgeV: most stuff should be fixed01:13
wedgeVwhat about the ati installer then01:13
=== genii sips a coffee
h3sp4wnwedgeV: kano managed to do it with a bash script (works on debian and ubuntu)01:14
wedgeVmodule wrong version01:15
wedgeVgan|y|med: its the old one01:15
gan|y|medi know01:15
gan|y|medok, cu in a min01:15
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list01:15
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h3sp4wnwedgeV: No reason to ever run that installer interactively anyway01:16
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cntbplease join  downloading  from torrent http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en this edgy ubuntu install dvds01:16
fdovingcntb: around?01:16
wedgeVh3sp4wn: it fails anyways01:16
cntbfdoving ?01:16
andreaswunder BSD it is also really annoying if you try to run a script wich uses /bin/sh but is written for bash...01:16
fdovingcntb: can you please stop announcing that page?01:16
fdovingcntb: there are no torrents anyway, as far as i can see.01:17
cntbfdoving:  why do you ask me this ?01:17
Jucatocntb: scroll up a bit01:17
fdovingcntb: because the random spamming is annoying.01:17
cntbjucato I need some help01:17
cntbthis torrent is legitimate01:18
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Jucatostill, it's spamming01:18
Aapzakspamming irc isn't :)01:18
gan|y|meddoesn't show anything in the logs now01:18
Aapzakand ...?01:18
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cntbspamming ? ok . you dont want to help01:18
h3sp4wnwedgeV: bash ati-installer.sh $VER --buildpkg ubuntu/dapper (works perfectly here with /bin/sh = dash)01:19
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cntbjucato you probably have a fast internet01:19
wedgeVyea, but remove that bash in front and it doesnt work01:19
gan|y|medwhat is this doing: /etc/ati/fglrxrc01:19
cntbI am waiting for those dvds for more than 10 days01:19
kubunterocntb: You should have gone to shipit.ubuntu.com then01:19
wedgeVgan|y|med: profiles for applications01:20
cntbany dvds there ?01:20
andreaswwedgeV: because the ATI guys programmed a bash script not a sh script01:20
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wedgeVyea i know01:20
Jucatocntb: do I don't have a fast internet01:20
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Aapzakcntb: why are you downloading 3 dvd's if it takes tthat long?01:20
cntband fast torrents on shipit.ubuntu.com ?01:20
wedgeVi just dont understand why the ubuntu guys changed from bash to dash01:20
wedgeVwell actually i understand01:21
wedgeVbut i dont agree ;)01:21
fdovingcntb: i won't force you to stop, i asked you to please stop. now it's entirely up to you. I'd appriciate if you stopped randomly repeating the same message in the channel. Thanks for understanding. :)01:21
fdovingnite all.01:21
cntbI have been installing more than 10 productions systems using apt-get and the internet01:21
h3sp4wnIf you are incapable of fixing the app to work with /bin/sh - you should just use what is in the repos01:21
Jucatocntb: shipit only ships Dapper btw01:21
intelikeyso ati driver is "bash" dependant ?01:21
h3sp4wnintelikey: the installer uses bashism's01:22
cntbaapzak I want typical installs done independently01:22
cntbjucato see what I mean01:22
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cntbcheck my ""spam link " again01:22
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cntbedgy DVDs there01:22
wedgeVh3sp4wn: i prefer to line bash to sh instead01:22
h3sp4wnintelikey: It doesn't need bash to work01:22
cntbwhy attack me misunderstanding my cause ??01:23
AapzakI downloaded an edgy dvd today,  was very fast01:23
andreaswimage gcc would be linked to g++01:23
cntbtyvm aapzak01:23
cntbmore info pls aapzak ?01:23
andreasweverybody would write c++ code and compile it with gcc01:23
jordo23Who was instructing me on how to mount my iriver as a filesystem?01:23
intelikeyh3sp4wn does it have bash specific code or just a bash call interpretor  #!/bin/bash    or does it actually use code that sh can't handle.01:23
Jucatocntb: you can modify your line to include more information so that it doesn't look like spam01:23
Aapzakcntb: you wish to download the entire repository01:23
andreaswthan another system uses a pure c compiler and they could not compile it01:23
h3sp4wnintelikey: It uses stuff sh cannot handle01:23
cntbaapzak wait01:24
gan|y|medis there a way to get version info on the fglrx module?01:24
wedgeVthe point is people do write bash script and put /bin/sh in the shebang, and ubuntu broke all those scripts by changing from bash to dash for sh01:24
h3sp4wngan|y|med: you probably have 2 copies of fglrx.ko01:24
gan|y|medi have deleted all and reinstalled01:24
andreaswwedgeV: but that is wrong if they write bash scripts they need /bin/bash hehe01:24
h3sp4wngan|y|med: one from linux-restricted-modules01:24
vulcaniusany of you here for the conversation earlier about VPS's I just signed up for an account at tektonic.net01:24
gan|y|medone mom01:24
cntbplease join  downloading  edgy dvds01:24
cntbfrom torrent http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en this edgy ubuntu install dvds01:24
intelikeyh3sp4wn then i hope that bash is listed amongst the dependancies.01:24
vulcaniusI was billed at 6:54 and it was up and running at 7:0801:25
cntbis that better jucato ?01:25
wedgeVandreasw: yea, but thats not the point01:25
Jucatocntb: if you can fit it on one line :)01:25
h3sp4wnintelikey: it sucks extremely badly (and ships as a self extracting .run01:25
cntbOK I know that jucato01:25
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Aapzakcntb: I have no problem with downloading (if I had the HD space), but that site makes me build a complete repository I believe01:25
gan|y|medok, now i have a flickering screen01:25
gan|y|medbut it loaded the new version01:26
gan|y|medstill mesa though. just the picture is worse01:26
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cntbwell aapzak I have a PC with sata drives 160 GB so01:26
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intelikeyh3sp4wn (adjitives as you choose) that is very bad pratice indeed...01:26
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cntbThe best use I find Aapzak IS TO HAVE FULL INSTALLS LOCALLY01:26
AapzakI understand01:27
cntbsorry for caps01:27
andreaswwedgeV: like I said before it is only under Linux a standard that sh is linked to bash under BSD bash isn't even installed by default.01:27
gan|y|medany ideas?01:27
Aapzakgan|y|med: not really, sry01:27
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h3sp4wnintelikey: I would never use that installer - if I *needed* a newer version than in one of ubuntu+1 or debian experimental I would take it to bits and remake the package01:27
AapzakI should goto sleep anyway guys .. ttyl01:27
gan|y|medstill dri error01:27
cntbso the more connected to torrent , more efficient for anyone I believe so why not01:27
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Aapzakcntb: In the long run you're right01:28
wedgeVandreasw: yea, i know, i used freebsd for 5 years. but my point is why change from bash to dash, i dont see the benefits01:28
cntbbtw is h3sp4wn line  spamming?01:28
cntbsee above 3 lines01:28
Aapzakdon't think so01:28
andreaswwedgeV: I even hope that more distributions will go the way ubuntu did and include a more strict sh interpreter01:28
gan|y|medok i moved libGLcore to *bak, and now there is one again. this should be an ati install01:28
cntbpoint made ?01:29
Aapzaknot really01:29
h3sp4wncntb: only 1.25 lines here01:29
wedgeVso that people can complain to their support that scripts stopped working with the new release?01:29
cntbI neee a help to accelerate getting those edgy DVDs01:29
Aapzakabout spamming, no01:29
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andreaswwedgeV: yes and than maybe the developers will think about changing /bin/sh to /bin/bash01:29
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wedgeVandreasw: well, whats the benefit?01:29
Aapzakcntb: you do, but you make it look like random spamming, while h3sp4wn is engaged in a normal discussion01:30
pete_can somebody give me a link to info on connecting gto a wpa encrypted network?01:30
andreaswwedgeV: better code01:30
wedgeVandreasw: like what?01:30
Aapzakand you we're pasting from clipboard :)01:30
wedgeVandreasw: changing /bin/sh to /bin/bash doenst make code better01:30
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Aapzakand gan|y|med ?01:30
andreaswwedgeV: of course because you now know that these scripts aren't sh scripts but bash ones01:31
gan|y|medtook the aiglx disable stuff out and now the picture is normal again01:31
andreaswwedgeV: and someone not using linux will also know that he has to install bash to run these scripts01:31
Aapzakso basicly Ati still sucks on linux01:31
cntbaapzak going to sleep01:31
gan|y|medit worked01:31
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Ry-Fi|KDEhey guys01:31
gan|y|medout of the box on dapper01:31
wedgeVandreasw: i agree that people should use the right shell01:31
Ry-Fi|KDEdoes anyone have any experience with XGL on kubuntu?01:31
pete_what is the best resource for wpa on kubuntu?01:32
gan|y|medand in edgy compositing is a problem, but that's all01:32
Ry-Fi|KDEer Beryl*01:32
andreaswwedgeV: well look were html is nowadays01:32
Aapzakcomposing on ati, or composing in general?01:32
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andreaswwedgeV: nobody cares about standards and the webbrowsers somehow interpret html code01:32
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h3sp4wnthe right shell (for me) being zsh - scripts /bin/sh or /bin/ksh01:32
gan|y|medati drivers don't support it, edgy activates it by default, result: problem01:33
gan|y|medbut it is off!01:33
gan|y|medi don't get this01:33
AapzakI have nvidia which has aiglx buildin01:33
Aapzakthe drivers01:33
wedgeVyea well, i just dont agree with the "lets break it, so the developers have to fix their scripts" attitude01:33
cntbaapzak when are you going to sleep ?01:33
Aapzaksoon cntb01:33
cntbgood night pal01:34
h3sp4wnwedgeV: the scripts were broken to start with01:34
gan|y|medwedgeV: any other ideas?01:34
wedgeVof course the were, but they worked fine on ubuntu01:34
wedgeVso why break them01:34
wedgeVgan|y|med: umm, you have the right module version loaded now?01:34
Minatakugenii! :D01:35
h3sp4wnI would say better to use lash than dash though (lash is more restrictive still)01:35
cntbjucato are you still against me asking ppl to join downloading edgy dvds?01:35
h3sp4wn!info lash feisty01:35
ubotuPackage lash does not exist in feisty01:35
wedgeVgan|y|med: try building debs with the ati installer01:35
gan|y|medfglrx 8.32.501:35
andreaswI am out good night good fight ^^01:35
gan|y|medcannot, doesn't find pushd. and i am in a bash01:36
Jucatocntb: nope. just do it in a way that's not "spamming" (like repeating after n minutes)01:36
Ry-Fi|KDEwhen any of you have a spare moment i have a question about installing beryl on edgy01:36
h3sp4wnRy-Fi|KDE: #ubuntu-xgl01:36
wedgeVgan|y|med: run it like "bash ati-installer...."01:36
Ry-Fi|KDEah ok thank you h3sp4wn01:36
cntbso type it differently each invitation ? jucato ?01:37
h3sp4wnRy-Fi|KDE: What is the question ?01:37
JosefKanyone managed to get realplayer running okay within konq?  I keep getting warning about not allowing scriptable plugins01:37
Ry-Fi|KDEwell ive been following the tutorial01:37
wedgeVgan|y|med: its working that way, according to h3sp4wn01:37
Ry-Fi|KDEbut when i get to the point of sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes01:37
Ry-Fi|KDEi get the error:01:37
cntbpls try that jucato01:37
Ry-Fi|KDEE: Couldn't find package beryl01:37
cntbget edgy ubuntu install dvds from torrents http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en01:37
Jucatocntb: just leave reasonable intervals between each...01:37
fonesis there an easy way to install cdrdao? i looked in kynaptic but didn't see it there. k3b is telling me i need to install it in order to burn anything01:37
jordo23DOES anyone know how to setup an iriver h10 with amarok 1.4.4 (kubuntu)?01:37
Jucatohm.. still "looks" like spam...01:38
cntblike 1.5 hour ? jucato ?01:38
wedgeVfones: i think its in cdrtools01:38
cntbon two of the torrent links I have only one peer now pal01:38
Ry-Fi|KDEso its rather frustrating because ive copied the command verbaitum and im getting errors01:38
foneswedgeV: in kynaptic?01:38
wedgeVfones: i think01:39
wedgeVnot sure though01:39
h3sp4wngan|y|med: or you could use this script if you wanted - wget -Nc -O/usr/local/bin/install-fglrx-debian.sh http://kanotix.com/files/install-fglrx-debian.sh ; bash /usr/local/bin/install-fglrx-debian.sh (that has to be run from sudo -i works with deb's)01:39
gan|y|medoh, yes. i did sh ***01:39
fonesi don't see cdrtools in kynaptic unfortunately01:39
wedgeVfones: its cdrdao01:39
wedgeVi just checked01:39
pete_hey is there a way to downoad packages to a cd so i can install them on a comp that doesnt have internet????01:39
fonesi've looked i don't see it?01:40
flaccid!k3b > pete_01:40
ranceI need to ask for help with sound on kubuntu, Ive tried all the howto tricks I can try with TWO different sound cards, and no matter what I do, I dont get sound, the right kernel modules load, and everything *APPEARS* to be setup correctly, but yet no sound, right now I have an aopen cobra aw-850 5.1 surround sound card installed and just like the stock sound card, no sound output at speakers01:40
wedgeVpete_: they should all be in /var/cache/apt/archives/01:40
fonesunder sections which catagory is it in?01:40
ubotucdrdao: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode. In component main, is extra. Version 1:1.2.1-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 400 kB, installed size 1092 kB01:40
geniiMinataku :)01:40
cntbjucato good news is I reached 62 % of the least finished  torrent download of edgy01:40
pete_ty wedgeV and flaccid01:41
cntbnever mind I feel exhausted01:41
Minatakugenii: :D01:41
pete_wedgeV - how do i add the CD to adept as a repo?01:41
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fonesya ive looked again in every catagory, i don't see it anywhere01:42
wedgeVfones: i think you need to add a repository to apt01:42
wedgeVpete_: dont know01:42
pete_k ty01:42
h3sp4wnpete_: apt-cdrom01:43
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pete_aha ty01:43
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h3sp4wnpete_: It has to be the alternative cd or you will only get a tiny amount of packages01:43
foneswedgeV: sure i can do that, not sure how though :)01:43
gan|y|mednow i had to activate the aiglx disable stuff to get a "human readable" screen, but still mesa!01:43
wedgeVpaste the full Xorg log again01:44
wedgeVfones: which version of the cd are you running?01:44
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wedgeVfones: edgy?01:44
fonesi am not sure, is there a way to find out?01:44
pete_h3sp4wn - i was planning on burning the pkgs I want from a comp with the pkgs i want, will that work or do I need a specific iso?01:44
fonesi burned this live disc several months ago01:45
wedgeVfones: cat /etc/issue01:45
fonesubuntu@dhcppc1:~$ cat /etc/issue01:46
fonesUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l01:46
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gan|y|meddid it as described, still mesa01:46
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h3sp4wnpete_: they should all be in /var/cache/apt/archives01:46
h3sp4wnpete_: (unless you have specifically deleted them)01:46
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h3sp4wnpete_: you can use dpkg --set-selections and apt-get dselect-upgrade to clone a machine01:47
wedgeVfones: well i got to go... you have to ask someone else. good night, and good luck!01:47
fonesthanks for all the help :)01:47
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intelikeycleared the cache ?     is there a cron job by default on dapper that clear the cache ?01:47
h3sp4wnpete_: dpkg --get-selections > ~/selectionfile01:47
pete_h3sp4wn - wow thanks man thats exactly what i want to do.01:48
h3sp4wnpete_: dpkg --set-selections < ./selectionfile && apt-get dselect-upgrade01:48
h3sp4wnpete_: You would need to copy the whole of /var/cache/apt/archives to minimize downloads01:48
fonesso if you guys got a sec01:49
fonesi'm just trying to figure out now how to burn a disc, i just need to install cdrdao01:49
fonesit is not listed in kynaptic01:49
h3sp4wn!info cdrdao01:50
ubotucdrdao: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode. In component main, is extra. Version 1:1.2.1-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 400 kB, installed size 1092 kB01:50
pete_he just to double check, the latest distro comes with ndiswrapper and wpa supplicant, right?01:51
fonesh3sp4wn: i saw that, but not sure how to install it01:51
intelikeyh3sp4wn if we'll repete that about five more times they might catch on....  :/01:51
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h3sp4wnintelikey: repeat what ?01:52
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soulriderintelikey: you have recompiled your own kernel right ?01:52
h3sp4wnfones: sudo aptitude install cdrdao01:52
intelikeyi have soulrider01:52
fonesthanks h3sp4wn01:52
soulriderim following http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 but when i do "make xconfig" it tells me it cannot connect to xorg01:52
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h3sp4wnuse make menuconfig01:53
intelikeysoulrider are you doing that within X ?01:53
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soulrideruhm.. yes01:53
soulriderim using KDE now01:53
h3sp4wnsoulrider: Are you on dapper ?01:53
intelikeyhmmm.    well as h3sp4wn said  "make menuconfig"   or is it  "make menu_config"    will work.01:54
soulriderin on edgy01:54
soulrideri get an error01:54
h3sp4wnThere is a new way to rebuild kernels in edgy (but I never used it)01:54
intelikeywhat error ?01:54
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fonesh3sp4wn: not sure that worked01:55
fonessaid no candidate version found for cdrdao01:55
fonesetc etc01:55
soulriderthe rror is a bit big01:55
soulriderill pastebin it01:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:55
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soulriderjust a sec01:56
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fonesmine says01:57
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:57
gan|y|medIT'S WORKING!01:57
gan|y|medIT'S WORKING!01:57
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soulriderintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1004/01:58
gan|y|meddid the deb install, but for some reason the "load dri" line was missing from my xorg.conf (used to be there!)01:58
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gan|y|medthx a lot to all you guys (and girls, just in case)01:58
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m_tadeug'night everyone02:00
soulridernite nite02:00
intelikeysoulrider you do have b-e installed ?02:00
fonesweird that kubunut comes with burning software but not cdrdao which is required to use it02:00
m_tadeudoes anyone know if  its possible to change the font color for kmail system tray?02:00
intelikeysudo apt-get install build-essential02:01
soulridersure i do intelikey02:01
ubotu64 bytes from ubotu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.33 ms02:01
intelikeyjust making sure.02:01
geniiI wonder if thats the ping from freenode since it never seems to change even when I'm on a faster or slower connection from here02:02
soulridergenii: your conenction speed doesnt really matter02:02
intelikeysoulrider you need ncurses and ncurses-dev  or what ever the names are.... i'll check the names.02:02
soulriderat least not much02:02
fonesif a candidate for cdrdao is not found, does it mean it's already installed somewhere?02:03
soulriderintelikey: installing....02:03
fonesk3b insists that it is not02:03
soulriderfones: you enabled universe and multiverse ?02:03
h3sp4wnits in main02:03
fonessoulrider: i'm not sure what you mean?02:03
h3sp4wn00:51 < ubotu> cdrdao: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode. In component main02:04
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geniisoulrider Interesting that it's ttl should be 64 if it's actually more like 1 hop really :)02:04
fonessorry i don't know what main is02:04
=== fones noob :)
soulriderintelikey: it works now!!02:04
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Yomatog
soulrider!repos | fones02:05
ubotufones: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:05
intelikeyfones the package "cdrdao" is in ubuntu main repository.     it is a good idea to enable universe and multiverse   but i assure you that until you change the listing for main from only using the CD and to start using (at least also) the internet main repo you will not install cdrdao02:07
fonesi'm using a live cd, does that make a difference?02:07
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intelikeyfones no02:07
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:08
fonesi'm there right now02:08
fonesi don't have adept though to follow the instructions02:09
fonesi only see kynaptic02:09
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fonesfor package management02:09
soulriderdo the modules in my kernel slow it down ?02:10
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=== Ertain [n=jason@cpe-76-187-63-236.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulrideror are they just compiled but not in use ?02:10
ErtainI'm trying to free up space on my computer.  What I would like to do is get rid of unnecessary files.  I know of how to get rid of files in my $HOME directory, but I'd also like to get rid of old programs and temp. cache.  Any ideas on how to do this easily?02:10
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intelikeyfones you can edit your your repos listings with ##  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list     ## make the first listing to look like this##     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main universe multiverse restricted            ## save it and do ##  sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get install cdrdao02:11
soulriderErtain: try using filelight, it will show you how your space is being used02:11
Ertainsoulrider: Right-o then.02:12
=== Ertain checks out flielight.
fonesi am confused as hell02:12
fonesbut i will give it a shot02:12
ErtainDon't worry, I'm usually like that.02:12
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zblachhey all. quick question about katapult. can I add my own programs/scripts to it's library?02:14
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soulriderzblach: katapult looks in your kmenu and in your home dir02:14
soulriderif you need it to update02:14
soulrideropen it and press ctrl+c02:14
soulriderclose it and reopen it02:14
zblachin my kmenu and home dir02:14
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zblachnot in /usr/bin?02:15
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zblachgood to know, thanks02:15
soulrideri htink not02:15
fonesintelikey: thanks, i think it's working02:17
fonesi'll know soon enough :)02:17
soulriderintelikey: everything that is in my kernel as a module, will slow my system down?02:18
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zblachsoulrider: thanks02:18
h3sp4wnsoulrider: No (to all intents and purposes)02:19
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h3sp4wnsoulrider: using an initramfs is actually faster to boot my system than having everything statically compiled in02:20
soulriderh3sp4wn: what is an intramfs ?02:20
intelikeysoulrider no.  i don't think you will be able to measure the differance in a built'in and a module of the same driver.    but you may want some things that are for your specific hardware.    i.e.  ide ext2/3fs support and so forth.  not because it will run faster but because you won't have to use an initrd.img to get it to boot.02:21
intelikeyintramfs is the replacement to initrd02:21
intelikeyinitramfs == second generation initrd02:22
h3sp4wnits a cpio archive02:22
fonesit is doing all kinds of things02:22
soulrideralso i have seen that when i compile, it allways compiles for i38602:22
soulrideris there a way to compile for i686 ?02:22
h3sp4wnsoulrider: set processor type and remove generic x86 support02:22
h3sp4wnsoulrider: the deb will always end in 38602:22
intelikeysoulrider it's in the menuconfig02:23
h3sp4wnthe deb will always be _i386.deb02:23
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soulrideroh, but what will happen if i remoce x86 generic support ?02:23
intelikeyread the online help in the menuconfig02:24
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intelikeythe info is all right there.02:24
soulriderok, i will02:24
soulriderim such a n00b with this =/02:24
fonesme too :\02:25
h3sp4wnsoulrider: Just work on the processor selected not any02:25
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intelikeyactually will still function on any but not as well  and slightly better on the selected.02:26
fonesintelikey: it's finally done02:26
fonesi think it might have worked :D02:26
fonescause when i started up k3b i didn't get that same error02:27
fonesis there a way to see that cdrao installed?02:27
soulriderok, i think im done with the config...02:27
intelikeyfones yes   dpkg -L cdrdao02:27
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fonesit works :D02:28
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intelikeysoulrider it usually takes me about 4 hours to go all through the config    hehhe02:28
soulriderintelikey: after i exit menuconfig it will compile right ?02:28
soulriderwell i dont know what half of that stuff is :P02:28
intelikeyit should.02:28
soulrideruhm, its not compiling... :P02:29
intelikeysoulrider i didn't either.  that's why it takes me so long.   i read the online help on things i don't know.02:29
visik7anyone able to see this ? http://images.apple.com/movies/paramount/bee_movie/bee_movie-tlr1_h640w.mov02:29
soulrideroh wait, it sais to do "make"02:29
soulriderintelikey: do you have the link for the online help ?02:29
intelikey!mp3 | visik702:30
ubotuvisik7: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:30
visik7intelikey: I already have all the codecs02:30
intelikeysoulrider i mean inside the menuconfig02:30
soulriderwell, i tried02:30
soulriderbut with some i didnt understand anything either :P02:30
intelikeyit will probably build.02:30
visik7intelikey: I would know if someone is able to see it02:30
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intelikeyvisik7 !i02:31
intelikeyvisik7 i don't do propritary formats02:31
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soulridercompiling :P02:32
ErtainRats.  The Kubuntu version of Filelight keeps crashing on me.02:33
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xyrosvisik7: I can see your movie, funny :)02:33
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visik7xyros: which engine ? xine or mplayer or gstreamer ?02:34
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intelikeyor vlc02:34
visik7or vlc ?02:34
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xyrosvisik7: for the moment kaffeine02:34
visik7I can't :/02:34
xyrosvisik7: why02:35
sirpingalothey guys.. is there an XWindows equivalent to the console command "dialog"?02:35
visik7it says no codec02:35
visik7but I've all codecs02:35
Linux_GaloreErtain: download the source and compile it -> http://freshmeat.net/projects/filelight/02:35
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intelikeysirpingalot several.02:35
Linux_Galoresirpingalot: katapult02:35
xyrosvisik7: download ffmpeg and install its great02:35
sirpingalotintelikey: tnks.. will check it out02:35
visik7xyros: are you on edgy or dapper ?02:36
Alter-Ego! mp302:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:36
intelikeysirpingalot you could ask that in a development channel and probably get a lot of good info.02:36
Linux_Galoresirpingalot: wrong nick02:36
xyrosvisik7: not sure ?? kubuntu something :))02:36
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sirpingalotLinux_Galore: i just pulled up the man page and realized it wasn't what i was looking for :P02:37
sirpingalotintelikey: wht would be the development channel name?02:37
matthew__i just got kubuntu, and im missing winmedia player already >,< Amerok doesnt list all my music on side bar but i have to click and expand.02:38
sirpingalotintelikey: or could you name any one of the many which wud do the same?02:38
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intelikeysirpingalot #ubuntu-devel02:38
kubunterohi nikola__02:38
intelikeythat's one.02:38
coreymon77hi guys02:39
coreymon77im just curious02:39
kubunteromatthew__: HOw come?02:39
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intelikeyhi coreymon77 i'm just intelikey02:39
coreymon77will dapper still be supported even after edgy stops being?02:39
Linux_Galorematthew__: if you look in the settings you can define what directories it will build your playlists from02:39
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:39
coreymon77i know tha02:40
coreymon77tbut does it add up to meaning that even after edgy stops being supported, dapper will still be?02:40
coreymon77dapper will still be supported even after feisty comes out?02:40
intelikeysupposed to be even after feisty is not supported.02:41
intelikeythat's the whole idea of LTS02:41
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coreymon77when will fesity be completed btw02:42
apokryphosubotu: feisty02:42
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+102:42
kubunteromatthew__: I hated Win Media player when I Had windows02:42
optik_hi !02:42
coreymon77from 6.10 to 7.04?02:42
coreymon77it must be a gigantic upgrade02:42
intelikeyevery 6 months02:43
optik_why kubuntu not is developer?02:43
Ash-FoxIs it safe to update xorg? - as in it won't go "OMG YOU HAVE NO SCREENS DETECTED ARGAIFEAIHFAFAJIFJAJIFA *QUIT*".02:43
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intelikeydapper broke schedual because it is LTS and wasn't ready in april02:43
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coreymon77Ash-Fox: ...no comment...02:43
rich__do I install the restricted kernel modules before or after I install a nvidia driver02:43
Ash-Foxcoreymon77, last time I updated xorg it did that :P02:44
intelikeyAsh-Fox sounds like a reasonable concern02:44
coreymon77ya, because the wait between dapper and edgy was so short02:44
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Ash-FoxSounds like yamal is trying out microsoft's speech2text engine.02:45
coreymon77the no comment was about the ARGAIFEAIHFAFAJIFJAJIFA part02:45
intelikeyAsh-Fox lol02:45
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Ash-Foxcoreymon77, I've just drank two leters of cola, so I'm a littler hyper :P02:46
ErtainFor some odd reason, I can't install the libqt-mt-dev pack.02:46
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intelikeyforward slash at some point back slash colen colen hash speach to text is funny02:47
jmichaelxi recently upgraded a laptop from dapper to edgy, and all went fairly well, with one exception... i cannot reset the power-off function for the display. if i try to change the setting (which is at 5 hours), i ose X and have to dpkg-reconfigure. would anyone have an idea what might be wrong?02:48
intelikeyErtain dats cause it don't zist02:48
jmichaelxi lose*02:48
intelikeylibqt3-mt-dev     or   libqt4-mt-dev02:49
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ErtainI can't even install those packs since they would break my install.02:50
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=== intelikey <shrugs>
intelikeysounds like non-ubuntu repos in your sources.list02:51
=== Ertain looks at the sources.list
visik7xyros: ok wrong wurl02:51
intelikey"but it wont hurt anyhing..."    and   "works for me"02:51
intelikey!common sense02:52
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:52
rich__I fresh installed dapper, what's the first step to get nvidia up and running? installing kernel restricted modules or getting the driver?02:52
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visik7the problem that I've is with http://stream.qtv.apple.com/events/jan/j47d52oo/m_8848125_110_ref.mov02:52
apokryphosubotu: faq | rich__02:52
uboturich__: faq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage02:52
intelikey!ati | rich__02:52
uboturich__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:52
ErtainDoesn't look like any repos are out of place.  It looks like the regular repos are in place.  If you're wondering I'm using Edgy.02:52
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@0x503e2b8b.kjnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntu__someone alive?02:54
intelikeyErtain well normally a "will break your system" message is from using non-ubuntu repos to install things that ubuntu doesn't support, then afterwards trying to install something in the ubuntu repos.    that's not always the case but very often is.02:54
coreymon77does anyone know of a ds emulator for linux?02:54
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intelikeyErtain if you will try it with apt and pastebin the full output i02:55
intelikeyi'll have a look.02:55
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intelikeyErtain also paste your sources.list with it.02:56
ErtainCan do.02:56
=== Ertain is doing the pasting.
intelikeycoreymon77 apt-cache search emulator | less02:57
brett__i added a menu item as a block and I would like to know if it is possible to hide the menus name. I just want the links without the title.02:57
brett__oh shit02:57
brett__sorry wrong channel02:57
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jmichaelxdoes anyone know what the best method is for using a broadcom wireless card in edgy? i am still using the firmware extracted using fwcutter that i used in dapper. it works reasonably well, but cuts out after a few hours.02:58
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fonesit's possible to eject the cd when you are using kubuntu live right?02:58
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kubunterofones: no02:59
kubunterohi Hobbsee02:59
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intelikeyfones possable != easy02:59
fonesoh so it is possible?02:59
ErtainHere's the one for my Sources.list -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1005/02:59
fonescuase i really need to burn this dvd of backed up stuff02:59
sleepy495how will I know what version of drivers its installing03:00
intelikeyfones not easily.  and i'm not about to try to walk you through it.03:00
fonesthat was the whole point of me getting cdrdao03:00
Linux_Galorefones: always type "eject" in a terminal03:00
Hobbseehey kubuntero03:00
intelikey!wifi jmichaelx03:00
sleepy495if I want to install nvidia driver 97xx what do I do03:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi jmichaelx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:00
intelikey!wifi | jmichaelx03:00
ubotujmichaelx: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:00
fonesi will try that Linux_Galore03:01
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fonesyeah, it didn't let me03:01
Linux_Galorefones: sorry "you could always type "eject" in a terminal03:01
intelikey!ati | sleepy49503:01
ubotusleepy495: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:01
ErtainAnd here's the one for the apt-get error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1006/03:01
fonesubuntu@dhcppc1:~$ eject03:01
foneseject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument03:01
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fonesdamnit damnit damnit03:02
Linux_Galorefones: yeah, it wont eject itself03:02
intelikeyErtain looking03:02
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fonesthis is no good03:02
matthew__soo linux can not write to a ntfs formatted partition? grr i can read music from it03:02
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fonesi really can't afford to lose these files03:02
Linux_Galorefones: no thats because "everything" isnt in ram, some of the apps are on the disk03:03
manchickenLinux kernel should have ntfs compatibility...03:03
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manchicken(I totally thought there was a module for that)03:03
fonesi can't get kubuntu to copy my files to my ntfs external drives, i can't get it to burn a dvd, i am out of options it seems03:03
Linux_Galorefones: always use a thumb drive03:03
fonesyeah i figured Linux_Galore03:03
manchicken(though I never use crappy filesystems like that)03:03
fonesi don't have one unfortunately03:03
matthew__fones you can uploade your file to a free host and get them later03:04
TheDebuggerfuse or ntfs-3g?03:04
fonesit's several gigs03:04
Linux_Galorefones: setup a gmail acccount and email the files03:04
intelikeyErtain try enabling universe03:05
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fonessome of the files are far too big for that03:05
fonesi work in 3d animation03:05
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intelikeyErtain you have it in backports only.03:05
ErtainRight-o then.03:05
=== Ertain enables universe.
intelikey!info libgl-dev03:06
ubotuPackage libgl-dev does not exist in any distro I know03:06
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intelikey!info libgl1-mesa-dev03:07
ubotulibgl1-mesa-dev: A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development support files. In component main, is extra. Version 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 132 kB03:07
Linux_Galorefones: so you have an "external" usb hard disk thats ntfs ??03:07
fonesi have 203:07
Linux_Galorefones: they should work03:07
fonesi can't copy to them for some reason, or make any folders in them etc03:07
Linux_Galorefones: boot up "then plug them in"03:07
intelikeyErtain eeek   that's in main      do you have ati or nvidia drivers installed ?03:07
fonesi can see them just fine03:07
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fonesi just can't do anything more than browse the contents03:08
ErtainWhy yes I do.03:08
Linux_Galorefones: aaah so you want to back the files up03:08
fonesthat's all i'm trying to do :)03:08
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Linux_Galorefones: if you have two units just copy the files from one to the other lol03:08
foneswhat you mean?03:08
Linux_Galorefones: you can plug in both units, you said you have two03:09
intelikeythat may be the conflict there Ertain    i think that's a known issue   but i don't use non-free  so you need to ask some one like fdoving   or jucato ....03:09
fonesyes i do03:09
fonesbut they are both ntfs03:09
intelikeyErtain ^03:09
fonesand for some reason, kubuntu doesn't like ntfs03:09
xenophile7x7galore: i think hes saying that it wont let him write anything to the drives, so he cant copy one drive to the other03:09
fonesand i can't copy files over03:09
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Linux_Galorefones: aaah, create a vfat partition on one03:09
fonesbut won't that format the drive?03:09
fonesi can't lose what i currently have on the drives03:10
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Linux_Galorefones: no only the data within that partition03:10
jmichaelxi recently upgraded a laptop from dapper to edgy, and all went fairly well, with one exception... i cannot reset the power-off function for the display. if i try to change the setting (which is at 5 hours), i lose X and have to dpkg-reconfigure. would anyone have an idea what might be wrong?03:10
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foneswhich means i'll lose all my files :(03:10
foneswhich i can't afford to do03:10
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Linux_Galorefones: or go find a XP machine and copy all the data to one unit and make the other vfat03:10
foneswell i had xp03:11
fonesit died on me, thats how i got in this mess03:11
xenophile7x7lol, vmware?03:11
Linux_Galorefones: go to a PC caffe03:11
kubunteromatthew__: You have a lot of unreasonable complaints :)03:11
xenophile7x7kinda a pain in the ass, but it would suffice03:11
Linux_Galorefones: or a library03:11
fonesyou can't do that03:11
intelikeyErtain if i recall you don't want "libgl1-mesa-dev" because it will mean uninstalling your vidio driver and you can't install  libqt3-mt-dev  without libgl1-mesa-dev   there may be a work around   but i'm not familar with it.03:11
fonesthey won't allow external drives or cd's03:11
fonesi've actually had to try before03:12
foneswhen my connection was dead03:12
Linux_Galorefones: try a neighbour03:12
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=== fones cries!
fonesmy boss is going to kill me03:12
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Linux_Galorefones: or go get a $15 cdrom drive03:12
fonesi have a cd rom drive03:13
fonesand a dvd rom drive03:13
kubunterofones: What's    the problem?03:13
kubunterohi jordo2303:13
fonesbut the cdrom drive, i think, is dead. i disconnected it a long time ago03:13
foneskubuntero: just trying to backup several gigs of work files03:13
intelikeyErtain also of note.   it is an non-ubuntu repo problem after all.  it's that other software getting in the way, namely the vidio driver.03:13
fonesand i am running into dead ends every single way i try03:13
kubunterontfs-3g doesn't work?03:14
jordo23kubuntero: Hey03:14
fonesi am surprised that linux doesn't read ntfs!03:14
Linux_Galorefones: Ive got about 4 cdrom burners in my junk pile lol03:14
fonesi have not tried that yet03:14
fonesi don't know how to do it03:14
jordo23jordo23: Still working on my iriver ;)03:14
Alter-Egofones, let me introduce you to amanda03:14
xenophile7x7fones, try reinstallin xp on somethign like vmware03:14
kubunterofones: It does. Just doesn't write reliably03:14
jordo23kubuntero: Still working on my iriver03:14
kubuntero!ntfs | fones03:14
ubotufones: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:14
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:14
xenophile7x7where are you located fones?03:15
fonesnew york03:15
xenophile7x7lol, the one state i dont have friends in03:15
xenophile7x7so thats not help.03:15
intelikeyfones linux does read ntfs.  it just doesn't write to it, out of the box03:16
fonesi am down to try the ntfs-3g thing, as long as it doesn't ruin anything. i cannot afford to lose any files03:16
ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles03:16
fonesit does read it just fine03:16
Linux_Galoreintelikey: he's trying to copy the files he has no issues reading the stuff03:16
foneswriting to it though, i havent been able to do03:16
Linux_Galoreintelikey: he has one writer a kubuntu cd and two external hard disk units03:17
xenophile7x7lol, if only there were LiveCD wiindows03:17
Linux_Galorexenophile7x7: there is03:17
fonesthere are actually03:17
fonesand i was going to download one03:17
intelikeyLinux_Galore i was only answering one statement "<fones> i am surprised that linux doesn't read ntfs!"03:17
fonesbut i couldn't get bittorrent to install, and now apparently i can't burn dvd's with live cd's :D03:17
fonesmy luck is so great with computers03:17
xenophile7x7but with a live cd, it should read the ntfs drives, and permit you to copy03:17
fonesintelikey: sorry about that03:17
Linux_Galorefones:  apt-get ktorrent03:17
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Linux_Galorefones: sorry apt-get install ktorrent03:18
fonesxenophile7x7: i wish it did that03:18
fonessure i'll try that, but i can't burn the cd :)03:18
fonesso it's kind of hopeless to download winpe (live cd)03:18
xenophile7x7will a pc cafe or library let you at least burn a disc?03:18
Linux_Galorefones: you only way out is to get another burner or a cdrom03:18
xenophile7x7if you bring them a sealed one03:18
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fonesit seems that way xenophile03:18
fonesi'm going to try and get my cd-rom drive to work03:19
fonesthen i could run kubuntu on that and burn on my dvd drive right?03:19
Linux_Galorefones: yep03:19
xenophile7x7should be able to03:19
fonesok that sounds like my best option03:19
xenophile7x7are the files for work?03:19
fonesi work for mtv03:19
fonesthey are due in the morning03:19
xenophile7x7couldnt you just bring the usb drive to work?03:19
fonesbut it's also other things i needed backed up03:20
fonescuase xp died03:20
intelikeyor if you have the ram for it make a ramdisk and copy the system to ram then pivot_root and eject the cd  but that's not for the faint hearted and there are plenty of obsticals.03:20
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xenophile7x7there must be a box there taht you can use, at least for the moment, until you can find a better option for home03:20
fonesya intelikey that sounds out of my league03:20
Linux_Galorefones: find a local PC repair shop and buy a second hand dvdrom  they cost next to nothing03:20
fonesi would do that, but i can't right now03:20
fonesxp died just a few hours ago during the worst time possible heh03:21
xenophile7x7lol, id send ya one, but mailin it would prolly cost more than just buyin one03:21
case__kubuntu starts very slow03:21
case__someone know why?03:21
fonesnaw it's cool03:21
fonesone question03:21
xenophile7x7haha, yeah, it has a tendency to do that03:21
fonesi've installed cdrdao and i know i'll forget how to do it again03:21
xenophile7x7vistas worse. thats what finally drove me to change OS03:21
foneswhen i restart and kubuntu live has to restart, will it be gone?03:21
Linux_Galorefones: use k3b fir burning03:21
intelikeycase__ network configs ?03:21
fonesyeah that's what i was going to use Linux_Galore03:22
case__i think so, how can i repair that?03:22
Linux_Galorefones: an idiot can use k3b , its drag and drop03:22
intelikeyfones yep.  it will03:22
fonesbut it didn't come with cdrdao03:22
fonesintelikey: awesome03:22
Linux_Galorefones: it also does auto detect for your media03:22
draikDoes anyone know of a way that I can remote in to my friend's computer over a network? I want to be able to remote into it when he needs me to show him something related to Kubuntu. We both run Kubuntu. I want to have control of his computer so that I can show him around from my computer03:22
fonesok thanks for all the help guys, i appreciate it03:22
xenophile7x7do you still have a windows cd?03:22
fonesyeah of course03:22
kubunterodraik: try freenx03:22
intelikey<fones> when i restart and kubuntu live has to restart, will it be gone?    <intelikey> fones yep.  it will    <fones> intelikey: awesome   ???03:23
xenophile7x7well, you could use the win cd to boot to the command prompt, and try to just xcopy between the drives03:23
case__i need a fix03:23
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fonesoh shit03:23
draikkubuntero: Can't find freenx03:23
fonesi missread03:23
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX03:23
intelikeyi thought so.03:23
draik!info freenx03:23
ubotuPackage freenx does not exist in any distro I know03:23
fonesoh man03:23
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fonesoh well, i guess i'll be back to bug you guys more :)03:23
fonesi hope you don't mind03:23
soulridermy kernel wont boot :P03:23
kubunterofones: tried the ntfs-3g?03:23
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intelikeywe don't mind.03:24
xenophile7x7lol, i dont mind. but my help is quite limited.03:24
fonesnot yet kubuntero, i've heard it could damage things?03:24
fonesi can't lose any of my files at all at this point03:24
Minatakusoulrider: Describe in more detail, please03:24
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intelikeythere is always that possability  but there are some good test results on it.03:24
soulriderit wont mount my root fs03:24
soulriderfones: i use ntfs3g03:25
xenophile7x7put in your win cd, and run the repair option. it might fix it03:25
soulridernever had a problem with it03:25
soulriderbut i dont use my ntfs partition much03:25
Minatakusoulrider: Are you passing the root= paramater to the kernel?03:25
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:25
soulrideryes i am03:25
fonesyeah i think i'm better off tyring to get my cd-rom drive to work03:25
sleepy495I opened envy package thats a debian, how do I run it?03:25
fonesxenophile7x7: that _never_ works03:25
MinatakuPerhaps a kernel upgrade is missing required modules in the initrd?03:25
xenophile7x7lol, draik NOTHIGN about vnc is secure03:25
fonesi have no idea why they even have a repair option :)03:25
intelikeysoulrider did you make a initramfs.img  or did you forget to build in fs support and disk support ?03:25
xenophile7x7fones: its worked for me before03:25
kubunterofones: I think that the risk of powering down is greater03:25
MinatakuWhat intelikey said03:25
draikxenophile7x7: What do you suggest? Seems that FreeNX is for dialup03:26
foneskubuntero: why is that?03:26
xenophile7x7draik: i dont know for linux.03:26
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draikxenophile7x7: Thank you03:26
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fonesxenophile7x7: that's the first thing i tried, just because, but it didnt work then and it actually never has for me before03:26
xenophile7x7draik: but theres is a built-in remot manager?03:26
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draikxenophile7x7: I tried that. It gave me my friend's router IP, couldn't remote03:27
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intelikeysoulrider kernel has to have support for the disk then (if you use them) the partition then the fs   if any link in the chain is missing you don't mount03:27
xenophile7x7fones: its worked for me before, but its limited. doesnt work often, but it wont hurt the data to try03:27
soulriderintelikey: i used the kenrel config form the one that comes with ubuntu, and i removed some stuff, but didnt toucht he fs part03:27
fonesxenophile7x7: ya03:27
kubunterofones: ntfs-3g has a 99.9998% chance of success. Powering down has a 100% chaince of failure03:27
fonesxenophile7x7: didnt work though for me, i tried it a couple hours ago03:27
xenophile7x7draik: he could just drop the router and direct connect when you need to access it?03:27
draikxenophile7x7: Nope. He's got his 2 daughters on there and a printer03:28
foneskubuntero: that doesn't sound too bad03:28
kubunteroHow do you end up with GIGs of stuff on a LIVE cd anyway?03:28
intelikeysoulrider ubuntu does not build in fs support nor disk support   it's in the initramfs.img    so did you make an initramfs.img ?03:28
fonesif you guys could help me get ntfs-3g working, i'm down to give it a shot03:28
soulriderintelikey: i dont think i have03:28
fonesi'll take your word on that it's mostly reliable03:28
kubunterofones: if it doesn't work 100% of the time and preserve data it's beta in teh Unix world03:28
foneskubuntero: sorry i think you missunderstood, the gigs of stuff is on my c: from windows03:28
xenophile7x7draik: ok, not too sure then.  im new to linux, so im not too familair with alot of the apps. but i do alot of security work, and vnc isnt secure at all. unless you two manually opened it when he needed yoour help, and then shut it down after. i wouldnt just let it run all the time though03:28
intelikeywelcome to kernels 101  :)03:28
fonesi'm trying to back it up, using kubuntu to do so03:29
kubunteroah this is a rescue mission03:29
soulriderlol intelikeyits late, i think ill tyr tomorrow03:29
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fonesbecuase i happened to download kubuntu live several months ago03:29
sleepy495how do un-install a .deb?03:29
soulriderbut thatnks for allt he info today03:29
fonesya it's a rescue mission03:29
soulrideryou REALLY helped me out03:29
kubunterohow much RAM do you have?03:29
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xenophile7x7fones: wait, i thought you were trying to copy from one external to the other?03:29
soulridersleepy495: you can click on it and then remove, or youc an do sudo aptitude purge <name>03:29
intelikeysoulrider you can  mkinitramfs -o <the output file> <version>03:29
kubunteroAnd you have 0 other computers?03:30
spitwisesleepy495: or sudo apt-get remove packagename03:30
kubunteroMTV sucks :)03:30
draikxenophile7x7: I was doing VNC over SSH03:30
fonesxeno, i'm trying to copy from my c: drive, or whatever (/mnt/ntfs) to my external drive03:30
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draikxenophile7x7: Even though, I still understand03:30
foneskubuntero: i know :)03:30
intelikeythen make grub load the initramfs.img with the kernel   as with other ubuntu kernels.03:30
fonesalso, i'm at home, not work03:30
xenophile7x7ahh, ok. makes more sense nwo03:30
draikxenophile7x7: Thank you for trying to help me. I appreciate the help.03:30
fonesthey are all mac at work03:30
fonesi am pc at home03:30
kubunteroI'd tell you to grab a rescue Live CD with NTFS support and get to going03:30
xenophile7x7draik: that could work. i just wouldnt run let it run constantly anyway. just start it when you need to. good luck though ^^03:30
=== fones confused
draikAnyone know of a channel for remote connections?03:31
fonesmaybe i should just try to get my cdrom drive to work again, and then see if i can get cdrdao installed again with your help03:31
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intelikeydraik ssh ?03:32
fonesif i can do that, i can burn to dvd and be fine03:32
foneshowever if i could get ntfs-3g to work, that would be a lot easier03:32
intelikeydraik for help setting up ?03:32
xenophile7x7that sounds like yoru best bet, if you can get the other drive to work03:32
xenophile7x7if not, wal-mart is open 24/703:32
draikintelikey: For trying to connect. The instructions for VNC over SSH didn't work for me03:32
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xenophile7x7may be able to get a  drive there03:32
fonesno wal-marts here i'm afraid03:32
xenophile7x7lol, walmart is EVERYWHERE03:33
intelikeydraik /join ##linux03:33
fonesnot in nyc, i know it's weird03:33
xenophile7x7gotta be one there somewhere03:33
fonesnot that i've ever seen anyways03:33
xenophile7x7hmmm...sounds like you need to call the Geek Squad03:33
intelikeydraik there are usually some networking admins in there that will help03:33
xenophile7x7your only about 20 mins then from connecticut. theres one right over the state line, dont recall the exit number though, i think exit 703:34
fonesok i'm going to try to get my cd-rom drive to work. thanks for the help! i'll probably be back soon03:34
xenophile7x7i mean, thats still a good 1/2 hour drive, but its an emergency option, if you need03:34
xenophile7x7alright, we'll be here03:34
fonesindeed, would be, but no one has a car here03:34
fonesi think only one of my friends here has ever driven before03:34
fonesthey aren't needed here03:35
fonesbut cool ya i'll be back :D03:35
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intelikeywal-mart  hehhe  i remember sam when he had 3 stores   he's been dead for years now but the business continues to grow.  it's gotten absolutely out of hand imo.03:36
xenophile7x7well, it was a good family business when sam ran it03:36
xenophile7x7now, its more like a cancer03:36
intelikeyyes it was.03:36
intelikeyand yes it is.03:36
xenophile7x7ever since his nephew or whatever took it over03:37
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intelikeyxenophile7x7 you'll have to try something else if you are trying to start a fight....03:37
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Seirisat the risk of sounding a little silly, I've started getting a sorry message, telling me it can't find the mime type application/octet-stream, usually when I try to run programs and boot the OS. I've changed reolv.conf and /network/interfaces and a couple of file associations, which of these would most likely produce the error?03:37
intelikeyi can't even disagree with you.03:37
xenophile7x7lol, hardly tryin to start a fight03:37
esaymWhats a good bare bones music player like foobar in windows? http://www.foobar2000.org/screenshots/index.html03:39
intelikeySeiris file associations ?03:39
manchickenesaym: noatun maybe?03:40
Seirischanged the html associations from konqueror to firefox, and added mp3 to the list03:40
intelikeyesaym i don't know foobar  but try  sox03:40
ubotusox: A universal sound sample translator. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.17.9-1 (edgy), package size 285 kB, installed size 656 kB03:40
esaymok keep them coming guys. I will look into all of them thanks03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:41
esaymno screenies? http://noatun.kde.org/screenshots/03:42
intelikeySeiris i suppose that the networking changes could produce that "if" you have an ip listed that automatically starts a octet-stream dl    ?03:42
jordo23how do I find a specific dir in my system? (fastest) I am looking for where Kubuntu installs easyh10...03:43
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draikintelikey: Nothing but kids on that channel :(03:43
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intelikeyesaym if you didn't mean 'bare bones'  try vlc03:43
draikjordo23: type     whereis easyh1003:43
intelikeydraik hmmm03:43
Seiriswell, it was only adding dns servers and changing ip for a different lan, so it could be dodgy dns lookup03:44
jordo23draik: thanks03:44
draikjordo23: No problem03:44
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esaymby bare bones i mean i just dont need fancy stuff03:45
Seirisintel: thanks for the hand, sorted it out, I changed the html association back to konqueror, all gone. Thanks again :)03:45
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Alter-Egowhat happens if you delete xorg.conf ?03:51
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ErtainTo install libqt3-mt-dev I thought of uninstalling the nVidia pack, because I have been told my video driver was the problem.  Though to remove the nVidia pack nvidia-kernel-common I would also have to uninstall the linux-386 pack.  My, is this confusing.03:56
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intelikeyhmmm roilities on natural gas is almost 2 cents per cubic foot      wonder what gas sells for now ?03:58
intelikeyanyone buy natural gas ?03:58
JunoI buy it monthly.  =D03:58
intelikeyany idea on the price rate ?03:59
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=== kubuntero considers making his own natuarl gas. hee hee hee
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Ertainintelikey: You said something about my video drivers being the culprit.  What do you mean, exactly?04:01
intelikeythat was total roilities land owner generally doesn't get but about 1/8  and that is per section   so if a land owner doesn't own that whole section of land then he has to split that .25 cents with his neibours.04:02
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intelikeyErtain a dependancy issue caused by the installed software that's the vidio driver package.    if you install the other you have to remove the driver...   and then if you reinstall the driver you have to remove the other.04:03
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kubunterohi nikkiana_lappy04:04
intelikeyErtain as i said i've never experanced that but i have seen others talking about it here.04:04
ErtainSo even if I remove the nvidia-glx pack I won't be able to install the libqt3-mt-dev pack?04:05
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intelikeyErtain not so.   you will be able to.    unless i have missed something04:05
JonTec__can I not connect to a ad-hoc wireless network with linux?04:05
spitwisesure you can04:06
intelikey!wifi | JonTec__04:06
ubotuJonTec__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:06
JonTec__intellikey, gracias, I will look04:06
ErtainI did remove the nvidia-glx pack, but I can't install the libqt3-mt-dev pack.04:06
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intelikeywas nvidia-glx all you installed ?    not compiz or something ?04:08
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intelikeyErtain check in adept and see if it says what it conflicts with ?04:09
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intelikeyi'm sure it's something to do with Xorg04:09
ErtainWhat, libqt3-mt-dev?04:10
JonTec__intellikey: is zeroconf what I have to use to connect to the ad-hoc?04:10
=== Ertain looks at the conflicts.
ubotulibqt3-mt-dev: Qt development files (Threaded). In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 51 kB, installed size 168 kB04:10
sleepy495how do I get keys for repositories?04:10
sleepy495it gives me http with a.gpg file04:10
intelikeyErtain err actually no  it was the mesa package in the error message.04:11
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ErtainSo I should look at the libgl1-mesa pack?04:12
sleepy495what does it mean when it says "Get public key" for repository?04:12
intelikeyErtain install that and you can install libqt3-mt-dev      errr should be able to04:12
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto04:13
ErtainActually, I have libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri installed.  If I tried to remove libgl1-mesa-glx it would also remove most of my other packs.04:14
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intelikeyErtain that's it.     try installing libglu1-mesa-dev04:15
ErtainRight-o then.04:16
=== Ertain tries to install libglu1-mesa-dev.
ErtainNope, that would break my install too.04:16
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intelikeyyep.    like i said you need jucato or fdoving or somebody that has actually been there.  i don't do non-free and/or non-distro repos.   so i can't tell you exactly what you can/should/might try.04:18
sleepy495can I run beryl without AIGLX or XGL?04:19
sleepy495someone told me today I could04:19
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ubotumobilemesh: Mobile adhoc networking. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-6.1 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 836 kB04:20
intelikeyErtain if it were me.  'being a console user anyway and not afraid of the dark' i would ## sudo apt-get remove libgl1-mesa-glx && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop libqt3-mt-dev04:20
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kubunterosleepy495: You can. Why would you want to?04:20
ErtainActually, I've already got kubuntu-desktop installed.04:20
kubunterosleepy495: You can get a car without an engine as well04:20
intelikeyif you remove libgl1-mesa-glx you wont have Ertain04:21
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sleepy495I have a GeForce 5900, they said I didn't need it04:21
kubunterosleepy495: They being..?04:21
draikintelikey: :( No luck finding help with remote connections to my friend's computer04:22
intelikeyand if you try what i mentioned you may have to reconfigure xorg04:22
sleepy495someone in here, I don't remember04:22
sleepy495is aiglx ok to install?04:22
kubunterosleepy495: Yes but you may want to ask in #ubuntu-xgl or #beryl04:22
intelikeydraik  ;'|04:22
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intelikeyErtain was it beryl you installed ?     i'm still trying to get to the bottom of why this conflict exists....04:25
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ErtainI do have Beryl installed.04:25
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intelikeyok i was wrong then it's not the vidio driver but the vidio extentions.     (xgl)04:26
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draikThank you intelikey for your help. I'm outta here...04:27
ErtainOkay, I'll try removing that.04:27
=== Ertain removes Beryl.
intelikeyErtain no that wont do it.04:27
ErtainFigures. :(04:27
intelikeyit's what was needed for beryl    'xgl'04:27
ErtainSo you think it's a conflict with Xgl?04:27
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BluesKajberyl is useless eye candy for anyone using ATI cards ...it shuts off a whole range of programs that require direct rendering04:28
intelikeyand   xgl is not compatable with libqt3-mt-dev  because it depends on libgl1-mesa-glx     the two are mutually exclusive.  one or the other. not both.04:28
Jucatothat would explain it...04:29
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intelikeyJucato where you been hiding.  you could have answered that an hour ago.04:29
Jucatointelikey: he PM'ed me... I didn't know the answer04:30
Jucato(that and I have no X to work productively)04:30
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ErtainHere, I'll try removing Xgl.04:31
intelikeyJucato you did install beryl one time,  no ?     i thought i remembered you talking to someone else about this very issue.04:31
=== Ertain tries removing Xgl.
JucatoI didn't install xserver-xgl04:31
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intelikeymmmm may have been that guy with a name much like yours,  he's in #ubuntu all the time but only in here seldomly....    it's been too long.   but i do remember someone talking about that very dependancy problem and the descussion  lead to the point that adding software that wasn't from the supported repos had caused the problem.04:34
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intelikeyif it had been my problem i would no doubt paid more attention.04:35
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Jucatodefinitely not me. I have only gone into #ubuntu once or twice and not for more than 30 seconds each :)04:35
intelikeywell the discussion was in here tho.04:35
intelikeybut i believe you.  it wasn't you.04:36
jordo23jucato: how do I get a script to run visually in konsole so I can see it execute if I click on the shortcut?04:36
intelikeybut believe me,  i thought it was you...  until you corrected me  :)04:36
Jucatointelikey: you're obviously hallucinating :P04:37
ErtainRats.  I removed xserver-xgl but I still can't install libqt-3-mt-dev.04:37
verbosewhat file tells bash which files can be arguments to a command. for example, when you type `mplayer <tab>` what tells bash that blah.avi should follow mplayer and not asdf.txt04:37
intelikeyjordo23 add set -x     about the second line.04:37
Jucatojordo23: sorry, I don't know... :(04:37
jordo23intelikey:  I have the script on my desktop and want to see it esecute in konsole....right..04:38
kubunterojordo23: I think you   can right clcik and set it to run in terminal04:38
kubuntero A terminal should open then04:38
ErtainBtw, I have libqt4-core installed.04:38
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jordo23kubuntero: dont see the option... :(04:39
intelikeyjordo23 yes.  if you are debugging it   add set -x     then run it.    or if you just want to know how to exec it   ./filename.sh04:39
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JucatoErtain: libqt4 shouldn't be a problem04:40
jordo23intelikey:  with the word "add" or just set -x04:40
intelikeyjust set -x04:40
intelikey#set -x # used only for debuging.04:40
intelikeyuncommented it is very verbose04:41
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intelikeyset -x # used only for debuging.   <<<< like that.04:41
jordo23intelikey  I added set -x at the second line and nothing...04:41
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intelikeydid you run it ?04:41
intelikeyhave to execute it04:41
jordo23I clicked on it....and it didn't open in Konsole04:41
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kubunteroKwallet doesnt serve a purpose?04:42
ErtainBtw, if I removed nvidia-kernel-common, it would also remove the linux-386 pack.04:42
intelikeyok    i understand your issue now.   comment out the set -x    that's not what you are asking.04:42
intelikeyright click it and set the properites to executable04:42
jordo23intelikey: did that04:43
intelikeyright click it and open with    type in konsole04:43
ErtainWith a script, in the konsole I usually do "./script" to execute it.04:43
intelikeyErtain yes assuming it's executable.     sh script.sh    if it's not.04:44
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intelikeyor even#  sh /full/path/to/script.sh04:44
intelikeywhat i want to know is how to vet a veriable from a script to the console that called it04:46
jordo23intelikey: Only worked once....I need to run this script often, and always want to see it execute in Konsole...04:46
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intelikeygat  got     goat04:46
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intelikeygut the darned thing.04:46
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sleepy495How do I upgrade kernel module after graphic install?04:47
ErtainIf I tried to remove libgl1-mesa-glx it would remove most of my programs.04:47
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kubunteroOk honestly whats the point of Kwallet?04:48
intelikeyjordo23 so you could describe exactly what you are trying to do    TO BEGIN WITH   and then someone could sujest a course of action to get you there.04:48
jordo23intelikey: sorry :)04:48
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intelikeyErtain we covered that ground already.04:49
jordo23intelikey: I need this script to update a portable device.....I need to see when it finishes so I know when to disconnect it....meaning I made a script and I want to click it and have it execute in konsole with the window open....04:49
intelikeylets not run circles04:49
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intelikeyjordo23 may i see the script ?    pastebin04:50
intelikey!pastebin | jordo2304:50
ubotujordo23: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
jordo23intelikey: I know about pastebin :)04:51
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jordo23intelikey  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/85563304:52
intelikeyand would you also check that the command#  xmessage working             works for you please...04:52
jordo23for me?04:53
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intelikeyjust alt+f2 and type in     xmessage working04:53
kubunterohow do I save a Windows document with Kate?04:53
jordo23brought up a little box04:53
robert____how can i determine what my wireless card i have?04:54
jordo23intelikey: The line of code updates a portable music device when connected...04:54
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intelikeyok would that be acceptable for your needs?     if so add to the end of line #4 in your script exactly this without the single quotes   ' && xmessage "<any successful message here>" || xmessage "<some error message here>" '           and test your script by clicking it.04:56
intelikeyinturpret all within  <>   custom message04:56
jordo23intelikey:  Wouldn't be acceptable because I need to see the output that the line generates...04:57
intelikeyjordo23 is it one line ?04:57
jordo23intelikey:  Really I just want to click on it....execute the script in Konsole, and keep the window open until I exit from it...04:58
jordo23intelikey: No...several lines of output...04:58
intelikeyjordo23 how about this then  make line four read exactly like this.   xmessage "`easyh10 -Un -on /media/usbdisk`"04:59
intelikeytest that  ^04:59
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intelikeynote those ` are not ' be sure you use `04:59
sleepy495I'm stuck on this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1013/05:00
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intelikeynot '"'""'"   :)05:00
sleepy495keeps saying can't find package for that05:00
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sleepy495following instructions on Beryl on Ubuntu Dapper with AIGLX05:01
lovlossI know thiss is off topic, but how do i go about finding out what kind of processor limits my motherboard has? Like, if i want to upgrade the processor, how much can it handle?05:01
jordo23intelikey: got it....but it didn't show the output in a Konsole window...05:01
Linux_Galoresleepy495: then it cant find it on the repo, if its not there it means you have the wrong one05:02
sleepy495what do I do?05:02
intelikeysleepy495 konsole command#  [ "2.6.15-27-386" = "`uname -r`" ]  && echo "not it" || echo "there's your problem"05:02
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Linux_Galoresleepy495: setup the correct repository05:02
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Linux_Galoresleepy495: if its not there it obviously cant install it, that just means 1 of two things, setup the correct repository use install the correct package thats "is" on the repository05:03
Linux_Galoreor use*05:04
intelikey!find linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-38605:04
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-386 does not exist in edgy05:04
intelikey!find linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-386 dapper05:04
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri-modules-2.6.15-27-386 does not exist in dapper05:04
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Linux_Galore15 is dapper not edgy duh!05:05
ErtainHow does one downgrade packs?05:05
Linux_Galore2.6.17 is edgy05:05
Linux_Galore2.6.15 is dapper05:05
intelikeyErtain install the specific version05:05
intelikeyLinux_Galore yes.  and ?05:05
intelikeypackage is not in the repos anyway.05:06
Linux_Galorewell if you have edgy forget 2.6.1505:06
aknGreetings, Need help with display resolution/05:06
sleepy495I have dapper05:06
intelikeyi don't have edgy and sleepy495 didn't mention what he's using.05:06
intelikeynow he did.05:06
intelikeybut the package is not in dapper repos anyway.05:07
intelikey!find linux-dri-modules dapper05:07
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri-modules does not exist in dapper05:07
intelikey!find linux-dri dapper05:07
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri does not exist in dapper05:07
sleepy495so I can't use aiglx?05:07
Linux_Galoresleepy495: not unless you on edgy05:08
vulcaniusarg, i hate hosting companies that strip down the version of ubuntu they install and remove the apt sources.list05:08
intelikeynot installing it from the ubuntu repos you can't05:08
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sleepy495any good how to's for kubuntu xgl?05:08
intelikey!find linux-dri05:08
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri does not exist in edgy05:08
intelikeynotice ^05:08
intelikey!find linux-dri*05:09
ubotuPackage/file linux-dri* does not exist in edgy05:09
BluesKajnite folks05:09
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intelikeynot sure the bot takes wild cards tho05:09
Linux_Galoresleepy495: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL05:10
Linux_Galoresleepy495: sorry thats eddy this is the dapper one -> http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Dapper_with_AIGLX05:11
sleepy495               r_with_AIGLX05:12
sleepy495where it says "instgall aiglx I can't get past that step, thats where the error starts05:13
sleepy495should I use xgl?05:13
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hawk_i was woundering if there is any good game05:14
hawk_well nevermind then05:14
Linux_Galoresleepy495: the package is on the repo so your doing it wrong05:14
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kubunterohawk_: Thats not really a question05:15
Linux_Galoresleepy495: list of packages available -> http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/dapper/main/05:15
kubuntero/me grrs05:15
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intelikeyLinux_Galore where ?   oh  beryl-project.org05:15
Linux_Galoreintelikey: yep05:15
hawk_what is the best program for playing dvds05:15
Linux_Galoreintelikey: they have the dapper stuff05:16
intelikeya non-ubuntu repo05:16
Linux_Galoreintelikey: who cares05:16
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intelikeyi do05:16
LameBMXhola peoples05:16
hawk_what is the best program for playing dvds05:16
Linux_Galoreintelikey: well tell them to mirror the stuff then05:16
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intelikeycause he'll be back with the same problem that ertain has about not being able to install things05:17
intelikeythings that are in the ubuntu repos05:17
sleepy495what repository should I add so it works05:17
Linux_Galoreintelikey: also thats an Ubuntu domain05:17
Linux_Galoreintelikey: repo05:17
Linux_Galoreintelikey: pretty official to me05:17
hawk_what is the best program for playing dvds05:17
intelikeyLinux_Galore so if M$ adds a ubuntu.microsoft.com  then it's a ubuntu repo ?05:18
Linux_Galoresleepy495: deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org dapper main05:18
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LeeJunFanhawk_: enuff spamming, there are plenty to take your pick from...05:19
hawk_well can you tell me one05:19
LeeJunFanhawk_: vlc, kaffeine, xine, etc...05:19
Linux_Galoreintelikey: you as about usefull as a imperial spanner on a moon mission05:19
hawk_kaffein dos not work05:19
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:19
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intelikeysleepy495 do what Linux_Galore said   but be advised that it make make it impossable to install things that are in the ubuntu repos later on....05:20
intelikeymake make      might make.05:20
Linux_Galoreintelikey: you can have multiple repo's05:20
LameBMXokay folks .. what are some common services to kill ... im fresh to kubuntu from ubuntu05:20
Linux_Galoreintelikey: if it complain later just remove it05:20
LeeJunFanLinux_Galore: the problem he's trying to explain is that some repos have things that conflict with REAL ubuntu packages.05:21
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Linux_GaloreLeeJunFan: no he gets "I cant find it"05:21
LeeJunFanLinux_Galore: and may replace official packages, so you may find yourself removing a lot more than just the one package you want from that repos.05:21
Linux_GaloreLeeJunFan: because "its not there"05:21
intelikeyLinux_Galore that won't fix it.   you'll have to uninstall the offending packages and to do that you'll have to uninstall xorg    to some that's a reinstall of the os05:21
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intelikeybecause some of these M$ converts simply panic if the mouse doesn't work.05:22
rodrigoalguien k hable espaol05:22
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intelikeyLeeJunFan glad you understand that.05:23
Linux_Galoreto be honest I dont thing beryl should be mentioned untill the dam things is stable anyway05:23
velleis it possible to search for programs in aptitude without entering the TUI?05:23
Ash-FoxSomething, really weird is happening with Firefox -- I can't resolve any websites with it. I can resolve everything just fine with dig, host. Other browsers like Konqueror, links, lynx are able to resolve sites just fine. Firefox can open URLs that contain IP addresses. Anybody happen to have any ideas?05:23
intelikeyLinux_Galore i agree.05:24
LameBMXLinux_Galore, it is stable if you play with it some lol05:24
intelikey!works for me05:24
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:24
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LameBMXLinux_Galore, i wont say its stable out of the box .. but its still young05:24
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Linux_GaloreLameBMX: I have its a million miles from stable05:24
LeeJunFanit's pretty stable.05:24
LeeJunFanI've been running it for months, but then I don't repos it - I compile from svn05:25
LameBMXLinux_Galore, its about as close to rock solid for me as one could expect ...05:25
LameBMXsvn here also05:25
Linux_GaloreLameBMX: no were near it, Im still handing is bug reports05:25
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oggy_whats teh best torrent client for ubuntu05:26
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/05:26
LameBMXand mind you it has weird little things here and there  ... but why not mention beryl?05:26
LeeJunFanoggy_: ktorrent05:26
LameBMXthe more people that use it .. the more bugs dealt with now is what will make it more stable across the wide range of systems in the near future05:26
OolaBI'm trying to decide whether to upgrade to Edgy or not, since I hear it can break stuff.05:26
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LeeJunFanLameBMX: the point was not to mention it to people who aren't comfortable with linux.05:26
Linux_GaloreLameBMX: well either beryl is part of the install or it's not, right now its "not" so Im against telling anyone ot use it, especially a newbie05:27
LameBMXahhh ... well one guy in beryl chan put it really good ... beryl is a big draw for nix these days ...05:27
LeeJunFanwe really don't need bug reports from people who dont understand the difference between an xgl, beryl or kde bug.05:27
LameBMXLinux_Galore, i feel your pain there05:27
OolaBShould I try upgrading?05:28
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LeeJunFanIt is a big draw, but the people who want to install it need hand holding just to get GL working mostly.05:28
Linux_GaloreOolaB: do a fresh install, I have yet to get a dapper-edgy install that works without a pile of errors05:28
dthackerLeeJunFan:  I triage. amen!05:29
LeeJunFanOolaB: well, if you want it bad enough to do a fresh install upgrading might be worth a try, but if it doesn't work, fall back to a fresh install.05:29
Linux_GaloreOolaB: it can be done, just If you not familiar with hacking out errors then I wouldnt advise it05:29
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vulcaniusanyone know of web based music streaming software?05:30
Linux_Galorevulcanius: server or client05:31
LeeJunFanOolaB: it may get some dependancy stuff muxed up, you may need to do some manual installing or removing, apt-get -f install's etc.05:31
vulcaniusi mean what i can install on my server to be able to access my collection remotely05:31
LameBMXLeeJunFan, again i feel the pain ...but beryl brought me to it lol ... well i had played with it a few times before ...had a round with gentoo ... then setup a vector AAO server .. and after about a year of not having a linux desktop .. beryl brought me back05:31
OolaBWhat kind of errors should I expect?05:31
intelikeyand after they need hand holding and nose wiping to install it,  then they come in here with a broken package error message the they have no idea why and can't give enough information to help us find the cause and get pissed and say things like "if this is all there is to linux, who needs it"   or  "linux is not ready for prime time"    so if that's your desire linux_galore in moving people to beryl.....05:31
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LameBMXbut anyways .. there is always #beryl for that sort of discussion ... im here to learn about some kubuntu action lol05:31
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vulcaniusLinux_Galore: i'm looking for something server side05:32
Linux_Galoreintelikey: I see my earlier comments, I think the ubuntu team have to decide if they want berly there or not of just deny it exists05:32
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intelikeyLinux_Galore but they made their choice.   beryl is not in ubuntu repos.05:33
LeeJunFanLameBMX: yeah, but you knew linux well enough to use svn and install the build deps, compile, etc... Most of what we get in here is someone who doesn't know 1) how to login as root, 2) how to install GLX, 3) how to setup sources.list05:33
LeeJunFanberyl is stable, but not quite suited to be default yet.05:33
LameBMXactually i didnt .. well i knew how to compile from installin gentoo ...05:33
intelikeythe ubuntu team will add beryl at some point.05:34
LeeJunFanFor instance, right now from svn emerald theme manager doesn't change themes w/o restarting emerald.05:34
LameBMXLeeJunFan, i would def agree with that statement ..05:34
LameBMXyea i noticed that one lol .. not bad cuz beryl is susposed to be broke due to gtk or something lol05:34
LameBMXwell how do you login as root?05:35
LameBMXwithout adding a root account lol05:35
LeeJunFanyeah, this weekend is beryl bug fixing weekend, so it should be getting some attention.05:35
LeeJunFansudo -i05:35
xenophile7x7anyone seen fones come back on?05:35
LameBMXthats not root .. sudo lol05:35
LameBMXsorry i had to say it05:35
LeeJunFanwell it'll give a root shell.05:36
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LameBMXman ... and i thought it beroot (yea so ive played with a lil bash scripting) .. but then again im lazy05:36
intelikeyLameBMX not root ?05:36
bg__my battery indicator disappeared as soon as I installed ati drivers. I know it is probably not connected. How do I start it up again?05:36
intelikeyLameBMX if sudo -i    isn't root then  su -    isn't root either.05:37
LameBMXgotta love the land of makebelieve in computers .. last i checked there is no root account for buntu ... but you can sudo root ...05:37
intelikeythey are the same thing.05:37
=== Ash-Fox rubs his head, "Okay... I cannot get the ubuntu version of firefox to resolve any sites, the 'vanilla' binary from mozilla.org can't resolve sites... Konqueror can resolve sites, lynx can resolve sites, Firefox on another linux installation can resolve sites, dig can resolve hosts just fine, host can resolve hosts just fine >
intelikeythere is a root account on all linux systems.05:37
LameBMXthough im not 100% clear on that concept05:37
hawk_thank you all for your help i got my dvds working05:37
LeeJunFanLameBMX: there is a root account, it's just that the password is disabled, so login won't work as root.05:38
Ash-FoxUsing a clean firefox profile doesn't help, I don't see any errors in the console when I run firefox from there. Anybody have any ideas on what todo?05:38
LameBMXso its there but just can not be logged on ... k makes sense too05:38
intelikeyLameBMX less /etc/passwd05:38
LeeJunFanLameBMX: consider that most attacks against a unix system will try to gain root, if root logins are disabled they aren't going to get anywhere.05:38
LameBMXyea i uderstand why root was disabled ...05:38
LameBMXjust wasnt clear on how they disabled it05:39
Ash-FoxLameBMX, they removed the password :P05:39
oggy_eye of gnome rox05:39
intelikeyLeeJunFan but if they hang out in here they just attack the user account and if they crack "root jr."'s password   they own the box.05:39
LeeJunFanintelikey: true. Now that ubuntu is as popular as it is, it's no secret. Security by obscurity only makes it slightly more difficult, for a while :)05:40
intelikeylike junfan for yours...05:40
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dthackerhow can I sudo to root and stay root if I have several rootly tasks?05:41
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LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, but I have a 12char mixed password with no dictionary words :)05:41
LameBMXyea buddy of mine noticed he always used a bash script called beroot .. which did that pass automatically05:41
LeeJunFandthacker: sudo -i05:41
dthackerLeeJunFan: tnx05:41
intelikeydthacker sudo -i        or sudo su -         same thing.05:41
LameBMXlol ... yea get used to sudo -i ... its a lot less typing in the end05:41
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LeeJunFanintelikey: I was also thinking that someone could write a script to alias sudo to a sudo wrapper which would steal the root pass. Actually making ubuntu less secure in a way.05:42
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sleepy495whats the command to check the version of my kernel?05:42
LeeJunFanintelikey: so if you get the user to run some script creating the alias as a non priv user, subsequent sudo's woudl give the password up.05:42
=== dthacker gets grumpy about sudo sometimes, since he's had root one place or another for over 15 years
intelikeyLeeJunFan but i wonder how many think "well this is just my user account"   and have a password like if yours was  junfan   name and passwd are the same...05:43
Linux_Galoreverbose: you can setup icecast or shoutcast05:43
LameBMXsleepy495, uname -r05:43
dthackersleepy495: uname -are05:43
LeeJunFanintelikey: I'm sure many do.05:43
xenophile7x7leejun: kinda a phishing attempt? like a false webpage that takes yoru pass, then transferws you to the real webpage with a 'pass incorrect' message?05:43
LeeJunFanintelikey: we can only hope they haven't installed telnet or sshd05:43
intelikeyand vnc server05:43
LameBMXuname: invalid option -- e05:44
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: no, it'd have to be something that was run locally by the unprivileged user.05:44
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intelikeyset kdm to allow remote login    and so forth05:44
sleepy495I guess I'm stuck if they don't have the right module05:44
LeeJunFanintelikey: another good thing is that most people are behind routers, I suspect, so they aren't exposed.05:45
LameBMXfor what sleepy49505:45
intelikeyLeeJunFan some i'm sure.05:45
xenophile7x7well, obviously, but its the same concept. it'd be like a false CLI prompt. any input would be recorded and a pass workd error would be displayed, and youd be tranfered to the real prompt.05:45
sleepy495beryl, neeeded module 2.6.15-27 but they dont have it05:45
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LameBMXsorry we just had a lil discussion about beryl like 5 minutes ago05:46
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: yeah, that as well. My thought was a simple bash script which would make a bash alias for sudo, when someone runs sudo it'll be intercepted by the wrapper script, which gains the password, then continues to run the sudo command as normal, not giving up the fact that anything is wrong at all.05:47
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xenophile7x7could be implemented by replacing the CLI shortcut. user opens the infected cli, runs a command like sudo apt-get whatever, infected cli takes the pass, returns an error, and returns a  real prompt.05:47
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/05:47
LameBMXLeeJunFan, dont need an erro05:47
xenophile7x7hmmm...that'd be even better. be a hard script to write though05:47
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: the point being that the same stupidity that gets windows infected by having a user click an e-mail attachment could be exploited on ubuntu and yeild the password the first time they run sudo.05:47
xenophile7x7lol, of course05:48
LameBMXsleepy495, id advice to stick to like 0.1.4 or whatever the last stable version was05:48
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xenophile7x7layer 8 has the weakest security05:48
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: heh, yeah.05:48
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LameBMXyea anything would be fairly well open to that ..the hard part is gettin the theft app there without having elevated privledges05:49
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kubunterovelle: aptitude search package05:49
LameBMXor as i feel things are ... are balancing act between keeping noobs out and maintaining ease of opertion05:50
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: sudo -S causes the password to be read from the stdin instead of the terminal, so echo "password" | sudo $1 should do it.05:50
intelikeyLeeJunFan like adding ./.bin/  to the users path and puting sudo in there with /usr/bin/sudo "$@" \n echo "$*" >> ~/.bin/.something           in it.05:50
LeeJunFanerr, sudo -S $105:50
xenophile7x7hmm...didnt know that05:50
intelikeycome back in a while and do cat ~/.bin/.something05:50
LeeJunFanxenophile7x7: yeah, that makes it a lot easier to script in bash. :(05:50
Ash-FoxHeh, well looking under straces, I discovered Firefox kept trying to connect to something called 'nscd' for lookups for some reason. So I installed that daemon and suddenly firefox and resolve everything like every other application.05:51
=== ibb [n=andy@adsl-69-211-19-124.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
lovlossis a socket A chip the same as a socket AM2?05:51
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LameBMXlovloss, no05:51
LeeJunFanintelikey: right, or have it quietly call a webpage to post or GET a form which submits the data you want.05:51
vellekubuntero: thanks, if i try using a regular exp, e.g. 'aptitude search *lime*' i get an error, isnt this regexp valid?05:51
lovlossSo in other words, tigerdirect carries no cpu at *all* that will fit my socket a -.-05:52
LameBMXlovloss, that old of a computer .. yea .. cricky they barely carry 478 p4's05:52
xenophile7x7someone with more scripting experience than me should try it out lol05:52
lovlossLameBMX: Its not old, its just a cheap mobo. Boots from usb and everything05:53
xenophile7x7just a local script to see it you can get it to echo to the screen in clear text05:53
intelikeyLeeJunFan if i was doing that i'd have it have it send the info by email and rm the copy and also rm it's self as soon as it exits.05:53
LameBMXand a socket a?05:53
lovlossLameBMX: yep. only cost me 60$05:53
LameBMXlovloss, how many pins on it05:53
xenophile7x7it it'll write to the screen, should be easy output it anywhere else05:53
lovlossLameBMX:  pins...?05:53
LameBMXthats .. what amd .. barton time05:53
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, but keeping it on there means you get an update on the IP addy every time they connect. :)05:53
kubunterovelle: no05:53
LeeJunFanerr every time they use sudo I mean.05:53
kubunterojust use it without the stars it'll find it05:54
lovlossLameBMX: well it is defiantely socket A, says so on the board05:54
LameBMXone sec lovloss05:54
xenophile7x7youd only need it once. lest they were on something like dial-up05:54
vellekubuntero: thanks05:54
lovlossIts a Winfast 748k7aa05:54
intelikeyLeeJunFan yeah  but if you act as soon as it mails you then you can drop in and own the box  then you can do anything you want.05:54
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LeeJunFanintelikey: true. Could easily have it install a rootkit as it's payload too.05:55
xenophile7x7leejun, jsut use sub7 lol. its the uber 1337'est05:55
LeeJunFanI've already got on here I've tried, but haven't played with much.05:55
intelikeythere is a chance that even with all your percautions you can be caught doing things as a user,  sudo can leave a trail.05:56
LameBMXlovloss, barton was a specific athlon xp chip05:56
kubunteroLeeJunFan: Big difference is that they have to do work now05:56
lovlossLameBMX: So what does thta mean05:56
LeeJunFanhere you go.05:57
LeeJunFanjunfan@jkd:~/.sudo$ ./virusudo whoami05:57
intelikeyLeeJunFan yes   "own" the box.   but at any rate.  i've been offtopic for an hour now.... i think that's enough.05:57
LeeJunFanintelikey: :)05:57
LeeJunFanin the above I called my sudo wrapper, entered the password, and it showed my whoami as root, the password was saved in a file called .virusudo05:58
LameBMXlovloss, yea too old of a cpu .. not even on newegg .. try ebay ... look for barton :) its oc will make you happy05:58
lovlossi dont want to spend tons more than i have to. I have 150$ gift card for tigerdirect,and i can add money on top of that. but i really want to speed this machine up05:58
lovlossLameBMX: or i could get a new motherboard... but these days my memory might not even work right05:58
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LameBMXlovloss, what you got in it now ... specifically ram and cpu05:58
intelikeyLeeJunFan now on this box  that wont work.05:59
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LameBMXlovloss, its been my experience that spending the money on a good mobo is better than buying a faster cpu lol05:59
lovlossLameBMX: The cpu is a 1.5 ghz athlon sempron, with a 64k cache :P   The ram is 1 gig of ddr05:59
LeeJunFanintelikey: how?06:00
intelikeyLeeJunFan i'm mounted    nosuid    so sudo and su are worthless to anyone but root.    and the root account is still locked.06:00
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LeeJunFanintelikey: so you have to reboot to get root?06:00
intelikeyone would have to commit insurection on a root console to get root access.    init opens a root console.06:01
LameBMXintelikey, isnt that a pain in the but though? or did you give ur self axx to mount?06:01
LeeJunFanintelikey: ah, nice.06:01
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intelikeyand i have know for a long time that if you let me ahold of the keyboard the box is mine   so local security is not an issue06:02
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, when it comes to physical security of my laptop that's where my .45 comes in :)06:02
intelikeyLameBMX being a console user anyway and having one console dedicated to root it's normal for me.06:02
intelikeyLeeJunFan yep06:03
lovlossLameBMX: not sure exactly what type of ddr tho...  i know that the board handles  226 333 and 40006:03
intelikey12ag here.06:03
LameBMXi feel ya intelikey ... even with xp and vista .. is was still stuck at the cli06:03
LameBMXand nix it makes things even easier ... cept for dir / ls .. ip vs if config06:03
LeeJunFanIt's funny how people get so hooked on the GUI, whenever I have to use windows I find myself griping about the lack of a usable CLI.06:04
LameBMXbut its all good .. play with xp then *nix and go hitup a real router ... and you head is spinning06:04
LameBMXLeeJunFan, the cli is very usable .. just everyone hides info about it .. walk people htough a gui06:05
lovlossanything i can type into the console to find out what kind of memory i have exactly?06:05
lovlosssince you guys like consoles ^_^06:05
intelikeyless /proc/meminfo06:05
LeeJunFanLameBMX: yeah, but the common network commands are neutered, traceroute, ping, etc.. no host command, no pingflooding to test for loss under load.06:05
intelikeylovloss less /proc/meminfo06:06
LeeJunFanof course I don't think I'd want windows to have a pingflood ability by default, bad enough all the spam coming from those botnets.06:06
lovlossI mean like what kind of ram it is...06:06
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intelikeyif that don't have the info you want try   lshw | less06:06
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lovlosstheres nowhere that will tell me whether its DDR this or DDR that...?06:07
LameBMXyea well that stuff is more settin an option for what nix has defaults ..06:07
intelikey  lshw | less06:07
intelikeyclose as i can think of .06:07
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LeeJunFanwow, my CPU is 800MHz in size, is that BIG? :)06:08
LameBMXlovloss, if you havent built a system then dont play with building one .. or prepare yourself for a lot of learning and research06:08
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n0necan anyone help me with installing GCC?06:09
intelikeyi guess that depends on how big a mhz really is   lol06:09
LeeJunFan!build-essential | n0ne06:09
ubotun0ne: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:09
sleepy495any command to tell if I have 3d rendering06:09
lovlossLameBMX: :( I need to have a faster processor though06:09
intelikeyn0ne you need to issue# sudo apt-get install buid-essential06:10
LeeJunFansleepy495: glxinfo | grep "direct render"06:10
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LameBMX1/800MHz * (electrical travel speed ... Vdp or approx 70%-80% of the speed of light)06:10
LameBMXthats how big his hertz is lol06:11
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LameBMXthough tough luck finding the Vdp spec for cpu traces06:11
LameBMXdirect rendering: No .... :\ ... kinda makes me06:12
LameBMXmiss aiglx06:12
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intelikeyLeeJunFan i have on box that does not have "login" installed.   they are all "nosuid" and i figured if i had init open one root console  why not have it open a user console too and do away with logins all togather   all accounts on that box are locked and there is not getty    hehhe and it does run kde btw.06:12
intelikeyon box/one box06:13
dustin|sleeplovloss, it's really not _that_ hard though, if you're willing to do a bit of reading first.06:13
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LeeJunFanintelikey: hehe, so long as you don't need remote.06:13
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intelikeyLeeJunFan heh yeah it's remote out only.  :)06:14
n0neomg i can't understand how2install gcc...06:14
aakarshi just tried kontact with my imap account and it choked06:14
aakarshapparently 3000 messages is too much for it06:14
intelikeyn0ne you need to issue# sudo apt-get install buid-essential06:14
n0neand so?06:15
n0nei wrote it06:15
LeeJunFanaakarsh: yeah, it can take a long time to proc that many messages. I hate when I forget to empty my trash until 10k messages.06:15
intelikeyn0ne it's that simple.                                                                                                             sudo apt-get install buid-essential06:15
n0nei wrote it06:15
LameBMXthe physical building of a computer is easy ... gettin parts setup will work takes a little bit of research ... setting up a computer whoes parts compliment each other is a lot more difficult06:15
intelikeyin a konsole06:15
intelikeyand it said ?06:15
intelikeydon't flood the channel06:15
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LeeJunFann0ne: if you have multiple lines use pastebin06:16
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n0ne.. %06:16
n0ne  ... 06:16
n0neE:   build-essential06:16
LeeJunFanhehe, we must be preemptive strike kind of guys.06:16
n0nei got this06:16
LameBMXkonqueror or firefox ?!?!?! whats the opinions06:16
intelikeyok can you translate that for me ?06:16
n0nei dunno what that mean06:16
intelikeythe line tha starts with E:06:16
LeeJunFanokay, either I'm missing that fontset or the Joker is trying to send secret messages to catwoman.06:17
LameBMX!pastebin n0ne06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin n0ne - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
vulcaniusis anyone here running an install of dapper drake server? i need a copy of the sources.list if possible06:17
LameBMX!pastebin | n0ne06:17
ubotun0ne: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:17
Jucatohehe ditto... I'm seeing diamonds :)06:17
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=== intelikey votes on the joker
LameBMXi got cirlce ? marks lol06:17
vulcaniusnevermind that request06:17
LeeJunFandiamonds with question marks in them here.06:17
dwidmannyes, lots of them06:18
Jucato% to06:18
LameBMXid copy and past to show you what im seeing .. but you all would just see what you want to see anyways lol06:18
LameBMXso fine then dont belienve me :P06:18
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LeeJunFann0ne: what version of kubuntu are you using?06:19
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intelikeymodem reset06:20
n0nelatest stable06:20
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intelikeylatest stable ???? warty ?06:20
intelikeyhoary ?06:20
=== dwidmann laughs
intelikeybreezy ?06:20
coreymon77wait what?06:20
LeeJunFanintelikey: hehe, that's what I was wondering - if it was older gcc was not in main.06:20
dwidmannwarty, and stable in the same setence?06:20
coreymon77isnt edgy the latest stable06:21
n0needgy i think06:21
=== noiesmo votes edgy latest stable
intelikeydwidmann like edgy and stable in the same breath06:21
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n0nedunno man, i've just downloaded GCC from theyr website, but can't ./configure it06:21
dwidmannI don't know, edgy seems relatively stable to me ...06:21
LeeJunFanno, now this is funny - vista stable06:21
intelikeyn0ne why dl from their site ?06:22
n0newhy not?06:22
coreymon77who comes up with these crazy names06:22
dwidmannwarty segfaulted on me every five minutes, and froze every half hour, which is why I kept debian and didn't move to kubuntu til breezy06:22
coreymon77hoary hedgehog06:22
intelikeycause you can't compile gcc without gcc ?06:22
coreymon77breezy badger06:22
coreymon77dapper drake06:22
coreymon77edgy eft06:22
coreymon77feisty fawn06:22
n0neYEA, he can't find compiler06:22
intelikeywon't that be a recursive error06:22
coreymon77who comes up with these crazy names06:22
n0neand i dunno what to do, cus all programs are looking for gcc to ./configure themselves06:23
Tm_Tcoreymon77: Us.06:23
=== VIC-20 is now known as Mythbusters
coreymon77and what was "a"06:23
coreymon77amuzing aardvark?06:23
LeeJunFann0ne: need to figure out why sudo apt-get install build-essential isn't working.06:23
intelikeywhy is anything wanting ./configure ?06:23
intelikeyn0ne this is a .deb distro.06:23
Tm_Tcoreymon77: There wasn't any "a".06:23
intelikeynot a source distor n0ne06:23
JucatoTm_T: g'day sir! :)06:23
Tm_THi kids.06:24
n0neomg look at this06:24
coreymon77or "c" cryptic cockatoo?06:24
vulcaniusgross, 12:30am and i was still wearing my oncall pager06:24
Dasnipaintelikey, why wouldnt one want ./configure... i happen to do a lot of dev on my *buntu machine06:24
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n0neconfigure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH06:24
Tm_Tcoreymon77: That neither I think.06:24
Jucaton0ne: what are you trying to compile?06:24
LeeJunFanI wanted flatulent ferret for F, but that didn't fly.06:24
n0nei'm tryin' to install GCC06:24
intelikeyn0ne that's what we've been telling you.06:24
LeeJunFann0ne: you can't compile your compiler without a compiler.06:24
dwidmannflatulent ferret ./06:25
Tm_Tcoreymon77: warty hoary breezy dapper edgy feisty06:25
intelikeyuse the ubuntu package.06:25
Jucaton0ne: you can't compile GCC, because you need GCC to compile things06:25
dwidmannman,that's brilliant :D06:25
n0neyea, so how to install it?!06:25
Jucatodwidmann: Feisty Fawn is the name of the next release06:25
dwidmannJucato, I know that.06:25
Jucaton0ne: why do you need to install GCC?06:25
intelikeysudo apt-get install build-essential06:25
Tm_THrr, work. ->06:25
dwidmannin fact, I know lots of things06:25
coreymon77and g will be?06:25
n0neit's not work i think06:25
coreymon77greedy goose?06:25
LeeJunFanwhat's next beryl?06:25
intelikeysudo apt-get install build-essential06:25
n0neu saw the message it gave me06:25
intelikeymaybe i typoed06:26
Linux_GaloreGabby Gander06:26
LeeJunFanwell, not really.06:26
xenophile7x7corey: gutted gopher06:26
intelikeytry again.06:26
intelikeysudo apt-get install build-essential06:26
n0nesame thing06:26
LeeJunFann0ne: we couldn't read it, lost in translation.06:26
coreymon77there was an h06:26
Linux_GaloreGory Gopher06:26
n0nei can't read it too!!!06:26
coreymon77insane idiot windows users06:26
LeeJunFann0ne: so that screwy text is what you see too?06:27
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xenophile7x7lol, ya'll are harsh06:27
coreymon77lets take guesses on what "i" will be06:27
xenophile7x7there ARE worse things than windows06:27
Linux_Galoreinane idiot06:27
dwidmanninsane idiot...that could (almost) be an ubuntu release name, shame it would have my picture next to it06:27
LeeJunFann0ne: okay, that's a new one by me. I think your locals are wrong maybe.06:27
=== intelikey thinks n0ne may be on vesta
n0neok, i'll try now to change my codepage06:28
=== deep [i=deep@c-992a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
LeeJunFann0ne: what country are you in?06:28
coreymon77theyve reached a new vista of crappiness06:28
coreymon77okay now "j"06:28
coreymon77joking jakyl?06:28
xenophile7x7jackass joo06:28
intelikeyxenophile7x7 what's worse than windows ?06:29
Linux_GaloreInky Iguana06:29
xenophile7x7well theres......06:29
xenophile7x7you know, like uhh...06:29
coreymon77Linux_Galore: we are on "j" now06:29
intelikeythat's what i thought.06:29
Linux_GaloreJumping Jaffle06:30
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coreymon77kicking koala?06:30
Linux_GaloreLame Lama06:30
xenophile7x7lickable lynx06:30
coreymon77lying llama06:30
intelikeyleaping limming06:31
coreymon77moochy mouse06:31
xenophile7x7mad martian06:31
LeeJunFann0ne: maybe this will help: sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf06:31
Linux_Galoremaverick mouse06:31
intelikeymossy muskrat06:31
Linux_Galorenutty nelly06:31
xenophile7x7naughty nincompoop06:31
dwidmannmysterious mongoose?06:31
LeeJunFann0ne: although I would think that even with wrong locales you should get something more than diamonds and questions marks, or whatever it was you saw.06:32
intelikeynude nute06:32
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@d54C1722D.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_Galoretry make one with Z06:32
xenophile7x7she turned me into a newt!06:32
Linux_Galoreor X06:32
xenophile7x7.....i got better...06:32
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Linux_GaloreXenophobic Xylophone06:32
xenophile7x7zany zebra06:32
coreymon77something xylophone06:32
dwidmannjust what species of animal is a xylophone (kidding)06:33
xenophile7x7what species is a dapper?06:33
coreymon77and then06:33
coreymon77xenophile7x7: drake06:33
coreymon77dapper drake06:33
intelikeyanamil mineral or vegtable ?06:33
coreymon77and then06:34
xenophile7x7i knew that06:34
coreymon77back to06:34
xenophile7x7i was just testin ya'll06:34
LeeJunFanGastric Gazelle06:34
coreymon77or f**king if you rather use a swear06:34
dwidmannzoned-out zebra?06:34
=== Hawkwind Whispers something about #Kubuntu-OffTopic
LeeJunFanHemmoroidal Heffer06:35
intelikeyovert ostrich06:35
=== xenophile7x7 wonders who's offtopic?
Hawkwindcoreymon77: Please refrain from using that language, even if commented out06:35
intelikeyyou never got  o06:35
=== Linux_Galore sends Hawkwind back to the mandriva channel
coreymon77Hawkwind: nobodys asking for help now, so we are just having fun06:35
MurchadhOutsourced Ostrich....06:35
Hawkwindcoreymon77: So be it, but it still needs to go to #Kubuntu-OffTopic06:35
LameBMXokay fellas .. where do i add startup progs for kde06:35
LeeJunFanMurchadh: hrm, I was trying to think of somethign for ostrich.06:36
MurchadhLeeJunFan: Hehe06:36
Linux_GaloreLameBMX: kcontrol or just logout with the stuff running06:36
intelikeyLameBMX ~/.kde/auto  yeah what he said06:36
coreymon77orange ostrich06:36
intelikeyovulating ostrich ?06:36
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hawkwind] by ChanServ
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HawkwindCan we please stop and take it to #Kubuntu-OffTopic06:37
LameBMXyea i hate doin the logout thing .. too much testing ... + it never remembers the dang dpms due to xgl lol06:37
n0neerm...can't make it readable06:37
LeeJunFanLameBMX: yeah, my xgl starts up via .Xsession, so I put the dpms crap in there.06:37
coreymon77and how is this offtopic06:38
LameBMXhmmm thats an option too ... :/06:38
intelikeyn0ne that doesn't look like any dpkg error iv ever seen06:38
coreymon77its about kubuntu06:38
Hawkwindcoreymon77: This is a *help* channel.  Don't argue about it, just please do as you were asked06:38
n0nei think i'll just install gentoo linux and have no problems like this06:38
intelikeyn0ne repost that last line of it please.    remember my modem reset and i lost it.06:39
LeeJunFann0ne: man, sorry I don't know... Maybe if you explain to someone in #ubuntu about the fact that your output from apt-get to the console comes back as odd chars they will have an idea, there's more people there - chances are better.06:39
n0nerepost last line of what?06:39
LeeJunFann0ne: That's the best starting point, because we can't troubleshoot why you can't install gcc until we can read the output from apt-get.06:39
intelikeythe error message06:39
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hawkwind] by ChanServ
intelikeyE: *06:39
LeeJunFanintelikey: it was just E: (chars) build-essential06:40
n0neE:   build-essential06:40
LeeJunFanso it errored, but we can't read why.06:40
Jucatowhat on earth is that.... :O06:40
intelikeyyes but i wanted to compare length06:40
intelikeyE: Couldn't find package06:41
LeeJunFanI don't get why it displays some text correctly but not others, maybe perl locales is messed up? apt-get uses perl doesn't it?06:41
intelikeyhmmm odd06:41
Jucatothe other text must be international charcters of some sort?06:41
LameBMXk is there a space after the shebang or not06:41
n0neso what2do?06:42
=== ebbu [n=ebbu@24-3.adsl.apoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke06:43
Jucatoha! looks like it *is* russian...06:43
intelikeydoesn't look like it to me.06:44
LeeJunFanJucato: yeah, but it doesn't display right for him locally either.06:44
Jucatook now that's just strange :)06:44
n0neyea it's russian06:44
n0nesays Please go to #ubuntu-ru for help in russian language06:44
LeeJunFanand the fonts from the !ru show up correctly here, but his dont.06:44
dwidmann doesn'tlook like a russian character to me06:44
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n0neit's not russian character06:45
intelikeythe only matching char is the 06:45
n0neomg, it's just diamond and ? in it06:45
dwidmannYes, that's what we see06:45
intelikeyoh wait i see one other matching char06:46
manchicken|awayThat'd be a non-printable character.  You just don't have the appropriate font for it.06:46
LeeJunFanI wonder if reconfig of libc would fix it? ne1?06:46
manchicken|awayOr the appropriate charset, or whatever.  It's too late for logic.06:47
manchicken|awayIt's sleepytime.06:47
intelikeynotlikely LeeJunFan06:47
manchicken|awayOne may be using unicode where the other may not be.  Dunno.06:47
n0neomg i think it'll be easyer to install gentoo linux06:47
manchicken|awaylibc won't fix it though.06:47
manchicken|awayn0ne: Why do you say that?  Kubuntu's install is quite easy.06:47
intelikeythe thing that puzzels me is the english text on both ends of that line.06:48
manchicken|awayAnd you might want to install more than just the kernel.06:48
n0neinstall yea, but packages included - sux06:48
manchicken|awayn0ne: That's what apt-get is for.06:48
manchicken|awayn0ne: You can only fit so much onto a single CD.06:48
n0nebut it's not working for me06:48
intelikeyna he wants to compile everything06:48
manchicken|awayn0ne: What's not working about it?06:48
manchicken|awayIf you want to compile everything, you could just apt-get source --compile package06:49
intelikeymanchicken|away he tried to install build-essential so he could compile gcc   go figure06:49
LeeJunFanmanchicken|away: apt-get wont work, but because of fubar fonts we can't tell why not. So the first order of business would be to determine why we/he can't read his text from apt-get.06:49
intelikeyand apt errored out.06:50
manchicken|awayn0ne: Hey son, I just walked into your wining.  A little patience will go a long way.06:51
manchicken|awayDid you set up the character set properly?06:51
intelikeymanchicken|away note his error message.  <n0ne> E:   build-essential06:51
manchicken|awayTry `echo $LANG`06:51
manchicken|awayWhat do you get?06:51
Jucatogo go manchicken|away!06:51
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
kakalto"[18:47]  <n0ne> omg i think it'll be easyer to install gentoo linux" >>> LOL. Actually, I find a gentoo install quite easy - because all you have to do is exactly what the guide tells you to do06:52
manchicken|awayn0ne: Is that the correct language?06:52
intelikeyyes ru06:52
LeeJunFann0ne: uh, how about this - have you changed the fonts on your system in kde settings at all or in the konsole settings?06:53
n0neit's russian06:53
manchicken|awayn0ne: And you want KOI8-R?06:53
n0neI want only to install gcc!!06:53
dwidmannand if you haven't changed fonts, maybe you need to?06:53
manchicken|awayn0ne: You could do `export LANG='en_US.UTF-8'` and it'll give you english.06:53
LeeJunFann0ne: we realize you want to install gcc, but we can't figure out why apt-get install build-essential wont' work when all we see are question marks.06:53
manchicken|away(assuming you have English internationalization stuff installed)06:53
intelikeymanchicken|away LANG=C should always work06:54
manchicken|awayintelikey: That is true.06:54
LeeJunFanmanchicken|away: that might not work if that isn't installed on his system.06:54
manchicken|awayn0ne: Type `export LANG='C'` and then try to install it.  See if you get better error messages.06:55
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n0neE: Couldn't find package build-essential06:55
manchicken|awayRegardless, I'm going to bed in 4 minutes.06:55
manchicken|awayThereyou go.06:55
manchicken|awayIt can't find the package.06:55
LeeJunFanintelikey: good guess on that :)06:55
manchicken|awayTry apt-get update06:55
intelikeythat's how i translated it the first time.06:55
n0neReading package lists... Done06:56
n0neBuilding dependency tree... Done06:56
n0neE: Couldn't find package build-essential06:56
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=== Admiral_Chicago [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-77-239.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyLeeJunFan what you say guess ?06:56
n0neit's after update06:56
intelikeyLeeJunFan :)06:56
Jucaton0ne: fresh install from a Live CD?06:56
LeeJunFansry, I didn't realize that joker was among the 7 languages you knew :p06:56
manchicken|awayn0ne: Put your /etc/apt/sources.list up on a paste server.06:56
ubotupaste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)06:56
JucatoI'm guessing he still has the cdrom repo enabled06:56
=== Admiral_Chicago marvels at Jucato's skill with the bot
Jucato(and since the Live CD doesn't have b-e...)06:57
Jucatohehe hi Admiral_Chicago! :)06:57
intelikeyLeeJunFan it's my first  lol06:57
LeeJunFanJucato: or none if network setup was skipped.06:57
manchicken|awayEven if he has that, shouldn't it be going from the online sources, too?06:57
jordo23If you download a podcast through amarok where does it save to?06:57
Jucatoit should, sometimes it doesn't...06:57
Admiral_Chicagohaven't been in this channel in a long time.06:57
Jucatojordo23: try snooping around in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok06:57
Admiral_Chicagoif no networking is found, everything is commented out except for the CD06:57
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JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: wb :)06:58
intelikey!seen Admiral_Chicago06:58
ubotuAdmiral_Chicago is on IRC right now!06:58
manchicken|awayBed time in T-3 minutes06:58
intelikeybah too late to catch him at that.06:58
=== nicola [n=nicola@host-84-223-106-121.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
LeeJunFann0ne: you just need to enable repositories.06:58
Jucatomanchicken|away: sleepy head :)06:58
LeeJunFann0ne: uncommenting them.06:59
manchicken|awayn0ne: Uncomment all of the repositories with "main" in the title.06:59
LeeJunFan!repos | n0ne06:59
ubotun0ne: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:59
manchicken|awayn0ne: Remove the # in front of it.06:59
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manchicken|awayn0ne: And any spaces.06:59
manchicken|awayThen do apt-get update, and then your install.06:59
LeeJunFann0ne: then run sudo apt-get update06:59
ForgeAushey all :)06:59
manchicken|awayAnd on that note, I bid you all good night.06:59
LeeJunFann0ne: then you should be able to sudo apt-get install build-essential06:59
LeeJunFanmanchicken|away: gnight07:00
manchicken|awayHasta manana.  A demain.07:00
Jucatomanchicken|away: bye!!!07:00
Admiral_Chicagon0ne: use that07:00
jordo23Found it thanks07:00
Jucatojordo23: kool07:00
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vulcaniusphp5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.1.2-1ubuntu3) but 5.1.2-1ubuntu3.4 is to be installed07:02
vulcaniuslike wtf mate07:02
vulcaniusi shall splay you like a foul pig07:02
LeeJunFanvulcanius: you got non ubuntu repositories in sources.list?07:02
dwidmannvulcanius, sounds like your updates repository and the regular and the security aren't playing nicely, make sure you still have all three turned on07:03
vulcaniusi've got security commented out right now07:03
vulcaniusguess i should enable them, phooey07:03
=== method| [n=duane@67-43-246-34-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
junocdxI guess I'm still having issues with my sources.list07:04
dwidmannYeah, php updates tend to find their way into the security repo07:04
junocdxdamn java packages07:04
=== TheDebugger [n=algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
vulcaniusheh, dwidmann....so true...so true07:04
dwidmannjunocdx, try changing mirrors07:05
n0nenop same error07:05
vulcaniusmy hands smell funny07:05
junocdxis there a list of active mirrors?07:05
Admiral_Chicagon0ne: did you do "sudo apt-get update"07:05
Admiral_Chicagono quotes07:05
intelikeyyou did   sudo apt-get update   ?07:05
n0neyea, forgot it)07:06
dwidmannjunocdx, probably, I'll check the list07:06
dwidmanngenerally it's the two character country code, followed by .archive.ubuntu.com, archive.ubuntu.com without a prefix is the main mirror07:06
n0neOMG!!! IT"S DOWNLOADING!!!!07:06
=== MPat [n=mpat@a88-112-19-164.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
junocdxi had us. which didnt work with your java script, and I took out the us. like we did last night and still nothing07:07
Murchadhvulcanius: Did you sudo apt-wash hands!07:07
LeeJunFanwell, 1AM, I'm off to bed.07:07
dwidmannapt-get cleanh ands?07:07
n0nethank you all :)07:07
vulcaniusno, i didn't something else with apt07:07
Jucatoapt-get remove head07:07
intelikeyn0ne now.  forget about compiling.  and learn to use the package managers     there are over 12000 packages to choose from.07:07
LeeJunFanI have a feeling that n0ne is using english fonts with russian lang somehow with apt-get, if you had pasted that to the russian channel they probably could have read it.07:07
=== Murchadh leaves, but may return as the Overbearing Ocelot!
Jucatoheh... I can't believe I'm hearing that from intelikey :)07:08
dwidmannintelikey, I think it's closer to 20,00007:08
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: i thought it was closer to 20K07:08
intelikeyn0ne if you want it installed chances are there is a package.deb ready07:08
=== Admiral_Chicago knows intelikey with Adept
Jucatointelikey: it's 20,000+ if you include multiverse07:08
LeeJunFanI dunno how many but my local mirror of i386 is about 14Gigs.07:08
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago and dwidmann edgy is near 18k  but dapper was less.07:09
=== matthew__ [n=matthew@d220-237-202-3.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
LeeJunFan!adept | n0ne07:09
ubotun0ne: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto07:09
Jucatoedgy has 20,000+ really07:09
LeeJunFann0ne: although in order to get all those packages you also want to enable the universe lines.07:09
=== Murchadh [n=Murchadh@wangate.ata.ip.airwire.ie] has left #kubuntu []
=== Admiral_Chicago notices how pedantic this conversation is
dwidmannI'll have to check how many I have available07:10
intelikeyyou did specify multiverse and restricted.   i was not including them.07:10
Admiral_ChicagoLeeJunFan: I put htem in there07:10
Admiral_Chicagoif he used my paste bin07:10
LeeJunFanAdmiral_Chicago: okay, cool.07:10
dwidmannI have 19,901 available in edgy x86_6407:11
intelikeyhmm with multiverse i suppose.07:11
junocdxdwidmann: mplayer32 doesnt install in edgy07:11
junocdxdwidmann: heheheheeeeee07:11
dwidmannhowever, I've got the beryl mirror inmy list too .07:11
dwidmannjunocdx: I know it doesn't, the package doesn't work in edgy.07:12
matthew__hi, im new and i need help, i just downloaded firefox rpm file now how do i install?07:12
Admiral_Chicagomatthew__: in konsole, type "sudo apt-get install firefox"07:12
intelikeymatthew delete it.07:12
Admiral_Chicagono quotes07:12
junocdxhow do I go about using WINE?07:13
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intelikeymatthew__ delete that .rpm  and use the package manager to install the one in the repos.07:13
matthew__done, entered password, now its working something07:13
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intelikeyjunocdx wine blah.exe07:14
Admiral_Chicagomatthew__: what version are you usuing?07:14
Admiral_Chicagoof Ubuntu that is07:14
matthew__im using kubuntu 6.1007:14
Admiral_Chicagookay, then you'll get 2.007:15
Jucato2.0.0.1 to be exact :)07:15
junocdxintelikey:  eh?07:15
=== Jucato whistles innocently
matthew__cool thanks07:15
matthew__now how do i get limewire?07:15
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:15
Dasnipabeta 6 of gaim coming out soon woot then feature freeze for full release. ill soon find out if they accept my patch07:16
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:16
intelikeyjunocdx wine file.exe    to run file.exe in wine.     wine is wine is not an emulator but it works a lot like one.07:16
dwidmannjunocdx, navigating to the directory with the .exe setup file, and running it like "wine setup.exe" or similar will run it, then it should appear in your kmenu after.07:16
junocdxwould I copy a program from my windows partition into the program files directory?07:16
intelikeywhy not run it in place ?07:17
Admiral_ChicagoDasnipa: really, hmm I should read planet Gaim07:17
Admiral_Chicagoit'll be in Feisty correct?07:17
=== Jucato would hug Kopete right now, but having no X...
dwidmannjunocdx, I don't think so,but that m ight work07:17
DasnipaAdmiral_Chicago, i would assume so since 2.0 will be out of beta like next month07:18
junocdxwell I'd like to run guitar pro in linux if at all possible.  =D07:18
junocdxI'll play with it a bit07:18
intelikeyjust wondering what client you setteled on...07:18
dwidmannjunocdx, you can just run the regular installer with wine, and it either will or won't work. To find out a track record of what works and what doesn't, check http://appdb.winehq.org07:19
Admiral_ChicagoDasnipa: sweet, i really hope so07:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:22
matthew__whats this vine thing you can run windows .exe file? is that included with kubunto?07:22
Jucato!wine | matthew__07:23
ubotumatthew__: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:23
matthew__ty i'll check it out.07:23
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OolaBxorg broke :(07:24
stdinbroke how?07:25
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:25
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dthackerI need to burn 50 kubuntu CD's for an installfest.  Is there a way to verify them at the command line instead of loading them and running the validate utility?07:25
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".07:25
JucatoI'm guessing he took one end in each hand and snapped X into two..07:25
junocdxcant you use the keyboard shortcut to restart X also?07:25
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junocdxor does it do something different?07:25
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Admiral_Chicago!md5 | dthacker07:26
ubotudthacker: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:26
Jucatojunocdx: yes, but if and only if X is running anyway07:26
Admiral_Chicagowhere is your install going to be dthacker?07:26
OolaBWhen upgrading to Edgy, apparently it won't install xorg (nor kubuntu-desktop), and installing the dependencies will result in me losing all SDL packages07:26
stdindthacker: yes, just download the md5sum from the same place you downloaded the cd image07:26
dthackerAdmiral_Chicago: tnx07:26
=== Admiral_Chicago also comments when to dthacker
intelikeybroke X = > <07:26
Jucatointelikey: lol07:26
OolaBShould I try doing this anyway even if SDL stuff breaks?07:26
OolaB(or gets removed rather)07:26
dthackerOmaha, Nebraska on January 20th07:27
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dwidmanndthacker, have k3b check the md5 sum by checking the box "verify written data" checkbox07:27
Admiral_Chicagodthacker: i heard about your install fest, trying to start a LoCo there too right?07:27
Admiral_Chicagohmm, maybe the Chicago LoCo can mail you some shipits07:28
Admiral_Chicagomay I pm you?07:28
dthackeryes, please07:28
Jucatono you may not! :P07:29
jordo23jucato: Is there a way to get a list of the stuff that ubotu tells users about?07:30
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:30
Jucatothanks for answering for me...wasn't paying attention :)07:31
dwidmanneither that, or type in !somethingrandom and ubotu will spit on it, and give you the page07:31
intelikeysorry didn't notice it was to you Jucato   lol07:31
stdinor you ca just /msg ubotu something07:31
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:32
jordo23No matter07:32
jordo23intelikey: I just kind of wanted a list of things that it tells people about...07:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about playahater - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:33
intelikeydid you not look at the link07:33
jordo23Yeah....there now....07:33
intelikeyhttp://bots.ubuntulinux.nl   <  ^07:33
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ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok07:35
jordo23Thanks for the link07:35
OolaBWell it looks like it's time for me to restart and see if my computer will be able to boot. see yas later \o07:36
=== feffer_ [n=Ron@adsl-67-124-150-198.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
junocdxwhy doesnt my wallpaper change? =(07:36
php-freakany one know why my videos aren't playing, I have all the codecs installed07:37
dwidmannphp-freak, which sort of videos?07:37
php-freaklike the file ext.?07:37
matthew__ugg, keyoboard stuffing up >< keep repeating a char 333 times even though i only press the kkkkkey once07:37
php-freakweb browser based videos07:37
dwidmannhmm, try using kmplayer?07:38
firecrotchjunocdx: What happens when you try to change your background?07:38
ubotukmplayer: media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 187 kB, installed size 620 kB07:38
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php-freakits web based browser07:38
php-freakthrough firefox07:38
junocdxfirecrotch:  nothing07:39
junocdxfirecrotch: and "refreshing" the desktop does nothing either07:39
dwidmannphp-freak, well, I don't know what to use with firefox ... I always used kmplayer with konqueror, works flawlessly07:39
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OlgaBHah, I actually managed to upgrade with minimal damage.07:41
matthew__congrats :)07:41
firecrotchjunocdx: That's a weird one... what about opening the image that you want to use as your wallpaper in Konqueror and right clicking and choosing "Set as Desktop Wallpaper"07:41
OlgaBI just need to reinstall SDL and my graphics drivers07:41
OlgaBThen I can play Neverwinter Nights07:42
OlgaBEdgy Eft is shiny :o07:42
php-freakhehe knoquer works, but firefox don07:43
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php-freakokay this is fine i can watch my porn on this07:43
firecrotchjunocdx: Erm... actually, you can't do that from Konq, it appears...07:43
junocdxfirecrotch: that worked, but the colors are all screwy.07:43
firecrotchOh I guess you can do it from Konq then07:44
junocdxguess so07:44
junocdxbut it seems like my color depth is off or something07:44
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dwidmannphp-freak, that's just wonderful07:44
firecrotchIn your desktop settings, do you have some sort of color blending on?07:44
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stdinfirecrotch, junocdx: right click the image, Actions -> Set as Background ?07:45
OlgaB"Befehl adept nicht gefunden." :(07:45
StingRayGood Morning, stdin.07:45
stdinmorning StingRay :)07:45
junocdxstdin: yes.07:45
stdindidn't see that one before :p07:45
firecrotchstdin: I figured there was some way to do it in Konq, I just never use konq :p07:46
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stdinfirecrotch: neither do I, I mostly use a terminal for file browsing :p07:46
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OlgaBI think [K|X] Ubuntu is about the Kutest linux distro07:48
Admiral_Chicagogoodnight all,07:48
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=== KaoticEVil is now known as KaoticEvil
Admiral_Chicago /msg me if you need me for something important.07:48
=== Admiral_Chicago better not getting anything from Jucato :P
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stdinooh, k3b 1.0 is out, didn't know that either07:49
KaoticEvilhmmm... does Konversation support multiple servers?07:49
JucatoKaoticEvil: yes07:49
firecrotchDoes anyone have any idea when KDE4 is planned for release?07:49
=== intelikey does /nick jucato && /msg admiral_chicago
Tm_Tfirecrotch: This year.07:49
avalon can someone please explain to me how to tell my system to use my USB logitech headset as the default device for playing sounds on throughout my system? IT's still trying to run it through my motherboard07:49
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KaoticEvilJucato: how?07:50
firecrotchTm_T: That really narrows it down :p07:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:50
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JucatoKaoticEvil: press F2 and click on Add?07:50
Tm_Tfirecrotch: Well, that's how it's planned IIRC, this year, hopefully sooner than later.07:50
stdinfirecrotch: http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-4.0-release-plan.html07:50
avalonWell, I'm not having problems with the detection, just the fact that everything wants to play through the motherboard rather than the USB07:51
KaoticEvildoes it allow more than one connected server at a time is what i meant07:51
JucatoKaoticEvil: yes07:51
Tm_TKaoticEvil: Sure.07:51
KaoticEvilsame procedure?07:51
firecrotchSo we might get it in 7.10?07:51
Jucatofirecrotch: nope07:52
firecrotchJucato: Why not?07:52
Jucatofeisty+1, but not even that is certain07:52
Jucatofirecrotch: might be 2nd half of this year07:52
firecrotch7.10 would be feisty+1 :p07:52
KaoticEvilthere we go.. thanks :)07:52
junocdxwhat is this "hiding" in KDE?07:52
Jucatofirecrotch: oh yeah lol07:53
Jucatosorry about that :)07:53
KaoticEvilrunning the live DVD right now... not used to konversation07:53
Jucatobut that still depends.. if they release KDE 4 in novemeber :)07:53
Tm_Tfirecrotch: Sure we might get via unofficial repository, I doubt as part of release.07:53
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firecrotchWell, I for one am hoping for sooner rather than later, and that it is included officially in feisty+107:54
Jucatowe all hope for sooner. but if haste makes waste, I can be patient07:54
Tm_TYup, released when ready to be released.07:55
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avalonSo no short way of just saying put everything through the usb headset eh?07:55
n0nehi2all again07:55
n0necan anyone help me with sound?: )07:55
n0nei mean i have no sound07:55
=== OlgaB <3 AMOR
Tm_Tavalon: Sorry, haven't touched usb headsets or sorts ever.07:56
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firecrotchn0ne: Are your speakers plugged in? Volume not muted? You'd be surprised how many times I've seen people ask me to "fix their sound" and the speakers just weren't plugged in07:56
KaoticEvili cant wait till i get my new computer so i can try this on a real running box instead of the live07:56
KaoticEvillikin edgy so far tho07:56
n0nelet me check, one moment07:57
intelikey!sound | n0ne07:58
ubotun0ne: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:58
n0neyea, it's not muted and and speakers are plugged in07:58
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intelikeywhat part of that first page makes me wonder who wrote it   "... speaker icon appears on panel; left click on icon; preferences;... "   when did left click bring up that menu ?08:00
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stdinif you set your mouse to left handed :p08:01
Tm_Tintelikey: Sometimes, but 99 % of cases it's rightclick.08:01
Jucatointelikey: GNOME?08:01
intelikeyyour other left soldier08:01
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=== farkr [i=fooy@cpe-76-174-246-96.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
farkrhow come kubuntu.com seems to want pepole to use edgy (it's the main version they show available for download. in fact i dont even see dapper on there)?08:03
stdinyou mean kubuntu.org ?08:03
Jucatokubuntu.com just redirects08:03
intelikeyor ubuntu.com08:03
n0neso how to fix my sound?08:04
stdinfarkr: so you're saying you can't see dapper here ? http://kubuntu.org/download.php08:04
KaoticEvilhow do i check if im actually using the 3d functions on my video card?08:04
JucatoKaoticEvil: glxinfo | grep -i rendering08:04
firecrotchstdin: I think he's commenting on the fact that Edgy is first on the page08:04
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n0nehow to fix my sound ? :(08:05
intelikeyfarkr you are supposed to be asking about feisty not dapper      don't you know by now everyone wants the latest everything....08:05
stdinfut feisty is the latest version, it's bound to be first on the page :p08:05
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intelikeystdin feisty is not released yet.08:05
n0neheeey :(08:06
n0nehow to fix my sound?08:06
Jucaton0ne: I don't know08:06
stdinintelikey: didn't say released, just said latest, the front page is the announcement page after all08:06
intelikeyn0ne did you read that page ?08:06
farkrintelikey i dont want the latest thing more than i want the most stable thing08:06
farkrwhat good is the latest when it doesnt work anyway, like firefox 2 :/08:07
n0nethere was no link to driver08:07
farkrcrashy crasherton08:07
intelikeyfarkr shame on you.   you are not being reasonable,   everyone knows you have to have the latest.08:07
stdinfarkr: latest (stable) version is Edgy, and firefox 2.0 works fine on that08:07
farkrdidnt work fine for me at all :(08:08
intelikeybut i am using LTS08:08
firecrotchIf I want to try out Feisty, would I be better off downloading the CD image or upgrade by changing my sources.list to the feisty repos?08:11
KaoticEvilo_o konversation doesnt support reverse control codes08:11
KaoticEvili would get the live and see how it runs08:11
Jucatoreverse control codes?08:11
KaoticEvilfor colors08:11
intelikeywho did write that page?    the first three of the "Useful Tips & Tricks" section are all command not found,  on my system.   " aplay lspci lspnp "08:11
JucatoKaoticEvil: ah... that feature will be in the next release08:12
KaoticEvili was trying to play some trivia... i cant even see the questions lol08:12
stdinfirecrotch: it may be better using the CD to install, but remember, Feisty isn't classed as stable yet, and may break at any time, so don't use it on your desktop machine, unless you don't mind having to formay and reinstall08:13
intelikeyKaoticEvil heh set the background08:13
KaoticEvillol that wouldnt fix it... the trivy bot uses multiple color backgrounds08:13
Jucatothe Konversation from SVN has that feature already.08:13
KaoticEvilim only on the live for right now, so im not gonna bother with installing anything08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
=== stdin is running Konversation from SVN :)
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
KaoticEvilstdin: could you check something for me then?08:14
Jucatostdin: heh me too :)08:14
JucatoI mean, when I had X :)08:14
Jucato!tls | ShuT08:14
stdinKaoticEvil: what do you want checked ?08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
Jucatorawr! duh08:14
intelikeyKaoticEvil i bet it will,   just try black background.   everything shows on black         err except black.08:14
Jucato!lts | ShuT08:14
ubotuShuT: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.08:14
KaoticEvilstdin: can you connect to kaosnet.orcxpro.com:6669 and join #kaos? let me know if the colors show up properly for the trviy bot08:15
stdinJucato: I'm getting the compile itch, I may have to compile all of SVN KDE :p08:15
Jucatostdin: why not :)08:15
KaoticEvilmake that kaosnet.ircxpro.com:666808:15
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intelikeyKaoticEvil what channel ?08:16
stdinKaoticEvil: yep, it's very colorful :p08:17
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KaoticEvilwell, its good to know that once i finally install this, ill be able to play trivy on it :D08:18
n0nehey guys, can anyone help me with sound?!08:18
n0nei can't install alsa driver :(08:18
intelikeyno colour there that i see....08:18
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intelikey 108:22
m0ns00nAnyone know where to get the libjpeg include files from?08:22
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m0ns00nI compiled the lib, but it doesn't install any include files08:22
m0ns00nintelikey: Where do I download that?08:22
m0ns00nintelikey: I need it in source form.08:22
intelikeyyou compiled ?08:22
intelikeywhy ?08:22
m0ns00nBecause I have a box here which is running centos :-D08:23
m0ns00nIt's a clean virtual box08:23
intelikeyhmmm maybe google knows.08:23
m0ns00nBut I would at least think that the jpeg group would release it together08:23
m0ns00nI tried google, I think I'm gonna try some more08:23
m0ns00nProblem is when you search for "libjpeg include files" you get all pages where it's about ./configure --with-jpeg-dir=08:24
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kourancan someone help me with getting dvd to play on edgy?08:26
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:27
ny0nhow can i get wireless working on kbutunu08:27
ny0ngrr, kubuntu*08:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:27
KaoticEvilsorry for burnin your eyes, stdin08:27
ny0n          https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:28
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stdinKaoticEvil: I'll recover (eventually) :p08:28
KaoticEvilyou should see it when theres a full trivy round goin on08:28
KaoticEvilits even worse :P08:28
intelikeyKaoticEvil was there actually colour in there ?08:28
stdinintelikey: http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i120369_shot7.jpg08:29
KaoticEvilyup yup08:29
KaoticEvilyeah, there ya go lol08:29
KaoticEvilhe didnt screen cap the google searches tho lol08:29
KaoticEvilTHOSE are colorful heh08:29
stdinlooks list like the google logo :p08:29
n0neHelp me with sound please!!!08:29
KaoticEvili need to edit that script08:30
KaoticEvilits a bit... err... noisy08:30
=== intelikey doesn't feel like starting a gui or rebooting to get framebuffering working.... so a simple yea/nea will suffice.
stdinintelikey: yea08:30
KaoticEvil#kaos has plenty of colors, make no mistake about that lol08:31
intelikeyi wonder why my bx stripped everything but the highlight....08:31
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stdinmaybe something in the clients settings08:32
=== robtp [n=rob@cpe-66-24-24-5.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydid my test show any colour ?08:32
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KaoticEvilheres a question.. whats the difference between the edgy cd and dvd?08:32
stdinintelikey: yea08:32
intelikeyhmmm odd i can write in colour i can't see..08:32
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stdinKaoticEvil: CD has only the Live (GUI) installer, DVD has also the text installer08:32
stdinKaoticEvil: and more packages on it08:33
intelikeyKaoticEvil and more packages that can be installed iirc.08:33
KaoticEvilah cool08:33
intelikeyso does  1  2  3 work in here ?08:34
KaoticEvili just got my dvd burner, and im using just about any excuse i can find to use it lol08:34
stdinno, colors are disabled in this channel08:34
KaoticEvilanyways... i think ive seen just about all i can for now08:34
intelikeyand i'll not be using colour but just testing it.08:34
intelikeystdin i thought it was this server08:34
n0ne <intelikey> can u help me with sound please?08:34
stdinintelikey: no, you can turn it off08:35
KaoticEvilthanks for the help guys :) im sure once i get my new computer, ill be back08:35
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stdinintelikey: or on rather08:35
intelikeyn0ne did you read the page about that ?08:35
intelikeyand ?08:35
stdinKaoticEvil: you're welcome :)08:35
n0nealsa driver doesn't installed08:35
intelikeyn0ne error message ?08:36
KaoticEvilstdin: feel free to drop in on KAOSNet any time :) we got a resident *buntu user... think hes been in here xenophile7x708:36
n0neone moment08:36
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stdinKaoticEvil: yeah, I've seen him about08:36
KaoticEvilwell, im gone :) peace yall08:37
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n0neThe file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist.08:37
n0nePlease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution08:37
n0neor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel08:37
n0nesources (default is /usr/src/linux).08:37
intelikeyn0ne where did you get that error ?08:38
intelikeywhat were you trying to do ?08:38
n0neafter ./configure08:38
intelikeyconfigure of what ?08:39
stdinhmm, seems to be compiling a kernel module there08:39
n0neinstalling alsa driver08:39
intelikeyn0ne what alsa driver ?08:39
=== intelikey thinks that n0ne should use gentoo
n0neso nobody can help me?08:40
intelikeyn0ne no i can't help you.   alsa is built into the kernel in ubuntu   i  have no idea what nor why you are trying to compile.08:41
n0neoh ok08:41
n0neso how to make my sound in kubuntu work? :)08:41
intelikeyyou go back to that page you said you read and read it.08:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin08:41
intelikey  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:42
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matthew__hey is ubuntu ever meant for average computer user? kinda confusing to find and instal programs compared to windows -.-08:43
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intelikeymatthew__ then don't compare it to windows if that helps08:43
stdinmatthew__: what, you prefire searching google than oping adept?08:44
matthew__nah adept is cool, just take some time to adjust heh08:44
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intelikeyn0ne so when you checked in /proc/asound/cards like the page said  what did you learn ?08:44
stdinmatthew__: yeah, it takes time to adjust, but you get used to it soon, and learn to appreciate it :p08:44
intelikeyn0ne and when the page told you to run     aplay --list-devices       what did you learn ?08:46
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n0ne**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****08:46
n0necard 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5] , device 0: Intel ICH [Intel ICH5] 08:47
n0ne  Subdevices: 1/108:47
n0ne  Subdevice #0: subdevice #008:47
n0necard 0: ICH5 [Intel ICH5] , device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH5 - IEC958] 08:47
n0ne  Subdevices: 1/108:47
n0ne  Subdevice #0: subdevice #008:47
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intelikeyok and what does     running    alsamixer    and unmuting and adjusting the volumes do ?08:47
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matthew__hey i searched for limewire in adept but no result? is there a limewire package with different name or something?08:49
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:49
matthew__ty :)08:49
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n0nedone it08:51
intelikeyand ?08:52
n0neno sound08:52
n0neand one thing is strange08:53
intelikeywhat are you using for a test sound ?08:53
n0nei'm trying to play mp3 file and it's not just no sound08:53
Jucatowhere is the default display manager defined?08:53
kouranhow do i install libdvdcss?08:53
Jucato /etc something?08:53
ny0nhow can i get wireless working on kbuntu08:53
n0neamarok don't want to paly it at all08:53
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n0nei'm pushing play button and after 1sec it says "Playlist finished"08:54
intelikeyJucato /etc/kde*/kdm/something   or /etc/X11/kdm/something08:54
stdinJucato: /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:54
Jucatooh thanks :)08:54
kouranhow do i install libdvdcss?08:54
stdin!dvd | kouran08:54
ubotukouran: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:54
intelikeyn0ne i see so you have absolutely no idea whether the sound is working or not....08:54
n0neit's not working!!08:55
intelikeyJucato but you can have a ~/.dmrc also08:55
intelikeyn0ne i see so you have absolutely no idea whether the sound is working or not....08:55
intelikeyn0ne all you know is that you can't play an mp3 file...08:55
intelikeythat's not a sound issue.08:56
n0nei can play another mp3 file08:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:56
stdinit would help if you had a .wav file to play08:56
n0neand i have no sound in it08:56
intelikeyn0ne if you want to know if sound is working do this   sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp08:56
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matthew__quick question, whats keyboard shortcut for minimize all in kubuntu?08:57
intelikeymatthew__ i don't know if there is a default hotkey for that....  jucato you know ?08:58
n0neafter this command nothing happening08:58
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intelikeyn0ne then sound may indeed not be working.   now that you have tested that.   tell me if see lots of things or nothing when you enter#    lsmod | grep snd08:59
n0nenot alot, but some text )09:00
n0ne~16 lines of text i see :)09:01
intelikeyok   and   cat /proc/asound/cards     ?09:01
n0ne0 [ICH5           ] : ICH4 - Intel ICH509:01
n0ne                     Intel ICH5 with AD1980 at 0xfebff800, irq 2009:01
n0newhat2do now?09:02
intelikeyok sound should be working.    the kernel is aware of the hardware     if nothing is mute in alsamixer it "should" work.    as for the mp3 files.   i hope you did look at the links ^09:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:02
intelikeythose links ^09:02
n0neok i'll try it now09:03
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intelikeyfirst and last especally.09:03
n0neand why i need to read it?09:03
intelikeycause you have no idea.09:03
n0nei'm playing build-in kubuntu sounds09:03
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n0neamarok says that they are playing09:03
n0nebut there's no sound09:04
intelikeyyou said mp3 when i asked.09:04
ubotutcltls: The TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.0-3 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 288 kB09:04
intelikeyread the links      https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:04
Guardiani tried to install k3d but i got errors: not very specific error messages about pycentral reported by apt09:04
n0nenot mp309:05
n0nei'll try to solve prob with mp3 later09:05
n0nespx is playing normally but no sound09:05
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intelikey<intelikey> what are you using for a test sound ?09:05
intelikey<n0ne> i'm trying to play mp3 file and it's not just no sound09:05
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n0neok, as i said, i'll solve problem with mp3 later09:06
sergio_ayuda de kubuntu en espaol09:06
Admiral_Chicago!es | sergio_09:06
ubotusergio_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:06
sergio_gracias tnk09:06
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:06
Admiral_Chicagode nada :)09:07
n0nei'm playing now SPX , it's playing normally, but without sound09:07
intelikeyand as i said.  it's listed in the kernel modules and the card is recognized     if it's not muted or volume tunred down it should work.        and just for your information in alsamixer the "main" and "pcm"  should be what control the normal output.  if either is muted or low volume then no sound.09:08
Admiral_Chicagotype alsamixer in konsole09:09
Admiral_Chicagohit 9, move over 9 etc.09:09
intelikeythere are also setting in amarok that you can select the output   arts may not be running   so maybe select alsa as the output.09:09
Admiral_Chicagomake sure nothing is muted09:10
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago you have edgy ?09:10
intelikeydoes /dev/dsp exist ?09:11
Admiral_Chicagoi have Dapper, Edgy, Feistno09:11
Admiral_Chicagoerr. no09:11
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intelikeyno dsp ?09:11
intelikeywell that's why.   ok what is the sound device on edgy09:11
Admiral_Chicagoi'm on a live CD for edgy atm though. I should mention09:11
stdinintelikey: I'm in feisty, but it was the same in edgy crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2006-12-24 14:24 /dev/dsp09:11
Admiral_Chicagooh and on GNOME liveCD at that09:12
intelikeyi just got to thinking that it could be the device node missing in the   cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp   command.09:13
n0nenow amarok said that no audio-drivers found09:13
Admiral_Chicagotry oss. I use oss and it works fine.09:14
n0newhat's it?09:14
Admiral_Chicagoalso, maybe try waiting09:14
farkrfor creating a fat32 partition that both linux and win2k can read/write to i'm supposed to choose 'W95 fat32 (lba)' in fdisk, right?09:14
Admiral_Chicagois your engine xine? also, OSS is an open source sound driver09:14
farkrthere's multiple versions of fat32 in there but someone said lba, they didnt say why though09:14
n0nemine is xine, yea09:14
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intelikeyuse pastebin and  paste the output of    lsmod09:15
intelikeyfarkr in fdisk  in linux ?  no.09:15
stdinfarkr: yes, but it shouldn't matter as long as you format it as vfat with "mkfs.vfat"09:15
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n0necan u give me link to pastebin?09:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:16
farkrintelikey then which should i  use?09:17
intelikeyfarkr oh yeah you can tag the partition with fdisk.   sorry.    type 07 or something     but mkfs.vfat is where it does the formating and type selection09:17
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intelikeyfarkr and cfdisk is a bit easier to use for that.09:17
farkrsay is for ntfs, c is for fat32 lbr09:17
Search4Lancerafter reconfiguring Xorg, my middle mouse button doesn't work - any ideas?09:18
stdinfarkr: or gparted (for a GUI)09:18
farkrim used to normal fdisk09:18
farkrfor linux09:18
kourancan someone please help me with getting dvds to play? i have installed libdvdcss but dvd still doesnt play09:18
intelikeyi'm used to normal cfdisk for linux09:19
kouranso no one can help?09:21
intelikeyn0ne i still see nothing wrong with it.09:21
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n0nebut there is no sound and i want to watch a film!!09:22
n0neor listen to music etc!09:22
n0nei want sound :(09:22
intelikeyyeah i understand that.    so what do you want me to do mail you some sound ?09:24
intelikeyhey i'm just here cause i joined the channel just like you.09:24
n0neno. help me to understand why i have no sound09:24
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n0neand xine crashed 2 minutes ago09:25
intelikeyn0ne try running alsamixer in a console.09:25
intelikeyi'll tell you how to get there and back.09:25
n0neok i'm in alsamixer09:26
n0nenothing is muted09:26
n0neall sound = 10009:26
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intelikeyto get to a console press    alt+ctrl+f1      and to get back to you xorg session press       alt+f709:26
=== intelikey did say console. not konsole
intelikeybug differance there.09:27
n0nei'm here :)09:28
n0nefrom console09:28
farkrintelikey i dont have a command called mkfs.vfat, just mkdosfs, is that what i should use?09:28
n0nesame thing, all things not muted and 10009:28
intelikeyfarkr hmmm install dosfstools09:29
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intelikeyn0ne hmmmm   ok.         only of passing interest but alsamixer will not start from a console unless the card is setup.09:30
intelikeyyou did check the cable?09:31
intelikeywire in the correct jack ?09:31
intelikeyspekers turned on if powered ?09:31
intelikeyvolume up on the speekers09:31
farkrintelikey googling shows that mkdosfs is the same thing09:32
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intelikeyfrank_ ok.   if you use the correct switches09:33
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spitwisen0ne: was sound ever working?09:36
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n0nei'm from windows09:36
=== intelikey assumes it did in windows...
n0neyea, in windows it's worked09:37
intelikeyn0ne pastebin the output of     lspci09:38
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moskillzhello i need some help with something anyone care to help me out09:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:42
=== eMaX_ [n=emax@] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:42
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Admiral_Chicagomoskillz: whats the problem09:42
moskillzwell it wont let me into my add remove programs thing it says that another program is running09:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adeptcrash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
stdin!adept crash fix09:43
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:43
Admiral_Chicagostdin ftw!09:43
moskillzsweet ill try it09:43
Admiral_Chicagoor close anything using sudo, maybe adept and konsole after that09:44
moskillzit says its setting up09:44
intelikeyn0ne  try   sudo modprobe -r snd_ens1371 ;modprobe snd_ac9709:44
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F38B4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyerr second needs sudo also09:45
n0neFATAL: Module snd_ac97 not found.09:45
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stdinnoiesmo: sudo modprobe snd-ac9709:45
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moskillzit says modual not found09:45
stdinn0ne: : sudo modprobe snd-ac9709:45
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n0neFATAL: Module snd_ac97 not found.09:46
Admiral_Chicagomoskillz: that wasn't for you...09:46
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stdinthere is a difference between snd_ and snd- in modprobe iirc09:46
Admiral_Chicagothere is09:46
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Admiral_Chicago*nix is very case sensitive.09:46
chillshey guys.. i just installed kubuntu09:46
Admiral_Chicagoas we all know09:46
chillsbut my kppp dies09:47
Admiral_Chicagochills: congrats!09:47
stdinwell done chills  :)09:47
moskillzsweet what you had me do the first time worked thank you09:47
ubotukppp: modem dialer and ppp frontend for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 667 kB, installed size 3688 kB09:47
chillshey stdin :09:47
_deb_hi *09:47
Admiral_Chicagohmm there should be more.09:47
spitwisen0ne: i just read this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14060409:47
stdinmoskillz: no problem :)09:47
chillsi think i need to uncomment some stuff09:47
chillsbut i need to be root..09:48
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chillswait let me type in the log file09:48
stdinchills: use sudo to run commands as root09:48
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:48
_deb_the adept_updater is crashing. everytime it says that "A New Version of Kubuntu is available ! Click next if u wish to upgrade"09:48
chillsah that i know.09:48
_deb_and if I click next, it craches .09:48
StingRayAnybody here having bridged interfaces?09:48
chillsthe remote system is required to authenticate itself09:49
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intelikeyspitwise not the same hardware for n0ne and not the same problem09:49
chillsi couldnt find any secret password for it to use09:49
moskillzthank you much for the help09:49
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chillsnone of the available passwords would let me use any ip address09:49
spitwisewell dernit.09:49
chillsthats what the log says stdin09:49
n0neno f''''ng sound >:\09:49
chillsstdin : so any idea ?09:50
stdinchills: I think you need to put a password in a config file09:50
intelikeyspitwise that thread says no sound card detected   his is detected and the modules are installed      it's also AC'9709:50
chillsstdin : i did put the password in the kppp09:50
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stdinchills: hmm09:50
chillsit says the remote system needs to auth its self09:50
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chillsstdin : the docs give some idea i think09:51
stdinchills: what they say (I don't use kppp)09:51
chillsthey say i need to uncomment some stuff i think09:51
stdinchills: do you know where to do that?09:52
spitwisen0ne may need to add himself to the audio group?09:52
chillsgoto /usr/share/doc/kppp/README.Debian09:52
chillsstdin: yes i guess i do but i tried uncommenting the file.. it doesnt allow me to write to the system09:52
chillsi dont really know how to use vi09:53
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stdinchills: the /etc/ppp/options file?09:53
stdinchills: no one knows how to use vi :p09:54
stdinchills: press Alt-F2, and enter: kdesu kate /etc/ppp/options09:54
intelikeyn0ne i'm game for that sujestion though.    try adding  "acpi=ht"  on the "kernel" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:54
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chillsk wait09:54
spitwisemodprobe snd-ens137109:54
intelikeyit could be acpi interfearing with it i guess.09:54
spitwisedash, not underscore09:54
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spitwisen0ne: ^09:55
intelikeyspitwise ;/09:55
chillsstdin : i need to edit /etc/ppp/peers/kppp-options i think not the other file :(09:55
intelikeygameport               15496  1 snd_ens137109:55
intelikeysnd_rawmidi            25504  1 snd_ens137109:55
intelikeyfrom lsmod for n0ne ^09:55
stdinchills: just open it in kate that you opened with kdesu09:55
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intelikeyi had him remove the 1371 trying to get the ac'97 to do it's job.   it's also inserted...09:56
spitwisegoogle has some confoosed peoplew/ ens137109:56
spitwisei see09:56
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n0neso what i need2do?09:57
spitwiseam intrigued .. never seen a no sound prob like this09:57
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:57
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intelikeyn0ne    try adding  "acpi=ht"  on the "kernel" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:57
spitwiseintelikey: you just told him to do what that link i posted said09:57
=== moskillz [n=moskillz@host-148-82-220-24.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu
n0newhere is it kernel line?09:57
intelikeyspitwise i know.   that's where i got it.09:58
chillsstdin : did that lets see if it works09:58
n0neWhere is kernel line?!09:58
stdingood luck :)09:58
intelikeyn0ne the line that says kernel09:58
n0nethere is no such line09:58
moskillzim sorry but i crashed it again could you give me the thing i type into konsol to un crash the add remove program09:58
intelikeyor /boot/vmlinuz*09:59
stdin!adeptcrashfix | moskillz09:59
ubotumoskillz: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:59
=== intelikey wonders if the word kernel appears in a menu.lst
moskillzthank you sorry about that09:59
stdin:) no problem09:59
n0newhat i need to do?10:00
spitwisethe line in the example looks like this:10:00
spitwisekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash vga=788 acpi=ht10:00
intelikeyyeah i thought it said kernel10:00
spitwisethey added that last bit acpi=ht10:00
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chillshey stdin10:01
intelikeyspitwise it's already there ?10:01
spitwisesave the file and i assume reboot10:01
spitwiseno from the url10:01
Jucatoone enables the root account with "sudo su passwd" right? how would you disable it then?10:01
=== jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu
n0nethere many lines with this !!10:01
spitwiseor we have pebcak10:01
stdinchills: it working?10:01
chillsstdin:  working the internet is :) online from it10:02
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stdinchills: done well, you have :)10:02
chillsbut now i gota check if the internet speed is working.. properly .. which i doubt it is10:02
n0neomfg i'll have no sound forever10:02
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chillsstdin: the net problem is still dere its freggggin slow :( what do i do10:03
n0nemy problem with sound til 7 at morning, so relax10:03
=== Rythan_ [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00159a403c94.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
chillsits connected at 9600 is right or less or wht ?10:04
=== n0ne f''''ng bored
spitwisei dunno i use yaboot10:05
stdinchills: is the connection speed in the KPPP modem settings set right ?10:05
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n0neheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeee10:06
chillsstdin:  my modem is 56k i dont know in terms of the other settting wht it should be10:06
spitwisen0ne: have you tried anything people have been asking you to?10:06
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intelikeyn0ne did you try adding  "acpi=ht"  on the "kernel" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?10:06
stdinchills: just set it to the highest setting in kppp10:06
chillsah okay10:07
n0neomfg I CAN"T FIND THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:07
ShuTn0ne: that's why he asks you to add it10:07
spitwisepastebin the freakin file?10:07
chillsstdin: its already done :)10:07
intelikeyn0ne grep kernel /boot/grub/menu.lst10:08
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intelikeydoes that show you some linse or not ?10:08
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chillsstdin: so ?10:09
stdinchills: dose it connect at a higher rate on windows (if you have it)10:09
chillsstdin:  yes10:09
spitwiseline 113 ?10:10
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intelikeyi don't what to see them.   edit the damn file.    look at line 113 of your paste.     krap.10:10
sjrWhat is the standard wireless tools package for kubuntu?10:10
sjri.e. for nice graphical editing10:10
chillsstdin: KDE_NO_IPV6=1 in a startup script how do i do that ?10:10
intelikey!wifi | sjr10:10
ubotusjr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:10
sjrubotu,  I just need the name of the package10:11
stdin!ipv6 | chills10:11
ubotuchills: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:11
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chillshmm would that increase the speed ?10:11
spitwiseif i wasn't watching the full monty right now i'd be cussin.10:12
stdinchills: not the actual speed of the connection, maybe browsing (as in it will find the IP from DNS faster)10:12
n0neOK, i've edited it!10:12
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chillsstdin: no that's not really an issue10:13
intelikeychills you can disable ipv6 altogather   by editing the file /etc/modprobe.d/aliases   and changing the line that says    alias net-pf-10 off       if that is what you want.10:13
n0newhat to do now?10:13
intelikeyn0ne if you added acpi=ht  to the kernel line reboot and see if that fixes it10:13
stdinchills: I'm not sure what to do then, I don't use dialup so I have no experience with it10:13
spitwisesave the file10:14
spitwisethen reboot10:14
chillsstdin: hmm thanks anywys10:14
intelikeysome of us need a break anyway....  ;/10:14
chillstime to download realplayer10:15
intelikeythe guy's not dumb.  but he sure can get under my skin.10:15
stdinchills: maybe the people in #ubuntu will know how to help, or in #kde or even ##linux , can't hurt to ask, plus there is always google and http://www.linuxquestions.org/10:15
spitwisehes just been tainted by windows10:16
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intelikeyyes   that too           well   i'm going to extend my break.    back later.10:16
chillsah yea10:16
chillsi could get some other distro n run gnome i guess.10:17
stdinchills: you don't need to run gnome :p10:17
chillsbut for some reason gnome was giving me this very error the other day  :\ it doesnt even have kppp10:17
chillsstdin why not ?10:17
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stdinchills: you can install gnome apps in KDE10:17
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chillshmm.. downloading them would be a pain :p10:18
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stdinyeah, on dialup it would be10:19
chillsi am out then .. gota study wil think ov it late10:19
=== Linux_Galore shivers at the though of dial up
AddyK'ello every body :D10:19
kourani really need help with getting dvds to work. mplayer, totem, vlc dont work. i have installed libdvdcss. i dont know what the problem could possibly be. please help10:19
chillsthanks anywys :)10:19
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stdinchills: ok, no problem :)10:19
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n0neit's not working10:20
chillsyea 800kb is the max speed i get10:20
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stdinI have a 4Mb connection :p10:20
AddyK512 MB That's pretty good... :)10:21
stdin512MB ?? or KB10:21
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n0neomfg i have 100mbps connection but it won't fix my sound!!!10:21
n0nehelp me!!10:21
AddyK*KB/s Sorry10:21
AddyKHehe... got mixed up :D10:22
stdinAddyK: was gonna say, I wouldn't mind a 512MB/s connection :p10:22
AddyKstdin: Neither would I... :D10:22
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AddyKThat must be the kind of speed the Information SuperHighWay must have, no?10:24
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n0neit's lan10:24
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n0neomfg help me with sound please!!!!!10:24
stdinAddyK: internet nodes (like ISPs) have speeds in the Gb/s range10:25
AddyKW. T. F. ???? (o.O) -> (o///O) OK... I'm a noob10:25
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AddyKHmm, you have problems with the sound card in ubuntu?10:27
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AddyKHmm, did it recognise at least that you have a sound card on your machine?10:28
AddyKI mean something in dmesg10:29
AddyKOy.. :) Trying to help :)10:29
AddyKWhat type of soundcard?10:29
spitwisehe wants a magical answer10:30
n0nei just want to listen to music10:30
AddyKA what?10:30
spitwiseOMFG i know!10:30
stdinlike, OMFG!!! WTF i don't know !!!!!!!!! like10:30
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n0neu know my problem10:31
[abhishek] how to start kooldock10:31
n0neand u can't help me10:31
spitwisewe googled for you n0ne10:31
n0nei googled too10:32
n0neand nothing helpful10:32
AddyKThat's what I was about to do, lol10:32
stdin[abhishek] : try going to Kmenu -> Run Command, and type in kooldock10:32
spitwisemaybe someone in #ubuntu can solve your problem10:32
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[abhishek] stdin: ok10:33
n0nei've asked in #ubuntu they dunno10:33
stdintry in ##linux10:33
spitwisetry other speakers or headphones juts to be sure10:33
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Linux_Galoren0ne: when amarok starts up does it do a dummy spit10:34
n0nedummy what?10:34
spitwiseand try using kaffeine or some other sound app10:34
[abhishek] stdin: thanks buddy it worked10:34
Linux_Galoren0ne: does it show an error10:34
stdinhehe dummy spit :p10:34
=== Rob-West should really go to bed be back later
spitwisei had probs w/ amorak10:35
stdin[abhishek] : no problem :)10:35
n0nei dunno what is "dummy spit"10:35
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n0nespit in russian = sleeping :D10:35
Linux_Galoren0ne: when a baby get upset it spits the dummy out10:35
stdinthrowing a paddy10:35
stdinhaving a tantrum10:36
Linux_Galoren0ne: so if something is upset or showing an error or just plain broke one can use the expression "dummy spit"10:36
n0neoh ok, i'm from russia so i dunno much expressions and ideoms)10:36
n0neno there is no errors when i start amarok10:37
spitwisehave you tried kaffiene?10:37
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AddyKOpen a konsole and type amarok10:37
Linux_Galoren0ne: does amarok start without an error10:37
AddyKTO see what the app writes10:37
AddyKif there is a warning it might say there10:37
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n0neamarok stars without errors10:38
spitwisethis is the most patient room on irc methinks10:38
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Linux_Galoren0ne: yes it shows an error or yes it starts fine ?10:38
AddyKTrue :D10:38
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stdinspeaking of kaffeine, I'm gonna get some coffee10:38
stdin!caps | n0ne10:39
ubotun0ne: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:39
Linux_Galoren0ne: ok thats tells me the sound server is fine10:39
Linux_Galoren0ne: something is "working" just not properly10:39
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AddyKMaybe hardware volume's too low10:39
spitwisemaybe he just cant hear since hes shouting so much ;P10:39
n0nelol, i know that smth is working noot properly10:40
n0nehow to solve it10:40
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Linux_Galoren0ne: open a terminal and type  asoundconf list10:41
Linux_Galoren0ne: does it list you sound card10:41
n0neNames of available sound cards:10:41
Linux_Galoren0ne: aaah it sees two sound cards10:42
AddyKYou must have an onboard one... no?10:42
n0neone in my PCI slot and one in my motherboard10:42
n0newire plugged in PCI card10:42
Linux_Galoren0ne: you have to select one of the other with the command  asoundconf set-default-card ICH5   or try the other one and reboot10:43
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n0neICH5 is onboard ?10:43
Linux_Galoren0ne: yes10:43
=== spitwise sheds a tear
Linux_Galoren0ne: not sure about the AudioPCI thing that sounds like a generic driver so may fail10:44
AddyKspitwise: touching?10:44
spitwise*joy and frustration* ;)10:44
n0neam i need to reboot after changing?10:44
Linux_Galoren0ne: yes10:45
n0neok, brb10:45
AddyKHmm, wouldn't it have worked restarting the sound server?10:45
lenscapewhat are kubuntu users given to manage disk partitions?10:45
=== Linux_Galore has a few machines with on board sound and gets this issue now and again
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Linux_Galoreespecially if you also have a pci sound card thats a bit iffy10:46
AddyKlenscape: Hmm, fdisk I think10:46
stdinlenscape: depends on what you want to do10:46
AddyKlenscape: Or maybe cfdisk10:46
stdinlenscape: or gparted10:46
AddyKTO edit.10:46
lenscapestdin: delete partions. Add partitions. That sort of thing10:46
lenscapeI'd prefer a gui10:46
spitwisecfdisk is nice imho10:46
AddyKspitwise: true :D10:47
stdinlenscape: gparted is a good GUI, you can use the Ubuntu/Kubuntu CD or get the Gparted CD10:47
stdinlenscape: as you can't be using the drive when you repartition it10:47
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:47
lenscapestdin: yes, I know all that. I just want an app that saves me having to remember parition types and work out sizes10:48
stdinlenscape: gparted is the one for you then :)10:48
AddyKstdin: pretty cool think with the !command10:48
stdinAddyK: yeah, saves me having to remember a load of links :P10:49
AddyKstdin: True :D10:49
stdinAddyK: you can use it to look up packages too, like apt-cache10:50
lenscapeit would be nice if all the channels used the same syntax :-)10:50
stdin of find what package a file is in10:50
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AddyKstdin: True but wouldn't that fill the screen if one wanted help for more than 10 apps? :D10:51
AddyKOy oy oy... tuxracer...10:51
stdinAddyK: you can /msg the bot too, like: /msg ubotu info gpated10:51
stdinor you can spell gparted right too10:52
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stdinheh :p10:52
n0neyea baby :D10:52
lenscapetypo epidemic10:52
n0neit's working! :D10:52
Linux_Galoren0ne: hmm10:52
n0nethxxxx uuu aaaaloott :)10:52
AddyKContratulations!!! :)10:52
Linux_Galoren0ne: yeah, thats very annoying though10:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:52
n0neis amarok playing mp3?10:53
lenscapegparted is pretty good. Got bugs, though.10:53
stdinn0ne: amarok can play mp3s yes, follow the guide from the 1st link10:53
Linux_Galoren0ne: yes, you may have to install the mp3 libs though its not there by default10:53
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stdinlenscape: gparted it quite stable, qtparted has plenty of bugs tho10:54
AddyK(T.T) [11:52]  <ubotu> Package tuxracer does not exist in any distro I know10:54
Linux_Galoren0ne: mp3 is a licensed format10:54
Linux_Galoren0ne: ie mp3 = none free10:54
Linux_Galoren0ne: but its easy to add to kubuntu10:54
stdinAddyK: it's renames to Planet Penguin Racer now10:55
Linux_Galoreooh well got some karma points10:55
stdin!planetpenguin-racer > AddyK10:55
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AddyKstdin: That's too sweet XD10:56
spitwisen0ne: Yay!!10:56
AddyKstdin: I mean the thing with the command and all :D10:57
stdinAddyK: yeah, its cool :)10:57
n0neyea, mp3 is supported now too :D10:57
n0neyeeeeaaaa babe....yeeeeeeaaa)10:58
n0nenow i'll try AVI film...10:58
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stdinAVI may need w32codecs, depends on the codec used to encode it10:58
n0neyea yea...10:58
Linux_Galoren0ne: amarok will sync with radio streams and podcasts and will allow you to transfer the music or the podcasts to you portable media player (iPOD etc)10:59
AddyKn0ne kaffeine is for movies... from what I gather.10:59
dwidmannAVI is just a container format ...10:59
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stdinyep Audio Video Interlace10:59
Linux_Galorekaffeine = video file format player that can use either mplayer or xine as a back end server10:59
spitwisei stream and do mp3s w/ kaffeine10:59
dwidmannthought it was interleave10:59
Linux_Galoreits usually wise to install mplayer and also the xine-extracodecs package11:00
AddyKHmm, but I like amarok for interface at music :)11:00
stdindwidmann: hmm, not sure now, wiki time :p11:00
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spitwisevlc works nice for video as well11:00
dwidmannas does mplayer/kmplayer11:00
Linux_Galoreyeah, vlc is nice but I have yet to see a nice front end for it11:00
stdindwidmann: yep, you're right Audio Video Interleave11:00
Linux_GaloreI use vlc as a last resort for broken or semi broken video files11:01
stdinLinux_Galore: vlc is its own frontend, it's a GUI app11:01
Linux_Galorestdin: yeah but its horrible11:01
stdinLinux_Galore: yes, I agree with that11:01
Linux_Galorestdin: actually vlc has a front and back end you can do stuff with it without X11:02
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Linux_Galorestdin: I often encode with vlc11:02
dwidmannI heard vlc will be switching to qt4, somewhere or another11:03
spitwisewhen i play a movie i just want the movie11:03
AddyKHow can I make a mp4 into mpg?11:03
dwidmannaddyk, mencoder can probably do it, but how it would do it is something outside my area of expertise11:04
dwidmann(I'm an expert at blundering and wasting time)11:04
AddyKdwidmann: thanks I'll check :)11:04
AddyKmen coder :))11:04
AddyKM encoder :)11:05
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AddyKWhoah... what's with the drops?11:06
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spitwiseoh my11:06
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Admiral_Chicagohighly annoying when you are using something like irssi like me11:06
stdinI didn't see a netsplit, the server just stopped responging ??11:06
Admiral_Chicagowow, that's a bad net split too11:06
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AddyKAnd it keeps going, and going... and going :D11:07
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:07
Admiral_Chicagoeverything that happens in a lot of channel is in one window so I see it all11:07
stdingotta love that bot :P11:07
dwidmannAdmiral_Chicago: ouch11:08
Admiral_Chicagoerr I'm not articulate when it's this late.11:08
dwidmannthe all knowing infobot ..11:08
Admiral_ChicagoI forget that he gets hungry...11:08
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firecrotchI'm in the market for a dedicated webhosting server, and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with Ubuntu Server...11:11
Admiral_Chicagonot I, but I've never heard a complaint11:12
stdinfirecrotch: you can ask in #ubuntu-server :)11:12
firecrotchThanks, stdin! :D11:12
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:14
n0nei've configured sound in video by myself! :D11:18
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Admiral_Chicagon0ne: good jsb11:18
dwidmann!envy | dwidmann11:18
ubotudwidmann: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy11:18
Admiral_Chicagojob* damn qwerty keyboards11:18
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Admiral_Chicagodwidmann: good luck :D11:18
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dwidmannwith what? I"m just grabbing myself some links11:20
dwidmannto throw at somebody else of course :D11:20
Admiral_Chicagooh i thought you were installing envy...that's some pretty bleeding line stuff)11:21
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shankygood morning11:21
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Admiral_Chicago@now Chicago11:21
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Chicago: January 10 2007, 04:21:5211:21
Admiral_Chicagothat's morning for me. :{11:22
spitwiseya its me bedtime11:22
shankyI have a little problem, I have a different time in kde than in console11:22
Admiral_Chicagoshanky: what do you mean console and kde?11:23
dwidmannAdmiral_Chicago: envy has worked pretty well for me in the past, so I have no problem recommending it to others.11:23
Admiral_Chicagokde == clock in system tray?11:23
shankyI mean in the kde's clock I have 11:24 but if I go to a console:11:23
Admiral_Chicagoi don't doubt it. Alberto (i think that's his name) does good work11:23
shankyroot@kubuntujramirez:/home/jramirez/descargas/drupal/smtp# date11:23
shankymi ene 10 10:24:44 UTC 200711:23
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Admiral_ChicagoUTC is a different time zone11:24
shankyhow can I change it?11:24
stdinshanky: what dose "cat /etc/timezone" show?11:24
Admiral_Chicagoits the "standard time zone"11:24
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Admiral_ChicagoI'm -6 UTC so I can talk to people better.11:24
shankyroot@kubuntujramirez:/home/jramirez/descargas/drupal/smtp# cat /etc/timezone11:24
Admiral_Chicagoit's easier to organize -1, +2 etc11:25
Admiral_Chicagoshanky: you're UTC +1.11:25
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spitwisebut the console time is correct right?11:25
stdinshanky: maybe try "sudo tzconfig"11:25
spitwisenighty night11:25
Admiral_Chicagospitwise: correct for UTC, for his time zone, no11:25
Admiral_Chicagonight spitwise11:26
shankyspitwise: no the rigtht time is the one in the clock in kde system tray11:26
shankystdin: ok, I'm gonna try tzconfig11:26
stdinshanky: ahh, hols on, you don't need to11:26
stdinshanky: what time zone you in +1 ?11:27
Admiral_Chicagostdin: yes11:27
stdinshanky: dose the kde clock shows 11:27 ?11:27
shankystdin: yes the kde clock shows the right time11:28
stdinshanky: ok, then, try that command (I hate time zones :P )11:28
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shankystdin: it has no effects -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1038/11:29
SlimGwill wlassistant be exchanged with kwifimanager in Feisty ?11:30
stdinhmm, date returns time in the right time zone here11:30
SlimGsorry, i meant knetworkmanager11:31
Admiral_Chicago#ubuntu+1 may know a lot better11:31
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wilmanhow can i make my recording work with ubuntu edgy?11:33
firecrotchHaha, all I got from #ubuntu-server is "Use SUSE"11:35
seven11will apt-get distro update bring me to feisty?11:35
Admiral_Chicagono, you need to change your sources.list11:36
stdinshanky: try setting: 'export TZ="Europe/Madrid" ' before you run date11:36
dwidmannseven11, you could do that, but it wouldn't be very advisable to go to feisty for a few months yet11:36
wilmanmay i ask something?11:36
wilmanis feisty the new ubuntu?11:36
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+111:37
seven11ok thanks11:37
=== d34l3r [n=just@p509211B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
d34l3rhi all11:37
d34l3rgot some problem11:37
d34l3r>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 0 <<<11:37
d34l3rfrom line zero to line nine11:37
d34l3rsome program changed it yesterday11:38
d34l3rgot an idea how to fix?11:38
wilmanwhat did you do before it happend11:38
stdind34l3r: post your sudoers file in pastebin, we'll take a look11:38
d34l3rI installed a program11:38
Admiral_Chicagod34l3r: /etc/sudoers11:38
d34l3rok, w811:38
d34l3rNano tells me, Permission is denied11:39
wilmansudo nano11:39
d34l3rthat's my main problem11:39
d34l3ri cannot get superuser rights^^11:40
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firecrotchWell, you're screwed11:40
stdind34l3r: live cd then11:40
Admiral_Chicagowilman, d34l3r you can still open it as read only11:40
Admiral_Chicagocopy it and paste it11:40
d34l3rAdmiral_Chicago - how to?11:40
wilmansmart :)11:40
Admiral_Chicagoalso, drop to a recovery mode.11:40
stdinAdmiral_Chicago: no you can't: -r--r----- 1 root root 403 2006-12-23 17:23 /etc/sudoers11:40
Admiral_Chicagod34l3r: hit enter11:40
Admiral_Chicagoafter permission denied.11:41
d34l3ri know what I did11:41
dwidmannrather than a livecd, rebooting in recovery mode works also11:41
d34l3ri used smb4k11:41
d34l3rdamn smb4k11:41
stdind34l3r: yeah, smb4k changes it11:41
dwidmannwait, I missed that part, Admiral_Chicago already said it11:41
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d34l3ris there any way to get it working again?11:42
d34l3rI mean11:42
d34l3ram I able to join this IRC Channel in Recovery MOde?11:42
d34l3ror does it disable network drivers?11:42
wilmanhey i have a question, if you want to upgrade a programm but it does'nt upgrade with sudo apt-get upgrade and you know there is a newer version, what to do?11:42
Admiral_Chicagono it's a lot smarter than windows11:42
d34l3r^^ ok11:42
stdinnetwork should still be active11:42
d34l3ri will be back soon11:42
Admiral_Chicagowilman: backports maybe11:42
d34l3rgoing to restart ;)11:43
d34l3rwilman - or compile11:43
stdinwilman: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:43
Admiral_Chicagocompile from source, SVN.11:43
dwidmannd34l3r, well, there are terminal irc apps, of course11:43
d34l3ri know11:43
d34l3rfor example irssi11:43
d34l3ror bitchx11:43
wilmanok thx;)11:43
dwidmannthen why'd you ask? :P11:43
d34l3ri just ask if NETWORK DRIVERS are disabled11:43
dwidmannshouldn't be11:43
d34l3rnot for console irc clients11:43
d34l3rlets se...11:44
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dwidmannI'm bored and drowsy, I think I'll take a nap11:44
Admiral_Chicago@now Chicago11:44
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Chicago: January 10 2007, 04:44:5611:44
Admiral_Chicagoyou got nothing on that dwidmann :)11:45
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dwidmannnothing on what?11:45
Admiral_Chicagomy time. it's 4 AM here. been up all night typing a paper, for my sister no less.11:45
dwidmann@now New York11:45
=== Admiral_Chicago loses
dwidmann@now NewYork11:45
Admiral_Chicago@now EST11:45
UbugtuCurrent time in EST: January 10 2007, 05:46:0011:45
Admiral_Chicago!botabuse | dwidmann Admiral_Chicago11:46
ubotudwidmann Admiral_Chicago: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:46
dwidmannit worked for Chicago ...11:46
Admiral_ChicagoChicago > New York.11:46
=== d34l3r [n=root@p509211B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Admiral_Chicagobut that is offtopic11:46
dwidmannand the middle of nowhere is > chicago11:46
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shankystdin: the export did not work11:47
d34l3rlol - i guess this is a security hole... I didnt need to enter any password for recovery mode11:47
d34l3reverybody is able to manipulate the system11:47
d34l3rwith root rights...11:47
shankystdin: sorry11:47
shankydid work11:47
d34l3rnow... lets fix this11:47
Admiral_Chicagono, that isn't abnormal. you can change that i think -- BIOS pw for one11:47
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d34l3rBios PW can be abused11:47
dwidmannd34l3r: only protection from that is encryption11:48
stdinshanky: hmm, If I put "export TZ=Europe/Paris" then date, I get time in paris11:48
d34l3rah i dont mean abused11:48
d34l3ryou can remove bios pw11:48
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Admiral_Chicagoclear CMOS11:48
d34l3rwith battery out of compter11:48
d34l3rfor some seconds11:48
d34l3rnot very secure :/11:48
d34l3rhowever - how can i fix this?11:48
d34l3rremove the Line 1-9 from sudoers file?11:48
stdind34l3r: if you setup a root pass, you get asked for a password to enter recovery mode too11:49
d34l3rgoing to do that later on11:49
Admiral_Chicagonano /etc/sudoers11:49
dwidmannstdin, I think it asks, IIRC, but you can leave it blank, hit enter and it takes it11:49
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Admiral_Chicagoand paste it, use w3m11:49
d34l3rseems like i cannot get TTY2 to work11:49
d34l3rthat sucks >_<11:50
dwidmannd34l3r: single user mode ...11:50
dwidmannyou're limitted to one VT11:50
d34l3rhmm ok11:50
stdindwidmann: it asks, but if you don't put a pass in, it just boots run level 2, normal boot11:50
d34l3rgoing to remove line 1-9, that should fix problems i guess11:50
stdinshould have told him to use screen11:51
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Admiral_Chicagooops, I could have done that, forgot since I'm supposed to be working11:51
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d34l3rback ...12:02
d34l3rnow it works12:02
stdingood :)12:02
d34l3romfg... smb4k had an error and POSTED THE ERROR in the sudoers file12:02
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stdinohh, btw d34l3r, you can use screen to get more than 1 console in recovery mode, just though you'd want to know :p12:04
d34l3rthx :-)12:04
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d34l3rdoes (K)Ubuntu Edgy have any known Problems yet?12:04
stdind34l3r: well it has some bugs, if that's want you mean12:05
d34l3ri have not seen one of this bugs yet12:05
d34l3rexcept that QTparted does NOT recognize Maxtor Hard Drives12:05
d34l3ror is able to partition them...12:05
d34l3rI mean12:05
d34l3rMaxtor SATA Hard Drive....12:05
d34l3rand qtparted is a little instable and is not able to resize NTFS drives :-D12:06
stdinsome feisty known bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=feisty12:06
d34l3rso I did it on windows using Partitionmagic12:06
stdincan gparted resize ntfs?12:07
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Admiral_Chicagopartition magic is the reason I use Gnu / Linux now12:07
Admiral_Chicagocrashed Windows, made me lose years of date that I didn't have backed up12:07
stdinwas the 1st tool I used to partition too12:07
Admiral_Chicagostdin: yes12:07
shankystdin: how can I made the change permanent?12:07
d34l3ri HAD TO make 20 GB free with PartitionMagic12:08
stdinshanky: the export TZ ?12:08
shankystdin: yes12:08
d34l3rqtparted wasn't able to resize my NTFS partition12:08
d34l3rwell - but my Windows still is alive12:08
Admiral_Chicagoi though it could...oh well.12:08
d34l3rit crashed at me12:08
d34l3rI got an Samsung Spinpoint IDE drive12:09
stdinshanky: you can add the line to ~/.bashrc (for just you), or add it to /etc/bash.bashrc (for all users)12:09
d34l3rso i think that is not the reason...12:09
stdind34l3r: qtparted and gparted aren't the same12:09
d34l3ri know12:09
stdinqtparted it the perfect example of a buggy app12:10
d34l3rand why the f*ck is it included?12:10
d34l3rand not gparted?12:10
stdind34l3r: because it a KDE app, and GParted is a GNOME app12:10
d34l3rthat s**cks12:10
d34l3rI hope there will be a better one, soon12:11
stdinthe Kubuntu developers have put a lot of work in to QTParted, so it's better than before, but it's got a way to go yet12:11
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Jucatoqtparted isn't a KDE app... it's a Qt app... GParted isn't a GNOME app, it's a GTK app (GNU Parted)12:11
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: I was going to say that but I got busy with this paper.12:12
stdinJucato: yes, I know that, but you knew what I meant12:12
Jucatostdin: oh I didn't know what you meant ;)12:12
stdinfine :p12:12
Jucatoanyway, more for the info of others who might not know what you meant :)12:12
Jucatolol actually, GParted *is* a GNOME app :P12:13
stdinjust run this on the sentence s/KDE/QT/ s/GNOME/GTK12:13
Jucatosee I do make mistakes :)12:13
=== Jucato bangs his head on the keyboard
shankystdin: thanks12:13
stdinshanky: no problem :)12:14
Jucatostdin: thanks12:14
Admiral_ChicagoGnome = GN Open Managed Enviroment12:14
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Admiral_ChicagoGNOME == GNU12:15
JucatoKDE = K Desktop Environment... very meaningful :)12:15
Linux_GaloreGNU have nothing to do with gnome12:15
=== Admiral_Chicago has Jucato's back
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Admiral_ChicagoLinux_Galore: GNOME is the third major project of GNU12:16
Admiral_Chicagoi heard it from Stallman himself Linux_Galore12:16
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Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: yes but gnome isnt even "GPL" its LGPL12:16
Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: Gnome is a separate project from the GNU group12:17
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Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: ever wonder why the "comercial" companies like Gnome over KDE, its because KDE is GPL and so is QT,  Gnome os LGPL thus allowing them to mix binaries and open source into the mix12:18
Admiral_Chicagothis conversation is very pedantic...12:18
Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: not its the truth12:18
JucatoGNU Object Model Environment?12:18
Admiral_Chicagosomething like that12:18
Jucatook... let's not all get too carried away...12:18
=== darty [n=darty@AToulouse-152-1-73-159.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_GaloreLast i looked RS isnt a big fan of LGPL12:19
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Admiral_Chicagoi see, GNOME isn't GNU based.12:19
Admiral_ChicagoRS doesn't use X, that's why...12:19
Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: LGPL in some ways goes against what RS stands for12:20
Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: lgpl in some ways says "yes binaries are fine", no there not12:21
Admiral_Chicagoi know that but when he does use X, i'm pretty sure he uses GNOME, he doensn;t like KDE too much12:21
Linux_GaloreAdmiral_Chicago: he prefers KDE last i read because its GPL and is the most like OSX12:21
Linux_Galoreno sorry thats Linus who likes KDE12:22
Admiral_ChicagoLast I read, he didn't like KDE, either way I don't feel like arguing licensing or the desktop preferences of one person12:23
Admiral_ChicagoKDE is the best12:23
Linux_Galorethink Linus did a big dummy spit about Gnome a whole back12:23
Linux_Galorebut then again Gnome isnt really aimed at power users like Linux12:24
Jucato(just a friendly advice to try and keep things on topic. thanks!)12:24
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:24
stdinsorry, couldn't resist :P12:28
Linux_GaloreJucato: Im waiting for a question12:28
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Raysielhi there12:29
Raysieldoes anybody here have any experience with xgame?12:30
stdinSorry, I don't know anything about xgame12:31
Raysielwell maybe you can help anyway with the problem i have ;P it seems like a permissions issue12:31
stdinask away12:32
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Raysielbasically xgame starts games in new x sessions so that u can play, switch to your desktop while not sharing resources12:33
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Raysielor something like that ^^'12:33
Raysiel(sorry for the bad english)12:33
horneta kanaly tez tu sa?12:33
hornetchce pogadac po polsku :)12:33
stdin!po | hornet12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
stdin!pl | hornet12:34
ubotuhornet: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:34
Raysielanyway i try to start cedega from xgame and the result is12:34
Raysielxauth:  creating new authority file /home/sparviero/.serverauth.1765112:34
RaysielX: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.12:34
Raysielxinit:  Server error.12:34
horneti poradz jakiego linuxa se zapodac12:34
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Raysieli tried chmodding 6755 xinit and X12:34
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Raysielnothing changes12:35
stdinRaysiel: how are you running this xgame app?12:35
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Raysielxgame has a gtk2 frontend12:37
stdinRaysiel: where did you get it from?12:37
Raysielfrom there i configured it to launch a script i wrote myself12:37
Raysieli had to download them from http://xgame.tlhiv.org/12:37
Raysielthe script is a simple line with the parameters i need for cedega12:38
Raysielbut x won't start12:38
Raysieli tried doing sudo xinit script -- :2 and it obviously work12:38
Raysielbut then i realized a terrible thing12:39
Raysieli didn't know how to revert back to my previous xserver ;P tha game crashed and i was stuck in the new xserver =( had to reboot12:39
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dwidmannRaysiel, as a last resort, you could always remove the xserver packages, and then reinstall them12:43
stdinRaysiel: hmm, it looks like it's trying to run a full X server, which only root can do12:43
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tazzi am getting problems while installing libc6 which seems to be broken and it wont ununstall, so sould i uninstall it manually?12:46
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stdintazz: libc6 should already be installled12:46
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stdinRaysiel: you may find it easier to just start a new session if you want the game to run in another X server12:47
Raysielbut the real question is: how do i switch between them?12:47
dwidmannctrl + alt + f7/f812:48
stdinRaysiel: you can either use the menu (Kmenu -> Switch user)  or sue the keyboard12:48
tazzstdin, i messed with libc6 which was completely my fault, i tried to install libc6 externally from debian's repos so now libc6 is broken12:48
stdintazz: have you removed the debian repository from your sources ?12:49
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:49
dwidmannmaybe something like this, tazz, apt-get remove libc6, apt-get clean, apt-get update, apt-get install libc612:49
tazzstdin, it seems to be broken and it wont remove if i do a dpkg -r12:49
Raysielstdin: usink kmenu is not a solution since i would start a session without a window manager. what about using the keyboard? what do you mean exactly?12:49
tazzdwidmann, i tried that didnt work.12:50
dwidmannwhat does apt say, exactly?12:50
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ubotupaste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)12:50
stdintazz: a lot of things depend on libc6, you can't remove it, the solution is to remove the debian repository and run "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libc6"12:50
dwidmannI would recommend apt-get cleaning first, just to be sure that the debian libc6 isn't in the /var/cache/apt/archive12:51
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stdinRaysiel: if you want to start a blank X session, then you need to run "startx -- :1" or "startx -- :2" as root12:51
tazzwaite i will pastebin the error i get12:51
stdindwidmann: if you remove the debian archive, then it won't matter if there is a higher version in /var/cache/apt/archives12:52
tazzdwidmann, stdin http://pastebin.com/855841 <------ the errors i get12:53
dwidmannmight if it's locally available o.O I can't remember if it does that or not12:53
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stdinRaysiel: then you can run the game like "DISPLAY=:1 game"12:53
stdindwidmann: it doesn't, as it looks for the highest available version in the repos12:54
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dwidmannah, good that it does that then, but hey, my paranoia is justified, if you're paranoid things always work :O12:54
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ForgeAushey all is there any way to convert an XFS disk to an EXT2 one?12:55
ForgeAuserm ext3 sorry12:55
Raysielstdin: that works also by launching xinit /usr/bin/wow -- :2 as root as i tried before. but i cannot revert to the first x session12:55
MobsterLobsterwhere would my sources list be for apt?12:56
apokryphosin /etc/apt12:56
dwidmanntazz, try having it reinstall glibc also, perhaps12:56
stdinRaysiel: use Ctrl-Alt-F712:57
dwidmann/etc/apt/sources.list @ MobsterLobster12:57
stdinRaysiel: and Ctrl-Alt-F8 to go back to the game12:57
guglielfhi, apparently i have this prob: the only way for the adept_notifier to work is after an apt-get update in konsole. Any suggestion? tnx12:57
MobsterLobsterto edit it i would sukde kate /etc/apt/sources.list?12:57
Raysielyeah that is what i was seaarching for12:59
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stdintazz: can you post this file on pastebin: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.preinst01:02
ForgeAusis it better to convert my old filesystem or remove it and make a blank partition?01:02
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stdinForgeAus: I don't know if you can convert xfs to ext3, you may have to reformat it01:03
ForgeAusok thanx stdin01:04
astanis there any way to reset the look of the login screen to the KDE default? the kubuntu one look, imho, quite awful :) the login/passwd text entries are borderless and they overlap the graphics in the background in a weird way..01:05
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Raysieldidn't work as i expected01:05
Raysielthere's something odd... like running xinit etc etc shuts down the first xserver.01:06
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stdinRaysiel: try using startx, it's the proper way of starting a X server01:06
Raysielor anyway it starts the new one in the same place as the old one01:06
Raysielctrl+alt+f8 brings nowhere while the new xserver is @f701:07
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Raysielmaybe because i give the command from konsole in the graphical server? should i try from tty1?01:07
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stdinRaysiel: no, it works in konsole too, if you use startx not xinit01:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:17
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ForgeAusbbl rebooting01:25
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=== addyk 's computer hang and lost data
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addykHello! does anyone know why can't I find mc in aptitude? :|01:29
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tazzstdin, just a sec i will paste it01:29
tristanohello, audio doesn't work! i have 2 sound blasters (the via, embedded, and the ensoniq pci). how to fix this problem? i suppose that kubuntu uses via as default sound blaster.01:30
Raysielstdin: is the syntax ok? startx gamescript -- :201:30
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tazzstdin, http://pastebin.com/85586401:32
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KubenteroWhats the deal with Kwallet?01:33
Tm_TIt keeps passwords etc etc.01:34
KubenteroNo it doesn't :-P01:34
Tm_TFor example, all my Kopete accounts and Kmail accounts are held in Kwallet, so I don't have to enter them all the time.01:34
Tm_TBut yes, it has been buggy at times.01:34
KubenteroI open Kopete and it asks for my kwallet pasword then asks me for all the kopete passwords01:35
KubenteroThat's not useful01:35
Tm_THmm, and you did set it to keep all passwords?01:35
tristanohello, audio doesn't work! i have 2 sound blasters (the via, embedded, and the ensoniq pci). how to fix this problem? i suppose that kubuntu uses via as default sound blaster.01:35
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:35
Tm_Ttristano: Any help there?01:35
KubenteroTm_T: no I figured that's the point of the kwallet01:36
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tristanonow i search in.01:36
Tm_TKubentero: Well it doesn't remember those if you don't set that way, I don't keep all my passwords there either.01:36
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KubenteroI have to set each kopete password to be kept in kwallet?01:37
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Tm_TKubentero: Well, IIRC it asks it when you add account so yes.01:38
tristanoTm_T: i have 2 sound blasters (recognized by kubuntu), one works, the other not, and i suppose that kubuntu uses as default that that doesn't work.01:38
stdinRaysiel: no, you need do something like "sudo startx -- :2 &" then "DISPLAY=:2 gamescript"01:38
Tm_Ttristano: Can you disable the other one in BIOS?01:38
adz21cthere is a bug with kwallet on edgy when it comes to storing passwords, i think someone said it is a problem with fresh installs only01:38
Raysielstdin: ty i'll try right now01:39
KubenteroWell this is the live CD01:39
adz21cmay have the same problem01:39
KubenteroCan I just shut off kwallet?01:39
Jucatoright-click on the wallet in the system tray, configure, then uncheck the "enable wallet subsystem"?01:40
tristanoTm_T: now i try!01:40
KubenteroSuppose there is no wallet there?01:41
Jucatoit's not running?01:41
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KubenteroLets say it's not :-)01:41
KubenteroWhen I turn on the Live CD it's not there but it sure asks a lot01:42
JucatoAlt+F2, "kcontrol" -> Security & Privacy -> wallet should be there01:42
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Zero_KelvinJust a quick couple of questions. I used to use Gwenview on Gentoo to browse images, then perhaps move them around to sort them if I found duplicates and what not. I tried doing this tonight and Gwenview installed via Adept in Kubuntu doesn't open Zips or mounted Hard Drives. Any ideas?01:42
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JucatoZero_Kelvin: are you sure it's Gwenview and not Digikam?01:43
stdintazz: hmm, I'm kinds stuck on this one01:43
Zero_KelvinUrk. Bad english. Gwenview doesn't create thumbnails for zips or hard drives. It'll open them, but I have to manually enter the location in the address bar, which is a bit annoying since I haven't had to do it before.01:44
KubenteroHmm Hasn't been dropped into System Settings I see01:45
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stdintazz: try asking in #ubuntu and/or ##linux01:45
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Zero_KelvinI'd really like to use something like ACDSee 2.4's browse function but there isn't a single Linux image viewer that works the same.01:45
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JucatoKubentero: because the option is reachable through the system tray (theoretically)01:45
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KubenteroIsn't there a printers:/ kio ?01:51
KubenteroAah Print:/01:51
KubenteroKDE is such a thing of prettiness01:52
Zero_KelvinAll I want for browsing (cause there's tonnes of tools for mucking with images) is something that has a large preview area, and a smaller file/directory/hdd list on the side that I can navigate through via the arrow keys and enter, without using the mouse.01:52
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Zero_KelvinGwenview comes close, although it's missing a .. file at the top of the file list, but now it's acting differently to the last version I used and not displaying HDD's or zips. I've checked the options, and I've searched on Google (and gotten lots of utterly unrelated results to my problem).01:54
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KubenteroHmm Ok how do I add a printer?01:57
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stdinKubentero: use system settings to do that01:57
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sivaji hi stdin01:59
stdinhi sivaji02:00
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sivajican u tell me a ide for visual c++02:00
sivajiin kde02:00
Jucatothere is not "Visual C++" in Linux02:00
Schuenemannsivaji: eclipse02:00
JucatoC++ yes, but not Visual C++ (afaik)02:01
Schuenemannyeah, right02:01
JucatoThere's KDevelop for KDE02:01
Schuenemannwho needs visual c++ ?02:01
sivajiit is not there in eclipse02:01
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Schuenemannyou have to install c++ plugin for eclipse02:01
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Jucatosivaji: Visual C++ is a Microsoft only implementation of C++02:01
Schuenemannwhich I don't know the name :)02:01
Jucatosivaji: if you need a C++ IDE for KDE, you can use KDevelop02:01
sivajii need my hod has given a project in that02:02
Schuenemannthen you need windows :/02:02
Jucatoyes, you definitely need Windows, and not just Wine02:02
sivajino it is fully diff from c++02:02
pointer_i must to open a port , how i do that on ubuntu???02:02
Schuenemannhow can I update to KDE 3.5.5?02:02
Schuenemannoh wait nevermind02:03
sahin_wAre you using Dapper or Edgy?02:03
Schuenemannedgy already comes with 3.5.5, right?02:03
SchuenemannI thought I was using dapper02:03
stdinSchuenemann: you can use "kde-config --version" to check :)02:04
Schuenemannhelp > about kde said 2.5.502:04
Schuenemannand so does kde-config02:04
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stdinSchuenemann: in fact, you can do --version on any kde app to see the KDE and QT version, aswel as the app version02:05
Zero_KelvinOutta here. Cya's later.02:05
Schuenemannok, thanks02:06
stdinheh, my Konversation version is "1.0.1+ #3196" :D02:06
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draremwhen i run the apt package manager from the menu, it asks for p/w to run as root - how can I set up Kate to run like that?02:07
SchuenemannKonversation: 1.0.102:07
Jucatohehe welcome to the wonderful world of SVN :)02:07
Schuenemanndrarem: kdesu kate02:07
Jucatodrarem: what for?02:07
draremso i don't have to go to terminal to sudo it02:07
KubenteroJucato: He needs kate to run as root?02:07
KubenteroAnytime I click on Printers in System settings system settings goes away02:08
Schuenemannmaybe he'll edit grub config file02:08
Jucatoeither in Konsole or in Alt+F2: kdesu kate02:08
pointer_i must to open a port , how i do that on ubuntu???02:08
draremok thanks02:08
Jucatomaybe... or maybe he just thought it could be password protected... I don't know.. that's why I ask :)02:08
LjLpointer_: ?02:08
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Schuenemanndrarem: you can right click and select Edit as root02:08
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pointer_i must to open 34595 UDP port...02:09
LjLpointer_: TCP/UDP ports are open *unless* you explicitly "close" them somehow02:09
pointer_how i do that???02:09
pointer_i have rooter02:09
LjLpointer_: then it's a problem with your router, not with Ubuntu02:09
draremnahh, but maybe i should be editing stuff in development on my home and then sudo cp it to the production folders that are protected02:09
stdinif you prefer to speak Italian, use #kubuntu-it02:09
draremprob better way of not hosing stuff up02:09
ValmarkoI want to remove a directory. What command should I use?02:10
LjL!pm | pointer_02:10
ubotupointer_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.02:10
LjLpointer_: i don't know, it depends entirely on your router. it comes with an instruction manual i would assume02:10
draremwhat is this debconf for PostFix thing?02:12
ValmarkoI want to remove a directory but its not empty. What command should I use ?02:12
LjLUbotu, tell Valmarko about cli | Valmarko, see the private message from Ubotu02:12
Schuenemannrm -rf directory02:12
stdinValmarko: rm -r02:12
LjLValmarko: "man rm"02:12
=== Kubentero is going to be beta testing gassy gorrilla :(
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Valmarkook, tanks :)02:13
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sivajiple tell me what is the use of this command rm -r02:14
Schuenemannrm = remove02:15
stdinsivaji: man rm02:15
Schuenemann-r = include subdirectory02:15
stdin-r = recursive02:15
Schuenemannsounds better02:15
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KubenteroKDE ~= June?02:20
KubenteroKDE4 ~= June?02:20
bonbonthejonis kde4 going to be backported to dapper?02:21
Schuenemannwhat should I install to use vnc?02:21
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:21
Schuenemannvncserver (apt-get) ?02:21
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stdinbonbonthejon: don't think so, not any time soon anyway02:21
bonbonthejonstdin: hmm, how about for edgy?02:22
chuenHi. If I can find lib files in the repository and have to download in gzip format, how do I install them correctly?02:22
chuenI mean *can't* find - sorry!02:22
stdinbonbonthejon: maybe, but KDE4 isn't going to be released for a long time, there will be a developer release (to make KDE4 apps), but not a desktop release any time soon02:23
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chuenHi stdin thans for you help with amarok yesterday.02:23
stdinchuen: no problem :)02:23
stdin!compile | chuen02:24
ubotuchuen: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:24
chuenstdin - where do I use the '!' command?02:25
stdinchuen: you don't, you read the link the bot gave you02:25
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chuenOh, OK - but I've seen that a few times -is it an irc command?02:26
stdinchuen: no, it's a command for the ubuntu bot02:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:26
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Schuenemannstdin: which vnc you use (if any) ?02:27
chuenstdin Oh! Ok.  I search in adept and couldn't find libmtp (which is what I;m looking for)02:28
stdinSchuenemann: I don't, but I've used FreeNX, it's quite good02:28
Schuenemannhmm.... but that's a different protocol, right?02:28
sivajiwhen i compile my c++ program in eclipse i got this error "lauch failed  no binaries "  how can i solve this02:28
stdinSchuenemann: yeah, it's SSH02:29
SchuenemannI need vnc02:29
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stdinSchuenemann: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH02:30
stdinopps :p02:30
stdinSchuenemann: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC02:30
stdinchuen: yeah, it's not in dapper, why do you need it?02:30
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KubenteroOK i have a HP 5610 printer02:32
Kubentero I only see drivers for 5600 which I figure would be close enough02:32
KubenteroI guess not02:32
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KubenteroNone oft he testp ags print02:33
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chuenstdin for an mtp device I'm trying to use in amarok.02:33
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chuenstdin my ipod is fine, but my son is bitching about not being able to use hisCreative device any more :)02:34
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stdinchuen: ok, so where did you download the lib from?02:36
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Schuenemanncan I remove file /tmp/.X3-lock ? I killed a procss02:38
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SchuenemannI mean is it safe?02:39
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Schuenemannsays write-locked02:39
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Balsamic_Chickenomg omg how could i enhance OpenOffice Word's thesaurus, it's a piece of crap right now =(02:40
chuenstdin: sorry went to get lunch ...02:41
stdinchuen: aww, now you're making me hungry02:41
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chuenstdin: http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/02:41
chuenstdin: LOL02:41
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stdinchuen: which version? 0.2.1?02:41
stdinchuen: *0.1.202:42
chuenstdin: Yep.02:42
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stdinchuen: ok, let's try and compile it then :)02:43
chuenstdin: Gulp.02:43
stdinchuen: 1st thing you need to do, is open konsole02:43
chuenstdin: first time for eveything ...02:44
chuenstdin: OK - one sec.02:44
chuenstdin: OK, done.02:44
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stdinchuen: now you need to cd to where you downloaded the file02:45
chuenstdin: ok02:45
stdinchuen: so if it's on the desktop "cd Desktop"02:45
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stdinchuen: done that?02:46
chuenstdin: Mmm. "permission denied"02:46
chuenI think I may know why...02:46
stdinchuen: huwa?02:46
draremis there a channel here for ubuntu server security or something?02:46
chuenstdin: a chmod experiment that went wrong :(02:46
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stdindrarem: #ubuntu-server is for ubuntu server02:47
chuenfrom my user director with a '*' at the end .02:47
stdinchuen: oh deer02:47
chuenWhat mermissions should Desktop have>?02:47
chuenpermissions even.02:47
stdinchuen: it's normally 70002:48
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's the 700 club02:48
ninHerwhere are located conf. files of kopete ?02:48
Balsamic_Chickeni think i saw it on tv for like 2 seconds02:48
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ninHerthakns stdin02:49
chuenstdin: Not familiar enough with chomd (obviously, from earlier experiment) but group and other are forbidden and user has read / write.02:50
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stdinchuen: 700 = owner (user) read+write+execute, group forbidden , other forbidden02:51
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stdinchuen: with directories, execute means, permission to enter the directory02:51
chuenstdin: Ah, OK.02:52
guglielfhi, I have a problem: the only way for the adept_notifier to start is after updating with apt-get in konsole. Any suggestion? tnx02:52
chuenstdin: so if  I chmod Desktop02:52
stdinguglielf: what do you mean?02:52
stdinchuen: so "chmod 700 Desktop" then "cd Desktop"02:53
chuenstdin: what's the syntax from, say my user directory?02:53
chuenstdin: OK.02:53
guglielfI mean that the only way I have to mak ean update is using apt-get in konsole02:53
chuenstdin: Done.02:54
stdinguglielf: adept_notifier isn't starting ?02:54
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stdinguglielf: if so, press Alt-F2 and type in: adept_updater02:54
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guglielfstdin: apparently not02:54
Kubentero can I Print an ODT from the command line?02:54
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stdinchuen: ok, now you need to extract the files from the tar.gz archive02:55
guglielfstdin: it starts only after updating the database with apt-get: strage behaviour indee02:55
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fdovingguglielf: you didn't disable apt-index-watcher did you?02:56
guglielfno, i did not02:56
chuenstdin: via command line? Never done that I'm afraid.02:56
KubenteroOh no wait it's a doc02:56
guglielfstdin: what's that?02:56
Kubentero can I print a .doc from the command line?02:56
stdinguglielf: that's because you only see it if there are updates available, and apt-get update checks for updates02:56
stdinchuen: ok, this is how we do it :)02:56
stdinchuen: tar xzf libmtp-0.1.2.tar.gz02:57
chuenstdin: OK. Just returns to command prompt, right?02:57
sivajii dont can shortcut for cd driver on desktop when i put a cd inside the cd driver02:57
stdinchuen: yep02:58
dennistergm ppl02:58
chuenstdin: OK.02:58
sivajii want that short cut to appear what to do ple tell me ?02:58
stdinchuen: tar is used to extract .tar files. tar.gz is a GZip compressed Tar archive, so we tell tar to extract with "x" and that the file is Gzipped with "z" and the file name with "f"02:58
dennisterany web developers in the channel?  I'm looking on some advice as to the relative merits of zope 3, drupal, & joomla?02:59
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KubenteroZopee3 rocks! :)02:59
chuenstdin. OK thx. I'll print my IRC log out later and review that :)02:59
stdinchuen: I'm going to try and explain most of the commands used here, so you get a better understanding :)03:00
chuenstdin. OK, great.03:00
dennisterreally? how easy is it to learn for an experienced developer who's really into joomla?03:00
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dennisteri ask because we need a relatively complex site fast that we can build on over time03:01
guglielfstdin: yeah right, but i'd like adept_notifier to notify for updates03:01
stdinchuen: now if you use the command "ls" (that's LS lower case), you see a new directory called "libmtp-0.1.2"03:01
guglielfstdin: thanks for the attn however, just in case how can I enable that apt-index-watcher03:01
stdinguglielf: it should check for updates once a day automatically03:01
chuenstdin: Yes.03:01
Kubenterodennister: A pain :) Zope has very steep learning curve but is supremely configurable and poerful once you get it03:01
stdinguglielf: "sudo /etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher start" or "sudo /etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher restart" to restart it03:02
stdinchuen: now cd in to that directory03:02
stdinchuen: cd = Change Directory :)03:02
guglielfstdin: mmm ok i'll try that, tnx!03:02
dennisterok, so even a very experienced programmer/web developer might not be able to get it up and running by Feb 1st?03:02
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Kubenterodennister: Yeah you should be able to do that pretty easy03:03
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Kubentero apt-get install zope3 :)03:03
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KubenteroJust might be hard to appreciate what you have03:03
dennisterKubentero: i'm afraid i'm not that developer...she's a mac-head03:03
stdinchuen: you can use a feature called "Tab Completion" to help, if you type "cd lib<TAB>" (where <TAB> is the tab key), the command will be compleated for you03:04
dennisteri'm the content person who'll be maintaining content03:04
KubenteroWe have it running on macs at work03:04
Kubenterojust as simple03:04
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dennisterreally? as simple as joomla?03:04
Kubenterodennister: You should love zope then it logically seperates design engine and content03:05
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chris_who can donate some os there03:05
chuenstdin: I know 'cd' and a few other commands but I forget the syntax sometimes :) OK. Done03:05
KubenteroYou can work on content all you want without having to worry about how it's going to be displayed or processed03:05
chuenstdin: the 'tab completeion' is handy to know :)03:05
stdinchuen: it's *very* useful :)03:05
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Kubenterodennister: Going to be around for about 50 minutes?03:06
stdinchuen: now the 1st thing you'll want to do, is look at the files in the directory, so use the command "ls" to look (ls = list)03:06
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dennisteryes, but only an hour03:06
dennisterhave to leave in 2 hrs03:06
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dennisternot one hr03:07
chuenstdin: OK.03:07
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Kubenterodennister: ok. I think that if this is a one off project stick with what you know. If you are looking to explore then Zope3 is a worthwhile endeavour03:07
stdinchuen: most packages that you compile will have a "configure" script, and so dose this one (which makes things easier)03:07
chuenstdn: OK.03:08
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stdinchuen: so what we need to do, is run that script, but we need to tell it a couple of things first03:08
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Schuenemannisn't there an EASY way to set VNC?03:08
dennisterwell, we're meeting wtiht he mac/joomla developer on friday...she said she'd be willing to learn drupal or whatever depending on whether or not it was 'needed'03:09
stdinchuen: we need to tell it the prefix to use, that's what directory to install everything in, in this case (and in most others), we want to install in /usr03:09
dennisteri'm just concerned that joomla is too limiting a framework03:09
KubenteroWell decide if you need it then :-)03:09
KubenteroI don't think you will find that an issue with Zope303:10
stdinchuen: so we run the script like this: ./configure --prefix=/usr03:10
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dennisteryes...it's more powerful apparently...even the silva is neat for collaborative publishing/versioning03:10
stdinchuen: you'll see it run, and It'll probably stop with an error if you don't have all the things the package needs installed03:10
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chuenstdin: I think there are some dependants, so that may happen as I checked for them using adept earlier - lets  try it ....03:11
stdinchuen: have you installed the "build-essential" package yet ?03:12
Kubenterodennister: I'd go to #zope and #joomla and get them to tell you the weaknesses of the other.03:12
chuenstdin: Ummm, don't think so. BTW, it ran ok - no errors that I can identify.03:12
dennisteri'm also concerned about what i read in this techsoup article comparing joomla, drupal, and plone: "it has limited out-of-the box functionality for dealing with sophisticated dynamic content structures. For instance, the site navigation is limited to no more than two levels of hierarchy"03:12
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stdinchuen: can you paste the output?03:12
stdinchuen: (to pastebin)03:13
Kubenterodennister: For which one?03:13
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chuenstdin: Yes I will - it was checking for some tings (GAWK) it couldn't find - maybe that's an error.03:13
divansantanahello all! :)03:13
divansantanaplease can someone advise me about something...?03:13
dennisterok; i will check those channels out...thx Kubentero :)  this is an isp the site is for, and it could be very complex...the quote i pasted above was for the joomla03:13
stdinchuen: I'll let you know when I look at the output03:14
divansantanaI have tried to chek man page wit no luck03:14
chuenstdin: I saw another error - no C compiler - hang on I'll paste it .....03:14
divansantanaI have a package on system that I want apt-get upgrade to ignore - any Ideas???03:14
Kubenterodennister: I'll catch up with you soon03:14
dennisterk thx again03:14
chuenstdin: Ooops, pastebin is accusing me of spamming :)03:15
stdindivansantana: you can't do that with apt-get, you can do it with aptitude tho, like "sudo aptitude hold package". then "sudo aptitude upgrade"03:16
chuenstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1056/03:16
stdinhttp://pastebin.com/ is an alternative chuen03:16
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chuenstdin: Thx. Handy to know of.03:17
Schuenemannstdin: the tutorial you sent me says I can allow people to connect remotely to my desktop03:17
Hobbseestdin: wokrs better to hold with dpkg03:17
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SchuenemannSystem Settings > Sharing > Desktop Sharing  > Create & Manage Invitations ...03:17
JucatoHobbsee: you think we could have that in Adept sometime? :D03:17
Schuenemannwhere is desktop sharing? I don't see it03:18
divansantanastdin: great thanks!! :D i also found you can do it in synaptic(via ssh -X) and lock package permantly! - hopefully! will try thanks03:18
HobbseeJucato: sure.  when you implement it :)03:18
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JucatoHobbsee: or when manchickend does :)03:18
JucatoI dare not touch Adept's code :)03:18
HobbseeJucato: heh03:18
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stdinchuen: ok, you see the part saying "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH", it means you need some extra tools, they are in  build-essential, so "sudo apt-get install build-essential"03:18
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chuenstdin: OK03:19
stdinSchuenemann: Kmenu -> Internet -> Krfb03:20
Schuenemannstdin: does that use vnc?03:20
chuenstdin: OK it's installed .03:20
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stdinSchuenemann: afaik yes03:21
stdinchuen: now you run the configure script again. (you can use the up arrow to get to the command, press up until you see it, then press enter)03:22
Schuenemannit doesn't let me configure anything03:22
Schuenemannlike the password03:22
ubotudsniff: Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4b1-14ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 114 kB, installed size 368 kB03:23
stdinSchuenemann: the password is displayed on the dialogue, if you want to set it up yourself, you need a vnc server03:23
Schuenemann? isn't that a vnc server?03:24
chuenstdin: Ok there are acouple of libraries missing (as I suspected) . I'll double check in adept but I don't think they'r e in repository.03:24
Schuenemannat least the password is random for every invitation03:25
stdinSchuenemann: yes, but it's only a temporary one03:25
chuenShall I past ethe output?03:25
chuenstdin: OK.03:25
Schuenemannis there a command like windows' ipconfig?03:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:29
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eilkerSchuenemann: it is ifconfig03:29
chuenstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1059/03:29
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stdinchuen: ok, it says we need libusb, and because we are compiling with it, we need the -dev (development) package too, so "sudo apt-get install libusb-dev"03:31
chuenstdin: OK ...03:31
sivaji_2009when i am trying to install a package i got error report that launchpad program not found what shall i do stdin03:32
stdinsivaji_2009: is that with adept?03:32
chuenstdin: OK, done.03:32
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stdinsivaji_2009: what with then?03:33
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sivaji_2009in consol03:33
stdinchuen: now run the configure command, same as before03:33
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stdinsivaji_2009: what's the exact error ?03:33
chuenstdin: OK ...03:33
BluesKajHowdy all :)03:33
sivaji_2009it is a .bin03:33
stdinsivaji_2009: what is it for ?03:34
chuenstdin: OK. No errors (AFAIK).03:34
sivaji_2009i check for supporting files and say click finish for installation that  time  i got this error03:35
stdinchuen: at the end dose it say "config.status: executing depfiles commands" ?03:35
chuenstdin: Yes, that the last line of output.03:35
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stdinchuen: then that part worked, next step now :p03:35
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stdinsivaji_2009: what is the .bin package for ?03:36
chuenstdin: OK :)03:36
stdinchuen: now comes the actual compiling :)03:36
stdinchuen: to start the process of, we type the command "make"03:36
stdinchuen: and it will start to make the package :p03:37
chuenstdin: OK ...03:37
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ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE03:37
chuenjust 'make'03:37
DaSkreechdennister: Ok I'm at work now03:37
stdinchuen: yes, just "make" , then you will see lots of things you wont understand now :p03:37
chuenstdin: LOL03:38
sivaji_2009stdin: it is wsad03:38
=== Jucato hopes chuen used the --prefix option...
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stdinJucato: yes, we did :)03:38
Jucatocarry on :P03:38
chuenjucato: Ummm no :)03:38
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chuenstdin: We did?!03:38
stdinwe even resolved dependencies03:38
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Jucatoheh if you didn't use --prefix... well :P03:39
stdinchuen: remember? "./configure --prefix=/usr" ?03:39
chuenstdin: Oh *that* ? ;-)03:39
chuenstdin: Now I see.03:39
Jucatosetting --prefix=/usr defeats the purpose of why I hoped you used --prefix..03:39
chuenstdin: Ok it's finished.03:39
stdinsivaji_2009: post the whole output03:40
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Jucatobut anyway... stdin's customer :)03:40
stdinJucato: no, we want/need it to be in /usr03:40
stdinchuen: can you post, say, the last 10 lines on pastebin03:40
chuenjucato: 'Customer'? Is he d=going to invoice me secretly? ;)03:40
chuenstdin: OK ...03:40
Jucatohe will03:41
DaSkreechHope you have a first born03:41
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stdinok and chuen, yes, you will get my invoice :)03:41
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chuenstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1062/03:41
chuenstdin: The (blank) cheque / check's in the post:)03:42
Jucatohi Dr_willis03:42
stdinchuen: looks good (and so dose the idea of a blank check :p )03:42
chuenstdin: Drawn on a UK bank though ;)03:43
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stdinchuen: I'm in the UK :D03:43
chuenstdin: Doh!03:43
stdinhehe >:)03:43
stdinchuen: now lets get one more package that will let you make a .deb file from the package03:44
chuenstdin: OK, thx.03:44
stdinchuen: we need to: sudo apt-get install checkinstall03:44
ubotucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:44
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chuenstdin: OK, done.03:45
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stdinchuen: now run "sudo checkinstall make install"03:46
Jucatoif you're going to use checkinstall, no need for make install03:47
chuenstdin: successful , but is asking for EOF (shall I carriage rtn?)03:47
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stdinJucato: I know, but it's a habit, it still works03:47
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stdinchuen: It's asking for a description03:48
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stdinchuen: just put "userspace USB programming library" (without quotes) and press enter twice03:49
sivaji_2009how to convert .rpm to .deb03:49
stdin!alien | sivaji_200903:49
ubotusivaji_2009: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)03:49
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)03:49
=== Dr_willis is slow.
=== stdin is fast :)
=== Dr_willis sedates stdin
chuenstdin: Done. Now it's asking if I want to change any of 9 values listed.03:50
vyomanhas anybody a link to todays updates what has changed?03:50
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stdinchuen: leave them all as default and just press enter03:51
chuenstdin: OK. It's installed!03:51
chuenstdin: that's it (for now) isn't it?03:52
stdinchuen: well done, you have just compiled your first package :)03:52
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chuenstdin: Yes, with a major hand-hold.03:52
chuenstdin: I'll print that section of the irc log out. :)03:53
chuenstdin: For posterity ;)03:53
stdinchuen: frame it :P03:53
chuenstdin : LOL03:53
chuenstdin: No, about that cheque ...03:53
chuenstdin: do you have time for a 'day job'? Or is this it? ;-)03:54
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stdinheh, my "day job" is actually a "night job" :p03:54
chuenstdin: Your not a sysadmin on permamnent nights are you? ;)03:54
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chuenstdin: Right time, for a cuppa and a change of view :)03:55
draremgeneric question - is it really necessary for all these forums to make you type in some code you can barely read to authenticate you are a human and then fill out a registration email to say you are who you say you are just to be able to post a dumb reply to a dumb message?03:55
chuenstdin: thanks again ttyl03:55
stdinbut I prefer nights :)03:56
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stdinno problem chuen  :)03:56
chuenstdin: I would imnagine it;s quiter than days (here) LOL.03:56
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stdinchuen: yep, that's why I like it :P03:56
n8k99drarem: it is if you would rather not have a reply to your legitmate question point to the solution to your erectile disfunction03:56
draremhow'd you know i paid for those03:57
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n8k99erm, it's all over planet kubuntu03:57
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draremone too many ads, that spam really gets to you and then boom - guess their marketing stratedgy really does work03:58
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n8k99hence the need for the signup-verify-signin process03:59
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eppuI keep getting "nothing to be done." when trying to compile a new kernel, which doesn't make sense to me since it's never been compiled before and I ran clean on it as well04:00
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karmikazethe updater is suggesting it is going to upgrade two linux-restricted-modules REMOVE my nvidia-glx and upgrade xserver-xorg-core...04:01
eppuI'm also using make-kpkg to make a kernel pkg rather than straight compile04:01
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karmikazedoes that mean i have to reinstall nvidia-glx again afterwards??04:01
karmikazelupine_85: you about?04:01
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tristanohello. i.m trying to install official driver for printer samsung scx4100. with other distros this works. but here, when i run the installer install.sh, i have this error message: ERROR: HARDWARE_PLATFORM undefined, execution aborted04:17
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luis_buenas tardes04:19
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BluesKajok luis04:20
luis_necesito ayuda04:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:20
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tristanohom to allow root to have X access?04:25
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eviljamesI don't think ubuntu is designed in that way.  You should be accessing programs that need root access using sudo or kdesu I think.04:26
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eviljamesBut I'm moving into hour 48 of being an ubuntu user, so don't take my words as gospel.04:27
Jucato!sudo | tristano04:27
ubotutristano: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:27
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eviljamesJucato: so I'm right? :)04:27
Jucatoeviljames: yes04:27
=== eviljames learns
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tristanoubotu: i don't want to use sudo, i want have root login to X witohut sudo!04:28
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Jucatotristano: ubotu is a bot04:29
tristanojucato: i don't want to use sudo, i want have root login to X witohut sudo!04:29
tristanoyes, i.m sorry :D04:29
Jucatotristano: if you read that page before complaining, you'd know the answer04:29
tristanoJucato: not understood04:29
Jucatotristano: you want to be able to login graphically to root right?04:30
eviljamestristano: as my understanding goes, there's no way to specifically login to an ubuntu system as root.  You *COULD* killall running x processes, go to the command line, type "sudo su" for root access, then run startx again04:30
Zero_KelvinHiyo. Got a problem here with KDE and a particular KIO Slave - KZip. Normally Konqueror and Gwenview can access zipped files no problem, Gwenview even making a thumbnail when encountering them in a directory. At the moment though the only thing that seems capable of opening zip's is Ark, however Konqueror will open a zip if I put in zip:/home/zero/blah.zip04:30
eviljamesbut that would be taking a long way to go around the security measures in place.04:30
Jucatotristano: that wiki page that the bot gave has instructions04:30
Zero_KelvinHow do I reinstall kzip?04:30
eviljameszero: couldn't you just use adept to remove and re-add the package?04:31
eviljamesor apt-get uninstall kzip04:31
linguistahy to all04:31
Zero_Kelvineviljames: What's the package name? I can't find anything that tells me, otherthan it seems to be in a big KDE package.04:31
eviljamesJucato: I think kzip == ark.04:31
tristanoJucato: i often work in console, switching user with 'su' and start an application with gui, isn't possibile here?04:31
Jucatotristano: I'm not sure. you could check that page for that one. doesn't "kdesu <app>" work for you?04:32
linguistaI need to write in japanese on kubuntu04:32
Jucatothe kioslave for tar:/ and zip:/ aren't in a separate package04:32
Zero_KelvinPossibly this one - kdebase-kio-plugins04:32
Jucatoyes that one04:32
eviljamesZero_Kelvin: that's likely.04:32
fdovingZero_Kelvin: it's described here: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror04:33
tristanoJucato: yes04:33
Zero_KelvinYeah, now how do I reinstall it without adept or dselect trying to remove a tonne of other stuff?04:33
eviljamesthose are things that are dependant on kdebase-kio-plugins04:34
eviljamesThat's where the limits of my ubuntu knowledge end, sorry.04:34
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tristanoJucato: anyway, my problem is another. i'm searching to install an official printer driver, in every other distribution it's all ok, here installer give errors...04:34
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Jucatothe kioslaves for tar ang zip are independent of ark btw04:35
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Jucatotristano: I'm not good w/ printers04:35
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tristanojucato, this is not a printer problem04:36
tristanoi think that is a bash problem04:36
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Zero_KelvinNnngn nng nngn {slaps head} - apt-get install --reinstall kdebase-kio-plugins04:37
Jucatotristano: if you pastebin the errors that you get, maybe someone could help04:37
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tristanojucato, only one error, that is generated by the script...04:37
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tristanoi must go now. grrr.04:39
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draremwhat's a good ftp server04:40
draremor recommended04:40
Jucatoftp server or ftp app?04:40
hattafast and safe04:41
stdinhmm http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Samsung-SCX_410004:41
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sivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install04:45
sivajiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:45
sivajiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:45
sivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~/Desktop$ fusr /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:45
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JucatoZero_Kelvin: let me get the FAQ04:46
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JucatoZero_Kelvin: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror <-- but only do the "To enable Konqueror to open tar and zip..."04:47
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sivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install04:51
sivajiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:51
sivajiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:51
sivajisivaji@sivaji-desktop:~/Desktop$ fusr /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:51
Zero_KelvinJucato: Well thank %$#@ for that. :)04:52
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Zero_KelvinJucato: Seems silly that was disabled.04:52
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JucatoZero_Kelvin: try to ask in #kubuntu first, as there are something that apply only to Kubuntu,like this one :)04:52
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Jucatook... over and out! :)04:53
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eppuI keep getting "nothing to be done." when trying to compile a new kernel, which doesn't make sense to me since it's never been compiled before and I ran clean on it as well04:54
eppuI'm also using make-kpkg to make a kernel pkg rather than straight compile04:54
Zero_KelvinJucato: I did, but I was chasing the idea that since the KIO's worked directly and not indirectly that maybe there'd been some wrong with my install. It did go blank first time round (half an hour blank).04:54
Zero_KelvinOh well, now that that's sorted, I'm off to bed. Night all.04:55
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eppuah I missed the end of the line, I'm a stupid idiot!!!! grrrr04:56
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hassan2a_le greff05:17
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tristanohello, i have a ppd driver file, in which directory should i to put it?05:20
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paytonHello, I have a question.  I'm using Edgy KDE and need to install a KMDR script.  How do I do that?05:22
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draremhow do i give permission to a directory so i can edit or upload to it05:25
draremchmod  ?05:25
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draremchmod 75005:26
paytonHello?  Anyone out there?05:27
Gingillohow do i install beryl on kubuntu?05:27
Jucato!beryl | Gingillo05:28
ubotuGingillo: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:28
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=== BluesKaj wonders why no one has written an open source program like "tovid " for windows ...it's so simple and effective :)
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Gingillohow do i find my version of kubuntu? (i don't remember lol)05:32
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osohhi all05:32
stdinGingillo: lsb_releasea -a05:33
Gingillothanks =)05:33
stdinGingillo: sorry, it's : lsb_release -a05:33
stdinsmall typo :)05:33
Jucatoreleasa... new command :P05:34
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chuenstdin: Hi. Can I ask a quick question?05:37
stdinyou just did :P05:37
stdinbut you can ask another one if you want05:37
chuenstdin: LOL. I hope it's quick as in 'not time consuming' ... however...05:37
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chuenstdin: I think we covered this yeterday, but I tried to a new respository (lates tversion of Amarok) in Adept Manager.05:38
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chuenstdin: This was fine except that the upgrade was diallawed because of 'BREAK' (I'd forgotten, but this happened yestaerday).05:39
stdinchuen: yeah, that's why we changed it to another one05:40
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chuenstdin: So now I have the 'ackages availble' icon in my taskbar constantly :). Can I undo what I've done?05:40
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chuenstdin: BTW,  the *only* reason I'm trying to get amarok 1.4.4 installed is that it is know to work with Creative Zen players (,ost).05:41
tristanowhich files are necesary in order to setup (with my hands) a printer?05:41
chuenstdin: Otherwise I wouldn't botther (you!)05:41
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stdinchuen: you should be able to just remove the repository from adept05:41
chuenstdin: So just "request removal" ?05:42
hassan2a_is there anyone ?05:43
chuenstdin: Oh no, that's the package.05:43
stdinchuen: no, remove the repository not the package :p05:43
chuenstdin: LOL - how do I do that?05:43
hassan2a_who playing to enemy territory ??05:43
BluesKajthe best amarok source is www.imbrandon.com  in my experience05:43
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chuenBluesKaj: will check it thx.05:43
stdinchuen: I think it under "View -> Manage Repositories!05:44
stdinfaik 1.4.2 is the latest version that works on dapper05:44
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chuenstdin: O yes, so it is. Time for another break I think :)05:45
stdinsed 's/faik/afik/'05:45
chuenstdin: OK, I'll have to brealk the news gently to my son :)05:45
stdin(still wrong)05:45
chuenstdin: Or offer to buy him a player that *does* work!05:45
stdinchuen: ok, cya later05:45
BluesKajchuen, it's undre the "Seveas" repos05:45
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chuenstdin: ttyll05:45
chuenBluesKaj: sorry, wher's that?05:46
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stdinBluesKaj: dose it have all the libs too? as 1.4.4 needs some newer versions than dapper has05:46
stdinBluesKaj: he's got dapper, not edgy05:47
BluesKajbummer , but he should just check the same deb sources under dapper instead05:48
BluesKajok try this one http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/edgy-seveas/all/05:49
stdinisn't that still a edgy one?05:49
esaymanyone know how to configure artsd?05:50
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BluesKajoops he changed the dapper toedgy ..sorry about that :(05:50
chuenstdin: Is upgrading to Edhy difficult?05:50
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stdinchuen: depends, ever used automatix or easyubuntu on dapper?05:52
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BluesKajsome of these deb/dapper sources might do it,https://lists.snort.org/pipermail/chisug/2006-July/000022.html05:52
chuenstdin: Not yet. :)05:52
chuenstdin: I've only had Kubuntu installed about a week.05:53
stdinchuen: good, then it shouldn't be difficult05:53
BluesKajjust look for the amarok one05:53
stdinjust follow the guide05:53
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iankesterhaneyhello, i have feisty fawn.  the update applet fails after asking if i want to upgrade to a newer version. then crashes05:53
chuenstdin - where;s the guide?05:53
stdinBluesKaj: there is a amarok 1.4.4 repo from kubuntu.org, but amarok 1.4.4 depends on some things not in dapper05:53
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stdin!upgrade | chuen05:53
ubotuchuen: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)05:53
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iankesterhaneyits adept notifier. is there a new version or is something not set right?05:54
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Jucatoiankesterhaney: #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu-devel05:54
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stdiniankesterhaney: feisty isn't stable yet, so it could be a bug05:54
stdinif you want stable, use dapper or edgy05:55
chuenstdin: thanks.05:55
fdovingiankesterhaney: i have that issue too. just hit cancel. and skip fetching of updates.05:55
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stdinchuen: no problem :)05:55
judgenthe most beautiful song ever05:55
iankesterhaneyonly synaptic and aptitude work, the main gui crashes if i press cancel, anyway i will move to the devel channel05:56
stdinprobably why I haven't seen that issue, I always use synaptic05:57
judgennayone know where i can buy tapes/dvds of the hockey played by the cccp in the 80s05:57
fdovingiankesterhaney: hum.. i cancelled the 'upgrade to new version' wizard.. and skipped fetching updates, and continued as normal.05:57
fdoving!offtopic | judgen05:57
ubotujudgen: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:57
iankesterhaneythe package manager crashes if i say cancel upgrade05:58
judgenigor larionov is the best player in all of history, followed only by gordie howe, wayne gretsky and vladimir konstantinov05:58
stdiniankesterhaney: you can always run the update in konsole05:58
Jucatojudgen: please stay on topic05:58
iankesterhaneyapt-get update will fetch the list, it is annoying however to switch out everytime a new verion comes along.05:59
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chuenstdin: That method looks a bit hairy for me! How about if use the 'offical' version (which stil look a bit hairy!) ?06:00
stdinwell, feisty is a development version after all06:00
fdovingiankesterhaney: the thing is, features are pushed into feisty before the feature freeze.. they don't have to work. they just need to be there.  will be fixed before the release i belive.06:01
iankesterhaneyoh, they say its a known problem, thanks for the advice06:01
stdinchuen: hold on, let me look at the guide, I haven't actually seen it yet :P06:01
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BluesKajchuen , I'm still a noob in a lotta ways regarding linux, and I had very little trouble upgrading from Dapper to Edgy06:03
chuenBlusKaj: Did you use the 'officail' method?06:03
waylandbillsmb4k butchered my /etc/sudoers file. is there a way to fix it?06:03
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BluesKajchuen ,  I had help of course , but yes the official method by the internet upgrade06:04
waylandbillI probably have to use the live-cd to fix it.06:05
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LeeJunFanwaylandbill: you can boot in single mode (recovery) to fix it from the console.06:05
LeeJunFanwaylandbill: or the live CD.06:06
waylandbillLeeJunFan: I could do an init 1, or do I have to reboot into single?06:06
stdinchuen: the "official" was is more for Ubutnu than Kubuntu06:06
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stdinchuen: you won't have update-manager installed06:07
stdinwaylandbill: in edgy+ it's telinit 106:07
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LeeJunFanwaylandbill: you really only need to have 2 lines in there http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1081/06:07
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chuenstdin: Why won't I have it installed?06:09
stdinchuen: because it's part of synaptic06:09
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chuenstdin: Shoudl I install that?06:09
stdinchuen: it's the Adept equivalent in Ubuntu (Gnome)06:10
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stdinchuen: there's nothing stopping you from installing it I guess, you'll also get a load of GTK libs too06:10
chuenstdin: OK.06:11
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Xeraanyone in here had an error with phpmyadmin where it says in the db list there are tables in a database, but when you goto browse it, it says "no tables found on X"06:11
chuenstdin: So what do the majority of Kubuntu users do if they need to upgrade to  the latest?06:11
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stdinchuen: change the sources.list (like change all the instances of "dapper" to "edgy")06:12
Xera:o, and that will let you update to edgy?06:12
chuenstdin: Is that difficult?06:12
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Xerachuen, sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:12
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Xerachange all dapper repos to edgy repos06:13
chuenXera: OK.06:13
Xerathen save06:13
stdinchuen: changing the sources.list isn't, the upgrade *can* be06:13
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chuenstdin: Mmm. I'll have to either plucj up more courage or get a bit more savvy first i think :)06:14
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo06:14
sergio_Alguien en espaol?06:14
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Jucato!es | sergio_06:14
ubotusergio_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:14
stdinchuen: like I said, there isn't anything stopping you from installing the update-manager package and doing it the "official" way06:14
chuenstdin: Maybe that's best. Have you got a HOWTO link?06:15
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stdinchuen: for what, installing update-manager?06:15
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chuenstdin: Sorry, yes.06:16
stdinchuen: it's in adept06:16
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chuenstdin: Oh, OK, thx.06:17
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BluesKajstdin, you'll get him on edgy yet :)06:18
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stdinBluesKaj: I won't stop before he's on feisty :P06:19
BluesKajstdin, are you enjoying feisty , any probs like networking etc ?06:19
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waylandbillthat was just wierd... the invalid opcodes messages went to the beginning of the sudoers file.06:20
chuenstdin: Ok, I've installed it. Do you know where it;'s located - does it have a gui ? ;-)06:20
stdinBluesKaj: metworking is fine for me, but I don't have wireless :)06:20
BluesKajno, me neither ...hooked up with wifey's windows pc thru samba06:20
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BluesKajusing a router for the network06:21
stdinchuen: Kmenu -> System -> Update Manager06:21
stdinBluesKaj: sounds like my home net, feisty works fine (so far) :)06:22
chuenstdin: Mm, doesn't seem to b there :(06:22
stdinchuen: it'll probably show after a logout/back in, but you can start it manually06:23
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chuenstdin: I'll reboot brb.06:23
stdinchuen: just run "update-manager" (from Alt-F2)06:23
stdinok :)06:23
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bronze_0_1hi all, Just installed kubuntu yesterday, first time with apt-get.  I want to turn on SSH but its does not appear in the system services list that pops up from the "system settings" menu.  Does that mean it needs to be installed?06:27
bronze_0_1actually i want to turn on SSHd  :)06:27
Xeraanyone in here had an error with phpmyadmin where it says in the db list there are tables in a database, but when you goto browse it, it says "no tables found on X"06:27
stdinbronze_0_1: inststall the package "ssh" that will install the ssh daemon (server)06:27
bronze_0_1stdin: Much thanks.06:28
stdinbronze_0_1: no problem :)06:28
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YumeNoEienhello everyone06:30
YumeNoEienis there someone who can help me? Im new to kubuntu06:30
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YumeNoEienand trying to get it to play mp306:31
Xera!restricted formats06:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:31
stdinYumeNoEien: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP306:31
YumeNoEienthank you guys06:31
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YumeNoEienil start reading ^06:32
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zorglu_q. how do i install another language for kubuntu dapper ? french/fr to be more specific06:32
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:32
zorglu_not the proper one :)06:32
waylandbillHa... didn't know dapper was so offensive.06:33
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stdinzorglu_: I think you need to install language-support-fr , but you may find better advice in #kubuntu-fr06:33
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:33
zorglu_stdin: there are no wikipage on this ?06:34
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stdinzorglu_: I don't know, have you looked ?06:34
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zorglu_yep maybe #ubuntu-fr knows it better as they do it a lot :)06:34
fdovingzorglu_: you need language-pack-kde-fr06:35
bronze_0_1stdin:  worked to perfection.  thank you again.06:35
stdinbronze_0_1: no problem :)06:35
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zorglu_mouaoua to talk on #ubuntu-fr i think in english and then translate in french :)06:36
Murrlingood morning06:36
zorglu_fdoving: ok06:36
MurrlinI wonder if this is the right place to ask about a command absence?06:36
Murrlinthere have been two commands I don't seem to have06:37
Murrlinone is "lndir"06:37
fdovingthat's in the 'xutils-dev' package.06:37
Murrlinis this distro-specific? or even system (i.e. linux, unix, bsd, et al) specific?06:37
fdovingit's distro specific what distros include, yes.06:38
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Murrlinoh? hmm ok06:38
bronze_0_1because the "administrator mode" button appears to be broken on my Kubuntu install (Is this true for most?)  i had to ope na second X-Windows display (:1) as root to change my system setting (on Ctrl-ALT-F6).  Problem is I can't seem to get back to the X-Windows display on that virtual terminal/console.  When I go to it all I see is a plain text Virtua ltermina with no prompt and some tex tthat is coming from an X windows display06:38
bronze_0_1 manager (I think)  Anyone know What I do to get the :1 X display back?06:38
=== Murrlin grabs
stdinbronze_0_1: why didn't you just run "kdesu systemsettings" ?06:39
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bronze_0_1stdin, Didn't know about it.  :)  been a mainly command line user for a loong time. Nat familiar yet with the cool KDE non-gui commands.06:40
stdinisn't vt7 the normal place for :0 ?06:40
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YumeNoEienaww man,.. hey the apt-get command only works when youe comp is online right?06:40
bronze_0_1BluesKaj:  Thank you, but that gets me to :0. I opend :1 on Ctrl-ALt-F6, but going there now shows only the text mode06:40
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bronze_0_1stdin: yes. thats where my :0 is.06:41
BluesKajsorry bronze_0_1 :(06:41
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bronze_0_1BluesKaj: Its the thought that counts. Thank you.06:41
Murrlinnot in xutils-dev (I seem not to even have that available)06:42
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stdinbronze_0_1: if you run the command to start an X session on vt6 the X session will run on vt8 as :0 starts06:42
stdin*on vt706:42
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bronze_0_1aha!  "\Dawn breaks over marblehead"06:42
YumeNoEiencould someone tell me how to get libxine-extracodecs on my laptop without it having an internet connection?06:42
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stdinYumeNoEien: you have to download it on another computer, then transfir it to the laptop06:43
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:43
bronze_0_1stdin: Yup ctrl-alt-F8 got me to :1.  And i thought I had tried that....06:43
YumeNoEiendo do i then just06:43
YumeNoEienright click install on it?06:43
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YumeNoEienor does it require another command in the terminal?06:43
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stdinYumeNoEien: yes, that will work06:43
YumeNoEienthank you stdin06:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spirewire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
matthewhmm whats the limewire version for linux?06:44
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.06:45
KR-dataok, I'm close to getting one of my friens to change to Linux, since KDE is more to her taste than Gnome I decided to let her use kubuntu. Now the question comes, what good Windows Media Player-like media player in kubuntu?06:45
matthewahh frostwire, ty :D06:45
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stdinbronze_0_1: anyway, just remember if you want to start a GUI app (like systemsettings) just use "kdesu" before it06:45
Murrlinxmms; mplayer; or kaffiene06:45
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KR-dataMurrlin: xmms and mplayer is not Windows Media Player-like06:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
Murrlin<- recent kubuntu convert06:46
Murrlinoh, sorry, misunderstood the question somewhat06:46
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KR-dataMurrlin: btw. if you use xmms you should consider the change to Audacious, since it seems that xmms is dead06:46
Murrlinthen I'd say kaffiene or kmplayer06:46
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Murrlininteresting. I'll have to try this today06:47
KR-dataMurrlin: Gentoo have already excluded xmms from their package manage, and the others will probably follow in time06:47
zorglu_q. i just created a second user on my kubuntu install, i do kdesu myprog but the usual root password doesnt work... for kdesu one need to put the user password ?06:48
KR-dataMurrlin: well atm xmms is superior in some few areas still, but in around two months I expect Audacious to be better n any way possible06:48
stdinzorglu_: you need to add the use to the "adm" group06:48
KR-dataMurrlin: but well I'll have a look at kmplayer and kaffiene, thanks for the advice :)06:48
stdinzorglu_: and root is disabled in kubuntu, you only use the users password06:49
BluesKajstreamtuner and some other network audostreaming apps still use xmms as the playback engine ...seems to work ok06:49
zorglu_stdin: well in my case there is a password06:49
zorglu_but not having the second user being able to be root is good06:49
zorglu_just to bad that kdesu doesnt accept the root password :)06:49
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stdinzorglu_: sudo is more secure than root06:50
zorglu_:) i guess ubuntu people agree with you :)06:50
stdinzorglu_: add the user to the "adm" group, and they will be able to use kdesu (or sudo)06:50
fdovingzorglu_: kdesu can accept the root password.06:51
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:51
zorglu_fdoving: well it didnt.06:51
fdovingzorglu_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FrodeDoeving/Tips  - Nr. 5.06:51
KR-datafdoving stdin zorglu_: what's the discussion?06:51
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zorglu_but it is not a real problem, i dont really need this06:51
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zorglu_just wanted to be sure my second user cant be root06:52
stdinzorglu_: I told you how to do it06:52
BluesKajFrostwire is ok if ya want titles that have absolutely nothing to do with yer search ...it sucks IMO06:52
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fdovingstdin: i belive it's the admin group, not adm.06:52
zorglu_about the language support, there is a menu for that :) 'system->language support'06:52
stdinfdoving: nope, it's adm, look at your sudoers file and see :)06:53
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matthewhow long does it take to install java? my install process has been at 30% for like 5mins now :(06:53
fdovingstdin: just did. %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL06:53
stdinmatthew: you can't with adept, sorry :)06:53
zorglu_matthew: it is asking for a confirmation somewhere, asking you to say 'yes i agree with the java license'06:54
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stdinfdoving: hmm, for some reason it's adm in mine?06:54
matthewi've minimized everything, i dont see any yes no box06:54
itayHi all, I wonder - does k3b close the whole dvd disc after burning an ISO image ?06:54
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itaystdin: what a name !! lol06:55
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stdinmatthew: like I said, you can't in adept, if you click the "Show more" button (or something to that effect) you'll see it asking you to accept a licence, but you can't in adept, it's a known issue, you have to do it from kinsole06:55
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stdinkonsole, not kinsole :p06:56
matthewoh ok,06:56
matthewwhat command do i type?06:56
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stdinmatthew: you need to close adept first06:57
matthewyes, its done06:57
stdinmatthew: then run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"06:57
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stdinitay: about your k3b question, k3b doesn't actually do the burning, it's normally done with growisofs (for DVDs)06:58
matthewok i got this message: dpkg: status database is locked by another process. i have quit adept06:59
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Xerasoooo.. nobody has ever had something like this in phpmyadmin06:59
Xera news (2)06:59
XeraNo tables found in database06:59
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Xerait says there's 2 tables, but then says there's none06:59
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itayso does growisofs close the disc or only the session ?06:59
stdinmatthew: sudo fuser -k /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a06:59
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XeraNOBODY at all? :'(07:00
stdinitay: I think it depends on what type of disk, not sure but, I think + and - are treated differently, but I'm sure there is also a setting somewhere for it too, in k3b and growisofs07:01
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stdinXera: try asking in #ubuntu or ##php07:01
itayok whatever, thanks,  stdin !07:01
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Xerastdin, meh, k07:02
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matthewthanks, i got these command after i typed that in:07:02
matthewSetting up libltdl3 (1.5.22-4) ...07:02
matthewSetting up odbcinst1debian1 (2.2.11-13) ...07:02
matthewSetting up unixodbc (2.2.11-13)07:02
matthewis that done?07:03
=== Balsamic_Chicken hugz beryl
=== Balsamic_Chicken still not tired of it yet =)
stdinmatthew: looks like it worked, you can check to see if it's installed in adept07:03
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=== stdin loves beryl too :)
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:04
Balsamic_Chickeni have frostwire too07:04
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matthewcool how diffrent is that from limewire?07:05
=== Balsamic_Chicken i downloaded superman returns and then watched hitchhiker's guide to galaxy, what a waste of 3 hrs
Dr_willisI got frost on the yard this morning07:05
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Balsamic_Chickenmy heaters too hot lol07:05
Balsamic_Chickeni tried to be next to it07:05
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: lol ^^07:05
Balsamic_Chickenso it'd feel like sauna07:05
Balsamic_Chickenbut then it got burning hot07:05
Balsamic_Chickenso i backed off07:05
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andreaswis the gnutella network safe?07:06
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Balsamic_Chickeni used it, my computer still works, so i don't really know tho =(07:06
BluesKajare you kidding , andreasw ? :)07:06
cloakablePretty safe07:06
Tm_TDunno but most computer stores are safe.07:06
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stdindepends what you mean by "safe"07:06
cloakableandreasw: I wouldn't use it on a windows computer :P07:06
matthewadept is not responding, after i typed in password it wont open up07:07
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Tm_TBalsamic_Chicken: Store as a shop.07:07
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andreaswI feel saver with Usenet at the moment07:07
zorglu_q. i want to prevent a given user from becoming root/sudo, is there a doc about that ?07:08
stdinmatthew: try the fuser command again "sudo fuser -k /var/lib/dpkg/lock07:08
Balsamic_ChickenTm_T gnutella is a store?07:08
Tm_TBalsamic_Chicken: nope, I wasn't saying that.07:08
stdinzorglu_: because they have to either be in the admin group, or in the /etc/sudoers file07:08
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fignewgnutella is unsafe07:09
Tm_TBalsamic_Chicken: If you're looking safe way to get apps/games/whatever, buying is always good option.07:09
Balsamic_ChickenTm_T were u telling him to actually go buy legit copies of stuff? shame on u lol just kidding07:09
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BluesKajgnutella is full of unsafe stuff07:09
Balsamic_Chickenbut then u could get ripped off07:09
Balsamic_Chickenin stores =)07:09
Balsamic_Chickenthen get robbed07:09
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andreaswIt's funny if I try to download frostwire in Konqueror it opens Kate and want to display the deb in there07:09
cloakableBluesKaj: For windows, aye :)07:09
juanoim having a weird issue, one of my folders in ntfs partition sometimes is there and sometimes it wont appear, dunno why, btw, its the only folder which i have a link to it on the desktop, dunno if that has to do with it, if anyone knows about this or has some kind of idea that would be helpful thanks, this wouldnt happen on gnome07:09
fignewyou could get in a car crash on the way to the store!07:09
zorglu_stdin: hmm ok i will look, so no doc i guess ?07:09
Tm_TBalsamic_Chicken: I do buy stuff, hmm, actually I don't have anything "stolen" installed IIRC.07:09
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw right click the link07:09
stdin!sudo | zorglu_07:10
ubotuzorglu_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:10
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: than it wants to download a .php file07:10
BluesKajyep, but just a caution about gnutella , cloakable07:10
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stdinthere you go, zorglu_07:10
zorglu_stdin: thanks07:10
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw let me see the link, someone had the same question b4 and i think we had it figured out07:10
Balsamic_Chickenwhat's cloakable07:10
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:11
andreaswI don#t understand why konqueror opens a .deb file in kate07:11
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw it started downloading right away07:12
cloakableBluesKaj: Warning?07:12
juanoim having a weird issue, one of my folders in ntfs partition sometimes is there and sometimes it wont appear, dunno why, btw, its the only folder which i have a link to it on the desktop, dunno if that has to do with it, if anyone knows about this or has some kind of idea that would be helpful thanks, this wouldnt happen on gnome07:12
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andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: here it doesn't I have Kubuntu Edgy (fresh installation)07:12
YumeNoEieni have another multimedia problem at hand: Kaffeine can play vcd's, but im not getting sound07:12
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw plus i'd need the link that contains the link u press to download07:12
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andreaswthen I clicked on the button and copied the address07:13
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Balsamic_Chickenandreasw where's the download button on that page07:13
BluesKajcloakable, there are files on gnutella which if burned to disc and played on awindows machine can cause alot of damage07:13
stdinBalsamic_Chicken: the "Ubuntu/Debian" link07:13
YumeNoEiencan someone help me? I not getting sound when i play a vcd with kaffeine07:14
andreaswon the left07:14
Balsamic_Chickenone sec07:14
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw ok so right click and do open with firefox browser, or maybe in ur case, open with konquere browser07:15
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cloakableBluesKaj: Cool, where do I get them? j/k07:15
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw just use firefox if u have it =), cuz it'd try open in new broswer, and that's when it starts downloading07:15
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stdinandreasw, Balsamic_Chicken: ahh, I see why it opens in kate07:15
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: well it begins downloading without asking where to safe07:15
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Balsamic_Chickenandreasw it saves to desktop if it's in firefox07:16
andreaswstdin: And why?07:16
BluesKajcloakable, :)07:16
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: I don't like Firefox ^^07:16
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw and u can configure that in firefox settings07:16
stdinandreasw, Balsamic_Chicken: the server is sending the type as "Content-Type: text/plain" no "Content-Type: application/x-deb"07:16
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw okies =)07:16
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Balsamic_Chickenstdin o haha =)07:16
Balsamic_Chickenstdin i actually understood that lol =) cuz i remembered when i was doing webpage crap b407:16
cloakableBluesKaj: I can get software on gnutella that can cause an ibm-compatible computer terminal damage. It's called Windows. It does... horrible things to your computer.07:17
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw did it work now?07:17
andreaswstdin: I think because you can download different file types with the download.php script so they don't want to set a specific Content-Type07:18
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: Later I will install Firefox but I really want to use Konqueror and maybe solve this problem so I can use Konqueror to download that file07:18
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Balsamic_Chickenandreasw cool, were u able to download the file just now tho07:18
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YumeNoEien><, thats it,.. im gonna try and see if i can get the laptop online. Thank for the help sofar guys, Il be back ^^ (hopefully using konsole)07:18
andreaswstdin: Can I change the settings so konqueror does ignore the Content Type and only looks at the extension?07:19
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: no I wasn't.07:19
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw u might be able to do wget from command line? i'm not too sure tho07:19
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 226 kB, installed size 1952 kB07:19
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andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: yes wget works07:20
andreaswBalsamic_Chicken: thank you.07:20
Balsamic_Chickensudo wget http://www.frostwire.com/download.php?file=http://www.peercommons.com/frostwire/4.13.1/frostwire-
stdinandreasw: no, not that I know of, you can only do that in file browsing mode, not web browsing mode07:20
Balsamic_Chickenandreasw o cool np07:20
stdinBalsamic_Chicken: you don't need sudo for wget :p07:20
andreaswstdin: hmm so is this a konqueror bug or a problem of the webmaster?07:20
Balsamic_Chickenkk =)07:20
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andreaswyes I downloaded it without sudo ^^07:21
Balsamic_Chickencool, saved 2 seconds hehe, just kidding07:21
andreaswonly use sudo if it is necessary07:21
Balsamic_Chickencool, didn't know b407:21
stdinandreasw: it's to do with the website, all browsers should look at the "ContentType" from the server to get the type07:21
mefisto__question about orphaned packages: is there a chance that removing an orphaned package can break something? or is it completely safe to uninstall orphaned packages? (I'm getting the orphaned list using synaptic)07:21
andreaswstdin: yes but thats the problem with these generic download scripts they return a wide range of different file types07:22
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stdinandreasw: you could name an .html file .poop, but as long as the content type says "text/html" it will display properly :P07:22
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andreaswstdin: but which type do you use if you don't know which file type will be returned ^^07:23
andreaswstdin: because the download.php also returns .rpm .tar.gz and so on07:23
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stdinandreasw: the server should know, or they could code the php script better to send the right type07:24
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draremweird, when i start up irc on this pc with ubuntu, i notice on my pc it gets some sort of blocked IP about some proxyscan or something, what does that mean?07:25
draremsorry on the other windows networked pc07:25
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draremit did it twice, i don't think it was coincidence07:25
stdindrarem: that's normal, freenode scans your PC for an open proxy07:25
draremok cool07:26
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draremit must do it intermittently, i get a few of those everyday when this irc is pulled up07:26
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draremwhat is the command to show -rwx- permissions07:28
cloakabledrarem: on gui or cli?07:28
cloakablels -l07:29
stdindrarem: ls -l07:29
=== stdin was too slow then :(
cloakablestdin: I'll let you have the next question :)07:29
stdincloakable: i'll see what the question it first, if I don't like it, you can have it :P07:30
mefisto__question about orphaned packages: is there a chance that removing an orphaned package can break something? or is it completely safe to uninstall orphaned packages? (I'm getting the orphaned list using synaptic)07:30
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stdincloakable: you have that one :P07:30
draremok.. what does that d stand for..   drwxr--07:31
Dr_willisnotice that /dev/zero has -->  crw-rw-rw- 1 root   root      1,    5 Jan 10 12:58 zero07:31
cloakablemefisto__: It's safe to remove them. Synaptic will warn you if you try something that will break something :)07:31
Dr_willisc means... somthing else.. i forget. :)07:31
stdinDr_willis: Charactor device :)07:32
stdinor something like07:32
cloakablestdin: Yep,and you beat me :P07:32
mefisto__thanks cloakable07:32
Dr_willis'everything is a file' even  directories. :)07:32
Dr_willislrwxrwxrwx  1 willis willis   25 2006-12-25 14:58 games -> /media/hdg1/willis/games/07:32
Dr_willisl = link  it seems07:33
cloakablemefisto__: You can also use sudo apt-get autoremove in the terminal07:33
stdinmefisto__: "orphaned" usually means that they are packages that no others depend on, so it should be safe to remove them, but if you're unsure, it's best to leave them alone07:33
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cloakablestdin: You forget that the apt system willl tell if you're about to do something to break your system :)07:34
stdinDr_willis: yep, l = link, do you know what 'b' means? :P : brw-rw---- 1 root root 3, 1 2006-12-24 14:24 /dev/hda107:34
cloakablestdin: block07:34
mefisto__stdin: so it could be that no packages depend on them, but are still being used somehow?07:34
stdincloakable: I know what it it, I was seeing if Dr_willis did :P07:34
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stdinmefisto__: cloakable seems to know the answer to that07:35
blacksmurfi have a problem in kubuntu can you please help me?07:35
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:35
cloakablemefisto__: Not if it's marked 'orphaned'07:35
blacksmurfin installation of kubuntu 6.10 it ask me for a password07:35
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stdincloakable: I use aptitude, so I don't see "orphaned" :P07:36
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blacksmurfi download this version from kubuntu.com07:36
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stdinblacksmurf: yes?07:36
stdinwhat's the question ?07:37
blacksmurfwhat is the password for the livecd07:37
draremif i were to create a user directory that only the user could access, how could I log in as that user to see it - or would root access be able to?07:37
cloakablestdin: use sudo apt-get autoremove to remove orphaned packages :P07:37
blacksmurfit ask me for a password07:37
stdinblacksmurf: there isn't one, where is it asking for a password?07:37
blacksmurfi mean in the install progress07:37
blacksmurfi dont install it by far07:37
stdinblacksmurf: you choose you own password07:38
blacksmurfi dont have similiar problem in older version07:38
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stdinblacksmurf: it's the password you will use to log in07:38
blacksmurfi put a password but it said to me wrong password07:38
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blacksmurfit is from livedvd no install yet07:39
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mario_somebody talks italian?07:39
stdin!it | mario_07:39
ubotumario_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:39
stdinblacksmurf: where is it asking for a password exactly ?07:40
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blacksmurfi boot in the livedvd and it just ask me for password07:41
mefisto__more questions about orphans: why are there more new orphans listed after removing all of them?07:41
blacksmurfis there any way to download a wrong version or something?07:41
stdinblacksmurf: not if you got it from kubuntu.org07:41
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leafwany good places to check for hardware compatibility with linux in general and ubuntu in particular?07:42
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blacksmurfi download it from torrent (but i download the torrent from kubuntu.org)07:42
stdinblacksmurf: can you make a screenshot and post it to http://imageshack.us/07:42
blacksmurfok i will try when i go to my home, but can you figure what is happend to my computer?07:43
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stdinblacksmurf: it shouldn't ask for a password on the live CD, not until you install it07:44
blacksmurfi know mate i just dont know what happend ?07:44
blacksmurfyou think i sould try to download again?07:44
stdinblacksmurf: did you check the file after you downloaded it ?07:45
stdinwith md5sum ?07:45
blacksmurfit is the same size07:45
blacksmurfyes and it said that is correct07:45
stdinblacksmurf: then the file is ok, what version of the live cd is it?07:46
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+107:47
stdinwell, it shouldn't ask for a password, as far as I know there isn't a default pasword on the live cd/dvd07:47
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blacksmurfok thank you lad i will download again07:48
externI cant get restricted formats to work. I did everything that said on the guide for it, but it complained about not being able to find gstreamer0.10-pitfdll07:48
blacksmurfthanx you all for your help07:48
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mefisto__one more question about orphans: why are there more new orphans listed after removing all of them?07:49
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stdinextern: what version of kubuntu do you have?07:49
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stdinextern: that package is in the universe repository, so make sure you have that enabled07:50
externI have all of them enabled :S07:50
ubotugstreamer0.10-pitfdll: GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 79 kB, installed size 260 kB (Only available for i386)07:50
stdinwell it's there, in universe07:50
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stdinextern: can you post your /etc/sources.list file on pastebin?07:51
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externits rather messed up, because I tried to get that universe rep to work07:53
stdinextern: if it's messed up, I'll fix it and post it back07:53
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externit works, but I put main restricted universe multiverse to all the entries07:54
chuenstdin: (10 hours later ....) I upgraded!07:55
stdinchuen: yeah, takes a while :P07:55
stdinextern: did you update adept after changing it ?07:55
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externa lot of times07:56
externI done sudo apt-get update07:56
externI guess it does the same thing :P07:56
stdinextern: what dose "apt-cache search gstreamer0.10-pitfdll" show?07:56
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externtotally nothing07:57
stamendid somebody know a program for CD/DVD catalogue07:57
externE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-pitfdll07:57
metelliusdoes anyone know of a handy way to convert filenames to utf8? preferably a tool with gui?07:57
stamenwhich is working good, and easy to instal07:57
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draremif I add another user, that one will get his own HOME directory?07:58
externthis one when doing apt-get install gstreamer........07:58
stdindrarem: yes07:58
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stdinextern: comment out (or remove) "deb http://lt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe" and "deb-src http://lt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe", don't need universe twice07:59
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externit still cant find it08:01
stdinextern: line 22 and 2308:01
externI commented it08:02
externand apt-get updated08:02
stdinextern: so you put a "#" bedore them ?08:02
externI meant that apt-get cant find that gstermaer package08:02
stdincan you find the package now?08:02
externI already said that 2 times :)08:03
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stdinno, not after I told you to comment them out08:03
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externsorry, didnt understand what you mean08:04
externand why isnt single  (I think its called an asterisk) working on my keyboard08:05
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externwhere can I change my keyboard layout?08:05
stdinextern: System Settings -> Regional & Language08:07
paytoncan anyone tell me how to install a Kommander extension?08:07
cloakablepayton: click on it? o.o08:07
paytonSorry, but that doesn't do work, it opens in Kate.08:08
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stdinextern: use this as your sources.list http://paste.uni.cc/1265208:08
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externbah, it when updating it downloaded some lists08:10
externbut it still can't find it :S08:10
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externFetched 6118kB in 39s (155kB/s)08:10
externReading package lists... Done08:10
externgiedrius@clt-84-32-250-29:~$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll08:10
externReading package lists... Done08:10
externBuilding dependency tree08:10
externReading state information... Done08:10
externE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-pitfdll08:10
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:12
externin the adept manager, there are a lot of other gstreamer packages, but not that one08:12
stdinextern: it should be there...08:13
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stdinextern: you can just download it, and install it08:13
externfrom all the packages that was listed in the guide, only that one is missing :S08:13
stdinextern: http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gstreamer0.10-pitfdll/gstreamer0.10-pitfdll_0.9.1.1+cvs20060515-1_i386.deb08:13
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stdinextern: download that, then when it's downloaded, right click it, choose Kubuntu Package Manager -> Install Package08:15
externmy architecture is amd64 :P08:15
pip`hey guys what do i do if i cant remember my username OR pw ??08:15
stdinextern: ahh08:15
stdinextern: should have asked that08:15
pip`its been several month since i ran my kubuntu drive08:16
stdinextern: it's not available for amd6408:16
chuenstdin: I'll probably leave this for tomorrow's fun but now, the most recet install of amarok is 1.4.308:16
chuenNow that I've upgraded the OS, what's the best plan for installing 1.4.4?08:17
stdinpip`: you need to use the live CD to check your usename and password08:17
stdinchuen: the most recent is 1.4.408:17
externstdin, how can I get restricted formats to work then?08:17
externI had them working on ubuntu 64bit without any problem08:17
leafwati or nvidia? I have to setup a big pc ...08:17
leafwI assume ati is better supported ?08:18
stdinextern: all it means it that windows formats wont work, like wmv and wma08:18
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stdinextern: you can still use mp3s08:18
Tm_Tleafw: Eh, nVidia has better propietary support.08:18
chuenstdin: It says 1.4.3 here :) (with no upgrade showing)08:18
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Tm_TFar better IIRC08:18
externbut amarok says that it can't play it08:18
pip`stdin, ok i just put in an Edgy 6.10 cd, now how do i get my old pw etc ?08:18
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pip`dont know if its live or not08:19
stdinchuen: yes, but there is a 1.4.4 repo from kubuntu.org08:19
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stdinpip`: ok, you need to open /etc/passwd and look for a line with ":x:1000:1000:" in it08:20
chuenstdin: Ah. Can you remind me of the link pls (again!)08:20
pip`how do i open /etc/passwd ?08:21
stdinchuen: the repo is "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-latest/ edgy main" add it to adept08:21
stdinpip`: use kate08:21
pip`kate ? ok08:22
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ubotukatalog: CD organizer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 132 kB, installed size 532 kB08:22
stdinpip`: Kmenu -> Utilities -> kate08:22
externwhen trying to play wav file, amarok says: Error loading media. There is no available codec, but vlc media player can play all the files (though I suspect that it may have custom codecs for each file)08:23
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stdinextern: wav files don't use codecs, they are raw audio08:24
externbut amarok can't play them :S08:24
externI'm going to restart my computer, maybe that will help08:24
pip`ok im in kate now... do i use 'find' to find the word 'etc' or ?08:25
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killermach_I click Places -> Network Servers -> Workgroup -> Server -> Share and I cannot create a folder, my ubuntu login/pass is the same as the credentials on the SMB server, where do I need to configure this??08:25
stdinpip`: you can, just search for "1000:1000"08:25
=== Bluedog [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
pip`oh ok08:26
chuenstdin: Great! Have a good night shift!08:26
Bluedoghey guys08:26
chuenstdin: I'll no doubt have more q's tomorrow ;-)08:26
Bluedogusing ubuntu livecd atm but cant boot it, wondering if kubuntu will help?08:26
Bluedogi think its an issue with gnome..08:26
pip`1000:1000 not found !08:26
stdinchuen: I'll probably be here when I'm at work too :p08:26
stdinkillermach_: that's to do with the server running samba08:26
Bluedogloads fine, but stalls with corruption as soon as gnome loading screen appears08:27
stdinpip`: is there any line wit 1000 on it?08:27
chuenstdin: I haven't got the stamina to stay up late any more ;-)08:27
Bluedoggot a 7800GT which seems to be an issue, looking around08:27
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stdinchuen: I'll nap at work :P08:27
externyay, it works now!08:27
pip`search string '1000:1000' not found08:27
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stdinpip`: just search for "1000"08:28
pip`not found either08:28
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pip`not sure if my cd is live08:28
Bluedogany ideas any one? :D08:28
stdinpip`: i'm stuped, sorry :p08:28
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=== pip` *huggies* stdin
stdinpip`: you need to mount your partition first08:29
BluesKajerr ..not live /08:29
pip`ok um how08:29
stdinBluedog: maybe, you can always use the alternate installer, it's a text installer08:29
stdinpip`: open konsole (Kmenu -> System -> Konsole)08:30
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pip`ahh ok08:30
Bluedogthats the thing though, i dont want to mess with my drives if im not sure k/ubuntu will work..08:30
Bluedogis there a way to run the livecd without X?08:30
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stdinBluedog: if it's not running X, then how do you expect to see if it works?08:31
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Bluedogguess you have a point, text will obviously work08:31
Bluedogdamn :P08:32
BluesKajsee if ctrl+alt+F1 gives you a Terminal08:32
Bluedogguess im gonna just have to go ahead with a full install08:32
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BluesKajor use the term on the live cd08:32
stdinpip` ?08:32
pip`ok im in konsole08:33
pip`but i dont see 'mount' command08:33
pip`not even in the konsole 'help'08:33
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stdinpip`: you have to type it, but lets not get ahead of our selfs08:33
=== pip` waits
Bluedogneed to do sudo nvidia-glx-config enable, then edit xorg.conf08:34
stdinpip`: what's the output of "sudo fdisk -l" post it to pastebin08:34
Bluedogcan you do this on a livecd?08:34
stdin!pastebin | pip`08:34
ubotupip`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:34
itschinis there anyone knowledgable about sound in kubuntu?08:35
externBluedog: you can08:35
externI had similar problems with ati08:35
pip`it just gives me a >08:35
Bluedoghow can i get up a terminal to run the sudo command, then edit xorg?08:35
pip`stdin, it just gives me a >08:36
externit shows you an error that it can't start X server, and then it leaves you in terminal08:36
pip`ahh ok08:36
stdinpip`: don't put it in quotes, press Ctrl-C to go back08:36
externif you'll have any more problems, you can set the driver to vesa08:36
pip`ok, i didnt use quotes08:36
pip`i typed in sudo fdisk -|08:36
Bluedogprob is its a live cd08:36
externit will start xserver, so you'll be able to browse the internet conveniently08:36
externI did all this on a live cd :P08:36
stdinpip`: not | l (lowercase L)08:37
Bluedoghow did you stop it launching gnome?08:37
karmikazeanyone here convert videos for psp??08:37
Bluedogas soon as gnome tries to launch, the whole system locks08:37
externit stoped it self08:37
Bluedogdamn :/08:37
pip`ahh ok08:37
externI don't know08:37
Bluedogi get corruption and a freeze08:37
externfor me it showed an error08:37
externthat's lame :P08:37
Bluedogyeah hehe08:37
externmaybe you can press ctrl+alt+f108:37
externor f208:37
LameBMXhuh what .. someone say my name08:38
Bluedogkeyboard is unresponsive too08:38
Bluedogno caps lock, or anything08:38
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Bluedoglights die :P08:38
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externoh, I can't help you then :(08:38
pip`ok, it says dev/hda1,2,308:38
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Bluedogif i could start without x, run the sudo nvidia-glx-config enable, edit xorg.conf, THEN start x, it would be ok surely08:38
Bluedoghmm :D08:38
Bluedogthanks anyway extern08:38
Bluedogwonder if u can start it with no x08:38
stdinpip`: yes, but post it on pastebin, so I can see08:38
karmikazepsp anyone?08:39
Toxis it possible to place top pannel in kde ?08:39
karmikazetox yea08:39
pip`stdin, will i be able to access the internet on my live kubuntu box u think ?08:39
externif I remember right, the alternate install cd allows you to install ubuntu and then it leaves you in a terminal, so you can config your system before restarting into it08:39
stdinBluedog: you could try adding "single" to the boot options, that wouldn't start X08:39
Bluedogthanks :)08:39
LameBMXBluedog, recovery option in boot menu should start you at a root terminal08:39
karmikazeTox: grab the foot of your panel and drag it to the top of the screen08:39
Toxi mean empty pannel with no menus08:39
stdinpip`: what connection do you have on it?08:39
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Toxextra pannel  lol08:40
Bluedognot sure i have that option?08:40
willys_fueguinoHello I need some help.08:40
karmikazeto emulate gaynome?08:40
Bluedogso if i run as single, how do i manually start gnome/x when its ready?08:40
killermach__stdin: I chmod +s smbmnt and smbumount and smb4k works on ubuntu, but it seems that I should be able to navigate to the server/share via Places->NetworkServers and add remove files08:40
willys_fueguinoI installed ubuntu-server and now I want to install kde-core...08:40
externjust type startx08:40
willys_fueguinoIs that posible to do from the kubuntu desktop cd??08:40
Bluedogthankyou guys08:40
pip`well im talking to u now using my xp box, if i just plugin my kubuntu box will i be able to connect online simultaneously ?08:40
stdinBluedog: it's an option after you install it08:40
LameBMXBluedog, then hit e during boot .. and edit the boot line to say single stdin mentioned08:40
Toxnot, i dont want emulate gnome i want have the pannels i want08:40
externand that recovery option becomes available after you install ubuntu to your hdd :P08:40
Bluedogok :)08:40
karmikazei think you can have an empty panel08:41
stdinLameBMX: its a Live CD session08:41
karmikazejust keep removing things from it08:41
Bluedogf6, add single08:41
LameBMXoh okay stdin thanx08:41
Toxextra top pannel. are you shure ?08:41
Bluedogcheers all08:41
karmikazeextra no, dont think you can have multiple panels08:41
LameBMXmust not have scrolled up far enough08:41
karmikazeyou can run gnome panel too08:41
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karmikazethus giving you kicker and extra gnome panels08:41
Toxhow ?08:41
karmikazewell youd need gnome installed08:41
karmikazethen just run gnome-panel08:42
karmikazeor whatever they call it08:42
Toxi have it08:42
karmikazewhile inside kde08:42
willys_fueguinoHow can I install x-window and kde-core from the kubuntu desktop cd??08:42
stdinkillermach__: I doesn't matter what the settings are on your computer, it's the settings on the server08:42
karmikazeyeah tab out gnome-08:42
karmikazeand see what programs you have08:42
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Toxu mean gnome-panels08:42
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pip`omg, i CAN connect online at same time as my XP box !08:42
LameBMXhow can i remove bluetooth stuff without removing kubuntu-desktop08:42
karmikazerun that from F2 or whatever08:43
farkrwith cfdisk it's asking me if i want to make my extra partitions 'bootable' or not, should i say yes?08:43
stdinpip`: you still there?08:43
Toxhmm ill try .. but kde panel will disapear then ?08:43
karmikazenope tox08:43
pr0m3theushello  everyone08:43
pip`im used to windows which doesnt allow 2 simultaneous box connects by default, good08:43
karmikazeit might move a bit to make room08:43
stdinpip`: ok, never mind about pastebin then08:43
pip`im online now08:44
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willys_fueguinoHow can I install x-window and kde-core from the kubuntu desktop cd??08:44
stdinpip`: dose one of the partitions say "Linux" by it ?08:44
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stdinwillys_fueguino: they are already on the live cd08:44
willys_fueguinostdin: I installed ubuntu-server08:45
willys_fueguinoand now I want to install kde-core but from the kubuntu cd08:45
willys_fueguino(I have a very slow internet conection)08:45
stdinwillys_fueguino: you can't install it from the desktop cd, only the alternate cd08:45
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willys_fueguinoie: to download kde-core it wil take like 30-45 minutes08:45
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stdinpip`: ?08:46
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pip2ok its me08:46
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pip2using konversation08:46
willys_fueguinostdin: so it isn't posible to install a "kubuntu-minimal" from the kubuntu desktop cd?08:46
stdinpip2: ahh, ok08:46
externwhy does konqueror only list a few folders when I go to the root folder? I want to see them all08:47
stdinwillys_fueguino: no, you can only do it from the alternate cd08:47
tsdgeosextern:  because kubuntu developers are crazy people08:47
stdinpip2: dose one of the partitions say "Linux" by it ?08:47
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stdin!hidden | extern08:47
ubotuextern: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles08:47
pip`stdin, yes, hda2 Linux08:48
Alarmhello.  which command does remove the not used anymore packages. apt-get autoremove or autoclean ? i dont want to erase what its been downloaded till now in my archive directory but installed packages that are not used. like libraries for example08:48
pip`hda1 ntfs/hpfs hidden08:48
stdinAlarm: autoremove08:48
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pip`hda3: linux swap08:49
Alarmautoclean erases all packages from the archive or did i get wrong what the command does ?08:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:49
stdinpip`: ok, it's hda2 we want, in konsole you type this "sudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt"08:49
pip2ok it gave me >08:50
karmikazeanyone here use ffmpeg??08:50
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stdinAlarm: autoclean removes old versions of the packages, not all of them, apt-get clean removes all of them08:50
karmikazei keep getting output codec errors and wonder if theres a repo for it08:50
stdinAlarm: take a look at "man apt-get"08:50
Alarmokie thanks08:50
Alarmehmm. got an error08:50
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove08:50
AlarmE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:50
stdinAlarm: you can't have adept open at the same time08:51
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Alarmoops. sorry , yes , stupid me08:51
mots__is there any way to hide windows on other workspaces from the taskbar when using beryl?08:51
stdinpip2, pip`: what exactly did you type?08:51
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stdinmots__: no, not in beryl (not that I can find anyway)08:52
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pip2i typed exactly what u pasted, without quotes08:52
pip2i did a paste08:52
stdinpip2: and you now see a '>'08:52
Alarmthanks a lot08:52
stdinAlarm: no problem :)08:53
pip2oh wait no08:53
pip2i see ...08:53
pip2~$ sorry08:53
stdinpip2: that's ok then :)08:53
=== pip2 hits head against wall
stdinpip2: now open "/mnt/etc/passwd" in kate08:54
pip2me slightly dislex08:54
JosefKis there any way to make adept aware that you want to hold a package at it's current version?08:54
tsdgeosi'd say no08:55
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tsdgeosbut not sure08:55
pip2ok i now see a bunch of fairly cool stuff08:55
intelikeypackages can be tagged hold08:55
pip2but not sure which is my passwd etc08:55
intelikeyman aptitude08:55
stdinpip2: you'll want to find a line with "1000" in it08:55
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pip2ok i see my username with 100008:56
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pip2at the very bottom08:56
stdinJosefK: adept can't, Synaptic can08:56
pip2but not passwd yet08:56
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stdinpip2: yes, but now we know your username :)08:57
pip2yes good good08:57
pip2so i guess i can change my passwd now right ?08:57
scifiif i right-click a folder in konqueror and 'copy to desktop' to create a link, does this actually copy the whole folder or just create a link as required?08:57
JosefKstdin: heh, I thought as much, I'll just stop the adept notifier from starting08:57
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:57
itschinMy sound isn't working, how do I change my sound driver? I've tried changing it in K System Settings -> Multimedia and Sound but it just says restarting sound system but no change takes effect.08:57
stdinpip2: yes08:57
balintstdin: hi there08:58
Murchadhintelikey: Are you about for an apt problem?08:58
stdinpip2: there are a couple ways to do it, either boot up kubuntu in to rescue mode and type "passwd sinbad44" or you could do it from the CD too08:58
balintstdin: adept found update for xorg xserver, and two update for restricted modules.. thats good for me right? :)08:58
stdinhey balint08:59
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intelikeyMurchadh info08:59
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stdinbalint: updates are good, yes :)08:59
scifican anyone enlighten me?08:59
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Bluedoghey again09:00
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Bluedogif i start ubuntu with single, edit xorg.conf to 'vesa', then startx, I can get into gnome just fine09:00
karmikazeanyone know what might break video playback??09:01
h3sp4wnI expect you ran gui apps with sudo09:01
karmikazei used to be able to watch things09:01
HaTcHIf kde is running  but nobody is logged in, will kcron still execute tasks?09:01
Bluedogrunning sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, then running sudo nvidia-glx-config install is fine09:01
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balintstdin: will that affect my driver how to install? cause yet i didnt tried to install the driver:) (nvidia) but now i must, cause i enabled trasnperancy and was extremely slow :D09:01
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karmikazenot every file i try freezes in the first second it comes up in mplayer or xine09:01
stdinscifi: enlighten you on what ?09:01
intelikeyMurchadh ?09:01
Bluedogbut changing xorg.conf back to driver: nv, then restarting ,x it fails with corruption again :/09:01
scifiif i right-click a folder in konqueror and 'copy to desktop' to create a link, does this actually copy the whole folder or just create a link as required?09:01
h3sp4wnBluedog: what card ?09:01
Bluedog7800 GT09:01
stdinscifi: just makes a link09:01
scifistdin: ty09:02
Bluedogat least I know its a gpu driver issue now...09:02
Bluedoglocks up on gnome start screen09:02
h3sp4wnBluedog: Do you want to use nv or nvidia-glx09:02
stdinbalint: did you install the driver from ubuntu, or download from nvidia? (remind me :P)09:02
Bluedogwhats the difference? </noob>09:02
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balintstdin: installed from konsole09:02
Bluedogi just want it to work with the nvidia drivers, atm it locks up and I have to go in and write in vesa09:02
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h3sp4wnone is free with no 3d one isn't09:02
HaTcHBluedog: GLX will give you hardwareacceleration09:02
karmikazeis libxine-extracodecs the only thing i really need for video playback?09:02
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Murchadhintelikey: brb09:02
Bluedogoh, I want GLX then :)09:03
stdinbalint: yes, but did you use apt-get ?09:03
balintstdin: by the way i got a cool console terminal, that yakumatao or whatever :)09:03
siouxhi beryl do not show border windows on kubuntu how can i do that? :-)09:03
Bluedogso should I be entering nvidia-glx into my xorg.cnof?09:03
balintstdin: yes, i used with apt-get09:03
h3sp4wnBluedog: Driver "nvidia"09:03
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balintstdin: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx09:03
siouxberyl do not show border windows on kubuntu how can i do that? :-)09:03
stdinbalint: then you'll be fine, ubuntu will make sure all the packages work together when they send out updates :)09:03
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Bluedogso i install glx, enable it, enter nvidia into xorg.conf, then restart x, and hopefully it wont crash?09:04
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karmikazemaybe my beryl is broken for the same reason all my video playback is broken????09:04
h3sp4wnBluedog: make sure you have Load "glx" (in the modules part)09:04
scifistdin: are u 100% sure about that? because if i click the desktop link it opens the folder in /home/'myuser./Desktop/My Documents09:04
Bluedogin xorg.conf right?09:04
karmikazelupine_85: you around?09:04
HaTcHDoes kcron run when no user is logged on, will it still execute?09:04
Bluedogthanks h3sp4wn :d09:04
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scifistdin: whereas the original folder is /home/'myuser./My Documents09:05
h3sp4wnBluedog: You haven't tried anything like using the nvidia.com installer etc ?09:05
karmikazemy yakuke doesnt stay down :/09:05
Bluedogim using a livecd atm as I dont fancy messing with my partitions09:06
balintstdin: and how should i reinstall it? sudp apt-get -reinstall install nvidia-glx?09:06
Bluedogdidnt think of the nvidia installer09:06
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karmikazeoh its just firefox ruining yakuke09:06
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stdinscifi: ohh, you choose copy to desktop from konq. no that coppys it, if you want a link, right click on the desktop and choose "Create new - > Link to Location"09:06
BluesKajkarmikaze, what video card?09:06
stdinbalint: no need to reinstall09:07
karmikazenvidia BluesKaj: 7400Go sony vaio laptop09:07
karmikazesuddenly beryl stopped working09:07
karmikazeand ive just noticed ALL video playback doesnt work09:07
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karmikazeim afraid to update cos it says its going to remove nvidia-glx09:08
balintstdin: than what should i do? or how can i found out if the packets are correct?09:08
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karmikazeand it took ages to get that working09:08
BluesKajkarmikaze, did you just install beryl ?09:08
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karmikazenup ive not touched anything09:08
karmikazeit was working one day, not the next09:08
scifistdin: thanks. i did see the "Create new - > Link to Location (URL)" option but the URL part suggested it was for online locations only, thanks again09:08
stdinbalint: as long as you used the package from ubuntu, you don't need to do anything, it will work09:08
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karmikazedont get any errors when i run it either09:08
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balintstdin: but in adept only the nvidia settings are shown as installed09:09
karmikazestarts up like everything is fine, the little icon comes up too, screen flashes like its gunna start, but goes back to kde09:09
stdinscifi: URL in this case is both on the web, and on the system09:09
balintstdin: and the kernel drivers...09:09
BluesKajAIGLX ? karmikaze09:09
karmikazeid like to update, but how can beryl work with nvidia-glx being removed09:09
scifistdin: yeh works great thx. so much easier than gnome!!09:09
karmikazeguess i'll try to update, might at least get video playback working again...09:10
stdinscifi: no problem :)09:10
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Tox how to add mixer and system tray to the panel ? and how to place trash bin on the desktop ? tnx :)09:10
BluesKajsorry karmikaze, dunno09:10
stdinbalint: you don't see nvidia-glx ?09:10
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karmikazedrag your trash can onto the desktop from panel tox09:11
karmikazeright click the panel to add things to it...09:11
Toxi cant see it on the panel09:11
karmikazeadd it to the panel then drag it09:11
karmikazethe remove it..09:11
Murchadhintelikey: Broken Pipe =>  Errors were encountered while processing '/var/cache/apt/archives/sysvinit-utils_2.86.dsl-36_i386.deb => This from a apt-get -f install. Seems to be trying to write to /usr/share/man/man1/mesg.1.gz? DSL 3.1. I've been through this a couple of times, and have to use the APT::Force-LoopBreak=true to get this far. It's a pain as there are only a few things I need which don't come as part of Damn Small Linux09:11
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scifiTox: its usually on the very far-right corner09:12
balintstdin: no, in adept is shown as not installed09:12
rallehallo ich brauche hilfe09:12
Toxi know but i havent it bcoz' i placed it before when i had gnome09:12
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stdinTox: to add the trash icon on the desktop, just right click on the desktop, choose "Create New -> Lunk to Location (URL)" name it "Trash" and use the address "trash:/"09:13
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Toxill try09:13
BluesKaj!de | ralle09:13
uboturalle: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:13
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intelikeyMurchadh sysvinit-utils hmmm   give me a minute.09:14
stdinbalint: try installing it with adept or apt-get, you need it installed so updates don't break the driver09:14
karmikazehas anyone updated today?? anyone using nvidia and or beryl???09:14
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intelikeyMurchadh ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/mesg.1.gz09:15
scifidoes Kubuntu have a new updates alert pop-up like Ubuntu ?09:15
karmikazeyeah scifi09:16
Murchadhintelikey: Basically, Install DSL to laptop, setup samba to access shares, sudo apt-get the bits I need; smbfs screen and emacs-stuff. Need the APT::Forc....thingy to do that. Can't do a dist-upgrade though. Could leave it as is but I think I can get past it.09:16
stdinscifi: yes09:16
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scifibcoz i just did sudo apt-get update and it foudn new ones that i hadnt been alerted about09:16
karmikazestdin: do you use nvidia? have you updated today?09:16
scifido i need to install/enable adept-updater ?09:16
karmikazeno just make sure its running09:17
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Murchadhintelikey: Yeah, file doesn't exist.09:17
stdinkarmikaze: no, I have intel chip09:17
karmikazeps -ef | grep adept_updater09:17
karmikazeok stdin09:17
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karmikazemany broken things wtf...09:18
karmikazeman isnt working right09:18
intelikeyMurchadh did you try an strace on it ?     the info you have provided doesn't really lead me in any particular direction09:18
BluesKajkarmikaze, my experience with beryl wasn't good either but I'm running an ATI card and the beryl setup eliminates alot of video GUI driven programs like google earth so i dumped beryl...it's only eye candy after all09:18
scifihmm it is running, but didnt alert me of those updates ^^09:18
balintstdin: so just install it? in the k menu i can still see the nvidia settings :) that wont be a problem right?09:18
=== Murchadh also looks forn the fix-broken command. ?)
=== Seeker` [n=Seeker@195-112-32-168.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
karmikazewhat does it mean when you boot up and it asks you to run fsck MANUALLY? >_>09:19
karmikazei try running fsck /09:19
stdinbalint: shouldn't be a problem09:19
Toxok and how to add mixer and i can't see my systray, i can't see minimized skype i.e wot i have to do ?09:19
karmikazeand it fails out#09:19
stdinkarmikaze: it means that there may be some errors on the disk, and it wants you to run fsck to fix them09:20
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karmikazestdin: i run fsck but it fails09:20
karmikazesays the disk is mounted read/write in suse09:20
karmikazefails for some other reason in kubuntu09:20
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Toxkarmikaze can u help me with my quest plz ?09:20
balintstdin: ok than i try to install it from adept, after that it should work after restarting x? (im afraid of writing things again in xorg.conf, cause last time it crashed, maybe you still remember)09:21
karmikazeTox: right click the panel, add applet or whatever...09:21
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intelikey<karmikaze> says the disk is mounted read/write <<< so remount it ro and run it.09:21
stdinkarmikaze: use fsck -f /dev/whetever to force a check, also you should not have the partition mounted (or at least have it mounted read-only)09:22
Alarmwith which application can i look the disk usage ?09:22
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karmikazeAlarm: df -h09:22
intelikeystdin on a mounted fs ?09:22
pip`stbin, trying to login now using sinbad44, it already let me change my passwd, but what do i type after the ~# prompt ?09:22
Alarmnon console one09:22
stdinbalint: if it fails, you just need to change "nvidia" to "nv"09:22
karmikazekonqueror then Alarm use FSV "file size view"09:22
pip`sorry mispel09:22
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karmikazeor do you want a monitor Alarm09:23
balintstdin: with that reconfigure command?09:23
stdinintelikey: i meant unmounted :P09:23
=== pip` <- dislecsic as helL
stdinkarmikaze: I meant *un*mounted09:23
stdinpip`: what's up?09:23
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intelikeystdin wouldn't   sudo mount -o remount,ro / && fsck /dev/<something>09:23
intelikeyoh stdin ok.   disreguard.09:24
pip`stdin, trying to login now using sinbad44, it already let me change my passwd, but what do i type after the ~# prompt ?09:24
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stdinintelikey: yes, that's why I also said at least have it mounted read only09:24
Murchadhintelikey: Ok! I'm doing a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade which tries to upgrade 70 packages, install 30 new and not upgrade 1 (linux-wlan-ng). Then it fails at sysvinit-utils. There were 90 packages to upgrade the first time, so I presume it got as far as sysvinit-utils the first time. Can I make it skip that file and continue, and try and repair it after. I'm not bothered about this OS as it can be reinstalled in 20 min. But I'll be right09:24
Murchadhback here again...09:24
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karmikazeAlarm: go to dockapps.org09:24
pip`its says root@sinbad44-desktop ~#09:24
Alarmokie , thanks09:24
karmikazei dont get how i should run fsck if nothing is mounted...09:24
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karmikazeshould i get a rescue cd ready?09:25
stdinpip`: you should just press "Crtl-D" or type "exit" and it should continue boot as normal09:25
karmikazeive run fsck before and not had these problems09:25
pip`ahh ok let me try that09:25
=== karmikaze gets out cds
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scifimouse-wheel doesnt scroll in konqueror, is it a system wide setting i need to enable or just in konqueror ?09:25
intelikeyMurchadh you have the package in the cache correct ?     try sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/sysv*09:25
balintstdin: lol the adept will remove the nvidia settings, before installing glx :D09:26
intelikeysee what that does for you.09:26
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stdinbalint: I think nvidia-settings is now in nvidia-glx so that's ok09:26
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balintstdin: ok09:27
Patrick`why doesn't CD ripping from konqueror work, has it been patched out?09:27
balintstdin: you are a developer?09:27
stdinbalint: no :P09:27
pip`stdin, ok it brought me the desktop gui, but wont take either my OLD nor NEW passwd  :(09:27
pip`i made sure my caps were off09:28
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stdinpip`: try setting the password again, reboot in to recovery mode again09:28
pip`ok ill try that09:28
balintstdin: :D ok. so adept showa that glx is installed, now i should reboot? or an X resatrt should do the thing?09:29
sebbarhey guys I can't log in on one of my kubuntu machines anymore, it just goes back to the login screen immediatly: is this a known bug by chance?09:29
Murchadhintelikey: Errors were encountered, no more info than that though.09:29
balintstdin: settings are removed, but i can still se it, in the k menu :S09:29
intelikeyMurchadh yes now try the update09:29
intelikeyMurchadh we expected errors.09:29
stdinbalint: that's ok then09:30
Toxkarmikaze i cant find how to place systray, still can't see minimized skype plz help :(09:30
stdinpip`: the command you need is "passwd sinbad44"09:30
balintstdin: so reboot is better? or just restart X?09:31
pip`stdin, ok so where do i type that command exactly ? after the ~# prompt or09:31
stdinbalint: just restart X, and if it fails, use "sudo nano /etx/X11/xorg.conf" to change "nvidia" to "nv"09:31
stdinpip`: yes09:32
intelikeysebbar can you login a console with that user ?09:33
stdinTox: try right clicking on the panel, choose "Add applet to panel" and then choose "System Tray"09:33
balintstdin? /etx??? you mean etc?09:33
intelikeyMurchadh how goes the .deb war ?09:33
sebbarintelikey: unfortunatly it's my sisters machine (on which I don't have access right now) but yes, I think so09:33
stdinbalint: yes, sorry, I'm typing too fast :P09:34
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Toxtheres no system tray in applets ..09:34
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balintstdin: ok im restarting it09:35
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sebbarshould I try to reconfigure x?09:37
Murchadhintelikey: Not too good. I might go back to first principles, reinstall and ask about my meddling before I commit to it.09:37
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Murchadhintelikey: Be back in 10. Thanks for your attention!09:37
scifiin "Keyboard and mouse settings" it says my logitech MX500 was detected and libusb was found at compile time, but it was not possible to access this mouse due to permissions problems. is this why the scroll wheel isnt active ?09:37
Alarmwhere can i find the new downloaded skins for kopette ? i mean on my system, they are downloaded but cant find to load them09:38
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intelikeysebbar ok let me give you a quick rundown of things to check.   1. ctrl+alt+f1 and try to login there in tty1 (console)   if that is successful then chown `whoami` $HOME -R && exit   then alt+f7 login through kdm   ;else problem is most likely a password error.     2.  assuming console login works but kdm login still fails   in the login console type  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop && startx      if that works it's a kdm error 09:38
intelikeysebbar if console is not the last word you see there tell me. ^09:39
boggystudiosdoes any one know of a graphical ftp server for linux?09:40
sebbar:intelikey what does chown `whoami` $HOME -R do?09:40
stdinTox: you need to add something like this to ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1103/09:40
stdinTox: then restart kicker09:40
boggystudioskind of like filezilla09:41
intelikeysebbar changes ownership of everything in $HOME to the user name you loged in with.   -R == recursive.09:41
cloakableNice :)09:42
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sebbar:intelikey ok I'll try tnx09:42
Alarmanyone knows where are kopette skins located after being downloaded ?09:43
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Tm_TAlarm: Depends where you did download.09:43
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intelikeysebbar oh one other thing.that assumes that you have sudoer rights in that account.    a simple test is    sudo echo yes || echo no09:44
Alarmwell, i did install them inside from kopette. it downloaded them automatically, it shows them as installed. but not in the list09:44
Tm_TBut at the end, they are meant to be in ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/themes/ I think.09:44
Tm_TAlarm: Restart.09:44
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Alarmchecked there. but nothign to be found09:44
sebbar:intelikey yes I do09:44
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sebbar:intelikey since she is the only user, should I really check the first step?09:45
intelikeysebbar i should have said    sudo chown `whoami` $HOME -R09:45
sebbarok cool09:45
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balintstdin: im back, just had a bath... so i restarted x and nothing. i guess i still have to change nv to nvidia right?09:51
stdinbalint: yead, guess so09:51
psynthHow to start an upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 ?09:51
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stdin!upgrade | psynth09:51
ubotupsynth: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:51
sebbar:intelikey first step failed, trying second09:52
intelikeypsynth a far better question might be  "why start an upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 ?"   :)09:53
intelikeysebbar first step answered the question.09:53
sebbarsorry what do you mean?09:54
balintstdin: another quick question: how can i svae the modified file with nano?09:54
intelikeythe problem is with the login.    boot into rescue mode and do a   passwd <that user name>        and set the passeord09:54
balintstdin: wich button? :) altgr+3 ??09:54
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hassan2a_playin to ET ?09:54
Tm_TI play sometimes.09:54
hassan2a_do you want playing now ?09:55
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stdinbalint: it tells you at the bottom of the screen, Ctrl-O09:55
Tm_TNope and when I wan't I afraid servers I use are rather full.09:55
intelikeysebbar also add -u  to that passwd string09:55
balintso this sign is ctrl? ^09:55
stdinbalint: yep09:56
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Tm_Thassan2a_: To be honest, I'm low paying in med-servers.09:57
Tm_TOr servers meant to be med. =)09:57
balintstdin: ok, i've changed it, lets hopet it wont crash :)09:58
balintprepare for X restart:)09:58
sebbarintelikey: when she tries to startx she gets something like: radeon (0): radeondriStop, engineRestore radeondisplaypowermanagementset, waiting for x server to shoot down09:58
Tm_Thassan2a_: Let me guess, you're newbie?09:58
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Tm_Thassan2a_: Just look server with over ten players and campaign mode, you'll find server that suit to your needs.09:59
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balintstdin: okay, it worked :) (just as last time :D bu last time after reboot crashed :D ) now its okay i hope..09:59
sebbarintelikey: sounds like an x server problem doesn't it?09:59
stdinbalint: maybe the nvidia driver just won't work with your card :(10:00
balint:S how could that be?10:00
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stdindon't know10:00
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balintstdin: but what can i do :D i like nvidia :D big fan :D10:01
balintstdin: and now the trasnparency of the windows should be acclereated by the vga?10:01
stdinbalint: I don't know, if the ubuntu version doesn't work, you can try with the driver download from nvidia, but after a kernel update you'll have to install it again (by running the downloaded file again)10:03
scifiis it possible to player asx video ?10:03
balintstdin: ok. now i will test the transperancy :D and hope it wint crash :)10:03
stdinscifi: asx isn't video, it's like a playlist, you need to extract the URL from it and play that10:05
scifiah right, th10:05
=== stdin is away for a meeting, back in about an hour (I hope)
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hassan2a_Tm_T:  yes i am newbie10:07
balintstdin!! it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:08
scifiwhat about wmv?10:08
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Tm_Thassan2a_: Well, good luck. :)10:08
hassan2a_you don't play ?10:08
stdinscifi: you need w32codecs look at the wiki10:08
stdin!restricted | scifi10:09
ubotuscifi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:09
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=== stdin is really away this time
hassan2a_!wiki w32codecs10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki w32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:09
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:11
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yakuntuque aconsejan para virtualizacion?10:16
yakuntunesesito hacer correr el XP en el kubuntu?10:16
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:17
bonbonthejonstdin: I was just getting ready to do that10:17
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stdinbonbonthejon: you should have been quicker then :p10:18
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cgnboyany germans here10:18
pip`how do i monitor my overall download speed on kubuntu ?10:19
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stdin!de | cgnboy10:19
ubotucgnboy: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:19
pip`is Merchant a german last name ?10:19
pip`my grandparents i think were atleast part German cgnboy10:19
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pip`cgnboy, but sumone told me that Merchant was kind of a jewish german last name, any ideas cgnboy ?10:20
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pip`stdin, thanx for all your help !!!  *huggies*10:21
pip`stdin = da  m a n10:21
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stdinpip`: no problem :)10:21
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Bluedoghey all10:22
pip`kubuntu is gonna do wheelie 'circles' all over MS's head !  heh10:22
Bluedogrunning from a livecd, if I boot in with 'single' on parameters, I can get in10:22
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Bluedogas otherwise i get corruption and a crash10:23
pip`MS's days i think are numbered10:23
Bluedogon gnome launch. If I then run apt-get install nvidia-glx10:23
Bluedogthen nvidia-glx-config enable10:23
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Bluedogchanging xorg.conf from VESA to nv still causes a crash10:23
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Bluedog(vesa loads up)10:23
Bluedoganyone know what to do?10:23
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Bluedogat least I can get into gnome now..10:24
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Bluedogtried getting the nvidia .run file from nvidia.com, but it didnt work, said smoething about a matching kernel missing10:24
Bluedogand it couldnt compile its own10:24
Bluedogbit lost here :(10:24
stdinI'd think you need to install the ubuntu nvidia driver10:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:25
CSonicGoit's hard to install it10:25
CSonicGoI've tried10:26
stdinwhat, the ubuntu package ?10:26
CSonicGono, the Binary driver10:26
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CSonicGofrom nvidia10:26
Bluedogif i go into the xterm failsafe, I can still use the system10:26
stdinthat's why I said install the ubuntu package10:26
Bluedogbut tis really corrupted and hard to read the term10:26
CSonicGoit requires you to know how to manipulate x10:26
CSonicGoyou mean there's a package now10:26
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CSonicGothis must be new10:26
stdinCSonicGo: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx , then it's installed10:27
CSonicGoI did that before10:27
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CSonicGox crashed for good and I had to reinstall10:27
Bluedog21:27:08) (stdin) CSonicGo: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx , then it's installed10:27
Bluedogfailed for me10:27
CSonicGome too10:27
Bluedoginstalls fine, but10:27
Bluedogchangnig from vesa to nv in xorg.conf still died on gnome start10:27
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stdinBluedog: you don't change to "nv" you change to "nvidia"10:28
Bluedogsaid 'nvidia not found' and x fails to start if i do that10:28
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CSonicGothe fact that you have to open a conf file is what bothers me about the whole experience.10:28
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CSonicGothat's dangerous stuff to mess with if you don't know what you're doing.10:28
stdinnv = open source driver, "nvidia" = binary nvidia driver10:28
BluedogIf you are running Edgy, type the following instead:10:29
Bluedogsudo nvidia-xconfig10:29
Bluedoghang on10:29
Bluedogedgy is teh latest right?10:29
Bluedogive been doing the old enable command line10:29
stdinyeah, 6.1010:29
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Bluedogthanks guys, will try this :)10:29
CSonicGoI just wanted my 6800 to have 3d acceleration10:29
CSonicGoand my 850XT also, but, no :(10:29
CSonicGoX850T I mean10:30
stdinCSonicGo: then use the ATI driver10:30
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BluesKajCSonicGo, http://www.marteydodoo.com/2006/08/29/installing-binary-ati-drivers-on-ubuntu-edgy/10:31
stdinOR https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:31
stdinofficial instructions ^^^^10:31
BluesKajthat one stdin, didn't work for me , but maybe it will for CSonicGo10:32
BluesKajthat's why I suggested the MarteyDoo10:32
stdinBluesKaj: what was your card tho?10:33
BluesKajATI Xpress 20010:33
BluesKajnewer card10:33
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BluesKajon board ...I may invest in a better one down the line ..but I'm not a gamer so so far i haven't seen much point10:36
stdinBluesKaj: I just have an intel chip, AUGLX + Beryl works GREAT :D10:37
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gdiebelis there a way to map caps lock keycode to escape but still allow modifiers to operate on the new keysym. shortcuts in kde such as alt+escape do not work with the mapped escape key.10:38
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BluesKajberyl works on mine too but at the expense of other GUI stuff like google earth whicch needs the ATI open source driver10:39
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LynoureAny problems with the dapper xorg upgrade?10:40
stdinBluesKaj: that's because it needs DRI, if you use XGL, DRI is disabled10:40
BluesKajyeah stdin, I prefer programs that i can use for my interests rather than just cool looking eye candy for the desktop :)10:40
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stdinBluesKaj: yes, but eyecandy is needed if linux is going to take any market share from MS10:41
Dog|WoWI'm asking this for my stepdad: I have forgotten the terminal command for setting account passwords.10:42
pip`how do i monitor download speed in kubuntu dapper ?10:42
LynoureBluesKaj: if Ubuntu goes too eyecandy for your taste, there is always Debian, which lets you choose.10:43
stdinDog|WoW: passwd10:43
Dog|WoWThank you.10:43
Dog|WoWHe says that's all he needs, he can get the rest from there. And I can make him go through the Wiki.10:43
stdinpip`: you'd need a GUI app, or wget displays speeds10:43
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BluesKajstdin,, linux will never take much away from MS until the public decides to really work at seting up their computers ...most just want instant gratification10:44
rianHey there people10:44
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uphilli have a windows installation 2nd hd and 2nd partition, but it wont boot, do have anybody experence with that?10:44
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stdinBluesKaj: that's why we want OEMs to sell PC with linux pre-installed10:45
pip`ok thx stdin !10:45
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fxruphill does a windows boot option show up in grub?10:45
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stdinuphill: afaik windows needs to be on the 1st partition, and maybe even on the 1st hd too10:46
BluesKajI'm sure some pc stores would consider Linux as the primary OS , if it wasn't for MS's predatory marketing tactics10:46
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TimasI got a networking issue.. I've got a laptop with an nvidia graphics card and the intel ipw9345 wireless chipset.. now because of the restricted kernel modules giving so much trouble with the nvidia driver that can be downloaded I attempted to install the wireless driver without the package.. now /none/ of my laptop's network interfaces work..10:47
TimasIt says my wired network (eth0) works fine but the only things I can ping are the loopback and its own configured IP10:47
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TheDebuggerI would like to be able to install softwares as easily as with windows, just put the CD in the drive, an autorun starts.. then click install, next, next, next, finish then it's done10:48
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stdinTheDebugger: use Adept, it's even easier, choose the package, choose install, done10:48
stdinTimas: look at the WiFi docs, and I'm pretty sure you need the restricted modules package10:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:49
TheDebuggerstdin: Imagine a realworld scenario, i buy Microsoft Office 2155 for Linux then i want to install it10:49
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Timasstdin: Wifi is not really my main concern right now.. I'd like to get the wired network working first10:50
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TheDebuggerThat software is not free, so not in apt repositories10:50
stdinTheDebugger: 1. why not use OpenOffice 2. Microsoft Office, on linux? :p10:50
TheDebuggerstdin: Was just making a silly example :)10:50
BluesKajOpen Office works well with all MS docs10:50
stdinTimas: what connection do you have, how is the wired network connected ?10:51
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stdinTheDebugger: and what's wrong with the OSV making a .deb file on the CD ?10:51
TheDebuggerstdin: Imagine i'm a computer illeterate.. what is a .deb? How to install it?10:52
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Bluedoghey guys10:52
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TimasTheDebugger is right though, theoretically we shouldn't be limited to being unable to install Mickeysoft software on Linux, it might not be desirable or elitist but the posibility should exist.. although a good argument can be given in the mac/windows vision towards windows/linux10:52
Bluedogtried following that guide, same error10:52
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Bluedogerror, couldnt find nvidia kernel10:52
Bluedogscreens found, none usable10:52
TheDebuggerHmm, type dpkg -i blah2384723.deb on the command line? what is a command line?10:52
Bluedogx could not start10:52
Timasstdin: the wired network is connected through a wire :) that works, btw :P10:53
Bluedogso it appears to install the restricted packages AND the nvidia-glx10:53
Bluedogand i enable it as it says...10:53
uphilli have a windows installation 2nd hd and 2nd partition, but it wont boot, do have anybody experence with that?10:53
Bluedogbut x still wont load it10:53
uphillso it is ok i enteret a configuration in menu.lst10:53
stdinTheDebugger: the normal action for a "dumb" user would be to double click, which works for debs too10:53
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Timasuphill: it doesn't show up in grub or or or ?10:53
uphillA disk read error occurred.10:53
uphillit does10:54
BluesKajuphill, what's on the first partition ?10:54
uphilla ext3 fs10:54
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uphillon both hds10:54
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Bluedoghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia following these instructions, x still fails to start10:55
BluesKajuhoh, isn't grub supposed to put ext parts after the windows NTFS ?10:55
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Bluedogsays it couldnt load the nvidia kernels, and no screens are usable10:55
uphilland if i select it the windows bootloader showst the message A disk read error occurred.10:55
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Timasuphill: the read error, is that a grub message or microsoft.. or is it saying it can't boot, not a bootable device, hit ctr+alt+del to reboot?10:55
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uphillit is defenitly the windows bootloader because the message is in german10:56
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TimasBluedog: uninstall the nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-common and restricted modules package10:56
uphilland grub is not german on my system, windows is10:56
Bluedogim running on a livecd to get it working, so thats done atm :D10:56
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Bluedogit will only run x without corruption/crash with VESA in the xorg.conf10:57
uphillis this hack with the map running?10:57
TimasBluedog: then install the nvidia binary package from scratch, best first run it with the --uninstall option first too10:57
uphillmap(hd0) (hd1) ...10:57
uphillany ideas10:57
BluesKajGParted ?10:57
TimasBluedog: then after nvidia is installed, install the (and only this one) nvidia-kernel-common10:58
uphillwhat do you want with that10:58
BluesKaja partition editor10:58
excitatoryi'm setting up a notebook for a friend.. she is excited about kubuntu and knowing her she will most likely use it full-time, but she did mention she wanted to keep windows just in case.  so i'm going to allocate a shared fat32 partition.. is it possible and/or advisible to mount /home in the shared partition?10:58
Timasdo not install the nvidia-glx package, thats the big party pooper10:58
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Timasexcitatory: no10:58
uphillBluesKaj: you mean i should change my partition table10:58
Timasexcitatory: don't use it as home10:58
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Timasexcitatory: mount is as a subfolder in home, much safer10:59
excitatoryTimas: ok, do you think i should still have a separate /home partition.. and if so, how large (80gb drive)10:59
excitatoryTimas: ah, good idea.10:59
BluesKajuphill have you tries installing a bootloader like GAG10:59
uphillwhere to get thisd11:00
Timasexcitatory: on my laptop I have the same.. I have a home partition of about 10gb, just to be safe and a ~/data folder that mounts the fat3211:00
Timason windoze the my documents points to that same folder, all she needs to do is remember to safe her documents in the data folder11:00
uphillno chance with this partition setup and grub?11:00
Timasuphill: Try running the windows restore console.. although I've never been much impressed with it, it might prove capable to restore your windows boot loader, if that works re-install grub11:01
excitatoryTimas: ok.. and one more.. i was considering only allocating 5gb for windows, since she will probably ditch it anyway.. think that's enough?11:02
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BluesKajdunno , uphill ...maybe someone else can help you about grub11:02
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BluesKajexcitatory, depends if she like videos or not11:02
hattadoes she like pictures?11:03
Timasexcitatory: 5gb might be tight.. I'd go for 10gb, windows xp alone is about 2gb thats without the 'mandatory' software11:03
Timasvideos and pictures can be viewed on linux11:03
stdinexcitatory: see how much free space there is on windows, and resize the partition to that +1-2GB11:04
BluesKajyeah, youcan access the windows files from linux as well11:04
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Timaswth, my wired network works again11:04
Timasreboot flappy to be certain11:04
excitatorystdin: nah.. this machine is so full of malware and was re-partitioned by some 'angel protect' windows app that i'm backup up her files and starting fresh.11:05
excitatorystdin: er.. wait.. i see what you're saying..11:06
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BluesKajgawd partition magic does it's wonderous damge again ..11:06
Timasexcitatory: I'd go with 10gb for windows, 30 for linux root and 10 for linux home and whatever is left for the shared data11:06
Timasbut thats me11:06
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BluesKajpartition magic ain't so magic11:06
stdindon't forget you need a swap partition :)11:06
Timas(2gb for swap *cough*)11:06
TimasI forgets11:07
BluesKaj1g for swap is lots :)11:07
stdindepends on how much RAM you have11:07
excitatoryTimas: why so much for linux root?.. and 2gb is WAY too much swap11:07
excitatoryswap isn't even really utilized that often11:07
sahsenewhy does apt download upgrades 10 KB/S?is there a problem with bandwith?11:07
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stdinexcitatory: how much RAM dose the laptop have?11:08
scifiisnt 3GB adequate for root ?11:08
TimasI've got a 250gb drive that I don't even remotely fill halfway.. I tend to stick to the safe side by overtaking my ranges11:08
hattaa couple hundred mb are sufficiant for root11:08
scifinah, installer said 3GB min.11:08
stdinhatta: not if you want to install some packages11:08
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hattaput /usr and /var on separate partitions11:09
=== OolaB is trying to install the ATI drivers on a Dapper->Edgy upgrade
hattayou don't want / filling up when you've got tons of log messages in /var or install too many packages in /usr11:09
stdinthat's getting more advances then, you may aswell use LVM too11:09
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excitatoryhatta: server yes, simple desktop too many partitions imho.11:10
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OolaBWhenever I do fglrxinfo it says the OpenGL renderer is Mesa GLX indirect11:10
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excitatorystdin: looks like only 512.. so perhaps 1gb swap?11:11
BluesKajwhat's point of a seperate "/home" partition , what are it's adavantages ?11:11
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stdinexcitatory: 1GB should be plenty11:11
excitatoryBluesKaj: you can re-install from scratch and maintain your settings and files11:11
BluesKajwhat does /home hold ?11:12
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excitatoryBluesKaj: all of your user files.. think My Documents11:12
wedgeVanyone using mod_musicindex with apache?11:12
MementoMorihi all11:12
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dwidmannBlueskaj, look at your /home folder, with view hidden files turned on11:12
OolaBI used apt to get the restricted modules package for my kernel version as well as the xorg driver and followed all the step exactly on the unofficial wiki but it's not working11:12
dwidmannor rather, your /home/user folder ...11:12
excitatoryBluesKaj: also, like dwidmann is pointing out, many of your user-specific preferences.11:13
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arkanabarThis whole idea of putting root in a separate partition from the rest sounds interesting, but I have no idea how to do it.11:13
BluesKajok, now if i decide to add a /home partition to my existing ext , how large should it be ?11:14
dwidmannas large as you need it to be11:14
stdinarkanabar: you have the option during install11:14
dwidmannmine is around 220gb ...11:14
arkanabar: blinks : I do?  I don't remember seeing that.......11:14
dwidmannI give my other partitions very little space, and allocate the rest to home ...11:14
BluesKajso what's the diff ?11:15
stdinarkanabar: there is either an option in guided partitioning, or you use manually set up partitioning11:15
MementoMoriI'm trying to connect to my access point trought my ipw2200 wlan card (centrino). I installed knetworkmanager but it cannot connect to the lan... It always ask for the wpa key... what I should install in order to connect to my wlan when I turn on my wl card without using sudo commands in konsole?11:15
arkanabarstdin:  ah.  I used manual partitioning, cuz I still need Win2k betimes to game with my wife.  She doesn't want to learn linux.11:16
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stdinarkanabar: then you could have made a separate /, /home, /var, /usr, /boot ........ :)11:17
arkanabarstdin:  so, would guided partitioning let me preserve the Win2k partition?  I'm going to be doing this again in a few days with a new computer.11:17
stdinarkanabar: I think it had the option "resize partition and install ubuntu on free space" (or something to that effect11:17
Timasarkanabar: you can do it manualy if you want to be certain.. just create more partitions and set the mount point to / or /home or /var or or or :)11:17
stdinMementoMori: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/KubuntuWPAHowTo11:17
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MementoMorithank you stdin11:18
dwidmannblueskaj, the difference between [what]  and [what] ?11:18
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:18
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stdinyou could, in theory, have every directory on a different partition/network share of you wanted to11:19
BluesKajbut why , std ?11:19
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stdinBluesKaj: that's why I said "in theory"11:20
arkanabarewwwww.  I'd think it'd be enough to put root and boot on their own partitions.11:20
stdinyou don't need /boot on its own partition11:20
dwidmannroot is always its own partiton though ...11:21
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BluesKajdoes having seperate partitions for /home and /etc... files speed things up or .. ?11:21
dwidmannBlueskaj, no11:21
Timasif they are on seperate drives, it might11:21
vulcaniusstdin: if you expect your filesystem may fill up quicker than you can compensate you sure better put /boot on it's own partition11:21
dwidmannTimas: for /etc, a bunch of settings files, I don't think performance is something anyone is going to be worrying about any time soon11:22
BluesKajmy cpu use only half of its speed capabilities in this setup as it is11:22
Timasdwidmann: I'm more or less going for  a    /  and /home   setup, which means a wee bit more variety than just settings files11:22
stdinvulcanius: the only reason you'd need /boot on its own partition, is if you boot multiple linux OSs using different filesystems for /11:23
TimasBluesKaj: speed doesn't always come from the CPU though11:23
dwidmannyes, but you responded to a question regarding / and /etc, which is why I said that. I always use / + /home .... I would hate to lose my precious settings files, or to have to back up and restore every time I wanted to do a clean install.11:23
BluesKajno, i'm aware of that but memory is ok too , it's 1G11:23
vulcaniusstdin: that leaves you at risk if your filesystem fills completely and something causes a crash, good luck restarting it11:23
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stdinTimas: partitions for /, /home, and swap is fine11:24
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dwidmannif you keep the main culprit of space occupatioon, /home, on its own partition I highly doubt / (which includes /boot) is going to run out of room any time soon11:24
Timasbah.. with network back to working I just updated and it updated compiz somewhere along the way, now its broken again (bah!)11:25
dwidmannI hear giving /var its own partition is a good idea for (some) servers11:25
vulcaniusdwidmann, you, the type of person that sais it will happen, are the most likely to have it happen, heh11:25
vulcaniusdamn i can't spell11:25
dwidmannvulcanius, I have 900gb of hard drive space. Filling up is virtually an impossibility for me :D11:26
stdindwidmann: yeah, logs can quickly fill a partition if there is a runaway process writing to them11:26
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vulcaniusdwidmann. yeah you do11:27
vulcaniusbut for most business still operating on low gig SCSI11:27
vulcaniusit's a real problem11:27
arkanabarWell, as yet, I'm not doing any sort of server.  I'm just another desktop on a peer to peer network.11:27
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StingRayHi all. How can enable XDMCP from console?11:34
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Linux_Galorekde 3.5.6 is about to be released11:35
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stdinStingRay: umm, I think it's in KDMs settings files, but have a look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/11:36
dwidmannLinux_Galore, is a changelog available yet?11:36
StingRayThanks, stdin.11:36
Linux_Galoredwidmann: their working on it as I speak, Im on the mailing list and they are editing the text11:36
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dwidmannAwesome, if you don't mind, drop me a pm with the url when they've got the changelog whipped together11:37
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stdinLinux_Galore: or just post it here, as I would like a peek :)11:37
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Linux_Galoredwidmann:  hold on let me swap systems11:38
dwidmannOh, wait, It's only wednesday, HOoorrrrrrrahhhhhh!!!11:38
phobiacWhat's an easy way for me to scan my computers ports to test what's open? I recall a program that did it in ubuntu but I no longer have it.11:38
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Timassudo netstat -tap   , that shows every local port and connection thats active11:39
dwidmannIt's only wednesday, not Thursday, which happens to be the day before Friday, which is the day on which I have to go back to my job and work, which is a day I dread (cursed 12 hour shifts of manual labor =( )11:40
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stdinI like "netstat -lnp" , lists only listening ports and the process listening on iy11:40
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Timastomorrow is the last day of the workweek for me.. in fact, thats in 20min :P11:41
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Timaslnp looks nice, I'm thinking I like it more than tap11:42
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dwidmannI feel like playing right now, is netstat contained within the netstat-nat package?11:43
dwidmannhold that question, I answered it11:43
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StingRaystdin, /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc ;)11:46
stdinStingRay: that looks right :)11:46
dwidmannlooks like linlin has been having trouble11:46
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Timaseither that or they can't really make up there mind..11:47
Timashm, chat.. hm no chat.. hm chat..   and so forth ;)11:47
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StingRayI am trying to place tightvnc on :0, realvnc is awful11:47
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TimasI've only had that working once, its the nicer way to go imo though11:48
sleepy495I get this error when installing beryl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1115/11:48
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sleepy495when i type 'beryl'11:48
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StingRaystdin, do you know why when logging via ssh I have to wait 6-7 secs before I see the password prompt?11:48
StingRayI have this problem on all my ubuntus11:49
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Timasbut not on other linux's, StingRay?11:49
StingRaySlack is just fine , stdin11:49
StingRay10.1 and 1111:49
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Linux_GaloreWhile working hard on KDE 4, the KDE developers have continued the 3.5 series11:49
Linux_Galorewith KDE 3.5.6.  This release includes a number of bugfixes for KHTML, Kate,11:49
Linux_Galorethe kicker, ksysguard and much more!11:49
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StingRayall my Kubuntus are 6.06.1 LTS11:50
Linux_GaloreThe updates include additional support11:50
Linux_Galorefor compiz as a window manager with kicker, session management browser tabs11:50
Linux_Galorefor Akregator, templating for KMail messages, and new summary menus for11:50
Linux_GaloreKontact making it easier to work with your appointments and to-do's11:50
dwidmannsleepy495: either there's something wrong with your accelerated X drivers, or you xorg.conf isn't set up right to take advantage of 3d hardware acceleration.11:50
stdinStingRay: hmm, it's instant for me11:50
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StingRayhmm, I will investigate later...stdin11:50
dwidmannLinux_Galore, anything on the buggy code-folding, perhaps?11:50
TimasWoo! any idea when packages will be released for this, Linux_Galore?11:50
Bluedog(21:58:33) (Timas) do not install the nvidia-glx package, thats the big party pooper11:51
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Bluedogthanks a lot for your help mate :)11:51
Linux_GaloreI havent got a set date yet11:51
Bluedoghow do i install the nvidia binary package from scratch?11:51
Bluedogbefore kernel common11:51
stdinStingRay: use "ssh -vvv" to get *very* verbose output with ssh :)11:51
Bluedogthe .run from the nvidia site fails11:51
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Linux_GaloreUsually when i start seeing the release notes though its usually about a week later11:51
StingRayI see, Thanks stdin ;)11:51
nihil_sumI was copying some files from a Samba network share onto my local ext3 filesystem, and midway through it started complaining that the filesystem is read-only.  Half the files got copied... But now I can't write to my filesystem?11:51
dwidmannBluedog, either try using envy, or lupine's repo11:52
nihil_sumI tried sudo mount -o remount /... "block device /dev/disk/by-uuid/... is write-protected, mounting read-only."11:52
nihil_sumI did a e2fsck and it fixed some things, but it still will only mount read-only11:52
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Bluedogsorry, I'm a bit of a newbie to this in depth, what's envy?11:52
ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy11:52
Linux_Galoredwidmann: about time11:53
arkanabarAny suggestions for installing Opera?11:53
dwidmannLinux_Galore, about time for what?11:53
Bluedogthanks :D11:53
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dwidmannarkanabar, should install flawlessly11:53
Linux_Galoredwidmann: there is also kubextra, that does nvidia/java/flash/ati  its a kommander script thing so its graphical11:53
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dwidmannLinux_Galore, I haven't heard of that one11:54
arkanabar*sigh* problem is, I ought to have something like Linux for Dummies or Linux Clearly Explained, and I don't.11:54
Linux_Galoredwidmann: its on  kde-apps.org11:54
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Linux_Galoredwidmann: needs someone to edit the back end script for the edgy repo's though because its only for dapper right now11:54
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dwidmannLinux_Galore, I've not played with kommander scripts before, but I think I'll play with it, I have time.11:55
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Linux_Galorearkanabar: hacking Ubuntu by O'Reilly is free to download11:56
sleepy495is there a site for documentation on lupine repositories?11:56
Linux_Galoredwidmann: java/flash/nvidia/ati  are common problem in here11:56
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dwidmannI don't know, I think I have a link to the lupine repo though, sleepy49511:56
sleepy495ok thanks11:57
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=== genii sips a coffee
dwidmanndeb http://beryl-mirror.lupine.me.uk edgy main11:57
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dwidmannsomewhere on that site, I know that's the one for beryl, not sure if the nvidia-glx is in there also or not11:57
Linux_Galorealso kubuntu doesnt seem to manager on board sound cards and pci together well11:57
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Linux_Galoreie "no sound"11:57
dwidmannmy onboard sound works fine :)11:58
Linux_Galoredwidmann: yeah, but then get a PCI card and do an install, half the time kubuntu cant figure out what to do, you have to manually run asoundconf   and define the default sound card11:59
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dwidmannLinux_Galore, I see . .. hmm, I'd sooner disable the onboard in the bios if I dropped in a pci card though11:59
Linux_Galoredwidmann: if you have a PCI sound card with "on board sound" it should default to the PCI card but it doesnt12:00
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geniiMy onboard sound worked fine first time out12:01
Linux_Galoredwidmann: some poor bugger was in here yesterday for an hour trying to fix it, no one could figure it out or give an answer, lucky I logged in and told him how to fix it12:02
dwidmannso I can remember in case I ever need to know, after running asoundconf, how do you go about defining the default sound card12:02
Timasoh, I've got a router here that had a bad firmware updating session and now fails to do anything.. anyone here have an idea how I might fix this, if at all possible?12:02
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Linux_Galoredwidmann: ok its a 2 step thing12:03
geniiTimas If it's a WRT54 series mayboe otherwise no12:03
BluesKajok, if you've installed a new seperate souncard without changing the BIOS CMOS peripherals , then neither soundcard will work12:03
Linux_Galoredwidmann: first step is  "asoundconf list"     get them to post what is outputs12:03
BluesKajthe onboard soundcard must be 'disabled'12:04
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Linux_GaloreBluesKaj: cant always do that12:04
dwidmannnot all bios's have that option blueskaj12:04
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BluesKajmost new pc have that option from my experience12:05
Timassitecom wl-12212:05
Timashad to dig it up from under the rubble :P12:05
suntzuhello ppl how do i set a volume label like msdos command 'label'?12:05
dwidmannBluesKaj, not everyone has a new pc either12:05
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BluesKajsometimes setting up a new soundcard in windows first is the way to go12:06
Linux_Galoredwidmann: second step is   pick a card then type  "asoundconf set-default-card <model>"  <model> = one of the chipsets listed with the exact same text descriptor12:06
=== BluesKaj looks for the shade :)
Linux_Galoredwidmann: then reboot12:06
farkrit's weird how a lot of sites are saying that slackware is best for linux noobs because you get to learn how linux works but with ubuntu is 'debian' for noobs. is that true?12:06
dwidmannLinux_Galore, thanks, I've jotted that down.12:07
BluesKajdebian is linux too12:07
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Linux_Galoredwidmann: its strange but there is nothing in kubuntu to set the default12:08
Linux_Galoredwidmann: graphically12:08
sleepy495After I do a fresh install of Edgy and update the system via Adept what are some things to install first besides video drivers?12:08
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Linux_Galoredwidmann: or if you do try "nothing happens"12:08
dwidmannLinux_Galore, then perhaps, someone should write something like that12:08
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=== dwidmann starts getting ideas about perhaps doing that
Linux_Galoredwidmann: need a kommander tidy up thing for newbies12:09
dwidmannkommander tidy up thing?12:09
Linux_Galoredwidmann: graphical helper script that fixes common newbie problems12:10
dwidmannI figure if I get around to doing it I'd use PyQt/PyKDE12:10
geniiTimas :( I know some tricks for the WRT54 series but tjose , no, I'm sorry12:10
Linux_Galoredwidmann: too late now for edgy/dapper12:10
Timasno worries, the quest has begun, if its possible I can do it, although I don't know how yet!12:10
BluesKajsleepy495, first of all it all depends on what hardware is or isn't working12:10
dwidmannLinux_Galore, are you saying this "tidy up script" is already present, and wanting to give me the link, or are you saying one needs to be written :s12:11
Linux_Galoredwidmann: well dapper has one, edgy doesnt12:11
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dwidmannLink me, I'll see if I can do anything with it12:12
Linux_Galoredwidmann: Im thinking maybe kubuextra ported to edgy with a few add ons12:12
uber_mortI need to do something like this INSERT INTO tableA SELECT * FROM tableB WHERE 1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE colX   (and have the values from tableB overwrite the values from tableA)12:12
Linux_Galoredwidmann: let me get the link12:12
arkanabarMebbe next time I'll install Dapper first & then upgrade to edgy12:12
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uber_morterrrr, I was in the mysql channel, I swear12:12
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Linux_Galoredwidmann: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4816612:13
farkrwhats the command to completely reinstall kde (mines broken and a half)?12:14
farkrin edgy12:14
dwidmannmy inter connection feels so slow today :\12:14

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