
=== somerville32 [n=somervil@ubuntu/member/somerville32] has joined #ubuntu-doc
somerville32mdke: Can we discuss someway to reduce launchpad spam? lol12:18
mdkesomerville32: you could setup a filter?12:19
somerville32There is nothing I could filter it on12:20
mdkefilter launchpad bugmail12:20
somerville32I want launchpad bugmail12:20
somerville32I just don't want get launchpad bugmail on ubuntu documentation12:20
mdkeI mean, filter it into a separate directory12:20
=== somerville32 uses gmail.
somerville32I tag it already12:21
mdkecan't you filter?12:21
somerville32It has tagging12:21
mdkesounds like it sucks to me. Well, what solution do you propose?12:21
=== mdke filters on ^X-Launchpad-Bug.
somerville32Maybe creating sub-teams and changing the bug contacts to these sub-teams?12:21
mdkeand the subteam would be "everyone-except-somerville32"?12:22
mdke(the whole point of having bugmail is so members of the team can fix the bugs)12:22
somerville32Right but I'm wouldn't fix Ubuntu, Edubuntu, or Kubuntu documentation bugs - I'd fear stepping on people's toes.12:23
mdkegenerally lots of bugs appear in all derivatives. Potentially xubuntu is an exception, because it doesn't have much documentation, but you're here to change that!12:24
mdkelet's think it over, you may be right12:24
somerville32But then they should do proper triage12:24
somerville32And apply it to the Xubuntu documentation product12:24
mdkewe do great triage!12:24
mdkeis there a separate product?12:24
somerville32I have no idea but I'm sure I could create one if there isn't already12:25
mdkeI'm not convinced its a good idea12:25
dsasbut I'm sure everyone can give input on most things, no matter which -docs package they care about the most.12:25
mdkepart of the reason we keep the code together is to encourage this collaboration12:25
mdkethe best solution may well for you to read the bugmail!12:25
somerville32mdke: TBH, I really don't have time for that, lol12:26
somerville32And I don't think that changing the team layout would change how we collaborate. Xubuntu people are still expected to the Documentation and I'm still going to ask questions if I need help :)12:27
somerville32*to do the Documentation for Xubuntu12:27
mdkedo you think it would have a confusing effect for people looking to file bugs?12:28
somerville32I think that it is more confusing for people now12:28
somerville32If Xubuntu user xyz wants to file a bug, I think they might hesitate before assigning it to the ubuntu documentation product12:29
mdkeyou may be right12:29
somerville32It would most likely get assigned to the Xubuntu meta package12:29
somerville32and then all of us would get spammed12:29
somerville32I see what you mean though12:29
somerville32About it being one big team12:29
somerville32And we should stress that we are STILL one big team12:30
mdkelet's have a think. I still think the best solution may be to stay where we are, but you have some valid points12:30
=== somerville32 nods.
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=== mdke hugs manicka
manickahowdy mdke12:46
LaserJockwell, my solution is that LP should have something that tells you why the heck you're getting the email12:47
mdkeLaserJock: somerville32's complaint is about getting it in the first place12:48
LaserJockbut I think it's fine to get it in the first place if you can at least sort it out12:48
mdkewell, you can sort it out already12:48
somerville32Not in gmail12:49
dsasSome people don't realise and get angry though. Particularly when they file ubiquity bugs.12:49
mdkefilter in the launchpad-bug header and content for ubuntu-docs12:49
mdkesomerville32: that's gmail's fault though12:49
somerville32mdke: I want Xubuntu bugs12:49
mdkesomerville32: "content for ubuntu-docs"12:49
LaserJockmdke: I don't think that'll work12:49
LaserJockit'll catch quite a few12:49
LaserJockmy most of the bugemail I get doesn't really let me know why I'm getting it, which is annoying12:50
mdkeoh, they use the short url for the bug link12:50
LaserJocksomerville32: we don't have enough bugs to really worry about, IMO12:50
LaserJockand it's important to see what bugs are going on elsewhere in the repo12:50
dsasmdke: it makes sense, otherwise the package might have changed by the time you read it and it's then confusing12:50
mdkedsas: wouldn't prevent a reference to the task in the footer though12:50
somerville32LaserJock, I have a screen full of bugs for stuff I don't need to have12:51
mdkeyeah, you're lucky you aren't subscribed to ubuntu-website, somerville32. I did the same amount of bugs on that this evening12:51
LaserJockthe only thing I can see is the "it's confusing for users to know what to file a bug against"12:51
dsasmdke: Oh no, I think LaserJock is right it should say why you're getting mail about it,12:51
LaserJocksomerville32: but I'm saying that rarely happens and I'll submit that you may need to have them12:51
dsasI get mail all the time from bug commentors, "here's the debug log you asked for", and I haven't a clue what package it is.12:52
somerville32LaserJock, It is mostly typos12:52
LaserJockthere have been many occasions when an Ubuntu doc bug was also a Kubuntu doc bug, etc.12:52
mdkedsas: nod12:52
somerville32And in that case, the traiger should an apply to the xubuntu-docs product12:52
LaserJockdsas: mhm, I almost mentioned that when sabdfl asked about the Malone wishlist12:52
dsasLaserJock: Heh, my mind went blank at the time.12:52
somerville32Most cases where that would occur, I'm sure it is evident enough that someone would atleast mention it to us12:53
LaserJocksomerville32: anyway, ubuntu-doc bugs are still important to at least filter through to see if anything applies to you12:54
LaserJockand doc bugs are a pretty small drop in the bucket ;-)12:54
LaserJockyou could always filter against Matthew East ;-)12:55
mdkeyou'd miss all the wisdom though12:56
somerville32Do you really think I read them now? :P12:56
LaserJockI at least browse them12:57
LaserJockit's hard to tell what applies and what doesn't12:57
LaserJockand it's cool to see what's going on anyway12:57
dsasI read them and I haven't done anything in months12:57
=== dsas is a list junkie
LaserJockman, there are some real email junkies out there12:58
LaserJockthe people that are subscribed to all of wiki.u.c12:58
LaserJockand to the bug mailing lists12:59
LaserJockI can't handle that much info flying at my face :-)12:59
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LaserJockhi theCore_03:54
theCore_hi LaserJock03:54
LaserJockbeen thinking about some major Packaging Guide reworking lately03:55
theCore_what kind of reworking?03:55
LaserJockwell, more content, of course03:59
LaserJockreordering of examples04:00
theCorehmm... maybe I could help04:04
LaserJockI'll try to put up an outline on the wiki page tonight04:05
theCoreok then, I look at it and see what I can o04:06
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somerville32For the packaging guide and the packaging from scratch section, I don't think you should pull stuff from an already existing package.04:16
somerville32Kind of defies the premise of packaging from scratch04:16
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LaserJocksomerville32: it's also kinda hard to write documentation for packaging from scratch04:31
LaserJockwithout having an example04:32
LaserJockI'm think of putting debhelper first04:32
=== somerville32 nods.
LaserJockbut I know what you mean04:33
LaserJockI never really liked how that worked out04:33
somerville32Since I just recently learnt how to package, maybe I could help out?04:34
LaserJockyeah, once I get my thoughts down on paper, etc. I'm going to blog and email for people wanting to write04:36
LaserJockI don't have time to do it all myself04:36
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=== somerville32 gets out a pen and paper.
somerville32Ok, so I lie :) I'm actually using my whiteboard.07:02
somerville32mdke: I thought that the documentation was built nightly and placed on doc.ubuntu.com08:33
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mdkesomerville32: that's broken atm09:36
mdkexubuntu probably still works, actually09:36
somerville32Unfortunately I don't see my changes09:36
mdkedoes "make all" in the xubuntu directory work?09:37
mdkeyeah it does. Hmm, should be working09:38
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mdkesomerville32: oh, it is stuck on updated the repository due to a bug. I'll fix it09:41
somerville32Awesome :] 09:42
mdkeah, two bugs09:47
mdkeall better now09:48
somerville32Is it rebuilding now?09:49
mdkeit's done09:50
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somerville32mdke: Did you get my e-mail?10:06
mdkesomerville32: I don'y know10:07
somerville32I just sent it10:07
somerville32Regarding fesity documentation spec10:07
mdkeemail normally arrives ok, assume it got it10:07
somerville32mdke: I don't see the updates to the Xubuntu documentation yet10:07
somerville32oh sorry10:08
somerville32I see it now10:08
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FactTechmdke Are you online at the moment? Seveas pointed me to you.07:12
FactTechIs anyone online at the moment? I can't tell if I'm being block for not having registered my nick yet.07:14
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mdkejenda: can you dispose of that nonsense in -locoteams pls?09:22
jendamdke: working on it.09:22
jendaI don't have the power myself.09:22
jendamdke: which name are for kickin'?09:22
mdkethose ones09:22
mdkealso, maybe get ops for a few more people?09:23
mdkeSeveas, myself, yourself, elkubuntu spring to mind09:23
=== dsas [n=dean@cpc3-stok6-0-0-cust253.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== mdke fixes the preview server
mdkenixternal: if you wanna follow my example for Kubuntu maybe?09:48
LaserJockpreview server?09:49
mdkeLaserJock: you've forgotten all about the docteam :(09:49
LaserJockno, I just don't know what you are refering to :-)09:50
LaserJockdoc.ubuntu.com ?09:50
mdkeyou remember we have that server at doc.u.c which hosts our documentation in development.09:50
mdkeit's been broken since we rearranged the whole of our tree09:51
LaserJockyeah, I just don't think of it as a preview server, that's all :-)09:51
LaserJockI think of it as doc development server, or something09:51
LaserJockanyway, I'm with you know09:51
=== mdke hugs
mdkeso why aren't there any translations in kubuntu-docs?09:59
mdkethey are missing from debian/rules10:01
dsasmdke: I get a 404 at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/C/newtoubuntu/windows.xml10:02
mdkedsas: yeah. it's not easy enough to fix right now10:03
mdkeyou'll see a fair few more too, sadly10:04
mdkejenda: !! are mailing list/forum deltas that easy?10:15
jendamdke: it seems they are.10:16
mdkethis is a chance of making significant progress in forum integration10:16
mdkejenda: I've replied excitedly10:16
jendamdke: has me wondering, why we only have one so far.10:16
mdkethis has so much potential10:17
mdkedamn, my screen has gone funny and I can't read what you just said10:17
Seveasmdke, yeah, I'll ask jono about more ops when he signs on10:17
mdkesay it again?10:17
mdkeSeveas: thanks10:18
mdkejenda: sorry, I missed your last comment. Can you repeat/10:19
jendaSeveas: I msg'd Yann about it.10:19
jendamdke: it was just a smiley ;)10:19
dsasmdke: "" :)10:19
mdkedamn you dsas, you made my screen go funny again10:19
mdkeis this some hippy character that breaks irssi/screen?10:19
dsasmdke: Heh, you have a non UTF8 client.10:19
bdmurraymdke: works for me10:20
willvdllooks good in xchat10:20
mdkei think it's a gnome-terminal thing, it's been doing weird things to me recently10:20
bdmurrayI'm using konsole, irssi, screen so maybe10:20
mdkeI have irssi+screen on dapper and gnome-terminal on feisty10:21
jendamdke: Confirmed - it's possible.10:21
jendamdke: Ryan will get to it tonight.10:21
mdkejenda: I think one for devel-discuss should be the priority then. We should consult with whoever the admin of that is10:22
jendanow... who is?10:22
jendahehe :)10:22
jendamdke: will you or should I?10:23
mdkeI will10:23
mdkeI'm *too* excited about this10:23
mdkehopefully it can be put in a good place in the forum heirarchy10:23
jendamdke: have a look at teh current layout - I'd see the cleanest implementation as 'Community team mailing lists' below loco team forums.10:26
nixternalmdke: i will get the kubuntu side up tonight10:27
LaserJockmdke: what are you excited about?10:27
mdkenixternal: rock10:27
mdkejenda: i don't think it should be at the bottom at all10:28
jendamdke: neither do I, but tech support takes the first spot.10:29
jendamake that below or above the loco forums ;)10:29
mdkejenda: it would certainly be in "Community Discussions" yeah, and thus under tech support. But I think it should be the first item in there10:30
jendamdke: we probably won't push it ahead of the forum community.10:32
jenda(BTW, I didn't realise what I said first was at the bottom :))10:32
mdkewell, I think the structure could be played around a bit there, but tbh, I'll be glad to see mailing lists there10:32
jendaYeah - if it looks like it works fine, we can try negotiating a restructuring.10:33
mdkei'll cc you on the email10:34
jendagreat, thanks.10:35
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mptmdke, common/C/contributors.xml is missing according to doc.ubuntu.com11:04
mptoh, and bravo for adding "Keeping your computer safe" :-)11:05
mdkempt: there are quite a lot of broken links, I'm afraid11:08
=== TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu-doc

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