
lucasvohm, ok just rebooting my server...12:25
lucasvohope it works12:25
lucasvodoesn't look good12:28
lucasvoI guess I have to hook up my display again12:29
=== okaratas iyi geceler..
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[miles] morning09:41
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apremoliSono nuovo e sto cercando di capire come funziona IRC11:10
=== firecrotch [n=nick@adsl-69-210-61-111.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
firecrotchI'm purchasing a dedicated web hosting account, and I can get any distro installed.  Since I'm familiar with Ubuntu, should I go with Ubuntu Server?11:14
[miles] hola apremoli 11:16
[miles] firecrotch, nice.. any distro eh11:17
[miles] firecrotch, what u want to do with the box exactly?11:17
firecrotchIt will primarily be a server for a set of message boards, as well as some multimedia content11:18
apremoliHola miles11:18
[miles] apremoli, hablas espaol?11:18
apremoliNo only Italian or English11:19
[miles] firecrotch, well.. I'll briefly tell u my story 11:19
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-server:fabbione] : Ubuntu Server *development* discussion | general support -> #ubuntu
[miles] apremoli, ah ok.. sorry, I speak English and Spanish, but not Italian, but I can understand it11:19
[miles] firecrotch, I've used SuSE for a long long time... and for servers, their SLES range11:20
[miles] firecrotch, this is the first time I've setup a server using Ubuntu Server...11:20
[miles] firecrotch, I'm happy with it actually11:20
[miles] firecrotch, the one thing I trust implicitly about SUSE's SLES products, is their updates11:20
firecrotchmiles, I was thinking that it would be a good choice, since I am familiar with Ubuntu, and the fact that it is built from Debian11:21
[miles] firecrotch, and if you've used SUSE, and know YaST2, well, it's one hell of a damn tool... 11:21
firecrotchI only used SUSE for a little while11:21
[miles] firecrotch, as a rule, I *only* used SUSE for servers..11:21
[miles] this is the first time I've broken that rule11:22
firecrotchAre you happy that you broke your rule?11:22
[miles] firecrotch, yes, and no11:22
[miles] firecrotch, the issue to me is *always* security updates, and how timely and stable they are11:22
[miles] firecrotch, I wont lie, I have more faith in the updates from SUSE that Ubuntu...11:22
[miles] firecrotch, but that is only due to my experience with SUSE for many years11:23
[miles] firecrotch, I can't say hand on heart, "Yeah, Ubuntu Servers updates are rock solid, timely, well tested, etc"11:23
[miles] firecrotch, but I would say exactly the same regarding CentOS also11:23
[miles] firecrotch, also, SLES 10 for example, is not expensive at all11:24
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firecrotchI should mention that I have issues with SUSE/Novell11:24
[miles] welcome skar 11:24
[miles] firecrotch, what exactly?11:25
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skarhi miles11:25
firecrotchdeep seated religious-like issues with the fact that Novell has anything to do with Microsoft11:25
skarany package of sqlgrey available?!!11:25
[miles] firecrotch, ok, thats more political than technical tho11:26
firecrotchHeh, yeah.11:27
[miles] firecrotch, I've worked with SUSE for 7 years11:27
[miles] firecrotch, I've seen it change a lot11:27
[miles] firecrotch, fragment11:27
[miles] firecrotch, etc11:27
[miles] firecrotch, just gotta role with it11:27
[miles] firecrotch, it's a damn fine distro for enterprise solutions, and it kicks the shit out of RHEL11:27
[miles] skar, lets have a look11:28
[miles] skar, http://sqlgrey.sourceforge.net/11:28
[miles] skar, of that yeah?11:28
=== Alexprem [n=chatzill@host141-164-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-server
skarm$ bought suse's friendship or something like that, nothing bad there for us users11:28
skarno big corp can be against users for so long11:29
firecrotchmiles, so what I'm basically hearing is that you're most inclined towards SUSE because you're more familiar with it?11:29
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[miles] firecrotch, better to say it has my trust11:29
[miles] firecrotch, I can move freely between distros without problem11:29
[miles] firecrotch, security..security...security 11:30
firecrotchUbuntu (with it's Debian base :) ) has my trust11:30
[miles] firecrotch, I just trust their patching11:30
skarmiles: yup already using sqlgrey in gentoo for my devel system, but for server ubuntu et al seem better but no deb for the best greylisting server :(11:30
[miles] skar, sudo aptitude show postgrey11:30
[miles] skar, that package is with ubuntu11:31
[miles] skar, that any use to u?11:31
skaryup but postgrey is too primitive and poor on features11:32
[miles] ok11:32
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[miles] mmm, can u compile from source?11:32
[miles] and build your own .deb if required?11:32
firecrotchmiles, thanks a lot for your input11:34
[miles] firecrotch, please don't think I'm knocking Ubuntu Server, cos' im not11:35
[miles] firecrotch, just to me, time will tell11:35
[miles] firecrotch, I believe it's in it's infancy11:36
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skarmiles: yes thats the option other than source install(its perl anyway)11:41
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lucasvohm, can someone help me with XEN?01:23
=== [miles] runs
lucasvo[miles] : well I haven't even been able to boot my xen kernel01:26
[miles] lucasvo, sorry, I have noooo idea01:26
[miles] one sec, I have a mate who does Xen in Ubuntu...01:26
[miles] let me see if I can get him to join01:26
[miles] lucasvo, he's a bit busy atm, but he'll join shortly01:29
lucasvocurrent status: reboots after it tries to load the kernel... :(01:31
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lucasvothefish: you know xen?01:36
thefishlucasvo: a little, what do you need to know?01:36
lucasvowell I want  to install it on edgy :)01:36
thefishok cool01:36
thefishive never done that, but i cant imagine its too tough01:36
thefishyou need to run a xen kernel01:36
thefishso you will need to build your own01:37
thefishps, whoever decided that #ubuntu-server should be about development might want to think again01:37
=== thefish tries to stay polite
thefish#ubuntu-development may have been a slightly more intelligent choice01:37
thefishwith #ubuntu-server doing what it says on the tin, serving as a place to discuss and get help for ubuntu SERVER01:38
=== thefish kicks a small child to get rid of the frustration
thefishlucasvo: now thats over with, if you find a howto for dapper it should work01:39
=== [miles] complains about being kicked by thefish
thefishyou basically need to: get zen patches against a certain kernel -> download that kernel -> patch it -> configure it with xen support -> build it -> boot it01:40
thefishyou can use the same kernel for guests and the host01:40
lucasvothis doesn't seem to work for me01:42
lucasvoand it is outdated01:42
thefishaah ok, so theres a xen kernel in universe01:42
thefishlucasvo: where do you get stuck?01:43
thefishif you get stuck on boot, check the path to your /boot01:44
lucasvothefish: the path is correct01:44
thefishyou may need just /xen-3.0-i386.gz etc 01:45
lucasvoit can load the modules but hten it reboots without warning01:45
thefishso where are you getting stuck? can you boot dom0?01:45
lucasvoI can't boot01:45
lucasvobut grub can load the modules01:45
thefishmake sure you have root= correct as well01:46
thefishsorry lucasvo i need to go, may be back in a bit - try joining #xen maybe?01:47
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J_Phi all01:49
J_Ppeople, is possible install apache2_mod_python and apache2_mod_php one same server ?01:49
[miles] guys, I'm getting this error:01:52
[miles] [21577]  dbg: ldap: loading Net::LDAP and URI01:53
[miles] [21577]  error: Can't locate Encode/ConfigLocal.pm in @INC (@INC contains: lib ../lib /usr/share/perl5 /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7 /usr/local/share/pe01:53
[miles] rl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/Encode.pm line 52.01:53
[miles] any ideas what package im missing?01:53
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[miles] back03:03
[miles] skar, dunno03:04
skarhmm try installing Encode03:08
skarthats what it says03:08
[miles] http://use.perl.org/~TeeJay/journal/2250603:09
[miles] did that03:09
[miles] now, no errors03:09
[miles] ;)03:09
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draremis it really necessary for all these forums to make you type in some code you can barely read to authenticate you are a human and then fill out a registration email to say you are who you say you are just to be able to post a dumb reply to a dumb message?03:53
[miles] yes03:57
[miles] totally03:57
[miles] justified03:57
[miles] ;)03:57
draremsome of those things are hard to read - I want to slap the webmaster and make him read a text in that04:01
drarem /rant04:02
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levander`I've got some empty test database in my MySQL 5.0 server.  Is this something the install scripts put there for a purpose, or did I just put it in there?04:31
levander`Do you guys have a test database in your server?04:31
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draremi think it puts a sample database in there04:44
draremwhat's the database name04:45
mralphabetdrarem: the users suffer a slight inconvenience or the users suffer a forum full of spam posts . . . your pick04:51
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J_Phey all, anyone here has installed with sucess (subversion + trac + ssl) and  (DotProject)  on ubuntu ?05:14
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J_Panyone use SVN or DotProject on Ubuntu ?05:30
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CarlFK[  137.878574]  cs4232-pnpbios: probe of 01:01.00 failed with error -209:33
CarlFK[  137.878674]  CS4232 soundcard not found or device busy09:33
CarlFKwhy is -server doing anything with sound cards?09:33
tmh__why wouldn't it be? why would the modules be removed from -server? is there some problem with it using your sound card?09:37
CarlFKspace, and what ever other advantages server has over desktop09:44
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