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PseudoPlacebo | Everyone message eniseaohelee on AIM. =] | 03:16 |
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TuxCrafter | hello people | 09:20 |
TuxCrafter | I did some testing here with some icon themes | 09:20 |
TuxCrafter | and now everything is srewed :-D with file is being changed that tells the system with theme to use | 09:21 |
TuxCrafter | so i can correct it again :-D | 09:21 |
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TuxCrafter | fixed it | 09:26 |
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lapo | hi | 10:40 |
BHSPitLappy | yo | 10:43 |
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dholbach | hiya | 03:39 |
lizardking_ | Hi daniel! | 03:40 |
lizardking_ | One question Daniel, Do you work for ubuntu or are you a volunter? | 03:40 |
dholbach | I work for Canonical. | 03:40 |
dholbach | lizardking_: i ran it by hand: http://daniel.holba.ch/art-builder/publish/ | 03:50 |
dholbach | lizardking_: so if you add that deb http://daniel.... line to your /etc/apt/source.list you can always get your newest bzr commits as a package :) | 03:50 |
dholbach | (and ask others to look at it) | 03:50 |
dholbach | ;-) | 03:51 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: Ok now I update the wiki of oranSoda then I add the repo ;) big thanks | 03:51 |
dholbach | rock on | 03:51 |
dholbach | great work lizardking_! | 03:51 |
dholbach | :-) | 03:51 |
dholbach | i found some bugs in the art builder so thanks for helping me test it :-) | 03:52 |
dholbach | I'll try to iron them out tomorrow | 03:52 |
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lizardking_ | dholbach: mhh gdmflexiserver is not a lot good make GDm screenhost | 03:54 |
dholbach | gdmflexiserver --xnest | 03:54 |
dholbach | (if you have xnest installed) | 03:54 |
lizardking_ | done! | 03:57 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: What I write in the wiki about developing that? | 04:09 |
dholbach | lizardking_: what do you mean? | 04:10 |
lizardking_ | I have lost the last conversation due to restarting X | 04:10 |
lizardking_ | I inser your repo with the theme and then? | 04:10 |
dholbach | what do you want to do? | 04:10 |
dholbach | anything that's not on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticArtworkBuilderInstructions ? | 04:11 |
lizardking_ | I wan to inform other people about respct "Host on launchpad" as you tell me before.. | 04:12 |
dholbach | it'd be nice to have a screenshot of the "Hosted on Launchpad: ..." thing | 04:12 |
dholbach | so people copy THAT url and not the one in the browser | 04:12 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: like that? http://farm1.static.flickr.com/147/353859312_39c6ab49d8_o.p | 04:16 |
lizardking_ | http://farm1.static.flickr.com/147/353859312_39c6ab49d8_o.png | 04:16 |
dholbach | super | 04:17 |
lizardking_ | What I can wirte under the shot? (Then I go to study) :P | 04:18 |
dholbach | whatever you like... that people should take THAT url mentioned there | 04:18 |
dholbach | i'll have a look at it later on and correct it if necessary | 04:18 |
dholbach | but thanks a lot for that! :-) | 04:18 |
dholbach | you ROCK! | 04:18 |
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lizardking_ | dholbach: Now I go.. Information Retrival is calling me. See you later.. no, I don' t rock, I only want to be part of active Ubuntu development. One day I would like to ask to work/get emply for Ubuntu or to become a UbuntuMember | 04:27 |
lizardking_ | here last wiki work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/OranSoda | 04:28 |
lizardking_ | bye ;) | 04:28 |
dholbach | bye! :) | 04:28 |
dholbach | again: good work, Iacopo! | 04:28 |
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coz_ | ah I just downloded from the link above for orange soda and other edgy stuff... um othere than the orange soda thing nothing looks differnet from breeay-dapper-edgy?? | 04:35 |
coz_ | I am assuming this is just a trial thing...I hope ? | 04:37 |
coz_ | anyone else look a this stuff? | 04:39 |
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coz_ | whoa! just read the header shuttleworth is handling the deisign of feisty??/ | 05:04 |
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coz_ | I am not clear on that concept... they have a non artist ie shuttleworth..making finaldecisions on the art but no non programmer making final decisions on what the applications will be | 05:18 |
lizardking_ | coz_: Can me view some screen of artwork? | 05:35 |
coz_ | lizardking_, no I had to remove all of my artwork | 05:36 |
lizardking_ | coz_: eheh good review by the final decision :) | 05:36 |
lizardking_ | coz_: why? | 05:36 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: I'm back to see logs | 05:36 |
coz_ | a moderator decide to remove a nude painting of mine of a woman named kassetra , a former programmer moderator , from my gallery | 05:37 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: Daniel, I installed my oransoda-look from you repository and.. It is not the version I pushed in the bzr.. I have changed some litte particular between bzr version and the first that I send to you | 05:38 |
lizardking_ | coz_: from art.ubuntu.com? Which gallery? | 05:39 |
coz_ | lizardking_, it was a personal glleryon the forums,, thepainting had been there for 6 months last year i decided to revise it an repost it | 05:39 |
dholbach | lizardking_: I need to check that out, maybe tomorrow | 05:39 |
dholbach | lizardking_: i'm in a meeting atm | 05:39 |
coz_ | lizardking_, yet next that painting is a nyde photo of no one inparticular that they did not remove | 05:40 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: ok ok , I thought that was a error. Ok , I leave you.. ok? great work however! Enjoy the meeting! | 05:41 |
dholbach | thanks a lot | 05:42 |
dholbach | i'll tell you when it's fixed | 05:42 |
lizardking_ | dholbach: ok, but I will also view the "update" alert!thank! bye! see U tomorrow! | 05:42 |
dholbach | 'update alert'? | 05:43 |
lizardking_ | yes :D the mhh... the notification popup of fresh new software... | 05:43 |
dholbach | ah ok | 05:44 |
dholbach | :-) | 05:44 |
lizardking_ | coz_: Did you get ungry? | 05:44 |
lizardking_ | coz_: Try to talk with the moderator btw | 05:45 |
coz_ | lizardking_, did that already they have essetially said because it was former moderator it was inappropriate and it was anude but the fact it it is a politcal move I will show you thepulled piece holdon | 05:45 |
coz_ | lizardking_, here is thepulled piece /home/cosimo321/backgrounds/kassestra.png | 05:46 |
coz_ | nono hold on | 05:46 |
coz_ | lizardking_, here it is http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/6278/kassestrarv9.png | 05:46 |
lizardking_ | coz_: ;) | 05:46 |
coz_ | as result I had to remove all artwork from my gallery until this political censorship is irraticated | 05:47 |
lizardking_ | coz_: Mhh I'm with you | 05:48 |
lizardking_ | IF in the pic there is any joke or similar towards someone I think It could be no ceonsorship for your art-pic | 05:49 |
coz_ | I wanted to urge all artists and viewers to boycott the forums or make a post or letter or something but I have no idea if there are any courageous people out there | 05:49 |
lizardking_ | coz_: For me It was only a personal artistic and aesthetic pics..not so immoral | 05:49 |
lizardking_ | coz_: now I have to go | 05:50 |
lizardking_ | coz_: See U later or tomorrow maybe here ok? | 05:50 |
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troy_s | Woot | 06:56 |
troy_s | good to see Daniel in here | 06:56 |
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troy_s | dholbach -- when did you say that the next GTK engines push will be with Lua -- I would prefer to develop scripts with the repository version. | 06:57 |
coz_ | are there any moderators here for the comunity gallery on ubuntu? | 06:57 |
dholbach | troy_s: | 06:59 |
dholbach | gtk2-engines (1:2.9.1-0ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low | 06:59 |
dholbach | * New upstream release: | 06:59 |
dholbach | - New lua scripting engine by Daniel Borgmann | 06:59 |
dholbach | - New clearlooks options radius, improvements to glossy style | 06:59 |
dholbach | - Implement suggestions for clearlooks menu selection | 06:59 |
dholbach | - Plus many other small bug fixes | 06:59 |
troy_s | coz_ Is that a digital painting? | 06:59 |
dholbach | * debian/rules: | 06:59 |
dholbach | - add --enable-lua. | 06:59 |
coz_ | troy_s, yes why? | 06:59 |
troy_s | what app did you use? | 06:59 |
troy_s | dholbach: I don't quite understand -- is it in there now without the --enable-lua config param compile? | 07:00 |
coz_ | if any of you are amoderator for thecimmunity gallery please remove my name and glllery form the server,, i go under coz and cosimo thank you | 07:00 |
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dholbach | troy_s: it's in feisty | 07:01 |
dholbach | troy_s: it's in feisty - with lua support | 07:01 |
dholbach | daniel@lovegood:~$ grep -i lua /var/lib/dpkg/info/gtk2-engines.list | 07:01 |
dholbach | /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libluaengine.so | 07:01 |
dholbach | daniel@lovegood:~$ | 07:01 |
troy_s | dammit | 07:02 |
troy_s | i swear i looked | 07:02 |
troy_s | sorry | 07:02 |
dholbach | not to worry | 07:02 |
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lizardking | hello | 08:29 |
troy_s | greets lizardking | 08:32 |
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Masty | hello friends.. | 09:07 |
TuxCrafter | hello | 09:08 |
TuxCrafter | say are you all art artists ? | 09:08 |
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kwwii | moin | 09:16 |
TuxCrafter | ok do you now dreamlinux xubuntu and zenwalk by look? | 09:17 |
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TuxCrafte1 | back | 09:20 |
TuxCrafte1 | wo wierd | 09:20 |
TuxCrafte1 | name changed aver pc freeze | 09:21 |
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lapo | re | 10:15 |
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BHSPitLappy | yo | 10:18 |
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