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patrick_ | hi i am looking for some help configuring my microphone and headphones on my laptop that is running ubuntu 6.10 | 10:36 |
patrick_ | is this the right place? | 10:36 |
patrick_ | if not, can someone tell me what channel i might be able to get some help? | 10:36 |
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Nailor | This isn't a help channel, but shoot, I'll try to help you =) | 10:47 |
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patrick_ | hi nailor, i have a laptop that has built in speakers and mic, as well as jacks on the front for headphones and mic. only the main speakers work | 10:52 |
patrick_ | trying to get mic to work | 10:52 |
Nailor | built in mic? | 10:53 |
Nailor | Use alsamixer (or some similiar program, like gnome volume controls) to check, that the capture is on for the mic | 10:54 |
patrick_ | yep | 10:54 |
patrick_ | thats the problem... limited options and dont allow for mic.. | 10:54 |
Nailor | What have you tried? | 10:54 |
Nailor | the software, i mean | 10:55 |
patrick_ | alsa drivers | 10:55 |
patrick_ | and trying to find answers on ubuntu so trying everything i can find. still pretty new to linux | 10:55 |
Nailor | Well. Run alsamixer in terminal (type in 'alsamixer' without quotes and hit return) | 10:56 |
Nailor | You should get screen with bars for master, pcm, mic etc. | 10:56 |
patrick_ | yep, i just get master, pcm and capture | 10:57 |
patrick_ | the mic on capture is unmuted and turned up | 10:57 |
patrick_ | if i boot the computer with the jacks i, i get a couple more options in alsamixer | 10:57 |
patrick_ | but shouldnt the options refer to the plugs themselves and not the jacks? | 10:58 |
Nailor | Yup | 10:59 |
Nailor | On capture page, is there a Capture-slider? | 10:59 |
patrick_ | there is a slider for the speaker and mic | 11:00 |
patrick_ | they are both full | 11:00 |
Nailor | You're on capture page, so that in the View:-part in upper left corner Capture is hilighted? | 11:02 |
patrick_ | yep | 11:02 |
Nailor | Funny, I wonder why there's a slider for speaker | 11:03 |
Nailor | Mic has the "capture" text underneath the bar? | 11:03 |
patrick_ | yeah i dont know either. seems that a few people have the same issue i have from what i have seen on the net, but noone knows how to fix it | 11:03 |
Nailor | Oh | 11:03 |
patrick_ | what do you mean? | 11:04 |
patrick_ | i have two tabs | 11:04 |
patrick_ | playback and capture | 11:04 |
Nailor | Yeah | 11:04 |
patrick_ | on the playback one i have master and pcm | 11:04 |
Nailor | And on capture-tab, you have sliders for mic? | 11:04 |
patrick_ | on the capture i have "capture" | 11:04 |
patrick_ | there is a dual slider | 11:04 |
Nailor | No mic there? | 11:04 |
patrick_ | with a pic of a speaker on the left bar, and a pic of a mic on the right bar | 11:05 |
Nailor | Oh, you're using the gnome volume control? | 11:05 |
patrick_ | yeah, alsa mixer is exactly the same though.. hold on, will load that now | 11:05 |
patrick_ | ok, using alsamixer | 11:06 |
patrick_ | yeah in capture it says capture under the bar | 11:06 |
Nailor | But there's no mic in the capture tab of alsamixer? | 11:06 |
patrick_ | nope | 11:06 |
Nailor | Oh. | 11:06 |
Nailor | Seems like it doesn't recognize your mic =( | 11:07 |
Nailor | What laptop you got? | 11:07 |
patrick_ | compaq v3118au | 11:07 |
patrick_ | posted on a few places as ozPATT | 11:07 |
patrick_ | on the web | 11:07 |
patrick_ | but noone knows | 11:07 |
Nailor | Well, can't really say what kind of magic is preventing the mic to show up | 11:08 |
patrick_ | ok, well thanks for trying though | 11:08 |
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xota | hello! | 06:18 |
xota | i have a problem with my dv2031 | 06:18 |
xota | no audio when I connect headphones | 06:18 |
xota | anybody can help me? | 06:19 |
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=== xota saluda! | ||
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